#i looove this guy he's so silly!!
weasvlys · 3 years
XMEN male characters NSFW headcanons.
So, here's the second part of "How I think this male xmen characters fuck", technically. If you wanna see the first or next part OR other headcanons, one short, etc, I have a masterlist, so yeah, enjoyyyy.
Alex Summers.
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He loves dirty, sloppy and passionate sex.
This guy loves to kiss you passionately while he has you on his lap and he has his hands on your butt.
It can last for hours fucking you and it won't tire.
He is much more concerned with your pleasure than his.
He got long, slender and skillful fingers, expect wonders from them.
"You like this baby?"
Loves quickies but prefers passionate and slow sex.
Angry sex!
Loves doggy style.
Loves rough and hard sex, but he'll always make sure you're okay with it.
He loves to be punish.
He is going to fuck you in such a hard and sensual way, you literally won't be able to walk, he loves to feel your sweet spot.
Big mommy kink.
"Thanks, mommy."
Like to be tied and blindfolded.
Definitely know the female anatomy.
Sean Cassidy.
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Shy and silly.
He literally acts like a teenager, he has wet dreams, erections all the time, and he wants to kiss you 24/7.
Very shy and clumsy, he will be asking if he is doing it well or touching the right place every 5 minutes, and boy is he touching the ideal place.
"You are so sexy."
As innocent and silly as he may seem, it is usually the opposite, in reality he is dirty and has a perverse mind.
Talk during sex.
"Oh-oh shit, you are so wet, how does this happen?"
He loves dirty, sloppy and wild kisses.
He would laugh at your moans.
Whenever he makes you come he feels like a champ.
Horny and sweet.
He has a look that melts, you could just be training or playing chess and he will undress you with his eyes.
Hank McCoy.
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Very shy.
Gives THE BEST oral sex, you don't have idea how, but this guy always makes you squirt, sometimes twice.
Podigium of anatomy.
Has a mommy kink.
Pain kink.
He is the type of guy who would love to fuck you all day and would if he could but at the same time he cares how you feel, he protects you and procures you forever.
"Y-you like ME?"
Again, almost like a teenager, would be horny for the weirdest reason.
Very pervert.
She loves seeing his cock deep down your throat and seeing tears come out.
Professor kink.
Would ask you if you are okay with what he's doing.
Noisy AF.
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workofheart · 3 years
levi ackerman relationship hcs
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some modern headcanons, nsfw below the cut <3 it’s just levi brainrot at this point
definitely the type to follow (stalk) your spotify and check in to see what you’re listening to. if he has the time, he might even listen along and wonder what you’re doing. if it’s a particularly sad song or series of songs, he’ll know to send you a text to let you know he’s thinking of you
on that note, he also stalks your pinterest boards just to see what you’re into these days and (idk abt yall but i save pins of mens fashion) if he sees a cute outfit in your saves that fits his style, he might even try it out. reason being (though he’ll never admit to it) he loooves that kind of attention from you - when he looks particularly good and you can’t stop staring, it might just pull a smirk out of him
once you’re living together, he lowkey acts like a dad. might scold you for not closing doors, not turning off lights, all the like. he means well, honestly
however, doesn’t mind tidying up for you. folds your laundry, clears your plate, takes your jacket off your shoulders when you get home, just because it’s his way of showing he cares. definitely an acts of service kind of guy
really good at cooking! he likes spending days in the kitchen with you while he whips something up or tries something new and you just sit at the counter and talk to him. it’s a good way to catch up as your adult lives can sometimes get busy
if you fall asleep with earbuds still in, he’ll gently take them out for you before you go to bed <3 he’ll also plug your phone in for you if you forgot
occasionally reads aloud to you, especially if you’re having trouble sleeping. we all know he’s not much of a talker, but his voice is so relaxing and he doesn’t mind doing it if he knows it will help
the chillest, coolest boyfriend ever. he’s so mature, honest, and trusting, and you don’t have to worry about those high school dramatics when you’re dating him. when he chooses to date you, he’s serious about it - definitely not the type to just date for fun. he won’t hesitate to deny advances from other people, doesn’t care about what you wear, just fully devoted to you and wouldn’t even think about anyone else
i also think that with that dating in general, you would probably start out as acquaintances or maybe even friends. he needs to have a lot of trust in the person he chooses to date, so only after he’s known you a long time and you’ve made enough of an impact on his life for him to make it hard to let you go would he date you
speaking of, didn’t isayama say that levi would stutter around his crush? i can imagine him stumbling over his words, trying to cover it up with a cough, reaching to scratch his neck all sheepish, just getting all shy. even once you’re far past that stage of your relationship, sometimes you’re so upfront and bold, he can’t help himself :( you just make him so weak
braids your hair for you when you’re too tired to do it yourself - you’ll sit in front of him and his fingers are so gentle with your hair 🥺 he got the hang of it so quickly and has the dexterity to not tangle your hair and it always comes out so nice and clean, even if you’re just going to sleep in them
i peg him as a biiiig cuddler. not a lot of pda besides holding your hand, wrapping his arms around your waist, letting you hook your arm around his, etc., but in private he loves when he can just lay his head on your lap or chest bc then you can play with his hair, which relaxes him
he’s really intuitive and in tune with your emotions. if you’re feeling down, he’ll know, and he’ll also know if you need space or if you need comfort, both of which he is more than willing to oblige
he’s there to bring you cups of tea, maybe some cut up strawberries on the days you’re tired and want to sleep. will definitely tuck you in, and will also lay down with you for a bit if you ask
his go to way of getting you to talk is going on drives. 1) levi is a really good driver and 2) he’ll usually come and find you wherever you may be around the apartment, say something along the lines of, “i’m going on a drive, you wanna come?” or might just give you a look and jingle the keys around his fingers
it might take a little while of rolling through the backroads aimlessly for you to speak up, but when you do, he’s all ears. lets you talk through your thoughts, might prompt you further, offers advice if you ask for it. it’s also how you sort through relationship misunderstandings - they are rare, but all relationships have them, so it would be silly to present your relationship without them
i think that when levi is upset on the other hand, he’ll usually come to you for comfort. he isn’t necessarily looking for advice, but just to calm down and rest. some form of physical touch is good, like cuddling or napping, preferably where he can put his head on your chest so you can play with his hair
i think levi is the type of person to get a lot of intrusive thoughts or memories that he doesn’t really want to remember when they pop up, so having you as a distraction to hold him and let him know it’s alright is something he really appreciates
nsfw below the cut (18+)
unpopular opinion: levi is NOT the hard dom people tag him as. rather, i think of levi as a service top, so while he may be carrying out more of the work, you’re the one in control. getting you off gets him off 100%
considering he is usually very dominant outside the bedroom, he likes the opportunity to let you take control and direct him instead - it takes a weight off his shoulders
slow and smooth kisser. might put up a fake fight for dominance just to make it more fun, but eventually take the lead and kiss him dizzy
hearing your moans makes him unbelievably hard. the sounds you make go straight to his dick
and so: godly at giving head. he might edge you but it’s not to tease or as punishment, he just takes his time because he knows it feels better for you, and at the end of the day he wants you to feel as good as possible. your pleasure is his main priority.
knows how to use his fingers, knows how to use his tongue. knows what you like and picks up on it very quickly. i don’t think he’s that experienced but he’s got a good natural sense of what feels good - do not doubt him, he knows where the clit is 
he’s got a very wide range of capabilities for this, too. he can go slow and sensual on a calm sunday morning or absolutely dive in and ravage your pussy for more intense sessions - this is the one time he doesn’t mind making a mess 
making you cum is good for his self esteem/confidence lmfaooo he lives to see your flushed cheeks and heaving chest and be told he’s doing well. when you scratch his hair or cup his cheek as a quick thank you, his heart swells and his dick twitches
please kiss his neck, he will absolutely melt for you. especially the next day when he looks in the mirror and notices the little love bites you left him... he runs his fingers over them lightly and his eyelids get a little droopy as he remembers everything, will definitely seek you out for another round
tbh i don’t think he’s that kinky. he likes what he likes, i can’t imagine him comfortably degrading you or hitting you or anything like that. realistically, levi wouldn’t be having sex with someone he’s not in a committed relationship with. he wants it to be special and personal and therefore probably would not enjoy treating you poorly even if just for the sake of sex. if anything, he wants it the other way around bc he could easily be a bit of a masochist in bed
loves when you restrain him and ride the shit out of him, either by tying his hands to the bed or just pinning his arms down. likes when you “use” him to get off. put your hands around his neck and he’s putty in your hands
really loves when you tell him to cum - your voice is music to his hears and to hear it out loud and as a command has him doing exactly that. he’s not one to disobey orders lol. 
his brows furrow, his eyes squeeze shut, mouth falls open and lets out a low moan... jesus christ 
one more deep kiss, a quick clean up, and then he’s passing out with his head on your chest. after-sex sleep is some of the best rest he’s ever gotten
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tractorbeamofwoe · 3 years
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A/N: So wattpad is currently down so I’m using it as motivation to get some smaller requests done. You guys wanted Inhaler as boyfriends headcanons and I am giving it to you 🥰
• I feel like he’s a “keep an arm around you at most times” kinda guy
• Deffo protective omg did you see him breaking up that fight?!
• So he is not afraid of confrontation if it means keeping you safe or stopping you from feeling uncomfortable
• You guys deffo share clothes all the time
• I feel like he’d also be quite chivalrous
• Holding car doors open for you, a hand on your back as you walk etc.
• Silly nicknames galore
• Your parents reckon he’s a bad influence on you, in the most loving way possible
• You get a little shy sometimes, but he loooves hearing you sing and always tells you to keep going when he hears you
• Most likely bigger than you
• So his hugs are amazing
• And he lets you wear his jumpers, which are of course more like dresses
• Plays video games with you
• You dedicate songs to each other all the time
• You catch him regularly listening to your spotify playlists trying to learn what you like
• It’s heartwarming
• Your family absolutely adores him
• Because he’s soooo incredibly sweet and polite and just all round wholesome
• Probably offers to help your mum with the dishes
• You have regular play dates with your pets
• Leading to picnics in the park and woodland walks
• Trips to the zoo and other wildlife sanctuaries are also on the table
• Ryan, as the movie buff, has you over at his for regular movie nights (and father ted marathons)
• And he thinks it’s the cutest thing when you fall asleep on the sofa or cuddled up to him
• When he’s away he always texts you to let you know he’s thinking of you
• Sends you pics of silly things he sees that remind him of you
• Calls you every night to unwind and run you through how his day went, because he knows you love to hear about his adventures
• He’s taller than you and teases you about it sometimes
• But he uses it to his advantage, helping you around the house when you’re DIYing
• There is never a boring moment in your house
• Someone is always telling a joke, laughing, pulling a prank, accidentally breaking something, burning the cooking etc.
• It’s fun
• You find yourself playing with his hair a lot
• He pretends he doesn’t, but he loves it really
• When he’s super hyper or riled up after a gig you always know the best ways to chill him out
• Lots of forehead kisses 🥺
• You’re both very competitive
• So at any opportunity to make a bet or complete a dare, you will
• You get on with his family too, laughing as you watch him hopelessly try and help Billy with his homework
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mikumutual · 2 years
watched encanto! everyone was right, it’s really good
i’d seen tumblr posts about it, jokes and whatnot, but i decided never to look anything up and spoil myself, just in case i wanted to watch it. which i did! so i didn’t know much going in except like what the characters looked like and a few of the songs i actually thought that bruno was going to be a villain! probably because the only time i saw him was when camilo shapeshifted into him lol. he’s waaay nicer than i thought he would be, real silly guy on that note, dolores can’t keep a secret, right? like she HAD to tell everyone that mirabel saw bruno’s vision. but. isnt bruno living in the fucking walls?!?! and NOBODY knows about that? dolores would hear him!!!!! she’d hear the rats!!!!!!!!! how has she never mentioned that to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (edit: maybe it is addressed?! one of her lines in a song is "i can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling" - present tense! even so, that's a hefty secret to keep, i'm not sure how she does) also id looove more intel on everyone and their powers. like i know that you can’t fit that much into an hour and a half (and they used their time VERY well, it’s a concise story and not a second is boring, i really love it) but it wouldve been cool to see more of everything! like dolores opening her door - surely as a child she freaked the fuck out from being able to hear literally everything at once, right? how the hell does she even parse out different sounds? i also thought some of the powers would be more of a plot point - especially camilo. i mean, shapeshifting? and you DON’T have a switcheroo? i know there was that one impersonation which i appreciated but i really thought there was gonna be something important. or antonio’s animals doing something big, or julieta not being able to cook fast enough to save someone... obviously the movie focused more on mirabel and bruno and abuela but i would love even more!! i WILL say though that the sisters were really well done. isabela’s move from perfect flowers to sharp plants with clashing colors was AMAZING, completely unexpected and totally flipped my perspective of her. luisa too - her song is sooo poignant, working hard but fucking crying half the time, shes sooo everything to me and also she’s ripped as hell so how could i not love her  i also looooooved how the house was its own character. it makes you wonder about the source of magic in this world! fuckin house of theseus at the end there! this is now the second media ive consumed in which a house interacts with the characters and i love both but this one is MUCH more cheerful. so playful! the stairs turning into a ramp to keep some kids from going up actually made me laugh. love u casita also why the FUCK didn’t mirabel get a gift. was that ever explained. was it just the magic waning. what the fuck house you couldn’t give her a new one at the end there?? actually i’m happy that she didn’t because acceptance in a house and family and town that loves her is more important than finally getting what you were always hoping for when it was never going to happen can i just mention how phenomenal the story is though. everything in the plot. god. so incredibly well done. just about cried at the flashback scene and that is NOT usual for me and ummm yeah i think that’s everything! such a good movie, very pretty visuals, the camaraderie of the characters makes me so happy, and i always love a story where each member of a family has a different power... and the songs are amazing too. i’m really glad everyone online kept talking about it, it’s already one of my favorites without a doubt
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kelluinox · 3 years
My (negative) thoughts on SNK 138
I will say right off the bat that I was immensely disappointed with this chapter. This was definitely not what I had expected, and, frankly, something that I didn't want. I'm not sure that I will be able to even continue watching the anime, or ever revisit my favorite moments of snk after the way 138 has tainted the entire plotline and butchered so many characters. I'm not going to be polite about this.
Now, with that out of the way, the reasons why I hate this chapter:
1) I'm pissed that the silly reunions of the Warriors with their family members took up so many pages. Except for Falco (and maybe Reiner), I don't give a shit about any of these people, they are awful, selfish human beings, and nothing they've done has been able to redeem them in my eyes. I hate that they almost got their happy endings, as they did not deserve them in the least. Especially Annie who proudly professed that she would commit the Paradis atrocities all over again. Fuck these people.
2) I hate the praise Leonhardt got. A hero? You mean the guy who adopted a little girl and beat her ass daily so that he could mold her into the perfect soldier for a Nazi regime and live in comfort? No. Just no.
3) Literally no one was surprised by Eren coming back. No one. This moment was so contrived that even the characters barely reacted to it. They're like: "oh, you're still alive? Still breathing? Cool, let's kill ya."
4) Levi fucking ABANDONING his squad just like that. No parting words, no emotions, nothing. Does he even care for these people???? HAS he ever cared for them??? First Sasha, and now this?? "Smoke doesn't affect Ackermans and shifters fam, let's bail. Bye SUCKAS!" Just what. The actual. Fuck. Is this his character now? I guess I should've seen this coming. Ever since Erwin died he's only cared about the monkey, and now that the monkey is gone his character is officially dead and a plot device. A one dimensional soldier who's only good for battle scenes, nothing else.
5) What is even Eren's PLAN at this point?? Why the hell would everyone suddenly titanize, what does he GAIN from this?? This is so stupid?? I expected the Rumbling to restart, but no, I guess we're getting this shitty scene of Eren turning his FRIENDS into titans for NO REASON for shock value. Just no, fuck this. I do not accept this.
6) My boys Jean and Connie are really going to go out like this, huh? Titanized for no reason? Slow clap Bravo, Isayama, my expectations have indeed been subverted. But just like with Kathleen Kennedy, I was only impressed by the sheer amount of stupidity that you crammed in at the very end. Congratulations.
7) Armin's whole "you must love this hell" thing.. How, how can you misunderstand Eren so much??? Especially after you've been so desperately defending Marley and the Warriors, after you said yourself that Eren was doing all of this for you?!!!?! JUST HOW IN THE HELL DOES EREN LOVE HELL?!?! Shut up, just shut up you fucking Bertholdt loving idiot, I'm done loving and defending your stupid ass, at this point you should've died in the Serumbowl. But then it would mean Erwin getting butchered in this trainwreck, so I guess I should be glad that Levi made the selfish choice back then.
8) How does Mikasa know where Eren is? Just how?
9) Mikasa's entire dream sequence... I feel sick. Apparently Eren has been reduced to a spineless pussy. You really expect me to believe that the guy whose entire philosophy is to fight would just abandon fucking EVERYTHING to have pity sex with his adoptive sister??? AND THAT THE TWO OF THEM WOULD LEAVE ARMIN WITHOUT TELLING HIM?!?! Just goes to show what a great friend Mikasa is to Armin if this is her perfect world. "What blonde kid? Oooooh, yeah, fuck that guy. I ran away with my looove." Eugh. I can't believe her. She would abandon all of her friends, leave her entire country to sit in some cabin for four years with the guy she's been obsessing over her entire life. Mikasa is a disgusting human being. And her continued gross misunderstanding of who Eren is is just giving me so many stalker vibes. This is not healthy relationship material at all, she seriously needs to get some professional help.
10) If she had confessed Eren would not have used the Rumbling?!?!?! I'm sorry, I just... I can't. I could literally cry from this. My favorite character is now a guy who decided to destroy the world just because he got familyzoned. I... Isayama just spat and shit on everything Eren was, everything he represented, everything he believed in, all the development he went through... I just.. I have no words.
11) That. Fucking. Kiss. Eren did not consent to it and what the hell is wrong with you????? This is so disgusting on soooo many levels???? What porn for necrophiliacs IS this??? I mean, if this was like a Jango fett situation where she just held his head and said goodbye I wouldn't have been so revolted, but HERE I AM, trying not to puke my guts out. To make matters worse, you can actually see the blood pouring out of his neck.
12) Isayama went all out this chapter, that's for sure. He even butchered the character who didn't speak and barely appeared. Ymir, my baby, what have they done to you, sweetheart? I can't believe you're now a creep who's getting her kicks out of seeing people kiss disembodied heads.
All in all, I'm so sad, disappointed and angry beyond belief. I do not accept this.. whatever it is. There were so many ways to give snk a send off that would be remembered for years, but... Isayama really did lie when he said that he wouldn't GOT his own ending. Even if 139 is a masterpiece, it will not salvage this manga, not for me. I honestly feel like the author is so tired of SNK that he began to hate it and this is the result. I have never felt so sickened and betrayed before in my life.
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emptysekai · 2 years
death note?
death notes in a weird place for me where i LIKE it but i treat it like a comedy because i think a lot of it is much funnier than it tries to push. like lights just some guy who gets a book and suddenly he's immedeitly in the deep end. and L picks he kira Day One on the job and misa picks its light First Try of looking for him. like there is something so funny about this dynamic that the writer doesnt seem to fully realise he's done. the characters are fun an i looove their dumb silly dynamic and the story is really well written though i can only really ever remember the first part of the story. there Is a reason death note is in the public conscience, even to ppl who dont really watch much anime or havent seen it before. uh. like a 8/10
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brokedex · 2 years
tell me your succession blorbos and scrunklies everyone on that show seems so pathetic [affectionate]
YESSSSSSS they are so so pathetic
okay so because I have brainrot I think about tom and greg a lot and I'll tell you who specifically is my blorbo and who's my scrunkly
my blorbo's most likely tom! he's my wife, my sopping wet plushie, my princess diana, my everything. he's such an interesting character made up of many insane acting choices and it's hilarious how matthew macfadyen is like "he's just a normal guy" sir he is NOT! makes me think of how hilarious it is watching matt go from playing Timeless Heartthrob Darcy to the Ultimate Failwife Tryhard Tom. I also relate to him because he worries about everything (but of course I'm not at the same level), like this guy plans out his possibility of going to prison like he's planning a wedding!!!! something's up!!!
my scrunkly is therefore greg. he is a silly gumby guy and I want to swing him around by the legs and put him in a taffy puller. part of my cuteness aggression is wanting to see him get in a fight. someone mentioned the idea of him fighting roman and I would looove to see that
willa is also a scrunkly of mine because she has some really sweet moments with connor!! I always want more screen time for her and her failing playwright career shfkfndkdn
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Ummmm, Chop Top with F N and O?
Sfw & nsfw since not clarified (my fault for not clarifying 😭) ->
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I'd say it's kind of a mixed bag??? He defi feels like a free love kinda guy, who are we kidding.... but he is also a countryside lad. I feel like he's into the idea of free love, but when push comes to shove, he just kinda isn't interested in other relationships than the one w his partner.
Marriage is.... hellyeah. Like, a moment of passion kinda thinh tho. He would propose to u on spot and make it like a cute makeout wedding. Just, give u a random ring (grandmas???). And it would be half romantic & half silly!
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
😬 again a mixed bag. If he's been activated enough during the day he might sleep pretty ok. Be a bit twitchy, wake up a few times, ask for some affection and pass out again. But u gta give him activities fr.... go jogging together.... get him to go out shopping groceries.... just, you know.
If he has even slight extra energy, he WILL force himself to be up. So, nights may be a little difficult :( he'll be talkative, get up and walk around, mess around w a torch, get sandwiches, come back to sleep, gets up, gets drinks, goes on a rant,.... you know.
Please hug him and hold him.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He isn't INTENDING on sharing. It just happens. He blabbers and rants and you tend to learn about him pretty fast. He rarely realizes what he's doing and is often a little surprised & confused when someone shows him that theyve listened and stuff....
If he didn't ramble, he would be p slow tp reveal stuff :'0 he gets nervous...
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything and everything? He's a very active lad, ngl I see him being Quite uhh... moves around a lot? Fidgets, but also kEEPS correcting his position. Big manhandler. Have yall seen him jump on that bridge in tcm2. He is actually. Mad fucking strong do... yeah.
But i do think he likes smooching a lot and likes to see his partners face so generally facing = nice!!
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
D...dunno rly????? I f.... yeah.... i feel like hes pretty open.... its like more like..... he doesnt have any particular kinks/things hes into, but, for his partner he would try annnnything? He might be an asshole but he is also a peoplepleaser...
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves <33 all love <33 in gen he just likes affection, cuddling, spending a lot of time & energy w his partner <3 would be p happy just canoodling w them all day!!! Would looove to just spend hours down there for u uwu will also happily recieve and happily ask about it and waggle his stupid little eyebrows....
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top 10 hellsing scenes?
All of them
Okay but seriously:
1. The entire fight sequence leading up to Anderson’s death
It’s animated so beautifully in the OVA and I fucking love all the many layers to it. The “vampires are weeping children” flashback that happens during it is one of my favorite moments. And just... everything this scene reveals about these characters, and the story itself. The fact that Alucard attempts to warn Anderson away from becoming like him, the implied grief that drove Anderson to this, the bittersweet element to his defeat. Also “my beloved nemesis” is like... yes.
2. Rio murder spree
I’ve talked about this at length before, but it showcases some amazing nonverbal storytelling. And the sudden shift in like... the narrative perception is so well done. Where before Alucard was our Cool Guy Protagonist and his fight sequences were meant to be fun, suddenly his bloodthirstiness is played straight for horror and I fucking love it.
3. Van Helsing flashback
So a) I love my boy Van Helsing, his one appearance in this series is def going to be a favorite, especially how he’s fucking reading Dracula for filth and b) it has SO MANY interesting implications. It opens up the door for so many questions, and is also one of our first glimpses at emotional depth in the series, especially in the OVA. It marks the first shift from cheesy murder romp to “in this house, we only have extremely tragic backstories.” Also both the manga and OVA have this scene directly after an Anderson scene and I lurve me that ✨symbolism✨
4. Pip’s monologue about London
Honestly all of Pip’s lines are solid gold, and he’s quite frankly too cool for this series. That being said, I looove how he brings to the forefront the sheer cost in human life. The series often employs a trick of gleefully using characters as cannon fodder, making it look cool, then turning around and actually contextualizing that and its cost. Sometimes it’s more successful (rio sequence), and sometimes it falls flat (the hellsing soldiers’ deaths following the Valentine brothers’ attack). Pip’s monologue is the most successful in the series imo. And I also very much enjoy his analysis of vampires during the land mine sequence.
5. The Major’s war speech
So, this is a pretty notorious scene in anime. It’s so fucking long. It’s so fucking self indulgent. It’s an entire chapter. And it has a fantastic slow build from vaguely silly, to annoying, to eventually chilling. There are some fantastic lines in this, and I absolutely adore the OVA dub’s translation of it. Hellsing in general is just really deft about narrative weight and when things have to matter, and the war speech by the end is fucking horrifying.
Also major props to Hirano for referencing a fucking twelfth century Bertran de Born poem.
6. Seras vs Zorin, and her power up moment after Pip’s death.
I actually wasn’t a huge fan of how this was handled in the OVA. Unpopular opinion but lol I fucking hate the random song that starts in the middle of it. But Seras’ power up is so damn good. And it’s so satisfying to see her fucking destroy Zorin. (RIP that expensive wallpaper tho)
Seras had been in a pretty weak position through the story, and when she did occasionally go into a blood rage it was often framed to be out of her control, and a thing she immediately shied away from afterwards. So her completing her arc, and embracing her powers, especially after how harrowing that entire fight sequence was, is so much fun.
7. Level Zero baybey
I’m counting the entirety of Alucard’s entrance in OVA 8 in this. The Demeter reference is SO GOOD, the melodrama of his return is SO GOOD. I love how horrified everyone is when Integra tells him to go nuclear. I love that they all just fucking start attacking, almost in a blind panic, because they do NOT want to see what’s coming next. The army of familiars is very cool (though the CGI is like lol) and I love that Hirano chose to bring back all the previous red shirt villains in fucked up, mindless zombie form. Alucard’s own Dracula get up is ridiculous and over the top and I love it.
8. When Integra’s cornered by Millennium; Iscariot entrance.
I love alllll Integra and Iscariot interactions. I love that she’s just cornered and alone and choses to get out of her fucking car and decapitate a nazi vampire, when there’s a ton more staring her down 😂😂 I love that Anderson & co were apparently just going to watch until they were like “Wait she’s OUR enemy, you don’t get to kill her???” Also slightly later but the LIGHT ME SCENE???
9. The museum scene
Enrico’s bitch ass entrance. Everything about his interactions with Integra. The fact that he crushes his own damn glasses because he’s that extra. That this is technically a friendly?? meeting?? but they both sic their attack dogs on each other anyway. Enrico being SUCH a bitch about giving Integra information.
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send-allmyloving · 4 years
Hey there! I looove your blog and I was hoping if you can write a jealous (S/o) with Chuuya back when he was a sheep member? How Yuan keeps wrapping her arms around his every time she sees them two together alone?
Hi hiiii this is cute! Thank you for the ask! And thank you so much for the support 💕
Chuuya with s/o who is jealous of Yuan
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You and Chuuya had met up in the arcade once again, like every other Friday night. Although you were a mafia member along with Dazai, you had made acquaintance with Chuuya during one of your missions, and despite his instant disapproval of your friend, he was quite literally entranced by your presence the first time he saw you; he just had to know more about you.
And so here you were, both of you being the best of friends, playing your usual round of games together, in which you would... usually win, much to Chuuya’s displeasure.
“Come ON! That’s cheating!!” Chuuya yelled, frustratedly slamming his fists onto the controls while you cackled delightedly at his defeat.
“Sorry Chuu~ the world works in wondrous ways, and unfortunately, it’s on my side this time!” You feigned a disappointed sigh before smirking triumphantly in his face.
He groaned, face-planting onto the controls. You snickered and got up from your seat, springing onto his back while continuing to tease him in a sing-song voice.
“Oh shut up (Name)! I swear I was gonna win that won, I just got.. distracted!” Chuuya grumbled, slightly shoving you off his back.
“Sure you were, whatever helps you sleep at night Chuuya,” you grinned, poking his forehead.
“Ok that’s it--” the redhead started, before standing up to scoop you up in his arms as you yelped.
“Oi! Nakahara! Put me down right this instant!” You demanded, slapping his chest. 
“No can do, bud. You brought this on yourself. Now prepare yourself for...” he started to lean in, pursing his lips as he “threatened” to kiss you.
“Ack!! Get away!” You screeched as you batted at his face, Chuuya victoriously laughing at your disgust.
“You’re a dick” you said, glaring at him before proceeding to fake a gag in feigned disgust at his previous actions.
“You know it!” he jeered, still holding you up in his arms. “But ya know... I would have crushed you into the ground if you were Dazai. Consider yourself lucky.”
“Shut up.”
“Chuuya-senpai!” A foreign voice called out. You both froze, looking at each other with widened eyes. You struggled out of his grasp before you both turned and faced two other members of the Sheep, whom you had no idea about. But your annoyance grew when you turned your attention to the source of the obnoxious voice-- a young girl with loose pink hair, part of it pinned up to the side in a circle. Yuan. She was quite an annoyance for you and Chuuya, always coming and linking an arm around his when she saw you alone together, sending a menacing glance your way. As much as Chuuya and you were friends, and as much as you knew it would be just another inconvenience to develop that relationship into something more, and especially with a member of the Sheep, of all other organizations, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit....
Another boy, around Chuuya’s age and slightly taller, with silver-blue hair followed behind. 
“Yuan? What are you and Shirase doing here?” Chuuya asked, clearly looking annoyed that you two had been interrupted.
“You’ve been disappearing pretty frequently, we wanted to know if you were up to anything suspicious,” the boy, Shirase, said matter-of-factly. His eyes move to you. “Who’re they? A mafioso?”
Chuuya looked back at you, a glow of sympathy in his blue eyes. “They're just a friend,” tearing his eyes off of you only to look back at the Sheep members standing before him. “What’s it to you if I’m off with someone else, having fun?” he snapped, clear irritation present in his rough voice.
“But Chuuya-senpai~ We just wanna make sure you’re not messing around with anybody who might hurt you!” Yuan whined, shoving herself in between you and the redhead to cling onto his arm.
That again. God, she was so annoying.
Chuuya looked down at her, exasperated “How are they gonna hurt me? Did you forget about my power or something?”
“I don’t mean that silly... I meant... traitors, you know? People who backstab you?” Yuan said slyly, giving you a once-over, repulsion evident in her eyes. Chuuya raised his eyes to you, eyes widening as he saw your troubled expression.
That girl... what a bitch.
You cleared your throat, trying to seem unbothered by her subtle advances as you looked away, hands tightened into fists inside your coat pocket.
“(Name)-san? (Name)-san~ Where are you?” another voice called out, this one more playful and definitely familiar.
“Dazai-san?” You rose your eyes in surprise at his presence as you saw him scan around the arcade. His eyes found yours, and a smile danced upon his face as he strode towards you.
“Oh? Are we having a little standoff over here? Chuuya~ Are you causing trouble for our dear (Name)-san?” 
“Shut up, shitty Dazai. I didn’t expect these guys to come here,” Chuuya snapped, subtly shrugging Yuan off his arm.
“It’s fine, Dazai. Let’s go,” you said sharply, yanking the sleeve of Dazai’s shirt as you marched out of the arcade.
“Oh-- (Name)-san? Wha--” Dazai didn’t get to finish his sentence before getting pulled away from the group.
And Chuuya... was seething with rage.
Why the hell did he have to have his moment ruined by a bunch of buffoons, and then see his best friend (and crush) walk out on him arm in arm with his enemy? Was the world seriously against him today?
Chuuya sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. Now he had to worry about how the hell he was going to apologize to you.
“What is your problem you guys? Can’t I have a little time to myself to be with my friend? I already have an entire mission for us to take care of, for fuck’s sake!” Chuuya snarled, glowering at the both of them.
“But Chuuya--” Yuan started, a perplexed expression written onto her face as she looked on at him.
“Just shut up, both of you!” Chuuya yelled, storming out of the arcade.
You and Dazai were sitting on the terrace of the Mafia headquarters. You had thrown your coat into your room out of anger, but Dazai had offered you to come up to the terrace with him to accompany his smoke break, and you had accepted in an attempt to get your mind off of today, and... you had left your coat. So here you were, slightly shivering from the chilly Yokohama air as you sat alongside Dazai, watching him blow puffs of cigarette smoke out of his mouth.
“Cold?” Dazai asked, curious brown eyes finding yours as he casually threw his coat around your shoulders before leaning back against the wall once more.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, pulling the coat further around you as you stared absentmindedly at your toes.
“So what’s up?” Dazai asked, tapping out the ashes against the concrete, adjusting his position so he was looking at you.
“...You already know,” you sighed, turning to face him. “I just... that girl fucking bothers me. I don’t know what she has against me but... here we are, I guess.”
“Tell me about it,” Dazai sighed, lighting a new cigarette. “As much as I hate the chibi, it pisses me off seeing how much they use him to their advantage. So fucking greedy....” He leaned his head far back so it touched the wall behind him, looking up at the setting sky as it turned from orange to pink.
“It’s not just that, Dazai,” you gave him a look. He looked back at you, and the realization hit him. He smirked.
“So why don’t you just tell chibi-san that you’re jealous?”
“Shut the hell up,” you groaned, punching him in the arm. 
“Ow! Was I wrong though?!” he whined, rubbing his sore arm. You packed a good punch when you felt like it. “But seriously, when are you just gonna tell him how you feel? It’s really obvious how much you like him, you know.” 
You exhaled, bringing a hand to your head to massage your temples. “I seriously don’t know anymore. But you’re right. I should just... cut to the chase and tell him straight up.”
Dazai smiled. He ruffled your hair. “That’s what I like to hear! So when are you gonna tell him?”
You shrugged. “At our next visit?”
He scoffed. “Come on (Name)-san. Do you really think he’s gonna think you both are gonna meet up as usual after what went down today?”
You bit your lip. “I mean... you’re right but... ugh, I don’t know!” you groaned, head thudding back against the wall. “How am I gonna ask him to just... meet me tomorrow?”
Dazai chuckled. “Hey, you’re friends with me. I’ve got you covered,” he said, grinning as he gestured to his phone. “I’ll text him where to meet you, and you just go there. Got it?”
You let out a heavy sigh, resting your head on your knees. “Fine. Whatever you say, Dazai.”
Chuuya was relieved, yet panting as he walked up to the steps of the Port Mafia headquarters. He had to resolve things with you as soon as he could, and if that meant literally putting his life on the line by possibly trespassing into a criminal organization's lair? Then so be it. He’d do anything for you. He was... dare he say it, sort of in love with you, if he was being honest. But anyway, he knew it wasn’t like you were going to like him back. You had Dazai. That should be enough for you, right?
But even so, he didn’t want to lose you no matter what. You were the only true friend that he ever had, and he didn’t want to lose the only person he ever actually cared about. 
So he was just about to crash down the locked entrance before he saw a familiar figure wandering past the front of the headquarters.
It was you.
The next moments were all a blur. One moment he was at the entrance, and the next he was holding you in his arms oh so tightly. 
And you were in so much shock you could barely move.
“(Name),” he whispered, burying his nose into your hair and inhaling your comforting scent.
He swallowed, pulling back to look at you, his sapphire eyes on the brink of tears.
You stared back at him, your eyes softening. "I... I was going to meet you tomorrow--"
“I’m really sorry about today. I never thought of you as someone who would stab me in the back, I trust you so much and you mean so much to me and I--”
“--just don’t want to lose you, you’re literally the only person I ever actually cared for and I just... I just don’t know what--”
He couldn’t bring himself to stop. The words plummeted out of his mouth like a waterfall. 
“--I’d do without you, please please don’t be mad at me I’m so fucking sorry and I know it’s shitty and you don’t have to forgive me but just please--”
“Chuuya!” You cupped his cheeks, pulling him out of his tangent and forcing him to look into your gorgeous eyes. “Listen to me! This isn’t your fault. I just... yeah, that girl was a bitch to me and all, but it’s not your fault, okay? And even with that... I was jealous. I just got mad at her and all and I stormed off, I should be the one to say sorry to you,” you said softly, stroking his cheek and taking off one of your hands to brush the strands of ginger hair that had fallen into his face.
Chuuya’s eyes widened. Was this...?
“I wouldn’t have dreamed of leaving you anyway. I...” you took a deep breath, “I’m in love with you, Chuuya. I’ve felt so strongly for you since the start. And you probably don’t feel the same but... I would never want to lose you over something so stupid and silly as this, okay? I’ll always be at your side,” you whispered to him, smiling warmly, a few teardrops clustering around your lashes.
Chuuya tightened his arms around your waist, pulling you closer than ever. He dipped his nose to yours, lips brushing against yours in a soft kiss. He pulled back only slightly, your breaths mingling together, the kiss still lingering on your lips. He tasted like candy.
“I love you too, (Name). So much...” he murmured, kissing your head as one hand wandered to intertwine his fingers with yours.
“Come with me,” you said, looking deep into his blue eyes. “I want to be with you more. And... I know those people you’re with aren’t making you happy, Chuu. I want you to be happy... and I want you to be safe. So...” you leaned up, pressing a chaste kiss against his nose. “Come with me.”
He smiled softly down at you, squeezing your hand in reassurance.
“I will.”
// I hope you enjoy this anon! Sorry that it’s soooo long lololol I had to think out this plot sdjfdjsksfd
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sapphire-strikes · 4 years
I Looove the dynamic of Habit Kamal and FK. Thank you for writing so much for them! I was wondering... What do you think Kamal's first impression of FK was? At the habitat he was so anxious and he seemed to helpless - I can't help but think FK helped him become a better and more confident person after the big event happened... But what about before that
• He'd been fighting with himself about the whole situation ever since it went down. Maybe he was too harsh with Habit, he was a pretty sensitive guy after all. He'd been far to nice with him for far to long and that hadn't gotten him anywhere. The things he was doing weren't right, none of it even made sense for a mental health retreat!
• Why even put an ad out looking for a dental assistant if you weren't going to be doing any dentistry. Kamal swallowed hard at that thought, pushing away the fact that he might already know the answer.
• Bor-Habit was unhinged sure, but he wasn't a bad person, that was something Kamal at least thought he was sure of. In fact, that was the only reason he'd stuck around for as long as he did.
• It was too late to change things now though, right? He could just put all of this behind him and move on with his life. All he had to do was walk out the gate and never come back. Unfortunately, he found himself unable to complete that simple last step. Because if something really was wrong, then he'd have moved on being one of the only people that could have stopped it.
• Kamal's conscience wouldn't let him leave but his anxiety made him too damn scared to actually do anything. So he settled on a substandard inbetween; waiting it out to see what would happen.
• It had been what, a few weeks now since his fight with Habit and things in the Habitat had remained monotonously unchanged.
• The Doc himself had gone eerily silent on top of that. Maybe that was for the best. Knowing Habit; the big guy was probably sulking in his office, too frustrated and uncomposed to actually do anything. Those weird little PSAs even stopped airing and Kamal started to feel hopeful that maybe Habit was actually giving up on this whole silly idea.
• Then you showed up. He didn't even know the Habitat was excepting any new members. Habit had even mentioned cutting off applications to see how this first batch of "patients" worked out. He could only assume this was the doctor’s way of trying to kickstart things again. Smashing all hope that maybe this place was actually going to shut down. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little annoyed by a new arrival considering his current situation.
• After a few days the rumors started to make their way up to his spot on the balcony. Looks like this new member has been making a name for themselves.
• Along with this rise in activity came the return of the PSAs. This time around though, something wasn't right. Boris was getting annoyed, Kamal could tell. Hell, you'd have to be a moron not to be able to.
• Kamal actually figured that would be it for you. You'd see the not so subtle threatening messages and go into hiding just like him and Wallus. However the very next morning Borbra was excitedly showing off her brand new Y'owl to everyone on the terrace. Unfortunately the purveyor themself stayed up all last night trying to catch it and wasn't around to join in on the fun.
• It didn't really seem like much at first but day after day things in the Habitat started to change. He never went down much further than the apartments but Lulia kept him pretty well informed and the PSAs alone gave him enough information to figure out what was going on.
• Soon the Carnival and the Lounge reopened as well and it almost seemed like every day more and more color was returning to the dreary Habitat. People eyes gave way to a kind of spark when they'd talk about you and anyone that crossed you path seemed to have a sort of glow around them.
• You and Habit had this weird little rivalry going on. It was terrifying but hilarious. You'd improve something around the Habitat and Habit would follow your action up by trying to show you up or by denouncing your behavior.
• Apparently you'd been refusing to eat anything from the lounge and your snarky comments about the poor supply management must have been overheard because by the next day the lounge received what, according to Jimothan, was more stock than the lounge had room for.
• That's what was so funny about it! Habit didn't care about making people happy, at least that's what Kamal figured at this point. He was just childish and jealous that you were doing his job better than him!
• It wasn't long after that that he'd finally get the chance to meet you himself. Not to sound rude but you didn't look like much at first. You were surprisingly normal looking compared to the other people around here. You didn't seem to pay him much mind either when you stepped up to the highest part of the balcony, gazing out over the edge through the missing bars.
• He could only assume it was you, the person everyone had been referring to as the flower kid. You didn't look like much of a kid per say but he guessed the term of endearment matched your actions. Maybe you were some kind of beatnik?
• If it wasn't for the way he unconsciously gasped when you leaned precariously over the edge you might not have even noticed him.
• You looked nervous at first but his own anxious prattling seemed to help you loosen up a bit and soon you got to talking. Gosh, you were a weird kid. Definitely not the type of person to find in a self help resort of all places.
• To think...you'd actually find him a tooth brush. To be honest, up until that moment he didn't think he cared what you were getting yourself into. But after helping him fix his teeth you just collected yourself calmly and went to move on like it was no big deal. In that moment he couldn't think of the last time someone had just done something for him. So he spoke quite unceremoniously in what he assumed was his own half assed attempt to talk you down from the mountain you didn't know you were climbing.
"Habit?" You questioned him as if not understanding what he was getting at. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that guy wants to kick in my teeth", you continued half joking."
"You'd be surprised how not far that is from the actual truth." Kamal mumbled quietly. So you weren't oblivious to Habit's annoyance.
"I'll be honest, I don't know what I did to piss him off but if he wants me to leave he can ask me himself." Your tone wasn't challenging, it sounded more confused than anything. "I've been here almost two weeks, I just really want to talk to him at this point."
"Careful what you wish for, kiddo, but.... Kamal paused, "he's really not that bad a guy when you get to know him."
"Heh, never mind. I do got a question for you though. What's someone like you doing in a place like this in the first place? You've obviously got enough positivity to share." His question seemed to catch you off guard and you looked to be searching for an answer. After a moment however you just shrugged wordlessly. "Fair enough fair enough."
• A while after that you made it a habit to stop by and say hi to him when you were making your rounds around the Habitat. It hadn't occurred to him how much he'd actually began to worry about you until you pulled a particular stunt.
• You came up to say hi like you usually did but instead of heading down to the apartments you stared wistfully over the edge of the balcony. He was about to tell you to be careful but didn't get the chance when you jumped through the missing bars and down into the courtyard.
• Kamal rushed down the ever daunting stairwell at a speed he didn't think was possible only to find you standing unharmed at the bottom. How did you - did he just - why??? 
• After that he regained the courage to start walking around the Habitat again. He didn't have to worry about Boris coming down. The big guy talked a big talk when he was behind that puppet but Kamal new him well enough to guess he wouldn't be coming down from his tower any time soon, at least not while you were still here.
• Apparently at some point amongst your little back and forths with Habit you even staged a little mock election for president of the Habitat. While it started out as a one sided joke on your part, Habit actually went through the trouble of having the fake campaign posters Putunia and Tim Tam had made around the Habitat torn down and replaced them with ones of his own. (All of which were quickly vandalized with marker mustaches and devil horns)
• While the whole thing started as a joke, it was just a testament to the fact that you had the whole freakin’ Habitat on your side, even those stupid Carlas. All you had to do was ask them and they'd let you into restricted areas or even forgo escorting you to your room at "beddy time" when you'd try to stay up. 
• The whole beddy time situation was something even he was too scared to mess with. You on the other hand didn't seem to mind ending every night passed out in the courtyard.
Kamal settled down pretty early one night and was just dosing off when he was startled awake by a distant scream. Had he been more awake, he'd have surprised himself with the guts he showed as he rushed out into the dark without a second thought to find the owner of the voice. He hadn't even made it to the stairs when a body crashed into his own. After stumbling for a moment he finally focusing on the panicked figure in front of him.
"Kid, what's the-"
Before he could finish you lurched away from him. "Kid, kid! It's okay it's me!" He spoke quickly, reaching out to steady your shoulders before you tripped over yourself
"Yeah, it's just me, little buddy..." He gave you a reassuring smile as you finally seemed to be taking in your surroundings "Was that you who screamed? What happened?" Unfortunately this question struck the wrong cords as you quickly seemed to remember why you were running in the first place.
"Th-there was this-this...thing...down in the courtyard!" You backed away from him a few steps, pointing down the stairwell.
"Calm down. What kind of thing?"
"Some kind of, I don't know...some kind of shadow thing!" If you weren't still freaking out you might have noticed the way Kamal's face straightened in realization as soon as those words left you mouth. His attention was soon turned back to you though as he shifted into damage control mode.
"Okay, you're okay though right y-" Just then Kamal noticed the way you had been holding your left shoulder, his eyes trailing up to the small abrasion on your head above your temple. "Wait wait wait, did Ha- did this "shadow thing" do that to you?!"
"N-no, but I-", you were interrupted by a rush of lightheadedness but was steadied by Kamal before you could fall over.
"Lets...get out of the open and get you patched up, this "fresh mountain air" is giving me a headache. You can tell me the whole story once your nerves have settled a bit. " You could only offer a shaky nod, stumbling a few times as he seemed to be leading you in the direction of his room.
After instructing you to sit on his bed, Kamal got to work cleaning up the small wound on your head. It wasn't actually too bad, just a shallow scrape with a lot of bruising.
"You see a few hours ago Tim Tam snatched Millie's golf club and stashed it somewhere in the courtyard. We searched for it all day but we couldn't find it anywhere and Mil was getting really upset so I promised her I'd find it for her by morning..." Kamal listened quietly, putting a bit of pressure on your sore shoulder to see how you'd react. "It was getting dark and I was about to give up, but then I saw it up in that big tree by the corner."
"Don't tell me; you climbed up to get it, didn't you?"
"I...yeah. I'd almost made it the whole way up when I started feeling groggy and after a minute I must have blacked out, cause the next thing I know I'm on the ground looking up at the stars.
"You fell out?! Is that why you screamed?"
"No-no, I couldn't do anything at first, I was so out of it." The color drained from your face as you continued. "My vision was fading in and out but I think the pain in my arm was keeping me awake. It hurt so bad but I still couldn't move....it was terrifying."
"Sounds like it..." Kamal finished his inspection and sat beside you when he noticed your growing discomfort.
"That's when I saw it. It was out of the corner of my eye at first but it kept getting closer. I thought for sure I was hallucinating, because I couldn't hear any footsteps and the next thing I know it's standing over me... It was...some kind of...shadow. Then...it reached down and-and started trying to pick me up! That...that must have been enough to get my adrenaline pumping cause I screamed and kicked it right in the stomach! Then...I pulled myself to my feet and ran..."
"And that's when you ran into me huh?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry I just..."
"Don't apologize, I'm glad ya did actually. Your shoulder should be okay, just a little sore for a while, try not to sleep on it, kay?" You once again responded by nodding quietly.
Shoot, you were really shaken up...not that he could blame you. It was a bit jarring actually; to see the infamous flower kid so scared. Stupid Habit and his stupid laughing gas. Stupid him for helping that maniac load the stuff into that stupid machine!
While he had all night to sit there and curse himself out, he was brought back to reality when you stood up beside him.
"I should probably head back to my room... Whatever it was was probably just another one of Habit's tricks to get me to follow curfew anyways." One thing Kamal was sure of; he was not a fan of the despondence in your voice.
"Actually!" He jumped from his spot to stop you, "Why don't you crash with me for the night? No reason to got trudging around in the dark."
"That's sweet but I'll be fine really."
"Ayy, c'mon it's no trouble. I'll sleep on the futon. 'Sides, won't it be kinda fun throwing the green guy for a loop? You ain't out and about, you ain't in your room; he'll be up all night tryin' ta figure out where ya went!" While Kamal never considered himself good a cheering folks up, the small smile you cracked had to count for something.
"Only if I get to sleep in the futon, I don’t want to impose..."
"You're twistin' my arm here, kid, buuut...I guess I can compromise, for the sake of irking a common enemy." The small laugh he got out of you mad him feel happier than he would have been able to admit with a straight face. You really had a way of making folks care about you, kid, and he was no exception.
• That night shared something in common with the night of the Big Event
Kamal was scared, he was always so scared; until he saw someone that was just as scared if not more than him. It's easy to be scared when the only person you're worried about protecting is yourself. But even after finding out Habit was involved that night, seeing someone like you beat up and frightened because of him made him angry. The same went for seeing you walk out of those gates, mouth bloody with Habit in tow.
• He's always going to be a little angry at himself for it taking seeing your courage the night of the Big Event for him to fully realize it. He never would have thought himself brave enough to almost uppercut Habit, let alone have the patience to invite him to come along back to his place with the two of you afterwards at your request.
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emikochan · 4 years
Ah could we please have m0re 2p north italy headcanons? Could be about anything, just stuff in general you know? I love this man 🥺
Honestly same.
🔪Random Trivia about Luciano Vargas🔪
• he didn't love his grandfather, but he respected him. Luciano appreciates the lessons he taught him and that he gave him the opportunity to grow up in an educated and wealthy home. He hates that his grandfather never really took the time to bond with him and Flavio though.
• grandfather Lucius was always quite strict when it came to Luciano. He expected of him to do excellent in his studies, good in sports, get more cunning and to gain a sense for leadership, because according to basically everyone in the family- he has always been destined to take his place as the head of the family, when Lucius is gone.
• that being said Luciano grew up to be a perfect leader and this man wants to keep that good reputation of his up. Everyone knows not to mess with the Vargas Famiglia.
• grandfather insisted that the siblings had to excell in a weapon of their choice for their own self-defence. While Flavio is quite good with handling small firearms, Luciano struggled to find his weapon for a long time. Everything was either to long and not handy enough,too loud, occupied too much space, had too high maintenance for him to bother or simply looked awful. Throwing knives are quiet, elegant, deadly from near and far and he loooves taking care of the blades! He hits his target 99% of the times and with his skills he can be regarded as the ultimate endboss now. Years of experience pay off.
• a song that completely took his breath away the first time he heard it was Mario Lanza's version of "Vesti la Guibba". When he first heard it he even furrowed his eyebrows, which is basically his version of showing empathy.
• rarely gets a break. He's constantly up to something, wether that be work, visits or personal stuff he has to get done. He never complains about it though, it's his duty and his pleasure after all.
• he's used to owning the best of things and won't accept anything less than that. He constantly strives for perfection and rarely settles with less than what he expected.
• quite charming and knows how to flatter a girl but he can't deliver a single pickup line to save his life. He really can't. He tried practising it front of his mirror but he felt so silly, that he (thank God) never used one in public.
• He knows how to get people on his side. Luciano was blessed with the silver tongue of a fox and the temper of a lion.
• he respects and cherishes modesty and likes people who are modest and kind by nature. There is something fascinating about those traits that he can't quite grasp himself but it kinda warms his cold heart and he likes it nonetheless. It feels like a fresh breath of air to him if that makes any sense.
• as long as the people in front of him stay civil and calm, he will try to do the same.
• Luciano confronts people right away when they wronged him. He doesn't beat around the bush. You have something against him? Tell him. He appreciates honesty more than a white lie. Will he still kick your knee caps into tiny pieces for insulting him? Yes, yes he will.
• though he has some anger issues he keeps a clear head when everyone looks for someone to instruct them. He barks orders, but he doesn't get seriously mad. He would have made a great film director.
• Luciano is the type of guy that is cool and charming until he suddenly isn't. It happens within seconds and without warning and that's part of the reason why he's so feared amongst everyone. When Luciano strikes, people are scared, dogs whimper, children cry and sirenes go off.
• always has some flowers in his bedroom. They're always fresh and get changed regulary.
• his favourite cornetti are the ones with pistachio-based custard filling. He also loves Saccottino al cioccolatte. Those two are his absolute favourite breakfast treats.
( This beautiful fanart was created by sc_hazel_ on Instagram. She drew a lot of 2p!Italy related content and each art piece is beautiful♡)
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roanniom · 3 years
Good evening! 10, 11, 12, 32, 33, 34 from the fanfic asks? I’m always so curious about these! And omg I’m so exited to read all your upcoming prompts!!
Thanks for asking these, Shannon! Ugh I looove this list.
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic? Sarah asked this, but two of my absolute favorites are sex pollen and only-one-bed tropes!! I also love “AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES” (I lived with guys for a year in college and tho I never would have liked either of those knuckleheads, the friend that I was in love with was over all the time, so it was a fantasy). 
11. Least favorite trope/element/scenario? I’m not crazy into the “I don’t like you and you don’t like me but we have to pretend to be in love right now for some mutually beneficial reason but fuck you I don’t love you, that is until proximity makes us fall in love” trope. Not to be confused with the trope where a friend helps a friend out by pretending to date them to deter like a creep at a bar. I love that shit. 
12. What turns you away the most from a fic? I don’t like when a fic pulls characters apart for really silly, tenuous reasons - like a very dumb fight that is so clearly just melodramatic shitty communication - and then REPEATS THAT BEAT OVER AND OVER. I haven’t come across it really at all here on tumblr. But I’ve had to stop following a bunch of fics on wattpad and pretty much abandoned wattpad altogether for that reason. 
32. Favorite AU tropes? I love love love Professor AUs. I fell in love with three professors when I was in college - a history professor, an English professor, and my advisor for my history thesis. I NEVER would have acted on it, but do I want to crawl under Professor!Kylo’s desk and suck his dick before he gives me a lecture on the uncanny in gothic lit? You bet your ass I do.
33. Least favorite AU tropes? I am not into high school AUs. Like if a fic has a flashback and shows the characters in high school that’s totally cool (I started my fic Phillip and Miss Perfect that way), but I don’t like anything set in high school. I’m an adult. I don’t like reading underage stuff, it doesn’t feel ~comfy~ and it’s hard for me to settle into the reader insert mindset because of my own high school experiences. 
34. Do you like UAs (universe-alterations, when the main universe and characters are the same but one plot point/decision/outcome is altered)? Yes, specifically with any Kylo fics. I’m good having all the same canon background and set up for Kylo’s character, but I prefer when fics diverge from the sequels, especially TROS. I need a happy ending, baby!
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^ Just look at this sweet angry prince. It’s fun when stories diverge from canon and he gets to go his own way and do fun stuff. 
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98prilla · 4 years
To The Dead
He was trying.
 He really, really was, trying.
 But he couldn’t get Roman’s words out of his head.
 And he’d heard the others, talking to the air, talking to him, they probably thought he didn’t, but he’d always been good at lurking in shadows, in pretending to not exist, he wasn’t surprised, he was able to mask his presence well enough no one could sense him near.
 He’d heard Patton and Janus’s pleas. He’d heard Logan’s well reasoned arguments. He’d heard Roman’s apologies. He knew Roman was blaming himself, that it was tearing all of them up inside, but the thing was, Roman was right.
 There were too many things, that could go wrong. Too many ways he could hurt them, too many ways he could destroy them, and he refused, he refused to drag them into his self-destructive spiral.  
 So, he stuck to the shadows, where no one could find him. He hid in the corners and under the couches and under the beds. He didn’t use his room, not since then they’d know where he was, and he stayed away as much as he could. He was exhausted and unfocused and half even deader than he already was, but he couldn’t let himself rest or he’d fizzle into view.
 The closest he’d gotten was that night, with Patton. Everyone else had already been in their own rooms, and he felt guilty, Patton was staying out there for him, after all, and the least he could do is make sure he was comfortable. And now Patton’s words were rattling around in his skull, too, fighting against Roman’s, and he felt torn in two entirely different directions.
 Maybe that’s why he found himself here, lurking in the shadows of Patton’s room, melted into the ones in the corner of the room. He heard the door open, and he took a deep breath as Patton came in, flopping face first onto the bed, slightly alarmed to hear sniffling emerging from the pillow his face was shoved into.  
 Slowly, he emerged from the wall, his inky, tarlike form slowly forming into something more solid, something that almost felt right, though it had been so long since he’d been anything other than a blob of darkness or a splotch of shadow. But as his form settles, it feels more and more… right.
 “Pa… Patton?” He asked, voice rusty and hoarse, barely above a whisper, but it’s enough. Patton gasped, shooting upwards, and all at once Patton’s eyes were on him.
 “Virgil!” he flinched back at the volume, form already destabilizing, it was harder to hold now, that he hadn’t in months. “sorry, sorry. I’m just… I’m glad to see you, kiddo. We've been worried.” He said softer, wanting to lunge, pull Virgil into a hug, but knowing he'd run if he did.
 “so-rry. I-" he flinched, a strange feeling coming over him, an almost nausea, almost vertigo, and he found himself on the ground, gasping as cold washed over him.
 “Virgil!” he could tell Patton had yelled his name several times, but he couldn’t seem to hear right, the world was blurring and going fuzzy. Not just the world, he was blurring, his form bleeding away like a water color painting. He felt Patton's hand on his arm, trying to say something, then the world shifted out from under him, Patton's hand swiping through empty air as he vanished.
He stumbled hard, shoulder ramming into the wall, as he heaved in several deep breaths, trying to keep from full out panicking.
 He felt weird. Solid. His body had weight, his form wasn’t flickering, he was leaning against the wall, but it wasn’t their wall. The house, he was in the house.
 His breath sped again, remembering, shaking, crying, pulling at his hair as he screamed into a pillow, His words echoing in his head, he hasn’t been back here, not in the living room, since then, since he'd done it. He could feel the shadows darkening, starting to move of their own accord, starting to whisper.
 “What the fwuh?” His eyes snapped open at the question, frantically taking in the scene.
 Staring at him were two guys, both wearing twin expressions of shock and fear. Around his feet was a star in a circle outlined in chalk, a candle at each nexus.
 “Summoning circle? What amateur fucking shit is this? Watched full metal alchemist a few too many times?” He choked out, biting sarcasm masking his fear and panic, trying to get the shifting tendrils of shadow slowly climbing the wall under control, succeeding in at least halting their growth.
 “We… we were trying to summon Patton.” The shorter one said. He huffed, vision spinning.
 “Well good job, dipshit, you summoned the literal opposite of that ray of sunshine. Now get me out of here!” He demanded, teeth grit against the strange cold seeping into his bones, the dark tiredness starting to fill him.
 “Um. We don’t actually know how.” The taller one admitted sheepishly.
 “Who are you, anyway? We only knew Patton and Roman.”
 “Uh, no. You don’t get to interrogate me after practically kidnapping me.”
 “Kidnapping… you showed up!” the short one, who seemed to have an attitude.
 “oh yes, because I looove getting dragged to the physical plane of existence and talking to two idiots who think the funnest thing to do is harass people who probably don’t want to have memories of their recent demise brought back to the surface!” He shouted, breathing picking up again, hands clenched into fists, shadows wavering and breaking over the room, though he kept it in enough it didn’t attack, claws and glowing eyes and teeth ready to bite.
 “You’re… Virgil, aren’t you?” He flinched back at that, shaking harder. “Oh shit, dude, I’m-"
 “What? Sorry? Yeah, me too, now let me out!” he snarled, eyes flashing dark voids of shadow, his shadows writhing, and he found he had the anger to control them, and he hissed as one swiped through the chalk, releasing him from its hold as he struggled to stay standing, the circle giving him a truly physical form, draining his own energy to do so.
 “We aren’t fucking toys. We’re people. We all died horrifically, at our hand or at others'. So next time, leave me the hell alone.” He snapped, his shadows encasing him as the solidness faded from his limbs, as his form fell to shreds, as the last of his energy was sucked from him, realizing the circle draining him dry, the crackling electric backlash of breaking the spell hit him full force, sending him reeling.
He fell, unceremoniously, crashing down from the ceiling and landing hard on the floor, crying out at the pain that shot through him, his vision flickering. He felt cold, icily cold, exhausted, drained, empty, barely, barely there.
 “-il…-ear me? Virgil!” Roman’s panicked voice cut through his haze, though he found he couldn't answer, couldn't even nod. He was so purely exhausted, he was barely staying together at all. “Oh, love… it’s ok, I’ve got you.” He felt Janus lifting him up, and realized he must have landed in the living room. He thought he should be worried about that, for some reason, but his mind was already hazing over with fog. “Logan! Patton!” He called, the spirits appearing after a moment, any reprimand at being disturbed vanishing as Logan took in the state of Virgil, unconscious and form flickering, not the usual black, but a soft, faded gray. The same kind of gray that he’d seen on the others, on himself, when the wraith was draining them of their soul’s essence. Something had very badly damaged Virgil.
 “What happened?” he demanded, trying to be steady, to keep Patton beside him from panicking.
 “I don’t know. He… he showed up, in my room, then vanished, like he got pulled away, I tried to hold on, but I fell right through him!”
 “Then he fell from the ceiling and crashed to the ground.” Roman finished, lacking his usual bravado.
 “Lo, is he-“
 “No, he’s not fading. Whatever started the drain has stopped, he’s stable, if very weak. An attempt at summoning, if I had to guess. Likely, they didn’t use anything to power the spell itself, so it used Virgil himself. He’s lucky he was able to break out, as he must have, for it to hit him this hard. Otherwise…” Logan trailed off, unwilling to finish that sentence, knowing from the silence the others knew his meaning.
 “He was going to talk to me.” Patton said softly, tucking back a strand of Virgil’s hair, who didn’t seem to register the motion at all, lying still and pale as stone.
 “He still may. He just needs to rest and recuperate, Patton. He will be all right.” Logan reassured, resting a hand on Patton’s shoulder for a moment, before turning away, trying to hide his fondness behind a frown. “Though we should figure out what exactly they did, and stop them from doing it again.”
 No one noticed the green eyes glowing in the corner, alight with anger, at the state of his friend, because Virgil was a friend, whether he liked it or not. It was long past time the humans take notice of him, after all, and this would be a much needed… learning opportunity.
“well that could have gone better.” Thomas muttered, shivering slightly. The darkly moving shadows had vanished along with the ghost, the circle now smudged beyond recognition, the icy cold temperature of the room slowly returning to normal.
 “No kidding. How’d you know that one’s name?” Joan asked, still staring at the spot he'd vanished.
 “He… the real estate agent. He had to tell me, the previous tenant, Virgil… died, here. To suicide.” Joan let out a low breath, collapsing back onto the couch, grabbing a pillow to hug to their chest.
 “shit. No wonder he wasn’t happy to be here.”
 “It looked like it was hurting him.” Thomas murmured, remembering how Virgil was clinging to the wall, barely staying upright.
 “That's what happens when you do your research through google search, you silly billies.” They both stared at the glowing green eyes floating above them, the slow Cheshire grin forming out of nothingness to accompany it. “Someone gets hurt.” The voice growled, and suddenly it wasn’t a single pair of eyes, it was thousands, a towering mass of writhing tentacles and blindingly black light, a cavernous maw and a million gnashing, reeking tooth beaked mouths screaming.
 They both gasped for air as the vision vanished just as quick as it came, a few mere seconds, a glance at the clock revealed, though it had felt like they had been trapped with that Lovecraftian creation for hours. Thomas could still feel the vibrations of the clacking beaks, hear the echoes of distant screams, and he could tell from Joan’s horrified expression, they had seen it too.
 “I’m not exactly a fan, of people hurting my friends. Especially when they can’t do much in way of defense or… retaliation-“
 “We didn’t mean to!” Thomas blurted, before the sinister presence could throw them into another nightmare. “We didn’t… we didn’t mean to hurt anyone. We just… Patton seemed lonely. So we were trying to find a way to actually see him, and… and we obviously didn’t do it right. And I’m sorry, for hurting him… Virgil.” He finished, a frown on his lips, thinking of the pain on the ghost’s face. “Is he… is he ok?” He asked, heart pounding a thousand beats a second, terror racing through him.
 “Well, well, well, isn’t that interesting. The human has a conscience.” The voice echoed from every direction, bouncing around the room in the most disorienting pattern, one moment directly in his ear, the next all the way in the kitchen, the next above them near the ceiling, those green eyes and grin always in the corner of their eyes, always vanishing as soon as they turned to look.
 “And what about you, short stack? Got anything to say for yourself, before I decide what to do with the two of you?” Joan gulped, holding the pillow tighter, knuckles white.
 “Uh. He was right. Virgil. It’s not… we shouldn’t treat this like a game. You’re people. Not entertainment. But we do really want to get to know you all… to help, if we can. Even though we’re generally pretty shitty at showing it, that’s what we were trying to do. Help.” They managed, wincing as a dark chuckle rang through the room.  
 “Help, huh?” They yelped as they felt something cold wrap around their ankles, suddenly yanking them off the couch, dragging them across the floor, across the kitchen, to the basement door. Blinking their vision clear, adrenaline racing, they both practically held their breath as they watched a shimmering outline form, cringing as it was filled in with bones, then veins and arteries, pulsating flesh and decaying organs, finally a layer of skin growing over it all, putting a face to that Cheshire grin, the electric green eyes, as the being towered over them, smile wild and manic, eyes ablaze, a morningstar resting over his shoulder, his outfit some weird mix of sparkling satin and menacing velvet. They both flinched back as he leaned down, examining them, before extending a hand.
 “Seems like you two can use all the help you can get. Now, if you’re gonna go full in on this, you gotta learn the basics, and if you abuse what I teach you…”
 They shivered, seeing crimson blood splash across their hands, teeth ripping into their jugulars, shadowy creatures clawing them to shreds, screaming though no one else could hear, unable to move their bodies as inch by inch, their skin was stripped from their flesh, ants eating them from the inside out.
 “And it’ll be twice as bad if you harm any of them ever again. There won’t be anywhere you can hide, that I won’t find you, and believe me, it’ll be a pleasure.” Their vision cleared, the images wiped away like fog on a bathroom mirror, forgotten nearly instantly, though the feeling of dread and terror lingered. “So. You in, or are you pussies?” Joan snorted despite themselves, earning an eye roll from Thomas, and a slight upturn of the lips from the being, though he still glared daggers at them. Thomas took a deep breath, accepting the outstretched hand, surprised as he made contact, and it helped pull him to his feet, solid, though it didn’t feel quite… real. Joan followed suit a moment later.
 “Ok. I want to learn.” He answered solemnly, Joan nodding in agreement, gaze serious in a way it rarely was.
 “Me too. If we’re gonna be the crazy ghost house people, we might as well really go for it.”
 “It’s been a while, since I had such willing students. Oh, this’ll be fun!” He clapped, eyes swirling, teeth slightly too sharp.
 “So… when do we start?” Joan asked, and Remus tsked.
 “Patience. I have to get back before they wonder where I’ve went, and you have to start living like a normal person and not staying up until two scrolling tumblr!”
 “What does that have to do with ghost summoning?”
 “Nothing, just good life advice. Take from me, who’s never actually been alive!” Thomas and Joan exchanged a puzzled look.
 “Aren’t you a ghost?” He cackled, a wild, howling sound, that sent shivers down their spines, as he wiped away tears from his eyes, floating on his back in midair.
 “Oh, sweet summer children, you naive innocent fools, you’re lucky I’m in a good mood, otherwise it would be so very easy to break you. No, no, no, I’m not a ghost at all. I am a poltergeist!” He declared, suddenly close to Thomas’s face, gently booping his nose, those swirling eyes far too close for comfort as they stared into his. “And you may call me Remus.”
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syahaz · 4 years
Camp TV Short Story - Guyliner Interest I
Notes: This short story has the majority of the Camp TV casts. So if this AU ever gets adapted into a chronological timeline, some of the characters (except Trenton, Heather, Lindsay and Tyler) may be absent due to elimination as the main possible reason. It also has an alternate plot that is very long. I usually don’t address it as the previous one is very short compared to this story you’re about to read. As I stated earlier, since many characters are present, the main event will be dragged for so long to give space for said casts to have their own moment before the actual event starts. 
Cut confessional/scene means confessional or scene that has never been released to the public because of Chris moderation and the editing crew work. Doesn’t mean it is purely protected from possibility of loss and leakage though.
I don’t know if I want to add Cody when writing this as I’m not sure what kind of personality I want to write him with for this AU.
I usually try my best to do less ‘tell’ than ‘show’ but for some very complicated scenes, I just had to do it because I find it puzzling when I read it myself. Sorry for that. Maybe I could try it for shorter fics in the future if applicable.
The ending of this first route of this story is rough, at least for me. If you want a more mellow ending, go read the second route of this story. You can skip reading where the altered ending starts (indicated with “///”).
It’s a fine lovely morning with the birds chirping and the ocean beating the beach sand. Several campers gathered around Lindsay because she made invitations the day before.
“Okay everyone, gather up! We’re going to do something exciting today!” Lindsay announced. “Well as you can see, I first thought this show was gonna be a talent contest. So I brought a lot of makeup leftover. You know what that means?” She added, holding a dazzling makeup pouch. “Makeover!” Katie & Sadie excitedly scream. “Yeah… No.” Lindsay opposes. They aww in disappointment. “Okay technically you’re both right because we all girls are going to make-up the boys here!” She backs up. Katie & Sadie back to their cheerful selves. “Whoa! Is that why we’re all guys here bra? I already bring myself for the groove.” Geoffrey dances a little despite being surprised as he expects a morning party will be going on. “Not all guys, I’m outta here.” Dunc leaves without wasting any second. “Can’t believe I waste precious time for sleep or planning pranks.” He mumbles as he walks away. “Duh, what else is the reason to bring you boys here?
Okay, so now I’m going to assign the pairs for our makeup session.” Lindsay replies. “But wait. Where’s Eva? Owen, and Zeke?” Bridgette interferes. “Eva is on her routine jogging with Zeke. You know, to let him get around the outdoor world. Not sure about Owen though.” Lindsay shrugs. “Alright, let’s begin! Ahem, ahem. Lewshana, you’re with Harold.” she continues. “Yesss. A makeover by a beautiful woman. What a lucky day!” Harold makes a yes hand gesture with a happy grin and glimpses at Lewshana. She naturally rolls her eyes, hands on hips and shakes her head. 
“Katie, Justin.” Lindsay assigns the next pair. Sadie gasps. “But I wanna make up Justin too!” “Too bad that I just got lucky to give him the best makeup ever.” Katie sneers. “How dare you!” Sadie was irritated. “Ladies please, calm down. I don’t like to see you two best friends fighting over someone handsome like me.” Justin puts both his hands on Katie and Sadie then pulls them closer to him. “You see, I have two faces, and by that I mean the right side and the left side. Sadie can do my right and Katie can do my left side. What do you say?” He makes peace between the girls. “Deal.” They both agreed satisfiedly.
Lindsay shakes her head and rolls her eyes seeing the girls’ instant tension. “Beth, you and DJ.” She points at both Beth and DJ. “Nice. We’re so going to have so much fun!” Beth utters and high-five DJ, he smiles. “ … Bridgette, hm… you’re with…” She taps her right index finger on her chin while she tries to pick either Geoffrey or Trenton, the boys left for options. Geoffrey is a bit panicked because he wishes to be paired with a particular girl. Meanwhile Trenton is just static as he’s not seeing what’s befalling him, same as Bridgette. Heather contrarily bites her lips. Nervous about the possibility of Lindsay’s choice. “Geoffrey.” Lindsay finally picks her choice. “YESSS!” Geoffrey shouts excitedly and jumps to the air as high as he could. Bridgette raises her eyebrows at him. Totally confused with his reaction. Heather gawking at Lindsay’s selection.
“Wait, so that leaves me with-” Trenton speaks under his breath. “Heatherrr!~ You go with Trenton.” Lindsay says. “WHAT? NO!!” Trenton objects. Heather hugs herself and takes a few steps away from him. “Aww, come on. If you go then who’s Heather gonna put makeup on?” Lindsay insists. “Well uhh, Tyler’s there.” Trenton points at Tyler who stands beside Lindsay from the start. “Sorry man. I just can’t do that.” Tyler declines. “What the? Then why are you here then?” Trenton perplexes. “I’m Lindsay's assistant for today. Never heard of makeup assistants?” Tyler states. “Well, to be fair, nope. I don’t.” Trenton replies. “You’re one poor guy. That’s why you need a makeover. C’mon, light up your face! The world would looove to see it.” Lindsay persuades with a sweet smile on her face. “Really?” Trenton feels a little delighted. Lindsay and Tyler smile and nod in sync. “Ahahaha, alrighty then.” Trenton complies. “Everyone! All of you can choose your spot around this area. Call me and Tyler whenever you’re done alright.” Lindsay says to all campers. After the grouping segment, all the participating campers took their spot facing each other. The girls get assorted makeup tools that they can trade with others or Lindsay later on.
“Sadie no, not there. Here. Katie, you dab a little lighter there.” Justin half-complains to make sure the makeup won’t ruin his looks while Katie and Sadie happily put blush and eyeliner on him with glittery eyes.
Lewshana suddenly stops from working as something is ticking her off. “What’s wrong, Lewshana? Are you alright?” Harold asks worriedly. “Oh yes I am until you keep smiling at me non-stop! It’s creeping me out.” She tells him what’s bothering her for minutes. “Ah sorry… It’s hard to resist when seeing such a magnificent woman like you this close.” He apologizes, rubs hands in guilt. She smiles pleasingly with raised eyebrows seeing him like that. “Just... keep still until I say I’m done. Okay, dreamy guy?” She tries to compromise with his silly behaviour. “Anything for you~” He willingly agrees.
“It’s been quite long since I put makeup on others. So I’m not sure which blush colour suits you hmm.” Beth being indecisive determining the suitability of DJ’s skin tone with the several colours available on the blush palette. “This one.” He casually points at one of the colours available on the blush palette with a friendly smile. “Wow, how did you know right away? Oh oh. Teach me! Teach me!” She was amazed by his confidence. “Of course. I can makeup you too if you want.” He gladly replies. “Yes please!” She gleefully accepts his offer.
“So Bridgette right? How long have you been surfing?” Geoffrey tries his best to spark some chatting time with Bridgette in an attempt to get to know her more. “I’ve been surfing since I was a little girl. My parents are such advocates for appreciating nature, saving wildlife and enjoying the breeze of the ocean. For short, it’s in my blood.” She proudly answers. “That’s awesome bra! Maybe we could surf the next day or whatever.” Geoffrey invites her by chance. “Sure, why not?” She’s being the same mind as him. “Cool.” He  says shortly.
Trenton slouches on his seat while Heather fakes her excitement getting him as her partner with a split-second insincere smile. They both groan as soon as they meet eye to eye. “What an unfortunate day.” She throws her head back. “I was about to say the same.” He acknowledges her frustration. She calmly breathes. “Let’s… get this over alright?” “Okay.” He replies shortly with no enthusiasm.
While the others are busy with their makeup business, Owen comes to the scene with brownies smeared on his mouth. “Owen!~ Where have you been? I thought you wouldn't come.” Lindsay welcomes Owen. “Hello guys! Sorry for coming late hahaha. I've just finished my mission just now.” He claims. “You mean stealing brownies from Chef's kitchen?” Tyler notices the thing on Owen’s mouth. “Oops!” Owen wiped his mouth. “Hehehe, please don’t tell him. Or he’s gonna kill me! I mean, who could resist those delicious brownies?! The chocolate, the chunks, the yumminess!” He then starts to weep in fear. “Alright alright, we promise. Now that you’re here, why don’t you join the rest doing makeup?” Lindsay pats his back gently. “Did you say makeup? Ohh, I love makeup!” He claps lively. “Lindsay! We’re donee!~” Katie and Sadie finish their task. "Nice. Show me your work girls!” Lindsay encourages. “We presenting you, ... JUSTIN!!!” They proudly reveal Justin with makeup on. Lindsay & Owen ogle Justin’s beauty. Their view filled with imaginary hearts and sparkles on Justin. Tyler gasps. “Wonderheart!” He was annoyed with Lindsay’s reaction. Lindsay snapped out of her dreamy world. “Oops, sorry. But that’s what makeup does, Tyling. Maybe you could have some makeover on you?~” She teases her lover. He pushes both his palms towards her. “Uh, maybe save that for later, or never.” He anxiously rejects her offer. “Guys, I don't want to cut the scene but uhh can I see my face now?” Justin slips in. “Whoops! Sorry Justin.” Katie & Sadie give him a mirror. “Hmm, not bad. Could do a little more work here and there but this will do.” Justin comments. “Yayyy!” They gleefully cheer. Katie, Sadie and Justin go their own way after Lindsay takes a picture of them three. “Hey Owen, you can join us here. DJ is reaaally good at makeup. Look at me!” Beth invites Owen. “Wow! You look gorgeous, Beth! Maybe Justin will notice me more with cool makeup on me. I’m on your way guys!” He dashes to Beth and DJ.
“Geoffrey…” Bridgette sighs deeply. “What is it?” He concernedly asks. “I’m sorry... Like very sorry.” She apologizes all of a sudden. “What’s wrong?” He put hands on her shoulders. “I’m just… Not good at this makeup thing.” She shamely covers her face. He gently holds her hands trying to calm her down. “Aww Bridge, I’m sure people gonna like it.” He notices Lindsay and Tyler that are sauntering while checking on pairs that are still working on their makeup. “Hey look! It’s them. C’mon, show them your makeup skill.” He convinces her. “Are you sure? B-but you don’t even look at your face yet.” She opposes him. “I don’t need to look at it to know that you're very talented bra.” He assures her with a bold grin. She smiles sweetly.
--- Confessional ---
“Wow, this is the first time someone who barely knows me praises me for something other than surfing. It’s like-” Bridgette says joyfully then takes a quick breath. “-a fresh breath of air!” She continues.
“Lindsay! Tyler! We’re hereee!” Geoffrey waves with both arms up high.* Lindsay and Tyler walk together to them. They hold their laugh halfway when they get a close look at Geoffrey. “What’s so funny dude?” Geoffrey asks. Truly curious of their reaction. “Your face my man. Very funny.” Tyler replies and takes a pic without Geoffrey and Bridgette ready. “This is a gold comedy.” He adds. “Funny? Don’t you mean beautiful?” Geoffrey tries to be as positive as he can. “Perhaps you have to take a look for yourself.” Lindsay lends Geoffrey a mirror. Geoffrey quickly becomes wordless but screams terrifyingly as he terrorizes with what he sees. He then glances at Bridgette. She slumps her shoulders. Looking down with frown seeing his reception on her makeup work. “Bridge. … I-” He tries to console her but she collects tears in her eyes in flash.  After that, she covers her face then runs away in embarrassment. “Bridgette? Bridgette! Argh, I messed up!” He regrets his actions. Possibly mad at himself as well.
Lewshana brushed a few last strokes on his face. “Mmm mmm! I think the cooking is ready now!” She speaks satisfiedly. “You can cook while doing makeup? Wow, what a superwoman you are!” Harold was amazed by her supposed abilities. “That means I’m done with the makeup, Funky Guy.” She corrects his statement. “Oh, so my face is like food? If it is, is it delicious?” He says in pure enthusiasm. She facepalms as he takes her words too seriously. “Hey you two over there! I’m all done with this dreamy white boy. So what do we do now hmm?” She calls out Lindsay and Tyler that happen to arrive nearby. “Wow, Lewshana! Your makeup is so... fantasy-like I’d say. In a good way of course.” Lindsay comments and Tyler nods along. “Is that true? Let me see my face first for confirmation. Even though I will say it’s perfect anyway.” Harold was eager to see the makeup. Lindsay passes him the mirror in her makeup pouch. “Woooowwww. I look…. like… a beautiful princess!” Harold is so amazed that he subconsciously enters his fantasy world while imagining himself in a beautiful dress and Lewshana in knight suit. He then kneels down and holds both her hands with pleading eyes. “Oh Lewshana, would you be my knight in shining armour, protect me from those mad dragons?” He points at Lindsay and Tyler. “HEY!” Lindsay and Tyler exclaim but less serious as they know he is just goofing around. Lewshana laughs amusingly at Harold's unscripted skit. “Your imagination is truly something sugar.” She pinches his cheek playfully. “Cut cut! Acting's over hehehe.” Lindsay claps an imaginary clapper meanwhile Tyler is ready with the camera. “Camera will be rolling for the next pic. Pose and say cheese in 3,2,1!” She counts with her fingers. Lewshana and Harold pose and smile accordingly, arm on each other’s shoulders. Harold has a big grin of proudness in the shot particularly.
Bridgette stumbles upon Geoffrey while trying to collect herself at the beach. “Sorry. Oh, umm. What are you doing here?” Geoffrey apologizes for the incident between them earlier and asks in concern. “You know, just umm, getting some time to cool off a little?” She replies. “Cool. Can I join?” He says. “Sure.” She says shortly. They sit down together on the sandy beach. Trying to dim their tension. “Sorry about that. ... You know?” He starts after a couple seconds of silence. She shakes her head. “I know I’m kinda being dramatic and because of that, I owe you an apology. So, I am sorry. I knew you did that just to be nice and stuff, but that's not an excuse to not improve myself. Next time, try to be honest with yourself, alright?” She nudges him. “A-are you sure about that?” He stutters. Unsure he hears things right. “Of course. We all humans have flaws. The difference is some people are more open about it, some people are not. Others might lie, and the rest never notice it. Well... maybe until someone else points it out.” She lectures humbly. “Whoa. That’s a lot of word bra! Might take me awhile to understand it.” He massages his forehead. She giggled and pats his shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll get it eventually.” “If you say so.” He chuckles. They next exchange slow eye blink and charming smiles.
DJ, Beth and Owen are happily sharing moments together with the makeup time. “Y’all seems so alive here. What’s the buzz all about?” Lindsay asks sportively. “Of course hahaha. Look at me! I’m beautiful!.” Owen answers. “Wow! DJ, you’re soooo going to be my makeup assistant!” She shrieks excitedly.
--- Confessional ---
“I secretly played with my Mama’s makeup one time. One day, I got caught. Thought I was gonna get punished but I ended up getting a makeup lesson from her.” DJ puts some blush on his cheeks with a proud smile.
Tyler gasps. “Wonderheart!” He was a little jealous. “Aww, of course you’ll always be my first and forever, Tyling. *Lindsay gently strokes his chin. “Hehehehe okay~ Alright, everyone. Get in your place and ready for a shot.” He gives in and sets up the camera for another shot. DJ, Beth and Owen all make peace signs and delightful grins as a trio unity. Tyler flashes the camera. “There, all done. I think we can call it a day now. Great job everyone!” He gives a thumbs up. The trio makes the same gestures back as a reply. “Is it though? I feel like we forgot someone. … Or sometwo?” Lindsay tries to track back their list of the makeup event participants. “Who could it be? Hmm…” Beth slips in. “Well, I saw Justin, Katie, Sadie, Geoff- Ah huh! Now remember. Did you?” Lindsay then turns to Tyler. “… Oh…” He pauses for a couple seconds and nods. “But before that can we take a break under the tree there? All the walking makes me a bit tired.” He says. “Aww, of course Tyling. Bye you three. See ya later!~” Lindsay and Tyler hold hands and casually leave the trio after they finish and return her stuff.
“What took you so long, porcupine?! I already can feel like we’re definitely the last one to finish.” Trenton whines. “Excuse me but this is a work of ART, greasy hair. Of course it’s going to be long to finish. Just shut your mouth and eyes so that my job will be done in a minute. Sheesh!” Heather replies sharply. “Urgh, fine!” He rolls and closes his eyes and mouth. “Phew!” After a couple minutes, Heather wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. “Your face is one big wall but this will be worth it.” She was satisfied with her work. “Whatever, can I see my face already? He asks dryly. “Sure thing!” *Passes him a mirror while holding her laugh.
/// ENDING 1 ///
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“Wha-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FACE!???” Trenton screams hysterically, seeing his face resembling what he was terrified of as a kid. “Give a makeover that you deserve!” Heather burst out a laugh as soon he was horrified by his so-called new look. “You kidding me!? I look like a mime!!!” He shouts ragingly. “Okay, what about it hmm?” She replies with a sassy voice. “Do you know how much I hate mime?!” He furiously asks. “Judging from your face, I just so happen to know it now.” She boldly faces him. “You give me bad makeup, I give you bad makeup!” He angrily snatches eyeliner from her hand while threatening her. She gasps and fastly snarls. “Oh no you don’t!!!”
Somewhere nearby Trenton and Heather, Zeke was huffed slowly stopping from running. “Who told you to stop pipsqueak?! I’m not slowing down all day just to see you being lazy!” Eva runs and shouts far behind him. “But my legs are starting to cramp! Ah!!!!” He tiredly sits and massages his legs. “That’s because you don’t warm up correctly! I already warned you but you don’t listen!” She reprimands of his carelessness. He suddenly hears some commotion. “Did you hear something?” She eventually stops from her running. “Now that you’re mentioning it, yes I do. I wonder where it came from?” She wonders, scanning her left and right. “I think it’s coming from over here.” He directs her to the sound source. Zeke and Eva instinctively hide behind a huge growing tree. They’re seeing Trenton and Heather fighting tooth and nail. “Great. Now the angry pants are making a show.” Eva puts hands on her hips and rolls eyes. “But I’m enjoying it.” She adds with snickers. “Uhh aren’t we gonna check them if they’re just playing around? They look serious, like that one couple who fight to death on the TV.” Zeke anxiously persuades her to check the fighting duo. “Nah, I’m sure they’re good.” She brushes him off confidently. This makes him stare at her in concern and worry.
Trenton hardly grips her shirt and pulls her closer to him with his other hand ready with eyeliner, held in a way to attempt stabbing it to her eyes. Heather grabs his arm with the eyeliner and hardly pushes it far enough for her jaw to open and presses his arm with her teeth solidly. He is only barely able to scratch her face with the eyeliner and throws it aside as his plan fails. In no time he pulls his bitten arm away to let it free from her jaws grip. After that he used the other arm to try snatching a bottle of white foundation that rolled nearby to continue his messing-up-her-face mission. Out of rage adrenaline, she swings her leg high and near his head with her front leg (read: high roundhouse kick). He hastily grasps her motionful leg, causing a huge pushing impact on his side face and losing body balance in split-second.
“Wait a minute, that’s illegal! Zeke, I think you’re right. We need to do something.” Eva is fancy watching Trenton and Heather like they're amateur wrestlers for a couple seconds until she realizes they did some illegal moves in wrestling. “Oh now you’re agreeing.” He crosses arms and sulks. “We have no time to waste, pipsqueak. Go get help and FAST!” She raises her voice up. “Then what you’ll be doing?” He asks, dissatisfied of her sudden direction. “I stay here because I’m your instructor. Now go go go!” She commands sternly. Having no much choice siding him, he sighs then runs in order to find someone nearby for the emergency. “HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!!” He screams. “Who’s that?” Lindsay heard Zeke but unsure whose voice it was. “Sounds like Zeke. Looks like he’s in trouble.” Tyler dashed towards Zeke as Zeke is soon seen by him from far away and Lindsay tags along. “Hey dude, you look hurried. Is there anything we can help?” Tyler asks worriedly. “They. Fight. Real. Argh, I have no time to explain, just follow me!” Zeke rushes back to where he and Eva saw Trenton and Heather while the couple tail him from behind. They’re very shocked to see a huge altercation between Trenton and Heather. Without a question, Tyler impulsively joins Eva giving an extra hand to drag raging Trenton away from Heather. Meanwhile Lindsay and Zeke lock Heather’s arms and abdomen to avoid more injuries than they already had.
“YOU! What are you so mad about?! Did you know you could kill her in any second?” Eva scolded him. “What if that’s what I wanna do...” Trenton growls, glaring both Eva and Tyler intensely. They’re bulging their eyes of terror as they don’t get to see much of his face while the two are fighting because his hair covers most of it. “I was about to ask that too. Ahahahahahaha… haha… ha...” Tyler tries to break the silence with awkward laughter.
--- Confessional ---
“I swear, if Eva and I lose our grip for one second, Heather would definitely be a dead beaten meat in no time with Trenton in that much anger!” Tyler shudders remembering the incident.
Heather collapsed as soon as Trenton was far away from her. “A-are you okay, Heather?” Lindsay gets Heather up sitting on the ground and patting her back. “Other than my face smeared with bonus makeup, I’m alright… I think…” Heather says, seeing her injuries inflicted by Trenton’s massive rage. Some part of her was satisfied but other part felt it was wrong of her for causing him to do so. “Don’t guys are not supposed to wear makeup?” Zeke slips in. “No, you get that wrong, Zeke. Trust me, once you see DJ’s makeup work, you’ll change your mind.” Lindsay puts a hand on his shoulder and the other hand wipes the air. He nods in trying to understand Lindsay’s statement. “So if what you’re saying is true, that means YOU’RE the one who gives the wrong kind of makeup to him.” He points to Heather. Heather gasps in shock. “What? No! It’s a work of art. He’s the one who can’t appreciate it. You too!” She crosses her arms, looking away. “Then why would he be so mad?” He sighs as he gets tired because he had too much information to digest in one go. Something that is still new to him due to him being homeschooled where he was taught things slowly one by one. “You know what, suit yourself. I’m outta here. Geez…” He’s so done for the day and walks away. Lindsay shakes her head seeing them two.
--- Confessional ---
“I can’t believe that even the homeschool boy said my makeup sucked! Why am I surrounded with uncultured people? Arghhhh!” Heather rants in dissatisfaction with “everyone” trying to burn her down.
--- Cut Confessional ---
“Yes, correct and A+. I know the fight is gonna happen. Too bad I don’t get to take some shots of them. Actually, I do plan to mess up with other Gophers beforehand but putting Trenton and Heather together is easy instant drama. Stab the surface then ambush the interior! Ahhahahahahah! But to be fair, Heather is the one who gave him the makeup. She digs her own grave. Not me.” Lindsay disclosed the essence of the incident.
Later in the evening, Trenton knocks the girls’ cabin door. Coincidentally, Lindsay is the one who opens the door. “Oh.” She says half-surprised. “Lindsay hey! Good that you’re here. Well, umm I want to say that err I’m very sorry about this morning. I don’t mean to ruin your makeup tools.” With his back slightly down, a hand brushing his nape and eyes on the floor, he politely apologized. “Aren't you supposed to say sorry to Heather?” She low-key tries to stir his mind but actually curious with his reaction as well. “Maybe for the later time. Besides, she left me all these marks and bruises.” He gently brushes his bandaged arm. “Man, that girl is something grr! I don’t think I even want to talk to her for a couple days unless I reaaally have no other choice.” He complains. “Understandable. I would be mad too if I get horrible makeup done on my face… She nods in understanding his difficulty. He then bitterly smiles. “So what do you say?” “Alright alright, forgive you. Besides, my stuff's all fine. Don’t sweat it. I worry more about your injuries here. It looks ... so serious.” She inspects his covered wounds half-worried knowing that she’s part of the cause. “Yeah… Umm, can I ask you something?” He tries to change the topic. Not wanting to keep dwelling about it. “Sure what is it?” She goes along. He scans his surroundings and beckons after that to whisper his request to her. She simply nods to what he's whispering about.
Skipped to the next day. Almost all campers except for one are already gathered around Chris. At this point they’re hoping for the last camper to join them as soon as possible or the challenge will not be started. Impatience started to get into Eva. “What took him so long??! Urgh! I swear if he doesn’t turn up in the next second, I’ll-” “Sorry for making you wait awhile, Miss Eva, and everyone.” Trenton interrupts while catwalks towards them. “Oh, you again... No wonder.” Eva sighs gladly that she doesn’t have to wait any longer. “Yeah… Hey, thanks for yesterday, and you three too. I owe you guys a lot.” Trenton thanks Zeke, Lindsay and Tyler with smiles and keeps walking. All other campers stare at him with assorted reactions. “Whatever”, weirded out, curious, wonder, and even impressed, all jumbled in.
“Well, well, well. What we have here hmm?” Chris asks. So puzzled with Trenton’s new style. “I just got a new routine. That’s all.”  Trenton shrugs. “Yeah yeah. I can see that. Make sure to beat the clock next time dude, the clock is still ticking when you’re not walking.” Chris taps his watch that is hugging his left wrist. “Heheh alright.” Trenton replies shortly. “Man, you’re looking like you have an attitude with that face, and the bandages too.” Duncan sportively taunts. “Oh Dunc! I already had that actually. But only for a PARTICULAR person. You know who.” Trenton smashes Dunc’s words including a smirk. “Haha, Nice one.” Dunc was thrilled with Trenton’s wit. Trenton then seeks for remaining seats. He feels disappointed as no other seat other than next to Heather. Eventually, he reluctantly sits beside her.
“Well, well, well…” Heather tries to needle him but he quickly snarls in front of her. “Okay, okay. I-I’ll give you some space.” She pushes palms towards him and slides herself slightly away from him. “… I’m sorry alright…” She looks down and brushes her arm with guilt. He only blows steam through his nose and rolls eyes. Not in the mood to respond to anything from her.
--- Confessional ---
“Yesterday's event was very harsh with all these hurties, but it inspires me to start having a new look. You know, trying something new hahaha. All thanks to Lindsay.” Trenton pulls out an eyeliner, presumably given by Lindsay from his trouser pocket. “... Okay maybe porcupine as well urgh!” He finally admits begrudgingly.
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hazelandglasz · 4 years
Ooh I love ALL the AUs in that post, so if you'd like to write any of them that would be awesome :-) If I had to select something maybe "chocolate milk" or little brother in the grocery store? Thanks for sharing your story talent!!
I looove this one too
“yes, i know this is a bar but you’re a rlly hot bartender and i panicked and said “cHOCOLATE MILK” when you asked me what i wanted to drink, now i just want to crawl away and hide forever” au
On AO3
It seemed like a good way to finish the week.
Blaine would cross all of his t’s and dot all of his i’s and then would turn off his computer. Then he would just cross the street, greet Hugh at the bar, get his three cocktails and Buffalo wings and then go home and fall asleep while listening to YouTube videos.
That’s the plan, that’s the dream, that’s his Friday night.
It all goes down the drain the moment Blaine pushes the door of the bar, though.
Because Hugh, reliable, comforting, Santa Claus-y Hugh, is not behind the bar.
No, instead of Hugh, stands one of the most gorgeous man Blaine has ever had the chance to see. Tall, pale skin but with a glow almost unnatural this time of the year--the guy must have the best skincare routine on the planet--, russet hair Blaine wants to run his fingers into and gentle blue eyes that are looking inquisitively at him.
Oh darn, how many times has the guy tried to catch his attention?
Gorgeous Barman smiles. “Are you new here?”
Blaine chuckles, finding his seat at the bar. George and Mitch raise their glasses at him, already making fun of him no doubt, the two yachne.
“Not quite. I come here almost every Friday.” Blaine pauses and that’s his mistake, because he loses himself in Gorgeous Barman’s eyes. “I, um, I--”
“Everything alright?”
“Y-yes. I had, I had, a tough week.”
“Let me make it better then.”
Oh Lord.
“What would you like to drink?”
And that’s when Blaine’s brain panics. Blame the, indeed, tough week. Blame the shock of the change in his routine. Blame the last four months of celibacy. Blame the man’s beauty.
Blame Blaine for having a severe foutinmouthitis.
Anyway, that’s what comes out of his mouth in this very moment.
Gorgeous Barman blinks at him while George and Mitch burst out laughing.
As much as Blaine loves this bar, if the floor could just open now under his stool and swallow him, that would be his blessing.
But of course, there is no such thing as a blessing in Blaine’s life, and the floor remains as solid as ever, damn it.
“A … chocolate milk, coming right up then.” The bartender seems to have recollect himself from his surprise. “Do you want that hot or cold?”
“Hot,” Blaine mumbles, dropping his forehead to the bar the moment Gorgeous Barman moves away to prepare his drink. “I’m an idiot.”
Blaine really doesn’t know how long he stays like that, forehead pressed against the wood trying to overcome his embarrassment, but at some point, someone close to him clears their throat and Blaine straightens up.
Gorgeous Barman is back, pushing a truly decadent hot chocolate drink in front of him. As a matter of fact, he’s pushing two mugs in front of Blaine.
“I thought it was a good idea,” Gorgeous Barman says with a crooked smile, leaning on his forearms--smooth, pale, strong forearms--on the counter. “So I made one for myself. Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not--not at all,” Blaine says, feeling his lips stretching into a smile. “That looks amazing.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m Blaine.”
Two more mugs of hot chocolate, the last one being slightly-not-slightly Irished, and a large plate of Buffalo wings later, Kurt and Blaine are the only ones left in the bar and they are having a silly battle with the wings’ bones as their lightsabers.
Blaine giggles as he drops his bone on the plate, licking his fingers as he does so. Kurt’s own laugh turns choked and Blaine looks back at him.
Kurt’s eyes are wide and darkened, and above all, attached to Blaine’s fingertips in his mouth.
Blaine feels his face heating up. He clears his throat. “I, um, maybe I should go. That was quite a healthy dose of whisky you poured in our last round.”
“I had a feeling you are a whisky man,” Kurt says, straightening up as he puts the empty mugs away. “Let me guess--you never planned on ordering chocolate milk, did you?”
“Yeah, no, that was not my plan.”
“Oh, you had a plan? A man with a plan,” Kurt giggles, snorting into his cleaning rag. “Blaine the man with the plan.”
“Well I did. I do. Usually.”
“Tell me, Blaine, what was the plan then?”
“My three usual drinks, my wings and then off I would go back home.”
“Usual drinks, you say?”
“Let’s see if I have managed to get that bartending instincts.” Kurt takes two shotglasses and a bottle of vodka. “So first, whisky, for sure …” Kurt observes Blaine, tapping his lips with his fingers. “Old Fashioned?”
Kurt pours one shot and pushes it toward Blaine. “Shot.”
“Wha--oh, okay, right.”
“Second one … hm, I don’t think you would stick to one drink.”
“No. You’re more interesting than that.”
“You’re the most interesting here.”
Kurt freezes and then softens. “We’ll get back to that once I get it all right.”
“All right.”
“So, second drink. Something sweet, something fresh, something that will wake you up a little bit in case you run into someone you would want to be energetic for.”
“Am I close?”
“So close.”
“Mhm … Mojito?”
Blaine picks up the bottle and fills up his shot himself before downing it.
Kurt claps his hands. “All right! Now for the homerun or whatever sport metaphor works best …”
Blaine snorts before clapping his hands over his mouth and nose.
“Don’t,” Kurt says softly, his fingertips brushing against the back of Blaine’s hands. “It was an adorable sound.”
The air between them is suddenly loaded with electricity.
“Third drink, now, that is tricky.” Kurt walks behind the bar, clearly aiming for the end of it before shaking his head and going back to his original spot, keeping the counter between them. “It can go two different ways.”
“Either you usually decide to leave on a high, fun, note, or you decide to take something a little more straightforward to guarantee your sleep once home.”
“Ain’t nothing straight about whatever I do when I sleep.”
Kurt’s smile turns into a smirk. “I see.”
“Waiting on your thoughts on my third drink.”
Kurt hums before licks his lips. “I say … something sweet. Something a bit fruity. Something that says I am sure of my masculinity and I just want a good time.”
“That’s a lot of message from just one drink.”
Kurt cocks his head to the side. “I figure you have a lot say, my dear.”
Blaine’s flush is not just the product of the alcohol now.
“For all the reasons I listed,” Kurt continues as if unaware of the effect of his words on Blaine, “I say that your final drink of your night shall be a … Cosmopolitan.”
Blaine applauds him before pouring one last shot. “Congratulations, you do have bartender instincts.”
“Thank you, thank you,” Kurt says before leaning once again on the counter, resting on his forearms. “Now, what will be my prize?”
“We never discussed a prize.”
“Didn’t we?”
“No. But you did say we would discuss how interesting you are once you figured my incredibly predicting patterns of drinks.”
“I’d rather have a prize.”
“Me telling you that you’re the most interesting man to ever grace this bar is not prize enough.”
Kurt leans even forward. “That’s a good start.”
“I could tell you that you’re also the most gorgeous.”
“In this bar?”
“In this city.”
“Go on.”
Blaine stands up to mirror Kurt’s posture. “I could tell you,” he says, his voice dropping, “that I’ve felt intoxicated since I walked in and saw you long before you took out the bottle of whisky.”
Kurt’s eyes twinkle. “I’m a tall glass of … alcohol?”
“You’re a tall glass of you.”
“I would like to ask for two things.”
Kurt giggles. “I won and you get to ask for stuff?”
“I think you’ll appreciate them.”
“Go ahead.”
“I would like to ask you on a date this weekend.”
Kurt looks down, bashful. “I would indeed like that very much,” he replies softly.
“And I would like you to consider kissing me back when I walk you home after said date.”
Kurt looks up and they are standing very close as it is. “Oh?” He leans a bit forward. “No kiss for the winner right now?”
Blaine smiles, tilting his head to kiss Kurt’s cheek. “I’m a gentleman, sir,” he replies, feeling Kurt’s shaky exhale on his skin. “And I don’t want our first kiss to taste of chocolate and whisky.”
“Worst taste for a first kiss.”
“Still. This weekend.”
“This weekend.”
“I gave you my card.”
“You did.”
“So you’ll call me when you’re free?”
“And you already know what we will be doing?”
“I have a plan, remember?”
“A man with a plan,” Kurt says with a crooked smile. “I do like a man with a plan.”
(Blaine does have a plan.
It’s paramount to a quinquennial plan, culminating into his proposal at the bar, with the ring held on the cinnamon stick in their hot chocolates.)
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