#i like to think sniper is in the camper while this is happening
smuby · 10 months
what if
sniper's camper and red bread truck kiss
i drew this sooooo damn quick so i wouldn’t have to wake up to this ask i hope you enjoy your car yaoi/yuri
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dyns33 · 7 months
Dead man walking
He's an ass, but I love Shane, so I'm writing some Shane's stories now.
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Shane had called her when it all started. Even though he didn't want to believe it was serious, his instinct told him to call her, and Y/N answered while continuing to watch TV.
They had been together for a little over a month.
After what happened to his best friend and partner, Shane went to bars a lot, drank a lot, got into fights, and found a different girl to spend the night with.
When he approached Y/N, she knew he wasn't looking for anything serious, but above all she saw the sadness in his eyes, the desperation in his forced smile, the loneliness in the hand that touched her shoulder.
They had discussed. A lot of talking, and not the stupid, insubstantial discussions he had with all the other girls.
It surprised Shane that someone was interested in him. Really interested in him, not just his looks, his attitude, his invitation to jump into bed. He wasn't used to it.
Usually, people saw an idiot, an asshole, a seducer, a fighter, but nothing more. Before, people didn't really see him most of the time, because they were too busy seeing Rick.
He had cried that evening, in the arms of Y/N, who had comforted him with great patience and gentleness.
Shane had fallen in love. It was new to him, but not unpleasant. He had always dreamed of having a family, like his best friend. He wished he was there to share his happiness, but he talked to him all the time about Y/N when he went to the hospital.
Then there were the announcements. While Y/N was on a business trip to Jacksonville. 5 hours drive drom Atlanta.
Shane called her because some people losing their minds and attacking other people wasn't normal. He wanted to check that she was okay. He asked her if she was going to come home early.
As this did not seem to disrupt her boss's plans, she told him that she would be home as planned the following week.
"I miss you, baby. I don't like you being so far away." he sighed, realizing that he couldn't convince her to jump in her car.
“Everything will be fine, we’ll be together soon.”
Two days later, it was already chaos. There were no more telephones, everyone was running in the streets, the highways were blocked, there were no planes or trains.
Y/N witnessed terrible scenes. Dead people rising to eat the living. With a small group, she managed to hide in the woods, with water and food. It wouldn't last, even if they were safe.
But all she could think about was Shane. She had to find Shane.
Without a car or any other means of transportation, 5 hours became a lot longer to get home. If he was still home. If he was okay… No, she didn't want to think about that. Y/N knew Shane, he was alive, she was sure of it.
An excellent shooting instructor, he had taught her how to handle several firearms. She stole some from an abandoned gun store, with a knife, and after filling her backpack with provisions, she headed to Atlanta.
Avoiding the roads, making no noise, sleeping in trees, Y/N approached the goal after several weeks. She had been forced to fight, and kill some walkers, and that allowed her to discover that they detected her less easily when she was covered in their blood.
It was a real relief to see the town sign. Then she lost hope a bit, seeing that the streets were deserted. There was little chance Shane would have stayed here.
Maybe he had decided to join her, and their paths had crossed. Y/N went into the forest to rest, and she saw a camp from afar.
Suspicious, she used her sniper to determine if the survivors looked dangerous. There were women, a man on a camper van, kids.
Continuing to observe, she saw a couple away from the group, as if they were hiding.
The woman looked familiar. Y/N was sure she had seen her before. When they separated, she almost dropped her gun.
Shane. Shane and Lorie, Rick's wife, his best friend. Kissing.
She had to put her hand over her mouth to stifle the cry that wanted to come out, tears streaming down her cheeks. While she was risking her life to find him, Shane was sleeping with another woman, quietly installed in a camp, not caring at all about her.
If she had wanted, she could have shot them in the head before leaving.
But she held back, crying silently in a tree. She stayed there for several days, not knowing what she was going to do next. Her reason for living was to find Shane, she had no purpose now.
When the camp became agitated, she used her sniper again, seeing a sheriff approach, taking Shane in his arms, then kissing Lorie and her son.
Rick. The friend in a coma. He was alive, he was back, and he was going to cause a big mess. This made her smile. She really wanted to see what that would be like, so she decided to follow them.
They made a lot of bad decisions along the way, but Y/N could understand that it was more complicated to survive as a group. She saw the girl coming out from under the car, panicking.
Even though she was further away, Y/N observed her trajectory and she ran very quickly to catch up, while the group pushed the dead away.
Sophia was an annoying little girl. Stubborn. But after Y/N killed the walkers chasing her, she agreed to trust her, taking her hand to return to the group.
They had moved, again, so it wasn't easy.
Y/N didn’t really want to talk to them. To talk to Shane. But she couldn't leave a child alone.
The farm was in the middle of nowhere, but you could see it was inhabited. She approached slowly, her weapon against her chest, Sophia remaining behind her.
Rick was the first to come towards them, his eyes bright and smiling when he saw the little one, thanking Y/N for finding her. Her mother followed, then everyone else.
Shane's look was indescribable. He stopped in the middle of the camp, as if unsure of what he was seeing. For a moment, Y/N wondered if he was going to look at Lorie, hesitate because of what he had done, but instead he let out a huge scream.
He screamed her name, running like crazy towards her to hug and kiss her, surprising everyone.
"Y/N ! Y/N, you're alive ! You're here ! I can't believe you're here ! I thought…I'm a moron, sorry. Forgive me."
“I told you I was going to come home.” she said coldly.
"Oh, baby… I wanted to find you, but I had to take care of the group. They needed me."
“Yes, I noticed they had certain needs.”
He didn't seem to understand her sentence, but Shane didn't have time to ask her any questions, the others inviting them to enter the farm to rest, and for Y/N to tell them her story.
Strangely, some people knew who she was. Shane had talked about her, even if the subject made him melancholic and aggressive. They knew she was far away when it all started, and no one thought she would make it here, even if she was still alive.
Shane hadn't thought she was alive. This hurt her deeply, on top of everything else. She suddenly felt dead inside, remembering herself walking for hours, days, weeks, just to find him, just like those inhuman things.
She was able to hurt him in turn when Rick said that they were lucky that she arrived at the moment when Sophia separated from the group, and she contradicted him, revealing that she had been following them for several weeks.
"… What ? You found us several weeks ago and… And you didn't say anything ?"
"I was watching from afar. I saw… a lot of things."
Her eyes quickly landed on Lorie, who trembled, understanding what Y/N meant. Shane understood too, swallowing what he was going to say as he looked down in shame.
Not wanting to create discord when their son Carl had been injured, Y/N said nothing, finding a corner of the house to sleep. She thought things wouldn't go any further for tonight, but she had forgotten what Shane was like.
Once everyone was asleep, he snuck over to her corner, lying down next to her.
"I'm glad you're alive. I love you."
“Shut up, Shane.”
"I'm sorry." he sighed, staring at the ceiling, his hand still remaining close to hers. "I thought… At first, I wanted to keep hope. Then seeing all this shit, I thought it would be better if you weren't here anymore. I didn't want to imagine you alone, trying to survive. It was already horrible here, and I had people I knew. You have to understand… We felt alone and lost. We needed comfort. It was nothing else, and we weren't proud of it. I thought about Rick all the time, and about you, but I needed that to keep from breaking down. Do you understand ? Can you forgive me, baby ? My darling, my love ? I only love you, I swear.”
It still hurt, but Y/N could understand.
Nothing was simple, everything had changed. She wanted Shane to go looking for her, but he might have died on the road. She would have liked him not to sleep with another woman, but he might have lost his mind with the pressure and depression. She would have wanted him to keep hope, but this hope would have eaten away at him, torn from the inside, because he wouldn't have known what to do between staying with the group and leaving.
It hurt, but she couldn't judge him. He thought she was dead, he thought Rick was dead, the world was on fire, and he just wanted to hold on to something.
Gently, she took his hand, and she heard him sob, turning his head towards her to place it on her shoulder, kissing her skin.
"I only need you, baby. Always have."
“You’re still so excessive.”
“Yeah, and you love me like that.” he purred, clinging completely to her. "You don't know how happy I am that you're here. Fuck. I didn't think I could still be happy like this."
Y/N didn’t tell him that she was going to need time to completely forgive him. She didn't tell him that Rick would eventually find out too. She also didn't know that they were going to run into a lot of other problems, within the group and because of everything that was going on.
No, she decided not to ruin this moment, for which she had traveled several kilometers, taking him in her arms as during their first meeting.
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brain-amoeba · 9 months
UPDATE: Finished fic has been posted!!! For anyone just now finding this post, click this fucking thing now to go to the finished story!!!!
hey everyone!! dont think i havent been periodically creeping on the blog and see how things were doing--i ended up leaving my old job and got a full time job to better support myself as i finish up my degree so sorry for the absence! here is a fic preview of one of the (many) fics in my drafts that i'll be working on and hope to post in its entirety this weekend!!!
as always, your support of me has been a great source of my happiness and stability and i thank you for your continued readership and interactions :3
Stake Out (Sniper x fem!Reader)
Sniper didn't understand why he couldn't just be alone. He's never needed another person to watch his back while on a stake-out, and he damn sure doesn't need one now. Admittedly, he's quite frustrated. With you? Not exactly. With the situation? Damn straight. The dead of summer heat left you scantily clad, much to Sniper's detriment. How could he bear to get anything done when you're sitting right here next to him like this, as if on display? You weren't exactly a happy camper, either. You knew Sniper didn't need any help, so you were already prepared to deal with a sour attitude-- but the unbearable heat and the fact that you have no choice but to spend a night together in his one-man van--left you equally as frustrated as the Aussie. As the afternoon dragged on, you let out an exasperated sigh and turned to your superior. "Is it okay if I take a nap?" You ask meekly, afraid of distracting him as he peered through his scope wordlessly. Sniper pauses a moment, then sets his rifle down. "A nap? Wasn't your whole reason for bein' 'ere to watch my back?" The look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. It was just an innocent question, really! You figured since it was an unspoken fact that the both of you knew you didn't really need to be here, it would be okay if you, well, slacked a bit. You cock your head to the side before testing the waters again. "...yes?" He stared at you with an expression you were unable to read. Was he mad? Was he just pulling your leg? Sniper pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, looking back up at you sternly. "Sure." It was hard to deny that his pent up frustration, among his general discontent with today's circumstances, left him irritable. From the bloody start he just wished he could be alone. None of this would have happened! Now how is he supposed to concentrate with the temptation of your vulnerable, unconscious body left splayed out before him mere feet away?! He shooed you along, allowing you to sleep in the camper while he did a little exercise in self control and maintained watch on enemy territory.
Upon entering, you thought nothing more of your surroundings and crashed on the bed with a soft thud. It was almost too easy to fall asleep, until you shot straight up and felt panic set in. Oh god. This is the only bed in this whole camper. The only viable surface to lay on, period. You were suddenly plagued with the image of a scowling Sniper, and the discomforting silence that hung around the two of you all day. How on earth are we supposed to sleep in this bed together?! The thought of cuddling with your superior after you were sure you just ruined his whole day made you tremble with anxiety. You thought it best to set your worries aside for now to get some rest. Perhaps if you slept now, that meant you could stay up on watch through the night while Mundy got his rest--avoiding the bed predicament entirely. As you pondered on what exactly you'd like to say and played out the interaction in your head, you lulled yourself to sleep with your own thoughts. The heat left you laid out on top of the covers with your sweat-soaked garments hugging your body like a constrictor. Right as you fell asleep, Sniper, with his brief solitude, was able to clear his head and abate his frustration for the time being. With no new action on the frontier, he decided to take a small break to check on you, making sure you at least were comfortable back there. Sniper knew it wasn't exactly a home, and felt a slight twinge of guilt having such a beautiful girl like you surrounded in his clutter.
The Aussie gently knocked before entering still, and was greeted by the sight of you, out cold in a starfish position. He stumbled back, instinctively snatching off his hat and using it to cover his eyes. Guess she made herself comfortable. He thought to himself, hiding his flushed expression behind the slouch hat. Sniper set the hat back on his head, clearing his throat to try and escape the awkward silence between himself and your unconscious form below him. Mundy knew he had no business back here anymore--all he was to do was assure you found yourself alright back there, then he would return to his post. Yet, he found he couldn't bring himself to move. His eyes were glued to your body, as if its beauty had taken hold of him. You could still feel an overbearing presence, even in your unconscious state, which caused you to stir. Sniper inched closer to you, against his better judgment. The pent up frustration from spending a whole afternoon next to you, wearing the least amount of clothing you could get away with...it drove him absolutely mad. Even more so, knowing there was nothing he could do about it--he couldn't make a move, he was a professional after all! ...And professionals have standards. Before finally returning to his post, he hastily covered your limp form with a used towel discarded nearby. Out of sight, out of mind.
thanks for reading this far! feel free to inbox me with any ideas or feedback and I'll be sure to incorporate them in the final draft and hope you guys are excited for more food!
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simp999 · 10 months
Hi!! I saw you write for TF2 and I was wondering if you would be able to do a Sniper x Gender Neutral reader?
I hc Sniper to have autism, so if you could incorporate that I'd appreciate it! I was thinking perhaps the two could go stargazing, but throw a little angst in there?
Thank you!
Sniper x Reader Oneshot - I Appreciate You.
Wc: 1.7k
Taglist: @moopy-milk
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
'Got any fours?' Pyro had signed to you after a few moments of thought. You shook your head 'no', and told them to go fish.
It was the evening of a ceasefire day. Despite the upbeat and happy feel of the base, with everybody enjoying their rare day off, you couldn't help but be a bit worried.
Demo was currently bringing more beer in so that he, Soldier, Heavy and Engie could continue their game of poker. Scout was playing 'Go Fish' with you and Pyro. Medic was sitting with the other group beside Heavy, simply writing on his notepad, while pitching into conversation every so often. Spy rarely joined in on these game nights, you figured he was probably in his smoking room or something.
But Sniper was nowhere to be found.
The last time you saw him was when everyone was having breakfast earlier that morning. He had come into the kitchen, taken a small plate of food, and simply gone back to his camper van to eat.
When you went to visit him to ask if he wanted to join in on game night, all that you found was a half-eaten plate of food. So, you left a note telling him what you were going to be up to in case he felt like joining. It's possible he just went for a walk or needed to take a leak.
That was a few hours ago, though, and he still hadn't shown. It was beginning to eat at you. Of course, he could take care of himself - you weren't afraid of anything like that happening, but you were moreso worried about him mentally. It was still tough to read him sometimes, though you had gotten much better after all this time of being around him.
A snap of some fingers brought you back to reality.
"Hey, hey! Get outta la-la land Chucklehead, it's your turn."
You shook your head dismissively, trying to clear your thoughts. That wasn't nearly enough to quell your worries, though.
You couldn't take it anymore, you just needed to make sure he was alright.
You dropped your cards in the middle of the pile and apologized before going to throw on some shoes. Before you did though, you put some cheese and crackers together. It's an easy snack to get down if you're right about him still not eating since breakfast.
"Aye, where ya goin' laddie?" Demo called out from the table, taking a swig of his scrumpy.
"Goin' to check on Mundy. Be back later." With that, you were out the door.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You first checked his camper van, in case he simply didn't want to join in on game night after seeing your note. Alas, no lights were on, and it had been left in the state it was in the last time you visited.
The next spot you thought to check was one of his sniping nests. He had a few around the area, but there was one that you had helped him make a bit more comfortable by bringing a blanket and two small pillows to. This nest was used more for him to hide away somewhere if he wanted to, less for actually sniping. It didn't offer him lots of protection as there was no roof and the walls were only fenced in, so this is the one he preferred to come to in the evenings due to less harsh weather.
You began to climb the ladder, putting your arm through the holes in the handles of the bag that held the snack so that you could climb it safely.
When you peeked your head over the top, Sniper was seen lying down on his back, arms under his head for support while his hat was tilted over his eyes. You were unsure if he was asleep or not, but knowing him for this long you assumed he wasn't, thanks to how much of a light sleeper he is. The ladder always made some noise when you got to a specific step. You looked down at the snack in your hands as you sat a few feet away from him. Even if he was sleeping, he needed to eat something - even something small.
Though, you still wanted to be cautious, so you kept your voice low as you spoke up.
"Hey Snipes, you up?"
A soft grumble of acknowledgment was all you got, enough to tell you that he was, in fact, awake.
You told him about the snack you brought as you kept your voice hushed.
"You should eat something, you know. Even something small will do you some good."
He slowly pushed his hat up as he rose from his lying position to a sitting one. You glanced over at him as he hesitated.
"Small bites, Dee."
He slowly began to eat. You weren't really expecting him to speak up again- it seemed he wasn't really in the mood for it. But what followed surprised you.
"I'm ...sorry,"
You tilted your head to the side as you faced him. What did he have to be sorry about? You gave him all the time he needed to get the words out as you waited patiently.
"I... I tend to bail a lot, ay? I'm uh, sorry for not... bein' around you as much as I'd like to be," He started to mesh words together as he tried to find the right ones, "Today was just- it- I'm just... "
You didn't want to cut him off, but you couldn't let this slide.
"Hey, it's alright."
You bring your hand over to his, almost holding it, but stopping right before to ask for silent consent, asking if today is a physical contact welcome kinda day.
He brings his hand closer to yours as you gently trace your thumb over his knuckles.
"It's no problem that you like your space, we still love you all the same, alright? Some days are just a little tough, and that's okay."
You noticed Sniper use his other hand to tilt his hat down as he faced away from you, but you decided to not comment on it. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while. You could hear the buzzing of bugs as the sun began to hide, the energy of daytime dissipating slowly. Once you figured he had calmed down and felt a bit better, you began to speak once again.
"Though, I'd really appreciate it if you left a note telling me if you're going somewhere- I do have to admit I was quite worried," You let out an embarrassed chuckle as you used your free hand to rub the nape of your neck. You didn't mean for it to sound weird, you just cared for him, is all.
"Oh... right. Sorry 'bout that, Roo. Didn't mean to worry you."
"No wuckas, Dee. Just wanna know you're alright."
He held back a chuckle at how you didn't seem to notice how you adopted his slang, while you got up to get the blanket you had left nearby all those moons ago. You stole a cracker as you passed by him, offering him a smile as you swaddled up in the blanket and sat a little closer this time.
"Ya cold, Roo?"
The sun had gone down now, and the sky was much darker now.
"Maybe a little." He only nods at that, unsure of how to help. He holds his free arm closer to his body and curls up a little.
"Are you?"
"Uh-huh." You raise a brow at him, unconvinced.
"What if we swapped?"
"I'll trade you your vest for the blanket."
"You'd be cold, though." He's still worried about you being cold? That's cute. But it is best if the two of you were comfortable, so how could you make it work?
"Trade me, then wrap your arms around me?"
It was more of a question since you still weren't sure where he was standing with physical contact today. He froze at your proposal, and you began to feel bad about offering it,
"Not if you're uncomfortable with it, of co-"
He had given you his vest and held his hand out for the blanket, then threw it around his shoulders while you snuggled up in his vest. Once you two were situated, you scooched closer to him.
"No, that's- no. Come here,"
He opened his arms for you, and you got close enough for him to hug you from behind. He was stiff, unused to this much physical contact, but he eventually warmed up. He later rested his head on top of yours once his neck began to get tired. He held his arms around you and you brought your hands up to hold his. They were quite cold, so you began you gently rub your thumb over his knuckles again, in hopes that it might help a bit.
It was once again another comfortable silence that was only interrupted many minutes later when Sniper pointed out a constellation. The Hydra constellation. It was really big and easy to spot. He held your hand as he used it to point the cluster of stars out. He continued to point more stars out when he noticed that you seemed to enjoy learning about them. He also noticed that he could see the planet Venus with how clear the night sky was. He began to tell you about how Venus could get hotter than an oven during the day, much hotter than Mercury despite not being as close to the sun, thanks to the clouds that work as insulation to keep the heat in. He continued to talk about the planets as you learned all this new information about the universe.
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep against his chest. Only once he was sure that you were passed out did he give you a kiss on the hair, and tell you;
"Thanks for always carin' about me, Love. I really appreciate you, you know that?"
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creachureboy · 10 months
Gun cleaning with Sniper
Sniper + an age regressed reader ! DNI if kink
Inspired by a fic. The link isnt for kids, though !
This fic is sfw tho :]
Ive never cleaned a bolt action myself, i just referred to vids online. One by eHowFitness and another by ozziereviews
Reader calls sniper Mickey. Like mick but cuter. Because i like to call him Mickey when im tiny hehe
AND i drew a picture for this ! You'll find it later in the story :]
Sniper's camper was silent aside from the small thud-thud-thud sounds as your heels kicked the side of his bed impatiently, as well as the tick-tock-tick of his watch he left with you. He said he would be back by now. You held his watch, pouting at it as if that would put time on fast forward to when he gets back.
"Where's Mickey," you grumbled to yourself, looking around the van in boredom. You stood up and walked over to the curtains to peek outside. There wasn't much to see apart from desert, maybe a few cacti and tumbleweed. And tons of sand. Sniper told you to keep the curtains closed, or else the sun would make the van really hot. There was one time you didn't listen, and you felt like a cookie in the oven. But the sun seemed like it was almost ready to greet the horizon, and the touch of the window seemed much cooler than in the daytime.
You turned to a crate behind the passenger's seat. You always wondered what was in it. Maybe Sniper had secret board games, or secret stuffies. Knowing him, you wouldn't he surprised if it was more guns either. Maybe you'd take a peek and find out, he won't have to know..
The shake-shake noise of metal from the doorknob made you jump. You lit up in excitement, deciding to save the crate theories for later as you ran to the door to undo the chain lock. "Mickey's home!" But before you fully undid it, you paused. You remembered that Sniper told you to always be careful when opening the door. "Who is it?"
The familiar low voice of your beloved Sniper chimed in from behind the door. "It's me, 'roo." From his delivery, it sounded like he was smiling.
You smiled back as if he could see you, fully undoing the lock as you swung the door open to let him in. "Mickey!!"
He chuckled as he walked in, closing the door behind him. "I'm home, mate. Long day." He turned to redo the locks with one hand, his other occupied with his rifle. "Sorry to make you wait, 'roo."
"It's ok," you blurted, ready to reach your arms around him in a hug, before he held a hand to you as if to tell you to stop. You pouted.
"Remember what I said?" He gave you his trademark sympathetic look. The one he gave when he felt bad that he couldn't let you do something.
You held his free hand and fiddled with his fingers. "No huggies when Mickeys holding the gun.."
"Right." He pet your hair, before unfolding a table from the wall beside the crate, and setting his rifle down on it carefully. He sat on the crate, patting the spot beside him as if to welcome you.
Right away, you sat beside him and gave him a side hug. The crate was small, so it was a tight to fit for both of you, but you appreciated the proximity. "M missed Mickey.."
He hugged your shoulders with both arms, planting a kiss on your forehead. "I missed you too." He pulled back to look at you, taking his yellow sunglasses off and setting them on the table. "Anything happen while I was gone?"
You paused for a moment to think, before shaking your head and humming an "mm-mm".
"That's good."
You reached for his sunglasses, putting them on your face. The world was significantly yellower.
Sniper chuckled. "Looks good on you, mate. Maybe a bit big."
You gave him a toothy grin, taking the glasses off and putting them back on the table.
A comfortable silence washed over you two as he reached for the rifle. The first thing he did was pull the bolt back, exposing some bullets. He carefully took the bullets out and stood them on the table.
"Shiny," you commented, your side pressed against his as you watched curiously.
He let out a low hum in response. He often did that when he didn't have anything to say, but still enjoyed your comments anyways. He then pulled the bolt out, and set it on the table.
You watched the bolt, leaning forward to get a better look at it, before looking up at Sniper. "Can I touchy?"
He smiled to himself, passing the bolt to you. "Sure, mate."
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You grabbed it and looked at it up close, observing how neat and polished it was. It was super clean, as if it hadn't seen a day of wear in its life. "What's it for?"
"The bolt?" He undid a latch on the crate, your eyes eagerly trained on his hand. Perhaps today was the day you'd learn the crate secrets. "It's to push the bullets into place." He leaned forward to open it, the lid opening at your legs. "Then once it's in place, I can shoot." He reached in to pull out a rod, a small pouch, another small pouch, and two aerosol cans.
You pointed at the equipment. "Whas that?"
He carefully placed the rod on the table. "This is to reach down the barrel so I can clean it." He put one pouch on the table, and it made a jingly sound. "This goes on the end of the rod-" the next pouch, "this has the cleaning patches to wipe the inside of the barrel."
He handed you one of the cans, taking the bolt which you forgot you were holding, and let you observe the can. On it said "bore cleaner".
"Issit for cleaning bores?" You weren't entirely sure what a bore was.
He nodded, showing you the other can. "This one is to do the finishing touches."
"Whats bores?"
"A bore is the inside of the barrel."
"Whas the barrel?"
He traced a finger along the barrel of his rifle. "The part of the gun that the bullet flies through. Then it leaves through the muzzle."
You watched his finger. "Whassa muzzle?"
He tapped the end of the barrel. "The part the bullet leaves from."
You giggled. "Mickey knows too much!" You rested your head against his arm.
He chuckled, smiling at his gun sheepishly. "Never too much gun knowledge in my profession, 'roo."
"Mickey is the mister smarty pants."
"I could argue you're a smart cookie yourself." He paused, giving you a small smile. "Thanks, love."
You nuzzled your cheek against his shoulder. "Love you."
"Love you too." He went back to his work, grabbing an aerosol can and spraying bore cleaner into the barrel. It let out a soft fwshhh sound. "This is to remove any residue inside of the barrel."
You tilted your head up at him. "Residue?"
"Yeah. Metals like copper and lead - they tend to build up after lots of shooting." After a few moments, he set the gun down. "We're gonna let it sit for a while, alright?" He reached for the bolt next. "You wanna help me clean this?"
You grinned and nodded eagerly. "I get to help Mickey!" You reached out to grab it, and Sniper passed you one of the cans.
"You just spray it a bit, and brush it." He took out a small brush from the tool kit, putting it on the table so you could see it. "Make sure you get all the tight spots too."
"Okay," was all you said before you did as told, giving it a good spray and brushing it. Sniper put an arm around you and held you close. He hardly ever said it upfront, but you could tell he was always happy to talk with you. He really enjoyed telling you about guns especially, even if you didn't always quite get it. "This guns Mickey's favourite?"
He leaned against you a little. "Yeah, I use this one most often." He watched you closely, and you were determined not to miss a spot. "I've experimented with other rifles, but none of them came close to the accuracy a bolt action gives." He paused. "Or, perhaps I'm just used to it."
Once you were done, you passed the bolt back to him, to which he began to use a small cloth from the pouch to wipe it off. "Mickey pew pew."
He chuckled. "It's more than just that, 'roo." He continued to clean, the cloth getting a little dirty. "Bolt actions are quite reliable. One of my favourite gun actions."
"The accuracy, and the overall feel of it." He held the bolt up and twisted it around a little to observe in the light, before setting it back down on the table. He turned to look at you eagerly. "You ever wanna give it a shot?"
You mumbled, "issit loud?"
He hummed in thought. "Well, could be louder. I got a noise suppressor. But if you can't handle the noise, you can borrow my earplugs."
You fiddled with his sleeve. "Mickey want me to try it?"
"It would be nice." He avoided looking at you, but you've known him long enough to know he was just shy. "I think I'd like that. Seeing one of my favourite people with one of my favourite things. Y'know?"
You grinned and hugged him from the side. "Pew pew."
"Nah mate, that sounds like a pistol. Bolt actions are more like-" he mimicked cocking an invisible gun, "click, click click, bang."
You echoed him, making clicking sounds with your tongue and making a bwoom sound.
"Yeah, like that!" He kissed the top of your head before picking up the rod. "Mate, by the way, this really your first time scrubbing down a bolt?" He gestured to it vaguely. "I reckon you made it as clean as a baby's leg."
You giggled, swinging your legs a little. "Baby leg?"
"What I mean is, you did a good job." He flashed you a goofy smile, then took a tiny metal stick-looking thing from the tool kit, mumbling, "patch holder" as he attached it to the end of the rod.
"Patch holder," you echoed.
He then put a cleaning patch on the end, the name "patch holder" making a lot more sense now. He picked up the rifle. "Hold the barrel for me?"
You held it, surprised by how heavy it was, but proud you could carry it nonetheless. "This?"
"Yeah." He fitted the rod carefully inside the rifle, before pushing it down the barrel until it reached the other end.
Your cheek was pressed against his shoulder as you watched the end of the rod peek out the muzzle.
Sniper took the patch off, showing it to you with a smile. "See how dirty this thing got?"
"Woah." You perked up excitedly. "I wanna try!"
He put the patch aside and pulled the rod out, before putting a clean patch on the end. He passed you the rod. "It might be a little tight."
"Ok!" You copied what he did earlier, and he was right about it being tight. You had to push a little, until the dirty patch came out the other end. "Is dirty again!"
"Yup." He took the patch off. "Pull that out for me, will you? We're gonna keep going 'till the patch comes out clean."
"You just do that over and over?" You pulled the rod out and gave it to him. "Sounds boring."
He shrugged. "It's repetitive, but I like it." He once again did the routine.
You tapped your feet on the ground, rocking back and forth. "Mickey still want me to hold long part? Uh, the barrel?"
He shook his head. "It's fine, 'roo. Ya can do somethin' else if you're bored."
"Issokay, m wanna be wit Mickey."
The corners of his lips curled into the slightest smile, before he nuzzled his cheek in your hair. "Alright. You can just watch."
So you did. He went through another patch.
And another.
And another.
Gosh, he was still going?
Just how dirty was his gun?
"Aaand done."
Sniper's voice snapped you out of a daydream that you didn't realise you were having.
He took the cleaning patch off the end of the rod and held it to you. "See? Much cleaner." Finally, as if it could never happen, he pulled the rod out and set it on the table. He picked up the cloth and gave the muzzle and chamber a wipe down.
You yawned, leaning against him. "Mickey day was ok?"
He hummed in thought. "Coulda used a lot more you."
You giggled. "M here!"
"I know, love. I'm glad you're here." He held up the rifle and looked down the bore, giving a satisfied sigh. "Spotless." He put it down, grabbing the other can and giving the gun a little spray, and then a wipe. It seemed a lot shinier after that.
"Shiny gun." You turned to him again. "What did Mickey do today?"
He picked up the bolt and slowly slid it back into place. "The usual. Was nice and quiet up in my nest." He opened the latch of the crate, and started putting his tools away. "What did you do?"
"Sounds fun."
You watched as he started putting stuff away. "Mickey done already?"
He let out a low laugh. "If you wanna help me clean more equipment, you can."
He patted your back. "Kidding, 'roo." He got up and carefully put the rifle in a safe spot, putting the bullets away too. "Say, you hungry?"
You nodded eagerly.
"Then let's get something to eat, yeah?"
He walked over to the front of the van. The key, which had been waiting in the keyhole, was twisted until the engine made a vrrrr sound. You followed him to the front seats of the van, your stomach grumbling as you sat in the passenger's seat.
Hopefully some tasty food awaited you both back at at Teufort!
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 7 months
part 5!!! only a few more left :3 next one has Spy's past... lots of good and bad happen ;)
Sniper paces in his camper all night. He can't sleep. Sighing, he sits down on his bed and stares at the pictures hanging on the wall. A few are of targets he's long since killed, and some are of dates he went on with Scout. Miss Pauling had taken them for the pair.
Sniper sighs and stands again, grabbing his rifle and heading outside to hunt. That should clear his mind.
Spy can't rest. He hadn't been able to for the last week. At least Scout's alive.
But would he be willing to listen to Spy? Or would he just run away again, and never speak to any of them again?
He sits outside on the roof. Behind him, the door opens and he turns to see Sniper.
"Bushman." He greets the Australian.
"Frenchie." Sniper nods, and walks to the end of the roof, slinging his rifle off his back and aims into the woods.
"Sniper." Spy says. Sniper hesitates before looking at Spy.
"What is it?" He asks, frowning.
"I know about you and Scout." Spy replies simply. Sniper's blood runs cold. "I'm not mad. I don't even care that much. Just... treat him well."
"I plan to." Sniper looks back at his rifle. "He's my first partner."
"Hold old are you?" Spy asks with a smirk, standing next to Sniper.
"Hm. I'd have expected you to have had at least one partner before." Spy takes a drag.
"Nah... people don't really like me and I don't bloody like people." Sniper fires, and a bird falls out of a tree.
"You must be lonely sometimes."
"Nah. Can't be lonely if yer used to being alone." Sniper reloads.
"You have a point." Spy takes a drag, and silence falls between the two. The door opens again, and they look over their shoulder to see Engi in the doorway.
"Uh. Spy. There's a call for ya." Engi says.
"At this hour?" Spy frowns.
"It's Scout's half brother, Jonah Bidwell. He-- It's urgent." Engi shifts, tugging his glove slightly. "It's about Heather."
Spy looks at Sniper, before following Engi. Curious, and a bit concerned, Sniper follows as well. Engi hands Spy the phone, and Sniper listens in.
"Bidwell? What is it?" Spy frowns. There's a moment of silence on the other end.
"Ma-- Heather's dead. She had a stroke and cops found her dead at home a few hours ago." Jonah explains. Sniper can tell by his voice that he'd been crying.
Spy doesn't say a word.
"Mate?" Sniper tilts his head, frowning.
"Um..." Jonah hesitates. "How's Scout?"
"Alive." Spy answers coldly, before giving the phone back to Engi and walking away. Sniper and Engi watch him leave. Engi sighs sadly before walking away, talking on the phone.
Sniper's alone in the middle of the hall again. Sighing, he starts walking back towards his camper. And starts thinking about how Scout will react to his mother's death.
When Sniper's mum died, Sniper never really acknowledged it. He didn't want to face reality. So, he just kept going. Doing the same routine until he tried to call his mother again. When she hadn't answered, reality set in, and he cried for hours inside his van, late at night, where nobody could see him.
Until Scout came along and listened to his pains and his regrets and all his grief and helped him through it.
He'd do the same for Scout.
He has to.
Come get your angst while I work on some fluff guys!
Great work yet again anon, love the work!
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mickmundy · 1 year
To celebrate the ending of Malus and as we gear up to go into part 6 of my bushmedicine series, Thou Giveth Fever this Friday, I wanted to take a minute and make a post dedicated to the titles of my fics and the symbolism of the posters I make for them! ^_^ Like the fics themselves, I put a lot of thought into the symbolism of these covers and what they foreshadow and/or symbolize! :-) This obviously does contain spoilers for my fics but I think it could be a fun read even if you don’t read them (but perhaps this will Entice You… hehe)! Hopefully this will shed some light on some things that my amazing readers have already taken notice of, but it might also make you look at the wips I've posted with a different view...! Let’s get started!
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Wasserballon is obviously first... and for the plant choice... coffee! But of course! Wasserballon sets up for the rest of my fics by starting it all... with Sniper's cup of coffee! Sniper’s love for his favorite drink (and not having any brewed in his camper at the time… lucky him!) is what wound up getting him caught by Medic, who insists that he comes to the infirmary. Medic offers Sniper to bring his coffee with him, trying to make the visit seem less… formal. Both of them are very stubborn people by nature, but I think Sniper also knows when he’s better off listening to others. For some reason, it puts him at ease that he can bring his drink. As you are no doubt aware I cannot stand the fanon take of Sniper fearing Medic or fearing the infirmary. I think you can prefer to avoid something without being afraid of it! He just likes to solve his own problems, and doesn’t like asking for help. Plus, I think Medic and Sniper would both have a strange like… funk around their relationship after the comics; they don’t hate each other and they aren’t Magically Inclined to be best friends all of a sudden… and they never really spoke about what happened at Gray Gravel again…. Until my fics! Heh!
The title choice is pretty straight forward; Medic explains to Sniper about how a heart that goes under too much strain from the medigun (lore which is elaborated on later in Soft Break) can quite literally explode like a water balloon, or a wasserballon! He leaves his #1 SNIPER cup in the infirmary after he walks out in a bit of a flustered panic. I think Sniper's someone who could appreciate an attractive person regardless how he feels about them, but this is also the first time he and Medic had really talked since his revival. And it's very small talk! Work-related, very simple. But their boots touch, and... Sniper feels... something.
I don't like to dwell on the zing itself since I feel like a lot of fics/stories in general spend a lot of time trying to track the precise moment the characters fall in love… and for me that's just not how I see Medic and Sniper's romance. It sneaks up on you, just like it did on them! Hehe! Maybe it was listening to Medic talk about the medigun function, maybe it was the touching of the boots, or the insistence that Medic heal him and Sniper's acceptance of that help... maybe it was the revival operation itself and things are just starting to bubble up now... maybe it was everything and nothing! Who knows! You decide (and let me know what you think... hehe)! I like leaving some things like this up to reader interpretation; it’s fun to hear everyone’s different takeaways!
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Birdsong is the second fic in my series… There's nothing like the singing of birds! Especially to Medic and Sniper, whose birds bring them together again, giving Medic the opportunity to return Sniper's precious mug. Both are a bit apprehensive about the interaction; Medic hasn't so much as stepped within five feet of Sniper's van the entire time he’s known him, so it feels... personal to stand atop it with him and share some drinks while they watch their pets play.
Medic finds out that Sniper has been feeding Archimedes little treats when he flies about Teufort and finds it very endearing; nobody ever even tried to get to know Medic's best friend, and here Sniper was, of all people, doting on him like he doted on his own pets. People love making Medic devoid of sentiment in fanon but i think he is very much the opposite; he's quite emotional and just because he might value things a little unconventionally doesn't mean he doesn't value anything at all, and his doves are (I think) something he cherishes above all else. Thanks, Archimedes and Sniper's mug!
The choice for the poster is an olive branch, or, two of them. Medic and Sniper "extend the olive branch" to each other by spending time together as... teamfriends? Friendmates? Something! Their talk is a little rough at first, both of them kind of going into it with preconceived perceptions of each other; Sniper thinks Medic is cold and/or would be mad at him for feeding Archimedes (when the opposite is true), and Medic expects Sniper to tell him to go away, that he prefers to be alone (or at least that he doesn't enjoy the doctor's company), and that's not true either! They're both realizing they've known each other for so long but they know... nothing about one another… and the things they thought they knew, well, were completely wrong!
Medic treads a delicate line with bringing up Sniper's revival, and is made aware of just how deep Sniper's professional principles run; while it was easy for Sniper to brush off the fact that he was alive again, I think it would also weigh heavily on him to be deemed worthy of the revival itself. And, well, being dead meant he didn't have to think about all of the emotional hang-ups he had when he was alive... but now he has to deal with them again! And more besides! Both expect the conversation to absolutely tank their "relationship", but are mutually surprised that they emerge from the conversation feeling... better. 
Medic is much more direct than Sniper is and never feels any need to censor himself for any reason; if people don't like him, he doesn't care! But now he starts to think that he does care if Sniper likes him, and that perhaps he has to remind himself to be a little more sensitive, even if his "direct" way of speaking isn't always meant to be insulting, it's just how he is! And Sniper works through the same; he learns he doesn't need to be on the defensive, that conversations don't all have to be nosy personal attacks.
By this point, Medic has been entertaining the idea that Sniper's "last words" (that were to his parents; I think he was dreaming/hallucinating, I don't think he Literally went to heaven. But I digress) were calling out to him and asking him for heals. You know, the "meet the Medic choir" playing and Sniper saying Medic! I need ya, doctor! Because it strokes Medic's ego! “Of course these dummkopfs need me, I'm glad this stubborn one is finally realizing it!” But no, actually, it has nothing to do with Medic. LOL. Dents his ego a little bit! They both have kind of a vulnerable moment where some of that Emotionally-Guarded Shield is stripped a bit. 
Sniper apologizes for lashing out at him back then and Medic apologizes for misinterpreting his words (which is, I think, a massive deal for someone like Medic, who fancies himself a bit of a know-it-all!). An apology for an apology, and they feel better for it. As Medic departs for the night, Sniper begins to realize that that was probably one of the most productive "emotional conversations" he's ever had in his life, and it was with Medic of all people. What does that mean? Why did he feel that way, and why now? Medic feels similarly and finds he can't keep his eyes off of Sniper, who he finds staring up at his window with... perhaps equal yearning?
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Muhelos begins with Sniper tossing out compliments on Medic’s battle style and, after the rough talk they had, Medic definitely didn't see it coming! Sniper waxes poetic in his tower about Medic and is relieved to be able to safely observe him from afar; his preferred method of viewing the world, given his profession! After a hard-earned victory, Heavy and Spy notice the… chemistry change between their friends and pull each of them aside to speak to them about what they’re feeling. Heavy and Spy give each of them anecdotes about their own relationship and about how love is subjective, defined by those who are brave enough to feel it and act upon it. Nothing has to be conventional or traditional!
Medic states that once he and Sniper both relax, their dynamic is muhelos, which means effortless. But getting to that point is still perhaps a little bumpy! Heavy stresses the importance of strong foundations with Medic and Spy advises Sniper to not be so wrapped up in conventionality. This weighs heavily on Medic and Sniper both and opens their minds up to allowing themselves to feel more complicated about one another and that this shouldn’t be something that feels bad, it should be freeing! Medic nearly instantly allows himself to feel this way (as is his nature), whereas Sniper, well, remains a bit more… hung up on it!
The white camellias on the cover can be symbolic of respect (something that is growing steadily between Medic and Sniper as the story progresses), and/or everlasting love. While Medic and Sniper certainly aren’t at that point quite yet, Spy and Heavy certainly are, and they’re definitely the people who can give Medic and Sniper the heart-to-hearts they need! They’ve been together for a while, and Heavy tells Medic that even though he and Spy got off to quite the rocky start as friends, they are happier than ever now that they’re together. 
Of course, the mourning dove pair is because, well, Medic has a litany of doves, and in this fic Sniper also helps the doctor find and take care of one of his mourning doves after it escaped. And Sniper gives Medic a name to match Medic’s Spatz for him… Dovey! Ah! So sweet, so fitting! He invites Sniper to the infirmary to aid him in his beloved creature’s care and Sniper quickly agrees, which surprises both of them. Sniper wants to spend time in the infirmary?! Unheard of! Medic picks Sniper’s brain about animal care and finds out that Sniper actually has quite the gentle heart (something he’d been learning about him recently) when he tells him about Hootsalot and his relationship with his bird-best-friend. 
Their conversation drifts back to their work and Medic lets Sniper know that his efforts are greatly appreciated, something that Sniper never even though Medic noticed or cared about. Medic insists the contrary and toys with him a little bit, asks him to consider asking Medic if healing him really would be such a chore, to which the doctor cheekily replies that he’d love to help Sniper, any time, always, and the pair joke about Medic coming to see Sniper in his tower on the field. Another instance of clear communication, once they find out how to do so. The fic ends with Sniper considering that complex feelings aren't actually bad and that exploring why and how he feels the way he does is just as important as feeling the feelings themselves! Be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to feel and process those feelings!
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Soft Break lets us see Medic and Sniper together in combat, and together off-base, for the first time. This is a huge test of their slowly-budding feelings for one another! After a tense battle with an enemy BLU Spy (who Medic ends up finishing off with the assassin’s own ambassador), Medic rushes to heal Sniper and they talk about the science of the medigun’s technology (you can read a summarized breakdown of this lore here!), noting that healing Sniper is a fun new challenge for him because he doesn’t know Sniper’s heart like he knows the mercs’ whom he heals regularly. Medic is quite excited that Sniper is curious, since nobody else really is… and wants to go further in-depth until… they are interrupted. Sad!
But not to worry… they both find themselves at the local bar with their teammates later that night, and Sniper finds himself yearning to play a game of billiards to get away from the slowly-rising commotion his friends are creating. He wants to talk to Medic but swiftly gives up before he even tries, noting how it’s probably best that everything sticks to the status quo (you can see some of my thoughts on the merc cliques in this post). However, Medic has other plans! To the stunned silence of the mercenaries, Medic approaches Sniper and asks him to play some pool with him. Sniper eagerly obliges and the two begin their dance around the table. Both are studying one another and how they play; Medic is simply matching Sniper shot for shot, and Sniper is drawing the game out in hopes that Medic isn’t getting bored with him. Imagine that! Ha! 
While the title of this fic can be interpreted to mean there is something like a “gentle breakthrough” in their relationship, it’s actually a billiards term! (I happen to be a lover of the game myself so this was a fun little addition for me heh) A “soft break” is roughly defined as “A break shot in which the rack is disturbed as little as possible in order to force the opponent to have to break it up further.” Medic and Sniper are tiptoeing around each other on the table and in real life, flirting and lightly pushing one another to keep flirting. Medic of course is much more abrasive, but even he is cautious and wants to be respectful of Sniper’s boundaries. Sniper wants to flirt back and is jealous of Medic’s ability to be so brazen about his feelings, but can’t seem to get himself to act. 
This is how I personally deal/t with my own internalized homophobia while trying to process my very not-heterosexual feelings with my delayed processing issues (<- autism trait)… Sniper wants to tell Medic how he feels and how he’s making him feel, but there’s a voice inside of him that says No, don’t do it. It’s not safe to tell him this. Should be obvious, but that’s internalized fear of being recognized as What you are as well as What you’re feeling. Medic’s starting to realize that Sniper’s struggle with his feelings runs much deeper than his own and remains sympathetic and patient, trying to learn Sniper’s communication language and interpret his signs and signals… coincidentally, just like learning to tune the medigun to him! Hoo! What convenient symbolism! It’s a gentle push-and-pull, relying on each other to bring more advances forward and to act on those feelings in a way that’s genuine… but not overpowering. Soft break! 
Sniper encourages Medic to talk about his medigun science from earlier and they reach an understanding that perhaps they aren’t as incompatible as they always thought, off the field or on it. They get interrupted once again and Sniper ends up having to take Medic back to the base in his van… which begins in complete and total awkward silence. Medic is fascinated by the inside of Sniper’s van’s cab and Sniper is completely wrapped up in having no idea what to say to start a conversation, until he brings up music! Yet another thing they have in common! They both daydream about making music together, both literally and as a euphemism for sex.. Which will come up later in my next fic! ;-)
The most important, though, as seen on the poster, is yarrow, and their mutual connection to Medicine and botany. Their ship name is bush medicine, of course! Sniper hastily pulls over to harvest some yarrow and Medic is all too enthusiastic to help. He loves getting his hands dirty! Their knees touch and Sniper admits that he loves hearing Medic talk, and prefers to be the listener than the talker (a nod to Heavy’s previous allusion that this would be precisely their dynamic!) and both of them express that they had fun with each other tonight, something that they were both perhaps a little mutually surprised about! So it is possible for them to enjoy each other outside of work/off-base… hmm…!
Yarrow is a plant that has a wide number of medical uses and something that both Sniper and Medic could certainly find use for on and off the field! I do think it’s interesting that both of them having this as a talking point doesn’t come up more in ship dynamics with them since Sniper is a survivalist and surely has had to patch himself up billions of times since coming to Teufort! And they both kind of have an oh duh! moment about it because I think that’s something that happens in real relationships/friendships too. Like an innocent overlooking of the people right in front of you this whole time! But now that they’re starting to fall for one another, they start seeing things they previously never even thought to ask about…!
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Malus is fic lucky number five!! Even more time has passed and Medic and Sniper are now much more comfortable with each other; we’ve seen their bond getting stronger and stronger over time, to the point where Sniper feels comfortable giving Medic gifts! Gifts! Good for you, Sniper! They also have become more comfortable touching one another, letting their bodies brush against each other’s on the bush ride home… Sniper tries to discreetly leave Medic some of the herbs and fruits he gathered, but gets caught by the doctor himself! Medic offers him to come back to his infirmary to bake a pie with the apples he’s harvested, and Sniper hesitantly agrees.
At this point in their journey together, it feels like such a slow burn. Total agony! When are they just going to get together for God’s sake?! But when you read over the story as a whole, it actually kind of flies by! And that’s a weird thing about love; just like how you can’t really tell when Medic and Sniper felt their “zing”, you also feel like it’s somehow both dragging and moving really fast! My fics can be experienced totally differently depending on how you read them, which I wanted to figure out how to do because I think it’s interesting that so many different people can read into it so differently! And being told that people can relate to my fics really is immensely flattering to me ;__;!!
That said, Medic and Sniper both kind of feel this now, too. Things are moving so fast and also so slowly, and their feelings for one another are really starting to become... Un-ignorable. Both of them were previously pondering these feelings in spare moments between work and personal hobbies, etc but now they’re starting to bleed into each other… to Medic, Sniper is his work, and someone he now shares hobbies with and also feels connected to him through them (medicine, their birds bonding together)... and while Sniper doesn’t feel like Medic is his work in the same sense, he does feel like Medic is quite literally a part of him. Anytime he looks at the scars on his chest and arms, he thinks of him, thinks of how he feels about him… they’re both in each other’s minds nearly all the time now! 
While they’re baking, Sniper shares an anecdote about hunger and how he’s always kind of felt like he’s doing something he’s not supposed to be doing, like he’s yearning for things he shouldn’t be… in Sniper’s story, it’s very literal, but he’s also kind of testing the waters with Medic to see if he’s going to judge him for that or not (the obvious answer is why the hell would Medic judge him for that when he’s the king of self-indulgence?! And you’d be correct, but this is also a metaphor for coming out… testing the waters before you divulge something about yourself that people could potentially take issue with. Very scary feeling! Don’t worry Sniper, Medic would never )... and Medic not only sympathizes with Sniper but he wants to encourage that behavior and nurture it. It’s not a sin to want or to feel, after all.
I delve into Sniper’s relationship with wanting in the companion analysis post I made so I won’t talk about it as in-depth here. I want to use this time to turn some attention onto Medic and how he’s faring in all of this! Throughout my fics, you’ll notice that we don’t spend nearly as much time in Medic’s head as we do in Sniper’s. That’s intentional! I think Medic is someone who is truly unpredictable, and in order for him to be a wildcard, sometimes not even we the readers know what’s going on in his head, and he likes it that way! He’s much more assured than Sniper is, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t complicated for him, too. While this entire time he’s been miraculously calm about his budding feelings for Sniper, things are starting to set in as much more real to him. The cut and dry professional relationship they’ve both always favored is beginning to slip as they both find themselves wanting more (and are coming to terms with and acknowledging their sexual desire for one another as well)... 
And something very important, of course, is the sharing of the names (which i’ve elaborated on here) so i’ll keep it short; it’s a very euphoric experience, being known as the person you want to be known as; incorrect perceptions of us can make us feel so small! They’ve both acknowledged that they had misconceptions about one another, but Medic is now taking it further by asking Sniper what he wants to be known as. Wanting to know him as more than just the RED Sniper, but as Michael (or, Michel! Hoo!), his friend… someone more than just an experiment or a coworker. The power of a chosen name… ;-) Very big deal!
And of course, the apples on the cover! Literally, apples are involved because they bake a pie with apples Sniper harvested for them (which is of course also a nod to all of the cute apple cosmetics we get in game!), but… apples also represent temptation, desire… hunger. This is the first time that they both admit they enjoy one another’s company (both too afraid to say anything more, but for different reasons), and they are both much more unabashed about checking each other out (even if it’s mostly when the other isn’t looking!). I think Medic and Sniper are two people who would have always (albeit passively) considered each other attractive, but now there’s both romantic and sexual feelings in the mix. They’re both being forced to realize that they don’t want just a one night stand and they don’t want to be just friends, and that middle ground is vast… and very overwhelming!! 
The word malus is nothing more than the scientific word for apples, but its use here unifies the art of the apple (baking the pie) and the science of it (the title)... obviously we know Medic happens to enjoy both art and science (and often conflates the two!) but so does Sniper. And the two of them are very much a merging of those two concepts that are famously so different… and yet… so compatible! Art and science, speaking with the heart or the mind, etc… A lot like Medic and Sniper! This fic (and the ones before them) focus a lot on how different they are, because, well, Medic and Sniper themselves focus a lot on that! But this fic also emphasizes how good they are together, how two completely different people can come together and make (and be) something truly marvelous!
I love using fruit as literary devices in my writing and we are just getting started! Closing out this fic has Medic requesting some apricot preserves from Sniper and touching on their shared enjoyment of the symbolism the apricot shares between them; for Sniper, it’s the spot that one aims for to get the ideal headshot, and for Medic, it’s the connection of the skull and the spine, the physical and the mental… interesting! Apricots become a much more prominent symbol in my next fic, and I am so excited to share it with you all!! 
Medic also expresses some of his own insecurities, wondering if things are still moving too fast or too slow (or if it’s simply too late) between him and Sniper and reflects on his own childhood for only a moment-! As I’ve said, it’s intentional that we haven’t seen a lot of Medic’s own monologues like we have of Sniper’s. He likes being unpredictable, after all! But things are starting to bleed and slip into one another.,., neatly defined categories for human interactions are starting to become very messy…! Which puts Ludwig at war with himself; he loves chaos when he’s the one creating it, but if it’s not chaos curated by his hand, well… maybe even he can get a little emotionally twisted up! And keep an eye on that pomegranate symbolism… we surely won’t be seeing the last of it!
ALRIGHT EVERYONE WHEW THAT WAS SO LONG!! THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME THIS LONG ILYYYY and I hope you enjoyed it!! ^v^ This Friday I will begin posting Fever, the newest fic in my bushmed series, with a two-chapter upload to start it off with a bang! Thou Giveth Fever has been a huge emotional journey for me and I’m so so so elated that so many wonderful readers are along for the ride! I’m excited (and nervous!) to bare my soul to you with these next coming fics, kind strangers and friends alike, and thank you endlessly for all of your support!! <333 
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haleghest · 2 years
This is the fluffiest hurt/comfort I've ever written, just be warned.
He sees Sniper bundled up in his bed just after entering the camper van. He doesn't acknowledge him at all - a sign of utter trust from the mercenary on one hand. There's not a lot of people Sniper would let see him in this state, never mind that weird killer-instinct thing that made him alert all the freaking time. Scout remembers this one time when Soldier ended up with a kukri against his throat for slapping his hand against Sniper's back when he was making coffee in the base's kitchen. It was kind of hot, really, just one-two-three and BAM! A knife next to your throat. Well, needless to say, it didn't end well for both parties. And everyone else.
Anyway, Sniper showing you his back? Neat. Trusting you this much? Neat. On the other hand, a signal that something bad could have happened.
"Yo babe, you alright?"
Sniper stirs a bit but doesn't move more than that. He's been looking at the wall for at least few hours, that much is certain. He's got that crunchy look around him, the "haven't moved today yet" type of look. He's arms and legs are crossed, the duvet rumpled, his hair disheveled. Jeremy knows this state of his, has seen it few times already. He quickly climbs up the ladder and pops down on the too-small bed. It squeaks under their combined weight.
"Bad day huh?" he gets under the covers and hugs him. Sniper likes to be the little spoon when he gets like that, Scout has learned, something about being grounded and what-not. He asked Medic about it one time, he said something about pressure but the rest kinda flied over Scout's head.
"You wanna talk about it?"
He doesn't say anything, shakes his head softly.
"That's alright. Wanna hear me talk about something?"
There's a bit of silence, then a slow nod.
"Huh, okay. Lemme think. Have I told you about this one time me and my older brother went skinny dipping in the lake next to his ex-girlfriend's house- not Jake mind you, although I get why you'd think that..."
They settle into a comfortable position, Scout babbling and Sniper listening to his quasi-dangerous adventures with his older sibling. It's nothing new, Sniper enjoys listening to Scout, but it's nice to be reminded anyway. It's a familiar state of things, the two of them appreciating moments like these, away from everyone else.
Eventually Sniper turns around and nestles his head underneath Jeremy's chin. It's a win if Scout has ever seen one, and after he's finished with his story he decides to try again. He waits for a bit, plays with Snipes' hair and goes for it.
"You okay to talk now?"
Sniper grunts, and nuzzles into Scout.
"That's okay, you don't hafta."
They spent some more time like that, with Scout occasionally asking him if he needs something and Sniper nodding yes or no. He has those days and it's perfectly alright - really, Scout's actually glad he's there to take care of him and help just a little bit. At some point he has to get up to take a piss, and after he comes back to bed he gets greeted with a kiss to his forehead.
"Scratchy, dude!" Sniper rubs his chin into his face again for a good measure, and finally chuckles after hearing a loud groan. Jeremy tries to look very serious and very annoyed, but fails miserably and laughs with him.
"There's my guy." Scout puts their foreheads together and holds Sniper's face in his hands. They look at each other like that for a while and Jesus, he's become sappy as fuck, but fuck it. Let them have it.
The evening has been long gone, the world keeps quiet. Outside is silent, the only kind of noise is the electricity from the van and the sound of the two men talking quietly.
He will always have days like that.
It's okay.
Scout will always be there to catch him.
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violent-optimism · 7 days
My favourite domination quotes from every TF2 Merc
Holy cow this took a while but was so fun to put together.
Because let’s be honest…the domination voice lines are one of the best things about playing TF2. You can’t tell me it’s not satisfying (or hilarious) when you hear one of these!
To Soldier: “What’s your major malfunction, brother?”
(This is a reference to the movie Full Metal Jacket with a character that Soldier is definitely based off of)
To Medic: “Real nice effort, Deutsch-bag!”
To Pyro: “Dude, you’d get a closed casket at the ugly cemetery”
To Sniper: “You’ll never hit me! You’ll never hit my tiny head! It’s so tiny, I got a frickin’…such a tiny little head!
(If I ever hear this as Sniper I might just throw my mouse out the window lol)
To Spy: “Hehe, hey look! You shapeshifted into a dead guy!”
 “If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created ME!”
To Demoman: “Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a dress!”
To Pyro: “You cannot burn me, I do not have time to combust!”
To Engineer: “Go back to Calgary, you cow-herdin’ Canadian!”
(As a Canadian, this one just tickles me. Why does he think Engie is from Alberta? I’m honestly shocked that Soldier knows the name of a single Canadian city lol).
To Medic: “Ich Bin I just kicked your ass!”
(“Ich Bin” means “I am” in German, which means Soldier said “I am I just kicked your ass” LOL)
To Sniper: “You just got dominated, Bilbo Baggins!”
(I have NO clue why he says this but as a LOTR fan I fucking love it. If anyone can explain the connection that would be cool.)
Gonna skip Pyro for obvious reasons, sorry Pyro! :(
To Pyro: Go to hell! And tell the devil I’m coming for him next!”
(Damn that goes hard)
To Medic: “How’s that ‘doing no harm’ working out for you, then?”
To Sniper: “I hate you campers! Everyone bloody hates you!”
(Jesus Demo, what did he do to you? lol)
“They’re going to bury what’s left of you in a soup can!”
(No character specific lines but I still enjoy them)
“You are dead. Not big surprise.”
“Killing you is full time job now.”
“Entire team is babies!”
“I think you should fight someone much, much smaller!”
To Scout: “Boy, this here is just gonna keep happening and happening.”
To Soldier: “That there is just a sad display, boy.”
To Demoman: “Drunk on the battlefield ain’t no way to be, son.”
(I love how he calls everyone “boy” or “son” lol)
To another Engineer: “I’m wolverine-mean you son of a bitch.”
To Medic: “You must be a doctor, ‘cause you just saw the extent of my patience!”
(My personal fav)
To Sniper: “Down under? More like six feet down under.”
To Spy: “If ya’ll had more gadgets for killin’, you wouldn’t need so many for hidin’.”
(We love a sassy short king)
(Also doesn’t have any character specific lines, but there are some gems)
“Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly!”
“I do not think we brought enough body bags!”
“Aww, did the Fraulein’s have their Mittelschmerz?”
(Translation: “Did the ladies get their period cramps?” Damn Medic that is…something lol)
(Maybe I’m biased but I swear he has the best lines in the game.)
“If your strategy is to build me confidence, it’s working.”  
To Soldier: “Oi, lend us your shovel so I can dig your grave!”
(Jesus Christ lol)
To Demoman: “Ace reflexes, you bomb-chuckin’ waste of good scotch!”
To Engineer: You are inventing loads of new ways to get killed by me!” (The freaking sass when he says this, it’s unparalleled)
To Medic: “Sorry, there nurse, I mistook you for an actual threat!”
To another Sniper: “You’re making this so easy. I’m actually getting worse.”
To Spy: “Aww, did I get blood on your suit?”
“I never really was on your side.”
To Scout: “Here lies Scout, he ran fast and died a virgin.”
(Stop, stop, he’s already dead!)
To Demoman: “Here’s what I have that you don’t: a functioning liver, depth perception and a pulse!”
To Heavy: “You died as you lived…morbidly obese!” (Spy really doesn’t pull any punches lol)
To Engineer: “Did I throw a wrench into your plans?” *laughs*
To Medic: “Aww, you almost healed me to death that time!”
Gosh this took me way longer to write than I would’ve expected so I hope somebody reads it lol
Comment below with your favourite TF2 line (or put it in the tags). I have to know!
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Can I have headcanon of how each mercs deals with stressed s/o
I’m so stressed and tired of collage :(
I know how you feel! I hope that you have some time this week to take care of yourself. <3
Hope this helps!
How the Mercs Would Take Care of Their Stressed s/o
Sniper quickly takes notice of your current state. He may not know how to interact with people on a regular basis but as a sniper, he knows body language. He makes you a warm cup of herbal tea and takes you to his camper. He lets you have the comfiest spot in the van and he will sit beside you. Sniper doesn't pressure you to talk, but if you feel like sharing he will gladly listen to what you have to say. He wraps his arms around your shoulders and motions you to lean back into his chest. His calloused hands comb gently through your hair.
"It's gonna be okay roo, oive got ya."
He can tell right away when you're stressed. The way your hand shakes and how your voice goes higher in pitch only confirms his suspicions. Heavy knows to give you space, he also knows that being alone for too long when stressed can be a bad thing. When he sees you he will bring you a glass of water and some crackers to eat. Heavy knows that being stressed and hungry at the same time can be overwhelming. He will gently encourage you to take short breaks. These breaks consist of either sitting and cuddling together or walking around the base for a while.
"The fresh air will do us both good, da?"
In his profession, he has lived with stress for many years. Stress to him is the very key component for staying alive during intense high-stakes missions. Spy understands that most people can't handle that type of stress. much less any other kind of stress. When he sees you stressing out he knows exactly what to do. He puts on some calming classical music and makes you a nice warm bubble bath. If you are stressed he will go out of his way to make you comfortable. After the bubble bath, he will lay out your favorite pajamas for you to change into.
"Tu te sens mieux maintenant, ma chérie ?"
(Do you feel better now darling?)
When you're stressed he's stressed. That's all there is to it. He gets stressed thinking about you being stressed. He wants to make you feel better, but when he's also stressed he doesn't really know how to do that. You both work together to make each other feel better. You make a nice cup of tea while he gets the television set on. From there you both will spend hours watching the tv or just listening to it as background noise. Sometimes you both just sit together in silence. The feeling of you sitting on his lap with your head leaning against his chest grounds him. The same goes for you when he holds your hand and presses his cheek to your temple.
"Aye, we'll be fine together."
He doesn't like seeing the pained expressions that you make. The way your eyes fill up with tears and how you force yourself to continue on studying makes his heart break. He will gently pull you away from your work to walk to his room and sit on the bean bag by the bed. He grabs you blankets and pillows and all manner of snacks he can find. He understands how stressed out you are but demands that you take a break to recover. He will lean against the bean bag and lay his head on your chest. During these moments he will hold your hand and trace little designs on it and hum a soft melody.
He doesn't know what happened to make you so stressed out but he will do his darned best to make sure that you feel better. He will stop you from continuing whatever it is that you're doing, grab a couple of sodas from the fridge, and tell you to follow him. Where he ends up leading you is a small patch of grass that's a good walk away from the base. You both enjoy how the sun feels on your skin and how the breeze feels beneath your hands and feet. You both stay out there as long as you please.
Soldier doesn't immediately understand that you're stressed. He continues going about his day til he notices that you are close to your breaking point. From there, he places his large uniform jacket on your shoulders and hoists your form into his arms, and carries you to your bed. He tries his best to make you feel better, he brings you a cup of tea, some snacks and The Art of War. He lays in the bed next to you and reads the book outloud. The way his usually loud voice dones on, relaxes you to the pint of sleep. Having achieved his goal Soldier scoopes you into his arms and drifts off as well.
Medic always tells you to come to him if you need anything or feel unwell. He cares about your physical well-being as well as your mental well-being. When he notices how stressed you are he gently takes your hand in his and takes you back to where his office is located. He closes the door behind you and turns to where the radio is, picking the most relaxing music he can find. He grabs your hand in his and guides your free hand to his shoulder. From there he'll start to slowly sway with you in his arms. The repeated motion of swaying from side to side and the calm atmosphere that the music provides has you leaning into his embrace in a matter of minutes. With your stress melting away you both stay like that for however long you need.
Engineer takes notice of every little thing that you do. How could he not? From the way that your arms sway when walking, or how you bite your lip in deep thought. He always loves how all your little mannerisms unique to you shine through. When he notices how you've been acting lately his mind only comes to one conclusion: stress. He gently urges you to take breaks whenever you feel ready to take them. He knows how sometimes you try to power through the pain, but it doesn't work. He should know, he's an engineer. He grabs his trusty guitar and plays outside your door. When you're ready to come out he will place his guitar away and take you to his room to relax. He will pick out some relaxing music and give you the best darn massage that you've ever had in your life. The way his large hands feel on your sore back muscles chase away all the built-up tension. He loves the way that your body melts into the mattress.
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chumpsalmon · 2 years
The stars, the Moon, and You.
Sniper/ GN!reader insert
Cw: NSFW, murder, hurt no comfort (sorry)
A little authors note before it starts: I did not.. read this over. So. Apologies if it sucks I literally just do not have the attention span for that.
Hes been acting strange lately. You've offered some space and comfort, asked him "Are you alright?" but all you get in return is a muffled, "Hm." and you're really starting to have your suspicions.
He's not telling you something. Has he found out? Originally, you were only supposed to spend a few days essentially casing him; but what once was a very nice one night stand seemed to be turning into something a little more permanent.
See, you were hired by the Administrator to kill Sniper, apparently he's shown to be incompetent at his job lately or in her words, "Not as good as he used to be." and thinks that there are plenty of other people who can do his job but a 100x better. That's where Pauling cased you, kidnapped you, and proceeded to give you your "assignment", which was to, "Get rid of Sniper." He was definitely not an easy guy to reach, and it took some time planning, but here you are, sitting in this man's RV, right beside him.
He rubs the bridge of his nose, clears his throat and says, "Just tired, is all." You nodded your head and run your hand over his shoulder and he tenses a bit. Alarms go off inside your head, he's never acted like this before. You excuse yourself, you say you've got some inventory to finish and leave.
You decided to drive, just to think. You're on borrowed time here. Seriously, if the Administrator finds out about this fling, she'll see you unfit for the job and kill you without a second thought. You know what you have to do. You rationalize this in your head, although you really liked Mundy and the time you shared together has changed you in ways for the better, it's you or him. You consider that you have to be doing this for a greater cause, the Administrator wouldn't just make you kill without a cause, right?
While you were gone, Mundys contemplating what his next move is. He's just gotten an assignment but from the Administrator herself but it happens to be someone he considers close to him. He's never been the type to back out of a job so in his mind this is something he has to do, it's just money, its just a job, and it's just a person. But it's his person. He scratches his neck and lowers his head. He feels disconnected, he feels like the best choice would be to just get it over with. He has to accept that stuff like this comes with the job so he'll come up with a plan. He'll get over it.
He lifts himself up and begins pacing back and forth in his camper. He starts with the recent events, he's been ignoring you recently, right? He decides this would be an amazing opportunity to take you out as an apology. So in his mind he's taking you out on your last day, but at least you go out doing some of the things he knows you love. Then he'll finally take you to do something he likes: sight-seeing. He'll take you to a beautiful spot, hopefully at night so he can see the stars, the moon, and you. Hopefully he can see your eyes a final time, before hugging you close to his chest and painlessly shoot you in the side of the head. He'll bury you and that'll be that.
You return after your drive, your final decision being you'd sleep on it for tonight and rethink it the next day. For now you'd enjoy some time with Mundy before he's in the ground. You knock on his campers door and the door creaks open, he's standing there, a little bleary eyed but you assume maybe he just woke from a nap. You walk in and he sighs, pulling you into a hug. You're a bit confused, but it isn't unwelcome. He sways you back and forth and you let him, the both of you sitting in a comfortable silence before he says, "I'm sorry,". You look up at him,
"For what?"
He can't seem to meet your eyes and buries his head in the crook of your neck. "I haven't been the nicest.. been ignoring you and whatnot. Just lately I've been working through some stuff." You nod and run your hand through his hair,
"I get it Mundy, just please talk to me? Please? I know it's really hard sometimes to vocalize your feelings, but I can't read your mind. If you need something, just tell me, alright?"
You feel him nod and you run your hands up and down his back. "I was thinking," he starts, "That maybe you and me could do some stuff tomorrow? I'll take you out, have a nice dinner, just let me know of somethings you might wanna do, yeah?"
"Sure, sounds like fun." You say.
Your plotting can wait maybe just a little longer.
You slide your hand into his and lead him to his bed. He flops down and you're on top of him, just cuddling. He kisses the crown of your head and runs his hands over your back, to your hips, and gives your ass a light squeeze. You smile a little and try playfully prying his hands away from your butt. Now he's giggling like a little kid and so are you.
He sits up and you do the same. You're in his lap, facing him, and he begins kissing your collarbone and follows a path from there, to your neck, your jawline, and finally to your lips.
You start making out, pretty much playing lip guitar with each other. You grind your hips down and you can feel him start to harden against you. He's biting your lips and sliding your shirt off and you do the same for him. You start playing with his belt line before unbuckling it, falling to your knees, and clumsily sliding off his pants.
His hard-on strains against his boxers. You run your hand along the length and finally pull down his underwear. His hand reaches down and runs his thumb along your lips, your queue to open your mouth, and he sticks his thumb in your mouth while he strokes his dick with his other hand.
He pulls his thumb out and tilts your head back, forcing you to look up at him before he starts putting his dick in your mouth. He grabs the back of your head and starts guiding your head down. You gag a little, "There it is.." He sighs.
He starts thrusting into your throat, occasionally pulling out to give you air and a few small slaps to your face. "Like that, huh? Is this how you wanna be treated? Like a slut? Hm?" He pulls out and you cough a bit, in a daze. He tilts your head up with his thumb again, tears running down your face and drool dribbling down your chin. "Tell me how you wanna be treated, love." He muses, smearing tears with his cock across your cheek. Your voice cracks, "Like a slut..". He smiles and pulls you up by the waist and turns you away from him.
He holds you close to him, your back against his stomach. You desperately grind your ass against his cock, "So needy.." He mocks, "But you've gotta beg for me." You groan, "Please?" He rolls his eyes and wraps his hand around your neck squeezing lightly, "Mm, not good enough. Say that you want this, you've done it before. Be good for me, yeah?" You whine, "Please Mundy, I want you to fuck me. I need you so badly. Only you can make me feel like this, please."
He lifts his hand from your neck and bends you over the side of his bed. He puts most of his weight on you and the crook of his elbow is around your neck. He thrusts inside you, slow for only a minute or two before relentlessly fucking you into the mattress. "You take my cock so fuckin' well." He groans.
A little overstimulated, you try pushing him back with your hands. "Don't even try." He let's go of you, flips you over, and pins your hands above your head and gets even rougher. Little tears run down your face and he slaps you, spitting mean insults at you, "You're such a dirty fucking whore, crying for my fucking cock.."
At this point you're saying anything, begging, "Please, please let me cum, please. You're fucking me so well.." you can feel his brutal pace stammer but you still finish before him, moaning his name over and over. His hips slam into you a couple more times before he falls on top of you and pushes his load deep inside you.
You both sit still for a while, coming down from your highs. He gets up and kisses your forehead, "I'll get you some water and we'll take a shower, alright?" You just nod and he gets you your things. After a few minutes and sips of water, he picks you up bridal style and sits you on his small bathroom sink while he turns on the shower. While waiting for the water to warm, he stands in front of you, kissing your neck and whispering how good you were. He rubs your shoulders and after a minute or two you both climb into the shower, washing each other's hair, bodies, and holding each other quietly in the shower.
He picks you up out of the shower and you dry each other off. You both walk to his bed and fall asleep spooning each other.
You both sleep a well into the afternoon. Around 3pm you both wake up, dress, and over a small lunch talk about the plan for today. "Well," you say, "I was thinking we go to an art museum? Maybe you're not interested in it but you did say that we can do anything I want." He nods, "I'm fine with that, seems pretty laid back. Anything else?" You think for a second, "Not really, I guess after the art museum we'll just eat dinner and head back."
He draws in a breath, "Well, after dinner I was thinking we could go sight-seeing. I have a wonderful spot in mind, I think you'd love it." You smile and think about how sweet he is. You're starting to consider that you're probably gonna die anyway at the hands of the Administrator, why not enjoy the time you have left with Mundy? Although it may be short, you couldn't ask for a better life. Everything seems so simple with him, so smooth. It seems like you guys just fit, he's a person that understands you without too much prying. He just gets you.
"Yeah, that sounds good." You say.
"Well we best head in then." He says. You both climb to the front of his RV and he starts the engine. You give him the directions to where the art museum is and finally arrive. You walk in, admiring the pretty marble sculptures and wacky paintings. Mundy giggles and points some out, "Look at this," he grins, it's a ton of scribbles but if you look closely there's a silly looking cat within it, "Look at how dumb this cat looks.." Your laugh exits your nose, "That is a pretty dumb looking cat."
You guys stay there for maybe 2 hours just looking at the art, messing around with the interactive pieces, and acting immature around some of the paintings and sculptures. You both leave talking about your favorite ones, his being the dumb cat while yours was one of the many that he didn't pay much attention to.
"I mean seriously I don't even understand how it's in there." He rants. "I mean it had to have had somethinf about it to be in there, right? I mean it was pretty funny so I think it's worth being in the museum." You say. "I guess.." He shrugs. You both get back in the RV, "What are you feeling for dinner?" He asks. "Hm.." you think, "What if we just got some drinks? Y'know, go into a crappy lookin bar and get some food and a drink?" He nods. "Fine by me." He drives around a bit and arrives at a bar. Nothing to interesting and definitely doesn't look the best, but you ordered probably the best tasting food and drinks from there you've ever had.
"Wow!" You say, "I really wasn't expecting it to be that good. We gotta go back there sometime!" You exclaim. He nods, silently it kills him a little inside. You look so excited, happy. "Yeah." He says quietly. You both head back again to the RV.
"So, where are we going sight-seeing?" He shakes his head, "You'll see." You groan, "Tell mee.." He shakes his head again, "Nope." and you know at this point it's a lost cause. You wait and for what seems like at least an hour, he slows and goes off road for about 20 more minutes before he finally stops. You look out in front of you and it really is beautiful.
The land infront of you held beautiful cedar trees, crepe myrtle trees, and beautiful varieties of flowers on sloping hills. "Wow.. how'd you find this? It's so.. comely. Very nice." He forces a smile, "Was just out on a job one day and stumbled across it. Weird how a wrong turn can lead you to something as pulchritudinous as this." You gape at your surroundings, "Can we sit on the roof of here?" He nods.
You both exit his van and you climb up first. "You comin'?" He hesitates, "Uh, yeah I think I forgot something inside the van, give me a sec." He runs into the RV and feels a little nauseous as he pulls a small pocket gun from underneath his couch cushion. He slides it into the back of his pants and quickly comes out. "You find it?"
"Nope, but I'll worry about it later." He says, climbing up. He sits behind you and you lay in between his legs.  Despite the amount of trees there was a very wide, clear opening to the sky. The stars are out and the moon is beaming, and so are you. You look up at him and smile, "I wish we could do this every night." You say. He looks down on you, admiring how bright your eyes are, "Me, too." You keep your eyes on him, taking in his rugged beauty. You draw in a slightly shaky breath, "Mundy, if anything ever happens to us, do you think we'll meet again? You know, maybe in another life?" He looks away from you and stares up at the sky, "Hope so." He turns you over so you're fully facing him. You just smile at him, so trusting, you'd give this man the world. He pulls you up a little more so he can cradle your head in his arms and bury your face in his chest. You wrap your arms around him tightly, you've never felt more comfortable than now.
His lips tremble and he keeps one arm tightly around your head while his other reaches for his weapon. His hands are slightly shaking now, but he has to stay calm. "Mundy," You mumble into his chest, "Thank you." He pauses. "For?" He feels you shrug, "I dunno, just being here. Doing this. You've made me feel so safe."
"Yeah?" He raises the gun to your temple.
"Yeah." You whisper into his chest.
A shot rings out and your body goes limp. He just cradles you as tightly as he can, silently crying and staring up at the stars, which now seem much more dim. The moons smile dulls and he drags you off the roof of the van to the bottom of one of the many hills. He digs you a small grave and decorates it with the chrysanthemums and various poppy flowers.
He walks back to his van.
He drives back to his lot.
He lays alone in his bed.
He wakes up.
He tells the administrator that the job is done, but he refuses any money. She grins to herself.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Mercs of your choosing with an s/o who is careless about nature but is extremely happy-go-lucky? Like comes home with bruises or scars but is extemely happy.
Also I love your writing!
Medic, Sniper, Spy and Engineer with a Careless, but Happy SO
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: I think that's everyone from your follow up?? And thank you!]
He adores so deeply that you're happy but like, oh my goodness you're gonna age him even more how can you be so careless about your physical being??
He's a DOCTOR (kinda,,,,,,,,) of course he's going to be worried about you! He loves you and doesn't want to see you covered in scrapes and bruises.
He kinda scolds you about it? But you're so giggly and "go with the flow" that he can never keep up that behavior for very long.
Ludwig doesn't want you to get seriously hurt. He worries. Giant worry wart. However, your happiness is infectious.
The two of you end up giggling and smooching when he's tending to your little bruises and scrapes.
Mundy is pretty certain you're an occupational hazard to yourself. He loves your sunny personality but goodness is he worried about you.
He knows that you can handle yourself just fine but that doesn't stop him from worrying. He likes being around to act as a dampening so you don't get hurt.
He's usually always chuckling and laughing around you, just sees how accident prone you are or how bruises seem to kinda happen on you??? And he's confused.
Lots of late nights in the camper with him gently chiding you and taking care of you.
He always kisses whatever pain you have away.
Spy wonders how you haven't gotten killed yet. He has no idea how you're still functional because you always seem to be getting into something.
Still, he was drawn to your optimism. He thinks it's quite charming in a way he can't quite understand himself.
He takes care of you and scolds you but also wants to hear about your adventures and why you got the day's marks the way you did.
He loves you so deeply, just worries. Your optimism though?? It keeps him going.
He's gonna make fun of you for all of this though in the same breath.
He's the biggest mother hen you'll ever meet, of COURSE he's going to be fretting over you getting into little scrapes and what not!
He scolds you a lot for not taking better care of yourself. Lots of "honeybee!! Be more careful" while scooping you up into his arms.
He's not as optimistic as you are but your smile lights up rooms and his life. Just seeing you brings him joy unlike any other.
That does not negate that he worries about you damn near daily. Just what are you getting up to that this happens to you?? He acts as your buffer a lot.
But the way you manage to turn everything into a positive,,,, it melts his heart every single time.
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camellia-salazar · 2 years
More fictional characters interactions just because.
Originality and Crisises
Farmer: so let me get this straight, there's never really an original me, it's just a bunch of people creating different versions of me as either male or female and I, being one of the many many versions, was created by a very specific player?
Medic: yes, zat is correct!
Farmer: ...
Shane: hey Medic, can you help me with something?
Medic (standing beside Von Kaiser): sure, vat is it?
Shane: I think you gave the farmer an existential crisis so it's mostly your problem.
Medic: vell, tell him to get over it, at least he doesn't have to die and respawn for a living.
Toriel: anyone want pie?
Bluey: Ooh! Me!!
Bingo: I want some, too!
Opal/Claire: *raises hand*
Scout: um, no thanks Ma.. I mean-!
Camilo and Bloo in the background: OOOOOH!!!~
Scout: wait! I didn't mean-
Toriel: it's ok Scout, it happens all the time. ☺️
Soldier: Today is a good day!
Demoman: how so?
Soldier: I just showed some sissies how to be men!
Demoman: ok, who did you torture this time?
Donut: this uniform doesn't feel comfortable.
2-D: I don't know, I think mine suits me fine.
Mirror Man *holding a mirror*: ooh~! I look good~.
Rod *covers his own face in embarrassment* : oh my god..
Soldier: QUIET YOU SISSIES!! Time to show you how to be real men.
Glass Joe:
Waluigi (looks at Glass Joe): ...
Glass Joe (looks back): ...
Waluigi: Don't ask.
Glass Joe: je n'allais pas..
(I used Google translate for GJ oof.)
David: alrighty campers! Whos up for a camping trip?
Max: I'll pass.
David: A special guest will be accompanying us.
Max: still a no.
Sniper: What's up, ya wankers!
Max: I'm in.
Hope you like this.
The Losers bit takes place in a hospital or something and Waluigi gots a cast on his leg while Glass Joe is bandaged up on his head, like wrapped on top of his head and below his chin, but nowhere on his face.
Also, Loser was gonna be an episode of a multifandom animated webseries I keep thinking and creating in my head, basically all of this is, but the rest was improvised while this was thought through, too bad I only got a small bit on here. I might make something out of all of this. Eventually.
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brain-amoeba · 1 year
KEEP COOKING if you do those darker scenarios i think sniper has the most appeal with how he’s already so good at juggling scary and chill
god bless you anon because im in the trenches for sniper too so this is EVERYTHING (my fig of him is watching over me as i type this--)
ill just drop some general hcs and ideas going from mild to more suggestive/darker as theygo on so bear with me
*revvs up the deep fryer*
obviously, if your one job and talent is to be a ruthless assassin and you are surrounded by eight (8) other deranged men, you'd probably end up a little off your rocker, too...especially when it came to the aspect of women, dating, and sex in general. EVEN more so, being cooped up all alone in a shooting blind almost all hours and in his camper, this would make him one of the scarier types--the detached yet depraved (honestly and deprived too) type. it's an interesting dichotomy, being that he's so intimidating, aloof, and in general jaded to the violence or gravity of his own thoughts/actions/desires, yet in practice while acting on those impulses, he loses his edge--fumbling with your exposed body while in restraints, like an inexperienced teenager.
you wonder to yourself, "why on earth would a sniper wish to interrogate me? they spend their time in the backlines, what would motivate one to do this?" and ill tell ya what, my dear reader, the fact that such a beautiful specimen such as yourself has been tied up, scared, and basically left free for the taking, he uses his cool demeanor to convince the other mercs why his interrogation tactics will fruit the most effective results.
interrogation starts off the opposite from what you'd expect--he's calmly asking your name, age, what you were doing the day you were brought to the base, as if trying to establish a false sense of security. your survival instincts and critical thinking lead you to believe so, and are hesitant to give in. but damn, if it's not the way he looks at you, half-lidded through tinted shades, it's that alluring voice, its charming Aussie accent like music to your ears--you slowly let your guard down--and that's when the hunter goes in for his prey.
don't expect him to be gentle, either. carelessly using his machete to cut your bindings off when he simply can't bear to limit his access to your body any longer, while lacerating your delicate skin in the process. he might even accidentally smear your own blood around and paint your skin as he grips you-- letting one hand roam freely as the other holds the now blood-stained machete to your skin, as if daring you to scream for help or even protest. what happens next is between you and Mundy, and from now own, he's got himself his own little toy to keep him entertained between headshots up in the nest.
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mowulf · 3 years
You Gotta be Kitten Me
CH 1: And now for something completely different
Summary: Medic never really liked cats. He had never hated them, per se, but being a bird parent did not lend a favorable view to the furry beasts. So how on Earth did he find himself trying to take care of 7?
Medic woke up struggling to breathe and a deep pressure on his chest. He took several deep breaths as he tried to push past the morning brain fog and flopped his arm in an attempt to wake Heavy. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d woken up half trapped beneath the large man. When he only found empty bed, his eyes snapped open and he looked down at his chest.
An absolutely massive cat was sprawled across his chest, thick fur only adding to the weight. The cat’s chin draped over his shoulder, breathing slow and easy. Medic stared in confusion. How did a cat get into his room? He always made sure to close the door securely to make sure nothing would try to get in to harass his birds (or worse, allow them unsupervised access to the base). Then again, the bed was empty. Perhaps Heavy had gotten up and accidentally not closed the door all the way?
“Scheiße!” There was a loud yowl as the cat was flung to the floor in Medic’s haste to get up. The cat barely managed to avoid getting stepped on as Madic jumped out of bed and started frantically searching the room. “Archimedes!” There was an angry squawk and he followed the sound to find Archimedes fluffing unhappily on top of the bookcase furthest from the bed. With a sigh, he relaxed and then did another, more thorough search of the room to take a headcount of his birds.
Once everyone was accounted for, Medic turned to the large cat now lounging on the bed watching him. For a brief moment the cat look excited, standing up and raising its tail once it had Medic’s attention. The excitement was short-lived as Medic grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck, threw open the door, and threw it out, yelling, “OUT! OUT! AND DON’T COME BACK!”
The door slammed shut behind him and he huffed angrily. He was going to have words with Heavy for this. First things first, clothes. He dressed angrily, though as time passed and the initial shock wore off, he found himself calming down. Mistakes happened, and his doves were fine. Startled from his yelling earlier, but otherwise fine. By the time he was pulling his boots on he had calmed down to the point where he no longer felt the need to chew anyone out.
All that went out the window when Medic opened the door to find the cat sitting just a few feet away. It had waited?! It knew he kept birds and was just waiting for the opportunity! How dare!
Medic stomped his foot and the cat jumped and cowered. It managed a small chirp before Medic bellowed, “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” as he stomped forward. With a yowl, the cat bolted down the hall and disappeared around the corner. Great. Now he was going to have to do a full check of the base to not only chase that cat out, but also make sure no other vermin had gotten into the base.
But that was a problem for later. He ran a hand down his face and took a deep breath. It was too early to be getting this worked up. He exhaled slowly before making his way to the cafeteria. Maybe he could recruit Scout to help him. The kid had always been good with animals.
Medic was pulled from his thoughts as he approached the cafeteria by the eerie silence. Normally the cafeteria would have been booming with the chaos that came from 9 wildly different personalities trying to talk over each other. Soldier and Scout were always the two loudest, either arguing or each yelling over the other in an attempt to hold their own conversations. But now an unsettling silence leaked through the doors. He paused but then threw the doors open and strode in, shoulders back and chest out.
Medic blinked in surprise when he saw that Engineer was the only other occupant. Seated at a table with a newspaper and a cup of coffee, the man looked up and gave a casual wave. “There’s eggs and bacon in the kitchen and a pot of coffee if you want. Still fresh.”
Medic gave him a confused look. “Where is everyone else? Did they eat already?” Surely he hadn’t slept in that late.
“No idea.” Engineer folded the newspaper and set it aside. “Ain’t seen a sign of anyone since I got up. Slept in because Soldier wasn’t doing his rounds, but not by much.”
Oh, now that was concerning. The only time Soldier didn’t do his morning round to wake everyone up was the time Medic had strapped him to the table overnight and pumped him so full of anesthetic he couldn’t have walked anywhere anyway. Not even death itself would be able to stop that man from yelling at everyone at 5 in the morning.
“Have you checked on anyone?” Medic asked as he slid into the seat opposite Engineer.
“Nope,” was the casual reply, with a popped ‘p’. “None of my business if everyone wants to sleep in.”
“Mmm.” He had a point, it really was none of their business, but Medic was still concerned. “I’m worried something may be going around. Everyone was complaining about not feeling good last night.”
“Everyone but us, you mean.”
Medic rolled his eyes but nodded. “By the way, have you seen Heavy? I couldn’t find him this morning. We need to have a talk.”
Engineer took a drink of coffee while he thought before he finally shook his head. “No, no sign of him. Honestly thought he was still sleeping.”
Medic made an unhappy sound as he stood up. “I’ll see if I can’t find him after I eat. “You said you made bacon?”
“Yup. And seein’ as you’re the first up, you get dibs.” Medic smiled at that. Being first up had its benefits.
The pair took their time eating, alternating between idle chit-chat and enjoying the calm and silence of the empty room. An hour later, however, they were both shifting nervously and sending worried glances to the doors. No one had shown up, which went well beyond ‘slightly concerning’. Food poisoning made no sense. Heavy had been the last to cook and he was not only very good at it, but both medic and Engineer were fine despite eating the same thing as everyone else. There had been no alerts about an invasion, so surely no one had snuck in.
Still, both Medic and Engineer were unsettled by the fact that something had managed to wipe out 3/4 of the team basically overnight. Finally Medic stood up and started toward the door. “I’m checking on everyone. This makes no sense.”
“I’ll come with you,” Engineer said, doing his best to sound casual as he trotted to catch up.
The halls were silent as they walked, which just made the whole experience that much more unsettling. The halls seemed to stretch on for far too long as they approached the sleeping quarters. When they finally came to a stop, Engineer cocked his head and asked, “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“It sounds like…” Engineer took a few steps forward, “...scratching?”
Medic frowned but followed, still straining to hear whatever it was Engineer had heard. As they approached the first door, Scout’s room, he heard it. A desperate, wild scrabbling like something desperately trying to get out. It stopped suddenly and Medic wondered if they’d been heard. Seconds later there was a thud as something hit the door.
“Scout! Are you okay?” There was silence on the other side for a couple seconds before the scratching started up with a renewed frenzy. That was enough to confirm something was wrong and Medic threw the door open. It wasn’t locked, a concern that was registered as a ‘to be dealt with later’ problem, and both Medic and Engineer burst in to find the room empty.
The bed and floor were a mess and there was no sign of Scout anywhere. “You don’t think someone got to him first, do you?” Engineer asked softly, but Medic shook his head.
“There wouldn’t have been time. Scout? Where are you?”
A croaky meow sounded behind them and both men turned to see a small calico stumble out from behind the door.
No. There was no way. Surely not.
Engineer crouched to get a better look at the cat that eyed him suspiciously. Medic darted to the window only to find it shut and locked. After doing a thorough check of the window, he turned his attention to the rest of the room.
Closet? No.
Under the bed? Nada.
Chest of drawers? Nope.
The room was small and hiding spots were far and few between. It wasn’t long before Medic had searched the room top to bottom to find nothing at all.
Nothing except a cat with a croaky mew.
He felt stupid even considering the possibility, but unless everyone had decided to leave at ass in the morning without telling him and Engineer, it was the only thing left he could think of. He crouched down next to Engineer and stared hard at the cat which stared back at him, still somewhat dazed.
“Here goes nothing. Scout?” The cat perked up and chirped at him, tail shooting straight up. Engineer looked at Medic who just pinched the bridge of his nose. “Scout, can you- can you understand me?” he asked after a moment. The cat nodded and trotted closer, meowing non-stop.
Engineer just looked from Medic to the cat and then back before he sighed as well and stood up. “Alright. Well. That’s a problem.”
“Tell me about it. Probably screamed his head off trying to get someone’s attention, if his voice is anything to go by.” Medic stood up with a sigh and the three shared an awkward silence.
“Medic,” Engineer said slowly, dread beginning to pool in his stomach. “You don’t think…” He trailed off. He didn’t need to finish. It was obvious from Medic’s expression that he knew what Engineer was going to ask.
“No. Surely not. That’s impossible.” But he was already on the move. The next door was Demoman’s. Medic banged on the door and yelled, “Back up! I’m coming in!” before he threw the door open and entered. A large black cat lifted its head and blinked at him blearily. Medic didn’t bother sticking around, having all the confirmation he needed, before moving on to the next room.
Half an hour and a quick trip to Sniper’s camper later found Engineer and Medic in the living room with 6 cats. Heavy was unaccounted for but Medic already knew what he looked like. It was just a matter of working through the guilt long enough to seek out the larger man cat and beg forgiveness. In the meantime, he had his face buried in his hands while Engineer awkwardly patted his shoulder.
The cats, on the other hand, were seated in a circle, chirping and meowing at each other as they discussed their predicament. Soldier, normally loud and aggressive, was quiet while Spy led the conversation. Sniper was half-laying on Scout, licking his forehead or biting his ears when he started to get too worked up. Demoman was loud, though he politely waited his turn, and Pyro - who’d somehow crammed their head in a sock and refused to let anyone take it off - just hopped in with comments whenever they felt like it.
They were getting quite into the discussion when a deep voice cut in with “Мяу.” The conversion stopped as the circle turned to look at the newcomer. Heavy looked down at them for a moment before everyone shifted to fit him in. He settled into a loaf, listening in with the occasional comment and keeping half an eye on the two humans sitting on the couch.
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
AAAA REQUESTS OPEN YAY I saw that you did a mercs with nightmares, but how do they comfort their s/o with nightmares?? it could be small ones or h u g e ones, you can pick! And if you’ve done this before or don’t want to, I hope you have a beautiful day!!
When his S/O gently shakes him awake, he looks up groggily and opens his mouth to start complaining until he sees the look of terror on their face. He immediately sits up and asks, “Hey, what happened?” before tossing his arms around them.
He lays back down with them and holds them to his chest. He tries his hardest to soothe them but he doesn’t know what to say; He’s horrible at comforting other people. He just ends up softly rubbing their back and arms. He’ll even get up and watch some TV with them if they can’t fall back asleep.
He assures them that he’ll protect them from anything they’re afraid of and they’ll never have to worry about their nightmares coming true.
As soon as he wakes up and sees the fear his S/O is giving him, he immediately jumps up and grabs his gun, thinking that there was an intruder. He runs around the house trying to find one, but when he realizes there isn’t one he runs back to the bedroom and asks his S/O what the problem is.
When they explain that they had a nightmare, he doesn’t hesitate to pull his S/O into a big hug and comfort them. He’ll stay up with them if they ask him to, but at some point he’ll accidentally fall asleep while cuddling them.
While comforting them, he promises that he’ll fight off anyone who dares to harm or scare his precious Cupcake.
When Pyro’s S/O wakes them, they quickly sit up and gently grab their hands as soon as they see that they’re upset. They’re immediately asking what’s wrong, and they begin looking around to make sure there isn’t anything in their surroundings that’s upsetting their S/O.
After their S/O explains that they had a nightmare, they pull their S/O closer and gently rubs their skin to soothe them. They won’t fall asleep until their S/O does, even if it takes hours. If they know they won’t fall back asleep, Pyro will run and bring them tea/hot chocolate/whatever they want without hesitation, and will turn on cartoons to distract them from the nightmare.
Pyro assures his S/O that they’re going to be there for them every time they have a nightmare; They’ll never be forced to go through it alone.
Demo lets out a loud yelp of surprise and jumps up when his S/O wakes him, and asks if they’re okay when he sees the look on their face. He puts a hand to their cheek and wipes away any tears with his thumb as his S/O explains what happened.
It really breaks his heart to see his S/O so frightened, and he feels really horrible that he can’t make it go away in an instant. He might offer them scrumpy to calm their nerves, but doesn’t push it if they say no. He’ll sit with them and rub their back with one hand, and he will listen to them if they want to talk about their nightmare. If they say they can’t sleep, he still pulls them back into bed and asks them to please try. He spoons them and buries his face in their neck while they try to fall asleep.
He reminds his S/O that none of their nightmares will ever come true, and he’ll always be there to make sure of it.
When his S/O wakes him, he quickly sits up with a loud “Ебать!” and starts to get up because he thinks they woke him because of an intruder. His S/O stops him before he can grab it, and only now he looks over at them and sees the tears on their face. He tries again to get up until his S/O explains that it was only a nightmare.
He immediately pulls his S/O into a big hug, then brings a hand to their face. He holds them against his chest as he asks them to tell him about it, and continues to hold them if they do. He’ll continue to tightly hold on to them if they lay back down to try to sleep again. If they get up, he’ll make a sandwich to cut and share and will sit up to talk/read/watch TV with them.
Since he has more nightmares than the rest of the team, he’s much more understanding of his partner. He reminds them that they’re safe and he’s always here for them after a nightmare, and they don’t have to feel bad about waking him up. He’s always there to talk about the nightmares.
Engie is a light sleeper so he wakes up before his S/O tries to wake him. He rolls over and asks why they’re awake, his voice weak from still being half-asleep. But when they say it was a nightmare and he finally sees the terrified look on their face, he quickly sits up and pulls them in against his chest.
For a while, he just holds them close and lets them calm down or stop crying. Once they’re calmed he asks if they want to talk about the nightmare. His listens intently if they decide too but assures them it’s fine if they decide not to. He cuddles close to them when they try to go back to sleep, putting their head under his. If they stay up, he’ll set up on the couch with them and cuddle close with a blanket and warm drinks to read or watch TV.
While he sits with them, he tells them that it’s all over now, and he’s there to talk if they ever feel the need to.
After his S/O wakes him he mumbles in German and leans over to grab his glasses off the nightstand. His tired expression changes when he finally looks up at his S/O and sees their terrified expression. He immediately pushes himself to sit upright and gently grabs their shoulder, demanding to know what’s wrong. He starts checking them over for any injuries until the word “nightmare” finally leaves their mouth. 
When it does, he looks up at them and breathes a sigh of relief. He chuckles breathlessly and pulls them into his arms, relieved that they weren’t hurt or in danger. He asks if they want to talk about it. If they do, he’ll turn on the light and sit with them while they describe what they saw. He’ll then press a kiss to their cheek and encourages them to go back to sleep. If they do, he’ll cuddle them against him and will continue whispering comfort to them until they fall asleep.
He’s dealt with patients who were affected by nightmares, so he knows how to help them. He offers them ways to help calm themselves after a nightmare, but doesn’t push if they turn it down. 
Sniper, like Engie, is a light sleeper so he wakes up right after his S/O jolts up. He turns his head to look at them and asks what the problem is. But when he sees the look of panic on their face, he starts panicking himself and sits up to put a hand on their back. He leans closer to get a better look at their face and again asks what’s wrong. After they explain that it was a nightmare, he gently pulls their chin so they face him and rests his forehead against theirs, saying that he thought they were in pain or in danger for a moment.
He’ll gently pull them onto his lap to tightly hold them to his chest as he calms them down. Once they’re calm he asks them to tell him about the nightmare. He rests his chin on their shoulder and doesn’t say a word as they speak to him, and then gives his two cents once they’re done. He’ll ask if they want some water, and brings it to them if they say yes. If they’re ready to try to sleep again, he’ll sleep very closely to them so they feel safer, but he’s practically laying on top of them tbh. If they want to stay up, he’ll probably cuddle them and talk/read/listen to music/whatever. If they’re in his camper, he might take them outside to sit on top of it and look at the stars.
Since he also has nightmares, he knows what it’s like. He tells then that he understands what it’s like, and he’s always open to talk about it if they want.
He jumps up in surprise when his S/O wakes him and almost reaches for his knife until he realizes that there’s no intruders in the room. He immediately turns back to his S/O and his eyes grow wider when he sees the terror in their expression. He mutters in French and pulls his S/O into his arms, resting their chin on his shoulder, and asks if they’re alright. He sighs in relief when his S/O explains it was just a nightmare, but quickly pulls away and straightens himself out. He can’t sit there looking like a spooked child.
He honestly doesn’t know how to help them, and it makes him feel kind of awkward. He just takes one of their hands in his and rubs their back with his other. He doesn’t ask them to talk but he will listen if they choose to. He usually isn’t a big cuddler but just this once, he’s taking the initiative to physically comfort them. If they choose to go back to sleep, he’ll hold them to his chest and whisper in French to them until they finally fall asleep. If they decide to stay up, he’ll bring them to his smoking room and sit with them in front of the fire.
He’s kind of nervous he’s going to say the wrong thing to them, so he doesn’t speak much. But he reminds them that he’ll always protect them, and their nightmares will never come true.
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