justbmore · 2 years
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After positive reviews, I don’t have a reason to buy a cowboy steak from a restaurant when I could cook one just as well if not better for a fracture of the cost. One thing about me is, I’ll pay for food for a few reasons. Convenience, I don’t know how to make it or it just tastes that amazing. Once I get all 3 down pact, I don’t need to buy it from anyone or anywhere unless I don’t feel like making it. #cheflife #chefmode #influencer #contentcreator #cookingathome #cookingtime #creative #savingmoney #goodeating #mediumraresteak #selftaught #goodfood #foodie #foodies #wantapiece #howdidido #howdoesitlook #rateme #howigotmywife #mycookinggotbetter #mycookinggotmywife #mywifeishappy #tastetest #tasty #samsclub #foodporn #foodstagram #foodoninstagram #foodlover #foodgasm https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzMoVJOQcx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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golfmakesmehappy · 1 year
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*3 KEY TIPS* for smoother golf swings and better tempo... | HowDidiDo Academy
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Kind Stranger| GBD
Word Count: 2.8k (teeny tiny) Trigger Warning: quarantine talk A/N: This is my first fic post ever! Please let me know what you think about this little teaser. Please please give me feedback about if I should keep going or if I can improve at all!!
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The saltwater hit his tongue sharply. His body fell alongside his board in the water. While his feet met the ground again, he quickly scooped up the wayward board before it floated too far away. Arriving back on the shore, he dug the bottom of the board into the heavy, wet sand. He sat next to it, the tide kissing his feet and bare legs as it danced along the shore. He took a deep breath. He was at peace.
Grayson Dolan didn’t feel peace often: at least, not lately. The past two years had been one chaotic haze after another. Moving into a house in LA. Being on Fear Factor. Having his first stalker. Being there to watch his father pass. Starting a fragrance company. Erupting into a workaholic pattern of self-destruction to avoid dealing with the emotions of his father’s death. Announcing to his over 10million fans that he and Ethan had reached their last emotional string and needed to pursue a life that was happiest for them, including projects that pushed them as creators.
The creative projects were as scary and dizzying as they were exciting. He and Ethan traveled across the country in a custom van. They explored the Australian wilderness. They started a podcast with their friend, Ryan, to introduce the real, mature versions of themselves to the internet. Grayson had a small black notebook in his bottom left desk drawer with project ideas and timelines for the year.
But that notebook became pointless when the pandemic hit. He and Ethan were in the process of finding a new house after an incident with an unhealthily obsessed fan when the shelter in place orders hit. The first month was unstable; no one should have to move to a new house in the middle of a pandemic. But the craziness subsided eventually, Grayson and Ethan found a home to call their own for the first time in their lives. After living in close quarters during construction left them at each other’s throats, they found a rental in Malibu to live out the rest of their quarantine days. Periodically, the visited their mother in New Jersey.
Visiting New Jersey did not exactly follow the CDC guidelines. Grayson quelled the risk in his heart with the importance of his mother. If she wasn’t working and he and Ethan only ever saw each other, how dangerous could it really be? Besides, his mother needed him. After the death of his father, his mother was left alone in their house in rural New Jersey. She had nothing but the memories of buying the home, bringing home two twin baby boys, teaching her daughter how to ride a bike, and having tough conversations about her sons’ dreams… Yeah, she needed him. Grayson decided. Grayson still held guilt from not spending enough time with his mother after his father passed. He loved her more than anything, and in a deep place, a place so deep that he didn’t dare think on often, he would never forgive himself for not being there for her in the weeks following his father’s passing.
He thought of her often: like on this beach in Malibu. He thought of how she’d love to pull up a beach chair and enjoy a Mojito while soaking up the sun. The image almost made him chuckle. For a short second, he pictured Ethan and Cameron there with her. Cameron would pull up a beach chair next to their mother, blasting her latest musical obsession from a stereo. Ethan would try to surf, but eventually his more whimsical tendencies would give out and he’d try building the biggest sandcastle a 20-year-old man child could muster.
Grayson chuckled to himself, he buried his hands in the sand at his sides. He played with it in his palms, feeling the fine granules pass over his coarse skin. A thousand little diamonds slowly withering away at a firm and precise exterior. He was also reminded of his mother constantly telling him to exfoliate his callouses from building.
This was Grayson mid-pandemic. The mess of finding a house passed. The initial marvel of staying busy inside the house passed. Hell, even the wonder of cutting his home-grown mullet had passed. Now, he and Ethan traded turns being the more bored twin. Ethan had re-watched Stranger Things about 10 times by now. Grayson spent his days working out, following his regimented daily routine to soon reach a Planche Hold. Occasionally, one of them would reach a deeper state of boredom and go to bother the other twin. They would go to bed and rehearse the routine again the next day.
Unfortunately for Grayson, Ethan slept like the dead. His twin brother usually slept until 11:00 AM; the pandemic had pushed that to a firm 1:00PM. His brother’s sleeping beauty impression left Grayson with nearly half a day to himself. Grayson made a ritual out of going surfing. The beach was secluded enough to not require the precautionary thinking of masks and hygiene in a pandemic. It was just Grayson, his board, and the ocean. He spent his alone time thinking of the important people in his life. In some ways, this pandemic was almost a good thing for him. He spent last year moving too fast among emotions he was too immature to process on his own. This year the world forced him to move too slow in an attempt to let his mind and heart catch up to the rest of his life. His introspective moments on the sand and sea were his own to experience and process alone. Except today.
She looked down at him and smiled, “Good Morning”
His lips turned up softly, “Morning”
He watched as she walked away: a long, dark ponytail fluttering in the wind over a flowy, white sundress sundress with a small, leather purse hanging at her hip. Grayson leaned back on his palms when he noticed something. Her footprints weren’t even. In the sand, one foot was about two inches deeper than the other. He furrowed his brow, pondering it for a second before shaking his head. He dipped his hands in the water and wet his newly cropped haircut. He was seeing things, probably swallowing too much salt. He grabbed his board and headed up shore to his van.
He wouldn’t have recognized her without the hair. The next day, he was paddling back to shore on his board when she walked by. He could make out her long, dark hair against the pale, sandy background. He squinted: not being able to tell if she was looking back at him. He smiled brightly and outwardly, just in case she could see him. His smile faded in a few seconds. what am I doing? He thought before padding back to shore to make his usually introspective campsite.
The third day, he was firmly in deep thought about his next tattoo when she walked by. They made eye contact as they flashed each other warm, but polite, smiles. “Good Morning” “Good Morning”.
This secluded little beach not his own anymore. He shared it with a kind stranger. She was a silent reminder that the world continued to turn outside of his fast-paced, modern, social media based lifestyle. Okay he thought maybe I’m being a bit deep …but it’s nice to have someone else around I guess.  
Their routine played for two weeks. She would walk by Grayson, either as he was coming to land again or paddling his way back to shore. They exchanged greetings and smiles as they passed. By the time she turned around and walked back to her car again, Grayson was gone.  Sometimes she saw the imprint of him in the sand when he was gone and thought about him when he wasn’t there. For a few minutes, she would muse to herself about his name. Sterling? No too Disney. Lance? No too King Arthur. William? No too Royal Family.
Occasionally, Grayson would think back to her outside of his beach visits. Maybe he passed a girl with long, dark hair in the grocery store, or maybe he saw someone about her size on the other side of a parking lot, he would catch his breath quickly before realizing it wasn’t her. What would I even say? Are we friends? She probably doesn’t remember what I look like. Why do I care? That last one got him.
Why did he care? Sure, he thought, she was pretty. She seemed nice, well okay her Good Mornings sound nice…nicest he’d heard in a while considering the only other person who wished him a good morning was Ethan. Maybe that was just it, he was spending too much time by himself or with Ethan. Ethan and Grayson had been quarantined together for almost four months now. The only other people he had seen was his mother, sister, and friend Ryan. When you only speak to 4 other people face to face for four months, the girl on the beach was a contender for one of his closest friends. The thought settled well in his brain, rationalizing his anxieties about seeing her in public.
About two weeks later, on a Tuesday morning, the sky was grey as the sun hid behind the clouds; the ocean water was unusually murky with dense foam. Grayson’s head must have been in the grey clouds because his usual surfing excursion left him tumbling around in the water more than usual. He started back for the shore earlier than usual, sensing that today was simply not his day. When the water reached his chest, Grayson started to walk upright in the water while dragging his board behind him. Not a few seconds later, he felt a sharp pain stab the outer edge of his left foot. “FUCK”, he swore out loud and gasped. The saltwater heightened the pain as he continued to trudge through the water.
He arrived on shore and noticed a jagged, long cut along the side of his right foot. The saltwater washed away the blood seeping through the wound: all that was left was a deep, slender slice taken out of the side of his foot. He tossed his board down, not bothering to dig it into the sand. He sat on the waters edge, trying to wash the sand out of the wound but wincing when the salt returned with its pointed sting. He groaned softly to himself.
I can’t walk back to the car like this, he thought to himself.
He threw his head back, frustrated with the situation. Frustrated with how he might have scratched his board on a rock from tossing it down. Frustrated from the deep wound spewing blood from his foot. Frustrated with his loneliness. Frustrated with the pandemic. Frustrated with his career. It all lead him here: sitting on a beach, more than half naked, with a bloody foot and a bruised ego. He sighed out loud and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Are you okay?”
Grayson nearly jumped, not because she was mean or aggressive but because he was having his internal meltdown under the impression that he was alone. He forgot about his little beach friend. Her brow furrowed softly, oh shit I should say something. 
“Yeah, I uhh I just got cut up is all” Grayson waived his injured foot softly from where it lay.
She hesitated for a second, neither of them was wearing a mask. Surely Dr. Fauci would approve of her helping a lone stranger who was in pain. She ignored the premonition, figuring that she wouldn’t be seeing anyone else soon anyway but remembering to put a mask in her purse for any future first aid incidents.
“Do you need a hand?” Her eyes were kind and caring, a deep brown that looked nearly gold in the grey light of that Tuesday morning. Grayson found himself looking at her, really looking at her for the first time since they started sharing the beach. She did not notice Grayson’s awkward gawk getting the best of him. She bent her head down, her eyes leaving Grayson’s gaze to search her purse for something. Grayson realized how small she was, probably only 5 feet tall and slender framed underneath her T-shirt and shorts. She unearthed a small, white package from within her purse. “Bandaid?” she offered, holding it out to him.
“Yeah that’d be great,” Grayson nodded softly and took the package from her. He looked from the white box to his cut and his muscles tensed up, unsure of where to start. He looked up at her, his brown eyes wide with uncertainty. She smiled softly at him, reassuring that frustrated place in his heart slightly. “Want some help?”, she was already kneeling down before he could start nodding.
Grayson slipped the white bandage box into her small palm as she started wiping away the larger pieces of sand around the cut. “You think it could get infected?” he asked, “By something in the water?”
She laid a piece of gauze over his cut as she shook her head. “No, the salt in the water would act as an electrolyte to dehydrate the phospholipid bilayer of any aquatic bacteria before it even got in.” He felt his eyebrows raise. She wrapped his foot in a larger bandage before adding, “uh I mean… it’s salt water, so you’ll be fine…..how did you do this anyway?”
“I must’ve stepped on a rock coming out of the water,” Grayson coolly forgot to mention his earlier debacle of looking like a Saint Bernard on a surfboard.
“If a big guy like you can get taken down by a rock, I have no chance in this world,” she remarked while standing up and putting the box back in her purse.  Grayson laughed out loud with a wide smile. Her joke wasn’t even that funny, but it had been so long since he heard someone make a joke besides Ethan.
She smiled down at him, “I like the band” she gestured toward the solid black tattoo on his right ankle. “I think I would go with an anklet though,” she added with a soft confidence.”
Grayson tried to stand on the freshly bandage foot, “True but this way I’ll never lose it in the ocean.”
It was her turn to laugh, she flashed a bright smile at him and let out a happy sound. Her laugh died down as Grayson stood up tall: a tanned, muscular Adonis standing before her. “Well um..I’m glad to see you’re doing okay,” she started to step away from him, “See you later.” She smiled before turning away.
“See you later,” Grayson waved goodbye as she turned her back and continued her walk. He stopped himself, why was a grown man waving goodbye in public like a kindergartener at school? He let his hand fall to his side before picking up his board and walking back to his van. He looked down at his foot, I guess Ethan is taking out the trash tonight..and making me dinner. 
On the other side of the beach, she drew in a breath and cursed to herself, shit..I didn’t get his name..
Grayson returned to the beach the next morning without his board. He decided that getting his bandaged (freshly done and kissed with love by Ethan) foot was too much of a risk. Also, he feared cutting up his good foot with a matching gash. He couldn’t depend on pretty girls with nice eyes to always be there with bandaids.  Instead, he sat down on the sand, letting the water run over his right foot and leg. He held his injured leg in his bicep, folding his knee up to meet his chest. With his free arm, he tried to skip stones in the water from his position on the ground.
He tried his best to enjoy his introspective morning with the ocean, even though he wasn’t in the water.
“I almost didn’t recognize you without your board” she looked down at him from under the visor of a black baseball hat.
He chucked, “Boards don’t pair well with bandaged feet.” He smiled up at her, “Thank you, by the way, for yesterday. I really appreciate it… You didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem….just being a kind stranger,” outwardly, she smiled gently but inwardly she cringed at the awkwardness of her own words. Grayson smiled gently back at her, she can’t have been too awkward if he’s still looking at her right?
“My names Kate”
“I’m Grayson”   A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! This is the first thing I am ever posting and would really appreciate any feedback you have about whether or not I should keep going. <3 
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boozy-mcragequit · 5 years
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I'm writing reviews for all the hundreds of apps I play with a came across this little gem. Not bad at all, I'm actually very impressed and on it for at least am hour,lol. Check out #creativemusicdjappsandgames @mixpads_app I've also included the banger I was working on for an hour😎🤣 #djboozy #musicislife #howdidido #music #apps #justforfun #letsplay #endorse #follow #install (at Richardson, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1644QiHh0x/?igshid=18hivpyqe3u05
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rowdy4141-blog · 5 years
Sample Story Writing
The demon watched the woman from behind the curtain. She was clearly weak and would be easy to possess. As the woman’s breath began to slow and become even more shallow, as she drifted into sleep on her hospital bed, the demon began to move it’s way over to her. He took one short glance at her then closed his eyes as he melded into her body and they became one. Instantly, he could see what was wrong with her body. She had stage three leukemia, that was quickly progressing into stage four. Within three weeks her body wouldn’t be able to begin to fight off even the smallest cold and she would quickly die.
He started to repair her body, for if he was going to use her as a host she had to be able to do more than just lay in a hospital bed. He started by destroying the cancer cells til there wasn’t a trace of the disease left. He then began to restore all that had been damaged by the cancer. Lastly, he returned the strength to her body, and you could hear her breathing return to normal as she was finally healthy. After his hard work to fix her body he decided to do as she had, and rest for the night.
He awoke to her confusion inside of her head. She was struggling to understand how and why she felt better. For a second she wondered if she was dead, but then concluded that if she was dead she wouldn’t still be in her hospital room. The demon waited for the inevitable; she would soon realize she wasn’t alone in her own body.
“Who’s there?”
Her scared question echoed inside her head. He always hated this part. There was never a way to gauge how the person would react. Some just accepted it and moved on and some screamed and screamed endlessly inside their heads. There was always one thing that was always the same; they forced him out. He hoped that it would be different this time, as he really needed a host. He waited for her to calm down then began to explain what had happened. She then began to cry.
“So I am cancer free?”
“Completely, there is not a trace left of it in your body.”
“Leave. Get out of my body. I want to go home and back to my life, and you are not a part of it.”
He knew this was bound to happen. He didn’t even try to stay within her. He slowly left her body and then her room. As he made his way out of the hospital, he looked around to all the rooms of almost lifeless people who would soon be dead despite all that the doctors tried to do to save them. He sighed as he continued on, all the other demons lived within hosts with no problems, why did it never work for him?
To be truthful he knew the answer; they commanded their stay. He didn’t see possession that way. He was in THEIR body and should let them live life also. He guessed he was just a “nice demon.” This thought made him chuckle. That didn’t exist, and he knew this. However he began to ponder on it. What if he just wasn’t cut out to be a real and true demon? What would that make him? And what would he even do then? He was useless. To Hell and even the mortal world.
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looserealityinc · 3 years
#experimentalpainting #paint #painting #spraypaintart #spraypaintartwork #art #artwork #artworks #experiment #tryingsomethingnew #LooseRealityInc #ALRINC #whynot #instagram #instagramartwork #artist #artoftheday #spraypaintings #whatdoyouthink #howdidido #tellmewhatyouthink #shareyouropinion (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSap0t9HQiY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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freeandforme · 3 years
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I did not start wearing make up until I was in my mid 30’s. I am almost 50, and am trying to learn how to do a full face with @eyeko lid gloss,mascara, and liquid eyeliner. I did use other brands for everything else. I think I did okay. ☺️ 💄 . #partnership #makeuplooks #eyeko #mascara,#lidgloss #liquideyeliner #beautymakeup #tryingnewthings #generationx #almost50 #almost50andfabulous #motheroftwo #fortynineyearsyoung #makeupbrands #howdidido #ithinkididgood (at Calabasas, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIomIAPjoLe/?igshid=9l479l13don1
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captainmiiiidknight · 4 years
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So Facebook has a new Avatar feature.. but I can't use mine cuz I'm Bsnned from Facebook fir 30 days 🙄 What do you think? Does he look like me? How'd I do?? #facebook #avatar #cartoon #trending #inthenews #monday #howdidido ? #happymonday #UNCLEBOBBYSTWISTEDTOYSTORE (at Hampton Bays, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVRbUaAwDp/?igshid=2uy20o9k72q0
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sages-muse · 4 years
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Was inspired by @bradmondonyc video and decided to go from the first pic of untamed to a sleeker and shorter style like in pic 2. Thank you @bradmondonyc for your video on how to cut hair at home. My hair turned out really well and I’m happy with it 😊#ifollowed #bradmondotutorial #homehaircare #icutmyownhair #pandemiclife #2k20 #howdidido (at Centreville, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_IvmB5HDpu/?igshid=eqt25ugc4vfz
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suzannevincent1669 · 4 years
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Decided to cut my hair out of boredom lol #layers #howdidido https://www.instagram.com/p/B_INjjQhyij/?igshid=1vfb22sizct7h
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blacklibrarose · 6 years
안녕하세요 annyeonghaseyo keya-eyo Bangawoyo. #learning #korean #wanttotravel #howdidido #kpopread #kpop #kdrama #AMBW #BWAM (at Ware County, Georgia)
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krystinalynne · 4 years
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HVD to the jelly to my PB. I love you. 💜💛😊 #happyvalentinesday #howdidido #peanutbutterandjelly #pbandj (at Wegmans) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jU-SHgCB8/?igshid=11cqcwxd6gzhy
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golfmakesmehappy · 1 year
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Start every golf swing like THIS! | HowDidiDo Academy
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boozy-mcragequit · 5 years
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I'm writing reviews for all the hundreds of apps I play with a came across this little gem. Not bad at all, I'm actually very impressed and on it for at least am hour,lol. Check out #creativemusicdjappsandgames @mixpads_app I've also included the banger I was working on for an hour😎🤣 #djboozy #musicislife #howdidido #music #apps #justforfun #letsplay #endorse #follow #install (at Richardson, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B164jm0HNG0/?igshid=10122x8ddb4gs
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spiderdudeposts · 5 years
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So what do y'all think of my Flynn Rider Disney bound with an addition of Pascal, how does it fare to the original material 😛 #disney #tangled #flynnriderdisneybound #flynnrider #eugenefitzherbert #pascal #rapunzel #disneybounding #disneybound #disnerd #disnerdforlife #disneylover #disneyfan #disneylove #howdidido #isitgood https://www.instagram.com/p/BwRznL-HaTm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y6hyf6aopb3g
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millimoto · 7 years
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pouty parties. 💋 #onlytimeuseenmeinachoker #howdidIdo ???😵
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