#tmnt matchups
mrsvercetti · 1 year
Hiya! Can I have a matchup with the turtles?
I’m 5’4 (and a half!) and I’m 19. I work as a writer and work with firearms and blacksmithing in my free time!
Currently studying religion in university. I graduated from high school at 16 and LOOOVE learning about the earth, who formed us, how the heck we got here, the makeup of plants and space!
I’m super outgoing and love everyone! Although I’m an ambivert- I love socializing but I also love spending 5-6 hours writing in the dark about God and space theories. I’d rather work alone than in a team because I feel like I’m the only one who can specifically articulate what I mean. Also I like listening to music and spending time by myself in my head with no one to bother me. I have many ideas but sound like an idiot when I talk about them so I just make myself look stupid, everyone underestimates me!
I am super creative and love science and technology but it all goes right over my head. I can’t remember the biological makeup of the plants I love to study, I wanted to study neuroscience but my math skills are that if a 6th grader. I have horrid math anxiety. I can tell you how to hack into a telemarketers computer but cannot do it myself. I have so many ideas for cool tools… but I feel kinda useless.
I’m creative and artistic but I can’t draw. I can’t get out any of my ideas out in paper so I’m just stuck,
writing about them.
thank youuu!
I match you with...
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This man....This sweet little angel
He would NOT STOP thinking about you.
Like to him, EVERYTHING about you cannot be described by words. That's how perfect you are to him.
You and him both love learning and you guys bond over that.
He wanted somebody who would understand his intelligence. How special he is.
When you came to his life, it was like a God’s blessing.
He would always talk about you to his brothers. He can slightly annoy them but his brothers are happy that Donnie is happy y’know?
Personality wise, you guys are opposites.
He’s shy and you’re sociable and outgoing. You guys fit like a puzzle.
He would have you as his lab partner as soon as you guys get together as a couple.
Would teach you whatever you want to know. If he doesn’t know, he’ll spend hours doing research. Because he loves you and wants you to know everything.
He would let you work alone if that’s how you want to work. But the only condition is that you need to stay close to him. What if you get injured? He needs to protect you.
He doesn’t find you stupid or underestimate you in any way. He loves listening to your ideas and would love to cooperate with you to make those ideas a real thing.
This man will help you with biology if you have hard time remembering it. He’d also help you with math. This man will literally help you with anything.
If you are with him, he will never make you feel useless. He’s a gentle ninja who loves to give people what they want.
Creativity is what makes someone infinitely attractive in Donatello’s opinion. So, your ideas are never ignored or criticized in any way.
He’s not much of an artist. But would totally love to practice it with you.
If you wrote something like a short fanfiction, he’ll read it even if it is not finished. He wont judge you and will help you write the rest.
Also LOVES reading your theories. And will encourage you to write more.
Definitely will indulge himself into studying Religion with you.
If you are anywhere, Like in his lab, on the streets, on the living room watching T.V with his brothers, he will constantly flirt with you.
He will also bring you gifts that he made. He spent days to make it perfect so be very thankful, okay?
Will also be a bit of a tease. He’ll tease you about the height different you both have.
If you get upset about it, then expect the worlds greatest apology. Flowers, gifts, cuddles etc.
He’s also the type to sew you a dress or any type of clothing that you like.
Your name on his phone is this “😘🥰💕❤️Babygurl😍😊😚💗”
He’ll call you pet names all the time! “Honey”, “My Beautiful Queen”, “Baby girl”, “My cute kunoichi” (Because he will teach you ninjutsu), “Bunny”
Very clingy and wants to be with you all the time.
He's a sensitive baby so please don't be harsh on him if you get upset or angry.
He also gets insanely jealous if anyone flirts with you. He'll also get sad if the person who flirted with you seemed to be better than him. You need to reassure him that he's the only one for you.
Also, you get along with his brothers so that's a plus point!
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Hi there! Do you still do matchups? If so I'd really like a Rottmnt matchup :) I'm Aj, a trans masc bio/chem nerd, and artist. I use he/it pronouns and as you can probably guess my personality type is intp. As for the type of relationship- if you do queer platonic that would be awesome if not romantic is fine :P I love learning but hate school, though I hate learning languages, I just have a hard time mechanically learning vocabulary, despite this, I speak two languages (German/English) cuz I'm European and that's kinda the standard here. while I'm pretty decent at socializing (I like to think I'm pretty funny) I'm not a fan of crowds and parties and much prefer staying at home playing videogames or taking a walk in the forest I live next to. some more likes: tea and coffee, horror stuff, cartoons (duh) some more dislikes: constantly being touched without permission (i do get cuddly sometimes but sometimes I just don't wanna be touched), lack of humor
Hope this wasn't too long, have a great day :P
Heyo! Sorry about the wait, thank you for your patience! I do apologize, but I don't really know what queen Platonic is and was too lazy to look it up so I did light romantic.
I match you with...
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You two are definitely the introverted nerd couple. 😎
You are constantly helping donnie out in his lab, with almost anything.
You two low-key scare the others with your collective mad scientist approach to nearly everything.
Mini story:
You were seated in Donnie's wheely chair playing his new video game when he bursts into the lab carrying some white fabric in his arms.
"I AM SO JAZZED! Guess what I just found."
You looked at the fabric in his arms and then back up at him.
"Uhhh... fabric?"
"OH dude sweet!!" You answered, moving over to examine (the obvious superiority) of said lab coats.
"There are two of them, one for each of us!" He said, passing you a lab coat.
You both put them on, just as Leo and Raph were passing by the entrance to the lab.
"Oh boy, the mad scientists are at work again. Time to evacutate the lair in case they decide to blow up the lab again." Leo complained.
Leo and Raph looked at each other.
"I'll get dad."
"I'll get Mikey."
They said simultaneously.
You two can always be found drinking coffee together.
Donnie would be intrigued by your vocabulary learning aversion and would seek to help you learn if you were to ever ask.
You two would probably converse in German often to annoy his brothers, mainly leo.
Thank you for requesting!
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Are you doing match ups? If not, when can we expect them to be opened?
Hi! So… it’s still closed, and I’m not really sure when I’ll open? I actually have a lot old matchups to answer 😬 some are month if not year old ones, (official apology for those who have sent something and I haven’t answered) I sort of stepped back from tmnt for a while and I’m slowly getting back to it, even if I open it I feel at duty to answer those first… So I’m not really sure, and I might take a while, I’ll try to speed up the process tho
Thanks for asking (and I’m sorry if this wasn’t the answer you would like to receive :( )
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myunluckyjourney · 8 months
Naturally, there will be some ones that I'm more inclined to and some that I know more about than others, so that would affect my thinking... Idk, it was interesting to me!
Any amount of time. Can be an hour or even five minutes.
Can be platonic or romantic.
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adelrambles · 4 months
You have a really good grasp on Bishop (TMNT) character. I really like your analyses on him. But I was wondering something; how does Bishop views each turtle? Which one do you think Bishop believes is the most dangerous? How do you think Bishop will take down the turtles individually? Of course you don’t have to answer this! I was just wondering for my own writing project.
Thank you, I'm very glad to hear that! I'm also quite happy to get questions on him, so much appreciated haha!
This is an interesting one, because we don't really see Bishop do much one-on-one interaction with each turtle, so we're going to have to do a little bit of speculation, based the encounters we do see. I will say that Bishop treats them all as proper threats, (if nuisances,) never letting his guard down even when he has the upper hand. His thoughts on others also tend to begin and end at "how useful are they to me" and "how do I kill them." Also keep in mind that Bishop is known to have been surveilling them before, and might know more about them than we saw him divulge.
If I were to pick one he'd consider the most dangerous, I'd probably say Don, which I'll justify below haha. But honestly Mikey has the possibility of being a close second, more based on speculation than anything we actually see on-screen.
After some review of the scenes where they interact, here's my best approximation:
This one is the simplest to figure out, I think, because we already know Bishop holds scientists in much higher regard than most people, even when they happen to be non-human (see: his (granted, taunting) praise of Leatherhead's work during the Good Genes arc.) I think Bishop is aware of Don's genius and most likely finds it a shame he can't make use of it, himself.
It seems like Bishop dodges around Don's bo the most out of any of the turtles, never outright stealing it like he's done with the others. I suspect this is because Don has the widest reach with his weapon, and Bishop is more likely to dodge away than go for a counter, when it comes to him. For this reason, Donny might qualify as the one Bishop deems the most dangerous. He's also the one who takes Bishop off-guard during the fake invasion, twice! First sneaking up on him to get the first attack, and then intercepting his lunge at Raph, ultimately knocking him down one of the tunnels and winning the fight.
If approaching him one-on-one, I think Bishop would try to keep the environment tight and cluttered, to make it harder for Don to use his weapon. He needs to even the field (by which he means, of course, giving himself a dominating advantage,) by ensuring Don can't make use of his weapon's extra reach, which will allow Bishop to counter more freely.
This dynamic starts off with a mutual underestimation. Mikey attacks Bishop after being freed from the surgical table, assuming he's just some government lackey, only to be taken off-guard when Bishop dodges and counters-- enough that he immediately gets pinned again. Bishop, for his part, seems to have singled Mikey out as something of an easier target among his brothers, and is blindsided when Mikey himself is able to get free from being held hostage.
Bishop seems to be comfortable with-- even possibly has a preference for-- chains as weapons, so he tends to try make use of Mikey's nunchaku, tangling his siblings' weapons in them often. Mikey seems to have caught on to this in subsequent encounters, though. There is the potential here for something of a rivalry; though the show doesn't push it. With both having underestimated one another, and taking one another more seriously after the fact, and taking into account that Mikey is noted to be the most skilled of the turtles when he really tries, there's certainly real estate for an escalation in this dynamic.
One-on-one, in that same vein, I think Bishop takes Mikey seriously, as someone who has proven to be difficult to predict and someone who learns and adapts (like him!) Bishop's superior speed will be his friend, here. Even if Mikey takes him by surprise, it won't be a big problem as long as he can keep on his toes and get some distance.
Bishop is probably aware that Leo acts as the squad leader, and that can be pretty useful information, though I don't think he ever really makes use of it that we see. What he does seem to make use of is Leo's honor and loyalty, leveraging family or allies more than once to trip him up in combat (Usually as in taking a hostage, i.e. Mikey and Karai.) There's even a chance he was banking on Leo's loyalty to coerce a deal out of them during Good Genes.
I think Leo gets his sword stolen the most out of all the weapons Bishop yoinks. Other than that, there's not much unique to how Bishop approaches him as he does his brothers, that I was able to see. One-on-one Bishop's probably more likely to try some mind games, knowing Leo's buttons already. If he's aware of the shoulder injury, he'd definitely target it. And steals his swords, of course.
Turns out I have the least to say on poor Raph. He clearly hates Bishop with a burning passion, but Bishop doesn't seem to think all that much of him. His sai are made use of to catch his siblings' weapons second most often after Mikey's nunchaku, though!
Raph's also a prime target for mind games one-on-one. His emotional reactions make him unfortunately easy to rile up into tunnel-visioning. This means he's also really easy to use the environment against, which happens to be one of Bishop's fortes. Bishop also seems pretty comfortable stealing his sai. Essentially, Raph's less of a threat to him the more emotional he gets, so Bishop will certainly be pushing all his buttons.
Fast Forward
I don't know if this is as relevant to you, but it could offer some insight into the trajectory of these dynamics, perhaps? In any case President Bishop's first appearance has him calling them friends, which implies that eventually he and the turtles form an allyship (probably years down the line.) He also seems to be taken off-guard when the time-traveling versions don't want to work with him-- presumably he assumed they were further down the timeline than they were.
Now again there's not much one-on-one, but we know Bishop seems to get annoyed at points with their general... teenager-ness, lack of focus, perceived unprofessionalism, all that. He gets sarcastic with them plenty of times during Head of State. He does appear to obfuscate the information he allows them access to, as well, (you cannot convince me he actually dismissed those Sh'Okanabo reports. He was trying to redirect them away from it for whatever reason, I think,) which suggests to me he's trying to control where their attention is pointed. But he also clearly considers them capable, mostly contacting them to contract them as a sort of personal black ops assassin team.
We do get a clear dynamic in how each turtle approaches Bishop! Leo seems the most convinced of his redemption, interestingly enough, and is shown willing to jump to his aid in moments of crisis. Raph is least convinced, taking any opportunity to needle Bishop about his past actions. Mikey and Don are more neutral, but Mikey leans closer to the distrusting side, while Don leans closer to the trusting side (or at least, the "being polite" side.)
Finally, it's worth pointing out that Bishop does have a something of an established rivalry with Splinter, who has proven capable of keeping up with him one-on-one. Don't know if that'll factor in for you, but it warranted a shoutout!
Hope some of this helps, at least, and have fun with your project! It sounds very intriguing heheh
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iheartchv · 7 months
🌿Mistletoe Matchup🕊
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I did this last year, and decided to do it again this year. But this time its open for multifandoms, not just for TMNT c: (fandoms im in/have been in will be in the tags)
Send me an ask with any info that'll help with your matchup (personality [MBTI preferred], hobbies/likes and dislikes, etc.), the fandom you want, and a mistletoe🌿🍒 in it so I'll know its for this event c:
If you have any questions about anything, lmk
My inbox will stay open till the week before Christmas, so be sure to get them in c;
Anyone is welcome to participate, not just followers/mutuals
I hope to bring some happiness, joy, and cheer with these as we are approaching the holidays and the new year. 🎁🎄
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Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @angelicdavinci @thelaundrybitch @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @post-apocalyptic-daydream @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @gingerdraw-blog
Also lmk if you want to be/not be tagged🎀
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rottmntsimp · 5 months
hello!! i was wondering if i could get a ROTTMNT character match up (when ur free and got the time!!)??
i go by many many online names, but usually i stick with sandra! i'm southeast asian, 5'2, and gender non conforming. i got black hair that's in a medium-length butterfly haircut and i usually dress up in a soft-grunge style (i don't have a specific style in reality, too indecisive for that rip).
i have audhd, and find it hard to open up to people. when i have an interest, it's usually really intense! marine biology, certain video game franchises, tv shows, music, the arts—i'm super passionate about all of them and find myself infodumping if i dont catch myself. i keep to myself the majority of the time, but when i open up to people that i believe i can trust, i'm usually described as energetic and very active!
dancing, singing, playing music, and drawing are my main go-to hobbies. especially music—i know how to play the piano, violin, cello, bass, and guitar! the last two are self-taught, but i got a few years under my belt :D
i'm an esfp, and i love listening to people talk about their passions and their love for whatever it is. i'm dramatic and love doing things for shits and giggles (for the plot yk), but i'm bad at recognising and understanding other people's feelings at times. i'm horrendous at comforting others and i can not read between the lines for the life of me.
so sorry for typing so much!! i wanted to make sure u had good material to work with 🤲
i hope you have a wonderful day evening or night !!!
—🌷 anon <33
Hey Sandra! As you didn't state a preference for your partner, I'm going to assume that either any is fine!
Also genuine question, should I add my taglist on these?
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Don't ask how but I can see myself shipping you with April!
💚 - When it comes to dressing up, let's be honest, April could probably rock anything [much like I bet you do!]
💚 - So please for the love of god, let her borrow your clothes. She may not ask for it much, but if you're cool with it she is burrowing herself into your clothes-
💚 - Height-wise, I'd say 5'2" is pretty average, but compared to April, oh boy-
💚 - Her canonical height is 4'8", but let's give her a few inches out of pity, and make her around 5'0"...yeah no she's still short.
💚 - If it takes time for you to open up to people, don't worry! She'll be there, waiting and by your side the whole time.
💚 - As for special interests, if you happen to like a video game she has, she'll definitely let you borrow it. Hell, you guys can play together, maybe even infodump!
💚 - ^^ She'll probably sit there, head propped up in her hand, smiling at you softly.
💚 - Now, as for music, I'm sorry if this is just me projecting, but music players,,,
💚 - Would probably swoon if you ever wrote her a song, or even played for her.
💚 - Would probably ask you to teach her a few things, even if it's just the basics.
💚 - You're both extroverted so expect more outdoorsy dates! Amusement parks, bowling, arcades, whatever your heart desires, it shall get!
💚 - Now, as a fellow ✨THEATER KID✨ if you're demiromantic, aro-spec, or just more of a friends to lovers kinda person, depending on how long you've known each other, and if she can trust you to keep a secret, she might introduce you to Donnie, and maybe even the other turtles.
💚 - Pass the vibe check, please, because if her brothers friends don't like you, I'm sorry but you're gonna have to go-
💚 - Now, if you do vibe with them, especially Donnie, maybe, just maybe, you might get an invite to become an official member of the DPFL [Dorky Pals For Life] club.
💚 - Being unable to comfort April on a bad day might lead to an awkward gap between you two at times, but if you two can talk it out, you'll be just fine!
💚 - As for reading between the lines, if you're unable to read a room, or understand a joke, or just something someone said, she'd got you covered <3
I hope you liked it! <33
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geeksauruse · 1 year
Hii! I’m not super sure how matchup requests work but may I please have a matchup with a bayverse turtle if that’s alright? I’m 5’2, petite, (too) pale with freckles, I have long (40inch) brown hair that i love letting my friends play with and style, um I’m pretty calm and my friends say I’m “the embodiment of tiny flowers” and “10/10 must hug” (I don’t get it :,3) I love flowercore and lovecore and wear dresses and skirts in any pastel color but mainly pinks and yellows and purples<33 Donnie is my crush but I would love to see who others think I’d pair with! I hope this wasn’t a bother and that you’re having a good day! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this okay byeee!<333333
totally fine that your new to match ups! Any way sorry for the wait on this ,for the Bayverse  boys I tie you with Donnie and Raphael but I would pair you with…
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Not going to lie, Raph really was hesitant to trust you, and when he say you around his brother Donnie and how sweet you were he was scared that you would be scared of him.
He’s pretty intimidating so he went to your best friend Donnie for advice on approaching you.
It was a messy meeting, it kinda when along the lines of him giving himself a pep talk, walking up to you and saying that you looked nice in the old timey sweater you wore.
Except, he don’t say it well…
“ nice sweater yer wearing,did ya did it in a thrift store?”
Not your best comment Raphael.
Thankfully he made it up with an” it matches yer hair”
From then on you two only grew closer and when he realised he had feeling he tried his hardest to suppress them, in the early parts of your friendship you told him you had a crush on his purple masked wearing brother.
It made it so much harder because he loved everything about you, and how different you two were.
He loved the Color’s you wore without a doubt to the point that he made you a sweater in your favourite pastel colours.
He loved how calm and kind you were, whenever he got mad or almost blew up at Leo, he started to see you and your comforting vibes of calm and serenity.
Thinks your size difference is the cutest thing and he secretly loves to pick you up because  it’s the closest thing to a hug that he’s willing to give( to manly to give hugs in public or private)
He liked you a lot but didn’t want to come between you and Donnie, so he just resented  himself for not being good enough for someone as sweet and small as you.
Turns out that crush had left after your relationship with Raphael had stated to bloom, you thought he was ignoring you now cause you did something.
Confronting him went as this, you ask him what’s wrong, states that you like donnie and not him( insert sad insecure boy) and you have to tell him you did like him.
Bro is confused af.
What did you just say?
When y’all started to date, he started knitting more and more floral things, he even makes you a daisy out of a small peice of wood for your birthday.
He loves to get you gifts and little things he thinks your like.
Raphael needs someone who is sweet and kind but can put him back in his place if he’s in the wrong or to at least be able to calm him down when he is in a rage.
You check both of these boxes so he fell for you!
Hope you enjoyed your matchup, have a great day!🌈❤️😊🐢✨😌🧸🌸💜🙃🌧️🌹🥲🧡🌟😍🤗💐🤟💖🌻👍🪷🌺✅
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blissfulraine · 6 months
To whomever wanted a love letter or a match up for valentines, no matter what fandom: all are welcome.
please send a request to my in box and you will either receive it before or on valentines.
An good example of a request would be:
Hi I would like a matchup or love letter with Donnie( 2012 version) under the name of raine.
Note: If you want it more personalised letter,you can send in a description of yourself.
Remember to drink lots of water, get a good nights rest and love thyself.
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 1 year
~Character Matchups~
Since I have a sprained ankle and have nothing better to do, I wanna do some character matchups to pass the time because I think they'll be fun. If you're interested, please do the following and send it to me via ask:
Include a preferred name you'd like to be called, gender, personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, sexuality, what you like in a person, what you don't like in a person etc.
Please include if you have certain characters you absolutely hate/dislike so I won't pair you up with them.
Include some characters you like if you want to, no 100% chance you'll get paired with that character though.
Please include which fandom you would like (Fandom's listed below)
You may submit for more than one fandom because that's what makes things fun.
Twisted Wonderland
Record of Ragnarok
Tmnt (Because why not 🤷‍♀️)
Yugioh (Only the og)
Ikemen Vampire
Please don't be angry if you don't get the character you think you should be matched up with. I'm only doing this for fun, nothing should be taken seriously. Though I think that's obvious. For tmnt please include which kind you want. I know Bayverse, rise, 2003 and 2012.
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mrsvercetti · 1 year
Greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you to much. I’m not sure if you do Yandere matchups, otherwise let this be regular. May I please have a romantic Yandere matchup for fnaf? Maybe tmnt if you do two. I use they/it/he pronouns and I’m pansexual with a preference to masculinity. My Myers Briggs type is INFJ and Enneagram type is 4. My star sign is Taurus, moon sign is Gemini. Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m rather introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, Tim Burton, death games, true crime documentaries, and anatomy. I also like to visit abandoned hospitals and houses just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable. I get a lot of monikers from friends in family like "discount babydemonx", "doomer boy kinnie", and "Remake of Daria" before. I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start conversing, which may or may not come off as rude to people. When I finally become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. Most of my humor comes off really insulting, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke if it becomes a problem. Even though, I do have a lot of problems with understanding social cues. Lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. Especially with the types mentioned above. I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, reading and or listening to music ( Deftones, Arch Enemy, MurderDolls, Slipknot, Rob Zombie,,, sometimes Will Wood, McCafferty, Jazmin Bean or Mother Mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games or reading and talking about Greek mythology. I also speak some Japanese. My interests tend to be very restricted, and I shut down easily getting into new things. I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I suffer from autism, GERD, depression and anxiety. I have stims where I bite the inside of my cheek, pull my hair, crack or pop my bones, fidget with my fingers or a toy or bounce my leg. I even hiss or squeal when I’m upset. I’ve also been developing a eating disorder. If you do get to this, thanks for your time. - coii
A/N: I am sooo sorry for taking too long to answer this request 😖😖😖. I was having exams and life was hectic. Also, there was a bit of procrastination and my mental health wasn't really great. So yeah, I was a hot mess. Anyways, here is your matchup request! I hope you enjoy! 😊 (Also, I apologize if there is any grammar mistakes.)
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Nightmare would be an amazing match for you.
He’s a scary dude and is not known for having any romantic interest or any general liking towards anyone. He’s only known for tormenting people.
Him having a special attachment towards you might be concerning at first (Because he maybe planning to torture you as well.) But after some time, he shows is affectionate and caring side.
He’s a yandere to the EXTREME!
He doesn’t talk a lot. So, you might be the one to start the conversation.
He’s an extremely possessive guy. He hates it or gets annoyed when you stare at other people.
He can be a little rough and can get jealous super easily.
If you’re going anywhere, he’d like to tag along with you since he can get a little clingy.
Especially when you’re going to any abandoned places. Who knows? Going there must be dangerous. He must protect you at all cost.
He likes how people get intimidated by you. He would think that assholes would stay away from you. But if they don’t, they won’t see another light of day.
He would get super violent towards people who hurt you in any way.
He can teleport, so their death will be really quick.
He’ll literally do anything to make you happy. If you really hate someone and he knows about it, he’ll kill that person in the most brutal way possible and will bring to you. So yeah… watch out for that…
Will kill or hurt anyone who hurts you. Even if it is by accident. He doesn't understand the word “accident” so, you might wanna teach him.
Wherever you go and you come back home, he’ll ask you a bunch of questions like: “How did your day go?”, “Did anyone hurt you?”, “Should I come along next time?” etc.
Isn’t really good at romance, so he does things that you’ll like. Like helping you out with stuff, buying you things, etc.
He likes your sarcasm and enjoys your jokes. But the only thing is, don’t joke about the time when he was human. He will snap at you if you do.
He admires your feistiness and often comments about it. He would say “You’re so cute” every time you’re being feisty.
If you’re being closed off or very quiet. He’ll leave you alone if you need space. Otherwise, he’d constantly ask you if you’re okay.
He’ll help you in any way he can. If your house is messy, he’d clean it up for you.
He’ll play your favorite music when you’re feeling down.
He would watch you play video games. He’s not gonna play it with you since he’s too big to even hold a controller or a mouse. He’s huge. Like, above 7 foot. And his hands are too big. A mouse could be half the size of his pinkie. But, he’s gonna stand behind you and watch you play
He would tease you about your height. Not too much though since he doesn’t want to make you upset.
You could teach him Japanese and about Greek Mythologies. He finds interest in it.
Sometimes, he would teleport into a clothes store and just try to find a cute black colored outfit for you. He’ll do this when you’re asleep and the store is closed. He would of course trash the security systems.
In the morning he’ll be like “Hey, I went to the store last night and found a cute outfit. I was wondering if you could try it on.”
It doesn’t have to be clothes. It can be plushies since you’re a plushie maniac.
He’s known for staring at people for an uncomfortable amount of time. He’ll stare at you when you’re sleeping which will scare the living fuck out of you. Since he’ll be in the dark and his eyes will glow red.
He finds it adorable when you’re cuddling with your plushies. He’ll ask you one day on why you’re doing it. If you say you’re touch starved, he’ll try to cuddle with you.
He’ll cuddle with you very gently since he has sharp claws and doesn’t want you cut you.
Since he’s very possessive, he thoroughly enjoys you being submissive.
He is no stranger when it comes to mental health. He used to be human once and when his life was taken away, all he knew was violence and darkness. He no longer felt love from someone else. He doesn’t know where his family is or even remember their names or how they looked like. That deeply hurts him and he blames himself for that. For being too late to contact his family. Let them know that their child is still alive, in this giant tormenting suit.
Overall, he’s just someone who wants to be loved and someone who wants to give someone all his love and attention. He found you and he instantly knew you were the one. He could mess up a few things sometimes and he will learn what to do and what not to do when doing those mistakes.
He can be moody sometimes and if he’s in a terrible mood, he’ll lock you up in your room. He doesn’t want see anyone when he’s not doing good.
If you start to feel uncomfortable or annoyed by him for too long, he will snap. He lost his most of his humanity and all the affection that he if giving you is that small little piece that is left within him. Once again, he is a yandere. If you live with him, you’ll have to adapt with whatever he’s doing. If you don't want to, you’ll die. Choice is yours.
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From the TMNT universe, Raphael would be an amazing match for you
You and Raphael share similar interests, which is why he fell for you. He hasn't met anyone like him other than Casey Jones.
This man gets EXTREMELY jealous. More than Nightmare and that’s a big problem.
He’s basically the type to follow you ANYWHERE you go.
Will get extremely angry and jealous if he sees you with any of his brother or even Casey. If he spots you with them, you will be barred from entering into the lair.
He would be reluctant to teach you ninjutsu. It would take a LOT of pleading. He’s afraid that if he did teach you ninjutsu, you would soon be strong enough to knock him down and run away from him.
Be careful when you are joking and don’t get too personal. He will snap at you (Just like nightmare).
He can be a total dick and can be quite frustrating, but there is this soft and gooey side of him that’ll literally melt you.
He would spoil you with affection, gifts and surprises. He would give you all of his attention at any time.
He can be romantic and learned many things to make you happy. He learned how to cook so he could make you your favorite food, got into fandoms that you like etc.
He is very good at consoling someone and if you feel down or upset, he would stay by your side and make you feel better.
He basically goes all heart eyes if he sees you being feisty. That is super attractive to him.
He likes to draw with you and that’s probably one of his favorite things to do with you.
He LOVES to cuddle and will cuddle you for hours!
He also finds enjoyment when he’s reading for you.
Will thoroughly enjoy exploring abandoned places with you.
He knows how to take care of someone, physically and mentally. He has 3 brothers and he has taken care of them multiple times. If you are hurt in any way, be prepared to be treated like a 4-year-old that is being treated by an overprotective mother.
He would even hesitate to hurt or kill anyone who hurts you. But can understand if it was caused by accident and not on purpose.
He will come with you in a heartbeat if you ask him if he could come along. Like, you wouldn’t even wanna ask him sometimes, he would grab your arm and say “let’s go!”
He will let you babysit “Spike” before he got mutated. He’ll let you babysit Chompy as well.
He is basically a 50-50. 50% soft and cuddly boyfriend and 50% I’m gonna chain you up and make you mine type.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Oh! I always wanted to do one of these matchups! Don't worry if you can't get to it! Takw care of yourself please ♡♡
Anyways, I'm a fairly standard teen from Brazil, I'm slightly chubby, wear glasses and have the 'tism. I LOVE history, arts and English! I adore dancing and I tend to infodump alot. My love languages are gift giving, quality time and some physical touch (None if the person dosen't like!) I love cooking and will bring people random trinkegs that remind me of them, I also like to fix things, it's calming!
Thanks for taking the time to read, I adore your blog and remember to take carw of yourself, stay safe! ♡♡♡♡
Oml you are so cute 😭 I know I said I’m a opposites-attract kind of gal BUT
I match you with Donatello Hamato
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And here are my reasons
Technically he’s into Maths, Engineering, & the Sciences so perhaps this is a lil’ opposites moment! He can totally info dump on you about all of that ↑ PLUS, his latest and greatest inventions, and when he finally has to take a breather or yk has ended the info dump, it’s now your turn!!! You tell him what you learned recently in regards to history/art/ & english, he pays careful attention too bc he’s the type of turtle to want to gain knowledge no matter the subject! He loves your enthusiasm and gets so excited when you listen to his info-dumps too <3
Speaking of learning, since your from Brazil he’s definitely going to want to learn (Portuguese? I believe is the main language?) if you speak a diff language he’s def learning that, and all about the culture, he would want to visit if you two met online and not in the streets of NYC! I’m talking the turtle is building planes, or doing the whole cloaking-brooch thing to get to you~~!
And once the two of you are together, you can dance the night away >\\\\\\< so flipping cute!!! He’s a dancing machine as well, and can totally keep up! Maybe the two of you squabble over who takes the lead but I bet it’s fun either way hehe
Coincidentally your love languages seem to match up with Donnie’s as well (though besides gift giving he is a big words of affirmation guy) the two of you surprise each other with trinkets & gifts especially if it’s long distance! You can expect him sending over gifts quite often if that’s the case bc he’s always thinking of youuuu
And it just keeps getting better, he TOO finds fixing things calming, so the two of you can do that together too hehe, I can just imagine him getting super frustrated over a project or maybe he’s used up all his brain power so something that should be a simple fix is taking him a much longer time to get through, and like the savior you are, in comes you and your magic hands, easily fixing whatever he’s stuck & BOOM, he’s smitten
anddddd that’s all I got c: I hope you enjoyed <33
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writinandcrying · 1 year
Sharing cuz this is way too funny ( leshyleaf from tiktok!)
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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Hello there! I’m here for the ROTTMNT matchups that you’re doing and would like to say in advance that I would prefer a romantic relationship when you’re writing this!
Rundown of me :
- Starting with the basics I prefer to go by she/her pronouns and identity as female
- My personality type is infp and I’m a capricorn sagittarius cusp
- Three likes of mine are stationary, harajuku fashion, and abandoned places
- Three dislikes of mine are heat/ humidity, needles, and failing
Something important you should know about me is that I have adhd and clinical depression (sorry if I’m sharing to much haha)
Thank you for reading this, have a great day! ^^
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Heyo! No worries the request was just the right length!
I match you with...
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He is such a great boyfriend, he'll bring a little fan where ever he goes in case you get overheated.
Mini story:
It was the hottest day un July, and everyone in the lair felt the overwhelming heat in full force.
Sadly today was also the one day you decided to join the boys in the lair.
"Why is it so hot in here?" You said, fanning yourself with your hand.
"Leo broke the air conditioner." Donnie replied.
"Yeah and we've been cooking in the lair since!" Mikey said, shooting a glare at leo.
"Hey, it's not my fault the air conditioner is the perfect target." Leo stated.
Everyone glared at leo.
"While donnies fixing the air conditioner, I found a bunch of mini fans and some ice cream!" Raph said, effectively saving the day (like a boss).
He's such a sweetheart, he just wants to envelop you in big hugs all the time.
Midnight arcade dates!!! When the shops are all closed down he'll take you to an old arcade and you two will play different games until dawn. Usually followed by ice cream and cuddles.
He'll always be there to comfort you whenever you're feeling down. And he is the best at comforting people.
He doesn't know a lot about fashion, but he never fails to complement your awesome outfits, or try on any you have for him.
Thank you for requesting!
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iheartchv · 7 months
(also known as androidships007, hi~)
🌿🍒 tmnt (2014/2016)
You're so sweet to be doing this again. I just wanted to say I love reading all your matchups and find them really sweet and cute. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season because you totally deserve it!
I'm an introvert, quiet and slow to warm up but once I'm comfortable I'm a bit... Quirky. I can be silly or reserved depending on the situation. I'm loyal above reason once I've decided I trust someone. Seriously, once you're on my list of "the good ones" I got your back. Unfortunately I don't seek new company out much so keeping to that point can be tricky.
In my down time I like to draw, read, and just hang out. My home is full of fur babies and whoever I'm dating has to love animals too. I'm always down to chill and play videogames but I also enjoy martial arts and have two black belts in different styles. I'm looking to start a style now. I always enjoy the holidays no matter what I'm celebrating because I like having an excuse to spend extra time with the people I care most about 💕
Thanks, yeah everything's been alright so far ^^ 😀
🤔 Your match is...
Raphael (2014/2016)❤
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Big Red has fallen for you
He doesn't know when or how
He just did
He is neutral to animals though most animals take a liking to him... and then he loves them as his own
That's all he is, a gentle giant underneath the rough exterior
Even though his personality was opposite from yours, he became friends with you
Then wanted to be more than friends
He actually liked Christmas, just not as much as Mikey
He had his brothers and Splinter all this time
But now having you was a nice addition to the family
During Christmas Eve, he was anxious to see you
Mikey teased him about it, but paid him no mind this time
When he finally gets you alone, he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him
What you didn't notice was that he had mistletoe in his hand, now dangling it above your head with a grin on his face
He liked seeing you blush
But then his while expression softened as he leaned down to leave a slow, sweet kiss on your lips
"I love you so much" he said, dropping the mistletoe and holding and caressing your face in his giant hands
"I love you, Raph"~
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