#which makes it feel like all of a sudden i have a timer and i need to kiilllmyself
melto · 3 months
my birthday week is like a fight for my fucking life.
#like i dont like my birthday bc i dont like attention and also bc the fact i am still alive when i never planned to be is so heavy#which makes it feel like all of a sudden i have a timer and i need to kiilllmyself#but mostly. The biggest issue is i think of my exbest friend bc it was our week always even if they treated me horrible#and i would just go along with whatever they wanted even if i hated it and i just think about them think about them think about them#and i dont want them in my life but i will talk myself into missing them#and feel guilty like its my fault like i deserved everything they did to me like i should never be allowed to move past it#and then i get so embarassed over how i let them rule my life and ruin so much for me and made me break away from people i care about#but then its like im so lonely at least they were always there even if they hated me#even if they wanted me to be so miserable even if they just wanted to know they would always have someone to push around#And i still have trouble when it comes to food im still scared of opening up to people im still scared of my friends of buying new clothes#somehow everything they said to and about me was true even though none of it is and it hurt me and ruined so much#but i must have deserved it. they were supposed to know me best. and i never have known myself#so everything they had said about me has been true for so long.#every time i have the thought that i miss them i think i need to crash my car#every year it gets better every week it is easier but its been so bad recently its been so bad i feel like pieces of me are falling apart#i dont want to manifest this year it being bad bc its just starting to get easier after my total depressive state but god#im looking at are they made for me years ago and i want to rip it apart but i cant every time i try i almost throw up.#i think im going to throw up right now.#deeply pathetic.#news with isaac
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natailiatulls07 · 8 months
Haunted house
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Oscar Piastri x female!reader
Summary - McLaren are doing a haunted house halloween video and Oscar manages to rope in his girlfriend
Warning - Blood (fake), swearing, chainsaw (fake), clowns, spiders and a mention of the exorcist??
A/n - Another first timer today!! I love Oscar!! 🤍
23 Halloween season
When Oscar told me that McLaren were doing a Halloween challenge video for their YouTube channel and had offered Oscar to rope me in, I was excited. Growing up I Ioved Halloween; dressing up, getting free sweets and watching spooky movies, they were just so exciting to me.
Naturally I grew up but yet I still held that love for the holiday. So that’s why I agree and now I’m in the passenger seat of Oscars car on our way to the secret location.
Every so often he was gently rub his thumb across my thigh, we were have a light conversation between ourselves.
Eventually, Oscar pulled in a car park when the McLaren social media team and Lando were stood around just talking and most likely waiting for our arrival. “Ah the couple has arrived!” The Brit was the first to notice us and announce our arrival.
Getting out the car, I was grateful that I decided to wear a large cream wool sweater because the weather felt nippy. “Hey dude!” Oscar and Lando greeted each other with a quick fist bump. It was soon followed by a quick side hug between me and Lando.
The McLaren pr manager was quick to fill us in with the details of the video; we all would be going into the haunted house, go through the different sections and then come back out at the end. Simple as that.
At this point though, thats when my nerves kicked in. I started to get anxious but I didn't want to show that emotion, knowing that if I did Oscar would make me not do it.
The team started to film, before Lando and Oscar explaining the video to the viewers. "Hey guys! So today me, Lando and Y/n are going to do this super fun haunted house!" There's sarcasm in his voice when he says 'super fun', which makes both me and Lando laugh together.
Lando manages to compost himself. "There will be multiple different sections to the house, however we don't know what the sections are and what they're like" I look over to the entrance of the house and cringe. "So let's go!"
We all start to walk towards the entrance with the camera man behind us. "Ladies first..." As if insync, Lando and Oscar move to allow me to walk in first which I quickly say thank you to and walk inside despite my nerves.
Once inside, it's pitch black. I can hear distant noises which I cannot describe, foreign noises. A hand goes to grasp mine and I jump at the sudden contact. "It's me, sweetheart" Oscars australian accent comes from behind me in the darkness.
"Oh god...we're two steps in and Oscars already being all lovey dovey" The Brit from what sounds like behind Oscar complains.
"You're such a child!" Oscar moans as to which laugh along with him.
After walking about five steps through the darkness, we come to another door. Making our way through the door, I'm greeted with walls decorated in thousands of tiny orange, blue and green glow in the dark dotes. "Oh this is cute!" I comment but immediately regret my words when a glow in the dark clown starts jumping out on us.
"AH FUCK!" Lando shouts, even though he is the furthest back out of the three of us. The bright clown laughs hideously and starts making his way towards me.
I'm suddenly pull back by my hand, the hand that Oscar has ahold of. Colliding with his chest I feel him quickly moving us past the clown onto the next section.
Just as we made it past the clown, the two of us hear Lando again. "You ain't scary bitch!" There's a pause. "AH Wait fuck, maybe you are!"
Oscar leans his head down, so that his mouth is next to my ear. "Are you okay?" He whispers, and in that moment I feel alone and disconnected from the world with him.
Nodding my head. "Yeah, it was cute and then that fucker came. But yeah I'm okay" I lean up to give him a quick kiss on the lips before looking around at the next section.
There's a bloody operation table, laid on top is a little girl dressed in a long white gown. Her hair long, black and extremely tangled. Around us, looks like an old operating room yet the walls, much like the table, is covered in crimson blood.
You know instantly when Lando has entered because of his uncontrolable reaction. "EW! WTF" I find myself laughing at his childish reaction to the section, Oscar laughs along with me.
Lights start flashing and we all turn to the girl on the table. Noticing how she is now slowly moving up into a sitting up position. "Oh and she lives, just fucking brilliant!" McLarens British driver comments sarcastically.
Once she sits up, her waist turns so she is now facing us. "Help me! Help! He's going to kill me!" Just as she finishes her sentance, we all hear the whirring of a chainsaw behind us as to which we all turn. Coming face to face with a tall and broad man, in his hands there's a chainsaw and much like the rest of the room covered in blood.
He jumps forward, more so my way, causing me to scream out in fright. "I need another body...yours will do" He smiles disturbingly.
“Yeah fuck this, no way are you coming after my girl sir!” This took both me and Lando by surprise as Oscar was never one to react this much openly. He quickly moves us out of the room, Lando still behind us when he says “Yeah that’s right bitch! Back off!” Followed by his high pitch laugh and a high pitch scream, also from Lando.
We all collectively make our way through the rest of the haunted house, coming across a spider themed room and a exorcist themed room. As usual, Lando is making little comments and screams the whole way through.
Admittedly on some of the room, either me or Oscar join in Landos terrified comments.
I push through the long bunting across the door way, we come out of the haunted house. A camera team is set up awaiting our post haunted house reactions.
“That was fun!” I comment which earns me a dirty look from Lando, and a laugh from Oscar who has his arms wrapped around my waist.
Both Oscar and Lando are quick to make a outro, wrapping up the video. After talking with the media team and Lando, me and Oscar get back into his car making our way home.
“Thank you for inviting me today baby” I say, looking over at Oscar who is focusing on the road.
“It’s alright, plus I needed someone to put up with Lando so thank you!” Pulling up to a red light, Oscar takes my hand and kisses my knuckles gently.
Tag list - @ilovechickenwings @carlossainzwho @ipab @erikasurfer @soph1644
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castiwls · 8 days
so it goes - s.w
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Paring; sam x reader
Prompt; 'Gettin' caught up in a moment, lipstick on your face'
Requested; anon
Notes; reqs and inbox are open !
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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It wasn’t often you found yourself getting a moment alone anymore. Hunting had seemingly taken over your entire lives and left you with little time to enjoy the other things in life.
It had been so long since you had eaten anything which didn’t come from a box or a takeout bag that you’d almost forgotten how calming it could be to cook your own food. The smell alone left you floating into your own little world, your worries seeming to melt away the longer you moved around the kitchen.
Grabbing a tomato you carefully sliced it, humming to yourself as you did. Placing the knife down you carefully scooped the pieces into a bowl before. As you moved the feeling of two arms wrapping around your waist pulled a small gasp from your lips.
Placing your hands on the counter you let out a breath feeling lips press against the shell of your ear. “What are you making.” Sam smiled pressing another kiss to your cheek. “Nothing fancy.” You shrugged leaning into his chest with a content sigh.
Sam humed moving his hands to your hips. “Smells good.” He smiled. His hands rubbed slow circles into your hips as you continued to chop vegetables. Sam rested his head on your chin allowing himself to relax as your movements swayed him slightly.
Your food had quickly become one of his favourite things and he’d truly missed it more than he’d admit. He’d missed the domesticity of it all. How normal it was in a world where almost nothing was normal.
“Okay.” You clapped your hands. “Now we wait.” You turned in his arms, moving your own around his neck. Sam’s gaze was soft as he smiled down at you. “What.” You laughed feeling slightly nervous under his gaze. 
“Nothing, nothing just…” He shook his head. “I love you.” He smiled tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. The tips of his fingers grazed the back of your head as you felt a quiet sigh leave your lips. “I love you too.” You smiled - a warm feeling slowly building in your stomach.
Sam’s hand moved to cup the back of your head. His hand gently massaged your head as his gaze dropped to your lips. “I missed this.” He sighed. The last few weeks had been nothing short of hellish yet all that seemed to fade away as the world seemed to narrow down until everything seemed like background noise.
The only thing that mattered to him at that moment was you. 
“It’s been a while.” You laughed quietly. He nodded in agreement before leaning in to press his lips against yours. A small noise of surprise escaped your lips at the sudden movement. Sam smiled against your lips as you felt his hand slowly slip from your hair down to your hip.
Your own hands looped around his neck as you pushed yourself up slightly on your toes. “Wait.” He murmured against your lips pulling back slightly.
You furrowed your brows tilting your head slightly. “Wha-” A yelp left your lips as you suddenly felt yourself get lifted from the ground and placed on the counter behind you. “Better.” He grinned rubbing his nose against yours.
“Better.” You grinned using your grip on his neck to pull him in. A quiet laugh escaped him as your lips met his. Sam’s hand squeezed your hip as you moved a hand to the nape of his neck.
Falling into your own little world, time seemed to float away until a loud ringing noise broke through the silence - the food was done.
You both jumped, Sam, pulled back his eyes wide as he looked around for a moment before his eyes landed on the timer. Oh.
“Well. That's one way to ruin the mood.” You shook your head jumping off the counter to turn off the oven.  Sam laughed leaning back against the counter, watching you. “We always have later.” He shrugged a smirk playing on his lips.
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merbear25 · 2 months
hey !! can i ask -12 "If you win, I'll kiss you." with Ace , fem or gn reader swf pls ?
congrats on your 200 followers 💋💋💋!
Hey, hey! Thank you for sending in a request! So happy to write this for you and hope you like it lovely 💜💜
CW: SFW, gn!reader, some fluff and humor, drinking, reciprocated feelings
Shooting your shot
There was hardly a moment you and Ace weren't sharing a laugh together. Perhaps the only time you weren't hanging around each other was when he'd have to go off on outings, leaving you behind; he always said that it was because it would be too dangerous for someone like you, "You are just a tad too soft for them", he'd tease.
But you'd been admiring Ace for quite some time now: from his strength to his laugh, he had stolen your heart and was holding it hostage, even without him knowing it. The two of you were good friends, but it was hard for you to ignore your pining for wanting more.
During one of the many parties that were always held after a successful mission, you couldn't help watching him partake in his usual activities: fluttering between different groups of people to share jokes and stories, often with a drink and food in hand.
Pausing to take a shot to boost your chances at maintaining your newfound bravery, you let the liquid luck work its magic and worked up the courage to approach him.
Stopping in front of him, your front was starting to faulter as he beamed at you and asked how you were enjoying the party. In hopes of shoving your nerves back down, you abruptly challenged him to the drinking game that'd been set up earlier: beer darts.
Chuckling at your sudden assertiveness, he started waving it off by saying you'd make yourself sick with how many beers you'd surely have to drink.
He was unintentionally making your foundations shake and sway, so you thought it'd be best to make a wager. "If I win, then you'll have to take me on your next outing! A-and, if you win...," you paused to ponder what he could possibly want from you.
"If you win, I'll kiss you."
You shot up from hearing his suggestion, your chest heaving at the mere thought of him placing his lips against yours. "Okay, then it's a deal." The fifteen minutes began its countdown.
Positioning yourselves behind the boards, you were the first to throw a dart. However, your hand was shaking from the possibility of him kissing you, which caused you to miss horribly―practically throwing it straight down into the dirt.
Unable to hold back his amusement, he went into a slight laughing fit asking what on earth happened. Just as the dart was passing through his fingers, he caught a glimps of your flustered, pouting face, causing him to lose focus.
Luckily for you, his dart just barely missed the beer. Taking a deep breath to help calm your nerves, you became lazer focused on the can infront of you―a direct hit!
Congratulating you on being able to hit it this time, he chugged his beer down.
As the timer you'd set earlier ticked the minutes away, the two of you shared in equal wins and loses. The score was tied and there was a little over a minute left on the clock, meaning this was your last chance at pulling ahead of him. Mustering all of the might you had been clinging to throughout, not only the game but your whole friendship with him, you threw your last dart. Any hope you'd been gathering to share your first kiss was shattered as the dart made contact with the wooden board standing behind it.
Ace let out no triumphent laugh as he threw his final dart, hitting your can with ease. As the taste of defeat wet your lips, you could only feel disappointment fill your stomach.
Not wanting to face Ace due to the embarrassement washing over you, you hadn't noticed him walking towards you.
"You know, I've never been one to play by the rules," soothing your heartache by placing a kiss laced with passion, he pulled you closer to fully embrace your form.
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kayrrhin · 1 year
i saw your commissions were opened after a fic i read, idk if you write for multiple characters but i’d like to request for robin, law, cora, yamato, and ace, with no peculiar pronouns for the reader, it can be fluff or nsfw, as you feel more comfortable with!
feel free to add more or not write for some ofc, no pressure it’s totally understandable, don’t overdo yourself, please and thanks!
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I'm going to be honest, you made a commission which literally features all of my all time favorite babies so let's goooo, i also assumed it was all separated since there were no specification, good reading!
3am baking
characters: Robin, Law, Corazon, Yamato, Ace
fluff, use of pet names, ft. teenager law in Cora's part
Reader's gender is not referred so it can be any gender
Warnings: use of swear words, a bit suggestive at Law's part, french
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"wow, so far it looks good!"
You looked at the cupcakes you and your girlfriend were making, so far there was only the dough but wow it looked good.
"I'm amazed that we're able to make such good cupcakes at this time of day, at least so far the dough is good!"
You grin at the archeologist and wipe some of the flour off her nose.
"Thanks, love."
You smiled and began to put the dough into the moulds, putting them in the oven.
"Now all we have to do is wait!"
Robin put her arms around you from behind and kissed your temple,
"I just hope Sanji doesn't take this the wrong way"
You chuckled a little
"The only thing Sanji might do is cry because we made it ourselves and he didn't cook it for us, or be amazed because it's going to be super good!"
You kissed her cheek and smiled proudly.
"haha, I guess you're right, I have to say though, what a strange urge to want to cook at such an hour, darling"
"Yes, I know, but at least we'll have snacks to read"
She smiles sweetly and kisses you, her soft lips resting on yours.
"Actually, I just hope they're still good tomorrow"
You looked up in a thinking manner for a bit,
"aaah you're right...it's probably going to be a little drier depending on how it goes..."
Your lover chuckled and kissed you.
"Don't worry too much, with a bit of tea it's going to be great, love"
After a little while you finished the cupcakes and boy were they good, as was the sleep you got afterwards.
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"You're messing up your sleep schedule right now."
Your boyfriend said, watching you make cookie dough,
"Oh, you're one to talk! At least it's not to overwork myself but to make cookies!"
You smile and continue to work on your work of art, but you feel someone approaching you.
"Let me help you at least, it might be fun... I guess."
He seemed a little embarrassed but helped you with the cookies anyway,
"Aaaw, thanks, love!"
You smiled at him and continued to bake, when the dough was separated, the surgeon put them in the oven, setting the temperature correctly.
"Can you put a timer on please?"
"Yep, I got it!"
You set the timer and start waiting, Law lifts you up to sit on the counter and kisses you on the forehead.
"I'll never understand how you can cook for ten people in the middle of the night"
He then kisses your jaw and puts his hands on your waist,
"I'll say it's my will to eat that gives me this strength, or a mental breakdown"
He chuckled and kissed your lips, slowly moving down to your neck, kissing it and leaving a few marks here and there, he started to get a little more impatient only for the timer to remind you both that the cookies were still in the oven,
"Yes! My cookies!"
You got off the counter, took out the cookies and turned off the oven.
"wooow, these look dashing!"
"Yes. They are."
You laugh, seeing your boyfriend a little frustrated by the sudden stop,
"Come on, sweetheart, we can continue where we left off for a few minutes, the cookies still need to cool."
"I don't know if I love you or hate you, [Name]-ya"
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"I'm surprised we made it this far without burning the kitchen down!"
You've finished putting your mixture on the plate to put what will soon be brownies in the oven,
"Me too, you've really taken the easiest thing to do"
Your lover wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his giant body.
"Yeah, I figured at 3am, burning the house down wasn't the best way to make something"
You laugh, nuzzling your face into his chest, him, resting his head on top of yours.
"You're right, I'm not sure Law would like us to set the house on fire."
He pulled his face closer to yours and kissed the tip of your nose, then your temple, and lips.
"He'd probably kick our asses if we did, I wonder who the real adults are"
You both laughed and stayed like that for a little while, to be fair the reason he hadn't set the kitchen on fire was because you were making sure he wasn't near anything that could catch fire, mainly his coat which was left in the living room for that specific reason.
"I think the brownies are good, let me turn off the stove"
You did so and smelled the brownies,
"wow, that smells really good, mi vida, we did a great job!"
He kissed you on the cheek and stumbled, causing you to lose your balance.
You looked at the brownies that were about to fall out, but they were replaced by a pillow.
"Can you be careful??? First I wake up because you can't keep it down, when I get up you're immediately about to injure yourself, and you're the adults here?"
"Right! Sorry we woke you up..."
"and thanks for saving us from a third degree burn!"
The teenager looked at you both and sighed.
" It's okay, plus it smells good, it would be sad to let it go to waste"
You look at your partner and both laughed
"Well, I guess it couldn't have gone without at least one little mistake"
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"Woooh! [Name], look, it's growing!"
You giggled at your golden retriever boyfriend who was looking at the gateau au yaourt in the stove.
"Yeah, that's the baking powder, baby"
Your boyfriend looked at you in awe, it was the first time in a long time he'd cooked in a real kitchen, so when you said you wanted to make a cake at 2:56am, he looked at you and instantly got up, already jumping towards the kitchen.
"This is so cool! And it smells so good too! My love, you are so good at baking! You are a god/goddess!"
Your boyfriend lifted you up in his arms, you laughed at his gesture.
" Pretty boy, I think you're over-reacting, I only have basic cooking skill"
He laughed and peppered your face with kisses, which made you giggle.
"Love, can you put me down? I need to turn off the oven"
"Oh yes, sorry!"
He puts you down and lets you reach the oven, you turn it off and take out the chocolate cake, the smell of the cake reaches your nostrils, but you smell something else, like vanilla.
"Wow, that smells good, you know why it smells like va...ni...la?", Finishing your sentence, you turn your head to notice the empty bottle of vanilla extract on the counter.
"Um... it smelled good, and like vanilla so..."
"Please tell me the bottle wasn't full."
You prayed for a second, imagining that the strong taste of vanilla was too much for your taste buds and mentally cried, but your boyfriend assured you that the bottle was almost empty when he did so.
"Ok, time to try it then, I really hope you're not lying because it smells like vanilla hell right now".
You took a bite and ate it, it was indeed very good and the vanilla taste wasn't overwhelming, which reassured your taste buds, you kissed your lover and took the cake to bring it in your room.
"Ah! I told you I didn't put it all in!"
Your boyfriend exclaimed, proud that he had not made a dumb mistake (for once).
"Yes, you did! I think it's time to eat it while reading about Oden, don't you think, big guy?"
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"oui, oui, baguette ! Quoisan !"
Your boyfriend laughed as he helped you prepare the croissants.
"Ace, shut the fuck up, it's 3am if Tatch hears us, we're dead"
The last time Tatch caught you, you were punished by cleaning the bathroom for 3 months, but you both had a sudden urge to cook after a long make out session.
"Come on, this time we're doing a good job and the ingredients were paid by us, this time if he catches us he won't have anything to blame us for"
He smiles as he rolls the dough into a croissant shape.
"You're right but still, I'm not sure having two dumbasses in your kitchen at 3am is the best way to wake up, even if you just want a glass of water."
the freckled boy finished making the shape and placed a napkin on the plate to let it sit and walked over to you and threw his arms around your waist.
"But I like to cook at night with my dumbass and my dumber self"
He chuckled and kissed your cheek.
"Pff, you're so cheesy, what's happening to you so suddenly, love? A second ago you were speaking broken French if I remember correctly."
You look at him, amused by his sudden display of affection.
"Hey, it's not my fault that my heart races when I see you."
"Oh, you're in your flirty state again, finish the croissant, idiot, and kiss me afterwards."
You both chuckled and he put his lips to yours, he was so goofy, my Lord.
"You two again???"
"Fuck, Tatch, wait, we can explain!"
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livelaughlovesubs · 1 month
Submissive who pretends he isn’t interested and tries to escape but femdom finds him because she knows he’s shy please
I’m not sure if you meant the girl kidnapped him or not. Like it sounds as if she kidnapped the dude, cuz she’s a yandere, and he pretends he doesn’t like her and hides his feelings then escapes, but she finds him and goes, “aww you are just shy, just a thundere.” I’ll try my best to fulfil your request though
Femdom x subbyboy (a little different than what I usually write)
It’s just some fluff
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“Aww, I love you~!” You said, spreading your arms and trying to hug your friend. Instead of doing the same, he avoided you and took a step to the side. “Damn, that hurt me.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at your words, then he put his hands into his pockets. “You keep saying weird things.” The male said, starting to walk off. Without a moment hesitation you followed him, replying, “It’s true, my babyboy.” And winked at him. “Bro… nu uh.” Your friend shook his head, laughing awkwardly.
The two of you have been friends for a few years now, so those antics were common. But lately, you’ve been wondering if you genuinely had feelings for him. In the end you came to the conclusion you did, and you tried to tell him multiple times. Every time you’d hang out, even over texts you’d keep flirt with him. Despite all that, he won’t listen to you or acknowledge your feelings for him. He wasn’t turned you down though..! So, is he perhaps shy?
Before you started all this, you mentioned to him how you valued your friendship, and if he turns you down you wouldn’t be mad. Sometimes he was a pushover, and thought his feelings aren’t that important so he wouldn’t tell you things, but you made sure he understood what you meant. You really liked him, which was also very obvious by the way you act. Hugging him a lot, complimenting him and making flirty but funny comments. Though if you ever sensed even a hint of discomfort within him, you’d stop at the spot.
You were conflicted. Should you try and keep pursue him, or move on? The later was easier said than done, especially since you two still hung out a lot. There was lot of pull and push, heart races or stings. In the end, you decided to give it up. He was starting to lessen the physical contacts between you two, you really should take a hint shouldn’t you?
Let’s just act like your feelings perished, that’s what you had planned out while walking to his home. Today was a weekend, and he invited you over to cook at his place, something you both did a lot. He was a pretty good cook since he lived alone, and you’d always jokingly call him your housewife. The sound of the doorbell rang through your ears, followed by the click sound of a lock. As expected, your friend opened the door and welcomed you inside. Without wasting too much time, the two of you went to the kitchen and started cooking. To your surprise the food was already chopped, he had prepared it in advance. You immediately turned to face him, then hugged him tightly, “ahh!! Cute! Be my wife alright?!” There goes your plan…
His eyes widened and he grabbed the kitchen counter. Your sudden attack made him back up a little, hips hitting the table. “Get off woman! You are heavy!” He shouted, his hands were kept far away from you. “Alright alright! Sorry.” You answered and released him, then asked, “sooo, what do we have to do first?”
After the cooking session, which consisted of him giving you instructions on how to make the dish, you two decided to watch the movie. The curry was still boiling, and he set a timer for it. Now you were all alone, sitting on the couch next to each other. Some intrusive thoughts plagued your mind. Should you bring up your feelings again? Or confront him about it? With all those things running through your head, you were barely able to focus on the film.
In the end, you sceptically wrapped a hand around his shoulder, while your eyes were glued to the horror movie in front of you. That’s when you thought your heart skipped a beat, when he suddenly inched closer to you, and put his head on your shoulder. This continued for a bit, neither spike a single word. After some time, the position changed and you were basically hugging him from behind, while he rested his head on your chest. You whispered, “why don’t you just sit on my lap at this point?” Since he was getting awfully close, but to your dismay he refused.
Oh well, it’s something at least. But you really thought he didn’t like physical contact with you anymore? You were even worried that it was harassment, what if he didn’t like it after all? Leading to your question, “you don’t mind me being clingy..?” “Not when we aren’t in public.” Your friend replied in the split of a second, his answer shoot out immediately. “Oh.” Honestly, you were really glad to hear that, the last thing you’d want was for him to hate you, or to hurt him.
As the film progressed, you found yourself enjoying his company more and more. He also smelled so good, so fresh and.. just pleasing. At some point you commented on that as well, “you smell nice.” To which he said, “mhm.” If only you were able to take single glance at his face, then you would have noticed the blush on his cheeks. Then you continued, “you are so handsome~ man, why won’t you date me?” Surprising your emotions? Screw that. You were fully back to your usual self again. In response to your compliment he stood up, grabbing his phone and saying, “the timer is up.” Then he went to the kitchen, leaving you alone and dumbfounded.
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Baby Mase
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Word Count: 754 This fic is based off of this blurb
The last few days you hadn't been feeling very well, your boobs had been hurting you a lot more than usual. The smell of certain foods were making you feel sick too, which rarely happened.
When Mason came in the house, you jumped as you weren't expecting him back yet.
"Hi" you jumped as he walked through the door as you clutched your chest in shock.
"You okay? you seem.. off?" he asked you as you quickly dismissed his question.
"Nothing, I'm fine" you reassured him that there was nothing wrong.
"Hmm yeah because I can read you like a book. I know when there is something wrong. It shows in your face babe, don't lie" you shrugged as you bit your bottom lip.
"I I, well." you paused as he walked closer towards you as he held your hand and rubbed his thumb against it softly.
"It is okay. You can tell me what is wrong" he asked you as you pulled away from him as you went to grab your phone.
"This" you opened up the period tracker app to show him.
"What am I supposed to be looking at?" he glared at your phone as he looked all confused.
"I am late" you whispered.
"Late? as in late, late?" he questioned you
"Yes, my period is a couple days late. You know I am regular like clock work. I am worried, what if I am pregnant? we haven't even discussed this. We have only been together 2 years, I'm not sure if I am ready yet" you shrugged as you couldn't stop talking.
"Hey, deep breaths" Mason whispered as you took a deep breath in and out as he held your hands tightly.
"Everything is going to be okay babe, we will go and get you a test and let's just see" you nodded as he hugged you tightly.
"Thanks" you whispered as you grabbed your keys and phone.
The journey seemed like it was taking forever, your mind going all over the place.
What if you were pregnant, you were so confused because you weren't even sure if you wanted kids or if right now was the right timing.
As you parked up, you practically jumped out of the car as you ran in the store to grab a test.
You picked any pregnancy test, not really knowing what test was the right one.
After picking up the test, paying on the self scan check out and ran straight back to the car.
“Okay, but do you really want me here when you piss?” he asked much to your annoyance.
“Mase, hun. You made this baby, so staying in here while I wee on a stick is the least of your problems. Now if you are that much of a pussy stay outside” you closed the door in front of him as he gasped.
“Guess hormones started early huh?” Mason mumbled. “Piss off smart arse” you remarked under your breath.
“I heard that” rolling your eyes as you ripped the test open.
“You were supposed to” you peed on the stick and placed it on the counter.
“Have you done it?” he shouted as you opened the door.
“God I feel naseous all of a sudden” you clasped your hand over your mouth as the timer went off on your phone.
“Look at it, oh- fucking hell. We are going to be parents” you squealed as you looked at the test in shock, but happy shock.
“We are, our little baby. Baby Mount” he smiled, gently rubbing your belly.
“I can’t believe it. Mase this is happening, are you ready? 9 months of craziness” you laughed into him as he placed a kiss on your forehead as he wiped the happy tears away. “I’m always ready” he whispered as you stayed close together until you pulled away from him.
"Do you think it is going to be a girl or boy?" you asked him.
"I don't mind, but as long as they are healthy. I cannot wait for this baby" you smiled at him as he gently rubbed your non existent belly.
"Me too, guess we will have to get ready for the next few months and weeks. This is going to be weird for both of us" you warned him.
"That is okay, as long as you are alright. That is the one thing that matters and the baby of course" he smiled as you kissed him gently.
"I can't wait for this" he muttered as you cuddled him.
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penkura · 7 days
Could you do a Trafalgar law x female where he rescued her a few years back and now is finally seeing her again but now she's a fierce doctor pirate?
Hi!! I hope this is good, I wasn't sure what to do for it so I just went with what came to me. ;3; I'd be glad to look at it again for another part in the future if you'd like!
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Law wasn’t expecting to ever see you again, just like he’d never expected to meet you and save your life while he was still getting started as a pirate himself. Its strange to see you now, you look so different yet still the same, just like the day the Heart Pirates had left your little island. You must be about twenty-two at this point, it’s already been eight years since you met, right? You were fourteen back then and near death’s door, sixteen-year-old Law hadn’t ever expected to be convinced to heal a random girl on the small island his crew ended up on by accident. Your father begged them for help when he heard Law was a doctor, you were all he had left after your mother left the two of you, he couldn’t lose you too.
You were beyond lucky that it wasn’t more than a bad case of pneumonia, according to Law once he agreed to come check you. Left unchecked, you probably would have died in a few days as your sickness progressed and got worse, you and your father were grateful to Law and allowed him, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo to stay with you for the few days they needed to restock supplies and make sure you were really on the mend. You wanted to go with the Heart Pirates when they left, even talked to your dad about it and he agreed to letting you go if Law accepted tour proposal to join them, but they were gone before you ever had a chance. You didn’t even have the time to say goodbye before they left, it was so sudden you wondered if you’d done something to make them leave sooner than you expected they would.
Part of you believed you and Law were getting along well. You had told him you wanted to become a nurse one day, and thought that might lead to him accepting you joining his crew, but there was no chance of that after they left.
Now Law is surprised to see you on Sabaody, with another pirate crew. Small timers it seems, he can’t be bothered to remember your crews name, but oh does he remember you. Part of their sudden departure from your home was because Law didn’t want to get too close to you, he didn’t want to start having feelings for you, though it was a bit too late for that at the time, and now he realizes he should’ve brought you along.
Law doesn’t think you notice him at first, you’re a bit busy reprimanding one of your crewmates for being reckless as you tend to his wounds, the man swearing that it was the fault of a Celestial Dragon that he’d been injured. The surgeon of death completely ignores your crewmate while he watches you dress the wounds, you really are good at it. You were serious back then after all, when you told him you wanted to be a nurse.  It looks like you’ve become the actual doctor for your crew though, in just the little bit of time he’s watched you.
You don’t notice him for a few minutes more, until one of your crewmates points out that you’re being stared at, and it makes you happy to see Law again. You’re about to go over and say hello, see how he’s been the last eight years, before your captain calls for you, so you simply give him a grin and a wave, which Law returns with the slightest wave himself as you go off with your crew, hearing you shout back at your captain that you were busy because someone else was an idiot.
Maybe, Law thinks, he’ll get the chance to catch up with you later on. If you’re not too attached to your crew, perhaps you’ll want to go along with him instead.
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Not gonna go into detail but I’ve finally gotten some health/mental health stuff figured out and my insatiable love for omo is back in full force! Long story short, I couldn’t focus long enough to enjoy holding, which sucked. To celebrate here’s a list (in no particular order) of sensations that I haven’t enjoyed in a few months and THOROUGHLY FUCKING ENJOYED yesterday 🤭
- When you can feel the first signs of fullness, like a warm tingle just above your pubic bone. A light press or a gentle trailing of your fingers sends butterflies all the way to the soles of your feet.
- When you set a fifteen minutes timer on repeat to remind you to drink 8oz of water (except, you get to “celebrate” at the top of every hour with juice, soda, or kombucha) and you KNOW you would be able to hold it all so you start to think of nothing else—eventually, you’re going to have to pee… how’s that gonna end up? In your pants? What pants? What underwear? Where will you be? What will you be doing? Do you want to enjoy it or do you want to feel ashamed? Either way, you’re going to have to pee, so you better start thinking.
- When you pretend to get up and use the toilet every time you feel the urge to pee. You don’t ACTUALLY get to use the toilet of course. No, you do, however, have to sit on the toilet, maybe wipe yourself to make your body feel even more desperate to pee—then you just have to sit there and not pee. It doesn’t matter if you have your pants pulled up or down, getting up and walking to the bathroom because you need to pee and then intentionally not peeing gets really frustrating by the third time in any given hour. And don’t forget to flush and wash your hands! Especially if others are home: we wouldn’t want anyone asking questions about what did or didn’t happen in the bathroom. Plus, don’t you want to caress your nice, warm, wet hands while your bladder is slowly stretching to capacity? 😘
- Mmmmmmm, and then, eventually, the potty dance. I’m convinced that potty dances are just like any other dance. They evolve from one basic movement and any variation from that movement risks losing connection with your body. Maybe you start with the subtle little left-right wiggle of your hips. It might be slow, it might be a little more hurried. Either way, the repetition quenches your bodies need to feel movement. It WANTS to move all the pee you’ve been collecting in your now slightly bulging bladder but you try to satiate it with your cute little dancing. But the repetition: left… right… left… right… left… it’s blissful until it’s not enough. Then your movements become more exaggerated—basic back and forth won’t cut it any longer. You start to feel your first panic moments. Sudden rushes of desperation cause the sphincter at the base of your bladder and all the small, interconnected stabilizing muscles to start to scream for release. But they’re small little muscles, so you don’t feel them as screams. No, you feel them as the sudden, seemingly-out-of-nowhere, “oh fuck did I just leak???” type of moments. You can’t feel exactly what muscle, what part of that delicate and oh-so-sensitive area finally gave in, but now every other part has to overcompensate for that failure. If you don’t do something more drastic it feels like your whole bladder is just going to burst from your urethra like a water balloon that you never take off the end of the hose. It just fills until the bottom blows out.
Alright, that’s good for now. I’ve got shjt to do today, but there might be more of this type of recounting throughout today. New adventures await me ☺️
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scribbling-dragon · 8 months
you've got two lives down and one life left
“They're also headed over here,” Cleo says. He can hear the frown in her voice. “You're still yellow, meaning you're still target number one. They're all going to be vying for your time.” “Yeah, yeah,” he waves her concern off. “I know.” He pulls himself off the bed, trying not to wince too much at the aching in his chest. “Are they on their way yet?” “Joel’s just pulled himself out the water,” Martyn tells him.
(ao3 link)
(6,604 words)
[hey hey hey! the fishfucker series makes a grand return! this is the first of two final installments in this series,, there are some references to earlier fics in the series, so if you haven't read those there may be a little confusion, but other than that, just think: scott is a mer than works on (slightly modified) h2o: just add water mechanics. hope you enjoy! and remember- reblogs are ALWAYS super appreciated <;33]
He shakes his head in an attempt to rid himself of the disorientation that comes with a sudden death. Several faces peer at him from above, all of which shift backwards when he starts to sit up. Scar looks a little guilty, but overall pleased with himself. Scott would, personally, be a little annoyed if he didn’t look pleased with himself after gaining another thirty minutes to his timer.
“Was I right?” He asks, more occupied with finding out whether his hunch was correct or not. He can continue to regain his bearings over the next few moments.
“Yeah,” Martyn’s stood towards the edge of the hill, peering out towards their island with a spyglass. He lowers it from his eye and glances back. “They're looking around right now, all confused.”
“What did I tell you,” he grins. So sue him, he’s pleased with himself for reading the bad boys like a book; not that it’s a hard thing to do in general, they're each an open book with their motivations easy to pick apart and determine, with enough time and effort.
“They're also headed over here,” Cleo says. He can hear the frown in her voice. “You're still yellow, meaning you're still target number one. They're all going to be vying for your time.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves her concern off. “I know.” He pulls himself off the bed, trying not to wince too much at the aching in his chest. Scar certainly doesn’t pull his punches, but the slight desperation in gaining time only put more force behind his blows. His chest feels as though it might cave in with too hurried a movement. “Are they on their way yet?”
“Joel’s just pulled himself out the water,” Martyn tells him, “looking rather like a disgruntled dog- oh, yeah, look. He’s shaking himself off like one, too. Grian just hit him for that. I think. Oh man!” Martyn breaks off into a laugh, “Timmy looks even worse- look, Cleo, he’s like a drowned bird.”
Cleo hums. “It reduces the intimidation factor quite significantly.”
“From what?” Scott manages to get himself completely upright, joining Cleo and Martyn in their watching of the bad boys (still a stupid nickname). “Zero into the negatives?”
“Aw, c’mon,” Martyn bumps his hip against Scott’s. “You don't need to be so mean to them, they're trying their best, you know. Look at them.”
“Joel just tripped over nothing,” Cleo announces. “And the other two are laughing at him.”
Scott looks back to the trio in time to watch Joel throw his hands up in frustration and walk away, forging a path ahead of the other two. Grian and Jimmy continue to laugh, though they're too far away for Scott to hear anything.
He’s smiling, amused at the small performance, when Joel glances up. He’s in a patch of the forest that has fewer trees, meaning they make eye contact near immediately. This is apparently enough to make him forgive his fellow teammates for their earlier transgressions, as he immediately turns back to yell at them.
“You know,” he takes a step back from the edge of the hill, “I do believe that’s my cue to do a disappearing act.”
“Have fun.” Cleo tells him, still watching the bad boys with something resembling amusement.
“Stay safe,” Martyn tells him, halfway turning away from the view. “And good luck.”
“Thank you, dear,” he blows a kiss towards Martyn, only beginning to back up more rapidly as he hears the sound of shouting approaching quicker and quicker. He scrambles around the side of the Clock Tower, a plan already quickly forming in his mind.
He digs his fingers into the cobble, lengthened nails aiding in his ascent. He makes it to the first of several ledges, pulling himself over the edge and tucking his legs a little closer. The sound of shouting has lessened, but people are still speaking below.
He inches around the edge, one hand pressed against the side of the tower for stability, ears pricked to listen to the conversation happening just below him.
“Oh, I think he went that way,” Cleo points over the hills, past where the bad boys’ base is. They're lying through their teeth right now, but the trio don't seem to pick up on those cues. As a group, they glance over at where they're pointing. Scott leans back against the wall behind him slightly, pressing a hand over his mouth to muffle a laugh. “He started running as soon as you guys did, so you're gonna have to be quick to catch up with him.”
“And how do we know you're not lying?” Joel crosses his arms, sunglasses slipping a little lower on his face with the sudden movement. He doesn’t push them back up, because that would mean uncrossing his arms and then crossing them again once he’s adjusted his sunglasses. “He’s your ally, you could be defending him. He could be here right now, and you might be lying.”
“And if you found that out, you’d kill us.” Martyn shrugs.
Scott slowly chips away at the block behind him, aware of how exposed his current position is but far too curious to hide himself somewhere safer.
“And he went that way?” Grian asks, tipping his head in the direction Cleo pointed in.
“Yes.” Cleo says. “He might have veered off elsewhere afterwards, but he headed that way.”
“He might’ve gone back to our island,” Martyn muses. “Regather supplies, y’know?”
“As if,” Joel scoffs, hefting his axe over one shoulder and begins walking away. Jimmy stays for a moment longer, eyes squinting at the small group of gathered people. His wings are puffed up behind him, making him look like an angry cat.
Jimmy follows after a moment too, and Scott watches, alongside his allies, as they descend the hill again, set on the path of a wild goose chase.
He slips down the tower after a few minutes of silence, bracing himself before dropping the last few feet. It sends a slight shock through his legs, jarring his ankles with a sharp sting.
“How would you feel about checking on our base? Joel seemed pretty confident that you I wasn’t going back there.”
“Probably because everything’s destroyed,” Martyn sighs. “We both saw him coming out of our little hidey-hole.”
Scott grimaces at the thought of what destruction Joel might have wrought on their base. Any number of traps could have been set up there in preparation for his own inevitable death. He’s only lucky that he decided to tether his spawn to the bed in the Clock Tower rather than gambling with his luck and losing a larger chunk of time.
“Well,” he starts, “I'm sure it’s nothing a little carpet won’t be able to cover up.”
=== === ===
“Woah!” He veers out the way, watching as the firework explodes into a shower of sparks and fire. The heat of it licks dangerously close to his skin, sending heat washing over him in waves. He stumbles to a stop, dirt crumbling beneath his feet as he halts.
The ground below looms, warning of the fate that awaits him if he overbalances.
Another firework shoots past his head, whistling as it misses.
“You missed!” He calls back, unable to refuse a taunt even if it’ll only anger his pursuers more. A wordless shout follows behind him, frustration bleeding into it. “You’ll have to do a little better than that to hit me!”
He glances up with a grin, only slightly out of breath. He’d barely reached the top platform after hauling himself up the ladder before they were on him, relentless in their pursuit, chasing him down like a pack of rabid animals.
Etho looks up from where he’s reloading his crossbow, face unreadable. “I'm sorry Scott, it’s gotta be you!”
“Why’s it gotta be me?” He calls back, backing up a few more steps. He hides a hand behind his back, summoning an ender pearl to hand. It settles comfortably in his palm, the cold weight of it familiar as he readies himself to fling it as far as possible.
“’Cause you’ve got the most!” Etho’s footsteps are heavy behind him, the sound of another firework exploding beside his ear deafening. He turns to glance over his shoulder, finding Etho far closer than he first thought.
He flings the ender pearl in a panic, watching as it hurtles out of sight.
Etho reaches out for him, going to grab onto him – any part of him – and teleport with him. Scott ducks out of the way, elbowing Etho in the gut as he drops himself off the side of the rickety bridge. Etho makes a punched-out noise as all the air is forced from his lungs, his hands loosening their already loose grip on him.
He plunges off the side easily after that, a fuzzy feeling already beginning to surround his limbs. Etho frowns down at him from above, lining up his crossbow for a final shot.
Said shot never hits, as the ground surges up around Scott, a purple tint overtaking his entire field of vision for a few moments. He stumbles, knees threatening to buckle from the impact. He continues running in spite of it.
His mind runs through several scenarios, each of them being discarded one after the other, as he scrambles for some kind of escape plan.
He could escape into the water, but that move is now a predictable one, and there are very few rivers deep enough that he could leave the ocean if necessary. And the ocean itself may be deep, but it’s a small area that he can do little with if he’s pursued there.
To retreat deeper into the forest would only place him closer to the bad boys and their bases, placing him directly in the line of sight of another group that wants him dead.
There’s potential in escaping to the Clockers. But their base is close to TIES’, and he’d feel endlessly guilty if he brought conflict to Cleo’s doorstep in an effort to escape the inevitable.
As he’s grasping for another idea, he almost runs directly into a low-hanging tree branch. He skids to a stop before he can collide with it, chest heaving with exertion as he glances around. Then back at the tree and its low-hanging branch. He could…
Decision made, he hauls himself up. The bark scrapes against his hands as he clambers up the tree, but he climbs it as quickly as possible while also doing his best to not shake the entire tree and give his position away.
It’s during moments like this that he almost wishes Martyn had come with him rather than scurrying off to wherever it is that he’s gone. He’d much rather have an ally beside him, one that can protect him and, in the truly dire moments, take the time rather than have an enemy gain the upper hand.
Scott whips his head around when he sees something glinting in a nearby tree, shoving his shield up just quickly enough to hear the thunk of an arrow embedding itself into it.
“Goddamnit,” is the whispered curse he hears, before Impulse is poking his head out. “How’d you see me?”
He swallows back the anxiety before he even dares speaking, only lowering his shield enough that he can peek over the edge of it. Impulse is still holding his bow, an arrow loosely notched. Scott knows full well how quickly that arrow could go from being loosely notched to embedded in his shoulder, and so he keeps the shield up.
“The sun reflected off your arrow,” he tells Impulse.
“Damn,” Impulse frowns. “I don't think there’s a way I can fix that.”
“You could just walk away?” Scott offers, “You're pretty close to eight hours, aren’t you? We’re at a similar time here Impulse. You kill me, you’ll just be switching our places – you’ll become the one with a target painted on your back.” A branch snaps on the forest floor below, quiet enough that it could easily be a curious animal poking around in the shrubbery below. “Or, I guess you could just let Etho carry out his sneak attack.”
He knows he’s hit gold the moment Impulse’s eyes widen, and the rustling of undergrowth turns into the snapping of twigs and small branches as Etho forces his way through the dense bushes to stand below the tree Scott perched himself in.
He…didn’t really think this through, actually. He’s cornered himself in this tree he sought as his sanctuary, leaving him trapped in a cage of his own making.
“Good afternoon,” he greets, nodding down at Etho. He doesn’t know what time it actually is. It could easily be early morning or late afternoon, and he wouldn’t have a single clue. “Funny seeing you here.”
“Uh-huh,” Etho ignores him, slotting a firework neatly into his crossbow and lighting the fuse. “Funny seeing you here, too, Scott.”
Scott shuffles back a little further on his branch, glancing down at the drop to the floor. Not terrible, but also not ideal. His shield catches against the fork of the tree branches that he wedged himself into. He sighs and yanks it back further, firmly wedging it into the wood before he drops.
The explosion of a firework rings in his ears, his ankles protesting the repeated abuse they’ve undergone today, sending small flares of pain up his legs with every step he takes.
Colourful sparks settle on the ground around him, residue from the previous shot.
Etho steps around the tree trunk, unperturbed, simply loading another firework into the crossbow. He hopes Etho runs out soon. He really hopes Etho runs out soon, actually.
“Nowhere to run now, Scott,” Etho says, eyes crinkling at the corners with his smile when he looks back up. He squints when he lines the crossbow up, following Scott easily, even as he takes staggering steps, trying to get Etho to shoot it early and give him enough time to duck out the way. “You’ve abandoned your shield, too. You're gonna be wishing for it back in a minute.”
“Yeah,” he laughs nervously, already wishing for his shield back. He started wishing for his shield back the moment he abandoned it in that tree.
He ducks as Etho releases the firework, rolling and hoping that it misses him. Even if it singes half his scales off, he doesn’t care anymore.
Somehow, perhaps with some divine intervention from above, the firework only catches the edge of his already torn jacket, setting a small fire that he puts out when rolling amongst the leaves.
He hops back to his feet, turning on his heel to continue run. The exhaustion dragging at his bones makes him a little slower than usual, a little more clumsy on his feet from the stress of constantly escaping and running and fleeing whoever’s decided that he’s easy pickings.
He chokes.
The feeling of something lodged in his throat brings him to a halt. A halt which almost ends with him keeled over on the forest floor as his legs abruptly weaken beneath him. he manages to avoid falling flat on his face by throwing a hand out to catch himself, the other flying to his neck.
The metal bolt from a crossbow is what greets him, when he ghosts his fingers over the skin of his neck. He can feel his gills fluttering, attempting to make up for the sudden lack of oxygen. But they're not designed for extracting oxygen from the air, not designed with that in mind at all.
His fingers come away wet with his own blood, glistening in the sparse few rays of sunlight that slice through the thick canopy of leaves above him.
A few beads of blood drop to the leaves below him, a slow pitter-patter, almost like rain, filling his ears.
“Aw, man,” he hears, despite his rapidly fading vision and hearing. “I wanted to get him. Now you're gonna be back to yellow.”
“I didn’t think it’d actually hit him! It was just meant to soften him up for you, make him a little easier to hit.”
“And what were you aiming for? His head?”
“I was aiming for his leg,” Impulse hisses. Leaves crackle underfoot nearby, but Scott doesn’t find it in himself to care. He’s already on his way out, there’s nothing more they can do to him.
“Wow,” Etho whistles. Blurry outlines appear in his peripheral vision, fading more by the second. “Your aim is terrible.”
=== === ===
Scott sighs. Again. For what feels like the fifth time in the last ten minutes.
His throat still feels weird, the new scar tissue raised and irritated. It’s only barely healed, just enough to make sure that he doesn’t start bleeding immediately upon re-entering the land of the living. Cleo grimaces at him from her seat as he runs his fingers carefully over his throat again.
“You better stop prodding at that,” she tells him. “You're going to give yourself an infection.”
“I'm not going to be sticking around long enough for an infection,” he tells her. “None of us are.”
Cleo snorts. “Might be true, but you don't need to say it.”
“Someone needs to.” He heaves himself out of his chair with a sigh. “Anyways, I'm off. Got some business to attend to.”
Cleo watches him go, one eyebrow raised. “You might not be everyone’s favourite punching bag anymore, but you're still one of the people with the highest time. You sure you wanna go alone?”
“I'm off to my death anyway,” he shrugs. An agreement is an agreement, and just because he’s died before he intended doesn’t mean he’s going to break his word. “No point in prolonging the inevitable. And they might think I'm attacking them if you come with me.”
Cleo makes a sound in the back of her throat. “Just remember that Martyn won’t be pleased if you're back in less than one piece.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he pushes the door open with his foot, waving her off. “I’ll be back in a minute, just you wait.”
He doesn’t intend for this to take long, anyway. He’s got an agreement, and he’ll stick around long enough to uphold his end of the deal. Jimmy should be waiting for him in the agreed upon spot, and then he can decide how he wants to kill Scott. It’s out of his hands at that point.
The climb up the ladder is long and boring, the waterlogged mansion looming below, a dark splotch amongst the otherwise green forest. He pokes his head out into the main house, glancing around. He’s wary of Joel and Grian being the first to see him, and only emerges once he’s certain neither of them are waiting to pounce on him.
Unfortunately, he can’t see Jimmy either, poking around in all three of the little houses and just about ready to give up on this whole thing. He might dislike breaking his word, but there’s nothing he can do if the other person isn’t here either.
“Scott!” He jumps at the sound of his name, spinning around. Jimmy grins back at him from the top of the bread loaf house. His wings flutter behind him. Once upon a time, Scott might have been able to read the exact mood Jimmy is in from the fluttering of his wings, but now he can only guess that it’s something like excitement or anticipation.
“Jimmy,” he returns the greeting. “I almost thought you weren’t here.”
“Course I'm here,” Jimmy scoffs, crossing his arms. Scott can’t see his eyes for the dark sunglasses covering them, but Jimmy is still smiling down at him. He’s managed to crack his sunglasses since Scott last saw him, running through an entire lens. “We’ve got a deal to complete.”
“That we have,” he spreads his arms out wide. “How is it you're choosing to kill me?”
Jimmy pauses. “You're gonna let me choose?”
“Makes it more fun for you that way, doesn’t it?” He cocks his head to the side, watching as Jimmy considers his options. “A little fun never hurt anyone.”
“Alright,” Jimmy shoots him a look he can’t read. Wearing sunglasses makes it infinitely harder to determine what it is that Jimmy’s thinking. He might have been grateful that Jimmy is the only one amongst his trio that knows how to wear sunglasses properly, but at least he can get a good read on Joel and Grian still. “Let’s head up, then.”
Scott glances upwards, towards the ladder leading onwards and upwards. The same ladder that has claimed several lives in recent days…hours? He’s still not sure how time passes here, several days disappearing in front of them, yet only a few hours ticking down on their timers.
“More ladders?” is what he settles on instead, “Really?”
“Good for building upper body strength,” Jimmy claims. “C’mon, you said I could choose. Up we go.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighs, for the umpteenth time, and begins climbing the ladder. “You could just shove me off here and have it done with. Doesn’t seem like there’s much point in climbing only to drop back down.”
“You're sure doing a lot of complaining for someone that told me to pick how I get to kill you.”
“I'm a complainer,” he glances down at Jimmy. “You know this. I do things, I complain, and that’s how all of this works.”
“I’d like it if you complained less,” Jimmy tells him. “As the person deciding your death.”
“Uh-huh,” he turns to continue climbing, only to balk at the arrow that goes flying past his nose. He looks up further, finding Joel and Grian, each holding a crossbow and peering down the small gap at him. Joel looks as though his birthday has come early, positively giddy at the thought that he might be able to kill Scott. Grian just looks annoyed.
“Excuse me,” he frowns. “This is Jimmy’s kill.” Something else falls past him as he speaks, and he presses himself closer to the ladder, before turning to glare back up at Joel. His fins, a new addition since his most recent death, press flat against the side of his head in annoyance.
“They just tried to dri- drop dripstone on you,” Jimmy tells him.
“Did you just try and steal Jimmy’s kill?” He pauses in his ascent again, looking up at Joel properly. The man is giggling, far too excited at the prospect as he stares down at Scott.
“Joel,” he frowns, continuing to climb and pulling himself out at the top. He pokes Joel in the chest, right in the middle of his chestplate. “You're gonna steal time from someone on thirty minutes?”
“Thirty-five,” Jimmy corrects.
“You're gonna steal time from someone on thirty-five minutes?” he repeats.
“He was on seven minutes earlier,” Joel tells him. He’s still grinning, but it doesn’t seem to reach his eyes in the same way it had just a few seconds ago, when the idea of killing him had still been on the table. Joel pushes his sunglasses up a little higher when he sees Scott watching him.
“That’s why I'm here,” he plants his hands on his hips. “I told Jimmy he could kill me however he wanted, and he wants to shove me off of here.”
“Oh, really?” Joel’s eyebrows rise over the edge of his sunglasses, and he looks between Jimmy and Scott. “Please, do continue. Can I watch?”
Scott sighs. “Sure, yeah. Let’s make it a public spectacle, shall we?”
“Nah,” Joel pushes him between the shoulder blades, urging him onwards and into the wheat fields they’ve got growing up here. “Let’s get going, I wanna see this now.”
The wheat brushes around his ankles and up his legs, tickling the exposed skin as they make the trek across the wheat fields. Scott does his best not to trample the crops, even with the heavy press of a crossbow against his spine and his impending death looming ever closer.
Grian mutters something to Joel that makes both of them laugh.
He doesn’t blame them for getting giddy over the idea of someone offering themselves up for death – to reach this point in the game and not begin to become excited at the idea of spilling blood is more unusual – but he’d much prefer it if they giggled about it somewhere he can’t hear them.
The fields of wheat slowly turn to churned-up dirt underfoot as they approach the far edges of the platform. He can feel the give of the dirt beneath his feet, worrying for a moment that it might give out beneath him before Jimmy can shove him off the end.
Smaller branches spiral off of the end, spiderwebbing across the entire server, overlaying Skynet. He winces at the memory of how much destruction these pathways have wrought, still feeling a flicker of fire under his skin at the memory of explosions too close and sudden to survive.
Jimmy leads him out onto one of these branches, Joel and Grian hanging back.
The dirt sinks beneath his feet now, truly unstable and threatening to leave them to plummet at any second. Jimmy sticks closer to the main chunk, readying his crossbow with twitching hands. Scott would almost say he looks guilty, fussing over a crossbow that has been loaded and ready to shoot for the past few minutes.
He feels his heel dip into open air as he backs himself up to the very edge of the platform, resisting the natural urge to glance backwards and see how far away the ground is. Doing so will only cause the dread to build further, and he’s not sure he can withstand that right now, with Jimmy continuing to fuss over the most minute of details.
Scott watches as Jimmy nudges his sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose with his elbow, lining the crossbow up a moment later.
“Appreciate this,” he says, and shoots.
The impact of the hit is enough to send Scott tipping over the edge, shoulder smarting from the impact, fingers twitching. The other bad boys give a whooping cry, probably congratulating Jimmy on gaining himself a little more time.
He twists himself around midair, only to regret it a moment later as the ground surges up to greet him.
He doesn’t feel the impact, thankfully, nerves numbing and senses dulling as he shoots back up. He presses a hand to his chest, attempting to get his ragged breath under control. The feeling of air in his lungs, even after only a few moments of breathlessness, is uncomfortable.
The void stretches wide around him, water lapping at his ankles and yet refusing to reclaim him. It does not return him to the land of the living yet, seemingly content to allow him to stew in the silence for longer.
First to fall.
He jerks at the sudden voice, lurching to his feet. The water laps at his ankles, the splashing loud in the silence left in wake of the echoing words. He has heard of Them speaking to others before, choosing to bestow warnings or wisdom upon those They deem as worthy.
He has never been greeted with anything but disapproving silence on the few occasions where he has been permitted entry to this void.
You believe your sacrifice can reverse the Curse?
He stiffens, turning to try and find the source of this voice. To find a source of the gaze weighing heavily upon his back. And yet his watchers remain unseen, cloaked in the darkness that surrounds him.
He is trapped. You cannot prevent the inevitable.
“There’s no harm in trying,” he tells the open air. The empty space around him. He flexes his hands at his sides, wishing for some kind of weapon to fill the empty space there. “Every curse has a cure. That’s how things work.”
Not this one. Your efforts are foolish and misguided, your sacrifice will be in vain.
“Maybe I don't care, then.” He crosses his arms, “Have you ever considered that your shitty games are pointless? That they don't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. We’re gone for a day, maybe two. No-one misses us; we slot back in as easily as if we’d never been here at all. What’s the point when you can’t even make a lasting impression?”
That is what you think, the voices almost sound offended. A mere insect believes that when a tree shakes, it is the one causing it to do so, rather than the wind or a larger creature of greater importance.
“And I'm the bug in that analogy?” He cocks an eyebrow. “How creative of you.”
You overestimate your importance. You think you have more of an impact than you truly do. In reality…you are nothing more than an after-thought.
“Then why include me at all?” He laughs, “I fuck up your plans every time. Tell me, did you decide on me being the first Boogeyman as a joke? Or were you just so upset over last time that you couldn’t resist.”
Their silence permeates the air.
“Or, tell me this, actually: did it frustrate you that it was done so easily? That the usual build-up and betrayal was missing from the equation – is that why you were so desperate to create another? To make up for the way I've been ruining your games?”
You know not of what you speak. The voices are definitely offended this time. The tiny pest continues to believe itself more important than it is. Fine, a huff reverberates around him, return to your life. See how far your sacrifice carries the Canary.
He opens his mouth to respond, but the water surges up around him before he can say anything, muffling any words he tries to yell at these divine beings with Their overinflated egos.
He huffs out a breath as he resurfaces, pressing a hand to his chest again. This is beginning to become uncomfortably familiar. Feeling the way his heart gradually slows beneath his palm. The way his chest slowly stops rising and falling so quickly, breaths evening out into something less dizzying.
He looks up at the familiar voice, smiling at the rapidly approaching Martyn.
“I'm back,” he pats the bed below him a little, swinging his legs over the side. “Hi.”
“Yeah, hi.” Martyn reaches him, trousers soaked below the knee and looking more than a little worried. “What happened?”
“I had a deal with Jimmy, remember?” He tilts his head to the side, watching how Martyn follows his every movement. His hands flutter anxiously around Scott, as though wanting to touch him but unsure whether he can.
Scott grasps his wrist gently, pulling it forward until it rests on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I remember now.” Martyn frowns. “How much longer have you got left now, then?” Martyn could easily glance down at his wrist, see the timer ticking merrily down himself, but he chooses not to, for some reason.
“Long enough,” Scott tells him. He’s still easily got the highest timers out of most of their allies and enemies, but there’s no reason to reveal such a thing to the pair loitering just behind Martyn.
He raises his eyebrows at Pearl and BigB, looking back at Martyn for a response. Martyn gives a small shrug, squeezing his shoulder once before releasing him completely. Scott stands, peering around at the almost invisible shards of glass scattered amongst the water.
He grimaces at the thought of jumping down and impaling himself on those by accident, sympathetic aches flaring up along his legs.
“Didn’t think you’d be appearing around here anytime soon, Scott,” Pearl greets. “Nice of you to drop in.”
“Ha-ha, aren’t you funny,” so maybe he’s still a little sore over Pearl attempting to attack them in the middle of the night. She seems to have moved past it rather easily seeing as she’s been setting up a trap alongside Martyn for however long – presumably for as long as Martyn disappeared for.
“C’mon,” Martyn grabs him by the elbow, surprisingly gentle over the new scales and fins. He feels the way Martyn swipes a thumb over the patchy scales, a question written into the furrow of his brow. “There’s a few of us gathered down here, and they’ll only get more and more suspicious the longer we hang around for.”
“We’ve got something else to be doing, anyway,” Pearl says. She hops out of the water easily, walking along the cobblestone path cutting through the water and leading towards the Clock Tower. “Just gonna have to wait and see with this one.”
“I'm sure someone’ll jump down sooner or later,” he replies. Martyn doesn’t release his grip on Scott’s arm, continuing to hold onto him even as it makes walking down the narrow path a little more awkward.
“We’ll just have to wait and see who falls for it first.”
He groans. “Martyn, dear, that might be one of your worst ones yet.”
“Really? I actually thought that was quite good- hey! Pearl! What did you think of that one? Pearl? Why aren’t you responding?”
=== === ===
Scott jumps at the flurry of motion beside him, leaping back and away from the bed. He watches as Martyn flails out of it in a tangle of sheets and limbs, landing with a dull thump on the floor.
Scott watches, amused, as Martyn rests his head on the floor and lets out a groan.
“Having fun?” He asks.
“Scott!” Martyn jerks his head upwards, “Uh, hello. Didn’t realise you were there.”
“I gathered,” he crouches down in front of Martyn. “Need a hand up?”
“No, I’m…I'm fine, actually.” Martyn sighs. He then begins to untangle himself from the bedsheets, wriggling around awkwardly on the floor. Scott watches, still crouched in front of Martyn as he seems to only get himself even more tangled. “I- ugh.”
“Do you need a hand?” He asks again, watching as Martyn continues to struggle for a moment before going entirely limb.
“Yes, please.”
“See,” he unwinds a tangled bit of the bedding, releasing one of Martyn’s arms. “No harm in asking for help, hm?”
“I'm perfectly capable of asking for help.” Martyn sits up as Scott untangles his other arm, leaving him able to untangle himself easily. “It’s you that seems incapable of such a thing.”
“I ask for help when I need it.”
“Uh-huh, then what’s all this?” Martyn gestures at him, the vague way he spreads his hands out not at all helping with Scott’s confusion.
“What’s all what?”
“You, right now.” Martyn catches one of his hands. “I haven’t seen you since you turned red, and then you turn up out of nowhere, freshly dead, and you look sick.”
“It’s just a few aesthetic changes,” he scoffs. Martyn ignores him in favour of studying his hands, scales now covering most of them and webbing stretching between his fingers. “Don't poke at that, it’s sensitive.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Martyn stops prodding and stretching the webbing on his hands, looking up at him guiltily. “You're not bothered by this? Everyone might have seen your other form, but that’s very different to being unable to choose what you look like.”
“I expected it,” he lies. “Red lives always look a little…different. I mean, the first time around everyone went grey. Jimmy looked like he was a strong breeze away from collapsing at all times. I think I've gotten a slightly better end of the stick, here.”
“Hm, well I certainly won’t disagree with you there,” Martyn brings his hand up to his lips and presses a kiss to it. The sudden warmth on his cold, and rather sensitive, scales sends a tingle up his arm and down his spine. “It’s much easier to admire you like this when I'm not a few moments away from drowning.”
He laughs, even as he feels his face growing a little warmer. “Always a flatterer.”
“Is it flattery if it’s true?” Martyn leans back from where Scott has moved forward to continue talking. “Flattery implies that I'm trying to get something out of you, and simply trying to get on your good side in order-”
Scott quiets him with a chaste kiss, grinning with some satisfaction when Martyn shuts up immediately, even going so far as to lean after him when he pulls back.
“You talk too much, sometimes.”
“Good thing I have you here to shut me up,” Martyn’s fingers curl into his hair, pulling slightly but not enough to be painful. “Though, I do often find myself without words around you. You really steal my breath away.”
He sighs, pulling back. “Are you ever going to let that go?”
“You didn’t even know it would work,” Martyn pokes him in the chest. “How long did you think regular people could breathe underwater for? Ten minutes? You were a regular person up until this round of the games, and you forget it so easily?”
“I was certainly not a regular person.”
“Alright, Mr. Pedantic, you weren’t capable of breathing underwater before this, and yet you still managed to forget the need for air?”
“I had it all sorted. You’d have died otherwise; alternatively, I could have just left you to Pearl and BigB.” He narrows his eyes. “See if I’ll save you next time.”
“Aw, no,” Martyn reaches after him, grabbing his face between his hands. “That evening was a great experience. I’d never known such things could be done-”
“Do you have no sense of decency,” he interrupts, pressing a hand firmly over Martyn’s mouth.
“No kiss to shut me up this time?”
Scott frowns at him, opening his mouth to respond. He closes it a moment later, tilting his head to the side. His fins quiver slightly, perking upwards as he listens. Martyn’s gone stiff as well, head tilted in the same way as Scott in order to listen.
“Can you hear…”
“The Canary Call,” Martyn finishes. “Damn. I almost thought Joel might go out first this time.”
Scott doesn’t respond to that, and Martyn doesn’t continue talking. They both want to see how long it’s going to take before the song cuts out, before that lilting melody fades and leaves nothing but silence in its wake.
He winces at the final drawn out note, the pitch rising to something painful.
In the silence afterwards, Scott finds that his previously light-hearted mood has been destroyed. Martyn’s watching something just over Scott’s shoulder, eyes far away and not seeing anything that’s actually there.
Scott tries not to look too closely at Martyn as he regathers himself, not wanting to see the glassy sheen of almost-death covering his eyes.
Scott only allows himself to look again when Martyn sucks in a deep breath, loud and jarring, filling the silence where, he realises, Martyn previously hadn’t been breathing. The glassy sheen is gone, but the look in his eyes doesn’t return them to their previously playful moment.
“Well,” Martyn breathes.
“Well.” Scott returns. “I guess that’s the beginning of the end.”
Martyn laughs. “I almost wanted it to last longer. I thought it might, even with the ever-present timers counting down our every second.”
“Nothing to be done now,” there’s a bitter taste in his mouth. At knowing that They had been proven right once again, that there is no escaping of whatever they ordain as fate. He wonders if They’re laughing right now, gleeful over claiming the Canary once more. Or perhaps they're watching for his reaction, to see how he feels as his sacrifice amounts to nothing.
“No,” Martyn sighs. “Guess not.”
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
x reader
summary: you keep having nightmares, and every time you sneak to the kitchen, michael is always there to question you
note: I'M BACK TO WRITING FOR MIKEY!! kind of a spin off of one of my fics from a year ago. so if it's familiar to my wattpad readers that's why lmao
not proofread
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you shot awake, looking around to only see complete darkness and the slight glow from underneath the crack of your door a few feet away. sweat gathered at your neck as you calmed yourself down from the nightmare you're already pushing back into the confines of your mind. you looked around in confusion, before realizing you were in a guest room at michael’s house.
your apartment the day before had flooded, and they evacuated everyone out, causing you to stay over at michael’s until you were allowed to go back.
you swung your feet over the side of the bed, slipping out into the hallway to go over to the kitchen. the place seemed to be louder at night, every step causing a creak in the floorboards. 
"it's like i'm louder than a fucking truck" you growled silently. after a long time of cussing out the house and why it was louder at night, you finally arrived at the kitchen. you grabbed a cup from the cupboard and proceeded to get water from the sink, even though you hated tap water. only then did you realize that you were still thinking about that dream that you didn’t realize you were letting moonlight be the only source of light to help you get around. 
you quickly started to search for a light switch, grasping at the walls until you felt the telltale lever. the sudden blast of light made you blink your eyes a few times before you went back to your deserted cup of water. staring at the window, you didn't notice the figure coming closer from behind you.
"hey, loser, what are you doing awake?” michael threw his arm around your shoulder, making you spit your water out in surprise.
"can you at least warn me next time, afton?" you got out of his grasp and went to get a paper towel to clean the counter and floor.
"nah, it's fun seeing you jump at things that aren't even scary." he smirked.
you rolled your eyes, continuing to wipe. “who knows, you could’ve been one of those creepy animatronics your dad keeps in the basement.”
"anyways, you didn't answer my question," michael grabbed a popsicle out the freezer.
"i could ask you the same question."
"that's not answering my question."
"it's nothing. i just woke up." you threw your cup into the sink.
"i bet you were dreaming about me and wanted to see me," michael chomped on the popsicle, leaning against the counter with a smug look on his face.
"you wish, shithead," you started to go back to your room.
"you know i'm right!" he called out after you, which made you turn around and catch a glimpse of him grinning after you as you flipped him off.
the bed squeaked from under you as you tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep again. you thought that the nightmare was only going to be for a day, but it happened again today. you didn't feel like having another michael confrontation, so here you were, trying to feel comfortable in the bed.
you thought about going to heat up some milk, and decided why not, since michael wouldn't be there two nights in a row just for a popsicle. this time, you narrowly avoided all the creaky areas, except for one, which was conveniently in front of michael's room.
last time you checked, he was a heavy sleeper, so you didn't worry about it too much. you arrived at the kitchen, making sure this time to turn the lights on. you got a mug and poured some milk in, putting it into the microwave. you stared at the timer aggressively, making sure you can stop it at one second so it doesn't wake up the whole house.
but once again, michael was not here to make your life easy.
"there's gotta be something wrong with you, love," michael popped out of nowhere again.
"you too, because you're awake too." you rolled your eyes, still staring at the timer.
"i play games through the night. you go to sleep like right after 12, so i don't know why you just wake up randomly."
"you should be getting some sleep, might be why you're such a bitch in the morning." you tried steering the convo away from you.
"awh, it's great to know you care about me," he smirked. "but i think you really should be sleeping right now."
"i'm going to. i'm just getting some milk to help me out." you quickly opened the microwave when it was at 2 seconds and reset the microwave, setting the mug down on the counter to let it cool.
michael raised an eyebrow.
"you sleep well?" he seemed slightly concerned.
"yeah, i sleep. . ." you zoned out, resting your head in your palm. after a few seconds of silence, he heard you already snoring.
"doesn't seem like you do," michael went over and slid you onto his back, grabbing the mug of milk too.
you had already dozed off, and michael decided to bring you to his room since it was closer and he didn't feel like you deserved the honor of being carried back to your room. 
“how did she even fall asleep that fast?” he grumbled to himself.
he cautiously laid you in his bed, and not wanting you to feel uncomfortable when you wake up, put up one of his pillows as a barrier and slid into bed next to you.
he looked over at your sleeping face and felt the urge to give you a little peck, but decided against it and turned the other way.
you awoke to michael shaking you awake, a very frantic look on his face.
you shot up, realizing that, one, you were in michael's bed, and two, your face felt wet.
"you started sobbing in your sleep and i didn't know what to do," he sheepishly rubbed his neck. 
"it's just nightmares. i've been having them for a while." you slide your arm over your face, and rubbed the tears away.
"why didn't you tell me? i bet i could've made it better," his usual persona was back.
"yeah sure. how would you?" you slumped back into his bed, sprawling out.
he said nothing, but laid down and put his arm around you and brought you close to him. your faces were extremely close, and you broke out in a blush.
"michael, how is this gonna help?"
"shut up, or i'll make you," he tangled his fingers in your hair and brought your head close to his chest.
"make me? yeah ri-" you started before michael gave you a small peck on your lips. you felt your face heat up even more and struggled to find a response.
"say more and it'll be longer next time," he brought the discarded blanket over the two of you, adding on to the warmth.
"i mean, i'm not complaining," you locked eyes with him.
"if you want it, wait until tomorrow then. you need your sleep." you pouted, but he kept running his hands through your hair until you fell asleep, which he soon followed.
that night there were no nightmares.
elizabeth squealed at the sight of the two sleeping bodies tangled together, and quickly went to get her phone to take pictures.
michael started to wake up, the sheets on the bed rustling, and she immediately closed the door, and skipped happily off, satisfied.
“look daddy! michael actually scored them!"
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jeonginsdiary · 3 months
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- Weak — mini fic
- Lee! Changbin
- Lers! Minho & Seungmin
“What are you doing..?” Seungmin stared at the black haired boy curiously, watching him hold his body in a plank on the wooden floor.
“Working out.” Changbin grunted, collapsing when he felt a poke to his side. “What was that for!?”
Minho smirked. “Working out on our day off?” He grabbed for the boy’s ribs but the younger was already pushing him off.
“S-stohop!” Changbin shoved at the dancer’s hands, jolting when the boy just barely managed to graze his sides.
Seungmin smiled and made his way over to the action. “Already weak?” He teased.
The rapper’s face flushed red. “Shut up. I bet I’m ten times stronger than you.” He was surprised when the younger mustered up the courage to challenge him.
“Hold a plank while me and Minho hyung distract you. We’ll see who the real weak one is.”
And stupidly, Changbin agreed.
He balanced his body on his elbows while Lee Know set a two minute timer.
At first, it was pretty easy to keep his form. He even recited the lyrics to a few of their songs, just to show the two how simple this task was.
I mean, sure, the boys were a little distracting with all of their random noises and faces but nothing could deter the strong rapper.
Well… that was until someone used their index fingers to taser each of his sides.
Changbin began to panic.
“D-don’t do that!” He yelled in an attempt to sound intimidating. He squealed when he felt a jab to his hip. “STAHP!!” The boy nearly collapsed, just barely catching himself and resuming his rather crooked plank.
“Oh?” Seungmin teased, making eye contact with Minho, which Changbin couldn’t see, and sticking a few of his fingers into the boy’s armpits.
The black haired boy crumbled to the ground in a fit of giggles, clamping his arms to his sides and curling up into a ball. “Tickling isn’t fair!” He groaned, bursting into whiney laughter when the dancer dug into his belly. “Gehet ohohohohoff!” He grabbed for the offending hands, screaming when Seungmin started clawing at his hip bones.
“Having fun?” The youngest of the three cooed when Changbin threw his head back in a fit of ticklish laughter.
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHO I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!!” He tugged at all of the wiggling fingers on his body but couldn’t manage to stop them.
The oldest grinned at the adorable sight. “The cute bunny can’t get away~” Minho said smugly, suddenly freaking out and nearly hitting his head on the ground at the sudden tingling feeling he felt in his pit. Changbin had managed to plunge a hand up the older’s hollow and was digging in like crazy, pulling scream after scream from the sensitive boy. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP YOU BRAHAHAHAHAT!!”
Seungmin backed away in fear of being targeted next, quietly making his way out of the room.
@itzsana-kiddingmenow gave me this idea!! I hope she likes it!
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channieissocute125 · 11 months
Biggest Lee
Lee! Stray Kids, Ler! Stray Kids
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Stray Kids were doing another live. They had been looking forward to this moment for a while now because they could finally talk to their fans as a group.
Shortly after they started the live, a Stay asked, “Which member tickles the others the most?” A little caught off guard, Seungmin answered, “The member that always tickles the others the most is either Channie hyung, or Minho hyung. “Yeah, Chan hyung tickles me a lot, even though he knows I hate it” Jeongin said, rolling his eyes. At that, Chan jabbed the maknae’s side and giggled a little when he saw the younger’s reaction. “You are adorable though” Hyunjin said cooing at the younger’s laugh.
“Who gets tickled the most though?” Chan asked. “Well all the members get tickled from time to time, but I feel like Jeongin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin are tickled the most.” Han said.
After the live ended, the members kept on talking, mostly about how they thought the live went and the questions they were asked.
“The question that stood out to me the most was the one about tickling.” Minho said, smiling
“Of course it was”, Hyunjin said as he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah that one was very interesting. I had never really thought about it before, I mean we usually just tickle each other and life goes on. But now that I think about it, I got so flustered while discussing that topic.”, Felix said as he blushed
“Awww, is it because you’re really ticklish?”, Chan asked as he poked Felix’s side
“nahaha dohont”
“You know what I was thinking about relating to that question?” Changbin asked
“What?” Hyunjin response
“Well, as Felix stated, we usually just tickle each other and life goes on, but that made me thinking. I wonder who’s the most ticklish.”
Immediately after Changbin said that, I.N started blushing.
“Awww Jeongin’s blushing!” Chan cooed
“Well, why don’t we see who’s the most ticklish?” Asked Seungmin
“You seem excited”, Hyunjin giggled
“Let’s do it.” Minho agreed
“Who’s first?” Chan asked
“I think Han should go first”, said an evil bunny
“WHY ME?!?” Han asked feeling very scared.
“Why not? You’ll have to be tickled eventually anyway.”
“I’m not ready”
“Too bad” Minho replied while smirking
“Okay so there’s going to be a time for each member. And we all need to keep our hands up above our head so that your armpits are exposed. If you bring your arms down, the tickling ends.
Oh Han was so nervous. The last time he was tickled was a couple days ago and he knew he couldn’t take it. He remembered Changbin had tickled him because he had been annoying. How could he possibly not lower his arms? Especially when tickled by multiple people??
Han was already shaking before they had even touched him.
“Aww, he’s so nervous” Felix cooed.
Han laid down with his arms up above his head and his hands under his head.
“Too bad” Changbin said, smirking.
All of the sudden, the tickling started. Seungmin went straight for his armpits, while Lee Know sat on his waist and was scribbling his sides, and Changbin was squeezing his legs. Everyone else was watching and slightly laughing along with him.
“Wow he’s really ticklish” Hyunjin said, pointing out the obvious just to make Han blush.
He was trying his hardest not to let his hands down.
Eventually though, it was too much and he pulled his hands down. Jeongin checked the timer and said, “Okay, 22 seconds.”
Next, it was Felix’s turn.
“Alright Felix, lay down with your hands above your head.”, Chan said
As he laid down, he realized how much he dreaded being tickled by everyone. He could stand one member, but multiple people tickling different parts at once, it was just too much.
“I’m actually kind of curious to see how ticklish you are.” Chan said
“Because you can withstand it pretty well, but if it’s more than one member, I feel like you’d have a harder time.”
How did Chan know? That’s exactly what Felix was thinking.
“Okay 3… 2… 1”
At 1, everyone started tickling him, trying to get him to lower his arms. Han was scribbling his armpits, Hyunjin was squeezing his sides, Chan was sliding his fingers along his ribs, Jeongin was moving his fingers across the bottom of his feet, Seungmin was putting his fingers in between his toes, Minho was squeezing his legs, Changbin was lightly scribbling his fingers on his neck, and Felix was screaming.
“Well, it looks like Felix is extremely ticklish” Changbin said.
This made Felix blush even more.
It was suddenly too much for him and he lowered his arms.
“16 seconds” Minho said
“Who’s next?” Seungmin asked
“I’ll go”, Changbin said
Once Changbin laid down and was ready, the tickling began. Hyunjin tickled his sides, emphasizing the different squeezes and pokes firmly. Next, Han began squeezing his legs, Chan scribbled his feet, and Lee Know spidered his abs.
“Well you’ve done 16 seconds so far” Seungmin sated
Changbin was determined to beat Felix. Just a couple seconds longer.
When it had felt like 4 seconds, he pulled his arms down.
“You got exactly 20 seconds.”
“Yes! Let’s go!” Said an excited and relieved Changbin.
Felix gulped. He hoped he wouldn’t lose.
Next was Chan.
“You’ve been giving everyone grief this whole time, now time for some revenge.” Felix said happily
“Okay, but I’m not that ticklish.”
“That just makes me want to tickle you more.” Seungmin said while wiggling his fingers.
As Chan laid down, Seungmin continued to wiggle his fingers.
“Okahahy i get it, you’re gonna tickle mehe.”
As soon as Chan was positioned and ready, Seungmin immediately dove into his armpits.
Next, Felix straddled him and lifted up his shirt.
“Wahait Felihix what are yohou dohing?”
“You’ll see”, was all Felix said before drawing circles on his abs with one hand and absolutely destroying Chan’s side with his other hand.
“I know” Felix said with absolutely no sympathy for Chan.
Felix then moved to just focusing on his ribs and but instead of going lightly, he decided to go harder this time. He strategy spidering all over his ribs. He even went in between them.
At this point Chan couldn’t help but lower his arms.
“19 seconds”
“Wow Felix is losing” Changbin laughed
“Yeah well Jeongin and Hyunjin haven’t gone yet.” Minho said
“Well Mr. Confident hyung, why don’t you give it a try if you’re so confident that you’ll win.” Hyunjin said to Lee Know
“Okay” Minho said very confidently
Once he was all settled, the tickling began.
Hyunjin was at his armpits, Han poking his abs, and Felix squeezing his legs.
Lee Know tried his hardest not to laugh.
“How are you not laughing?” Asked an astonished Hyunjin
However at that exact moment. Han changed from poking to intensely scribbling all over his and and ribs.
“Hahahahahahahahahahahaha it’s sohoho bahad.”
“How is he not screaming?” Jeongin asked
“Could someone come tickle his sides? That’s his weakest spot.” Han said
Chan sat on the floor next to Lee Knows’s left side and started squeezing one side at a time.
“What did you just say?”, Asked Chan, “Cause I didn’t here a hyung.”
“I think he deserves a little punishment” Changbin said
“At that, Chan focused on his most sensitive places on his sides.”
Lee Know could no longer keep his arms up.
“23 seconds” Changbin announced
“Okay who’s next?”
“I think Hyunjin should go next” Felix said
One Hyunjin was ready with his hands above his head, Lee Know instantly dug his hands into Hyunjin’s sides, making him scream.
Next Felix went behind Hyunjin so that he was facing the back part of hyunjin. This made it easy for him to scribble all over Hyunjin’s armpits.
Next, Seungmin started squeezing his legs and Jeongin was fluttering his fingers across his feet.
“You have to put your hands down”, Felix said while smiling at the position Hyunjin was currently in.
“IHI CANT” with that, Hyunjin slammed his arms down
“14 seconds”
“YES LETS GO” Felix screamed. He had gotten 16 seconds, two more seconds than Hyunjin so he hadn’t lost.
Seungmin could see how nervous jeongin looked so he offered to go next.
“I’ll go”
Seungmin was very ticklish, he just hid it. He would giggle and such, but none of the members had ever found his weak spot. It’s the spot where all the ler has to do is just lightly wiggle a couple finger and the lee is in hysterics.
“Ready, go!” Han said breaking Seungmin’s daydreaming.
“Hehehe hahahhahaha” Seungmin laughed as Changbin was tickling his sides.
Everyone was watching as Changbin tried to make Seungmin lower his arms. Even though it tickled so bad, he was actually pretty comfortable.
“Guys, do any of you know his weak spot?”, Asked Felix, “Everyone has one.”
“Actually I don’t think we do” Chan thought out loud.
“Seungmin, what’s your week spot?” Han asked as he was wiggling his fingers above Seungmin’s abs.
“Ihi don’t have one”
“Yeah right. I don’t believe that for a second.”
Jeongin, who was in the corner, looked suspicious, so Chan walked over to him.
“Jeongin”, he said in a high pitched teasing tone, “do you know Seungmin’s weak spot?” Chan asked this while poking IN’s side.
“AAH no I don’t why?” He tried saying in a very laid back tone.
Unfortunately for IN, Chan was very good at reading people and knew Jeongin was lying.
“I’m gonna tickle you” Chan said in another teasing tone
“Stohop gehet away from mehe.”
Chan kept walking closer whilst wiggling his fingers at the younger.
At this point, IN was already giggling and trying to become as small as possible.
Once Chan touched him, however, it was all over.
“Guys! Jeongin said his weak spot is his belly button!”
‘Oh no,’ Seungmin thought, ‘it’s over for me.’ Oh he was going to get back the maknae later.
After hearing this, Hyunjin immediately ran over to where Seungmin was laying and lifted his shirt.
“Hyunjin noho pleahease dohont doho this to mehe.”
“Seungminnie, you tickle me all the time.”
As soon as he finished saying that, Hyunjin wiggled a finger in Seungmin’s belly button.
“Hyunjin, you should give him a raspberry.” Felix said
“Good idea!”
At that, Seungmin pulled his arms down.
“28 seconds” Han said
Now it was time for Jeongin’s turn.
Jeongin started sprinting out of the room, as he didn’t want to get tickled
“I’m gonna get you!” Han teased while chasing the maknae.
“Ahahah noho”
The more Jeongin ran, the more the anticipation of getting tickled got to him.
“HYUNG NOHOHO DONT TICKLE MEHEHE!” Jeongin tried screaming
Unfortunately for IN, Han was starring to catch up with him.
“Gotchu”, Han said as he picked up IN brought him back to where the other members were.
IN lay on the ground with his hands above his head and started giggling. He was already laughing before anyone even touched him. He wanted to stop laughing and act strong but he couldn’t. He was just too ticklish.
The second Seungmin and Chan touched him, he was sone for.
And he lowered his hands.
“3 seconds”
“Well our cute maknae is the most ticklish.”, Chan said as he poked his side earning him a squeal.
Thank you guys for reading! I know this was really long but I hope you enjoyed🫶
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eddiemunsonw · 1 year
Paint me red.
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're one of Vickie's best friends. Her girlfriend, Robin, is in need of a distraction for her best friend, Steve Harrington, who you vaguely remember from school. Which is where you come in.
CW / Disclaimer: A bunch of cute stuff, just a nice feel good fic about our dear boy Steve.
Author’s note: It was time to write about Steve Harrington, so here it is. Four parts, can find them both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 2783 / (complete fic) 13059
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Work ran later than expected and instead of having dinner and taking a ride with Vickie, you decided to walk there instead, grabbing a quick bite on the way so she didn’t have to wait for you. The four of you had agreed to meet around eight, so when you arrived fifteen minutes later you did profusely apologize even though no one seemed bothered in the slightest. The queue at the takeout place had just been longer than you had anticipated.
Steve’s face lit up the moment he spotted you and he was the first one to do so. With a quick nudge, the others were alerted as well and you made your way over with a smile.
“So sorry I’m late!” you apologized, immediately receiving shakes of heads from the others.
“Glad you made it,” Steve told you, smiling genuinely. Vickie gave you a hug and after a greeting from Robin as well, you headed to the paintball arena to change into overalls.
“Gosh I feel so unlike myself right now,” Vickie murmured as she looked down the dark green overalls.
“Don’t worry Vic, once we got paint on you you’ll be your colorful self again,” you teased, earning a soft giggle from Steve. A glance his way caused your eyes to meet and you shared a smile.
“Oh yeah? You’re going down! Both of you!” Vickie said with sudden motivation. “Rob and I may not have any aim, but we have determination and are great at other things.”
“Like hiding,” Robin offered with a smile.
“Like hiding!” Vickie repeated a little too proudly.
“Just make sure you don’t give yourselves away by whisper-shouting,” Steve said with a nod towards Robin.
“I do not whisper shout,” Robin objected in what seemed to be very much whisper-shouting. 
Steve handed everyone a helmet and a paintball gun was provided by one of his and Robin’s colleagues. Vickie and Robin had yellow paint, Steve and you red. To start, you all dispersed throughout the arena. You and Steve decided to stick closely together and he took the time to explain some military hand gestures to you while the counter went down.
“This means advance, this one means go back… this, when I want your attention, or the other way around of course. And uh this one’s take cover. I guess we’ll forget about it all once it starts but I thought why not, right?” he mused. You smiled and gave him a nod.
“Why not indeed. Okay so… advance, go back, attention, take cover? Like that?”
“Perfect,” Steve grinned as he watched you repeat all the gestures correctly. You were crouched behind a fake bush together when the timer went off and he quickly peered over the edge.
“No sight of them just yet,” he whispered, his hand momentarily coming to rest on your shoulder for balance. “Let’s—” he cut himself off in favor of using the gestures and you smiled to yourself, following as he motioned to ‘advance’.
The first one being hit was Robin who, when spotting Steve, gasped “Oh!” out loud and was too late to duck out of sight. Steve hit the back of her helmet with a bright red glob of paint and that was the start of Vickie going absolutely wild. She ran forward, screaming, which even startled Steve who quickly took cover which gave you the opportunity to hit Vickie right in the chest. She groaned and you felt compelled to apologize as being hit straight in the boob must have hurt despite the foam shield you were all wearing. You had a maximum of five lives and you had managed to only lose two when Vickie was out. Her determination to get revenge for Robin made her a surprisingly easy target, while Robin hid more efficiently ever since the first hit. Steve had only been hit once on the shoulder, which he could have avoided had he not been focusing on moving you away from being hit instead.
“I say we corner her, both get one side each and we attack at once,” Steve suggested softly.
“Alright. I’ll take left.”
Steve nodded and got up from his crouched position and slowly moved towards the right. You followed his lead on the other side until he gestured for you to stop and pointed at one of the low walls. Slowly, you approached Robin from both sides, guns at the ready. However, just as you were about to hit her with the paint, she burst upwards and ran quickly away. In a reflex, Steve hit you instead and you gasped as it hit you straight in the chest like you had done to Vickie before.
“Shit, sorry I—”
Steve looked down at his chest and back up at you, cocking his head.
“Really? It was an accident!”
“I was just as ready to shoot her and I didn’t shoot you! Are you trying to sabotage me, huh? Wanna be sure you come out on top?” you taunted teasingly.
“No! My reflexes were just quicker than yours and slower than hers,” he admitted reluctantly. You narrowed your eyes at him and shot him again, this time it landed on his stomach. He cocked his head to the other side this time and put his hands on his hips as far as his hands allowed while also holding the paintball gun in one.
“Now we’re even,” you shrugged, grinning behind your helmet.
“We were even the first time,” Steve argued, which was essentially true. You weren’t there to play fair however, at least not when your teammate hit you.
“Right, well, you deserved the other.”
Steve rolled his eyes and approached you, putting his hand on your arm as he spoke, sounding way more sincere than was necessary for this silly game.
“I’m sorry I hit you, okay? But we’re in this together now, we have to hit her two more times to win, and I don’t know about you but I want to win.” You were about to tell him he was being really silly when—
“That was waaay too easy,” Robin sighed, giving you both a look as you sprang apart from shock when you both felt the paint hit you right on the head. However, Robin stood there being smug for a little too long, giving you and Steve enough time to lift up your guns and hit her right back before she could run away to hide.
“Team Red wins!” Frank, the colleague, announced. You felt Steve’s arm wrap around your shoulders and he butted your heads together a little too harshly, which caused you both to groan.
“Steve, christ!” you moaned as you lifted your hand to feel your head, only to be met by a glob of paint. Steve snickered but it was over soon when you brushed your hand off on his chest, mixing the yellow with the red you hit him with earlier. He grabbed your wrist and tapped your fingertips with his own.
“You like finger painting or something?”
“When I was younger? Sure,” you replied too seriously for the way he asked the question. “You?”
Steve shrugged.
“I guess I did it once or twice in kindergarten? Don’t really recall if I liked it or not,” he responded a little lost in thought.
You hummed and swiped your fingers across his stomach. Just as he was about to ask what you were doing you grabbed his hand and coated it with the paint you scooped up from his overalls. “Try it, then.”
While he looked down at his hand, you took off your helmet as it was starting to feel heavy on your neck and smiled up at him. Steve watched you with a curious expression and before you knew it, he lifted his hand towards your face and rested his palm flat against your cheek as if cupping your face. He seemed to be ready to move it around when you interrupted him, brow creasing in confusion.
“Steve what—”
“I thought you meant—”
“Not on my face?!”
Steve spluttered an apology, raising laughter out of you and you gestured at his helmet.
“Off with it, payback time.”
“Come on, you have to admit it seemed like you wanted me to paint your face, taking off your helmet right at that moment?”
“I was just hot,” you argued, huffing as you flicked his helmet. It hurt your finger only a little. “Off.”
Steve sighed and took the helmet off, did a boyish shake with his head to loosen up his hair and looked down at you.
“Go on then, make me beautiful,” he smirked, surrendering himself to you.
“Ah, but you already are,” you said casually as you lifted your hand to draw an orange flower with a yellow dot in the middle on his cheek. It was better than the vague hand print you had received from him. While you busied yourself with the details of the petals you realized Steve hadn’t said a word. One glance at his other cheek confirmed that he was blushing.
“Is this like a two-for-one kinda deal? Paintball and face painting?” Robin asked with an amused smile, watching you with her arms crossed from the ‘Game Over’ box Vickie had been sent to.
“It was payback,” you defended yourself while Steve just mumbled something no one could really understand. You made your way over to the changing rooms where you took off the overalls and washed the paint off your hands. You looked in the mirror to admire the pretty artsy hand print on your face and gave Steve a glance.
“I think I’m keeping it, I like it. Besides, I think I’ll ruin my shirt if I try to wash this off now,” you shrugged. Steve came to stand next to you and check out your creation as well.
“Oh, a flower, huh? That’s kinda cute.”
“Kinda,” you repeated. “He really called my priceless piece of artwork, a one of a kind, kinda cute.” Shaking your head you looked over at Vickie and Robin for support, but neither of them seemed too impressed by your little speech. They were, however, looking at you both with smug expressions, though Steve completely missed it as he was tracing his finger along the petals in his cheek while following the movement with his eyes through the mirror.
“Anyway,” Steve said suddenly and it was unsure whether he had followed the rest of the conversation, or speech, or whatever, “I’m thirsty. Anyone else want a drink?”
The four of you sat down at the front center of the hall where drinks were served at a bar that was decorated with neon colors just like the rest. Vickie had already decided she wanted to do this again and Robin agreed, though they opted for a larger group of people, as long as you and Steve would be on the enemy team to get their revenge. The both of you were down for the idea as well and wondered if you could possibly get Argyle and Jonathan to join in. Eddie was another option to ask and Nancy, well, none of you were sure whether you wanted to hand either team that much power, but you’d toss a coin for her.
After the drinks Vickie announced that she was staying over at Robin’s place but still offered to give you a ride, which you politely declined. Robin lived on the other side of town and it was just too inconvenient. Steve glanced at you as the girls both told you good night, leaving you alone at the front of the DGMG.
“So… how are you gonna get home?” Steve asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, making no move to leave just yet.
“Oh I’m just gonna walk, it’s not that far.”
“How far is not far?” he wanted to know and you bit your lip.
“Uh… half an hour, something like that?”
“Absolutely not. I’ll drive you.”
Steve had removed his hands from his pockets and had put them right on his hips again like he had before. He looked funny like that. Very much screaming “you will be home not a minute later than your curfew”, somehow.
“Oh, do I not get a say in this, is that what I’m hearing?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. Steve’s eyes widened a fraction and he lifted his hands in defense.
“You— No that’s not what I—”
“I know, I’m teasing you,” you tell him with a soft smile. “It’s not exactly on route for you though.”
“You know where I live?” Steve asked, a little surprised.
“Who doesn’t know the Harrington mansion, huh? Known for its famous parties… the wild stories…”
His smile is awkward despite him doing his best to prevent that.
“Yeah, well. Not all that great, honestly. Just a big house with no parental figures around.”
“Every teenager’s dream,” you chuckled. It had happened more than once that classmates had expressed their jealousy towards Steve, who could do whatever he wanted in his home all the time.
“Is it, though?” Steve countered, then quickly cleared his throat and gestured towards the parking lot. “Anyway, uhm, I really don’t mind and I’d actually prefer it if you would let me drive you home. You know, to ease my mind.”
He avoided your gaze and focused on his shoes instead, nudging a small stone with his right foot. You wondered if you had possibly said the wrong thing just there. Instead of asking for it however, you figured the easiest way to get rid of the silence that threatened to expand between the two of you was to agree to his offer.
“Okay, yeah. Why not, right? Thank you, Steve.”
“Of course, no big deal.”
Once you were both settled in your seats, everything seemed normal again. Steve turned up the radio, hummed along to it while he asked what your plans for the rest of the week were in between and you asked him similar questions in return. Before you knew it, he already stopped in front of your house, which he had needed little guidance for once you had mentioned the street. Apparently one of the kids lived near your place. You lingered in the seat, listening to him telling a funny story about him and Robin and neither of you really seemed to want the conversation to end. Once the silence between you dared to linger a little longer though, you decided it was time.
“Well, uh— I won’t keep you any longer. Thank you for the ride,” you told him with a soft smile. “Don’t forget to clean off the flower.”
“What if I want to keep it? Might as well wear it to work tomorrow.” He shrugged, a grin playing on his lips.
“You do you but… chances are it will be smudged on your pillow when you wake up instead.” He gave you a little pout and you smiled in return.
“No worries, I can always draw a flower on your face again if you’d like.” With little hesitation you put your hand on his arm, giving it a comforting rub with your thumb to emphasize your words. Steve glanced briefly at your hand on his arm and glanced up at you, his smile seemingly permanent on his face now.
“I’ll keep it in mind, might take you up on your offer sometime.”
“Please do. Looks lovely on you, so I’m sure it would heighten the experience of customers seeing you match the interior.” You removed your hand and slowly made a move to exit the car when Steve’s voice stopped you.
“Uh— Y/N?”
You turn around to look at him, one leg already draped outside of the car.
Steve pressed down on his lips as if he was preparing himself to speak, even seemed a little nervous doing it.
“I uh… just wanted to say— Good night. And uhm, I had fun, being on your team.”
“I had fun being on your team too,” you tell him with a soft smile. You step out of the car and turn around to meet his gaze.
“Good night Steve. Drive safe.”
“Good night. You walk safe.”
“I’ll make sure to walk these… 20 feet very safely,” 
“Alright. Good. Perfect.”
A gentle giggle is shared and you finally close the passenger door and walk to your house. As soon as you reach the front door you turn around to give him a little wave, knowing he hadn’t driven off yet. You go inside after he returns the gesture and only when the door is closed securely behind you, you hear him drive away.
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Next part
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I feel like Amanda's death was just too abrupt. Like yes we've been building to it, but the scene itself seemed too sudden? It felt kind of weird to me. Like the pacing was a little off.
It was a little off, probably because it's really hard to make something with such a time constraint. It can't be particularly long but has to set everything up and finish the scene. Also, I believe it should've been a little clearer about what's happening. I needed to rewatch and get confirmations from others about certain details that explain a few points.
I saw people being confused mostly about where was our Guardian; we were not in the same room. We were securing the main tunnel, Mithrax was leading the prisoners out. Amanda was in a separate room to open the gate, near Mithrax, not near us. They're two separate areas entirely.
When Mithrax activates his Splicer gauntlet, the trap triggers and a countdown to the blast starts ticking. The countdown is in Uluran so it was super hard for people to figure out what it's supposed to be. As soon as Mithrax does this:
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It trips the alarm and the trap, and you can see the countdown:
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The thing I circled is the countdown. This also triggered the lockdown which meant that someone had to override the system to open the gate before everything blows up. That's why Amanda is hotwiring and she's on a timer. She has to hotwire it in time to make sure the prisoners and Mithrax escape before the base blows up.
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The countdown on the monitor still ticking down and obviously getting close to the end; you can see fewer symbols now so it's basically out of time for her. And she knows it. She stayed and she waited for Mithrax to tell her they're through, because that's all that she needs to hear. She willingly gave her life to save them, knowing that she's not getting out. And she also probably bet that Mithrax would not leave if she said something. The blast was also so big that it almost caught him anyway, but thankfully Eramis was there to block the entrance.
I definitely feel like it could've been done slightly clearer, especially with the countdown. Just so it's easier to understand why she couldn't leave or why someone couldn't have gone to pick her up and even why it had to be her, and not us. Some of these details were slightly lost in execution. I definitely processed the whole thing a bit better after a chat that cleared up some of these details. Like, initially I didn't understand why there was a pause when she finished hotwiring, I figured she was gonna leave. I get it now that I know she knew she's about to blow up. She had nothing else to do but wait for the blast.
It's not the worst thing ever as some comments online have claimed, but it could've been improved with a few extra details. Overall I think it was fine. I really loved Mithrax and his words at the end where you can hear him being devastated. I also enjoyed the unexpected Eramis cameo. Certain pacing issues aside, I do think that the actual blowing up scene was done really well. Could've been really distasteful or unintentionally funny, but I felt it was animated really nicely with the slow motion and music.
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thoughts on shuharu/headcanons?
Its not my personal favourite ship for either of them but it's definitely my favorite for Akira/Ren/whatever you wanna call him x any of the other female phantom thieves. I mean to me she was the only one who seemed like she already liked him during her confidant in the game and they do look pretty cute together as well as seem to have a matching temprement. I also feel like I can acc see a future for them as (at least as for what I imagine for Ren) running or working in a small cafe like Leblanc would suit him. As for what I imagine they'd be like in a relationship here's a couple headcannons of mine:
Lots of coffee dates, Haru would make a point of wanting to discover new obscure restaurants and cafes, and of course Ren will follow suit. Not that he doesn't enjoy it mind.
Mans whipped (😏) and pretty much owns it.
In all seriousness, it's more like he enjoys seeing her doing things that make her happy, since he knows she wasn't for so long.
When it's his turn to decide what that do on dates/days out, it's usually movies or the arcades. They're both surprisingly nuts for horror. And the part timer working at the theatre in shibuya knows their faces by now and always seems slightly afraid.
Same goes for anyone in the arcades, naturally, Haru calls out the most horrendous sadistic stuff like in mementos while they play first person shooters. It's like she forgets she's in public sometimes. Ren finds seeing peoples shocked faces pretty funny.
When Ren moves back home Haru winds up coming to visit for a majority of the summer. Out in the country, she stands out like a sore thumb even more than in Tokyo. She hadn't not been in a city before and seemed to imagine it being a lot more different than it actually is.
His parents though mostly absent are incredibly confused by her sudden surprise arrival in a chauffer, with four suitcases of clothes (she knew she was staying quite a while). Especially as they'd never even heard of her.
Ren hadn't brought her up mainly because they didn't need to know, just like they hadn't bothered to call once when he was in Tokyo, he hadn't bothered to say anything.
Honestly, Ren had very few friends at home, even less after everything that happened. And the people who did still hang around seemed to have an issue with Haru. In general she has this level of unintentional classism-- she just kind of forgets certain things are a luxury and not everyday. And it seemed to be the main thing that was putting people off tho her. It really annoyed him but he didn't really know what to do about it except from distance himself.
It was all making him really regret moving home. So much so he wound up making plans for how he'd move back to Tokyo after finishing his 3rd year of high-school and what he'd actually do with himself once he did. Plans Haru and Makoto helped him draw up.
He, like Haru, wants to run some kind of small private run cafe. Sojiro is mentoring them both. They're heavily considering the possibility of going in on the buisness venture together but it's still very much early days.
Both of them have a keen interest in French literature. Which is part of what got them both talking to eachother outside of the group in the first place. They exchange annotated books a lot - haru using purple post it's and Ren using red.
After her "Relationship" with Sugimura, Haru isn't all that comfortable with physical affection. She especially hates feeling vulnerable. It's a very slow process for her to feel secure again. Luckily Ren is very aware of that and incredibly patient. Partly because he feels the exact same way. After being caught in Sae's palace, battered and dosed up, losing his autonomy and feeling out of control. It all bore on his mental wellbeing a lot. That understanding between them is part of what makes them feel safe around eachother.
Ren has a pretty hard time getting to sleep. He thinks maybe a part of him is Afraid he'll wind up in the velvet room again. Most of the time Haru tries to stay awake with him or offer to stay up so he feels less alone and in danger. But 99% of the time she winds up conking out, of course only after half an hour as incoherent slurred talking whilst she denies she's even tired.
In line with all this, Haru still has moments where she gets incredibly upset or distressed and isn't sure how to communicate it. The way Ren chooses to respond is to give her physical space but stay with her. A majority of the time they don't talk and he just sits by her, letting her come to him if she wants/needs anything (usually a hug once she's calmed down).
There's a lot of hand holding between them. If there sat idly somewhere haru tends to grab Rens hand and trace it's edges with her finger out of boredom.
She's definitely a snorer. But it's a cute snore. Like a little toot noise every so often. That actually does help Ren sleep.
Whilst he already has a pretty good sense of fashion. Harus always wanting to dress him up, and a majority of the time he let's her.
One time Ann suggested she should try and get him to wear a dress, not expecting the fact he was more than happy to. Even more so he pulled it off with way more confidence than anything any of them had ever seen. (Ryuji discovered something about himself that day)
When there together they have this peaceful quiet sometimes, both of them enjoy just stopping and listening to the world around them (which cannot be said for some of their other friends). As well as this they have this way of being able to communicate without words. When they're in group settings it drives everyone else insane trying to figure out what the difference is between their different stares at one another mean and how they developed such a language.
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