#he also feels more like Niffty's dad then Husk and Angel do
Alastor feels more like Niffty's dad then Charlie's tbh
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vesppperoro · 1 month
hii uhh, i had a little idea that id like to share if thats ok, it might be quite triggering tho so be warned ‼️
a sinner demon reader thats based on a teddy bear, because theyre too soft and mushy personality-wise, and they ended up in hell due to being suicidal. like their whole body is covered in stitches thats supposed to be a metaphor for sh scars
do whatever u want with that info, u can even ignore it if u like, have a nice day ❤️
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Hazbin Hotel Cast with a Teddy Bear!Sinner Reader
Includes: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Sir. Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Alastor.
A/N: this is such an interesting idea! I’m going based on my own experiences as someone like this, along with research. I appreciate you for trusting me with this <3 I definitely WILL make a p2!! Might write for this sinner more tbh I loved writing them!! I thought you meant a child and I wrote that I’m so sorry 😭
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Charlie Morningstar
She truly didn’t understand why you were in hell.
You are such a sweetheart! She adores you.
When you showed up to the hotel one day, without clothes and covered in stitches, she was immediately worried.
She took you in and washed you up as best as she could.
You were like a child! Why were you even here?
She was happy that you wanted to be redeemed, however.
She became a mother figure to you.
You go to her when you’re sad and you hug her frequently.
She traces your scars sometimes and you two share a silent moment together.
A silent moment of understanding.
She loves picking you up and holding you!
She hugs you like you’re an actual teddy bear.
She’s the one you go to for emotional things.
She’s good at comforting you. She somehow knows what you wanna hear at all times.
She became a secondary mother figure to you.
She was Charlie’s girlfriend, so of course she was.
She understood your situation and was pissed heaven casted a sweetie like you because of your lowest point.
She’s the more levelheaded one.
She’s the one who gives you advice and stuff like that. While Charlie is the more emotionally supportive one, Vaggie is the more mature and steady one.
She also traces your scars. Even if you don’t like them, she tells you you’re beautiful no matter what.
When you told her more of your story, she almost cried.
A child feeling this way broke her to pieces. Especially since you were so soft.
Other than the sad stuff, she loves cuddling you.
You, her, and Charlie sometimes have cuddle sessions with you in the middle because you’re so warm + soft + squishy.
She would kill anyone for you. You’re just so adorable!
She tries to teach you to fight but gives up when you don’t want to hurt anyone.
Angel Dust
Honestly, he saw himself in you.
A lost, scared, and lonely child. You didn’t know the cruelties of the world, aside from those cruelties in your mind.
He tries his best to comfort you. He’s not the best with words, but he’s always there for you.
He calls you sugar bear! He loves you to death.
He would go to the ends of hell for you.
He treats you like he wished to be when he was the same way.
You two share a lot of similarities, so you bond well.
He nearly cried when you told him your stitches were scars from sh.
He embraces you any time he can.
He tries to be the parental figure he needed so you can have a better life, somewhere no one would judge you.
He’s stubborn, like a dad. He acts like one too.
A hardheaded, yet sweet dad.
He’s like the father you never had. Or did have. Whichever.
He’s the bartender, so he knew how to comfort.
But when you told him your story, he almost broke.
You two definitely sing some sort of song together. Maybe Angel or Vaggie joins.
He cuddles you and hides you with his wings.
If you give him baby doe eyes, he might just take you on a flight.
Husk is SUPER protective over you. He’s very similar to Vaggie in a way when it comes to protection.
He gives you good advice but he still hides behind his tough guy exterior.
He doesn’t understand why you’re down here, even if you tell him. You’re so sweet!
Either way, he adores you.
He loves patting your head and messing with your fuzzy ears.
Might even boop your nose once or twice.
Late night talks.
He probably talked you down from trying to commit again.
Another tiny person! Yay!
You’re not a bad boy. She may be a psycho, but she would never call you bad.
Actually, she did once and felt bad once you cried.
She likes to hang out with you since you’re both tiny!
She cuddles and hugs you like you’re her stuffed animal.
Bug killers! Even if you don’t wanna kill bugs, she’s dragging you along anyways.
She tries to hide her needle from you since Husk told her what your stitches meant.
Alastor has to babysit both of you basically.
You and her do almost everything together! You’re best friends!
She sneaks into the kitchen and grabs you both snacks so you can watch a movie.
She makes you sleep in her bed sometimes so she can cuddle you.
Sir. Pentious
He’s a dad. Or, he was.
He treats you like he wishes he treated his son before he passed.
He acts like your father. An awkward father, but he still tries.
He also protects you.
Expect him to curl his tail around you and cuddle you when you’re sad.
He literally cried when you told him your story.
He tells you anytime he can that it’s not your fault. Your stitches are still beautiful.
Best girl dad ever.
Buys you anything he wants, even if he’s broke. (Except sharp things)
He teaches you some things about inventing!
You made him a little metal flower and he was so overjoyed. He took it with him everywhere.
He still remembers you, even if he’s in Heaven now.
Cherri Bomb
Chaotic auntie energy.
She would do ANYTHING for you.
She picks you up and places you on her hip like a baby.
She loves your ears! She also adores how sweet you are.
She wouldn’t admit it, but you’re the cutest thing she’s ever seen.
Even if you tell her your story, she wouldn’t see you differently. You’re a child, a child who went through so much.
Hangouts with her and Angel are a MUST.
They try to avoid doing the normal around you and focus on fun time.
She took you with her when she had a territorial fight one time and you almost cried.
She felt so bad that she bought you anything you wanted for a week.
She did anything you wanted to do, even if Husk or someone else said no to you.
Basically, if you wanted something, you went to her.
He’s not one to like kids, really.
He was, however, kinder to you.
He did anything to protect you.
He was like your insane uncle.
He was the one who taught you how to use your abilities. Maybe to help you, or to manipulate you when you grow.
He made you jambalaya once and it became your favorite dish to share with him!
He introduced you to radio and he was happy that you loved it.
He started bringing you to his studio whenever he did a radio show.
He took you to an overlord meeting once. That’s how you met Rosie.
He pats your head like a dog lol.
Don’t expect him to be emotionally available. But he will be there to have fun sometimes.
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scoutswritingcorner · 1 month
Father!Alastor & Child!GN!Reader
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A/N: I just have ideas for Papa Alastor and his little fawn gremlin child. To that Anon who came up with it! If you have any input don’t be afraid to reblog or shoot me an ask with your own (even if my askbox is closed just let me know it’s you).  I was listening to ‘No More Birthdays by Sophie May’.
Domestic fluff with Papa Alastor and his little fawn.
Second Part
So- I don’t know if sinners “age” or grow up in hell but let’s say for the sake of this little post that they do but it's really really slow or you're just a little child forever..WHO KNOWS.
Anyways…you’re like a carbon copy of Alastor only smaller and maybe brighter colors (Where as he has dark red hair you have maybe lighter red hair or a different light color) and little white spots in your hair or fur, maybe some freckles too. 
You are the only soul that is allowed to touch his cane without his permission or guidance, especially because he knows you like to wander off at times, not too far but when you both are walking down the street and he’s not feeling into physical contact he holds his cane out to you and that’s your cue to hold on. If he’s fine with physical contact? He’ll be holding your tiny hand into his, it’s something he got used to doing when he walked you to school those early mornings before he had to go to his radio station.
When he introduces you to Niffty and Husk? He’s not worried about Niffty, but he is glaring Husk down as you walk around the ex-overlord. You’re just curious. But once you get used to him you walk back over to your Papa and hold onto his cane, that’s his signal that you’re ready to go.
I’m a firm believer that sinners still feel the pain of whatever killed them in life when they get into hell as a reminder of why they are there. So speaking of that, Alastor gets hella bad migraines which he got used to easily but when he hears you coughing? He’s immediately by your side and holding a handkerchief to your mouth. He pulls you closer to him if it’s one of those bad coughs that make you wheeze really bad, he’s just a scared Papa and doesn’t know modern medicine well enough to get you the right treatment.
He dresses you in the fashion he’s used to, which is either a button down shirt with slacks or a dress. You’d wear a small little bowtie either around your neck or in your hair. 
Now when he arrives at the Hotel with you? You’re automatically being held because he knows you as his child and how curious you are but also he’s a paranoid deer dad. But after a while? He’s letting you down and gently patting your back to let you wander around, just please stay in his line of sight for now. He walks around the hotel with you so you can see all the sights as Charlie and Vaggie are with him explaining everything. 
Speaking of Charlie and Vaggie, they both terrified you and it almost sent Alastor into a frenzy. He doesn’t care if Vaggie points a spear at him but not at his little fawn. Charlie was just loud and that frightened you. 
Angel Dust wasn’t allowed around you for a while, but once he was, he was very sober and didn’t utter a word about anything your ears shouldn’t know lest he faces the wrath of your Papa. He also gets you treats and gives you head pats.
You do have your own room next to Alastor’s and he makes sure it looks like it did when you were alive, filled with your favorite toys and books lining the shelves. He got Rosie to make you a new teddy bear that resembled him once more and you absolutely adore that thing.
You and Niffty are gremlins together but she keeps her eye on you the whole time and makes sure you don’t get hurt or in trouble. She’s also very helpful when you start having a coughing fit but if it gets really bad? She gets Charlie or Husk to help. 
Alastor pulls Charlie aside one day whilst you are playing, “Charlie, you know I don’t believe in this silly little redemption thing as a whole but..if this does end up working, I want my little fawn to be up there. They don’t deserve to be down here with these disgusting and vile creatures. That’s all I care about.” He whispered glancing back at you as Charlie followed his gaze before smiling and nodding, “Of course, Alastor. How did..” She stopped herself as Alastor stood up tall. “They were sick ever since they were just a little baby..” He whispered out before clearing his throat and cleaning his monocle. He was done talking..reminiscing on his past mistakes.
When Mimzy comes around? He doesn’t let her near you, he knows what trouble she brings and he won’t stand for it if she dares harm a hair on your head. It’s not that he doesn’t trust her, it’s just he’d rather not feel the heartbreak he did all those years ago when he first lost you.
Some nights when you're fast asleep he holds you in his arms and sits on the floor. It grounds him when he feels you breathing, especially when memories of that night plague him and he can’t seem to catch a break. Even if he’s at his breaking point with physical affection, he will force himself to hold you just because those thoughts are plaguing him and he has to make sure you're breathing. His hands will rub circles on your back and he’ll let himself cry but it will be drowned out by soft jazz playing just in case someone walks by your bedroom door.
He also finds it soothing when he brushes and does your hair, even if you don’t have long hair he’ll brush it out for you in the mornings while he enjoys his coffee. He’s very careful around your tiny deer ears too. If you have trouble tying your bowtie or bow? Don’t worry, He is getting down on one knee and tying it for you while talking you through the steps.
100% you are his little sous chef/ taste tester. His love for spicy food is passed down to you and if it’s not spicy enough for you it’s definitely not spicy for him. While he himself doesn’t like to indulge in sweets, he’ll learn to make your favorite treat and surprise you with it. 
Omg when Lucifer comes to the hotel? Alastor gets protective because now the King of Hell is talking to you and not him but he’s not being mean about it…kinda. He’ll make an off joke about Alastor and you’ll stomp your hoof and puff your chest out and headbutting Lucifer. It’s even better if you have little nubs where your antlers (if you have them) are growing in. That’s what the King of Hell gets for bad talking your Papa in front of you! It doesn’t hurt Lucifer but he gets the gist (he doesn’t)
A/N: Once again if anyone has any headcannons of their own go wild. These are just I thought of!
Taglist: @littledolly2345, @aboyscriminalrecord (figured since you drew those masterpieces, I'd tag you in some more little headcanons)
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remember-the-fanfics · 3 months
Ask 'I very much enjoy the whole Gen z Overlord thing, I have been wondering you can do a what would they do when they meet Lucifer in the hotel. It interesting when they see how different he is to what they've been told of him.'
By @darkwrath32
During Dad beat Dad
Trying to write the whole episode, let's see how long it works out..
Slightly rush at the end
(Y/n) sat on the couch while watching Charlie theorize, well they aren't actually sure what she's doing exactly anymore.
"Charmander, I think it's time rest." Said (Y/n). Vaggie had ask them to help Charlie with figuring out the redemption plan as (Y/n) is the only Overlord trying to help with it, they agreed not knowing Charlie wasn't going to go to bed anytime soon.
"You can go to bed, (Y/n). I got the handled." Said Charlie, looking at (Y/n).
"Yeah, no. Vaggie will be super upset at me if I just went to bed." They said, getting up heading to the kitchen. "Plus I personally think the best time to think is the middle of the night. I also enjoy helping you with whatever we're doing because I've lost track. You want coffee?"
"Yes please, I'll explain to you when you get back."
"Charlie? (Y/N)?" Said Vaggie seeing the two standing infront of Charlie's planning board with a bunch of paper and string attached and to the side a few empty coffee cups and energy drink cans are on a table and floor.
"I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working. Okay, okay, think Charlie. Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think. Okay if I do this, it's going to be-" Charlie said, panic in her voice. "I have trust falls every single morning-."
"With who? And why?" Said (Y/n) in a less panicked voice. "I can only see you doing it with Vaggie." Both of the demons look like a mess and that they obviously didn't sleep.
"Yikes." Said Angel Dust.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on." Said Charlie when (Y/n) noticed the crowed behind them, holding a ball of string with some of it in their mouth.
"Charlie? Sweetie? You uh, you good?" Asked Vaggie, Charlie looked back with sleep deprived look while holding a piece of paper. "(Y/n) this isn't what I ment by help her." Vaggie told the young overlord, who just shrugged.
"Nope! No, not really. Ha ha, I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working." Charlie said, crushing the paper in her hands.
"We've done trust falls and sharing our feeling which still ew." Said (Y/n), bitting the string in their mouth off the ball.
"And now we only have a month before the angel come-." Charlie said before laughing in her demonic form before turning back. "At this rate-."
"May it's time-"
"-to ask-"
Charlie getting close to Vaggies face and holding her checks before saying "DON'T SAY IT."
"-your dad." Vaggie finished saying and Charlie just groaned. "Charlie, I know you don't want to but we need every advantage we can get."
"He let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, "Go ahead and kill everyone"- Wait, that's it!" Charlie suddenly realized something.
"Kill everyone?" Questioned Vaggie.
"Say sike." Said (Y/n).
"No! He could get me a meeting with Heaven!" Said Charlie.
"Boo! It sucked last time! Adam is a dick!" Said (Y/n).
"He was being an asshole but he isn't in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top. There's sure to be some angels who will listen." Charlie said, getting out her phone but hesitant on calling.
"What's the holdup? You got daddy issues?" Asked Husk.
"Doesn't everyone?" Said (Y/n), earning looks. "Okay, well then must be a generation thing then."
"No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something." Charlie answered.
"Daddy issues." Said Husk and (Y/n), with one being more quiet about it.
"Well I'd like to meet the big dick in charge." Angel Dust said.
"The ultimate bad boy." Said Niffty before laughing and while holding a knife that Angel Dust quickly took away. "I bet he's scary."
"Wait, who is Charlie's dad?" Asked (Y/n) when Charlie decided to call.
"How the fuck do you not know? Her last name is Morningstar!" Said Angel Dust.
"Well I know she's a princess and Morningstar is a weapon." Said (Y/n).
"Toots, who would be the big dick in charge of Hell?"
"The devil?" Said (Y/n) before it clicked in their head. "Oh shit!"
Angle Dust and Husk laughed at their reaction.
"How have you not know yet?" Asked Husk. "You're an Overlord, you got to know politics in hell for that."
"I know I'm just busy making sure my area is taken care off and then helping here, I guess I never had time to draw the connection." Said (Y/n). "I didn't know the devil had a last name! Or a child!"
"He has a first name too."
"Oh shut up."
"Welp, we have an hour until he gets here." Said Charlie interrupting the conversation.
Vaggie then assigned everyone to do something and everyone scattered.
(Y/n) stood next to Angel Dust while he was doing his makeup while sitting on the table. Angel Dust finished and got scared by Niffty who was just staring at him, (Y/n) laughed.
"Come on, my dear. As the other one sponsoring the hotel, we both have to be front and center when he shows up." Said Alastor before guiding (Y/n) to stand beside the door next to him.
"Okay everyone, it's showtime." Charlie said before opening the door to a shorter blond hair demon with fancy attire.
"Hey, Da-." Charlie didn't get to finish before getting hugged really tight by her Dad.
"He's so short." (Y/n) whispered to Alastor, earning a soft chuckle from the demon.
"Oh its so good to see you. Haha!"
"It's uh, good to see you too, Dad." Said Charlie before he finally put her down. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"
KeeKee showed up along with Razzle and Dazzle to greet him and Lucifer, as (Y/n) finally remembered, greeted them and slight threat to Razzle and Dazzle to keep protecting Charlie.
"Wow! This place sure looks, uh...uh huh yah uh huh...It's got a lot of character!" Said Lucifer looking around the hotel before catching sight of the bar. "OH, what in the unholy hell is that?!"
"Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?" Said Alastor, leaving (Y/n) and appearing next to Angel Dust.
"And who are you?" Lucifer asked, Alastor with a flare of the dramatic reappeared behind Lucifer.
"Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure." Shaking Lucifer cane before wiping his hand off on his jacket. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Like my colleague said you are much shorter in real life." Panicked (Y/n) quickly got next to Alastor.
"Excuse him, I did not say those exact words." (Y/n) said, nudging Alastor. "But I'm (Y/n), pleasure to meet you."
"Who is this? Who is this man and child? Are you the bellhops?"
"Aha! No! I am the co-host of the hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast." Said Alastor.
"Not a kid, I'm co-manager slash other host slash sort of guest, usually when the others are busy. You probably haven't heard of me." Said (Y/n), copying Alastors introduction, shaking Lucifer's hand.
"Atleast this one has manners." Said Lucifer. "And nope havent heard of you! I guess that's why Charlie called it the Has-been Hotel, ahaha." (Y/n) quickly moved back away from the two.
"Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea."
"Ahaha. Well, it's not very clever."
"Ha ha! Fuck you." Alastor said before Charlie got in-between the two.
"Okay! Okay, anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor or (Y/n), we wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much."
"Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfil her bizarre requests." Said Alastor, putting his hand on Charlie's shoulder.
"Well they aren't bizarred request. Charlie thinks outside the box and it's nice to see her dreams become real." Said (Y/n) from the table, not getting closer to whatever beef Alastor decided he had against the other.
"Oh thank you guys." Said Charlie
"Ahem, Charlie! Dear, eheh, why don't you introduce me to your OTHER friends?" Said Lucifer, getting between the two and pointed at the group around the table.
"Oh yes, of course." Said Charlie getting next to Vaggie. "This is Vaggie, my girlfriend."
"Oh my golly! You like girls? So do I! We have so much in common! You put her there Maggie. Hey!" Lucifer said Hugging Vaggie, tightly. "Oh yeah, she's so pretty."
"Lovely to meet you, uh sir." Said Vaggie, taking a deep breath after being let go.
"This is our guests Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, and (Y/n) when they want to." Said Charlie.
"Your Majesty!" Said Sir Pentious trying to defend his cookies from Angel Dust and (Y/n).
"Heya short king~" Said Angel Dust, (Y/n) making a face at how Angel Dust said that.
"Hello from the otherside, again." They said, waving.
"(Y/n) helps with managing with Vaggie and helps when Alastor is busy." Said Charlie. "They just like helping, But anyway Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper."
"Nice to meet you." Said Husk before Niffty runs over and climbs up Lucifer's coat.
"Hello. I clean." She said before the chandelier fell making everyone cough.
"Alright then." Said Lucifer, pointing his cane at the chandelier magically making it disappear.
- "No one is gonna call you dad with that creepy ass smile" the song-
After Mimzy appeared, taking Alastor attention for alittle bit.
"So... you look nothing like how your depicted on earth." Said (Y/n), looking at Lucifer. "They used way to much red."
"..You're a sinner? When did you arrive in Hell?" Asked Lucifer.
"A few years ago. Around 2019 ish? It kinda blurry. I'm technically an Overlord." Answered (Y/n).
"(Y/n) is the youngest in the amount of years in Hell and age." Said Charlie. "They got here when they were 18 so that why they look like a kid." Said Charlie before Mimzy noticed that Lucifer was here, pushing Sir Pentious out of her way.
"Pleased to meet ya! Your Highness." She said before nudging Alastor. "Alastor, you gotta warn a girl when she's in mixed company."
"Charmed, I'm sure." Said Lucifer, sounding like he didn't care.
"As much as I'd love to catch up, Charlie, (Y/n) and I have a tour to continue." Said Alastor, Lucifer hearing this dragged Charlie.
"I'm sure Charlie can handle showing me around." Said Lucifer. "Along with (Y/n)."
"Why am I getting dragged into this?" They questioned with no response.
"Nonsense!" Said Alastor, grabbing Charlie and moved foward. "We started the hotel together, and we'll show it off together. Right, Charlie?"
"I was here before you!" Said (Y/n)
"Oh, right." Charlie said and Alastor let her go so she could show her father around with Vaggie and (Y/n) following behind.
This is going to be an interesting tour.
"So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven! We just need a little time to prove it. The sharing circles haven't been working as fast as I hoped." Charlie told her father, leading the group. (Y/n) walking close to Alastor noticed when Alastor stop and looked back to see Husk.
"Hey, boss. Can I have a word? Uh alone,(Y/n)." Asked Husk.
"Hurry along (Y/n), I wouldn't be long." Said Alastor and (Y/n) got a nervous feeling about what the conversation going to be.
"Okay, see ya Husk." They said before walking to where Charlie and the others went, not seeing Alastor turn his head an 180 degree to face Husk.
"What is it?"
(Y/n) caught up with Vaggie, who was walking behind Lucifer and Charlie.
"What happened?" Asked Vaggie, who noticed (Y/n) and Alastor had stopped earlier.
"Nothing hopefully, Husk just wanted to talk to Alastor." They explained. "How's it going?" Noticing the nervous look on Lucifer's face. Vaggie didn't answer before they got on a balcony and Charlie had her help explain the hotel mission.
"And we've almost been able to find all of Angel Dust's drug stashes… almost." Said Vaggie.
"I remember when I found one the first time, still had no idea what it was." Said (Y/n), remembering how they showed Vaggie it and she quickly took it away and scold Angel Dust for it.
"So, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!" Said Charlie, (Y/n) zone out know with how Lucifer acting Charlie would be disappointed in his response. They leaned on the railing, looking at the view of Hell.
"-Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope. Look at (Y/n)!Why would heaven put a kid here? Unless they're a mass murder." Said Lucifer, getting (Y/n)'s attention.
"I'm not."
"These are our people, Dad, I… I have to try!" Said Charlie.
"Our 'people' Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible!" Said Lucifer.
"Hey! I didn't even get to even use my so call freewill and Charlie is trying to help!" Said (Y/n).
"Well I don't want her to herself on the line for people like-." Said Lucifer before a loud thud, shaking the hotel.
"For fucks sake."
"Geez! What now?!" Said Vaggie before everyone looked out to see Loan sharks at the front door with a battering ram.
"Well, like that." Said Lucifer.
"Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!" One of the sharks yell
"Oh go fuck yourself!" Yelled (Y/n) before being pulled into a portal by Charlie.
"Que Carajo?!" Yelled Vaggie.
"What's going on?!" Said Charlie.
"I maaaaaay be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from—." Said Mimzy before hiding from a loud sound "And I may have also stolen a car… and crashed it… into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!"
Then all hell broke lose by the windows breaking with a barrage of fireballs, scaring everyone.
"My windows!" Yelled Niffty, upset with the broken windows.
"Ah, we're under siege! Ah! Take cover!" Said Sir Pentious, finally letting go of his cookies while dodging a fireball. Everyone panicking scrambled for cover.
"I'm going to fucking kill these assholes!" Said (Y/n), getting pulled by Charlie again away from a fireball.
"You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn't matter how well intentioned you are, they're always going to disappoint you." Said Lucifer unbothered with the chaos, getting on (Y/n)'s last nerve.
"You- just shut up! I'll handle this-." They said before Alastor appeared infront of them.
"No my dear, leave it to me. It's time to remind everyone why I am here."
"I'm also here for a reason, Alastor." Said (Y/n), glaring at the other overlord.
"Very well, shall we dear child?"
"We shall."
"A reminder to all, not to mess with the radio demon!"
"Oh, finally! Took you long enough!" Said Mimzy, earning a look from (Y/n).
(Y/n) let Alastor eat everyone in his demon form while they fought off and weakened the rest for him to finish.
"Does it even taste good?"
"Do you want to try some?"
"No thanks old man."
(Y/n) left Alastor to deal with Mimzy, seeing Charlie and Lucifer comforting each other before singing from the door way.
-"I'm happy they are solving their issues but why does it always have to be by song?"-
"Aww, that's so sssweet." Said Sir Pentious.
"It was." Said (Y/n), patting him on the back.
"Ok, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be ok?" Said Lucifer.
"I'll be fine." Said Charlie.
"That's my girl, good luck kiddo." He said before vanishing in red mist. (Y/n) got closer to Charlie.
"So you're gonna actually do this? Fucking mint, I guess." They said, not completely on board about Heaven of all places.
"The next part is going to be scary, you ready?" Said Vaggie.
"I'm ready, cuz you're gonna be with me." Said Charlie, hugging Vaggie.
"In spirit, right?" Said Vaggie.
"In Heaven!"
"Yay..." said Vaggie before (Y/n) started laughing at her reaction, earning a glare from Vaggie and a look from Charlie.
"You're coming too, (Y/n)!" Said Charlie, making (Y/n) stop laughing.
"Why?!" They said.
"Because you were the first one to help after Vaggie! You're a main part of the hotel!" Said Charlie, pulling (Y/n) in the hug.
"I'm killing myself." Said (Y/n) with a blank look on their face.
"I'm kidding... mostly."
"Why would they want to meet (Y/n) aswell?"
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actually-azi · 3 months
✨ Rating Hazbin Hotel ships ✨
Adam / Lucifer - 3/10, It's definitely a funny concept that Lucifer fucked both his wives and then him, but in reality it's a no from me.
Adam / Lute - 7/10, Their relationship would've been unhealthy af but not gonna lie it's pretty cute. I just love Lute so goddamn much lol.
Alastor / Lucifer - 7/10, I like the concept because it's genuinely funny and kinda cute but only as a crack ship. I definitely don't see it actually happening.
Alastor / Literally anyone else - 0/10, I genuinely don't think Alastor would ever even consider a relationship. He just thinks he's above everyone else.
Angel / Cherri - 0/10, What the fuck y'all, he's gay. This one is weird af and idk why it's even a thing.
Angel / Husk - 10/10, I love that Husk cares about Angel for more than sex, they're so cute together especially if they take things slowly.
Charlie / Emily - 2/10, They're so similar that together I feel like it would be too much. Also I really dislike the idea of splitting up Chaggie.
Charlie / Emily / Vaggie - 6/10, I probably wouldn't mind all three of them together. It would be cute to call it Charlie's Angels lol.
Charlie / Vaggie - 10/10, I love them together, they're so supportive and adorable. The way Vaggie looks at Charlie with so much love warms my heart.
Cherri / Sir Pentious - 7/10, I don't like Cherri all that much but I'm so happy that Pen got the girl in the end, he deserves to be loved.
Lilith / Lucifer - 5/10, Mostly it's low because I'm suspicious of Lilith. If she ends up not terrible then I could see it being higher but idk, it's sus for now.
Lute / Vaggie - 7/10, I enjoy the idea of them being exes or something like that. Or Lute being jealous of what Vaggie has with Charlie.
Niffty / Valentino - 10/10, Great crack ship. The fanart is hilarious and Nif's love of bad boys makes it a great concept. But I do pretty much only like it as a joke.
One sided Vox / Alastor - 15/10, This is 100% canon in my head. Vox is SO down bad for Alastor and took it SO personally that Alastor couldn't give less of a fuck like the aroace king he is. I love this SO much.
Valentino / Vox - 500/10, This is my Hazbin OTP honestly. These two losers are terrible people but I love them together more than I can even put into words. They just fit so well together and act like an old married couple.
Valentino / Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Velvette sees Vox and Val as her dumb gay dads and I'll die on that hill. They're more like a family and she's the glue that keeps the other two from imploding when they get pissy.
Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Not feeling it. Honestly I think Velvette is aroace and/or a lesbian. I just don't see anything romantic involving her and either of the other Vees.
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Charlie Morningstar’s list of people to be aggressively kind to:
-Nobody, it’s so mean!
-Valentino. (Sorry Angel!)
-Adam, make him understand what I’m trying to do. Or at least stop being a dick.
-Lute, similar reasons at Adam. Maybe she just needs to hear me out!
-Alastor, so he opens up more!
-Vox? Try to work out what his issues with Alastor so he stops harassing the hotel. And stops telling Pentious to KILL HIMSELF.
-Katie Killjoy.
-People of Heaven.
-Angel’s brother, see if we can work out their differences!
-Angel’s father, maybe? Boundaries but also sometimes it takes that push like with me and dad? See what Angel thinks though.
-Person who made the Alastor body pillow, just… why?
-People who make them uncomfortable. Tell them it’s wrong and try to get them to stop.
-Vaggie said I should add people who make ME uncomfortable.
-People who say ducks suck. It really makes my dad sad. Inform them of the myriad of reasons why ducks do not, in fact, suck.
-People who try to interrupt my friends’ dates. Try to get them to leave.
Vaggie was right, being aggressively kind doesn’t work all the time. And while hurting people is bad, I may have to resort to different tactics if they continue to hurt people I can about. If this hotel has taught me anything it’s that morality is complicated, and nothing is worth my loved ones getting hurt.
Charlie’s would like to hit list:
-Exorcists (not ex-exorcists like Vaggie or those that feel remorse)
-Anyone who uses Angel or tries to tell him all he’s good for is sex or touches him in any way he doesn’t consent to.
-People in Heaven who know about the genocide and continue to allow this to happen.
-Angel’s dad.
-Niffty’s ABUSIVE ex husband.
-Husk’s dad. (Why do all my friends have shitty dads?)
-Vox and Velvette for knowing about and contributing to Angel’s abuse.
-Anyone who hurts Fat Nuggets, Kee Kee, or Razzle. Why would anyone do that?!
-Anyone who hurts my family.
-Really anyone on the other list that continues to knowingly hurt others.
-Alastor for hurting and betraying us. I trusted you.
-WHOEVER is hurting Alastor.
That’s all! :) If someone happens to find this list know that this is not with intent to hurt anyone! Just people I should really talk to…
But if talking doesn’t work…
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pigidin · 2 months
OKAY. Am I the only one fascinated by how much Alastor in s1 has interacted with other demons and built a potential for considerable amount of different, broad and unique relationships? With All of them being non-romantic/sexual?
I really don't wanna dive into the discourse of shipping coz honestly, I do think that erasing Al's aroaceness is not cool at all. Personally, I don't see him wishing any romance/sex at all, and well. Considering how platonic he actually is throughout the season, it kinda seems like people forget that friendship (or basically anything non rom-sex) exists in the first place.
Coz, like, let's see what we got::
Vox -- probably one-sided (psychosexual) crush from Vox with possible past friendship between them, them hating on each other yet having (used to have) some respect as well. The ANGST, the drama (for both of sides). Insert aroace troubles (possible aphobia from Vox? Or not? He may be biggest ally as well!) and Vox's petty feelings that are insanely interesting to explore (and laugh at).
Lucifer -- immediate hate that (with a course of events) can turn into forced bonding. The potential of queerplatonic parenting of Charlie is HUGE here. Insecurities from Al? Forced care? Banters? SHENANIGANS? Luci patching up Al after battle, prolly discovering his deal and them slowly bonding on shared interests? Hey.
Rosie -- literal established queerplatonic partners, married for tax benefits, spending their evenings gossiping, hating on Susan and Al rolling his eyes on another romance-rel drama Rosie was trying to help sb with. Rosie can have insane influence on him whether it is understanding modern things or just being with him when he needs it. It also gives off mom/son to me.
Husk -- fucked up master-pet not-friendship with probable care rooted since they were closer in past. Is it toxic? Yes. Is it giving off some problematic dynamic? Sure. Yet it's fucking complex on its core considering pilot, bits and pieces of their interaction and how easily Husk used to insult Al until he overstepped. Them two are quite similar if you think about it and if Al got over his ego it could benefit him a lot.
Niffty -- daugther/father dynamic with them sharing one sadistic-psycho braincell and genuinely enjoying each other's quirks. Protective Al? I just need more Niff and them two being partners in the most outrageous crimes.
Mimzy -- friendship going since they were humans, with them having an amazing (potential) backstory of sharing evenings on two. Al enjoying her company as well as being protective and helpful to her with nothing in return.
Charlie -- manipulated into trusting you as a dad figure? Don't tell me there is nothing below Al's creepy plans or that he wouldn't grow to care for her. He already is proud of her and finds amusement in her inspiration-skills (also, performance is his thing for a reason)
Angel -- I was honestly kinda upset we didn't see any interactions between them except one sex joke, coz my past era of Hunicasts was a fuel to their duo. Them bonding over how different they are is the best description of their dynamic. Also banters and body-puns.
You can't just erase Alastor from interacting with people, but putting him inside boxes of allonormative relationships while he has such a fucking huge potential for everything beyond just that - is quite.. disappointing. People turning a blind eye to a wide variety of relationships he can have (potential to which is set in canon) for the sake of just romance/sex is low key sad.
It's AWESOME to see ppl actually understanding it and.. damn THANKS to everyone who explores Al's relationship with others without it involving final wish to stick tongues into places. Dynamics can be interesting and exciting without it.
I really don't wanna project my romance-aversion onto Al, but when romance and sex is one thing you see everywhere.. it's hard to just let it slip.
You are allowed to do whatever you want, exploring physical intimacy is fun as well, and having Al, well, there are bunch of ways to show it with respecting his orientation and the fact that IT AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS/ATTRACTIONS but please just don't make it the center of your attention, the one thing relationship revolves around, coz sadly it's just exactly how it looks like from some folks.
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Hello! I really love your work, I just HAD to pop in your inbox after seeing your fics about Alastor's daughter.
What if Alastor's daughter is an angel that is scared of demons.
Like, when they were alive, Alastor's daughter used to be such a sweet child and I mean SWEET. Would never hurt a soul. Though she got killed at a young age because of envious children her age, left her in the forest to scare her but she got mauled by wolves and died.
Before she died, she was aware of Alastor's killings but she wouldn't speak up because she was too scared. IMAGINE ALASTOR BEING SUCH A LOVING DAD BUT ALL SHE CAN THINK ABOUT IS WHAT IF SHES NEXT IF SHE FUCKS UP AROUND HIM.
And he's not aware that she thinks that way. So when Sera sent her to investigate the Hazbin Hotel (to see if Charlie's theory is really true) she sees Alastor and gets tense even though he's so sincere around her.
How would everything gooo omg I'd like to see how creative you'll get!!
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You never hurt a soul and that’s what helped you get into heaven.
You loved your father. You did but you were also terrified of him.
He was a serial killer, a murderer, and even if he tucked you into bed at night and made the best food, you could still be next.
You felt guilty the day he died because while you were heartbroken you were also so relieved.
You confessed to the police his sins as soon as they came to the house to break the news of his death.
You were crying, choking on tears as you told them everything.
It was the best and worst day of your life.
Despite that, life remained difficult for you.
People were cruel and mean and heartless and you died before the age of twenty.
You made it to Heaven.
You were a top winner, one revered for their kindness.
That’s how you got asked by Sera to go to Hell to observe Charlie’s idea first hand. Her being too untrusting of the angels to not start killing and “sanitizing” Hell as soon as they got there.
You were excited. You met Charlie while she was in Heaven.
She was somewhat of a kindred spirit. You got on with her well.
(Alastor actually does reminisce over you and his mother both in Hell. The lyric “You’re like a child that I wish that I had” in Hells Greatest Dad would have been changed to “You’re like the child which I used to have.”)
You went through the portal with her and Vaggie.
Both girls seemed conflicted, something must have happened during the meeting they had with the angels but Charlie quickly put on a smile and started explaining what everything was.
When you get to the Hotel, you seem him. You never thought you’d see your father again. You weren’t sure you wanted to even if you missed him. You immediately froze.
His brows furrowed as he looked at you before his smile widened, sharp teeth replacing the human ones you once knew but they were still coffee-stained.
“Is that my darling angel?” he asked as he walked towards you. “My dear, look how you’ve grown.”
He used the tips of his fingers to angle your face towards him and you couldn’t pull away. You were frozen in place, looking at him with wide eyes.
“You two know each other?” Charlie asked.
“Why yes, we do indeed,” Alastor said. “You recall I mentioned having a child.”
“Oh my god! Oops, sorry. Don’t use the lord’s name in vain and all. But this is so great!”
“Yeah,” you said meekly. “So great.”
Alastor would notice something wrong. He remembers your behaviors well. He’d try to make you comfortable while unknowingly pressing your buttons more.
Everyone else also notices something wrong, except Niffty.
Sir Pentious and Charlie likely think you’re just anxious and try to make you feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible.
Vaggie assumes it’s because you’re in Hell.
Husk and Angel realize it’s because Alastor’s there.
The two team up to make sure you’re never ever left completely alone.
They even manage to pull you away for a bit.
Husk offers some good advice and true silence not filled with the background of a radio crackling.
Angel let’s you bury your head in his fluff.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
orphaned cannibal adoption AU- Charlie BURSTING in the hotel front doors, striking the iconic lion king pose, and proudly presenting the cannibal kid to the other hotel denizens
Charlie: "GUYS OH MY GOSH LOOK LOOK LOOK!" (waggles the kid happily) "A KID!!!!!!!!! Kid, say hi!"
Cannibal Kid: “Hi…”
Husk: "What the fuck is this? Child labor??"
Vaggie: "No."
Cannibal Kid: (dangling in Charlie’s grip) "I'm VERY high up right now."
Charlie: "Do you like it? The hotel? The high up-ness? The other people living here? We can change ANYTHING you like! You are my child now, and I'm melting like silly putty in your tiny, tiny hands!"
Angel Dust: "Thrillin', toots. Who carried."
Cannibal Kid: "Small hands are useful for getting things out of tight spaces."
Charlie: "I did!"
Vaggie: "Do I wanna know what kinds of things you usually get from what kinds of spaces?"
Angel Dust: "Huh. Would'a thought it'd be Vaginal Area over here."
Cannibal Kid: "Internal organs. From still warm bodies."
Vaggie: "Great."
Charlie: "I carried our new kid here ALLLLLLL the way from Cannibal Town! On my shoulders! Just like how my dad used to do with me!! Only I didn’t turn into a horse or a kangaroo or-"
Niffty: "Aww, that's a long way to walk!" (raises hand) "THEY CAN SNACK ON MY HAND IF THEY'RE HUNGRY!"
Vaggie: "Niffty, Rosie packed a lunch."
Niffty: "NOOOOOOOO...!!!"
Vaggie: "And it's adoption, Angel Dust you asshole. Also try keeping the swearing to a G rating okay."
Husk: "You fucking first."
Vaggie: "Fuck."
Cannibal Kid: "Don't worry. Auntie Rosie taught me to only put nice things in my mouth."
Charlie: "Ooooh like candy?!" (realizing cannibal) "Or, wait-"
Cannibal Kid: "Like eyeballs."
Husk: (SNORTS)
Angel Dust: "Ouchie~"
Vaggie: "What? What? Wanna share something with the room, dingbat!?"
Angel Dust: "I meannnnnn- 's not like you're exactly well equipped to feed your new kid, are ya Vagginator? That's kinda... EYE-ronic."
Husk: (snorts so hard his fur fluffs up)
Niffty: "I have an eye I HAVE AN EYE!!! It's BIG and ROUND and-"
Vaggie: "No."
Cannibal Kid: "Aw."
Vaggie: "Oh for- Husk, just, break a bottle and let Niffty have the glass or something. This is too much sudden family bonding happening right now."
Husk: "Let me fucking empty one first." (starts chugging)
Vaggie: (SIGHS)
Charlie: "Right." (lowers kid to eye level) (her eye level, not vaggie’s) "Have you ever heard... of gummy worms?"
Cannibal Kid: "No. But I ate someone named Gary Wormwood once."
Charlie: "That's pretty close!"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, no it's not."
Charlie: "Vaggie, as the mothers, our kid's 'best so far' is always more than good enough for us, it's AMAZING."
Cannibal Kid: "He wasn't that great."
Angel Dust: "Leavin' totally mid Gary to rot somewhere back in creepy Cannibal Town, what's the name of your own sweet little murder baby?"
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "Uh.... Charlie, are you gonna...?"
Charlie: "I mean you're the one who clicked with them, I thought you'd be doing the big introductions!"
Vaggie: "I'd love too, sweetie, but I don't actually... y'know."
Charlie: "What?"
Vaggie: “…um.”
Angel Dust: "...you don't know their fuckin' name, do ya?"
Charlie: "WHAT!?"
Vaggie: "It, it never came up! I thought I'd find out when you said it!"
Angel Dust: "Oh fuck me with a plastic dick- Neither of ya's gay morons know's the kid's name???"
Cannibal Kid: "It's Annie."
Annie: "Short for Annabelle."
Hotel Crew: “……”
Vaggie: "....like, Annabelle the… cannibal?"
Annie: "Tragically."
Charlie: "Oh but that's. A. Lovely name."
Annie: "My dead parents thought they were both really funny." (flat stare) "They weren't."
Angel Dust: “Sucks to be you, kid. Sorry ‘bout your old man and lady.”
Annie: “It’s okay. They didn’t own a hotel.”
Charlie: “Ahhaha! This is a horrible thing to say, but- I feel like your FIRST life changing experience with us will be learning the true meaning of family!”
Annie: “Since you’re the princess of hell, what does that make me?”
Vaggie: “A normal kid who’s mom is princess of hell.”
Annie: “Dang.”
Angel Dust: “Oh I’m gonna LOVE bein’ your uncle! You’ve got piz-zazz don’t ya~?”
Annie: “No.” (pulls Razzle out from under their coat) “His name’s Razzle.”
Angel Dust: “That ain’t exactly what I meant-”
Annie: “I know. I was just being funnier than you.”
Husk: “Ha! Now this is MY kinda kid!”
Angel Dust: “Yeah sure whatever, I’m still gonna be a waaay cooler uncle than you, so… uhhh… Vaggie-boner, why’s your girlfriend making that noise?”
Vaggie: “The ‘eeeeee’ing?”
Angel Dust: “Yeah.”
Vaggie: “It’s one of her happy sounds.”
Angel Dust: “What the fuck is she so happy about. Didn’t she get over the whole burst of motherly endorphins thing while signin’ adoption papers over in Eats-your-face-burg?”
Vaggie: “I mean, you did kinda just make it sound like you think of her as family.”
Angel Dust: “Of course you gays are family! What the fuck???”
Husk: “….you fucking idiot. Now you’ve made them both cry.”
Niffty: “I wish that was meeee…”
Annie: “I think they’re tears of joy." (dabs tear on finger and tries it) "Tastes like it, anyway. Too sweet.” (pulls face) "Blegh."
Niffty: “Emotional pain from the AGONIZING realization of everything that’d been CUT AWAY FROM YOU LIKE A KNIFE TO YOUR HEART at the same moment someone VIOLENTLY SHOVES a brand new PAINFULLY BEATING HEART into the EMPTY CAVITY that used to hold your BRUTALLY CRUSHED DREAMS… can be fun too…”
Angel Dust: “….”
Husk: “….”
Annie: “Aunt Niffty, you’re so cool.”
Niffty: “Really!? I’m also gonna let you play with KNIVES!!!”
Angel Dust: “-no, no you won’t. No. Both of ya’s listen carefully- the word of the day is ‘N’… ‘O’.”
Annie: “Knife starts with a ‘K’.”
Husk: “He wasn’t spelling knife.”
Annie: “He could've been if he’d started it with a ‘K’.”
Annie: "So is this the true meaning of family?"
Vaggie: "It's....close enough."
Annie: “Okay. I like it here, tall mom. It’s soggy, because you’re crying on me, but it’s nice.”
Vaggie: “There-there, sweetie. Maybe try to not break our kid’s eardrums on the first day?”
Husk: “You’re still crying out of your one fucking eye-”
Vaggie: “Shut up.”
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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countycashew54 · 2 months
Caught-AlastorxLucifer fic
Also please remember this is my FIRSTT attempt at writing so... if you yell at me I will cry.
Waking up after a one-night stand is rough.
Waking up after a one-night stand with the Radio Demon proved to be just as horrific, if not more. Only the difficult nature of this wake up had little focus on Alastor at all. In fact, the opposite.
See, when you wake up to your daughter and her entire hotel, residents and staff, (although that's not saying much) barging into your room while you're in bed with the man who is also trying to parent your daughter; you're bound to have an extremely, painstakingly rough morning.
"Dad we can't fin- oh. OH-wo- that is jus-... Dad is that- Alastor?" Charlie was very clearly fighting to keep her shock and disgust off of her face, with a forced smile. Whether it was from seeing her father and her hotelier in bed together or the state of unclothed said men were in remained to be seen.
"Morning Deer!" Alastor smiled, as though nothing was out of the ordinary.
"Shit- Charlie, sweetie, this isn't what it looks like, I mean we- he-"
"NO- I mean, no need to explain dad! I am super happy to see you guys are finally…getting along! In fact, I am SO happy about it that I am going to create an activity for our patrons focused on making friendships and boundaries! You know maybe you two could be the ones to lead the activity and-" Charlie's shock-toned voice began to trail off as she was slowly walked away from the room by Vaggie, who managed to glare threateningly at them both with her one eye.
Seconds, minutes?, passed by with Alastor adjusting his hair as if nothing just occurred, while Lucifer was engaged in a reluctant stare down with Husk, Angel, Niffty, and Sir Pentious.
Angel was the one to break the standoff, a wide grin on his face.
"So I guess now I know why Smiles wasn' intrested in gettin' a sample of all o' this," a lewd gesture to his legs by one set of hands, and a scrunch of his chest fluff with the other, "when I offered huh?"
Alastor narrowed his eyes at the spider while Lucifer began to feel a golden glow coming to his cheeks, "A-and why would that be? exactly?"
"ain't it obvious? Al clearly got a kink for short kings wit' more power than he's used to, I don' fit the bill on either o' those."
"I think you will suffice to close your mouth before you end up caught in your own web, Pest." The Radio Demon's eyes had begun to darken to black as his antlers grew steadily.
"HA! He's only mad cus' I totally got it right! Huskie-baby you owe me twenty bucks!"
"Yeah, yeah let's get out of here before he decides you're his next meal," Husk had begun pushing Angel away in almost the same manner Vaggie had with Charlie.
Another moment of silence ticked by..
"Ssso-" Pentious was cut off by Lucifer's growl.
"LEAVE. please," horns and scarlet eyes flared.
As Pentious fled, Niffty awaited instruction from Alastor, who then nodded to release her from her stand still. Once she was out of the doorway Lucifer slammed the door closed with a flick of the wrist, falling back into the pillows with a groan.
Alastor had returned to his usual form, still sitting upright he glanced towards Lucifer, "well that was an entertaining start to the morning."
Lucifer ripped himself upright to glare at the man, "what part of making our little night of fun known to the entire hotel, to my daughter, was entertaining to you?"
"Why the overwhelming discomfort from all parties involved of course," He then leaned forward to whisper, "you included, my darling, you now know how much I love to watch you squirm."
Lucifer froze as the words processed through his brain and sent chills down his body. His eyes slightly crossing as he gazed at the sinner with shocked lust.
As Lucifer was processing, the demon had already stood from the bed and snapped his clothing back into pristine condition with the use of his shadows, "I do hope to see you at this morning's breakfast, the tense atmosphere that our daughter facilitates won't be the same without you, mon ange."
With a swift kiss to Lucifer's cheek the sinner was out the door, humming a radiostaticed tune that sounded vaguely from the 30's.
Lucifer stayed still for a moment, calming his body down while also wondering what had just happened. A jolt came to him when he realized, “WAIT, OUR DAUGHTER?”
Once again, please be nice to me this is my first time writing anything so I literally winged it. Hope you guys enjoyed it :,)
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radvelvetcakez · 3 months
Hazbin Swap AU (PT2 ig???)
ok i need to share my ideas right now. Chaggie is real. Chaggie will always be real. - During an extermination, Charlie got injured attempting to protect a sinner, only being spared when the exorcist clocked her as the princess - Vaggie, an exorcist, found her hiding and caring for her wounds, she didn't recognise her as the literal princess, but she couldnt help but feel guilty and chose to help her. She was never caught by the other angels, meaning she was blessed enough to keep her eye and wings!!!! She stayed in hell tho cause love at first sight and lalallala yeah. Sapphics guys !!!! Husk, Niffty, & Angel take the place of the Vee's - they're that overlord trio. They're probably a bit more.. Merciful (except for Niffty she's deranged) but yk. Still inherently bad people n stuff Vox is the first hotel resident - except he & Alastor still have beef. He only showed up so he could do the exact opposite of proving the hotel to work as a big fuck you. Alastor does NOT want him there but he's their only guest so he kind of has to just accept it - he acts all friendly because he knows it pisses Vox off OVERLORD VAGGIE !!!! Charlie & Vaggie basically co-own souls - when Charlie says they share EVERYTHING she means EVERYTHING. Charlie already owned a lot of souls before meeting Vaggie, because, you know, she actually better embodies the whole "princess of hell" in this, and when they got together she was IMMEDIATELY LIKE "Vaggie I have a GENIUS idea. Since we're like girlfriends and stuff we should totes share like EVERYTHING so do you want to like - co-own all the souls I have?" And so Vaggie rose to power fairly quickly. Dating the princess of hell does wonders man Obviously. Alastor is the one starting the hotel, and Rosie is like. His Vaggie basically, she's there for moral support. - Also, unlike canon.. Rosie would be the one who doesn't know who Charlie is (where Angel didn't know about Alastor) Alastor: "Rosie! The... Princess of Hell is at the dooor..." Rosie: "Who?" Vox: "WHAT?" Charlie shows up cause her dad sends her a call about having to go see heaven in a weeks time and she REALLLYYY doesn't wanna go because ouhhh last time she talked to Adam he was an ASSHOLE and she would rather kill herself than talk to him again - so when she finds out about the hotel her immediate reaction is to head there and see if they'd rather take on the burden of seeing heaven. Cause you know, surely they'd love to get heaven behind their whole redemption shit, right???? They arent. Alastor is not at all interested in talking to heaven but Charlie really isn't having it and girl is BEGGING him to just take the offer because she PROMISES they'll be on it - the few silent threats she added are nobodies business chat.. Adam lowkey fucks w the idea of sinners being redeemed but he's also just too stubborn and prideful to agree and hes also mad he didn't come up w it first so he tells Al to FUCK OFF bc his idea is so stupid :// (Its genius and he refuses to admit it.) I need to include all the Vee's for the sake of my mental health so. - Valentino works for Angel Dust (wow. shocker so original /s) & when the little group finds out that THE princess of hell is helping some nobody overlord like Alastor they are just ??? and sent Val in to see what the FUCK is wrong with the girl. And what theyre getting up to - Charlie drags Velvette & Pentious in by the hair to work at the hotel - She met Pentious when he was in a bad situation and offered to help him in exchange for his soul - despite this, she didn't really use her ownership of his soul to her advantage and they became friends :3 He's happy to help - Velvette sold her soul to Vaggie for protection from the princess's very own guardian angel because she kept getting into shit with overlords and needed to save her ass. & again, Chaggie co-own souls
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harleehazbinfics · 3 months
Chapter 12: Our Deal Table of Contents | Profile
Word Count: 1400+ A/N: 😭 we're already done!! thank you sm for being part of the journey hngh, it's insane how much this blog has grown despite it just me spitting out random scenarios, this was my first series here. so im grateful to each and every one that has come with me in the process. every heart, comment and reblog made me happy. please enjoy the s1 finale! I'll be over my other works doing stuff so you can check them out here: link
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“I need you to stay here,” I say holding Abby’s shoulders, “We can’t risk you getting caught in the crossfire. Promise me.”
She furrows here brows before nodding, “I understand.”
“Good,” I say firmly before kissing her cheek, “I love you so much.”
“Stay safe, mom,” she encourages with a smile.
I return it and give her crystal orb. “Here, you can have this. This can help you see what’s going on outside.”
She accepts and immediately inspects it. Her fingers brushing on the screen seeing her mother’s face in the orb as she was in real time. I gave a smile which was transmitted to the orb instantly. She slides on the orb one more time to her father, attending the speech Charlie was speaking. She hid it with the use of her powers and gives me one final hug.
“Dear, why don’t you join the other’s downstairs? You should get to know them better now that you decided on staying,” Alastor joins us and holds my waist with one hand and his microphone in the other.
“Oh! Right!” she enthusiastically runs down the hall and disappears.
“Gosh, where does she get that energy from,” I comment holding my cheek, feeling tired just looking at her. “That definitely wasn’t from me.”
Alastor laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek before we follow after her slowly. He says this instead of answering, “As long as she’s happy that’s fine!”
I roll my eyes playfully at him and gazed at the group that gathered around the bar. I spot Abby holding a glass of orange juice trying to get closer to Cherri. I laugh at her actions, of course she chooses the coolest one to be her friend.
“Hi! I’m Abigail! You can just call me Abby,” she introduces holding out her hand.
“Uhh, sup? Name’s Cherri,” the pinkette answers reluctantly shaking her hand.
“Pleasure to meet you! We’ve met before but I never caught your name,” Abby asks the arachnid.
“Angel Dust. Angel’s fine, toots. Orange juice? What are you? 5?” Angel asks not exactly mocking her, but genuine confused by her choice.
“I’ve tried liquor before but it’s just not for me,” she replies not even bothered that she just got slighted.
“Fair enough,” Angel shrugs before walking to the bar to talk to Husk.
“So, uhh, your dad’s the radio demon?” Cherri asks trying to be polite.
“Indeed!” Abby answers enthusiastically, “We haven’t seen each other since I was a kid though.”
“Oh, why? What happened?” Cherri asks placing her drink down.
“He—uhh died when I was younger and by the time I was 15 I only had a few memories that I remember of him.”
“Oh shit. What about your mom though?”
“Mom also died when I was 14. So, I was on my own for a time in my life.”
“Well, at least we survived that shit. To being orphans!” Cherri exclaims raising her glass to Abby.
“Hurray?!” Abby panics confused and clinked their glasses together before doing the same as Cherri who downed her drink.
Alastor and I laugh while Niffty crawls on the railing between us.
“Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?”
 “I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!” she replies enthusiastically, while I watched the two talk with a smile on my face.
“Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed,” he sighs looking back down at them, particularly at Abby who was getting along with them quite well.
“I dub thee, King Roach,” NIffty proclaimed, putting on a bug crown on Alastor which he let her do and gave her a little bow.
“Oh, to understand your twisted little mind!” he comments before they started cackling where Alastor just played along with her. It made me sentimental of how he used to play house and have tea parties with Abby way back when.
Niffty scampers off with the other giving me the space and scoot over to him. “Will you be okay handling Adam?” I asked worriedly.
“It’ll be fine. I’ll be as careful as can. I’m not going to lose to him that easily,” he snorts, “You, however, I need you to back to me in one piece.”
I sighed and reminded him, “I think you forgot our deal, Al. I won’t exist if you don’t.”
He falls silent and tries to think. While I continue and place my hand on his chest, “You own my heart and my everything. This body beats for two. United as one, in sickness and in health—”
“Til’ death do us part,” we finish together. He wordlessly encases me in his arms and fall into a comfortable silence.
“Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!”
Alastor and I waited for them at the top of the hotel, watching as the angels begin their assault.
“Let the slaughter begin. AHAHAHAHAHAHA-HA!” Alastor yells swinging his microphone, summoning a black force field around us.
I left him and dove all the way from the rooftop and phasing to the floor, allowing me to transform into my giant demon form. With a terrifying grin and half lidded eyes that craved for chaos, I let out a shriek causing everyone to cover their ear giving Alastor to cut down the angels.
I raise my left and clenched it into a fist encasing every angel that aimed for me in a bubble immobilizing them, leaving them to Angel to shoot down. In that moment, Alastor’s shield disappeared leaving the silhouette of Adam with a sadistic smile.
He lounges for me while I only swiped him away with my hand causing him to tumble and crash on top of the hotel where Alastor was waiting for him. I left them and focused on helping the others, summoning my underlings to help the others.
After a while of killing angels, their numbers didn’t seem to waver making me curse under my breath feeling the weight of prolonging this fight for so long. I let out a pained shriek collapsing on myself and transforming back to my original form.
‘Shit. Is Alastor ok? What the hell happened?’ I thought starting to get delirious with the pain.
“SUCK MY HOLY LIGHT, FUCKERS! YEAH!” Adam yells over our heads making me glare at him.
“What? Alastor was supposed to handle him. Oh no, he must be—”
White noise fills my ears as my vision starts to fail me leaving me in an unconscious state, where the last thing I see was tendrils wrapping around me.
Everyone hugs him seeing his return that he was safe, however they fail to spot Miledy with him.
“Dad… Where’s mom?” Abby asks worried, trying to calm herself before she goes crazy looking for her mom.
“She’s fine. Just resting,” he assures giving his daughter a smile. ‘She has to be,’ he thought furrowing his brows before following the others.
“Al!” I scream getting away from an exorcist that was after me. She pushes me down and attempts to stab my chest. As soon as the steel met my skin, a tendril pushes her off me. I screamed as I see a large cut, opening up my chest. I watch mortified as I see my own beating heart.
Alastor rushes to me and knelt beside me. I hold onto him tightly confused and afraid, “Al, where are we? I don’t know what’s going on. I’m scared!”
His breathing stutters and tries to answer her, his eyes knit together and wore a frown. “It’s okay, you’re okay. I need to save you. You have to make a deal with me, Mel.”
I nodded my head despite not knowing anything he was saying. I just wanted to get out of here and be with him. Explain things to me carefully without my life being endangered and on the run.
“Mel, you will have to give your heart to me. So that no one will find your weakness, this is to keep you alive. Do we have a deal?” Alastor says to me seriously a faint green light emanating from him and his outstretched hand.
I nodded vehemently and shook his hand, “Deal.”
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@marxo5, @whaatttlaufey, @froggybich
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Look, I can understand where people are coming from when they criticize the portryal of the female characters in Helluva Boss.
But extending that same criticism to Hazbin Hotel is where I draw the fucking line.
Hazbin literally has a female protagonist with her own independant goal, who has to work hard for it because people constantly belittle her ideas and beliefs, and eventually gets proven right when it works in the end. Charlie tried to do what was thought impossible, and accomplished it when Sir Pentious gets ascended to heaven. Her love interest has her own backstory before meeting Charlie, where she used to work for the same exorcists who are responsible for nearly driving Charlie's people to extinction and almost making her fail to redeem anyone at the hotel. Vaggie kept this a secret from Charlie since they met, and Charlie feels betrayed by Vaggie to the point of not feeling like she should trust her anymore until it gets resolved. Vaggie has more characterizarion in season 1 of Hazbin alone than Millie does in the entirety of Helluva Boss pre-Hell's Belle's.
Lute is one of the main antagonists. She contributed just as much to the genocide as Adam did, is openly bigoted like Adam, has more common sense than Adam, is the only exorcist with a name, is just as much of a threat to the hotel as Adam is and most of all she survives while he doesn't. Sera approved of the genocide, but felt guilty about it because Adam would've probably killed her or something, which Emily calls her out on regardless. Speaking of Emily, she joins Charlie in on calling heaven out for their hypocrisy and literally says she detests being treated like a child.
Velvette is no less evil than the other two Vees. She sells love potions (aka date rape drugs) and treats her employees cruelly just like they do. She also disrepected the other overlords without giving two shits. Carmilla wasn't having any of Velvette's BS, is protective of Zestial, literally killed an exorcist (despite angels being much more powerful than demons, so that's pretty impressive on it's own) to protect her daughters and figured out that Vaggie was a fallen angel just by knowing what her choice of weapon was. She encouraged Vaggie to fight for the whole hotel, not just for Charlie. Cherri Bomb has an interesting rivalry with Sir Pentious in the pilot that eventually grows into a healthy relationship, and she goes against Valentino just to help and comfort Angel Dust in the Addict music video. Sadly she doesn't do much after that, but at least she got to participate in fighting for the hotel in The Show Must Go On, so it's better than nothing I suppose.
Rosie is one of the few people who Alastor has a genuine friendship with. She played a big part in Charlie trying to give a speech to Cannibal Town, and encouraged her to trust Vaggie again. Mimzy, while I dislike her, is the whole reason why the plot of Dad Beat Dad even happened. She tried to use her friendship with Alastor to get herself out of trouble, so the episode techically wouldn't of happened without her. It's also telling that Alastor didn't eat her or try to kill her for screwing things up, since he's done just that to others for much less. Even Niffty, who's mostly just there for comic relief, is another character who Alastor gets along with. He may own her soul, but he's a lot nicer to her than he is to Husk, who he keeps on a chain and abuses in a not-so-different way that Valentino does to Angel Dust, only without SA involved. Niffty is also the one who kills Adam in the end, so there you go.
That's a BUNCH more than what can be said for most of the ladies in Helluva. (Most of whom I also like, but their writing really does leave something to be desired, though it does seem to be slightly improving with the Hell's Belles short and the promise of a Millie focused episode in Ghostfuckers.) For the record I don't think the writing for the female characters in HH is perfect by any means, but it's a far cry from being anywhere near as bad as HB like many antis claim it is. I think they just say that shit because HB takes place in the same universe as Hazbin and both shows were created by the same person, (aka the guilt by association fallacy) or they just think Vivzie can't do anything right no matter what she does.
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For the DadStaticradio AU, how would Alastor and Vox react to learning that Vaggie was an exorcist (Post-E6)? I can see them simultaneously being annoyed on Charlie's behalf that Vaggie never told her about it, but also protectively pissed off that Vaggie was just…thrown out of Heaven (i.e. "What do you mean the man who literally named you just watched while you were kicked out?!").
Actually, how would they act with the rest of the hotel members + Vaggie, period?
Sorry this took so long to respond I wanted to make sure I had time to write out everything properly
Specifically regarding Vaggie's fallen angel revelation: So a little context we've figured out is that Charlie probably wouldn't be as angry in this AU over it. Obviously she's still hurt,but mostly because their conversation would go "You didn't tell me you were an angel??" "You forgot to tell me you have three dads and two are overlords" "...okay fair enough"
It's probably going to be one of each, not to an extent where they argue but different levels of concern. Alastor on the should've told Charlie side, Vox on the general protective side. They wouldn't be outright angry with Vaggie either, though they would still take Charlie's side in the matter and slightly more encouraging on mending the relationship. Both Vox and Alastor grow more protective of her once Charlie and Vaggie have made up, and Vaggie crosses a threshold from "someone important in our daughter's life" to "idgaf if they're not married yet she's our daughter in law too and you don't fuck with our family"
It's been talked about a little how Vaggie would react when Alastor randomly shows up one day for a casual visit (since in this he's always been a background supporter of the hotel and didn't announce himself like in the pilot, still doesn't believe in the cause but supports Charlie anyway for the hell of it). Short version is Vaggie panics bc Charlie forgot to tell her, and the exact same thing when Vox shows up later.
Angel didn't know who Alastor was in the pilot, and because of this Vaggie never would've had the chance to explain it, so he's ambivalent on Alastor's sudden arrival. Vox's arrival, on the other hand, freaks him out a bit bc of his association with Val but they keep their distance from each other and Angel eventually gets used to the idea that, no, this is genuine and Vox wasn't sent as a spy or something
Husk and Niffty were still brought by Alastor so their interactions wouldn't change much, just the normal confusion everyone has when they realize the parental relationship that exists
Alastor still lives at the hotel once things are fully up and running, and Vox comes over for dinner most days since Alastor enjoys cooking for the group. It's something everyone has to get used to, but kind of like Charlie, after a while it just becomes routine and everything feels normal
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons:
- Bee & Angel would be best friends (the common denominator being that they’re both insects and have musical abilities)
- Angel Dust doesn’t know the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins except Asmodeus the King of Lust (cuz go figure 🤭) which is his favourite
<> His least favourite Deadly Sin is Mammon (because he reminds him too much of Valentino)
- Angel & Husk have private conversations in Italian because no one else understands
- Husk has reading glasses (boat-shaped) but refuses to use them 😂
- Anthony (Angel Dust) definitely watched RuPaul’s Drag Race when he was alive
- Emily is actually Charlie’s half sister (staying here until confirmed otherwise 🤭)
- Despite being annoyed with Angel Dust (as a person); Alastor gets taught the “gay language” like ‘that’s the tea' etc
- Angel Dust definitely now sings “Loser, Baby” all the time to himself (like the rest of us 🤣)
- Cherri Bomb feels inferior to Husk because 1. She’s Angel’s best friend first and 2. He stops him from being “fucked up”
- Angel Dust has characteristics of ASD (considering that his personality is based on Alaska Thunderfuck who’s definitely on the spectrum with a combination of Trixie Mattel) and also ADHD
- It was stated that Husk was/is family oriented so I definitely have a hunch that he’d would have a family before he died
- Angel Dust (due to the abuse from Valentino) would have a praise/validation kink with a significant other
- Husk’s room is a representation of Las Vegas and has a poker table (for sure!) and a scratching post to file down his claws 😂
- Angel unofficially dated (?) Valentino before things started going downhill (increasingly fast & really bad)
- Alastor had a passion for dad jokes (and annoys everyone with it 😂)
- Husk was definitely friends with good Bee back when he was an overlord (common denominator being their passion being honesty and authenticity)
- Angel habitually locks his door (even at the Hazbin Hotel) because it makes him feel safer
<> Because of this Husk either respectfully knocks on the door or leaves his gift (a bottle of alcohol) outside
- Frank (one of the Egg Boiz) becomes roommates with Angel after he saved his life in 1x08 🥹
- Angel Dust ironically has arachnophobia 🤣 (AKA “fear of spiders”)
- Husk is a gentleman (more implied than HC) in a 101 ways and definitely would be the “old-fashioned” type
- Alastor forces Husk to keep his “overlord attire” to as a reminder of what he had lost
- Angel Dust’s best feature of his body (canonically implied) is chest however — outside of work — will only let certain people touch it
<> Which kind makes sense since he shows off his chest (proud) but keeps his feet hidden (insecure)
- Charlie and Angel Dust have a sibling relationship (definitely canonically implied) but extended of that she’d ask for his opinion or ask him to do her makeup for a big event or something more significant
- When drunk and angry Angel definitely rambles in Italian but no one else understands (except Husk)
- The Seven Deadly Sins are all best friends (except for Mammon)
- Angel Dust has age regression (which is very common victims who have PTSD)
- Husk always makes gambling idioms ~ ie: “I keep my cards to my chest” (translation: I’m a private person)
- Angel Dustdied on his birthday date which is why he doesn’t like to celebrate it anymore
- The minute Charlie learns that Angel is Italian; she goes out of her way to learn the language (as any good surrogate sibling would 🥹)
- Husk doesn’t enjoy card games that don’t involve gambling (so ie Blackjack which is more about getting the numbers than betting money) but sometimes would do it for fun ~ very rarely though
- Niffty & Charlie are actually huge “Huskerdust” fans and would do anything to get Angel and Husk together
- If Husk ever drank coffee he’d have a short or long black without sugar or milk (which often shows maturity)
- Once Angel Dust is comfortable with someone he’d constantly lay on the dad jokes (especially the 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 fruity 🏳️‍🌈 ones)
- Husk waits up for Angel Dust — whether it be 5 AM in the morning— before packing up the bar
- Every 🩷 motif on Angel Dust are the places he’s most sensitive area (so technically his sweet spots)
- Despite Husk being an alcoholic he has actually has a high tolerance of alcohol and would take a lot to get to that point (something emotional related)
- Husk’s real name is either a “Henry” (most likely), “Huxley” or a “Henrik”
<> Henry means “estate ruler” which I thought made the most sense because he owned a casino at one point 🤔
- Adam admires Angel Dust and his porn videos so much he copied his eyeliner (same shape and everything 🤣)
- Alastor cheated when he challenged Husk to a game of cards (there’s no way he wouldn’t have)
- Husk’s casino is called “The Lucky Cat” (or something like that) which is funny because it’s the opposite of him
- Vaggie mistakes Huskerdust’s flirting (who are clearly dating) as Angel sexually harassing Husk 🤣
- Husk zodiac sign is a Leo ♌️ (🐱)
- Angel definitely teases Husk about his age despite being 12 years younger than him (or supposed to be if he hadn’t died in his 30s)
- Husk hates cats which is why he hates his sinner form so much and hates the animal noises that comes out (particularly when matching with the right mood)
- Niffty definitely “ships” Huskerdust and definitely makes fanfiction about them 🤭
- Angel Dust would definitely get triggered by Alastor if he pulled Husk’s chain in front of him (because it mentally brings the former right back to Valentino again)
- Whenever Cherri Bomb and Husk argue Angel Dust is quick to diffuse the situation (not canon but definitely implied in 1x06 “Welcome to Heaven”)
- Husk can read nonverbals not just because it’s necessary for a bartender but also necessary for a gambler (literally need exceptional body language skills to see if someone is bluffing etc)
- Angel Dust becomes “Anthony” whenever he’s severely intoxicated or drugged up
- Fat Nuggets acts like a emotional support animal which is why Angel Dust doesn’t have the heart to rehome him (despite being gifted by Valentino)
- After watching Princess and the Frog for the umpteenth time Angel officially calls Husk “Shadowman” (IFYKYK 🤭) much to his annoyance 😂
- Husk was a bouncer before he died (he definitely had that “bouncer” energy in episode 1x04)
- Angel Dust doesn’t have Voxflix so he has to sometimes miss RuPaul’s Drag Race (and gets irritable when he has sacrifice missing it 🤣)
- Lucifer brings in the other Deadly Sins to help out with Charlie’s hotel as a side job thing and make them become “teachers” for their respective sins
- Angel Dust’s Italian surname would either be:
<> Romano - (inside joke of his VA’s surname)
<> Soprano - (classic Italian surname 🤣)
<> D'Amico or D'Angelo
- Husk was/is also very good friends with Beelzebub (back when he was overlord) because of their common interest in authenticity and alcoholism 🤭
- When Angel said “Gawd Niff why you being such a mess?!” in 1x06 he was probably quoting off something that Henroin, his father, said to him
- Viv may have based Husk, ironically, on her cat called “Valentino” (minus the wings obviously 😂)
- Angel swore off dating after what happened with Valentino (albeit may potentially think about starting dating again with the right person demon *coughs* — Husk)
- Husk always talks / texts — depending on how Angel feels like doing — until he falls asleep whether doing it via platonically or romantically 🥹
- Angel often catches Husky singing to himself (either “Too Sweet” by Hozier or “Loser Baby” and would watch him for a moment 🤭
<> In other words he enjoys just listening to him sing and watching him be in his own world as he gets more and more into it
- Husk has poker-themed songs on Spotify — who definitely has '60s - '70s music — (but he doesn’t know how to separate them into playlists so he has them in the “Liked Songs” category 🤣)
- Alastor messes with Husk’s Spotify playlist (despite not enjoying technology but likes watching him suffer)
Huskerdust / Anthusker edition:
- Angel is terrified of horror movies (however picks them out regardless for the sake of jumping into Husk’s arms when picking out movies 🤣)
- Husk is definitely “forced” (metaphorically) to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with Angel Dust and would be the type to get upset if he watched it without him 🤣
- Husk & Angel call each other “baby” and “loser” (affectionately) because it reminds them of their duet
- Fat Nuggets, Frank (post 1x08 🤭), & Niffty are definitely Angel & Husk’s “children” 😂
- Husk due to being the “King of Consent” always fusses about being able to touch Angel even when given the okay 🤣
- Angel goes to Husk’s room whenever he has PTSD / nightmares about Valentino (platonically)
- Husk keeps the “Huskerdust dynamic” with Angel Dust in front of other people; but in private he’s more laidback towards him
- Husk is actually sensual and clingy within the relationship with someone (which is why he’s so emotionless before getting intimate with someone)
- Angel & Husk sing/dance to each other when feeling down to make each other feel better
- Husk definitely watches Angel Dust’s porn movies in private in his spare time (mainly at bedtime where there’s no one around 🤭)
- Angel uses the white noise of Husk’s saxophone to help him sleep (especially after a nightmare about Valentino)
- Husk sings / whistle “Loser, Baby” constantly to himself (and sometimes Angel Dust joins in)
<> Huskerdust have a sort of “pact” that if Angel wants any sort of physical contact with Husk he either has to make the first move or give him a “green light” (because Husk won’t take initiative until allowed )
- Anthony first fell in love with Husk (who fell harder) — since the pilot episode 🤭 — but didn’t know how else how to react so he relied on “Angel Dust’s” personality
- Husk is the “take it slow” type of person (implied) and not the one to always rush into a relationship
- Angel & Husk would definitely go for midnight flights with this soundtrack in the background:
- Husk always gets roped into cuddles & purring (particularly when Angel has one of his rough nights of being SA'd 💔😭)
- Angel is obsessed with Husk’s tonality and gets all sorts of worked up (in a good, sexual way)
- Huskerdust constantly argue about whether Angel should go to Heaven or stay in Hell with Husk ~ which often lead to a heated make out session 🤭
- Angel goes to Husk’s room whenever he has PTSD / nightmares about Valentino (platonically)
<> Husk cuddles Angel — for the umpteenth time — he’s had any sort of nightmare & or PTSD (intimately)
<> Husk’s favourite part of Angel’s body would be his chest and his gold tooth every time he smiled
- Angel always sends acronyms to Husk which irritates the latter in frustration not knowing what it means (ie BAE etc) 🤣
<> Huskerdust would come to an agreement of having an “open relationship” (practically polygamous) due to the fact that Angel Dust is a sex worker & pornstar
- Angel Dust is foreign to lubricants (or if he does know he’s used to it in a very little amounts) and might need a “reintroduction” to a brief sex-ed lesson with the right person
- When in a very drunken state Husk always subconsciously finds himself in front of Angel’s door and knocks on it without thinking 🤭
- Even as Anthony — Angel Dust — will make occasional dirty jokes or sexual innuendos (even in front of Husk) but it’s genuine rather than OTT hypersexuality
- Husk always thinks (internally) that Angel is beautiful every day but really falls hard when he’s just woken up with disheveled hair and no makeup on
Credits to: @a-schmoozer-and-a-dummy
- Even when dating Angel Anthony gets a little anxious about the topic of sex when talking to Husk (and quickly shuts it down)
- Husk always puts planning his dates with Angel 200% effort and goes to great lengths (also always thinking of the best romantic spots to take him)
- Angel always end up falling asleep against Husk’s chest (especially when the purring starts 🤭)
- Post episode 4+ (hopefully gonna happen in S2) Husk lets Angel rest his legs over his lap
Credits to: @huskerdustfanart for giving me this idea
- Angel tries to teach Husk how to use his phone and what certain apps actually do 🤣 (much to his irritation of being able to use it)
- Husk doesn’t like other people sitting on the counter of his bar however will let Angel do it (which is saying a lot in itself 🤭)
Credits to: @triona-tribblescore for giving me this idea
- Angel often suggests Husk to give him a massage after he’s finished working (knowing full well he loves them) which the other always consents to and ends up sighing with absolute satisfaction 🥰
- Huskerdust actually met as humans (since their timeline is roughly within each other) but forgot they met by the time they arrived in Hell — what with being 12 years apart — and chose different names for themselves entirely
- Angel teaches himself how to read non verbals (by being around Husk so much 🤭) and roast people
- Husk loves Angel Dust’s New Yorker accent but enjoys his Italian one even more — even when he rambles in fluent Italian — because he likes to think that was his “real self”
- Huskerdust often do slow dancing together (like Sway with Me or the Tango)
- Despite being a bottom Angel will rarely suggest he becomes a top with Husk once he starts to see the other get slightly exhausted 🥰
- Husk takes care of Fat Nuggets for Angel Dust whilst he’s at work (bonus points if he ensures their “children” are safe and looks after them as well)
- Angel doesn’t like anyone else using the term “loser” (takes it as an insult) unless it’s Husk as if it’s one of those inside joke things
- Husk always gives Angel a piggy back ride when he’s either really drunk or emotionally exhausted after work
- Angel boasts to everyone that he’s in the one in “charge” (as a top) of his and Husk’s relationship 🤣
- Huskerdust would definitely be the type of couple to always be in their “honeymoon phase”
- When Angel gives cuddles to Husk he always gives him head scratches and rubs his ears (where cats like it the most in real life)
- Husk always gives Angel a “Sex On The Beach” cocktail ad an inside joke about their past relationship
- After work Angel always gets escorted at night by Husk (like the minute his shift ends 🥰) to protect him from both Valentino and any unsavoury people
- Husk puts music on and starts to dance around (ie dramatically impersonating Elvis Presley) just to make Angel Dust even if it meant he gets to mock him for it
- Angel loves everything about Husky (although he’d love him 10x more when he’s his usual grumpy self)
- Husk would be the type of dad to build stuff from scratch for his kids (besides Angel loves his men with a tool; so it’s a win-win situation 😜
Angel pulls a “Gloria” (from Modern Family ) when it comes to refusing to take his heels off — even when they start to hurt his feet
<> Which makes Husk — being the gentleman he is — go and buys something comfortable for him 🥹
- Husk buys a pink set of cards for Angel (so he can play against him for fun 🤭)
- Angel sneezes mouse-like (small and feminine) and Husky sneezes whale-like (large and loud)
- Husk gets ferally overprotective particularly when unsavoury comments are made about or to Angel 😏
- When Husk goes to Angel’s shows the latter puts 200% extra effort into his performance
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