#harm reduction saves lives
chronicallycouchbound · 9 months
People who use drugs deserve love and kindness.
Abstinence is not the only form of recovery. AA/NA doesn’t work for everyone. Sometimes people choose to use instead of meeting other needs, which is valid. Some people use for recreational purposes. Some people use for medicinal purposes. Some people who use have substance abuse disorder. Treatment looks different for everyone. Not everyone needs or wants treatment, for various reasons. The only thing Naloxone enables is breathing. Active use is not shameful. People who use drugs often also deal drugs. People in recovery should not shame active users. Active users deserve love. Active users deserve someone to check in on them, get them safer use supplies, and get them pizza. Active users deserve to be listened to. They deserve better than to have that be the first time anyone ever treated them as human since they began using.
Let’s care for each other.
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tears-exe · 1 year
I'm proud of you, yes even if you relapsed, I'm proud of you of all your small little victories. I'm proud of the fact you're here. I'm proud of all the seconds, minutes and more you put into actively love yourself. I'm proud of all the time take to vent and process your feelings in a non destructive ways. I'm proud of you for all the safe destructive ways you process your feelings. I'm proud of every glass of water, bite of food and healing breath you take to nourish yourself. I'm proud of all the little things you do to make yourself smile.
I'm Proud of You
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dysmotility · 10 months
harm reduction is for EDs and self harm too
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thesicklycowboy · 5 months
Local chill pharmacies keep runnin out of my 27g needles for my t shot. And my CVS that always has them is very openly transphobic and a dick. Tried three times. Even moved my prescript for needles there to prove its legit. But they told me they had the right to deny anyone and didnt feel "comfortable" with it 🙄 legit shove a bat covered in nails up your ass. Cause tf.
So instead I ordered online. Got some damn decent subq needles. Cheap too so works out.
Downside is I underestimated the experience difference in gauge sizes. (As in the feeling of the needle goin in, not the pain in particular.) I knew it was about 2 sizes bigger. No issue. But the feeling went from stabbing myself with tattoo needle feeling before. To stabbing myself with a sewing needle. Startled with how different it felt at first but just resterilized and did second go no problem.
Wild how that works though. Tools for sh were like that too. The width of a blade had just as much to do with the experience as the sharpness and edge did. Wild stuff
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raccooninthevoid · 2 years
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Lethal doses of both heroin and fentanyl are shown above, photo is provided by the New Hampshire State Police Forensics Lab.
Always remember that all it takes is 2-3 mg of fentanyl in someone’s drugs to kill them and that fentanyl can be found with drug tests that are often not available to a large portion of the people that need them.
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dognonsense · 6 months
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Safe supply saves lives linocut patch i carved today!
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There are so many problematic things in House, it's literally a big part of the show. Most of it doesn't bother me, but one thing that does make me annoyed every time it's brought up is how they treat Methadone when House takes it. Don't get me wrong, taking Methadone is not ideal, but they treat it like it's some insane trial drug that's an automatic death sentence. Maybe it wasn't the best option for House, I can't say either way. But Methadone is a part of harm reduction. Methadone saves lives!! Not everybody struggling with addiction is able to jump straight from actively using to getting completely sober. There is no shame in utilizing harm reduction tools. There is so much stigma around harm reduction in general, and it's just disheartening to see it portrayed so negatively in the media.
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trans-axolotl · 2 months
where can you get free Narcan?
Check out NEXT Distro! They have links for where to get Narcan in most states, and if there isn't harm reduction services or a free narcan program in your state, you can usually get it mailed to you.
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waambles · 4 months
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Feels good to be back 😈 and I’m DONE CENSORING MYSELF. LONG LIVE QUEER FREEDOM AND JOY!! ☀️☀️☀️
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chronicallycouchbound · 5 months
hi I had a question about your cannabis post
i don’t know much about cannabis so sorry if I misunderstand smth
but I don’t understand what “safe” drug use implies,, how can drugs be safe? what’s safe drug use??
i probably have a very narrow view on this topic, so id like to know more
on a different note id like to thank you for your content, I feel that ive learned a lot from this account :)) thanks!!!
(feel free to ignore this)
It’s important to first recognize that more things are drugs than we normally consider: alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, caffeine, cannabis, are all drugs just as much as opiates, benzos, etc. Any medication is a drug.
Any drugs have the ability to be used properly and safely as well as the potential to be used negatively or harmfully. Drugs are morally neutral. Even addiction is morally neutral.
Alcohol can be used to cut loose with friends on the weekend, but it can also be used to cause poisoning. Tobacco can be used to calm down after an argument, but it can also cause cancer. Opiates can be used to manage severe pain, and can also cause overdose.
People have always used drugs historically, and in order to survive, people often need them. Using substances can also not just be medically or recreational, there are spiritual and cultural reasons as well. Some people need substances to manage their emotional or mental needs (especially without supports otherwise).
Any drug can be safe. It’s all in how it’s used, as well as within context.
Safe use looks different for everyone, but personally, I try to encourage methods that are harm reduction focused.
Harm reduction can look like:
• Safe supply of substances to ensure that people are getting unlaced stuff.
• Education so people know how to avoid accidental consequences of their use.
• Access to unused syringes or works to prevent blood borne infections.
• Having a designated driver or trip sitter.
• Sitting with someone while they use in case they have negative effects.
• Access to naloxone/Narcan to reverse opioid overdoses.
• Starting with a lower dose and going slow with use to ensure you’re getting the intended effects.
And harm reduction is so much more than just about substances, it’s things like seatbelts in cars and condoms and STI testing. It’s the lesser of two evils and a primary focus of harm reduction is that it keeps people alive above all else.
Some people like to say “harm reduction keeps people alive long enough to get sober” but I personally feel like sobriety isn’t always the solution for everyone, nor is it accessible to everyone.
But yeah, safe use exists, and most drugs ARE used safely every day. That’s what a pharmacist’s whole job is for.
I appreciate this ask, I’m always happy to talk about harm reduction. I co-founded a local harm reduction organization and have done a lot of advocacy around this— everything from reversing ODs, speaking on panels, testifying for bills with the ACLU, training communities on how to administer Naloxone, distributing safe use supplies, etc. I have a lot of personal experience with addiction and feel very passionately about this. I was tired of my friends dying and I just want to make the world a safer place.
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tears-exe · 1 year
To Recover, Focus on Doing Simple Tasks
So I hit a very low point last week and now for most of this week I've been resting at ny partners. And a key thing is I've been able to wash dishes without feeling overwhelmed! So I've been focusing on doing dishes and cooking.
And it reminded me of how long ago when my mom's late friend was trying to get sober. Mom would invite her over to just do dishes and other simple stuff in a safe loving environment.
Redirection is great, and especially redirecting that emotional energy into doing simple tasks that make your life better. Granted I know it isn't easy. I struggle to clean my place because of past trauma. Which is why having a support network is vital. At home I mainly redirect by crafting. Keeping my hands busy. Find what works best for you!
Remember you are always worth harm reduction and when your ready, recovery ✨️
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angelnumber27 · 1 year
People who sell other people pills without testing them first or people who knowingly sell people pills with fentanyl in them should be arrested and charged with manslaughter.
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birdiethebibliophile · 9 months
listen. I don’t personally use drugs besides alcohol but that won’t stop me from fighting for the rights of people who do use (other) drugs to my last breath
the two aren’t mutually exclusive but people who don’t use drugs can NOT be babies about drugs or the people who do use them. please
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saintvampy · 4 months
"non-recovery mental illness spaces online are toxic" i think being absolutely alone with a very isolating illness where people often kill themselves because theyre so alone might be more toxic but ok! lets just group everyone together now! awesome take!
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convertgrapeling · 6 months
"The lesser of two evils" is a fallacy. Politicians are supposed to WORK for our votes and they won't fucking do it because you keep rewarding them for being slightly less evil than their opponents. Absolute buffoonery.
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patriciafortunato · 8 months
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I wrote about some personally meaningful topics here and here.
Thank you to wonderful colleagues and friends.
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