#helluva jesse x reader
everlastlady · 1 year
Helluva Boss X Birthday Reader. 🎂
☕ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story a very special birthday story because tomorrow is my birthday! I'll be 21 years old which I'll be celebrating with my friends. But this post is also for my birthday people out there who's birthday is either today, coming up, or already passed. If you enjoyed this story then please comment, like, or reblog. Also icons were made by me please don't re upload or edit over but feel free to use.
☕Word Count: 3429.
☕Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕Characters: Striker, Jesse, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, & Verosika.
☕Question Of The Day: When Is Your Birthday?
☕Author's Answer: June 8th
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Striker: Hooray! It was your birthday and you were excited you look over to see your partner Striker wasn’t in bed. But when the door opens you see Striker walking in singing you happy birthday while carrying a tray of homemade breakfast. He sat down and kissed you on the lips. “ Happy birthday, darlin’! “ Striker placed a kiss on your lips and set the tray on your lap. You loved how the breakfast looked and smelled. Striker was a good cook you wouldn’t lie so you were glad that your boyfriend made you breakfast in bed. “ So what does my pumpkin, wanna do on their big day? “ Striker asked while he watched you eating the food. You swallowed the pancakes and picked up the napkin and wipe your mouth. “ I was thinking we could go out to lunch and maybe just go on a nice walk. Just do something relaxing since I know we have been both working hard. “ You said. Striker smiled and kissed your head. “ Okay sweetheart, we’ll do just that just tell me where ya wanna eat and we’ll go there. “ Striker pecks you on the lips and stood up to go shower. After finishing breakfast, you decided to join Striker in that shower and helped each other get dressed. Striker whips out his phone and took a picture with you. “ I’ll take plenty more today. “ Striker gave you another kiss as the two of you left. Striker took you out to your favorite place to eat. Striker had his tail wrapped around your waist and you did the same with your tail while the two of you held hands. Striker smiled at you while the both of you took your seat. Since it was your birthday the waitress brought you a small cupcake and you thanked her. You and Striker ordered your food and ate. Striker took plenty of pictures since he wanted you and him to remember this day. After lunch, the two of you held hands and walked together in the park. “ Every year you get more beautiful. “ Striker said while he kissed your cheek. “ So do you want a birthday cake or anything else? Because I plan on making you a birthday dinner. “ Striker said while picking up a cool-looking rock and putting it in his pocket. You looked at your boyfriend with a sweet smile that could melt his heart and you nodded. “ A cake would be nice, can we bake it together? “ You asked. Striker smiled and chuckled. “ Of course darlin’ let’s go to the store and get what we need. “ He said.
You and Striker walked to the store. You decided to ride in the shopping cart which Striker didn’t mind he found it adorable so he pushed you around in the shopping cart as you placed what you both would need for tonight in the shopping cart. “ I’m glad I got paid well for my last target. “ Striker said in a low whisper towards you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You smiled and got out of the cart as you watched Striker pay for the items. The two of you loaded everything into your car and then drove home. Striker brought the bags inside and wanted you to relax since it was your birthday. You spent the rest of the evening in cozy pajamas and watching whatever you wanted on TV. You weren’t allowed in the kitchen since Striker was cooking but if you needed something you would just shout for your hybrid Imp boyfriend. Striker had snuck past you and into the bedroom, he grabbed something from underneath the bed and snuck back into the kitchen where he then set the table. Striker called you into the kitchen and you stood up. Stepping into the kitchen you saw that Striker had made your favorite meal. “ Striker this is amazing. “ You said and walked over to place a kiss on his cheek. Striker chuckled and pulled you close enjoying the kisses you placed on his cheek. “ Anything for my darlin’ so ready to dig in? “ Striker said with a smirk. You nodded and quickly sat down eating which made Striker laugh, he was glad that you were enjoying the food. After dinner, Striker grabbed something from underneath the table that made you cock your head. “ Here you go darlin’. “ Striker smiled.You grabbed the large wrapped gift and opened it. You saw that Striker had gotten you something that you took a special interest in. “ Striker thank you. “ You softly said. Striker stood up and walked over, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “ Happy birthday (Y/N). “
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Jesse: Your boyfriend Jesse was excited that it was your birthday. Because he had made some plans to make your day the special first thing he did was make you breakfast. He also got you a lovely birthday outfit. He gave you a gift which was a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “ Happy birthday babe. “ He helped you put on the necklace and the two of you shared a kiss. Jesse had gotten dressed up slipping on his leather jacket he was glad that he had gotten back from you since you tend to take his hoodies or jackets to wear because you loved his smell and loved how warm it made you. So he thought about getting you a leather jacket soon, maybe that would make a great Christmas gift. Jesse grabbed your hand and the two of you walked outside. Jesse handed you a helmet as the two of you got on his motorcycle. And riding through the Lust ring. Jesse had taken you out to a garden cafe in the Pride ring. “ I’ll wear the flower crown. “ Jesse said with a small chuckle as you handed him the flower crown. Jesse made sure to get you anything you wanted on the menu; he wanted your special day to be special. Jesse then took you shopping at a small store where he bought you a couple of outfits especially a nice one because he planned on taking you out to Ozzie’s tonight. You had always wanted to go but the policy was always couples only but now that you and Jesse were now dating so now you could go there with him. The two of you dropped the bags off back home. Exhausted from a good meal and walking around the two of you took a nap while you lay on top of Jesse’s chest. He rubs your back while you were sleeping and he soon fell asleep but set an alarm so that you two wouldn’t miss your birthday dinner. After waking up from a peaceful nap with your boyfriend. Both of you got ready and wore similar matching outfits, Jesse decided to drive the car instead of using the motorcycle. You held onto Jesse’s arm as the two of you walked into Ozzie’s your eyes lit up seeing how beautiful the place was. “ Heh, I come here a lot to work and yet this place is still beautiful but not as beautiful as you. “ Jesse kissed your cheek and the two of you walked to your table and sat down.
You picked up the menu as Jesse orders you both a drink. “ I was thinking after this we could go on a walk. “ Jesse said and looked at you. “ I would like that Jess. “ You smiled and both of you would drink and watch the performers on the stage. The two of you enjoyed a meal while Jesse would take time to compliment you and tell you how much he adored you. After drinking and eating the two of you took a stroll in the park. You held onto Jesse’s arm and walked into the park with him. Jesse would stop to pick up any pretty flower he had seen to hand it to you. “ I hope your birthday was good (Y/N). “ Jesse rubs the back of his neck. You gave his hand a little squeeze and smiled. “ Of course I enjoyed it not because of the gifts and dinner. But because I was with the guy that I love. “ You said. This made Jesse’s heart flutter and he stopped walking. He pulled you close and kissed you underneath the stars. You kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck. The two of you share a passionate and loving kiss. You and Jesse went back home, took a nice shower together, and then lay in bed together. The two of you snuggling in bed and watching a movie. “ Happy birthday (Y/N) “ Jesse said as he saw you were asleep and kissed your head.
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Asmodeus: You woke up to slam of the bedroom door. You jumped as loud music played and the people who worked for your husband Asmodeus had come into the bedroom with different sizes of gifts. Asmodeus stepped into the room and walked towards you. “ Happy birthday my little sweet rose. “ Asmodeus kissed you then snapped his fingers as the music stopped playing. “ Today is all about you and I made sure to spoil you a lot. “ Asmodeus nuzzled you and you smiled. Your boyfriend Asmodeus could be quite extra but you loved him. You were excited to see what he had planned. “ Now go ahead and open your gifts. You don’t have to open them all since there is a lot because I saw so many things that reminded me of you, that you needed, or that you would like. “ He said laughing. You smiled and started to open presents as Asmodeus watched you gasp in excitement at the gifts he had gotten you, especially a rose quartz ring. “ That outfit right there is for your party tonight. I made sure to hire the best caters and told them to prepare their favorite foods and desserts. “ Asmodeus smiled but then frowned. “ I hope they make it taste good and make it look good or else… “ He said in a dark tone. You stood up and walked over kissing Asmodeus on the cheek. “ And don’t worry I made sure to invite all our friends. “ He held you close on his lap. “ Now let’s go eat breakfast. “ Asmodeus gave you a peck on the lips and you two walked out of the bedroom to go get some breakfast. You enjoyed the breakfast that was made while Asmodeus talked about how the party will be. After breakfast, you and Asmodeus took a stroll through his rose garden. “ Beautiful just like these roses. “ Asmodeus smiled and looked at you. The man had sacrificed a lot when he asked you out when he had asked you to marry him. But he told people and even apologized that love and lust can exist in one. The party was being set up so you and Asmodeus took a bath together, then helped each other get ready. “ We both are the hottest people in Hell. And we’ll be the hottest people at your party. “ Asmodeus gave you a loving squeeze and the two of you walked downstairs for the party.
You had fun chatting and drinking with your friends. You looked at the food with amazement as your mouth waters. Asmodeus watched you with a smile. He was glad that you were happy with the party. After opening gifts and listening to your friends sing happy birthday to you. You stepped outside while everyone else parties. Looking up at the stars, you smiled. You like parties but you would describe yourself as a battery you could only handle so much until you had to recharge. You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Asmodeus. “ Everyone is going home now. I know that you have always been a battery my little battery hehe. But I made sure the party would end early so we could relax. “ He said with a smile. You turn around and hug Asmodeus. The two of you put away the gifts you got and then took another relaxing bath together. You changed into your pajamas and you could hear the blow dryer. You sat on the bed and Asmodeus came out brushing his fur and looked at you. “ I hope today was special my little rose. “ He leaned down and kissed you. “ Happy birthday (Y/N), I love you. “ Asmodeus and you spent the rest of the night cuddling in the bed and relaxing.
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Fizzarolli: You were sleeping peacefully in bed until you felt some weight on you and heard someone purring? You open your eyes to see your husband Fizzarolli looking at you. “ What are you dreaming about hotcakes? “ You rolled your eyes playfully and hit him with the pillow and he rolled off the bed then jumped up. “ Happy birthday! “ Fizzarolli yelled and kissed you all over your face as you laughed. “ You may be getting older but you are still as beautiful as the day I met you. “ Fizzarolli sat down on the bed. “ I tried to cook but I brunt our favorite pan. “ He said in a low whisper. “ But let me treat you to breakfast! “ He held onto you and you looked at him. “ Fine but next time you want to cook maybe watch a video or pick up a cookbook. “ You said and kissed his head. “ Then I guess buying a cake would be smarter? “ He said looking at you. You nodded your head and smiled. You knew Fizz couldn’t cook so you both usually went out to eat or you would cook. And Fizzarolli loved your cooking, but since it was your special day he wasn’t going to let you cook. “ Let me go get your gift. “ Fizzarolli stood up and opened the closet and stepped inside. You sat there on the bed stretching as you were in your underwear and wearing one of Fizzarolli’s t-shirts. “ Here this for you. “ Fizzarolli set a neatly wrapped green gift on your lap. You open it and smiled seeing that Fizzarolli made a scrapbook. You open the book to see the pictures of all the memories that you shared with him. You smiled and kissed Fizarolli, he kissed you back and grinned. “ Now get up and let’s get dressed so we can celebrate your birthday. “ Fizzarolli pulled you out of the bed and you went to go take your shower and slipped into a nice outfit. Fizzarolli got ready himself while you threw out the burnt pan. “ How did he put a hole in it? “ You said in shock and toss the pan into the trash. Fizzarolli walked out all dressed up. The two of you held hands and left the house. “ We should go to the diner where we first met. “ Fizzarolli suggested. “ If you want to though because it’s your day babe. “ Fizzarolli said smiling. You smiled and took Fizzarolli’s hand, walking towards the diner. The two of you entered the diner and waved at the old lady cat demon who served you and Fizzarlli on your first date here. It’s also where you used to work and how you met Fizz.
You sat down with Fizz as the old lady cat demon walked up. “ Happy birthday kid want the birthday special? “ She asked smiling. You smiled back and nodded your head as Fizzarolli just wanted some blueberry cakes and chocolate shake. “ Got it. “ The old lady walked as Fizzarolli smiled and rested his hand on top of yours. “ You look so beautiful today. How did I get so lucky to have the most beautiful and heartfelt demon in Hell. “ Fizzarolli kissed your hand and smiled. The two of you enjoyed the breakfast and took pictures. After leaving the diner. Fizzarolli took you shopping and to different spots in the Pride ring. “ Ooh matching necklaces. “ Fizzarolli stared at the necklaces that you had picked up. “ Yeah, it’s cute. “ You smiled and Fizzarolli grinned. He bought you the necklace. You helped each other put on the necklace as you both didn’t hear a familiar voice yell prude. Fizzarolli held your hand and the two of you continued to walk while enjoying the day. “ This is pretty good. “ You and Fizzarolli sat at the park underneath a tree and were eating pizza while watching the sunset. “ Yeah because you would have burnt the pizza. “ You said with a small laugh. Fizzarolli rolled his eyes. “ I’ll get better at cooking one day. Let’s go buy your cake and head home. “ He said smiling. But you had a different idea. You dragged Fizzarolli to the store and the two of you bought some stuff to bake a cake. Fizzarolli thought it was sweet that you wanted to bake your birthday cake with him more importantly you wanted to teach him how to bake. So when back at home the two of you baked the cake and Fizzarlli paid close attention. Once the cake was done, cooled down, and frosted. Fizzarolli added on the candles and sang happy birthday to you. You smiled and blew out the candles and Fizzarolli looked at you with a sweet smile. “ Happy Birthday (Y/N). “ He said smiling and getting ready to cut the cake with you.
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Verosika: You woke to the smell of something sweet and something s bit heavy being rested on your lap. You open your eyes and sat up. “ Happy birthday cutie. “ You heard a sweet alluring voice. You smiled and looked at your girlfriend Verosika who was holding a plate of strawberry shortcake pancakes. You looked over to see the large pink gift on your lap. “ Thank you, baby. “ You said. . And you kissed Verosika, you reached over and opened the gift to see that she had gotten you a jewelry set and some outfits. “ You’re going to have a special day cutie so eat up, clean up, and get dressed. “ She kissed you and then walked off she was already dressed. You sat there happily eating the food and watching some TV. After finishing breakfast; you got out of bed and took a shower. You tried on the outfit that Verosika got you along with some of the jewelry. You walked outside as Verosika was waiting in the car for you with Vortex. “ Look at you!!! I could just eat you up though I might do that later tonight~ “ Verosika said and winked. You blushed and got into the car with Verosika as she had Vortex take you two out to the shopping center where Verosika spoiled you and watched you try on outfits. She took many photos of the two of you having fun. She took you to different dessert shops. She then treated you to the spa where the two of you relaxed and talked. “ Anything else you want for your birthday cutie pie? “ Verosika asked while she lay there getting her back massaged. “ No, I think I’m good but thank you for this wonderful day baby. “ You smiled and felt relaxed as your back was also getting massaged. After finishing up the two of you went to the flower shop and Verosika bought you some red, pink, and black roses. She kissed your cheek and took a picture. The two of you drove back home and stepped inside. You and Verosika baked your birthday cake and had fun throwing flour at each other and eating frosting from the spoon.
You placed the cake in the oven. And walked into the living room with Verosika, you both ordered some pizza and sat on the couch cuddling while watching a movie. “ I swear romance movies try too hard nowadays. It’s like cmon stop trying to act all cool and relatable. “ Verosika said and sighed. “ At least the movie I starred in blew up we sold millions. “ She smirked and cuddled you close. You chuckled softly you found it cute how passionate Verosika was with what she loved makes you wonder why that bastard Blitzo decided to hurt/leave her. Hearing the ding from the oven, you and Verosika smiled at each other and jumped off the couch, running to the kitchen. She took the cake out of the oven and the two of you let it cool before frosting and decorating it. Verosika did a little doodle of her kissing your cheek and you added on the candles. She sang happy birthday to you and then got a video of you blowing out your candles. She giggled and smiled. “ Happy birthday (Y/N). “ She said. The two of you watch a movie while eating cake and cuddling. And of course, Verosika’s phone was blowing up with people telling you happy birthday as well.
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rotting--skull · 2 years
Totally forgot this account is real but anyways I'm writing again
Request away and have fun!
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The world needs more Jesse (Helluva Boss) x reader stuff. And maybe I shall make a blog dedicated to that concept because I need to simp for this man, okay?
Ooooooor should I make an ask blog for the OC I ship with him? Because I love him, and this OC of mine as become one of my favourite OCs very quickly. (And yes she is a succubus and a rock musician as in like rock, metal etc)
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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ashplayz · 10 months
Helluva boss x Y/n (my aus)
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I've done a version of this with the hazbin hotel characters already. I wrote these because I'm considering taking requests for scenarios with the characters I'm doing for both shows but anything I write will generally follow my au for each character.
Characters included:
Loona. Moxxie and Millie (together as a poly) agent's one and two (together as a poly) fizzarolli and asmodeus (together as a poly) Verosika Mayday, Stella. Jesse (he's the bouncer from ozzies. Mrs. Mayberry (teacher lady from episode one)
The characters I didn't include I won't be writing for not necessarily because I don't like those characters just because I'm not entirely comfortable on my ability to write for certain characters. I love Blitz and Stolas obviously queen bee too, Not so much striker.. I just don't know how well I can write for those characters. Once we get to see more of Barbie wire I'll consider writing one for her..
Language, mentions of abuse atempted suicide, murder ect.
Loona x non binary Y/n:
Loona was sniffing as she stepped out of Beelzebubs party. She was upset knowing she could never compare to the queen bee. But she actually really really liked vortex, she knew she didn't even have a shot however.. She was about to call Blitz to come pick her up when a voice caught her attention. "Hey there, what's a pretty lady like you doing out here alone?" The voice asked. Loona turned to see a stunning demon that bore a very similar likeness to Bezzlebub, their h/c colored hair having stars mixed in that shone like rainbows. and their h/c colored eyes gleaming with mischief. It was Y/n, the sibling of Queen Beelzebub, a renowned figure in the same line of work as Angel dust. Loona's heart skipped a beat. She had heard stories about Y/n and seen them in the papers, but seeing them in person was a whole different experience. Y/n was not only incredibly beautiful but also known for their charisma and talent in the line of work they were in.
Y/n flashed a warm smile and sat down beside Loona. "So, what's got you looking so glum at this fabulous party?" Loona sighed, her ears drooping. "It's just... I've been having a rough day, and being here only reminds me of how alone I am. Everyone seems to be having a great time except for me." Y/n's eyes softened with understanding. "I can relate. Sometimes, even the most glamorous events can feel empty. But you know what? The key is to find someone who makes you feel like you belong, someone who sees your worth and appreciates you for who you are.Y/n said gently. They knew all too well how Loona was feeling being the sibling of such a popular icon as Beelzebub didn't always feel great.. Y/n chuckled and gently nudged Loona's shoulder. "If you're up for it. let's go do something fun instead of sitting here sulking" Y/n Said. It didn't take long for the two of them to grow very close. As the pair both had their own problems and sadness but they were able to help each other.
Millie + Moxxie x Fem sinner reader:
Blitz had been too busy to work on yet another case so he assigned it to Moxxie and Millie. Upon meeting the client they were both starstruck as she was certainly eye-catching. She was a high-profile client named Y/n. She was seeking revenge on the person that killed her, she wouldn't exactly give a lot of details on how she died or who the person was to her because it was clearly difficult for her to talk about. As they delved deeper into the case, Moxxie and Millie realized that they crossed paths with Y/n more often than they anticipated, and it made them question a few things as the pair couldn't seem to focus on the task at hand but rather Y/n in particular their paths intertwined again and again. The more they interacted with Y/n, the more they wanted to know about this mysterious client. One evening, after a particularly long day of investigating, Moxxie and Millie found themselves alone in their office. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken feelings and lingering glances. Millie broke the silence. "Moxxie, do you ever think about... adding someone else to our relationship?" she asked hesitantly. Moxxie looked down at the table as his mind was running, he had heard about polyuamous relationships but he never considered the possibility of them being in one as they had always been content with just the two of them more than content. But it wasn't something he was really against per say. "You mean with Y/n?" Moxxie asked.
"Yeah.. I mean she does seem pretty cool and all.. I mean we've been together for a year now so we know we have a lot of love for each other, we could have enough love between the two of us for another person.." Millie said. Moxxie nodded. I get it. Y/n is... captivating, and I would like to know her more. If we're both on board, I don't see why we couldn't explore this, Millie. As long as she's okay with it of course" A mix of relief and excitement washed over Millie's face. "Really? You're okay with it?" Moxxie smiled warmly, reaching out to hold Millie's hand. "As long as we communicate openly and everyone involved is comfortable, I think it could be a new and exciting experience for all of us. We'll have to find a way to let Y/n know how we feel." They decided to wait until after the case was over until asking her out. It was a particularly tricky case after all. And they wouldn't have much of a shot if they failed to kill the target. Upon finishing the mission they invited Y/n to a celebratory dinner moxxie was relieved that blitz was too preoccupied with other things to interfere like he did with their last date at ozzies. They dressed up, wanting to make a good impression on Y/n, as well as each other
Agent one + agent two x fem sinner Y/n:
(I've already written a full story for this so I'll sum it up here)
Y/n worked at I. M. P but wasn't there when the events of 'truth seekers' took place. However she heard about all the batshitery that went down and was worried that the agentcy got stuff on them like recordings that could be used against them in the future so she went there using an ozmodin crystal to tie up loose ends. Only to get caught by agents one and two. As she was tied up she started flirting with the pair. After some time the pair ended up actually catching feelings for her. What they soon came to know was that y/n was in an abusive relationship with the person who was the reason for her death. I. M. P thankful found out and made him pay. While Y/n and the agents came to terms with their feelings for each other. Here's the full story 👇
fizzarolli + asmodeus x fem imp:
Y/n was a famous imp singer. She had a voice that could silence even the loudest crowds. She was to perform a song at ozzies which is how the pair first met her. Even they were starstruck by her voice, especially considering her song wasn't about anything vulgar which was ironic considering the way the pair reacted to Moxxies love song. But what made Y/n so captivating wasn't her voice, it was her seemingly inability to feel or express emotions.Fizz and Ozzie didn't believe that she couldn't feel emotions however and were determined to get to the bottom of her stoic expression. The pair befriended her, it was ironic considering how unlikely the two of them seemed together, She was even more of a stark contrast to the pair of them. Fizz and Ozzie tried various things to get even a spark of emotions from her but to no avail, some things they tried ranged from party's to pranks for better or worse but nothing worked. The pair were frustrated at this but they weren't so easily deterd. But overtime the pair became closer to her and they soon saw just a tiny spark of something.. Happiness and this made the pair feel a spark of something as well as they realized how easy it was for them to see a future with her. Most people wouldn't guess that their relationship was actually genuine because it's the embodiment of lust with an imp that has a line of love dolls biased on him, but in reality the two actually cared a great deal for each other, dare even say loved each other in their own way. They had no problem seeing forever with each other. And they realized that they might actually both want to see a future with Y/n as well. But upon unlocking her emotions they learned there was a reason she wanted to stop feeling in the first place. She endured so much pain in life and couldn't handle the aftermath of that pain. Fizz understood this painfully well considering the accident he suffered at the hands of Blitzo leaving him burned and resulting in the loss of his arms and legs, but he turned that pain into the strength needed to continue on in life. The pair saw that she was slipping away from them but what could they do if all she did was push them away. They never told her about their feelings for her until it was almost too late, and it landed the pair in the emergency room. Once she was in stable condition the two fearfully admitted how they felt about her and how they would give anything for her to be okay. The road ahead was going to be a bumpy and difficult one but as long as the three of them stuck together they were ready to face it together.
Verosika Mayday x fem human:
While Verosika was performing her song 'Vacay to Bone town' during the events of spring broken, she saw a girl sitting out away from the growing crowd of her adoring fans not paying any mind. Verosika from a distance tried to use her charm to wow this girl, to which she looked up momentarily only to shift her attention elsewhere. Verosika had too big of an ego to take this sitting down, she had never seen anyone lose interest that quickly so she became determined to win over this human girl just to prove to herself that she hasn't lost her touch after her relationship with Blitzo and that she could still have anyone she wanted. After her performance she made her way over to the girl and introduced herself flirtatiously, the girl however seemed unfazed by this but nonetheless introduced herself as Y/n. Verosika grew more and more frustrated by the second because no matter what approach she took Y/n was still unfazed by her attempts. It didn't take long for Verosika to reveal the fact she was actually a demon and oddly enough that brought them closer. Verosika even went as far as to take Y/n to dates in hell. She was rich and highly influential so nobody said jack shit about it. As much as Y/n remained indifferent about Verosika's advances she couldn't deny the fact that they were incredibly close. And eventually Verosika couldn't deny the fact that her feelings for Y/n were genuine and not just to prove her ability to pull anyone. But Verosika hadn't been in a genuine relationship since Blitzo and it left her hurt and without a car and credit card. But nonetheless Verosika became determined to get Y/n to feel the same.
Stella x fem imp Y/n: (short)
Y/n had been friends with both Stella and stolas when they were kids and surprisingly got along well with both of them as they were both very different people as kids. Stella was often sad as a child her upbringing was anything but loving, as she was always under pressure to be perfect by her family. Y/n didn't come from a necessarily happy family either. So she understood Stella's pain and was there for her. But as Stella got older and her arranged marriage to stolas drew closer she began to change for the worse. And ended up pushing Y/n away and hurting her deeply. Y/n went on to achieve big things while Stella ended up sorting through the rubble of her broken marriage. Stella had only herself to blame deep down she knew that but she had too much pride to revert back to the person she used to be as she viewed herself back then to be weak, her reason for feeling this way was the fact that then she had fallen for an imp, Y/n to be exact. Stolas cheating on her with blitz only reminded her of that fact and she hated it. But Y/n had heard about Stella and stolas's divorce and decided to drop in and check on her old friends. Stella had hurt her badly and due to that she held a lot of bitterness towards her. But she couldn't hide the fact that she loved the person Stella used to be.
Jesse (the bouncer from ozzies) x fem succubus Y/n: (short)
Jesse had lost a bet to his friends and as a result they made him ask out a new succubus that had just started working at ozzies, what made her special in particular was the fact she didn't act like a normal succubus as she rejected every one who asked her out and Jesse was no different. Her rejection definitely hurt his big ego so he didn't give up. Eventually he did opt to being her friend as a way to get close enough to her to have a better shot but the pair did actually end up becoming good friends. And he learned the reason behind her rejecting everyone was because she had been badly hurt be someone she loved. He was a sinner and they started a relationship pretty early on. But he learned that redemption was possible and decided to go for it despite the fact he promised her that he loved her too much to ever leave her. In the end he left her like she was nothing and so she vowed never to fall in love again. But at this point it was no longer a dare to Jesse he actually genuinely liked her a great deal but he had his work cut out for him when it came to getting her to trust him enough to date him.
Mrs. Mayberry (technically ex Mrs Mayberry)
X fem sinner Y/n: (short)
When mrs. Mayberry first entered hell; she was dazed and confused, also incredibly devastated by what had happened before her untimely death and by her own actions. She desperately needed a place to stay so she went to an apartment complex type thing only to learn that there were no open apartments available. She was told to try to room with someone and Y/n happened to be the first one she asked. Y/n was cold and came across as rude but nonetheless she allowed Mayberry to stay with her until she got her own place as long as she got a job and paid her share of the rent. Y/n was the one to suggest that Mayberry take revenge on the whore who slept with her husband. Seeing as Y/n had also hired I. M. P to settle a score. Overtime the they became closer and despite y/n still obtaining her hash attitude Mayberry couldn't help but fall for her.
As you can probably tell I lost motivation halfway through.
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yve-barr · 2 months
finally making one yassss
This one has extreme sexual theme so it's labeled as such the link makes it look very kinky tho
My poetry
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everlastlady · 1 year
Jesse X Reader: The Confession.
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☕┆ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Here is finally some content for Jesse that isn't Striker. Honestly Jesse may not be a major character but he was my absolute favorite character in Helluva Boss and the one thing I can appreciate VP does with her show. That she gives some of the background characters name. Also fun fact the VA for Alastor, also voices Jesse and now Striker. Anyway I hope you enjoy don't forget to comment, like, or reblog if you like this story. My request are open! 📖☕
☕┆ Story Contains: Silly Goofy Wholesome moments.
☕┆ Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕┆ Word Count: 2279
You sat on the couch watching tv. You were sung in the black blanket while your eyes bored into the TV, and you listened to the rain outside while you waited for your roommate Jesse to get home. You two had been living together for a while. This is because you two had grown up together and you two always had a place, never leaving each other side, the two of you were inseprrable and secretly had feelings for each other. But of you didn’t dare to tell the other how you felt. You heard the door open and saw Jesse taking off his bowtie while walking in. You smiled and psaused the show as you gave him a sweet smile. “ How was work asshole? “ You asked with a goofy grin. Jesse sighed and sat down next to you. “ It was great until some ass kept trying to sneak in but then he shows up with the fucking goetic price. So I had to let him in and then that dumbass has the nerve to give me the finger if he wasn’t with the price. I would have broken that annoying fuckers, fingers. “ Jesse said while crossing his arms and mumbling. You placed your hand on his legs. “ I’m sorry that asshole had ruined work for you, but hey don’t let him ruin the rest of your night. “ You said and stood up to go get Jesses a drink. “ But something interesting did happen I guess karma is real. “ Jesse said while following you into the kitchen. “ Oh? And what was his karma? “ You asked while pouring the bottle of wine. “ My boss and his little friend put not only him but the prince on blast. Both of them looked miserable and embarrassed. Watching him leave the club with the prince made my night. I hope he doesn’t show his face at the club, him and the prince. “ Jesse said as he grabbed the glass of wine and started to drink.
You weren’t really a fan of the royals in Hell especially with how they treated Imps like you, so you didn’t really go out for work. You worked from home as a writer which you made good money to help pay bills. You took a sip from your wine and set it down. “ I wish I was there to see it. “ You said. “ I’m sure you will people were recording everything with their phones. “ Jesse said while washing his glass out. “ Maybe next time, I’ll take you to work with me. I’ve been wanting to take you to the Lustful Lounge, I mean if you are up for it. “ Jesse cleared his throat when saying that. “ Of course, I would love to go with you, but isn’t it couples only? “ You asked with a smirk and a playful tease in your voice. Jesse chuckled and rubs the back of his neck. “ It is but hey a little lie wouldn’t hurt and hey we are basically like a couple we live together and when we shop some people assume we are dating. “ Jesse said as he wished the last part was true. He wished he could tell those people that assumed you and him were dating. That you were dating and that you were his. You smiled and nodded your head. “ Great! When should we go? “ You asked standing in front of Jesse. He closed his eyes, Jesse usually did this when he was in deep though. He opened his eyes and looked at you. “ We can go next friday since that is my day off. I can hook us up good with better drinks. “ Jesse said with a smirk. “ Sounds good I’ll be ready friday, so do you want to order a pizza? I don’t have the energy to cook and I’m sure you don’t cause of work. “ You said as you grabbed the wine bottle and head back into the living room.
“ Yeah, lets order a pizza. I don’t feel like cooking, I’ll probably just grab a couple of slices then head to bed. “ Jesse said. You nodded your head and grabbed your hpone as you place an order. Jesse stood there looking at you. He sighed to himself. He wished everytime he walked in from work that you would jump into his arms and give him a kiss. He did enjoy that you asked him about his day or work. But he wanted it with more affection. He wanted to be able to hold you in bed and talk about the people he loved and hated working with. To feel you kiss him and tell him about your day. To fall asleep next to you and then wake the next morning to your beautiful sleeping form. “ Jesse yoohoo, you okay? “ You said while standing in front of him. Jesse snapped out his thoughts. “ Y~Yeah! Sorry was thinking about work stuff, sorry. “ Jesse said while looking flustered. “ Its fine, I was asking if you are fine that order bacon and sasusage pizza? “ You asked. “ Oh, I also order two chocolate lava cakes since I know you love chocolate. “ You said. Jesse smiled and nodded. “ Yeah thats fine, thanks for ordering those delcious treats. “ Jesse said with a smile. The man did love his chocolate. After awhile the pizza finally arrived, both you and Jesse had paid.
The two of you sat on the couch eating and talking. “ Hey Jesse, Is there anyone you like at work, you work at the Lustful Loung and I see the attire you have to wear so is there anyone you had a crush on because I’m sure that place is full of love and sexual shit. “ You said while resting your legs on his lap. “ No, I don’t really like anyone at work and if you like someone at work then best to not talk about it so loud if you don’t want to get mocked. “ Jesse said while taking a bit of the chocolate lava cake. “ I mean people there have sexual partners or just lovers in general but when it comes to love its not something we just openly talk about espically when Asmoeus is around. “ Jesse said with a chuckle a nervous one. You nodded your head. “ Makes sense. “ You said. Eventually you and Jesse finish off the pizza and bid each other goodnight. Jesse walked into his bedroom and closed the door. His heart pounding as he thought about the date he was going to have with you, but he had to remind himself this was just a friendly date not nothing romantic which hurt him a bit. But he promised to make this the best night for you and maybe he’ll build the confidence to confess to you.
Before you both knew it friday had rolled by. You stood in front of the mirror and admired the outfit you had picked out. You smelled amazing and looked amazing. You walked out as you seen Jesse dressed up in some black ripped jeans, a black button up long sleeve, and his white hair looked nice. He kept in his gold piercing and looked at you, he stood there admiring how breathe taking you look. “ Are you ready to head out? “ Jesse said as he offered you a helemet which was for his motorcyle you knew how much this man loved riding his motorcycle. “ Yeah, I’m excited lets go have fun tonight. “ You grabbed the helmet and walked out with Jesse. When on his motorcyle with him, you made sure to hold onto him. Both of you flustered and having butterfiles. This wasn’t your first time riding on his motorcyle with him. You remeber when he used to work a lot of jobs just to get this thing and named the bike Kyle. When arriving at Ozzie’s, Jesse was able to get you two in quick, you took your sit and a little demon walked up. “ Can I get you two off, I mean started. “ She said. “ Rebecca… “ Jesses said annoyed and sighed. “ Just get us the Cupid special. “ Jesses said. The demon woman nodded and grabbed the menu then left. You chuckled and looked at Jesse. “ What an interesting co worker, you have. “ You said. “ Yeah just ignore her, she says that to everyone. “ Jesse said with a grin while he watched the waiter come with the drinks. You watched the pink smoke come out of the drinks and the light pink liquid was glowing, you loved the touch of the heart shaped ice cubes. When taking a sip of the drink, you had to set it down it was strong. You saw that Jesse had no issues knocking back the drink.
Jesse saw your reaction and chuckled. “ Too much for you? “ He asked. But you smirked and took another sip this time you were used it. The drink tasted like strawberries and vodka. You were starting to enjoy the drink. Jesse chuckled and the two of you took a picture while holding up your drinks. Jesse was going to cherish this memory with you. Once the perfomance started. You watched with wonder and was shocked to see how big the man himself, Asmodeus was at the end of the show, you clapped and cheered. You and Jesse split the bill, and walked out of Ozzie’s while walking to the motoclye. “ Wanna go to the diner we used to go to when we were teens? “ Jesse asked. You grinned and nodded your head. “ Sure, I could use something to eat after drinking. “ You said. You got back on the bike with Jesse and wrapped your arms around his waist. Jesse drove you both to this flashy yet old school diner, the two of you stepped inside the diner and took a seat in the booth. “ Remember after gradution we came here and just ate everything in the breakfast section. “ Jesse said with a smirk. “ Yeah, I also remeber you threw in the alley right after. “ You said giggling. Jesse groaned and hides his face in embrassment. “ Oh, come on we both promised that part would go in the vault. “ He said and shook his head chuckling.
The two of you order a big hot skillet dish to share while just drinking some coffee. Jesse could see how happy you were being back in this diner. He always wanted to see you happy. To see you smile, laugh, and be happy. Because being happy in Hell was rare even with how Imps were treated. He took a deep breathe the more he thought about this. “ What’s on your mind? “ You said as Jesse snapped out of his thoughts. “ I’m just thinking about… “ Jesse sighed. He couldn’t lie to you anymore, if you reject him that is fine, he just wanted to get this weight off his chest but not here. “ Lets go home and I’ll tell you. “ He said in a serious tone. This made you nod, whenever Jesse was ready to speak his mind you were ready to listen. So you paid the bill and you both left. Riding back to the place you both shared. You were quick to sit on the couch and slip off your shoes. Jesse was pancing back and fourth while mumbling something. You stood up grabbing his hand. “ Jess, come on sit down what’s wrong? “ You said in a soft endearing voice and lead him over to the couch. Jesse took a deep breathe. “ Ah shit, (Y/N), I have feelings for you. “ Jesse said while looking at you. This made your heart feel aflame every part of you was aflame, you stared at Jesse. He had a nervous look on his face. “ I-It’s fine if you don’t feel the same way (Y/N), I just needed to tell you. “ He said with a sigh and looked away.
But you place your hand on his cheek and turned his head towards you and smiled. “ I love you too, Jesse. I do feel the same way. “ You gave Jesse a kiss and he had pulled you closer to deepen the kiss with you. His tounge slipping into your mouth, as he fell on top. Careful not put all his weight on you. The two of you having your passionate makeout session. He his hand rubbing your inner thigh and your fingers running through his white hair. The two of you pulled apart and were breathing heavily and staring at each other. “ I’ve been wanting to do that since we moved into this place. “ Jesse said with heavys breath. “ Me too but not on the couch? “ You said with a devlish smirk. Jesse knew what you met and grab your hand. You both ran to his bedroom and closed the door, the night didn’t end but you both had fun so much fun~ After few weeks, you and Jesse had a lovely realtionship. Jesse soent time with you on his days off and you would always give him kisses or massages when he came home from work.
The two of you had fun dancing at home, going on rides on his motorcycle, going out to eat, or just watching , movies at home. Jesse was glad he had confessed his feelings to you and he was glad you felt the same. Eventually you and Jesse soon got hitched. You both agreed to have a small wedding with your friends and family. Jesse was glad to be your husband. And that didn’t stop him from being an amazing partner. Jesse will always love and appericate you, And you will always love and appericate him. Hell may not be sunshine and rainbows. But you both made each other happy and feel special in different ways.
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everlastlady · 8 months
What would happen if someone were to cheat on Striker? He's an antihero in this one.
Sorry that this took so long to answer was taking a break from HB because burn out but I'm back I hope that you enjoy the story.
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Mr. Loverman
✰ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another Helluva Boss story with Striker x Cheating reader. I hope that you guys enjoy this story because I wrote this while watching Corpse Bride and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Makes me wonder if I should write something with a corpse bride reader. Don't forget to like, comment, or give reblog if you love this story. Remember to always support your local community writers or writers in general. Also don't forget to eat, drink water, take your medicine, and that you are loved.
✰ Word Count: 2302
✰ Story Contains: Angst, Cheater Reader, Distant Striker, Sexual Implementations, Gender Neutral Reader, & Best Friend Verosika Mayday.
You and Striker had been dating for a year, the two of you had always had a strong love for each other. Striker admired everything about you from the way you would sass him and that adorable laughter you had whenever you laughed at one of his jokes. You thought you had the perfect relationship until Striker got more involved with his work; he got more obsessed with killing some demon prince and a group of imps. Whenever you tried to hug Striker he would push you away or tell you to go away. Sometimes he would come home and yell at you for no reason whatever happened at work he would take it out on you. That now you would just sleep in the other room to avoid dealing with Striker. Currently laying in bed now the house was quiet and there was nothing really to do until your friend texted you about going to a club in the Lust ring. It’s been a while since you had any fun so you decided to go. You slipped into a lovely outfit that would go with the Lust ring and freshened yourself up. You grabbed your keys and left not bothering to tell Striker where you would be heading. It's not like he would care. You could hear him in the bedroom that you guys used to share cleaning his weapons while on the phone with a client. You arrived at the club in the Lust ring where your friend Verosika was already waiting for you. “ (Name)! There you are, get your ass over here and let’s head inside, before someone takes the good tables. “ She said, placing her hand on her hip. Thanks to Verosika being a famous popstar the bouncer had let the two of you and Verosika took you two towards her favorite table in the vip section. Six drinks later and Verosika rolled her eyes. “ You need to dump that cowboy imp if he’s just going to treat you like shit and not even try in the relationship. Take it from me honey, I was with an imp that left me shitty and dry emotionally and sexually, you deserve better. “ Versoika took a sip of her drink, as you sighed softly.
“ I don’t know I feel like me and him could still have something, maybe I should change my clothes or hair. “ You said while tapping your finger against the glass. “ Honey, you shouldn’t have to change yourself for anyone, just forget about him and have fun tonight. “ Versoika stood up to go and dance with a female spider demon she had spotted; you sighed and decided to go and get another drink. From the bar as you stood at the bar you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. You turned around to see an incubus demon with white hair and yellow eyes with black pupils, he had golden piercings on his eyebrow and was wearing a black leather jacket and matching pants. “ Hey, do you wanna dance? “ The incubus demon with the pink skin stared at you with a nervous expression. You grabbed your drink and looked at him. You won’t lie he was actually kind of cute and it’s been a while since you had fun so you decided to take Verosika advice and say fuck you smiled. “ I’d love to dance. “ The incubus demon smiled at your request and took your hand as the two of you head to the dance floor. “ My name is Jesse by the way what’s your name cutie? “ Jesse danced with you as the music played loud but you could perfectly hear him.
“ My name is (Name) “ You said while dancing with Jesse what a cute name you thought Jesse it rolls off the tongue like a sweet treat. “ Do you have a boyfriend, (Name)? “ He asked while holding your hand and placed his other hand on your hip, the two of you dancing close together. You wanted to say yes because you loved Striker but another part of you wanted to say no because did Striker even deserve the title boyfriend? besides you were having fun with Jesse. “ No, I don’t have a boyfriend. “ You giggled but felt bad about lying but decided to push that feeling aside. “ Wow, I’m surprised that a pretty thing like yourself doesn’t have a partner, sorry if this seems forward but do you wanna come back to my place tonight maybe watch a movie? I make a really good strawberry cheesecake. “ Jesse grinned while holding you close. You did want to get out of this nightclub since your feet were hunting, the music was starting to her overwhelming, and you wanted to spend more time with Jesse. “ Sure, I would like that very much. “ You flashed Jesse a sweet smile that made his heart almost melt. “ I rode my bike here so I hope you aren’t scared to hop on~ “ Jesse smirked but you only laughed. “ I was riding bikes when I was teenager. It was the first thing I bought with my own money but had to scrap to keep affording my apartment. “ You said walking out of the club with Verosika who saw the two of you. “ That’s right honey get some dick tonight and don’t think about him! “ You stopped in your tracks as Jesse turned around and looked at you. “ What did she mean by him? Also I didn’t know you knew Verosika “ Jesse raised an eyebrow.
“ She’s talking about my ex, he’s a real jerk who never paid any attention to me and would just take his anger out on me. So Verosika invited me out to the club tonight to forget about him, we had been apart for three weeks. “ You bite the inside of your cheek. Keeping up with this lie was something you tried to stomach. “ I met Verosika at a party, how do you know her? “ You asked while finally leaving the nightclub with Jesse. “ She is my cousin, before she was famous she would sing into her hairbrush in front of me when we were teenagers while wanting me to rate her singing, heh, also your ex sounds like a dick if I was dating you I would treat you right. “ Jesse’s tail is wrapped around your waist. “ It’s good that my cousin invited you out tonight to forget about him, maybe I could help with that too? “ Jesse placed his finger underneath your chin so you could look at him. “ Let’s get out of here. “ Jesse grabbed his helmet and handed it to you. You smiled and placed it on your head and got on the back of Jesse’s bike and wrapped your arms around his waist. Driving into the night, you had arrived at Jesse’s place. You got off the bike and handed him back his helmet. “ Heh, maybe I should get a custom helmet made for you. That;s if you enjoyed the drive? “ He smirked. “ I did and I wouldn’t mind getting a custom helmet. “ You walk with Jesse into his house; as Jesse flips on the lights. His place was quite nice and looked comfortable. You heard small meows and looked down to see a blue icy looking skull cat. “ Aw. “ You kneel down to pet the cat as Jesse hangs up his jacket and turns around. “ Oh, that’s snow she is my cat, got her from the shelter that I was working at before I became a bouncer at Ozzie “ He looked over at you, as you stood. “ Can I use your bathroom? “ You asked, all that drinking at the club had hit you. Jesse nodded and told you it’s down the hall on the right.
“ Thanks. “ You walked down the hallway and headed into the bathroom and looked in a mirror. Feeling disgusted at what you were doing you decided to splash some water on your face. You felt your phone buzz and pulled it out seeing it was a message from Striker who was asking you where you were at. You sighed and said that you were at the club with Verosika. You were surprised that Striker had texted you the last text that was shared between the two of you was three weeks ago. You waited for Striker to text you back as you could see the three dots of the bubble chat loading showing that he was texting but then it stopped and all he said was okay. You sighed and shook your head putting your phone back into your bag; you jumped when hearing a knock on the door. “ Are you okay in there? Hope you didn’t fall in “ Jesse chuckled. You opened the door and gave a weary smile. “ Just feeling weird from all that drinking at the club. '' You said. “ Then let’s get some water and food into your system, maybe you’ll feel better right after if not I’ll get you some medicine. '' Jesse guided you to the bathroom. He was kind enough to make an oven pizza for you both and handed you a water bottle with some medicine. You sat on the couch eating the pizza with Jesse and drinking some water; he was right you were already feeling better.
After eating, you had your head rested on Jesse’s chest while curled up next to him with his hand on your hip as the two of you watched a horror movie together; you remembered how you and Striker would sit on the couch like this and watch movies this almost brought tears to your eyes but you were snapped out of your thoughts when Jesse turned your face towards him and kissed you. Your eyes fluttered close as you kissed him back, he pressed his lips ,pressed against you and parted your lips with his fingers as he slipped his tongue into your mouth; and you leaned into the kissed and wrapped your arms around Jesse who sat up and pulled you into his lap, the kissing between you two got heated and intimate that Jesse pulled away for a second. “ Are you sure that you wanna do this? “ Jesse asked. You knew this was wrong even if you and Striker’s relationship was on the rocks cheating didn’t feel right but the moments you were having with Jesse was something that you desperately craved to have with Striker again. “ Yes, I wanna do this. “ You said. Jesse smiled and picked you up as he took you to his bedroom.
After that night of what happened between you and Jesse, you continued to see him behind Striker’s back, always texting him or hanging out with him. That sadness, anger, and loneliness Striker gave you, Jesse eventually found out that you were dating Striker when Versoika told him the truth thinking it will help you pull away from Striker. Jesse of course wasn’t mad he even tried to encourage you to leave Striker so that you and him could live together and date. You told him you needed some time to think about it to which he told you. “ Take all the time you need. “ You sat on the couch watching a movie when Striker walked in the room; and stood in front of the TV. “ Yes? “ You asked, annoyed. Striker didn’t say anything; he tossed your phone into your lap and glared. You looked down seeing that your screen was on the text messages between you and Jesse. Your heart dropped to your feet. “ So you're cheating on me, so when were you going to tell me dumpling? “ Striker glared letting out a hiss. “ Or were you going to tell me when you leave. Is this Jesse person better than me, do you love him? “ Striker stared down at you. You bite your lip and sigh; you might as well tell the truth/ “ I’m sorry for cheating on you, I know it wasn’t right and I should have broken up with you. Yes, I love Jesse because he’s giving me something you haven’t in a long while. “ You stood up and looked at him. “ You let your work and hatred for those imps get in between our relationship that we just feel like roommates more than lovers. So I’m sorry for cheating you so to end this we need to break up; I'm going with Jesse. “ Before you could turn away Striker grabbed your wrist. “ You’re upset because I’m not giving you any attention to you so you decided to cheat and now you wanna leave me for some demon in the Lust ring who could be fucking half the people in that ring. Darlin’ listen to yourself. “ Striker tried to reach out and touch you but you shook your head and stepped back. “ I’m going… “ You turned away and went to your bedroom.
Striker followed behind you telling you that you’ll regret leaving him, that Jesse is just using you for sex that if you come back to him that you’ll have to be begging on your knees. You ignored him and packed your things. With two suitcases back you looked at Striker. “ Goodbye Striker, I hope you accomplish your goals and don’t let them destroy you. “ You walked out the front door and left Striker standing in the doorway until you disappeared down the road in your car. Striker tried to stay calm but eventually broke down crying he felt like it was his fault that you left. He wanted this to all be a bad dream; he was mad at himself for not putting effort into the relationship, he was mad at you for cheating, he was mad at Jesse for stealing you from him, and he was mad at his work for getting in the way of your guys' relationship. He missed you and he wanted you back, he would get you back.
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everlastlady · 1 year
When You Have A Nightmare.
☕┆ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Did you have a nightmare? Aww well don't worry because Striker, Fizzarolli, Asmodeus, & Verosika are here to keep you company so sit back and relax. If you enjoyed this story don't forget to comment, like , or reblog. My request are open so feel free to whisper your desires.
☕┆ Story Contains: Nightmares
☕┆ Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕┆ Word Count: 882
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🐍Striker: Striker hadn’t been home yet which was normal. He was an assassin so sometimes he didn’t even come home for a few days. You had spent the day doing your own thing and cleaning the home. You made yourself dinner and then got ready for bed. You made sure to feed Striker’s pet snake since you also adore the little noodle named Noodle. After making sure all the doors and windows were locked, you got into bed and watched some TV. Before you had fallen asleep you were resting until the nightmare happen and you woke up screaming and crying. “ Hey, Hey darlin, I’m here wants wrong? “ You were breathing heavily and stopped screaming and saw Striker crouched in front of you, as he placed his hand on your cheek and gave you a worried look. “ I got home a few minutes and didn’t want to wake you, but you woke up screaming. Did you have a nightmare, my little spitfire? “ Striker asked. You nodded and watched him wipe the tears from your eyes. He got into bed and held you close. He smelled like he had just gotten out of the shower. You cuddled up next to him and told him about your nightmare. Which made him sigh, he knew you worried about him, and he was glad someone worried about him. “ Darlin’ ain’t no one gonna take me away from you, not even Death, himself. “ Striker gave you a kiss. “ I’ll always be here for you, now rest that pretty little head of yours. I’m here I got the next few weeks off and I’m going to spend it with you. “ Striker gave you some more kisses and rubs your back. You eventually drift off back to sleep and Striker continued to hold you close.
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💚🤍Asmodeus & Fizzarolli: After a hard day at the Lustful Loung, you and Fizzarolli took a nice warm bubble bath with your, guys, boyfriend Asmodeus. How did you all fit in the tub? I don’t know to do the math. Anyway after helping each other dry off and get dressed. Asmodeus made you, both dinner and then you all brushed your teeth and went to bed, You on Asmodeus’s right side and Fizz on the left. You all cuddled up and watched a movie until they fell asleep and you had fallen asleep at the end. But then the nightmare came and you woke up in a small panic with tears streaming down your face. You looked over and saw your boyfriends Asmodeus and Fizzarolli staring at you with concerned looks. “ O-Oh, I’m sorry if I woke you, guys up. “ You said while wiping your tears. “ No, honey, you didn’t wake us up, I woke up 'cause Fizz kept kicking me. “ Asmodeus said while glaring at Fizz who gave a nervous smile. “ But we looked over and saw you muttering in your sleep about don’t leave you, what’s wrong? “ Fizzarolli asked, He got out of bed to sit by your side. You told them about your nightmare and they both hugged you. Well, Asmodeus hugged you both. “ Don’t be silly, we will never leave you. “ Fizzarolli said and kissed you. Asmodeus also gave you a kiss. “ Yeah, my little flower we will leave you, I love you and Fizz both equally. “ Asmodeus kissed you more. Fizzarolli and Asmodeus told you sweet and loving affirms and you had fallen asleep between the two with a smile. They both smiled and were glad you can sleep peacefully again.
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Verosika: You and Verosika had a wonderful date night with all the shopping, spa, movie, and then dinner. Verosika loved spoiling especially how you would always make her feel special. Right now you and Verosika were getting ready for bed. She was already in bed asleep with her eyemask and lingerie on. Which made you blush. She always looked good in black, white, and pink. You finished getting ready for bed and then got yourself into bed. You fell asleep next to your girlfriend, and after peacefully sleeping the nightmare came and you were crying when you woke up. You saw that Verosika was still asleep and didn’t want to wake her up. You knew she valued her beauty sleep. So you got out of bed and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a treat from the kitchen and sat on the couch as tears stained your face and you watched TV. Verosika came out and yawed. “ What’s wrong babe? The bed is lonely without you? “ She said. She walked over and sat down pulling you close. You held onto her and cried in between your sobbing mess, you told her about your nightmare. “ Oh, baby. I don’t care what you look like. I’ll never leave you because no one is hot like you. I don’t care about your looks, I care about what's inside just like you said to me when we first met. “ She kissed you. You smiled and she wipes away your tears. “ Now we can sit here and watch TV until you fall asleep and I’ll carry you back to the room mkay? “ She said. You nodded and cuddled with her how the couch until you fell asleep, but you two didn’t go to the room because Verosika fell asleep on the couch with you.
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everlastlady · 1 year
Hii! Hope you're having a nice time of day! I was wondering if you could write hc's for Striker with a S/O, who is a Cat demon! I'm not sure if something like this has already been requested, so forgive me if I'm clueless :')
I'll gladly do this for ya! Thank you a bunch for requesting. I'm going to be basing some of the cat stuff from the wiki on Husk and VP has stated that, Husk hates his form because of the cat like shit that happens with him. So this should be interesting for Striker with a cat demon partner. So again thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
☕ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story and request of Striker X Cat Demon Reader. This was a fun one to write even though any content I write for Striker is fun because I love his character. If you loved this story please make sure to comment, like, or reblog.
☕Word Count: 1450
☕Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕Story Contains: Abusive asshat Valentino.
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Striker X Cat Demon Reader
Striker had met you when you were injured in an alleyway. He had just got done taking of a job and decided to use the alleyway to get home quicker. But when hearing heavy breathing, he followed the sound to see you. A demon cat who was injured and in pain. Striker never really care for anyone else but himself. But he saw that were in pain and he wanted to help. When he tried to reach out and help you up. You only hissed and scooted back making the tin trashcans rattle. Striker was a little taking back by your reaction but he also saw that you were scared. How you looked scared, confused, and wanted to cry. “ Hey, now darlin’ I ain’t going to hurt you, my name is Striker, do you want me to help ya? “ He could tell that you were scared like he was going to hurt you. Looking at Striker, you weren’t sure if you should trust him, but something told you to trust the cowboy Imp. So you nodded your head. Maybe he could help you with your injuries.
He had picked you up carefully and walked down the alleyway with you. Striker’s home was small and the way he dressed fit the theme he had going on in his home. He set you down and came back with a medkit. “ You wanna tell me who hurt ya? I’m an assassin so if you have the money. I could take this person out. “ Striker said, but he saw that you looked away and said nothing. He respected that you didn’t want to talk about it; after patching you up. He gave you some fresh clothes which were one of his shirts and sweatpants. You went to wash up and change.
Your cat-like features interested Striker. He thought you looked adorable. Your features made him smile and seeing your tail wag when you were finally happy made him happy. Striker was a wonderful and good host. Even letting you spend the night. He would cover you up with blankets and pillows before he got up to leave. You grabbed his sleeve and wanted to tell him what had happened and how you ended up in the alley. Yould told him about the cruel and fucked up things your boss Valentino did to you and how you stood up to him, only for him to beat you up and you tried your best to fight back and ran. That you were hiding in that alley from Valentino and anyone he sent looking for you. This was the first time Striker ever felt sorry for someone. “ Oh, darlin’, I’m sorry that happened to ya, that was brave of ya to finally stand up and fight against him. No one should ever have to go through what you went through. My offer still stands if you want me to kill him. But you stay here as long as you want, I’ll protect you. “
Striker loved the little purrs you made when he would kiss your head or caress your cheek. You watched the cowboy Imp stick by your side until you fell asleep. You never thought you meet someone this kind. Someone who would finally help you. When sticking around Striker’s house you did your part and cleaned up. You also would make Striker food. “ Darlin’ you ain’t have to do all this for me. “ Striker would say but you would stare at him with your soft (E/C) eyes and he would just chuckle. “ At least let me help. “ And the two of you would be cooking and cleaning together.
You weren’t scared that Striker was an assassin in fact you asked Striker to teach you how to fight and use weapons. You wanted to be able to protect yourself when you were ready to leave. “ I mean if you are serious then sure, I’ll teach you how to fight and use weapons darlin’ and I promise you’ll be the toughest little kitten out there. “ Striker would say and be excited to teach you. The training was hard at first and Striker would take it easy at first and then really toughen up on you. He taught you how to disarm, defend, and use weapons properly. Whenever you or Striker pinned each other to the floor. You would be locked in a staring contest while blushing only for him to clear his throat. “Let's continue with the trainer little kitten. “
When he wasn’t calling you darlin’, pumpkin, sugar, sweetheart, doll, or anything else in that smooth southern accent. He loved to call you little kitten and you didn’t find you were fond of the nickname. “ Little kitten you wanna watch a movie? “ or “ Hey little kitten did you eat today? “ That nickname made you happy and seeing Striker care for you and teach you made you feel all warm, and you were slowly falling for him and he was slowly falling for you as well.
It was time for you to leave and you made that choice. Striker walked up to you. “ If you ever wanna come back then just call me kitten. “ He would write his number down and hand it to you. When he caresses your face you would nuzzle your cheek into the palm of his hand, letting out soft purrs. You stared at him with doe eyes and Striker leaned in a bit so did you, before you both knew it. The two of you were kissing. The man tasted like dark coffee and nicotine. ( I’m not sorry)
The two of you pulled away and Striker smirked. “ You know you don’t have to leave just yet and it would be a shame. If you wasted money hotel hopping when you have a nice place here with a cowboy who can protect ya. “ Striker said. You smiled as your tail curled, you agreed to stay here with Striker and you agreed to be his partner which made Striker happy because now you both could lay in his bed.
Striker wasn’t fazed by you always zooming around sometimes at night or when you laid on top of him. He would rub your back and hear you purr. He would chuckle feeling you nuzzle into his neck. “ You are so damn cute, little kitten. “ Striker would always hold you close in bed, though sometimes he would hiss feeling your claws dig into him and you would apologize and kiss whatever marks you left on him.
Oh boy, whenever you bent down to pick up something and wiggled your ass a bit which you had no control over. Striker would stand behind you looking like a damn villain. He would smack your ass and take off running, as you chased him to beat his ass with your shoe. But sometimes you did get him back even though so the man had no ass. (Again not sorry, he has no ass. )
Your boss eventually found you having one of your old co-workers track you down and Val showed up to take you back. Striker had that knife drawn letting Val know this ain’t no normal knife. “ I suggest you get your ass off my property, I also suggest you leave my little kitten alone, they don’t work for you, no more and they don’t have to so you can either leave here alive or I can send you back your cheap ass business in a casket. “ Striker said with a growl. Val glared at you and at Striker, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. “ Keep them, I can’t get someone else to do a better job than, them someone more obedient, beautiful, and better. “ Val would blow his smoke in both your faces and leave not looking back. Striker would slam the door closed and would be breathing heavily from anger but he would calm down when you hugged him. Striker would hug you back letting you cry. “ Don’t worry darlin’, he’s gone, and won’t have to worry about him anymore. “ Striker would pick you up and carry you to the bedroom.
Striker always protected you, he loved you and wanted nothing but for you to feel safe. He enjoyed your cat-like features everything about you was beautiful what was cute. Is that when you purred or hissed. He would also hiss or make rattle noises. Making it both a fun game between you two, you may have had your cat tendencies but Striker had his rattlesnake and crocodile tendencies. And you both never judged each other. You were glad Striker found you in that alley and saved you, Striker was glad he found you because he planned to never let you go and always protect you.
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everlastlady · 10 months
What would Striker think of a reader who has a beautiful voice? The reader is a singer and she often gives performances in wrath playing the guitar.
In the end, the reader confesses her feelings, dedicating a romantic serenade to Striker. I think they could make a nice duo together.
- Crystal ✨️
What a lovely idea💡 hopeful this came out beautiful!
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Serenade: Striker X Fem Imp Reader
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerfully overlords. Here is another request this story and want more or even more stories. Please consider liking, comment, or reblogging. Check out my account for other Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss stories. Remember to always support your local fan fiction creators. Also remember to eat, drink water, and take your medicine.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2205.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Jesse, Asmodeus, & Striker.
ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀᴛғᴏʀᴍs
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟʟᴜᴠᴀ ʙᴏss ʙʏ ᴠɪᴠᴢɪᴇᴘᴏᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ.
You always had it hard in Hell, when you were facing the harsh life of Hell with being an Imp. Then you were dealing with your family and you didn’t have a healthy relationship with your family, no one in that family had a healthy relationship with each other. There was always lots of yelling, throwing things, and threats. You still loved your family and cared about them but you couldn’t be around all the shit that was happening, especially when your parents would mock your dreams. Telling you that you won’t be a performer that it’s a stupid dream to have and you won’t get anywhere in life with that career. But a part of you knew they only said those things because their dreams failed. So when you turned eighteen, you left your home for good with your parents yelling at you saying that you’ll never make it out there in Wrath and don’t come crawling back home. You ended up staying with a friend named Jesse who let you stay in the guestroom in his apartment. You got a job at a coffee shop but still tried your best at the career you wanted and good thing Jesse worked at a place called Ozzie’s , so he was able to get you a night up on the stage. And when you took that stage you blew everyone away even the demon prince himself Asmodeus was impressed, so impressed that he wanted you to sign a contract with him it wasn’t anything shady so you signed it, and from there it was just beginning. With the money you made for performances and getting booked at parties, restaurants, and shows. You made a lot of money that you got your own place, you didn’t forget about Jesse so you did pay him back and not only with money but he was always by your side when you went on trips and the trip you were taking him on for a week was in Wrath. You were going to perform for a few days at a famous bar and you were kinda nervous to go. “ Hey, you’ll be fine if we run into your parents then I have your back. “ Jesse gave your hand a squeeze and smiled.
The incubus imp really knew how to make you smile, you gave a nod and laid your head on his shoulder. The two of you arrived in Wrath and got settled in a nice hotel room. You were deciding on what to wear for your performance. So many outfits laid out on the bed and Jesse was sitting down tuning your guitar for you. “ Go with that one, it will make you look like a beautiful devil on stage. “ Jesse’s tail pointed to the outfit that stood out from the rest. “ Thanks Jess. “ You picked up the outfit and walked into the bathroom. You took a shower and washed yourself up, smelling great, you dried off and slipped into the outfit. Jesse did your make-up and hair for you, the two of you took a picture to upload on Voxtagram. You left the hotel with Jesse, the two of you stepped into the bar from backstage, your dressing room was beautiful, Jesse went straight for the snack table. “ The food and snacks in Wrath are the best right next to the Glutontty ring.” Jesse tossed a piece of candy into his mouth and sat back on the black leather couch. “ Yeah, I remember how I would have to eat dinner or lunch at my neighbor’s house. “ You let out a sorrowful chuckle. “ Don’t think about your parents this is your night, you got this now go make some magic on that stage. “ Jesse pats your back. You turned around and gave him a hug. “ Thank you Jess. “ The two of you hugged for a while and you pulled away. You could hear the host talking and making jokes on the stage, but then he introduced you and that’s when you walked out on stage and began to sing. The audience was quiet as they listened to you sing, some talking about how lovely your voice was and how lovely you looked. A certain hybrid imp sat at the bar with a drink in his hand as he listened to you sing. “ Lovely~ “ He took a sip of his drink and continued to listen to you sing. The light that shine down on you made you look like an angel in Hell, Striker was the hybrid imp’s name and he usually never paid attention to the entertainment on stage but you had his full attention, something made his stomach twirl in a good way in a way that made him never want this feeling to stop. You made a wave of warmth wash over him, a loving sigh escaped his lips. “ So lovely ~ “ He felt like he was being hypnotized by your voice. Once you finished you took a bow but when you opened your eyes. They were locked with Striker’s yellow eyes, his large smile made your heart beat fast that it felt like everything and everyone around you was in slow motion.
You stood straight up and quickly walked off stage. “ You did great! “ Jesse said but he saw how you were looking so clouded and flustered. “ You okay? Were the lights too bright, damn I knew we should have eaten dinner before you went on stage. “ Jesse sighed. “ No, I'm good, just someone in the audience.” You rub the back of your neck. “ Is there another creep in the audience, I could take care of them or get security. “ Jesse held your hands, but you chuckled and shook your head. “ No, it’s fine, he’s actually kind of cute and before you give me a whole speech, I’ll be safe and won’t get close besides I’m sure that I’m not his type he was probably smiling like everyone else because of my performance. “ You walked towards your dressing room and decided to relax for a bit since you had another song to do soon. Jesse decided to head to the bar for a drink, so you sat back on the couch and decided to eat from the snack table. The gentle knocks on the door snapped your attention away from the snack you were eating, you stood up and walked over to the door when you the door the hybrid imp from the bar earlier was standing right in front of you in his western attire which common in the Wrath ring, this man smelled like gunpowder and cinnamon, the smell made you feel intoxicated. “ That was quite a performance, darlin’. “ His smooth western accent made you blush, his voice was smooth like honey glazing over a sweet treat and that smirk spoke of danger but also had a friendly approach, his tail rattled a bit as it swayed. “ Thank you. “ You let out a nervous chuckle and looked at him and wondered how he got backstage. “ Are you from around here or one of those performers that just go ring to ring singing little songs. “ He stared down at you, for an imp he was taller than you. “ I’m actually from Wrath but moved to the Lust ring when I was eighteen, and here I am back in Wrath to perform. I’m glad you enjoyed my performance. Do you usually come here? “ You asked and stepped aside to let him come into your dressing room. “ This place has the best drinks in Wrath so I come here after a day of hard work. “ He said while walking in and looking around. “ Well hard working man, do you have a name? “ You sat down on the couch. “ It’s Striker, and from the host said, I’m going to guess your name is (Y/N) but darlin’ sounds better, you don’t mind if I continue to call you darlin’ ? “ He asked, sitting down on the couch next to you. You smiled and looked at him trying to hide your blush. “ I don’t mind, so Striker what do you do for work? “ You opened a water bottle and took a sip. “ Farm work. “ He smirked, but he did more than farm work but he wouldn’t tell you what other things he did, he didn’t want to scare you away.
“ I grew up on a farm, though my parents didn’t really take good care of it so I did all the work, it was kinda exhausting. “ You sighed. “ Farm will do that to you but you get a lot of experience and strength from it. “ Striker looked at you and saw that frown on that face he found so beautiful. “ I’m guessing that those parents who didn’t take care of the farm weren’t good parents. “ He said. You were going to answer but the knock at the door interrupted the conversation. “ Ready to take the stage miss (Y/N) “ The stage manager said. You stood up and fixed your dress and looked at Striker, with a smile you wanted to continue this conversation. “ Me and a friend are grabbing dinner after this. Do you wanna join us? I'm really enjoying your company. “ You hope he will say yes. “ Of course, I’ll join you both. Thanks for the invite, I’ll be seeing you on stage. “ Striker shot you a wink and walked out the dressing room. You smiled and wanted to keep talking but you had one more song to do and then you could have dinner with him, hopefully Jesse won’t mind that Striker would be joining the two of you. You looked in the mirror and nod to yourself, stepping out of the room you took the stage again but this time Striker was sitting at a table in the front and watched you so you decided to serenade him, a while back you had worked on a love song so you decided to play it and hopefully charm him. You began singing on stage and playing your guitar, Striker seemed so impressed by the way you handled the guitar and hearing that song while seeing you eye him. Striker watched as you stepped off stage while singing and playing the guitar, the people knew not to touch you not wanting to get kicked out or even kicked in the face. You walked towards Striker and stood in front of him while playing your guitar. Some people gave jealous stares wishing that they were in his seat. After you finish, you shoot Striker a smirk and walk away vanishing backstage. You were glad that you only had to do two songs for a week and maybe for these two weeks you can grow close with Striker. When heading back to your dressing room, Striker was already standing there damn he was quick.
“ I’m guessing you enjoyed the performance? “ You chuckled and opened the door to your dressing room and walked inside with Striker. “ I did, best damn show I’ve seen. Usually the entertainment is boring but you really know how to grab my attention darlin’~ “ Striker placed a finger underneath your chin and his face in front of yours. “ I’m curious, were you trying to serenade me? Little song bird because if so it worked~ “ Striker leaned in and kissed you, he tasted like gin and he was gentle when kissing you. You melted right into the kiss. His hands rested on your lips as he pulled you closer, your bodies pressed together. You stood on your tippy toes and placed your hands on his shoulders and tongues exploring each other’s mouth . Striker’s tail rattling filled the room. Your phone buzzed and you pulled away while breathing heavily, you looked at your phone as if it was a text from Jesse who told you that he won’t be able to grab dinner with you tonight since he had met someone but he would make it up to you. You looked at Striker who smirked at you, turning around you texted Jesse that it was fine and that you were tired. You tossed your phone on the couch and looked at Striker. “ My friend won’t be able to join me for dinner, so do you know any good places to dine? “ You asked with a smile. “ I know the best restaurant, it’s not fancy like the restaurants that you go to, probably a superstar. “ Striker chuckled. With a smirk you roll your eyes. “ Striker, I may be a superstar but not all of us always eat at fancy restaurants. “ You didn’t really even like fancy restaurants. The only time you went was with your boss Asmodeus who just wanted you to go because of business deals, meetings, or public appearances. “ Well then I hope that you don’t mind that I take you to the best restaurant in Wrath. “ He watched as you grabbed your phone and turned around. “ For someone who isn’t into fancy places you sure were at this bar tonight. “ Striker smirked. “ Like I said, this place has the best drink. “ And his target was here and killed the bastard in the guy's office. “ Ready to get out of here? “ He offered his hand. You smiled and took his hand and the two of you left the dressing room.
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everlastlady · 11 months
What if y/n lost that spark with Blitz as they're not intimate anymore and ended up having feelings for someone else?
When I saw this. I had the most evil fucking smile because angst and romance. So I dearly hope that you enjoy this story!
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Verosika X Reader: Pity Party.
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Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story. So glad I'm getting these request done because I'll be trying to get them all done today so I can write other stuff hence why my request are closed at the moment. But if you love this story then leave a like, comment, or reblog because remember always support the writers!
Word Count: 2145
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Story Contains: Angst, Cheating, Lost Of Spark, Verosika being the best, & Learning To Let Go & Moving On.
He was your everything or so you thought he was. He used to make you laugh and smile. You loved his small kind gestures and how he would talk to you about horses. You found his love for horses adorable that you would help him with his collection. You loved Blitz but sometimes things don’t last forever. You sat there in the bed and looked over at Blitz who was asleep. You heard his phone vibrate on the nightstand. You didn't bother to check his phone, because you already knew who it was. Prince Stolas of the Goetic family. He's the one who had Blitz's attention. You knew about this when you and Blitz were having sex but instead of moaning your name. He moaned Stolas's name instead and it hurt you at first even when Blitz tried to apologize you would tell him it was fine but in reality, it wasn't. So you two stopped having sex after that followed by date nights getting canceled, half-ass kisses, and Blitz forgetting about your anniversary. You eventually moved out and went to go live with your friend Jesse who gladly let you stay with him. The first night in the guest room you cried yourself to sleep because you expected Blitz to call. Those few weeks you hoped that he would call or show up but he didn't. He even unfollowed you on Voxtagram. You lay there in bed sobbing; Jesse had stepped into the room and did his best to comfort you. After some weeks Jesse took you out to a party. He believed that you could use a good time and that you deserved a good time to get over Blitz. You agreed to go to this party and were shocked to see that the host was Verosika Mayday, you only know her because Blitz came home one day in excitement and told you how he got his parking space back from her. But also went into detail that he dated her. You stepped into the party with a simple outfit on and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Dancing, chatting, drinking, and some people were making out. You tried your best to stick by Jesse’s side all night but you lost him when you went to the bathroom.
You walked around the party trying to find Jesse. You walked outside and saw people swimming in the pool or by the bar. You kept walking you had drifted into your memories. You remember how Blitz would take you to parties, how he would be the life of the parties. You remember cheering him on when he joined in on a drinking contest. How he helped you make friends and if you wanted to leave early because of your social battery or anxiety then he would take you home. But now you feel so lost that you weren’t paying attention that you accidentally bumped into someone and felt something wet on your chest. “ Hey! Watch where you are going geez! “ Said, an annoyed voice. “ S-Sorry. “ You said. You looked up and made eye contact with the pink-eyed woman, you soon recognized her as Verosika Mayday and she also recognized you. “ Oh? Your Blitzo’s girlfriend, aw crap don’t tell me that he’s here because I swear I’ll have my guards kick him out but you can stay you aren't annoying like him. “ She said. “ But you did make me spill my drink on me. “ She said, rolling her eyes. “ No, Blitz it’s here we aren’t together anymore. He found someone better than me… “ You said, trying not to tear up but it failed and Verosika saw that hurt and pain in your eyes. She recognized that pain all too well and mumbled under her breath. “ That little shit destroys everyone he touches. “ Verosika looked at you. “ Hey come with me since you spilled my drink on both of us, you can help me clean it up. “ Before you could respond to what she had said, she grabbed your hand and dragged you inside the house. She led you upstairs and was going on and on about how she threw this party so she could get on the summer party cover magazines. Verosika opened the door to her bedroom and you followed her inside. Her bedroom looked stylish and more expensive than the apartment you and Blitz used to share. “ Here, take this, think of it as a favor because you needed better party clothes. “ Verosika handed you a shirt and a pair of pants. Holding the outfit in your arms made your brain hurt trying to wonder how much it cost.
You jumped seeing Verosika change in front of you, her reaction made you chuckle. “ I never get tired of seeing people get so flustered around me from seeing me change in front of me~ “ She shot you a wink. “ I’m not flustered, I'm just surprised because if you wanted privacy I could have gone into the bathroom to change. '' You said, looking down at Verosika’s fluffy pink carpet. Verosika was quite surprised to hear this but then she realized it. You didn’t have that aura that her kind could sense when they made others flustered or even desired them. Your energy was neutral. “ Blitz must have fucked you up if you aren’t digging me, don’t tell me that you are hoping he calls, texts, or tries to visit you. Because I’m going, to be honest with you. There is only one thing that the selfish Imp cares about and that’s himself. He’ll use people for his gain and leave them high and dry. Because he did the same to me, he took my card and left. I thought he was a great guy at first but he showed his true colors. “ Verosika said, with a cold stare. You notice the heart tattoo on her arm with Blitz’s name crossed out. “ What if he does come back, we only lost our spark. “ You said while holding the clothes close to your chest. Verosika laughed. “ Honey, he isn’t coming back once Blitzo drops you then you are dropped. I’m sorry to say this but you wasted your time with him. “ She walked over to her dresser and sat down to redo her make-up. She was applying her lipstick but stopped when she heard crying and a thump. She turned and stared in the mirror to see you on the floor crying. “ Oh, come on don’t cry over him, he’s a selfish piece of shit probably why Fizz and Barbie hate his ass. “ She mumbled. But you continued to cry. Verosika knows the pain you are feeling. She sighed and set aside her lipstick, the succubus stood up and walked over to you, and got down on her knees; pulling you close she let you cry into her chest.
She rubs our back and begins rocking you back and forth while humming. Josh came into the room since he was looking for Verosika but she mouths for him to get out and Josh quickly closes the door. “ It’s okay honey let it all out, deep breaths in and out. “ Verosika’s voice was soothing like honey and lavender. Her back rubs felt like high heaven. Once you calmed down you stared up at Verosika. “ Thank you, maybe you are right, maybe Blitz isn’t coming back and I should move on. '' You said, Verosika sighed and cups your face. “ Hey, I’m sorry I only said that because you know me and he used to date; let’s just say he actually loves you and comes back but Jesse told me about what happened. We don’t have a say in who you should date. All I’m saying is protect your heart and put yourself first if nothing is there then nothing is there. Don’t hold onto memories, look for something healthy for you. “ Verosika kissed your forehead and stood up. “ Shall we get you dressed up and head back to the party? “ She offered her hand and smiled at you. Verosika’s words truly meant a lot to you. “ Thank you Verosika. “ You grabbed her hand and stood up. Going into her bathroom; you got dressed and came back out. “ You look stunning! “ Verosika said with glee. This caused you to blush which made Verosika smirked. “ Is that a hint of blushing I see? “ Verosika laughed and walked over; she took a picture of you which she was going to upload and asked for your Voxtagram tag which you gladly gave her. She followed you and tagged you in the picture. “ Ready? “ She asked. You looked at Verosika and rubbed your arm. “ I’m not sure, I'm not too good with parties. '' You said, looking down. “ Don’t worry I’ll stay by your side all night, I promise. “ Verosika grabbed your hand and the two of you smiled at each other. Both of you left the room and Verosika kept her promise. She stayed by your side the whole night and introduced you to her group. Of course, if they tried to get into your pants or make you comfortable she would make them back off. She would offer you drinks, and food, and dance with you. The two of you took a lot of photos and videos together.
When the party was ending, Jesse waited in the car for you as you were saying your goodbyes to Verosika. “ Remember you are always welcome here and don’t forget about our shopping spree on Friday because I’m going to get you whatever you want. “ She pinched your cheeks as you laughed. “ I’ll be ready, Verosika, thank you for the fun night, I appreciate your company. “ You said, you hugged and Verosika smiles and hugs back. “ You take care (Y/N), and remember if you do take back that asshole he better treat you right. “ Verosika pulled away and the two of you wave goodbye. You got into the car with Jesse and drove back to his place. You took yourself a hot shower and laid in bed watching your favorite show while drinking water. Your phone buzzed and you picked up, your heart drops seeing it was a text from Blitz who was asking if you were awake, he soon went on about how he missed you and that he wants to get back together with you. You wanted to text back because this was something you were waiting for. But you felt no joy from this just pain because something about these messages didn’t feel right. You were going to text up a storm to let Blitz know how much he hurt you, the pain he put you through, and how you hated him. But instead, you stopped and deleted what you were going to send. You clicked the three dots on his profile and then the three dots on his profile. Your finger hovers over the block button as you let out a sigh and click the block. You went into your gallery and any pictures with Blitz were gone and into the trash then cleared from the trash bin. The phone number was blocked now. You set your phone aside. Even though this all felt weird it also felt good. The spark was gone and you weren’t going to let Blitz back into your life.
On Friday you enjoyed the shopping spree that Verosika took you on. She treated you well even to lunch and dinner. She was proud to hear that you blocked and cut off all contact with Blitz. After the shopping spree, you went on to have more outings with Verosika and sometimes sleep over at her house. The two of you became so close that she asked you to be her partner when she took you to Loo Loo World. You happily agreed and the two of you became official. Verosika was an amazing girlfriend who always made sure that you were okay. The two of you balanced each other out putting trust, communication, respect, honesty, loyalty, and being there for one other. Right now you were walking down the street it was your one-month anniversary with Verosika, You had got her a gift and a cake while you were walking you passed by someone not caring but that someone did. Blitz watched you walk away and sighed. He knew that you and Verosika were dating, you had him blocked but Verosika didn’t. He read the magazines about you and Verosika. He wanted to get you back but Millie and Moxxie advised him to let you go because he didn’t want to hear what you would say to him; he already knows what Barbie and Fizzarolli think about him. It would hurt him more knowing what you think about him because he knew that he messed up when he let the spark go out in a way that hurt you. “ I hope you are happy (Y/N). “
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everlastlady · 1 year
hey can you do some dating headcanons of muffy? she's the receptionist at the hospital in the new helluva boss episode, I really like her character, and any kind of reader is fine
Wow! When I saw this I was like there are Muffy simps!? We have Muffy simps in the house. But I'm not surprised because I love Muffy and her design was pleasing to my eyes. So I'll give you some Muffy dating hcs. 💙🧡
☕┆ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story and this one, we have Muffy! The lovely woman who can't read or spell. But some how was able to kinda read? I don't know that confused me a bit? Maybe she can read a bit just not a lot because I do know some people who can't read but can kinda read, if you know what I mean. Anyway I hope you enjoy this story don't forget to like, comment, or reblog if you enjoyed, my request are open. ☕📖
☕┆ Story Contains: Muffy being the best.
☕┆ Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕┆ Word Count: 721
Muffy X Reader HCS
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You met Muffy when you went with your friend who is a Hellhound to their appointment for a shot. You knew they hated needles so you would be there for support. And because you two would get lunch right after. When you arrived, you saw an Imp yelling and getting frustrated with the front desk woman. You were going to stay out of it and wait with your friend in line. After the Imp and his the Hell-Hound claim to be his daughter sat down. Your friend signed in but the front desk lady kept staring at you. You gave her an awkward smile and waved.
Her staring made you think you had something on your face. “ Oh, you don’t have anything on your face I just think you are cute. “ The front desk lady said. This caused you to blush and mumbled a soft thank you and walked away with your friend to sit. You could overhear the Imp named Blitzo fighting with some racist Karen. You just decided to plug in your headphones and listen to music. After a while, your friend was called back to the doctor’s office.
You stayed in the waiting room and played some games on your phone. “ What are you playing? “ You jumped and looked up to see the front desk lady. You smiled and told her you were playing your favorite mobile game. “ Can I play with you, I’m on my break and could use some fun. “ She said cheerfully. You smiled and nodded. You sat with the front desk woman who told you, that her name is Muffy and you thought her name was cute. So you taught her how to play your mobile game which she was really good at.
You two started talking and Muffy told you that, the reason she couldn’t spell and only read a little was because she didn’t really go to school. She only got this job because of the connections her father had. So you offered to help her read and spell. Which she was extremely grateful for. So you gave her your number. And left with your friend to go get some lunch. You felt your phone vibrate and saw that Muffy had sent you a heart and smiley emoji which made you smile.
You had been teaching Muffy how to spell and read. You both started off small and soon she was improving. She was happy to see her progress which also helped her at work and she wasn’t getting many reports against her. Muffy would start sending you a lot of text messages and through those messages, you could tell she was happy to learn how to spell, properly and be able to read a lot more now. But the message you saw that made you happy was Muffy asking you on a date and you agreed to go with her on a date.
She took you to a restaurant where you both talked, ate, and flirted a bit. Muffy looked so beautiful in that black dress. She kept thanking you for teaching her and she was especially grateful for how patient you were with her. She talked about how her teacher and tutors easily got frustrated with her and gave up. But you didn’t give up on her and motivated her to continue trying and work harder.
After the date, you and Muffy went to go get ice cream. She told you about how she wanted to become a doctor and she was going to try to do that. And you supported her but the next thing Muffy asked you was sweet that you didn’t say no. “ (Y/N) Do you want to be my partner? “ She asked while looking at you. You agreed to date her and she gave you a kiss on the cheek and you both walked back to her place holding hands.
Muffy eventually got her degree to become a doctor and along the way, she married you. Muffy was proud of the accomplishments she had made from learning how to spell and read. To be dating you, marry you, and get her medical degrees to become a doctor. Muffy shows you every day how grateful she is to have you and how you helped her. You love your little muffin Muffy and she loves you too.
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