#grunge fic
jjmichie · 2 months
In Too Deep Chapter 6
Just some Friday Stone-smut for ya! NSFW - 18+ only. Finally updating my fic . . . enjoy!
Stone fumbled with the crinkled sheet of notebook paper where Molly had scrawled directions to her cabin.  Squinting at curvy hand-writing, while trying to shield his eyes from the glaring sun and glaring snow, he struggled not to lose control of the steering wheel. 
“Turn left after Bear Gap Tooth?  No, Bear Gap Trail . . .?” he tentatively read aloud.  
There. There it was.
A gorgeous cabin nestled in the pines and the snow, with gentle tufts of purple smoke rising from the chimney.  Cabin?  More like a luxury chalet, Stone thought to himself.  The early afternoon sun streaked through the trees, reflecting the beauty of the mountain scenery in floor to ceiling windows.  He checked the address on the paper once again.  All correct.  And, Molly’s jeep was there, shiny and white as the snow beneath it, parked to the side, as if to make room for his ugly station wagon.  This must be the right place. 
Was it?
Leaving the safety of his station wagon, he breathed in the chilly pine-scented air and felt the snow crunching beneath his feet as he walked to the door.  A solid redwood door with a deep rich stain welcomed him.  
As he was about to knock, the door opened.  His hand awkwardly pounded against thin air, as it fell away. 
“Hi Stone!”  She greeted him with her usual bewitching smirk. “You actually found it . . .”  
Her blue eyes met his, complemented by a long baby blue cashmere V-neck sweater. It snuggled against her hips, leading down to her shapely legs, which were clad in tight-fitting faded jeans with a hole in the knee, and finally . . . bare feet!  Bare feet with pale pink toe nail polish.  
“You look cold,” she informed him, and ushered him in, pulling him inside, into the warmth, away from the flurries that had come from nowhere to begin swirling around them. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I thought I looked hot.”   
“Ha ha!” 
He loved it when he could make her laugh.  She had the cutest laugh.  
“Do you want a drink?”  she asked, still smiling.
“Wow . . .” Stone was taking in the view.  The interior of the cabin was equally beautiful as the outside, much more modern than rustic, with stainless steel appliances, open floor, soaring ceilings and glass block accents.  But cedar lined walls and an enormous stone fireplace offset the modern austerity just enough to lend a cozy warmth.  Not to mention the stairway with a railing made of logs, leading to a loft overlooking the whole scene.  And across from the open kitchen, a huge wall of windows showcased a deck that spanned the entire length of the living room.  And beyond that, views of the snow-capped Cascades.  
God he loved Washington. 
“This is beautiful.”  he felt compelled to say, even though he was totally stating the obvious.  
“We like it.”  She handed him a lowball glass, with what he imagined was very expensive scotch swirling at the bottom. 
She smiled at him.  But didn’t answer. Instead she reached up and unraveled Stone’s damp scarf, which he had wrapped around and around his neck. 
“Can I take your coat too?” Still smirking at him, she hung up his coat and scarf, and returned to the kitchen. Stone watched as she began effortlessly preparing a cheese plate.  
“My family has a cabin near here too,” Stone told her, still admiring his surroundings. 
“Oh?” she looked pleased.  
“They ski.  I grew up skiing.  I’m not very good at it though.  Not as good as my dad.”  
“What??  And here I thought you were good at everything.”  She smiled and tossed some smoked gouda slices onto the platter. 
“Do you ski?” Stone asked, letting her comment slide by.  
“Not really,” she shrugged.  “Not much time for it.  We’re always in the city, just not able to get out to the mountains that much.”  She placed the platter on the granite counter between them.  Stone noticed she had somehow included fig jam and hazelnuts on the platter without him even noticing.
“Well, maybe now you and James will have time.”  Stone picked up a gooey wedge of brie and licked it off his finger slowly, making sure she noticed. 
“Maybe James and I will . . .” she leaned forward on the counter, watching his motions closely.  The v-neck of her sweater dipped slightly as she did, making Stone’s eyes flicker downward.  She opted for a chunk of chevre.  
Why did she have to be so hot?  He could smell her hair, the strawberry-scent of her bob that swung just above her shoulders when she moved, or walked, or made a cheese plate.  The aroma blended with the cedar wood, and the gentle smokiness of the fire that warmed the room. He wanted to lunge across the granite counter.  He wanted to melt into her eyes and her hair and her body and forget what she had just said.  But he couldn't.  He had been waiting for an opening to talk about James, and she had just given it to him.  
“So . . .” he began.  “Speaking of . . . James . . .” 
She didn’t flinch.  She continued to meet his gaze, waiting for him to continue. 
“Speaking of James,” he repeated, “when is he going to be joining you?” 
“Next week.” She grabbed another piece of cheese and took a gentle sip of scotch. 
Stone waited for any sign that she was going to elaborate.  There was none. 
“But . . . I mean . . . I don’t want any trouble.  What’s going to happen when . . .?”
“There’s some weed here, if you like.” She abruptly stood up straight and opened a drawer in the center island, revealing a baggie, paraphernalia, and several lighters. 
“Oh! Nice!  Didn’t know you smoked.”  
It was unsettling how easily Stone could be distracted. He grabbed one of the delicate glass bongs from the drawer, while his questions about James dissolved from his mind. He picked up the baggie and a lighter as well, and took them all over to the couch to settle in.  He wasted no time in packing the pipe, and taking a hit.  
“Want some?” he tried to ask her, while holding his breath.  
“Thanks,” she smiled, coming over to sit cross-legged on the couch with him. 
Stone let his breath out, letting the blue smoke twist around them, and handed Molly the pipe.  She took a long drag as well. 
“Mmmm,” she smiled as she breathed it out. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“I’m glad you invited me . . .” 
They both let the moment settle over them, the curling pungent smoke rising in the air, blending with the smoke from the fireplace, the sun filling the room with an angelic glow. The warm room contrasting with the distant icy mountains and the swaying pines outside the window.  Stone noticed for the first time that there was jazz music coming from somewhere, one of the few genres of music that he wasn’t all that well-versed in.  But at that moment he loved it.  It was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. He let his head rest on the back of the couch.
“Mother Love Bone is going to get SUPER famous, right?” Stone asked, his eyes beginning to feel bleary.  
“Yes.  Absolutely.”  Molly leaned her head back too and blew smoke high into the air.  
“I can’t wait.”  
“It will happen.  But for now, I think you should take another hit.” 
Never one to refuse, Stone giggled and took the bong again.  “Shit, this is strong!”  His head was starting to buzz and the sun was looking even more beautiful and the fire seemed to have a multi-colored halo around it, and he suddenly realized he wanted to eat the entire cheese plate.  
“Stand up,” she suddenly commanded, lifting her head, interrupting his reverie.   
Opening his eyes as best he could, Stone stood up, wobbling a little. “Okay. I’m up.”    
“Now . . . go in front of the fireplace.”  
“Yeah . . . did you notice that too?  The fire’s got like, this halo . . . do you want me to throw another log on?” 
“No . . .” Molly paused as she took another hit, and slowly blew it out. “I want . . . you to strip for me.” 
Stone froze.  He almost burst out laughing. 
“Uhhh . . . you want me to . . .what now?” he giggled. 
“You heard me.  Start with your sweater.”  
He looked at her.  Looked right into her eyes, which were wide and bright, despite the disorienting effects of the weed. She bit her lip and her nostrils flared just slightly.  She meant business.  He stopped giggling. 
He pulled at the bottom of the heavy wool sweater he was wearing, and pulled it over his head.  His hair crackled with static electricity as his scrunchy came loose, spilling his hair around his shoulders.  He still had a T-shirt on.  
“That next,” Molly said, looking at his T-shirt, not wasting any time.  
“Umm . . . okay,” he heard himself mumble.  He peeled off his t-shirt and let it fall to the ground.  A chill hit his bare chest and he shivered.  He crossed his arms and rubbed them with his hands, partly because of the cold, and partly because he suddenly felt shy.  And vulnerable.  
“Now, Stone,” she whispered.  “Please take off your belt and bring it to me.”  
He felt his heart starting to pound.  And his breathing was becoming heavy.  He slowly undid his belt and snaked it through the hoops of his jeans until it was free.  He looked at her, and at the belt in his hand, and walked towards her, extending his arm.  
“Thank you,” she snatched it and put it beside her on the couch.  “Now, your jeans.”  
He felt his cheeks flushing, the chill gone, as he slowly undid the button and zipper.  He looked up to meet her eyes.  She nodded at him.  She was slightly flushed too, he noticed.  He inched his jeans over his slender hips, and pushed them down, down past his knees, leaning forward to awkwardly pull them over his feet, hopping a few times to not lose his balance. 
“Good . . .” he heard her say as she took another hit.  Her eyes were roving over him, the way they had that day in his parents house.  
Standing there in only his boxers, he could feel his cock pushing against them, growing in anticipation of her touch.  
“Now what?” he finally asked, his voice barely audible. 
“Now I want you bare-naked.”  She motioned with her finger that his next instruction was to pull down his boxers, to take them off completely.  
He was totally hard now.  He knew she could see it through the delicate silk of his boxers, and that she was about to see everything.  He couldn’t hide the effect she had on him.  He took a deep breath.  He suddenly heard Andy’s words again – they seemed to be haunting him. I can’t let you do this! Why was he doing this?  Why was he taking a risk like this?  But then he looked at her, her beautiful body, her beautiful teasing smile, her bright eyes.  She wanted him.  She was asking him to strip for her.  How could he NOT do this?   
“Hey . . .” she said softly.  “I gave you an order.  Are you going to make me come over there?” 
Stone bit his lip, his cheeks red and his dick throbbing.  Slowly, slowly, he slid his long fingers around the elastic waistband, and started to lower it.  He looked down at himself as his pubic hair was exposed, and then his long shaft.  It was sticking straight out at her.  
He heard her breathe in sharply, and then saw her get up and come towards him out of the corner of his eye.  He was still looking down at himself, at his boxers clinging to his thighs. 
“Mmmm, is that for me?” she cooed. 
He swallowed hard, and closed his eyes, and nodded.  He felt his boxers sliding down his legs.  She had a hold of them and was pulling them down.  He stepped out of them when they reached his feet.  He felt her hands running up his legs, and then around to his ass, and finally up to his stomach, as she stood up.  But she didn’t touch his hardness.  Not yet. She left him dying for it. 
“Stone . . .” she whispered in his ear.  “Bend over.”  
He immediately did.  
And he felt the slap of the belt against his bare bottom.  
“Oww!” he cried in surprise.  
“You like that?” she asked.  
“Umm . . .” 
Another slap. 
“Yessss,” he hissed.  “Yes!”
Another slap.  Harder this time.  
“Good boy,” she began rubbing his ass gently, where she had hit him. “You’re nice and red. Now I want you to lie down.”  
He immediately got to the floor, and laid down on his back, looking up at her, his cock still standing straight up. 
She smiled at him, at it, and took off her own sweater, the blue cashmere sweater that had outlined her body so beautifully.  To Stone’s amazement and delight, she had nothing on underneath it.   The soft yarn had been playing against her tits this whole time. Stone couldn’t help but wonder how that felt. She squeezed her arms together slightly, giving him a delicious view of her bare chest, and then she undid her jeans as well, sliding them down over her hips and feet without any of the awkwardness Stone had encountered.  She never lost her grace or elegance.  No panties!  She had been completely nude under her sweater and jeans.
And then she was straddling him.  She took hold of his cock with one hand, and rubbed it against her wetness for only a few seconds before pushing it in deep.  Really deep.  
Stone couldn’t help but cry out.  She felt so fucking good.  
He opened his eyes and watched as she started riding him, the sunlight now creating a surreal halo around her, her eyes boring into his, her mouth open.  She leaned forward and took hold of both his wrists, pinning them to the wood floor beneath them, while she fucked him harder and harder.  
“Oh god,” she moaned. “Stone you are huge.  I knew I’d love your cock in me.”  
“Ahhhhhmmphfhh,” was all he could say. 
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tryskomys · 6 months
Wet Sand
Stone Gossard x OC
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꧁•⊹٭𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝚒 𝚍𝚘٭⊹•꧂
At the height of the popularity of hair metal, corny MTV videos and spandex, the grounded sound of smalltown gritty guitars starts bubbling to the surface of Seattle underground. Stone Gossard and Kiki Andrews, the four-armed riff beast of Mother Love Bone, find themselves in the eye of the storm as the whirlwind of rising popularity tests their limits.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫
notes: this is for all the down-bad 90’s band kids who don’t fit in (and don’t wanna fit in)
once again, the names of chapters reference a song either appearing in the story or just simply fitting the vibe. ♡
you can try to play along and see if you can spot them. it can be a little inside joke between us, reader.
caution: a lot of swearing, pining, possibly mildly lewd content, a whole lot of chirping from sarcastic little assholes that are hopelessly in love, minor injuries (the 90’s were the wild wild west), mentions of drugs and addiction. i will list any tws at the beginning of each chapter ♡
Chapter 1 - River
Chapter 2 - I’m On Fire
Chapter 3 - For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
Chapter 4 - Watermelon In Easter Hay
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grunge-fic-hub · 1 year
Hello grunge-fic community!  With the holidays approaching, now is a great time to show some love to the authors who have been working hard and sharing their stories this year!  Send them an Ask, drop them a Comment, tell them what you like about their work, your favorite line, your favorite character, whatever you want to say!  Compliments from readers is the best gift an author can get!  
Happy Grungy Holidays!!!!
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p-oisn · 3 months
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📼  How  Could  My  Day  Be  Bad  When  Im  With  You?
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saradika-graphics · 1 month
Hii, sorry to bother but would you be up to make some blood themed dividers?
I'm currently working on suite a dark fic and I was wondering if you could do that
Like always, no rush nor obligation. Everything is really up to you
Have a good day/night, and be safe
I can make some blood-themed ones! here you go! (and it's no bother at all, thanks for sending this in!!) 💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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fetushrrygf · 4 months
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ominousvibez · 4 months
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designs for my fic, cassiopeia, of the main squad!!
first time drawing damian, accidentally made him look like a youth minister but it's fineeee
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urhoneycombwitch · 2 months
you oughta know
90's grunge college au series, dirtbag!Eddie x artist!Reader
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welcome to Winnie Mayer College of Arts, green-lush campus folded into the heart of Washington state. comin' up on your junior year, and it's time to get serious about the daunting portfolio assignment for advanced arts. Eddie Munson, with all his black-leather bravado, has the potential to become your biggest muse or biggest mistake.
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
Spring Break: Intro
Summer: All I Really Want, Alanis Morissette coming soon!
Autumn: tbd!
Winter: tbd!
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amount-send-fight · 16 hours
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be-congress-hour · 4 days
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125 notes · View notes
tryskomys · 6 months
Wet Sand
Stone Gossard x OC
Chapter 1 - River
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꧁•⊹٭𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝚒 𝚍𝚘٭⊹•꧂
Summary: He was a punk, she did...punk. Can I make it any more obvious?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫
Notes: but tryskomys, I hear you say, you have two unfinished fanfictions and you’re just going to pull a non-existent sixth member of one of the most influential bands of all time out of your ass? and my answer is yes. i am about to do that. i hope that this can be read even if you're not aware/a fan of this type of music. maybe i can convert you, though? give it a try, it might win your heart over. i'd be honoured if it was through my story. (more notes at the end)
tw: swear words, flirting skills of a 9 year-old. cheesy meet-cute. like, rom-com style stinky cheese. hope you'll like it!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫
1987, December
It’s late.
Probably already dark outside, the basement didn’t have any windows so there was no way to tell. Not that it mattered anyway, winter seemed to feast on seasonal depression so it made the sun go down even before it could properly rise above the horizon of the Seattle skyline.
She was grasping at straws though, looking for any excuse to bail. Excuse for herself, that is. 
This was your idea, idiot. Sit and observe the local wildlife, you said. Serves you right.
She winced at her internal self-scolding as she looked around the room, scratching her forehead uncomfortably. It should be illegal to have this many people in one place. It just doesn’t seem right.
The human species has evolved from herd behaviour, but it seems like bars are a lingering relic of those times. Like a pocket universe where anything goes. A window to the past. Especially the mating calls. 
She allowed herself to break the edgy facade she cemented on her freckled face and grinned, hiding the smug expression by taking a swig of the stale beer that she’d been sipping for the last hour.
A couple of teenagers, definitely not old enough to be in a bar, just walked - stumbled by. Their tongues were so far up each other’s throats that they probably reached into their eye sockets, too. 
She managed to lift the lukewarm bottle of Budweiser just as they crashed into her table, minimalizing the spillage to a tiny puddle. They didn’t even seem to notice the collision, instead awkwardly taking a beeline to the restrooms. 
Bless their hearts.
She snorted and wiped the liquid with the hem of her blue sweatshirt before cuffing the sleeves. There were many more odd couples similarly lost in their little worlds, some of them more one-sided than others. Her eyes scanned the line of people standing in front of the counter, either waiting for their drinks or simply chatting. 
A surfer dude with a barely visible 5 o'clock shadow trying to woo a short brunette who seemed to be too drunk to realize he’s clumsily trying to slip a pill into her drink. Thankfully she seemed to be quite infatuated with his greasy blonde hair and wouldn’t look away no matter how hard he tried to bait her. In the end, her friend came up and dragged her away, leaving the guy to sit there like a lost kid.
All is fair in love and war my ass. Good riddance, prick.
The girl rubbed her eye and softly cursed when it stung. She forgot she had eyeliner on but it was already smudged, mixing with the purple circles under her eyes.
The bar was definitely going overboard with the heating, trying to make up for the coldness emanating from the brick walls, abused by the snowy breeze outside. The herd factor didn’t contribute to making the place more breathable either. 
She took another gulp of her beer, pulling a disgusted grimace as the stale liquid moved down her throat. Her gaze moved to another group of people at the bar.
Two girls, one very tall and the other trying to make up for her average height with big heels, talking to a fairly good-looking guy who just seemed to enjoy the attention.
There was no way she could hear them from this distance, but the body language was a clear giveaway that they were trying to one-up each other, one outfit more colourful than the other, showing all the peacock feathers that matter to a guy like that - pompous, in a tight shirt and permed hair teased as far as they could go. She even felt like she could smell his nauseating pine cologne.
Oh, a little bandana too. Cute. Crawled right out of a Mötley video.
She snorted again, wiping a drop of beer that ran down her chin as she moved to the next couple. One of the lone strings of artificial light was pointing there, making it seem a lot more dramatic than it needed to be. Like a Renaissance painting.
She was just about to study the scene but her eyes flickered next to them at the sound of a shot glass breaking against the floor. She rested her back against the hard wall, welcoming the stingy sensation of the cold stone. 
Ha, stone, what a grounding word.
Stone, stone.
My kingdom for a stone…
She sang a little melody in her head before frowning.
“What the fuck?” she whispered to scold herself again, wondering if there are any brain cells left in her brain, considering they seemed to be rapidly dying due to the lack of oxygen in the room. 
She realized she truly might not have much to work with at this point because she was starting to see colours that definitely weren’t there. 
Is that a fluffy pink scrunchie?
The pair consisted of what seemed to be another mating ritual, but this time, she couldn’t get a read on the situation. At all. She just couldn’t concentrate, all her senses were fixated on that one scrunchie wrapped around a high ponytail. 
She studied the flowing hair that cascaded around it. Long, a little wavy. Soft, considering they had an unnatural red tint near the ends, probably courtesy of a bad dye job. 
Too soft. Unfairly soft.
She blinked a few times and squinted, unable to make out the face they belonged to as he was facing the bar, his shoulders shaking with a laugh. Broad shoulders. Angular. 
She realized he was towering over most of the bar and wondered if he was really that tall or if it was just the phosphorescent scrunchie standing out like a black eye. She caught a glimpse of his hand as he moved his lanky arm to pat the blond girl next to him on the back, almost condescendingly. An unusual gesture for a mating ritual. 
The blondie, courtesy of peroxide, was pretty tall as well, but his huge hand seemed to take up a bizarre amount of length of her torso.
The sagacious watcher darted her eyes from knuckle to knuckle, trying to count them as if she were making sure he didn’t have any extras. No, they were just very long. And elegant. 
When she reached his fourth finger, graced with a simple silver ring, the hand disappeared into his back pocket, awkwardly sticking out as it didn’t really fit. She chewed on her lip to contain another smug grin. 
Good riddance. That’s what you get for wearing tight jeans, you beanpole. Might as well wear stockings next time.
She quickly turned her attention the room again when she realized she held her gaze on his ass for way too long to pass it as simply observing the locals. Her breath seemed to hitch in her throat, so she sipped a bit of her beer to ground herself in the murky depths of socialization. 
Hm. Grounding. My kingdom for a stone…
This time she visibly shook her head and a blush crept up her jawline, perplexed by the way her brain ridiculed her. And the image of the guy’s fingers burned behind her eyelids like a cruel brand. 
They would look great wrapped around the neck. Of a Les Paul. The neck of a Les Paul. Not a Strat, that one is not thick enough for them. Fuck.
She looked again, this time he was facing the tall blondie next to him so she could see the little peak of his face. She didn’t want to, though. The hand was enough. Somehow her head screamed at her to look away, to find a different object of attention, just not this stupid beanpole. She couldn’t help it. The overly dramatic lighting hit the angles of his face just too perfectly not to look.
His forehead was quite prominent. His nose too, true aquiline shape. And a sharp jawline, clenching from time to time when he chuckled at something the blondie said. 
Like a Roman statue.
She chewed on her lip again, this time a bit more harshly to silence her stained thoughts. She wasn’t sure about the rest of his face as the lighting only illuminated the most noticeable parts, but she could tell he had a very unusual kind of attraction.
Look anywhere else but his face. Or hair, or ass. Come on, there must be somewhere else.
She hyped herself up to leave his Roman nose alone and her eyes were already involuntarily falling back down his body, but this time she stopped at his torso. She sucked her teeth, trying to hide an amused smirk.
A white t-shirt, sleeves rolled up a bit. And a vest. Not just any vest. It was this grotesque mix of velvet, crochet and patchwork fabric, all sorts of different colours.
Really? With that scrunchie? Decadent.
She would’ve thought it was some sort of a bizarre Seattle trend if he wasn’t the only one wearing that. Somehow, it looked perfect on him, though. It hung from his slender shoulders like he was born with it, beaming under the sliver of light like one of those colourful kaleidoscopes kids buy in scammy souvenir shops. It must’ve been the way he was carrying himself.
He had this smug confidence around him, that was all she could make out. Otherwise, he was unreadable. Unlike the other guys around the bar, cool and unbothered. 
Like a stone wall.
This time, her brain didn’t sing a stupid tune. She was too fixated on the way his nose scrunched whenever he broke into a smirk, raising his eyebrows as the blondie tried to articulate something. She was clearly trying to play it cool but ended up being flustered instead. He seemed to bask in it, though. 
Figures that a beanpole with a scrunchie would be amused by some poor girl’s advances.
He does seem like he’s kinda into it, though. The way he bites his lip from time to time gives it away. And he’s definitely standing way too close to her.
She was so caught up in her crass analysis that she didn’t notice that the guy turned to face the room, leaned his palm against the wooden bar and scanned the crowd with a dissociated gaze. She thought she started seeing strange colours again when her vision blurred in a green haze. It took her a split second before she realized he was looking right at her. 
The green was his eyes. Huge, protruding eyes lined with the slightest hint of eyeliner. 
Her head snapped to the restroom door, trying to avert her attention to anything else but the fact that she had been caught gawking at a stranger across a bar. The sudden motion made her neck cramp, so she reached up and poked it as nonchalantly as possible.
Very subtle.
Her eyes started wandering away from the restroom sign and she tried to not repeat her mistake. But he just stuck out of the crowd, with that stupid scrunchie and that stupid nose. It was like waving a diamond ring in front of a magpie. 
Her hopeless gaze just ended up on him again. She was taken aback when she found that the glowing green didn’t move. 
This time, he was the one to dart away when their eyes met, rapidly turning his attention to the blondie. He did it a lot more gracefully than her, but she couldn’t help but grin when he clumsily rubbed his neck. 
She caught a glimpse of the tiniest crack in his composed facade before he brushed a stray hair away from his face and tucked it behind his ear. He leaned his elbow on the bar, coolness wrapping him around once again.
Strike one.
She could still see in her peripheral that he was looking around the room and she subconsciously followed his suit, like yawning when someone else does.
It didn’t take too long before their line of sight crossed again, this time they both knew better than to lock themselves in an unescapable staring contest and looked away before anyone could classify it as anything else but a coincidence. 
Strike two.
She catastrophically failed at containing the smile that appeared on her face, quickly taking a sip of her beer to hide it in case he happened to look at her again. 
The beer was getting warmer and warmer and that made the bitterness overwhelming, so the grin was exchanged for the typical nose scrunch grimace you do when you drink something that used to have bubbles in it. 
The momentary lapse in attention caused her to involuntarily shoot him another look, but he was already studying her face with a lopsided smirk dancing on his lips. His eyes stayed the same, but somehow she felt the smile changed his demeanour.
Strike three.
He seemed to soundlessly tut and slowly shook his head as if he was deeply disappointed that she was making faces while drinking alcohol like a child. 
Before she could stop herself, she mockingly repeated his grin and then stuck out her tongue at him. 
Like a child. 5th grade flirting, very mature.
He closed his eyes for a second to compose himself and then turned back to the blondie next to him, unsuccessfully trying to hide a toothy smile with a gulp of beer, just like she did minutes ago. 
If she could deck herself in the face, she would do it in a heartbeat. She would deck him as well for the tasteless taunt. She rolled her eyes at her own immaturity, but it was simply a knee-jerk reaction to his mischievous expression. 
Pavlov’s beanpole.
She didn’t see that grin on his face when he was talking to the blondie. She couldn’t decide if that was a particularly good thing. The suave factor was exchanged for playful sarcasm and she was wondering if it was insulting or not. 
Is he insinuating that I’m not worthy of his coolness like Miss Fast Times over there?
She automatically tried to smooth her messy hair down, putting a stray curl behind her ear. 
Pavlov’s beanpole.
The curl just bounced back, joining the unruly sea that lined her face. Not that his lack of interest would be a big surprise to her, considering the out-of-place look that she was sporting.
The mousy fawn colour of the mop of curls was contaminated by a similar grown-out red as his, the sectoral heterochromia tinted one of her otherwise brown eyes with a streak of blue.
The satanic-panic-defying t-shirt with a red dragon didn’t help much, either. How could she compete with a girl-next-door-all-American sweetheart when she’d look like a stray raccoon from The Shire next to her and Mr. Beanpole who’s a whole foot taller than her? 
Thank god no one’s heard me speak, they would stone me for foreign espionage or some shit. That’s it. One last peek and go home.
The scrunchie disappeared from her sight and so did the peroxide blond perm, leaving a gaping nothingness in the stream of warm light. 
Good for you, sweetheart. It’s not like you had to try or anything.
The watcher rolled her eyes at her bitterness and emptied the rest of the bottle in her throat, downing it like it was a shot. Another twitch of the nose, now accompanied by a stifled cough. 
See, that didn’t even hurt. The elders of Hackney would’ve been proud. Fucking lightweight.
That seemed to be enough for that night, so she rubbed her eyes again and tried to mentally prepare for squeezing through all those cheerful people. The bony fingers were still lurking behind her eyelids, now joined by a pair of cheeky olive eyes. 
When the vigorous rubbing stopped, she blinked a few times to make sure she did open her eyes, because the hands were still there. Right in front of her, leaning against the table, each fully wrapped around a dewy beer bottle. She looked up. The eyes were there, too, exactly as sly as before. Only even bigger up close.
Jesus Christ.
"Figured you’d want something you wouldn’t choke on. Seems like I came exactly at the right moment.”
His voice was a lot deeper than she would’ve expected, nasal and smug. The smug part was, on the other hand, just as she’d imagined. It was irresistibly annoying. 
Don’t be rude, don’t be rude, don’t…
“Did that line ever work out for you?” 
Oh well.
His smirk grew even wider, scrunching his nose just as she’d noticed before. Very irresistible. A chuckle rumbled somewhere deep inside his chest. It sent a jolt through her whole body, she was taken aback by the way her limbs jerked at his command.
Pavlov’s beanpole.
“I don’t know, that’s what I’m trying to find out,” he chirped, raising his eyebrows when she didn’t chuckle. Irresistibly punchable face. She felt like she was under a microscope, those saucer eyes inspecting her every move. 
His face was properly illuminated now that he leaned a bit closer, making all those angles even more prominent.
The nose looked softer somehow, almost elven, the scrunchie twinkled in all shades of pink. She noticed that he had two almost symmetrical freckles on each of his cheeks, as well as on both sides of his chin. A Roman statue sculpted with a protractor. He raised his eyebrows even higher, challenging her to respond. 
“Earth to Baby? Who put you in a corner?” he mused, waving his obscenely long fingers in front of her eyes. Measuring her entire face.
Pavlov’s…fingers? Quick, say something witty. 
“Budweiser tastes like piss.” 
Nailed it.
His laugh rang in her ears. She caught a glimpse of his teeth, observing the sharp tips of his canines. Even his teeth would cause a papercut.
“Different strokes, different folks,” he retorted, shrugging. She mirrored his movement.
“I’m not into golden showers, sorry,” she shook her head, putting on a pitiful pout. He let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head.
“In that case, I’ll be on my way, milady.”
He bowed and dramatically spun around as if he were leaving. She chuckled, a sound that made him spin back and lean against the table again, this time even closer, with another irresistibly annoying smirk. 
Jesus. Do you know the term 'personal space', mate?
She tried to convince herself that she minded by leaning back against the stone wall. It was like he could hear the wheels turning in her head, raising his eyebrows on cue with her inevitable train of thought. 
My kingdom for a…
Her eyes popped open. 
What the fuck is this fever dream? Can he hear me?
“Pardon?” she choked out. He narrowed his eyes at her.
“That’s my name.” 
“Oh. I wish I could help you with that,” she blurted out, regretting it immediately when his eyes lost all cheerfulness.
If there was an encyclopaedia of human expressions, that would be the picture next to the definition of 'puppy eyes'.
Before she could say anything, he raised his eyebrows again and broke into a wide grin, the suave coolness back in its tracks.
“Oh my god, your face. Don’t cry, Baby, not for me.” 
Fucking beanpole.
She rolled her eyes so hard she might’ve pulled a muscle, letting out a heavy huff when he giggled. His hair bounced off his shoulders as they shook, waving a strawberry shampoo scent in her direction. That was enough to make a wave of blood rush into her cheeks. 
Cool down, fast.
“What a gentleman. Can’t resist a beer from such sophisticated hands,” she shrugged, hiding the way her throat knotted with a soft cough. He just nodded, handing her the bottle.
His fingers seemed to be everywhere, and when they brushed against hers, she could swear her eyes went fuzzy for a split second. He seemed to notice the contact too, quickly offering his bottle for a clink.
“Cheers, Baby.”
“Chin-chin, beanpole.” 
He snorted at the nickname, taking a swig. She followed, welcoming the harsh bubbling sensation only a cold beverage can bring. He tapped his finger on the wooden table.
“Can I sit?” 
“It’s the Land of the Free, mate. Be my guest,” she nodded, raising her eyebrows when he cursed under his breath with a chuckle. 
“Don’t spoil me, I’ll blush,” he reached for an empty chair in the cubicle next to them and sat down opposite her.
He folded his arms, trying not to take up all space at the table. She didn’t feel any less overwhelmed though, as his eyes were still darting around her pale face, very occasionally blinking in a slow, deliberate pattern. 
“Thanks for the drink. Hope your lady doesn’t mind,” she narrowed her eyes, trying to look anywhere but his face. He raised his eyebrows for a second as if he didn’t know what she was talking about and then nodded.
“Oh! Oh yeah, I was waiting for my lady to sober up a bit but she got spooked when she didn’t see my face four times anymore,” he shrugged, not showing a single sign of defeat or self-pity. She knitted her eyebrows as she took a drink, tutting.
“I think it was the scrunchie, Stone,” she put extra weight on his name and he gave her the best pout he could conjure. 
“Baby doesn’t like my scrunchie?”
“I think it’s cute, goes with the granny vest. But you know how it goes, different strokes…” she nodded sympathetically, her heart skipping a beat when his lips parted in a big “O” and he opened his eyes even wider. 
How is that possible?
“You think I’m cute?”
“I said your scrunchie was cute. Big difference, Stone,” she emphasized his name again, making him shake his head in disappointment.
“That’s getting kind of old. You’re running out of ammo. That’s like waving a big red blanket in front of me, so watch out,” he threatened with his index finger. She raised her palms in defence. 
He scanned her arms, wondering how something so innocently small could make his cheeks inflame so harshly. He just started to imagine wrapping her hands in his when her voice tore him out of his thoughts. It was low and silent, velvety like a siren call. It undermined the whole 'innocent' thing.
“I surrender. I’ve just never met a person named Stone before. Might be a common name here, what the hell do I know.”
He managed to compose himself quite quickly, shooing dirty thoughts out of his head like unwanted pest.
“Let’s hear your name then, see how it stands the test of time. Kate? Audie? Marge?” he mused in a terrible English accent as he counted the names on his fingers. She mocked a laugh, shaking her head.
“Har har. Okay, Dick van Dyke, you struck me as a witty person. I’m disappointed.” 
“Aha! Adelaide! Maeve!”
“Do I look like your grandma? You’re the one who borrowed her vest!” she pointed at him, her voice changing pitch as she waved her arms around.
He smiled like the Cheshire cat, now being the one to raise his arms in surrender. She shook her head with a scoff.
“It’s Keeva.”
“See, told you.”
She reached up as if she was going to slap him, with a big grin plastered on her face. He flinched and raised his arms even higher, trying to contain the laughter that was rumbling in his throat.
“Your name is Kiwi and you’re…”
“…and you’re laughing about Stone? Baby, we’re in the same boat here,” he raised an eyebrow, clueless to the fact his Patrick Swayze routine impacted her more and more with every use.
Stop it, beanpole.
“Nobody calls me Keeva, though, thankfully. It’s Kiki. Easily disguised, unlike Stone, which sounds like a name from a Cheech and Chong movie, by the way,” she retorted, grinning in expectation as she noticed the single twitch in his eye that appeared before every snappy remark.
“Oh, ok. Kiki, as in the Kikimora, right? Kinda suits you, not gonna lie,” he smirked and she shook her head in disbelief at his blatant taunting. 
“Lies, lies. Don’t try to deflect, Stoner, you’re the one with the weird name here.” 
“It’s not just your name, though, I’ve heard things about you that you wouldn’t believe,” he shrugged, nonchalantly looking around the bar as she froze on the spot. 
What the hell…
He looked at her again and leaned forward, motioning her to come closer to him, too. His saucer eyes scanned her with intense sincerity. She frowned but inched closer. He nudged her head with his cheek so he’d be closer to her ear. His hair tickled her carmine face, his warm breath like gasoline on her already flaming ears. 
“I’m in your walls,” he breathed out, breaking into a wide pompous smirk when her eyes widened at his audacity. His aquiline nose brushed against her cheekbone as he sat back in his chair, clearly satisfied when she jerked her foot forward, kicking his shin with the tip of her worn-out Docs. 
Pavlov’s Stone.
“Ow! I just can’t get enough of that thing you do with your mouth when you’re pissed off, sorry,” he snorted, reaching under the table to rub the spot she’d just hit. As if the blush could get any worse.
“I’m fucking with you. It’s a small world out here. A friend of mine has a band who was told by another band that a band that practices in the Potatohead hired some hot-shot English munchkin as a session musician for their EP. And that she’s wreaking havoc and corrupting the youth of Seattle with good ol’ evil rock and roll,” he shrugged. “And the friend told my band and I told another band…you know how rumours spread like wildfire around starving artists.”
Oh. So the fingers do wrap around a Les Paul. Figures.
“You trying to tell me that I get jobs because of you? My knight in shining armour, pleasure to finally meet the man who puts crusty toasts with a smear of butter on my table each night,” she did a quick dramatic bow and couldn’t help but smile at the way his eyes twinkled when he realized that he didn’t mistake her for someone else.
He’d hoped it was her. He’d be disappointed if it wasn’t. 
“Anytime, Baby. If you behave, I might tell another band and you’ll get a slice of cheese on top.” 
Is the 'baby' still a part of the routine?
“Charitable. Well, there’s a surprisingly big market for session musicians here. It’s not the most fabulous thing in the world, but I get to play and get paid for it, that’s all I could ever ask for, really.” 
He looked so different when he was serious. Older. Stoic. Breathtaking. He nodded and Kiki knew Stone completely understood what she was talking about. It was in those damned eyes. 
“Is it fulfilling?”
“What job is? I mean, I work in a café four days a week. When I get to go to the studio, sometimes they give me sheet music, sometimes they tell me to just do whatever, I do my part and go home. Hardly fulfilling for a musician, but you know…”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Stone nodded, focusing his distant gaze on the table.
He reached up to his hair and pulled off the scrunchie, letting the red waves fall in his eyes before carefully tucking them behind his slightly pointy ears.
Her nose was hit with his scent again and she was glad his stare was fixated on the pink fabric he was trying to play Cat's cradle with under the table. He always got to the first loop and let it go again, the scrunchie was way too small for his hands. 
“Are you in a band?” he asked, and for the first time that evening, he seemed to be a bit awkward, vulnerable even. It was endearing, another irresistible notch on his belt.
“Do I look like I have any friends?” she chuckled, relieved when he mirrored her smile. The sudden seriousness was overwhelming. 
Can this guy do anything in moderation?
“Different strokes...but I’ve heard that you’re fucking great,” he let the compliment hang in the air for a few moments before striking her with another look.
Scrutinizing her. Pinning her to her seat again. She shook her head, hoping the short curls curtain at least a part of her red face. 
“Not really. If I was, I would be in a band. I mean, I’ve been here for about a month now, so that’s a pretty short time to find anyone, but still…” she sighed. “I’ve had no time to go and see any gigs yet. I wanted to check out Soundgarden tonight, I’ve heard they’re playing Off Ramp, but…” 
His eyes lit up so bright they swallowed her senses and made her lips part in surprise. She thought they couldn’t get any more mesmerizing. 
There’s that misbehaving beanpole again.
“No way, are you stalking me? I’m going there, too.”
“Did you get lost on the way? We’ve both been here for hours,” she chuckled and took a drink of the beer that was once again indigestible. She pulled another face and that earned a deep, breathy laugh from him. 
“I know a shortcut, Baby. We’ll get you a fresh bottle there, I can’t stand seeing your baby face in pain. Come on, chop-chop or we'll miss it! Jesus, when Chris sees you there, he’s gonna implode!”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫
i've never been too comfortable writing about real, actual people so if this is awkward, i'm really sorry, i'm working on it ♡ i try to take this as more of an 'inspired by real events' story, so we'll see what comes of it.
sincerest apologies to fellow Pearl Marmelade fans, my brain works in bizzare patterns. Please, don’t stone me. hehe. heh. get it? love you all!
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grunge-fic-hub · 2 years
Hi, I also noticed a fanfic called thesoundwriter here on tumblr, its a beautifully written fanfic about grunge bands sadly it has only seven chapters but absolutely amazing
Thanks for the tip Anon! I found the chapter list for The Sound and have added it to the list. This looks like a good one, with a fresh approach, and I had never noticed it before. I'm excited to read it!
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seem-art-national · 8 days
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