#his face... it needed to convey so much...... sad puppy dog look
milkywaygalaxygurl · 6 months
Comfort - Peeta Mellark
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Purely self indulgent fic, I’m not doing the best right now and I wish I just had Peeta here to give me a hug :( sorry if there’s any typos or anything! fyi, i will take requests! i write for a lot of different characters so just ask if i will and i might! i don’t really have any restrictions on what i’ll write about minus smut:)
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x Female!Reader
Warnings: maybe OOC!Peeta?, mentions of trauma but no description, pure fluff, idk if there’s anything else lmk if i missed anything
Word Count: 600(?)
Like I said, purely self indulgent. (Y/N) is sad and Peeta is a Sad Baby™ himself and understands how to comfort (Y/N) because of it.
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Peeta could tell you were upset the second he laid eyes on you. Your smile when greeting him wasn’t as bright as it usually was and you seemed distracted, like you weren’t really present, when Peeta began talking about his day. He always seemed to pick up on your moods, even when you tried hiding the fact that you’re upset from him. Dealing with his own traumas and bad days had caused him to be able to spot yours in seconds.
“(Y/N)?” He says your name softly, so as to not startle you, and smiles softly when you turn to look at him. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, tilting his head as he studies your features.
“Are you doing alright, my love?” His voice is soft, so gentle, and it causes the dam to break. Tears begin to slide down your cheeks as you shake your head, a sob racking your body. Peeta gathers you up in his arms and pulls you into his lap, holding you tight against his body.
“It’s alright, it’s okay, I’m here.” He kisses the side of your head, one of his hands rubbing up and down your back while he rocks you slightly. He feels his heart tighten as another sob falls from your lips, his hold on you tightening.
“If you’re feeling up to it, we can talk about what’s bothering you. Don’t force yourself to if you don’t want to, okay? We can always talk about it later.” Peeta pulls you away from his body so he can see your face and smiles softly at you, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You smile weakly at him, trying to convey to him that you were grateful for his comfort.
“I-I think I j-just need to c-cry.” Peeta nods his head in understanding, kissing your forehead. He pulls you into him again, whispering sweet nothings and comforting words in your ear. Your sobs eventually subside, but tears still fall from your eyes as you hold tightly to Peeta. He doesn’t let you leave his arms until you’re no longer crying, but even then he doesn’t stop taking care of you. He draws you a warm bath with scented bath salts, ones he knows help calm you down. Once you’re seated in the bath, he whispers about anything that comes to mind to distract you from the bad thoughts as he washes your hair. After the bath, he helps you into the clothes you always prefer when having a rough day.
“Thank you.” You whisper to him when you’re settled in bed, your head tucked into his chest and his arms around you. One of the things you loved most about Peeta was his ability to be so kind, so loving, without even thinking about it. It was just in his nature to be that way and it made you fall head over heels for him the first time you witnessed it.
“Of course, my love.” His whispered reply makes you pull back from his chest to look up at him, pure adoration and love in your eyes for this puppy dog of a man you called your boyfriend.
“I love you.” You whisper, your lips split into a lovesick grin. His smile mirrors your own as he pulls you into a gentle kiss, trying to put all his love into the gesture.
“I love you more than you could ever know.” His murmured reply is all you hear before you’re slipping off into a much needed rest.
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sadhours · 7 months
Part two my queen my love my beautiful
Gotta do shower sex after basketball practice like… just need that tension and and Billy calling Steve a bitch idk need it badly
The longing… the vulnerability between the both of them…. Billy wondering how many of Steve’s buttons he can push because *surely* he’s not that easy???
*slides 2 dollars over* *whispers* billy spitting on Steve’s face/mouth please….
I can’t say no to you 😩
part one
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The next morning at school, Billy is kind of looking for Harrington. Not outright. He knows he’ll see him at practice but still, he finds himself craning his next over the crowds in the hallways in hopes that he’ll see some floppy brown hair. He’s actually in like, shock that it even happened last night. But Billy’s kind of obtained this skill, and maybe it’s not a morally good skill but he can pick up on vulnerabilities and use them to his advantage. He still thinks it was mostly fate that Wheeler decided to dump Steve at that exact moment. Because of Tommy, Billy was aware that they kind of had a rocky relationship anyways but he was anticipating playing the long run. Prod and poke at Harrington until he snapped. And then there he was, trying to rip that bottle of whiskey from Billy’s hands and his big, brown eyes just looked so sad. A kind of sad that lit a fire in Billy’s gut. It wasn’t news to him that he had a bit of kink for tears, he’d made girls cry before and he used to feel a bit of shame when it excited his dick. He hadn’t ever made a guy cry before. And he preferred them. So seeing those puppy dog eyes trying to convey dominance had him acting on impulse. It was really, so unreal that the events rolled out how they did.
As anticipated, he doesn’t see Harrington until he’s at practice. The lanky dude barrels through to his locker, which thanks to their last names, neighbors Billy’s. He pretty much expects Steve to avert his eyes, ignore him. Billy’s under the impression that Steve’s never even considered being with another guy. He’s not close enough to Tommy to ask if they’d done anything remotely gay in their deceased friendship. But those brown eyes look at him, look almost needy. His plush pink lips part and he’s about to say something, Billy’s leaning into it, so intrigued and desperate to know what he’s thinking but it’s interrupted. Hagan slaps the corner of their locker row and laughs, looking to Harrington who jumps and turns at the sound.
“Princess dump you, again?” Tommy preens, self satisfied grin spreading against his freckled cheeks, “it’s almost like, Carol and I were onto something!”
Steve’s body noticeably stiffens and his fingers move to the dial on his locker. Billy has to hold back his eye roll. Wants to tell Hagan to fuck off because god damnit, he really wanted to know what Harrington was about to say.
“She changed you, man,” Hagan prods on, shaking his head as he changes into his practice clothes. Billy and Steve busy themselves with filing through their lockers and if Billy isn’t mistaken, it’s like they’re waiting for Tommy to go away so they can shamelessly get an eyeful of the each other. Well, at least that’s what Billy’s waiting for.
Luckily, he gets what he’s hoping for. Tommy snorts, slams his locker shut and struts away. Billy sits on the bench and starts getting his boots off. He keeps his eyes on Steve’s legs as he does so, can see the bulge of his cock in his jeans and it brings back some vivid flashbacks of having said cock in his mouth last night. Harrington kicks his nikes off and his hands go to the waist of his jeans, he unbuttons them slowly and Billy glances up to meet those beautiful brown eyes he can’t stop thinking about. That neediness still shining in them. Okay, so Harrington wants him to watch. That’s a good sign. Billy sets his boots next to him and shrugs off his denim jacket, letting his eyes drag back down Steve’s body to his crotch. Harrington pushes the jeans down his thighs and then kicks them off his ankles. It takes quite a lot out of Billy to not shove his face against those white briefs. God, he wants to mouth at that outline of Harrington’s sizable yet flaccid cock.
Next Harrington is shedding off his polo, exposing a bit of chest hair that Billy isn’t expecting. His fingers itch to run through it. And he realizes if any of their teammates walk by, this is gonna look suspicious so he stands and starts undressing himself. And then they’re both standing there in their whitey tighties, eyes shamelessly raking over each others bodies.
“What were you gonna say?” Billy finds himself asking, voice barely above a whisper.
Steve’s face flushes and he curtly shakes his head, “Nothing. It’s… don’t worry about it.”
Like a switch, Steve’s quickly shucking his gym clothes on before shoving his feet in his Nikes. Closes his locker quietly and Billy watches as he trails away. Fuck. They were definitely just checking each other out. He’s not mistaken. What the hell was Steve gonna say?
First, they’ve got to run laps. It’s how every practice starts. Steve’s fast. He’s gained a lead on everyone with those long fucking legs of his. Running isn’t Billy’s strong suit. Actually, he absolutely hates cardio. Probably because he’s been smoking since he was twelve. But god damn, he’s determined to catch up to Harrington, even if it leaves his chest burning and his stomach churning. Once he does, Steve drops down to a jog and Billy does the same, turns so he’s jogging backwards and facing Harrington.
“I’m worried,” Billy informs him, frowning.
“About what?” Steve huffs, confusion clouding his puppy dog eyes.
“What you were gonna say.”
Steve smiles and goddamn those butterflies filling Billy’s gut have him extra worried. He was just trying to fuck the guy, not fall in love. Billy doesn’t do love. It’s not real. Sets you up for disappointment. People don’t stay so why the hell would you love them? But Jesus, that smile is pretty. Maybe even prettier than that pathetic sad look he had on his face last night.
“You really wanna know? It’s kinda stupid,” Steve is blushing. Whether it’s from Billy’s interest or the running, he can’t be sure.
“Yeah, well, you’re stupid,” Billy bites back, “But last night I…” he clears his throat, “What is it?”
Steve’s eyebrows bounce around and he purses his lip, chews on the insult thrown his way and tries to figure out how to feel about it. And god damnit he’s cute. Billy hates how cute this fucking dude is.
“It’s… I don’t know, man,” Steve sighs, “Just thanks, I guess.”
“Thanks?” Billy stops in his tracks, hands falling to his sides. “What?”
“Yeah! Thanks,” Steve pats his bicep and picks up his pace, sprinting around the corner of the track. It’s not often Billy’s surprised or left speechless. But here he is, dumbfounded as he watches his team catching up to them. Thanks? Thanks for what? Taking his ass virginity? Did… oh shit. Did Billy actually make Steve feel better? That’s a new feeling. He can’t decide how to process it. It’s alarming how badly he wants to kiss the asshole so it kind of forms into Billy wanting to punch the fuckers lights out and then transforms into him wanting to fuck Harrington again.
Once they make their way to the gym, the coach divides them up in teams. He gets picked first and subsequently Steve, to the other team. Which is gonna be fun. Gives Billy the excuse to crowd Steve on the court, get a bit of a feel without it being looked at sideways. Coach points to Billy’s team and announces, “Skins.”
Harrington’s eyes lock with his and he smirks, grabbing the hem of his grey Hawkins High gym shirt and pulls it over his head. He registers the way Harrington’s eyes fall to his chest as he chucks the shirt to the bench. God, it’s so obvious to him. And thanks? Steve wants more and Billy does too.
He wipes the court with the shirts, he’s competitive by nature and well, Steve’s his best competitor. He plays defense, crowds right against Steve’s back and the similarities of now and last night don’t fall short on him. Billy’s close to supporting a half chubbed cock right now. Especially the way Steve elbows him in the peck. Can’t help that his tits are sensitive. He grins, licks his lower lip and has to hold back from leaning forward and licking Steve’s cheek like he did the night before. He wants to consume Harrington in such an overwhelming way. But there’s unspoken rules to this shit.
They’d be lynched right here in this court if Billy did was he really wanted to do. His father would have a field day with the beating if he knew the thoughts he was thinking as he’s pressed against Steve. All he can do is steal the ball, dribble up the court and god damnit, try to impress Steve with this trick shot. He’s stunned himself he makes it and he turns, grinning wide as he looks to see Harrington bent over and panting, staring back at him.
“Steve?” Wheeler’s at the door of the gym and Billy’s blood boils at the way Harrington immediately follows her out.
What the hell does that Bitch want? Billy wishes he could follow the pair. Tell her what they’d done and that Steve didn’t need her anymore. But fuck, he’s got a game to play and who does he think he is? Steve’s boyfriend? Pathetic. Billy’s chasing after the ball before he can think to deeply about it.
Showers. Typically kind of a tough time for Billy because he digs looking at dicks, but he can’t. Still, he always feels eyes on his body in the showers and no one gets called out but he’s beyond worried he’ll get called out. And yeah, he’d heard the whispers about Harrington’s dick so it’s not a secret that the team is looking at each other. Harrington’s dick is kind of like an anomaly though. Like it’s okay to notice and talk about because of it’s size. But unlike the other dudes in this locker room, Billy’s had it in his mouth. Then again, he’s not sure anyone else here wants it in their mouth besides Tommy, though the guy won’t admit it. Billy can tell by the way he talks about him. Built Steve up like he was a literal King and not like the metaphorical one he is. Then, he saw Steve and well, he understood.
He watches Tommy’s eyes, they fall to his cock and then to Harrington’s. There’s a look on his face Billy can’t exactly place, perhaps jealously or something more… gay? He hasn’t quite fingered Tommy yet. They’ve just met. And honestly when he made the move on Steve, he was taking a huge risk that he ended with an even better payout. Tommy’s eyes fall to his own junk and well, he’s probably comparing. He did offer Carol up to Billy the second the three of them were alone but Billy shrugged it off like a joke.
“Good practice,” Billy lamely offers, snatching Steve’s soap from the shelf. There’s a hint of a smile from Steve when he does it. Which is a win, probably.
“Yeah, that trick shot was fucking killer,” Tommy praises, teeth shining. And yeah, Billy thinks he’s cute but his eyes are drawn back to Harrington.
“Thanks,” Billy offers, soaping his dick up before he puts the bar back. Steve snatches it quick and then soaps his own dick up. It’s an offering, of some kind. He’s eager to have their teammates vanish. Wants to be alone with Harrington and quick.
The two of them linger a little too long, hopeful they’re not being obvious. Coach left long ago, they shower quietly until the chatter in the locker room disappears. Fingertips and toes gone pruny. And then Billy makes his move, steps into the stream of Steve’s shower and their eyes meet.
“What did your girlfriend want?” Billy asks, ignoring the way his cocks filling out by the close proximity of Steve’s cock.
Steve swallow hard, averts his eyes but answers, “She wanted to know why I didn’t pick her up this morning.”
“Why didn’t you?” Billy wonders, blinking slowly at Steve.
“She dumped me,” he huffs with disdain.
“And the thanks? What was that for?”
“Last night… I… it helped me take my mind off her,” Steve mumbles, eyes dropping.
Billy grins, licks against his teeth as he hooks his fingers under Steve’s chin, pulls the boys face toward his own, “Told you I would make you feel better than she could.”
“But—“ Steve swallows, “You just left and I…”
“What? Wanted cuddles?” Billy laughs, “it was fun. And that’s what it will be. If we ya know, keep doing it. I’m not a chick and either are you, last time I checked.”
He looks down, seeing Harrington’s cock is also standing like his. “I don’t do feelings, Harrington. And maybe you shouldn’t either. Since you’re such a bitch for some average looking tail.”
“I love her,” Steve argues, eyebrows knitting in a way that has Billy jealous beyond belief.
Billy frown, full of condescension when he says, “And where the hell did that get you?”
Steve looks a little taken aback. Like Billy said something wise and not something basked in bitterness.
“We can make each other feel good. Why would we fuck it up with feelings?” Billy asks, looking up at Steve under thick lashes.
“Yeah,” Harrington breathes out and Billy’s reaching down to grab his cock. The brunette elicits the sweetest, softest yelp and Billy can’t help but break a rule he’s set for himself, crashing his lips into Harrington’s.
Because Billy loves kissing. Likes it filthy and sloppy. Makes his head swim when they lick against each other’s tongues between heady moans. Sex is sex. They’re here for a means, regardless of sexuality, they both just wanna get off. Because fuck, his heads going empty ‘cause he can feel Harrington’s cock twitch in his hand and there’s a shared desperation here when their eyes meet again. If Billy can offer a distraction from Wheeler, he’ll take it. Anything to get Steve Harrington making these sweet sounds and bucking into his fist.
“Be quiet,” Billy warns before he’s stepping closer to press his cock against Steve’s, adjusting his hand so he’s got them both in his grip, “You don’t wanna get caught, do you?”
Steve shakes his head, reaching his hands up to grab Billy’s shoulders. Billy catches Steve’s lower lip in his teeth while he jerks them off in his hand. It’s a desperate yet lazy kiss. Steve keeps whimpering into it and Billy’s a bit lovestruck. And Christ, he loves the way their cocks slide together easily, precum drooling from their tips. It’s all slippery and so good and Billy can’t stop licking every crevice of Steve’s mouth as they thrust into his fist. It’s so delicious, so filthy. It’s… slippery from the shower. His minds hazy enough to tell Harrington, “Holy shit, you’re so fucking hot.”
And he’s whiny when he says it, desperation dripping off his words because truly, he means it. Harrington looks like a god damn dream, glassy brown eyes and fuck, his lips parted and so pink. Looking at Billy likes he’s a veteran porn star, and he could be with the heat he’s packing and that look on his face. He’s begging for it, just with his eyes. And Billy wants nothing more than to give it to him.
Billy wants to die for Harrington. It’s a sick thought he can’t let himself dwell on. Daddy up and moved them for a reason. Another boy with floppy chestnut hair and sad eyes.
“Fucking hate you,” Billy mumbles, not sure if it’s meant towards Steve or the memory. He squeezes their cocks when he says it though. ‘Cause he does hate him and he does hate the way he aches for this. Hates the way his heads all wrong and hates how he needs to act on it.
Steve kisses him then, bruising like it’s punishment for telling Steve he hates him. Or a test? Billy can’t let the kiss go further, it’s too delicious and dangerous. So he pushes Steve back and spits on his parted lips. An assault, but he’s stunned when Steve’s tongue darts out to gather the saliva and bucks his hips up at Billy’s fist. The slide of their cocks is incredible and it’s so good that heat is pooling in his stomach rapidly, so he closes his eyes tight and bares his teeth because if he looks down at their cocks or up at Harrington’s face he’s gonna blow his load.
And then Harrington’s making this pathetic fucking sound and it’s even more wet and Billy has to open his eyes, has to look down and sees Harrington’s spilled and it’s all over his fist and the tip of his cock and Billy grunts, body heaving as he shoots his spunk next. He rests his head on Harrington’s shoulder for a beat. Then he rinses himself off and reaches for his towel. He wraps it around his waist and he’s about to walk off.
The softest words from Harrington have him turning around and asking, “Huh?”
Big, downturned brown eyes look to him and Steve says louder, “I fucking hate you, too.”
It warms Billy’s chest for some god awful reason, so he smiles, maybe even blushes a little, “Hate you more, King Steve.”
Wishes he could stick around longer, but Max has got to be out waiting by his Camaro by now. He doesn’t wanna risk coming home too late. And he’ll see Harrington tomorrow. Looks forward to it.
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nowritingonthewall · 2 years
Pspsps... Your adorable kissing headcannon with Steven ive not stopped thinking about all day and I'd really love to see one about Marc. I know he's probably not as open with his affection but I still think he'd have his own little ways to show love.
Maybe if you have time and you want to? Pleaseee
It makes me so giddy that you enjoyed Steven’s sweet lil’ kisses 🥰 (and I would like to apologize for the sprinkles of angst that I never seem to be able to go without when it comes to Marc 🥺)
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A kissing/affection headcanon for Marc Spector x gn!reader
- Marc would need so much reassurance when it comes to showing any kind of affection for you. After all, the idea of the touch of a hand being caring and loving and beautiful has been more of an abstract concept to him than something he has been allowed to learn from experience. And there will always, always be a part of him that can’t help wonder whether his advances are actually welcome.
- The first shy little kiss to your hand happens almost by accident. You’ve been playing with his hands after finding out how much it soothes his anxious mind and he gets so lost in your calming touch that he can’t help but plant the softest of kisses to your fingers. The startled look he gives you afterwards, like a puppy waiting to be scolded, breaks your heart.
Even though his self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy may lessen a little further with every kiss that is met with your comforting tenderness instead of rejection, he never quite loses those puppy dog eyes whenever he goes in for a kiss. His usually tense and guarded expression will soften and give way to the warmest and gentlest eyes that melt your heart before he’s even started to lean in.
Marc’s kisses are neither casual nor meaningless nor half-hearted. He puts his whole heart and soul into every single one of them. While they are always tender and soft (as if he was afraid to hurt you), they never leave any doubt about how he feels about you.
- Marc gives the best hugs imaginable (and sometimes even better than that). It takes some time to weaken the shields he built around his soft and gentle heart over the years, but once they start to crumble, he’ll make you feel like he was born to hug you. It’s a wonderful way to act upon his deeply protective instincts without using his crescent darts and it conveys everything that he can’t find the words for (yet). He has so much love and warmth to give and somehow he manages to distil those feelings and pour them into every single one of his hugs. They don’t just make you feel loved and safe and cared for, they make you feel like nothing in the world can hurt you, as long as you are lying in his arms.
Detecting even the subtlest of shifts in the mood of people around him used to be something of a survival strategy for him, which means that he sometimes notices when you start feeling sad before you even register it yourself. Whether something goes wrong at work, a co-worker keeps driving you around the bend, you’re exhausted, or you’re just feeling a little lost. He’s simply there, carefully wrapping his arms around you, briefly hesitating until you either lay a reassuring hand on his or he can feel you relaxing into his embrace. Whatever has been troubling you begins to dissolve, as he holds you close, letting you bury your face in his shoulder, resting his cheek against yours, gently stroking your back in a soothing rhythm. Just when you think that you’re as close as humanly possible, he somehow manages to draw you even closer towards his heart. It doesn’t take long until your problems don’t appear so overwhelming any more. And he is never the first one to let go.
- You can usually tell who is fronting in the morning before even opening your eyes. Because where Steven is an adorable little Mr. Grumpypants who needs to be dragged out of bed by his feet in the morning, Marc is usually wide awake and up before your alarm clock even gets so much as a chance of thinking to disturb your dreams. On those mornings, you wake to the smell of your favourite tea (or any other morning brew) that’s been placed on your night stand. It takes a few mornings for him to work up the courage to accompany your cuppa with a soft and gentle good morning kiss. He probably would have bailed a few more times if he hadn’t suddenly found his legs being redirected to your bed by Jake with Steven giving him a pep talk on how you won’t be mad at him for waking you up because he is actually the one making the bloody business of having to get up in the morning so much better for you.
While his tender good morning kisses tend to get a little steamier as he gains more confidence, he always takes care not to hit anything too sensitive in order to prevent things from escalating and making you a few hours late for work. Which works most of the time. Sometimes. Once or twice. Okay, actually it just worked once so far, but it was a very good “once”. It’s just too tempting too pull him towards you, letting your hand glide over his back ever so tenderly, playing with his hair, gently massaging his scalp until he whimpers helplessly into your neck, slowly melting into a human pancake. He used to be way too anxious and stressed to stay in bed for even a minute after waking up. Now he wouldn’t mind lying in bed with you like that all day.
- Marc is not the type of man to run towards you in the middle of Trafalgar Square to give a public display of a kiss so passionate that it leaves the lions at Nelson’s column covered in steam. His ways of showing his affection for you in front of other people are far more subtle. Holding your hand as you walk down the streets together, squeezing it now and then as if to make sure that you are still there. Pulling you a little closer when there is a crowd or whenever he senses potential unpleasantness by strangers. When he was on his own, he didn’t think twice about wandering around the most dangerous districts of the city. Now, with you by his side, he suddenly avoids the less safe routes and tenses at the slightest signs of trouble. They never feel possessive, his hand on the small of your back or his arm around you waist. They are just a heart-warming reminder that you have someone looking out for you who would always have your back, no matter what.
If he can’t stop himself from pulling you in for a proper kiss, he’ll find a little alleyway, a hidden corner or something else to find shelter behind. Just something that makes him feel a little safer to let his guard down in public like that. The hidden alleyways always make you feel like giggly little school kids. And to be fair, he didn’t get to experience a lot of that during his actual school days, so you are more than happy to help him make up for that.
- During the colder months, he offers you his gloves and scarf as soon as you show the slightest sign of a shiver. He would give you his coat if you didn’t object vehemently to his attempts to do so. Unless you’re waiting together at a bus stop and he simply can’t take your discomfort any longer. He’ll immediately open his coat for you, inviting you to share it with him. The cold, the grey sky and the seemingly never-ending chilling London drizzle are quickly forgotten as you snuggle up to him, resting against his broad and comfy chest, burying your face in the crook of his neck, feeling the comforting safety of his embrace, bathing in his endless warmth. You can’t help but being a little disappointed whenever the bus decides to choose that exact moment to arrive on time for a change.
- Marc is the most ticklish one out of the three boys. He has never had a chance to find out before because nobody has actually ever really tried to tickle him until now. You find out by pure coincidence, when Marc fronts during a pillow and tickle fight between Steve and you. After a few timid attempts by him to tickle you, you ask him whether you may show him how it is done, which results in him making the cutest little squeaky noises you’ve ever heard. Not being able to resist drawing even more of those adorable sounds from him, you immediately launch an attack that makes him squeal even louder before his squeals turn into laughter and his laughter turns into hiccups. You barely know how to contain the fuzzy warmth blooming in your chest upon seeing him so completely relaxed and at ease. He actually considers begging for mercy when he sees the look of pure happiness on your face and he decides that he would do anything to keep you looking at him like that.
- While Steven sees his little kisses as a way to emphasize his declarations of love for you, it’s the other way around for Marc. It’s the closeness and warmth and safety of countless intimate moments that finally give him the courage to put it into words without having to fear your reaction.
“I love you, too, Marc!”
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Razor:  Jealous HCs
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Hey anon!! As much frustration I hold for crippling oblivious couples, I also love the trope so much. Plus I adore Razor. Even though I try to not call Razor a dog, I still google “jealous dog traits”. Also, I found out both Hanniejji and I secretly HCs Bennet is friends with Razor and Fischl. If genshin won’t give me character interactions then I’ll write it myself.
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 2: Pre-Relationship HCs
Semi Part 3: Cuddle HCs
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 @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @ aanne2601 @hanniejji​
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Razor:  Jealous HCs
Bennet and Fischl are both foaming at the mouth at how deeply in love you BOTH are and yet you’re both equally blind. Fischl wants to grab you by the shoulders and yell at you that Razor returns your feelings and you need to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing. A sad Razor looks like a kicked puppy and even she can’t handle it. But Razor absolutely refuses for anyone to confess for him because he believes that you might just genuinely be uninterested in him. Plus, it wouldn’t feel right if he couldn’t confess himself. It’s his first love, this is important to him.
Bennet thinks it’s really sweet that his friend is in love. Even if he does get a bit pouty that whenever he get’s hurt, Razor will ask if he’s alright and leave it at that. But if you accidently trip Razor is already at your side and fussing over you. Bennet uses this as physical proof that yes, your feelings are returned and this man is in love with you, but you always brush it off as Razor’s nature to be caring. He’s smiling patiently on the outside but on the inside he has his hands in his hair and he’s screaming.
God forbid anything upsets you. Razor hasn’t been around other humans long enough to pick up on most social cues but he does have a good sense of smell. If you’re happy then the wind smells like sweet flowers. If you’re upset then it smells like mint. While Razor usually keeps himself in check and is somewhat indifferent, the second he catches any signs of distress from you he’s on high alert. Until you tell him what’s been bothering you - a group of hilichurls stole your bag of snapdragon flowers - he’s going to be on guard and stressed out. He’s already throwing his claymore over his shoulder to go and fight the monsters that tried to upset you. Wow, what a good friend you say to Fischl. Fischl is ready to punt you off a cliff.  
Razor tries his best to show that he likes you by bringing the things you need and looking like such a proud pup. He looks at you with such hopeful eyes that it takes you a second to register what he’s asking before you feel your own heart rate speed up and pound into your ears. You flush pink before you move to embrace him and ruffle his hair as praise as he nuzzles into your shoulder affectionally. You assume his affectious actions are apart of his wolf nature and how they act so you try not to read too deep into things. Even if Razor seems a bit too happy to be hugging you and receiving pets. Or the fact he doesn’t let anyone else pet him...
Bennet tries his best to help his friend out by giving Razor some advice but considering Bennet himself hasn’t been in a relationship yet, it’s all practical. Telling Razor that he’s seen couples bring each other flowers as a sign of affection, maybe Razor could find some plants to bring you? It ends horribly when he offers you a wolfhook and you just stare at him. He says that these are his feelings towards you but you’re just...so confused?? Wolfhooks have thorns so does that mean he thinks you’re clingy? Isn’t that a bad thing? Are you annoying to him?? But wolfhooks also symbolize wolves so is he saying you’re like family to him??? You’re internally screaming while debating if you just got family-zoned or if Razor is trying to subtly tell you that he doesn’t like you.
Just because Razor is, somehow, unsure if you actually like him or not. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get incredibly jealous and possessive at any unknown presence. He’s still a bit wary of the City due to all the conflicting smells and noises but he can’t help but look so sad when you have to run errands and you can’t visit him. But when you mention that a really nice knight gifted you a flower does Razor see red. He gave you a flower?? Shouldn’t you be happy with his? Why do you need another one when you have his? Is his gift not good enough? Is this your way of saying you’re interested in someone else? This poor boy is on the verge of either running off to go sulk or find the man that gave you this flower, which up until his knowledge - courtesy of Bennet - is a sign of courting, and absolutely destroy him to prove he’s the better partner.
He tries to keep it under wraps since he's been told that while in the City, he needs to exercise restrain and understand that if he enters. He's expected to at least respect the laws and people. But this poor wolf is so feral over this new development and this new smell that's been clinging onto you that whatever worries and isolation issues Razor felt about the city flies out the window as his protective instincts kick into overdrive. He sees other people and even pets as a rival for your attention and love. He just wants to scoop you up and growl at everything as a message to say “this is mine, go get your own”.
Even when the both of you are far away from the city, Razor’s continued mood seems to hang heavy over both your heads. You’re not sure what exactly caused Razor to be on high alert. He’s snapping and growling at everything little thing that comes close, even a butterfly!
You abruptly stop walking to Razor’s surprise as you whip around and frown at him. He can feel a chill run up his spine as he stands perfectly straight as you study him before you hold your palm out and looked at him expectantly. He looks at your hand with a small spark of perked attention before his nose twitches and he goes back to sulking. You’re still waiting for him as he shuffles a bit, his hair that resembled a wolf ear is twitching, before he whines and trots over and places his chin on your palm. He’s looking up at you with the most kicked puppy expression and you don’t even know what you did but you feel like the worse person in all of Teyvat.
“Razor...what’s gotten into you?” you ask gently as you rub circles into his cheek as he nuzzles into your palm. He seems really conflicted as his eyes dart away from your face and he almost looks guilty. He just whines and turns and buries his face into your warm palm. You’ve never really seen him like that before as you awkwardly try and comfort him. Until the same flower slips out of your pocket and you hear something primal growl out of Razor. His teeth are pulled back and he snarls at the flower as his pupils dilate. You quickly get between him and the poor flower before Razor tries to do anything.
“Seriously Razor, what’s gotten into you?” you asked concerned. He quickly shifts his attention to you as he pounces and knocks you over. You left off a soft noise as the wind get’s knocked out of you but you peep when his hands cage you from above. Razor’s red eyes bore into yours and you’re suddenly thinking the air is getting too hot. 
“Do you like Razor?” he asks, tilting his head in a cute pout. It makes you internally coo before you quickly snap out of it. Stay focused! 
“Of course I do! Remember we talked about this?” you say as you remember back to your previous interactions but this only seems to frustrate Razor more.
“No. Not that like. More...” Razor struggles with his words as he tries to piece together the right string of sounds to try and convey what he’s feeling. He seems so conflicted that it breaks your heart a bit. So you reach up and gently rub behind his ear as he closes his eyes and relaxes. He breathes in deeply as his eyes open and his pupils return to normal, but vastly determined.
“Together. Always. Just...us,” Razor says softly as he looks at you hopefully. There’s a small pink dust to his cheeks as his fang digs into his lip in nervousness. You’re not sure why but your heart absolutely sky rockets at it and you can feel your face flush pink.
“Um, yes?” you nod along, you think you’re understanding what he’s trying to say. Maybe he was just upset you were spending so much time in the City and away from him that he felt your friendship was neglected? That would make you really upset. But the way he phrases his words makes you believe that perhaps...
Before you can think more on it. Razor’s face breaks into a grin that nearly blinds you from the pure affection that sprouts from it. He’s already hugging you harder as he starts rubbing his nose and cheek against your neck. Making soft and happy sounds as he nuzzles you. He’s never done that before but you assume he’s just so happy. You breath a sigh of relief that it appears that your message to him was clear enough.
Yeah of course, friends always, you think
Lupical. Partner. Mate, Razor thinks.
whistling as I pretend I don’t see your stares. Yeah ik but it’s ok. This is a sorta semi series. We’ll build upon it. But Xiao content is next lol. I’m taking inspiration from this. I mean, when I don’t feel like shit 😷
I’ve been listening to [  Softy - Dear Moon ]. This isn’t the usual kind of music I listen to but it came on shuffle and this is now my mental breakdown song.
Quick edit: Turns out this is an ost from “My Mister”. I’ve never been into kdramas (I think I’ve only seen goblin, she was pretty, and Hwarang) but the cover picture looks so upsetting? My friend is really into tgcf and I believe that had a live action as well. 
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Yoshitsune~Main Story Chapter 5~Part 1
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Chapter 4
-------Part 1-------
Yoshino: "Umm....Yoshitsune-sama?"
???: "........"
When I called out the name of the mysterious man, he looked back and took off his mask----
Yoshitsune: "How did you find out?"
He nodded his head curiously and asked me.
(It was Yoshitsune-sama after all!)
Yoshino: "What...are you doing here?"
(I thought our next encounter......would be on the battlefield.)
I called out to him, but my body stiffened at the thought of being alone with an enemy general, and I took a step back.
Yoshitsune: "Don't let your guard up. I'm not here to create a scene."
Yoshino: "What! Really!?"
(But I'm still not convinced that you came alone into the enemy territory for not creating a scene. Maybe he has an escort or a bodyguard...)
As I checked the area, Yoshitsune-sama opened his mouth as if he read my mind.
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Yoshitsune: "I came to Kamakura, by myself. I didn't inform Benkei and my friends that I'm coming here. I took advantage of the festivities to sneak in."
Yoshino: "You sneaked in...."
As I questioned him while distancing myself, and Yoshitsune-sama throws his words at me.
Yoshitsune: "But, I didn't want anyone to find me....so I luckily found this mask in the nearby store. Now that you've already figured out my identity...this mask is of no use."
(He wanted no one to find him. But....)
Yoshino: "But why did you want to hide? Above all that, why did you come to the enemy territory?"
Yoshitsune(sad puppy dog eyes): "Because..."
He looks at the fox mask with a sad face.
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Yoshitsune: "I don't mind the atmosphere of the festival. I thought it would be nice to get a little taste of it."
(He just wanted to enjoy the festival!)
(Yoshitsune-sama....is quite straightforward, huh?)
Yoshitsune: "----Anyway. I promise not to harm Yoshino for now. So I want you to not create any scene until I leave."
(Not exactly reconnaissance, is it?)
I can't believe that there Yoshitsune-sama is not even trying to hide the truth or mixing up any lies.
(I know it's dangerous to trust an enemy general, but...)
(But I know that, Yoshitsune-sama will keep his word once his promised something...like he did before.)
(Most of all, he also saved me from being violently attacked by some wild samurai too.)
Encouraged by this fact, I lowered my guard.
Yoshino: "So then, why did you help me just now?"
Yoshitsune: "Because...."
Yoshitsune-sama's mouth slowly opened while maintaining his expressionless face.
Yoshitsune: "I'm not qualified to judge you either."
---------Part 2---------
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Yoshitsune: "I'm not qualified to judge you either. It's not good to overlook someone in danger when you have the means to help."
Yoshitsune: "Why did you help him after knowing that he was your enemy?"
Yoshino: "Eh....?"
Yoshitsune: "Answer."
Yoshino: "Well....I'm a pharmacist. It's the same as killing a person if I overlook the fact that he's hurting in front of me when I have the means to treat him."
-------FLASHBACK ENDS-------
At that time, Yoshitsune-sama, also said 'Contradictions are in everyone.'
(If he has such a big grudge against Yoritomo-sama that he is willing to sacrifice his own soul to a demon to get revenge....)
(Of course, he would kill me by any means necessary, now thatI'm cooperating with the Shogunate, right?)
Yet still, Yoshitsune-same has reached out to me in my time of need.
Yoshino: ".....Thank you for saving me, Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoshitsune: "I didn't do it for you."
I was dazzled by the ways he said it, as if it was nothing.
-----At the same time, I remembered the day I saw his going wild in the battlefield.
(I was horrified when I saw him go towards the enemy without fear of being injured.)
He is also a brilliant horse rider, and he pushes his way to the enemy.
In the face of overwhelming odds, a number of soldiers were driven back.
I don't care how good you are at tactics, or how dangerous you are in a fight.
Yoshitsune-sama makes sense at the end of the day.
(I don't think Yoritomo-sama would have fought so dangerously like him. But....)
Yoritomo: “If I send a mere woman on the battlefield, at the very least I should assure her safety. But, as in the last war, there is no such thing as absolute safety. You must have felt like you hated it. Nevertheless, it is the decision of the Shogunate to continue to involve you. And if you’re going to help us, then you’re going to have to let us treat you better.”
------FLASHBACK ENDS------
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(The more I got to know Yoritomo-sana the more I felt that he was a fair man, even though he was difficult to catch.)
(....After all, both these brothers have some similarities.)
The fact that these two are enemies now, aches my heart.
Yoshitsune: "Yoshino? What's wrong?"
Yoshino: "Mm...No, nothing."
I realize that I've been unconsciously clenching my fingertips and gasped.
Yoshitsune: "I see. Then, I should be leaving."
When Yoshitsune-sama was about to leave, I found myself calling him.
Yoshino: "Please wait!"
Yoshitsune: "Yeah?"
(Now what...)
I started panicking since nothing was coming to my mind to talk about.
However, for some reason, I wanted to talk with him a little more.
Then I noticed the small bag I was holding.
Yoshino: "....Do you hate dumplings?"
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Yoshitsune: "...Dumplings?"
Yoshino: "I bought it from the food stall, a while ago. If I give you one as a thank you gift, will you have it?"
Yoshitsune: "I said, I didn't need you to thank me. I just did it for myself."
Yoshino: "Yeah but, I feel sorry for myself that I wasn't able to defend myself and you had to come and do all the work...or maybe, you don't like dumplings. Should I buy something else?"
(Maybe he doesn't like street food at all...)
Yoshitsune-sama frowned when he saw me confused.
Yoshitsune: "No, that's not it."
Yoshino: "...Really? Then please."
Yoshitsune: "Okay."
(Thank goodness.....)
We sat side by side, and I opened the dumplings from my furoshiki.
Yoshino: "Here."
Yoshitsune: "Thank you for the food."
He takes the dumplings and puts it in his mouth.
--------Part 3--------
Yoshino: "Here."
Yoshitsune: "Thank you for the food."
He takes the dumplings and puts it in his mouth.
Yoshino: "Mmm....it's chewy and delicious."
Yoshitsune: "....it is."
(I think I'll also buy some for Tamamo as a souvenirs.)
(He's a gourmand. So, I hope he doesn't mind food from a regular food stall!)
Yoshitsune: "......................"
(Oh? .....somehow, this one so chewy than the one I ate.)
Yoshino: "....Yoshitsune-sama? Was it not your liking?"
Yoshitsune: "It's not about the taste....it's just the texture is so elastic and chewy. I don't like it."
Yoshino: "Are you saying that...you don't like food that requires chewing a lot?"
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Yoshitsune: "That's right. I sometimes fall asleep with food in my mouth."
(I made a new discovery....!)
(Already his pretty face and the icy aura in the battlefield doesn't match. Now this!)
Yoshino: "Sorry, I didn't know....maybe I should have bought you something else."
Yoshitsune: "Don't worry too much. Your gratitude is fully conveyed."
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama......"
(Above all the pretty face and intimidating aura....he's a sincere person.)
1. You're so kind.
2. Thank you.(+4/+4)
3. I'll buy you something you like next time.
Yoshino: "Thank you."
Yoshitsune: "I already received you thank you. Why thanking me again?"
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Yoshino: "....I'm thank you because your sincere words made me happy."
Yoshitsune: "....I see."
After finishing the dumplings, Yoshitsune-sama coughed softly.
Yoshitsune: ".......The wind feels good."
The leaves sway in the night breeze, making a pleasant sound.
As I looked up at the starry night, listening to the sound of the leaves, I saw the moon peeping from behind the dark clouds.
Yoshitsune: "The moon looks beautiful tonight. Whether you see it's from Hiraizumi or Kamakura, it's just as beautiful."
Part 2
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weirdkpopgirl · 3 years
A Day to Remember
Title: A Day to Remember
Genre: Fluff...pure fluff
Warnings: mentions of food and skinship
A/N: I know I’ve written a lot of angsty stuff here. But I felt like writing something extra fluffy today. So please enjoy ^-^
Word Count: 1487
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“Coming!” Y/n rushed to go answer her front door, after hearing the doorbell ring. Her mouth dropped in agape when she opened the door to see a cute boy with black hair and light brown highlights. The boy greeted her with a warming smile and open arms.
“Jungwon-ah? What are you doing here?” She asked as she went to hug him. The two teenagers squeezed each other tight, taking in each other’s scents.
“We were given one free day before our comeback,” Jungwon explained, pulling away to have a proper look at his girlfriend. “I wanted to see you.”
Y/n smiled but she couldn’t help but feel a bit wary. This past month, Jungwon had been so busy with preparations for his group’s comeback. Him, being the leader only added stress to his responsibilities. Y/n didn’t know why Jungwon was using his spare time to see her instead of his other friends or family.
She wanted to ask why but she held her tongue. She too had been busy herself with school and it left her missing Jungwon more than she’d like to admit. Even if she might regret it later, she decided to be selfish just this once.
So after quickly grabbing her purse and phone, she let Jungwon take her to wherever he planned to today. Their first stop was at a puppy cafe.
“Oh my gosh, they’re so cute!” Y/n beamed as she kneeled to pet this one fluffy white dog.
Jungwon smiled, satisfied with her reaction. Y/n was a reserved person and she didn’t express her emotions often. But she had moments like these where she couldn’t help but show some sort of excitement. Jungwon found that aspect of Y/n to be one of the many things that he found attractive.
When it came to ordering drinks and baked sweets, the couple bickered on who would pay. Y/n knew that Jungwon would never let her pay for everything, but she at least wanted to cover the drinks.
But Jungwon was persistent and he won the small disagreement by saying, “You paid the last time we hung out, Jagiya. Let me pay this time.” Y/n pouted, realizing that she had nothing to argue with.
After sharing food and laughs with the furry animals, Jungwon took Y/n to the mall to go shopping. There was nothing, in particular, either of them was looking to buy. The time there was mostly spent walking around and talking about what had been going on the past months. Jungwon told her about funny things his hyungs and Niki did while Y/n talked about all the tests and quizzes she’s had to take one week.
Before they left, Y/n did end up buying something for both of them. Couple outfits! It was something she often saw other couples do and she had secretly been wanting to try with Jungwon. Jungwon happily encouraged the idea and the two walked out of the mall wearing matching light blue over-sized hoodies with simple black pants and white sneakers.
“Do you think it’s too much?” Y/n whispered to him, self-consciously.
Jungwon squeezed her hand, “I think we look good. But as long as you like it, that’s all that matters.”
His sweet words left her feeling at ease. That was one of the things she admired about Jungwon, he was always so attentive and caring. Jungwon often surprised her when they’d be on a call and he’d bring up something he remembered she told him once.
By the time they left the mall, it was late into the afternoon. Jungwon asked Y/n if she wanted to go see if they could catch a movie, which she agreed to.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Y/n asked as they entered the theater, holding hands.
Jungwon glanced over to the list of movies that were supposed to be playing today. There were so many to choose from. He knew that Y/n wouldn’t want to watch a horror movie. Not because she was afraid, but she preferred watching something scary when they were alone at his dorm or her house. The two discussed what to watch as they waited in line, eventually settling on a musical film.
Once they bought the tickets, Jungwon got some popcorn to share with Y/n. He laughed when he saw how Y/n’s eyes lit up when she saw the young boy walking to her with a bucket of buttery goodness.
The movie was enjoyable to watch for both of them. It had everything, music, comedy, drama, sadness, and romance. Jungwon liked it but what kept him smiling was that he got to hold Y/n’s hand the entire time. The more he looked and thought about Y/n, the more he realized how strong his feelings for her had become.
Jungwon never put much thought into dating, Y/n didn't either. He wanted to focus on debuting, while she focused on getting into a good university. There was no room for distractions, was what Jungwon thought to himself at the time. But then he met Y/n and everything changed.
Y/n wasn’t a distraction at all. She was understanding and never expected him to text her every day or spoil her with gifts. She was perfectly content with listening to him talk about his day and giving words of comfort when he was feeling down. She was something that Jungwon never knew he needed and she didn’t need to say anything for him to know she felt the same way.
Jungwon reflected on all of this, as they walked back to Y/n’s house. It wasn’t exactly midnight but Jungwon knew he would have to head back soon. Then Y/n had school the next day too. Both were disheartened that the day was coming to an end so soon.
“Thank you for today,” She said when they arrived at her front gate. “You didn’t have to do all this for me, you know.”
Jungwon caressed her hand, “But I wanted to. You deserve so much more than this.”
“You know I’m not picky,” Y/n smiled weakly. “I was really happy today, all thanks to you.”
Jungwon didn’t say anything more but responded with a warm embrace. “Text me when your exams are over. I promise to buy you something good to eat after promotions are over.”
“Okay Eomma,” She teased. “Make sure that your members are healthy. But make sure you take care of yourself too.”
Jungwon chuckled, “And you’re the one calling me mom?”
The two exchanged a couple of laughs before finally parting ways. Y/n sighed sadly when she saw Jungwon’s shadow disappear from her sight. She turned to go inside her own house but was interrupted by the sound of brisk footsteps.
When she moved to look, Jungwon was rushing back towards her direction. Why was he coming back? Did he forget something?
Before she could say anything, Jungwon cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a long, heartfelt kiss. Due to his sudden actions, Y/n was unable to process everything at first. But somehow her body quickly adjusted to the situation.
As if it came naturally, she closed her eyes and placed her hands on Jungwon’s shoulders. Giving in to his touch, she let Jungwon deepen the kiss and enjoyed the moment.
Despite how affectionate they could be with each other, Jungwon and Y/n didn’t kiss lip-to-lip very often. Which only made the kiss right now even more meaningful. Jungwon hoped that by this gentle but passionate kiss, he could convey all his feelings for Y/n.
“What was that for?” Y/n asked when they pulled away.
“Just because…” Jungwon spoke softly. His eyes were pouring into hers with a strong sense of sentiment in them.
“I love you.”
Her eyes widened, barely believing what she had just heard. Jungwon’s cheeks flushed pink and his gaze dropped to the concrete ground.
“It-it’s okay if you don’t-”
But before Jungwon could finish, Y/n unexpectedly tugged the collar of his shirt and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.
When she pulled away, Jungwon saw the shy smile on her face. She herself, was slightly flustered by her unusual reactions. But she refused to let it bother her.
“Me too,” She practically whispered.
She felt a little lightheaded. Maybe it was from kissing so long or maybe it was because Jungwon just told her that he loved her. Maybe it was both.
“I love you, Yang Jungwon.”
A relieved smile stretched across Jungwon’s lips, revealing those dimples that Y/n loved so much. He hugged her for the umpteenth today and they gently pressed their foreheads against each other.
Today was most definitely a day to remember
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juleswritesthis · 3 years
Roswell NM 3x11 Thoughts (I have a lot of thoughts!!!)
Contrary to popular opinion I really liked this episode. Yes, the science was so made up it was funny, yes certain character choices are hilariously silly, yes there was a lot of scenes filled with exposition dump, yes characters disappearing for episodes not to be mentioned as if they don’t exist is jarring & annoying, and omg yes, the Wyatt arc (if you can call it that) fell flat and was a complete waste of valuable screen time. So yes, I agree with most everyone’s assessment. That said still a very enjoyable and entertaining episode setting up the final concluding 2 hours of the season. Let’s get into it.
Jones is highly entertaining, overly good looking, and sometimes hilarious villain. Nathan shines bringing charm and depth to the role. Its important to note that Jones hasn’t caused any lasting damage to the group. Sure, he has tried to kill various members, he’s responsible for putting Maria in a coma & has kidnapped half the cast basically, kept our heroes busy all season. But when it comes to killing or destruction it’s really been focused on the dregs or racist folks of the town, the poor scientist in Santa Fe (I think it was Santa Fe) & the lady at the university last week. No one of any real consequence to our heroes. Now I have no idea if Maria’s vision arc has concluded because it hasn’t been mentioned in forever, but I’m assuming that there will be a major death by season end. Noah killed Rosa and the 2 other girls, abused Isobel for 10 years and destroyed the lives of all the mains. For Jones to be a real big bad there’s got to be some long-lasting consequences to one or more of our mains. Though I’m going into the final 2 episodes with excitement there is some concern. I don’t think any of the mains will perish but I do worry about Sanders and even Heath. (I’m really worried about Sanders y’all especially after that promo!!!)
Jones negotiation with Liz was bizarre. Why negotiate at all? Wouldn’t he just threaten to kill or maim people…what the heck is Liz’s bargaining chip against an all-powerful, evil dictator? If she doesn’t do what he wants he can just start killing folks she loves. It really is that easy. I get the whole creativity inspiration thing but fear for those you love is a great motivator. I was so amused that after hours of discussion Liz pulls out the big guns… free the sheriff. Was that her wild card? Really Liz? She may be a kick-ass scientist with a boatload of courage and sass, but I wouldn’t have her negotiating any of my needs anytime soon.
Isobel and Rosa scenes continue to delight. I think it’s clear Rosa won’t be in Season 4 much. As much as I will miss her, I’m glad that she will find some peace and joy at art school, she deserves it. Unlike Wyatt who does not deserve any tranquility because his redemption (if you can call it that) was not earned. Instead, his memories were wiped along with it any true feelings of guilt and remorse. How can we believe he has truly changed? What happens if his memories return? So silly and completely wasteful screen time (no offense to the actor who is quite good and likable).
The Dallas and Max scenes were wonderful. Don’t get me wrong I prefer the show not tell method. And Dallas conveniently having the entire Oasis history in a memory from his father then regurgitating those memories to Max (and the audience) was not the best way to convey the story. However, the actor who plays Dallas is ridiculously charismatic and I could listen to him recite the phone book (do those still exist?) and be entertained. Plus, for one moment I truly believe that Dallas had gotten through to the constantly self-sacrificing, martyr that is Max Evans. But as the promo for finale proves with Max asking Michael (why Michael?) to kill him, the words didn’t stick. Oh Max…
Speaking of, I truly feel so bad for Max. He’s had it rough. In a span of couple weeks, he’s been told he is a clone of an evil dictator, he isn’t the Savior but in fact a weapon to bring down the real Savior who also isn’t really a savior but a genocidal maniac (Michael’s words not mine) who slaughtered half his planet. Not to mention the “there has to be 3” doesn’t include him, as he isn’t part of the triad. And that because he is a clone, he doesn’t actually have biological parents or siblings or anything, well Michael, by DNA sort of, maybe? Oh, and he is the only thing tethering the evil, psycho dictator to life. I mean…
My hope for Season 4 is that Max gets to process everything he has learned about his existence. He hasn’t expressed how he feels the entire season and he deserves to. I hope the writers don’t have him get over it by season’s end with one scene or worse just sweep it under the rug. Like being a clone of an evil psycho, to be used as a weapon, without any real connection to Isobel and Michael? That’s got to have some lasting effects…please writers let me see it on my screen.
Speaking of show not telling, Michael’s new powers. I not a fan of Michael telling us a story of how he used his mind control powers accidently when he was 18. Can we please see these scenes so we can feel the true emotional impact?
As for these powers, strap in, this is a doozy (and might be controversial). I, like Michael, feel that taking someone’s free will, no matter who they are is not a good power to have; it’s not fun, it’s not cool. Michael is right that’s some dark shit and a power that needs to be used very sparingly and with a ton of responsibility.
I loved the scene between Sanders and Michael, but I have a couple issues with some of the dialogue. Sanders is the only living person (other than Jones) that knew and loved Nora. Thus, he can speak about her with authority. He is also the only person who is any kind of real parent figure in Michael’s. Thus, him saying Michael has no darkness can be believed. He knows Michael and he knows Nora. However, Sanders doesn’t know what its like to have powers, especially an immense power such as mind control. Though I appreciate Sanders’ perspective (and agree with him about the purity of Michael’s soul) I wasn’t a big fan of him brushing away Michael’s fears about having mind control powers and not wanting to use them. Yes, it’s important for Michael to recognize just because he has Jones’ power doesn’t mean he is or will ever become Jones. It’s not the powers that make a person. But the line about Nora not fearing her powers was not helpful. Nora’s powers were telekinesis, engineering (if genius is a power) and possibly miraculous crop growth. None of these powers take away a person’s ability to control their actions (well telekinesis to a certain point but in nowhere near actual mind control). So of course, Nora didn’t fear her powers.
I wish someone had validated Michael’s fears instead of brushing them away with a few words of you have no darkness or in Isobel’s case you aren’t like Jones/Noah. A person does not have to be evil or bad to misuse a power like mind control & for that misuse to have dire consequences. Can you imagine being able to make people do what you want them to do at any time? Even if your intent is to do good, it doesn’t mean it’s something that should be done or won’t have major consequences. Sort of like the ends justify means conversation between Jones and Liz. What is the line, do you recognize it and what’s to stop a person from inches towards the line and what happens if you cross it?
So, my wish for next season is for Michael like Max is given time to process what he has learned about himself and his powers. My wish is for Michael is to continue to struggle with when, how and if he should use the mind control power. That way even when faced with a racist sheriff that is holding a gun to his friends, he is careful, asks for consent and never takes advantage of this tremendous power. In addition, I do think it would be very interesting to continue to explore these powers and how they maybe could change a person? Take Max’s power to give and take away life force. He killed Noah and used that life force (and his own) to bring Rosa to back to life. Seems like a good exchange but ethically and morally having a person decide who lives or dies? And how would this all fit into religion with Dallas being a priest? These could make for some great conversations and strong character development. Fingers crossed we see some of it and not just get told in passing.
The music in the episode was amazing. The beginning with Nothing Else Matters and Jones is a tux… I mean… Also, the ending with the fight sequence, building the suspense, only for the reveal to be that Jones had wanted them all to come so he could trap Liz, Dallas, and Max along with Isobel and Michael (for extra leverage) in his mind. I’m confused about why everyone was sitting but Michael was standing? Is he able to move or is he able to resist his father’s mind control? I’m really looking forward to next week and for Team Human to come to the rescue (maybe).
Favorite lines of the episode:
Sanders to Michael: “You are just a pair of sad puppy dog eyes and a cowboy hat”
Jones to Team Alien & Liz: “Well, everyone seems a little tense” (LOL I love Jones!)
Dallas (or Isobel) writing on the wall to Jones: “KNOCK, KNOCK”
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suna-is-the-loml · 3 years
two days
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pairing: tsukkishima x reader
genre: slight fluff then slight angsty???
word count: 1.3k LOL
a/n:  i am in love with salty frenchfry and this is cringe station so enjoy this really badly written fluff +angst or something bye <3
yes i love the number 3
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3 years, 3 whole years kei spent loving you, yet his dumbass still hadnt confessed till today, today of all days,that is 3 days before you were leaving.
he was hurt, he wanted to tell you he loves you, he couldnt muster the courage to do so. quite ironic for someone who is salty asf LMAO, he always had a soft spot for you, he knew you were someone important to him, he just couldnt figure out how.
he thought he knew you so well, or so he thought.
he didnt know you were in too deep for him too, he didnt know youd take a bullet for him, he didnt know you got jealous everytime some other girl flirts with him, he didnt know how much you defended him, he didnt know you rejected the confessions for kei. (kei being the dumbass thought you rejected the confessions because you wanted to concentrate on your sport). 
he wonders how many minutes he spent adoring you, how many seconds he spent loving you because how much ever that was, he knew it wasnt enough. he loves you. a lot. and you deserve all the love
he wanted to tell you.
you are vvsmart but dumb enough to not realise your best friend was in love with you big time. you knew your goodbye party will involve alcohol sO you had it 3 days before you left because you hated hangovers.
you wanted to confess to kei. whats the probability that he would like you back?, the worse thing he could say was “i never want to see you again’’ which works because you were leaving japan anyway.
the day after the party- today seems good, its perfect actually, you message him
“hey, wanna come over? :D”
kei looks at his phone, as your name popped up in his notifications he felt himself smile.
sure :)
kei knew he had to say it today, its either today or never
you took a deep breath. ‘tell him today’ you told yourself.
it was around 7pm when he finNALLY came over. kei had your favourite chips packet with him. smiling at him fondly you invited him to your room. it was natural. everything felt home with kei.
you wanted to confess but you wanted to see how he feels about you first- atleast maybe an idea.
“hey kei, guess what?”
he looked at you with a twinkle, he smirked as he looked into your eyes.
“i am in love with someone”
‘huh? what? love? does she like no ‘love’ someone ? oh, not me thats for sure’ kei’s mind ran spewing thoughts. he was not able to say anything. he was surprised. no surprised was an understatemeant. he was seething with jealousy, pity, sadness, betrayal, he could feel his heart break into two. he kept a stoic face and whispered ‘‘oh?’’ with his eyes no longer being in contact with yours.
you smiled, you knew, you knew what he was feeling, afterall you have felt the same so many times whenever someone flirts with him. you knew he liked you but you wanted him to confirm it. you whispered “kei? is everything okay?”
kei finally looked at you again, “y/n”
“i love you” kei finally said. he closed his eyes and turned away from you, he was scared to see our expression.
“aww kei, i love you too” you said as you reached out to hold his hand. he immediately took it and squeezed it. 
he looked at you again with the same fond expression “ no dummy i love you in a romantic way, i am in love with you”
you looked at him with a dumbfounded expression “ kei i am in love with you too, in a romantic way”
he felt his adrenaline pushing himself towards you, as if on instinct he cupped your cheeks and kissed you. he kissed you softly hoping the kiss would convey how much he loves you.
he whispers against your lips “you have no idea how much ive wanted to do this dummy”
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“kei, i’m gonna leave in 2 days” you remind him after a steamy makeout session
his face immediately falls
“what are we kei”
“i dont know best friends to lovers trope?” he said hoping to avoid that topic. the fact that you, his love is finally with him and that you will be leaving you in two days.
you laughed and then pulled a serious expression “ kei tsukishima, what are we” you asked squeezing his hand.
“hmm, lemme think about it” kei taunts you, you pulled out your best puppy dog eyes and pouted at him and he had the audacity to smirk at you. you turned away from him and stared at the corner because suddenly?? it?? seemed?? interesting??
you felt yourself pulled to his lap. he looked at you, his eyes filled with love he whispered “ y/n i love you a lot but i-” you interrupted him with a kiss, “i know kei, its gonna be hard but can we fall in love for the night atleast?’’
“yes y/n we can” he said lovingly.
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its been exactly 16 months since you’ve left. 16 months since the magical day- the day he kissed you for the first time,the day he confessed to you, he remembers every minute of those two days.
he sighed and plopped on his headphones.
now playing- lets fall in love for the night by finneas
Let's fall in love for the night And forget in the morning Play me a song that you like You can bet I'll know every line
he remembers how you both fell more in love the last two days. he remembers the day you shared the playlist you made, mainly consisting of finneas’s songs. he saw how happy you were when you listened to your playlist commenting on how its a masterpiece. he remembers the day he realised he was in love with you. he remembers your ‘jamming’ sessions as you both sang your hearts out.
he closed his eyes as he remembered the day your first boyfriend kissed you, how he was seeping with jealousy, how he badly wanted to be your first kiss. it was then he realised he loved you. revisiting his memories with you always calmed him down, you stole his heart afterall.
keeping in touch with you has been a little difficult considering college and the different time zones, yet you both tried to keep in contact with each other
I'm the boy that your boy hoped that you would avoid Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, fuck that noise I know better than to call you mine
he remembered how your first boyfriend tried to stop meeting him and how your ex sometimes crashed you both hanging out together at your place. kei knew that your ex was jealous, yet you stuck by him considering that was your first relationship. after you broke up, you were sad and he was there to comfort you. he was always there for you.
he knew what was the best for you, but he also knew that you werent his. he couldnt stop you from dating who you want.
You need a pick me up I'll be there in twenty five I like to push my luck So take my hand, let's take a drive
he remembers the late night calls and how he would show up at your door exactly in 27 minutes when you call him over. he remembers how you used to persuade your parents so he can stay over for the night, he remembers how you used to cringe at the cheesy romcom scenes, he remembers how you fell asleep on him,he remembers how happy you were when you finally got your favourite college acception letter. he remembers how happy you were when karasuno reached nationals. he misses you a lot.
I've been living in the future Hoping I might see you sooner I want you riding shotgun I knew When I got one right
he was so happy found out he was significant in your life. he imagines a life with you by his side, he imagines smaller versions of you both running in the house. he knew it was going to be tough, so after around 7 months, he ghosted you for a whole month. you were hEARTBROKEN. did you go wrong somewhere? does he not love you anymore? overwhelmed with anger and heartbreak you ghosted him back. but he didnt even try to hold a conversation with you, he didnt ask any questions, he didnt call you too. was he done with you? was this it? you were done, done being heartbroken and done waiting.
but ghosting you just made him miss you more. was it a bad idea? he wanted to hear your voice so bad but he knew it will just make him miss you more, instead he started to concentrate completely on college and tried to remove you from his mind, he tried removing you from his life, but he couldnt, not a single minute goes by without him remembering the little things about you. he knew he was gone from your life when you ghosted him back. 
 he wants you, he wonders if you feel the same way he does. have you moved on?have you found someone else? did you fall out of love with him? 
he wanted to move on but he was hopeless, hopelessly in love with you,
how he wished he could relive those two days forever
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a/n again?: JSJSJSJSJS THIS became longer than i expected?? the second slight angsty part was heavily inspired by let's fall in love for the night by FINNEAS ahh i love his songs sm  
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henderylikespink · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet
Jeong Yunho
                         ♡ Yunho ♡
A- Affectionate
   Yunho is mildly affectionate. He is too shy to convey his cuddly side in public but out of the public eye is a different story. In private, Yunho is always cuddly. He loves to put his head on your tummy.
B- Baby (Do they want a family?)
   Yunho will have a small family. A spouse and one child are enough for him. But hey, if he has more babies- more the merrier! 
C- Cuddle
   Yunho lives for cuddles only when he is sleepy. When he is tired, he may fall asleep on top of you and you will be left with the struggle on trying to get his big, heavy body off of yours so you can breathe lol.
D- Dates
   Dates will be very casual and frequent when they can be. Yunho radiates boyfriend material all the time. He will ask you to go to the grocery store with him, with what you assume is to help his pick out good brands of food when he labels it a date. He will probably take you out for a big lunch as a thank you.
E- Everything (You are my…)
   You are Yunho’s baby! I can see Yunho babying his s/o a lot in his own weird way. You may not notice it a lot of the time until you pick up on his habits later in the relationship when you can read Yunho like the back of your hand.
F- Feelings (When did they realize they had feelings for you?)
   Yunho had met you at a park. Yunho would go there when he needed to relax. He loved to watch the dogs and other cute animals run playfully around the park. He always saw you with your doggo. The sparkling smile on your face was what first attracted him to you. He couldn’t look away. Yunho loved the way you looked at your pup, it held all the love the world could hold for the furry bundle of joy. He loved the way you would laugh when your dog would catch the frisbee mid-air, it was too adorable. Yunho knew he had feelings for you when he realized he came to the park to see you instead of coming for a  destressing session. 
   Yunho watched you from afar for some time, he was always too shy and awkward to initiate any type of conversation with you. That was until a familiar frisbee landed onto Yunho’s lap and he spent the rest of his afternoon with you and your wonderful pup.
G- Gentle (How gentle are they with you?)
   He is kind of gentle with you. Yunho acknowledges his huge size compared to the rest of the human race and will try not to stomp on you lol. His touches are full-on you, he doesn’t give feather touch too often.
H- Hand/ Hold (How do they hold you?)
   Yunho isn’t too much of a cuddle bug but once he gets very comfortable with his members or his s/o, he can have his moments. He would rather have his head resting on you or your head resting on him. He doesn’t want to be smothered unless he was feeling clingy (which is rare).
I- Impression (First Impression)
   Yunho thought you were so compassionate. Coming to the park on the daily for your lovely pup is a commitment! 
J- Joker (Do they pull pranks?)
   Yunho pulls pranks every now and then to mess with you lol, but he will stop if you get mad. 
K- Kisses (How do they kiss?)
   o o o Yunho kisses are something. Yunho’s lips are always full on yours. His kisses are typically on the softer side but don’t be surprised if they get a little hard. He always holds your chin when you kiss to pull your face lightly to his.
L- Love (Who said I love you first?)
   You said “I love you” first. Yunho would be too nervous! He would be afraid that he would ruin your relationship and that’s his greatest fear! So I wouldn’t count on him to say it first. You can definitely see the love that Yunho has for you in his eyes. Yunho is the type of man that has the type of eyes that convey his emotions.
M- Memory (Favorite Memory)
   Yunho’s favorite memory was when y’all went to the beach with your doggo! The bright sun hitting the shimmery water with the soft sand between Yunho’s toes isn’t an easy day to forget. You brought a frisbee for your dog so the date consisted of your dog getting a work out lol. The date did go a bit south when your dog ran off without you or Yunho’s knowledge. This is his favorite memory because this was the first time you showed complete trust for Yunho as you looked for your lost pup because you were looking at him for guidance on what to do!
   It was sad for Yunho, seeing you on the verge of tears instantly made him go into action. To be honest, he was really worried too! Don’t worry, your pup was found with a loving family that was petting and loving on them. The date ended with damp towels and tasty food as y’all watched the sunset together. The leftovers of your dinner might have been not-so-sneakily stolen by your precious puppy.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil you?)
   Yunho doesn’t spoil you all the time, but when he does see something he thinks you’ll like then he will get it for you.
O- Orange (What color reminds them of you?)
   Light blue reminds Yunho of you! It can be because of the color of the sea or because he thinks the color looks lovely on you.
P- Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
   Yunho usually calls you by your name or “Jagiya” or “Jagi,” he doesn’t usually use any other names but those.
Q- Quirky (What is their cute habit?)
   Yunho’s cute habit is his laugh! Yunho giggles all the time, out of nervousness and out of habit, every now you will make him nervous for no reason. He just forgets how amazing you are sometimes! In the relationship, laughs and giggles happen all the time. Yunho will be doing something unrelated from you and he will suddenly think of a hilarious moment between y’all and he can’t help but let out a small laugh!
R- Rainy Day (What do they do on a rainy day?)
   Yunho likes to game on rainy days. Gaming and eating take out while the water streams down your windows is so fun and peaceful to Yunho.
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/ others up?)
   When Yunho is upset he tries to hype himself up! He reminds himself that he is really good at what he does and he is successful at it. He also tries to make others laugh when they are upset. He tries to distract their minds from their sad thoughts so they can be happy.
T- Talking (How much do they talk? What do they love to talk about?)
   Yunho talks a lot with you! He probably carries the conversation the most. He loves to talk about anything that is happening in both of your lives or share something funny you saw on the internet.
U - Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
   Gaming always helps Yunho to relax. It gets his mind off the things he’s stressing about.
V - Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
   Yunho shows off his nice clothing and jewelry. He is truly proud of ATEEZ he would have never thought their group would have blown up so fast, it’s still very crazy to him.
W - Why (Reasons why they love you)
   He loves you because you are someone he can always share a laugh with but someone he knows that he can hold all of his worries in. Your stability in Yunho’s rollercoaster weeks and months really make Yunho feel saner as he is still adjusting to the Idol life.
X - Xylophone (What’s your song?)
   Your song is “Big Heart” by Paul Kim. It is very fitting for your relationship.
Y - You (What you are to them?)
   You are Yunho’s stability. You are the jewel that makes Yunho’s life grounded in the tornado of schedules Yunho is trying to complete.
Z - Zebra (What pet they want to have?)
   Yunho would possibly like to get a small dog just so your dog won’t be so lonely all the time.
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bnhablessings · 5 years
Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing? (C’mon it’s Bakugou here of course it’s going to be a swear storm)
Words: 2,881
So I recently got into 19 Days (I binged read all of it within a few hours and omg I love it so much. I’m so mad it took me this long to get into it) and this was inspired by the moment between Xiao Hui and Jian Yi and a letter. I am trying to be vague for those who haven’t read it lmao but yeah, this was created because I love 19 Days and the characters remind me of Bakugou and the squad :’)
(I am being so self-indulgent forgive this mess I made)
I am tempted to somehow make a reader insert for 19 Days now help me
I headcanon that Bakugou’s favorite word is fuck
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“Mina, this is getting annoying. I don’t even get why people like me,” You murmur as you hand her yet another note received by a guy from another class.
She scans it with ease before laughing.  While pinching your cheeks she murmurs, “It’s because you are the cutest thing alive. However, I am curious as to why you turn them all down. You got so many hotties looking at you all the damn time! I’m jealous!”
A new voice pops up and slings around your arms, “Yeah. Why turn them down? As a potential male who loves you, I am curious to know!”
Denki is, of course, teasing you but it makes you flush in embarrassment. You don’t say a word… until they give you the puppy dog eyes. You cave in.
“I have my eyes on one person but… he’s out of my league. He’s amazing so I just can’t imagine myself by his side,” You state in a slightly saddened tone.
Unbeknownst to you, they already know you are referring to. Their number one favorite person to annoy and a mutual friend of yours, Bakuhoe. They also hate how dense you are and how stubborn he is because it’s obvious the way his behavior slightly changes around you that he likes you too.
As if the two can read minds, they lock gazes with each other and seem to agree upon something.
“I know (Name)! I think you should give one of your suitors a chance!” Mina states loudly.
Denki nods his head frantically in agreement as he yells, “Yeah! Go out with me!”
“I need to go yeet myself off the roof now since you’re being too loud with my problems,” You murmur as you hurry to leave the classroom to evade all the looks you’re getting from your peers.
Mina and Denki merely smile at each other in victory. Yeah. They’re about to play terrible matchmakers but in the end, they will win with this. “Shall we go let Sero and Kirishima in on this?” Mina asks as she puts her hand out in a silent deal.
“We shall.” Cue the devil horns on the two.
You groan into your desk. Throughout the week it feels like your problems with suitors have increased. You feel awful for turning them all down and slowly you are feeling like Mina may be right. Maybe it is time to at least give it thought before turning a person down.
A flick to the back of your head forces you to look up into ruby red eyes. Your heart freezes from the concerned look you are getting before it falls. Right, he will always just be a friend.
“What’s up with you?” Katsuki questions
You sigh inwardly as you try to act like your normal crackhead self. “I was just thinking about how I want to become as muscly and angry as you so I can take down everyone in my path.”
Immediately, a vein pops from his head and you regret everything. Before he can punch you like he normally does when you say something stupid, Denki and Mina appear before the both of you. Denki casually wraps an arm around your shoulders while Mina looks up with a glint in her eyes.
“Say (Name), I heard that an attractive person from Class B gave you a note this morning. Did you think about what I said?” Mina questions most definitely catching Katsuki’s attention.
You sigh this time not hiding it as you get up. “I need to get a snack before Aizawa comes back,” You state.
In your absence and now stuck with worse idiots, Katsuki gets visibly even more annoyed. “What the hell are you two planting in her head?” He growls out affected by how distant you seemed lately.
“Oh! She’s been having trouble with confessions lately so we merely suggested she should give one of them a chance,” Denki states like it’s no biggie.
Katsuki’s eyes widen and his scowl grows. A popping sound is resonating from his hands. Mina and Denki try to hide their smirks. Checkmate for jealousy.
“I’m thinking about giving (Name) a note,” Eijiro states looking rather serious.
This stops conversation in the Bakusquad especially as Katsuki glares at the red-head. You are absent today so the squad has finally decided to enact their plan that should take effect tomorrow when you return from school.
Hanta is smiling as he asks, “A note? Like all the confessions she’s been getting?”
“Yeah! It seems pretty manly to do so, and she is really cute so I figured why not?” Eijiro laughs while scratching the back of his head.
He knows the risks since Katsuki gets weird about you. He knows he might get slaughtered but it’ll be worth it to finally see you together. To his and all of their surprise though, Katsuki doesn’t say a word. He looks angry as usual.
Deciding to up it up a notch, Mina asks, “Do you even like her though? You know (Name) is sentimental. She’ll want the relationship to mean something.”
“Well, we’re already friends and she’s not the type to make things awkward so I have a feeling it’ll be different. If not, it was a manly try!” Eijiro goes on.
When no reaction happens Denki gives it one last shot, “What do you think Bakugou?”
“Why the fuck do you wanna know?” He growls out.
Eijiro feigns excitement as he goes on with the idea, “Yeah, Bakubro! You know more about her since you two are close! Do I have a chance with her?”
“I don’t fucking know or care so fuck off,” It’s so painfully obvious he is pissed off from this topic.
The four members of the squad all sigh in an almost defeated way until a new voice speaks up. They turn their head to see it’s Todoroki who was listening in on the conversation.
“It sounds like you do know and do care from the distinct sound of popping,” Todoroki states.
Katsuki stands up out of anger now and questions, “How the hell does it concern you?”
When Todoroki doesn’t say anything Mina gets a look of pure horror on her face as she turns to face the squad. They all have some stupid way of communicating with each other with just their facial expressions.
You don’t think he likes her, do you? Mina is horrified at the thought.
No way, he and Bakubro just have a rivalry going on. Nothing new. Eijiro somehow conveys with the frown on his face.
I think he likes her. Hanta is eyeing the dual-haired boy.
Find out! The mission can’t fail! Denki is making the X movement with his arms.
“All of you are pissing me the hell off with your stupid faces! Stop moving like that too dunce-face!” Katsuki yells at them. They wince but are grateful he didn’t get the meaning behind their faces.
Mina ignores the insults as she turns to look at Todoroki and asks, “Do you like her?”
Todoroki is intimidating as he is silent in his pondering. With a nod to his head, he vocalizes his thoughts, “Yes. It’s none of my business what you do Bakugou but it’s obvious from the way you act that you like her. It’s a shame that she has interest in you as well but if you’re going to play denial that gives me the advantage.”
The whole gang’s faces light up at his words. Not the fact that he admitted his like towards their favorite girl but the fact he pointed out that the two idiots obviously liked each other. They turn to face their angry boy only to see his face completely blank.
It stays that way for the rest of the day.
“Did I miss much yesterday?” You ask softly.
Katsuki says nothing making you furrow your eyebrows at him. It’s just the two of you in the hallway since you both arrived earlier than usual. You were ready to give up on speaking to him since he’s being weird until he shuffles himself to look at you.
“Do you like someone?” His question is harsh and usually, the tone wouldn’t have bothered you if he didn’t quickly add, “Some of the guys who ogle you were fucking annoying yesterday, asking me where the hell you were.”
Ah, your heart feels like it’s stinging. Reluctantly you answer, “I do and it’s stupid because they wouldn’t like me back.”
His expression remains hostile but his tone is a bit less harsh as he asks, “What are they like?”
“Annoying and stupid, so a bit like me I guess? He doesn’t hesitate for the things he wants. He sucks at communication but so do I. However, I know he cares deep down for the people he loves. It’s a trait I admire and I know they’ll be the number one hero one day,” You state with a sad smile on your face.
You described him obviously but the look he’s giving you is one of disgust. “Oh fuck- They’re in this class? Annoying and stupid- Is it fucking Deku or that stupid Icy-Hot?!” The venom in his voice is terrible but understandable since he thinks you’re describing the people he loathes.
You don’t get the chance to explain as you hear a happy voice call for you along with the rest of the squad.
“(Name)! I missed you yester-“ Eijiro doesn’t get the opportunity to speak more as Katsuki almost explodes his face off.
He’s on the floor from the impact but he’s fine. You hear him groan. Yeah… he’s fine. Katsuki mumbles, “It’s too fucking early for this goddamn nonsense.”
When Eijiro gets back up he looks at you excitedly and speaks again, “I need to giv-“
He’s back on the floor. Mina looks at Denki and Hanta with confusion. Mission status: closer but almost a failure?
Well, they know Katsuki isn’t going to let Eijiro “confess” to you.
In the courtyard, the Bakusquad is trying to regroup during their lunch break. It felt like a long day that hasn’t gotten anywhere with their plan.
“Well, that was a bust,” Hanta states.
Eijiro groans out in pain but manages to speak, “Bakubro is manlier than I thought to protect his crush from me.”
“You got hit 49, nope, 50 times. I think you’re manlier for not giving up sooner,” Denki states as he casually passes over a list of tallies he made for each time the poor red-head got assaulted.
Mina sighs loudly as she asks in desperation, “Don’t we have a backup plan? I thought the jealousy thing would’ve worked but he’s just stopping all Kiri’s advances. Why did it have to be this hard?!”
“SHUSH! HE’S COMING!” Denki practically screeches from seeing how ticked off Katsuki is as he stalks towards them.
The boy is literally shaking as if he’ll explode himself. However, instead of the yelling they were expecting, he speaks in an eerily calm voice. That terrifies them even more.
“When will you fucking give up? I am aware you are just being so damn annoying to try and match us up. There’s no way Shitty Hair would ever seriously confess to her because that would be breaking his so-called man code. Knock it off before I get furious. Got it?” Katsuki growls out.
Hanta is the first one to speak, “Awe man, you knew?”
“If you knew the whole time then- You like her and she likes yo-“ Mina is cut off when Katsuki finally loses it.
He yells at them the anger and slight embarrassment evident in his voice, “She doesn’t fucking like me! Okay?! So drop it!”
“Why would you say that? She doe-“
As Eijiro and Denki try to convince the vicious boy that he’s wrong, Mina spots a certain dual-haired boy headed inside with a white envelope in his hands. Her eyes widen and immediately she jerks her elbow into one of the boys by her, which happened to be poor Hanta. He looks to see where she is looking and gets the hint immediately.
Mina slaps a hand over Denki’s mouth while Hanta does the same to Eijiro and they both apologize. “We’ll drop it. Are you going to stay out here and eat with us?” Mina asks knowing fully well he wants nothing to do with them at this moment.
A split second passes and his reply is, “Fuck no.”
Bingo. Mina gives her fellow boys a look suggesting that they best put on their ninja mode.
Katsuki walks the halls to head back to the classroom. It’ll be a while before class actually starts but he needs the time to think for a bit. However, that thought flies right out the window as soon as he hears your soft-spoken voice right around the corner. He stops and sticks to the wall to eavesdrop.
“Todoroki… what is this?” Your voice is doubtful and it sounds like you are giving something back to him.
Katsuki is deathly still as he listens to Icy-Hot speak, “You know what it is. I know it’s in vain because you already like someone else, don’t you?”
When you speak, Katsuki is surprised at how shaky your voice comes out, “Yes. It’s stupid but yes. I was going to try, really try per Mina’s request to say yes to someone’s confession. As soon as I saw your envelope I was going to say yes- but I just- I just can’t.”
“It is Bakugou, correct?” Todoroki questions.
Katsuki can’t explain it but his blood is boiling yet again. This time he is angry at himself because this just doesn’t seem correct. Your words from earlier don’t match now.
Todoroki hums and asks, “May I know why?”
You reply without a hitch and this time with a certain fondness in your tone, “He can be so damn infuriating. He is smart but can be a bit dumb as I did say similar words to him earlier and he thought I was referring to you or Midoriya. Even if he denies it he’s a pretty good friend. He takes care of us. I’ve never seen someone deny friendship the way he has but still remember details that no one else would-“
Katsuki’s heart is pounding. He’s pissed because he was wrong. Even more so that you are confessing everything to Icy-Hot about him and not to him. It bothers him that the stupid Icy-Hot guy thought he had a chance with you and even more so that you could’ve said yes if your feelings weren’t strong enough for him. He can’t take it anymore.
You freeze in absolute fear upon hearing footsteps step out as Katsuki finally reveals himself. Todoroki hides a pleased smile and states, “I’ll be taking my leave now. I’ll see you in class (Last Name).”
You’re too in shock to return his goodbye. Instead, you’re contemplating on running for your life or pretending that Katsuki didn’t just hear your confession. The look on his face suggests there are no options as such.
Still you decide to play dumb, “Hello, Bakugou. Fine weather, we’re having, huh?”
“Dumbass,” Katsuki mutters under his breath before he tugs you by your wrist and pulls you into him.
It was worth a shot but now you are awkwardly frozen. Of course, you were expecting a yell or a punch from him but since that didn’t happen you were hopelessly confused at this new unexpected soft side of him. He’s hugging you tightly.
His breathing is ragged as he seems to be having an internal conflict in his head. You feel pain on your cheek as he decided to pinch it.
“I fucking like you too, idiot. Your mine now so if you get any more of those damn confessions, tell me and I’ll set them straight.”
He removes his fingers from your cheek and this time you pull him into a hug, unable to contain the happiness you’re feeling from having your feelings being mutual.
“By the fucking way you are the annoying and stupid one,” He growls out as he finally remembers the insult (though it is a trait you adore).
You laugh as you purposely say, “Whatever Bakagou.”
“BAKA?! Fucking whatever. It’s Katsuki to you now.”
Once the Bakusquad and Todoroki hear yours and Bakugou’s footsteps disappear to the direction of the classroom, they finally start high-fiving each other, minus Todoroki who is pleased.
“I had no clue you were just bluffing about liking her! What are you some kind of genius?!” Mina questions the dual-haired male.
Todoroki simply shrugs and states, “You guys weren’t too quiet about your whole plan you made. Watching you guys fail was painful as well. You simply need an obstacle to make you think desperately and have Bakugou fall into your hands.”
“We weren’t quiet? Maybe that’s how Bakubro found out,” Eijiro laughs.
Denki shakes his head as he does the finger gun motion to Todoroki, “Either way thank you for helping us out! We needed it!”
“I’m just glad Mission get the idiots together worked!” Hanta states.
Todoroki shakes his head, “See. Even the name for the missions is too obvious.”
Mina just smiles. The mission was successful.
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I had this whole elaborate story in my head that I just had to write and kinda went a little overboard... Sorry it’s long 😅 Hope you enjoy! xx
Dangerous Fellows Christmas Event
Harry POV x Reader
Angst / Fluff
💍 I  Post-Apocalypse
It has been around two months since the zombies became less and less of a major threat. The safe zone has quickly grown to become an amazing community. High sturdy walls encircle our ever-expanding oasis. Armed guards secure the perimeter, keeping any and all zombies at bay from entering our vicinity. While food came abundant with the consistent supply runs and newly thriving agriculture.
To think, not too long ago were we mourning the countless amounts of bloodshed from friend after friend; to now, where death has become more of a rare occurrence. Things actually seemed to be looking up for the future of our society. Things finally seemed to be looking up… for us.
How naïve I was.
My head hangs low, tears dropping silently upon her cold lifeless hand within my palms.
Here, (Y/N) lies still — timeless and untouched.
“Ready to head off?”
“Mmm…” (Y/N) groans as she rubs the sleepiness from her eyes.
“You sure you wanna come? I’m just making a quick stop to grab a couple of things from zone 2.”
“I’m coming.” Wrapping her arms around me from behind, she yawns loudly before nuzzling her face against my back. “You know I don’t like it when you go out there alone…”
I chuckle lightly, turning around to embrace her properly and placing a quick peck upon her lips — hoping to ease into her good graces as I attempt to convince her to stay home. “Get some more sleep! I’ll be fine. Plus, I won’t be alone; the guards would’ve been patrolling around there for hours already anyways.”
“Please?” She looks up, staring at me with wide puppy dog eyes — swaying my heart immediately.
“Alright, alright. You win.” I pat her head gently, giving in to her wishes.
“Yay! Lemme go grab my bag!”
My gaze follows after her cheerful form, now fully awake and energetic as per usual while I sigh quietly to myself — shaking my head in defeat.
Looks like I’ll need to be stealthy when grabbing things after all...
Fiddling with the chain around my neck, I take out my mother’s ring from beneath my shirt — smiling at the thought of it decorated upon (Y/N)’s finger.
Today’s the day, Harry. It’s now or never.
Entering into the convenience store within zone 2, the second area out of 4 zones to have been cleared, I quickly make a mental note of all of the supplies I needed to gather for tonight.
“Well, I’m off to get some snacks! You coming with?” She beams excitedly.
As much as I’d hate to separate right now, despite how safe it’s been lately, I need to make sure she doesn’t suspect anything. Everything needs to be perfect.
“Sure, I’m just gonna grab a couple things over here first and then I’ll meet you soon. Got your knife?”
“Yup!” (Y/N) exclaims before comically exaggerating a curtsy. “Now excuse me, kind Sir. The snacks await my presence.”
“Of course, Milady. You mustn’t keep them waiting.” I play along with a bow.
She giggles light-heartedly, disappearing into one of the aisles near the entrance while I make my way towards the back of the store.
Candles… Candles...
My eyes scan through each passing aisle, before finally finding a couple of scattered scented candles upon the shelves. Shoving as many of them into my bag as possible, I quickly leave to head back to (Y/N) before she questions my prolonged absence.
Making my way toward the snack aisle, I hear a slight squelch beneath my shoe.
No… Blood.
My heart begins to pump as my eyes trace my bloodied footsteps back to a small puddle of red peeking out from an aisle.
One of the guards must’ve taken one out this morning…
Walking over to confirm my assumption, I nearly stumble back from shock as I’m met with the image of flesh completely devoured from one side of a guard’s face. Crowbar gripped tightly in hand; I immediately impale his head to prevent him from turning on me. I lower my weapon, hands shaken with adrenaline.
Wait… If this guard’s been attacked… where’s the other…
Before I could finish my thought, (Y/N)’s scream echoes through the building.
My heart drops.
I sprint as fast as I can, halting in my tracks as the other guard lay unconscious upon the ground — knife wedged deep within his skull.
My head snaps toward her voice, dread filling up in the pit of my stomach. I watch in horror as (Y/N) staggers back onto the shelves, clutching her shoulder tightly as pools of blood flood down her arm.
I felt numb. I couldn’t feel my legs.
Every fibre in my body screamed at me to run to her, to hold her. But my body stood frozen in place as I watched my world come crashing down. It wasn’t until she whimpered my name again that I broke out of my trance and ran over to her to catch her, right as she collapsed onto the ground.
“(Y/N)… N-No… How did… W-Wha-”
“Harry…” Her voice weakening by the second while her temperature rapidly rises within my arms.
“W-We need to get you back! You’re burning up!”
I attempt to lift her, but she begins to scream in agony — stopping my actions immediately and leaving me at a loss of what to do.
“Harry… You need to… kill me… Quick!”
“NO! WE’RE GOING BACK! They’ll know what to do, they can fix you. Everything will be fine!”
“Harry, please! You’ll die… if you… don’t.”
“I’M NOT KILLING YOU! I’D RATHER DIE THEN KILL YOU! Don’t… Don’t ask me to do that! I can’t…” I begin to sob uncontrollably, misery and despair taking over.
(Y/N) reaches up, gently caressing away the never-ending tears escaping my eyes as her own are filled with nothing but love and affection toward me.
“Harry… I love you so much.”
My heart throbs — a kind of throb I’d never felt before. The words that used to fill my heart, now caused me such pain it feels almost agonizing to hear.
“I love you too, (Y/N). More than anything.”
She smiles dearly, silent tears glistening from the edges of her beautiful (e/c) eyes as her face grows pale. Caressing her bloodstained cheek, I kiss her forehead before wrapping her up within my arms and whimpering against her hair.
“You’re my everything… You’re my everything under the sun. You’re my rock, my home. It doesn’t matter where we are; when you’re by my side, I’m whole.”
She is the one thing I’ve always been so sure of. Never had I felt so sure of anything in my whole life, than what I was about to do right now.
Grabbing hold of the chain around my neck, I grip my mother’s ring tight before ripping it off of me — small pieces of metal scattering across the floor.
I take (Y/N)’s left hand in mine, burning determination in my eyes as hers look back, wide with shock.
“For as long as I’ve known you, I knew you were the one. There’s nothing in this world that would make me happier, than your hand in marriage. So please, would you do me the honour-”
“Harry, please…”
“Of being my wife?”
Ignoring her pleas, I slowly lift her hand. Hands shaking violently as I struggle to place the ring upon her finger. Though my vision blurs from the overwhelming tears glazing my eyes, I was determined to follow through. However, (Y/N)’s soft, blood-soaked hands wrap around mine as she gently encloses the ring within my palm.
Heartbroken and confused, I look back up at her; only to be met with a sense of hopelessness.
Her quivering lips accompanied unbearably sad eyes that only seemed to convey what I dreaded most. She didn’t speak a word, but I knew what she was thinking. As much as we wished for it to be so, it’s clear we could no longer be together.
Cupping the side of my face, she smiles fondly through tears that never ceased to fall. “Kiss… me?”
I couldn’t help but bawl from her pure-hearted request as I lean down to meet her lips one last time.
“I’m… sorry, Harry. I love… you.” She whispers against my lips — her hand falling from my face.
“No… Please (Y/N). I can’t lose you too.” My voice, weak with vulnerability.
Rubbing my forehead with hers, my tears fall upon her rested face as her body goes limp within my arms.
“Don’t leave me.”
I held her body dear against mine for what felt like an eternity, screaming and pleading for her to wake up.
But she never did.
Nor did she ever turn.
Days pass, yet nothing has changed.
No one knew why or how it was possible, but here she lay — surrounded by the flowers we used to tend together, never awakening as a zombie, yet never decaying like a corpse. It was… as if she was simply within a deep slumber.
Night after night, I sit by her side; wishing and praying she’d open her eyes and greet me with that breath-taking smile once more.
“It’s so lonely not hearing your voice…” 
Her face showed no sign of ever waking, she seemed so at peace.
Every day was a struggle to keep going, but I didn’t give up. Every day, I fight against the grief that screams at me to let her go, to move on.
“Time moves so slow without you; each day feels like a test of my patience.”
I sit, lonesome within the darkness with only the moonlight illuminating the room — casting a silver sheen upon her face. I missed her so much I found myself talking to her each night, but her lack of response almost made it too excruciatingly painful to handle at times.
“When will you wake up? I just… want to be with you. There’s still so much that I want to do. Build a family with you… grow old with you. To love you, forever and always…”
A single tear falls along my cheek as another night goes by without her glowing presence.
“I miss you. Please… come back to me.”
Hand in hand, my mother’s ring pressed between our palms, I fall asleep by her bedside as I do every night — dreaming of a future worth fighting for.
Weeks pass, and hope has finally presented itself.
Recently, news has begun to spread throughout the community that a vaccine began rounds of testing and was on its way to being developed. A promising start to the end of the apocalypse.
I didn’t care much for the reasons as to why (Y/N) ended up this way, all I knew was that this news gave me hope. Hope that felt abandoned since the moment I thought I had lost her forever.
Months pass, and a cure has finally been developed with a 100% success rate.
Once administered, the vaccine takes effect immediately and the person goes right back to normal, all memories in-tact — as if nothing had even happened.
Today, our community was delivered a limited amount of the vaccine, and I was graciously given the pleasure of being the first to administer the cure due to my outstanding efforts in rebuilding our society. A society worth welcoming (Y/N) back to.
I stand eagerly by the door, a smile upon my face for the first time in what seemed like years.
The door swings open as the representative of our community steps in, vaccine in hand — a warm fatherly smile upon his face as he places the vile within my palms. I stare at it in disbelief, tears glazing my eyes as I draw out the liquid into a syringe.
Inhaling deep, I grip her arm tight and inject the vaccine directly into her vein. Hand tightly gripped in mine, I monitor her face — anticipating the light within those gorgeous (e/c) irises to come to life once again.
Minutes go by, and yet she showed absolutely no sign of waking.
“They said it takes effect immediately… Why isn’t she waking up?!” I turn back, hands trembling with rage.
“Harry, I’m so sor-”
“No… No, no, NO!”
I cut him short, not wanting to hear the pity within his words. Desperation quivering within my voice, I plead as I stare down at her lifeless body — unable to meet his sympathetic gaze. “I need another one… Please!”
“Harry, (Y/N)’s case is pretty unusual; they’ve only been able to test and cure those who became zombies… (Y/N) never exactly changed.” He pauses for a moment, hesitation in his tone as he places a reassuring hand upon my shoulder. “It’s been months. I’m… I’m afraid it might be too lat-”
“NO! You’re wrong! It’ll work! She just… she just needs another dose!” Flinching away from his touch, I slide a chair over to sit beside her.
“We’re limited as it is… You know we can’t do that.”
Holding her hand softly, I place her cold palm upon my cheek – droplets falling upon her pale fingers.
“She’s all that I have left…” I whimper helplessly.
“I really am sorry, Harry.” He makes his way toward the door, pausing slightly to look back at my crestfallen form. “I’ll… be in my office if you need me.”
As soon as the door clicks closed, I sob in silence. Face nestled upon her stomach; I grip the sheets around her hopelessly — staining the fabric with my tears.
“Why? Why bother?! I just… wanted you to see the world as it grows more and more beautiful after overcoming such an ugly situation. What’s the point in working so hard to build a future worth living, if you’re not going to see it?”
The uncontrollable emotion eating at me was too overwhelming to bear. The faith I once held so dear, crumbled within my grasp. I cried and cried ‘til I lost all sense of hope, lying upon her lifeless body as my eyes fall heavy with exhaustion.
Mmm, so soothing…
This warm touch felt almost too real to be true. Soft, gentle fingers comb through my hair as I lay resting upon her. I feel the rays of the sun streaming through the window, lightly kissing the side of my face as her body emanates warmth beneath me. It had been a while since I last dreamed of such a serene and comforting scene, despite crying myself to sleep the night prior.
Why? Why would you remind me?
Hearing her call my name only pained me more. This dream almost felt cruel for allowing me to revive and indulge in her softly, sweet voice — knowing full well that when I awoke, she’d be there; still and lifeless as ever.
“Harry…” She calls again. The honey-like quality of her voice, like music to my ears.
It was so clear. So lifelike. So… heartbreaking.
My eyes flutter open, forcefully escaping myself from the false scene within my mind.
Or so I thought.
As my vision adjusts to the sudden brightness of the sun, the calming feel of feather-like caresses within my hair never seemed to disappear. My eyes shoot wide open and sure enough, there she was; sitting up with that adoring smile of hers as she takes my hand in hers and squeezes it tight.
“Good morning, Harry.”
It wasn’t a dream. This was real. She’s awake.
She’s… alive!
Hot tears sting my newly awakened eyes, streaming along my cheeks as I stare at her in disbelief.
Every night, I had so much I wanted to say to her. So much I wanted her to know.
And now here she was. Yet, I couldn’t utter a single word.
It was all too much, I didn’t know how else to convey these fervent feelings. I cup her face, hands shaky with hesitation. Her skin felt warm against my palm, indicating she was indeed alive and well. Before my mind could even comprehend my actions, I crash my lips upon hers as gently as I could handle — kissing her with all the passion and longing I had suppressed for so long. She grips the front of my shirt, pulling me closer and reciprocating all the love and devotion we shared.
No longer able to keep my composure, I break the kiss; face scrunching up in overwhelming emotion as I burst out crying. (Y/N) holds me tight within her arms, allowing me to bask within her returning presence.
“Harry?” She calls once more, her tone as warm and gentle as I’d remembered it.
“Yes?” I finally manage to reply.
She breaks her hold on me, gracefully enveloping my fingers with hers as she looks me right in the eye.
“I don’t know how long it’s been. Or how it’s even possible that I’m able to speak with you once more. But what I do know, is that I don’t want to take this time for granted and give up this chance again.”
She reaches out toward the bedside table, carefully holding my mother’s ring within her hand before placing it into my palm and enclosing my fingers around it, like she did that one fateful day.
“I promise… to always be with you from this day forward. To create and nurture a loving family together. To stay right by your side and grow old with you as time intended. I promise, with all my heart, that I will love you, forever and always.”
I don’t believe it. She could hear me after all this time…
“I promise… I won’t ever leave you alone again. So, Harry… will you marry me?”
My eyes go wide with surprise, pausing for a moment — never thinking mere words could bring me such an immense sense of happiness. Lips curling up from ear to ear, I laugh wholeheartedly with utmost joy.
“I will... Of course, I will!”
I hastily wrap her within my arms and squeeze her tight with overwhelming excitement before placing my lips upon hers once more. I kiss her again, and again, and again ‘til her melodic giggles reverberate against my lips with glee. As I withdraw my mother’s ring from within my palm, (Y/N) places her left hand in mine and I delicately slip the ring upon her finger. We both stare at it for a while, hearts elated with pure happiness at the thought of starting a new chapter within our lives.
Together, hand in hand. Forever and always.
For the rest of our days.
x mod luna
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reddielibrary · 5 years
Wrapped in You (Is Where I Long to Be)
Written by @patroclusandachilles
Gift for @eddieneedshisinhaler
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Word count: 1699
Rating: Teen
AO3 Link
Summary: Eddie and Richie make a happier tradition on the anniversary of Eddie's (temporary) death...in a pillow fort.
Eddie walked in the door to his apartment with a frown on his face for the millionth time in what seemed as many weeks.  The weight of nursing classes, his internship at the hospital, and his actual paying job as a risk analyst causing him to shuffle dead-eyed and hunch-backed through life.  Yeah, he could have quit his job and let Richie the famous comedian pay for everything, but he would never let himself live that down.  He was done relying on other people to take care of him- nightmares of Myra and his mother’s suffocating overprotectiveness plagued what little sleep he did manage to get.  It was hard, but he would get through it himself with only emotional support accepted from his partner.  
Emotional support that he wasn’t expecting tonight.  
It was the anniversary of It’s (and his own) death.  
Eddie leaned against the door, eyes closed and mind screaming at him to just sleep.  But he couldn’t.  Richie needed him tonight as he did every year.  After everything Richie had done for him- from being by his side for every second of his hard earned recovery to showing him what it truly meant to be held and loved and seen every day since he opened his eyes to a new life- Eddie owed him his support on his hardest day of the year.  
He may not have the energy, but by Maturin, Richie would be none the wiser.
He dropped his keys into the dish by the front door and dragged himself down the hall, ready for a cold shower to wake him up and about fifty cups of coffee.  But when he turned the corner from his hallway, he didn’t see his spotless living room and empty kitchen.  He saw a giant mess of pillows and blankets and furniture piled together in the middle of the room.
And in front of it all stood a beaming Richie, practically bouncing from his excitement.
« Eds Spaghads, love of my life!  You’re finally home! »  Richie rushed over to him and bundled him into a whole body hug, Eddie’s face crushed against Richie’s chest, his arms wrapped tightly around Richie’s back.  
« Whatrudonghre, » was all Eddie could manage to squeak out as the breath was lovingly squeezed out of him by his partner.  
« I’m here to surprise you, of course. »  Richie loosened his grip, making it easier for Eddie to look up at him.  « You’ve been so stressed lately, I thought we could have some silly childish fun to make up for it. »
« Childish fun? »  Eddie looked back at the fort.  It was rather impressive, though much too small for two grown men to fit in simultaneously.  « But I thought that you’d need me to…?  The anniversary.... »
Richie squeezed him again, but only briefly before letting him go entirely and turning to work his way into the masterpiece of furniture and comfort.  « Uh-uh, I think we’ve both had enough sadness for one lifetime.  I’m sick of dwelling on everything that came before.  It brought us here, it brought us together, but that’s all it was good for.  I’m done thinking about it.  I think it’s about time we make a new tradition!  Only fun and love and cuddles forever! »  Richie got tangled in the hanging blankets comprising the entrance and nearly took down one of the support beams.  He managed to duck and dodge and untangle himself, but not before face planting right into the sea of pillows.
Despite his exhaustion, Eddie couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling up.  Watching Richie try to maneuver his giant body into the childish tent was better than any restless sleep he would have gotten on his own.  Every wide smile Richie sent his way was doing more to loosen his muscles than any shower ever could.  And the big goofy giggles Richie was now singing into the pillows made his heart pound faster than the strongest cup of coffee.  « Eds!  Get in here!  What good’s a super secret hideaway without someone to share it with? »
« You aren’t supposed to share secrets, asshole, » Eddie replied, affection clear in his tone.  « Then it’s not a secret anymore. »
Richie, having turned himself around, was now resting against the back of Eddie’s couch and patting the pillows next to him.  « Secrets aren’t any fun without you, Eds. »  He pretended to pout, trying to lure Eddie in with his big puppy-dog eyes, but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face.  
Eddie felt the same way, large smile now permanently plastered to his own face.  Yet, ever the practical half of the relationship, Eddie wasn’t ready to join Richie just yet.  « Let me get my pajamas first.  There’s no way I’m wearing a suit while you’re sitting there in sweatpants and a ripped 20 year old t-shirt. »  
Walking to his bedroom, he heard shouted behind him, « Hurry up or I’ll eat all the popcorn without you! »  
Eddie walked faster.
By the time he was in a comfortable set of clothes and back out in the living room, Richie had managed to eat all the popcorn anyway.  « I was hungry, » he said with a shrug, tossing the empty bowl outside the fort.  
« Whatever, dork, » Eddie said, rolling his eyes fondly and dropping to the ground to begin his own perilous climb into the tiniest blanket fort ever seen by man.  He dodged the support beam and managed to get halfway turned around to sit next to Richie when a stray pillow caught his foot and sent him sprawling right into Richie’s lap.  « Mmph, » was all he could say.  
« Not so easy, is it Eduardo?  And to think, you were laughing at your poor giant boyfriend not ten minutes ago.  Aren’t you supposed to be the small one? »  Richie pulled Eddie up by his arms, maneuvering them both until they were face to face, Richie’s legs bracketed by Eddie’s own.  
Eddie gently swatted at Richie’s chest.  « Well, if there wasn’t already a huge ass in here, maybe I would have had more luck. »  He rested his hands against the couch behind Richie’s head. 
« You wound me, Eddie!  And to think, I went through all this trouble just to be called names...the ingratitude of it all! »
Eddie let out a quick chuckle.  « Who’s the one calling names, Trashmouth?  That’s the first time you’ve used my actual name tonight. »  
Richie smiled up at him.  « Yeah, but you love it, don’t you darling, dearest, honey bunches, sweetheart, spaghetti man of my life? »
« I will admit nothing. » 
Eddie tried to deny how much he loved Richie’s nicknames for him, but his eyes gave everything away.  They softened more and more with each endearment spoken by Richie.  « Light of my dark. »  Eddie blushed.  « My treasure. »  Eddie’s face melted into a tender gaze.  « My little Chewbacca of the woods. » 
« What the actual fuck, Richie? »  Eddie was laughing again, burying his face in Richie’s chest.  « Jesus, dude. »
Richie’s chest shook him in time with Richie’s own laughter.  « I read it in a list of endearments online, thought I’d give it a try.  Not doing it for you? »  He brought his arms around Eddie, pulling him impossibly closer.
Eddie pushed his face against Richie’s neck.  « I fucking knew it.  I knew you couldn’t possibly come up with all those names yourself. » 
Richie merely shrugged beneath him, his hands travelling up Eddie’s back and moving around to rest over his chest.  They sat like that for a minute, still chuckling softly, just breathing each other’s warmth.  Eddie lifted his head and looked into Richie’s eyes, conveying his adoration through the gentleness of his expression.
His hands moved of their own accord, moving to cup Richie’s face, feeling Richie’s own adoration through his fingertips.  They both quieted and leaned in closer, breaths the only noise now shared between them.
‘I love you,’ the caresses of Eddie’s hands said, smoothing over Richie’s cheeks.
‘I love you,’ the tender slope of Richie’s mouth said, sighing contentedly into the silence between them.
« I love you, » Eddie said, voice barely higher than a whisper.
« I love you, » Richie said, lips barely brushing Eddie’s own.
‘I love you,’ they both said, through a soft meeting of lips and sharing of breath.
They kissed for what felt like hours.  One breathing out and the other in, sharing their souls through gentle kisses.  Finally, Eddie pulled away, burying his face in Richie’s chest and yawning.  Richie started laughing again.  « Aww, did I wear you out already, Eddie my love? »  He pulled Eddie in, cradling him against his chest.
Eddie shifted around until he was snuggled up against Richie comfortably.  « Yeah, sure, you’re quite the…, » He yawned again.  « Quite the casanova there Rich. »  
« All right, sounds like it’s bedtime for little Eddies everywhere. »  Richie shifted them both again, laying down amongst the sea of pillows.  
Eddie resisted closing his eyes, even though he desperately wanted to, the comfort of being with Richie drowning out the pressures that had so overwhelmed him mere hours ago.  « But it looks like you had a whole night planned- movies, snacks, comics.  I don’t want to ruin it. »  
« Nah, those were just an elaborate excuse to lure you in here.  I’m fucking exhausted, Eds.  Writing this new comedy special is kicking my ass, I could probably sleep for days wrapped in your arms. »  He batted his eyelashes jokingly at Eddie. 
Eddie gave him a half-hearted tap.  « You can be so weird sometimes, do you know that? »  
« I love you too, sweet cheeks. »
« Yeah, yeah, love you, » Eddie murmured into Richie’s chest as he closed his eyes.  « Love you forever and ever and ev.... »  He didn’t finish his thought as he slipped quickly into an easy sleep.  Richie smiled one last time for the night, burying his face into Eddie’s soft hair before drifting off himself.  
Both of them dreamed of nothing but happiness and each other, setting aside the past, content with the future laid out before them in each other’s arms.
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collectionofdestiel · 5 years
There was no rhyme or reason that brought Dean’s feet walking in the direction he was headed. It was a sunny day and instead of walking the couple feet from his car to his house he just suddenly felt the desire to take a walk. It wasn’t like there was anything waiting for him at home except leftovers and a six pack. So with a blank mind and the ghost of a smile, he walked leisurely down the sidewalk that twisted and turned through his neighborhood. 
A kid skated by on roller blades making Dean chuckle to himself at how youth never changed. He remembers the day Sam had brought home a pair of beat up roller blades a friend of his gave him. They had went out into the driveway and Dean held his elbow as he helped his brother master the shoes. It took a few weeks after school every day before Sam was skating around and soon going out to skate with friends. Dean remembers watching his brother leave the house with the roller blades slung over his shoulder and missing the days they spent practicing and being together.
His feet keep carrying him down the sidewalk until he comes to turn. He looks both ways across the road and ponders which way to keep going or if he should turn back. Before he could come to a decision he sees across the street a young woman frantically racing about the street corner with a look of dreadful panic etched into her features.
Dean sprints across the street and comes up slowly to her as to not scare her. “Hey, are you okay?”
The woman turns with tears filling her eyes and shakes her head. “I lost my brother’s dog. I was supposed to be watching him and he jumped out a window!” The woman bit back a sob and covered her face with her hands.
Furrowing his brow, Dean turned and searched the suburban area for any trace of a dog. “What’s the dog look like?”
“He’s a german shepherd. Still a puppy. I don’t know how he managed to get out the window! His name is...um…” The woman chuckled nervously. “His name is Burger.”
With a soft chuckle, Dean looked back into her eyes and tried to convey a reassuring smile. “I’ll help you find him, ma’am.”
“It’s Anna, and thank you.” She smiled back, the tears still teetering in her eyes, before turning and scanning around. “If you could go that way and I’ll go this way maybe one of us will see him. Meet back here either if you find the dog or maybe in a couple minutes?”
Dean nodded, not wasting much time before heading off to where she pointed. Admittedly, he really didn’t see his small walk turning into a hunt for a dog but he was glad to help. He remembered the dog Sam had brought home once, begging to keep him, only to have their father say it was too much responsibility. Which Dean decided had always been a wise decision but the look that woman had on her face, Dean was glad he never had to see it on Sam’s in the case that anything had happened to that dog if they had kept it.
“Here Burger!” Dean cupped his mouth and shouted down the street. It wasn’t busy so he didn’t get many strange looks.
Keeping his pace quick and his eyes sharp, Dean took a few twists and turns and found himself walking along a fence that bordered a park. Squinting against the sunlight he saw some dogs happily playing with their owners on the small hills. What got his attention though was a small german shepherd curled up under a picnic table. He almost didn’t believe his eyes until he saw the big ears and dark snout catching some sunlight.
Heaving a breath of relief he easily jumped over the fence and started to cautiously approach the scared puppy. When he got a couple feet away he was halted by a soft whine. Dean lowered himself into a crouch and held out an open palm toward Burger, who was now eyeing him.
“Hey, Burger, I’m Dean.” With every word he spoke he inched just a tad closer. “Anna is worried sick about you, boy.”
Burger lifted his head and tilted it. His big black eyes seemed to analyze Dean’s posture and face. After a few moments of silence between the two, Burger slowly started to scoot himself out and towards the man. He let out another soft whimper when he was only a couple inches from Dean’s hand. 
“That’s a good boy.” Taking a chance, Dean lowered his hand under Burger’s snout to let him sniff it. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.”
After smelling the offered hand, Burger yipped and crawled his way between Dean’s crouched legs. Letting out a short laugh, Dean began to run his fingers through the dog’s fur and rubbing against his skin. After a couple seconds of that he stood up and was surprised to see Burger stand up and at attention by his side. 
“You okay if I pick you up?” Dean asked even though he knew he wasn’t getting an answer. 
Scooping the dog up against his chest Dean snorted as a tongue swiped up his cheek. Turning back towards where he came from, he started the short walk toward where he was going to meet Anna. He wondered briefly, as he crossed the street with a ball of fur all but panting in his arms, if maybe he should get a dog.
He didn’t have much time to think more on it before Anna was sprinting toward him with a look of pure relief and happiness exuding from her. Dean didn’t have a chance to set the dog down before Anna was pulling him from his arms and cradling him to her chest.
“Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you so much! My brother is going to be home any minute and if he came home and Burger was missing he would be devastated!” Anna once sad tears turned to ones of happiness as she looked into Dean’s eyes with a grin wide enough to split her cheeks. “Please, let me pay you back somehow.”
Shaking his head, Dean rubbed at the back of his neck and thought about the leftovers and six pack waiting for him at home. “Don’t worry about it, ma’am. He’s a cute dog and I’m just glad he’s back to where he should be.”
Anna nodded, cooing at Burger before turning back to Dean again. “At least tell me your name.”
“Oh, uh, Dean. Dean Winchester.” Dean looked around to see he wasn’t far from his house. “And really, don’t worry about repaying me. I need to be getting home anyway.”
“Do you live around here?”
Nodding, Dean pointed toward his street. “Yeah, the green house down that way.” 
Anna turned and squinted. “Okay. Well thank you again. You saved my life today.”
Chuckling, Dean waved to her before starting his trek home. 
Only when he shut his door behind him and looked through the darkened rooms, he realized how lonely he really was and how today had been a really good day for a walk.
The microwave timer had just gone off when a loud knocking came from the front door. Dean quickly shot off his couch to pop open the microwave door before starting toward his door. It was a regular wednesday evening meaning there really wasn’t a reason for visitors which meant it was probably a salesperson.
Taking in a deep breath and running a hand through his hair, Dean pulled open the door with a smile pulled up on his lips. The smile quickly turned into his jaw dropping as probably the most handsome man he had ever seen was standing on his door mat with a bag of something good smelling held to his chest.
The dark haired man, with eyes so blue Dean felt as though he could drown in them given the chance, smiled widely and juggled the bag a little to reach his hand out between them. “Hello, I’m Castiel Novak and I heard from my sister that you saved her life the other day.”
It was almost comical how deep and serious that sentence was spoken and Dean knowing that he really didn’t save a life. Shaking himself mentally of the butterflies now swooping in circles in his stomach, he reached out and shook Castiel’s hand.
“Oh-um-the name’s Dean and I didn’t really-”
Releasing Dean’s hand Castiel laughed and shook his head slightly. “She told me that you found Burger. I wanted to thank you because although his name is beyond ridiculous he is a very important member of my family.”
Nodding, Dean swallowed thickly and willed himself to not swoon at the sound of his laughter, or the fact that this guy found him out just to thank him for finding a dog. “It was no trouble, really.”
“Maybe not,” Castiel grinned, “but I would still like to thank you. I didn’t know what to bring over so I grabbed some take out.”
Remembering the not-so-frozen dinner in his microwave, Dean’s lips turned up into a smile and he opened his door further with a gesture to come in. “Sounds awesome, Castiel.”
“Burger, down!” Castiel’s voice boomed through Dean’s house in the very very early hours of the morning. “Get that out of your mouth!”
Laughing loudly, Dean twisted his body on his bed to get a little more comfortable and to pull some muscles awake after sleep. He burrowed his face into his pillow and breathed in the scent of Castiel. Letting out a deep sigh of contentment, he wished more than anything that he could live forever in this moment.
But the moment was suddenly disrupted as two sets of paws land directly on his back. Dean yelped and twisted himself in his sheets to meet Burger’s eyes. The two didn’t move for a long moment before Dean swiftly gathered the dog up in his arms and rolled them so Dean was on his side with Burger burrowed against his chest.
“It’s too early, Burger, go back to sleep.” His rough morning voice spoke directly into the dog’s head.
Burger let out a soft yip before his tail slowed and he let himself relax in Dean’s hold. The two laid together and pretended to sleep until a pair of socked feet padded into the bedroom. Dean tried his hardest to keep his smile off his face when he felt the sheet shift and the bed dip. A hand gently caressed his cheek as two legs intertwined with his.
“You know, Dean, Burger and I really enjoy waking up here.” Castiel’s voice was the softest Dean ever remembered hearing it. “And going to sleep here. And eating here. And watching TV here…”
Popping open one eye, Dean smirked as he met his boyfriend’s loving stare. “Would the two of you enjoy living here?”
Castiel smiled and nodded. “We really would.”
Letting his eyes slide shut again, Dean couldn’t help but let his smile warm every part of his body. “Then I guess we are gonna have a long Sunday of packing boxes ahead of us, sweetheart.”
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truthis-beauty · 4 years
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How to communicate with your dog
Knowing the meaning of the communication signals your dog uses will help. Whether you have a new dog, or whether you and your dog have been together for a long time. It gives you the opportunity to change your own behavior if necessary, and makes you more confident about your dog's feelings. Dogs make sounds and gestures using their face and body, just as humans do to express their feelings. Some of these gestures can be very similar to human gestures, but mean something completely different. In this article, you will learn how to properly interpret your dog's many ways of conveying the message, and how to communicate more effectively with your canine companion. 1Observe your dog. Learning about your dog's habits, habits, and movements through observation will give a more natural feel to the process of understanding his communication. There will be plenty of things he does that will be clear to you without explanation. Just as every person is unique, so is your dog.
* Be aware that much of your dog's language or communication is subtle. * By learning how dogs communicate, you will be able to respond to problems your dog points out before a situation escalates. Missing minor signs of stress or unhappiness can quickly lead to more aggressive or tense behaviors. * Remember this is a mutual learning process. Dogs also need to learn our behavioral signals, and you need to be careful with your own gestures and attitude. Dogs don't understand Dutch either. It is important that you teach your dog what you mean by "no" or "sit". Simply saying "sit" over and over will not make him learn, and will make him think it's just some of the random nonsense you put out during the day. Luring your dog into a sitting position and then rewarding him heavily for doing this task will make him sit eagerly. If you say the word when he is sitting you will have him make the link that the word "sit" means "put your buttocks on the floor". * Keep in mind that your dog cannot make some gestures because of his breed. For example, if your dog has docked ears or a docked tail, he won't be able to make some moves. 2Know how your dog reacts to eye contact. Think about how you feel when someone stares directly at you instead of making normal eye contact. Just as you find it confrontational, dogs also feel confused and threatened if someone is staring straight at them because it is a threatening attitude to them. A dog looking away from such a situation is actually polite and tries to avoid confrontation. On the other hand, training your dog to make eye contact for communication is very helpful in keeping his focus on you.
* The most effective form of dog training is called "positive confirmation" or "clicker training. It has been proven to be the most consistent form of training by scientists, veterinarians and animal behaviorists. Punishment is disallowed because dogs have been proven to have very short memories, and probably don't associate situations like pooping on the floor with your dissatisfaction. In fact, dogs don't feel guilt. Owners stop being angry when dogs "look guilty" and it becomes a reward for both the dog and the owner for showing "guilty". The dog learns that you don't like having poo on the floor and when you get home, they act "guilty" to calm you down. They don't link their actual action of defecating to your being angry. * The idea of ​​clicker training is to lure your dog into a certain position, immediately indicate that they have done the right thing, and reward them for that behavior. * Dog behavior is always driven by the option that yields the most or costs the least. If the most economical option is to chew on your shoes, they will. If you reward them for not chewing your shoes, they will choose that even if you are not there. In contrast, punishment or dominance suggests that you are showing your dog who is in charge, which will simply result in the behavior being done when you are not around. * Dogs are very reward-oriented and the dominance theory has already been proven incorrect. Dogs behave in the most rewarding way, not based on trying to "dominate" you or other dogs. Be the one that pays off the most in your dog's life and he will eagerly do whatever you say. Rolling on your back and exposing your stomach is a calming gesture, and stroking his stomach serves as a very good confirmation of this behavior. * An exposed abdomen can also indicate passive resistance to an alleged threat.
* Jumping (or covering) can be a sign of stress in a dog, especially if a low-confidence dog is trying to bond with a more confident animal. * Dogs use a variety of gestures and postures to indicate discomfort, including raised / misplaced sneezing or yawning, licking the lips, avoiding eye contact, recoiling, showing the whites of their eyes, and a stiff body. When a dog reports discomfort, it is best to stop what you are doing and stop doing it in the future. If you need to get your dog used to something, do it very cheaply by giving him lots of treats and slowly getting used to the uncomfortable situation. Soon your dog will offer to do it in exchange for a reward! * A dog can show many emotions with its tail. A wagging tail and swaying butt mean pure joy. A slowly wagging tail indicates a cautious nature. A stiff tail is a sign of alertness, a low tail is a sign of agreement. A curved tail means he's scared. 1Learn to interpret your dog's attitude. The attitude a dog takes can tell you a lot about his mood and emotions. Many of the signals will be subtle and it may take some time to learn all the expressions, but it is worth it. 2Recognize playful and loving behavior. Dogs can easily communicate confidence and a desire to play using posture and body cues.
A Confident Posture: A dog who feels confident will stand upright, tail up and probably wagging slowly. His ears will either be erect or hanging relaxed, and the whole will look relaxed. His eyes will have smaller pupils because they are also relaxed. * Bowing: Facing you and with head and chest dipped low to the ground, front legs spread forward, and with back and tail up is a clear invitation to play. This is known as the "play bow".
It may be mistaken by owners as an attack stance but it clearly indicates playtime. * Rocking with the hips: Rocking with the hips or nudging are another sign of play. Or the dog may jump around another dog and push it to the ground using its butt (the end of the dog without teeth!)
When the dog turns his buttocks towards you, it is a sign of confidence and, depending on your dog, may mean he wants you to tickle him. Cradling its backside is a sign of enthusiasm and kindness. * If a dog stretches out with his butt in the air, front legs and toes extended forward, and head close to the ground, he probably feels like playing. * If your dog lifts his / her paw to touch your knee or other part of your body, the dog wants to be attentive, requesting or asking something, or indicating that he / she wants to play.
The gesture originated in puppyhood, when they associate kneading with obtaining breast milk, but it is now perceived as a shaking hand - it is about making contact and friendship. * Repeated mowing with the paws in the air is often done by puppies as an invitation to play. * If the tail is in a neutral position (level with the body or slightly lower), it will most likely feel safe and friendly.
* If your dog's tail is wagging violently and his / her tail is raised, he / she will feel naughty and inclined to bother and tease you or another dog! It could also be that he kills another animal. * If your dog is slowly wagging his / her tail and looking at you, he / she is relaxed but alert and waiting, ready to play. 3Interpret discomfort or uncertainty. Knowing when your dog is uncomfortable or feeling insecure can give him what he needs and provide comfort and reassurance when needed.
Walking back and forth can be a sign of nervousness, but it can also be a sign of agitation or boredom. If your dog is getting plenty of exercise and distraction, look for other signs of nervousness that can occur along with pacing. * A dog that feels threatened may shed his hackles. This tactic, in which the strip of hair rises across the center of its back, is a dog's attempt to appear taller than usual. It is not necessarily an aggressive attitude, but one of "high vigilance", preparing himself for what is to come. A fearful dog can bite, so be extremely careful around a dog that puts on his hackles. * A dog who is anxious or insecure may flinch or crouch. Slightly collapsing can indicate submission or nervousness. Arched back, slightly arched legs, tail down (but not towards its stomach), and looking at what causes it is a similar posture. * A dog who lifts one paw while turning the rest of his body away from the person, animal or object that makes him insecure, and recoils, shows uncertainty or confusion. If the dog tilts its head to one side, it means the dog is listening, or is insecure and confused and waiting for more information. * Wagging the tail slowly, with the tail held slightly lower, may mean that the dog is confused and asking for an explanation. Or it could mean examining a non-threatening object. * If your dog's tail hangs a little lower and is kept still, then he is alert and watching. If the tail is held lower and hardly moves, it can also indicate uncertainty. * If there is a slight movement with a low tail, it may indicate that the dog is either sad or unwell. 4Recognize warning signs of aggression. Aggression can lead to unwanted dog fights or attacks. Recognizing early warning signs can help you de-escalate a situation before it gets out of hand.
* A dog with its tail hanging down or between its legs shows concern, fear and insecurity.
Wagging can still occur in this situation, which can lead to the misunderstanding that the dog is happy. This position can also indicate that the dog needs reassurance or protection. * A dog who suddenly st don't get between the dog and his bone! * If your dog is leaning forward and appears very stiff, he is most likely feeling aggressive or threatened. This occurs in response to what the dog sees as a threat or challenge. The tail will usually stick down, or between its legs, or wag its tail in a quick and delirious manner. * When a dog is contemplating an attack or feels threatened, you will likely be able to see the whites of his / her eyes as the dog looks at the detected threat. * A dog that showed signs of aggression but then shakes its head and shoulders can signal the end of a certain level of tension, such as being wary of a threat or an anticipated event that does not occur. Understand the importance of your dog's ear. While we can't do much with our own ears, a dog's ears can be incredibly expressive. Be aware that dogs with docked ears do not have all the range of movement to express themselves using their ears.
* A dog with ears pricked forward, or upright, is completely engrossed in play, hunting, or concentration. This position of the ears can also indicate curiosity and can indicate the intention of doing something when the dog turns to pick up sounds. It is a natural position of the ears in the early stages of the hunt. * Dog ears that lie flat against the dog's head indicate that the dog is scared or feels threatened. Ears that are forward but close to the head can also indicate aggression. * Dog ears that are turned back but not flat can indicate that the dog is feeling unhappy, worried or insecure.2Interpret the orientation of your dog's eyes. A dog's eyes can express as much as human eyes, and just as you learn to interpret the signals people give with their eyes, you can learn to understand your dog's. Here are some of the most common eye signs:
* Eyes wide open: This means your dog feels alert, playful and prepared. * Staring: Staring indicates dominant, defiant behavior. * Avoid eye contact: a dog trying to look away from your face may show politeness, respect or submission. * Blink or wink: This indicates that your dog is playful. * Pinched eyes: This may indicate that your dog is feeling aggressive and preparing for an attack. This gesture can be accompanied by staring. 3Watch your dog's face. Dogs often show how they feel with facial expressions. Understanding facial expressions can help you understand your dog's feelings and communicate with your dog.
* Laugh: Believe it or not, dogs can laugh. Because it can be difficult to tell the difference between a smile and a snarl, examining other body language for signs of play or aggression can help determine if your dog is happy or aggressive. If all other signs point to a happy dog, then your dog is laughing, which means he is happy and relaxed. * Yawning: The meaning of a dog's yawn depends on the context, just as it is in humans (humans yawn when they are tired, need more oxygen, are stressed or embarrassed, or when we see someone else yawn. Yawning seems contagious to dogs, just as it is to humans.
In fact, if you yawn in sight of your dog, he may see it as a sign that you are stressed (in which case he will likely turn away from you give you some space), or he will react the same way and yawn too.
Dogs also yawn as a way to relieve tension, show confusion, or when they feel a little threatened. Especially when they experience new situations, or see new dogs (or other animals). * The position of the mouth: a dog that has its mouth stretched backwards, closed or slightly opened, shows that it is very tense, because of fear or pain. This may be accompanied by rapid panting. If his mouth is stretched back and open, it is a neutral sign or a sign of submission. A dog that is alert and content will have its mouth closed or slightly open, with its teeth covered. Licking Lips: If your dog is licking his lips in conjunction with a yawn, it can be a clear signal that he is tense, under stress or facing a threat.
It is a common gesture seen in puppies around adult dogs, but the behavior should not continue into adulthood. In adult dogs, licking can also be part of the dog's sexual behavior if it finds chemical signals on grass, carpet or other dogs' genitals.
A dog licking the lips of another dog shows reverence. * Bare teeth: A dog with curled lips and exposed teeth shows aggression and an intention to use the teeth for biting. This does not mean that showing the teeth briefly always means aggression, you should also pay careful attention to other elements. If the teeth are exposed and the muzzle is not wrinkled, this is a warning. A sign of dominance and the defense of its territory. If the lips are curled, the teeth bared, the muzzle is wrinkled and the dog is growling then it indicates the dog is angry and ready to fight, there is a good chance he will bite.
Part 4 of 5: Interpreting the sounds your dog is making1Listen to your dog. Barking, growling, howling and howling all carry their own unique language indicators. They may take time to learn, but they are also an important part of understanding your dog's overall behavior. Many people think barking is barking. When you start to really listen, you will hear very clear differences in the various utterances.
* Be aware that the lack of barking or other dog noises indicates that he is on the prey, aimed at not alerting the prey. This can also be accompanied by sniffing the air, staying low, staying stiff, ears tipping forward and back to pick up sounds, mouth closed and eyes wide open. At the same time, no sound can also indicate a subject dog seeking approval. 2Recognize barking your dog. Dogs bark for a variety of reasons. Observation and listening can help you distinguish your dog's distinctive barks in different situations.
* A loud, shrill, quick bark can be aggressive or territorial. * A short, frequent, alert bark with guttural noises is designed to alert the pack (humans or wolves) to potential danger. It may be accompanied by snarls or growls. * A bright, short bark is usually a greeting from your dog. * A shrill bark is often presented when your dog is playful. A short, high bark is a sign of kindness, and may be accompanied by whining or yapping. * A sudden sharp, sharp yelp could be a sign that your dog is in pain. * A deep, single, or abnormal bark is another warning to leave it alone. 3Interpret your dog's snarls. A strange dog's snarl can be quite scary, but not every snarl is aggressive. Your dog may growl as part of a game or as an alternative form of verbal communication instead of barking. You do have to be careful with snarling dogs, though, because even a playing dog who is too rash and carried away in the game can snap at a human who intervenes or gets too close.
* A low, quiet growl indicates that the subject of the growl should leave it alone. It is a sign of self-awareness in a dominant dog. * A low growl that ends with a short bark is the sound a dog makes when responding to a threat. It can be an introduction to a bite. * A medium growl leading to, or combined with, barking indicates that your dog is feeling nervous and possibly aggressive. You can go on, but with caution. * low continuous growls or 'barks' is an indication that your dog is feeling concerned or suspicious. * A low grumbling growl is a nice sign of satisfaction. Soft growling is generally simulated growling, rate it by putting it in context to your dog's overall attitude. Played growl will often be accompanied by excited barking. Understand why dogs howl. Knowing the different reasons your dog may have for crying can help you respond to his / her needs. There are several different types of howling tones that have different meanings.
* A long, sustained cry indicates isolation or loneliness. If your new dog or puppy was separated from other dogs to come into your home, he / she will start crying for a while. Keeping him / her close to you can help him / her feel less lonely. * A short howl that becomes increasingly shrill generally means that your dog is happy or enthusiastic. * Barking is a hunting signal and can be common in hunting breeds, even if your dog has never been trained as a hunting dog. * A siren howl is a response to another howl or a continuous sound. You may find your dog howls in response to sirens passing by your house. If your dog is howling at night, he may be crying in response to another dog's howl that is too far away for human hearing. 5Learn to distinguish between the different forms of whining and whining. Another type of noise that dogs make is howling. Like barking, howling, and growling, howling or whining can mean different things in different contexts.
* Short howls, alternated with short barks, indicate that your dog is eager, curious and excited. * Short wails is often a sign of fear or concern. * A deep whimper means your dog is mildly concerned or submissive. * A persistent, shrill1Avoid accidental signals. Dogs understand your language to a certain extent, but it is very important to understand how you come across to your dog and how some of your gestures can cause your dog sadness, fear, or anxiety even when you are completely unaware of this are. Always be aware that your dog is observing you, learning, and looking for ways to predict your routine, habits and preferences.
* Stopping staring and pulling your arms back at the same time tells your dog that you have decided not to touch him / her anymore and he / she may react negatively.
* Yawning can mean to your dog that you are tense and cause him / her to move away from you. It may be a good idea to hide your yawn from your dog if he / she seems to react negatively. 2 Avoid confusing your dog. Some actions that we see as normal or loving do not translate well from “human language” to “dog language”. Avoiding confusing activities can help strengthen the relationship with your pet.
* Staring at your dog can be seen as a threat. Some trainers believed that a dog looking away from a cataract displayed disobedience, but it is now better understood as a sign of politeness or submission.
Punishing or reacting negatively to signs of fear in a dog will only serve to worsen his sense of fear and will do nothing to instill better behavior in our eyes. Don't interpret signs of confusion or fear as signs of guilt. * Many dogs do not like to be patted directly on the head. Yet this is something a dog usually has to learn to accept.
You should never pat a strange dog on the head unless you are familiar with him. But if you live in an urban environment where you can expect people to want to pet your dog, early training (with rewards) will help your dog accept that patting the head is essential. Hugging and cuddling is often another action that animals don't like. Nature has programmed the dog to believe that being held in close proximity can mean two things: one, that it is caught as prey, or two, that it is covered.
Since none of these actions elicit happy responses, a dog unaccustomed to being cuddled or cuddled will respond with fleeing, squirming, and nipping. If this is the case with your dog, be patient and gradually get him used to a loving hug. Make sure children who cuddle dogs always keep their face away from the dog, and monitor the dog's reaction so that you can intervene quickly if necessary. * Dogs are social animals and need contact, so you should avoid making them feel overly isolated. The first nights a puppy is in your house are essential. Try to stay with the puppy (for example, put his crate in your room), and then gradually move him / her to3 Make sure your commands be clear. By being clear, consistent and concise in your commands and direct communication with your dog, you can help your dog understand what you want him to do. Most dogs want to please their owners, so they will try to adjust their behavior to your expectations.
* Always repeat commands using the same words and tone so that your dog learns his name and understands to listen to you. * When communicating with your dog, adjust your tone to your emotions. Dogs have an instinct that helps them discern whether we are happy with them or angry with them. If you smile and call your dog a good dog with a happy tone, he'll know he's done something right. The same goes the other way around. If you correct him with an angry tone, he will know that he has done something wrong. This is important to take into account in your training. * Remember that dogs often forget things. But they do remember the things they were trained for, where certain things and people are, who you are and who their friends are, are rewarded, and surprising events (good and bad). * Yelling at your dog, gesturing wildly, or waving "guns" like a broomstick at your dog will seem like crazy behavior and will do nothing to change your dog's behavior. In contrast, it can further upset an already insecure and anxious dog. Save your energy and stay calm. Keep your communication tactics clear and reasonable. * Keep this in mind4 Develop reciprocal communications. Being in a two-way communication relationship with your dog will help both of you maintain a healthy relationship. Keeping the lines of communication open and showing your dog that you understand him / her will help you know when to step in if something goes wrong.
* Research how dogs communicate with each other. Shaping your own communication strategy on the dog-to-dog communication model can lead to more successful communication.
* Take the time to learn about the way your own dog delivers messages. While much of what is written here will be applicable, your dog will also display his / her own individual traits. And it is through spending time with your dog that you will get to know him / her the best. * Make sure to repeat commands in the same tone or your dog will get confused. * Always be expressive in your voice. * It is important to note how your dog is behaving around species other than humans and other dogs. When introducing other pets to the house, such as cats and rabbits, your dog's reactions are an important indicator of the eventual success of the introduction. And by being ready to intervene quickly if things get out of hand, you can ensure the safety of both animals. Gradual introductions, careful supervision, and patience are often necessary when introducing a new pet to a dog that has already settled in place. * Remember that every dog ​​is different. If your dog's personality is more passive, you may get different results than what is described here. * Dogs use many subtle signs to show concern, tension, interest or other moods. Get to know these signs to help you predict a dog's reactions. * Be consistent in what you allow your pet. For example, decide whether the dog can come on the couch and then stick to your decision. * If your dog lives in an apartment or does not have a yard where he can relieve himself, start training your dog to urinate or defecate on "command". This is useful in bad weather or busy mornings. Teaching your dog to pull a bell on the doorknob when he needs to go out is also helpful.
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antichristsxbox · 4 years
We Don’t Play - Part Three
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Weird story: I tried editing this from mobile and it deleted the entire body of this post, but it kept the actual post itself! What the heck? This is the fic again but sorry if there’s any weird typos or anything else messed up/not from the original version I posted, I just copied and pasted this from the folder where I save all my writing. That was so strange, I guess I’m never editing on mobile again!
Summary: Part three to Hawthorne!Michael x Cheerleader!Reader fic! Find parts one and two on my masterlist. 
From the writer: In case you don’t know what a toe touch is (a jump mentioned in this fic) here’s a picture of me doing one! :)
Word count: 1,524
A soft rustling noise is what rouses you from your deep slumber. Michael is sitting up on the edge of the bed, phone in hand. It’s only seven o’clock, according to your watch, but class starts in an hour and you need to get ready. Spending the night over at Michael’s was nice, but it’s back to reality now. You reach over to feel for your phone, only find Michael’s.
“What are you doing, Babe?” you say, sitting up and shifting to be next to him. He’s staring at your lock screen, empty except for a notification from Kyle that reads ‘see you tonight,’ with a red heart emoji. It also doesn’t help that there’s a blue heart emoji next to his name in your contacts.
“Why are you seeing him tonight?” Michael says, looking up with sad, puppy dog eyes. His voice is hushed. There’s no note of anger or defiance in his tone as he hands you back your phone. He seems defeated, although you wish you could convey how you feel Michael is superior to anybody you’ve been interested in, period. He stands up and takes a sip from his water on the bedside table, setting the glass down with a soft clink!
“We have a game tonight,” you say, standing up and coming behind him to wrap your arms around his waist and pull him close. It’s nothing. It really is at this point, although you know saying that would not help Michael feel any batter, and would possibly make him feel worse about the situation. Still, there must be a way to keep Michael happy as well as your spirit buddy.
“Just go in and delete the heart from his name, and add one to yours while you’re at it,” you say, handing him back your phone before standing on your toes to place a soft kiss on his cheek. There’s nothing in your phone you’d be uncomfortable with him seeing, so there’s no hesitation when the phone is released from your grasp and entrusted to Michael’s firm grasp. You hope that Michael could sense that you trust him. It still may be too early to make things official, but if things are looking up, Michael may mention it before you do.
The familiar brisk air of opening the doors to the court— it wraps around you and sends shivers down your spine. Today is a big game. A team from Los Angeles took a trip up here to play the Locks, and they brought a fan bus with them too. There’s a good crowd for both teams, but the opposing team has many rowdy people in the bleachers already, and the boys are only warming up. Michael isn’t here yet, but he’ll most likely be here soon.
Kyle is ready to take the pre-game hype pictures, and you’re checking to make sure Michael isn’t here to witness you with his one-sided rival. Kyle picks you up bridal style and you wrap your arm around his neck and smile for his Snap story. Leg popped in the air, poms in hand, and gleaming smile. Only the best for your boys that dunk.
“I’m having a little party in my room tonight, do you think you’d wanna come over?” he asks as he gently puts you down.
That sounds fun, and you immediately accept his invite. It’s for the rest of the senior players and cheerleaders, which are all a really nice crowd. Hopefully Michael won’t be too upset you won’t see him for long tonight.
Players flood the court, and the game starts off smoothly. The boys already have a score of 20-5 by the time the first quarter is over. Those Los Angeles boys should have just stayed home.
“You traveled! You walked! You took too many steps! The next time you walk will be to the B-U-S!” you cheer, beckoning your poms towards the door. It’s a penalty on the opposing side, so you make your way to the edge of the court and do a toe touch while Kyle shoots his free throw. As you land and look up, you see Michael sitting on the top row bleachers. He gives a nod of approval and smiles, so you take a small step forward and wave with your poms.
As the game comes to a close in the fourth quarter, the boys have an overwhelming score of 72-16. Los Angeles got absolutely demolished. Freaking crushed. Why didn’t they forfeit earlier? Anyways, you spring up from your seat and make your way towards the door to cheer for the players as they exit. When Kyle passes by, he gives you a firm hug and soft smile. As the last player exits, you make your way to the cheer room and grab your belongings before heading for your dorm.
“Hey, Babe,” Michael says, and you turn around to greet him. His blonde curls frame his face perfectly, although they look a bit astray and wild— that’s what makes it perfect, though. Your cute, bed-headed Antichrist-warlock-boytoy.
“I can’t stay for long, I’ve got to go to a party,” you say, pulling your hand away and motioning towards your dorm room. You’ve got to change out of your uniform and into something more comfortable.
“Can I come with? It’ll be fun,” he says, catching up with you as you walk. Although you’d like him to come with, drama would likely ensue if he realized it was a part thrown by Kyle, and in his room no less.
“It’s invite-only, Babe, I wish though,” you say, giving a little frown face as you turn around and and continue on-course to your room.
The music is already bumping, and the door is propped open with a sideways-turned can of Four Loko. No chill, apparently. There would be hell to pay if an administrator walked by, so you quickly pick up the Four and replace the door jam with a lone shoe. There’s nothing worse than a warm Four Loko, so you down a shot of Tito’s poured from an Evian bottle. Although alcohol is strictly prohibited here, off-campus lunch allows for people to sneak around and buy some to bring back to campus. It’s a Friday night, and you’re going to live it up like any other normal teenager would, boarding school or not.
As you walk over to the dorm desk turned mini bar to reach for a chaser, a hand moves the bottle of cranberry juice out of your reach. You look up to taunt whoever it was, but you quickly see that it’s Michael.
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you,” he says, raising an eyebrow and clicking his tongue.
“You, outside, now,” you say, taking his hand and pulling him past the many other people that were now in this tiny room.
“Why do you do this to me? Saying it’s just a party and ending up in his room?” he says, a stern look on his face as he looks down at you. He is so possessive. It is so unwarranted, especially because you two aren’t official yet. Something in you snaps, and you’re tired of him being so overbearing.
“I am not your fucking girlfriend! Snap-maps tracking my ass down, finding out where I am because you can’t stand to be alone, fuck off!”
A wave of your hand and a stomp on your foot is all you leave him with before kicking the door jam sneaker inside and slamming the door in his face.
“Who was that?” Kyle says, pushing through the crowd of people and placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Nobody,” you say, turning around to face the now-quiet room of people. The music had stopped as you slammed the door shut. The music resumes as Kyle steps back forward in the room of people, and you follow as approach the desk again to mix your chaser with another shot.
As two shots turned into three, you realized it was now getting late, and you should be heading back to your room for some rest. Although you never tended to accomplish much on Saturdays, keeping a somewhat regular sleep schedule has always proven to be a good idea. Your feet stumble under you as you exit Kyle’s room, and a quick goodnight is all you could muster before closing the door behind you. Before you graduate, you vow to learn to handle your liquor a little better than you have recently.
The soft, blue glow from your phone lights up as a notification from Michael comes through.
“Text me when you’re up, we can go to breakfast,” his message reads.
It takes a solid minute to think of a good reply to this, so you settle on the pink heart emoji before finishing your journey to your room and going to bed, fully clothed in what you’re wearing now, shoes and all. Having a party after a long game like that is really too tiring— that won’t be happening again anytime soon.
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Chapter 2- Yellow Roses
Hello lovely readers!  The first chapter was posted in my ficlet collection for SaiIno Week.  I'm excited to continue the story.  I hope that you enjoy it. A few notes, it does feature a professor/student relationship but they are of age.  They also have a history that I'll explore as the story continues. Also, some of the future chapters will contain smut (I've been wanting to write some for them for a while now... hehe...) I’ll let you know when it starts.  Each chapter will have some sort of flashback to give you some insight into their past relationship.
I hope you enjoy! 
Summary:  They had history, but their lives and paths took them from each other.  Now, they had to face this new reality and change in their relationship.  
Yellow Roses:  The symbol of a yellow rose represents friendship, joy and caring. These beautiful sun-colored roses can also convey warmth, delight, gladness, and affection, as well as say good luck, welcome back, and remember me. 
Chapter 2- Yellow Roses
“Sai….” He grinned to himself knowing that voice, she wanted something.  He looked at Ino amused as she flopped onto his bed.
“Do my art homework work for me, it’s hard and it keeps coming out looking terrible.”  He smiled at her attempt to draw a fruit bowl.
“You’re right it does look terrible.”
She pouted snatching the paper away. “Hey be nice!”
“I’m always nice to you. Come here, I’m not going to do it for you but I’ll help.”  Her eyes brightened in the way that he loved as she placed herself in his lap. She’d always been affectionate towards him that even now this wasn’t out of the ordinary. Other than the fact that his poor heart was going to beat out of his chest. 
Taking a fresh sheet of paper and a pencil he placed his warm hand over hers to draw quick simple strokes.
“What are you going to do without me?” 
“As if you’d ever leave me!” She replied with a laugh. 
“I told you when we were five-“
“Yes, I know. I’m yours and you’re mine.”  He cut her off repeating their well-known agreement. Her eyes sparkled at the words. 
“Exactly.” She replied leaning back to rest her head against his shoulder. 
“Come on no sleeping let’s finish this.”
“Oh, Sai let’s not pretend that you’re not doing all the work.”  She smiled amused while he shook his head and nodded. His Ino was able to convince him to do anything. 
“You’re annoying.”
“I love you too.”
 End Flashback
 “It’s not that funny”. They all paused before they continued to laugh.
“Girls! Help me.” Ino begged frustrated. She’d gone to Shikamaru and Temari’s place hoping for some advice or comfort. Chouji and Karui had come along as well because since they’d been kids everything they did was as a group.  Instead of any kind of sympathy, they found her situation hilarious. 
Temari took a deep breath trying to focus. “Fine, what’s the problem exactly?  You were friends and now he’s your teacher, it's not a big deal.”
“Except for her massive crush on him.”
She glared in Shikamaru’s direction. “Shut up! I don’t have a crush on him.” 
“Please you’re a sucker for those sad puppy dog eyes. You have been since we were kids. You still like him.”  Shikamaru replied in that same know it all drawl that she hated so much. 
She wanted to tell him to fuck off and that he was wrong but it wasn’t worth it. He’d known her for too long and about her embarrassing life long crush. 
“Why did you wait so long to take art? I told you, you should have taken it when we were freshmen.” 
“I had my reasons!”  She yelled causing Chouji to scatter the bag of chips. 
“It’s pretty hot if you ask me.  Schoolgirl, hot older teacher.” Karui shrugged. These were the exact thoughts she was trying to avoid. 
“Okay keep your fantasies to yourself please. This isn’t that at all, and he’s our age.  Besides, he's too good and pure to even see me as anything more than the little girl that would follow him around all the time.” Unrequited love was a bitch.  He still hadn’t contacted her and it had been days. He was avoiding her. 
Shikamaru sighed. Did she seriously not realize how much Sai adored her. They were both so clueless and yet they judged his love life. “Look the way I see it crush or not you need this class and he’s a good teacher. Get through the semester then figure out whatever the hell the rest of this is.  Don’t complicate it more than it already is.” 
Ino just sighed but nodded. As much as she may still have feelings for him and how devastatingly handsome he’d become she couldn’t do anything. She’d never want to put his career in jeopardy. She always supported him that’s just what she did but her heart wanted so much more. How was she expected to just be in class with him all semester and act as if everything was fine?  And pretend that he wasn’t a ‘hot older teacher’ as Karui described and as she’d heard a lot of her classmates say. Damn it! He was hers first! 
Unbeknownst to her, Sai was also seeking advice from his childhood friends. 
“You can’t avoid her forever.” 
“I’m not going to avoid her, she’s my student and I will treat her as such.” The individuals in the room just stared back unconvinced. 
“Are you really okay with that?”  They were all friends but he had an obvious soft spot for the blonde. 
“I have to be.” 
Sakura chewed on her bottom lip annoyed. If they would just talk to each other they could move on from this mutual pining bull shit. 
“Sai, we’re happy you’re back but you need to talk to her otherwise you’ll both be miserable. Just a conversation, she deserves at least that.”   Sai was surprised at the blonde’s insight. They’d all grown up while he was touring the world. When they were younger they’d been his safety net, they gave him a sense of home and belonging. He kept up with them as best he could while he was gone but they still grew distant. Still, though being together like this as a group, it was like nothing had changed. 
He wasn’t avoiding Ino per se he just honestly didn’t know what to do. He struggled most of his life with his emotions and now being here they were even more out of control. He was thankful that his friends were willing to help him but their advice was obvious and rational. He wasn’t looking for that. He knew he needed to talk to her and probably more than once but what do you say to the woman that you loved and haven’t seen in years?
Instead of addressing it he took the cowards way out and didn’t see her till class the following week. She was there on time towards the back. She smiled while she sent him a small wave and he just nodded before turning away. He felt his cheeks flush, she always did look incredible in purple even more so now. She still loved those damn shirts that showed off curves and skin. 
The content for the day was easy enough as he began to assess all their initial skills and knowledge. It was as expected that most everyone was there as a requirement but some students showed potential. And Ino, well she tried. When they were younger she’d complain about how he had taken all the artistic skills that none was left for her. What she lacked in technique though she made up in effort and her ability to arrange colors in aesthetically appealing ways. This was from her experience working in her family’s flower shop. She had an eye for beauty. 
He smiled at her work and left an encouraging note in the corner. He’d managed to keep his normal persona never lingering or staring at her more than usual, but his body was hyper attuned to the fact that she was there. She had a habit of playing with her hair and he had to physically stop from doing it himself. 
 “Come in.” He responded to the knock at his office door. He had office hours available so he was waiting for any students that may need some help. 
Roses, he looked up as she sat in the chair across from his desk trying not to stare as she crossed her legs. 
“We need to talk.”
He nodded solemnly.  “I know.”
“How long have you been back for?”
“Start of Spring?”
Her eyes widened hurt that he hadn’t tried to contact her earlier. “Why didn’t you let me know?”
“I...I don’t know..” 
“So where do we go from here?” 
“You’re my student. I will help you pass this class and we move on.”  He replied simply. 
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say to me?”  Her voice was starting to rise the way that it always did when she was upset. 
“What more do you want from me?”
“Is it so wrong for me to want some answers from the person that was my best friend, that left for years only to see him again as my teacher.  We made promises to each other when we were younger. Does that mean nothing to you? What the hell Sai!?” She stood up slamming her hands on his desk. 
He stood up calmly meeting her intense gaze. “We’re not going to have this conversation here.”
She threw her hands up in frustration. “Oh, you’re right. Nothing is more important than this job, even me. Fine, I’m sorry Professor I’ll be leaving now.” 
“Ino, please.”
“No, I get it. Just ignore me, forget whatever the hell we had. I’ll be the perfect student and leave you alone.”  He winced after the door slammed behind her. 
This wasn’t how he wanted the conversation to go, she didn’t deserve that from him.  Regardless of who they were now, she had always been there for him and she needed more than what he’d given her.  He’d lost her once, he didn’t know if he could lose her again. 
 Ino walked through the campus in disbelief at how he had treated her. She understood not wanting to cross professional lines but it wasn’t like she tried to seduce him into giving her a passing grade. She just wanted to talk. Why was he acting like this? 
She looked down at her phone seeing a notification for a text from an unknown number. 
‘I’m sorry.’ 
She wanted to ignore it, knowing that if she did it would really solidify that they were no longer anything to each other. But, she didn’t want that, she wanted him still. If it had to be like this it would be enough for now. 
‘Let’s really talk tonight, our old coffee shop.’
‘I’ll be there.’ 
Ino stared up at the sky hating that her heart lightened a little knowing that she was going to see him. 
They were right, she was always weak when it came to him. 
Today was a tough day for me and alot of people.  Writing is a great escape. If this helped you disconnect for just a little I'm thankful.  Hug everyone you love a little tighter tonight.  If no one has told you today I love you and I'm happy that you're here.
*Till the next one
Chapter 1: Roses
Chapter 2: Yellow Roses 
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