#i WILL make a post about Sparrows. At Some Point. im really interested in their relationship as well but dear fuck theres so many asks in-
spotsupstuff · 1 year
I love the voice claims and the art that accompany it!!! Specially murder of crows!!!
Also, the fact that Caper of Euros fell in love made me love him as a character, like I want to know everything about that and I would listen to his music and to ramble about folk tales!!!
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and i thank you as well!!
and i'm also very very glad that him fallin in love is doin it for y'all, i was havin serious doubts about doin that! thought it'd be too on the nose or outlandish- ended up havin a whole conference with my sister over it lskdvmsdlkmglk we agreed to let him fall in love for the sake of his whole "painfully human in spirit the Iterator" theme that he started manifesting out of basically nowhere. here's a lil love bonk with them kids
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marshofspades · 2 years
(Another TUA post, non TUA mutuals im so sorry but I’m just obsessed 😭)
TUA fandom, how do you think the brellies lives look in the sparrow timeline? Here’s mine lol:
1. Luther: I think Luther’s life is relatively peaceful tbh, and I think that if Luther would meet his other self it would genuinely kind of hurt cause he just sees this big Swedish boy happily living his life and Luther just knows he could’ve had that.
2. Diego: I’m not super sure tbh. His hero complex definitely sprouted from Reggie’s abuse (maybe he always had a strong sense of justice, nature vs nurture idk), but I don’t think he’d be a vigilante or something a long the lines of that. I’m not even sure he’d know about his powers in the first place cause like? What normal kid is just gonna discover he can change the trajectory of projectiles? Maybe during a dodgeball match as a kid he just throws a perfect curveball and he’s just like “oh that’s pretty cool”
3. Allison, again not so sure. Especially since I’ve always wondered (this is a stupid question but who cares) do Alison’s powers work in different languages too? Do the people she’s using it on need to be able to understand what she’s saying? So many mysteries lol. But back to the point, I’m not sure if Allison would know about her powers either. Mostly due to the fact that “I heard a rumour” is kind of a random phrase that doesn’t get used a lot? Similar to Diego imagine if she’s just gossiping with her friends and out of nowhere they just get mind controlled. But maybe when Allison discovers her powers she becomes famous again, although I doubt it.
4. Klaus: ok so klaus obviously knows about his powers since their pretty much unignorable, but Im wondering how that would affect his home life and just life in general. Would he learned to adapt or does he do drugs/drink again?
5. Five is by far gonna be the most different. Honestly I’m kind of hoping that Irish Five is gonna be really silly and goofy. One thing that’s interesting though is that from what we know, Fives teleporting ability takes a lot of calculation and skill in general. I’m pretty sure he stated it himself, every jump he makes is calculated. Would he still be able to jump as accurately as the Five we know? Since Reginald was the one teaching Five what I assume must’ve been some very calculated math, I’m wondering if this version five ever got taught the same thing.
6. Ben: I don’t think I have to say a lot, however I would like to add one thing I noticed. They refer to Ben as “the schemer” and that’s genuinely kinda funny since umbrella Ben was known for being intelligent. It’s nice to see that they actually kept that character trait in so there’s still some feeling that old Ben is still in there somewhere
7. Viktor: ok I’m just gonna say this right off the bat, Viktor is probably the only brellie who probably has a worse life in the sparrow timeline. I don’t know why, this is just a hunch mostly. I think that there’s probably some Russian spy stuff going. Maybe a Russian spy Viktor? Ok wait that’s actually kinda cool. But either way, I’d also love to see a Viktor who’s very experienced in using his powers and in control. Like I feel like there’s a lot of potential in Viktors powers that could be used in some really cool ways, and Viktor hasn’t really had time to really learn how to use them in different ways than just like “ haha sound waves go boom”.
Okay tbh that’s everything I have to say, if you want to add anything feel free to repost!
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number5theboy · 4 years
answering some of @honeybeesblr‘ tags on my post because I’m fired up and want to keep talking
#op your metas are just *starry eyed emoji*#this is BEAUTIFUL
First of all, thank you!!! I spent over an hour on that meta and you’re the only one to comment on it and add your thoughts, so I am beyond grateful for that already.
#im actually curious#do you subscribe to the 'r*ggie is going to play five like a fiddle' post that's been going around?
This is about this post, which is an interesting read. And the answer to the question is partially, which is also why I haven’t reblogged it, because I don’t want to go around nitpicking posts. In short, I agree that the season 2 plot twist is mostly on Five’s head, because it was Five’s insistence on involving Reginald, Reginald knowing of them in 1963 is completely Five’s fault. I also agree on some of the reads of Five’s trauma, like his conflicting emotions on Reginald. I do think, and I’ve explained that in the post linked above, that Five isn’t as quick to villainise Reginald. As I’ve said, Five underestimates Reginald. And I think Five will understand that this is mostly his fault, and I agree that it’ll add to his guilt. What bothers me mostly about that theory is twofold. First, I think the reading of the dinner scene is overly focused on Five, and pre-supposes that Reginald is out to get him specifically, which is not how I interpret that scene, and I also think that looking at Reginald as always being on the worst possible behaviour, especially in the bar scene, makes for a less nuanced and potentially less interesting character. It gives Reginald way too much credit in my opinion, although we don’t know anything about his alien powers or the monocle in the show, so I could be eating my words at some point. If that’s your interpretation, that’s absolutely fair, no problem with that, it just isn’t mine. And I agree to a degree with the fact that Five was treated badly by his siblings this season, but I’m also hesitant to go all out with the idea that he is done, that he is at the end of his wits, and would thus be vulnerable to be completely manipulated by Reginald. Mostly because it is the fandom interpretation that Five deserves better than what he gets from his siblings, in comparison to how they treat each other, but a) in-universe, he knows little about the happy reunions, and b) I don’t think that Five expects love or gratitude to be thrown his way, I don’t think he does what he does to be loved, at least not overtly. He does it because of love, but the way I interpret him in my mind, he doesn’t do it for love, not consciously. And I think Reginald knowing and understanding all of that from the literal one interaction he’s had with Five would be too much, a quite boring way of dealing with the very interesting dynamic they’ve established for them. And this is all speculation anyway about how this character is feeling at that very point in time, with very little to go on in canon to base that interpretation on. Depending on what the writers will be on when writing the continuation, should we get one, he might react differently. I can see anger, I can see a complete deflation, I can see a tactical retreat, I can also see Reginald sic the Sparrows on them immediately, it’s all a wait and see. I think the post is an interesting read, it just doesn’t align with my personal view on Five and especially Reginald, which is completely fine, what else is art for if not to be interpreted differently? 
#also it really does feel like five embodies the abuse victim mentality 'it wasn't so bad b/c of x reasons'#all the siblings have their different reactions to abuse#but i always thought it was interesting the most pragmatic and logical of them is the one who would rationalize it as being okay#the siblings also probably still see five as someone who would openly defy their father#idk i just want s3 to give me more Reginald content#i hate him but im so interested by him
Absolutely agreed on all counts, especially the attitude towards Reginald!!!
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hiwhatdoisay · 4 years
My notes on tua season 2 (spoilers)
Can not believe that Hazel died. I thought he deserved better than to die in the first five minutes after everything he’s done. I also can’t believe Agnes died!! Kind of makes sense tho if they had 20 years together
The swedes really confused/disturbed me. That scene they were playing with the knives he barely reacted when he got stabbed.
Lila deserves a better family. The abuse from the handler was so obvious to anyone outside the situation but not to Lila.
When five was first fighting Lila in the warehouse I actually thought that it was weird she kept disappearing (obviously I know why but I’ll touch on that later).
Luther really calmed down this season (in my opinion) he no longer thought he was batter than everyone which is good, and his confrontation with Reginald may have helped that.
Diego. He is so much more powerful than I thought (and I think what he was told) when he stopped the bullets in the final episode it’s clear that Reginald kept it secret from him(he seemed very surprised) I think is ability is actually bending metal, which could be explored more if the series continues.
I’m glad Allison kept her ability, and I’m also so happy she found someone that she really liked that wasn’t her sibling (you can fight me, it was incest). I’m curious as to why it has to be “I heard a rumour” it may have been a way for her to focus her power, but it would be interesting if she could learn to do this non verbally or with different words
I felt so bad for Klaus with the Dave situation because it would have killed him when Dave didn’t recognise him and honestly I love klaus so I felt really bad. I’m not surprised he started a cult because that is very much a Klaus thing to do. And it’s good to see his posts grow as he got sober.
Where do I even begin with five. When he took the assignment from the handler I could tell he was kind of antsy about it, when he got there he seemed very nervous, even saying that being lucky was dying at the right time (not those exact words but you get the point). It also broke my heart when he said “I never enjoyed the killing”. This is kind of unrelated but im glad five was the one who got the line “fuckin’ fudge nutter” because it was my favourite quote of the whole series. Five also seems to care about Vanya the most, being much kinder when he was talking to her than any of the other siblings. His ability to turn back time a few seconds was also amazing because it saved everyone. Also seeing both the fives together was hilarious. This paragraph is kind of all over the place but basically, I love five and he’s been thru some shit to save everyone
More of Ben!!! He was so cute when he possessed klaus and walked around and stuff I was so glad he got to see everything thru the loving again. M y H e a r t when he was laying in the dirt. I’m glad he stood up to Klaus about how he felt, and his sacrifice was kind of bittersweet because he was able to talk to vanya (so cute) but he was finally able to move one without being afraid to go. His funeral scene was really sad, but given everything Reginald (I fucking hate this dude but I’ll write a paragraph later) said I can assume that he was killed by someone else on a mission.
VANYA AND SISSY JUST AAAAA so good. They would have been better parents to Harlen than Carl could ever dream of (Carl was an asshole). I was so happy that they got together and so happy that Vanya was finally able to trust someone and be happy. I knew that vanya was powerful but I had not idea. She used her powers to float, bring back harlen and she was in so much better control now. The scene where she was being tortured and got her repressed memories back broke my heart, especially when she said “I don’t deserve to live.” I’m glad that Ben was there to talk to her tho because he’s clearly a sweetheart. She seemed so much more confident in herself and her abilities as well, and I think the time on the farm really gave her confidence. Also the scene where she said “who I am is not a disease” was freaking phenomenal I just can’t deal with it (this is coming from a very not straight person 😅)
What the ever loving fuck was Reginald. Dude is apart of a secret society, I mean I get it. Cared about a monkey more than he loved his children, predictable. But then this motherucker rips off his skin suit and kills a bunch of people. It kind of explains the scene with him and grace on the moon tho. So like he’s an alien? Did he cause the children to be born? Also fuck him for bringing Diego’s stutter back
Lila was an awesome character and deserved more than the emotional abuse the handler gave her. She is clearly very powerful, and it also means that there are others out there, and the handler may have collected them and killed them when she found a more powerful one.
The end scene was so interesting because I know they fucked up the timeline with everything, and Harlen clearly kept his powers, and maybe founded the umbrella (now sparrow) academy. I wonder what will happen from here, because they may have erased their own existence, and it appeared they went back to 2019 but they were still kids? Did they not go far enough or did something bad happen?
Anyway if you read all that I’m sorry it was so long I just needed to talk about it because none of my friends have watched it yet and I need to express my emotions at how good it was.
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arlakos · 4 years
Miraculous New York Special: First Trailer Impressions
I’m gonna be brief with this statement: I’m not really looking forward to the special. Sure it’s a new episode, but i got burnt out on canon long ago, and the ao3 salt-fest has left me in a state where i haven’t really quit, but haven’t been motivated to make a lot of ML posts.
That being said, its got the fandom excited for new miraculous content, as well as myself, so lets talk about the trailers. Here are the trailer vids that I’ll be referencing in the video and be talking about.
(For reference, this was made on the 22nd of September, so this is all speculation and first opinions. Don’t flame me if one of my speculations are proven correct.)
First of all, every single hero released for the trailer thus far has so far been female, with knightowl and sparrow being unconfirmed. That being said, if its anything like the comic its based on, im pretty sure the New York Hero team will push the message of ‘Only girls get to be heroes/heroines, while the boys are regulated to be side kicks’ - justliketheactualshow heyyyyyyyyy!~
Also, its been confirmed that one of the heroes Names is Snowflake. Either Astruc really likes lame puns, or he didn’t hear the memo about the marvel comic hero with the same name. 
Or he did hear about it, but thinks its good and that people who downvoted it are ‘fake fans’ 😒.
Chances are Snowflake will have a sidekick named Safe Space, and if she does im gonna need a ice pack for my forehead cause i already want to slam my head against the desk.
Also RIP my boi Doorman. You had only one role in the comic and even that was taken from you by the show. 
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F in Chat for my boi Doorman :(
And his partner, Uncanny Valley
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Oh, and Victory too. She seemed like a cool characters.
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Actually, just and F for all the ret-gonned heroes. At least the Quantic Kids have company now in the shiny light of shelved ideas.
Back on the Topic of Sparrow, i reckon he’s going to get the short end of the stick this episode. Considering that he has no actual powers in the comic, and the fact he can’t run from a swarm of a rockets and has to end up being saved by Ladybug, I reckon he’s going to be Chat Noir levels of usefullness. That is to say - he’ll probably be made by Astruc to be incompetent in the face of the ‘better’ female heroes.
Look, i read the comics (unfortunately) and chances are Ladybug is going to be the main focus of the episode again. 
Yeah, i know, Ladybug is the main character and all, but ideally I’d hope to see an avengers situation where all the heroes partake in the battle and contribute equally, and it would be nice to see Ladybug (and Cat Noir) get some mentorship from older and more experienced heroes...
Chances are though, the actual heroes will treat Ladybug and Cat Noir like sidekicks and ignore them, only for there to be a situation where Ladybug can fix everything while the other heroes cant, or for Ladybug to have on option on how to win the battle where its the only right one while the other decisions the other heroes make and wrong and Lila-levels of evil and... 
Yeah im getting a bit to mad at this, but long story short, Ladybug is gonna steal the spotlight from the other heroes, and everyone will adore her like the Mary Sue she already partialy is.
“Nothing is impossible for Ladybug” Yeah, like talking normally to a boy to a boy you like, instead of relying on convoluted plans to make him fall for you.
Oh, Hawkmoth is in the episode? Damn... I was actually really hoping that we would get to see some new villains this episode, and not just more stinking akumas. 
The hell does he want with antique guns though....
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Oh damn... Nevermind... It seems he found a new miraculous, considering the pendant around Gabriel’s neck and the white glowing Kwami. Shit just got a lot more interesting...
Looking on the trailer now, it could also be likely that Hawkmoth will have his own side story that will be going on while the heroes are fighting the New York villains, so it would mean we will get to see actual new villains in the show. 
I’m actually hoping Gabe story involves him teleporting to Paris...I like the idea of him using his time away from Adrien to further his plans and not being there as a result of Adrien.
In any case, I’m hoping for Hawkmoth to only appear towards the end of the show with whatever plan he has cooked up.
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Speaking of akumas (and moving on to the 3 eyed girl), its a high chance that with Hawkmoth in new Yorks, she’ll be an akuma in disguise based on the trailers alone. With her being a possible fan of the american heroes, she’ll probably want in on the heroism, making her a perfect target for Hawkmoth. I mean the purple eyes are quite notably creepy, and the skin looks altered like other akumatized villains. Yeah, i expect this to be a Volpina situation all over again.
On a side note, my friend @twin-books​ said that she looks like a monster high character, and I honestly cant blame her. At first glance she looks like a mummified Cleopatra. XD
On a more positive note, I really like the orchestral Version of the Miraculous Ladybug theme. Its really great, and has an avengers vibe to it...
...but on that same note, Astruc probably deliberately made it that way, considering he has an ego the size of Ego from MCU, and probably thinks he can make movies better than most Marvel creators. He thinks himself on the same writing level as the Russo Brothers, but in reality he’s on the level of Kathleen Kennedy. Which is to say...very low 😈.
Actually wait, I just realise Zag does all the Miraculous music... nvm its really goddamn good, but my previous point still stands.
I don’t know if this is just be being annoyed at the Captain Marvel film, but Majestia reminds me too much of said heroine. I dunno, she rubs me the wrong way. I hope Majestia’s attitude wont be the same as Captain Marvels, but its likely considering Astruc’s idea of ‘good female heroes’
That being said, I like the other heroes designs, even Artica (im not calling her Snowflake). Considering I don’t know much about the heroes in the show, im gonna try to be positive and like them before I judge them.
So this has been my speculations/ first opinions on the New York special! I really hope the episode will be good, but if it isnt... well I’ll try to enjoy the good parts at least.
P.S. If you like, please reblog
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
ForestClan 2.0
these guys again… always improving on it! i thought about doing allegiances too, but tbh i can’t decide on what cats i want/what i want them to look like, so that’s not gonna be included sorry. i’m also not that great at describing stuff but i’m going to try my best.
Wonderful I enjoy seeing what people have for their fan clans!
Territory: ForestClan lives in a temperate deciduous forest, with a wide variety of tree species. They see themselves as the trees, adaptable and changing. Their territory is home to many plant species as well, making it a prime spot to collect herbs and such.
Camp: The ForestClan camp is accessed through a large, moss-covered fallen tree trunk, from long ago. It’s big and wide enough for an adult cat to fit through. Upon entering, the camp is covered by a canopy of trees, and in the center is a towering oak tree called the Great Oak where the leader makes their announcements and sleeps in, as well. The dens are nestled around the Great Oak, which the clan feels serves as a guardian, sent by their ancestors to watch over them. The seer’s den is nestled beneath the roots of the Great Oak, and has been long since served the seers of ForestClan. Apprentices sleep across from the seer den, with warriors on the other side. The nursery is well-hidden behind several clumps of ferns and brambles, the inside is well insulated and well protected during the colder moons. The elder’s den is located near a shady corner close to the prey pile. Both the nursery and elder’s den are closest to the camp entrance.
I really enjoy the camp description! I have always loved camps that were all centered around one tree, it just gives it so much character. Especially when it becomes an entity of its own. My only concern is if the kit and elders den are closest to the entrance does that make them the most vulnerable to attack? Or is that the most well defended part of the camp?
Landmarks: The Great Oak - a large, towering oak tree that’s the heart of ForestClan camp where the leader sleeps and makes announcements. It’s rumored that it’s branches reach the sky and that its roots reach down far into the earth. It’s very sturdy and has lived through many seasons and years of toil. One can even see it when atop a tree in MarshClan territory!
The Glade - a glade where apprentices learn to do battle training, storytelling, and various other events are held here as well. This is also a prime spot for herbs for seers.
The Snakerocks - located beside the river that runs between Forest and Marsh territory, it’s a prime sunning spot for both cats - and is also home to many dangerous snakes.
Sounds like some pretty basic locations. You could also expand and add a few more, even if its just the basic borders, more landmarks is always nice. 
Prey: Birds - Cardinal, Sparrow, Dove, Woodpecker, Grackle, Warbler, etc Mammals - Mice, Rats, Squirrels, Shrews, Chipmunks, Rabbits Reptiles + Amphibians - Lizards, Frogs, some snakes Other: various bugs and insects Predators: Foxes, Snakes, Falcon, Eagle, Harrier, Owls, Raccoon, Coyote, Hawk, Vulture, Osprey, Domestic Dogs (when humans come through w their dogs)
Clan Appearance: Longhair is very common, shorthaired cats less so. Brown tabbies are very common, red is uncommon, cream is rare. Dilute colors are uncommon, white spotting is low to nonexistent. Solid black cats are looked favorably at, as their dark pelt helps aid them in hunting at night (they have a legend about how the night sky gave part of its pelt to a cat and this helped them in catching more prey when their clan was in need.) Colorpoint is, surprisingly, common…ish! Not as common as brown tabbies, but it still is there. Tortoiseshells are also looked favorably. Most common type of tabby is the mackerel tabby, though classic may pop up from time to time. The silver gene is almost non-existent; ForestClan, at one point, had an abundance of it, and kits w the silver gene were culled or left to die in the territory (if U remember that star thing i posted last time?? that’s where this is from!). Eye colors are commonly hazel, yellow or green. Their coats are plush and thick. Their shoulders are broad and their legs are muscular - they’re beefcakes lol. Scars are heavily favored in ForestClan, as it signals that you are a strong cat and that you have survived; they also just find them pretty in a morbid sort of way. Along with their tufted ears and hardened expression, ForestClan gives off a very intimidating vibe… which is how they like it lol.
Mmmm broad shouldered tabbies, I just LOVE it. Strong beefy babies are my kryptonite, though I also go for the opposite too. As for coloration these all make pretty good sense for their territory. 
Clan Skills: Climbing is a skill that ForestClan prides themselves on. They are known for their battle prowess as well, and are said to be terrifying to face in battle. They have a keen sense of direction and know their way through the paths the forest has laid out - it’s surprisingly easy to get lost in a forest if you don’t know the layout of it; kits are taken on ‘field trips’ at a young age and learn to navigate the paths in the forest. By the time an apprentice is ready to graduate to warrior, one of their 'trials’ is to navigate through the forest to get to the glade where they will then be given their proper warrior name (or more tests… haven’t decided yet). Despite their large size, these cats have good balancing skills which is a surprise to many.
I like this a lot. Its super important for a clan to begin educating their young at least a bit before apprenticeship. I always thought that keeping your kits cooped up in camp is just a bad idea, so helping them learn basic navigation so warriors dont have to be constantly watching their apprentices to make sure they dont get lost. Even if its just a basic “how to navigate to camp or an important landmark so we can come find you” course.
Clan Culture: ForestClan value community, strength, and wisdom. The heroes in their stories often have very Sparta-esque qualities. ForestClan places much value on their senior warriors, as well. To be a senior warrior is seen as a wise and (to some) more attractive cat. Elders are held in high esteem as well, and have a special ceremony to acknowledge them. ForestClan also highly values motherhood, and queens are treated very well (some joke even better than the leader!) and with utmost respect. It’s customary to bow to a queen, elder or senior warrior and the three groups form a council that, along w the seer and the leader (called Matriarch in ForestClan) makes several important decisions. A Matriarch is trained in the bloodlines of the Clan, and must know these - memory is very important to all cats, but especially so to ForestClan.
The militant clan is always an interesting one to play around with, but Im very interested in the Matriarch, since I know Ive posted about matriarchies on my blog before and I do really enjoy them. I have a similar dynamic in my own Bloomclan, though they place a much higher respect on the motherhood and teaching aspects than the battle aspects. But I really appreciate clans with councils, who can help decide as a group for the clan.
Clan Personality: To Outsiders, ForestClan can come off as appearing as a closed-off, tight-knit and very intimidating group that  seems to have no love for anyone outside of their circle. And… they would be right! ForestClan is very tight-knit group that tolerates no nonsense; to speak to one would be similar to speaking with a military official. They are direct, blunt, and are prone to giving commands than engaging in social niceties. While they can be polite, they much prefer to get to the point of the matter. Their sense of humor is very dry, if it’s present at all. Among themselves, they can and are gentle, yet firm. They expect the best of out everyone - even if a warrior has no defining skill, they are still expected to help out - whether that be storytelling, watching kits, helping a seer, or den repairs. ForestClan expects everyone to help, and if not… you are welcome to see the door.
Its a very fair culture I would say, you either contribute or you find somewhere else to go, but they dont seem to consider those without “traditional” skills to be less of an asset. And their attitudes align with a group trying to survive in a difficult environment, you dont have too much time to waste.
Thank you again for contributing! I do enjoy replying to these when I have the time.
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fionnmeetsharry · 7 years
Artist & Actor: Love isn’t for everyone
This is Chapter two of the artist actor series, i am working on all of your requests. This was requested by a couple of people so i went ahead and posted it. Enjoy!
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He was truly brilliant, the way he would deliver his lines, how he would look so scared that you actually wanted to go out there and save him from this pretend fear that’s been created. He was going to be something big, you could tell, and so could the rest of the cast and crew.
You turned around to come face to face with Candice, great what did she want?
“I’m gonna need you to cover your three and a good bit of the extras today, Emily’s out with a cold”.
“Who said, and why can’t you do it?”
Candice had hated you from day one, mostly because this was her fifth movie and your first, but Nathan and Chris saw something special in your work, making you the key makeup artist.
“Listen here little girl, I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you, which means I don’t have to answer to you. You may have Nolan and Nathan wrapped around your little finger, but if they so much as hear that a sneeze or cough came from you, you’re done. Wouldn’t want the main cast getting sick now would we”.
“Is that a threat?” You said voice full of venom.
“Let’s just call it a not so friendly warning”. And with that she was gone.
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“C’mon mate just talk to her”. 
This was the third time Harry had asked Fionn to talk to you, and the third time Fionn was having to say no.
“Look Harry, I already tried that, and if you don’t remember it didn’t go so well for me, she probably thinks I’m a freak”.
“You’re seeing the situation as way worse than it actually was, I mean im not gonna lie to you, you weren’t the smoothest. Look just talk to her a few more times, get comfortable”. 
Fionn wasn’t having it, he just didn’t want to embarrass himself, he liked you too much to have you think of him negatively.
“I don’t know…”Fionn could see the hope in Harry’s eyes, why did he care so much anyway?
“She’s right over there touching up Toms makeup, I’m going to go over and see if she wants to join us for dinner tonight, you don’t have to say anything, but just don’t look like your in pain ok”.
Fionn rolled his eyes at Harry’s last comment as they headed towards you. You were touching up a whiny, impatient Toms makeup, full concentration on your face, creating the cutest little line in between your furrowed brows.
“Hello love, can we talk?” You examined Toms face one last time before looking at Harry. “Yea sure, Tom you’re done you can go”. Tom fled from you and your makeup that he hated ever so much, getting a smile out of Fionn. “So love, I was wondering if you would like to grab dinner with me and the lads tonight, it would be just the cast and crew hanging out, and of course Fionn will be there”. He said the last part in a sing song voice as he pointed to Fionn who was standing behind him.
“Harry…” You said with a warning tone, hoping that he wouldn’t let on to Fionn about your infatuation with him, hopefully he hasn’t already told him. You had already told the boy that he had a soothing voice and that his skin was pretty, so if he didn’t know by now surely he wouldn’t catch on to Harry’s hints.
“Fionn we need you on set”.
Fionn locked eyes with you, quickly looking away.
“Well I’ll umm…see you at dinner then. You are uhh…coming aren’t you?” He said as he scratched the back of his head trying his best to look you in the eyes.
“If I bet on it, she’ll be coming twice tonight”. Harry said as he winked at the two of you, hands buried deep in his pockets with a cheeky smirk on his face. You could feel the red quickly take over your cheeks, and you could see it on Fionns.
“Okay…well I better go”. Fionn quickly walked away, almost as fast as Tom, heading to set trying to escape the awkward situation that Harry created.
You slapped Harry’s arm with good force. “What the hell Harry, why would you say that?”
Harry faked as if he was hurt while he rubbed his arm where you hit it, a pout on his lips.
“What’d yeh do that for?”
“What did you make a crude remark for?” Harry looked as if he had no idea what you were talking about.
“I’m not sure I know what you mean love”.
All it took was one raised eyebrow from you to get him to suddenly remember.
“Ok I’m sorry, but look come to dinner tonight and wear something Fionn would like. Maybe something a little short, I think he’s a leg guy. But you know not something shorter than you’re comfortable with, should be yourself love”.
That was such a Harry thing to say, always making sure you know you only have to do what you’re comfortable with. That’s why you’re such good friends, he never pressures you into anything you didn’t want to do.
“Fine, I’ll come to dinner, and I’ll wear something short”.
“Y/N we need you for a touch up”. One of the crew members yelled.
“That’s my girl, but not shorter than you’re comfortable with”. Harry yelled at you as you ran on set to touch up Kenneth’s face. “What was all of that about?” Harry turned around to face Candice. He wished he hadn’t spent the energy turning around just for her, especially when he needed it for swimming.
“I’m not sure what your talking about, and you do know it’s rude to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations?”
“Oh please, like anything she says is worth eavesdropping on, but the one and only Harry Styles on the other hand-” Harry always tried to be nice to everyone, but Candice made it difficult, that’s why he usually avoids her. “ and the new kid…Fee-on is it?”
“It’s pronounced Finn” Harry said dryly getting bored by the lack of interesting conversation.
“Fionn, he seems like he’s going to be something big, like you. I bet you’re big in other ways too”.
Harry turned to face her fully, a disgusted look on his face as he tried to push the nausea down from her shameless flirting.
“So what, does she like this Fionn guy? Cause I think he’s kinda cute, and I always get what I want, that is unless you’re available”.
“Yea…no I gotta go”.
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You were starting to pack up all the makeup from the day, leaving out only the makeup remover so you could quickly clean the boys faces as they trailed in.
“Hey Y/N, can you get this stuff off of my face now?”
You chuckled, Tom was a very patient person, sweet too, just didn’t like makeup. Toms face was about as close to perfect as you could get, insanely chiseled with no blemishes, if it wasn’t for him being seasick you probably wouldn’t have done anything to him at all.
“Yea, sure have a seat”.
Tom sat in your chair as you dabbed some pre-cleanse on a cotton ball, wiping all the makeup from his face. Several cotton balls later and you were done, Tom smiling and feeling his makeup free face.
“Thanks love”. Tom said as he kissed the top of your head quickly before rushing out of the trailer.
“Now don’t let Fionn see that, he may get jealous…on second thought maybe he should, then maybe he’d ask you out”.
Harry strolled into the trailer, shirt already removed and now seated in your chair. Before you knew it he had already grabbed a cotton ball and was spraying water on it in an attempt to unveil his hidden tattoos.
“Ok stop. What are you doing?”Harry continued without success wiping at his chest where his sparrow was hiding underneath.
“I already told you pet, I’m gonna get the two-”
“No no no Harry, I mean with that cotton ball that you put water on, that’s not going to do anything, look put that down”.
You grabbed fresh cotton balls and put the pre-cleanse on them, gently rubbing at Harry’s dirty, sweaty skin. “I also mean no as in I told you I’m not getting involved with anyone from set, I want to stay professional”.
Harry grabbed your wrist gently, making you stop your efforts at getting the thick cover up off of him. He looked you in the eyes, seriousness taking over his face.
“Y/N, I love you, you know that, even though we haven’t known each other for very long I do. I care about you too much to see you work your life away, you’re too young, you need to live and find love. Don’t ask me how I know cause I can’t explain it, but I know you and Fionn and meant to be together”.
You sighed, you hated it when Harry was this sweet. You and Harry’s relationship was full of sarcasm and banter, so when he was this caring you got shy.
“I love you too H. Ok whatever you want, you can help, I’ll let you”. Harry’s face lit up, two big dimples popping out from his cheeks.
“Thank you love, now get back to work, I want to see my tattoos”. Harry left a while ago, you had stayed behind to remove Fionns makeup for him, you had even removed a few extras, but Fionn still hadn’t shown up. Did Harry really make him that uncomfortable earlier? Just as you were about to grab your bag and leave you heard someone stumble into the trailer. “Sorry I’m late, Chris wanted to talk to me…hope I didn’t keep you”. He looked tired, worn out, like all he wanted was a nice hot shower, a warm meal, and a soft bed to snuggle up in.
“No, no not at all. I’ve been doing stuff so I was here anyway. Have a seat”.
Fionn pulled off his jacket, then removed the shirt that hung perfectly from his shoulders. You hadn’t meant to stare, but you couldn’t help it. He had the softest looking porcelain skin, and he was fit. When you first saw the boy he just seemed very lanky, which now you know isn’t true at all. Now all you could do was imagine the hot water of the shower hitting the tight muscles of his perfectly toned back, rolling down the pale skin releasing the tension from the rest of his muscled body. “Umm, are you ok?” Great, you were day dreaming and now you looked like a freak. He probably knew you you were thinking about him, but it’s his fault for taking his stupid shirt off. “Yea I’m fine, just tired I suppose”.
You grabbed the cotton ball and started to clean the boys face. You noticed that now he seemed more comfortable around you, he was actually looking you right in the eyes as you removed the makeup and sweat from his face.
“So how was your first day on set?” He smiled at you, happy to be having a conversation with someone other than Harry.
“It was good, I loved it, every bit of it. You know, I think I could just do this for the rest of my life and never get tired of it”.
You smiled at how he lit up when he talked about his job.
“It’s nice to know that it makes you happy, that you’re not just in it for the money or the fame”. “No, I’m most definitely not in it for those things. I mean don’t get me wrong fans are amazing people, and it’s nice to be able to buy things that you need without worry, but for me it’s more than that”.
You were now just sitting and staring into his beautiful eyes as you listened to him talk about what he loves. You think to yourself that this is what you love, you’re not sure why, but you love to hear him talk about his day, his job, what he likes to do.
“Oh yea, like what?”
Fionn bit his bottom lip, trying to keep from smiling as he pondered on it. “Like how I can be so many different people, my job is never the same. I can go and play things that don’t even exist if I want too. I can go and play someone from the past that I deeply admire, or be in a movie that has a meaning behind it. I could maybe even make a difference”.
You kneeled down so you were now eye level with him, a small smile on your lips.
“You know what Fionn Whitehead, I’m about 1000% sure you were meant for this, and you are going to go very far in this industry, just don’t let it change you”.
Fionns lips were slightly parted, he was listening to every word you said, but he couldn’t help but to stare at your lips.
“I won't”. He said softly as his eyes traveled back up to yours.
“Good. Well you’re all done”. Fionn got up from your chair taking as much time as possible so he could come up with something to bring up dinner, something so you knew he wanted you there.
“Yea?” He was now playing with his fingers as he looked down at the ground, nervous. He didn’t want to seem too eager and scare you off.
“Umm, you’re still coming to dinner right”. You had a looked unsure, like you may say no. It’s not that you didn’t want to go, you were just more tired than you thought you’d be.
“Cause I … I really want you to join us. I think it’d be fun, I could introduce you to all the guys…maybe buy you a drink”.
It was cute how shy he was being. You had a huge smile that was impossible for you to try and hide, and you suddenly didn’t feel as tired anymore.
“Yea, ok yea I’ll go, that sounds great!” Fionn looked up with surprise on his face, now beaming with happiness.
“You will?”
“Yea, as long as you hang out with me so I’m not alone, or forced to listen to Harry the whole time”.
“Deal. I’ll see you there”.
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You walked through the hotel quickly jumping into the elevator and pushing the number to take you to your floor. As soon as the elevator comes to a stop, you hop out and head to your room, unlocking your door and entering in a panic. What were you going to wear? What were you going to do to your hair and makeup?
You started shuffling through all of the clothes that you brought, trying to take in consideration of what Harry said. You pull out a green sweater dress, fishnet stockings, and maroon velvet thigh high boots.
“There, that should give me more coverage”.
You jumped in the shower, trying to wash away the sand that had blown in your hair while on the beach today. You lathered your best smelling body wash into your skin and rinsed.
“Now for makeup”. Sitting at the vanity in your room, you begin to do your eye makeup to perfection so your eye color pops, then applying the rest of your face before picking a lip color. You held up the many shades of maroon that you had to your boots, trying to match them as best as possible. You didn’t want to look like you were trying too hard, so you braided your hair back. It was still a cute look, just two messy braids with some of your fringe down to frame your face. “Ok I think I’m good, I’ve got this”.
You quickly spray yourself with perfume before grabbing your bag and heading downstairs to the uber that was waiting for you. The others were already at the place, Harry had texted you to let you know, but he said that it was good that you were going to be one of the last to arrive so it doesn’t seem like you’re too desperate.
The car pulled up the the pub that everyone was eating at, you got out of the car and closed the door behind you, praying that everyone else wasn’t just in t shirts and jeans. You opened the door walking into the entry way, stopping to take a deep breath before you enter where everyone else is. What if this is a bad idea? What if Fionn just wants to be friends and all of this is for nothing? You can’t listen to the voice in your head, you have to go in there to find out, besides worst case scenario Harry is the only one that speaks to you.
As you walk into the pub Harry quickly spots you, his mouth falling open as he gets up to meet you at the door. He pulls the both of you into the entry way, looking back to make sure no one followed him.
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“You look… I mean… are you trying to give the man a bloody heart attack?”
You look down examining the outfit you had put together last minute.
“Is it that bad?” Harry’s shaking his head while biting his lip, making sure to examine you one more time.
“No, s’fucking good, you look incredible. But are you trying to attract Fionn or me? I mean you know what a good boot does to me, a Gucci bag-” he said pointing to the handbag that you had worked your butt off for for years. “and -” he said smelling your neck, “ is that YSL perfume?”
“Yes Harry it is, and I can’t help that we’re so much alike”. Harry gave you an apologetic smile.
“Ok, I’m sorry love, I’ve had a drink or two…so has Fionn by the way. He said he was nervous, that things had gone well tonight when he saw you”.
You couldn’t help but to smile when reminiscing on the moment. “It did. I think I can do this Harry, with your help that is”.
“Of course love, let’s head to the table”. You were nervous, you hid behind Harry the whole way to the table, just the thought of meeting so many people at once and finally sitting down and talking to Fionn without it being work was terrifying. “Lads, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Tom who you already know, Barry, Jack and Aneurin”.
“Hey”. You said and you smiled shyly and waved.
“Here, I saved you a seat next to Fionn, he ran to the toilet real quick”. You took the seat that Harry had saved you, next to Fionn and Tom, right across from Harry and Barry.
“Y/N, you came”. Fionn was now back at the table, looking relieved that he hadn’t been stood up, but it wasn’t a date and he didn’t invite you, Harry did, so could he have really even truly been stood up?
“Yea, told you I would didn’t I?” Fionn took his seat next to you, he looked even cuter than he did on set, and he smelled amazing. He must have showered, now the images of his tense muscles coming back to your mind. Snap out of it Y/N. His hair was fluffy, he was wearing glasses, and he had a silver hoop earring. God, could he get any hotter?
You heard someone saying your name, interrupting your thoughts, thank goodness.
“Ohhh, Y/N, as in Fionns Y/N. Well I can see why he’s so smitten”. Fionns face grew red for the third time today, as he picked up a fry and threw it at the one you believed to be Barry.
“Shut up Barry”. Fionn leaned into you, whispering in your ear not knowing the affect he has on you.
“Ignore them, they’ve been drinking, they don’t know what they’re saying”. You smiled at him, sure that your face wasn’t just red from the blush that you had applied earlier.
“You clean up nice Mr. Whitehead”.
“Oh yea, well thank you, so do you. Not that you didn’t look nice on set…I just mean… I like your outfit”. “I knew what you meant, it’s ok”. Fionn took a big sip of his beer, a drop slipping out of his lips and down his chin.
“What do you want to drink? I did promise you a drink.”  
“Surprise me”.
Fionn stood up taking his bottle with him. “I like a girl of mystery”.
Harry winked at you from across the table, a sign that he thought things were going very well. Fionn came back to the table with another beer and a glass of wine for you.
“Thank you”. Fionn took another big sip of his drink.
“So I totally didn’t even ask you how your day was earlier, sort of an asshole thing to do since you asked me huh?”
The rest of the boys were in their own little world just chatting away, it was like you and Fionn were alone.
“No, no not at all. It was good, I’m very thankful for my first project being such a big one, and getting the best cast members to work on”. “Well I do have to say that we got the best artist to work on us”. It had been at least a hour by now, you and Fionn hadn’t stopped talking. The talking slowly turned to flirting and the drinks were a huge help.
“If it’s not too bold of me Y/N, you look incredible tonight”. Fionn had rested his hand in your thigh a while ago, rubbing soft circles with his thumb on the inner flesh.
“Well of it’s not too bold if me Fionn, I didn’t think that you could get any hotter, but when I saw you tonight, you proved me wrong”.
The rest of the boys were off playing pool with some of the older cast and crew, probably trying to give the two of you some privacy. Fionn had the goofiest grin on his face, an affect of the alcohol most likely, there’s no way you had this affect on him.
“You think I’m hot?”
“Most definitely”. Fionns hand left your thigh and travelled up to your lips, his eyes locked on them as he traces them with his thumb.
“You’re absolutely edible, you have the most perfect lips”. He said as he tugged at the bottom one, watching it pop back up into place. Feeling a little more daring from your liquid courage you say,
“Why don’t you taste then”.
Fionn slowly inched his face closer to yours, his thumb holding your chin in place. His soft, warm lips capturing yours, you can taste the bitter flavor of the beer on his tongue as he slides it in your mouth. Your hand is now tugging at the hair at the bottom of his neck as he grips your thigh. Fionn rests his forehead on yours, breaking the kiss.
“I don’t think you’re easy, I mean I don’t want you to think that’s what I think. It’s just…I don’t know, I have a feeling deep down in me that we’re meant to be together. I just felt this instant connection to you”.
You kiss him one more time to reassure him that you feel the same way.
“I do too”.
“Hey, Y/N, Fionn, why don’t you two come join us?” Harry yelled from the pool table that him and the rest of the guys were just gathered around.
“Do you want to go join them?”
“Yea, I’m just going to run to the restroom and I’ll be right there”. You walked into the bathroom, Candice was stood in front on the mirror applying her lipstick.
“You know, he doesn’t really like you, and Harry’s not really your friend”.
“As if I would listen to anything you tell me, I don’t know what you’re on about anyway”.
She closed the lipstick tube and turned to face you. “Fionn. It’s all a bet I over heard them talking about it…Oh come on, you know how much I like to eavesdrop. Harry and Fionn are in a bet to see which one of them can bed you first. Harry’s the nice best friend who will end up telling you that he wants to be more than friends, and Fionns the sweet boy next door. The rest of the lads are betting wages”.
“Oh my God you are so high school. Are you that bitter about my being the key artist that you’re willing to make up lies?”  
“Believe what you want darling, but Harry’s taking me back to his tonight, and Fionn actually likes Sydney. Why would you think he would like you anyway, I mean you’re no body, at least when Sydney’s not doing makeup she’s modeling”.
Candice walked out of the restroom, leaving you to yourself. You were washing your hands, going over the conversation in your head. She’s psychotic Fionn and Harry wouldn’t do that to you. Suddenly you remember what Harry said earlier that day ‘im betting she’ll be coming twice tonight’
Walking out of the bathroom you see Fionn stood next to the pool table, Sydney draped all over him with her tongue down his throat. You felt uneasy, as if the room was spinning and this was all a bad dream. How could he? How could Harry?
Quickly running out of the pub you call for an uber to meet you a block away. As soon as you get to your hotel you change into more comfortable clothes and light a candle, taking it to the balcony with a bottle of wine. You knew you shouldn’t have gotten involved at work, and you sure as hell wouldn’t let that happen again, tomorrow you were asking for new cast members. You sipped the wine and looked over the city as your heart ached and tears stained your face. Maybe love wasn’t meant for you.
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