#homestuck fic rec
charmikarma · 4 months
charmikarma's homestuck fanwork rec list
will be updated as i work my way through more things i like :) check under da cut
notes: parentheses indicate the focus(es) of each work, and works with explicit content are marked [E]. gen means there's no specific ship or character focus.
Canon Compliant or Canon-Adjacent Works
Karkat Goes To A Convention, Act 1 by Cole (gen)
i have two pitches for kgtac. here they are:
if you ever find yourself missing homestuck in the old days before postcanon, or even just the old days of homestuck fandom, you should read karkat goes to a convention immediately.
this is the most homestuck thing i have read since homestuck.
act 1 of kgtac is completed, and is the main draw here. act 2 is currently ongoing and is pretty much completely unrelated to act 1. i think it's alright. but act 1 is absolutely a must-read.
Detective Pony by sonnetstuck (dirk)
do i even need to explain this one? it's detective pony. it's a great character study of dirk. i'm sure you've all heard of it. if you haven't read it, go do that now. please.
Jade Route by SPICYYETI (jade)
jade route is a post-epilogues comic following meat!jade who is trapped in a body controlled by calliope. it's a take on the "ending" that the epilogues don't offer. i think it's pretty clever - it does a great job of using the medium. also, it's about jade :) may or may not have had an impact of some size on how i personally read jade.
AU Fics
Crossfire by HappiKatt (gen; dave)
ok, this series only contains one fic (for now). it's called "the calm is terrifying when the storm is all you've known." ok i literally could not put this fic down. it has the best hook i've ever seen. a proper fucking novel. and some of the best character writing i have EVER seen for the whole strilonde family. augh it's so good. and the art is really good too (YES IT'S ILLUSTRATED).
The Eurydice Suite by callmearcturus [E] (gen; davekat)
inception au. some of the coolest action and plot stuff with an ensemble cast i've ever read followed by the best davekat fic i've ever read. really cool stuff.
Catacombs by oxfordRoulette [E] (jadekat; dirkjohn)
another series. it's a d&d-like au. very tongue in cheek about this fact at times. the real draw here is the third fic in the series, Vanitas Vanitatum, which has stellar dirk and john writing. you could read it on its own, but the first two fics are also QUITE good, are about jadekat, and the second one sets up vanitas beautifully, so... you should read all three??? :3c
Homestuck Made This World by Ranged Touch (analysis)
hsmtw is a readthrough/analysis podcast whose goal is not to analyze homestuck on its own terms, but to challenge it and put it back into its historical context. it's not the easiest to listen to as a homestuck fan - the hosts are very critical at times, and i don't always agree with their opinions on things that happen in homestuck - but i think the analysis about what homestuck does, tries to do, and is responding to is very important, especially for people who weren't there for homestuck's original run. which... includes me! i read homestuck in 2014. i missed most of the most important homestuck historical moments. in any case, hsmtw changed the way i look at homestuck and other media. highly recommend, at the very least for understanding homestuck's historical context
Sugoi Quest for Kokoro by death420 (gen)
well well well well well well. well. 🤔 well. if it isn't ratchet and fuckin CLANK
DORITOS & FRITOS by bb-panzu (davejade)
good video. has davejade. i'm not an artist or anything but i think there's some kind of artistic genius happening here. it scratches my brain just right.
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not-an-anagram · 5 months
Homestuck Fic Recs
Because some of these do not have nearly the amount of attention I think they deserve, and also because I am constantly looking for other people’s list of fic recs so I thought I’d make my own. Some of these are series, so you have been warned.
All fics are on AO3, idk if they’re available anywhere else. With some of these updating is a bit up in the air, I will just put hiatus if it hasn’t been updated sooner than 2021, even if the hiatus is not official.
“” Description
() My personal opinions
Recently Updated:
Reallocated by BreezefulSkies in progress
“Hal finds himself stranded aboard a certain meteor, impact-bound for Houston, Texas circa 1995. And everything spirals out from there.Because sometimes, when a system seems to be just short of defunct, all that is required is to take a step back and reevaluate the materials at hand and redistribute your available resources. And so, with birth comes a countdown on a cycle that begins as it ends: In the red.”
(I didn’t know whether to put this in the Recently Updated section or the Self Insert section. Not technically a self insert but more of a sort-of time travel. Very engaging and I honestly love the exploration of characters we know less about like Rose’s Mom. 10/10 would recommend, I get so excited every time I see it’s updated)
Ship Centric:
Love Letters in Digital Ink by tactfulGnostalgic complete
“In which Rose Lalonde runs a highly successful occult blog, wherein she talks about life, friendship, family, summoning the dark forces to do your bidding, romance, and other Typical Teenage Things.And in which Kanaya Maryam moves into the house next door, runs a mildly popular photojournaling fashion/cosplay blog, and, unbeknownst to Rose, is one of her most avid readers.And in which a summer courtship is performed through a series of message-board shenanigans, misunderstandings, daydreaming, awkward romantic overtures, indirect love letters, and one (1) séance.”
The Worst Goddamn Movies Ever Fucking Made by writerbot complete
“"Why is this shitfuck pan-rotting pile of artifact-ridden, glitchy, nonsensical sewage that can barely pass itself off as a movie somehow a thoughtful criticism on the global rise of authoritarianism and well-put commentary on how young working class males are forced into the military? What the actual fuck? Why do none of the other reviews mention this?"--Aka famous movie director "D Strider" pays Karkat to review his shitty movies, and Karkat grows increasingly alarmed that they actually mean something under all of the mind-numbing bullshit. Meeting Strider, the biggest douchebag in the world, does not help. Also he keeps meeting this annoyingly smart human kid and his awkward/obnoxious but very hot guardian. These two things are entirely unrelated.”
(Recently finished! One of my absolute favorites due to the fact that it really explores alternate world building and includes the Strider/Lalonde family pretty heavily, which I really appreciate as a fan of their characters. Also not too ooc, although the situations are definitely very different from cannon. Honestly I would love to read a prequel that explains more of the cast’s stories but it’s very good even without one.)
Matter of Choices and Opinions by 09Pyros_09Hydros hiatus
“Eridan Ampora is not the most well-liked troll out of the twelve, his attitude, choices, and personality in the series weren't very favorable but I found him alright and a lot of other fans did as well. March Eridan was also popular for the character of course.
How I got into his body after his first pupation molt is something I will probably never know, but living the life of Eridan Ampora is not all fine and dandy despite his high caste blood. Troll society and culture is very different compared to my old human one, I can't really remember it and my own old life so I guess I really am Eridan Ampora now huh?
If I was going to live as Eridan then I was going to live it my way, so say goodbye to Canon Eridan attitude and hello new world of choices and opinions! For one thing for sure, I wasn't going to fuss over the romances and do my own thing. Canon timeline be damned! Canon timeline be damned indeed... If only it were that easy...
But who knew the change of attitude of one character like Eridan could change so much? And yet, change so little? And apparently... He wasn't the only Ampora to change...”
(OML this is one of the best Homestuck SI fics I have ever read. Shoutout to this author because this (and their other Homestuck SI stuff) is amazing. I was absolutely hooked despite the rare premise and I am still sad it hasn’t updated since 2020. Absolutely stunning formatting and great art.)
Actions and Hope, Blast It All by 09Pyros_09Hydros hiatus
“It was suppose to be a normal day for Jane Crocker, work on the new laws, make sure the troll population was under control, deal with the stupid clown that was obsessed with her and then come home to a loving husband and their first born child. It was supposed to be that way anyway. What she actually came back to was a new husband that was destroying her home and her drones, demanding for a divorce and fiercely protective over their child.Waking up in Jake English's body after reviving from some death was bad, especially when it turned out to be drunken suicide. Waking up in Jake English's body during the Epilogue was even worse. Now he had a kid to take care of, a megalomaniac, fascist and tyrantess wife who's cheating on him with a deranged clown fuck, an existential crisis in realizing he was actually a part of the original Jake English and two brain ghosts who are just as confused on his situation as he was. But one thing was clear; He was taking Tavros and getting the hell away from Jane. Jane, Gamzee, the whole fucking Epilogue can kiss his ass, Dirk Ultimate was coming and he was NOT going to be involved with this horse shit. Of course in the end, he had to be involved anyway.”
(Again, absolutely stunning fic. This author is amazing at these stories, and despite only having three chapters so far, I cannot recommend this fic more. Please, it is worth the fact that we may never read the ending if only because it is so good and I am so happy to have read it. Seriously check this fic out.)
(Very good by my standards, wish there were more updates.)
Probably We’ll All Survive by CurliecueCal
““If he pokes me again I am going to snap his chopstick in half and put it down the garbage disposal.” -- In which Dave's house has been taken over by Strider-splinters and he's pretty okay with that.”
(I love stories about the striders and this one-shot was really sweet and hit me right in the feels. Love strider content+this author is one of my favorites.)
This Human Practice of Couchsurfing by recourse (liquidCitrus)
“Dave Strider double-checks the address written on the scrap of paper in his hand. This is probably the right house. Probably. "I've been talking with him over the Internet. He said that he'd be quite willing to show a dude around 'New New Home'? And talk about monster society? And offer me... spaghetti...?"In which Dave Strider is invited to visit the monsters' recently established surfaceside village by Papyrus, Undyne gets a pair of sunglasses, and Frisk pays a midnight visit.Rated T for swearing. Well, Dave swearing, anyway.”
(Cute little Undertale Crossover, not much to say other than that, good read.)
surf where white bones twist by oriflamme
“When Roxy kills the Condesce and inherits the Empire, she also inherits her monsters.”
(Loved this AU, so sad it’s just a One-Shot, 100% recommend check it out.)
Other Recs:
Stabdads by lucky_spike hiatus
(This is basically a Stabdads AU centered around Karkat and Spades Slick. I, personally, love this AU because I adore the found family trope and I also love the Midnight Crew’s characterization in this. There is definitely not enough stabdad content out there but this series sure does deliver. Series doesn’t need to be read in order, but it is great for binging. Not complete and hasn’t updated since 2012 but that is not a reason to avoid it.)
So It Goes by TGP complete
“They managed to win the game somehow. He's not really sure of the details, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. He's stuck in an unfamiliar body with a thirteen year old little brother who's terrified of him. Somehow, he is sure this is his fault.”
(This fic is so good!!!! Classic case of an oldie but a goodie. Post-Canon AU where the Alpha kids get transported into the bodies of their counterparts in the Beta universe and shenanigans follow. Lots of angst in the beginning but I absolutely loved everyone’s characterization in this, please check this fic out. It is part of a series and I definitely recommend the sequels, which really helped bring the story to a good place. I love this fic and the sequels so much I keep finding myself going back to them, 100% my kind of comedy.)
Midnight’s Son by Java_bean complete
“Dave Strider's father, a prominent detective, is tasked with infiltrating the Midnight Crew. Dave, worried about his father's safety, decides to do a little undercover work of his own and tries to befriend the boss's son, Karkat Vantas.”
(Back at it again with the Stabdad AUs! Found it when looking for Stabdad content, fell in love with the DaveKat dynamic. Very nice to read, especially loved the Karkat characterization. Highly recommend)
The Longest Surviving Intern at Nightfall Community Radio by ElektricAngel complete
“A boy with red eyes and white hair walked into town today. He was carrying a long, sharp sword, which, according to some reports, was dripping with fresh blood. He wore a pair of dark glasses over his eyes.
So how do I know his eyes are red? Well, listeners, because he’s in the studio right now, staring at me.
He wants to know if I have a DJ position available.
This being a talk show with absolutely no music of any kind, I'm afraid I do not have such a position. However...an internship has just opened up.”
(I’m not a huge Nightvale fan but this crossover was still a very fun read. 10/10 would recommend.)
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socksghost · 8 months
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Inspired by chapter four of Until you have a reason to by @ooppo ! :3
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beescake · 5 months
have u read
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Thoroughbred - egomaniac - Homestuck [Archive of Our Own]
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literally my #1 fave most beloved dvkt fic heheh thanks for the opening! ive been itching for the chance to recc it (even dvkt antis 🫵 ur gonna like this one kisskiss give it a chance)
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weaselishmcdiesel · 8 months
katnep katnep katnep katnep katnep katnep
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How sad, how lovely How short, how sweet To see the sunset at the end of the street
How Sad, How Lovely - Connie Converse
some katnep angst for you :)?
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chthonicarcher · 4 months
personally one of my favorite dynamics is davekat + sollux. they arent dating. there is no moiraillagence really happening between them. just two dudes in love and their strange hacker friend that keeps putting bees everywhere and mocking them
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interesting! I tend to think of Sollux as just Karkat’s friend, tbh, I don’t know how much Dave would really like him lol. you describing him that way reminds me a little bit of the way he is in one of my favorite EVER davekat fics, Flight Recorder From Viking 7 — his role in it isn’t huge or anything, and it’s mostly toward the end, but it is pretty memorable, imo :)
I’d like to do some proper illustrations in tribute to this fic someday, it’s soooo good everybody go read it <3
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very silly drawing of a scene from the most recent chapter of Fuckboi Dream Was Forced To Experience The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Alive And All He Got Was This Stupid Husband (by Fall Out Boy) by @dancinbutterfly
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disguisedcheezed · 1 year
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made a funny because i am haven the artblock and remembered that there is literally a fic like this.
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alienbabydraws · 9 months
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A commission I did for a friend of a friend's birthday!
Some cute solkat based on this delightful fic.
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derseprinceoftbd · 4 months
Looking for complete Homestuck longfics centering around JohnKat, DaveKat, JohnDave, or RoseMary, which feature scenes in which the POV character comes to terms with the possibly sudden realization that they are gay, ie; Promstuck.
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zeephyart · 10 months
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I miss them so much :((
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meggie-moo · 9 months
Why this thought still occupies my mind, what other hs fanfictions you'd recommend? You proved to have a very good taste
OKAY IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, but i wanted to make sure it was good!! :D and i had my thoughts sorted lol!! i would definitely recommend looking through the tws of each fic as well! :) but here it is >:)
(i mainly read for rosemary and davekat, but i throw in some other fun ones as well 🕺 i’m also new to homestuck, so i haven’t read that many yet. so most of these are the incredibly popular ones. which are very much popular for a reason!)
How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure by Wertiyurae (finished)
synopsis: h retelling of the romcom, “how to lose a guy in ten days” karkat has to write an article about how to lose a guy in ten days, and dave has a bet that he can find a guy to take to his sisters wedding. very silly :)
thoughts: there’s so many moments where i was cringing SO HARD. but it’s such a fun time, especially if you like cheesy romcom retellings. like karkat trying desperately to lose dave is so funny 😭 (you will see later that i am a big fan of cheesy romcom stories, so i’m sorry LOL).
Nothingbound by bluberi (unfinished)
synopsis: a retelling of the romcom, “you’ve got mail” karkat is a local bookstore owner, and dave’s brother is a chain bookstore owner, and is moving in across the street. the only solace karkat seems to find is in his online friend, who is actually his enemy all along. angst ensues, drama, enemies to lovers, slowburn etc etc. :D
thoughts: speaking of romcom retellings… this one is unfinished, but the chapters there are so much fun. i adore the art that goes along with it. and just how silly, and angsty it can be. the dave and karkat are SPOT ON. and same with all the other characters. i especially enjoy rosemary, and the ones who work at karkats book store :)
Doc Scratch's School for Supernaturally Gifted Adolescents by medical (finished)
synopsis: humanstuck superhero au. dave and his friends get a mysterious letter to attend a supernatural school.
thoughts: literally in my top three favorite homestuck fics of all time. this is so much more than just a davekat fic, like it’s a *whole* story. there’s also incredibly prominent rosemary, like they are not just shoved to the back. again it’s so thought out, and incredibly tropey. and all the characters are handled so well. it’s so incredibly fanfiction, but in the way where you can’t stop reading it. it’s popular for a reason, and very much deserves that popularity. i’m currently making my friend buddy read this with me <3
A Discussion On The Meteor (finished) (mspfa)
synopsis: short mspa story discussing karkats sexuality. i wanted to throw in a visual one for fun :)
thoughts: very sweet!!
Giving a Sweet Wretched Flying Fuck by strawberrystardust (oneshot)
synopsis: dave and karkat mix some sick beats on the meteor 🕺
thoughts: SO SO CUTE. i will recommend you try literally any fic by strawberrystardust, they are all incredibly, and they are such an amazing writer. please look into the tws for their other fics, but i literally cannot recommend them enough :)
YEAHHH, new couple time 🕺
Love Letters in Digital Ink by tactfulGnostalgic (finished)
synopsis: rose owns a popular occult blog, kanaya is a fan. kanayas family moves in next store, and rose posts about her.
TOP THREE HOMESTUCK FICS AGAIN. this one is SO SILLY, it captures everything about rosemary perfectly. the cringe fail of it all, the rose thinking she’s a therapist but instead just over sharing her family’s issues online. it’s so funny, and well written. and i say this as someone who HATES first person pov in fics. it is done incredibly well. like, this author manages to pull it all off. rose’s blog post are so funny, and it will have you smiling like a fool the whole time. this and doc scratch school, and house of dirk are definitely like fics id want you to read the most out of this list!! :)
Kiss Her You Fool by Paech (oneshot)
synopsis: rose tries to get kanaya to kiss her
thoughts: incredibly cute, i love them so so much. rose lalonde will forever be a mess, and i love that for her <3
courses of action, best and otherwise by MisPronounce_and_MisAccent (oneshot)
synopsis: rose is convinced she’s in a war with dave, of which one is “gayer” to win she fakes dates kanaya.
thoughts: ajdhajhshej, this one is so 😭😭 like vrisrezi is also there and they are all failing, they are all a mess. the synopsis makes it sound more serious, but they are in meteorstuck, and it’s just very very funny LOL
this is for fics/other fanworks, that are either 1. a couple i haven’t read enough for them to have their own category, 2. stories focused around non-romance!!
if you’re looking into getting into some mspfas, i’d recommend these :) (though i haven’t finished them myself lol!!)
Act 8 (unfinished i’m pretty sure) (mspfa)
synopsis: basically a, “what if” different ending to homestuck. what if, instead of winning, they let their alpha selves win, and they had to stay in paradox space for the time loop? etc
thoughts: i have not finished it, but it’s honestly so well put together. it really gets you feeling bad for characters, like gamzee?? poor little guy etc. the art is amazing, and it really does just feel like a continuation of homestuck!!!
Karkat Goes to a Convention (unfinished?) (mspfa)
synopsis: just like the title says, LOL.
thoughts: i’m not sure if this story is really my jam, that being said, it’s put together WONDERFULLY. like it’s incredibly popular for a reason. you can tell so much work went into it, and just a really big love for homestuck and it’s community. while also being really creative :) (i also haven’t finished this one either, so maybe my thoughts could change!)
House of Dirk by imarriedacherub (unfinished) (visual!)
synopsis: sitcom of dirk and caliborns life as a married couple. and their son/son in law is coming over for dinner. shenanigans ensue
thoughts: OKAY, so i know this is the fic that prompted the ask, lol! which means i’ve already recommended it. but i decided to add it so i could post my thoughts! :D i did not have any feelings towards dirkuu when i first read this, but now whenever i see anything dirkuu i’m like, “omg…the sitcom couple…” ITS JUST SUCH A GOOD FIC. i keep overusing the word incredible in this post, but i will use it again. because this fic really is just *that good*. i made my friend voice act it out with me on call once, and it was very fun LOL. this is my final top 3 in my top three homestuck fics 🕺 again really popular, but popular for a reason. just so much thought went into it, and the execution was perfect.
Trying Something New by strawberrystardust (oneshot) (jaderezi)
synopsis: terezi and jade go on a picnic date! :)
thoughts: have i ever thought about shipping terezi, and jade before? admittedly, no. is this fic absolutely adorable?? yes, very much so!!! literally they both deserve the world, and it’s so cute to seem them interact with each other. again just a very very sweet fic :)
homestuck v2 (mspfa) (ongoing!)
synopsis: different new generation kids!! davekat fanchild comes in and messes up timelines.
thoughts: the art is so good!! i’m really looking forward to where the story goes, and i love the designs. davekat having a child named, “mary-su” is hilarious as it is genius. also babe coelho seems so beloved!!!
i’m sorry this was so long!!! and maybe a tad bit ramble-ly, lol!!! but i hope you enjoy these, because imo they are all very good and fun (i mean i did recommend them, it would be funny if i didn’t think that LOL), like people are so talented and skilled. it’s honestly amazing. everyone who makes fanworks are truly outstanding :) thank you so much for the ask, and again i’m sorry it took so long to answer, but i wanted to be thorough >:)
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witness-man · 4 months
My davekat fic recs from ao3!!
Rating: T
Chapters: 25/25
Words: 99,927
-Summary -
"Karkat Vantas is your everyday work-from-home twenty-something. As a phone support agent, he makes money by placating entitled weirdos. It's a long, boring, and terrible job for someone with a history of anger issues, and it's about to be made even worse by some insufferable dumbass wannabe parkour stuntman crashing through his prized parsley. Because of course that happens. Of course the universe decides that it is National Shit on Karkat Day, as it is every other day of the year."
Rating: T
Chapters: 10/10
Words: 23,724
Fantasy AU
"Karkat is just having an awful birthday. It's raining, cold, and he has finals tomorrow. Literally the only thing that could make it worse would be if some witch from six hundred years ago decided to come cast a curse on him that would make him into some ugly horned monster until he could find true love. If true love is even a thing."
Rating: T
Chapters: 27/27
Words: 143,891
Werewolf AU
"Dave's not liking being relocated across the county to a new school under a new name that isn't his, hiding from his past.
Meeting Karkat helps, even if it might get him killed."
Rating: T
Chapters: 26/26
Words: 117,845
Alpha timeline
"Aka famous movie director "D Strider" pays Karkat to review his shitty movies, and Karkat grows increasingly alarmed that they actually mean something under all of the mind-numbing bullshit. Meeting Strider, the biggest douchebag in the world, does not help. Also he keeps meeting this annoyingly smart human kid and his awkward/obnoxious but very hot guardian. These two things are entirely unrelated."
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 5,491
Human/Troll society
"Dave Strider has never exactly been lucky, but today must be the worst one yet. First, his car dies on the side of some random mountain road. To add insult to injury, after he exited the vehicle, it was promptly smashed by a semi truck. Now, he's lost. He's lost in the middle of fucking nowhere, and he has no idea what to do."
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cryptar · 2 years
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The Vienna Game
Pale Solrezi, Rose n Dave are AIs, the world building absolutely FUCKS.
Caffeine High
Red Dirktav and Pale SolTav, a coffee shop au, IN SPACE.
General Vantas Gets Hitched
JohnKat, Fantasy arranged marriage au with political intrigue.
Your Cold Bare Hands, They Hold Too Tight
DirkJohn, Crockercorp Striders and lots of homoerotic fighting, Alpha Dave is. Hot.
Something Involving Arson
DirkJohn, One if my favourite fics, makes you laugh but has an underlying mystery that makes you wish it wasn't a oneshot, in a good way.
The Finer Details Of Gay Cluckbeast
DaveJohn, they get married, as bros, of course.
How To Stop Time
Davesprite, Jade and John on their three year journey, featuring minor jadedavesprite, aroace john, and lots of emotions.
Hot Disaster Dumbass Factory
Pale Soldave, University AU, Eventual Heavy Angst, It's a shitshow.
Dire Straights
DirkJohn, Earth C, John is so deep in the closet it hurts.
JadeKat, DirkJohn, Fantasy + Political AU, Three long fics that are all incredible.
Multiple Fics, messy coming outs and themes of self discovery, June Centric, Junerezi, June is powerful and finally herself and that scares people, So much angst omfg.
Dayvhe's Broken Diamond Club
Trollstuck, Slowburn Pale Soldave and other quadrent and non-quadrent bullshit.
Knight Of Spades
Doomed Timelines, Pan-Quadrent Davekat and Polyamorous Meteor Crew, not even fucking around this fic changed something in me.
So What’s The Return Policy For Emotional Damages?
Non-Sburb, RoseMary, First Meeting with snarky broads and shittier flirting.
Ruby Red
Short n sweet RoseMary, seriously, my teeth are rotting over here.
There will be Singing about the Dark Times
Non-Sburb Davekat, Alternia is horrible, Revolution Based.
meeting people the old fashioned way
Crackfic, University AU, Davekat, first meeting. Enough said.
So we dont kill the ones we love
Non-Sburb, Davekat, VERY EXPLICIT SO HEED TAGS, Troll/Human Society, Criminals, God I love fictional politics.
Cozy as fuck in here
DaveJohnKat, Crackfic, John catches Dave and Karkat making out in a closet, literally and figuratively.
Special Delivery
DirkJake, Non-Sburb, Dirk is a pizza guy and Jake is a rich kid with ISSUES.
You Can't Break That Which Isn't Yours
Transgirl Rose Fic, Very Gender, Much Introspection.
But I cannot lose a friend and a lover
Pesterlog, Earth C, Post-Divorce June and Roxy being mates, Junes trans but doesn't know it yet.
Pale Johnvris, Adoption Fic, Petstuck, Sad Ending, Thinking about this one actually made me tear up.
In Which Dave Strider Gets a Roommate (and a Little Bit More)
SolDave, University AU, there is nothing more homoerotic then having a roommate.
Alternate Universe
Magical AU, University AU, Amnesia, SolDaveKat, can't say much without spoilers, but TRUST ME OKAY.
Space Bro
SolKat, Post-Sburb, Reincarnation? I guess?
Lost Teeth Like White Jewels
Hemostuck AU, Pirates, Erikar, Karezi and even more parings, seriously, what more could you need.
mary, mary, quite contra- is that a fucking wasp
University AU, Minor Rosemary, Crackfic, Wasps, Karkat and Kanaya being bros.
A Joker's Not Even A Real Playing Card Anyway
Crackfic, Crossover, Spades Slick ends up in Gotham, hilarity ensues.
DirkJake, Angst, Psychological Horror, Oh god someone give Jake a fucking hug PLEASE GUYS.
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w0rm-3nthus14st · 28 days
dude i need everyone to stop whatever the fuck they’re doing and read this fic
SERIOUSLY i have to recommend and spread this around, it’s genuinely incredible
do you want a good t4t davekat college au fic that doubles as an insanely well-written window into both childhood and post-fantasy protagonist trauma??? Read This Please
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animoogus · 9 months
Hey, anyone got any Karkat-centric fics to rec? Preferably something more or less canon compliant?
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