#harrison osterfield x reader angst
heytherejulia · 2 years
Matchmakers ~ Harry Holland
pairing: harry holland x reader, tom holland x zendaya
warning: minor injury, swearing
summary: Tom, Sam and Harrison play matchmakers
word count: 1,9k
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Harry was sitting on the couch smiling at his phone. For the past few days he had been texting with this cute girl he ran into at the club. During this time, he got to know her quite well and began to discover that he might have some feelings for her.
But Harry didn't have as much confidence as Tom, as much charm as Sam, he wasn’t as good looking as Harrison (in his opinion) or had as much charisma as Paddy. He just wasn't them and he just wasn’t the best when it came to girls. He needed some advice, but he knew asking his brothers or Harrison would definitely not be that much of a help. The guys may have been good with the opposite sex, but they weren't shitty advisers on this field. 
On the other hand, Tom, Sam and Haz did notice a change in Harry's behavior and figured that something serious was bothering their friend, but they wouldn't be themselves if they hadn't teased him before trying to help. Harry was too focused on replying to your message to notice that Tom was standing behind him reading all the messages on the screen.
‘So who is Y/N with a heart emoji, bro?’ The younger Holland jumped as usual in fear. Habit. 
‘None of your business.’ He smirked sarcastically and locked the screen of his phone.
‘Hey Harry, come on, I told you about my current girlfriend.’ 
‘Yeah, you did. Two years ago, when I caught you with her on foreplay in our kitchen. I don't think I've heard of Zendaya as your official girlfriend before, and you've been shooting with her a lot longer.’ 
‘You should ask her out sometimes, you know? Maybe this is your chance, man.’ He knew Tom was right, but he would never admit it for his life.
‘Yeah yeah. I'm going to my room.’ Harry was halfway up the stairs when he heard Tom scream.
‘Just ask her on a date already!’ The words automatically made both Harrison, Sam and Daya run out of their rooms.
‘Who's asking whom on a date?’ 
Harry felt his cheeks turning red, and the urge to stick Tom's mouth shut or to kill him was growing with every second. Tom, on the other hand, couldn't care less about his lil bro’s death stares and pleading glances. Maybe he felt a little sorry for him, but at the same time, he knew it would be better for Harry if he shared it with his loved ones. As an older brother and a friend, he knew that this particular twin was not the smoothest with the girls and their help would certainly be needed.   
‘Nobody, not now at least, but Harry's been hanging out with some girl named Y/N and he should definitely take her on a date.’ 
‘Leave me alone, I'm going to my room.’
When Harry disappeared behind the door to his room, it was Tom who spoke first.
‘We have to help him somehow. He will never go out with her without us.’ 
‘Ooh, man. Do we play matchmakers? I'm in it.’ The enthusiasm that gushed out of Harrison and Tom was worrisome to Zendaya, and she genuinely felt sorry for Harry, but she doubted her intervention in this endeavor would help anyone.
‘Sam, you’re in, right?’ Daya really hoped Sam would be smarter than her boyfriend and his best mate, but, oh boy, she was so wrong. The younger Holland joined this plan as eagerly as the previous two.
‘Z, are you with us?’
‘No, definitely not. Guys, you should let Harry make his own decision and you definitely shouldn't be playing matchmakers. Especially when you suck at it.’ 
‘Oi! But you know him. He won't do anything until someone pushes him to do it.’ 
‘It's still his life, Tom. Anyway, I'm going to the store, do you guys want something?’ The boys shook their heads. ‘See you later then.’ 
‘Hey, Z’ The girl turned. Tom walked over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. ‘Now you can go.’ 
After Zendaya left, the boys began to create a brilliant plan to get Harry to ask you on a date. They forced him to listen to their advice, on the condition that they would leave him alone afterwards. 
Harry had two options here: listen to these idiots and maybe take advantage of it, or ignore them and deal with their complaints for the next few days. The second option definitely suited him better (excluding brothers and a friend sticking their noses into his love life), but the first option was a win-win for everyone. After all, he did not have to take their advice, and listening to them would not hurt him.
‘Okay, Harry. We have three ideas, three great ideas for your date with Y/N. And before you get out of the way, everything is already set up with your cute girlfriend.’
‘How the hell did you do that?!’
‘We hacked your account, man, and you’re meeting with her this Friday. This is where my wonderful plan comes in.’ Tom began. ‘Well, you’ll take her to the cinema for the horror movie, and then …’ 
As it turned out later, Tom's plan sucked so bad. Not only was the movie boring, but not scary at all, not least in Harry’s and yours opinion, but Tom, Sam and Haz, who went to the same screening to follow their brother's progress, screamed like little girls on every jumpscare that appeared on the screen. At the end, you and Harry spent some time in the café talking about the shitty movie and your hobbies, but to the boys' displeasure, there was no open flirting or kissing between you, you just acted like friends. 
‘Okay, now that we know Spider-boy's plan sucks, we're going with mine. You’ll take her to paintball and then perhaps with a bit of luck you can kiss her. You know, someone will shoot her and you will take care of her.’ 
This date turned out to be an even greater failure than the previous one. You went on paintball (matchmakers along to spy on you), but as soon as you started the game, you were shot down by a player from another team in the face and ended up with a big bruise under your eye and visited an emergency room because of the paint in your eye. In fact, Harrison's plan probably worked slightly too well. 
You didn't blame Harry for the whole incident and even said that it was your craziest stay in the hospital and that you had a lot of fun in the waiting room, while waiting for some ophthalmologist to remove the green paint from your eye. Fortunately, the paint was non-toxic and you were able to return to work after a few days, but Harry was still furious with his friends who came up with silly ideas like hiring a guy to shoot his date friend.
‘Well, Batman fucked up too.’ 
‘Hey! Not at all! The plan was good, it wasn't my fault some idiot shot her in the face!’ 
‘You hired this idiot.’ 
But Tom and Harrison didn't hear Harry’s words because they were too busy with their own problems. They started arguing over whose plan was better, and went on to arguing about who would win a fight: Spider-man or Batman.
‘Spider-man!! Do you know how I know it? Because I'm Spider-man.’ 
‘Shut up, you twats. Harry, just take her for a walk in the park, you both have dogs, so take them and go for a romantic walk. It can't go wrong.’ 
Contrary to Sam's assurances, it could. 
Your doggie was still a puppy and was afraid of practically every bigger noise, so when you walked into Richmond Park and saw how many people had taken their dogs out just like you two, Harry knew that a third date in a row would be a total failure. 
And that's exactly what happened, because the little french bulldog ran away from you as soon as a few larger dogs ran up and started barking at Tessa and Muffin, inviting them to play, and you both spent the whole afternoon looking for your dog. He eventually was found two days later when a woman came with him to the vet and called you after she saw your poster about a lost puppy. 
However before your dog got lost, Haz, Tom and Sam decided to take Monty for a walk to spy on Harry and you. They turned out to be even worse spies than dating advisers. The three of them wore hoodies and sunglasses and sat on the bench directly opposite the one that you were sitting on. Harry recognized them right away, but not wanting to start a fight, he just offered you a walk in another part of the park. 
But you did not live under a rock, and you recognized the boys, not only from the internet but also from Harry's stories. So when he grabbed your hand and started leading you to the west side of the park, you smiled awkwardly and waved at the young men sitting on the bench. 
By that point, Harry was already so furious with the three of them that he gave them silent treatment and only spoke to Zendaya, who lived with them. He knew it was childish behavior, and in fact some of the events were downright bad luck and coincidence, but he was furious nonetheless, perhaps more at himself than at the boys. 
Harry was sitting in the kitchen, editing photos from the last photoshoot he had taken and drinking his very milk tea when Z entered the room.
‘How's your dating going, Harry?’ The boy scowled at her and rolled his eyes. 
‘Terriously, but I'm quitting making another attempt, maybe we just shouldn't be together.’
‘Or maybe you should just stop listening to those idiots you call friends? Two-thirds of them have no girlfriends, and your idiot of a brother is mostly with me because I took all the first steps. Harry, try something simple that both of you will be comfortable with. For example, invite her to your place for a movie marathon and just have a good time. If it doesn't spark between you guys, she’s not the one, but please don't do anything Sam, Harrison or Tom suggest you do.’ 
As it turned out later, Zendaya’s advice was the best of all. Harry really invited you to a Netflix marathon, and you watched “Brooklyn 9-9” cuddled up for the whole night. Perhaps you even shared a few kisses during one or the other episode, and then you perhaps even stayed overnight. 
At a time when Harry was finally having his dream date with his perfect girl, Zendaya was lecturing the boys about their irrational behavior. 
‘I told you all it is his life and to not interfere. I told you that Harry had to take the first step himself and your advice would not help him. Didn’t I?’ 
‘Darling, we just wanted to help.’
‘You should have helped him by simply supporting him, not by arranging shitty dates for him. Therefore, all three of you will apologize to Harry and Y/N for your behavior.’ 
‘But, Daya.’ The girl interrupted Harrison's statement. ‘End of discussion, boys. You know I'm right.’ 
She was, but neither of them was going to admit it. Maybe that was just the trait of all Hollands. And the Osterfields.
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hollandfromhell · 2 years
wasted youth - P.P.
summary: Peter's group of friends are split up when they all go to college, after they finally plan a reunion will him and his ex, Y/N, rekindle what they used to have? Or will their friends, Gwen and Harry, stand in the way?
pairing: College!Peter x College!Y/N, slight Harry x Y/N, slight Peter x Gwen, Ned x Betty
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a/n: who’s ready for a new series?? let me know if you’re interested or if this sounds like a totally boring fic idea! i’ll update the first part as soon as possible!
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morningbluue · 2 years
wrong choices with happy ends | h.o.
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summary: there’s only a fine line between friendship and love... but you need to become friends first, and for Harrison and you seem this to be the hardest part of all | enemies to lovers + fwb
warnings: bad language, mentions of sex and making out, angst, mentions of alcohol, it’s a rollercoaster 
word count: 4,7k
prompt: “i don't care about everyone else! i care about you, [name]!"
A/N: hi loves <3 long story short, this is a request that i got almost 1 year ago lol, i wrote the first half in like 6 months because i was never happy with it, then i didn’t write at all for a few months and now i finally finished this story in one evening. hope you enjoy <3
masterlist | taglist
If you had to describe your relationship with Harrison, you would say it’s complicated - really complicated. The two of you have been in the same friend group since high school, but you both never managed to become friends at all. You always had this bad gut feeling about the other, and that’s why you never seemed to enjoy each other’s company. 
Much to the confusion of your friends. Especially Tom. 
But the thing that irritated your friends the most was when Harrison and you started hooking up with each other. The first time was just out of frustration with the other, the second and third time because it was fun, and that’s why you continued doing it. 
However, that did not change your feelings for the other. It’s just a friends with benefits relationship, without being actual friends in the first place. 
But if it works for the both of you, why should you stop? 
“Are you up for another round?” Harrison mumbles into your neck and places a few kisses there. You can feel his smile against your skin.
You shake your head, a smirk growing on your lips. “I can’t,” you reply and grab your shirt to pull it over your head. “I have to do some stuff for college.” 
“Sad.” He lets himself fall back onto the pillow, his arms resting behind his head to give you a nice look at his biceps. 
“You could come with me.” 
Harrison’s eyebrows knit together, and his expression almost looks disgusted. “No, thanks. I’m just gonna stay here.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t want to.” 
You try to not look offended by his carelessness. “You mean, you don’t want to be seen with me.” 
“That’s not true,” he rolls his eyes as if you’re getting on his nerves. “We’re not friends, y/n, so why should I come with you?“
“Right. We’re only sleeping with each other.” 
A sigh leaves his lips, and you can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t know what to do. “We can stop if you don’t want to anymore.” A small smirk crosses his face, “but that would be a shame.” 
You take a deep breath before standing up from the bed, and for a split second you hate yourself for saying your next words. “It’s fine, we don’t have to stop.” 
Turning around to him again, you’re met by his satisfied grin. “See you on Friday?”
You click your bottle against the others, a smile taking over your face as everyone around the table shouts cheers. Taking a sip from your cold beer, you lean back into the seat, and Tom next to you turns his head to send you a gentle smile. 
“Glad you came,” he mumbles and leans closer to you. 
You raise your brows in surprise. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“You’ve been a little busy at the moment,” he smirks and nods his head in Harrison’s direction. The blonde notices your stares and sends a wink your way, which makes you roll your eyes. 
“It’s not what you think,” you scoff at Tom. “I’m still a student that has to study for a lot of exams, you know.”
Tom raises his hands in surrender, a grin growing on his lips again. “I didn’t say anything.” 
“But you were thinking about it!” 
“I wasn’t!” 
You narrow your eyes, but can’t hold back a small smile. “I don’t trust you.” 
He laughs. “That’s a lie.” 
After you finish your third bottle, Tom places a tequila shot in front of you, and you groan. 
“Come on, y/n,” he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close, “I know you want to.” 
You give the brunette a warning glance before you grab the small glass and let your head fall back to drown the liquid in one sip. Shots are your weakness, and you have to stay focused tonight.
“Another one?” Tom asks the second you place the empty glass down on the table again. 
“I hate you!” you laugh. 
Tom talks you into another two rounds before he finally loses his attention to his phone. You turn to him to watch him scrolling through his Instagram page, mindlessly scanning the pictures as you suddenly get a glimpse of the time. 
“Can I stay here for the night?” you ask and lean closer to Tom. 
He looks up from his phone and casually wraps an arm around your waist, smiling widely. “Only if you cuddle with me.” 
“Of course, that’s like the only reason I always stay with you,” you laugh and nudge him with your shoulder. 
Your phone suddenly lights up with a notification, and you grab it off the table in front of you to look at the incoming message.
Harrison: can’t believe you’re still sleeping with him 
You knit your eyebrows together at his attitude, quickly typing a reply. 
You: wtf??
You: I’m not sleeping with him 
Harrison: but you’re sleeping in the same bed 
You: we’ve always done that? what's your problem? 
Harrison: I don’t have a problem 
You: doesn’t sound like it 
You look up from your phone, and Harrison does the same, your gaze meeting each other over the table. You narrow your eyes, staring him down, and Harrison’s blue eyes bore into your soul. Sometimes you don’t understand what everyone is seeing in him. But that’s before you remember that he only has this complicated relationship with you.
Tom thighens his grip on your waist to signal you to look at him, and you finally tear your gaze away from Harrison. Turning your head around to Tom, you’re met by his all too familiar worried eyes. Your mouth falls almost into a sad pout.
“Everything okay?”
You swallow the anger down and try not to look back at Harrison. “Course, Tommy,” you force a smile. “I’m fine.”
Your phone lights up with a new notification, gaining your attention again, and you know exactly what message is awaiting you, much to your disappointment - or maybe not. It’s always the same.
Harrison: bathroom in 5 
Without looking up from your phone, you notice him standing up on the other side of the table and walking away, probably to the bathroom, without saying anything or even looking your way. 
He’s almost too good at this game, and that disturbs you in a weird way.
When you open the door to the bathroom more than five minutes later, you immediately get pulled against a muscular chest. You look up and meet Harrison’s crystal blue eyes as he wraps his arms around your middle. His familiar scent envelops you and for a second you let yourself enjoy it.
“You’re getting on my nerves, y/n,” he mumbles, his lips so close to yours, almost touching, but he doesn’t give you the satisfaction yet. You want to stay focused and win this game, but you can’t hold back a smirk. 
You bite down on your lips and try to look as innocent as possible before he turns you both around and presses your back against the wall, his grip on your waist tightening. “And I love it,” you smile.
“Just don’t exaggerate it,” Harrison whispers in between kisses, “you know I don’t like that.” He pulls you closer, his hands wandering over your upper body, arms, neck, cheeks, until they finally dive into your hair, and you know that you’re not coming out of this bathroom so soon.
You tilt your head and meet his lips for another kiss, your fingers pulling his blonde curls gently, and Harrison sighs into your mouth. You hate him, but you can’t get enough of his kisses and his hands on you. It’s a fact that this here is a mistake, but sometimes you need to do something wrong in life to have some fun.
“Oh, I haven’t really started, Harrison. You don’t know what’s coming.”
Harrison pulls away, smirking. “That sounds like a challenge.”
You’re standing in front of Harrison’s apartment, chewing on some bubble gum and typing a quick reply to a message Tom sent you some minutes ago, while you wait for Harrison to open the door. When he doesn’t answer, you send him a quick text too and knock again. 
When the blonde finally opens the door after some minutes, he doesn’t look too happy to see you - maybe even a bit surprised. But let’s be honest here, he never looks happy when you’re around. 
You push your phone into your pocket and smile. “Hey! I forgot my jacket last time and wanted to ask if you wanna chill a bit when I’m already here? Maybe watch something?” 
Harrison frowns and slowly looks at something over his shoulder. “I’m busy right now. Sorry.” 
Your eyebrows knit together at his words. Harrison doesn’t say sorry. And he’s never too busy for a quick hook-up. So something’s up, and you’re too curious to let it slide. 
“What are you doing?” you ask and try to look behind him with no success. 
Harrison closes the door a little more. “Nothing,” he mumbles, his voice sounding colder towards you than normal. “Why are you even here?”
You stare at him for a second, dumbfounded. “Like I already said, I forgot my jacket. Haven’t you seen my messages?”
“No, I haven’t checked my phone in a while.”
You try to get past him through the door as you suddenly hear a muffled voice out of his apartment, and it’s a woman, with no doubt. For a second, the world stops spinning and all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ear.
“You have company?” you almost scoff and narrow your eyes slightly at the blonde.
His eyes are as cold as ice, and that hurts even more. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t care,” you shrug nonchalantly, even if you’re not.
You roll your eyes. “Good.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment too long, and you could almost cut the tension with a knife. You’ve had your bad moments every here and then, but it has never been as intense as this. 
You search for something in his cold eyes, but it’s as if you’ve never met this person in front of you.
“I should go then,” you say and turn around to walk down the hallway again. But not without shouting something at him with one last death glare. “Hope you have lots of fun with her!”
You haven’t talked to Harrison since… whatever thing that was, and for the first time ever it actually bothers you to not see his annoyingly handsome face. It’s already been three weeks and normally he would have texted you by now to ask you to come over, but nothing. Not even Tom has seen him in the last few days, and that’s weird for Harrison. 
You would be lying if you said that your heart doesn’t hurt when you think about him being with someone else. It’s not like you promised each other anything, but it still hurts your ego to get left like this. Maybe deep down you thought there was a bit more than just hate and sex - maybe a connection. 
No one has ever gotten under your skin like Harrison, and no one has ever made you feel so much anger and hatred. But also no one has made you feel so good about yourself and no one has seen you as strong as he does. Harrison sees you as a young independent woman and not someone you have to protect, like Tom always does. And that’s why you respected Harrison, under all the snappy insults. 
From the start you knew that someone would end here and after all the nights you spent together over the last months, you would have sworn that it wouldn’t be you. You wouldn’t be the one that falls and gets hurt. It’s a risky game and only one person can win it, no matter what it takes.
The next time you see Harrison is at Tom’s birthday party and even if you try to look normal and careless, he does not even once cross your way. You’ve accepted the fact that your little thing ended the moment you walked away and that he and you would never talk about it again, but it annoys the hell out of you that he can’t even look you in the eyes now. 
After a drink or five (Tom made sure you never had an empty glass) you don’t even remember Harrison’s name as you’re starring in the green eyes of a pretty brunette guy. Unlike Harrison he’s charming and kind, and he’s probably not embarrassed to go out with you. 
You’re even too deep in conversation with him to notice Harrison’s stares and burning eyes on your skin. The guy’s touching your waist to pull you a little bit closer, and you smile up at him, not hearing a single word that comes out of his mouth. 
You take a sip from your drink and finally meet Harrison’s gaze. His head turns slightly to the left and you know that he’s staring down the flirty guy in front of you, but you couldn’t care less. You look at Harrison from across the room and feel nothing but disappointment. 
Life works in mysterious ways, but you learned your lesson with the blonde. 
“Do you wanna go somewhere else?” you ask, still looking at Harrison before turning back to the brunette, “it’s too loud and sticky here.”
The guy nods without a second thought. “Sure. Where do you want to go?”
“Your place?” you say, even if you do not actually want to. But maybe a casual one night stand is exactly what you need to get over Harrison.
A lustful smirk appears on his lips, and it reminds you more than anything of Harrison. In that moment you realize you made a mistake. “Let’s go then.”
He wraps an arm around your waist as you’re leaving Tom’s house, and you cuddle yourself into his side to study yourself, trying hard to shake the weird feeling off you, but no matter what, you don’t feel comfortable with him anymore. 
You listen to him talk and continue your conversation, and he doesn’t seem to notice your sudden disinterest. His hand wanders down to your lower back, and normally you would have kissed him right then, but not today. Today it just doesn’t feel right.
And as if he could see your thoughts, you hear his voice. “Y/n!”
An relieved sigh almost leaves your lips as you turn around, but then you see Harrison standing down the street. His face looks soft and sad, and you want nothing more than to kiss his hurt away. 
“Haz?” you look at him with wide eyes, your heart racing in your chest.
He takes a step closer, and so do you.
“Don’t go with him.”
You swallow the lump down. “What?”
Harrison looks at the guy behind you, and you almost forgot that he’s still there. “Please don’t go, y/n.”
You turn around and give the obvious annoyed guy an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. Maybe... we can hang out some other time?” you whisper, but he doesn’t want to hear anything of it. 
“Or not,” Harrison mumbles as the guy turns around and goes back to the house. You bite back a smile. 
When you look at Harrison again, he’s suddenly standing in front of you, not too close, but you can still smell his cologne. “What’s going on, Harrison?” You shake your head, suddenly feeling all the drinks you had tonight.
“I don’t want you to go home with him.”
“Why?” You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for whatever comes next. “Why do you suddenly care?”
Harrison clenches his jaw. “You shouldn't go home with someone you don’t know.”
“I can do whatever I want.”
“Y/n…” he steps closer, “I know you’re not like that.”
You frown and automatically look away to calm yourself down. “You mean, I can’t do what you’re doing? You can go around and fuck everyone, but as soon as I do it, it’s wrong? That’s fucked up, Harrison.”
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t turn this around, y/n.”
“So, what do you mean?” You cross your arms over your chest. “Are you scared that it’ll ruin my image?”
Harrison runs a hand through his hair and looks away for a moment, searching for the right words. “I’m just looking out for you.”
That catches you off guard. “You don’t have to. It’s enough when Tom does that.” You shake your head, suddenly feeling exhausted. “You know what? I always liked you because you didn’t try to protect me from everything. I thought you saw in me more than a little girl that can’t be left alone because something could happen to her.”
“And now you don’t like me anymore?” The corners of his mouth quirk up.
“No,” you spit out, “the little bit of respect I had for you died when you slept with someone else and didn’t talk to me again after that. You couldn’t look me in the eyes the whole evening, Harrison!”
“Why do you care so much about that?” 
You clench your fists, your nails digging into your palm. This has to be a joke. “Because it hurt me, Harrison.” You shake your head, not believing that he doesn’t get it. “I know we never set any rules, but that’s just a fucked up thing to do.”
Punching your fists against his chest, you immediately feel the tears spilling from your eyes. “I don’t understand why you care so much about your reputation and your status and every fucking other thing, but not the people that care for you!”
“I don’t give a fuck about my status. I don't care about everyone else! I care about you, y/n!” he suddenly shouts and makes a wild gesture with his hands. “I care about you!”
You roll your eyes, tears running down your cheeks. “Then why the fuck did you sleep with someone else?”
Harrison takes a step away from you as if he suddenly can’t bear to be so close to you. His piercing blue eyes flickering around the empty street, looking everywhere but at you. 
“Because I can’t have you.”
For a few seconds, it feels like all the air got punched out of your lungs and there’s only one thought jumping around in your head at full speed. Because I can’t have you. Because. I. Can’t. Have. You.
Almost an eternity pass before you can react. You open and close your mouth a hundred times, only staring at the blonde with wide eyes. “I- what?” you whisper, your brain still not ready to form a sentence. You place your hand on your forehead, feeling an headache built. This cannot be real.
“I never-” Harrison starts, but can’t bring himself to continue. “Y/n, please. Please let me explain.” 
You raise your hand to stop him before it gets too much. The next words cost you all the strength you have left in yourself. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this right now.”
Now he’s the speechless one. “Okay, it’s fine,” he mumbles, but the sad expression never leaves his face. “We can talk tomorrow. If you want.”
“I- I think I need more than tomorrow.” 
You notice the way his left hand lifts a little, as if he’s thinking about touching you, getting closer again. But he never does. 
“Sure. Text me when you’re ready.” He pushes his hands into his jacket, his gaze lingering a moment longer on your face. “I’ll tell Tom to bring you home.”
“Thank you, Harrison.” 
You needed more than two days, in fact, you needed two whole weeks to be finally ready to talk to Harrison. You feel like you are swapped into another universe, because you sure as hell wouldn’t be talking about feelings with Harrison in this universe. 
You had much time to think about everything in the past weeks, and you realized that it hasn’t always been like this with Harrison. Sure, you haven’t been friends, but you didn’t hate each other either. You remember meeting Harrison some time after Tom and his other friends, and you were actually excited to meet him. 
Tom and you met each other in the school library and haven’t been separated since then. All of Tom’s friends were nice and kind enough to bring you into their friend group. Harrison however wasn’t as happy to see you sitting at lunch with his friends - and next to his best friend Tom. The whole atmosphere changed when you first locked eyes with the blonde.
But, after spending some time at lunch and in the library together, Harrison slowly accepted you, much to your surprise. You did get along for some time, even if you talked not more than two sentences in a week and sat as far away as possible from the other. 
There wasn’t a specific reason why you didn’t become friends, it just seemed like it wouldn’t work. You had too different opinions and interests, while also being the same person characterful. Harrison became the popular boy at school that every girl had a crush on, and you became the popular girl that didn’t want him. In a way, you both despised the other for doing the same thing - you despised Harrison for breaking girls’ hearts, and he despised you for wrapping his friends around your finger. 
You made it your mission to show Harrison as much as you could that he was just a player and you would never ever end with someone like him. While Harrison’s goal was to show you how big you were missing out. 
You overstepped the line more than once with your teasing, and you know what they say about that - the people who tease each other, love each other.
Knocking on Harrison’s apartment door, you can feel your fast beating heart in your throat. You run a hand through your hair, trying to stop you from running away. It’s now or never. 
Harrison opens the door a few seconds later, and as soon as his gaze lands on you, his eyes light up. 
“Hi Haz,” you whisper. 
You rub your sweaty palms against your jeans. This is worse than a first date with someone you always had a crush on.
“I wanted to talk. Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Harrison opens the door wider to let you in.
You walk past him, quickly looking around. “You sure that no one else is here again?” you try to joke, turning around to meet Harrison with a smile.
“Send her home before you got here,” he replies, without letting the seriousness on his face wash away. 
You press your lips together. “Alright.”
The corners of his mouth turn up. “Joking. Sorry.”
Turning around again, you ignore him. “Where should we talk?”
“Wherever you want. Make yourself feel at home,” he mumbles from behind you.
You sit down on the sofa, tugging your legs together. Even after all the tense moments you shared, it has never been this awkward. The last time you’ve sat right here was when you made out while watching a movie. Your gaze wanders to Harrison, and you know he’s thinking the same. 
“I just-” you both say at the same time, making you smile. You make a hand gesture to mention for him to speak first.
“First of all, I never actually hated you, y/n,” he explains and stares right into your eyes. You raise your eyebrows, but he doesn’t give you time to say something. 
“I was amazed by you when we first met, I was gone for one week and when I came back to school, there was a total stranger sitting at our table and laughing with my friends as if you’ve known them for ages. It wasn’t like everyone could come into our group and be friends with us.” 
A smile takes over your face. That’s the first and only compliment he has ever given you.
He returns the smile for a moment. “And maybe I was a little jealous because-”
“-Because I stole your best friend.”
Harrison grins. “No, because he spent so much time with you and I wanted to do the same.”
“But you did not like me at some point, I saw it in your cold blue eyes,” you say, pointing at his face, and he lets out a loud laugh. 
He grabs your hand to hold it, and you let him. “That’s true. At one point in our… complicated relationship, I did in fact not like you.”
“And why?” 
For a moment he hesitates. “Because it felt like you could wrap everyone around your finger with just one smile. I saw you leaving parties or whatever with some of Tom’s friends or colleagues and I never said anything to anyone, but whenever I left with someone, I know that the others talked shit about it and I know you did say a few things too.” He sighs, looking apologizing. “That just didn’t sit right with me, so I made some comments to Tom about it and of course-”
“- he gave you a lecture,” you finish. 
“Yes. I know it was a dumb reason, but every time I saw you leaving with someone after that, I grew more and more pissed, and at one point it got too much.” 
You press your lips together. “I’m sorry for talking shit behind your back. I know it wasn’t right to judge you for something I did too.” You squeeze his hand, a grin forming on your lips, “even if you did it a looot more than me.”
“And you slept in Tom’s bed like every weekend.”
Your grin grows wider. “So you were jealous.”
“I already said that, y/n.”
“I know, I just wanted to hear it again,” you smirk.
He shakes his head, smiling slightly. “I’m sorry for all the shit I did in High school. You know, all that I’m trying to make you jealous stuff.” 
You frown. “It’s alright, you know I tried to do the same.”
“Even if you always said you would never fall for me,” he smirks, “and look at us now.” 
“You’re an idiot,” you nudge him with your knee, and Harrison pulls you a bit closer. “You never made a move.” 
Raising his brows, he runs a hand through his small locks. “I couldn’t. And I thought you didn’t want me to make a move.”
“Did Tom forbid it?”
“No. Never,” he blinks in surprise. “He wouldn’t do that.” 
A small smile crosses his lips. “He was actually our biggest supporter after we started hooking up. He was all like, Thank me at your wedding for bringing you together. And so on. You know him.”
That makes you smile. “That sounds like him.”
“So, y/n, do you like me?” he asks without hesitation.
A surprised laugh leaves your lips. “What question is that?” 
“Just answer it.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “No, I don’t like you,” you answer with all seriousness. 
He leans over to you and smiles, his eyes wandering over your face until they stop at your eyes again. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” you scoff, but can’t hold back a small smile either. 
His shy smile turns into a lopsided smirk as he leans even closer to you, his arm wrapping around your waist. Your body relaxes under his touch.
You turn your gaze away, rolling your eyes. “I don’t have any feelings for you, Harrison,” you mumble. 
“I don’t believe that.” 
You meet his burning eyes again. Leaning forward a bit, you tilt your head up to meet his lips for a small kiss. “See? No feelings. Nothing,” you smile proudly and try to turn away again. 
But Harrison still doesn’t buy your bluff and continues to look at you with his beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile, and it’s almost too hard to stay away. 
It doesn’t take long for your eyes to find his blue ones, and you can’t resist the urge to feel his lips on yours again. You both lean forward and your lips touch in the middle as if it’s the righteous thing in the world. You’ve been wrong a lot of times in your life, but this - this kiss right now - has never felt more right.
“You like me,” he grins widely against your mouth.
You kiss him again. “And you like me.”
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Who wants me to drop my moodboards? I have at least one for each wip and the completed works scheduled to be posted soon ☺️
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61 notes · View notes
hogwartsmarvelmommy · 2 years
The Bet
A Harry Holland mini series
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Part 1 (the game begins)
Tom bets Harry he can't make you fall in love with him.
Warnings: slut shaming, social anxiety, smut (thigh riding) cursing, boys being dumb, blood.
Mini series Masterlist
Word count 6k
Weekends at the frat were always busy. It was like as soon as five pm on Friday rolled around it was a revolving door of people. Some people the boys knew, some people they had seen but never spoken to, and some people that were completely strangers. None of them minded of course, part of being in the frat was throwing parties and they were determined to do it better than any of the other fraternities on campus.
Most of the occupants of the frat were sitting in an area they usually claimed as their own on nights like these. Talking to each other and ignoring the rowdy party goers aside from the occasional attractive girl that would saunter by catching their eye (or boy in Travis' case). Tonight was no different. 
Harry always steered away from girls who were drinking, he had a very specific set of rules, no alcohol, no leading on, and absolutely no falling in love with him. He knew it was strange, but he had a rugby Career to think of, and he planned on going pro. So he was straight forward if he started talking to a girl, hence the no Alcohol rule. Which brings us to the particular topic of today's conversation amongst the boys. 
"All I'm saying," Tom announced, "is that, you either suck in bed, or girls are really not into you," there was a collective round of oos from the other guys as Harry rolled his eyes. 
"I tell them they can't fall in love with me from the get go, keeps them from getting all clingy," Harry reminded Tom with a smirk. 
Tom sighed as he took a swig of his drink, "I'm just saying, I doubt you could get a girl to fall in love with you, you're too cocky," he told his younger brother. 
True to Tom's word Harry just scoffed, "I could have anyone in this room fall in love with me," he chuckled.
Tom narrowed his eyes on his younger brother. "Wanna bet on that?" He asked with a smirk. 
That caught Harry's attention. "Fine, what'll it be?" Harry challenged. 
"If you can get a girl of my choosing to fall in love with you, you win bragging rights," Tom explained. 
Harry nodded as he mulled the idea in his head but it wasn't him who spoke next. "That could take weeks," Sam pointed out with a worried expression, he always seemed to be the most level headed of the three Hollands (Four when they were back home).
"Maybe," Tom shrugged, "but Mr.cocky over here could probably get it done faster," Tom glanced over to Harry to see his eyes narrowed at him. 
"Fine," Harry agreed, "who will it be?"
Tom's finger was up and pointing across the room before Harry had even finished his sentence. 
Every boy turned to where Tom was pointing, and there you stood. A drink in your hand that was still full from when you had gotten it an hour prior, standing beside your cousin and flatmate, as you didn't know anyone else there. Harry had never seen you, and didn't know a thing about you, but Tom (who had been sleeping with your cousin Malory) knew exactly who you were and what had brought you here, and he knew that out of everyone in this room, you would be the last person to fall for his brother.
"Who is that?" Harrison asked, breaking the silence and causing all of them to turn their attention from where you stood.
"Mal's cousin, she just transferred here," Tom explained. 
Harry watched you for a few minutes more before turning back to his brother and sticking out his hand. Tom grasped his with his own and shook. "Got yourself a deal," Harry announced before finishing the beer in his hand, and gearing up to make his move.
Meanwhile, you were as uncomfortable as you had ever felt. Malory had told you coming out tonight would be good for you, help you get out of the funk you were most definitely in. But the truth was, you didn't want to be here, you would rather be anywhere but here. 
Mal was popular, so there wasn't a moment where she wasn't introducing you to another person, and socially you were drained. You didn't want to have to tell another person who you were, or that you had transferred over from the states, and you definitely didn't want to tell them why. You spotted a boy with curly red hair making his way towards the two of you, he was cute, with nicely styled Auburn hair, a cute smile, and a generous dusting of freckles on his cheeks. 
"Nope!" Mal yelled as she pointed a boney finger out towards him, "turn your ass around Holland Jr. And go find someone else," she told him strictly. 
His hands flew up to his chest as though he had been stabbed by her words and he feigned heartache. "Me? What have I ever done to you Malory?" He questioned as he walked up until he was directly in front of the two of you.
He cast you a grin, before turning back to Malory. "I'm serious Harry," she warned, "don't even think about it," she told him with a look that threatened death. 
The boy, who's name you had just learned was Harry, nodded at her. "I was just coming to say hi, I've never seen you around before," he turned his attention to you. 
"What about the other fifty people you have never seen around before?" Malory asked before you could even respond. 
Harry shrugged, "none of them caught my eye quite like her," he told her before turning back towards you. 
You had to give it to him, he was good, maybe too good, as though he had done this time and time again. 
You smiled politely. "Y/n." You said as you stuck your hand out for him to shake. 
He grasped it in his and brought it up to his lips, kissing the skin of your hand gently. 
"Harry," he told you, though you had already gathered that. 
"Ok, you introduced yourself, now go away. And tell that brother of yours to stay away from me tonight," Mal told him as she gave him a shove back towards a group of guys she had previously told you were the fraternity brothers. 
A few to many people and an eternity later, you were standing alone, watching a sea of drunk people dancing like no one was watching. You had lost Mal about a half an hour ago and you weren't entirely sure what you were supposed to do. You wanted to go home, but the problem with that was you weren't sure how to get there or where exactly you were. You were the perfect victim for a predator right now you realized. "You don't look like you're having a good time," a familiar voice said. You turned to see the same curly haired boy from earlier standing beside you. 
You shook your head, "my social clock stopped ticking, but I don't know where Mal went," you admitted. 
"She and Tom ran off to his room," Harry told you with an apologetic smile. 
"Oh," you mumbled as you looked at the ground. 
"Are you going to be able to get home without her?" He wondered as he touched your arm. 
"I uh, I don't know how to get there from here, and she has the car keys," you admitted, as you cringed at the idea that you were a sitting duck. 
"I'll take you home," Harry told you like it was the simplest option. 
You shook your head and glanced at his nearly empty cup, "you have been drinking," you pointed out. 
He nodded and then chuckled, "I have, and I would never put you in a dangerous position, so I'll walk you," he said, "it's not to far from here, and I am all to familiar with Mal's place from how many times I've had to pick up a hungover Tom there the morning after," he told you as he lead you through the front door of the frat. 
You stopped at the stairs and glanced at him unsure. This was a recipe for disaster, not only did you not know this guy, but you also didn't know the area, and your true crime loving brain was screaming at you to stay put and just wait for Mal, but something else was telling you you could trust this guy.
So despite every red flag you followed him down the stairs to the sidewalk. "Is that alcohol?" He asked as he gestured to the cup in your hands. 
You nodded at him as you watched him take it from your hands and dump it into the grass beside you. "Don't want you getting in trouble for an open container," he explained. 
You nodded and eyed him skeptically. He was handsome, that you could easily admit. And there was something about him. He seemed to have a cocky attitude, but you could see that maybe that wasn't all it was underneath, maybe this boy was as broken and damaged as you were, or maybe he was just a cute boy offering to walk a helpless girl home. 
"Thanks for doing this," you said after a few minutes of walking. 
He shrugged but smiled, "I'd rather you get home safe than feel partially responsible if anything happened to you," he explained. 
"So what's the deal with Mal and -" you trailed off as you tried to remember the name of the boy Mal was most obviously involved with even if they did have real enemies to lovers vibes going on. 
"I don't know honesty," Harry admitted, "Tom is- well Tom is Tom, and Him and Mal have some history, but it gets messy when they're together," he chuckled. "She poured milk on his mattress once and dragged it out in the sun so the milk would spoil, he says it's because he didn't take her out, but I have a feeling it was more than that," he told you. 
You nodded as you wrapped your arms around yourself the brisk night air nipping at your skin. 
"You're cold," Harry said as he slipped off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders. 
You couldn't help but giggle. 
"Thank you," you said. 
You were finally approaching an area you were vaguely familiar with and it eased some of the tension in your bones. That is until you saw the steps leading to your apartment building, and who was sitting on them 
"Oh no," you groaned as you went to turn right around and flee, you would wait for Mal at the fraternity you didn't care how long she'd be, anything to avoid what was about to come. 
"Y/n! Y/n! Is that you?" Markus called from behind you. 
Harry could easily see the tension in your body at the sound of the man's voice. "You want me to tell this guy to kick rocks?" He asked you. 
You weren't a confrontational person, in the slightest, you didn't like dealing with problems if they had the possibility of becoming heated. But in this instance, you couldn't take him being here. So you nodded at Harry, thankful he was there with you. 
"Hey, how bout you come by another time buddy, she doesn't want to talk right now," Harry called towards where Markus was standing staring at the two of you. 
"And who the hell are you?" He demanded stepping forward. 
"No one, but the lady doesn't want to talk tonight, so go on and go home, yeah?" Here Harry was, dealing with your problems with no back story or explanation, just the simple fact that he could tell you needed it. 
"That's really nice y/n, you ran off and hopped on the first dick you can find, doesn't matter that I'm the only guy you've been with, right. You said it yourself, your lacking experience," he spat in your direction. 
Harry recoiled back at the words before shaking them off. "Hey listen mate, just get lost," Harry told him. 
At this point Markus had started to get closer to the two of you, only standing a few feet away, you had your face hidden behind Harry, who you were practically using as a human shield. "Yeah?" Markus asked dryly. "So you can go sink your dick in the slut standing behind you? I don't think so," 
The noise of bone crunching, Is a very distinct one, of course followed by a howl of pain. 
You jumped back ready to call the cops if Markus had struck Harry, but were surprised to see Markus clutching his nose in pain as Harry shook out the hand he had just used to punch him. 
"First off, don't call her a slut," Harry spat, taking a step towards Markus who began backing up, "and second, she doesn't want to see you, so get lost," he finished as Markus grabbed his coat and fled. 
You stood staring at Harry with your mouth agape completely unsure at what had just transpired. "I- wha-" you shook your head in disbelief as you glanced over to see Markus' car peeling out of the parking lot. 
"Are you ok?" Harry wondered as he looked you over. 
"Am I- what? Me? Are you okay?" You stuttered out. You glanced at his hand to see blood and instantly felt guilty. "Your bleeding," you stated. 
He looked down at his knuckles and shrugged, "I'll be fine," he assured you. 
You shook your head as you told your brain to kick back into action, "come on," you told him as you walked past him and grabbed his uninjured hand. "I have a first aid kit upstairs, and alcohol, because I need a shot," you admitted as you pulled him along. 
"I figured you didn't drink," Harry chuckled from behind you.
You glanced back at him with your eyebrows pulled together. "Why would you figure that?" 
"You had the same cup all night and you didn't touch it at all," he explained. 
You were shocked he had noticed that, he must have been watching you most of the night to even put that together. You nodded as you pulled your keys from your pocket. "I um- I don't like to let my inhabitants down around people I don't know," you admitted. 
You unlocked the door and pushed it open and let Harry in before you followed. 
First step was a shot. 
Second, a first aid kit. 
You chose to drink straight from the bottle of peach flavored vodka, the cheap liquid burning all the way down. 
"You don't know me," Harry chuckled as he pointed towards the liquor.
You nodded, "well you just punched my shitty ex in the nose without having any explanation of why I didn't want to speak to him. Guess that makes us acquaintances, " you smiled as you rummaged around the cupboards until finding the first aid kit. 
"I can work with that," Harry chuckled as he watched you. 
If he was being honest, he wasn't one to act with anger, rarely ever getting physical with people other than his brothers, or opposing teams on the field, But something about how sour the word slut had been directed at you made him react without a second thought. He told himself it was for the benefit of the bet, but honestly, he just wanted to protect you from that, and he had no idea why. 
"Oh yeah?" You wondered with a grin. 
"Mhmm," Harry said, "step up from strangers, and a step closer to friends," he wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
"Friends," you chuckled. "right," 
"You're going to need some of those you know, uni is hard enough as is, having people to talk to makes it more barrable," he explained. 
You nodded, mulling over the thought of being his friend. "Yeah alright, tell you what, we're friends," you chuckled at him. He smiled wide at you before you interrupted. "On one condition," 
He narrowed his brows at you but nodded. "Shoot," 
"It doesn't go further than that, ever," if there was one thing you were sure of it was that you couldn't take another heartbreak, and Harry.. well he seemed like the perfect boy to break your heart. You had to protect yourself after all, even if you were selling short an opportunity. 
Harry's eyes widened as he looked at you. All too aware of the bet with Tom becoming a whole lot more difficult. "Deal y/n, friends and nothing more," he stuck out his hand for you to shake and you rolled your eyes as you grabbed it and pulled it towards you to clean. 
"Now let's get this cleaned up," you mumbled as you wet a gauze pad with some rubbing alcohol. 
"Aww shit," he hissed as you pressed it to his busted knuckle. "So now since we're friends, what was that guy's deal anyway?" He Wondered as he winced while you proceeded to clean his hand. 
"Basic story," you sighed. "Highschool sweetheart, lost my virginity to him, thought it was forever, only to have my heart crushed when my best friend told me that they had been sleeping together for months," you ripped a bandaid open and sealed it over the split in Harry's knuckle noticing a bunch of partially healed cuts and scars along with callouses. "He begged me to forgive him, and explained that I was an idiot if I moved to throw away all the good years we had had over a few months. So I packed a bag, left a note that said I was an idiot and flew to Scotland for two months, then Mal told me she had a room open and I enrolled here for school, picked up and completely upended my life," you explained. 
"You're not an idiot," Harry said sternly. 
You nodded with a smile, "no I'm not, I just, I know what I'm worth, and it's a whole lot more than that," you grabbed the bottle of vodka again taking a swing before offering it to Harry. 
He eyed you for a minute before shrugging and throwing it back. "So what now? You have given up on love all together?" He wondered. 
You chuckled before nodding. "Something like that, it's not worth the pain, you know, it feels good for a while, but then to have your heart destroyed," you sighed as you stared at the wall, "no one deserves to feel that, like you weren't enough, or you were just some means to an end," you told him. 
Harry cringed at that last statement. He wanted to call Tom and call the whole thing off, there was no way he could go through with this and risk you getting hurt in the crossfire, especially with you being so open with him, this wasn't worth bragging rights, hell it probably wasn't worth anything Tom had to offer. He pulled his phone from his pocket seeing a text from Tom that read 'I expect a full report in the morning lover boy,' and suddenly the idea of throwing the bet out the window went right out the window instead. 
Harry would come to regret this moment, and he knew that without a shadow of a doubt. You deserved more than to be part of something so childish without knowing, but his competitive cocky nature made him headstrong, and that, that was his problem. 
"So," Harry sighed, sitting back and looking at you. "only guy you have ever been with huh?" 
You groaned as you grabbed the bottle of vodka and made your way to the L shaped couch. "Yup, 23 years old and I've only slept with one person, which either makes me extremely sad or extremely lucky," you shrugged as you took another swig of the drink. "Guess it just depends on who you ask. What about you?" You wondered, your attention turned back toward where he was leaning against the counter.
"What about me?" He asked with a grin. 
"Come on," you chuckled. "You must get around with a smile and face like that," you teased. 
Harry just rolled his eyes before making his way to the couch beside you. "Nothing serious," he admitted. "A few flings, but that's it," he told you. 
You nodded, offering him the bottle again which he gladly took. 
You spent the next late hours chewing the shit and becoming fast friends. There was an undeniable chemistry between the two of you that you couldn't deny, but there was no way you would ever act on it. 
You yawned as you glanced at the clock on the wall, it was nearly 3 am and between the two of you guys, you had nearly finished the vodka. "We should get some sleep," you mumbled as you let your eyes fall closed. 
"We've been friends for only a few hours and we're already having sleepovers?" Harry chuckled as he sprawled out on the couch, his arm draped around your legs. "How scandalous," he mumbled before his breathing got heavy and passed out. 
Harry's head pounded as his eyes fluttered open the next morning, to a terrifying sight. Harry gasped as he sat up seeing a very angry Mal standing above him. "I specifically told you no," she warned. 
"I didn't do anything," Harry protested, and he was telling the truth, he hadn't done anything, which in and of itself was not like him at all. 
"She's not another mark on your bedpost Harry," she told him with a sigh. "She's been through a lot in life and she doesn't need any of the drama that comes along with a Holland," 
Harry looked at Mallory with a serious face before he answered. "We're not all Tom Mal. I just want to be her friend nothing more," the lie felt heavy on his tongue as he said it, but it seemed to be enough for her. 
She nodded and then looked at you still fast asleep on the couch. "I'll kill you if you hurt her," she warned.
"I'll hold you to that," Harry said honestly, because suddenly he was worried hurting you just might break him.  
You awoke to the smell of something delicious. You pushed up from the couch to find Mal standing at the stove. "Morning you floozy," you chuckled as you stretched your arms above your head. 
"I can say the same to you," she giggled as she looked over at you with a funny look. 
"What?" You wondered with narrowed eyes, and then last night came flooding back into your mind. You glanced over to the other side of the couch to find it empty. 
"He left this morning when I got home," she told you as she turned back to the food she was cooking. 
"Oh," you mumbled as you stood up from the couch. 
"Y/n, I meant what I said yesterday," she sighed as she turned around to face you again. "The Holland's, they are bad news, and Harry is the worst of them," she told you. 
You shook your head. "We're only friends Mal," you assured her. 
She nodded, "well Tom and I aren't even that and look what he does to me," she grumbled. 
You felt bad. Honestly you did. But you and Harry were only friends, and you had agreed to be nothing more. So what was the danger there? 
As soon as Harry had gotten home Tom was all over him. "So?" He wondered. 
"What? You think I have a fucking magic dick or something?" Harry scoffed. 
"You used your dick then? Noted." Tom chuckled loudly. 
Harry was tired, and more than a little irritated. "No actually, I don't have to lead with my dick to get someone to talk to me," he spat at his older brother, before bounding his way up to his room. 
"Well maybe if you did this would go faster," Tom chuckled, ignoring Harry's obviously bad attitude. 
"Yeah, whatever Tom," Harry grumbled before stripping his clothes off to get in the shower. 
"Call it quits if you want mate, I won't judge you none," Tom called through the bathroom door. 
Harry should have taken that out, he should have called it quits, because he didn't see an end where this didn't end in a disaster, but he couldn't, he couldn't back out now. "piss off Tom," he called through the door. 
The next few days were a blur, between beginning your classes and trying to get a lay of the land you barely had a minute to yourself. You walked out of your creative writing class with the full intention to go home, strip off your clothes, run yourself a nice bath and relax. 
"Hey you," you heard from behind you. 
You turned to see Harry standing there, with a gym duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "Oh Harry, hi," you said. 
"I uh- I didn't get your number last weekend," he chuckled before holding out his phone to you. "Hard to get ahold of friends when you don't have a way to contact them," you smiled at him and took the phone from his hand, entering in your number. 
"Here you go," you told him. 
He looked over the screen and smiled "y/n/n?" He asked. 
"My friends get to call me that," you winked before turning to head in the direction of home. 
"Hey!" Harry called, running after you. "I was thinking, were having a party this weekend-"
"You live in a frat, aren't there parties every weekend?" You wondered. 
"Touche," Harry chuckled. "Anyways, I'm not really feeling up to it and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go somewhere with me?" He asked you. 
You stopped dead in your tracks and looked at him. "Go somewhere?" You squeaked. 
"Yeah, just two friends hanging out," Harry clarified. 
You nodded, his words not really easing the sudden ache in your stomach. "Um, yeah. Yeah that sounds fun," you lied. It did not sound fun, if anything it sounded like a disaster in the making. 
"Cool," Harry sighed in relief, "I'll pick you up Saturday morning at 8," and then he was gone. 
"8am?" You yelled after him. 
"Bright and early sunshine!" He called back before disappearing all together. 
Recipe. For. Disaster. 
So there you were 7:45 on a Saturday morning debating on what outfit looked the best to spend the day with Harry. You had been texting non stop since you gave him your number, and he had told you to wear something casual that you didn't mind getting dirty. 
Mal was nowhere to be found having gone out last night to do something. That something being Tom, you had no doubt about that. 
Having no one to ask about your current outfit, you Snapped a picture and sent it to Harry asking him if was ok. 
His response was immediate. 
H- dare I say you look edible? 
Y/n- Harry! You can't say that! 
H- ohhh, ok. Then you look perfect y/n/n 
H- pulling up now. 
H- get your edible ass down here. 
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your purse and made your way down to the entrance to your apartment. 
Harry was out of the car and standing on the passenger side holding the door open for you as soon as you stepped out. "And they say chivalry is dead," you chuckled as you slid into the seat and buckled yourself. 
"Whoever said that has obviously not met any of the Holland's," he teased back. 
You let out a laugh before turning to him. "Do you know what is said about 'the Holland's'?" You asked.
He shot you a funny look before you continued, "you boys have a reputation for being bad news, absolute heartbreakers," you told him. 
"Woah," he said as he turned onto a road you were unfamiliar with, "I'm very straightforward with all the girls I evolve myself with that they should not fall in love with me," 
You rolled your eyes at that, "it's not always that simple, sometimes it just happens and you can't even pinpoint when," you explained. 
He nodded, "I guess I just wouldn't know, never been in love," he admitted. 
You felt utter shock wash over you. "Never?!" You demanded. 
He shook his head, "can't get your heart broken if you keep it hidden," he said. "Plus I'm a busy guy, between rugby and my classes, not much time or energy to keep a relationship,"
"Harry," you whispered, "that's kind of sad," you looked at him with his full attention on the road ahead of you, he nodded slightly before taking a deep breath. 
"It may be, but I haven't had to try and pick up the pieces of my heart because someone else shattered it. If my heart gets broken, I want to blame myself," Harry admitted. 
You sighed before sitting back into the car seat and staring out the window wondering where the heck he was taking you. 
Eventually, Harry pulled the car off the road and put it in park in front of what seemed to be a giant canal, with an amazing view. 
"Where are we?" You wondered as you unbuckled yourself and climbed out of the car. 
"This is where I come, when I want to escape," he told you. "Come on, I have something to show you," he stopped at the trunk of his car before pulling out a large bag and then walking forward, grabbing your hand as he passed by. 
The walk was short and when he finally stopped walking you were amazed. Underneath a bridge, that had a perfect shield of privacy all while still giving you a full view of the canal and all it had to offer. 
"Wow," you said as you sat down on a large rock. 
Harry nodded as he watched you take it all in, this was his place, the one he would come to anytime he just couldn't take it anymore and needed a way out. To be sharing it with someone felt so weird, but also right. He hadn't planned to bring you here, having a whole other day planned, but after the constant texts and getting to know you in the past week, he knew he wanted to share this with you. 
"It's my favorite place," Harry admitted. 
"You probably bring all the girls here," you teased with a smile. 
Harry sighed, "actually, I've never bought anyone here," he told you. He rummaged around his bag before pulling out a few waters and handing you one. "I also made you a sandwich in case you get hungry," he told you. 
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you stared at him. A sudden onset of feelings you were not supposed to be feeling rushing over you. "Thank you," you whispered. 
Harry nodded, before sitting next to you. "So," he said after a minute of silence. "Tell me something you have never admitted out loud," he told you. 
You chuckled as you thought about it. There were a few options that came to mind, but most that were childish and not worth saying out loud, so you went with the one that had been eating away at you for the last few years. "I don't think I have ever had an orgasm," you admitted, staring ahead. 
Harry's eyes flew open in shock at your words as he spit his drink out, effectively covering you in water. "I'm sorry, what?!" Harry demanded as he tried to help you wipe yourself off. 
You shrugged, "you know how, like if your going to go to an amusement park, the day before your all excited because you have been hearing about this amazing ride, and you can't wait to ride it, and then you get there, and it's the carousel," you explained. "That's how sex always was for me, and I never have been able to get really into doing it myself," you admitted. 
"So you don't know if you have? Or you never have?" Harry wondered. 
You sighed as you thought about it. "I don't think I ever have," you laughed as you threw your head back laughing. "How sad is that?" You chuckled. 
"Extremely," Harry chuckled before taking a deep breath. "I could uh," he looked over at you. "I could help you," he shrugged. 
You felt your mouth drop open at that. Help you? With like… getting off? So you said the only thing that came to your mind. "Help me?" You wondered. 
He nodded, "I won't touch you or anything, unless you ask me to, but yeah, I could you know, help I guess," 
"How?" You asked suddenly breathless with the situation at hand. 
Harry's eyebrows shot up, "like you want me to show you?" He Wondered. 
All you could do was nod. Stupid girly hormones. 
Harry took a deep breath before nodding himself. "Just a friend helping a friend," he whispered to himself. 
He grabbed your hands as he pulled you from where you were sitting on the rock and began to push you back towards the cement wall. You gasped as your back hit the wall and Harry's body was only a few inches away from you. 
"I'm going to hold your hips to help you move," he told you with a husky voice, "but you're going to do all the work, I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with, and if you want me to stop, say the word and I will," he explained. You nodded as you stared up into his warm brown eyes, an ache forming in your stomach. "I need you to say the word y/n/n," he whispered. 
"Yes," you whispered, Harry kicked your legs apart with one of his before slotting his knee between your legs and pushing his thigh against your core, his hands firmly planted on your hips as he began to help you grind against him. 
It was almost pathetic, because in all the times you had had actual sex it never felt as good as this did. You stared into Harry's lust filled eyes wishing he would lean in and kiss you, dear God did you want his lips on yours.
He pulled you against his thigh firmly and you let out a moan as your eyes drifted shut and your head fell back. 
"That's it," Harry mumbled as he continued what he was doing. "Just relax and let go," he cooed. 
You couldn't help the way his words made you feel, making the whole situation that much better, you felt yourself begin to loose control as your breathing increased and your legs tightened around Harry's thigh. 
"Oh fuck," you moaned out as a sudden wave of ecstasy washed over you, and you knew for certain, you most definitely had never had an orgasm before now, and you had just had your first one riding Harry Holland's' thigh. 
How. Embarrassing. 
As you came down from the high you opened your eyes to see Harry staring at you, his own eyes full of lust and unspoken desires. "That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life," he admitted. 
You felt yourself become all to aware of his thigh still pressed firmly against you. "Friends helping friends," you chuckled. 
Harry nodded as he glanced down to your lips before shaking his head and backing up. "I need to- I need- give me a minute," he told you as he made his way out of sight, walking a little funny with an obvious problem in his pants.  
You felt yourself exhale, completely shocked that you had let that happen. That happened. 
Holy. Shit.  
You shook your limbs as you made your way back to the rocks you had been sitting on before. 
You could hear Harry mumbling off on the side he had disappeared off to. "Fucking div," he groaned. "Friends? Friends don't fucking do that. Fuck, friends don't look at you like that," he exhaled loudly before slowly returning. 
You watched him as he rounded the rock to sit beside you. He took a deep breath before returning to you. "I have to be honest." He sighed. "I lied to you before," he admitted. 
You felt your brows furrow as you looked at him, "about?" You wondered. 
"Friends don't usually help friends like that," Harry explained. 
You couldn't help the laugh that erupted from your chest. "Well they should," you teased with a smile. 
Harry turned away from you with a smile before shaking his head. "So did I help you out? Or no?" He wondered with his bottom lip pinned between his teeth. 
"You helped me out tremendously," you giggled. 
He nodded before turning away to adjust himself. 
"Fuck, tell me we can never do that again, for the sake of our friendship," Harry demanded. 
"Ok," you whispered. 
"Tell me now y/n, or so help me," he groaned. 
"We can't do it again Harry, for the sake of our friendship," you told him with a smirk. 
He nodded before looking at you shocked, "you didn't say never," he reminded. 
"Didn't I?" You teased. 
The next few weeks were spent together. When you weren't at class, you were usually with Harry, whether it be at the frat, your apartment, his practice, or your guys spot upon the canal, you had grown to be inseparable. 
I have been going on about this forrr ages! But I'm finally ready to post someee :) lmk what ya think 😘
Every fic :)
@violetlilysunshine @petesrparker @harryhollandsgirlfriend @mcushvft @elishi03 @nelebynele @sunwardsss @thollandsdarling @blue-4-55-readinglist @prancerrparkerr @thegirlintheswivelchair @mummy-milkers-pls @nobody7102 @Marvelobsessed23
@theglitterymess @delightfulmuffinclamauthor @minejungwoo @sippin-on-tea @rogertherabbitt @victoriaholland @nightlockcornucopia @haybaybay123
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faefictions · 2 years
Lonely People Master List
(Finished as of Dec 31 2022)
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Spotify Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
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junetuesday · 2 years
tom holland masterlist
♡ a collection of fics, oneshots, blurbs, headcanons etc.
♡ all tom holland x female reader unless marked with a 👤 which means the reader's gender is not specified
♡ otp
All of the stories in this section are set in the same ‘universe’ with the same couple. Apart from 12 Days they’re not in any particular order so you don’t have to read any of them to get the others. 
12 Days of Christmas (and beyond): Series Masterlist // one 🔥| two | three 🔥| four | five 🔥| six | seven 🔥| eight | nine 🔥| ten🔥 | eleven | twelve 🔥 + valentine’s day 🔥 + june 1st  🔥
On The Subject of (Headcanon Series): Forehead Kisses 👤 | Neck Kisses | Hair Playing | Big Spoon/Little Spoon | Clothes Sharing | Terms of Endearment | Random Texts 
A Covert Operation
Got a Bed With Your Name On It
Pull Over
Keep Quiet
Beg For It
Wanna Taste?
Jealous  👤
Missed You
Polo and Prosecco
Tom Holland vs Aunt Irma
Pop. Six. Squish 👤
Maybe We Could Go to the Movies?👤
Blurbs etc.
‘Distraction’ kiss 👤
‘Before bed’ kiss 👤
”We just watched Toy Story 3 and now we can’t stop crying”👤
‘Everyday😘’  (Pull Over add-on)
“Hear me out, what if we have sex?” 👤
Playing video games with Tom and his brothers 👤
Tom keeps a picture of you and Tessa in his wallet 👤
”Were you dreaming about me again? 👤
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”👤
Bathing Tessa Headcanon 👤
10 Best Boyfriend Qualities  👤
10 Worst Boyfriend Qualities  👤
When it’s too hot to sleep in clothes...  👤
A surprise visit 
Physical v Verbal Headcanon  👤
Travelling when you’re sick  👤
When you’ve had a bad day at work  👤
Misc. soft shit headcanon  👤
Tom being a salty puppy when he gets sunburned  👤
That time Tom got sick on the press tour  👤
Snoozey Tom Headcanon 👤
Swimming in the sea
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♡ sweetener
Series Masterlist
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♡ au/other
Somethin' 'Bout You 
Thinking Bout You (FWB/Roommate AU)
Girls/Boys/Boys  (Tom x Reader x Harrison Osterfield)
Truth or Dare 
Forget the Bed 
When in Paris (CEO!Tom)
Release (Uni AU)
Girls/Girls/Boys (Tom x Reader x Female OC)
Good Girl (Mob!Tom AU)
Crash Course  (Fuckboy!AU)
Strange Occurences (Enemies to Lovers AU)
Safe (Friends to FWB)
“One Drink?” (Exes to Lovers)
Crossing Boundaries (Best Friends to Lovers)
Serendipity (neighbour!tom AU)
One Night (FWB/Uni AU) 
No Lollygaggin’👤
2AM 👤
Parking Practice 👤
...and they were roommates (roommate! AU) 👤
Facial Fractures and Mugs of Moscato  (Uni AU)
The Chain 👤
Absence (Uni AU) 👤
If It Means a Lot To You 👤
Gen/No Relationship Specified
Rock, Paper, Scissors 👤 (Roommates AU)
It’s Called Fashion, Thomas 👤
Blurbs etc.
Time of the Month Headcanon
Slow Down👤
Insufferable (Best Friends to Lovers)👤
Wake Up Call (Dad!Tom AU) 👤
Usual? (Coffee Shop AU) 👤
Parenthood Headcanon 
First time getting a BJ Headcanon
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websterss · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: The reader is a knight and has fought to earn her place amongst the other men, plus the reader’s father was one of the greatest knights in the kingdom. And she trains harder than any of the other knights. 
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Fluff, some angst I guess
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Prince!Harrison Osterfield x Knight!fem!Reader 
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! This is an old repost.
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There had been a time where a little girl dreamed of living in riches and dressed properly in the finest gowns made by the best seamstresses. That dream brought her hope and fascination. Royalty was something she wanted for her family more than her own desires. Her family didn’t have the best money, but they did have something going for them. Her father served as a knight for the Osterfield’s, a royally rich family who repaid the Y/L/N’s back for allowing her father to guard the royal family.
As her father trained and fought when Y/n was barely a small child, he often brought her along and let her explore the parts of the castle where he built up his strength with the rest of the men who served. Y/n would wander around carefully avoiding swords that clashed together and sharp knives being thrown at their target. She’d go down a long corridor where it would lead her to the stables. This had to be her favorite place to go. Especially after her meeting with the king and queen’s son. Harrison.
Harrison and she hit it off quite nicely after he offered her an apple after having fallen down from trying to climb on top of one of the horses. Just a scrape on the knee and a juicy red apple to calm her cries. The two were only eight and nine at the time. By now Harrison was learning the ways of ruling an entire kingdom all on his own, for now at least, since he was to be betrothed to a princess on his twenty-first birthday. Yet you knew better where your priorities stood. And that was to serve and guard your majesties and fight in any war that could harm the royal family and its kingdom.
Having a place amongst the other knights was an honor. Serving and protecting your king and queen was basically giving up your life for theirs, but it was a sacrifice you were willing to do for your kingdom and for your father. After having won in a chaotic war, to which your father prepared his entire life for, nothing could have prepared him for his beloved wife to fall ill. This was shortly after your twelfth birthday.
A common sickness that your mother had held. The doctors said there was nothing that could be done other than being by her side during her last few hours. It brought you despair and utter depression to watch her go. Her eyes slowly closed. It replayed in your head over and over, until it became a nightmare you would wake up from.
Her dying changed some part within you that it made you hate any higher end for taking her so soon. It made you angry, it made you do the one thing that your father never wanted you to become. But alas, there was nothing he could do to prevent you from being a noble knight like he was. He forbade you, but he knew better than to think you would actually listen to him, and to what he had to oppose.
He hadn’t let you touch a bloody sword until you turned sixteen. Then that’s when your training began. A lot of the younger boys who were about your age considered you a dainty girl who could break under a simple beating. They made fun of you, but what would they know, you were a girl, so what, it’s not like they’ve haven’t seen a girl before. You were a girl who had something to prove, not just to the boys who laughed and mocked you or even your father, but to the girl’s who didn’t believe they could be above a man.
It was not easy at first, the guys definitely did not go soft on you, which you were grateful for, but it did hurt nonetheless every time they pinned you under them. You could not put your finger on the number of cuts and bruises you received from them. 
The groans you let out as one of the boys you would be paired up with, Philipp, had always managed to get a tight hold on your wrist. Pinning them above your head with a stupid smirk plastered on his lips.
“Sure you got the hang of it there, sweetheart?” Philipp would taunt you. He was never one who liked to be beaten, so as long as he had a girl, you, underneath him. All the guys saw him as an equal.
“Get off me.” You’d grunt as he always felt the need to apply pressure to a bruised area on your body.
“If we were not training, I would like this position a tad more, don’t ya think so?” Phillip was rather straightforward when he wanted to be, but when he spoke what was on his mind, it usually wasn’t quite appropriate.
“I said get off!”
“Make me then.”
“Phillip, I believe the lady asked you to let her go.” His voice brought chills down your spine as you noticed how quiet the training area got.
It was almost an everyday thing where the prince himself got you out of situations where you needed help. You never asked for his service or the constant saving. You were a knight, and a knight played the hero, not the damsel in distress. Stressed out you were at times, but a damsel, certainly not, and never would be.
“You did not have to do that.” You protested.
“You did not have to become a knight either, but here we are. Besides, Phillip was being an arse.” Harrison’s expression gave it all away, he was angry.
“And he will keep being an arse if you do not quit helping me. I am not…” You paused. “a damsel who needs saving, Harrison.” You clenched your jaw and let a few teardrops fall. Your face hardened. You had grown tired of the constant pleading and arguing. You did not have the time to put up with him.
“You are not a knight yet, Y/n, so I’ll keep being your knight in shining armor until then.” Those would be his final words every time you confronted him about the way he saw you, the way he treated you. As if you were a delicate flower, so precious, so dainty that even the slightest crush or touch from a hand would somehow cause you harm. You would lose a petal and begin to fade. You were not going to have none of it though. 
It was a regular evening at the castle. Some of the knights were standing guard, keeping a close eye for an intruder. The king and queen and their youngest, Princess Charlotte, were all tucked away in their chambers fast asleep getting a good night’s rest. The prince, however, was very wide awake, and couldn’t get the tiniest bit of shut-eye. Staring at the dark ceiling tucked underneath the sheets, he couldn’t help but feel the need to get out of bed. Not having the slightest idea of what he would find, Harrison slipped on his breeches and a shirt. He left his shirt untied, letting the thin black strings hang loosely on his chest. He slipped on his boots and left his chamber.
The corridors were slightly dimmed by the burning torches up against the walls, it wasn’t completely dark, but not dark enough where he couldn’t see.
Walking past pillars he was all too familiar with, he soon realized he was coming close to the training area. A glimmer of light illuminating the entryway of the double doors. One door was ajar, however.
He got closer and then finally heard heavy grunts and puffs and the sound of the targets getting hit. He stepped forward glancing inside to see who had the nerve to be up this late at night.
He wasn’t sure who it could be, the curiosity got the better of him and he leaned his body weight against the door frame, getting a clear view of the person.
And lo and behold, there you were facing the knives you just threw perfectly alongside the arrows you arched just minutes early.
You were quite out of breath, and the beads of sweat on your face and neck lingered. Some of it could still be seen right down the cleavage area on the top of your breast. Even in this state, Harrison could not help but admire you more.
You ran the back of your sleeve against your forehead. Taking a deep breath before grabbing a hold of your crossbow, pulling it upwards to aim.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Harrison announced his presence inside the room making you quickly turn around at the sound of his voice.
Harrison stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
“As opposed to your bedtime?” You quipped back at him.
“I am the prince I can do as I please.” He rolled his eyes as he took long strides towards you. 
“And I am a knight, I can train as I please.” You turned your back to him. “Preferably alone that is.” You said over your shoulder.
“Ah yes.” He nodded playing along. “Will you see lady Y/n.” He smirked knowing how much you dislike being called lady. “You certainly can train, but you wouldn’t be much use if you keep overworking yourself now would you?” He hovered over you, standing closely behind you. The touch of his fingers sweeping your hair to one side was too good to be true. 
“I am not overworking myself.” Your chest rose and then fell from short of breath.
“Your sweating love.” Harrison walked around to face you fully. His hand rose to brush a few strands of your hair out of your face.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “That is what happens when someone works very hard.” 
“Why do you need to work harder?” He looked at you confused. “I am still hoping to prove my worth.” You shrugged.
“Worth? You most certainly have proven the strength you contain and your capability of pinning even the strongest man there is. What more could you possibly have to prove?!” He shook his head in disbelief.
You stared at him for a brief moment before shaking your head and retrieved your two swords. Of course, Harrison would be clueless to what you needed to prove. Too busy trying to be king, he forgot the one thing you disliked him doing. If he couldn’t figure it out for himself then you were going to have to do it yourself.
“Y/n?” He furrowed his brows as he watched you throw your swords and catch them by the blades.
“What do you think you are doing?” He stepped back as you took a step towards him.
“Proving myself.” You let a deep breath out before lunging yourself at him.
Harrison reacted rather quickly, dodging the arm you swung towards his head. Once he stood tall again he stared at you wide-eyed.
“Are you mad?”
“Fight me!” You swung your swords again.
“What? No, Y/n stop this!” Harrison kept dodging your swings. He was ducking and backing away from your approaches. He was getting really tired of trying to get away from you, so he did what he could do. Right as you took another swing at him he crouched and spun kicking your leg outwards. The contact made you fall on your back with a grunt.
Harrison acted quickly and straddled your hips to get you to stop moving. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and pinned them above your head.
“Will. You. Stop!” He groaned as you continued to squirm underneath him.
“Get off me!” You growled.
“No.” He narrowed his eyes on you. “I did not wake up to fight you.” 
“Then why are you even here?”
“I was concerned about you.” His eyes softened a bit.
“I’m fine.” You huffed as you felt defeated by his hold.
“I do not believe you.” He stared down at you with those blue eyes of his.
“Get off.” You muttered quietly.
“Not until you tell me why you felt the need to fight with me.” He shook his head. You continued to squirm around more until you finally caved in. “You see me as weak.” You frowned.
“What are you talking about?”
“I am talking about you treating me as if I am still a damsel in distress. It has been a very long time and to this day you keep doing things that make me look dainty.” You admitted. 
“What things?” He questioned.
“Well for starters this!” You motioned to how you and he were laying on the floor.
“Oh.” He quickly released your wrists. “I didn’t know that bothered you.” He dusted the dirt off him before offering his hand to you. You took it, either way, then got up to your feet. 
“It does.” You wiped off the dirt on your worn out dress.
“Why is it so important to you that I see you as anything but dainty?” He came closer to you. 
“I have tried my hardest to prove to your mother and father and the other men that I can be just as strong and capable of going into battle, but even if I am working harder, it seems like the only person I can’t seem to prove that too, is you.”
“I know you are strong Y/n.” He smiled to himself a little.
“If you know I am, then why do you constantly keep trying to get me out of harm’s way? You keep trying to prevent me from being a knight. Why is that Harrison?” 
“For that exact reason, love. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“It is a little too late for that now.” You scoffed softly. “That’s no reason though, why do you hate the idea of me being a knight?”
“Ever since I met you, you have shown me how tough you really are. There is no denying that, but ever since your father came back from war injured, you haven’t stopped thinking of being a knight. You were never told to become one, you just did. You have never told me why you wanted to be one, it has always been a mystery to me. And as much as I don’t like you using a sword, or battling the other men, you are most certainly great at it.” He smiled at all the times where you had managed to pin some of the other men down. “I have never seen you as someone who is dainty or weak for that matter, but you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember, so getting the chance to know you and grow up with you, you have a spot in my heart. I couldn’t bear the idea of something terrible happening to you.”
You took everything he told you. Every word, every movement, every shine that glowed in his eyes. You could not have asked for a better best friend, one you have grown to love with all your heart, and much more.
“Have I ever told you how much you mean to me because you do.” You laughed shakily.
“I do not believe you have.” He chuckled, taking a step after another, until he was right in front of you. His eyes wandered over every small detail of your face, only this time he was really observing you. Taking in every bit of you. He raised a hand and cupped the side of your face. His thumb rubbed over your cheek softly. Your breath hitched as you soon came to realize just how close the proximity was between the both of you. You could feel the slightest breath he let past his nose hit directly onto your lips.
“You mean so much to me.” You whispered as your head rested against his own.
“As do you to me.” He lifted your chin up so your eyes could meet his. “I want you to know that…I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled softly, not thinking much of his words.
“No, love, I love you. Not just that, I adore you, in more ways than one.”
“Harrison-” You began shaking your head not believing the words he was speaking to you.
“I hope you feel the same way as I do.” He said.
“I do.” You muttered.
“I want you to be right by my side when I am crowned king. Forever and always.” 
“What about your princess?”
“That is my decision, not my fathers or my mothers. I want nothing more, but you.” 
“You mean that?” You smiled.
“Every word my love.” He leaned down and captured your lips in a slow rhythmic kiss.
“Forever and always?” You pulled back for air.
“Forever and always.” He kissed one more time.
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elles-archives · 1 year
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I posted 245 times in 2022
That's 99 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (28%)
177 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 145 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#chris evans - 82 posts
#chris evans characters - 60 posts
#chris evans x reader - 51 posts
#ellen recommends - 47 posts
#fluff - 46 posts
#sebastian stan - 43 posts
#ransom drysdale x reader - 36 posts
#ransom drysdale - 36 posts
#angst - 29 posts
#sebastian stan characters - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#tom holland and harrison osterfield masterlist
My Top Posts in 2022:
Brother's Co-Star
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(Pictures are from Pinterest)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Brother’s Co-Star
Sebastian Stan x Holland!Reader
Summary: Being Tom Holland’s older sister has lead you to meet a lot of his co-stars. One however, catches your eye, and you catch his. Maybe you should have told your brother first.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: slight language, fluff, a little angst.
See the full post
299 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Anxiety Support
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Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Chris helps you through a panic attack after you are followed by a group of girls.
Word Count: +1.5k
Warnings: Panic attacks, Anxiety, Being followed when shopping.
Requested on Wattpad
Masterlists | Taglist | Requests are Open
You had just graduated High School and were due to go off to College in the fall. As excited as you were to gain your independence, you were still worried about leaving the safety of your father’s home. 
For as long as you could remember it was always just you and your Dad. Your Mom left when you were born, signing all rights away to your Dad and was never seen in Boston again. Of Course, you still had your Dad’s family around you, especially your Uncle Scott. 
Scott had stayed with the both of you during Lockdown and for the longest months, it had just been the three of you. You moved to remote learning and only ever left the house to go out to the backyard. You Facetimed all your friends but none of them were going to the same College as you.
You had been accepted into NYU, the same College where your Dad went. You were going to study acting. Much like Chris had been, you were a theater kid growing up and had always had an interest in acting. Originally, Chris had wanted to keep you out of the limelight, much preferring to give you a normal childhood.
However, when you showed an interest in acting, Chris couldn’t help but become overwhelmed with pride. He offered to help in any way he could but also understood that you wanted to make your own image as an actress and not just as Chris Evans’ daughter. 
Acting wasn’t the only thing you seemed to get from your father. Much like Chris, you had severe anxiety. Both social and separation. You were extremely nervous about moving to New York and being away from Chris. Your separation anxiety was so bad that Chris had to hire you a tutor whenever he was out of town and take you with him. You had an agreement with the school that you would attend Summer School classes and that you would keep up the curriculum. 
There was a level of determination though when it came to you moving to New York for College. You wanted to make your Dad proud and hopefully start to work on your separation anxiety. You were on medication and had therapy to help you and so far it was working. Chris had also created a sensory room for you. It was filled with stress balls, fidget toys, weighted blankets, it was your favorite color but pastel rather than bright. The whole room was designed to be your safe space and Chris was the only other one apart from you who went in there. Even then your Dad only came in when you needed him to.
It worried your Dad a bit that you were wanting to pursue acting with your anxiety, he himself knew how difficult it could be but he knew that acting was what you wanted to do and he would support you whatever. 
You needed to get a few things before you went to New York. You would be moving into the dorms there but you wanted to keep your room at home how it is. You went out on your own. Chris had originally wanted to go with you but you knew you needed to build up some confidence to go out on your own. You were quite lucky that in Boston you weren’t followed around that often. However, you still sometimes saw fans of your Dad, who knew who you were.
You had almost finished getting everything you needed when something caught the corner of your eye. A group of girls probably about your age were all giggling and looking towards you. You put your sunglasses down off of your head and tried to ignore them. Despite that, one of the girls came up to you.
“I’m sorry, aren’t you Chris Evans’ daughter?” She asked in a high pitched voice. 
“Um yeah.” You awkwardly nodded, already feeling anxious.
“I thought so. I just wanted to say how much I love your Dad.”
“Okay then.” You tried to walk away but her voice caught your attention once again.
“Is he around then? I've always wanted to meet him.” She giggled.
“No he isn’t. Sorry I’ve got to go.”You quickly rushed away but not before you heard her mutter ‘rude’ underneath her breath. 
You felt your heart race and your breathing pick up. You felt a panic attack about to happen and quickly pulled out your phone and called your Dad.
“Hey Sweetheart, are you ready to come home?” You heard your Dad’s cheery voice through the phone. You automatically felt yourself starting to calm down a little. Chris could hear your heavy breathing over the phone.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He asked. 
“Dad, can you come pick me up?” Chris automatically knew something was wrong.
“Yeah I’ll meet you where I dropped you off. Is that okay?”
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327 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Honey Flower
Floriography – The Language of Flowers 
Andy Barber x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You knew that getting involved with a married man wasn’t the smartest choice. But the love you held for Andy made all the pain worth it. Wasn't it? 
Word Count: 7k 
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut (P in V, Fem receiving oral), Cheating (Not on reader), Swearing, Drinking, Marriage problems, Divorce, Age gap (Specific ages not mentioned), Mention of pregnancy. I think that is all but let me know if I missed anything. This is 18+ only. Minors DNI. 
(A/N: This is my entry for @starryevermore's Welcome to Angst City™ Writing Challenge. I honestly don’t know how good this I so any feedback is welcome. Please do not copy my work. Reblogs are welcome. 
Prompts: How Do You Say ‘Fuck You’ In Flowers? + Fifth Floor + Chris’ Pretty Boys: Andy Barber) 
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You have always loved flowers. Believing that there is more to them that then actual blossom. The Victorians used to use flowers as a way of communication. They would gift each other flowers to send a message. You studied floriography from a youthful age. Fascinated by how flowers could mean so much. They weren’t just for romance. The yellow hyacinth meant jealousy, the orange mock meant deceit and the trumpet flower meant separation.  
Flowers could also be given platonically, between mother and child or between friends. Pussy willow meant motherhood, moss meant maternal love and freesia meant trust or friendship. Working as a florist was magical to say the least. You watched as people tried to woo each other. You saw how people begged for forgiveness. Being able to make different arrangements for different circumstances was always a joy. Weddings, proposals, begging for forgiveness. There were also some not so great, arrangements for example funerals or when one person was dishonest with another.  
You grew up in England, living in the countryside, near the fields where wild flowers grew. Your favourites being daisies, which meant innocence or gentleness, asters which were a symbol of love and ivy which meant wedded love. Marriage. Something you had always wanted.  
When you were in your mid-twenties you moved to Massachusetts. Your Grandfather was sick and was requesting your presence. You barely knew him and only had met him a few times as a kid, but who were you to deny a dying man his final wishes. Turns out your Grandfather was fairly rich. Nothing dramatic but when he did eventually pass on he left you enough to start your own floristry shop in Newton.  
Your parents were going to stay in America too, to be closer to the family you grew up without. So, you decided to accept the money and open your shop ‘Floriography.’ You sold all kinds of flowers, each with the meaning provided. You hoped that when people came in that they would appreciate the knowing what the flowers meant. There was a small apartment above the shop where you could stay. Everything was going perfect in your life.  
‘Floriography’ was popular. Many people came in for their anniversaries and were so impressed that they often came back. Every bouquet you made was made with love. No two were the same. You wanted to make sure that each bouquet was personal and met the customer’s needs.  
About four months after you opened, a man walked in, and you were instantly intrigued. He was tall with dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He walked with confidence in an expensive suit but there was some sense of calmness around him. You instantly felt intimidated by him he obviously held some kind of power. He walked up to the desk where you were standing, working on a bouquet of pink roses (perfect happiness) for an anniversary and was patiently waiting for your attention. 
You smiled up at him and asked him to just wait a second as you put the final additions on the bouquet before you gave him your full attention.  
“How can I help you?” You smiled trying not to give away your nervousness. 
“I just came in to have a look, you see my wife has been stressed lately and I wanted to get her something to cheer her up.” His voice was silky and calm.  
“Well, I can make you a custom bouquet for her if you like.” I offered. I had seen this many times a husband coming in to cheer up their partner. 
“Would you mind?” He asked hopefully. “I noticed that you have the meanings of each flower written down so I assume you would know how I can express my appreciation of her?” 
I was more than happy to help him. It reminded me of why I enjoyed my job so much. 
“Of course, well I could use a wild pansy, which means ‘you occupy my thoughts”? Or calla lilies which means ‘magnificent beauty’?” 
He interrupted you. “She does like calla lilies, and they have a great meaning.” His accent coming through strongly compared to your British one. 
“Well, they would look lovely with a little holly, which means domestic happiness. And forgive me if I am overstepping here, but as you are in my shop purely to cheer her up I believe that holly would be appropriate.” 
He let out a small chuckle. “You are not overstepping and yes I would like to this we live in ‘domestic happiness.’ Well, you’re the expert so I will leave it to you.” 
“That’s great. So, I will have these ready for collection tomorrow if you would like to collect them? If not fill out this card and I can deliver them for you.” I smiled at him. 
“I’ll collect them after work tomorrow if that’s okay. I think coming straight from me will mean more to her. Anyway, thank you so much for your help I really appreciate this.” He grinned at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow…” he looked down at the name tag on my apron “…Y/N” 
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335 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Unhappy? Happy
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Images from Pinterest
Ari Levinson x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Arguments, Smut (Fingering, Grinding, Ari cums in his pants, Oral (Fem-Receiving), P in V, Unprotected Sex), Make-up sex, Fluff, Swearing. (I think that's all but let me know if I missed anything.)
18+ Only. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: +1.6k
Summary: Ari wants to leave on another mission, but this time he has more to lose at home.
(A/N: I am reposting this as it didn't appear on any of the tags x.)
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The two of you had been at it for over an hour already. You knew how important the missions your husband went on were, but at the same time with two children in the picture, it was getting harder and harder for you to say goodbye to him each time he went. Especially with how dangerous they could be.
You and Ari went to ‘run’ The Red Sea Diving Resort together along with four others. You had known Ari for years and when he came to you with his latest plan, you knew you had to help. However, at the time you didn’t have a husband, son and step-daughter to worry about. You knew that it was the constant missions and all the time spent away from home which split up Ari’s first marriage and you were determined not to let it happen to yours. 
Maya, Ari’s daughter, was so used to seeing her Dad leave that she barely battered an eyelid anymore but Connor, your’s and Ari’s Son was too young to understand why Ari was never there. After you had Connor, you decided to stop going on missions and start working to help coordinate them instead. Unfortunately, Ari didn’t share that idea and that is what led to this specific moment. Another mission had come up and Ari had to leave for an unknown amount of time.
“All I’m saying is that we - I - promised to go back. You knew this day would come, why are you so surprised?”
“I am surprised because not only do you have Maya now but Connor as well. I understand how important this is but can’t they send someone else?”
“This isn’t about nobody else doing the job! This is about me needing to be the one who does it. I promised Kabede that I wouldn’t abandon anyone. That I would go back.” Ari yelled. At that moment you were thankful that Maya was at her Mom’s and Connor was with your parents, they didn’t need to hear this.
“And I get that Ari but what about your children. What about me? How are we supposed to cope knowing full well that you may not come back to us?”
“So what? I am supposed to leave all those innocent people. I love you, Maya and Connor more than anything in the world but this is something I have to do.” 
You sighed. A part of me felt selfish wanting him to stay, but at the same time, he wasn’t the only person who could complete these missions. 
“We can’t put up with this forever, Ari. When I married you, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let our jobs get in the way but things are different now and I can’t comprehend how you can’t see that.” You said in a low voice. A dramatic change in tone from the yelling.
“Then what do you want from me Y/N? To stay here and be unhappy all the time? Unhappy that I’m not out there?”
You froze. So did Ari.
“Y/N/N, I didn’t mean that…”
“Don’t right now Ari. I can’t… I just…” You went upstairs to your shared bedroom. You knew that he said all that in the heat of the moment but a part of you couldn’t help but over analyse what he said. Was he unhappy in your marriage? Did he want to be out all the time? Did he regret marrying you? 
You sat on your bed and cried. You didn’t know what to say to him. You loved Ari with everything in you. But the idea of him not wanting you nearly killed you inside. You didn’t want to be the one to make him unhappy.
About an hour later, you heard a knock on the door. You didn’t say anything but looked up when you heard the door open. Ari’s eyes were bloodshot and his hair looked a mess. It was obvious that he had been crying just as much as you had.
He didn’t say anything as he made his way over to you on the bed. 
“Sweetheart? Please?” He whispered in your ear. You knew that he felt bad. Slowly, you looked up at him and he could see the tears clouding your eyes. 
“What do you want, Ari? I don’t have any energy to argue with you.”
“I know sweetheart. I came to say I’m sorry. Can I make it up to you?” Closing your eyes you nodded at him. You knew you could never stay mad at him for too long. “Words princess.” Ari growled in your ear. 
“Please Ari.” You whispered. Next thing you knew Ari had you on your back and was devouring your mouth with his. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as you felt your lips being chewed at by him. 
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435 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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These are the fics that I recommend and Love for Chris Evans and his Characters. Minors DNI
Chris Evans:
Desperate Affairs by @georgiapeach30513 - Multiple Chris Evans Characters x Fem!Reader
Fading Spark by @alisonsfics - Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Futile by @rocketrhap3000 - Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Well Shit by @falcqns - Chris Evans x Reader
Gentleman by @lexiawrittings - Chris Evans x Reader
Boston by @secretswiftymarvelfan - Chris Evans x Reader
Floofy Haired Delight by @secretswiftymarvelfan - Chris Evans x Reader
Fixing the Broken by @maemelany - Chris Evans x Reader
Breathe by @buckyownsmylife - Chris Evans x Reader
See by @andydrysdalerogers - Chris Evans x Reader
Steve Rogers:
Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes - Steve Rogers x Reader
Reckless by @kinanabinks - Widower!Steve Rogers x Divorced!Reader
(College AU) by @fluffycutecevans - Steve Rogers x Reader
Always You by @fangirlovestuff - Steve Rogers x Reader
My Girl (Part 2 to Nightmare Barns) by @jadedvibes - Neighbour!Steve Rogers x Reader
Flustered by @fqjth - Steve Rogers x Reader
If Only You Knew by @kayteewritessteve - Steve Rogers x Reader (Modern AU)
Let it Happen by @barnesafterglow - Frat!Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Time After Time by @fluffycutecevans - Steve Rogers x Reader
You Are In Love by @stephensfcktoy - Lawyer!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Eavesdropping by @lahyene - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. Johnny Storm (as Steve’s brother)
Andy Barber:
Under the Suit by @simplystevies - Ex’s Dad!Andy Barber x Intern!Reader 
Stay by @geminixevans-stan - Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Help You Through by @jbreenr - Andy Barber x Reader
Pick Me by @dbnightingale24 - Andy Barber x Reader
Beautiful Stranger by @dbnightingale24 - Andy Barber x Reader
See the full post
448 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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sleepyhollands · 4 years
🍎 can you do something angsts with harrison plot up to you xx
y/n knew something was off from the moment harrison whispered in her ear, “let’s go home.” they’d been at a little pub on the corner, and while harrison had gone to the bathroom, some guy had offered to buy her a drink. y/n indulged him, telling herself that if things went too far she’d tell him she wasn’t interested and that she were here with her boyfriend.
the car ride home was silent, neither of them making a move to turn the radio on. haz kept both hands on the steering wheel, instead of resting one on her thigh like usual, the look on his face unreadable.
when they finally arrived home, harrison shrugged his jacket off and threw it onto the bench by the door rather than hanging it neatly the way he always did. by now, y/n was done with whatever fit he was throwing.
“haz, what’s going on?” she asked, trying to approach the situation gently. not thirty minutes ago, he was dancing with her by the bar, and now he wouldn’t even look her in the eye.
“don’t know what you mean, y/n,” he replied flatly.
“you only call me y/n when you’re upset. c’mon, spit it out, har.” y/n crossed her arms over her chest, awaiting his response.
harrison exhaled loudly, running a hand through his wavy curls. “are you leading me on here?”
taken aback by his question, eyes wide and jaw dropping, y/n asked, “what the hell are you talking about?”
“it’s just…” he ran a hand down his face, swaying a little on his feet. “you seemed so interested in that guy at the bar. and when we’re with our mates, you get really up close and personal with them. are you still into me, y/n? because sometimes it feels like you aren’t.”
y/n was silent for a moment, arms tightening across her chest. a small part of her was angry— how could he think that of her? but the rest of her understood why he felt this way.
“and that makes you insecure? when i’m friendly that way with other people?”
“of course, y/n!” harrison scoffed. “any boyfriend in their right mind would be.”
y/n sighed, uncrossing her arms. “okay, i’ll back off then. i’m not leading you on, harrison. i really like you. i’m— i might even love you, actually.”
haz’s face lit up at the girl’s words, eyes shifting from the wall behind her head to her face. “you... d’you really mean that? that you love me?”
y/n shifted. “was that a bad time to say it?”
“no! no, um,” harrison walked up to her tentatively, and she shuffled into his embrace, letting him rest his cheek to the top of her head. “i love you too.”
smiling into his shirt, she said, “that wasn’t very romantic of us, was it?”
“what, saying ‘i love you’ for the first time during an argument?” he chuckled. “nah, but it’s okay. i think it feels more genuine this way.”
“wha’d’you say we go watch a movie, hm? wind down a little?”
y/n closed her eyes, inhaling his scent and holding him just a little closer. “that sounds like a plan.”
taglist: @definitely-not-black-cat @harrysleftchelseaboot @darlingspidey @sunflowerhollands @caswinchester2000 @joshuaparkers @jackiehollanderr @screamholland @thereallcarmwn @nervousdadmode @peepeeparkerr @the-crazy-fanfictionist @spidey-holland-96 @ifilosemyselfagain @tonguetiedholland @hazmyheart @1missglum1
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Spring Cleaning (T.H. x Reader)
request: Hey, can I maybe request a Tomxreader where she lives with the four guys. And she always/often appears in the background of ig stories, but she kinda gets a lot of crap and hate and that's why she never wants to be on live ig and stuff, but the boys (who all love her so much) dont know. They find out because her phone won't stop ringing, after she was in Tuwaines story, dancing with Haz. And they all make a live from her phone, and say that all the hate is not cool and that she's family. Thanks❤ - @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​
summary: Tom & the guys find out that their roommate has been recieving hate after a morning of spring cleaning and go live to ask the fans to stop spreading negativity.
words: 3k
warnings: minimal swearing, hateful comments
a/n: the usernames included in this are supposed to be fictitious and i apologize if these are anyone’s real username. please leave feedback! requests are open! 
links: masterlist;
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(not my gif)
The boys were becoming more active on social media as days came and went, which meant you were appearing on people’s timelines more and more often. And that was both a blessing and a curse. 
You loved seeing the guys share silly little moments with the fans. Tom had so many people supporting him online and he just loved letting them in on his life every once in awhile. But, that came with the fact that people didn’t necessarily like you being in his life.
Dating Tom and living with him and the guys had been a secret for awhile. You didn’t know what the fans would think of you, and you were worried it wouldn’t be good. And turns out, your suspicions were correct. 
Anytime you’re featured in something that any of the guys post, you’re spammed with hate from their followers, even if you were just in the background of an Instagram story. It was pretty bad, but none of your roommates ever seemed to notice it. And the last thing you wanted was to bother Tom about it, so you kept it to yourself. You built up a facade against the comments when they were all around, trying to be strong regardless of what people had said about you.
“Spring cleaning!” Harrison announced, holding a broom and dustpan in his hands as he walked into the living room. You were sitting beside Harry on the couch, in the middle of an episode of New Girl on Netflix, when Harrison moved to block the screen. 
“Hey!” You laughed, before pausing the episode.
“Come on, get up off your lazy bums,” Harrison said, gesturing for the two of you to move along. “It’s time to get some cleaning done.”
“How much cleaner can this place get, Haz?” Harry asked, eyebrows raised in dismay. 
You stood up, shaking your head at the two boys. Tom and Tuwaine wandered into the room from the backdoor, catching sight of Harrison holding out the broom to Harry.
“What’s all this?” Tom asked, looking from you to Haz.
“Harrison says it’s time for “spring cleaning.”” You replied, giggling. Harrison shoved the dust pan out to you with a pointed look, and you frowned, hesitantly taking ahold of it.
“Mate, since when were you into cleaning?” Tuwaine asked, laughing, but Harrison just glared back at him.
Eventually, you all followed Haz’s instruction and began to clean up the house a bit. Music played from Harry’s speaker in the kitchen as you and Tom wiped down the counters and cabinets, laughing to one another about how ridiculous Harrison is.
“Spring cleaning,” You giggled. “I’ve never heard Harrison say that before in my life.”
“Right. Literally two nights ago on live, he said that he hated having to clean,” You smiled to yourself, but Tom stopped what he was doing, studying you while you worked. “Hey, we were thinking about going live later. You should hang out with us then.”
You lifted a shoulder in a small shrug, pretending to be immersed in wiping down the white countertop in front of you.
“I dunno, Tommy,” You told him, feeling his eyes on you. “I don’t feel up to that, you know?”
He watched as you casted him a small glance over your shoulder with an apologetic smile before turning back to the counter.
“Love, please, just for a few minutes?” Tom asked, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout when you turned to him.
“Maybe.” You walked away, setting the rag down on the counter to go find Harrison to see what else there was to do.
But, Harrison wasn’t doing much other than controlling the music on Harry’s phone. And it looked like you weren’t the only one noticing that.
Tuwaine appeared at your side, arms crossed.
“Harrison, why haven’t you been cleaning?”
The blonde looked up at the two of you, before holding up the phone.
“I’m DJ-ing, man. Gotta have a good soundtrack to clean.” He stated with a grin. Tuwaine sat down on the couch with a mirrored grin, shrugging slightly.
“Then I am taking a break.” You playfully rolled your eyes at them, putting your hands on your hips as you looked down at Haz. He scrolled through his phone before deciding on a song. His thumb pressed down on the play button and the music began to play through the speaker. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll let your little break slide since you picked a good song.” You told him with a smile. He hopped to his feet, singing along with the song, coming up with a silly dance to the beat.
Harrison made his way to your side, grabbing your hands to make you dance with him, earning a surprised laugh from you. You gave in, singing and dancing around with him. Tuwaine was chuckling from the couch, and you heard Tom ask, “What in the world?”
You noticed him leaning against the wall of the hallway, watching you and Harrison with a small smile.
Harrison let out a triumphant laugh, swinging you around with a grin.
“I think I’m stealing your girl, Holland.”
“Keep dreaming, kid.” You told him and he let go of you with a wink.
“We’ll see.”
Harrison turned down the volume a little bit, humming along to the words. Tuwaine was looking down at his phone, typing away, as Tom came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“So,” Tuwaine began, tossing down his phone and turning to Harrison. “Has spring been cleaned?”
Tom laughed, his chest vibrating against your back as you leaned into his touch. Everyone’s eyes fell onto the blonde, who gave a small shrug.
“Sure, as long as Harry’s done in the garden.”
“I’m gonna go hit the showers, then.” You said, wiggling out of Tom’s hug. You glanced around the room quickly, trying to see where your phone was, but figured you’d find it later and went on to get in the shower.
After you left, Tom plopped down onto the couch with a sigh. Harrison raised an eyebrow at his friend.
“What’s up?” The sound of the water rushing in the shower filled the silence along with the music from the speaker between the three of them before Tom began talking. He understood wanting privacy, he really did. But, you were always so quick to opt out of photos or live streams, or just anything like that. He wanted people to see how involved in his life you were.
“She said no to the live again,” Tom said, staring down at the coffee table in front of the couch, shaking his head slightly. “I don’t get it. She’s so private all the time, but just a little check-in with the fans would be enough.”
A phone vibrated on the kitchen counter but they all ignored it. Tuwaine pursed his lips.
“Have you tried talking to her about it, like, seriously?” He asked, and Harrison nodded, pointing towards Tuwaine.
“Yeah, maybe you should sit her down and explain to her that it’s worrying you.” Tom looked up at his friends, nodding a little bit, fidgeting with his fingers.
“I’ve tried that, though, and she always just dodges it,” He replied, sadly. “I dunno, I don’t want to pressure her if this is just wanting to be private.”
Another buzz of a phone sounded from the kitchen, and then third, and a fourth. They’re heads all turned in the direction of the phone.
“Who’s is that?” Harrison asked, confused. Tuwaine held up his phone, and Harrison pulled his own from his pocket, and held up Harry’s, which was playing the music on the speaker.
“Mine’s in the bedroom.” Tom rose to his feet and walked into the kitchen.
“Must be Y/N’s then.” Tuwaine commented, watching Tom intently. Tom leaned across the counter to pick up your phone as it vibrated another time.
“What the…” His eyes fell upon your lock screen, which was filled with notifications from what looked to be a bunch of fans. 
“What is it?” Harrison’s voice called, but Tom didn’t respond. Instead, he started scrolling through the notifications. People were mentioning you in comments and tweets, and were DMing you over and over. 
erika.holland: you don't deserve to be with tom
summers-tom: why would you wear that? it doesn’t even look good on you
gigglyosterfield: anyone else see tuwaine’s story with @y/n? yeahhh, i’m not into that.
More and more notifications appeared on your phone as Tom looked through some of them. He couldn’t even begin to process it. He sat back down on the couch, passing your phone to Tuwiane. His eyes widened when he saw all the hate being thrown towards you. Harrison leaned in, brows furrowed as he flicked through some of it.
“Oh my god.” Tuwaine said, scratching his chin as he glanced between Tom and Haz.
“What’s going on?” Harry asked, walking inside from the backyard, wiping his hands down on his jeans. Harrison handed him your phone. The screen had gone dark, so Harry gave them a confused look. “What-”
“Just..,” Tom began, his voice tense. “Look at her notifications.”
The phone buzzed in his hand, and his mouth fell agape. Tom put his head in his hands. This is why you wanted to be so private online. He felt like an asshole.
“Oh...that’s…” Harry trailed off, letting the screen go dark again. He passed Harrison the phone and it vibrated in his hands. 
“Can you turn do not disturb on?” Tom muttered, and Harrison fumbled to figure out how to do that, but Harry ended up grabbing the phone again and turning it on. “How could I not have noticed this stuff?”
“It’s not just on you, mate.” Tuwaine told him.
“Yeah, we haven’t noticed it either.” Harry added, setting your phone down on the arm of the couch.
The sound of the water stopped and they heard the shower curtain open. Tom’s head snapped up, and he glanced back in the hallway before looking back to his friends.
“Look, don’t post anything about this yet, alright?” Tom said. He kept his voice lowered, and he looked each of them in the eye. They all nodded in agreeance, watching as he got up off the couch. “I want to talk to her about it first, and then we can all do a live or a video explaining how this isn’t okay. I just need to talk to her beforehand.”
He made his way into your shared bedroom, closing the door behind him. You were standing with your back to him, a white towel wrapped around your figure as you looked through your jeans in the dresser drawer. Tom slowly sat down on the end of the bed, trying to figure out what he was going to say to you. 
His brown eyes looked to you, wondering why you didn’t talk to him about the hate. He could have stopped it, he could have prevented it from getting this far. He wouldn’t have left it as is if he had known it was happening.
“Y/N.” Tom began, his voice soft. You hummed in response, your back still to him as you decided on a pair of pants and shut the drawer. When he didn’t continue, you faced him, eyebrows raised.
“Tommy?” You tossed the jeans onto the bed beside the other pieces of your outfit, but waited for him to respond before you started to get dressed.
“Um, I want to ask you something real quick.” You nodded, starting to slip on your underwear and clothes. Tom let out a small sigh.
“Okay,” You replied, pulling your shirt on over your head. “What’s up?”
You pulled on your pants and plopped down next to him on the bed, looking at him expectantly.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were getting hate?” He asked. His eyes studied your features, watching your body rise and fall slowly with the deep breath you took. You tore your eyes from his face and just shook your head.
“It wasn’t your problem to deal with.” Tom watched as you pushed yourself up off the bed in disbelief.
“Y/N,” You wandered over to your vanity, picking up your hairbrush. “If I had known it was happening, I would have done everything I could to stop it.”
You pulled the brush through your wet hair, feeling some water droplets fall onto your forearm as you did so. You wondered how he even found out, but then you realized you hadn’t bothered to find it before getting into the shower.
“It’s not your problem, though, Tom. And besides, I’m fine, really.”
“It is my problem. You’re my whole world, love. I don’t want people treating you like that,” You turned away from him, letting out a sigh while squeezing your eyes shut. A few tears roll down your face, recalling a few of the comments that stung the most in the past. Tom’s arms snaked around your waist, pulling you in close. You let out a small sob, cracking open the facade you’d once worked so hard to keep up with. Tom rested his chin on your shoulder, tightening his grip on you. “This shouldn’t be happening, Y/N. Let me say something about it.”
You lip quivered as the tears kept falling from your now puffy eyes. Tom softly let go of you, moving to stand in front of you. He brought his hand up to your cheek, wiping away some of those tears with his thumb. His eyes were soft and reassuring. 
“Okay.” You whispered, watching a small smile grow on his face before he pulled you in for a hug.
“I love you more than you could ever know, darling.”
An hour and a half later, you found yourself sitting at the dining room table with all your roommates. After you had finished crying into Tom’s chest and put on some light makeup, you walked into the living room to find Harrison, Tuwaine, and Harry all sitting there anxiously. Their eyes all flew up when they heard you walk into the room, wondering how you were doing. You gave them a smile, silently thanking them for being there for you. 
“I think we should say something on the live. And then afterwards tweet something or make a post on our stories?” Tom said, and Harry nodded.
“That’s a good idea.”
“How’s that sound, Y/N?” Tom met your eye and you didn’t say anything for a moment, trying to wrap your head around this.
“Let’s do the live on my account.”
So, everyone positioned themselves at the table while Tom set your phone up against one of Harrison’s shoes. He opened up your Instagram and pulled up the camera. You grew nervous, hoping this would work, even in the slightest. He pressed live, starting it, and within a few seconds, people came pouring into the livestream. 
You watched as the different usernames appeared on the screen, little colored hearts floated up from the bottom corner. You were too scared to say anything yourself, so you bumped your knee against Tom’s. His fingers interlocked with yours as he greeted the people who were sending in wave emojis and hellos. 
“How’s it going, everyone?” People already were asking questions. You scanned the chat, dreading the inevitable comments that would be typed about you. But, nothing mean was appearing yet as more people filled into the stream. So far so good, you thought. “We decided to do the live on Y/N’s account today, obviously.”
“You know, to keep you on your toes.” Tuwaine joked, giving a wink, which made everyone laugh. 
“Yeah, but also we want to talk about something that’s been going on for way too long.” Harry said, leaning further into frame. You looked down at your hand in Tom’s underneath the table with a deep breath. 
“We wanted to address the things that people have been saying about Y/N and the messages being sent to her,” Tom began with a sigh. Harrison nodded somberly, his blue eyes watching the comments. “It’s not cool to consistently comment rude things about her at all. She’s the nicest person ever and she doesn’t deserve this.”
“Yeah, this never should have become such a huge problem. Y/N’s been pretty quiet about these messages and we’ve unfortunately overlooked them for so long, but seriously, you guys shouldn’t be doing this.” Harrison added, running a hand through his hair. You watched as people in the comments began to send heart emojis, and call the people who were sending hate clowns, which put a small smile on your face.
“Y/N is super important to us and she’s a huge part of our lives. We shouldn’t have to hide her or exclude her because some of you out there have mean opinions.” Tuwaine said, and the guys all nodded.
“We love her and it’s sad to see all this negativity about someone we all care about. It’s hurt her and I just don’t get how some people can take pride in hurting someone’s feelings. Especially when they’re as amazing and talented and beautiful as Y/N is.” Tom smiled at you, and you hid your face in his shoulder, trying to hide your red face.
“So, if you’re posting or sending in hate, please stop because she’s in our lives and she’s not going anywhere. No use in being a jerk about someone you don’t even personally know.”
The people in the comments were overwhelmingly supportive and nice, and you slowly became more comfortable throughout the rest of the livestream. After addressing the issue, you and the guys began answering fun questions from the chat and hung out with the fans. And then, after you had ended the live, each of you individually sent out tweets, quickly giving a recap of what was said on the live. 
Instead of getting tweeted about how horrible your outfit choice was, you were being tagged in posts talking about how you didn’t deserve the hate and how beautiful you truly were. It was a start, but you knew that things would get better soon. And more importantly, you had the best boyfriend and roommates you could ever ask for.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
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tom holland x female!reader
request from @thirlwallsholland : could you possibly do a tom holland x female!reader?
tom, y/n and the boys are going to see uncharted for the first time, and y/n has been a fan of the games before she even met tom so she's really excited. y/n really loves the film and that night she's all cuddly and clingy with tom vice versa so the boys make fun of them and call tom whipped?
thank you!! :)
a/n: thanks for the request hun! i'm so sorry this took so long, it's just been one of those weeks - for like 3 weeks in a row. hope you enjoy ! <3
“I want honest feedback, okay?” Tom says as the lights dim down. “Don’t sugarcoat it.”
Harry rolls his eyes. “Bro, when have we ever sugarcoated anything?”
You rest your hand on top of Tom’s on the armrest between your seats, giving it an excited and reassuring squeeze.
“We will. Now both of you shut it, I want to watch the movie.” you say.
The four of you: Harry, Tuwaine, Harrison, and you were finally going to see the full Uncharted movie, and to say that Tom was nervous for the group’s opinions was an understatement. Harry had seen most of it during filming and you had seen little snippets when you’d visited the set but none of you four had seen the whole thing yet, effects and all. You weren’t solely watching just to appreciate your boyfriend’s action sequences, you had been a huge fan of the Uncharted games since before you’d even met Tom. Him being the lead in the film adaptation was only a bonus for you.
Tom had rented out a small theater for your group so that you could ‘have the proper experience’ without him having to deal with fans. The group of you sat a couple rows back from the large screen, stocked up with popcorn and drinks. It had been Tuwaine’s idea for everyone to wear onesies.
"Holy shit!” you say partway into the movie, pointing at the screen and grasping Tom’s hand with your free one. “Is that JJ from Outer Banks? You didn’t tell me you met him!”
“Rudy Pankow? Yeah, I met him on set, he was nice. I’ll introduce you to him at some point if you want,” Tom whispers back, breath warm against your ear.
Bartender Tom makes you a little hot under the collar (or onesie), if you’re being honest. You lean over in hopes that the other boys won’t hear.
“Tommy, think we can get a bar added into our place? And maybe you can get a couple of those outfits…”
“Gross, Y/N!” gags Harrison. “No one needs to hear about your little fantasies.”
Tom chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I think we can definitely work something out, darling.”
“Anyone want a cup of tea?” asks Harry, coming back into the living room after switching the kettle on.
You’d all stumbled onto the sofa and armchairs after returning home from the movie theater. Turns out spending two hours in a dark room wearing pajamas makes you feel kinda tired. Shocker.
“Oh yo, I could go for a cuppa,” says Tuwaine from his spot on the sofa.
“Same here,” calls Harrison.
“Yes please,” you say, giving Harry a grin in hopes that he’ll bring out yours first so it’s hot.
“Yeah, but not too much milk, okay?” says Tom. “I don’t know who it is, but someone in this house always gets the milk everywhere and makes a huge mess.”
Harrison snorts in the otherwise silent room. “Oh come on, no one else took that the way I did?”
Tom turns to you while the others begin an argument. You’re both curled together in the red armchair, Tom sitting with his back against the backrest and you sideways, leaning on one armrest with your legs over the other, basically sitting in his lap.
“So, what did you think of the movie darling?” he asks, biting his lip. It’s your opinion he cares about the most, as you know the most about the series than any of the boys. “You’ve been kinda quiet since we left the theater."
“Baby, I loved it!” you squeal. “I’ll be honest I was a little unsure about them casting you as Nathan at first, but you absolutely smashed it. It was a surprisingly good adaptation, and now I honestly think you were perfect for the role. All in all, it was just a super fun movie, you know? Oh Sophia was great too. Do you have her number? Can you tell her I thought she was incredible? Oh and don’t get me started on all the scenes with you in a white shirt that got wet and went see-through,” you ramble, tugging on his sleeve in excitement.
Tom chuckles, a grin spreading across his face and his eyes crinkling at the sides.
“Yeah? You really thought so?”
You nod, pressing a loud and smacking kiss to his cheek.
“I really did, bub.”
He wraps both arms around you and you tuck your head into his chest, peppering tiny kisses over the exposed skin of his neck as you breathe in the familiar scent. You’re honestly so proud of him and how hard he works to bring each role to life, and you want to show him this. It’s only when his hand slips slightly lower to rest innocently on your onesie-clad bum that the rest of the group groans.
“Oh god, my eyes!” gasps Harry dramatically as he enters the room again, handing you your tea.
“Get a fucking room you horndogs,” calls Harrison, pretending to gag.
“Unless you’re going to give us a proper show, knock it off,” says Tuwaine, standing up to help Harry with the teas.
“Hey!” says Tom, going slightly pink. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that!.” The thought makes him immediately protective and you giggle, resting a hand on his arm to show that you’re okay with the boys’ teasing.
“You are so fucking whipped, man. It's sickening really," pipes in Harry, but you catch the smile that tugs at the corner of his mouth that shows deep down, he's thrilled his brother's found his person to always be there for him.
Tom rolls his eyes as Harry hands him his tea (last, oh the joys of siblings) and stands up, gently pulling you up after him. He plucks your half-drunk tea out of your hands and starts to make his way up the stairs.
“Come on darling, I think we will get a room eh?”
He wiggles his hips dramatically to prove his point as you giggle, hopping up the stairs after him and giving his own onesie-clad bum a cheeky pinch.
You look over your shoulder at the rest of the boys as you go, both you and Tom giggling slightly hysterically at the sour expressions on their faces.
“Might want to get the old earplugs out tonight, boys.”
permanent tom tags: @mayal0pez @tomsbm
thanks for reading! reblogs and comments are always appreciated, let me know if you want to be tagged in further tom fics! <3
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americaswritings · 3 years
Something Like Love
Warnings: lots of angst, jealousy, anxiety, negative self-talk, lots of fluff too :), no beta
Summary: Reader watches Tom’s photo session and feels hurt and jealous, watching him pose with girls. When she can’t take it any longer, she hides somewhere. But fans find her and as Tom ends his session, he finds you to be gone and a photo of you has gone viral.
Words: 5k (I got carried away)
Pairings: Tom Holland x reader
A/N: I wrote this years ago (I wish I was exaggerating, but it’s true), but never finished it. Now with all of the new Tom content, I was in the feels to write again. So I finally finished it and decided to post it. I hope you enjoy :) Also pls remember I haven’t written in ages!
Add yourself to my taglist!
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You were currently sitting next to Harrison, watching Tom’s photo session with the fans. Haz wasn’t paying much attention anymore. He was scrolling through his phone, his brows slightly furrowed while he looked at what you assumed was Instagram.
You wanted to distract yourself too, since it was rather boring to watch Tom take hundreds of photos, but you couldn’t take your eyes of the scene in front of you.
You admired how he could still flash a perfect smile and pose for the camera without taking a break. You gazed at the line of fans still waiting to get their photo taken and sighed.
“What’s the matter with you?”, Harrison asked, peeking up from his phone. “Nothing”, you muttered, not taking your eyes off the girl that was currently taking a photo with Tom.
They were close, too close for your liking. You knew that you didn’t have a reason to be jealous, Tom wasn’t your boyfriend, and it was none of your business what he did and what poses he agreed on.
But still you couldn’t help yourself but feel bothered when he was posing with the girls. You knew that he wasn’t being serious when he responded to their “I love you”s and hugged them tightly, but your heart squeezed painfully, nonetheless.
“You look like you’re about to murder someone”, Harrison commented, the hint of a grin evident on his face. 
“I am fine. Thank you very much”, you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his chuckle.
But when you turned your gaze back to Tom you couldn’t supress the snort that left your mouth when you saw him and the girl recreate a pose she had previously shown him on his phone.
They were facing each other, so close that it looked like they were kissing behind the folder Tom was holding in front of their faces.
You obviously knew that they weren’t, but you could only imagine how close they must be standing for it to appear this way.
You saw Harrison muster you from the side, but you decided to ignore his stare. You really didn’t need him urging you to tell Tom about your crush on him. It would only make things complicated. 
You had known Tom long before he had been famous. Since he had landed his big hit, the role of Spider-Man, he was travelling and filming most of the time, but you always managed to see each other as much as possible.
Haz, as Tom’s personal assistant, was used to the attention the actor was receiving, especially from girls, but it was your first-time joining Tom at a convention.
It had been a stressful, but fun weekend so far. It was great to see Tom again after having gone a month with only texting and facetiming each other, but watching the photo session was draining for you.
After 20 more minutes your frustration had turned into hurt and when Tom took another photo, kissing a girl on the cheek this time, you decided you couldn’t watch any longer. 
“I need some fresh air”, you told Haz and made your way out of the room as quickly as possible.
You could feel his concern burn gapes into your back, but you didn’t look back. Tom was too busy to realize that you were gone, so you could probably make it back in time and pretend you had never left.
Exciting the room, you were greeted with a massive crowd of people and panic started to creep up on you. You felt so small, so insignificant and lonely, surrounded by masses of people that were too eager to get to see Tom to care about anything else.
You felt your breath speed up as you were swallowed by the crowd. You just wanted to get out and take a deep breath of fresh air.
As you continued to push your way through the people, hoping to find the entrance, you realized just how enormous the hall was. You came to a halt, trying to gain orientation, but it was pointless. You had lost every idea of where to go.
So you marched into one randomly chosen direction, knowing that it had to lead at least somewhere other than this hall. And you were right. Eventually you found a small, isolated staircase.
The door fell closed behind you and for the first time you felt relief wash over you. It wasn't exactly the fresh air you had longed for, but it gave you a break from the noise and chaos out there.
Slowly you crouched down onto the steps and let your tears fall. You knew that you were being ridiculous, but the jealousy was eating you from the inside.
It hurt so much. You had barely a few hours to spend with Tom and Haz before they would leave to attend the next event.
You missed Tom, seeing him, and hanging out together. You missed hearing his laughter next to you and seeing him smile, one that was only reserved for you.
You missed how he made sure you were more than comfortable during your movie nights that always ended with you falling asleep on his shoulder and how you would sing your hearts out when you were driving in the car together.
You missed how he made sure he was the one closer to the road, how he gently brushed your fingers with his in a sign of reassurance when he sensed your anxiety and how he would make sure you weren't overtalked when you hung out with the boys.
You missed your friendship, and you missed the feeling of being loved, being cared for.
You wondered when that had changed. When had you become the one to be left behind?
Suddenly you felt beyond lonely.
Were you proud of Tom? No doubt! Did you regret being friends with him? Not a single second. But did sharing him without even having him in the first place hurt? Absolutely!
You tried to remember the last time you and Tom had spent alone, but your mind was blank. Sure, there were a few seconds here and there when Haz was up to something else, but you missed talking to Tom. Not just on the phone but when you discussed a new movie for hours after leaving the cinema or at 2 am when your minds were too noisy to allow you sleep.
It felt a little soothing to admit all of that to yourself. But you knew you could never say that to Tom. Not only would this mean confessing your feelings to him and risking your friendship, but it felt selfish to you.
He was an upcoming movie star. He had a busy schedule and tried his best to balance his career and private life.
Shouldn't you be lucky he even made time for you at all? That he hadn't abandoned you for fame yet?
No, Tom wasn't like that, you reminded yourself. He was kind-hearted, humble, and passionate. That was why he was adored by so many people. It was only fair that they got to see how special he was, like you had over the past years.
Maybe you had to realize that your expectations were too high. He wouldn’t be able to give you what you longed for. Maybe you were holding him back and it was the best for either of you when you gave him up.
You were deep in your thoughts when something in the corner of your eye made you peek up. Your eyes were still glistening with tears, but your vision was clear enough for you to notice two girls gazing at you through the small window of the door. Their eyes were wide in surprise, but then recognition crossed their faces. 
One of the girls whispered something to the other and you were curious what they would do. Leave you alone to give you some space or try to talk to you?
You only realized there was a third option when the girl held up a phone directed at you. You couldn’t even blink before the girl had put the phone back down, a satisfied grin on her face before they left.
It took you a moment to fully understand what had happened, but then the shock hit you. They had taken a photo of you and there was no doubt that they would post it. 
It would give them lots of attention and maybe even a few headlines of gossip magazines, since you were known to be friends with Tom. You had probably just ruined the whole event for him.
“Damn it!”, you exclaimed, running your fingers through your hair in desperation as you tried to imagine what you looked like.
Messy hair, puffy eyes, huddled alone on a staircase. It would definitely make the news.
Tears left your eyes, but you wiped at them furiously. Your emotions had gotten you into this mess in the first place, you wouldn't allow them to take over again.
You needed to get your head straight, approach this rationally and come up with a plan.
But all you could think about was that you had been right. You weren't made for fame and were pulling Tom down with you. You had no right to claim more of him, you didn't deserve it.
You allowed yourself another moment of despair before you pulled yourself together. You couldn't stay here. Even though you doubted the photo would give away your location, there had to be plenty staircases like this in the building, the two girls had discovered you and you couldn't know they wouldn't come back. Maybe even bring more people with them.
You could hurry back towards the photo session, so you could pretend that it wasn’t you on the photo or that it was fake, but you knew that it was an idea born out of desperation and you couldn’t build up the courage to re-enter the hall either. 
Just the thought of having to push your way through masses of people once again scared you enough to let you stay in place.
The damage was done and there was nothing you could do about it.
So you stayed on the staircase, leaning your back against the cold wall and pulling your knees close to your chest.
 “That was exhausting”, Tom sighed, grabbing a water bottle with a smile plastered on his face. He had just finished his photo session and couldn’t wait to spend his short break with his two closest friends.
Even though he loved meeting his fans and it was fun to pose for photos, especially when fans came up with such creative ideas, it was also draining.
Knowing that for a while he could just be himself around his friends without having to keep up a front felt like a burden was lifted of his shoulders.
"Hey, did you see the man in the Iron Man costume? It looked sick! And he made it himself", Tom told his friend, but Haz wasn't paying attention to him at all. 
“Hello? Mate?” Tom snapped his finger in front of the blonde’s face. "Shit!"
Tom furrowed his brows at Haz' words. "What?", he questioned, noticing how serious his friend was. Harrison looked up at him, his blue eyes mirroring the concern Tom felt.
"This was just posted on Instagram. And twitter." He held up his phone, handing it to Tom so he could get a look himself.
He had been prepared for something to dampen his mood. A leak of the upcoming Spider-Man movie, a negative headline about him or some weird hashtag going viral.
But he had not been prepared to find a photo of you, sitting on what looked like a staircase looking absolutely heartbroken and alone, your eyes wide in shock as you looked directly into the camera.
"I already called her twice, but she's not picking up", Harrison announced, and his heart fell even more.
"Wait- Where is (y/n)? I thought she was here with you the whole time", Tom questioned in disbelief, looking around as if you were to magically appear somewhere.
Harrison let out a huff. "She left halfway through the session. You didn't notice?"
Tom felt his heart clench as he shook his head in shame. "Look, I had to focus on the photo session. I can't keep an eye out on everything", he tried to defend himself, but it sounded like a lame excuse even to his own ears.
He should have at least noticed your absence at some point.
How could he have missed it?
"I don't blame you. But maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring her to watch the photo session?"
Tom could sense there was something in his friends voice he was missing, but he couldn't figure it out. He had wanted you along, so what?
But there was no sense in arguing about it now. What mattered was finding you and making sure you were okay, so he focused his attention back on the photo.
It had already been shared over thousands of times.
"It looks like she is on a staircase or something", he muttered as he scanned the photo for evidence, hoping to find a clue to where you were hiding, but at the same time dreading to find something that could reveal your position to everyone else.
"She wanted to get fresh air", Harrison recalled, reaching for his phone in Tom's hands and getting up. "I suggest we get someone who knows this place and search the staircases."
"What if she has left already?", Tom asked, not feeling confident about the plan. "You have a better idea?", Harrison countered, and Tom shook his head in defeat.
 "I can't believe someone would take a photo of her in that situation and post it!"
They were on their way towards the third staircase, security clearing the area beforehand, so they didn't have to deal with fans.
"The people here are my fans, right? I don't get how they could treat someone who is so important to me like that! It's disgusting!", Tom continued his rant.
"They just want attention, that's all", Harrison stated, sounding much calmer than Tom but as upset as he felt. "It's pathetic!", Tom huffed, reaching for his phone to give calling you another try.
"She still doesn't pick up", he sighed a few minutes later, beginning to feel hopeless the longer it takes them to get to you. "Can you blame her? She probably has gotten tons of messages since the photo was posted. I wouldn't want to deal with that either", Harrison stated, and Tom knew he was right. He just wished they would finally find you. He felt worried beyond belief and guilt was preying on his mind.
How had he not noticed something was up?
"You have to be on stage in 30 minutes", Harrison reminded him as they neared the next stairway. "Cancel it", Tom said matter-of-factly. "Are you sure about that?", Harrison asked, already knowing the answer.
"You know I love my fans, but this is more important now. She is more important."
"Alright, I got your back.” Harrison patted him lightly on the shoulder as he reached for his phone to let the managers know of the change in plans.
"I swear if she's not here I will-", Tom began as he peeked through the window of the door to the next staircase, but he fell silent as his eyes landed on your small form.
It took him a moment to take in the sight in front of him. You were still sitting on the staircase like you were in the photo, but you had leant your back against the concrete wall and your face was buried in your hands.
The relief he had felt for finding you was quickly replaced by the pain to see you hurt.
"She's here", he announced as he turned back towards Harrison, who looked just as relieved. "Let me talk to her alone, okay?"
Harrison raised his brows in response but nodded. "Just tell her how you feel", he urged before he left to give the two of you some space.
Tom cautiously opened the door, not wanting to scare you but also not wanting to sneak up on you either. "Is this seat taken?", he asked to gain your attention and your head shot up.
"Tom? What are you doing here?", you stuttered in surprise. You weren't crying anymore, but your eyes were still red and puffy, and your voice sounded the slightest bit shaky.
"I was looking for you!", Tom stated exasperatedly.
"But you have to be on stage in like-", you glanced at the watch on your wrist, "30 minutes!"
Tom’s heart skipped a beat at the realization that you knew his schedule by heart, but at the same time he couldn't understand how surprised you acted that he would search for you after what had happened.
"You think I care about that right now?", he asked in disbelief. "I was worried about you! When I finished the photo session you weren't there and Haz showed me the photo they posted of you", he explained frantically, the guilt that he hadn't noticed something was up before, coming back to him.
"I- uhm-", you tried to come up with a reasonable answer, but your mind was blank.
Tom's eyes softened at your loss of words, and he crouched down next to you. "What's wrong?", he asked, his voice so gentle that it brought back the tears in your eyes.
You bit your lip in an attempt to stop yourself from crying once more. "Nothing", you whispered, but you knew it was no use. Even if you would have kept up a better act, Tom would have probably seen through it.
Because he knew you.
You two knew each other by heart.
"Hey, you don't have to pretend with me", Tom reassured, and his hand reached out to yours. But before he could touch it, you hugged your knees into your chest again, shying away from him.
You couldn't bear to have him touch you right now. It would only make things harder.
You told yourself that as you tried to ignore the irritation and hurt crossing Tom's face when he pulled his hand back.
You could see the unspoken question in his eyes and the hint of determination to understand what was going on. Tom was a stubborn person, something that had played a big part in building his career, and you knew he wouldn’t leave before you hadn’t given him an answer.
So you pulled yourself together, not wanting to waste more of his previous time than necessary.
"This is stupid!", you declared, angry at yourself for being so emotional. "This is a convention for your fans to get the chance to meet you and for you to interact with them, so you should not be sitting here on this isolated staircase with me. You should be out there with them and have fun!"
“You think I can have fun, if I know you’re hurting?”
You adverted your gaze to your lap. It was true, you were pulling him down with you. “You shouldn’t be here”, you repeated.
"But I am here", Tom said sternly, "so talk to me, please?"
When you stayed silent, he sighed in despair. "Don't shut me out (y/n)", he pleaded, and you felt guilt fill you. He was really trying to make this right, so the best you could do was be honest and give him the chance to go.
"I miss you, okay?", you burst out. "I miss you so much and I just couldn't watch you being right in front of me when in reality you're not really there!"
"But I am here!" Tom frowned, trying to make sense of your words.
"Really? Because you will be leaving again tomorrow, and we barely had any time together. I might be selfish, but I love you too much to spend so little time with you without wanting to have more. I just- I can't do it."
Tom's frown had deepened as he was listening to your words. When he came to the conclusion you wouldn't say more, he dared to speak up.
"I don't want to leave", he admitted, surprised how easy it felt to tell you this. "I just got back here, got you back and I don't want to be without you anymore. You're right, we barely got to spend time together and I can't keep going like this. I don't want to."
You were listening to him in complete shock, not having expected him to feel the same way.
"But you were having so much fun with them", you reasoned, recalling how happy Tom had looked while posing with his fans. "This is literally what you have been born to do. You worked so hard for this, and you deserve to enjoy-" Tom let out a sigh that made you still.
"You know I love my work and I am grateful for all of this", he gestured towards the door, "but I am still the boy from Kingston who just wants to live a normal life from time to time. I want to spend time with my family and my friends where I don't have to be the movie star people look up to and this huge role model. It's so much pressure to be perfect the whole damn time."
You realized that Tom might not have had it so easy either. You hadn't thought of this as another burden that came with the job and always considered it something he had earned for working so hard.
A place where everyone showed their love for him seemed like a reward. But now that he allowed you to hear the exhaustion and frustration in his voice and see the tension in his body, you regretted your quick assumptions.
You couldn't help but wonder how his fake smile had mislead you into thinking he was purely happy. Shouldn't you, as his closest friend, be able to see through his act?
But you knew that you had been blind. Blinded by your own jealousy, you had to admit. But you couldn't bring that up to him.
"I am sorry", you sighed, meaning it whole-heartedly. "I was hurt so I just focused on my own feelings without considering that this might not be as easy for you as you make it look."
You put on a little teasing smile “Seems like you have become too good of an actor now.”
Tom gave you a small sad smile. "This is why I need you", he told you. "With you I don't have to be anyone other than myself. I don't have to deal with all of these huge expectations and can just relax without fearing to be anything other than flawless."
You nodded, completely understanding what he meant. Growing up you had always been cautious when it came to trusting people and opening up. You knew it wasn't easy to let your guard down and be vulnerable with someone and you couldn't put into words how grateful you felt for having become such a safe space for Tom.
But there came a sadness with it too. You wanted to be more than just someone he could be himself with. You wanted him to spend time with you because of you. Because he liked spending time with you.
"I can't live without you", Tom added, and you had to blink back your tears. You got up from the stairs, pulling Tom with you.
"Come here", you whispered, reaching out to hug him. You could see the smile on Tom's face before he wrapped his arms around you, enclosing you in his warmth.
Your face was buried in his chest, and you inhaled his scent and clung onto the feeling of being so close to him, knowing it wouldn't last. "I shouldn't have brought you to the photo session. Making you watch me that way really conveyed the wrong message", he spoke next to your ear and his voice send shivers down your back.
"No, it's my fault." You broke the hug so you would be able to look into his face. "I shouldn't have reacted so strongly", you said a little sheepishly. Now that you had spoken to Tom you felt a bit embarrassed about your reaction.
"I just couldn't help myself. Seeing you pose so closely with the fans just hurt, you know?"
You knew if you weren't completely truthful the burden on your shoulders wouldn't be lifted, but you hoped that Tom wouldn't question your words further.
You didn't feel ready to have that conversation just yet. But Tom seemingly didn't want to let it go.
"I still don't get it", he admitted, rubbing the base of his neck in uncertainty. "Why would you even care about that? I mean it’s just photos. It's not like I am having any meaningful conversations or moments."
You felt your heart sink in your chest. You wouldn't lie to Tom anymore, not now that you were caught in the aftermath of what it meant to hide your feelings. So you took all your courage to finally allow yourself to say the words out loud.
"From a rational point of view, I know that", you began, "but seeing you so close with the girls, I just- I couldn't stand it knowing that I don't get to be so close to you."
Tom's eyebrows lifted as his eyes widened in disbelief. "You were jealous?"
You bit your lip. "No?", you tried, but sighed a second later. "Fine. Maybe I felt jealous of them."
"But love, they are just fans", Tom wondered, making you blush when he used that name on you. "There is no reason to be jealous and-", he stopped as a thought visibly crossed his mind. It took Tom only a moment to collect his words, but it felt long enough for you to grow beyond nervous.
Now he knew.
"Are you telling me that you like me? Because I want to be certain before I come to any kind of conclusions that could mess this up even more."
You huffed. "You are cruel!", you stated, "you're really making me embarrass myself even more? Haven't I been clear enough already?", you tried to escape the question, but he shook his head.
"I need to hear you say it", he demanded, but a soft smile was covering his lips and you knew he would never push you to admit anything you didn't feel comfortable with.
Amusement was better than pure shock, right?
"Fine, I am in love with you, you idiot. I have been for months now. And I really don't appreciate sitting by and watching you hold hands, hug, and kiss girls on the cheek. So next time I have to politely decline that offer."
When you had imagined this conversation with Tom, you had never expected yourself to be so confident in your words, but it seemed that allowing yourself to say what you had hidden for such a long time felt freeing and, in some way, empowering.
Even if Tom did not reciprocate your feelings, at least you had been brave enough to get the burden off your chest.
Tom's amusement had faded a bit. Now he was watching you rather serious and you shifted under his intense gaze. "Are you going to say something too?", you broke the silence and that seemed to snap him out of it.
"I can't believe you're feeling this way", he said, "I had no idea!"
"You know that was the whole point in hiding them", you teased, hoping to ease the tension that had suddenly filled the air between the two of you.
"Then you're a damn good actress!" You shook your head with a smile. "You know I am an open book to you. You have just been too blind Holland."
Tom laughed and you grinned, but on the inside, you were a nervous wrack. He hadn't really answered to your confession yet.
"I might have been. Or I was just too good at convincing myself that you could never feel that way for me."
Now it was your turn to raise your brows in surprise. "That's- Why would you think that?"
"Because we have been friends for years, but we never went beyond that. I thought you didn't want to."
"Well, that's…", you searched for the right word. "...stupid", you concluded while Tom simultaneously came up with "wrong".
You chuckled as Tom feigned hurt by pouting.
"I am in love with you (y/n), and I am sorry I didn't say anything sooner. You're too important to me that I didn't want to risk losing what we have. I wasn't ready to give that up", he spoke sincere.
"Looks like we have both been idiots", you offered with a smile and Tom grinned. "We have been", he agreed before stepping closer to you.
Then he slowly leant in, giving you enough time to move away. But you wanted this. You had dreamed of this.
As his lips meet yours, you felt yourself relax into the kiss. Tom's arms came to hold you around your waist, and you melted into his touch, craving the feeling of being so close to him.
When you broke the kiss, you moved away, but only slightly so that your foreheads came to touch. "Shouldn't you be on stage right now?", you whispered, and Tom sighed.
"I want to spend the evening with my favourite girl", he assured you. "And the photo?", you questioned. "We will take care of that too. Trust me."
You nodded. Because if there was one person you trusted, it was him.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 2 years
The bet
A Harry Holland mini series
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Part 3 (the beat down)
Warnings : angst, cursing, fighting.
Series Masterlist
Word count: 3.3k
Harry woke you up a few minutes later with a sense of urgency. He insisted you get up and get ready for another day together. You were confused as you sleepily got up and complied. A few hours later and you had gone to breakfast, went and watched the planes take off from the airport and then went to a petting zoo.
The sun was beginning to set as you guys pulled up to your spot and Harry got out of the car before grabbing a few blankets and setting up a little area for the two of you under the bridge.
"Harry," you said as he finished what he was doing.
"Yeah?" He looked up to you with a look of worry.
"What's going on?" You Wondered, he had been acting strange all day and you weren't sure as to why.
"I'm nervous," he admitted, "sorry, has this been too much?" He asked you.
You shook your head as you stepped over to him and grabbed his hand for him to stop. "Hey, it's just me, you don't need to be nervous," you told him bringing your hand up to his face and cradling it.
He shut his eyes before taking a deep breath. "What have you done to me y/n?" He asked. His voice was filled with conviction and fear, there was something so raw about the emotions you were seeing from Harry, you couldn't help but come to a resolve to an inner argument you had been having for the better part of a few weeks.
"I've just shown you how good it can be," you whispered, hoping he would know what you meant.
"I've never felt like this before, pretty girl," Harry whispered looking into the depth of your eyes.
"Just let go baby," you whispered as you pushed up onto your tippy toes and brought your lips to his.
He kissed you back, with more emotion than you expected, before pulling away.
"I have to tell you something," he blurted.
You furrowed your brows, but nodded, Taking a seat on the blanket. "Ok," you told him.
"Do you remember the first time we came here?" He asked. "Specifically the car ride," he elaborated.
You nodded as you stared at him. "Sure, we talked about how you had never been in love and if your heart got broken you wanted it to be your own fault," you told him, not sure where he was going with the conversation.
He nodded as he stared ahead to the water. "I meant that, you know, I had never been in love," he told you.
You stayed silent for a minute as you watched him, unsure of where his head was at. "Had never, or have never?" You asked finally.
He turned his gaze to you and gave you a small smile, "had never," he confirmed.
You felt your eyes water as you watched him. Did Harry love you? Were you ready to try this again? Surely things with Harry would be better, so what was the harm in trusting him, he had already shown you that you could.
You leaned across the space between the two of you bringing your lips to his and kissing him, this time he didn't break away, instead he pulled you towards him until you were straddling him.
His tongue swept across your lips before you opened them, giving him access as you buried your fingers in his curly hair, something you had wanted to do for months.
Harry groaned as he went to pull away, knowing if he went through with this and then told you after you would hate him even more. He couldn't do that to you, he refused to. So he cupped your face gently and pulled away. "I'm so sorry," he muttered as he stared at your big eyes.
"Why?" You wondered. "Harry, what is going on?" You asked him, worry filling your gut.
He stared at you with sad eyes before he responded, "Tom and I made a bet a few months back,"
You nodded at him signaling him to continue.
"He bet that I couldn't get a person of his choosing to fall in love with me," he told you.
You furrowed your brows at him, "that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, you can't just walk up to someone and get them to fall in love with you," you told him, but the more you thought about it, the more confused you grew.
Harry had walked up to you that night you met him, and again when he offered to get you home, and to get your number. Harry had quite literally walked up to you and made you fall in love with him time and time again. "Why are you telling me this?" You wondered as you slipped from his lap and sat down beside him.
He ignored your question before continuing, "I called it off, the bet," he explained. "Because I knew, you know, I knew, and I didn't want to get too far in, and I didn't want anyone to get hurt," he told you.
"Why are you telling me this?" You asked again with tears building up in your eyes. He wasn't talking about you, he couldn't be.
He let out a long sigh before he looked at you with tear filled eyes. "Because the person Tom bet I couldn't make fall in love with me," he looked away before he mutter his next words, "was you,"
All at once you felt your whole world crumble. For a second time. "So what, I was just some game?" You demanded.
Harry shook his head frantically as he tried to grab your hand but you pulled it away from him too fast. "At first, ok. At first it was all strategic, but that morning I picked you up the first time we came here, everything changed for me, ok, I never planned to bring anyone here, but I just knew," he rushed out.
"Knew what Harry?!" You groaned as you pulled your legs up to your chest. You would not cry over this, you refused to let another person break you, even if this one somehow felt worse than the last.
"I knew I was falling in love with you," he said quietly.
Your head shot up from where you had buried it in your knees as you stared at him with your mouth wide open.
"What did you just say?" You demanded.
"I love you y/n, I swear, I never wanted this to happen, I never wanted you to find out," he groaned.
"So you were just, what? Going to hope that I never figured it out, then maybe when we were old and grey then tell me?" You shouted, "I trusted you. I let you in. I told you how much I didn't want to be played again, and you what, just disregarded that for some childish bet with your older brother?" You exclaimed.
You pushed yourself up to your feet and stared at him. "What did you get out of it?" You demanded.
Harry shook his head in confusion.
"The Bet," you clarified, "what would you get out of winning?"
He looked and you while his face blanched, before saying, "bragging rights,"
You felt your whole body radiate with anger. Bragging rights? Fucking bragging rights? How foolish were you to fall for him, and it was your own fault, Mal had warned you, other girls you shared classes with had warned you getting close to Harry Holland was not going to end well. And boy were they right.
"I hope you enjoy your bragging rights," you spit out before you turned and took off on foot back towards the school. You would yell at yourself later, but for now, hitching a ride seemed like the best option because there was no way you were getting in the car with Harry after all of that.
Harry stared after you, knowing that if he went after you he would just screw things up more. He had to give you your space, as much as it would kill him. He mulled over your words and his own actions and how terrible this had all been. Then it clicked. 'i hope you enjoy your bragging rights'
You loved him?
Probably not anymore, but Harry wouldn't stop. He would give you a few days, and then he was going to do everything in his power to prove to you that none of it was a game, he saw you at the end of the line, and there was no way he would let you go this easily.
Harry gave you five days, figuring that should be enough. Nothing ever came of the threats of the video so things had calmed down, and Harry was ready to go win you back. Which is why he was standing at your apartment door, knocking.
"Give me a freaking minute," he heard Mal groan before the door swing open. "Go away," she said without even a second thought.
"I need to talk to y/n," Harry explained.
"Yeah? Do you?" She seethed as she stepped forward getting into Harry's face and pointing a finger at him, "we'll get in line, because that stunt you pulled," she shook her head before backing up and grabbing onto the door. When she looked up to meet Harry's eyes, her own were filled with unshed tears. "She's gone Harry," and with another glance she slammed the door.
Like he was never getting you back, or you had packed up and left?
He pulled out his phone and dialed your number, which hit him with the out of service noise, staring at his phone for a minute he was dumbfounded. Gone? No. No way.
He raised his knuckles on the door again, knowing anything that he could do at this point was out of sheer desperation.
"Go away Harry," Mal called through the door without opening it.
"Gone where Mal?" He yelled.
The door swung open again to reveal a pissed off Mal, "she left Harry, she packed her bags and left. I found out from a note that said, 'going to my happy place, thanks for everything,' " Mal explained. She shook her head before taking a deep breath, "look Harry, you fucked up, and you knew she was damaged, so now she's gone, and you need to accept that," she placed her hand on Harry's shoulder giving him a sad smile before turning and going back into the apartment, leaving Harry in the hallway like a lost puppy.
On his way back to his house he thought long and hard, trying to remember anything about a happy place. Maybe if he could just figure out where you were he could come to you and things could be fixed, maybe, just maybe, you would forgive him.
But after weeks of trying to find you, and calling your out of service number, Harry began to give up, swearing, never again would he fall in love.
It had been months.
Months you had spent alone in Scotland. Honestly, you were trying to escape your mind, but it kept sneaking in even when you didn't want it to.
You saw him everywhere.
In the old couple in the park.
In the rugby matches on the telly.
Everywhere you went, you found something that made you think of him, and it made your heart ache.
He had hurt you. Badly. But at the same time, he had come clean, he had been honest knowing it was going to jeopardize what the two of you had built.
He took a risk with his honesty, could you really be all that mad at him?
You stared down at the number on your screen hoping that you weren't insane for doing so, but you had to know.
You pressed the call button and brought the phone to your ear as it rang out. "This is Osterfield," he answered.
"Haz," you sighed, thankful to hear a familiar voice, "it's y/n," you said quietly.
"Holy shit," he breathed out. "You want me to go get Harry?" He Wondered.
"No, no," you told him, "I just, I need to know how he's doing," you explained.
There was a long silence followed by a sigh, "I mean he's not good, he spends most of his time away, I think at the place you guys always went, he hasn't been to practice, I don't think he's actually attending his classes. He's a wreck, he's going through his first heartbreak, and it sucks," Harrison explained.
"Does he hate me?" You asked with a broken voice.
"God no, he's hoping one of these days you'll show back up, forgive him for hurting you, and then probably agree to marry him or some shit," Harrison laughed. "He loves you, like genuinely, " he explained.
"I love him too," you admitted through tears.
"Then come back," he urged, a hopeful tone in his voice.
"I don't want to just be a game," you explained.
"It's not like that y/n, I don't think for him it ever was," he told you sincerely. Just then there was a noise on the other line.
"Did you just say Y/n?" You heard Harry ask.
"Shit," Harrison gritted out, "look I got to go, but I mean it ok, come-" the call cut off and you took the phone from your ear staring down at it.
Were you willing to forgive him? You shook your head as you answered yourself out loud. "You already have you idiot,"
The decision to get on the plane was probably the easiest you had ever made, getting off of it was another story. You knew that once you got through baggage claim Harrison would be waiting to take you back to Mal's where you would apologize profusely for leaving her with no warning, before heading over to try and talk to Harry.
As soon as you had your bags secured you walked out to find Harrison leaning against his car with a smirk.
"The ginger couldn't keep you away," he teased as he helped you with your bags. "He really must have some magic dick huh?" He asked you.
You rolled your eyes at that, knowing Harrison was only joking. "As soon as I find out I'll let you know," you quipped back.
"Wait," he said as you climbed into the car, shutting your door.
He rounded the car and climbed in before turning to you. "You guys never sealed the deal?" He wondered.
You shook your head, "there were a few times I thought we might, but he was always quick to stop it," you explained.
Harrison nodded, "fuck he does really love you," was all he said before peeling out of the parking lot and heading towards your old apartment.
You knew that Mal was upset with you for leaving, there was no question about that. But what you didn't expect was for her to smother your face in kisses as soon as she opened the door leaving poor Harrison to bring in all your bags.
"Alright ladies, I'll see you both tonight," Harrison announced before he left the two of you alone to talk.
"Your back?" Mal asked as soon as Harrison was out of sight.
You looked up at her big brown eyes and laughed, "I might have overreacted," you admitted.
She scoffed before shaking her head. "You did no such thing,"
You shrugged, "but he never tried to take advantage of me Mal, even when I was throwing myself at him, sure he was in on the stupid bet, but he never hurt me, not like he could have," you told her.
She stared at you for a few seconds before groaning. "You're going to forgive him?" She asked.
"I already did," you admitted, before she pulled you into her arms.
"Those Holland boys will be the death of us you know," she chuckled, squeezing you tighter.
You stared at the living frat house from the passenger seat of Mal's car. "What if he doesn't want to see me?" You wondered.
"Ha! Really?" She demanded, "that boy has been moping around since the second you left, he will probably cry when he sees you," she told you with a wink.
You nodded, before taking a deep breath and getting out of the car. It was now or never.
The frat house was always loud, so when the two of you stepped through the door the noise didn't strike you as odd as it had the first time.
Just like you expected the boys were in their area laughing and talking, all except the one you wanted to talk to.
Harrison saw you and hopped up, making his way towards you, "I'm sorry y/n I couldn't get him to stay, and you said you didn't want me to tell him, he left about 15 minutes ago," he explained.
Mal shot you a sad smile, "sorry girl," she muttered.
"Oh great she's back," you heard a feminine voice scoff from behind you.
You looked back to find a tall thin blonde girl standing a few feet away from you with a scowl on her face as she stared at you . "Excuse me?" You asked, thoroughly confused.
"It's just kind of desperate you know," she snorted, "he was only with you for a bet, but here you are running back to him," you watched as she rolled her eyes and the possy of girls with her chuckled.
You had never seen this girl in your life, and you were quite certain you had never done anything to her, but here she was talking down on you like you were nobody. "Let's be grateful girls," she snickered as she looked around at her girl pack before turning back to look at you, "at least we aren't desperate whores," she said with a scowl.
You were taken aback by what you had just heard. Whore? Desperate? Who the hell was this girl?
"Do I know you?" You asked her.
She chuckled, "no, but I know you, the girl Harry used for a bet, I bet he won it too, you probably fell right into his lap and gave everything you had to give, all for what? To find out you were just a pawn in his game? And yet here you are, running back to him like a pathetic lost little puppy dog," as she spoke the words she sauntered forward until she was standing face to face with you with a scowl on her face.
You hated confrontation. So much so that you would do anything to avoid it. But as you looked at this girl, who was looking down on you, something just snapped. You didn't even realize what you were doing until she recoiled back grasping at her bleeding nose.
"You bitch!" She seethed as she hurled herself forward, to her dismay you were pulled right out of her path and she fell to the floor where you had been standing.
"That's enough Olivia," Sam's voice boomed from where he was holding your body against his own.
"She hit me," the girl, Olivia, cried from the floor.
"You deserved it," Harrison told her from beside you. "Look, I get it, you're bitter about Harry not wanting to be with you, but that doesn't mean you get to be a raging bitch to her. You really think that's going to make Harry want you?" He demanded.
You shook your head, trying to think of what to do, you already knew where Harry had gone, so why stay and deal with this.?
"Can I borrow your car?" you asked Mal who was busy watching the scene play out in front of her.
"What? Why?" She wondered as she turned to you.
"Cause I know where he went, and let's be honest the only place you're going tonight is up to Tom's room," you chuckled with a wink.
Her face reddened as she pulled out her keys handing them to you, "you're the worst you know," she sighed.
"Love you to cuz," you kissed her cheek before sprinting out of the house and down the drive to her car, leaving Harrison and Sam to clean up your mess.
Every fic :)
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poguesholland · 3 years
Tom x fem!reader where Tom post the photo of him and Zendaya and they arent public and reader is feeling insecure seeing everyone ship them and thinking it’s confirmed especially with the call me and z calling him and maybe some angst like a fight Bc Tom doesn’t think it’s a big deal and reader gets frustrated and HHarrison or JUST one of his friends or brothers has to explain why she mad and it ends in fluff
Love this ask
“Y/N, did you wish Zendaya a happy birthday yet?” Tom speaks up through a mouthful of cereal, his phone in the hand that wasn’t holding his spoon. He was seated at the kitchen island while you put away some dishes. “Oh! I totally forgot! I’ll text her right after I’m done, did you?” You reply, rubbing your forehead in disappointment as to how you could forget. “Yes, and not to brag, but I posted what soon seems to be my most liked post” He jokes and you laugh, shaking your head because of Tom’s childish antics.
Once you were done with the dishes, you texted Zendaya wishing her a happy birthday to which she replied and thanked you profusely. You opened instagram, checking Tom’s ‘most liked post’ out of curiosity. It was a mirror picture of Tom and Zendaya where Tom had his ‘serious’ face on as he wore the Spider-man suit while Zendaya rests her head on his shoulder.
The caption said ‘My MJ, have the happiest of birthdays. Gimmie a call when your up xxx’ and Zendaya replied by commenting ‘Calling now♥️’. You weren’t the jealous type but as you scrolled through the comments of Tom’s post, you felt an ache your heart for some reason.
“Did they just confirm it?”
“Does that mean Y/N’s gone already?”
“He should be with Zendaya not that other bitch”
“Omg ‘My MJ’ I cant”
Obviously, you were aware that everyone shipped Tom and Zendaya. So when Tom and you announced that you were dating, the amount of hate you got was unbelievable. It took a toll on your mental health and Tom could see that. But eventually, the hate was less and less, until now.
You loved Zendaya. But you didn’t understand why Tom would caption a post so intimate with an even more intimate caption. It would only make people hate on you more and think that Tom left you for Z. It’s not his fault but he could have been more considerate of your feelings or how this would impact you.
Tom walks into your bedroom to see you sitting on the bed, scrolling through your phone as silent tears spilled down your cheeks. “Guess what- Hey, hey, hey. What happened? What’s the matter, Darling?” Tom rushed to your side, immediately feeling worried that anything might have happened to you. He sat on the floor next to the bed, taking a hand of yours in his.
You sniffle, quickly wiping your tears away as you try to hide your phone screen. “I’m fine, S’nothing”. Tom notices your phone and looks at it before looking at you. “No you’re not fine, there’s something that obviously made you cry and I hate seeing you upset, my love”.
“Tom it’s fine, just drop it” You huff before accidentally dropping your phone on the floor. You rush to pick it up but you were too late as Tom picks it up, to see that you were scrolling through the comments of his post. “Tom! Give it back!” You yell in frustration but Tom gets up, scrolling through your phone as he ignored you. He looks up to meet your eyes, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion as he sits on the foot of the bed next to you.
“Y/N, are you jealous because of the post?” Tom asks, sounding like he couldn’t believe the audacity. “No” You responded quietly but Tom raises his eyebrows and you let out a huff of air. “I don’t feel like talking right now” You let out, voice cracking. Whenever things began to get intense in a conversation or fight between you and Tom, one of you would sometimes press pause on the whole thing until you were calm enough to have this conversation later. That was what you were trying to do but evidently, Tom wasn’t having it.
“Are you jealous?” He repeats, phone still clutched tightly in his hand. He couldn’t believe how after all this time you were jealous of his friendship with Zendaya, his best friend. You bite your lip to suppress your cries, sniffling quietly as if to tell him to stop. “You have got to be fuckin’ with me, Y/N” You hear him say and you look at him, not expecting that.
He shakes his head in frustration and you look at him in disbelief, “Excuse me?”. “Are you seriously crying over this?”. This was so unlike Tom, this was never how one of the both of you reacted to seeing the other upset. You stay quiet, not wanting this to blow up more than it would if you replied. “No answer me, are you actually crying over this?” Tom pushed, speaking as if he were mocking how silly you were to be upset.
That was the last straw for you. “What the hell is wrong with you!” You burst, snatching your phone from his grip. “Yes, I’m fucking crying over this because have you seen the comments? Have you seen what people are saying about me, how much they’re hating on me? Not to mention that you were practically feeding it with you ‘Call me when you’re up’, what the hell Tom?” Your voice falters in the last few words you spoke as you yell at your boyfriend.
“Feeding it? Have you gone crazy? Now I’m not allowed to tell my friends to call me on their birthdays?” Tom shouts in frustration as you shake your head. “Don’t make it seem like I’m just this jealous girlfriend Tom, it’s not about someone calling you on their birthday and you know it” You lower your voice. He wasn’t about to turn this around and make you look fucking paranoid.
Tom gets up from the bed, running his hands through his hair as he lets out a deep breath. “I cant do this right now, honestly. I don’t know if you’re getting your period or you’re just looking to pick a fight but this is crazy” Tom speaks lowly, not even looking at you. You get up from the bed and he turns to meet your gaze, and you see that he really believed what he was saying.
“You’re a dick” You speak up and Tom looks shocked at the sentence that leaves your mouth. You don’t even grab your phone before you’re leaving your shared room, putting on your shoes and taking your car keys then leaving your apartment with a slam of the door. Once you’re in the car, you immediately drive off and try to hold back your tears.
Finding yourself driving to Harrison’s apartment, you park outside then knock on the door. Harrison open and a confused look takes over his face at the sight of your puffy one. “Y/N? Are you okay? What’s going on? Come in, it’s freezing outside, what the hell are you doing wearing a short-sleeve in this-” He rambles but as soon as you step in, you muffle a sob into the palm of your hand and Harrison shuts up.
“Oh god, c’mere” He ushers and pulls you into his embrace as you cry into his chest. “I’ll call Tom-”. You immediately pull away with tear streaked cheeks, “No, please don’t, please Haz, I don’t wanna see him please” You beg and he nods then shushing you to calm you down. Somehow, between your cries, you tell Harrison what happened after he asks you and he shakes his head. “What the hell did you do, Tom?” Harrison mumbles to himself as you’re brought back against his chest and crying once more.
After you’re too tired to cry any more, Harrison leads you to the guest room and gives you some blankets. He goes to make you some tea and some biscuits to snack on, then brings them to you in bed. “C’mon just drink up and eat a bite of something then rest for a bit” He speaks up and you nod, not having the energy to do anything else. “Thank you” You let out as he reaches the door, and he nods.
You drink the tea and eat some biscuits before you feel yourself beginning to doze off, and so you let yourself rest. Only to wake up to the sound of Harrison yelling on the phone. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Your girlfriend is fucking crying her eyes out here, mate!” and you immediately notice that he’s talking to Tom.
“Haz, I don’t know what to do. I got so mad but I just don’t understand why she was so upset” You hear Tom on the phone and your heart physically hurt. “It’s because she’s spent half of this relationship dealing with the bullshit that people say to her, the hate, the comparisons and the rumors. It’s not about Zendaya, it’s about the fact that you didn’t have to say that in front of the whole internet so they’d assume you had broken up. Check the comments Tom, they’re fucking horrible, the poor girl can’t take all of this along with you calling her a jealous girlfriend.”
Getting up from the bed, you wash your face in the bathroom before noticing that it was now 8pm. You had napped for almost 5 hours. That was a long nap. You open the door and walk towards the living room, Harrison quieting down once he saw you. “I have to go all right? You gotta wise up man” He huffs before ending the call. You don’t ask if it was Tom because both of you already know that you know it’s him.
“Look who’s finally awake” Harrison jokes and you let out a small smile. You got to make some coffee for yourself and Harrison doesn’t speak, unsure if you’re in the mood to talk. You pour the coffee into the mug before turning around to face him, the quiet almost driving you crazy. “Did you bring your phone?” Harrison asks and you shake your head. “Do you wanna watch something on Netflix?” He asks and you nod, both of you heading to the couch.
Harrison puts on ‘How to lose a guy in 10 days’ as per your request and you bury yourself in blankets. Halfway through the movie, the doorbell rings and Harrison gets up to see who’s at the door. You don’t hear anything except for the door shutting and a hushed conversation between Harrison and the mystery guest.
Footsteps towards the living room are heard before your eyes meet his. Tom. He looked like he’d been crying, face puffed up and hair all over the place probably from running his hands through it one too many times. But he looked nothing compared to how hurt you looked. Your eyes were bloodshot and complexion was so pale compared to how you normally glowed. Once he sees the state you’re in, his shoulders slump and he feels the guilt seeping into his chest knowing he made you like this.
Harrison walks in and sees the two of you holding your gazes, patting Tom on his shoulder before leaving into his room to give you two some privacy. “I was worried sick about you, you left your phone and disappeared for 5 hours” Tom let’s out quietly. You don’t respond. He walks closer to the sofa and takes a seat next to you, almost wincing at how you pulled your legs closer to your body. He looks at his feet, trying to compose himself before his eyes meet yours once again.
“I am so sorry” Tom breaths out, the tears building up in your eyes. “I was a dick. I shouldn’t have called you jealous or tried to make you feel bad about feeling upset. God, I didn’t even think to listen and I- I have no excuse. I am so sorry, Darling.” You see tears fighting to escape his eyes too while his voice sounds broken. “I didn’t think about what you were going through, how much hate you had to deal with all on your own. I should’ve been there for you, instead I got mad at you and I��m sorry, I am so sorry” He repeats for the third time, voice cracking. He had no better way of saying it, he really was sorry.
Tears escape your eyes as you avoid his gaze, taking in everything he said. Tom’s hands reach to wrap around your hands and you want to give in to his touch, but you don’t know what to think. “You called me crazy for being upset” You quietly let out, interrupting the silence. Tom feels a rush of hurt fill his chest at the sound of your broken voice. His thumb rubs circles on your hand and you try not to feel comforted by it, but you do.
“I fucked up, I know it, I fucked up really badly. I’m sorry I didn’t try to listen, I’m sorry I got mad, I’m sorry I wasn’t more understanding and I’m sorry I let you leave.” He apologizes profusely, moving closer to you as you finally turn to face him. “I promise it won’t happen again, I’ll listen like I should have, I’ll be better but please I- I cant lose you Y/N. I love you so much and I’m so sorry” He repeats again and again, a few tears escaping his eyes.
You nod lightly and Tom sighs, “C’mere Darling”. He pulls you into his lap, arms wrapping around his neck tightly as you buried your head in his neck, his arms wrapping around your waist. His hand rubs your back to try and calm you down. “I love you so much, yeah?” He breathes into your hair and you nod lightly, “I love you too”. He kisses the back of your ear before you pull away to rest your forehead against his.
So many unspoken words are understood when you both look into each other’s eyes, knowing that Tom was really sorry and that he meant what he said. He leans in to leave a light kiss on your lips and you kiss him back. “Sorry I called you a dick” You say and Tom chuckles. “S’All right, love, kinda agreed with you then” and you smile lightly, hugging him once more.
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hollandfromhell · 2 years
ask: Tom Holland x actress/ex girlfriend reader, they see each other at an event/premiere
a/n: this was a long winded one and honestly I don't think it's that good so some feedback would be much appreciated. sorry about the wait anon, had a bit of writers block, but thank you for the request honey! still looking for a ghost reader btw so if you're interested lemme know :)
requests: open
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I can see you standing honey, with his arms around your body
Tom's hands ball into fists at the sight before him, he had just entered the after party that was being held in the giant mess hall following some award show he honestly doesn't give a shit about. His life had been so chaotic recently, with a new movie deal being forced on him and his breakup with his long time girlfriend. He had almost passed on coming to the award show all together, he deserved some time to himself, but his friends had practically begged him to go, saying he needed out of his head.
But now he stands at the entrance of the mess hall, his heart in shambles and his temper about to go through the roof. They had been broken up for 5 weeks, not like Tom was counting or anything, and she was already attending events with some other guy.
Some other guy who's hands are all over her body, touching her waist, holding her close, just like Tom used to do, just like Tom should be doing.
And it took you five whole minutes to pack us up and leave me with it
He can still hear the moment she decided to leave, a record playing in his head on repeat constantly. How cruel he can be to himself when he's at his lowest point.
It took her five minutes to pack a small bag, saying she would be back tomorrow for the rest of her things, but when tomorrow came, she was nowhere to be seen. She didn't come the next day either, or the day after that. Now her clothes collect dust in their closet, waiting for her, just like Tom.
He hates to admit that he is waiting, he should be over her already, but he can't help the aching in his chest and the void that now resides inside of him. He can't help that his soul begs for its partner or how the breath leaves his lungs when he enters their home and she still hasn't come back.
You're not my homeland anymore so what am I defending?
His mom had told him that all good things come to and end when he came to her sobbing one night, that it was her fault for not staying and figuring them out. Tom was quick to shut her down, blaming himself before he would ever make Y/N the bad guy.
How could it be her fault? She was perfect to him, everything she did was for a reason, including leaving him, the reason though he's still not sure of. The fight had escalated into something worse and they stood yelling harsh things at each other until the the early morning, and now here he is with his eyes glassy and his cheeks red, defending the person who ripped his heart out to his own mother, defending his home.
I can see you staring honey, like he's just your understudy
Her eyes had drifted to the door the moment he walked in, her breath caught and her hands started sweating, she wasn't ready for this. She saw the way his hands clenched into balls and his cheeks puffed out with anger, and she regretted all of it. They were supposed to be here together, as a happy couple, like they always were, except now some guy she barely knows cradles her body against his while he talks to someone he knows.
She'll admit she only came with him so she wouldn't have to face Tom alone, the thought alone makes her want to vomit, but maybe she was wrong, maybe she should have come alone. Because the look Tom's giving is all she needs to see and she knows, knows that there is nothing left of them now, no way of fixing them.
Second, third, and hundredths chances, balancing on breaking branches
All she can think about is how many times she had to start a fight about this or about that just for him to take her seriously, how many times she had to beg him to choose her over everyone else. How many times she begged him to just miss his flight for one more day of them before he left again. She was willing to do it every time she was called to film, why wouldn't he choose them.
She had given over a hundred chances to him, every single one being buried along with her as she fell into her life without him once again. The last part of their relationship was like walking on egg shells, like everything would fall apart with one wrong move. Although sometimes she felt like she was the only one who could feel it.
I think I've seen this film before, so I'm leaving out the side door
She gives a sorry excuse to the guy she's with, something about needing air before they move to the next room, and he gives a curt nod before going back to his conversation. She can't help but roll her eyes, what an asshole.
Cold air hits her hard in the face and chest as she opens the side door of the mess hall. She contemplates just leaving the after party all together, she has her phone out ready to call just about anyone to get her out of this mess when the door opens again and a head of brown curls pokes around the corner.
"I saw you leave and I just wanted to make sure you're alright," Tom's voice is choked and his heart is going a mile a minute, this was a dumb idea. He can tell by her face that he was the last person she wanted to see.
"Fine Tom," her voice is dismissive, but her heart is anything but, she wants so badly to be in his arms, "I'm not your problem anymore. Go back to the party."
He almost does but he can't seem to stop himself from getting everything off his chest, this could be his last time alone with her, he had to take his chance, "What happened to us, Y/N?" She can tell by voice that he honestly doesn't know and she really does roll her eyes now. "You never even gave me a warning sign."
"I gave so many!" Her voice cracks as she practically yells at him, how could he be so dense, she had done everything she could to make it obvious she wasn't going to stay with him unless he tried to help fix their problems, instead he ignored them.
"I never learned to read your mind Y/N," He's being harsh now, his voice going from soft to hard in a matter of seconds. He never meant to be so mean, but in his defense he's heartbroken and all she is doing is confusing him further.
"Tom, come on, we never saw each other, you were gone or I was gone, there was no time for us. I love you, but we couldn't turn things around." Her eyes are glossy, she's doing everything in her power to not shed a tear at this confrontation, this was the last thing she wanted to happen tonight.
"You didn't even hear me out, you don't know how much I want to save us. I can change Y/N, we can change," he's desperate now, he would do anything to have her back in his life, he needs her like his lungs need air.
She stops then, her breathing just a little ragged and her cheeks now wet, but she contemplates his offer, one more chance. That's all he wants, all he needs, that's all she has left in her. One more chance. She nods then, her movement slow but precise, this was it, if they couldn't fix them now their relationship would be exiled, they would be down the drain eternally.
"One chance Tom," he had heard a better sentence in his entire life.
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