#health and medical
levysoft · 7 days
Se sei di mezza età e hai lentamente ma costantemente ingrassato per anni, probabilmente l'hai attribuito a una diminuzione del metabolismo legata all'età.
Il tuo tasso metabolico è la velocità con cui il tuo corpo brucia calorie per mantenerti vivo e funzionante. È una convinzione generalmente accettata che con l'età, il tuo metabolismo a riposo rallenta, specialmente oltre i 40 anni. E se sei una donna in menopausa, il tuo metabolismo rallenta ancora di più.
Non è vero, dice un nuovo articolo pubblicato su Science. Analizzando i dati di quasi 6.500 persone che vanno dall'infanzia agli anziani, gli autori dell'articolo hanno determinato che il metabolismo a riposo rimane stabile dall'età di 20 anni a 60 anni prima di registrare una diminuzione inferiore all'1% all'anno successivo.
Contrastando ulteriormente la saggezza convenzionale, il documento non cita differenze reali tra i tassi metabolici a riposo di uomini e donne, anche per le donne in menopausa, quando si controllano altre influenze.
Ora potresti chiederti perché senti che il tuo metabolismo è rallentato.
La risposta è meno sull'età e più sullo stile di vita. Sebbene il tuo tasso metabolico a riposo di base potrebbe non essere cambiato tra i 20 e i 60 anni, i fattori coinvolti nell'aumentare altri aspetti del tuo metabolismo - quando non stai riposando - probabilmente sono cambiati, abbassando la tua capacità di metabolizzare il grasso, massimizzare la combustione calorica dall'esercizio fisico, aumentare la massa muscolare che brucia energia e ottenere riposo di qualità per consentire i processi metabolici.
Non preoccuparti: questa non è una cattiva notizia. In realtà significa che hai il potere di apportare cambiamenti che aumenteranno il tuo metabolismo, indipendentemente dalla tua età.
Nota importante: consulta il tuo medico prima di iniziare qualsiasi nuovo programma di esercizi.
Sii attivo per tutto il giorno
Quando ti chiedi perché senti che il tuo metabolismo è rallentato con l'età, dovresti anche chiederti se il tuo livello di attività quotidiana è rallentato. Oltre a tutti gli altri rischi per la salute associati alla seduta prolungata, gli esperti indicano l'inattività costante come il più grande danno al metabolismo.
"Essere sedentari per la maggior parte della giornata riduce notevolmente il metabolismo dei grassi", ha detto Edward Coyle, professore di kinesiologia e educazione sanitaria all'Università del Texas ad Austin.
Il metabolismo dei grassi si riferisce al tipo di combustibile che stai bruciando durante il metabolismo a riposo.
Coyle, che è anche il direttore del laboratorio di prestazioni umane della scuola, ha affermato che la sua ricerca ha scoperto che è necessario compiere almeno 8.500 passi al giorno - durante il giorno, piuttosto che tutti in una volta - al fine di mantenere un adeguato metabolismo dei grassi.
Inoltre, nel suo laboratorio, Coyle ha scoperto che solo cinque raffiche di quattro secondi di esercizio eseguiti a pieno sforzo ogni ora durante il giorno possono aumentare drasticamente il metabolismo del grasso fino al 49%.
Anche se fare 20 secondi di sprint completi ogni ora non è pratico per quasi tutti, gli impiegati sedentari i cui limiti di tempo e responsabilità rendono difficile raggiungere regolarmente in palestra dovrebbero tenere il coraggio che semplicemente alzarsi e muoversi qualche minuto all'ora può pagare dividendi significativi. […] 
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healthfitness24 · 1 year
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Here are 9 ways to naturally heal receding gums:
1. Good oral hygiene: Brushing and flossing regularly can help remove plaque and prevent gum disease.
2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Hard-bristled toothbrushes can damage gums.
3. Warm salt water rinse: Rinsing with warm salt water can help reduce swelling and promote healing.
4. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has antibacterial properties and can help soothe irritated gums.
5. Oil pulling: Swishing oil in your mouth for several minutes can help reduce inflammation and improve gum health.
6. Green tea: Green tea has antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and improve gum health.
7. Vitamin C: Vitamin C can help improve gum health by boosting the immune system.
8. Quit smoking: Smoking can worsen gum disease and slow down the healing process.
9. Avoid crunchy and sticky foods: These foods can damage gums and teeth.
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moneymakeoportunity · 11 months
How can I lose weight quickly?
Losing weight quickly is not always the healthiest or most sustainable approach, as rapid weight loss can lead to muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and a higher likelihood of regaining weight later on. However, if you're looking to lose weight in a healthy and effective manner, here are some tips:
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Set realistic goals: Aim for a gradual and sustainable weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. Rapid weight loss may be tempting, but it's not typically recommended for long-term success.
Adopt a balanced and nutritious diet: Focus on consuming a variety of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages.
Watch your portion sizes: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so staying hydrated may help prevent unnecessary snacking.
Engage in regular physical activity: Incorporate both cardiovascular exercises (e.g., jogging, swimming, cycling) and strength training (e.g., weightlifting, bodyweight exercises) into your routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week, along with strength training exercises twice a week.
Reduce sedentary behavior: Minimize the time you spend sitting or lying down throughout the day. Incorporate more movement into your routine, such as taking regular breaks to stretch or walk around.
Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sufficient sleep plays a crucial role in weight management as it regulates hunger hormones and supports overall well-being.
Manage stress: Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, or talking to a supportive friend or professional. Stress can sometimes lead to emotional eating or other unhealthy behaviors.
Monitor your progress: Keep track of your food intake, exercise, and weight changes. This can help you identify patterns, stay accountable, and make adjustments as needed.
Remember, sustainable weight loss takes time and commitment. It's important to focus on long-term lifestyle changes rather than seeking quick fixes. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice and guidance based on your specific needs and
Get More weight loss tips our web site
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revbhe · 9 months
REVB Health & Eudaimonia is a Health & Wellness center services founded by Rawfa-El E. V.-B. In 2021.
Find out about service plans at www.revbhe.com
Offering nutritionists, health consultants, personal chefs/cooks, education advisors, Christian advisors, entertainment & retail specialists.
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krosspipi · 11 months
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A sporty nature lover Healthy sports, health, healthy nutrition, your health and beauty, photo backgrounds, phone backgrounds, iPhone 14, bodybuilding, health care,
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vbartilucci · 2 years
Exactly like a flu shot. Big Deal.
And if the mutations and variants keep getting less dangerous, we’ll be in good shape.
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meandmybigmouth · 1 year
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tonnystark007 · 2 years
Home doctor Book
The Home Doctor - Practical Medicine for Every Household - is a 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way.
Go to link and buy now👇
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sleepyleftistdemon · 1 year
I wonder when/if they will be able to play Doom...
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janetang1 · 1 month
Seamless Telemedicine Consultation: Expert Care Anytime, Anywhere!
Telemedicine allows you to have access to online medical treatment on your own time, without the difficulties of commuting, transportation expenditures, waiting, or missing work. Our service of Telemedicine Consultation allows you to experience healthcare on your own terms. Connect with skilled specialists from the convenience of your own home, guaranteeing excellent treatment that is only a click away. Quick, secure, and customized to your specifications. We prioritize your well-being.
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avarkriss · 21 days
listen. listen to me so carefully right now. (if you're in the eclipse path/planning on viewing). please don't stare directly at the sun tomorrow. i am begging you - do not stare at it. if you got eclipse glasses off of amazon/other, please put them on in your house and make sure you can't see anything; if you can still see like regular sun glasses, they are not safe for eclipse viewing, you will burn your retinas, and we cannot fix that. eclipse glasses should be iso/ce certified, and aas (american astronomical society) approved. please make smart choices and protect your eyes. please.
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era-news · 3 months
Rand Paul Fast Facts | CNN Politics
CNN  —  Here’s a look at the life of Rand Paul, US senator from Kentucky. Birth date: January 7, 1963 Birth place: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Birth name: Randal Howard Paul Father: Ron Paul, former presidential candidate and retired US representative from Texas Mother: Carol (Wells) Paul Marriage: Kelley (Ashby) Paul Children: Robert, Duncan and William Education: Attended Baylor…
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the-lincyclopedia · 1 year
This maybe sounds mean, but I think we should be able to send doctors “hey, you were wrong” letters.
I was misdiagnosed with asthma when I was 12 and took asthma meds daily for seven years, and then it turned out I hadn’t had asthma in the first place; I actually have a different breathing problem. I don’t think the doctor who told me I had asthma (my pediatrician, who I was no longer seeing by that point) ever found out she’d been wrong. (This is one of at least four misdiagnoses in my life, from a variety of doctors, that I can think of off the top of my head.) Similarly, my first therapist told me she didn’t think I was autistic because I wasn’t obsessed with trains. I don’t think she ever found out that I am, in fact, autistic, because I wasn’t seeing her by the time I was diagnosed.
I get that it might be demoralizing to have someone contact you specifically to tell you that you messed up, but I think it would be useful for doctors to have data on how often they misdiagnose patients, especially since some doctors tend to think the patient is generally wrong when attempting self-diagnosis. It would be useful for my former therapist to move me from the mental column of “people who erroneously think they’re autistic” to “people whose autism I did not notice when they were right in front of me.” It would be useful for my pediatrician to realize she needed to look more closely and listen to kids when their breathing symptoms weren’t the classic asthma ones.
Doctors can get on their high horse and refuse to believe patients a lot of the time, and the power dynamic makes that dangerous in plenty of situations. I think it would be helpful to have a way to at least alert doctors when we have proof they messed up.
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
Every time someone well-meaning suggests I see a chiropractor for my migraines, I have this little moment of "ah, you're new here. You weren't here prior to 2018 when a chiropractor very gently adjusted my neck for my migraines, and I ended up having to get an emergency MRI because the ensuing symptoms were indicative of a brain bleed."
It wasn't a brain bleed. The muscles on the entire right side of my neck "just" tore (Spoiler there is nothing "just" about that kind of traumatic injury. I am still in physical rehab for it), and I couldn't hold my head up, see straight, walk or do any of the things I'd previously taken for granted until several weeks later when the area finally started to heal.
This was before I knew I had Ehlers Danlos, btw. But this is true even for people who don't have a connective tissue disorder: Don't let chiropractors touch your neck.
There are a lot of vital nerves and blood vessels there, and even gentle adjustments of the area can have life-threatening consequences.
I know chiropractic care can be pain relieving--I still get it for my lower back and hips because I work with a chiropractor who knows about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and sometimes my hips need to be popped back in at short notice, and it's easier to hop walk in and see her than wait for physical therapy--but it is a short-term relief that doesn't actually correct why something is happening.
If you can afford it, physical therapy will likely help more in the long term. I know not everyone can afford it, and that's why chiropractors have such a booming trade in the US, but please, I'm begging you, don't get your neck adjusted.
The spinal cord specialist I saw after my injury told me the number one reason he used to see people for traumatic brain injuries was car wrecks, followed by other major roadside injuries. He said those numbers were still the highest, but after that, the majority of his patients were survivors of chiropractic injury.
Do Not Get Your Neck Adjusted.
It's been over 5 years, and I still can't move my neck properly on my right side. I still struggle to eat and drink because my muscles will randomly seize up. It feels like my skull no longer fits on top of my spine because of the scar tissue. Please. I just want people to be safe.
And if you are a chiropractor reading this and thinking, "Well, I've never injured anyone, skill issue." No. You Have Gotten Lucky. Rethink how you apply your trade. Please, you can still help people while recommending safer options for specific body parts. Learn to do pressure point release and acupressure. Teach patients how to stretch and relax the area safely. Just fucking stop cracking people's necks like pop rock candy.
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skin-range · 6 months
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meandmybigmouth · 1 year
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