#hopefully gonna feel a bit more like myself tomorrow
betasuppe · 6 months
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It didn't take much for me to be absolutely stupid in love with you♡~
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dullahandyke · 28 days
life is so good and awesome peace and love on planet earth
#my plans r that im probs gonna go shopping tomorrow bcos i need a few bits in town#need to try out sports bras n then also stock up on vitamins and see if they have a pill box w more than 2 daily compartments#plus itll b nice to walk around a bit after pretty much living in my apartment w only corner store trips for the past couple days#and then the day after that i need to go 2 my parents house bcos ill b out of ritalin and i left the rest there#and ill chill all weekend bcos my next essay isnt until the 20th so i can afford it#and then on monday morning i have a phone call w my psychiatrist (!!)#so ill probably be at my parents house for that#and then try and go back to my apartment. itd b nice to do it in the morning-ish but idk if anyone could drive me 2 the bus stop#so itll probs b in the evening#and then once im in my apartment again ill try get cracking on the essay!!!#i know my '1.5k essay in a day' skillz r likely more a response to deadlines than a skill i can enact at will#but like. ill try and enact it#one of the essay prompts is talking abt a local museum exhibit so i might go do that itd b nice to go to the museum#take the day go to the whole museum and take notes on the specific section and let myself think for a little bit#and then do the essay the next day#and then ill b fucking done for the whole summer!!!! yippee#well there'll be assorted miscellanea needs to get done but whatever. final assignment home free#yayyyyy yippee life so nice and fun. i needed this#gonna finish changing my bedsheets and then do my dishes and get myself some ice cream and then just chill!#ough hang on i can kinda feel myself crashing after my meal. tired again. goddammit. hopefully this is temporary#anyway erm yay yippee things looking up for eimear
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toastsnaffler · 3 days
didn't even get to do my ironing :-(
#tw self harm#i was looking forward to it.. i usually find it calming n a nice way to end a weekend#but kept having thoughts abt intentionally burning myself or hitting myself with the iron so im leaving it for another day#its fine if my clothes are a bit crumpled at work anyway. i think i have some extra stuff i ironed i didnt wear last week too#im safe btw its fine ive been using ice + gentle pressure on my skin to take the edge off (i keep my nails too short to scratch dw)#if i did have to cut it wouldnt be ideal but its a neutral act i try not to judge it. but ik its less safe + i dont want it to become#a habit again bc i already let myself do it last weekend and im still a bit frustrated abt it bc id been managing so well#and it was the first time since january. and before then i hadnt since august which is a really big deal for me!#bc last year + year before i was really struggling with reliance on it. i had months where i was doing it daily or every other day#and its hardest to stop when its habitual. once on occasion is much more manageable so lets keep it that way#one day itll be the last time i ever do it and ill be clean the rest of my life but i dont think im near that yet#it feels kind of uncomfortable to type this out but i want to stop keeping my thoughts on s/h in my head bc i get weird abt it#and the last thing i need right now is to get weird abt harming urges again. and i dont think my friends are safe to talk to abt it#so talking on here is the closest thing i have to being open abt it. im tired of it being so stigmatised#ultimately its just a coping mechanism. even if it can be unsafe but like drinking or smoking or whatever to feel better is no safer so#but still i dont want to encourage it. anyway#at least ive calmed down a bit now. and i finished some admin i was putting off earlier#and now i need to sleep bc work tomorrow. just glad the weekend is over its so much easier to cope on work days#just the structure and distraction of it innit. we'll get through this week#and im back on the more stable dose again for meds this week as well so hopefully thatll help#and i think my periods due which has probably been tipping these mood swings over into intolerable#so hopefully thatll start tomorrow or tues and the hormonal shit will recede 🙏#all good. okay im gonna meditate a little and then sleep goodnight 😴#.diaries
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 1 year
Miles Morales x Male reader
When the reader has dyslexia and has trouble with spelling certain words or just forget how to spell the most simplest words ever gets insecure about their learning disability and then falls into a depressive episode (which is just them distancing themselves from other (Miles) for weeks)
First off please let me know if i got some things wrong. I myself don’t have dyslexia, so please correct me on anything. And I hope you’re okay if you’re feeling this way. Sending love and Miles Morales your way! <33 But seriously if you need to talk I’m here, okay? I hope you enjoy!
Distence Distance
Miles Morales x Male!Reader
Summary: When it has once again been made apparent spelling isn’t your strong suit, your mind spirals out of your own control.
Warnings: Swearing
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Your brow furrowed. Is it tom—orrow? Or tom—morrow? This shouldn’t be this hard. It’s a word. A simple word. But despite your best efforts, you can’t get it. Defeated, you lean over and quietly tap your finger Miles’ arm. He knows about your dyslexia, and helps you whenever things get a little tough. He’s never made fun of you, and has never acted like he was annoyed with you asking him how to spell things. This is quite a common occurrence, but recently, nothing seems to click. It can go from constantly spelling a word wrong, to forgetting how to spell completely. Miles tells you all the time to not worry about it, but what does he know! He doesn’t ask his boyfriend how to spell tomorrow every night!
"Hm? Oh, what’s up?” He looks at you, finishing whatever word he was writing. Your finger drags over to the roadblock on your paper as you mumble a small “Is this right?” Miles takes a look at your paper for a moment before softly shaking his head. “Ah, no, there’s only one m,” your shoulders slump, “but—uh—everything else was right!” His hands wave a little bit, trying to cheer you up. His eyes dart over you, searching for a reaction. A breath escapes your lips as you quietly thank him.
A few weeks later, Miles is proofreading your science paper. He’s got a red pen, and is occasionally writing his thoughts or correcting something. That’s to be expected, essays are about trial and error so of course it’s not gonna be perfect on the first try. What you don’t expect, is to find the pages covered with spelling corrections. You can’t even keep up with how many there are on the first page. As you look through, all you can see is what you got wrong. “Replace the i with an e”, “Erosion has one r”, “Con-VEC-tion, there’s a c”, “Don’t forget the—“. You quietly stop reading and get up to grab your things. Your thoughts are cloudy, even as Miles pulls you into a warm embrace to hopefully soothe your anguish. It doesn’t help.
“I gotta go,” you push away, “see you tomorrow..” Your feet lazily carry you out of his dorm room. Miles doesn’t protest. He knows sometimes being practically slapped with how much your disability affects you, doesn’t do you well. So he lets you go, knowing he’d see you tomorrow.
He couldn’t be anymore wrong.
Well he wasn’t entirely wrong. He did see you, but you had no intention to see him. Every glance he threw your way went unnoticed. Every time he tried to speak, your headphones went in. He saw your smile wasn’t there, and your usual glow was gone. All of these things worried Miles but he didn’t know what to do. His thoughts were focused around you for the whole day, and how he could help. In the end, he decided it’d be best if he just texted you. Maybe you just didn’t want to speak in person because of yesterday.
Yeah, that’s it. He’ll text you, comfort you, come over to your dorm, and cuddle and comfort you some more. A foolproof plan! Now all that’s left is to get through today.
You don’t respond to the first text.
You don’t respond to the second text.
You don’t respond to the third text.
You don’t read any of them. And he knows your read receipts are on.
Miles is frantic now. Where could you have gone? He knows you’d tell him if you were gonna be busy, and he knows he’d catch any signs of you thinking about….No. He wouldn’t let himself think about it. Maybe you just needed some space. It’s normal for a relationship, especially one as new as this. He decided to give it a day or two.
You’d come around eventually.
You didn’t come around.
It had been two weeks and Miles still hasn’t heard from you. You were still coming to school, but you arrived before everyone else, and somehow managed to get out before everyone left. If he tried to call you, it’d cut off immediately. If he texted you, it would stay on delivered—read if he was lucky—and if he tried to get into your room, you wouldn’t open the door. Even if your roommate was there, he’d always say: “Oh, [name]? Yeah he’s not here. Sorry.” Then the door would shut. Every day Miles tried. And every day Miles failed.
He’d spend his nights racking his brain for any clue, and reason for you to go a-wall like this. It’s not like you. Whenever something’s troubling you, he’d be the first to hear about it. For the millionth time, he tries to call your phone. And for the millionth time, you pick up. Just like he thought—
Wait what.
Miles sits up and hears quiet sobs on the other end. “H-hello? [Name]? Please answer me.” After a quiet moment you speak up. “Mhm?” Your voice is weak on the other end, but nonetheless, it’s your voice. Miles jumps out of his bed, already putting on a jacket and shoes. “Are you still in the dorms? Where are you?” He opens the window, waving to Ganke who’s woken up. “Please, love.”
“The park. The one we always go to.” Your voice is hoarse and hiccups are breaking through. “Alright. I’ll be there. Wait for me, okay?” He hops out the window and swings through the streets, keeping you on the line. At this point in time, Miles is a great swinger and has almost perfected the art. But tonight, he’s going faster than he’s ever gone before. Faster than his common sense would normally let him go. Even when making an escape, he’s careful to watch his speed just in case. Not tonight though. This is you. He’d risk everything for you.
In a matter of minutes, he’s at the park already looking for you. “[Name]? I’m here,” his eyes dart in every direction, “where exactly are you?” He jogs over to a nearby tree, catching a glimpse of a light from a phone screen. You’re silent for a few more moments as you can tell he’s the cause of those footsteps coming in your direction. So you just keep scrolling on your phone. Miles catches up to you, and before a word can be said, he’s fallen to the ground and pulled you into a hug. Possibly the tightest he’s ever hugged someone. And that’s the crack that sends the dam crumbling.
You break down and sob into his shoulder, clawing the fabric at his sides. The world no longer exists and it’s just you and him. You and the person who cares about you. You and the person who came for you. Miles’ grip tightens around your shoulders as stray tears escape his own eyes. “What happened? Why were you gone for so long?” He asks.
“I was tired of being stupid,” you manage to get out, “tired of being a burden.”
“A burden?!” Miles pulls away and cups your cheeks. “Now who told you that?”
“Don’t you understand, Miles?!” You shout. “I’m probably the dumbest person on this planet!!” He starts to object but you cut him off, “And don’t give me that “Oh but it makes you, you!” Bullshit.” You stand up and begin to pace around. “You can’t possibly wanna deal with me!” Your breath quickens and tears are still falling. “Couldn’t-couldn’t possibly wanna actually spend your life dealing with some who can’t spell for shit. Who’s always asking if he spelled—fucking i don’t know—Wednesday right.” You finally stop and stand in one place, hugging yourself tight. “I fucking hate it.”
Miles makes his way to you and pulls you into another hug. He doesn’t try to convince you otherwise because this isn’t the time. It’s time for you to let it all out, and for him to listen for as long as you need him to. He’s got you back and that’s all he needed. And right now you don’t know, but you needed him just as much if not more.
You two stay in the park and talk for what feels like hours. After two weeks of radio silence you’ve got a lot to say, and best believe your boyfriend is gonna take note of all of it.
🌸~~🌸 🌸~~🌸 🌸~~🌸
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whitealiselights · 2 months
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authors note¡ hiya friends I know it's been a while since I've posted and that's on me for sure amigas. I just haven't had the motivation to post anything lately. So, I finally challenged myself to completely finish part two of Guilty for liking you and hopefully uploaded by tomorrow.
update: yeah, it wasnt finished by friday. its been two weeks.
Genre; Fem reader x Spencer Reid (Angst) (Age gap) Spencer is early 20s and reader is mid 30s
Summary; you love Spencer — but does he love you¿
There he was. Spencer Reid, filling out his paperwork and talking to another girl. He was laughing and touching her. It was unusual because Spencer has never touched nor liked touching people. But, this one was different.
You had a feeling of pity. It made you upset that he was never interested in you like that. You had no reason to feel jealous or upset in any way. You two weren't even dating.
"I'll be right back guys." You spoke as you rushed to the bathroom. "Poor girl, having to see someone she likes so much being all lovey dovey with another woman." Spoke Emily.
"Pretty boy messed up but, I don't blame him. He doesn't understand how much she likes him." Morgan Spoke out. "Yeah, you're not wrong." Agreed JJ.
"Hey friends, where is Y/N?" Asked Pen as she walked out from her bat cave. "Oh she's in the bathroom. She said she needed a minute." Rossi. "Oh no. Why? What happened? Did someone or something hurt her feelings?" Asked Pen.
"Technically someone did hurt her feelings. You see pretty boy over?" Asked Morgan. "Yeah? What about him?" Asked Pen. "She got upset because he was touching and laughing with another girl." Morgan replied. "Oh my. But that doesn't make any sense. Reid doesn't touch nor like touching other people. It's out of his comfort zone to do so." Pen said.
"yeah well, that's what we all knew." Replied Rossi. "I'm gonna go check up on her. I'll be back." Penelope spoke while walking towards the bathroom.
She walked in and found you staring at yourself in the mirror. "Hey hun, Derek told me what happened. Are you okay?" Penelope asked you. "To be honest, I don't know Pen. I mean he was laughing and touching this other woman. He doesn't like touching nor does he like touching other people." You told her while tears started to form.
"I know honey. I know." She replied and hugged you. "I mean. I don't even know why I'm crying, we're not even dating. I don't have a reason to be jealous or upset." You said. "Well, sometimes that's what happens when you love someone alot." She told you.
"I don't know what I'm gonna do Pen. I want to go home." "I know. But, you got this. Just a few more hours and you're going to be able to go home pretty girl." Pen replied to you.
You both walked out the bathroom after you fixed your makeup. “There she is! , Hey beautiful girl, how are you feeling?” Asked Morgan. “Im feeling okay. thank you.” you replied back to him.
“I’m gonna get back to work so, i’ll talk to you guys in a little bit.” You expressed. You felt so overdramatic over something or someone that wasnt thag big of a deal. you just made it seem like it is. atleast thats what it felt like.
you sighed. “okay, time to get back to work.” You started to write on your reports.
“I wonder how shes feeling.” Said Penelope. “Yeah, i mean poor girl, she saw someone she likes be all lovey dovey with someone else.” Replied Emily. “Hopefully she’ll be okay, she’s Y/N, she’s a strong woman.” Stated JJ.
“C’mon we have to get back to work.” Said Morgan. “Yeah, I guess.” They all replied in unison.
"Hey, Where is Y/N?" Reid asked Morgan. "Hey pretty boy. She's at her desk working on reports." Replied Morgan. "Why?" He asked Reid. "I just haven't seen her all day. I wanted to know where she was at." Expressed Reid.
"Alright well, I'm going to head home, it's almost midnight." Said Morgan while he started to pack his things up.
"Alright, Be safe." Reid replied as Derek waved and walked out the double doors.
Hours had passed, and it seemed like everyone had gone home. You were still working on reports that you wanted to finish before you left. "Hey Y/N, everyone's gone home, you should too." You recognized that voice, and you wished you hadn't. "Oh, Hey Reid. I'll go home soon. I still have a few reports to finish and I'm done." You replied.
"Okay, well if you need anything. Let me know." Reid exclaimed. "Okay." That's all you said before you went back to work. You really didn't feel like talking to him.
Another Hour had passed and you were finally done. "Okay, that was the last one." You sighed. You packed up your bags and cleaned up your desk before leaving.
you had finally made it home after such a long day and it was also rainy which, you were not prepared for. “Fucking hell.” You whispered to yourself. “Why does it have to rain on the worst day ever.” you whispered.
you make it into your apartment and lay on the couch. “Leon, where are you-“ There He was. Your little furball on the top of the couch. “Hey,buddy” you spoke while patting him. Leon jumped down and layed on your chest.
What time is it? It was bright outside which was weird because you dont remember it being bright outside.
you checked the time. It was 10:03 AM. “shit!” you yelled to yourself. you were late. really late. you were supposed to clock in 4 hours ago. I guess thats what you get when you leave work late.
you must’ve fallen asleep on the couch because you were still in your work clothes from yesterday morning. “Holy Fuck” you whispered. You put on your shoes and grabbed you things not even thinking about brushing or doing your makeup.
You ran into the office and were gasping. “Sorry im late.” You wheezed out. “Oh my, are you okay?” Asked Pen. “Im fine, im just tired pen.” You replied while walking to your desk. “No no no, lets get you all fixed up honey.” Pen replied while walking you to her batcave.
“We’re going to make you look like no one has ever seen you before.” “Oh, Okay!” You replied happily. you were grateful for having a friend like Penelope. She was your bestfriend.
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
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Pairing: Abby Anderson x reader
Warnings: I can't think of any, lmk if I missed one.
Summary: Abby shares the last bit of her food with you when times get tough.
*Not Proof Read*
This one isn't my fav guys.
ABC List TLOU Masterlist
" Are you sure the QZ is up here? " I ask, shivers running down my spine. I shrink into my dirt covered jacket, seeking any sort of warmth. My legs ache, a mixture of the cold and the distance. My feet more and more frozen with each step.
" It should be. " Abby shouts over the raging wind.
For a moment, I think I hear doubt in her voice. It could be the wind though. I'm not sure.
Her eyes are the only things visible on her face, everything else covered by a snow covered scarf. She covers her eyes, trying to see through the blinding white. " Fuck. " She seethes, frustration sizzling off of her tense body. She turns to face me. " I-I don't fucking know where we're going. I can't see anything. I think we need to find shelter until this storm clears up. "
Her voice is mumbled and her barely visible eyes avoid mine. Like she's embarrassed of possibly leading me wrong.
" I agree. " I nod stiffly. " I'm freezing my ass off. " I look around us, trying to see anything that could keep us safe. " Over there! " I point a blurry dark object a few feet away. " I think that might be a building. "
I grab ahold of Abby's arm, dragging her in the direction of the object. As we grow closer, the object becomes more clear. It's a wall. With Abby's arm still tightly secure in my left hand, I plant my other hand against the wall. Carefully, we follow the wall further down the street.
Finally we stumble across a faded door.
I try opening it.
Of course it's stuck. I let out frustrated groan.
" Let me get it. " Abby gently pushes me out of the way. She pulls a small tin box out of her bag. She quickly takes off her gloves before moving closer to the door. She takes out a few tiny tools, wiggling them around in the key hole. She twists the door handle and the door swings open from the force of the wind.
Abby moves to the side, letting me get inside before closing the door tightly behind her.
As soon as the door is closed, the noise dies down. I turn on my flashlight, also pulling out my knife in case something is in here.
Abby gestures at me to search the left side of the abandoned shop while she goes right.
The store is ransacked. I'm not sure how they got in here, but it's completely trashed. Clothes are spilled all over the floor along with shards of glass and mysterious stains.
Thankfully the store is clear.
I feel my shoulders start to relax as I walk back the direction I came from.
Abby sits in the corner of the shop. Abby is hidden from the window by a few racks of clothes. Her pack is against the dusty wall, her bottle of water leaning against it.
The room is mostly dark, the only light coming from a few windows on the other side of the shop. I take a seat next to Abby, trying to warm my pain filled hands.
Abby sets a thick, fluffy jacket on my lap. " Found this for you. " She mutters.
I send her a grateful smile. " Thank you. " I pull the coat on top of my other jacket, zipping it up the best I can. Before I can think about it, my stomach lets out an angry growl.
I pull open my wet backpack, shuffling the contents around. I pull out a small clear package. Empty.
I was hoping we would get to the QZ by now. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully we can get out of here soon.
" You hungry? " Abby's voice cuts through the air.
I turn towards the muscular woman. " Uh-Yeah. It's alright though, I'm sure we'll find something soon. " I say, mostly trying to comfort myself.
Abby pulls out a small blue package. It's folded neatly so the contents don't spill. When she opens it up, the words 'Blue Diamond' are revealed. " Here, take a few. " She offers.
I shake my head. " I can't take your food, Abs. " I should've rationed better, this is my fault. " I'll be fine. We'll get food soon. " I gently push her hand away.
Abby insists. " Please, just take some. You're right, we'll find more soon. That's why it doesn't matter if I save it all. " She grabs my hand, sending a fluttering sensation through my stomach.
Abby drops a handful of almonds into my palm. " Eat. Please. "
Her eyes show a hint of worry.
" Are you sure? " I ask, feeling guilty about taking her food.
" Yes, " She nods. " I've never been so sure. Eat. "
Abby watches as I place an almond in my mouth, savoring the salty flavor.
Abby pops an almond into her mouth, leaning against the wall next to me. For a few minutes we sit in silence. The sound of howling wind pounds against the windows.
" Thank you, again, Abby. " I look at the woman.
" Of course. Anything for you, "
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
Go Easy On Me
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pairing: scotty ✘ black!reader
summary: dean introduces you to his friend when your shower needs fixing and you find yourself being drawn to her rather quickly.
word count: 3564
contains: fluff, reader making scotty flustered, scotty being her anxious, shy, sweet, emotional self
tags: @verachii @szalipcombo @rxcently @coolestgay @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @blackgcomica @shurisbbymama @bestfriend491 @simp4iwaizumi
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: i honestly don't know how i feel about this. i think it's kinda cute i guess, and i can see myself writing a pt. 2 if y'all would want that. i just wanted to write something cute for my baby scotty cause i need her to be taken care of lol. enjoy <3
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"Ah fuck!" Your body jerked back when you stepped under the ice-cold droplets raining down from your shower head. Third time this week. You had no idea how much more of this you were willing to take. Cold showers in the sweltering London heat were doable, but it was mid-December now, and freezing your tits off was not an option.
Shutting the water off, you wrapped your towel around your body and headed across the hall — this routine of showering at Dean's every afternoon before work was getting old. You didn't even bother knocking; the door was always open anyway.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, again?" Freddie lowered the toast from his mouth mid-bite.
You rolled your eyes, "Yes, again."
"We ought to start charging ya for using up all the hot water."
Dean appeared out of his room then, smiling when he saw you, "Oh babe, is your shower out again?"
"And you leave your hair all on the walls!"
"Shut it, Freddie!" Dean turned back to face you, "When are you gonna have that looked at?"
You sighed; you did need to get it checked out. You'd discovered that your flat was the only one in the building with this little water issue. "The coffee shop only pays so much, Dean. I have bills, rent."
"Well, babe, if money is the only thing stopping you, I told you my friend would be more than willing to do it for free. She's like a lesbian Handy Manny."
The offer was tempting, and you were desperate, but the idea of not being able to pay someone for their service was not one you enjoyed. "I don't know, Dean. Maybe if I knew–"
"Well, speak of the devil! Scotts, there's someone I want you to meet!" Dean's tone was chipper, and you whipped around to follow it. Your eyes landed on a short-haired cutie at the entrance. Fighting your smile at the sight of her was impossible, like her presence warranted a big grin.
You stuck your hand out, and she shook it timidly. "Uh, I'm Scotty."
"Hi, Scotty." Her obvious averting of your towel-clad body was adorable. Her baggy jeans and flannel practically swallowed her whole under her coat. Anxious eyes wandered the open living space, attempting to focus on something, anything, that was not your half-naked frame.
The small thrill it brought you was something you hadn't felt in a long time. You were rethinking your stance now; maybe letting Scotty fix your shower wasn't such a bad idea.
Your smile morphed into a smirk when you caught her eyes scanning you for a split second before she ripped them away. "Scotts, the shower in the flat across the hall is on the fritz. You think you can check it out?"
You bit your lip, smiling slyly, "You don't have to if you're too busy. I can't pay you."
"Um, y-yeah. I can do that, can't right now, though. Got work in an hour." She looked you in the eyes for the first time since she'd arrived, and you couldn't help but swoon at their deep brown shade. "Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is perfect." You beamed at her, and she blushed. There was a tug of something brewing between the pair of you. It was irrational and immediate, given you'd only met, but it was something you felt needed to be explored. "I'm off to your shower Dean, hopefully for the last time. If Scotty here is as amazing with her hands as you say, I will be enjoying my own hot water come tomorrow."
Her eyes were saucers at your words, and she chuckled nervously, watching you saunter into the bathroom. You switched your hips as you walked away because of course you did, and feeling her stare bore into your back was the reward you were hoping for.
A knock at your door jerked you awake. Groaning, you rolled over to glance at the time, 9:09 a.m.
“Hello? You in? It’s Scotty. I’m here about your shower like we talked about.”
Fuck. You scrambled out of bed, tangling in your covers and falling to the floor.
“You alright in there?” She sounded concerned on the other side of the door. You hadn’t forgotten she was coming; you just didn't think she would be this early. Working the late shift did not do wonders for your sleep schedule, and now Scotty was going to see just how much of a toll making coffee took on you.
When you finally reached your feet, you peeped in the mirror. Under-eye bags and dark circles, great. “Yeah, just need a second!” You scurried to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. At least now, your morning breath wouldn’t melt her face off.
You opened the door, and she flinched, but soon a gentle smile decorated her features. “Hi.”
“Hi. Sorry, I know it's early, but this was the only time I could come. I told my boss I was gonna be late today. The call center I work at is pretty lenient, so I could get away with that. Then I came straight here. I hope that's okay.”
You giggled at her nervous rambling, and puppy dog eyes, begging for forgiveness for a crime she did not commit. “Scotty, it's fine. Come in.”
“Okay. Cool, cool.” She crossed your threshold and stood awkwardly in your living room, toolbox clutched between her fingers, awaiting further instruction.
Leaning back against your couch, you eyed her. Scotty’s curious eyes roamed your home. They traveled around the space until they landed on you. She let her eyes trail your long legs to your large exposed thighs in your pajama shorts. A stifled breath lodged in her throat at the sight of your boobs perched in the t-shirt you wore.
You couldn't help your grin at her shamelessness in checking you out. She was unaware of you watching her until her eyes found yours. Caught. She knew it, and her shy blush was evidence of that: shock, embarrassment, remorse — emotions filtered through her rapidly.
“Is it appropriate to check a client out?”
Scotty cleared her throat, stuttering in attempts to speak. “Uh, I’m sorry. I-I wasn't… I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m–” She fiddled with her fingers.
“I'm quite comfortable with you watching me, Scotty.” You leered at her.
She shook her head, “Sorry. We can get to the shower now, is the bathroom through here?”
“We can get to the shower, but I don't think we would enjoy ourselves much, babe. Freezing water and all that. Unless you're into that sorta thing.”
Her brows shot up. “No! That's not, that's not what I meant. I meant I can get to fixing your shower now.”
“Well, why didn't you say that, silly? Had me thinking you had ulterior motives coming round my place this early.” Your smile was bright, the complete opposite of hers; small and unsure.
You led her to the tub and turned the water on. “It goes in and out usually, but the past few weeks, it's just been cold.”
She stepped closer, putting her hand under the water to test it. “Do you know where your water heater is?”
“No? Am I to know that?” You scrunched your nose, and she laughed a little.
She shook her wet hands off in the tub before turning the knob. “Usually you would, yeah. I'm sure that's the issue here. Your water pressure is good.”
“If I were a water heater, where would I be?” You tapped your chin dramatically, scanning your apartment. Her little giggle brought to life the butterflies in your stomach, fluttering and begging to be released.
“I think it's just here.” She said with a smile. Scotty turned the handle of a door you had no idea existed. You’d been in the flat for about three months, yet discovered something new about the place daily. Today: secret door leading to water heater.
She stepped inside the tiny space, examining the large tank. “Can you hand me a wrench out of my toolbox, please?”
“Right, cool. Which one's the wrench again?” The reaction on her face was priceless, and you bit back a chuckle. “I know what a wrench is Scotty, relax.”
Soft fingers brushed the back of your hand as you handed her the tool. Funny, working with her hands regularly did not strip them of their tenderness. Your butterflies grew increasingly impatient, needing to meet the person responsible for waking them. She let her fingers linger longer than necessary, and you were not complaining.
You found yourself enjoying the feeling of her touch. It pulled you in, and it made your insides tingle.
Watching her work on the heater was only making things worse. She'd removed her flannel, leaving her in her white tank top. Scotty’s muscles flexed with each movement, droplets of sweat forming on her upper arms and forehead. You exhaled a long breath when she bit her lip, deep in thought about what to do next. Not only was she adorable, but she was fucking sexy. She was very skilled at what she did; intricate, focused. It drove you mad.
She smirked and flipped a screwdriver in her hand triumphantly. “I fixed it!”
“Sorry, what?” She entranced you, and she was none the wiser. Scotty repeated herself, and you shook your head. “Oh! Do we check the water now?”
“Yes.” The back of her hand swiped across her forehead, and you considered fainting. But instead, you followed behind her to your bathroom, watching as her shoulder muscles contorted.
Sitting at the tub's edge, she turned the water on, repeating her movements from earlier. A large smile broke free on her face as she beckoned you closer. “It's hot.”
You sat next to her, tangling your fingers in the warm stream of water flowing from the tap. You could moan at the feeling, and you did. You glanced up at her eyes, feeling that tug from yesterday return. They twinkled before you, and you smirked.
“It is hot.” Ambiguity loomed in the air with the steam. Clueless as ever, Scotty only smiled.
You stood, throwing your arms around her excitedly. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I could kiss you right now. Oh my god!”
Her eyes darted around the room as she scratched the back of her neck. “Um, it's nothing, really. I didn't do much.”
You batted your eyelashes at her. “You did more than you know, Scotty. You actually kinda saved my life, yeah? I wish I could pay you back.”
“Oh, you don't have to. I'm just happy to help.” And you knew she meant that. Scotty seemed like the type who wanted to make others happy. It was a beautiful attribute to possess, indeed.
“Tell you what. Come by my work later, and I’ll give you a free coffee and scone on the house. It's the least I can do.”
She grinned at you in that timid way you found yourself growing fond of. “I’d like that.”
Staring at her and into those beautiful, kind eyes filled you with something you were unaware you were missing. Warm and gooey, and you refused to rip your stare away from her. Scotty’s gaze was just as intense as your own. She felt the pull too, and it was apparent she had no clue what to do with it.
“You're adorable. You know that?” Your whisper knocked her off-kilter, and you shook your head. You knew you wouldn't get a response, and you were fine with that.
She eyed your lips, as you spoke to her. “I’ll get your things for you.”
You gathered her tools as she watched you, back pressed against your front door. She stalked your movements, and her breathing hitched when you bent over to pick up the last one.
“I hope you don't gawk at paying customers that way. Not sure it'd be good for business.” Standing in front of her, you could see the longing swimming around in her eyes.
She dipped her head as she took her toolbox. Lightning fingers struck you again, and you gasped. “Sorry.”
“And what exactly are you apologizing for, Scotty?” Your smirk was playful, and you knew you had her.
She gnawed on her bottom lip sheepishly, tripping over her words. A sight you wanted to see as often as time would allow. Trapping her was entertaining, teasing her — enticing. “I-I should get to work.”
“Mmm. You should. I’ll see you later, right? At the Brew Box?”
She only nodded, and she was out the door.
“Have a nice day!” Your excitement was forced and fake. Irritation consumed you as you handed the customer their hot chocolate. You didn't hate your job, not entirely, but you did have a strong disdain for the customers filtering in and out.
None of them was the short, shy mechanic who fixed your hot water issues that very morning. So they did not matter.
Scotty never specified when she would be by, so every time the bell above the front door dinged, your head shot up in hopes it was her. It never was, and your mood soured. Your shift dragged on slower than usual, and your co-workers noticed your detached state. By eleven, it was closing time, and Scotty had not shown. There was a sting in your chest. You couldn’t understand why someone you met only yesterday standing you up felt so… off, but it did.
By the time you got home that night, you were so tired you could pass out. Ridding your body of your coffee-stained uniform, you climbed into your shower. Hot, soothing water massaged and embraced your skin, working out the tension built up there. The streams crashing onto you made your mind wander to Scotty. Thoughts of her consumed you as you cleaned yourself under the water she made possible. You were out like a light when you put on your bonnet and wrapped your covers around yourself.
Pounding at your door intruded on your dreams. “Fuck off!”
“Um, it’s Scotty.” The softest voice you’d ever heard. It jolted you out the bed and to the door. When you opened it, there she stood. “Hi.”
It took everything in you not to squeal at the sight of her. She wore a blue and black flannel today: the same green coat and the same baggy jeans. You smiled wide. “Hi, Scotty.”
Scotty fumbled with her fingers, something she obviously did when she was nervous. “I noticed that the hinge on your bathroom door was loose when I was here yesterday. Oh, and there’s a chip in your sink. Thought I’d fix them? If you’re cool with that.”
Her eyes darted around, avoiding yours altogether. You nodded, stepping aside to let her in. “You trying to spoil me, Scotty? Coming all this way to fix a creaky door and a chipped sink?”
“I only live ten minutes from here.” Her cluelessness baffled you, honestly.
Knowingly, she shot straight to the bathroom with her toolbox. Your heart jumped a little at her knowing her way around your flat and noticing little things that needed fixing. Something you wouldn’t even care to notice. Attentive. You liked that.
“How's the water treating ya?” She placed the screwdriver between her lips and pushed onto her tip-toes to reach the top of your bathroom door. Nothing she said registered when she looked like that. It was evident Scotty had zero clue about the effect she had on you, how worked up you got from watching her tinker with her tools.
She stared at you expectantly with a head tilt when you didn’t answer. “It’s still working fine, right? You need me to take a look at it again? Because I can, I’ll have to call off work but that’s okay. I was–”
You shook your head, “What? No, the water is fine, babe. Perfect, actually.”
“Oh. Okay then.” She tried hiding her blush, but it lingered long enough for you to catch it.
“Missed you yesterday.” Even though your voice came out small, it still managed to make Scotty flinch.
She was working on your sink now, sanding the chip she fixed. When she emerged, she wore a frown. “I'm sorry. I wanted to come, I just–I. Something came up.”
“It's okay, I understand.” You walked towards her as she cleaned her hands with a rag. Fuck, even that was sexy. Watching her get in between her fingers, her palms. You almost moaned out loud.
She hadn't noticed you approaching, and she jumped at the visual of you directly in front of her. “So jumpy. It's cute.” You poked her stomach, and she quivered under your touch.
“I um… Are you going round to Dean’s party tonight?” She blinked, shutting her eyes tight as she exhaled.
“Parties aren't really my scene. I prefer more intimate settings. Allows for more… connecting. Don't you think?” The tension bubble enveloping the both of you was delicious. Scotty rattled at the closeness you two shared; you ate it up. Your chest was pressed against hers, and you could feel her heartbeat. Thump. Thump.
The rhythm fell in sync with the fluttering in your stomach. Sawdust mingled with the scent of her subtle cologne, and it made you dizzy. Her signature smell, you’d discerned.
She scratched her eyebrow with her thumb, “Maybe you uh, you should come. It could be fun. I’ll be there.”
“Are you asking me out?”
Her brows shot up then, and you couldn't help your smirk. “W-What? No. I'm just, I think you could have fun. You know Dean, he always makes everything fun.”
“Fun is one word you could use to describe Dean, I suppose.” You leaned in close enough to kiss her, and her breathing stuttered, “But I'll come. Since you'll be there.”
A grin was all she shot back, a flustered one. And you knew then, your mission was complete.
You’d been at the party for over two hours, and there was no sign of Scotty. Sweaty bodies brushed up against you and the looped club mix did your head in. “Wanna dance?” Alcohol-laced breath wafted up your nose, and you gagged, pushing through the crowd of strangers. You did not need to keep suffering through this, so you left.
Decompressing from the loud music and gross people, you leaned back against the wall. A deep sigh escaped you.
“Hi.” A melody you knew well at this point. Your eyes traveled up to hers. There was an apologetic smile on her lips, and you folded in seconds.
You grinned at her. She looked cute, as usual. “Hi, Scotty.”
“Sorry about being late. You must hate me, huh?” She looked like there was more she wanted to say but couldn't find the words.
You felt a pull, so you moved in closer. “Hate you?”
“Yeah. Cause I keep standing you up, and I don't mean to. It's just, I wanna come. I wanted to come to your work yesterday, I really did. But I was too nervous. So I didn't come and I thought, you must really hate me now. And I had to make up for it, that's why I came by this morning. Even though I missed work, I didn't care.”
You grabbed her hands because she was sobbing, and it scared you. Dams of tears flowed from her eyes, and seeing her cry made your heart ache. “Scotty–”
“I think you're beautiful; I do. And I’d like to get to know you. But I’m scared because the last time I thought someone was beautiful, I messed it all up. And I don't wanna mess things up with you. And it's okay if you don't like me, I won't be mad.” Her tears grew heavier. She was hysterical.
“Oh babe, don't cry. I like you, Scotty, and I would love to get to know you as well.”
She sniffed, but the streams still came, “I’m not used to feeling like this. I just– I need you to be patient with me. I don't want you to hate me; please don't hate me. I’m sorry.” So much emotion in her words. The way Scotty felt things was deep — woven into her bones.
“If you give me a chance with your heart Scotty, I promise I’ll only ever be gentle.” You caressed her damp tear-stained cheek, and she nuzzled into the hold. Her attempts to bury her face in your palm confirmed your suspicions: she was starved for touch; she craved it. Scotty craved your touch. She clung to you when you pulled her in for a hug, refusing to let go. The pads of her fingers dug into your shoulders, it stung, but it was a breathable sting.
Your hands pressed against her face and you looked her in the eyes, swatting her tears away. “I’ve got you.”
You gently pushed your foreheads together, needing her to calm down and breathe. Peppering tender kisses to her face seemed to soothe her best, and seeing her relax soothed you.
This kind soul wormed her way into your heart with swiftness and ease. But you felt she had that effect on everyone she came in contact with. So much love with nowhere to expel it, and hesitant to receive it. You were going to change that. You would handle her with care.
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yeehawbvby · 5 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 48
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Y/n goes a little apeshit at JojaMart lmao
Author’s Note: *Crawls out of a pit covered in dirt and blood. Slaps this chapter down in front of you, on a SUNDAY no less!*
My health situation hasn’t improved whatsoever, but I will prevail, damnit!!
I wrote most of this and posted to ao3 early this morning, and haven't had a chance to proofread really. I'll do my best to get that done soon ^.^ Sorry if there are any weird wordings. Also sorry for the complete lack of Seb and Magnus in this one, I hope the shenanigans make up for it <3
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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I hate that stupid, cryptic, blue note I got.
Ever since it came, I think about it every time I check the mailbox, without fail. I don’t want to, I kinda just want to forget it exists, but I just… I dunno. I have a bad feeling about it. A gut feeling. Like, something’s totally up with it. It’s just been sitting in my closet for safekeeping until I decide what to do, though.
For some reason, I’ve been too nervous to bring it back up to Magnus. He’s forgotten it exists, from what I can tell. I think I’ll do my best to keep it that way for now. It feels more like my burden to bear than his, and besides, he’s already got the whole region to take care of.
After today’s confirmation that I don’t have bills or anything important like that, I head inside to get ready to leave the farm. Reeeally hoping my routine will shake out my heebiejeebies.
I got the OK from Magnus to use his fancy shrine for Spirit’s Eve. Got an idea of what I think I want to make myself look like, too. Maybe a tiefling or something. If tieflings don’t really exist, I’m sure some sort of succubi, or imps, or some sort of creature that looks like one’s gotta, no? I suppose I could always fall back on just pretending I’m an elf… man, a tail and horns would be so fun though. 
Either way, tomorrow is the big day and I am so ready for it.
I mean, like, almost ready. Whatever.
Today I’m going to Magnus’ place to get some practice in. Just a precautionary measure to try not to, like, blow myself up or something.
I’m gonna keep my outfit cozy and easy to move around in, but I have half a mind to make sure I wouldn’t mind losing these clothes in particular if something goes wrong with the transformation. Just some leggings, some crew-cut socks, an old hoodie, and my favorite boots, since I won’t have my shoes on in the shrine anyway. All of it is in black. Sebastian cosplay. 
I’ll pop my red studs in too, gotta commit to the bit. I haven’t had time to talk to The Emo and see if he actually did get his shit pierced last night, but assuming he did, and assuming he was able to use these for it, I wanna go all out, baby.
Now, before I head to the tower, I’ve got some errands to run around town. I woke up a bit late so there’s gonna be more people out than I’m looking forward to, but hopefully I have no creepy Alex encounters or awkward conversations with Shane again.
I promised Sam I’d visit him at work sometime soon, so I might as well head there first. He hates it there, and it’s been a while since we’ve caught up, so I’ll hopefully be a welcome distraction. I’ll bring him a coffee too to keep his spirits high.
After it’s done brewing, I grab two foam cups and pour the coffee in. Knowing Sam, he probably needs this stuff sweet, and I’m in the mood for sweet too, so I pour in a bunch of vanilla-flavored creamer. To make the beverages ~gourmet,~ I add a little whipped cream to each, as well as a light drizzle of chocolate syrup. After securing the plastic lids and giving Cannoli some well-deserved love, I head out.
While I pass by the bus stop, I make eye contact with Pam. I’ve never spoken to her, but… I dunno. I can’t tell if I like her or not. She gives me a nasty stink eye and I can only further assume she’s as mean as she outwardly appears. Unless she was just cursed with an intense resting bitch face...
I smile Pam’s way anyway. She doesn’t smile back, but that’s okay. It doesn’t benefit anyone to be so judgemental of her.
I pass a few local moms once I make it to the town square. None really mind me, which could mean they either didn’t notice, or they don’t care. Either is fine by me. I don’t hear what they’re saying, but Caroline talks very animatedly just before the rest of the group bursts into laughter.
I turn my attention back ahead as I pass by Pierre’s and nearly bump into Marnie as she’s leaving the shop.
We both squeak out a little “Oh!” before apologizing in unison.
“I wasn’t really paying attention,” I double down. 
“Oh, that’s fine. I rarely ever am!” She then motions to the two cups in my hands and adds, laughing, “At least the coffee’s safe!”
I awkwardly nod in agreement. Then, a brief flash of myself actually spilling coffee somewhere down the road raids my mind, my necklace tingling against my skin and my fingers practically buzzing.
“Everything alright, sweetie?”
That probably looked weird. “Yeah, sorry,” I try to recover, “just sleepy today!”
I take a sip of coffee to emphasize my point. Plus, I might as well drink what I can before these puppies go down. Hopefully I’ll be able to save at least one of them when the time comes.
“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that!” She puts a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I need to get back to the shop, but take it easy and don’t overwork yourself, you hear?” 
I nod, thanking her and waving her off with a shy grin before I continue moving. Once I get closer to the spot I’m supposed to be spilling these drinks — just before that little bridge over the river by JojaMart — I begin to walk more cautiously. If I can just keep these steady and focus on the ground… 
A sneeze creeps up on me. Oh god. Oh god oh fuck oh no.
Just as I’m beginning to carefully place one of the cups on the side of the bridge for safe keeping, the sneeze forces its way out of me. Luckily, one beverage — the one I hadn’t drank from yet — stays safely in my hand. Unluckily, the one I was working on trying to keep safe fell to the stones at my feet, opening up and dispersing its contents fucking everywhere.
God damnit. 
“Nice one.”
God fucking damnit.
I look up to the voice. It turns out Shane’s outside having a smoke. He’s at the opposite end of the bridge watching my clumsiness unfold with an aloof look about him. He’s bent over to lean on the stone wall, his right elbow propped up and his corresponding cheek in his palm. His left forearm is flat against the structure while his left hand lazily dangles his cigarette between two fingers.
Is that pink nail polish on one of them? I wonder if that’s Jas’ doing. 
I merely groan back my response, picking up the now-empty cup to discard in the trash bin near the store. As I proceed on my walk of shame past Shane, I point out, “At least my clothes stayed safe.”
Shane follows and asks, “How many ants do you think you murdered with that accident?” 
I grin a little at his dry humor. “Oh it was a massacre,” I bounce back. “The war in Gotoro pales in comparison.”
“Ha!” Oh my god, I made Shane — the grumpiest fuck I’ve ever met — laugh?! “Right on. Seems like pointless violence anyway.” 
I turn to see if I can catch him smiling for the first time, like, ever. It’s not there anymore, but there’s a residual brightness in his features.
Shane snuffs out his cig on the ashtray built into the garbage’s lid, abandoning it there before shoving his hands in the pockets of his bright blue shorts.
“Those sons’a bitches,” he nods in the direction of my carnage, “they had it coming.”
My nose scrunches as I laugh a little, giving him a funny look. “Damn, what’d they do to you?”
There’s a playful glint in his eye, as he deadpans me. “Exist.”
I shrug and nod — I get it, they can be pretty annoying! — and follow the man as he makes his way through the white-rimmed, glass-centered automatic doors. I try not to cringe outwardly at how many self-righteous pro-Joja fliers are on them.
Shane stops a few steps into the store. Turns around. I stop too and look up, tilting my head. What’re you looking at, punk? I think to myself. Dunno if I’d be pushing my limits by trying to say it out loud. Better not.
Shane gives me a weird look too, but I can barely see it. My senses are taking their damn time getting used to the obnoxiously fluorescent lighting.
“Don’t you shop at Pierre’s?” Shane wonders out loud.
I blink a few times as I adjust to the environment and then nod. “Visiting Sam,” I explain.
“Ah.” He nods too, in understanding, and then looking the other way he continues, “Enjoy.”
Shane makes his way towards a door to the right of the manager’s office. Says “Employee’s only,” so I’m assuming it’s a break room or something. I don’t miss the incorrect apostrophe, but choose not to linger on it either.
“You too.” He looks back over his shoulder, so I pair my well wishes with a lazy salute.
I smile. I think he’s warming up to me!
Feeling a tad lost now that I’m alone, I look around before making any advances. Should’ve asked Shane if he knew where Sam would be around now. I dunno how the shifts work around here.
The cashiers to my left — a visibly exhausted red headed woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s; and a scrawny, scruffy looking teenager, with thick-framed glasses sitting atop his freckled nose — both look miserable.
The boy is boredly leaning against the counter, zoned out on the ground in front of it. The woman looks totally spaced out on nothing in particular. It almost seems like she’s fighting off sleep, too. Poor lady. 
The woman and I lock onto each other. She looks away from my face before I can even register it, but I notice her eyes flicker longingly to the coffee cup in my hand a few times after the fact. I peer between her and the beverage twice before I all but scurry away into the aisles. I’m too awkward for this. My only option is to retreat. Never said I wasn’t a coward.
While I venture past the boatloads of boxed, bagged and canned foods in search of the resident dog boy, I observe some of the products. Some don’t look safe for consumption, while others seem like they’d be fun to try as a one-off sort of deal. It overlaps a few times as well. I mean, why wouldn’t I want to try this cereal which very explicitly states on the box that it’s more sugar than grains? It makes me stifle a giggle. I like the brutal honesty. 
I stop and stare at it for a sec. Gnawing my lip. Wondering if I should just…
No. I shan’t.
I break away from temptation and trek on. As I reach the end of the aisle, I pan across the back of the store. More shelf-stable products, a small produce section… ah!
Sam looks like he’s supposed to be mopping the floor near the freezers. To be fair, he is holding a mop, and it is touching the floor! But instead of cleaning, he uses the tool as a microphone; singing against the end of the brown wooden handle, both hands passionately gripping it as he bends his torso to quietly belt one part in particular. Sam’s eyes are shut, his bulky black headphones are secured over his ears, and he has not a single worry in the world. 
Holding his coffee in both hands now, I stop walking and lean against a nearby shelf. Observing. Waiting. Eventually he’ll have to see me.
He does a little spin move and carelessly bumps into the bucket of soapy water he’s working with, causing it to slosh around a little. Some of it lands on the floor, and some on the pants of Sam’s jumpsuit. Doesn’t faze him in the slightest. 
He does another spin the opposite way and nearly knocks over the conveniently placed display of sprinkles that are situated right in front of the ice cream freezer.
I feel like I should probably stop him before something bad happens, but he looks so damn content and so stinkin’ cute that I can’t be assed. 
Just as I’m thinking this, he opens his eyes, completely avoiding my direction while he immediately peers over his shoulder. Sam scans around, getting a full view of the proximate areas. It seems like he’s just making sure he’s not about to get caught by his boss or something, if I had to guess.
Eventually he lands on me. We both smile wide, and I triumphantly hold up his (unspilled!!) coffee in one hand, presenting it with a small flourish of the other and a bow of my head.
“For you, my good sir.” I make sure to sound extra fancy, dropping my voice an octave and annunciating my words a bit too much.
He looks around again before meeting me in the middle with a fist bump, completely ignoring my bit. Aw man.
“Hell yeah, thanks dude!” 
I shoot some awkward finger guns at him, “You got it, bud.”
“You didn’t make yourself one?”
I sigh, lamenting, “I did…”
Sam scans my face as we share a short silence. Then, the lightbulb almost visibly goes off in his noggin. “You spilled it, didn’t you?”
Pursing my lips, I nod. “I spilled it, yeah.” 
“Buuummer, dude.” He pats my head and I sigh, leaning into his touch. I’ll be damned if I don’t still love head-pats, even if it’s been a while since I’ve gotten one. “Wanna split this one then?” he offers, palm still on my crown. At this point he’s just trying to messy me up.
“No thanks, I’ll just grab another later if I’m really craving it.” Not having noticed the trance I’ve been in as my hair gets slowly and steadily ruined — it feels nice, okay? — I finally look up at him, cheekily glaring as I manually remove his large hand from me. I add on as I try to repair the frizzy aftermath, “Sick performance, by the way!” 
“You think so?” he beams. Makes me laugh.
“Of course! It looked like you were having a lot of fun.”
Sam’s face is a bit flushed as he takes the compliment, not even trying to hide it; he has a big goofy grin on his face, too.
It drops and Sam looks behind him as a deep voice with a bit of a southern twang booms from one of the aisles nearby. “Samson?”
“Shit, here.”
Sam hurriedly places his coffee into my hand and rushes back near his water bucket, looking around for his manager as he moves. I try to make things less suspicious by pretending to look at some nearby end caps. 
I take a peek over when I hear Sam greet the man, “Hiya! What’s up, Morris?”
Crossing his arms and puffing out his chest to try and make himself look mighty, a man in a navy blue suit, a bright red bow tie, and a poorly-applied black toupee corrects him. “That’s Mr. Saxton, son.” 
I roll my eyes. Awesome to know the guy running this Joja is just as insufferable as the dudes who work on the corporate side.
Sam puts an anxious hand on the back of his neck, and halfheartedly smiles as he apologizes, his speaking patterns much more formal than before. Poor guy… it hurts to see him having to tone it down so much for this dipshit.
I turn my attention back in front of me so as to give him some privacy. Not sure he’d want me to hear him getting his ear talked off.
This display is full of holiday cards... I might as well waste some time with these bad boys. I pick up one with a cartoon beagle wearing a birthday hat on it, stealing a sip of Sam’s coffee as I read the pun on the front: “Have a doggone good birthday!” Alright, nice and cheesy start…
I flip the card open. It starts blaring Baha Men’s “Who Let The Dogs Out.” Fucking hell. Jumpscare me, why doncha! I shudder at how tinny the music sounds — likely made worse by its volume — then close the card and place it back in its spot, not bothering to read more.
“Excuse me, miss?”
I peer over my left shoulder, and see that Mr. Saxton is making his way towards me. A vein is popping in his forehead, but he has a toothy smile on his face that screams customer service. Not sure what’s going on and feeling a little anxious about the situation, I don’t answer with words — I just turn my body to him and watch him expectantly. 
My eyes flicker to Sam real quick, who’s closer to the opposite end of the freezers now. He’s looking over here though, and when his eyes catch mine, he mouths “Go!” and motions his arm towards the front end of the store. Maybe he got caught socializing or something… wouldn’t doubt that there’s probably heavy surveillance in here. Man.
I look back at Sam’s boss as he says, “I’m going to need you to discard your beverage.”
My brows furrow and I tilt my head. “Why?”
Ah, he’s the asking-questions-is-talking-back type: He huffs a deep breath and tilts his head as if to mimic me, clasping his fingers together in front of his ribs. The smile and vein are both still on his face.
“It is not only unacceptable to bring your own food into a grocery store,” he strains, “but I cannot have you spilling your drink all over our products.”
…I haven’t spilled anything. What does he think I am, some crusty little kid? 
Damn, this is bringing out a rage that I haven’t experienced since working behind a Joja desk. I didn’t know I was even capable of it anymore. Must be something about the overstimulatingly bright blues, or the blindingly white strips of lights. Same ones we had above each cubicle in the office.
My anxiety is rapidly replaced with a petty yearn to cause a ruckus as I realize that I don’t work for Joja anymore. I never have to even come here again, actually.
I don’t answer to this fucko! I don’t answer to anyone!
Screw this guy!
Feeling courageous, I put on my own customer service mask as I inquire, “Do you want me to spill this on your products?”
“E-excuse me?!”
I hover the cup near the cards, tilting it a little. Doing a little eyebrow wiggle too for good measure. “It feels like you dooo.”
“I— w-what are you doing?”
Seb would be so proud if he were here. Not sure how Magnus would react, but I’d like to imagine he’d support me too.
Completely on impulse, I bring the cup in front of me and splash a little coffee in the man’s direction instead of the cards’. The now-lukewarm liquid splatters onto the white button-down beneath his jacket and rapidly seeps into the fabric, leaving a light brown, unsightly splotch.
Sick, got him where it hurts and none got on the floor! Less work for Sam!
Making sure my voice is just as cheery as Morris was trying to keep his, I cap this off, “Stop treating your employees like crap and stop treating complete strangers like children, asshole.”
This feels so good. My heart is racing and my pits feel a little moist and I might just end up an anxious mess the second I walk away, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t cool as fuck in the moment. When Leah asked me last week if Magnus ever wanted to go apeshit, it didn’t even occur to me how badly I wanted to go apeshit.
I walk down the nearest aisle as Morris continues sputtering something about me leaving, paying for this, whatever.
Shane’s kneeled down in the middle of the aisle stocking shelves. He faces me for a moment and grins slyly. “That was cool as hell.” Why does this feel so validating? “A woman after my own heart.” 
I blink that fucking flashbang away — seriously, the last time I saw him he was still being a dick, and today he’s treating every interaction like we’re fully acquainted, if not more, what the heck — as he turns away to scan items onto the shelf again.
“I really didn’t do much…” I really didn’t. Just kinda caused a minor inconvenience for the guy. 
My hands are shaking though, so it must be catching up to me.
“That still took some balls.” He glimpses at me briefly and adds, “Y’look like you might cry, though. Get outta here before I change my mind about you.”
I huff out a quiet laugh and steady Sam’s — well, my, now — coffee in both hands. “On it, boss.”
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s1ennayrgrl · 8 months
heyy ! could u maybe do tomxreader where they’re enemies (but they lowkey be flirting & they have sm tension 🤭) and they’re at a party and he basically finds the reader stumbling and they practically can’t walk so he takes her home and makes sure she goes to sleep comfortably and all that? :)
꧁Goodnight beautiful꧂
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𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
I placed down a bottle of vodka on the table And walked out of the kitchen grabbing another bag of alcohol, I scuttered them around on the same table the vodka was on.
I then walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. Once i got into my room i shut the door and started to get ready for my party,it was almost my 18th birthday so i decided to throw a massive party to celebrate i invited everyone even Tom.ugh.
I had a nice and long shower earlier so I didn’t need one now. I had chosen out an outfit 15 minutes prior so I could just get ready quickly.
The outfit was a plain black halter dress it sounds boring but the way it clung to my body and showed of my petite figure was just chefs kiss!
I slowly take off my pink pyjamas and slide the black dress on my body,I look in the mirror admiring myself . Im not obnoxious or anything I just know I’m pretty and that I have a nice body.
I then grab my brush off of my vanity and gently brush through my straightened hair, I add a claw clip in my hair doing a sort of half up half down look with my hair.I look over at my vanity and see my beautiful pearl earrings, i place down my brush and grab the earrings putting them in.
I sit down on a chair in-front of my vanity I pat down my dress so there is no wrinkles,I grab my makeup bag and pick out a few product I was going to use.
Even though it was a party I didn’t want to go full glam I just wanted to do a little bit of makeup. After about 5 minutes I finish up my makeup by adding half lashes to make my emerald eyes pop.
I slide on my black high heels and start making my way down the stairs. I put on some music and open the dirt so anyone who was coming could just walk in .as I opened it I saw a few girls with bags of alcohol in there hands.
“Hi girls”
I call out to them waving my hand
They say back walking inside of the house
After about 15 minutes of talking with the girls and having a few shots before more people come crowds of boys and girls come flooding in my house.
I greet as many people as I can and then sit back down with the girls continuing my chat with them
I stand up and announce to them that I’m gonna get another drink
I walk over to the table and take a few shots,I already feel myself getting a little bit tipsy
𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
I’ve been in Vivienne’s party for about 2 hours now and I’m getting a bit bored
I stand up off a leather couch I was sat on
“Bill come on let’s go”
I say to a tipsy bill
“Noo I want more drinks”
He says slightly slurring his words
“Whatever, we’ll I’m off home so I’ll see you tomorrow or something”
I say starting to walk off
As I walk out I see a very,very,very drunk Vivienne she was stumbling all over. After tripping over her feet she fell flat on her bum instead of getting up she just laid there and fell asleep
I waited for a few seconds but nobody came to pick her up. I groaned and made my way over to her
I picked her light body up bridal style as I grabbed her she snuggled her body into me.cute.
I walk up the stairs and what I think is her room it looked like a teenage girls room so hopefully this is hers.
I placed her on the big bed I was about to leave her but she looked so cold and uncomfortable.
I have a look around in her drawers and find her pyjamas,I pick out a pair of shorts and an oversized T-shirt
I walk back over to her and take off her dress her body her curves her everything is so perfect she looks like a goddess.
I snap out of my trance and put the pyjamas on her body.I then grab her covers and tuck her in the bed.
I lean down and place a gentle kiss on her head
She turns to lay on her side and snuggles into her pillow.
“Goodnight beautiful”
I say leaving the room.
I really hope you enjoyed that!
I tried my best but it’s my first time writing on tumblr lol :3
I apologise if u didn’t like!!
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kaylatoonz · 2 months
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You know, I haven’t really seen that many stories of crazy Carl taking in A mobian beside maybe one story so here my take. Although my first choice for mobian that crazy Carl would take in would be sticks for obvious reasons but since Amy is more likely to be in the films (hopefully), then sticks, I’m gonna go with her.(maybe he could adopt sticks too)
Since everyone knows about Sonic, plus the gang, Tom has insisted that Carl take down any traps he still has in the forest. Carl begrudgingly agrees to take down the more dangerous traps he placed. Despite him still being a little salty That Sonic drove him crazy for years trying to expose sonic and his paranoia of something else being out there he doesn’t want to risk hurting the blue little guy or his friends.
During one of his late night searches for the last of his traps, he discovers that he was right that something else was out there. Unfortunately, that something got injured in one of his traps. Another hedgehog like sonic but pink and a girl.
Feeling extremely guilty he decides to take in the pink hedgehog just until she’s healed up. Carl carefully releases the pink hedgehog from the trap and patches her up until tomorrow so he can take her to Maddie(who proceeds to chew him out the next day).
Over time they develop a genuine bond between each (they have a grandpa and granddaughter relationship ) despite Amy later learning the trap was Carl’s.
Carl goes from “she’s just staying until she heals up” to “ if anything happens to her, I will kill everyone in this room, and then myself.”
Maybe after a couple of weeks Maddie and Carl deems she ready enough to meet Sonic and the gang since Amy has healed up enough, and she’s less skittish compared to day one. Ever since Maddie told Sonic about the other hedgehog, he's been dying to meet her. Unfortunately for him living with crazy Carl her idea of the blue devil has been secured a bit. So while Amy greets tails and knuckles with warmness and kindness she greets sonic with the cold shoulder.
She tells him that she doesn’t like hedgehogs, who like to bully poor old men. Turns out, Amy wasn’t too fond of finding out that Sonic has been messing with Carl for years to the point that the whole town thought he was crazy. Sonic tries to convince her otherwise, but Amy isn’t having it.
Cue Carl wheezing in the background, while Sonic begs Carl to clear things up with Amy.
Thankfully Carl decides to clear things up after letting sonic squirm for a bit (revenge).
Amy is a bit nicer to him after that but she warns him not to mess with her gramps.
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alltimefail-sims · 2 months
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I think I made Celebrazioni D’amore kinda sexy...😏
I'm gonna ramble now!!! ↓
HOLY CRAP this lot has been a HUGE challenge. Every time I'd think I was close to being done, this freaking lot would provide me with an even more bizarre and questionable feature than the one previously conquered... but despite nearly throwing in the towel, here we are! Phew!
I changed so. much.
The biggest change I made is that I shrunk the building down quite a bit to eliminate the excessive, gaping, empty spaces that were quite literally everywhere and serving no function whatsoever. I also moved and downsized the mega stairs, fixed all the visual balance issues (like one side of the build being heavier than another or tables being off-center from the stage and etc.), made the bottom floor's main area an actual room (yes... that was an issue in the original build), removed the heinous carpeting (goodbye random cheetah print patches), landscaped basically from scratch, and so. much. more. I'm relieved to say that when I look at these pictures though I still feel like I'm looking at the same lot... just a more functional and aesthetically pleasing version of it.
The OG build made a good attempt at something adjacent to "character," and even though it was a bit of a swing and a miss, I wanted to maintain that intention. I never do nightclub or lounge lots so this became a great exercise in pushing myself to build in a style I don't typically gravitate toward. (Using neon, colored lighting and modern fixtures in the same build?? Unheard of for me!) Some of my favorite parts aren't even pictured, so I'm really excited to share the whole thing. Although I'm not done (fingers crossed that I'll wrap it up tomorrow...) I am pretty damn close, and that's a win in my book! I have two things left to do: first I need to decide if I'm going to keep the exterior paint colors (currently a combo of dark purple and magenta) or swap one of the colors out for something like a plain "base" (such as brick). After that I just have to... *gulps*...playtest it (yes I am shuddering and crying profusely. Ask your god to give me mercy). TLDR: I will probably post this lot by Monday at the latest, so keep an eye out for it!
One last thing!!! I promised it would be extremely DLC-lite... and it is!!! It uses less DLCs than every single one of my shell builds. Woohoo! Goal met!
Okay, I'm officially done talking now! If you read all of my rambling... you have my undying love and appreciation. You are also probably entitled to financial compensation for your time (note: we at B.B.R.U.* are not taking cases and claims at the moment, unfortunately). But might I say that you are cooler than the other side of the pillow? 😎 Hopefully that will suffice.
Byeeeee friends! ❤
*B.B.R.U. stands for "Broke Bitches R Us," in case you were wondering. It's my company and I'm the CEO, bless
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sunnyie-eve · 4 months
26 | Privacy
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.7k
Sam and Colby were filming a truth or strip video out in the hot tub while Penelope was up in her room looking for something. "I swear to god." She heads downstairs going out back to interrupt them. "Hey, Brock! Did you take something of mine because I can't seem to find it. I need kinda need that folder tomorrow for my meeting with important people." She walks over to the hot tub.
"Maybe I did..." He smiles.
"Well where is it? I want to get things ready."
"We're almost done. Now, Sam continue." Colby ignores her as she stands there with her arms crossed.
"Okay, tell me this Mr. Brock, single man. Who's the last person you kissed in the mouth hole?" Sam asks him.
"Well, just for the same privacy reasons, my pantalones are coming off."
"You can't say it." Sam smiles.
"I can't, dude. If I release that private information the other person might get a little pissed off." Colby tells him and Sam had no idea who was the last person Colby kissed.
"I'll find it myself. You boys have fun." Penelope says gonna go to Colby's room to look for it.
"Thank you, Love you!" Sam shouts at her.
"Love you too. Not you Colby." She shouts going inside.
"That's rude." Colby looks at the camera.
Penelope searches Colby's room and couldn't find the folder anywhere, "Okay, I get that he doesn't want the others to find it but come on." She huffs looking around trying to think where else to look.
Lifting the mattress nothing, checking the closet shelves nothing, and under couch cushions nothing. Penelope throws her head back plopping down on the couch waiting for him to come into his room. So when he finally does he laughs at how she still hasn't found it.
"Where the hell did you hide my folder?" She asks him annoyed.
"Close your eyes. I'm not giving up my hiding spot." He tells her so she just does what he tells her to do and he gets the folder for her.
"I hate you." She takes it from him.
"No you don't." He kisses her, "Do you ever have moments where this feels a bit awkward and you forget we're together now?" He stares into her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm still not used to us." She nods her head with a smile, "Now, don't take my stuff." She pats his chest leaving his room. As soon as she walks into her room she sees Sam in there waiting for her, "Can I help you?" She laughs.
"Yes, you can. I wanna do a video with you. Like different parts, Q&A, Truth or Dare, and 2 truths 1 lie." He tells her as she puts her folder away for tomorrow.
"Sure. I don't know why you were waiting in here like a creep." She laughs at him.
"I don't know, I just did." He chuckles as they go to his room and he sets up while she sits on his bed watching him. "You excited for our trip coming up?" He asks to make conversation.
"Yeah, I like going on trips that have you and Colby together. For example, if I wasn't hurt and stuff for the trip to Japan, I wouldn't have gone because you weren't gonna be with Colby." She tells him.
"Aww, I feel loved." He smiles causing her to laugh at him. "What's up guys? Today I'm here with Penelope and we are going to do a few things like Q&A, Truth or Dare, and 2 truths 1 lie. I think this is gonna be fun for us. We know each other very well so hopefully we can come up with things that will stump us." Sam starts.
"I think we can. We don't know every little detail of each others lives so..." Penelope laughs, "So is our Q&A just questions for each other?" She asks him.
"Yeah, die hard questions for each other. Ladies first." He rubs his hands together.
"Damn, okay. What was your first impression of me?" She says the first thing to pop into her mind.
"My first impression of you was that you were really reserved, but I could tell you also had this other side to you with people you were close with. So when we got put together for that project I was happy to get to know you a bit more. Then much more happy when I became friends with Colby since you were best friends with him." Sam answers her, "Okay, this is a good one. If you had to date either Colby or I, who would you choose?" He laughs.
"I can't say you because you're taken so that means by default I would have to date Colby." She smirks.
"That's not... Okay, if I wasn't dating Katrina and the three of us are in High School." He makes it more specific.
"In high school then I would've dated you over Colby. We already had this conversation remember. I said I would've picked you if I knew and not Tyson." She laughs, "Next question; this is just funny honestly. Why do you think Colby doesn't have a girlfriend?" She laughs.
"Why?" He cracks up, "Because he's a scaredy cat with one girl but it's his choice." Sam says honestly, "Do you ever plan on moving out to live alone?" He asks her.
"I mean someday. Hell, we all will. We each have our own lives and when we're much older." She tells him.
"Okay, let's move on to truth or dare. Three rounds so do you want to do dares or lose clothes?" Sam asks her.
"I'm wearing enough to take shit off so I don't care." She tells him.
"Next round guys... Penelope who do you think is the most attractive guy in the house?" He laughs.
"Are you serious? That's your first question for me? I'm taking my sweater off." She shakes her head at him. "Sam, what's one thing you dislike about me?" She smiles.
"Really? I don't have anything though."
"You have to say something." She waits.
"I know you can't just stop it but I dislike how insecure you are even when we tell you don't be." He makes a face.
"That's fair. I agree with you for myself." She tells him.
"Okay, who do you dislike the most in your family?"
"Richard." She answers quickly, "So does Harper and Colby. I don't care." She shrugs.
"Me too." Sam agrees.
"Richard is my stepfather just so you guys know." She makes clear, "Sammy boy, what's one thing you would change about Kat?" She laughs.
"Well, goodbye shirt." Sam takes it off, "I wouldn't change a thing about my girlfriend. She's perfect the way she is." He smiles, "Penelope, I'm not gonna be nice on this last one. Who's the best kisser out of all the guys you've ever kissed?"
Penelope glares at him, "Not Tyson I'll say that." She takes her top off leaving her in a lace cami bralette. "He kissed like he was trying to swallow your face."
"I can only picture that now." Sam laughs making her slap him, "I can imagine who the best was." He smirks making her grab his pillow to slap him with it. "Just give me my last question."
"Okay..." She thinks so Sam just smiles at her, "What girl do you find attractive in your entire friend group excluding your girlfriend." She smiles back.
"I don't wanna be left in my boxers so..." Sam sighs.
"How will Kat feel?"
"She would agree with me and that's why I say you. Plus you're a model and you're a natural when I see what comes out." He answers her then they continue to the next round.
"Okay, 2 truths and 1 lie... Gotta think of things you don't know about me. Okay, my favorite time of year is Halloween, my favorite color is yellow, and my favorite person in the house is Aaron." Penelope gives Sam three things.
"I thought it was Christmas, I'm not sure about yellow, and you prefer Aaron over Colby or I. I'm Not sure about that last one though. I know you prefer him at times but I think that's the lie." He locks in his answers.
"No, I hate yellow. I prefer Aaron because he gives me space compared to everyone else." She laughs.
"You were my first kiss but I lied my whole life about it, me and my family are super competitive, and I prefer you over Colby."
"That's the lie. No way you prefer me over Colby." She laughs.
"That's correct." He rolls his eyes.
"I've seen my dad twice after he passed away, I'm in a secret relationship at the moment, and I'm allergic to shellfish."
"I've never see you eat any shellfish. I think o would know if you were in a secret relationship. And do you mean like ghost?" Sam asks confused.
"Yeah." She nods her head.
"You know me and being skeptical but I believe you. I'm gonna say you're not in a secret relationship. That's my answer." Sam sighs.
"Nope, I'm not allergic to shellfish. And no, you're not allowed to know who I'm seeing. Nobody in the house knows." She smiles.
"Last one. If Kat and I were to break up you'd be first to know, I have a favorite sibling, and I like your mom more the Colby's mom."
Penelope thinks for a second, "I don't think you have a favorite sibling."
"So you a hundred percent believe I like your mom more than Colby's" Sam chuckles.
"Yeah, everyone loves my mom."
"You were right. I hate you can pick out the lie. Okay, that's all for today. Thank you guys for watching. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe. See you next time." Sam ends the video.
"Okay, now tell me who you are seeing." He crosses his arms.
"No, we don't want to be public right now. He doesn't want to be shown." She slightly lies.
"Colby!" Sam goes across the hall, "Did you know Penelope is in a secret relationship?"
Colby looks at Penelope behind Sam, "Umm no I didn't but why are you shirtless and you're in a bra?" Colby points out.
"Oh, we were doing a video and truth or strip was part of it with other little games." Sam explains not caring.
"Okay, but back to the dating... You're seeing someone?" Colby plays along.
"Yes, I am but no you guys aren't going to get anything out of me. He/ we want to be private. Plus I don't want you scaring him away." Penelope looks at Colby.
"That's a fair point." Sam leaves the room while the secret couple smile at each other.
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heartmix · 1 year
Sickness - Mat Barzal
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Pairing: Mathew Barzal x gn!reader
Word Count: 1k+
A/N: I am still in mourning over the haircut, but at the same time it is so funny. Also not really proofread
*Christmas Prompt - Sick*
Masterlist / Hockey Masterlist
This was not how you planned your December going. December was supposed to be filled with Christmas activities and playing in the snow. Your body however had different plans for you. That involved you stuck to your bed all day, maybe a week. The only upside was that you could watch as many Christmas movies as you wanted, it's not like you had a choice anyways.
Being sick was miserable. The runny nose, itchy throat that you had to cough every second to feel some sort of relief, the headaches being unbearable. Your current best friends were a bottle of Advil and Vicks. It got to a point where you had to wear a mask to sleep because the cold air was bothering your nose.
When Matt noticed you haven't texted him in a few days or even gone to a game during the week he knew something was up. You would text him constantly and he should have noticed on the second day when you didn't text back, but he was so wrapped up with the games he didn't bother to check.
So when he saw the Uber eats notification on his phone, from sharing accounts, of course, he knew right away you weren't feeling the best. You would never order medicine online and you'd never buy soup, your mother had a fantastic soup recipe that you perfected.
He was determined to make you feel better. He felt guilty for not noticing something sooner. He rushed out of practice faster than normal just so he can meet the Uber eats guy before he could reach your front door. His teammates gave him all weird looks, but they let it go knowing they can get something out of Anthony in a few hours.
While Matt was rushing hoping time will go slower so he can surprise you, you sat in bed hoping time would speed. You would like your medicine and soup asap to hopefully make you less miserable. After thinking it would never come you heard a knock at your door. You groaned at the thought of getting out of bed, but moaned at the thought of the best soup and medicine money could buy. Opening the door you did not expect a 6-foot hockey player to be delivering your order.
"Mat..." you gave a small smile followed by a coughing fit. You quickly shut the door to avoid coughing on him.
"It's a bit rude to shut the door on the person who has your soup." He said through the door with a playful tone making you chuckle.
"It would be rude to cough on the hockey player who is currently in season." You defended opening back up the door to a goofy smile on Mat's face.
"How kind of you. Too bad you can't get rid of me that easily." He said pushing through you to get inside your apartment.
"Mat leave. I'm sick and I will literally kill myself if you get sick and miss a game." You groaned taking a step back each time he tried to take on to you.
"You're so dramatic. You should have called me earlier. I would have brought you whatever you needed." He grumbled.
"I will lock myself in my bedroom if you don't leave." You threatened with your voice cracking. This conversation was the most you spoke all week.
"No, you won't. I got your medicine and soup." He said holding up the bag filled with your saving graces.
He was just as stubborn as you and you knew that he wouldn't leave on his own. You slowly grabbed the bag from his hands with a reassuring smile. Before he could make any move toward you, you made a beeline for your bedroom door and locked it as fast as you can.
"You're being childish!" He yelled from the door although he didn't need to. You could hear him just fine.
"You're being stupid Barzy! You have a game tomorrow. You can't afford to get sick." You tried to yell as loud as you can, which sounded like your normal talking voice.
"Two can play that game. I'm gonna sit outside your door till you open up." He said and you heard him sink down to the floor. 
He somehow became more stubborn and stupid. You thought he would up and leave in half an hour tops, but you were so wrong. It's been almost two hours and he was still here. He's been here so long that you've gotten texts from mostly everyone from the islander's locker room. Anthony probably opened his big mouth. Your soup was long gone and your medicine was working, you could barely keep your eyes open. The only thing stopping you was his voice talking about yesterday's win over the Blackhawks.
"Barzy." Your voice was soft and hoarse but he could still hear it clear as day.
"What's the matter?" His voice matches your soft tone compared to the normal voice he was just using a minute ago.
"I need water."
"Well, you need to open the door for that." He pointed out making me groan.
"If I give you a hug can you get me water and leave." You asked hopefully the offer would work.
"That's a hard bargain." He sounded like he was really contemplating the offer.
"I'm going to fall asleep on you. I'll watch your game tomorrow and even change into your jersey even though my shirt is more comfortable. Please." You begged. He could tell you were tired and was surprised you were still awake after taking your medicine.
"Okay. I got you water already. Open up."
Opening up the door he was met with your tired body and also you in a sweater and mask. It was a sight to see and he couldn't help but chuckle. He handed you the water which you threw on your bed. You turned back to him to see he had his arms open waiting for you. A promise is a promise. As much as you didn't want to embrace him, this is the best you'd felt in days.
"I'll come over after tomorrow's game. We have the next day off. You'll let me stay right." He asked which you nodded at.
"You're sleeping on the couch." You mumbled into his chest making him chuckle.
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the-conversation-pod · 4 months
The VIIB Awards 2024: Ship Ahoy!
Continuing with Part 2 of 5 of the Very Important Internet BL Awards, we are handing out our awards for shipping today!
We will be awarding our Best Ghost Ship, Best Friendship, Best Side Ship, and Best Main Ship.
Join us today and for the rest of the week as we continue tomorrow with Immortal Technique. Tell us your winners in the notes!
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00 - Welcome 01:23 - Introduction 02:19 - Interlude: Mr. Darcy proposes - Pride and Prejudice (1995) 03:19 - Best Ghost Ship 07:11 - Best Friendship 12:10 - Best Side Ship 21:10 - Best Main Ship 27:49 - Outro
The Conversation Transcripts!
Thanks to the continued efforts of @ginnymoonbeam as transcriber, and @lurkingshan as an editor and proofreader, we are able to bring you transcripts of the episodes.
We will endeavor to make the transcripts available when the episodes launch, and it is our goal to make them available for past episodes (Coming soon thanks to @wen-kexing-apologist). When transcripts are available, we will attach them to the episode post (like this one) and put the transcript behind a Read More cut to cut down on scrolling.
Please send our volunteers your thanks!
00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation About BL, aka The Brown Liquor Podcast.
And there it is. I’m Ben.
I’m NiNi.
And we’re you’re drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie here sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
Four times a year we pop in to talk about what’s going on in the BL world.
We shoot the shit about stories and all the drama going into them. I review from a queer media lens.
And I review from a romance and drama lens.
So if you like cracked-out takes and really intense emotional analysis…
If you like talking about artistry, industry, and the discourse…
And if you generally just love simping…
There is a lot of simping on this podcast…
We are the show for you!
[fanfare sound]
01:23 - Introduction
And we're back. 
Yesterday, hopefully, you heard the Acting episode. Today we're talking about shipping. BL is powered purely by people's desire to ship these people with each other, so we're gonna acknowledge it and hand out some awards.
Our Ship Awards are character awards, because we are simps, but we are not creeps. They are given out to the pairs that worked really, really well. They have got real power to drive enjoyment in the story. 
We've got four categories here: Best Ghost Ship, Best Friendship, Best Side Ship—which is becoming a little bit of a tradition that Ben and I battle this one out on the show—and of course, Best Main Ship.
02:19 - Interlude: Mr. Darcy proposes - Pride and Prejudice (1995)
“In vain I have struggled. It will not do! My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. In declaring myself thus I'm fully aware that I will be going expressly against the wishes of my family, my friends, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgment.
“The relative situation of our families is such that any alliance between us must be regarded as a highly reprehensible connection. Indeed as a rational man I cannot but regard it as such myself, but it cannot be helped. Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance I have come to feel for you a passionate admiration and regard, which despite all my struggles has overcome every rational objection. And I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.”
03:19 - Best Ghost Ship
Let's start with Best Ghost Ship and in my notes, in terms of describing the best ghost ship, I just have in all caps: SHOW US THE FOOTAGE YOU COWARDS. [laughs] Best Ghost Ship is awarding a ship that's not a canon ship—it's not really a ship, but it should have been. 
I'm gonna kick us off with my runner up here, and that's gonna go to Sam and Jim from GAP the series. 
[applause sound]
We all love Sam and Mon—yes, it was very great. It was a great time. Fantastic. But Jim, married and pregnant, and ready to risk it all if Sam just says, “Yeah, okay, we're doing this.” She'll be like, “What husband? What baby?” [laughs]
Jim, played by Looknam Orntara, and Sam, played by Freen Sarocha. I just thoroughly enjoyed that little runner of Jim just giving slight indications that, yeah, she would absolutely risk it all for Sam, up to and including after Sam not-so-accidentally slaps her at her birthday party. And she goes to Jim's house to make up with her, and she just starts kissing on her! Like, she kisses her cheek, and then she kisses her shoulder, and Jim's gettin’ a little thrill over there. And I'm just like, I would like to see it. 
So the runner up for Best Ghost Ship is going to be Sam and Jim from GAP the series. So who is our winner for the Best Ghost Ship, Ben?
They're maybe not even a ghost ship. They're probably just in the background. Our winner for this year goes to Bow and Kung from La Pluie. 
[fanfare sound]
Bow came on that trip with Saengtai on a mission, and she had a side objective. She was like, “I'm gonna get my boy off his ass and into bed with Patts properly. And also, I'm gonna fuck somebody on this trip.” 
Now, she had her sights set on one of the other vets when they started this out, and she was beefing with Kung at first thinking that girl was too extra, and she was pissing about with her. But by the end of that trip they’re hugging each other, crying together, holding hands, dancing together. As far as I'm concerned, it happened.
It absolutely happened as far as I'm concerned. And, like, the funniest part of that is that when they get there, Kung is speaking in this really annoying voice and this really annoying style of talking. Bow just wants to strangle her the entire time she's doing that. She's doing this kind of—not a baby voice—but, like, this fake calm, very serene type of aura that she's giving off. 
And literally she shares a room with Bow, and the very next day she talkin’ different. [laughs] She and Bow holdin’ hands in the background. Listen, these two fucked nasty and you can't convince me otherwise.
They definitely did. We don't need to debate it.
Congratulations, Bow and Kung, the winners of the Best Ghost Ship award.
07:11 - Best Friendship
So we're going to move on to my favorite ship: Friendship. 
For me, friendship is where it's at when it comes to these stories. Yes, we all love the romantic relationships. They're all lovely and “ooh” we coo about it. But friendship and community, and especially queer friendship and community, are super, super important. I feel all rosy inside when I think about people building community and being friends and found family with each other. 
The runner up for best friendship: The Band Chinzhilla from My School President. 
[applause sound]
I call these boys a lovely bunch of coconuts, and I stand by it. These boys are super dumb. They're such losers, but they 1000% have each other's backs. Even when they fight, they can't maintain it for long. They fight, and then they cry it out, and they hug each other, and they go on. 
It reminded me, watching these boys, of what it was like to be young and have a group of friends, you just shooting the shit and just being nonsensical at all times. Getting in trouble together, looking out for each other. It made me feel warm and glowy inside, and that is why Chinzhilla is my runner up for Best Friendship. 
Ben, what does the Best Friendship category mean to you, and who are our winners for Best Friendship?
One of the most important things about a good romance is that the people who are going to be together, I think, have the kind of support network that you believe that they can make it. If you're gonna have a really effective long-term relationship to root for, people have got to have people who are in their corner who have their backs. And for me, I'm always going to be drawn to queer friendship in this award. I think last year we gave it to the Secret Crush on You quartet.
Yes, we did.
This year we are giving it to Sailom and Yiwa from Wedding Plan. 
[fanfare sound]
And if you bitches thought I was done talking about this fucking show [laughs and then begins singsong] you got another thing comin’. 
[NiNi laughs]
I will continue to state plainly and clearly that Wedding Plan the series does not function without the relationship between these two. That is so rare to say in any sort of romantic drama. Sailom’s entire motivation is grounded in his loyalty to Yiwa, and freeing her from the confines of heteronormativity in her family. The reason he's lying, the reason he's playing all these games, the reason why he doesn't tell Nuea what maybe needs to be said is because he is loyal to his friend, and her safety is more important to him than his own happiness. 
These two have each other's back; they are the most ride-or-die. Sailom was prepared to sacrifice his own needs and desires to make sure that Yiwa and Marine were safe and sheltered. And when it was made abundantly clear that faking it with Lom was not going to suffice, Yiwa was like, “Fine, I'll be your villain.” She turns around and gives to Lom what he was trying to give her by becoming the villain in the story, by being the girl who left him at the altar to run off with some woman and go to England of all places. These two understand each other and they love each other in a way that defines the entire show. I don't know a better friendship.
I have to concur. I get incredibly emotional thinking about that, because that's love. That's love in its purest form. 
So our winner of the 2023 VIIB Award for Best Friendship is Sailom and Yiwa from Wedding Plan. Plate in the mail.
12:10 - Best Side Ship
And now [rubs hands together] for the main event. Best Side Ship, our annual Battle Royale, even though this is only the 2nd Annual VIIB Awards, it's still annual. 
So last year, Ben and I could not come to an accord on side ship because we had two very different conceptions of what the purpose of a side ship is and how a side ship should operate in a show. 
NiNi’s position was the best side ship for her is the pair that is so compelling that she would kind of like to see what the show looks like if we focus on them instead and make the mains sides for them. I work from the perspective of if we're gonna have a side ship, I like for them to have thematic resonance with the main ship. 
In the end, Ben convinced me and I bowed to his argument about side ships. 
So our contenders this evening are: presented from NiNi, Tien and Lomfon from La Pluie. And presented by me, Marine and Yiwa from Wedding Plan. 
Ben you go first, tell us why Marine and Yiwa? 
Wedding Plan is about the choice to present straight and do your own thing on the side. The difficulties that Lom and Nuea may face are made real by observing Marine and Yiwa. The two of them love each other, they’re having a great time, but they're under constant surveillance. People take pictures of them in public and send it to Yiwa’s mom and say “What's going on with her and her friend?” Yiwa's mom goes to Marine’s house and lays hands on her. We can see that Marine is suffering for being in the closet with Yiwa. She loves Yiwa. She's made her choice. She understands what she gave up and weighed it against what she's gained, and she chooses that. She allows us to consider what Namnuea may be giving up because he is a loved, self actualized gay man who has the total support of his entire network. What is he stepping into if he chooses to be with Lom? Marine and the relationship that she has with Yiwa helps us understand the relationship challenges Nuea is going to face if he chooses to be with a rich, closeted man. 
I'm going to make my argument for Tien and Lomfon. I've described La Pluie as being about an atheist, an apostate, an agnostic, and a true believer. Tien and Lomfon are the atheist and the true believer who have to come to an accord about what beliefs they're going to share. The thematic resonance of Tien and Lomfon working that out alongside Patts and Tai working out what they're gonna believe or not believe. I just liked watching the interplay of those two couples and how they contend with the soulmate connection tied to the rain deafness as an article of faith. Even though they don't drive narrative to the extent that Marine and Yiwa do, I think that they are critical to understanding where La Pluie wants you to land on this theme of soulmates, and they are the best side ship for that reason. 
The argument I could make for them is that they give us an opportunity to look at a relationship forming in the conceits of this world without the pressures and expectations of rain deafness on their dynamic. The struggle I have with Lomfon and Tien is Lomfon turns to Tien’s feelings really late, and so it's difficult for me to connect with where Lomfon decided to start caring about Tien properly and looking at him. For Tien, I kind of get his attraction to Lomfon because he and Lomfon fight a bunch, and Tien clearly seems to get off on some of that, but I'm less certain when it comes to Lomfon because he's just so fucking dense for most of the show, and he's so fucking rude!
He is rude, but I don't think he's as dense as you'd say. He is picking up what's happening between him and Tien. He's just scrupulously ignoring it in favor of his headcanon, basically, that he is meant to be with Saengtai. I don't feel like Lomfon is confused so much as stubborn. 
I don't think I was invested in the stakes of whether or not the two of them would make it. Like, I was totally okay with Tien not being with Lomfon. 
I was not! [laughs]
Okay, shallow reasons. 
Okay. All right. 
Tien and Lomfon’s kiss is way better than Yiwa [laughs] and Marine’s.
And now the truth comes out, besties. [both laugh] And here it is. 
We’re trying to find a point of separation so we can pick a winner. 
The better kissers are clearly Suar and Copter. 
Suar put whole pussy in to that kiss. This is gonna be a rough one ‘cause I feel like neither of us is ready to capitulate. 
I do think that both of these pairs have important thematic resonance with the core themes of both shows. I think we have to decide if we're gonna award the Wedding Plan pair for queer reasons or if we're gonna award the La Pluie pair for really strong romantic deconstruction themes. Because a big part of La Pluie was unpacking the expectation of romance itself. 
In that regard, then. Tien and Lomfon are not as deeply integrated into the mission of La Pluie as Marine and Yiwa are integrated into the mission of Wedding Plan. What Tien and Lomfon say about romance is not as much as what Marine and Yiwa say about performance of heteronormativity and the importance of queer family. 
[sigh] Ah, man, difficult. 
It is difficult, but since this is a BL podcast, queer reasons do win out over romance reasons every time. So Tien and Lomfon are our runners up. I'm going to send them a koozie and a saucer because they deserve.
[laughs] We gotta do a better job with the paraphernalia for these awards. 
The koozie just seems disrespectful, we gotta come up with something else. 
It really does. 
There's, like, nothing distinguished about a koozie. 
We're just gonna give them their own plate, there’ll just be different materials. 
Okay, that's fine. We can work with that. 
And the winner of the Best Side Ship plate is gonna be Yiwa and Marine from Wedding Plan. Congratulations, girls. 
We can finally move past the side ship struggle we have every year. I really hope this is not a thing next year. I need everyone making BL to look into the camera right now. Don't put us through this again in 2024. [laughs] I want a clear winner going into this year. Get it together, everyone. 
I don't know. I kind of enjoy it [laughs].
21:10 - Best Main Ship
Moving on to our final award of this segment and that is the Best Main Ship. The criteria for awarding the best main ship: listen, the show is about them, do I buy their love story?
So the runner up for best main ship is Kawi and Pisaeng from Be My Favorite. [applause sound] I think I shocked myself, maybe, a little bit with this one. 
You shocked yourself. You did not shock me. [laughs] I'm like, looking at this list—those two? Of course, okay. 
I feel like when it comes to a love story that really resonated with me, Be My Favorite was one of the high points. The way that it utilized its time travel conceit to build the love story, the way that it built the love story between Kawi and Pisaeng. Who Kawi is, who Pisaeng is, all the things that have happened to them and bring them together. And in terms of a ship, two characters whose love story I 100% buy just as it has been presented on screen, to me that was Kawi and Pisaeng. 
With all the things you watched this year and the intense swooning you had for other couples this year, I'm curious that this was the couple you went to bat for when we had to hash this out. 
I surprised myself a little, too. 
I was expecting like Yai and Jom as the ones you really wanted to go for. 
With everybody else, there's something. There's something that I felt was missing or there's something that I had to sort of reconstruct in my head as we went along. There's something that I probably wasn't 100% sold on. But when it came to these two, I really genuinely, in terms of how their story was portrayed, really, genuinely had no notes. If I had to point to, like, a specific thing, I would point to the back end of the show, and particularly that sequence of Pisaeng time traveling and how it flips their dynamic a little bit. The way that that was handled felt so honest to the characters as presented, showing how Kawi had grown, showing how Pisaeng had come to terms with himself, showing that they had settled into each other in a particular kind of way, like I believed that for the two of them this is it, no matter what. 
So who is the winner of our best main ship for 2023, Ben? 
Our winner of Best Main Ship this year goes to Han Baram and Im Hantae from Sing My Crush. 
[fanfare sound]
What stands out for me with Im Hantae is he has to contend with, first, having to accept that the devotion that he's been pouring onto Han Baram for years was potentially mildly harmful to Han Baram because Han Baram had a crush on him the whole time. He has to recognize Han  Baram’s feelings and find a way to match that in himself. He has to also support Han Baram through a very difficult professional challenge that Han Baram keeps abandoning him during. And he gets mad at Han Baram in a way that is 100% justified. 
The boxing scene between the two of them is one of my favorite scenes of the year, and I think there's really something special about a couple who give each other permission to be angry sometimes. Particularly in a genre about men being with men, I think it is really important that we accept and understand that the fact that men get angry is not a character flaw or failing. I love the way the show made that simultaneously really physical, but also seemingly gentle. 
You can feel the whole time how important these two characters are to each other, and it is really rare in BL that friends to lovers is done at all, let alone well. As the moody gay of our duo, I'm gonna give it to friends to lovers almost any year when it's handled this well, because that, for me, in a lot of ways is the primary gay angst. Even if you grew up in ideal circumstances where people weren't being homophobic to you, statistically you're gonna like a lot of straight boys. And it's hard if you didn't know about queerness in yourself to suddenly have to respond to that and recognize that and accept that that's going to alter, maybe, the way you thought your life was gonna go. That's handled well in this show. I really like that for Im Hantae, what mattered most to him was his devotion to Han Baram, and I like that their relationship is constructed by the show as something mutually beneficial for both of them. 
And yes, that virtuous circle, that upward spiral that we talk about, that I think is part of the best couples. 
The winner of the Best Main Ship for 2023 is Han Baram and Im Hantae from Sing My Crush. Congratulations, boys! Plates are in the mail.
27:49 - Outro
Look at Krist, getting a plate in 2023!
Good for him. Nobody saw that coming. Like, nobody. 
That is going to wrap us up on the Ships Ahoy! segment of the 2023 VIIB Awards. Next up tomorrow, again, if the editing has happened the way that it's supposed to—
Stop qualifying, just say it. be brave, be bold about it: Tomorrow! 
Tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow we will be moving into our technical awards. Our Immortal Technique episode. So we're going to be awarding, as Ben said, all the people that you never get to see, but who make the shows what they are. 
We always love these awards. We get to get super nerdy and deep in the weeds. That's probably the episode that we looked forward to all of this year and we're going to read out a bunch of names of people that you've never heard of, so look forward to that. 
Until then, we out. Say bye to the people, Ben.
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amgk22 · 2 months
“She’s Gone Mad”
Hi! You might know me as the person who’s obsessed with who’s in the lead of fics between rajbow/bowraj and mkulia. However, I’m also a writer, and I thought I’d publish the first chapter of my story onto here since a03 is down :(
the story’s an AU if Lauren/Scary Girl never competed in total drama and is instead a sheltered but slightly creepy new student at a school. Hopefully you enjoy the first chapter!
little girl, little girl
whatever path you take
I’ll be here through thick and thin
See what your future makes
My eyes are baggy. My lips are chapped. My legs feel frozen. I just can’t sleep. 
Tomorrow starts a new day at school. 
School…other people. 
I haven’t interacted with people much.
I’m more of an inside person. 
But my mom wanted me to make friends. 
I reach over to the edge of the table next to my bed, and grasp my hands on the record player. Turning it on, my favourite record plays. 
It’s my moms voice. She’s singing a lullaby. My dad said that she was going to sing this to me every night as soon as I was born. 
But she never got the chance. 
I lay back, and take a deep breath. The music calms me. 
I wonder what would happen if mom was here right now.
I pull up my left knee sock, my right sock already on. “Needs a bit of decoration,” I mumble. Looking at the clock, I see there’s still thirty minutes until the bus is supposed to come. Enough time to add some sparkle. 
My dad’s already at work. Usually I don’t like this, but now it works in my favour. Opening the door, I walk down my hallway to the kitchen. 
I step up on the ball of my feet, reaching up to the cabinet. I look for the purple food colouring. It’s right in the front, a bit of it is dried onto the lid. “Perfect,” I say to myself, grabbing the food colouring. Maybe I should put it in my water and tell people at school it’s poison. They’d all think it’s cool. 
I lay my knee socks flat on the table, as I take off the lid of the food colouring. “Gone goes the boring socks, here comes the unique design,” I mutter as I squeeze the bottle and the food colouring drips out. 
Drips on the top. 
Drips on the bottom. 
Drips on the left. 
Drips on the right. 
I still leave some white space, because plain purple socks is no better than plain white socks. 
The food colouring dries quickly, so I turn the socks around to colour the other side. 
Drips on the top. 
Drips on the bottom. 
Drips on the left. 
Drips on the right. 
As the socks dry, I go to the bathroom and look into the mirror. I practice my normal smile. It looks really good! I still don’t have any makeup yet. Only some concealer for when I had lots of acne two years ago. Now that my face is clear again; there’s really no need for the concealer. 
Grabbing my hair brush, I quickly stroke the brush through my dyed purple and pink hair. My dad freaked out when he saw it. But eventually, he embraced it and told me it looked amazing. 
I tie my hair up into pigtails, giving myself a satisfactory grin. I look very pretty, if I do say so myself. Checking the clock on the wall, there’s fifteen minutes left until the school bus arrives. What can I do in fifteen minutes?
I adjust my uniform anxiously as I stand in the bathroom, continuing to look at myself. Everyone’s gonna love my hair. Everyone’s gonna love my socks. Everyone’s gonna think I’m so pretty. 
I’m gonna be the most pretty girl at the entire school. 
I’m standing right by my driveway. The bus is about to arrive. It’s very yellow (dad showed me pictures) and has four wheels. Will the school be yellow too?
I’ve never seen a yellow building before. It would look very nice. 
rrrrrrrrrrrr. The bus is coming up my road. It’s finally time. I adjust my backpack, making sure it doesn’t fall off as I walk over to the other side in order to enter. 
“Hi bus driver lady!” I exclaim, waving and hugging the lady sitting, arms on the wheel. The lady does not look impressed. She gives me a look, first of annoyance, then of slight terror, before pointing to the seats emotionless.
“Okay! Not in the mood for hugs,” I say, walking down to find a seat. I’m about to sit next to a blonde girl, but she slams her hand down. 
“This seats saved,” The blonde girl said, chewing her gum. 
“For who?” I ask. 
“It’s saved,” the girl repeats. I get the message. I go over to another seat, but the boy does almost the exact same thing as the girl. 
And so does the entire bus.
“Hurry up and find a seat! We have school to get to!” The bus driver yells. I’m startled, and quickly run to a spot in the back. It’s empty, and I sigh of relief. Nobody can tell me not to sit here. 
“Sorry: but my friend’s sitting there,” a girl says, looking back. 
The bus parks. We all get off. As I walk towards the entrance, I notice people looking at me. Their faces are scared. Or grossed out. I don’t like it. 
“Excuse me Ma’am,” the principal says, holding a clipboard. “What happened to your socks?”
“I painted them!” I say. “They felt too..boring.”
“Well, we don’t want your socks to be a distraction to our other pupils, so I’ll have to ask you to take them off and spend today with no socks,” The principal tells me, placing her hand out. 
“What? But,” I look down at my socks. They don’t look distracting. The principals a meanie. A big meanie. However, she is the principal. I take off my socks and hand them to her as I hear giggles. Some people have been watching. 
I turn my head around, and glare at them. “Anything you’d like to say?” I ask, frustrated. The two don’t respond. “That’s what I thought,” I say, smirking. I put back on my shoes, and look one more time to the principal. “Sorry, miss.”
“Hopefully you’ll learn from your mistakes,” the principal says. “I’ll have some struggles with Lauren,” I hear her mumble. My name. Lauren. It’s always felt a tiny bit wrong. My mom wanted to name me something different- like Scarlett or “Scarlie” Gayle. My dad sometimes still calls me Scarlie, or Scary Girl. Cause Scarlie Gayle sounds like Scary Girl. How do I change my name?
“I will,” I say quietly, looking down as I walk down the hall to find my locker. As I glance to people, I notice things. They’re all friends. They’re all talking. They all have their hands making a C motion around their face, as if they’re whispering. Some are glancing at me. Some don’t even know I exist. 
If I join a group, I won’t be targeted. Right? I find my locker combination, and there’s a girl leaning on the side of my locker. She has blonde, curly, short hair, and I can’t keep my eyes off of her. Maybe it’s because I want to go into my locker, but I’m too scared to ask. Why am I too scared to ask?
“Can I get into my locker,” I mumble, as the girl and her friends talk. I repeat, “Can I get into my locker!” They still don’t respond. Now I’m getting mad. “CAN I GET INTO MY LOCKER!” I yell, covering my mouth immediately after I say that. 
A couple of people are looking my way, and the blonde girl looks completely terrified. “S-sorry,” she says, running off with her friends. I grin in satisfaction, as I open up the locker, and stare into my locker. It’s small, cold, and a bit of the paint is chapped off…
But it’s perfect.
It’s the first day of school for everyone. The teacher just told us. Of course, I should’ve known- but how is everyone friends already?
They must have been in the same junior high. 
I was homeschooled, so I’m not surprised people don’t know me. But they will soon. The teacher is getting everyone to say their names and 3 things they like. I’m almost up.
I wanna tell everyone my name is Scarlett, so they call me Scarlie Gayle. Would the principal hate me if I did that? 
You know what, I’m gonna do it. She took away my socks. “You, can you stand up and tell us your name and three things you like?” The teacher asks me. She has a very soft voice. And a nice smile. I get up, and walk over to the front. Here it goes. 
“Hi!” I say. “I’m Scarlett, Scarlett Gayle. But you guys can call me Scarlie.” So far, so good. Nobody’s told me my real name is Lauren. And that’s how it’s gonna stay. “I like painting, paper mache, and horror movies!” 
“That’s amazing Scarlett,” the teacher says. I sigh in relief. She doesn’t know I’m Lauren. “Why do you like horror movies?”
“Because everyone has such a distinct scream,” I reply. “I’ve seen them all. Saw, scream, human centipede..” I list off all the horror movies I’ve watched, and I notice that a couple of people are startled by my interest in horror movies. Did I say too much?
“Hey, that’s the scary girl on the bus!” One of the guys in the background say. He has brown hair. I think he was someone who rejected me from sitting with him. 
“Yeah!” I say. “I was on the bus! Why didn’t you let me sit with you?”
This just makes people chuckle. What did I do wrong? “Was it something I said?” I ask. “Why are you laughing! Tell me!” I feel myself getting angrier as they keep away the secret on why they’re laughing at me. They’re meanies! They’re all meanies!
“Come on you guys, give Scarlett a break,” The teacher says, but they don’t listen. 
Why aren’t they listening?
What did I do?
Is it all my fault?
“Stop!” I exclaim, frustrated again. “Why are you laughing!” I stomp my foot in anger, and clench my fists. 
“Everyone, seriously, stop,” the teacher says, finally dying down the laughter. “Scarlett, I’m sorry about that. You may sit.”
“Thanks teacher!” I say, sitting down. However, now that I hear everyone better, it’s clear they’re still giggling. And laughing.
What did I do wrong?
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aquaticpal · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - Chrysalis
So the other day I promised to share something related to this post 🙂 This is a random OoT idea that popped up a few weeks ago, and I managed to nurse it into a full-blown comic script (thanks @aegon-targaryen for listening to my blabs). Now, I have a buuuunnnch of things to do before I have anywhere near the time to draw such a lengthy comic, so it's going to sit in this script form for a long time maybe forever. Still, I wanted to put it out here so that it at least exists in this form 😌
Rating: G Word count: ~2000 Tags: canon divergence, fix-it fic, healing, let's pretend this is an AU where uhhh Navi doesn't exist
[desert sand dunes - night, around a campfire]
"Hahhh... Sheik, you saved me again..."
"A couple pieces of bread and dried meat was all it took, and you went traipsing across the desert without even that?"
"I had them! It just... didn't last as long as I thought...!
I used to stay out all night in the forest and got by fine just picking a few berries... dunno what happened..."
"You have a body twice the size to feed now. Idiot." "Oh... yeah..."
"Aren't you gonna have some, Sheik? (I feel weird eating by myself...)"
"I ate earlier. No need." "Pff, I know you're just trying to avoid taking down your mask, right? (It's fine, I get it)"
"My hands are occupied."
[Link stretches out under the wide, endlessly vast desert sky, full of stars]
"Thanks for the music. It's a real treat for the last night before the Spirit Temple tomorrow."
"After I clear the last temple... that'll be it, right? Then I'll be able to see Princess Zelda?"
"I wonder what she'll be like, after seven years... Hey Sheik, you know where she is, right? Do you talk with her? Have you met her?"
"As if I would divulge that information." "I guess I'll just have to find out tomorrow~"
"What if when you meet her,
she's not the perfect person that you imagine? What if she's actually selfish, or cowardly, or cruel?"
"What if she has blood on her hands?"
[Link's hand has moved to the Master Sword.]
"You don't like Princess Zelda very much, do you."
"She is using you."
"She's my friend! She's not that kind of person. And I want to help her."
"Aren't the Sheikah supposed to be loyal to the Royal Family? Are you?"
"That is where my loyalty lies. The Princess can trust me to work for her goal, as can you. I have no obligation to like her as a person.
But perhaps you shouldn't trust me fully, either."
"You don't seem like a bad person. You've been helping me get to all the temples. And you've never tried to do anything bad to me even though you could sneak up on me anytime."
Besides, we're friends, aren't we?"
[plink] "You are far too quick to open your heart to others. You may have missed the past seven years, but in a world like this, there are many who would take the opportunity to strike at that openness."
"It's okay, I'm the Hero. I can take it." "You can't treat your own well-being so frivolously like that!"
"All of Hyrule's fate is dependent on you!"
"In a world like this... people need someone who opens their heart more than ever, don't they?
I'm lucky. I slept through all these years, and I woke up strong - strong enough to fight the evils in this world. Strong enough to help all the people who's been hurt and worn down by years of darkness.
So, I don't mind taking a few nicks or hits if it means giving a bit of hope to someone who needs it. It's what I'm made for.
I don't know where Zelda is, but... I hope she can see it, too. That all over Hyrule things are getting a little better, so wherever she is, hopefully things are a little brighter too."
[His optimism makes his face glow in the firelight. Sheik is silent.]
"She doesn't deserve you."
"You sound jealous." ("Don't be absurd!")
"I-I have to go." "Wait, hold--"
[behind a nearby rock formation, Sheik re-materializes, hands clenched]
[shot of clasped, gloved hands - Temple of Time] "...It was I, Zelda. Princess of Hyrule."
"I'm sorry for deceiving you all this time..." [Link steps forward, reaching out, hopeful]
!! [The room shakes, a crystal forms around Zelda]
[her vision blacks out, the last sight being Link inaudibly banging on the crystal]
"...Ganondorf... pitiful man..."
"Six Sages... now!"
"...the road between times... will be closed..."
"Link, give the ocarina to me.
As a Sage, I can return you to your original time with it."
[instead of giving the ocarina, Link reaches out and cradles her outstretched hand, like a wounded thing.]
"Are you all right?" "What... I..."
"You look so sad.
Back then, that time when you were talking as Sheik. You said you didn't like the Princess very much."
"It was my childish whims that threw Hyrule into ruin. I have to make amends for all the souls that suffered the price for my mistake. Most of all, you."
"Can I talk to Sheik?" "I..."
"That's just me, Link." "No"
"Even though Sheik was always behind a mask, It seemed like you could talk more truthfully then."
"Link, this isn't the time..." "This is the time! If you're going to send me back, if you want me to give you the ocarina... then at least I want to hear it from Sheik. I want to hear your true words."
[Zelda turns away, huddled into herself]
[but silently and motionlessly, she Shifts]
"Can we go somewhere else?"
[Lake Hylia - the island with the warp pedestal]
"It's nice to be here without having to worry you'll run off again."
"You're not gonna run off, right?" "Link, please."
[they sit silently for a moment, looking out over the water]
"Is this what you really want? Will it make you happy?"
"This isn't about that. The people of Hyrule--" "That's not what I asked."
"...It doesn't matter." "I'm asking how you feel--" "It doesn't matter!"
[a silent moment.]
"Why do you hate Princess Zelda so much?"
"She was weak. All she could do was cower and hide. All she could do was wait while others fought and bled for her mistake."
"She befriended a brave, pure-hearted boy, only to take advantage of his kindness. She stole so much from him. From everyone."
"How can you even look at her? After what she's done?"
"After I woke up from the Sacred Realm, I met a lot of people who needed help. People who were beaten down and tired, and lost their hope and will. It was all they could do to hang on and get through each day, and some of them didn't make it."
"But not Zelda. She survived for seven years, and not only that, she traveled all across the land, even through all the dangers - all to make sure that her people were protected, and her hero could succeed."
"There would've been no hope in this land if she hadn't worked to keep it alive for seven years. And she kept this idiot hero alive, too."
"I think she's very strong. Even stronger than me. And she deserves to smile, too."
[Smiling - it's something she hasn't tried to do in a long time. Behind the mask, she is worn down, but tries feebly to mount one more defense]
"What about you? You deserve to be rewarded for your efforts and sacrifice, more than anyone."
"Wouldn't you rather go back to a world without turmoil? Wouldn't it ease your mind, knowing that you saved the lives of so many?"
"Yeah, but I'll know there's one person I haven't saved."
"The one person I most wanted to save." "Don't"
"I'll go back if you want me to. I'll do it if that's what you think is best, Zelda. But don't do it because you think hurting yourself is the only right thing to do, okay?"
"I swore, when I met you, that I would protect you, no matter what. Don't make me do something that would hurt you."
[Link takes her hand, and places the ocarina in it.]
"Please, promise me that whatever you choose... you'll do it with a smile."
[Cradling the ocarina, Sheik tries to gather her composure, but she cannot muster a smile. She looks down, defeated]
"...Will you forgive me, if I choose to be selfish?"
"You know what my answer would be. But I think I'm not the one you need to ask that to. Am I right?"
[A vision - Sheik stands looking down at a young Princess Zelda from seven years ago, bloodied and dirtied as if she had just escaped from the castle]
[Slowly, Sheik approaches and stoops to the young girl's level, and reaches out to pull her into an embrace.]
[In the real world, Sheik is wiping at her eyes]
"I'm sorry. Please stay"
[Perhaps, she's saying it to someone else, too. Link holds her, for a long time]
"Look, the sun's coming up."
[still leaning into each other, they look to the brightening horizon]
"This is a lot nicer than last time."
"When I threw a Deku Nut at you and ran away?" "Heh"
[Looking into the light, Sheik reaches up to her mask, and lowers it. She faces the sun for a moment, then looks up to face Link]
"It's good to meet you... at last."
[their faces are so close. She's moved to lean in and kiss him, just a little.]
"Sorry, I..." "Don't be sorry! That was nice. You're... nice."
"Can I kiss you too?" "Link, I..."
"This body... It's a male body." "So?"
"I thought you might not... like..."
"I like you. The real you. Without hiding. Without holding back."
[Blushing but touched, Sheik tucks her hair behind her ear, finally showing her full face.]
"All right, then."
[they do not hold back.]
[partially restored castle - Princess Zelda steps out of a political meeting, looking tired. Out of nowhere, Link tugs her around a corner for a kiss]
"L-Link! You can't just--I'm still Zelda!"
"What? Don't worry, no one's gonna see. (Promise)"
"It's not that, I... I thought you just liked... Sheik."
"I told you, I like you. Did you think I wouldn't want to kiss a beautiful princess?
Zel. You're no less kind, or brave, or hardworking, just because you're in a different body."
[she looks down for a moment, emotional, tempted to refuse. But then she looks up, with a smile.] 
[She steps into his arms, and kisses him fully for the first time]
[Fishing Hole - golden hour. Link is struggling to reel in a fish]
[Zelda's POV - Link turns, and drops his rod in excitement] "Zel! You made it!"
[full shot - Zelda is dressed in a plain, androgynous tunic and leggings, carrying a small picnic basket. Her hair is free and loosely pulled back, without a crown, without a mask.] "And you brought food!! You're the best person in the world."
"Man, I didn't realize I was starving" "You have to take better care of your own needs, Hero." "I don't have to, I've got you~"
"Here, you should have some too--"
"Oh crud - there's no more?" "I'm sorry. Supplies are still low--" ("No I'm the one who should be sorry!!")
"Well, here - I've got something for you too."
[Link pulls out a glass bottle, filled with strawberries. They're a deep, ripe red - the first splash of color in this black & white comic] "I picked them from the Lost Woods. They've just started growing back recently."
[He holds one up to her lips. A little tentatively, Zelda bites into it - and bursts into tears]
"Zel!? You okay?" "Y-Yes, I just..."
"It's been... a long time since I've had anything so sweet."
"You deserve it."
[Wide shot - she has a little emotional fit in his arms. Color is gradually seeping into the comic.]
[But eventually, the berries get finished.]
"Link - there's one more thing. I..."
[Zelda takes out the Ocarina of Time, and places it into his hands.]
"Zel, this..."
[She gives him a genuine smile, fond and peaceful.] "Keep it. I've made my decision."
[She touches her forehead to his, as they share a moment of joy] "It suits you better, anyway."
[Zelda pulls out her harp, and begins playing a tune.]
[Link raises the ocarina, and joins her in a duet.]
[The musical notes drift into the sky, intertwined over a lush, colorful world.]
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