#i know the design is kinda over designed but i already messed around with the design so much
sunshine-1nc · 1 year
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Sooo I redesigned my Timekeeper sona and made a new banner!!
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frostbite-the-bat · 1 year
hey so um aside from like, art posts i want to take another break from this site a bit. ive been fucking rotting my brain with it and wasting my time there constantly checking in and yeah thats fucking unhealthy im wasting my time and making my already horrid attention span even worse. if anything im on discord most of the time even if i dont respond right away. if you notice me like, late night posting when im tired feel free to send me a friendly ask to remind me and nudge me off but ill try to not let that happen.
ive also been slipping into bad thoughts on occasion again and i barely caught myself impulsively oversharing abt it again - even if i did mention it briefly at some parts i could've been rambling abt it elsewhere or to myself only making me feel worse which...is not good. i gotta get better and before school starts again i wanna get at least the tiniest bit better. this isn't anyone else's fault, just me placing priorities in the wrong places. but um yeah. im still around ofc!!! and i love talking i want to talk about stuff i like a lot!! im very happy to have ppl to talk about club penguin with... but ya ! ill try to not. check in here every 5 fucking seconds on god damn impulse
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1-800-hwahui · 1 year
match of the season
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member — college student radio host!junhui x f student!reader genre  —  smut, fluff, humor word count — 7.3k warnings — virgin!jun, shy clueless jun, fr that man does not know a single thing but it's endearing in a silly way, top!reader bot!jun (but no real dom/sub dynamics, more like reader leads until jun figures out how to take over), unprotected sex, jun big cock agenda, VOICE KINK (listen. you all knew it was coming), so much dirty talk, lots of consent bc it is very sexy, riding, little bit of dry humping?, mentions of an iud/birth control, jun is implied taller than reader (maybe size kink but only if you take it that way), jeonghan cameo and he's a menace, lots of fluff at the end (but also kinda throughout), please lmk if i missed any warnings! notes — this is a nsfw sequel to a sfw fic on my main writing blog @junekissed called sounds of the season, which is part of my series of winter-themed fics! if you haven't already, i would highly recommend reading that before reading this, since the stories are pretty closely connected. thanks to @onlymingyus for reading over this for me <3 i hope you all enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the first part. also like i said in part 1 i have no idea how radio works so if it doesn't make sense just roll with it lmao
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you’re just putting the last finishing touches on your final paper when your phone buzzes. you glance down, grinning when you see junhui’s name on the screen.
unable to hide the butterflies in your stomach, you press a button to accept the call. “hi, junnie.”
“oh! hi,” his voice plays through your speaker with a giggle. “hey, i like that. ‘junnie’. do you want a nickname? but your name is so pretty, i don’t wanna change it–”
“whatever you want is fine,” you say, trying to hold back a smile. god, he’s cute.
“okay. i’ll think about it. oh, wait, yeah!” he says suddenly, as if he’s just remembered why he’s calling. “jeonghan left town early this week so it’s just me in the studio today, and it’s our last show of the semester. so anyway, do you wanna come over?” he stops, stumbling over his words. “well, not like, come over come over, i mean, we can just hang out, i–”
“give me half an hour,” you laugh, endeared by his eagerness.
“yay!” he cheers, and you shake your head with a smile.
half an hour later, a text pops up on jun’s phone, alerting him that you’re waiting outside the building. he leaps out of his chair, an excited grin on his face as he flings open the door and dashes downstairs to let you in.
he’s out of breath by the time he reaches the communications lab door, leaning on the push bar to let you in. “sorry, forgot they locked it already,” he pants.
“it’s fine,” you giggle. “so… everyone else is gone?”
he nods. “yeah, mr. choi said as long as i don’t mess with anything he’ll let me close by myself, so they all left early for break.”
you smile and hold out your hand for him to take, and he beams, hastily grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours.
he leads you up the stairs to the sound booth, squeezing your hand the whole way.
it’s your second time being in the school’s recording studio, but the feeling is still new and exciting. you definitely understand now what jun meant when he said being around all the equipment is a lot of fun.
once inside, he shuts the heavy door with a click, locking the door and flipping on the “on air” light. not that anyone could get in anyway, but it’s a habit he doesn’t want to accidentally get out of before he comes back next semester.
he slides in front of the computer for a second, queueing another song so he has more time to grab what he’s designated as “your chair”; the comfiest one in the studio, according to him.
he pulls it over next to his chair and pats the cushion for you to sit. you giggle and plop down on the seat, scooching closer to him once he’s sat in his own chair.
he raises his eyebrows at you with a grin, then clears his throat and moves closer to the microphone as the song ends to do his job.
ever since you accidentally admitted to him that you like the way his voice sounds, he’s teased you about it—or at least, attempted to tease you about it. he's too sweet for his own good, so even when he tries to poke fun at you it comes out like a compliment.
he presses the red button and begins to talk. “that was one of the classics, ‘a holly jolly christmas’ by burl ives. coming up next, another favorite, ‘the christmas song’ by michael bublé, and more great songs on your favorite program: 111.7fm’s sounds of the season.”
he lets go of the button and sits back in his chair, spinning it around to face you as the slow music starts softly playing. “hi,” he says shyly. “did you like that?”
you smile. it’s a little bit of an odd question, but you’ve started to understand his awkwardness; he just needs a little encouragement. “i always like it. you’re really good at this.”
“i like it a lot,” he grins back, bouncing his head in excitement. “can i kiss you now?”
you laugh at his enthusiasm but nod, leaning forward to press your lips to his. he sighs into your mouth, his hands falling naturally to your waist. for supposedly not going out much, jun is really, really good at kissing, you’ve quickly learned over the last few days. how he got so good at it, you may never know, but the feeling of him pressed against you is too perfect to waste time questioning why.
despite being surrounded by the cold, metal recording equipment, the sound of michael bublé’s crooning voice and the gentle warmth of junhui’s lips makes the studio feel like the coziest place on earth.
his hands tug at your waist and you slide easily out of your chair and onto his lap, sitting sideways across his legs, never breaking the kiss.
he pulls away for a second, his cheeks dusted with pink. “let me… put the playlist on,” he says, his voice a little breathier than usual. 
you hum in confusion, attention still focused on the curve of his lips and the little noises he makes when he’s kissing you. “what playlist?”
he laughs. “for the show. so we can keep doing… this, and not have to worry.”
“wait, so you mean, not all of it is live?”
he shakes his head. “almost all of it is, but there’s a backup playlist in case we get busy and can’t sit around pressing buttons for the whole hour. i used it a couple weeks ago when i had to finish my chem paper.”
he spins the chair around, facing you both in front of the computer screen and tapping a few buttons on the keyboard. he turns a dial on the soundboard and the background music in the studio gets lower, so quiet you need to strain to hear it.
he hums, and your attention turns away from the machinery and back to his eager smile.
“can i kiss you again?” he asks softly.
you giggle and put your hands around his neck. “you don’t have to ask every time.”
so he’s pushing his lips on yours again, kissing you like you’re the most delicate thing in the world.
and that’s when you feel it. the butterflies deep in your stomach that make you want to do things no person should be doing in a school building.
he pulls away for a second to catch his breath. “you’re so pretty,” he says dreamily, and you hate the way it immediately sends shivers down your spine, landing directly at your core. 
you hold back a whimper and shift the way you’re sitting, moving so each leg is on either side of his legs, straddling his lap.
he pushes his mouth against yours, hands gently kneading your hips. your fingers dance beneath the bottom of his shirt, fingernails gliding over the warm, soft skin of his stomach and feeling his abs contract at your touch.
“wait,” he whimpers, and you pull back immediately, taking your hands off of him and putting them on your thighs.
“do you want me to stop?” you ask quietly. shit, you hope you haven’t completely ruined this by going too fast.
“no!” he nearly shouts, looking panicked, then clears his throat. “no,” he repeats. “i don’t want you to stop. i’m, just…” he trails off, avoiding your gaze.
“you can tell me, junnie,” you say gingerly, wanting him to be comfortable.
“i know,” he whines. “i’m… embarrassed,” he says, voice small.
“i’m not going to laugh at you,” you say softly.
“i’m not– i haven’t–” he freezes. you give him a small smile that you hope looks encouraging, and it must be, because he sighs and starts again. “i’m a… virgin,” he says, barely above a whisper.
“oh! that’s all?” you ask, taking his hand and threading your fingers in between his. he looks up at you, trying (and failing) to hide the surprise in his expression. “you don’t need to be embarrassed. everybody has a first time.”
you pause, not wanting to force him into doing this if he really isn’t ready. you don’t care, you have plenty of ways of getting yourself off if he wants to wait longer. because you are willing to wait. “we don’t have to now, junnie,” you say. “i’ll wait as long as you want me to.”
“i want to now,” he says quickly, shaking his head. “i just… don’t know what to do,” he mumbles.
“that’s fine,” you whisper, bringing your other hand up to his face and kissing his cheek tenderly. “we’ll go slow, and you tell me what you want.”
he hesitates, then tentatively places his hands on your waist, still holding your hands. “i want to kiss you again.”
you smile. “i can do that.”
and you lean back in, pressing your lips to his. gently at first, until he grips your waist a little harder and starts kissing you a little deeper. you let him get used to it, allowing him to set the pace he wants.
testing the waters, you push down on his lap a little, starting to grind lightly on his crotch. he whimpers and tugs at your hips to help you, beginning to fall into a steady rhythm. 
you stay like this for a while, leisurely making out on his lap, for longer than you normally would with someone else. but this isn’t someone else, this is junhui, and you’re more than content going as slow as he wants. plus, all this is just making you wetter and wetter as time goes on, riling you up the more you think about what’s to come later.
you can feel him getting harder underneath you, and you moan into him, eagerly but patiently waiting for him. his hands climb up your back, hooking around your shoulders and pulling you almost completely flush with his chest.
he pulls away after a minute, lips red and puffy from the contact and breathing hard. “don’t– you need a c-condom, when… so you, don’t get pregnant?” he stutters out, struggling to get the words out and to stop from bucking his hips against you.
“i have an iud, it’s alright,” you say, also panting for breath.
“okay.” he exhales and leans back, letting go of your hips.
you look at him in confusion at his sudden pause. “why…?”
he stares at you. “uh, don’t you have to go put it in? or did you do that before you got here?”
you snort. “my iud? no, it’s in all the time. it doesn’t come out.” 
“oh,” he says, his cheeks flushing pink. “sorry, i didn’t know–”
“it’s okay, junnie. don’t apologize,” you say, trying your hardest to hold back a laugh. poor sweet, oblivious junhui. you’re not laughing at him, you’re laughing at how adorably clueless he is. you find yourself hoping you might be the one to help him understand these things, if he wants you to.
“have you… before?” he asks shyly, avoiding your eyes again.
you pause, knowing he’s already embarrassed and trying to answer him as gently as possible. “yes,” you say finally, and his face droops a little at your response. “but that doesn’t mean anything. it’s my first time with you, too, so we’re learning about each other. that’s all it is. so just… don’t think about it, okay? the only thing i’m thinking about right now is you.”
his cheeks are a deep shade of pink, but he nods. you take his hands carefully and put them at the hem of your shirt, guiding him to pull it up and over your head. you unclasp your bra and turn around to toss it over to your chair.
“now your turn,” you say gently, looking up at his eyes, which are still focused on your boobs.
“ju-un,” you murmur in a sing-song voice, and his eyes snap back to your face. “do you want to keep going?” 
“yeah,” he chokes out. “i mean– yes. yes, please.”
you coo at his manners, moving off of his lap to wiggle your pants down your legs. his eyes are completely transfixed on your body, admiring every inch of you that he can see.
“do you want to now?” you ask, and he nods rapidly. he stands up and throws his shirt off, and his pants are quick to follow until he’s sitting back in his chair in only his boxers. the lines of his stomach seem even more defined in the low light of the studio, and you so desperately want to run your hands up and down his torso, and feel every inch of him, but– one thing at a time.
you slide your panties off and go back to your position straddling his lap. “is this okay?” you ask again.
“mhm,” he hums lowly, and you feel it deep in your abdomen, walls clenching around nothing at the sound.
his eyes dart around your face, and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair, tucking it gently behind his ear. “are you ready?” you ask softly.
his eyes widen, and he springs into action, his hands flying to your waist again. “oh! okay, yes, yes, um…”
you try not to giggle at his enthusiasm. you trail your hand carefully down to the waistband of his shorts, slipping the tip of your finger inside the elastic. “you have to take this off, junnie,” you whisper.
“mm, okay,” he whines, and you lift up a little so he can slide them down without standing up. he kicks them off and you sit back down, looking down to see what you’re working with. now that he’s fully hard, you can see that he’s… big, much bigger than you expected from a man this shy.
but who are you to judge, so you adjust on his lap, sitting up to reach below you and take his cock in your hand, positioning it at your entrance. he whimpers at the contact as you slowly drag his tip through your folds, spreading your wetness around. 
“you just sit here and let me do all the work, baby, okay?” you hum, gripping his shoulder with your other hand. “let me make you feel good, hm?”
he lets out a garbled noise in response, barely comprehending your words at how engrossed he is with the way you’re holding his cock so delicately, waiting to push it inside and finally feel you.
“junnie, need you to use your words, honey,” you say gently, moving the hand on his shoulder to lightly cup his jaw, lifting his chin so his gaze lands on your face. “you have to tell me if you don’t like something or you wanna do something different, okay?
“i wanna do you,” he says, staring blankly into your eyes, and that’s when you know he’s already gone.
you giggle. “i know, baby. you’re going to. but you have to talk to me.”
“‘cause you like my voice.”
you resist the urge to cringe, still embarrassed that that’s the thing he remembers about you. “yes, i do, but no, that's not why. you need to tell me if you want to stop, at any time, and we’ll stop, okay?”
hearing your tone get serious, he seems to snap out of it a little. “okay,” he whimpers. “can i…?”
he trails off, and you shake your head. you know he’s shy, but you can’t let him off the hook every single time, or else he’ll never learn. “can you what, honey? use your words.”
by now the tips of his ears have turned red, and he’s beginning to lose control, his hips starting to grind against you involuntarily. “can i… fuck you?” he rasps.
“of course you can,” you coo, slipping your hand behind his neck and kissing him gently. “good job, baby.”
he mewls at the praise, and you finally start to sink down on his cock. it burns at first with how girthy he is, but soon the stretch feels good, and you have to fight to keep yourself upright on his lap, soft whimpers escaping your lips.
he groans, throwing his head back against the back of his chair, his grip on your waist tightening. it takes some time, but you finally sit all the way down on his lap, legs splayed on either side of his hips.
immediately he thrusts up into you hard, and you yelp, pushing on his shoulders to get him to stop. “wait!” you pant, squeezing your eyes shut in pain. “just… wait a second first.”
“s-sorry,” he whines, his adam’s apple bobbing with each labored breath.
“s’okay,” you breathe, beginning to adjust to the feeling of his thick cock throbbing inside you. “you’re… big, gotta– gotta give me a second, oh my god.”
he hums absently, clearly pleased with your response, but he manages to stop moving for a little bit.
you sit still on top of him, your muscles gradually beginning to relax as you get used to the feeling.
he sighs, his hands sliding up your back, caressing your skin beneath his fingertips.  “feels so good, just wanna… fuck, just wanna be inside you forever.”
you would be surprised at the sudden lewdness of his words, if you weren’t so focused on the way the tone of his voice has abruptly dropped an octave. he’s starting to get more comfortable, you can tell, and you won’t lie: it’s dangerous for you.
“can– are you okay now?” he asks, eyes focused back on your face again.
“mhm,” you manage, letting out a short exhale. you start to wind your hips in circles, bouncing slowly on his lap as his hands roam your body, touching every inch of you as if he’s trying to memorize every last curve.
it’s a gentle pace; although much too slow for you, you’re hoping it’s just right for junhui to start out with. you’re not used to being on top, so you’re doing your best to keep up, but your thigh is starting to cramp from the position you’ve been sitting in and having to do the work yourself.
he must notice your discomfort, because his hands fall back down to their place at your waist, kneading your skin as he lifts his hips against you in rhythm.
“can i take over?” he mumbles, voice breathy. “please, let me, please.”
“yes, please,” you sigh, your head falling forward to rest on his chest. his skin is burning hot beneath your cheek, and you exhale, closing your eyes from exhaustion.
as soon as you relax and stop moving your hips, his own start moving immediately, your surprised cry punctuated by hard thrusts up into you, over and over again.
you’re still trying to figure out where the hell he got all this stamina from when he starts murmuring in your ear, sweet, dirty whispers as he pounds into you from below.
“you’re so… beautiful, oh my god,” he says in the low voice you’re still struggling to get used to hearing come out of his mouth. “you’re so good, wanna have you like this forever, please–”
“jun, ke–keep talking, please,” you whimper, squeezing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“you like my voice, but you sound so pretty right now,” he groans. “you should hear yourself. wanna hear you cry and make you feel so good, wanna hear you– god, wanna fuck you like this all day and never stop.”
you let out a moan, his words going straight through you. the rumble in his chest as he speaks reverberates against your head. 
the combination of his brutal pace along with the innocently filthy words from his mouth brings you right up to the edge, and you feel the knot in your abdomen tightening.
you shift a little, moving up so you can wrap your arms around his neck, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
his hips falter for half a second at the contact, but he recovers quickly, wrapping his long arms around you and pressing you flush against his chest, jerking you up and down on his cock with fervor.
“you’re so pretty, you’re so beautiful, you’re so perfect,” he babbles, somehow remembering to keep talking you through everything. “love you so much– fuck, thank you, you’re so amazing, you’re so–”
you almost miss the four-letter word that slips out in between his praises, but it rings through your ears, nestling itself in your heart. you decide to ignore it for now, too focused on chasing your rapidly approaching high, but you promise yourself you’ll talk to him after this is all over and figure out what this is between you two.
you whine, breath catching in your throat as your own words tumble out of you in a constant stream. “keep going, jun, please– keep going, so close, please, junnie please, need you–”
“are you gonna cum? you’re so perfect, please cum for me, please, baby, lemme hear you.”
“fuck, yes!” and with that you’re catapulting over the edge with a sob, clenching around his cock as your orgasm slams into you.
he keeps thrusting into you, not once stuttering as he fucks you through your high, content to keep going and going and going until–
“jun,” you call out weakly, head swirling as you try to sit up. “jun. jun, you can s-slow down.”
his hips begin to stop, slowing down until he’s gently rocking you back and forth on his lap. “did you cum already?” he asks in surprise. like a dork.
you choke out a laugh, head lolling as your arms loosen around his neck. “yeah. yeah, i did.”
if you weren’t so exhausted already, you would burst out laughing. “you’ll figure it out,” you wheeze, hoping it sounds reassuring. 
he starts to move his arms to let go of you, still wrapped around your torso, but you whine and he freezes.
“just… stay here first,” you say, letting your eyes fall shut for a second.
you sigh. “because it’s nice.”
“oh,” he says again. he settles back into the chair, holding you on his lap, arms wrapped around you, just sitting quietly.
after a few more seconds of peace you pull yourself upright, pushing your hands against his chest.
“ …what now?” he asks quietly, eyes finding your face.
“you didn’t cum yet, right?” you say. he hums out a no. “then we keep going.”
he yelps in surprise when you start to lift yourself off his lap, his still-hard cock slipping out of you, now soaked in your juices. “don’t we have to wait for you?”
you fight the urge to slap your hand over your forehead. “i can cum more than once, honey. we don’t need to wait,” you say with the straightest face you can muster.
he nods, taking in this clearly unheard of information.
“do you want me to suck you off?” you ask, bringing his attention back to you.
“wh-what?” he stutters, face turning red, clearly not expecting it.
you take in a deep breath. “where do you want to finish?” you try instead, thinking it might help him decide.
“where will you let me?” he replies, wide eyes searching yours as if it’s a trick question designed to make him fail and you’re hiding the answer somewhere in your tender gaze.
“wherever you want, junnie.”
he pauses, like he’s making sure you aren’t lying to him. “can–” he clears his throat and starts again, more sure of himself. “i have an, um… idea.”
“mhm,” you breathe, watching him expectantly.
“do you think i could, maybe… stand up? and, have– you, over the…” he trails off, gesturing to the empty table beside you and hoping you’ll understand what he’s trying to say.
“you want to bend me over and fuck me on the table?” you translate for him, blinking.
instantly his cheeks flare, the shyness returning. “well, i… i. no, um, uh–”
“you can say yes, junnie. it’s hot.”
“you think so?” he squeaks in shock.
you giggle. “yes. you can do whatever you want to, just ask me first.”
his face breaks out into a wide grin. “okay. will you please, um, follow me?” he asks, holding out his arm like a waiter leading you to a table at a restaurant. if he wasn’t so damn cute you definitely would’ve smacked him by now.
you finally move off of his lap and step away, giving him room to move from his chair. you’d forgotten how big he is until he stands up, towering over you, and it sends an involuntary shiver down your spine. he turns and starts walking away, expecting you to follow him.
you laugh and grab his arm, pulling him back. when he looks at you in curiosity, you take his large hands and place them on your waist, motioning for him to guide you.
his mouth falls into an ‘o’ and he follows your lead, pushing you by your hips over to the table.
he stands behind you, caging you in against the table with his tall frame but otherwise not doing anything. you glance over your shoulder at him, nodding in approval.
his hands leave your waist and ever so gently press on your lower back to tilt you over. you comply, letting him move you how he wants.
“is that good?” he asks softly.
“it’s great,” you say, wiggling your ass playfully. “good job asking.”
he hums, so low it’s more like a growl, and it sends another shiver down your spine. at this angle you can feel his dick pressed against your ass, hard and throbbing.
he grinds against you, dragging his cock up and down your hole. you know he’s not doing it intentionally to tease you—you’re not even sure if he’s capable of that—but it does plenty to rile you up.
“junnie, please?” you gasp out, writhing your hips in search of friction, anything. his grip tightens on you, stilling your movements.
“what do i do?” he whispers.
“put it in,” you whisper back, unable to stop the giggle that slips out. he whines in annoyance, so you stop, giving him real advice this time. “just go slow. you can do it, baby.”
you angle your ass up, hoping to give him better access to your dripping hole. he’s already been inside you once, so surely he can find it again… right?
your expectations are clearly too high, because suddenly you feel his tip pressing in between your ass cheeks, and he’s—
you yelp, and he freezes, his hands flying off of you. you reach behind and stick your index finger into your pussy, using the rest of your fingers to spread your folds apart so he can see. “this one, baby.” at least he was going slow, like you said.
“oh! sorry, i’m so sorry,” he mumbles, and even without looking you already know he’s redder than a tomato. 
“jun. don’t apologize. it’s okay,” you say softly. you move your hand away from your pussy and reach it out to him, craning your neck to see him. you wave your fingers at him, and he takes your hand, automatically twining his fingers with yours. it makes you smile. “just go for it, honey.”
“okay,” he breathes, and he starts slowly pushing into you again (the right one this time).
tiny gasps fall from your lips as you feel him fill you up again, stuffing you with his cock, inch by careful inch. once he bottoms out you exhale, letting out the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding in.
when you don’t feel any more movement, you realize he’s stopped, waiting. you almost whine at how cute and considerate he is, but instead you just squeeze his hand. “baby, you can move.”
“okay,” he says again, and pulls out carefully before slowly pushing back in.
you moan as he starts to increase his pace, rapidly pumping into you as his hips smack against your ass. you arch your back a little, trying to angle him in deeper. each powerful thrust pushes you against the table, your hip bones hitting the edge in a way that’ll definitely leave bruises. but you can’t bring yourself to care when junhui’s thick cock is thrusting into you like his life depends on it. 
still holding onto his hand, you slip your other hand down to run your fingers over your clit, rubbing small circles. you can feel the pressure in your abdomen growing, and—
“fuck, you’re so tight,” jun groans, voice thick with need, and he begins pushing into you even harder than before, something you didn’t even think could be possible. you whine and move your hand from your clit back to the edge of the table to stop yourself from ramming into it.
he notices your elbow bent at an awkward angle to protect yourself, so he lets go of your hand and snakes around your stomach to pull you back so you’re standing upright, both his arms wrapped securely around your body. “feels so good… god, wish i had done this sooner, you’re so amazing, so perfect, for me.”
you whimper at his words, unintentionally clenching around him. “jun,” you cry out softly.
“fuck, baby, say my name again– please, like that, baby, please say it, again,” he begs you, fingers pressing into your skin that you’re sure will leave you covered in little oval-shaped bruises by the time he’s done.
“jun! please, i’m so close, jun,” you moan, repeating his name over and over again like a mantra, getting closer and closer to your release with each syllable.
“i’m cl-close too, baby, please… you’re so good, fuck! you’re so good.”
the constant praise is almost too much, and with one more sharp thrust you’re coming undone on his cock for the second time. your legs wobble as you struggle to stay standing, your hands coming up to hang on to junhui’s strong arms wrapped around you for support.
he whines loudly, and you know he must be getting close, too. “can i– can i cum on your back?” he pants out, still gripping you tightly. as much as he really, really wants to cum inside you, he figures it might be messier than cumming on you. and besides, he doesn’t want to get too greedy; it is only his first, after all.
“yes! yes please, yes, jun,” you manage, still wading through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
a little harder than he intends, he’s shoving you roughly down onto the table again, pulling his dick out of you to jerk himself over you.
“junnie, please,” you whimper out weakly, and the sweet sounding words on your lips have him choking back a sob as he cums, thick spurts of white painting your lower back.
he keeps moving his hand on his cock until he’s completely finished, panting heavily. by the time he’s done you’re both sticky with sweat, breathing like you’ve just run a marathon.
you let out a long sigh, feeling exhausted but satisfied. silence settles over the studio, the music long stopped, but you can’t tell if it’s a good silence or a bad silence.
you realize you’d closed your eyes while jun was cumming, and when you don’t feel his touch anymore, you slowly pry them open again, wondering where he went. 
you prop your head up in your hands and look behind you to see jun hastily pulling on his boxers and jeans. 
your jaw drops in horror. you’d thought, with his inexperience, he wouldn’t be like all the other guys who fuck and then take off, but apparently, you thought wrong.
his head whips around as he pulls his zipper up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“are you seriously gonna just leave?”
his mouth falls open. “no! of course not! i was just putting my pants back on.”
your expression softens. “oh,” you say quietly, face flushing at having jumped to conclusions so quickly. “sorry.”
“why would i wanna leave after this?” he frowns, looking genuinely appalled at the mere idea that someone might do that. “you’re still here.”
“i thought, since–” you start, then pause. discussion for another time. “nevermind, it’s not important. but why were you putting your pants on like you were gonna leave?”
you’re the one feeling embarrassed, but it’s junhui that turns red and starts stuttering. “well, i– um, i didn’t want you to… see…”
you laugh and put your head back in your arms. when you don’t say anything, he calls out your name nervously, and you look back over at him.
“junnie, your dick was just in me. twice. i don’t care what it looks like.”
“okay,” he says shyly, but his fingers still fumble with the button of his jeans.
you sigh once he finishes adjusting his pants. whatever makes him more comfortable, you suppose. “jun, can you… help me clean up now, please?” you ask timidly.
he glances over at you, looking like he’s about to ask why you need help, but then he sees you still bent awkwardly over the table and his cum still covering your back, and his eyes widen. “oh! shit, yeah– yes, i’m so sorry, i will–” he stammers, almost tripping over his backpack in his hurry to go get a tissue from the box by the door.
you sigh, more exhausted than mad, knowing you can’t really fault him. he comes back over a second later, gripping a wadded-up handful of tissues.
he drops them on your back and begins wiping at your skin, gingerly cleaning you off. when he’s satisfied with his work, he balls up the tissues and tosses them into the small can by the door.
“oh!” he says, realizing. “i think we have antibacterial wipes in here too, do you want me to use one of those? er, wait, i don’t know if they’re safe for skin…”
with your back (mostly) clean again, you stand up, wincing at the ache in your hips. “it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i’ll shower when i get home.”
you limp over to your chair, picking up your clothes and sitting down to start getting dressed again.
when jun finishes pulling his shirt over his head and looks over at you he gasps, seeing the bruises across your hips and tummy. “holy shit! did i do that?” he asks, looking horrified, and you look down to check.
“oh. yeah, that and the table,” you shrug, hooking your bra behind your back.
“i’m sorry,” he says, voice quivering, and he genuinely looks like he’s about to cry until you convince him you’re alright and he didn’t do anything wrong.
“it’s not supposed to hurt, though, i thought,” he frowns. “i don’t want to hurt you. i lo– um, like you,” he says, “why would i want to hurt you?” he catches himself quickly, but you heard what he started to say. you decide now isn’t the best moment for you to bring it up, so you leave it alone.
“sometimes people like it when it hurts. sometimes people like it not to hurt. everybody’s different,” you tell him instead.
he nods, thinking. “i… liked this,” he says finally.
you smile, finishing putting the last of your clothes back on. “good, i’m glad. you’re supposed to enjoy it.”
“did… you like it?” he asks tentatively.
“yes, i did like it,” you giggle, and he beams, clearly proud of himself. and he should be. obviously it wasn’t the most perfect of your life, but when is it ever? it was close enough to perfect that it might as well be.
“you live on campus, right? so i don’t need to walk you to your car?” he asks, grabbing his jacket that somehow fell on the floor and tossing it onto his chair as he starts to shut everything down in the studio.
you sigh. damn, you’d forgot about this part. sure, a couple hours ago you could walk just fine to the communications building on the complete opposite side of campus, but you hadn’t planned on getting railed within an inch of your life so you hadn’t exactly thought to bring your car. “yeah, but i… it’s on the south end, and i probably won’t be able to walk very far,” you mumble, avoiding his gaze. “i’ll take the shuttle.”
he frowns. “i’m not gonna let you take the bus. i can give you a ride.”
“you don’t need to, jun.”
“yes, i do,” he says assertively, and it startles you enough to meet his eyes. you haven’t ever heard his voice that firm, and when you look up his expression is as equally determined as his tone. not that you’d ever admit it to him, but it is kind of… hot.
you decide not to argue with him, knowing you won’t be able to change his mind anyway. you nod an ‘okay’, and his face instantly brightens to the awkward, nerdy jun you’re used to, beaming like he did when you first agreed to another date, back in the café what feels like ages ago.
“are you doing anything tonight?” you ask, watching him shut down the equipment and turn all the knobs and dials to an off position.
“no. i mean, i was gonna catch up on my show, but then, i didn’t expect for… this, to happen, so…” he shrugs. “i don’t know.”
“do you wanna come over? i… i mean, not to do anything. just… wanna be with you.” your voice comes out smaller than you intend it to, but jun still hears you loud and clear.
“yeah,” he grins. “yeah, that would be really cool.”
he pauses, looking like he wants to ask you something but not sure if he should. “can i give you a hug?” he says finally.
you smile. only junhui would ask for something as small and sweet as a hug after having sex. “yes, please.”
he crosses the room in two strides, barely giving you time to process before he’s squeezing you in his arms. you sigh and automatically melt into his arms, inhaling the perfumey scent of his cologne lingering on his wrinkled clothes.
it feels… good, being cared about.
he finishes shutting everything down quickly and grabs his things, swinging his backpack over his shoulder as he flips off the lights and closes the door behind you, making sure it’s locked before heading down the stairs.
you hate the way your legs tremble going down the steps, cursing him for being so good at his first time, because who the hell is that good their first time? already at the bottom of the stairs, jun looks back to see where you are and why you aren’t beside him, and, seeing you gripping onto the side railing for support, he dashes back up the steps two at a time to grab your arm and help you.
“you weren’t kidding when you said you couldn’t walk,” he giggles, holding the door open for you, and oh my god you want to hit him. “does that always happen? i thought people always just made that up to sound cool.”
“yes, i wasn’t kidding, and no, it doesn’t always,” you mutter, face heating in embarrassment. “depends on the person and how rough it is.”
his smile widens, the implied meaning of your words sinking in. “so what you’re saying is, my di–”
“junnie, if you finish that sentence, i swear to god i will never have sex with you ever again.”
he giggles, but he shuts his mouth, helping you the rest of the way to his car in silence. this time you know for sure, it’s a good silence.
his car is nicer than you’d expect a man’s car to be: clean and fairly organized, and there’s no half-eaten fast food in the backseat. he swings open the door for you and tries to help you sit down, but you swat his hand away.
he jogs around to the driver side door and slides into the seat, slamming it shut behind him. he buckles up, then grabs a candy cane from the pile in the cupholder and holds it out to you. “candy cane?”
“i’m… good,” you laugh, forcing yourself not to make a joke about having better things to suck on. why does he even have those in his car?
the ride to your apartment complex is pleasant. as expected from the radio man himself, as soon as the key is in the ignition, he turns the radio on, humming along to every song. you find yourself spending most of the drive staring at him, studying the tiny features in his cheeks when he smiles and the way his adam’s apple bobs when he hums.
after a shower, clean pajamas, and a raid of your refrigerator for snacks and something to drink, you’re snuggled up on the couch with jun, catching up on the show he wanted to watch. it’s the middle of some random season and you have no idea what’s going on, but you don’t care. just being here with him is more than enough for you, and you’re glad he’s enjoying being here, too.
“do you have a voice kink?” he asks suddenly at one of the commercials.
you nearly choke on your gatorade. “i– well, i mean… i didn’t used to, but…” you sputter out, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. “where did you even hear that?”
“jeonghan said you might.”
you scoff. you still haven’t met junhui’s broadcasting partner yet, but you already have some choice words in mind for him when you do finally get to have the pleasure of meeting him. “well, tell him to keep his thoughts to himself,” you say, taking another smaller sip and avoiding his grin.
“so is that a yes?”
you roll your eyes and ignore him, which might as well be a yes, but you choose not to admit it. you know you definitely need to talk to him about… everything, but he seems so happy right now, you don’t want to risk ruining the evening.
but luckily for you, he brings it up himself at the next commercial break.
“how long do i have to wait until i can ask you to be my girlfriend?” he says, muting the tv and looking over at you.
you laugh. “were we not… already?” you ask. “we’ve been on, like, four dates. usually that part happens before you have sex.”
he looks a little disappointed, for some reason. not exactly the reaction you’d expect when someone tells you they want to keep seeing you. “oh. um, well…” he starts, scratching at the back of his neck. “i planned it all out, i was gonna do this big thing and ask you. i thought i was supposed to. i meant to do it earlier, but…” he trails off, cheeks turning pink.
your expression softens. “you… can ask me now,” you say, putting your hand on his thigh.
“okay.” he clears his throat, sitting up straighter on the couch. “will you be my girlfriend?”
you try not to laugh at how serious he is, knowing he’s really, really trying. “yes, of course,” you reply, trying to match his seriousness.
“is that okay? that i didn’t do it right?” he asks nervously, fiddling with the hem of the blanket covering your laps.
you smile and bring your hand up to his cheek, pulling him towards you to give him a quick kiss. “you did it perfect, junnie.”
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blue-jisungs · 3 months
author's note. i kinda slayed w the banner ngl
summary. 3rd time is a charm, right? especially when the guy whose ride home you stole is kinda (very much) cute
word count. 2111
genre, pairing. crack and fluff lmao!! graphic design hybe worker!yn x idol!seungkwan;; sassy kwan.
warnings. one or two curses, mention of throwing up
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letting out a deep sigh, you stepped outside the hybe building. holding the file with your notes and sketches, you pressed it closer to your chest as you whipped out your phone. the weather was quite stuffy, air no better than in the office. 
some of your coworkers passed you by and walked towards the parking. 
shaking your head, with a few swipes you ordered a cab. living without a car was manageable but quite a pain in the ass, especially on days like this when you didn’t feel like taking the metro. 
you stayed overtime, again. it’s really a bad habit, you should work on it. your eyes were struggling to keep open, even while standing. speaking of which, your legs hurt too – probably a result of sitting for too long. and your back; oh god, your back. leaning over the drawing tablet for the whole day will definitely cause you to have a hump… fun. 
someone left the building and sat on the bench, doing something in their phone. it was good to know you weren’t the last one to leave. yawning loudly, you struggled to stand still.
then, you noticed a yellow cab arriving. finally! you marched towards it, absentmindedly. you opened the door and greeted the driver, sitting inside.
before you closed it, you heard an offended:
“yah! that’s my cab! check the number, miss!” 
but the door closing shut the voice down as you muttered the address. letting yourself relax for a while, only halfway home you realized you just accidentally took someone else’s cab.
well, at least they won’t be left alone – in such case yours should be arriving at the hybe building soon.
you observed in deep thought the water droplets racing down the window. someone tapped your arm and you jerked, blinking.
“y/n, we’re leaving. you should too, tomorrow is an important day” your co-worker smiled gently and patted your arm “you should get some sleep, okay? i’ll see you tomorrow”
nodding in agreement, you waved them goodbye and started packing your things. 
tomorrow you’re going to be presenting your new album cover and other details for seventeen’s upcoming comeback. you were nervous, you didn’t know if they were going to like it. considering the time you spent and how much tears, blood and sweat you put into the design you tried to be optimistic that they would enjoy it.
you left the office and already ordered a cab while in the lift. you hoped that because of it, you weren’t going to wait in the rain for too long. 
a distant chatter echoed and bounced of the lobby walls, mixing with the elevator-type-of-music. 
then, your phone dinged with a notification that your cab arrived. 
taking a deep breath and putting your scarf around your head, you headed out. running towards the yellow cab in the rain, droplets hitting your face. water splashed under your shoes and in a few leaps you reached the car. 
you decided to hop on the seat behind the driver, putting your bag on your knees.
“sorry for the mess” you breathed out and tucked the hair that got stuck onto your face. 
suddenly the door opened again and someone entered the cab. 
your eyes widened and you looked at the stranger. he blinked, flabbergasted. 
then you yelped upon realizing its seungkwan. boo seungkwan. the boo seungkwan from seventeen.
you bowed yet were speechless, too stunned to mutter even a single word. 
his brows knitted as he pointed at you.
“hey, you stole my cab last time” he grunted and ran his hand through his wet locks. your cheeks grew hot with realization, fingers nervously playing with the material of your bag. that’s not good. not good at all.
“i’m sorry i promise it wasn’t on purpose! i was just so tired and didn’t realize–” you started.
“are we going or what? it’s not a cafe to chat endlessly in one place” the driver grunted impatiently.
“yeah, right. um, i’ll just leave and you take this one. i’m deeply sorry, mr. boo” words spilled out of you like the rain from the dark clouds. 
before you could open the door, seungkwan leaned and smacked your head gently. you halted in shock.
“are you out of your mind? i mean, respectfully. whatever happened, happened. just be sure to check next time… and let’s just take this one. i assume you’re heading home?” he asked, catching the driver’s annoyed look in the mirror “you should go first” 
you nodded and after saying the address, the car started. 
“do you work here?” seungkwan asked, interested. you felt a little shy – even though you knew they work at the same building, you never met an idol. and yet here you are.
“yes, i’m a graphic designer” you smiled politely “oh, i’m sorry. my name is l/n y/n”
the idol returned your smile and reached his hand out. you shook it and he hissed dramatically.
“aigo, your hand is so cold!”
you giggled and took it back. 
the nervousness gradually left your body as you had some small talk with him (and he insisted not to call him mr boo or mr seungkwan as – quote – “that makes him old and he’s still young!”), genuinely feeling comfortable. he seemed not to be faking his engagement into the conversation either.
before you realized, you arrived in your neighborhood. it was pouring now but luckily the driver stopped quite close to the building. the driver asked for seungkwan’s destination, wanting to put it in gps already. 
as he did, you reached for your card. then, you asked the driver how much it would cost to take seungkwan to his place. the man replied and the idol smacked your hand once again this evening.
“you are really crazy” he grunted and shook his head.
“no, no. let me pay, as a form of sorry for the last cab incident” you frowned, discreetly nodding to the driver. he nodded back and put the full price for the route; seungkwan didn’t seem to notice.
“no, i can’t allow that. it’s literally nothing, i swear i already forgot” he whined. 
the driver handed you the terminal and you paid with a bright smile. 
“okay, fine. um, thank you for the ride, seungkwan” you said and grabbed your bag “it was nice meeting you. have a good day!”
with that you left and seungkwan observed as you ran to the building, heavy rain slurring your silhouette. he kept his eyes on you as long as he could before the driver was too far away. 
only then he noticed something on the seat. 
worker id.
he huffed and took it in his fingers, not realizing he’s smiling. it must have fallen out when you pulled out your card.
“the lady paid for you, by the way” the driver said softly, glancing at him through the mirror. 
seungkwan rolled his eyes, not sure why his mood is so bright now. 
you dug through your bag, heart rate being faster than when you took your friend’s niece to the rollercoaster park. feeling the guard’s displeased sight on you, you decided to turn your bag around and spill the contents on the floor. then, you dropped to your knees and ignored the weird looks from other workers.
“i promise i have it! i have no idea why it’s not here!” you whined, glancing at the clock. 9:55am. you had about three minutes to enter the building and arrive at the meeting place since it starts at 10am. 
and currently you couldn’t find your worker id. 
“i can’t let you in on a promise. i’ll need to escort you if you don’t have it” the bodyguard said, unbothered. 
you looked through all the papers and sketches that fell out, sweat dripping down your temple. that’s not how it was supposed to go. 
with shaking hands you wiped a tear that gathered on your cheek and checked your wallet again. nothing. 
a sudden pat on your arm caused you to turn around sharply and the person jerked in surprise due to your dramatic reaction. 
it was seungkwan.
“now that’s just embarrassing” you grunted, blinking the tears away. 
“are you looking for this?” he asked with a soft smile, reaching for something from his pocket. your eyes saw the goddamn plastic card “and before you think it’s creepy, you left it in the taxi. i figured i’d drop it off at your office but you’re here so…”
nodding your head vigorously, you gathered all your stuff and put it into your bag. 
“thank you, thank you so so much. i was just about to be late for a meeting as if the meeting itself didn’t make me nervous as fuck” you breathed out and took the id “thank you…”
“i get it, i get it. now shoo, you can’t be late! and good luck, fighting!” he grinned and you sent him a wide grin. 
seungkwan watched you disappear in the lift before a gasp ripped out of his chest. 
“what am i even doing?! i have a meeting too–”
he rushed to get another lift and cursed underneath his breath when it came late. seungcheol will whoop his ass for being late but first of all, it’s only like five minutes. second of all, he was helping you. 
the man pushed the door from the meeting room, sending all eyes on him. he rose his hands in a defensive manner and then bowed.
“i apologize for being late, there was a small… incident” he mumbled and before he looked up, he heard a voice.
“it’s alright, mr. boo. we didn’t start yet” 
your voice. 
his eyes met with yours, causing his face to lit up. some of the members noticed the strange exchange between you, especially when a shared smile bloomed on your faces. 
seungkwan sat down next to minghao, earning a smack on the arm. 
needless to say, everyone came to a conclusion that for the first time ever seungkwan was laser focused in the presentation. and you. 
“i feel like i’m gonna throw up” you mumbled to yourself, squatting down on the sidewalk. hiding your head in your knees, you heard a chuckle.
“i thought people usually got nervous before presenting?” seungkwan’s voice reached your ears and you looked up with a smile. 
“well now i’m waiting for the decision, it is nervous too” you sighed and stood up, raising an eyebrow.
“you don’t need to worry about that. i know those guys and they liked your project, a lot. and if they didn’t, i’d convince them” seungkwan grinned and whipped out his phone “cab? let me pay this time”
“aish, we’re gonna be pushing and pulling all the time?” you scoffed and shook your head “wait, did you like it?”
seungkwan nodded, noticing the yellow cab approaching. good thing this was a busy street and there were lots of taxis. 
“obviously!” he grinned and led you towards the car, opening the door for you. once inside, he waited for you to tell your address to the driver and continued. “i really like your art style, it’s very unique and original. the colors fit well with the concept, as well as the design. did you create the font yourself?”
you stared at him in shock, causing a giggle out of him. 
as you indulged him into the details of your work progress, you failed to realize how quickly you got home. not even done with explaining how you got the idea for the design, you saw a mischievous spark in his ebony eyes. 
“let me pay, please” seungkwan pleaded and you huffed “and… if you want, i’ll let you pay next time. for coffee”
he stared at you hopefully (ignoring the fact that he obviously wouldn’t let you but he somehow wanted to have an excuse), seungkwan noticed a cute smile bloomed on your face. 
“i’d love to. tomorrow? 3pm?” you asked, unable to control your face muscles from grinning. seungkwan nodded energetically “we’re set then. get home safe, mr boo” 
you leaned in, led by an impulse, and tried to place a goodbye kiss on his cheek but you accidentally pecked the corner of his lips. 
blood flowing to your face, you left the cab panicked, yelping a nervous bye! 
“hey there, misses! what’s with your kisses?” he mumbled, fingers ghosting over the area your lips brushed against. 
looking at the whipped man in the mirror, the cab driver smiled. 
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taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu
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datura-tea · 2 months
okey dokey! i just finished the fallout show! some Thoughts under the read more
tl:dr, the (bethesda) fallout vibes were definitely there. i liked it as a show on its own merits but as a part of the series canon... i'm mad, and that anger is kind of overriding the little i liked about it. overall maybe 2.5/5 stars and im being generous
things i liked:
visually, it's stunning - i could see scenes already being made into gifsets - the color grading is pretty good; even in dark scenes i could see and understand what was happening
the sets are soooo good!! costume design was alright too
title cards were fun and cute
they did some interesting stuff with the cultures of both vault 33 and the brotherhood of steel
they used the sound effects from the games :)
i liked the wastelanders!!! big npc and random encounter energy. i kind of want a whole show of just them. for example i love the marketplace and settlement in filly; it feels very lived in
the background characters weren't just young thin able-bodied conventionally attractive white people :) there's so many elders, which i loved!! ma june and barv were cool. i love gruff old lesbians
lucy!!! she was already kind of weird and a little off-putting even in vault 33 ("what's your sperm count" as an opener to the husband she was just arranged married to is WILD) and i like that. she's sweet and bullheaded and surprisingly competent :)
maximus is kind of an ass, but is also a pathetic nerd and brotherhood dickrider who actually doesn't really know anything. kind of a girlfailure
the ghoul was pretty cool too!! i liked him, though more for his prewar story than the one he has post-apocalypse
lucy's brother norman kinda grew on me. "i lack enthusiasm for every job that i do here" so relateable. also short king <3
THE DENTIST THAT BUYS TEETH. never thought that would be a Thing but now that i think about it, it makes sense
the monsters that we have were cool!! wish there had been more of them
MATT BERRY IS IN THIS!! i just really like him so i got excited :))
maximus and lucy's "wanna have sex?" talk LMAO
vault 4's various mutations!!
those giant unwieldy fuckass duffel bags that brotherhood squires lug around hahahhahahaaha
vault 4 and its genetic experiments because its main conceit is that it was ruled by scientists who hybridized humans. it's exactly the right amount of fucked up i want in a vault
i like that the protagonists regularly get captured and eat shit
haha hacking minigame :) also chatting via terminals (and im assuming pipboys?) is canon now
they're growing crops in the wasteland + bustling trade + livestock + pets yay
robobrain was cute
things i was just ok with:
dane, the they/them brotherhood of steel aspirant who was fucked over so maximus can get their spot as a squire LMAO what a waste of a potentially cool character
IT'S SO FUNNY that there's yodelling whenever the ghoul comes into the scene ????? WHY
fight scenes.... pretty good but someone definitely had the bloody mess perk (i don't do well with gore so ew yucky). also lots of [VATS NOISE]
pipboy was not used as much as i thought it would be
cousin stuff... i get it, i guess in a vault you'd have a lot of cousins and not a lot of choice, so some incest would probably happen
the ghoul being vault boy's inspiration?? not sure what to feel about that tbh
the casual dismemberments... and equally casual attaching of limbs... not even prosthetic limbs.....
the vaulties eating good healthy well-balanced meals. giving out caviar in the welcome basket. kinda 50/50 on it
the vault 31 - 32 - 33 subplot couldve been more fucked up
have brotherhood knights always been celibate or did i miss the memo
there are regular chickens and... deer? for some reason?
the ghoul's design. it's fine in action but mostly it's meh
the vault 4 cult for moldaver
vault 4 as a refuge for shady sands survivors. im mad about it but like. i get it
that guys "elixir" (some altered jet??) fixing everything about thaddeus' foot instantenously AND GIVING HIM HEALING POWERS???
things i did not like:
lucy's plot premise is very much fallout 3 redux
lucy and maximus as a ship is very meh and kind of forced and not compelling. go give us nothing!!!
wilzig's head as a macguffin that everyone is after... ehh kind of just okay as a plot device
also the ghoul randomly eating that other ghoul???
the squire who bullied maximus calls himself fat but he isn't fat?? not even chubby??? hello????? just got a soft face
water chip being fucked feels very fallout 3 also but they kind of dropped it?
they definitely named cooper howard after todd. as tribute probably, which he doesn't deserve
fiend = cannibal now?????
maximus recognizing vault 4 as a cult but not recognizing the brotherhood as one lol
vault tec evil capitalism vs hollywood communists storyline was kind of basic. and bland. and weak
the enclave could've been established + explored better
no geckos or any other west coast-specific monsters
showing me ncr ranger armor when the ncr is gone
ghouls have healing powers?? WITHOUT RADIATION??
things i hated hated hated:
the ghoul needing drugs to combat the Disease That Turns Ghouls Feral
feral ghouls being basically zombies :/
the brotherhood being the main faction of the west coast now. booo!! booo!!!!
the fucking last shot of new vegas being a burnt out husk. probably foreshadowing that hank is going to house's body but. UGH I HATE IT
to summarize: it came out strong! and stumbled hard falling face fucking first at the finish line. i would have liked it a lot more if it did not shit on the west coast as much as it did. because what the FUCK. if it was set literally anywhere else and left the ncr alone i would have liked it more, because on its own, as a self-contained story, divorced from the rest of the fallout series canon, it's not bad!!! it's fun, there's some good bits, it has the ~vibes~ but - and this is a big but - i don't know what it's trying to say. it's all very surface level and the very vague themes i picked up on are not really reiterated in the plot
it's like... the bits that make it fallout are there. vaults. the brotherhood. ghouls. a dog named dogmeat. but there's something lacking. it's like your usual sci-fi post-apocalypse show with a fallout veneer. idk. i like it for what it is but also i hate it for what it's emblematic of. that's all
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daisynik7 · 1 year
I need more good even agnst
I forgot how to spell🥴
cw: angst, sexually explicit content, language, friends with benefits 
Summary: Eren gets drunk and leaves a voicemail. 
Author’s Note: Hi anon! Thanks for this request! I went in a little different direction for this one. This is inspired by this soundgasm (listener discretion is advised). Seriously, listen to it, you will not regret it. Anyways, hope you like this one! 
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Eren stumbles in through the door of his apartment late Friday night. Armin just dropped him off, playing the role of designated driver tonight. They spent the last few hours barhopping, Eren consuming enough alcohol for both of them. To say he’s drunk would be an understatement. Right now, he’s plastered. And that’s probably what leads him to what he does next.
After messily chugging a glass of water, he collapses onto his couch, reaching into his pocket for his phone. Instagram is already open; he clicks on it, glaring at the now familiar photo surrounding the screen. It’s a selfie you posted a few hours ago of you and your new boyfriend, beaming at the camera, the caption reading Date night! 
He huffs, swiping out of the app to access his Favorites. He stares at your contact listed amongst your friends, the crown emoji right next to your name. It’s an inside joke between you two; you’re his “princess”. 
Tapping at the phone, he holds it to his ear, starting. “Hey. It’s me. You’re probably wondering why I’m calling you. To be honest, I’m pretty faded right now.” He giggles, scratching his tummy. “So whatever I’m about to say, blame it on the alcohol.”
He hesitates, taking a deep breath. “Anyways, I saw your pic tonight. The one of you and your new boyfriend.” He pauses to swallow, that last word leaving a bitter aftertaste on his tongue. “I guess you’re officially off the market now. Congrats.”
He twirls a strand of his hair around his finger. “You look really good in that picture, by the way. That dress you’re wearing is one of my favorites because…” he snickers to himself, recalling that specific memory. “Well, you know.”
You wore that same dress the night you and Eren started sleeping together. The two of you got drunk at Mikasa’s birthday party, and you admitted to him how you haven’t had sex in months. He volunteered to change that for you, as long as the two of you only remain friends. At the time, Eren hated the thought of being in some sort of committed relationship. The furthest he was willing to go was friends with benefits, and that’s what the two of you became.
“I bet your new boyfriend doesn’t know how good I fucked you in that dress.” He sucks in a breath, cock throbbing in his pants, face flushed as he speaks. “Is he a better fuck than me? I bet he isn’t. You always go so crazy when I’m inside you.” He palms his erection, squeezing the phone closer to his ear. “Remember when you squirted all over my fucking face that one time? Had that clit swollen and raw on my tongue, that was fucking amazing.” Giggling again, he unzips his pants, sliding his jeans and briefs off, wrapping his fingers around his shaft. 
“I’m sorry I’m like this. I just saw that picture of you tonight and I got so…” he doesn’t finish the rest of the statement. Instead, he strokes his cock, imagining you riding him on the couch the way you do. Slow and sensual at first, rocking your hips on his lap. Gradually picking up the pace, bouncing on his cock, thrusting your ass against him, warm mouth moaning into his ear. That’s his favorite; the couple of seconds right before you come, how high pitched your whimpers get, especially as you breathe out his name. The way you unravel around him, melt into his body, a perfect fit in his arms.  
He pumps his cock fast in his fist, coming quick to the thought of you. Tissues in hand, wiping up his mess, he sighs into the phone. Voice trembling, he asks, “Do you still think about me? I know we kinda stopped hooking up once you met…whatever his name is. And I know we were never exclusive or whatever, but…” He gulps loudly, nervous for what he’s about to admit. “I miss you.”
This is what he wanted. What he asked for. Friends with benefits, no strings attached. He made that clear from the beginning, and you agreed to it, no problem. When did it all start to get so muddled? Was it when he realized being with you was way more fun than being with his friends? Being alone?
He remembers that night on the balcony. It was his birthday, and he was having a small gathering at his place. The two of you went outside for some air and alone time. It was a normal conversation, but somewhere in the middle, you said something that stuck with him. I hope you’re happy.
He clicks his tongue, deciding to let it all out. “It should be us, y’know. You and me. Not you and him. It’s my own fault it didn’t end up this way. I was too much of a fucking coward to tell you I love you. Too much of a coward to admit it to myself.”
“Anyways, it doesn’t matter anymore since you’re with somebody else now. I don’t want you to listen to this and feel sorry for me. It’s not your fault at all, and I’ll be okay. I just wanted you to know how I feel about you. And if he ever breaks your heart or hurts you in any way, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll fucking kick his ass if you want me to. I’ll always be here for you.”
After another deep breath, he ends the call with his parting words. “I hope you’re happy, princess. I really do.”
He takes his phone away from his ear, staring at the screen, still stuck on his Favorites list. He checks the call log and notices that the call never even went through. With a heavy sigh, both relieved and disappointed, he sets his phone down on the coffee table, leaving it as he shuffles towards his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. 
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jammed-out · 9 months
Open Ports
You were walking down the street minding your own business, when suddenly you felt it. There was a buzzing at the back of your skull. Your sensors tried to pick up the sound but you really couldn’t make it out. It wasn’t even annoying or unpleasant, actually the opposite, it felt kind of good.
You squeezed your groceries tighter in your hands, metallic joints clenched tightly together. You shuffled onward trying to get home. You only had one day off a week from the factory and this was your one chance to get everything you needed.
The buzzing intensified, growing stronger. You could almost feel it, vibrating inside of your chassis. You blushed and lowered your head hoping nobody looked at you. Whatever it was that was interfering with your sensors was getting stronger. It felt so good too.
You gasped as you felt something press inside of you, into a cavity you didn’t have. You quickly turned and slipped down the nearest alleyway, moving deeper into the shadows. Back in the light you could see people continuing on without paying you any attention. You looked down at the tent forming under your skirt and blushed. You could feel the invasive signal thrusting in where your dick was but there wasn’t anything there, and yet, it felt so good. A wave of static rolled through your vision as you pressed your back against the wall quickly dialing down your vocal speaker strength, a soft whimper escaping your lips.
You felt the pace quicken, the vibrations growing stronger inside of you. Your bags hit the floor in a crinkled mess as you gripped at your chest. Your breasts felt so tight all of a sudden, what was this sensation? Your sensors went into overdrive trying to find and block out the invasive signal.
“H-Hello. Hey. Anyone there?”
The voice flooded your head, shocking you. Your systems were supposed to be uncompromisable, you couldn’t possibly be hacked. They were designed for peak efficiency.
“Hey. Can you like respond or something so I know I’m not crazy?”
The voice was kinda soft, it was definitely female, human based on the cadence and tone. There was no hint of metallic nature to it. It was also spoken, so whoever this was must be the person behind the intrusion. You suddenly became aware of the feeling of emptiness inside of you. They must have removed the toy.
“How have you compromised my systems? Remove yourself at once.” You thought, the words forming were sent back to the person.
“Hey don’t get all mad at me. I was just enjoying myself and you stumbled onto my connection. Not that I mind the public audience, but you should really keep your connections more private.”
You quickly checked your outbound signals and realized you had left one open. How could you be so foolish. “Thank you for alerting me. I will close it-”
“Hey hold on a second. I mean if you’re here and I’m here, and if you wanted to. My sensors were definitely reading an arousal spike from you just before we started talking. I’d be happy to release your gears a bit.”
You blushed. She couldn’t possibly be implying what you thought, here in public.
You felt the toy slowly start to press back into yourself. It felt so good. You knew that the pleasure was coming from her and being fed directly into your inputs, but it felt incredible. You closed your eyes and moaned softly, letting her hear you. It was invasive, sure, but why did it feel so good.
“Don’t keep me waiting. I want to feel your pleasure too.”
You could feel her toying with your systems, actually hacking you. Her fingers danced along your internal inputs sending soft sparks of pleasure with each thrust. They danced over, dialing up your pleasure centers, increasing your arousal, flooding you with lustful desires. Your mouth opened into soft gasps as she continued to fuck herself, letting you feel every sensation.
Your hand gripped your tights, tearing them open so your cock could hang freely in the air. Your metal fingers wrapped around it, the internal warming sensors already heating up the cold metal. Even in the warmth, you could feel the chill of the air blow over your cold shell. You stroked slowly, gently, over it, lubricant already leaking from the opening on the tip.
“Now that’s more like it.” She moaned and you could feel her pleasure surge back into you before making the trip back to her.
Everything turned into a blur. You could feel her lips wrap around something, pushing it deeper into your throat. The toy inside of her sped up, the vibrations roaring through your body causing soft metallic ringing to echo through the alley. Your cock leaked all over your hand, hers slickly tracing every length of your twitching member. Your bodies moved in complete sync. As she fucked the toys into herself, you cock pounded into her already full hole. You could practically see flashes of her room and wondered what it would feel like to actually be inside of her, the hacker who was tying your brain into knots.
You came, lubricant shooting out all over the floor. The juices from her pussy coated your legs as you suddenly realized how public this all was. The shame and embarrassment washed over your face.
“Don’t you dare move a muscle cutie.” You felt all of your systems lock up, your motor functions switching into remote mode. The realization of the situation dawning on you. The hacker had been digging through your entire code while you were pleasuring each other. She had removed your administration privileges and locked you out of your own body. 
You frantically tried every back door, every single way in only to be met with big red obstacles blocking your privileges. She had taken control of your body and there was nothing you could do.
“Don’t worry so much. I just didn’t want you running off before we could meet. After all, a cute little bot like you would be a perfect addition to my collection.”
You felt your legs begin to move, forcing you to walk back out onto the street. The directions to home began to rewrite in your head, sending you to an address on the other side of town. You realized your groceries were left behind, back in the alley. Your cock twitched, already hardening under your skirt. This time, people looked, staring at you as you continued to walk through the streets. You wanted to hide your face in shame but instead you remained standing tall, walking straight ahead.
“Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you once you get home.”
You felt the toy start to vibrate inside of you again. It was going to be a long walk home to your new life.
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
The Boys helping their pregnant wife shave
I know I just posted, but I had this idea and feverishly wrote it. So enjoy!
tw: slightly suggestive themes
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You called him while you were in the shower and Ghost came running because you thought you fell.
"I'm too big I can't see my legs. Since you did this to me, you have to help." You held the razor out to him and he nodded. "Yes ma'am."
He got to work immediately, holding your leg and you held your belly. He was gentle but efficient. "Hand me more shaving cream. You want thighs too or just caves?" Ghost looked up at you, eyes soft and wide.
You smiled and tried to lean down to kiss him, but your belly made it hard so he met you half way. "All of it handsome."
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When you took showers, Soap would sit on the toilet in case you needed help or wanted the company. It helped him know he could protect you and it felt nice for you to have him within arms each if you need something.
"Baby? Can you help me?" You poked your head out of the shower curtain and Soap was already standing. "At your service, doll. Whatca need?" You opened the curtain a little more and gestured downwards.
"I know you said you don't mind the hair, but it's starting to irritate me. Thing is, I can't see it well enough to shave it by myself. Help." You whined to him and he chuckled. "Alright you big baby, c'mere."
He knelt down and slowly rubbed the shaving cream on. "Is it just like my face?" He looked up at you and you nodded. "Kinda? I did most of the hard work. You just have to make sure there's tons of shaving cream on at all times and go in the direction of the hair. Unless you want me to look like a bumpy red mess." Soap smiled and kissed your belly.
"I'd put a baby in you red and bumpy or hairier than a jungle." That earned him a slap on the back of the head.
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He was sitting with you in the bathtub and you were laying against his chest. You liked the bath while pregnant, it took the weight of your belly off of your back. The two of you had been in for a while when you leaned your head backwards.
"Wanna help me shave? Please?" He looked at you nervously and slightly sat you up. "I don't know baby. what if I mess it up and cut you and you bleed out and you have to go to the hospital and I have to choose between saving you or the baby? I wouldn't be good at that!" You looked at Gaz with a tired look.
"You put this baby in me. You will help me shave. That whole messy will be a conversation for another day."
Gaz held the razor in his hand and your leg in the other. "It's easy. just relax. If you're stressing over it, you are going to cut me." You smiled at him and he laughed, relaxing more.
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You were pregnant with baby number 3 and Price had just gotten home from a mission. He put the other two girls down for bed when he joined you in the shower.
Price took the loofah from you and slowly worked on scrubbing your back. "Why don't you shave me while your at it?" You half joked. "You are the woman carrying my first son. I would bring you Saturn if you wanted it, woman." He kissed your shoulder and you laughed.
He grabbed his razor and turned you around. "I'll give you the full treatment too. Here baby." He knelt down and began working on shaving you, taking a break here and there to kiss your legs and inner thighs.
You ran your hands through his hair and smiled down at him. "Can I make a design? Like a landing strip?" You rolled your eyes and laughed.
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
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pairing: shuri ✘ plussize!black!fem!reader
summary: shuri takes care of you in the ways she knows how; truths and feelings surface.
word count: 5.9k
contains: mild sexual behavior & suggestive stuff (18+), fluff, aftercare, body worship, vulnerable!reader, slight cocky!shuri, jealous!shuri, vulnerable!shuri, possessive!shuri, riri knows how to mind her business, love confessions, lesbians lesbianing (they're kinda just made for each other tbh), shuri's pockets are very deep, shuri being dramatic and sappy and in love, light chocking
tags: @verachii @venusdraco @vixentheplanet @quintessencewrites @cjariot @widowmakker @blackgcomica @n7cje @dejaonline @shinsousliya @generallysapphic @mbakuetshurisprincess @pinkwright @saintwrld @axailslink @mocha-aya @uhwhatsay @6-noir @cuddl3s4shur1 @percsane @chidinma @shuriszn @lppriceisright @sweetalittleselfish-honey @abenomeiiii @marsolgy @prettymrswright @shurisjournal @marsolgy @shurismainbxtch @shurisbbymama @shuriri4life @cafehyunji @ventingfanfics @yunhofingers @yamsthoughts @iseebeautyinwords @ihearttish @vampzxi @oceean @sapphicvqmpires
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: me writing something that isn't over 10k words??? a collective gasp resounded around the room! anyway, this is the aftercare/morning after scene for "lies bout how i hate you." this just something real cute and fun for the girls until me and the outline for part two stop fighting. if y'all was to see how she look rn... chile, just a ghetto mess. if this don't hold y'all over until then, idk what to tell you, it's above me! hope you lot enjoy, mwah, mwah!!
↬ lies bout how i hate you
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A greedy mouth imprinted your flesh, nipping harshly at your sore neck before parting along it, and you hissed, absorbing the heated air rushing the pretty bruises on your skin. You felt it stretch, dragging into a smirk against your blazing body as you lay there, stiff and weary. This was to be a game, you discerned immediately, one designed with your losing in mind.
The pillowy lips abusing the space below your chin performed with purpose, seeking to remind you of their involvement in the creation of those decorative marks. They encased each blemish, pecking, sucking, licking hungrily at your throat, undoubtedly deepening the bold violet hue existing there already.
Waking you, the goal of the game, but you disregarded this, keeping your eyes tight as you resisted the urge to shuffle ever so slightly in the bed. You could play too, or at the very least, you could attempt.
“I know you're awake, entle.” Seduction lived in her words; in her accent; it coated every breath she expired. Her voice was a hot crackle in the air once it reached your skin, alerting you of your foreseen defeat within seconds of impact.
And thus began your body's habitual response to her sultry call. You felt the sharp edges of Shuri's bare teeth grazing your neck again, her head tucked perfectly inside the crook as she inhaled you, making you twitch in her arms. Her jaw widened ahead of a stinging bite, and you whimpered through the pain, the sound melding with her chuckle. “Open those pretty eyes, I want to see them.”
“Ion wanna be awake. Let me sleep.” It hurt to speak, and the sound of your own voice straining in protest ignited a flare of irritation in your chest, so you kept your eyes closed, wanting to deny her the visual of their sparkle in retaliation.
Shuri laughed again, its vibration racing through you at the mirroring speed of your heartbeat. She drew you in closer, humming in sync with the anticipated groan you expelled. “I have to clean you up baby, you're filthy.”
Your annoyance grew fiercer at the drawl of her sentence, compelling you to finally open your eyes. “Cause yo ass was doing too much.”
“When we fuck,” Shuri removed her curls from their hiding place beneath your chin, smile smug as her still-blown pupils latched onto yours in the dimness surrounding you both. So breathtaking, so beautiful; you couldn't forbid your eyes from softening. “It gets messy. Did you forget that while you were busy with um… What's her name again?”
The mere mention of her soared your temperature. Crawling into a hole crossed your mind; you couldn't retreat then, but maybe curling in on yourself now could become an option. You were mortified, recollecting her face and its contortion. Every nook colored in dismay, painted in disappointment, in disgust. But, your aching body couldn't fathom the notion of crawling, and concealing your growing smile proved impossible with Shuri's tired eyes boring into yours as they did now.
She too was sleepy, but she fought it, centering her focus on getting you to comply.
You bit your lip, aware that you were gaping at her pretty face in adoration, but you ceased to care. “You ain't have to do that poor girl like that, Shuri. That was just trifling. Even for you.”
“I would believe your remorse to be genuine if you weren't grinning at me right now. You're beaming, Ntomb'am.” (my girl)
You smacked her, admonishing the arrogance lacing her words. “It is. She's a nice girl.”
“And therein lies her problem.”
“Fuck you.” You tried rolling over in the soiled bedding, but her strength kept you in place. Shuri’s fingers melted into your cupped jaw, delicate as ever. She knew the action would get you; you chased her softer side more so than the one she presented regularly, and it was her favorite thing to manipulate.
She scanned your smiling face, confidence lodged in the deepest parts of her brown globes. Fuck she was good, uttering nothing, yet still possessing the skill to make you squirm beneath her destructive stare; Shuri reduced the little fight you had left in you to ruins, coercing your surrender.
She pinched your cheek, making you scrunch your face. “I don't like repeating myself, so I won't.”
You could pout, resist, but what was the use? Shuri always got her way, and it would be illogical to protest against being pampered just to simply spite her.
She placed a peck on your forehead before releasing you and climbing out of the bed. Shuri made her way to your side, slowly guiding your back off the mattress to help you sit up. “I'm guessing you want to go to your bathroom?”
Your response was a wordless nod, and she scooped you up. Whilst in her arms, you tied those aching thighs of yours snugly around her slender waist on the trot to the bathroom, passing Riri on the couch. She said nothing, neither did you and Shuri, but your heated blush crept up anyway. Because you knew what she was thinking, her telling smirk and amused eyes speaking what her lips refrained.
“Shower.” Shuri sat you on the edge of the sink, tilting her head at your singular word. “I know you wanna put me in the tub, but Ion want that. I need a shower, not a bath.”
She hummed, “Can you even stand right now?”
God could she thin your patience. You narrowed your eyes at her, clearly agitated, but of course, Shuri found hilarity in your mood. She chuckled, the sound low in her bosom as she deviously sank the pads of her digits into your tender, fleshy hips, eyebrow cocked daringly. “Ouch! Ouch! Shuri! What the fuck?!”
“Exactly. You're getting in that tub.”
This time you did pout; you crossed your arms in frustration, and your big doe eyes toyed with her commanding attitude. “You the reason I’m all sore and shit. Just lemme have my shower, it’s the least you could do.”
Her palms rested on either side of the counter as she leaned forward, caging you in, stern eyes searching for something across your upturned face. “That's the fourth time you've used profanity with me in the past ten minutes.”
“Ugh, of course your annoying as– self is counting,” Shuri grinned at your correction, pleased by the way you so easily fell in line for her. You rolled your eyes when you noted her satisfaction. Fuck her, and fuck your perpetual cycle of constantly adhering to her.
She laughed, pecking your lips. “Hmm… I guess I can let you have your shower. But the second I sense being on your feet is becoming too much, I’m running you a bath. Yeva?” (are we clear)
“Okay.” A sheepish smile chiseled into your face, exposing your deep dimples as she kissed you again. Her mouth was plush against yours, coaxing a desperate little whine out from your stomach, and when she pulled away, your lips ran after hers.
“Always so greedy for me, pretty girl.”
Shuri tugged your T-shirt off, careful not to brush the spot where her teeth incised your shoulder, and she smirked. Your skin heated watching Shuri become enraptured with every abrasion she sketched into your flesh; some bolder than others; deeper, but none soon to disappear.
She drank in your nakedness with glossy eyes, bottom lip sucked tight between her canines. “You're so gorgeous with my marks all over your beautiful body.”
You dipped your head, seizing the opportunity to exhale when she stepped away to turn the shower on. “Thanks...”
“Mhmm. Now let me hear you say it.” She lifted you once again, sliding you off the counter and onto your feet before making you face the mirror. It was like your legs forgot what it meant to stand, because you wobbled, and if you were gazing into the glass ahead of you, you'd witness the conceited smile covering Shuri's lips at the sight of your stumble.
“Shuri, you wasting my water, can I just get in the damn–” You avoided the image of your bare skin in the mirror at all costs; there was too much shame existing in your reflection.
But as always, whenever you decided on a course of action, Shuri made sure her’s differed vastly, “Haven't I warned you about your choice of words already?”
Shuri snaked your throat, pressing her exposed front into your back, her fingers squeezing and lifting your head so you could behold the remnants of her claim on your body. “Tell me how gorgeous you are.”
She seemed elated by your throaty gasp when you finally took yourself in, the corners of her mouth twitching briefly at your awe. A trail of hickeys and bite marks lined your neck, traveling along your chest, before stopping below your left breast, each one deliberately placed. Their vibrance made them beautiful, reinforcing what you always knew to be true. You were the Panther’s prey — her prize at the end of her hunt — these lacerations were testimony to that.
“So gorgeous. Now can I please have my shower?” Your eyes rolled as you tried wrapping your mind around what the reflection staring back at you would mean, in this moment, in the morning, in the near future. The reality of this thought soured the bliss you almost let yourself taste, dropping your mood entirely.
A power imbalance would forever exist between you and Shuri; it existed now, and it was certainly present when you confessed your true feelings to her. She hadn't reciprocated your declaration, not in the way you'd hoped, not with her words. She wished to say it, this was made evident by her somber eyes holding yours in the mirror. But she would make you wait, she wanted you desperate for those three words, because who would your Panther be if she didn't opt for control over vulnerability?
Shuri’s fingers dove deeper into your throat, compressing your windpipe in her palm as she watched you wince under the pressure and pain, “Say it like you mean it.”
“I'm s-so f-fucking gorgeous.” A choked response, but you smiled anyway, marveling at your naked frame in the reflective surface before shower steam fogged the glass. You did mean it; you believed it.
“Yes, you are.” She kissed your neck after releasing you, allowing you to inhale.
Without a word, she was pulling your hair into a high ponytail, unable to resist pressing another kiss to your nape. She breathed you in with a loud sigh before spinning you to face her. “Now come on.”
Her eyes were practically melted balls of brown peering down at you, the softest she'd permitted them to be in weeks, and you appreciated it wholeheartedly. Electricity thrilled through both of your bodies when she laced your hands together, and she shot you a knowing wink that rocketed your heart’s pumping.
Shuri pulled the misty shower door open, stepping in first to stable you. “Easy, baby.”
Her arms were looped around your waist the second you stood under the streaming water, and Shuri was reeling you in against her chest, supple lips finding your earlobe. “I'm letting you have your shower, why are you still angry with me?”
You sighed. You supposed your uncertainty could be misinterpreted as anger; it was quite palpable, and being confined to these shatterable walls could certainly increase the pressure your emotions emitted. “Not angry with you.”
Shuri moved mechanically for your washcloth and favorite mango-lime body wash, her lengthy inhale audible when she popped the cap behind you. “Okay. But you are upset about something, no?”
“Why do you think that?”
She swiped the lathered rag across your sore back, massaging your tired muscles with sensuous force. Your body cautioned you against the building moans creeping up the back of your throat, but at the moment, you couldn't care, their blare would just have to come forth. Shuri's hands all over you as she scrubbed you clean, the permeating aroma of your fruity soap, and damn, the drumming droplets of tepid water beating down on your chest were much too pleasurable to swallow any sound wishing to escape you.
Suds trickled down your shoulders, running over your bitten breasts, tickling you as you stalked the white foam on its race down your stomach with a smile.
“Because, I know you best…” You could hear the smirk in her delayed reply, and it took the remainder of your strength not to scoff.
She turned you without effort, seizing hold of your gentle eyes. Shuri’s face showcased genuine concern as she stripped your bones bare with the pretty twinkle in her stare. Her lips met your collarbone, wiping little kisses into your wet skin with her gaze still on yours. “And I always know when something is feeding on your mind.”
She dabbed the cloth between your boobs, beneath them, and your neck launched backward with a deep hum. The shower head stormed your flexing shoulder blades while Shuri ran the rag through your rolls, atop your curves, waking a broken whine when she sponged your tender hip a little too hard.
“If you know me s-so well, then you should know exactly what's on my mind, right Princess?”
Her eyes became slits in front of yours, and you watched a slow grin creep across her perfect face. “Sit. I need to wash your legs.”
“I can do that myself.” You objected just because; you knew Shuri would never allow it.
“I said sit.”
You did as you were told, easing yourself onto the built-in seat in the corner, eyeing her ass as she moved for the detachable shower head. “Thought you didn't like to repeat yourself.”
Your giggle made her shake her head, but her smirk existed there, on her pretty plump lips. Shuri kneeled, using the hoes to spray you with water. The heated spritz dissolved the suds sitting on you, and you relaxed, flattening your back against the wall with your legs spread wide.
She moved lower with the water, wetting your core carefully, stopping when you hissed under the sensation. “Is that too much?”
“S'okay.” You nodded. “Not you on your knees for me, Princess.”
Shuri grinned, replacing the shower head with the soaked washcloth before waving the soft material down your legs. “The view is perfect from down here.”
“Have I told you how much I love these?” Her hot mouth meshed with the thick expanse of your large thighs, pecking and licking your skin.
“Can't remember.”
She grabbed your shin, stretching your entire leg out and cupping it in her delicate palm, allowing her lips to wander. “Guess I must refresh your memory then, huh?”
“I love your thighs,” An open mouth kiss burrowed into your legs, and Shuri hummed into your skin. “So beautiful, so perfect.”
Her tongue was on the climb, purling the beads of water covering you like a thirsty feline. She suckled the insides of your sprawled thighs, inching closer and closer to your throbbing heat, causing you to whimper aloud; you wouldn't even stop her if she decided it was to be her final destination.
You could tell she sensed your willingness, despite how used you felt already, and just like your uncertainty, her pride blossomed fervently in the fog. But, her mouth skipped your center entirely, drifting shamelessly to your waist. “These hips, this waist, sthandwa, Bast, if only you knew what they do to me.”
“Tell me.” Your desperation enticed her.
“I love every dip in your skin, every dent, every dimple. Being allowed to feel your wonderful curves increases my heart rate, especially now, after all the time we've spent apart. I’m hardly even worthy of this pleasure.” Shuri whispered her convictions into your cellulite.
You enjoyed when she got like this, lost in you, and in your body; you missed it. “Damn Princess, I got you like that for real?”
Shuri's lips shifted to your cushioning tummy, her teeth nibbling on your stretch marks long enough to quell her insatiable hunger for you. “You're the only person able to make me feel the things I do. You create storms inside of me, baby, fierce storms.”
“That's crazy.” You were cheesing, staring beyond the beauty of her soul as her mouth ascended to the valley of your breast: one peck, two pecks, three.
“Fuck, I love your beautiful breasts. I’m sure you know this already, hmm?” Her eager mouth latched onto your perky right nipple, swirling around the erect little nub with devotion. “Don't you know this?”
Shuri switched to the left ahead of the answer she sought as an award, distributing an equal amount of care to this bud as well. She watched you thrash from the ecstasy she brought on, listened for your small cries above her with a pleasant smile. “Every sound I elicit from you is like a symphony, pretty girl. I love it all.”
“Look at these, sthandwa.” Just like earlier, she paid special attention to the pigmented love bites staining your heaving chest. “I think I outdid myself with these.”
Shuri slid her tongue over your shoulder, sucking and kissing the divots forged by her canines; this one she took her time admiring. “Mmm, my favorite one. This isn't going away anytime soon.”
“You like marking me up.”
She stood, towering over you with lustful eyes, leaning in to capture your parted mouth. “I love marking you up. You're beautiful.”
Although she placed you peacefully on cloud nine, your mistrust remained. Shuri loved your thighs. Shuri loved your hips, your curves, your breasts; spitting out these confessions bred no hardship for her, yet still, she withheld the sole confession you craved.
“All done?” She questioned tauntingly with a smirk, and you nodded, waiting in your spot for her to finish her own shower before the raining water came to an abrupt halt.
“Hand.” You wasted not a second giving her your fingers to hold, and she steadied you on your feet. She swaddled you in your fuzzy towel once outside, trapping your wet mouth between hers for a long kiss, and like clockwork, you moaned into her accepting throat. It was then that she pulled away, matching your simper for a few beats before you shied away. “Let's get my lovely girl dressed, hmm?”
“Shuri that tickles, oh my god!” Your little giggles egged her on; the Princess found herself on her knees for you once again as she smoothed your fragrant cocoa butter into your rich skin, taking to the way the lotion dissolved into your feet with enlarged pupils.
“Yeah?” She smiled, biting her lip. Shuri was prettiest like this, with her guards lowered, doing the thing she loved more than her lab excursions: tending to you. “Do you want me to stop, entle?”
You shook your head, exposing the depths of your dimples to the striking woman kneeling for you, relinquishing yourself to her, and her gratifying touch. Shuri kneaded your legs expertly and intentionally, working out the tension birthed from her nefarious behavior. And it came quickly, the pleasure rush prompted to loosen your tight muscles. Her fingers were magic; she was magic.
Your sensual keens carried, filling the air as Shuri’s stimulating hands took care of you. “You're okay, right baby?”
“Mhmm.” You sucked in a sharp breath.
“And you’d tell me if it gets to be too much?”
You were panting, your body becoming a pool of limp limbs around the building pressure. “It's perfect. I-I promise.”
“Good. You deserve nothing less.”
She concluded the massage with a string of kisses on each glossy thigh to cement her obsession into your flesh. Shuri then assisted you in getting ready for bed. She helped you into your silk, lace-trimmed nightgown whispering sweet praises into your neck, the warmth of her words bristling your stray curls. “I'm so proud of you. You did so well for me tonight. From start to finish baby, you were perfect.”
She secured your headscarf neatly on your head, “Not too tight?”
And then she tucked you into your sheets before nestling in beside you; a practiced routine ingrained in her.
You lay facing Shuri, fingers trailing her face as she watched you in the dark. Her beauty could be deemed unsettling; you did deem it so. So much of it consumed you, but you could never tire of the sense of serenity that overcame you when you stared into her sunken brown eyes. Shuri's beauty could very well be enough to make you forget that this time with her wasn't forever promised. “You're so pretty, Shuri.”
“I know.”
There lived something else on her tongue, but voicing it proved to be challenging. “Say what you're thinking, Princess.”
“I-I missed your sheets. Missed how the scent of your laundry detergent always clings to me after I lay beside you in them.”
You hummed lowly; this may have been a truth, but it was not the one gnawing at her brain. Rarely did your Panther get choked up, so it was fair to say Shuri fought her words now, out of stubbornness. The two of you knew what she wanted to say, and you knew she hoped your awareness would suffice, but you refused to let her get off so easily, not after tonight, not after everything.
She kissed your cheek before engulfing you and rooting her curls into your beating heart. “I know.”
“Then say it.”
“I will.” Shuri pressed her lips into your sternum, the action barring you from fighting your slumber any longer. Her warmth lulled your aching bones, your tender flesh, and you let those tired eyes of yours flutter shut, capturing one last image of her cuddling you before allowing yourself to dive.
Sun rays woke you up, making you roll on your side to dodge the light spilling through your curtains. Ultimately the wrong move, because you ached still. You let weak fingers course your sides, slowly, gently, flinching when they swept a particularly sore spot. “Fuck you, Shuri.”
As the quiet mumble left your mouth, you realized, her side of the mattress was barren. The only proof that she'd lain with you being the dent she left in her wake, one that had now run cold. Her departure wasn't the least bit surprising though, it was predictable if anything.
You weren't hurt by it either, what you felt now was disappointment, and in yourself nonetheless. Because you’d fallen right back into Shuri. And for a fleeting moment, when she tangled herself into you last night, you did away with your doubt and permitted belief. Belief that you’d wake up in her embrace, belief that just maybe, the sex could spawn some sort of new beginning for the two of you. A silly thought apparently.
You rolled your eyes with a groan. Attempting to sit up was a bust, your back stung at the movement, and gravity sank her claws into you pulling you right back into your bed.
“Did you just attempt to get up?” Fuck. It should be embarrassing. You should be embarrassed at the way you responded to that amused accent wafting through the air. It yanked you forward with a quickness, forcing you to ignore your tired muscles screaming for you to lay back down.
Shuri sauntered closer to you, a tower of identifiable boxes filling her fists. When she reached the velvet ottoman perched in front of your bed, she sat them down, eyeing you brazenly.
Her smirk, another thing recognizable; Shuri revered the way you fought your pain just to look at her.
You scolded yourself, but ultimately in vain because once she beckoned you forth with that finger, you were crawling, making your way to the foot of the bed amidst the protests of your tendons.
She strangled your jaw, tilting your head upwards so your eyes would connect. “So good for me.”
You nodded, hoping she'd notice your puckered lips coated in and dripping desperation. “Aww, would my good girl like a kiss?”
Shuri’s fingers tunneled into your cheeks, adding to the entire body ache you were suffering through, but you couldn't care if you tried. It was worth it; a kiss from those lips could mend it all. “Okay.”
She blew the word into your mouth as she leaned in, weaving her soft lips into your anxious ones passionately. You whimpered, realizing you were right — Shuri's kiss did hold the power to alleviate your pain.
The longer she kept her tongue in your mouth, the looser you felt, akin to the sea, and its shapelessness, just simply flowing. But, your euphoria only lasted for so long. Your steady tides were submersive, and she could no longer breathe, so she pulled away, breaking the kiss and earning a whine from you as she came up for air.
“You're insatiable.” She mocked, admiring your pout.
You huffed, allowing your eyes to meander away from hers and down to the boxes she brought in. “What are these?”
“Peace offerings.”
Your dimples popped out, and you gasped. “For me?”
“No, for Riri.” Shuri sat on the ottoman, glancing over her shoulder at you playfully with a sarcastic chuckle. “Of course they're for you, baby. Now are you going to open them?”
You reached for one of the boxes, positioning it in front of you, excitement brewing in your chest as you undid the ribbon, “When did you have time to get these anyway?”
“Does that matter?”
Your grumble was hardly disguised, but you refused to let her snark get to you now, not when there was a cloaked Chanel resting atop your comforter, and another two designer bags just centimeters away. When you lifted the box’s lid, you became acquainted with the familiar pearl-shaded wrapping paper that bundled the purse, unfolding it carefully so as to not rip it.
The paper crinkled in your fingers, falling away from the dust bag housing your anticipated prize. You sensed Shuri’s anxious eyes on your hands, their restlessness strengthening the longer you took to unravel the luxury purse laying dormant inside its packaging. It was quite cute, to say the least, the way she seemed eager for your approval of her choice, and it made you giggle.
You slipped the handbag out finally, allowing your fingers to dawdle across the light blue lambskin leather, fascination guiding their touch. It was a beautiful piece, though you expected nothing less. The gold hardware held most of your attention as you grazed it with your thumb, inspecting the chain, and reminiscing on last night's car ride, a reminder still engraving your wrists.
You smiled at her, getting lost in her frenzied brown eyes, “It's very pretty.”
“And do you like it?” She pressed.
You dipped your head, “I do.”
“Good. Now open the others please.”
Shuri observed as you unboxed the other two purses she bought with a delighted little grin; she was always proud of herself when her gifts made you happy. The second one was a sand-colored Cannage Lambskin Lady Dior Bag, and the last a YSL Sunset Chain Bag in the shade Noir. She also tossed in two pairs of Prada sunglasses you'd been eyeing, how she found out about them was beyond you.
“Shuri,” You were deep in thought before you raised your head from her chest. “How much did all that shit cost?” The two of you had been cuddling in your bed for over thirty minutes, and you just couldn't get the calculations off your mind.
She laughed a little, peering into your curious eyes, “Why? You've never cared about a price tag before.”
She was right, you were never one to worry about prices when purchasing any item, and you certainly never cared when it was Shuri’s pockets being emptied. But, a singular medium Chanel classic flap was well over ten thousand dollars... “What's the occasion?”
“Does there need to be one?” She laughed again, noting your annoyance through your slanted eyes. “Consider them an apology, for the one I broke last night. I was saving them for your birthday, but giving them to you now seemed more appropriate.”
“And I'm post to consider them that ‘I love you’ I been waiting on too?” At this point, you were over her little game of dangling what you wanted right in your face without ever letting you actually have it, and a few purses couldn't make that vexation disappear.
God, she was so fucking patronizing with that stupid smirk. You wanted to peel yourself from the wicked way she enveloped your sensitive skin, to slip her caressing hand from underneath your nightgown where she stroked circles into your back; you wanted to scream in her face, but you didn't, because you couldn't, and you grew even more agitated by your own weakness.
“Impatient girl.”
Your eyes rolled when her lips landed on your forehead, “How much longer I gotta wait for you to say it Shuri? If this ain't what I think it is,” You gestured between the two of you, “You gotta let me know now. Ion wanna embarrass myself more than I already did.”
“And what do you think this is? What do you think we are?”
“Don't fuck–” She tutted as a warning, but this time you refused to heed it. “Don't fucking play with me Shuri. Be serious for like two seconds, I know that's some challenging shit for you, but just try, humor me.”
She sighed, pulling you back to her chest after you tried pushing away, “You know the entire reason I came here was because I missed you.” She blew a light laugh before continuing. “I didn't think I would, because I didn't think I'd even get the chance to. I figured maybe you'd last a few days, a week at most, before you were back in my bed. But damn it, pretty girl, you don't fucking play fair.”
“Hush baby, I need to say this.” You nodded for her to carry on. “Three months. You made me go three months without your smile, without your laugh, your touch. Fuck, three whole months without your smell, sthandwa. Waking up and not having my eyes land on you in my sheets was excruciating. It was also very humbling to say the least. And then I show up here to win you back, only to see you were moving on, with her. Bast I fucking hated that, I hated seeing her touch what was mine.”
You listened wordlessly to Shuri’s monologue, eyes wide, bulging, brimming. “I loathed the way you would giggle for her, because I can tell when you're really laughing. And you always were with her, every night she walked you to the front door, I heard the authenticity in it. I used to make you laugh that way, I used to be the only one able to. And that day I came home to the sight of her… i-inside of you, I quite literally wanted to die right there. The visual of that, it cut me so fucking deep, and I knew I was done letting you slip further away from me.”
You chewed your lip, ingesting Shuri's words for a moment before offering up some of your own, “Do you know why I broke up with you, Shuri?”
“Because I'm an asshole. Because I'm selfish. Because I won't ever change. And you were tired of me not realizing how much the shit I do affects you.” She spoke it with a cocky smile that should churn your stomach, but everything she did and said just had to be sexy. Fuck her.
She did a pretty good job of understating the speech you spewed the day you ended things, leaving out the part where you tossed your Kimoyo beads at her head. “That's not it.”
“It's not?”
You shook your head, “I wanted that to be the reason, but I knew deep down that it wasn't.”
Her hot palm rubbing your back stuttered for a second before continuing, “Then what was?”
“You are an asshole, but I was lying to you and to myself when I said I cared about that. I knew I should've, but I didn't, and I don't. I don't give a damn about how you treat people who aren't me, Shuri. I love knowing that my feelings are the only ones that matter to you. I love knowing that I’m your world. I know that makes me selfish, but I don't care about that either.”
Her hand stopped completely after your admission, and she gazed down at you, perplexed, “So… you broke up with me because you didn't like who I was turning you into?”
“But that's the thing Shuri, you didn't turn me into anyone who I wasn't already. And I guess breaking up with you was my stupid way of trying to run from that realization. How could I blame you for being who you were when your entire personality was the main reason I was drawn to you when we first met? You saw how fast I left my ex for you.”
Her chuckle reverberated through your entire body, “Wow. And I had to fuck your pretty little brains out in front of what's her name for you to finally admit this?”
“Oh my god, you're so unserious. The only things I'm admitting to are still loving you, and still wanting to b-be with you.” You stammered a little, you hadn't wanted to repeat the L word before you heard it leave her lips first, but you were practicing vulnerability now, the very thing you accused Shuri of not expressing, so it was out.
“You're mine,” Shuri reached beside her on your side table, retrieving a flat beige box you seemed to have missed amongst the others. “You know that?”
You nodded your head against her racing heart, “You belong to me, solely mine. And I am yours, I will belong to you for as long as I am able to draw breath. These are indubitable truths, thando-iwam.” (my love)
“Damn Shuri, all I wanted was a lil ‘I love you too’ or something, yo dramatic ass always doing too fucking much.” You giggled, choking back a sob.
She pushed the top open, revealing the Kimoyo bead bracelet that once adorned your wrist, and you shook your head at her ironic nature. “I do love you,” She lifted your wrist that lined her torso, attaching her watering mouth to the eye-catching lilac bruise dwelling on the spot for a few seconds, and then, she slid her creation around it, appreciating the fact that the bracelet was now back where it belonged. “What I don't love is that vulgar mouth of yours.”
“Sit up and look at me.” When your eyes fastened to hers, she clasped your face in her palms tenderly. “I love you. I exist for you. Understand?”
She leaned in, this kiss sheltering a whirlwind of emotions, a whirlwind of want, and the sweetest hint of evanescence. But you knew, and Shuri knew, that the feelings disbursed between the pair of you were not the kind to ever vanish.
“So, what's this I hear about a birthday trip?” Her lips curved ever so slightly in her whisper, making you laugh.
“How do you know about that?”
“Doesn't matter how I know, what concerns me is the invitation I didn't receive. But, I'm willing to move past this transgression. I know you had sooo much going on these past three weeks, I could never blame you for forgetting me.” She bit her lip with that daring look in her eyes, making you scoff at her boldness.
You settled into Shuri's chest again, with her hand slithering its way back under your silk sleepwear, eager to perform against your blazing skin once more. “You're so damn aggravating.”
“Yeah, I know. Now tell me, on which tropical island will you be allowing me to do even more sinful things to your perfect body?”
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puzzled-pegasus · 2 months
On the ADHD demigods' stim habits (headcanon list)
He talks and mutters to himself a lot and he also paces around his cabin
Restless Leg(TM)
He used to chew on things a lot but adults told him that he was Not Allowed to bite pencils or shirt sleeves or paper or anything so his outlet is mostly snacks, chewy candy is the best for this
Someone get him a seashell chewy necklace please
Oh you know what they should have stim toys at the CHB gift shop for all the ADHD kiddos
He also probably cracks his knuckles and joints a lot
He hums when there's a song stuck in his head and it's really annoying but he can't really stop it cause he doesn't notice until someone gets mad at him and then hes like ??
Annabeth tends to chew up her pencils a lot
She also compulsively daydreams and builds designs of buildings in her head and reviews lists of stuff she wants to remember
She finds herself doing random math while she's supposed to be paying attention. Like if someone is telling her something and her brain drifts off more often than not she's looking at something around and being like "let me just calculate how many bricks are probably in that stack over there" or "hmm i wonder how many gallons of water are in the canoe lake"
She also gets distracted if there's any other social interactions of people around her and she just people watches and makes inferences about what people are feeling and whats going on in their lives
Also she chews her hair and sometimes puts little braids in it
She picks at her skin too a lot and sometimes pulls out strands of hair
Piper flaps her hands a lot especially when she's excited
She flips and braids her hair too
If she has feathers on her she will sometimes take it out if she's bored and either preen it with her fingers or use it to tickle someone to annoy them
She sings a lot but mostly to herself and sometimes she can be heard humming or softly singing without noticing
If she has any kind of paper available, like notebook paper or napkins or maybe candy or gum wrappers, sometimes she'll make little origami things
She also picks at her nails quite a bit
Leo has the most stims that he's unable to mask, as we know already.
He taps on surfaces and messes with his clothing a lot
He also whistles sometimes which can get annoying to people around him so he tries not to do that but if he's alone or really concentrating on something he will
He will also play with pretty much anything he finds on the ground like paper clips and those office clamp things and he'll take apart mechanical pencils and pens and put them back together and if he finds a tack or a safety pin or something there's a 90 percent chance he'll stab it through the skin of his finger(s)
If he's outside he'll pick up leaves and flowers and shred them or pick up sticks and break them
He was also probably one of those kids who would put glue on his hands so he could peel it off
i wasnt sure if Jason had ADHD but I looked it up and it said he did so oh well lol
Hes like. Freakily good at masking stims and it kinda creeps everyone out especially the CHB demigods
BUT he still has them
He have the restless leg
He also does like random stretching sometimes
When he's standing in one place for a while he kinda stands on one leg or bounces his heels
Sometimes he'll pick up objects from the ground or something and play with it like Leo does, especially if he's outside and there's like rocks or something
He does a similar thing to Annabeth too but instead of math he'll try to identify any animal noises or animals he sees like birds in the sky or like if he hears a dog bark he'll try to figure out what kind of dog
Hazel's stims are the least obvious but they are definitely there.
If she has a view of outside she will gaze out of the window or look around her and figure out how many types of trees or whatever that she can see
She will also mess with the seams or edges of her clothing
If she has paper around she'll draw horses or other animals or sometimes people or she'll practice her cursive letters and make them fancy
She picks at her skin and her hair as well
Frank does not have ADHD. He sits there quietly and everyone thinks hes weird. Sometimes he gets wiggly if he's nervous but otherwise nah
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lemmeurs · 3 months
okay. here is my 1600+ words essay on raphael. if anyone would like to adress anything from it, please do but keep it civil! i am so damn invested in this topic, i wanna hear everyone's thoughts
raphael rant
(DISCLAIMER: this essay was not written in order to justify Raphael as a character or any of his actions or intentions. i am completely skipping any point of morality, whether my own or just in general, i simply wanted to somehow try and write my feelings and thoughts down while looking at the whole thing from an objective point of view, analyzing the design of the game, the plotline and his whole persona and just.. idk i wanted to see whether anyone else felt the way i do because i have been going INSANE over this for the past few days)
hi. i have come here today to express my thoughts and feelings on Raphael the cambion and "his final act". this is being randomly and spontaneously written in my notes app so please excuse the absolute chaos that this essay will be (no i won't be rereading it, fuck it we ball) (CONTAINS BG3 ACT III SPOILERS!!)
first of all — i am so beyond devastated that he gets killed. and not just by anyone, he gets killed BY US. THE PLAYER. WE AS THE PLAYER DELIVER THE FINAL BLOW THAT ENDS HIS EXISTENCE. not only is that very upsetting (because come on, hot devil man, obviously i don't wanna kill him??) but it also makes me feel so.. awful. like, everything about this is wrong and i hate the fact that there is no other option.
because let's review the course of the story in the house of hope:
- we barge into his house unannounced, uninvited, while he is absent
- we invade his privacy by entering what's his own personal space (yes, i know he stole it from Hope in the first place but that is not the point here — whatever his devil business is, it's still HIS, you know?? like he is a devil, this is the kinda stuff they do and honestly? i didn't want to stick my nose into it. but obviously i did because tHe sToRy etc etc. but still, it was his own thing that basically doesn't affect the player in any way so TECHNICALLY you dont have to free Hope. you can, if your character's moral compass advises so, but it doesn't affect the main plot.)
- we then proceed to walk around his house freely, lie to his archivist in order to look at the stuff we're already planning to steal
- we meet his personal incubus whom then we have the chance to either use or kill (i fought Haarlep so that's the point of view i'm looking from at this here, in which case i also robbed their corpse) and we rob his safe. and his whole bedroom actually. we read his journals. we use his bath.
- then obviously we go and rob his entire archive which includes all of his most precious possessions
- upon stealing, we slaughter every single creature in his house, fighting our way through to get to Hope's prison
- we then kill the two spectators he has guarding her (they were probably super hard to obtain??) and we just. free his prisoner. because yeah, that is the right thing to do, IM NOT SAYING THAT'S WRONG, but let's say we skip morality for a second, let's just focus on the fact that we have no ulterior motives in freeing Hope. we just wanna mess with HIS business because why not since we're already ruining all of his plans.
- and then we have the audacity to try to leave before he comes back and act like we were never there while his entire house is turned to shit.
now let's look at this list again but this time keep in mind the fact that at that point, he hasn't done A SINGLE THING to us. like, he has never harmed us, he treated us with (let's call it) "respect" and politeness, he was fine with our hesitation towards his deal and was willing to give us time. he was never aggressive towards us, he was never "the enemy".
and now you can say - okay wtf is wrong with you, that man literally admitted his intention of conquering the worlds, enslaving all mortals and basically becoming the tyrant of all while also most likely stealing everyone's souls for his own pleasure.
yes, he did, and yes, that's bad. but just because those were his intentions does not give us the right to do all that shit to him AND THEN KILL HIM. AS IF WE HAD THE RIGHT TO SERVE JUSTICE HERE?? YEAH HIS PLANS ARE EVIL BUT IT IS NOT UP TO US TO DICTATE HIS CONSEQUENCES. HIS PLANS WOULD ONLY SUCCEED IF WE GAVE HIM THE CROWN IN THE END, SO JUST- DON'T?? LIKE DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN. IM NOT TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS OR INTENTIONS, BY ALL MEANS. i'm just trying to express how weird this all made me feel because not everyone decides to play as the selfless, lawfully good hero of all, protecting the world from all evil, ever! this is roleplay, afterall!
and them obviously he comes home. he is furious, as he should be. but mostly he's betrayed because, as weird as it may be, he trusted us. he admitted to growing "quite fond of us, in his own way". he thought we were some weird sort of.. acquaintances? friends maybe? (again, i know most of our relationship with him is mostly just him manipulating us but still, it's quite clear he wasn't expecting this betrayal) and we just barged in there and disrespected him in the worst way possible. so obviously he wants to kill us now and obviously we can kill him since he's just a boss in a game. and that's what we do. and then.. that's it. we're the good guys. we ruined a man's whole career because we needed one of his toys, murdered him in his own house and just left. and we're supposed to be the good guys.
i think the source of my problem is that Raphael is never introduced as evil. we don't meet him as the big bad villain that we know we'll have to kill at some point. i swear to god, at the beginning of act 3 i trusted that man way more than i trusted the Emperor and i was so close to agreeing to his deal just because i felt like i could trust him and he would keep me safe (for some reason, let's blame it on those wonderful eyes of his).
we meet him so early on in the game and he follows through all 3 acts, making it feel like he's gonna be some key character that will matter in the end - turns out, no! we were just supposed to rob and kill him. and that's literally it. talk about wasted potential.
when i first met him i got the "unofficial narrator" vibes from him, as if he was only supposed to seem intimidating and "evil" but you could sense there was so much more to him and i was dying to see how his story would unwrap. i was so ready for a redemption act, a plot twist, anything. man was i disappointed. because how cool would it be if he turned out to be a part of the "gather your allies" quest?? imagine having him as an ally and an ACTUAL friend in the end??
and don't even GET ME STARTED on what the orb in Helsik's shop shows you after you kill him. the fact that he's not even dead yet but ABOUT TO BE DEVOURED BY MEPHISTOPHELES. ABOUT TO BE DEVOURED. BY HIS FATHER. HE. WHAT. THATS THE ENDING HE GETS. and we are the ones that served it to him when he got RIGHTFULLY pissed at us for doing all that shit to him. and im supposed to just be fine with it?? i'm supposed to feel like this was the ending he deserved and i did the right thing??
god what i would give for a different way. idk. striking a new deal with him. saving him from Mephistopheles afterwards. REDEMPTION ARC?? ANYTHING?? NO? THATS IT THEN?
now i know that you dont HAVE to kill him, you can either agree to his deal or just ignore him and the house of hope altogether. but that just defeats the whole purpose of this character?? agreeing to his deal and giving him the crown at the end results in a pretty bad ending and ignoring him means that yeah, you don't have to kill him but you also don't get anything else from him anymore. like he has no other endings, just either death or his big evil plans. and for a game with so many choices and so much branching, it just feels almost weird that that's all he is there for. then why do we meet him in act 1? why does he follow through to act 2? (yeah, astarion, i know, but i cant help but feel like they could have put a completely different way to read his runes there if they didnt want Raphael specifically to help us) WHY ARE WE ALREADY SO USED TO HIM BY THE TIME HE PRESENTS HIS DEAL? if the whole hammer business is the only thing he's in the game for, then we may have as well been introduced to him only in act 3 during the whole Voss quest. but we knew him already and he felt like some sort of a.. friend lets call it? idk. this just does not make sense to me and makes me genuinely so sad.
as i'm writing this, it's the third day after ive completed the house of hope and i literally can not think about anything else. like my mind is just going on and on about this and i cant get over it!! im actually GRIEVING a fictional devil and i dont know what to do with all these.. thoughts.
okay i think thats it for now. idk i wrote this so chaotically i already forgot what i said and didnt say. im just. im feeling so many things. im so fucking sad and mad that this is how it ends. rest in peace hot devil man i will never forget you.
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ganondoodle · 2 months
Since you said it's ok to send you random ask, i've always found your "monsters" design to be really really gorgeous, and I wanted to know : in any form of media you've interacted with, what's PEAK monster design for you ?
i have been thinking about this ask alot bc ... i dont ... know? theres a problem with what counts as a monster really too, most are either some sort of anthro/furry or the horror gore type of monster that instills you more with disgust than awe
i guess theres some i really like but idk if thats what id call 'peak' (though its rarely JUST the design but their vibe and stuff too);
(its a lot of zelda.. sorry)
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Eldra, Farodra and Naydra (engl Dinraal, Farosh(?)) though Eldra is def my fav one of them, i like how they are a little more less typical dragon- with the fur around the neck the floppy ears and kinda goofy face yet manage to be the most ethereal, awe inspiring creature i have ever seen in a game with how they act and are presented as (in BOTW!!! do not mention anythign sonau/zonai with stupid magic pebbles to me about them i will manifest worms into your tea)
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Leunen (Lynels) (botw) -i could not find a better picture wtf, fav are white and silver ones) FINE they had some pretty neat new horn designs in totk- idk i just like them alot, rather simple if you think about it, horse lion plus horns- but its so well put together it just kinda scratches my brain in a good way (also how intelligent they clearly are, like the way they fight and act and also even their death animation is so??? huh?? you are just gonna treat them like any other mindless monste- *remmbers they treat ganondorf even even worse all things considered* .. nevermind you're good)
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'Beast' Ganondorf (twilight princess) its my favorite beast ganon design (even if it technically is just kinda a man boar .. again) though if ww gan had a non puppet beast form that one would most definitely be my fav lol (i will not get over the fact that some descriptions call this a hideous beast EXCUSE ME???? WHERE???) (honorable mention here, darkbest ganon from botw, pig on fire but it looks cool as fuck)
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Nimbusgarde (ww) .. (engl .. darknuts?) do i need to say anything? (i could throw alot of ww design here) not sure if it counts as monster but they are not human so ????
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the pathless bosses- (here in order, Cernos, the Godslayer, and Kumo) all of them are rad as hell (except for the final version of the godslayer ... liek im sorry but it looks to boring compared to any other one lol) again not just the design but man do i love them
since i dont know what would count as a monster or no i could just list my fav characters here bfmjbfmjsbmj like radahn (elden ring) is just kinda a zombie, aurelion sol (league of legends) is a space dragon, the forest god in princess mononoke, Narisha (skyward sword- sky whale)- i could go on but this post is long already (honorable mention to Omus in nausicäa, weird bugs but also something divine, though it is much more how they are treated and the vibe etc)
in all honesty though i cant think of one that i would describe as perfect, what i want of a monster design is to be ... cool but also a little weird, big hulking monsters that have something off about them and something that makes them 'other', but also not, as much as i like bloodborne, just bloody gory messes of rotting flesh, AND not just as a monster to kill, i just crave a game or otherwiese piece of media where the cool monsters arent just there for you to kill- the perfect one i guess would be something kinda big scary weird and off but while non verbal clearly not a mindless beast?
and here is the thing; my own characters do not furfill that, my designs are really rather conservative, much to my dismay, anthro of a mix of animals, maybe an extra arm thrown in- Eadrya, one of my favorites, is really just a blueish furry (yes they have fur) and their demon form is a mix of seals and catfish with some extra arms, too many teeth and a mouth that goas wayy to far (if they want) - Shargon is a feather dude with extra arms and his demon form is really just a chinese type dragon crossed with a bird, throw some darts at the color wheel, done
together with my problem of my monster characters losing their 'otherness' vibe within the story rather fast bc the majority of my characters are non human and speak and you see them in all sorts of emotions and parts of life- they lose that divine, unknown vibe and i HATE that that happens, i want them more akin to the forest god in mononoke but thats not possible unless i start from scratch
and i really dont mean to make myself look bad to sound self depre- ... however you spell that; i really am rather dissatisfied with my own designs but mostly just roll with what i got bc i never seem to be able to actually achieve what i want
even my redesigns often really make things LESS interesting (unless maybe the og was just ... human, but they are blue eyed with golden hair and white so that makes them divine you seE-), the skyward sword dragons as i redesigned them made them much more classical dragon, in part intentional bc i was drawing a connection of them becoming the botw dragons at some point, but by all means the canon design is much more weird and unusual than what i did with them, you could apply the same to even demise, his canon design might seem a little uninspired but really what did i do? inject him with some classic satan spice like that makes it in any way less stereotypical evil demon ??? lol
im sorry this post devolved into whatever this is but i really am trying to answer sincerely, i am confused about it myself, what counts as a monster, what doesnt, there must be more that i really loved but why cant i think of them, why do i design characters like this when i really want something much more different, i dont know, i feel like my brain is in a cage, why do i keep making things less interesting in an effort to make it interesting, am i falling into the corporate trap of cool sells who am i what am i doing
(theres a zelda artist with a style so strikingly genuis in shape, color and just .. DESIGN that i want to chew my nails off bc i cannot design like them, their designs and redesigns are so different yet sensical and so full of crisp shapes i have never seen before it drives me nuts and i would want to give them a shoutout but i think they dont like me so aaaaarhekjbfhgdknbgdfklbg)
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Then book shopping n it’s all cute n stuff 😻😻‼️
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Bernard's & Noble
(see what i did there)
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Word count: 749
Alexis speaks! : hey guys! thank you for the request (the more requests, the more stories i post 😉) i'm honestly not very proud of this one, but i've deleted it four times already and this is the best i got 💀 once again, comments and likes are greatly appreciated, it helps me know if yall like my style or if i need to change anything! pls don't steal my work, love yall!
"Matttt?" i whined from my spot on the floor. i was bored out of my fucking mind. Matt wanted the day to be a 'lazy day' and by that he means he wanted to scroll social media and youtube all day. that was not my idea of fun, i've always been a hands on person whether that be going outside for hours, to the lake, reading, anything other than being lazy at home.
"whattttt?" he mocked, sitting up from his bed, his hair all messed up and funny looking.
i chuckled. "your hair looks great." i smiled, climbing to straddle his lap and fix his bed head. "better" i smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "i have a business proposal."
matt sighed, "what do you want." he rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
i hopped off him, standing at the foot of his bed. "i vote we go to barnes and noble today, my book case is baren." i joked. four out of the five of my bookshelves were full completely. but you can never have too many books.
"y/n you have more books than i think i've ever seen anywhere else in my life." he laughed. matt pretended to be annoyed, but he knows the answer is yes. and not just to this scenario, the answer is always yes to everything y/n wants. she had him wrapped around her tiny little finger. "when do you want to go?" he gave in.
i jumped around the room a couple times, silently celebrated with myself. "right now silly." i said. i trotted into his bathroom where i have my own drawer of toiletries and such. i touched up my makeup and threw on my shoes. "ok i'm ready." i beamed up at him. matt basically towered over me. he's 5'8 and i'm 5'3, so there's a pretty noticeable height difference.
he slipped his own shoes on. "i'm ready." he smiled, grabbing his keys.
i just looked at him. "matt babe." i looked at his outfit. "we are not going anywhere when you are wearing basketball shorts and a wife beater. please change." i said, false seriousness evident on my features.
"oh my god i'm literally gonna shit my pants i love barnes and noble." i said, climbing out of the passenger seat. I made matt carry my three tote bags i have designated for my favorite hobby, book shopping.
"do i really have to come in." matt complained.
we had been at barnes and noble for an hour already, two out of the three of my tote bags were full. so full we had to put them by checkout because they were too heavy to carry. About 15 minutes in i had made a joke that i thought was hilarious, matt didn't really think so.
"haha, bernard's and noble." i chuckled to myself, but matt heard me.
"y/n i swear to god i will leave you here."
i was finally ready to go, the final tote bag full. i couldn't find matt though. i wandered through the multiple sections of books, matt no where in sight. "maybe he did leave me here." i mumbled under my breath. until my eye caught matt. he was crouched down, one hand on the shelf, the other hand occupied with a book.
"whatchya readin?" i smiled over him. my heart melted when he looked up at me, a small smile on his face. i took this time to take in his beauty. the way his slight curls fell over his eyebrows, the way his middle part accentuated his face shape, the way his blue eyes went so well with his outfit. he was wearing the white shirt with 'whatever' in bold print written across it, and baggy light wash blue jeans, his keys dangling from his belt loop.
"some poetry book, i might get it it's kinda fire." he smiled.
"you read poetry?"
"i like finding the good ones and printing them out, i like to look back on the really influential ones." matt said. he stood up and took my bag, his hand resting on the small of my back.
"matt i don't deserve you, you're so sweet." a cheesy grin creeping onto my lips.
"y/n you deserve the world." he smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.
"ok now how are we gonna get all of these in the car?" i laughed.
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Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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surshica · 1 year
hiiii! i cant stop thinking about your idea of a tutoring session with chishiya which leads to them kissing >.< if it is not gonna be in the smau in the future, maybe you could write a one shot about it please? thats what i wanted to request :p have a nice day!!
request : chishiya x fem!reader (based on one of the alternatives of chishiya kissing yn for the first time)
genre : fluffy of the fluffy fluff
warnings : chishiya ooc — swearing — kissing yeah — lwk a lot of kissing. Like A LOT.
A/N : A PART OF ME WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN BUT I THINK I LIKE HOW I DID IT IN THE SMAU. but besides that THIS MADE ME GIGGLE WRITING ITTT; i’ve had this in mind and omg this request made me smile. love you anon<3 but for context for this chishiya and reader are friends already! its kinda a mess but WORD!! i trade off using you/your and she/her a lot here 🥸
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🎓 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
you had knocked on the door, the grayish white door stood ominous infront of you. there was a slight shuffle from the otherside of the door, looking around you it was quiet. a little too quiet to your liking—chills were sent down your spine.
“chishiya hurry up..!” you growled knocking on the door again and again. “stop knocking you’ll wake up fucking cleopatra..” chishiya opened the door. his hair was in a messy ponytail while his bangs had small baby hairs sticking out. his demeanor was tired yet relaxed.
“good morning sleepyhead!” you grinned at the just woken up chishiya; he had only hummed before moving out the way to let you in, “welcome..” he groggled closing the door behind you. you wondered around his living room, “you know i never knew you were the type to be very decorative..” you hummed looking at the many photos of him with his friends and cats, “you seem like the type to be very bland.”
“first ouch..second it was all kuina, she made me add photos she said it looks like an asylum.” his left hand rested in his pocket as his right covered his mouth as he yawned. his eyes wandered her every move, it was like he was fascinated.
you stared at the amount of plushies he had lined up on his couch, “you must really like plushies” you smiled picking up a white cat plushie that had a pink bow, “marie from aristocats?” you questioned him holding the plushed cat to your chest. “yeah it was a gift from usagi.” he sighed.
“cute..” you mumbled under your breath bringing it with you to his room, “i’m ready to learn come on professor chishiya.” you joked walking to his room opening the door, he had followed behind her a-suit ”you know you are basically just giving me a tour of my own place, no shame seriously.” his lips formed an a line sitting down on one of the chairs near his desk, you sat on the rolling one while he sat on the plastic one.
“you are a smart student so i don’t understand why you need tutoring.” chishiya sighed as he watched you take out a notebook that had a very cute design as the cover, “aww that’s sweet coming from you~” you smiled, “i only need tutoring because i’m not strong in this subject and i wanted to spend time with you!” you proudly stated.
chishiya’s ears turned a little red but you weren’t paying attention much to it, clearing his throat “you aren’t good at english?” his eyebrow rose as you shrugged “yeah i mean..what the fuck are vowels and why is it needed.” she scoffed opening up her notebook to a page.
“it’s needed because it helps with speech and pronunciation.” chishiya laughed slightly, “there are 5 maybe 6 vowels that you need to remember. a e i o u and sometimes but not all the time y.” chishiya held up his fingers showing 6 up. you frowned “why is it sometimes y? why not all the time?” she tucked her hair behind her ear, “honestly i don’t know but it’s just sometimes y.”
he opened his notebook ripping out a page writing down a e i o u, there was some spacing between them—sliding the paper over to yn. “tell me what words you know with those letters. doesn’t have to start with it either.” chishiya rested his head on his hand, “for every word you can say correctly with that vowel you get an award but, for every wrong is a flick on your forehead.” he smiled like a cat
“well we can start off easy with a..there is apple!” you happily said as chishiya nodded handing you a piece of starburst. you happily unwrapped it putting it in your mouth, “mmm strawberry flavored.” you mumbled. chishiya pointed at the letter e, “how about the letter e? this one should be easy.”
“daisy!” you exclaimed waiting for the next starburst only to look at chishiya who held back a laugh. “daisy doesn’t have an e in it. it was a y.” he flicked your forehead, “try again.” you held your hand over the spot he flicked, “uhm early?” you said a little wary.
chishiya handed you another starburst, you quickly took it eating that piece. “hmm lemon!” you nodded as chishiya scored a little closer to you, you had side eyed him quickly before paying your attention to the way his hand traced the paper.
“how about u?” “your. and that goes for y as well.” you cheeky snarked. chishiya looked at you raising an eyebrow. “i feel as if they was some plot not actually tutoring..” he handed you two pieces of starburst, he scooted closer but you didn’t mind. his shoulder was basically brushing yours at this point.
you had looked at him quickly, his features were very angelic—you were in awe. “lets go i..what word for i?” he looked at you. you were too busy staring at him to even hear what he was saying.
the way his lips curled whenever was enough for you, “i is for i like you.” you smiled cupping his face in your palms planting a small soft kiss on his lips, you pulled away quickly. “does that count? i mean it’s a word.” she smiled tilting her head to the side.
“i’ll count it even though it’s a universal word..” chishiya had a soft peach like blush spread on his cheeks, he grabbed her by the waist pulling her onto him kissing her back, this felt like a hungry kiss—it was most definitely not like the soft feather like kiss you gave.
his arm wrapped around her waist as if he was protecting her. that kiss was lost in translation, the way his lips glided over yours and the way held you in his grip made you melt like butter.
your hands had wrapped around his neck as a smile was brought to his lips. he nibbled on your bottom lip causing a soft moan to escape from your lips. you broke off the kiss to catch a breath of air mistakenly leaving a room for one of chishiya’s remarks.
“you know i thought you needed help with your english..quite a twist.” he chuckled. “i didn’t need help with english i just wanted to have an excuse to be with you.” you admitted pulling chishiya closer to yourself.
there was a small silence where you and chishiya were just looking at eachother, “by the way you have so marks right here..let me help” you slyed smiled smashing your lips against his wasting no time at all.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🎓 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
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Alright, your poll made me curious! What are your new headcanons about Donna dating each of the newly mutated Dimitrescu sisters? (And, if you’re comfortable with answering it ofc, do you have any spicy headcanons too?)
Ooooooh okay okay ok ok ok- firstly I would like to preface by saying the newly designed sisters behave differently. Before I idealized them a little more than usual and they basically don’t act much different then normal, but this is the Cadou we’re talking about. As the captions say- the Cadou during the mutation heightens each sister’s respective sense so they do act more beastly and ravenous than usual.
- Becomes the most uncontrollable when mutated, if she doesn’t get it her way then there is no way, her anxiety reigns supreme
- Constantly by Donna’s side and needs physical reassurance; wraps her tail around her, a wing, wing across the thigh, anything
- Seems to constantly be in a state of fight or flight, girl will roar at a bee that buzzes just slightly too loud for her comfort, which means Donna has to be mindful of what may/may not set her off
- Donna has to let her repetitively check things, kinda like how your dog may sniff you a few times when you come home to make sure it’s you
- Often times if Bela is mutated, so is Donna. Spider Donna does a lot to comfort Bela, and neither of them quite know why yet
- As much of an anxious lil punk Bela is mutated, Donna finds it adorable. They’ve found their own groove with things, and while Bela is the one comforting Donna’s anxieties unmutated- she can return the favour here
- The progress of unmutating is like waking up after a night of drinking for Bela- she remembers bits and pieces but not everything- and ends up feeling awful about how she acts when mutated
- Theyre working on it together
- Cassandra is already a pretty hypocritical person, she’s the middle child, of course she’s going to act all whiny when she gets attention she wants
- But in her mutated form her mixed signals get even worse
- She’ll rub up against Donna practically begging to be pet, and then the moment Donna lifts her hand to do so- Cass hisses and runs away
- It definitely was a huge hurdle for the two of them to work over, but they’ve found ways
- Their love language is subtle. They may make eye contact from across the room, Donna may put out an extra plate even if Cassandra doesn’t join for dinner, Cassandra may take a nap on Donna’s bed when she isn’t there and leave it a mess to show Donna she did.
- Her mutated form does make a good mount though. On the lucky days, Donna gets to join her for hunts.
- Can spiral into uncontrollable rage if not careful, but somehow Cassandra always recognizes Donna and refuses to hurt her
- the most conscious of the sisters when mutated, and therefore doesn’t act too differently
- The only real difference is just how eager she is to please
- Donna has to be pretty mindful with what she asks of Daniela while she’s mutated, because Dani is going to take it all literally and bend her back to make her request a reality- even if Donna says it jokingly
- They’ve come up with “safe words” so Daniela knows when NOT to basically start world war just to get Donna a lollipop
- Cuddles. All the cuddles. If Donna is also mutated, Daniela will hold onto her like a baby bat.
- Kisses are harder with Daniela due to how contorted her mouth has become, which makes her upset, so they learned to compromise by bumping heads like cats
- Tail wagger
As for the spicy headcannons- I will admit that I have thought of a few. These will be written more generally.
- they have prehensile feet, since their arms became wings- they adapt the bird strategy of making their muscular legs makeshift arms and hands
- Although they don’t have as fine of control, they tend to wrap them around the hips and legs, and use them to pin
- The tail is a very useful tool ya know.
- They have some control over the tentacles but definitely not entire control
- I have NOT thought about them as receivers so all of these are them as tops
- her split face is optimal for oral, and it tends to be her preferred anyways
- Tries to hold her beloved with her wings but it depends if it’s successful
- She has the longest tongue of the mutated sisters. Do with that what you will.
- she’ll use her pharyngeal jaws to keep her lover in place, she’s surprisingly gentle with them if she wants to
- Her wings are more used as tools to give her power, especially when she’s dry humping
- Really good with her tail. Do with that what you will.
- has the best control of her talons, the bat-like wing giving her a thumb gives her the ability to finger her lover
- she has the largest wingspan of the sisters so they tend to just shield her and her lover like an extra curtain- she wants the meal all to herself after all
- She does have a tongue but it’s mostly pulled away due to all her teeth, when it does come out though- it has a grasping end. Do with that what you will.
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