#granny ice age
strounick · 18 days
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Never thought I’d make fanart of THE iconic granny but here we are!
I just like how she turned out so much!
Made with: magma
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d33psp4c3-69 · 1 year
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Forgot I can like, post on here and stuff.
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grandma-battle · 1 year
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propaganda below !!
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Gran | @doomedtobeloved
(The Trouble with Gran is that she's an alien, actually and that she gets her family in all kind of trouble because she's a bit... showy, let's say ?) Anyway, she eventually saves the day. Also, she's an alien !! Who wouldn't want a cool mischievous alien grandma ?
Granny | @phoenixdellaverita
Because. Look at her!
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iceagearchive · 7 months
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Sorry for the slow posting! Sadly for rn it will be staying that way as I'm not doing well both mentally and physically!
In the meantime : happy Halloween to those who celebrate!
(will add link to original posting when I have more energy)
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
My ranking of the Ice Age Movies
I recently rewatched the Ice Age movies for nostalgia purposes and I thought I'll give my thoughts on them.
Before you read! This is just my opinion! All of these films have a place in my heart and I love them all!
5. The Meltdown
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Okay, I know that people will not like this but to me this movie just isn't special. Don't get me wrong! All of the Ice Age movies hold a place in heart but this one just has no special place in it. The only thing in this movie that stuck out to me was Ellie, Ed and Crash's first appearance, but aside from that, nothing much else. In fact, before I rewatched the film I couldn't even remember what it was about (besides Ellie and the brothers first appearance, of course).
Yeah, it's good, it's got a place in my heart, just not a special one.
4. Continental Drift
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Now, this one was difficult!
The reason this one ranks above 2 is because, for me, it's more enjoyable and easy to watch and the introduction of Granny and Shiera makes it worth while. The reason it was so difficult to rank is because of nostalgia. I remember every fortnight going over to my nans house and watching this film on repeat and replaying my favourite parts. So that kinda made it more difficult to place it. But after thinking about it, it takes the 4th place for me.
Besides from the nostalgia and the new characters and its enjoyability, there was nothing else that catches my eye with this film.
3. Collision Course
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Okay, hear me out.
I know this one isn't most people's favourite but I think it's good. The main reason it's as high as it is, is because of Buck and Granny, they are my favourite characters so their constant presence in the movie made it soo much better. Scrat having more appearances in this film also does it favours. (And the relationship between Buck and that Pumpkin made me realise something about myself that I never realised before).
The family also feels more put together. I don't know why but it feels like an actual family now, not just a bunch of people (mammals) forced to hang out, like in the earlier movies.
Yeah, so it's not my favourite but it's up there.
2. Ice Age
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And the runer up; the og itself!
Again, not everyone's favourite but something about that found family gets me. Especially considering, most of the movie had only 3 constant reoccurring characters (not including the sabers, the humans and those two rhinos). It just felt more homely and familia and nostalgic.
And in top spot....
1. Dawn of the Dinosaurs
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The nostalgia!
Oh, the nostalgia!
I was so excited to rewatch this one, for multiple reasons. One of them being the introduction of Buck but the other being its nostalgia and its familiar feel.
Not to be dramatic but at some points I was on the verge of tears at the familiarity of the film. Particularly the part where Sid drew the faces on the eggs, that part I remember so well and it still makes me happy when I watch it. Very few times have I rewatched a childhood movie and felt the same way as when I was a child, usually I'm just disappointed and wishing I hadn't rewatched the film so I could have the same image as when I was a kid. But not this one! This one is just as great as I remember.
So, do you agree with me or do you think my list is bad? Juat remember, it's just an opinion nothing serious.
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pollsforpondering · 3 months
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aestariiwilderness · 2 months
Bad Batch Season 3 Phee + Ice Age 4
All I could think of during this episode's moments with Phee: Phee cutting the engines on the Batch:
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Phee with the ship in freefall as the rest of the Batch is screaming and holding onto her seat for dear life:
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Phee leaving a trail of datapads for Tech:
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Phee popping out of the tunnel in the house:
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CX-2/Tech: no thoughts, head empty, contentedly following orders Phee looking for Mr. Domicile:
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Season 2:
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biolums · 1 year
jace cast the skz as characters in ice age
mel you cant do this to me im going to scream. i cant even explain my answers well its just. i feel so strongly about this but its SO strong its beyond words. read my mind. then youll see my reasonings
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ah manfred the mammoth. the leader. the defacto “father” of the group (before he. yknow becomes a father. then he IS the father of the group). would write “why you mad bruh” and think its fire. rounds up everyone when theyre doing shit theyre not supposed to. could be a youth pastor (dont ask why i think chan has youth pastor vibes. its beyond me)
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“older people are wiser”. no older people are batshit crazy. im tempted to leave it at that. ok no but. theres something there about pets. minho is so the type of bitch that everyone thinks is crazy for talking about his “imaginary” pet but its real but he cant convince a single fucking person. also just flirts with all the men. zero intention of dating its just to be annoying. would kill for a massage
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i dontnmnow how to say this without being mean but jisung just.. somehow is SO sid. he doesnt look like sid at all but I SQEAR he looks like sid. i think its the lanky? fucking beats me. anyways. pathetic bf energy. wouldnwalk into glass doors. JISUNG COULD DO “yummo” AND SID COULD DO “pingping dorabeorigetji��
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literally changbin is sooooo the bitch that lives with the dinosaurs. i dont know how to make this more clear. buck isnt BUFF but he might as well be with the stunts he pulls. carried a tiny pumpkin around for an entire movie claiming it was a baby. i swear they have the same aegyo voice.
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idk jeongin just has a sysiphusean feel to him yknow. this is literally it scrat doesnt have very many character traits. childlike joy. i guess?
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evidently his name is louis. idk he literally is a main character one movie and a cameo the next.. this guy is LITERALLY seungmin. idk like theyre just the same person to me. louis is the cautious but persuadable best friend who loves mannys daughter but she likes a popular guy (oh the tragedy of it all). he and peaches make up at the end of the movie and it seems like theyre romantically implicated and then in the next movie peaches has a mammoth fiance. so. im not saying seungmin is the best friend who gets pushed away for hot guys but its kind of what im saying. also he runs in to rocks sometimes while hes mole tunnelling and i think seungmin would do that too i can picture his reaction soooo well
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hyunjin literally IS just a big cat. leopard ass lion ass sabertooth tiger ass bitch. mysterious.... graceful.... would kill me i think. serves cunt. likes to hide behind facial expressions. idk this one just Makes Sense to me
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ok like.. Yes he is chans daughter. dont ask. YES this also implies seungmin is a loser boy with a crush ON felix. shhh. the thing about peaches is that shes fun shes quirky and shes not like other girls. JUST LIKE LIX…. also again. like manny. she sooooooo goes to sunday school. JUST. LIKE. FELIX…. the way i didnt even have to think about this one i just Knew immediately… the comparison is just that good.
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crimsonfacets · 10 months
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@krueger4eva asked: (Granny and Witch Hazel) Have you two ever hung out with each other?
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"Ehe. ~ From WHOMST do you think she buys her best pumpkins from around the most nefarious holiday of them all, dearie?" A wicked giggle lilted off the old witch's tongue, fingers tapping together. "Of course we have! We're on, well, I suppose you could say 'fairweather friend' terms!"
THWACK! The sound a wooden ladle slapping to the counter ran like a gunshot from Granny, spun on a dime from the oven to point her finger at the cackling Hazel. "Oh, don't you start with that, Hazel! Don't you start! We would be wonderful weather friends if you would only behave yourself around my poor, sweet creatures. Need I remind you? Hm? Need I remind you how you tried to put my poor little Tweety in a tea, or how you tried multiple, multiple times to skin my poor Sylvester?"
Green digits tickled the air in both amusement and careless brushing.
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"You've raised those obnoxious little critters of yours in love and light, Emma." Hazel counteracted, drifting across the way to bump her hip into Granny's and launch her from the stove, taking a few spices from her pockets to drizzle into the oatmeal brewing atop the flame. "You truly expect me to behave myself with such, eh, prized qualities? Does the fox pass up a golden chicken? I think not! You're wasting their potential, you are. Wasting it!"
It wasn't the tea kettle that begun whistling, it was the steam from Granny's ears. "Away, you misbegotten old crone!" She hissed, slapping her hand at Hazel's elbow and giving her a good crack on the noggin with the weaponized spoon. "Don't you come for breakfast in my kitchen if you're going to speak that way! Out with you, out!"
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"ooOohHh loook, Emmy -- mulllltiple tweetys! ehehehe, you wouldn't mind just fooour being pilfered, would ya?"
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fandomsideworks · 2 years
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dollfaceksj · 4 months
still don’t know my name | jjk (m) pt. 3
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➥ banner by: @/archivedkookie.
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➥ PAIRING: jungkook x fem!reader
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➥ GENRE: smut ⋆ cybersex ⋆ enemies
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➥ SUMMARY: In which your annoying neighbor—that you can’t stand—turns out to be the person behind the online account you’ve been sexting. You still don’t know his name.
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➥ CATEGORY: mini three-shot
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➥ WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, spanking, spitting, facefucking, brat taming, face slapping, overstimulation, unprotected sex (THIS IS REALLY DUMB DONT DO IT), creampie, degradation, praise, name calling (slut/bitch 😵‍💫 first time a man calls a woman a bitch in my fics but i felt like it fit in this IDK?) choking, kissing (kind of … pining???!!??) oral sex (m & f rec.), minors DNI
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a/n: the finale is here😘😘 sorry it took so long! i hope u enjoy nonetheless 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
make sure to check out eli’s version too!
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#3 — “game on” [finale]
There he is, obstructing your view completely.
Considering his raw beauty, one might argue that he is the view.
Arms outstretched above his head, hands resting against the doorframe as he looks down at you. With his arms raised like this, you can smell his deodorant. He smells quite nice.
Looks like he’s caging you. Keeping you trapped. Like the villain in a video game with outstanding graphics. You understand people who have a crush on animated characters because he looks ethereal.
The teasing glint in his eyes matches the mischievous one in yours. Like a dance battle that’s been going on for ages and you’re getting closer and closer to the finale. You can basically taste it.
It’s quiet for a few moments aside from your synced breathing. Neither of you seem to be willing to speak.
That is, until you realize that it’s ass o’clock and time isn’t exactly on your side. The decision to break the ice follows you swiftly. “Do you really have no respect for your fellow tenants?”
Acting like you don’t know why he’s here is the only way you can deal with the pounding muscular organ in your chest. It’s pumping blood to the rest of your body at immense speed, heating up your entire body in the process.
But you asked for this. You asked what the hell he was waiting for.
And it’s clear he was waiting on you.
He tilts his head to the side. Stifles a smirk. Raises an eyebrow. Shrugs his shoulders. He looks so smug. You want to punch him.
He clears his throat and looks around the corridor nonchalantly before he decides to give you an answer. “I have a lot of respect for my fellow tenants, actually. I just don’t see you as one.”
Your eyes pingpong between his from left to right, mesmerized by the big black tapioca pearls above his flushed cheeks that are intently staring you down.
“What do you see me as, then?” you ask, quietly yet as bitchy as you can. Arms crossed over your chest. Impatiently tapping your foot against the floor which creates a ticking sound, much like a clock.
Like he’s losing time and once the clock goes off, it’s game over. So much for a Gameboy.
His tongue peeks out from the corner of his mouth and swipes along his bottom lip, toying with his glistening lip rings for a moment.
If that was an attempt to get you to stare at his lips, he succeeded. Weak!
Staring at his lips throws you into a trance and you really wonder what it would be like to have those pressing down on yours. Shut you up. Make you melt into him.
“Granny. Annoying. Loud-mouth. Obnoxious. Rude,” he lists. Your eyes squint at him but before you can even respond, he cuts you off. “Spoiled brat that needs to be put in her place.”
Never mind.
You want to kill him.
You bring your shoulders up in an unbothered shrug. “Bet you won’t.”
Your witty words make him stare at you for a moment longer before he drops his head and humorlessly chuckles, shaking it in disbelief and bouncing his shoulders at that which he finds humorous.
You know he likes it, though.
He raises his head again. Stares at you. Drops his eyes to your pretty lips. Trails your lipline. Lets his gaze linger on your cupid’s bow. Shifts his eyes back to your feigned innocent eyes.
The simple act of his eyes never leaving you has your body heating up. As if lava is pumping through your veins. As if his body is pressed up right against yours. As if every small move you make is equal to putting a handful of sand in your mouth whilst you’re standing underneath the scorching hot sahara desert sun.
“Are you challenging me?” he asks, voice low as if he’s worried other people will hear him.
There it is.
The first between you two to acknowledge what’s really going on.
You figured it’d be him anyway.
Now it’s your turn to acknowledge it.
“Not a challenge,” you answer with a slight shake to your head. “An invitation,” you clarify, mischievous eyes still glued to his figure. Consent comes first, after all.
The staring competition lasts just a little while longer. He then straightens his back and drops his hands from the frame of your door. Wastes no time stepping into your apartment. Shuts the door behind him with his foot.
Or at least that’s what you think because the speed in which he lunges at you makes you unsure of anything happening right now.
The momentum of his lunge at you knocks you back but he’s not letting you get away that easily.
One of his hands rests on the back of your head as his lips press down on yours like two magnets finding solace with each other. Your own hand slithers up his chest, nails digging into his shoulder. Some in the fabric of his shirt, some in his burning skin.
No matter how cool he plays it, he’s burning up much like you are.
He keeps walking, backing you further into your apartment until you’re pressed up against a wall. Trapped. Caged.
His tattooed fingers drape around your neck, pulling you closer to his body, closing the gap. Squeezes your throat like he’s afraid you’re going to somehow vanish into thin air.
He presses his lips down on yours even harder. Rougher. Uses his other hand to squeeze your hip. Grunts against your mouth.
Your other hand travels up his body to his bicep. Rests there. Squeezes. His arm is rock hard.
His lips parting makes you copy him, welcoming his tongue into your mouth. His wet muscle massages against yours, rough and needy. He tastes like mint. Must be his toothpaste.
He slowly starts pushing you towards your room and you assume he knows where it is because it’s the same layout as his apartment.
He pushes you until your calves hit the side of your bed. Makes you fall down. You grip his shirt to pull him down with you. He’s on top of you in no time.
He kisses you like he’s got somewhere to be. Pulls his tongue back just to mumble something. You don’t quite understand.
“Hm?” you hum, encouraging him to repeat himself.
He pulls back. “Safeword,” he mumbles again before pecking your lips once more, eyes glued to your mouth.
You stare at him as he pecks your lips continuously, your eyes so big and doe-like. “Uh…” You’re not sure what kind of a safeword would work. Your mind is blank.
He whispers, “Just say something. Anything.”
Butterfly? Really? Couldn’t come up with anything else?
“Butterfly?” he echoes.
“Butterfly,” you repeat.
He nods in confirmation and travels his hand down to your hip, dangerously close to the curve of your ass as he presses his lips against yours again in a hungry kiss.
All he needs is a little push.
You give him the little push.
Your hand reaches for your hip, shoving his palm further down your back until it’s resting on your ass.
You pull back from the kiss this time. “You wanna know my safeword but you still don’t know my name.”
He pinches his brows together. Stares at your lips. Looks like he wants to do nothing more than kiss you for years on end.
He brings his shoulders up in a nonchalant shrug. “I like calling you Angel.”
Your own eyes drop down to his lips, black pupils trailing his wide cupid’s bow that’s begging to be kissed. “Thought it didn’t make any sense to you.” Your eyes shoot back up to look him dead in the eye. “You know, because I’m far from being angelic?”
He stares at you for a few seconds. Maybe half a minute. Intense eyes pingpong-ing back and forth between your own as if the answers to what goes on in your brain is written in them.
He slowly starts to nod his head. Scrunches up his nose for a split second before he tears his eyes away from you to stare at the wall in your room, at nothing in particular. It’s only then that you notice that he’s been closing the gap between your bodies and you’re only noticing due to the body heat radiating off of him.
He turns his head back to face you but avoids your eyes. Instead he tilts his head down, presses his lips against your neck in a soft kiss. He licks. Nips. Sucks. “Hm. I quite like contradictions, though,” whispers Gameboy.
You’re not sure what he means by it.
“Contradictions?” you echo as you tilt your head to the side, granting him more access to any skin he desires. You try to keep yourself from moaning but to no avail, so your new goal is to not be embarrassed by your heavy breathing and quiet moaning.
“Hm,” he hums in confirmation. All it does is send a shiver down your spine and makes your thighs clench. “You’re my favorite contradiction. Wanna give you nothing yet everything at the same time.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes dramatically, in hopes that he won’t be able to tell how that confession made your heart drum out of control in your chest. You can’t stand how he always knows what to say to get a reaction out of you.
You inquire, “What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“It means,” he abruptly pauses as he pushes himself off you, resting his ass on his heels. His hands wrap around the back of your knees, adding strength to push them all the way to your chest. Has you almost folded up into a human pretzel.
“Hey, I have joints!” You try to sound angry but you’re barely fighting back. Way to stand your ground.
“It means that I want to fuck the shit out of you but I also don’t want to give you the satisfaction.” He angles his hips in a way that makes his pelvis grind right into yours. It’s hard to ignore the rock hard boner rubbing against your sex and you’ve never hated wearing clothes more than you do at this moment.
“Like so.” He begins to thrust his hips into yours, eyes glued to the way the bulge in his sweatpants rocks against the seam of your leggings that’s located right on top of your pussy.
He starts dry humping you, brows furrowed in concentration. Sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. Finally looks into your eyes. “The only thing a slut like you deserves.”
“Don’t you agree?” he whispers, eyes shifting up to yours—finally. Bottom lip still trapped between his teeth and cheeks tinted crimson.
He looks unreal. Ethereal.
A soft moan bubbles up the back of your throat at the sensation and it escapes your mouth before you can catch it.
But his words don’t slip your mind.
You squint your eyes at him. “Fuck you.”
Yeah, sure… that’ll show him.
It happens so fast. You don’t even realize it happened until after your lips have started stinging and a gasp has unintentionally ripped through your throat.
Did he just… slap your mouth?
He did.
Your hooded eyes shoot open and your brows pinch together, unable to ignore the tingle on your lips from the smack he’s left behind on them.
“You think you’re in any position to run your mouth, you stupid brat?” He doesn’t wait for a response from you and simply shoves his thumb past your lips, confident that you’ll happily welcome it.
Unfortunately, you do.
You welcome the tip of his thumb into your mouth, eyes still piercing into his. His eyebrow twitches when you swirl your tongue around it. Gently suck on it. Quietly moan at it.
His eyes stay glued to your face and he can’t seem to decide what he wants to focus on. Your pretty eyes that are lost in his as if you’re the most innocent creature on Earth or your pouty lips that are beautifully wrapped around the tip of his thumb like you’re the sluttiest whore with his dick in your mouth.
Either way, you’re a complete contradiction. How you manage to look so innocent yet so seductive seems like a mystery to him.
One he intends to solve.
He pulls his thumb out of your mouth with a loud pop and places his hands next to each side of your head.
He continues to dry hump you at the same pace but the strength behind his thrusts has changed. He’s snapping his hips so hard into yours that it makes your entire frame jerk from the momentum every time your bodies collide.
He grunts quietly. Shakes his head. “Shit, shit.” His eyes drop down to your lips for a few seconds before back into your eyes. “I need to fuck you.”
Dry humping you for barely 2 minutes and he’s already going back on his word?
You can’t help but provoke him. “I thought you said a slut like me didn’t deserve that? I could be wrong.”
He rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek, deeply contemplating something as his teeth pick at the loose flesh on his lips. After a few more seconds of mindlessly staring at you, he pushes himself off you. He gets up before he straightens his back and hoists you up, pulling you off the bed and onto your feet in one swift move.
He doesn’t even need to ask.
You instantly drop to your knees, eyes staring up at him.
He taps your chin with his finger. “Always running your dumb mouth. You know what happens to stupid girls that don’t know when to shut the hell up?”
Before you can give one of your smartass answers, his hand wraps around your jaw and grips it tightly to make you look up at him. You simply blink at him, as innocently as you can.
“They get their face fucked.”
The only way to describe what you’re feeling is what you imagine a hot spear shooting down your core would feel like. Leaves behind a warm tingle pooling in your lower belly.
Your hands don’t waste any time as they travel up his thighs and your thumbs tuck under the waistband of his sweats. You flutter your lashes at him in hopes of getting permission to undress him.
He licks his lips and nods his head, watching you intently as you start tugging his sweats down.
You were right, you know. He really wasn’t wearing any underwear.
As you pull the hem down, the black markings come into view.
Your username.
He really is him.
Your eyes glance up at him and he’s already staring at you.
You tug his sweats further down, only to be almost slapped in the face with his dick. A quiet gasp of surprise escapes your mouth as you eye the view in front of you.
It’s exactly as it is in the videos and pictures he sends you.
You stare at it in awe, mouth already salivating.
He wraps his hand around the shaft and taps the tip of his dick against your lips. “Open.”
In the instance that you part your lips, he shoves his shaft right into your mouth without a single warning whilst cradling the back of your head to keep you still.
He doesn’t seem to care about your poor throat as he starts thrusting into it as if he’s got something to prove to the universe.
Saliva drips down your chin and onto your chest, staining your Power Puff girl shirt with dots of spit. Quiet gags resound in the back of your throat as Gameboy continues to push your head further down his shaft.
“Only fucking way to shut you up, isn’t it?” he grunts, the tip of his dick repeatedly slamming against the back of your throat and soft palette.
After a few more rough thrusts, he pulls out of your mouth and tugs your head back by the roots on your cranium to make you look up at him. You gasp for air, not paying any mind to how messy you must look right now.
He simply leans forwards, eyebrows pinched together as his tapioca pearls scan your face in a matter of milliseconds. “You okay?” he whispers, loosening his grip on your cranium and instead softly stroking it.
You blink in confusion at him. You’ve definitely never heard him sound that gentle when addressing you. Maybe only when addressing Bam.
But you quickly realize he’s genuinely just making sure you’re okay so far and whether you have any trouble with how rough he’s being.
With an eager nod of your assurance, he cockily chuckles. “That’s a good girl, isn’t it?” he slyly says before gathering saliva onto his tongue and spitting it out right on top of yours.
He straightens his back again before shoving his dick right back into your wet mouth. Makes him groan. Curse. Twitch on your tongue.
You happily keep your mouth wide open for him and his pleasure, fluttering your pretty lashes up at him. Your eyes blink back the tears repeatedly, almost like they’re trying to snap a photograph of this moment right now. Wanting to commit it all to memory. Wanting to commit him to memory.
“Fuck,” he grunts, “mouth so fucking good. ‘S why I prefer a brat that doesn’t know when to shut up.” His eyes are instantaneously on yours, black and hungry.
You can imagine, to be honest. All that shit-talking you were doing has brought you here. On your knees. Choking on a wet dick that you’ve been dreaming about.
You don’t think you could be any happier than you are at this moment.
“Gonna spill in your mouth,” he moans, hips never faltering in speed and precision.
Every time you open your eyes, you see your own username in faded black marker, right in front of your nose. Like you’ve been branded on him. Like he’s yours and yours only.
With your chest tightening at the pleasure you’re experiencing by giving him pleasure, the way he slips out of your mouth almost goes unnoticed by you.
He taps his dick against your tongue before reaching for your hand and leading it to his shaft. It takes you a few seconds to realize what he wants. He wants you to jack him off until he cums.
You wrap your hand around his shaft and aim the tip of his angry dick at your open mouth, eager to catch his cum on your tastebuds.
His eyes are staring you down so intently that it almost makes you choke on air. Luckily, you’re not a little bitch. You keep holding onto the eye contact like the little brat you are, though, defiant and stubborn.
He scrunches his nose up. Twitches his lips. Stifles a smirk. “Just like that, Angel.”
You keep your mouth open, tongue poking out past your lips. A slight shift on your knees makes you hyper aware of the wetness pooling in your panties.
Shit, you’re really turned on.
“Fuck,” he whispers, “gonna cum.” It doesn’t take long after for his dick to start twitching in your hand. Even less when ropes of his cum start shooting out of his dick, loud groans accompanying the wet sounds your hand makes whilst sliding up and down his soaking shaft.
More curses spill from his lips, eyes trying so hard to stay open and watch himself cum all over your tongue and chin.
With your head tilted and a shit-eating grin on your lips, you continue to milk him of every single drop until he squirms from the overstimulation.
You drop your hand from his shaft and bring your other hand to wipe your chin free of the saliva mixed with cum. His semen glides down your esophagus with a big gulp.
“Shit.” He throws his head back and runs his hands through his black locks. “Didn’t think I’d cum that fast.”
His eyes trail back to you, taking in the way you’re elegantly sitting on your knees, ass perked up on the back of your feet.
“I suppose you really are just all talk,” you quip, a smug grin tugging on the corner of your lips.
The goosebumps on the upper layer of your skin make an appearance when his hand wraps around your throat and squeezes it once. Twice. He bends over. Presses his lips to yours in a quick kiss. Messy. Hungry.
His tattooed hand abandons your throat to hoist you up by your biceps. He starts pushing you towards your bed until you fall back, cranium sinking into your soft pillows.
He rids himself of his tank top and yanks it across your room, not caring where it ends up before diving into your bed with you. Your thighs spread on their own accord, ready to let Gameboy do whatever he wishes.
His tongue makes an appearance as he swipes it along his bottom lip, eyeing the seam in your leggings. It makes his lip rings flick up. Makes your leggings more damp than they already are.
The slightest bit of pressure against your clothed pussy makes you jerk your hips up into his knuckles, the ones he was using to rub up and down your sex.
“You’ve soaked through your leggings,” he comments. “Got that wet from letting me use your dumb mouth, did you?”
His eyes flicker up to yours, the pad of his thumb still rubbing up and down your sex. You suppose he’s checking to see if you’re going to be a smartass about it or not.
You are.
“I got that wet from the thought of you ruining me and fucking me until I’m stupid like you said you would, but in all honesty, I think I might be falling asleep.”
The simple exhale that leaves his nostrils can only be described as a quick snort as his hand abandons your pussy in its time of need. You’re a second away from whining about it but Gameboy is quicker than you.
Tucks his fingers under the hem of your leggings. Yanks them down your legs. Doesn’t care that he tore the inseam of your leggings.
“Hey! You’re buying me a new pair!” You don’t really care that he tore them, you have a stockpile of these leggings that you could clothe a whole village with. You just want to be annoying.
He simply raises his finger to his lips, wordlessly telling you to be quiet.
“Shh.” Shushes you. Eyes closed. Lips pursed. Brows pinched.
You lie there, confused. Legs spread. The only thing covering your attention-seeking pussy is the pathetic cotton panties that, by now, have completely been soaked by your arousal.
When you take another breath to speak up, he brings his palm down.
“Ow!” Your hips jerk up off the bed once his palm comes in contact with your poor pussy.
Either you’re trippin’ off the hardest acid right now or he actually just spanked your vagina.
“I told you to be quiet.”
It simply earns him a glare but that doesn’t matter to him. The corners of his lips curl up and before you know it, his head dives down your body.
But what you don’t expect is his hands wrapping around the back of your knees and pulling you downwards so your back lies flat on the mattress as he settles in between your thighs, mouth pressed against the sticky fabric of your panties.
You’re barely able to get out a moan before he starts sucking on your sex through your panties, his eyes closed in concentration. He nudges your clit with his round nose. Does it again when you let out a moan that’s sweeter than the bottom of a bag of candy.
He pulls away which almost makes you whine but you clamp your mouth shut when he tucks his fingers under the hem of your panties. Glances at you through his brows.
You keep your bottom lip trapped between your teeth as he slowly starts sliding your panties down your legs, his eyes instantly glued to the faded black markings on your pelvis which spells out his username.
He tosses your panties aside and spreads your thighs by your knees again. His black irises stay glued to your soaking wet pussy, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Even prettier than I remember.” He lowers himself again. Wastes no time attacking your swollen clit with his angry tongue.
You reach for his hair, gently tugging on it with your fingers to pull him closer to where you want him. He obeys, burying himself in your sex with his entire face. Shakes his head to give you extra friction. Nudges your clit with his nose.
Your hips involuntarily jerk upwards but it doesn’t phase him in the slightest. He just continues to suck and lick at your pussy like a man starved.
Lying under him now is surreal. After all those months of talking to him, it’s hard to believe you’re in this position right now.
What’s even harder to believe is that he’s here.
That it’s him.
Him, of all people.
Your rude neighbor with a lack of manners and decency.
But for some reason, this makes it even more… satisfying?
He drags you out of your thoughts when he wraps his lips around your clit and pushes two of his fingers into you, creating gushing sounds that only further embarrass you.
He slurps, sucks, nips, licks. Looks up at you. Winks. Smirks.
The cold metal of his lip rings against your hot skin makes a shiver travel up your spine. Summons goosebumps on the upper layer of your skin. He notices. It makes him chuckle. The air from his exhale fans over your pussy. Gets you excited and whiny all over again.
“Shit, you taste way too good for a brat.” He uses both his thumbs to gently spread your folds apart to take in the beauty that is your soaking sex before pressing a soft kiss to your hole and shoving his tongue inside.
“F–fuck!” you cry out as he starts fucking his tongue in and out of you, nose nudging your clit and one thumb circling the rim of your asshole. It makes the all too familiar knot in your stomach slowly form.
“I’m gonna,” you pause, “cum.”
He doesn’t seem to care, though.
Because right as the knot threatens to snap, Gameboy pulls away. Stares you down as your arousal drips off his chin. He wipes his mouth and chin with the back of his hand. The nonchalance he exudes while he does so makes you glare at him.
At least, to the best of your abilities, that is.
You’re a bit fucked out. Can’t feel your toes and your ears are ringing.
“Sluts like you don’t deserve to cum so quick,” murmurs Gameboy as he starts tugging at the hem of your shirt, the only fabric that still covers your body.
“But Jay!” you whine but he simply cuts you off by spanking your poor pussy again. You cry out. Your body jerks. It makes him huff in arrogance.
He adds, “Shut up and do as I say for once.”
You angrily huff as you yank the shirt off and toss it aside, somewhere on the floor near the pile of clothes. This allows your breasts to bounce free and his eyes are almost bursting out of their sockets as he takes the sight in.
His hands reach over your chest before his eyes peek up at yours, waiting for any sign of approval or permission. You reach out to his hands and bring them down to your breasts, wordlessly telling him there’s nothing more you’d want than this.
Even though he just came, he’s already sporting a semi hard-on from eating you out. The moment his hands grope your breasts, a soft groan leaves his throat. He can’t seem to stop staring at them. “Holy shit,” he mumbles, continuing to grope and massage them.
He gently pinches your nipples. Leans down and takes one into his mouth. Sucks with as much fervor as he can muster.
Several moans spill from your lips as he continues and the inflating dick against your thigh doesn’t go unnoticed by you. You hate to admit it but it boosts your ego to the max.
You hate it because men will fuck a hole in a tree. They get turned on by anything. But in this moment, you know that Gameboy wants you as bad as you want him and you can’t wait until he finally does what he came here to do.
“Fuck me,” you whimper, “fuck me, please.”
He raises his head, letting go of your breast with a loud pop as he stares you down. “Oh, wow. Where’s all that attitude? You finally starting to fall off your high horse?” He sounds so full of mockery when he says these things but you don’t care anymore.
If he doesn’t fuck you this instance you might die.
“No, bozo. I’m waiting to see what you’ve got in store. It seems like you keep delaying it because you can’t back your talk,” you reply almost right away.
Almost as soon as the words leave your lips, he slaps you on the mouth again. This time with a little more force that makes your lips tingle with a stinging sensation.
It makes you gasp. Not in surprise but in bliss. You only run your mouth to have him put you in your place. It’s too good of a feeling to know that you can get under his skin like this.
He stares at you with a look in his eyes that you can only describe as a combination of disbelief and amusement. “You’ve always got something to say, don’t you?” he mumbles as he reaches for his pants and rummages through its pockets before returning his attention to you.
You stare at the golden item in his hands. A condom.
Ain’t nobody got time for that.
You don’t even hesitate when you reach out, snatch it out of his hands and toss it to the floor.
It’s almost like he expected you to do that when his chest rumbles as he chuckles. You glance at him with such a desperate look in your eye and you think this time it might’ve worked.
Because he slowly pushes your thighs back and uses one hand to position his already hard dick by your pussy, rubbing it up and down your disgustingly soaked slit.
“You’ve got me dripping with precum, I hope you know that,” he quietly says. Slaps his dick onto your slit a few times. Moves it to the side as he purses his lips to let a drop of his saliva drop down onto your pussy, watching it dribble down your folds. “Fuck.”
Your teeth sink down into your bottom lip as you watch him go to work, the perfect view in front of you. You can see his concentrated face, his glorious body and your own pussy seconds away from a good pounding.
“Ready?” he whispers, eyes shooting up to yours and they’ve got the same twinkle as when he asked whether you were okay during the throatfucking.
You quickly nod and look back down at your sexes, eagerly waiting for him to finally push into you.
And he does.
He slowly starts to enter you, hips moving at a pace that makes you want to scream your head off.
You’re impatient but you know it’s best for your own good.
“Fuck. So fuckin’ tight,” he whispers as he pushes even more until he’s filled you up completely. Your walls uncomfortably stretch around him but you simply welcome the burn as you reach out to his shoulders and pull him closer to you.
He closes the gap between you two and instantly connects his lips to yours, kissing you so roughly that it takes you by surprise considering how gentle his lower body is treating yours.
After a few more seconds of making out, which ultimately helped you relax, you tap his shoulder and mumble the word “move” against his lips.
He hears you loud and clear.
Slowly starts rocking his hips into yours and it makes you moan into his mouth. He simply swallows your moans, licking into your mouth to steal every single sound you make.
You wrap your legs around his waist in hopes of pulling him even closer to you. Your hands cup his face as you slowly pull away from the kiss to look into his eyes.
He returns the eye contact whilst his hips increase in speed and power.
“Do you have other girls?” you manage to ask in between thrusts, eyes still boring into his. You’re not sure why you’re asking him this but you also can’t help but ask.
He stares you down in silence for a few moments before pulling away and straightening his back. He pulls out of you and pushes all the way back in as he holds your thighs apart.
“I have a bunch.” He starts thrusting into you with such speed that it makes your entire body jerk from the momentum, giving him a perfect view of your bouncing breasts. “How about you focus on being my favorite?”
That’s all it takes to shut you up as he starts rubbing your clit with one thumb, trying to get you to the edge before he robs you of your orgasm again.
Not to mention the speed at which he fucks you in is borderline animalistic.
Damn. You must’ve really pissed him off.
He drills so deep into you that the sensation in your lower gut is indescribable. You subconsciously stretch out your arm, pressing your hand flat into his lower abdomen in hopes of getting him to slow down.
It means nothing to him, though.
He continues to pound into you, ignoring your hand begging for mercy as he grunts quietly. “Fuckin’ hate how beautiful you are, Angel.”
“You like that, huh?” he huffs, one hand wrapping around the back of your thigh and the other slapping your hand away from his stomach. Gives you no choice but to take the pounding like a good girl. “Tightening around me like you’re trying to squeeze my fuckin’ dick off.”
All you can do is fight the moan that’s sliding up your esophagus as you bite into the back of your hand in hopes of swallowing your moans, eyes tightly shut to concentrate.
But he doesn’t like that.
His hand comes down on your jaw in a firm tap. “Look at me.”
You crack your eyelids open just to be blessed with the view of him and his hair sticking to his forehead from the thin layer of sweat it has produced.
“That all you got?” you taunt, referring to the soft slap he delivered to your face just now, if it even can be called that.
He stares at you with a slight squint in his eyes before he chuckles and this time, puts more force behind his slap.
Your face jerks to the side and your cheek tingles from the faint pain. It makes you clench around his shaft in pure ecstasy.
But then it all happens really fast.
He pulls out of you and in one motion, you’re on your stomach. By the time you look over your shoulder, Gameboy has positioned himself onto your ass before pushing into your gushing pussy from behind.
Lying flat on your stomach with your legs pressed together only makes him rub up against your walls even more, allowing you to feel and be able to map out all the veins and ridges on his dick.
The warmth that fans over your ear only suggests that he’s right next to your face, breathing heavily down your neck and collarbones.
“Where’d all that shit talking go?” he whispers quietly, lips pressed against the shell of your ear as his inked hand wraps around your throat from behind.
You try to answer but to no avail, the speed and power he uses to fuck you with has you sounding incoherent and absolutely stupid.
“Look at you now, all fucked out,” he adds, the shit-eating smirk present in his tone.
You slightly turn your head to be able to look at him, brows furrowed together and your mouth dropped open.
His eyes shift to your face and wander all over your desperate features before settling on your eyes again. “God,” whispers Gameboy quietly. “Gonna be the death of me, you are.”
He always knows what to say.
“Kiss me,” you manage to let out without sounding choked.
His eyes slowly drop to your round, pouty lips that shape into an ‘o’. “What’s the magic word, Angel?”
He’s so damn annoying.
“Please,” you say, without hesitation. “Please, kiss me.”
It takes no more than a second before your request has been fulfilled. His pretty lips press onto yours and he wastes no time sneaking his tongue into your mouth.
You continue to moan in desperation and pleasure, allowing him to swallow every last sound that escapes your mouth.
After several moments of kissing, it’s only then that you realize he’s no longer thrusting but instead he’s simply nestled deep inside of you and all his focus is on kissing you.
When you pull away from the kiss, it seems like he, too, realizes this. Clears his throat. Hoists himself up.
To your surprise, he yanks your ass up into the air by your hips and presses his hand flat down on your upper back to keep your face down and ass up.
With your burning face buried in the sheets, all you can focus on is your sense of touch and hearing.
A glob of saliva drops onto your pussy. He rubs it in with his dick before slapping it a few times and easing himself in again.
Your back arches from the sensation as you listen to the beautiful, quiet moans spilling from his lips. Makes you realize that his voice box deserves an award. Or a national holiday. You bet he could be famous if he intended to do anything with his voice.
But the moment is flipped onto its head when Gameboy starts thrusting into you like there’s no tomorrow. Like he’s got something to prove to the universe. Like he’s finally getting his long awaited revenge.
Which he is.
And this is precisely what you wanted when you provoked him all those times.
A loud smack rings in your ears and a sharp sting spreading through your asscheek follows right away, earning a cry from you. He spanks you again. And again. And again.
His other hand sneaks around your hip and furiously starts rubbing at your clit, involuntarily making you clench around his shaft that is forcing it’s way into you repeatedly.
“Fuck’s sake,” he grunts as he rocks his hips into yours and watches your bum recoil against him with each thrust.
The stimulation is starting to wear you out. Droplets of sweat roll down your back like shining pearls and your heart pounds in your chest like a drum at a parade.
You reach behind you to press your hand into his lower abdomen again in hopes of being granted his mercy but this time he doesn’t hesitate. He wraps his hand around your wrist and pins it against your lower back.
“Running your fucking mouth and now you think I’ll take it easy on you? Isn’t this what you wanted?” he scoffs as he uses his other hand to grip your hip to smoothly pound into you. “Shut the fuck up and take this pounding like you’re my bitch.”
You wish you could rebuttal, you wish you could insult him, say something, anything.
But all that’s leaving your mouth are pathetic moans and cries as your stomach starts tightening and your walls start clenching around him.
“Ah, you liked that, didn’t you? So filthy.” He lets go of your hip and reaches around to start rubbing circles onto your clit again as you shiver and squirm under him. “Just how I like it.”
You can’t even for the words to tell him that you’re seconds away from cumming but it seems like he understands nonetheless because he’s simply shushing you and adding quick “I know, baby”s in a low voice.
Just when you think he’s granting you your much needed orgasm, he abruptly turns you over on your back. Before you have any idea on what’s going on, he has wiggled himself in between your thighs and entered you once again, leaving you no space to even catch your breath.
“I wanna see your face when you cum,” he tells you as he reaches for your clit to help you reach your orgasm. “You’re so fucking lucky it’s like 3AM. I would’ve fucking edged you for hours on end.”
Ah. Damn it.
You quickly nod your head with your eyes focused on your sex being pummeled. “Fuck, fuck. Please,” you whimper, squirming under his frame which only makes him chuckle.
“Beg, baby,” is all he says.
“Please,” you say, “please, please, please.”
You don’t even know what exactly it is you’re begging for but he knows. He knows because he keeps nodding, has one hand groping your bouncing breast while the other stimulates your clit just the way you like it.
Your stomach soon tightens and it makes the words stutter in your throat. You can’t even make a coherent sentence but all he does is nod his head in understanding.
“You’re creaming all over my shit, you know that?” he groans as he stares at his own dick sliding in and out of your pussy, focusing on all the arousal you’re leaving behind on his shaft like a trail.
“Shit,” you cry as your thighs start to clench and your core starts to burst into flames. Your frame completely shudders under him. The moans and whimpers spilling from your lips are loud yet soft and the feeling is indescribable.
You tightly squeeze your eyes shut as the orgasm washes over your tired body, making you see all the celestial bodies in the universe on the back of your eyelids.
All your nerve endings are set alight and every single hair on your body stands up straight, like a soldier at attention.
His thumb on your clit never falters in speed and precision and his hand has returned to your thigh, firmly holding it in place as he fucks you through your much needed orgasm.
Your chest inflates and deflates dramatically, trying to catch your breath which constantly seems just a millisecond away every time.
He keeps going though, his stamina proving to be S tier.
Clenching all around him and finally reaching your orgasm has his hips slightly stuttering in their rhythm, his dick twitching inside of you. “Fuck. Where do you want it?”
You blink back your tears as you gather your energy to prop yourself up on your elbows. You stare straight at him as he awaits a response.
“I want it all inside.”
That’s all he needs, really.
“I’m cumming soon,” he grunts, unable to steady his heavy breathing like he has up until this point. “Pussy so fuckin’ good, Angel.”
His thrusts are sloppy and imprecise but that just makes him that much hotter. You flick your tongue up on the pad of your thumb and bring it to his nipple as you slightly tease it, rolling the erect nub around under your finger.
His breathing only gets heavier and you’re not helping his case when you continue to clench around him like you’re trying to milk him of every last drop he has to offer.
You are.
“Fuck,” is all he says before dropping his head into the crook of your neck and giving a few powerful thrusts before ropes of his warm cum shoot into you and paint your walls. A loud groan leaving his mouth is cut short when he presses his lips against yours, giving you a heated kiss as he unloads inside of you.
There’s so much cum that a good amount of it spurts out of you with every single thrust he gives you. He quietly moans against your lips when the final drop shoots out of him and straight into you, which only makes you moan back.
Fuck. You really just got creampied by the man whose guts you hate and vice versa. Sexual tension is a bitch.
He continues to kiss you, though, gentle and exhausted like he’s got nowhere to be and only wants to kiss you for hours on end.
You don’t know why but you welcome it with open arms. Wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Tilt your head slightly to deepen the kiss.
The makeout session lasts longer than either of you expected.
Not that anyone is complaining.
Then, you two finally break apart and gasp for air.
He slowly, very slowly pulls out of you. He wraps his hand around your leg to lift it a bit higher up in the air and stares at your ruined sex with his teeth sunken into his bottom lip.
You lie there, staring at him with a quirk in your brow as he gently rubs your inner thighs with his thumb.
It’s quiet.
Really quiet.
Is the post-nut-clarity making him regret everything?
You don’t exactly know how to feel. You don’t regret it. It felt good. You haven’t felt that way in a long time.
Right when you begin to overthink, he asks, “Was I too rough on you?”
You blink at him a few times before shaking your head. “You were perfect.”
The compliment makes the corners of his lips curl up and finally makes his eyes shift to yours. You hadn’t noticed he was avoiding your gaze.
He glances at you for a few moments before springing up from the bed and sliding his sweats back onto his legs. You glare at him from across the room and watch as he exits your room.
You stare at the ceiling in silence. What just happened?
Was this a one time thing? Well, to be fair, you were planning on inviting him to stay an entire week but that was before you even knew who he was.
He’s back a few moments later with a damp towel and approaches you on your bed, gently wiping you clean of his cum. “You should go pee.”
You squint your eyes at him in suspicion but quickly let it go as he’s focused on cleaning you up. “Oh, so, you do have manners after all?”
His eyes immediately shoot up at yours and his hand comes to a halt. When he sees the bratty look on your face, he simply chuckles and shakes his head before returning his attention to your poor sex.
“Can’t fuckin’ stand you,” he mumbles but can’t seem to hide the smile threatening to creep on his lips.
It makes your own lips curl up into a soft smile. “As long as you continue to fuck me like you just did, you don’t have to be able to stand me.”
He uses a dry spot on the towel to dry your skin down a bit before glancing into your eyes. “You intend on doing this again?”
This makes you frown. Makes your heart sink into your stomach. Makes you slowly close your legs and cross your arms over your chest. You don’t know why. Is it shame? Regret? Humiliation? “You don’t?” you ask him, voice suddenly sounding small and uncertain. You hate it.
“100% but I wasn’t sure whether you’d be on board with that.” He gets up from your bed and hands you your underwear. “I thought you’d want to take out your frustrations once and then have it be done with.”
When he sees you not moving, he takes it upon himself to slide your panties onto your legs. Makes you hoist your hips off the bed. Slides them right into place.
There’s a slight pinch of relief in your chest and you deeply exhale. “No.”
He slowly nods his head and awkwardly scratches the back of his head.
It’s the first time you’ve seen him like this.
He’s pretty cute.
“Okay, well,” he mumbles as he looks around your room and picks his clothes up off the floor. “It’s really late. I’ll, uh,” he pauses, “see you tomorrow?”
You blink at him for a few moments and then quietly chuckle. “You can stay the night, you know.”
He raises his eyebrows and runs a hand through his damp hair. You hadn’t noticed how sweaty he’d gotten. “Getting a soft spot for me, are we?”
A deep chuckle rumbles in his chest when he sees the nasty glare you throw his way, along with the pillow next to your head, which he swiftly dodges. “I appreciate the sentiment but Bam’s alone and he has separation anxiety.”
Scratch that. He’s really cute.
You can’t help but let a soft smile creep on your lips. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He nods his head absentmindedly and slowly starts backing out of your room.
“Wait,” you call out as you sit up straight. You use your sheets to cover your chest in modesty as you watch him come to a halt.
He glances at you over his shoulder, eyebrow quirked.
“You,” you pause, “you still don’t know my name.”
He stares at you for a few more moments before chuckling. “I know your name.”
He cuts you off.
With your name.
He just said your name.
You blink in confusion a few times. Swallow thickly as you try to think of a logical reason as to how he could possibly know your name.
Did you somehow tell him and forget? Did he hear Jimin call you by name? Did he ask your landlord?
“How do you know my name?” you quietly ask, gently sucking on your bottom lip in uncertainty. He’s making you doubt your own memory.
He brings his shoulders up in an infuriatingly arrogant shrug. “We live in the same building, babe. All I had to do was look at a letter addressed to your apartment number.”
There’s no way he did that.
Did he actually go out of his way to look up your name? Didn’t he ask you what your name was earlier? Was he testing to see if you were going to lie about it?
He shrugs his shoulders with an air of nonchalance before opening the door to your bedroom. “You can call me Jungkook. Or Jay, I’m not picky.” He steps out and turns to look at you one last time. “As long as it’s my name in your mouth when you spend nights like these.”
And with that, he disappears from your line of vision but reappears in your mind like a tick that has latched itself onto your brain and refuses to leave.
Okay. You see how it is.
And now your thoughts are clouded with everything that just happened. His hands on your skin, his lips on yours, his rough pounding on your poor nether regions. You did ask for it after all.
Every time you think about it, you want to scream. You turn your head and whimper into your pillow but every time you do, you smell him. His scent is everywhere. And as much as you hate to admit it, he smells absolutely amazing. You could bury your face in his chest and inhale it for the rest of your eternity.
Your phone buzzing on your nightstand makes you flinch and it sucks you back into reality.
You quickly turn over and reach for your phone before unlocking it and opening up the text conversation with him.
@archurback4me | 4:05AM
Goodnight Angel
And just so you know
I won’t lose to you
You hate how cheesy the smile is that creeps on your lips, internally thanking the Lord that no one is witnessing you and your big goofy smile.
You | 4:07AM
game on, gameboy
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— enjoyed it? you can always show your appreciation by buying me some coffee if you want ☕︎♡
@mygdday @coletaehyung @btspurplesky @kaitieskidmore97 @marvelbun @nini_07777 @8514238 @llallaaa @s3l3n0phil3 @agrika @ahgasegotarmy116 @canyon-lwt @boyfriendtaekook @s4yok0 @mochminnie @chimmisbae @muah-minhoe-8 @bloopkook @whoa-jo @dreami-yoonkookie @earth2fae @kissyfacekoo @keroppitae @junecat18 @hollowtree11 @jksusawife @synnfulqt @pamzn @jknoah @jjk-jeongirl @busanstarkoo @busanboykoo @codeinebelle @taegicity @bettybloop @kookssecret @MMFranklin @vickyyy97 @suciedad-divina @jkslipppiercing @heyyolly04 @partyparty-yah @kooact @osakis-gf @luna-astro-star @plushjeno @jjk1iscoming @Heyrobitches @sunnysorasworld @raineo @jjanjankook @etaerealboyv @somehowukook @larryrulesthisfuckingworld @rrrapmonste-rr @denisaandreea20 @httpjeonlicious @jjeonjennie @dellalyra @optimisticmoongalaxy @ishizhans
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forcemeanakin · 9 months
Grandma Shmi
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okay but let's have a moment and think about Shmi with Luke and Leia, being a super proud grandma of her stubborn granddaughter and her loving grandson.
-She would have you, Anakin and the kids over for Sunday lunch, preparing a delicious casserole and letting the kids play in Anakin's old room.
-You freaked out when they found Anakin's old pod racer and try to turn it on. Thank the Maker it was all rusty.
-She would always have ice cream for them
-Leia would come up to her like: "Granny Shmi, do you wanna see my history project for school?" and it's a presentation about all the female governors and senators of the galaxy. she's so proud that her little granddaughter is having all of the opportunities she didn't get.
-even though she sees so much of Anakin in Leia, she is absolutely soft about the physical similarities of young Luke and little Ani. She even cries once in a while when he sees photos of Luke in different stages of his life because she often wonders how Anakin must have looked when he was about that age.
-She offers herself to baby sit the kids so you two can have a date night
-She would be a great mother in law <3
-Anakin would pick her up and bring her along to family days: when you go hiking, or to a hotel in the mountains. trying to get back all of the lost time
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powderblueblood · 4 months
— the 411 on the loser playboy of the midwestern world
Tagged by @jo-harrington & @deathbecomesthem who got this stunning prompt on the road, love this love youse
let’s talk MUNSON!
What story is he from? What kind of story is it (Fix-it fic, Older!Eddie, Rockstar!Eddie etc)? The Eddie darling that takes up prime real estate in my brain is of course Hellfire & Ice Eddie, which is a teen romantic-dramadey with sprinkles of crime capers on top. We meet him at 18 years of age, drug dealin’, Dungeon wheelin’, at the absolute top of his bottom of the food chain game. He’s all raw nerve and engine sputter, our consummate not ready for prime time player. He is brassy, ballsy, funny, terrified.
What inspired you to write this Eddie? Flight of Icarus, actually! It reignited my initial love for him by basically confirming what I had already known to be true—he’s a little bitch that’ll take any opportunity to be struck down lovesick and he’s doomed by his bloodline.
What are your favorite headcanons about him/share something you never shared in your story? Eddie runs on a full tank of defiance, just burning rubber against what’s expected of kids his age—but to zoom in? Eddie sometimes wonders what it would be like if he was different. Tried harder. Cut his hair, joined the basketball team, really pulled himself up by his bootstraps and divorced himself from his stain of a last name. Folded in and blended, made all the right moves. Why couldn’t I do that? he thinks, Just pretend. I’m good at making shit up. But that’s selling out. And Eddie Munson is no sell out—rap sheet or no, his life is his own.
What does he wear on a casual day? On a dressier day? What does he wear to bed? Casual day, it’s your cartoon character stock costume of insert band t-shirt here, ripped jeans there, doubled up battle vest and leather cut to top it all off. There might be a variant in jean shade but that’s it. He likes to stick to a look. The dressiest he’ll go (he does not own dressy clothes) is a black cable knit sweater, very old, with the thumb holes worried through the cuffs. To bed, preferably nothing, but boxers of absolutely necessary and a very old, ratty pair of flannel PJ bottoms and an old t-shirt or a faded sweatshirt of Wayne’s if it’s freezing.
Favorite foods? This FUCK loves a pizza with the most fuckass toppings. Anchovy, black olive, pepperoni, sweetcorn (for the vitamins!), pineapple (for the jizz thing!) all on the one pie. But he can cook, to an extent, and we unfortunately have to hand this to ex-line cook Al who taught him how to grill a cheese and make a bitchin’ spaghetti with honeyed tomato gravy and lots of oregano. Eddie also loves a snack he can gesticulate with, see: Twizzler, corn dog, ice pop. Bordering on phallic foods.
Tell Us About His Family/Friends: Immediately in the gene pool—Al, the absent and up-to-no-good father who somehow still has a knife in Eddie’s side and will twist it with the simple words, “C’mon, that’s my boy!” Wayne, uncle and father figure, silent but loving and the only real pillar Eddie could ever lean against, and he feels like such a burden for it sometimes. Elizabeth, mommy dearest and dead, canonised like a saint in Eddie’s mind, and might have been but also might not have been. The root of his love of music and his need to tell stories to survive. The found-by-the-hand-of fate family— Ronnie Ecker, the Stalter to his Waldorf, the Bonham to his Page, the only person he’d ever follow into battle because you wouldn’t think it but Ronnie, who is secretly rage akimbo, would accidentally lead that charge. He loves her like a sister, she loves him like a dog. Just kidding. Maybe. He wants to be Ronnie Ecker when he grows up. Granny Ecker comes as part of this deal, one of the people credited with whooping Eddie into shape. We don’t quite know what shape yet, it’s Picassoan in nature. Then, the extension again that is the great Corroded Coffin/Hellfire crossover event—Jeff, Cyrus, Dougie and Gareth. He’s not quite as close with the boys, but they’re good boys. They love and fear him, except for Cyrus who is a true enigma which pisses Eddie off because he’s supposed to be the fucking enigma here, dammit.
Yeah Yeah, he's a Metalhead. Tell Us MORE About His Taste in Music in your story: We are working off Flight of Icarus rules so he’s got a taste in the mouth for Howlin’ Wolf style blues, real down and dirty Detroit shit. He also loves a sleazeball, so enter Tom Waits and when he’s feeling REALLY sentimental, Leonard Cohen. Eddie loves to bite a thumb so he has some punk spinning too—Richard Hell, MC5, The Cramps, and reluctantly Iggy and the Stooges. They’re Al’s favourite so kind of tainted. Last but not least, I think that Johnny Cash’s Live From Folsom Prison album gets a lot of play. Particularly Cocaine Blues and Dark in the Dungeon, which he’s definitely incorporated into some campaign. He does NOT listen to CHICK MUSIC because he’s a loser boy (Wayne has a Linda Ronstadt record that makes him cry).
What are his views on romance? On sex? Eddie Munson falls in love fourteen times a day because at the be all and end all, he’s an artist and he’s sensitive as shit. Let’s get one thing straight—he can flirt to beat the band, once anyone gives him the time of day. Which they don’t. But in his mind? He’s a silver tongued Casanova. It’s just easier to use on people he hates. Once he has a crush, he has an obsession, even if he’s oftentimes too chickenshit to act on it. Cue pulling pigtails in the playground routine. He wants so badly to worship someone and be worshipped in return, okay, it’s reciprocal worshipping—give him mutual pathological obsession or give him DEATH. He wants to build a shrine, and will, to the right person. He’ll preoccupy his mind with every detail about them to the point where, yeah, it is borderline kind of stalkery but he’s still 18 years old. Speaking of, sex? Yeah, he’s done it. Badly. He’s like to do it again, goodly. He’d like to do it with someone that wasn’t treating it like an experiment, someone who’d let him slobber all over them and rut and keen and whine like the hound in heat he fucking feels like. He has no goddamn control! He experiences pleasure in a total headrush, never been able to stay cool and sexy and commanding a day in his life. He just wants, wants, wants and he burns so hot. Eddie wants so clumsily that it comes out at the most inappropriate times, like the nurse’s office after he gets his fist busted. He’s not some sex god, just some dick with an overeager cock. But he sure is willing to put in the work.
Is he optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic on the surface, the life is shit and then you die so might as well do some whippits poster boy but so so secretly, Eddie holds the tiniest flame of hope that someday, somehow, things will get better. At the very least easier. That he’ll grow into his bones somehow, or someone will help soothe him into them. That he’ll feel some kind of belonging. Because he does want that, really. Some soft place to land.
Where or with whom is he most comfortable? Those pockets of alchemy at Hellfire Club when he’s got a rapt audience. With Ronnie, sitting on the sagging couch outside his trailer. Playing chauffeur to a certain princess across-the-way.
What are his views of his future? What are his hopes/dreams? Pie in the sky? Cover of Circus with his cheeks out, duh. A Grammy or two, his own metal club, a published fantasy author, shit. He’s not askin’ for the world, here! But honestly, Eddie’s view of his future is 18 year old misanthropist bleak. He hasn’t even considered college as an option, not that he’d get there with his grades. He figures he might just start selling full time for Rick once (if) he graduates then hopefully have the good enough sense to take his money and split to Chicago or someplace. Might hit it lucky when he’s played in a couple more iterations of Corroded Coffin and con someone into letting him be a session guitarist—which wouldn’t be the cover of Circus, but would still be a huge deal! But as much as an ego game as he likes to talk, he’s got this terrible, looming feeling that he’ll never leave Hawkins alive.
What do you imagine his future looks like? (If your story is incomplete or if this would be a spoiler you're not willing to share, you can skip this question.) I’ll give you a couple details, because I am writing a sequel about this. Picture a brief stint in Indianapolis. Meaner, grizzlier, bartender-ier, going on a decade of heartbreak, performing at his sexual best but nearing burnout and about to turn 30 with some side dealings at home that are edging out of the side and into the forefront. Heavy is the hand that wears the ring. You look so much like your father!
Anything else you'd like us to know about your Eddie/your story? He is so full of love and piss and vinegar. He is going to end up cherished. Like, violently so.
Optional Vulnerable Question: Why do you write fics for Eddie Munson? I love a tragedy touched smartass who folds at the first sign of affection. I want to nourish him and eat him up like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. Or have Lacy do it for me, whatever.
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emimayooo · 11 days
Emi in Japan (2024) – Day 2/Day 3
(Link to Day 1, which was my first entry.)
Hey guys,
Gosh but I’ve been so busy! There’s so much to do for such a little town. Then again, I do have a lot of connections here😁
On Day 2, I went to the local 7/11 to buy brekkie…but also to say hi to the cuuuuutest dog who chills there every morning😍❤️. I’m friends with the owner’s family so I easily found out her name, which is Tasha. She looks like a border collie but I think she’s just a mutt🤔
Anyway! I met her on Day 1 when I arrived and just about fell in love. She’s so sweet and absolutely loooves belly rubs. I couldn’t wait to see her after that, but when I did go again, she was already being pet by other customers…a heartbreaker, that one is😔💔
For lunch, I visited I-san (not her real name), who is an old lady I befriended in 2022 when I was living here as my grandpa’s caretaker. She had a cat named Nyanko-sensei, who saw me reading in the next door park, and ran to my side for pets😍❤️
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Unfortunately, Nyanko-sensei passed away last year after a long battle with mouth cancer😢. I-san has been sad ever since because she raised him from when he was small enough to fit in her palm. He was her baby. When we reunited, she hugged me and cried and thanked me for the photos of Nyanko-sensei I sent her earlier in the year. I also saw her calendar, which had my name written on it😭❤️. How sweet.
I-san was busy cleaning her place, so I went to have lunch without her at the local restaurant, run by a former English teacher, his wife and mother-in-law. I first went here in 2019 and have frequented this place every time I come back. The English teacher always loves it when I visit because he loves to practice his English. His wife was my mum’s classmate in primary school. Small town and all that.
Anyway, I had the tonkatsu set. Soooo yummy!
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Afterwards, I visited I-san again. We had tea and ice cream together as I listened to her talk about Nyanko-sensei and life. She cried multiple times when talking about Nyanko-sensei, it broke my heart. Told me how she holds his urn every night and talks to him and cries😢💔
But she shared some good times about him too and we had a lot of laughs. Sometime soon, she’s going to let me wear her kimono that she wore for her coming of age, which was 64 years ago😱! I’ve never worn a kimono before, only yukata, so I’m very excited and honoured🥰❤️
For dinner, two of my mum’s friends came over…AND TWO DOGS, JILL AND TOM😍❤️❤️❤️
They’re both toy poodles. Jill is 9 years old. Tom is four months and they’ve only had him for three weeks. Jill, old lady that she is, cannot stand Tom’s puppy energy lol. But they were both absolute daaaarlings during dinner🥰❤️! For some reason, Jill really went to town on cherry tomatoes and shaved daikon lol. Granny likes her veggies!
Now, onto day 3, which is today!
For breakfast, I had potato chips lol. Afterwards, I went to 7/11 to print photos of Nyanko-sensei for I-san and stared longingly at Tasha as two high school boys rubbed her belly instead of me. Then I went to pick up I-san for lunch. She was all dressed up! Adorable. She said my messy bun would be perfect for when I wore the kimono lmao.
We had lunch at the same place I went on Day 2, since it's only a few minutes walk away and she goes there multiple times a week anyway. I gave her the photos and she was absolutely delighted. While we ate, she talked a lot of nature, and was joyful at the sight of the butterflies working hard to help the plants grow. She hopes her cucumbers will grow soon.
Afterwards, I went home because I had to work on uni stuff, blergh. I sprinted with my friends of the FAW Server who helped me get through it. Even when my American friends went to bed, I kept going. I called it a day when it reached 8pm. Btw, I started at like 12:30 lol which is pretty crazy even for me.
I did have dinner in between, though. My mum prepared me the leftover curry from Day 1 and also made some wonton soup. It was very yum. Then we chatted away until it was bedtime. It's been nice spending time with my mum like this, especially since our relationship has deteriorated as I've gotten older. I hope we have more times like this.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I'm going to meet a fandom friend in Tokyo. This'll be my second time meeting a fandom friend IRL, since @runetari was my first. Tari and I became friends in 2020 during my Sylvgrid era, and we finally got to meet in April this year. It was so, so fun. I hope I have just as a great time hanging out with my second fandom friend as I did with Tari.
That's all from me today. I hope you enjoyed reading my journal🥰❤️
With love,
Emi xoxo
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Content - age regression, Covid 19, light swearing, cuddles, ice lollies, angst turned fluff, Roald Dahl, dummy use, don’t like don’t read.
Summary - when you come down with Covid Loki takes care of you.
Authors note - my Covid test just came back positive and I needed something to comfort me, reblogs are greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy<3
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You stayed there for one day.
You stayed with your mum and brother for one day before heading home to Loki.
A day after they informed you that they tested positive.
When you woke up all that was really wrong with you was a bad cough but that was enough for Loki to make you take a test.
“Why do I have to I feel fine” you argued “mum said they were much worse than this so it’s probably nothing, it is winter ill bet money I’m just getting a cold.”
“I’d still feel better if you took a test my love, please for me?” He responded stroking hair out of your eyes.
How could you say no to him.
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
Two lines, there were two lines on your Covid test.
You thought you were just seeing things then the fluid got darker down the bottom, it usually took a minute for the colour to decrease.
But it never did, you were staring at a positive Covid test, it just had to be this week didn’t it?, it couldn’t have been a month ago when absolutely nothing was happening.
You had so much too do, you needed to drop off your overdue library books before the end of the week, you had to give your friends their Christmas gifts and you wanted to say goodbye to your best friend because she was going away on holiday for a month.
And now everything was ruined.
“It’s okay my love” loki soothed you as he held you against his chest his heartbeat calming you slightly.
“It’s not everything’s ruined” you deadpanned “it’s not, I’ll return your books and pass on your presents and you can face time with her, she’ll only be a phone call away” he reasoned placing a kiss to your temple.
“What if I miss Christmas?”you whispered looking up at him with swollen eyes from crying.
That was what it all boiled down to, you really didn’t want to miss Christmas.
Taking a deep breath in Loki softly smiled at you.
“If you have to miss Christmas, then we have our own Christmas just the two of us, that sounds nice doesn’t it, hot chocolate, presents, cuddles and a bit of telly?”
You smiled and yawned nuzzling into his neck.
“Sounds nice dada” you whispered allowing your comforting mindset to take over.
“Aww, is my little midgardian peeking through?” “Mmm” you mumbled “it looks like she’s very tiny tonight” he said chuckling when you nodded your head.
“Can I have an ice lollie please?” “Oh course you can my love but I might crush it up for you is that alright it might just go down easier” “okay”
Once he brought you the crushed raspberry flavoured ice he gently lifted spoonfuls of it into your mouth.
Once the bowl was empty he sat it aside and let himself rest beside you.
“I love you little one, we’re going to get you through this I promise” he whispered letting your head rest in the crook of his neck.
“I love you too daddy, could we watch something please?”
“Of course angel, what would you like to watch?” “Eastenders?” You asked hopefully looking up at him making him chuckle “not while your this little sweetheart, how about a Roald Dahl film?” He reasoned placing a kiss to your left cheek.
“Okay dada” you softly smiling to ill to argue over the telly “which one?” “Gangsta granny” you giggled looking towards the screen “alright darling”
Watching as the colours danced across the screen you felt Loki place your emerald green dummy in your mouth and stroke the hair away from your eyes.
You knew that you would be alright even if your plans went a little bit differently because you had him.
You had your daddy.
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Taglist - @bootlegmothman420 @littlephia @whippedforhongjoong @youngstarfishdinosaur @patchesofwork @buggyateabug @folklorefairie @friendlyneighborhoodkillerbunny @sparklybuck @2-gay-possums-in-a-trench-coat @hopelesswritergall @stuckysgirl27 @sleepyprinc3ss @chaotic-little-witch @looksthatkilledd @teddybearsgrr @fluffyblanketgecko
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