#i hope that tag doesn't start any drama omg
genericpuff · 7 months
Omg hiiii, I absolutely love Rekindled! You're so talented, and the story you're making for Persephone is so intriguing! A lot more than whatever trashfire Lore Olympus has become.
That being said, what was the moment you stopped liking LO Persephone? Have you always disliked her, or was it gradual? Or just a specific moment that made you go "yeaaaaah.. she's not it ;-;"
(And bonus question if I can ask, but how do you draw hands?? I hate them with a passion, but unfortunately hands are pretty necessary T^T)
aahhh thank you so much!!!
honestly, I was a pretty big fan of LO up until the trial arc. Like, you've all seen me hate this comic with a fiery passion, but the only reason I'm able to do that is because before I hated this comic, I loooved this comic. I'd literally be counting down the hours until new updates, I loved the art, and I was too smitten by the appeal of the series to notice its writing problems, I just loved the romantic drama and the H x P ship, and yes, I loved Persephone, I loved her design, her personality, and I felt so 'seen' by her struggles, both with her trying to pave a path for herself and the SA plotline. I was even (regrettably) one of those people who would lurk in the antiLO tags and think "wow, these people are dumb, can't they see how brilliantly written this is ?? they're nitpicking!"
But then the trial arc happened which involved writing a plot that didn't put the romance front and center anymore - now that Rachel had to actually write something complex and logic-driven, the blinders started to fall off and I went wait... maybe Rachel doesn't know what she's doing. Persephone choosing her own lawyer? And it's Hades, one of the judges? Why are they suddenly establishing Thanatos as Hades' adoptive son? I'm not a lawyer, but I know that's not how any of this works and it really tipped me off that something was amiss, that Persephone was having all of her solutions conveniently handed to her on a platter and all of the other characters were suddenly being made to look like assholes just to make Hades and Persephone the heroes.
And then... Eris happened.
See, one of the things I loved most in the story was Persephone's character arc concerning the Act of Wrath. I write stories about characters with dark "personas" all of the time. So it was something I had frame of reference for, I really loved the premise of Persephone earning her name through this act of violence and while it was dashed with the opening of S2 revealing it was "all an accident", I was excited to see how the trial arc would bring about new information and confirm who was telling the truth about what "really happened" with the Act of Wrath. If the courtroom drama wasn't gonna be realistic, I could at least hope for some good 'OBJECTION!' reveal that would finally put to rest once and for all what really happened, and maybe Kore would finally embrace this 'dark side' she had.
So for the actual twist to suddenly reveal itself as... 'actually, this one goddess we've never mentioned before blessed you with wrath. why? idk she just did. anyways she's the reason you have wrath and that's what made you commit the act of wrath. problem solved.'
And that was where the twisting of 'faith' happened. When I went through the subconscious realization of , "Oh no, Rachel doesn't know what she's doing and it took me this long to notice. Oh no, maybe those antiLO freaks had a point-"
That said, there was a glimmer of hope in the midseason finale. Persephone was sentenced to remain in the Mortal Realm to carry out her mother's duties and I thought, "great! This will be Persephone's Rocky moment! She'll have to prove herself without the help of Demeter or Hades! This is gonna be awesome!!" During the hiatus, I was VERY excited to see where the story was going, I still had so much hope and I figured the mishandling of the trial arc was just a bump in the road. The series was still good, it was just going through a rough patch, these things happen.
And then it came back and it all went downhill from there. There was a 10 year time skip with very little insight as to what happened. Minthe and Daphne were just suddenly back to normal. They were referencing some food shortage or terrible event that happened during Persephone's reign that they never explained in explicit detail. And now, all of a sudden, Persephone was just returning to the Underworld, where Kronos had suddenly taken over. I had cautious optimism but throughout it, I was really seeing the cracks that were already forming opening wide. A lot of what I had to say wasn't positive anymore, I literally couldn't understand what the reasoning was behind these writing decisions and I couldn't find myself rooting for Persephone anymore, everything just seemed to convenient and easy for her to make her seem like the "strong and confident" character the comic claimed her to be.
The S2 finale was my breaking point and I think it was for a lot of other people too. That was pretty much where my 'transformation' from passionate stan to passionate critic happened, and it happened alongside the creation of the UnpopularLoreOlympus subreddit which would become my new 'home' within the community. After seeing how much the story had gone downhill, it made me realize in hindsight just how awful and one-note Persephone is, how she really never cared about anyone but herself and Hades, how her mother did, actually, have a point about her being practically groomed into a relationship with a billionaire slave driver, how she was very intentionally drawn to look like a child in ways I couldn't believe I had never noticed before, the list of "awakenings" goes on. And it sucked! It sucked to have that realization that the thing I loved wasn't just imperfect, but incredibly problematic in its writing and art choices. And just like when I loved the comic, I couldn't just let go of it, I had to understand to some degree why this happened.
It happened because Persephone was always being written as a one-note, easy to project onto self-insert character. A Wattpad protagonist. Not an actual representation of the Goddess of Spring, but a blank slate for the creator and the fans to imagine themselves as purely for the power fantasy of hooking up with a rich and abusive guy.
That was when I made my first piece of LO art intended to be an 'edit' - a redraw of Persephone's rebirth as the Dread Queen from the S2 finale, an ode to the Persephone I was hoping to see but never got. The rest from there is history.
I know I'm being SUPER dramatic about it but this was literally how it felt to go through the realization that this comic - and its characters - wasn't as good as I thought it was, and I think that's a sentiment that's shared by a lot of the 'haters' in this community. LO was a big part of my life and even some of my friendships with people, so when it went downhill, it felt like such a hit to the gut. It's still a big part of my life, albeit in the opposite direction, but I still wonder sometimes over the "what ifs", what if the series hadn't turned out this way? What if I had never realized its flaws? Rekindled is basically a love letter to those what ifs, satisfying the feelings I never got to keep with LO, and giving me a reason to count down the hours on Saturday nights again. I'm glad it's made that same impact for others, too <3
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spectralsleuth · 8 months
Saw you were lookin’ for some asks dont mind if I do 👀
To start off, I’m such a big fan of your writing! I genuinely look forward to every single update of yours and find myself rereading a lot of work in the downtime. You are such a good writer!! My never ending praises aside, here are some asks!
-You incorporate OC’s into your fics so seamlessly! They feel so natural in your fics that I legit get excited anytime they show up (srsly can’t wait for Lou Jitsu vs Hidden City, Sal’s my boy) lol how do you find the right balance when introducing and maintaining OC’s in your fics? I feel like that’s a particularly difficult balance beam to tread but you absolutely crush it.
-A previous ask you answered about Cass and Raph in LSoW got me thinking; how do the brothers handle humans crushing on them? Would they be receptive or dismissive? Do they develop crushes on humans- and if so, how is that perceived (by family or the general public)? The drama 👀
Last ask, I promise:
-I absolutely loved your crossover with Empathy is Learned! Got anymore crossovers planned in the future? Oooor if you could do a crossover with any other fic, which one(s) would it/they be??
Thanks for taking the time to even look at this! I hope these are some fun asks for ya :) I hope you have a lovely day!!
Omg thanks so much... I'm so happy people enjoy my writing it's crazy to me. I've written before, but it's always been just for myself so I never really know if it was good or not. (Years of text based DnD is to thank lol.) (Okay I got carried away answering this so sorry in advance.)
On OC's:
I got a lot of comments on LSoW from people who say "generally I don't like OC's BUT-" which is so funny and flattering. Because I am absolutely one of those people who don't care for OC's in fic.
Let me be clear: I LOVE that people write self indulgent self-insert of OC based fic, where they make the craziest off the wall story etc. Every time a fifteen year old writes a story about the cringiest Mary-sue/stu self insert, or non canon character, an angel gets its wings and I mean that one hundred percent. It makes me so happy I literally grin when I see it. I HOWEVER generally filter out the OC tags on AO3 when I'm looking for something to read myself.
So when I started posting LSoW I was expecting to get maybe like, 100 kudos MAX, maybe one comment or so. Which is great! I love writing niche fic just for me, and one other person who I assume I must be drift compatible with. I just could not figure out a way to write the story I wanted without a few OC's- Rise didn't have a big enough character catalog for me to draw from!
When I went to write the OC's, I knew that they had to have a very simple backstory, that was also very fleshed out. (Xander and Sal have full family, Dr. Heo and Carter have full jobs and history together, etc.) For another contradiction I wanted them to be interesting enough that someone reading wouldn't just be skipping ahead to when they weren't present, or just simply plowing through to get past the part where they were doing exposition. They had to be enjoyable! While also forwarding the story!
They also had to be distinct. Anyone who's ever watched a Whedon show or movie (Buffy, Firefly, Avengers-) knows what I'm talking about. It drives me nuts when the characters in a show are constantly the funniest person in the room, with the same personality traits, and the same girl boss/badass tendencies.
(Fandom challenge Impossible: Give a female fan favorite character another trait besides 'girlboss/mom/lesbian'. I'm dead serious.)
(Also a disclaimer: I LOVE making jokes and doing bits. I FANCY that I'm pretty funny, and I love making people laugh. But you can do that without making it a character personality trait. For example: Xander doesn't really crack any jokes in LSoW! He's just funny because we the reader know more about the situation and his thoughts than he does.)
But the BIGGEST THING I kept telling myself while writing the story, was DO NOT TAKE AWAY FROM THE TURTLES. Because the whole point of the story is the turtles! And Yoshi! The OC's are there to facilitate that. It's a hard balance to hit. I have all sorts of touchstones I keep in mind while I'm writing, and that's a big one.
(A SUPER good example of this done super well is @faiakishi 's Bella from Dawning of the Hour. She's a great OC that's super interesting, and a super important narrative element, but she never detracts from the main story. Big Bella fan here lmao. There's also the rest of the OC's/interpretations of franchise characters (TIGERCLAW), but Bella stands out as truly original.)
On the Turtles dating Humans:
(CW: CSA mention, SA mention, non graphic talk of minors dating etc.)
I actually talked a lot about this to @/tangledinink in feverish discord chats lmao.
When the boys were growing up they got a very detailed talk from both Yoshi, and their Doctors. ONE: Because nobody will know better than themselves if something was medically wrong with their bodies, TWO: The boys are all intersex (minus Mikey) and they had to understand that there was nothing wrong with them on TOP of the turtle thing, and THREE: Because Yoshi knew the boys would be getting a lot of attention, and you never know what kind of attention that form will take.
THE BEST WAY to protect children (any child) from being sexually assaulted or abused, is making sure they know what that abuse LOOKS LIKE. You don't have to make them terrified of being sexually assaulted, but them knowing how their body works, and also how to say NO and set boundaries, will combine to help make them safer.
Yoshi didn't know what would happen in the future and in a perfect world the boys would never leave his line of sight, but that's not always how things happen. (In a Short Season, Xander parroted Yoshi's instructions before going out to make sure the boys knew what to do if someone grabbed them (in any way) and it was to bite and be loud.) So the boys grew up knowing their bodies, knowing how to say 'no', and knowing that there was probably going to be people out there who would treat them as a novelty, and who wouldn't be appropriate to them as celebrities OR non-humans.
(Remember Emma Watson having to deal with that countdown to her turning 18? Or any other amount of child stars who had to deal with adults being predatory to them.)
But ALSO THIS IS HAMATO YOSHI. His sons are HANDSOME and HEARTBREAKERS! Leo has dated a lot but never anything seriously, and his inability to be intimate with anyone but family kind of puts a damper on any more permanent relationship. (He is gay.) He's the number one turtle people ask out because he's the most approachable. Because he made himself that way!
Donnie is in a sort of relationship with Kendra. (THIS WILL BE A FIC I'm working up to it lmao.) I have a head canon that Yokai and other empyrean based creatures are capable of having rivalry based relationships. IE Yoshi and Draxum in the canon show, the unhealthy dynamic between Yoshi and Big Mama, etc. (Caliginous relationship) Donnie is in a puppy love version of that with Kendra, while also lacking the context of yokai society to understand why he wants to punch her very badly, but also if anything happened to her he would die. They hate each others guts and also she was his first kiss. She is not a nice person I am not a Kendra apologist she's terrible I love her. (Donnie is bi!)
I know a lot of people head canon Mikey as ace, but he is a thirteen year old child you don't have to be head canoning him as anything. it is the very rare 13 year old who knows their orientation, and even if they DO I bet you donuts to dollars it will change eventually. This is normal and healthy. Mikey in LSoW has had puppy crushes on boys, girls, teachers, Violet, the mailman, Adam, and Rupert Swaggert. (Eugh eugh eugh.)
Raph is absolutely irresistible to the entire student body and is completely unaware of it. He's not stupid but he's face blind and bad at picking up subtext in conversations. He's gone to multiple people's houses and spent the whole day with them, without realizing they were trying to make it a date. (Raph is bi.)
All the boys have considered identifying as girls since their Dad is the martial arts equivalent of David Bowie and Fine With That, but have settled (for now) on being boys (age 10 the last time they considered this) because quote 'Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim are boys and they're awesome' unquote.
They don't get any fucking privacy for their relationships, and Leo in particular had a very bad experience that closed him off from dating big time. (Stamps 'THIS WILL BE A FIC' on this as well.) But also, as of the LSoW canon they are like, 12-14 and not doing a lot of dating ANYWAY. They are BABIES.
(Enter Casey Jones)
I have one crossover with my white whale of authors (you know who you are) I have pecked at with them that I think everyone will go fucking nuts for and love, but I won't mention it in case we can't get it off the ground! (A completely okay and normal thing to happen lmao.) I think that one will end up happening though because I am too excited about it, even if it's not any time soon.
I am super open to crossovers and cowriting, especially since writing with Li because I learned SO MUCH it was like speed running improvement.
The thing is it has to fit! There's some crossovers that wouldn't have a lot of substance because there's not really a lot to cover. When it came to EiL for example, there was PLENTY to cover and do, it was so fun! But other fics might not have a lot we could do for each other. (At least, not until I get some more world building done.)
That being said I do love talking crossovers with other creators it's so fun...
If you guys ever want to use my OC's feel free, just ask me in advance! I don't mind pings.
THESE ASKS ARE FUN THANKS FOR SENDING THEM I feel like you just threw a steak into my zoo exhibit. I am recharged and rejuvenated my crops are watered my skin is clear. This felt very pretentious to write I am mortified.
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boston-babies · 1 year
I was one of the anons earlier this week sending in asks, being funny and making drama of Ryan and CC anon. And I honestly feel bad, especially for CC anon, because it feels like this started since then.
I don't know if it's because some think CC anon was trying to get close to Ryan and its out of jealousy or something but it looks like some of yall are sending shady hate and thay doesn't sit right with me because I was the one pushing that stupid drama. I remember CC anon not even being fully active that day. I understand some can feel like they couldn't tag along the interactions but just send in the asks you want like usual? It's not like the mod ever ignored any asks? She's welcoming with everyone and anything.
The blame shouldn't be on people who were having fun. They weren't stopping you from interacting with the family, all you gotta do is, like me, just send in whatever ask and interaction you want.
😮‍💨 Man, I really didn't think my drama loving self having fun would lead up to negative drama here. I'm truly sorry about that, mod. I just needed to send this ask because some feels like it was my fault. Hope you understand.
{no omg please don’t feel bad! And you have nothing to apologize for. We were all having fun with those asks. I thought that by making the other blog it would be a good compromise and make everyone happy.}
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
But why did you consider AS0IAF overrated? No offence or smth, just curious.
None taken! Well, I mean “overrated” in the simplest sense of the word: AS0IAF is so mainstream because of the show, it’s like the first thing people think of when you say “fantasy,” the merchandise is everywhere, it fills up the fantasy section of every bookstore, and everyone references it as the best example of high/hard fantasy because of its “realism,” character moral ambiguity, and worldbuilding. It’s certainly a well-written series that I enjoy a lot, but do I think it is the most realistic, best plotted, best worldbuilt fantasy book with the best cast of characters out there? No. I don’t think there is a fantasy series that can fit all those criteria, but AS0IAF has become the standard when a lot of other series have equal if not better plot and worldbuilding and all that fun stuff.
My complaints are pretty similar to everyone else’s:
The books are way too long. Martin had originally planned a trilogy, then a five-book series, and now he’s projecting seven, but who honestly knows? I know we all complain about SJ/M’s editors but holy crap can this man write about inane stuff for hundreds of pages, repeat the same word on the same page two to three times, and use ten words to describe something that could’ve been written in three. It doesn’t help that the plot can be really glacial at times, especially when you happen upon a sequence of many unlikable/boring POV chapters.
I find the writing style awkward and heavy-handed. Sometimes he’ll use really awesome metaphors like “fingers of blood” or “crust of snow” over a riverbank but overuse them like 5 times in the same storyline. His characters also repeatedly use made-up phrases like “nuncle” or “must needs” to remind us that we’re in a ~medieval fantasy~. He also occasionally overwrites descriptions/symbolism to a nonsensical point. I recall him describing a rain of bloody rose petals on wind or something in a dream sequence, and I found it to be really extra. And don’t even get me started on the sex scenes; they’re all just awful and rarely necessary (describing genitalia as flowers, using onomatopoeia, etc).
One of the most iconic things about AS0IAF is how main characters die unexpectedly, but I don’t find the MC deaths to be particularly good for the overall reading experience. The MC deaths were probably innovative for the time the first books got published, but now we have a lot of shows and books with high stakes for the characters, so why are people acting like G/RRM is the only one to kill off a main member of a cast? Also, he wrote 5000+ pages in this world, and essentially asked readers to invest hours upon hours of time into his books, and he keeps on killing off characters that he purposely made us root for. As of AD/WD, there’s no payoff for all the horrible stuff that happens to the characters who were written to be our favorites. There’s reward for reading the books. It’s just nihilistic grimdark. (But I do think he’s going to give us some sort of hope/satisfaction by the time the final book is published, if he ever publishes it.)
The first books were published in the 90s, so there are a lot of really cringey racism/sexism/homophobia/ableism etc issues. For example, I think Dany’s storyline is not aging well at all. She was meant to be a figure of women’s empowerment by freeing slaves and becoming queen in the east, but it’s a classic White Savior narrative and there is not one Es/sosi (people of color who inhabit the eastern continent) POV in the books. The entire setting is super exoticized through D/any’s POV with oddly spelled names; characters with strong accents; and clothing, food, hairstyles, and magic a modern Western reader would find weird or disturbing. There are a lot of great meta writers on this site who discuss the Dead Ladies Club (women who underwent horrible suffering or were killed off before the start of the series to support men’s storylines), and a roundup post that counts all the female characters who have been sexually harassed or r*ped, plus all the instances of a woman being r*ped in the books. I don’t remember the exact number, but it racks up well over a hundred, maybe in the 300s. But people like to brush off all these issues because the worldbuilding is so strong and the bullshit “historical accuracy” excuse.
Hope that answers your question!
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nightsoulsworld · 3 years
Hello I would like a match-up please? So I requested a match-up of the same oc but in another blog but I really only have one oc and I'd like to know who other people think she would match with :)
Well her name is Serena and she looks like this (except her hair is 100% pink)
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Serena is 17, she's half Asian and half Brazilian (but she looks more like her mother). She moved from Brazil to NY with her mother after their parents divorced, she can look cold at first but it's just that she never had the chance to actually learn how to speak English properly so she chooses to talk less so people won't make fun of her and she's 24/7 apologizing for her "bad English" like "hello sorry for bad English"
Serena's personality is like one of those popular teenagers girls from that movies from the 2000's, like Regina George from Mean Girls, and it's not that she's a mean girl, she's just really into that kind of movie and she really tries to be more like the cool girls so she won't get bullied lol
Her favorite color is pink, like her whole room is pink and almost all of her clothes are pink. She's an artist and loves drawing and knitting stuff, whenever she's happy or sad she'll draw or knit to express her feelings or just to pass the time, she can make special plushies and paints for her friends because she loves making gifts to people she loves
She's very into teenager stuff like makeup and gossip magazines, she knows all the celebrities dramas and has watched all the disney series like Jessie or Shake It Up. She also loves musicals and obviously was addicted to high school Musical and Camp Rock, she can make her significant other watch all of it with her because she loves sharing her special likes with people she cares about
She's very kind and polite even with people she doesn't like, mainly because she's to coward to confront people when they mistreat her, like you can punch her in the face and she won't complain, she hates confronts and thinks she's too weak. She tries really to make new friends but it's hard for her since she's so shy and quiet, but mostly because she's insecure about her English skills and she thinks people will make fun of her
She starts pretending she likes the same things that the person she's talking to. "Omg do you like Teen Wolf? Me too!" (She hates Teen Wolf). She thinks that if she opens up the others will call her childish or dumb so she hides her personality until she's 100% sure she can trust them
Sometimes she feels sad because she misses her old home and her family she left behind. She loves sharing things about her country and will be more than happy to teach portuguese to her significant other. Serena has depression and there are days she doesn't feel like pretending she's okay so she just keeps in her room until she feels "better". She would never judge anybody by their appearance (since she doesn't think she's a pretty girl)
Hello, dear ♥️. Thank you so much for your time and ask. Also thank you for tagging me at your post, I really appreciates that you like my blog. I hope you will like it. If you don't like it, message me anytime 💜💜
Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language
Here we go
🤔 I think I'd paired you with...🤔
This ball of sunshine would fall hard for you
He liked you more and more the more he spent with you
Your kindness was that what drew him to you
When you two first met, you were so shy and quiet but after a while you open up; he was so happy and glad
Mkey will never laugh at you and he will ask ( force ) Donnie to help you with that you need help
Sometimes he's jealous about how you two are close but he knows that you will not cheat
He would have the longest converstations with you about Art and your favorite things
He finds it very cute when you doing your things; he feels calm when he watch you draw or knit
When you paint him for the first time, he break down into tears of happiness and he told you thank you non-stop
He's so happy when you give him something: he see your hard work in it and he really appreciates that from you
He will lend you his comics and he loves to watch with you some Disney movies and musicals
He loves your style and your bedroom is so cute to him
He likes to spend time with you at your place
When you're with him, you don't need to pretend anything, Mikey accept you and he loves you because of who you are
Mikey will cheer you up when you're sad and he's all ears when you need somebody to talk about your feelings or problems
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I hope you like your match 💛💛💛
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Hi there! Can I request hcs of kuroo, kita and semi with a big brain s/o? It doesn't just apply to s/o academically, but more so about life in general (like having ~streetsmarts~) thank you!
you said street smarts my mind went to jj bittenbinder. ngl i kinda used the wisdom proficiencies from d&d as reference for this hahaha nerd i hope it’s what you want! also i just want to thank you for requesting my not-so-secret fav semi semi
Kuroo, Kita, & Semi with a big brain s/o
* * * * *
Kuroo Tetsuro
oh this man appreciates it. he’s so entertained
you know that drinking game that Tyrion does with Shae where he guesses something about your past and if he’s right you have to drink, if not he does? that’s what you do minus the drinking part obv,, unless
as a person with high charisma himself, you make it a game to see who can bluff out and/or fool the other (you almost always win)
any time there’s a game night and you’re playing a social deception game you always win. no one can get a lie past you
if it’s a teamwork one, you and Kuroo crush everyone else
you find ways to skimp on your hw but still come out fine. he has no idea how, and it both annoys and impresses him
“i thought you stayed up watching buzzfeed unsolved instead of studying last night??”
“yeah so what?”
“but you got a 96%”
he knows that intelligence isn’t just defined by what you’re able to memorize out of a book, and you’re a perfect example of that. he respects you a lot
you’re the type of person that reads random articles and therefore has the most random bits of trivia that you throw in conversation
he can have an intellectual conversation with you, since you always come up with unique perspectives. he loves asking your opinion on things, bc who tf knows what’ll come out of your mouth
you don’t know what a derivative is to save your life but you know the location of every 7/11 in a ten mile radius, and if they carry a specific type of onigiri or cup noodle flavor
but fr you give the best advice and are always there to lend an ear
you watch murder mystery movies together and try to figure out the culprit, sometimes actually arguing over it
other times you’ll watch a drama and make bets on who’s gonna do what or end up with who
rip Kenma in the corner just trying to live his life
it’s hilarious seeing you interact with someone who is not “big brain” or street smart
let’s just use Lev as an example for no particular reason, just bc
you quickly learned that Lev would believe almost anything you said, he was that fascinated by your apparent wisdom
so you and Kuroo will sometimes join forces and see what you can get him to believe. you once convinced him that if you kill an insect you’d become that insect in your next life and die the same way, and for a solid month he would start crying if he ever stepped on an ant
chaos couple™
you have this whole atmosphere about you that is just “do not fuck with me” bamf if i do say so myself
which tbh is one of the things he finds most attractive about you. you knew exactly what he was up to the first time he started flirting with you, but you weren’t intimidated one bit. you became a challenge~
10/10 best looking couple of the three
* * * 
Kita Shinsuke
the two voices of reason, bless you both. you’re very similar, but also very different
he’s the definition of high intelligence & high wisdom with low charisma cleric kita omg, while you have both high wisdom and high charisma with an intelligence stat you barely use (high or low lol)
he’s the kind of guy who always thinks things through with logic, and he’s always sure of his decisions
you on the other hand, have an intuition based logic
freaks him out when you rely on your gut instinct but somehow it always pays off
“just because” 
“but why??”
you’re adaptable in almost every situation, always know what to say, and have an uncanny ability to read people
which actually comes in handy in your relationship
he’s not the best at expressing himself but you always seem to know his emotional state and thought process, something no one else except his granny has really cracked yet and you do it so easily. sometimes he wonders if you’re a mind reader
you knew he liked you before he did & you asked him out first ~
“Shin-kun, you look happy today!” 
“Ah, I was able to clean all the volleyballs after practice and still had time to fold and organize the scrimmige vests by color.”
meanwhile Atsumu: “hE litERALLY?? looks the sAME??!”
speaking of the twins, you’re great at handling them
Atsumu tried to scare you away the first time you showed up at practice before you and Kita announced your relationship, but you were calm and polite
which tbh put him off more than if you’d clammed up or gotten angry. he almost felt bad for being rude. almost.
imagine how bad he felt when Kita found out
the both of you are both feared and respected by the team 
you’ll help Kita out with his self-assigned chores sometimes, figuring out new ways to be efficient and not lose quality
he also loves how he can trust you to take care of yourself, whether it’s walking home alone or losing you in a crowd or just looking after your health. he still worries and dotes on you but it’s out of love, not because he’s concerned you’ll hurt yourself unintentionally 
he loves a person with common sense @ inarizaki
you’re both really good at getting gifts for each other, since you’re both very perceptive
one time you guessed his favorite flavor of ice cream and it made the butterflies a’flutter
there’s this silent competition between you two of who can give the better gifts
wishes you would study more though ngl. he knows you’re smart you just don’t always dedicate that intelligence to your schoolwork
he finds it charming how you’re always looking at things from different angles rather than the straightforward path. he thinks it’s a very good quality
that “yeah but what if...” kind of mentality
we already know he appreciates that attitude if he doesn’t really take it on himself
you’re both able to appreciate the nuances of life and enjoy the moment together
your relationship is one of the most balanced and strong out there tbh,,
* * *
Semi Eita
you’ve got this charm that makes people respect you. a certain type of confidence, if you will, that made him first notice you
lots of students were intimidated by the members of the volleyball team, for their height and reputation etc, but you never showed any reservation, not even with Ushijima
as well as your conviction, you have take no shit attitude that comes in great handy with certain members of the team it’s also hot af
you can banter with Tendou and you provoke Goshiki all day long but never Shirabu bc you know what’s up
you do however irritate him with mind games, bc you know he’s a little shit who stole your bf’s spot and needs to be taken down a peg sometimes
you: *describing the quantum wave trolley problem”
Shirabu: *screams*
all the while Semi is trying and failing to hide the smug little smirk on his face
with Semi though, you’re able to just talk
he enjoys conversation with you bc he’s never bored. you make him think and you make him laugh, both good things
sometimes you’ll point something out that just makes him go “oh” bc it seems so obvious when you point it out
other times it’s something so outlandish that he can’t help but crack a smile or let out a laugh 
sometimes it’s the connect the dots meme “you didn’t connect shit” lmao
again, solid advice giver with no holds barred. anyone who needs to be straight up told what they need to hear comes to you, bc you're usually right
and Semi himself can get lost in his own head so it's nice to have you to ground him
you’re decent in your classes sure, but where you really impress is your strategy in game. any game
once you were invited to play laser tag with the team and you whipped out a battle plan that annihilated the other team
alternatively, you show no mercy in monopoly or uno, damn your relationships
it’s actually very annoying how quickly you pick up the rules and nuances to games and use them to your advantage
if you’re both very competitive, it’s usually better for everyone if you’re both on the same team
but he likes a challenge heh
okay, we know he’s bad at dressing himself when it comes to casual outfits. no common sense. you notice this too
“Eita, sweetie, if you go out like that you will get mugged,, even in Miyagi.”
you’ll walk down the street hand in hand and you make random guesses or stories about the people you see 
“that guy is totally a scammer” or “bet that lady looking at the papaya is trying to start a diet for the third time, look at her face” and he’ll chuckle
he knows there’s always something going on inside your mind and he wants to know
when you’re lost in thought he’ll tap your forehead
“hey what’s going on in there?”
he enjoys listening to your musings and thoughts and opinions. you either have a crazy gut instinct or have some unique thought you’ve internally debated over for months
gets inspiration from you actually, even if he doesn’t realize it
likewise, you realize he has a lot on his mind he doesn’t say, but you have a way of making him say it, even if he is hesitant and abrasive at first
you’ll call him at 3am with a random thought and he’ll grumble a bit but actually will listen to you with the smallest smile on his face
* * * * * 
i hope??? this was good??? also lmk if this is too long without a read more i’m not sure :P
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badedramay · 2 years
NDBNJQWH when is gashmeer completely leaving the show... har roz watching sumbul tag him is irritating me omg and then his annoying fans using it as a proof ki dekho even the fl doesnt want arylie, this offscreen drama is genuinely putting me off the ship like feels khatm ho rahi hai meri
I do think the current Pagdandiya track is his final. his AKT will marofy an exit there. asdkjaehawkejad wahan pe Aditya is fighting for his life idhar Tripathi khandaan party karraha hai xD the writing of this show is truly stupid.
And the offscreen drama is PATHETIC. I am soooooooo not keeping tabs on any actor offscreen. what they do in their personal life is literally none of the fans' business as long as onscreen content remains unaffected by it. people forget that Sumbul is young like omg she's just a child! she has worked with Gashmeer for over a year..i am sure he has been more than a co-actor for her and has helped her settle in her role as a lead actress considering his own experience in the acting industry. of course him and adilie are more special for her..audiences come and go but these actors live these roles.
sure Sumbul doesn't promote Arylie but LMAO neither does Fahmaan! does that mean we don't get arylie content? heck no! they are professionals and doing their job as required! the makers + the channel is promoting the ship..Sumbul and Fahmaan both have a good bond off screen from whatever little we have seen through theirs or others' social media. aur kyaaaaaaaaaaaa chaiye? ainvayi fuzool ke drame. khali dimag shaitaan ka ghar..this week was so blah in terms of arylie that fans have gone pagla with vellapann.
urgh! I hope Gashmeer leaving will give us some sanity for some days at least before the tamasha with the new AKT starts. oh, joy.
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lackadaisicalnereid · 3 years
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I posted 432 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i mean don't get me wrong me accomplishing to have some fun with a piece of media is in this case to my credit and not at all to the credit
My Top Posts in 2021
Yo does anyone out here think I could find an audiobook/drama version of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet with ~modernized language? A friend expressed interest in listening to sth like this, and I'm not sure where to locate such a Thing™?
3 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 10:49:32 GMT
queen of WIPs
So I was nudged by @bohemicns and @elasticella (thank you <3) to list my WIPs & here they are - at least of course, the ones I’ve at least thought about doing something with in the last few months. I’ll happily blabber more about any/all of them
1 my gossip girl dan/blair multichapter with dan/blair starting an affair in paris while he's married to serena (ikr?) which i’m having trouble deciding the direction of 2 my jeremy/elena/caroline as leia/luke/han star wars a new hope AU (what even?) 3 my started like 1+ year ago wicdiv luci/laura thing where cass somehow also budged in and now neither her nor i are sure if she wants to rescue laura from luci, rescue luci from laura, or just say 'fuck it' and join them 4 my veronica mars (first ever!) logan/veronica something where they stumble across each other at a gas station (ah, liminal spaces, amirite)  5 my (first ever!) riverdale reggie/veronica enemies & lovers something (thankyou @bohemicns for making me do this) also omg no idea who to tag plz tag yourself if you wanna play with me
4 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 08:03:38 GMT
There is not a WIP there I don't want to talk about, but let's focus on wicdiv & riverdale bc I want them soooo bad
Ok let us talk then:
Riverdale first!
I'm actually simultaneously really thrilled with this AND not sure what exactly to do with it? Though I never consider myself a writer whose problem is Too Many Ideas, here I think that might be actually troubling me? I want it to be noir and pulpy and for exchanges like this to take place:
Toni opens her mouth, but doesn't speak. She pours more of the whiskey into his glass. "Cheap whiskey for a cheap story?" Reggie asks. "I'll bring you some more, if the story's as good as you say."
However I maybe want to have basically a frame narrative with Reggie talking to Toni at the White Wyrm, but I also maybe want to alternate between Veronica and Reggie's POV? And do I want it to be noir-pulpy for all chapters? Do I want to show people (myself included) what's actually inside Reggie-boy's head, or just, you know, not, and keep the POV outside of his thoughts and let us get a feel for him in the dark, by the weak light of his actions? But I really like it! If you like this and, you know, wanna do a quick colab, maybe a bit of Lucy energy is what this needs :D I'm open to all advice & offers.
Also, I sorta want to make a proper Romantic (?) hero out of Reggie, which is a) ridiculous but also b) fitting?
if Reggie were more genre savvy, if he was Jughead, or maybe even Betty, he would have recognized what was going on. This is not to say Reggie is stupid, he decidedly is not. And anyway, who's to say he wouldn't have walked right into it anyway?
WicDiv second!
Ok, I sorta wanna do a darker (?) take on Luci/Laura (I mean darker than I think I usually do stuff?) and see what I can unveil esp re: Laura as she sorta maybe starts being a bit unhappy in their ~relationship?
Later that night, and later most nights, there's bruises on her. Marks of worship, or faith, or fucking something. But bruises heal quickly, or at least change colors, and right now there's a pantheon of colors traceable on Laura's skin, a gift from one goddess to another. Laura looks at herself sometimes in the mirror, and traces her bruised skin with her fingers, and thinks, this dark purple one, this is Baph, and the light sort of purple-greenish one, that is Baal. She thinks of the yellower one as Sakhmet. All her lovers written plainly on her skin. Luci the painter and all of her lovers at once. And Laura is what she's always been best at - a fan. Well. Mostly. Sometimes between the bruises and back-alley quickies, between coming and going and <i>fuck-you</i>s like guided missiles, something claws at the back of Laura's throat. It never quite makes it out. But, consider: She discusses her bruises with Luci, whispers in a sex-dishevelled bed. Laura whispers of past lovers and future ones, and says: <i>this bruise that claws at my throat, that one is you</i>, and Luci whispers of - nothing at all.
And I'm sorta fine with that! But! I don't know what to do with Cass. I wanna bring in Cass, but I'm not sure what she wants to do with Luci/Laura?
It's mostly this: Cassandra is a goddess who knows and no one believes her truths. It's also this: Lucifer is not a goddess of anything if she is not a goddess of lies. Looking at it from that angle, it's quite another thing entirely. "Laura's sleeping" Luci says. She gives Cass a good once-over, slow and indulgent, because sleeping with Laura more than once a week does not preclude her from having eyes, and for some reason it's important that Cass knows this. And anyway, she's worried she might be getting rusty. Seducing someone like Cass, well, a rusty goddess couldn't do that.
At least Luci is behaving aka wrecking havoc, as always, bless.
Now, gimme your thoughts! <3
5 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 10:50:55 GMT
A question for all Grisha-verse fans out there: for someone who liked SC and didn't like SAB, and read the first SAB book and both Crows books, is it okay to move on to King of Scars without reading the second and third Grisha books? Asking for a friend, honest.
10 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 13:37:35 GMT
anyone else feel like we're forgetting to thank misters kieron gillen and james mckelvie of the wicdiv for gwendolyne christie being cast as lucifer
30 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 10:49:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
UN Dinner- Following Her Heart Chapter 4
Pairing: Athena x Perceval, Bailey x Liam, Drake, Madeline
Word count: 3,001
Warnings: angst, fluff, Madeline being a raging bitch
Summary: Drama at the UN dinner. 
A/N: @mrsnazario1223 was my sounding board as usual, but she helped me way more than usual. Love you girl!  
Tags: @walkerismychoice @mrsnazario1223 @ladynonsense @madaraism @hhiggs @butindeed @boneandfur @drakewalkerwhipped @mfackenthal @pens-girl-87 @nobodyfromnowhere45 @drakelover78 @awesomeevaneposts @kawairinrin @indiacater @laniquelove @mlmseangayle @omg-foreverfilledwithweird-posts @imafictosexual @jyruesser85 @trr-fangirl @itsalliepg @theroyalweisme @diamond-dreamland  @crookedslimecreatorpasta @umccall71 @lizeboredom @speedyoperarascalparty @xxrainbowprincessxx @lolablackwrites @imma-winchester-addict @hopefulmoonobject @moodygrip @alicars @mrsdrakewalkerblog
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Percy took Athena to a local boutique, usually she met Hana or Maxwell, but Percy wanted to treat her, she loved that he just wanted to do something small for her to make her happy. She spent a few minutes browsing the gorgeous gowns until she saw it. It was black long sleeve, tight but not too tight, ankle length in the front, with a short train in the back, backless except for thick ‘X’ straps, open until right above her curvaceous ass, ruching detail to accentuate her ass. She loved it, loved how she looked and felt in it.
“You look gorgeous doll,” Percy stated before giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.
If she hadn’t loved the way she looked in the dress the love and adoration in Percy’s eyes and face would have told her she needed to know.
He decided he’d wear his all black suit, with black shirt and tie to match her, it was the first event they’d be going to together, engaged, and he wanted her to feel as beautiful as he saw her everyday.
Bailey heard a knock at her door but when she opened it nobody was there, nothing except a mysterious large white box with a red bow and a note. “I hope this fits. I thought you deserved to be treated like royalty. I can’t wait to see you tonight.” -Liam.
Bailey smiled, she wondered how Athena could ever had chosen to say no to a man like Liam, but if she was being truthful she was glad she did.
She opened the box and let out a small gasp as she pulled out the gorgeous green dress. It had lace neckline and cap sleeves, going into a pleated bodice it would come in at her waist and flare out. It had a sheer overlay of the same color and appeared to be floor length. She decided to try it on right away, perfect fit, she found herself wondering how he knew as she looked at herself in her floor length mirror. The color was the perfect compliment to her pale skin, and looked perfect with her fiery red hair. She couldn’t keep the grin off her face as she admired herself in the dress Liam had sent. She turned and got a glimpse of the slightly open back. The lace gave way to a triangle of exposed skin at her shoulder blades. She kept spinning this way and that as she looked in the mirror, she’d never had a dress that made her feel like this.
Athena smoothed down her black dress as she stepped out of the limo. She smiled as she linked arms with Percy, he made her so incredibly happy and made her feel so incredibly loved.
She glanced around the room as they stepped inside, tables with small flags littered the floor, nobles and diplomats milling around. She caught sight of a familiar redhead in a gorgeous green dress and let out a small gasp, what was she doing here?
"Bailey! What are you doing here?" Athena asked, shock to see her cousin at the UN dinner evident on her face.
"Liam invited me." Bailey answered like it made perfect sense.  
"Why would Liam invite you?" Athena snarked, she hadn’t introduced them yet so how did he invite her?
"We met at the bar and stared talking and one thing led to another. What difference does it even make Athena? I thought you were over him and didn’t love him." Bailey quipped back. "Besides, it seems you've moved on." Bailey continued pointing out the vintage teardrop engagement ring on Athena's left ring finger.
Athena blushed as she looked down at her left hand, the proposal had been a surprise to say the least, and after, well she had new reasons the cove was her favorite place ever.
Just then Liam came up wearing a Hunter green suit, placing his hand at the small of Bailey’s back. Athena felt her heart clench, she knew without a doubt that Percy was the man for her, but seeing Liam so happy after mere days of her breaking his heart gave her a pain in her chest. What made matters worse was the woman that was bringing him back to life was none other than her cousin.
She shook the look of shock off her face,  she heard whispers from nearby nobles, she knew they’d be talking about her and Percy after Liam’s shocking announcement, but there were also whispers of Bailey and Liam and their obvious matching outfits. They had just met, this was a very bold display, she wondered if it was Bailey’s idea or Liam’s.
“Looks like congratulations are in order.” Liam said breaking Athena out of her thoughts. She could have sworn she saw a fleeting expression of pain flash across his face before he gave a wide smile.
“Thanks.” Percy said beaming down at Athena. She looked up and her heart felt full and free once more, she loved this man more than she ever felt possible, she was beyond excited to be his wife.
Percy leaned down and kissed Athena sweetly on the lips, his hand slipping from hers to land on the bare skin of the small on her back.
Liam struggled not to grimace at Percy and Athena’s kiss, he looked down to Bailey, the pain seemed to lessen when she was near, maybe she’d be the one to heal him.
“Bailey, would you care to dance with me?” He asked, bringing her hand to his lips, a smile once again on his lips.
Bailey smiled as she took his proffered hand, following him as he lead her to the dance floor.
Liam grasped her right hand with his, his right brushing over the bare skin of her upper back before resting at her waist. Bailey rests her left hand on his shoulder, as Liam pulls her close, closer than a dance hold should be.
Athena swallowed a small lump in her throat, it was so weird seeing her cousin with him, and it didn’t help that he was being more open than he had ever been with her.
“You ok doll?” Percy asked, noticing her unease, and softly rubbing the bare skin of the small of her back. He knew this couldn’t be easy for her, it hadn’t been easy seeing Athena with King Liam but Bailey was her family.
Athena smiled and nodded her head, the lump instantly disappearing, he always knew how to make her feel better.
“Shall we dance doll?” Percy asked continuing to gently rub the small of her back sending small shivers up her spine.
“Of course.” She answered, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor by the small amount of pressure against her back.
On the dance floor Percy pulls Athena to him, her body flush with his. Athena wraps both arms around his neck as his other hand comes to meet the first at the small of her back. She smiled as she rested her head against his shoulder. Percy started to softly sway with her to the slow waltz playing.
Liam fought a sharp inhale when he saw Percy and Athena dancing across the dance floor. He glanced down at Bailey and the pain started to diminish, it amazed him how quickly and easily she made things seem right in the world. Bailey rest her head against Liam’s chest as he gently pulled her closer, as he lead her in a delicate waltz.
Percy lightly trailed his right hand up Athena’s back to her left shoulder and playfully dipped her with a big dimple showing grin on his face. Athena threw her head back and giggled as Percy dipped her. He guided her back up before leaning down and gently kissing her on the lips. She pulled back smiling bigger, her eyes shining brightly as she sighed contentedly, she loved this man with all her heart and couldn’t be happier than she was with him.
Having seen Percy and Athena having fun and kissing Liam becomes brave. Liam leaned over to speak into Bailey’s ear, “do you trust me?” He whispered.
She gave an approving shrug in response as Liam gripped her by the hand twirling her out and then back in with grace. As Liam twirled her back in he gently caressed the soft skin of her rosy cheek.
The nearby dignitaries and nobles shared hushed whispers about King Liam and who the new mysterious woman might be. Rumors of her being a new suitor for the king spread through the room like wildfire.
Drake felt his heart clench as he watched Liam dance with Bailey, the girl he fell for years before. How was he always losing the girl to the man he loved? He adverted his eyes trying to take his mind off his ever breaking heart, when he caught a shimmer coming off Athena’s left hand. He shook his head, another girl he lost to a man better than him, at least he had been able to find comfort with Liam when they both lost her. He shook his head and headed back to the bar for another drink.
Liam clung onto Bailey’s hand, intertwining their fingers as he leads her of the dance floor, both of them smiling. Madeline barged her way through the surrounding nobles and dignitaries, stopping next to Liam and Bailey.
“You sure land on your feet fast, but then again it's easy when you look for an American whore." Madeline said to Liam snidely.
"Better to be an American whore than some stuck up bitch who doesn't know how to have fun and pouts when she doesn't get her way." Bailey replied, eyes locked on the blonde.
Madeline's face contorts into a look of shock, no one has ever spoken to her like that.
"You may have your decorum but you’re in my country now” Bailey quipped, Athena told her about the blonde bitch, and she's not going to lay down and take her crap.
Liam chuckled as he shook his head. “I don’t know why you’re getting so upset Madeline, we all know she’s right."
“Speaking of decorum it seems that you don’t have any.” Madeline countered Bailey with a smug smirk.
“That’s enough!” Liam yelled in a hushed tone.” I may have made the mistake of letting you talk like that to Athena but I will not stand for it now Madeline.”
“What are you going to do Liam?” Madeline scoffed eyes shining bright not seeing any corner in which things could get worse than being disgraced publicly and being kept from the crown twice.
Liam place his hand on the small of Bailey’s back and started to lead her away.
“Whore.” Madeline whispered.
As he walked past Madeline he leaned in whispering in harsh tone, “Consider the footage leaked Madeline.”
Madeline stood in place her mouth agape like a floundering fish, she swore for a moment she saw a small smirk on Liam’s face when he turned.
Liam stopped, turning to face Bailey, “are you ok?” He asked gently brushing the hair out of her face.
“I’m fine,” Bailey promised. His touch sent electric pulses through her skin.
“Sorry about that, she won’t be a problem anymore I assure you.” Liam said kindly, surprised not only by how she made him feel but how bold she made him.
“I can handle myself Liam, but thank you.” Bailey stated, resting her hand on Liam’s arm.
Liam took her hand in his, bringing up to his mouth he places a kiss on Bailey’s hand. “If you’ll excuse me for just a moment, there’s something I must take care of.”
As Liam walks away Athena approaches.
“Well don’t you two look cozy together” Athena stated shocked by how bold and forward Liam was being.
“What does it matter to you? You’re the one that put him back on the playing field Athena.” Bailey replied placing a hand on her hip.
“Just know Bailey, there are things about Liam you don’t know.” Athena stated her voice going soft. She wanted to warn her about Liam and Drake but knew it wasn’t her place, it would be better coming from him.
“Like you know everything about Perceval.” Bailey scoffed, believing Athena jealous.
“If you really think he’s being honest with you, why don’t you just ask him what I’m talking about, he’ll know.” Athena supplied before she walked away hoping her cousin would heed her suggestion.
Bailey walked to the bar Athena’s words rolling in her head.
“So this is what you do during these things Walker?” Bailey quipped as she stepped up to him at the bar.
Drake gave a shrug as he downed the rest of his drink.
“You two look very cozy together.” Drake said flatly.
“Jealous Walker?” She asked in a teasing tone.
Liam walked away from Bailey his mind intent on finding Bastien. He found him fairly quickly.
“Bastien, I need you to leak the footage immediately.” Liam stated his voice strong and his face serious.
“Are you certain Your Majesty?” Bastien questioned, wanting to be sure before taking that step.
“Positive.” Liam replied, turning to walk away once he received Bastien’s nod.
Liam searched for Bailey, finding her at the bar by Drake, he walked up to her and gently brushed the hair from her face as his lips meet hers in a soft kiss, a spark of electricity going through both of them.
Drake rolled his eyes.
As he pulled back Liam couldn’t help but admire her. “Shall we find our table?” He asked grabbing her hand.
Athena felt her stomach clench as she watched Liam kiss Bailey freely in front of everyone, she quickly realized all her mixed up feelings all night were from fear. Fear that he had been acting with her, using her to cover for Drake. Why else had he never acted like that with her? Fear that he was leading her cousin on, possibly using Bailey as a way to get her back. Figuring out her feelings made them go away and she felt free once more.
Athena is pulled from her thoughts when she hears phones buzzing around her, much like at the Coronation. She wondered what could be going on now and pulled her phone from her small clutch. She saw a link to to a news station, she clicked it and gasped when she saw Madeline in a tight gold dress obviously drunk holding a glass of champagne saying:
‘The people of cordonia should feel privileged to have me as their queen. Maybe then they can learn how to act civilly. I am the only one fit for this crown, the people should bow before me for being their savior. The royal family has only made one smart decision and that was to pick me to be the next queen. Everyone can see I was born to be queen, too bad I have to lead a shitty little country.’
Athena looked around the room and saw similar shocked expressions being mirrored on the faces of dignitaries and nobles alike.
Madeline locked eyes with Liam to see him smirk, her eyes were wide with shock, she’d thought it was an empty threat, she never expected him to follow through, to completely wreck her reputation. Her image, that was all that had remained and now she was left with nothing. She felt her blood boil in her veins and tears well up in her eyes threatening to fall. She didn’t know what to say, how to react, all of her training hadn’t prepared her for this. She let out a high pitched scream before she stalked off to the bathrooms silent tears streaming down her face.
Bailey smirked as she watched Madeline throw a tantrum like a three year old child, someone had finally put the bitch where she belonged.
Drake smirked when he saw Liam had followed through with his threat, his eyes locking with Liam’s across the room. Liam and Drake’s faces turning to one of longing once their eyes were locked. The shared look did not go unseen by Bailey, she wondered if that’s what Athena had meant.
“Oh my god!” Gasped Penelope, “you’re engaged!” She shrieked, grasping Athena’s hand for a better look.
Athena’s eyes widened from the sheer pitch of Penelope’s shriek, that’s not how they were planning on announcing it to court, but as she was learning things don’t always work out the way you plan.
Percy wrapped his arm around Athena’s back, she looked up beaming at him.
“Yes we did.” She replied the joy evident in her voice.
Percy smiled back at her before leaning down and capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.
Liam watched the scene unfold in front of him, he fidgets with his silverware as his gaze lands on Athena and Percy kissing. His face is blank not giving off any emotion, he slightly shook his head before glancing down at Bailey. Bailey gently covered Liam’s hand with hers in an effort to comfort him, a small smile breaks across Liam’s face at the gesture.
As the night concluded Percy walked Athena back to their room. After the engagement and him asking her to move in it seemed silly to still have separate rooms. Athena yawned as she slipped out of her dress and into her striped pajama pants and oversized tee. She climbed into bed with Percy, resting her head on his chest, his arm wrapped around her back. Chance curled up by Percy’s side his head on Percy’s thigh.
“I’m so happy we get to this every night. I love falling asleep with you in my arms.” Percy said into her hair, as he rubbed soft circles along her back.
“Me too.” She replied, sighing contentedly, closing her eyes. She drifted off to sleep feeling happy, even with the drama of the night she was happier than she had ever been.
Following Her Heart Masterlist Masterlist 
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