#he’s a card there’s no reason for him to be goopy.
the-meme-monarch · 2 years
darkners have food and drink that they can consume BUT light world liquid would fuck them up severely. if it flooded darkners would very much die
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topazshadowwolf · 27 days
GoopTales: Part 23, Date Night
*passes over this part, which is covered in FuzzyNight glitter.* :3
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23(you are here)/34
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16) Ch 5 (17-19), Ch 6 (20-23), Ch 7 (24-27), Ch 8 (28-31), Ch 9 (32-34)
Killer walked up to Mr. Night as he finished giving medication to the three-legged cat. Killer giggled as the kitty hissed and spat at Mr. Night before walking over to Killer and purring. “you should be nicer,” Killer scolded while petting the kitty. “mr. night is only doing that because you need the medicine.” Tri, the kitty, did not like the scolding but accepted it from Killer with a questioning ‘murr.’
“Killer, should you not be with the others?” Nightmare asked as he put the bottle of medicine away.
“i told lyra that i needed to tell you something important. i told her about how one of the chickens laid two eggs and how cool that was and how you should know,” Killer explained.
“Well, now I know,” Mr. Night replied as he picked up Killer with a tendril. The tendril moved Killer closer to Mr. Night, and Killer stretched his arms out to the goopy skeleton. As gently as his dad would, the dark skeleton took Killer into his arms, and Killer snuggled against him.
“but that wasn’t what i really wanted to say to you,” Killer continued, “that was just the excuse i used to ask you something very, very important.”
“Oh, I see, very crafty of you,” Nightmare mused as he walked out of the cat feeding room.
“uh huh!” Killer puffed himself up, looking rather pleased with himself after that praise. “me and the others-”
“The others and I,” Nightmare gently corrected.
“the others and i decided we wanna thank ms. lyra for helping you and being so nice to us. none of us know what having a mommy is like, and i think, if i had a mom, she is what i’d want that mommy to be like,” Killer explained.
Mr. Night paused and looked at the floor in silence for a moment. He then looked up as if looking at someone on the ceiling while muttering, “Give me strength.” Then, after that, Mr. Night looked at Killer. “That… sounds very nice, you wanting to thank her for helping.”
“and being like a mommy!” Killer announced happily.
“Ah… yes, how could I forget that part,” Mr. Night mumbled.
“you’re silly, mr. night!” Killer giggled.
“Between the two of us, I do believe you are the silliest,” Mr. Night said while poking Killer’s cheekbone. That made Killer giggle and squirm in the arm Mr. Night was holding him in. “Now that has been clarified, what were you four thinking of doing?”
“oh! we wanna have a picnic, with flowers, and, and, and games! oh, and pie! and we want her to just relax and play with us and… and… give hugs, and we wanna make her cards,” Killer said the last parts quietly.
“Hmmm, except for the relaxing part, does she not do most of that already?” Nightmare asked.
“yeah, but she’s the one who does eeeeeeeeeverythiiiiiing for that. we wanna do it so she can have a day off, but we’re too small to do all of it and were wondering if you could help,” Killer said, finishing his reason for coming to Mr. Night.
“I suppose that will work. And what day were you four thinking of doing this?” Mr. Night asked.
“mother’s day!” 
Oh, indeed…
Nightmare worried that such a celebration on Mother’s Day would drudge up bad memories for the guardian. It would also encourage his feelings of having a new family. Just as he felt that pang of longing when Killer first announced Lyra was like a mother to him. But that is beside the point. The focus was on Lyra, and he was about to convince the boys to choose a different day. But he then considered it a chance for her to make new memories. Albeit… with four hooligans that Lyra would not want to be the mother of. 
Although, if that were true, she was showing the opposite.
She was always eager to care for the boys and their pets. It was sweet watching them interact with each other. Every morning was so soul-warming as he watched them happily greet her for the day. Even Dust was starting to warm to her and was not always clinging to Nightmare. They all excitedly go to her after she returns from tending to her duties as a guardian, begging her to tell them how things were outside their home. 
She truly was being motherly to them.
So, if she is filling the role, he might as well help the boys celebrate her on a day meant for beings like her.
He helped them, one-on-one, during moments when she was busy or away to make their cards and start preparation for Mother’s Day. For the most part, there was no evidence for her to suspect something was going on. But, on the rare occasion, the Guardian of Balance would notice something. “Killer, how did you get this glitter all over your hands?” “Cross? Where are you going with that stack of blankets?” “Horror, is that flour on your shirt?” “Dust? Oh, there you are… Please do not wander off without telling me.”
Nightmare should have known he could not have hidden everything from a momster. Still, he luckily was around to save the boys from interrogation each time. “Ah, we were considering an art project, but he quickly reminded me how that stuff gets all over everything. I guess I failed to wash all the glitter off.” “Ah! Thank you for getting those for me, Cross. These were used last for the nest during the boys' movie night and should be washed.” “I do believe that is my fault. He was nearby when I spilled that flour while looking in the cupboard.” “Ah, sorry, Lyra, I am equally to blame. He followed me to my office after I got my drink. I should have sent him back. But… well…”
That last one resulted in some light-hearted teasing from her at how soft he was with the boys. It was embarrassing, but he would admit it was true.
It took careful planning on the days leading up to Mother’s Day. The tendency for immortals to lose track of time helped him, as Lyra was not carefully watching a calendar like Nightmare was with the boys. Finally, the night before arrived. The boys assigned him one task: make sure she sleeps so she is rested for tomorrow and in place for a surprise breakfast in bed. 
Nightmare let her get the boys ready for bed, which will be her last bit of work before relaxation begins. While she was away, he cleaned up the toys and mess in the entertainment room and set out some candles while turning off the lights.
While he was not an avid movie watcher, he did enjoy the few he has watched. Especially if he read the book first. Sure, the movies were often different, but as long as they held to the spirit of the book, he honestly didn’t mind that much. Nightmare might grumble a little when scenes he enjoyed in the book did not show up or were not portrayed accurately enough to his liking. But, in the end, he acknowledged it was a movie and had limits to how much and what it could show.
The mind will always be the greatest movie theater.
All that aside. Shortly after starting their… relationship, Lyra and Nightmare formed a sort of “book club.” It was mostly them taking turns reading aloud a book together. He discovered that one they particularly enjoyed for its wit and humor had been made into a movie. They had picked the book since it was set in a “fantasy” setting in the time period he preferred, and it was a romance. It is not precisely Nightmare’s favorite genre, but this was enjoyable with the action and parts of revenge, war, and trickery. With the boys in bed and it being the night before celebrating Mother’s Day, well… might as well have a date night. Once the movie is done, he will have Lyra go to bed.
“NightStar?” he heard her say, and he looked over at her. 
She looked around the room and smiled while placing her hands on her hips. “I thought you said you had a lot of work to do,” she said.
“I did,” He chuckled as he lit the last candle. “It was a lot of work setting this room up for something other than child care.”
“I was going to help you with all that paperwork you claimed to have from the latest alliance,” she argued. “Will this momentary distraction mean we will have more work during the next few days?”
“I may have exaggerated how much I had to do in order to secretly plan tonight,” And tomorrow, but she didn’t need to know that part yet. Instead, he walked over to her and held out his hand. “M’lady, if you would join me?”
“How could I say no?” She asked while extending her hand and letting him take it.
Which he did. While taking her hand, he bowed to her slightly and lightly placed his teeth on the back of her hand, against the white fur, in a skeletal kiss. He then looked up at her with a grin as he saw the hint of pink appearing on her face where her fur was the thinnest, such as around her nose. However, he could feel the warmth on his own face, telling him he was blushing as well—not that he cared at the moment.
With that, he stood straight and guided her to the sofa. “Sit, and re-,” he started. The sound of flatulence filled the room as she sat, and both were startled by it. The silence that shock caused was broken when Nightmare sighed, and Lyra burst into hysterical laughter as she fished the whoopee cushion out from under herself. “I would ask you not to laugh since that would only encourage them, but they are not here to witness. I must have missed that one while cleaning up.”
“Indeed,” She wheezed as she tossed it onto the stand beside her. But she continued snickering, and Nightmare could not help but find that… endearing in a way.
“You truly found that so funny? Typical Toriel behavior. You may act mature, but deep down, you enjoy childish things,” He teased.
“Oh hush, you old fuddy-duddy,” Lyra taunted with a grin.
Nightmare mock gasped, placing his hand over where his soul was and acting offended, “Me, old?”
“Honestly, Nightmare. That is the part that offended you the most?” Lyra teased.
“Naturally! The notion that I am old when we are both immortals is insulting,” He said while turning his head to look away to feign indignation.
“Well, if you act the part,” She chuckled.
“Fine, then. If I am old, I will act as the grandparent and spoil the four with sweets and whatever they wish. Then, once they are a rowdy and unmanageable lot, I will pack them back over to you to tend,” he replied with a grin.
It was Lyra’s turn to mock gasp, though hers was in faux fear, “How devious! I take it back. You are still youthful! But a fuddy-duddy all the same.”
“I suppose that will do,” he said, rolling his eyelight. He then smiled at her, turning their focus back to the matter at hand. “Though, I think that banter will be a good segway for the movie we will be watching tonight.”
“Oh?” She tilted her head.
“Romance and humor… though this also has sword fighting, drama, and action,” he said while putting the movie in the DVD player. He won't claim to be great at using the player and TV, but he was proficient enough to complete the task.
They sat together, holding hands, as they watched the movie about Princess Buttercup and her true love, Wesley.
It was nice… especially when the movie ended and she gave him a kiss on the cheekbone. He then followed up with a kiss on her nose, which then turned into a true kiss… one that he hoped she enjoyed as much as he did. 
This was still all so awkward and new to him. Yet, feeling her lips on his teeth, their magic meeting with the physical contact, and the love they shared for each other being accepted and reciprocated was almost intoxicating to him. The fact that she seemed happy enough to keep this kiss going told him that she was enjoying it enough not to stop anytime soon. However, the sad fact of life is that all good things must eventually come to an end. If the boys were going to wake her up with a surprise breakfast in bed, then she needed to be in bed and sleeping.
“Lyra,” He said, finally pulling away, “as much as I am enjoying this. One of us should sleep while we have a chance. I will tend to everything else tonight and in the morning. It is your turn to rest.”
“Is it? I thought it was your turn,” She said with a frown.
Nightmare shook his head, “No, I rested last. Remember, we both had a chance to sleep last week, and I was the last one to sleep. So, you need to go to bed, rest, and get ready for another busy day tomorrow.”
“Hmmm…,” She hummed as she coaxed one of his tendrils to curl around her hand and arm as she often does. “That may be true, but I am not sure I am tired yet. Or done being around you.”
“Ah, yes,” He felt flustered by that. He wasn’t truly done being around her and would love to wake up cuddled with her again. But, he reminded himself he had his standards to hold to. Rules of propriety that may be ignored by some, but keep him in a moral code that made him who he was and not like the other cruel Nightmares off in their own multiverses. It might not seem that important of a rule. Though breaking one purposefully, as that one time was an accident brought on by mutual exhaustion, will invite the idea of breaking others. 
“Well, as true as that may be, you should take this chance while you have it,” He said as he turned his attention to the TV. 
The menu screen for the movie was playing on repeat in the background; during the kissing, he blocked the noise out. Now that he could turn his mind to other things, he had to admit the repeated short song was starting to become annoying. When the screen turned black, it darkened the room further, though that never bothered him. Nightmare can see easily in the dar-
Nightmare clapped his hands over his mouth as he struggled to hold back the sound wanting to emit from his mouth. A sensation he had not fully felt in centuries nearly forced him to laugh. In shock, he looked at Lyra, who looked back at him with equal shock and slyness. The tendril that felt the tickling sensation was no longer being tickled but still squirmed in a failed attempt to flee her. But no luck; she was not about to let the limb go.
He watched as she turned her attention back to the tentacle. Her fingers started moving over the limb in an oddly delicate yet aggressive way. Lyra leaned closer as Nightmare again struggled to hold back laughter, “My, my, what is this? The King of Negativity is ticklish after all?”
He wanted to deny it, but he didn’t dare utter a sound for fear he would burst into laughter. A snort did escape, but he held strong. No, he would not give in to this.
“I warned you, did I not?” She said with a mischievous grin on her face.
And yes, she did warn him about testing her theory that he was ticklish, but that was about four months ago. It had slipped his mind completely.
“You are so quiet, not even a retort?” She teased. “But not a laugh, either.”
Behind him, the remaining tendrils curled tightly as if trying to hide from her tickling fingers. He needed to will them to act, to push her away. It was a struggle, as his main focus was on trying not to burst into laughter. Still, he started to get them to respond, but they could not reach her to push before she pounced.
Those deft fingers moved to each side of his body, aiming for the tender area under the arm. Nightmare made the most undignified of sounds as Lyra continued this childish assault on areas he long since thought were no longer ticklish. With that, he could no longer hold it back any longer. Laughter, unlike any laughter that has burst from him in centuries, poured forth. He struggled, mid-gasps for air, to beg her for mercy.
What shame he would feel… if this wasn’t her. Indeed, if he were to display such vulnerability and weakness, it might as well be to one who has been doing the same towards him. Spending every day together caused him to shed his wall of defensive pride when around her. Still, his tendrils finally obeyed and spared him as they worked together to push her away.
“And here I thought you said you were not ticklish,” Lyra taunted with a giggle as Nightmare leaned back against the sofa arm, catching his breath.
“To be fair,” Nightmare wheezed, “No one has dared to test that theory since I was a child.”
“I suppose that is true,” Lyra replied. “But now, you look more tired than I do. Perhaps you should be the one to sleep?”
He shot her a glare and then sat up. “Winded from that ridiculous display of frivolity you coaxed out of me, sure. Tired? No. It is your turn. Do not make me carry you off to bed like I do the boys.”
“Would you tuck me in?” She teased.
“You are an adult who has tucked in more beings than I ever have. I think you can manage,” He taunted in return.
“Not even a goodnight kiss, then?” Lyra said with a “sad” pout.
“You have already had a ‘goodnight kiss,’ multiple even,” He replied.
“Oh, have I?” She said while looking off at nothing as one does to recall a memory. “I am not sure I remember.”
Of course, she remembers. He sure hopes she did. Still, if she was going to play that game, he would give her a kiss she would not likely forget anytime soon. He leaned forward and drew her attention back to him as his hands moved to her face. Fingers moved through her soft fur and touched the skin beneath. Nightmare called on his magic, his love, and his emotions for her while he kissed her as if he were trying to smother her in affection. She gasped, shocked by this display from him, but then hummed contentedly back at him as she returned a kiss.
It now was a contest of wills to see who could pour out more love and affection for the other in this single display—one he was determined not to lose. Digging down deep, he pulled on his past emotions, converting them to magical energy that she could interpret but shared through a kiss. 
How they once were enemies, and at that time, he truly did despise her and how she interfered with his plans. And yet, even then, there was admiration for her doggedness to stop him and protect those weak mortals he had, at that time, no respect for. How his anger for her only increased when she seemed to disappear. When it was then Dream who was upsetting the balance. Then, the shock of how she stood up for him… Aided him and the boys, which sparked something in him. It was not love at that time, and it was more than admiration. It was the growing seed of an alliance. As time went on, he took that feeling and formed a bud of friendship. That bud grew and blossomed as they worked together for peace, and as she showed the same kindness to his boys he showed them. He… liked seeing her show off her motherly side to them. When most hate his boys and find him revolting, she showed nothing but kindness and friendship. And oh, how that confused him.
Nightmare had tried to push her away for her own good. But just as before, when they were enemies, she was too stubborn to leave. She shared her love for him with him, and he relented to that confirmation that he was not alone in those feelings. And now, here they were. This time together, tending the boys, drawing them closer and closer, deeper and deeper into love. And he was devoted to her. If he were her “NightStar,” guiding her on the ocean of life as the stars guided the sailors, then he would do his best to keep her safe and direct her back here, to her home.
And with that, she surrendered, pulling away and gasping. Hints of blush were now visible through her fur over her whole face. He won, and he grinned while watching her catch her breath. Sitting back, he let a little smugness change his grin. His tendrils flipped contentedly from side to side as a display of playful superiority. “Now who is looking tired, hmm?”
“You say that with such confidence, but your face is covered in that lovely teal blush,” She teased back. “But I give… my sweet Night… we will need to discuss this kiss another time, as… I think you,” She looked at him for a moment, and he started to frown, tilting his head. “We will discuss this ‘goodnight kiss’ another time. For now, I will go to bed. Good night, my love.”
“Good night, Lyra.”
And with that, she stood and left.
Discuss the kiss? What was there to discuss about it? Granted, it was their history displayed to her in his view through magic shared in a kiss, but… that is all there is to it. They both lived through that. Did they really need to talk about it?
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discodeviant · 1 year
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Queen B
Billy/Steve | Mature | 2.1k
I have. a lot of feelings about them. so many. this is but a fraction lol, please enjoy <3 <3 Also the mirroring bingo cards were wholly unintentional--happy little accident 🥰
Read on AO3 Made for @steveharringtonbingo and @billyhargrovebingo!
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It wasn’t exactly romantic.
“Look at you waitin’ up for me. How cute.”
Nor was it the best kept secret they had.
“We doing this or what? Twenty seconds down.”
Billy just smirked. “Twenty-three… twenty-four…” Billy did a lot of things to Steve that may or may not have been intentional, but keeping him on his toes was evidently crucial to keeping Steve all to himself. This used to be the King’s closet—next to the nurse’s office where the last camera down the hallway didn’t quite reach. This used to be where half the girls covered him in lip gloss and shitty mall perfume, broke nails on his khakis, swore they were in love with him and said they were better than the rest.
“You’re confident today.”
Closer and closer, Billy bit his tongue as that smirk grew into a wicked, heathenish thing and poked into the goopy center of Steve’s stomach. Billy’s finger on his chest did the same thing, and every girl Steve ever laid eyes on paled in comparison to those hands. Billy bit his nails right down to the quick, was lucky on days he didn’t make them bleed and tint his pearly-whites with pink; roughed up Steve’s dick with palms that hadn’t seen lotion a day in their lives, but they didn’t need to. Not for Steve. Not when Steve made like a leaky faucet the second Billy got down on his knees.
“Think I can’t work my magic in six minutes?”
“Try five and a half. C’mon, man…”
Oh, Steve knew he could. Billy would have made him shoot in less than two if he didn’t have so much fun dragging it out until Steve had to beg him for enough time to clean up. He wondered why Billy liked torturing him so much, why Billy didn’t seem to mind being a new reason he was miserable every waking second they were in the same room. Got off on it, probably. Snuck to the bathroom to rub one out nice and filthy all over the memory of those pathetic, choked moans Steve swore were dead silent in his own bed. They really were, and Billy said yeah, okay, sure, Harrington.
“Whatever you say, pretty boy.”
It was still a threat, most likely. Tell anyone and he wouldn’t be so pretty anymore, but each one sounded a little more genuine than the last, and Steve was starting to think Billy just wanted to swallow every brain and sperm cell he had left.
This was one of those times that looking at Billy made Steve a little queasy. Backwards, maybe, like he should have been getting on his knees for a girl to beg for him the same way he begged for Billy with his hands in those golden curls and face between his thighs. Should have been him on his knees for Billy so he wouldn’t have to see how much better Billy was at sucking dick than the girls ever were. He didn’t need artificial stain to make his lips pop like sweet cranberry wine; they just did, and Steve just liked it, and Steve wouldn’t admit that he wanted to be the only one Billy’s lips went all red like that for. His cheeks too, when Steve called him baby or returned the pretty boy like he meant it or something. They both knew he didn’t; he was just compensating.
Billy’s mouth wasn’t on him until three minutes had gone by in such rapid agony, Steve thought the bell would ring any second. He checked his watch, listened to Billy laugh against his jeans before taking him whole without another glance. “Fucking Christ—Bil—hoohhhmygod—“ He closed his eyes until those blunt nails dug into his hip, a demand, like fucking look at me, asshole. Steve wouldn’t have said no. He forced his eyes open through bleary lust and whatever that sick feeling still was that got worse the deeper he sank into blue that looked grey under the dull yellow light bulb. Something good about them doing this before lunch, he supposed.
It caught in his throat when Billy’s lashes fluttered at him like the wings of a dusty butterfly taking off after such a short visit. Billy squinted, blinked away tears when he choked himself too suddenly, smiled around Steve’s cock like nothing ever happened, and Steve thought he was gonna hurl.
There was hardly a minute left before he was thieved of more functioning neurons, and Billy was cleaning up himself, filling the time with his tongue so Steve’s wouldn’t start running like it always did. Something about how good that felt, how hot Billy was with his new earring in, that his hair looked good, was so soft and easy and thank god he waited until after their allotted time to spray it into place. Something stupid that would earn Steve a punch in the groin for going pansy on him because this was closet time, and closet time wasn’t a sacred part of Billy’s daily routine that fucked everything up if it didn’t happen.
Barely ten seconds remained, and Steve was seeing the effects of his losses when his eyes went fuzzy and dark around Billy’s rosy cheeks. He didn’t need makeup at all for Steve to want with every inch of himself there was hardly packed back into his briefs before he was down on the floor with him. Nothing in Steve’s head to remind him why he never tried this in the first place, meeting Billy’s lips with his own somewhere, at some point in the seven minutes they agreed on months ago. Months—he’d gone months without kissing Billy Hargrove and finally hit his head hard enough on the wall to think it wouldn’t get him a shove in the stomach for trying, but fuck if that split second wasn’t worth every agonizing wheeze.
“What the fuck did I tell you, Harrington.”
“I know, I—I’m sorry—“
“No you’re fucking not. What did I tell you.”
Beep-beep. Beep-beep. Beep-beep.
Any other day, Billy would have been hightailing it to his Honors English Lit. class, but this time he let Steve turn off his watch and kept him firm on his back against the floor, breathing harder than Steve was if that was even possible. “You don’t gotta kiss me like I’m some fuckin’ chick you wanna get your dick wet in.” Anger suddenly turned into… something else. Something strained and seductive, a face he hadn’t made in Steve’s direction before. “I’m better than ‘em anyway, aren’t I?”
Steve scowled, confused and embarrassed and—“Yeah.”
And whatever face Billy wore melted away in an instant. Angry again. Pink over his freckles that almost hid them entirely. “The fuck…” He still hovered over Steve like a cat, like he was confused and pawing for an answer that never came. Then the bell rang, and shuffling feet and laughter and voices meant they couldn’t leave, meant their seven minutes were becoming eight, nine, ten, eleven in the time between classes when they usually blended back into the crowd one at a time, not thinking of each other until the next day. Thinking of Billy too much, in Steve’s case, and maybe hoping Billy thought of him too sometimes.
“I mean… sorry? Thought you kinda figured that.” Billy got off of him then, still on the floor, pulling his knees to his chest and sitting across from him. Steve mirrored it. “When was the last time I even brought a girl in here?”
“How the hell would I know, I’m not—“ Billy grumbled instead of saying whatever he was gonna say, and Steve would have loved to know what was on his mind. Or who. Tommy? Nancy? Some other dipshit Steve pretended to be friends with? Billy licked his lips, probably trying to get the Harrington taste out of his mouth. First Steve’s spunk, then his spit, and Steve didn’t know which would be worse.
He chuckled. “Shit, you hate the thought of kissing me that bad, huh. Message received.” Hated himself a little bit, and the queasy was turning violently ill as it rose up to his heart and dared to squeeze it dry.
“No, I fucking don’t, that's the whole—“ Another one of Billy’s faces, and his hands went in the air, and he rolled his eyes, and he grumbled again. “Goddammit. God-fucking-dammit.” Dug his fingers in that sickeningly soft hair of his that Steve wanted to dive his nose into and breathe until it webbed in his lungs. When Billy curled in on himself tighter, Steve loosened and crawled towards him on all fours like a dog. He slipped himself between Billy’s knees and pulled him down further, got that hand in his own and held it right against his chest. Dipped down a little lower, then, brushing their noses together, the part of his lips to Billy’s cupid’s bow. Billy pushed back against his chest without much strength, just a huff through his nose and a short swipe of his tongue between his lips. “Steve.”
“Ugh. You’re annoying, you know that?” Steve smiled wider, dared to press harder against Billy’s face and memorize the texture in every inch if it killed him.
“A little bit.” Billy squirmed but made no move to push Steve away, so they stayed right where they were, pressed to each other close and even closer to a real kiss if they’d ever make it that far. “Please?”
“Please what!”
“Let me kiss you,” Steve said, soft and sweet and every bit as sickening as he hoped it would be every time. The way Billy let himself melt away when Steve purred into his ear and whispered things only special people got to hear, it did more things to Steve than he could ever know.
“I’m not your fucking girlfriend,” Billy told him, and Steve sighed. Rolled his eyes.
“I’d be showing you off if you were, asshole.”
Billy clicked his teeth and grimaced. “No you wouldn’t.”
“Try me,” Steve said, and Billy shoved him off before pulling him back in close, and Steve let himself fall right over on top.
“Ruggedly handsome and totally winning you over?”
“Who’s confident again? Christ.” Steve laughed. “You’re a moron. Not winning shit, Harrington. In your dreams.”
“Not even second place?”
“Second to who, huh?”
“I knew it!”
And it was quiet again for a while. Five, ten, twenty minutes overtime, and neither wanted to go back to class. They’d propped their backpacks under their heads and snuggled into each other amidst chemical jugs and mops and brooms and dust. Steve didn’t try to kiss him again, but Billy took a bite out of his earlobe, so he took it as a compromise. A promise for later, he hoped. Something to take home if Billy didn’t want to come with him just yet, and suddenly Billy did a hundred more things to him that he couldn’t fathom for anything but the steam in his chest. It choked him out. He coughed.
“Gotta quit smoking so much, Stevie,” Billy said, mumbled against his shoulder. “Not good for you.”
“You shut up.” Billy laughed, then he sat up and kept a hand on Steve’s chest. Blinked around the small space they were cramped up in. Yawned. Looked back at Steve, who frowned and scratched his lower back. Steve just wanted to take him in like this, frizzy and red-faced from the nap in Steve’s arms he’d just woken up from. The light barely made his lashes glow, but somehow they did a little anyway. They made Steve’s heart tremble. “Wanna come over?”
Billy looked down. “Care to elaborate?”
“To my house.” Steve shrugged. “I live there. Know my way around. Got food and movies and shit, you know. House stuff.” Billy took a sharp, deep breath and yawned again, stretched his arms out without giving an answer. “Parents aren’t home if that’s what you’re worried about.” So Steve sat up and got to his feet, held a hand out for Billy which he groused over about not being princess to the king or whatever but took anyway.
Steve walked out first and told Billy to be outside in three minutes, and he was. They rode separately but close together enough that Billy had no trouble following him as if he didn’t know where Steve’s house was already, didn’t drive by when he should have been in class. Steve knew he did at night sometimes, and maybe that was why he didn’t put up so much of a fight about being invited. Billy wanted to, and he kissed Steve for real the second they got past the front door, and Steve was a leaf in the wind.
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weskin-time · 2 years
I have some ideas for Wesker stuff!
1. How would Wesker handle a S/O who is fascinated with Xenomorphs? Like, as fascinating as he is with viruses and may or may not want to create one.
2. Imagine: Wesker playing Cards Against Humanity. I don't know why, but I can see him being scary good at it because of how easily he can read people and it would take everyone off-guard.
Just some fun thoughts. :3
OO!! i absolutely adore the xenomorph idea. not edited or re read over cuz i’m writing this at work lol sorry :(
this idea takes place after the events of 5 where still alive and he’s chilled out a bit lol
please sit him down with the movie first before showing him the Xenomorph. this man was born in the 60s and grew up in a lab, i highly doubt he’s seen the mega hit movie that is 1979’s Alien. he probably has absolutely no idea what a face hugger is let alone a Xenomorph.
he’s heard you talk about them a few times, either ranting about how cool they are, how they look, biology and stuff, he listens when you talk to him about your interests. so his interest has been definitely peaked and would want to know what you’re talking about and what it’s from.
just walk into his office in your house and start infodumping to him about these guys. he may look like he’s not listening with his eyes trained on the computer in front of him but he’s nodding his head along and sometimes giving a hum in response to your words.
PLEASE have a movie night with him and watch it. he’s gonna get hooked instantly. he’s gonna have a second when he first sees the Xenomorph where he’s kinda in awe?? i mean he’s hooked with the chest burster and he’s already taking notes but as soon as he sees the full grown adult Xenomorph? his mind clicks with ‘it’s black and goopy just like Uroboros’
If you don’t own any xenomorph merch he’s getting you some, if you have some he’s getting you more. loves seeing your face light up and any reason to hear you talking about them.
look i’m not saying he’s also going to be fascinated by them but i will say he does spend a little bit longer in his lab. a couple dozen test subjects later he would try and recreate one. i feel like he would have to mix human and animal DNA and create a new strain of Uroboros just to even get remotely close to what looks like a Xenomorph but even then i feel like Uroboros is a bit too wiggly to make the creature look exactly like a Xenomorph.
Please talk with him about the life cycles and anything about the Xenomorphs so he can get a better understanding of them to try and make one for you.
he also won’t tell you directly but he likes sci-fi movies. please watch the other Alien films with him. like he will subtly hint at wanting to watch the rest of them. also show him The Thing he will go bonkers over that one.
imagine just chillin one day and he comes in, tells you to follow him to his lab, you do, and find what looks like a Xenomorph strapped to a table knocked out cold. it doesn’t look fully right and it’s writhing too much like how Uroboros does but it’s really close. he’s trying to show his love for you with making something you love.
he’s definitely taking some inspiration from Alien if he tries to take over the world again, those chest bursters were cool. 10/10 he loves and embraces what you love and are fascinated with and loves you so much he’ll try to make it a reality to see your smile :)
i hope this is close to what you had in mind for this ask! i had a lot of fun writing it!! XENOMORPHS ARE SO FUCKIN COOL AND RAD AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AA
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thebananwithaplan · 2 months
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...Episode 2, then. The one with that eyesore of a title card.
Again. A nonexistent audience at first, but it was clear that he could form duplicates slightly different from himself. No doubt not the only ones who would be armed beyond the cameras; Ronnie's sudden glance somewhere and panic was a good sign of that.
Nevermind the fact that, on no warning whatsoever, another Noise split from his body in a goopy display, wandering off-stage for… something.
...Ah. At least he can figure out how F.N did it. Must be finite if this was the main way to make 'duplicates'. Just what is the 'limit', is the question.
...Coffee-mug eating. Fake Noise revealing Ronnie's poor apartment place....
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Yeah. He remembered taking note of this reaction. How the mention of the person who created it was enough to get him very unstable. Even if they shared their genetics, something told him that Fake Noise wasn't treated as well as he could have. Hence, Pizzahead's hiding in secret bunkers to avoid getting absorbed. -
If both Noise and Pizzahead get absorbed, then there's no telling just how much stronger it could be. Much more physically stable. Much more mentally unstable....
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...Aha. He was right - he can't fully control all of the duplicates at once. Could it be that the more duplicates are made, or the longer they're out in existence, the more they start to defy the mindset of main host?
That might be the likely reason why Fake Noise had to pretend with the 'invisible' audience at times instead of creating it since the start.
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....Oof, he's so dramatic. But, unfortunately, the fruit can relate. Doesn't help that he was 'born' out of the world being entertained by his song and dance. Getting enjoyment out of entertaining the public was both a toon AND a meme trait, and that urge to have everyone's eyes on him was likely part of the toony side of its DNA.
And sometimes, a toon gets entertainment out of watching everybody else. The drama. The horror...
...Ouch. He wasn't even the one hit with the Noisey, and he still felt it.
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That darned list. It was taking a lot of his self-restraint from turning off the screen when the pages where his boys and Dandie appeared. Gold, too. Pizzahead. Anton, probably? Vigil. The miis. The gnome guy that lost to a rat on his show once. Fake Noise. And, of course, Peppino himself, the star of the clone's....
Rewind that.
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...a drawing of himself,
Well. That's odd. If that book was supposed to be a 'hit-list' as everyone made it out to be...
Why would the perp also put himself on it??
Then came the ending.
.........Now that he thought about it. That splash did sound too clean for a live recording.....
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.....Seems like this episode gave him both some hints AND more questions. Sigh.
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knowledgetoken · 8 months
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i love alexander but the goopy gilscarbo face was absolutely killing me when i felt like hes supposed to be like. mortys little mini me in both looks and personality kind of? (as in hes a cancer, theyre both nature sims.....you know) and morty is soooo cute too, so for alex to just. be a wild card. come on. so i extracted bella and morty and i rolled this guys face in a different hood so i could replace alexs face. he also has bellas nose, which i personally think is the reason he was given a face template with a strong nose, because the nose is actually pretty similar.
i definitely think alexander starts growing a stache in college to look like his dad. i think i want him and lucy to have even more of an addams family vibe.
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Heyyyy you mentioned having ocs in a post, I believe…
Do you mind sharing? I like hearing about other people’s ocs 👉👈
——She is a demon??? I think
——Was intended as part of this little idea I scrapped where several souls get trapped in purgatory because the gods can’t decide where they should go, or something like that, and so they are all just in this blank void slowly going insane together :)
——Each one of them is supposed to embody a concept or a trait of the human psyche in a way
——She symbolizes rage, righteousness, strong justice, hatred, as well as violence and malevolence, if she were a sin she would be Wrath
——Screams a lot, cries a lot, eats a lot, sleeps a lot. Being angry all the time is exhausting for her
——Her existence is just pain
——Frequently violent, favorite weapon is a baseball bat with spikes on the end
——She is chubby and short
——Has ratty, teased up pigtails
——She has a stand (of course) that is a black goopy tar sort of monster, like molten lava that’s all black with fiery, glowing eye sockets or something
Goobie gumba
——don’t have a name for this guy yet
——gender-fluid, all pronouns
——is a shapeshifter
——just a sad, sexy little bitch
——so very sad and sexy
——also has a stand
Old as fuck dude
——no name for him
——he is also in the Shadow Wizard Money Gang (they love casting spells 🪄)
——aka he is also in purgatory
——gay old man, very wise, very kind
——mostly a passive observer of chaos but he will give you a hug if you want
——for some reason I can only imagine him as fucking dumbledore
——but like skinnier and more sad looking
——and with glitter in his beard
——a cynic through and through
——has lost all faith
——has been around too long
——good with kids
——enjoys tarot card reading——he doesn’t believe in all the spiritual mumbo jumbo, he just uses them to pass the time
——has a stand, idk what yet
——someone save this poor man
Frankie (evil ver)
——Nasty stinky little man
——Also a demon????
——I hate him so much
——But he is babygirl
——Basically he is a manifestation of me and everything I hate about myself lmao
——Serial killer, cannibal. He likes to torture his victims before they die, it turns him on
——He is more powerful than the others so he can leave the purgatory dimension for brief 24 hour periods. This is how he gets his victims.
——He can’t really control his urges, he’s like an addict
——Little sense for morals, very hedonistic——he values his own pleasure above most things
——He symbolizes lust, gluttony and greed, among other things
——Horny but in a fucked up way
——Long, skinny, lanky, gremlin sized. You can see his ribs through the skin. Bigass fucking feet
——His stand is this grotesque, lovecraftian flesh monster, some beast with many eyes and mouths, covered in some sort of gross liquid like saliva. He can also manifest his stand as a bunch of meaty tentacles, they look like colons/intestines with sharp suckers on the end (think of a sea lamprey)
——Goes into states of feral regression, in which he loses his human intelligence and his brain degraded to that of a wild, bloodthirsty animal, driven by instinct and visceral urge. He loses the ability to talk in this state, instead making grunts and growls, barking, crawling on all fours. He becomes more violent and impulsive in this state
——will eat anything he finds off the ground, doesn’t care how dirty it is. Free food is free food
——Collects trash and random trinkets from the human dimension, hoards them in piles
Frankie (normal version)
——is a high schooler
——very athletic, great at sports
——Plays soccer very well but he hates it
——very egocentric, obsessive narcissism
——Doesn’t feel love or compassion for people, only cares about himself
——very talented but very unmotivated, gave up on life since the day he was born
——he’s a creep, a weirdo, what the hell is he doing here, he don’t belong here
——Is a good friend, despite his personal shortcomings
——doesn’t really like his friends
——doesn’t really like anyone at all to be honest
——he’s just some guy
——has a porn addiction, is into guro (yikes)
——is just not normal mentally, in any way
——just a rotten little fucker
I have more ocs but these are the ones specifically from the Purgatory universe. Might make a second post about the other silly guys
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thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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Story: 10/10 Smut: 2.5/5
I absolutely adored this book! I was literally laughing out loud at times, that's how funny it was.
Girl moves back home after having shit luck, ends up in a fake relationship with ex-bad boy rebel turned goopy, sexy as fuck dog dad who she thinks fucked her over when they were teenagers, and works out her many issues with her self-esteem. She has to deal with people from her past who despise her, an asshole coach who thinks he's better than everyone, and ugh.. it was just so damn cute. You definitely need to give this a read.
The only downfall I found with this book was the smut. If you're getting hot and heavy, don't say 'boobs'. I cringed so hard. And don't refer to an erection as a 'foot long sub'. The spice was decent, but the wording felt a bit childish at times. Why can't people just say breasts, tits, cock, or dick? There's nothing wrong with those words!
Now enjoy my ramblings as I read the book:
* “Welcome home, sis! Hope Mom and Dad’s retirement sex doesn’t keep you awake at night.” — 😂
* Man, if I was coaching kids and they insulted me, I’d be making them do sprints until they couldn’t anymore lol.
* Lol she almost gave her entire team heat stroke. Hot track coach to the rescue!
* Teenage girl fight. Oh how I don’t miss high school haha.
* I fucking love Vicky and her rallying the girls into pressuring Marley to prank the boys’ soccer coach 😂
* Goddamn, Jake. You really just strolled up and told Amie Jo you’re dating Marley. That was hot.
* Oh hell. The boys are all dyed red/pink for picture day. Poor Marley lol.
* Jake so totally knew what he was doing when claiming he and Marley were a thing in front of everyone. Now they gotta sign contracts saying they’ll date for the during of the school semester 😂
* What the fuck did Marley do at senior prom? Everyone still hates her for it and they’re all nearing 40. It can’t be that bad, can it?
* Fucking finally! That little twat Lisabeth was getting on my nerves. I’m glad Marley kicked her off the team.
* Yay! The girls are winning games 🤗
* And they gave Marley a makeover!
* Oh no. The dreaded realization that she actually likes Jake just kicked in, as well as the realization that’ she’s grooming him for someone else. Fuck.
* So Jake fucks her once and realizes he’s in love. This is going to be a disaster 😂
* “Foot long sub” — I’m cringing so hard. Why can’t people just say COCK! This book is hilarious, but the sex needs some work.
* Amie Jo landed in donkey shit 🤣 Karma is a bitch. She totally doesn’t deserve Marley’s niceness and advice.
* Lol Marley pushed Coach Vince into the guac. Jesus Christ. This party is a hot mess.
* Lmao. Oh shit. Marley wrecked homecoming when she was a teen 😂 but it was well deserved.
* Oh my god. I love Marley’s mom! She just beaned asshole coach Vince with chicken corn soup 🤣🤣🤣
* Yay! The girls won the homecoming game 🥰
* Oh no. Jake never asked Marley to homecoming as a teen, did he? It was all part of Amie Jo’s bullshit.
* And goddammit! Why can’t Marley just want to stay in Culpepper?! Jake is in love with her and she in love with him. Just admit it already!
* And she broke up with him 😩
* She’s leaving. She’s gonna leave. Even after Jake asked her to stay and she was offered the teaching position.. and then the “sorry we let you down” card the girls gave her. I’m not crying, you are!
* I’m loving that Marley is finally clued in to how unhappy her sister and Amie Jo truly are. And I’m loving that Amie Jo is having this heart to heart with her. Make her see reason and get back together with Jake!
* Lmao they fell out of the tree 🤣
* Wait.. did they end up fostering Libby?! Oh my god. I can’t handle this.
* And now they plan to adopt her 😭😭😭 She said yes!
* They got married. I’m so happy.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Can I request a Spamton X F!Reader where Spamton has a bake sale in his dumpster selling moldy cupcakes and such, so the reader teaches him how to bake cupcakes?-Art anon
"YOU! Light n eR! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY [First Customer] OF THE DAY?!! YOU MUST BE DYING OF STARVATION! TRY MY SPECIL [Byte-Sized Cupcake] NOW! TAKES ONLY EIGHT BITES TO FINISH AND IMPROVES YOUR [Internet Speed]! [Side Effects Include Nausea and Loss of Appetite]."
"Oh goodie, another vendor." You strapped your weapon to your back as you looked at the poorly-made booth, which surrounded the dumpster. A banner hanged loosely above it, reading "SPAMTON'S B@KE S@LE" with a picture of Spamton--ripped off of one of the old posters around the city and plastered onto it.
You've visited bake sales in the Card Dark World. Simple, but clean and organized as opposed to this incredibly sketchy booth. The metal scraps and poles used were rusted and looked very unstable.
You accepted the free cupcake anyway and gazed at it for a moment. It was tiny, fitting between your thumb and index finger, covered in goopy blue frosting with a WIFI symbol topping it, which was....covered in molds.
Any sane person would immediately throw it away.
But you didn't wanna be rude since he did give it to you for free and you were apparently his first customer.
So you sucked it up and took a bite.
At first it wasn't too bad...until the eighth bite.
*Bad choice. Your HP was halved!
'Ouch..I don't think I'm gonna recover from that for a while..' You grunted as you held your stomach for a moment, waiting for the discomfort to pass.
Sure enough, the "burned cd bagel" looked exactly like a regular cd bagel, but burnt around the edges. And when you hesitantly tried it you heard your favorite music genre in a distorted tone, with different pitches and static overlay.
*All your HP was restored
'Thank god.'
"Okay...that one was better."
"GREAT!! THAT'LL BE $264627563 KROMER!"
"....are you shitting me? You gave them away for free."
"AH, NO I DIDN'T!" Spamton cheekily wagged his finger at you with a much wider grin. "I NEVER NAMED THE PRICE! YOU JUST TOOK 'EM WITHOUT QUESTIONING ME! WHATDYA THINK THIS IS?! A [Free Sample Shop] DOWN THE STREET?!"
You probably should've known better than to blindly trust this guy to give away free food. Hell, "spam" was in his name. That should've been an obvious red flag. Now you were stuck wondering how on earth you could repay him...you don't think it's physically possible to carry that much money anyway.
Though as you looked at his booth, and the way he was dressed in such messy clothes and had splotches of dirt all over his porcelain face, you realized he probably wasn't doing this with malicious intent.
He was struggling. And considering the old posters of his face, you deduced that he was popular and successful at one time and..for whatever reason his life went downhill, leading to him selling unwanted garbage and ripoffs of actual edible food.
This was desperation.
But as you thought of his food, you remembered your hobby as a baker back in the Light World. You accidentally entered this Dark World when you visited the Librarby to look for new cookbooks, and figured out how this place worked pretty fast with battles and such.
So...maybe there's another way you can repay him.
"You're right, I shouldn't have assumed that. But what if...I made a deal with you?"
Spamton's eyes seemed to bug out as he sprang up, gripping the dumpster's edge with eagerness. "A DEAL?? WHATDYA HAVE IN MIND?"
"I'm a baker in my free time so..how about I repay you by showing you how to bake?"
"Uh..I mean your food is impressive presentation-wise. I can see the appeal. But I can help you improve their quality and taste."
"LISTEN, I'M A SALESMAN, NOT A [Betty Crocker] WANNABE." He scoffed with a slight frown. "NOW WHAT'S YOUR PREFERRED [Method Of Payment]? CASH? CARD? CHECK? [Hyperlink Blocked]? DEBIT? CRED-"
"I can help you sell them to customers better. That's the point." You clarified, hoping he'd understand.
"....WELL WHY DIDN'T YA SAY SO?!!" He laughed after a brief pause. "I'LL TAKE THE DEAL! SINCE YOU'RE SUCH A [Charming Ladies Near You], YOUR DEBT WILL BE FORGIVEN-!"
But as Spamton tried jumping out of the dumpster, he accidentally hit his head on the sign. This set off a chain reaction that ended with the entire booth crashing down on top of him.
"Oh jeez! Are you okay?" You blurted out despite knowing the obvious answer, removing the rubble to find the poor robotic puppet trapped underneath. You took off the poster that covered his face, seeing his glasses go dark.
"I'm no construction worker but..I'll help you make your booth look more presentable, too." Picking him up, you gently lifted him out of the dumpster and set him on the ground.
The color returned to his glasses as he smiled up at you, dusting off his suit. "THANKS, LIGHT ner!"
You just returned the smile and set off for your temporary home in this world, with Spamton following closely behind.
But in the end, even with the improved recipe for byte-sized cupcakes (and the now reasonable prices), he refused to relocate his shop to any busy parts of the city. He preferred to stay in the trash zone or in hidden alleys away from the people. Only a few Maus purchased his desserts, and they complained about the lack of cheese ingredients.
You thought he needed help working his way up; that's why you agreed to help him to begin with. So to see him stay at the same place where you first met him made you feel like he scammed you again.
But when you questioned him, he admitted to scamming you...for your kindness rather than money.
He went on to explain how you're the only Lightner to give him a chance, and he latched onto you, wanting to spend quality time with you. He enjoyed learning to bake and building a new booth with you even though he didn't care much about succeeding at his bake sales.
After that, well..you couldn't be mad at him anymore.
Why should you be? You got a new friend out of this experience and finally got to teach someone about your passion for baking.
It's a win-win.
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one-small-nightmare · 3 years
One Small Nightmare
Based on One Small Dream by @calcium-cat and my imagination. ( basically swapped except with different stuff or well interactions also I hope it’s fine to write this and also if ur reading this calcium cat I love ur one small Dream story!! Also I decided to write it here since I don’t know how to get a archive account thing )
Chapter 1
Nightmare teleported to his office, exhausted from the long day and after the battle with the star sanses. His brother tried many times to stop him from hurting AU’s and everything else that he’s done, of course, it didn’t really work. Eventually his brother gave up on that, the next battle with them though, he’ll probably be at it again. Nightmare grabbed a granola bar and ate it as he looked down at his work. Tapping his pencil on the desk, trying to think of what to write. Nothing came to mind. He let out a sigh and put down his pencil. He could continue this tomorrow, he was exhausted anyways and should probably get some sleep. He teleported to his bedroom and got into his bed, pulling up the sheets with his tentacles.
The next morning dust,killer, and cross were playing some cards while horror was in the kitchen preparing some breakfast. As nightmare passed by the three noticed him. “Good morning Nightmare!” Killer said. “Good morning..” nightmare sleepily replied, he yawned and went into the kitchen to get some coffee. That’ll probably help with getting him energized. “G’morning” Horror said as he waved to the goopy skeleton. “Good morning, Horror. What’s for breakfast?” Nightmare said as he started to brew his coffee. “I’m making some pancakes topped with fruits and eggs n bacon for breakfast. It’s almost ready.” Horror looked to the side and then looked slightly back at nightmare. “Did you sleep well? You look pretty tired.” He asked. “I slept fine, I just stayed up late with my work is all.” Nightmare said. The coffee finished brewing and he poured some into his cup, adding some sugar and milk. He then walked out of the kitchen and headed to his office. He still had some time to work before breakfast, he thought while sipping some of his coffee. He entered his office to see his paperwork all over the floor scattered around. He sighed and thought that he must’ve accidentally let it fall while getting up and didn’t notice since he was so tired. He let out a long sigh and began picking up all the papers. He finally finished picking them all up and put them on the desk, he sat down, taking another sip of his coffee. He began writing. A few minutes passed and he could smell the breakfast, horror must almost be done he thought. He took a sip of his coffee, but there was no coffee left. He also noticed that he was still pretty tired, which was a bit weird since he did just drink a whole cup of coffee. Horror then shouted “breakfast is ready!”. Nightmare teleported to the dining room and sat down. The others also arrived, sitting down and they began to eat....except they didn’t. They all were looking at nightmare with slightly worried expressions. “Why are you guys all looking at me..?” He said. “Are you sure you slept fine last night? You look even more tired.” Horror responded. “I’m fine. I think....” nightmare mumbled the last part so that it was barely heard. “Your sure..?” Cross replied. All of a sudden nightmare became extremely light headed and couldn’t think straight, he tried to respond but wasn’t able to. He could feel himself wobbling from side to side and he tried to keep himself stable. “N-nightmare?!” Killer worriedly said. Oh no, Nightmare knew that he might- Nightmare suddenly fell onto the floor his eyes starting to narrow. “NIGHTMARE!” the four shouted while rushing towards him. That was all nightmare heard and saw before he closed his eyes and passed out.
Nightmare opened his eyes to find a skeleton with yellow or golden eye lights looking down at him. “Night? Are you ok?” The skeleton said....wait that skeleton was....dream?! Nightmare quickly jolted up and looked at what seemed to be his brother. “D-Dream?” The skeleton smiled and said “yeah! Who else would it be.”
Nightmare couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he thought Dream hated him after everything happened and- nightmare looked down. He was back to...his normal self?!? “HOW AM I BACK TO NORMAL, I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME. WAIT THIS IS JUST A DREAM ISNT IT-“ “calm down night! This isn’t a dream, your not sleeping anymore. Also what do you mean by back to normal? You’ve always been like this. Also I’ve never hated you brother! I’ve always loved you and that won’t ever change!” “Dream” replied. “No no no no, this has to be a dream, it can’t be real it can’t be....this is just ALL FAKE” the last word echoed loudly and then a rumble was heard. All of a sudden a black goopy Tsunami was heading towards the tree that nightmare and “dream” were at. A goopy wave submerged “dream” and nightmare quickly attempted to climb the tree. He wasn’t as good of a climber as his brother but he should be fin- he slipped. Nightmares eyes widened as he held his breath and fell into the goopy ocean. He tried to swim up but couldn’t, he was too far down and couldn’t move for some reason. The goop was cold and dark, he could only see some light shining through until it was completely dark. He let out his breath and gasped for air but couldn’t. He was drowning in the goopy ocean that had taken his brother when all of a sudden nightmare opened his eyes and jolted up from his bed. He was breathing heavily. “Nightmare are you okay!?!?” Yelled a familiar voice. Wait, that wasn’t his brothers voice. He looked where he had heard the voice and saw horror and the other skeletons standing there, all looking at nightmare. Nightmare calmed down and sighed. “....yes...I’m fine....” he replied. “It doesn’t look fine to us. You literally passed out in the dining room and then you wake up breathing heavily out of nowhere!!” Cross shouted. Nightmare thought of what to say, he probably shouldn’t say that he had a dream or well Nightmare about his brother. “I just had a bad dream is all....” he finally replied. “Well that doesn’t explain you passing out, are you sure you actually slept well last night?!” Cross shouted again. “I’m sure!” Nightmare shouted back. Nightmare had actually slept fine last night, he wasn’t sure why he was feeling so tired. “Sigh I just don’t know why I’m so tired...” Nightmare added. “Guys maybe he needs some more negative energy.” Killer said. “We could destroy some AU’s! Come on guys let’s go!” Before nightmare could say anything they had all left. Nightmare sighed again and laid on his bed. He wondered why of all times he had a dream about, well, dream. It was more of a nightmare which he wasn’t used to since most dreams about his brother were usually happy memories except for..... when he fought the village. This was the first time he had a nightmare about his brother that wasn’t about the incident. He had a short nap and was feeling better. It must’ve been the work of the guys. He decided to get up and atleast eat something. He decided to walk since using magic might make whatever he had worsen even if he had a flow of negative energy currently which was boosting him. He went to the fridge and pulled out his plate of breakfast and boiled some water to make some chamomile and lavender tea. It usually helped him with sleeping and he did plan on taking a nap after having something to eat.
After eating his breakfast nightmare was heading back to his room when he heard a portal open. The guys were back, nightmare walked over to the living room were he saw the guys but....they were injured. “What happened?!?!” Nightmare exclaimed. “We met the star sanses while we were destroying some AU’s to help you” Killer responded. “Let me try to heal you guys-“ nightmare tried to say. “It’s fine you need to get some rest, we’ll heal our selves...” cross said. “No way, I’m going to heal you guys.” Cross and killer sighed and them and the rest of the guys let nightmare heal them. “How did the star sanses do this?!?” Nightmare asked. Dust replied “we don’t really know, they attacked us and somehow seemed stronger. Horror told us that we should go and-.....wait.....where’s horror...” everyone’s eyes widened as they looked at where the portal used to be. Horror had been left behind. “I’m going back for him” nightmare said. “You can’t, you have to rest! It’s too dangerous, we’ll handle it.” “No one leaves the castle while I’m gone, I don’t want you guys getting hurt again. It’ll be quick.” Nightmare said. Nightmare opened a portal and went through it. It closed behind him. “Good luck....” the three said.
I also don’t know why it keeps on spacing out really big like that, also go check out calcium-cat’s One Small Dream Story! It’s really good
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daydream-believin · 3 years
Flowers Have Feelings
summary: it's valentines and you're making some gifts for your good pal douxie,,, also confessing
warnings: swearing probably, no proofread cause tired
word count: 2659
a/n: i've been struggling with writers block. i guess. i've returned to this only to write like, a paragraph so many times. which is bad cause like cheese designed the bouqeut and this should have been done ages ago. idk idk bon appetit
tags: @yagirlcheesely, is for you
image below: sketch of the bouquet
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You jumped out of bed and slammed your alarm. Today was the day. You had to get everything ready today. Tonight would be the presentation. The night you finally do it. The night you confessed to your closest friend and crush, Douxie. Also happened to be Valentine’s day.
Your friends may have told you: “Just be patient. Drop hints. If he likes you, he’ll let you know.” But you weren’t about that passive love life. You liked to grab that strawberry cow by the horns. Subtly was boring and took far too long. You were in love with your friend and you were gonna let him know frankly if it killed you. It probably would, to be honest.
As confident as this makes you sound, you were aware of the possibility of him not liking you back, and that was okay. Sure, your heart would be shattered and you might not be very peachy for, say, a month or six, but you accepted that. At first, you had resigned yourself to just adoring him secretly. But you quickly grew impatient with that. What were you afraid of, really? Him letting you down gently, and ushering you two into an era of awkwardness? Okay so maybe that was worth considering. But not really. You wouldn’t let it come to that. Even if he did turn you down, you weren’t about to let that fact taint your friendship like that. You two were very close, and Douxie wasn’t the kind of guy to suddenly treat you differently after such a thing. Just a few weeks of awkwardness at most before all was forgotten (on his end at least). Only a problem for you. But, boy, it would be really, really nice, and not awkward, if he reciprocated.
You and Douxie were thick as thieves. There wasn’t a thing you hadn’t told each other. Not a secret between a pair of buddies as close as you. Oh, one thing, you know. The fact that you had caught feelings, that was definitely something you had kept secret from him. As eager as you were to do so, you couldn’t just drop a bombshell like that at any old time. That’s why you chose today of all days to confess; a little extra luck from St. Valentine. A little magic to give you a boost, placebo or not. This was going to happen. This was going to work.
You strapped on your helmet, safety first, before heading out on your bike. You cleared your schedule for the day cause you weren’t really sure if everything would work out or not. You could have everything done and ended wrapped up neatly in a few hours, or you could have a complete disaster on your hands, which could take up all your time. Time you would happily give, since you were determined for everything to be perfect. It was also nice to know you didn’t have to come in to work later,, lest you spend the whole night, crying your eyes out. You shuddered at the possibility. You were gonna stop thinking about that now. Yeah, only confidence now.
You may be a teensy bit sleep deprived. Only a teensy bit. You chugged a monster this morning, you’ll be fine. It wasn’t your fault you were up all night researching flower language. There were so many flowers, and those flowers had so many feelings. Eventually though, you managed to settle on a bouquet of roses, daisies, and dandelions. Fern leaves for greenery too. Greenery was important for flower arrangements. It tied the whole thing together. While it wouldn’t be the most on theme color scheme, the yellows, whites, reds, and greens, would mix together prettily. You definitely didn’t have to go as far as this, and you were banking on the fact that Douxie even knew flower language, but it was sweet, it was romantic. And you were going to be romantic about this, dammit.
Daisies, for friendship. It was really important that you communicate just how much you valued Douxie’s friendship and how nothing would change between you two if he were to not return your feelings. Red, red roses, classic romance. There was a reason the blooms were so strongly associated with the valentines holiday itself; no one sees a red rose and thinks of anything other than love and romance. A clear message to your beloved. And well, the dandelions? Cheery, beautiful, resilient, common weeds, never to be approved of, finding the strength to bloom despite assholes like Merlin’s best efforts. Dandelions were Douxie’s favorite flower.
Too bad the florist didn’t even consider them to be anything but said common weed. You had included them in your order when you called it in and you could hear the florist laugh, but muffled as if he put his hand over the receiver, before returning to the phone to inform you that you would have to add them yourself. Pretty rude, if you say so. No matter, hand-picked dandelions would be romantic, anyways. Even if no one else knew about it but you.
You placed the bouquet neatly into the basket of your bike. You’d pick the dandelions to complete it later, right before the big confession, in order to keep them fresh. But as of now, the bouquet peaked out of your basket, the floral fragrance wafting up to your face as you made your way to the next store.
Last week, you had seen such an adorable little box of chocolates. It had chocolates shaped like little skulls, flowers, and ghost cats, and the box had a silly pun about death. Goth chocolate, def. It would have been perfect for the edgy wizard in your life, but alas, it was way too fucking expensive. Like obscenely expensive. But no matter, you’d just steal the idea. How hard could making chocolate be anyway?
You left the grocery store with your haul safe in your skull-patterned reusable shopping bag. Wizard-chic and eco-friendly, it was your favorite bag. The contents of the much-loved bag? Melting chocolates, a jar of marmalade, a jar of raspberry jam, a jar of strawberry jam, and a new roll of wax paper, since you were out. Now you weren’t as ambitious as to make your own jam here. This was a failsafe. There are only so many ways to ruin chocolates if you did not make the chocolate nor the filling yourself. Now just a quick run in the stationary shop on your way home for a cute box, and you were all ready to start your chocolatier career.
 * * *
Douxie was getting antsy. Not many patrons had paid a visit to his bookstore this afternoon. Which was strange for valentine’s. and it left him with nothing but his thoughts to entertain his anxious mind. Doux had a lot to worry about. His band had a gig in a new town, so he wasn’t sure how they would be received. He was waiting on a shipment of books that was supposed to show up days ago. It may have gotten lost. That Lake kid was getting himself into more and more trouble these days and it was starting to become hard to help out without overstepping his vaguely imposed bounds. But most of all, at the very moment, he was worried about you.
You had asked him to meet up for dinner tonight. Okay, pretty normal for a Sunday night. Not that the weekend meant anything to either of you, but you normally set aside Sunday for dinner hangout. So nothing to abnormal. But then. Then, you said, something… Douxie actually can’t recall what you said, per se, just that it was along the lines of “we need to talk.” And that your tone sounded nervous. He did not like that one bit, nope nope. He had spent a great part of the day just revisiting every interaction the two of you had had in the last month or so, desperate to figure out if he did something wrong. But he was coming up blank, for all his efforts. Across the room, the clock ticked on. It would be closing time soon enough, and then he’d no longer have to wonder just what he did wrong, as you would be there to tell him directly. Fuzzbuckets, he couldn’t wait.
* * *
You wiped the goopy chocolate off of your cheek with the back of your hand. So far this wasn’t a total disaster. You had at least seven chocolate skulls filled and drying in the molds. The white chocolate seemed to have melted smoother than the regular chocolate? The regular chocolate ones looked kind of lumpy. You hoped they came out of the molds okay. Not to mention the ones you already messed up. A little mountain of chocolate pieces and jam had started rising from your table top corner.
It had been lots of fun at the start. melting the chocolates with a double boil, planning out which molds would be which flavors. But actually filling those molds? A messy, messy ordeal. You had chocolate and jam all over your kitchen, up to your exposed elbows, and even a little in your hair. But that was okay. You’d clean the kitchen later. With the molds in the freezer to set, your priority now was cleaning yourself up rather than the kitchen.
And you cleaned up nice, if you did say so yourself. You got the chocolate out of your hair, and had on a fresh outfit, taking a little time to put effort into your style. You looked snazzy, but not too fancy. You needed to stay casual. Something that you hoped would make Douxie be like ‘wow they look pretty okay’ but not freak him out with formality. Yeah. This was good.
Your watch beeped. Okay, you needed to get out of here, no more dilly dallying. You pulled the candies you made out of the freezer. Moment of truth. Thank the stars, all of the chocolates came out of the molds smoothly without breaking. You arranged them in the cute circular box you set up earlier and folded the tissue paper over them. They all fit in perfectly. The cheesy valentine card, the most important part, didn’t quite fit on top of the candies, you’d have to put it with the bouquet. You slid the lid onto the box and fastened a bow around it with a blue ribbon. Maybe this was a bit overkill, but Douxie knew how to appreciate the dramatic. He’d love it, you were sure.
Last but not least, you headed to the greenspace across the street from your apartment for the final ingredient in your Douxie wooing, dandelions. You were lucky that the empty lot had recently bloomed an entire garden’s worth of the yellow things. The chilly breeze mussed up your newly-fixed hair as you danced about gathering the tiny flowers, adding to the bouquet until you felt like it was enough. Which took longer than you had hoped. You definitely could have kept adding in more dandelions but your watch beeped once again and you had no choice but to make peace with the level of yellow and book it to the bookstore where you and Douxie were supposed to meet before heading out for the night.
* * *
Hearing the ding of the door chime, Douxie turned around to kindly inform the customer who came in that he wasn’t open, but the words caught in his throat when he was met with your smile. There you were, standing in the shop with a box in one hand and flowers in the other. You looked cute. Really cute. But Douxie chased that thought away. He fumbled with the book he had been re-shelving. It fell out of his hand unceremoniously, landing with a thud.
“Hey,” Doux managed to get out. “What’s all-”
“These are for you!” you shoved the presents into his now empty hands. That courage you had earlier? Gone. Your resolve? Dissolving as we speak. You had to get this over with before you chickened out. He was just so good, okay. And why did you think this was a good idea. Douxie looked down at the gifts in his hands confused, before blushing. If he could have reached a hand behind his head and rubbed the back of his neck he would have.
“I didn’t know we were doing Valentine’s, uh. I feel bad I didn’t get you anything.”
“Oh! Don’t be. I just,, felt like doing something nice for you and uh, special,” Douxie tilted his head. You took the box, freeing up his hand. “These are chocolates I made, like, like you’re supposed to do.” You waltzed over to the counter to place them out of the way. “The bouquet is the real star here, uh, I picked them out very carefully.” You tucked your arms behind your back. “I, uh- I brushed up on flower language, and I hope I got it right.”
Now Douxie may have been a Victorian once upon a time but he had barely any surviving memory of the frilly flower language people socialized through in those days. But thankfully, the blooms in the bouquet in front of him were straight forward enough that he did in fact get the message without taking too much gear turning in that noggin of his. Although, the friendly daisies with the red roses were kind of sending him some mixed signals. He knew what he wanted them to mean, but he could just be misinterpreting. You seemed to notice his hesitation.
“Um, there’s a card too. In the flowers somewhere. That. Probably explains what I’m trying to say a little clearer.” You carded your fingers through your hair. You had anticipated not being able to really speak with your voice, as you barely could now, so you’d written it all out on the card as backup. But damn, that card had everything on it. You maybe got a little carried away. There wasn’t going to be any going back from this.
Douxie dug out the card from amidst the blooms. It was handmade, with a cheesy little drawing on the front complete with a pun. And then he opened it. It was almost solid black with ink. Yeah, you had written that much in there. Both sides. And a little on the back. Wow. Doux tried his best to keep up a poker face while reading it but failed quickly as the first few lines alone left him flushed. It was true, everything was on it. From how much you adored Douxie as a person, to how much you valued his friendship, to how pretty you thought he was, to how you longed for something more, with him? Douxie felt like his hands were getting the card all sweaty.
It was nerve wracking watching him read that card. It seemed like he was finished, since his eyes stopped raking through it, but now he was staring intensely at the words written on the pages, in a trance. He broke focus, looking to the bouquet, back to the card, and then finally settled on you.
“… is that a good wow?”
Douxie caught you by surprise. He pulled into a hug. “Yeah, a good wow.”
You and Douxie’s first non-platonic hug? Yes please. You didn’t even mind the flowers pressing into your back. Okay so a few rose thorns were poking you but that was fine. Douxie smelled like something you couldn’t name, but it was spicy, and cozy. He let you go sooner than you were ready to, but he grinned at you as he left to rummage through his things in the back for a vase. He turned to you as he proudly displayed them on the store’s counter, right where he could look at them all workday,
“So, where are we going tonight? For our first date?” Doux chuckled, “and, technically, our first Valentine’s day too.”
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flightfoot · 3 years
Cut the Cheese
Tikki stared at the secret base underneath the Agreste mansion. “You were right.”
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Did you think I would joke about this, Sugar Cube?”
She glared at him. “Yes.”
“...Ok, fair. But I wasn’t this time!”
“So, what’s your plan?” Tikki asked.
“You’re asking ME for a plan?”
“I mean, you’re the one who’s lived here for the past several months, you know Gabriel better than I do… and I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?”
Plagg rubbed his tiny paw nubs together as he smirked evilly. “Candycane Butt won’t know what hit him.”
Ugggh. Fallen asleep in his atelier again? Nathalie would have a fit about him hurting his back.
Should’ve slept in his lair instead; that way Nathalie would be unlikely to find out AND he could akumatize people at a moment’s notice. 
Or Mr Pigeon. NO, Nathalie, he didn’t have a problem. It was pure coincidence that Mr. Ramier was in an akumatizable state on a daily basis. He didn’t stalk the man, scare his pigeons while wearing a fake mustache (a long one made for twirling dastardly), and then take advantage of his resulting anger and frustration. That would be absurd!
For some reason Nathalie didn’t believe him. Her finding a fake mustache with a stray pigeon feather caught in it didn’t mean anything. 
He better get up before Nathalie could catch him again.
Sleepily he groped around on the desk, trying to push himself upright.
His hands made contact with a goopy substance.
His eyes flew open.
A familiar yellow, smelly substance greeted him as an awful stench assaulted his nose.
“Camembert. Should’ve known,” he muttered. 
Adrien had gotten a major Camembert craving as soon as he started school. He must’ve ordered a wheel a day for his son. Normally he wouldn’t have allowed it but his nutritionist said he could use some more calcium in his diet. Even once the calcium deficiency went away Adrien kept on insisting on getting practically his own weight in Camembert every week, but it wasn’t having any negative dietary effects (somehow) so he allowed it.
...So long as Adrien kept it contained. The smell nearly knocked him out one time as Adrien opened his bedroom door.
If Adrien was leaving Camembert in his office, he was gonna lose his cheese privileges.
But for now he needed to leave this accursed office. The stench was making his eyes water.
Stumbling to his feet, he made for the door.
His hands made contact with nasty-smelling goo AGAIN.
Gabriel cursed underneath his breath. Adrien would lose his friend privileges for this. As soon as he’d laid eyes on Nino, he’d known that Adrien was being exposed to too many bad influences. But he’d been soft and let him continue to go to school, to hang out with Nino and his other friends occasionally.
He should’ve put his foot down. He’d need to tell Adrien about his decision as soon as he came home!
...and after Gabriel had escaped.
Wincing at the mess, he fruitlessly tried to turn the doorknob. His fingers just slipped around it, unable to find purchase.
Growling, he whipped out his phone, intending to call Nathalie to let him out.
Only to stare at the item in horror.
No longer a device made of metal and plastic, instead he held a block of Colby-Jack cheese.
Looking wildly to the side, he tried to find something to break the door down. 
The statues, once so regal and elegant, now were melting in on themselves as the cheese that comprised them started to collapse under its own weight.
Sliding around in his now cheese-comprised shoes, he made one last run at the door. Maybe, maybe he could wipe off the cheese on the doorknob and escape-!
He froze.
Or tried to at any rate.
Stopping suddenly while running around in slippery slices of American cheese didn't work well.
Flat on his butt before the door, he stared in shock.
The door was now made entirely of Camembert.
And the stench had reached him.
Eyes watering, choking on the fumes, he weakly attempted to use his trump card. “Noo- *hack* roo- *wheeze* - Da *cough cough* - D-dark-”
He collapsed in a fit of coughing, unable to keep talking long enough to transform. The world slowly went dark as blessed unconsciousness took him, freeing him from his cheesy, stinky prison. 
The last thing he saw were two small figures lifting something from his neck.
“Think we went overboard?” Tikki asked anxiously, looking at the unconscious man sprawled on the cheese-covered floor, still holding Nooroo’s Miraculous in her paw nubs.
Plagg shrugged. “He’ll be fine.”
Giving her the biggest, most sparkly kitten eyes she’d ever seen from him, Plagg looked at her pleadingly. “More importantly, can we do that again? Pleeeeease? With my powers of destruction getting rid of everything in the way of your creation, with our powers balancing each other out, we can replace SO MUCH of this city with delicious cheese! Come on, don’t you want to get a chance to let loose more often and help a poor, hungry cat while you’re at it?”
...what had she just gotten herself into?
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Slow to Anger (But I Toe the Line)
Read here on AO3!
“Seriously?” Tim gestures to his uniform covered in black plant matter, the goop matted in his hair and dripping in places that no one wants plant goop to drip. “This is what you call fine? If you were really so concerned about Ivy’s escape from Arkham, you would have sent me with backup.”
“I knew you could handle it.”
“No, you knew I was just gullible enough to do the scut work you didn’t want to do.”
(Tim is acting more angry than usual for some reason. The Batfam can't figure out what's wrong with him until it's almost too late.)
“Can you hurry up? I want to wash this stuff off of me.”
“In a minute.” Bruce preps the syringe, preparing for the blood draw. “Hold out your arm for me?” Tim obeys, rolling up his sleeve. “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d been there, you know.” Bruce sticks the needle in, ignoring Tim’s wince as he draws a vial’s worth of blood. He hands Tim a cotton ball to press to the injection site. “I told you, I needed to be at that fundraiser. Trust me—if I could have gotten out of it, I would have.” “You just didn’t want to deal with Ivy.” “You handled yourself fine out there.” “Seriously?” Tim gestures to his uniform covered in black plant matter, the goop matted in his hair and dripping in places that no one wants plant goop to drip. “This is what you call fine? If you were really so concerned about Ivy’s escape from Arkham, you would have sent me with backup.” “I knew you could handle it.” “No, you knew I was just gullible enough to do the scut work you didn’t want to do.”
“What do you want me to say? Do you want an apology? Fine, Tim, I’m sorry that I thought Poison Ivy would be easy for you to handle. I’m sorry I didn’t know that she hadn’t been taking her meta-dampening meds at Arkham. I’m sorry that you got covered in plant gunk.” He hands Tim a towel. “Are you satisfied?”
“Not even close.” “Well, I tried. Now go take a shower. You smell like fertilizer.” Tim balls up his goopy towel and throws it at Bruce. Bruce dodges easily, catching it before the nasty plant gunk can make contact with his skin. “Text me when you get the results.” Tim stomps out of the cave, leaving goopy footprints in his wake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tim’s anger still hasn’t faded by the time morning arrives. Bruce poked his head in Tim’s room last night to inform him that all the tests came up negative, but to keep him updated if any symptoms should arise. Tim threw a pillow at his face and told him to get lost. It appears that Tim is holding onto this grudge with both hands, because he doesn’t even look at Bruce when he comes downstairs for breakfast. He talks to no one as he pours himself a lukewarm cup of coffee, left over from the pot Bruce made an hour earlier. Tim hasn’t woken up this late in months, but Bruce supposes that’s partly his fault. “Morning,” Dick greets Tim, muffled by the orange wedge in his mouth. His lips pull back in an orange smile. Tim says nothing. He’s rifling through one of Alfred’s pristinely organized cupboards, the highest one that Tim can reach without a step-stool. “Who the fuck stole my Pop-Tarts?” “Language,” Bruce chides. He sits at the table with Damian and Cass, reading the morning paper. Apparently there’s a cat show this weekend. Maybe he and Selina can use it as an excuse for date night. “I had a box of limited-edition pumpkin spice Pop-Tarts in the back of this cabinet, and now they’re gone. I know someone took them.” “Did you eat them?” Dick tries. “Right, because I’m an idiot with no short-term memory.” “Tim,” Bruce warns. “Cool it. They’re just Pop-Tarts.” What’s got him so upset? Tim has always been the most level-headed of Bruce’s children. Bruce can count on one hand the number of times he’s witnessed Tim explode without reason. “They’re my Pop-Tarts. Is it so bad that I want one fucking thing to myself in this house?” “Hang on,” Jason says, gnawing his way through a piece of turkey bacon. “Was it a blue box? Had pumpkins and shit on the front?” Tim nods. “Pretty sure I ate those. They were awesome. Thanks for buying ‘em.” Tim slams the cupboard door, making Titus jolt and prick up his ears. “Unbelievable.” “Chill, dude, I’ll buy you another box.” “They were limited edition, asshole.” “And that’s my fault?” That was the wrong thing to say, apparently. Tim lunges for Jason, eyes blazing and looking to the world like a one-man strike force. Dick grabs him around the waist before he can do any damage, holding him back from Jay, who looks more amused than anything. “Tim, cut it out. It’s too early in the morning for this.” Tim pushes Dick away with a harshly jabbed elbow, right in his gut. “Get off me.” He snatches his coffee mug from the counter and stalks from the room. Bruce can’t remember the last time he saw Tim this angry. Jason watches him leave. “What’s his problem?” “He had a rough night,” Bruce says. “So that gives him an excuse to be a little bitch?” “Like you weren’t asking for it.” Bruce opens his newspaper again. “And you’re buying him ten more boxes or I’m canceling your credit cards.”
Read the rest on AO3 because I’m too lazy to transfer all the formatting over for another two thousand words.
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Nsfw alphabet for Nightmare? 👀👀
((Oh my, oh my, you all sure love some goopy man, and his tentacles, I see XD))
A = Aftercare
Night is completely possessive. You are wrapped up by his tentacles and his arms, so don’t even try to struggle, because the more you do, the tighter the grip will get. 
B = Body part
Night adores your eyes. He has said many times that he loves the cold look in your eyes. That’s one of the reasons why he has fallen for you.
C = Cum
More often than not, he will make sure to eat your cum as slowly and seductively as possible, wanting to entice you for further activities. 
D = Dirty Secret
Many times before, Night has used his own tentacles to pleasure himself, as the goopy texture that they have feels absolutely wonderful around his dick or inside of him. 
E = Experience
Before you, he had only had one lover, but he had never actually done anything sexual with that lover, that’s why most of his experience comes from his tentacles. He might take longer to pleasure with his genitals, but he knows what he is doing with his tentacles. 
F = Favourite Position
Cowgirl’s Helper. That’s something that he would probably love. Why wouldn’t he? Not only would he have you on top of him (And if you prefer topping, be it with actual genitals or a trap on, then him on top) but he also would be able to hold onto you. How could he not love this?
G = Goofy
Night would be very romantic and affectionate with you at the moment. You are his, and you are clearly showing him that. You are showing him that you care about him by giving yourself like this to him... and him only, hopefully. Or would he need to kill someone?
I = Intimacy
Night would hold onto you tightly, kissing you and telling you that he loved you so much. He would be a puddle of affection while in the moment. 
J = Jack Off
Whenever he would use his tentacles for masturbation, now he would imagine that it’s actually your hand getting him off. 
K = Kink
~  Intelligence Fetish  - Has he ever told you how actually attractive you are when you go off on one of your rants, showing how intelligent you actually are? He would be more than happy to fuck you right then and there. 
~  Puppy Play  -  It’s a secret of his, but he always found it attractive to imagine himself as your pet. He was first introduced to the kink when he first had met Mutt and well, he couldn’t forget about that to this day. 
~  Face sitting -  Be it you sitting on him and making him eat you out (Either vaginally or anally) or him doing that, he loves it so much, that it’s actually something he would want to do every single time as foreplay.
L = Location
Your office. If you are still wearing your uniform, heavens, he would be all hot and bothered, let me tell you that.
M = Motivation
You in a uniform, talking to him about something work-related. The way the clothes hug your body perfectly, and the way you talk, make him unable to actually think about anything else but fucking you right there. 
N = NO
Fucking while others are around. Your naked body is for him only to see, so he wouldn’t ever want to even think about others seeing you.
O = Oral
Honestly, probably performing. He loves the taste of you, especially if you are a little bit musky. That’s just something he could never get over. 
P = Pace
We can say that sex with him can be intense, especially if you request him to use his tentacles on you. Of course, he wouldn’t do it without your permission, but if you would give him permission, just be prepared. 
Q = Quickie
Night wouldn’t be against them, but it’s not something that he would do because he is really into them. He would be happier to wait longer but to have actual sex with you. 
R = Risk
Depending on what you want to try out. If it would involve other people, then he would immediately say no, but other than that, chances are that he is willing to try things out. 
S = Stamina
About 4 to 6 rounds, depending on how much you would excite him that that. He has quite a bit of stamina, so he could go as much as you would be able to handle him.
T = Toy
Well, why would Night ever need any toys when he has his own tentacles? They are much better than simple toys, he knows that much.
U = Unfair
Oh, Night loves teasing his lover. That is actually one of his favorite activities. Just exciting you so you would be even more ready to have fun with him later on.
V = Volume
Oh, he’s loud. Trust me, everyone knows that you two are fucking. Chances are that they will come knocking on your doors and telling you to keep it down. 
W = Wild Card
Night is actually the most honest right after sex, so if you have some questions to ask him, it’s best to do so then, to get the best answer out of him.
X = X-Ray
Night frequently switches between female and male genitals, liking to experiment with both of them. But when he does have his male genitals out, they are about 7 inches long and 4 inches wide. 
Y = Yearning
Compared to some of my other characters, Night’s sex drive is pretty high, but he isn’t completely mad about it. He can easily wait for some time until you are in the mood.
Almost immediately, while holding you in his arms. He loves having you close, it would make him comfortable enough to actually sleep with you in the same room.
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ducktracy · 4 years
41. ride him, bosko! (1932)
release date: september 17th, 1932
series: looney tunes
director: hugh harman
starring: johnny murray (bosko), rochelle hudson (honey), hugh harman, rudolf ising, friz freleng (cartoonists)
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oh man, this cartoon has my favorite ending to any cartoon we’ve seen so far. this short is notable for a variety of reasons. first, it contains the first ever live action sequence in a looney tunes short. second, it’s the first cartoon to be copyrighted and not under public domain, and finally, it’s the last looney tunes short to use the current theme song of “a hot time in the old town tonight”, where it would be replaced with “whistle and blow your blues away” starting with bosko’s dizzy date.
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buckaroo bosko is strumming away at his guitar, singing (poorly) “when the bloom is on the sage” while on horseback. since the horse itself can’t be assed to do it, bosko hops off and pushes him over a large rock, resuming business as usual.
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cut to a card that says “red gulch, where men are men, nine times out of ten”. i love my sign gags! this cartoon definitely has the looney tunes feel to it. the titular red gulch asserts its promise of masculinity as we watch various street-goers get shot to pieces as they walk past a saloon.
undeterred as ever, bosko saunters up to the saloon and greets “howdy, fellers!”
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he’s greeted by a warm reception of bullets. regardless, there’s an offscreen chorus of “howdy, bosko!” bosko, justifiably wary, enters the saloon. you can never go wrong with jokes like these, especially the warm greeting he receives after nearly getting shot to pieces.
initiate your standard yet nevertheless entertaining and charming dancing sequence with bosko in the saloon. these cartoons in this era were all about boasting about their ability to synchronize sound and animation, and it certainly works.
a dog playing the piano slams his fist down on the keys, propelling the beer in his glass perched on top of the piano right into his gullet. the alcohol burns through him, literally, and he’s “naked” and skips away effeminately.
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bosko takes over piano duties and we get to marvel at the beautiful sounds of a saloon piano. a group of playing cards, a king, two queens, and a joker, all sing along to the beat. the joker (who looks like goopy in the queen was in the parlor) sings (scats) offbeat, prompting someone to shoot the card with a pistol, the goopy joker melting away into a puddle.
there’s another transition as we get a different card that reads “the deadwood stage (free wheeling)”. a horse drawn carriage is being pulled rather sloppily, with very smooth animation of the wheels bending and stretching all over the place.
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poor honey is the passenger, being jostled around endlessly. she protests “please, be careful!” but no adjustment is made.
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bet you can’t see where this is going. we have a group of outlaws galloping on their horses. the lead bandit and his horse sneak around the mountain (a looney tunes staple), spotting the wagon carrying honey... and a chest on top, undoubtedly filled with all sorts of vulnerable goods just waiting to be usurped.
smoke spreads and bullets fly as the bandits follow the wagon, pulled by an unfortunate old man whose hat keeps flying off as bullets pierce it. the chest flies off of the carriage and lands on the ground, but instead of silver and gold, it’s filled with anthropomorphized clothes who make a run for it.
the poor hapless victim pulling the carriage (well, honey too) hits a rock and is sent flying. he (painfully) slides down a cactus and used the skeleton of a horse to dash away.
deserting honey, the man barrels in to the saloon, alerting bosko of his debacle. winded, the man deflated into his pants, leaving a dubious bosko staring at an empty pair of trousers. bosko makes a run for it, but not before the deflated man grabs a beer and throws it into his bottomless abyss of pants.
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in a hurry, bosko jumps onto his horse... which is actually a fence that bucks him around wildly. standard yet amusing, our motto of all these cartoons. bosko actually gets on his real horse and heads to rescue honey, who’s screaming for help.
there’s an extended shot of bosko chasing after his shanghaied sweetheart, and we slowly zoom out...
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to reveal rudolf ising, hugh harman, and friz freleng, all gathered around bosko and observing his dilemma. rudolf is making the sound effects of the horse galloping, when he suddenly asks “say, how’s bosko gonna save the girl?” hugh gives a dumbfounded “iunno”, which prompts rudolf to respond “well, we gotta do something!” friz, who’s been chuffing away at a cigarette, suggests “let’s go home.”
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hugh expresses his agreement and the cartoonists exit, leaving bosko to his own devices as we get the most amusing iris out thus far.
god, i can’t get enough of that ending! this really felt like it belonged under the looney tunes name. the animation was smooth and crisp (maybe because the short’s in good quality), the jokes were on point, the music was addicting... another one of my favorites. i’m very glad to see the quality of the bosko cartoons continuing to rise! i eagerly await the others. i certainly recommend this cartoon, especially for the end scene alone!
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fiiingertrap · 2 years
@confusionism sent  ‘🖤’ for Cora & Rhys  1) my muse’s initial impression of yours
“I thought he was real cute, tall which worked out in my favor of course, but beyond the physicality there was (and remains) this openness about him. Like I could say or do any dumb little thing and he wasn’t gonna laugh, at least not at me. He just felt like a really good friend from the second we met. The kinda person you want in your corner.”  2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours “Hmm, this seems like a familiar game... But his smile. I swear his smile could light up that old ghost town, and anytime I see it - over FaceTime, in person - it makes my insides all goopy.”  3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours “His sense of adventure. His willingness to go wherever he may want, or wherever he may be needed. His eagerness to try new things. Life is hard, and it’s not always fun, but it’s a lot more enjoyable when you’ve got that kinda spirit, y’know?”   4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours “The first letter he wrote me. Didn’t matter what it said, even though I loved every bit of it. As soon as he was willin’ to play that little back and forth with me I knew I was in trouble.” 5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours Hi, hi Cora is taking a break from this one because she still has not found the words. But have no fear, Cece is here to tell you what you and I both know, that she’s too dumb to know (at the present moment and for many moments moving forward): She’s absolutely falling in love with him.  6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours “I don’t think there’s ever anything I’ve wished I hadn’t said. There’s plenty I don’t know how to say, there’s plenty I’m scared to say, but I’ve never regretted anything we’ve said to each other, and I don’t think Rhys would want me to feel that way about somethin’ I said to him. He’d probably say that if I said it, I said it for a reason.”  7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe
“Okay so he doesn’t always pick up the phone when I call. That’s just not possible with our schedules and timezones and stuff. But he does whenever he can, and when he can’t he calls me back or he texts me as soon as he can, and that fits here I think.” 8) something your muse does that makes mine smile
“What does he do that doesn’t make me smile? Seriously. Not trying to be cute. I just feel like whenever we’re talkin’ or hangin’ out or goin’ somewhere together my cheeks end up hurting from how hard I’m grinning. Everything has to be an answer, right?” 
 9) something my muse wants to protect yours from
“His family, or at the very least his mother. We haven’t really gotten into it, I try not to push it, but I don’t think that woman and I are gonna get along. Alternatively, my family, aka Caleb. I don’t know how they’re gonna get along, even if Rhys is the most likable guy I’ve ever met.”  10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words
Hi, hi Cece again because my muse is emotionally stunted. Sending him goofy pictures, checking in with him whenever she can, the little games they play together, late night phone calls, I imagine (even though I don’t think we’ve really discussed it), that when he’s in one spot for more than a few days and she’s able, she tries to float him a little care package, even if it’s just something virtual like a gift card to a restaurant or something like that. Their lists probably fall into this in some way. I don’t make the rules. 
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