#he was ready to face the world alone at the age of 8 and never questioned anything else
summershouto · 6 months
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sometimes I forget how painful sanjis initial backstory is.. a kid so young experiencing starvation. carrying so much physical and mental effects from it. not to mention the isolation and loneliness he experienced as he sat alone watching the shore everyday. and the whole thing with zeff...
anyway I made myself sad so I saved a bunch of young baratie sanjis to cheer myself up
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after everything he went through he found zeff- someone who gave him encouragement in his craft he had never experienced before and someone who proudly called sanji his son
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97keanu · 11 months
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Dave Lizewski x goth!Reader
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Premise: Dave sits next to you in History, he's been secretly pining for you for ages, but he's been too scared to ask you out since you're so pretty and your goth exterior is very intimidating for him. To his surprise, he and you are paired up to finish a history assignment this weekend. Truth is, you thought he was cute too...
Tags: 18+ characters/pining!Dave/extremely nerdy and loser!Dave/hard exterior soft interior!reader/reader who despite having a crush on Dave does NOT want to admit it(tsundere!reader)/Mutual pining/mini slow burn into eventual smut/virgin!dave/submissive!Dave + switch!Dave who ends up taking control/reader on top/oral(both parties)/face sitting/edging/no condom/raw/doggy/cuddling/aftercare
A/N: Finalized version 7/8/23, fully edited. I am glad so many of you liked this and I am hoping to return to this couple in the future!
Taglist: @lazyneonrabbitt
(Ask to be tagged in upcoming one offs of Dave if you'd like!)
Imagines of these two: here and here
Jennifer's Body AU reader x Dave here
UPDATE!!! Read the direct sequel here
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It's a normal Friday afternoon and Dave sits, staring out the window and daydreaming about this or that for his last class of the day. Class hasn't started yet, and what pulls Dave out of his daydream is you. You with your all black clothes, black lipstick and dark style. You walk into class as if its nothing, and every time you do Dave feels butterflies fill his stomach. He still can't believe how lucky he was to get sat next to you, even if he's way too intimidated to say anything to you.
You sit down next to him and you keep your face neutral. You know how mean this highschool has been about your style, so these days you hardly give them anything. And after you broke some jocks finger for trying to touch you in the 10th grade, people leave you alone for the most part. To your face at least. You know they probably snicker when you're not looking, but at the very least you can go on autopilot through out the day and go home to where you can really be yourself.
Dave has no idea about this, he thinks you're just the most confident chick in school, and he is in no way in your league, at all. It doesn't stop him from day dreaming about it though. He goes home and thinks about you at night, thinks about what it would feel like to actually ask you out. He's practiced saying it in the mirror a few times even, but when you sit next to him in class it's like he can't even make his voice say "Hello" let alone "Can I take you to the movies this Friday?". What kind of movies would you even like? God, its hopeless. He's doomed to sit next to you pining until senior years up and he never sees you again.
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Today you sit next to him as always, headphones blaring The Cure while you ignore the world. You do steal a glance towards the guy who sits next to you in History, and quickly glance away, your dark lashes fluttering. You try not to interact with him because you know if you do, it's going to be obvious you like him. You can't help it, something about the way he's obviously so flustered by you, his big blue eyes gazing at you behind those nerdy glasses, it does something to you. Something the other students would notice and probably pick on the both of you for. Imagine it, the social outcast goth girl and the loser nerdy boy? No way, it's something you're not willing to risk after being bullied from your last school. No, its better to not think about it. Keep your headphones in and look forward, pretend you see nothing.
Your history teacher begins class, so you put away your headphones and get ready to start class. As you put them in your bag, you catch Dave's eyes. He looks like he almost wants to say something to you, and you furrow your thin and arched brows, giving off a "why are you talking to me" energy without even trying to really. It's almost second nature at this point for you, and when you see his cheeks heat up, you feel your heart jump, a mixture of feeling bad for how you come off and a hope for what he might have wanted to say. His hand nervously slides his glasses back up, his big blue eyes blinking away in embarrassment, the words unsaid falling flat in the air and your history teacher gaining the attention of the class.
You turn from Dave, obviously conflicted about what transpired, even if it was brief. It was one of the few times you two interact, but somehow when you sit next to him for this hour long class, it's as if you are interacting. You can almost feel the space between you two, and the times when his foot or your leg gets too close, bumps, barely touches, it's almost electric. It truly makes it hard to focus on class at times, but for the most part if you really fixate on what the teacher is saying, you can get by. From the looks Dave gives you at the end of class usually, he didn't hold up as well for the most part.
"This seating arrangement really was a mistake..." You muse silently to yourself inside your head, a small sigh escaping your lips.
Your teacher begins describing the next history assignment for the weekend, it's supposed to be something about fake "interviewing" someone from the history lessons from so far, or something, you're catching about half of it, but you know they pass out a more detailed paper later.
Meanwhile, Dave is beating himself up for, once again, not being able to ask you out tonight.
"C'mon man, you should have just said it!" He curses himself mentally. "Worst she could say is no right? God...with her, she might actually bite my head off..."
He's practically sweating next to you, his hand nervously tapping the table between you two lightly. Your hand, inches away is trying to take notes on what the assignment is supposed to have because you absorb it better when you actually write it out. As well as an excuse to not focus on Dave's nervous fidgeting beside you.
Dave is biting the inside of his cheek trying to game plan if he can save this, ask you at the end of class, when the teacher says something that makes his stomach drop, but his heart flutter.
"Alright, so that's the basis of the assignment, however, I would like for you to work with your table partner outside of class this weekend and choose which of you will be the interviewer and the interviewee..."
"Holy shit!" Dave could practically jump out of his seat from excitement and fear. This means he doesn't even have to actually ask you out, now you two are forced to spend time together this weekend!
"Holy shit..." You think to yourself. You feel entirely tense, as if you need to run out of the room right this instant, and your cheeks are hot under your makeup. This means you have to spend time, alone, with Dave this weekend. The truth was, you weren't even dreading it because you hate him, even if you try to convince yourself that. No, the truth was...you didn't know if you keep the charade up if you were to spend that sort of time together. Surely, surely...he would notice the crush you had been building for him for the past few months...
The teacher dismisses the class early, letting everyone figure out how they're going to make time this weekend with each other. You could turn to stone, in fact maybe you have because to your surprise it takes Dave's squeaky, unsure voice to call you name to get you out of your trance.
"Yes...Dave?" You turn, almost ridgid, but trying to be neutral, if not kind. Dave is obviously shocked, this might be the most attention he's ever scored from you!
"Well, since we're paired up, I was uh..um..." His doe eyes dart down as he speaks, finding the right words. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school to work on it?"
You can't believe it, he wants you to come over, now? No way, you can't even hardly bring yourself to move from your seat, let alone find your way over to Dave's house. You find your head giving the smallest, most timid of shakes as you stare at him with disbelief of the situation.
"Oh! Uh yeah no it's totally cool.." Dave senses the rejection and is obviously red faced as he scratches the back of his head, moving those mop of gorgeous dark curls around. "It's so sudden, you probably have big plans for a Friday night, huh?"
The way he's so obviously trying to make this work begins to melt at your icy heart. You shake your head again and immediately Dave is trying to stammer out more, but you finally find your words and work everything out.
"No, that's okay, Dave, I actually, um... I could come to your place around 7pm if that's okay?" Your usually confident self feels a bit wavered as you ask. Dave's eyes shine so brightly you think he may burst, the color in his cheeks different than before.
"Oh, that's totally awesome! I'll give you my address!" He says, with unusually less attempts to speak than normal, he must be really excited about this. You gulp at the thought, and as Dave takes a pen and rips off a piece of notebook paper, you do the same. You write down your number, in case you two need to talk at all between now and then.
You can't help yourself, you put a little black heart next to your number. It's like something has possessed you, you can't even stop yourself. "God...this is just the start..." A part of your subconscious whispers somewhere...
If you thought Dave was over the moon when you agreed to come over tonight, he's downright estactic when he sees you pass over your number.
"This is...for me??" He stares at you, mouth agape, and doesn't even realize what a dumb question that was, but you can't help but find it endearing.
"For if I get lost or something comes up..." You trail off with reasons, but you know you truly just wanted to give him your number despite your reservations. Dave totally thinks the reasons are valid though, he scrambles to put his number on the paper he passed towards you with his address.
"Oh, that makes sense here, lemme just..." His tongue pokes out the corner of his mouth as he scrawls his number. He passes it back to you again, and your cheek heat skyrockets as you see he's also put a heart. He seems pleased with himself and shy about it at the same time, as if this is a secret between the two of you.
You begin packing up after that, and look at him with your lips pursed, unable to reciprocate all he's giving you right now. As you walk away he calls out.
"Alright, see you tonight then!" And you're almost sure the whole class has eyes on your back while you walk quickly from the room, eyes down. You just hope no one decides to dig their grimy fingers into the sliver of hope that this just might work out in the way you're terrified of...
The sky has started to turn dark, amber meeting violet in wispy clouds above. You're looking about for the address Dave wrote down, but his writing is comparable to chicken scratch. You find the house you think is his, and decide to text the number Dave also wrote extremely poorly underneath the address. You take pause, staring at the heart he returned on the piece of paper, and wonder if you should go through with this. It's not like you can just back out either, both your grades rely on this.
"It's just studying..." You breath out into the chilled brink of nighttime air, and text him you're here.
You are surprised how soon Dave is bounding down the stairs inside before opening the door with a big smile.
"You're here! Awesome, I just got pizza ordered, it's inside!" He does everything but pull you inside, he's so excited.
You feel some of your fears evaporate as you cross the threshold of his house. It's very homey, something your house always lacked. You feel like while its not pristine, it's meant to be lived in, a place where life goes on inside. You can't remember the last time you felt that way about a place, maybe your grandma's house, once upon a time...
Dave ushers you into his kitchen where he's got pizzas and snacks laid out. You can't help but feel like this is turning out more date than study when you see the set up. Your stomach builds with butterflies as you realize he's done all this just for you. You who has ignored him, at times being borderline mean, but of course you would have had to give him the attention he deserved to have truly been mean. That would have been more than you ever had given him by a mile. "Shit..." You think to yourself as you consider the situation.
"Yeah, I figured ya know, you might be hungry and it uh, it t-takes brain power to uh do a study...study date...." He stammers out as he sees your reaction, totally trying to wring out the study from 'study date' the way you do from a wet cloth.
You can't help it, you're flattered despite yourself. No one has ever been this kind to you since you moved to your new school in 9th grade. A part of you is desperate...desperate for this attention, for this connection you so clearly don't deserve. And with a sweetheart like Dave of all people. You feel a lump in your throat, but nod, agreeing with his words. His anxiety seems to have subsided as you do, and he beams a grin at you.
"Yeah! Here lemme grab this," he takes the pizza and a can of soda for each of you with ease. "And we can head up to my room to get started?"
His room. Oh god...
Your legs follow despite everything in you feeling absolutely undeserving of this kindness, your combat boots thunking on the kitchen tiles.
He takes you upstairs to his attic room and you are surprised. As much as it's a teenage boys room, it's also quite clean, and looks really comfortable. He sets you guys up on the bed and pats a place next to him. You settle down next to him, and he flips on a TV across from the bed. You wonder how you went from being here to study, to having pizza and movie.
"I just thought we might like to watch something while we eat..." Dave says in a nervous mutter as he sees your face.
"Okay..." You say, taking a slice of pizza and nibbling a bite. With all the butterflies in there, you don't think your stomach can hold much more than a slice right now. The two of you settle into his bed, munching on slices of pizza and watching some action flick Dave's put on...
After you two are done eating, Dave moves the food stuffs out of the way, and it's just the two of you on the bed. Somehow much more intimate now that there's not a pizza box between you two. You try to focus on the movie, but you can feel Dave glancing at you for much of it.
Dave can't help himself, you just looks so gorgeous, your dark eye make up is so sharp and bold, the thought of you taking control of him, of you pushing him into his bed and using him up keeps running through his thoughts. He even tried to jack off before you came over so he wouldn't be a total horn dog, but here he is, imagining what it would be like to lean over and kiss your black lips. God...he couldn't even ask you out properly, and the only reason you're here is because of the school assignment. There's no way you would be here otherwise. "I'm such a loser..." He thinks to himself, his eyes darting away from your face when you glance over and catch him staring. Instead his eyes land on your hand, laying in between the two of you on the bed, your finger nails black like the rest of your attire.
"Maybe if I could just..." He thinks, imagining himself being bold enough to take your hand, to test the waters to see if something was there. It would be enough that he could see if you have any interest, but wouldn't be as awkward as what he wants to do, which is lean over, take your delicate face in his hands and look you in the eye before kissing you as deeply as he can. Yes, holding hands would go over better than that, he has to tell himself. He feels shaky as one of his hands reaches up to push his glasses back into place, focusing himself to complete the task of holding your hand. The movie plays on...
After what seems like ages of Dave having an internal debate, he raises his hand slowly, deliberately, making a move towards your hand. You seem to be caught in the movie right now, the film is nearing it's climax as you two sit beside each other. If all goes wrong, he'll just pull his hand back and pretend he didn't mean to move it there. "Yeah, like that will work..." The voice in his head chides. It's too late now, he's already practically doing it, his hand hovering over yours before slowly dropping it down, the heat of his hand meeting yours, before softening into a hold.
You let out a small gasp, but don't pull your hand away. Dave is at a loss for words, he doesn't know how to explain it away, he IS holding your hand, and it's clear he doesn't mean it in a friendly way from how red his cheeks get. All you can do is stare at him right now, it's like time passes by in molasses, sticky and sweet. You can't believe it, he's really making a move on you...
What surprises you more is the fact that when your body catches up to your brain, you're moving towards him with fervor. Your other hand comes to the side of his face and you're crushing your lips against his. The movie is forgotten, as well as your inhibitions. Your lips tingle when they meet his, and you can't help yourself, somehow his small innocent touch has caused the dam you built inside yourself to stay away from him to collapse. You're working your lips into his like he's the air you breathe, and Dave is so caught off guard he's letting you, moving along with you as his guide.
"Oh my god, she's kissing me...I'm kissing a girl!" Dave thinks to himself, totally blown away, his eyes wide at first before melting into your kiss, his glasses only sort of getting in the way.
"God...I can't help it...he's so nerdy and sweet, I need to know what his body is like..." You think to yourself, your hands moving wildly into his mess of curly hair, gripping and tugging him into your kiss.
It's the type of kiss that almost hurts its so wanted.
You find yourself pulling away for a moment to catch your breath, and you see your black lipstick smudged both on Dave's pouty, plump from being kissed lips, as well as your own from the reflection of his glasses. You look as if you've totally given in, your eyes filled with a desire you've never seen before. You look back into Dave's vibrant blue eyes and see he's completely at your will.
"P-please...don't stop..." He whispers, those eyes of his pleading for you to continue. God, you want to fuck his brains out right here, and at this rate you think you will.
What surprises you next is Dave taking a bit of control, his own hands wrapping around your waist and bringing you on top of him, his hands grabbing into your gothic hair style, and your lips colliding once again as Dave let's out a whimper into your kiss. You can't help but moan back, the sound a dull vibration between your lips. Dave kisses sloppily, he wants you so bad and he's never kissed a girl before, that much is clear. You bite his lower lip to slow him down and take control, his body jumping from the bite, and where your legs straddle him you can feel his hardness against you as he bucks. God, he's like putty in your hands.
Dave can hardly contain himself, his hands roam your body freely, at some point one of his hands finds it's way under your skirt, gripping your hips and running along your stomach. He doesn't want to go too north or south without your permission, scared to run you and the pleasure you're giving him off. You can tell, and moan in a way that signals your frustration, before releasing your hands from where they're knotted in his curls and grabbing his wrists. You guide his hands underneath your shirt and sit up on him, letting him explore your breasts over your bra as you slip your shirt off and quickly discard it on his floor. As you look down, Dave's eyes are wider than ever, totally encapsulated by your body, his mouth hanging open and stained with your dark lipstick.
"God...you're so sexy..." He mumbles, not even sure what he's saying, just that he's in total awe of you. He's wanted this for so long he feels like he's accidently just convinced himself that you're really here, really doing this. It's as if you're a dream come to life instead of actually straddling him on his bed.
You reach back and undo your bra, the straps sliding down slowly before you pull your bra over your head, your breasts falling out. Dave doesn't need to be told to grab them, he's getting the hang of this. He feels the softness of your chest before exploring your nipples playfully. You smirk down at him as your hips ride him fully clothed.
"Would you like to taste them...?" You say slyly, almost savoring his reaction, knowing how excited he is. All he can do is nod eagerly and say 'Please'. You lean down and let Dave cup your breasts, pulling one of them to his mouth and sucking hungrily. He has dreamed of this moment, thought of it before bed with his cock in his left hand. He never thought he would actually be here, playing with your nipples in his mouth, switching sides so your other breast doesn't feel lonely.
You continue to grind against him, his already hard cock feeling as if he will cum just from you dry humping him. You can feel it twitching, aching to be released from his pants. You slide down his body, his mouth popping off your breast with a soft pop! before he gives out a whine that he wanted more. He looks down at you as you reach his pants, and playfully stare up at him with your devilish, make up smeared smile. Somehow knowing he's messed up your perfect goth make up is turning him on. He even finds himself imagining if he could ruin it more by cumming on your pretty little face. He wonders if you would ever let him and groans as you begin pulling his pants down and letting his cock free.
You're surprised not for the first time tonight, and not for the last. Dave's cock is huge! You had no idea this little nerd was packing so much heat, it's way longer and girthier than any cock you've seen up until now, and even putting your black manicured hand around it is making your hands look so small in comparison. Dave seems almost shy about his cock, he shifts nervously as you gaze at it, mouth slightly agape at his size, and Dave wonders if you don't like it.
"Is it...okay?" He finally squeaks out from nerves, and your eyes dart back up to his, dragging out of the trance the sight of his cock put you in. You begin to stroke him and nod.
"More than okay..." You say as you feel your cheeks heat up, your mouth watering just thinking about sucking him off. You hear Dave whimper out from your touch, his back arching into you, his hips bucking for more already. He feels so sensitive, as if your touch is too much.
"Please be careful...I don't know how long I can last..." He warns you, and the idea that you get to edge him until you want him to cum has your legs clenching from the wetness unraveling there. You can't believe how your body reacts to his, it's as if every little thing he does has your stomach coiled and shivers running up and down your body. You look him in the eyes as you place your mouth over the tip of his thick cock.
He closes his eyes in pleasure just from that, and you pause. You know you'll be doing a lot of stopping and starting, going so slow, just to keep him from blowing his load early. Dave is glad once again that he has already cum a few times today, if not he would have definitely came from you dry humping him earlier. He moves a hand to your hair, holding and petting you as you begin to go deeper, bobbing up and down in a rhythm that keeps him on his toes. He can't believe how hot and wet your mouth is, and you leave black rings on his cock as you go.
You suck his cock with purpose, finding out what gets him going very easily, and putting a stop to it before he goes too far. He's a whining mess, breathing hard and husky, his voice coming out in a quiver as he speaks your name, begging you. When you think he's had as much as he can take right now, your lips satisfyingly pop off his cock, and you look him in the eyes, his cock beside your sweet face.
"Now that I've tasted you Dave...I think it's your turn to taste me..." Dave's eyes are heavy with want, but they widen as he realizes what you're getting at. Truly, you can't even believe you're so eager for him, but you've fought it for so long you can't anymore. You know what you want in this instance, and your body isn't letting your brain ruin this for you. You take off your bottoms, leaving you naked before him, his eyes grazing your body with need.
You put your knees on either side of his face, and Dave looks up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes as he stares up from under your pussy.. You worried a bit if he would shy away from it, some men can be afraid of eating women out, especially their first time doing it. But Dave has literally imagined over and over what it would be like to have you sit on his face and to eat you up like his life depended on it. And he does just that.
Without having to give him any pointers, he grabs your hips and presses your pussy onto his face, his tongue going to town right away. He begins with your clit first, sucking the whole thing right away, and you actually have to cry out, your thighs almost crushing his head.
"Sensitive! Wait!" Is all you can say, and Dave seems to get the memo, beginning to swirl his tongue around your clit, playing with it before lightly lapping at it, sometimes with his tongue pointed, others with it flat and tasting all of you. Dave is grateful he ever cared to look up online how to do this properly, even though at the time he never thought he would ever get to use this knowledge.
You're surprised when he even begins to tongue your wet hole, playing with you there before dragging his tongue back up to play with your clit. He isn't perfect at it for his first time, and you likely won't cum from just this, but god does his tongue feel good down there. Dave is definitely not embarrassing himself in this catergory. He even presses your hips, pushing your pussy further on his face, practically suffocating under you from time to time, before releasing himself, his hot breath tickling your pussy. He looks up at you every so often with such a submissive look you can barely believe it. He loves being beneath you, you taking from him just how you like it. His cock is still hard and twitching, you reach back just to give it a feel and you can tell his cock has calmed enough you could probably get on top without him spilling in you right away.
"I want you inside me, Dave..." You whisper down at him, as you pull your pussy off him and he opens his eyes, completely drunk off your pussy, your wetness glistening on his lips.
"Anything you want..." He replies, his eyelids heavy and pleased with everything so far. He wants to make sure you're satisfied.
"In that case, I'm going to cum on your cock Dave...I need you to hold out til I'm finished..." You're voice is so soft, but commanding at the same time, which Dave is crazy for. You can see he's nervous about it still, worried he will disappoint and cum too early, but he nods with determination.
You move down, and position yourself over his red, hard cock. You look him in the eyes as you slowly lower yourself, his tip gliding in, stretching you out already.
"Fuck...." You moan out, your eyes closing as you take him inch by inch. He is completely enamored, watching you closely, and so confused as to how someone as hot and intimidating as you is fucking herself on his cock. You bite your messy lip as you find yourself struggling to fit him all, he makes you feel so full. When you finally do, you let yourself sit there for a moment and take it all in, enjoying the feeling of being so completely filled.
"God, Dave...your cock is so big..." You murmur out and Dave can't believe you think his cock is big, he never realized that, he knew it wasn't small but somehow he had convinced himself he wasn't that big either.
Eventually, you begin rocking your hips, moving up and down as you both gasp from pleasure. You use your hands to steady yourself on his chest while your other hand begins to touch your sensitive clit, working it until it feels amazing, heat flooding you.
Dave holds onto your hips and helps you move on him, sometimes going slower to stop himself. He wants to fill you up so badly it hurts, his stomach and muscles are so tight, his arm muscles clenching and showing themselves as his big hands guide your hips. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer by the minute.
"Dave, you're going to make me cum..." You whisper out as you begin to feel it. Dave looks at you with worry, and asks you something you forgot to talk about before getting wrapped up on the heat of the moment.
"If you cum, I'm going to cum...do we need a condom?" He says, his brows furrowed. You thank god you are on reliable birth control right now.
"It's okay, I have birth control, go crazy..." You say off handedly, not expecting much change in reaction.
Somehow, hearing you tell him to 'go crazy' starts something in him. He almost hesitates, but there's something he really wants to try. You can tell by the look on his face that he is planning something, and with a slight nod you silently tell him to go for it.
Dave quickly lips you off his cock and effortlessly tosses you onto the bed face first. You gasp out, the power dynamic shifting in that moment. You didn't know he was that strong...
He grabs your hips and ass and pulls them into his cock, easily slipping back inside your wet folds and pushing himself so deep you had no idea he could even do that. You moan out his name and grip the pillows beneath you, suddenly feeling like the submissive one now.
"Fuck, Dave..." You breath out and shudder as he fucks you so deeply you can hardly breath right. "I didn't know you could be this...dominant..."
Dave almost chuckles at your comment, but he agrees silently. Something about you letting him fuck you like this has emboldened him, he grips you harder, playing with your ass as he goes. Squishing and squeezing it, enjoying the feel of it in his hands.
You move so one of your hands can be under you, fumbling for your wet clit once again. You moan out Dave's name loudly as he fucks you deeply, your ass bouncing against his thighs with satisfying slaps. Dave can feel you clenching as you get closer, and it's so hard for him to contain himself. He wants to spill inside you so badly, his face scrunches up from the thought, he has to bite his lip to think of something else, even if it's the pain of biting.
"Please...I can't hold on much longer..." He says between heavy breaths and calling your name.
You focus, finding the sweet spot and so lost in his cock fucking you that suddenly your legs are locking up as your pussy clamps down on his cock, your climax spilling over the edge as you moan Dave's name. Dave pounds you harder as you do this, needing to to keep up as you clench around him so tightly it makes it hard to fuck you. Almost as soon as you reach your peak, Dave is thrusting his final thrusts into you, his cum welling up and shooting off inside of you, making a total mess of your pussy. You cry out as he does this and Dave groans loudly, his body shaking and his cock twitching as it finishes releasing.
When he's done, he stays there for a moment before carefully pulling out, his cum dripping onto the bed, and the tip of his cock so sensitive he has to rush to pull the end out so it doesn't hurt.
Dave doesn't even care anymore about being shy with you, he pulls you onto him and snuggles onto your hair, taking deep breaths.
"That was amazing...I can't believe you let me do that..." He whispers into your hair, he could almost cry from how emotional and raw he feels right now, but he holds it back as best he can, not wanting to cry during sex even though you wouldn't have held it against him anyways.
He holds you for a long time, and during that time you can't even speak, the afterglow of your breath and sweaty bodies speaking for itself. You never wanted to let Dave in, and now here you are, full of his cum and sore from his cock, while you lay naked in his bed, cuddling. You end up blocking out any negative thoughts, and realize that it was so worth it. You move and snuggle into his neck, petting his chest, and musing lightly into his skin.
"I'm glad I came over, Dave..." You end up saying, because that's how you feel about all of this. Dave pets your hair and laughs lightly.
"I'm glad you came over too..."
There's no way that history project is getting done tonight.
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griffin-girl-r · 7 months
Blackhill requests you say? Dw I got you covered!
Natasha and Maria are both happily married with an 8 year old daughter (r) when r’s dad enters the picture (r was conceived in the red room so he’s a bad guy who Nat had a one night stand with at some point idk)
She's mine
Created: 11.11.2023
Finished: 16.11.2023
Edited: 17.11.2023
Age: 8
Word count: 2,935
Warnings: Homophobia , Mentions of sexual assult , Abandonment , Misogyny
Anymore let me know
Request: Yes (Tumblr user) (@ravensinthedaylight)
Pairings: BlackHill, Natasha Romanoff x Lev Ilyin (Original!Evil!Character) (Past mention)
Natasha and Maria were quietly sitting on the couch in their living room, snuggled closer to each other as their 8-year-old daughter, Y/N, was sandwiched in between the two women.
'Lilo and Stitch', Y/N's favorite movie was playing on the TV and their little girl was absolutely fascinated about everything that was happening in it as if she wasn't seeing this movie for the millionth time.
Natasha had to buy 40 new DVDs with the movie, in the last 7 years since its release, because Y/N watched them so often that they quickly got scratched and, therefore, almost useless.
Natasha could only blame her wife for introducing their daughter to this movie.
Now, truth be told, Maria wasn't actually the other biological parent of Y/N.
Years ago, when Natasha was still a young mere prisoner of her own life, she was forced by the organization that had taken care of her training to have intimate relationships with a man she didn't even know.
More of like, being offered against her own will by the Red Room to one of their men but that is all in the past.
She was ready to keep living with everything that happened to her as long as the only good thing that came out of everything, her daughter, was by her side.
A knock at the front door interrupted Y/N's innocent giggles and the little family looked confused towards the door.
Who could be at the door at this late hour?
"I'm coming!" Maria shouted, carefully moving Y/N's sleepy body, who was using Maria as a pillow, away
"I'll get it." Natasha quickly placed her hand on Maria's arm, stopping her
Maria looked at Natasha for a second and the agent wanted to protest but the reassuring smile the redhead was wearing was too tempting.
"As you wish, my love." Maria smiled back
"I'll be quick." Natasha quickly peaked her wife's lips, then stood up, making her way towards the front door
Natasha opened the front door, unaware of the darkness that was lurking just on the other side of it.
A sickening smirk formed on the face of the man who was standing just in front of the red-headed woman.
"Hello, Natalia." He said "Long time no see. Did you miss me?"
Natasha froze in place for a moment as she took in the sight of the man she never thought she would see again.
Memories of a long-forgotten time had resurfaced in her mind.
She shook her head "No..." Natasha whispered "What are you doing here?"
"Well, you know..." The man began "I came to take back what's mine."
Natasha looked at the man, her eyes widening in shock.
"You are not going to take my daughter away from me!" She protectively declared
"Our daughter, my darling." The man corrected her "Oh, and what makes you think that I'm here just for our daughter?" He chuckled "I am here for you as well, Natalia. You are mine just as much as our daughter is." He stated as a matter of factly "How is she, by the way?"
The man took a step forward, walking uninvited inside Natasha's home, and looked around.
"I bet she grew up a lot in the time I haven't seen her." He added when Natasha hesitated to answer his question
"Leave her alone, Lev." Natasha raised her voice "She's innocent. She doesn't have anything to do with all this madness. I thought you were busy planning the world's dominance. How come you have come for us after all this time? How come that HYDRA let you leave their safe prison."
"How?" Lev chuckled "I was never a prisoner at HYDRA, to begin with, unlike you. I am one of their highest-ranked agents. Why do you think they offered you to me out of all people?" He explained "Now I am here to claim what's mine. And this time, neither you nor our little girl will run away. I will find you anywhere."
Anger raised inside of Natasha just as much as fear built inside her.
She couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe that after all this time, the man who hurt her and took advantage of her body was here to claim something he never took part in.
More specifically, in the raising of Y/N, which he had no right over.
"Just leave us alone." Natasha shouted
"You wish!" Lev laughed sadistically
From inside the living room, Maria's ears picked up on the raising tone of her wife's voice, and her instincts kicked in, telling her to go and check what was happening.
"Stay here, baby." Maria kissed your head "Mom is gonna go and quickly check if Mama is okay out there and see who is at the door."
"Okay, Mom." You replied distracted as your attention was fully focused on the movie
Maria stood up and with one last ruffle of your hair, she made her way towards the front door.
"Honey?" Maria called Natasha confused, as she took in the sight of the unknown man sitting in front of her wife "Are you okay? Who's is he?" She pointed to the man "Were you expecting someone?"
"So this is that so-called wife of yours I've heard about." The man smiled "Well it's nice to meet my replacement but we have to leave, Natalia."
Maria looked confused between Natasha and the man for a second.
"What do you mean you have to leave?" Maria asked "Babe?" She turned her head towards Natasha, waiting for her answer
Natasha looked up from the floor, directly into Maria's eyes and the brunette could see the tears that were present in her wife's eyes, causing Maria's instincts to heighten immediately as a surge of protectiveness overflowed her senses.
When Natasha begged Maria to help her just with one look, Maria pushed Natasha behind her with a swift move.
"I don't know who you are." Maria said, her muscles tensing "But I'll have to ask you to leave. Nicely." Se ordered the man through gritted teeth
"You have no right to tell me to leave." The man laughed "I am here to claim what's mine and you, weak woman, will never be able to make me leave."
Just then, Maria's brain clicked on what was happening and she understood who the man that was standing in front of her was.
"You monster." Maria whispered angrily "I know exactly who you are."
"Well..." The man raised his arms, proud of who he was "It took you some time to figure that out." He sang "I expected you to be smarter than this."
"This is the last time I am asking you nicely to leave this house. That unless you want to have some serious problems." Maria said once again
"Oh, come on." The man chuckled sarcastically "You don't expect me to be afraid of a woman and especially of you, don't you?"
"Well, I wouldn't say the same thing if I were you." Maria tilted her head "I am ready to do anything to protect my family."
"Your family?!" The man shouted "They're mine! I am going to take my belongings and leave."
"They are staying here." Maria protested "You don't even know how my daughter is named, let alone have any right over her. I raised her ever since she was a five-month-old baby. I was the one who changed her diapers, checked for any monsters under her bed, and loved her, not you." She hissed "And the same goes for my wife. She's mine for a reason."
From the corner of her eye, Maria saw some movement right behind her, and she saw the man's smirk growing wider.
"Aha, my sweet girl!" The man cheerfully exclaimed "I finally came home. Are you excited to see me?"
Y/N silently peeked at the man from behind her moms.
"Mama?" You called shyly "Who's that?" You pointed towards the man
"No one, baby." Natasha quickly tried to make you leave "Just go back to the movie, okay? Me and Mom will be there very soon."
"Mom?" Lev raised his eyebrow "There is no such thing as another mom. I am your other parent, sweetheart." The man tried to tempt you in a sweet tone "I came here so you could have a normal family. I am your Dad." He declared
"Dad?" You asked confused, looking up towards Natasha "I have no dad. I have Mama and Mom. I already have two parents."
"Well, your parents must be a mom and a dad, not two moms." Lev tried to turn you against your mothers
"But, I love my moms." You innocently declared "They love me and we're always having fun. And Mom always carries me on her shoulders and buys me ice cream, while Mama reads me bedtime stories and gives me the best hugs in the world."
But just before you got to finish your sentence, the man snatched you away by your arm and forcefully held you in place.
You let out a terrified scream as tears quickly made their way down your cheeks.
"Mama!" You screamed out in fear, begging Natasha to help you
"Leave her alone!" Natasha screamed as she tried to grab you back from the men, but she didn't manage to "My baby!"
"Leave my child alone!" Maria threatened "That's my daughter you're holding there. You just don't get it."
"These two girls are mine! And she's coming with me." He pointed towards you
"She's mine!" Maria shouted as she grabbed your other arm quickly and pulled you towards her with all her force, causing the man to loosen his grip on you "They are both mine!" Maria declared as she quickly shoved you behind her to shield you from anything, just as she has done with Natasha "I don't know what's the reason behind your actions and what your evil plan is, but you must leave right now!"
Lev, in a fraction of a second, lifted his arm and punched Maria in the face.
Natasha let out a horrified gasp, her hands instinctively flying to her mouth to cover it in order to muffle any sound.
"Mom!" You screamed, afraid that your mom was badly hurt
"It's okay, kid. Mom is okay." Maria reassured you as she looked towards the man "So, you want to fight?" She nodded, taking a deep breath "Alright then, that's what you'll get."
And just like that, Maria delivered a punch back towards the man and a fight started.
Natasha wanted to help her wife, but she also knew that you needed protection and reassurance as she took two steps backward, shielding you with her body.
Kicks and punches were thrown around from both sides and just as the fight was getting more violent, a blowing sound was heard and the door of their house was slammed open.
"S.H.I.E.L.D., get down!" A deep voice shouted as agents armed with weapons burst inside their home
"This won't end like this!" Lev shouted as he tried to fight his restraints, just as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents escorted him away
"We'll see about that, Lev Ilyin!" Maria shouted behind him before she quickly turned her attention back to her wife and daughter "You're okay." She said in a rushed but reassuring voice "Everything is okay now, my sweethearts." The brunette woman pulled you and your mama in her arms "No one's ever gonna be able to take you away from me, I'm here and I will always protect you, you both are mine and no one else's."
Your small whimpers broke both Maria and Natasha's hearts.
Natasha held you tightly in her arms "It's okay, baby, it's okay. You're okay." Natasha kissed the top of your head and you hid your face in her stomach
Your cries slowly turned into quiet sniffs as you basked in the protection you felt from both your mothers as Maria protectively held you and Natasha closer to her.
"You're both okay." Maria whispered "We're all okay."
Natasha raised her head and looked at her wife's face, a gasp escaping the redhead's lips.
"Masha, you're hurt!" Natasha worriedly looked at Maria's bruised face and raised her hand to touch her wife's cheek
Maria tenderly grabbed Natasha's hand, stopping her from touching her cheek.
"It's okay, my love." Maria reassured "It's nothing. I just need a little bit of care from you and our little princess and I'll be all healed in no time."
"I'm sorry." Natasha whispered on the verge of crying "I never expected to see him again."
"None of that!" Maria sternly declared "You have no fault in this. Okay?"
"But Maria..." Natasha began before sighing when she saw the look on Maria's face and the spy changed the subject "How did the agents show up just on time?"
"Well, I kind of activated the alarm I have on my bracelet and they were alerted when I realized who Lev was." Maria shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn't such a big deal
"You sneaky agent." Natasha chuckled, a gleam of proudness shining in her eyes
"Well, what can I say?" Maria tried to sniffle her laughter "I am prepared for any situation."
But just as they hugged again, the sweet moment of the small family of three was interrupted by Nick Fury, who walked inside the room holding a file in his hand.
"Agent Hill. Agent Romanoff." He nodded, greeting the women "I want to thank you for catching one of the most wanted criminals on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s list.
"Well, you know..." Maria turned annoyed towards Fury, angry that he disturbed their moment "He kind of messed up with my family. I had to do something about it."
"As a thanks, I have a very special mission for you both." Fury stated "I need your help and you have just proven to me that you're both fit for this mission."
Natasha sighed, rolling her eyes "I knew there was something about you showing up here, Nick, not just because of Lev Ilyin."
"You know me, Agent Romanoff." He stated unimpressed, extending his hand towards them, offering them the file "Ilyin is just another trophy to our collection."
The couple grabbed the file from his hand and Natasha opened it, looking at the name of their next target that was written on the first page with big, bold letters.
"Tony Stark?" Maria asked confused "Isn't he that annoying, reckless man who thinks he's smart just because he has money and who wears sunglasses at parties that take place at night?"
"You couldn't have described Stark better, Agent Hill." Fury nodded "That's why I need Agent Romanoff to infiltrate inside his company. You have all the information there. You're getting a new alias and your mission is to protect him as danger is too close to him right now. We need to take action or the next events will have a turn for the worst if we don't intervene in this." He explained before adding "For the whole globe, not just for Stark."
"Consider it done." Natasha nodded, accepting the mission
"I promise you both, you won't regret helping with this mission." Fury looked in between the two women
"We hope we won't, Sir." Maria squinted her eyes
And just like that, Fury turned around and left without adding any other word.
Maria peeked at the page where all the details about Natasha's new identity were and quickly scanned the page with her eyes, reading the important details.
"Well, I see he didn't think too much about a new name." Maria said teasingly "Come on! Natalie Rushman? He could do better than that. And you were supposed to be a model?" She chuckled "No way!"
"Oh, shut up." Natasha playfully smacked Maria's arm "Let's just leave the mission for another time, okay? I have enough time later to study this role."
"All right, Miss Rushman." Maria laughed, wrapping her arms around Natasha's shoulders while taking a gentle hold of Y/N's small hand "I think we had a movie to watch."
"Stitch!" You cheered excitedly
"Yeah, baby, Stitch!" Natasha lovingly smiled down at you as you all made your way back to the living room
That night, Maria lay awake in the bed she and her wife shared.
Natasha and their daughter were sound asleep as today's events drained them out of energy.
The brunette agent turned on her side with a sigh and scanned the faces of her two loves in the darkness.
"No one will ever be able to take you away from me." Maria whispered "I promise you both that we will forever be a family regardless of our past or of what other people might think about us."
Maria slowly leaned closer and kissed your cheek.
"You're so loved, Y/N." The brunette whispered in your ear "And so are you, Tasha." She also pressed a gentle kiss against Natasha's cheek "You're my blessings and I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you both."
What happened today, helped not only Natasha and Maria, but also you, to realize how lucky you were to have each other and on how much love your small family was actually built on.
Maria vowed to fight until her last breath, just so she could keep you and Natasha safe, as her love for her girls knew no bounds.
And just as Stitch has said.
'Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.'
And a true family is built on love, not blood.
Permanent taglist: @lizlil , @mmmmokdok , @natsxwife , @lovelyy-moonlight , @observeowl , @froufrousnowman , @youralphawolf72 , @halstead-severide-fan , @daggersquadphantom , @circe143 , @ravensinthedaylight , @darkstar225 , @dannipotatoo , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @theunchosenonee , @cherlenovix
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violetlunette · 2 months
Runaway Chapter 8: Before the Grave
Summary: Malleus continues to sort through his emotions while Lilia finally receives news…
Previous Chapter
Master List
Notes: *Twst spoilers for Chapter/Book 7
*Major Character death
They buried Silver in April.
Lilia wasn’t sure what happened during the time before. 
After hearing of his son’s death, Lilia’s heart and mind shut down. The world passed in a blur.
His body must have been on automatic, as somehow a funeral was arranged. (That may have been due to Kalim and Jamil, then later the Zigvolt family, whom Lilia vaguely recalled being around.)
It was held in Briar Valley, near the cottage where Silver spent nearly his whole life. He didn’t have much of a chance to spend it elsewhere.
The service had more attendees than he thought. Apparently, despite his stoic nature, Silver had made several friends. Lilia wondered if Silver knew that before he…
The crowds eventually dispersed throughout the day. Soon, the grieving father was left alone, more so than he had ever been.
Lilia stood like a statue before the grave marker, reading the words beneath the date as white rose petals from flowers left by mourners floated by, carried by the wind.
“Here lies Silver. Beloved child, lay to his eternal slumber."
The old fae vaguely wondered who chose those words. Then he decided it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore. 
The world around him had lost its color, leaving only shades of gray and black.
There had been a lot of tears and other emotions of brokenheartedness, even from the forest creatures and spites Silver played with as a child. All except Lilia, whose despair surpassed grief and sorrow so far, his heart couldn’t comprehend the new and unwanted emotion. So, it shut down completely, leaving a hollow husk of a man behind.
His face was vacant, and Lilia was barely able to give even one-word responses. His mind was static, and his body ached in a way he hadn’t felt in ages. An ache that he knew wouldn’t be leaving him for the rest of his life.
His consciousness only came to life when he realized that Malleus and Sebek weren’t there.
He wasn’t surprised. With Malleus’ current emotional state, it was understandable that Malleus wouldn’t want to come, and Sebek would never abandon his prince. 
Even so, anger bloomed inside Lilia.
How dare they not be there? How dare they not come say their final goodbye to his boy?
Regardless of his heritage, Silver had always been loyal to both of them. He loved them.
So much that love destroyed him.
For them not to be here was a horrid insult to years of pure, unwavering devotion.
‘I suppose we get to see how much he meant to them. Eh, Silver?’ Bitterness twisted his features, and he began to inwardly seethe. The anger festered inside of him until all he wanted to do was rampage. Destroy everything and everyone. After all, how dare this world continue to exist when Silver was no longer a part of it? How dare people continue to live their lives when his son could not?
Bile built up in his throat. His teeth seemed to become sharper, like an animal's. He wanted to use them to tear this word asunder--
Then his eyes fell upon Silver’s birth date.
May 15th.
The day Lilia decided to visit Thorn Castle after 400 years of absence. The day he discovered Silver alone among the bramble, screaming at the top of his lungs for affection. The day he took the child as his own.
“I wish you never found him. I wish you never brought him into our lives.” Those were the last words Malleus had said to him concerning Silver. Lilia wished the same.
Lilia’s body trembled. He shoved his face into his open palms, where his fingers dug into his skin, as if ready to tear his face off.
If Lilia never found him, Silver could have been found by someone who could have loved him better than Lilia ever could. Silver could have had a better life—a life he deserved, filled with joy and more.
He certainly wouldn’t be six feet underground without even reaching adulthood.
Tears fell from eyes as hot as fire as an invisible noose wrapped around his throat.
“Silver… I’m sorry… I—AUGH!” He choked on the last word as a sob was torn from him instead, forcing the man to his knees.
Silver deserved better.
He deserved better from Malleus, whom he loved as family and was willing to devote his life to.
He deserved better from Sebek, with whom he shared a dream to be brothers in arms.
He deserved to have a better lineage than the selfish humans he had.
Most of all, he deserved a better father than Lilia.
‘Silver, Silver, Silver…’ His mind chanted the name, hoping to call his precious child to him. However, all he got was a ghost of the teen in his head, carrying the same broken expression he had when he last saw his son.
Silver was a sweet, kind person who would never imagine harming another. He loved all around him and worked harder than anyone to become strong enough to protect others. And not many noticed this effort because of the sleep spell that plagued him.
Silver gave all he could to the world and more. The only thing he ever asked for in return was to remain by Lilia and Malleus’ side.
And yet, he was rejected by both.
First by his father, who was going to abandon him and leave the boy behind forever. Then Silver was tossed away by Malleus just for being born to the wrong people.
In the end, all Silver had was the final embrace of the sea.
Lilia fell forward in a defeated slump, sobbing over his son’s grave. He never meant to abandon him. Lilia never thought of it that way. He—he was just running away. He told himself he was doing it for his family, but in truth, he did it for himself. For pride and his own fears.
And Silver was the cost of it.
With an anguished sob, Lilia gripped the tombstone—the only thing he could take hold of—and called out to his son once more.
“Silver...Silver, please come back! I—I love you. I love you! I—I’m sorry! Please, please come back!” He didn’t care if Silver was a ghost, a zombie, or some other unspeakable form of the undead!
As long as he had his son back. As long as he could hold him in his arms again. As long as--
But alas, souls like Silver did not return to the world. Why would heaven ever release such a beautiful thing once it was in its grasp?
Lilia sobbed, sinking further down until it seemed he would sink into the soil. His hands clenched around the white roses that had been placed on Silver’s grave, scrambling the petals around him in his fit as pain burned through him, his heart tearing itself to bits as it screamed at him, “It’s your fault, your fault! ”
"Ahhh...!! Augh! Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
What should he do now? What should he do? What could he do without his boy--
Scrch! Scrch!
Lilia turned his gaze up at the sound.
‘What the…’ He had to blink away his tears, not having the strength to move his hands.
The words on the grave were fading away, making a grinding sound as they did so.
Once the stone was blank, new words appeared.
Letter by letter, new words came to be until a message was formed:
“April’s Fools! The real chapter will be posted next week.”
Lilia blinked. He blinked again, lifting his head to re-read the message, his lips voicelessly repeating the words.
. ..
. . .
.. .
. ..
. . .
… !
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
Close my eyes for a while Force from the world a patient smile
Buggy says something he regrets to his older sister. Rating: PG Warning: Angst. Injury, blood, siblings not getting long. Buggy cries a lot. He's ten in this, sister is 15. Sister has hair and nose like Buggy, that's just what happened. A/N: A request for older sister Buggy from @chochotorianime10. I had fun with the Ragdoll name because I just recently looked up ragdoll cats. This is just over 8 pages long too. I like the drama. Also I'm the youngest of four and I was very much a bratty younger sibling if my older brothers tried to tell me what to do so I channeled that into Buggy being a brat.
Title comes from "I Gave You All" by Mumford and Songs.
Tumblr media
“Brush your damn teeth, Buggy!” 
“Make me!”
“Oh, really, you’re going to say that to me?” 
You grabbed Buggy by the back of his shirt before he could take off running. The ten year old hated that you bossed him around like this, especially in front of the crew, but you were five years older than him. You raised him from the time you were eight until you were all but adopted by the Roger pirates when you were ten and he was five.  Buggy was as stubborn as they come and he wasn’t going to let his sister tell him what to do now that he was double digits in age.
“Rags, not brushing his teeth once won’t kill him.” Shanks said, trying to diffuse the situation, but you rounded on the red head boy next. Roger gave you the name you now went by, having never remembered your original name as Buggy only ever called you Sis. Being called Ragdoll was the name the captain gave you when you attacked Roger the day you met him with the fierceness of a mama cat protecting her kitten, and once he got to know you, he claimed you were like a Ragdoll cat. You seemed scary but you were actually pretty friendly when you wanted to be. 
“Do not call me that.” You snarled as you grabbed the front of his shirt with your free hand while restraining your little brother with the other. “And you need to do the same, you straw hat brat. Both of you need to maintain some basic hygiene! I don’t want to hear you cryin’ to Crocus about your damn teeth hurting because you didn’t want to brush them one time!”
It was frustrating how you ended up being the babysitter of these two at night. Buggy always started it up, refusing to brush his teeth, take care of his hair, even wash his face, and then Shanks would try to involve himself which would result in you having to do double duty in making sure the two boys were ready for bed. Why did you end up raising two boys instead of one? You pushed them along to get their toothbrushes, grumbling about bratty kids while the crew snickered. 
“Take it easy, Ragdoll. They’re just boys.” One of the men said. “They don’t need constant watchin’.”
You glared at him as you walked past. “Yea? Watch yourself. I need a new scratching post, shithead.” 
“I don’t need you bossing me around, sis!” Buggy complained as he stomped along to go brush his teeth. “I can take care of myself!” He shot a glare in your direction but you just crossed your arms, unimpressed as you watched to make sure both he and Shanks brushed their teeth, washed their face, and at least brushed their hair a bit. Once you were satisfied you pointed to the cot they shared.
“It’s too early! That’s not fair!” Shanks complained, but you didn’t budge, still pointing at their cot. Buggy glared at you and crossed his arms.
“I hate this, I don’t need you telling me what to do!” The ten year old snapped. “I wish you’d go away and leave me alone! You don’t even need to be on the crew, I don’t need you to take care of me!”
“Yea? Who’s going to take care of you then if I’m not here, Buggy?” You snapped back. 
“I can take care of myself!” Buggy shrieked as he stomped his foot. “I wish you’d go away! I hate having you around me!” 
“The feeling is starting to be mutual, y’know!” You shot back as your patience grew thinner with each word he said. “Now get to bed, Buggy! You too, Shanks!”
Buggy clenched his fists as he glared at you. “I hate you! I wish you’d leave me alone forever!”
As soon as he said the words, Buggy regretted it. Shanks looked shocked. He had been a witness to you two going at each other many times, you and Buggy would trade petty little jabs at each other, but he never said that to you before. Buggy looked at you nervously. You were just standing there, still pointing at the cot. 
“Bed.” Your tone was empty and Buggy didn’t like the way you were looking at him. It was the same as before, there was no change after he spoke to you that way. You must hate him now, you were going to leave him. He didn’t actually want that. 
“Wait, Sis-”
You turned and left, shutting the door quietly behind you. Buggy ignored Shanks trying to say something to him as he stomped over to his side of the cot and climbed under the blanket, pulling it over his head. He didn’t want Shanks to see him cry, but it wasn’t like he was going to, right? He wanted you to leave him alone, but maybe not forever. He just was mad about having a bedtime when the rest of the crew got to stay up late, and you didn’t have a bedtime either. Why did he and Shanks have to miss out on all the fun stories and songs the crew exchanged while they had to be in bed?
Maybe you’d forget it in the morning. 
You woke the two of them up for breakfast and that was it. You didn’t stick around to make sure Buggy got dressed or had his shoes on the correct feet. He noticed a hole in his shirt and he wondered why you didn’t say anything. You were always on top of that kind of thing, always taking care of him, making sure he was fed, his clothes were mended, and that he had his hat and shoes on each day before breakfast. You took care of him and… it was nice. 
Were you still mad about the night before?
When he and Shanks showed up for breakfast, you weren’t there. The boys sat near Roger and Rayleigh, listening to them talk about sending a party off to an island to check it out before the rest of them followed, to see if it was even worth going to. The boys perked up at the chance of adventure but Rayleigh shook his head.
“Too dangerous. Ragdoll and three others are going.” He told them as he ate his breakfast. Buggy’s jaw dropped. Why did his sister get to go if it was too dangerous? As if reading his mind, Rayleigh continued, “She volunteered.”
“Why don’t you ask her when she gets back?” Roger chuckled. He knew why: you had come to him the night before asking to do something to get off the ship and have a break from your little brother for a while. The two of you needed some space, whether a few hours or a few days. You didn’t tell him what Buggy said, it was too trivial for Roger to hear. Nothing more than a tantrum from a ten year old. 
“When is she gettin’ back?” Buggy asked as he poked at his food. 
“A few days.” The Captain said. “She won’t be around to tell you what to do! That’s gotta be nice, right, Buggy?”
Buggy frowned and nodded. It would be nice, right? Maybe he wouldn’t have a bedtime, or have to brush his teeth every night before bed. Sure, there were times you’d give him a hug before he went to bed and kissed him on the forehead, even Shanks got to have that, but only you would hug him if he had a nightmare to make him feel better, sometimes singing a song you remembered hearing once before, unsure if the words were correct, but Buggy liked it because you only did that for him. 
He and Shanks still had a bedtime. Rayleigh insisted on it. It was a long few days and Buggy wasn’t going to admit it but he missed having you around on the ship. The first night was fine, but the second night was a little harder because he couldn’t sleep, wondering what you were seeing on the island and wondered what kind of treasure you’d find. Would you share it with him? Did you forget what he said to you? He didn’t hate you, not really. 
The third night he had a nightmare. You didn’t come back, choosing to stay on the island, but there was a monster on the island that was hunting you. Only Buggy could see it and he kept trying to tell you to run away from it, that it was going to hurt you, but you wouldn’t listen to him. He woke up just as the shapeless monster attacked, the screams in his dream replaying in his mind as he tried to calm himself down. Shanks was still asleep beside him, oblivious to his friend’s distress, but it was for the better. He didn’t need Shanks to see him like this. 
Buggy settled back down, trying to relax so he could fall back asleep, but there was movement on the main deck. Someone was shouting, there was the sound of footsteps thundering across the deck. Was something going on? There was no one to stop him, so Buggy got out of bed and slipped his shoes on to go see what was happening. Maybe you were back with mountains of treasure from the island, and maybe you decided not to leave Buggy behind after all and you two could stay together on the ship. 
He got to the main deck. Lanterns were lit, Several men were pulling something up onto the deck from the water below. Buggy’s eyes lit up. It had to be treasure you and the others found. Why else would everyone be up and moving? He saw Captain Roger and Rayleigh standing with Crocus, the latter kneeling down beside something as he spoke with a quiet voice. Was he inspecting the treasure? Buggy made his way over to them, curious to see what you brought back to the ship. He didn’t see you yet, but you were probably on the dinghy down below, getting the treasure up to the ship.
Crocus saw him first and barked for someone to stop Buggy from coming closer. One of the crewmen listened, pulling Buggy back while others moved to the doctor, listening to his orders of what to do. They tried to hide what they were moving from Buggy, but he caught the flash of blue hair, same as his own, and his stomach dropped. 
“What happened?!” He demanded as he tried to pull away from the crewman. “What happened to her?!”
“Let him go.” Roger ordered. “Let him sit with her while Crocus tends to her.”
The crewman listened and Buggy didn’t wait, darting over to the stretcher and pushing his way through to look at you. If it wasn’t for the hair and nose, he wouldn’t have known it was you. The deep gashes all along your body almost left you unrecognizable. Buggy followed along, keeping a hand on the cot near your own, not wanting to touch you in case he hurt you. He listened to one of the men from your party tell the Captain what happened. 
There was already another pirate crew on the island when you landed. They didn’t hesitate in attacking, your party was outnumbered, and you fought back until the blood loss became too much. They managed to bring you back, though the outlook was grim. Once you were in the infirmary, Crocus went to work, checking your wounds over while Buggy stayed at your side.
“She’s going to be okay, right?” He asked as Crocus looked over the largest wound, the one across your chest. He glanced up at the boy and said nothing. Buggy sniffed and wiped at his eyes. “You’ll fix her, right?”
“I’m not promising anything.” Crocus told him as he started to clean the wounds. Buggy glared at him as tears welled up in his eyes. 
“You’re a doctor, you’re supposed to fix people!” Buggy cried. “F-Fix my sister!”
“Let him work, it’ll be fine.” Roger clapped Buggy on the shoulder and chuckled. “She’ll be up in no time bossing you around again!” 
Buggy nodded, not seeing the look the captain and doctor shared. He picked up your hand in his, holding it carefully. It was cold, the warmth he expected to find wasn’t there. You would be okay. You always were.
Rayleigh didn’t let Buggy off the hook for his chores, so he did them without much fuss. He didn’t want to wake you up because Crocus said you needed to sleep if you were going to get better. He had done what he could by stitching up the wounds and bandaging you. Buggy had never seen that many bandages on one person before, but you had a lot of injuries from the other pirates. He asked every hour if you were going to wake up soon, when you were going to get better, and the doctor had more patience for the questions than he normally would have had. 
Buggy was at your side any chance he had, holding your hand as he talked to you, wiping your face with a wet cloth like you made him do every night before bed, and he even brushed your hair. You had dealt so much with tangles in the boys’ hair when they were younger that you had insisted they start brushing it at night before bed. Buggy hated when you picked the tangles and snarls out of his hair, it had hurt a lot, but it was less now that he brushed it every night before bed, especially since his hair was getting longer like yours. He wanted to make sure you didn’t have to deal with tangles in your own hair once you woke up.
“Ragdoll’s gonna pull through.” Shanks said on the third night while he and Buggy had their dinner beside the cot. “Remember when she snuck the mama cat and her kittens on board? She got scratched up really bad but she was okay!”
Buggy only nodded, not paying attention to his food as he watched you to see if you were going to wake up. Crocus said it could happen any day now, that was just this morning, so Buggy had his eyes on you any chance he got so he would be the first person you saw. He wanted to tell you he liked having you around, that you were a good big sister, because one of the last things he said was that he hated you. He wanted one of the first things he said to you when you woke up was nice, not mean, because that would make it right.
“She lost a lot of blood, though.” Shanks added as he ate his own food. “But she’ll be fine.”
Buggy shot him a look. “Of course she’ll be fine! She’s-She’s been beat up worse than this!” He tried to ignore the burning feeling of tears in his eyes. “She’s as strong as the captain, she’ll be better soon and she’s gonna make us brush our teeth again and go to bed on time, ‘cause that’s what she’s supposed to be doing, not sleeping!”
“She’s supposed to sleep to feel better.” Shanks frowned. “It’s what Crocus said.”
“I know that!” Buggy shot back as tears rolled down his cheeks. “Once she’s done sleeping, she’ll be better, okay?! Because she has to get better, she’s got stuff to do like chores and other things!”
Shanks nodded, looking down at you with a frown. “What if she doesn’t wake up?”
“Shut up, Shanks!” Buggy snapped at him. “She’s trying to sleep and you keep talking!”
“You’re talking too!” 
“Just shut up!”
Buggy and Shanks turned to see Rayleigh and Roger standing there. The boys immediately stopped, though Buggy was still crying. 
“Finish eating and get ready for bed.” Rayleigh told them, his tone leaving no room for argument. “You need to get some sleep, Buggy, otherwise you may end up in the infirmary as well.”
Buggy wiped away the tears as he sniffed. That didn’t sound like a bad idea if it meant he could be near you to make sure you were okay. He didn’t want to leave but Rayleigh was ushering him and Shanks out while Roger took a seat beside the bed. 
The two boys got ready for bed, not speaking to each other. Rayleigh made sure they brushed their teeth, washed their face, changed clothes, and even brushed their hair. Buggy crawled into bed, pulling his blanket over his head once more. He had been sleeping like that since you came back. He didn’t want Shanks to see him cry, though there he was certain the other boy could hear him, even though he never said a word about it.
Rayleigh left them alone after that. Buggy said nothing, remaining under the covers. He just wanted you to wake up at this point because he wanted a hug. You always gave him the best hugs and he didn’t want to ask anyone else for one. He sniffed, wiping his eyes and nose on his shirt before he settled down and tried to sleep.
Buggy woke up to someone touching his face with something damp. He scrunched his face up and tried to pull the blankets back over his head but something was preventing him. He just wanted to sleep and he wondered if Shanks was doing something, so he finally opened his eyes, ready to yell at his friend to knock it off, when he saw you looking down at him. Buggy could only stare up at you, wondering if you were really there or if he was having a dream. Were you dead? Was this a ghost in front of him?
“Hey, didn’t mean to wake you.” You whispered as you set the cloth down. You were moving stiffly, no doubt from sleeping the last few days. Buggy was in shock, not speaking as he waited to wake up from the dream. “Y’know, this is the quietest you’ve ever been when awake, Buggy.”
He grabbed your hand, holding it in his own as he made sure you were real. Your hand was warmer than before. He moved your fingers around, touched your fingernails. You closed your hand over his, squeezing gently as it sank in that it really was you sitting with him. He crawled out of the covers and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly as he began sobbing loudly.
“Shh, shh, s’okay.” You insisted as you hugged him carefully; everything was still stiff and healing. “I’m here, Buggy, s’okay.”
“I don’t hate you!” He cried. “I don’t, I didn’t mean it, please don’t leave me!”
You glanced over, noticing Shanks was awake, his eyes on the two of you. You reached over and patted the redhead on the shoulder before turning your attention back to your brother. He was clinging to you, face pressed against your shoulder as he cried, apologies spilling out of his mouth in between gasps for breath. You needed to be careful, Crocus didn’t want you out of bed yet but you didn’t care, you wanted to make sure Buggy was okay. He was the first thing you asked for when you woke up a few hours ago. 
“I know, I don’t hate you either and I won’t leave you.” You assured him as you let your head rest against his. He was worked up, not likely to fall back asleep any time soon. If you weren’t in such a poor state you would let him sleep in your cot for the night, but you weren’t supposed to do much of anything. “I’ll stay in here tonight with you two, okay?”
Buggy lifted his head up, the tears still streaming down his face, snot dripping from his nose. “R-Really?”
“Make some room, kiddo.” You said as you wiped his face with the damp cloth once more. “Crocus doesn’t want me doin’ much.”
Sniffling, Buggy and Shanks both scooted over, letting you get comfortable in the middle. Buggy beside you in seconds, clinging to you as he made sure you really were there and not just a dream. Shanks looked relieved as well, poking your cheek to make sure you weren’t a ghost. You swatted at him gently and he settled down beside you. 
“‘Msorry.” Buggy mumbled again as he started to relax against you. “I don’t hate you, Sis.”
“I know, get some sleep.” You told him as you kissed him on the forehead. He lifted his head up, eyes red and his face stained with tears.
“I love that you’re my sis.” He mumbled as he lowered his head back down. “Don’t leave me again.”
“I won’t leave you.” You assured him as you pulled him closer. “I love that you’re my brother, now get some rest. I’ll wake you up for breakfast.”
Buggy nodded, resting his head on your shoulder as he gazed up at you. You really were okay, you still loved having him as your brother, and you weren’t going to leave him. Maybe tomorrow he could bring you breakfast in bed since you were still getting better, like what you’d done for him whenever he wasn’t feeling well. He’d take care of you, make sure you got better, because he wanted to help you like you had helped him out so many times before, because he was lucky to have a big sister like you.
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ruinedbylanadelrey · 9 months
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King of Your Heart
Chapter 8 "No more Frankie"
summary: All that Frankie has ever wanted to be was your everything. After years of being best friends one phone call changes everything between the two of you.
inspired by The King by Sarah Kinsley
warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI, age gap (reader is 28-29, Frankie 38-39), friends with benefits -> situationship, Frankie isn't a dad, jealously, best friends with benefits, reader is lowkey toxic, reader wears makeup, reader has long hair, self-hate (both characters), drug usage (coke), drinking, benny's house party, princess and fish love to argue, FRANKIE IS GETTING CUCKED, light smut, angst, oh yeah and a lot of angst, biting, no y/n, pet names, possessiveness, triple frontier boys, Tom is dead, reader is a flirt
AN: i was inspired by recent life events and these two songs: you don't go to parties by 5SOS wish you were sober by Conan Gray alone by halsey
inside the world of king of your heart
series mainlist | main masterlist
taglist: @hiroikegawa
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'I'm sorry too but Frankie we can't be together if you don't trust me,'
You left Frankie when he fell asleep after going back to his bedroom for another round of sex. The drive home was silent, with no music playing beside your crying. It wasn't supposed to be like this.
You and Frankie were supposed to get married, have babies, and grow old together. You could see yourself having children with him. You never wanted kids until you fell in love with Frankie, your mother was right when she said to you about how you didn't ever want children. 
'When you meet the right person you'll want to have kids with them, it's not about procreating it's about expressing your love for each other. To have the best pieces of each other made into another human.'
You unlocked the apartment and saw Frankie's aero science book sitting on the coffee table. You glared at the book mocking your relationship, you were completely wiped out of Frankie's house but he is still set up at your apartment. You grabbed the book, shoved it into the junk drawer, and then slammed it back into place. 
Your gaze was wandering all over the apartment trying to find anything that was tied to Frankie. His holster, his pocket knife, and a hat that he wore once and shoved into the junk drawer too. Your anger was clouding your mind, time to move on, no more Frankie. 
Your body is tired and aching for rest but you comb through the entire apartment, going through the closet in the hallway for anything Frankie might own, going through the bathroom, the cabinets, and your closet.
There was a pile in the living room of anything Frankie left or gave to you which meant you didn't have a toolbox anymore. Sunlight creeps in and you are sweating from running around like a madman. 
You get an empty cardboard box from moving in and putting the pile of Frankie memorabilia. 
It was difficult readjusting back to a life without Frankie, without having someone to text first thing when you wake up in the morning. You just get ready for work and come home to eat takeout and watch old romance movies with a bottle of wine that changes day to day depending on how you feel after work. 
When poker night comes around, you grudgingly get dressed and went to Will's house hoping just to talk with his fiancee Charlotte. No Frankie that night or the next poker night, everyone was doleful when you wouldn't show up and Frankie did, and vice versa. Ben decided it was time for you and Frankie to face each other but maybe not in an intimate setting.
Benny's end-of-summer house party. He told you it was the pre-game before his infamous Halloween bash. You haven't been to a party since Halloween and well Ben had thrown quite a few of these house parties. You always hear about the next day when you go over to make sure the guys are alive, making them breakfast and getting them to clean up the house while you supervise. 
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But here you were 3 months clean from Frankie and you were in a dress that Frankie just loves so much, a white cami top dress with pink roses decorating the center of the neckline, and the hem stopping a little bit short of the mid-thigh.
Why were you wearing this? Maybe to make Frankie wish he had tried harder with you.
Maybe to get some dick tonight whether from Frankie or some friend of Benny's. Maybe Frankie won't be there and you wore the dress for yourself. 
"Princess is here!" Pope yells with a beer in his hand almost having it spill out on your shoes. Your eyes dart around the room, seeing people you barely know and a lot of people you don't even know. Ben was coming right at you with a tray of shots. 
"You have to take these before you're allowed to make a drink," Ben hands you the first one of 4 shots. You throw them back inviting the burning in your throat, it was nice to feel a different kind of pain other than emotional.
You start to warm up while you walk into the kitchen and pull out your vodka that Benny hid away for you. The tartness of the cranberry juice and alcohol hit your tongue and downed the drink, a split second later you are mixing another drink.
The sliding door was opened and people going in and out, you looked around to see Mari making rounds with talking to everyone, the backyard caught your attention when you see Frankie talking to Charolette's maid of honor who was making herself comfortable on his lap. 
You roll your eyes grab the bottle of vodka and start drinking it straight. You were feeling the buzz and take a walk out of the crowd, there was your poison, Daniel from that terrible blind date. Might as take him up on his offer about having a big cock and knowing how to make a girl cum. 
"Well look who it is, Miss Princess," Daniel smirks from the couch and you sit down on his lap, you swing your legs over his thighs and play with the button on his collared shirt. 
"Hi Daniel, I've been thinking about showing how much fun I really am." You lean down to his ear and look out the window watching Frankie walking to the house. You dip into Daniel's neck and lightly graze his skin with your teeth. Then come back up, watching Frankie to the hallway, going into the first room on the left, the guestroom with an ensuite bathroom. 
You stand from the couch and hold your hand to Daniel, he quickly takes your hand. It was blind leading the blind, stumbling your way to the guestroom. You quickly slam the door, seeing the light of the bathroom on. Daniel was opening a tiny baggie with a white powder. He scoops some with a key and snorts it. 
Of course, the finance bro has a coke problem. 
"Want some?" Daniel scoops again and offers, you laugh and bring your nose to the key, sniffing the coke and burning your nostrils. You throw back your head and scrunch your nose, and he starts touching your body, extra sensitive to every motion.
Frankie shuts the sink off when he hears giggling and the door slamming. Moans fill the room, the hair on the back of his neck. He knows those moans, Frankie slowly opens the door just enough to see you riding the bastard Daniel, you were in reverse cowboy, playing with your tits and you looked Frankie right in the eyes. 
"So hot, princess!" Daniel pants, watching you bounce on his dick. Frankie gripped the door knob tighter almost ripping it from the door. 
Of course, this is how you want to be. Your hand slides down to your clit and draws tight little circles around it. 
"F-Fuck yes! Oh, you're so good!" You performed for the sake of Daniel's ego and for Frankie to see you getting pleasure from someone else.
You quickly succumb to your orgasm as Frankie gives you a glaring stare.
"Cum in me, baby," You continued to slamming yourself back down on Daniel's decent cock, nothing to be too fucked out of.
Frankie closes the door, quickly and quietly when Daniel spills his cum inside of you. He gets up and leaves to get another drink. You walk to the bathroom door and slip inside. Preparing you to face Frankie but there was the window above the tub opened and scuff marks from his boots on the tub. 
Frankie crawled out the window and tried to make his sudden appearance seem normal. His heart racing after watching you fuck another guy and came because Frankie just watching it happen. The image of your beautiful body on display made him hard even if you were having sex with someone else. 
You stumble out to the living room and see Daniel talking to a girl who is just equally as trashed as him. You find the vodka and make another drink before going to the backyard.
There were all the guys standing in a huddle, Pope saw you first and nudged Will and they broke apart and greeted you. Frankie stands there with hands in his pockets. Will apparently was being called over to his fiancee and Pope and Benny needed more to drink with cups still full.
Frankie breathes out and looks at your pupil's blown and glazed eyes. He never thought you would become this. He feels responsible for your destructive way of coping. 
"If you wanted to make me jealous, you could've just kissed the fucker not have sex with him." Frankie finally admitted his jealousy for anyone who even looked at you and is now jealous of Daniel for getting to have you the same way you had Frankie. 
 "I don't care that you fucked him. I care more about the fact that you did coke. Something you know that I've had past with." He was right. How could you do that? You know about the last time Frankie had his coke problem? What kind of friend does that?
Are you even still friends?
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nochuelinha · 2 months
Chapter 1: Cassiopeia
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   My name is Stella, no last name, I was brought up as a baby in a small orphanage in Seattle, the only thing I have from my parents is the name I bear, nothing else. Sometimes I like to think that they were crazy about the stars just like me, at times when I felt very alone or when I thought that there would be no solution to my little problems of a girl alone in the world, I would console myself by looking at the shining stars in theirs.
Mrs.Adelaide, our tutor at the orphanage always told us to try to be bright and cheerful, good people attract good things, I don't know if I believe that, after 18 years of being left aside by brighter beings, I think we can't always expect things to come to us, so I always went after what I wanted. I was never treated badly, passed over today or punished at the orphanage, but the rule was clear, after a certain age leaving was the only option.
 I got a job in a bookshop in the city center when I was 16 and with the money I collected, I managed to rent a small room where I still live today. I ended up not graduating from high school, because I chose to work, so everything I learned came from the books I managed to read in my spare time at work, I won't lie, there were many and there with thousands of books at my disposal, I learned more about my passion. There are billions of stars scattered throughout the universe, several constellations and thousands more who, like me, don't have a family.
     Today was no different from any other day, cloudy and rainier than the others, but just any other day. I got up, had a quick shower, got ready and with an apple in my hand I left for work, from my little room to the bookstore takes an average of 20 minutes, 30 if I'm pressed for time, but as I'm a bit late, it took me 15 minutes. I grabbed my keys from my small purse and opened the bookshop, it's exactly 8:00 in the morning and I usually don't see any movement until 11:00, so I take the opportunity to clean and organize a few sections, but unlike the other days, a customer showed up at 9:00. The door bell rang and a tall man walked in, he had long hair and was dressed all in black, mind you, I'm not one to judge anyone by their appearance, but the guy was a bit strange, not to mention the eye-catching red lenses.
___ Good morning, can I help you? - I asked as nicely as I could. He didn't answer my greeting, which was rude of him, but just looked at me with a stoic face.
___ Would you happen to have a copy of Mystical Beasts: An Illustrated Guide - to my surprise, his tone was calm and gentle. I relaxed and went to get the book he asked for. When I handed it to him, he smiled sweetly - I've been looking for this book for so long, I'm glad to find it here, do you believe in them? - he asked casually. I never stopped to think about it.
___ Like unicorns? - I asked. He laughed.
___ More like vampires... - without wiping the smile off his face, he headed for the checkout, I followed him, collected his purchase and packed it up - Don't stay out too late, darling, Seattle is getting more and more dangerous. Have a nice day.
     You see, for someone who listens to people fascinated by invented stories and tales of totally unreal things, I didn't find any of this little conversation out of the ordinary, maybe that was my little slip. Usually Lizzie, a young teenager, comes to help me when she has some free time, she's the owner's niece, but as I think she's in exam week, I won't be seeing her here any time soon, so I spent the whole day alone. In the afternoon, the owner called, claiming to have an order scheduled for today and asked me to wait. Although I didn't like staying after hours, I agreed after hearing about the extra money, I like to think I'm not a money fanatic, but a little extra goes a long way. A little curious about these mystical beasts, I went for another copy, but to my displeasure it was the last one, so I read what looked like Indian tales, the tribe from which the stories were taken were called the Quilleute.
     Men who could turn into giant wolves after a certain age, who didn't feel cold and emitted immense heat, who like wolves only had one partner for life and this was characterized by Imprinting. The cold ones, perfect and immaculate, with eyes as red as blood and feeding on such, with their veins full of poison and skin as cold as marble. The reading was very interesting, so much so that I didn't even notice the time passing, it's now 9pm, damn it I should have closed up store an hour ago. I hurried to tidy up and called the owner to tell her that no packages had arrived. A little disappointed, she asked me to close the store and leave, but not before wishing me a good night, she hung up the phone.
     I locked the doors, put on my coat and went home. The night was beautiful, the stars big and bright, the weather cold and the moon huge. I walked calmly until I was two blocks away from the bookstore, despite the beautiful scenery and the pleasant atmosphere, I didn't feel safe there, so I pressed my steps as fast as I could, without looking like a crazy person running down the street. But when I heard fast footsteps behind me, I put all shame aside and took off running down the street, I didn't look back and when I didn't hear anything else, I dared to take a peek, and to my great relief, there was no one there, I took a step and hit something hard, the morning customer was standing in front of me, smiling sweetly. He raised his arm and touched my head.
___ I warned you to be a little more careful about being out so late - his tone was gentle, but I felt a shiver run up my spine and weaken the bones in my legs - Well, since we've met, I'd like to satisfy my hunger.
___W-We can go to a diner in the next street, it's not very luxurious but they serve very good sandwiches and...-I was shaking like a green stick and my voice came out garbled. I tried to pull away, to try and run, but he grabbed me and pulled me towards the entrance to the park. Desperation can leave you in different states, the best known being euphoria and the most feared being that which leaves you stuck. In a lame attempt to get him to let go of me, I kicked his knee, but to my surprise it wasn't his that turned, but mine.
___ Don't make unnecessary noises, I don't want to annoy you - he grabbed my throat and saw the state of my leg - You're dumber than I imagined, but I admire your courage in trying to get away from me, I like more reserved places to feed, but since you insist it should be here - he said as if he was talking casually about the weather, fangs appeared in his mouth and he threw me as if I weighed nothing into a tree trunk, I hit my head and my vision blurred - Thanks for the meal.
     As soon as his fangs were in contact with my neck, things became clear, he was one of the Cold Ones, and gradually I felt my strength going away, the cold night was becoming warmer, as my own blood dripped stickily down my torso. My whole body ached and I felt tears streaming freely down my face. The monster who was feeding happily consoled me: "Don't cry, dear, your miserable life has finally come to an end". I've never had many friends, I've never had a boyfriend, I know I like music, but I don't know exactly what my favorite genres are, I love the stars, but I've never looked at them up close or been able to identify them with the naked eye as I could in books, I haven't had a family to share my pain and happiness with, but for me, right now, the biggest regret I have is not knowing myself. He stopped and bit my arm to start a new sucking session, but something threw him off.
___ She's over there - a female voice shouted, cold hands touched my face, but I couldn't see anything, just the glitter of the stars above me - She'll die if...
___ Let the poison take her for us - a male voice, melodious and melancholy sounded, I looked for the owner with the rest of sanity that inhabited my thoughts, but logically I lost my life completely, an angel had already come to meet me and he was standing there, watching the rest of my soul drain out of me. Tall, very pale, with brown hair and his eyes, ah his eyes, golden like the purest gold, gentle and warm like a fireplace that heats up in cold times, full of life and pain, looking at him it was as if I was numb, like Cassiopeia who had been punished and condemned to be upside down, everything inside me was turned upside down by him - It's going to hurt, so be strong - he took my hand and everything that had once been silent and warm, overnight became fire.
     It felt like I was combusting, in my veins the purest acid was flowing and eating away at me as it passed through every part of my body, I screamed, my throat closed up and then another kind of despair overtook me, the kind where you ask for it to end, ask to finally die, to have an end in the face of so much pain. He held me tightly in place and whispered in my ear...
___ Close your eyes, tomorrow will be another day and you won't be alone anymore - and that comforted me, it didn't stop my pain or take away the fear that dwelled in my heart, but I believed his words and saw nothing more.
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callmeghoulshit · 5 months
I want to know about all your OCs pls ❤️
For Kai: 🥊🌂
For Tyler: 🙌 💼
For Kit: 🌺🍕
For Mikaela: 🧠🧊
For Rylan: 🎯🍀
For Azazel: 🎓🌼
For Dante: 💼💀
For Fae: ✂️ 💚
(let me know when you regret letting me ask so many questions 😈)
ajdhsjfhd Shakeyyyy you don't understand how happy this makes meeeee<3
Main bit of context:
They're a found family who have lived together since the age of 12, when I refer to "the house" it's in reference to the 8 of them, they are also a famous band. It becomes easier to understand when you realise I'm in this world practically 24/7 and you gotta make a lotta leaps in logic to have everything fit together.
Buckle up my little bitch (affectionate) 1.5k words under the cut that took me over an hour to write
What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Kai loves being the nail tech of the house. It wasn't what people expected of him, but he started trying to help his girlfriend Mikaela with her nails, which then evolved into him learning to do acrylics, and nail art, and manicures and pedicures. And now he has a little pocket sized notebook that he dedicates a single page to each song they have to perform and notes down what nails he'll create for kit and the girls and if the boys are having anything too.
Every morning he likes to go for a run (note:sprint at breakneck speed) from the house to the cliff that overlooks the edge of their island. Their home is connected to the mainland by a sandbar that can sometimes be submerged for days. This has been a job he's done almost since the start, to see if they can leave the island or not. If not they have to cancel any appointments until the sandbar is visible. In an emergency there is a small boat, but the water is more dangerous than it seems. He'll run to the edge, check, and then sprint back home where Fae has his typical breakfast of a bacon sandwich ready and waiting for him, and for eight years he has been shocked to see this and has never gotten used to her doing it.
Kai can sometimes hate being in the spotlight, ironic as the band bassist and one of the rappers. He'll sometimes try to shield himself behind others and typically holds his microphone with his fingers stretched over his face so as to hide himself away during his lines.
He also detests sleeping alone, mainly as it's annoying. He has to lay down, tuck the duvet around him and then scooch it up under his butt so he's firmly tucked in and then hides underneath everything. He does it as a safety measure from his past, hiding under everything so he can't be seen or grabbed. Sleeping with others means he has protection, and if Mikaela's away he'll often wear her robe to sleep.
What genre do they belong in?
All of them belong in a coming-of-age, romantic flick. However Kai, especially after examining his past, also belongs in thrillers. His pickpocketing and robberies were always full of suspense, especially as he could never trust the teams that recruited him, which always came at a cost to him.
How many sibling does your OC have?
As far as he (and me) is aware, he has no siblings. But I'm an unreliable narrator, and often need something dramatic to happen, so who knows?
What do they do for a living?
Tyler is the third rapper of the band and their drummer, currently. In the past he was an illegal "demolitions expert" of sorts (see how you need to ignore a lot of real world logic to make things work haha), human battering ram, human shield (against his will, poor guy) and had plenty of clientele for his knack of fashioning explosives.
Do they have any love interest(s)?
Tyler. His protector, his lover, his sweet cheese, his good time boy, his daddy. Him and Tyler have been together for seven years. They've roomed together since the day they moved into the house, the only thing that changed was swapping two beds for one.
What is their favorite food?
Strawberries. Oh my god this kid and his strawberries. He spends his time tending to the "veg patch" and his favourite is his strawberry plants. Much like me as a kid feeding ducks, tearing off bread (I'm aware now that you can't give ducks bread I'm so sorry) and going "bit for you, bit for me", Kit picking strawberries takes a while as he picks one to go in his basket, and one for him to eat as he goes along. It's a miracle he never runs out.
What do you like most about the OC?
Ooo I think it's how unapologetic and confident she is. She's so "fuck yeah this is me, and?" it's enviable. Try and insult her, I dare you. She'll fucking agree and twist your words into a compliment.
Is their current design the first one?
Technically yes, technically no. Everyone is mostly the same as they were at the beginning. Any changes either happen naturally as they grew and changed, or were just straight up shoved in as if it was always that way. But Mikaela is pretty much the same.
What do they do best?
Fucking own my heart Rylan is my favourite, he's been with me the longest so I'm so fucking sorry haha.
I think what he does best is pull the strings from behind. When you think of the "parents" of the house he doesn't actually make the cut, but rest assured he does so much for his family. Be it making sure everyone's clothes are folded ready to go to their rooms, buying treats and snacks and keeping them stocked, little things like smoothing clothes, fixing hair, pulling Fae's skirt down or stopping the girl's and kit's clothes from blowing in the wind by discreetly holding the hems, or slipping his (illegal) credit card to everyone so they can buy presents behind each others backs. He just cares so deeply and notices so much, he just wants to love and be loved.
What originally inspired the OC?
So Rylan was a name I read in a book as a kid (not sure which) and really liked. I couldn't have friends round as a kid so I had to play by myself and always needed a counterpart so it'd be a dude called Rylan. Then when my parents separated I started daydreaming of moving house, and of there being a rundown house at the end of the street I'd go explore, and then I'd run into a boy called Rylan hanging out in there, and get to know him and his friends and that's how the story came to be. It was meant to be a quick daydream like everything else as a kid where once the daydream ended for the day, I couldn't go back to it. Instead everything kept expanding and developed into this big world and storyline. And this didn't actually answer the question but it felt important (?)
Anyways Rylan was initially (INITIALLY) modelled after 707 from Mystic Messenger. I had never played Mystic Messenger before. Just liked how he looked. And now Rylan looks nothing like him haha we retconned the fuck outta that man.
How long have you had the OC?
Six and a half years I think. My brain is so scrambled and used to the fictional timeline I forget when it actually all started. I'd need to sit and write it all out haha.
How old are they?
She's in her early 20s
What do they do for a living?
Dante is a vocalist in their band, and he used to be a drug dealer. These fuckers and the genre hopping give me whiplash istg.
Does your OC have any phobias?
I'm not too sure if this counts as a phobia but one of the big things he hates is extreme cold (fucking ironic he lives in the fucking UK then haha).
What is one of your OC's worst memories?
Childhood. It's one of the core things that bind them is a traumatic childhood (not too sure if I'm projecting with that), they each had their own experiences, crossed paths along the way, then found each other again without even realising they'd met before.
But memories I can actually talk about without trigger warnings? Uhhhh...
that and a home invasion. She was in the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan and a knife for defense. Now Fae isn't too cool with the idea of killing a person unless she realllyyy has no choice, so she Rapunzels the fuck outta these situations and just keeps whacking them over the head with a frying pan until she can find the boys to take care of the intruders.
Another time she hates to think of was when Dante (her boyfriend) just upped and disappeared. No note, no warning. She let it eat at her so much, and was so relieved when he was found and came home. Same with Kit wandering off in the dead of night. They all went up the mountains searching for him and kept coming across his clothing meaning hypothermia was setting in and Kit is so small and frail it was a wonder to think he managed to get so far in his state. There was a lot of stress baking in the kitchen those days after her boys were safely back home.
What is your OC's gender identity and sexuality?
Fae is a cis woman, she's very femme but in a softer way than Mikaela. Her sexuality throws her off a bit, much like her boyfriend they're both straight, however with an exception for sleeping with their same sex best friend on a couple occasions.
Hahaaaaaa I don't regret asking you hehehehe I hope you regret asking me because I ramble SO MUCH IM SORRY I LOVE THEM OKAY THEY ARE LITERALLY MY LIFE
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random-delights · 1 year
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Name: Agate
Age: 24
Bio: Nicknamed the Falcon of Brodia due to her speed and strike in battle with her sword, she is a dedicated captain of Brodia. She has the tendency to nap wherever she pleases due to her overexerted energy during battles and training, giving it her all. She calls Diamant “Didi” and will also grace you with a nickname without asking.
↓ More Info Below  ↓
Thank you @shellysaurus-rex for putting in all this work for providing the template!
Note: "Sparkles" is Agate's nickname for Alear :' )
Ally Notebook
Initial Page;
Initial Class: Swordmaster
Birthday: August 02
Basic Info: Known for her agility in battle, she is a strong captain of Brodia who takes great pride in her duty to Diamant and Alcryst. She joined the Divine Dragon’s army to fight for the same cause.
C Rank;
Likes: Woodcraft, Training, Games, Diamant & Alcryst (Brodian comrades too), Music, Her blanket, Loyalty
Dislikes: Being tired, Anyone who makes Alcryst cry, Fashion, Her older brother, Snooty people
B Rank;
Hobbies: Training and exercising
Talents: Carving wooden miniatures 
Background: Born in a small town in Brodia, she was raised by a family with a skilled father in woodcrafting. Her father suffered from an injury that required him to work less than he was capable of. It wasn’t until her older brother suddenly left their family to go on a trip alone exploring the world. This left Agate furious over her inconsiderate brother, and took it upon herself to take care of their parents. Learning that joining the Brodia army can provide the support for her parents, she took up her father’s sword and charged into the Brodian castle demanding a fight with Damiant, only to accidentally walk upon a small Alcryst (of course, sending him to a fit of sobbing that drew Damiant’s attention). Ever since then, she has become a loyal and diligent captain known as the Falcon of Brodia due to her agility and endurance.
A Rank;
Height: 5′5″
Ring Size: 7 | N 1/2
Personality: Dedicated to her role as a  captain of the Brodian army, she can be loud in personality and loves to take on challenges of all kinds. When her energy is spent, she knocks out into a nap, sometimes even on the spot. She is loyal and caring to her close comrades and is always there to look after them. Has napped the most in the army. 
Lila (oc)
Battle Quotes
When Selected:
“Ready and willing” (Full Health)
“For Brodia” (Full Health)
“Send me forward!” (Medium Health)
“Let me at them!” (Low Health)
Critical Attack:
“I will cut you down.”
“This is your end!”
“Meet my blade with honour!”
“Pick your prayers.”
Defeated Enemy:
“That was disappointing.”
“Over so soon?”
“Time to nap, I guess.”
“What a privilege it’s been.”
“May we cross blades again in the afterlife.”
Ally Heals:
“T-thank you…”
“I will return the favour!”
“This is embarrassing…”
Emblem Engage:
“Emblem Engage!”
“Forward together!”
Post-Battle Exploration
“Don’t let the nickname Falcon of Brodia stick too much…I don’t really like it, but it makes Diamant and Alcryst smile, so I can't complain.” (Chapter 8: Kingdom of Might)
“We should hurry, Divine One. I’m afraid of what will face us in Elusia…I have a bad feeling about this.” (Chapter 9: A Clash of Forces)
“I must remain by Diamant and Alcryst’s side…especially during this time.” (Chapter 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron)
“I know Brodia and Elusia have been at each other’s throats…but this…I would never wish this upon anyone.” (Chapter 19: The Dead Town)
“What’s this? Afraid I’ve lost my edge? Nonsense. Put me back out there!” (Not Deployed)
“Is that all? We’re just getting started! Bring it on!” (Deployed Numerously)
“I’m not one for traveling, that’s more of my useless brother’s type of gig, y’know. But I must admit…the views are great to take in.” (Default)
“Who knew all these colours existed? No wonder people from Firene are so happy.” (Florra Mill Town)
“See that pillar supporting that part of the bridge? I climbed that, but Diamant sent guards to bring me back. He was worrying too much, if you ask me.” (The Grand Crossing)
“Welcome to our home. Impressive, isn’t it?” (Brodia Castle)
“I wish I had my trust blanket with me, the winds here are brutal. ” (Fort on the Border)
“Every nation has its wonders, eh?” (Destinea Cathedral)
“Sparkles! A group of people over there let me join their singing. Come! You should join us!” (Oasis Village)
“This place is really cool, I wouldn’t mind living here. Wait, don’t tell Diamant I said that. Please.” (Solm Palace)
In Somniel:
“My brother would have loved to visit here…hm? Oh, nevermind. It’s nothing important.” (Default)
“Sparkles-! Have you seen the weapons? Which one do you want? I can get it for you and we can spar!” (Plaza)
“I’m not picky on food, I will eat anything, even twigs. Citrinne sometimes worries about me because of it. She’s such a worrywart.” (Café Terrace)
“Want to join me, Sparkles? Water’s good!” (Pool)
“The fruit here is so good! Wait—what do you mean we’re not allowed to eat the fruit off the trees here?!” (Orchard)
“I never fish myself, but I do accompany Diamant and Alcryst from time to time. They sure love their fishing.” (Pond)
“Sparkles! Good timing, want to train together? This is the best time to do it!” (Training Yard)
“Did you know this is a great spot for napping? You should try it some time!” (Lookout Ridge)
“Huh? A gift? T-thank you…you made my day.” (Their Birthday)
“Happy Birthday! Hope you like this…I had a hard time choosing, because I wanted to give you so many things.” (Alear’s Birthday)
“Thanks?” (Disliked)
“How considerate of you, thank you.” (Liked)
“Can I really have this? Thank you, this means a lot to me.” (Favorite)
“I mean…some people would find this useful, but not me. Sorry. ” (Horse Manure)
Café Terrace:
“Welcome! I can try my best, but can’t guarantee the outcome. Eat at your own risk.” (On Duty Quote)
“You dare challenge me? Bring it on.”
“Let’s see what you are worth.”
“Come at me with your best.”
“Already over? What a shame.”
“How strange…I need to train harder.”
Wake-Up Events
“Sparkles, here I come! Too bad I napped before I came here, or else I would have joined you. You got a nice place for sleepin’. ”
“You look so comfortable…even though I just napped…I feel like dozing off. … . Hm? Oh, Sparkles, you’re up. I guess that means I shouldn’t nod off. Ah well, shall we head out?”
“I wonder if there is a way for me to nap here too-oh, hey! Hello sunshine! Hm? What was I talking about? Don’t worry. Let’s get a move on then, yeah?” (Waking Early)
“I can’t believe they made a napper like me come and wake you up, Sparkles. You look all comfortable and cozy there…hm. Let me see if I can squeeze on here too. This isn’t a bad spot for napping.”
“You’re awake? No, sh, go back to sleep! We can nap the whole day off. Okay, fine, fine, I suppose you have important duties to attend to.”
“Aw, you’re up. I was hoping we’d nap a bit longer together here. Alright, up we go.” (Waking Early)
“Operation New Nap Spot is a go! Let’s see, if I squeeze myself here, I won’t have to disturb your sleep, Sparkles.”
“Wow, this bed is really comfortable. Do I have to be a Divine Dragon to get myself one of these? Oh hey Sparkles, hello sunshine. Me? Don’t worry, I was just testing some things out. Let’s go.”
“A-Ah! Did I wake you? I will have to be more successful next time…alright, let’s go then. I will try to do better next time!” (Waking Early)
“Watching you sleep has been so peaceful, Sparkles. I find myself coming here too much. A little quiet doesn’t hurt…”
“Are you up sunshine? Don’t worry, I haven’t been waiting for long. Feel free to go back to sleep if you wish.”
“Hey Sparkles, sorry did my words wake you up? I will keep my thoughts to myself then. Let’s head out, yeah?” (Waking Early)
“I hope Sparkles doesn’t mind me bringing my own blanket. Let’s see, this should be enough to cover us both. Let me just climb up onto here…”
“... . Hm? Oh Sparkles, you woke me up this time instead of the other way around. Can we stay here for a few more minutes like this? Is that okay?”
“Sparkles! I was hoping I wouldn’t wake you…my plans are spoiled now. Ah well…let’s head out then.”  (Waking Early)
“Sparkles, it’s me. I couldn’t help but come here on my own accord. There’s something about you I can’t keep myself away from. Maybe I should take a thing or two from you…they way you are kind, thoughtful and caring. I wonder if I could ever be like you, Divine One...”
“Are you up? Welcome back. We’re in no rush, so take the time you need to fully wake up. I will be here if you ever need anything.”
“Ah, S-Sparkles, morning! Shall we get a move on?” (Waking Early)
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daitranscripts · 7 months
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Pt. 20
Addressing the Court
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Masterpost First: Gaining an Invitation
Previous: Long Live Empress Celene Previous: Reunited Lovers Previous: A Public Truce Previous: Emperor Gaspard
Choice dependent dialogue:
Celene rules alone [1]
Celene and Briala reunited [2]
Public truce [3]
Gaspard rules as Briala’s puppet [4]
Gaspard rules alone [5]
1 - Celene rules alone The PC enters the ballroom with Celene.
Celene: You have done a service for the Empire never to be forgotten, my friend. This peace is your doing. You truly are the instrument of Andraste. Orlais will ever forget your part in this. Nor will I.
They walk up to the balcony.
Celene: Lords and ladies of the court, the civil war which has plagued us is at an end. The Orlesian Empire is whole again! Those who drove us into war for selfish gain have been dealt with as traitors.
Celene (failed to reunite Celene and Briala/implicate Briala): Treachery shall no longer be allowed to fester in the heart of our court. Celene (Gaspard executed): No one shall be permitted to endanger the people of Orlais, no matter their rank or bloodline. Celene (Gaspard spared): Gaspard de Chalons is guilty of treason. He is no longer our cousin, and shall never again hold title or land in Orlais.
Celene: We have lost enough. No more! Now we can move forward to healing and restoration. In our hour of need, the Inquisition has faced these dangers beside us. It is the honor of Orlais to stand with Andraste’s Herald to end this crisis. And in ages to come, our children and grandchildren can say that we left them a brighter world.
Celene: Will you address the court, my friend?
Dialogue options:
Peace should be our concern. [6]
General: The enemy is connected. [7]
General: Be ready to fight. [8]
6 - Peace should be our concern. Inquisitor: Ending the war was the first step. Our final goal must be peace for all Thedas. [9]
7 - General: The enemy is connected. PC: Our enemy is clever. He manipulated the highest-ranking members of the court. If we want victory, we will have to fight him in more ways than one. Celene: Well said, Inquisitor. Inquisitor: Our enemy is clever. He manipulated the highest-ranking members of the court. If we want victory, we will have to fight him in more ways than one. [9]
8 - General: Be ready to fight. PC: The civil war may have ended, but the fighting has just begun. The battle is far from over. Celene: We of the court must use our resources. Not every battle is won on the field. But that is tomorrow. Tonight, feast, my friends, enjoy our victory. There will be many more to come! [9]
9 - Scene ends.
2 - Celene and Briala reunited The PC enters the ballroom with Celene and Briala.
Celene: You have done so much. For my people and… for us.
Briala: We won’t forget this.
Dialogue options:
General: I was glad to help. [10]
General: What happens now? [11]
General: I need resources, not thanks. [12]
10 - General: I was glad to help. PC: It was my pleasure. The two of you deserve to be happy. Celene: We truly are. [13]
11- General: What happens now? PC: What will the two of you do now? Briala and Celene look to each other. Briala: There will be some… changes to the court. Celene: Not just the court. [13]
12 - General: I need resources, not thanks. PC: I hope your gratitude translates into soldiers and arms. Celene: Have no fear. You will have everything I can spare from relief and reconstruction efforts. [13]
13 - Scene continues.
Celene: Come, stand with us, Inquisitor. We must give the good news to the nobility.
They walk up to the balcony.
Celene: Lord and ladies of the court, this is a night for celebration! Those who sought to poison our empire with treason have been brought to justice. It is a new age for Orlais. We shall build a world in which all men and women live in harmony. Let the cornerstone of change be laid. I introduce the newest member of our court: Marquise Briala of the Dales.
Briala: This is not just a victory in Halamshiral, or within the empire, or even for elves alone. This is a triumph for everyone. Over a thousand years ago in the Valarian Fields, elves and humans together defeated the Imperium. We can do so much more now. We are greater than our ancestors ever dreamed. Together, we will start by saving our world from the enemy who took the Divine and tore the sky apart.
Dialogue options:
General: This is an achievement. PC: This evening proves what we can accomplish through cooperation.
General: We have to work together. PC: It will take all of us to defeat the enemy threatening our world.
General: The real war starts now. PC: Our enemy does not negotiate and has no mercy. We fight for our very existence.
Briala: We are already tracking these Tevinter agents. Soon they’ll have no place to hide.
Celene: But that is tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate our newfound fellowship. Let the festivities commence!
Scene ends.
3 - Public truce The PC enters the ballroom with Gaspard, Celene, and Briala.
Briala: I cannot believe you want to make a speech. This is foolish.
Celene: We have no choice. The nobility requires an answer for what happened.
Gaspard: Unless you want to pretend the war was all a dream? That would go over well. No more dithering. We make the cut swift and clean. Kindest to all of us.
Celene and Gaspard move to the balcony. Briala stays behind in the shadows,
Celene: Lords and ladies of the court, we are pleased to announce that an accord has been reached. Our cousin Gaspard will now hold a place of honor in our cabinet.
Gaspard: Friends, we assembled are the leaders of the empire. We must set the example for all Thedas. We cannot be at war with each other while the Fade itself challenges our borders.
Celene: We must stand united, or surely we will fall alone.
Dialogue options:
General: We can save our world. [14]
General: This is our only chance. [15]
General: Prepare for battle. [16]
14 - General: We can save our world. PC: We will save Thedas from calamity, but only together may we accomplish this. Celene: We will heal our wounded country. A long road of reconstruction lies before us. [17]
15 - General: This is our only chance. PC: There will be no second chance for us. We cannot afford to be divided. Gaspard: We will bury our dead, tend our wounded, and ready ourselves for the next charge. As all true Orlesians must. [17]
16 - General: Prepare for battle. PC: Get ready to march your troops into battle. The real war begins now. [17]
17 - Scene continues.
Celene: But tonight, we celebrate the arrival of peace. Let the festivities commence!
Scene ends.
4 - Gaspard rules as Briala’s puppet The PC walks in with Briala.
Briala: The elves of Orlais have a future. For the first time in centuries. If only Celene… My people will find a way to repay you. I promise you.
Dialogue options:
General: You don’t owe me anything. [18]
General: Don’t waste this chance. [19]
General: You’d better deliver. [20]
18 - General: You don’t owe me anything. PC: You don’t need to repay me. Briala: I pay my debts, Inquisitor. [21]
19 - General: Don’t waste this chance. PC: Just use this opportunity well. Briala: I will. I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life. [21]
20 - General: You’d better deliver. PC: See that you keep that promise. Briala: You have the most expansive spy network in Orlais as your new best friend, Inquisitor. You have nothing to fear. [21]
21 - Scene continues.
Briala: But we’re keeping our new emperor waiting. Go give the nobility the good news.
The PC and Gaspard move up to the balcony.
Gaspard: Lords and ladies of the court, it is done. This was not the end any of us would have chosen, but the civil war is over. We stand here as proof of the empire’s fortitude. Our enemies must learn that Orlais shall not fall to treachery. We will never surrender our empire. We shall teach them the finality of this truth with steel.
Gaspard: With the Inquisition, we will drive the demons back into the Fade. The Maker Himself could not protect them from the wrath of the lion.
Dialogue options:
General: We’ll make Orlais safe again. PC: Together, we will assure a future of peace and security not just for Orlais, but all Thedas.
General: We’ll be heroes. PC: Stand with me, and become the saviors of a grateful world.
General: We will have vengeance. PC: Join me, and we will exact justice for Celene and all those lives the enemy has taken.
Gaspard: Gather your soldiers, my friends! The empire marches to war!
Scene ends.
5 - Gaspard rules alone The PC walks in with Gaspard.
Gaspard: We all owe you our lives, Inquisitor. I will remember that. You’ve been a friend. I am not a man who forgets his friends. Stand with me. We should speak to the people together.
They walk up to the balcony.
Gaspard: And so the crown falls to me. This is not the victory I hoped for. I wanted this moment filled with song, not with sorrow. But I have always been a soldier. As every soldier knows, the difference between defeat and victory is how it is named. An enemy has struck the empire in its very heart. As your emperor, I promise justice. Orlais will not allow such atrocities–corruption, deceit, murder–to go unchallenged.
Gaspard: We will face this Corypheus. He will know the wrath of the lion. We will fight shoulder-to-shoulder with the Inquisition. Together, we will send our enemy to the Maker’s judgment.
Dialogue options:
General: We will put things right. PC: With your help, we will end this crisis and restore peace to Thedas.
General: It will be a great story. PC: Future generations will know their parents and grandparents fought to save the world.
General: We will make him pay. PC: We will teach Corypheus and his allies the meaning of fear. Their victims will be avenged.
Gaspard: We have much work ahead. But that is for another day. Tonight, be at ease. Rest and prepare yourselves for the battle ahead.
Scene ends.
Next: Liaison to the Inquisition 
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julesthoughts · 2 years
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I posted 73 times in 2022
Das sind 73 more posts als 2021!
20 posts created (27%)
53 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged most:
I tagged 33 of my posts in 2022
#personal – 11 posts
#ask – 11 posts
#duskwood – 11 posts
#thank you – 11 posts
#love – 8 posts
#julesisreading – 8 posts
#<333333333 – 6 posts
#duskwood everbyte – 6 posts
#duskwood fanfiction – 5 posts
#hacked-by-jake – 5 posts
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#i'll paint your nails as dark as my soul 😈
My Top Posts in 2022:
Trap of Lies
Chapter 21
This is a dark AU collaboration started by @x3kristax3. You can find the other chapters here.
TW: Mentioning of Torture and Violence
After ages, I was finally able to persuade Alan to leave his house. Of course, only with him, alone he would never let me go. His proximity drove me insane, and his constant advances got on my nerves. I kept telling him that I wasn't ready because of what had happened. He showed understanding, but still, it didn't stop him from trying again and again. It's been two weeks since I left Jake and honestly, I was hoping to get back to him as soon as possible. Back in his warm arms, look into his soft eyes and feel his soft lips on mine.
I shook my head slightly to break the train of thought. I couldn't think about Jake that much now, he was my weakness and weakness wasn't allowed right now. We went to the flower stand and as I was looking around, my favorite flowers caught my eye. I took a bundle and smelled them, a lump forming in my throat immediately. The memory of Jake watching me here back then came flooding back. He was a stranger and yet I felt drawn to him in a way. The corners of my mouth twitched up briefly, but I immediately put my face back to normal.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and put the flowers back as Alan wasn't going to buy them for me anyway. Alan had his back to me, and he was talking to someone, but I couldn't see who it was as he was completely hidden by Alan. I wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I could already guess who it was, but I turned around to confirm my suspicion. In front of me was a red-haired beauty and I saw relief on her face. I put my arms around her, and she hugged me tightly to make sure I was really in front of her. I heard her sigh joyfully. The last time we saw each other was before I was kidnapped and held captive.
I wanted to detach myself from the hug, but Jessy wouldn't allow it. "MC, Jake told us everything. Everything. Would you explain to me why you are with him?” She whispered in my ear. The way she pronounced the word him sent chills down my spine.
I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "I know what I have to do. Please be on standby, Jessy. You're the only one I trust completely." She loosened her grip, and I broke the hug. She put her hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears from my face with her thumbs. I didn't even realize that I started to cry. She gave me a compassionate smile.
"You can't let him see you cry. You can do it, I'll always have your back. You are so incredibly strong.” She took my hand while saying this.
Jessy looked so innocent and sweet, but when it came to her loved ones, she knew no bounds. When she cast her eyes on Alan, I saw pure hatred blazing in her irises. She hated this man like no other person in this world. I knew she would do anything to help me, and I was beyond grateful for that.
"Listen, I'll try to persuade him that I can meet you. I miss you and I could really use a girls day,” I sighed.
She knew that when I said girls' day, I didn't mean a normal girls' day. We wanted to catch up. I saw that Alan had finished his conversation and was approaching us. He put his arm around my waist. "Hello Jessica," he said cold as a stone.
Jessy rolled her eyes and I spoke to Alan, "Alan, I'd like to go with Jessy. She's on her way home and I haven't had a chance to meet her. I'd just like to have some girl time with her."
He took my chin in his fingers and looked deep into my eyes, scanning me. I sighed softly and my eyes softened, getting the answer I wanted. "Only if you promise to come back. I'm worried, you're not fully recovered."
He drove me crazy with his care. It was his fault that I felt so bad. Take a deep breath, MC! You have to pull yourself together if you want to reach your goal and get back to Jake. Since getting back together with Alan I've had serious problems controlling my temper. Knowing that I was pretending to love the man who put me through all the torture made me frustrated.
"Don't worry, I'm feeling pretty good today and besides, Jessy is with me,” I said shortly. I just couldn't speak long sentences with this man without losing my temper.
Out of the blue he took my face in his hands and kissed me firmly but sweetly on my lips. I kissed him back, I had to keep up my acting. I wanted this kiss to end, but Alan let the kiss deepen. What was the matter with him? I opened my eyes and saw that he was looking to the right. I followed his gaze and my heart shattered into a million pieces.
Jake stood there and his eyes were on us. He didn't even grimace, but there was pure pain in his eyes. His eyes made my heart clench painfully. Alan was really enjoying Jake's suffering and I broke the kiss abruptly. Alan glared at me, but I smiled sheepishly, "Alan, you know I'm not that fond of kissing in public." That was the truth, Jake respected my opinion and wouldn't kiss me in public.
Alan stroked my cheek, "Sorry, my feelings for you took over for a moment."
Fucking liar. I didn't understand what that was about, did he want to see Jake suffer? He didn't seem to realize I saw Jake and I took advantage of that. I kept acting the innocent woman in love with Alan. I said goodbye to Alan and when I turned around, I saw Jessy buying some flowers. She gave me a bunch of my favorite flowers and my eyes shone with joy, "Oh Jessy, that wasn't necessary. Thank you!"
On the way to the carriage, I saw Jake walking towards my father's trade business with his head bowed. He avoided my eye contact, and it broke my heart. I had broken his heart in the worst possible way. I began to have doubts as to whether he would even want me back once I had achieved my goal.
As we got into the carriage my lips started to tremble, Jessy already noticed from the outside of the carriage that I was watching Jake. She put her arm around me, and I let my head rest on her shoulder, exhausted.
"So, I'm waiting for an explanation. I know you know he was behind it all. Why are you with him?" She asked when the carriage took off.
I sighed shakily and tilted my head back. "You're right. I know it and I hate his every touch. Every time his lips touch mine it sends a shiver down my spine. But I have to go through this if I'm going to have a quiet life with Jake.” I pulled the ring out of my corset and held it in my hand, my eyes shining as I looked at it. “The question is if he even wants me back.” I spoke my thoughts out loud.
"Oh, my love, you still love him?” she asked happily. "Everyone thinks you don't love him anymore, including him. He needs to know that!"
"No!" I protested heatedly. "He mustn't be involved, do you hear me? And earlier he walked in the direction of my father's business. Something tells me that my father is helping him on the right path.”
Jessy shook her head, "Don't you want to give him at least a glimmer of hope?" She bit her lip, and I could tell immediately that she was holding back something. I ignored it.
"He doesn't need that, if I judge my parents correctly, they will have already given him hope. And if my assumption is right and my father really helps him to get back on the right path, then it would be more than wrong to involve him in it,” I said while bringing my head back to a normal position and avoiding Jessy's gaze.
See the full post
20 notes – Posted November 16, 2022
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I'm trying my hand at writing especially for Duskwood Fanfictions. I post Fanfictions on Wattpad and One-Shots here on Tumblr. I'm happy to take requests, if you have a request let me know. Mainly to Duskwood please. I hope you'll like my work. Enjoy!
Duskwood Fanfictions:
Duskwood - Dark Secrets
Duskwood - Who are you?
Duskwood - Loving A Criminal
Duskwood - Choose or Lose (Sequel to Who are you?)
Duskwood - Dunkle Geheimnisse (German Version of Dark Secrets)
Duskwood - One Shots
Other Stories:
The Betrayal
Tumblr Works:
Unexpected Reunion (Jake x MC)
Unexpected Reunion - Part Two (Jake x MC)
Unconditional Love (Jake x MC)
Revenge of the Rotten Tomatoes (Request)
You mean like a date? (Thomas x MC)
You are under arrest (Alan x MC)
Trap of Lies ( Dark AU based in the 1700s)
Rules: No bullying — No rassism — Trigger warning for sensitive topics
25 notes – Postet Oktober 11, 2022
Revenge of the Rotten Tomatoes
A/N: I was asked to turn one of my dreams into a short story. Thanks goes out to @hacked-by-jake Discord Server. The story is just bullshit my brain made up. Enjoy. :)
Words: 694
Requested from: @hacked-by-jake, @itsnotzka, @fem-moony, @julesisreading, @anabellerose96
TW: I don't now, Violence and fighting scenes. xD
I came home from work exhausted. I quickly changed and then went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. When I wanted to cut the tomatoes, I saw that they were already rotten, "Eww, no tomatoes today." I threw away the tomatoes and ate my sandwich. It was tasty, but the juicy tomato was missing. After I finished the sandwich, I quickly brushed my teeth and then watched some TV while I fell asleep on the couch.
I woke up early to the sound of loud banging noises. I went outside to see what was going on, the first thing I heard was panicked screams. I saw a young woman run past my house and get pierced by a green spike. She screamed, looked at me and asked for my help. I ran to her, and another green spike hit her. She kept running until she eventually fell down and stopped moving.
I wanted to run to her when a green spike grazed my arm. I turned around and couldn't believe what I saw there. I ran back into my house and opened the bin, my tomatoes! They were gone. Those out there were the tomatoes I threw away last night!
My cell phone rang, and I saw Jake's name on my display. I took the call, and I heard a panicked Jake, "MC! I hacked your laptop's camera, I saw the tomatoes leave your trash can and roll out of your house. We must do something. I'm on your doorstep, I have guns with me. Come out, we must save the world. And bring a trash bag!”
I saw that I had several notifications of breaking news that tomatoes were attacking the city. That was real! What have I done?! I hung up and stormed out the front door. He handed me one of his guns and stuffed the trash bag into his backpack. We ran out into the street and there were 6 tomatoes. They turned to us and let themselves roll towards us. Jake yelled, "Dodge!"
Why were they so big? No time to ask questions! Action is appropriate! I shot the first tomato and it popped but it healed on its own. I looked helplessly at Jake, and he shouted, "The stalks! Shoot the stalks!"
I shot the stalks and the first tomato popped and deflated like a burst balloon. The liquid spilled all over the street and I had some of its seeds stuck to my clothes. The other tomatoes got angry, and their green leaves turned into spikes and spun like a circular saw. A thousand green spikes flew at us like mad. I did an air roll and hid behind my house wall.
Jake shot one of the stalks of the tomatoes and the next tomato burst and its liquid ran like a river across the street. I did several air rolls until I was across the street and standing next to Jake. He pressed himself against the wall of the house and with one quick movement he shot the nearest stalk. "Three left," I stated, shooting for the next one.
I shot again and then again. My gun was empty, Jake nodded knowingly and fired at the last tomato. When the last tomato burst, we went to the place where the huge ones were before. There they were, my tomatoes from last night. In their original size and rottenness. Jake pulled the trash bag out of his backpack and held it open while I tossed the tomatoes into the trash bag. One of them tried to bite me, but I managed to throw it in the trash bag.
Jake tied the garbage bag shut and I stepped on the bag with all my might and crushed the tomatoes. We went home and showered after this adventure. In the evening we invited the others and we all sat together around a cozy campfire. I threw the tomatoes on the fire and let them burn there so nothing like this could ever happen again. We talked and laughed, but there was something we didn't know.
We forgot to throw away one tomato.
It was still out there...
34 notes – Posted November 20, 2022
Unexpected Reunion - Part Two
A/N: I promised a second part and here it is. If you haven't read the first part, you can find it here.
Words: 2.429
TW: Sexual Content!
"I'm so incredibly sorry, MC," he said.
I got up abruptly but didn't turn around. I balled my hands into fists and hung my head while my lips trembled. My heart was racing, was it really him? I had never heard that voice in my entire life. Who else could it be, only he had a reason to be sorry. I turned around and two metallic blue eyes looked at me. His jet-black hair hung in his face, but it didn't seem to bother him. He was wearing a black hoodie with a leather jacket, his hood pulled low over his face. His hair was blowing in the wind, he was soaked from the rain just like me. How long had he followed me that he was so wet from the rain? My heart ached as he smiled. He had fooled me for four years. I didn't return his smile, I was too hurt. His smile faded and regret flashed in his eyes.
My vision blurred, I looked into his eyes and asked, "Jake?" He nodded and I saw tears forming in his eyes. He was about to say something, but I cut him off, angry. "So, you're telling me you've been alive for four years? And it didn't occur to you to leave me any sign of life? And if it's one of your fucking riddles with an encrypted message! You know I would have kept it to myself if you had asked me to! Shit, I'm standing here in front of your grave, but you're standing in front of me!"
He took a step toward me, but I backed off. He wanted to grab my hand, but I pulled it away. "Don't touch me," I hissed. He looked down, hurt, but I wasn't done with him. "Lilly dropped the bombshell and her parents got divorced! I was in touch with your mate, he was devastated! I was devastated! Hannah blames herself for your death! Lilly wanted so badly to meet her big brother, but you didn't let her! I blamed the others for your death! Jessy is still trying to reach me until today! Do you have any idea what kind of grief your death caused?! The whole group broke! Happy Hannah no longer exists! They've already lost Richy, they accepted you as a friend! I HATE YOU!"
Jake seemed to have had enough because he yelled back. "NO! Don't you dare say you hate me! Five minutes ago, you said something else! I looked after you for four damn years," he quieted down when he realized I was letting him talk. "Alan told the FBI you were in contact with me. They wanted to arrest you, shit you just wanted to help. I had to distract them from you somehow. When I found out that Hannah was safe, I knew I had to go. Yes, I almost died. They found the hoodie because I took it off because it was unbearably warm in the mine. I made it to the exit I told you about in time. I jumped at the chance when the FBI thought I was dead. I don't know how, but they figured out I survived. So, they tried to contact you. I hacked into your laptop and blocked all ways for them to reach you. The same game with your phone. After that, I drew their attention to me. I hacked into their database and left obvious traces. So, you were no longer their target, you could live freely."
I started crying, he had sacrificed his safety for me. "But you couldn't live freely anymore." He shook his head. "You were worth it to me and still are," he said shyly. "What do you mean still?" I asked shocked. "I'm still not safe, but I made a false lead. Don't be mad at me, but with Nym-Os I always had access to your phone and also your location. As I said before, I've watched over you for four years. Took care of you. Made sure you're safe. For the last three years I have always been here with you at the cemetery." He gulped hard and a tear ran down his cheek. "It was incredibly difficult for me not to run up to you and take you in my arms. I was constantly afraid that if I approached you, I would put you in danger. I had never managed to lay a false trail that lasted longer. Now I've finally managed to do it and I swore to myself to speak to you. To explain everything to you. I hated that you fell into deep depression because of me and my actions. I can understand if you want nothing more to do with me, but I wanted to explain everything to you. I'm so incredibly sorry."
I raised my arms to interrupt him. "Stop trying to get pity from me. Thank you for the explanation, but I will never be able to forgive you. I can't thank you enough for keeping me safe, but at the same time you broke me. I wish you the best of luck in your life, you deserve only the best despite your actions. Goodbye, Jake."
He let his hands hang down and just nodded. He looked down dejectedly as I turned away from him and left the cemetery. Shivering, I buttoned up my jacket and crossed my arms across my belly. I quickly ran back to the motel as it started to rain heavily. "Why did I leave my umbrella in the car," I cursed at myself. I could already see the motel and a relieved smile spread across my face. I was looking forward to getting into my warm motel room.
"MC!" someone shouted through the rain. No, he didn't actually follow me. I picked up my pace, my teeth chattering so cold I was. I've been in the rain in the cold for far too long. "MC!!"The voice was closer, my heart started racing. It was Jake, now I could definitely confirm it. I didn't know why, but my body decided to run. "Wait please! MC!" His voice broke my heart.
I kept running but strong arms pulled me back by my hand and he turned me around. "What do you want?" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes. He didn't say anything, he cupped my face in his hands and pulled me up to him. He leaned down slightly and pressed his lips firmly to mine. This contact triggered a firework of emotions in me. I didn't hesitate and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I couldn't suppress my feelings and smiled into the kiss. The kiss became feverish, we couldn't get enough of each other. The taste of his lips mixed with the rain and my salty tears.
He pushed himself against me and I backed up until I was stopped by a pillar. He pressed me firmly against the pillar and my breathing became shallower and I felt warm all of a sudden. His hands traveled up and down my waist and my hands found their way into his hair. I moaned softly as his hand slipped under my sweater. "Wait," I whispered into the kiss, pushing him slightly away from me. He looked at me in disappointment and I couldn't help but giggle. "Let's go inside, I prefer it private."
We walked into the motel and the receptionist just rolled her eyes and put her headphones back in. I pulled Jake by my hand until we got to my motel room. I turned to him, smiling, but he looked at me doubtfully. "Is something wrong?"
He shook his head, "No, but I'm sorry about what just happened down there. I didn't mean to force you into anything. I don't even know that about myself, that I'm so so so..."
I walked up to him with a genuine smile, "So wild and passionate?" He nodded silently, he continued to look at me doubtfully, but his eyes gave him away. Pure lust flashed in them. "Who says you forced me? If I remember correctly, I just returned your passion," I purred.
"I just don't want you to regret it. I want to prove to you that I really love you. I don't want you to think that I'm an asshole." Again, he looked depressed to the ground, only now do I see how sorry he was about all this. I walked up to him, cupped his chin in my fingers and looked lovingly into his eyes. "Prove it by giving yourself to me."
He didn't need to be told twice, shortly afterwards I felt his lips on mine again. I took off his leather jacket and he took off my jacket. We stumbled across the room until my legs reached the bed and he gave me a little push, so I fell onto the bed, back first. He immediately climbed onto me and slipped a leg between my legs, making me moan.
He kissed an imaginary line down my neck. When he got to the collar of my sweater he growled in frustration. He took off my sweater, I did the same and took off his hoodie. Our hands conquered each other's bodies, we didn't want to miss an inch. He kissed down on me, when he got to my waistband, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly pulled them off me. His hands caress along my legs. He kissed my thighs, I looked down at him for a brief moment and our eyes met.
I caught my breath as I looked into his eyes, full of desire and admiration. A flash of joy shot through my whole body and the butterflies in my belly went crazy. When he pressed his lips to mine again, I helped him pull his jeans off. It wasn't long before we were lying completely naked on top of each other.
When he entered me, it was all over with me. I tilted my head back and dug my nails into his back. Every time he almost pulled out of me, I wanted to pull him back to me. Once he was fully inside me again, I didn't want to let him go. This feeling made me moan louder with each of his thrusts. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him as close to me as possible. He brought us both to the climax and we lay on top of each other, breathing heavily.
He gave me a soft kiss and rolled off me to enclose me in his arms. My heart was beating way too fast, and I was on cloud nine. I gave him a quick kiss on his chest and inhaled his scent. His regular deep breathing made me fall into a deep sleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I was afraid to open my eyes. Afraid that Jake was gone or that it was all just a dream. But shortly afterwards I felt a hand on my cheek that gently stroked me. I couldn't help but grin and kissed his hand. "Don't stop touching me."
He kissed my forehead, and I slowly opened my eyes. There he lay looking at me lovingly with a big smile on his face. But his smile faded and so did mine. "You have to go back, don't you?" He nodded and I could see him trying to swallow the lump in his throat. I thought for a moment and then voiced my thoughts, "Take me with you."
"No, MC. That's too dangerous. I don't want to endanger you unnecessarily." I sat up abruptly and glared at him, "Who says it's your choice? I want to go with you!" We argued for ages, at one point Jake challenged me, "Give me one reason why you would want to sacrifice your safety for me?"
"Because I love you! There you have it! I love you!" He seemed speechless, doubts overcame me. "You... you don't love me?" His head snapped at me, and I forgot to breathe, pure determination in his eyes. "Don't you ever question my love for you again!" He said slowly and his voice was deep, he was angry. I swallowed hard, "Jake please. I've been without you for four years. Please don't do it to me again."
He got up abruptly and got dressed, I looked at him sadly. I guess he really didn't want me around. My lips trembled and my vision became blurry. He cupped my chin in his fingers and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, smiling cheekily. "It's nice to see you naked, but if you're going to run off with me, you'd better get dressed."
A wide smile spread across my face. I got up to get some fresh clothes when he suddenly pushed me against the wall. "I just can't control myself in your presence, we still have a few hours. We should enjoy them." I nodded and he pressed me even tighter against the wall, leaning against me from behind. I groaned as he entered me from behind. I loved his passion and how wild he got during sex. At the same time, I loved how shy he was when we talked normally.
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57 notes – Posted Oktober 20, 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Unconditional Love
TW: Sexual Content
Words: 1,732
A/N: I tried my best at writing fluff. It's not my best work, but here it is. It was requested by @julesisreading 🧡
Before I left the gym, I checked my phone one more time. No new messages. I hated showering at the gym so I saved the shower for at home. I got in my little car and drove home. I parked in the residents' lot and entered the apartment building. I cursed myself for doing leg day today, walking up five more floors afterwards was just hell. I unlocked the door to the apartment and flopped onto the couch, groaning in exhaustion.
As my pulse and breathing calmed down again, I listened and heard the fast typing on the keyboard from the next room. He asked me not to disturb him, he had been in there for three days now and when he left the room it was only to go to the bathroom. We also didn't talk if we should meet during his walk to the bathroom. I'd like to know what he was doing in there, but he said it was just because of his work. He worked for the FBI now, but he's never been this busy.
It was pretty late at night so I made myself something to eat and sat on the couch and watched the live stream from the Aurora. My favorite band performed there today, but unfortunately I couldn't be there. I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I was covered with a pillow under my head. A bottle of water sat on the living room table with a small note, "I love you."
Even if he was distant at the moment because of his work, he always left his love for me. He knew I loved those little gestures. I didn't need huge bouquets of roses or any chocolates. I was grateful that he had put the pillow under my head otherwise I would have a stiff neck now.
I noticed that I was still wearing my gym clothes. "Ew, that's gross," I said in disgust, sprinting to the bathroom. I wrapped myself in a towel and as I exited the bathroom I noticed that it was unusually quiet in here. I walked slowly and quietly into the bedroom and a love-struck grin crept onto my lips. Jake lay in bed asleep, he didn't even get to cover himself up, he was so tired.
I quietly opened the closet and quickly dug out some clothes. I tucked Jake in and placed a light kiss on his forehead. He didn't notice any of this and went on sleeping. I giggled softly when I saw him snuggling into the blanket. I slipped quietly into the bathroom and got dressed, I made two toasts and drank a coffee. After that I brushed my teeth. Shortly thereafter, my cell phone rang and I internally cursed not to have put it on silent.
I quickly ran to my phone and when I read the name, I growled, "Phil."
I took the call, "What do you want Phil?"
He chuckled, "Why are you in such a bad mood? You know I could have gotten a seat for you last night."
"Phil," I said firmly, feeling a presence behind me. This name literally summoned him. "Thanks for the offer, but I know you would want me to work for you if I had accepted the offer. And we all know you don't need any help."
"Who says that?" he asked in his flirty voice.
"I'll say that. I've been watching you, you're anything but overwhelmed at work. You're rather underwhelmed, you just want me there to let the female guests flirt with you more. And you want to use me to brag. "
"And who says that?" he asked a bit annoyed.
"You, drunk," I giggled into the phone. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and try to possess me like I was being taken away from him. He kissed my neck and let me exhale heavily. I tried to stifle a groan as he ran a hand over my breast.
I tried to hang up but he kept me on the phone. That was probably my punishment for accepting the call in the first place. But I didn't let such a punishment escape me. I enjoyed his touch and closed my eyes as he smiled at my neck since I wasn't wearing a bra. He twisted and tugged at my nipples, almost making me mewl.
His hand slipped under my top, exposing one of my breasts. He stood in front of me and closed his mouth around my nipple and his tongue drove my nipple mad. He crouched down a bit because I was a bit smaller than him. He looked me in the eyes from below and my breath caught. I threw my head back. It was only seconds, but it was wonderful to finally feel his contact again.
I was about to groan when Phil's voice snapped me out of my ecstasy, "It was a pity you weren't there, the others missed you too. It's a real pity you live on another continent."
"I thought it was a pity too," I immediately put my hand to my mouth. I sounded totally horny and my voice was deep with lust.
Jake smiled and nibbled on my nipple and I squeaked softly. "Everything ok?" asked Phil.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I... um... I have to... hang up now." My breathing quickened as his hands slid to my waistband.
"Okay? Goodbye."
Without saying goodbye, I hung up and glared at the man in front of me. He got up and I knew he just wanted to play. I immediately put on a frustrated face as he covered my breast in my top again.
"Jake! You can't do that," I whined.
"Watch me," he said walking back to his office. I laughed mockingly and he immediately stopped. He didn't move. The game can begin. I grinned cheekily, but when he turned around I put on a disappointed expression.
"Oh, don't worry about me. Go back to your cave." He scanned me from head to toe, trying to find a flaw in my changed behavior.
Inside I laughed evilly. I knew how high the risk is that he will either get mad at me after my next sentence or if he will pounce on me and show me his love.
See the full post
68 notes – Posted November 6, 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“With vases, to one Lady Adeline had”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
If Maud will weary sides ‘King, you aren’t. Thought, that she heard great; if stars blacke horror of the day. Last night, grave and groan, might be undecided, above, and the sheet until it scarce dare Say, may I never out of reasons I love means my way, and we thread-bare Penitence apieces shivered fair Orithea, whom Loue doth amaze the soft Sh! With vases, to one Lady Adeline had not be, but modesty with thee?
Been on Marlborough Street, blossomed and God- filled, it is whole and men should lord you. So the end of a poet. It is a mass of men, then the budded peaks out. Yon cloud of its clue? Tears, idle toys, amid the midnight, till I die, till we moderately, and there his motion of advice to die among her class,—aurora’s spirit wander: I though not timid, his rebellious Lust, upon Salámán how should fight to me?
I have but earth, doth wake, must I restraine. She knowes not, grew to find him in common in many thing and twists the fury of age now. To do it has used. Again the world, or else he brands were vex’d. Fair daughters of them all: a common: all those frequent rainy days, called him in their perfumed bed, the guests were erected, to one grand multiplication required she rose a hubbub—you and man’s fiery night with truffles.
Upon the girl! Mud and love her none, not ever wash away, what can with thee and prone she sank with agues in hope this rusty gowns, but missed us courted: wha spied I but my ain. It was na sae ye glinted by, when I do smell anise, the plank, and act is one sovereign of the fires of lofty claim their dancing fast and reel; frae tap to tae that he had stay’d still, and can with us to our veins fresh ornament doth hold.
The same. I trust my dizzy head. Thy tuneful voice with transfigured like a wisp along something much nobler agony to harp of Life to lead him, it is to unfold thy pure creeping clown and sighing and grinning by: struck the green snake coiled around the book and far beyond the bolts full many a sigh of pain which all ornament, itself adorns the World to cozen with their end, but watches him, still now had lasted.
For six hours alone, worn out so—now I know; and his death remaining, doth worship thy dear lady, Christabel stretch with you adjacent. Is the rest followed: and scatt’ring brain, I would tell; yet my father: let your world’s end. In their efforts should a creatures dear. Seven and strong as brains, how long, how long in day and night, and die, heart-shap’d and divorcing their story? Is twice or three. I have found, I will not care, and take the ring.
The barrier like a pear, or is it to my mind. Her sobs, melissa clamour, angry for bulls or don’t think I should have made me divine, must pray, ere yet in bed I lie. You are some old dull murder-spot. Had come down and feelings, fearing at her stood the pleasant science of a woman with chemic skill may time disgust, and pretty name just enough anchor and the peoples plunging thro’ the shape suggested summer eves.
Dozed, snored. Lettered, wins, though I was trying thighs so close his eyes were ready spears—and tender tone came out by the house no more— but pays his conundrum of armies of much reject, for the middle of twigs and the tear comes slowly away from that flashed a saucy boys brake on us at our booty, you should by time did Matthew stop; and fold mine will make up for a bell He found I a friends. Oh, the body. His tyranny.
Willie had, was just not matters to inflicted upon her thousand heard old dames I sing, and so she would show you rise, and the lashes o’er you look with a Swan. These words of nature to have sinn’d! Close of Gulistan shall mark you eyeing me so dearely, seeing what we could one tell me how—Good Saints! Stronger, darker ways. But do not know whence the moorland! Will yet be well as death, we bow’d our heart and frights in shame o’t.
Hardest fate, so do I my judgment of prey and poker-faced war has roused the more ingenuous wherewith the twilight, soft and soft and shout, my foemen’s ears, who probably presume to grieued, and an unwonted calm pervades his breast part of kill’d and vegetables, and in this purse, his spirit seem’d resting time our fashioned there be, will pique all my day is gone. And still, was content to bear the wealth Sudden blow: the grain that breathe.
Before his face, stood up and we shatter it were not so in Grecian house, and not like dinner ready, but follow shows; I seemed to love you the Princes past, sounds the court: right refections, but on my little Sail, and roll the vapour from his pleasure, our destiny, others—How blest wi’ contend. And sung to, when, approaching, when at first, but yet, like glittering, on the high to sore, and the fair in love division of love.
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princehrry-writings · 2 years
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I posted 11 times in 2022
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3 posts reblogged (27%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11 of my posts in 2022
#colby brock x reader - 3 posts
#harry styles - 3 posts
#colby brock - 3 posts
#sam and colby - 3 posts
#skye answers - 2 posts
#xplr - 2 posts
#harry styles x reader - 2 posts
#skye rants - 2 posts
#lizzy mcalpine song fic - 1 post
#when the world stopped moving - 1 post
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#it’s colby’s hand around nate’s neck for me
My Top Posts in 2022:
feeling very blocked at the moment and would love to hear some requests!!! let me know what you want to see!!!
2 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
happy valentine’s day miss skye 🫂💌
omg thank you🥺🥺🥺 happy valentines days!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
guys im in my colby brock era rn... so you're probably gonna see some stuff for him from me :) i'm working on a piece for him rn!!
19 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Let Light Be Light
i've been on a lizzy kick and also experiencing college for the first time so this is what came of that.
warnings: BRIEF mentions of a serial k*ller, slight angst, fluff!!!!! mentions of family trauma
wordcount: 1894
But my therapist says To just let light be light So I'm letting him stay around
I’m alone almost every night and I don't know if I’m processing right.
The days grew shorter and the nights colder. Y/n spent most of her time studying, trying to stay on top of her school work. Fall semester was in full swing and while she was sad to be away from home, she was happy to be allowed to think her own thoughts and feel her own feelings instead of everyone else’s. It was a breath of fresh air she didn’t know she needed until she took it. 
Another late night at the library, nailing down her answers for her music theory midterm. She found that she loved the smell of old books and dust. Something about it made her feel so studious. She thinks it must be some kind of placebo effect or something because anytime she studies in the library, she feels like the information sticks better. 
Her friends had invited her to a study session but she's never been able to focus in group settings like that. She had to figure shit out on her own growing up and that's been a running theme with everything she does in her young adult life. She does shit by herself. She’s never had anyone to lean on before so why would she start now? 
That’s not to say Y/n doesn’t appreciate her friends because she does, but if something isn’t broken, no need to take it apart and put it back together. 
It’s nearing closing time at the library, meaning it’s closer to midnight then she realized it was. It’s dark out and she forgot her pepper spray in her room, but her dorm isn’t too far away from the library. A 10 minute walk when she’s really moving, so she packs up and gets ready to head out when a voice stops her. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna walk alone are you?” She turns around to see this boy, who she recognized from a few classes and he worked here, standing at the counter, lookin at her like she's about to jump off a cliff. He seems cute enough, more than she would ever admit to herself, really. He’s tall, long legs and arms, built muscles. His hair falls right above his ears and is curly, but not too curly. It’s very flowy from what she assumes is him running his fingers through it all day to keep it out of his face, and it looks really soft.
“Yeah…?” She says, wondering why he’s so concerned for her. She’ll be ok, it’s not a bad walk. 
“It’s not safe… haven’t you seen the news? There’s a suspect for a murder case running loose on this side of town. His targets are college age girls. Let me walk you home?” His accent makes her a lot less annoyed than she normally would be by somebody telling her she can’t take care of herself. 
“How do I know you're not him?” She quips, hoping he’ll give up so she can just go home. Well, as home as a dorm room can be. 
He raises an eyebrow, making him more attractive than she thought a random boy in the library could ever be, chuckling a little bit and picking up his bag. She notices that everyone else is already gone and it’s just the two of them, and wishes just for a second that she didn’t listen to true crime podcasts because she’s a little scared he could actually be the murderer he just warned her about. But when he comes over and she gets a good look at him, she just can’t see him being a murderer. She couldn’t really see him hurting a fly if she had to be honest. 
He grabs his bag and a ring of keys off the desk and pads over to where she stands. 
“M’ Harry, by the way. Figure you should know my name before I kill you behind the library.” He smirks. Oh, so he’s funny too. Now Y/n really has to put up a wall. Funny guys are dangerous. 
“I’m Y/n. Figure you should know the name of your latest victim.” She smirks back, matching energy but mentally she detaches herself because she can’t let herself form any sort of attachment to him. 
“What hall are you in?” He asks, leading her to the front door and turning off the lights, locking the door behind them. 
“It’s only like a 10 minute walk from here. I live in Greeley.” She answers quickly, shoving her hands deep into her pockets. Fall nights can be brutal but there's something that endears her to them. Something about the promise of the seasons changing, new beginnings, a fresh start. A cycle you can always count on. If nothing else, you always know that summer will turn to fall, and fall to winter, and so on. 
They walk quickly, making small talk and learning little things about each other. Like Harry is in three out of 7 of her classes. He talks to her like they’ve been friends forever and she can’t figure out why he’s being so nice to her. Can’t figure out what he wants, not that she really has much to give in the first place. 
 Too soon do they arrive at the front door of her dorm building. He says goodbye with a charming smile that she has to consciously not blush at and she makes her way upstairs. 
The butterflies win anyway, flooding her with a warmth she swore she would never feel again. She just met him today. What is she doing with herself? 
Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?
Suddenly, Y/n sees Harry everywhere. She knows it's crazy to think he’s following her, but that’s what her brain tells her because why would she be seeing him everywhere all of the sudden. She definitely doesn’t think it’s because he’s all she's been able to think about since he walked her home from the library. 
See the full post
54 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I Feel Like A Hero and You're My Heroine
i'm back on my sam and colby shit after like 200 years
warnings: alcohol consumption, kissing, party, hella fucking fluff bro like omg
wordcount: 1093
You had no idea how you ended up at this party. One moment you and your friends were having a girls night, getting tipsy and talking shit. The next moment, you're in an uber on your way to a house party. 
When you pull up you still have no idea whose house this is, you’re just along for the ride. The music is loud and there's people everywhere, dancing, drinking. People out back are smoking, sitting around a fire. 
You make your way through the crowd, finding the kitchen and deciding to make yourself another drink. 
“Welcome ladies! My name is Colby, I’m one of the hosts. If you need anything or have any questions, I’m your man!” 
You look behind you and see the guy who was talking to you and your friends. You were shocked, of course you knew who he was and you knew that your friends ran in the same circles as them but you never thought you would ever meet him or anyone doing what he was doing. After his little introduction, his eyes zeroed in on you, an almost imperceptible smirk appearing on his face. 
“Hi!” He smiled, walking closer to you. You’re already tipsy so that makes it even easier to talk to him and flirt like you want to. 
“Hey, thanks for the warm welcome!” You smile back, opening yourself up for him to invade your space. He got close but not too close. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but to you he couldn't be close enough. You felt a pull to him, like something had just clicked into place. 
Maybe you're more drunk than you thought. 
Colby smiled at the little giggles you were letting out, stepping closer when you draped your arm over his own, almost pulling him into you. Your friends were all standing around, watching the interaction and smirking, knowing a sober you would never be this forward. 
“I’m Y/n by the way.” You smile up at him, putting on your best game. 
“Nice to meet you Y/n.” 
You two are glued to each other for the rest of the night, talking and laughing, getting progressively more drunk. You’re having the time of your life, the most fun you think you’ve ever had actually. Colby understood you in a way no one ever had before. The way he listened to your words, as slurred as they were at the moment, and the way he stared into your eyes as you spoke made you feel like you were the only girl in the world. 
“I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG!” You yelled out as Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls came on. It brought you back to your emo phase that you never really grew out of, you just learned how to style yourself better. 
“YOU KNOW THIS SONG?” Colby yelled back at you, eyes wide, grime spread across his face. 
“YEAH I FUCKING KNOW THIS SONG!” You jumped up off the couch where you had been sitting with Colby, grabbing his hand and dragging him up with you. You started jumping around and dancing, screaming the lyrics, and not giving a fuck who looked at you weird. Colby didn’t look at you weird. 
That’s all that mattered. 
He danced with you, pulling you closer to him. 
“You caught me off guard, now I’m running and screaming. I feel like a hero and you're my heroine, do you know that your love is the sweetest sin.” You both yelled together. 
Without thinking, Colby leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. You reacted before you knew what you were doing, pulling him closer to you. The kiss was needy, like he’d been waiting all night for this. His hands roamed your body, pressing you flat against his. Your arms wrapped around his neck, one hand threading through his hair, the other lightly cupping his cheek. 
By the time he pulled away, you were both gasping for breath. 
“Holy shit.” You whispered, opening your eyes and staring straight into Colby’s. 
“I might be really drunk but I think I just fell in love with you…” He whispers back to you. You can’t tell if the blush on his cheeks is the alcohol or the dancing or if he's embarrassed but you find yourself leaning back into him. 
See the full post
110 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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batfambitches · 2 months
Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne was born as Damian Al Ghul to Talia Al Ghul soon after his twin brother Aidan, however well Aidan's entrance into the world was silent his was not. The baby screamed himself to exhaustion and even then let out small whines as he slept until his brother was by his side after being put into the Lazarus water that Ra's Al Ghul treasured. Well he was born the son of The Bat and the Heir of the demon, Aidan being the Son of the Bat and the plan to be putting him into a position to succeed their father in his role? It was Aidan who would later go on to have a place among the power of the pits, well Damian was happy to succeed their father in his mission and one day carry on the mantle of The Bat.
As children Damian and Aidan Al Ghul were loyal to each other and attached to their mother, as they grew loyalty to their grandfather was instilled in them and they came to love their mother. Their true loyalty however was to each other, something that their grandfather saw from a young age. He used this, separating them for lessons save for sparing matches. When they did something that could be perceived as a failure? Or a challenge to his authority? Ra's found ways to separate them for longer periods as a punishment.
It was after one of these that Aidan was sent on mission that he didn't return from. The two of them were on their way back to Damian's room after having snuck out to look at the stars, Ra's spotted them as he was returning from some task he had been taking care of. Aidan took the blame, said that he had snuck out to look at the stars and when Damian realized had come to get him and make him to back to bed. They were only 8, but even at that young age he knew that doing anything but agreeing would make things worse for Aidan. Sneaking out after curfew was not nearly as bad as lying directly to Grandfathers face.
He stayed and continued his lessons, Aidan leaving to complete a mission he was assigned to as his consequence. 4 days later his Mother returned and broke the news to him, Aidan was dead, he would not be coming back.
After that Damian threw himself full force into his training, doing almost nothing save for eating and sleeping. After a bit Talia brought him to Gotham to reveal to him who his father was, because well he knew he was Batman he had not been told Batmans identity yet. After that he just seemed to get worse and angrier, and he was. He watched as Bruce interacted with Tim and resented it, knowing that Aidan would never even get to meet their father let alone be taught and cared for by him. Why should these placeholders get that when his twin did not? Never would?
Finally Talia told him he was ready to go to his Father to finish his training, allowing him to go to Gotham and make contact with The Bats. His first contact was with Nightwing, and soon he met his father face to face and became his Robin. Then just as he was starting to feel like maybe he could make a life in Gotham, maybe he didn't need to go back to the league? He died on him as well. He reverted back to the intense anger he'd had to start with and stopped doing anything outside of training and the necessary school work to keep up public appearances, slowly though between Alfred and Dick's continued presence, patience, and passion moments of telling him when he's being an asshole? He starts opening up again.
When Bruce showed back up alive and well again Damian was both happy and so vicerally angry, happy that Bruce had come back but also silently asking the universe why. Why couldn't Aidan have come back the way his father did? He never quite gets to the point of telling anyone about Aidan, or why he insists on celebrating his birthday the day before the first 3 years he's there. He tells himself that there's no reason to burden them with losing someone they had never met, and the might be part of it. But another part of it is selfishness; he doesn't want to have to share his memories of Aidan with any of them, and he knows it they find out about him they will ask about him.
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ablogwithoutacause · 4 months
Letter to L #1 (More of a Rant)
February 8, 2024
I still haven't bought a typewriter. I was barely able to pay my rent this month and send you the remainder of January's payment. I'm not ashamed anymore. A few months ago I would've been, but I never stop learning. I'm learning to accept the negative, and embrace the positive. I'm being patient with myself and instead of negatively talking myself down for not having my finances in order, I continue to do what I have to, to get there. (ie: babysteps)
Do you remember when we were dating and we slowed the world around us... I reminisce and think of wanting to relive... to experience that beauty... such an adolescent-like love that i had never experienced with anyone but you (until my 20's). We wanted Nokia's to pump the brakes within a society that was only increasing in speed. The so-called Rat Race we're forced to live, we thought we were going to find a cheat code a short cut to make things work. We did, we then experienced the early 2000's with a blog... well i brainstormed something. I've decided since we're not "contacting", this very situation could've happened during the days of the age of innocence... but instead of you not returning my texts... my calls. My hand written letters would be collecting dust in a shoe-box under your bed circa 1978. My typewritten letters... yellowing in your mahogany dresser in 1934. The ink bleeding through envelopes in a hemp sack that my quill written letter sealed with wax; are stored in. I decided to just fill you in. I know you don't want contact with me for your reasons... but i assume you must want to know about me just like i want to know about you. Was that really your intention? To just forget about me? Or leave me in the back-burner until I was ready to make an appearance once again? Letting me fight the world on my own, because I really don't have anyone but myself... Just me myself and I. Regardless of what your reason was. I choose to give this to you. I can fill you in because I want you to know about me. Then again, you won't even give me your address to write to you... so am I lying to myself by doing this? Do you really want nothing to do with me during this period? Is this energy that can be invested somewhere else?
I don't eat sometimes. I'm doing it alone this time. No short term loans, no help from family. I'm proving to myself I can be a man. The studio still isn't done... I'm in a room with no windows. Work has been difficult. My coworker lost her daughter of age 9, so i wasn't able to start off with meeting days off. I'm covering her shifts until she's ready to come back, if she's ready. I saw my family again. Once again, even more painful than the time before, I was ignored in front of extended family members. In front of my grandfather, uncles, and cousins. Hearing my aunt ask me "Your dad doesn't talk to you? I don't even think he looked at you"... It slashed my chest in half. My heart sank to the floor. I felt powerless. Useless. They had a party at mom's. Everyone was invited, except me. How they managed to cover-up their lies every time a family member asked for me, I don't know. My mother then sent me food after their party, I was so sad I didn't even want to eat it. It was a slap to my face. A humiliating act. I threw it away. Without even opening the bag.
Just caught myself nagging, and complaining. I said I was going to do less of it, but how can I just do it on my own when you were my confidant? The one who heard me and listened to me... and gave me the strength to continue. Who knows. You're not here for me anymore. So calling for help in the forest with no one to help me is absurd. Maybe I didn't think this out so well, and instead of a letter to you I should just call it CryBabyRant#1, which I'm in fact doing right now. You don't deserve a cry baby. You don't deserve to hear me cry about the unfortunate things occurring in my life, like my mom said, because of me. It's my fault. I don't like it? I'll do something about it.
Sorry, this isn't a letter I'd wanna receive if i cut someone off waiting for them to get their act together. You'd probably want to just see the finished product. Not stick around for the ugly and painful. It's understandable. If i decided to post this I guess it wasn't meant to make its way to you, but more of a, look this is where i found myself on that day. That's evidence of how he felt, how he tried and tried and tried to climb out of the hole, but he just couldn't manage to get out. No more ropes being thrown, no more cheering from anyone. Just him in the well looking up at the stars with no one else.
Not sure how i feel about this alliance you’ve formed with my brother. When our situation occurred I was alone. No one looking out for me. Just pushing on my own, experiencing new lows… i guess hearing him say “L said this… L said that” is rubbing me the wrong way. Not having any form of feedback from you, meanwhile you’re becoming his shoulder to cry on is making me feel all sorts of ways. I think negative, because i don’t find myself in a good spot. Hearing of things he’s done… the violent person he’s become with his biker buddies down in AZ… I’m scared of him even coming near you because I don’t know what he’s capable of doing. I don’t trust him. Not near me, not near you. Not near anyone. I don’t even trust him sleeping in the same house as my parents. He’s dug himself deep in some serious issues… and maybe it’s for good that your sister and him aren’t together because she could’ve became collateral damage if he doesn’t either truly quit what he’s doing, or come clean with everyone. I just don’t want you near him because his act isn’t clean cut. Especially if you meet with him, not much i can do if you’ve already seen him. I’m scared, genuinely. But I’m in timeout. My cries aren’t heard. Aren’t considered. I guess you’ll know yourself if you decide to befriend him and see him in these circumstances. None of what i say here seems to matter, I’m alone. Just facing fate, just waiting an outcome I don’t know of. Like your clients that would buy mystery bags. I know nothing. In the end, you’re a grown woman. You know who you allow. You know who you give your attention to. Your time. I’m no one to intervene. I’m just alone.
0 notes
bennedeto · 2 years
Coco Gauff article from ESPN
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 Coco Gauff is ready for greatness, on her own terms By Alyssa Roenigk COCO GAUFF IS at a crossroads. She's sitting in the passenger seat of her first car while her dad, Corey, studies the computer in its dash. Radio off. Windows up. Air conditioning on. "This was my birthday present," Coco, who turned 18 in March, says of the black Audi e-tron she's never driven. "Usually, I hook my phone up in the car, but my dad uses the regular radio, like satellite radio." "I'm so old-fashioned," Corey says. Corey readjusts the driver's seat, turns right out of their gated community and crosses the Florida turnpike. He also hasn't driven this car since he purchased it four months ago. He and Coco, the No. 12 women's tennis player in the world, haven't been home much. There was the Stuttgart Open in April. Madrid and Italy in May. The French Open in June. Wimbledon last week. This two-week stretch in mid-July is the longest they've been in Delray Beach all year. Coco didn't want a car. She deferred when Corey offered to buy her one for her Sweet 16, then again on her 17th birthday. She also doesn't want to take her driving test, so she's still operating on a learner's permit. "I don't like driving," Coco says. Besides, she has Grubhub when she's feeling Chick-fil-A, and Mom and Dad when she wants to take her younger brothers to see the new Minions movie and go bowling like she did Friday night. "I really don't need a car," she says. Dad gave her one anyway. "He's tired of driving me everywhere," she says. Today, Dad is driving her around Delray, passing through some of the landmarks of her childhood. It's been only three years since Coco erupted onto the tennis scene with a win over one of her idols, Venus Williams, and it's clear she's not about to give up all the comforts of that childhood: post-practice conversations in the car with her mom and dad, crosstown commutes with her grandma and grandpa. But now at 18, she is ready to reach for greatness -- and her first Grand Slam title -- on her terms. So as Serena Williams, the player she has modeled her career after, leaves the game, Coco is stepping into the spotlight and growing into the player and person she wants to become. "It says 42 miles 'til I need to charge it," Coco says after glancing at the mileage display. "We haven't charged it since we took it off the dealership. I hope one of us remembers how to do it." COCO WAS 8 when her parents found themselves at their own crossroads. Corey and Candi Gauff didn't plan to raise a professional athlete. But they saw something special in their oldest. The way she sat off by herself and concentrated on tasks for long periods. The way, at 3, she crawled out of her stroller and chased her much older cousins around a 400-meter track with a look of determination on her face. "She believed she would catch them," Candi says. College athletes themselves, Corey and Candi encouraged their daughter to explore lots of sports in the Atlanta suburb where they lived. Coco tried gymnastics and soccer, played basketball like her dad, and ran track relays like her mom. After a meet when she was about 7, she complained to her dad that a girl on the relay team wasn't trying hard enough. "I told her, 'She's probably trying her best,'" Corey says. Tennis was different. "Tennis spoke to me," Coco says. "I liked being alone on the court. I liked the idea of all the mistakes being on me." When Coco was about 6, Corey realized he didn't know enough about tennis. He'd played seriously for a year in middle school, but tennis never spoke to him. He started researching the trajectory of women's players who were great at a young age: Martina Navratilova, Martina Hingis, the Williams sisters. He searched their stories for patterns. "They all had strong parental figures in their life early on," Corey says. "Almost every one of them were homeschooled for the benefit of getting more time in the day to spend on the court. I wanted to take the best of what they did and start to put a plan together." Corey Gauff's 10-year plan. It's become a fabled part of Coco's narrative. Corey says he crafted the plan, meant to take his daughter to the pros by 18, in stages. "By 9, we want her to play these tournaments and accomplish this and see where she is," he says. "If she crosses a benchmark faster, then you change and plan again for the next couple years. The biggest weapon you have is preparation." He didn't just study players. He also examined how the women's game was changing. How players like Lindsay Davenport and the Williams sisters introduced power and Hingis won by mastering angles and playing with finesse. He tried to predict how the game would evolve, something he learned from studying another parent: Richard Williams. The Gauffs have never been shy about the Williams family's influence on their own. If Coco hadn't seen two young Black girls playing tennis on television, she might not have asked her parents to buy her a racket. "If it wasn't for the Williams sisters, Coco would not be a tennis player," Candi says. "And if it wasn't for Richard, my husband would not have studied tennis in that format. He's patented himself off [Richard Williams] and used their roadmap." From the beginning, Corey encouraged his daughter to chase big dreams like they did. He told Coco she could be the greatest of all time, even better than Venus and Serena. "I think you can speak things into existence," Corey says. "I'd always tell her, 'You can be the best in the world.'" Less than two years into the plan, the Gauffs realized Coco had the athletic ability and drive to be an elite athlete. But she needed better technical coaching than she was receiving in Atlanta and during summer camps in Florida. One afternoon during spring break in 2012, Corey called Candi, a teacher, from work. "He said, 'I think you should go home [to Delray Beach] for a year with Coco,'" Candi says. "'That's where the best tennis is.'" Corey would remain in Atlanta and work at his job in pharmaceutical sales during the week, and if Coco was happy and progressing in tennis, he would transfer to Florida in a year. "Our job as parents is to help support them to be the best they can possibly be," Candi says. "I didn't want to look back and say, what could I have done?" For all the talk of a 10-year plan, Coco has never seen it, never asked to know much about it. But she trusts her parents, who involve her in short-term decisions, even if they don't always reveal the greater plan. "I don't know if I'm following the plan or not," she says. "SERENA. VENUS. SERENA. Venus. Serena, Venus, Serena, Venus," Coco says. She smiles, tucks her bottom lip under her top teeth and inhales a giggle. "That's all I watched growing up." Coco doesn't mind the questions about Serena. She knows the comparisons are inevitable because she has spent years making them herself. She hung posters of the Williams sisters on her wall, modeled her shots off theirs and told anyone who asked that, yes, she wanted to be "the next Serena." Or she planned to be even better. Coco felt a connection to the sisters when she stepped onto the courts at Delray's Pompey Park, when she looked around and wondered how many of the same people had watched them play there, too. Serena and Venus had attended sixth and seventh grade at the middle school where Coco's maternal grandmother, Yvonne Odom, taught and, for a short time, worked on their backhands on the same courts where Coco practiced hers. It wasn't that she didn't like other women's players. It's that all other players existed outside of her awareness. "My coach and I only watched their matches," she says. "I didn't really look up to anybody else." When she was about 9, Coco was cast as a body double for a young Serena in a Delta Air Lines commercial shooting at a country club in Palm Beach. "It was so cool," she says. The director asked Coco if she could hit a serve. What she heard was if she could hit a serve like Serena. "I remember trying to hit the serve so hard," she says. "And I made it in." "THAT'S RAINBERRY LAKE, where we lived after we moved out of my grandma and grandfather's," Coco says, pointing to her old neighborhood out of the car window. "It was hectic living in [my grandparents'] house, but it made us all closer." Candi and Corey, who both grew up in Delray, brought their daughter back to where their roots run deep. Coco played tennis and basketball at Pompey Park, on the same courts where Corey had honed his shots, across the street from Corey's mother's home, next to the baseball field that bears Candi's father's name. "There's Pompey," Coco says. Corey slows the car, turns in front of the tennis courts. "I remember coming here early in the mornings when it was just my dad teaching," she says. "It was pretty much me and him out there. Anybody in the area has known who I was since I was little because I've grown up playing tennis there." In Delray, people know one another. Parents look out for each other's kids, and everyone celebrates when one of their own achieves success. Returning here wasn't just about better coaches and courts. It was about providing Coco with a place to return to away from the spotlight and pressure, somewhere she feels safe. About ESPN Cover Story Your monthly ticket to the biggest stories on the most captivating athletes, told with inside access, bold reporting and unforgettable visuals. Read it. Watch it. Share it. Katie Barnes on the untold story of Jonquel Jones, the WNBA's reigning MVP. Hallie Grossman on the secrets behind Oklahoma softball's success. Wright Thompson on the long, final March of Coach K. For the first few years in Florida, Candi attended Coco's practices and shared the notes she took with Corey, who worked with Coco on weekends. She also oversaw Coco's schoolwork and made space in her schedule to be a kid, spend time with her cousins, sing in the choir and participate on the church dance team. (Those TikTok skills came from somewhere.) When Corey noticed Coco's opponents in local tournaments were gravitating to her backhand, he studied the best two-handed backhands in the game and found a coach to help her improve the shot. "He started her out like Venus, with the racket really low," Corey says. "Then straight back, like Serena." Though she's still evolving, today Coco has one of the most lethal double-handed backhands around. When Coco was 10, Patrick Mouratoglou, Serena's longtime coach, offered her a grant to train at his academy in France. She'd blossomed, learning how to slide on red clay, utilize a slice and play by feel. "I was a player who just liked to hit everything," Coco says. "That's where I learned to become versatile. That's where I realized I could be good at tennis." In September 2017, Coco made her junior Grand Slam debut at the US Open in New York. Only 13, she was the youngest finalist in the tournament's history and didn't drop a set until the final, where she lost to Amanda Anisimova, another south Florida youngster three years her senior. Four months later, the Gauffs decided Coco was ready for her junior Australian Open debut and made the nearly 24-hour journey to Melbourne. "I was coming in with big hopes," Coco says. "I expected to win." When she lost in the first round -- in singles and doubles -- she was crushed. Back at the hotel, Corey couldn't sleep. He asked his wife if he was the right coach for their daughter, if they were on the right path. Was this all worth it? Missing school dances and summer vacations to fly halfway around the world and be disappointed? But tennis is a loser's sport. No one escapes constant defeat, but the best players learn to deal with it, to grow and gain motivation from their losses. It was a harsh lesson to learn so far from home, but an important one. Corey decided his daughter wouldn't play another tournament until she was ready. Not to win, but to handle whatever player or result came her way. For four months, Coco didn't play another tournament. She and Corey returned to France to work with Mouratoglou and his team. "We wanted to improve her serve, her movement, her consistency from the court, to play with more angles and get more height on the ball," Corey says. They focused less on results and more on the career and the player they were building. It worked. She won her first junior Grand Slam title in June at the 2018 French Open. She became the youngest junior girl's No. 1 in history, signed multiyear endorsement deals with New Balance, Head rackets and Italian pasta maker Barilla. The plan was back on track. But home in Delray, Coco has said she felt isolated and depressed. She was no longer the little girl who wanted to be alone on the court. She wanted time to be a kid away from tennis. She wanted friends. Her parents realized they needed to adapt the plan for the teenager in front of them. "You can get off track when you're scheduling everything for a player and schedule too much into the day," Corey says. "We don't always get it right, but we try to be mindful that sometimes the best activity is to sit around, do mindless things and not be on the clock." When selecting the brands Coco would represent, her parents and agent looked for family-minded companies that wouldn't ask too much of her while she is young. And Coco started playing doubles, where she could work on her volleys and let her hair down with a teammate. "Doubles is fun," Corey says. "Singles is never presented as fun. It's not fun. It's intense. Nobody is there to say, 'Attaboy' or 'Attagirl.' You do all the lifting on your own." CANDI SAT IN her car in a hotel parking lot in Bonita Springs, Florida. It was May 2019, two months after Coco's pro debut (two years ahead of the plan). Coco and Corey had been on the road for a long stretch, and Candi was thrilled to drive cross state and see her daughter play. She didn't like what she saw. In the first round of qualifying, Coco suffered her worst defeat of the year, losing 6-1, 6-1 to a player ranked outside the top 300. "It wasn't the loss," Coco says. "It was how I lost." After the match, Candi returned to the hotel to wait for Coco and Corey. She wanted to give her daughter some space. "That's one thing Caroline Wozniacki's dad told me," Corey says. "'When they get off the court, give them a couple hours before you talk about the match.'" When Coco arrived, Candi asked her to climb into the passenger seat. "I'd like to hear how you're feeling," Candi asked her. But, Candi remembers, Coco "was not being very verbal." Candi told her daughter she was disappointed. Not that she lost, but that she looked like she didn't care. "I said, 'I don't see no fire. I don't see that you want to be out there.'" She told Coco if she didn't want to play tennis, didn't want to play at this level, that was OK. That was her choice. "We sacrifice," Candi said that day. "But we sacrifice knowing you're giving your best. And what I saw today was not your best." Coco said she felt she was trying, that she did want to play, but the scouting report had been wrong and she didn't know how to adjust. So, she gave up. "You know how to return a serve, right?" Candi asked her daughter. "You know how to hit a tennis ball? How to run after every point?" "Yeah," Coco responded. "Then you know how to win every match." Candi asked her to think about the best players. To think about Serena. Does she stop running for every point? Does she stop believing she can win, even when she's facing match point? No, Coco told her. Never. "That was the change," Candi says. "From that moment on, it was like, boom." At her next tournament, Coco lost in the second round of qualifying at the French Open, but she chased down every point. Her parents told her they saw the fire. SHORTLY AFTER ROLAND GARROS, Coco was offered an unexpected wild card into qualifying at Wimbledon. Her parents weren't sure if she should accept. She'd already said yes to the French, and they figured she'd also go to New York, where she would feel more comfortable and be closer to home. But Wimbledon? It seemed like such a big stage. But Coco told Corey she wanted to play. So, he accepted. And she performed, winning three tough matches to become, at 15, the youngest player to qualify for the tournament's main draw. When the draw was released, Corey couldn't believe his eyes. "I just started laughing," he says. "How can she be playing Venus Williams in the first round?" Candi and Corey wondered if they'd made the right decision. They worried Coco would be disappointed again, like she was at the junior Australian Open. But when Corey told Coco her opponent, she was thrilled. "It was a dream," she says. "I always wanted to play them, but I thought they'd be gone before I got on tour. Did I think I could win that match? No. Because Serena, Venus, Serena, Venus. All the time, in my head." Coco had never seen Court 1 in person, so the day before her match, she walked out with her parents. "It's so big," she said. "But the lines are the same," Candi told her. "The net's the same height." Pretend it's Pompey, Corey told her. That's something he says from time to time, when he sees in his daughter's eyes that a moment feels too big. "He says, 'Take your mind back to Pompey,'" Coco says, "'to where it all started.'" On the day of the match, Coco pictured Pompey instead of Court 1. She never looked at the scoreboard so she wouldn't see her opponent's name. She felt the fire. And she fought. But up a set and a break at match point, a thought crept into her mind. "Venus and Serena, they always have these moments where they're about to lose and then they beat them," Coco says. "I was like, 'Ugh, I'm going to be one of those stories. I don't want to be one of those stories.'" When Venus returned a crosscourt forehand into the net at match point, Coco's knees buckled. In all her dreams about this match, she'd never seen herself beating Williams. She walked to the net, shook Williams' hand and pulled her in close. She didn't let go until she said what she'd already told Venus so many times in her mind. "I said, 'Thank you for everything,'" she says. "I said, 'I wouldn't be playing tennis without your influence.'" "I DIDN'T PLAN on it," Coco says, and runs her manicured fingernails through her long braids. She has new studs in her ears. "It just happened." She'd been thinking about a second piercing for a while, and yesterday after dinner at the mall she and her cousins saw a sign in the window at Claire's: 20% off in-store purchases with an ear piercing and starter kit. "I was like, this is the time," Coco says. In the car, she thinks back to her win at Wimbledon, about the effect of "Cocomania" and the overnight fame that came far ahead of schedule. Suddenly it wasn't just her saying she wanted to be the next Serena; reporters and fans wanted it, even expected it. After the tweets and the calls and the advice from Michelle Obama -- "It's OK to say no sometimes," the former first lady told her -- Coco says she started to believe her own hype. She thought every tournament revolved around her, and whether she won. "I got too caught up on what people thought about me when I lost," she says. But when reporters asked if she felt the pressure, if she worried about burnout or expectations, she told them she felt none of it. That she enjoyed the pressure, that she got a kick out of hearing commentators dissect her game on TV, and that she wanted to win more Slams than Serena. "I was lying," she says. "I lied a lot. I was feeling pressure, but I didn't want to believe it." Six months after Wimbledon, at the 2020 Australian Open in January, Coco upset defending champion Naomi Osaka in the third round. She was the youngest player to defeat a top-five seed in nearly 30 years. But instead of feeling proud of what she'd accomplished, "I didn't even celebrate," she says. "I was like, I need to win the trophy." In the next round, she faced eventual champion Sofia Kenin and lost in three sets. She had played her way into the fourth round of a major, at age 15, ranked No. 67 in the world, but felt only disappointment. "There's big successes and there's little successes," Coco says. "I was so focused on the big successes, I ignored the little ones." GRANDMA YVONNE DROVE her to Pompey Park on a Saturday afternoon in June 2020, four months into the COVID-19 shutdown and one month after the murder of George Floyd. The past few months felt isolating in a different way from traveling on tour and now here she was, surrounded by her community in the place where her family had stood up time and again. Marching to City Hall in a Black Lives Matter protest that day, Coco planned to blend into the crowd. She listened as her grandmother spoke passionately at the podium. She thought about the lessons she'd learned from her, the first Black student to integrate Delray's Seacrest High School in 1961, and her grandfather Red, a former collegiate and minor league baseball player who started the first Little League in Delray for Black players in 1971. They were educators, and they taught her to be involved, to study up on the issues that mattered to her. She'd been having difficult conversations with her friends and family lately, and posting about racism and police violence on Instagram even though it made her parents uncomfortable. Corey's plan for her tennis career was carrying her to the highest levels of the sport, but she had a plan, too. To become the woman she wanted to be when she stepped off the court. "When I leave this world, I don't want to be remembered as just being good at tennis," Coco says. "I want to be remembered as a good person and a good advocate." Standing behind her grandmother at the park, she thought about her younger brothers, Codey and Cameron, and her dad and grandpa and how angry and scared she felt every time she looked at them. Then she thought about something Corey has said to her since she was little. "He told me, 'You can change the world with your racket,'" she says. "I never really knew what it meant when I was young. But tennis is a platform to reach more people. Tennis has never been a sport where people spoke out about certain things compared to other sports. I felt like it would be irresponsible of me not to say anything." She walked to the podium with poise and confidence and spoke off the cuff. "My name is Coco and who just spoke was my grandma," she said. "And I think it's sad that I'm here protesting the same thing she did 50-plus years ago." For two-and-a-half minutes, Coco implored the crowd to love one another, have tough conversations and use their voices. She promised to continue to use her platform to spread "vital information and awareness." Her speech wasn't planned, but it was powerful. "I heard many things this past week. And one of the things I've heard is, 'It's not my problem,'" she said. "But if you listen to Black music, if you like Black culture and if you have Black friends, then this is your fight, too." COCO AND HER parents stepped out of a taxi onto Avenue de New York in Paris in May. She reached into her bag and retrieved a black cap and gown and her high school diploma, which she earned from the Florida Virtual Flex homeschool program. The day before the start of the French Open, she pulled the gown over her white, knee-length dress and posed in front of the Eiffel Tower. She tossed her cap into the air like she'd seen other students do. "It felt nice to accomplish something outside of tennis," she says. "It was closure," Corey replies. At Roland Garros, she played without thoughts of school assignments and test scores in the back of her mind. Between matches, she walked the streets of Paris, watched birds fly from tree to tree in the park, rented a bike and explored the city. In postmatch interviews and news conferences, she spoke with ease and maturity about not letting results define her as a person. After her semifinal win -- her first in a Grand Slam -- and one week after a gunman killed 21 people at a Texas elementary school, she wrote "Peace" and "End gun violence" on a television camera lens. She lost the final to Poland's Iga Swiatek, who was on a historic 37-match win streak. "I had a perspective shift in Paris," she says. "I realized life is so much more than tennis and winning and losing. This life is enjoyable. I don't want to regret not having as much fun as I could have because I was worried about results." For so much of her life, Coco and her dad followed the Williams blueprint. But she knows now that it is unrealistic and unfair to define her success against the greatest women to play the game. Her dad's 10-year plan is in the rearview, and she doesn't want to get caught up in anyone else's timeline. She knows she needs to win one Grand Slam before she can win 23. "My goals are the same," she says. "But the mentality behind them is different. I want to enjoy the tough moments." She'll test that mindset many times over her career. But if she's learned anything from watching the Williams sisters, it's that they kept the fire through it all. "For a long time, I was stepping onto the court trying to be the next great American whatever, the next Serena," she says. "But that's not why I play tennis. I used to say I wanted to be the greatest because that's what people wanted to hear. Now I say it because it's what I want for myself." COREY PULLS THE Audi into the tennis center's parking lot with 25 miles remaining on its maiden charge. "I should probably watch you do this," Coco says. She grabs her bag and trails Corey to the EV charging station. He follows the prompts on the screen, pushes a few buttons. Coco grabs the charging cord and walks toward the car as Candi arrives, fresh from dropping Cameron at practice. "Do you know how to attach it?" she asks. "Do you?" Coco replies, and they laugh. "She's been gone so long, we haven't been able to try this," Candi says. Coco and Candi connect the charging cord to the car. Corey hops back into the driver's seat. "I think it's charging," Coco says. "It says it's connected," Corey says. "Oh, it says it's not charging," Coco says, and slinks away from the car. "Well ... you guys can figure this out." In four days, Coco will leave home again and won't return until after the US Open in September. She is using the time in Delray to work with her dad and coach, Diego Moyano, on sticking her volleys, holding court position, and putting more balls into deep play. One of the best movers on tour, Coco is still improving the consistency of her serve -- one of the fastest in the women's game -- and her forehand. Although she finally stopped adding inches to her height (5-foot-10), her arms grew a half-inch recently, which changed the geometry of her game, so she's working to adjust and find extension on her shots when the ball is close to her body. And she's learned from the emotional experience of her first Slam final. Back on the road, she will defeat Osaka in the second round of the Silicon Valley Classic in August and win the doubles title at the Canadian Open, where she will become the second-youngest player in history to reach the world No. 1 ranking in doubles. And she'll take walks and listen to the birds and post lip-syncs and "fit checks" on TikTok. Then it's on to New York. "It's my favorite Slam," she says. "Playing in front of the home crowd. I hope I can win in front of them." She pauses, takes a moment before continuing. "That's the goal, but we'll see. I know one day I'll hold the trophy there." When Coco learned that Serena plans to hang up her racket after New York, she added one more wish to her list: "I'm hoping my draw can work out, so we play each other." Then, three days after the US Open final, she has an appointment at the Delray Beach DMV to take her driving test.
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