#he teaches him how to cook
summershouto · 6 months
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sometimes I forget how painful sanjis initial backstory is.. a kid so young experiencing starvation. carrying so much physical and mental effects from it. not to mention the isolation and loneliness he experienced as he sat alone watching the shore everyday. and the whole thing with zeff...
anyway I made myself sad so I saved a bunch of young baratie sanjis to cheer myself up
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after everything he went through he found zeff- someone who gave him encouragement in his craft he had never experienced before and someone who proudly called sanji his son
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braveveth · 2 months
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cat helping jean grow accustomed to kinder touches
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unsteadylilactree · 1 year
the progression from "there's a morning snack and a midday snack" and "20 bucks for pizza" buck looking after his friend's kid to "bobby's famous lasagne: 6 types of cheese cooked to perfection" buck cooking for his family to "that's makes me your sous chef" teaching his kid how to cook is making me go so feral.
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Robin landed on the roof next to him and Bruce could already feel the headache building. They were looking down on a young blond man with pointed ears and a large halberd on his backriding on a white horse. The guy looked like he had come straight out of a fairytale. He knew that if this was a new rogue Damian would argue about keeping the horse. Actually he would probably want to keep the horse even if he wasn't a rogue.
Deciding the guy had gotten close enough they swooped down to confront him. The man, startled, stopped his horse and pulled the large halberd off his back. He held it in front of him, as if in warning. The man looked wary of them but not afraid. They stared at eachother for a moment before the man spoke in a language neither Batman not his Robin knew.
Link was having a wierd day. He had literally just saved Princess Zelda a week ago (and for the second time) when he encountered some kind of demon in black and white. The Master Sword glowed in the demons presence which was all Link needed to know before chasing after the being. The thing, looking like a teen in odd clothing that reminded him of links own rubber suit, bolted into a green portal it had created.
Not hesitating he had his horse leap into it. And now he was in a strange place with no sign of the demon. After getting attacked by a man yelling in a language he didn't recognize, he switched out his sword for a halberd for that extra reach on horseback and continued on his way, leaving the unconscious man on the road side behind him.
This place was odd. Parts of some walls would light up, showing images of people and places he didn't know along with a written language he didn't recognize. He came across many people who looked at him oddly...or at least he thought they were people. They looked like Hylians but most of them were taller than the average Hylian and to Links horror they had short rounded ears. How could they hear thier gods with such tiny ears?
He was scared, but he carried on anyway. Eventually he gets confronted by someone dressed as a monster and a child. They manage to settle thier...dispute?...without violence so that was nice. He pulled a few apples and swift carrots out of his tablet-to the curiosity of the duo- and hands them to the child. The kid caught on quickly and raced off to feed his horse her favorite snacks.
Link will have to figure out how to overcome this language barrier
Bruce however, has discovered this was not a man, but a teenager lost in a foreign world and is set on adopting him.
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dejwrld · 5 months
picture this, you’re a boy from guatemala standing outside a motel talking to your family on the phone until two cops approach you saying that you look suspicious. due to you barely knowing english, you most likely are confused as ever trying to figure out not only what they’re saying but what even is going on. the situation escalated even more to the point where these officers are now falsely detaining you which led to one officer having a heart attack and dying. now picture this, you’re now being charged with manslaughter for death of said officer.
that’s what happened to virgilio aguilar mendez.
please be sure to sign the petition also.
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haunted-xander · 9 months
Another thing that fucks me up about Thancred & Ryne's relationship through most of shb is that Thancred KNOWS hes messing up he KNOWS hes making tons of mistakes with how he deals with Ryne. He knows full well but doesn't do anything about it. He knows he should reassure her but he doesn't, and he probably doesn't even think he can. Because he knows it won't be completely genuine (and Thancred doesn't even know how to be genuine to begin with) and Ryne is too smart to not see that. And because Ryne already has such a low view of herself she'd never accept his words even if they WERE genuine. Because she still knows that Minfilia means more to him than she does.
And Ryne knows that he's fucking up the entire time too. She knows that he's stressed and grieving but she also thinks she knows his feelings better than she does. Ryne assumes a lot about Thancred, she fills in the blanks between everything he doesn't say or do, but she always fills them in negatively. To her, the default is ALWAYS going to be people wishing she was someone she wasn't, because that's all she's ever know (Vauthry saw her as just "the Oracle" and Ran'jit saw her as just another "Minfilia"). She knows Thancred knows she's not Minfilia, but she thinks he wishes she was (and she's not really wrong, but it's not correct either).
And Thancred is scared to say anything, because he doesn't want to decided her life for her, because he knows Ryne's life is her's to do with as she pleases, but in doing so he inadvertly pushes her towards the option no one really wants. Minfilia doesn't want to come back at Ryne's expense, Ryne doesn't want to just be "Minfilia" for eternity, and Thancred doesn't really want to lose Ryne either.
It's only as the final decision is at hand that Thancred really shows that he DOES care about her as an individual person. It's only after Ryne has already decided to take her life into her own hands that she gets to understand, just a bit, of how he really feels.
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seriouslycalamitous · 5 months
Either he read this or (more likely) he watched the clip I based it on, but no matter what, I’ve won today.
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zehecatl · 2 months
DunMeshi perfectly nails the found family trope, by the way. every character is equal, but distinctively different and makes up a part of the whole. Senshi feeds the party, because that's what he's good at, and what he knows. Chilchuck might scold everyone for being idiotic and stupid, but that's not because he's their dad, it's because that's his personality. there's no hierarchy or structure, no roles for the characters to fall into
it's a family by choice, and i fucking love to see it
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trunklewunjle · 4 months
I did some twists and turns to the Dreamtale I included in the server me an my friends rp in, and I’ve been kinda hyper fixated so I did a little thing
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I don’t like perspective but im going to have to eventually learn, soul shattering I will never be the same once i dominate it
Yea the fucking tree told him to shoot night because everyone is so mean to him so I just yknow she might as well also be mean to a fucking seven year old who knew no better 
Dreamtale (Dream and Nightmare) Belong to Jokublog
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Any fanfictions out there where Ed and Stede DO actually open the inn but Izzy survived so he's just kind of their mascot
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like when he talks normally it sounds like an American accent but when he gets mad or talks to fast???
Multiple sides have found him cursing a certain snake out with a very harsh accent
Remus fucking loves his accent tho, especially when he’s saying such soft, sweet words in Spanish with an adoring voice, looking at remus like he was his everything. Remus has no clue what he’s saying but he sure as hell knows he wants to kiss his emo
- Vee 💜
Y E S Latino Vee!!! You already know the moment Vee even starts cursing Jan out in Spanish the room is dead silent cause can confirm you do not wanna be in the same room where that happens XD Also I'm cackling at the thought of Vee saying the most spooky unhinged heartfelt speech in his native tongue and Ree's just like "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but makeout with me right now" XD
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thedreamerstoryteller · 3 months
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morphestic · 7 months
cooking au where chuuya is a chef and dazai is a food critic.
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
Have you ever stopped to think that if Kirby were younger then Mikey, how do you think their relationship would happen? Like something new that Mikey would have to adapt to or he would be happy to no longer be the baby brother hahaha...
tho i feel like kirby would be extremely confused about family interactions in general for a long time 🐢
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thestarfilledsea · 1 year
I’ve been going in circles thinking about how Mei would 100% take it upon herself to initiate Macaque into the group.
I mean we’ve already seen her interact with Red Son with little to no fear or trepidation of him being “a bad guy.” So Macaque’s brooding “leave me alone” shtick isn’t going to work on her.
I’d imagine she would just keep showing up out of nowhere to socialize him like a feral cat.
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thirstyvampyr · 1 month
oh we broke up again
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