#having to explain a joke this much makes it not funny and i'm aware of this but IIIIIII am laughing and that's all that matters
projecting my depressive disorder and autism onto the chosen like it's a projection off and my opponent is eric kripke
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
This page from the adventurer's bible makes me want to cry
Like basically any neurodivergent dungeon meshi fan, I see a lot of myself in the Touden siblings. But I was blindsided by just how much I suddenly related to Falin in this little comic from the adventure bible's complete version.
It's about the Touden siblings' differing relationships with their parents, and why Laios still holds their treatment of Falin against them, while Falin herself doesn't.
We know that Falin was isolated and ostraziced by their village after she saved Laios from a ghost, displaying her uncanny affinity for magic. Her parents, instead of defending her, sent her away, which angered Laios so much he ran way himself before Falin even left for magic school, hoping to make a living so he and Falin could live together alone.
He tells Marcile this, but when she goes to Falin, she says she sees things differently. Her father sent her to magic school to protect her form the rest of the village without having to cause a conflict. He didn't explain that, and we actually see her burst into tears when he says it.
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But, well... Laios was gone for a year before Falin went to magic school, and everyone else in the village avoided her. The understanding Falin has with her parents to me looks like one borne out of necessity, she literally didn't have anyone else to talk to.
And this is where we get to the page that made me want to cry
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Like I said, I relate to the Toudens because I'm neurodivergent myself. that feeling of suddenly realizing you're disliked, but not knowing what you did wrong or what you should have done instead? Yeah... that's one I recognize.
When I was around 9 years old, the same age Falin is in this comic, a bunch of kids in my class decided to make a "game" where you lost if you touched me. It was basically the 'cheese-touch' from diary of a wimpy kid, except I always had it and couldn't pass it along. They'd pretend I was poisonous or disgusting and run away from me screaming or gagging. The point was to make fun of me. But my autistic little 9 year old ass thought "Oh I get it! It's tag but I'm always it!" So I... played along. Running at a boy and having him fall on the ground screaming in fake pain because you tapped him is, in isolation, pretty funny.
It wasn't until months into the "game" that I realized it was meant to be meanspirited. That the reason I was the one who was always 'it' wasn't an arbritrary rule but the whole point. Because I was weird and gross. I wasn't in on the joke, I was the punchline.
Falin may have come to understand her parents' intentions, but she didn't always. The adventure bible actually tells us that she at first didn't even notice that the rest of their village disliked her. She clearly knows now, but she had to be told. So when her mom tried to exorcise her, she just saw it as an activity she got to do with a mother she usually didn't get to spend much time with because of her poor health. It's only Laios who notices something is wrong.
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(Sidenote, Laios being hyper-aware of people's poor attitudes towards Falin but completely blindsided when he's in the same spot, like with Toshiro, is also very relatable as an eldest sibling)
It probably also took Falin months, until after her brother had left and she had no one but her parents, to realize why her mother had been doing all those things.
And I know they're not the same. Even misguidedly, Falin's mom was trying to help her, not make fun of her like those boys in my class. (Though, as a queer person who also cares a lot about the queercoding in Falin's storyline, a parent trying to 'exorcise' their child of a fundamental part of them the parent thinks is evil or corruptive? yeah... that's not perfectly wholesome)
But do you know what I did, when I finally figured out the game was always meant to make fun of me?
To me, it looked like I had a choice.
See, those boys eventually figured out I didn't understand that they were being mean to me. I'd laugh every time I managed to catch one of them, I was visibly having fun. And while it no doubt only made me more of a weirdo in their eyes, they never informed me that I shouldn't be enjoying myself. That the point was for me to feel hurt.
So now that I did know, I had a choice. I could either get upset, and let the insult land as it was supposed to. That wouldn't stop them, because making fun of me was the original goal. Or I could ignore it and go on as usual. They had already accepted that I didn't get it, and they weren't gona stop me from having fun, so why should I?
And the thing is that I had... one friend, in that whole class. One person who actually liked talking to me and hanging out with me. I was lonely. And the 'game' provided me with another social interaction, mean-spirited as it was, that I desperately needed. And it was so delightfully simple. Navigating actual friendships as a kid with autism and adhd was so fucking complicated, and I'd never know when I might break an inivisble rule. But I knew the rules to the game perfectly!
Sometimes, if I was chasing one of them, the others would trap him and hold him down so I could tap him. In those moments it actually did kind of feel like I was playing with them, rather than against them. And it didn't change much, they didnt start actually liking me. But they were willing to roll with the fact that I wasn't upset, and I took advantage of that because I needed to.
So you can look at Falin seeing the best in her parents as her being naïve, but I look at this page and I see myself, at first unable to differentiate between playing and being made fun of. And then later, when I did see the difference, deciding not to get mad about it because that'd mean losing that social interaction, and I couldn't afford to.
Like I said, Falin probably first realized this in the year she spent with her brother gone, and everyone else avoiding her like the plague. If she refused to talk to her parents, like Laios did, she'd have no one left.
I see a lot of people relating to the fight between Laios and Toshiro. that frustration when you realize someone you thougth was your friend actually hates you, and they never said anything, never gave you a chance to fix it because you had no idea that you were even doing something wrong! And I can see that, too. But sometimes, when people don't fully hate you, it feels better to go along with the pretending. Because adressing it won't fix it. Because the problem isn't a specific behaviour, it's you. And if they're willing to tolerate you, despite the fact that it's you, then you'll take it. Because other people do hate you, so this is the best you'll get.
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merchelsea · 5 months
sacrifice - lando norris
pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
summary: you and lando have a long distance relationship due to your hard work. you rarely have free time to attend to his races, the only one you actually attend every year is monaco's. you understand things will have to change when lando gets into a crash and that makes you want to be there with him at everytimes.
author’s note: i hate making myself go through this.
word count:
warnings: lets pretend lando crashed duriung the interlagos gp, not the LA one, for the sake of the plot :)
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"hey, babe!" you mumbled as you stirred from your nap. originally meant for a quick rest before the race, it turned into a marathon of sleep that spanned the entire duration of the race. checking the timing, you muttered, "shit."
"were you asleep?" he chuckled.
"yeah... I'm sorry babe. I was just trying to catch up on some sleep debt before the race. I am just tired..." you explained with a low rumble. lando always had a away of understanding things. "anyways, how did it go?"
"not so well, i am kind of glad that you didn't watch it, you would've freak out unnecessarely." he sighed
"why? what happened?" you sat up, eyes squeezed shut in alarm.
"it was nothing serious, just a crash." he reassured. the word 'crash' froze you, an unsettling feeling settling in your chest. "I'm fine now; I'm at the hospital doing some tests."
you didn't answer him and he immediately sensed your worry, it was your usual reaction whenever he had an incident. it was your own way to deal with stuff. "I'll have to stay here in brazil for some extra days. we don't want to rush things. everything is alright, but still."
"yeah, I know. how are you feeling? any pain? wasit bad? why are you at the hospital? is there anything they're worried about?" your thoughts rushed out, anxiety evident. you wished you could've been there with him, knowing how much he disliked going through hospitalization alone.
"calm down, baby. I'm fine, no pain. they gave me painkillers for my headache," he began, his voice carrying weariness and sadness. "the crash felt horrible from inside the car, but I've seen the footage, and it wasn't that bad. I don't think they're worried about anything specific, just my racing career," he added with a hint of self-deprecating humor.
"shut up. you know those jokes aren't funny, right?" you retorted, hating his tendency for such jokes. "anyways, I miss you so much. you have no idea." placing your phone on the bed, you awaited his response as you searched for your notebook.
"I know babe, I miss you like crazy too. and i won't be able to be home for some more days, as i told you. i hate it." you both sighed. "but it's okay, i'm glad you weren't here this time."
although you felt the honesty in his words, you could also know that it was pure bullshit. he wanted you to be there more that anything, and the fights you two had over the past weeks showed that clearly.
lando felt your support fading away and, as always, he talked about it with you, but there was nothing you could do, you could not just leave your work and follow him around the world.
your life had to come first. you couldn't be financially dependent. you had never wanted that for yourself.
"I love you, lando. you know that, right?"
"i know. I love you too." anuncomfortable silence lingered, more apparent to him than to you, as you were preoccupied with booking a flight to brazil. "look, I have to hang up to do some exams. I'll call you as soon as I can, yeah?"
"yeah, okay. keep me updated, for the love of god." he laughed and silently hang up.
as soon as you were able to, you called your boss, letting her aware of the whole situation, who, understandingly, granted you a week off, more than you needed. grateful, you expressed your thanks in every single way you could.
as you couldn't just fly there without someone knowing, you called lando's dad to let him know that you were going. he was thankful that his son had found someone who cared so much about him, and as so helped you through everything.
you would obviously be staying at lando's room with him, so you didn't need to worry about that, but there were things you actually needed to deal with and that's where he was an absolute angel, taking care of everything for you.
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the flight proved to be torturous; sleep eluded you, your mind consumed by worry for your boyfriend, presently hospitalized in a foreign country that held no appeal for him. the inability to communicate with him intensified your anxiety, and the endurance of such a long flight was a challenge unfamiliar to you.
the only thing keeping you focused on trying to sleep was knowing that you'd see lando soon and that you needed to be sane.
once you arrived in brazil, adam had already sent an uber to pick you up and drop you at the hotel. you were eternally grateful for him. your appreciation deepened when, upon entering the hotel, you found everything seamlessly taken care of, allowing you to reach his son without delay.
he drove you there himself, the casual conversation during the car ride centered uiquely around the topic most dear to both of you—lando's health.
every detail adam shared heightened your awareness; lando was okay, but not as well as he should be. the information failed to ease your mind, creating a lingering unease.
after reaching the hospital, the attending doctor informed you that lando was still asleep but encouraged you to enter. you opened the door to his room, and an immediate sense of tranquility washed over you. lando's peaceful slumber tugged at your heartstrings, and the sight of his features made you want to cry; you had missed him so damn much.
you took his hand, staying by his side as he slept. despite your exhaustion, the anticipation of his awakening kept sleep at bay.
lando woke up and confusedly stared at you for five minutes straight. in his head, he was trying to figure out if you were real or if his desperation had just made you up. you squeezed his hand and that seemed to clear his mind. you were in fact there.
"love?" he muttered, scared of being wrong.
"hey baby" you whispered to him, smiling softly.
"you're here? what are you doing here?" he hurriedly sat up, his expression filled with worry, like he wasn´t the one on a hospital bed.
"i'm here to see you." you extended your hand and let it travel through his face. "got the week off, couldn't leave you alone." his smile was priceless. he rushed his arms around your waist, since you were standing now, and pulled you closer to him, head in your belly.
when he told you he had missed you like crazy, he didn't define it well enough.
he locked his lips with yours as soon as he had a chance. you missed that feeling, you missed it too fucking much. you missed everything about him too fucking much, and maybe this misfortune was just what you needed to realize that something had to change. you couldn't miss him like this all the time.
it was literal hell, for the both of you.
adam entered the room after some time and, from his face, you could see he carried good news.
and you were right. "you are free to leave today, all the exams cameback with positive answers. you still have to stay in brazil, of course, a flight so long could jeopardize your health, so you'll have to stay for a bit longer, but you two can go stay at the hotel for tonight.
you and lando celebrate this little "victory" with each other and then you start talking about going home, anticipating what you'd do.
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the room was uncharacteristically quiet as he payed attention to the TV and you lost yourself in your own mind.
"I think I might quit my job." you let out with your head layed in his chest. he twists his head to look at you. "what?" he asks, clearly confused, in his head, trying to figure out where all of this was coming from.
yes, it's true that he didn't like to travel around the world every year and leave you behind, and it's also true that this past year, he felt your support fade away, but he didn't want you to leave your life in second place for him. he knew, and understood, how important for you it was to have your financial independence.
he had started to feel guilty, even though this was not his fault.
you thought and rethought about it during your flight, since it was the only thing you could do. of course you never wanted that, but you also couldn't bare the distance anymore, and his accident showed you that.
you wanted to be there, to be able to celebrate every single one of his podiums by his side and not over the phone, you wanted to be able to hold and support him whenever he needed you to do so.
six years into your relationship, neither of you envisioned it ending anytime soon. if it did, you had your savings, but for now, you craved closeness.
"seriously. i want to be with you. i think i never noticed how affected i was by your absence, but i am a lot." you admitted with a sigh. helistened intently. "I want to be able to be with you."
"are you for real?" he asked, concern in his eyes. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do that. I love you whether you're here or on the other side of the world."
"I know, lan. it's not like I would stop working. I just have to find something within my capacities that allows me to travel around the world with you. and it's not like you're going to break up with me, leaving me with nothing. I have my money."
"it's not like I'm gonna break up with you, period." he smirked. "we're a forever thing."
turning you around as if you were as light as a pillow, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I love you," you whispered against his lips.
"I love you too," he whispered back.
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I love jack so so much he's perfect but tbh I do think it would've worked much more with the show if he was a destiel baby instead of lucifer's. and I'm not just saying that as a shipper or whatever I mean narratively it would've been a lot cleaner- and actually, I think it would've been super funny to no-homo them creating a baby together, like, literally all they would have to do is say "oh, when cas rebuilt dean after hell he accidentally left some grace tangled in his soul, and every time he's healed him since then it's been growing stronger until a nephilim was born". like yes the studio is homophibic etc etc but all the jokes they'd make about dean being spiritually pregnant would be very funny for me personally.
but ANYWAY, jack's story gets messy and convoluted and I think this would've been like...a simple fix. them worrying about him going dark side could be because they're worried how demon!dean and lucifer!cas affected him in development, the show LOVES bloodline drama, chuck's wanting abraham and issac 2.0 would've worked better this way, dean's storyline with him would be improved, bc rather than 'oh no I slowly but surely emotionally adopted the antichrist' like I think he would've had an easier time clocking his john-behavoir if it wasn't a question whether he was jack's dad or not. plus last time dean actively raised a kid he went to great lengths to keep the supernatural away from him, so it'd be interesting to see how he handles a kid he CANT possibly hide from this part of his life. it would make more sense why michael wanted jack as a vessel- yes obviously he wanted the nephilim power boost but also having him as part of the winchester bloodline, making him a PERFECT vessel he doesn't have to worry about burning up would add a lot. we could also use this argument for why lucifer is so interested in him if anyone actually liked that plotline in season 14 lmao. we know chuck hated cas and dean's relationship, could you imagine if he checked in and found out they made an unauthorized baby together💀 like that really would've given better context for why he hates jack so much. cas wouldn't need that whole weird brainwashing arc to wanna protect unborn jack, PLUS it could've been an interesting source of angst for him- he feels like he's failed once again, creating an abomination and putting dean in danger, but also still loves jack immensely. it'd be so good! also imagine how fucking stressed out heaven would be to find out a mini castiel is on the way. they wouldn't even wanna exploit that kid for power they'd be preemptively treating the headaches they know they're gonna get lmfao.
also. the casting directors literally put jensen and misha into a face morph app and cast the first actor they could find that matched the results. which would've made more sense if,,,,he was just Theirs. the comedy of dean and cas making a baby before either of them managed to admit their feelings to each other would be more fun then the "dude adopted a kid and pawns him off on his unwilling roommate's all the time and they eventually warm up to the kid" storyline we actually got. we also could've replaced some of the jack-dean angst from the show with "dean wants to connect more with jack but he feels shut out whenever cas is around bc he can't relate to any angel stuff so obviously jack's going to cas for help more!", which I think would be interesting!! how AWFUL dean and cas would feel that jack didn't feel safe enough to be a baby. dad!sam is still in full swing but he cares for jack right off the bat instead of trying to use him for his powers at first. lily sunder talking about how cas killed her kid bc he thought it was a nephilim and dean, who's already fully aware he's (spiritually) knocked up by cas is like 👹 inch resting cas-tee-elle tell me more. mary having a 'my baby has a baby' crisis. cas insisting jack looks nothing like him is a running joke but then at some point he explains its bc jack's 'true form' looks just like dean's soul....
ALSO- in a show where, canonically, the very first act of free will was cas falling in love with dean...the physical manifestation of that defeating chuck and taking his place as god? come ON.
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Hi ! Idk if im doing this right, its my first time sending a request…
Anyways, I loved ur autistic!reader x Oscar fic and i was just wondering if you could write more about them :)
I would love to read something about how she would interact with the other drivers / how they would interact with her!
If you don’t want to write that then you don’t have too! I love your writing and would love to read anything you post <3
Have a nice day, bye 😊
Grid Encounters
Oscar piastri x Autistic!reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Yes, and with the amount of people who want to see Oscar and his Autistic partner, I will potentially make this a series:). Also, I'm still open for requests
Summary: Shenanigans on the grid take place when Oscar and his girlfriend are there
Warnings: idk I don't think there is
Notes: Trying a new format, let me know what y'all think!
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It didn't take long for some of the drivers to catch on
Others were completely oblivious
Oscar and Lando both found it incredibly entertaining when she struggled to filter her thoughts
Her opinions and comments about things making them laugh hysterically
When someone told a joke she didn’t understand and gave them a blank stare, the reaction to them was funnier then the joke.
Oscar always swooped in to save her
Explaining what everyone found so funny in a way that made it all click for her
Max became close with her easily
She listened intently every time he started Maxsplaining or info-dumping
It was obvious to her when he was joking
He appreciates her laughing at his jokes
Charles is absolutely clueless
The two often staring blankly at the other
No thoughts, head empty
Until they figured out their shared interest in music
Then they wouldn’t shut up
Lando appreciates her tastes in food
Specifically the lack their of
Finally he could go out to eat with someone who understood him and his pickiness
Much to Oscar’s dismay
Daniel is very sweet with her
He tries his best not to shout in her ear and if he knows he’s going to be loud he’ll make sure to warn her
He gets defensive whenever someone gets insensitive
He’s always ready to tell someone off if they aren’t listening to her and what she’s saying she needs
Lewis was always wanting to know as much as possible
Learning to help make people aware of the hurtful stereotypes
It was refreshing to see and she openly answered any questions he asked
The reporter and journalists on the other hand, had yet to learn their lesson
It became a game among everyone who was regularly in the paddock
A game they called “which journalist would be getting a blunt answer today”
They always wanted to know why she did the the things she did
In which they would either receive a blunt and unfiltered answer
Or a sarcastic remark
“Is this the new style?”
“Sure. But I just find it comfy.”
“Do you ever get annoyed by things around the paddock?”
“That’s a stupid question. Don’t you have a degree for this stuff?”
“How do you and Oscar celebrate?”
“We party really hard. Drink a lot… of water. Lay on the floor. I’m always exhausted after.”
Speaking of the floor
She had a habit of always being on it
She determined that some floors were better then others
Oscar loved to indulge in her experiments
Rating every floor she was willing to lay on
They once were judging to tarmac on the circuit
Other drivers were doing track walks
Eventually they joined in
The journalists were confused at why half the grid was laying in the ground determining if they could sleep on it
It was a nice change, being around people who didn’t label her and accepted all of her quirks
Oscar was glad she felt at home around the paddock
He loves her for who she is
So seeing her smile about her environment and being accepted into his grid family made him smile too
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bixbythemartian · 3 months
walrus vs. fairy
the funny part is that people who answer walrus are mostly like 'I disagree, but I understand why you would answer fairy' and the people who answered fairy are tearing their hair out. some of them are getting mad and/or mean about it, which is kind of upsetting.
so, I will try to help explain.
this will not be about walrus logistics, I promise.
some people believe in fairies. full stop.
fully believe they are real. probably a lot more people than you would be happy about, but you have to allow for this to be true.
even among those who don't wholeheartedly believe in fairies, there's a lot more people who are agnostic about fairies.
people willing to admit that they're not sure if fairies are real, but willing to hedge on the side of maybe the fairies are real.
like, if you rephrased the question 'would you be more surprised to see an angel or a walrus at your door' you would probably be less surprised to see that people would be more shocked at the walrus, because you probably already understand that a lot of people believe in angels and consider them real, whether or not you believe in angels personally
also the SPN fandom would go ham on that, probably. (this is said with deep affection)
there was a fairly famous road built in Ireland that got rerouted because there was a bush that was important to fairies. (source) the fairy tree stalled the plans for the road for a fucking decade. this happened in my lifetime. people talked about it happening on the internet as it was happening, it's not some weird thing that happened in the middle of nowhere in the 1950s or something. they agreed to go around the damned bush in 1999. I know that seems a long time ago to some of y'all, but it really, really isn't.
there are still people who think the cottingley fairies were real. not a huge amount, but I hope enough to make my point- there's some people who believe in fairies so much and want them to be real so much that they think a famous prank (hoax is stretching it, imo, these girls were pranking their families and the press kind of coincidentally got involved) proves the existence of fairies.
there's a lot, lot, lot more people who believe in fairies and also will admit the cottingley fairies weren't real. the cottingley fairy truthers are a small a percentage of the people who believe in fairies.
I cannot emphasize enough that there are plenty of people who believe fairies are real and even more that could be very easily convinced that fairies are real
people have believed in fairies and been superstitious about fairies for a long, long fucking time
setting aside all of that
some people are more likely to see a thing that isn't real at their door than they are to see a living fucking walrus at their door.
fevers, migraines, mental stress, sleep deprivation (especially if you have sleep disorders, like insomnia or narcolepsy), and infection (among a very long list of other things), and prescription medication side effects can all cause visual hallucinations, and they're all states that you might not be aware that you're in when you start to see weird shit.
these are just the really mundane ones I plucked up off the list.
I have experienced hallucinations due to sleep dep and insomnia. unfortunately, for me, this manifested as a spider the size of a border collie (I wish I were joking) and not fairies, but fairies is a possibility that cannot be counted out.
I'm way more likely to have sleep deprivation and a migraine and a fever all at once than I am to see a walrus in person at a zoo, much less at my door.
it has happened before. it will happen again. it's happening right fucking now.
the fairies can have my birth name if they will take away my migraine.
just putting that out there.
I've never seen a walrus in person at all. I would like to, but it's not likely. there's not any in any of the zoos nearby that I could find.
current likelihood of me seeing a fairy on my doorstep is significantly higher than me seeing a fucking walrus. I am in a physical state where I have had visual hallucinations before, and it's not impossible I will have them again. I would not be particularly surprised, even.
as long as it's not the goddamn massive spider. I even like most spiders, but that is too much spider.
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not-goldy · 1 month
Fanservice. Every single one of them.
I wanna eat it. * Points camera at Jimin *
so why did jimin get embarrassed and jk changed the subject "i meant the cake"?? commit to the joke boys 😡
Arrest me.
god give bts some acting lessons.
bc why tf did they leave jk hanging like that??? that wasn't cute or funny, it was awkward as hell. someone, ANYONE, pls just laugh and save me and jungkook 😭😭
Do you want Rameyon?
yet it was portrayed as "jungkook is still hungry" and jimin's insane ass responded with "i'm sleepy"..... just to go spend more of the morning (bc they're STILL awake at 6 AM 😐) with jk and bam....
ok sure.
Rabbit spit is spicy.
a convo between hobi and jimin
said rabbit with spicy spit was in the way back of the room.....
at least make it front and center if you're going to "play gay" smh
I will give him a kiss.
pls explain why joon looks like he's going to have a panic attack and slap both of jikook and tae changes jimin's answer to "50 white shirts" instead of "playing along" 🎤
You liked being tied up, don't lie.
meanwhile hobi looks disgusted with them
Runs fingers through hair, breathes heavily, licks lips before wishing his bro a happy birthday.
so why add the bro?
and why didn't bts make fun of it the same way as jimin's message for tae??
and where is jimin's response? seems like a lot just to not have said birthday boy respond 😔
was jk's mom also in on the fanservice with the seaweed soup?
interesting 🤔
Hickeys/Neck Biting
was not aware there was footage of said hickeys being made? anon where did you get that 👀 ???
why was jin not allowed to touch said mark? but jimin could rub all over it? why are the best two actors (jin and tae) in the group horrible at playing along with said "fanservice" for jikook??
why did jin not know what was going on with the picture that made jimin stay and continue the jinjikook live?
ear sucking
special shout out to the goosebumps on jk's arms for playing along
the lil head kiss and screaming i love you was a nice touch
tiddy slapping, thigh pinching, hand licking
you mean normal things between friends?? 😭
crotch footsie
just giving your bestie boners for fanservice 🥰
hands all up on each other's asses at every opportunity.
yes bc jimin damn near fingering jk is normal
You like me that much?
another awkward moment jk inserted himself into lol
I'm shameless, so is that why you like me more?
will actually pay for bts to learn to act bc what tf 😭😭
Jk starring Jimin down when he tied his own hands up and was being walked around on a leash.
jk once again all the way in the back
it'd make more sense for tae to be the one doing fanservice as he was the one pulling jimin around, but ok let's go with bs that i have to zoom in on to notice.....
Both getting in each other's face & lip space inching closer and closer til one backs off
so why does jin and hobi freak tf out and wipe their mouths?
do they (hybe) not have any new material for jikook? bc it's going on 11 years with the same damn bit 😓
actually i think we jikookers deserve better than this
also where is my travel show hybe? i'm not being serviced 😔
It's the way they call it fan service but every one's uncomfortable with it for me😩😩😩
Some fan service 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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issa-pheonyx · 8 months
on my hands and knees begging for a crumb of yandere vergil 🙏🙏🙏 however you want to characterize him in regards to sub/dom is up to you! Love your work :)
- @plslovemeforeverandever
𝗛𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆, 𝗜 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝘂. 𝗔𝘀 𝘄𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱…𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘁𝗼𝗼. 𝗔𝗹𝘀𝗼, 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗸𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻, 𝘀𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗜 𝘀𝗮𝘆 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗹𝗼𝘄, 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗯𝗯~🤭🖤
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▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
-This guy has major mommy trust and commitment issues. Which may explain why he is a single deadbeat dad and was barely aware he has a whole kid (I swear I'm just joking about him, we'll get more in depth right neow~), but that was all in your head to be false. He didn't think he would make it as a father, hell to even take care of himself due to the obsession of needing to be powerful than his father. All because he wanted to protect his mother, his little brother-the whole family he felt like a failure...not anymore though
-It seems like when you interact with the squad you were...calming. Even if you claim yourself to be chaotic and loud there is something unique about you he just can't put it. It just leads him being cold and distant away from you, because he is confused and irritated the fact he didn't understand why, but that's only the reason he is afraid to be vulnerable. He already has, the outcome turned into a repeated nightmare with Nero being put into an orphanage cause of the demons always on his tail and to end the Sparda bloodline. That's when he realizes it was love...that's what he thinks it would be. He is infatuated
-Sure, his father wasn't around so much fighting off demons when he was young, but hearing his mother telling stories and experience of her and his fathers romance made his inner child be in awe. Despite Dante's disgusted reactions as he claims that they are 'cooties'-Vergil would ask his mother now and then what his father, Sparda, done for his mother, Eva. Vergil then follows what his father would do for you instead, it was awkward at first since you felt like he didn't like you at all until he starts complimenting your handy work fighting off demons, next was saving you when you were so close to dying before Nero has the chance to pull you aside for aid, and to be around you for company as he reads being at peace with you next to him doing your hobbies
-Everyone was shocked, yet proud he is starting to open up to more people instead of them and lowkey shipping ya'll, so they would give you guys some alone time. However, it was strange that whenever you leave the couch to get something and come back that one of your sketches was gone and the pencil wasn't placed at the same spot-no way it could've rolled off, or even that dress/suit you wore only once you remember you put it all the way to the back of your closet only for it to be gone. You assume it was Nico or maybe Dante pulling something funny, but they told you they have no idea. Surely, Vergil wouldn't do that, you knew it yourself...right?
-Things were missing-small things that you own, but were important to you. Eventually, you confronted Vergil, finally and he said,"Why on earth would I even bother to touch a humans belongings? Let alone a full blooded human. I have other important things to do." Yikes, that was harsh. This lead you to be more frustrated and gave up if things disappear...when you do though everything starts to come back. You're starting to get paranoid. Even your dress/suit is back in the closet, but there was a strange strand of hair on it. It was white-the twins!? No, it couldn't be. Dante is a flirt sure, but not a creep. Nero is a good boy, and he knew better since Kyrie would end him. But, Vergil??? Oh god no...
WARNING!!! Spicy after this thread [MDNI🔞]
-This dude has a shrine okay?? Somewhere out there we don't know, not even the squad knows, the demons-nobody, okay?? He does this as a way to cope with being touch-starved, fear of committing due to being a half-demon that you may end up getting killed cause of him, he doesn't want you to see him all disgusted by how much of a filthy man he is smelling the perfume and just your addicting scent on that dress/suit he can not help to purr and let out raspy moans, rubbing the boner that's tenting his pants smelling you
-Whenever you save him from a surprise attack or training together that you always manage to win and pin him, he would compliment. It's like more of a 'oh that's nice...still you could've just done this-' kind of manner if that makes sense. You usually roll your eyes or tell him "I don't care and I never asked, son of Sparda." Honestly, you assume he is going to be triggered by the mockery, but nope! It seems like your sarcasm and attitude of not giving a fuck about his egotistical and obnoxious critiques awaken something in him that you got him readjusting his collar. Like why am I losing oxygen? I swore I didn't put this shirt on too tight. Sure, Vergil, sure~
-Now the times Vergil wouldn't be around you and the squad is, because he is at your place smelling the air as every single just in the room itself is reeking of your lovely scent. He has been to hell, but if this were heaven he never wants to leave. Vergil wants to know where you sleep, what you eat, what cup you drank to see the prints of your lips were formed, the dirty clothes that's been used, because that one is stronger than the rest-he is like a kid in a candy shop
-Eventually, when you find out on what he is truly doing you were in shock. The Vergil having an obsession over you? You predicted he hated you, didn't want to be around you, etc. He claims to be feral around you that's why he has a certain look on his face when you stand or sit too close to him he has to scoot or walk away, before it got worse. Like a hungry dog he wants to feast, but he is scared. He doesn't want you to leave him or possibly die from a demon interfering...if that's the case he will have you when you're unconscious
-He wants to taste you all over. He has licked your neck, back, waist, legs, and...oh is that an opening? Just a little tug on your shirt up and dammit there it is. Your chest bare and he ends up licking around, sucking and nibbling your nipples gently as he doesn't want to wake you up. There were times he got carried away when you let out a loud moan from sucking them a little to hard he hid and you woke up confused. You go back to sleep again, knocked out peacefully, and when you woke up again the sun was out. That's weird. It feels weirdly...good. You couldn't move your legs as it made you wake up for real looking down to see Vergil giving you head. The way he shot his eyes up though, glowed of hunger. There is no way you can fight him off cause he is going to finish this until you cum
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁. 𝗠𝘆 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹~🖤🫣
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
Imagine being DG | Diego Kang's significant other.
Imagine looking at the bright lights of Seoul. Playing a piece of pocky in between your finger as you lean forward against the balcony of his your penthouse. It was peaceful, unlike those back in the days. Placing the flavored pocky stick on your mouth, holding it in between your fingers, you bite it gently. Much better than cigarettes.
Imagine the way you humm a familiar tone, probably one of the songs your lover had done but right now you couldn't careless. After all you're pretty much pissed at the moment but you don't want to act up, you're rather in a good mood today if it wasn't for the stupid shit that is now getting on your nerves. This time you bit off your pocky in a more rapid aggressive manner.
Imagine looking down, this time not focusing on the bright lights along the night of Seoul but the very street right beneath the building. Your kind wondering of would you die or how much would it hurt if you jump off right now. Seriously nothing suicidal but just a random thought. Turning your interest in your hands, you reach out on the table nearby to grab another piece of pocky.
Imagine taking your time in balcony, very much aware of the person unlocking the door at the front, due to your quiet environment you could hear it very well even if you're pretty much away from the door. Glancing behind, you once again put your attention back in the night sky, thinking of a way to mess with the person approaching you with a great speed.
"I can explain." Said the person, your lover who just slammed the glass door to the balcony where you're at. "Oh really?" You didn't dare turn around, you just stay there in your place looking up the the night sky. "What exactly do you need to explain? James." "Fuck." He utter in which you can clearly hear. After all, you only call him by his old name when you're angry, real angry at him and of course you are very well aware of your habit, and you're going to take advantage of it.
"Look, that article is just a lie, I already told my staffs to take care of it. I'm not dating anyone-" "You're not dating anyone? What does that make me? A roommate?" You spoke as you finally turn around to look at him. "Fuck." Your lover curse for the fifth time that night.
Imagine the way you stare at him emotionless as he stood there all in his office attire. Coming all the way from the company to here as soon as he saw the famous year end dating news article which contained a lot of Kpop idols and actors dating couple which happened to have him and someone else involved. Obviously not true, it was a fake news so normally he would give a damn. But that damn person was someone else he's been working with recently as well as the topic of his small arguments with you nowadays.
"I mean, a roommate isn't that bad I suppose. Should we become one starting today?" You chuckle with a shrug. Fuck, you almost burst out laughing at him right now. The look on his face was funny, most of the time he was laid-back so you could barely see him make face other than his usual relax one nowadays. You've only seen him with a smug look on his face back in the days and a laid-back one nowadays. But this look of conflicted, troubled and nervousness really was something new.
"Come on now babe, you know I don't mean it like that." He chuckle nervously as he finally took a step forward towards you, who at the moment seems to be reaching out of the remaining sticks inside the pocky box. "What I'm saying is that the news about me and her dating is fake." He explained, reaching out to touch your face hoping to soothes you but then you turn your head as you went to take a bit of your pocky. "Yeah I know." You spoke casually, taking another bite of your pocky stick.
Imagine being insecure as fuck. It's not like you don't trust him. You knew that article was fake. You really tried your best not to be upset, it was all a fake news after all. You even tried to take it as a joke, wanting to mess around on purpose before taking it back saying it was just a joke. But fuck it. "I knew it was fake."
Imagine the way DG eyes widen, the way he saw those silent tears roll down your face. "Fuck." You on the other hand could not help but to curse as you wipe off your tears. Maybe you were really upset, these days were tiring enough. You barely see your lover around ever since he started managing his new company still you didn't dare complain after all you let him do whatever he wants, you knew better not to stand on his way, even back then, you let him to whatever he wants, because you knew at the end of the day he would always, and will ways come back to you. But these days, you don't know. You don't know anymore.
"Sorry, I was just messing around, I wasn't really upse-" "I'm sorry." "Huh?" You almost took a step back if it aren't for the fact that your back was pressed upon the glass railings of the balcony. "I've been neglecting you for a while now, haven't I?" He look away like he's ashamed to even look at you in the eyes. "I'm sorry." He repeated, this time having the guts to meet your (eye color) iris.
Imagine the way you just stood there, unmoving before he pull you into a hug. You don't even know why, but as soon as he did hug you, the next thing you knew, you were hugging him back as you cried in his arms. Maybe it was because of the article, maybe its because you rarely seen him nowadays, maybe it's because you just miss him so much more than you could have imagined. "Can you stay for the night? James?" "You don't have to ask." He spoke stroking your hair.
Imagine the way he mind it when other people, mostly people whom knew him from the past calls him by his old name. But not when it comes to you, never when it comes to you. After all, in every goal he has and does. There was you waiting at the very end of it.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2022°
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kitkatriel · 1 month
I came up with this AU a couple of months ago, and since a moot encouraged me to share with the class I might as well (plus I also wanna draw this AU lol)
I'll call this au Be Born as a placeholder rn lol
SO this au starts right after HMS managed to find a way to end the loop, and they harmonise permanently. Whole basically gains the courage to confess to his crush (still don't have a name for her) and she also confesses her mutual feelings, Blah Blah Blah, they date, yada yada yada, they get married and have a pair of twins.
I also have to say that Whole, whom I will call CJ from this point forward (Does NOT mean Chonny Jash, its a diff name, same acronym) is aware and remembers HMS quite a bit. Most of his memories/knowledge of them has faded since the harmonising was over 6 years ago, but he still remembers a few key details like their roles, some of their names and a blurry image of what they look like.
Soo like the VERY FUNCTIONAL human being CJ is, decides to name his twin sons after two of the voices in his head. Wow, clap for the man everyone whoooo-. The names he uses are Artemis and Apollo. A year later, they have another child whom he names, say it with me! ATLAS WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED AHH. Atlas was born on the same day as Artemis and Apollo so you'd argue their triplets lol.
And this is where I ruin the au🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
OK SO during the time the twins still weren't born, Heart began to wonder what it must be like to live life as your own person, to have a childhood, go school- etc etc (HMS split up into existence when CJ was 18 not too long before he dropped out of college) he starts rambling to Mind and Soul about this, Mind tries to shrug it off as a plain "What if" sanario or daydream but also ends up thinking the same.
This is also fueled by the fact that they spent majority of their existence fighting each other never living an even remotely normal day in their life.
Soul wants both of them to be happy, plus he also starts to get infected with this desire and curiosity. SO he somehow finds out he can cut off a prong of the trident and make it a dagger which he can link Heart or Mind to making them particularly function as a soul.
Soul also wants to be with his halves so he asks for Heart's blindfold and Mind's crown to create a puppet that can serve thr roles of all three of them. Which he names Harmonia (AYO OMORIHMS AU FORSHADOWING?!?!?!)
Harmonia is basically a perfect copy of CJ lol. Soul leaves Harmonia alone to look after CJ with his trident(now pretty much a spear) a crown of a ruler who has stepped down from his throne and a blindfold used to protect its previous wearer from the blinding lights of the Sun.
You can kinda just ignore that part if you want (still on the fence with it but I'll most likely go with it) cus it doesn't really effect the story if you were to erase it. All that happens mostly is Deju Vu
I don't really need to explain which HMS is which kid hah.
I'm now gonna explain the three kids.
First is Artemis, who is TECHNICALLY the older twin (he came out first). Artemis is based on the right brain being not only the emotional side but also the creative and artistic side. So yes... he is an artist. Quite extroverted, still likes his peace and quiet, yeahhhh
Second is Apollo, the "younger" twin (funny because he's the tallest out of the three). Ehh, you know the drill, straight A's student... hot nerd even (JOKE. DONT KILL ME. NO. NUH UH. I WAS JOKING EH) the classic "grades over mental health because" guy. Monotone and deep voice but is surprisingly approachable (unless he put you on his "No likey" list based on first impressions lol).
Last but not least, Atlas, the poor younger sibling who keeps getting caught in the crossfire between his two older siblings. He's more on the athletic side, being hockey team (suggested by randa). The most energetic of the three, as a kid, he often asked his brothers to play with him, which is why the trio grew up to be really close.
Uhhhh some trivia/fun facts to maybe explain their characters a bit more:
• Apollo and Artemis "fight" from time to time but its mostly "YOU FATASS, YOU ATE ALL MY KITKATS" then dramatic pause then "Dad made waffles."
• Apollo's favourite book is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.
• Artemis is the shortest of the three and gets flamed by Apollo about it
• CJ doesn't have a favourite child
• Apollo is the one that sits on the front passenger seat of the car, and will die fighting for it.
• Apollo is a cat person while Artemis is a dog person.
• Sexualities
Apollo: Bi
Artemis: Gay
Atlas: AroAce
• Ages:
Apollo and Artemis: 16
Atlas: 15
• Aollo's fashion taste is dark academia
• Atlas and Apollo did karate for 8 years
• Despite this, Artemis poses the most threat to the average bypasser
• CJ's wife works abroad on a cruise. She only sees her family atleast once a year
• Atlas used to have a childhood dog named....wait for it..... DARREL
• Atlas has more then one occasion, forced Apollo to dance Rasputin on just dance.
•Apollo's sleep schedule is so bad he's immune system is absolute trash
• Artemis once forgot to lock his room during a family gathering and came back to one of his younger cousins scribbling on one of his paintings.
• Artemis dislikes the idea of having kids for that reason
• Artemis was struggling on a question so hard his tutor had to ask Apollo for help because neither could they figure it out.
Yeah that's all for now, CYA
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casparscunttt16 · 6 months
"Can I kiss you?"
Summary: This is a part 2 to "I hate you", "yeah well I hate you more". In which Colby takes reader on the date!
Part 1 | Colby Brock | Imagine.
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The morning after I woke up sore, partially from Colby but mainly due to the heels I wore last night and dancing too. I sat up from my bed as a yawn fell from my lips, I smiled softly as I remembered the events that took place the previous night. I got out of bed and stumbled towards my bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and did my skincare before then going to the kitchen to make breakfast.
"Morning Tar" A groggy mumble leaves my lips, and she turns towards me with a smile. "Morning babes hope Colby didn't leave you too sore?" she jokes, then bursts out into laughter. "I hope you're aware of how much I don't like you?" I mumble monotoned as she continues laughing a small smile paints my face. "He left you really sore huh? That's why you're walking kind of funny?" she giggles.
I roll my eyes at the girl suddenly there's a knock at Tara and I's apartment door. "Is that Jake?" I asked opening the fridge and taking out milk and grabbing a bowl and cereal, before then turning to face her. "No that should be Kat, Jake wouldn't even be awake at this hour, him and his need for 'beauty' sleep" she quotes beauty, causing laughter to erupt from the both of us.
She gets up from the kitchen island and goes to open the door for Kat. Kat walks in, drops her bag, and takes a seat at the kitchen island. "Hi guys, good morning" she greets with a big smile. "Hi Kat' I return the smile and sit next to her with my cereal. "So how did it happen?" she asks looking over at me eagerly. "Exactly, you have lots of explaining to do missy." Tara and Kat are now both staring at me as I blankly stared back.
"I don't even know myself" that same small smile from earlier reappeared on my lips. "I was dancing with some guy and then next thing I know Colby is dragging me away from the guy, then we're kissing, it happened and we talked, he asked me on a date this Friday" as I spoke gasps from the both of them got louder with each word I spoke. "And you're going right?" Tara asks with her head slightly tilted. "You said, yes, right?" Kat asks with an eyebrow raised. I looked from my bowl meeting their eyes.
"Well um, I didn't say yes or no."
Later that week, Friday.
Friday rolled around faster than expected, Colby texted me to confirm if we were still on for tonight. I agreed and was a bit nervous.. a bit was an understatement, I was quite literally shaking.
It's 5:06, I have two hours to get ready. Tara and Kat immediately started helping me get ready. I showered, shaved, Kat did my hair, skincare and Tara helped find a simple but sexy dress to wear. I sat at my vanity putting on my lipgloss, as I was now ready 6:58. Colby would be here any minute. I heard a knock at the door and panic rushed through my bones, I got up and walked towards the door. I opened the door to see Colby standing there in a black dress shirt with the first few buttons unbuttoned, and dress pants. I looked him up and down and smiled.
It took me a few seconds to realize he had red roses in his hand, my smile grew as he handed them to me. "You look gorgeous" He complimented looking me up and down. "Aww thank you, you don't look bad yourself" we make eye contact as a light blush paints his cheeks. "Don't have her out too late Colby" Kat lectures from behind me, I smile and turn around to see her and Tara cuddled up on the couch. "Yes Katrina" Colby smiles. "Are you ready to go?" he looks back to me and extends his hand for me to take. I nod and take his hand into mine.
He walks me to his car and he open the door for me, then we head to the restaurant. The car ride there was great. Lots of conversation, jokes, and genuine laughter. Genuine laughter I haven't had in awhile. "I honestly didn't expect you to agree to this date with me, I'm glad you let me take you out" he smiles as we finally pull up to the restaurant. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask absentmindedly, as he pulls into the parking lot and parks the car. He gets out and opens my door for me, instinctively our fingers are intertwined together. "Well because we hated each other up until last week, so I guess I'd say I have my reasons".
We go into the restaurant and our seats are out on the balcony by the ocean, the sun is just starting to set. The beautiful hue of orange, yellow and red paint the sky. I look up at the sky. "You seriously look gorgeous" Colby smiles as he stares into my eyes. "Thank you, you look handsome". The rest of the date was amazing, we ate, talked about life, and so much more. He paid and we were about to leave.
"Do you wanna take a walk on the beach?" he asks seemingly impulsively, I nodded and took my heels off. "Yeah, actually I'd love to" I reach for his hand and smile, he eagerly pulls me towards the beach and I let him. "Good because there's something I want to ask you". My face contorted into a look of confusion. We walked down the coastline of the beach, hand in hand, he was holding my heels in his right hand. "What did you want to ask me? You're not gonna kill me out here are you?" I joke and he smiles and laughs. "Mmm sadly no" he replies making my jaw drop. "Can I take you on another date?" he hums looking down at me. "I'd love that".
He took me home shortly after that, the car ride back was quiet but it was a comfortable quiet. I hummed to the music playing quietly as he drove me home. We got back to my apartment and he walked me up to my door. "I had a great time with you tonight" I looked up into his eyes, Colby pulled me closer to him and all I could think of is his hands on my waist. He leaned down closing the distance between us.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks softly. "Please" I reply, getting on my tippy toes. He smiles and presses his lips against mine.
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majorbaby · 11 months
i was going to make a video compilation but actually i think that would give MASH too much credit or make it seem like I really think this show did generally well by race and racism, plus I can't go back and edit a video if I change my mind at any point. so here's my text-based list of race moments that actually land for me, whether intentional or based on my personal interpretation.
s01e05 The Moose - which is mostly a white saviour episode but actually does do a few things right:
this moment of solidarity between Oliver and Young-Hi
in response to the Swamp Rats' indignation that anyone would sell their child into servitude, Ho-Jon explains very frankly "Well some of the locals sell their kids for money Hawkeye, they have no other means." - not to say that it's right that Young-Hi's parents did that to her, but like, they didn't sell her to get rich, they did it because they're likely living in poverty and they have other younger children to support
Young-Hi cheekily explaining in her letter to Hawkeye "heehee the nuns have no idea I'm Buddhist" she's taking them for a ride, it's great
and Young-Hi's "I am also very beautiful!"
s02e15 Officers Only
Hawkeye introducing a black enlisted man as his brother-in-law - soooo very recently, like I argued this at the mic at my last convention, we've started to rethink the use of"brother" and "sister" to refer to your union comrades has start. if your boss caught you organizing with a friend after work, you would say "oh that's just my brother/sister". arguments against this are gaining traction now because of growing awareness of non-binary people but tbh it should have never been a thing it only protects white people who can reasonably pass as siblings, if you're black or brown you're SOL (as you usually were anyway). so anyway. this is a long ass paragraph just to say that Hawkeye saying " brother-in-law" in the union episode of MASH makes me feel ways. someone was thinking about intersectionality way back then.
s02e19 The Chosen People
Sam Pak in OR at the beginning of the episode, thanking America for saving Korea "from the bottom of our bomb craters." and also just generally making jokes that actually land about the Korean language because he's the one making them, "Pish-posh? That's my mother's family name"
tbh Sam walking around like he owns the base is pretty great in general
s05e08 Dear Sigmund
Klinger: Smaha! Smaha! Potter: [to Private Habib] What'd he say? Habib: He said "Smaha! Smaha!"
If it is Arabic it's funny because Potter assumes Habib will translate and he just repeats the words in Arabic because that is what Klinger literally said. If it is gibberish it's funny because Potter assumes its Arabic and Habib gives him the gibberish. This is one of my favourite gags in the whole show and fun fact also the moment I realized Jamie Farr must be a native speaker because his accent is so natural. It's pretty cool he got to flex that.
s05e11 Hawk's Nightmare
this is just me, but I love that Hawkeye describes the people of Crabapple Cove as never changing colour, always the same "off-white" - this was a time you almost never heard white people acknowledge their whiteness, except when speaking about racism. really struck me the first time i heard it. probably my favourite thing from Hawkeye re: race and it's not intentional. I definitely prefer it to his white saviourism
s06e08 In Love and War
the exchange between Kyungsoon and Hawkeye where the extent of his naiveté is put on display, "You're being awfully practical about this" "I thought you liked that about me [list of things she had to do for survival that Hawkeye initially admired in her but is now throwing in her face]"
episode ends in Hawkeye having to accept that sometimes love is irrelevant, the circumstances are what they are (the love was there and it didn't matter, but it was there) - this imo is the only episode of MASH that even begins to touch on the realities of being a Korean civilian in the war
s08e03 Guerilla My Dreams
the gang fails to save a woman from being taken away and she will likely die, as would've probably happened irl. sometimes being on a sitcom isn't enough to save you from your fate as a prisoner of war and it was good to be reminded of that for once. it's the white saviour trope averted.
s08e08 Private Finance
I can at least appreciate that this time when someone is explaining how all sides of the war are to blame for the scourge of war, it's a young Korean girl in her own words. rest of the episode is questionable but normally such a line would go to Hawkeye.
s08e15 Yessir that's Our Baby
the Korean official biting back when Hawkeye tries to accuse him (on behalf of the country) for not recognizing mixed-race babies as Korean, stating that neither does America recognize mixed-race babies with American fathers as Americans, unlike France and the UK
s11e01 Hey Look Me Over
this episode is textually about the very specific and not uncommon experience of being desexualized as a fat, Asian-American woman - it deserves a proper episode recap/analysis with that lens and I'm planning on take a stab at it if/when I ever get around to that ep in my rewatch. these stories were not being told in mainstream media until like, five years ago. there are some the hypersexualized or fetishized Asian woman in media and usually the movie/show/comic is doing that as a selling point rather than commentary. it's unfortunate we haven't progressed much since that moment 40 years ago.
[citation needed, cannot remember the name of the episode]
while admitted a Korean doctor tells Hawkeye he wishes things were different and that he could work alongside Hawkeye and BJ and Hawkeye asks with perfect American ignorance (paraphrase), "You'd want to do that?" and he responds, "You treat the enemy, why can't I?"
And finally, Soon-Lee and Klinger in GFA, a little bit in As Time Goes By. I started writing an essay on Klinger as the romantic lead of GFA but I think I'm going to try to make it a video essay so I can include clips from the show without having to make a bunch of gifs.
But in a nutshell, Klinger gets to do stuff in GFA that the often emasculated brown man still doesn't get to do much on television. As MASH progressed we did occasionally get to see Klinger take on a more serious role, Alan Alda has spoken on trying to do that for the character rather than rehash dramatic plotlines for Hawkeye or BJ who got plenty of their own.
Having Klinger represented that way gives audiences a chance to see him more three-dimensionally. As someone who is capable of romantic love, attraction, courage and someone who might be sexually desirable to others - in a less direct way than Kellye demands of Hawkeye in Hey Look Me Over. I think the lack of subtlety in Hey Look Me Over is great because there can be no question about what that episode is supposed to do and also because it drives home that Hawkeye is so blinded by his preconceived notions of what a "desirable woman" looks and sounds like that Kellye has to scream it in his face before he realizes what he's been doing. But it's also nice to have an example that's woven into the writing and cinematography.
Normally I don't like to add these kinds of disclaimers because I value open conversation but if you're rb'ing, please be mindful of your tags. I intentionally excluded a lot of the moments where I know I'm supposed to give this show an A+ for its progressivism when it has a white person demonstrating basic human decency. That bar is just too low for me.
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slaythebirdman · 6 months
does the peanut choir in Quiets head become too much? Does he ever just stare into space engaging in the latest nonsensep while the princess can only wonder what is going on in there? and conversely does the princess ever have times when all of her facets pulling in different directions become too much?
💗 the times where the princess interrupts the voices because birdie has been silent for a really long time were sooo funny. i understand that the game can't make that joke every single time the voices go on and on, but the peanut choir really cannot keep quiet, can they?
(as a side note, what the hell is going on with the poll? why is smitten so popular? i honestly cannot stand him. yellow and i will be posting our individual tier lists for the voices at some point, and smitten is easy at the very bottom for me. if anyone could explain the hype, i'd appreciate it)
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The voices can be... distracting.
- The Voices™ are great, really, don't get him wrong. They all mean the best, even if they have wildly different opinions on pretty much everything. But with those differing opinions comes many, many, many arguments, and while it's possible for the Quiet to tune them all out, he feels kind of bad about leaving them alone.
- Sometimes he can't help but engage in the conversation, especially when they often involve himself or an important decision. Usually nowadays it's all trivial matters, and the Quiet finds silent entertainment in sitting back and listening to them all bicker about proper grammar or music tastes.
-The Quiet is pretty decent at responding to the voices in his head, though he will sometimes slip up. He might be washing the dishes and the Princess will walk by and hear him mutter, "This plate was too expensive, I'm not turning it into a shiv."
- There are times when he doesn't realize, however, that the Princess is standing nearby--often right in front of him--with a questioning look, playing her game of "How Long Will it Take for the Bird to Notice Me." The Quiet has before emerged from his own head to a hand waving in his face, to a card game being all set up and ready to go, to hats being stacked on his head. The Princess finds it entertaining at least and doesn't seem to mind too much when he spaces out mid-conversation.
- Sometimes she asks what was going on in there. Sometimes the Quiet can't answer without hours and hours of context. When that's the case, the Princess tells him that she's lost interest.
- The few times where the arguing becomes too much and he can't help but shut them out, he feels awful. It's just too much for his head to handle sometimes. The Princess knows that the Quiet needs some dim lights, cuddles, soft kisses, and whispered reassurances. The voices are all pretty apologetic when he finally tunes back into them and are quieter for a while after.
- A few of the voices have gotten to know the signs of the Quiet reaching his breaking point. Usually it's the Narrator who notices first, though there are times when he's too caught up in an argument to realize. The Paranoid or the Cold are the most likely to notice after the Narrator. The Hero is... bad at realizing, but once he's made aware, he is one of the most active in getting everyone to cool down or at least be quieter.
The facets can be overwhelming.
- The Princess does sometimes experience something similar, though instead of voices in her head, she gets strong, conflicting emotions. She has to sit out and take a breather lest she blow up at the Quiet out of frustration like she used to, allow herself to listen to and feel all of her emotions, understand what they're trying to tell her. It's exhausting and takes a lot of mental energy.
- Some facets will overtake others. It's easier for the Quiet to tell if facets like the Beast or the Witch are the most dominating, and he's quickly able to advise the Princess to take a deep breath and take some time to herself. Ones like the Prisoner and the Damsel, though, are more difficult to detect and are scary in their own right.
- She'll often disappear into the bedroom and close all the curtains to lay in the darkness in silence. The Quiet knows not to disturb her, waiting for her to come back on her own time, offering a hug, a cup of tea, a game, or an ear if she needs it.
- The Princess still loses her cool sometimes, angry tears streaming down her cheeks as she races to the bedroom and slams the door shut. She's incredibly ashamed and apologetic after she's taken time to collect herself, and the Quiet is understanding and reassuring.
- They're both aware of what each other needs by now, able to offer the right kind of support without really needing to ask. It's not always easy, but it's them.
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henrysglock · 5 months
Well, Well...Look Whose Limbs Are Still Intact (AKA the 4th NINA installment)
After seeing The First Shadow, I'm revisiting NINA installment #3!
Previously, I had speculated that El may have committed the 4.07 massacre after all, because there are multiple shots where the bodies don't have the Vecna eyes/snapped limbs.
For example, the difference:
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And she may still have, I won't rule that out entirely. However...After seeing TFS, I have questions.
In TFS, when "Henry" doesn't attack in classic Vecna-style (which we actually witness firsthand just as often as we witness traditional Vecna killings), he attacks similarly to the way El does:
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(it's not exactly the same, but the end results are very similar)
It's not Vecna style. Point blank.
When Vecna kills, the limbs always go first, and the eyes go last. We see that in Prancer, we see it in Virginia, and we see it in 1986. Limbs, then jaw, then eyes.
As far as we know, "Henry" on his own doesn't snap limbs at all, let alone jaws. The victims (see: Mr. Newby and Inmate 58361) are usually awake, aware, and screaming in agony, and no bones are broken. The eyes are the only thing to go, and they go fairly quickly.
Not Vecna-style.
So now, of course, I have to look back at her:
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I know we've all seen this scene (and these pictures) so, so many times. Most likely from me, and most likely in another part of this analysis series. However, I want to run through this one part specifically shot by shot because it's EXTREMELY funny to me.
We've got Jumpsuit-A Guy (I'll just call him JA for short) attacking El:
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So you'd assume he's both the One making El's eyes bleed that way and the One making her limbs twist/snap, right? Because he's doing what Vecna does?
(He isn't, but they want you to think he's doing what Vecna does. They're very good at hiding things about jumpsuit guys.)
But check this out.
We never see teen El with: a) twisting/snapping limbs b) the squeezing eye blood pattern c) JA Guy on screen at the same time. We see everything in tight shots. (Of course, always managing to keep that mirror in view behind One without showing us El. That's a secret tool that'll help us later.)
I've put the shot progressions in order from L -> R, top -> bottom, like lines in a book:
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(Blackout to the new Terry/birth memory)
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So, from this scene alone, we actually have very little evidence that JA did both things.
And you might go "Oh James, but look at the subtitles earlier!"
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I have to ask: Are the breaking bones in the room with us right now?
Because all I see is El flailing, which is consistent with the next subtitle:
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But...subtitling aside. I have better evidence that he didn't do both things. The Duffers thought they could pull a fast one on me, but the jokes on them—I'm an autistic freak who liked the I-Spy books way too much as a kid.
Can anyone explain this away?
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And yes, the guy in the final screenshot is a bloody jumpsuit guy, even if I can't tell you with 100% certainty which jumpsuit he is. He's just moving really fast:
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Anyway. That aside, have a look at the blood pattern on El.
The top gowns have blood on the left hip (twisting limbs El), the bottom gowns have blood on the right hip (squeeze eye blood El).
And I thought okay, well, let's run through some explanations:
Maybe somehow we're seeing that lower splotch by her left knee? First off, the stain's too big. Second, it's not the right shape. Third, it's hand-level. Definitely not the knee splotch.
Maybe, by some impossible 3D modeling limb fuck-up that swapped her hands, we're seeing her from behind? Well, let's see...
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Nope! As far as we know, El doesn't have blood on her back, impossible limbs aside.
It seems, almost, like they shot her right side and mirrored it.
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So that's straight up not the same girl. Squeezed bloody eyes El and twisting limbs El are different girls.
That, my friends, means we have a brand-new version of teen El in the massacre.
That's consistent with what I talked about here, the scene at the beginning of NINA where teen El turns around twice:
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Which is also the scene where we get two different doors in the Rainbow Room with teen El...And it all tracks with the doubled/mirrored rainbow room BTS.
So yes, we definitely have at least two versions of NINA running with teen El! One where her eyes bleed squeeze-style, and one where her bones break.
This means that whatever's going on in that scene with JA, he's not responsible for all of it, because the El in the "correct" gown has the eye blood, but the El in the "mirrored" gown has the twisting limbs. Two different girls, two different guys.
So, then, the next logical question to ask is: What is Jumpsuit-A Guy responsible for?
With the way JA's attack on El is filmed (the camera cuts and tight shots), it's nearly impossible to tell which things he's doing.
Disclaimer: None of the childrens' bodies are killed in a traditional Vecna manner. None of the jaws are broken. There's something else going on here, and I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mirrored version of TFS Henry's attack style (read: limbs first or limbs only rather than eyes only). So when I say "Vecna style", that's me referring to a limbs-first style.
Moving on...I daresay JA doesn't kill "like Vecna". Let me explain.
JA is the only guy we see actively killing in the Rainbow Room, and they're generous enough to swing/pan around to him in a continuous shot for it! No camera cuts there, no extra doubt introduced.
[TFS Brenner voice] They want to be caught so bad, I wonder why they even bother lying to me 🙄
Check it out:
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Eyes go first. No twisting or broken limbs. That is JA's attack style. It's not even close to Vecna style.
If you're like me, you'll go:
"Oh, but James! Look at the body behind JA! The eyes are missing, and a couple of the other bodies look like their bones might be broken."
And you'd be right!
I'm not particularly concerned about that in relation to JA, though, since: a) We know a lot of the backdrop is divorced from the actual action (as I mentioned in here irt blood and impact crater separation), and multiple different corpse positions appear within the same jumpsuit, and there are multiple versions of corpses with non-twisted limbs:
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(Top Left: JA with two different poses for the "same" corpse. Top Middle: Proving that the top-left photo is, indeed, of JA. Top Right: Two different versions of the "same" corpse with non-broken limbs. Bottom left: The corpse by the shelf goes from broken to unbroken based on relative position to the mirror. Bottom right: Much the same as Bottom Left, corpses go from broken to unbroken based on Brenner's presence.)
As far as I know...as of right now, we haven't found a solid, all-encompassing pattern in the surrounding bodies in relation to the all the jumpsuits.
b) We quite literally just witnessed the pattern of his kill style in the swing-around shot.
And, while I can't 100% confirm that either of these bodies belong to JA, since we don't have confirmation of JA with any non-twisted limb bodies...Once again, I have to ask:
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Are the breaking bones in the room with us right now? Because I personally didn't see any twisted, snapped bones.
And here?
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Well, well...
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Yes, I'm aware those are both across camera cuts. And no, I can't 100% confirm which of the Ones killed those Twos. There may be multiple that don't kill Vecna-style!
It's entirely possible that most of them don't kill Vecna-style, and the Vecna makeup is just an overlay (maybe one that glitches or has missing uploads within NINA. Not a Duffers production error, but an HNL production error).
I will say that JA is the strongest candidate for being one of those non-Vecna-style guys, though.
"Maybe you just caught JA too early in the process for breaking bones?"
I mean, maybe, sure! I can acknowledge that possibility.
It's still not the limbs-first style, though. The order is all wrong, and it still doesn't match what we're shown in the attack on El, gown discrepancy aside. When JA's attacking El, we see the isolated limb-twisting bit before we see the eyes. Meanwhile his attack on Two starts with the eyes. Two's eyes bleed, and his limbs are still intact.
That means JA likely isn't responsible for the limb-twisting bits in the attack on El.
So, my point remains the same: There's at least one One who doesn't attack Vecna-style, and instead attacks like TFS "Henry"—Eyes bloody off the bat, bones not targeted. JA is the strongest candidate I've seen for being one of them. (Put a pin in this. I'm going to talk about it later.)
That supports the two distinct attack styles I was talking about here.
Two does have the cloudy, Vecna-ish eyes, though, and somebody's bones are snapping somewhere...So I genuinely wouldn't be shocked if this, like the gate/dematerialization shot (which I talked about in here), is a dual-outcome overlay of the two attack styles. (More on this in a bit! Hold onto this thought.)
Now, I want to go a layer deeper.
Keeping all that in mind, I want to talk about this bit the released 4.07 script:
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Let me explain.
Baby El, per the script, is through the mirror, which tracks with this jumpsuit discrepancy:
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JA and JC are both on teen El's side of the mirror. JE is a "through the mirror" jumpsuit, placing him with Baby El.
You know who else is actually "through the mirror", both in script and on film?
JD, who, like JE, we only see when we push through the mirror:
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And he is, as predicted, associated with a baby El.
I originally thought they had cut that second "through the mirror" bit when they changed to have One break the mirror instead of just being pinned to it, and that we were just seeing baby El in teen El's place.
They didn't cut it, and we have no idea if what Baby El does is the same as whatever Teen El's doing on the other side of the mirror while we can't see her.
So, tl;dr: JE and JD are definitely different from JA and JC, not just based on jumpsuit, but also by location relative to the mirror and the associated ages of their Els.
JD and JE exist through the mirror (read: with baby El). JA and JC exist not through the mirror (read: with teen El).
Which...All of this becomes even funnier when you look at this guy, the only time we see baby El's face and a One who's still somewhat recognizable on screen together in this sequence:
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And like...first off, it's straight up not the same guy. Second off, they're hiding his identity from us.
Just look.
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And even at the most surface-level? Look at the hair. He's not the same guy.
Stunt double, 3D-model, either way. All of this could and arguably should be lined up properly, based on the VFX team's capabilities. Both guys are being dematerialized, but they're not the same guy. I just can't tell you with any certainty which guy he is.
However, this all means the guy we see together on screen with baby El here? He may very well be the guy watching her here:
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The mirror matches, and it's totally different from JD, who gets this:
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(He has the mirror going the opposite way.)
And because he's through the mirror with baby El, this mystery man could be JE, since he's not JD. Again, I just can't say for sure because all we see of JE is his chest and left side, but all we see of secret third guy is his right side, which is so far away that I don't feel comfortable making a claim re: his identity...and JE is deliberately shot mirrored so as not to reveal his right side.
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They're deliberately hiding his identity re: jumpsuit pattern. If I could see his chest, or even parts of his arms, I could tell you for sure which One he is. But I can't...so. Here we are, missing variables.
Shaking the Duffers until they drop loot (J?'s jumpsuit pattern).
Remember when I said they were hiding baby Els from us? This is what I'm talking about. Two different guys, two different girls, and they're deliberately hiding both the face blood of one of the Els and the jumpsuit pattern of the One with her.
Now, remember that those few thoughts I asked you to put pins in? The ones about the mirror being kept in frame with JA, not being able to confirm which One killed that intact-limbs Two, and Two's possible dual-overlay/bones snapping somewhere?
Yeah. This is where all that comes in: The Speculation.
JA and JC are on teen El's side of the mirror. JD and JE...and secret third jumpsuit...are on baby El's side of the mirror.
We can confirm that JA takes the eyes first (read: he doesn't attack Two or El in the bone-breaking/Vecna style), and keeping that mirror in frame during the attack on El implies that someone on the other side of it (read: with baby El) should attack the same way. This supports the theory that we're missing a baby El with the squeezed bloody eye pattern, likely the same baby El that we see in BTS pictures.
Can I say with 100% certainty that JA doesn't break bones? No. However...For the moment, I can comfortably hypothesize (say, 65% certainty), that he's the not the one breaking bones on teen El's side of the mirror.
A logical hypothesis based on that is that Jumpsuit-C Guy (the later Brenner-faced One who's purported by the show to have become Vecna) is the one breaking bones/attacking Vecna-style on teen El's side of the mirror.
All these timelines, the different jumpsuits, seem to be happening simultaneously. It's not a massive stretch for me to hypothesize that this factor is what's contributing to the phantom bone-snapping sound and cloudy eyes we see on Two, despite Jumpsuit-A Guy not snapping his bones (much the same as the dual overlay with the gate and the dematerialization).
We're not shown any concrete evidence as to what kill style JE uses, nor do we have any hard conclusions in regard to his fate, but based on his location relative to the mirror, I'm comfortable hypothesizing that he might be this weird, mystery One with the Vecna-eyes baby El. They don't let us see which attack style JD uses or which baby El eye-blood pattern he's associated with. However, based on the conclusion that he's likely not the guy associated with Vecna-eyes baby El...for the moment, I feel comfortable hypothesizing that he does not attack in the bone-breaking/Vecna-style way, and instead attacks squeeze-style and is associated with the BTS-only Baby El.
This is further supported by the fact that a) JD and Hallway Guy seem to be the same person, and Hallway Guy quick-kills the same way El does:
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It would stand to reason, then, that his slow kills would be similar to hers.
b) JD goes on to become Mindflayer Guy, not Vecna
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(Left: JC, who's smash-cut to Vecna. Right: JD, who's shown shaping the MF)
So, to kind of sum all that up:
JA: Definitely on teen El's side of the mirror, associated with right-hip blood and squeezed bloody eyes teen El. He's probably one of the guys who has an attack style that doesn't break bones first/the squeeze-style attack. We don't know where he ends up, but he may be linked to the Mindflayer.
JC: Definitely on teen El's side of the mirror, possible associated with left-hip blood and twisting limbs Teen El. He may be one of the guys who breaks bones first. He supposedly becomes BrenVecna.
JD: Definitely on Baby El's side of the mirror, never seen on Teen El's side. Associated with mystery blood Baby El. No confirmed attack style, but based on the secretive behavior irt: Baby El's eye blood, he may be one of the guys with an attack style that doesn't break bones/the squeeze-style attack. He's Mindflayer guy.
JE: Baby El's side of the mirror, never seen on Teen El's side. No confirmed attack style or associations. May be associated with Vecna-eyes Baby El, given the secrecy around the mystery man's jumpsuit pattern, which means he may be a bone-breaking guy. We don't know where he ends up, but he may linked to Vecna.
If you made it this far you're automatically stronger than the US Marines. Gold star for all of you.
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gilbirda · 2 years
Just a little thing that the DPxDC community doesn't explore much is the Cass x Danny. By the way they are portrayed, she is quiet and reserved introvert girl, that keeps to herself, and he is an explosive extrovert when you get to know him.
Since I'm a sucker for dynamics that are not used as much as the others, I think this is something fun to explore (maybe I'm just dumb and I'm missing a ton of content).
I can imagine it going like this: he is a regional manager for Nasty Burger as a harmless way to satiate Vlad's obsession with him (Nasty Burger belongs to Vlad in canon, and sometimes, Danny deserves to not have a fucked up life anymore), he meets with Cass and the two hook up (both can't explain, but can use the Lazarus pit = ectoplasm head canon).
These are the reactions of the members of the batfamily:
Barbara: she is protective of both Steph and Cass, and does a background check on Danny, but doesn't find any dirty on him (thanks Tucker), after that, she relax and observes the cute couple from her network;
Bruce and Alfred: both are relieved after Barbara's report, and are happy that Cass is now openly smiling and laughing more, it's not like she was unhappy with them, but seeing her in love is reassuring;
Selina and Tim: both are making fun of Bruce, since Danny has black hair and blue eyes, and is dating a member of the batfamily, they are saying to not make Danny the Steph 2.0;
Damian: he liked Danny because all the animals in the manor loved him at first sight, so he can't be a bad guy, but he starts to respect Danny when he discovered that he helped a gorilla species in the brink of extinction to survive;
Duke: he knows that there is SOMETHING with Danny, but he knows that metas in Gotham have to hide themselves from the wrong assumption that Batman hates metas;
Dick and Jason: they thought of doing a good cop/bad cop routine in order see what are the intentions of this guy with their younger sister, but seeing that he has MORE puns than Dick, MORE dead jokes than Jason, and is MORE SASSIER than Steph, Jason is like "fuck this shit I'm out", and Dick is best buddies with the guy
Steph: she hates his guts, not because his is dating Cass, but because he has the audacity of saying that the Nasty Burger is BETTER than the Batburger, her favorite fast food chain, she can't believe that Cass has fallen in love with the enemy.
Other thing: he can't hide forever his powers, so someday, maybe, they are on a date and a random villain attacks, and not wanting his cute and shy girlfriend to be hurt, Danny beat the shit out of this guy, and Cassandra sees her boyfriend tanking several bullets unharmed, punching people away to ridiculous distances, and maybe FLY a little bit?
Danny is freaked out, because he thinks Batman hates metas, but Cass says that her father knows Batman, and can help clear him.
Now Bruce asks Clark if he is aware of this black hair, blue eyes dude, with some powers really similar to Kryptonians that it is currently dating his daughter (all of the JLD knows that Danny is the Ghost King, but understand why the guy is frightened of Batman, so it is kinda funny when they meet, Constantine can't hold his laughter at the image of a Bruce being the father in law of the powerful monarch of the infinite realms, using ridiculous nobility titles to refer to him)
Wow, what a long ramble, hope you like this little contribution the community
No words from my part, anon!
Putting this out there so people can add to it!!
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reclusivebookslug · 10 months
Bella Swan is Autistic: An Analysis
(Disclaimers: I enjoy Twilight in spite of its problematic elements, not because of them or in ignorance of them. There are as many different ways to be autistic as there are autistic people. Many allistic people will relate on some level to some aspects of the autistic experience; this does not make them autistic. This is all just my opinion, based on my experience as a late-diagnosed, low-support-needs autistic woman. I am aware this is not a brand-new original idea.)
I reread Twilight (I think for the first time since getting diagnosed 4 years ago) and I found a bunch of things I relate to Bella about. Below the cut is a list of some of her autism-related character traits with quotes for textual evidence. The links lead to articles explaining how these traits relate to autism. The list is ordered chronologically based on page number of the accompanied quotes. Page numbers are based on the paperback edition with ISBN-13: 9780316015844. A backslash in a quote signifies a paragraph break. I’ll update if I read any of the other books or rewatch the movies and anything new comes up.
Bella has trouble regulating her emotional expressions: she has to put conscious effort into how she presents herself
"I'd always been a bad liar" (p. 4). "For some reason, my temper was hardwired to my tear ducts. I usually cried when I was angry, a humiliating tendency" (p. 25). "I had never been enormously tactful" (p. 31). "'My face is so easy to read -- my mother always calls me her open book'" (p. 50).
Bella is shy and a bit socially awkward: she avoids attention for fear of embarrassment
"Charlie wasn't comfortable with expressing his emotions out loud. I inherited that from him" (p. 7). "Mr. Varner... was the only one who made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I stammered, blushed, and tripped over my own boots on the way to my seat" (p. 17). "To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of the week" (pp. 68-69).
Bella feels different from other people: she doesn’t know how to connect with others and feels pressure to fit in
"I didn't relate well to people my age. Maybe the truth was that I didn't relate well to people, period. Even my mother, who I was closer to than anyone else on the planet, was never in harmony with me, never on exactly the same page. Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain" (pp. 10-11). "I answered honestly, instead of pretending to be normal like everyone else" (p. 47). “'My mind doesn't work right? I'm a freak?' The words bothered me more than they should -- probably because his speculation hit home. I'd always suspected as much, and it embarrassed me to have it confirmed" (p. 181).
Bella has a unique sense of humor: other people don’t get her jokes and she doesn’t get other peoples’ jokes
"'You don't look very tan.' / 'My mother is part albino.' / He studied my face apprehensively, and I sighed. It looked like clouds and a sense of humor didn't mix. A few months of this and I'd forget how to use sarcasm" (p. 16). “Bella was being unintentionally funny” (p. 367).
Bella finds comfort in routine: the change in routine from moving was difficult for her, and she felt better once the new routine became familiar
"I fell into the pattern of the familiar task gladly" (p. 33).
Bella is academically gifted: she finds assignments easier than her peers do, she has already read the books assigned in her English course
"'Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?' / 'Yes'" (p. 47).
Bella enjoys being alone: she is introverted and enjoys solitary activities
"In a lot of ways, living with Charlie was like having my own place, and I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely" (p. 54). "I've never minded being alone" (p. 241).
Bella has motor difficulties: she is clumsy, uncoordinated, accident-prone, and bad at sports
"Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress" (p. 55). "My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get lost in much less helpful surroundings" (p. 136).
Bella has special interests: Edward and books
"... no one else was as aware of Edward as I always was. No one else watched him the way I did" (p. 69). "I was sitting in my room, researching vampires. What was wrong with me" (p. 135)? "... they didn't know how preoccupied I could get when surrounded by books; it was something that I preferred to do alone" (p. 156).
Bella is perceived as different by others: a history of social exclusion is hinted at, Edward’s mind-reading doesn’t work on her
"'It's better if we're not friends,' he explained. 'Trust me.' / My eyes narrowed. I'd heard that before” (pp. 74-75). "He enunciated every syllable, as if he were talking to someone mentally handicapped" (p. 83). "'My mom always says I was born thirty-five years old and that I get more middle-aged every year'" (p. 106). ".'.. maybe your mind doesn't work the same way the rest of theirs do. Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM'” (p. 181). "'You're not like anyone I've ever known. ... / ... 'I have a better than average grasp of human nature. People are predictable. But you ... you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise'" (p. 245).
Bella has sensory differences: she notices and is bothered by things others don’t and aren’t, she engages in sensory-seeking and sensory-avoiding behavior when stressed
"'People can't smell blood,' he contradicted. / 'Well, I can -- that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust ... and salt" (p. 100). "I put in my headphones, hit Play, and turned up the volume until it hurt my ears. I closed my eyes, but the light still intruded, so I added a pillow over the top of my face" (pp. 129-130). "'You're always crabbier when your eyes are black ... I expect it then' ... 'I have a theory about that'" (p. 171). “For three and a half hours I stared at the wall, curled in a ball, rocking” (p. 425).
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