#hope you all have a great day
ghostandsoap · 7 months
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absentia-if · 2 years
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Hey Everyone! I just wanted to come on here to say that my hiatus from Absentia is somewhat over— I won’t be super active on this blog as I’m still working on some things in my personal life, but I want you all to know that if you’d like to send in an ask you’re more than welcome to do so! I hope to get more active as November goes along and things finally settle within my personal life.
Thank you all for being so patient with me and for supporting Absentia and, by extension, me. Chapter Two is coming along nicely and I can’t wait for the public release already.
I hope you all have been well! 💞💞💞
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ryusxnka · 1 year
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You will all acknowledge my boy!!
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denniisa · 8 months
good morning little gay people in my phone <3 say it back
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sugajimin · 9 months
last day😞🌊
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simmyfrobby · 11 months
hi so i'll be logged off for most of the day but for my birthday please recommend me your favourite fic/book/poem. ive got an entire weekend of being hungover in bed ahead of me and i probably will get around to reading all of them.
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robin-3 · 5 months
So I got commissioned for the first time to do a painting at the start of the new year which is... now, wo I spent yesterday and today sketching and painting, I've spent about 1hr and 40m on it and I'll to a bit more detailing tomorrow and finish with adding inks! Super excited to post my final product and I hope you all like it. (BTW I'm in my early teenage years and I got commissioned so you can all imagine the excitement I experienced as a young artist).
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midnight-stormm · 7 months
Good morning to everyone!
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Hello there! Hope your having a good day. May I request Sayaka,Miu and kyoko with a fem reader that works in a haunted house where they basically scare people and maybe they try to go to see if they get scared or the character goes to work there for a day to see how it is
{+ Miu and Kyoko with a fem!s/o who works in a haunted house +}
Summary: Miu and kyoko ( Separately ) go to their s/o's haunted house
Warnings: Swearing, Please tell me if i missed anything. A/N: Of course! I couldn't think of anything for Sayaka my dearest apologies! ===========================
[= Miu =] - When you asked her to come by to the haunted house she acted like it was for children and it " Wouldn't scare her " - Turns out it did scare her, she was cussing out your entire family during the haunted house - In the end, she just told you she was " Acting " - You can believe her, or you cant. - She even punched one of your co-workers at one point When Miu walked in, she was greeted with a jumpscare from a doll that would fall from the ceiling, " AH- Oh fuck you! " She yelled out angrily continuing to walk to the next room just for you to run at her in special effects makeup and a knife " HELL NO FUCK OFF! " She said running away to the next room where your co-worker was in a clown costume. Your co-worker scared her when she walked in and she punched them straight in the nose " Hah! Serves you right fucker! " She laughed as your co-worker held their nose in pain as she went off to finish the haunted house. Screams of curses and laughs were heard as you were helping your co-worker with their nose. { Timeskip } " I wasn't even that fuckin' scared! Im Miu Iruma, i ain't no pussy! " She laughed saying it overconfidently, " Mhm sure, sure " You said kissing her cheek. "Let's head back home, My shift is over anyways! " You said holding her hand " Fine fine, " She said walking over to the car.
{+ Kyoko Kirigiri +}
Do you really think you can scare her?
She has seen murders, homicides, etc
So when you invite her to try the haunted house, she isn’t very excited so per say
She will occasionally slightly flinch or her eyes would slightly widen
Other than that nothing much “ S/O said to enter from here.. “ She said to herself staring at the door to the haunted house. She entered the haunted house having a doll fall from the ceiling right infront of her, though she slightly flinched, it was nothing she couldn’t handle, “ Hm, interesting. “ She said walking around the doll into the next room. She walked up to the door of the next room, soon realizing it was locked, she looked behind her just to see a clown with a knife, she just stared at the clown trying to open the door calmly. When she did she went into the next room where you stood with special effects makeup with a machete about to run at her “ S/O it is very clear that its you. “ She stated bluntly staring at you, you just ran at her just for her to hold you down with a hug, “ Fine fine, you can go to the next room. “ You mumbled as she let you go, “ Thank you dearest S/O. “ She said as she went to the next room. Where your co-worker dressed a prison escapee with crazy makeup stood “ That outfit isn’t very convincing. “ She said as she reached the end of the haunted house. ======================== There we go! Im glad i got a request i do really love writing all your requests! I am open to more and i do hope i didn't make any mistakes here! Thank you all for the support! - Vivi
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its-sports-anime-life · 3 months
Hiii and good morning to everyone!
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i-run-with-scissors39 · 5 months
There are a handful of creators out there, writers, artists, digital artists, etc. that I just ADORE your work! Even if it’s a piece of writing g or art I have no interest in the subject I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SEEING IT AND READ IT or whatever
And my list grows ☺️
Thank you to all my creative loves for sharing what you create! A tight, I feel that in my soul, hug to you all and some grilled cheese cut on the diagonal 🥰😘
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hana-is-here · 6 months
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Idk why but I think about this post alot
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Surprise! It’s not a TTRPG post! ... it’s just another tabletop game instead (I swear I’ll have other things at some point, but I do not control the brain)
In the midst of all the “Wizards of the Coast is the worst” fuckery (and a sentiment that is well justified might I add) I wanna talk about my favourite card game: Magic the Gathering.
I have a very long history with Magic the Gathering, I’ve been playing it since I was very young, usually by playing decks that family members and friends had put together. First set I got into was all the way back in Origins, and the store owner at the time (quick tangent to say: support your local tabletop stores) was kind enough to throw in an old battered box just filled with Tarkir cards to help me get into the game more. Sure at the end of the day they probably weren’t going to sell those cards anyway, and giving them to a newbie as a gesture of goodwill is still a business move, but it’s a kind one and one I support. 
Anyway, that nonsense preamble before the actual recipe aside: I’ve been playing for a long time, and I do genuinely love the game. As someone who absolutely fucking adores theory crafting builds in games and tweaking shit in just about every game I play, Magic is absolutely a dream for me in that regard. Combined with some absolutely gorgeous art, and you have a recipe for a game where I’m like “yup, I’m sold.” Even if I’m not building a deck that’s meta or competitive (because I’mma be honest, that ain’t my thing at all) I absolutely adore finding just one card and being like “oh, I could have some fun with this” and building up decks around a theme. 
Now I’m not 100% clueless on the issues Magic has. I’ll admit, I’m not as in touch with the community and the controversies around it as I am with D&D as of late, but I still keep an eye on things every now and then. But honestly the more recent things aren’t what’s giving me pause at the moment, but they did give me an excuse to sit down and think some things through.
I’ll preface this with one simple thing: I’m not going to stop playing MtG anytime soon. I still find the game very fun, and it’s still very important to me personally. However, I am changing how I’m engaging with it. While the recent controversies definitely don’t help their case, that’s not actually what’s making me pull the trigger. No, the reason for that can be described in two words:
Booster Packs.
I realise I’ve probably elicited one of two reactions from people. One is probably “ah yeah that checks out” and the other is probably “what the heck is wrong with booster packs?” Given how long they’ve been a staple in TCGs, and not just Magic, I would absolutely understand questioning that thought. In fact I would encourage that anyway. So, what’s my problem with booster packs then if they’re such a staple in the genre? Well, my answer is simple: they’re the original lootboxes. While the game industry was in a spot of bother about lootboxes when Blizzard popularised them (even though TF2 and CS:GO did it first) and EA villainised them, the TCG scene was doing basically the exact same thing for decades at that point. I’m not saying this to mean “oh lootboxes aren’t that bad because TCGs have had basically the same thing for decades,” if anything I’m saying the complete opposite. Lootboxes are fucking awful, they’re just straight up gambling at worst and a thinly veiled skinnerbox mechanic at best. If people are so upset at lootboxes, they should be just as upset at booster packs. But they’re not. There’s entire events based around them! 
So why am I only just now coming to this thought, at least a decade after I started playing? Well the recent WotC controversies have put a bit of a spotlight on their business practices in general, but no. What did it for me is their online platform for Magic, Magic Arena. In that game, the parallel between booster packs and lootboxes is even more cut and dry. Hell, they even do the Blizzard thing of “here, have some lootboxes every now and then for free as a reward for playing the game, keep playing to earn more!” as a skinnerbox mechanic, while also encouraging you to buy additional booster packs on top of that. Now you can do that with in game currency, but guess what? That’s more grinding, back to the skinnerbox you go! Plus it’s coupled with my most beloathed recent addition to shitty monetisation practices: a battle pass. Now don’t worry, even if you don’t get the exact cards you want from a booster pack, you can acquire individual cards of your choice... after you open a bunch of booster packs beforehand. Y’see where I’m going here? The entire game revolves around so many psychological hooks designed to get you to pay and keep playing well after you’ve stopped enjoying the game. And I did actually stop enjoying the game playing it like that. Grinding out game after game against opponents who almost entirely play whatever deck gets them the quickest win just to get their rewards (because you get literally nothing for losing). Even playing with friends became a struggle, because I’d often go “oh I have a great idea for a deck!” and then have my spirits crushed at how much I’d have to grind (or the obscene amounts of money I’d have to pay) just to even try it out to see if it works.
Booster packs absolutely suck the fun out of what should be a game that’s filled with fun things to do. I refuse to support lootboxes in games, so I have to do the same for booster packs. Luckily, it’s still entirely possible to play MtG without booster packs.
I recently discovered Tabletop Simulator works surprisingly well for MtG, and you can just import a deck you’ve made from any deck building website with little to no hassle. No need to open a bunch of boosters, no need to grind out games you don’t enjoy just to get an extra card or two to maybe finish a deck, you can just play right then and there! This has absolutely rekindled my love of the game. And besides, flipping the entire table is a lot more fun than just simply hitting concede if someone comes up with an absolutely ridiculous combo. I genuinely recommend it if you’re looking into ways to play Magic.
Though the big question to all this is: if booster packs are so awful (which they are) then what’s the solution?
Honestly... I don’t have one. Obviously companies aren’t going to just stop without someone else stepping in, but I don’t know what the best way to do that would be. I don’t know what to actually replace them with. I just know that, if they ever are replaced, they need to be replaced with something that doesn’t involve gambling; something where you can know exactly what you’re getting before you buy it. 
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egophiliac · 11 months
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(feat. Dilla)
(bugle accompaniment by Yuu)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon!
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callmemoonlight123 · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving Bestiesss!!!
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