#had to force myself to stop redoing it over and over
daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
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A nightwing and his robins.
You do NOT have permission to repost my art.
Forgot to attach some WIPs.
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I also wanna personally thank Serg Acuna for helping me figure out Dick's anatomy and hair. I have been struggling so hard with drawing Dick and it finally feels like something clicked right in my brain this time.
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lilghostiequinni · 10 days
Just One More
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Olympic Figure skater!female oc(Iclyn;Lyn) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy, Established relationship
Summary: She's a gold medalist for the British Figure Skating team. They had been friends before they dated; they started dating when they were 16; many would say they're stupid for never breaking up, not when he started racing full-time, not when she went to college and made the Olympic team. Not when he moved to Monaco, where she followed, always flying back and forth; on off seasons, she traveled with him, and he made it to every competition he could. Not many know the intensity of their relationship at all.
Requested: NO / yes
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Icelyn had sat in front of Lando in the hotel room in Canada for his race this weekend. He was braiding her hair over and over again. Lando would start a braid then undo it only to redo it differently.
It was just a way to pass the time as they waited for something. Also, it gave Lando something to do with his hands that wasn't fiddling with something.
"Yeah, baby," Lando answered.
"Could I take you skating this winter? You make a video out of it," Lyn says as her eyes slip close a little from Lando running his fingers through her hair.
"You just want to see me embarrass myself," Lando says momentarily, stopping his movements and earning a whine from the woman in front of him.
"No, I just want to teach you, but I guess also that. You can handle g-force. Surely you can handle skates," Lyn says as she leans back, allowing Lando to wrap his arms around her shoulders, holding her against him.
"How about if you win another medal, I'll let you put me on skates," Lando says, kissing her temple after he does.
Lyn nods and cuddles closer to Lando, "Sleep."
Lando chuckles at her, "It's two in the afternoon."
"So?" She questions in return as she shifts to be able to get closer.
Lando chuckles and holds her closer still.
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There was a period of grace between her ability to get another medal, and in that time, Lando won more races and won the championship in 2025, hoping for the same results in 2026.
But his fiancee, Lyn, is currently face tracking it to another gold medal win for her and the British team.
"And the gold medal goes to... Iclyn Lumi!"
Lyn almost collapses before she makes her way to the 1st place podium on the ice.
She stands on the podium and gets her medal. The two in 2nd and 3rd place congratulate her on the win.
While she's won before, it never feels completely different. It's the same joy, just not the same as the first time.
What's one more medal in her collection? What makes this win all the better is the chance to finally make her fiance get on the ice.
Lyn smiled so widely that she could not stop the tears from running down her face as she got off the ice.
Lyn had been looking forward for over a year to get her fiance on the ice.
When she does, she can't help but ask to turn it into a video and now she's not the only one laughing at her fiance trying to skate.
"Next medal, it can be anything but skating," Lando tells her, because what's just one more going to do?
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A/N: Yeah, it's shorter, but it made sense
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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kelseytheballerina · 4 months
woa kelsey what happened
2pretty -> kelseytheballerina, as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now. I’ve been over the 2pretty name for a while now and just ready for something that feels more ‘me’.
my YouTube channel name will match this one now too, so angelkels -> kelseytheballerina
I want to get a refresh on this blog so I’m going to private everything while I go through it all and make them public again as I decide what I want to keep. This account has been feeling pretty stale to me for a minute. Like we can do better than this!
I’ve decided to close down my patreon as well. As much as I sincerely appreciate everyone who has supported me there (like wow that’s so kind of you all???), I just don’t use it often enough and I dont feel comfortable charging you lovely people for something I barely log in to. I really do prefer having all of my content here as a one stop shop where everyone can view and enjoy it as normal, no payment required :) Again, I am so grateful to all of you who flocked to the patreon and supported me but I think it’s just not what I’m into right now. Your generosity has meant a lot to me and I hope no one is upset by my decision. I'm still doing pen pals though ♡
I had 27 (yes, TWENTY-SEVEN) videos made and ready to go but I accidentally lost them ALL. Hours and hours worth of content…gone. Just like that. When I tell you that I was in a depressed rage for the past 2 weeks…it doesn’t even begin to cover it. Like who wants to redo all that work? My maternity leave for ballet is ending so I was taking the time to batch film and now it’s just like…that was a waste of time. I couldn’t even open my computer for a while bc I was so upset. You don't understand, I've never felt this defeated before omg. I finally mustered up the morale to re-record but I kept leaving out shots, forgetting things I wanted to say, it just wasn’t as good as the original and that was sooo upsetting. Anyway I can’t stay upset about it forever so I have to force myself to get over it and just start remaking them as best as I can. Just know that even though I’m moving forward, inside I am the physical manifestation of gritted teeth, white knuckles and veins popping out 🙃. Did I buy a new external hard drive? Yes ma’am I did, with a swiftness!!
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hazelfoureyes · 2 months
How are you so good at writing smut??? It legit makes my body warm all over and my brain fuzzy, you fucking smut wizard <3 do you have any tips on writing smut? Or just writing in general?
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Thank you for such a compliment! 💖🥹This is mildly embarrassing-- but I really am so horny?? I am not playing a character. lol I am a goblin. When I watch porn (for pleasure) I just take in the sounds and the sights, really just going full art reviewer on that shit for inspo even when I'm not trying to.
"Wow his cock got so big suddenly, is he going to cum? his head his massive...omg he sunk it right back into that guy after he came?? he's still going!? DICKS CAN DO THAT?" *takes mental notes*
"Her hips kept pulling away there before she orgasmed, overstimulated a bit maybe, love how he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back down" *jots down on my notes app*
"wow the way he said that-- jesus I just got dizzy I need to hear <whatever character> say that." *writes Luci saying that shit immediately* I am unqualified to give tips on anything, but I'll tell you what I tend to do! For smut; I just focus on sensations, I think. We can all see what sex looks like! Imagining the feeling of it, that's whats so fucking hot to me. Why is that man moaning? What is he feeling that is so good? What made her legs shake like that? Yeah his dick went into her pussy. Nice. But like---- was it warm? did his head get caught on the way in, popping past that unyielding flesh untrained to his size, just at her entrance? did the feeling of wet walls and a tight grip make him go weak for a second, mind blank?
For general writing; oh geez....I have a super visual brain, so I just try my best to describe what I'm seeing.
If it feels like I've forced someone to say or do something, then I back up and try again.
I wrote a part in A Doe in Fall part 4 that I had to redo; I had reader slap the detective when he suggested maybe she was hitting on him, a man coming to intervene making Brady get nervous and apologize before leaving all flustered.
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But I realized--- no, this reader is too smart. She would never make a scene like that, she wouldn't know what might happen. What if everyone watches her then sit with Alastor? What if people notice and somehow remember seeing him? What if they recognize him? I loved the scene but I had to remove it. She would never do that, even if I loved seeing it.
I try to just shut down a little and see what my brain throws out unfiltered. It's really mentally taxing. I'm either 100% focused or I can't do it. I proofread maybe 6 or 7 times, or more. I don't stop until I get through it at least once without edits, and if I find myself bored of reading it, then I walk away for a second. If I am too disinterested to read it again for proofreading or just feeling the flow of it, then why would anyone else want to?
Hazbin Smut Masterlist I spent way too long rereading before posting
I felt this like this wasn’t helpful at all 😭
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friendlybowlofsoup · 9 months
Another Update
Hello Friends,
I have a rather long (but optimistic!) update to share with you all today. As many of you are probably tired of reading these kind of posts, I have a TL;DR here, but I did want to share what has been on my mind in that past half-year that I haven't been here.
It has been rough, and busy as always, but I think I'm finally facing myself and my project for the first time in a very long time.
TL;DR (it's actually long, I have a lot to say (*_ _)人)
I soul-searched and decided to stop compromising on my own feelings with regards to this project. I gave in to everything I wanted to do.
Plot changes, which means some character changes, which means some of the demo is outdated.
GotRM will be switching over to Twine.
After my previous update, I hunkered down and really analyzed how I wanted to proceed with GotRM as a project. Because even prior to that post, I had already been going through long periods of hiatuses (which you are all aware of), and while I didn't lie about school taking up my time, I was also harboring a growing dissatisfaction with my own writing that really killed my progress for a long time.
So after everything had settled, I sat down and forced myself to peel apart my work. I know I said I would answer asks, but I uninstalled all of my social media and put aside this blog to focus. I made a note of all the things I liked and didn't like, and I made a list of things I wanted to change or improve on. The biggest point was that I also looked at my efficiency during actual writing sessions: how much of my time was spent writing vs. fighting with code? How could I change that?
And after a lot of deliberation, I figured there were a few things I had to change from the ground up, summed up in four points:
My working style was super incompatible with grad school. I can't spend 20-30 minutes scrolling up and down CSIDE checking code or looking for narratives while also jumping between chapters to make sure events line up. As this story grows, the more difficult it becomes to keep track of all the branches, so I needed an alternative working method, which I am adhering to now, and it prioritizes efficiency.
I hated the way I was tracking and coding stats in-game. I have griped so much about coding stats, and I have adhered to such a rigid style that I really felt trapped whenever I was confronted with balancing them out. So I'm throwing that to the wind and redoing how I utilize and convey them. Player-side, this decision doesn't change much since I never fully utilized stats in the demo anyway, and the stats page with indicators will still exist, but I'm getting rid of stat bars and how I treat stat checks.
The story I want to write now is different from the one I started out with. I've known for a while that GotRM was becoming far more than the tiny, wishful novella that I wrote as a teenager. I held onto that old story for a long time, but there's just so much I want to change that I realized I'd been clinging to a story I no longer enjoyed writing. So I spent the majority of the last few months rewriting GotRM from scratch. I redid some worldbuilding, I changed a lot of plot points, and I fixed a lot of characters' backstories accordingly. This meant scrapping stuff from even the demo, but that turned out to not be the biggest issue because:
I wanted to branch away from ChoiceScript. Honestly, I never really cared about getting officially published, but the camaraderie in the forums and on Tumblr were why I committed to CS and CoG. However, ultimately, I really want the functionality that other tools can offer GotRM, and so after a long internal debate, I will be switching over to Twine. Fortunately, since I was rewriting everything anyways, this has been relatively painless, and passage mapping has made everything so much neater. I am trying my best to make it up to chapter 2 before I release the new demo, so please look forwards to that!
And so yes, I am still here, chugging along.
I love this game and this story: it's been my creative escape for as long as I could remember, and you can imagine how frustrated I was when I realized I was starting to dread working on it.
I am forever learning more about myself and my writing style, and this is simply more of that journey. Thank you everyone for sticking around, for joining the discord, and for checking up on me--that I have all of you has truly been a dream.
Hopefully more updates to come soon! I understand that there may be questions about these new changes, so please ask away! I will (try) to release some asks that I've been working on in the drafts too, but I will wait until at least tomorrow to release them so that this post doesn't get drowned out immediately.
And as always, with a lot of love,
FriendlyBowlofSoup (Mei)
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blushweddinggowns · 9 months
Dustin Henderson was not, or would ever be, a cool guy. If anything he was a certified dork, but oh well. He knew that, and he had accepted it. It used to bother him a lot more, being aware that he would never be a part of the popular crowd. He was too weird, his interests too niche. Not to mention his condition. That had been a bitch to deal with, physically and socially.
But the thing was, despite his own uncool factor, he had the coolest older friends. Like, ever. There was Steve, who somehow managed to give him girl advice that worked, despite the fact he’d never been with one. Girl advice that definitely helped him land the best, prettiest, and smartest girlfriend in existence. 
And then there was Eddie, the coolest Dungeon Master to ever exist. Something that Dustin didn’t even feel guilty saying, not when Mike was his biggest fan. He was insanely creative. And he was also in a freaking metal band? And let him and all of his nerd friends come to one of his shows at the Hideout? He was also like, one of the most avid readers that Dustin had ever met, whether that be through fantasy or history books. And he knew like a shit ton about politics, even if it was only to have stuff to back up all of his anti-establishment ideals. He was so freaking smart, maybe not in like, science or math and all of the stuff Dustin was good at, but everything else? Genius, or at least in Dustin’s opinion. Maybe not necessarily his level of genius, but he was still up there. 
Which begged the question, why the hell did a guy like that have to redo his senior year? Especially since Steve had managed to graduate. 
Dustin loved Steve, he did. And in no way did he think that he was dumb. He was just smart in different ways, like having great instincts and kinetic skills. Well… he did do stupid shit but like, in a smart way? Maybe? Dustin wasn’t quite sure how to categorize his favorite weirdo. But one thing was for sure: if Steve could do it, why couldn’t Eddie? 
He doesn’t ask right away. He’d become a little bit more self-aware over the years, and he knew waltzing right up to him and asking, Hey, if you aren’t stupid then why can’t you finish highschool? was not a good idea. But he does wait for an opportunity. Because Dustin is Dustin and works in almost all accelerated classes, he actually managed to share two of them with Eddie. And it’s not until he forces Eddie to be his lab partner in Chemistry when he starts to get it.
It’s not that he’s stupid, he just literally can not pay attention. 
“Dude, come on!” Dustin groaned, head in his hands in front of his open textbook, “How are you not getting this?”
He could fucking hear the ghost voice of Steve in his head, bitching at him for his tone, but this was just to frustrating. And Eddie’s nonchalant attitude wasn’t helping things. 
Eddie shrugged, too busy spinning his keys on his finger instead of actually reading what was in front of him, "Told you you didn't want me as a partner."
Dustin could feel his eye twitch and if Steve wasn’t in the other room, he probably would be yelling in frustration at this point. But the last thing he needed was to end up under Steve’s armpit for a well-deserved noogie. 
“I just don’t get what the problem is!” Dustin groaned, “Like I know you’re not stupid, so why are you acting like it?”
Eddie glared at him, feet propped up on the table, “Rude.”
“Well it’s true!” Dustin hissed, “Seriously dude, what the hell is the problem?”
Eddie sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, “It’s not that I can’t understand. I just… can’t make myself care.”
That was weird. Dustin cocked his head at him, confused, “What does that mean?”
“Like…” Eddie tried, struggling for the words, “It doesn’t grab me? I don’t know, but I can read a paragraph and have none of it stick, no matter how many times I go over it. And you’re right. I’m not stupid, But if I’m not interested it’s like… my brain stops working. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
That… actually made more sense than Dustin had been expecting. He was pretty damn sure he could work with that, “So we just need to find a way to make it interesting to you right?”
Eddie raised a brow at him, “I guess?”
Yeah, he could definitely work with that. He sent Eddie to the other room, to do God knows what with Steve before getting to work. It was kind of a big project to randomly take on during the middle of a Sunday, but he managed. He might not have been as good an artist as Will, but he could at least add a decorative flair to it. 
Three hours later and two check-ins from Steve and he was done. He nearly skipped to the living room, too excited to even roll his eyes at the way both of them were shamelessly tangled on the couch together.
He skidded to a stop in front of them, proudly displaying his newly titled notebook, “Tada! The world’s first Dungeons and Dragons themed study guide!”
Was that a nerdy thing to say? Maybe, but Dustin didn’t care. He was proud of this one.
Eddie sat up, wide-eyed as he plucked it from Dustin’s hands while he explained what was inside, “So I set it up with a guide to translate real world chemicals to potions in the game right? And then the formulas are written here but the problems are all worded like you’re trying to do alchemy in the game. And here….”
He explained the whole thing, his smile growing as Eddie got more and more excited. Steve looked… happy for them? Even if he was slightly judging, just a little bit. But there were some things that jocks would just never understand. 
Besides, it did work. And it worked pretty damn well in Dustin’s opinion. He was the only one that Eddie even let try to tutor him, because he was the only one who actually understood his problem, despite how clearly Eddie was able to put it. 
It definitely made him feel special, because he was special. Eddie even said so, beyond grateful that he found himself able to pay attention to his hard subjects for the first time in… ever. It was the least he could do. Especially since he was dealing with what was probably the only school year in his life to have zero bullies. And he knew it wasn’t because everyone in highschool was magically more mature. He’d walked in on an insane amount of swirlies and heard too many insults hurled at other kids to think otherwise. But luckily enough for him, people just… stayed clear of Eddie. Like he was actually scary or something. And… okay. Maybe he was a little. But only when he was like, insanely angry. Like rabid-dog angry, but that wasn’t an everyday thing. Though that didn’t stop everyone else from avoiding Eddie and most of his friends like the plague. 
But Dustin was lucky enough to fit in a little better, which was good for all of the extracurricular shit he had to do with random people. It helped that he was friends with Lucas, who was bordering on the edge of just being completely normal, the traitor. And getting rides to-and-from school from Steve himself was also a major plus. It wasn’t like the equivalent to having a car, but it was close enough. And a surprising amount of girls were silly enough to think they could have a chance with him. Which was kind of insane, considering how he really never tried. 
Dustin considered the world lucky that Steve turned out to be gay. Otherwise he’d be too powerful. How would anyone else have a chance?
And weirdly enough, the random crushes actually worked in Dustin’s favor. At least when it came to random project partners and tiny club elections, but still. It was nice to have friends that were so cool. Cool enough to make Dustin not feel like a weirdo among his other peers for the first time in his life, while not having to change a single thing about himself. 
It was nice. Really, really nice. So yes, Dustin Henderson was a dork. But now he was a dork with an edge. 
from the latest chapter of this fic
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justabro-kenbitch · 2 years
Talk about Babies
꒰ ა ♡ ໒ ꒱
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: Thomas Shelby
𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫: Cillian Murphy
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐕: Peaky Blinders (2013 - 2022)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: + 18, a little bit Of plot, explicit sexual content, oral (F), fingering, unprotected sex (use condoms), a little pregnancy kink, Thight riding, age gap.
(I hope I have said everything) ଘ (੭ˊᵕˋ) ੭
Sorry for My bad english but isnt My First Language ♡
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2490
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: F! Reader, black hair, shoulder length and green eyes, her name is Alice
꒰ ა ♡ ໒ ꒱
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"Pol good morning" I say looking at the older woman entering the kitchen "Good morning Alice" I feel her gaze on me and for a moment I look away from the apple I'm eating "difficult night?" She asks, pointing at her hair and neck, I look at the reflection of the plate, discovering I'm a total disaster, damn Tommy and his morning fucks ... "more or less I would say" I narrow my eyes feeling my cheeks redden and betray me "not c 'it's not bad you are young and a baby on the way would not be too bad "I stop chewing on the words of the Brunette" ahaha nice ... nice joke ... I was about to choke on tea "she puts a hand on my shoulder "soon you will have a baby I can feel it in my stomach" she continues giving me a wink "let's hope it's just a little reflux".
I go back to Tommy's and my room to change my clothes and be presentable for the day, put on a blue dress and the classic band hair.
Did my morning go on with Aunt Polly's argument whirling in my mind, a son me? Hopefully it won't happen soon, I want to drink, smoke and beat ugly faces for a while longer.
"Alice, Tommy in the office wants you something about the betting accounts that don't come back" Jhon's voice makes me jump with fright, I nod stiffly and the brunette looks at me confused "all right?" She asks with a worried frown on her face "huh? Yes ... yes sure, I'm going to Thomas" while my mind doesn't stop thinking about the hypothetical child of mine and Thomas another question arises obvious to me ... but Tommy would like some children...?
I slap myself on the forehead forcing myself to stop thinking about this topic and soon I find myself knocking on his office door "come in" I open the wooden door and find a Tommy who goes over the accounts without too many results apparently "what a problem is there love? " I ask putting myself at his side "I can't understand where the mistake is" at his words I take the sheet and sit on his legs redoing the calculations in another sheet "the bill is right there is only the difference of a pound and something, it is for the informant in London "he takes the paper double-checking it, then sighs and runs a hand over his face" you're right love "I smile happily and he takes my face between his fingers giving me a sweet kiss on the lips" a little too many thoughts on your mind? " I ask stroking his freckled face "yes well we settled with the Lees and Ada had a baby ... but Kimber is there with the gun pointed at our temple" he continues squeezing a little on the grip on my hips and placing his face on the curve of the my neck "even our gun is pointed at their head there is only a moment of stalemate" continuous, he takes my hands and turns me in the chair to be face to face "how lucky am I to have you?" He runs his hands over my waist and I smile knowing where he wants to go "no fucking at work Thomas Shelby ..." I give him one last kiss "plus I have work to do you know" he looks at me with those eyes of his of ice too beautiful to be ignored "okay but only because I have an important meeting and I can't be late but when I get back I promise we'll be together ..." he kisses me on the shoulder and then lets me get up and follow me to the front door where Polly he is still smoking his cigarette and looks at us with an amused frown "what's up?" Tommy asks in my ear "I don't think I want to talk about it now" he nods "don't hit too many people and come back soon" I say letting him go while I try to do the same and escape from under the searching gaze of the older woman. For the rest of the day I tidied up the logs, drank Whiskey, took a walk that ended with a kick in the balls of a drunk dude who wanted to take me to bed, then drank whiskey and smoked another cigarette ... one almost boring day.
In the evening we all go to the classic card game bar in the place reserved for the Shelby family, strong smell of cigarettes and whiskey soon floods the small room, Thomas, me, Arthur and John play quietly until Thomas's hand rests suspiciously on it my thigh starting to caress and squeeze it expert in movements, I look at him questioningly.
His hand certainly does not stop there continues to rise up to my intimacy covered by the fabric of the dress and underwear.
Jhon and Arthur are certainly too drunk and distant to notice the movements of his brother, but Thomas on the other hand has that impassive face of his that certainly would not have betrayed him, while he continued to play as if nothing was looking for the contact with my intimacy that it will make me jump all of a sudden, on the other hand I can't really think straight.
I keep on making mistakes and my intimacy becomes more and more wet and needy even with such a light contact with his hand.
"Alice, are you okay, have you ever played so badly?" Arthur asks obviously taking the piss out of me "I-I think I drank too much" I show off my bad acting skills by pretending to have a headache, placing a hand on it.
"I'll take you home" Tommy intervenes making me sigh with relief "tomorrow you will feel better ... so playing is not fun" I smile at Jhon one last time and then leave the bar with my husband "you are impossible" I point my finger walking quickly "It's not true I just wanted to keep my promise and be alone tonight" you could just tell me we will have found an excuse to go away "I continue and he shrugs, grinning" but I wouldn't have enjoyed it ... ".
Once home, Thomas wastes no time, we go to the room without too many ceremonies.
He sticks his lips to mine, closing the door with his foot, takes off his jacket and vest, remaining with the white shirt and pants.
I bite my lip and as his lips find my neck my hands begin to unbutton his shirt deftly, leaving his chest exposed and his tattoos in sight "why don't you show me how beautiful you are love" he says sitting on the bed lighting up a cigarette.
He begins to undo the buttons of the dress, letting the blue fabric outline my ankles.
Tommy licks his lips looking at me from head to toe with a dark, glassy gaze of lust, releasing the thick smoke from his full lips.
I approach her figure, straddling her legs ... with an expert move she removes my bra leaving my small firm breasts exposed to the fresh air of the room, the nipples stiffen at the change of temperature, and Tommy takes one of them his teeth while the other runs it through his fingers making me mutter with pleasure.
The free hand passes around the garter belt making the fabric snap against my skin making me grumble between my teeth, he passes me the cigarette that I accept exhaling a little nicotine that immediately relaxes my muscles "you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen "He whispers against my skin giving sweet kisses on the hill of the breast.
Our bowls rejoin letting his hands caress my legs until they finally undo the garters.
I put out and throw the finished cigarette, concentrating completely on his moves.
The pressure of her hard cock against my intimacy just makes me wet more "so needing me ... only I can give you what you love so much, right baby? "I put on her thigh letting my hands on my hips support me, starting to rub my wet pussy against her thigh getting some contact" yes only you "I say moaning in his ear, finally some friction and relief, but before I even realize it I find my back against the soft mattress Thomas's hands gently pulling off my stockings and panties, then grabbing my thighs and holding them wide open, leaving my pussy wet and needy to its full sight and mercy. "So wet just from rubbing on my thigh darling ... I'll make you cum so many times you won't be able to count them" as she talks her warm breath runs into my wet intimacy giving me shivers down my spine "Tommy please" I say exasperated by his games that drive me crazy "please what? baby ... I want words "I sigh heavily" lick me "biting the inside of her thigh I feel her satisfied smile against it before rushing to my intimacy licking it in its entirety and then giving special attention to her clitoris.
My hands reach her hair, taking them and pushing her head even further towards me, one hand reaches out and squeezes my breasts while the other works on my wet entrance together with her mouth that sucks the clitoris relentlessly.
Moans come loudly out of my mouth, really hoping that no one is awake at home now or they will hear my prayers to Thomas all night.
The familiar feeling burns in my lower abdomen making me squirm in bed "I'll come Tommy" he just increases the movement of his fingers "come love come for me" without me repeating my walls pulsate around his beautiful fingers, and my orgasm bursts inside of me leaving me breathless and my legs shaking around his head.
"You taste so sweet little" scales my figure not before having cleaned me well, I mumble something when his lips take possession of mine letting me enjoy my own sweet taste still present on his tongue.
My hands slide and caress his body, paying more attention to scars and tattoos, my hand lingers down undoing his pants with skill.
My hand running over his erect and throbbing cock, stroking it sometimes focusing more on the red tip and full balls, he lets out a sigh of pleasure in my ear but his hand takes mine and holds it together with his, attaching me to the read over my head "I just want to cum inside you tonight love" her eyes meet mine both clouded.
He takes off his pants, never ceasing to look at me, and throws them somewhere in the room with his shirt, comes back on top of me taking his hands back into his to cage me tightly against the bed, I surround his waist with my legs and Thomas it lines up with my entrance before giving a vigorous push that makes them both moan loudly, my short nails gliding over Thomas's back as he thrusts into me relentlessly, hammering my soft walls. A push stronger than the others makes me start and emit a more acute moan than the others "found" sighs continuing to beat at that point "fuck fuck ... FUCK" I grab his buttock for the thrill that begins to present itself in my lower abdomen
"THOMAS" puts his hand on my mouth "I love when you scream ... but if you continue like this they'll think I'm killing you honey" my eyes roll back and without warning I come, hugging me, he grunts knowing he can't last anymore Very.
With a graceful move he turns me over with my butt up and my face on the pillow, a firm slap lands on my ass making me moan against the soft fabric.
"You can't wait to be full of my cum, true love?" I nod stupidly unable to even think about the consequences, Tommy slips back inside me making me wince from too much stimulation "this pussy always fucking tight around my cock" his hands take my hips tightening them and accompanying them to his ever stronger thrusts and even if I change position his cock soon finds the point that makes me scream in ecstasy against the pillows “will you come with me? “He says reaching into my ear letting his hands slide over my soft little breasts.
Now unable to compose any meaningful sentence, I just nod, hardly noticing his hand that goes down, caressing my soft and warm skin, until I find the real object of his interest to drive me crazy.
His ita flow over my reddened and tired pussy, rolling around my clitoris swollen with excitement and hypersensitive from previous orgasms.
At the touch my body trembles and again that familiar feeling makes space inside me, Thomas gives a few slaps to my ass without really hurting me, but the irregularity of his thrusts makes me realize that he too is really close to his. release. A few more well placed thrusts and he and I both moan louder than the other times, I feel his warm cum warm my trembling lower belly, and his sighs caressing the skin of my neck like butterfly kisses on my hot skin.
After a few moments he comes out of me leaving me with an almost annoying sense of emptiness now, he stretches out on my hips and takes me in his protective arms, letting my head rest comfortably on his panting and welcoming chest "I'm lucky to have you" he whispers leaving several kisses in my disheveled hair "I too am lucky to have you" I continue feeling more and more sleep taking over my tired body.
But first a thought flashes through my head, a thought that has been haunting me all day "Tommy?" I ask looking up at him "tell me" he caresses my hips gently "would you like a baby?" I keep waiting for an answer that does not take long to arrive "of course I would like them ... it would be nice to see you pregnant ... and moreover I have never really seen as a father but with you I know I could become one "I nod" Aunt Polly said to me this morning, soon you will have a baby I feel it ... and I thought we had never really talked about it, and well I was anxious because I don't really think that mother is my best role "her hand rests on my belly" you'll be fine when it does, and then there's Pol she's very good with children "I sigh in relief and kisses my hair as I go back to dozing quiet on his chest.
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
One year later
I walk around with the dress in one hand, trying to find my panties somewhere in the living room -and constantly thinking that now I'll have to redo my makeup because somebody thought it'd be a good idea to have some fun before the wedding.
—Here! —Jungkook celebrates, raising my white panties and waving them in the air.
I sigh in relief, snatching the fabric away from his fingers as if he had just found my most precious thing. I run to the bathroom, closing myself in there, just to hear his voice from the other side.
—Why did you make that big fuss over those panties?
—I bought these especially for this dress —I say, while I start getting ready.
White is a good color to wear with any dress, thin fabric... It probably took me longer to find a proper underwear I'd be happy wearing than the dress itself. Yeah, I couldn't picture myself wearing one of my colorful cotton panties under it either. Finding those panties, after that quickie, was more a matter of pride and logic -after spending forty dollars on a whole set, just to wear the lower part of it.
—I can't believe you closed the door —he complains, and it's almost immediate the way I picture his pouty face as he says that.
—I know you too well —I finally open the door, when I'm done with my make up—. Help me with the dress —I turn on my feet, my exposed back facing him.
Jungkook traces my spine with the reverse of his finger, making my whole body squirm and forcing me to call him out -and me indirectly.
—We'll be late —I try to sound serious, but I end up giggling when I feel his lips on my neck—. And your parents will kill us if we don't make it on time.
Jungkook finally gives in, giving one final kiss on my shoulder to go and get the keys of his car. I still remember how much he insisted on not buying it three months ago. And thank god he finally gave in and decided to buy it, so he'd stop sharing the same car with Soo and Mark.
When we get there, I'm relieved to see we made it on time. A lot of people are waiting in the hall of the venue, I can even spot Tammy with her plus one -a man I haven't seen in my life, but I've probably heard of.
I feel him holding my hand, intertwining our fingers in a tight grip as we head inside completely. It doesn't take us too long to head where our group of friends are, as soon as we spot them. I know Jungkook can be easygoing in general, but he tends to have a bad time when he's surrounded by a lot of people he doesn't know. While I grew to get more used to it because of my job, and the several parties and events I had to attend to get to know extravagant artists, and even more extravagant customers.
—We really thought you wouldn't make it —Hobi mentions when we finally stand in front of them.
—We were just five minutes late —Jungkook replies, trying to minimize the fact that we could've missed the ceremony because we were too busy fucking.
—I expected it from Jaykay, but you Y/n, you're supposed to be the responsible one —Namjoon points it out to me.
—That's what I told him —I try to defend myself—. But he's stubborn as fuck.
—Wait, why is everyone attacking me now? —he looks at all of us.
I pinch his cheek when the rest of us just laugh it off. The conversation switches from us to the wedding almost right after. Soo and Mark were so excited for this party, and it's obvious they've put their hearts and efforts into it by the way everything has been treated with such delicacy and dedication.
During the ceremony, I catch Jungkook looking at his sister and Mark with a tiny smile and bright eyes. The same eyes that look down at me whenever he feels I'm looking at him, leading that lovely look with a kiss on my temple and a tight grip on my hand. And that same excitement only seems to grow bigger when both Soo and Mark read their vows. My eyes travel from the sweet couple to Jungkook, finding him trying to hold back his tears as much as he's able to. I pull him closer to me, making him bend over so I can hug him as he finally gives in and lets the teardrops run.
In this whole year of dating -especially after moving in together-, I found out his real nature. Not that I didn't know it before, but I got to know it in a deeper way. The more times I spent with him, the more contrast I found between his facade and his real self. And I'm in love with every tiny bit of him and that cute man that gets excited with the intro of his favorite show. With this man that simply loves life and enjoys the smallest things.
During the reception, we part ways several times. He stays at the table, although he sporadically joins us on the dance floor -either because I insist, he feels the song or his mom invites him for a dance.
It's probably around the sixth song I'm dancing to in a row with Tammy that I'm aware of how tired I am, and how bad I actually need a drink.
I support my body on my elbows resting on the counter, while I wait for the bartender to hand me the Mojito I asked for. My plan of sitting next to Jungkook for a few minutes gets interrupted by a male voice on my left. And I'm surprised to see that it's actually Seokwoo, greeting me with a wide smile before he asks for a drink as well.
—I didn't know you'd come —I say first.
—I couldn't miss Soo's big day —he answers, pointing at his cousin.
We chat for a few minutes. We ask each other how life has been going, since we haven't seen each other since that birthday party in Seneca, which he actually brings up at some point.
—I would've never thought you were dating Jungkook when we went on that trip —he casually mentions—. Although it makes sense, because you were hiding.
—Huh? —I frown— What do you mean?
—On that trip to Seneca, I asked Jungkook if you were dating someone. And he told me you two were dating, but nobody knew yet.
—He told you that? —I raise my eyebrow.
That little shit.
—Yeah, it's good to see you aren't hiding anymore —I nod, raising my glass to his statement.
Seokwoo chats with me a bit more, until he finally decides to go back to his girlfriend. And I do the same, stopping mid way because Jungkook is already walking in my direction with a twisted lip -because he's probably biting the inside of his cheek-, one hand in his pocket while the other takes the glass and puts it back on the counter so he can hold my hand.
Once we are on the dance floor again, both of his hands hold me by my waist to keep me close to his body, while my arms wrap around his neck, dancing to the ballad that the DJ is playing now.
—What did Seokwoo want?
—We were just chatting —I shrug—. It was good having a conversation with him without running away.
—Oh really? —he lifts both of his eyebrows.
—Really —I nod—. He told me he moved from Korea to Chicago and found a job quite fast —I start summing up what we talked about—. Oh, and I also learned we were dating back in the Seneca trip.
When I mention that, his rough expression slowly evolves to one of a little kid that has just been caught red handed, pressing his lips together as he tries to think of the next answer.
—Mind you explain how I was in a relationship without knowing?
—It was the morning after —he starts—. He started asking about you, and I don't know why I said you were my girlfriend.
I play with his hair, nodding to his explanation.
—You were jealous —I sing.
—I wasn't —he scoffs—. It just pissed me off how he had the audacity of trying to hook up with you when we were celebrating Mel's birthday. It's... —he stops when his eyes land on me, and he knows I'm not buying a single word he says— Okay, I was jealous —he finally accepts—. But I wasn't far fetched, look where we are now.
—Are you trying to say you predicted it?
—Hmm —Jungkook nods—. And if I were you, I'd be ready. Because I'm thinking of starting to tell everyone you're my wife.
I giggle at his comment, hiding my face on his neck as we keep dancing in tune with the song that's playing. And finding myself too into the idea of that possible future.
The rest of the party goes on with the same vibe. Jokes, laughs, lovey looks that slowly evolve into tired and sleepy gazes -begging for the party to end so we can go back home.
When we finally leave and get back home, we rush to change into some comfy clothes so we can lie on the couch. Appreciating and enjoying the fact that we are back home.
Jungkook leaves our room first, or at least I make sure of that so I can get his birthday gift out of my drawer and walk to him with them behind my back. He looks at me suspiciously, but he's either too tired or knows I'll show him what's up eventually.
A naughty smile draws on his face when I straddle him without saying a word -just wearing some shorts and one of his oversized t-shirts.
—I know your birthday is in a week, but I'm awful at hiding surprises.
I move my hands up in the air, showing him the plane tickets for Seoul. His eyes widen when he starts reading the flight information, and looks at me unbelieving of what I've done.
—Babe, you didn't have to do it —he hugs me tight—. I bet it was fucking expensive.
I peck his lips, smiling in his mouth. I'm just happy to see he liked my surprise.
—You've kept saying you wanted to go —I shrug—. So when Jin cleared one week in October from schedules, so I could have some off time, I booked the flight and the hotel.
—I seriously don't deserve you —he hugs me tight—. You have no idea how bad I love you, cocktease.
—I love you, too.
If a year ago someone had told me I'd be madly in love with the same person I made a deal with to end up giving him all of my first times, I would've thought that person was tripping. Where in the world would anything between us work? But I'm glad everything turned out this way, I'm glad I managed to meet such a beautiful person and be allowed to share these moments with him.
I'm glad that, just like those tattoos he made, he got under my skin so deep I won't be able -nor I want to- get rid of him and everything I feel.
Thank you all so much for all the support and love you've given to this work. I will forever be grateful for all the asks, comments and likes it's received (because it's genuinely been crazy, and I didn't think it'd get the amount of love and attention it got).
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bosskie · 3 months
Molluck in Leather
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Man, I don't know how long I have been thinking about drawing Molluck in leather but it's probably been over a year... And I just had to draw it now. I started this at night and ruined my sleep rhythm, again... Just had to force myself stop drawing and I finished this later today. It was that leather jacket that took me so many hours... I have no idea how to draw leather, so it was like 'trial and error' like stuff... I wish to draw a proper version of this in colour, so this was a practice sketch thing. I got new colour pencils now since I didn't have proper ones for black paper. I haven't tested them yet but I got plenty of drawing ideas inside my head.
I do call pretty much everything a sketch that ain't rendered in a detailed and 'proper' way. A sketch can take me 5 hours but if I did a full piece out of it, it could take 10-20 hours more, so it probably makes sense why it's a sketch for me. Man, I used to do so detailed line art, shade with doing those little dots, do patterns... I kinda just couldn't stand my line art without much details, though it's still like that... I could give that style a try with fineliners. I wish that I had more time to draw since I kinda don't have time to draw but I wanna draw so badly and it makes me feel better. I basically started to draw this to calm down, gather my thoughts; drawing helps me to clear my mind.
But yes, I have just been thinking that black leather would suit Molluck. I'm not sure about his necklace but I wanted to try it out. I also thought that he could have his chest visible since he got nothing to hide there! I know that there are some flaws still but I tried my best. It felt like I l still earned new thing about Molluck's shapes while drawing this... His head is full of fine details! His expression is pretty random, didn't feel like redoing it. Oh, and now thinking this more, a leather jacket could make sense since maybe there could be some use for the skins of the animals/creatures butchered at his farm.
I don't know if there is more to say. I have been just having so many doubts related to myself and my stuff... I kinda also started drawing this to check if I can (still) really draw... Sometimes, it can just feel like maybe my skills have disappeared, maybe I have forgotten everything, because I don't really trust my own skills, don't even feel like I draw well... Man, mind can be so odd and twist things into so absurd thoughts... But they still feel real, even if I knew that it was just my mind's trick again...
And yeah, I don't feel like submitting anything to that OWI's 'fan celebration' thing since I feel like I got nothing proper to submit, been just doing mainly sketches and I'm not a fan of my 'proper' pieces... My whole blog is 'an Oddworld creation' I could submit but well, just too much stuff for them to check out. I wouldn't also feel good if they did a video about my stuff... I would just love to hear Lorne talking about Molluck but everything else... It just gives me anxiety and my impostor syndrome would bloom...
I just tend to feel embarrassed of my own skills... I have so much to learn, been drawing too little... I drew much more about a decade ago. Only if I had more time but this is a good start already since I barely drew anything last year; I have already drawn more this year! It has been also a big step to finally start using those unused art supplies I have had for so many years... Still got some more recently, like an eraser pencil. It's been very useful, something I really wanted to find! I should try to use some proper graphite pencils and stuff too since I have been doing these pencil sketches with a mechanical pencil and erasers. Just so much stuff to try out, man... I got like two packs of graphite stuff; yeah, should put them in use too...
Oh, and I'm sorry for the quality of these traditional things. Sometimes, I get a better picture but sometimes, it's just terrible... But I try to edit these as well as I can, and yes, sometimes I also like to add some colours digitally or do some fixes.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
Ok I decided I'm redoing my match up thing, it was too messy
What I look for in a man:
I don't wanna say this but he's gotta be handsome (shallow I know but hey at least I admit it) but he's also gotta be kind enough to me so I don't feel like a worthless piece of shit whenever he talks to me (bonus points if he's got a hot voice)
Love Language (recieving):
Words of Affirmation (says almost every Asian child ever) and gift giving are major love languages I have for recieving
Love Language (giving):
Physical touch/intimacy, I had this era as a kid where I'd rub on my mom and sister like a cat, it was annoying for them but that's just how I showed me love for them. Playfully hitting is also included like it a little bap on the head, sometimes I underestimate my strength and hurt the person I do that to and it makes me feel terrible.
Things about myself my s/o should very much know:
I'm a lazy, cynical and very pessimistic person (also very neurodivergent coded) I will cry if they're mean to me a lot and I will curse them out if they're mean to me a lot. It entirely depends on how I feel after waking up. Very much anger issues (working on it dw). I find crying attractive which is very weird and I don't wanna dive into that can of worms just yet.
Resting Bitch Face is my default which scares babies apparently and that's why they don't like me? Children are scary but I do want them. Every Time I see a cute baby I will say 'i love babies 🥹' (yes the emoji is included). It's a forever ongoing baby fever for me.
If you're gonna be with me you need to know how to listen cause if I think you're not I'll either A: stop talking and say nevermind or B: annoy you into listening to me. This again, entirely depends on my mood.
Being dramatic cause I like drama? Nah
I'm dramatic cause I never got attention from my dad as a child. Ig that's part of why I seek male validation, sad. I dunno what else to add 🤷🏻‍♀️ (have my first draft for the ppl that see this ig)
Guess who's asking for a match up (spoiler: it's me)
Favorite color: obvs purple 🙄 (why did I add this 😭)
Uhhh I'm super lazy and very much depressed, I will get angry if you ignore my very obvious mental struggles. (I also just get really angry in general but SHHHH) also very cynical and apathetic to most things, sleepy 24/7.
I make characters so they can live a life I can only dream of...hmmm what else...I'm smart-ish (if top 7 of my grade for 8 consecutive terms counts as smart) anddddd I like writing and making up storylines. My favorite thing to do is read (not the classics, they bore me tbh, but I guess Holes and Midsummer's Night Dream is ok)
I very much often ramble into tangents and can be seen as a bitch apparently cause yay social anxiety doesn't like me talking to other ppl ✨ toxic friendship frr‼️ I'm more expressive on the internet than I am in real life bc no one knows who I am behind the screen (unless you doxx me but pls don't ♥️) and that comforts me.
I have ADD, MILD autism and 💩 crippling depression 💩
I like being dramatic bc I didn't get much attention from my dad as a kid and he went to buy milk ig 🤷🏻‍♀️. I always look high in pictures and I hate taking them cause I always look high.
What else...hmmm I like singing and dancing when I think no one's watching and I despise- no I abhor when ppl try to force me into doing things I don't wanna do. I like food a lot and will cry if it has no flavor. Donuts are 👌🏼 . I was 100% a menace as a kid and awfully gullible. And I'm very good at holding grudges as well (my longest grudge is over a decade long-)
And I think that's abt it? There's probs more but I'm tired
homie gave me their entire autobiography holy fuck /pos
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MALLEUS this man LIVES to spoil you he just loves hugging you from behind and smiling as he shows you a beautiful (and extremely expensive) necklace he got done for you, the necklace is enchanted so that it'll always be in pristine condition, the gem's color change in the light naturally but you can see they also have a bit of magic on them, everyday this man will smile and compliment your stunning flawless looks with a smile on his face, if he had his tail out it would be wagging so hard he'd cause an earthquake
at first malleus would be very confused on why you hit him and think he had done something wrong but when you tell him it's just your way of showing affection he'll say you can use him as punching as much as you want to with a cute little smile, malleus won't ever hit you back because 1- he is way stronger than you and would definitely hurt you 2- what kind of man would he be if he hurt the one he is so deeply in love with??
he loves any affection you give him, in the beginning of your relationship malleus always went a bit stiff when you showed him a lot of affection because he isn't used to it but even back then he already did enjoy your affection he just didn't know how to react to it, now he is already very used to it, to the point he'll get a bit pouty if he doesn't get his morning hug and kiss
malleus is aware of your mental health and he does everything in his power to help you heal and feel better, malleus does not like fighting and he isn't used to being mean, sometimes he could say something a bit hurtful but it's just because he isn't completely socially aware, please talk to him if he ever hurts you and he'll immediately apologize and promise to never say anything like that ever again, he'll spend the rest of the day spoiling you to make up for that, he says it's because he feels terrible and although he isn't lying you both know malleus just really enjoys spoiling u
malleus loves reading to you, he'd really enjoy it if you could sit on his lap as he reads a book you picked out, his voice is very pleasant to listen and honestly very calming so most of the times you end up falling asleep, when that happens malleus kisses your forehead and hugs you tighter making sure you're having the sweetest dreams ever
both of you are seen as intimidating so as soon as you two step into any place everyone is immediately looking at you two, an intense intimidating aura filling the entire place as you two walk together before malleus picks up a silly little plushie and tells you that it reminds him of you and start gushing over it as if u two were completely alone, to be fair, whenever malleus is with you you're the only thing he cares about
malleus is over the moon when he discovers that you'd like to have children since he will be a king that is basically a necessity, it doesn't matter if you two adopt or have the child yourselves malleus will make sure you and his little baby/babies are always happy and comfortable, he'll spoil both u and ur child/children rotten and would be constantly cooing over them, however he is extremely protective of you and your child/children so he tends to growl at strangers that approach u 💀
other possibilities: kalim, lilia & trey
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adorable-american · 2 years
Little idea I had
Hetalia, human names used.
"Honestly Arthur, you have repeatedly failed to turn me back into a child-" Alfred said with an annoyed frown. "I'm starting to think you don't actually want that so why do you keep trying?"
Arthur winced as America spoke to him in such a cold and cynical tone. "It might have worked if you would stop dodging!" He sighed. Alfred folded his arms and looked at him like he was waiting for an answer. Turning his back to Alfred he looked down at his feet. "Because Al, I want another chance to hold you like I did back then." Folding his arms tightly he looked back at Alfred. "I spread myself too thin back then. You all were just children in my care and I couldn't give you all the attention you needed." Arthur spoke now of all his colonies. "You were the one that learned the quickest to fend for yourself, you didn't need me."
Alfred let his defense drop a little as he reached for the other but Arthur pulled away.
"I failed you, you learned too quickly to take care of yourself. A-and I just want to hold you once more and tell you it's all going to be alright." He faced Alfred fully again. " I see you are hurting and you won't let me do anything about it."
"That's dumb." Alfred said bluntly as he grabbed the older nation in a strong embrace. "You can always hug me and hold me, I may not always want it but I won't stop you. Saying you want to hold me like a child again is dumb, I'm not a child so don't treat me like one. You don't have to turn me into something I'm not. If you wish to comfort me then just do it."
England was shocked by the hug but returned it, placing his arms around Alfred's lower back he pulled his head back to look at the others face. He could see Alfred's walls crumbling even as he was being told how dumb he was acting he couldn't help but laugh. "Listen at you, see what I mean. So grown up. Alfred, you are still a child. I just want a redo, you shouldn't have to act so mature at times." England said surprising himself as he saw the mask fall. "Stop pretending America, I know I left trauma in your past. So stop acting like everything is ok for everyone else's sake. Stop acting like nothing matters when truth is-" he brushed Alfred's bangs aside one hand still on America's lower back, the other caressing his cheek. "You're hurting. I see it, Canada sees it, France sees it. We are your family so let us treat you like family."
America's eyes watered as he was forced to look England in the eyes. "But I don't want to be family in the way you think." He said without thought.
"W-what do you mean?" England stiffened.
Putting his own hand over England's, America kept it close to his face as he kissed England's palm. "You are my chosen family, yes, but I don't want you as a big brother like France." He said with tears breaking through. "I want you as the person I can allow myself to be vulnerable with- the person who can treat me as an equal, not a child to comfort after falling and scrapping a knee. Arthur, I- I want you-" this time America was cut off, not by a choked up sob but by England, placing his lips to America's.
"I'm sorry America. I'm sorry I have been denying your feelings. I'm glad you finally were forthright about them to me-"
"You mean you knew?" America interrupted.
"I had an idea and France told me I should talk to you about it but I was afraid..." England looked down at himself. "I can't believe it though. As I just said, I was terrible to you as a child, I don't understand why-"
This time America took England's face in his hands. "Stop beating yourself up over the past, you weren't terrible, you have always been the most considerate of me. That's why I like you, but I too was afraid that you would not reciprocate me, especially since I believed you only see me as a child."
"You are a child. But, not in that sense I guess..." England interrupted before trailing off.
"And?" America asked. His eyebrows raised as he pulled himself against England again.
"And you have matured greatly, even if you try to hide it for some unknown reason." England put his hands on America's face, letting his thumbs wipe the tear streaks that were left on his face.
America pushed his face closer as he kissed the Brit again.
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manofmanymons · 1 year
do you have any tips for writing?
I feel unqualified to answer this question because 90% of my writing process is me throwing words at a paper and hoping something sticks but like I do have some things that I’ve learned are helpful to me (also I tried answering this like three days ago but tumblr force quit and deleted everything I typed and I was too tired to redo it I’m so sorry)
Although I almost feel the need to put a disclaimer here that my writing kinda falls into a very specific niche of like…dialogue heavy lighthearted character interactions written in the third person limited perspective because that’s what’s fun to me so idk if what works for me is remotely helpful to anyone else
But I would say my #1 tip would just be to make an outline
I am so serious my life got so much better when I stopped trying to write things in one straight shot and started outlining them first
The last fic I wrote had an outline that was 1.2k words long because that’s how many words I needed to organize my thoughts before I could write the actual story
Because sometimes you have certain scenes or lines of dialogue that exist very vividly in your head and you just want to write those but you don’t know how to start the fic or how to transition between the parts you wanna write and rather than getting lost in the weeds tryna write those in-between parts I say just write the part you wanna write first
Get every last little thought out of your head before you forget it
If I can’t think of the right word for something in the moment, I won’t waste time tryna figure it out, I just keep going and then come back to it later (e.g. my brain will blank on the word “asserted” so I’ll write something stupid like “said in like a confident? Authoritative way?” and then come back to it)
And once that part is over, then I’ll worry about putting those scenes in order, and I’ll write vague ideas of what I want to happen in the in-between parts. It’s hard for me to explain what I mean so I’m just gonna humiliate myself on the internet and insert this screenshot from my aforementioned 1.2k word outline
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It's literally bullet points, the one paragraph I knew I wanted to write, and then more bullet points.
And that applies for dialogue too! Sometimes I don’t even know what I want these mfers to say. I will make in depth notes about how I want a conversation to go before I even think about most of the words.
And when I do write the words, sometimes my outlines will be so adverb heavy an actual writer would cry like I will legit have a whole conversation of “they said nervously” “they said awkwardly” “they said uncomfortably” “they said irritably” and then go back and fill in better words for said or add actions that convey nervousness or whatever later
BUT ALSO PERSONALLY THIS ISN’T A REAL TIP THIS IS JUST LIKE AN OPINION TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT I do not agree with people who act like you have to replace ALL of your adverbs in writing I think adverbs exist for a reason and as long as you’re not abusing them, people who complain are just being annoying alkfjdaj N E WAYS
On the topic of dialogue (like I said I write a lot of dialogue-heavy things so most of my brain power goes into dialogue okay I’m sorry) several things I like to ask when I write a line are
-Did that come out of nowhere or would a person actually say that? If it did come out of nowhere, how can I bring it up more naturally?
-Would this character react that way or did I just write what I would do? (and if it’s the latter, fix it) Here’s where I admit I cheat a little bit by heavily gravitating toward writing characters who already act similarly to me so I don’t have to think about it too much. That’s not a tip. I’m not telling you you should do that. It’s probably bad that I do that. I just felt like sharing.
-Similar note as the last one, does this line sound like something this character would say, or does it sound super generic like I could swap in any other character to this role and it would make equally as much sense?
-This tends to work better for me if the thing I’m writing for has an english dub (so you can imagine that Survive regularly gives me panic attacks when it comes to character voice and characterization and I’m in a permanent state of second-guessing myself and crying inside) but I also like to try and see if I can read the line in the character’s voice. I feel infinitely more confident in a line if I feel like I could really hear them saying it.
I realize I’ve talking mostly in terms of fanfic writing specifically but like other than that last one it can apply to original stuff too y’know like you wanna write your characters consistently and make sure you’re not randomly changing their personality and how they talk just to fit a situation
Obviously I'm not infallible and I've probably fucked up my own advice before but to quote alice in wonderland, I give myself some very good advice but I very seldom follow it
Uhhh, use whatever perspective you’re writing in to your advantage. I like third-person limited because it lets me convey certain thoughts/feelings through the style of like,,,the paragraphs themselves without always having to write their exact thoughts + I can really hone in on the perspective character.
But like if you’re a fan of first person then you can really go ham with writing the whole thing in their voice, and if you’re into third-person omniscient then you don’t have to confine yourself to the knowledge of one character, you can flat out say what everyone is doing/thinking and why they’re doing/thinking it.
If you are like me and you like to confine yourself to a specific perspective character, one thing I have a hard time doing sometimes but I think you just gotta do is…leave some things unsaid. Y’know like as the writer you know why a certain character is acting a certain way, but your perspective character doesn’t. You can say why they think the other character is doing something, but I think you gotta ask yourself “is this character good at reading people/do they know this person really well or would they more likely misunderstand?” Sometimes they can be an unintentionally unreliable narrator, as a treat.
Don’t be afraid to use the ctrl+F if you think you may have accidentally used a certain word or phrase too many times. I’m a California valley gal do you have any idea how many “likes” I have to edit out of my rough drafts
Other than all that I guess I would just say…fuck around and have fun with it. Sure I write in a certain perspective now, but I messed around with first and even second person pov before. I’m not trying to sound wise or motivational I am being 100% serious when I say just write for yourself. Don’t even think about whether your writing appeals to others. Go girl (gender neutral) give us a fic about that character/ship that only you like.
Literally my first fic in Survive fandom was a painfully self-indulgent deep dive into a character that at the time I was like 90% positive no one but me gave a shit about and I had more fun with it than you could ever imagine
Write in a weird format. Write 0 dialogue. Write only dialogue. Get overly descriptive or poetic. Refuse to describe anything. Try imitating a writer you like. Write a canon x OC fic. I cannot stress enough how much I think you should just do whatever you want.
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Prince BamBam~ Royal!AU
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WARNINGS: Fluff, Some Violence
A/N: heyo i’m back bitches also this is trash im so sorry i may redo this
Prince BamBam is very dashing, elegant, and confident.  
He knew how good looking he was, but he never let it go to his head.  
He takes very good care of himself, always wanting to look his best.
He was very skilled in hand to hand combat, as the King wanted him to learn for “just in case” purposes.
BamBam never thought he would have to use it one day
He seemed to take after the King in more ways than one.  
The King was handsome, his looks and charismatic personality could captivate you; and he knew this.  
The Queen was a marvelous woman, she was fierce, strong, and also very kind; which was unexpected to some.
BamBam was their pride and joy, they wanted the best for him...which is why they invited the royal family of a Princess they thought would be the best for him.  
BamBam was shocked and upset when he found out about this, he didn't even like her, let alone want to marry and rule a kingdom with her.  
He didn't have a love like that for anyone...well, he thought that he didn't.  
You continued to stitch up your dress for your performance at the opera house later that night as your best friend, BamBam, paced back and forth, letting out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, “How could they do this to me? I thought I made it clear to them that I don't want to be with her!”  
BamBam is supposed to be attending the Opera with his parents, the neighboring Princess, and the neighboring King and Queen.  
After he was informed about it, he immediately fled to your home in the Kingdom, needing to vent to someone he could trust.  
“How awful could she be?” you asked, curious about why he seemingly loathed this Princess.
BamBam started telling you about how stuck up and rude she is, how he couldn't stand being near her because she would link her arms with his, she already had it in her mind that BamBam was her future spouse.
You couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. You’ve always tried to suppress your feelings for your friend, I mean he is a prince; but they always come back in moments such as this one. “I just wish they would understand that I do not wish for this, I would rather rule alone.” BamBam sighed, his head falling down.  
You stop what you’re doing and walk over to him, “It’ll all work out Bam, I know it will, I feel it. Just try to enjoy yourself  tonight, okay? I’ll see after the show, behind the building.” He nods and sighs once more, “I should go back, I need to prepare myself for tonight anyway.” You both say your goodbyes and continue with your dress.  
Hours later, as the night fell upon the sky, you paced backstage in the opera house, nervous about your song you were performing, nervous about BamBam hearing you for the first time.  
Alas, your performance stunned everyone in the theatre, especially BamBam. You had found him in the crowd, locking eyes with him as you belted out the love song for the scene in play.
Neither noticed the Queen looking between you two and gesturing for the King to look, they realized that their son was already in love with someone, it was just a matter of getting you two together. But soon that would play out on it’s own
After the show, you had walked outside, behind the opera house where you were supposed to see BamBam. All of a sudden, a man had you pushed up against the wall, a man who wasn’t BamBam.  
“Hello darling, I must say, you are absolutely to die for.” he breathed into your face.  
You tried to push him away, “Leave me alone,” but he was starting to get forceful.  
“I always get what I want, and I want you.”
Before another thing could happen, the man was ripped away from you and a fight had started, the other man apart of it being BamBam.
BamBam was beating this man almost to a pulp, before you knew it, the man was running away.
“Are you okay?” he asked, frantically. You just nodded.
“Bam...You saved me. Who knows what he could’ve done,” you almost whispered in a cracked voice, tears welling up in your eyes. BamBam immediately came up to you and hugged you, pulling back for a second to look at you, his hand caressing your face.  
“Of course...I-...I love you”
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fearofahumanplanet · 2 years
spring, psyonics, rock?
Hey Ren how are you, how's your WIPs going??
Have you ever scrapped (a huge chunk of) a story to start over? Why did the change come about?
Haha yes, Serpents I actually already wrote a whole first draft of already, this one is technically the second but it's essentially a first bc I deleted literally everything from the first except most of the characters and a few scenes I thought I stood out. Essentially I didn't like the first draft of Serpents in the slightest, I thought it got too Hollywood and young adult and in a sense it was too blatantly an attempt at "broad appeal" that just completely erased my personal style so I wanted to redo it from the start, especially since this story is so important to me - I'm really loving the new draft so far and it's more what I envisioned from the start, even if I had to basically burn it all down and build it up again
How do you get into the heads of your characters?
The biggest thing is music, the second biggest thing is my having BPD actually benefiting me for once in that I have hyper-empathy. It is REALLY easy for me to get in someone else's shoes so to speak, in general, and that helps me a lot with writing, that and an unhealthy amount of psychology research has done a lot for helping me make characters with distinct voices and desires. I also make them little playlists and listen to their music when I'm writing their scenes and it puts me in the right headspace, I just "escape myself" for a bit
How do you deal with writer’s block?
I'll be honest, I rarely have writer's block and haven't in over a year - I usually have the opposite problem of having to force myself to take breaks in order to not burn myself out, bc I'm overflowing with ideas and WIPs constantly and I need to get it all out and I can never catch up with The Flood. So I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask there, but in the few times I've had writer's block I think I've legit just stopped writing for a few days and watched/read some old favorite stories to get myself back in the headspace
Thanks for the ask!
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talkbykhalid · 2 years
Hello! I hope you’re all having a good day! I just wanted to formally announce that I will be discontinuing To: All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. I’m so sorry, it pains me to actually say this. But I’ve been thinking about it for the past two years and I’ve finally reached a decision. T:atbilb has been, and always will be, my baby; but I can't bring myself to write it anymore.
If anything, I learned something from this. You should never commit to writing a story without a strong foundation. Honestly, I went into tatbilb blind. There are lots of inconsistencies and things I never planned first. For instance, if you had been present for the prologue’s first publish, you might remember that Lei was nothing like how she is now. I don’t know why I suddenly went 180 on her and started making her the villain. Because of that I had to rethink many things and redo several parts that I’d written beforehand. This also applies to the grandma; reading back I realized that she has absolutely no personality and her character was just a random blank canvas I so desperately inserted into the fic just for the heck of it. 
Other than that, the ‘burden’ of having an unfinished series under my belt really got to me. Whilst in the middle of tatbilb I have come up with many new ideas for oneshots and mini series (I might stay away from long series for now hehe). And frankly, the constant reminder that I still hadn’t finished tatbilb always loomed over my head and made me feel guilty for writing something that was not an update to the series. Which then lead to this endless loop of wanting to write but then feeling guilty, then forcing myself to write for tatbilb only to stop because I had no motivation. I lost my spark for tatbilb and only got excited at the thought of writing something else. 
However, if any of you have questions for how I wanted tatbilb to end or any questions about the characters, plot, anything basically, feel free to inbox me! I’ll gladly answer all of them <3 Maybe I’ll have a lil q&a segment about it, but I’m not entirely sure if people are that curious, though. And if by the rare chance that anyone wants to write something based on this or rewrite it themselves, then just ask too! I’ll give you permission :3
TL;DR: I regret many things about tatbilb and it would be unfair of me to continue to put out something I am no longer passionate about. Sorry.
Thank you so much for sticking around for two whole years ><.
(p.s: sorry to all the yeodongies and jjongppos who were waiting for their letters, if you want you can go check out my yeosang fic on heterotragedies: Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Oudwood [MINORS DO NOT INTERACT] (shameless self promo). And for the jjongppos, I’m currently writing a fic for jjongie so keep your eyes peeled for that!)
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hisdirtymutt · 4 months
02-16-24 Date 3
We spent Friday night and almost all of Saturday Day together. He's got the cutest puppy. Plus he's just so cute. So seeing them both together. Is oof. We had an amazing night Friday night. But all Saturday was pretty stressful. It's good to write about the good and the bad.
Friday night was the best anal of my life. He fucked my ass mercilessly like it was my pussy. And it was barely any pain. Omg his cock fits so perfectly in my ass. Like I was made to be his filthy mutt. And he woke up like every 3 hours to fuck me or make me suck his cock and it was hot. But I was really wiped and tired from all the play. But it was amazing.
Saturday started out stressful... We had gotten hot and heavy the night before and he had me go down on him and eat his ass. All amazing. But it was like a joint panic attack of us both being hella paranoid because my cold sore wasn't entirely gone. Like a red spot still. Even if mostly healed. And I don't wanna give him anything. We ended up taking a nice bath together to calm down. That was cute though. My Daddy is so fucking sexy and handsome and cute. Obviously biased. Fuck his body is sexy. He has a yummy cock. I love his tummy. And he has one of the cutest butts I've ever seen. Makes eating it so much better. 😈I hope we do foot worship soon.
The second thing was him giving me my first suppository. He wanted to turn me into his little stinker. And have more bathroom control power. No potty at Daddy's place. But it didn't set well with my stomach. Mainly because I kept trying to push and force it. But when I finally stopped it just happened so easily and naturally. But of course that was immediately when he put me in a new diaper. It's weird because I liked it. 😳🙈🤭 I want a redo. 😛
The third thing beyond the suppository not sitting well with my tummy. And the anxiety of the unknown of my first one is me having to call out. I did find it incredibly hot that since I was indecisive he chose for me. 🤭 He knew it was a limit I was okay with pushing and at least trying once. Now that I know what to expect there should be minimal or no anxiety with it. But anyways my tummy was hurting. I was dehydrated and dizzy and still had upset tummy. So I called out. Which won't happen again and he felt bad. And it wasn't ideal.
Fourth thing and the biggest thing was our first conflict sort of thing. And how we both handled it. But adhd brain wants to add that he peed on my clit in my diaper and made me cum twice and that was so hot. And last visit he peed in my diaper and had me wear it and that made me wet too. Anyways. Back to scheduled programming. Daddy ordered me to pee on his face. Well moreso not a force. And I froze up emotionally because I wasn't comfortable doing it but couldn't find the right words. And then I was gonna use the puppy pad. And I didn't know what I was doing. So it felt like he was disappointed in me and upset. It felt like he was kinda huffing off and angry after. By his body language. Even though he said was okay. So I thought he was upset and I upset him and he was upset about disappointment triggers too. It was a double land mine. I was emotionally shutting down a bit. He felt emotionally distant and almost cold. He wanted to get work done and not have an overnight anymore. But he was asking me what I wanted to do. And my headspace wasn't great. So we wasted a lot of time in conflict. Because I was in a bad headspace and wanted to go home because I thought staying would make it all worse. But because I was in a bad headspace due to the conflict and not wanting to end the night on a bad note I didn't feel okay to leave. It felt like a lose lose. If I went home my headspace wasn't great and had to deal with that alone. If I stayed then he would remain with extra stress over clean up and taking me home and not being able to be CG ish while he worked. Even though I was gonna nap or sleep and entertain myself. It was just a lot. It was very emotionally charged. We both could have done stuff different but importantly we got through it. We had time apart to process. And decided to keep moving. Even though my headspace was really hard to deal with for a while. I cried and reached out for emotional support and help. And I felt better.
I'm so excited for our journey. I love serving my Daddy.
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