#i just really wanted lan zhan to say at the burial mounds
phoenixkaptain · 1 year
My favourite part of MDZS is how cool Wei Wuxian is.
Like, we don’t talk enough about how cool he is. He performs Empathy three times. His ability to use a flute is so powerful, the song doesn’t even have to sound good for it to work. He brought a dead guy back to life (kinda sorta).
But especially, I love how Wei Wuxian treats ghosts and corpses! Wei Wuxian just hangs out with corpses, for FUN!! He scares away low-level corpses just by existing! He hears the voices of the dead to the point that he can’t enter a place too full of resentment without getting a headache from the constant chatter.
I also really like the Extra where Wei Wuxian is just like “Well, the ghost will go away when he’s done screaming. I’m not worried about it.” And he just leaves a screaming ghost at some guy’s house so the ghost can move on peacefully (as peacefully as is possible when one moves on by screaming).
I love all of this so much because Wei Wuxian is constantly saying that people have too high of expectations of him. Xue Yang telling him to put Xiao Xingchen’s soul back together is just one example of this. Someone will tell Wei Wuxian to do something and he’ll be like “How powerful do you think I am?!” And it’s like… Wei Wuxian, you spent six hours hanging onto a cursed sword in the Xuanwu’s mouth, you survived three months in the Burial Mounds and then returned to make it into a semi-livable place, you killed at least a thousand people that one time, and you came back from the dead, just to name a few.
Wei Wuxian is so strong. He’s so cool. He is terrifying. He is unstoppable and unflappable if only because he gets over his embarrassment in about fifteen seconds! He just rolls with it! He rolls with anything that happens! He remains Shocked and Apalled by Lan Zhan’s behaviour for all of five minutes before basically going “lol okay”! He told Lan Zhan that he wanted to sleep with him in front of Lan Xichen, Jin Ling, a handful of Jin disciples, and the literal bad guy of the novel!!!
(I’ll never get over that scene. It is so funny.
WWX: “I need to say something, it can’t wait.”
JGY: “Then just say it right now as you are.” (Referring to the fact that Wei Wuxian has a wire wrapped around his throat that can kill him in seconds)
WWX: “Good point! Lan Zhan, we should’ve fucked.”
This scene is so fucking funny, I will absolutely never get over it)
I love powerful protagonists and honestly, Wei Wuxian is at the top of the list when it comes to overpowered protagonists. The only thing that phases him is dogs, and even then, he himself admits that he can get used to their presence as long as they aren’t barking.
TLDR: Wei Wuxian is so powerful and I totally get why Lan Zhan fell for him.
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wangxianficfinder · 24 days
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Fic Finder
May 13th
1. I really need help finding a fic! It's either ABO or the Chinese equivalent kunze/qianyuan. It's got some sort of arranged marriage, as Madam Yu(?) marries WWX off to LWJ. In this universe Alphas often do not allow their Omegas to bite them back and create a reciprocated bond, as it gives them power and status in society. LWJ lets WWX bite him back (because he's a romantic and a sap), and the Jiang's are salty because JYL wasn't given a reciprocal bond when she married JZY, so WWX is technically of a higher status than she is now. @star-whatevers
FOUND!🔒Alliance AU by Ilona22 (E, 21k, WangXian, JYL/OC, Arranged Marriage, A/B/O Dynamics, PWP, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Intersex Omegas, Not JC Friendly, Matchmaking, canon Jiang family dynamics, Family time, Night Hunts, Mention of male omega pregnancy, Intrigue at Jinlintai, Mentions of Prostitution, War, Conflict between characters)
2. Hi! Fic finder plz. Looking for a fic where wwx is "sacrificed" by the other great sects to the gusu lan (in exchange for something? Don't remember). He is given to lwj and all the sects assume wwx is going to be a concubine (so much so that when they present wwx to lwj they dress him up like a concubine). Wwx also expects this and is very surprised when Iwj treats him nicely and everything. You can tell that lwj has fallen for wwx but is holding himself back. Wwx gradually falls for him too. I remember there was a part where the great sects came to visit and were surprised that wwx wasn't treated like a concubine. Tysm!!
FOUND? golden when the day met the night by glitteringmoonlight (Not rated, 95k, slow burn, sugar daddy LWJ, light, angst, fluff, developing relationship, eventual smut, WIP)
3. Hiii!!!
I'm looking for a fic where Lan Zhan is de-aged and the juniors take care of him while on a night hunt. Wei Ying is still away and has not returned and they have not confessed yet. Baby LZ just wants his WY so the junior quartet takes him to Qinghe to a discussion conference or smth. Wei Ying is also called there and LZ just goes and hugs him.
That's all I can remember. I think he was cursed to be more open and vulnerable so that he could confess.
Thanks! @ffaddictsrn
FOUND! Send Me Your Earnest Love by goneforthestars (T, 13k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Curses, Attempt at Humor, Light Angst, baby LWJ, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Post-Canon)
4. I hope you can help, fingers crossed! I've tried everything on this one... Jin sibs murder JGS? sort of along the lines of Qin Su and the boys, but I can't even remember if it was a full fic on Ao3 or maybe even a ficlet/snippet on Tumblr? I think JZX was very shocked/normal reaction but siding with his siblings and JGY/MXY/QS were all stab-happy gremlins? I think JGY and QS might have found out much earlier that they were related and planned revenge together? Any help would be great, thank you! @katonahottinroof
I read #4 a few weeks ago😭 I believe lan zhan was a courtesan/prostitute who was supposed to assassinate wei ying, and lan zhan was beholden to meng yao for saving him. lab zhan ends up going to wei yings home in the burial mounds and gets poisoned I think ? does this sound familiar? the story may be tagged under courtesan lan zhan or prostitute lan zhan
NOT FOUND! out to get you (to get you) by iliacquer (E, 41k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, switching, top/bottom LWJ, top/bottom WWX, power play, courtesan LWJ, assassin LWJ, dark lord WWX, bondage, happy ending, past slavery)
FOUND! 🔒Something is Rotten in the State of Lanling by East_Of_Akkala (T, 42k, XuanLi, 3Zun, LQY/QS, Fix-It, Character Death, Angst, Family Feels, Black Comedy, Except for chapter 1, MDZS SPOILERS, Canon Divergence, Jin Siblings Dynamics, QS Deserves Better, Humor, Fluff, Background Relationships, Warning: JGS, POV Multiple, POV QS, POV MXY, POV JGY, Murder, Attempted Murder, Illustrated Fic)
5. Good afternoon! I hope everyone has had a pleasant day.
Can’t say how many of my favorite stories have been found through you guys!
For the next fic finder.
I’m looking for a fic that has both a/b/o in it but also the lan clan were dragons and wwx was a fox, I think. Either one or both, I can’t quite recall.
Oh and it’s set in study arch.
Wwx and Lwj were already a couple or courting at the very least.
Anyway what I remember the clearest was a part where wwx was walking some stairs, might have been the stars to cloud recesses.
Anyway a spiritual dog suddenly appears and I think starts chasing or just barking at wwx.
Anyway twin jades to the save.
It is later revealed that the dog belonged to Jin Zixun which was confirmed by Zixuan who recognized the dog.
That’s all I remember.
Have a nice day and keep up the fantastic work! @ravenwithwings
FOUND! Jades' Lotus by keela_1221 (E, 125k, LXC/WWX/LWJ, Jadecest, Incest, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Fluff, Smut, True Mates, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Male Lactation, Marriage Contracts, Polyamory, Pining, thirst, Mpreg, They Experiment a Little, Cum Marking, switch everyone, Double Penetration, graphic description of childbirth, Sprinklings of angst for flavor)
6. There's this wangxian fanfic I know I've read more than once, but I can't seem to find it anymore! Ok, so it's a modern world with cultivation fic, and in it the 5 Great Sects are like big crime syndicates or something similar. Wei Ying has his own territory in Yiling where he is known, of course, as the Yiling Laozu. The story uses specific terms to refer to some characters' status. Ex: Lan Wangji is the Red Pole of the Lan Sect, and Meng Yao is, I think, the Straw Sandal. Pls help me find it? @dreammaiden21
FOUND? 🔒 Words are Gonna Bleed from Me by GravityWinsAgain (E, 173k, WangXian, WIP, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Triad AU, Blood and Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, warnings in the notes, Modern with Magic, Dark Magic, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Murder Husbands, POV WWX, Organized Crime, lovers to enemies to estranged lovers and back to lovers, it gets weird when somebody dies but not really, Angst, Feels, BDSM Switch WangXian, Ghosts, Body Horror)
7. Hi there! I hope you can help me figure out which fic I have just remembered. I think it might have been an ABO fic, but I'm not sure. All I remember is one scene. There was some kind of trial, and WWX was seated in some kind of special alcove where nobody could see or hear him, so that he could watch without encountering the Jiangs. I think he made some kind of comment about the type of court drama that would necessitate such a feature being built. Does anyone else remember this? Thank you!! @balleyboley
FOUND! 🔒 Crossing Paths by Ilona22 (M, 21k, wangxian, shapeshifter au, graphic depictions of violence, war between sects, war crimes, not JC friendly, happy ending)
8. hi! potentially very long shot, but I'm looking for a fic with this quote "Besides, no one ‘was good,’ in some isolated way. Good was a relation between people. Good was a thing you did." I saved this quote then, and sadly can't remember any other details about this fic... I'd love find it to reread again, thank you! @potatokunst
FOUND? I Started From the Bottom/And Now I’m Rich by x_los (E, 57k, WWX/WRH, WWX/JGS, wangxian, JYL/JZX, time travel fix-it, Pining, Marriage of Convenience, Arranged Marriage, No Sunshot Campaign, WQ Lives, Transmigration, Weddings, Sugar Daddy au, Sugar Daddy, Black Widow, Protective Siblings, Family, Dysfunctional Family, Family Bonding, Sugar Baby, consort, Politics, Demonic Cultivation, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Canon-typical domestic dysfunction, Canon-Typical Gore, Ballad 39: Tam Lin, YLLZ, Crack Treated Seriously) did a search for the quote and it came up -- ch 3, specifically
9. Fic finder request: there's a fic I only recall some details of. In this fic, dual cultivation in the Cold Pond Cave contributes to the security of the Cloud Recesses, but it has to be done by powerful cultivators with a member of the main family. MY and LXC are married in this fic, but they are unable to use this method of boosting security because MY's cultivation level is not high enough. Wangxian do it eventually, and when they leave the Cold Pond Cave, they are congratulated (?) by the Lans, who were waiting outside. WWX is also welcomed into the sect as one of their own. I think JC comments at some point that it's really weird for him to be safe in Cloud Recesses because of this reason. Please help me find this fic!
FOUND? The Ritual by nightwalker (E, 12k, WangXian, Sex Magic, Post-Canon, Fluff and Smut)
10. Hello! I am looking for a fic that might have been canon-esque, but also could have been modern, where Mama Lan calls Lan Zhan her little bird. Only I think for a while the author gave us the Chinese word for it, which I don't recall what it was. It's translated later in the story. Thank you!
11. Looking for a longfic I read a while back. The elements I remember are that the Lan figured out that WWX wasn't being properly compensated/treated as a head disciple of the Jiang and the deliberate stunting of his academic education was a violation of (handwavy) Jianghu high academia codes of conduct. As a result the Lan got WWX his backpay and the Jiang teachers got shunned by their academic peers. Had similar vibes to Stunted, Starving Juvenility, but I did a reread of that recently and I'm pretty sure it was a different fic. Thanks! @alychelms
Love this one and recently read it, but not it. The fic I'm looking for was definitely in canon-setting
NOT FOUND sounds like part of the story for 🧡🔒Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 178k, WangXian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war)
FOUND!🔒 the language of flowers and silent things series by Reverie (cl410) (M, 107k, WangXian, LXC/NMJ, LWJ & Madam Lan, NHS & LWJ, LWJ & LXC, LWJ & NMJ, LWJ & NHS Friendship, Developing Relationship, POV LWJ, Minor Injuries, Autistic LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, aka the YZY warning, Genius WWX, Light Angst And Hurt/Comfort, WWX Protection Squad, Gusu Lan Sect, Slow Burn, Protective LWJ, LWJ-centric, Politics, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, Cultivation Sect Politics, Protective WWX) I don't recall if backpay was a part of it, but 11 reminds me of this
12. Hi, I really need help finding a fic I read on ao3 some time ago. It was a modern day fic, I believe set in America, where wei ying and lan zhan meet again at jiang yanli’s wedding. They both act awkward around each other and don’t really interact until they are all in the hotel lobby and wei ying is trying to leave because LZ…but yanli tells lan zhan to give him a ride because it’s suppose to be a long ride home (to a different state I believe and lan zhan will be driving by it either way so it’s ideal) Wei ying tries to reject the idea but LXC gets involved too and he’s like it’s a good idea. It’s like a long drive/road trip fic where they are forced to interact and make up. Thank you for your time and effort.
Hi, I wrote to you asking for fic #12 on your may 13th post. I ended up finding it. It was a wlw fic 7:15 from Chicago by milesofheart. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but thank you for this platform, allowing me to ask in the first place.
FOUND! 7:15 from Chicago by milesofheart (T, 24k, WangXian, F/F, Modern, Rule 63, Road Trip, Getting Together, Female WangXian, matchmaking siblings, recovering from traumatic childhoods, spiritual trauma, Lan Disciplines as modern religious fundamentalism, LWJ's defiance of the Lan Disciplines, activist LWJ, the universal rage of women in a sexist world, Estranged Friends to Lovers, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, brief references to sexual violence, references to past alcohol abuse, mention of spiking a drink as a bad practical joke but in a safe environment, mentions of real American political and social issues, brief mention of physical child abuse, past experiences of homophobia)
13. I need help finding a fic. I've looked through my AO3 history and had no luck. Here's what I remember: Its a modern AU (I dont recall if its modern Cultivation or modern without magic) WWX is on the outs the Jiangs but is close to the Nies. There is a scene where NHS puts put Nie braids into WWX hair, and LWJ is jealous and takes them out. WWX developed a software that the Nies distribute and the Jiangs use. When WWX does online tech support for the Jiangs he uses the alias MXY.
FOUND! Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, Modern AU, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Musicals, POV Alternating, Baking, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks)
14. Hello, how are you doing? 👋
I am looking for a fic which i found on this blog i think, i am not sure. It's where wwx breaks up with lwj as a dare but they're actually meeting for the first time. I thought i had it bookmarked but unfortunately i was wrong, please help me find it. 🫰
15. Heya bros!! Got a request for the ficfinder? I read it a while back but accidentally closed the tab.
It was Wen Ning and Nis Huaisang centric. Chapter one was Wen Ning helping NHS escape qishan, chap 2 was NHS helping WN break outta the Jin dungeon and I think chap 3 was them talking about it??
I think Hua Cheng and Xie Lian made a very brief cameo in the third chapter?
FOUND? Jailbreaking by CullenBlue (T, 21k, WN & NHS, Canon Compliant, POV NHS, NHS Is A Little Shit, Cinnamon Roll WN, Fierce Corpse WN, Ghost General WN, References to Heavens Official’s Blessing, References to The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System, NHS insulting the Wen Clan’s taste in interior Decorating, Mentions of Murder, WN made a friend by talking about his childhood trauma, BAMF WN, Panic Attacks, mentions of gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Violence in the Name of Comedy, Trauma, Is NHS taking anything seriously? who knows, Bromance)
16. Hi...
I am looking for this fic that I read a long time ago. It's a modern au and mpreg, where at the airport Wei ying went to the toilet and left a yuan with strangers (Mr & Madam Lan). Both of them thought twin jade especially lan zhan had a secret child as a yuan share similarities with the lan gene. If I'm not mistaken, Wei ying works together with lan zhan before leaving the country because of pregnancy and lan zhan doesn't even know about it. I don't remember why...🤔
Please help me find it. Thank you for your time 😊 @hazeylove89 //
Hi. I would hope to find this fic I read a long time ago. It's modern au where Wei ying leaving a yuan with stranger in airport for toilet break however the stranger is Mr &Mrs lan. Both of them thought a yuan is lan zhan child as a yuan share similarities with lan zhan. Btw this fic is mpreg n lan zhan don't know that Wei ying is pregnant.
Sorry if it's a difficult request. Thank you.
17. hello! trying to find a specific tumblr post (not here but out in the wild) about yllz wwx actually being a fairly solid ghost who died in the burial mounds and knows he's dead but expects the ones he loves to also pick up on that and mourn him/give offerings? but none of them do; they see solid and assume alive, so he's feeling hurt about it. pretty sure it's here on tumblr somewhere but will accept fic recs
18. this for fic finder <3 i remember reading a fic where WWX is a paperman and is spying on LWJ bathing. and then paperman wwx gets a cut and lwj gets angry or sulking at him for disregarding his safety @notdaniee
FOUND! I don't know about a fic but there's a comic by @moobiess like that
19. hello, thank you for your help!
i was looking for this fic where wwx and mianmian are dating (?) and wwx accidentally moans lwj's name while making out/intercourse. i am unable to find it anymore. could you please help?
thank you again.
hello! #19 from the latest fic finder (may 13th). yes! it does! wwx goes to lwj's and they 'talk' about whatever happened and then they end up having sex.
bummer that they made it private, thank you for the help though!
sounds like a fic that has been privated/hidden by Pancho I believe , in the story does wei ying end up going over to Lan zhan and they have sex?
20. hiii, i need help finding a fic on ao3 where lan wangji and wei wuxian time travel to the past and tell the sect leaders some form of info. the sect leaders are then nosy and weird about it so they end up using something to spy on them? lan xichen feels guilty but joins in anyway. in the scene that the sects see wwx and lwj are sitting and wwx is combing lwj's hair i think ? the two are aware that they're being watched as well. i don't remember much else, but i hope that's accurate enough. thank you so much.
FOUND? lan xichen is very concerned (and confused) by theninjacat (T, 3k, WangXian, POV Outsider, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Sunshot Campaign)
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
The Laoshi and The Yiling Laozu by chiyukimei
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The Laoshi and The Yiling Laozu
by chiyukimei (@chiyukimei)
M, 7k, Wangxian
Summary: Burial Mounds era Lan Qiren and Wei Wuxian had time travelled. - Lan Qiren narrowed his eyes. “You’ve heard of the Patriarch of Yiling before, boy?” Wei Wuxian watched his former teacher with suspicion, “Laoshi, you’ve been there when the sun was shot?” Lan Qiren nodded. Kay's comments: It's rare to find a Lan Qiren time-travels story that still feels close to his character like here. Though he's still a much nicer uncle than he is in canon, he actually needs some time warming up to Wei Wuxian after accidently time-travelling together with him. It's also extremely cute to see how much Wei Wuxian enjoys running around younger Lan Wangji and playing with him. Excerpt: A few days later, Lan Qiren caught sight of Wei Wuxian running alongside Lan Wangji, trying to make him smile and shouting non-stop: Lan Zhan this, Lan Zhan that. He tried hard to not roll his eyes at that childish behavior. God forbid, this man was twenty years old, and still, had no trouble blending in with the fifteen-year-olds. After Wangji left, he stopped Wei Wuxian. “What are you doing?” Wei Wuxian asked with a surprised face, “What am I doing?” Lan Qiren, “Why are you pestering Wangji?” Wei Wuxian bit his lower lip, “I’m not pestering him. I just want to be friends with him.” Lan Qiren, “Why?” Wei Wuxian happily exclaimed, “Isn’t it obvious? He is an upstanding, righteous, and beautiful person. Who wouldn’t want to make friends with him? If he smiled a bit all the sisters would be running after him.” “…Hmm, maybe that’s a good thing he doesn’t smile. You don’t have to deal with all those ladies Laoshi!” Lan Qiren grumbled, “Shameless!” Wei Wuxian, “Hah! That’s what Lan Zhan says, all the time! I really forgot how strict he was even when he was a teenager.”
pov lan qiren, canon divergence, humor, crack treated seriously, time travel, time travel fix-it, burial mounds settlement days, burial mounds ensemble as family, cloud recesses study arc, wei wuxian is so whipped, sect leader wen qing, developing relationship
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
82 notes · View notes
wutheringskies · 9 months
something something wei ying only accepting his feelings for Lan Wangji when he feels they are returned, despite knowing deep down (very deep down) that he's had a crush on him that blossomed into something more since he was 15.
something something wei ying only talking about it being actually hard to he coreless to anyone years and years after only when a secret he died with was exposed and he couldn't hide anymore; and his response being to just put it all behind.
something something wei ying blatantly questioning why he was treated unfairly in Lotus pier when he was younger yet glossening over those memories in a cycle of "it wasn't that bad," and "it was sorta bad."
wei ying not responding to any of Jiang Cheng's remarks or anyone else's but going to look at his face in a river after slapping himself and only standing up when it's Lan Zhan getting slandered
wei ying being his usual sunshine self at burial mounds and later revealing that of course, he knew at that time, that it was all a matter of time
in cql and in the donghua we get the "I threw him into the burial mounds" but in MDZS? we don't.
something about how anytime there's a scene we feel would speak to wei wuxian, the narration switches to someone else, whether it be Jin Ling finding it weird that he didn't say a word in Iron Hook Extra while figuring out that the hero just wanted to scream; or instead of his thoughts about the servant matter, being shown Lan Sizhui's "Wei wuxian looked confident so it shouldn't affect him"
something about Wei Ying stating he doesn't care for people's opinions and he doesn't really but still listening to what they're saying and thinking if they're right or wrong and hiding his face from Lan Wangji
something about Wei Wuxian looking into Lan Wangji's eyes during the Koi Tower scene and thinking he looks disgusting
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In my time in the MDZS fandom, I’ve seen people use Wei Wuxian dismissing the bathtub scene with “it’s normal for men to be like this sometimes” as evidence that he’s oblivious, but none of it ever takes into account the context of that dialogue.
First off, the quote from Chapter 96 is this:
Wei WuXian only put on one boot before continuing, “But you don’t have to feel too apologetic either. Uh, it’s normal for men to be like this sometimes. Please...don’t take it too seriously.”
Here’s the thing: Wei Wuxian doesn’t truly believe what he’s saying here! He’s saying what he thinks he needs to say to salvage their friendship! He thinks his confession has just been rejected and that he’s provoked Lan Wangji into doing something that he didn’t really want to do
[Side note, I’m using the ExR translation (with the exception of one scene, where I use multiple translations) because at the time this post was begun, it was the only fully translated version of these chapters I could find]
The sequence of events are as follows:
1. Wei Wuxian tries to express his feelings 
Wei WuXian, “I have to tell you something.” He breathed lightly before speaking, “Lan Zhan, thank you.”
With thousands of words, there was nowhere to start. If he didn’t meet Lan WangJi when he came back, Wei WuXian didn’t know what he’d be like right now. In reality, even if he roamed around alone, it wouldn’t necessarily be that bad. But no matter what, he believed that nothing would be better than this.
Unfortunately, he didn’t notice that after Lan WangJi heard this, his body froze slightly. 
The surging heat finally began to retreat. Wei WuXian’s head was still dizzy as he rambled on, “In these two lives, you’ve helped me a lot. I know you’re... really nice to me. You’re really great! Apart from thank you, I don’t know what else to say to you... Anyways, towards you, I feel... I feel...”
He’s trying so hard to convey his feelings that he doesn’t realize that as soon as Lan Wangji hears the words ‘thank you’, he thinks Wei Wuxian slept with him out of gratitude. So on one hand, we have Wei Wuxian sincerely trying to confess his feelings, while on the other hand, Lan Wangji believes that Wei Wuxian only slept with him because he feels grateful to him, not because he actually wanted to. That leads to,
2. Lan Wangji pushes Wei Wuxian away
But this wasn’t the point at all. Wei WuXian had never confessed like this to anyone before. Even someone whose face was as thick as his felt a bit embarrassed. He could only first pick a few random things to say. Just as he was thinking how to explain himself to make it sound sincere and serious when Lan WangJi suddenly pushed him away.
Now, we as readers know the reason for Lan Wangji pushing Wei Wuxian away, but Wei Wuxian doesn’t. Wei Wuxian is yet to realize that Lan Wangji has a thing about being thanked. That realization only happens later, in Chapter 111.
Wei WuXian looked at him, “Lan Zhan, you’re really scared of me telling you ‘thank you’, aren’t you? I suddenly remembered. Many of the times we parted ways in my past life, I said ‘thank you’ to you right before. And every time we separated, I worsened the next time we met.”
The time they killed Wen Chao and Wen ZhuLiu at the courier station, the time they met each other through the flowers at the tower in Yunmeng, the time they parted at Yiling’s Burial Mound. Every time, he used the word to mark a clear line between him and Lan WangJi, stretching out the distance between them.
With a long while of silence, Lan WangJi replied, “Between you and me, there is no need for ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’.”
At this point, to Wei Wuxian, the only reasonable conclusion to make about Lan Wangji pushing him aside when he’s trying to confess his feelings is that Lan Wangji doesn’t return his feelings. Worse, that he has taken advantage of a drunk Lan Wangji. (Many people have already pointed out that Lan Wangji has already sobered up by the time they have sex, but again, Wei Wuxian doesn’t know that!) 
This is Wei Wuxian’s immediate reaction.
Although Wei WuXian didn’t know when he woke up, now that he was awake, Lan WangJi’s reaction meant that one thing was clear: he didn’t want to continue what they were doing. He didn’t want to listen to Wei WuXian finish what he was saying, either.
A little later, he thinks
That the most disciplined person would throw tantrums, hit people, mess about after he was drunk, meant that Lan WangJi’s drunken actions weren’t self-controlled. And, even though Wei WuXian knew this, he still took advantage of the easy manipulation, purposely provoking him and leading him to do what he wanted. 
This situation clearly verified the worst possibility. Lan WangJi was indeed very nice towards him, but... it probably wasn’t the kind of nice he hoped for.
He already knows and acknowledges that Lan Wangji treats him in a special way! In fact, he was hoping that it meant Lan Wangji reciprocated his feelings, but he didn’t know for sure. The fact that Lan Wangji pushes him away when he starts to confess solidifies for him that Lan Wangji does not reciprocate his feelings. Which finally leads to
3. Wei Wuxian apologizes for taking advantage of Lan Wangji and tries to reassure him by saying ‘it’s normal for men to be like this sometimes’
It’s made clear that Wei Wuxian is trying to assure Lan Wangji that it’s normal because he doesn’t want his feelings (that he believes are not reciprocated) to ruin their friendship.
Originally, Wei WuXian thought that compared to having his feelings be found out and them become so awkward they couldn’t even be friends, he’d much rather have Lan WangJi feel that he was a cheap, flippant person instead. But right now, he began to regret saying those idiotic things without thinking about them first. He whispered, “... I’m sorry.”
The text literally specifies that he says what he says because he thought it would be better for Lan Wangji to think that he was a “cheap and flippant person” than ruin their friendship! He does not actually believe what he’s saying! That’s also why Wei Wuxian’s confession in the Guanyin Temple begins with “Back then, I really wanted to sleep with you”. 
For more clarity, this line has also been translated as
He had only said it as an offhanded comment, but unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian came to the realization: "You're not wrong."
"Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-jun! I—Earlier I—slept with you because I genuinely wanted to!"
  — spicychickenyang’s translation
He had only been thinking out loud. Little did he expect Wei WuXian to suddenly go, “You’re right.”
With that, Wei WuXian proceeded to shout at the top of his lungs, “Lan Zhan! Lan WangJi! Earlier, I—I truly wanted to sleep with you!”
  — Chapter 100, boat-full-of-lotus-pods translation
 Now that Lan Xichen’s monologue has revealed that Lan Wangji does return his feelings (and probably because he has been able to connect all the times he said ‘thank you’ to Lan Wangji with negative reactions from Lan Wangji), Wei Wuxian immediately figures out why Lan Wangji reacted the way he did and clarifies it.
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Down memory lane
"Lan Zhan, do you want to know how I actually died?"
Lan Wangji drops his chopsticks right onto the floor, the question shocking him out of the placid tiredness of a long day travelling.
They've been passing through towns and villages in their seemingly forever honeymoon, but, as the anniversary of the First Siege and Yiling Patriarch's death approaches, whispers, rumors and trashtalk have become louder and increasingly frequent.
People bring up the terrible monster living in the Burial Mounds, make up outlandish stories about imagined crimes, and debate on how he died - though all agree it was gruesome and deserved.
They're in an inn now, at the edge of a picturesque village near the sea coast, enjoying local dishes and wine, in a secluded corner of the establishment's dining area. But though they've deliberately chosen to sit as far away from the crowd as possible, conversation drifts through the air like the aroma of freshly cooked meals and words of insult and curses reach their ears nevertheless.
"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji speaks, struggling to break througu his stupor, "You do not need to-"
"I know, I just want to." A small smile. "You've asked me before, and I didn't tell you - but we've agreed there are no secrets between us, right?"
"Wei Ying, this is not a secret-"
"I blew myself up."
Silence befalls them both. Lan Wangji finds himself unable to name what he's feeling, a whirlwind of emotion stirring within him. Wei Wuxian does not seem affected, gazing out the window at the starry sky.
His tone had been casual, as if the words he's just said do not hold much weight, as if it is normal, expected, for him to say them.
I blew myself up.
Lan Wangji has always wondered whether Wei Wuxian really died devoured by corpses and resentful energy, he who had so much control over them.
He has always had some doubts, but the thought of his beloved taking his own life hurt too much to ponder. For Lan Wangji too, the hypothesis the rumors presented was easier to swallow than the truth.
"You could have stopped it." He finally says, realization slowly dawning on him like a soft blanket of cold, icy snow.
"I could." Wei Wuxian responds, closing his eyes briefly before turning towards Lan Wangji, "But I had no reason to. There was no more room in the world for me."
"There has always been room in the world for you, Wei Ying." And Lan Wangji reaches across the table to take his husband's hand in his, both to comfort Wei Ying and ground his own spiralling fears.
Wei Wuxian's eyes widen for a moment, shining under the soft candlelight, before a beautiful, warm smile settles on his features. "I know you said not to, but thank you - for making room in the world for me."
There is a slight tremble to Lan Wangji's hand as he caresses Wei Wuxian's knuckles.
"...and also thank you for giving me a room literally because I'm broke as hell, I could never afford an inn!"
Laughter is pulled out of Lan Wangji before he can stop it and Wei Wuxian can only wish he's forever able to hear the melodious sound of it.
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youhideastar · 1 year
New Fic: Tender
The Untamed / Wangxian / 21,000 words
When Lan Wangji travels to Yiling to see Wei Wuxian at the Burial Mounds settlement, instead of arriving at midday, he arrives that evening and takes a room at the inn. There, he sees Wei Wuxian leaving another man's room, disheveled--sees Wei Wuxian accept money from the stranger. And Wei Wuxian sees him, too.
Looking up at Lan Wangji through his eyelashes, Wei Ying murmurs, “Just tell me what you want, Rich-gege – I know you must have thought about it. I remember how you used to look at me.”
Lan Wangji flinches, despite his best efforts; the blade came from the dark, no sign of the strike before it hit.
Instantly, the mask of cruelty falls from Wei Ying’s face. “Lan Zhan,” he says, ducking his head and stepping back, “forgive me. I should never have—I shouldn’t have said that, not any of it—”
Lan Wangji nods. It’s all he can manage, even after a full ten breaths to absorb the hurt.
“I’m sorry,” Wei Ying says again. “I thought I wasn’t ashamed. I really thought that.” He gives Lan Wangji a rueful smile. “And then I saw the pure and virtuous Hanguang-jun there, watching me sell my bed-time, and seeing myself through those eyes, it wasn’t…” He blows out a breath; his two front locks of hair dance in the air. “You didn’t catch me at my best. Forgive me.”
That hurts, too – to be reduced to 'the pure and virtuous Hanguang-jun,' when Wei Ying had always seemed to see more in Lan Wangji. He was one of the very few who had.
Read Tender on AO3!
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I love watching the Untamed play out because it's just so funny, both on purpose, accidentally and just generally the way it exists.
Like they took this extremely gay novel, put it through Chinese censorship and retained a distinct enough level of homoeroticism that it's just widely accepted by its fans that they're in love. Then take the fact they had 2 episodes in the present timeline, 30 straight flashback episodes, and then just zapped back to the present timeline again??? THEN add the masterful CGI (think WWX falling into the burial mounds for a whole minute and all the sky-gliding the cultivators do), and you're about halfway there.
Also, shoutout to WWX not only just wearing a MASK to not be recognised, but also just straight-up forgoing it half the time. He loiters around without his mask until he knows for sure that someone in the area knows him...which is a pretty interesting way to go about trying not to get caught huh. It's all fun and games until someone gets a glimpse of your face in passing and the mask may as well be useless.
In the Untamed he's not even resurrected into MXY's body, so he not only talks, acts and uses exactly the same techniques as the infamous Yiling Laozu but also looks exactly the same too...I get it's been 16 years but come on, he literally calls LWJ "Lan Zhan", a pretty telltale sign to anyone really since nobody else called him that ever. Actually, scrap that, he literally talks about the Stygian tiger amulet (that's the translation provided atleast) and calls it 'his', and also refers to his death multiple times casually and there is NO EXPLANATION as to what happened to everyone else's ears when he's saying this. It's not like he's talking in private with LWJ even, he's just talking and evidently nobody else picks up on it? It's so funny to witness because naturally they wanted to keep Xiao Zhan playing WWX for the rest of the series too, and he does a brilliant job as well, but the way WWX is just running around and nobody except LWJ and JC picked up it was him for ages is so ridiculously funny. Really, WWX, I just WONDER how your "whole-life confidant" [also translated as SOULMATE] recognised it was you in mask, it's truly baffling.
Nice to see WWX's genius stupidity is canon in all versions of MDZS. Really, if I were episode 2 JC and someone were trying to convince me I was being unreasonable for suspecting WWX in a mask, I think I'd actively riot on the spot-
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rosethornewrites · 3 months
NR, E, & M reading since 2/26
Not Rated:
in which Jin Ling is tragically underappreciated, by Buttercup_ghost
"You're a cutsleeve," is the first thing Wei Wuxian's time traveling nephew says to him.
"Um. What?"
Jin Ling is doing his Dajiu a wonderful favor in getting him hitched early. Now if only his Dajiu would appreciate it!
Heart-to-heart with the Elder Jade, by KarenF
After the revelations at Guan Yin Temple (in YunPing City), it was obvious that Wei WuXian was a victim, wrongly blamed, wrongly ostracized, wrongly ‘hunted’ for things he did not do or had no knowledge of even ‘doing’ it. Guilt and remorse knew no bounds and ‘everyone’ sought to find ways to apologize and/or make amends… But, Wei WuXian was an elusive person who did not like to be at the receiving end of an apology, especially from someone he respected or loved. Everyone was the victim of a skilful manipulation after all…
Su She &/ Wen Xu, by nirejseki
Prompt: Wen xu and su she somehow form a bond of some sort, maybe su she decides to just say fuck it and join the Wen sect? Maybe wen xu’s repressed desire to kill his dad comes into play?
Because of Wen Qing, by QteCuttlfish (71 chapters)
What if Jiang Cheng had chosen to support Wen Qing, the Wen clan remnants, and most importantly, Wei Wuxian? Follows CQL/Untamed canon. Canon Divergence from Episode 20.
The Space Between Us, by TempestFlame (11 chapters)
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were once considered a doubles pair to watch as they rose through the ranks of tennis players in China. Though they were each skilled individually, together they were practically unstoppable. But things ended poorly between them, and they haven't seen each other once since the downfall of their partnership.
But when they meet again, two years later, their connection is still stronger than the distance that has grown between them, and they seize their second chance at standing together with everything they have.
most barren peak and bleakest winter, by WhatTheOwlHears (10 chapters)
He drank. Set the cup down. “I understand Wei Ying would not choose to behave that way ordinarily.”
Well that was certainly true, but it felt like a lie anyway. “Haha, yeah.” Wei Wuxian put his elbow on the table so he could put his face in his hand. “Definitely would not normally make attempts on the virtue of my dear dear friend Hanguang-jun.”
I Call For You to Come Back, by Sunflower1778 (10 chapters)
It wasn't possible. And yet here they were. His parents looked at him full of fondness, unknowing of what he did or who he had become.
"A-Ying, you're so big now," his mother spoke, tears running freely down her face.
To Let the Light In, by dedougal
Lan Zhan didn't really want to go to his school reunion. It was bound to have all the things he hated: people, people he'd forgotten and people he should try to forget.
Not Rated:
Did i ask for this? (You really need it?), by Weiwuxiansfluteowner
In a world where Lan Wangji and Wei Ying didn't meet at cloud recess. In a world where Wei Wuxian was still pushed in the burial mounds, and came back and saved the wen remnant. In a world where Wei Wuxian created the Wei clan, and started teaching his ways.
Would still be possible for them to love each other? Even when their first meeting is a proposed marriage for the Yilling patriarch? Even if Lan Wangji did not ask for a marriage, and is not sure what to feel about the patriarch of Yilling?
Aka the one where Wei Wuxian is constantly scaring the other clans on leaving him and his family alone, but they started to gift him so many things he just accepted them. But how do you say you don't WANT to accept a clearly forced marriage, with the most beautiful man you ever layed your eyes on?
Don't worry, Lan Wangji falls hard too.
The Kids Are Okay (I Think), by GossamerGlint
Wei Ying, in a twist of fate, finds himself on the streets once more, betrayed by cultivators
Meng Yao's mother dies early, betrayed by cultivators.
Xue Yang loses his finger with his optimism, betrayed by cultivators.
Yet none of them will be left alone, if this mysterious ghost with an equally hazy past has anything to say about it. And so what if these boys are her distant grandchildren? She'll adopt them all the same! Now... if only they wouldn't get into any trouble because of their inheritance...
Heart of the Beast, by WaitForTheSnitch
“Wei Ying?” Nie Mingjue prompted him gently. “Where are your parents?”
“They went on a night hunt,” Wei Ying said, a bit evasively.
“Your parents are cultivators?” Da-ge asked in surprise. “Did they leave you here while they hunted? When did they go on their night hunt?”
“Four summers ago,” Wei Ying said a bit uncomfortable.
“Four summers ago,” Nie Mingjue repeated. “What are your parents’ names?”
“My mama is Cangse Sanren and my baba is Wei Changze,” Wei Ying told him, and recognition registered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes.
“Wei Ying,” Nie Mingjue said, sounding a bit regretful, “Your parents aren’t coming back.”
Or, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang run into Wei Ying while in Yiling and decide to bring him home. And it changes everything.
Obscuring the Sun, by Karmiya
When Wen Ning finds Wei Wuxian, strangled and left for dead a mile out from Lotus Pier, he brings him to his sister in Yiling for treatment. Wen Qing is left with the task of hiding him- and of trying to convince him not to return to the person who nearly killed him, as little as he wants to hear it. She isn't sure there's anything she can do to help him when they're now on opposite sides of a war, but soon events transpire which give Wei Wuxian no choice but to shelter with them in Yiling.
As much as they can't afford for the Sunshot Campaign to lose the war, neither can they win it; not if all the innocent people caught up in Wen Ruohan's tyranny are to survive. But can anything be done to depose Wen Ruohan, or is the tyrant too close to the sun for any mortal to reach?
travelers through the empty gate, by stiltonbasket
Ten years after eliminating the Jiang and Nie clans, Emperor Wen Ruohan is dethroned by a young demonic cultivator from the outlands of Yiling, who surpasses him in both talent and cruelty. Where Wen Ruohan burned his enemies, Emperor Yiling raises his from the dead, and sends them through the imperial city to hunt down every last remnant of the Wen clan that tries to evade his clutches.
The last thing Lan Wangji wants to do with the Yiling huangdi is marry him.
Unfortunately, his family's fall from grace leaves him with no other choice.
Lotus Blooms, by SuperiorJello (2nd in a series)
This work is part 2 of my Reset-verse series. If you have not read part 1, it will make a lot less sense. I'm not gonna stop you though, you do you.
Our team of heroes are all still students at Cloud Recesses, but with a recent attack by the Wens, war is imminent, and many if not all of the students will be fleeing home.
This fic is the story of how time-travelling WangXian help handle the Sunshot campaign with their future knowledge, and also XiCheng falling for each other as they handle the chaos around them.
Old Endings Lead to New Beginnings, by 2wish_4life
Following an accident with an array, Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, and their gaggle of juniors are thrown into the past. Back in the year they studied at Cloud Recesses they decide to change the future to prevent all the unnecessary death.
Will they succeed?
And most importantly will Lan Zhan get his necessary Wei Ying snuggle time under Lan Qiren's watchful eyes?
A Characters Watching their Series fix-it fic, starring the younger versions of everyone they know.
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ellayuki · 2 years
13102022 - The Untamed/MDZS
"I remember," Wei Wuxian says quietly into the sliver of space between his body and Lan Zhan's. The night air has been turning rather chilly in the evenings, as autumn’s started settling in, and so they hide, tangled tightly together, under warmer blankets in their bed.
(Wei Wuxian thinks he could spend the rest of his life just like this, away from everything, just him and Lan Zhan.)
Lan Zhan hums, his fingers carding slowly, lazily through Wei Wuxian's unbound hair. "Remember?"
"That first time you came to the Burial Mounds." Wei Wuxian nods. He presses his face closer into Lan Zhan's collarbone, the memory of that day clear as a crystal. "I wanted you to stay." 
Lan Zhan's fingers stop, just for a heartbeat. "Wei Ying," he breathes, something sad and almost broken tingeing his voice. 
Maybe I wasn't the only one who wanted that, even then, Wei Wuxian thinks. His eyes start burning. Oh, how much time we could have had together. But. "I was also terrified of the very thought of you staying."
Because Lan Zhan, pure, righteous, big-hearted Lan Zhan would have had to give up a part of himself to be able to stay. 
Because he would have eventually found out about Wei Wuxian's missing core and things would have likely turned sour between them, hot-headed fools that they were back then.
Because they might have started something in the heat of the moment they were not really ready for at the time.
“What matters is that we are here now,” Lan Zhan says, hugging Wei Wuxian tightly and peppering his hairline with light kisses. 
Wei Wuxian sighs, happy. “Indeed.”
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ninjakk · 2 years
Wen Qing noticed something between WWX and LWJ at the Burial Mounds
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I've seen a lot of people arguing about whether WQ had picked up on something between WWX and LWJ.
Now it seems like quite a sore point for some. But I have to agree, she DID have her suspicions. I'm not claiming she was extremely close to WWX and therefore knew him well enough. I'm not claiming she is some all seeing, mega sleuth or anything like that. But, she had eyes and a brain!
Looking at chapter 75, WQ immediately noticed the way LWJ acted when WWX was hurt...
Wen Qing had just shoved Wen Yuan into another’s arms. She wanted to check on Wei WuXian’s injuries, but he got there before she could. She paused with surprise. Lan WangJi was almost embracing Wei WuXian as he held his hand and passed spiritual energy to him. Wen Qing hurried, “Let him go first—it’s not necessary! Let me do it! I’m Wen Qing!” Wen Qing of Qishan was one of the top medics. Lan WangJi finally stopped passing Wei WuXian spiritual energy and let Wen Qing examine his condition, although his hand still refused to let go.
Now, WQ is surprised to see LWJ acting this way orginally. This is because she's heard the rumours that they hate each other. But she's noticed how he's holding him, how he's worried about him. She witnesses how well they work together as a team and how LWJ doesn't seem to be fighting him, just concerned and wanting to help him. A little later on, she walks in on LWJ holding his hand to give him spiritual energy again. She also sees his reaction when WWX pretends to faint in his arms moments later.
Later still WQ decides to press WWX a little about his relationship with LWJ:
At the mention of the Cloud Recesses, Wen Qing glanced at Wei WuXian, asking him as though she didn’t care, “I forgot to ask you. You’ve never brought anyone up Burial Mound. What’s the deal today?”
Wei WuXian, “You mean Lan Zhan? I met him on the way.” Wei Qing, “You met him? How did you meet him? You ran into him again?” Wei WuXian, “That’s right.” Wen Qing, “What a coincidence. I remember that you two ran into each other once in Yunmeng as well.” Wei WuXian, “There’s nothing special about it. A lot of cultivators from other sects travel in and out of Yunmeng and Yiling.”
Wen Qing, “I heard you call him directly by his birth name back then. Quite bold, aren’t you?” Wei WuXian, “He calls me directly by my birth name as well, doesn’t he? It’s nothing. Got used to it when we were young. Neither of us care.” Wen Qing, “Really? Don’t you two have a bad relationship? Heard that it’s like you’re ice and fire, fighting every time you see each other.”
Wei WuXian, “Don’t listen to the rumors. Our relationship really was quite bad in the past. During the Sunshot Campaign, we did get into a few fights because of our bad tempers. But afterwards, it wasn’t as bad as the rumors say. We’re so-so.”
Wen Qing didn’t say anything else.
Now, considering what she'd just witnessed earlier, this conversation is clearly her questioning the rumours that everyone hears about WWX and LWJ. She tries to make it out like this is casual conversation, but in actual fact she's digging a little to see if she can find anything out. Knowing that, if you read the above, you can clearly see she's trying to gauge WWX's own feelings for LWJ as well as LWJ's feelings for him. She finds it odd that out of everyone, it's LWJ who he brings back to the Burial Mounds.
WQ then goes on to get a little suspicious as to how and why they keep bumping into one another. She also reveals that WWX must have spoken about LWJ at least once in the past few months, as she knows they met up in Yunmeng where he and the ghost girls threw flowers at him, which happened prior to her seeking WWXs help to find her brother.
She then questions why they use their birth names for each other. Using someone's birth names can either mean they are very close or they are being rude and disrespectful. When they use each others birth names in front of WQ she could see it wasn't with disrespect or anger, so she's curious in my opinion. I think she's trying to understand their true relationship, as it's very contradictory to the rumours people constantly repeat. She didn't get anywhere with the conversation so she stopped pressing WWX for anything further. But I bet you she was sitting thinking about the way LWJ was with him.
I'm not saying she fully understood what their situation was - heck I don't think anyone did at that point bar the reader! But she saw the way LWJ was with WWX and wondered if there was something there. If I'd seen the above, I'd also ask the questions she did, to try and understand everything as well. It's just such a contradiction to what she and others thought WWX and LWJ's relationship was like.
I like to think she was actually a little bit happy and relieved to see that WWX had someone on his side. He was very lonely at this point in his life and a part of me likes to think she wanted WWX to be happy and safe, after all he'd done for the Wen refugees.
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morethanwonderful · 2 years
One of the things that makes Wei Wuxian (and MDZS as a whole) both fascinating and kind of hard to talk about is that, at least for me, my moral compass and the novel's own internal moral compass are very, very different.
Like, for example, there's Wei Wuxian's mass torture of the Wen clan after he returns from the Burial Mounds. Is he justified in doing that?
Personally, my impulse is to say no, of course not. I don't believe in retributive justice in general, and even if I did, Wei Wuxian goes to some pretty graphically extreme lengths in his vengeance. I'd say that, no matter how terrible he is to you, torturing every single one of a man's soldiers to death for your personal enjoyment, then spending several days cutting off that man's body parts and making him eat his own legs is. uh. pretty objectively a horrible thing to do. And I think that in a lot of other stories, if the main character committed that kind of violence, they would either repent or be treated as over-violent and morally gray.
Despite my impulse to say Wei Wuxian is in the wrong, though, MDZS's narrative itself never really condemns him.
He's not supported by the story for doing this, exactly, since Lan Zhan, whose pov we get a lot of in those scenes, is clearly disturbed by it all. But at the same time, he's still portrayed as a good person after that point, and the narrative never punishes him for his actions. His torture of the Wen is one of his lowest points, and his treatment of Wen Chao shows us how horribly warped he is by all his trauma, but sickness and corruption are two different things. Even for all I want to say his actions are objectively wrong, I can't bring myself to call him evil in that moment. I mostly just feel bad for him. So what gives?
Well the thing is, MDZS is in large part a story about violent cycles of revenge, and alongside that, the society that Wwx lives in is an extremely violent and vengeful one. And within the moral standards of his own society, Wei Wuxian's torture and killing of Wen soldiers is not inherently wrong. Even Xiao Xingchen, the paragon of goodness and purity, tells Xue Yang that he would have been justified in chopping off Chang Ci'an's fingers or arm to avenge the loss of his finger, because vengeful violence is judged not by whether an act is inherently evil, but by whether it's in proportion to what you're revenging.
MDZS's internal morals as a narrative are complicated, but as best as I can figure it out, it's like this: The vengeful cycles inherent to this society lead to a lot of needless suffering and harm. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan are both extremely good people, and part of their goodness (and the way they get their happy ending) is by learning to move beyond that need for vengeance. However, the story also doesn't completely condemn the idea of retributive justice. Wei Wuxian says Xue Yang must die for his crimes, and Lan Zhan is the one who kills him.
So Wei Wuxian's society judges violence based on its proportionality, and MDZS's narrative is teetering between endorsing and condemning this viewpoint. And that's why we can see the horror in what Wei Wuxian does to Wen Chao and his soldiers, but the story is not inclined to call it evil. After all, Wen Chao not only tormented and nearly killed Wei Wuxian, but slaughtered the entirety of the Jiang clan. Wwx's treatment of him, nightmarish as it is, is an eye for an eye, sadism for sadism, and near-extermination for near-extermination. He could have tortured every single Wen soldier to death himself, and though the narrative would surely highlight how nightmarish those actions were and how unhealthy they made Wwx seem, the act also wouln't be condemned, because the Wen clan slaughtered every single Jiang.
For as horrific as Wei Wuxian's vengeance is, by the standards of the violent world he grew up in, it's never actually out of proportion with what is justified.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. Howdy! Im looking for any fics that are jgy friendly/jc friendly? I really like both characters and it kinda sucks finding Great fics that blindside me with "but what if they suck actually"
Mend a Heart (and soul) by geethr75 (T, 13k, WangXian, XiCheng, Canon Divergence, Established XiCheng, Golden Core Reveal, Reconciliation, Angst with a happy ending)
🧡a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke ( M, 180k, WangXian, Arranged marriage, Canon Divergence, Hurt/comfort, Light angst, Canon typical violence)
🧡 Song by WithBroomBefore (T, 41k, Platonic Soulbond, Hurt/comfort, Canon Divergence, No golden core transfer, JC&JZX stay in Xuanwu cave, Fix-it, Temporary character death)
Time Kept Flowing by notoneforreality (T, 163k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, major character death is wwx, who comes back, Family, Autistic LWJ, Kid Fic, JC and LWJ raise the kids, Co-parenting is hard, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 40k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU)
The Kids Are Okay (I Think) by GossamerGlint (Not Rated, 40k, WIP, WangXian, give wwx jgy and xy a mom agenda., thats it thats the fic, but not just any mom powerful ghost empress mom with a revenge plot :), Royalty AU, Prince WWX, prince MY, Prince XY, Burial Mounds, Yílíng Wèi Sect, more like yiling xue sect, its... complicated)
what builds a home by Stratisphyre (T, 46k, wangxian, meng yao & wei wuxian)
Resplendence by FrozenMarVel (E, 159k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, CS Lives, Different first meeting, Fluff, Crossdressing, Love at first sight, Fix-it of sorts)
pretty much all of KouriArashi's work is both JC and JGY friendly
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut, Mojo’s bookmark) is also both JC and JGY friendly, though JC is in less focus.
Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation/JC Friendly Fic Compilation
2. Any fics with jiang Cheng being protective over wei ying and jiang yanli???
❤️ Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (not rated (I’d say T), 103k, JC & WWX, wangxian, time travel, fix-it)
For Both Of Us (And Time Is But A Paper Moon) by sami (E, 65k, Time Travel, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort,  First Time, Getting Together, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ) JC is also VERY protective over his siblings
3. Hello! Hope you're doing well and feeling good! If it's okay for you, I am in the mood for some fics with Wangxian coffee shop AUs?!? I just want to feel good and mushy and be wrapped in a warm blanket while reading them! Thank you!!!
2:15 PM by cherishthespark (T, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bunny Cafe AU, Fluff, Pining, Pre-dating)
No You Can't Come In by makebelieveanything, nerdzeword (T, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, coffee shop AU, cafe in the woods, Pandemic, Fluff)
Cafes Were Made for Clichés by Quirmzi (T, 8k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Fluff)
You Give Me The Love I Never Want To Lose in This Lifetime by hannselle (G, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, First Meetings, Insecuities, Fluff, Cafe AU, Lan zhan cant handle people, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
The Burial Grounds by WithBroomBefore (G, 3k, WangXian, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Fluff, Getting Together, Gift Exchange)
Where You Fell by Sweet_William (E, 303k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Homeless WWX, Slow Burn, Eventual Happy Ending)
Morning Grind by Supernova_Sage (T, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Barista WWX, Patron LWJ, Getting Together)
Finding a way home by ThisIsWhereTheMagicHappens (G, 2k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Meet-Cute)
a jar full of dollars (and a heart full of hope) by tinylilremus (T, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, College AU, First dates, Fluff)
Coming right up by Onomatopoetikon (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Meet-Cute, College AU, Flirting, Barista WWX)
Your Cup of Tea by kuro (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Awkward Flirting, Secret Crush, Coffee, Tea)
of coffee and white tea by kintou (Not Rated, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Friends to Lovers, College AU, Fluff, Soft)
Brotherly Intentions by panicking (Not Rated, 33k, WangXian, XiCheng, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Slow Burn, Teacher WWX)
4. Hi this is a 18+ or even 19+ request I hope it's allowed? I need more fanfiction like Sweet's Strawberry Suprise! 💖 (Lmk if I linked the wrong fic ~ Mod C)
5. I’m in a mood for LXC/character fics with no JC or NMJ or JGY or wangxian as the other side. Some angst is fine but no unhappy or bitter endings, please!
If I'm reading 5 right, that's a LXC pairing with a more unusual character. Can I recommend LanLan (Lan Xichen/Song Lan)?
Gentle Exile by rynleaf (E, 9k, LanLan (Song Lan/Lan Xichen), Post-Canon, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, References to Depression, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst) If I'm reading 5 right, that's a LXC pairing with a more unusual character. Can I recommend LanLan (Lan Xichen/Song Lan)? I especially recommend Gentle Exile by rynleaf
To Love What Is Mortal by treemaidengeek (T, 22k, LanLan (Song Lan/Lan Xichen), Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, Fluff and Angst, Healing, background WangXian, Hurt/Comfort) prequels are short and lovely but not necessary
6. for itmf, do you have any fics where lwj KNOWS like feels in his soul when wwx dies, or when he comes back to life? or where wwx just knows that lsz is a-yuan? i would really love to read something like that. could be soulmate au or not (or could even be helped by something like the forrest gump fic where jyl has talismans to know if her loved ones die). much thanks!!
7. i'm really in the mood for qiren being a good uncle to both his nephews AND wwx 🥺 what are your favourite good uncle lqr fics?
🧡Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 370k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
🧡All will be well when the day is done by abCEE (T, 76k, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, fix it, not YZY friendly, not Jiang friendly, butterfly effect, no sunshot, madam lan lives, lan WWX)
The Trouble with Espionage: A Treatise on the Role of Wit in Matchmaking by Grandmaster Lan Qiren by stiltonbasket (G, 9k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Matchmaking, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Good uncle LQR, Happy Ending)
Variations on WWX & LQR in Assorted Keys Series by nirejseki (T, 45k, WIP, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Post-Canon, Bonding, Age Regression/De-aging, Time Travel, Hurt/Comfort, Series of disconnected fics)
🧡CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
Hope Series by RoseThorne (G/T, 51k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Memory loss, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Good Aunt YZY, Arranged marriage, Butterfly effect)
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 40k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU)
Joy In the Midst of These Things Series by Glitterbombshell (G/T, 52k, WIP, WangXian, Post-Canon, Baby Juniors, Hurt/Comfort, Light angst, Happy ending, Fluff) LQR doesn't start out great but he learns and grows and it's beautiful
Deeper Seasons by Piecrust (G, 8k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, basically LQR being nice to WWX)
The Best Gift by Lan_Wangjoe (E, 45k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mistaken Identity, Secret Marriage, Didn't know they were dating, Idiots in Love, Genius WWX, Good uncle LQR, Good parents JFM & YZY)
Get it right (this time) by AmiraAlzilu (M, 44k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a happy ending, Suicidal thoughts, Getting Together, Not Jiang Family Friendly) newest chapter has good uncle lqr. It’s a time travel fix-it
8. hi! for the next im in the mood for, is there any fics where lwj is like a damsel in distress? i just think he should let the fearsome yilling laozu save him sometimes. thank u <3
How to piss off the Yiling Laozu in one simple step! by Eicas (T, 3k, WangXian, Kidnapping, Canon Divergence, Hurt LWJ, YL WWX, Pre-Relationship)
The Nie Sect Discussion Conference That No One, Ever, Will Discuss Again. by mondengel (Not Rated, 1k, WangXian, Humor) I know it's not exactly the "damsal in distress" that the person intended but I reckon it's still a fun read that fills the category 😄
silk threads and precious metal by Sevidri (M, 4k, wangxian, canon-typical violence, sunshot campaign, blood & injury, hurt LWJ, non-consensual ribbon touching)
too much love will kill you by retts (T, 3k, wangxian, modern, mafia au, kidnapping, fluff, crack)
agape, please don't dissipate by junekiss (M, 7k, wangxian, post-canon, getting together, LWJ whump, kidnapping, getting together, first kiss, hurt/comfort, BAMF WWX, protective WWX)
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, Post-Canon, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic, Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt, economics, [Podfic] the field meets the wood by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), [podfic] the field meets the wood by jellyfishfire)
green flame, black flute, red ribbon by Fleetling (T, 3k, WangXian, Post-Canon,Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, BAMF WWX)
mission report by bosbie (T, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, superhero AU, Fluff, Humor, Getting Together, First Meetings, Falling in love, Spanish Translation)
9. hello! im in the mood for modern au fics where wangxian go and do their own thing? they leave their families and go live their life somewhere else? if they meet their families later could happen but anything with them just leaving is nice. thanks <3
peacemaker no more by thelastdboy (G, 6k, JYL & WWX & JC, Jiangs & WWX, JYL & Wen  remnants, JYL & WQ, wangxian, modern, no powers au, chronic illness, JYL pov, not JC friendly, mental health issues)
moonlight falls Series by RoseThorne (T, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Corporate Espionage, Family Fluff, Adoption, Bad parent LQR)
10. Hi! For the next “in the mood for”, do you have any fics that touch on Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling being slightly jealous of the other? Similar to what happens in Not Yet (There As Needed) and Twelve Moons and a Fortnight where Lan Sizhui tries not to make Jin Ling jealous of the time he spends with Wei Ying. Please no ducklings dating, though! Thank you! 💗
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL) has LSZ being jealous of JL for his closeness to WWX
11. Thank you to all the mods for all your hard work! Much love and appreciation to you. In the next ITMF segment, could you recommend some stories where WWX gets either gaslighted/blackmailed/or outright forced into taking the fall for something someone else did? Thank you very much!
🧡Life as a House by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 55k, WangXian, Modern AU, Post-Divorce, Father-Son Relationship, Reconciliation, Therapy, Angst with a happy ending)
12. Hello mods, hope you're doing good ❤️ can I have fics from Lan Zhan's pov from when he first listens to Wei Ying playing wangxian after reviving? I know it's a bit specific and it might be hard to find but it's worth it a try, please and thank you @akutamichan
A Dream of Lightness by wangwxian (lumisarts) (T, 5k, wangxian, canon compliant, LWJ pov, grief/mourning, introspection)
end, begin (and the spaces in between) by aureations (M, 1k, wangxian, experimental style, LWJ pov, canon compliant, fluff & angst, introspection)
lost and found by lofikv (G, 2k, wangxian, canon compliant, LWJ pov, angst, pining, introspection, dafan mountain)
13. Is there any fics where lwj fucks around, but never fuck wwx cuz he think that wwx is straight but actually no. Lil bit misunderstanding. But with happy ending. Thanks Mods!!!!
everything you are, i'm wanting by daltoneering (E, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, Identity Porn, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, masked sex, Porn With Plot, the plot is lan wangji's emotions, lan zhan FUCKS, Light Angst, Mentions of lwj/others)
Lans Never Kiss and Tell by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Humor, lan zhan FUCKS, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, modern diaspora au) (its not fucking but kissing tho)
kiss me more (we got nothing to lose) by xeansiao (E, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Mutual Pining, Couch Sex, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends)
I Wish You Would by brooklinegirl (E, 51k, WangXian, Modern AU, lan zhan FUCKS, jerking off, so much jerking off, wangxian/others, but OTP endgame, "straight" boy wei ying)
(our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering (E, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, lan zhan FUCKS, Fluff and Smut, Experienced LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking)
14. Hi! For the next in the mood for post, I've been really craving modern au fics in which Mo Xuanyu has had a shit time in foster care/on the streets and get taken in by people who will treat him better. (Doesn't HAVE to be Wangxian but wwx is SO GOOD for this...) I want so many fics with this premise and I'm finding so few!
Winter Lights by Sweetlittlevampire, 3rd in series (T, 14k, wangxian, established relationship, domestic fluff, found family, child abuse, homophobia, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending)
15. do you have any reccs where lan wangji (verbally or physically) defends wei wuxian in front of the lans or the jiangs? thank you for your hard work! @yourancestorsarefrowning​
standing by you; holding on by Anonymous (T, 8k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged marriage, No War AU, Hurt/Comfort, Cloud Recesses study Era) has lwj defending wwx from mme yu?
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
Thank you to everyone who sent in fic recs~
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
💙 The Intervening Years by rosemu
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💙 The Intervening Years
by rosemu (@roserocksrapidly)
G, 11k, Lan Sizhui & Wangxian
Summary: Wen Yuan grows up into Lan Sizhui and Xian-gege is there for every step of the way. Kay's comments: Writing this rec with literal tears in my eyes. It was really, really good, but it also pulls a mean punch. In this story, Lan Sizhui keeps his memories of his time in the Burial Mounds, which is already gut-wrenching enough, but he also grows up with his Xian-gege, who lives in the Gentian House and isn't well-liked by the Lan Clan, but always looks after his little radish. I don't want to say too much, but prepare for major sads. Really loved the way Sizhui connected with Jingyi in this story. Excerpt: After his lessons, Zewu-jun walks Lan Yuan to the Jingshi. This is his absolute favorite time of the day. Some days, Father is able to sit up and some he is completely bed-bound, but he always listens attentively as Lan Yuan excitedly tells him about his day. If he ever thinks Father’s reactions are subdued, Xian-gege is always there to balance him out with large grins and teasing remarks. On really good days, sometimes they even go out back behind the Jingshi and play with the rabbits. Father piles bunnies on top of him and Xian-gege laughs and laughs, saying “Lan Zhan, you’re just as bad as me, burying our little radish like this!” Father just smiles and adds another rabbit to the pile. Those are Lan Yuan’s favorite days. Eventually, Lan Yuan has to leave and go back to the loneliness of the disciples’ quarters once again. Father hugs him gently and Xian-gege kisses him on the head in goodbye. Then, Lan Yuan goes to sleep and wakes up the next day to do it all over again.
pov lan sizhui, canon divergence, growing up, coming of age, parent-child relationship, background wangxian, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, childhood, major character death, good parents lan wangji and wei wuxian, thirteen years of wei wuxian's death, lan wangji loves rabbits
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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So sorry!! My previous incomplete ask was my cellphone failing on me. So I have to send it you again.
Thank You for clearing out my query on that translation.
Some questions i have right now
First, If gui dao harms one's mind in long term then why couldnt Xue Yang be affected by it even after using it more years than WWX?? Could it be because of the frequency of his use is less than WWX and the amount of his energy he used at one single time given that XY uses his primordial spirit to control only Song Lan??
Second, i just read that part from the original drafts where WWX explains how he uses his primordial spirit to control the corpses. But i have questions- the part where LWJ asks him if he uses his own primordial spirit or someone else's and WWX answers does WWX mean primordial spirit of his "own" and the "corpses" , also is it same scene in which JC gets to know that Gui dao is connected to WWX's mental state or there is any other scene where he specifically mentions it to him??
Third, do you have any ideas ony why exactly he received a backlash from his corpses during the first burial mound siege??
Lastly, wanna say that i completely agree that WWX's emotions and Guidao are interlinked in a way that we cannot draw a line between them. Nor do i think that it was a moral failing from his side.
Thank you once again!! Many things were cleared out for me by your answer.
Hello again! :3
First, Xue Yang
I'm not sure we really see enough of XY throughout the time he uses guidao to draw definitive conclusions about if or how it harmed his mind. Also XY was deranged from the start anyway lol. However, one thing we do know about XY is that he uses tools to control corpses rather than doing it directly himself — the yin hufu, and nails for WN and SL. Actually, I'm not sure we ever see him controlling corpses entirely from his own power as WWX does. As for why this is, it's possible that XY is simply not able to control corpses himself. It requires carefully-controlled emotions, which he certainly doesn't have. It may also be the case that XY uses tools to avoid or limit the harmful effects of guidao (remember that this was the reason WWX forged the yin hufu in the first place). I think both these explanations are plausible, but I lean more towards the first one since XY isn't really the cautious type. But either way, if use of tools reduces or removes risks from guidao, then since XY primarily uses those, it's possible his mind wasn't harmed by it.
Second, the explanation of WWX's cultivation in the original draft. Here is that excerpt in case others are curious.
'Wei WuXian replied, “Fine. I’ll answer – I domesticated them.”
“Domesticated how?”
Wei WuXian blinked. “How did I domesticate them? I can’t explain that in a short amount of time. Let’s put it this way – think, how would you domesticate a ferocious beast? The method’s about the same. First, suppress them with a primordial spirit, then give them whatever they want.”
Lan WangJi immediately questioned, “Did you use someone else’s, or your own?”
Lan WangJi walked around Jiang Cheng and got close to him again. Wei WuXian held out his flute horizontally in front of him, adopting a defensive posture. “Isn’t this excessive? Lan Zhan, I’ve already answered all your questions, but you’re still like this, all insensitive to others’ feelings? Just what do you want?”
Lan WangJi spoke, one word at a time: “Come back to Gusu with me.”'
So, what other primordial spirit does WWX use to control corpses? Tbh, I am not entirely sure, I don't recall it being addressed again, but I'd guess he's either referring to the corpses' or maaaybe the yin hufu since the sword it was made from had cultivated a lot of resentful energy into itself? I'm also not sure how far we can consider WWX's use of a primordial spirit other than his own canon, this was removed during edits. And yes, this is the scene where JC hears exactly how WWX's cultivation works, they don't speak of it again iirc, however I am not suuuper familiar with the original draft so I'm not 100% sure.
Third, backlash during the first siege.
I don't think there is a definitive canonical answer to this, but there are probably two possible reasons. One, WWX lost control due his turbulent emotions just as he'd done at Qiongqi Path and Nightless City, resulting in his corpses attacking him. Two, the loss of control was due to destroying/attempting to destroy the yin hufu, resulting in it sort of turning against him.
I don't think the first theory is impossible, but it's not one I'm particularly inclined towards. As we see at Qiongqi Path, even when WWX loses control, his corpses still follow his base instincts. Eg, WN killed JZX because of WWX's instinctive response to being attacked. So if WWX's loss of control at the siege resulted in his corpses killing him (in a most horrible way), this would imply that WWX was, on some level, suicidal at the time. This doesn't really track with the rest of his actions imo, such as hiding A-Yuan in a tree... he can't have at all expected that LWJ or anyone else would save him, so WWX was probably holding onto some hope he would retrieve A-yuan from his hiding place himself once the siege was over. And WWX has been in plenty of horrible, dangerous situations and he has always been one to fight to the end, so I don't see why his character would so a complete 180 here and subconsciously choose death.
For evidence of the yin hufu being the direct cause, 'Yinhu Fu was way more powerful and frightening than what he had initially expected. Originally, he wanted to use it as a form of support. Who would have known that it started to show signs of overpowering him, its creator.' (tmwx, ch.30) It seems to have some will of its own, so it probably wouldn't be too thrilled about WWX destroying it. Since WWX was already in a bit of a state, perhaps it actually managed to overpower him?
There is very little description of what happened during the siege, but we do have this 'But before he was able to finish disposing of the other, the Siege of the Burial Mounds descended upon him. He had no control over the events that followed.' (fyy, ch.30). So it seems like the siege was the initial cause of him losing control over things.
In Yi City, WWX also recalls not being able to control corpses that the yin hufu was currently controlling. 'A sudden thought crossed his mind and a thin layer of perspiration formed on his back. That’s not true. It wasn’t that “this has never occurred before”. In fact, it had happened before, and it wasn’t just once. There was indeed a type of ghoul that he couldn’t command. That was – ghouls that were already under the control of the Yinhu Fu!' (ch.34)
Another thing to consider is that control over corpses is a first come, first serve basis. Someone else cannot take control over corpses that are already controlled by the yin hufu, and the yin hufu cannot take control over corpses already controlled by someone else (ch.68).
If I had to put together a coherent sequence of event based on what we know, probably... While WWX was destroying the yin hufu, his control over his corpses (which he will have been using to defend the burial mounds) began to slip as the siege came down on him due to him being already mentally and physically hurt and exhausted from Nightless City & the surrounding events. The yin hufu, which wasn't a huge fan of being destroyed, seized control over the corpses WWX had lost his grip on, and set them on him instead.
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Two kinds of people want a ghost in their McMansion; Or, The Cultivation Gig Economy AU (Lesbian Wangxian 2/?)
“Well, that’s embarrassing. I swear it does work.”
“I know. Wei Ying made the compass. It works. There is a ghost.”
The compass keeps spinning and spinning, which has never happened after she left Burial Mounds. The air turns cold, shadows seem deeper, and something, something is rushing towards them. This is not one of Wei Ying’s little lawbreaking rituals; this thing, whatever it is, out of control, inexorable, desperate.
The lights flicker, and Wei Ying is sure whatever is coming for them will run them over any second now. If only she could see it down the corridor, she could maybe pull out a sigil, play a few notes, throw a shoe at it. But she can only feel it get closer and closer, until a gust of icy air fraps her, cold enough to press on her lungs.
Wei Ying shuts her eyes tight and waits to have something very, very bad happen to her.
And yet, seconds pass by, her compass stills, and there she is: alive, unharmed. Good.
“It’s gone” says Lan Zhan, who – oh – is also still there.
“Yes. Yes, I think it is. There definitely was something, though.” 
Wei Ying touches the wall to find it almost freezing, and follows the feeling down the corridor, until it splits in opposite directions. She feels both the left and right corners. Left is colder. “I think it went that way.”
Lan Zhan solemnly nods.
They wander around for a bit, keeping one hand on the wall and checking Wei Ying’s compass, drawing little charcoal sigils here and there. They have to hurry a bit; soon the wallpaper will warm up to room temperature and the trail will be lost, but even so, now that it’s just the two of them, breathing in the faint smell of expensive wood cleaner, Wei Ying feels almost peaceful. 
Lan Zhan mns and and nods along with her observations, she steps quietly and she condescends to exert her considerable arm strength to move an old cabinet, which is an absolutely necessary thing to do that Wei Ying asks for because she is a professional who needs this heavy piece of furniture moved for professional reasons, professionally. 
And Lan Zhan is warmer than she was in high school. Not that anything’s gonna come of it.
Even now that her own tangle of conflicted teenage feelings has unspooled into a number of glorious possibilities, Wei Ying knows that Lan Zhan is not really an option. If - if! - Lan Zhan is into anyone at all, which seems dubious, she’s very evidently not into Wei Ying, for whatever reason.
They can still be friends, though. This would probably be better achieved by not aggressively teasing Lan Zhan, but what is Wei Ying gonna do, stay quiet?
It’s an old game that makes Wei Ying feel almost nostalgic. This is how the script goes:
Wow, you’re so strong Lan Zhan!
[She bats her eyelashes]
Carry me?
[LAN ZHAN ravishes her.] 
[LAN ZHAN takes a step away from her, gets a little red in the face.]
[WEI YING has a good laugh about it and hits the showers.] 
It’s been her favourite sport since she was fifteen.
So, here goes.
Wei Ying says:
“Wow, you’re so strong Lan Zhan! Carry me?”
Wordlessly, Lan Zhan holds out her arms in invitation.
And wow. She wants to freak out, she wants to throw herself at Lan Zhan, but mostly she wants to slow-clap, because wow. After all these years, Lan Zhan has finally learned to call her bluff.
Lan Zhan’s impeccable white shirt looks like it would be soft to nuzzle against and Wei Ying has never lost a game of chicken. But, she’s on the clock.
Together they figure out that the ghostly presence, whatever it is, climbed the stairs to the master floor… but by the time they get there, they've lost the track.
“What I don’t understand is how my compass could pick up such strong energy without us being harmed - without us seeing anything, even.”
“Some ghosts have an energy strong enough to be felt through walls.”
“But if it wasn’t in the corridor with us, where was it?”
Lan Zhan frowns exactly the way she did back in high school when she got anything less than a perfect score, which is delightful.
Wei Ying wishes she could enjoy it for a bit longer — maybe take a picture to keep in her wallet – but Lan Zhan decides it’s time for her to be good at her job instead.
“We should ask some questions.”
Huh. We.
“I don’t know how long the Jin expect me to stay in their home.”
I don’t know if they’re willing to pay overtime. Lan Zhan nods, all pensive, and then says:
“It will be no problem. My brother knows Jin Guangyao well.”
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