#he's just a old man worried about his doggie tonight
captain-joongz · 3 months
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Tits out
Pairing: best friend!Wooyoung x f!reader
Genre: bffs to ??, college au, pure smut, barely any plot, fluff, humour
Summary: When talking to your best friend about your nipple piercing during movie night backfires in the most spectacular way possible and Seonghwa's new couch gets caught in the crossfire
Word count: cca 7k
Warnings: reader is chubby, there's no discussion, they just jump into it, titty sucking, nipple and nipple piercing fixation, unprotected sex (this is pure fantasy, be careful in the real world), a little bit of body insecurity about body hair, fingering, doggy, squirting (let me know if i missed anything)
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I had met Wooyoung back in the first year in uni and now four years later we were still going strong. The man that walked in confidently into a lecture hall, bee-lined straight for the empty space next to me and was sitting down before I even comprehended his question of “is this seat taken?”, who then proceeded to talk my ear off and invite himself for lunch with me, was quite easy to befriend, believe it or not. After sitting next to him a few times and going for lunch later, I’d managed to get out of my shell a little too and soon we were two merry extroverts steamrolling through university hip to hip. He’d become one of my best friends, one of my closest friends and a person that understood me almost perfectly. We knew we could count on each other completely and trusted each other blindly.
I was introduced into his friend group, and he was into mine and we often hung out together in huge groups of rowdy younglings, going dancing and spending weekends eating too much junk food and watching bad movies someone had put on, but no one really paid attention to besides the occasional joke about its stupidity. I couldn’t count how many times I’ve done something extremely stupid while hanging out with them and was heavily encouraged by both Wooyoung and San. It was the most fun I’ve had though, and that’s what really mattered.
Now I was already out of school, but Wooyoung and most of his friends were continuing with their studies. Due to this, we tried to hang out every Friday, but a lot of the time it ended up being just me and him or even just me sitting in their living room watching Netflix waiting who makes it home first. It was like my second home at this point, and no one was phased when I showed up out of the blue and sat on the couch like I owned it. Especially since Seonghwa bought the new one, that one was extremely comfortable.
Usually, Friday night was a hang out and movie night for me and Wooyoung anyway, but today I was a woman on a mission. A few months ago, I had gotten a nipple piercing. It wasn’t my first one (though it was definitely the most painful one) so I wasn’t extremely worried about it, but lately it has been acting up a little. It usually didn’t hurt but sometimes there would be this slight discomfort around it and I’ve even noticed some slight scabbing even months later. I knew realistically that it was most likely okay, but my anxious nervous little brain had managed to convince me that I’m going to lose my tit or something. That’s why I needed a second opinion. And that’s where Wooyoung came in.
Tonight, I was making my way towards their flat knowing I’m about to ask Wooyoung for the weirdest favour one ever could, but it should be okay, right? We were such close friends, it definitely wasn’t a big deal, right? You normally asked your friends to take a look at your tits and tell you whether there’s something weird about one of them, that was just a usual Friday, no?
I checked the group chat again and confirmed that it would be just me and Woo tonight and then made my way to their building’s door. They lived on the fourth floor without an elevator, which would normally be a minus, but since it was an old warehouse made into an apartment building, their flat was actually massive and housed all of them without a problem, so I graciously sacrificed myself and stomped up the stairs a few times a week to see their faces (and eat their food).
Upon arriving to the flat, I found Woo busy making something in the kitchen, humming lightly while whipping cream like a 50s housewife.
“What you up to?” I asked casually strolling into the room, making Wooyoung jump with shock. “Jesus fucking Christ, you sneak in all the time and yet I still get scared by you,” he said and put his hand over his heart. I slapped his shoulder and peeked at what he was making.
“You literally gave me the keys, Wooyoung, I’m hardly sneaking in,” I said and rolled my eyes at him. He just laughed and pushed me out of the kitchen. “Shut up and start choosing the movie or I know we’ll just end up scrolling through Netflix for hours like always,” he shouted over his shoulder and went back to whatever snack he was making.
As I sat on the couch, I was steeling myself for what I was about to ask him, trying to figure out how to bring it up. No time like the present, right. I mindlessly scrolled through the movies, but really I was waiting for Woo to join me in the living room. Then finally he came in through the door, a plate of little cheesy snacks in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other. I was just about to open my mouth, but he cheekily winked at me and made his way back to the kitchen. When he returned, he was holding a little tray with two cups of hot chocolate, the coke and two glasses.
He finally joined me on the couch and for a while we both just sat there, arguing about whether we want to watch a comedy or a thriller, while I was thinking how to broach the subject. But in the end, I didn’t even need to do that. In the middle of my sentence about how I’m not watching another stupid horror movie about nothing, Wooyoung suddenly turned to me and just gave me this look. And I knew I was done playing around. I stopped in the middle of talking and stared at him. He grinned.
“Okay, just spill it,” he said when I stayed silent for too long.
“What do you mean?” I attempted to stray away from the topic until I was ready, but he’d already saw through me. “Really?” he asked incredulously, “I’ve known you for years, you think I don’t recognise when you want to talk about something? Just spill the beans already.” I heaved a deep sigh and then turned on the couch to face him. He was still grinning.
“Okay, this might be really weird, but just bear with me for a while, okay?” I started. While I was slightly worried about the piercing, I also couldn’t help but fear Woo’s reaction, after all this wasn’t exactly a normal thing to ask your friend. I knew worst case scenario he’ll just say no and laugh it off, but still. He looked a little more serious for a moment, but then I continued talking. “I need you to look at my tits, okay?”
Wooyoung looked at me shocked for a moment and then bursted out laughing. I just glared at him annoyed. “Hear me out-“ I started but he cut me off. “Is this about like being insecure about them? You want me to look at them and say they’re okay? Y/N, you know your tits are amazing-“ he was going on and on, but this time it was me who cut him off.
“God, no, nothing like that,” I shut him up embarrassed. While it was true that I was slightly insecure about my plump figure, I loved my boobs, I knew they looked great. They were simply just right, it was one of the things I loved about my body. Wooyoung sensed that it must be something more serious and gestured for me to continue.
“You know I got the piercing, but lately it started to act up a little and I’m getting nervous and I just need you to look and tell me it looks fine,” I got out in one breath and he just stared at me. “Okay…? Why don’t you look into the mirror?” he asked, genuinely curious. “I have, but since I’m getting so nervous about it, I need a second opinion,” I explained, “Come on Woo, I know it’s a super weird and gross request, but help me out here.” Wooyoung laughed again and smirked at me.
“Gross and weird?” he repeated, “Not only I’ll see a nipple and a piercing, but I’ll also see a boob and a nipple with a piercing, that’s like some of the best things in this world combined together.” I slapped his shoulder again, but we both laughed this time.
“You’re the worst, god,” I said laughing, “I’m surprised you haven’t died over being such a fucking horndog all the time yet.” He laughed too and then gestured to my top.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just shut up and pull your tits out,” he joked and made himself comfortable on one end of the couch. I wasn’t particularly shy about showing my body, so it wasn’t that hard to bare myself like this. Hell, me and Woo have probably seen each other naked a few times but just didn’t care enough.
I pulled the two straps of my top off my shoulders and bunched the fabric around my waist, then reached around to my back to take off my bra. When it hit the floor Wooyoung’s full attention was suddenly on my chest, and it flustered me a little. I fought the instinct to cover myself with my arms and instead just sat there, topless with my best friend intensely staring at my boobs.
“So?” I asked anxiously, “What do you think?” He suddenly straightened up and it brought us quite close to each other. “That you have really great tits,” he said absent-mindedly, his hands raising on instinct as if going to squish them. I flushed and swatted at them. “Yeah, I know,” I said annoyed, “that’s not what I asked though.” That seemed to break him out of it a little bit and he hunched down so his face was on level with my chest. I face-palmed and hoped no one would come home unannounced, cause this would be damn hard to explain.
“No, yeah I think it’s okay,” Woo said after a while, “I mean, the pierced one looks a little different, but that’s to be expected. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.” I relaxed at hearing him say so and felt the tension leave me at once. But I just needed a little more to feel completely at ease.
“Can you like… touch it to see if it’s weirdly warm or if there’s some weird texture or something?” I asked embarrassed and quickly looked to the side when Woo’s head whipped up to look at me. “You want me to what now?” he questioned me flabbergasted.
“I don’t know, dude! You’re the one that gets into contact with tits, you’ll know if there’s something wrong with it!” I started hurriedly explaining myself, growing more flustered by the minute. Wooyoung stayed quiet for a moment and then sighed. I thought this was finally the line that was too far for him, but then his hand suddenly flew up and stopped just millimetres from my nipple. We both just sat there, holding our breath, not knowing where to look, when he slowly brought his fingers in contact with my skin. I gasped quietly, but in the silence it was still audible. I flushed in embarrassment and refused to look anywhere else except for the wall by the TV.
Wooyoung’s fingers messed around a little, pressing down on the nipple and gently squeezing it, also lightly touching onto the piercing. Surprisingly enough, what I felt wasn’t pain like I feared. With every soft brush of his fingers over the sensitive skin, a little bolt of pleasure shot through me and I had to fight to keep myself from gasping more or arching into his touch. I felt the blush spreading over my face and completely mortified I noticed beginnings of a scorching wet heat between my legs.
Then suddenly his hand was gone and he was clearing his throat. The silence that set between us was broken and we both started shifting around, not knowing what to do with the situation we found ourselves in.
“I think it’s totally fine,” he said, his voice somewhat hoarse, but I was so embarrassed I barely even registered it.
“Oh thank god, I was really getting nervous,” I said and laughed a little awkwardly. Wooyoung wasn’t saying anything and just sat in front of me tensely, so I assumed it was good and he just needed a moment to shake off the sudden awkward atmosphere, and turned around to find my bra. That was a rookie mistake though. The moment my eyes left Wooyoung, he striked. As I was searching the floor with my eyes, suddenly what felt like a lightning strike went through my whole body. My back arched on instinct, and I toppled backwards onto the couch with a loud moan.
Wooyoung’s mouth has attached itself onto my pierced nipple and he sucked again, another shock pulsing through me and pleasure suddenly flooding my senses. My hands flew to his shoulders, but instead of pushing him away I just pulled him closer. I myself wasn’t sure of what was happening or what we were doing, but it felt too good to dwell on it and I definitely didn’t hate it.
Wooyoung moved closer and made himself comfortable between my spread thighs, his mouth busy sucking and licking around my piercing. I was letting out tiny breathy moans, my legs instinctively pulling him closer to my core, hoping for a little friction.
“What… what are you doing?” I finally gathered my wits and asked breathlessly. I looked down to see the top of his head moving around. He peaked up to look at me and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I’ve never been with a girl that has a nipple piercing, I couldn’t help myself,” he explained, and I rolled my eyes at him.
“You damn horndog,” I muttered, but didn’t push him away or stop him. That gave him confidence to continue, and he smirked at me, as one of his hands brushed down my front until he was slightly pushing on my clit through my clothes and I arched again. He moved to the other nipple and played with it a little, while his unoccupied hand moved to my other breast, touching it teasingly, squeezing it slightly and thumbing the piercing.
“It’s so sensitive,” he murmured and watched his hand completely fascinated. I was about to retort something, but he chose that moment to bite at my breast and move up to leave wet hot kisses on my neck and a loud moan came out instead. It’s been so long since I’ve been with someone, and I was starting to worry I might utterly embarrass myself. One of my hands sneaked down between our bodies, trying to encourage him to touch me properly instead of just gently pressing, but he caught it and pulled it up to my shoulder. Suddenly he was towering over me, smirking at me and just generally being a menace. I arched again, this time trying to push our lower halves together, but he avoided me with a laugh.
“God, please, Wooyoung just touch me,” I begged him as the desperation from the scorching heat cursing through my veins was taking over, throwing everything into the wind and fully committing to getting fucked by my best friend. He kept smirking and propped himself up over me on his elbow.
“Touch you, huh?” he said and suddenly his hand was back to teasing my clit, this time with more force. I keened and pushed up into him, suddenly embarrassedly realising just how wet I’d gotten from such small ministrations. He chuckled watching me, head diving to take my pierced nipple into his mouth again, gently playing with it with his tongue and scraping his teeth over it. I jerked and my hands flew into his hair, holding him in place so that he’d never stop, my mouth falling open on a silent moan, too overwhelmed by the sensation to properly function. He slowly moved up to my neck, peppering kisses and small bites along the way, while his fingers moved in little circles over my clothed clit.
I was so turned on I could die, I needed him to touch me properly – like stuff me full of his long beautiful fingers. And I told him as such. And he laughed at me.
“Aw, such a little desperate angel, aren’t you?” Wooyoung whispered into my skin. I whined his name, hoping it would speed him up. He scoffed at me playfully but moved away to pull my shorts off, grabbing them with one hand and pulling them down in one swoop; leaving me a little breathless and only in a bunched up top around my middle, while Wooyoung was still fully clothed. I started pulling his shirt off and he obliged, flinging it to the other side of the room eagerly.
Woo sat back on his heels between my spread thighs to take me in and I started to feel shy again, hands moving to grab onto him and pull him back onto me, but he pushed my arms back into the couch and held them there for a moment, before sitting back again.
“No, no, angel, I’m looking at your pretty pussy,” he teased me, hands grabbing at my full thighs to keep them spread wide. I looked down and suddenly an insecurity reared its head again. About two years ago I had stopped shaving in my intimate area, only trimming it a little, cause it irritated my skin too much and the last time I was about to get some, the guy called me disgusting. Wooyoung was currently watching me like a starved man in front of a feast, but still I nervously covered myself with my hands. His eyes flicked up to me, questioning, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Sorry,” was all I said, mad at myself that I couldn’t even properly get out why I was suddenly so uncomfortable, and he looked at me all confused. “What are you sorry for?” he asked, but then realisation lit up his eyes and he moved to stand up from the couch, “Did you change your mind? You know it’s okay to tell me.” I looped my legs around his waist to pull him back to me and he fell forward with an “oof”. This pressed his erect cock to my core as he held himself up with his hands right by my head and we both moaned at the contact. My legs kept encouraging him to grind into me and for a moment we both just breathlessly moved against each other, Woo releasing little moans and sighs into the heated air between us, and I watched his half-lidded eyes slowly become hazy with pleasure, utterly fascinated.
“So I guess no changing of minds,” he chuckled on a small groan as his hips started thrusting a little harsher against me, losing all rationality and just chasing pleasure. “No, nothing like that,” I whispered back and pulled him for a kiss for the first. As soon as our lips touched, we started hungrily devouring each other, moaning into each other’s mouths and our hands grabbing onto each other desperately. I ended up helplessly grabbing onto his back and most probably leaving red scratches in my wake.
After a moment Woo pulled away, sat back on his heels again and I whined and tried to pull him back, leading him to laugh at me once more; but his fingers went straight for my pussy, spreading it open and sliding through the wetness there. As if placated, I immediately stopped whining and arched my back more, begging for his touch.
“What was that about before?” he asked slightly breathless and I could see he was being serious, even though his finger started slowly circling my clit and playing around. I could barely concentrate on explaining as I was too busy drowning in the liquid pleasure spreading through my entire body.
“Just a little… hng- a little insecure about- about my hair,” I answered while writhing around, simultaneously wanting more and hoping he’d stop so that I could explain properly. His eyes immediately flicked down between my legs just as his finger slid down and slowly slipped into me. I moaned loudly, hands grabbing and squeezing the couch. His gaze was trained on my hole as he pumped his finger in a few times and then quickly slid in a second one.
“Fuck, you’re so wet..” he whispered, still watching his fingers slowly fucking into me, his other hand going to squeeze his erection still tenting his sweats. My mouth was hanging open, eyes unfocused, noises just pouring out as I was finally feeling full for the first time. But then suddenly he pulled his fingers out and focused on me again. I actually sobbed out, trying to close my legs to keep his hand from leaving, but they were still kept spread by his hips.
“Why would you be insecure about it?” Wooyoung whispered and it took me a moment to remember what we were talking about before. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him, sitting between my spread legs with an obvious erection in sweats stained by my wetness from our grinding before. I flushed again and tore my eyes away from his cock, only to catch his smug smirk. I schooled my expression and said: “The last guy I was with called it disgusting. Said he’s not Columbus to be exploring the rainforest.” Wooyoung scoffed.
“What a fucking asshole, who even comes up with shit like that?” he asked incredulously, “Well, clearly he’s a fucking coward, but thankfully… I’ve always liked a little bit of adventure.” He said the last bit all flirty, winking like an absolute sleaze and I just knew something awful was coming. “Besides,” he said while pressing himself into me again, “the rainforest is the perfect place for my anaconda.” I groaned, but this time from pure embarrassment at his jokes while he cackled like a madman. I pushed him away and started to turn around so that I could stand up.
“God, I changed my mind, get off of me,” I said morosely, but he just grabbed my hips and used the momentum to turn me around and get me on all fours, then pressed us together. A bolt of arousal shot through me, and my arms buckled under my weight, my face pressing into the couch while my ass stayed propped up by Wooyoung, pressed into his hips.
“Actually, this is quite a good idea,” he said grinding into me, “I always knew you’d love to be fucked like this.” He bent over me, his chest pressing into my back as he whispered straight into my ear. “Pressed down like this, taken from behind quick, rough and dirty,” he murmured, “Put nicely in your place…” I moaned unabashed, hips pushing back onto his cock on their own and lust making itself painfully known again; in response I could feel Wooyoung’s hands tightening on my skin and suddenly he pulled back to hurriedly tug his sweats down. His hands made their home on my hips, squeezing and pulling, keeping me pressed into him, his cock slotting between my thighs and sliding along my wet pussy. I keened and attempted to grind back, but he held me as his hips pulled back.
“God, please,” I begged, “Please, Wooyoung, give it to me…” He held himself with one hand and I heard him chuckle. “You want it?” he teased. I felt the head of his cock gently teasing around my hole, slightly pushing in and pulling out again. I sobbed exasperated and nodded, face mushed into the couch and hands grabbing onto the throw pillows, my whole body just fucking screaming for his cock to spear me through and through, cunt spasming and tightening around nothing.
“Yes! Yes, please!” I cried and he finally slid inside in one slow thrust. I moaned with relief and sagged into the couch a little, finally getting what I’ve been wanting this whole time. Wooyoung groaned behind me and his hands dug into the skin of my hips, pushing us impossibly together. The feeling of fullness satisfied something wild and primal in me and I found myself struggling to close my mouth, too blissed out to do anything.
He stilled for a moment to get us both accustomed to the feeling, but clearly both of us were too horny to wait even a little longer, because the second I pushed my hips back into him, he started slowly grinding in small circles and it wasn’t long before it shifted into shallow thrusts punching out little gasps out of me.
I only had to whine out “please!” once to get Wooyoung to speed up and pound into me in a much faster pace, to both of our reliefs. Woo’s cool had quickly melted away into a desperate quick pace that had tiny whiny moans spilling out of him. I wasn’t fairing much better, the slide of his cock along my walls from this angle was absolutely heavenly and within few moments had me absolutely losing my already frayed mind. With my head turned away from the cushions I found myself unable to close my mouth, moans freely slipping out and bouncing off of the walls of the living room. Embarrassingly enough I could feel a string of drool coming out of the corner of my mouth onto the couch, but I couldn’t force myself to care when Wooyoung was fucking me so good.
It quickly became obvious we were both too horny and turned on to keep any kind of decorum, so we descended into a messy filthy fucking, Woo eventually bending over me and plastering his chest to my back, mouthing and biting at my neck in between grunts and groans. Just thinking about how deliciously I was filled with his cock had me moaning loudly, Wooyoung chuckling as if he wasn’t the same, losing his mind over the tight wet heat enveloping him in a torturous hug.
I found myself quickly spiralling, the molten pleasure pumping through my body at an alarming speed. I reached back and pulled at Wooyoung’s hips, forcing him to shift his leg a little closer and putting his hips a little higher over mine, giving him perfect access to that one spot deep inside of me with every thrust. I lost all control over my body then, taken over by the all-consuming pleasure, the moans coming out higher and louder with every thrust.
“God- ah aah-“ I panted out, hands digging into the pillows looking for any kind of purchase to withstand the onslaught of sensations, “I- I’m cumming so-soon.” Wooyoung giggled breathlessly into my shoulder and his hips suddenly gained back a little more direction, aiming to hit the spot with every slam into me, slowly speeding up until he was railing me like a madman, the wet squelch of my cunt and slapping of skin on skin accompanying the cacophony of our joined pleasure. I wailed, unable to keep up with the mounting climax, almost screaming on every thrust inlaid with little gasps, groans and cut off gibberish pouring out of my mouth. It felt as if my entire body lit up, the bliss becoming a little too much for me to properly register beyond “Oh god! Oh yes!” ringing through every inch of my very being.
Then Wooyoung’s hand moved to my tit again and squeezed and pinched the pierced nipple few times, even giving it some light slaps. My whole body seized up on a lightning strike of pleasure and the orgasm hit me like an actual truck, getting thrown over the edge so unexpectedly and with such force that I gave one last wheezing cry, mind blanking out and all I could register was the white ecstasy pouring through me, out of me, as if my entire body was made out of it, every nerve screaming with it.
Distantly I registered Wooyoung’s startled cries and moans, his hips jerking against mine quickly and erratically, his hands back on my hips tightening until I could feel his nails biting into my skin and was sure I’d have a nice set of imprints for at least the rest of the day. Then he stilled over me, cock pushed as deep inside as it could go, pulsing and throbbing as the cum poured out in thick spurts. His deep groan of satisfaction reverberated through my whole body since he was still pressed into my back tightly, letting me enjoy the moment with him.
As if invisible strings were cut, we both collapsed into the couch and hazily I realised I only stayed upright because Wooyoung was holding me so he could fuck me harder. After few minutes my mind slowly started coming back, body tiredly catching up, registering the pleasurable ordeal it just went through. I could feel my pussy throbbing, hot and wet from being thoroughly fucked and filled with Woo’s release, my hips hurting from the pounding. I was almost expecting to see bruises all over me.
For a few moments only laboured breathing was heard through the room as we both recovered, the haze gradually lifting, allowing us to come to terms with what had just happened between us. Surprisingly, it didn’t feel awkward at all. It may have been because I was still lying boneless, unable to speak from the force of the orgasm with Wooyoung’s softening cock still wedged deep inside of my pussy, but I found myself quite comfortable squished into the couch, feeling his shallow breaths in the crook of my neck and his thumping heart against my back. I wondered if he could feel mine, as it was beating just as wildly.
But the comfy silence was broken by the man himself, when he whistled and said: “Wow, I had no idea you could do that.” There was a little teasing undertone to his statement, but mostly I could detect only giddy wonder and pride.
“Do what?” my words still a little slurred, because I was still recovering the functions of my brain and fighting sleep, so deeply sated I could barely hold a full thought.
“Squirt,” Woo stated matter-of-factly, his hands beginning to gently caress my sides to help me come down. “Huh?” I said eloquently and turned to look at him. He just gave me a soft grin, eyes squinting in joy as he took in my state. “I did what?” the question was more rhetorical and I wasn’t even really talking to Wooyoung, rather I started to squirm trying to look down as if my pussy held the answer. And in some way it did. When I managed to lift up my hips a little, my whole body protesting and Wooyoung behind me grunting at the jostling of his soft cock, hands digging into my hips to try and hold me still, I saw that the couch beneath us was absolutely soaked. Slight panic seized me, I didn’t even know why, it was just a natural reaction of my tired brain to the information that apparently Wooyoung, my best friend, had made me squirt for the first time in my life, all over Seonghwa’s lovely sofa. Well, at least it did explain why the orgasm had been so fucking intense, feeling as if the soul left my body and astral projected into a parallel universe.
The squirming dislodged Wooyoung from me and a splat of his cum joined the already huge stain on the furnishing. Now I winced, realising that there was no way either of us was surviving this. Unceremoniously I plopped back down into the mess and turned to Wooyoung, who was sweaty and rosy-cheeked, watching me with amusement.
“Seonghwa is going to fucking murder us,” I muttered tiredly, already back to fighting sleep off now that I was lying again. I let my eyes fall shut and only heard Wooyoung’s answering laugh, only felt him get up from the couch and gently roll me over on my back. There was shuffling, rustling of clothes and footsteps around the living room, but I couldn’t find the strength to look at what was Woo doing, letting myself drift on the high and the aftershocks that were still coursing through me.
Wooyoung was humming somewhere in the apartment and then there was a gentle touch on my hip. I whined but let him do what he needed. A warm wet towel was pressed onto my stomach lightly in lieu of warning and I slowly opened my legs again, feeling the strain and the burn that just hurt so good. Woo tenderly cleaned me up with soft unhurried strokes, then helped me sit up against the pillows to try and put some clothes back on me.
I blearily opened my eyes and blinked at him. Wooyoung was kneeling on the floor in front of me wearing only his sweats and holding his black tee. When he saw I was back in the land of living, he slowly pulled it over my head and helped my arms into the sleeves. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy from his sudden softness, thoroughly enjoying this after-care, suddenly found myself overtaken by the violent need to cuddle and sleep it off, so I was just about to suggest that, when he suddenly sprung to his feet and pulled me up with him. I let myself be man-handled with only a slight surprised yelp, but suddenly standing I realised my legs still weren’t in working order, if my shaking buckling knees were anything to go by, so I just grabbed onto his shoulders and hoped he wouldn’t let me fall.
He didn’t. Another nicely warm towel was now wiping my butt of anything I had been sitting in, his hand gently patting it before putting me back onto the couch in the area that was dry.
I wanted to sleep, but I was too amused by the picture of Wooyoung standing in front of the huge wet stain with a deep thinking expression on his face, wracking his brain for anything to do about it. When a giggle escaped me, suddenly his eyes were on me with a mischievous glint.
“You made the mess and now you laugh at me when I’m trying to save our lives?” he asked jokingly, amusement lacing his tone. I giggled again and curled around one of the pillows, fully committed to watching the comedy unfold. Wooyoung just sighed and looked at the couch as if it murdered his first-born.
“I gotta come up with something before-“ his voice was cut off by the door suddenly opening and a commotion coming in. There were three voices happily chattering something and I could recognise the guys from that. With terror I met Wooyoung’s eyes the moment we registered Seonghwa as one of the voices. Before any of us could even move a muscle, the three men walked into the room and promptly froze in their tracks.
“Holy shit!” It was San who shouted that, but we were focused on the cacophony of emotion going through Seonghwa’s face seconds before he cried out “MY COUCH!!” on the top of his lungs. There was genuine anguish and betrayal in his voice before his eyes redirected from the stain to us with pure fury.
“Okay! Time to take a shower!” Wooyoung shouted and pulled me up, but ended up supporting my entire body when my knees buckled and I was balancing on shaking legs like a new-born fawn. From this angle I could see the pure amusement and approval on San’s face right next to the disgusted traumatised Yeosang. I blushed furiously and let Wooyoung drag me off to a bathroom, where he sat me gently on the toilet.
“I’m going back out,” he whispered with determination as if he was about to walk into a battlefield, leaving his wounded comrade in the safety, knowing there was only death outside. I snickered at him and he theatrically waved at me from the door, before walking out and shutting it behind him.
I could still fairly clearly hear everything go down though, especially when only moments later Yeosang popped in to give me my clothes and stuff I left on the table and didn’t close the door fully after him. My phone was vibrating like crazy, which could only mean San was already blessing the group chat with all the piping hot tea. I unlocked it and clicked on the notifs.
Mountain man: lolol woo and y/n fucked on the couch and completely ruined it
Princess: ew fuck you wooyoung
Muscle baby: i’ll never fucking use the living room again
Brat: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
The situation unfolding in chat was interrupted by the scene that was going on in the living room in the real time.
“Calm down, I’ll think of something,” Wooyoung’s voice carried through, trying to console Hwa only to be followed by another shriek of “BUT MY COUCH!!”.
“Wow Wooyoung, I really thought better of you,” Sannie teased, adding oil to fire and I could clearly hear his laughs. No signs of Yeosang, but he was probably just standing there watching it all go down.
“I spent months picking it out!” the level of hysteria was steadily rising in Hwa’s voice and I really slowly started fearing for Woo’s life. “I’m gonna have it dry cleaned or something,” the said man offered only to be met with more shrieking.
“You better fucking throw that thing out, there’s no way I’m sitting on it after this,” San added very unhelpfully to the conversation, “especially since I saw the state of it.” There was a beat of silence during which I imagined Wooyoung was throwing daggers at San with his gaze for stirring more shit into it.
“I’ll buy a new one,” was his final plea and while it was met with some more grumbling and fake-crying, I could hear the situation calming down.
Captain: what the fuck is happening there when i’m not home
Mountain man: fornication
Demon angel: disgusting
M o t h e r: MY COUCH
M o t h e r: my amazing couch in the perfect shade of blue that i was looking for
Puppy: i’ll help you look for a new one, hyung
Mountain man: wooyoung already agreed to buy a new one since he was the cause of the *suspiciously* large stain
Captain: no details
Captain: never any details
Captain: first rule of fight club
xoxo from hell: 🤔🤔
xoxo from hell: i think
Princess: oooh she breaks her silence
xoxo from hell: that a certain man here in this chat should rather shut up considering last week i walked in on him fucking a girl on the kitchen table
Brat: oop-
Mountain man: Y/N
Mountain man: NO
Demon angel: 🤮
Muscle baby: RIGHT WHERE WE EAT???!!!
Puppy: eat pussy apparently
Princess: nice
Captain: don’t encourage him
“MY KITCHEN TABLE?!” Seonghwa’s scream sounded through the flat just as Wooyoung slipped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him with a wide grin. Distantly I could hear San’s pleading and general chaos as Hwa no doubt started raining fury upon him.
“Nice save,” Wooyoung smirked at me and started ridding us of clothes so we could finally take the shower we both desperately needed. The feeling of the hot water hitting my spent and pleasantly aching body relaxed me and I sighed with content. I was basically ready to melt into a puddle right there, sleep slowly rearing its head back up, so I just went with the motion and let Woo soap us both up and rinse us, I let him dry me and put a fresh tee on me that I didn’t even notice he brought with him. I was just watching him with eyes half closed and a doped out smile on my face.
“You’re so cute like this,” Woo muttered as he led me through the hall to his room, amusement and fondness filling his voice with uncharacteristic gentle sweetness. Upon entering his room I immediately beelined for the bed and burrowed myself between the blankets and pillows. Woo rummaged around in his closet for a moment, but it was the only sound I could hear as the apartment suddenly fell almost eerily quiet.
“If I’m so cute now,” I finally mumbled out from underneath the cozy pile, “maybe you should fuck me more often then.” That had Wooyoung turning around to face me with a mischievous grin. “I fully intend to do that,” he said devilishly and jumped in with me. It took a bit of shuffling to get into a comfortable spooning position, but we were no strangers to cuddling each other, so it went rather smoothly.
Just as the sleep was claiming me and I felt myself getting pulled under, Woo suddenly perked up and said: “You don’t think the silence means hyung murdered San and now Yeosang’s helping him get rid of the body, right?” I snickered gently, but just swatted at him to lay back down.
“Well, he probably deserved it,” Woo muttered and snuggled in closer to me, letting the exhaustion finally lull us to sleep. And it was the most comfortable sleep I’ve had in a while, even if San potentially paid for it with his life.
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Divider from the amazing @saradika-graphics 💜
A/N: hope you enjoyed yourself, don't be shy I'm always open to comments and asks!!
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
☆༉ — KATSUKI BAKUGOU. all my life i’ve dreamed of you.
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about. you think that he was made for you. im in the mood for some fluffy husband!bakugou !!
warnings. none. sfw, fluff & gn!reader.
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“i don’t mean to be corny,” you say late one night, nosing up the side of katsuki’s neck. “but i think i dreamt you up.”
it’s routine for the two of you to be up together for at least an hour before your husband drifts off — bakugou is old fashioned, he doesn’t believe in blue light and phone screens before bed so you’ll often catch him reading a book recommended by momo in the time leading up to his beauty sleep.
you’ll never understand how he manages to fall asleep upright, but for tonight you convince him to lay back with you in the sheets so you can nuzzle your face into his plush chest.
you feel his ruby gaze on you before you meet it — pulled away from the words in his book. “whaddya mean by that, gorgeous?” bakugou chuffs in amusement, a faint smile tugging on the corner of his lips while he shoves his thumb into the spine of his book to bookmark the page.
“when i was little, i dreamt of someone who loved me,” you start by choosing your words carefully — bakugou has always been a man spooked by love he doesn’t think he deserves and even after all this time together, he still has his doubts as to whether or not he believes you should waste an ounce of time on him. he’s come a long way since when you first started dating. but sometimes even the strongest of people need convincing of why they should get to be loved.
bakugou doesn’t run or flinch away, instead he stills his lungs locked away in his chest and waits with baited breath for the blow you might deal him. the doubts start to cloud his mind. “someone who cared for me the way that they do on tv, someone who adored me the way my grandpa loved my grandma…you get it.” you continue, drawing a heart on his stomach with invisible ink.
“yeah, i get it.” the blonde rasps apprehensively.
you push yourself up, bracing yourself on the tussled fabric on bakugou’s side of the bed to cage him in — glassy, tired eyes searching through the soul that swirls in his own. “what i’m trying to say, is that i’ve dreamt of moments like this all my life and now i’ve finally found the person to share it with. no one has ever loved me the way i wanted to be,” from this position you can see the faded constellation of barely there freckles that decorate bakugou’s skin. you see the war he lived and died through etched into worry lines and creases in his skin. you see it all and you love it all. perfectly imperfect just how you imagined it to be.
“not until i met you, kats. you’re the only person who’s loved me enough for me.”
the exhale your husband lets out expels the fear from his chest and replaces it with a glowing feeling — a happiness in the shade of warm toned yellows and oranges. it illuminates katsuki’s face, eases his stress lines and fills him with reassurance.
“i’ll love you enough f’the both of us. always.” he respond, folding a doggy-ear into the corner of the last-read page in his book. bakugou shoves it to the side and let’s his calloused hand cup the back of your neck — it’s weight reminding you of his presence, letting you know that he’s not going anywhere. katsuki is your dream and yours alone.
swooping down, you paint his lips with a feather light kiss and hum at the taste of minty fresh toothpaste intertwined with his promise of forever on them.
“you’ll have to let me give some of that love back,” you say, contentedly. “i need you to know how much of me still loves and dreams of you.”
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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this is me (kismet-cat) reminding you that you wanted to talk about the ray–yomiel parallels :) and also, since you're evidently interested in the topic, sharing someone else's post about it in case you haven't seen it before: https://www.tumblr.com/sleepygaymerdisease/727611694895054848
the post you link is actually what blasted my third eye wide open about them (so if any of you are reading this go look at it if you haven't, i won't really cover anything that the other post didn't cover already)
listen. listen. you are dead. you are alone. the people you care about are dead and there was nothing, nothing you could do to help them. you have these new powers, but they aren't the right ones. they don't let you do what you need to do to save them. what good are they?
and you have been stewing in that grief for ten long, long years. the world moves on without you. no one notices you. but tonight? tonight is crucial. tonight is the moment all of your efforts come to fruition. nothing else matters to you as much as this. you will do whatever it takes. you will tell whatever lie you must.
and the one good thing, your one solace in all these terrible, terrible years, is this little cat.
(he was yomiel's one and only friend. he is ray's one and only hope.)
there's also a point to be made about how ray and sissel both get put in positions very similar to yomiel; ray gets *gestures to everything i just talked about* and sissel obviously gets temsik'd, but both of them handle it way better than he did. there's also something to be said about how neither ray nor sissel were able to help their humans, not at first, but between the three of them (the cat, the dog, and the man in red), ray was willing to wait. he doesn't have the powers he needs now, but maybe he will later.
which is, of course, advice he passes on to sissel.
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there is a ficlet in my brain where yomiel gets to talk to ray after the final chapter. where yomiel realizes he put this little doggie through ten years of loneliness and grief just like him. he tries to apologize, because of course he does, what else can he do? but ray just wags his little tail and forgives him. easily. just as weightlessly as the cat had. don't worry about this old dog, he says, you have someone there for you on the other side. someone who loves you very much. don't keep her waiting.
(tell the little ladies i said hello.)
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intcrpol · 3 years
[Continued from HERE.]
‘ i feel as though i am detecting a bit of snark in that statement, mr. shirogane. ‘
but, nothing less was ever expected from interpol’s one and only head of intelligence. even in the beginning stages of their blossoming business relationship, it did not seem terribly uncommon for the occasional quip to pass and forth between them, familiarity by all means breeding a comfortable sense of contempt. there was no joy in the work he fulfilled for interpol, the only benefit to it being the money slid underneath the table for his aid in their illicit projects, and to avoid having his arm twisted behind his back to force him into it either way.
there was truly no avenue of escape, but, it did not mean atticus would not occasionally push back. no fun would be had if he cowed down and submitted each and every time the knife was brought to his throat.
‘ i know i promised results within the month, but... ‘ exhaustedly did he draw a hand to his temple, eyes fluttering shut as though he felt a headache coming on.
the project had been going on for well over a year now, and oh, how intimately he had begun to know the seedy underbelly of interpol that lurked beyond the public’s eye. while disguised in the name of good, their agreement to begin creating pokeballs capable of capturing even already owned pokemon was certainly something easily warped for evil, or in the very least, misguided intentions that had begun as good. even under the promise of the technology being utilized exclusively in reclaiming stolen pokemon, and robbing criminals of their own, atticus had a feeling it would eventually steer itself to someone worse.
no, he didn’t have a feeling. he knew. for he was the one who would precisely ensure this technology would fully backfire upon interpol and the users of it.
‘ we have been hitting a wall. ‘ an honest truth, and an inevitable thing. granted the technology was so new, it was only anticipated that snags would come up, and a year’s time wasn’t nearly enough to work out all of the kinks. ‘ the pokeballs manage to capture the subject, but, they burst after only a minute of holding. it seems something in the original pokeball is causing ours to be unable to maintain the capture for that long. ‘
thus, atticus had called a momentary reprieve, to allow both his own workers and the interpol staff jointly working together the breathing room to recharge for when work would begin once more.
atticus’s eyes opened, peering back to ginjiro.
‘ i realize this technology is incredibly needed, but, i require more time. i still intend on holding up my end and seeing this through to the end, however, rushing it will only result in fatal flaws that will only impede you out in the field. it will bode better to simply wait longer. ‘
Shirogane had one hand occupied with a glass of brandy, while the other was gently scratching beneath the chin of his elderly Stoutland. Hayato has been slower to rise in the morning and the former Chief Inspector was acutely aware of the all too real possibility that one day he might not wake up at all. He’d raised Hayato from a Lillipup and that Pokémon had been with him since the start of everything- The great fire that burned down his family estate, his cavalier days as an agent, the grueling physical therapy after his ‘accident’... As much as he feigned interest in the carefully chosen words King let fall from his pretty lips, his mind was decidedly elsewhere- Circling back to the depressing reality of his companion’s infirmed state.
Perhaps he was letting sentimentality bleed over into work matters, but he nodded and tilted his head back to drain his glass. 
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“It’s fine- Give your team a well-earned break from the project. They can rest for a time,” he agreed, tousling Hayato’s left ear. Telling himself not to think about it definitely meant he wouldn’t be able to sleep that night- Not that he slept all that much anyway. Too busy, too many issues at work that needed fixing and he apparently was the only one who remembered to bring a hammer.
“My technicians are looking into a few things, namely concerning the process of releasing a Pokémon from a Trainer’s ownership- We’ll see if delving into somehow replicating the process will pan out into an answer. I’ll have them share their findings with your people at a later date.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 1)
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Summary: When the reader is looking for her teenage sister’s service dog one day, she runs into Dean Winchester who thankfully saw him run past. When she arrives, her sister is fine aside from a sprained ankle but Dean’s decided to follow along and help get her sister home...
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,200ish
Warnings: language, minor injury, mention of car accident/death
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Please enjoy this first part! …
“Toast! Toast!” you shouted as you ran down a street. “Toast boy!”
“Uh, you okay?” said a guy walking on the other side of the street. He was raising an eyebrow and you shook your head.
“Toast is a dog,” you said.
“Oh, gotcha. I thought you were nuts for a minute,” he chuckled.
“You haven’t seen a german shepard around have you?” you asked.
“I saw one run down the block a few minutes ago,” he said. You looked the direction he pointed and you started sprinting. “Hey!”
“Sorry! Can’t talk!” you shouted back. You ran down the block and across the street over to the park. You ran over to the basketball court and saw Toast there next to Tessa. She was sat up and holding onto his vest when you jogged over to her. “Tess. Are you okay? Did you have a seizure?”
“No,” she said with a laugh. She was holding her ankle and you saw the swelling. “I think I broke it playing. My phone’s over in my bag. I told Toast to get it but I guess he ran home and got you instead.”
“He barged in through the doggy door, I thought he was just nuts at first,” you said. You heard footsteps behind you and the man from the street was there panting.
“You found your dog,” he said as he caught his breath. 
“Yeah,” you said, the man wincing when he saw Tessa’s ankle. “We’re all set.”
“She needs a doctor,” he said.
“Tessa, you okay here while I run home to get my car?” you asked.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she said. “Toast’ll stay.”
“I can carry her,” said the man. You both stared at him and he shrugged. “Save you a trip.”
“Are you some kind of weirdo?” you asked. 
“Says the woman running through the neighborhood shouting Toast,” he smiled back.
“Alright. Tess if you’re cool with it…” you said, the man nodding.
“Dean Winchester.”
“Dean will carry you back to the house and I’ll drive you to urgent care,” you said. “If you do try anything though Dean, Toast will rip your face and junk off, just to be clear.”
“Got the message,” he said. Tessa climbed on his back and he was careful of her ankle while you grabbed her bag. You walked with Toast by Dean’s side back the few blocks towards home. “I think it’s just a sprain actually. I wouldn’t worry too much.”
“You play basketball?” you asked.
“No. I’m a doctor is all. First glance it doesn’t look too bad.”
“Are you single? Y/N’s single,” she said.
“You’re a little shit, Tessa,” you said. Dean chuckled and Toast bumped his leg. “He wants you to get on the sidewalk.”
“Will do,” he said, Toast giving some space once he’d stepped up off the road. “He’s very intelligent.”
“We’ve only had Toast two years but he’s been very good with us,” you said. “He’s Tessa’s. I just feed him and pick up his poop.”
“I have school, loser.”
“I have work, loser,” you said. 
“You guys must be sisters,” he said. “I’m a big brother. I would know.”
“If your younger brother is single and half as good looking-”
“Keep it in your pants, Tess,” you said. 
“I like you two,” he chuckled. “Sorry Tessa but he’s probably a little too old for you.”
“They always are,” she sighed.
“You’re seventeen. You’re fine,” you said. “Besides college has way more attractive guys and stuff.”
“Oh yeah, Elmdale community college. Known for it’s hotties,” she mumbled.
“Elmdale University has some good choices,” you said.
“I thought it was too expensive,” she said.
“Well I was gonna tell you this at dinner but I applied for a different job awhile ago. I heard back this morning. I accepted. It’s double what I was making before.”
“Yes. With your grades you can get a half-ride and I figure between inheritance and my new salary, you can do your four year out of the gate without loans,” you said.
“Thanks, Y/N,” she said quietly. “Really.”
“You still need your part-time job if you want to get stuff for yourself though. I’m sorry. I can’t make it work if-”
“S’okay,” she said. “I can’t believe I can go to the university.”
“I called up the school earlier and talked to your guidance counselor. We gotta work on your application but we can make it work,” you said.
“Can I get a car? I know I can’t afford room and board but maybe I can get something used so you don’t have to drive me all the time?” she asked.
“Tessa…” you sighed. You knew you couldn’t afford insurance on two cars at the moment and everything else and she wouldn’t make enough part time to cover all the car expenses herself. “I-”
“I can pick up more shifts,” she said.
“Tessa, I want you to enjoy college. I sure did. I’ll give you rides whenever you want. I’ll drop you off in the morning and pick you up at night. That would work, right?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I don’t even care about my ankle. I can get my art degree!” she said.
“I’m joking,” she laughed. “Art minor?”
“You can minor in whatever you like but please for my sanity major in something you can get a job in?” you asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” she said. You rounded a corner and started to walk up a driveway, Dean setting Tessa down in the passenger seat of your car. You opened the back and Toast jumped in, Dean smiling when you shut both the doors.
“Thanks,” you said. “For helping us out.”
“Sounds like you two know how to solve problems on your own,” he said. “Happy to help. Here.”
He dug in his back pocket and pulled out a card.
“If you ever need a doctor, I’m two blocks over,” he said. “Or just to talk.”
“Thanks,” you said. “I’ll see you around, Dean.”
It was around nine when you were sitting on the front porch with a glass of whiskey in your hand. You drank slowly, eyes catching a man in a baseball cap and reflective shirt jogging by.
“Do you always run at night?” you called, Dean stopping at your front walkway. “Cause I never see you run at night and I sit out here a lot.”
“Whew well let’s stop that charade cause running is so not my thing,” he said. He breathed hard for a moment as he walked up the steps. You nodded to the other chair and poured him a glass, Dean drinking it down. “Your sister okay?”
“Yeah. Just a sprain,” you said. “Still gotta pay the deductible for the x-ray though.”
“How old are you?”
“How old are you?” you asked.
“Thirty one,” he said.
“Twenty eight.”
“Where are your folks?” he asked.
“They and Tessa were in an accident two years ago. It’s just us two now.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m slowly getting used to be a guardian,” you said.
“I raised my little brother. My parents are still around but they fought a lot. I get becoming the parent when you’re not ready.”
“Do you ever get to just be a sibling again?” you asked.
“Yes. But they have to grow up first and you got a few more years ahead of you before it happens,” he said.
“I figured.”
“What does she have? Toast is a service dog I saw.”
“She gets seizures sometimes. It’s from the accident. She hasn’t had one in seven months. Fingers crossed we got her on the right mix of meds finally,” you said.
“So who takes care of you?”
“My buddy Jack Daniels. Sometimes I hang out Jim Bean too.”
“I’m partial to Johnny Walker,” smiled Dean.
“Very nice. I don’t drink much. Too tired most of the time,” you said.
“So nobody takes care of you then.”
“Who takes care of you?”
“Good point,” he said. “But I didn’t have it this rough.”
“We’re getting by. We always do.”
“I have no doubt that you can,” he said. “Take care of yourself every once in a while is all.”
“When she’s done with school I will.”
“She’s got five years left. You won’t last that long,” he said.
“Watch me.”
“Who worked on your sister at the urgent care tonight?”
“Dr. Novak. Why?”
“Cas is a good friend. I’ll see about getting that x-ray test off the bill,” he said as he stood up.
“Dean, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s no trouble,” he said, heading down the steps. “You want me to leave you alone from now on?”
“You want to go on a date tomorrow?”
“Okay,” you said.
“I’ll pick you up at noon? I’m buying. Nothing too fancy,” he said.
“Okay,” you said. He smiled and nodded, spinning around and sliding right off the last two steps to his bottom. You rushed down them and he groaned, shaking his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yup,” he said, grunting as he stood. “Oh my ass hurts.”
“That’s what she said,” you said, Dean laughing.
“I definitely like you,” he said as you helped him take a few steps. “I’m alright. I’ll swing by tomorrow then.”
“Bye Dean,” you said.
“Bye Dean!” called Tessa from her bedroom window upstairs.
“Oh my God, go to bed!” you shouted back.
“It’s nine and I’m not twelve,” she said.
“Goodnight ladies,” chuckled Dean, waving as he headed back down the path. You gathered up the bottle and glasses, bringing them inside and locking up for the night. A few minutes later you were upstairs in Tessa’s room, frowning as she giggled while looking through her phone.
“Oh come on,” she said as she rolled her eyes at you. “He’s cute, he’s a doctor, he’s single and he’s a dork that just fell on his butt in front of you cause he’s so nervous and trying to play it cool. Like what is wrong with him?”
“Nothing. We have a date tomorrow,” you said, leaning against the doorframe. 
“We used to talk about guys,” she said. 
“I know,” you said. You picked at the wood, Tessa putting her phone down.
“Y/N. You’re not my mom. I know you gotta act like her sometimes but you’re not. Mom and dad would want you to go on dates and stuff. I haven’t seen you do anything fun in years.”
“I barely knew how to be an adult for just me,” you said. “You’re my priority now.”
“I’m not in a hospital bed anymore. My seizures are under control and I got Toast to watch out for me just in case. Dean had a point. You gotta take care of yourself,” she said. “Including me going to community college.”
“It’s both our inheritance and you can’t spend all of it on me. I can do two years at community and transfer to the university after.”
“Tess. You don’t have to do that. I did the math and it’ll work out.”
“When’s the last time you bought something for yourself? Seriously when?”
“I bought a new bedspread two weeks ago.”
“You needed one. That doesn’t count. When-”
“Before mom and dad died, Tess. Is that what you want me to say? They made good money but you had medical bills. Do I want a new winter coat? Sure. Do I want to splurge and by myself a nice pair of leggings? Of course. I want things. But I want us to stay in this house. I don’t want us to get shoved in a tiny apartment. I want you to be able to go to college like I did and not worry about this crap. I’m the grown up, not you. I choose how to spend the money.”
“Fine,” she said. She grabbed the crutch by her bed and got up, going to her dresser. She opened her jewelry box and grabbed a wad of cash, holding it out to you. “It’s three hundred. I want you to have it.”
“Tessa, no.”
“I earned it. I get to choose how to spend it,” she said. “You’ve always told me that. Buy a coat and leggings and whatever else you want.”
“Tessa. It’s yours. You were saving up to buy an iphone.”
“I don’t need a fucking phone. I need my sister to stop looking like she cries herself to sleep every night. Just take it,” she said. You shook your head and she shoved the money in your hand. “Y/N, take it.”
“Alright,” you said. 
“Good.” She waited a beat before pulling you into a hug. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you said. “You got plans tomorrow night?”
“I was gonna sleepover Hailey’s house if that’s okay?” she said.
“Yeah. You guys have fun,” you said. “Just be careful on your ankle.”
“Duh,” she said. “Do you want to watch a movie or something?”
“I’m kinda beat. Sunday for sure?” you said. 
“Okay. Night,” she said.
“Night, Tess,” you said. You went next door to your room, opening your desk drawer and opening the envelope inside. You counted the money she’d given you and added it to the front. You definitely had enough for her phone now and her birthday was only a few weeks away. You smiled and put it away, writing out a few bills before you gathered up your pajamas and walked down the hall to the bathroom. You kept going though, down to the shut door. You pushed it open, the room cold and dark. You flipped on a light, a coating of dust on everything again.
“Y/N?” said Tessa from the other end of the hall. You turned off the light and shut the door, Tessa by the bathroom when you walked back. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I’m gonna shower quick before bed. Shout if you need something.”
“Yeah. Night.”
Dean POV
“Hey, Sammy,” said Dean after he’d gotten out of the shower and was laying in bed. 
“Hey, Dean. What’s up?” asked Sam on the other end of the phone. 
“I think I just went full on weirdo on this girl I met today.”
“Well that’s obvious but what’d you do? You didn’t like stalk her or anything.”
“She lives in the neighborhood. I kinda went jogging past her house tonight and she was sat on the front porch.”
“Okay that’s kinda creepy,” said Sam. Dean ran his hand over his face and sighed. “Did you talk to her?”
“Yeah. I don’t think I gave off creeper vibes but she might have just been polite. I don’t know. We’re going out tomorrow,” said Dean. He was quiet as he shut his eyes. “Which sucks cause I really like her too. I hope she doesn’t think I’m weird.”
“Maybe she’ll have pity on you and let it slide. Where’d you meet her? I thought you swore off women after your last hookup went bad,” he said. Dean didn’t speak and ran his hand over his face again. “De I know something happened that night.”
“Sammy I got tired of hooking up. I’m too old for it. I just want a girl to go home to at the end of the day and laugh with. That’s all there is to it,” said Dean.
“Dean I was still living with you at the time. You were off for days. I know-”
“If you’re gonna bring this shit up again-”
“I’m just saying it’s nice to hear you excited about a girl again...and you can tell me anything. Anything, Dean. I’m not a kid anymore.”
“You’re twenty seven. You’re a kid,” said Dean. He rolled over on the bed and lay on his stomach, putting his hands under his chin. “Some things I just don’t tell you about, Sam.”
“Dean, I asked you to stop raising me awhile ago. You’re not my father anymore.”
“I still gotta protect you from stuff,” said Dean with a shrug.
“I get that. But my mind has gone to the worst case scenario on this more than once. Just promise it wasn’t that,” said Sam.
“Sammy, I called to talk about a girl.”
“You want things to work out with her? Then figure out whatever the hell happened in the past so it doesn’t happen again.”
“You don’t understand,” said Dean. 
“Whatever. Just crack a joke next time you see her,” said Sam. He hung up and Dean looked at his phone, sighing before he jammed his face in the bed. He gripped the sheets tight and felt his heart rate pick up, bile rising up in the back of his throat.
“Stop. It,” he said to himself, forcing himself to sit up. He wiped off his eye and dropped his head to his chest. “It’s just a fucking girl. It’s just a girl, it’s just a date. It’s all it is.”
He saw his phone light up and Sam’s name appear. He swiped and put it on speaker before he faced away from it.
“I’m sorry,” said Sam. 
“It’s okay,” said Dean, freezing when he sniffled. He stared at the phone and Sam cleared his throat.
“You alright?” Dean stared at the phone and shook his head. “De, you there?”
“Are you alone?” he asked.
“Yes…” said Sam. “It’s just me.”
“You repeat a word of this to anybody or you laugh or you tease me or-”
“Hey. I’d rather we not have this conversation over the phone. I can be there in an hour.”
“...Fine but you better bring some pie with you.”
“I’ll see you in an hour, Dean.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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spideyswebhead · 3 years
The Woman Behind The Bar | Dog Date
Paring | Connor x F!Reader
Summary | A series of one-shot’s of Connor getting with the woman serving Hank at a new human/android bar that had opened. Connor is able to get a date from her by setting up a playdate with their dogs.
Word Count | 3.1K
Tagging | Fluff, Doggy Dates,
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(Gif by @itselainelen​)
The first time Connor came into this bar, he was originally trying to find his partner.
Connor would think after being Hank’s partner for a while (they would be hitting their one year anniversary in exactly 3 months and 5 days) it would be easier to find the lieutenant when he didn’t want to go into work. But alas Connor was having a hard time finding the older man.
His drinking has gone down from what it was like in the beginning when Connor met the Lieutenant, and Connor has convinced Hank to take better care of him but there was still room for improvement of course. It seemed the little android was helping the old police officer into a better lifestyle compared to the concerning depression he was in originally.
But some old patterns were hard to break, especially for an old dog like Hank Anderson.
Connor searched the usual bars Hank was at, even Connor’s fifth search at Jimmy’s Bar who shrugged at him when he asked where he was. Connor tried to think back to where his partner could be when he remembered a bar Hank had mentioned. He saw it while driving home while Connor worked late and said it looked interesting. The android immediately went down that direction after he pulled up the directions.
Hometown Blues was written in cursive with neon lights, the blue light so bright it was impossible not to spot a mile away. It didn’t seem too busy so Connor knew for sure the lieutenant would be in there without worry of rowdy crowds. It seemed to be a human and android bar, with the new development of entertainment for both humans and androids. More of these kinds of things were popping up. A small intrigue peaked in Connor of checking out a place like this, having not been in one yet.
He stepped inside and looked around, some jazz music was playing in the background but not loud enough nobody could have a conversation in here. There were a minimal amount of people here, he scanned and only found 4 people in this room, two being androids. He didn’t care to see who the two other people were as he made a beeline towards the bar where he recognized the jacket an older man was wearing. “There you are, Lieutenant.”
“I’ve been trying to contact you, there was some new info on the case.” Connor tells him as Hank nurses his whiskey.
“I know and I’ve been ignoring it.” Connor furrows his eyebrows and scowls at his partner's reluctance to work now.
“But it’s new information, this’ll get us closer to solving it.”
“Connor,” Hank turns in his seat to look at the android - his LED was spinning yellow Hank noticed. “We’ve been working at this for over a month nonstop, some humans need a small break.”
“I see he’s found you.”
Connor looked away from the Lieutenant to the sight of the bartender working here tonight, cleaning off one of the glasses, a teasing grin on her face as she looked at Connor and Hank. Connor would’ve scanned her but she was wearing a badge on her chest that displayed her name. Hank has informed him that humans don’t particularly like being scanned so it must be best for him to keep that stuff down to a minimum. Find things out about humans organically compared to when they were on cases “He was telling me a little android may be looking for him to take him away.”
Little? Connor thinks to himself. “I’m just getting the Lieutenant so we can continue to do our job.” Connor says.
“And I would like a break tonight.” Hank grumbles into his glass before he takes another sip.
Connor frowns at the lieutenant, he knows they have been working endlessly, but they were so close to solving it! Connor couldn’t stop now. He looked at his glass to see he was almost done. “If I buy you one more whiskey, will you come with me then?” The android asks the older human, it worked last time it was worth a shot to see if it would work again.
Hank seemed to mull this over for a second before he sighs and grumbles an agreement. Connor pays the bartender after he pulled out his wallet and handed her the money, she then poured more whiskey into the Lieutenant’s glass. “It was good to see you again, Hank.” She tells him, giving him a friendly smile. “Nice to finally meet you too, Connor.” Connor watches her move down the bar to tend to someone else, his LED spinning yellow as he watched her leave them. How much as the Lieutenant talked about him with the bartender?
The next time Connor see’s the bartender was when Markus and his group of friends convinced him to join them on a night out, Connor barely spent time with any of his own kind, either with Hank or working in the station and burying himself in his work. “Go out.” Hank had told him, in a tone that left no room for argument. “Have a life, boy, working isn’t the only thing to life, Con. Have fun with Markus and his friends.”
“What about you and Sumo?”
“We’ll be fine.” Hank pushes Connor towards the door. “We’ll watch a movie and have the night for ourselves. Now go have fun!”
Connor now sat in the android and human combination bar with Markus, Simon, Josh, and North. They were at a little table, the four of them conversing with each other as Connor kept quiet, he felt odd being here, he didn’t know them well and with the way North kept looking at him, he didn’t exactly feel welcome here. Markus would keep ensuring there was no bad blood between them after what happened in the original Jericho, but it was obvious North and other androids haven’t forgiven him. He didn’t blame them at times.
He decided one moment to get up from his seat and try one of the android friendly drinks they make here, they seemed to be all thirium based and safe for androids to consume, Connor couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t interested to try them. “Well look who it is!” exclaims the working bartender and Connor looked over, immediately recognizing the woman before when he fetched the lieutenant a couple weeks ago.
“Oh. Hello,”
“Hey! Nice to see you again. How is Hank? Finally letting him have a break?”
“He is fine, reluctantly I am letting us have a break. He’s home now with Sumo probably watching a movie.”
“Sumo?” She raised an eyebrow at such a name. Connor showed the picture he had of Sumo that he kept with him and the bartender immediately swooned seeing the big doofy dog. “Oh my goodness, he’s so big!”
“Yes, he is a very good dog.” Connor says, for the first time tonight, starting to feel comfortable as he talked about the Saint Bernard that was back at Hank’s.
“Hey, I have a new puppy and I need to have him socialize, and nobody I know has any dogs, we should set up a little playdate.” She offered. Connor’s thirium pump jumped at the offer and couldn’t help but think Sumo would like that type of thing. He only ever sees him and Hank, occasionally other dogs, but he typically sticks to his two owners.
“Sure,” He says, giving an awkward forced smile. He still wasn’t used to these human norms.
“Fantastic! But what should I get you? You came over for a reason.” She says with a grin.
“Right,” Connor looked up to the menu and just picked the first android safe drink he saw on there. She nodded and quickly prepared it and handed the blue drink with a napkin. Connor took the drink with a thanks and returned to the table where the other androids were, setting the drink and napkin down. Markus was the one to greet Connor back.
“What did you get?”
“Some android safe drink.” Connor tells Markus as he picks it up, taking a sip. Immediately his system broke down the contents of the drink, it was mostly thirium but there were hints of alcohol and blue raspberry flavoring. Not able to taste anything, Connor couldn’t really tell if he enjoyed it or not.
“Did they write something down on your napkin?” Simon says as he looks at the writing on the napkin. Connor looked down as he set his drink down, seeing the handwriting. The black ink was scratchy, like the person was struggling to write on the napkin, and was obviously human too.
‘I don’t give out my number, but if you want to seriously set up that puppy date, here’s my social! @.xxxxx
Let’s sets up a date there ♡♡’
“Did you seriously get a date by setting up a playdate with your dogs?” North says, seeming surprised for the first time with Connor. He was honestly surprised too.
Connor didn’t have any social media.
Hank looked flabbergasted when Connor came back with the bartender’s social media tag on a napkin and asking for his help, since none of the other androids he was out with had any social media themselves, or knew much either. Hank for sure had to have something and be able to teach him. “I deleted my social media, but I guess we can try to set you up.” Hank had said, long since quit that once he was older.
Connor was confused by the language and everything once Hank was done and handed him his phone to message her from. Connor held it and looked at the social media home page, confused by all the ads and what random people were posting or a second before he searched for the bartender by writing down the tag. Immediately finding her as he recognized her in the profile picture.
Immediately the first thing he saw on her page was that she was in a car, a huge grin on her face while hugging a 10 week old german shepherd that was sitting in her lap, the caption just some emoticons that he didn’t understand. He had to admit, the picture was cute. The second thing he saw was a name, (Y/N). He didn’t know if it was her actual name or a nickname she chose to display. He hoped it was a nickname for her safety.
He looks back at the top of her profile and sees a spot that says ‘message’, he taps on it and begins writing.
‘Hello, it’s Connor-‘ Connor stopped as he resisted the urge to do his old greeting. Something old in his programming that’s been hard to break. ‘- from the bar.’ and he pressed sent, and waited.
Connor didn’t get a response back from the woman until much later, Hank long since gone to his bedroom and probably asleep and Sumo was fast asleep at Connor’s feet. The large dog laying on his back with his paws in the air. Connor could sense the heat coming off of the large dog on his feet. He was interrupted watching some infomercial that was playing on the TV when a notification popped in his vision, @.xxxx had messaged you.
‘hey! I’m so glad you messaged me I hope I don’t wake you up but here’s my schedule so we can plan around that’
Connor looked at her schedule and how late they go and tried to see if it would match with his work schedule, eventually finding a date a couple days from now where they both have a day off. Something the Lieutenant makes him take so he can ‘get a life’ and enjoy his deviancy.
‘Android’s don’t sleep but thanks for the concern. It seems we can go on Wednesday since we both have a day off then, we can meet at this park, me and Sumo go frequently.’
‘sounds like a plan! lets meet that afternoon’
“Sounds good,’
As they both waited for Wednesday to pull Connor was finding himself messaging (Y/N) more and more, getting to know the woman who has been serving his partner for the past few weeks. He learned this is her first dog she’s own and she’s only been bartending for a couple of months, it took her until Tuesday to figure out he was the android that helped with the Revolution Markus led last year. Connor was finding himself smiling to himself as he read how excited she was in not only knowing him but also that Markus and the other android’s were in her bar that day.
Hank looked at his partner across from him, seeing the tiny smile on Connor’s face as he stared at his computer screen. The old man was sure Connor wouldn’t be smiling as he read case files, and the last time he saw that smile was back at the end of the revolution. Pride swelled in Hank’s chest as he returned to his monitor.
Once Wednesday rolled up and it being Connor and Hank’s one day off. Normally Connor would spend this time with Hank, watch some movie he wanted to show him, or Connor would do some errands so Hank could actually relax. He constantly says how Connor overworks him too much. But today Connor didn’t do any of that.
He got Sumo ready for the day, getting the dog his food and water and taking him on a nice walk. Sumo was an old boy now but he still got excited seeing other dogs, so it was best to get some of his energy spent so he didn’t hurt himself. Throughout the day he could feel the excitement of seeing Sumo with a puppy but also seeing (Y/N).
“Ready, Sumo?” Connor speaks to him, it was an hour before he would expect to meet with (Y/N). He had called a taxi to drive them there, he didn’t want to overexert the old dog by walking there. Once he got the notification the taxi was here, he clipped on Sumo’s leash, called out to Hank he was leaving.
The android helps the dog out of the taxi as they arrive and walks up to the dog park, seeing there were some other dogs that were running around or playing with their owners. It was a good time for (Y/N) puppy to come and play with Sumo. He let him off leash to check everything out while they waited, Connor keeping an eye on the fluff ball wander around.
Eventually (Y/N) did arrive with her puppy who was romping ahead of her with their leash clipped on, (Y/N) seeming to try and keep up with the energetic puppy. “Hello, (Y/N).”
“Hi!” She says with a smile to Connor, her puppy immediately running up and sniffing Connor’s feet. He couldn’t help but smile at the young puppy. “Nice to see you again.”
“You too,” Connor says, turning to look at (Y/N) instead of the puppy. “Sumo is around here somewhere,” He looks around, finding Sumo was sniffing a bush. He got the dog and left Sumo and the german shepherd to introduce themselves together, smiling as he watched them sniff at each other and the german shepherd try to initiate play with the older dog.
They sat together on a bench as they watched their two dogs play together, Connor smiles as Sumo acts like a puppy himself as he plays and chases the german shepherd. “I’m still so new to taking care of a dog, thanks for helping with this part.” (Y/N) says, giving Connor a smile. “I’m glad to see Sumo and Zeus like each other.”
“Happy to help anytime, (Y/N).” Connor tells her. “I like dogs, happy to be around them and help as much as I can.”
“That means I can ask any dog related question.”
Connor thought about it, his LED spinning yellow. “Guess you could.” He says, “not the usual questions I get, but happy to answer any.”
“Okay, Zeus is going through this phase where he’ll just pee on everything…” She started to ask him questions about Zeus and after a couple questions Connor couldn’t help but find himself smiling at (Y/N) as she asked dog questions, and actually listened to his answers and didn’t seem to be half paying attention or interrupting him. It happens a lot more at the DPD, even Hank would do it at times and tell Connor to stop talking, instead (Y/N) let him ramble on his answer, at one point she even brought out her phone to write down what he says. His chest continued to feel full as they continued to talk about dog behavior and other advice he has about them.
The more time went on and the sun began to set, setting a golden glow across the world, making (Y/N) glow in the sunlight and bouncing off her skin beautifully. Connor was having a hard time being not distracted by her, he made a mental note to ask Hank about this later. These new feelings making surface. The hours had gone by so much that Zeus and Sumo had fallen asleep at their owners' feet, Zeus laying on his back and Sumo was resting his head on Connor’s foot. He was 90% sure that Sumo has been drooling on his shoe this whole time. He would most likely need to clean them when they get home.
He could hear a muffled alarm going off and he was confused where it was coming from when (Y/N) pulled it out of her jacket pocket and looked, her eyes widening. “Oh my, is that the time?” She slides her thumb across the screen and slides the device back into her pocket, looking up into Connor’s eyes. “I need to go get ready for the night shift now, but thank you so much for this! I’m glad to see Zeus and Sumo like each other.”
“Yes, I’m glad too.” He says, reaching down and scratching behind Sumo’s ear, who grunted at the contact and glanced up to the android before settling on his foot again. “We should get together again.”
“Yes! It’s been nice getting to know you, Connor. Thank you for all that advice.” The woman says as she clips on Zeus' leash. “Let’s plan for another time again soon, see you!” She waves goodbye, Zeus waking up from his deep nap and flipping over and standing up. Connor watches her leave and go towards her car and he couldn’t help but smile seeing her form slowly get out of his sight.
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adonis-koo · 4 years
Blue Spring
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| 5 | Final
↳ Summary: Jeon Jungkook, only well known as the youngest (and hottest) dad at the daycare, he’s got it all, the looks, the sweetheart personality, the body, but here’s what gets everyone- he doesn’t wear a wedding ring. The only problem lies in his fickle one year old daughter that hates just about every daycare worker out there...Well...besides you that is. Which of course leads to Jungkook liking you just as much as his daughter...if not maybe a little too much.
Or in other words...You and Jungkook are secretly crushing on one another but too shy to admit it.
↳ Pairing: Single dad!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Daycare AU, Slice of life, copious amounts of fluff, a hair of angst, future smut
Word Count: 6k
Previous | ____
Tags: 🌚 rough manhandling, dom!jungkook, a lil jealousy in the beginning, unprotected sex (keep it wrapped kids), degradation kink, oral (f receiving), mc is a giggly shy sub, light spanking, Jungkook pretends to be mean but he’s really not, overstimulation, doggy style, a tiny size kink, fat cock!guk, hair pulling, pregnancy kink 🤑
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“Are you sure it’s okay?”
You turned around as you chewed against your lip in uncertainty, Mina’s dainty little blue dress in your hands as Jungkook chuckled, letting his hand ruffle through your hair before he tenderly grabbed your shoulders, “My parents insisted, it’s only for the weekend and Mina loves disneyland. Don’t worry baby, she’ll have fun, it’ll be quality time for them.” Your lips quivered a little as you sighed. 
You couldn’t help but be a little worried. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Jungkook’s parents. It was just the first time you’d be apart from Mina and it admittedly put you a little on edge. Gently folding the dress you put it in the suitcase as you sighed, “If you’re okay with it then I’m okay with it...I’m just going to miss her though. What if she misses us?” You whirled back around with a whine in your voice as you glanced at Jungkook’s figure that glanced at you fondly.
“It’s my parents Y/n, she’ll be fine.” Jungkook chuckled as he glanced down at his leg, the one which Mina was hugging against with her teddy in hand as he smiled brightly, picking her up as he cooed, “Isn’t that right baby? You love grandma and grandpa don’t you? Are you gonna let mama and dada have a break?”
You turned away from him to hide your flushed cheeks and your heart that spiked in your chest. Mama...dear god this man could not be good for your health. Mina giggled as she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck as you placed her little shirt in her bag. Turning around to face them both as she gurgled in excitement, immediately holding her arms out to you as her little brows scrunched, as if heavily focusing on her words, “M…! Ma..! Ma!”
Both you and Jungkook froze as Mina’s lips curved into a pout, her little voice becoming more demanding, “Ma...ma…!” Oh...oh god you were crying! Jungkook immediately began laughing, the giddy excited look on his face as you furiously rubbed your cheeks, “Yeah...that's mama isn’t it? Isn’t she so pretty baby?” He cooed as he peppered kisses against Mina’s cheeks as she shrieked in delight at the sudden attention.
“Jungkook! She just said her first words! Now I don’t want her to go!” You cried as you sniffled, rubbing your cheeks as tears continued to flood down them. Jungkook’s lips tugged into a fond pout as he handed Mina to you, her head dropping to the crook of your neck with her own gurgled coo, “Ma..ma…” She babbled continuously as you sniffled, fat tears dropping down your cheeks. This little girl really looked at you like her mother and for some reason it was making you cry, hard.
Wrapping his arms around you soothingly Jungkook pressed a kiss against your head, “Oh baby, it’s only two days and then we’ll see her again. She’ll still be speaking when we see her again. Maybe,” His voice became higher pitched as he cooed at Mina, tickling her cheek making her giggle, “She’ll say dada’s name too when she gets back.”
Before you could even stop another tear dripped down your cheek as you sniffled, what in god's name did you ever do to deserve the two most important people in your life? Jungkook glanced up, his lips parting a little at the sight of you still crying before straightening up, “Hey, what's with the tears?” Jungkook gently cupped your cheeks, thumbing away your tears as he frowned, “Aren’t you happy baby?”
You couldn’t stop your laugh as your vision of him blurred, “Of course I’m happy you idiot! I just…” You sniffled again as you closed your eyes, “I just never really thought I’d be a mom so soon. It’s just emotional.”
“Awh baby.” Jungkook cooed as he pressed kisses against your wet cheeks as you laughed, keeping Mina helded up against your chest as you tried your best to push Jungkook away. A knock at the door made you jump as Jungkook straightened up, pressing one last kiss on your cheek, “I’ll go get the door, you can pack up the last of her things.”
You rubbed your free hand over your wet cheeks as you nodded, watching his broad figure whirl around and exit the room to go let his parents inside. Tutting you set Mina down on the floor making her whine as she wobbled to stand up, stamping her feet while hugging on your leg to try and get your attention, “I’m sorry baby but I need to get the rest of your clothes packed!”
Mina kept trying to hug on your leg as you walked around, preparing her bag, eventually she lost balance, falling to her bottom as you whirled around to check to make sure she was okay. Her big doe eyes immediately watering before a loud cry escaped her lips, tears dribbling down her cheeks as she bounced holding her arms out to you, “Honey, you’re okay I promise. I just have two more things I need to fold!” You frowned animatedly as her cries became shrieks at still not getting her way.
You couldn’t help the snicker as you folded her last pair of pants into the bag, “Now who’s this little girl crying?” You glanced around to see Jungkook’s mom enter the room, Mina’s crying paused into sniffles as she glanced at her before looking at with another loud shriek as she held her hands out.
“She’s very angry because I can’t hold her and fold laundry at the same time.” You tutted as you leaned down to pick her up, Mina dramatically threw her head against you, little tears dripping onto your shirt as she curled her arms around your neck while crying against your shoulder.
Jungkooks mom laughed as you handed her over to her grandma, Mina nearly throwing a tantrum as she tried to reach back out for you, “Poor thing! Should’ve went with dad huh. He told us the exciting news!”
You laughed as you bashfully rubbed the back of your neck, “Did he also mention I cried like a baby? Hopefully she’ll learn a few other words with you guys,” You walked back over to the bed before zipping up her bag, walking out with Jungkook’s mom as you sighed, “I won’t lie, I am nervous about letting her go. Not that I don’t trust you both but…!”
“It’s fine honey,” She laughed as she fixed Mina against her hip, “It’s just your mothering instincts kicking in, I promise it won’t get any easier when you and Jungkook have one of your own.” Jungkook’s mom had been admittedly hesitant of you at first, after watching her son get dragged through the mud with Seo Yeon you couldn’t blame her. But she eventually warmed up to you, relievingly. There was nothing more you wanted than Jungkook’s parent’s blessing.
Her words made you cough a little before bashfully lowering your gaze, one of your own…? Maybe you should just focus on the first step in the direction to getting married first. It wasn’t like Jungkook hadn't brought that up before either, he was eager to start his life with you but he had also agreed taking it slow was the best direction.
“Ah there she is!” Jungkook’s father smiled brightly at the sight of Mina who sniffled, a sudden cry escaping her lips making you all laugh as she reached her arms out for Jungkook who immediately swooped in, plucking her from his mom's arm as she sobbed against his shoulder.
“Still just as prickly as I remember.” His dad teased as he poked at Mina’s cheeks, a choked giggle escaping her despite her cheeks puffing and still wanting to cry. Something about Jeon men, they just seemed to have a knack for children because before you knew it Mina was now passed on to his dad who kept making her giggle. Your heart warmed a little at the sight despite clenching as you stepped outside, watching Jungkook place her bag in the trunk of their car.
You gave Mina one last hug, peppering her face in kisses much to her delight before reluctantly stepping away, letting Jungkook say his goodbye to her as well, her tiny finger wrapped around his larger one as he cooed, “Bye sweetpea, have fun and don’t give grandma and grandpa too hard of a time okay? Dada and mama love you so much baby, have fun.” Pressing one last kiss onto her forehead Jungkook stepped away as Mina giggled again as Jungkook’s father continued to bounce her.
Both of you waved goodbye to his parents as your heart clenched, watching them drive away, wrapping his arms around you Jungkook set his chin on your shoulder, “She’ll be fine baby, don’t worry.”
“I know, I know.” You whined, rubbing your eyes as you leaned into his touch. You needed to get ready anyways, Jungkook and you were going out tonight to meet up with a few of his friends, all of them determined to get you both out now that you were ‘baby free’ as they put it. You just hoped Mina would be okay.
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“There’s the couple of the hour!” You felt your face flush as you ducked your head a little in embarrassment at Hoseok’s whistle, Jungkook’s arms proudly wrapped around you as he smiled at his friends.
All of his friends, which had become yours as well had been excited for you both to be able to engage with them without the constant task of keeping up with Mina. You were surprised that most of Jungkook’s friends were bachelors. Seokjin, who also just so happened to drop his son off at the daycare was married, and had another on the way. Namjoon was also engaged and expecting as well. As for everyone else? Women had come and gone but it seemed nobody else was interested in really settling down.
Not that there was anything wrong with that, but it was certainly interesting. They all made great uncles honestly, Jungkook told you they had been childhood friends. All often teasing him that despite being the youngest that he was the first married and with child. Not that they ever seemed to like Seo Yeon.
It seemed everyone in his life was apprehensive when he introduced you to them, you had big shoes to fill when it came to Mina, you hadn’t realized it would be the same when it came to being Jungkook’s partner.
“Sorry we’re late someone,” You squeaked at Jungkook squeezing your waist tightly with a playful smile, “Took too long to get ready.” You rolled your eyes while you spared a laugh. Jungkook had kept insisting you looked beautiful as of but you liked to get dressed up occasionally! Especially when you worked at a daycare when it was never needed.
“I like to look nice!” You defend as everyone cackled, rolling your eyes as the smile tugged on your lips. Sitting down in the corner circle booth Jungkook kept a firm arm around you as you dived into conversation with all of them.
“I’ll probably die single,” Jimin sighed as he leaned back, acting all put out, as if he totally wasn’t the playboy of the group, constantly bringing girls to meet all of you only to later be told things didn’t work out later, not that he ever seemed heartbroken about it, “I’ll just be the cool uncle.”
Taehyung had wrinkled his nose as he scoffed, “Well if you’d just give her a chance I doubt you would.”
Jimin seemed fairly serious about this new girl though granted they both had already slept together under the guise of friends with benefits and have now slid down the slippery slope of love. Jimin only wrinkled his nose at the idea as he shook his head, “Nah...I like the idea of cool uncle.” He was deflecting now, not liking the idea of settling despite his previous annoyance of complaining that this girl was apparently talking to another guy.
You and Jungkook exchanged looks before sipping your drinks, Jimin squinted between you both as he pushed his tongue into his cheek, “What?”
Jungkook shrugged as you continued to sip on your drink, “Wouldn’t it just be easier to ask her on a date and see where things go from there…?” Jimin immediately dismissed the idea, choosing to drown himself in vodka instead to which he’d probably regret later.
“Well I guess we know who’s getting married next.” Namjoon remarked as you all laughed as Jimin stood up huffing as he muttered about going to get another drink from the bar, “I’ll be glad when we can get the wedding venue figured out,” He sighed as he sunk into his seat. Namjoon had been suffering under pre wedding stress, the date was arriving soon and they were finishing up last minute details.
You were excited for him of course, you never thought you could become domestic so quickly but falling into Jungkook’s life had shaped you up fairly quick. You and Jungkook weren’t close to marriage yourselves but you were curious to hear the details from Namjoon and his fiance.
The night had went well enough and eventually Namjoon and Seokjin both took their leave as they had someone waiting for them at home. Yoongi was the next to leave, who was working in a high tech IT company and was working rigorously.
Next was Jimin who you had to call an uber for due to being drunk off his ass once the vodka hit and Hoseok promised to get him home in one piece. Last man standing was Taehyung who was quietly conversing with Jungkook while you admired the built in fish tank against the wall.
“It’s pretty cool huh?” You jumped a little, not noticing the man that stood beside you beer in hand as he glanced up at the fish tank, the koi fish lazily swimming about not looking very excited at the new development.
“I feel kinda bad for them,” You admitted, letting out a breathy laugh as you let your gaze find the tank again, “They’re just stuck swimming in the same four feet on water until they die. Kinda sad when you think about it.”
Admittedly you were a bit buzzed from your previous drinks but definitely sober enough to stand still on your feet. The man gave a laugh joining you, he looked around your age and was definitely considerably attractive, “God when you put it like that it does sound depressing.”
The man- Taemin was actually rather nice to talk to, you both chatted for awhile but various things first starting with how you had a hard time enjoying the Zoo because of your thoughts before it drifting from going to the Zoo to how he hadn’t been to one since he was a teen and so forth.
Time had gotten away from you as you cackled with the man, hoping to maybe exchange numbers as he was definitely a lot of fun to hang out with and he’d really get along with your other friends. You didn’t get the chance to ask though when a gruff voice cut in, “You ready to go Y/n? Or am I interrupting?”
You and Taemin both turned to find Jungkook standing with his arms crossed, your mouth felt slightly dry at how dark his gaze was and the way his jaw clenched...You...you had never seen that expression on his face before, “Uh yeah! Yeah of course. I’ll see you around Taemin!” You gave him a small smile and a wave as you shuffled near Jungkook. Squeaking at the hand that practically lunged for your waist pulling you against his body. Jungkook didn’t spare the guy another glance as he practically dragged you out of the bar.
You had expected the car ride home to be just as fun as when you drove to the bar, going into various detail about everyone’s lives and the gossip you’d carry out with him about his friends. Instead you were met with tense silence as you gulped. Pressing your hands together you glanced at your lap, was he mad? Did Taehyung say something that pissed him off? Did you piss him off?
You had never seen Jungkook grip the wheel so harshly before, his eyes were cut into a glare as he refused to look at you the whole drive home. You didn’t have the courage to ask him what was wrong, maybe you’d just sleep on the couch tonight? Or maybe you’d walk home? Pulling the car into park Jungkook continued to ignore you, or that’s at least what it looked like.
Nibbling against your lip you lowered your gaze with a pout as you followed behind him like a puppy being scolded.
The house felt empty without Mina here and you couldn’t help but miss her, Jungkook’s parents said they’d call you first thing in the morning once they got settled at the resort but you had secretly hoped they’d call tonight with Mina crying bloody murder. Unfortunately...well fortunately Mina was obviously fine.
Tugging the shirt over your head you tugged your hair out of it’s uncomfortable bun before scratching your scalp in relief. What you hadn’t expected was two large hands clamping around your waist making a squeak leave your lips, “So you’re just gonna ignore me now huh?” Your brows furrowed as you turned around, lips quivering a little in confusion and your body heating at Jungkook’s fingers digging into your skin.
“What…?” You weren’t about to object to his touch but his words were making you confused, why would you ignore him…? Especially when he was the one ignoring you!
Jungkook gritted his teeth looking obviously annoyed, a gasp escaping you as he whirled you around, shoving you onto the bed as you scrambled to try and get up but Jungkook had already stomped his way over climbing on top of you, “Did you like giggling and clinging all over that guy in front of me? What? Don’t give me that fucking look,” He snarled, “Were you hoping he’d be the one that would be between your legs?”
You felt the tension release from your shoulders as you dropped your head against the soft surface, a huffed laugh escaping you as you felt Jungkook’s grip pause on your skin, “Seriously?” His fingers tapped against your skin somewhat hesitant making you laugh even harder, “You’re jealous? Jungkook.” You shuffled to lean against your arms as you glanced up at his brooding figure. His gaze cast on the open skin of your stomach as he’s fingers twitched and lightly squeezed against your waist, “You’re such a dork, why would I want him between my legs when I have you to do that instead, hm?”
You felt your face become hot at the way his head shot up in surprise at your words, your smile timid as you bashfully glanced away from him, “Oh yeah? Well it didn’t look like it.” Jungkook growled lowly, yet the playful tone of his voice didn’t escape you. His voice just a few tones deeper making your thighs rub together in excitement, “I think you’re gonna have to prove it baby.”
You couldn’t help but cover your face as you let out a girlish giggle, why did he have to be like this? Sure the thought lingered in the back of your head that with Mina being away with his parents that this could happen, but to really be in this position….Well it made you rather shy. A small whine escaped your lips at the way Jungkook effortlessly pried your legs open, grabbing your thighs as he brought you closer to him.
“Keep giggling baby, just you wait until I have your pretty little ass in the air and your cunt stuffed full,” Jungkook nipped against your neck with a low growl, your legs attempting to close once more but the only thing you found was his hips that lowered against yours. You could feel his half hard on in his pants as he grinded himself into your cunt, your skirt doing little to hide your panties from him as his tongue dragged along your neck.
“Mmph! Jungkook!” Your lips quivered and your hands found their way to his hair as his hips teasingly lightened their weight off of yours, your panties were sticking to your wet folds and your hips were already lifting to meet his again, “Please…!”
Jungkook only tutted as he gave a wide, almost sneered smile as he pulled a little away from you, hovering on top of you once more as he asked, “Please what? What does my needy little bitch want?”
Your hands were tugging against his hair making him growl as he grabbed your wrists, forcing them over your head as your thighs began to tremble in anticipation, in need, “Jungkook…!” You didn’t want to say it…! It was already embarrassing being put in this position no matter how much you liked it.
Jungkook clacked his tongue, “So fucking disobedient. Are you always this whiny in bed? I won’t always be this kind babygirl.” An excited whimper escaped your lips at the way he hauled your legs over his shoulders, leaning down a little as his hair hung, a greedy smirk on his lips, “Next time I’m forcing you to use your words. You’re lucky I wanna bury my face in such a pretty cunt, I bet your little clit is so needy isn’t it? Has your fingers been enough baby? Were your little fingers enough to make your cunt feel nice and full?”
Jungkook dragged his tongue along the edge of your thigh making you jump with a breathy moan, thighs clamping around his head as his thumbs curled around the band of your panties. A louder gasp escaping you at the smack against your thigh, Jungkook’s teeth gritted, “I asked you a question you slut.”
“Y-yes! It wasn’t enough though! Needed more!” The words fumbled from your lips as you whined, attempting to buck your hips into his face as he growled again, another smack against your thigh causing your skin to sting as another breathy moan escaped your lips. Arousal was sleeping through your panties as he continued to taunt you, “And what did you need babygirl? What did this needy little cunt need so fucking bad?”
You thighs clenched and your voice trembled as his tongue dragged over your clothed clit as pleasures blossomed in your body, “Ah! Your cock! Needed your cock! Mmph oh Jungkook! I’d- I would imagine you on top of me, m-making me take it.”
Your hands found their way back into his hair as your hips began needily riding against his face forcing another growl from his lips as he lowered you making you whine, “Keep fucking doing that and I’ll flip you over and stuff you full without getting to cum. Be patient you little needy bitch.” A whine escaped you in objection as he peeled your panties off before prying your legs back open.
Your cunt was dripping wet and even more excited at being exposed to his glossy dilated eyes, your clit was just aching at the sight as he moaned, “Fuck your completely soaked baby. Have you been that needy for my cock?” He hauled your thighs back over his shoulders, a squeak escaping you as his plump wet lips attached to your clit.
A loud moan that would have the neighbors complaining escaped your lips as his tongue rolled along your clit with extra care, pleasure was thrumming through your body and your eyes rolling back to your head as excitement worked your body far closer to an orgasm then necessary.
It had been so long since you last got ate out let alone so fucking good. His tongue was lapping at your clit like his life depended on it as your thighs trembled and moans escaped you, your hands helplessly tugging on his hair as you helplessly let your hips ride against his tongue in need.
“That’s it babygirl. I know this cunt is so fucking needy. Needs to cum doesn’t it?” He growled lowly before letting his tongue attach lazily to your clit making a pathetic squeal escape you as cries left your lips.
It was embarrassing how fast you came, it was like a tidal wave washing over you as your moans became louder, your thighs trembling wildly as Jungkooks lips kept a firm hold on your clit, his tongue suckling it gently while swiping lazily at your sweet spot, over and over again.
Jungkook wasn’t even giving you a chance to enjoy your first orgasm before he was already working on your second one, “Mmph! Oh! Oh god! Jungkook!” Whine and moans escaped you but Jungkook wasn’t having any of it. Letting his lips release your poor clit only to let his tongue flatten the sensitive bud, your shirked moan like music to his ears as he lathes and circled the delicate bud.
Jungkook let his hands squeeze against your hips encouraging them fucking against his tongue. Your muscles were clamped and clenching continuously as cries escaped you, the pleasure of a second orgasm beginning to overwhelm you as you hips bucked against his tongue.
Your hands helplessly fell from his hair as cries escaped you, your back arching as the orgasm ripped through your body, pleasure even better then the last pouring through your veins as your body trembled and breathy whines and moans escaped you. Jungkook released your swollen, sensitive bud before he set you down, his chin covered in your arousal as he licked his lips, a haughty smirk on his face, “You really needed my cock that much baby?”
You felt so timid beneath his devouring gaze, your lips quivering and your body trembling as he yanked the shirt over his head to reveal the chiseled abdominal that flexed proudly against his tense muscles and the broad shoulders you’d be stretching against soon enough, “Maybe you should’ve just called me. Mmm I’d stuff that little cunt no matter where you were.”
Jungkook flipped you around onto your stomach making you squeak as he lifted your hips up, a soft smack against your cheek just to make watch your cute little butt wiggle for him, “You have no idea how many times I’ve had to jerk myself off just at the idea of fucking you. And I had everything planned tonight baby, every-fucking-thing.”
You could feel arousal slipping down your thighs at his growled deepened voice as your face pressed against the bed, your little hole aching to be filled up by him, “And you just had to ruin it by making me jealous huh. Are you sure you don’t wanna sleep with that guy?” He growled lowly, you could hear his jeans drop to the floor as you wiggled in anticipation.
A breathy whine escapes you at the sudden feeling of his large thick cock rubbing against your slick lips, a soft moan escaping him as he rocked his hips, letting his cock rub against your dripping cunt, “N-no,” your voice was cracked and whiney as you forced your eyes shut at the feel of the thick bulbous head of his cock playfully pushing against your tiny hole, not enough to push it inside but enough to feel it, “I want only you, Jungkook…! Please need your cock inside me, please.”
You arched your back as you tries to pushed yourself against him, a yelp left your lips as his hand slammed against your ass cheek making your tiny walls clench around nothing, “Thats fucking right, you need my cock don’t you baby. Such a hungry little cockwhore for me. You’ve been touching yourself to the idea of this cock haven’t you baby?”
Jungkook let his shaft rub along your sensitive clit making you cry against the sheets as you whined, “Please…! I need your cock so bad! I’ve- I’ve touched myself so many times to the idea of you filling me up please!”
Jungkook let out a strangled moan, unable to tease you or himself any longer as he pushed his thick head inside you, moans escaped both of you as your body melted into the mattress you cunt was having a hard time relaxing at the feeling of his protruding, thick head shoving inside despite such a tight fit, “So fucking little, I might break this little cunt if I thrust baby. Is this what your needy little cunt got so wet over? This nice fat cock making you take it.”
You felt near ashamed at the way your lips parted, drool beginning to seep from your bottom lip as your eyes closed in pleasure as he pushed his cock further inside you, “Mmph, feels so good...Jungkook.” You whined as your body crumpled against the bed, Jungkook pushed his hips until they met yours, your body stuffed full of his cock and you were nearly drunk on the feeling as you whined, “That’s right baby, this little cunt was made for my cock wasn’t it?” He purred out before letting his hips snapped against yours.
Cries immediately left you as your body lurched forward, his cock filling your tiny walls as moans filed the room, wet smacking rang through the air as your thighs ached and breathy moans made their way back against your lips, “Mmph! Yes! Yes! Want you to- to fill me up- mmm! Jungkook please! Pl-please want your baby, please!”
You couldn’t even process the words escapes your lips but it was too late, for a half a second you anticipated Jungkook stopping- as he was rawing you at the moment. But rather then stop you heard him swear, “Fuck,” Your body lurched forward again as he growled, grabbing a fist full of your hair before yanking harshly making you cry out as he forced your hips to bounce on his thick cock that was making your walls clench with every thrust of his hips.
“Is that so you little slut?” Jungkook snarled leaning down as his hips slammed into your cunt making you bury your face into the mattress with a whine, “You wanna get knocked up?” He sneered letting his cock drill into you and the headboard was beginning to smack against the wall as your cunt squeezed harshly against his cock that began dragging along your g-spot making a loud moan escape you, “You dirty little bitch I bet you like that fucking idea,” His chuckled as gritted and focused as he pounded his cock inside you furiously, “You wanna be nice and full of my cum baby? You want your tummy nice and full of my baby? Mmm f-fuck.”
His words were stuttered as he grabbed your hips once more forcing them to bounce his cock as you felt tears stinging your eyes as you cried, the feeling of a third orgasm you didn’t even think was possible building in your body at the way his thick cock dragged along your g-spot as he made your hips bounce along the shaft of his aching cock.
“P-please!” You whined obediently, letting him use your hips however he wanted as you cried against the mattress, “Want your baby! Cum! Please Jungkook!”
Your back was beginning to ache from it’s uncomfortable arch and sweat was dripping down your neck as you whined, Jungkook was beginning to rut his cock inside you, feeling his full length prying open your little walls as you moaned at the feeling of you g-spot being rubbed, “Mm fuck, what a little needy slut, wanting to have my baby. You’d look so fucking pretty with nice plump tits baby, nice and full of my baby so every fucking guy knows you’re taken by me.” Jungkook let his chest press against your back as his hips began to sloppily thrust inside you, his breath hot against your ear as he let out a low moan, “F-fuck baby, I’m gonna cum. Fuck.”
“Cum inside please! Please! Please!” You begged with a whine, your legs completely jello but your orgasm was so close…! Your brows pinched together and your thighs were trembling, you needed it, you needed it so much.
Jungkook let his tongue drag against your neck as he moaned, his hand finding its way down to your clit as he rubbed into your sweet spot, “That’s it baby, cum all over my cock. Gonna make you take all this cum- fuck baby, wanna get you pregnant and full of my baby, my cum. Mine.” You had to muffle your scream against the mattress as your cunt tightened around him as your orgasm bursted inside you. A low moan escaping Jungkook as he swore again, letting his forehead press against your back as you felt hot substance spewing inside your little hole, there was so much cum as he orgasmed, a deep moan escaping his lips as he swiveled his hips, another spurt of cum snug inside your walls.
You both were a sweat mess joined together, staying quiet for awhile as breathes filled the room, his half hardens cock slipping from your hole the dripped with cum, pressing your forehead against the bed you whined at the feeling of his thumb scooping up the substance and pushing it back inside you, “Shouldn’t have said anything about babies or else I would’ve pulled out.” You felt a weak smile tug on your lips at Jungkook's playful words as he pressed a kiss into your shoulder.
“Well,” you weakly lifted your body up with your arms as you have a sheepish smile, “I didn’t mean to say it. It just...kinda came out.” But it was true, it wasn’t the first time you had fantasied about getting knocked up from Jungkook, he already had a child and it was a natural thought. But for that to actually happen...all without protection….You could tell this kink wouldn’t be going away anytime soon which meant you were definitely going to need to get an IUD or something...That’s if you weren’t pregnant after this.
“Don’t give me that look. I bet Mina would be a great big sister.” Jungkook chuckled as he dropped on top of your body making a muffled whine escape you. Your body immediately relaxed upon his lips soothingly kissing along your shoulder blades his fingers pleasantly digging to your skin to massage your knot filled shoulders.
“One step at a time Jungkook,” you have a breathy laugh as you relaxed under his touch, “We’re only having this conversation if the test comes out positive.”
“And if it doesn’t?” Jungkook challenged.
“Then I’m getting on pill.”
Jungkook chuckled at your words saying no more as he continued to pamper you, god you could get used to this.
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Your weekend with Jungkook went...as expected, filled with sex. So. Much. Sex. He took you in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the shower, in almost every single way he could. You anticipated him having a high libido, but actually experiencing it was another. And you loved every second of it.
But admittedly...you were glad the weekend was over, “Why hello there!” You squealed just as much as Mina did as she bounced, her hands immediately reaching out to you as you picked her up.
“Ma ma! Ma ma!” She gurgled excitedly, clapping her hands together before throwing her head against your chest as your smile widened. Your cheeks hurt and you could feel your eyes glossing as you peppered her hair with kisses, “Oh I’ve missed you so much baby!” You cooed as you excitedly squeezed her making a giggle escape her lips.
Jungkook was talking to his parents about the trip before his eyes landed on you both, a soft smile appearing on his lips before his nose crinkled, “Look at both of my babies. We’ve missed you so much babygirl. Come on you want da da to hold you?”
“Ma ma!” Mina gurgled with a coo as her little arms wrapped around your neck, one letting go of you to wrap her little fingers around Jungkook’s index finger as he sighed with a tutt, “Nu uh baby, Da da! C’mon you used to be a daddy’s girl.” A pout tugged on Jungkook’s lips as Mina giggled, babbling the only words she knew happily as she bathed in both her parents attention.
You nodded Jungkook’s parents fair well as you sighed in contentment, your eyes crinkling at the sight of Jungkook throwing Mina a little upwards while catching her each time as she squealed in glee, “That’s right babygirl! Isn’t Da da so much more fun?”
As soon as you came into view Mina cried out with a giggle, “Ma ma!” Jungkook’s pout quirked even further, making you laugh as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind.
“Oh cheer up, I’m sure she’ll say your name eventually. Now c'mere baby Mama is right here.” Mina giggled in delight as you plucked her right from Jungkook’s grip as his jaw dropped in offense.
“You just stole my baby for me!” He gasped chasing after you as you giggled, holding Mina against you as you hurried for the bedroom. Mina bounced against your body happily as she cooed at the sight of her dad chasing after her. You landed on the bed, carefully letting Mina go as she bounced along the soft surface with a giggle of excitement.
“Hey you baby thief!” Jungkook growled playfully as he climbed on top of you, nipping your neck as a giggle escaped you, “Give me back Mina!”
You struggled against his grip as you wildly shook your head, “To bad! She’s my baby now! She doesn’t wanna go with you!”
A loud shriek caused both of you to jump hurriedly glancing at Mina figure only to find she was just fine despite the crocodile tears in her eyes. A loud cry escaping her as she crawled over to you, “You made her cry!” The animated pout tugged on your lips as you sat up, letting her climb into your lap as she gurgled, “Ma ma!”
“I didn’t make her cry!” Jungkook tried to scoff but he failed due to his laughter, wiping the fat tears that trailed down her cheeks, “How about we share our baby and she won’t cry.”
Pressing a kiss against Mina’s forehead you gave a tiny smile, shyness taking over you as you glanced between Jungkook and this tiny girl that had become your whole world, “Agreed. Now let’s make this precious baby stop crying.” Your voice heightened as you picked her up before setting her down to lay beside you as Jungkook bounced to the other side of her as he wrapped an arm around you.
Mina wedged in the middle as you cooed, “Don’t cry baby, ma ma and da da are right here.” You pressed kisses against her chubby little cheek as she sniffled. A giggle escaping her as Jungkook pressed little kisses on her other cheek, “That’s right baby, we’ll always be here.”
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Note: We’re at the end of this little mini series! I hope you guys enjoyed it! This oneshot took me like four months to complete but I’m very happy with the outcome! Thank you all for reading 🖤
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
The Studio - Namjoon
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 9.7k words
Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Rating: 18+
I told you I’d be back really soon ;) Tonight there’s a lot on schedule! I’ve been working on this piece for two weeks, since it carries a lot for both Namjoon and Vixen, emotionally speaking. It means a lot for me too, since to me it was truly a challenge in terms of the different levels of knowledge that Joon, y/n and the narrator hold. I think I’ve grown a lot in terms of writing even from Tiktok Towel Trick, which I wrote last May, but I’m really proud of myself comparing to what I used to produce a couple years ago.
Now, let me introduce this fic. The piece takes place two or three months after the two have started sleeping together (ideally late January or February). In this piece Vixen visits Joon at the studio after a bad fight and Joon’s self-imposed isolation. The two feel like they’ve come to a dead-end as they wait for the other person to cut ties. Namjoon is suffocated by his job, his tendency to lash out at his closest ones when he’s stressed and his previous traumas; Vixen is locked in her head, shut out by Namjoon and repeatedly accused of infidelity, as a sign of Namjoon’s lack of trust. Will the two manage to work things out?
Description and trigger warnings: The piece was written referring to Namjoon’s Rkive as in his vlive log. There is ANGST. Loads. There is some crying and it is not Vixen’s. Longing and miscommunication. In terms of filth: so much dirty talking the walls exude holy water by now. Unprotected sex (STAY SAFE GUYS!!!!!!!!), DDLG/daddy kink, Masturbation paired up with Voyeurism and Exhibitionism, Fetishism (Shoes, tights and lingerie), Oral (female receiving), Cumplay (eating), Marking, Spanking, Angsty doggy fucking followed by a very soft ride on the sofa. That should be all. Fluff alarm: Namjoon doesn’t want to lose his little fox and Vixen just wants to cuddle her big teddy bear Joon. 
Wordcount: 9.7k
Here is my masterlist
Standing in the main corridor of the studios felt very strange. You looked around, uncomfortable, while the receptionist at your side stared at you, waiting. "Don't worry, he's busy all the time. We can wait, no big deal." The fact that you'd been greeted by Namjoon's driver at the entry desk had helped you get to the studios unannounced. "That boy always gets caught up on something. He shouldn't make you wait." He tutted, looking at you with a kind smile. 
"____? What are you doing here?" Taehyung smiled at you brightly, close behind him Hoseok and Yoongi approached with heavy-looking bags on them. 
"Oh, hi. I sort of stopped by for Namjoon." You bit your lip, smiling embarrassedly. 
"He's still in his room. I can show you the way." Taehyung said, grinning. 
Yoongi seemed to be observing him closely while Hoseok looked absolutely oblivious. 
"No, I only have to give him this." You showed them two small bags, one containing food and the other a few things he had left at your place. 
You tried not to let your heartbreak show. 
"Maybe you could bring them to him, I don't want to distract him." 
You smiled but you felt the tears welling up. 
Yoongi's glance moved to you. It felt scorching. "I think you should bring those to him. I think he'd like to see you." His serious tone made you realise that maybe he did know what was happening. Maybe he did know better. 
"I think he'd rather not see me right now." Your lips tightened in a thin line. 
Both the guys turned to Yoongi. "Go, I'll see you tomorrow."
They both patted him on the shoulder and waved at you, Taehyung hugging you close. "It'll be alright. I'll see you."
Taehyung smiled at you, his cute cheeks popping upwards. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you had just granted him an exclusive piece by one of his favourite photographers. Maybe he was just friendly, maybe he simply liked you because he deemed you a decent human being. 
Right at his heels, Hoseok gave you a cute wave, saying bye-bye in a cartoonish voice. 
Beside you, Yoongi shook his head, still sporting a fond smile. "Uhm, I never know whether I should introduce myself. Anyway, we've never met before, so– I'm Yoongi. " He said with a tiny smile, his cheeks jumping upwards. 
You introduced yourself with a small bow. 
"You are just like he described you. He talks about you a lot." He commented. You blushed, almost feeling like dissolving into thin air. You never thought you would meet his friends like this. 
Yoongi looked at your face. "You're exactly his type — in the best way possible." He blushed. "Let's go." He said, leading you. "I actually want to say a few things." He threw his bag on the floor, getting comfortable on the sofa in the common room. "How are you doing?" 
You stared at your feet. "Decent enough."
"I'll be honest, ____. He hasn't been doing good. Not even decent, in my opinion." Yoongi announced, as if trying to prepare you for what you were going to see. "I feel like telling you a couple things about him. He can be hot-headed, and an absolute pain in the ass. He is a perfectionist, and a terrifically clumsy one at that." Yoongi huffed out. "He holds himself to extremely high standards and punishes himself whenever he feels like he's not delivering. And he has the horrible tendency to lash out when he's stressed. He just takes it all out on those who are closest to him." Yoongi patted the spot at his side, inviting you to sit. "I'll be inappropriate, maybe, but I have to say it. You don't have to stay at his side."
The sentence was like a slap to your face. It had never come to your mind to part ways with him. 
"You don't have to put yourself through his tempers and tantrums. You need to be ready to handle those emotionally. If you aren't, I don't think you'll be able to go for the long run." Yoongi looked at you in the eye. "Sorry if I overstepped, usually people come to me to talk, I'm not used to giving unsolicited advice." He blushed and laced his fingers together, laying them on his thighs. 
"I don't want to let go of him, Yoongi." You confessed. 
"Then you should go bring this stuff to him in person. And remember, you don't have to be his therapist. If you want, you can be his partner, walk by his side, but it's not your duty to carry him." The man was incredibly smart and thoughtful. And sensitive. The more you got to know him, the more you understood Namjoon's adoration for him. 
"Thank you so much." You bowed your head briefly, placing your palm on top of his hands. 
He moved one on top of yours, patting gently. "Let's go find your grumpy bear, uh?" 
With a groaned "aigoo" He pushed himself up, standing on his feet like an old man before bending to catch the strap of his bag. "This way." 
He led you through the winding corridors until you recognised the door to Namjoon's studio. "Go on. Knock politely and be smart. Discuss. Negotiate. Compromise. And be kind to each other." He gave you the official salute and left. 
You found yourself staring at the door, wondering if he'd roar at you for interrupting him. 
The room sounded quiet. 
You counted to three. Knocked. 
"Come in." Said his voice with a weak rumble. He was probably distracted. 
His studio was warm and welcoming, if a bit clustered. The lights were low and yellowy, coming from his desk and contrasting with the white gleam of his computer screen, still you could see everything perfectly in the slight penumbra, your eyes perusing your surroundings. It was easy to see why his apartment felt like a hotel room: he barely spent time there while this place really felt like home. It felt like stepping into his soul. Small sculptures and toys and collectibles were neatly lined in his bookcase together with some books. Then the baby shoes. Art catalogues. Candles. Art. A drape too big for the wall, but still there, a painting, probably from Yoongi, since you vaguely recognised his style. On the back wall, you noticed two drapes embroidered in traditional patterns. The floor was covered in thick cream carpets with geometric prints that reminded you of tribal symbols. And sweet lord, that was his wooden, swoon-worthy, customised low table, matching with the piece by the door holding one of his bonsai. A comfy couch with a fluffy, warm blanket, and embroidered pillows. You were mesmerised. You didn't have time to take it all in, your glance running from the upright piano to the microphone standing beside his chair. He didn't turn around, he kept staring at the screen, typing every now and then. His beautiful desk was crowded with stationery, electronic devices, a keyboard and all kinds of knicknacks. 
"What is– oh. Hi." His expression was ice-cold. 
"Hi. I was passing by, I wanted to bring you some stuff you'd left at mine."
His heart froze. This is the end then.
He'd been avoiding it for almost two weeks, hiding from you in his studio, even though the only things he could write were heartbreaking blue rhymes that had Jimin and Jeongguk exchanging pitying glances. 
The beginning of this tragedy was almost comedic in its stupid futility. It was just him incapable of perfecting a pre-chorus. A dumb verse or something. He had called you, talked it out but apparently all he did was just turn down your ideas and suggestions, snapping at you until you exhaustedly told him that you were tired and needed some sleep. He took that as you umpteenth sign that you didn't care about him — which you both knew was entirely wrong — and caused a huge fight which ended on you telling him to go fuck himself, at which he unceremoniously replied that he was okay with that since you were clearly already fucking someone else. 
You didn't bother correcting him, since no matter how many times you told him, he always seemed to get back at you being unfaithful and uncaring. You were done justifying yourself, apologising for things you had never done. 
"Uhm. I also brought you some food. I didn't know if you had already eaten."
He looked at you like you had finally lit a candle in a dark and cold room. 
Your heart broke some more. You asked yourself if there was any more breaking to do, at this point. 
You figured there was the moment you heard his hoarse voice speak. "Let's eat together."
You didn't have the guts to deny him. 
You laid the bags on the small table and took off your coat. He stood on his feet immediately, crossing the room in a few broad steps and hugging you to his chest. 
Let it hurt. You told yourself. It heals faster like that. 
His palms settled at your waist and his eyes closed. He breathed you in. He had never felt something really end. His exes were like a song slowly slipping into a diminuendo until they became silence. His interest burned out, his curiosity simply died down and the feelings never seemed to grow fully. They felt like a balloon which was never supposed to be blown that big. This thing with you was like a song being stopped mid-chorus, silence biting in where it wasn't supposed to be. Is this what the end feels like? He asked himself as he held you tighter, one of his hands climbing up and burrowing into your hair. He pressed your face into his chest, where his heartbeat was so strong and so loud that you asked yourself if you could somehow amplify it, if your body could register it and replay it once you were alone in your bed, mourning over this. "You feel taller." He said, noticing how your forehead reached his lips instead of slotting under his jaw. 
"I still have my heels on." You replied. 
"Wanna take 'em off?" He asked. 
You shook your head. "No, if that's not a problem. 
He breathed out heavily. He interpreted your refusal as a sign that first, you were keeping your tough-woman shield up — which he couldn't blame you — and second, you weren't intending to stay long. 
You tried to part yourself from him. "One more second, little Vixen. Just a second." He whispered. 
You allowed him. 
"Come on, dinner is getting cold." You said softly. 
He didn't let you go, he simply loosened his grip and dragged you to the sofa. He was willing to keep you as close as he could until you ripped the bandaid off, unraveling this small spell that had turned his life into a perfect, dreamlike snowball. 
Sitting on the sofa, he made you sit beside him, your side sticking to his from shoulder to hip to knee to ankle. 
It was all too much but you didn't have the strength to part from him. He bent down and opened the small boxes. 
It was fried chicken. 
Like the first time at his place, at two am, naked in his bed after he had owned you in every way that mattered. 
He loved fried chicken. And now it would always mean you to him. 
No chimaek after fucking with anyone else. He wanted to keep it for you, in case one day you decided to come back, and he would say he had never done that with anyone else, that he had been waiting for you. Because some part of him told him that you would come back. 
Both your brains were going on the same path, already mourning someone who was right there in that moment, but already felt so far away. The room was quiet but both your minds were screaming, thinking so loud that the silence was welcome. 
"I got you fried chicken. I know you love it." 
I love you, his brain replied. But his mouth stayed silent. It was too late anyway. 
"Thank you." He said brusquely. He reprimanded himself for sounding so harsh. 
"It's okay." You said quietly, using the lid to grab a couple pieces out of the ten or so. You didn't feel like eating and he always ate two thirds of the box anyway. 
He exchanged one of your wings for a leg. "You prefer the leg." He said with a shy smile, trying to make up for the coldness he had shown previously. 
You had been sleeping with Namjoon for three months now, spending all your spare time together at his place, sometimes moving in for the weekend, the both of you leaving your job early so you could spend Friday afternoon together and go on small dates. He usually had his schedule on Saturdays and Sundays too, so it wasn't uncommon for you to spend several hours alone at his place. You had made small improvements, making his house feel more like a home with small handmade crafts. And when he came back, you would usually try to keep it chill but eventually you ended up in bed, or on the sofa, or the kitchen counter. Or the carpet on the corridor leading to his bedroom. Or the shower. Let's just say that you would be all over each other. 
You thought how different it would be now, and how difficult it would be to get him out of your system. 
"How is it going." You asked quietly after you swallowed your first bite. 
"Tough. I'm polishing some stuff, but this is the part where I doubt everything and want to rewrite all of it." He explained, his fingers gripping the chicken with a precision and finesse that reminded you of his delicate, careful side. 
"You'll get through it. You're a pro by now. And I'm sure you have excellent taste. You know what you want and you'll find your way to it." You praised him, rubbing your shoulder against him since your fingers were dirty. 
He leaned his head on your shoulder, shrinking down to reach you. "Thank you."
The more time passed, the more you realised he still hadn't said sorry for what he had implied during that phone call. 
"That's okay."
"How have you been doing?" He asked, trying not to let his worry show. It still showed, though. 
You decided on being honest. "I've been missing you."
He paused eating. "I've been missing you too." He put down the chicken, using the ball of his wrists to press against his temples. "I'm sorry about what I said that day. I know my past relationships and nerves are not valid excuses for how I treated you, but I got swallowed in those and I dragged you in."
You looked at the leg and finished munching on it, stripping the bone of the last few strings of meat. You put down the naked bone, licking your fingers. "You never talked about your most recent ex." You commented. 
He picked up his head. "To put it simply, I was her side piece." He said, plainly. "She was getting married to someone else. And she messed around with me." He looked at his feet. "At the beginning I didn't know. It lasted around eight months, as she was waiting for her fiancé to finish his military service. After I discovered it, we kept going for a couple weeks, but I found the whole thing so upsetting and disgusting that we parted ways. Her fiance forgave her and they got married a while ago, a few weeks before I met you." He snickered sarcastically. "I even sent them flowers." 
You blinked distractedly. "Joon, I'm so sorry, baby." You brushed your forehead against his arm. 
"It's cool. I mean, it's not since I'm still traumatised by it. I've been talking about it with my analyst, but it's been a while since I last went, almost three weeks, because this project had been swallowing me whole — after chewing me a little, clearly." He had his exhausted laugh on. 
You felt like you needed to talk about the whole story about that girl, but right now he didn't seem in the right mindset to do that. For now, knowing that he knew he had a bias and he was tackling the issue with a therapist was enough.
"Have you been sleeping, babe?" All the breaking up was momentarily suspended. There was something to save here. You had a lot you still wanted to save from this. 
He seemed relieved when you called him that. Don't get your hopes up. He shook his head. "A couple hours at a time. Small naps when I'm tired."
"Okay, so once you're done eating, we're gonna take a good, long nap."
He didn't want to sleep though. He wanted to hold you close, kiss you, make sure that he did everything he could to make you stay. The meal continued quietly, and as soon as you were fed he asked you about your job, how it was going, if you had any new clients or if you had met any new artists. You replied to each question fully, telling him about curious accidents and little inconveniences. 
And he listened. He had missed your voice and it felt good to listen to someone who wasn't himself or the boys' voices over speakers and headphones. 
As you were both done with dinner, he guided you to the bathroom, standing behind you as you washed your hands. He took some soap, foaming it up between his hands before he caught your left palm within his, pressing and rubbing them together to clean you up. And then he laced his fingers with yours, lathering your digits in bubbles and making sure that the sticky sauce from the chicken disappeared completely. He moved to the other hand as you laid your head against his chest at his collarbone, tipping it back so you could stare at him. You were sure you had never adored someone this much. He turned slightly to look at you, smiling softly. He bent down and pressed his lips to yours gently. No man, no person in the world had ever touched you or kissed you like he has. No one has ever talked to you like him, showed you their world like he has. He reluctantly parted from your lips. 
He led your joined hands to close the tap, moving to the hand dryer. It felt all too intimate. 
"Let's get back to my studio, yeah?" He whispered in your ear. You nodded. 
He laced his hand with yours. 
Once you reached the studio, he quietly dragged you to the sofa, pulling at your arm so that you fell with your ass on his lap. He hugged you again. "I am so sorry about what I said. You have told me countless times that I'm the only one."
"You hurt me, Namjoon." You said quietly. 
It felt like a slap, his full name. 
"Let me make it right." He kissed your cheek and your eyes fell shut. "I want you."
And you wanted him too. You thought yourself crazy for wanting a man so complicated, someone who had disrespected you, who had repeatedly and blatantly demonstrated his lack of trust towards you. Still, when you needed reassurance, affection and devotion, your bodies always came into play, talking with a language so simple and obvious to each other that you simply nodded, whispering "I want you too."
With his index finger he turned your head, kissing you square on the lips and forcing you to part them, his tongue sweeping in your mouth, making your head spin with the intimacy and intensity of it all. 
Let him take you, if that would reassure him that you only thought about him, you wanted only him and no one else. 
His free hand curled around your thigh, climbing up under the tight knee-length dress you were wearing. The woolen grey number was the first thing to come off as he tugged it over your head and off his way. "You're so gorgeous," He murmured painfully, looking at you and taking in every small detail. "A work of art, little Vixen." He kissed your shoulder. 
You smiled shyly, trying to straddle his waist. He toyed with the lace covering your breasts and nipples, teasing them with his fingers until they pressed hard against the fabric. Next he fooled around with the waistband of your tights, making you stand between his legs as he dragged the nylon down your thighs and calves. He stared at your feet, where the garment bunched up, noticing your black stilettos. "Off." He whispered, tapping his foot against yours. Once you took off the shoes, he bent down to help your feet out of your tights. He bit your leg harshly, leaving a mark behind. "Heels on again, Vixen."
Smiling darkly, you slipped them back on, shivering a little, but so happy to wear your favourite black lace set and stilettos for him. 
"Walk for me?" He asked, making you put on a little show. 
And God, did you enjoy it. His jaw went slack at the Brazilian cut of your panties, exposing to his hungry eyes the perfect curve of your ass, the way it swelled fully before meeting with the back of your thigh. 
That was his favourite place to bite. And spank. 
You did a small catwalk with your back to him, reaching his chair, which you turned around from his desk to the sofa. Facing the chair, you bent forward, your thumbs catching the fabric of your panties at your sides and pushing them down as you bent forward, offering him the whole panorama. 
He groaned. "I'm gonna get an heart attack, baby." 
You smiled at him viciously over your shoulder, letting your lower piece of underwear fall to the floor. Next you dragged your full palm up the curve of your ass, smacking it playfully as your fingers made their way to the clasp of your bra. 
"You're gonna kill me, Vixen." He cried out. 
Bra undone, you let both strings fall down your shoulders, removing one side first and letting the garment dangle from the other side, making your arm fall and drop the delicate lace ordeal. 
Your smile disappeared in an innocent pout when you turned around, completely naked except for your shoes. 
"I'm gonna sit here." You announced, waiting for his approval. 
He nodded eagerly. "Make yourself comfy, Vixen."
You sat down, crossing your legs and propping your elbows on your knees. Shyness was not a word in your vocabulary in that moment. Your only intention was that of distracting him from whatever it was that was mauling his brain. 
"Are you going to make me wait, Joon." You teased demandingly. 
He stared at you, meeting your glance. "Stay there and sit still." He ordered before grabbing the hem of his sweater and pushing it upwards, taking off both sweater and undershirt in the process. His upper body appeared, a bit skinnier than two weeks ago but maybe it was just the distance and the slouching position. His sweatpants were taut around his lap and you bit your lip as your eyes traced the outline of his length. He laid his palm there, stroking himself over the cotton. "Missed you so much, baby." He groaned and huffed. His eyes closed, his hand grew tense, stronger and heavier. Licking your lips, you kept staring at him, squeezing your thighs as he touched himself for you. 
He was hot, all the time, but this… This felt like a fever dream. You were soaked. Thank god his chair was leather and it could be cleaned easily.
He moaned your name, his eyes struggling to open enough to look at you. His voice was so deep and needy, mixed with heavy huffs. "Namjoon." You whined. 
He opened his eyes fully, his hand coming to a halt. It was like a cold shower. He was reminded why you were doing this, why you had come to this, the sudden distance that had come within the two of you. "What is it, baby?" 
You pushed your ass against the chair, looking for friction. "Come here. Touch me." You begged. 
It pained him seeing you so needy and whiny and stressed. "Listen to me, baby thing. Listen very carefully." He wanted to reassure you but he couldn't come to you. "I need you to touch yourself, little one. Can you do that for me? I promise I'll touch you after you cum, baby, but I want to see you first." He asked, palming himself again. 
You licked your lips. "Can I?" You questioned innocently, placing your palm on your thigh, your fingertips grazing your crotch. 
"You can, doll. Do it for me." He growled, pushing his fingers under his waistband, grabbing his hard on at the base and stroking it as you parted your legs, exposing your wetness. You were beautiful, naked on his chair, dragging your middle finger along your dripping slit. Your other hand grabbed your breast. 
"You're a vision, Vixen. You're magnificent, pretty thing."
"I want your tongue, daddy." You mewled, your finger dipping inside, emerging covered in glossy wetness. 
He groaned, taking his cock out of his pants, moving the waistband to his thighs. “I’m gonna eat you later, pretty doll. I’ve been starving for weeks for that sweet cunt of yours.” His erection immediately sprung up, arching to his belly button, the lower tendon looking so inviting along that thick vein that always had him throwing his head back whenever you traced it with the tip of your front teeth. As your fingers met your clit, eliciting a whine from your throat, he used four fingers to press on the vein, his thumb already playing with the tip. His hands always looked incredible whenever he used them on himself, strong fingers and spidery tendons making the vision sinfully erotic. However, he was lost in you as much as you were lost in him, his lips parted, his breath panting while you opened your legs wider, using two fingers in small upward circles that teased the underside of your clit. You felt a chill run down your spine, your legs trembling and closing a little with an involuntary reflex. You giggled at that, closing your eyes and moving your grip to the armrest of the chair. Your upper body inched forward a little and your hand stopped. 
“Too much, babygirl?” He asked and you smiled brightly, nodding. 
You’re gonna miss it, the way she smiles when you’re doing it right, his brain reminded him and as a way to shut it up, he stroked himself faster, with more pressure, his spare hand brushing his abdomen and moving upwards, spreading over his pectoral, scratching the skin there before his thumb and forefinger curved around the base of his neck, pressing there. 
You observed the motion, unpausing the movement between your thighs and humming as he gave you his desperate stare, the one that meant that he couldn’t take it anymore, that he was on the verge of it and even the smallest addition to the current situation would have him screaming and cumming.
“Joonie, lemme get close. Cum in my mouth, Joon, please.” You whined. 
“No, naughty girl. Stay there and cum for daddy.” He groaned. “Come on, baby, I’m waiting for you.” He said, with a harsh and strained command. 
Arching your neck, you started moving faster, opening your legs as far as the armrests allowed, but they only allowed an inch more than what you already had. Huffing with disappointment, you closed them and propped the back of your right knee on top of the armrest and repeated the gesture with your left leg, spreading yourself wide, almost hitting a split with your legs bent at the knees. 
“God, you’re the dirtiest. You stretching it out for me? You’re so good, showing daddy how wet you are for him.” He teased, using that raspy voice that he knew always drives you insane. 
With short, quick breaths you brought yourself closer and closer to the edge. “Daddy, please, keep talking to me.”
His hand slowed down. “Need to hear my voice, babygirl?”
You nodded and he snickered. “Then I’ll talk to you, little one. You know what I’m gonna do after you cum? I’m gonna crawl to you and kneel between those wondrous legs of yours. I’m gonna push your ass to the edge of the seat and feast on you like I’m trying to die eating that pussy. And do you know what you’re gonna do, Vixen?” He provoked. 
You shook your head. “What am I going to do, daddy?” You questioned innocently, your words stumbling a few times as your breath got stuck somewhere in your throat.
“Oh, little fox, you’re gonna grab my hair and push that lovely cunt on my lips and tongue, fucking my face so hard and fast, pressing your sexy heels on my naked shoulders. I want to hear you gasp for air because I make you cum so good you forget to breathe, you forget how to speak.”
“Joon, I’m cumming.” You cried out, your legs starting to quiver and your clit getting too sensitive to stand the movement of your fingers, slipping them inside and pushing them in slow circles around your cervix. 
His fingers moved back to the tip, the other hand massaging his balls. “Take it, Vixen, that’s it baby. I’m cumming, ____.” He moaned your name, spilling his release on his lower stomach. 
You were still staring at each other with your chests heaving, eyes wild, hands stained by your pleasure. It was always the two of you. Always getting caught up in each other, always getting tangled in each other's fantasies with this constant lust pulling you in and never having enough. You wondered when the hunger would stop, when you would grow tired of his insecurity and possessiveness, when he would find out you're too kinky, too needy, too fucked up for a busy man like him to handle. 
He cleaned his hand with one of the unused paper towels from dinner, crumbling it and throwing it in the box with the garbage from dinner. 
"Joonie." You whispered, waiting. 
"Coming, baby fox." He replied, standing up and taking off his sweatpants and boxers, walking straight to you. You closed your legs, a bit cold and embarrassed now that your high was over. Standing right in front of you, he cupped your cheek, making you look up at his face, however, even though your head was tipped back, aimed at his eyes, your glance hung low, staring at the droplets smearing his abdomen. "What are you looking at, spoiled little fox?" He said, with a sardonic smile. 
"I wanna lick."
He grinned and scooped some liquid with his digit, bringing it to your lips. 
Parting your lips, you licked your lower one first, then you let your tongue dart out and swipe at his finger, carefully sucking it into your mouth before he lowered his eyes, staring into yours and smirking seducingly as he pulled his digit out. You smacked your lips and savoured his taste, your eyelids falling shut as you hummed at his flavour. 
His cock, once half soft, was now hardening again, swelling intermittently and slowly rising to his navel. But Namjoon's eyes were focused on your face. "Want more?" He asked once your eyes opened and your gaze focused on his face. With a sex-addled, lazy grin you nodded, opening your mouth. 
He grinned right back. "Such a hungry little girl."
Impatient, you grabbed his hips, pulling him towards you and licking his belly clean. He groaned, observing you closely. 
I'm going to teach her some patience and some manners, he thought darkly. However, he immediately reminded himself that he would never have the time, your liaison coming to an end.
With this unfortunate thought, he cupped your face. "I'm the one supposed to be eating now, ____. Let me take care of you, darling." He said, before falling to his knees. Immediately he pushed the back of the chair to the table, so that it wouldn't cartwheel out of his grasp. 
Once more you asked yourself how many times he had done that before, thinking about how the relationship with the bride-to-be must have been mostly sexual, since you don't usually have much romance and dates with someone who is taken. Even though he didn't know she was taken. Whatever. 
In that moment he was there, kneeling before you, placing your heels on his shoulders, cupping your ass and tipping it forward so he could easily and comfortably give you that first, glorious lick from your hole to your clit. "Taste so good." He said, nuzzling his lips side to side as he spoke, mixing the movement to the vibration of his voice. He bit the small tattoo at the top of your thigh, where it met your pelvis, just shy of your hip bone. "Sexy little thing." He kissed it. "Drove me insane since day one." As usual, he sucked at it, causing a dark purple mark to bloom over it. "Fucking perfect."
He laid his tongue flat against your slit drawing the tiniest circles with the whole length of it. 
You hand-combed his hair back, holding it so you could look into his dragon eyes. He looked vicious and dangerous and so cunning, so smart in the most atrocious way. 
"Namjoon." You moaned, your hips arching closer to his mouth. 
He snickered cockily, moving his tongue slowly back into his mouth, allowing only the tip to wander up your crevice and reach the apex of your labia. He delivered a set of ten licks, slow and curling perfectly against your nub. "Are you good, little fox?" He asked. 
You nodded and pushed his head back between your legs. 
He laughed loudly, fighting against you. "I'm not done talking, brat." He bit your lower belly gently. "I'm gonna pump your clit with my mouth, Vixen. I'll suck it twenty times, then I'll let you rest until I'm ready again. I'll keep going until you cum. Remember that after twenty I'll pause. This could easily turn into edgeplay, baby, so you'd better get very horny very fast. You okay, Vixen?"
He checked on you and you nodded, impatient to simply have him on your clit.
"Be verbal, little girl." He reprimanded.
"Yes, daddy."
"Good girl. Let's get started."
He wasted no time. He wrapped his lips around your clit and started sucking, sucking so hard that you knew the following day his jaw and ears would hurt. At pump fifteen you already knew you needed more than twenty to cum. And as twenty arrived you whined but you felt confident that the next set would suffice. 
This time you felt your edge at twelve, still you needed more. You were getting wetter and wetter, so soaked that his saliva and your slick mixed up and made you feel uncomfortable between your asscheeks. 
"Joon–" You said, at which he mumbled "language" in between two pumps. 
"Daddy, I want your fingers inside." You said, indulging his every whim. 
He fumbled around with his arms, securing you with his left, making sure that your backside wouldn't get too close to the edge of the seat, and cause you to fall. His right arm moved back to your front, his index and middle finger coming to your entrance and waiting, his drool sliding from his tongue down your slit and directly on his fingers which, now lubricated, slipped in with no friction or resistance. The pressure was mind-blowing, your head spinning. "Daddy, please."
"Please what?" He said, hitting his pause. 
"Make me cum. Let me." You asked, as meekly as you could. 
"Why should I, uh?" He teased. 
"Because I am a good girl." Because I love you, said an obnoxious part of your brain. 
"Then I need you to say it one last time, Vixen. I know I've tormented you, but I need to ask it once and for all. Is there anyone else?" He said, his voice almost breaking. 
"No, Namjoon. I swear to God, there's no one else. I promise it. I swear on everything that I love the most. Please." You begged, hoping that he would feel the desperate honesty in your voice. "Please. You're my only daddy. I have you, only you. I am yours." You said, and God if it felt right, if it felt true, being his, belonging to him. 
Tell him you love him, your brain said again, but you refused. 
He smiled brightly at your declaration. "We're done playing, if you want to, Vixen."
You simply nodded, batting your lashes at him. "I want to."
"Then hold tight because I'm not going to stop until you're fucking my face and screaming my name and shaking on this seat. Understood?" He warned you. 
"Yes, daddy." You replied. 
"Then hold tight, baby fox. I'm gonna eat you alive."
"Try." You challenged him. 
And that's when he pounced. His pumps became longer, impossibly tighter, and the small pause between one and the next became shorter. Your eyes locked with his, brows knitting together, lips parting in a mewl as you threw your head back. "Namjoon. Please, daddy." 
Smirking, he mixed the pumping motion with a barely-there curl of his tongue, teasing your clit with such delicate pressure that you couldn't even wrap your head around the incredible amount of tension that it was causing in your body. Your hands tightened in his hair, your moans dissolving into small giggles. 
He wanted to tell you how good you sounded, how pretty you looked, how he wanted to see this every day for the rest of his life. He loved seeing you this happy, this carried away. He loved your morning voice and your late night cuddles. He loved breakfast in bed and midnight snacks and three a.m. quickies. He loved watching you take off your bra from under your t-shirt before going to bed, he loved seeing you shiver as you went to the bathroom early in the morning, clad in his t-shirt, plain cotton briefs and a pair of socks even in the dead of winter, since he always kept you warm under the covers by holding you close. He wanted to confess it all: the heartwarming wonder he felt staring at you had when you focused while reading and studying, when you brushed your hair, when you got dressed before leaving for the day, when you stood at the kitchen counter, cooking, with your back to him, and again when you applied lotion all over your body after showering, when he kissed your nape, standing behind you and donning the zipper of your dress. 
However, he stayed silent, showing it all with the reckless ministrations of his mouth as your chest blushed, your hands grabbed his hair almost painfully and your hips snapped, your mouth opening in a silent scream. 
You hadn't even bothered telling him you were cumming. He knew anyway. His mouth became more gentle, resolving to small licks while his fingers massaged your walls deep and slow, perfectly responding to the contractions of your muscles. "Here, pretty thing." He murmured, his hair tickling the skin of your stomach. "I've got you, baby. Shhh." He calmed you down, your breath coming in heavy pants, your heartbeat going like crazy. He rubbed his soaked fingers against his thigh, briefly cleaning himself before coming up to your face, cupping your cheeks. "Are you okay, little one?"
You nodded with your eyes closed, getting sleepy. 
He caressed your face. "Open your eyes for me, baby girl, let me see your pretty eyes." 
With a beatific smile you tried to look at him, eyelids lifting, taking a few seconds to focus on him. 
"There she is, my moonshine." He cooed, pressing a kiss to your lips. "You look really happy, baby thing."
You simply moved your head in a nod. 
"Do you want more, little fox?" He asked, still fussing over you. "Can you take it just one more time, babe?" 
Licking your lips you nodded again with a giggle. 
He smiled. "You keep nodding, baby. Are you saying yes to daddy?" 
"Yes, Joonie." You whispered slowly. 
"Good girl. Can you walk, Vixen?" 
"Great. I want you to kneel in front of the coffee table, darling." He commanded, rising to his feet and helping you stand up. 
This would be the last time, he decided. 
He would allow himself your heaven just one more time, then he would hold you close for a few minutes, clean you up, accompany you home and let you go. He wasn't man enough to look into your eyes. He was weak and unfair. He turned you around with your back to him, his erection brushing against the small of your back. Once you were in front of the table, he moved your hair to the side, skimming the curve of your ear with his lower lip. "Kneel, Vixen."
You did. 
He kneeled behind you, moving the books and magazines on the floor, away from the two of you, while the traces of your dinner were thrown into the bag, which he would discard later. With an empty table, he pushed his palm from the small of your back to your nape, making your front adhere to the table and making sure that your hair was out of the way. "I know you love this table." He murmured. 
"I do."
"I do, too." His heart felt like a burden. Without further hesitation, he grabbed his length and rubbed his tip against you. "You ready, ____?" 
With a groan he slipped in, the filling sensation causing a loud whine on your behalf. "Quiet." He reprimanded. 
You got a little scared at his dark voice, knowing that at this point you'd better obey. However, it lasted little. Once he bottomed out, he growled, bending down to your neck. "You good, little one?" He said, his sweet persona back in place. 
"Yes, daddy."
He was breathing heavily through his nose as he sucked at the skin of your neck, marking you. As soon as he was sure the mark would bruise and stay for at least a couple days, he released your skin. "Do you want your spanks, baby girl?" 
Your eyes rolling with pleasure, you hummed. "I want them so much, daddy. Spank me, please."
He simply breathed. "With pleasure, little one." He knew no one would ever be this good to him. 
His chest parted from your back, a small shiver settling in instead. 
The first smack was harsh, angry. You clenched around him and he thrusted in violently, growling. 
The second one hit the tender skin of your outer thigh, where it met your ass. "Daddy." You whined. 
"Quiet." He chastised again, his voice strained. He hammered into you four or five times. 
"Daddy, it hurts." You cried out, at which he stayed silent, simply spanking you again, twice, without rubbing soothingly at your skin. You emitted a shrill huffing sound of complaint, at which he answered with violent ramming into you, using both hands to push you onto his lap. 
This was not how Joon usually did it. This was not normal. With worry distracting your mind, you turned your head, looking at him. His eyes were closed, droplets falling down his cheeks. Was it sweat or tears? 
"Namjoon?" You asked, alarmed. 
He shook his head, biting his lip. "You good?" He asked, eyes still closed. 
"Stop." You murmured. 
He obeyed, exiting your warmth and opening his eyes, still avoiding your gaze contact. "Did I—?"
"Look at me." 
He shook his head. "I can't." 
"Namjoon." You reprimanded. 
As your eyes met his, you noticed they were rimmed with tears, and he was biting his lip to hold back a sob, shaking his head in shame. 
Your initial shock was followed by an overwhelming sense of tenderness for the beautiful, delicate man in front of you. 
You quickly decided what to do. 
You turned around fully, facing him as you stood on your knees, your hands caressing his cheeks. "What is it, Joonie bear?" 
He simply frowned and hid in the crook of your neck, desperate. 
"What is it?" You asked again. 
He nuzzled even more into your chest, inhaling the damp feel of your skin. "I just want it to be a good memory." He huffed with a broken whisper. 
A memory? "Why would it be a memory, Namjoon?" You asked, confused. 
"If it's our last time, I wanna be good to you." He said, and you could feel every ounce of sadness in his voice. 
Last time? "Joonie bear, why would it be our last time?" 
His shoulders shook with sobs as he stopped holding back his tears. "I've been a bastard, it's okay if you want to go." He tried saying in his most composed voice.
You frowned in confusion. "No, Namjoon."
"You want to leave me. It's okay. I need it only one last time."
You shook your head, trying to grab his chin and make him look at you. However, he strongly opposed. 
"Joonie." You murmured, hugging his head and caressing his hair. "I'm not here to leave you." You whispered. "I want to be with you." You continued. 
He shook his head even more. "I was dumb. You have every right—" 
"No." You kissed his head, caressing his shoulders, hugging him tight. "I'm not going anywhere." 
He looked up at you, his face covered in tears. 
"Oh, baby bear." You cooed, touching his cheeks, kissing his forehead. "Don't cry, Joonie." He disappeared even more into you, hugging your entire figure, dwarfing you. "Don't cry, my love." You whispered, the word tiptoeing out of your lips. He sobbed harder. "I'm so in love with you, Joonie bear." You crooned, offering him all your soul in those simple, childish words. 
"You love me?" He asked, confused, alarmed, petrified. 
"I love you, Namjoon." You repeated. 
He completely forgot his messy face and brought his lips to yours, his mouth melting into you eagerly as your tongues spoke a language that came so natural to both of you. 
Breathless, he parted from you. "I love you. I love you so much." He pressed tens of kisses on your face with such speed and pressure that you felt like disappearing into him. 
"I love you too." You giggled, trying to clean his face. 
You both laughed, elated, his hands coming to your waist, holding you closer and closer. "I wanna make love to you." He whispered. "Let me love you."
"Missionary on the carpet or cowgirl on the sofa?" You asked. 
"Why choose when you can have both?" He wiggled an eyebrow. You smiled. He smiled back. "Let's get on the sofa." He replied gently. "You'll catch a cold with your sweaty back on the freezing floor."
"But no missionary on the sofa…" You cried out like a child. 
He smiled. "Do you want missionary so bad?" He kissed your temple, smiling. 
"I guess I'll be happy with anything you want." You pouted, still doubtful. 
"C'mere." He said, getting even closer. You slipped your stilettos off and he picked you up by the back of your thighs and with some strength you didn't know he had, he carried you to the sofa, careful not to step on your shoes. "I'm going to sit. Careful with your legs." He warned, plopping down as carefully and as gently as he could, mercifully avoiding to sit with your calves underneath him. 
"Don't worry, I won't make you ride me, baby." He kissed your brow. "You're too tired for that." He cradled you to his chest, offering you a bit of his body heat. "Can you push it inside you for me, love?" He asked seducingly, kissing your neck. 
You smiled and reached between your bodies. He was already pulsating, you knew he would come undone in a few strokes. Slowly, you lifted your hips and pushed his tip inside, making him groan. 
"You're always so tight, babylove. Fuck, you feel amazing." He sucked at your neck some more, drawing a twin bruise to the one you had on the other side of your throat. "I feel like a fucking teenager with you. I can never get enough." His hips jutted a little, pushing into you while his forearm around your waist pulled you down, his hand gripping your ass. 
"Daddy." You breathed out, your forehead pressed against his neck as he bottomed out. 
"Yes?" He replied, soothing you with long caresses down your spine. "Does it hurt, doll?" 
He had so many nicknames for you but you couldn't wait for your next. "No, daddy." He held your face away from his shoulder. "Are you sure babylove?" 
Your face stretched in a slight grimace. "Maybe."
He giggled and kissed your cheek, sliding down to your mouth. "I'm sorry, Vixen." He pressed his lips to yours once and then again. "I'm so sorry, baby. For everything." He combed your hair back. "I can't promise you I'll never hurt you, but I can promise I'll try to make it better every single time." He held you close as your brow furrowed. "I love you." He whispered, one hand cradling the back of your head, the other pressing on your lower back. 
"I love you too." You said right back. "But please, Joonie…" 
"Need me to move?" He asked.
"I want you to cum." You murmured. 
He smirked and nodded. "Want me to finger you?" He asked, already drawing short thrusts into you and helping you ride him with his forearm around you. 
"Yes, please, daddy." You whined.
His right hand left the crown of your head, coming to the top of your thighs and beginning to draw small circles at the apex of your labia, the flat of his thumb wide enough to cover your bundle of nerves entirely.
"Would you like to take your time, Vixen?" He asked kindly, knowing that sometimes it took you a bit longer than him to actually get worked up. 
"I just need you to keep going exactly like this. You're perfect, Joonie."
He grunted and started pushing into you from below. "Like this?" He said, his voice a tad strained. 
His thrusts were low and deep, curling just enough to hit your sweet spot. He realised you started holding your breath. Usually that meant you were close. 
He bent his head, looking down where your bodies joined. It was hypnotizing, his thumb drawing perfectly identical circles. He started kissing and licking any and every inch of skin that came close to his mouth, your shoulder, your chest, your neck, sucking whenever he managed to grip the skin for long enough to bruise and mark. 
When you started shoving yourself on him, bouncing in earnest, he kept his cool and stopped fooling around, staying focused on lasting long enough, doing the exact same thing, knowing that with a few thrusts delivered just right, you would become like putty in his arms and he could just get crazy and chase his high. 
With your lips parting in a high pitched moan, you pressed your hips to his two more times before your chest collapsed into his with a tired whimper. "Take what you need." You murmured before propping yourself with your forearms against the back of the sofa, lifting your hips. Your face was pressed at the crook beneath his jaw, your tongue blindly chasing the droplets of sweat sliding down the column of his throat. He emitted an animalistic groan before his palms thudded heavily against your glutes, gripping your hips so hard that both his knuckles and your flesh turned white. And then he started ramming into you from below. The sounds in the room were a mix of his grunts, the smacking of flesh and the wetness between your legs, but more quietly, under all those layers, in between a groan and the next, there were his whispered love declarations, which poured out of his mouth like prayers, until he was so close, so fucked out that he could only repeat 'I love you', over and over, interrupted only by a final howl as he spilled inside you. 
In all of this you had tried to stay quiet, shushing him and kissing his neck, not sure that you were allowed to mark him. 
You laid both exhausted, his body sliding sideways down the sofa, trying to rest on the seats, his head laying on an armrest as his ankles dangling from the other. You covered him like a blanket, your hair draping over his chest and tumbling down the edge of the sofa. 
You were both sweaty and messy with cum and drool, still you simply laid there, until you felt too cold and shivered. 
"Blanket?" You asked. 
He shook his head. "I'd better dress you and take you back at mine. I can go home tonight. There's no use working late. I need to rest anyway."
"Are you sure." You asked, touching his face. 
He kissed your wrist. "Sure."
"I have to clean your chair first. I should have some wet wipes in my handbag." You mumbled. "And I should clean myself too before I drip on your lovely sofa."
He hummed, tired, fake-crying as he said "I don't wanna get up."
"My bag is right beside the sofa, just stretch your arm backward." You directed him. 
He fumbled around a bit, moving the bag from behind his head to your side, where you could easily reach inside. After a bit of rummaging, you fished out your wipes, making a quick work of pulling him out and cleaning yourself. 
"Cold." He muttered with a pout, which you kissed away from his face. 
"Come on, baby bear, get up and get dressed. I wanna shower with you and shower you in kisses." You pampered him, trying to convince him to get ready to leave. 
He whined as you sat up, quickly dashing to recoup your underwear. Once you were wearing it, you cleaned his chair, quite happy when you noticed that it wasn't half as bad as you though. When you turned, you noticed he was staring at you, already completely dressed, your dress in his hands. You moved closer.
"Up with your arms, love." He said gently, and for a second you realised that your simple and emotional confessions weren't a mirage caused by arousal or desperation. 
You followed his instructions as he helped you wear your dress, slipping it over your head and helping you find both sleeves. Next he gripped the hem at both sides, delicately rolling the fabric down your body. Once it reached your knees, he let his hands skim back up your hips and waist, crossing his wrists behind your back before squeezing your ass. He stared at your throat. 
"Will I have to wear a turtleneck for the next ten days?" You asked, slipping the neck of your dress aside and checking the damage. 
"Sorry." He murmured. 
"It's okay. I like it. I'm just teasing you." You said with a playful smirk. 
"Brat." He mouthed with a snicker, bending down to pick up your tights. 
You tutted, stealing them from his hands. "Let me do these, they're tricky."
He simply stared, his body trembling with a new tide of arousal at the mannerism you used to put on the garment, rolling up one leg between your thumbs and forefingers, pressing your toes against the stitching and dragging the nylon up your leg. He had seen this scene in an old Italian movie, but seeing the gesture in real life helped him understand the frenzy that the main character experienced after such an act. After you repeated the movement on the other leg, his mouth practically salivating, he watched some more as you fixed the gusset and the waistband, stretching the garment around the curve of your ass. 
"Call me whenever you need to wear those." He whispered in marvel and agony. "I might take them off you just to see it all over again."
You smiled coquettishly, grabbing your coat and wearing it. 
He kneeled in front of you, holding one of your shoes. "When's your birthday?" He asked, making you lift one foot as he slipped your heel on. 
You frowned, the connection unknown to you. "Mid-november. Why?" 
He held your other shoe and you held onto his shoulder as you lifted your other foot, wearing the black stiletto. "I loved seeing those on you tonight. I might buy you another pair or eight as a birthday gift."
You shook your head and laughed. "I don't need a sugar daddy, I'm happy with my plain, regular one." He rose to his feet and you grabbed his cheeks, planting a big, fat smooch on his mouth. "I'm actually very, very in love."
"Hello, Actually Very, Very in Love. My name is Head Over Heels — he pointed at your shoes — in Love. Pleased to meet you."
You laughed and he felt his heart explode with joy, his nose brushing against yours with Eskimo kisses. "Your bag." He said, bending to pick it up. "My bags." He said, collecting his tote and the small paper bag with his belongings that you had brought him. He neared his desk, checking the various devices. "Equipment off, computer off–" He mumbled as he moved the mouse to shut down the system. Meanwhile you fixed the low table, putting the magazines back on top of it. He switched off his table lamp and moved towards the door. "Dinner." He reminded himself, picking up the trash bag by the entrance. "You ready, Vixen?" 
You hummed in confirmation. 
"Let's go." 
255 notes · View notes
httpjeon · 4 years
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synopsis. as part of a special valentines day sale, you make a bid in hopes to get a special discounted date with one of the dreamy bachelors of club ardor. you decide to choose The Romantic. 
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pairing. seokjin/reader genre. angst, fluff, smut au. fake dating!au, date-for-hire!au wordcount. 6,171 contents. sad!seokjin, lonely!seokjin, light pining, teasing, protected sex, breast play, fingering, size kink (?), scratching, overstimulation, doggy style, pet names, light aftercare note. seokjins was by far the hardest to write. i have such a difficult time writing him ): i apologize, i did my best for him!
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— club ardor masterlist.
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© httpjeon 2020. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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Your phone let out a startling ding, making you jump as you hadn't realized you'd forgotten to silence it. Taking a look around your cubicle, you made sure no one had noticed before you pulled it out and went to put in do not disturb mode. Before you did, however, the preview notification caught your attention.
As you were about to unlock your phone to take a look, you heard the light clicks of your boss's heels coming towards you. You quickly slid your phone back into your drawer and turned your attention to your screen, feigning reading something.
Her footsteps paused outside of your cubicle before she called your name. You spun around in your chair to meet her gaze curiously.
"I really need those expense reports within the next hour, can you do that?" she asked.
"Oh yeah," you nodded, turning around once again to face your desk, "I'm actually almost done, I can probably have them on your desk in 30 minutes."
"That's perfect," she smiled, "Thank you."
You returned her smile and let out a sigh once you heard her footsteps disappear. Shaking your head, you let yourself become absorbed in your work once again -- forgetting about that email you'd received.
You caught a taxi to head home, not feeling like walking even though your apartment was only 5 minutes away. Your feet were aching and you just desperately wanted to take a shower and eat dinner as you'd accidentally missed your lunch break by working through it.
It wasn't the first time you'd considered yourself a bit too much of a workaholic.
It was nearing 11PM by the time you finally were able to settle down on the couch. Your hair was freshly washed and you were wrapped in a soft bathrobe with a nice face mask.
Reclining as the TV played in the background, you unlocked your phone to check after spending most of the day without. You responded to texts and checked your social media before suddenly remembered the email you had received earlier.
It sat at the top of your emails and when you opened it, you were greeted with an image similar to a party invite. In pretty, cursive font it was written; "Once in a lifetime chance to meet the man of your dreams!"
There was a link beneath it that you clicked, causing it to open a new Safari page. The search bar indicated it had taken you to clubardor.com. It wasn't the first time you'd been on the website.
You heard of it's grand opening half a year ago and went to check it out. Unfortunately, you discovered that even the most basic package was 2 grand for 12 hours. The deluxe had a price that nearly sent you into cardiac arrest.
In the end, you just signed up for newsletters and things to be sent by email.
It seemed it paid off, as you found yourself on a page detailing a Valentine's special.
For the entire month of February, they were hosting a giveaway. According to each Date's schedule, a lucky woman would be chosen from a lottery to get a date with them for just $500 instead of $2,000. The insane discount had your jaw dropping.
You weren't embarrassed to admit that you were curious about the date-for-hire service. Biting your lip, you decided to throw your hat into the ring and place a bid on the special.
"Full money-back guarantee if you're not chosen!" was written in bold letters above the credit card input.
You had no worry about being scammed, Club Ardor had risen to the top in terms of dating services in the country -- after just 6 months of activity and just 7 bachelors available. They had an excellent reputation and were known for having an extremely high-class clientele.
With your lip caught between your teeth, an excited smile on your face, you put your payment information in and hit 'Enter'.
"Thank you for your bid! Please keep an eye on your email within the next week to determine if you've been chosen! Your lottery number is 1-241-994."
You opened up your note app and typed down the number on a blank note for safe keeping.
Returning to the website, you began to do some digging into each of the men available to hire. While their pictures weren't viewable -- for safety reasons, you supposed, there was plenty of information about them.
"Each Date has full control over creating his own scene. Location, dynamic, and length of time will vary. Please speak to your Date for more information on his plans to be sure you have allotted the correct time-frame. Abide by rules and limits he sets."
You flicked through the profiles of each man, eying their listed physical and emotional qualities.
That night, you went to sleep with excitement stirring in your heart.
Somehow, you managed to work through a couple days and ended up forgetting about even signing up for it. You were working so hard to get a promotion so you could escape the shitty cubicle that somehow spending $500 completely slipped your mind.
At least, that was until you were eating a bowl of cereal at nearly 3 in the morning on a Friday night -- 6 days after you had signed up, and your phone pinged with the alert of an email. Holding the spoon in your mouth, you picked up the device and unlocked it without even looking at the notification.
You went to your email and paused when you saw the email was from Club Ardor.
With shaking fingers, you opened it.
"Below are the applicants who filed for the lottery that won. If you do not see your number, expect a monetary refund within the next 24 hours."
You clicked out and went to your note app to check the number you had gotten. Refreshing your memory, you returned to the email and scanned down the list. There were a lot of numbers listed, you quickly realized. But by some miracle, you spotted your own number listed there in the middle.
"If your number is listed, please check your email for further instructions."
You backed out of the email and refreshed, sitting up straight when you realized you had a new one from Club Ardor.
"Congratulations on winning a special night, please follow this link to register for a date with the man of your choice!"
Clicking the bright red hyperlink, you watched the screen load for several seconds and go from white to black.
You flicked through all seven of the men passing the boyfriend, the romantic, the quiet one, the playboy, the softy, the bad boy, and the alpha male. It was easy to rule out the playboy, bad boy, and alpha male -- deeming them a little too hard of scenes than what you would be able to handle.
After a bit of deliberating, you decided on the romantic. He seemed to be the oldest at 26 years old and from the silhouette of his picture, you could see he had a very nice build with hide shoulders and pretty, thin waist. You assumed he would be closer to your type and you did enjoy romance so with a couple of clicks, you were registered for a date with him.
You were brought to another page which held instructions for downloading an application called Club Ardor along with a code it told you to input.
You did as you were instructed, highly impressed with the company's extensive work on the hiring process. It was very obvious to you that Club Ardor was, in fact, suited for those of high class. The service held an obviously high regard for discretion and safety for both its bachelors and clients.
Once the app was downloaded, you opened it and found a box to enter the code you'd been given.
You were then brought to a page to input information such as your name, age, height, likes, dislikes, and preferences. After entering it all, you were brought to an empty text message thread.
Before you could attempt to look around, your phone let out a jingle and a new text message popped up.
From: Seokjin Hi cutie! Our date is set for tomorrow night. Meet me at the Club Ardor building at 7PM sharp. Wear something nice and pretty, but comfortable. Can't wait to see you!
You read the text several times, surprised by the quick work he made before typing out a response letting him know you understood. The final thing he texted was a an address to the building you would meet him at.
Thankfully, your job has required you to dress nicely for business dinners in the past so you had a decent amount of things to wear. You decided on just a flowing dress that was breathable but complimented your figure. Placing it in the front of your closet for easy access, you went through your nightly routine and got into bed.
You worked through the day, it was a Friday so you compiled the information of the entire week and input it into the data system. It kept you busy and the hours passed by quickly.
You got off at 5, having made sure you finished everything as quickly as possible so you wouldn't have to work over time.
"You're in a rush today, _____," your boss smiled as she met you in the elevator, carrying a couple files.
"I um...I have a date tonight," you confessed sheepishly, face flushing when she gasped.
"Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful time," she said, patting you on the back, "Stay safe, I'll see you on Monday."
The elevator opened to the 3rd floor and she got off, shooting you a little wave before the doors closed again. You were dropped off at the lobby and you adjusted your bag on your shoulder, bidding a goodbye to the receptionist as you exited your building.
Grabbing a taxi, you made your way home.
As soon as you stepped out of the shower, you heard your phone go off from your bedroom. The notification bell for the Club Ardor app was extremely hard to miss.
Wrapping a towel around yourself, you wandered into your bedroom and picked the device up.
From: Seokjin [5:45PM] Super excited, cutie! Can't wait to see you!
You smiled, typing out your response immediately, "Me either! See you soon!".
You were ready earlier than you would have liked. There were still 20 minutes until you could leave and be at Club Ardor on time. You didn't want to be too early or too late.
Timing it just right, you grabbed your purse and slipped your phone into the side pocket before slipping your heels on. The Uber you called pulled up right on time as you exited the lobby of your apartment complex.
Exchanging pleasantries, you crawled into the back seat and let out a nervous breath. Of course it wasn't until you were literally on your way that the nerves would kick in.
Club Ardor came into view at precisely 6:58PM.
The building was a huge high rise building with several floors. Club Ardor was a brightly lit neon sign atop the building. The Uber pulled up to the front curb and you stepped out, checking the time to see it was 6:59PM.
As the Uber sped away, you stepped up to the door, unsure of what to do. Deciding that you should probably let him know you were there, but as you unlocked your phone, the lobby door opened and a man stepped out.
He was dressed in a tux with a bowtie and he looked around for a second before his eyes landed on you.
"_____?" he smiled, walking up to you with his hand out, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Seokjin."
"Hi, Seokjin," you greeted, noting how big his hand was in yours before he pulled away.
"My cars in the garage," he jerked his head in the direction around the building, "Do you want to come or I can pull up."
"I'll...wait here," you said, making him laugh before nodding his head.
"I get it," he waved it off and began to jog around the building.
You could hear the rev of a car engine echo from the garage before a sleek white car came into view. Seokjin got out and jogged around the car to open the door for you.
You thanked him with a soft smile before getting in, pulling the seat belt on as he slammed the door shut.
Once in an enclosed space with him, you were immediately aware of how good he smelled. An almost sweet, fruity perfume wafted off of him and if you looked closely you could see he had a lip tint on.
"So, what's the plan?" you asked, breaking the silence that had settled.
"A romantic date on the water for two," he sighed, almost dreamily.
It couldn't help but laugh, which in turn brought a bright smile onto his face. The atmosphere became increasingly less tense as Seokjin drove to somewhere unknown.
"I'm so hungry," he complained from the driver's seat, making a turn onto a less populated road, "The food is honestly to die for."
"Whoa, what is this place?" you asked, not fully hearing his comment as you watched him pull up at a parking lot near a huge lake.
"This is where our date is, silly!" he grinned, getting out of the car and rounding to open your door for you.
He took your hand, escorting you towards a pier where there was a large boat bobbing with the waters natural movement.
"Hop aboard, lovely," he kept h is hold on your hand as you got onto the boat. He followed you and tugged your hand to get you to follow him.
Your body wavered as the boat suddenly took off but Seokjin was there to steady you with a broad grin.
"Have a seat," he motioned to a small table with two chairs across from one another.
"So," you huffed a laugh as you took a seat, "When you said...dinner on the water."
"I meant it literally," he shrugged, reaching over to click a button and several strings of white fairy lights illuminated everything around you.
"Whoa," you gasped, looking around.
You could see the lights from the buildings on shore and there was a beautiful cast of the moon shining over the water. It was beautiful and as you turned your gaze back to Seokjin, you were surprised to find him leaning his chin on his hand as he watched you.
"Your eyes are sparkling," he said, an almost serene smile on his lips.
In more proper light, you could make out his features more. He had wide shoulders, pretty, plump lips and flawless skin. His eyes were sparkling as well, the dark irises looking like stars were shining within them.
"Would you like to start eating?" he asked, reaching across the table to place his hand over yours. His skin was soft and warm and it made you smile as you nodded.
Dinner was a blur, he had a few dishes available to choose from since he didn't know exactly what you would like. You chose the steak, which seemed to make Seokjin quite happy as he ordered the same thing.
You could see where his romantic title came from as he reached across the table to feed you a couple bites every once in a while. Once the main course was over, the two of you shared a strawberry cheesecake slice after he lit the candle at the end of the table.
You had a good laugh when he failed to light it a few times because the breeze kept blowing it out.
"Now, the next portion of our date I'll admit...it's a little lame," he confessed sheepishly as he walked you back to the car.
"Oh?" you climbed into the seat after he opened the door for you.
"We're going to head back to Club Ardor, drink, and watch movies," he said, turning the key in the ignition.
"It's not lame," you giggled, resting your head back on the seat, "I think it's a great way to unwind."
"I'm glad you feel that way," he said, sounding relieved.
When you finally pulled back up to Club Ardor, Seokjin was blasting music and singing obnoxiously to it. You had your hand over your mouth to keep from laughing too much. Every once in a while, he'd take a look at you and end up laughing midway through his singing.
He pulled into the garage and pulled into a parking spot that had his name on a sign in front of it.
There was a door that he had to scan a card to unlock which led into what appeared to be a lounge room. He didn't waste any time in clicking the button to call the elevator.
Seokjin was comfortable. He had such a calm, relaxing demeanor that it put you at ease.
The two of you sat on the couch and clinked your glasses together before you both downed the shot he had poured. You cringed as it burned going down your throat, leaving a horrible taste in your mouth.
A bit of a lightweight, it didn't take much to get you tipsy and soon you were both losing it over some horrible movie he had accidentally picked.
"I swear it looked good in the previews!" he argued through laughter when you teased him about his choice.
"I'm picking the next one, you've lost movie-picking privileges!" you laughed, stealing the remote from his hands, making him gasp in shock.
He immediately began to try and get it back from you, his body pressed against yours. His perfume once again and it made your eyes flutter.
Pressed against the arm of the couch with Seokjin's body dangerously close to yours, you both paused. He met your eyes, seemingly searching for something in your gaze. As you searched his, you couldn't deny how...sad they looked.
Your breath began to quicken when his face slowly got closer to yours. You could feel his breath against your lips but before they could meet, he was pulling away. He took the remote with him and took his seat beside you once again, leaving you pressing your hand to your chest as your heart raced almost painfully.
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There was a terrifyingly loud alarm that rang throughout the room, making you jolt awake.
Looking at the clock, you were disgruntled to see that it was 7 in the morning. Sitting up, you realized you were in bed when you were positive you fell asleep with Seokjin on the couch.
"Hey," he said, making you jump as he suddenly appeared in the doorway, "It's 7am."
"I see that," you mumbled, sliding out of bed, still sleepy.
"Our 12 hours are up."
And just like that it was over.
However, Seokjin didn't leave your mind after that though. Even when you stepped into your apartment, you couldn't stop thinking about him.
Especially how you almost kissed.
You were, of course, aware that Club Ardor dates would occasionally participate in physical intimacy. You hadn't expected it to happen to though. You could still remember the way his scent wafted around you and how close his lips were to yours or that sad look in his eyes.
A week passed by quickly and painlessly. You fell back into a rhythm with work, giving vague replies to your boss when she asked about how it went.
Somehow, Seokjin kept slipping into your mind. You couldn't shake him.
A measly 12 hours with a man you had only just met, and he seemed to have invaded your very subconscious.
That day, after work, you decided to take a detour to a local bar. It wasn't a very big, popular bar but the people in your neighborhood frequented it quite often. The atmosphere was buzzing inside and you made to take a seat at the bar but paused when you spotted a figure you recognized. You blinked several times, making sure you weren't hallucinating him.
"Seokjin?" you asked, making him jump.
His head snapped over to look at you, his eyes wide. He took you in for a second before his face morphed into confusion.
"What're you doing here? How'd you know I was here?" he sounded defensive and it made you frown, shaking your head.
"I live in the apartment complex down the street, I stopped here after work for a nice Friday drink," you motioned to your work attire and he seemed to relax. Part of you was offended that he thought you were some kind of stalker but you supposed in his line of work, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
He was drinking a beer slowly, seemingly lost in his own little world as he turned away from you. You got the hint, and went to walk away from him but you stopped when he called your name.
"Um...why don't you sit with me?" he asked, motioning to the empty stool beside him.
You were relieved he asked you to join him because that's all you wanted. You took the seat and he ordered you a drink, for which you thanked him. Being in his presence again felt nice and you already began to relax.
It seemed Seokjin had been drinking there for a while. His face was a little red and he was openly giggly and friendly -- a complete difference than what he was when you first sat him sitting there.
Time flew by with him but eventually you realized it had gotten dark outside and you'd stayed far longer than you had intended.
"I really need to be going," you sighed, the words painful as they slipped out of your mouth. You didn't want to leave him, you'd thought about him so long.
"Wait!" he cried, grabbing a hold of your blouse sleeve, effectively halting you.
"What is it?" you asked, alarmed by the saddened look on his face.
"I...Can't you stay?" he asked, voice soft.
"I...I really need to get home...I've got some reports to go over for work..." you explained, wincing when you watched him visibly deflate, "You...you can come over, if you want?"
"Really?" he looked hopeful again as he hopped off the stool.
He wobbled a bit and you laughed, reaching out to steady him even though you were a little tipsy yourself.
The two of you walked outside, the cool night air hitting your heated skin and making you shiver.
"I really...I'm not supposed to go home with clients..." he mumbled, as if talking to himself, "But I guess you're not technically a client anymore, right?"
You chuckled, cheeks burning when he pulled you close against him, "I guess I'm not."
"Yeah, so it's fine!" he chuckled.
Once the two of you stepped into your apartment, things seemed to shift. He took a seat on the couch and relaxed.
It gave you a moment to take him in; he wore jeans and a t-shirt, looking even better in casual clothes than he did in formal wear.
"Do you want some hot chocolate?" you asked suddenly, unable to hold back your smile when he visibly perked up, "I'll make you some."
You disappeared into the kitchen, letting out a deep breath as you realized your heart was racing. Seokjin seemed to have the effect. He didn't even do anything and he had you flustered.
You heated up some milk in the microwave, not wanting to bother with stove top. Pouring the powder into the cup you stood and waited for the milk to be done.
Before it could finish, you felt a presence behind you that had you jumping out of your skin. Turning around, you were face to face with Seokjin's incredible visage. His brown eyes were wide, almost curious and a smile lingered on his pretty lips.
You subconsciously licked your own lips and you swear your saw his own eyes drop to your lips. The energy was tense between the two of you and his perfume was permeating off of him once again. Seokjin opened his mouth to say something but before he could the microwave beeped.
The spell was broken and he backed off, wandering back into the kitchen as you began to mix the powder and milk in the cup.
You took a seat beside him, handing him the cup before turning the TV on. The two of you relaxed, you pulled your throw blanket over you shoulders as Seokjin sipped on his hot chocolate.
As you watched him, you couldn't help but find him cute.
"Hey Seokjin?" you asked, earning a hum from him, "How come you work at Club Ardor?"
"Why do you ask that?" he questioned, frowning as he sat up straighter.
You followed suit, shrugging your shoulders, "I mean surely being a date-for-hire wasn't the job you dreamed of," your words brought a smile to his face and he let out a soft chuckle, "Plus, you're crazy good looking, funny, and charming...I'd expect someone like you to be a model or something."
"Well...thanks..." he smiled, cheeks a little red, "To tell you the truth...I've dated quite a bit but..." he seemed to deflate as he spoke, "It never worked out, they all just wanted me for my money and looks."
"How shallow..." you sighed, shaking your head in dismay.
"Eventually, I just decided to stop trying but...if I'm honest I get so lonely," his confession made you frown, "But I just...don't want to be open to anyone so...this job makes me feel loved, even if it's fake."
"You won't even try to find a girlfriend again or something?" you asked, pained at the idea of him just giving up.
He shook his head, "No one ever wants me for me. Do you think I haven't tried my hardest? It never works, I'm sick of feeling left like I'm worth less than I am."
"Seokjin..." you muttered, reaching over to place your hand over his that was curled up in a fist on his knee, "You...deserve to have someone genuinely love you. It seems impossible but...it can't be like this forever. Someone will come along that will see you for you but you can't just...shut down. You should keep trying," you squeezed his hand, feeling it relax from the fist, "Maybe you've been dating the wrong women!"
"You're right," he mumbled, surprising you, "I think someone more like you is my type."
It took a second for those words to sink in,"Wha--" you shook your head, letting out a soft laugh, "Don't tease me like that!"
"No, I really mean it, _____," he whispered, meeting your gaze. It held such conviction and sincerity that you felt your heart speed up, "I think you're beautiful and you're so sincere. When we had our date," he paused after saying the word before sighing, "I had never wanted to kiss or touch someone more than I wanted to with you. You are absolutely captivating and you don't even know it."
He shifted on the couch, turning to face his body towards you. Your proximity was closer than you expected once he faced you, if you leaned in just a bit more your noses would touch.
The tension between you rose, something hot building that neither of you could deny.
Then, his lips were on yours -- soft and warm with the taste of hot chocolate lingering on them. It wasn't even a thought to hesitate, you were immediately returning the kiss.
It became more heated as the seconds ticked by. You found yourself pinned to the couch with him above you, never breaking the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. Whimpering, you felt a shiver go down your spine when he softly nipped at your bottom lip.
When you pulled away, there was a minuscule thread of saliva connecting your lips. Once you met his heated gaze, you both knew what the other wanted.
The walk to the bedroom was a blur of shared kisses and wandering hands pushing clothes off. By the time you were pinned to the bed, you were both naked. 
Seokjin's pretty, plump lips found purchase on your neck, making you shiver as his breath fanned over the sensitive skin. Kisses trailed down to your chest, over your collarbones and sternum before reaching the gentle swell of your breasts. 
Your chest rose as you inhaled sharply at the feeling of his warm lips enveloping a perked nipple. His fingers caressed your skin so delicately you could almost miss it completely  
His digits dipped between your thighs to find your folds already wet. He groaned, lightly grazing his teeth against your nipple before looking up at you through his lashes.
“All this because of some kissing?” he teased, making your cheeks burn.
He huffed a laugh and moved to take your other nipple into his mouth. At that same moment, his fingers parted your folds and found your clit. You gasped, spreading your legs further for his access. 
His digits were skilled and graceful, circling your clit to make you whimper before dipping into your entrance. His fingers were long and found your sweet spot quickly, chuckling when your hips twitched upwards at the stimulation. 
He sat up, pulling away from you as he sat back on his heels. His fingers were still inside you and he eagerly watched the way your entrance stretched to accommodate his two — three fingers. 
Your eyes fluttered, rolling back in your head as he fucked you with his fingers. As a result, you missed him wrapping his left hand around his own cock, biting his lip as he finally got the stimulant he needed. 
Precum dripped down his shaft and he eagerly used it to lubricate his movements. He scissored his fingers inside you, making sure you were stretched enough to take him. 
When he pulled out, you whined at how empty you felt. 
“Have you got a condom?” he breathed, tightening his fist around his cock when you reached into your bedside drawer and pulled one out. 
You settled back, spreading your legs once again. He groaned, shuffling forward to cover your body with his. Your eyes met as the tip of this cock kissed your entrance. 
Both your mouths fell open as he sunk into you. Your tight walls squeezed him so wonderfully that he groaned. He stretched you open even more than his fingers had, giving you that wonderful burn you needed. 
He met your lips in a sweet kiss as he angled his hips toward your sweet spot. You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to ground you as the pleasure ran rampant. He hissed, cock twitching at the sting of your nails on his back. 
His pelvic bone ground against your clit every time he sunk in, edging you closer and closer to release. Seokjin could feel the way you fluttered around him and he groaned.
Sliding a hand between your bodies, he circled the bud until you arched with a cry of pleasure. 
He eased you through the high, grinning when you trembled through the overstimulation. Finally, he slowed to a stop and pulled out. You whimpered, feeling your hole clench around nothing. 
“Roll over,” he breathed, cupping your hip to urge you onto your front.
With your face buried in the pillow and your ass in the air, you looked like a delectable treat for him. Standing on his knees, he sunk his cock back into your cunt. 
You both groaned. The angle had him hitting your spot with painful accuracy. You cried out, muffled in the fabric of the pillow, as he fucked you into even more overstimulation. Your recent orgasm had you much more sensitive and this position allowed him to abuse that. 
An almost sadistic grin crossed over his face as he enjoyed the little cries and whimpers you released the harder he fucked his cock into you. 
Reaching down, he tangled his hand in your hair. You gasped as he tugged until you were up on your knees as well. Your back was against his chest and you could feel him panting against your neck.
His lips found the junction of your neck and shoulder, nipping at the skin there. Your walls fluttered around him and he released your hair to reach around and cup your breast. 
“Fuck,” you gasped as he pinched your nipple, making your eyes roll back in your head.
“What is it, baby?” he groaned, the pet name making you flutter around him again. 
“M-Make me cum, please,” you begging, making him groan once more.
He didn't say anything further, simply slid his hand down your body until he found your swollen clit. The second his fingers touched the bud, you clenched tight around him in sensitivity. 
He circled the bud until you were trembling and gushing around him. You cried out his name as pleasure coursed through your body from your high. Seokjin didn't stop circling your clit and fucking his cock into your spasming walls until you were near tears.
He finally let you fall back down to the bed and began to chase his own high. He spread your ass cheeks apart, getting a good view of the way your cunt tried to suck him back in on every out stroke. The sight made him groan. 
It took you deliberately squeezing tightly around him tightly for him to cum. It was sudden and knocked the air out of him. He gripped your hips tightly as he spilled into the condom, his cock twitching the entire time.
Everything was still for several seconds before he pulled out. 
You rolled over to lay on your side as Seokjin got up and went into the bathroom. He came out a moment later with a wet cloth that he used to clean your thighs and folds with, laughing when you playfully smacked his shoulder from the oversensitivity. 
He finally crawled into the bed, the two of you wiggling until you were comfortable. 
You laid with Seokjin's chest beneath your head, the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat the only thing you heard. His hand softly combed through your hair and you smiled.
"This...This is what I've been needing for so long," he whispered, "No one trying to get something out of being with me. Just a sincere...caring touch."
"This is what you deserve, Seokjin," you sitting up to look at him. His hair was messed up in an adorable way that made you smile, "You can have so much more if you just...open yourself to it again."
Seokjin's gaze turns glassy as he opened his mouth to speak, "I'm just...scared."
Your heart ached when you saw a tear trickle from his eye. Reaching up, you swiped it away, "I know but...you deserve to be loved, Seokjin."
He didn't reply, simply reaching up to pull you back down into his arms. You held him in return, running your fingertips over his skin until you felt him relax as sleep finally overcame him. Adjusting yourself more comfortably, you let yourself fall asleep in his arms.
You opened your eyes to the morning sun shining into your bedroom. You licked your lips as your mouth felt dry and moved to sit up. As you did, you remembered what happened last night.
Looking beside you, you realized he wasn't in bed and the sheets were cold. Standing up, you wrapped your fuzzy robe around you and crept out of the bedroom.
"Seokjin?" you called, frowning when you received no reply.
Your heart was pounding as you made a round around the apartment to see if he left a note of anything. When you couldn't find anything, you returned to your bedroom to pick up your phone.
You froze, realizing you never actually got his phone number. You'd only communicated through the Club Ardor app.
Clicking on the icon, you waited for it to load.
Instead of being brought to your profile, you reached a page with a simple notice on it.
"Your date has filed a report, you are now blocked from using the Club Ardor service. If further contact is attempted, Club Ardor will be forced to take legal matters."
You stared at your phone for several seconds.
Everything that happened flashed through your mind -- the way he kissed you and confessed his feelings of loneliness and hurt to you. You wondered if any of it was true. Were you a game to him?
Your view of the notice on your screen became blurry as you realized you would never know.
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3K notes · View notes
yacoka · 3 years
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──⊱ for my one and only, wee to my woo, love of my life — @doughnuts-5ever
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pairing — kuroo tetsurou x reader
genre — angst but it ends very fluffily i swear on my doggie socks
beta(s) — @sugasugawarau @taiyaki 
kisses — hello i am,,, not back,, but here's a little thing that i did for my cow and it might as well be a valentine's day fic bc why not xoxo see y'all in a few days (psps sorry to everyone to has messaged me on discord or here or anything, i haven't been on tumblr or discord in a bit i'll be back sOON)
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You sat at the dinner table, staring down at the meal laid out before you. It was by far the best thing you had ever tasted, and yet, it was bland. So, so bland and bitter, that you hated it. Nevermind that it was your favorite dish made by your mother the other day, nevermind that you always loved it better as leftovers. It tasted bland and bitter, and you couldn’t help but wish what he was eating tonight was too.
It was pathetically selfish of you - you knew. But how could you not feel that way when the man you loved was out on a date with some stranger he met on the internet? He had left the house in a burgundy button up that looked like it was made for him, paired with black slacks that made him look like it should be illegal for him to be out in the streets without a warning sign.
It was his first attempt at online dating after having miserably failed at picking up girls from school. And now here he was, out with some chick with a name you could barely pronounce, and the stereotypical description of her bubbly personality that loved nature and volunteered at the animal shelter. Oh, and lets not forget, she’s a gemini!
You rolled your eyes, stabbing your fork into the now cold dish. Stupid boy, with his stupid date, with that stupid red shirt, and with his stupid personality.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. That’s what you were for falling in love with a boy who never saw you for more than another pity project, the pathetic little thing that needed friends but never had any guts to make one until he came along.
You picked up the container of food and stalked over to the bin, dropping its contents into it. You weren’t going to eat it anyways, especially not after how you had  massacred it.
After you left the dirty container in the sink, you flopped onto the couch, sighing heavily as you sank into the worn sofa. It smelled like Kuroo’s body soap, though from the amount of time he’s spent lying on this couch, it was to be expected.
You leaned forward, hand outstretched for the remote. Just a little further, a little more-
The door slammed open and you lurched forward, landing on the ground with a thud.
“It was horrible. She came into the restaurant and she looked amazing, but then we started talking and oh god, I don’t think I can be with someone who thinks that only the rich should be allowed to do whatever they want just because they’re rich.”
“Well hello to you too, Kuroo,” you grumbled from your spot on the floor, flipping yourself over to face the ceiling.
He jumped over the sofa arm, landing perfectly on it like he always does.
“I mean, how can I accept that? That’s just morally wrong and if her basic morals are wrong, what about other more important things? I walked out right after that, that doesn’t make me an asshole right?” His head popped out, brown eyes staring down at you. The cologne he wore tonight drifted down, washing over you and clouding your mind with its deliciously warm and thick and-
“I mean I did pay for the meal before I left,” he mutters, dropping his head onto the cushion, voice muffled slightly by it. “So it counters the fact that I left, right?”
The sigh that begs to pull its way out is caught by you, stuffed into the depths of your stomach in exchange for a soft pat on his head and words you know he wants to hear.
“No, you’re not an asshole. Maybe that was an asshole move, but that doesn’t make you one. Besides, her lack of a moral compass cancels out any asshole you might’ve been.” You combed through his hair, drawing it out of the careful style he had forced his bed head into. “This hairstyle though? It makes you look like an extreme asshole.”
Kuroo scoffed indignantly and his head popped back over the edge once more, brown eyes glaring at you. “I worked hard on this!”
“Doesn’t make you look any less of an ass.”
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“The date was incredible.” He sighed dreamily, leaning against the counter with his chin in his hand. The temptation to throw your fork at him increased, and it took every sane cell in your body to set it down on the table instead, albeit rougher than you intended.
If Kuroo noticed your intensity, he didn’t mention it, instead continuing on to sigh and gush about the wonderful date he had last night with this amazing woman at this delicious place.
For someone who was incredibly perceptive, he could be incredibly dense as well. You wonder at his obliviousness to your feelings, to the poorly concealed hurt that peeked through in every little move of your body.
All you wanted to do was scream at him, to wake up, open his eyes, and see you.
You, who had been there since the beginning, who had watched him grow from the shy, introverted kid to this cunning, charismatic man who excelled and went beyond what had been expected of him. You, who had seen him at his worst, and still stayed, patching him up and helping him to his feet. You, who knew who he was to the core, every detail, every fact about him.
But it seemed he didn’t know you as well.
“That’s great,” you interrupt him. He glanced at you, surprised by your abruptness. “I gotta go get some work done, I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning.”
“Wait, did I do something wrong?” He called after your retreating back. “Hey, I’m sorry if I pissed you off.”
“No, it’s nothing!” You slammed the door shut, slumping against it. God, you were a fool to have fallen for an idiot. Dashing away the burning tears that slip down your cheeks, you gathered just enough strength to crawl beneath onto your bed and beneath the covers.
The cat plushie he got you a long time ago sits at the bottom of your bed, staring at you. You glared at it, before giving in and grabbing it, tucking it into your chest. Stupid Kuroo with his stupid face and this stupid cat. You hate him so much.
(No, you don’t, you really don’t. And it hurts so much more to know that.)
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You’re back here once more, glaring daggers at the clock. The slow ticking of the hands pisses you off, every second gone is a second more Kuroo’s out there, with another girl, on another date. With the number of bad first dates he’s gone one, you’d think he’d give up. But no, this man was persistent, and he wanted to “experience life!”
Well, he was going to experience death soon if he didn’t come back home soon. Your vigil continued, all the way till three am where you gave up and went to bed, your exhaustion outweighing your annoyance and worry. He’s a grown man, there was no need to worry about him.
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Honestly, you didn’t know how you got here. To this suffocating silence that rested upon your chest, pinning you down as you listened to the sounds of cars rushing past and the occasional laughter that seeped through the walls. To where you spent your nights alone in your shared apartment, waiting for Kuroo to come home from yet another date. Like some married person waiting on their cheating husband, you smiled bitterly at the ceiling.
Only you weren’t married to him, and you certainly weren't his anything.
If only you were less of a fool, you might’ve moved on long ago. Maybe you might have even found someone who might be just as in love with you as you were with them. You might have already been in a happy relationship, going out on dates, spending your nights with them, being loved. But you were a fool, a fool in love with another fool.
So you continued to lie there, the infinite weight of your one-sided love pressing you into the ground, holding you prisoner to Kuroo Tetsurou.
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“Hey, do you wanna go get dinner?” Kuroo called out. “There’s nothing left in the fridge, maybe we could get groceries after.”
You ignored him, focusing on the dimly lit screen of your phone. There hadn't been a proper conversation with him in a while, and you were content to leave it that way if only it meant you didn’t have to hear about his dates with those seemingly perfect women and their seemingly perfect food.
Kuroo called out once more, and you burrowed beneath the blanket, curling up into a ball.
No, you did not want to get dinner with the man you’re so desperately in love with it almost hurts to even breathe in his presence.
The door creaked open, and you could see his shadow stretch out across your bedroom floor, casting its shape upon your walls. It took everything in you to tear your eyes away from it and back onto your phone, though it lingered in your peripheral, taunting you with the way it twisted and leaned closer to you, the scent of his cologne growing stronger by the second, until it almost felt like he wa-
“Why are you ignoring me?” Kuroo whined into your ear as he draped his body over yours, strands of inky hair tickling your cheek.
“Ku-roo-” you gasped out, fighting to twist your body out from under him. “Can’t- bre-breathe.”
He groaned into your ear, dropping even more pressure down. “Don’t care, you ignored me.” He sulked as he burrowed his head into the crook of your neck.
A blind kick to his legs has him flopping off you, spread eagle on your too tiny bed.
“You’re too heavy to be pulling this crap,” you snapped at him.
“And you’re too old to be ignoring me when something’s wrong,” he shot back just as fast, and you were left stunned. To be fair, you should have expected it, Kuroo being one of the most perceptive people you’ve ever met.
(Not perceptive enough to see the deep feelings you harbored for him though.)
“So what’s wrong?”
‘Everything,’ you wanted to scream. ‘You, those stupid dates, my feelings, every god damned thing on earth.’
Instead, what came out was: “I’m just stressed. Work, you know?” You shot him an unconvincing smile.
Kuroo frowned, his lips pinching as he stared at you. He knew better than to push you though, and settled with a curt nod, a forced smile slipping onto his face. “So…. dinner?”
You sighed in exasperation, and let him yank you up and out of bed. The way his stiff smile melted into an easy, fond one was enough to wash away your hesitance, and temporarily dam up the river of doubts that threatened to drown you.
Just for tonight, you’ll enjoy his presence, before he gets caught up in another’s embrace.
(You let yourself get swept up in him again, chasing after the ebb of his warmth when his encompassing presence surges away from you. But you find that you don’t really mind drowning in him, not when the peak of the surf reveals such beautiful sights in the form of lazy smirks and sly hazel eyes.)
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It’s another failed date that sends him home in a fitted suit, one that you had turned your nose up at. Kuroo doesn’t understand what’s going wrong, why he never felt like the date was right. The people he had gone on dates with were nothing short of amazing, with the exception of a few. But they just lacked… something. And so he always leaves them with a grateful goodbye and an apologetic smile, returning home to the apartment he shared with you alone.
He’s spent nights and days trying to convince himself that they were an ideal candidate to date, listing out their positive notes to you, and somehow he can’t seem to find the thing that made him just click with them. It’s bordering on frustrating, really, and Kuroo is more than ready to relieve some of the building tension in his body by hanging out with you.
His entrance home is muffled by the sounds of music blasting through the apartment, and it’s a wonder the neighbours haven’t complained yet. He’s about to call out for you as he drops keys on the coffee table, one hand loosening his tie when he catches sight of you dancing in the kitchen.
And everything clicks in place.
It’s a stunning clarity that leaves him reeling, and he wonders how he could have missed it in the first place. It’s a simple truth: Kuroo Tetsurou was completely, utterly, irrevocably in love with you. And it only took him fifty bad first dates to realize that the only person he wanted to go on a date with was you.
Objectively speaking, you look like a complete mess, but to him, the sight of you twirling around in sock clad feet in an oversized shirt with a lame chemistry joke printed across it was infinitely better than any of the people he had gone on dates with. You’re absolutely perfect to him, yelling out lyrics to a song that’s blasting at full volume from the living room.
There isn’t a moment’s hesitation as he surges forward, a force tugging him to you. And like just like two opposing magnets, you spin around just in time for him to collide into you, his head hazy as his mouth crashes down upon yours.
You taste of leftover pizza and something sweet, and he thinks it might be the best damn thing he’s ever tasted. The shocked gasp that escapes you is swallowed by Kuroo as he deepens the kiss, arms winding around you to pull you impossibly closer. And he isn’t sure why he’s so surprised when you reciprocate the kiss, melting into him as your hands grip the lapels of his blazer.
It feels like an eternity spent wrapped around each other, the beat of the music matching the rhythm of your hearts, and the warmth of each other.
Kuroo pulls away first, only because rationality comes sinking back into his muddled brain, and there’s a brief moment of panic when he stares down at your flushed face, lips swollen from his sudden attack. But the absolute relief and love in your eyes has him calming down, and the soft peck you deliver next settles those doubts.
“It’s been you all this while,” his voice cracks, and he winces. “You’re my best friend, and I’m in love with you.”
The smile that breaks out across your face is everything he’s been looking for, and he feels like a fool for being so blind. You’re everything he’s wanted, and everything he’s needed.
“I’m in love with you.” He repeats louder, an incredulous laugh bubbling out of him. “I’m in love with you!”
“I’m in love with you too!” You yell back, and in his excitement, he can’t help but twirl you around, and you burst into giggles. There isn’t a better sound in the world than this, he thinks.
“Be mine.” He catches you by the shoulders, face alight with adoration.
“I’ve been yours for a long time now.” Your answer fills him with a rush of delight and guilt, and he’s ready to spill apologies and promises to make it up to you when you yank on his tie hard, pulling him into another kiss. Every unspoken word, every drop of emotion that has ever begged to be exchanged between you two is said with a simple kiss.
Kuroo thanks the heavens for you, for blessing his life with someone who is more than he deserves. The weight of you in his arms is a comforting pressure, and there he has his last first date, at the beginning of a new chapter in the story of him and you, eating leftovers and dancing to songs of your childhood.
He’s in love with you, and you are with him too.
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59 notes · View notes
The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 16: Sit Rep
Characters: Captain Logan “Sy” Syverson, various other original supporting/secondary characters (This includes Sy’s Army Buddies of varying rank as follows: Kevin Kaufmann, Nate Banning, Chad Randall, Matt Styles, Jake Ryburn, and Travis Hodges. I apologize if I’ve mixed up their names anywhere. I just gave them last names and sometimes rank so they could be called something other than their first names for sake of variety! lol!)
Summary: Sy meets up with his Army buddies and they are eager to help.
Romance and Smut Abound HERE!
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Language, firearms, implication of abuse and violence
Author’s Note: Guys, we are getting closer! Our couple will be back together soon! I can’t wait and I know most of you feel the same! I hope the strike team members aren’t too muddled and confusing. If they are, I’m very open to your feedback and suggestions on how to clarify and improve! Thank you to everyone, long time readers, and new fans picked up along the way! I cherish you all, and would never have gotten this far in the story if it wasn’t for each and every one of you! I hope you enjoy the 16th chapter (18th installment…remember when I thought this would just be a few chapters of fluff with a smutty conclusion? Lol!) of The treatment of Captain Syverson.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. This is an original work by me, Hannah. Please reblog if you wish to share. Please do not repost either in whole or part, as the work of anyone but myself. Thanks so much for reading!
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Sy sat in his truck in the parking lot of Cade's. He couldn't help but think about the last time he was here. The altercations with Elliott, both inside the bar and outside, the friendships he'd started to build with the other fellas in Shane's work group, the simple way Shane pulled off the elegance of minimalism with her wardrobe and makeup, the ride home…and the night of lovemaking that followed. He had made a mistake. He shouldn't have agreed to come tonight. He was gonna leave. His right hand reached for the keys in the ignition, a firm grip ready to set the engine roaring again, when he was startled by a rap at his window.
Tap-tappa-tap-tap his friend Kevin had just rhythmically knocked with one knuckle on the window. He was smiling and waving exuberantly, like a puppy whose master had just come home.
Sy's scowl softened into a sheepish grin and he knocked back tap-tap.  
Kevin waited near Sy's front fender while he got out of his truck.
"How ya doin' Kevin?" he greeted his old friend warmly.
"Alright, I s'pose! You?"
"Oh…I'm makin' it, I guess. What are you up to these days? Still workin' at the plant?" Kevin had worked for the 3M factory over in Lebanon, Missouri since his last tour. Sy knew if he just got him talking about his life, Sy wouldn't have to give him details about his own, which he was going to avoid like the plague, if he could tonight.
"Yup, I actually just got a promotion. I'm a line manager now." And Sy could barely congratulate him before he started delving into the details as the two men walked into Cade's.
It was already busy, even for a Friday night. But the rest of the guys had already claimed a table between the dart boards and the pool tables, and were working on a couple of pitchers of beer. The two were welcomed warmly and only slightly teased about walking in together.
With the group finally assembled, they began taking turns giving report on their lives. It began with Kevin, who, having already begun with Sy, continued with a brief recap for the others. Sy exhaled with relief when Matt, who was seated on the other side of Kevin piped up to speak next, having recently proposed to his long time girlfriend. They were going to get to him last, if at all. He listened as well as he could as he battled the troubled thoughts in his head by bombarding them with beer. Unbeknownst to him, his friend Nate, who'd organized the gathering, had been observing his behavior with curiosity, and a measure of concern. He didn't let Jake finish talking about his latest dalliance into what they were all sure was a pyramid scheme disguised as direct sales. Even though Jake insisted it was not.
"Well, I'm curious as to why Sy's been so tight-lipped all evening. What's on your mind, Captain?"
"Nothin' Nate. Just enjoying a few beers with old friends." Sy lied, not convincing anyone at the table, least of all Nate, who had been one of his closest friends while they were stationed together.
"If I wanted to hear bullshit, I'd have let Jake keep talking about the Duraplex scam."
"It's not a scam, guys, it's real supplements for busy people!" Jake defended.
"Can it, Hodges. We aren't buying it, and we aren't signing up to sell it, either." Nate focused again on Sy. "Come on, man. You told me on the phone you had a lot going on. What is it? Female troubles?" He snickered, as did the other guys.
Sy looked into his glass, through the foam and into the honey liquid below it with a rueful grin. "In a sense."
He took a huge drink of the beer, five gulps, nearly emptying it, fortifying himself to speak.
"My girlfriend is missing." Everyone froze in position as they processed this.
Half a dozen questions hit his ears at once. Which he could have handled if he hadn't had almost a full pitcher by himself.
He shut them down, and began to tell them the story of how he met Shane and their sort of whirlwind romance. He paused for a moment to pour himself another beer.
"Never heard you talk about a woman like that, Sy." His friend Chad piped up.
"Never felt this way before, man. She's…she's the one."
"You said she was missing, though?" Nate asked, brow furrowed in concern.
Sy continued, talking about their argument, reconciliation, and then his leaving for training, ending his briefing with the phone call he got from Shane's boss.
"That's fucked up, man." Matt said. "What are you gonna do about it?" His worry seemed genuine, as well, as if he was putting himself in Sy's shoes. Sy assumed because he had been in love with Tonya, his now fiancé since they were in high school, even though she didn't come around on him until he came home on leave one holiday weekend.
"I've already gone to the police with my statement and an idea for a prime suspect."
"You think she was kidnapped?" Brad Randall, who was a Sergeant for the Rolla Police Department, inquired.
"I personally have no doubts that she was kidnapped, and I am a hun'ert percent certain it was her shithead ex."
"And you don't think she's just…ghosted you?" Brad prompted. The thought put a painful tightness in Sy's chest, but it passed quickly. He knew she wouldn't do that. And not just to him.
"No way, man. She left her phone. She didn't tell work. She didn't even tell her parents. Shane takes her phone with her from room to room. She's glued to it. She'd never do that to her coworkers, who are practically family, and she'd certainly tell her parents if she was going to leave town for any amount of time. It's just…not her. I know her."
"And who's this ex? What's his deal? Why is he on the short list of suspects?"
"He IS the list, Brad. He was abusive when they were together. And a cheater. And a liar. And he tried to jump me right outside just a few weeks back. Ask Candace. She was behind the bar when he started getting in Shane's face up there. And I'd bet she saw what happened out in the parking lot, too." He gestured to the sporty blonde bartender with a high ponytail and a Cardinal's jersey when he mentioned her, and then pointed toward the windows looking out onto the dozen or more vehicles parked outside.
"Can we do anything?" Kevin asked, clamping a hand on Sy's shoulder.
"Nothin'. But I appreciate the offer, brother." And he returned the contact with a clap to the other man's shoulder.
Nate and Brad exchanged pointed looks, and Nate countered Sy's rejection.
"I wouldn't say THAT, Sy."
"What do you mean?" Sy looked at Nate as if he was pedaling snake oil…or Jake's supplements.
"I think…that we CAN do something. To help you find Shane."
"We all have military experience, and some of us have connections that could be very useful." Added Brad. "I'm on the Force. I can handle getting intel on the guy."
"I'm in to help with transpo." Matt Styles raised his hand to offer up the vehicles in his transportation service, Rydes with Styles. Sy hated when words were misspelled for the sake of gimmicks…but he had to give Matt credit for that one.
"And Travis and I still work at the base. We can arrange gear." Jake added as Travis nodded.
"And whatever else you need, I'm in too." Kevin concluded.
"No way, guys. You can't stick your necks out for me like that. I won't have it."
"Sy…You know I talked to Lopez after that last mission the two of you were on?" Travis met Sy's eye as he spoke. "He said you had your team carry out Kominski's body. And that you took on most of, and then all of his bodyweight, just so Freeman could cover everyone. Said you were hurt, yourself, but helped him, carried him, to your extraction point. Up several flights of stairs."
Sy had no response other than a blank stare. It seemed to say all it needed to, because Travis continued.
"Lopez is alive and the Kominski girls got to say a proper goodbye to David. Plus, that mission WAS a success because you got the target. I know it's still classified, but…I think we all know the significance of what you did by leading that mission. You didn't leave a man, living or dead, behind."
"And we aren't gonna let your girl get left behind, either. We're gonna take that sonofabitch out. Because what do we do?" Nate declared, ending with the call Sy had always used at the end of his mission briefs.
The whole table, including a reluctant Sy, recited “We embrace the darkness and the suffering.”
“And why do we do it?” Nate continued.
“So that our fellow man is free to live in peace." Sy looked around the table at all of these men he had served with, fought with, watched comrades fall with, and fought against tyranny with. He thought most of them could have come up with their own story about his role in their military time, but the mission Travis was talking about outlined what he figured was the most significant sacrifice he had ever made for a teammate.
"Well…I guess we need to come up with a plan, then." Sy smiled and finished off the beer in his glass before laying it out for the others.
Sy had given them all missions tailored to their own strengths and connections. Brad would gather all the info he could on Elliott. Matt would reserve vehicles. Jake and Travis would procure tactical gear for the team, and Nate…Nate would provide weapons. Pistols and blades. Ammo. Holsters. Even flash grenades and smoke bombs.
Cade's was too public to talk about their plans, so Sy told everyone to rendezvous at his house the very next afternoon. They sat around the patio table on his back deck while they waited for everyone to arrive. Jake was late.
"Well, I guess 'direct sales' waits for no man, and we can't wait for Ryburn anymore. Styles, report?" Sy commenced the meeting.
"I have three Suburbans that are only a couple years old. They're black, discreet, and all glass is tinted within an inch of it's life. Even the license plate covers. I'll make sure they're fueled and ready." Matt stated.
"Aces. Richardson?" Travis spoke up next.
"Yeah, Jake had to go in for a late shift last night after we met, but I talked to him. He's gonna get vests for everyone, eyewear, comms, the whole works. All rated for Black Ops. He told me a bit ago he was following up on a lead and was hoping it would pan out. Said he had a hunch." Travis shrugged, not certain what his friend was up to, but not that concerned.
"Sounds good. Randall?"
"I made up some dossiers for everyone that includes everything I could find on Thomas. He doesn't have a ton of priors. Mostly drunk and disorderly's that were thrown out, because he got the right representation and the wrong judge. He must have someone backing him, because I have no job on file for him. No employer has run a background on him in ten years. Last known address is from six years ago, when he filed a change of address from an apartment in the Cottage Hills complex to…407 Oak Street."
"That's Shane's address." Sy interjected. "He must not have changed it since she kicked him out."
"It seems so. But it's so weird. I don't see any credit cards, online orders, not even a Netflix account on the guy. He's totally fallen off the grid since Shane. I did get into some social media accounts, but he hasn't posted to anything in the last 18 months."
"Yeah, he was posting hot and heavy about this girl, Kara Hutch. 37. Lives over in Waynesville. But his last Facebook status just says, 'What a waste.' and 'feeling betrayed' and that was in February of last year."
"Hmm, do you think--" Sy was interrupted by the unexpectedly loud and abrupt sound of his front door flying open and Aika, with them on the deck, barking like they were about to be murdered. She was ready to kill whatever came through next. The men, all of them battle hardened veterans sporting conceal and carry permits, were out of their seats and in defensive stances in a fraction of a second. Aiming at an unseen enemy. A figure approached in the shadow of Sy's kitchen, arms raised and slowing as it saw several barrels aimed for its head and chest.
"Woah, woah, woah, guys it's me! It's Jake! Stand down!"
"Are you FUCKING INSANE, Corporal!?" Sy asked, reverting to Captain mode. "You just snuck up on and burst in on a group of soldiers. Do you comprehend how close you came to looking more like Swiss Cheese than a man, Ryburn?!" Sy scolded, fire in him rising, but more out of an angry concern for the friend they nearly shot.
"Sorry, sir, err, Sy. I was focused on getting here for my report." Jake said, out of breath.
"Travis already told us about the gear, Ryburn. You didn't need to bust in like that." Nate berated.
"Oh, guys. What I've got is way better than night vision devices. I might have an address for our guy."
"How in seven hells did YOU get an address?" Brad exclaimed, pride wounded as intel was his task.
"I know, dude, that was on you, but…I overheard a conversation when I was doing some work on equipment in the Air Traffic Control tower."
"What could you have possibly overheard in ATC?" Sy was incredulous.
"Do you want me to tell you, or would you like to keep screaming at me?"
Sy called Aika off and let Jake onto the deck, but the German Shepherd was still eyeing the corporal with marked skepticism.
"So I kept hearing this controller talking to the other girl at her station. She kept talking about her boyfriend…whose name was Elliott." Eyebrows went up all around the table. "Yeah, and he fit the description in every way. Physical appearance, textbook narcissism, the works. I went to the personnel office when I got done with the service call and told the attendant that the girl had helped me with my gear and I wanted to send her an email to thank her. She gave me a contact sheet on Sasha King. I looked her up on my lunchbreak, and found some photos of her with a guy I think might be Elliott." Jake showed Sy an image he'd saved to his phone. "Is this him?"
"Yup, that's the guy." Sy's blood was boiling again at the smiles on the couple's faces. He didn't deserve happiness. He didn't deserve a pretty girlfriend. He should die alone, starving for the love he deprived others. "You say you got an address?"
"Yeah, the gal in personnel printed me a full demo sheet. The only thing we don't have is a social." Sy noted the redacted 9-digit code in one corner of the document Jake had handed him. He read out loud. 3502 Highway D. St. Robert, MO.
"You boys feel up to a little recon tonight?" They all nodded, excitedly, patting Jake on the back, and high fiving him in congratulations on the invaluable find. Even Brad commended him on his detective skills and told him he'd have a job on the Force with him if he ever wanted a change. The corporal almost blushed.
The men went back into the house and through the front door to the driveway where they were all parked.
"Jake, you brought all the gear, too?"
"Sure did, Sy. There's vests, belts, NVDs and helmets to mount. There's plenty for everyone." Jake opened the back of his Jeep as if it were a buffet of delicious tactical equipment. Sy found among the gear a large case and opened it out of curiosity. A sound amplifier with headphones. That was going with him, as it appeared there was only one.
"I'll outfit everyone with guns and ammo later. But here are some tac knives, and three of each diversionary devices for each member of the team." Nate passed out packs with the blades, smoke grenades, and flash bombs.
"Okay, rendezvous at Matt's shop at 1800. We'll go over some procedures for the evening and get set up with the rest of our weaponry then. Okay?" General nods of ascent and "mmhmms" in confirmation of the plan came from the men. Sy continued, "Maybe get some rest between now and then. I don't know how long this is going to take."
Sy got to Matt's a little early. 1730. Nate showed up about ten minutes later and pulled in next to Sy, leaving the rear doors accessible to arm the team. The men got out of their vehicles and began double checking Nate's inventory.
"Nervous?" Nate said after exchanging the usual pleasantries.
"I didn't think I was. But just now, I got to thinking about what that…monster is doing to the love of my life. What he's putting her through, if he's even let her live. What are we going to come across when we get to this place?"
"You can't think like that. She's not Schrödinger's cat. You have to be positive here. This mission depends on your strength as a leader. You're gonna do great. And Shane is gonna be fine. We all will. Have a little faith, man." Nate patted Sy on the back in encouragement. Sy appreciated it. But he thought he might have to compartmentalize, instead. Think of this as just another mission. Forget that Shane was involved. Even if it wasn't healthy, it might at least be helpful.
Matt arrived soon after and waved at the two men as he pulled in on the other side of Nate. He got out and greeted his friends, all of them shooting the breeze and enfolding the others into the conversation as they got there. Kevin was the last to arrive, just before 1800, when the briefing commenced.
"So," Sy began, more timidly than was his usual way. "First, guys, I wanna say, I appreciate y'all so much for doing this. For putting in the time and the resources to help me and Shane. I owe y'all more than I can repay, but that doesn't mean I won't try. Within reason." He grinned and his friends chuckled.
"Now, we've got the comms set up. We'll be in each other's ears, so we can report in real time. I've looked up an aerial view of the farm on Google Earth, and there should be good cover for surveillance with the sound equipment and NVDs. I'll take point, Nate, you and Matt are with me. Kevin, you and Brad will flank the property on the left, Travis and Jake are going right. I'm hoping this will just be recon, but if I get wind of something I don't like, I may call for the strike. You guys will report anything you think looks fishy, and I will make that call with the intel I'm given. Now. When and if I make that call, we're gonna aim for disorientation and soft incapacitation. If you don't have to kill, don't. I don't know how much help this bastard has, but I know it would have taken several to take down Shane. It's not that I think any of them deserve to be spared, but…I don't want us to break up any families. We don't need the weight on our already heavy souls." War had changed them all, and Sy didn't want to make any more widows. "We good?"
Nods of approval from the men made Sy think he was looking at a military bobble head collection. He stifled a smile.
"Alright, lets get armed and ready, then Matt can take us to our chariots."
They were all mostly suited up, black or dark colors were the general uniform. They were ready for whatever might happen. As Nate handed out guns and ammo, the men examined their clips, loaded their guns, and put them in their holsters until needed…they hoped they wouldn't be.
When they were all set, they followed Matt to the huge garage he kept his fleet in.
Although, "garage" didn't quite do the building justice. It was actually an airplane hangar that Matt got for a good price when the local airline went under. He'd made a loft in it with a ramp so there was extra room for smaller vehicles like his town cars. The limos, SUVs, and the stretch Hummer were on the lower level. He had a separate space outside for the two party busses and the RV, protected from the elements by large carports.
Matt went to grab keys from the lock box as the men gathered near the Suburbans. Sy was getting angsty. Moment of truth was here.
"Okay," Matt jingled two sets of keys in his hands. "Who's driving?"
Kevin deferred to Brad without contest, but Jake and Travis were bickering over the question between them.
"Grow up or get married already." Sy chided. "Jake, you got the good intel for us yesterday. You drive."
Travis was mildly crestfallen, but Jake was stoked and he caught the keyring Matt tossed him.
"You wanna drive, Captain?" Matt offered Sy the last set of keys.
"No, Matt. You're driving our group. I'll take shotgun though."
And the seven men got into the vehicles as if they were mounting horses, headed into the sunset.
Over the comms on the way, Sy addressed the team. "Okay, there's a large outbuilding near the road, guys. Pull off the driveway and park behind that structure. Hopefully they'll hide the vehicles from the main house. Bravo and Charlie teams, you let Alpha team get in place before you take your positions."
"Roger that, Captain." Kevin said in the headset.
"We copy." Travis answered for himself and Jake.
The first phase of the mission went perfectly. Sy, Nate, and Matt were in position, and Sy had set up the sound amplifier, aiming it at the house, headphones on. When the other teams were in position, Matt reported to Sy, since he was getting feedback using the earpiece and the headphones for the amp at the same time.
"Bravo and Charlie teams are in place, Captain."
"Great. Sit Rep?"
"All's quiet so far. Wait. Headlights coming up the drive." Each team tried to make themselves as small and low as possible so as not to draw attention to their presence. Sy had been getting nothing but crime show drivel from the TV in the house since he got here.
A petite but curvy brunette got out of the white Honda Civic and stomped into the house.
"Hey babe." Elliott's unmistakable voice rang in Sy's ear. And he was filled to bursting with rage all over again.
"What the fuck, Elliott? I've been trying to call you for hours! What the hell have you been doing?"
"Oh, I was charging my phone in the bedroom. What's going on?"
"That Captain Syverson your little pet was banging? I found out today that he's back in town. Has been for a few days."
"Shit. Shit!!! SHIT!!!"
"Yeah, so…if he isn't already, it won't be long before he starts trying to find her."
"But…how could he? Even if he thought it was me, I have no official ties to this place, or even you!"
"You know what I mean."
"Whatever, but I'd get rid of her ASAP. This guy is NOT someone you wanna piss off, Elliott."
"I'll bring the guys in. We'll take care of it. Tonight."
Sy cussed in a loud whisper. He wanted to rip Elliott apart with his bare hands. Nate asked him what was wrong, but Sy held up a hand for him to remain quiet because he heard the scumbag inside on the phone.
"Yeah, it's me. Listen, change of plans, we need to do this tonight. Get everyone out here. Yes, immediately. There's a…potential complication. We need to take care of her before it becomes more. Yeah, she's weak, but I'm still gonna wait until you guys get here. She's still got some fight in her. She about took Jackson's eye out yesterday when he was  down there. He's got some wicked scratches on his face. I think he made her regret it, though." Elliott laughed with evil mirth. Sy was furious. He reckoned God Himself might have a time pulling him off that degenerate before he made him unrecognizable as a human man. Once he started punching him, he might not be able to stop.
When Elliott signed off, Sy pulled the earphones down onto his neck. He looked at Matt and Nate.
"He's planning something with Shane and has called in reinforcements. It sounds like he means to take her somewhere else, and it didn't sound like it was gonna be pretty. I think we need to go in now."
"Shit. Okay." Matt responded. Sy put his earpiece in and called on the rest of the team.
"Bravo and Charlie, do you copy?"
"Bravo copies." Kevin reported back.
"Charlie copies. Go ahead, Alpha." Travis cleared.
"Listen, boys. We need to go in, and we need to make it quick. Here’s the situation. We have one male and one female assailant inside the domicile, and an undetermined number of additional combatants en route to reinforce the enemy's line. We have one target. A female prisoner, presumably in the basement, given verbiage used in the communication I intercepted. Alpha team will make our priority extraction. Bravo, you will subdue the male assailant and then maintain sentry position on the lookout for more unfriendlies. Charlie team, you will clear the second level of the house and subdue the female combatant. She is a soldier, so proceed with extreme caution. Once the area is secure, drivers, go and retrieve the vehicles. We are gonna need to get out of here quick, or else things might go tits up. I'm concerned we'll lose the advantage of numbers if we wait too long. Are we clear?"
"Copy that, Alpha leader."
"Roger. On your count, cap."
Sy took a deep breath. Thought to himself "Shane. I'm on my way, baby!" He saw red, then. And called for the charge, out of the darkness, and into the farmhouse. To an uncertain outcome.
Up Next: Chapter 17-Gait Training
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mymelodyheart · 3 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You Chapter 5 ~Rollover Rollo~
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 Previously in Revelations and Snogs
"You want to see me again?" she teased, smiling.
"I dinnae even want to leave ye tonight."
She dropped her head down to hide the heat creeping up her face. "I'll see what's Annalise is up to and we'll take it from there. I'll either call you or send a message."
He placed a finger under her chin and tipped her face up. "Ye're not mad I kissed ye? I havenae forgotten yer rules about first dates."
Claire picked up the gift bags, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. And then she smiled. "I'm starting to believe the rules don't apply to you. Good night, Jamie." And with that, she turned around and walked towards the cottage without looking back, knowing full well Jamie was still stood there waiting for her until she'd safely made it to the house.
Once inside, she allowed herself to slide down to the floor and relived the memory of their first kiss. And she sat there for a very long time.
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
If you wish to read this from the beginning:
AO3 link
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    Yawning, he stretched himself until his joints popped. When he glanced at his bedside clock, he realised it was only seven a.m. As per usual, Jamie hardly slept a wink, but this time around, he didn't feel depleted nor on edge. If anything, he felt refreshed and energised. There was nowhere to rush to as his and his brother's business was closed for the holidays; nevertheless, he decided to get up and feed his dog, Rollo and get a few moments alone before the day started. 
Most nights, he'd wake up to his own cries, his body drenched in perspiration and he'd find himself on the floor on his knees, breathing heavily as the feeling of panic took over. Raw terror and uncontrollable fear would course through his body, blurring his surroundings and any coherent thoughts. His only primary focus would be to fight for air, attempting to slow his breathing as his heart furiously pounded out of rhythm, making it seem like it was about to explode in his chest. He didn't have any idea how long the attacks took, only that it happened most nights and in loud, overly-crowded places. 
Last night had been different though. Instead of visions of horrors that plagued his dreams, he'd tossed and turned in his bed thinking of Claire. Images of her and their night together preoccupied his mind causing all sorts of emotions to poke his heart. Unknowingly, she'd gently nudged his past out of him which was a rare occurrence, as he seldom talked about it to anyone other than his older brother. It had been so easy to confide, and it came as natural as breathing. In such a short time, she'd kindled something inside him he hadn't known breathed, and made him feel alive again. When she'd heard his story, there were none of the affected looks of horror or sympathy he'd expected, nor did she give him any special treatment. She'd shared her thoughts with a silent understanding and compassion and moved on as if she knew they were treading over a delicate subject. 
Shoving his duvet aside, Jamie padded to the bathroom and stepped into the shower, relishing the warm stinging spray on his skin. Minutes later, after towelling off, he put on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie. He hummed under his breath as he walked into the kitchen, knowing there was a lot to look forward to. Mainly spending time with Claire again. Feeling optimistic, he was grateful for the blessed respite from his night time terrors and counted himself lucky.
After all, he was the lucky one, wasn't he?
He was alive, and he'd dodged the bullets.
Simon MacKimmie hadn't. 
And he'd broken his promise.
He went over the scenario again, wondering if he'd just been a little quicker, shaving a few precious minutes, would Simon still be alive today?
As for his friend's wife, had he given up too soon on Laoghaire? He hadn't stayed around to find out and hear the rest of the story after the lass admitted to cheating. Maybe he should have talked to her and listened to her side of the account, instead of speculating why she did what she did. If he'd done that, would it have absolved him of his guilt?
He knew it was futile to keep rehashing the past events in his head. He'd already decided the best way forward was to embrace the natural process of grief and guilt even though his therapist wanted him to use every textbook solution that was out there and take the prescribed pills to dull the pain. He wasn't a fan of medication that you popped into the mouth and believed in a more organic healing approach which was why he came home to stay, surrounded by familiar faces in an environment he loved. Even if he would recover, he knew he couldn't go back to his old life as a part of him had died with Simon.
The sound of scrambling paws on the wooden floor brought him out of his reflections. His furry housemate and companion, Rollo, appeared around the corner and headed straight for him.
"Hiya mate, sae sorry was late last night." He patted the husky's head to smooth the white-grey fur, and in return, he got a gentle lick and prod with a wet snout to his hand. "I met a lass down at the pub and hardly noticed the time. Her name is Claire. I think ye'll like her."
Rollo's grey eyes flashed with understanding. "We'll go for a run later as soon as I know what she's up to. But first, coffee for me while ye go and do yer business."
Rollo cocked his head and nodded.
He opened the backdoor kitchen to let the dog out as a blast of chilly wind caused him to shiver, but Rollo only twitched his nose, barked twice, and ran off.
He laughed out loud at Rollo's outright joy of freedom, racing over to the grass to a favourite tree, and doing laps around the gnarled trunk and then disappearing behind the shed. A deep sense of peace settled over him as he closed the door behind him and turned on his coffee machine. His cottage might be small, and his yard less than half an acre, but he'd managed to create a home on his own terms.
Rollo had been Willie's idea after he was diagnosed with PTSD. His brother believed, human and animal bonding could help alleviate the aftermath of his trauma and aide with his healing. Willie was right. When Rollo had walked out of the rescue centre and into his arms, it had been love at first sight, and they'd been constant companions ever since. Rollo would soothe him when he had one of his episodes, the low whimper and touch of fur and wetness pressed against the side of his head calming him down in the dead of night. Laoghaire hadn't like the idea of the dog near her, but keeping Rollo was something he remained adamant about.
Jamie headed towards the pantry, grabbed a sack of dog food and filled the doggy bowl with biscuits, ready for when Rollo returned from his morning business. As he brought his coffee over to the table, he checked his phone. There were a few messages from his shinty teammates asking about Claire, probably prodded by their wives or girlfriends, eager to hear some juicy news to gossip about. 
He remembered catching some side-eyed looks as he and Claire had browsed through the stalls at the Christmas market last night and it was only a matter of time before everyone knew and started asking questions. When the phone rang, he quickly grabbed it. It was his brother-in-law, Ian.  Ah, fuck!  It meant Jenny must have heard.
Knowing there was no avoiding it, Jamie answered his phone. "Hey, aren't ye up way too early on holiday? How's the weather in the south of France?" 
Ian chuckled. "Never mind that. I'm calling to give ye a heads up."
"On what?" he asked casually, pretending not to know what Ian was on about as he sipped his coffee.
"Mary called Jenny last night, and they were on speaker, so heard the whole thing. Mary gave Jenny a rundown about the lassie ye were out with yesterday."
He ran a hand down his face. "Nosey git! Why does everyone have to know about my business or take an interest?"
"Aye, I said so too myself. Anyway, thought I'd let ye know. I told Jenny already no' to interfere with yer affairs, but ye ken what yer sister is like. She's worried about ye ..." Ian paused before letting out a sigh. "So go easy on her if she asks too many questions."
Jamie pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll be gentle, but I'm still telling her how it is. I'm a thirty-year-old man for God's sake, and I dinnae need her telling me how to run my life."
"Aye, I know. So, what's up with the lass?"
Jamie groaned. "Nought! I just met her last night. Went out for a few drinks and then I dropped her at Mrs Fitz's."
"Good. Like what ye said, it's naebody's business."
"Aye, remind yer wife that, please."
Ian laughed. "Telling her that would be like talking to a brick wall. Okay, got to go. I think Jenny just woke up. Talk soon ..."
The call ended.
Jamie let out a long breath. Jenny's friend must have mentioned about Claire being from London. His sister remembered only too well what had happened to him last time he was in a city. 
He'd been in Glasgow to visit a mate and was nearly in an accident after he had one of his episodes while crossing a junction. He'd fallen on to his knees, putting traffic into a standstill, while passersby thought he was just another city junkie, going off his nuts. He'd hoped his fits were behind him, but it seemed they lurked in the background like the monsters under the bed that had kept him up at night waiting for the right time to pounce. If it hadn't been for the kind middle-aged English man, called Harry, stopping to his aid, he wondered what would have happened. Harry had taken him to the hospital, called his family, took his number and then disappeared. 
Once in a while, he would get a call from Harry to check up on his well-being, but every time they talked, Jamie forgot to ask for the man's number, as it didn't show on his phone. It would have been good to know where the Englishman lived so he could send a Christmas card or a souvenir from Scotland. His parents had insisted on inviting Harry to Lallybroch, and every time he relayed the message, the man politely refused.
Jamie let out a resigned breath through his nose and refilled his cup with coffee. Jenny was right about one thing she'd kept on about to him. He wouldn't be able to survive in the city for more than a few hours. But where did that leave his chances of forging a relationship with Claire, the only woman to ever affect him the way she did? He was unsuitable for the outside world, and everyone in Broch Mordha knew it. 
He knew Claire was aware of their attraction by the way she often blushed at his teasing and subtly responded to his kiss last night but would that be enough to convince her to stay? Could she envision herself staying for an unforeseeable future to find out what it was between them? What would that mean for her career? Her dreams? It was early days yet, and they'd only just met. She was here until the Three Kings, and that's if she managed to persuade Annalise to stay and anything could happen between now and then.
He browsed the internet in his laptop, scanning through headline news and answering a few emails. After a while, he wondered where his dog was. Normally, he would be scratching at the door by now, wanting his breakfast. Maybe he got distracted by a critter and went off running across the field. He thought he'd give his dog a few more minutes and then he would go out and look. He had another cup of coffee and answered a few text messages all the while checking the time. He was just tying his running shoes when his phone chirped. He glanced at the screen and smiled.
Claire:  Good morning! If I woke you up, I'm terribly sorry. But I did say I would send you a message. So here I am texting you.
He quickly toed off his shoes, grabbed his coffee and went to the living room. Cup in his hand, he settled himself down on the sofa with a grin.
Jamie:  I'm up. May I call you? 
Claire:  Of course. 
He placed his coffee on the table, hit the phone icon and pressed the phone to his ear. "G'morning Sassenach. Did ye sleep well?" he asked when Claire picked up.
She groaned. "Not really. I might have over-indulged with the alcohol last night. I slept fitfully."
"Were ye thinking about the kiss?" He leaned back on the sofa, put his arm behind his head and smiled.
She didn't respond, but he heard something rustling. There must have been an eye-roll in the ensuing pause.
"Was it that bad, huh?"
"No! I ...was ... I'm sorry, I was trying to unwrap something. Anyway, Annalise hasn't shown up yet."
He knew she was trying to avoid the question and decided not to push. "Oh! Have ye tried calling her?"
"She called already, and she told me she's fine. She stayed in Lallybroch with Willie. She said no taxis were running late at night, and they hadn't noticed the time and your brother couldn't drive because he's had a bit to drink. From what I gathered, Lallybroch is your family home, right?"
That canny bastard!  Willie knew taxis didn't come to Lallybroch after ten p.m. and with his parents staying for the night at his aunt Jocasta's house and his sister and brother-in-law away on holiday in the south of France, Willie and Annalise had the manor house to themselves. "Aye, it is our family home," he finally answered. "It's where I grew up. Was Annalise annoyed?"
"Annoyed?" She sounded surprised. "Why should she be annoyed?"
"Weel, she was stuck in the middle of nowhere with my brother, and they've just met. I figured the situation might have unnerved her. "
"No, she wasn't annoyed. If anything, she sounded chipper and was quite chatty. She's normally a morning grump." And then she laughed. "I think having your driving licences sent to Geillis put her mind at ease and felt safe enough to go with your brother. As I did with you too." She said the last sentence almost shyly and quietly.
"I'm glad." Jamie let out a sigh of relief but not before he moved the phone away. He knew he would have been at a disadvantage if Annalise had been miffed about being stranded in Lallybroch. Not that his family's home was far, but it was slightly isolated from the village, and it was two and a half miles away. Without proper street lighting between Lallybroch and Broch Mordha and the temperatures freezing, it would have been an uncomfortable walk back. Fingers-crossed, he hoped Willie and Annalise were getting along fine because it would mean Claire's friend would agree to stay here for their holidays. "So what are yer plans today?"
"Hmmm ...let me see ..."
Her tone was playful, and he could envision a pretty blush creeping from her neck and fanning out to her face. "I hope I'm included in those plans."
"Don't fret. You are." He heard a smile in her voice. "I'm just waiting for Annalise to finally show her face, so I have a clear idea of how the day is supposed to pan out."
He grinned. "Good. Did Annalise tell you what they've been up to?"
"Oh, yes." Jamie heard shuffling in the background again and wondered if she was still in bed and what she was wearing. "She told me they had a quiet evening playing a board game and drinking red wine. Sounds like we had a more exciting evening."
"A board game?"
"Yes. It's funny, really when I think about it. Annalise is more likely to hang out in a crowded place until late. I can't believe she missed the karaoke that was posted in the pub. She loves to sing, and she really has a good voice and ..."
Grabbing his cup, he took a sip of coffee and cleared his throat. "What kind of board game?"
"Umm ...let me think. Annalise said it belongs to your sister and her husband and it sounded something like Monopoly. She said they played for hours."
He almost choked on his coffee.  Ah, fuck ...Willie!  
"You alright?"
"A-aye." He was glad Claire couldn't see the heat spreading across his face. "C-coffee went in the wrong passage," he managed to say.
She let out an adorable giggle, and he heard more shuffling and rustling sound on her end. "Anyway, she kind of explained it roughly and said it has cards and dice. So that's probably why I thought of Monopoly. Hey, maybe we could play it with them. What do you think?"
Ah, bloody hell!  "It's Monogamy ..." he wheezed, putting his cup down on the table and thumping his chest.
Ah, Jesus Christ!  Monogamy board game was a two-player game played by couples with raunchy questions and challenges. He'd found it one night in the hallway cupboard when his family had friends over and was looking for Trivial Pursuit for a night of indoor entertainment. It was hidden behind the stack of other games covered in cloth and labelled  "Jenny's and Ian's - Do Not Touch."  He hadn't realised Willie knew about it. The thought of him and Claire playing it made him hot. He wondered what Claire would think if she knew what it really was.
"Hang on a minute!" He took a few breaths and gulped down the rest of his drink. When he was sure his voice sounded normal again, he grabbed his phone and spoke. "Have ye had breakfast?" he asked, not bothering to answer Claire's question. "I can make us something in a jiffy. I haven't had anything to eat yet."
"Oh, thanks, but I'm having one right now with this handsome chap ..."
He jolted forward and straightened up. "I beg yer pardon?"  Is she teasing me, or is she having breakfast with another bloke while talking to me?
"Oh, um, I'm with a company, actually and I'm waiting for Mrs Fitz to see what we could do about this situation. You see, I got up early, and I read in one of Mrs Fitz's pamphlet, Baker's Dozen was open at seven. So I went for a walk and bought some croissants. On the way back, I met this gorgeous looking fella with the most beautiful grey eyes, and he looked hungry and was following me, so I invited him to have breakfast ..."
Are ye bloody kidding me?  "Ye cannae just invite someone ye dinnae ken to breakfast just because he looked hungry ..."
"Don't be daft ...he's a charming, cuddly, adorable looking boy."
"Sassenach ..." His voice sounded whiny to his ears.  Ah, fuck!  He wondered who she was having breakfast with, and his mind was already racing, trying to think who could possibly have followed Claire. When he couldn't think of anyone, he shot to his feet and started to shove them back into his running shoes. "I'm coming over right now."
"No, you're not."
"Why not?"
"I'm in my bathrobe."
His heart started to beat faster.  Is this woman who I happen to really like deliriously mad?  "Wh-what? Ye went to the baker's in yer bathrobe?"
"No, silly! It's too cold to be wandering about in a bathrobe. When I got back, I made myself comfortable and dressed down. I have a bath running and will take one soon. But meanwhile, I'm having a bit of breakfast. The water pressure here is not too great, and it's taking ages for the tub to fill up. Don't worry, my guest is very well behaved."
"Yeah, he occasionally likes to lick my hand but other than that, he's actually quite mild-mannered."
"Who's with ye, Sassenach?" he asked in a low voice, as he got up from the sofa and made his way to the kitchen. He looked out the window, and when he couldn't see Rollo, he began to grow suspicious.
"Hang on a minute, there's a tag attached to his collar. Umm ...let's see, what do we have here? His name is Rollo."
"That's my dog!"
She let out a throaty laugh. "Oh, that's fine then! I'll keep him with me until I'm done with my bath. And then I'll bring him over to you."
"Why didn't ye tell me it's a dog ye're with?"
"Did I not? I'm sorry I was distracted feeding him croissant with butter. I hope that's alright with you."
"I thought you were having breakfast with another man in yer bathrobe!" His voice held a slightly accusatory tone.
"Well, you thought wrong. So, you're alright with Rollo having croissant with butter? He seems to love it."
He counted backwards, starting from ten, and when he was done, he almost laughed out loud. Knowing Claire didn't mind having his dog around her, made him like her even more. "Aye, that's alright, Sassenach. A wee treat once in a while, never did him harm. Speaking of treats, I could use one too actually."
"What did you have in mind?"
"I'm coming over to tell ye." And then he hung up before she could respond and made a dash out of the door.
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      Dear Readers,
I hope you've enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it. I made a massive effort to finish it tonight as I really want certain parts of the story to coincide with Christmas. It was a huge challenge, but I got there in the end. The rest of this story is is outlined and ready to be written, and I'm quite excited about it. All I need is to make it come alive in my storytelling. I'm so chuffed about some certain elements (sorry not going to divulge) that I have come up with, I had a proper good girly squeal earlier. Now that I have said it, I hope I haven't set the expectation too high. Just needed to overshare my excitement. haha!
Anyway, thanks muchly for your feedback, kudos and love for the previous chapter. Sending you back best wishes and hope you're all well and healthy. Take care for now. x
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When Everyone Who Loves me Has Died
Read here on AO3!
"Everything is as it should be, yet here I am, still feeling like I’m missing something.”
“Like what?” Tim can’t remember the last time he saw Harley sit still and listen for so long without getting fidgety. Either she's learning self-control, or Tim's life is just really fucking depressing.
“Like...I don’t know.” Tim scratches his thumbnail against some dried paint, unable to feel the chill of the metal through his glove. “Everyone is back, but that doesn’t erase the fact that they were dead. That part still happened, regardless of whether they came back or not. It’s like—like burning a hole in a piece of paper and covering it with tape. It doesn’t heal anything.”
Whoever came up with the concept of mind over matter should be imprisoned for false advertising. Tim has been trying to get his mind over the matter for months now, and the matters are still very much gripping the steering wheel. If anything, his mind gave in and slid into the passenger seat, going along for the ride. Tim is sitting on a billboard platform, Lex Luthor’s ginormous bald self providing a nauseating backdrop as he advertises whatever world domination kick he’s on at the moment. Tim watches the cars go by on the highway, utterly indifferent to the tiny speck of a vigilante watching from above. His cowl is down, but he isn’t worried. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to spot him up here, civilian or otherwise. Besides, it gets harder and harder to breathe under the weight of the mask these days. He was supposed to be getting better. The days are coming in at longer intervals, which should be a relief. Days when he gets “dark and twisty” as Jason lovingly calls it, which isn’t too far off, Tim supposes. Something inside of him is definitely twisted, coiled into a furl of darkness where there used to be light. God, he needs therapy. He should be getting better. There is no logical reason to be feeling this way. Not anymore. Not when things are finally back where they should be after years of grief. Maybe something has been knocked loose in his brain, keeps him on this brink he can’t seem to sway to either side of. He’s not happy, but he’s not completely sad either. There’s no logic to it, no reason. No closure. Is this how ghosts feel? Like they’re straddling the in-between, stuck feeling like everything they have is just slightly out of reach? “Why the long face, kiddo?”
Tim is up in an instant, fumbling to pull his cowl back over his face. He raises his bo staff at the prowler, only to find Harley standing at the other end of the platform, her arms packed with reusable grocery bags. She’s wearing civilian clothes: a Nightwing tank top and leather pants that look like she doused them in glue and rolled around in a kiddie pool filled with glitter. Tim relaxes. He lowers his staff. “You shouldn’t do that. I could have knocked your head off.” “Nah, I’m too good to be taken down by a twelve-year-old.” “I’m eighteen.” “You sure? ‘Cause I could have sworn you were still in middle school.” “Hilarious.” “Thanks, I’ve been thinkin’ about doing some comedy on the side to pay the bills. Eddie says I’ve got a real knack for it.” Harley sits on the edge of the platform beside the spot where Tim was before. “I asked you a question, by the way.” “Bruce is going to kill me if he finds out I’m hanging out with you.” Fine, so that’s a minor exaggeration. Bruce will always have beef with Harley regardless of how many good deeds she does. Dick’s theory is that Bruce has some lingering bitterness from his and Harley’s rivalry from med school, and he probably isn’t too far off. The rest of the family is far looser when it comes to trusting Harley; Alfred even sent her a Hanukkah gift last year. “You and I both know Brucie is in Metropolis this week.” At Tim’s inquiring look, she explains, “My mom is friends with him on Facebook. So, are you gonna spill or what? ‘Cause I’ve got ice cream here and I swear to god I’ll fill your nostrils with tapioca if it melts.” Tim rolls his eyes. He lets his cowl fall back against his neck and sits beside Harley. “I’m fine.” “And that’s why you’re hanging out here all angsty-like?” “I’m not angsty.” “You’re the angstiest person on this fuckin’ billboard.” Which, fine, that’s probably true. “I don’t need a PHD to tell that something’s eating ya, kid. Which I do, by the way. Got the certificate and everything.” Tim gestures to her grocery bags. “I thought you had somewhere to be.” “What, these ol’ things? Nah. I just have a date with Pam-a-lamb tonight and had to borrow some supplies.” “Borrow?” “The manager there was a dick, anyways. He’s the one who got all snappy when I ate all the free samples, so trust me. He deserved to get his stuff stolen.” “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” “I’ll go back and return the thirty-seven scratch-offs I took if you tell me what’s bothering you.” Tim looks out over the black horizon, the moon barely visible behind the clouds. “It’s nothing.” “Everything is something. Gandhi said that.” “Pretty sure he didn’t.” “What, did you personally know the guy?” She nudges Tim with her elbow. “Well? Spit it out, Timberlake.” Tim lets out a breath. “It’s just...you know when you lose something really important to you? And you miss it, but after a while, when you’ve already accepted that you’ll never see it again, you find it? And you’re happy to have it back, but there’s still...something is missing. Almost like you never found it at all, you know?” “Not really, no.” Tim’s mouth twitches upward. “I’ve spent the past two years in mourning, but now I don’t have to mourn anymore. Everything is perfect again.” Harley arches an eyebrow. “Lemme guess, you don’t know why you still feel like you’re grieving?” Tim nods. “Small fry, that’s not a symptom. That’s normal for someone in your situation.” “No, it isn’t. I should be happy right now. I should—I should be the happiest I’ve ever been. I spent so long trying to make everything right again, and I did it. Conner is back. Bart is back. Bruce is back. Everything is as it should be, yet here I am, still feeling like I’m missing something.” “Like what?” Tim can’t remember the last time he saw Harley sit still and listen for so long without getting fidgety. Either she's learning self-control, or Tim's life is just really fucking depressing. “Like...I don’t know.” Tim scratches his thumbnail against some dried paint, unable to feel the chill of the metal through his glove. “Everyone is back, but that doesn’t erase the fact that they were dead. That part still happened, regardless of whether they came back or not. It’s like—like burning a hole in a piece of paper and covering it with tape. It doesn’t heal anything.” “Well, of course it doesn’t.” Tim looks at her, surprised. Harley’s eyes are serious for once, void of humor. “Having all your folks back doesn’t erase the fact that they were gone. Grief is what makes us human. Still feelin’ bad after everything is fixed just means you’re still working on it.” “That’s it?” Harley’s eyebrows furrow. “What’s it?” “I thought you were going to...I don’t know, crack open some huge revelation and make me realize it’s all in my head or something.” “I mean, it kind of is in your head.” Harley tugs on one pink pigtail. “Grief doesn’t come from your feet, Timantha.” “So...how do I fix it?” Harley shrugs, sitting back and swinging her legs in the air. “Fuck if I know. Go see a therapist or something?” Tim snorts. “I’d rather not.” “What, you got a prior engagement? Too busy for psychoanalysis?” “I can’t exactly go to a normal therapist and explain to them that all of my friends are superheroes and my dad is Batman.” “Hm. Point taken, bird boy.” Harley goes to boop his nose, but Tim swats her away. “Talk to me then. I’m a dandy good listener.” “Thanks, but I’m good.” “I’m serious. Got the license to practice and everything.” “I’m pretty sure psychology licenses expire once you’re imprisoned for terrorism.” “Well, jeez, go and insult me, why don’tcha? And after I offer my help like the good citizen I am.” She stands, picking up her shopping bag. Then she digs around in her pockets and comes out with a small white card. She hands it to Tim. Harley Quinn — hit(wo)man, psychiatrist, bounty hunter, dog walker, mercenary, finder of lost things, life coach. “And that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” she says with a wink. “I’m also considering goin’ into doggie makeovers.” “I don’t know,” Tim says. “I won’t go blabbing your information to Croc or no one, cross my heart. I strictly abide by the doctor/patient confidentiality rules.” A pause. “Most of the time.” Then she looks back at the billboard of Lex, looking for the world like a vengeful Mr. Clean god. “I’m sure he won’t tattle.” “I don’t think the Justice League would think very highly of one of their own getting therapy from an ex-supervillain.” “So? Fuck them, they’re a bunch of crusty old people anyway. Come on, think about it, Timberly. I’ll even give you the friends and family discount so long as you bring doughnuts when you visit. Teen angst makes me hungry.” Tim considers it for a moment, then sighs. “I’m free on Thursday afternoons.” Harley grins. “It’s a date, bird boy.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 5)
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Summary: Sam moves back to town and under Dean’s roof meanwhile the reader learns more about Dean’s hesitancy in certain areas of their relationship... 
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of accidents, PTSD, past sexual assault, injury
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Reader’s POV
“Uh…” you said the next morning as you found a strange man in the kitchen. He spun around and you recognized the face. “Sam?”
“Y/N,” he smiled. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you said. You walked over and he gave you a hug. “You get in town early for Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah, something like that. Dean said he might be out and to just let myself in,” he said. “Sorry, I thought I had the house to myself.”
“It’s fine,” you said, tugging Dean’s shirt down a little, grateful you at least had put a bralette on underneath. “He took my sister to an appointment. They should be back soon.”
“Cool,” he said as you went to make yourself a cup of coffee. “So um, I actually was going to surprise you guys today with some news. Well, you and Tessa.”
“What’s that?” you asked, grabbing your favorite mug.
“I’m moving back to Lawrence,” he said. 
“Really? That’s great. He misses you so much,” you said.
“Yeah. Got a job at the big firm downtown. McKluskey & Associates,” he said.
“I heard really good things about them, at least when I worked at Hawthorne I did.”
“Oh Hawthorne is the worst,” said Sam. “They dump paralegals all the time.”
“Yeah. I was one of them. But I’m doing really good at Dean’s office. I just finished my first certification so I get a little pay bump for that,” you said.
“Nice. I know he loves getting to pop in and see you during the day, even for a minute. You’re very cute in scrubs apparently,” chuckled Sam. “I actually was going to talk to you about this but um, I was going to see if I could move in here for a bit while I look for a place. Is that cool with you? It’s totally okay if you’re not. I get it if you and Dean want your own space.”
“I’d love for you to stay, Sam,” you said with a big smile. “I really would like to get to know Dean’s family, his real family.”
“I’d like to know his new family,” he said. You both turned when you heard the front door open, Tessa giggling.
“I don’t believe you old man.”
“I am thirty one you little shit,” laughed Dean. “I so have been skydiving!”
“He definitely has,” said Sam. Dean poked his head out from the foyer and gave you both a big smile. “Hey De.”
“Sammy! You managed to get those days off work early?” asked Dean. He slipped out of his boots and jacket, quickly walking into the kitchen with a bag in his hands. He set it down on the counter and gave his brother a hug, Sam shrugging. “What?”
“Got that new job. Starts next month. I was wondering if I might still be able to crash here with-”
“Of course,” said Dean, quickly looking at you.
“I already told him it was cool,” you said, Tessa slowly walking inside. She set her starbucks cup down on the counter and got out her breakfast burrito. “Tessa this is Sam. You’ve said hi to him once or twice on the phone.”
“Hi,” she said quietly, looking at Dean.
“Sammy would you mind giving us a real quick second alone?” asked Dean.
“No problem,” he said. He excused himself to the bathroom and you got out your breakfast from the bag, Dean giving Tessa a nod. “Go ahead.”
“I want to see a different therapist,” she said. You sat back and looked at Dean. “If that’s okay.”
“What happened today? I know Dean sat in on your session.”
“I didn’t particularly like some of the comments the doctor made,” said Dean. “Tessa’s eighteen, not five. I think she should start going to a doctor for adults. Tessa’s not been happy with him for awhile she mentioned. I have a colleague from my med school days that specializes in young adults.”
“Tessa why didn’t you tell me you don’t like the doctor.”
“Because you say I have to go no matter what,” she shrugged. “I know there were only a few that we could get covered too.”
“I have a new health plan and we’re definitely going to switch you over to somebody different,” you said.
“Dr. Ketch is good. I used to use him when I was around here,” said Sam, walking back inside. “I was gonna call him up myself, try to get a spot in again.”
“I was thinking of Arthur for Tessa actually,” said Dean.
“Why do you go to therapy?” she asked Sam.
“Lots of reasons,” he said. “Pretty sure everyone in this house has so no need to by shy about it.”
“I’ll call Arthur,” said Dean to you. “It’ll be better for her Y/N.”
“You’re the doctor,” you said. You unwrapped your food and started to eat, Dean digging into his own meal while Sam sucked on some kind of green smoothie.
“Are you like a health freak?” said Tessa with a mouthful of food. Sam sipped some more and shrugged. “Good. He won’t touch my ice cream.”
“Oh I love ice cream,” smirked Sam. “I wouldn’t count on it being safe around me.”
“Are you teasing me?” she asked.
“Am I?” said Sam, slurping his smoothie again. Dean rolled his eyes and whacked the back of Sam’s head. “Ow.”
“She’s tougher than you, Sammy. I’m sure you two will harass each other to death,” said Dean while he ate.
“Mhm,” he hummed as Toast ran in through the doggie door. “You have a dog!”
“Yeah. This is Toast,” said Tessa. She leaned down and unclipped his vest, Toast rushing over and sniffing Sam. “That’s Sam. Don’t let him eat my ice cream.”
Toast barked and Sam looked at her.
“His vest isn’t on. You can pet him,” she said. 
Ten minutes later Sam was in the backyard with Toast and Tessa, tossing around a ball and smiling like a little kid.
“Well we won’t have to worry about those two getting along I don’t think,” said Dean as you watched out the back window.
“I wasn’t too concerned. I know her sessions are private but what exactly happened today.”
“We talked a bit about how she feels about me being a part of your lives. She does like me, she cares about me even. But she’s still getting to used to sharing you with someone else. Tessa’s doing fine aside from an uptick in nightmares recently. Her doctor was very negative though. He doesn’t help her reframe things. I’m not a therapist but even I can do a much better job than he was. We talked after on the way to get breakfast and I think it’d be better for her to go to someone that helps her progress more, handle things on her own in healthy ways. Tell me to shove it if I crossed a line but it’s my honest opinion.”
“If Tessa thinks she wants to try a new doctor then I am all for it,” you said. “I’m glad you went with her after last night and everything.”
“She’s your sister...but…”
“I know. You watch her back and I’ll watch Sam’s?” you said. He smiled and nodded. “So I was thinking...you know how we were talking about that taking care of you thing last night?”
“Yes?” he said. “What’d you have in mind?”
“I was wondering if I couldn’t give you a little spa night tonight. A nice bath, massage, a fresh pie…”
“Mmm, that does sound nice,” he said. “But that sounds a bit extravagant.”
“Trust me?” you said. He threw his head back but sighed. “Good boy. You’ll love it. I promise.”
“How was your bath?” you asked that night, Dean’s skin all warm and soft as he laid on his belly in a pair of black boxer briefs in the bedroom.
“Nice. My skin feels all smooth. I should use the tub more often,” he hummed. 
“You definitely should. I’m gonna give you a back massage now, okay? I’m gonna use a bit of some special lotion with oil in it,” you said. 
“Go for it,” he said into his pillow. You straddled his back and squirted some lotion onto your hands, rubbing it in a bit before you put your hands on his back. You worked him slowly for a few minutes, Dean’s muscles tensed more than you realized. After a while he loosened up and you slid your hands to his lower back, Dean tensing once again. 
“You okay? I didn’t hurt anything?” you asked.
“I’m okay. Just don’t take off my underwear,” he said.
“I’m not going to. I’m almost done and then I’ll get your feet,” you said. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, Dean closing his eyes. He was still for the most part, his feet not too bad and his back was all dry by the time you told him he could roll over. He didn’t move though and you figured he was comfortable where he was.
You washed up your hands in the bathroom, whistling as you came out, the bedroom empty.
“Dean…” you said, the back door open. You stepped outside, Dean standing by the railing and looking at the backyard. “Dean it’s cold out.”
“I need a minute,” he said. You went inside, taking a seat on the bed, Dean coming inside a few moments later. He wouldn’t look in your direction and you took his hand when he crawled back on the bed. “Thank you for the massage. It felt very nice.”
“You’re welcome.”
He moved his hand away and you looked across the room. 
Only to have a pair of boxer briefs be dropped in your lap. You turned your head and Dean was laying back on the bed, naked, his face red. 
“Dean, what-”
“I’m not going to get over this if I don’t try and I don’t want to be scared of you so...there,” he said. You smiled and laid back, bringing your head over close to his. 
“Want me to get naked too?” you asked.
“No. I uh, think he’ll get excited down there and I’m not...ready for that,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, cuddling as close as you dared. You laid an arm over his waist and he eased, his fingers toying with your hair. “Proud of you.”
“You don’t even know what happened.”
“No but somebody hurt you so I know this is hard for you and I’m proud of you for facing your fears.”
“It’s not as bad as you think,” he said. “It was just...judgement free zone?”
“Always,” you said.
“I got stupid. I’d had a little too much. I let...I let the chick I was with tie my hands together, to the headboard at the motel we’d stumbled into. I shouldn’t have done that with a stranger. It was fun at first and everything and then I mentioned...fuck it, I said sometimes I like when a girl sticks a finger up there, like the tip when I’m getting a blowjob and it can feel good, you know?”
“I’ve met guys that like that. Nothing wrong with that,” you said, kissing his arm. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.
“I told her a tip of a finger. At most.”
“What happened?”
“She stuck a whole lot more than a tip in. Without prep. She didn’t care that I told her to stop. She did what she wanted after that and I was so freaked out and it hurt that I just...laid there until she was done and untied me and I never saw her again.”
“She assaulted you.”
“I did ask her to do it.”
“You asked for a tip of a finger, not whatever she did not to mention you said to stop. I don’t blame you one bit for being scared Dean.”
“I’m not scared of you,” he said. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, nuzzling his shoulder. “I’m just not ready for somebody else to touch me like that yet.”
“That is so okay,” you said. “I got you a little present.”
“I don’t need presents,” he said.
“I think you’ll like it. Stay right there,” he said. You got up and walked over to the closet, slipping inside and pulling out a bag. You carried it out to the bedroom, Dean sitting up on the bed.
“I hope you like it,” you said. You gave him the bag and he unwrapped it, smiling as he took out the new onesie and nice boxer briefs. “They’re supposed to be really soft and comfortable.”
“I love it, Y/N,” he said. “I’m gonna wear this thing like all day tomorrow.”
He took out the boxer briefs and tugged them on, smiling to himself.
“Oh wow, these are great. They’re so soft and comfy,” he said. He ran his hand over his thighs and nodded. “I know I’m okay with you. Give me a little more time is all.”
“Take all the time in the world. I don’t like you cause I want to have sex with you. I mean I do want to but it’s not why I want you,” you said as you sat back down.
“Why do you like me?” he asked. You shrugged and he tucked your hair behind your ear. “Cause I helped you guys out?”
“Because you’re kind...and you understand not being ready to be a parent...and you make me smile for the first time in two years. I missed being happy.”
“Me too,” he said. “I am very much down for a cuddle though.”
“That I can certainly do, Winchester.”
“Tessa…” you said as she was pulling on her boots by the front door the next afternoon. “Did you finish your history paper?”
“Yes,” she groaned. She put on her jacket and grabbed her purse. “Can I go? Hailey’s waiting.”
“Home by seven at the latest,” you said. “You have school in the morning.”
“I know,” she said, hooking up Toast into his vest and leash. “Later!”
“Have fun,” you said. She waved and took off with Toast, nearly knocking Sam off his feet as he came inside. “Careful, Tess.”
“Sorry, Sam,” she said, taking off with Toast outside. 
“No problem,” he said. You sighed and he chuckled, kicking off his sneakers. “That Tessa’s friend? Expensive car for a high schooler.”
“Hailey’s dad owns a string of car dealerships. Plus her mom’s a doctor so they’re kinda rolling in it,” you said.
“True. I’m in the market for something new myself. You’ll have to give me the name,” said Sam, padding into the kitchen for a drink.
“Anytime. We always got a friends and family discount. Maybe we can sneak that in for you,” you said. “By the way, what happened to Dean? I thought he was working out with you in the garage.”
“I think I went a little too hard for him,” chuckled Sam. “He was laying on the floor last I checked.”
“Try not to kill my boyfriend, Sam,” you said with a smile.
“I’ll do my best,” he said. “I was gonna apartment hunt this afternoon if you’re interested.”
“Why don’t you stay here a little longer?” you asked. “If you want.”
“I don’t want to get in your and Dean’s way. You moved in not long ago yourself. I’m sure you guys want your space.”
“We have a barely eighteen year old living with us that’s gonna be here for a long time. Space isn’t really an issue,” you said. “And that was...we needed to get out of our old house. You’re so not in the way.”
“I’ll hold off for a bit then,” said Sam with a nod. You smiled and went out to the garage, Dean laying on the floor with his eyes shut.
“You alive there?” you said as you squatted down and poked him.
“I am never, never, never, working out with that psychopath again,” he said. He peeled open an eye and you ruffled his sweaty hair. 
“Well I think Sam’s gonna stay here for awhile so you may have to suffer some more,” you said. 
“Really? Good. I’d like him to stay. I think he was concerned about getting in your guys way though.”
“We can share,” you said, wiping your wet hand on his shirt. “Plus you’re extra hot all sweaty like that.”
“Am I now?” he smirked.
“Yes. Sweat is how you cool off so you must be extra hot. I thought you were a doctor, Dean,” you teased. He rolled his eyes and ran his hand over his face, wiping it on your arm. “Gross!”
“If I had the energy I’d give you a noogie,” he said. He sat up and leaned forward, stretching himself out. “I didn’t realize I was out of shape.”
“You’re really not. Sam’s a skinny little rail and all muscle that’s into running and that high intensity stuff. I bet you can bench press more than Sam any day,” you said. 
“Yeah but he’s still pretty healthy. I am a doctor. I ought to practice what I preach.”
“Dean. You’re healthy and hot. I mean, work out with Sam if you want but don’t cause you think you have to, you know?”
“I know,” he said.
“Why don’t you do yoga with me tomorrow?” you asked. “It’s more fun than you think.”
“Sure,” he said as you helped him sit up. “I was thinking maybe once I’m not all sweaty I could…”
You both turned your heads as you heard a dog howling loudly. Your stomach dropped as Dean quickly got to his feet. He walked out of the garage and to the end of the driveway before he took off running.
“Call an ambulance!” he shouted back. You ran inside and looked for your phone, Sam watching you run around.
“Are you-”
“Sam give me your phone!” you shouted back. He took his from his pocket and tossed it at you, before you were rushing out to the garage. You jogged outside and to the end of the driveway, Sam already running down the street along with a few other people that were outside to the two cars that were smashed together a few blocks down.
You sprinted down, the voice on the other end of the phone saying help was already on the way.
“Tessa,” you said as you got up to the accident, Dean sitting with her and Hailey on the side of the road. She was crying hard, Dean holding onto her but he gave you a smile. 
“She’s okay. Few bumps,” he said. You became aware of the dog whimpering and turned around, Sam helping get Toast out of the backseat. He was hurt, badly from the looks of it. “Y/N. Take Tessa and I’d call Hailey’s parents too. Tell the paramedics and any doctors she sees about the previous accident, medications, the seizures, all of that, okay?”
“Okay,” you said as you sat and he stood. “Where-”
“I got my own patient,” he said as he took off his shirt. He tossed it to Sam who started using it to put pressure on one of Toast’s injuries. “Sammy, I’ll grab the car.”
The guys headed back towards home, Tessa burrowing her face in your shoulder.
“Toast is gonna die,” she said, wrapping her arms around you. 
“Sh,” you said, holding her close. “The boys are gonna do their best to get him help, okay? Don’t worry about it. Hailey, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, holding her wrist with her other hand. “It wasn’t my fault, I swear, Y/N.”
“That’s debatable,” mumbled Tessa. You hugged her and glanced over to the man sitting on the other side of the street, some people over with him.
“It’s okay. We’ll make sure you guys are okay and everything, I promise.”
Dean’s POV
“How’s he doing?” asked Dean as they got stuck in traffic. Toast was still howling and whimpering in Sam’s arms in the backseat when Dean checked his mirrors. “Fuck it.”
“Dean,” said Sam as Dean pulled onto the shoulder and drove up to the light, taking a right on the red and speeding down the road. 
“It’s fine. Vet is right around the corner.”
Two Hours Later
“Mr. Winchester,” said the nurse, popping into the waiting room. Dean and Sam both got up and followed him through a pair of doors into the back of the office where a doctor in scrubs was walking out of another room.
“We can’t save the leg,” said the doctor. “It’s shattered, muscle’s been shredded, veins are-”
“Is Toast gonna live though?” asked Dean.
“He should. He is banged up pretty good but no signs of major damage aside from his leg. We’ll amputate and get him on meds. If he does well he can go home tomorrow.”
“That’s great,” said Sam.
“You want to go through with the amputation then?” they asked.
“Of course,” said Dean. 
“The bill is going to be around four thousand for the procedure,” the doctor said. She waited and Dean stared at her, blinking slowly.
“I don’t care how much money it is. Fix my dog,” said Dean. The doctor went back inside while Dean got a bill for the service, Sam pursing his lips when Dean returned.
“Y/N’s gonna want to pay that.”
“Y/N ain’t gonna know about it,” said Dean, shoving his wallet back into his pocket.
“Her sister was just in another car accident, Sam. She’s freaking the fuck out right now I’m sure. Besides, Toast is a living creature. He’s their family and he’s starting to be mine too. Can you imagine if I had to ask my patient’s families if they wanted to go through with life saving treatment cause it’s expensive? I put it on an installment plan. I won’t even notice.”
“Does Y/N’s insurance cover it?”
“Not something like this. If it was your dog I’d be doing the same thing,” said Dean. “Toast is gonna be alright and that’s all that matters so don’t say a word about this to either one of them.”
“Can he still help Tessa? With a leg gone?”
“I don’t know if he’ll meet the legal requirements of a service dog or not after this but that dog loves her. He’s still gonna watch her back, maybe a bit slower now is all. Y/N and Tessa are gonna have to decide if they want to get another one or not. She’s been going close to a year with no seizures though.”
“That’s really good, isn’t it?” asked Sam.
“Yeah. It doesn’t mean she won’t ever have one again but it means she’s doing good. Toast could probably handle things fine on his own, depends on what they’re comfortable with.”
“That kid’s pretty tough.”
“I know she is. She reminds me of you a lot.”
“Y/N reminds me of you. Except nicer,” chuckled Sam.
“I wasn’t your maid. You could pick up after yourself,” said Dean, leaning back in his chair. “They’re miles ahead of where we were.”
“She know we knew her dad?”
“Yeah. She knows he helped but not the extent of things.”
“Ever think it’s funny, you ending up with the her of all people?”
“No actually. Our families seem to fit together is all,” said Dean.
“I can second that,” said Sam, Dean’s stomach rumbling. “I’m gonna go grab some food for us. Call if anything happens.”
“Will do, Sammy.”
Reader’s POV
“Hey,” you said later that night, the guys returning home. Tessa popped up from the couch, rushing over. She teared up when she saw no Toast and Dean shushed her.
“There’s good and bad news. Good news, Toast is gonna pull through,” he said. She sniffled and looked to Sam then back at him. “Bad news...he lost a leg. He won’t be able to be a true service dog anymore.”
“I don’t care. Where is he? When can I-”
“He’s recovering from his surgery. The vet said it’d be a few days before he can come home. Tomorrow night at the earliest,” said Sam. “Maybe we can see him tomorrow after school?”
“Tessa’s staying home tomorrow but we’ll definitely get you over to see him,” you said. 
“Good. You need to stay home and rest, Tess,” said Dean.
“The hospital didn’t even take me. I got a few bruises,” she said. Dean crossed his arms and Tessa rolled her eyes. “I wanna go see Toast.”
“Toast is resting and I don’t speak dog but you are the most important thing in his life and I know he wants you to rest too,” said Dean.
“But I’m fine.”
“Come here,” he said. He grabbed her arm and ducked outside, talking to her on the front porch as Sam ran his hand through his hair.
“Which leg?” you asked. “Toast.”
“His front left one. He’s got some stitches on his body. He’ll be okay.”
“She still needs a service dog,” you said. 
“We’ll deal with it tomorrow. I’ll keep an close eye on her until we figure something out,” said Sam.
“Don’t know what we’d do without you boys,” you said. You shut your eyes and he gave you a hug. The door opened, Dean and Tessa returning inside. You glanced over to him but he just smiled. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just had a little talk,” said Dean. “Now off to bed and turn off your alarm. No school tomorrow, okay?”
“Night,” she said. She jogged upstairs and you heard her door shut softly, Dean taking a deep breath. He took a seat on the couch and closed his eyes.
“She alright?” you asked, taking a seat next to him.
“Yeah. I just...put things in a different perspective for her. Your perspective. She’s gonna go a little slower for the next few weeks. Toast is gonna need her to look out for him until he gets used to things.”
“I know she didn’t have a concussion or anything and it’s been a while since she’s had a seizure,” you said. He smiled as Sam went to the kitchen, returning with three beers. “Thanks.”
“No problem. They wouldn’t have let you guys come home if she wasn’t cool, right?” asked Sam.
“Let’s just watch her carefully for the time being. She might not need a service dog but she’s only going to get more independent and a year from now she’ll be in college and she’s gonna be on her own more. I told her she’s gotta think about that,” said Dean. 
“Is that boyfriend Dean or doctor Dean talking?” you asked.
“It’s I care about my girlfriend’s little sister Dean,” he said. “Trust me. If I had doubts, I’d be calling for her to get a service dog lined up tonight. I think it’s a peace of mind thing right now. She can change her mind later if she wants.”
“It’d give me peace of mind,” you said.
“Yeah but take it from someone who was the younger sibling, let her choose if she wants it or not,” said Sam.
“Alright. Maybe...maybe Toast can get a prosthetic and still go places with her at least,” you said. “Or maybe he’ll be okay on just the three legs. Just slower.”
“I think she’s much more open to that,” said Dean. You nodded and sipped your beer, taking a deep breath. He threw his arm over your shoulder and tucked you into his side, kissing the top of your head. “She’s a tough kid and Toast is a tough dog. They’ll be okay.”
“She deserves a break,” you said. 
“You both do. It’ll turn out alright, sweetheart. I promise.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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aresaphrodites · 4 years
2 - bughead ❤️
this is definitely not spooky at all, but it’s cute and fun so i hope you like it <3
#2:  “ Who ate all my candy?!!”
“A Snickers, your majesty?” 
Betty Jones leans down and opens her mouth wide, allowing the small candy bar to fall onto her tongue. “Mmm,” she moans lightly. “My favorite!” She smacks her lips dramatically and watches as two pairs of matching blue eyes look at her in disgust. 
“Nasty, mommy,” Mia Jones says with a little squeal and shakes her head, causing her black curls to fly around wildly. 
Meanwhile Zeke Jones is grinning up at his mom, a pack of Skittles clutched in his hand tightly. “Mommy, mommy! Catch!” He doesn’t even give her time to react before he’s throwing a green Skittle at her face. It bounces off her nose and Betty watches as the twins go completely still, eyes wide and mouths dropped open as if they’re about to get scolded. 
“I missed that one on purpose,” Betty tells them, “I hate the green ones.” 
Zeke cackles and throws a red one at her, which she actually does catch this time. The twins cheer for their mom, so excited for her in a way that only six-year-olds can be. Their laughter and energy is so infectious though, that she finds herself laughing along with them.
“Mommy,” Mia says as they continue to sort through all their candy, “you look very pretty tonight.” 
“Aw,” Betty coos and presses a kiss to her daughter’s head. “Thank you, baby! I think you look very beautiful.” 
“Do I look like a princess?” She asks softly, playing with the ends of her Sleeping Beauty dress. “My hair doesn’t match.”
Betty frowns slightly. Mia has always been a little insecure about the color of her hair and Betty will never understand why. Unlike Zeke, who has golden blonde waves like Betty, Mia has her father’s hair, just a little more wild, and Betty has always loved it. It’s her favorite.
“That’s a dumb question,” Zeke says, mouth full of a Milky Way, taking Betty out of her thoughts. 
“Zeke Jones!” She scolds once she sees Mia’s frown deepen. “That’s not nice at all, young man. We don’t say things like that. What do I tell you?” 
Zeke sighs and rolls his eyes dramatically. God, he may be only six, but he has his father’s attitude. It’s adorable, but sometimes Betty wants to yell at Jughead for teaching their sweet son this. 
“There is no such thing as a dumb question,” Zeke recites. “But what if I ask you if it’ll hurt my eyes if I look at a picture of the sun?” 
Betty looks at her son, completely baffled, and then erupts into laughter. 
“What?” She wheezes. “Zekey, where do you come up with this stuff?” 
“Well?” He presses, placing his hands onto his hips. He accidentally knocks his lightsaber off his hip and Mia reaches over to pick it up before he can step on it. “Is that a dumb question?” 
“I’m going to take away all your candy if you keep giving me attitude,” she tells her son, refusing to admit that yes, that actually is a dumb question. His eyes go wide and she continues. “And you need to apologize to your sister right now, mister.” 
“No,” he whines, “Mommy, you never let me finish what I’m saying! You always do this!” 
“Excuse me?” She gasps, appalled. “I do not!” 
“You do too! You do it to daddy and you do it to me!” He looks down at his twin sister. “Right, Mia?” 
Mia, the little traitor, nods rapidly. “It’s true, mommy. I’m sorry.” 
“I can’t believe this,” Betty says softly, with a fake sadness. “My own kids… out to hurt me.” 
Zeke giggles, but he sits back down on the floor and wraps his arms around his sister tightly before pulling away and handing her a Twizzler. “It’s a dumb question because of course you look like a princess. Who cares if you don’t have hair like me and mommy? All the coolest princesses have dark hair.” 
“Oh yeah?” Mia asks, doubtful. “Like who?” 
“Snow White! She was really cool. She was so sweet and nice that all the animals loved her, just like the doggies love you. And Belle! She was awesome! She loved books and was super smart, just like you are. I bet she passed all her spelling tests like you do.” 
Mia smiles softly at her brother’s words and Betty’s heart clenches at the sight in front of her. Sure, there are days when the kids are at each other’s throats so badly that Betty questions how she hasn’t lost her mind yet, but underneath it all, they love each other so much and they’re always there for one another. It’s all she’s ever wanted for her children, and she’s so happy that they have each other. 
“Don’t forget Mulan,” a new voice rings out from the foyer. Mia immediately lights up at the sight of her favorite man making his way into the living room. “Mulan’s my favorite princess.” Mia jumps up from the floor and runs into her dad’s arms, squealing as he picks her up and twirls her around before placing her onto his hip. “So what’s this I hear about you not liking your hair?” 
Mia blushes and looks down. “I didn’t say that, daddy. I just said it wasn’t like a princess’ hair.” 
Jughead Jones gasps in shock. “What? Says who?” 
“Well… Sleeping Beauty didn’t have blonde hair,” she says sheepishly. 
“So?” Zeke snaps. “Kylo Ren didn’t have blonde hair, but I think I still look awesome.” 
“Of course you do, baby,” Betty says, ruffling her son's hair as he comes to sit in her lap. 
“See,” Jughead says, smiling down at his wife and son before looking back up to his daughter. “It doesn’t matter what color your hair is, dumpling. You’re a princess, just like your brother is the evil Supreme Leader of Riverdale.” 
“He was a good guy!” Zeke wails and Betty and Jughead have to stop themselves from bursting into laughter. Their son has taken to the Star Wars franchise lately, and even though Betty’s not sure how she feels about him watching it already, it’s nice to see him so passionate about something that isn’t bugs or tormenting his sister. 
“Daddy, why do you call me that?” Mia asks, ignoring her brother. “I hate dumplings!” 
“Well, I love dumplings,” Jughead tells her. He places a kiss to her nose, making her giggle. “And I love you! So you’re my little dumpling. In fact, next year I think you should be a dumpling for Halloween.” 
“You’re silly,” Mia tells him before resting her cheek on his shoulder. 
Jughead walks the two of them over to where Betty and Zeke are sitting, and then he sits down on the floor next to his wife. 
“Well, hello, Mother of Dragons.” His eyes rake over Betty’s body and she sends him a bemused look. “Did you miss me?” 
“You were gone for like, ten minutes,” she tells him as Mia and Zeke get up from their parent’s laps to go back to searching through their pumpkin baskets. “Why did your work call you so late? You’re not on call.”
Jughead smiles at her. Betty’s always been very big on their family time, especially because it’s a little hard with Jughead’s job as a neurosurgeon at the hospital in the city. It’s not that long of a commute, but when you add all the hours he has to work, it’s a lot more tiring than either of them would like. When he does have a day off, he’s usually so tired that he just wants to rest, so Betty cherishes these moments and it annoys her whenever they’re interrupted. 
“Nothing to worry about, Betts.” He leans over and kisses the side of her mouth. “One of the interns just mixed up a bit of the paperwork, so Harvey was calling me to confirm a couple of things. Don’t worry, I’m still yours for the next three days.” 
Betty just hums out. “Well, you were missed, Jon Snow.” She reaches up and brushes her hand against his cheek. “I still cannot believe you grew out your facial hair for this costume.” 
“I wanted to be season five Jon Snow,” he says, bringing his own hand up to capture his wife’s. “You don’t like it?” 
“I didn’t say that. It’s just a little different. Are you going to keep it?” 
He laces their fingers together and brings Betty’s hand up to his lips, kissing her wedding finger, right above where the gorgeous diamond ring sits. “What do you think, my queen?” 
Betty snorts and shoves him playfully. “I think you look very mature with it.” 
“Oh? So I don’t look like a highschooler anymore? Awesome. It’s only been like fifteen years.” 
“Daddy!” Zeke screeches. “Look, I saved this for you!” He runs over to his parents and hands Jughead a squished Baby Ruth. “It’s your favorite, so I didn’t eat it.” 
“Aw, thanks, bud!” He takes the candy and wraps his arm around Zeke, bringing him against his chest. “You could have eaten it, though. I’m sure I have some in my pumpkin.” 
At his words, Zeke makes a comically nervous face and Mia laughs lightly behind her hands. Jughead catches on immediately. 
“Okay,” he drags out, suspicious, “who has my pumpkin?” 
“I haven’t seen it,” Zeke says quickly. 
“Nope!” Mia agrees, shaking her head while still giggling. 
Jughead whirls around to look at Betty. “Babe? Where’s my pumpkin?” 
“I haven’t seen it,” she says quietly, cheeks red, “did you check the kitchen?” 
“We haven’t even been to the kitchen since we got home!” 
The quiet jingle of Luna’s--the family dog’s--name tags echoes throughout the room and Jughead watches in horror as she brings him a chewed up pumpkin basket. 
“Oh, my God! Luna ate my candy!” 
Mia cackles loudly and now even Zeke and Betty are laughing along. 
“Not her, daddy,” Zeke says through his laughter and Jughead looks at his family in shock. 
“Then who?” Jughead asks, astonished. “We all have our own pumpkins!” 
“It wasn’t me,” Zeke sings out. “You know I don’t like chocolate that much, daddy.” 
“I know,” Jughead says, patting Zeke’s blonde waves. “My sweet baby boy would never do this to me. It could only be your mom or sister!” 
“Hey,” Betty and Mia whine. 
“You two are the only ones who deceive me like this,” Jughead whines and Mia looks at him in confusion. “The only ones who trick me like this!” 
“Maybe you’re going crazy, Juggie,” Betty says, even though she’s grinning so hard that her cheeks hurt. “No one ate your candy.” 
“You’ll pay for this tonight,” Jughead tells her and she gasps softly, knowing exactly what he means. He grins, happy with the effect he has on her, and then puts on his game face. “Alright, so which one of you is going to confess.” 
“It wasn’t me,” Betty and Mia say at the same time, both laughing still. 
“Who ate all my candy?!!” He shrieks, distraught, and this time they all erupt into laughter. 
“It was mommy!” Mia admits and Betty gasps, looking at her daughter in horror. “I’m sorry, mommy! I feel bad!” 
“Don’t feel bad for him! Feel bad for me! Daddy ate all my candy last year!” 
“You said you didn’t want it!” Jughead defends. “How was I supposed to know you meant that you just didn’t want it at that moment!” 
“Whoopsie,” Betty says and Jughead scoffs. 
“You literally still have an entire bucket full of candy, Elizabeth. Why did you eat mine?” 
“Because yours looked better.” 
“We got the same things!” 
“Hmm, no, I don’t think so.” 
Jughead gives her a deadpan look and then rolls his eyes. “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely paying for this later on.” 
Betty just winks at him and he blows her a kiss. 
“Don’t be upset, daddy,” Mia says. “You can share my candy with me.” 
“Thank you, baby,” Jughead says with a pout. “You are the sweetest dumpling.” 
Mia smiles at him and gets up to hand over her basket to him. 
Betty laughs so hard that she can’t breathe whenever Jughead reaches his hand into the basket only to find out that their daughter has given him an empty one, having poured all her candy onto the floor earlier. 
After that, the house is filled with the sound of the twins’ laughter as Jughead chases them throughout the house, while Betty stands on the sidelines and protects her children from the “monster man”, the stolen candy long forgotten.
Send me a sentence from this list of spooky prompts with a ship and I’ll write you a short lil fic. :) 
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
“One cappuccino and chocolate brownie, please” - Chapter 2
Summary: Darcie Angel is thirty years old and owner of the famous cafe “The Coffee Cup” in New York City. She is known for her sweet smile and her amazing customer service. For six months now, John Wick has visited her cafe every day, earning himself a table that is always reserved for him. Darcie can’t stop thinking about him and when he asks her out one day, her dreams are finally coming true. But will it last?
John Wick x OFC Darcie
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: None
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The next day, I’m working in the kitchen, since we’re a little short on staff, since one of the employees had a family emergency. Raye, my other best friend—who is a disaster in the kitchen, yet a miracle with an espresso machine—walks into the kitchen. Her short blonde hairs dance around her face, her arms crossed in front of her chest, all while she has a mischievous grin on her face.
‘Oh my God, what did you do now?’ Jennie asks, looking up from the dishwasher.
‘Well, mister tall, dark and handsome just arrived and he looked really disappointed that a certain Darcie Angel wasn’t behind the register and there was no little puppy Tiki to greet him.’ She leans against the doorframe. ‘You should come out and make him his usual order. One cappuccino and a chocolate brownie. God, he should record audiobooks. I don’t care what he would read, but I’d be turned on.’
‘Enough,’ I interrupt her. I place down the dough and ask: ‘Wouldn’t that be obvious though?’
‘Goodness gracious,’ Raye says, rolling her eyes. ‘He wants you and you want him, that’s what’s obvious here. Please, just go out there, make him your cappuccino and the brownie and say something about how delicious he looks today.’
‘Well, I’m not doing that last part,’ I say ‘but I’ll go out, fine.’ I take off the apron and wash my hands, before I look in the mirror to check my appearance.
‘You look hot, don’t worry,’ Raye says. ‘Now go. If another customer comes in, I’ll take care of it. I’ve got your back, you know that.’
‘You always do.’ I walk past her and hear Tiki walking behind me. From the corners of my eyes, I see John sitting at his regular table and he notices me coming out of the kitchen, but I’m too nervous to wave at him or to even look at him.
After I made a rosetta as latte art, I grab the chocolate brownie and I keep thinking about what I can give him today. I grab one pink macaron and a heart shaped chocolate, with praline filling inside of it. I place it on the tray, write on the small note: to John with a heart and before I can regret that, I walk up to his table, Tiki already running in front of me. She jumps on his lap and licks his face.
‘Hi, pretty girl,’ he says to her, scratching her behind her ears. He holds up a doggy snack and she opens her tiny mouth. He feeds her the snack and laughs.
‘There you go,’ I say placing it in front of him.
‘Darcie,’ he says with a smile, his dark eyes lighting up. ‘You’re working today, I see.’
I nod. ‘Just helping out in the kitchen,’ I say. ‘We’re a little short staffed.’
‘Sucks to hear.’
I hear customers come in, but like Raye promised, she is behind the register to help them out. She winks at me, giving me a little bit of encouragement.
‘You gave me another macaron and some chocolate.’
‘Everything for my favorite customer,’ I say with a smile. ‘And maybe if I give you tiny teasers of every other lovely thing we have around here, you might decide to branch out one day.’
‘That’s really sweet.’
‘Well,’ I say shrugging my shoulders, not knowing how to take his compliment. ‘Enjoy it, John.’
I want to walk away, but I’m stopped when he says: ‘Wait, I have something for you.’
‘Really?’ I ask. ‘For me?’
John nods. ‘Yeah, I thought you might like it. If you don’t, just say so, I don’t mind.’
I take a seat in front of him at the oval table and he gives me a neatly wrapped present. I carefully open the gift, hoping not to tear the wrapping paper, that on its own I love. I see the back of a picture frame and when I turn it around, my eyes nearly roll out of their sockets. ‘Oh my God,’ I say, looking at the vintage poster that is surround by a white picture frame. A basket is filled with very, almost unnatural pink peaches and roses all round it. The grass is bright green and the sky has an orange glow on it.
It fits the aesthetic perfectly of our cafe. ‘This is beautiful, John,’ I say looking up from the poster. ‘Where did you get this?’
‘Flea market.’
‘You go to flea markets?’ I ask. ‘Never pecked you for a guy who strolls through flea markets.’
‘Sometimes, yes,’ he smiles. ‘I usually look for old books, but when I saw this picture, I instantly thought of your cafe. Figured that it would fit.’ He blushes a bit. ‘So… You like it?’
‘Like it? I love it. This fits here perfectly and we have been searching all over internet for poster to hang up. We have like two in the back, but we never hung them up, because it would look ridiculous if we only had those two, but now that we have three, I think we can place them right over there.’ I point to the left side of the cafe, where tiny lights shine on the off white wall. ‘Don’t you think?’
‘I do,’ he says with a smile, after he looks over his shoulder to check out the wall I’m pointing at.
‘Wish I could hang them up right now, but using a drill while people are eating, wouldn’t be so good for our reputation, I suppose.’ I chuckle. ‘So, probably have wait until tonight.’
‘I can help out, if you want,’ he says. ‘I think I can reach it a bit easier than you can.’
‘Are you indirectly insulting me, John?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, Darcie, I would never.’ He feeds Tiki another doggy snack. ‘Only if you want of course.’
‘Well, if it’s not too much trouble. I don’t even know if we have the right equipment, anyways.’
‘I’ll bring something with me from home,’ he says. ‘Really, I would love to help you.’
My cheeks burn. I can’t believe he is offering this and that he would love to help. ‘Well,’ I say. ‘We close at seven and I don’t think it’s too late to start drilling the walls then, do you?’
‘Don’t think so. I’ll be here at seven.’ John smiles, causing me to copy him.
‘I have to get working,’ I say. ‘Really, John, thanks for this poster and thank you for helping me tonight.’
‘Not a problem.’
I lean over the table, to scratch Tiki’s head. ‘Be good to our favorite customer, okay, Tiki?’
She licks my hand in response and I tell John to enjoy his cappuccino and chocolate brownie. I walk to the kitchen, with the wrapping paper and poster in my hand. ‘Oh my God,’ I say to Jennie and Raye, who is still here, while Ellie is helping out the customers. ‘Look what he gave me. For the cafe!’
‘Oh, mister tall, dark and handsome has good taste,’ Raye remarks, while looking at the poster.
‘And tonight he is coming back to hang this one up and the other two.’
Jennie gulps. ‘He is coming back tonight?’ she repeats. ‘Though this is such a bizarre way of flirting, I’m actually digging it. This is insanely cute.’ She looks over Raye’s shoulder at the poster and asks: ‘Where did he buy this?’
‘Flea market. He goes there to buy old books.’
‘But then he saw this and thought: let me buy this for Darcie who works in the cafe that I almost live in?’ Raye snorts and looks at Jennie. ‘He is so into her.’
‘Raye’s right,’ Jennie says. ‘So, I figure you close tonight?’
‘Yeah,’ I say, ‘think that’s for the best.’
Raye, Jennie and I are best friends since high school. We’ve been through it all. Jennie’s first heartbreak, my college breakdowns, Raye’s STD (that was quite the experience). We were there when Jennie’s parents died in a car accident. We were there when Raye lived in her car after she lost her job and she didn’t tell us. They were there when I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, after finding out that he was cheating on me and hid a kid from me, the entire five years we were dating.
So, two minutes before we officially close, they have already cleaned their respective workplaces for the day. ‘Well,’ Raye says, while she stands in front of me, ‘be gorgeous, be funny and please, ask him out on a date if he doesn’t ask you.’ She places her hands on my shoulders and says: ‘You can do it.’
Jennie gives me a tight hug, wishing me luck with whatever is going to happen and the two of them walk out of the cafe, smiles nearly too big for their faces and when they close the door, it’s just me and Tiki.
I pick her up and say: ‘Your favorite customers is coming over in just a couple of minutes. So, be a good girl and be just as sweet as you always are.’ I press kisses on her head, resulting in her licking my face. I giggle, holding her up. ‘Such a cute girl.’
Tiki is about a year old. I got her right after my break up with Eric. I had to move my stuff out of his apartment, so I could move into the apartment my parents bought for me, which was almost a celebratory gift, since they really hated Eric. But the apartment was empty and it scared me a little bit to be alone all the time.
Though Tiki isn’t that dangerous looking, she is a nice companion.
With Tiki resting on my arm, I walk to the door, to turn around the sign from OPEN to CLOSED. When I’m about to turn around, I see John with a toolbox in his hands. He is not wearing a jacket—it’s too hot for that anyways—and I open the door for him.
‘There is my favorite customer,’ I chuckle. ‘Come on in, John.’
‘Thank you, Darcie.’
I close the door behind him and Tiki becomes wild in my arms, desperate to greet John. I put her on the ground and she sprints towards him. Since he was already counting on that, he catches her easily and lets her lick his face. ‘I missed you too, cutie pie,’ he laughs. ‘Yes, I brought snacks for you. Let’s ask your mommy if it’s okay if I give you a snack.’
My heart nearly stops beating after hearing him referring to me as ‘mommy’. I mean, I don’t want to be the type of girl who has a crush on a man and imagines a future wedding, house and kids, but I can’t help it. John is so insanely handsome, that thinking about a future with him, is just way too easy.
The suits he wears give a great glimpse of when he stands at the end of the aisle, waiting for me to arrive. How he is treating my dog is a nice vision of him living in the same house as me. And now he referred to me as ‘mommy’ and I know that when I’m going to sleep tonight, I will dream about us having kids, who hopefully have the same beautiful dark eyes as he has and have his same sweet giggle.
‘Just one snack,’ I say.
John gives Tiki a kiss on top of her head and after he put her down, he shows her a little chew stick. ‘Sit down,’ he tells her and she obeys. ‘Look like a doll.’ She lifts her front paws from the floor, tilting her head. He chuckles. ‘Good girl.’
‘I still can’t believe you managed to teach her “look like a doll” while I had trouble with “sit down”.’
John pats himself on his chest. ‘I think you lack patience.’
‘I don’t lack patience,’ I say to him. ‘She just needs to listen. I was told that these breeds were intelligent, but it took me days before she listened to her own name.’
He chuckles. ‘So, Darcie, tell me, have you thought about where you want the posters?’
‘As a matter of fact, I did.’ I hold up the three posters, the one that he gave me and the two old school posters. One of them shows to people on a date and the other one shows two little kids drinking a Coca Cola. I walk to the wall and stand on one of the stools. ‘This one,’ I say, standing on my tippy toes, ‘needs to be here.’
The two people on a date poster needs to be on the right side of the wall, mostly because there is a weird smudge that isn’t fungus, but also won’t go away and we really need to cover that up.
My calves start to shake, from standing on my toes for too long and John walks up to me. ‘I got it, Darcie,’ he says, holding out his hand. ‘Careful now, we don’t want you to fall flat on your face.’
I smile, hold his hand and step off the stool. ‘You remembered where I want it?’
‘Yes, I do.’ With his index finger, he taps on his temple, causing me to chuckle.
‘This one,’—the Coca Cola one—‘I want here, on the left side.’ I don’t need a stool to show him where I want that one. ‘And the beautiful poster you gave me, needs to be in the middle, so he can stand out. It’s by far the prettiest one.’
‘You think?’ he says with a smile on his face.
‘Mhm, I do.’ I turn to him. ‘You understand my taste exactly. Very impressive.’
‘I’ll start on the first poster,’ John says, walking back to his tool box, leaning over, giving me a very nice view of his bottom. It always surprised me how great his ass looked and left me with lots of dreams, leaving me all hot and bothered.
‘You want something to drink?’ I ask, hoping I take my mind off his ass. ‘I can make you some tea, or coffee, if you want. Water, some soda. I’ve got it all.’
‘Soda sounds good, Darcie.’ He stands up and smirks. ‘You’re blushing,’ he notes.
‘No, just a little warm,’I say quickly. ‘I’ll get you something to drink.’
I walk back to the register, while I crouch down to the small refrigerator, where the staff can get some different drinks than just coffee or tea. I think John would appreciate a coca cola and since I’m really in the mood for some sprite, I grab that glass bottle for myself. I open them and pour the drinks in glasses.
I watch as John sets up the drill and I bite my bottom lip. God, his arms are so toned. He looks delicious. I sigh deeply, taking a sip from the pink straw. ‘You sure you don’t need help?’ I ask.
‘No, I can manage.’
‘You sure? If you fall and break your neck, I lose a very frequent and paying customer.’
‘And here I was thinking I’m your favorite customer.’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘that too. Tiki, baby, come here. We don’t want John to step on you, darling.’
The light brown fluffy dog trots towards me and I lift her up, placing her on the counter. I take another sip of my sprite. John has all the things set up and he places the drill against the wall. ‘You still want those posters there?’
‘Yes, I do.’
The noise is really loud, so I cover my ears, but I see Tiki howling. When the drilling stops, she finishes her howl and then looks at me, before staring at John. ‘I’m sorry, cutie pie,’ he says to her in a high voice, ‘didn’t mean to scare you.’
He grabs a plug and pushes it in the wall. He looks like such an expert hanging up those posters, because within ten minutes, they all hang on the wall. ‘You like?’ John asks, plopping next to me on a chair, that face the wall.
‘I love it,’ I say. ‘I do feel like I need more decoration.’ I hand him his Cola that I set on the table and he nods as a thank you. ‘Thank you for doing this.’
‘No problem,’ he says. ‘I really like it here.’
‘Hence the reason you’re here every single day.’
‘Well, I feel the need to tell you the real reason I’m here every day.’ He looks sideways and says: ‘It’s because of your dog.’
‘And here I was, thinking you really liked my coffee.’
He bumps his knee against mine. ‘Just kidding, Darcie.’
With the way he is sitting, I feel so tiny. Tiki jumps on his lap and when he holds her with one hand, I feel my mind is racing to places it really shouldn’t go right now. ‘How old is Tiki anyways?’ he asks.
‘A little older than a year,’ I say. ‘I think I got her around the same time I got the cafe.’
‘So, I missed her birthday?’
‘You did,’ I say. ‘It was really rough on her, but after a long talk, I convinced her to forgive you.’
John fills the empty cafe with his laughter. ‘You’re crazy, Darcie. Tell me, did you always wanted to have a cafe?’
I shrug. ‘When I was in college, I started working at Starbucks and later on worked in a few smaller cafes. Though it was really nice and I learned a lot, I never felt like a place I really wanted to spend time. So when my boyfriend broke up with me, my parents bought me an apartment, I got myself a dog and I realized that I got a degree in International Business, so I should start a business. I’m really lucky my parents helped me financially, because without them I don’t know if I would’ve made it this far.’
‘Well,’ John says, ‘you made this place feel like a home to lots of people.’
That’s such an endearing compliment.
‘And your ex-boyfriend is a loser,’ he adds.
I chuckle, bringing my hand to my mouth. ‘He was. My parents hated him and somehow let me date him for five years.’
‘Why did they hate him?’
‘He cheated on me,’ I say, ‘basically from the start of our relationship, all the way to the end and he somehow got a kid out of one of those side things he had. He has now “changed” his life and according to his FaceBook he is now a doting father.’
John scoffs, before taking a sip of his Cola. ‘What a fucking idiot,’ he says.
‘Well, I’m better off without him anyways. He was a pain in the ass. I think him breaking up with me was the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, no, my parents helping me buying this place, getting a loan, the boring stuff that happens when you start a business. That was the best thing that ever happened to me.’
‘And getting Tiki,’ John says.
‘Of course.’
We both don’t say anything, just sipping our drinks and stare at the wall. ‘I should clean up,’ I say, when the glass is empty.
‘You need to do a lot?’ he asks.
‘Just vacuuming that part and closing the kitchen.’
‘If you give me a vacuum, I’ll clean up there. You close off the kitchen.’
‘Are you sure? I mean, you are a customer after all.’
‘I don’t mind,’ he says. ‘Is Tiki afraid of vacuums or…?’
‘If you hold her while vacuuming, she don’t mind.’
I roll the vacuum to him and he plugs it in. I quickly clean up the kitchen, going over the spots that Jennie forgot and make sure that everything is all ready for tomorrow. I close off behind me, making sure everything is locked and I hear that John is done.
Before I actually get out of the kitchen, I stop. ‘You are such a cutie,’ I hear him cooing to Tiki. I hide a bit better and hope to hear some more. ‘But that’s obvious when you have an owner like Darcie.’ His voice is deep and low, but I do hear him. I hear him kiss Tiki, but then the talking has stopped, unfortunately.
‘I’m done,’ I say, flicking out the light in the kitchen. ‘You already…’ I try to spot the vacuum, but John has already stowed the vacuum away.
‘I did,’ he says. He picks up Tiki as he stands up and presses more kisses on her head.
‘I can’t believe my tiny labradoodle has a man like you totally whipped for her.’
‘It’s impossible to resist this face,’ John admits, walking over to me. ‘You’re done for today?’
I nod. ‘Just have to take Tiki out for a walk.’
‘You live around here?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I’m thinking about getting a cab. Usually I take the bus, but I’m pretty tired.’
‘I can drive you,’ he says. ‘We could first take Tiki out for a walk and then I drive you home.’
‘I feel like I’ve been taking up a lot of your time. I bet you have something better to do.’
‘I don’t,’ he says. ‘Besides, I suggested it. You’re not taking up my time, I’m enjoying my time with you.’
My palms grow sweaty. He is enjoying his time with me. Apparently I’m pretty entertaining. That causes me to smile. ‘Well, if you insist.’
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