#hanna 2019 spoilers
smokestarrules · 3 years
ok but the cinematic contrast between the Chairman asking for Marissa’s hand as he lay dying and her not giving it to him, against Hanna taking Marissa’s instantly.... 
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post-futurism · 3 years
I really liked Hanna S2 I just kept hoping that Sophie would show up in England, so hopefully Hanna gets to see Sophie and Clara again in the final season. Like idk it's a weird trend for this show to have really iconic WoC friends for Hanna and then write their characters out of the show by the end of the season.
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xantchaslegacy · 5 years
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Oooooooooh dang Hanna was behind him the whole time I’m just blind af
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isgrow · 5 years
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Hannah Brown reveals she wants Tyler C. to be ‘part of her life’ l GMA
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being published on http://mybecause.com/hannah-brown-reveals-she-wants-tyler-c-to-be-part-of-her-life-l-gma/
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northoftheroad · 4 years
The very large, extended Bat-family
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“Batmans Greatest Case”. Detective Comics # 1000. By Tom King, art Tony S. Daniel and Joëlle Jones.
As of April 2019, this is the latest Bat-family photo (disregarding the inconsistencies about the characters current suits and whereabouts and relationships...) But have you seen the earlier Bat-family portraits – and do you know all the people Batman has had as partners or protégés? If not, read on for a list of people (vigilantes or people permitted in the cave, so no police officers) that  Batman has trained and/or worked with in Gotham.
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Art by Norm Breyfogle (early 1990s).
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Art by Dick Giordano (late 1960s or 1970s´).
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Art by Sheldon Moldoff (early 1960s).
(The date mentioned in the following list is the character’s first appearance in DC, it’s not always in connection with Batman.)
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Dick Grayson (Robin, Nightwing, Batman, Agent 37). Cover date is April but the issue was released March 5, 1940 (source: heykidscomics.fandom.com)
Batman: Prelude to the wedding. Nightwing vs Hush. By Tim Seeley, art Travis G. Moore. 
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Selina Kyle (Catwoman). Spring, 1940.
”Claws of the Catwoman.” Batman # 42. By Bill Finger, art Charles Paris.
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Basil Karlo (Clayface). June 1940. 
Used to be a villain, but has worked with Batman’s team in Detective Comics recently.
Detective Comics # 942. By Steve Orlando and James Tynion IV, art Andy MacDonald.
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Alfred Beagle/Pennyworth. April 1943. 
Alfred’s first surname was Beagle. That Alfred was later explained as the Alfred of Earth-Two, the universe of the DC Golden age stories (though we have seen Golden age stories being canon in the main DC universe, too). On Earth-Two, Bruce and Selina married and had a daughter, Helena. Dick continued as Robin as an adult. Alfred was first called Pennyworth in November 1969.
”Here comes Alfred.” Batman vol 1 # 16. By Don Cameron, art Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson, George Roussos. 
Nightwing vol 2 # 86. By Devin Grayson, art Patrick Zircher, Andy Owens, Sean Parsons. 
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Dinah Drake Lance/Laurel Lance (Black Canary). August 1947.
Member of the Birds of Prey and Justice Leauge. The Golden age Black Canary was, at least for a while, considered the current Black Canary’s mother but I’m not sure what the story is after Flashpoint. 
Birds of Prey # 22. By Chuck Dixon, art Butch Guice and Bill Sienkiewicz.
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Jimmy. December 1948. 
A blind boy that Batman trained in secret for one adventure, making Dick fear that he was going to be replaced. 
”The Second Boy Wonder”. Batman # 50. Art Bob Kane, Lew Sayre Schwartz, Charles Paris.
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Ace. June 1955. 
”Ace, the Bat-Hound.” Batman # 92. By Bill Finger, art Sheldon Moldoff and Stan Kaye.
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John Vance (Batman, Junior). May 1956.
A schoolboy who witnessed a crime. Since his parents were away, Batman blindfolded him and took him to the Batcave and put him in a suit to hide his identity while Batman went after the criminals.
“Batman, Junior.” In Detective Comics # 231. By Edmond Hamilton, art Sheldon Moldoff and Charles Paris.
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Kathy Kane (Batwoman). July 1956. 
Kathy Kane has been re-installed as the original Batwoman but with a different backstory. She is related by marriage to Kate Kane.
”The Batwoman”. Detective Comics # 233. By Edmond Hamilton, art Sheldon Moldoff and Stan Kaye.
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Betty Kane (Batgirl). April 1961. 
Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths the original Batgirl was reimagined as Bette Kane. As far as I know, Bette was never Batgirl or worked with Batman. In different continuities, she has used the aliases Flamebird, Pleve and Hawkfire.
”Bat-Girl”. Batman # 139. By Bill Finger, art Sheldon Moldoff and Charles Paris.
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Barbara Gordon (Batgirl, Oracle). January 1967. 
Detective Comics # 359. By Gardner Fox, cover art Carmine Infantino, Murphy Anderson, Ira Schnapp. 
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Julia Remarque/Pennyworth (Penny-Two, Tuxedo One). April 1981. 
Alfred’s daughter. Pre-Crisis she was a journalist and for a while romantic interest for Bruce. After Rebirth, she was reimagined as a British reconnaissance agent who for a while coordinated the Bat-family’s work. 
Batman # 395. By Doug Moench, art Tom Mandrake. 
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Jason Todd (Robin, Red Hood). March 1983. 
Batman # 368. By Doug Moench, cover art Ed Hannigan, Dick Giordano, Anthony Tollin. 
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Tatsu Yamashiro (Katana). July 1983.
Sometime member of the Outsiders and the Birds of Prey.
Who’s Who: The Definite Directory of the DC Universe # 12. Art by Jim Aparo.
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Onyx Adams (Onyx). January 1985. 
Nightwing # 97. By Devin Grayson, art Mike Lilly and Andy Owens. 
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Helena Bertinelli (Batgirl, Huntress, Matron). April 1989.
When Helena Bertinelli was introduced she was based on Earth-Two Helena Wayne, daughter of Bruce and Selina Kyle, and who was wiped from existence by Crisis of Infinite Earths. The original Earth-Two Helena Wayne made her first appearance in November/December 1977; she was re-introduced in New 52 on Earth-2, one of the 52 universes in the new DC multiverse. Together with the Power Girl of Earth-2, she somehow ended up on Prime-Earth. Don’t ask me if/where she is now.
Nightwing/Huntress # 1. By Devin Grayson, art Greg Land and Bill Sienkiewicz. 
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Tim Drake (Robin, Red Robin). August 1989. 
Robin vol 4 # 0. By Chuck Dixon, art Tom Grammet and Ray Kryssing. 
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Harold Allnut. December 1989
Lived in the Batcave and served as technological aide; one of the things he designed was the fingerstripe Nightwing suit.
Batman # 458. By Alan Grant, art Norm Breyfogle and Steve Mitchell.
Nightwing vol 1 # 2. By Dennis O’Neil, art Greg Land and Mike Sellers.
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Ace. May 1991. 
Batman # 465. By Alan Grant, art Norm Breyfogle and Steve Mitchell.
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Stephanie Brown (Spoiler, Robin, Batgirl). June 1992.
Robin # 126. By Bill Willingham, art Damion Scott. 
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Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael, Batman). October, 1992. 
Batman # 500. By Doug Moench, art Jim Aparo and Terry Austin. 
Detective Comics # 668. By Chuck Dixon, art Graham Nolan and Scott Hanna. 
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Cassandra Cain (Batgirl, Kasumi, Black Bat, Orphan). July 1999.
Batman and Robin Eternal # 26. By Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV, art Scot Eaton, Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino, Marc Deering, Wayne Faucher, Jason Paz.
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Sasha Bordeaux. (Black Kings Bishop, Black Queen). December 2000. 
The 10 cent adventure. By Greg Rucka, art Rick Burnett and Klaus Janson.
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Gavin King (Orpheus). October 2001. 
Detective Comics # 797. By Andersen Gabrych, art Pete Woods and Nathan Massengill. 
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Kate Kane (Batwoman). June 2006.
Batman vol 3 # 7. By Steve Orlando and Tom King. Art Riley Rossmo. 
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Damian Wayne (Robin, Redbird). September 2006. 
A reinterpretation of the unnamed child in the, at the time, non-canon graphic novel ”Batman: Son of the Demon” from 1987.
Batman and Robin vol 1 # 1. By Grant Morrison, cover art Frank Quitely. 
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Harper Row (Bluebird). March 2012 (as an unnamed woman, September 2011). 
Batman and Robin Eternal # 26. By Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV, art Scot Eaton, Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino, Marc Deering, Wayne Faucher, Jason Paz.
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Calvin Rose (Talon). November 2012.
Talon # 5. By Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV, art Guillem March. 
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Luke Fox (Batwing). June 2013. 
Batwing # 9. By Judd Winick, art Marcus To and Ryan Wynn. 
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Duke Thomas (Lark, Signal). August 2013. 
”Batman’s greatest case.” In Detective Comics # 1000. By Tom King, art Tony S. Daniel and Joëlle Jones. 
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Claire and Henry Clover (Gotham Girl and Gotham). July 2016. 
Batman vol 3 # 1. By Tom King, cover art David Finch and Matt Banning. 
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Ace. January 2017. 
Batman vol 3 # 33. By Tom King, art Joëlle Jones and Jordie Bellaire. 
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whitewaterpaper · 3 years
SoIF06: ”Det Onda Arvet” [Kapitel 07–08].
En läsecirkel tillsammans med @kulturdasset​, delmål 4:7.
Författare: Margit Sandemo. Serie: Sagan om Isfolket, Bok 6.
Publicerad: 1982. Medium: eBok/eLib (2019).
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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Denna vecka har jag bläddrat runt i de tidigare böckerna och letat efter en passage jag minns vagt att någon gömde något på Gråstensholms vind. Jag ville minnas Yrja, men kom sedan på att det kan handla om Silje själv eller till och med Tengel. Mitt sökande genom ”Häxjakten” och ”Längtan” ger dock inget vettigt svar. Och Margit avslutar hela intrigen med:
Och han [Tarjei] tog med sig en hemlighet i graven. Han och Kolgrim. Vetskapen om vad som fanns i järnkistan på Gråstensholms vind.
Kanske bäst och släppa det nu – annars slutar det väl att man börjar läsa om böckerna också. 😋 Men referensen till när Sol en gång i tiden (i ”Häxjakten”) skrämdes av synen av någon/något i Isfolkets dal BORDE vara en hänvisning till Siljes dagbok kan jag tycka.
Tarjei avslöjar här att han konstaterat samma som Kolgrim: att det är där som den legendariska häxkitteln är nedgrävd och Tarjei har för avsikt att gräva upp den och bryta förbannelsen. Med 41 böcker kvar i serien såg jag det som en angenäm twist att förbannelsen kanske rentutav bryts redan nu.
Men ser du, jag är inte en drabbad, jag kan inte se honom. Så jag tänker gräva upp eländet, så att släkten kan få fred i framtiden.
Genom Kolgrims ögon får vi en ny inblick i ”trolldomsskatten” och precis som jag sade från början har han ingen aning om vad det är han har tillskansat sig eller hur det skall användas. Det mesta bär namn han inte känner igen (föga förvånande så var det enda han kände igen ett antal narkotiska preparat) och de få skriftrullarna som finns där är skrivet med tecken/symboler han inte förstår. Med andra ord, de magiska örterna har ingen som helst kraft i hans händer. Man kan inte ens kalla det en kryddsamling.
Viktigare var dock innehållet i de små skinnpåsarna och dosorna. Det stod något skrivet på varje, men inte förstod Kolgrim de uråldriga krumelurerna, inte. Inte heller texten på några tjocka, halvt utplånade näverrullar . . .
Så på så vis kan man säga att Isfolkets magiska kunskaper (inte gåvan utan kunskapen om hur den används) även den dog med Kolgrim och Tarjei.
Han lyckas dock bli hög som ett hus, anfalla och skada Tarjei dödligt innan han kastar sig utför ett stup. Det sistnämnda fullt övertygad om att han kunde flyga. Margit avslutar tragedin om Kolgrim med att påminna oss om Hannas ord en gång om att Sol endast var ett blindspår. Med Kolgrim dör Sols ättelinje och endast Tengels återstår.
Något annat jag blev förvirrad över var att Kolgrim visste att Mattias kommit hem. Jag fick nämligen uppfattningen att Kolgrim lämnade Gråstensholm innan Dag, vagnen och pojkarna var ens i närheten av Gråstensholm… Han känner till och med igen Kaleb vilket jag ser som otroligt om han lämnade Gråstensholm innan hemkomsten.
Tarjei lever tillräckligt länge för att utse sina arvingar: Mattias skall ha trolldomsskatten. Visserligen säger inget i boken hittills att man tog trolldomsskatten med sig från Isfolkets dal – men det kan ju inte Tarjei veta. Margit S. är sannerligen inte sentimental när det gäller sina karaktärer och räds inte för att skriva ut dem när hon är klar med dem.
Dag gör som utlovat även en resa till Kongsberg för att undsätta de pojkar som arbetar/slavar i gruvan. Och precis som väntat ä Kaleb och Mattias två bra nyckelvittnen, framför allt sedan Kaleb kunde påvisa vart Sören och några av de andra pojkarna omkommit i gruvan, och när deras historia styrkts hängs både Nermarken och Hauber.
Dag sätter dessutom Kaleb i lära. Den senare får lära sig lagar och att skriva och läsa. Så denne kan fortsätta arbetet med att rädda barn från farliga jobb. Dag vet antagligen att han inte har långt kvar, och vill antagligen lämna över uppgiften till någon som förstår vikten av den. Och jag hoppas vi får se hur det går för Kaleb framöver. Hans vänskap med Mattias borgar ju för att han inte bara kommer driva iväg ut från historien.
När Are och Liv tittar på Dags borttagna lind så bekräftas också den bild jag haft av Lindallén, att det bara var de första Lindarna som förtrollades och att Tengel mycket riktigt övertalades att låta bli att binda dem till familjemedlemmar av Silje.
— Ja. Jag såg på våra lindar, du. De två sista som är kvar av de åtta. De är friska och starka, båda två. — Ja. Tack, gode Gud, för att Mor fick stoppat Far — så han inte lyckades besvärja ännu flera lindar i allén.
Are besöker sitt barnbarn (Tarjeis son) Mikael mot slutet av boken. Och strax efter det försvinner Mikael i horisonten. Med den tidens kommunikationsmedel räcker det med ett omgifte och omlokalisering för att man skall tappa bort varandra helt. Men Mikael är fortfarande född Isfolket och bär fortfarande namnet Lind av Isfolket och kan mycket väl vara den av ättlingarna som föds med förbannelsen sjungande i ådrorna. Det skall bli spännande att följa – och framför allt hur det är att växa upp (i så fall) utan någon vetskap om förbannelsen och hur den i sådana fall utvecklar sig.
För det är inte sista gången vi träffat Mikael – det är klart. Kanske bara att det inte blir mer i denna bok. (Men det är ju förstås bara ett tidshopp eller två bort).
Det här visar också hur skör Isfolkets ätt verkligen är (med sin tids höga dödlighet): för trots att klanen ett tag var väldigt stor så består den yngsta generationen bara av fem barn.
Boken @ Goodreads.
Boken @ libris.kb.se.
eBibliotek @ Axiell Media.
Biblio @ Axiell Media.
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douxreviews · 4 years
Hanna - Season One Review
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"You're unique. That's why we want to look after you." "'Unique' just means 'alone.'"
In the late winter of 2019, a young Polish lumberjack named Arvo was cutting trees in Romania's Bukovina Forest when he encountered a teenage girl, dressed in grimy clothes, who seemed surprised to find him there and unsure of how to hold a conversation. She never told him her name, but she said she lived in the forest with her father. When she reappeared the next day, less wary and more curious, he took her for a ride on his ATV. He was hoping that the evening would turn into an extended make-out session, but they were interrupted by a squad of military police. The girl darted off into the forest, and Arvo was questioned extensively by stern-faced Americans, who seemed to be very interested in finding this strange young girl.
**Some spoilers ahead**
Hanna is an Amazon Prime series created by David Farr, an expansion of the story told in his script for the 2011 action movie of the same name. The title character, played by Esme Creed-Miles, is truly unique. She is faster and stronger than the average petite sixteen year old girl, with quicker reflexes and keener senses, and much better situational awareness than even trained combat professionals. A formidable combatant herself, she can sneak up on you from behind and break you in half with her bare hands before you even realize she's there, or send you to meet your maker from fifty yards away shooting a Browning Hi-Power one-handed. And if her physical abilities alone did not set her apart, her life story surely would.
Read the full review at douxreviews.com
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
Chapters: 23/31 Fandom: Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Bruno (Professor Layton), Flora Reinhold, Claire (Professor Layton), Dimitri Allen, Bill Hawks, Nina (Professor Layton), Clive (Professor Layton), Hershel Layton, Desmond Sycamore, Aurora (Professor Layton), Luke Triton, Marina Triton, Anton Herzen, Katia Anderson, Professor Layton OC, Carmine Accidenti - Character, Inspector Chelmey, Rosa Grimes, Clark Triton, Marilyn (Professor Layton), Rook (Professor Layton), Bishop (Professor Layton), Janice Quatlane, Melina Whistler, Jean Descole, Leonard Bloom, Hanna (Professor Layton), Randall Ascot, Henry Ledore, Angela Ledore, Alphonse Dalston, Sophia (Professor Layton), Arianna Barde, Tony Barde, Evan Barde, Espella Cantabella, Eve Belduke, Swift (Professor Layton), Professor Layton OCs, Ernest Greeves, Katrielle Layton Additional Tags: Whumptober, Whumptober 2019, Professor Layton Whumptober, Warning tags before each chapter, spoilers for the entire series, More characters to be added, oneshots, Professor Layton Oneshots Summary:
Professor Layton oneshots for Whumptober 2019.
Prompt #23: Bleeding Out (Randall & Hershel) “Where’s Hershel...?” Angela asks.
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natalilysims · 4 years
Legacy Questionnaire
Thought this would be fun to do so I can look back on it after a few more generations pass and see how some answers change. This can also be done as a ‘send me a number’ game so if you want to do that you can find the original post by @melien​, here. Inspired by @an0nymousghost​, you can check out their post here!
1. When did you start your legacy? What inspired you to do it?
I started this Legacy on March 28, 2019. I usually do challenges where there are a lot of rules for each generation but I wanted to start something where I could do pretty much what I wanted and play a little bit more out of my comfort zone. And I’d seen a lot of amazing Legacies on Simblr that made me want to do my own and post it.
2. Are you following any strict rules there or just play how you want?
Nah, I’m basically just doing what I want.
3. Post the oldest picture you have from your legacy save.
The first ever Sharp house. Originally created by lilsimsie but I gave it a renovation. It’s up for download if anyone wants it!
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4. What’s so special about your founder that you wanted to start a legacy with them?
She wasn’t really special to be honest. I just finally made a Sim that I managed to enjoy playing enough to not give up and start a new family like I’ve done a few times before with Legacy Challenges.
5. Favourite generation(s)
Generation 1 was probably my favourite. Which makes it sounds like I’ve enjoyed the family less and less as the challenge has gone on but that not the case at all. I think it’s because even though it was only a little over a year ago, I have a bit of nostalgia for that generation? Idk, I’m weird.
6. Favourite heir.
Probably Harper, the Gen 3 heir. 
7. Favourite spare.
Either Abi from Gen 1 or Jordan from Gen 3. 
8. Favourite spouse.
Alessia, the Gen 4 spouse. I’m gonna be really sad when I have to move on to Gen 5 and stop playing her.
9. Top 5 favourite legacy sims.
1. Jordan 2. Alessia 3. Sonny 4. Abi 5. Hayley
10. Top 3 favourite couples.
1. Safiya and Milo - the OG couple of this challenge. I have to stan. 2. Jordan and Jackson - kinda look like brothers but I just love them so much. 3. Eli and Alessia -  currently playing them and they’re so cute.
11. If you ever did any story lines, what is the one you’re most proud of?
I’m not a huuuge fan of making big story lines for my Sims but sometimes I have little things in my head about the Sims’ personality or their motivations for doing certain things that someone looking through my legacy won’t know because I don’t necessarily put them into my posts to make a huge story.
12. Any memorable moments?
Mango, a cat from Gen 2, randomly going into labour. I literally don’t know how she got pregnant.
13. Any funny moments?
None that I can think of. That’s upsetting.
14. The most unexpected twist in your legacy?
Some of the kids were unexpected twists - Harper and Hazel weren’t supposed to exist and neither was Eli but I have a problem with making my Sims have too many kids. 
15. Favourite name used on your sims?
I remember being very excited about naming Gus. And I love the name Sonny, especially for a boy. For surnames, I was really proud of Nair and Lane, even though they’re pretty basic lmao.
16. Who of your legacy sims you can relate the most to?
I don’t really relate to any but if I had to choose it would either be Abi or Harper.
17. Do you usually get attached to them or just play without deep thinking?
I get kind of attached in that I love looking back at old screenshots and remember how fun it was to play them but I don’t cry when my Sims die or anything like that because I usually have other Sims that I can move onto and focus on. And like... if I really wanted to see a Sim again, I probably have them saved somewhere.
18. Any surprise babies? What was the story?
Not really a surprise because I made it happen, but Harper and Hazel were not part of my original plan for Generation 2. I planned on Faye only having 2 kids but I was bored and when that happens I usually cure the boredom by having more kids, which I’m trying very hard to stop doing because after the excitement of having the baby is over, I can be even less interested in playing than I was initially.
19. Who of your sims has the best style?
I feel like none of my Sims have the best style, they’re all pretty generic, but if I had to choose... Jordan or Harper.
20. Who is the best genetic mix of their parents?
This is definitely a flaw of The Sims 4 and its shitty skin tones but I quite like that Max and Jordan (who are twins) have a slight mix of their parent’s genetics. Max has Harper’s hair and Cheyanne’s skin tone. And Jordan has Cheyanne’s hair and Harper’s skin tone.
Again, this shouldn’t be a thing. The kids should have a skin tone that’s in the middle of what their parents’ skin tone is but I just thought it was interesting when I noticed it.
21. Is your legacy berry, vanilla, banilla, or a mix of those?
Vanilla in the sense that they aren’t berry sims but not vanilla in the sense that I use a lot of CC and some mods.
22. Have you ever done another legacies apart from this one?
I’ve started a few, two of which I began posting on here but then deleted because I didn’t like how they were going. I was 100% expecting to give up with the Sharp family as well but it’s going pretty good so far.
23. How many generations are you aiming for? When you reach a certain milestone, are you going to continue playing or just wrap up the whole thing?
If I lose interest at any point and genuinely get bored of the Sharp family then I’ll probably stop at the end of whichever generation I’m on but ideally I want to complete 10 generations. I might take a Sim born in the final generation and use them in another legacy/challenge I start as a spouse or something but I’ll stop with the Sharp Legacy after 10.
24. Have you ever done any other challenges with your sims from the legacy?
At some point I probably will use someone from the Sharp family in something else but so far I haven’t. I will be using a Sim from another challenge/family in Sharp Gen 5 though.
25. What do you do when you feel uninspired playing the legacy?
Either stop playing The Sims 4 altogether or play another challenge/family for a bit.
26. Have you had your sims die? Which death was the hardest to take?
I’m on Gen 4 so a lot of Sims have died at this point, all from old age. So far, Harper’s was probably the hardest to take.
27. Do you have this one OTP that stands out among the other legacy couples? Tell us about them!
Jordan and Jackson. I don’t know what it is about them, I just love them so much. Sometimes I wish I made Jackson the heir. I knew that for Gen 4 I wanted to live in Sulani and do Island Living stuff but I didn’t mold Jordan into an Island Living type of Sim so it wouldn’t have fit very well.
28. Have you had a sim who you grew to like?
Eli was very unplanned and I had no idea what to name him and I was like ugh why did I do this but now I love him a lot. Originally, I named him Casper.
Bailey was also very hard to name. I’ve always really loved her, it’s just the name that I’m not sure about. I like the name Bailey but something about Bailey Sharp isn’t my fave. And Sonny and Bailey don’t go together that well imo. But at the same time, now I couldn’t imagine her having a different name so... idk.
29. Have you had a sim that you fell in love with right away?
I’m always obsessed with the first born in a generation so - Abi, Hanna, Max & Jordan, Sonny
30. Do you choose your heirs yourself or make heir polls?
I have thought about making an heir poll when I’m not sure what I want to do for the next Generation but so far, I’ve managed to figure it out so I haven’t needed a poll.
Also, when it comes to choosing an heir, I usually like to choose when they are still a child so I can kind of mold them into what I want for the next Generation as they’re growing up. So making a poll would be hard because the people voting wouldn’t know my plan and I wouldn’t want to give major spoilers for what’s to come.
31. The first legacy memory that pops up in your head?
Safiya going to a cafe to make friends but she ended up just sitting alone drinking coffee. Or when Cheyanne and Harper went on a date and Harper died...
32. The hottest sim?
Gus, Max or Brandie
33. The prettiest sim?
I feel like I’ve been very lucky with this family because all the kids have been really pretty but if I had to choose, probably either Abi, Hayley or Jordan.
34. The most unique sim?
I feel like all my Sims are pretty basic to be honest. If I had to choose... maybe Jordan? I’m not sure. 
35. Have you had any sims that remind you of someone?
I’ve never really thought about it, so I guess not.
36. Do you use other people’s sims in your legacy?
I think most of the Sims I’ve used for this Legacy are either pre-made Sims in the saves I’ve been using or I’ve made them. I don’t think I’ve specifically downloaded anyone from somewhere for my Sim to marry. I probably will do that at some point though.
37. Imagine if you had a chance to meet one of your sims. Who would it be?
That’s so weird for me to imagine but if I had to, either Jordan or Harper.
38. Do you have that one generation you wish you’d done differently?
I love Brandie and Eli so much but I sometimes wish Harper and Cheyanne had Max and Jordan and then were done with babies because 2 generations in a row with 4 babies is a bit much.
39. Your favourite non-romantic relationship in the legacy?
Harper and Hazel were fun to play with at the beginning of Gen 3 when they went to university.
40. Random fun fact about your legacy you want to share!
I’m trying to make each generation a bit different and focus on a pack. Gen 1 and Gen 2 were both fairly generic but Gen 3 had a university theme for a while and Gen 4 is Island Living. Gen 5 will probably be a mix of Island Living and Eco Lifestyle (if I can be bothered to figure out how to properly work Eco-Lifestyle).
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sammysreelreviews · 5 years
5 Foreign Netflix Original TV Shows I Could Not Stop Watching
Hello everyone I am back after a week hiatus! To be honest the Black Mirror ranking took a lot out of me so I gave myself a week to relax and watch y’all hate on it. Any who if you know me you know I’m always down for a good foreign TV show and Netflix has quite a few that are EXCELLENT. These are the 5 shows I am personally obsessed with but I would love for you to comment any suggestions! I was gonna add the German show Perfume but I didn’t finish it in time but so far so good! Okay enjoy the list and as always, happy binging!
1. Quicksand (2019 - )
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Quicksand, the best foreign Netflix original, is about 18 year old Maja (Hanna Ardéh) who is the only one left alive in a mass shooting in her classroom. The show backtracks to the events leading up to the shooting while she is getting ready for court. *inhales* *exhales* AHHHHHHHHHHH THIS SHOW IS THE MOTHERFUCKING SHIT Y’ALL. WHEW I MEAN THE OTHER GURLS JUST AREN’T DOING IT!!! I mean this show is just impressive to be honest. They handled such a sensitive topic and shot the show perfectly. I truly believe that movies and shows shot in Europe just look better and Quicksand is proof. Even when it’s cloudy they make Sweden and France look absolutely picturesque. The acting is also spectacular the kids absolutely killed it especially Felix Sandman who plays Sebastian. Ugh y’all need to watch this damn show! Also, *SPOILER ALERT IF YOU’VE SEEN THE SHOW SKINS* if you have seen skins season 6 episode 4 please comment or message me I have so many comparisons!!!
2. Elite (2019 - )
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This Spanish original show is exactly the sexy teen drama the doctor ordered. If you miss Gossip Girl boy this is the show for you. The best part is that this show has a murder to solve and honestly I had no idea who it was until it was revealed. I’ve wrote about Elite before so I’ll keep this short. If you like teens with money, hot older brother bad boy types, private schools, outsiders attending private school, and murder this is the show for you. Oh, and if you become obsessed, which you will, don’t worry season two is already filming.
3. Dark (2017 - )
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Netflix’s very first German original show is about how two kids who go missing from a small german town but they’re not the first. Okay this show is like so weird at first but omg it’s literally so addicting. I really can’t say much cause I don’t want to give anything away but you definitely will not be disappointed. It’s kind of annoying how Europe sometimes just does better shit than us like why can’t all our shows be at this caliber!?! The cinematography is so fucking perfect for the genre and the acting is amazing. I was honestly so scared when it took them so long to make a second season cause I couldn’t stop thinking about it! Luckily the second season premieres June 21st and Netflix has announced that this will be a trilogy so the third season will sadly be its last.
4. Baby (2018 - )
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Baby is an Italian Netflix original coming of age story set in the rich part of Rome that is sort of like Elite but with no murder. At first try I honestly didn’t like Baby cause I thought it was boring but for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about the characters so I went back and finished it and I’m really glad I did. Popular Chiara (Bendetta Porcaroli) becomes friends with rebel Ludovica (Alice Pagani) and they start to make questionable decisions. I stan a good coming of age and the acting, you guessed it, is great. The show is only six episodes long which makes for very easy binging and season two is on the way.
5. Narcos (2015 - 2017)
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Ok so technically Narcos is an American show BUT it is also Colombian so its going on the fucking list. People always ask what’s good on Netflix and my favorite Netflix show of all time is 100% Narcos. There is just no competition I mean yes it is based on real events and also filmed in those places but it’s just so damn GOOD. I’ve never seen a show that just ones up itself every fucking season. The first two seasons are all about Pablo Escobar and the third is about the Cali Cartel and boy the third season left me fucking SHOOK. The beginning of the seventh episode deserves a Globe ALONE. Sadly the third season was the last but if you’re craving more drug related crime don’t worry you can watch Narcos: Mexico which is about the Guadalajara Cartel and stars Diego Luna. Ugh please watch this fucking show cause honestly I am tired of telling you to watch it. Also I am just OBSESSED with the theme song I’ve never skipped it.
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tokumusume · 4 years
tokumusume’s list of best and worst movies and dramas watched in 2019:
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There’s a new category this year. Inspired by kpopalypse, welcome the Honorable Mentions! Movies that weren’t exactly bad but also weren’t good. Movies and dramas are qualified to enter if I watched them for the first time this year, not that they were released this year. Click on ‘keep reading’~~
Best Movies:
1.      Parasite
Another masterpiece from the director of Snowpiercer (let’s pretend Okja never existed). A poor family con their way to a rich household. Choi Woo-Shik from The Witch (see below) is the eldest son and mastermind, fabulous as always. Definitely the best movie of this year. For me, movie of the decade.
2.      The Witch Part 1 The Subversion
This movie is amazing, hard to describe without spoilers. A perfect mix of Stranger Things and Hanna. Choi Woo-Shik can come to my house and kick my ass anytime. I can’t wait for part two.
3.      Death Trance
Visually stunning, kinda like Amemiya Keita’s style in early Garo or Mad Max. I wish the movie was longer and the characters were better fleshed out, Ryuen the monk and the little girl had so much potential... The most interesting thing about this movie is how sexualized the main male character is compared to the female ones, and apparently, the swords were designed to look like veiny penises (can’t find a source for this info), and yes, they do look like veiny penises. The final showdown is heavy with sexual energy. Have I already said that Ryuen deserved better? #RyuenRights
4.      Gintama 2: Rules are made to be broken
The barber shop scene is a fucking cinematic masterpiece. I never laughed so much like I did with this movie. The way it doesn’t take itself seriously, the meta jokes, everything is perfect. Even better than the first one.
5.      Kingdom
While I think that some fight scenes were way too long (like the bamboo forest one), the dynamics between Shin and Hyou/Eisei were highly entertaining, at least in my shipper eyes. I like that (SPOILER) the King of the Mountain People is a woman and not once they try to call her Queen. She is a King. Hashimoto Kanna is adorable as a Ten, Kanata Hongo does a great job as Eisei’s psycho brother, Sakaguchi Tak waves his sword around, the usual stuff but with added layers of dirt and sweat.
6.      Bravestorm
A movie I lovingly call “Japanese Pacific Rim”. Full of Kamen Rider stars (Hino Eiji! Misuzawa Haruka! That girl from Heisei Generations, the one with a sword! She has a sword in this as well!) and giant robots (god, I love giant robots!), I waited so much for this movie and it exceeded my expectations. I just wish I could’ve watched in theaters, it had a limited showing in my country.
7.      Twelve Suicidal Children
What begins as a murder mystery ends with a twist you won’t see coming. All of the actors are amazing, but special mention to Sugisaki Hana and that guy from that one boy group I forgot the name but can’t be bothered to Google.
8.      Gakkou Gurashi
Four girls and their teacher try to survive the zombie apocalypse trapped inside the school. This one destroyed me for days.
9.      Forest of Love
I’ve watched some Sono Sion movies but nothing prepared me for this. Be aware of extremely gory sequences and sensitive topics. Hinami Kyoko is so amazing as blue-haired, punk girl crush Taeko that I totally didn’t notice she was AkibaBlue in Akibaranger.
10.  The Host
After watching Parasite I decided to go on a Bong Joon Ho binge and watched this horror movie. Not as good as Snowpiercer and Parasite in my opinion but heart-wrenching nevertheless. The little girl is the star of the movie.
11.  The Hungry Lion
A story about the dangers of social media and slut-shaming. I want to punch Mizuishi Atom in the face.
12.  Cromartie High
A little absurd comedy about yakuza-style high school boys (played by middle-aged men lol) forming a club to battle aliens summoned by themselves just because. It made me laugh like a child. A hidden gem.
Honorable Mentions:
1.      River’s Edge
Depressing as fuck. Warning: the cats die. It’s not graphic but it’s traumatizing. Yoshizawa Ryo is a gay boy who sleeps with old men for money. There’s a graphic sex scene (not Yoshizawa, sadly) where my only thought was “That thing is gonna get stuck in there! Use a condom!” Can’t remember much from it except for these three scenes.
2.      The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Yamazaki Kento has the acting chops of a dead fish but it comes handy for playing a teen with psychic abilities and zero social skills. Hashimoto Kanna is one of the prettiest girls in Japan. Yoshizawa Ryo with white and blueish hair looks more like Sakata Gintoki than Oguri Shun in the Gintama live action. The end is a huge let down but the fun ride is worth it.
3.      Ano ko no, Toriko
Congratulations to Yoshizawa Ryo, he has FIVE movies in my list of favorite movies this year! This is to make up for crowning GIVER as the biggest waste of time of 2018, this list is totally not biased, lol. “Ano ko” could be just another romance movie but the (very) little insight into how the entertainment industry works and not focusing on school life made me love it. Poor Sugino Yosuke being left behind again, when will this boy get the main girl?
4.      Monstrum
It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it’s pleasant enough to fill a rainy afternoon with a lot of blood and spilled guts. Hyeri of Girl’s Day is the heroine and Choi Woo Shik is the commander she falls in love with.
5.      Weirdo Go
I confess I watched this one just to see Ji Li (aka my snake son Nie Huaisang) dressed as a woman but it was enjoyable and not that problematic.
6.      Real - Kanzen Naru Kubinagaryu no Hi
Directed by the same guy that did “Creepy” and “Before we vanish”, there are lots of twists you won’t see coming. And a dinosaur. A fucking dinosaur.
7.      Tomodachi Game: The Final
The movie loses its focus halfway through then picks up again minutes before ending. Yoshizawa Ryo delivers again as the sadistic Yuuichi, much like his role in Gintama. The plot twists are the star of the movie.
8.     The Living Dead
Sorry Wen Ning. I saw the plot twist coming in the first 30 minutes of the movie, not very smart of the writer. His personality did a 180° turn for worse and I’ll demote the movie to an honorable mention for it. Gao Han is cute though, I would like to see him as a better character.
9.      Backstreet Girls
Some recycled scenes from the drama to situate the viewers, a completely new story for the movie, it is certainly funny and enjoyable, if you can get past the forced gender reassignment surgery background and transphobic jokes (you shouldn’t get past it btw). I like the soundtrack.
Best Dramas:
1.      The Untamed
Do I need to say more?
2.      The Tale of Nokdu
This Korean romance had everything to be a mess but it wasn’t!!! *claps* I don’t hate the main female character and the whole palace politics actually kept me interested until the end. The complete shift of atmosphere mid-season was strange at first but ultimately very welcomed.
3.      The Naked Director
Netflix original Japanese content is amazing. This one is a look at the life of a legendary porn director in the late 80s, I learned a lot about the history of Japanese porn and censorship (yay pixels!) and went looking for his, erm, works. Very graphic, 69/10 don’t recommend watching with people in the house.
4.      Channel wa Sonomama!
I don’t remember it well but it’s about a news station and what is like to be a journalist and it was very interesting and funny.
5.      SCAMS
Forgettable. Sugino Yosuke with black hair cons old people via phone calls.
Worst Movies and Dramas:
1.      The cat in their arms
The cats spend 90% of the movie in human forms, and halfway through it they simply abandon the cats’ plot to show a fucking long montage of a weird guy painting a picture of a nude girl. It’s also super creepy to see a grown-up man acting like a cat, getting belly rubs and eating cat food from a bowl. Yoshizawa needs to choose his roles more wisely.
2.      Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
A waste of Suda Masaki’s talent. Can Japan stop casting Tsuchiya Tao already?
3.      Samurai Marathon
Almost two hours of dirty men running through a forest. Maybe Japanese History experts will enjoy it, because I certainly didn’t.
4.      Lady Vengeance
While there are legit great moments, I didn’t find this “classic” to be anything special. The animal cruelty was too much for me.
5.      Hot Gimmick
This movie makes Bohemian Rhapsody’s editing look like a work of art. There are more flashing cuts than a T-ARA music video. I have no idea who likes who, who’s banging who, what even are they saying. Too much poetic shit for my like. I wanted to see Shimizu Hiroya naked. I was bamboozled.
6.      The Divine Fury
While some parts were interesting, at the end I still don’t know if the protagonist is possessed by a demon (if yes, then why would he help a priest destroy his friends?) or if he was blessed by God when his father died and talked to him (the glowing hand thing, why and how??). The exorcism parts are really, really scary, or maybe I’m just a chicken, but I had to avert my eyes. The best (only) part is that the protagonists are hot. Hello Woo Do-Hwan, you can sacrifice me to Satan any time…
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elizabethsharmon · 5 years
Be kind always (even though we know it's not possible due to you being so offensive 😇😇😇)
oooh okay so turns out that this is an actual question meanwhile I thought it’s just a reminder that I shouldn’t be too petty while ranking the remakes 🤦‍♀🤦‍♀🤦‍♀ though I honestly don’t know how can I not be offensive while answering this question soooo I guess I’m gonna put this under cut so if anyone doesn’t want to see the negativity just don’t click? 🤷‍♀
Be Kind always - Unpopular opinion about skam?
aka I’m gonna say something controversial yet so brave
since you haven’t specified which one I should mention and I know you well enough to know what you expect from asking me this so…
skam france: season 4 was well-written. yes, there was sometimes too much drama to handle but there weren’t any plot holes and everything that happened actually made sense EXCEPT MARLES GETTING BACK TOGETHER UGH but other than that yes. and AT LEAST they gave imane all 10 episodes and in two clips that had somewhat switched pov she was still the main focus of them in the end. some remakes should learn.
they seem to just pick all the songs from billboard top 100 list from years 2003-2019 and put them randomly in the clips only to have a Known Tune and it makes no sense for the story shown on screen
cutting clips that could’ve easily be long into short clips and then ending them abruptly disrupts the flow of the story and one longer clip would work better than 832882 long ones (for example see: wednesday clips from s3e3)
what they’re doing now with sander and robbe without showing us practically any interaction between them but giving us hints that yeah they talked with each other and spent some time together is not cutting through, they can’t cram 3 weeks of interactions and longing into one week (or more like 3 clips where they actually talked) and be like “yeah, that’s good, great job, jeff”
which brings me to my next point: it kinda seems now that they don’t have any lgbt writers in the team and it shows
skam espana: s1 was the least skam-like in terms of experience and acting and the work of camera of all the remakes
skam austin: it’s not even skam anymore, it’s another american show for teenagers and yeah, no, it doesn’t work
first of all mia and queerbaiting saga - the only reason why they made her bi was because fans wanted her to be and so first in s1 she says “i don’t like labels”, then the writers made her KISS HANNA, only to make her say like two or three lines that she’s bi in s2. AND THEN they made her break up with alex after they were kinda okay together (as much as a noorhelm couple can be) and literally 5 minutes after they broke up they queerbaited with mia and this other girl.that’s like… not how you write bi characters and it’s very, very harmful to the community. so stop.
secondly: the constant focus on boys and talking about relationship with boys only like that’s the only thing girls can talk about. spoiler alert: it’s not! first they made the bechdel test clip and literally the next day they forgot about it all and released a clip of girl squad (except mia who was too busy kissing alex) talking about boys and relationships only with boys (but not for mia because “mia has a choice”! yeah so do you!!!) for 7 minutes straight. love that for them.
thirdly: contrary to popular opinion season 3 was a complete mess and the writing decreased tremendously and acting wasn’t good either. matteo had all the signs of depression but they just completely ignored it and just made him smoke more weed and meet with his weed dealer and he was practically stoned through the whole season. also his outfits were plain awful and whoever says otherwise has no taste at all sorry not sorry
still at the third point: if you want to change MI storyline to trans storyline that’s amazing BUT you HAVE TO adjust the timeline to this and if you really want to make it right and use your show as a platform to raise awareness and normalise stuff just do this and actually show stuff and talk about them and mention it. one dialogue isn’t enough. all in all what druck did wasn’t good at all, there was no point in waiting for so long for matteo to meet with david again plus making david being outed their “big reveal” at the end of ep8 (aka clips when evens have an episode) was only there for shock factor
let’s move on to season 4 aka “amira where?”. it was basically kiki’s season first, then they literally changed pov to mia and hanna and made it even worse and more pointless. love that.
i think that mohammed was borderline creepy and some of his interactions with amira reminded me a lot of noorhelm?? and yeah, i wasn’t buying that
also sam. she was in like 1/10 of all the seasons and it seemed like they put her in the clips only when kiki really fucked up and someone had to deal with it OR for comedy relief. she was the least developed character in the show
oh and the person handling youtube comments in the show and some members of the cast saying “just wait :)” and “yeah amira’s season is over but there are still some episodes left with other characters so just shut up and enjoy”… yeah, it doesn’t work like that. they can’t expect us to be thrilled that they made even more mess of s4 than any of the remakes or og and gave their poc character only seven (7) episodes. you don’t do things like this. you just don’t
okay i think that’s it. if i think of something more, i will let you know. are you happy now that you got your answer?
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geekbroll · 5 years
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SCOOBY DOO AND GUESS WHO? - Peebles' Pet Shop of Terrible Terrors! - Guest Starring Wanda Sykes - July 11th 2019 - Boomerang streaming service SPOILER: The last 2 frames of this post have 2 surprise Hanna Barbera guests. Frank Welker - Fred Jones, Scooby, (Surprise Guest) Grey Griffin - Daphne Blake Matthew Lillard - Shaggy Rogers Kate Micucci - Velma Dinkly, April Wanda Sykes - Herself Billy West - Mr. Peebles, Arnie Dee Bradley Baker - Fish Monster #hannabarbera #scoobydoo #scoobydooandguesswho #scoobydoocartoons #wandasykes #magillagorilla #boomerang #boomerangtoons #boomerangstreamingservice #boomerangapp #cartoons #cartooncharacters #shaggyrogers #fredjones #velmadinkley #daphneblake #newscoobydoo #mrpeebles #frankwelker #greygriffin #tomkenny #billywest #matthewlillard #katemicucci #peebles #bandit #jonnyquest #banditjonnyquest #dogsofinstagram (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzy3j19hrVH/?igshid=f79qquehi8qb
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triscribe · 5 years
(Follows the current Batman and new family members in order of appearance, their alter egos, their years of operation and ages. The Ultra Bomb Disaster of 2050 killed off a lot of superheroes, including twenty six of the active Gotham crimefighters, and also meant the remaining Bats took in a lot of orphaned meta kids who bolstered their ranks further with the next generation. Asterix symbol refers to someone returning to a uniform they wore previously):
Bruce Wayne (1997-2012) (22-37 years old):
Selina Kyle, Catwoman (1998-2023), Madam Cat (2023-2056) (22-47-80)
Dick Grayson, Robin (2000-2007), Nightwing (2007-2012) (10-17-22)
Barbara Gordon, Batgirl (2002-2008), Oracle (2008-2067) (15-21-80)
Jason Todd, Robin (2007-2009), Red Hood (2011-2039) (13-15, 17-45)
Tim Drake, Robin (2010-2012), Redbird (2012-2027), Bird’s Eye (2027-2048) (13-15-30-51)
Stephanie Brown, Spoiler (2010-2012), Batgirl (2012-18), Blonde Bat (2018-46) (14-16-22-50)
Cassandra Cain, Batgirl (2010-2012), Black Bat (2012-2050) (12-14-52)
Dick Grayson (2012-2014) (22-24):
Damian Wayne, Robin (2012-2020), Renegade (2020-2024) (8-16-20)
Colin Wilkes, Abuse (2012-2022) (9-19)
Kate Kane, Batwoman (2013-2025) (22-40)
Renee Montoya, Question (2013-2016) (23-26)
*Bruce Wayne (2014-2024) (39-49):
*Dick Grayson, Nightwing (2014-2026), Old Wing (2050) (24-36, 60)
Luke Fox, Batwing (2014-2048) (25-59)
Harper Row, Bluebird (2014-2015, 2020-2050) (14-15, 20-50)
Duke Thomas, Signal (2016-2050) (15-49)
Nell Little, Snitch (2017-2019), Spoiler (2019-2026), Snooper (2026-50) (12-14-21-45)
Tiffany Fox, Batgirl (2018-2025), Batwoman (2025-2050) (15-22-47)
Cullen Row, Agent C (2020-2091) (19-90)
Helena Wayne, Robin (2020-24), Batgirl (2024-27), Nightwing (2027-38) (11-15-18-29)
Mar’iand’r Grayson, Nightstar (2023-2050) (9-36)
Damian Wayne (2024-2038) (20-33):
Maya Ducard, Nobody (2013-2033), Shadowbird (2033-2063) (10-30-60)
Jake Grayson, Robin (2024-2030), Nightfire (2030-2050) (8-14-34)
Augusta Young-Gordon, Snitch (2025-2030), Spook (2030-50) (10-15-35)
Marigold Cain/Wayne, Batgirl (2027-2032), Gold Bat (2032-2050) (10-15-33)
Jasmine Todd, Robin (2030-2033), Catgirl (2033-39), Red Hood (2039-50) (12-15-21-32)
Jeremy Todd, Hoodlum (2032-2033), Red Bat (2035-2050) (12-13, 15-30)
Tawny Fox, Batgirl (2032-2037), Foxbat (2037-2048), Batwing (2048-) (13-18-29-)
Jack Drake, Robin (2033-2037), Redbird (2037-2050) (12-16-29)
Anne Drake, Spoiler (2033-2037), Batgirl (2037-42), Bird’s Eye (2048-) (12-16-21, 27-)
Richard Wayne, Impulse (2035-38), Dart (2038-45), Flash (2053-70) (10-13-20, 28-45)
Walter Brown, Spoiler (2037-43), Sparrow (2043-2050) (11-17-24)
Alf Wayne, Robin (2037-2045), Nightwing (2045-2050) (7-15-20)
Miguel Little-Reyes, Green Beetle (2037-2050) (13-26)
Helena Wayne (2038-2041) (29-32): (Yes, a girl can be Batman too)
Lyn Row, Harpy (2038-2050) (13-25)
Suze Bennett, Sphinx (2039-2050) (15-26)
Carmelita Little-Reyes, Snitch (2040-2043), Spoiler (2043-50), Snooper (2050-80) (10-13-20-50)
Sarah Wilkes, Ballpark (2040-2050) (16-26)
Louis Gibson, Flare (2040-2050), Signal (2050-70) (15-25-45)
*Damian Wayne (2041-2050) (36-46):
Helena Wayne, Catwoman (2041-2050) (32-41)
Melba Young-Gordon, Batgirl (2042-50), Batwoman (2050-70) (13-21-41)
Danny Wilkes, Cornerback (2043-2049) (15-21)
Tasha Teller Fox, Redwing (2043-2048), Foxbat (2048-2050) (19-24-26)
Luna Wayne, Robin (2045-2050), Batgirl (2050-60), Catwoman (2060-) (10-15-25-)
Alf Wayne (2050-2074) (20-44):
Haley~Harry Kent Grayson, Robin (2050-55), Nightwing (2055-65), Superman (2065-) (10-15-25-)
Corey Grayson, Nightfire (2051-) (10-)
Thyra Gardener, Black Ice (2051-) (13)
David Queen, Gold Bow (2052-2058), Green Arrow (2058-) (15-21-)
Sumi Brown, Spoiler (2052-2060), Batgirl (2060-63), Sparrow (2063-) (10-18-21-)
Cassidy Harper, Hawkgirl (2053-2063), Blackhawk (2063-) (10-20-)
Curt Batson, Superboy (2053-2063), Captain Marvel (2063-) (11-21-)
Sam Smith, Blue Tornado (2054-) (14-)
Mirabelle Hall, Snow Tiger (2054-) (15-)
Kelsey Todd, Robin (2055-2057), Catgirl (2057-2061), Catwoman (2061-) (14-16-20-)
Bethany Drake, Spook One (2055-2063), Redbird (2063-) (11-19-)
Beverly Drake, Spook Two (2055-2063), Batgirl (2063-2070), Batwoman (2070-) (11-19-26-)
Jett Todd, Street Rat (2056-2060), Red Hood (2060-) (13-17-)
Zaina Zatara, Stagehand (2056-2062), Zatara (2062-) (12-18-)
Rosa Reyes, Blue Beetle (2056-) (12-)
Robbie Hawkins, Spark (2057-2064), Static (2064-) (13-20-)
Terry McGinnis, Robin (2057-2061), Red Bat (2061-2074) (12-16-29)
Benjamin Drake, Kid Flash (2057-2070), Flash (2070-) (11-24-)
Joey Todd Allen, Kid Mercury (2058-2070), Mercury (2070-) (10-22-)
Vicky Logan, Menagerie (2059-) (16-)
Archie Bloomberg, Kid Devil (2059-2064), Red Devil (2064-) (13-18-)
Hanna Hawkins Wayne, Impulse (2059-2062), Silver Bat (2062-)(12-15-)
Ricardo Little-Reyes, Kid Lantern (2060-2062), Darklight (2062-) (13-15-)
Lucille Drake, Spoiler (2060-2065), Harpy (2065-) (15-20-)
June West, Spin (2060-) (11-)
Janus West, Twist (2060-) (11-)
Matt McGinnis, Robin (2061-2066), Redwing (2066-78) (12-17-29)
Dale Donovan, Animal Kid (2061-2065), Animal Man (2065-) (16-20-)
Liberty Free, Eve (2062-) (15-)
Angie Row, Sphinx (2062-) (15-)
Samantha Wilkes, Slamdunk (2064-) (15-)
Tom Wayne, Robin (2066-2070), Nightwing (2070-2085) (11-15-30)
Penny Wayne, Pigeon (2066-2070), Robin (2070-74), Greybird (2074-90) (6-10-14-30)
Maxine Gibson, Oracle (2067-) (21-)
Abby Brown, Spoiler (2069-2075), Batgirl (2075-2080), Snooper (2080-) (12-18-23-)
Maia Wayne-Queen, Speedy (2070-2076), Black Canary (2076-) (12-18-)
Terry McGinnis (2074-2078) (29-33):
Helen Kent-Grayson, Supergirl (2075-2085), Superwoman (2085-) (10-20-)
Sidney Hall-Smith, Blizzard (2075-) (14-)
Teddy Drake, Robin (2074-2076), Bluebird (2076-2090) (11-13-27)
Zeke Brown, Spoiler (2076-2085), Spook (2085-) (12-21-)
Iris McGinnis, Robin (2076-2078), Redwing (2078-) (9-11-)
*Alf Wayne (2078-2085) (48-55):
*Terry McGinnis, Red Bat (2078-) (33-)
Mason Todd, Robin (2078-2085), Stray (2085-) (11-18-)
Marisa Kent-Grayson, Nightstar (2078-) (10-)
Cici Batson, Gold Hawk (2079-) (13-)
Carson Batson, Marvel Kid (2079-2086), Olympian (2086-) (11-18-)
Toby Delmont, Roadrunner (2079-) (10-)
Darion Wayne-Queen, Gold Bow (2080-) (12-)
Bruce Kent-Grayson, Nightwing (2080-) (10-)
Riley Grayson, Starfire (2080-) (10-)
Finn Snart, Captain Cold (2080-) (19-)
Cera Little-Reyes, Green Beetle (2081-) (13-)
Vic Logan-Todd, Street Rat (2081-2085), Hybrid (2085-) (12-16-)
Scott Free Allen, Kid Mercury (2082-) (10-)
Tammy Row, Gryphon (2083-) (13-)
Remy Logan-Todd, Beast Boy (2084-2090), Beastial (2090-) (12-18-)
Tina Zatara, Conjure (2084-) (13-)
Sharise Hawkins, Spark (2084-) (15-)
Tom Wayne (2085-2090) (30-35):
Devin Wayne, Robin (2085-2090), Bluebird (2090-) (8-13-)
Shawn Wayne-Fox, Stopwatch (2085-) (12-)
Amara Drake, Red Beetle (2086-) (11-)
Kathy Row, Wyvern (2087-) (13-)
Ziva Zatara, Kid Devil (2088-) (12-)
Minnie Free Allen, Impulse (2088-) (10-)
Brian West, Kid Flash (2089-) (10-)
Penny Wayne (2090-) (30-): (Following in her great-aunt Helena’s example)
Martha “March” Snart-Wayne, Robin (2090-) (7-)
Valor McGinnis, Dart (2090-) (10-)
Selina Graysmith, Stormbird (2094-) (7-)
John Kent-Grayson, Superboy (2099-) (8-)
Joanna Todd, Cub (2100-) (10-)
Now, why did I put myself through this madness? Because I needed the full background prepared for my new story, HYPERTIME, starring March Wayne, Robin #26, and her cousin Lina Graysmith, the one and only Stormbird.
The multiverse is not prepared.
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northoftheroad · 4 years
The Robin 80th Anniversary Special
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It's not a secret that I'm first and foremost a Dick Grayson fan, whether he comes dressed as Robin, Nightwing, Batman or something else. But I try to be charitable and be happy for fans of the other Robins that they got a pice of the birthday cake, i. e. the Robin 80th Anniversary Special.
For your enjoyment (?), here are my thoughts about the book. Spoilers ahead, obviously – don't like, don't read!
I honestly thought almost all of the stories were ok – but pretty forgettable. Marv Wolfman's spin on Dick leaving to become Nightwing, in "A little nudge" (art by Tom Grummett and Scott Hanna), is probably the only one I will remember and reference in the future. I don't know if or how it is supposed to fit into the (any?) continuity, but as far as I can see, it works nicely in the current setting.
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Dick's parting from Robin and Bruce was successively portrayed as more and more hostile. When he originally left Robin to become Nightwing (1983–1984), the two still had a good relationship. This changed in comics to, first, that Bruce decided to retire Robin, and then to that Bruce outright fired Dick and kicked him out of the cave. This lead to that their relationship was portrayed as poor, antagonistic even, for a good many comics years.
The bad mood was picked up by Batman The Animated Series, where Dick left being resentful of Bruce and his methods.
I don't have a lot of good things to say about what has happened to the Bat-family after Flashpoint. But from what we've seen from scattered panels, Dick was the one who decided he wanted to leave Robin. You can read Marv Wolfman's story as confirmation of that. Which is nice.
Bruce is only a little bit of a jerk in this story, being utterly rigid about that Robin has to follow orders. Dick, however, chooses to stay with a kid that had been shot instead of following the criminals.
Dick has had it with Bruce's rules and leaves the cave, but he says "later" rather than "goodbye".
It's made clear that those strict rules were Bruce's way to say, "I know you've grown up, and you should move on; I'll be fine without you."
Batman # 408, where Bruce decides to retire Robin because he got scared when the Joker shot Dick, is firmly established in my mind as the "correct" leaving story in my mind. It was the only one I had read and knew of for many years, and the two still part on decent terms. But Marv Wolfman's 80th Anniversary version has a lot going for it.
On to the rest of the stories...
"Aftershocks" By Chuck Dixon, art Scott McDaniel and Rob Hunter.
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Set during Cataclysm (a storyline from 1998) where Dick lived in Blüdhaven before he moved back to Gotham and became Batman. It's an action-filled story where (fingerstripe) Nightwing comes to Gotham after an earthquake has hit the city.
It's interesting to read this, living through the corona crisis that is going on right now. I don't know how it is where you live, but where I am, people are setting up networks to help people who can't go out to shop or walk the dog, University students are helping kids do their math lessons with the help of Facebook, people make masks for health workers etc. But when Chuck Dixon writes what happens after a catastrophe, Dick has to fight his way through masked thugs who are trying to rob an ambulance of "painkillers and tranks" when he tries to save a cab from falling with a damaged bridge. A woman is giving birth inside the car, and the story ends with that the mother wants to name the boy after Nightwing.
"Well...Robin works, right", he says.
"Team building" by Devin Grayson, art Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapund.
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Well, I'll always soak up everything that has to do with Dick and the Titans – Teen Titans, New Teen Titans, Titans, any Titans...
Devin Grayson wrote The Titans 1999–2000, which is the setting of this story. Most of it takes place inside a H.I.V.E. locale, where an exasperated boss (Damien Darkh) chews out his soldiers after a fight with the Titans. But Darkh decides not to kill the lot of them, because they did distract the Titans while he stole a red crystal/power source. Of course, it turns out Dick is the soldier who has kept his helmet on; he takes the crystal with him and gives Darkh a bit of advice on team-building on his way out.
"Generally speaking, fear of execution isn't a great motivator. I've found basic team-building and morale-boosting to be much more effective. Like, I'm just spitballing here, but... You ever consider a pizza night?"
Well, it did keep me amused, and it shows us that Dick is a good leader and strategist, (and a great acrobat who manages to get out of the H.I.V.E. uniform with one hand, on the way out), although it isn't exactly a surprise that Dick was in the building when you get near the end.
"The Lesson Plan" by Tom King and Tim Seeley, art Mikel Janín.
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Now, I do like some things about the Grayson run, but with a bit of distance, I've realized it was mostly the art. The sexualization of Dick and how King and Seely wrote him as a guy who jumps first and plans never got tiresome. This story is in-character for Grayson; Dick is accompanied by a girl (Paris) from St Hadrian's on a mission, and on the way, he remembers the lessons Batman gave him and imparts his own interpretation of them to Paris. As is Batman says, "plan everything", and Dick says "Improvise. Leap first... figure it all out on the way down." Ergo, classic King and Seeley. Also, it is possibly implied Dick made out with a beautiful girl that turned out to be gorilla in disguise...? Yep, vintage King and Seeley.
Other than that, I don't have a big problem with the story. Some things ring true to me – as when Dick remembers Batman saying, "At their core, people are cowardly and self-serving. Trust no one until you know them. And even then, never completely". And what Dick says is, "Give the benefit of the doubt until you gotta knock 'em out."
For my own peace of mind, I'm reading this as Dick is half-joking with his advice. It's not like we've never seen him make plans and be suspicious post-Flashpoint.
On a side note, one of the best characterizations of Dick Grayson to my mind is a panel from Black Mirror. When Dick explains he had injected James Gordon Jr with a subdermal tracer, and says about himself, "I am a softie. And I do try to see the best in people... but that doesn't mean I'm stupid."
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Detective Comics # 881. By Scott Snyder, art Jock and Francesco Francavilla.  
"More Time" by Judd Winnick, art Dustin Nguyen.
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Jason has a cute story about him repairing Thomas Wayne's watch as a present to Bruce. He started the work as a tiny Robin (too tiny, in my opinion, but with Dustin Nguyen on art it probably couldn't turn out any other way) and finished the work as Red Hood. Jason delivers the present to Bruce on his birthday, placing it on the Batmobile while it is parked in a Gotham alley.
"Extra Credit" by Adam Beechen, art Freddie E. Williams II.
Tim has an appointment with the guidance counsellor at Gotham City High School. Tim sees a future in law enforcement (that's the first I've heard of that, but I'm no expert on Tim) and he's adopted (again, something I haven't seen post-Flashpoint). But the counsellor doubts that Tim will be admitted because he has nothing to show when it comes to extracurricular activities. It's kind of a fun few pages where the counsellor suggests things that Tim could do, and Tim thinks about what he does as Robin on his spare time.
"Boy Wonders" by James Tynion IV, art Javier Fernandez.
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Tim, Red Robin, is unsure what he wants to do with his life and goes to his brothers? fellow Robins? for advice.
I know emotions have been running high because Dick tells Tim that he is "demonstrably smarter" than he is, which makes it sound as if Dick is not really smart at all.
Again, for my peace of mind, I choose to read this as I want: that "big brother" Dick is encouraging, he has always thought highly of Tim, he has no ego to preserve. This doesn't make Dick a reliable narrator on the subject, and the page ends with that Tim thinks "He was the first. He's the best. He's always going to be the role model. "So, two brothers who admire each other.
Tim also talks to Jason and Tim, and the story ends with that he tells Batman he wants to start Gotham Knights protocol, the team in Detective Comics (Rebirth.) 2016-2018.
"Fitting In" by Amy Wolfram, art Damion Scott.
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Stephanie, as Robin has problems because Tim's Robin suit doesn't fit her female body. But at the end of the day, Bruce gives Stephanie her own "changing room" in the Bat-cave, because she's female.
...are Bruce and Alfred idiots? Did Dick, Jason and Tim have exactly the same body type when they were Robin? Stephanie deserved a story worth being told, not this one.
"My Best Friend" by Peter J. Tomasi, art Jorge Jimenez.
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Jonathan Kent writes a school essay about his best friend, Damian. As he writes the words on his laptop at home, they are illustrated with pcitures of the two as both Robin and Superboy, and as Damian and Jon in civvies. Tomasi and Jimenez worked with Super Sons (2017–2019), and though I didn't read that, I'm pretty sure this story is an extra chapter in that series.
"Bat and Mouse" by Robbie Thompson, art Ramon Villalobos.
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It's not the worst story in the book, but somehow the one I disliked the most. It is part of what is going on in Teen Titans and Bat-titles right now; we see Alfred's tombstone and how Batman and Robin have a strained relationship and difficulties in communicating. I'm not keeping up with what is going on with Damian and Bruce in detail, so I really can't say whether this story is consistent with how things have been going lately. I'll let Bruce-and-Damian fans take that ball.
To be honest, my reaction to "Bat and Mouse" is probably due to that I really, really don't like what's happened in the Bat titles lately. I firmly hope that the current situation will be changed and Alfred will be alive again, and I wish I could go back and re-read this book years from now without being reminded of this very dark time when DC seemingly doesn't want any money from me for new comics...
Being who I am, I probably take it waaaaay too seriously to try to understand where/if these stories fit in the DC continuity... The writers have probably (rightly) thought more about writing a good story than making it consistent with any grand plan for a timeline for all of the DC universe. But whatever.
The Grayson story clearly happens in a post-Flashpoint universe, as does Damian's and Tim's stories. But Tim says he's adopted, which I believe has never been said outright post-Flashpoint. And Stephanie has as far as I know not been Robin in this continuity. Chuck Dixon's Nightwing story is explicitly set during Cataclysm (a storyline from 1998) where Dick lived in Blüdhaven before he moved back to Gotham and became Batman. Post-Flashpoint, he moves to Blüdhaven for the first time in Nightwing vol 4., so Dixon's story should take place in the old continuity.
On the other hand. The last pages of the book are made to look like profile overviews in the Bat-computer and use pictures from different Robin runs. If the snippets of information are supposed to be the current continuity for the Robins, a lot from the pre-Flashpoint universe is back in canon.
Shortly, Dick was adopted (that's the word they use), formed the Teen Titans, moved to Blüdhaven and was Agent 37 for a while. Blüdhaven comes before Agent 37, but it's not explicitly stated when he first moved there. Because if Dick was in Blüdhaven before his time with Spyral, it is inconsistent with parts of Rebirth Nightwing. (Which I can live with...)
Jason's story starts as the street kid who tries to steal the tires of the Batmobile, his stint as Robin was short, and today, Red Hood has formed a tenuous alliance with Batman. Tim uncovered Batman's secret and made a bid to become the new Robin – and his new moniker "Drake" is acknowledged. Stephanie was Robin for a very short while. Damian was created with genetic material that Talia stole after a romantic tryst with Bruce, and he was bred to be an assassin.
Personally, of course, I think that Dick Grayson was worth more of an effort from DC on his 80th anniversary. But on the whole, the things we got were decent, "A little nudge" gave me something I will keep with me, and several of the covers are great.
(The cover photo is still pinched from Dan Jurgens' Twitter – I haven't bought all of the variant covers.)
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