#i asked her to draw them on a date in the last image
the-enby-jedi · 4 months
happy Kalluzeb day! Here are drawings I forced my babysitter to make that i will share for the occasion! :)
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itostea · 11 months
never mad (isagi x reader)
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warnings: a tad bit suggestive, isagi just being the best bf, he comforts you
a/n: image from Our Secret Alliance! childhood friends to lovers omg so cute pls read it.
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You’re not sure when the argument started or why you’re even angry. 
Angry might be an exaggeration but you were feeling a smudge of irritation directed at your boyfriend who was far too calm at the sight of your scowl. He has that sweet smile of his, the kind he wears whenever he’s holding your hand or parting a strand of hair away from your face. It’s the kind of smile that you can’t ever stay mad at. 
“Yoichi I’m telling you, she was a hundred percent hitting on you!”
“Right, right,” he lets himself be dragged by your hand and he can’t help but sigh at how good you looked with the necklace he bought for you. The streets were crowded and there were couples left and right, holding hands or chatting on the side. The two of you blend in perfectly–though there were times where a fan of his recognized him and you stood on the sidelines, letting them take their photos.
The drink you hold in your other hand swirls around in the cup and you bring the cup to your lips, taking a long sip. “I mean, she even winked at you! Who even does that? And I was right beside you, holding your hand!” 
“Uh huh,” he mutters absentmindedly, tilting his head when you swing your head to face him with a frown. He blinks and just smiles, a bit confused as to why your frown grew deeper. 
Your footsteps slow down in pacing. “Are you even listening to me?” 
“Of course I am babe.”
You let out a huff and turn around too swiftly, colliding into him with a yelp. In a normal situation, you would’ve swooned over the fact that he caught you–his arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other one holds the back of your neck. Yet, you can’t help but feel your stomach plunge deeper when you see the brown stain on his favorite shirt. 
“Are you okay?” He mumbles, widening his eyes when he sees how your features morph into a frown and how you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood. This time, he takes your hand in his, guiding you to an occupied bench. “Let’s go sit down.”
“What’s wrong?” He asks, letting you clean the splatters on his arm with a tissue. 
“It’s just…” you start, leaning back when you’re done cleaning. “I…”
Isagi sees how your eyes gloss over; how you part your lips to release a shaky sigh. He’s quick to cup your face, smiling so gingerly that you felt like you could cry even harder. “Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your make-up.”
The sniffle you let out makes him chuckle. You nod. “Okay…” 
“Start from the beginning,” his hands leave your face and he watches you patiently–letting you catch your breath. 
“I’m so stupid Yoichi,” you sighed. “I don’t even know why I couldn’t forget about that girl like I usually do. You weren’t even paying attention to her and now I ruined your favorite shirt. I also ruined our date together and you’re probably mad at me so–”
“Why would I be mad at you?” He interrupts, maintaining eye-contact with a serious gaze. 
You blink, sniffling again. “You’re not?”
He smiles, nodding his head until his hand tilts your head upward so the tears wouldn’t spill from your eyes. “I can’t get mad at you even if I tried to.”
“Even if I steal your food?”
“I don’t mind.”
“Even if I tell you Michael Kaiser is a better player than you?”
His lips curl into a sarcastic smile and he squeezes your cheeks. “Don’t push it now…”
You laugh and the sound brings joy to his ears. He ushers you up with a hum, letting you take his hand. He presses a kiss to your forehead, bringing you close to him. “How about we spend the rest of our date at home? We can watch a few movies and eat some snacks. You know, Netflix and chill,” his lips fall into a smirk and you forget your boyfriend sometimes derives joy from seeing you flustered.
You slap him lightly, averting your eyes. “Okay fine we can watch movies and eat snacks. And maybe Netflix and chill…” you mumble the last part loud enough for him to hear, earning a laugh from him. 
He squeezes your hand midway in between your walk back to the car. “Did I ever tell you that you’re cute when you get jealous?”
“Shut up.”
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starshideurfics · 2 months
Thirsty Thursday - Throat
steddie, getting together, aob, neck kink
Like, he gets it. Eddie knows that it’s borderline prude behavior to think this way. Steve was on the swim team for chrissakes, so it isn’t like he’s shy about his body.
But his neck is ALWAYS on display. Showing off those pretty moles, the hard lines of his ligaments, the prominence of his adam’s apple, the slight swell of his mating gland peeking over his shirt collar.
Eddie can’t help staring, but he tries his best to hide his glances.
Even on the days Steve wears collared shirts—and he mostly does, what with all the polos—it’s like he’s trying to draw attention to the parts of his neck that remain uncovered.
It especially doesn’t help that they’ve been dancing around each other for months, flirting openly.
Eddie only does when they’re with other people, an excuse to pass it off as a joke.
A way to protect his heart by convincing himself Steve is kidding, too. 
At least until he goes home, and in the darkness of his own room he lets his mind wander to the beauty of Steve’s throat.
He holds the sleep tee Steve borrowed the last time he crashed at the trailer because he was too faded to drive home, the earthy smell of weed mixing with his cherrywood scent and going right to Eddie’s head.
It takes less than a minute for him to come in his fist, the image of Steve presenting his throat for Eddie’s teeth spurring him on and filling his knot.
His face burns with shame as he reaches for tissues to clean the mess, then he drifts to sleep and dreams of traded bites.
Dreams of sweeter words whispered at his ear as Steve welcomes him into the hot clutch of his body.
He wakes up hard or sticky or both most days.
But now they’re hanging out, just the two of them since Robin finally got her shit together and has a date. He and Steve spent an hour reassuring her that everything would be fine and giving her tips. She just left to meet Chrissy at the Hawk for the movie portion of their date.
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Steve is leaning back in his chair, staring up at Eddie with the softest hint of a smile. “Whatcha thinking ‘bout?” he asks, never taking his eyes off the alpha.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. “Nothing, um, not a thing.”
He sputters, dropping into the chair next to Steve’s as he chokes. “I’m not. Steve-”
“Eddie.” Steve’s eyes are hard. Serious as he sits up and sensually drags his fingers across his collarbone. “I know you’ve been looking at me.” He shrugs out of his jacket.
Angles his chin to draw his eye along the line of his throat. “But I don’t think you know how I’ve been looking at you.”
Eddie chokes again, manages to squeak, “What?” as Steve gets to his feet. He’s sure his scent has gone bitter in his confusion.
“When you put your hair up,” Steve murmurs, deft fingers gathering Eddie’s brushed out curls to hold at the back of his head. “Then I get to look too, can smell you better.”
Swallowing hard, Eddie feels his throat bob, the motion drawing Steve’s dark eyes.
“Looking at you makes my teeth hurt,” Eddie whispers, breathing through his mouth and showing off his descended fangs. “You’re so fucking perfe—”
Everything moves so fast then: Steve drops into his lap, nose nuzzling his neck as he breathes deep. Moans, “Eddie, please.”
His mouth finds its way to Steve’s neck, sucks a hickey below his ear before their lips ever meet.
After that, Steve keeps his neck more covered. At least his mating gland for sure is hidden by his shirt collar.
It’s just for his alpha now.
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danganronpadespairtime · 11 months
Chapter 2 part 1 asks
All responses are in this post for organization. There may be chapter 2 spoilers.
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xmicrophonyx asked: How long did it take you to make the Insane Literature Girl MV? It looked like you spent a lot of time on it!
Making the drawing and video itself took a little over a month. But I had been planning out the text portions (translation, text excerpts, ideas for puzzles) of it for a little over a year (my planning document dates back to May of last year and somehow amassed 12K words..?).
I wasn't working on it continuously for a year, though; it was just an on-off project that I was lazily thinking about for a while.
Anonymous asked: Hi this is a random question but I was wondering if I was just seeing things or not. Does Xander have a tongue piercing? I think in some sprites it looks like he has one and others where it looks like he doesn't. He is totally my favorite character and I love his design by the way!
It's not visible in all of his sprites, but he does indeed have a tongue piercing.
He thought if he had one there he could slip it under his old school's strict "no piercings allowed" policy by just closing his mouth every time a teacher walked by.
Anonymous asked: one genuine question, was there anything specific you were considering when coming up with the cast’s birthdates? or were they pretty much random
Some of the birthdays are specific dates with meaning, then the rest were filled in throughout the remaining months of the year in a somewhat even temporal spread.
xmicrophonyx asked: For this chapter's BDA and fake-out BDA, were they made with 3D assets, just 2D art, or a mix of both? What was the process in making them?
It's a 2D image with a depth map.
Anonymous asked: Is the Hope's Peak the DRDT class went to a high school or something more like a 4-year university for young adults? (Sorry if this has already been addressed somewhere, if the information exists I couldn't find it.)
The second thing. The US's Hope's Peak Academy is post-secondary education. It is equivalent to an American college.
Anonymous asked: I really love the character Fan-Made MVs you do, like for Min and David! Do you plan on making one for every character?
No. I only make MVs for songs that I think fit a character, that I like, and that I have a good MV idea for, which is not something I can control.
Anonymous asked: Does David's new design have a default sprite?
This one is his default sprite.
Anonymous asked: Hi DRDT Dev! This is more of just a simple question and not so much a chapter specific question. We know David like to eat simple foods like ready oat meal. But can he cook small meals like scrambled eggs, omelets or things like that? Oh and how does David normally manage his feelings? I like to think that he journals but this is just a head canon of mine. I'm curious if you could share anything like that about him for us!
He can cook a decent meal, he just prefers not to.
Anonymous asked: Do the cast have exact ages or are they just deemed “colleges aged adults”?
They all do have exact ages, down to the day, but that's a spoiler. For now, just know that they're over 18.
Anonymous asked: Something I'd been wondering since Rose had talked about her secret with Teruko: She mentions that she was bailed out and came to work under the Spurling Foundation by Richard Spurling. In Bonus Episode #2 with Xander, he mentions the name Duke Spurling with distaste in regards to the Chariton incident. Are Richard Spurling and Duke Spurling the same person? Or separate people? If they're the same person, is Duke a nickname or a title?
Duke Spurling and Richard Spurling are different people, but they are brothers. Duke is (was?) a politician. Richard is a billionaire philanthropist who founded the Spurling Foundation. Duke is not officially affiliated with the Spurling Foundation, but he did receive sizable political donations from that foundation while he was still active in politics.
Duke is a first name, by the way, and not a title. Also, Duke is quite old, in the 80-something-ish age range. Basically, old enough to have been alive during the Tragedy.
Anonymous asked: I was wondering if there are any other characters with canon sexualities?
I said before that I would only confirm sexualities in the story itself, but I changed my mind.
Whit - bisexual Eden - lesbian Ace - gay Veronika - pansexual David - bisexual with a strong female lean. but he describes himself as "straight but also not opposed to any random impulses that may arise" Teruko - unlabeled/explicitly ambiguous
Everyone else is subject to interpretation for now.
citrusircus asked: You've stated before that you don't want any of your assets used with AI, but I'd still like to ask whether or not this extends to the character.ai site (considering no intellectual properly is actually used to make these). Completely understandable if you'd rather people not touch it! Just wanted to clarify.
I don't like character.ai.
tophats-tea asked: Was there a particular incident that caused the scar on Charles’ arm, or was it just a usual chemical spill from working as a chemist?
It's a dog bite scar.
Charles is under the impression that it's a birthmark.
Anonymous asked: why does hu have claws on her hand?
Those are not claws. They are plectra for guzheng.
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shi-daisy asked: For my question, I'd like to ask is there anything random you can tell us about Levi? He's my favorite character and I'd love to know any miscellaneous details about him be it preferences or silly info you may have of him or how you came up with his character. Thanks in advance!
He has an almost unruly sweet tooth and will consume an entire bowl of lollipops (his favorite candy) in an hour if he doesn't watch himself.
If you see him in future art with a white stick of some sort in his mouth it's almost certainly a lollipop.
murderacademia asked: Ooh, do you have a random fun fact about Charles as well? :) he’s a big fave of mine! Thank u!
He's secretly very attached to his hair length, and doesn't like the idea of cutting it short.
welpuu asked: do the cast all have favourite colours? if so which ones? (also sorry if this was already asked 😭)
Teruko: red (reasoning: association) Charles: "Why would I assign emotional value to colors? That's a ridiculous waste of energy." (cerulean) Whit: neon pink (reasoning: "Pink!!") Rose: lilac (reasoning: likes subdued colors for their subtlety) Arturo: blueish white (reasoning: sterile) Levi: cerise pink (reasoning: feminine) Eden: daffodil yellow (reasoning: happy) J: black (reasoning: cool) Hu: emerald green (reasoning: elegant) Nico: none (reasoning: no interest) Ace: dark blue/purple (reasoning: refuses to provide reasoning) Arei: azure (reasoning: "I'm blue, so clearly it's the best color!") Min: taupe (reasoning: comforting) Xander: bright red (reasoning: passionate color) Veronika: white in conjunction with other colors (reasoning: brings out other colors well) David: gamboge (reasoning: inspiring)
Since I'm on the topic, here are least favorite colors as well.
Teruko: pitch black (reasoning: unsettling) Charles: dark red (reasoning: looks like blood) Whit: gray (reasoning: boring) Rose: none (reasoning: all colors have their value in the right situations) Arturo: neon colors (reasoning: tasteless) Levi: neon yellow (reasoning: a little hard to style) Eden: blue (reasoning: "Kind of a downer color...") J: pink (reasoning: obvious) Hu: blueish white (reasoning: sterile) Nico: white (reasoning: unsettling) Ace: titian (reasoning: doesn't like himself) Arei: green (reasoning: looks like puke) Min: white and pink together (reasoning: annoying) Xander: dark red (reasoning: looks like blood) Veronika: white in the absence of other colors (reasoning: soulless) David: gray (reasoning: depressing)
cuckaracha asked: but also for a real cool and sexy question. Can we have a totally normal and not fucked up fact about Ace?
When I designed Ace from the start, I wanted him to wear heels (because he is short), but I thought that it was inaccurate for a jockey's outfit, and I didn't do it. But then later I remembered that he isn't jockeying at the moment, so it would have been fine if he wore heels. In any case I decided it'd be okay to add them back in his new design.
When it comes to jockeying, Ace wishes he was shorter (he is on the tall side for a male jockey), but for all other aspects of life he might find it bothersome to be shorter than everyone else. So he might have a tendency to wear shoes that enhance his height. Subtly of course.
Also, he has 9 siblings.
Anonymous asked: taking a note from the levi asker, are there any random fun facts about nico or veronika that you have? those two are my favorites!
Nico cuts their own hair. Veronika's single green earring is a 'good luck charm' given to her by her dearest friend.
welpuu asked: another simple question sorry...im curious about if any of them have favourite ice cream flavours...or like maybe flavours in general? unless thats too broad then the ice cream flavours is fine 😭
Teruko - red bean Charles - coffee Whit - vanilla Rose - red velvet Arturo - chocolate mint Levi - caramel Eden - honeycomb J - black sesame Hu - rose Nico - "the flavor" (doesn't elaborate further) Arei - birthday cake Min - lemon Xander - sauerkraut??? Veronika - funfetti David - pistachio Ace - frozen bananas (actual frozen bananas, not ice cream)
sunriseindigo asked: does rose have a favorite art medium (acrylics, colored pencils, graphite, etc)? also, does she do digital art or is she strictly traditional?
Paints are her specialty, particularly oil, and she rarely uses any other medium. She does not do digital art.
Anonymous asked: would you be willing to spare any fun information about Rose?
Her whole family has plant-themed naming.
Daisy (older sister)
Saffron (younger brother)
Holly (mom)
Iris (mom)
xmicrophonyx asked: Is there any concept art of the DRDT cast?
There is, but it's so embarrassingly awful that I don't think it will see the light of day any time soon.
Other than this.
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I'm certain is the first ever drawing of DT. I guess Arei used to have black hair.
Anonymous asked: what does the cast smell like :)
Teruko - Dirt, sawdust, burnt smell Charles - Laundry detergent Rose - Paint and chemicals Arturo - Antiseptic Hu - Womanly perfume (light) Veronika - Womanly perfume (heavy) David - Men's cologne (light) Levi - Men's cologne (heavy). Also, somewhat faintly, leather Nico - Cat Ace - Sweat and menthol Min - Lavender/eucalyptus/lemons/whatever essential oil she decided to use that day Whit - Fruity fun shampoo (for kids) Xander - Men's 3 In One Body Wash (for men). Also, somewhat faintly, gunpowder MonoTV - metal and burning rubber
Anonymous asked: Is the Spurling Foundation and XF-Ture Tech the same thing?
They are totally unrelated institutions. The former is a philanthropic organization, the latter is a for-profit tech company (that also seems to do a lot of other things).
spyrkle4 asked: Question! Will sometime in the future will we know a little more about the sibling characters of some of the cast members? I honestly am just curious about J's brother and wanna know more about him
It’s good to have names to refer to characters, so here are the names of some characters who have been referred to in the story (and additional information about other characters as well)
Fuyuko + Natsuko Nageishi (Arei’s older sisters, by around 2-5 years): They are identical twins, in both appearance and persona. Actually, their appearances are mirrored. The two of them are always seen together and share everything with each other. They are best friends and very close.
Ryan Rosales (J’s younger brother, by about 1-2 years): He likes playing video games, and the two of them play games often. He also loves annoying J. One of his hobbies is cross-dressing.
Elliot “Ellie” Cuevas (Charles’ older brother, by about 11-13 years): Although he has not had an appearance yet, he looks shockingly similar to how Charles looks now. His favorite food is pancakes and his favorite animal is dogs.
Felicity Giles (Arturo's younger sister, by about 3-4 years): She also has not made an appearance yet. She has low self-esteem and admires Arturo a lot.
These characters (and others) have reference sheets, but those are meant for internal use only, so maybe later I will draw reference of their designs to show you all.
zamazencian asked: Is there a fun fact about Xander you could share? He's my favorite guy :D
He has a very weak sense of taste, and most normal foods taste bland to him. As a result, anything he cooks has an overwhelmingly strong flavor that makes it almost inedible to other people. He seems unaware of this.
sourapplecake asked: what kind of accent does xander have? i can’t tell if it’s british or australian or what 😭🙏 <- a little slow
Anonymous asked: Do you ever have any plans of making promotional splash art in the future? I apologize if this has already been asked!!
Not really.
Anonymous asked: Is Min, like... truly really into essential oils and healing stuff?
She is aware that essential oils don't have any scientifically proven meaningfully significant benefits, but finds them relaxing nonetheless.
Anonymous asked: Does David wear hairclips because he likes them or is there some other reason?
It's his manager's idea for "branding." But David thinks they're embarrassingly stupid looking and doesn't like wearing them.
saraanzu asked: do you have the death order for the rest of the show decided in your head already, or are you figuring it out as you go along?
Decided from the start.
xmicrophonyx asked: Any fun facts about Whit?
He's the best cook in the cast. His specialty is French.
Anonymous asked: where did David's hairclip's go after he had his little transformation in chap2? cuz it looked like he ate them lol
Anonymous asked: hi, sorry if this is a silly question but how do you pronounce davids surname? ive seen it pronounced "chee - em" or "keem" but i just wanted to know if there's an official way to say it teehee
chee as in cheese
em as in seem
0-kaiya-0 asked: Will there be more FTEs?
Maybe, but I'm not sure I want to put out any more polls.
Anonymous asked: will there be any canon couples?
I'm not one to write romance, so don't count on it.
Anonymous asked: Are people allowed to make nsfw content of your characters?
Anonymous asked: How is Veronikas last name pronounced?
Gre as in regret
ben as in the name Ben
shi as in shiba inu
ko as in cold
By the way, here's a tip for (approximate) name pronunciation. If you can identify the origin of the name, go to Google Translate, type it in the left box, set the left language to the appropriate language, and hit the speaker/play button to have it read out-loud.
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embrosegraves · 6 months
ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖
(request) Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader  A sweet moment between two lovers   Carlos has a tough day, so you make him feel better.
Warnings: None! Just straight up fluffiness
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Media Day in the Paddock. A day both loved by the fans and hated by the drivers. It was a day that could be summed up as being ‘two sides of the same coin’. It was a day that neither excited nor enthused Carlos, but sometimes Media Day had its moments that made it worth the while. 
Carlos had been doing interviews for the better part of the day and it was finally time for he and Charles to film a video that would be cut up into bits for the Scuderia Ferrari Instagram. Entering the Ferrari hospitality, Carlos walked to the area that was set up for filming. 
Charles had been there for only a few minutes so when Carlos got there he plopped down on the couch beside him. Charles looked at him with a small smile. 
“Tough day?” he asked. 
Carlos groaned a little, “You have no idea.” 
“Unless Caco has anything else for you to do, this should be the last thing for today.” 
“I can only hope.” Carlos let a little chuckle out before repositioning so that he was properly sat up. 
The media personnel quickly explained that all they were doing for this video was answering some fan tweets and mock interviewing each other. Carlos was thankful that it wouldn’t be too strenuous a task for the last commitment of the day. 
While the media were setting up the last little bits for the video, you walked through the door of the hospitality, having a chat with Charles' girlfriend. They hadn’t been dating for very long, and you wanted the girl to feel more comfortable around the paddock so you had offered to be her friend so that she would have someone to talk to through the days you both accompanied your boys. Upon entering you were grateful that the team had set up an area for you both to sit while the drivers did their thing. 
You had sat down before noticing that Carlos seemed more tired than he usually was at this point of the day. Thankfully there was a little lull in your conversation, so you quickly apologised to the sweet girl beside you as you searched through your mini bag for the marker you always kept on hand for occasions like this. Finding it, you got up from your seat and walked over to Carlos, a gentle smile on your face. 
As soon as he clocked that you were walking over, Carlos’ eyes snapped to yours and gave you a smile. He knew as soon as he saw your marker that the rest of the day would be alright. Without prompt he held his hand toward you, you had done this so often that it was second nature for you both.
Standing in front of him, you gently grabbed his hand, flipped it so you could draw on his inner wrist and uncapped the marker. You concentrated hard on not messing up any of the lines you were drawing, as you were drawing upside down so that he could see it. The smile on both of your faces never left, though his did soften as he watched you draw. 
Finishing up your artwork with a beaming smile, you capped the marker. 
“There, all done!” 
Carlos grabbed both of your hands after you were finished and placed them both to his mouth. He gave them a few deep but gentle kisses and then put them on either side of his face. When his hands were free they fell into place around your hips and he carefully dragged you a little bit closer so he could hug you. 
“Gracias, Mi Amor.” 
It never failed to make you smile when he spoke to you in his mother tongue, no matter how simple the sentence. One of your hands moved to the side of his neck while the other gently brushed the hair away from his face. 
“You’re very welcome, Corazón.” 
Carlos could be seen throughout the video gently grazing his fingers over his inner wrist, trying his hardest not to smudge the image of both your initials surrounded by a heart. His day had been made.
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Sometimes I wish I had a relationship like the ones I write about...
Anywho, thank you so much to the Anon that requested the prompts for this fic <3 I love you so much
likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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seratopia · 6 months
miguel o'hara x reader (fluff) - nerdy college miguelito → she/her pronouns!
inspired by this image of him! glasses = smart
He's the sexiest mf with glasses because i said so
So intelligent! As per usual, I see him in an engineering or biochem major. Maybe statistics, or computer science minor. He's a bit of a nerd, the type that is just naturally brilliant; always asking creative questions in class. Babbles to you about his topics as a form of studying/affection; get good grades and keep his partner company.
He seems like the type that can easily learn and reteach information to you. He's a rare case where study dates actually work; you guys get so much work done.
Does that thing where he scrunches his nose to adjust his glasses. "Miguel, you're gonna get wrinkles if you do that." You remark, finishing the last of your Humanities discussion post. "So you do care for me?" Miguel smirks, tapping his pen against the table. "Just saying, you'll look 40 by the time you reach 30."
His Google Calendar is a crowded mess; at least four tasks per day, constant due dates to keep up with, he tries to save time for weekends.
Let's talk fashion! The sweatshirt he has on in the drawing has me on my knees. I'd love him in sweatshirts, straight leg jeans, big black puffer jacket, THOSE HALF-ZIP SWEATSHIRTS SO YOU CAN SEE A LITTLE BIT OF COLLARBONE, compression shirts on lucky days, possibly cargo pants??? Sometimes you guys match fits! If you dress up, he'll understand the assignment.
Carries around a black backpack, just with a laptop and an extra notebook. Hydrates with a HUGE water bottle. Keeps hairties, lip balm, and pain meds around in case you need them. (You do, often.)
College Miggy doesn't seem like the type to participate in Greek Life; he's there to get his education, start a step ahead in his career. Plus, he's too tired to go partying anyway.
It'd be super cute if y'all lived together; a dorm-to-apartment kind of thing. After your relationship's been serious for a while, you move in, sharing a room with Miguel just so you guys can split costs.
Miguel takes early morning classes, I can tell. Greets you on most days with a palm to your stomach, little kisses from behind. He latches onto you for warmth on chillier days, groaning and whining about not wanting to get up in the morning. "Mig, just go to class-" "Mmph, no." Miguel groans, ghosting his lips to the shell of your ear. He shuffles around in the bed, smothering and stealing your body of warmth. "M'cold!" You whine, Miguel's hands sneaking up your shirt.
YOU ARE the passenger princess in this AU, m'kay? (I can't drive-) Miguel, if he is available, will drive you anywhere! Class, mall, farmers market, coffee shop, etc. Ends up just tagging along with you most of the time. You think he's sexy when he's driving (because he is), slots his hand to your upper thigh like it's his birthright.
Most of the time, y'all are in your own little world; no participation in drama, celebrating each other's successes with a trip to a restaurant. Nothing else really matters when you're got both grades and each other to worry about.
Within the rare occasion that you guys share a class, y'all are on the same page. Working together, filling each other in on missing gaps, quizzing each other on tests; its great. Of course, you receive a high A. I feel like he'd be the type to randomly quiz or test you on something in the class. "Prophase vs. Anaphase? You playfully roll your eyes, continuing to stir your coffee.
Where do y'all think he'd work? I'd say paid internship or somewhere tech-y ykwim? He wouldn't really work at a cafe or campus store.
Oh my gosh what if he was rich!!!!! What if he spoils you with good food and well-thought out date nights? Elevating your relationship as a couple <333 WHAT IF HE PAYS YOUR TUITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh best man best man
© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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futbol16 · 1 year
Me and the Devil  • Alexia Putellas
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This is my first time trying something like this but I hope you like it! Also, this fic does not follow the exact dates and scores, awards etc as they were in actuality.
Song - Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin
Word count: 2,6k
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
The first time Alexia Putellas and Y/N Lavigne - or more commonly known as La Reina and La Sang Bleue - faced each other was in 2015. It was also your first meeting with Spain’s rising star. While it had been well into her international career, it was only the start of yours at age 19. Yet if you were to ask any of the players on the field or the people watching that day, no doubt they’d say you were a natural.
You quite literally shocked the world with your talent, maybe even Alexia.
She hadn’t been paying too much attention as she shook the hands of the French players until a new face appeared in front of her, one she had not seen before. Though she gave herself a second to think about it, waiting to recognize you she eventually came up with nothing and moved past you. 
However, your presence was harder to ignore during the game. You were everywhere. While the friendly ended in a 2-2 draw you were causing havoc for the Spanish who struggled to chase you down every time the ball came near you. It was so frustrating that for a split moment Alexia lost her cool and took your legs out. 
She expected you to go off on her but you only brushed it off, hopping right back up and continuing to play. It wasn’t a clean tackle either but it looked like the referee hadn’t seen it. 
That friendly match marked the beginning of your rivalry, a rivalry that would last years, almost a whole decade. 
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
It had come as quite a surprise for the brunette when you approached her just a year later after another friendly, a game in which the only goal came from you, a late goal with an assist from Toletti. 
You were held tightly in a hug by Wendie Renard, your teammate who had taken you under her wing, literally, when you spotted her. Alexia was hanging near the tunnel talking to Jenni, seemingly closer than before but that didn’t bother you too much as you bounced over to her once Wendie let you go. 
Jenni watched in wonder as Alexia simply turned to you when you interrupted their conversation. If it were anyone else the 22 year old would have shown her annoyance clearly. But the beaming smile on your face forced Alexia to give you a gentle look, waiting for you to say what you wanted.
“Can I have your shirt?” you nervously chewed on your bottom lip, no longer having to keep up an image in front of the cameras. You rocked on the balls of your feet at the rather shocked look on her face and glanced at Jenni who was grinning widely. 
Hermoso jabbed her elbow into the other’s side subtly, who nodded at you and pulled off her jersey. Once you had thanked her and made small conversation with the two women you bid your goodbyes and headed to your changing room, not wanting to make the team wait for you. Though just before you could turn away a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Don’t I get your shirt?” Alexia’s sweet voice rang out from behind you and you turned back to her in disbelief.
“You want it?” Jenni nodded next to her, Alexia following along even though with the way she stood slightly in front of the dark haired girl she couldn’t see her movements. It was evident how in sync the two were.
“Of course” with a smile of her own Alexia made you more nervous than when you asked for her jersey and you scramble to pull the material off yourself. She takes it gratefully and with a wave of your hand, you’re off, sprinting down the corridor.
“I have a feeling this won’t be the last time we see her.” 
“Jenni obviously, we play against her team a lot” Alexia deadpanned, staring at the older woman who raised her hands in surrender as the two of them started walking towards their own locker room.
“That’s not how I meant it, Ale!”
And I said hello Satan, ah
I believe it is time to go
It didn’t take long for the fans of the football world to start comparing Spain’s number 14 and France’s 11, numbers which were coincidentally switched when you played for your respective clubs.
Every game of yours and Alexia’s was thoroughly analyzed by the fans as they started pointing out each of your best skills and weaknesses. They praised Putellas for her passing ability, her vision and her playmaking ability and leadership while you were praised for your dribbling, goal scoring ability and physical attributes. 
Who’s the best women’s footballer, is the question and some commentators choose to analyze the differing physiques and playing styles of the two of you, while part of the debate revolves around your contrasting personalities.
Alexia is often thought to have a more reserved character, humble and even sometimes camera shy. 
You were the opposite, loud and making sure to celebrate each of your goals in the best way, and despite praising your team for each game you were still referred to as cocky. 
“If you have something to show off, why not?” was your answer to an interviewer who was asking you for a response for the comments about you. 
There was not one game you or Alexia played that didn't end with people comparing the two of you, asking who the better footballer was.
Your rivalry with the Barcelona captain was without question the biggest rivalry in the history of women’s football.
Me and the Devil
The 2019 World Cup, it was something everyone was excited about but especially France. The tournament was held in France, the country oh so dear to your heart, much less to the Spanish players.
The knockout stage was a hard fought battle between Spain and France, a long 120 minutes of football and way too many tackles and fouls to count. It was the first match where the hatred the fans thought the two of you had for each other, was actually there. 
Both teams were under immense pressure, starving for that win to survive the round of 16 and with a game so important, it came as no surprise when every time the camera panned over to one of the players they were glaring down the opposition.
But a certain camera man seemed to only want footage of you and Alexia resulting in even more rumors surrounding the two of you and the supposed bad blood between you, fueling your rivalry. 
With a bit of luck, Spain would say, the final whistle was blown after France took the lead and the Reds were knocked out of the tournament. Truth be told, both teams avoided each other as much as they could, only interacting for the mandatory shake of hands, but again, the focus was on La Sang Bleue and La Reina. 
Barcelona captain, Alexia Putellas - still salty from another champion’s league loss - now loses Spain's place in the World Cup
Rival, Y/N Lavigne's French team knocks out Alexia Putellas' Spain in round of 16
Y/N Lavigne blatantly ignores Spanish rival after World Cup match, is she arrogant?
Walkin’ side by side
While the Spaniards took the next plane back home France moved onto the quarter-finals against the Netherlands before winning the final against the United States, another grueling match.
You ended the tournament with a World Cup trophy in one hand and a best player of the tournament award in the other. Still, the first thing you packed in your suitcase before leaving the team’s football center was the red Alexia Putellas jersey.
 Yet another jersey you got from the Spaniard herself, Alexia taking your French one home after being knocked out. 
And even though she and Spain were still less than happy about the loss, the brunette was amongst the many to congratulate you on your World Cup win.
"I believe they sometimes push each other in competition, which is why the competition is so fierce." your French coach opined in a conference interview. "I don't think their rivalry with one another bothers them. I believe they have a sense of personal pride in wanting to be the best."
Me and the Devil
Champions League, a championship where teams get to prove why they’re still considered the best or where other teams get to show how much they’ve improved, surprising the fans with the unexpected turn of events. 
It is a championship Barcelona tries to win every single time, much like any other team but it’s more expected from one of the best clubs of Europe. Unfortunately for the fans and the Barca players, more often than not they’ve failed at winning it. 
Each and every single time they reach the quarter-finals, the semi-finals or even the final, the players of Barcelona think; this is it, this could be the year. 
But Lyon are best at this, your team has won the championship more times than any other team and it’s often the players in white, your home colors, that snatch the win away from the Blaugrana women.
The number of spectators that show up for the final of the 2021/22 Women’s Champions League comes as no surprise as Barcelona and Lyon face off once again. There’s a mix of colored shirts supporting the teams in the stands but it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out which players’ shirts are worn by more fans. 
‘Alexia’ and ‘Lavigne’ are the names you could read off every other person’s back, but ‘J. Hermoso’ and ‘Renard’ come in close second and third. 
You’re always excited over a Lyon vs Barca match and while your excitement roots purely from the want to play against some of the greatests, Barcelona’s eagerness for the game comes from the hunger for revenge. 
It’s a beautiful match, on both sides but Lyon seem to be off to a better start with a 3-1 lead before half time. The Barca girls are itching to at least get an equalizer but the way you’re linking up with your teammates is making it very hard on them. Frustrations are let out on every inch of the pitch resulting in Ellie Carpenter, Lyon’s defender being stretched off the field. 
The match ends with both yourself and Alexia scoring another goal but the win is, once again, Lyon's. 
Barcelona was disheartened over the loss and Alexia watched with tears in her eyes as your team walked up to the stage. She watched when you lifted the trophy with Lyon your first time in 2018 and the following year, until finally it was her time and Barca won it for the first time in 2020, only to be defeated by Lyon again and watch you lift the Champions League trophy for a fourth time.
Barcelona Femení lose another Champions League, Lyon is just too good
Has this settled the debate - Lavigne over Putellas?
Alexia Putellas, Barcelona’s star player is for sure despising Y/N Lavigne after this one - find out why…
Walkin’ side by side
"It's only the media, the press, who wants us to be at odds, but I've never fought with Y/N."
Alexia had denied such accusations but ultimately it meant very little to the football community, a simple statement wouldn’t change the news and rumors about the now 6 year long rivalry between the two of you.
Fanatics still kept their eyes peeled for any interaction, wanting to prove their theories on the ill feeling between the pair of you.
Except they didn't know that yours and Alexia’s Champions League medals sit next to each other on the shelf of your living room, in the home you share with the woman. 
When the news about your transfer came out in the summer of 2022, many were questioning why you were leaving your beloved French club while others were asking where you were going. Supporters of the French club were furious at the news, you had become a club legend after all. But you needed a change of scenery and with everything going on with the national team you wanted to make a move to somewhere new.
The picture that fcb femeni posted just a week after you ended your contract with Lyon has the fans of the football world floored.
Y/N Lavigne to betray Lyon with this shocking move?
Barcelona Femení sign French striker Lavigne, is this the transfer of the decade?
Never would have anyone dared to guess you’d transfer to Barca, but the team welcomed you with open arms despite the many losses they suffered from you previously, some of them even on the international level.
Instantly rumors and speculations are spread regarding what the environment at Barca could be now that you and Alexia would be playing together.
For the first time ever the biggest rivals in women's football are going to be teammates, how will this end?
We wonder how Barcelona's changing room will be after Summer signing of Lyon's star.
All those words and comments are far from the truth though, which shows in the way the two of you link up in games. Your chemistry is unmistakable and an already successful Barcelona team only find themselves being more successful, winning games with astonishing numbers.
But behind the scenes, that chemistry of yours and Alexia’s extends beyond the ‘they know where the other is without having to look up’.
No, your chemistry is far from just teammates, if the soft lingering touches were anything to go by.
And I’m gonna see my man
Until I get satisfied
La Sang Bleue and La Reina’s statistics of the season are very similar and when you land in Paris for the Ballon D’or ceremony, it is evident it would be one of you winning. 
“It’s not the kind of rivalry where ‘Oh this player is better or that player is better’. It’s more like a ‘She’s amazing but I gotta admit, she’s good too’.” the commentator spoke during the half time at your last Lyon vs Barcelona clash.
“Like Messi and Ronaldo?” his partner asked, keeping the conversation going for the fans watching from home. She let out a small chuckle at the comparison.
“Yes, like Messi and Ronaldo.”
The only question is, which one of you would be winning your second Ballon D’ors?
Although the fans kept guessing, some even saying that they’d find a way to have you both win it, you know who you want to win.
When Alexia’s name is read from the envelope she’s sure you have the biggest smile on in the crowd as you urge her to walk up to the stage and accept her award. She’s rather stunned by the fact that she’s won it for a second time but as she starts her speech and her gaze stays on one particular person in the crowd of people, she knows you’re the best thing she’s ever won. 
You are shocked yourself when you get pulled along with her mother and sister to accompany her on the stage, but any nervousness you had melts away when your eyes connect with hers. There’s a silent conversation the two of you have but Alexia already knows the answer to her question when she recognizes the beaming look in your eyes.
Though to keep it appropriate for the event, the sweet kiss you share isn’t very long but the way you melt into each other is endearing to the ones applauding the two of you and the people watching from home. 
‘This hard launch definitely tops Kelley O’Haras World Cup kiss!’
‘Best way to come out!’
‘I guess the hatred has been resolved’
Rivals, Putellas and Lavigne share celebratory kiss at Balon D’or ceremony
Announcement of the year? Barcelona’s stars reveal their relationship at the Gala
See, See, you don’t see why
And you would dog me around
The almost decade long rivalry of Alexia Putellas and Y/N Lavigne ends in the best way possible. Though if people would have been less focused on the possible hatred the two of you might have had for each other, they maybe would have seen the signs way earlier. 
Because Alexia might be Barca’s La Reina, but she is your Reina too.
Now you'd only need to find sturdy enough shelves to hold the both of your awards.
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ineffablywriting · 1 year
break my heart again
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an angsty one shot about overheard conversations, Grammy awards and a girl who just wants to be loved
“I’m sorry,” Harry apologised, regret etched into his face. 
“Don’t be,” Bella replied, not turning to look at him. “I can’t say I didn’t see this coming.” 
“It’s the Grammy’s,” He implored, reaching out and tugging on her shoulder to get her to look back at him. 
She shrugged his arm off and took a step further away before sucking in a deep breath and turning to face Harry once again. “I know. And I get it. I really get it, Harry. This is a big opportunity for you and you have a real chance of winning.”
“Yes, exactly!” He said in relief, allowing a small smile to curl his lips. But Bella didn’t smile back and his own slipped off just as quickly as it had appeared. “There’s a but,” he stated. 
“There’s a but,” Bella nodded. “My sister’s wedding is on the same day. You knew this.” 
“I know,” he agreed.
“But this is more important to you,” Bella continued for him. 
“Don’t put words in my mouth,” Harry replied sharply, his lips turning down as he tried not to snarl. He hated when people accused him of things when they had no idea what was going through his head. 
“I’m not,” she shrugged. “I heard you on the phone to your manager,” she took another step away from him. 
“You were listening in on my phone calls?” he glared at her, feeling a pinch in his chest. He ignored it, refusing to acknowledge the trickle of guilt forming in his heart. 
“You know I wasn’t,” Bella shook her head, already so disappointed she couldn’t even find herself feeling angry at his accusal. “I had come over cause we were meant to go to dinner that night. You were the one who gave me a key to your house, remember?” 
Another step back, and this time Harry’s eyes flashed as he stomped across the room and stood right in front of her. “Why are you slowly stepping further and further away?” he asked her, his voice a low growl. “We need to talk about this. You can’t just decide to leave.” 
Bella swallowed back the lump in her throat and looked away from him, her eyes landing on her shoes as she tried to draw up enough courage to say what she needed to say. 
“This isn’t working, Harry,” she told him. 
“What do you mean?” he took a sudden step back, his voice once again back to its normal decibel. 
“I mean, I think we need to stop pretending this, whatever this is between us, is working. Your career is always going to be more important to you. I will always be further down that list. I don't even come in second,” she scoffed bitterly, wrapping her arms around her stomach to try and hold herself together as she felt herself fall apart inside. 
“What the fuck are you on about, love?” he scoffed right back. “You’re talking rubbish. We’ve known each other our whole lives, no one else works as well as we do.” 
“Harry,” Bella sighed, looking up at him once again. “I know.” 
“Know what?” 
“I’ve known from the start. This thing between us was never real for you.” She lifted a hand and rubbed away the lone tear that had escaped. She hadn’t even felt them building. 
“What?” This time Harry took a step back, fear of what Bella was saying and worry about what she was about to reveal, causing his heart to race.
“I heard you talking to Jeff that day over a year ago, before you asked me out. How dating me would be great for your image since we’ve known each other longer than almost anyone else. How dating someone who wasn’t famous would be a better brand for you, to make you more relatable to the fans. How it would make you more endearing,” she spoke, not taking a breath and letting out all the words she’d buried deeper and deeper in her chest for the last year of her life. “I’d hoped maybe, just maybe that you’d fall in love with me too. I thought maybe when you gave me a key to your place it meant that you cared just a little. But I was wrong. And I don’t blame you,” she continued. “It was my fault. I knew what I was getting into and I did it anyway.”
“Bella,” Harry paused and took a deep breath then started again. “I…fuck. I should have told you from the start,” he began, hating the heartbroken look on her face. “But you have to know that I do-”
“Don’t,” Bella stopped him, anger written all over her face. “Don’t lie to me,” she told him. “Not anymore.” 
“Did you even realise that I also got the email Jeff sent to you and your management and PR team?” she asked him. 
“No,” Harry looked horrified, feeling sick at the reminder of the words he’d read and the words he’d typed back, hitting reply all in the email. 
“Yes,” Bella said sadly. “So I’m saving you the trouble. Here’s my key,” she placed it on the coffee table by the door where Harry had thrown his own keys. “I’ve already told my sister that you won’t be able to make it to her wedding - she said congrats on the Grammy nomination and she hopes you win. So, you don’t have to worry about finding an excuse to - what was it you called it? - an excuse to get out of going to a stuffy event that you didn’t care about?” 
Harry flinched at the harsh words he’d used. He remembered being so angry and frustrated that day that he’d been rude in every conversation he’d had, and every email and text he’d sent. Things hadn’t gone right in the studio and he’d taken it out on everyone around him. 
“Bella,” he tried again, but she held up a hand.
“Don’t worry, Harry,” she sighed, shoulders dropping in defeat. “Like I said we don’t have to pretend anymore, at least not between us. I know you want to go to the Grammy’s. And I know you want it to go off without a hitch, so I won’t say anything.” 
“Say anything?” he repeated, dumbly. “About us being broken up,” she told him, not meeting his eyes. 
“Broke-broken up?” 
“That’s the next step according to the emails. They all seemed to think I was in on all of this,” she waved her hands around between the two of them. “So they sent me a timeline of when and how we were to break up and all the things I was and wasn’t allowed to say about it.” 
“They did what?” Harry asked, and when she looked up at him he looked furious. 
“Yeah,” Bella reached into her bag and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper with a list of instructions on it. She handed it over to Harry. “I- I thought you would have helped come up with these.” 
Harry was silent for a couple of minutes, reading down the list, his jaw clenching and unclenching as his fingers tightened on the edges. “I would never come up with anything like this,” he told her, looking up. His eyes were pleading with her to believe him. But Bella just shrugged and looked away, and Harry didn’t think his heart had ever ached this much in his life. “It still doesn’t matter,” she told him. 
“Of course it matters!” He hissed. “No one told me about this shit,” he waved the paper at her. 
Bella smiled a little bitterly, her eyes once again looking so sad. “No one told me about our whole relationship, so I guess that kinda makes two of us.” 
He flinched back at her comment and she regretted saying anything. Despite everything, she still didn’t want to hurt him. 
“Like I said, it doesn’t matter,” she shut her eyes, counted to ten and then looked back up at him. “I already agreed to all the conditions. You’ll go to the Grammy’s and win your awards and feel accomplished, and I’ll go to my sister’s wedding and spend the day with my family pretending everything is fine between us. Then a few weeks later, your team will let it slip to the media that we’re going through a rough patch and a couple days later we’ll confirm that we’ve broken up,” she told him, not an ounce of emotion behind her words. 
Harry hated it. 
“No,” Harry shook his head. “I don’t want to break up.” 
“Harry,” Bella sighed, this time sounding exasperated. “Not everything is about what you want.” 
“I know that,” he said defensively. 
“Then you need to accept that this is happening.” 
“You-you want to break up?” he asked her, his chest tight. He couldn't breathe.  
Bella shook her head and Harry almost felt a little bit of relief until she spoke again. “I want to be loved,” she said sadly. “And I don’t think you know how to do that.”
She took a step forward and gripped Harry’s hand. “I hope - I hope one day you’ll realise your worth isn’t defined by your success and I hope that one day you’ll be able to let yourself fall in love with someone who makes you forget about the rest of the world enough that you put them first. And I’m sorry that wasn’t me.” 
Then she turned and walked out the door, leaving Harry clutching hold of the locket he’d given her. He opened it and stared at the two photos she’d placed inside one night when they’d been cuddled on the couch watching a movie. 
The two images stared back at him, teasing him cruelly with the smiling faces of himself and Bella when they were ten. The same smiles were on the other side with a picture of them ten years later when they’d recreated their childhood photo. 
He didn’t realise he was crying until a single tear dripped onto the locket. 
Helloooo, it’s been a while. A lot has changed in my life so I’ve been a bit busy haha. I would love some feedback tho. I haven’t written anything in over a year so I’m feeling a little rusty. Let me know what y’all think! 🫶🏼
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ivymarquis · 1 year
The B.A.G. Coalition
Did I use one of my work breaks on my 14hr shift to write this? Yes, yes I did. I also took time out of my day to make sure my introduction to the COD MWII fandom was a crack!fic despite promising angst with Ghost and simping from Price. Both of which are still coming.
Tags; platonic 141 + Reader, crack fic, drinking, weaponization of barrack bunnies, dunking on Graves.
I don’t know how the military works and I don’t care to learn.
You try really, really hard to not fixate too much on the whole being a woman in the boy’s club thing because you’ll drive yourself insane if you do.
You’re good at your job, you’re not getting preferential treatment, and all is right in the world. Your team was cautious, gauging your capabilities but ultimately warming up to you and welcoming you into the fold.
A mission planned with 141 and Shadow company means that Graves is a tolerated interloper into the group.
Everyone is settled into a booth in the corner of a pub near base, a few drinks in as the night wears on. You are finally feeling settled in and like your feet are firmly underneath you and you’re no longer treading water, watching your back as the other 141 assess you.
And it’s the exact moment when Graves asks “Are you seeing anybody?” that you realize you’ve girlbossed entirely too close to the fucking sun.
The table’s reaction is immediate. Your “I beg your pardon?” is muffled by Ghost’s “Sod off, Graves,” Soap’s “She’s been fucking drinking” and Gaz shooting him a look while Price clears his throat with a pointed “Commander?”
Good to know your team has your back because what the fuck.
“Not like that,” you’re not entirely certain if he’s back peddling or being genuine, “I don’t know what it is but none of the women around this base date. It’s like pulling teeth.”
“Really?” Gaz asks. “I haven’t been having any issues.”
Your eyebrow arches, reaching for your drink as you realize there’s not enough alcohol in the world for this conversation. “Yeah no ever since the B.A.G. Coalition was formed, you’re gonna have to download Tinder or something, Commander” You speak without thinking, a look of horror dawning on you that the alcohol has loosened your lips a little too much. Well, shit.
“The what?” Graves asks incredulously.
You panic, reflex having you turn towards Price. “Please get me out of here,” you plead with him.
“Oh no can do, Sergeant.”
You cling to your glass like a buoy. “I’ve said too much,” you whisper.
“What the hell is the B.A.G. Coalition?” Graves asks again.
Taking a long draught of your drink, you steel yourself for both this conversation and the potential wrath of the bunnies now the open secret was out.
“Have you… noticed how the barrack bunnies don’t have anything to do with you?”
His eyebrows draw together. “Guess I never bothered to worry about it. Not like they’re hard to find,”
That last sentence had some teeth to it that you did not appreciate. Especially coming from a man who’s managed to piss off an entire base of them. “Hey now, I love the bunnies, you gotta be nice to them,” you admonish before remembering yourself and quickly adding a “Sir”.
The alcohol has your mind drifting away from the question at hand and going slightly to the left- still focused on the bunnies, but no longer directly leading to the coalition.
“They do important work and make my life easier when some guy is being obnoxious and won’t leave me alone,” you elaborate. “Also most of them are really nice and I don’t blame them for having a type and staying focused on it. I admire the commitment and tenacity.”
“Wait who was bothering you?” Price would hone in on that part.
“No one anymore, after I weaponized one of the bunnies and pointed her in his direction.”
“You…. Weaponized a barrack bunny?” Soap sounded out the idea, clearly having some image of a tactical assault bunny in mind.
“Yes I did. It was absolutely incredible. Poor guy never saw her coming- it was like watching a lioness take down a wounded gazelle.”
“A bunny battalion,” Gaz sighs into his drink, his pupils damn near in the shape of hearts at whatever image his brain was conjuring.
“What the fuck do barrack bunnies have to do with this coalition you’re talking about,” Graves tries to redirect the question.
Shit. Right.
Like, you get why he’s confused. From his perspective at least. Tall, blonde, conventionally attractive with a southern drawl most girls would go gaga over, not to mention the commander of Shadow Company. He should be having women chase him from all over. And here he was with no bitches and getting zero play.
And yet none of those attributes were actually indicative of him like… being a good person. Graves soured you like 3 day old sweet tea. There was something both saccharine and bitter about him all wrapped together even if you didn’t know for sure what the problem was.
“You did something to piss off the bunnies. I don’t know what and frankly I'm afraid to ask. Like, I thought maybe some supreme pick me bunny would rise from the ranks and make her move anyway but they have made a united front. It is both impressive and terrifying,” you’ve got just enough alcohol in your system that fuck it, let’s tell a superior officer a little something about himself that he clearly doesn’t know. “And the rest of us noticed. So it slowed the not-bunnies rolls too.”
There’s a beat of silence before the lightbulb clicks in Ghost’s head and he is busting out laughing. You don’t think you’ve heard him ever make that much noise even when he’s grousing out orders.
Gaz is the next one for the lightbulb to go off, verbalizing what B.A.G. stood for to a stupified Commander (and equally stunned Soap and Price).
“It’s Bunnies Against Graves!”
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
hi! if you're still taking daniel requests, could you write something where he and the reader are in their early-mid 20s and find out they're gonna be parents? maybe the reader gets the news at the doctor's office and surprises daniel when he gets home from work? wholesome domestic scenarios my beloved <3 thanks you!!!
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pairing: daniel larusso x fem!reader
warnings: set in the present, daniel/reader are mid 20s but want kids, pregnancy, little mentions of anxiety - but it's just reader being nervous. not edited - i finished it mid work shift 😶
a/n: can we pretend he's mid 20s in that gif, please, despite the fact he doesn't age and looks so young lol. i don't write pregnancy fics often, so i it hope this is okay. i'm also worried i didn't stay true to his character... but again, i hope it's okay for you!!
The journey home from the doctor's office feels like a lifetime. Every second seems to tick by at a snails pace. The usual bus ride home only takes around 20 minutes, and today is no different. There's not much traffic, and more than half of the seats are empty, but somehow, time moves so much slower.
You pull out your phone to check for any new messages and hope to see one from Daniel, but there's nothing yet. You assume this means he's working a little later. For a moment, this bothers you... until you get an idea. You'd wanted Daniel to be at home for the surprise at first, but this way, maybe you would have time to set up something special.
You type a quick text to Daniel, asking him how long he'll be. He responds quickly, and you figure out you have just under an hour to pull together what you can.
You get off the bus one stop before home, and head into your local supermarket. At the back of the store is a bakery, where you ask for a pre-baked cake to be decorated with two simple words. The friendly woman behind the counter pipes the words in pink and blue frosting and takes only ten minutes or so to finish it. You thank her as she hands over the box with a smile on her face and congratulates you.
Next, you pick up a pack of sharpies and some balloons from the party aisle that are the same colours as the frosting on your cake. Then you head to the section you'll no doubt be frequenting over the next few months... nay, years. You try to be quick, but the shelves of cute stuffed animals leave you spoiled for choice and very indecisive. You question if you even need one, but before you can walk away, you spot the perfect option.
You pick up the soft little toy sheep, giggling, then run your fingers over the material of the gi it wears. "Perfect."
Honesty, if you'd seen the little guy before, you'd have bought it ages ago.
After paying for everything, you head for your apartment, with enough time to spare to sort everything out.
You tie some of the pink and blue balloons together and put them in the living room, next to the coffee table where you've set the cake. With the sharpies, you draw and write cute little messages on them. You lay two plates, two forks, and two napkins next to it, along with a knife. Then, you decide to put on one of your favourite outfits. One you'd usually wear on a date night, something that would definitely make Daniel curious when he came home to see it.
You take a deep breath and take out one last thing from the pocket of the coat you'd hung up by the front door. You gaze at the image in wonder while your free hand smooths over your stomach.
You move to go and find somewhere to put it, but then there's the sound of keys jingling and the opening of the front door. You move your hands behind your back and watch as Daniel enters your home, a frown already forming on his face.
"Oh. Hey, babe. Are you off somewhere?" He kicks off his shoes and shuts the door behind him, opening his arms for a hug. You wrap your arms around him, peck his lips, and then step back, careful not to drop or reveal the gift. "Is it date night? Oh, god, did I forget?"
"Uh, no. No, but I do have a surprise for you."
"Aw, thank you babe. Can I sit first?" You stop him with a hand on his chest when he looks towards the living room. He looks down at your hand and cocks his head like a curious puppy. "Uh..."
You chuckle nervously. "Ha. Sorry, but not just yet. Here. I bought you something."
Swiftly, you bring the toy from behind your bag and hold it between you, wiggling the sheep's little legs and smiling. Daniel's eyes light up at the simple, yet meaningful gift. He grins and laughs. "Oh, my God. A karate sheep? That's amazing!"
He takes if gratefully, inspecting the little patch on the gi. "Hm. Maybe Mr Miyagi can sew a mini bonsai patch for it. This flower patch is cute and all but this little guy has to be a Miyagi-Do student."
You snort and chuckle at him, thrilled that he likes his first surprise, but then your mind immediately switches to the second. The subject of your other gift is something you've both talked about for about a year now. Both of you want it, but it doesn't halt the anxiety that sits heavy in your chest. There is always the chance that Daniel may have changed his mind.
"Hey, babe?" You take a deep breath and reach up to cup his jaw, bringing his attention back to you. He sets the toy sheep on top of the shelf by the front door and brings his hands down to your waist, running circles there with his thumbs. "I have something else for you."
"Why do you seem so nervous? Whatever it is, I'll love it. You know I will."
"Come on." One final blow of air, and you take his hand, turning around and leading him to the room where the balloons and cake are waiting. "So..."
Daniel's mouth falls open. He glances between each balloon, reading the drawn-on letters that say things like, 'oh, baby', 'hey, daddy'. On some of them, you'd drawn little baby faces that look similar to the emoji.
He doesn't say a word yet, but you no longer feel that worry as he smiles, then laughs, then goes silent once more. He slowly sits down on the sofa and stares at the cake for a few moments. In blue and pink, the frosting reads, "WE'RE PREGNANT".
"Is this... are you... I mean, are you messing with me?" Daniel shoots up again, rounding the sofa to see you. "Please, this isn't a joke, is it?"
"No!" You snicker, then look up into his eyes. Your own eyes are full of promise, excitement, and... starting to water. "I wouldn't do that, I swear. Look, I have a picture."
"You have a picture already? Let me see." He makes grabby hands and you reveal your still-hidden hand from behind your back. "Oh..."
"The doctor said I'm 4 or 5 weeks." Tears start to fall from your eyes and you decide to take a seat on the sofa, your stomach filling with butterflies and your knees starting to feel weak at the way Daniel is looking at you.
"He looks like a little bean."
"'He'?" He joins you on the sofa, placing the photo down on the table. "You think it's a boy?"
"I have a feeling."
"This soon?" You laugh, dabbing at the corners of your eyes with gentle fingertips.
"Yep, but either way, I'm gonna be the best Daddy for the little bean, I promise." His eyes flicker to your stomach and he splays a hand out on your skin. "Hear that, bean? I love you so much. Your Mum, too. And I can't wait to meet you."
"Danny..." You fully burst into happy sobs and fling your arms around him. You giggle and repeatedly kiss the back of his neck. "I can't believe I thought for a second you wouldn't be happy about this."
"Of course I am, sweetheart." You feel the movement when he chuckles. "We didn't try to have a baby to... not have a baby."
"I still thought maybe–"
"Shh." He leans into the crook of you neck. "No, no, no. I'm so happy, baby. I can't wait to start this family with you." He kisses you back a couple of times before pulling away slightly. "Can we eat some cake now, it looks delicious."
You nod and he releases you, but keeps a hold of one of your hands. As he cuts a piece of cake for you, he lifts his brows and says, "You know what else? I can't wait to see our child lifting that All Valley trophy."
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kitkatriel · 2 months
I came up with this AU a couple of months ago, and since a moot encouraged me to share with the class I might as well (plus I also wanna draw this AU lol)
I'll call this au Be Born as a placeholder rn lol
SO this au starts right after HMS managed to find a way to end the loop, and they harmonise permanently. Whole basically gains the courage to confess to his crush (still don't have a name for her) and she also confesses her mutual feelings, Blah Blah Blah, they date, yada yada yada, they get married and have a pair of twins.
I also have to say that Whole, whom I will call CJ from this point forward (Does NOT mean Chonny Jash, its a diff name, same acronym) is aware and remembers HMS quite a bit. Most of his memories/knowledge of them has faded since the harmonising was over 6 years ago, but he still remembers a few key details like their roles, some of their names and a blurry image of what they look like.
Soo like the VERY FUNCTIONAL human being CJ is, decides to name his twin sons after two of the voices in his head. Wow, clap for the man everyone whoooo-. The names he uses are Artemis and Apollo. A year later, they have another child whom he names, say it with me! ATLAS WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED AHH. Atlas was born on the same day as Artemis and Apollo so you'd argue their triplets lol.
And this is where I ruin the au🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
OK SO during the time the twins still weren't born, Heart began to wonder what it must be like to live life as your own person, to have a childhood, go school- etc etc (HMS split up into existence when CJ was 18 not too long before he dropped out of college) he starts rambling to Mind and Soul about this, Mind tries to shrug it off as a plain "What if" sanario or daydream but also ends up thinking the same.
This is also fueled by the fact that they spent majority of their existence fighting each other never living an even remotely normal day in their life.
Soul wants both of them to be happy, plus he also starts to get infected with this desire and curiosity. SO he somehow finds out he can cut off a prong of the trident and make it a dagger which he can link Heart or Mind to making them particularly function as a soul.
Soul also wants to be with his halves so he asks for Heart's blindfold and Mind's crown to create a puppet that can serve thr roles of all three of them. Which he names Harmonia (AYO OMORIHMS AU FORSHADOWING?!?!?!)
Harmonia is basically a perfect copy of CJ lol. Soul leaves Harmonia alone to look after CJ with his trident(now pretty much a spear) a crown of a ruler who has stepped down from his throne and a blindfold used to protect its previous wearer from the blinding lights of the Sun.
You can kinda just ignore that part if you want (still on the fence with it but I'll most likely go with it) cus it doesn't really effect the story if you were to erase it. All that happens mostly is Deju Vu
I don't really need to explain which HMS is which kid hah.
I'm now gonna explain the three kids.
First is Artemis, who is TECHNICALLY the older twin (he came out first). Artemis is based on the right brain being not only the emotional side but also the creative and artistic side. So yes... he is an artist. Quite extroverted, still likes his peace and quiet, yeahhhh
Second is Apollo, the "younger" twin (funny because he's the tallest out of the three). Ehh, you know the drill, straight A's student... hot nerd even (JOKE. DONT KILL ME. NO. NUH UH. I WAS JOKING EH) the classic "grades over mental health because" guy. Monotone and deep voice but is surprisingly approachable (unless he put you on his "No likey" list based on first impressions lol).
Last but not least, Atlas, the poor younger sibling who keeps getting caught in the crossfire between his two older siblings. He's more on the athletic side, being hockey team (suggested by randa). The most energetic of the three, as a kid, he often asked his brothers to play with him, which is why the trio grew up to be really close.
Uhhhh some trivia/fun facts to maybe explain their characters a bit more:
• Apollo and Artemis "fight" from time to time but its mostly "YOU FATASS, YOU ATE ALL MY KITKATS" then dramatic pause then "Dad made waffles."
• Apollo's favourite book is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.
• Artemis is the shortest of the three and gets flamed by Apollo about it
• CJ doesn't have a favourite child
• Apollo is the one that sits on the front passenger seat of the car, and will die fighting for it.
• Apollo is a cat person while Artemis is a dog person.
• Sexualities
Apollo: Bi
Artemis: Gay
Atlas: AroAce
• Ages:
Apollo and Artemis: 16
Atlas: 15
• Aollo's fashion taste is dark academia
• Atlas and Apollo did karate for 8 years
• Despite this, Artemis poses the most threat to the average bypasser
• CJ's wife works abroad on a cruise. She only sees her family atleast once a year
• Atlas used to have a childhood dog named....wait for it..... DARREL
• Atlas has more then one occasion, forced Apollo to dance Rasputin on just dance.
•Apollo's sleep schedule is so bad he's immune system is absolute trash
• Artemis once forgot to lock his room during a family gathering and came back to one of his younger cousins scribbling on one of his paintings.
• Artemis dislikes the idea of having kids for that reason
• Artemis was struggling on a question so hard his tutor had to ask Apollo for help because neither could they figure it out.
Yeah that's all for now, CYA
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fanficshiddles · 9 months
Necessary Evil, Chapter 1
So! A prompt I received from red-fish-from-a-pond has become more than just a one shot. I’ve decided to make it into a longer fic...
Prompt: Sarah was young, naive and curious, so she joined what she thought was a nice summer comune. Turns out it was a cult. Made by the god Loki disguised as a mortal (he was bored and wanted to feel adoration again). And this god really liked the new member.
Warnings: Emotional/physical manipulation, cult-like behaviour, obsessiveness.
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Sarah had seen posters all over town for the last month, it was a simple image really, just green horns on a black background with a date at the bottom. It had a QR code, but she had always been wary of scanning it since she didn’t know what it was.
But eventually, curiosity got the better of her. The date at the bottom was today, so she decided to go for it and scanned the code.
It brought her to a website which was quite simple too. It just had one page with information:
Those who are interested in the Norse God, Loki. The God Of Mischief, meet at 24 Robson Way on the date below, at 7pm. We will talk everything Loki. Art and writings of devotion most welcome.
Snacks and refreshments will be available.
‘Huh… so it’s kinda like a commune for Loki. Well, that’s pretty cool.’ She said to herself. She had always been interested in the Norse Gods, and Loki was no exception to that. She had in-fact actually done a drawing of him a few years ago, that she was pretty proud of. Loki had been the first thing she thought of when she’d seen the horned posters around, so it made sense really.
She decided to go along, and she would take the drawing with her. What harm could it be, since she would meet new people. Which she really needed to do, she barely kept in touch with friends from high school. Perhaps this would be a new opportunity for her.
That evening, she made her way to the address from the website. She was a bit unsure when she saw it was an old abandoned building, similar to a warehouse. But when she knocked on the door and it opened itself, curiosity still got the better of her and she stepped inside.
Inside was completely different to the outside. It was pretty welcoming, was one large open space with sofas spread around, a fire pit in the middle of the room and a small kitchen area to one side with a bar. There was around thirty people there, mingling about and talking.
Sarah went over to the nearest group of people, there was four of them. They smiled warmly at her when she approached.
‘Hey, you’re new here.’ One guy said as he put his hand out towards her.
‘Yeah, first time. I’m Sarah.’ She said as she shook his hand.
‘Welcome, Sarah. I’m Matt. This is George, Hanna and Casey.’
‘Nice to meet you all.’ Sarah said with a shy smile. ‘So, how long has this been going on? And what exactly is it?’
‘All your questions will be answered soon when the leader gets here.’ Casey said with a smirk.
‘Ok… Who’s the leader?’ Sarah asked curiously.
‘Loki himself.’ Matt said excitedly.
Sarah raised an eyebrow and laughed a little. ‘Alright, sure. So is he like a cosplayer or something?’
The four of them shared a look. ‘No, the real God, Loki. You’ll see for yourself.’ Hanna said.
Sarah knew they had to be toying with her. Of course it wouldn’t be a God, he wasn’t real. It had to be some cosplayer or something. But she just nodded to go along with it.
She noticed the table near the kitchen had drinks and nibbles, so she made her way over to grab a few bites and a drink, since she skipped dinner.
‘Are you new here too?’ A girl asked as she approached for a drink too.
‘Guilty.’ Sarah smiled at her.
‘I’m Sophie.’ The girl smiled back at her.
‘Nice to meet you, I’m Sarah.’ She shook her hand.
‘I’m getting a weird vibe from this place, yet I am so intrigued.’ Sophie said as she took a few crisps.
‘Yeah, I know what you mean. I am too.’ Sarah said, glad that someone else was feeling the same as she was.
They didn’t have a chance to talk more as suddenly everyone fell silent as a door opened. Sarah turned to look, and from a side door that led to another room out walked a man. An incredibly handsome man. So damn tall, long black hair and the most beautiful features she’d ever seen on a human being. He was wearing a blue shirt with dark jeans and black boots.
As soon as he walked in, his presence just seemed to own the entire room and everyone in it.
And Sarah was hooked.
Everyone gathered around him as he went to the middle of the room, beside the fire pit. So Sarah thought it best to join them, she stood slightly to the side at the back with Sophie.
‘Welcome, everyone. So good to see all the usual faces again.’ He grinned and looked around the room at everyone, when his eyes landed on Sarah, she felt like time stopped and as if he was looking directly into her soul.
‘As most of you know, my name is Loki. And it is wonderful to have so many of my devoted fans here tonight.’ He began walking around a little as he spoke, his walk was so confident. And Sarah was surprised at how mesmerising his voice was.
‘Last week, I left you all with the task of spreading the message, which it seems you’ve all done reasonably well with, considering the few new faces I see here.’ He grinned and looked back at Sarah again, he was slowly making his way towards her as he moved around the room while talking.
‘But it doesn’t stop here. We need to continue to get our message out there, to bring more people in. So we can continue on with our mission.’
Sarah was a bit confused. What mission did he mean?
‘I know this might be a bit confusing for the newbies here.’ He stopped right on front of Sarah, she was craning her neck to look up at him. ‘But not to worry, because all will become crystal clear very soon.’ He grinned down at her and reached out to gently grip her chin, causing her heart to skip a beat.
Many of the people there were jealous of her already at the attention she received from their leader. It wasn’t often he physically touched anyone, if at all.
Loki looked at Sophie and smiled at her as well, then continued on. But Sarah swore she still felt his touch on her chin, her skin was tingling. And he smelled amazing up close, so intoxicating.
‘But before we go into details, let’s relax. Have some fun, eat and drink, relax. Get to know eachother.’
Everyone started clapping, which he clearly liked, though he waved his hands at everyone to go mingle about.
‘Hey, I’ve got a piece of artwork to put on the board, do you?’ Sophie asked Sarah as she motioned to a board at the back wall with various pieces of artwork of Loki.
‘Yeah, I do actually.’ Sarah nodded, trying to get her brain to work again. She couldn’t stop looking over at Loki though as she went with Sophie to the board.
Loki was talking with a couple of people, but he glanced over at Sarah too and smiled a dazzling smile that made her heart skip a beat again.
Sarah took her art out of her bag and pinned it up. It was a water colour, of how she thought Loki would look like. She’d taken some inspiration from various books, but as she stepped back and looked at her work, she realised it wasn’t that far off the Loki that was here. Which she thought was a little spooky.
‘So do you think he’s some major obsessive guy that likes to just act as Loki or he plays him in some play or something maybe?’ Sophie asked her.
‘I’m not sure. This whole thing is a little… odd. Not really what I thought it would be. But then, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.’ Sarah laughed a little nervously.
‘Yeah, me neither.’ Sophie agreed and went off to the side to look at some poems that had been written about Loki.
Sarah was taking in the other artwork, when she suddenly felt a strong presence behind her and tingles shot down her spine.
‘Did you do that one?’ Came Loki’s voice right in hear ear, making her gasp a little as she turned to find him right behind her, looking at her artwork.
‘Ye… Yeah, I did.’
‘It’s wonderful. Thank you.’ Loki smiled widely and looked directly at her. She found his eye contact quite intense, so was unable to maintain it.
‘So uhm… What exactly is the mission you mentioned? And are you a cosplayer of Loki, or what?’ She asked.
Loki chuckled and leaned in a little closer to her. ‘I am the Loki, God of Mischief. Everything will be explained later, as I said… What’s your name?’
‘Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Sarah.’ He said as he took her hand and brought it up to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles, turning her knees to jelly.
‘And welcome to my cult.’ He grinned at her with a wink.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A couple of replies today!
Anonymous asked:
Edmundedmundedmundedmundedmundedmundnebulacollegeedmund YESSS I have been fed content and I'm so motherfucking happy
The boy looks wonderful in both bunny suits ❤️
Hehehe thank you so much!! I love love love drawing boys in bunny suits, so I am very happy for the opportunity to draw Edmund wearing it…both options~
Anonymous asked:
If Jack and Ortho sees Vil in that outfit, I'm sure they find it attractive.
Of course they will, everyone would~ not only these two.
(related to the latest event)
But I would love to see their reaction to Vil in that outfit as well… I feel like Jack would get visibly flustered, but wouldn’t look away even for a moment.
Ortho would take pictures and record Vil just so he always has the image of Vil looking so good in his head lol
Anonymous asked:
Ok, but those Crewel/Deuce comics, fulfilling another fantasy of mine 😩👌
Actually, the funniest thing is that I've always imagined that those two would have a secret relationship and only would start "officially" dating when Deuce graduated nrc. Like on the weekends, Deuce would tell people that he's going to visit his mom or a cousin, but in reality, he's going to Crewel's place for "extra credit."
Funny scenario: 19/20 y/o Deuce posting on Magicam that he's in a relationship with Divus and all his notifs are from his friends blasting "ayo? 🤨" Then he gets a text from his mom like "DeeDee, you know I will support you in everything and anything but don't make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger, this is how you were born 😔"
(related to this comic; sorry for the late reply!)
Thank you, Anon, I am happy you liked the comic!
Out of all the first years, Deuce does feel like the type to officially go out with a teacher after graduating lol I can’t explain it, but it feels right in a weird way. I wonder if any of the first years would suspect that Deuce isn’t really visiting his mom or a cousin whenever he leaves to spend time with Crewel…
Also! His poor mother, this boy just keeps making her worry lol At least Deuce isn’t going to get pregnant, so that should be a relief…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
If we had a battle of crossovers, who would win: GreenViolet or LilIdia
Hmm, how are they fighting? Is this a fist fight? Then Lilidia, because Lilia would outsmart Greenhill, and Violet and Idia both are wimps who can’t fight lol
In terms of a relationship… it’s a bit difficult to compare them because both couples are kind of confused within themselves. Greenhill is a bit oblivious about Violet’s feelings, and Lilidia are both confused about them being online friends lol so now I imagine these four looking at each other confused because they don’t know why are they even here and what is going on.
If both ships are established relationships though, it would be a tough fight, because Greenhill and Lilia are both competitive.
GreenViolet could win because Greenhill knows Violet better than Lilia knows Idia. And Lilidia could win because Lilia is a war veteran who would get super excited about winning and then teasing Idia about them being the best couple ever…
Anonymous asked:
All You Wanna Do by Samantha Pauly, the live Broadway version reminds me of Alois. Especially the last two minutes…
Wow, listening to this while thinking about Alois was quite a journey! 😬 It really does fit him in a lot of ways, and the last two minutes are especially heartbreaking. Ghhh I love Alois’ story so much.
Thank you for sharing, Anon.
Anonymous asked:
The last ask regarding the Leech parents and their reputation if both of their sons started dating. Out of all the characters you ship them with, which one would make the best impression? My first thought was 🥁 Riddle 🥁
If Floyd would ever settle down (which is hard to imagine with his unpredictable personality), it would definitely be with Riddle. I also think Riddle would make a great son-in-law. Even though Riddle would be very nervous meeting The Leech parents. Riddle Leech has a nice ring to it. Maybe Floyd would take Riddle underwater  to live in the coral sea. Goldfish Riddle confirmed??
But then again, I wonder how Mrs. Rosehearts would feel if her son decided to marry the son of a "Yakuza" boss. Mrs. Rosehearts and Mrs. Leech meeting each other?! 👀
(this is related to this reply)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! Your ask got me thinking as well, as you can see lol
The Leech parents would absolutely love Riddle! Both because he is hilarious (so uptight, I mean, upstanding!) and because he is genuinely a surprisingly good pick. Just like you said, he is so polite, so well-educated, at times it almost feels too good to be true, how come Floyd of all people brought home such a good boy? They always expected Jade to be the one…  They’ll absolutely let the boys know about it lol embarrassing all of them.
Riddle would be super nervous and a bit scared, but parents are parents, even if they are scary fish mafia parents. So he has to be respectful and polite. Which is honestly only going to amuse Mama and Papa more – Riddle is so tiny and cute with his baby face and tiny hands and stuff, but oh so serious. He’s like a baby doll… they would woobify him a lot lol and tease him in general, but always try to be stealthy about it. Maybe they just don’t want to scare him away because there is no way Floyd finds someone else similar to Riddle lol
Also! Riddle being a goldfish merman is such a fun theme, I love it when people draw him like that. Floyd really should turn him into a merman, poor Riddle is going to be so confused. He is reversed Ariel lol
Oh Mrs Rosehearts is going to hate this so much… Leaving her alone with Mrs Leech is such a bad idea, because Mama Leech is going to play along at first, complaining about how having sons is such a huge source of stress, how rude and ungrateful they are sometimes, and just how much she wants them to just be good and proper at everything that they do. Mama Rosehearts could even think that they are on the same page at first (even though this Leech woman is way too dramatic…)… Mama Leech would just troll her the entire time, just as she does with everyone she talks to… but she’ll like her a lot, she’ll consider her a good friend afterwards <3 and call her every day.
Another potential partner that the Leech parents would love is Idia, and we have some thoughts about them, but I’ll share them a bit later – there is another ask related to this topic that I’ll try to write a proper reply tomorrow. So consider this a teaser and thank you for your patience 👀
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alittlextrathatway · 6 months
Line: "Show me the places where the others gave you scars." Location: CFD Christmas party.
Alright 5th and final part of the Firehouse 40 AU.
You can find the rest here: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
It’s been a while since Matt had an official date to a CFD function. The last time was with Gabby, right before that relationship completely fell apart.
Gabby’s moved on — in her personal life and her career — and so has he, but he forgot how much of a fishbowl the CFD can be. Especially, when a guy walks into a room with Sylvie Brett on his arm. Sylvie Brett in her duty uniform is appealing enough, but Sylvie all dressed up for a holiday party? She’s bound to draw a few slack jawed stares.
When he picked her up, he nearly had a heart attack at the first glimpse of her form fitting holiday red dress. It was low cut, with a neckline that reminded him if the top half of a heart, and thin straps framing her sternum. The way it emphasized her neck and collar bone left him with the urge to lean down and bite the graceful swanlike line her features seemed to draw. The fact that he’s managed to keep that whim to himself is a testament to his self control.
She’s gorgeous to him all the time though, even when returning from a call drenched in unknown substances. The image of her crawling out of the back of 61, just over 24 hours ago, covered in a poor kid’s vomit is fresh in his mind. Her first shift as PIC on 61 didn’t quite go the way she hoped, but she bore it like the consummate professional she’s always been.
That level of proficiency is sexy as hell to him. She faces the ugly stuff head on and never flinches or compromises in her empathy. She’s not only gorgeous on the outside, but the inside too. However, he recognizes he could potentially be biased. It comes from knowing her heart as well as he does, and from being fortunate enough to have spent the last two months sharing space with her at one residence or another.
So, he assumes most of the people in the room are staring because she makes such a striking picture, even when compared to all the festive Christmas decorations that surround them. It’s not until Sylvie quickly directs her gaze down at the floor and squeezes his hand in a vice-like grip that he realizes anything’s wrong.
“Everything okay?” He asks.
“Um, yes, but I need you to keep standing there, blocking me from view for the moment, and I also need to tell you something I probably should have mentioned by now.” When she looks up at him again, her face is pinched and her eyes are apologetic.
“Okay,” he says, bracing himself for a deep dark secret. Something that might flip the last couple of months on their head.
“You know the CFD Chaplain we’ve had for the last few years?”
“Yeah, Sheffield, right?”
She nods. “That’s him.”
“What about him?”
“Well, uh, we were briefly engaged a few years ago.”
Matt has no idea what to do with that information. “How briefly?”
“Just a month or so — until he suggested I should think about quitting my job once we got married and then I very quickly realized it was never going to work,” she confesses. “I should’ve said something sooner but I just — I mean how do you bring up a failed engagement in casual conversation?”
She bites her bottom lip and stares at him with wary expectant eyes as if she thinks he might blow up at her at any moment.
“Sorry I sprung that on you,” she whispers, her eyes leaving his and widening slightly. “But he’s headed this way and more than a few people in this room know I jilted him so we’re for sure gonna have an audience.”
He wants to tell her not to worry. He has no room to be critical of botched engagements or trying to make it work with someone who simply isn’t the right fit. His entire romantic history is full of those exact same things.
“Sylvie,” the Chaplain greets as he joins them.
“Kyle, hi,” she says with a too bright false smile. “Have you met Matt Casey? He’s a captain over at 51.”
“Your new house,” Kyle states with a nod, turning to offer his hand to Matt. “We’ve met a few times over the years. Haven’t we, Casey?”
“We have, yes,” Matt replies, suddenly remembering a conversation with Sheffield about where to take his new fiancée for her birthday dinner. Matt had given him a couple of suggestions but never followed up on whether or not he had taken them. In light of what Sylvie just revealed to him, he realizes she must have been the fiancée. “Been a while since you dropped in on 51 though.”
And now Matt understands why.
“You’re right. I promise I’ll work on correcting that soon.”
Yeah, he bets he will based on the moon eyes the Chaplain keeps throwing at Sylvie. For her part, Sylvie definitely isn’t returning them. She looks antsy and uncomfortable. Matt tries to imagine running into Gabby tonight and has to rein in a wince. Sylvie doesn’t know about Gabby. He imagines it would be just as awkward as this moment with the chaplain.
“Well, if you’ll excuse us,” Matt says, pointedly threading his fingers through Sylvie’s. “Our chief and his wife are right over there, and Sylvie hasn’t had the chance to meet his wife yet. I don’t want her to miss her window.”
“Oh, right, of course,” Kyle says, stepping aside. “We can all catch up later.”
“Sure,” Sylvie agrees, still holding her blatantly forced smile. “We should definitely do that.”
Like hell they will. He doesn’t care that this man once had a relationship with Sylvie, but he does care about Sylvie’s unease. If she doesn’t want to be around Kyle, then she won’t have to be.
He leads her away from the chaplain, but stops just short of Boden and Donna.
“I am so sorry, Matt,” she immediately begins to ramble. Her nerves exploding to the surface as she talks. “I should have told you, I know, and I’m sure you’re furious with me but I swear I wasn’t trying to hide it. I—“ She cuts herself off when she realizes he’s smiling at her with with warmth and amusement. “Wait, you aren’t mad at me at all, are you?”
“No,” he states, chuckling slightly. “In the grand scheme of things, we haven’t known each other that long. There’s no timetable and learning things about each other.”
“Oh,” she says, blinking owlishly at him. “Okay.”
“And in the interest of full disclosure, you’re not the only one with a failed engagement under their belt,” he reveals, blushing slightly. “Personally, I have two.”
She gasps, eyes bright and full of mirth. “No way. You too?”
Her incredulity cancels out any shock he might have experienced from her news and he finds himself laughing at her. “Sheffield was fiancé number two?”
She nods. When talking about the chaplain she looked more embarrassed than haunted, but this first fiancé was clearly different. Worse. “The first one is why I came to Chicago. At some point I realized I was living his life, not mine. So, I left.”
There’s more to the story than that, he can tell. But she can have her secrets. She’ll tell him when she’s ready. After all, he’s yet to tell her about Hallie. If anything now he knows they both have scars that run deep, deeper than they may appear at first glance. It’ll all come out with time. Something he hopes they have plenty of if he gets his way.
He’s spent two months getting to know her — eagerly filling in the puzzle that is Sylvie Brett. He doesn’t have all the pieces yet but he has enough of them to understand the most vital parts of her. Her good heart, her empathic soul, and her resourceful mind. She impresses him more and more every day and, in truth, there’s no one he’d rather spend every second of his free time with than her.
His hands land on her waist, urging her toward him. She follows his lead, bring her arms up to wrap around his neck. Intentionally, he meets and maintains her gaze. “The guy sounds like an moron,” Matt tells her. “But if he led you here to me then at least some good came from him.”
“It’s funny,” she says, thoughtful expression on her face. “If I had a chance to go back and change anything about my life, you would think I’d use it, wouldn’t you? That I’d use it to spare myself some pain or humiliation or something.” She sighs contentedly, running one of her hands through his hair until it can rest at the nape of his neck. “But I wouldn’t.”
“No?” He asks, curious about where this conversation is headed. “Not at all?”
She shakes her head. “It’s too big of a risk. I mean, change any part of my past and…maybe I don’t find my way to Chicago, the CFD, or you. And I don’t want to imagine my life without you. Not if I can help it.”
The sentiment rocks through him like a seismic shock. It shifts his entire being and sends happiness like he’s never known breaking through the surface. An irrepressible smile overtakes his face and he can’t stop himself from kissing her. It’s a short but firm kiss. Maybe a little deeper than is perhaps decent in a room full of their colleagues, but he doesn’t care. Because in this moment he knows something with as much certainty as he knows the compartments on 81. Backwards, forwards, and with his eyes closed.
“I love you,” he declares. If he doesn’t say it now he’s afraid he’ll come up with a million reasons to chicken out.
Her breathing hitches and for a moment he worries he’s misread their entire relationship, but then the moment passes and she smiles so bright she nearly blinds him. “I — god, Matt. I love you too.”
“You do?” He asks in disbelief. “You really do?”
She nods, smile never faltering. “I really do.”
He kisses her again and this time he doesn’t give a single thought to who’s looking. Sylvie Brett loves him. She picked him. And he’s going to make sure she never regrets it, not for a second. He always wants her to feel as if all their struggles and their broken journeys were meant to bring them together — to believe being with him in the end is worth the pain.
Because that’s what he believes too. The disappointments and the losses hurt a lot less now that he knows they were preparing him for her.
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coolbeans32 · 1 month
Echoes of Destiny: The Serpent and the Phoenix
PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader(OC)
SYNOPSIS: With a determined focus, Hermione delves into Genevieve's diary, scouring its pages for any hidden clues. As Hermione gazes at images of a young Genevieve, she is struck by the captivating presence the girl exudes. With her striking features and warm smile, Genevieve's essence seems to leap off the pages, drawing Hermione into her world. Suddenly, Hermione discovers a crucial detail hidden behind a photograph—a date that corresponds to an entry in Genevieve's diary. The revelation of Tom's unexpected tenderness leaves them speechless, challenging the trio's perceptions of the notorious dark wizard. Hermione's revelation sparks a golden light emanating from the diary, unveiling the address of Genevieve and Tom's apartment—across from Grimmauld Place. As the trio absorbs this newfound connection to their own lives they acknowledge the inevitability of their next destination.
WARNINGS: There are not really any necessary warnings that might trigger anyone, but let me know if there are any that you feel that should be added.
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Chapter Four
The Hidden Message
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Hermione was sitting at the kitchen table, flipping through the diary vigorously, a furrow of concentration on her brow. For the last couple of days, she had begun investigating Genevieve’s diary for any clue that would help move their task forward. So far, she had not found anything. She pauses, to take a sip of the last of her tea, and sighs.
Hermione says to herself, holding her head in her hands, “There must be something here. There has to be something we're missing.” She continues to scramble through the diary as Molly enters the kitchen, bustling around, and she notices Hermione's frustration.
Molly asks, “Everything alright, dear?”
Hermione, in surprise, says, “Oh, yes, just trying to piece together some clues. It's proving to be a bit more challenging than I thought.”
Molly smiles softly, “Well, take a break, have some fresh tea. It always helps to clear the mind.” Hermione smiles gratefully and takes a sip of tea, feeling the warmth soothe her.
Hermione smiles as she takes a sip of the fresh tea made by Molly. “Thank you, Molly.” She then turns her attention back to the scrapbook, her eyes landing on a picture of a young Genevieve in Slytherin robes. 
Genevieve cuts a striking figure with her black curly hair cascading down her back, framing her tall and elegant stature. Her presence commands attention, exuding an air of quiet confidence and grace. But it's her eyes that draw you in, each one a window to a different world — one a deep, piercing blue, the other a captivating shade of black, a rare trait known as heterochromia. They seem to hold secrets and stories untold, adding an enigmatic allure to her already captivating appearance.
Despite her unique features, it's Genevieve's warm and kind smile that truly lights up her face. It softens the intensity of her gaze and radiates a genuine warmth that instantly puts others at ease. There's a sense of compassion and understanding in her expression, as if she's seen the depths of darkness yet chooses to embrace the light. In her presence, one can't help but feel a sense of comfort and reassurance, as if everything will be alright as long as she's there. As Hermione gazes at the image, a warmth fills her heart, and she can't help but smile at the sight of Genevieve.
Hermione says softly, “You were so young, Genevieve. Full of hope and innocence.” Her eyes drift to another picture, this time of Genevieve and Tom Riddle by the Black Lake. Suddenly, she notices something behind the image, a date. 
Hermione furrowed her eyebrow, then became excited, “Wait a minute…” She quickly grabs Genevieve's diary and flips through the pages, her heart racing as she searches for the corresponding date.
Hermione, finding an entry with the exact same date, exclaims, “Here! This is it!” She reads the entry, her eyes widening with realization. Without hesitation, she grabs her wand and summons Ron and Harry.
Hermione runs up the stairs, and goes into Ron’s room, where both him and Harry were playing wizard’s chess. “Ron! Harry! I've found something! Meet me in the kitchen right away!” Within moments, Ron and Harry's heads appear in the flames, their expressions filled with curiosity and anticipation.
Ron and Harry head downstairs with Hermione into the kitchen when Harry asks, “What is it, Hermione? Did you find something in the diary?”
Hermione says, rambling, “Yes, I did! It's about the picture by the Black Lake. There's a date behind it, and it matches an entry in Genevieve's diary. It could be a clue to her next destination!”
Harry’s smile widens, “That's fantastic, Hermione! What does it say?” 
Hermione starts to read the entry out loud, 
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December 20th, 1943-
Today was a day that seemed to stretch beyond the confines of time, as if the universe itself paused to witness the beauty of the moment. Tom and I ventured to the edge of the Black Lake, its icy waters reflecting the vastness of the sky above. The tranquility of the scene enveloped us, a serene backdrop to our shared solitude.
As I sat beside him, the gentle, yet cold breeze, played with the tendrils of my black curls, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. It was a rare respite from the chaos that often consumed both of our lives, a moment stolen from the relentless march of time.
Tom's presence beside me was both comforting and electrifying, his dark eyes mirroring the depths of the lake before us. He spoke in hushed tones, his words a symphony of understanding and empathy, where no one but I was able to see this side of him.
"You possess a strength unlike any I have ever known, Genevieve," he said, his voice a whisper carried by the wind. "To endure the trials that fate has bestowed upon you with such grace and resilience. It is truly remarkable. I can’t believe you were able to leave that ghastly place."
I smiled softly at his words, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. In Tom, I found a kindred spirit, someone who saw beyond the surface and embraced the complexities of my being.
"And you, Tom," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "You have shown me a kindness that I never thought possible. In your presence, I find solace and understanding, a refuge from the storms that rage within."
Our conversation ebbed and flowed like the gentle currents of the lake, each word a testament to the bond that had formed between us. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and gold across the sky, Tom made a declaration that took my breath away.
"I have secured an apartment for us, Genevieve," he said, his gaze unwavering. "A place where we can build a future together, free from the confines of the orphanage, free from your parents. We can finally have the peace that we deserve. And, we can be together, without the confines of the world always trying to separate us."
Tears welled in my eyes as I nodded, overcome with emotion. At that moment, I knew that my life would never be the same. With Tom by my side, I felt as though I could conquer the world, one step at a time. I nod at him, “I’d love to.”
And so, as we watched the last rays of sunlight fade into darkness, I took Tom's hand in mine, knowing that together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead. For in each other, we found not only love, but the strength to overcome even the darkest of nights.
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As Hermione finished reading Genevieve's diary entry aloud, the room fell into a stunned silence. Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged wide-eyed glances, each of them grappling with the revelations contained within the pages.
"Tom Riddle... he seems so different in this entry," Hermione murmured, her voice tinged with disbelief. "I never imagined him capable of such... kindness."
Ron shook his head in bewilderment, his brows furrowed in confusion. "I always thought of him as this cold, calculating, and murdering bloke. But here he is, talking about love and building a future together. It's like he's a completely different person."
Harry's expression was a mix of shock and amazement, his mind racing to reconcile the image of Tom Riddle in the diary entry with the dark wizard he had encountered in his own time. "It's hard to believe that this is the same person who became Voldemort," he said quietly. "To see him expressing care and affection. it's almost surreal."
They sat in silence for a moment longer, each lost in their own thoughts. The diary entry had shattered their preconceived notions of Tom Riddle, leaving them with more questions than answers. But one thing was clear: the complexity of human nature was far more nuanced than they had ever imagined. And as they continued their journey to uncover the truth about Genevieve and her connection to Tom Riddle, they knew that they would have to confront the darkness within themselves as well.
Hermione spoke up with her revelation, “This must mean that the next place we would find the next clue has to be this apartment. The entry mentions that they were going to live together and that Tom got it for them. It’s all connected.” With her final sentence that she spoke, the diary shook and a golden light emitted from it. Harry, Ron and Hermione, all covered their eyes from the brightness of the light, when suddenly it went away.
Harry went to look at the diary first when he realized all the writing was gone, and new writing came up, similar to how he communicated with Tom Riddle. Harry moved to read the writing first. His eyes widened.
“It’s the location…the address of their apartment.”
Ron excitedly asked, “Well where is it?”
Harry had a weird look on his face and said, “It’s across Sirius’s place. They lived near Grimmauld Place. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all looked at each other in shock, finding these connections to be weirdly connected to them. 
Ron broke the tension with a wry smile, “Well, um…guess we found our next stop then.”
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Taglist: @wheenerrr @jillian2003
Tom Riddle Masterlist
© coolbeans32 2024
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hes just being messy, he was with meredith in la last wednesday and then now is like very public with gab. i actually feel pretty bad for meredith, the unfollow makes me think she thought they were more serious than they were. i dont think dating casually is a crime but all parties should at least be on the same page 😕 (no need to post this just telling you)
I’m very confused by all this and I guess y’all really don’t understand boundaries, respect, or consent. But since I’ve deleted just about 40 asks about this in the past 48 hours or so, fine. I guess we are talking about this. (Not directed at you alone or anything just my general feelings on the subject and on the fandom.) you wanna talk about Matty’s love life? Let’s talk about it.
Matty is 34 years old. Which means he’s well above the legal age of consent and, yeah, god help him, as a cis straight man, he do be acting like an absolute child sometimes, BUT it’s his life. His decisions to make.
From everything that we know about him, and especially after the ENTIRE FUCKIN WORLD turned against him over the summer, he is a lot more kind, compassionate, smart, self-aware, gentle, and pure-hearted than anyone’s ever given him credit for. Even his own fans. Say what you will about Matty Healy, but if it were me, in his shoes, I’d feel more than entitled to be Turner bitter towards the public what with the way we all (yes, we, as his fans too) have been treating him. But NOPE. Matty is a way bigger person than most of us. He didn’t say a damn thing. He kept his mouth shut and his head down and he did what he needed to do, he never let any of it deter him from being vulnerable and honest with us and putting on the best fuckin show that he could possible put on every fuckin night.
If that doesn’t earn him the benefit of the doubt then I don’t know what will.
I’m not sure why or when some of us have decided that it is our place to observe what goes on in his love life, to monitor his following/followers lists, to draw conclusions based on those numbers, or to consume public glimpses of his interior life as if it’s some tv show or movie or reality tv, even when those images are taken without his consent, and decide Meredith is not “marriage material” or Gabriette has “an aesthetic that I can finally get behind” (which, by the way, is a very sexist and disgusting thing to say about them as well as Matty, but I guess this fandom is hypocritical and will turn against its own values as soon as Matty Healy’s dick is involved), but at some point apparently that happened and we started to treat him as less than human.
Fine, fine, I’ll even give you that much. Be sexist. Be judgmental and creepy and all up his ass. But to do all that and then “feel sorry for Meredith” call him a “mess”??? When you LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM?!!!!! How do know she thought it was more serious than it is??? Were you there??? Since we’re making judgements and assumptions based on the tiny fragments that we see, I’m gonna go ahead and make a judgment of my own and say since I didn’t see you in the middle holding one of his hands and one of hers, then you weren’t there. So why do you feel qualified to talk about what he may or may not have done??? Do you know him? Is he your bestie???? Did he confide in you??? Hmm? Fuckin tell me!!!!
To summarize: he’s a form of entertainment to you. You don’t care about his boundaries. And you have such a low opinion of him that (despite him proving in what is objectively one of the worst things to happen to a public figure, that he’s endlessly graceful and kind) you will comfortably assume the worst of him without A SHRED OF ANYTHING REMOTELY RESEMBLING EVIDENCE. So….why are you a fan? Hmm? Why do you feel comfortable supporting someone you think so little or and have no respect for as a human being?
If any of you really think “he deserve love” and “he deserves companionship.” Then you’d shut the fuck up, stop engaging with content that commodities and dehumanizes him, and mind your fuckin business for fucks sakes.
I mean, how would you like it if, based on a 7 second story on Instagram, or a tweet you made about your personal life or whatever, I (somehow who knows absolutely nothing about you) came up to you and was like “omg I noticed so and so has unfollowed you. Then two days later you posted a pic with this other person. You must have really crushed someone’s heart and led them on making them believe you were more serious than you actually were. And now you’re using this other person who appeared in a picture with you. That is concerning behavior my friend.” If you’re okay with me doing that to you then you and I must live wildly different realities.
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