#i hate you dragonspyre
oldestenemy · 6 months
history unheeded is doomed to repeat - part 2
Read part 1 here <3
“What did you do?” There is a sharpness to Malorn’s voice that they do not hear often, if ever. “Months we’ve been looking for Duncan and you—you drove him off!”
They wilt in place.
They do not want to deal with Malorn right now.
They don’t want to answer questions.
Their feet beg to run.
But they heave a breath, eyes roaming the sanctum one last time.
“Not here.” They say softly, holding out a hand for Malorn to take. “Please, I don’t want to do this here.”
He hesitates to grab their offered hand, but accepts it, eyes never leaving theirs. They vanish into the momentary dark, eyes opening to the watchtower hall and dragging Malorn along towards the tower itself. High up. Surrounded by the sky and the smell of the woods. Something to keep their nerves in check.
“Why did you say all that—what did you—”
“—don’t pretend any of it’s a shock.” The wizard mumbles, sitting down with their legs hanging from the edge of the tower. “I—he doesn’t understand.” They refrain from adding none of you do. “Duncan has this idea in his head that I’m some favored prodigy, that I’m special and important and unrightfully powerful—” They stop at the way Malorn is looking at them. “—Just say it.”
“Well, aren’t you?” He asks, the ghost of an incredulous laugh in the words. “You never tell us the worst of it—you come back from every new world more decorated and powerful than the last, Ambrose showers praise on you—or used to back when he was still our headmaster—you speak to Bartleby like he’s an old friend, you’ve saved the entire Spiral more than oncefrom—”
“—from things like me.” The wizard finishes over whatever he’d been about to say. And Malorn just stares at them, confusion painting his features. “Malistaire Drake, Morganthe, even the Rat to an extent. Prodigal in their own right. Powerful beyond measure. Falling off into despair or power trip or ancient trap. For Morganthe—the loss of her magic and Ambrose’s missteps in her teaching, her desperation to prove herself resulting in the Spider Magi bending her to their will. Malistaire’s loss of Sylvia and subsequent maddening grief. Rat’s intense desire to please his father.” They pause, eyes blank, thinking about Xiabalba. And then about Xol Akmul. How they could have fallen then, into a destructive course when there was still a part of Azteca that lived. Unknown and hidden. “I could have walked away from the loss of Azteca—I did walk away—in the mindset that I was powerful enough to change it, that I had to be…”
“You looked the part,” Malorn confirms, “you came sprinting out of Bartleby covered in blood and ash and glass, your eyes were gold and—gods I swear the color was spinning like they were molten—” He pauses, frowning slightly, “—you said you tried to use the Dragonspyre key to go back in time—I never asked what you meant.”
“Tried, being the important part there.” The wizard shakes their head, a bitter smile creeping over their face. “Cyrus beat me to the top of the Basilica, threw words at me that he’d spoken to Malistaire at the top of the great spyre just before I had to kill him, I…I knew it was pointless, but I couldn’t accept it.” Their gaze drops back to the treeline. “I realized that was how he had felt about trying to bring Sylvia back. It’s…crushing, knowing you’re capable of everything except the one thing you want most.” They let out a laugh, it’s bitter and short. “I thought after all of the mess I’d been dragged through, the spiral owed me one thing. It was a delusion. I didn’t care though.”
Silence falls with those words.
They don’t see how Malorn could have a response anyways.
They hadn’t meant to—
“Why did you fight him?”
“What would you have done?” The wizard asks in reply, “He wanted a fight, he wanted to beat me, he wouldn’t have come with us even if I refused.”
“I would have had even less of a chance than you,” Malorn mumbles after a while, “Duncan hates me.”
“He’s jealous of you—the same way he’s jealous of me.”
“What happened between you and Duncan anyways?” Malorn asks “I know you were never exactly friends, but you weren’t—you didn’t hate each other.”
“I don’t hate him.” The wizard corrects, “I don’t really think he hates me either, or you—he’s envious of the image he’s constructed and he doesn’t know what to do with that—but to answer your question—” They explain about the early morning they’d spent curled up and bleeding out in the center of the academy grounds, about Duncan finding them there and trying to convince them to stay, to recover.
“But you left, didn’t you.” They don’t know if it’s worse or not, that Malorn knows them well enough to guess exactly what they did.
“I didn’t just leave,” they mumble “I threatened to fight him if he didn’t let me go—I’d just—as far as I knew I had just lost Dyvim, I was still reeling from Azteca, I couldn’t stop or wait—I barely caught up to Morganthe in the end as it was.” They pause, thinking of the Celestial Calendar, of how it had been whispering its warning since then. “The fight with Duncan—it would have come sooner or later—I could feel it waiting for us.” They don’t mention Duncan’s attempt to remember their name. They don’t want to upset anyone else by drawing attention to the anomaly of their missing identity.
They are the Wizard.
Savior of the Spiral many times over.
What more need be said.
“I don’t think he’s ever really forgiven me for Malistaire’s death either.”
“What? He can’t actually—”
“—It’s easier to blame me than Ambrose, or Cyrus, or Malistaire himself. It’s more straightforward. I pursued him to Dragonspyre, I dealt the final blow, I’m easy to pin the blame on, even if I was just—” just a child, just following orders, just doing what I was told. They trail off, and there is quiet again for a while, just the whistling of wind through the woods surrounding the watchtower.
It’s never dark here.
Perpetual midmorning, accompanied by birdsong and the splashing of toddpoles in the creek.
“You told Duncan to go into hiding—so you’re, not going to tell Ambrose what happened?”
The wizard shakes their head, “No. I found what I needed, there’s no reason to put Duncan in potential danger if the—schismists, whoever they are feel cornered.”
“What’s happening this time, really?” They look over at Malorn and the concern in his expression guts them.
They don’t want to worry him, or Penny, or any of the others.
“It doesn’t matter,” They tell him quietly, “I’ll fix it.”
“It does matter,” Malorn insists “you aren’t actually invincible, you can’t keep carrying all of this alone—”
Duncan had said that too.
At the academy while they held in their own insides.
“—I am though.” The wizard replies, “I fall in battle, I wake up in the commons, in the Basilica, in Bastion, on my hands and knees, broken and heaving sure—but never dead.” The words come out hollow and final. “She’s not done with me.”
Are they really doing this?
“Do you remember the voice you heard in Northguard? The one that told you I was in Nidavellir?”
“It wasn’t anywhere near that specific,” Malorn replies, looking a little lost by the apparent change of subject. “but yeah, I do.”
“That was Grandmother Raven.”
“That’s why I was so—I wanted to make sure you hadn’t heard her again—every action I take, every word I read, every thought that isn’t quite my own. It’s all Raven, guiding me forward.” Or at least it had been, until now, when she seemed bent on telling them to keep out of affairs that didn’t concern them. As though that had ever been possible.
She is silent more often than not nowadays.
Only there to prod and press in small moments.
“I needed to make sure she wasn’t dragging you into this.” The wizard says, “She’s the one who trapped us all in Nidavellir—I don’t think she meant it to turn out that way—” not that they’ve been able to ask her, too busy cleaning up their own mess. “—but she needs me, needs someone following the path she lays out—”
“—that’s who you shouted at,” Malorn says suddenly, “that day we broke into your castle—you—you were shouting at Grandmother Raven…”
They had been.
And Malorn had flinched away from their words like they’d burnt him.
Like he was afraid.
“Have you ever gone against what she wanted?”
“I’ve tried.” The wizard says, “I tried with Azteca, I succeeded in Polaris—but it’s not—she’s not making me do anything, not really. It’s like I can’t help it. I’m already there.”
Worlds away. In the sweltering heat of Dragonspyre.
Suzie Gryphonbane hears a familiar voice begrudgingly ask for her help.
Read the whole series here <3
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fresa-schnee · 2 years
Day 11: A Touch of Poison
CW: Murder.
Rivalia paced around her personal study.. Though it was more akin to a library. Her role as Head Magister of the royal family brought some benefits.. But not enough as she would have liked. She bit nervously at her thumb, threatening to break the skin as she hissed.
Dammit… She looked at her desk, seeing a letter.. One she had managed to take from the King’s own chambers. Her teeth broke the skin, and she yelped as she started to bleed. She hissed as she swatted the letter away… 
“He’s going to replace me…” She grunted, and slammed her fist into the desk. The floor trembled as pure magical energy shot into the desk. Fracturing the wood and scattering her supplies. She sweeped the same arm, knocking them away. “Dammit… dammit!” 
She collapsed to her knees, and gripped at her head with her elbows against the desk. Her brilliant blue dress covered in ink stains.. Her notes scattering across the floor as she stifled a scream of frustration.
“How could someone who just arrived prove themselves my superior…!?” She stood up, and growled… Strength surging into her arms, and hurling the desk to the side. The wind picking up around her, and aiding her… 
“Damn it all! My research was so close… A few months more and I’d have unlocked the secrets of-!” She stopped, and looked over at one of the shelves. She quickly hurried over to it, and grabbed at a vial. She looked over it… Her own brew. A smile started to cross her face as she stumbled about the room. Grabbing at bits and pieces from around her study.
Her smile growing and growing as she sprinted here and there. She giggled, not even noticing a servant of the palace peeking inside. 
“M-Ma’am, are you-” He started, but Rivalia stopped in front of his face, and shoved a hastily made letter int ohis chest.
He stumbled back, caught off guard. He started to stammer, but Rivalia ushered him off. “Make sure that sees itself to it’s recipient!” 
She closed the door, and started about cleaning up her study… The man had a fame for being on time, and she didn’t have long. She hurried and placed her desk back, and cleaned up the ink stains and thrown about notes. She was careful to fuck away her personal ones, she couldn’t risk those getting out.
She stopped dead as she heard the footsteps and humming. Rivalia put her hands through her hair, and slowly straightened it out.. She took a deep breath, and sighed.. Taking a bottle of wine, she poured two glasses of a rich crimson wine. As the door opened, she turned and ushered her guest inside. A man with a purple streak in his hair, and a confident demeanor…
A smugness she hated. 
“Ah, take a seat my friend… I just wished to discuss some of your own findings.” She motioned over to a chair.. Hiding a bottle of her own brew up her sleeve, having dipped three drops in the glass.
A drop to incapacitate.. Two to drive them mad.. Three to destroy their heart.
She held out a glass of wine as she stepped forward, and smiled. “A drink, and a toast my friend. To the continued love of the research of our world..” She smiled, and toasted with him… Smiling as he drank. “And to a new legacy in the making…” Rivalia chuckled.
She drank from her own cup as the man twitched in his seat for a moment, but smiled..
In just a few minutes, he would be gone. And months later..
The Witch of Dragonspyre hunted. For now however? She won. And she was basking in it~
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wizrad101 · 3 years
Wizard101 Worlds in a nutshell
Arc 1:
Wizard City: Dumbledore steals earth child and makes them do everything for him and it doesn’t stop there!
Krokatopia: Sand and more sand and racism and obelisks! oh and the thing you came here for isn’t even here :)
Marleybone: Crime (SHERLOCK!!!!)
Mooshu: DEMONS and bamboo <3 (also racism) 
Dragonspyre: Angst! T4T couple reunited :) but actually they die :(
Arc 2:
Celestia: New magic!! Game changing, mostly, lookin at you moon magic
Zafaria: Zoo field trip GONE WRONG! (NOT CLICKBAIT)
Avalon: Wizard City but with hot people 
Azteca: Longer than  the Mesozoic era! get cuz dinosaurs haha anyway
Khrysalis: DYVIM!!! and bugs and Morganthe dies :( and shadow magic 
Arc 3: 
Polaris: War between France and Russia but also 😏 also HI MELLORI!!! 
Mirage: Gay cats AND OMG IS THAT SANS 
Empyrea: I hope you enjoy 60-70s references cause that's the entire thing the whole time 
Arc 4: 
Karamel: Capitalism sucks right guys!!? (crows sale btw) 
Side worlds/areas:
Aquila: we heard gays like Greek Mythology 
Grizzlehiem: Sorry you can’t talk to the not hot bear king until you do ALL HIS WORK FOR HIM because we don’t see you as worthy enough to talk to him EVEN THOUGH YOU LITERALLY HAVE DONE SO MUCH ALREADY
Wintertusk: Daddy issues and GRANDMA RAVEN HIIII
Wysteria: Goblet of Fire AU but everyone hates you even more 
 Darkmoore: Hi Malestaire (again) 
Arcanum: Wizard College 
 Catacombs: Wizard City has some serious plumbing issues I guess 
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wizzycore · 2 years
for carlos my friend carlos .
- do they have a favorite spell?
- what’s something they wished magic could do?
- what’s a non-wizard related thing that they know how to do?
-how does their chosen schools affect their personality?
- what is one song you associate with your wizard?
HIIIII THANK U FOR ASKING. MWAH MWAH... this also got pretty long so.. under da cut
- do they have a favorite spell?
fire dragon is the SHIT! i think it's funny how in the spell quest for it somebody like falmea or something is like "this is a spell you should only use in emergencies".. like... bitch carlos will POP that at ANY moment. it's his favorite because dragons (before he discovered his love for firehounds) were his favorite pet and he still goes and checks on the battle drake in dragonspyre sometimes ... sometimes a fire dragon is a bud.
- what’s something they wished magic could do?
hmm... he kind of wishes whisper had a voicemail. even if in game they're those little tokens you can ignore i think that you Can't Ignore Them. u have to listen to a bitch talk at you even if you have no intent of whispering them back.
other than that, carlos is sometimes pretty one track minded when it comes to what magic can do for him ... this mans needs some more hobbies than sleeping playing the guitar and fighting . if he were pressed to answer, he'd also say he wished they could write the post-world arcanum reports for him. the word-to-text spells aren't good enough yet to indent and cite sources <3 and he hates reports with a burning burning passion <3
- what’s a non-wizard related thing that they know how to do?
SPORTS... idk if beastmoon counts as a non-wizard thing but carlos is so good at sports. this man is a jock and a half. you set him in front of a vaguely game-like structure he is going to eat that shit up!!!!!!! in his natural environmence before becoming the savior of the universe or whatever he was just some baby-face jock.
he used to also be able to weight lift really well but recently esp. around arc 3 he's been getting a bit chronically sleepy. a bit chronically ill even and he hasn't really found the energy to do it recently. so unfortunately he is starting to rely on magic a lil bit more in that respect.
ummmm.... also baking. he doesn't do it much anymore either but its such a guilty pleasure. follow directions make little pastry put it in the oven boom snack to enjoy.
-how does their chosen schools affect their personality?
oh my god sooooo much. he's such a stereotypical fire wizard its so goofy of him. i don't know if his school affects his personality or if his personality affected his school but he's a stereotypical fire wizard!!!!!! passionate!!! he thinks with his heart and maybe 2 out of 100 times his brain! how he feels in the moment dictates what he's going to do for better or for worse!!! he can turn into mr fireball <- (but he feels really bad about it whenever he does).... he can be your warm boybestie... he can be your dumb boybuddy ... i think taking on shadow as a second secondary (lol) definitely exacerbated his existing fire-school-y traits, especially his less stable ones. so he's definitely a bit more moody and testy now than he was before shadow magic. he did eventually grow out of the young-fire-wizard cocky arrogance, though! mostly.
- what is one song you associate with your wizard?
omg... let me get a bit indulgent with this one.. it's burning hill by mitski.... because of mimi's comic... ofc...
but also, he has a whole playlist full of songs i associate with him! check it!
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rainbowfist-hour · 3 years
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Ah yes the whole reason I created this blog in the first place: JULIA RAINBOWFIST!!! My main, my myth, and my highest lvl wizard!!
A little (Edited) backstory on her!
Julia was born in a world called Faraway to her fathers: Vladan Drake’s disowned-and-kicked-out-brother, Vladimir Drake and his fiancé Julián Madmund! Her fathers came with Juli to Dragonspyre a few months before its devestation to “visit family”.
But you see, this was code for “hunting shadow creatures”, because both Vladimir and Julián were professional shadow monster hunters. Their whole job was to prevent the devestation of Dragonspyre, abd Vladimir Darkflame was dealing with Shadow magic to revive the Dragon Titan. They sadly failed. And so, Vladimir died along with Vladan in a fight to the death while Julián gave Julia to the escaping Malistaire and Sylvia so he could go and save his fiancé.
Afterwards, Mali and Sylvia escaped to Wizard City with Julia, where she gained an affinity for myth magic immediately as a toddler and so she spent a lot of time with ‘papa’ Cyrus as she called him. The three Drakes raised their little cousin together. Julia then was enrolled in Ravenwood and things went downhill from there :)
She still hates Ambrose with a passion <\3
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badwizzyideas · 2 years
ive never interacted/seen the wizzy101 fanbase before anad i am confused by all the marleybone hate??? they are funny dogs with fancy hats :/
with that said, literally the last time I played through marleybone was in 2011 and the only way I could get in would be teleporting too my friends who had paid for it and I was eleven and criminally stupid and couldnt follow a plot for the life of me but like what is hte deal??? what did I miss about marleybone???
Honestly there actually isn’t any hate towards MarleyBone. It has a high popularity among all the fans because of its Victorian steampunk aesthetic & the music in that world is just fantastic & the storyline is incredibly enjoyable because it follows a literal cat & mouse chase.
The main issue I personally have with MB is that it’s gets boring because of its design. Which is an issue with all the first arc worlds have.
Unlike Wizard City & maybe Krokotopia, every single section in MarleyBone, MooShu, & DragonSpyre look the same that the player can easily get lost if they’re not following the arrow & can get very boring. In WC, I don’t need to follow an arrow to know where I’m at because each part of that world is distinctly different from one another. I know I’m in Unicorn Way because of its constant use of green vs Cyclops Lane. Again because of good design & great usage of color too. I also know the paths I took to get there because of again every area is distinctly different, easily recognizable, & has some sort of landmark so I can tell what’s what.
The first world arcs after Wizard City do not have that. Especially after Krokotopia. Aside from the main area you teleport too, all areas of MB, MS, DS, look exactly the same because of their colors. You can not tell where you are unless you come across that landmark that each part has but that’s about it. They’re boring worlds to walk through & boring worlds to look at. But not to fear because this problem gets fixed after DragonSpyre & the rest of the worlds do not suffer from this probably.
But back to the MB hate, the real world that actually gets a lot of hate is Azteca because it’s not exactly an aesthetically pleasing world to look at & it has a lot of unnecessary bosses along with a trash ass story.
That person who sent me the anon hate….I think they have a weird ass hatred for Britain
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extravalgant · 3 years
Any Headcanon/theories as to why Cyrus hates the wizard so much in the beginning? Any difference in his reasoning if the wizard is a myth wizard?
HM.... i feel like the fact that we got summoned and put on this quest was basically the nail in the coffin about merle's answer about how he felt about the situation :0
i feel like there might have been some conversations with merle about what they should do - that cyrus proposed that he could talk him down from it (we see him do this again in dragonspyre, in the final dungeon) and that he just give him time. but they couldn't really risk it, could they? that you're a ticking time bomb for his brother's sentence.
i feel like everytime he looks at the wizard he sees his failures as a brother to protect him. the sole reason we are here is to defeat malistaire, isn't it? the less he sees you, the less he has to think about the fact that they're sending you out on a death mission.
it would.... only change a little bit if the young wizard was a conjurer. now placed in his classes, he has no choice but to actually interact with the wizard. he's bitter and childish and ends up taking it out on you - proposing that merle expel you so he doesn't have to think about the fact that this is happening.
THE RELATIONSHIP GROWS BETTER I THINK he actually treats you like a student as time goes on and even begins to sing your praises at your graduation, which is nice!
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about what Malistair thought about the young wizard through out the first arc? Like, did he just hate them or was it a bit more complicated? Did his feelings change at all at the end? I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
I tend to not write about Malistaire, but as soon as I read your ask it just hit me so here. Warnings for death. 
At first, it didn’t even register that this was the grand adventuring party that Ambrose sent out to vanquish him. Yes, Malistaire recognized the child from their unfortunate meeting in Golem Court, but he never would have suspected that a wizard barely enrolled would be sent off on such a dangerous quest.
Malistare still follows through with his plan- it has to work, a young wizard will not stand in the way of that- but some of his ideas are toned down. He burdens dangerous beasts with smaller ones to get in their way, never finds allies too intelligent. For some reason he does not make things impossible. He makes it so the young wizard, barely even a teenager, would not die at the very least.
He doesn’t think about it when he does it. Malistaire was stuck on the denial stage of grief, and he would not change that even if he was purposefully sabotaging himself in order to ensure another life is not lost aside from his own. 
He sees the confusion, the almost dazed look in the young wizard’s eyes when they finally meet again at the top of Big Ben. For a moment it is silent, but Malistaire speaks, monologues, because otherwise Meowiarty would take things into his own paws and go too far.
Malistaire has to leave- He has the Krokonomicon, and simply needs to get the key to Dragonspyre. He leaves for Mooshu, but anytime his mind is not consumed with thoughts of Sylvia it is of the young wizard. Just how short they are, how wide their eyes got with fear when they saw him. How they would surely be missing many classes to chase after him.
In another universe, a different Spiral, Malistaire would have taught them. He would just be another adult sworn to care for them, teach them. 
Some part of that hurt, distantly. The overwhelming wound of Sylvia’s loss hurt more, however. So Malistaire continues on.
In Dragonspyre, in the time where he has to make a final choice, go all in, he goes for it, knowing that the young wizard is soon to arrive and attempt to stop him.
And they do. Slightly older. Their eyes are not as bright.
The battle is hard. They do not speak, and when it is just Malistaire and them, all summoned allies gone, Malistaire cannot help but close his eyes at times, listening to the roar of the wind, almost choking on the sulfuric stench, the knowledge that the Dragon Titan looms behind him enough to send him stumbling at times when he makes mistakes.
If only Sylvia were here now, to tell him what to do. To give him guidance, peace.
The young wizard is so small, and that old fear comes back when they see a bone dragon cast for the first time, and Malistaire feels guilt like a lead weight in his chest. 
He knows this battle only ends with one person living, and no matter how much he wants his wife to live again, he cannot bring himself to kill a child. Not when they still carry the Ravenwood crest. 
Malistaire hits that acceptance stage very quickly. He makes mistakes he never would in his right mind, and falls under the spell of a child who looks far too relieved to watch him die.
And then he sees Sylvia again, and nothing else matters.
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Wiztober Day 21- Fatal Wound
A/N: I am so sorry in advance.
TW: death
Alura didn’t know what it was like to have her heart ripped out. Which really, made complete sense seeing as it laid beating in her chest. Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump. Life Wizards were more in tune with their bodies than other wizards. It came with the territory. They were medics and healers, they had to be acutely aware of theirs of others physical presences. Most practitioners of life magic could sense a heartbeat through the lightest touch of skin to skin contact. Alura’s own beat was a steady rhythm in her head. Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump. Over and over, resting just on the outside of her consciousness.
Her first year at Ravenwood, Professor Wu taught her a spell called heartbeat. It was a small health boost for you or a teammate. It had been her first healing spell, too. She’d been so excited when she got it right. The warmth that spread through her was like nothing she’d ever felt and her heartbeat flooded her ears. Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump. She’d rushed straight to Brahm’s classroom, eagerly waiting for him outside so she could show him first thing. He had laughed and smiled and complimented her on how quickly she was learning like a good big brother would. Then Gamma had landed near them. The headmaster needed to speak with Brahm about something urgent. He told her to keep practicing as he took off jogging.
Alura didn’t know what it was like to have her heart ripped out, but she knew what it was like to be lonely. When she pictured her first year at Ravenwood, she always imagined Brahm being a part of it. He’d help her study and make fun of her. He’d introduce her to his friends and she’d introduce him to hers. They’d laugh together and be even closer than before now that she knew what going to school with him was like. Instead, he found refuge and friendship with the Balance Wizard. When they weren’t defending the city from threats engineered by the old Death professor, they were studying and making fun of each other. Without her. Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump. Her own heartbeat was the only one to echo in her ears. 
When they finally defeated the evil at the heart of Wizard City’s plagues, Alura thought she would finally get her brother back. But it wasn’t meant to be. Ambrose sent them off on quests to increasingly dangerous worlds in pursuit of Malistaire Drake. Alura couldn’t stop herself from hating Cassandra Sandmask. She knew it was silly and to hate her brother’s first girlfriend but she couldn’t help it. It made her blood boil and her heart pound in her ears to think about the way things were supposed to have been. Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump.
Alura didn’t know what it was like to have her heart ripped out, but when her brother asked her to tell their parents that he loved them before running off to Dragonspyre, it felt pretty close. She didn’t understand why he was being so strange. It was dangerous to go, they all knew it was dangerous, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t give his own goodbyes. It was like he thought he wasn’t coming back. Which was ridiculous. He was strong- he was so strong. And hate her as she may, Cassandra was a powerful wizard. She knew that they were going to be okay but with every day her heart raced a little faster. Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump.
She’d been in class when they heard the commotion. Professor Wu asked them to stay in their seats while she checked things out, but none of them listened.
Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump.
A large group had formed outside of Bartley’s trees, students of all ages clambering to get a look at something.
Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump.
Alura pushed through the crowd, shoving upperclassmen out of her way to get to what they were looking at.
Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump.
The crowd suddenly broke away and she saw what all of the fuss was about. Cassandra was trying to clear a path through the crowd, bruised, bloody, and fending off any offers of treatment by her fellow wizards. Professor Drake was just behind her, head held high and yelling at the students to clear away and let them through. And her brother, cold and lifeless in the professor’s arms.
Her heart stopped beating at the sight of it. The scream she let out startled everyone to a standstill, allowing the Dragonspyre party to push through the rest of the crowd. Her knees hit the cobblestone, followed by her palms, skin splitting on the cold rock. Another wail tore through her throat, kicking Professor Wu into action. The woman yelled for the students to back up as she hyperventilated, choking on the air that refused to go into her lungs.
Alura didn’t know what it was like to have her heart ripped out, but she knew what it was like to die.
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icetomeetya · 4 years
Wiztober Day 14: Deep Water
Warnings: None?
“We fight. We will most likely die. But we must do what we can,” Rowan said, taking a deep breath. “I am deeply sorry. If you wish to leave now, before the new battalions arrive, know that from the bottom of my heart, I will not blame you.” Her gaze lingered on all of them, her heart wrenching as none of them looked away.
“We were serious when we decided to come,” Jordan said. “We wanted to help, and we knew it wouldn’t be easy.”
“It’s the right thing to do. If we die, we would have saved more lives in the long run. The longer we fight, the more time reinforcements have,” Taylor said.
Rachel answered last, her voice no louder than a whisper. “You know I didn’t want to come. But now that my worst prediction has come true, I can’t bring myself to leave. This is fate. I-If this is how it ends, I’m okay with this.”
“Guys...” Rowan whispered, wiping at tears that began to pool in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so...fucking sorry. I failed all of you, but it’s been...it’s been a good run. I...” First once-in-a-blue-moon moment: Rowan tearing up, almost crying. Second once-in-a-blue-moon moment: Rowan swearing, and at a loss for words.
Taylor took two steps closer to Rowan and reached out, her arm trembling, before she let it fall to her side. “I...know you’re trying. And I don’t blame you for any of this. I don’t...think we’ll ever be close again, but...I don’t hate you. I may not forgive you, but I understand why you acted the way you did, and I can’t fault you for it.”
The tears flowed freely from Rowan’s eyes. “Really?” she rasped.
Taylor nodded. “Really.”
“That’s...more that I’ve ever dared to hope for,” Rowan choked out, smiling through her tears. “Thank you.”
Jordan paced around, clenching and unclenching her fists. “Maybe we can survive this. We just need to take the Sun of Celestia from an army of shadow weavers. Before whoever’s causing all of this gets it. We obviously can’t brute force this; we have to pick our battles and be stealthy.”
“Stealth is my main strength. Follow my lead and we should be fine,” Taylor chipped in.
“Right. But if the mastermind intercepts it, we have no choice but to fight,” Rowan sighed, collecting herself as fast as she could. “We’re the only ones here. The mastermind chose the time perfectly; Callie should have delivered the Spiral key to perhaps our allies in Dragonspyre by now. Perhaps she has already reached Mooshu by now, but in any case, it’ll be at least a couple hours before enough people arrive,” Rowan continued. “We need to stall for at least that long. Do not waste your strength—you too, Jordan—focus on defense and healing. Use as little mana as you can.”
“Your wyvern isn’t the fastest, although I’m sure she’s going faster than she normally does. It might be longer, but you’re right, this is our best shot,” Jordan nodded. “We all stay together.”
“No, we have to split up. I’ll show you all where to go, but we must move at different times. Telepathy is the move; have your calling cards in hand. I know I said to follow my lead, but now I’m thinking that it’ll make them even more suspicious. I’ll message you exactly where to go. Stealth is heavily limited in groups, and if we get cornered, we’re all dead,” Taylor countered.
Rachel put her head in her hands. “So if we stay together, we’ll get found out and die. If we split up and end up having to fight, we’ll be vaporized. There’s no winning.”
“...Split up but stay close to the same general location. If anyone gets discovered, everyone joins the battle as soon as we can. That way we stand more of a chance,” Jordan decided.
Rowan closed her eyes, then nodded. “Does that work, Taylor?”
Taylor nodded too, staring into the Chancel. “I can figure this out.”
“Taylor, come with me. I scoured the Archives and found a detailed map of the Chancel. I’ll draw it for you,” Rachel said. “Would it work if I sent some constructs as decoys, into the fray?”
Jordan and Rowan exchanged a glance. “Only if we’re discovered,” Jordan decided.
“Maybe we’re not dead after all,” Rowan murmured.
Jordan met her gaze with a half smile. “Nah. We’re not. You gotta believe in us. Because I do, and I know we’re getting out of this.”
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auredosa · 4 years
@wearenzs “but propose this... slyvia and cyrus drake in their youth. How did they act before they settled down? 👀”
I’m so sorry, I accidentally turned this into like a mini-backstory reference for the two. Couldn’t help myself lol
Sylvia was hot-headed and free spirited prior to moving to Wizard City and meeting the Drakes. Growing up in Avalon, she had a younger and older sister, and their frugal parents just wanted them each to find husbands and make nice, quiet lives for themselves. Sylvia wasn’t content to become a housewife, and she studied pyromancy against her parents’ wishes. She was reckless, sassy, and always talked back to her superiors. She never wanted to be seen as the docile, meek lady her parents wanted her to be. 
When she grew older, she learned that the only reason her parents wanted she and her sisters to have mundane, safe lives was because they didn’t want their daughters to become entangled in the evils of the world, like war, poverty, greed, so on and so forth. Upon realizing this, Sylvia redirected her fiery drive and passion into helping others, and she began learning theurgy. She became softer, more motherly, but never lost her courage and determined ambition. 
Cyrus was selectively social, shy, and soft spoken. He was more content to spend his time in his imaginary world with his conjured-up companions. Vladan Drake wasn’t the best at equally loving his two sons, and neglected Cyrus throughout his entire childhood, slowly whittling down his son’s belief that his father just struggled with affection. Whenever he was forced into social situations, he tried to make himself small and likable, because that’s the only way he got his father to treat him with any sort of respect growing up. 
During his time in the Dragonspyre Army, he kept his head down, and sought to become the best soldier he could to prove himself to his father. He put up a perfectionist, people-pleasing facade to hide the terrified, lonely child on the inside. Deep down, he hated fighting, and still tried to see the good in people despite taking the lives of others every day. 
It was this belief that kept him sane during his 10+ years of service and after the Dragon Titan destroyed his homeworld, killed his parents, and forced he and Malistaire to flee to Wizard City. Sylvia’s death and Malistaire turning evil were the last straws for him, which turned him into the cold-hearted conjurer we all know and simp for today. In a way, he’d finally snapped and lost his hope in others and the world :’(
. . . On a cheekier note, I can imagine that Cyrus made a few friends during his time in the army and showed his appreciation by taking his socks off with . . . a few of his comrades, if you know what I mean. Hence how he knows how to do Droors clear into next Tuesday, except this time, he’s topping. 
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oldestenemy · 4 months
a deviation in loyalties - part 1
The wizard cannot shake Eerkala’s words about what Old Cob is planning. What he has—at this point no doubt—already set in motion.
How many times can they be racing against the end of the spiral itself?
How many monsters crave to unmake the only thing holding their fragile existence together?
How much blood has to spill before it’s all over? Truly over.
They press their hand to Mirage’s spiral door, turning the key for Wizard City and despising that they have been called back in the midst of something that feels so much more important. They shouldn’t be doing this. Some part of them is growing slowly towards hating the council of light for being the reason they are still at Merle Ambrose’s beck and call. It isn’t that the Arcanum is much better but—
—well they’d take Ione over Ambrose at least a dozen times over.
At least she seemed to understand there was a level of urgency to their actions.
Still, they find themself standing again in that same office where they had first been sent off towards Unicorn Way. Much of what Ambrose says they already know, Malistaire’s journal has been their only real point of reference for the Schismists.
“I believe the initials to point towards young mister Grimwater—and I suspect this is why he has been missing since your return from Castle Darkmoor.”
The wizard thinks their heart actually stops for a second.
They stare at him.
“Duncan?” They say his name slowly, like they don’t understand.
Despite his involvement—though Ambrose doesn’t, can’t know about that—there just wasn’t any possibility for him to have been the one Malistaire was in contact with after Sylvia’s death. The idea was just… absurd.
“Yes, I’ve had Mellori looking for him and she managed to track him down only recently—I would like you to join her in confronting him, she is waiting for you in Olde Town.”
They blink.
Swallow the immediate bubbling font of questions that raise with this whole line of thinking.
How on earth could Ambrose think it had been Duncan—in the beginning? At that start? As a child?
But then…
He had used them as a child, hadn’t he?
Why shouldn’t he assume the Schismists would do the same.
“So you tracked Duncan down?”
“Well, I may have heard from assistant Professor Ashthorn that he spent a lot of time on Triton Avenue with the Gryphonbane siblings—and then he showed me the magic academy in Dragonspyre—which you promised to do—where I met Suzie—and she might have said something about letting a certain someone use her and her brother’s vacant house.”
Of course Suzie had done that. The wizard shakes their head and swallows an exasperated laugh. Because of course telling Duncan Grimwater to go into hiding had just resulted in him camping out in the Gryphonbane’s home.
So while they walk, Mellori fills them in on her studies.
“I wish I could have been part of the Myth school here—I was raised by a Myth scholar after all.”
“Nah, you don’t.” The wizard replies, “Cyrus would eat you alive.”
“I could handle it!”
“Within my first week here, he tried to get me expelled twice, sent me on a quest to find things that didn’t exist, made me do his laundry, and called me some variation of incompetent and stupid every chance he got.” They count these things off on their fingers, “Trust me, you don’t want to learn from Cyrus Drake, he’d break the bubbly right out of you and that would be a terrible shame.” They pause, looking over at Mellori and her crossed arms and indignance. “Besides, you read the book of secrets, it offered you Life magic instead.”
“Life is boring!” Mellori insists, rolling her eyes. “I had one little taste of adventuring with you in Polaris after a lifetime of being sheltered in the Tayg, and now I’m just—just supposed to sing songs and tend plants and heal people?”
“Give it a minute to grow on you.” they reply, a smile ghosting across their face.
“Oh shut up!” There’s no venom to the words, she’s halfway to laughing.
But they’ve made it to the Gryphonbane house by then.
The door is locked—but it’s been a very long time since a regular unenchanted locked door has posed anything resembling a problem for the wizard.
Duncan appears to have been expecting them.
They half wonder if Suzie warned him, or if he’d told her to let the information out.
“Wondered when you’d get here. Was ruining my chance of surviving the Spiral’s destruction not enough? Come to rub it in some more?” Ah. The full return of bravado and theatrics. At least he seemed less sour than they would have expected.
It’s better lit in here than it had been in Malistaire’s sanctum.
They can faintly see the scars he shares with them. Not nearly so deep, but Shadow had left its marks where it had run down his face in Darkmoor.
“Yeah right! Not before you got Malistaire to steal the Eye of History and pass it along to the schismists for you!” Mellori speaks before the wizard even has a chance to, gaze bright and sharp with interest as she stares Duncan down. “We’re on to you!”
“Mellori—” The wizard starts, fighting the urge to pinch the bridge of their nose. They like having her along, but she can’t just barrel through things without them. Especially if she’s going to take Ambrose’s ridiculous claim at face value.
Duncan laughs, “Wait, wait, you think I’m the schism agent? Ha! I wish! Like I said, you ruined my chance of ever joining their ranks properly. They barely wanted me in the first place.” To the wizard’s surprise, he doesn’t seem…entirely disappointed by this. “Don’t get the wrong idea, there’s no way I’m telling you who the real agent is either,” He locks eyes with them as he speaks though, expression more serious. “I’d never be able to show my face in Firecat Alley again. But—I didn’t say that. Got it?”
A now familiar spike of white hot rage accompanies those words.
“Gretta?” Low and dangerous, the realization that is dawning has the stars dancing across their tongue. The wizard grabs Duncan’s arm, pulling him toward them. “Get your armor. You’re coming with us.”
“Are you crazy? I’m not going! She’ll kill me for—for letting it slip! Why do you think I’ve been hiding out here?”
They do not look away, words coming out slow, even, level, measured. “No.” They tell him, releasing his arm “She really really won’t.” Breathe. Swallow the sourness of space and bottle that rage for the duel. Gretta Darkettle. From the start, from the beginning, from the moment they began—the one who had given Malistaire the means to awaken the titan had been sitting comfortably in her home. Hearing of their exploits, from neighbors, from merchants, from other students. Did she know even now that they would be coming for her?
Would she run?
…She won’t make it far.
“Wizard?” Mellori looks between them, “Do you know who we’re after?”
“Yes.” Single word in triplicate, swallow it, hold it for now.
“And you really think bringing him along is a good idea?” They don’t begrudge Mellori the apprehension where Duncan is concerned, but they nod regardless.
“I trust him.”
It’s hard to read the look Duncan is giving them when he returns, geared up and ready to go. There will be time for it later. There will be time for all of this, later.
They have to force themself not to run the whole way to Firecat Alley. They let Duncan lead. Directing them across from where Gretta’s house was, and revealing something that opened up into a cavern.
Where Gretta Darkkettle stands, awaiting their arrival with no trace of surprise.
Read the whole series here <3
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fresa-schnee · 4 years
Payback~! Since you gave me angst - 🍂 & ☀️ for Nyxella?
“Ah Nyxella Nyxella~ That is a character I have to use more. Such pure innocence... At least on the surface~ 🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why? “Oh I um...” The young wizard stumbled over his words. They were not used to being asked things by strangers. “The seasons are... beautiful I think? Um, I think it’s lovely how each season brings such changes? Winter may look bleak, but the snow in Dragonspyre during the winter is just so beautiful to look at..” They stared out longingly, a rare smile on their face. The anxiety they normally show has disappeared. Although, if only for a fleeting moment. “Oh, right the other seasons! I’m sorry... Uh.. I’d have to say I dislike the summer? It’s pretty but... I don’t handle heat too well?” They let out a awkward laugh, and scratched the back of their head. “Fall is gorgeous as well, I actually enjoy collecting the golden leaves that fall off the trees!” Nyxella fidgets a bit as he looks at the wilted rose on his desk. “Spring is... I have personal reasons for my adoration of that season.” They smiled, thinking about someone dear to them.. “...I’d have to say Winter is my favorite, it brings memories of my childhood. The snow is also gorgeous..” ☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been? “...Call me a bit basic but.. I simply just like the touch and stimulation of the mind from reading a good book?” They let out a chuckle as they crossed their arms. “I DO run a library. So I guess that’s too easy of an answer isn’t it?” The Head Magister in training pursed their lips. “...I guess it’d have to be the forests. There was this forest back home... It was quite the hike to reach it, but.. I loved it there.” Their voice was quiet as they remembered their childhood. “There I just...” They paused... trying to think of how to explain that feeling. “...It felt like someone was watching me... but in a way that was loving? I felt loved there... T-That’s not to say my mother didn’t love me!” They quickly tried to backtrack, worry hitting their voice quickly. “She did, just that forest... I felt a presence there that would... whisper to me?”  They placed their hands together, remembering the soft and voice. “...It was a voice... It spoke with many tones, many people... It would probably have scared most people.” They bit their lip as their cheeks turned hot. “...Yet they offered love and adoration... Whenever I was sad or tired.. I’d go there.” Tears started to well up in the corner of their eyes. They raise their hand and wipe away the tears. “Oh uh... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry. Um... I hope these answer your questions?”
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wizardcitybussy · 4 years
Storm n fire for both yalls
fire answers:
my favorite aspect is dumb as hell. i get so excited over the small details like when you had to defeat diego's brother and when you walk on the pile of coins, they jingle...😭 -🐏
My favorite aspect is we can stitch gear so it doesn't look ugly -🐇
storm answers:
belloq in zafaria. i'm storm so i have a. limited health and b. i need to stack up on blades to get a good hit, and all he does is spam ra if you don't hit him!! why did yall think that was a good idea!!! -🐏
sea lord in dragonspyre hate his bitchass -🐇
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arcaneyouth · 4 years
Recently,, u had to hatch BABEY DRAGON. What was the full quest for that??
BABY DRAGON!!!! ok so the story there was that to get to malistaire and kick his fucking ass i had to ride a drake (aka dragon as i will be calling them for this whole thing because they're fucking dragons basically). this stupid bitch malistaire hid himself up in the headmasters office of the dragonspyre academy but since that place was in ruins due to the war against the titans or something, theres not a clear way up there. but like,,,, all the dragons are dead. theres a lot of dragons you interact with during dragonspyre, but they are all ghosts. or theyre, yknow, evil and attacking you. so you have to find an egg left behind by one of the dragon mothers and raise it yourself so you can ride up there and deck malistaire. the dragon moms were very sweet and id die for them and my sweet baby dragon grew up so fast and was very nice to me and i hate that i know theres a good chance i'll never have to use them again after this
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disneydreamlights · 4 years
Pick five random questions (and also do the post apoc question as a sixth ;3) for Ticole, NiNick, Skyuuya, Matt/Luca, and whatever tf your otp for dark materials is?? i haven't been keeping up with your trash so idk what to ask for that one but also indulge yourself in your current trash plz
Yu I’ve been sitting here just like “I’m so sorry you asked” about that HDM pairing for the past ten minutes.
Partially because of the self indulgence and mostly just because they’re a train wreck.
I’m just gonna go in order for once because like...does anybody following me even care about this series? Or is this going to be me being self indulgent like I normally am with my oc ships. XD
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Absolutely Tip. He lacks self confidence to such a strong degree. One the flip side, Nicole is great at being there to comfort him, either by reminding him that everything’s okay and that  he’s loved or by providing whatever it is he needs and wrapping him in a blanket burrito. 
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
I refuse to take criticism that for Tip this isn’t the time that they were in Dragonspyre after reuniting and Tip started meowing at Nicole because he was very tired and she was just like “That’s cool you’re alive” because she was so relieved to have an alive Tip. 
For Nicole, it probably would have something to do with her falling asleep in the middle of doing something. I have a lot of thoughts on the idea of her spending a lot of super late nights reading once he falls asleep and she just ends up falling asleep in the middle of it because she’s not paying attention to the time. It’s hard in general for Nicole to get embarrassed in front of Tip because he’s just so naive about everything.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
Mostly animated things. I see them watching a lot more wholesome movies and given Nicole’s origins, she’s very obviously a Disney fan. She also gets the final vote since what they’re watching isn’t important to Tip.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Mmm this is an interesting question. On one hand, they’re badass and together nearly unstoppable even in the pre-revival stuff (which is what I’m going to focus on in general because that’s a more fun Ticole anyways) so the chance of anything taking one of them down once they make it to shelter? Unlikely. They probably serve as pillars of emotional stability and comfort for each other as they keep themselves safe from zombies.
But this comes with a stipulation. They’re untouchable so long as everything they love is safe.
It’d be unlikely for anything to happen to Ian or Charles but if it did, it’s pretty likely that Tip at least would fall apart.  So this could end up bad.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
Not counting worlds where they almost died??? I don’t think they would. Like literally the only place I could think of would be the bedroom because sex between the two of them? Super daunting there’s a reason I skipped the sex question every time RNG pulled it up.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Oh dear god 95% of the annoyance with them I guarantee is directed at Nicole. Nicole is overprotective as shit over Tip and it gets to be ridiculous. The first couple of times she’s angry over somebody hurting Tip it’s scary but afterwards. “Nicole. Nicole plz. I know you’re upset but Nicole listen please shut up Tip’s fine. Nicole.”
I’m honestly surprised Ian hasn’t done anything yet tbh about this.
1. Who makes the first move and how?
I’m like...95% certain the person to take the leap was Nina? I don’t remember it’s been ages since I read the scene.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
They take nights out? *shot*
No in all seriousness, these two when they do go out for the night probably have super romantic times. Nick’s supposed to be a romantic, so I could see him setting up candlelit dinners, figuring out the best showtime to watch the movie Nina’s really wanted to see, really doing the most to make their night out all the more special.
8. What do they like in bed?
Oh my god.
Nina’s not vanilla so her kinks go as far as Nick’s will that is all I will say on the subject.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
They try to keep moving on. I feel like they both alternate who’s functional on different days. Some days it’s both, and when it is they’re valuable resources to wherever they are. When one isn’t, I’d imagine the other just holds them while they try to cope with the fear and loss. There probably is some sex involved in all of this, because they can use it to help them forget that the world is ending and who knows when their next time could be their last.
Thankfully at least, they’re also social creatures. I’d imagine the two of them would stay in groups for as long as possible.
20. Where do they go on holiday?
Nina? Absolutely big amusement park nerd. I don’t think it matters where Nick wants to go she absolutely plans all her vacations around the fact that they might be able to stop by some kind of amusement park.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Somebody please stage an intervention for their sex habits. Please.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Emphasis first of all in that these touches are always not sexual, but I can see Yuuya just always reaching for her as like small little gestures. Grabbing her hand if he notices she’s starting to panic. Giving her a hug when she seems just a little down. Just all sorts of reassuring small touches that absolutely mean a lot.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
When they find the time to have a night out uninterrupted, I’d imagine it’s whatever dates Yuuya manages to come up with near where they’re based. This could be anything from beach trips to theme parks to nice dinners. It’s not really a specific thing they plan on a night out so much as just enjoying each other’s company for them.
But that being said I also see them sometimes just enjoying the peaceful nights by relaxing together for once and trading stories and talking. Like of course Yuuya wants to go all out on these dates but it’s despair world. He literally can’t because you always gotta be on guard so they make the most of it however possible.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Yuuya would be the most doting fuck if Sky got sick. She keeps telling him to stop. He’s gonna get sick. He really needs to stop. Except he absolutely doesn’t and brings her tissues and soup and wraps her in ten thousand blankets and “YUUYA IT’S A COLD I’M NOT DYING I DON’T NEED THIS MANY BLANKETS” except he’s not doing it because he thinks she’s going to die, he’s doing it because she’s Sky and absolutely deserves the best care she could ever get.
Then once he gets sick afterwards she throws a box of tissues at his head. granted she’s also making sure Yuuya has everything he needs for a full recovery from the cold but that’s less relevant.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
They start preparing to kill zombies. They’re the couple who just shows up on a motor cycle with their back towards each other and start shooting. They’re the zombie apocalypse dream team. They’re certified badasses. They’ll be fine.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
First kiss after the prison (and not the peck Sky did to fluster Yuuya after getting together) is probably a little bit after the game??? Like they’re both together and spending time anchoring each other but like so much stuff went down and it’s just a lot to unload? And it’s not so much the where that matters but the when. Because I really would like to imagine like they’ve spent so much time worried and searching for their little siblings who mean the absolute world to them they have kinda put their relationship on the backburner in terms of being overly affectionate. And then they just finally find Sera and Sakuya and Hiyoko and they’re sitting there talking later that night and overwhelmed by emotions over the whole thing and idk who starts it but it’s like a “I’m really so glad we finally succeeded we found them” kiss.
Pre-PoD though? That’s a lot less happy. So I know we discussed that like...some really bad shit goes down and they start off not really getting along and gradually growing to care about each other because of an event that really forces them to understand the other? Well all I can imagine is whatever the terrible thing that happens is that really makes them get along? It happens. And of course even though they’re supposed to not like each other, but the other one of them is still listening to the other and supporting them because that hatred has been gone for a really long time and just like the one who’s hurt realizing that the other one has been there the whole time and they just realize “fuck I really like them” and somewhere in all this the kiss happens. So I guess in their room in the future foundation would be the answer to this.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Why don’t they? *shot*
Well, for one, there’s definitely some things they need to work out. Yuuya is still a spy. Sky still has her duties as a Keyblade Wielder. Both have ties to literally different worlds and different duties and they need to figure out how to make that work, and how to work on being in a relationship despite the possibility of not seeing each other for months.
There’s also one very specific scenario we discussed, the one that cemented Leone’s hate for his dad because he thought that Yuuya ditched them or died? They definitely have serious talks over that. I mean, Yuuya’s probably around his thirties by that point. He’s not young anymore and death is a very real threat for him, just like it is for Sky. They both probably have to address that. Which speaking of Leone, they also probably have a lot to talk about given he’s their son and has awful darkness issues.
3. Who is the most romantic?
I could write an essay on this but we both know it’s gonna be Luca.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
The movies vary, but given Luca’s taste? It’s either absolutely shit or a horror movie, there’s no real way around it. And Luca tries to give Matt the final vote because he knows he struggles with keeping attention so he wants to give Matt like...the best chance of being able to keep himself focused and comfortable during the movie, but he ends up with the final vote anyways.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
So long as Matt and Lila are fine? Luca’s doing awesome the entire time. He serves primarily as the moral support, and encourages his best friend and boyfriend to survive. 
Now why did I mention Lila? Because if something happened to either of them, that’s it. Luca’s shutting down completely. This boy is so reliant on them that he literally would be just done for in a zombie apocalypse. 
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Whichever one is at fault will like apologize. If Luca’s at fault, he’ll do it after he’s calmed down but if Matt’s the one at fault he’s probably immediately apologizing. Then once they’re both chill I see them talking about it and the make up is probably in the unsaid “we’re working on our issues together.”
That being said this is Luca so true confrontations are probably pretty rare.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Luca’s apartment, after Luca nearly fucks up Matt still kisses him anyways. Luca questions if his boyfriend has taste or sanity immediately afterwards.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
This is a twofold question.
It does not work between them the first time because Matt is a cultist who literally betrays Luca’s trust because he’s in fact working against him. This in turn is the last crack on Luca’s faliling mental health and he shatters and they very obviously have a lot to work on.
But once they get back together, because they do have the ability to work through it all? They work because they know better. Luca is all in and he loves Matt, and he brings out the best in Matt I’d like to think. They put forth the effort to be better and make it work because they both love each other, and so it works.
HDM Ship (Ma/sriel)
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Asriel. I could elaborate but the scene at the end of S1 really does speak for itself on this one. Of course Marisa doesn’t do the greatest job of this either or else the series wouldn’t exist.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I really had to think on this one but Marisa. She’s the younger of the two and despite her excellent facade in the series I do think her emotions would be a bit more free than Asriel’s, who’s shown to be emotionally in control for like the entire series. In spite of this it’s still an incredibly rare thing. We’re talking every once in a while, not frequent.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
First of all they tease the other mercilessly. Neither Asriel nor Marisa are particularly doting (not until near the end of their life anyways) so they’re not the type to drop everything to take care of the other, especially since their relationship is secret in the first place. That being said they do make sure to check to make sure the other is alright when sick. Marisa probably brings some medicine and Asriel who funny enough I see as slightly more doting in this instance does his best to bring her things after she’s recovered (since she ya know, has to deal with the whole actually having a husband thing this is an affair why is this the ship hell I sunk into.)
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
God they’re probably studying the zombies to figure out how they came about because they’re like scientists. I hate this. XD
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
They don’t. I ship this but it’s highly dysfunctional. Marisa and Asriel are both stubborn and pigheaded and a part of me would honestly believe for them that fighting is a part of foreplay. Occasionally one might apologize for a fight but it’s not like either of them will really budge on either of their positions (well okay that’s a lie. At the end of TAS Marisa has decided god has to go too but that took three books to get there, and it’s still not so much because she hates religion so much as if he doesn’t die her daughter will and she would do anything for Lyra.)
But on the flipside, they also forgive each other? Like it’s like...they’ll fight, neither will apologize, but both sides will accept it. Because even when their relationship is absolutely at their worst and they hate each other for twelve years, they still care. Asriel is one of the only two things to get an emotional reaction out of Marisa. Marisa is one of the only two things to get an emotional reaction out of Asriel.
It’s really hard to explain, it’s less like they’d ever make up and more like they would just move on from the argument. They only have so much time to waste on it.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
Um literally everywhere. These two are literally having an affair behind Marisa’s husbands back they aren’t going to go broadcasting it. That being said it’s mostly travels around London that get bad. The farther away they get from Marisa’s home the more likely they are to throw caution to the wind. And of course when they’re doing research they also tend to be a lot less nervous because there’s nothing wrong about it that could cause them trouble (on the surface).
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