#i know it's shark week so maybe it's why i'm a bit of a mess; but usually it doesn't affect me during the time so idk
manasurge · 4 months
#sometimes I wish drawing wasn't such a lonely activity#am in a bit of a social mood but can't find anything to socialize about#i also wish I didn't need to spend ALL DAY trying to prep my brain to try to draw; despite it being something I wanna do and enjoy#why must i have executive dysfunction over my hobbies#this is why it takes me one million years to something I can actually get done in a few days at most#i'm so incredibly frustrated and it's super depressing and bumming me out#it's just so frustrating and i'm so irritated at myself#i know it's shark week so maybe it's why i'm a bit of a mess; but usually it doesn't affect me during the time so idk#also i love how every night I get to deal with the crippling dread and lowkey anxiety attacks bc everything i'm avoiding/afraid of and it-#- keeps festering in my mind and makes me avoid sleep for as long as possible and i'm stuck in an eternal negative feedback loop#i can't even do the thing i enjoy bc my brain is making it hard for me#not to mention that I constantly get those thoughts about how i'm never getting anywhere in life and i am in fact; ALONE#no irl friends or family and it still scares me to think about how worse things will get in the future for me.#not to mention not having a career or being capable of doing any kind of secondary schooling makes the dread even worse#but again frustrated and i can't even apply positive activities like how I'd usually do; not to mention i'm just always mad at myself about#-everything lmao#stupid brain just let me enjoy me hobby bc i wanna do it and you're not letting me and it's making me feel worse#delete later probably idk lmao
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petitelepus · 1 year
rodimus and megatron seperate reaction to their pet hiding something from them and it turns out they're ashamed to tell their owner that they get periods and made a mess and need the necessities for them (pads, etc)
cramps hurt rn but if this is too tmi you can delete this
Rodimus was young for a Cybertronian and pretty new when it came to human pets. He noticed that you did a lot more laundry than normally so being a nice owner, he decided to help.
How nice of him, right? Not really when he grabs the bundle of sheets from your hands without your permission and that is when he sees the blood.
"Wait- You're bleeding!?" Rodimus shouts in fear and without waiting for you to reply, he catches you and runs straight into medbay where First Aid is.
"My human, they're dying, help them!" He shouts as he pushes you into the young medic's hands. First Aid looks at you and you cover your face in embarrassment.
"I'm... It's my shark week..." You admit in shame and First Aid nods, understanding the Earth term, but Rodimus turns even more horrified.
"They were attacked by space sharks!?"
It's up to First Aid to explain to your owner what periods are and how painful and annoying they can be and Rodimus is still horrified.
So you're going to bleed blood down your bits for a whole week each month!? How are you alive if you keep bleeding like that!?
It's up to you to tell Rodimus that it isn't deadly and that if you had wanted to make a scene out of your periods, you would have said something instead of sneaking around.
"I'm sorry I overreacted... I just got really scared for you." He apologizes and you nod, "Well, I should have been honest with you..."
"How long are you still going to...? You know...?"
"Maybe 4 days more, give or take. Why?"
"Would you like to eat some chocolate and watch a movie with me?" He asks and you are taken aback by how quickly he can move on, but you smile and accept his offer.
Megatron knew about humans, and while they were smart and handy pets, they could also be a handful to an owner who didn't know anything about them.
Just like said, Megatron knew some stuff, but when he caught you curled in your bed in pain, he grew worried. What was wrong, why were you in such pain?
"Should I call Ratchet and ask him to come visit you?" He asked as he looked at you and you shook your head.
"Is there anything I can do?" He asked and you nodded and quietly muttered, "Painkillers, please..."
"I'll go get some from medbay." The co-captain said as he left and while he was there, he asked Ratchet if your situation was serious, to which the doctor shook his helm.
"They are probably on their periods."
"What are those?"
If Megatron had been young like Rodimus, Ratchet would have smacked the back of his helm, but instead, he listed symptoms and many of them applied to you.
So Ratchet gave Megatron quick advice on how to help you and sent him on his way.
When the Autobot made it back, he handed you a bottle of painkillers and a bottle of water and while you swallowed down a couple of pills, he cleared his intake.
"Listen... I asked Ratchet and he explained that you might be going through periods..."
"Oh God..." You groaned in shame but Megatron shook his helm, "No, it's alright! You shouldn't be ashamed of it!"
"I'm..." You couldn't even reply, you felt so humiliated and it seemed to get worse when Megatron placed a packet of period pads on your bed and... Chocolate?
"You don't need to hide from me, so just ask something and I'll get t for you." He said, "It's my job to care for you."
You were taken aback, but then you turned happy. Megatron was a good owner.
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vodka-redbull-daily · 7 months
October 17th, 2023
*CW for Graphic Sexual Content*
D---- was not very happy me with  me at all, even though this was her idea. I did go straight to R--’s  hotel room after work. $200? that's my whole paycheck from bingo  for 2 weeks. why not make that in like an hour or so? sure I have to sleep with some gross old man, but I'm incredibly horny. I'm so incredibly horny that I don't care who sticks it in. I asked T----- if he wanted me to come over. I gave him the chance. but his work is more important. which I get, but man I wish I was with him; who routinely send me texts saying “I don't need sleep please just come over”.
I waited a whole month after I stopped seeing him before I slept with somebody else. and my sex drive is so high that was torture. self-inflicted torture, I guess, since I only wanted to sleep with him even though I know that wasn't an option anymore. that's how T----- came into the picture in the first place. I was just so wildly horny I need anybody to fuck me.  and that was after getting blue balls for two whole weeks because of his roommate.
I don't think it was any less awkward even though this was the second time we meet. again, he set the money on the table that I took it. but then, instead of going over to the bed, he just kind of stood in the doorway I was making out with me. more like making out with my neck and rubbing my boobs. it was very weird and it went on for probably way too long. I wonder if maybe he didn't go to the bed because it was still covered in stains.
after what felt like way too long, he finally took off my shirt and pulled me over to the couch where he undressed completely. we kissed for a little bit more while I jerked him off, then he pushed me down to my knees and demanded I give him a blowjob. I did for a little bit before he pulled me into his lap I started fingering me like crazy. I've always been one to make a mess, so the same thing happened that night.  when I finally stood up,  a lot of the couch on floor were soaked and my tampon was laying on the floor.
after I cleaned up a little bit, I sat back down On his lap and we talked a little bit more.  he started talking about taking me to go see places with him. about how he lived in chicago, but he traveled down to Texas pretty frequently I could see me every time he was down there, about flying me up to Chicago to come see him. I agreed to it. why not? I'm trying to get out and see more of the world, anyway. why not let somebody else cover the bill? we talked about going to georgia,  since they have the only whale shark in captivity and I think that would be pretty neat to see. he also told me that he could tell that I was New at this. he said I was too awkward with my hands, seemed really stiff and uninviting.  that probably was because I wasn't really that attracted to him, but it was attracted to that extra $200  and now the thought of going out and doing fun things.
I wasn't there for very long before he told me to leave. he said that he knew I was tired and that I had work in the morning, because I did. I think I was only there for about an hour before I finally went home. yesterday, I was there for like  two or three.
Total Earned: $400
Body Count: 4
Dick Pics: 5
Sex Ranking:
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theboysfromaustin · 2 years
February 1, 2026
Wade flinched as soon as he saw the Chuck E Cheese from the Mopac feeder road.
They pulled into the parking lot, and Wade stared at the building like he was experiencing some sort of horrible flashback. "You okay, Wade?" "Yeah, it's...I just...animatronics…" "They scare you?" "A lot." "What don't you like about them?" "Dead eyes, jerky movement.  We came here when I was a little kid for a party, and the band….So many dead eyes…."  "Think you can handle a few hours?" "Do they serve beer?" "Yes." "Then I should be able to handle it." "Good.  You know how important it is for us to be here." "I don't like mascot costumes either." "Oh my god, this is going to be hell for you." "I know, there was a guy at HEB in the HEBuddy suit last week and I almost turned around and left." Gav grabbed the gift from the back seat.
"I feel like I'm about to enter the gates of Hell."
"Don't worry.  We'll protect you," Kazuo said,  "Fend 'em off with shitty pizza." They entered, and Wade froze,  "That's the biggest rat I've ever seen." The guy in the Chuck E outfit had to be six feet tall, minimum. "Holy Jesus look at the size of that goddamn thing," Kazuo gave a low whistle. "Can you two try to keep the language to a minimum?" Gav looked at them pleadingly. "Maybe." "No."
"Grandpa Kazuo!  Grandpa Gav!  Uncle Wade!"
"There he is!" Wade caught the boy, picking him up and spinning him around. "Don't make him puke, Wade!" "Happy sixth birthday, kiddo!" "Ya made it to six!  Soon you'll be driving, and going to college…" "Ah, that's a ways off yet, dads," Anders appeared, and led them back into the colorful dungeon, where Dermot was defending a Batman cake against a horde of twelve determined children.
"Red!  No parents stayed to help?" Wade took up a spot next to him. "Nope.  All bailed." "Brutal.  These all kids from his class?" "Yeah…kind of regretting…" "There's so many of them…" Kazuo took up a seat, hailing a waitress who looked dead inside, and ordered a beer pitcher.
"Well…" Gav looked down as two kids started using him for hide and seek, "At least we're here to….wrangle….?" "Yeah, and -" Wade froze, shrinking away as the stage curtains parted, exposing Munch's Make Believe Band, then stepped behind Gav for protection, which didn't really work since Gav was significantly shorter.
"You, uh…okay, Wade?"
The beer arrived, Kazuo pouring himself one, "Big man's afraid of puppets and furries." "Uh-oh," Anders bit his lip.  "I'll be fine…" Wade settled in next to Kazuo, grabbing a drink.  "Dad, daddy, can we have the cards?" Young Ian circled his dads like a shark. "Pizza will be here in ten minutes, lad." "Just a few minutes!  We'll be back in ten!" "Alright, as long as you watch the clock." The children swarmed Anders, and took off.
"He's already negotiating deals for others…"
"Oh my god, he's gonna be a great lawyer."
Gav sat down, looking around at the whole spectacle, "Kind of like the crane game place in Akihabara." "Much crappier prizes, though - who wants a my size Charles Entertainment Cheese?" "Why are you referring to the rat by his proper, Christian name?" "It's funnier that way." Anders and Dermot sat down, already looking exhausted.  "Thought this would be easier than a home party…" "Once they really hit school age, it's easier to let someone else clean up the mess.  Still a massive amount of work."
Gav was staring up at the maze of tubes, "What in the…" "Habitrail." "Hey, dad Kaz, any kid gets stuck, you're going up after them." "Suck my nuts, son." "You know what I like about you, dad?  You're so charming." "Those things have to be filthy inside…and the ball pit!" "That's what I call the interior crotch of my pants, and if anyone is goin' in there, it's Gav." "Why me?!" Wade patted him on the shoulder, "You're an itty-bitty man.  We'd get stuck." "Oh god, I hope nobody gets stuck."
Kazuo smiled, "You know, if Ian were here, he'd go up after a scared kid, all six feet of him." "And then they'd have to call the fire department." "Like when he went up that tree after our frisbee." "Dads…." Anders reached over, taking each of their hands, "You doing okay?" "I think so…" "Best we can…I just keep living for him."
They were interrupted by the arrival of the pizza - four in total, two cheese, a pepperoni and a supreme.  "Wow, that looks…" "Uh…" "Skanky.  I've eaten pizza off the ground that looked better." "How do you not have every type of hepatitis?" Dermot stood, "Ian!  Tá pizza anseo, a ghasúir!" "How's his Irish coming?" "Better than mine." "I never understood a word of Welsh…" "I understood the swears."
A herd of children stormed up, swarming the pizza, and dispersing to another table to talk about the usual 6-year-old things.  The adults took the leftover pizza, watching the kids.  "They're in their own little world." "They're happy, I'm glad he got better after pre-K." "Yeah, he's a lot happier in school now." "Yup, there he is, the future attorney with a pepperoni up each nostril." Anders snapped a photo, "Precious memories, and embarrassment fodder for his first date." "You gotta tell the dirt-eating story, too." "And the moth-eating one." "God, that was a harrowing three months of tasting the world."
"This is the worst pizza I've ever had." "Guys, a first - Gav doesn't like a food." "No, he's right, it's terrible." "Is this saltine crackers covered in plastic and horse chunks?" "No, horse is delicious." Dermot coughed, and pulled a long hair from his throat.  "Oh my god." "That was…" "Disgusting?" "Take a drink, dear, get….that…out of your mouth." Dermot gagged, "I think I'm done with pizza."
The other men nodded, pushing their plates away, watching the kids once more.  "Why is more than one child wearing pizza as a hat?" "They're having fun." "Greasy, awful fun." "Better than me at 6.  Everyone hated me.  Even in class birthdays, I never got a damn cupcake." "I never had a birthday until Ian and Kazuo took me in.  Victoria got all the parties." "Least you two get along now.  We should go visit her in Detroit." "I think I had one birthday at a place like this, but it was at Discovery Zone." "I don't remember anything like this in Ireland."
All the boys at the table were now using their hands to blow raspberries except for one who was just shouting, "FAAAAAAART!" while the girls giggled.  "Dignified future attorney…" "Seems we knew an attorney who was a lanky doofus…" "Heh.." Anders and the rest of the adults stood, "Y'all ready to sing?" "YEAH!" 
Just like that, the six foot rat parted the crowd of children, Wade immediately cowering behind Kazuo.  "And a-one, and a-two…" And thus began a really off-key rendition of a song that wasn't quite Happy Birthday for legal reasons.  As it ended, the men all looked at one another.  "Man, next time I'm singing." "That was…" "An experience?" "Dramhaíl." "Giant…rat…"
"Easy, Wade, if you pass out, we'll have to call your EMT buddies and you'll be super embarrassed that you conked out at the rat palace." "Uh….presents?" "YEAH!" Chuck E wandered off, and Wade relaxed.  Young Ian started working through the gifts, getting toys, books and clothing, until he got to Gav, Kazuo, and Wade's.  He opened it, pulling out a stuffed dog in a maroon suit, holding a suitcase.  "Press his paw," Kazuo said softly.  Young Ian did.
"Happy birthday, lad!  I know you've gotten even bigger and stronger by now.  I love you, and I always will."
Young Ian stared up at the three men, "Is…Is that…?" "Wade found a cassette that had fallen between Ian's desk drawer and the inside of the desk." "I was trying to grab the checkbook that got knocked out." Dermot took Anders' hand and squeezed gently,  "Dad…" "I…I…" Young Ian blinked back tears, then lunged forward, clinging to Wade's legs,
"Thank you…." 
Wade knelt down, embracing him and picking him up, Gav and Kazuo joining in.  "This has been the best birthday ever!" "Still got about an hour of unlimited arcade!" "YEAH!" The kids ran off with their cards, young Ian with his new stuffie.  "That was incredible, guys." "He's gonna keep that forever." "Good job clinching the spot of favorite uncle, Wade." "I'm his only uncle." "Don't think on it too hard, Skippy."
Anders cleared his throat, "Gentlemen, I have game cards for us, let's get sloshed and win prizes." "Let me go load up presents, and I'm in." "Oh god, we're all gonna have to Uber home." "I'll stay sober, I get…. ornery…" Gav grinned.  "Like that Halloween you got tanked and fell off your barstool." "Or my 21st when we all got hammered, crashed a college party and wound up naked." "I am glad I was away at college for that.  It's bad enough I saw you dads naked that one time….except dad Kazuo, who I have been cursed to see naked multiple times." "The one was entirely your fault, but the rest were hilarious - also I will smoke any of y'all at skee-ball."
"You're on," Anders smirked, handing out game cards.  "I can beat you one-armed, one-eyed and one-legged." "Wade!  Mario Kart?" "Yeah!" They dispersed, Gav and Wade taking up at the Mario Kart, laughing.  Young Ian wandered the arcade, plush held close.  He stopped, pressing the dog's paw, comforted hearing his grandfather's voice.  His classmates milled around him, trying to win as many tickets as possible.
"Nice teddy, dork."
He looked up, an older boy sneering at him.  "I…" "I think I deserve that more than you," and he grabbed the plush, taking off.  Young Ian immediately swore in Irish - a word Dermot hadn't taught him, but that he picked up anyway, and took off in furious pursuit, rage propelling him forward.
Gav was losing badly at Mario Kart for the fourth round when he felt a tug at his shirt, and looked down.  "Ummm…..Ian's grandpa?" "What's wrong?* Wade crowed with laughter as he hit Gav with a blue shell.  "A big boy took Ian's toy and they went in the tunnels and they haven't come out." "Ah, sh-" He caught himself,  Too much time with the degenerates.  "Wade, go tell the others, I'm, uh…" 
He swallowed hard, "I'm….going….in…."  Wade nodded, abandoning the game.  Kazuo was smoking a frustrated-looking Anders while Dermot cheered them on.  Wade whistled, and Kazuo jumped, throwing a ball into an air hockey table.  "What gives?!" "There's been an incident." "Family motto." "Some little shitbag took Ian's plush and they disappeared into the tubes.  Gav went in." "Ah, Jesus." "Oh my god, I gotta see this."
Gav groaned as he army crawled through the tubes, "I feel like Bruce Willis in Die Hard…" He grimaced as he hit a wet patch, "Ew, ew, ew!  Please be soda…" He came to a fork in the road, "Ian?!  Ian!" "Grandpa Gav?" He followed his voice, finding him clutching his plush in a little capsule.  "What happened, kiddo?" "A bad kid took my stuffie…I chased him in here and I got it back…but I got lost…" Gav nodded, "I'll help you get out, but, uh…not that way…someone peed in there…"
The other four men stared up at the tubes.  "Well…" "Maybe they're dead." "Dad!" "Why are there so many tubes?" There was a sudden thump, and obscenity that all the children in the vicinity learned immediately, and Gav fell headfirst into the ball pit, young Ian jumping in next to him.  "Ian!  Gav!" "Dad! Daddy!" "They survived!" Gav righted himself, going crosseyed for a moment as he shook his head.
"That's a hell of a piss stain on your shirt, red." "I'm taking my shirt off when we get in the car." "Grandpa Gav came and saved me!" "Ah, good man, Gav." Young Ian stared up at him adoringly, "Thank you, grandpa Gav.  I love you.  And I love you, grandpa Kazuo and uncle Wade." "Love you, Ian." "Yeah, and happy birthday, kid." "You're growing up so fast.  And you're a great kid." Young Ian grinned - he was happy, loved -
Living his best life.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 03
Warning: swearing
Beetlejuice was chilling on the roof, lying on his back, throwing an already dead beetle up and down. He sighed. People were working on the house for 2 weeks now, re-cabling, painting, putting down new floors and water pipes, and now, carrying furniture inside the house. It killed him that he could not scare the workers. Obviously, they didn't see him, and what made it even worse that he was so gloomy that he couldn't even smash shit or move objects. Once he possessed their radio but that was it. They didn't even notice it. He sat up, his feet dangling on the edge of the roof, and ruffled his dark purple hair. He looked up at the sun. He hated it. To be honest, at that moment he hated everything and everyone. Himself too. He was so lonely, so miserable. He just wanted to be seen, to be able to talk with literally anybody, but the workers haven't even noticed the business cards he left around the house with his name on it.
He rubbed his temples and ate the bug he was playing with, then started to look for another one he could play with while it was alive. As soon as he got it out of his coat, it quickly flew away. Red streaks started to appear in his purple hair.
- Fuck, that was the last one I found running around... Ugh God slash Satan why can't you be a tiny bit nicer and NOT RUIN EVERY GODDAMN DAY OF MY AFTERLIFE?!? - then he screamed from the top of his lungs, because he realized that lately, that calmed him down a tad bit.
He suddenly heard a car's breaks creak on the sidewalk. Even though he was pessimistic at the moment, he was curious, who could the new visitor or visitors be? The red streaks disappeared and turned into green ones. He floated to the street-side of the roof to get a better view.
A rather worn Chevrolet van just stopped on the sidewalk. As soon as one of the doors opened up, a huge black dog jumped out. Beetlejuice raised his eyebrows with a slight smile. Dogs saw demons. Maybe that hairy mongrel will be his saviour from the solitude?
A tired voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
- SIRIUS COME BACK!!! IF YOU RUN AWAY AGAIN I SWEAR I WILL GIVE YOUR TOYS AWAY TO BETTER BEHAVING DOGS!!! - a young woman jumped out of the car, looking like a hobo who haven't slept in days. Her sweater was shaggy and grey, just like her shorts, and she almost fell over when she tried to put on her black sneakers. Her red hair was tied into a very messy bun, underpinned with two chopsticks. She started to run after the dog.
- Rei calm down, he just needs to pee! - another voice shouted after her. Another young woman tried to get out of the car, and while doing it, she slammed her head to the door's frame. She rubbed her ginger head and wrinkled her freckled nose as she finally got out. She wore a pair of worn-out black dungarees and a black tanktop. Her ponytail was high and so messed up. - Oh for gods' sake, couldn't we rent a bigger car?!? I literally can't feel my legs, even a shark could've bit them off, I wouldn't notice that either.
Beetlejuice fell to his knees and put his hands in a praying position.
- God? Satan? I don't know who arranged that but thank you! - his hair started to turn fully green. That was a first in months, maybe even a year. Girls living in his house? Hell, he might be invisible but at least he won't be horny all the time.
The second girl put on sunglasses and reached back into the car.
- Come on baby Minerva, you might be a sleppy kitty but you have to see your new hoooome... - she stopped the sweet-talking/babbling and looked inside the car. - Ari, may I ask, with all due respect, that what the everliving fuck are you doing?
- Ohmygod there's three of them. I AM BLESSED! - screamed BJ in a bated voice.
- My door doesn't upen up and I can't exit the car on your side, cause... You know... 60 fuckin boxes between us, so I will open up the roof window.
- Can you?
- If I can't, I will kick it out 'cause I'm BOILING IN HERE.
The girl they previously called Rei came back with the dog.
- What's happening mah dudes?
- Ari's killing herself.
- Again?
- Kay, kay, chill. I'll tie Sirius' leash to a tree and we'll get you out.
Beetlejuice grinned like an idiot. He will finally have company! He won't spend his days alone for years! Well, technically, yes, he will, bit it won't be as bad as before. He leaned against one of the chimneys.
The other girl climbed up onto the van's roof.
- Yo, Sofi, help me up! - she pulled Rei, who borrowed two crowbars, up onto the van's roof. They pried open the jammed window, and Rei literally threw it away.
- Ahhhh finally, air! I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic, even like this, being in this car for such long hours made me feel like that astronaut. - the third girl, who they called Ari reached out of the window. The other two grabbed her hands. - All I need now is a little space. - the girls lifted her out of the van. Her brown hair was in a messy "bun", which looked more like a birdnest, she wore black ripped shorts, knee-high black socks and a plaid shirt. Beetlejuice wolf-whistled. He really liked the view from up above.
Ari abruptly turned her head.
- Hey, did ya hear that? - she asked the others.
- What? - asked Sofi while they got off the roof. After listening for a bit, Ari waved her hand.
- Nothing... I just thought I heard a wolf-whistle.
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swiftlythebest · 5 years
Can you write me a thing, a small thing, a taste of Levi and Nico doing a beach thing? 'Cuz I'm torn between thinking Levi's all in when it comes to the beach and Nico's seeing deathtraps, or the other way. Hugs and kisses, don't let a$$hoes with too much time and not enough brains get to you. 💕💕💕💕
Thank you thank you thank you. This prompt came to me in the midst of some anon hate bullshit a while back and really helped me. But I need to apologize for it taking SO LONG. I have no real excuse. But I’m starting my new job next week and I find that I like to write after a day of work to unwind, so I will be writing more. As for this ficlet, I just wanted to capture a nice, domestic day for Schmico. I personally saw Levi as the hesitant one just because my headcanon for Nico has him living in a lot of places with access to the beach. I’m a bit rusty, but I think it’s cute. I hope you enjoy!
Nico Kim and Levi Schmitt had just embarked on a long-awaited weekend trip away to a small beach town not too far from Seattle. They had had conflicting shifts for a while, what with Levi starting his first year of residency and Nico adjusting to being a full attending surgeon. After finagling two days off together, Nico immediately insisted they take a trip to the beach. He grew up on the East Coast, going to the Cape and Maine every summer, and then spent his med school and residency years in Southern California; Nico and the beach had a long and wonderful love affair, one that had been put on hold since he moved to Seattle.
“Listen, I love that you love the beach. I love that this trip is so special to you. But Nico, babe, the ocean is terrifying,” Levi was laying down his towel on the small beach, slowly beginning to panic about the day ahead. Even the sight of his beautifully toned, shirtless boyfriend did little to distract him from his worries. He truly was his mother’s son.   
Nico gave a small laugh, “What’s so terrifying? I love the ocean!”
“Okay, first of all, riptide? That’s some crazy shit. I could go into the water here and get out like a mile away! And sharks. There are sharks in the ocean, Nico. And other creepy fish. Also, it’s so weird that basically no one knows what’s in like most of the ocean. You don’t find that terrifying?!”
While Levi was having his little breakdown, Nico had to bite down his smile, ridiculously endeared to his panicky boyfriend. Despite being one of the smartest people Nico had ever met, Levi was still a mess of nerves whenever he was put in a new situation. Levi had spent his whole life in the Pacific Northwest, not venturing much more west than Seattle, meaning he had never actually been to the beach. Sure, he’d visited some lakes in his life, but nothing as vast and unknown as the ocean.
“The riptide is almost nonexistent today. That’s what those flags and signs on the lifeguard station mean. Also, the last shark sighting here was like 20 years ago. You’re going to be fine. And this is just a small beach. Nothing too vast and mysterious here.” Nico knew it was important to acknowledge that Levi’s fears were valid, albeit a bit unrealistic, instead of just shooting it all down as crazy.
“What about the sun, hm? Skin cancer is real and dangerous, Nico! We’re doctors so we need to be aware of that!” Levi was waving his arms around frantically as he spoke, riling himself up more and more with each word.
Nico grabbed Levi’s flapping hands, drawing his attention back towards him. Levi’s face was bright red, his eyes comically wide.
“You put on almost a whole bottle of sunscreen. Like, SPF 70. You’ve done all you can for that. I just want to enjoy a day with you on the beach. We’ll get some hotdogs later and maybe some ice cream. You can read that book you’ve been wanting to finish. We can do that thing where people blatantly hit on me in front of you and then we kiss and watch their reactions. And I’ll be shirtless all day. I give you full permission to ogle.” Nico encircled his arms around Levi’s waist so they were chest to chest and Levi had to look up to meet his eyes. This kind of contact always seemed to calm Levi down and anchor him when he began to spiral.
“If a piece of seaweed touches my feet, I’m done. Taryn told me that she used to think they were eels or evil sea creatures or something,” Levi pouted, prompting Nico to give him a small peck on his jutted out lips.
“We can get out of the water right away and go searching for shells instead.” Levi’s face lit up, clearly just remembering that he could do other things on the beach that did not require him to go in the water.
“Oh, we could have those weird bowls of shells just randomly placed around our home! I love those because why! Also, I need you to step out of the ocean in slo-mo while ruffling your wet hair with your hand. I need that, Nico. For my poor little nerd heart.”
“And your dick. You just have a Baywatch fetish,” Nico smirked as Levi sputtered.
“What’s the point of going to the beach with my ridiculously hot boyfriend if I can’t get just one little Baywatch moment?” Nico threw back his head in a boisterous laugh, overjoyed that Levi was finally loosening up.
“We’ll see.” Nico winked as Levi huffed in mock indignation.
Ultimately, the beach day was a resounding success, with Levi having a great time body surfing and collecting way more shells than necessary. He did complain about the sand creeping into various crevices, but then Nico actually gave him the Baywatch moment he wanted and all complaints disappeared. Even though Nico had to fend off admirers for the rest of the day, it was worth it to see Levi’s utter joy at witnessing that moment. By the end of the day, Levi had to admit that maybe his reservations about the beach were a bit over the top and unfounded; that also didn’t stop him from repeating all of his fears the next day.
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