#hes just a kitty with dirty paws
scrollonso · 2 months
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arminsumi · 8 months
↳ GETO すぐる + fem!reader
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Note : i had a vision !! a horny vision 👍 reqs open
Warnings : minors do not read/interact : smut/explicit content: stereotypes, sub!Geto, dirty talk, mommy kink, small daddy kink (um he calls u daddy 🤭), unprotected sex + creampie
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Pathetic nerdy Geto Suguru who whines and paws at your thighs, so needy for sex that it's all he can think about. There's nothing but lust and desire and a cute dumbness in those pure black eyes.
"Can you touch me, please? I'll do anything f-for you in return..."
He whimpers when you lower your hand and palm at his bulge, squirming into your touch.
"Can I touch you, too? Th-thank you... f-fuck, you're so nice to me."
He's eager to get your kitty soaked, and when he feels around with his two fingertips between your plush folds, he groans. He's blown away by how wet you are for someone as pathetic as him. Or maybe that's exactly why you're wet.
Round glasses slip down his nose and fog up when you give him good head.
And when your tongue swirls and massages the underside of his cock, and your cheeks dent inwards when you suck his soul through his fat cock, he blurts out the kinkiest shit.
"Use my body like it's your toy."
"C-call me pathetic again, it's getting me close."
"I wanna be your pet, please. Just keep me as yours!"
Loves calling his girl "daddy" on "accident" when he cums so hard up in your gummy walls. He pumps it deep, it's thick and forms a gooey ring at the base of his pulsing cock.
Boy sure is booksmart but not bedsmart, he has no clue what he's doing. Sex was so daunting to him till he found his sweet lil hypersexual girlfriend,
After the first time, he craves it bad. And finds any excuse to beg for sex.
Passed an exam? Celebratory sex in the library.
"Fuckkk, I can't keep quiet, that pussy's fucking insane. God, 'm f-uck fuck fuck fuck FUCK — cumminggg !!"
Bad day? Feelbetter sex on his unmade bed.
"C-can I cum inside ? It'll make me feel better. Oh, fuck, thank you — thank you. Fuck let me pour it into your tiny hole. I have so much for you."
Insomniac night? He'll sleep like a baby after you ride him for an hour.
"I can't sleep, let's spoonfuck . . . Please ? My cock's so hard it hurts. Y-yeah I know I sound pathetic . . . I don't care. I'm a loser for your pussy. Milk my cock, please, let me fill mommy up."
He's so mortified (read: turned on) when you expose his submissiveness and kinkiness to his best friend, who thinks Suguru is the dominant one in your relationship.
"Th-that was a secret — how could you tell him ! Now Satoru's gonna tease me about it for life . . . HE SAID HE WANTED TO WHAT WITH US ?! Oh my god, can we really?"
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
This anon know what is good, i guess i never make a ask so i'm doing now. Can u do that concept with any character (and mc of course) , may a hybrid? Idk, sorry if is confuse, a lil nsfw maybe?
✿ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 ✿
characters: cat!6reeze x nb!reader
warnings: fluff!!!! fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff! also modern au!
notes: wanted to take a break from writing smut and take inspiration from my own fluffy bby for this one. also @junerixi , simping for only one☝️anemo boy is an illness. i hope you recover soon😚 honkai:star rail ver can be read here!
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art by Mechodes on twt
oh gods
a menace
a complete menace i say
you know that thing cats do? when they just keep a direct eye contact with you as their little fluffy paw slowly pushes your potted plant or a cup full of drink to the edge of the table while you watch hopelessly bc your hands are dirty or busy doing smt?
yeah, it’s the 5th time the flower shop owner is seeing you this week and your wallet is crying
it’s almost as if you two were sworn enemies in your past life and scaranya is out for blood
doesn’t have that much of a zoomie episodes but when he does oh boy
you better retreat into a safe place but even then you’re not safe from scaranya’s terrifying zoomie powers
he’s literally running and jumping around everywhere
the table, on top of the fridge, the curtains, on top of the washing machine, your little bookshelf - everywhere
scaranya is such a little shit (affectionately)
his preferred way of waking you up is faking puking noises and when you throw your covers off and literally zoom into the living room, he gives you a look as if saying “finally awake, you silly human slave”
sometimes he even jumps on top of your chest harshly but that’s only used if you’re oversleeping with your alarm clock snoozed for the past 20 minutes and you’re running late to work
despises baths with a burning passion
if you’re taking him anywhere a large body of water is, he’s trashing around, kicking, hissing, biting, scratching - the whole pack
after a successful bathing time, with added new scratch marks on yourself, he would not approach you until you fall asleep
after you have fell asleep, he would quietly approach your sleeping figure and give small, shy licks to the angry red scratches he caused as if apologizing for being so aggressive
hates rainy days too, especially the ones with thunder and lightning
jumps up 5 ft into the air if a thunder strikes and runs into your lap, shaking small body curling into himself with all of his cockiness and pride out the window
scaranya appreciates you greatly but he’s just a bit too bad at communicating and so he shows his affection by lapping up the scratches he gave you
“scaranya, aren’t you gonna go out to the back garden and play with the rest? it’s nice outside today”
hmph! what do you mean by play with the rest of the cats? he’s a royal! he’s superior! scaranya has never heard of such bullshit befor- oh! a bird! must. catch!
scaranya and miao gets into fights sometimes and whenever you separate them, scaranya goes to sulk in the corner of the house silently
until you go over to him with a sigh and pick him up gently, he doesn’t even resist - just choosing to simply curl his tail around your wrist
a solid 9/10 kitty if he would just stop being a tsundere
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art by Mechodes on twt
miao acts more like a guard dog than a cat sometimes
the smallest out of all the kitties yet also the strongest one. honestly the sheer amount of times miao has taken down a wild dog 10 times his size just keeps giving you more and more heart attack
doesn’t get zoomies, if anything he stops the other kitties’ zoomies if they go a bit too far - which most of the times escalate into scaranya and miao fighting
cleanse the land house through slaughter bug hunting
a sweet baby
miao’s preferred way of waking you up is to silently sit on your side of the bed and stare until you get that feeling of being watched and wake up to 2 piercing yellow eyes just staring holes into your soul
yes, you have yelled and fell off of your bed many times due to that
you found little miao at a dark alleyway, covered in blood and barely on the brink of death with his tiny paws twitching constantly
grew up malnourished on the streets with his 4 siblings dying out one by one, so due to that miao’s body is very small and he’s extremely territorial with you - his one and only sweet human
always leaves his scent on you by rubbing his head around your ankles
miao is indifferent when it comes to taking a bath, unlike scaranya, and he can be very obedient as well
when rubbing soap into his legs and washing his paws he would stretch out his limbs to make it easier for you to wash him - anything to lessen the load of his favorite human
he also seems to like your co-worker, zhongli a lot
one time you came home with zhongli due to a deadline of a great project coming closer and upon seeing him, miao immediately jumped into his lap, purring lowly, rubbing his head on zhongli’s hand
yes your heart broke at the betrayal and yes miao apologized with a dead rat in his mouth
but if it’s any other guests you’re bringing home, then miao would either get on top of the fridge and simply watch or hiss at the guest
oddly likes being in high places
one time, you made him a small necklace-collar thingy out of a few pearls and he wears that with pride, chest puffed out (a replica of his necklace)
loves sleeping on the lower parts of your bed at night. it’s soft, fluffy and he can keep an eye on you and keep you safe so it’s a win-win in miao’s book
“miao-miao, do you wanna come with me to the back garden to pick up the tomatoes?”
before you can even finish your question he’s already at the back door, staring at you expectantly with his tail thumping slowly against the floorboards
thanks to miao and kazunya your house will never get any bugs, roaches or mouses inside
if feeling incredibly vulnerable and soft, miao paws at your arm to ask for pets bc he just needs the comfort of his favorite human
literally a 9/10 kitty if he would just change his way of waking you up
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art by ayon🌿 on twt
heinya is another little shit (affectionately)
he likes to cause trouble and drama here and there
also really enjoys spilling tea to you
it doesn’t matter if you’re waking up and is still groggy or just coming in through the front door, back from work - heinya is spilling all the drama of the shows he watched on the tv while you were away or the different birds he saw through the window - meowing away at you excitedly
another helpful hand
if you’re coming back from grocery shopping then heinya can take some of the smallest and lightest bagged things and dragging them to the kitchen alongside miao, kazunya and nyaether
heinya’s preferred way of waking you up is to make biscuits - you know that cute thing cats do with their paws squishing at their favorite spot over and over - on your stomach or lower back or! he just meows besides your ear over and over until you eventually wake up
the perfect alarm - heinya
he’s such a sweet baby
and heinya really likes watching real life crime documentaries for some reason
at first when you found this out, you couldn’t help but think heinya is going to murder you in your sleep but soon you realized he just loves crime related things
and bc he like crime related things, you bought heinya a cute spy glass shaped squeaky toy
when getting the zoomies, heinya decides to bite and kick at the spy glass shaped squeaky toy - making the toy let out squeaks at every little kick
heinya enjoys spending time outdoors, sniffing at the different scents wafting in the air, tracking down all different sorts of footsteps and paw marks with great interest - you sometimes wonder if heinya was a detective in his past life
loves to bring you all sorts of interesting things he found - an old ripped part of a newspaper article, a weirdly shaped leaf, a flower he has never seen before, a half bitten chicken still warm - wait where’d he get this?
loves to sleep using your hand as a pillow my cat does that to me so rip bc you have been captured by the amazing detective heinya and you won’t be moving for hours on end, let’s hope you had a nice snack and a toilet break beforehand
chose to wear the smooth, black satin you tied around his neck as a collar - either bc he loves to wear soft things or he just loves it bc you gave it to him
heinya is an incredibly affectionate kitty, always meowing for you for pets, cuddles and perhaps his favorite soft wet food? he’s been really good!
doesn’t really mind taking baths as well, if anything he uses this opportunity to shake bubbles everywhere!
for some reason, also loves to groom your hand. maybe it’s just something your kitties all share?
overall another solid 9/10 kitty, if you don’t mind being splashed with water and bubbles while bathing him
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art by @bbadtime on tumblr
kazunya, me beloved
literally an angel, how could you ever be mad at him even as he took a whole bite out of your potted plants’ leaf?
another kitty that loves staying in high places like miao and stay outdoors like heinya
joins miao on his duty to cleanse the land house through slaughter bug hunting from time to time
a lazy, sweetheart of a cat that loves to sleep on warm places and the sunlight - you literally had to buy a window sling just for him to nap under the sunlight
another helpful hand!
will drag the lightest and smallest bagged things to the kitchen whenever you come back from grocery shopping - more so if it’s cat food
isn’t a picky eater but sometimes, just sometimes, prefers food with fish in it’s ingredients
kazunya is mostly tasked to wake you up by the other kitties bc he’s the sweetest
wakes you up by purring and snuggling with your face, neck, hands - anything just you in general
soon enough, the small fluff purring and cuddling you wakes you up and as a reward for waking up, kazunya gives you a small kiss - a lick to the tip of your nose - making you laugh
doesn’t meow a lot, only when he has to or if it’s an emergency such as the litter boxes not being cleaned, the food trays being empty etc
always gives you a kazunya kiss as a thank you
a gentle baby, even to the guests
whenever a guest comes over to your house, they always gush about the cute white cat with a small red streak in his fur
kazunya doesn’t get zoomies. even if he does it’s rare like only once a week
always grooms himself to keep himself clean, not to mention his white fur sparkling as well
surprisingly enjoys bath times, would even suggest you to bathe him by tugging on your sleeve then pointing to the bathroom with his fluffy paw!
however there’s just one thing that kazunya does that makes you shiver
it’s that he always, always! brings you dead animals or bugs. birds, rats, mouses, cockroaches, crickets - anything that he managed to hunt - he brings over to you with his tail swishing happily behind him
it’s considered a gift in cat language, you know that! but it’s just a bit dirty especially if he brings over different bugs. the rats, mouses and birds you can handle but the bugs brrr
one time, kazunya proudly brought you a dead wolf spider as you held back a tear and a screech, deciding to take his gift with a forced smile
you never recovered from that
a 10/10 kitty if he would just stop bringing you dead spide - kazunya is that a mf dead tarantula in your mouth?
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art by os_Amaniwa on twt
another best kitty!
a sweet kitty that never complains!
helpful, never complains, never picky with his food - a literal angel
however sometimes nyaeather disappears randomly, coming back after a day or so
he always seems to be searching for something - his twin - you soon found out, by registering him and getting his pet password
and so you decided to help him reunite with his twin by putting up posters, articles, news on the internet, tv, radio - anything to make nyaether happy
after a whole half year of dedication and endless search, nyaether’s twin was finally found!
turns out the person who adopted nyaether’s twin was your co-worker, dainsleif, the quiet and mysterious tall man
after talking to him about the situation of the twin kitties, you both have come to an agreement to let the kitties have a play date once a week
when the day of the first play date has arrived an someone knocked on your door, your kitties gave you a confused look
upon taking nyaether in your arms, you walked over to the front door before unlocking it and letting dainsleif inside. as the blond man placed down the catbag and opened it, from inside stepped out a cute, similarly blonde furred kitty with a baby blue colored collar
upon seeing the kitty, nyaether jumped out of your arms and tackled his twin. cuddling her and licking at her face with a teary eyes - you and your co-worker dainsleif couldn’t help but laugh at the adorable situation
since then nyaether had made a silent oath to always be beside you and be your best kitty! you have done a lot for him by helping him reunite with his twin - nyumine - so he would do anything in his power to lessen your load!
nyaether’s preferred way of waking you up is by giving a gentle meow beside your ear and give your cheek three kisses - repeat the process on the other side until you eventually giggle and wake up
another kitty that doesn’t mind taking baths! however he just prefers the water to have a bit of bubbles to soothe his nerves
likes to sleep in your arms since he has separation anxiety like scaranya - due to the incident with his twin
“nyaether, keep the others in check okay? i’m going out on a quick grocery shopping!”
such a sweet baby🥹
his meows are higher pitched and not full “meow” like kazunya or miao’s instead it’s a short “myaa!”
a solid 11/10 kitty. highly recommend, get yourself a nyaether today!
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art by os_Amaniwa on twt
a little shit AND a menace (affectionately)
very hyper too! sometimes you wonder if nyenti has ADHD but in cat version
it’s like he’s always in his zoomie mode as if to make up for having 2 kitties that barely has zoomies - which are miao and kazunya
his affectionate attitude doesn’t help as well
twirling, rubbing himself on your lap, hand, bageling his way around you - he’s always sticking close to you 24/7
one time as nyenti was rubbing himself on your hand while you were working on your computer for an important document, he tripped and fell on your keyboard - deleting your entire progress of work with a “myeeew!”
yes, you cried that night
unlike heinya, nyenti doesn’t really enjoy being outdoors - he just prefers to stay on your lap, lazily bathing in the sun - as he sometimes meows with heinya about some dramas
another kitty that loves to spill the tea to you
him and heinya meows your ears off with the things they have seen, watched, witnessed and heard - sometimes even adding some dirt on the other kitties such as kazunya eating leaves from your potted plants, scaranya sleeping on your hoodie bc he missed you, miao destroying the pantry during his duty to cleanse the land etc etc etc
nyenti’s preferred way of waking you up is to play with your hair. whether it be grooming at your hair, playing with them, tugging on the ends gently - it doesn’t matter which form - as long as nyenti wakes you up, that’s all
he also doesn’t do much hunting either, preferring to watch from the sidelines as the others chase some bugs and small animals they found
for some odd reason nyenti likes you to put flowers on top of his head or a flower shaped charms as a collar - his most favorite and preferred one being the white lily
cut the flower's bud and place it on top of nyenti upside down like it's a cone hat and nyenti would give you the biggest, affectionate "myew!" while rolling around on the ground, showing you his tummy
a sweet kitty if he would just stop being a little zoomie induced shit
nyenti is another kitty that hates taking baths
doesn't react as aggressive as scaranya but he likes to yell his defiance a lot and i mean a lot
overall, a solid 8.5/10 kitty if he would just stop meowing loudly in your ears everytime you take him for a bathtime, making you more and more deaf
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miioouu · 6 months
that coquette trend with the pink ribbons but tying it (not tight) around one of the cod guys cock, like around the base while hes all pink and leaky and hard and taking a pick. ugh im drooling
GIIIIIIRL THE GASP I GUSPED WHILE READING THIS OMG IM DROOLING TOO!!!!! Some bitches get morning texts from their partners, some from their friends, but me?! This is my good morning texts and that's all i need in life!! Thank you for your amazing brain! Tw:smut, female reader 
Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish: 
His darted between yours and your fingers. He smiled as you pawed at his thigh, knowing that soon they’ll be around his cock. “Come on, you’ve got me impatient bonnie”, he’d complain as he always does. But this time, you’re ready to switch roles. It’s you who’s usually a mess underneath him; a whimpering, crying mess. What if it’s finally his time to be teased mercilessly? 
“You’re always impatient, Johnny.” you retort as you sit up slightly, shifting as you feel your knees giving up from pressing against the floor for too long. “Close your eyes, I’ll be right back.” You bat your eyelashes at him, he won’t resist it, he won’t resist a surprise in the first place either way. Although he scoffed, it’s not Johnny if he’s not bratty anyway, he did what you asked him for, laying back against the couch, his thighs parting a little more, and there’s a stupid smirk on his face when he closes his eyes “As you wish, kitty.” 
So pretty, standing in all its glory, his cock adorned by a pinkish blush, almost twitching in anticipation. He shivers when he feels the lightest brush of your fingers against his sensitive skin, followed by something so foreign “What’s that, kitty?” he shuffles in his seat, not knowing if he should trust you or open his eyes. “Keep them closed Johnny, just for a second…go ahead, you can open them”. Quickly, his eyes were on you, kneeling so prettily between his thighs, eyes soft and round and your lips are twitching, trying to stifle a laugh, that’s when he looked at his own dick, still covered with your hands that slowly peel away to reveal a thin, pale pink ribbon tied loosely around the middle of his dick. It’s ridiculous, really. He looks pathetic, ‘unmanly’, and yet, despite the rolling of his eyes, he still reached down to jerk at his length. His eyebrows raise slightly at the way the ribbon would move with every up and down of his palm, something about is so fascinating, even for you as you swat his hand to replace it with yours. Something about it, so delicate and soft, made him slip into that mindset, he’s whimpering. Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish is whimpering and trembling as his pretty kitty is giving him a handjob! He’s breathless, hissing when you slow down your pace, only for it to turn into a moan when you pick up the tempo again. It wasn’t long before the once pink ribbon became a wet, white mess. 
John Price: 
There’s an evident smirk on his face as he watches you getting prepared for your night out with your girls. His eyes never leave your nimble fingers as they tie a girly pink ribbon at the end of your braids. “That’s cute, darling. You look so delectable with those bows.” You only laughed, shaking your head at him, too used to his antics when you spend a night away from him; anything to keep you home. 
But this time, it wasn’t him who kept you back, but rather the dirty thoughts that kept running through your mind as you applied your makeup. You take a deep breath before marching towards him, thanking whatever god above that John always slept in the nude in the comfort of his own house, all you had to do was to peel the covers to see his already erect cock. 
He has the audacity to laugh, as if he already saw it coming, it makes you huff, wrapping the ribbon a little tighter than what you originally intended. “Simmer down, darling. Loosen up, and loosen that silky thing too…” Jerk! 
You do end up loosening it up slightly, tying a perfect bow around his base, the strings tickling at his balls, enhancing the feeling of it all. His eyes flutter when he feels your tongue circling around his tip, you hum at the taste of his pre. For some reason he’s already panting. He’s already got his fingers laced in your styled hair, pushing you further and further down his dick, until your lips reach the pink circle of silk, gagging and drooling around him. You’re late to your dinner, you always are, but it’s alright. It’s more than alright when he sends you a picture in the middle of your hangout. The image itself makes you rub your thighs together under the table, the sight of his huge cock still decorated with the pink bow, the sight of the ribbon translucent in some places, the drops of his cum pooling around his balls, the text followed after “Come unwrap your gift, my darling” all got way too impatient to get back home to him. 
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kysuguru · 10 months
gojo catoru — satoru gojo x fem!reader
synopsis : you see a white cat on the street, his resemblance to satoru is uncanny.
includes / cw : fluff, gojo is in love, kittens
all mine masterlist
a / n : this is apart of a series called “all mine” that i’ve been working on, so geto is a love interest too, this one shot is just gojo centric
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Your sudden gasp of excitement caught everyone’s attention. You rush ahead with stars in your eyes. stopping a few feet abruptly in front of a fluffy cat.
It’s fur is white, so pure it reminds you of the snow when it sparkles from the sun’s illumination. It has some dirt matted into its unbrushed fur, but you don’t mind.
You lean down and let your hand approach it’s nose apprehensively.
It comes close and you fear you upset them, but that’s until it rubs themself into your awaiting palm.
Your eyes glitter like never before and you coo towards the cat before you bring them into your arms in a baby like position.
It begins to purr, the rumbling sound making you melt. You’re enamored once you realize the cats eyes are a beautiful bright blue.
“Oh? A kitty?” Shoko’s voice bleeds in as she approaches you, leaning over your shoulder. “Are they a boy or girl?”
You look down spreading its legs a bit. You’re even more in love when you find out they’re a boy.
You whisper the answer to Shoko as you pet him.
“Satoru…” You murmur.
“What about Satoru?” Suguru comes in next, eyes lighting up slightly at the sight of the adorable feline.
“He looks like Satoru doesn’t he?” You lift him up higher for everyone to see, the cat mewing in protest, paws waving towards you with the desire to be back in your warmth. They both look at him analytically.
“He does,” Suguru whispers, also enamored.
“I definitely see it,” Shoko says.
“What looks like me?” Satoru approaches, finally, groaning about how you all left him behind.
You turn around, gesturing the cat towards him. “Doesn’t he look like you?”
Satoru makes a face. “He looks dirty.”
You don’t take offense, simply bringing the cat back into your arms, not noticing the sweet smile that adorns your lips as you look at the cat fondly.
“I dunno, I think he really does look like you. The resemblance is so cute. It makes me wanna keep him…” The affection in your voice doesn’t escape anyone’s notice.
Satoru’s cheeks are red. Shoko snickers while Suguru smiles.
Now that Satoru’s aware how lovely you find the cat, especially with their uncanny resemblance to each other, he’s quick to agree with you, “He does look like me doesn’t he?”
“He does,” you immediately agree. Satoru preens.
“We’re both really cute, aren’t we?”
Shoko and Suguru scoff.
“More than anything,” you whisper, adoring, as you rub your cheek against the cat’s face. You’re too deep in your swooning for the feline you don’t realize the words leaving your mouth.
Satoru is on an ego trip now, “Then maybe we really should keep him!”
“I think so too. The thought of letting such a gorgeous cat go…” You kiss the bridge of the cat’s nose.
“If I kept him,” You whisper, lifting him up in the air once again before you look towards Satoru, “Would you let me name him after you?”
The sun is behind you, and it casts an orange glow over you that makes you look perfect. And to top it off, you’re smiling. At him. So beautifully. His glasses slip down his nose, his mouth slightly agape. And he’s in love.
“Yeah.” He stutters out, breathless.
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
more genshin as cats!
I ran out of ideas lol. X reader. Pure fluff
Second part
Interesting! He is fascinated with the results, checking his paws and chasing his tail trying to look at it. Meanwhile Timeaus and Sucrose are freaking out, he’s having the time of his life. He is such a curious boio now! You have to keep him on a leash at this point. He wants to see the world like this! He’s such a tricky kitty too, he’ll gnaw on the leash till it gives! You must distract him, mayhaps with crinkly paper? He will reach for potions forgetting he has no opposable thumb. He will accidentally cause chaos. He does not mean to he is just so fascinated.
She woke up from her nap to this? She mustve dreaming! Oh she is so distraught! Don’t let her mother see her like this! she’ll be teased about this for centuries! But she doesn’t mind being picked up. A fluffy cat indeed. Stroke her gently till she falls asleep. She will go from alert to slightly less alarmed to sleepy to asleep. Maybe being small is nice if it means she can sleep in your lap so well. So tiny and warm. Oh and the sun is just perfect…
Quite confused? Is he cat or fox? How odd. He must study this and find a cure, but Collei struggles to write the notes for him and understand his meows. In the end he just has to be brought to the Academia much to his disappointment. But rather than help you’ve been snapping pictures of the entire ordeal.
Who dare do this to her! You must compensate for this! Lavish her with praise! For she is the prettiest and cutest kitty ever now! Praise her praise her! Brush her fur as Neuvillette is clearly not acting with enough urgency. He struggles to maintain his composure as she meows angrily at him. You hold her close, she refuses to touch the dirty ground, you must hold her! She cannot dirty her paws! She will not groom herself you must do it for her. She demands it! She’s not usually nearly as demanding with you, she really just wants you stay with her at all times. Making up excuses and being dramatic. If you left her alone she’d mewl sadly. Calling out for you. Oh its so scary without it you! Do not abandon her now! Even if its just to prepare her something to eat.
HOW DARE THE DARSHANS LAUGH! Nahida treats this like s joke too. Constantly giggling at his grumpy expression. You hold him in his hat like its a bowl. He is so very mad. He will not entertain such nonsense! Return him to his normal form this INSTANT! You leave for a second to get some food for him and yourself, closing the door to keep him from running off. And then his loneliness kicks in. Waiting by the door meowing sadly. Don’t go! How can you leave him at a time like this! As a cat he’s lost his concept of time. And then when you return he acts like he wasn’t just mewling sadly. As distant as usual. You try to tempt him with a heating pad and oh it is very nice! He cannot resist napping in such a warm spot. He still mad at you though for not taking this seriously enough.
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hxzbinwrites · 4 months
Hi! 👋
I just read your Vox soulmate AU and I LOVED it. If you're still taking requests, could you do something similar with Husk but his soulmate has powers like scarlet witch. His soulmate is very protective and sweet on the winged kitty. Maybe throw in a kiss or two 😘.
If not, it's cool. Keep up the great work and can't wait to read more!
Husk x Soulmate! Reader | Saving Me
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Warnings ⚠️: Cussing, Short :(
Sighing, Husk watched as Charlie and Vaggie cuddled together on the couch in the lobby. After everything, the lies and heartbreak, they still were okay. They still loved each other.
Husk has had his soulmate string for a while now, but Alastor prevented him from leaving to go chase it. It was worse than not having one at all, seeing that stupid string tug and beg for him to find his match, his other half.
His tired eyes looked down at his cup, his rag scrubbing the inside of it. He really wished that stupid damn deer would kick the bucket already.
“Husk!” Charlie said, looking over at the grouchy cat.
He raised an eyebrow, looking up at the Princess from under his eyelashes.
“Now that the hotel is revamped, do you think you could put some of these flyers out? Especially because it’s rent free!”
“I guess.” He said, taking the flyers.
When everyone was having dinner together, a strong knock on the door was heard.
Charlie sprinted over to the door, excited to meet a potential new client of their hotel.
The door revealed a woman standing there, an Halloween-like Witch costume on her.
“I’m here for this…’Hazbin Hotel’” She said, extending a hand to Charlie,”My name is (Y/n), I’m a witch. I was as well when I was alive, hence the costume I fell down with. I think it’s cute nonetheless.”
Charlie’s squeals of excitement alerted everyone at the dinner table. Mostly everyone was walking over to investigate, except for Husk. He sat there at the table, uninterested. Last thing he needs is some other annoying person pestering him, he’s got his paws full with Alastor’s bullshit and Angel’s hormones.
He ignored the crowd as they went to go show the newbie their room, walking back towards the bar to wash the remaining dirty cups.
“Husker~!” Alastor said, popping up out of thin air like the freak he is
Husk’s ears were pinned back against his head, his frown evident. “What?”
“You haven’t welcomed our guest!” He said, his head tilting menacingly. “I think you should.”
Husk, running a paw through his fluffy fur on the top of his head, sighed. “I gotta finish my job here first. You made me come here, you bastard.”
“Hmm.” Alastor said, glaring at him over his shoulder,”Alright! Just make sure you treat them well, you’re still on a leash, pet.”
Husk didn’t reply, just focusing on his job as Alastor met the rest of the crew at the end of the tour.
Husk looked up at the newbie, immediately dropping the class, letting it shatter on the ground.
“Husk!” Charlie said,”are you okay?!”
He didn’t reply, looking into his soulmates eyes. Finally, he finally found them. He could cry like a baby right now. He quickly walked around the counter of the bar, drowning out everyone’s concerned comments.
Everyone stopped talking when he stopped right in front of the newbie, before dipping them and kissing them deeply. Husk felt like he couldn’t bring them any closer, that nothing was close enough.
Gasping for air, he finally broke it off, smiling down at the flustered witch.
“Husk! What the hell?!” Vaggie said, scowling,”you can’t just do that! That’s assault!!”
“No…no it’s okay” (Y/n) said,”I-I found my soulmate. He’s a cute, grumpy kitty.”
Husk rolled his eyes at that last comment, before he looked over at Alastor.
He was fuming, the radio demon was clutching his staff so hard it could’ve snapped.
“Husker. I told you not to find your soulmate. It’s in your contract.”
“Well I technically found him” (Y/n) said, putting her hands on the cat’s chest. Husk knew the situation with the man who owned his soul and his soulmate was extremely serious, but he was fighting the urge not to purr.
Alastor pondered for a moment, before pulling up the contract again. He scanned over it before the witch snatched it from his grasp.
“Sorry, ‘Radio Demon’” She said, in a mocking tone,”Since our string faded away, and your ‘client’ didn’t seek me out, he didn’t go against your agreement. I own his soul now, and he owns mine. He’s no longer in your possession.”
Alastor’s smile was so tight his teeth could crack, seeing the contract rip up and Husk’s chains fizzle away.
“So? Husk was it?” (Y/n) said, grabbing his paws,”I think we have some catching up to do.”
“I agree.” Husk said, planting a light kiss on top of her forehead.
“Sorry I didn’t seek you out earlier” She said, “I-I thought you didn’t want to meet me, but I now know the truth.”
“Thank you love, thank you for saving me.”
Word Count: I’m lazy i’ll put it later 💀
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
(If you are uncomfortable with period mentions plz feel free to delete this 🙈)
Thoughts on snow leopard!gojo when you on your period (I am pmsing and I need someone to comfort me.)
snow leopard!gojo would be sooo worried about you!! One minute you are fine and now you have the smell of blood is on youuu!!! Poor baby think you are hurt or injured and even when you reassure him it’s just your period he’s still worried especially when you show other symptoms (like throwing, headaches, being sensitive and crying)
He would sooo overprotective and clingy he would never let you outside alone always have to be by your side holding or wrapping his tail around you.
He would love to take care of you!! He would massage your shoulders or knead your tummy, also when they are injured cats lick their wounds so I do see him going down on you if you let him it also helps with cramps.
He loves to cuddle you he lie on top of you and he’s so big and warm and fluffy And when you sleep he would be right next to you extra alert and “on the look out” if anyone tries to hurt you.
He holds you soo tight tail wrapped around your thigh making sure you are safe and protected.
(I’m sorry that this so long I got carried away 🙈😭)
NONNIEEEE🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺HE WOULD BE SOOOOOSO WORRIED🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 he just wants to make you feel better, make you feel good!!!!!!! he's gonna sit with you the whole entire time, he just refuses to leave your side. he's literally sitting with you in the bathroom, he's cuddling with you (and on top of you bc he's so warm and it feels so good when he rests his head on your tummy). and the tail!!!!!! yess!!!! he always has it around your thighs bc he loves your thighs!!!!!!!! also he follows you around like a little lovesick kitty and he literally just looks like this emoji🥺🥺🥺🥺 the entire time. he's baby.
now now now....... the licking the wounds thing.... nonnie... you really did something here🥴🥴🥴🥴 that's exactly how he's gonna convince you too btw. he's gonna tell you about how it's his way of healing you. and it works like magic!!!!!! he does it slowly, he wants you to forget all about the pain so he's extra focused. he's kissing your folds just like he'd kiss you, he's giving her smooches and small kitten licks while keeping his eyes on you. he's gently pawing at your thighs and your waist, he's kneading your skin and it's all just so good. he can smell your arousal mixing with the blood and he's getting dizzy himself, too.
he can't take his eyes off of you, he needs to make sure that you're enjoying it, that you're feeling good!!!!! he fucking purrs as he eats you out and the vibrations feel heavenly. he has your back arching in no time, your hands tug on his white roots and his own eyes are rolling back into his head.
also. despite the fact that he's going slow, he's still a messy eater!!!!! so sometimes... he gets a little blood in his perfectly white hair but he literally couldn't care any less. (he loves it. he thinks of it as your way of marking him. no matter whether it's intentional or not.)
after you cum in his mouth and he has swallowed every drop of you, he draws you a hot bath and he carries you into the bathroom himself. his entire lower half of his face is covered in blood, it's dripping from his chin but you're still his main priority. you try to tease him for it but you're just too tired, so you just end up brushing against his skin, dirtying yourself with your own blood.
he takes your finger in his hand and raises it to his mouth. he licks you clean while keeping eye-contact, and takes it back out with a loud pop. he's sure he can smell another fresh wave of pure arousal pooling between your legs but he doesn't want to push you or your body too far. so he presses a very gentle kiss to your nose before helping you into the tub.
he climbs in with you and he washes your hair. he washes your body with the sweetest motions, he rubs your shoulders and your tummy, your thighs and your sides. he leaves kisses on your jaw and neck. he whispers praise and pure love into your ears and he loves to feel you melting into him.
after you've gained some of your energy back, you help clean him up too. you wipe the blood from his marble skin anf then from his hair and he just stares at you with hearts in his eyes<3333333 wahhh nonnie he's the best boyfriend in the world he's so caring and so sweet:((((((( i luv him:((((
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starieq · 28 days
Are you going to finish loving her seems tiring???
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“Lovin her seems tiring..” Part 5! a/n; sorry I haven’t been making part five! Haven’t been feeling motivated, but I know that’s no excuse. Also tysm for 165 followers??? Please forgive me and enjoy 😊! -Arianna 
Taggies/ warnings; Pro!HeroKats, cheating, fingering, creampie, blowjob, ridding, cumming, squirting, swearing, mention of sex toys, dirty talk, titty fuck, drinking, drunk messaging, dry humping.
Oh here we go again, It’s the next morning where you have to wake up to the morning sun. Though, you wish he was next to you in bed. Morning sun on his shirt less pecs and abs. His perfect dirty blonde hair over his eyes while he sleeps. God, he was really a fucking goddess. You still wonder if he feels the same. 
Now waking up sucks when you know Katsuki Bakugo isn’t by your side, holding you close to his chest. You really can imagine, huh. You roll out of bed, and do a little stretch. You grab your phone off the charger seeing the time is 7:21AM. You walk to the bathroom with your messy hair. You bend down the splash some water on your face to get yourself going. 
You pull out your phone to see a bunch of messages from your brother. You slide to see the messages to see your cute cat Loki. He had an apple under his chin while holding it with his little tiny paws. 
“Awww. My little kitty is so adorable!” You quickly send an heart emoji as well with an apple. You didn’t think twice but send it to Bakugo. Why? You honestly don’t know maybe he’ll find it cute? He never liked your cat, and Loki sure didn’t like him either. Every time it’s bring your pet to work day, Bakugo will try to give Loki some treats, but Loki just hides in your chest. You find Bakugos face really cute when he gets offended by Loki. 
As soon as you put your phone down, a “ding!” comes out your phone. You turn it over to the screen to see Bakugo has messaged. 
:Dynamight🧡💥: fuckin cat is cute n’ all, but he’s also a fuckin menace. 
You giggle at his message, and type back a silly message too.
:y/n: Nuh uh! You’re just jealous he doesn’t like you are your treats for him. 🙂‍↕️
He almost replies instantly with, 
:Dynamight🧡💥: no, he’s just fuckin bratty cat, just like you sweetheart. 
You swear he’s going to be the death of you. You feel yourself blush at the message. sweetheart. His text keeps repeating in your head.
:Dynamight🧡💥: what happen love? Did ya die or something? Need your strong pro hero to come and save your tiny self? 
Katsuki Bakugo you fucking-
:y/n: no thanks love, I can handle myself <3
He can’t be serious right now. You cant be serious right now! He has a fucking girlfriend! What are you thinking? Love? Well, it’s fair since he called you sweetheart and love too.. but it feels wrong, but right at the same time? Kira was a fucking brat. You could do way better than her. Treat him better, love him better. Do everything better.
Fuck you want him to be yours. 
I bet loving her seems tiring.. 
Katsuki’s POV!;
I just masturbated for her, and now I have to wake up with her not in my fucking arms? Fuck this. 
I wake up at 5:30 to go to the gym. Heard there was one here, so I figured there wasn’t going to be anyone there this early in the morning. I get into my gym clothes and walk by her door. 
“She’s probably sleepin Katsuki. Leave her the fuck alone and don’t knock.”he mutters to himself walking away. He really did love you. But his girlfriend is in the fucking way of his only love at this moment to forever. 
He gets to the gym and starts his workout. He loves thinking about you, and what you’d look like under him. But he also loves thinking about making you his cute little housewife. Thinking about you waking around the house pregnant with his baby. You making dinner for him after a long day at work. Running a warm bath and you joining him. Seeing your cute body and his big bulky body hovering in front of you. His big hands around your cute waist. Fuck he loved you a lot.
After his workout was done, (7:20AM) we wipes the sweat off his forehead when he gets a message. He looking at the screen noticing your name. 
:y/n: Lookie at Loki! Isn’t he just the cutest Katsuki? 
“Not as cute as you.” He almost types, but says out loud.
:Katsuki: fuckin cat is cute n’ all, but he’s also a fuckin menace. 
“Hidin in my girls chest when I’m right in front of him.” He mutters to himself. 
:y/n: Nuh uh! You’re just jealous he doesn’t like you or your treats for him. 🙂‍↕️
“He’s fucking lucky I even offer him my homemade cat treats. Bratty ass cat.” He types so fast he can hear the phone tap with him.
:Katsuki:  no, he’s just fuckin bratty cat, just like you sweetheart. 
“Sweetheart. Fuck now she’s not responding. “ little does he know you’re a fucking blushing mess at the other end.
:katsuki: what happen love? Did ya die or something? Need your strong pro hero to come and save your tiny self? 
“Fuck, now I’m fuckin flirting with her.” He waits for your response tapping his phone screen.
:y/n: no thanks love, I can handle myself <3
Love. Fuck that was cute. Now he’s a blushing ass mess. 
:Katsuki: if ya say so sweets.
You don’t respond after that, but you do heart the message. Maybe you do feel the same for him. He’s hoping and wishing oh a fucking star you love him like he loves you. 
Fuck, loving Kira is so tiring when he has you.. 
Taggies!; @slayfics @queenpiranhadon @zanarkandskylines @gold24fish @gina239 @bakugonextswife @lalachanya
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mysicklove · 1 year
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Pairing: Sub! Bottom! Bachira x Dom! Gn! Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Anal play, dildos, slight manipulation, reader is Gn but is implied to not have a penis, pet play, master/kitty kink, crying/begging
A/N: THIS IS A REPOST. my other got flagged super early on so I'm just testing to see if it will again. andddd dont be like Y/N kids, sex can come later, stay in school!!! focus on your studies!!!
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Bachira has you wrapped around his pretty finger. 
The both of you know it, and he seems to love how easily he gets what he wants. He knew exactly how you reacted to a smile, or how you would coddle him when tears flooded his eyes.
You didn't mind listening to him, he was adorable and always so sweet to you. But he is so incredibly needy. Its like he wants your attention to be on him 24/7. Its cute having him cling to you when you have free time, but when you are busy it gets rough.
It's not like he is a brat. He listens well, and would never dare to talk back to you. He just seems to have too much love to give. Wants more and more, and its always so hard to decline when he looks so adorable.
But tonight, you needed to work on your essay. It was due at 11:59, and you've barely touched it. You needed just a couple more hours, and then you should be good for the night. Then, you are free for the rest of week to relax. 
“Meow…” A familiar high pitched voice chirps from behind you. He runs his hands down your chest, and places his head on your shoulder. He's wearing black fingless gloves with pink pawprints on them.
You know what he wants, from the way he drags his fingers along your body, to the way his voice seems to hold a slight purr. “Not now, Meguru. Can you wait till tomorrow?” You respond, eyes not leaving the screen, even if his hands get dangerously close to your crotch. 
If you show that you are affected by him, you are done for. Somehow one way or another he will be getting fucked tonight.
You don't have time today. The two of you had sex the last three days, and you know he isnt pent up. He just always seems to crave more. He was a spoiled thing. 
“Want you to fuck me,” he purrs into your ear, giggling lightly into your neck as if he was bashful about the lewd statement. As if he hasn't said way more dirty things the last couple of nights. He always was a talker. 
“I know, I know. I gotta finish this, love. Maybe later if i'm not too tired.” You reach up and rub the back of his hair, sighing when you feel the kitten eared headband. You had to restrain yourself from checking if he was wearing lingerie too. 
He must have knew you were busy, if he brought out the outfit. Probably thinking to himself, something along the lines of, desperate times calls for desperate measures.
He whines, high pitched and needy. “Pretty please? We can go quickly! Promise!”
You sigh when you feel him pawing at the buttons of your pants. You grab his wrists, before he can manage to undo them, which causes another whine to tear through his lips. “It's never quick with you,” You remind, and he grins. He would go the entire night if you allowed him too.
He laughs before placing a kiss to your neck. Two now, and he's suckling, most likely trying to leave a hickey. You grip his hair and pull him away. You didn't need to go in public with one on your neck. “Cause you're so good at it. Make me feel so good, I don't want to ever stop. Cmon, lets do it….I can give you head if you want!”
You roll your eyes with a grin. “How tempting...”
His hands try to escape your grasp, eyes already widen at the idea. “Mhmm! Let you ride my f–”
You don't let them free, pinning them to your stomach. “If I didn't have to finish this.”
His head collapses on your shoulder and he lets out another dramatic whine. Then, he menevours himself from behind you, to on your lap. You raise your eyebrows at his attire. You were right, black lacey lingerie with hints of light pink. He is even wearing a black leather collar a pink ribbon on the front.
He grins at you when you take in his appearance and successfully tears his hands away from you. He grabs your wrist, and gently lays your hand on his clothed cock. You have to force yourself to look away at the lewd sight, you are trying your hardest to not fuck him tonight.. 
“Look! Cmon please look,” He begs, and you have to take a glance. Just a peak, for your sanity. 
Resting in the black panties was his hard on, seeming to be leaking through the cloth. He kisses your neck again. “For you. All dressed up for you too. Do you want me to meow for you?”
The idea seems to make your head spin. Imaging on all fours while you pound into him. Would he moan, or would he really meow? 
Then he grabs your other hand and places it on his hole, now plugged with a cat tail. His eyes bore into yours, and he's grinning, cheeks flushed. “Prepped too. You don't gotta worry bout it. I'm all ready for you. Please Master?” 
You gulp when he begins to rock his hips into your hand. It sounds so appeasing to you. Maybe the two of you could get a round in…See his eyes roll back, and his mouth hang open. He always did have the prettiest face when he was lost in pleasure.
The computer screen darkens from the lack of use and your eyes flicker to it. Your assignment was more important. You could fuck all the time after you completed it. “Meguru,” You sigh, using your free hand to move the mouse so the computer does not fall asleep.
He continues to grind his clothed cock into your hand, letting out small whimpers. “Kitty~” He corrects, a small smile on his now pink face.
An idea pops into your head and you grin, maybe a bit maliciously. His eyes lighten up in return when he thinks you have agreed, and immediately presses his lips to yours. You let him for awhile, even going as far to help him grind on your hand.
When you pull away, his eyes are already half-lidded, and he seems to be almost buzzing in excitement. It almost makes you feel bad, but alas, this was important.. “’’m gonna grab the strap,” he murmurs, and quickly jumps off your lap. You watch the black tail swish at the movement.
But before he leaves you grab his wrist, and he turns to you, confused. “I'm going to pick what you will use,” You say smoothly, standing up from the chair and heading toward the bedroom. 
His eyes lighten at this, shivering in excitement at the prospect of you choosing the largest one. Though, the idea of him not playing soccer tomorrow because of him being sore does not sound to appealing. But alas, he follows along with a hop in a step.“Of course, Master!”
You take a deep breathe when you hear him continue the title, but you try to ignore the words. You grab the toybox, and Bachira is clinging to you, looking over your shoulder in excitement. “The big red one! No wait, what about the vibrating one? You know how it leaves my legs shaking. Oh choose, please choose one!”
You ignore the rambling in your ear and continue your searching. When you finally grab it, Bachira hums in question, “The suction one? Where will we do it then? Oh don't tell me you want me to ride it on your desk, you pervert Master!” He says, lightly hitting your shoulder, but almost drooling at the idea.
You ignore him again, and shut the box. He is gripping onto your arm, rubbing his cheek on your body from excitement.
When you walk out to the office he runs over to desk and bends over, his tail on display. “Take it out,” He purrs, shaking his ass in front of you, causing you to raise you eyebrows. “Want your cock now, please?” 
You sigh and walk over to him. He presses his hips into your crotch and by now, you're not even suprised by the display. He always was like this, gave no shame on what we wanted. 
You grab at his waist, and gently run your fingers over the flesh. He hums, and continues to press back into you. You reach down and slowly pull out the plug, and he keens. His cheek is pressed up to the desk and he is groaning into wood at the stretch.
“There is goes. Good job,” You praise, not being able to help yourself. The plug was larger than expected, and it made it much harder for you to really focus on your work. He seems to feel the strain too, his hands gripping onto the mouse with a small whimper when the thickest part meets his ring.
When it finally is out, he sighs, “Where do ya want me?” before turning to you with a cat like grin. 
You trace his jaw, and he leans into the touch. “Stay there for a second,” You whisper, and gently use your fingers to turn his head away. He nods immediately and buries his face into his arms, excited for what you have planned for him.
You glance at him, nearly bouncing in excitement, and then your half finished essay. Then, you sigh, and grab the suction dildo, and stick it to the floor next to your chair. It was a couple feet away so he can have room. With this, he can have his fun, and you can finish your essay.
But of course you should have known it wouldn't have worked. He craved attention and you were way too easily convinced.
When he turns around his smile falls immediately. “What's that?” He says, pointing to the dildo on the floor. He reaches for your hand for comfort, but you've already turned away.
You sit back on you chair, and turn your computer back on. “Knock yourself out. I need to finish this, but don't want you to get frustrated.”
He shakes his head at first, eyes switching back and forth from you and the floor. The two black knee pads placed next to it, lets him know immediately what you have planned for him. Him and him alone.
In one last attempt, he drops to his knees in front of you, and you raise your eyebrows. He places himself in between your legs and rests his head on your inner thigh. Then, he grabs your hand and places it on his head, pleading for you to pet him. “Please don't be mean, Master! I dressed up for you. I-I wanna be your kitty.”
Your eyes barely flicker to him, and he rubs his face on your thigh to hopefully get more attention. He whines when you don't react, loud and dramatic. “Meguru, I love you, but I need to finish this. Your toy is right there.” Your voice is flat, and your hand doesn't move.
“B-But I–Please?”
You grip at his hair, sending his head backward with a wince. His neck is exposed to you, and he looks up at you with half closed eyes. “You will either fuck the toy or nothing at all.”
The two of you stare at one another for a long second, before he seems to cave in on himself from the harshness of the glare. “Okay…” He half whimpers, hoping to pull some guilt out of you. 
When you don't say anything in response, he pouts and crawls over toward the dildo. It was simple, black and not too big. But you werent the one fucking him, so it wouldnt feel as good. He puts on the kneepads so that they don't get bruised from the hardwood floor.
He glances back to you. “I'm going to fuck it now.”
He clentches his fists and glares at the back of your neck, but positions the silicon cock in between his legs. He looks at his paw print gloves and has to bite back another whine, thinking about how this should have gone.
But, he grabs the dildo, and positions it up to his hole, and slowly begins to sink down on it. A quivered breath escapes his lips, as he tries to grip at the ground in front of him to no avail. It was harder to do by himself, usually you have to guide him through it. 
“Help?” He pleads, loud and whiny.
You don't even look at him. “You've taken something bigger than that. You're being whiny Meguru.”
Kitty. He was supposed to be your pretty kitty for the night. How did he end up on the floor, fucking a toy with no help. And why are you being so mean?
He bottoms out after a couple more seconds, and he gasps, leaning forward to brace himself on his fore arms. He shivers, and he can't help the small smile pulls at his lips, while his eyes slightly roll back. “It's in.”
You can't help but wonder, his gasps behind you are intriguing you. He usually was collapsing on to you when you stretch him out, in all honesty him doing this by himself was impressive. “Whole thing?”
“Mhmm” He starts rolling his hips, his cock beginning to leak at the needed intrusion. The second be bottomed out, he felt like some sort of rational part of him was put to rest. Now, he can simply focus on losing himself on the toy. 
“Good job, kitty.” He preens at the praise, and he focuses his gaze on you, hoping you've turned around by now. His smile drops when he hears the clicking of the keyboard and the back of your head.
It was upsetting him, and he could feel the pain in the chest from the lack of your attention. He was doing this all for you, why can't you just look at him? He ignores the tears starting to form in frustration.
Instead, he moves his hips, slightly pushing himself upward and then back down. A soft moan escapes him and his cock twitches. 
This time, he uses the his knees to push himself to the tip of the toy, and uses his entire weight to sit back down completely on it. His fingers curl and his back arches, while his mouth seems to hang open at the force. 
You hear a loud slapping sound, followed by a high pitched moan, way louder than before.The finger on your mouse pauses at the sound, and when he recollects himself, his eyes seem to focus in on the singular finger.
 In an instant, he knows exactly on how to get your attention again.
He resettles himself on the floor, and changes position. He begins to pick up the pace, rolling his hips desperately, causing his dick to slap upon his stomach. “F-Fuck master!”
Your heart hammers in your chest and you try to keep your focus on the screen. You gulp when you hear the moans get higher in pitched, and try to ignore the slapping sound of skin on skin.
He goes back to bouncing on the silicon cock, and uses one hand to reach forward to stroke his cock. His face is already flushed from the movements, and his eyes are half lidded, but all he does is stare at the back of your neck. “My cock…Feels good!”
Your eyes snap to his in an instant, and he seems to light up at the new found attention. Unexpected, but not unwelcomed. “I didn't say you could touch yourself, Meguru.”
He laughs in between pants, slightly shivering under your gaze. “C-Can't help it. Need it. S’good.”  
Even at the warning, his hand doesnt seem to stop its motions, sliding up and down the shaft, while he continues to jump on the toy. Tears begin to brim at his eyes, and his mouth seems to hang open with time. The moans have grown less dramatized for attention, but still are loud as they usually are. He was truly losing himself on the toy.
You just sigh, and turn back around. You are given him what we wants by getting upset at him. And it may go by quicker if he touched himself, then you can focus with no interruptions.
When he sees you turn back around again, he tumbles forward toward you. Tears begin to fall down his cheek, and the dildo slips out from the movement. He was so close. You were so close to helping him. He needed your help.
He murmurs a whiny curse under his breathe, and turns back toward it. His brain is fuzzy, and the only thing he seems to want in this very moment was to cum, from you. 
He pouts, and whimpers, but he sits back on it, and his eyes roll back with a sigh. And just like before he begins grinding on the toy, but this time he isn't moaning, it's full on whines and whimpers. “Please. Please help. Im trying to be good. Please, I can't without you.”
He bites his lip so it doesnt tremble, and he watches the precum drip out of his cock and onto the floor. His dick looks so useless in this moment, it was almost humiliating. He wishes you were looking at him, to tease him for how leaky he was. To praise him for how good he was doing.
With every bounce he whimpers your name. 
“Meguru,” You sigh, “You're so needy.” 
He hears the chair squeak, and you stand up. Tears stream down his face, but he's smiling as you walk over to him. He slows his movements when you crouch down in front of him. The two of you are now on eye level and he stares at you with glazed eyes and shaky legs.
You run your fingers down his jaw, and to his lips, gently telling him to release the poor bitten pink flesh. “What am I going to do with you, kitty?”
He sobs at the condescending words and collapses into you, the toy still lodged between his legs. “Fuck me. Fuck me, please. Wanna–I want it!” He says, buring his flushed face into your neck.
You pull him back again by his hair, similar to earlier, and you swear you heard a moan. “No. You can cum from that. I know you can. I'll be here to watch.”
He frowns again, obviously not liking this answer, but too fucked out to really do anything. Besides, at this point he will take anything from you.
 So, he just grabs onto shoulders and uses them as leverage for his movements.
His mouth now hangs open, and he's staring at you the entire time, while you coo and run you fingers through his hair. “Look how cute you are. Such a pretty kitty.”
Those were the words he craved, needed. He nods helplessly and giggles breathlessly , trying to put on the role he planned on even with his fucked out brain. “M-Meow!”
You grin at the sound, kissing his neck as he keens at the feeling. His legs are shaking and with everybounce you can hear the lewd slapping noise of skin upon hardwood. He's drooling ever so slightly, and he staring at you with hearts in his eyes. 
His moans begin to get higher and pitch, and his hands seem to tighten on your shoulder. You know the signs by heart now, you've seen it so many times. “Need to cum?”
“Yes! Close! I’m–Can I please?” You glance at the cute puddle on pre beginning to form beneath him and kiss his cheek.
“Sure. You can cum,” You whisper into his ear, and pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around the back of you neck for stability. With every breathe a high pitched moan is released, and sweet the sound turns you on immensely,
He nuzzles his tear-streaken face into your shoulder and mumbles, “For you,” on repeat and you smile in his hold. 
“Yeah kitty, cum for me.” 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck, I cant–Im cumming!” He grips onto you tighter when he feels the wave crash over him. His whole body jerks, and he shuts his eyes adorably tight. You grin when you see his legs tremble and feet curl from under the pawprint socks. His fuming cock leaks out a coupious amount of liquid onto the floor, making the puddle even bigger now. 
He holds onto you, even after his orgasm tears through him, almost seeming to purr when you run your fingers through his hair. He nuzzles into your embrace, and slides himself off the toy. “Mhmmm. Felt good,” he mumbles into your neck.
“Good. Cmon, let's clean you up and run you a bath so that I can finish my essay.”
He begins to litter kisses up your neck, and you sigh, knowing something is about to come. “Actually I was thinking bout round two.”
You shake your head, and rub the bridge of you nose. “I've never met anyone as needy as you.”
He laughs, a little breathlessly and dazed from the after effects of the orgasm. “I'm glad. I can have you all to myself.” 
And even with his now trembling legs, he manages to pull the both of you up, and drag you toward the bedroom. He pushes you down on the bed and races toward the toy box before you could even protest.
When he comes back with the toy in his hands, he has a glint in his eyes. “I was thinking the vibrating one.”
You eye the now vibrating dildo, twice the size of the previous one. “You trying to not play soccer for a couple on days?”
He laughs, and dives onto the bed, already planning on what to say to keep you distracted from the essay.
In the end the assignment was turned in late, but you couldn't even be that mad, because your boyfriend is grinning lazily on the bed, hair messy, and legs shaking from the multiple rounds the two of you went at it.
He was such a pretty sight to behold.
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hwashotcheeto · 3 months
I've sent this to another account but I have to say it here. Black Cat hybrid Wooyo x Witch/Wizard Reader
👀 Anon, you get a gold star for this.
I'll make an exception for lil ramble thoughts because I love this.
Fluff first, smut below, no warnings, have fun. 💜
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Black Cat!Wooyoung would be so cute. 😭 With his fluffy cute ears, his little tail, aughhh I love kitty hybrids.
You're doing your little witchy things in your cottage, looking over your spell books or sorting through your herbs when he comes along and nudges you for attention.
"What you doin?" He asks you as he nuzzles his head into yours, hugging you from behind.
"Working," you say, continuing your task.
But Wooyoung wanted your attention. He didn't want you to bother with the herbs, or the books, he just wanted you.
When you brought him in on that dark night he pawed at your door, he knew you were a witch, and he didn't care, he was just happy to have a home.
And slowly, a love grew between you two. He loved you, he adored you, and everything you did. You loved your sweet, chaotic kitty.
Except now, when he was deliberately trying to pull you away from your current task.
"But love, I need your help," he whines, hugging you tighter, trying to pull you away from the counter.
"Pleaseeee, you've been working all day, I want attention."
You turned around to tell him off, but when you saw the big eyes he was giving you, the pout, the way his ears were down, your frustration and resistance melted away.
"Okay, fine, we can cuddle, kitty," you sighed. Wooyoung happily mewed as he hugged you tight again, and you smiled as you hugged him back.
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Smut under here 👀
But could you IMAGINE how Wooyoung would squeak and mew when you fuck him?? SO SUBBYYY!
Riding him or fucking him bent over, making him scream and squeal, mewing out desperately, crying out your name for more.
"Mistress/Master, please don't stop! I can take it, please, give me more! Don't stop!"
And so you do, and you watch him melt and cry and squirm, screaming your name, so blissed out and overwhelmed, just how he wants.
Because he's so obsessed with you, your touches, the love you give him.
And if he eats you out/sucks you off?? LORD I love the idea of Wooyoung going down on you-
Looking up at you with his pretty eyes, hoping you'll pull his hair and smack his face. Calling him a little desperate slut, a dirty whore.
He LIVES for it, he LOVES it.
His little black tail swishing behind him, curling up when you pull on his hair, oh my God-
He'd let out the prettiest cries when he's overestimated. His ears folded down, tears streaming down his cheeks, his tail curled up tight as he's mewing and sobbing your name.
"Mistress/Master, please, enough! I was good, please, no more!"
But we all know he loves it.
Such a pretty boy, screaming when he cums, arching his back, oh, so beautiful.
And of course, you'd cuddle him and pet him, clean him up, tell him how good of a kitty he was afterwards.
Because he's a good kitty. He deserves it. 💜
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Imma go lay down now 😵‍💫 Kitty Wooyoung, fuuuuck yes 🤤
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petiolata · 4 months
[Nekomimi/Anthroverse AU] After Drake Industries goes bankrupt and the Drakes lose their fortune, they no longer want to shoulder the expense of keeping an exotic pet (Catboy!Tim).
Jack Drake pretends he's taking Tim for a vet visit to get him in the car. Tim is confused (didn't he go to the vet three months ago?) but he doesn't argue with Jack. His owner can...have a temper, especially when he's been drinking. (And he's been drinking every day since Drake Industries went under.)
The neighborhood they're passing through definitely isn't on the way to the vet's, and Tim is just opening his mouth, little kitty fangs gleaming in the afternoon sunlight, when the car slams to an abrupt stop outside a dirty, trash-heaped alley.
Without saying a word, Jack Drake hustles out of the car and throws Tim's door open, pulling the catboy out by his shirt.
"Dad--" (And Jack Drake had always insisted on Tim calling him Daddy, which was so weird...)
But before Tim can demand answers, Jack jumps back in the car and slams it in reverse, backing out of the alley, not even checking for oncoming traffic.
Leaves Tim standing there, blinking and dazed. He's not even wearing shoes, the Drakes never let him ("Animals don't wear shoes, Tim.") and the pavement beneath his paws is filthy.
He stays frozen there, in that alley, waiting for Jack to return. When the sun is starting to go down, someone finally comes for him.
But the tall well-built man walking towards Tim isn't Jack. He's wearing clothes Jack would never be caught dead in, and he's wearing a red helmet of all things.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 months
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes Rating: T Summary: In the early days of their budding relationship, Carlos and T.K. discover some of each other's more adorable characteristics. Or, five times Carlos learns adorable things about T.K. and one time T.K. learns something adorable about Carlos. A/N: So what had happened was, I wrote "Glasses and Smut and Your Naked Butt" and then I had too many cute little scenarios to fit into a 5+1 so I wrote a second one. Cheers! Read on AO3
Carlos has never met anyone who can go from zero to sixty the way T.K. can. He barely has the Camaro in park before T.K. is leaning across the console, pulling him in for a dirty, dirty kiss full of tongue and teeth and desire. Normally Carlos would protest this kind of activity in the car, but they’re right in front of the condo, it’s late, and therefore unlikely that anyone will see them.
So he lets T.K. go on and doesn’t say a word as he somehow maneuvers himself across the console and into Carlos’ lap, which, quite honestly, is where Carlos wanted him for the entirety of dinner anyway. He’d been so enchanted with the idea of actually dating T.K. instead of just being his fuck buddy that he hadn’t quite thought through how hard it would be to keep his hands off of him in public.
“Put the seat back,” T.K. says breathlessly in between kisses.
Carlos follows his orders, both of them slowly reclining downward toward the backseat, while somehow managing never to fully detach from one another. Carlos’ breath catches as T.K. bites into his earlobe. “Do you want to take this inside?” he finally asks, when it seems like T.K. isn’t going to be content with just a heavy make out session.
T.K. pauses long enough to flash him a smirk. “No. Live a little Reyes.”
If anyone else uttered those words Carlos would push them off and call it a night. But T.K. Strand has cast some kind of spell on him, so Carlos lays back and watches greedily as T.K. sits up and starts to take off his shirt. His eyes follow the motion of T.K.’s hands as they slowly work at his buttons and then suddenly freeze. “Oh my god!” T.K. yells.
“What? What?!” Carlos asks in a panic, sitting up abruptly and almost hitting his head on the car’s roof.
“There’s a cat!”
“There’s—what?” Carlos asks in confusion, his heart still pounding away in his chest having imagined that T.K. was seeing an ax murderer or a bear or Mr. Johnson who sometimes walks around with his bathrobe open.
“There’s a cat out there!”
Before Carlos can formulate a response, T.K. has vaulted off of his lap and out of the car leaving Carlos shocked and alone. He takes a second to adjust his pants before getting up and following his boyfriend.
T.K. is kneeling on the sidewalk, hand outstretched, making little “pspsps” noises. 
“T.K. what are you doing?” Carlos asks, shifting back and forth, still trying to alleviate the situation in his pants that his boyfriend started but did not finish.
“There’s a cat. Look! Come here kitty, that’s right, who’s a good kitty?” 
A black cat with white markings on its chin and paws wanders over to T.K. and starts to rub up against his hand. “Oh, god, T.K. be careful, it could have fleas,” Carlos says.
“You don’t have fleas, do you? No you don’t,” T.K. says, using a voice that Carlos has never heard before. “It’s too well taken care of to be a stray. No collar though. Do you know whose it is? It must be one of your neighbors.”
“I’ve never seen it before,” Carlos says. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
“We can’t leave it!” T.K. says. “It must have slipped out. Someone will be looking for it. It can’t stay out here all night alone.”
“T.K.,” Carlos sighs. “What do you want me to do? It’s late. We can’t exactly go knock on doors.”
T.K. fixes him with a look as he scoops the cat up into his arms and cradles it like a baby, the cat perfectly content to let him. “Are you a police officer or not? Start police officering.”
“Pretty sure cats are more of a firefighter thing,” Carlos says wryly.
T.K. squares his shoulders. “Carlos. This baby is out here alone and afraid. We need to find out who it—” T.K. glances down at the cat’s belly and back up, “who he belongs to and get him home.”
Carlos feels a smile twisting at his lips. T.K. looks adorable standing there in the glow of the streetlight, fiercely protecting an animal he met two minutes ago. It’s precious really.
“He might belong to Mrs. O’Grady,” Carlos says. “She has like five cats. Let’s go see if her light is still on.”
“Thank you,” T.K. says in relief. “Come on little buddy, let’s go find your home.
The first time Carlos wakes up with T.K. next to him, it’s one of the most thrilling moments of his entire life. He feels warm and safe and happy and there’s a sense of victory in it too because T.K. has held him at arm’s length for so long. To finally see his patience rewarded feels like a huge step forward. Staying the night is something couples do. It’s permanent, not just chasing a high.
He watches T.K. for a while, memorizing how he looks in the soft light of the morning, the way his mouth hangs open a little bit, his arms and legs splayed out awkwardly across the mattress, his hair a glorious wreck.
This is a T.K. that few people get to see, and Carlos is elated to finally be one of them.
Eventually nature calls and he slips from his bed to take care of business and then go make them some coffee. He assumes T.K. will wake up and wander out when the smell starts to waft upstairs, but he doesn’t.
Carlos goes to check on him and finds him in exactly the same position as half an hour before. He chalks it up to a very successful night of sex and heads back down to start working on french toast.
He takes his time, enjoying the feeling of cooking for someone other than just himself. Another thirty minutes roll by as he cooks and there’s still no sign of T.K. when he’s done.
He plates up their French toast, bacon, pours them each a cup of coffee, setting it all on the table before making his way upstairs.
T.K. has wrapped himself in the sheet and pulled it up over his head like a cocoon. Carlos smiles and is tempted to snap a picture, but instead he kneels on the mattress and gently pulls the blankets away from T.K.’s face. “Good morning,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to T.K.’s forehead.
He sits down on the mattress and puts his hand on T.K.’s hip. “It’s time to wake up,” he whispers teasingly, shaking him a little bit.
Still nothing.
What the hell?
Now he’s actually concerned. “T.K., hey,” he says, shaking him a little more harshly. 
The words are slurred together and punctuated by a swipe of T.K.’s arm that narrowly misses hitting Carlos in the ribs. 
Okay, so at least he’s alive. That’s something. 
“I made breakfast,” Carlos says softly, brushing his fingers through T.K.’s hair. Surely that will be enough to get him going.
It only gets him another grumble. 
Carlos sits back, struggling to decide if he’s amused or disappointed. He’s just about decided to go back downstairs and eat his breakfast alone when T.K.’s arm slaps the empty expanse of mattress between them and then a sort of muffled sound escapes him, that bears a passing resemblance to, “Come here.”
Carlos’ eyebrows rise and he has to stifle a laugh as T.K.’s arm flops around again and then finally connects with Carlos’ thigh. He curls his hand around it and gives a feeble tug, not enough to actually move him, but enough to indicate that he wants Carlos to come closer.
“I’m confused. Do you want me to leave or stay?” Carlos asks in amusement.
T.K. turns his head so that he’s facing Carlos, even though his eyes are still closed, and gives another tug. Carlos chuckles and obliges, sliding down so that he’s parallel to T.K. on his side.
T.K. immediately curls into him, mashing his face into Carlos’ chest and hooking a leg over his hip. Carlos quirks a fond smile and runs a hand through T.K.’s hair.
“D’you mke me brkfst?” T.K.’s voice is scratchy but slightly more intelligible now.
“I did,” Carlos says. “I thought it would be a nice way to start the day.”
T.K. hums into his chest and then, with a valiant effort, opens his eyes and squints up at Carlos. “I hate mornings,” he says.
Carlos bursts out laughing. “Yeah, I kind of figured that out,” he says, stroking a hand through T.K.’s hair.
His eyes close again and he snuggles more tightly into Carlos. “What did you make me?”
“French toast and bacon. And coffee.”
T.K. hums against him. “That sounds good.”
“Sooo…are you going to get up and eat it?” Carlos asks.
“I’m trying.”
“This is you trying?”
T.K. cracks one eyelid. “It’s a process.”
“So I see. How do you manage to get up for calls at work?”
“That’s different.”
Carlos fails to see how, but he doesn’t push it. “What if I bring your breakfast up here?”
That gets him two eyeballs. “You don’t like food in bed.”
That’s true. The thought of crumbs between his sheets makes Carlos shudder. But breakfast is ready and T.K. is not, and he looks so damn cute all bed rumpled and sleepy that it’s making Carlos throw some rules out the window. “I’ll make an exception this time.”
T.K. rolls onto his back, a smile on his face as he stretches and puts his hands behind his head. “This house comes with five star service.”
“This is a special occasion. Don’t get used to it,” Carlos says, giving him a peck on the nose before rising to go get their food. 
But the fact is, T.K. could ask Carlos to bring him breakfast in bed every day for the rest of his life and he’d do it. That’s just how it’s going to be. 
Carlos is pulled from sleep by someone’s voice. At first he thinks he might have fallen asleep in front of the TV or maybe with a podcast going. But the more he rouses, the more he realizes the sound isn’t steady and clear enough to be either one of those.
He blinks a few times, trying to get his bearings. His room is dark, it’s clearly still the middle of the night, and T.K. is pressed up against him, head pillowed against his chest.
The sound stops and Carlos listens intently, his heart now speeding up in his chest as he tries to figure out if it was real or a dream. If it was real…is there someone in the condo? 
He’s about ready to slide out of bed and grab his off-duty weapon to go investigate when T.K. lets out a big snuffling sound and then says, “nthebthtb.”
Carlos relaxes at the realization that the sound was just his boyfriend and gently brushes a hand over his arm. “You okay babe?” he whispers into the darkness.
T.K.’s face contracts into a scowl. “‘nthe bathtub.”
“Put it in the bathtub.”
The words are clearer now, but Carlos is beyond confused. “Put what in the bathtub?”
T.K.’s head whips up and turns in Carlos’ general direction, his eyes still closed, his neck bent at an awkward angle. “The alligator!”
Carlos shifts so that he’s sitting more upright and looks down at T.K. with raised eyebrows. “T.K. there’s no alligator.”
“No you…you have to put it in the bathtub,” T.K. demands again.
He looks so distressed that Carlos has to bite back a laugh. “Okay, I’ll put the alligator in the bathtub.”
T.K. mumbles something unintelligible and snuggles in against Carlos again before whipping his head up one more time. “And socks!”
“The alligator needs socks?”
“No.” T.K. pauses for so long that Carlos starts to worry that he’s going to get a crick in his neck before finally saying, “Don’t let him eat…the purple ones.”
Then he flops back down and lets out a snort before seeming to go fully back to sleep, leaving Carlos amused and very curious.
Carlos has an early shift and T.K. is still sound asleep when he leaves, so he doesn’t get to mention anything about their bizarre middle-of-the-night conversation until he gets home at the end of the day.
“Hey babe!” T.K. says cheerfully, coming to give him a sweet kiss as he walks through the door. “I made Italian wedding soup and got bread from that new bakery down the street. Should be ready in like fifteen minutes.”
“Sounds good,” Carlos says as he finishes removing his shoes. He reaches into his work bag. “I got you a present.”
T.K.’s already halfway back into the kitchen, but he turns back, surprise on his face. “A present? Wait,” he frowns. “Did I forget something? Is today—“
“Relax,” Carlos says with a chuckle. “You didn’t forget anything. This is a just-because gift.”
T.K.’s face brightens again. “Oh well in that case, gimme gimme!”
He holds out his hands and Carlos drops a small plastic bag into them. T.K. reaches inside and pulls out a pair of bright purple socks. “Wow, thanks babe!”
“I promise not to let the alligator eat them,” Carlos says, trying to smother the smile on his face.
T.K.’s brow furrows. “What alligator?”
“The alligator in the bathtub.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Did you hit your head today?” T.K. asks. Then he freezes and addresses himself, a concerned look on his face. “Wait, did I hit my head today?”
Carlos full on laughs and decides to put him out of his misery. “Last night in the middle of the night you woke me up to tell me to put an alligator in the bathtub. And then you were very insistent that he not eat purple socks.”
“Oh my god.” A blush forms on T.K.’s cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I—sometimes I sleep talk. It used to happen a lot when I was a kid and I mostly grew out of it, but once in a while it still happens. Usually only if I’m really tired. It’s been so long since I’ve spent the night with anybody, I didn’t think to tell you.”
He looks so adorably embarrassed that Carlos reaches for his hips and pulls him in so their bodies are flush against one another, needing to touch him. He quirks a smile. “That,” he says, “is very cute.”
“No it’s not, it’s embarrassing,” T.K. says, squirming a little bit. “Sometimes I say really weird stuff.”
“Trust me when I tell you that is not the weirdest middle of the night conversation I’ve had,” Carlos assures him. “You wouldn’t believe how many drunk and stoned people think they’re Jesus when they’re hauled into lock-up at three am. I’ll take your alligators any day.”
T.K. snorts. “I have definitely never claimed to be a deity.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow and bites his lip before saying, “That’s true, although I do seem to remember you saying the Lord’s name an awful lot when we went to bed last night.”
T.K. shoves his bicep good-naturedly. “What I say in the throes of passion is supposed to stay in the throes of passion Carlos.”
“So what you’re telling me is that anything we say in bed is privileged information?”
“Mmm, good to know.”
Where the hell is his APD t-shirt? 
Carlos stands in front of his closet, hands on his hips as he stares into its depths, completely baffled. He’d worn it to a workout two weeks ago and he’s sure he put it into the laundry. He had to have. He’s checked his gym bag, the trunk of the Camaro, his locker at work, the laundry basket itself, and the washer, just in case it had gotten stuck to the side and he hadn’t noticed. It’s been three full days of searching and now he’s sure. It’s not here. 
It’s not anywhere.
Which doesn’t make any sense. Because t-shirts don’t just get up and walk away. 
It’s not that big of a deal. It’s only a t-shirt after all. One from his brief stint on the department softball league a few years ago. It’s just that Carlos is a careful, meticulous person. There’s a system to his laundry. And now, after all these years, it’s really eating at him that it might have failed. 
He’s about to dive back into round five of removing every single thing from his closet, when he hears the front door open. “Carlos? You home?”
It’s T.K.’s voice and it sounds off, meaning Carlos immediately abandons his search and goes downstairs to soothe whatever has his boyfriend’s spirits down.
T.K.’s doing that thing where he kind of pulls back into himself, and it takes some coaxing for Carlos to tease the full story of his shitty day out of him. Then there’s cuddling, kissing, dinner, and more kissing before Carlos offers to run T.K. a bath and let him relax for a bit. 
He’s finishing up the dishes when T.K. comes back downstairs and wraps his arms around Carlos’ waist from behind. He smells like the lavender scented soap that Carlos left out for him and Carlos breathes it in before turning around to give him another kiss. “Better?” he asks, running a hand through T.K.’s hair, down to cup the nape of his neck.
“Yeah,” T.K. says. “Thank you.” He looks up and Carlos can still see some vulnerability in his eyes. “Is it okay if I stay here tonight?”
It’s on the tip of Carlos’ tongue to tell him he can stay every night for the rest of his life if he wants, but he’s learned T.K. well enough to know now isn’t the moment. “Of course,” he says instead. “You’re always welcome here.”
He’s about to ask if T.K. needs to borrow something to sleep in, but then he looks down and the words die on his tongue. He takes a step back, brow furrowing.
“What?” T.K. asks. “Is something wrong?”
“Is that my APD shirt?” Carlos asks.
He already knows the answer, but he’s so surprised it’s the only thing that comes out. 
“Um…no?” T.K. says, trying for innocent and failing miserably.
“T.K. it has my name on the back,” Carlos says.
“There are lots of people with the last name Reyes in Austin.”
“Right and I’m sure so many of them played on the department softball team in 2018,” Carlos replies. “Where did you find it? I’ve been looking for it everywhere.”
“It was in your drawer,” T.K. says, but he’s no longer meeting Carlos’ eyes. 
“It was not in my drawer,” Carlos says. “I looked. Several times.”
T.K. shrugs. “Well you’re welcome that I found it then.”
Carlos narrows his eyes. “You didn’t find it. You stole it.”
T.K.’s jaw drops. “Carlos. You’re accusing me, a brave, loyal member of the AFD, who serves his community on a daily basis, of stealing?”
“It’s not an accusation, it’s a fact,” Carlos says, tapping a finger against T.K.’s chest. “You stole this out of my laundry.”
“Not sure those charges are going to stick in court, officer.”
“T.K.” Carlos growls out his name.
“Okay, fine, I stole it!” T.K. says. “I was getting ready for work here last week after you left and I realized I’d forgotten a shirt to wear to the station. It was in your clean laundry basket so I grabbed it and wore it. I was going to wash it and bring it back but then…”
He looks embarrassed so Carlos softens his gaze and drops the teasing facade. “Then what?” he asks gently.
“It was just so soft and comfortable and…it kind of felt like being with you. Even when I wasn’t. So I kept it.” He looks up and scrunches his nose a little. “Sorry?”
Carlos is speechless. His heart feels so soft that it’s making his knees go a little weak. He cups T.K.’s face in both of his hands. “You don’t need to be sorry. You can keep it.”
“Yeah?” T.K. asks.
“Yeah,” Carlos assures him. “But we can also find a drawer for you, if you want. So you can keep some of your own stuff here.”
“You’re just saying that so I don’t steal more of your clothes.”
Carlos scrunches his nose, making a silly face so T.K. knows he’s teasing. “Maybe. A little.” He presses a kiss to T.K.’s lips. “But it’s also because I want you here.”
“Thanks,” T.K. says softly, that warm, reassured glow back in his eyes. “So…is this when I tell you that I also have a pair of your shorts? And some socks?”
T.K. is sitting on the couch when Carlos comes down from his shower. This is a little surprising only because Carlos thought T.K. might join him in the shower. It doesn’t usually take much more than a light hint. Often the phrase, “I’m going to take a shower” is enough to get T.K. on his feet and stripping off his clothes, but today he’s right where Carlos left him, staring at his phone.
“I’m making stuffed peppers for dinner. Does that sound good?” Carlos asks.
“Yeah, sure,” T.K. says quickly, like he’s very distracted. “Did you know there’s a type of tarantula that keeps frogs as pets?”
Carlos blinks a few times, as he takes this information in. “No, I did not know that,” he says, heading for the kitchen to find the peppers.
T.K. gets up and follows him. “There’s this type of frog in South America that evolved to taste bad. So tarantulas won’t eat them and instead they keep them to eat all the bugs and stuff around their homes and keep their spider babies safe. They’re like a tiny little tarantula pet cat.”
Carlos turns around and nearly knocks T.K. over, not having realized that his boyfriend was standing so close behind him. He reaches out and gently moves him out of the way as he heads for the stove and begins to prep the filling for the peppers. 
“I just think it’s so cool, two completely different species living together like that,” T.K. continues, hopping up onto the counter, that hyper-focused look in his eye. “Nature is amazing. Forming symbiotic relationships all the time.”
“That is cool,” Carlos says. He chops the peppers in half and rinses them out to remove the seeds.
“Sharks have that too,” T.K. continues. “Those little fish that attach themselves on and eat all the scraps from the shark’s meals. What are they called?”
“I’m not sure.”
“I’ll look it up.”
For a moment there’s only the sound of ground turkey sizzling on the stove as T.K. busies himself in his phone. “Oh right. Remora fish.”
“Of course,” Carlos says in amusement. “How could I have forgotten that?”
“And rhinos! With the birds that are always hanging around!” T.K. sighs. “They’re so cute.”
Carlos walks over and pats the side of T.K.’s thigh. “Move please,” he says mildly, waiting until T.K. shifts over enough that he can get into the drawer that’s hidden behind his legs.  He extracts the spoon he needs and then taps the space again indicating that T.K. can move back, which he does, still talking. “We had a pet frog in my class when I was in third grade. His name was Sir Henry. He died on the hundredth day of school.” At this T.K. looks a little glum. Then he perks up. “But my teacher got a hamster after that and we got to vote on a name. We picked Pikachu.”
“Sounds fun.”
“I wonder if hamsters have a symbiotic relationship with another animal,” T.K. says, picking his phone back up again. “Hm. Nope,” he says after a minute. “But, hamsters will eat their babies if you don’t separate them. Oh! Did you know that it’s illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland? You have to have two because they’re social animals and they’ll get lonely. But then in Peru people eat them for special occasions. Isn’t that crazy how different those two countries are?”
“Almost as crazy as spiders keeping frogs as pets.”
“I wish I had a pet frog,” T.K. says. “Do you think Buttercup would eat it?”
“I’ve seen Buttercup eat his own poop. Yes. I think he would eat a frog if he could catch it. Do you want your filling spicy or not spicy?”
“Spicy,” T.K. says immediately. “I have an old aquarium tank, it could live in there and I wouldn’t take it out if Buttercup was around—wait, do frogs get lonely? Would I need to get two? What if they had babies? Then I’d have hundreds of frogs and I don’t think the tank would hold more than a couple.”
“An overcrowded frog tank does seem uncomfortable. Do you want dressing on your salad?”
“Do you have that organic balsamic still?”
“I think there’s some left.”
“That then please.” He steals a piece of carrot and pops it into his mouth, talking around it. “Maybe I’ll get a tarantula instead. I think a tarantula would be okay by itself.”
“Please do not get a tarantula,” Carlos says with a soft chuckle.
This catches T.K.’s attention and he smiles. “Are you afraid of spiders?”
Carlos wipes his hands on a towel and goes to him, bracing his hands on the counter on either side of T.K.’s legs. “I’m not afraid. I just have a healthy respect for them.”
T.K. eyes him, his mouth twisting into a smile. “You’ve been letting me talk about spiders and frogs for like half an hour.”
“I have.”
“You don’t think that’s annoying?”
Carlos kisses the tip of his nose. “Not in the slightest. You’re cute when you chat at me.”
The fact is he loves it. His home has been so devoid of this wild energy and now that it’s here he doesn’t know how he ever lived without it. 
T.K. drops his eyes, a slight flush creeping over his cheeks. “Thanks.”
“I did miss you in my shower though,” Carlos tells him. “So next time you decide to go down an internet rabbit hole, maybe you could do it when I’m not all naked and wet.”
T.K. bites his lip, his eyes lighting up. “I will work on my timing.”
+1: Hangry
T.K. is delighted to be picking Carlos up for a change. He’s borrowed his dad’s truck for the night (he’s going to get his own car soon…ish…) to surprise Carlos with a fun evening out.
“Hey,” he says excitedly as Carlos slides into the passenger seat, leaning in for a kiss. “You look great.”
Carlos is in jeans and a black polo that is juuuuuust a tad bit too tight in the best kind of way. It nearly distracts T.K. enough to cancel the date and drag Carlos back upstairs to his bed instead, but he forces himself to focus. He knows Carlos has had kind of a rough week at work and he’s determined to make tonight extra fun to make up for it.
“Hey,” Carlos says, his smile genuine, although there’s a little tightness around his eyes that T.K. wants to soothe away with his thumb and butterfly kisses. “Thanks for picking me up. It’s good to see you.”
The way those words melt him inside. Carlos is so good at saying little things that to anyone else would mean almost nothing; but to T.K. they mean the world. He still hasn’t quite gotten used to how much Carlos likes having him around.
“How was your day?” T.K. asks as he pulls out into traffic, carefully navigating between cars that are driving way too slowly for his taste.
“It was um,” Carlos stumbles over his words as T.K. hits the brakes and then accelerates around a Ford Fiesta that he deems far too slow. “It was fine. Just one of those weeks, you know?”
“Yeah,” T.K. says sympathetically. “Well don’t worry. Tonight we’re going to forget all about work. I promise.”
Minutes later T.K. neatly swings them into a parking spot. “Oh,” Carlos says in confusion as he takes in where they are. “I thought we were going to dinner.”
“We are,” T.K. says. “But, I thought we’d do something fun first. I haven’t played mini golf in forever!”
The 126 had driven by the course on a call the other day, the brightly colored animals and windmills catching his eye out the engine’s window. It seemed like the perfect way to spend an evening. Just relaxing and being silly with each other.
“Right,” Carlos says, something strange flickering in his eyes. 
“You hate mini golf,” T.K. says, feeling crestfallen. “Damn it I should have asked. I’m sorry. It just looked so fun and you’ve had a hard week and I—“
“T.K., T.K., take a breath,” Carlos says, reaching over and taking his hand. “I don’t hate mini golf.”
“We don’t have to stay,” T.K. says, still sensing some odd hesitancy in his boyfriend.
“No let’s do it,” Carlos says. “I haven’t played in forever either. It’ll be fun.”
He’s already sliding out of the car, so T.K. follows him, pushing aside the doubt he’s feeling. Hopefully Carlos’ reticence is just work related.
They grab some clubs and balls (T.K. chooses green, Carlos picks blue) and then head out to the first hole. 
It goes well enough for a bit, they’re both moderately terrible. Carlos keeps hitting his ball too gently so that it comes rolling back toward him instead of up and over all the little hills, while T.K. takes to swinging with all his strength, his ball ping-ponging around into other greens so he has to go chasing after it.
“That’s a mulligan!” he declares for the third time when his ball hops an embankment and goes splashing down into a little pond.
“You can’t call them all mulligans T.K.,” Carlos says with a sigh that sounds a tad impatient.
“Why not?” T.K. says. “Who are you going to report me to? The police? Oh wait. It’s a little late for that.”
He means it to be flirty but Carlos just gives him sort of a strained smile and a half hearted “haha.”
When they get to the next hole Carlos’ ball does the same thing it’s done every other time and comes rolling straight back out again. “Are you kidding me?!” he cries, a little too loudly and angrily.
T.K. frowns at him, trying to get a read on what’s happening here. Carlos seems off. Like super off.
T.K. walks up and places his own ball down, but before he can swing Carlos says, “Can you please take a step back?”
T.K. lowers his club. “What?”
“You’re too far into the green. It’s cheating.”
He blinks a few times. “Cheating? First I can’t call a mulligan now I’m cheating? It’s just a game Carlos.”
“Yeah, a game that has rules that you’re not following,” Carlos insists. “You’re not supposed to be that far into the green. And don’t think I didn’t see you basically slide your ball into the last hole instead of putting. That one shouldn’t even count.”
“Okay, what is going on here?” T.K. says, feeling annoyance snap sharply at his good mood. “You’re kind of being a dick. If you didn’t want to play mini golf you could have just said so.”
“I told you I like playing mini golf!”
“Well you’re definitely not acting like it!” T.K. fires back. “You’re acting like you’d rather be anywhere else!”
“Why are you putting words into my mouth? Just take your turn and play fair T.K.!”
“Uh, excuse me?” 
The pimply faced teenager who gave them their clubs and balls earlier waves at both of them. “Can we help you?” T.K. asks.
“Hi, yeah, I’m sorry, we’ve had some complaints that you two are fighting. Can you try to keep it down? This is a family establishment.”
T.K. looks at Carlos whose face is going red with embarrassment. “Sorry,” he says quickly. “Won’t happen again.”
The kid leaves and T.K. frowns, putting his hands on his hips. “What is going on with you?” he asks. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”
“I don’t know,” Carlos says sullenly, refusing to meet T.K.’s eyes.
His stomach suddenly gives a loud rumble and all the pieces click into place in T.K.’s brain. “Oh,” he says, annoyance and anger settling back down where they belong. “Okay. I get it.”
He turns and heads for the car.
“What? Get what?” Carlos asks as he follows along, confusion evident on his face.
T.K. stops next to his dad’s truck. “You’re hangry.”
Carlos sputters in indignation. “Hangry?”
“You know. When you get so hungry that the entire world feels like it’s shitting on you and you get all cranky until you eat something. Did you eat lunch today?
“I—“ Carlos considers this. “No. We had to skip it because a call came in.”
T.K. nods in satisfaction. “See? Hangry. Don’t worry. We’ll get you all fixed up in no time.”
He drives to their favorite taco truck. His dinner plans had been bigger and fancier, but this is an emergency. He plops Carlos down at a picnic table (still protesting and whining away, only furthering T.K.’s satisfaction that he’s right) and then marches over to the truck to order two of everything.
He waits until Carlos has wolfed down one birria taco and one fish taco before speaking. “Better?” he asks.
Carlos wipes his mouth on a napkin and reaches for a third taco, chicken this time. “These are so good,” he replies, shoving half of it into his mouth like a man who hasn’t been fed in months. “Thanks.”
“Mhm. So next time, maybe just tell me you’re hangry instead of acting like you put your cranky pants on to see me,” T.K. says.
The sigh that leaves Carlos is long suffering. “I already said I was sorry in the car.”
“Buuuut you didn’t tell me I was right.”
This gets him a withering look. “Do you really need to hear me say it?”
“I mean…I wouldn’t hate it.” God he loves teasing this man. It’s so easy to get a rise out of him.
Carlos huffs. “Fine. You were right. Thank you for feeding me because I was hangry.”
“Aw, you’re so cute when you’re annoyed.”
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anticidic · 10 days
Hi I really love your dazai shape-shifting cat and owner chuuya AU do u think u could give more headcanons I'm thinking about writing a fic like this and need a few more ideas it's also just a really cool idea if not that's fine no pressure and I hope you have a good day😁🩵
(Sry if that sounded weird or hard to read I'm really tired and bad at talking lol😅)
Hi there!! And you're all good, I understood :)
But YES! It's my time to shine and continue yapping about this idea because I think it's so cute and has so much potential, so here's some headcanons:
After Dazai learned of Chuuya's usual routine of going to work in the morning and coming home inthe evening about the same time every day, he started shifting back into his human form and just lazing around on the couch watching movies and raiding the pantry (Dazai even goes as far as to make emergency snack runs to replace Chuuya's food so it doesn't look suspicious)
Since Chuuya took Dazai in around November when it starts getting cold and winter frost starts happening, Dazai's favorite place to nap as a cat is curled up by the fireplace and on a cushion
Dazai likes to do the kneading thing that cats do with their paws, but he'll randomly do it to Chuuya's legs or sides while they're in bed
Speaking of paws, he likes filing his nails on Chuuya's couch like the little shit he is (and Chuuya's shooed him away so many times, and even picked Dazai up and talked sternly to Dazai)
Chuuya actually really loves spoiling Dazai, he felt so bad about the state Dazai was in as a stray — pretty thin, dull coat, dirty. And now Chuuya buys him nice toys, premium kitty food, (even has shared scraps of his own meals like pieces of fish or chicken shhh), bathes and brushes Dazai's fur regularly.
Chuuya tried the catnip thing but it didn't seem to work on Dazai. Or maybe it did. Dazai's already kinda rambunctious and likes running around.
Dazai actually gets disappointed whenever Chuuya has to go out for work or do things. It means less attention from his owner and being all alone.
But Dazai's also the clingy kind of cat where he loves his owner and will snuggle with Chuuya but he hisses at literally everyone else. He's had to be put in timeout in the bedroom once for acting out when Chuuya had a friend over.
Chuuya tried to put a little outfit on cat Dazai once and it didn't go very well because Dazai never stops squirming, but Chuuya DID manage to get a nice diamond—embroidered collar
Dazai's HIGHLY considered coincidentally bumping into Chuuya outside of their home in his human form just to see how Chuuya would feel about him
When Dazai's eventually caught sleeping as a human by Chuuya, it could either be by sheer accident like Chuuya happened to come home earlier than expected or Dazai felt comfortable enough to reveal himself
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m-writes-at-4am · 7 months
Shifter porn sladick au!!!
Shifter au where everyone has an animal they can change into, Dick is a house cat, good balance, small, can jump great lengths. Slade is a Wolf, deadly, likes killing things, fluffy and bitey.
So they’ve got a thing going on for a while. They can full shift into animals or half shift. Kinda depends on what they want. One day Slade gets dosed with some experimental poison that’s supposed to take down shifters to their animal state and keep them there. He drags himself back to Dick’s safe house, he needs someone he can trust with thumbs. Dick is the logical choice. He slips up the stairs until he can smell Dick, he claws at the apartment door until it’s opened. When Dick opens the door as sees this giant gray wolf he knows it’s Slade. The wolf shoves past him and nudges him until he’s at the desk. They learn that the poison will wear itself off after a few days. The first two are fine. Dick goes out at night Slade watches shit cowboy movies. By the third night Slade can hear Dick fuck himself in the shower. He’s over it. He wants his kitty now.
When Dick gets out of the shower he gently bites his arm and drags him to bed. Dick obeys thinking he just wants cuddles like he has the past few nights. He’s so wrong. Slade rips the towel off of Dick. He noses down and licks everywhere he can reach, Dick is whining as high as he can. He’s terrified cause of all the teeth and while he fucked himself there absolutely wasn’t enough for a wolf knot. Slade has knotted him before in human form but never like this. It’s fast, dirty and slick, Slade can barely think besides wanting to fuck Dick full. Irrational thought considering he can’t get pregnant but no matter. Dick half shifts part of the way through, he claws at the sheets he digs marks into the headboard. When Slade finally knots him he screams. Slade bites him harder then he’s ever bitten him before. Dick can only lay there with his legs wrapped around Slade’s waist. He’s crying from the stretch and the overstimulation, Dick keeps petting Slade’s head though. About 45 minutes later the knot fades enough they can pull apart. Dick is wreaked. Slade desperately needs to eat him out though, he loves making Dick cry. He nips at him until he rolls over, plants a giant paw in his back and dives down.
His tongue can reach so much farther then normal. Dick is sobbing into the pillows by the end of it all.It takes another week for Slade to turn back human. You better believe Dick didn’t leave the house during that week. Slade wouldn’t let him leave. Kept him in bed and laid on him, growled and nipped when Dick tried to leave. Dick stopped trying to leave by the second day. He’s a mess by the end. When Slade finally turns back he promises to never do that again. Only for Dick to say if he never does it again he’s never getting in his bed again. He loved it. It completely changed his perspective on knots. He begs Slade for it now. Slade has to wonder if he broke Dick a little with that week, but he doesn’t care. He’s got a cute little kitty in his lap just begging for a knot. He’d be stupid to argue
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dp-marvel94 · 1 month
An Unconventional Way to Get a Cat- Part 3
Summary: It turns out, Danny's bough of nausea after the portal accident was not just the stomach bug going around school. This must be the most horrifying, disgusting way to find himself a new pet owner.
Part 1 here -> Part 2
Word Count: 2,456
Also on AO3
For @wastefulreverie and @silentambiance (and @ladylynse)
Based on wastefulreverie's prompt: Portal AU. Instead of gaining powers in the accident, the portal is fused inside Danny, making him the gateway between worlds and leaving him with the unfortunate ordeal of vomiting up ghosts. Maybe someone catches him in the act. And Chaotic_french_fries's prompt: danny gets a ghost cat And it's done! Enjoy the final chapter. Continued warnings for angst, body horror, and vomiting. Though enjoy more kitty adorableness. Happy reading!
“Oh. You’re still here.” The next morning, Danny woke up to the ghost cat curled up at the foot of his bed. “Morning, missy.”
The cat lifted her head, letting out a quiet mrow. She stood and stretched with a yawn. Then, she sat back down, licking one of her front paws.
Danny stretched as well, grabbing for his phone. He scrolled for a while, relieved that his queasiness had settled. Though… 
Coldness still swirled in his belly, eerily similar to the chill at the edge of his… mind? He wasn’t sure what it was. Not sight or sound nor touch. But something, some new, innate sense told him exactly where his ghostly companion was.
Still, the cat was silent at the edge of his bed.
That is until…
Danny looked up at the sudden exclamation. “What is it?”
A second later, the nausea surged. He gasped and less than a minute later, had thrown up another ghost blob.
He scowled at the blob on the floor before turning to look at the cat. “This is becoming a pattern. Actually….” His brow furrowed with a realization. 
The cat just turned her head innocently, letting out what almost sounded like a curious thrill.
“You get noisy everytime, right before I… you know.” Danny frowned at the thought.
The ghost gave no answer, of course. Though she did stand, padding towards him. Her furry side pressed into his side, a low purr starting up. 
The rest of the day, a second, a third passed. And sure enough, it was a pattern. The cat was chill and quiet for the most part. She stayed in his room, playing with dirty socks, begging for pets, sleeping on Danny’s bed. And blessedly keeping out of sight of Danny’s parents.
But whenever he started to feel nauseous…
Danny’s head jerked up from the plate he’d been picking at. His eyes widened, face turning green.
“What was that?” His mom’s brow crinkled in confusion, head swiveling to look.
The boy stood so quickly, he knocked his chair over. His gaze flittered over the kitchen. No ghost cat…. But a spot near the couch shimmered. His strange new sense stretched and he could feel the chill of his new feline friend.
“Meow!” Another call came
“Was that cat?” His dad asked.
The queasy feeling lurched and Danny shivered “Oh. I… Uh... left my computer on in my room, didn’t I? Those cat videos, am I right?” He forced a laugh, pointing a thumb towards the stairs. “I’ll just run and turn it off.”
His sister’s brow furrowed, suspicious. “Danny, it’s fine. I’m sure it can wait.”
“No. No. Uh.” He suddenly hiccuped. The taste of limes and old pennies welled on his tongue. He visibly grimaced, a hand covering his mouth. “I’ll turn it.. Hic… off.”
Jazz’s expression shifted, eyes wide with concern. “Are you okay?”
Danny turned, hurrying off. “Of course… of course I’m fine. Why would you… hic..” Something thick swirled at the base of his esophagus. “I’ll be right back.” His voice squeaked, more nervously high pitched with each word.
But he had no time to worry about it, nor his family’s perplexed gazes, fixed on the back of his head. Instead, he ran up the stairs and tore open the door to the upstairs bathroom.
The boy knelt, barely making it to the toilet bowl in time. He wretched, ectoplasm flowing up. His jaw forced itself wider, something slimy and suction-cupped slinking its way out. The creature plopped into the bowl, letting out a screech. A second later, it darted up into the air, bobbing in front of the boy’s lowered head.
Eight tentacles, a bulbous body, large eerily human-like eyes, a mouth that looked like it had been drawn on with crayon. Danny flinched away, nose wrinkling in disgust. “What the hell.”
With a pop, Missy reappeared. Yowling, the cat lunged. Sharp claws dug into the other ghost and dragged it through the wall.
The boy grimaced. “Weird squid-octupus thing…” He whipped his mouth, then frowned, a prick of worry. “I hope Missy will be okay.” He moved to wash out his mouth, picking up a cup and filling it with water to gurgle. “She’ll be fine.” He shook his head, reassuring himself. His cat knew how to take care of herself.
His cat…. The thought gave him pause, movement stopping mid-gurgle. His cat… His brow wrinkled, mind flickering to the fluffy green fur curled on his bed, those wide green begging for pets. It seemed like the cat really was his. He had named her Missy, after all.
Danny swished the water in his mouth and spat. He washed his face, his complexion shifting from a sickish green back to its normal pink. He let out a sigh, both relieved and tired.
“I’m getting sick of this.” He muttered. 
A week of nausea, of interrupted sleep, of running off at inopportune times to throw up. At least it was summer, he sighed. He didn’t have to hide this during class. His friends were out of town, so he hadn’t seen them in person, hadn’t had to run off on them yet but…
His stomach churned, dread at the thought. When they came back… what would he tell them? Could he tell them at all? And-
“Danny?” His sister’s hand gently knocked at the bathroom door.
The boy grimaced. He’d completely forgotten about running off on family dinner. 
His eyes flickered around the scene, checking the floor, the toilet, his face in the mirror. To his relieve, there was no sign of ectoplasm or ghostly visitors.
“Danny?” Jazz called again, more insistently. 
The boy turned, opening the door with his best annoyed-younger-sibling face. “What?”
“I wanted to see if you were coming back.” Her brows wrinkled, concerned. “Are you feeling okay? You ran off in a hurry.” Her eyes flickered back to the toilet suspiciously.
Danny’s stomach flopped nervously but he pushed it down, crossing arms. “Can’t a guy just go to the bathroom, jes?”
Jazz’s worried gaze didn’t waver. “You looked nauseous. Do you need some pepto? There’s a bottle-”
“Who are you? Mom?” He sneered, storming past her. “Let’s just finish this stupid dinner.”
“I’m allowed to be worried.” Jazz stomped after him. “And it’s not stupid.The four of us have barely seen each other since the ‘portal’ opened.” The air quotes were audible. “Maybe I just want us to eat together for once, like a normal family.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Danny rolled his eyes, the perfect picture of annoyance. 
But inside, his stomach flopped guilty. Truthfully, he’d been avoiding his family. Which wasn’t too hard with his parents’ single minded focus on the miraculously functional portal. But his sister… 
“And family dinners are good for building communication skills and strengthening family bonds. We should be invested in each other’s lives.” Her face softened. “And I want to know what you’re up to, what’s on your mind, little brother. Even if it is all ranting about video games.”
Yeah, great in theory. In practice…. The cold in his stomach twisted. An icy secret threatening to spill at the smaller prod. 
Danny said nothing, just sitting down and picking at his food. He couldn’t help but feel Jazz’s disappointed eyes on him.
The rest of the week passed with Danny still running and hiding, the nausea still always lingering below the surface, his new cat acting as a meowing warning beckon.
He avoided his sister more than ever, refusing every insistence that he join family meals.
“Danny, I made spaghetti.” Jazz held up the pot, eyes wide and pleading.
“Oh, I uh… already ate.” The boy lied, gaze nervously flitting around the room. A familiar presence shimmered at the edge of his… ghost sense. Out the corner of his eye…. Furry ears just visible on the other side of the living room window. Paws rested on the sill, a cat’s head perking in. 
His sister’s brow furrowed. “What are you looking at-”
“Nothing!” He cut her off. Then forcing himself to sound calmer. “I was going to go for a walk so…” He pointed out the door and turned, half jogging. “Bye Jazz. Have a good dinner.”
Danny closed the door, turning to the cat with narrowed eyes.
Missy lowered her paws to sit primly on the lawn. Ears low and flattened, Danny almost imagined she looked guilty. Or maybe just innocently confused.
The boy’s face softened. He couldn’t stay annoyed with her for long. “Come on then.”
Danny took off, the animal following dutifully. Odd behavior for a cat but… Missy was a ghost after all. Some strange behavior could be forgiven.
The pair made their way to the park a few blocks away. The boy found a small, secluded clearing in the small woods. He sat on the grass, pulling a package out of his pocket.
“I picked these out on my last walk.” He held out a furry black mouse-shaped toy. 
The cat padded forward, daintily sniffing at the object. 
“You like the mousy?” With a smile, Danny dropped the toy at Missy’s feet. The ghost sniffed more eagerly and he grinned. “Yeah? Figured you’d like that catnip.”
The cat lowered into a crouch, batting at the toy once. She watched it for a moment, eyes slitted and ears forward. 
Then as quickly as she’d taken interest, the animals sat up, turning away. She licked at her paw, focused on her grooming. 
“Seriously?” Danny blinked, disbelieving. “How about this one?” He offered the rest of the pack one at a time. Dark brown, tan, white.
Missy’s eyes swiveled, widening as they fixed on him. 
The boy perked up. “That’s it, girl. Check out your new toys.”
The cat crouched, hind counters wiggling. She pounced…
“Oh come on.”
Not on one of the toy mice but for a white butterfly, gently flitting between the flowers. 
“Typical.” Danny rolled his eyes.
Still, he smiled while he watched the cat chase the insect. She leapt, claws just falling short. The butterfly flapped up, out of reach. Missy chased it, attention quickly darting to another insect. For several minutes, she ran, going after her own tail just as often as the various bugs. 
A yellow swallow-tail butterfly fluttered passed and Missy pursued, eyes round and eager. She ran for it, swiping but… missed. Instead, the cat got a nose full of black-eyes susan.
Tail whipping, the ghost snapped into a sit. Her head jerked back, eyes pinching closed as she sneezed adorably. 
Danny burst out laughing. 
After that, Missy settled down, the zoomies thoroughly exhausted. The boy laid down in the grass, surrounded by the flowers. Fluffy white clouds drifted across the sky. Danny watched them, smiling softly at the rumbling purr of the cat beside him.
It was almost enough to forget his troubles.
The relaxing excursion eventually had to end though. The sun dipped below the trees and Danny had to go home. He trudged down the street, wary of another night of hiding, of avoiding.
The boy opened the door carefully, eyes on alert for familiar figures in the living room. He let out a sigh, seeing no one.
He went inside and closed the door. His eyes darted to the stairs. He wanted to just head up stairs but… his stomach rumbled, demanding food.
Danny frowned down at it. He hadn’t eaten much the last week, the nausea being so hard to work through but… it was manageable now. Actually… barely noticeable. 
He felt a bit of awe at the realization. Maybe this was actually starting to get better. 
Mind made up, the boy made his way to the kitchen. He opened the pantry and the fridge, much more confidently than he had any day this past week. Cereal and milk sounded perfect. 
At the table, Danny ate one bowl. He noted, half aware as Missy invisibly lounged on the couch. She curled up, falling asleep as he enjoyed a second bowl.
Danny was almost done when Jazz entered.
“I thought you already ate.” His sister raised a brow questioningly.
He tensed at the question before swallowing, trying to appear casual. “I wanted a snack. Is that a crime?”
Jazz raised her hands. “I’m just glad you’re feeling well enough to eat again.” 
Danny went for another bite but paused. There was… no hostility, no skepticism in the statement. Just plain relief. “What are you talking about?”
His sister raised a brow. “I’m not deaf, Danny. I know what someone throwing up sounds like. I don’t know why you felt the need to hide that you were sick.” She shook her head. “I’m just happy you’re getting better.”
Speaking of getting better…
“Meow! Meow!” 
Danny’s eyes widened, suddenly panicked. “Not now.”
“What was that?” Jazz’s head turned, suddenly bewildered.
“I was watching a cat video.” The boy lied, looking down at the notable lack of his cell phone .
“But… there isn’t…”
He abruptly stood up. That damned queasiness rising. “I forgot. I’ve gotta.. Thing.” The pool of cold in his stomach swirled violently, green and ice rushing up his throat, through his veins. His face was definitely turning green. 
Danny ran for the bathroom and Jazz ran after. “You’re still feeling sick!?”
“No. I’m…” He gagged, his breath sour and coppery. “Fine.”
“No, you’re not.” The boy ran through the door and turned, just in time to slam it on his sister’s face. “Danny!”  
“No! I just ate too fast. I’m…” He panted, ectoplasm forcing its way up. “Fine.”
“Danny! It’s been a week. If you’re still feeling sick, you need to see a doctor. I can’t believe I didn’t….”
Jazz kept talking but Danny couldn't hear her, couldn’t focus. He heaved, vomiting ectoplasm into the toilet. It stuck to the inside of his mouth, his throat, as thick, slimy and disgusting as ever. 
He faintly registered his cat, rubbing herself against his leg. Her own catty way of comforting him.
Another wave. Danny panted, trying to calm the heaving, easing the upheaval. But… he couldn’t breath. Something large pressed against the base of his esophagus. 
The size, the dimensions didn’t make sense. Much too large for his throat but… still it came. It stretched, it unraveled, it unmade, it… remade. 
A flash of green left Danny seeing spots. Shakily, he rose from the ground… and higher. The boy bobbed in the air. He was… floating? Also, glowing, bright light thrown from his skin. Or… not his skin? White gloves, black sleeves. Was this an inverted version of his hazmat suit?
What just happened?
“Danny! I swear, if you don’t-”  Suddenly, Jazz bursted in.
Shoot! Jazz, he’d completely forgotten….
Like two deer caught in head-lights, the two siblings stared at each other. 
And that's it. A little rough, since I just wanted to get this posted and didn't have time to proof read.
I hope you enjoyed Danny and Missy's adventures. Writing the kitty was very fun and precious to me. She'd definitely based on my girlie, who basically never meows and had no reaction to catnip.
Also, sorry, not sorry for the cliffhanger. My plan was always to get to the Jazz reveal, though I wasn't interested in writing her reaction. Though, Danny's ghost form finally coming through ate the end there was a surprise for me too. I have some deranged ideas about how Danny's ghost form works in this au though. So if someone wants to send me as ask on tumblr, maybe I'll talk some about that.
Also a note on this AU! Writing a Portal AU was very surreal and exciting for me! This AU was what got me into writing DP fics. @ladylynse 's Passageway was the first dp fic I remember reading and being enthralled by. It made me want to start writing my own fics. And I've wanted to write my own Portal AU for years but I've always been too intimidated to. But then, I saw the prompt for phic phight and it reignited that spark. So thank you wastefulreverie for finally getting me to write this!
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