#i am just trying to not think about how im supposed to be alive and just focus on whatever task i have in front of me in the moment
melto · 3 months
my birthday week is like a fight for my fucking life.
#like i dont like my birthday bc i dont like attention and also bc the fact i am still alive when i never planned to be is so heavy#which makes it feel like all of a sudden i have a timer and i need to kiilllmyself#but mostly. The biggest issue is i think of my exbest friend bc it was our week always even if they treated me horrible#and i would just go along with whatever they wanted even if i hated it and i just think about them think about them think about them#and i dont want them in my life but i will talk myself into missing them#and feel guilty like its my fault like i deserved everything they did to me like i should never be allowed to move past it#and then i get so embarassed over how i let them rule my life and ruin so much for me and made me break away from people i care about#but then its like im so lonely at least they were always there even if they hated me#even if they wanted me to be so miserable even if they just wanted to know they would always have someone to push around#And i still have trouble when it comes to food im still scared of opening up to people im still scared of my friends of buying new clothes#somehow everything they said to and about me was true even though none of it is and it hurt me and ruined so much#but i must have deserved it. they were supposed to know me best. and i never have known myself#so everything they had said about me has been true for so long.#every time i have the thought that i miss them i think i need to crash my car#every year it gets better every week it is easier but its been so bad recently its been so bad i feel like pieces of me are falling apart#i dont want to manifest this year it being bad bc its just starting to get easier after my total depressive state but god#im looking at are they made for me years ago and i want to rip it apart but i cant every time i try i almost throw up.#i think im going to throw up right now.#deeply pathetic.#news with isaac
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toastsnaffler · 5 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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tokyoteddywolf · 3 months
22 isn't very much at all, I think.
#5am rambles#anyways ignore this as per usual im just thinking in a post that i'll delete soon. i just worry and writing it helps.#you ever wonder when you'll “grow up'? and then realize youre not even fully grown?#that theres still more to learn in life and that the mistakes you make are just that? mistakes?#that you are still so very very young in a world that is so very very old?#im almost 23. barely a quarter of my lifespan. im still a child in a way- my brain not fully formed.#you ever wonder how many mistakes you can make before you figure something out?#I dont know much of anything really. that's the sad part. and the adults who were supposed to help me learn... didnt.#i was failed. and now im a failure. at almost not quite 23 years old. Maybe i wont be a failure in another few years.#i still have a while to go before I die. I'm not going to waste time thinking about it. im just going to try my best.#I have time. I can learn. Grace and patience are not endless but damn if i dont try to figure things out#first step though is meds and therapy tho. we're done with the pity party. some things you just have to accept are okay#cuz my whole life i was taught that being emotional is a weakness. its pathetic and stupid to be upset or angry about anything.#any time i wanted to show i was upset or angry i was 'wrong'. i was 'selfish' and 'dramatic'#so i suppressed and pretended i was fine. that i wasnt weak and pathetic. that i was good and not an annoyance or burden.#i am not weak. i am not pathetic. i am fine i am fine i am fine you dont need to worry about the inconvenience at your door.#sometimes the shame is so much that i cant look at myself or even think i deserve help. that therapy is for people with real problems.#that i feel like ill just be told im like this for attention or dramatics. that im such a disappointment and selfish too.#ive been a “problem” my whole life to the point i dunno if i CAN be fixed. that anxiety eats me alive every day.#therapy is supposed to give you methods to cope#i dunno if it'll work though. I forget my appointments a lot. i struggle to talk sometimes. i may be autistic but its hard to get diagnosed.#emotions are so hard to figure out.
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bo0zey · 2 years
everyday i wake up against my will n im lettin y’all know now that i’m abt 1 more waking up against my will day away from somehow someway making it god’s personal problem
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#blueface baby ayyy#i love my cat but sometimes i am annoyed bc if it wasn’t for his existence i would said sayanora Long ago lmao#i wanna d word i was not supposed to make it past 18 i’m so fucking angry#im not gonna amt to anything in life i’m so scared of it all so pathetic and weak#i’m too weak for this world someone else can have my place i was never supposed to be here anyways hahah i’m not good at anything#i have zero talents ive wasted 10 years of my life writing books and publishing nothing i live in my stupid dreamworld#i don’t know how to hold a conversation i don’t want to go outside i want to rot in my bed i am so sick of myself#also don’t come in my ask box on some wahwahwah stop self pitying crybaby grow up ok bc i’ve literally been telling myself that for years#if someone walked up to me rn n was like here have this euthanasia pill and i knew my cat would#be safe and happy w someone else then yes i would take it in a heartbeat lmao no water necessary !!#im a burden to my family a financial burden all i’m good for is putting more debt unto others how USELESS!!!!!!!!#i have no friends but it’s my fault bc i don’t talk to anyone back i just i can’t#i think subconsciously i’m trying to push everyone further and further away so when i die they aren’t hurt#i don’t want a funeral i don’t want anyone to grieve me i feel like a narcissist even assuming someone would grieve over me lol#i just want to be forgotten about i want everyone to keep living and doing well without me to get in their way#i’m just an obstacle in other ppls lives a hindrance a fucking troll without a riddle just hurtful mean words#i’ll write everyone apology notes#i have so much guilt inside me it’s filled my lungs and heart sometimes i can’t breathe if i think abt all the ppl i’ve hurt by being alive#god put me on this earth to teach ppl lessons abt avoiding ppl like me#fuck god i’m done being his puppet i’m done hurting ppl i’m gonna go away someday and no one will ever hurt again#why do i want to cry i’m so fucking self absorbed why the fuck am i sad abt myself#i think subconsciously there’s something in me that wishes to stay alive and be the positive impact on ppls lives like i always wanted#i always wanted to help ppl and make friends and include everyone and now i’m just so toxic i let younger me and everyone else down so bad#i feel like my mom hated me too right now i feel like she deserved a better prettier smarter funnier more selfless daughter#im ok everyone btw im just being dramatic n venting lol dw i’ll start writing in a journal instead of tags soon#shut up cianna
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vanillabat99 · 9 months
I just tried registering for a class for September, and it did not go well ._.
First of all, "Highschol Upgrading" and "Continuing Education" are VAGUE AS FUCK!!!! What do those even mean??? Which one am I??? Who knows!! There's no information anywhere on the website for which set of courses I should look at!!!!
And then!! Once I finally found my way to a schedule page, there was tiny print at the bottom that said that the daytime classes are for students 19 and under, which I am not!! So I had to click on the tiny little link next to it saying evening classes were for students 20+ (which is the ONLY thing i ever saw for students 20+ on the entire website 🙃) and look through the even smaller list of available classes!!
There's no mask mandate, nothing listed anywhere for learning accomodations, and you can't miss more than 2 days of class or else they kick you out. The courses are 480$ each. I have a year and a half of school to finish.
To add insult to injury, they don't offer any courses in French, which means I can't get my bilingual certificate, so I spent my entire education in another language just to have it thrown away at the end due to circumstances outside of my control :)))
I really don't know if it's worth it anymore. Especially since I've been out of school for a couple years already, so I don't even know which grade-level I should sign up for. I've already lost my insurance coverage, which was my only reason for trying to stay in school anyways. It's probably for the best that I can't afford the class. I'm still upset about it though ._.
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piplupod · 1 year
#man i was rly hoping this stuff would fix my brain#im trying really hard to just be grateful that i got three days off from feeling constantly suicidal but. it is back to normal now again#and I am just. i was so hopeful! i let myself get my hopes up about it! i thought maybe i would be okay!#im also trying not to be dramatic but do u know how difficult it is to be suicidal 24/7 for several months. and then it lifts for 3 days.#and then u get tossed right back into it?#its uhhhhhhh soul crushing lmao :']#i am just trying to not think about how im supposed to be alive and just focus on whatever task i have in front of me in the moment#i just keep telling myself that i can kill myself tomorrow. i can kill myself tomorrow. just need to get thru today hour by hour#and hopefully one day at least I'll have distanced myself away from ppl enough that it wont fuck up other ppl if i off myself fhfkdl#or maybe things will work out! extremely unlikely though unfortunately if i look at things from a realistic standpoint#just like. how everything is set up in today's world. i would have to be a fucking charity case and i dont have it in me to be that#im not a good cause to donate to to keep afloat fhdksl i contribute very little to things and itd be best if i politely exited-#-and distributed my assets (savings and belongings etc) back into the world to ppl who do more than me for others fhfkld#unfortunately i am simply not a good enough person for ppl to care for i think fjdkdl i cant do enough to make it worth everyones time#so. anyways. I'll stop talking now sorry fhfkdl I'll be fine for a while longer so no need to worry tbh fhdkl#suicide tw#suicide mention#delete later
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antiwhores · 2 years
Bakugou’s sidekick with a mask
Bakugou has known his sidekick for 3 years now and he has not once seen your face. No one has. Hes getting curious too with the crush he’s harboring.
Yall I gotta take my braids out today but im not tryna do that. Also, my friends keep calling me mommy. Im childless!
Part 2 👇🏾
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Bakugou has never, not ONCE, seen your face.
You work at his agency as his sidekick and yet he has no real idea what you look like. You’re documents are proved secure so you’re not a villain in disguise. And even so, he would’ve caught you acting suspisous by now. You just really don’t wanna show your face.
No one has seen your face in the agency. You walk around with a full face mask and suit like some spider-man wannabe and never take it off. Not even in the girls locker room! And oh, the female workers have tried to pry it off you.
As a little inside joke between the both of you, Katsuki offered a reward to anyone in the agency who could catch you without your mask on and tell him what you looked like.
They would hide in lockers and wait for you to take off your mask. They would be seething with excitment, practically hyperventilating. Then you would pull off the mask to reveal another mask.
This cracked Bakugou the hell up when he heard the gossip. The whole situation honestly only made his fondness for you stronger
This same procedure repeated a whole bunch of other time too. They would think they finally caught you then you would reveal another mask. One of them even tried sneak attacking you to rip the mask off. Only to reveal another mask.
The masks the multiplied while the amount of people trying divided until everyone gave up and there were about a hundred of your masks hanging around.
Of course, Bakugou was curious. Especially since during the 3 years of you being his annoying sidekick, he’d started to feel some unwanted love and attachment towards you. How was he supposed to ask you out if he didn’t know who he was asking out? Not that he cared what you looked like. Its just he wanted to know to feel… special.
He had managed to pry a bit of information about you along with sarcastic comments:
“Okay. Just answer my questions if you’re not gonna let me pull that damned mask off.”
“Ugh, why’re you so curious? Are you wondering if I’m insanely hot? I am, now leave me alone.”
“No you fucking idiot, its just unfair.”
“Yes unfair, I’ve known your dumbass for 3 years. We hang out outside of work, we’ve almost died together like 40 times, and you’ve seen me almost naked!”
“Not by choice! I swear, you should’ve locked the door!”
“Oh my fucking god. Anyway, all that shit and I dont even know what your dumbass face looks like! You could just walk by me out of costume and I’d have no damn idea who you were.”
“Yeah, thats the fun of it! Makes me feel like a spy.”
He gives you a serious look, “y/n-“
“Uuuuugggghhh, fine you whiny bitch. What do you wanna know?”
“What race are you?”
“What race do you think I am?”
“I’ve seen your skin sometimes when your costume breaks. Also I know you’re from y/c so your probably y/r.”
“Im gonna fucking murder you!”
“You’re correct, you smart cookie! Anything else?”
“EHHHHH! Only one question every 3 years Katsuki!”
Eventually he does see you outside of work but just as he suspected, he has absolutely no idea its you.
There was a villain attack happening and you were oblivious to it. Or more like you couldn’t afford to do something right now. You had forgotten your costume but thankfully you heard familiar explosions accompanied with the voice of Sero.
“Oh, they got this.” You mumbled as you continued to walk in the direction of your apartment. You took a bite out of a piece of the cheesecake you went all the way across town to get.
The deluctable flavor, and maybe your lack of care, stopped you from realizing a literal car was fly towards you. Honestly, you’d walk out pretty okay if it hit you, banged up but alive, and thats all you needed. You also overused your quirk yesterday and now you’re basically quirkless so there wasn’t really anything you could do without loosing your cheesecake and that was worth more than your life.
Just as you prepared for the car by taking another bite you were swooped up into warm arms. The stranger had flung himself and you into the air. You couldn’t bring yourself to even care cause YOU DROPPED YOUR FUCKING BAG OF CHEESECAKE.
You screamed at the man, it all came out muffled due to your mouthful.
The man whos arms you were in ignored you. He went to drop you off on top of the building you were standing under but you immediately jumped off.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?” The man screamed. He must’ve thought you were doing this just to die.
He blasted himself down to grab you before landing on the ground safely.
You were about to turn around to answer but the words died in your throught at seeing your partner. So you just pulled yourself away from his grip and walked over to the bag. You picked it up with a bright smile before continuing your walk.
He grabbed the back of your shirt before you could get away. “Do you have a fucking death wish or something?!” You broke the piece that you were about to grab into two. You took the other piece and shoved it in his mouth.
He looked like he was about to murder you but you just threw him a thumbs up. He spit the cake out, earning an insulted scream from you. “What the hel-“ Before he could finish the sentence he was interrupted by Sero. “BAKUGOU! If your finished flirting with the civilian… COME HELP ME!”
Its like he remembered he was in a fight by the way his face hardened. He grabbed your neck, turning you to face him. “Leave. I don’t wanna see you around here again. And definitely not for no fuckin’ cheesecake.”
You nodded feverishly, a blush was creeping up your cheeks. You felt exposed looking him straight in the eyes. Like one wrong move and he knew everything about you.
He mumbled something about you reminding him of another dumbass he knows before blasting away.
The next day when you guys were patrolling he told you the story. You couldn’t stop laughing at how he described whom he didn’t know was you. “Yeah and then she wanted to fucking give me attitude and shove cake in my mouth!” You giggled, “Was it at least good cake?” “YES!”
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
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sex * gr63
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it was supposed to be just sex.
pairings: george russell x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of sex
notes: fun fact, this was supposed to be about max but hehe… fun fact number 2 is that this is the second draft and the first is messier than this, but i liked this better! based on sex by eden <3 and i aM TRYING TO CREDIT THIS GIF BUT I’M ON MY PHONE AND THEY WONT LET ME SO I’LL DO IT WHEN I FIND MY LAPTOP OK PLS IM BEGGING YOU
(sex) // (be mine)
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you watch george’s eyes shut and feel his grip around your hips tighten, soft mews passing his lips while he comes down from his high. your hips come to a slow stop while his eyes slowly open, flashing you a smile.
you return the gesture before you slowly untangle yourself from his grip. you drop yourself on the empty spot on the bed. your hand pats around the area next to you, lifting your head up slightly to find the blanket kicked down to the floor amidst your passionate and selfish exchange.
george’s thumb swipes across your forehead, swiping away the sweat that’s formed.
there’s a feeling in your stomach for the past few weeks that has been eating you up. it’s indescribable, which is why you simply try not to think of it. but right now, with george next to you, it’s hard to ignore.
“what’s up, what are you thinking about?” george shifts to prop himself up on his elbow to look down at you. his smile grows as he moves the hair out of your face, brushing your hair in the process. “you’ve been staring at that ceiling for so long, i swear it’s come alive.”
you sigh. you blink then turn your head to the other side of the room, desperate to not get caught in his blue eyes. “george, i think you think too much of me.”
george feels his heart stop in his chest. in the short few months since alex has introduced you to him, you were never one to get in touch with your emotions. to say something with so much depth is worrying to him.
it’s more to contribute to the fact that your arrangement is strictly sex, with the side quest of pretending to be friendly when alex is around. other than that, there is no relationship to base all of this off.
when you’re not together, you don’t text. neither of you know what goes on in each other’s lives in the event of separation.
which is why he can’t figure out why your tone is scaring him so much. because he knows where you are going with this.
but george has to fight himself against what his chest is urging him to do. he swallows the forming lump in his throat and tilts his head at you. “what do you mean?”
there must have been something he has done that made it seem like there’s something more. he’s been so careful with the way he is in bed with you, and the amount of affection he gives you.
if you asked him, you’ve already taken his heart. and he’s almost a hundred percent sure that he doesn’t want anyone but you.
you clear your throat softly. you turn to finally meet his eyes. “you know, whatever this is, means nothing.” you speak slowly, ensuring that your words are clearly understood. “we’re just having sex.”
and there it is.
you can barely consider yourself friends. which is why your label isn’t even ‘friends with benefits’ — there is no label at all. you don’t even have each other’s numbers; all the initiations just stemming from instagram dms and your shared time at the club after alex taps out from the alcohol.
george feels his heart skip a beat, his stomach churning with uneasiness. he was just about to tell you that he’ll take you out on a proper date; actually make an effort to get to know you better.
in this moment, he is suddenly reminded of the situation. it’s just sex you’re having. there were no strings attached in the first place, and he isn’t supposed to have feelings for you.
the nights you spent tangled in his hotel room sheets should not have replayed in his mind as much as it did. he shouldn’t have noticed how you started letting yourself spend the night securely in his arms and thought to himself this might be going somewhere good.
on the other end of the spectrum, your chest ached. alex’s stern words echoes in your mind as you were slapped with the harsh reality of your inability to be in a healthy and loving relationship.
“fix yourself first, please. don’t break george’s heart,” alex had said to you when you came clean to him about your arrangement and the feelings that caused you to stir about at night before sleeping.
you can hardly consider it love. you barely know anything about george. of course, you would talk whenever you are tangled up in sheets with him, but you’d kept them minimal to protect you both from the very perdicament you’ve found yourself in.
you notice the way his expression changes ever so slightly. hurt flashes in his eyes as he withdraws his hand from you, your fingers flinching as you fight the impulse to chase for his touch. his eyebrows furrow as he inches back. “of course. it’s just sex.”
george almost tells you that he’s always been this heartless. in fact, he is convinced that this is his karma for break all those girls’ hearts back in the day.
he watches you take a deep breath and return your gaze to the ceiling of his hotel room. “this should be the last night. we should stop.”
he drops himself on the bed. he mimics your position, hands laying on his stomach as he traces the design of the light structure with his eyes.
he contemplates, the risk and rewards of just letting loose and telling you how he feels. can he really live with the fact that he just lets you go here without a fight?
instead, he turns to you with a playful smirk on his face. “you said this is the last night.”
you playfully roll your eyes, turning your head to meet him. “that is what i said.”
“not the last time, so come here.”
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tiyoin · 2 months
Now I'm thinking about twisted anxiety reader being able to sing really well. I feel like there could be some very interesting/funny moments (4 us not reader).
Reader probably only sings in a reclusive area like a forest around the dorm
I wanna say that the forest already has haunting rumors about it ,and when someone (jade or rook) hears reader singing they think that the "ghost" is up and active again. So students start doing a "test of courage" type thing.
I put Jade or Rook being the one to hear reader cuz they're really the only ones that would really be in that area without a reason.
I also know they're intelligent enough to know it's not a ghost ,but start the rumor anyways cuz they want to know who's singing. And it becomes this big thing the school trying to figure out.
Cut to reader losing her mind cuz she like "wow, I didn't know people thought it was that bad. How am I supposed to live, laugh, love ever again??"
When in reality they were just memorized by reader's singing. And they really want to find out who it is.
Bonus points if they film it and sent it to the group chat you posted about earlier. And reader just has to be like 🧍‍♀️ "whattt???? No way!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ a random voice in the woods 😱😱"
I'm sorry for sending 2 long asks back 2 back ,but twisted anxiety just gets my head going.
Also if you don't like being sent stuff like this just tell me and I won't send any more. I don't want to over step at all. These are just like head cannons I give to reader ,cuz I just love making things worse for her. Can't let her know what peace is
i’m going to give you the fattest smooch alive you don’t understand. AND I LOVE IT WHEN I GET LONG ASKS!!! so please! ask away i don’t mind, i actually get really flattered that people want to share with me their long, detailed thoughts !! i was actually nervous people wouldn’t like my long responses 😖
no cause that’s ALWAYS one troupe i ALWAYS go back to.
i was thinking about making them a singer, REALLY I WAS- but i had second thoughts cause i thought people wouldn’t like it / maybe people would think its too… y-nie or im trying to make twisted anxiety reader too much, ya know
BUT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU MEAH MWAH (also dw i got your other ask and fully plan on answering it, this one was just at the top of my inbox 🫶🫶)
but oh my god,,,, HEAR ME OUT;
twisted anxiety reader getting pent up because they. have. no. outlet.
maybe they played a sport in their old world, but no longer can’t because seriously?? going up against beastmen, mermen, fae and just,,, men?! absolutely not.
they can’t do anything fun in ramshackle because of the ghosts can and will find a way to stick their noses into your business. also hello??? no privacy at ramshackle👎👎
honestly, twisted anxiety reader doesn’t have any friends so they can’t blow off steam that way either. and going to the gym is out of the question because 1. anxiety 2.gym bros- and working out at home is… different.
so there has to be a way to let off steam… good thing twisted anxiety reader dilly dallied in everything!!
they want to sing but aren’t confident enough to join the pop music club, and the walls to ramshackle are paper thin.
there’s absolutely no where you can go.
and yet… every time you glance at the forest. you can’t help but wonder…🤔
“everything stays” from adventure time
“love all mine” by mitski
“rises the moon” by liana flores
“sky fall” by adele
“memory” from cats
“listen” by beyoncé
“hopelessly devoted” by olivia newton-john
oh my god i have to make a separate post for this before i completely rot and accidentally write a whole chapter because i’ve been WAITING to write about this and i’d feel bad about making this SUPER LONG
but i can’t imagine rook going for a sunset “hike” (…sure, let’s go with that) and hearing you. belting your little heart to “hopelessly devoted” HAGFJAIWOFOSOWOFOAPEIFOZOQFOXOD
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such passion! such devotion! how marvelously beautiful! rook is stunned.
of course after you finish singing he can hear you moan and groan about trivial things but- rook hunt was not a hunt if he didn’t appreciate the gift the forest provided.
and yet, the carful hunter made a careless mistake. cursing silently, he glared at the twig his boots stepped on before he snapped his head up to the clearing up ahead.
ah, you fled.
to say rook was… upset was an understatement. yes he was able to marvel in your voice, but he lost the privilege to listen to more, to observe from afar.
the strange songs you sang and possibly wrote (what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him) are gone with the wind and the high step of your foot as you vanished into thin air.
rook could easily hunt you down, but he stopped himself after a slight muscle twitch. non non! he was the enjoyer of beauty! not the hunter! yes he hunted beauty but it would go against his very being to trap it instead of let it fly free and continue its song.
so let this be your little secret, okay.
jade would def walk into you singing ‘everything stays’
readers just like;
“time to find a new location☝️”
*there’s no where those two won’t be able to find you fyi*
please send more headcanons i love reading them 🙇🏻🙇🏻
babes this is me n u rn:
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ganondoodle · 8 months
i did a mini rant about it on twitter, but i want, and need, to say this here as well
it is sickening to see all media everywhere parrot israeli propaganda and lies while actively ignoring what they are doing to palestine, but especially so seeing it all being done just as much in germany, it feels even more personal bc shouldnt WE be the ones MOST critical of anyone enacting genocide?? a lesson to take from our awful, shitty, horrific history isnt we cannot criticize jewish people ever at all but that genocide is BAD
its seems like they are afraid of being called antisemitic by some people who dont know shit about whats going on so much so that theyd rather support a full blown genocide of 2 MILLION people, and it just
it scares me
i feel like a stranger in my own home, im avoiding news on radio and TV bc it feels like they are trying to brainwash me to cheer for the oppressors; we were responsible for a 5+ million genocide and now the media and politicians want us to support one of 2 million more??? what the fuck???
"well there are some evil people in this country we have been colonizing for years, guess we are gonna have to wall the entire region off so noone can leave and kill every single human life there, sorry, we had no other choice, dont look at us openly bragging about pulverizing a hospital filled to the brim with people seeking shelter from our 6000 mega bombs we dropped within a few days on this region, then calling palestinians 'children of darkness' and us the 'children of light', delete those posts, then change who we want to blame it on every few minutes bc people are starting to see through our lies, but dont you see? the bad people could have been anywhere, we had to, that hospital wasnt the first and wont be the last tho, so sad uwu"
how insane do you have to be to hear that and go "ah yes, that is very logical and justified and totally not obvious lies, heres a billion of currency and a metric fuckton of weapons to kill them all more efficiently, have fun and good luck"
if you think supporting palestine and wanting isreal to stop bombing them means you automatically support hamas you have no fucking idea what you are talking about actually and you need to educate yourself right about now, urgently
if you think the acts of one terror organisation represent an entire country and thus everyone living in it deserves to die for it, what the fuck is wrong with you there definitely are some horrible fascist, violent cults in the US, there absolutely are some in germany as well, do they represent the entire population of either countries and thus every single thing alive within its borders needs to die horrificly???
why did i have to sit in school trying not to cry my eyes out looking at fotos of piles of tortured, dead people, visit whats left over from concentration camps with all its looming feeling of doom, not even being able to stomach going into the building itself bc it made me want to vomit just being there and learn about every sickening detail of our awful history when im now here seeing and hearing it all over again, but this time im supposed to cheer for the oppressors?
i am appalled of so many countries being so complicit in supporting yet another genocide, but i am especially ashamed of my own. again.
free palestine.
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denny-artsss · 1 month
Could you do a ribbun scenario of that popular NPC Jax theory? If you’re fine with it of course!! I don’t want to sound demanding! Or what are your thoughts on it if you’ve heard of it?
I dont believe it's real but IT IS fun. So here's a scenario!
*everyone whispering about Jax and theorizing he's an npc*
Ragatha: yeah... that would explain A LOT.
Gangle: I don't know guys...do you really think that?
Pomni: well- it's possible
*laugh track starts playing*
Pomni: what the fu-
Zooble: I don't know, and I dont even care honestly. *walks away* he's a jerk regardless.
Ragatha; *looks at Gangle* you should sneak into his room and study him in his sleep
Gangle: wha- what ? Why me??
Ragatha: Because your footsteps can't be heard- and because I don't wanna go in his room!
Pomni: and neither do I honestly. It's probably filled with bear traps or God knows what.
Gangle: *sighs* Alright... guess I'll do that...
*all 3 sneak to his door*
Ragatha: alright Gangle- we're gonna wait right here-
Gangle: how am I supposed to get in? The door is locked-
Ragatha: *grabs her head and shoves her under the door like a frisbee* sorry- just trying to be helpful-
Gangle: *whispers* it's okay- *stands up and arpoaches the sleeping Jax, as he snores loudly* with all this noise I could've busted in with a tank and he'd still be sleeping like a baby-
*begans to look at him, grabbing his ears and looking into his mouth*
*walks to the door and whispers* what am I looking for exactly?
Ragatha: I don't quite know just- something odd I guess? I don't know...*looks at Pomni*
Pomni: *shurgs* the npcs look and act like us really...
Gangle: *sighs frustrated* guys...you're not being very helpfu- GAUH!!
Jax: *grabs her by the neck and pulls her close to him* what the hell do you think you're doing?
Gangle: Um... checking if you're a human- because... we believe you're an npc-
Jax: *smiles* oh well all you had to do is ask!
Gangle: *smiles nervously* A-are you an npc?
Jax: yeah. I'm a very bad one, too. *raises his voice so the other 2 can hear him from the other side of the door* And now! I am gonna destroy you!
Ragatha: *desperately tries to open the door as loud screaming noises come from the inside of his room*
Gangle: AAAAAA GET OFF ME DONT TOUCH ME! *swings a random object she grabbed from the floor at his direction*
Jax: *just sits there with his arms crossed, staring at Gangle freaking out*
Gangle: *tries to open the door at the same time as Ragatha* GET ME OUT GET ME OUT
Jax: *rolls his eyes* as fun as it is to see you ladies freak out over your own paranoia. I am getting really bored of this slumber party. *walks to the door and grabs Gangle, pulling her into his embrace by wrapping one arm around her shoulder and keeping her still, while opening the door*
*Ragatha and Pomni look at him scared*
Gangle: *tries to get away from him while panicking*
Jax: You idiots have no survival instinct. It almost makes me feel bad for you. *Let's go of Gangle* First off, the door wasn't locked. You two idiots pulled on it at the same time and in the wrong direction at that. Second of all, if I was an Npcs, none of you would be alive anymore. Just saying.
Gangle: so...you're human?
Jax: yeah. Just because I am not humane doesn't mean I'm not human, you square heads. Now perish! *slams door and locks it*
Ragatha: Well... that sums it up, I guess...
Pomni: Thank you anyway, Gangle- we appreciate your sacrifice..
Gangle: *smiles as she watches them leave to their rooms, feeling appreciated and trying to leave, but being pulled back* um...*knocks at the door* Jax?... I think you caught my hand in the door...can you open it??
Jax: sounds like a you problem ribbons.
Gangle: *sighs* please?
Jax: *loud snoring*
Gangle: When I abstract, I'm killing you first.
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Who says magic has rules? Part 2
Part 1 here
Cinder finds herself in a plain white space all alone.
Cinder: Hello? Where am I? Did I actually die?
Phyrra: Hello again
Cinder: What! But, oh Im really dead this time?
Phyrra: Not exactly, I mean you're close. Its nice to see you.
Cinder: What? So if Im not dead why the hell am I seeing you?
Phyrra: Well its complicated. You took the maiden powers when you weren't supposed to. so there are some bits left over.
Cinder: Bits what bits?
Phyrra: Well me for starters
Cinder: So if Im not dead then what the hell! I can't just stay here, he's out there trying to heal me and its going to get him killed!
Phyrra: Calm down, time moves different here.
Cinder: Don't you tell me to be calm, that fool is going to get himself killed over me and I will NOT allow that!
Phyrra: Well that answers a few of my questions. *starts laugh warmly*
Cinder: What questions! What are you talking about.
Phyrra: Take good care of him for me okay? Oh and you're going to have to teach him how to use the maiden powers... or hm, what should we call it?
Cinder: Wait, so, I was right? *Smugly smiling*
Phyrra: Eh... fifty-fifty
Cinder: Wait what does THAT mean? Stop being so vague!
Phyrra: Sorry, thats all Im really allowed to say. Just be gentle with his heart okay? He's going to need you.
Cinder: *Wakes up taking a harsh breath before coughing*
Jaune: Firelight! Oh you're okay, I though I lost you for a minute.
Cinder: I think you did... *still coughing roughly trying to catch her breath*
Jaune: I'm just glad you're okay.
Cinder: You have Phyrra to thank for that... and this....
Jaune: Wait you saw her!? And for wha- Mrph!
Cinder: *Kissing him hard slipping the man a little tongue before pulling away slowly* That.
Jaune: Oh... wow, okay... wait why do I feel, weird?
Cinder: *Smiling smugly* Turns out I WAS right, or in a manner. Turns out maidens are supposed to have guardians. I just made you mine.
Jaune: Wait! What does that even mean?
Cinder: It means that you can use the same power I can, as long as Im alive that is.
Jaune: Why didn't Ozpin ever say anything about that? Seems like a huge oversight!
Cinder: Ask the old man once we're out of here. Right now *starts to stand looking at where her wound used to be* We should go, there is a passage not far from here.
Jaune: Alright but you're going to have to tell me how these powers work... its not like you gave me a user manual with that kiss.
Cinder: You're clever, you'll figure it out.
Jaune: Uh huh... so anything else I should know about being your guardian knight?
Cinder: No idea, but if I come close to dying again Ill ask Phyrra to explain it.
Jaune: Just great.
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kosmicdream · 3 months
Please don’t think of me as a male artist.
..is what i used to feel, for many years, even when I finally came out as trans. In a way, its one of the factors that kept me from pursuing HRT (which im so glad i finally did.) After only one year, my feeling on this hasn’t evaporated completely but i suppose I kind of don’t care anymore about how I am interpreted, as a person/artist, ect.. It isn’t something i can be in control of anyway, which upsets me less than it used to.
Sometimes in the past, the way i write characters has often been analyzed by the gender I am, or appear to be - that my male characters were written like how a woman writes men (too emotional/vulnerable, ect) , or how my female characters are written thoughtlessly- like how a man would. (too horny, stupid, violent, ect.) Its not a new way to analyze a story but I can’t say that it doesn’t annoy me. It could still be true that my characters/writing could fall into sexist/problematic archetypes, but gendering my work based on the way my characters act always reminds me of the “you draw like a girl/boy” comments, which used to be more frequent when i was a teen.. But the idea that boys = angular, good at cars! Or something and girls are, i dunno, gonna draw sexy anime men or something. Even as a teenager, i hated this idea that my art was “girl art.” Truthfully, i always viewed my art and myself as an artist as genderfluid, maybe even a type of drag performance, where i can explore any gender and not be limited by my body, it was my escape from that. Which naturally, it became my place to explore gender presentation and eventually helped me “crack my egg” of realizing i was a trans man.
I do think its important to reflect or regard my work as the art made by a trans man, or transmasculine person. I feel more and more just like “just a dude” these days. I am also a gay man. I think those things are important to my work. I think that the analysis of my work in regards to my identity as a person is important to reflect on. I also think the steps I took to get there were important, that transformation and my continued exploration of my older selves and more “label-less” self in the art i make. That’s a private space for me, that I happen to share with the world too. I feel the audience is part of my work too, I welcome it even. I have become part of the audience too and I look at my work as if I’m also a stranger. The older my work gets, the more of it I can study, the more I can see plainly how I got here and also it feels so confusing how it did. I try to study my art to help me find where I want to go to next, a map to guide me. 
In some ways, I feel more lost than I did before, where all my instinct was pushing me was just to grow and explore as much as possible. Now, I don’t have that same type of energy that I used to. Its not a bad thing, its just different. There’s a sense of duty and commitment and a sense of dread of the time it takes to do what I feel compelled to do on this step of my journey. I am trying to focus more on the things I used to think I was incapable of before and I’m trying to remember the things I used to think were so effortless. I can tell my art is sharper but it feels almost like a mimicry of my older selves - at least when I revisit old work to continue its journey past where its been frozen in time. Comics take a long time, after all, it's normal that after a few years - a story might be yours, but it feels like it belongs to the past of you too, maybe more than it does in the present. I like the commitment I have to my comics though, its not a burden to me. The feeling is strange anyway. 
I tend to think that 1-3 years of a project being made, those are the honeymoon years of the relationship. But you hit a wall in 4-5 years and sometimes you’re in denial about it, you try to keep the dreams and feeling alive as you drag it forward, and sometimes the project really reaches its end around 8-10 years and it becomes a type of empty promise to return to it. Not that this is true for every artist, every project, ect. But I think its a natural lifespan for comics that I’ve observed, and it's because it is uncomfortable to face morality and the morality of our own art. Art is this escape, and when it becomes a job - or an uncomfortable mirror into these things about ourselves, about our failures and promises we couldn’t manage to make, the pressures of the audience, the boredom of the task if you have already told yourself the story a thousand times and you have no longer a desire to continue it, ect - its a normal and natural feeling to want to drop it off a cliff. Blow it up, start over fresh - I know the feeling! Its happened many times. But its kind of temporary? Then, it cycles back to nostalgia - and the desire to create and recreate and reform the past to something tangible again.. uh
Sorry, sorry.. I am getting far from the point I started with. Not that any of this makes too much sense, I feel like writing it anyway. It bothers me that the fantasy of art to me, is the ability to dissolve yourself and stop existing, you are the creator creating. You don’t need to be confined by, really anything. It is in “your control” now, and you surrender your own control by falling into the art and letting it “lead you” places. This is a very seductive process and while it might temporarily be fulfilling (even when done for a lifetime) cannot really.. What.. completely fill the void of whatever you’re chasing down there? Its nice though. At least, when I think about when i first started drawing comics, it was to draw Vash the Stampede (from the original 98 anime series, i hate the new one. We’re not talking about there here) coming out of my television after a thunderstorm and he had to just live in my house now. It was the closest thing I could do to actually manifesting that as reality, of making this amazing anime husband come to life to just like live with me now and be my boyfriend. In a lot of ways I don’t see my pursuit of writing ocs, specifically male ones, really much different from this same desire of like “i can just make my perfect boyfriend!” born out of the loneliness I felt in my heart, and the fear that there is no boyfriend out there for me so i need to frankenstein my own - and this boyfriend will be poifect in every way. Or like, crafting the perfect “relationship” in replace the lack of one, or just the fantasy of watching very abstract extremes come to life in various puppets i crafted, beating the shit out of each other for entertainment. But to subject all these.. Abstract Internal conflicts as simply like a “boy author thing” or “girl author thing” is like.. Tiring. Are we really not past that? (Of course not.) 
Like there’s some hidden truth to the way someone might write/draw, the way that “makes sense” in retrospect once the identity of the author is analyzed and discovered.. How can you make sense of the self, let alone the other .. and In a way that’s permanent? And gendered? Does art now have an inherent sex characteristic? But I cannot deny that I do want my art to look and feel like part of who I am, what I have chosen to sexually identify as - a transgender, a man, a faggot. I DO identify as a sexual deviant, but that is hilarious because I have been single for so long at this point I can’t even remember in a tangible way what that felt like and I question if I ever felt it or experienced it “for realsies” because of the experiences I have had or havent didn’t feel very fulfilling or romantic, despite that being something I desire so much - and so I feel like a failure. And to create art just based on the fantasy of desire rather than the lived reality, can it even really display what that would actually be like. So its embarrassing, right? 
I have worked on my art a lot and I have often thought, or come to the conclusion (true or not) that my singleness is the result of my pursuit and dedication to art - which is the pursuit of self isolation and protection from harm. From influence, from acknowledging that life can exist and someday end. And when you work on projects for years and years, the pride/shame dichotomy only gets more.. Weird. It gets weird, guys! It always was weird, but.. I just think about so many my heroes, my art inspirations, working decades on their art.. I follow in their footsteps too and it feels scarier and lonelier than I expected it to be. And the more and more I realized that as a reality, as my 20s faded away, the more I kept walking. I wasn’t gonna stop now, even if I could, I don’t want to and its not hard to do other things too. I have a slower pace than I used to (thank god) and gets slower but I’m still moving. 
I don’t post or write my little art journals as much as I used to. Mostly cause I don’t really have anything good to say and it kinda feels embarrassing to post them too LOL. But.. whatever!! Its been a weird four months of me being off work and I’m about to go back to being a normal working person again.. But its like, its weird to tell people about your art when they ask about what you do. Its like “oh yeah, i draw webcomics” and they wont get it, you’ll say - “yeah its 8,000 pages long” and they’ll say, “thats a lot!” and it is. They’re very nice about it, but there’s a lack of satisfaction there with what that means. I don’t expect it, that’d be dumb as hell. Its nice to take a break from it too, to discover other sides of myself I never let shine because i stayed indoors for a decade, but its a weird feeling too. Like, what will it mean in the end? I don’t really know. 
I don’t think I need “success” to feel like this was worth it, its not like a trophy is gonna come in the mail for the good workTM I’ve done - there is no closure to the work I make even when a story finishes. I have to keep going regardless of that, and its strange to know it won’t ever feel done. But I am so thirsty for that temporary itch to be scratched, it keeps me working every day for the “maybe” of what that might feel like. Kinda silly, really. Is it my “male” pride that demands recognition? Would respect be given more freely if I had “remained” to be perceived as a woman, for subverting the expectations for what a woman can/can’t write? (lol) Is my value as a person determined by that sort of thing in my art? I don’t think of my pride as gendered, but I know its there and I know because of who I say I am, my pride will be gendered by others. I think when I was a woman, that pissed me off more than now because.. Well.. I wasn’t even living as the way i wanted to. I still don’t really live as the way I want to, the way I want to be perceived, but even being on HRT for a little more than 1 year, without much else lifestyle changes, I feel a little more at peace not mattering what others will take away from me or what i write about. I have a lot of my own expectations for myself and what i write about and that concerns me far more. 
I don’t really know how else to end this, I’m going to eat chocolate now. Oh, to answer your question (?) if you might have this one: can I think of you as a male artist, kosmic? sure. I am one after all.
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daisey14 · 4 days
now mega. before i chop you up into my carry on luggage, im going to torture the living shite outta you<3 i've been waiting for this moment for such a long time! and wouldn't you know it you're finally mine if you're hurting please show it don't be fraid to cry, and just for my enjoyment you will suffer! suffer!! suffer!!! until you die. so sit back relax and enjoy the show! ive quite the evening plaannnedd ive cleared up your schedule nowhere else to go, trust me you're in good haaaaaaaands!! why don't you just kill me already? can't you see⠀⠀how much i enjoy this, id never avoid this, cause buddy im a different breed! this is my calling and though its appalling i love making people bleeeeeeeeeed! im a master of torture it gets me igh to show you the horror of staying alive ! ill prod ya and poke ya and bleed you dry! and just for my enjoyment you will suffer! suffer!! suffer!!! until you die. i once was a spyyy but i won't be a spy agaainnn!!!! at least i tried tried to fight till the end!!! but i cant deny that im gonna diiiieeeee (SUFFER SUFFER UNTIL YOU DIE) ABANDONED BETRAYED ME THAT BASTARD LIED THAT NAZI HE PLAYED ME I TRUSTED HIM WHYYYYY IS MEGA MY ENEMY DO I LET HIM DIIIIEEEE IVE GOT TO THINK ABOUT MY FAMILY CAUSE NO ONES LOOKING OUT FOR ME NO MATTER WHAT I GUESS WE'LL SEE IF ONCE A SPY ALWAYS A SPY FOREVER!!! FOREVER!!!!! (SUFFER! SUFFER!) THE WARMEST HELLO TO THE COLDEST GOODBYE REMEMBER (SURRENDER!) REMEMBER (NEVER!) SPIES NEVER DIE............ (ITS TIME TO DIE) (I ONCE WAS A SPY!!!) SPIES ARE FOREVEVEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ive been waiting for this moment for such a long time / a spy is a spy and i once was a spy, FOREVEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR and wouldn't you know it you're finally mine / im gonna be a spy again OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOH if you're hurting please show it don't be fraid to cry / thought i could say goodbye but i won't lie and just for my enjoyment you will suffer, suffer / i wanna be a spy again im a master of torture it gets me high / spy again its who i am!! to show you the horror of staying alive / doesn't even matter if i killed my best friend!! try again try NOT TO DIE (TIME TO DIE!!!) ive been waiting so damn long for this!! it's not supposed to go like this!! so this is how the story ENNNDDDSSSS take THIS what are you doing! saving you! i don't need your help! i don't need anyone's help! WHATS YOUR DAMAGE MAN????? come on curt let's get goiingg ...owen? SPIES ARE FOREVER FOREVEVRR SPIES ARE FOREVER!! FOREEEVVEERRRRR !!!
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demonicnarwhale · 5 months
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just like many things I'll start something then toss it aside and we've done this before but here's the protocol: Eel saying she has this file on her computer for a long while now. And she knows she won't get back to this any time soon so here we go
Ok here's some explanation to this whole jazz:
Due to Scratch being like fuchsia blood (because of course) and so the Felt all wear some sort of uniform looking clothes. Tie in to how all wear similar green suits and stuff. And of course their blood colors are placed on them ya know.
(Minus HK posing as an olive as she's a lime, she doesn't have any powers as a lime. Like no ability to shoosh or calm high bloods lol. I just think it's funny and allows for there to be a reason that HK's there. Aka Scratch intimidation, she works as a cleaner so she doesn't have to worry about her getting hurt/blood reveal moment, and she'd rather not get caught by some other trolls or something tee hee)
Here's some silly info: (some stuff has been changed from previous post from some days or month(s) ago)
Heights aren't like up to date as the line up is really just to show their clothes and designs (or lack of)
Matchstick while a burgundy his sign is supposed to also kinda resemble wings. Like it's the most "trust me you gotta squint" sort of shit. But it's cuz I wanna give him a moth (perhaps plus some other animal) sort of lusus cuz hah light. Fire. He extinguishes fire but like haha lusus attracted to the light. and and and and and and and eel is trying her best here
Stitch is the only goldie but it's just funny that not only does he have no psionics to start off with, but also just like his og one eye got fucked up. So even if he did then it's like real weak. Just cuz like eye retina(??) and brain yeah im no surgeon
Sawbucks and Quarters to me are just like the guys who can take a fuck ton of hits? so indigo. yeah. that's all. Like Cans ofc can but I also just think of him more in an offense manner and Quarters takes up the defense
Die gets the cone of shame. fucking loser.
I was entertaining the idea of Clover and HK switching blood colors just cuz I can go "Haha Clover's soooo lucky that he's still alive" yadda yadda. But then, he wouldn't be able to get all weird and freaky with chuckle voodoo stuff. Yeah should he have that access? No :)
I could've made Trace a violet too but I felt like in their sprites, Fin (to me) is much more obvious to being a shark. Like look at that fuckin mug ya know? So i just went with making just Fin a violet.
the idea was to keep it where like there's more lowbloods than highbloods but ya know what. Just realized the only three midbloods I got are fucking Die Crowbar and Snowman. The sequence (ok I'll probably add someone else to the midbloods)
While I could've just made their blood off of like their ball or hat color, I felt like it'd be fun to see what blood color id assign them considering like their attributes or personalities like Itchy to me is an olive as I like to think that olives can be more rowdy or energetic? yeahhh like ofc not all but just for this yes
Also the idea of Itchy being a goldie sounds disastrous
Doze is a burgundy but also like his sign a 2 and and anddd hourglass looking hehehe
Itchy was supposed to look like that dangly bit from the grandfather clock. And the others I gave up trying to implement some time looking reference
Oh yeah I'll also be adding or trying to come up with their clothes when not in uniform but that's a maybe. Maybe. There's ideas like I got Clover and Fin's but the others? yeah good luck.
Also I just really like ponchos or like the coat duster thingy yeahhhh
Also also PS. if there's like any questions please feel free to ask just cuz there's some other things I wanna talk about but it's either for characters not here or I am blanking
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sxtvrns · 4 days
industry’s favourite lovebirds
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🎶 now playing: perfume – nct dojaejung
P: Choi Yeonjun x Fem!Idol!Reader
S: A deep dive into the lives of the lovebirds of the industry, from their first meet to where they are today.
G: fluff, narrative fiction
W: guess who’s back!!! I SWEAR IM ALIVE but my writing has definitely gotten shittier after a year long absence cuz it gets difficult trying to come up with lots of different stories and furthermore writing them!! pls lmk if i should add any warnings to this i am trying my best :>
view the full perfume collection.
please interact if you enjoy!
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“Are you two ready?”
“Yes.” You both replied, fidgeting anxiously in your seats.
At first, you hesitated at the request for this interview. However, the company had explained what would happen in such great detail that you accepted, as did Yeonjun.
When you arrived at the studio, they further explained what kind of questions were gonna be asked, the atmosphere, and the idea of making it a safe space for both of you. If at any point you two were uncomfortable, you were allowed to back out or move onto another question.
Two comfy white chairs situated rather close together sat in front of the camera. One had a fox plushie, and one had a pair of headphones— your representative emojis.
“Are you nervous?” Yeonjun asks, looking at you.
“A little.” You chuckle, your hand brushing against his.
The director behind the camera sits in his chair with a stern, but welcoming expression. He begins to speak.
“And… action!”
The interviewer did not have a microphone; her voice was soft, yet loud enough to be picked up on the microphone.
“Alright, let’s have you guys introduce yourselves.”
“Hello, I’m Y/N.”
“And I’m Yeonjun.”
You both wave to the camera.
“How does it feel to be known as the lovebirds of the industry?”
Yeonjun speaks up. “Well… we certainly weren’t expecting it. I mean, if we weren’t idols, I’m sure we would’ve just been a regular couple. But we take pride in that label, and we carry it out together.”
“Now, on behalf of everyone, we’d like to know how this all started. When did you two first meet?”
Yeonjun puckers his lips in thought before speaking again. “If we’re talking first-first meet.. it wasn’t long after TXT debuted.”
“Yeah, I was still a trainee.”
You were parched. And the water machine was broken. The other one was empty. You still had some weird thing against sink water.
So when you were about to buy water from the vending machine in the building, you were pissed to find out there was none left. You just missed it.
You groan in defeat as you head to the elevator, waiting for the door to open. You’re too busy cursing the world in your head to notice someone tapping you on the shoulder.
The voice finally makes you turn around, and you’re greeted by a familiar face standing in front of you.
“Yeonjun.” You mutter. “Hi, um, is there something you need?”
“Take this.” He hands you a bottle of water— the same brand that was in the vending machine. “You grabbed the last one?” You ask.
“Yeah. You look like you need it more than I do.”
“Do you want me to pay you back? I can–“
“No, it’s fine. Just take it.”
“Are you sure?”
“I insist.”
You reluctantly take the bottle from him. “Thank you…” Your meek reply is followed by aggressive chugging, almost downing the bottle in one swift gulp. Sighing contentedly, you enter the elevator with him following behind you.
You’re unsure of how to ease the awkwardness in the air. “Um… congrats on your debut.” You say.
“Oh. Thanks. Have you… are you still training?”
“I’m debuting soon. Hopefully.”
You put my hand over your mouth. “I don’t think I was supposed to say that.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry, it happens. Beomgyu almost revealed too much before our debut whenever we were out together.”
You smile.
His eyes land on you. “I’m looking forward to it.”
The elevator door opens, Yeonjun standing up straight to walk off the elevator. “Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye–“ You manage to reply before the door closes fully.
He knew your name.
“Really? Is that what you thought?” Yeonjun smiles, holding back a laugh.
“Well, I hadn’t debuted yet, so I was surprised!”
“I remembered seeing you in the halls when I was a trainee, and I asked what your name was since we had the same dance instructor.”
“You remembered?” You look at him in awe.
“It’s hard for me to forget a pretty face.”
You laugh and look away, embarrassed by the sudden compliment.
“How did you guys find out you liked each other?”
This time, you answer. “Yeonjun and I had each other’s KakaoTalks, so we’d been keeping in touch. We did it really carefully, so only our members ended up found out. As for how we found out…”
You notice an unfamiliar, alluring scent coming from Yeonjun. “New perfume?”
“Yes, how’d you know?”
“It’s strong. And not like the one you usually wear.”
“Is it too much?” is what he said, but he was really thinking about the fact that you noticed the change.
“A little… but I like it.”
“Yeonjun, I thought you were getting us drinks…” One of his group members, who you recognized as Beomgyu, came up behind him.
“I am, I’m just waiting…”
“Y/N! I really liked your solo song, but Yeonjun likes it even more.” He nudges Yeonjun’s arm.
“Hey, cut it out.” Yeonjun nudges Beomgyu even harder to make him stop.
“He won’t stop listening to it. He has it on repeat 24/7.” You look at Yeonjun, surprised, as he can’t meet your gaze. “Really?”
“Is she the girl you said you liked? She looks a lot like her.” Beomgyu’s clearly said too much since Yeonjun glares at him while your eyes go wide. “I’m sorry?” Your gaze shifts over to Yeonjun.
At that, a tray of iced americanos and chocolates are served, Beomgyu picking up the tray at once. “Well, I’ll bring this back down since you two are still chatting.” Yeonjun quickly swipes his own drink from the counter as Beomgyu waves a quick goodbye before making his way to the elevator.
“So…” You look at Yeonjun as your own order is served. “You like me?”
He’s at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond. There was no use of lying anyways. “I guess you could say that…” He mutters, watching you sip from your straw as his grip on his own cup gets tighter. “I get that we can’t move forward with this. Call it admiration.”
“But do you really like me?”
He pauses again. “Yes. I do.” This time, he sounded more sure.
“What do you like about me?”
Lost in thought, Yeonjun recollects everything he knows about you. “A lot. Um, I like your smile. I like your resilience. I like the way you aren’t afraid to take creative liberty with your projects. I… admire your leadership. You take such good care of your members that I can understand why you all have such good harmony. I’m envious of that sometimes.”
What struck you deeply was the fact that the qualities he listed had nothing to do with your appearance. It was merely who you were as a person. For him to love the aspects of you that were apparent but subtle, it made you fall in love with him almost instantly.
“I, um–“
“Let’s walk and talk. I mean, while we go back to work.”
“Yes– yes, of course.”
It takes a few extra seconds for the elevator door to close after you both entered. “Y/N, I understand we can’t… y’know. You’re probably preparing for your next comeback and–“
“I want to try and make this work.”
He looks at you, dumbfounded. “Really? But–“
“I know there’s risks. I know our careers could be ruined. But… no one’s ever talked about me in the way you did. I wouldn’t mind losing my fame if it meant being with someone that truly appreciates me.”
He feels his face heat up, struggling to find the right words again. “So… so– you like me too.”
This time, your eyes stray from his. “Yeah. Maybe just a little bit.” You both laugh at the situation you found yourselves in. What a coincidence. “We have to be really careful. We might already be busted from the cameras in here.”
“I don’t think they pick up audio.”
You sigh. “That’s a relief.”
The elevator door opens on your floor. “I’ll see you later.” You say, stepping off.
“I’ll text you!” Yeonjun replies as the doors begin to close on him.
So much just happened in the span of 15 minutes.
“Thank you, Beomgyu for oversharing.” You laugh. “What happened when you got back to your dorms after?”
“I yelled at him.”
“I got mad at him but then also told him thank you but didn’t tell him why I said thank you.”
You snicker, placing your hand on the armrest of the chair.
“So, I’m assuming he asked you out first?” The interviewer asks.
“Yes, I did.”
“And how was that?”
It’s late at night, and you’re dropped face first on your couch while the broadcast of Inkigayo plays faintly in the background.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Your roommate and member, Haeun, asks, staring at you with great concern on her face. You tiredly hold up a thumbs up as she walks into her room. “Goodnight…” She says.
“Night…” You reply, half-asleep.
A knock at the door drives you out of your sleepy state as quickly as it had settled in. You approach slowly, planning to mutter a few words and get it over and done with until you see who’s at the door.
You looked like a hot mess right now, buried in the length of your hoodie with your hair unkept and messy. “What– what are you doing here?” You ask, desperately trying to make yourself look the least bit presentable.
He looks around quickly before pulling out a bouquet of flowers from behind, enjoying the surprised look on your face.
“Y/N, can I take you out on a date?”
For as long as you have been talking, you never expected to be asked out on your first date like this, so sudden and unexpected.
“Are you serious?” You ask, taking the bouquet from him in awe.
He nods. “I figured sooner is better than later to ask you so I can plan stuff out and–“
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you!”
The brightest smile appeared on your face, contrasting with how you looked at the moment, but Yeonjun didn’t seem to mind. All he cared about was the pure bliss that came from your reaction, and the mutual feeling of excitement that lingered between the two of you.
“But… this is really sudden; where did this come from?” You ask, looking at him.
“I didn’t want to wait anymore. I like you, you like me, I really enjoy talking to you and I just– I know we can make this work.”
You’re stunned, merely staring at him and the flowers without a word.
“How do you know for sure?” You finally speak.
“How do you think we’re still talking like this without anybody else finding out?”
When you don’t respond, he chuckles, messing up your hair like how it looked before. His hand moved down to your cheek, watching your eyes move from his hand to his face as he cupped your face.
“I’ll get going, otherwise I’ll worry the rest of my group.”
“Okay.” You respond, breathless.
“I’ll see you tomorrow? Hopefully we can talk more.”
“Yeah.” Your tone is airy and light as if you’re stuck in a dream. He chuckles again at your reply, pinching your cheek. “Bye, Yeonjun…”
“Bye Y/N. Get some rest.” He says as he walks away. When he’s a safe enough distance, you lean against the door until it’s completely shut, locking it as your mind races at a million miles per second.
The door to Haeun’s room opens as she looks at you with wide eyes. “What happened here?” She asks.
“Nothing! Nothing happened!” You panic walk into your own room as Haeun trails behind you, bombarding you with a bunch of questions.
“Y/N, who are those from?!”
“Who was at the door? Tell me!”
“No! No one was at the door!”
“You came when I looked like a mess; I was so embarrassed…”
“You looked cute.” You pinch his cheek as he pouts playfully, hand subconsciously resting on top of his.
You aren’t used to it, holding hands with him in a professional setting like this. But the feeling is natural, comfortable, and welcoming. You both could hear a collective “aww” from the crew behind the camera, making you both giggle.
Though unprompted, you elaborate on the topic. “So… Yeonjun loves talking about our first date for some odd reason.”
He sighs. “It was the moment that I knew you were the one for me.”
“We snuck out and ate barbecue.” You scoff.
“Then had a drunken walk home. I got to hold you in my arms for the first time.”
“Don’t remind me of that…”
He chuckles again, thumb brushing over the back of your hand.
“You were cute.”
“Yeonjun, I can walk on my own juuuuuussst fiiiinne…” You stumble over your own feet, prompting him to catch you.
“Let’s go back home.” He laughs, supporting you with your arm wrapped around his shoulders.
“Noooo, not yeeet…”
“I didn’t expect you to get so drunk…” He mutters.
“Yeonjun, you’re so nice…” Your words slur together, almost unintelligible. “And you’re so handsome too… you should dye your hair darker! Black! Black would look good!” Your hand goes up to play with his hair. “How are you so handsome, it’s confusing…”
“I’m– I’m not that handsome–“
“Yes, you aaaareee!” Your hands messily cup his face. “Your eyes, your lips, your entire face…” You lean into his shoulder again, letting him support you once more. “And nice… so nice…”
“Thank you, Y/N…”
“You treat me so well… I’ve never been–“ You hiccup. “–been so deserving. Why are you so nice?! Am I too mean? People– people say I’m mean sometimes.”
“You aren’t mean, Y/N…” He starts, preparing to ramble about something you probably won’t remember the next morning. “I think… you just want everyone to work hard so they do their best, and you’re taking charge of that role. You’re really influential, Y/N. And…” He mutters softly. “You’re also really beautiful.”
You giggle. “You really think so?”
A smile creeps onto his face. “I know so.”
When he reaches your dorm room, he waits patiently for your roommate to open the door after a failed attempt to find your keys in your bag. The door opens with an unfazed Haeun.
“I’ll take care of her.” She takes you off his arms.
“No– Haeun! I wanna stay with Yeonjun!”
“Yeonjun needs to go and rest!”
“But I miss Yeonjun!”
“You saw him 5 seconds ago! He’s still at the door!” She helps you into your room before rushing back to the door. “Thank you.” She mutters quietly, closing the door quickly.
“Haeun, where is Yeonjun!?”
“Back at his dorm!”
“‘Yeonjun! I miss Yeonjun!’” He mocks, laughing at the memory. “I could hear you from outside your dorm.”
“I get really whiny when I’m drunk, don’t blame me!”
“I like taking care of you anyways, so it works out for me.”
“Speaking of which– Yeonjun gets me a lot of gifts. Surprises me out of nowhere.”
“And do you still have them?” The interviewer asks, making Yeonjun look at you hopefully.
“Yes, I do.” I smile. “There’s usually flowers in my dorm because he gives me so many, and all the plushies he gave me I still have in my room.”
“Which one is your favourite?” He asks.
“The first one you ever got me. You named it Daniel.” You recall as a proud look appears on his face. “My English name. So it reminds you of me.”
“And it was a fox too, wasn’t it? You posted a few photos.” The interviewer speaks up again, receiving some nods from you. “It was your soft launch for your relationship… but people didn’t really know at the time, did they?”
You agree. “Right, because… my manager ended up finding out, unsurprisingly, but it took them a while to figure it out. The companies knew, but the public didn’t. We really did our best to keep it as private as possible, but I couldn’t help it.”
“We actually have that post pulled up right now…” The post shows up on the monitor; it feels so nostalgic looking back at them.
“This was when I had blonde hair! Ah, that was so long ago…” You sigh, reliving all the memories at once merely from those photos alone.
“You’re so pretty, Y/N.” Yeonjun says out of nowhere, eyes glued to the screen. “Why, what– what did I do?” You laugh at the sudden compliment. “Do you like my hair dark or light like that?” You point at the screen.
“Dark. We match.” He smiles as certain parts are focused on the screen.
“So here’s your caption.”
daniel 🦊❤️
Yeonjun chuckles softly as he reads his own name.
“And the comments…”
The comments— well, at least one half of them:
such cuties
that’s gonna sell out so fast now 😭
The other half:
im like 95% sure shes talking ab yeonjun
yeonjun’s english name is daniel and his emoji is a fox erm do you have something to spill y/n
“Now what did you think of everyone’s reactions to the post?”
“Well… my fans are quite smart but only some people figured it out, which surprised me. I saw all the articles made on it and honestly, I read them for fun. I remember sitting with Yeonjun in my dorm and scrolling through everything while laughing. I’m glad it didn’t turn into a whole thing, though. We were in the clear.”
“Yeonjun, what was your soft launch?”
“Y/N talked about her favourite song during a live and I posted it on my story. I picked the lyrics that reminded me most of her.”
“That’s smart, I should’ve been discreet like you…” You mutter.
“Less people noticed compared to Y/N, but somehow there was still an article on it? I thought it was funny when I read the whole thing.”
“Was it fun watching people speculate about your relationship?”
“Yes.” You both replied, in sync.
“And how was it when you both finally announced it?”
‘We have discussed with both artists and have confirmed they are in a relationship together…’
“Wow. Just like that?” You ask yourself as you read the statement over and over again.
“They’re blunt about it… and they did discuss it with us.”
You look over at Yeonjun, who’s clearly glued to his phone. “What did you just post?”
“How did you know?!” He groans. “I always know.” You go to his Instagram account and see he did, in fact, post something, but you were in the frame. You tap on it immediately to see multiple photos of the two of you, sometimes just you.
surprise ☺️💕
You stare at the caption as the comments begin to flood with shock and utter disbelief while Yeonjun speaks up. “I’ve been waiting to do that for so long.” You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“You’re gonna get in so much trouble.”
“For loving you? I can take it.” He gets up from the couch and walks over to you, putting his phone in his pocket. “We should… lay low for a few days.” He suggests.
“No shit…”
“You were swearing over the phone a few days ago.”
Haeun bursts through the door, holding her phone out in front of her with Yeonjun’s post open, panting aggressively. “What the fuck is this?!” She yells.
“So much for language…” You mumble, feeling Yeonjun nudge you.
“Are you angry? Happy? I mean, you already knew…” He shrugs, mostly nonchalant.
“I’m very aggressively excited for both of you and extremely worried for Y/N.”
“What about me?” Yeonjun chuckles.
“I can hear your members screaming right now. They’re feeling the same things I am.”
Yeonjun feels his face heat up as you giggle beside him. “I guess we just have to wait and see how this all plays out.” You say, kissing his cheek. Haeun stares at the two of you in pure shock.
You smile at her. “What? You act like you’ve never seen us together before.”
After spending some time with you (and Haeun third wheeling) in your dorm, he goes back to his own, unlocking the door and entering without a second thought.
“I’m home.”
He isn’t fully aware of his surroundings, nearly getting a heart attack seeing Beomgyu in front of him.
“Ah– what the hell, man?”
“Yeonjun…” Beomgyu sniffles, though obviously not sad. “You’re actually so lame…”
“Huh? What did I do?”
“You testify to the executives and didn’t even mention my name once?!”
“He’s all butthurt because you didn’t give him credit for getting you guys together.” Taehyun chimes in.
Beomgyu fake sniffles again. “They never give the right people credit…”
“Hey, cut it out, Beomgyu, it already happened.” Soobin puts his hand on the sobbing man’s shoulder, as if he’d already dealt with this behaviour before.
“I’ll say something about you, Beomgyu, don’t worry.” Yeonjun reassures as if he was talking to a child.
“And give me the credit for getting you guys together?”
“What? No.”
“Fair enough.”
“Yeonjun, what are you gonna do now?” Hueningkai approaches him with his phone opened, showing articles upon articles posted online.
Yeonjun chuckles. “I guess… we’ll just have to wait and see how this all plays out.”
“And then there was that time on Suchwita with you and Taehyun?” The question is obviously directed towards Yeonjun, who lets out a light laugh.
“Ah, yes, I drunk called Y/N during filming…”
“He did more than that, by the way.”
“Do you really have to tell them what happened?”
“You get to tell a story about me being drunk, I get to tell a story about you being drunk.”
“Yeonjun? Yeonjun, are you there?” Suga giggles at his guest’s drunken state. “Huh?”
“Ah, okay, he’s still alive.” Taehyun jokes.
“Yeonjun, how is everything with Y/N?” Suga asks. Yeonjun’s face suddenly lights up at the question. “Oh, Y/N…” He says dreamily, drunkenly smiling.
“Y/N’s the… prettiest girl in the world… she’s super talented and she… scolds me a lot, sometimes when I drink too much…”
Suga’s gaze shifts between Yeonjun and the camera. “So you’re going to get scolded for being on this show then?”
Yeonjun tiredly lifts his head up, facing the camera. “Y/N, I’m… sorry!”
“Yeonjun, what are you doing?” Taehyun looks over at the older member, seeing him pull his phone out and open your contact. Suga realizes what’s going on. “Are you calling her?”
You pick up. “Hello?”
“Y/N!” Yeonjun drags as he speaks into the phone. “Y/N, I love youuuu.” He hiccups.
There’s nothing on the other end for a few seconds.
“…Are you drunk?”
His face drops. “I’m sorry, Y/N…” You can practically hear him pouting on the other end.
“Yeonjun, I told you to be careful while filming…”
“I know…”
“How much soju did you drink?”
“It’s whiskey.” Taehyun cuts in.
You mentally facepalm as you hear drunken sappy love confessions spill from Yeonjun’s mouth. But you can’t deny how flustered it’s making you.
“Seriously? It isn’t as strong, but…” You sigh. “Please take care of him, Taehyun.”
“Bye Y/N, I… love… you!” Yeonjun stumbles over his words, per usual, giggling into the phone.
You pause. “I love you too, Yeonjun. Take care.”
You hang up since he’s clearly too out of it to do it himself.
“Yeonjun, you’re embarrassing.” Taehyun deadpans, making Suga laugh from the other end of the table.
“You two just continue to go viral.” The interviewer laughs off camera, making the both of you laugh as well.
“Our relationship is like any other, yet people really make it seem like it’s a big deal…” Yeonjun states with an awkward expression on his face.
“This is a first step towards more open relationships in K-pop. How does it feel paving the way for such opportunities for other idols?”
“Honestly… we got really lucky. I think everyone was more surprised than angry? Of course, there was still hate, but it didn’t really affect me. I was more concerned about the safety of my group and his group rather than myself. I promised to take the blame for anything directed towards us, but not a lot ended up coming.” You explain, looking over at Yeonjun for him to elaborate.
“Yes, we were very fortunate to not have so much hate after we announced everything. It’s nice seeing the fans so supportive, it’s really cute.” He chuckles just thinking about it. “I think… me and Y/N were on the same page with enduring the hate on behalf of our groups. It was a natural instinct for both of us since we were the direct subjects of the news. I wouldn’t wanna be caught up in this with anybody else.”
“This is new, isn’t it?” You say, referring to the interview that just wrapped up.
Both you and Yeonjun were waiting in the dressing room, seated together.
“Mhm. I enjoyed it, did you?” He replies.
“Yeah. I think we gave them a lot of content to work with.”
“Any more and the video would be an hour… this shoot would’ve been longer.”
“How could it go on for longer? We were chatting for hours!”
“Maybe we should apologize to the staff later.”
“We should.”
Yeonjun’s hand brushes over yours, and no matter how many times he does it, it always gives you butterflies in your stomach. While your face shows no change, he knows how it makes you feel, and how you feel right now.
He’s the only person that knows.
“I enjoyed that filming, really. We could be ourselves, no judgement.” He laces his fingers with yours. “I could hold your hand.”
Your eyes finally meet his, the look you two exchange full of love and gratitude.
“I’ve never felt so comfortable addressing everything.” You reply.
“Maybe you just needed some support.” You feel Yeonjun gently squeeze your hands reassuringly. “Was I enough for that?”
“You are and will always be enough for me and everyone, ‘junie.”
You see his gaze falter slightly, as he blurts out, “I really want to kiss you right now.”
His sudden words catch you off guard and have you stifling a laugh. “Really?” He nods in reply.
“I mean, if we can hold hands, we can surely kiss, can’t we?” You say.
“What if someone walks in on us?”
“They watched clips of us slow dancing, that is so much more embarrassing.”
Yeonjun chuckles at that, leaning forward. He’s too lost in your eyes to remember why his face is so close to yours until you finally close the distance, his lips against yours.
He tastes as sweet as his words and moves as meaningful as his desires. His hand goes to cradle your jaw while yours fall down to his shoulders.
He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes lovingly. He gets lost again but is brought back by the sound of your voice. “How was that?”
You laugh at his choice of words.
For a little while, the world is confined to you and him on the comfiest dressing room couch you’ve ever sat on, telling silly inside jokes at the ceiling while hand in hand.
The one thing that remains constant is you and him.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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baby i’m comfortable with you, and you’re comfortable with me 🎧
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