#high trauma dumping
elfgremlin · 4 months
honestly the worst thing about my parents divorcing was neither of them wanting to keep my childhood home so they sold it and now i can never go visit that house again or go spend time at radison’s grave which is in that backyard 🧍
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sleepyhighslvt · 1 month
Self love, not self loathe
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wiitzend · 3 months
at the end of the fourth episode on quiet on set, it releases a statement by dan schneider who said, "everything that happened on the shows i ran was carefully scrutinized by dozens of involved adults. all stories, dialogue, costumes and makeup were fully approved by network executives on two coasts, etc, etc." i guess he put that statement out to try and spin this narrative so that it doesn't sound so absolutely horrific, but all it does is highlight the fact that damn near every single adult knew. they knew and did nothing. dan was able to take advantage of these defenseless children and allow other predators to prey on them and not a single adult raised hell about it. he was able to do this for years, completely unscathed, and nickelodeon offered him a huge amount of money in order to drop him from the network. the sadness and rage i feel CANNOT be put into words.
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seen-the-stars · 23 days
where is all the aroace riz fic. where's all the fic about riz battling with his feelings and sexuality and fear. where is it. how much do i need to pay. give it to me
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himejoshiangels · 5 months
only one episode out and I might have to become the #1 Kristen Applebees defender
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rubberduckyrye · 1 month
You know.
If I worry about someone to the point where I say they really need a therapist, and I repeat this over and over because they keep talking like they’re not going to fucking wake up tomorrow morning, like it’s literally every day they sound suicidal to the point of actually committing
Only to be told that they consider this “harassment”
Ain’t a fucking good feeling.
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missclaresmagic · 1 year
The worst is being severely depressed and on the verge of bursting into tears but having an upbeat song about enjoying life stuck in your head.
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mythorhuman · 9 months
Are you still working on chapter two of mountain high.I love the first chapter and read your comments about working on it so I just wanted to know💞
Hi! Thanks for reaching out!
Around the time I published "Mountain High," my grandmother's cancer accelerated from stage 3 to stage 4. There's no happy ending here, unfortunately. Her recent passing has essentially destroyed my world. In my 25 years of life, I've never gone longer than 10 days without talking to her and I lived with her for quite a few years. Part of the reason I connected so well with Bonnie's character was seeing so much of my relationship with my grandmother mirrored with Bonnie and Grams.
When she first got sick, I would sleep over at her house every weekend to help take care of her. It was hard watching the most vivacious person I knew grow weaker and weaker. I had to physically pour water into her mouth to get her to drink. And then she was gone.
I planned to update "Mountain High" far sooner. The chapter is 85-90% done. When Tina Turner passed, my grandmother was in much better health. One of my last truly happy memories of my grandmother was attempting to lead a Tina Turner tribute sing-a-long in her living room with my 12-year-olf cousin. From "Poud Mary" to "The Best" to "River Deep, Mountain High." My grandma did NOT want to hear us butchering those songs but we did it anyway. This led to the fics title change from "Mountain High, Valley Low" to just "Mountain High."
Now, that my grandmother is at peace maybe I'll find the will to write again. I have so much already written but handling my grief comes first as she was just buried yesterday. Please be patient with me.
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retiredcultistredux · 10 months
So, breaking the friend heart caused this. What if we got it back and repaired it? Would Kirby go back to normal? *Gives Kirby a hug for comfort* -☘
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Kirby: "...Really...even if we plan, poyo...I'm not sure it's worth it. ...Even if I was...normal...Ester, Javez and Void Termina would be...too strong, poyo."
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lilgynt · 1 year
people will meet you for the first time look you in the eyes and say oh yeah put me down mommy like we’re online and not in real life
#personal#he also asked me out at the end of the night i was like king. absolutely fucking not#also other dudes will think getting in a debate about guns is flirting#no and i went to the bathroom with my buddy#and i was aw shit can’t even blame em. my hair came out perfectly with the outfit. damn.#and then i’ve said it before i’ll say again#i mean fun time stayed out later than planned but i love complaining#but i gotta stop partying with home depot people cause this girl i know was like hm.#checklist of things she does every party#like griding interrupting convos randomly bringing up the weirdest fucking convos#trauma dumping and i knoe therapy speak but it’s genuinely that#baby voice etc etc etc#she was also talking at length how i’m a virgin and im like girl i’m high and drunk and ur buddy’s two bozos here clearly want to fuck me.#what are you doing.#also being weird about her best friend she won’t date which like. not an issue#who cares. but they’re so fucking weird about it#and also again just weirdly obsessed with comparing our bodies and it’s like i hope you can feel comfortable enough in your skin#that me being comfortable isn’t an issue#and god she always randomly is like sorry we’ll stop.. when i’m just vibing during a hang out sesh and it’s like what do you think i always#have an issue im literally just vibing#i didn’t mean to complain about this girl so much but she’s been getting on my nerves#which i wish she didn’t i wish things were going better for her but they’re not and neither is she#and i feel like she gets annoyed anytime she remembers i have a personality#like again i’m sorry you don’t feel comfortable with urself!!!! idk man i’m just here!!!!!#this all being said did we kiss a few times and did she make out with my friend hee#yes*
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I just read the epilogue of trust fund baby 😭 my heart is broken but im so satisfied with it. The fact that it just ended with kohei and the fl just staring at each other and the fl just going through a whole set of emotions was just perfect. perfect ending, this is my favourite high&low fic!
you're also almost at 20k reads congratulations !
thank you,,,, I'm actually happy people enjoyed it since that fic was actually just a bunch of trauma dumping and the fl being fucking crazy and sad all the time. I wasn't to sure how I was supposed to end it but I'm happy people actually liked the ending :)
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sybilhallward · 1 year
I never liked living with my mom's catastrophist mood swings, but I certainly hate how after having had a very toxic relationship with a person with bpd they quite literally trigger me
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i-might-be-vanny · 2 years
Can you physically feel a fictional character's pain in pop culture media, or did you have a normal childhood growing up?
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loveourfuture-c · 2 years
Where do you hope to be in 5 years? 10 years?
Damn asking the deep questions! Right now my personal life is a little up in the air, so I’m going to keep this strictly work/ school related and even that is sort of shaky.
I am planning on being completely done with school and I am an English major and I really want to go into like editing or really anything to do with writing. I hope to write a book someday. I’m actually working in one right now but it’s in the outline/ writing random snippets stage.
In ten years? Umm having that book published, and maybe another one. Working happily in the publishing field.
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kratomkittycat · 2 years
Day 4, no kratom extract
Right now, I am sitting by a pool with Nick, his mom, and his mom’s friends. I was really tempted to bring extract and get high by the pool. I told Nick this, and asked him if he will be getting high today (his drug of choice is weed). He said no, so that helped me feel like I wasn’t missing out.
So I didn’t bring the extract to the pool (because I know that when it’s in my bag I wanna take it).
I’ve been here for a few hours. He did not smoke weed, and I did not bring the kratom extract. So I made it through day 4 so far without taking it. But I feel like taking it when I get home, because my life is depressing and I want to just feel happy regardless of my situation. Kratom extract is just an escape for me.
Also, I realized that resetting my tolerance for kratom will take weeks. And just the thought of trying to get through weeks without it makes me wanna take it.
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lovelesslittleloser · 21 days
Today I stood up. I got kinda woozy & hollow-blooded from standing too fast, but I didn’t want to collapse on the couch, so I just kept standing, and even stretched some. My neck has been really sore recently, so I stretched it by looking straight up.
The ceiling was closer than I remember it being. Usually, I only look up when sitting; something I’ve only realized just now. When standing, I’m usually looking where I’m walking, or at something I got up to grab.
Since I was already stretching, my arms were above my head, reaching behind me slightly. When I’d realized how close the ceiling was, my arms returned to my sides on instinct; I looked at my hands, then back at the ceiling, and reached up, just coming short of reaching, and jumped, fingertips coming in contact with the texture of the ceiling.
I’ve since sat down (jumping looking straight up is not good for someone completely inactive and unused to looking straight up) and am experiencing a strange sensation that I would have to describe as something close to what you feel the first time you put a marshmallow in the microwave for the first time.
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