#i love them i don have anything else to add
haunted-xander · 10 months
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When the light is too blinding, I'll be your shade / When the dark enshrouds all, I'll be your eyes
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there's hope for us yet - (1/2)
Anakin Skywalker x f!reader
After being overpowered by Baylan Skoll, Ahsoka and the reader find themselves in the World Between Worlds, each confronted with a version of Anakin. The reader meets the Anakin she fell in love with. Or, still loves.
masterlist ▪︎ part two
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"Hello, stardust."
Two words. Two simple but poignant words to send you out of orbit. Wherever you are.
You had opened your eyes to an endless picture of the galaxy, stars and planets as far as you can see. Planes of light acting like pathways, one of which you found yourself lying down on.
Then you stood, head light.
And then you hear him.
You swear there is nothing else like it, the sound of his voice which used to be your very anchor.
"Impossible." You whisper, before finally turning around.
There he stands, as real as the last day you saw him. Donning his dark Jedi attire, blonde curls atop his perfect face.
"What did I tell you?" He tsked at you, shaking his head fondly. "Nothing's impossible."
"I'm dead, aren't I?" You take a step closer, as he walks towards you. This must be heaven, you want to add, but that seemed too hopeful. Desperate.
Heaven, after all, would always be with him. Anakin, who was lost after the duel on Mustafar.
"Do you really think that, stardust?" He reaches you, tucking a stray strand behind your ear. "Look around."
So you do. But truth be told, you don't want to look at anything else apart from him.
"Another... realm," you try to figure it out. "You've mentioned this, haven't you? Obi-Wan talked of a realm that encompasses all realms. All of time and space."
Anakin hums in approval, his thumb grazing your cheekbone. "If in here I still have you... then here is all there ever should be."
You feel tears pricking at your eyes, trying hard to fight them off. He swoops in at your rescue, bridging the gap between you two with a searing kiss.
It feels real, you think. And it must be, because how else can it make your entire being ablaze. His lips are softer than your memory serves, the sweet taste of him ingrained like a branding. Ani, Anakin. Your Anakin.
His tongue snakes past your teeth, begging for more. His hand tilts your head back to gain leverage.
"My stardust," he whispers against your skin, when he pulls away to drag his lips on your cheek. When he repeats it, his words take on a different tone. "My stardust. Mine." He nearly growls at the end, the sound of it low and grating in your ear.
The Force shifts. Where you felt uncertainty and hope, now you feel something darker. Something's not right here.
"Where is Ahsoka?"
"That's nothing you should concern yourself with." Anakin steps to your side, one hand toying with your hair. When he is behind you, you feel his breathing on the back of your neck, just imploring you to give in. "What matters is us, stardust."
"This isn't real." You shake your head. "At least, this is not my time, my current path. I have to go back. We have to find Ezra."
"This is real." His arm wraps around your shoulders, pressing your back to his chest. "You wound me, stardust. Do you not want me? Just like this?"
"I can feel you," you step away from him, immediately deflated at the lack of contact, as wrong as it may be. "and you're not really my Anakin, are you?"
He chuckles, low in his chest. There is nothing friendly about the gesture. "I am who I have always been meant to become. This is me. This is the man you love."
"No." You circle each other, akin to predator and prey, and you're not sure which one you are. "The man I love ..." you raise your voice, resolve weakening, "... is dead."
A moment hangs between you, filled with silence, but electrifying all the same. He holds you in his steel blue gaze, and for just a second, you can believe that he is truly yours. His mouth curls up in that familiar smirk, his eyebrows raise toward the center.
Please, he seems to say, this is me. I love you now, as I always have.
But the moment passes, and a gloom casts over his expression.
"Fine," he sneers. "Have it your way, stardust."
And the world falls all around you.
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Everything is burning.
The Clone Wars rage at all sides, smoke filling the air and impairing your line of sight.
Anakin was by your side one second, the next he was lost to you in the midst of all the fighting.
You think you can hear him calling your name, but it seems so far away. Your main focus is on the open wound by your ribs, sustained from a blaster shot, staining blood through your white tunic.
You groan due to it all, but the familiarity of the pain somehow dulls the sensation.
I've been here before.
Anakin calls your name, much nearer now, and soon enough he is right in front of you. Face contorted in a mixture of rage and relief.
"Stardust!" He yells. "I told you to stick with me. Why do you never listen?"
"It's not my fault! I was..." Pain shoots through you, bringing you to your knees, and you press your hand against your side. "I was sidetracked by all the..."
"You're hurt. Kriff's sake, stardust. How can you do this me?"
"To you? I'm the one injured here."
He babbles on, inspecting your wound with precise movements. "I don't know what I would do without you. You can't get hurt, do you hear me? I would not be able to fight in these wars. You have to be alright."
His sincerity tugs at your heart, and you reach for his face. He takes a deep breath, pressing his nose against your palm.
"I'll be alright, Ani," you try to calm him down. "Nothing a little bacta spray can't fix."
"Right," he reaches inside his pocket, revealing the spray case. The immediate relief you feel as the solution comes in contact with your wound makes you sigh deeply. "This should tide you over until we get you to a medic."
"Snips alright?" You look around, trying to catch a glimpse of his young Padawan.
"She's alright," he confirms, helping you up with one arm firmly around you. "Worry about yourself for now, okay?"
"Are you alright?" You completely ignore his sentiment, giving him a once over. Well, what are you thinking? Of course he's alright. Anakin can face a thousand belligerents on his own and come out unscathed.
He pauses, a smile encroaching upon his face.
"Oh, stardust." He sighs, moving in front of you, and holding your face with both hands.
An explosion erupts from behind him, billowing fires. The atmosphere is red, an intense haze of destruction looming over the scene. There is screaming from all sides. Cries of attack and defense.
But Anakin only has eyes for you.
"I'll always be okay, as long as I have you by my side."
You remember this moment. You remember how you clammed up, and merely nodded in response. The gloom of battle like an assault to your senses.
Say something. But you can't, because you didn't.
Anakin presses a kiss to your forehead, and your eyes close.
And then he is gone.
I will always be with you, Ani.
But it is too late.
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This is just a two-parter, and the next part will be sad/angsty, so brace yourselves. He is Darth Vader, after all.
update: part two is posted!
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gatitties · 4 months
Hiii!! I'm so happy that you're taking requests again. I love your writing! May I request Strawhats, Heart Pirates and Kid Pirates x female!teen!reader (Platonic)? Reader gets captured by the Marines for, I don't know, four months? And they got tortured nearly daily. Everyone has to win her trust again, because the torture was brutal and they took too long to get her out. The reader was extremely affectionate and cheery before she got captured, so her avoiding their touches and staying quiet really overdrive their nerves worrying about her. (By the way, if you can add Vivi, Yamato and Carrot to the Strawhats that would be great! They're part of the crew in my eyes. But if that's too much trouble then that's okay!)
─Strawhats, Heart Pirates & Kid Pirates x teen!reader (Platonic)
─Summary: Being kidnapped is not a pretty experience, neither is torture, your entire personality will change completely, but maybe they can heal your emotional wounds.
─Warnings: slight mention of kidnapping and torture
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─ Everyone is devastated by your disappearance at first, if it weren't for the fact that it was something that not even they expected, Luffy would have burst in immediately to avoid everything that awaited you.
─ While everyone's anxiety increased every day, your hope faded little by little.
─ You remained adamant about not talking gritting your teeth as you felt all kinds of pain even when you moved a single finger.
─ They were mentally punishing themselves for letting them kidnap you and it created a huge commotion, no matter how much has passed, everyone continues counting the days while investigating information about your whereabouts.
─ Once you meet them again, it breaks their soul to see you in such a deplorable state, you barely seemed alive.
─ Chopper took care of all your wounds, noticing how you flinched with every touch, he was worried when you swatted Carrot when she tried to gently caress your back to comfort you.
─ Vivi and Nami did everything possible to make your smile shine again, but you couldn't even look up to face them, they would be constantly watching in case something happened or you needed help.
─ Sanji insisted that your diet be strict since it seemed like you had been starved, although he didn't receive your praise or help like before, he would be patient with that.
─ Zoro seems quite angry, not with you, but with the people who have made you like this, you used to admire his training and fawn foolishly, although he never said anything, he liked to see you there in that happy mood.
─ Usopp, Franky, Brook and Robin will take cautious steps with you, they know that you are more sensitive than usual so they will not force interactions that were previously everyday like hugs or quality time, at least, you would return to that slowly in the hope of to see your eyes shine with enthusiasm again.
─ Luffy and Yamato will be the least cautious, they will scold you slightly if they see that you are quieter than usual or if you don' t join in their games as usual, of course, they are somewhat more insistent than the others and more direct, but if you are really uncomfortable or overwhelmed, they will give you your space.
─ They just hope that all that horrible experience will be erased from your mind, they will assure you that no one else will put you through that hell again while they are there.
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─ Law really didn't expect the plan to end so badly, he was really worried when he received the information that you were now being held captive with marines.
─ He really thought that not even the lowest scum would torture a teen, but his assumptions were wrong.
─ Shachi and Penguin were the ones who found you after you miraculously managed to escape, they were doing the relevant search for another barracks when you staggered towards them.
─ They cried with happiness and anger when they saw that you were alive but full of marks and wounds, they took you to Polar Tang immediately to leave that island and receive treatment.
─ A whole commotion was generated when the others saw you passed out in the arms of those two, Law remained silent, still with anxiety in the pit of his stomach when he was healing you.
─ He knew it, you weren't even awake and your body was reacting negatively to his touch, even if his intentions were harmless, you cringed with every bandage on your skin and even kicked him when you suddenly woke up.
─ Law wasn't bothered because you didn't apologize for that, he just frowned and continued the work with a little help from Bepo to hold you back since you were still having a hard time getting used to the fact that he wouldn't hurt you, it was an involuntary stimulus.
─ They had to scold Ikkaku because she jumped at you to hug you, although she managed to catch you, you hissed like an abused cat, which broke the woman's heart when she saw that you did not reciprocate something so everyday for both of you.
─ Bepo was disappointed not to be able to have your morning hug like every day too.
─ Law strictly expressed everything they should do around you, he knew that right now you were as delicate as glass and that your personality would not change from one day to the next.
─ They took it easy while you adjusted back to your old ways, feeling a little better about your surroundings.
─ Everyone celebrated in silence (because loud noises would scare you) when you decided to join in on your own to play cards instead of watching emotionlessly or locking yourself in your room.
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─ Kid tried with everything he had, but it was inevitable that they would take you in the middle of a battle, before his eyes, if he could, his anger would have set his hair on fire.
─ Killer had to make a tactical retreat if they didn't want more casualties for the moment, and everyone decided to flee while the worst days of your existence passed.
─ Of course, Kid's pirates are quite brutal, they didn't do a little search for you, they burned and destroyed all the marine bases where they couldn't find you, being a threat to the future for whoever really wants to kidnap you again, because they were clear that they would find you.
─ And they did it, although they didn't like the sight in the slightest, your bruised state gave them a direct blow to the heart, taking into account that you were the smallest of the crew, they had that obligation to guide you and keep you safe.
─ Wire took you back to the ship while the others enjoyed destroying everything around them.
─ The crew did not usually be very open in terms of physical contact, but you were, you always found an opening to hang on to one of the boys and do something stupid, however, you did not even dare to get closer than two meters.
─ They also noticed that your idle, squeaky voice couldn't be heard chattering about anything you found interesting, which bothered them a little, thinking that all the chaos they had caused to get to you hadn't been enough.
─ The first one who dared to confront you was Heat, this crew does not have much tact when communicating things, but although his words were harsh, he wanted to assure you that none of this would happen again.
─ Killer softened and reaffirmed those words, hoping that you would slowly return to the same person you were before, he himself is not a happy and dazzling man, probably no one on the crew, but that's why they had you, they needed your optimism and smile to contrast.
─ Kid will get fed up quickly if you continue playing hide and seek in your room and will drag you like a scolded puppy so that you can spend time with them again like before, although he will let you free if he really sees that you are having a bad time, Kid can be a bad guy, but he wouldn't make you cry being one of his comrades.
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screaminglygay · 8 months
pairing: vampire!kate x fem!reader
summary: are you and kate actually meant to be together? you will get the answer at ceremony, where you’ll be surrounded by many other vampires, that are not the friendliest in town.
word count: 4.3k
warnings: light slapping, smut!!!, kinda dom!kate x sub!reader, mentions of blood, some swearing, dirty talk, if anything else I’ll add it
an: i had fun writing kate, she’s so fun and i need her asap:) also i used few sayings from my language and tried to translate it, so if it doesn’t make any sense in english i sincerely apologize haha
an2: also! i was very inspired by this TikTok!
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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"Baby! We´re gonna be late and your mother will kill us!" You yell, knowing damn well that the taller dark haired girl heard you.
It was a big family night for you and Kate. You were invited to family gatherings before, but today is different. Tonight you´re meeting her grand grand family members from all around the world. Most of them were against your relationship with a pure blood, but after a few stories they heard about your good impact on Kate, they realized that humans are not so bad after all.
Tonight is a big ceremony of the first humam coming to their family after almost 690 years. The only thing you have to do, to be accepted, is give a little of your blood to your mate, aka Kate. Sounds easy, right?
Well there are three scenarios that might happen. One; she will like your blood, which is the greatest option. The second situation could result in death in front of numerous vampires, and the third and worst possible outcome is that you have cursed blood. It basically means that you two aren't meant to be together, Kate explained to you weeks ago. So after hours, days of googling what blood type is the best for vampires, you actually gave up. Google didn´t give you the answer, shockingly. You just wished you would be Kate´s ideal.
"She can´t kill me, I´m immortal. Remember princess?" At the speed of a light a pair of hands wraps around you. Kate kisses your cheek, hoping it would ease your nerves.
"Oh, I completly forgot! My bad." Rolling your eyes at her wasn´t your brightest idea as a harsh slap on your ass was sent right away. "Ouch!" you yelp.
"Don´t." She spins you around so you two were facing eachtoher. Her cold hands found a way under your dress. Her blue eyes scanned your whole body, holding a little longer on your clevage that your new dress showed.
"Like what you see?" You tease her, already kwowing the answer.
"We don´t have to go there, princess. We can stay right here and-" Kate´s eyes were still on your breasts, until you cut you her off, then she met your eyes.
"Youre forgetting that I´m not immortal, Katie. And I would really appraciate not to fight any vampires today, especially not your mother." You smile at her. "Besides we can have fun later. After all the ceremony and blood testing thing, if everything will be okay and-" you ramble, but this time it´s Kate who jumps right in.
"It´s gonna be okay. I love you and you´re exactly my type." She winks at you, but your nerves are still all around the place. Her hands slips lower, gently touching the insides of your thighs.
"This distraction teqnique would work if our relatioship wouldn´t be on the line, Katie. So leave it for later, okay?" You smiled at her, wishing you could stay here and just enjoy eachother, just as much as she did.
"Fineee" Kate let out a big whine, like a kid when you take them their favorite toy. Which was exctly what´s happenening.
"The sooner we go, the sooner we will be back." You mumble.
"I like this mindset." She chuckled and then both of you went hand in hand outside, where your car with a driver was already waiting.
The car ride was comfotably silent, Kate was holding your hand the whole time, which helped you a little. After 20 minutes you´ve arrived, but you stayed in the car for another 5 minutes. Kate knew you were nervous, she could feel your nerves dancing all around your body, but mostly in your mind. She didn´t said anything, she just gave you a soft smile that made you fall for her the second you saw her. Slowly kissed your lips and then she opened the door for you. You will never get used to her super fast movements.
As always the Bishops made a big event look even bigger. Everything was so expenssive, even the dust looked like it was personaly made for Kate´s mom, Eleanor Bishop, for tonights occasion. As you get closer to the entrance you feel the nerves working again, making your stomach twirl, your hands starts to get shaky. As you approach the entrance, you're greeted by towering iron gate adorned with dark and sinister ornaments. These gates open slowly, revealing a long path leading deeper into the heart of the ceremony.
"Maybe we should get back, you know-" You quickly whisper in Kate´s ear.
"Easy, princess. You´re doing really good. Just hold my hand and I promise, everything will be okay." Kate looks at you with her cute little face. You sigh.
I´m okay, Kate says I´m doing good, so I´m doing good.
As you proceed, you notice the decorations adorning the area. Enormous candles everywhere. The flames seem to dance with a life of their own, casting flickering shadows that play tricks on your senses. It looks so magical, yet terryfying at the same time. The walls are lined with rich, dark wood paneling and huge ornate mirrors. Each table has gold cutlery and is decorated with blood-red and black roses.
Vampires don´t eat, why do they have so many tables set?
Your girlfriend see you look around with confused look on your face, she whispers. "My mom wanted it to look luxorious."
"So she spent a lot of money on... cuttlery and plates?" You chuckle a little.
"Basically, yeah." Kate shrughs and smiles with you.
"I can afford it, it would be a very sad life if after all these years I would be poor, don´t you think, (Y/N)?" As soon as you hear the voice you stop in your tracks, you don´t even dare to turn around, turn around and face Kate´s mother.
"I- I didn´t mean it as a bad thing, Mrs. Bishop." You turn around and notice that she is wearing a striking red dress that cascades to the ground, it´s fabric flowing like liquid silk, decorated with golden stripes.
"I know." Eleanor chuckles. "And to answer your question, it looks better rather than empty hall with just vampires." She looks at you and then Kate. "You two better get ready, you know how Daniella is." With that she leaves.
You turn to Kate and she´s already openning her mouth like she´s reading your mind. "My grandmother. She hates these gatherings. And I don´t blame her, she´s..." Kate stops in her words as she tries to figure out how old is her grandmother, but she just giggles, "... old."
You share a laugh with her as you two go into the backyard, where the ceremony will start.
As you walk through the lavish hallways right outside, you can't shake the feeling of being watched. The stern-faced vampires seem to follow your every move with their eyes. You can hear hushed whispers and the occasional sinister chuckle from hidden corners, making your skin crawl. When you enter the garden, your breath catches in your throat. A group of elegant vampire stands in a circle. Their conversation falls silent as they turn their attention to you, their gaze piercing through your very alive soul. You feel like a deer caught in the headlights, your nervousness intensifying with every passing second.
"Just go sit over there, I´ll come in a second." Kate nods towards the over dacorated throne with big gold crystals all around, as she lets go of your hand. You try to look confident, you try to look as you got this whole situation under control, but you´re still in a room full of vampires.
One of the vampires, a particularly tall vampire with a charming look approaches you. He extends a hand and invites you to sit on the throne. You accept, trying to hide your trembling hands as you sit down. After a few second you stop shifting in your seat as you feel finally seated, as you look up, you see all the vampires looking at you. Of course none of them is blinking so the whole situations is just more terryfing.
In the the crowd of vampires you try to find your partner, Kate. But no matter where you look, you can´t see her, your thoughts start to wonder, once more.
Oh my god.
Eleanor´s voice brought you out of your chaotic thoughts as she´s now standing next to you.
Super speed, of course.
Eleanor starts to speak with a velvet tone that sends shivers down your spine. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. The time of bonding two souls has come once again. After almost 690 years, we´re here to reaffirm our eternal bond, to celebrate our power, and to welcome a new member into our family. Tonight, in the power of moonlight, we have a rare guest among us - a human, who has willingly chosen to share in our world. A human, who´s heart is strong enough to beat for two. Let this gathering be a testament to the strength of our coven and the allure of our kind. We welcome you all, and we extend our gratitude to our honored guest. Let the ceremony begins." Eleanor takes few steps away.
Oh god. Now it´s my last second here on this planet. I didn´t write my will! Shit.
As you sit on the throne, a mix of fear and anticipation washes over you, for you have entered a world unlike any other, and tonight, you will be forever changed. The whole garden is incredibly silent, which makes your beating heart even louder.
Two vampire figures step forward, Eleanor fixes your hair and give you a warm smile, as warm as the vampires can do that. The other vampire, you could tell miles away, Kate. Your eyes meet and you both immidietly smile and suddenly, you feel safe. You feel like no matter what´s gonna happen, she is there to protect you. Always.
Eleanor speaks again. "Is everything prepared, my dear?"
"Yes, everything is ready." Kate nods with a small smile.
Your breath quivers as you feel their gaze upon you, you could cut the tension in the air. You don´t dare to look away from Kate, as you know that the rest of the vampires are watching you, like a prey. Even though that´s off the table for a long time now.
"Are you prepared for this, (Y/F/N)? Once this ceremony begins, there is no turning back." The tall vampire that helped you sit down now speaks.
You nod, your voice a shaky whisper: "Yes, I'm ready."
Kate steps closer, her eyes locking onto your neck with a hunger that sends shivers down your spine. Of course she kissed your neck before, so this wasn´t something new, but this time both of you felt that there is something in the air. You noticed her eyes, they were darker, almost like she never had a blue eyes, now they were completly black. She leans in, her lips barely grazing your skin, her voice a sultry mumble.
"Don't be afraid, princess. Let´s pretend it´s just me and you." She takes your hand in hers.
As her fangs descend, your heart races, and you close your eyes, preparing for the worst outcome. But Kate's sharp fangs pierce your tender flesh, a pain overpower your senses. It's an weird sensation, like a burning brand pressed against your skin, and your muscles tense in response. The world seems to blur, and a wave of dizziness washes over you as Kate's bite deepens.
It hurst more than you could ever imagine, but like the waves on the shore it quickly washes away. The pain begins to transform. It morphs into something else entirely, an intense, electrifying sensation that surges through your entire body. You let out a big exhale as you can feel Kate´s touch everywhere, it´s indescribable feeling that is running thorugh your whole body.
Kate has a moment of ecstasy. As your blood rushes into her mouth, it´s adicting in a sense. The taste is inexpressible as well, an intoxicating blend of sweetness and saltiness, and it fills her with an sense of power and pleasure. Every drop that she draws makes her feel more alive than she ever has, and it's as if the very essence of your being is nourishing her soul.
In this shared moment, you and Kate are connected in a way that most of her family didn´t belive. The boundaries of life and death, pain and pleasure were moved once again with your relationship. It's a dance of darkness and desire, you can feel your heartbeat come back to normal as Kate pulls away.
Her eyes are even darker and yours are too. She was right, it was always just the two of you.
The other vampires watch in awe and fascination as Kate and you share this profound moment of bonding, their expressions ranging from curiosity to envy. Most of them though you two weren´t meant to be, or at least they wished it was in that way. At the end you´re still just a human to them.
One of the vampires, closed to where you and Kate were, whispers to another one "Did you see that? It's been ages since I witnessed such a powerful bond."
"Kate truly has a unique way of choosing her companions. This human must be special indeed." The tall vampires whispers back.
The vampires exchange knowing glances, recognizing the significance of this moment. The bond between you and Kate, marks as a rare moment. As they continue to observe, Kate finally pulls away fully, wiping her mouth and then licking the few drops from her fingers as she made eye contact with you.
As both of you had your senses high you two couldn´t deny the fact that you need to be alone, asap!
"Let us welcome you, (Y/N), in our family. Now officially. Let´s raise our glasses to the special bond. To the never dying love!" Eleanor smiles at you and then turns to the vampires, that were holding their own. They all cheered to you and Kate.
You step down from the throne, feeling a sense of acceptance and belonging from the vampires around you. As you begin to walk through the garden, many of them offer congratulations, their voices low and respectful, but you don´t really pay attention as your girlfriend dissapears again.
Then, you spot Kate approaching through the dimly lit garden, her eyes finding yours in an instant. She takes your hand and, with a sense of urgency, starts saying quick goodbyes to the others.
Kate leans closer. "We need some time alone, my princess." She smirks.
"You are reading my mind, Katie." You mumbled.
The other vampires don´t mind you leaving at all, which makes it easier and quicker for you and Kate slip away from the gathering. You follow her, your heart pounding with an excitement, as you make your way back to Kate's apartment, where your journey into the night truly begins.
As soon as you step inside her aparment her hands are on you. Her fingers slowly trace over the teeth marks she left on your neck.
"Did it hurt?" She whispers as she kisses your neck.
"Uh- a little" You moan right away.
"A little?" Kate pulls away and raise her eyebrow.
"Okayyy, it hurted a lot. A lot lot, but... after a second-" You were cut off by Kate´s words.
"It felt better than anything in this word." She smiles and you simply just nod. "Go strip on the bed, I´ll be there in a second."
And if Kate means second, it is truly just a second, but this time, she made sure that you have some time to actually take off your clothes, as she wanted tonight to be special.
As you open the door you immidietly start to take off your clothes, fistly your shoes and then your dress, which takes you just few seconds. As you walk past the mirror you notice those cute little bite marks, which sends you pulse right into your pussy. You let out a moan, which makes Kate runs into the bedroom.
"It feels that good, huh?" Kate smirks as she is still wearing her black suit, her hands are behind her back as shes holding a small black velvet box.
"Gosh, I forgot that your ego is big, I didn´t want to boost it more." You playfully roll your eyes.
Kate pushes you on the bed, her hand on your neck. "And I thought I won´t punish you tonight, since you´ve been so brave, princess. Guess you won´t get your present."
"No, wait!" You whine. "Sorry, sorry, I want my present, please." You add.
Kate smiles and kisses you slowly and passionetly, pulling away, while bitting your lip, which makes you wince. She bit little too hard and your lip starts to bleed. She wants to pull away, but being on top doesn´t help her much. You´re under her and the sight of you completly naked, with blood on your mouth is just the most pretiest sight. The kissing is harsh, fast and messy, but none of you really cares.
"I want the present, pretty please." You say between breaths and Kate smiles as she pulls an inch away from you.
"Of course you want the present, sit up for me, please." She moves away from you so you can sit up. You did as you were told and Kate gives you the pretty black box, that of course was decorated by "KB".
Your fingers tremble slightly as you gently lift the lid, revealing what lies inside. Your breath catches in your throat as you behold a stunning collar made of dark, lustrous metal. The collar is adorned with a row of purple crystals. The crystals are deep and regal, like amethysts, and they sparkle with an elegance that takes your breath away. It's a piece that symbols of your newfound connection with Kate.
"Turn around." Kate says as you´re done inspecting the collar.
You turn around. "It´s abolutely beautiful, Katie. I love it, thank you."
Kate smiles at you words, as she puts the collar on you, you flinch at the sudden cold feeling, your nipples perk up. "So responsive." She kissed your neck again. "I´m glad you like it, princess." The vampire whispers in your ear.
Her hands are all over your body as you are pushed on the bed once again. Kate sits on you, pinning you down, "Tonight is about you, my pretty princess. Just lay here and enjoy your night. Will you do that for me?" She made the puppy dog eyes. Those eyes can get out of any trouble and in every bed.
"Yes, Katie." You smile and nod, already feeling impatient you buckle up your hips, earning little slap to your tits.
"Patience." She smirks, knowing she has this effect on you.
"Not todayyy!" You whine.
Kate leans close, kissing you where she bit you earlier, which makes you moan instantly. It is exactly what Kate loves to hear. She moves you higher on the bed and scoop lower, being inches from your already so wet pussy.
"Open your pretty legs for me." You did, very quickly in fact. "Gosh, look at you, so wet already and didn´t even touch you." She makes eye contact with you and smirks. "Did my biting made you that wet? Or me collaring you? Hm?" Kate kisses your inner things as her fingers trails up and down your leg.
"Both." You quietly let out.
"Both." Kate repeats with a smile on her face. "Because you were so good today, I´ll make it easy for you. Look at me, if you stop, I´ll stop. Understood, my pretty princess?" Her fingers were now incredible close to the place you needed them in.
"Yes, understood." You look in her eyes, they were still dark and you knew she was impatient as well as you are.
Her mouth came closer, you could feel her breath, against your skin and after two soft kisses on each of your inner thighs, Kate finally gave in and still very teasingly kissed your clit.
"God-" Your eyes wanted to be closed so bad, but you knew you have to keep them opened.
As Kate smirk agaist you she start to eat you out, very slowly. But after a few of your pretty loud moans, she licks you, like there is no tomorrow. Her tongue was skilled, she knew your body more than you knew it yourself. So after every flinch, every move of your muscle, she knew you are close. So close.
Her fingers are still going up and down your legs, pinching you time to time, to avoid you closing your eyes. "Eyes on me, princess." Kate mumbles into your drenched pussy.
"They... are." You whine as you bite your already bruised lip to keep your eyes open.
Kate just chuckles, which sends immidiet pleasure right into you. Both of you know you´re close, so so so close.
But after a few second you don´t feel anything, no lips, no tongue, no touch. You had to close your eyes, it was just so good, that there was no other way and like Kate promised, she stopped. Completly.
You whine, your hips instantly moved to search for anything. You need something! You eyes open wide, Kate is still between your legs. She´s watching you, and as she did before with your blood, she now wipes her mouth, messy with your juices.
"Hmm so sweet, princess." She licks her fingers.
"Kate, please-" You whine as you move your hips again, your heartbeat matching with you pulsating pussy.
"You knew the rules-" You cut her off.
"I know, but please, it was an accident!" You move yet another inch closer to her.
After a few second of watching you, Kate decided that she will give you another chance. "Close your eyes and you´re not cumming, got it?" Kate crawls on top of you and tug you by your collar. "Got it?" She tilts her head.
"Yes." You nod kissing her as you can feel your taste on her tongue.
"Tasty, right?" You nod again, as she slowly crawls back between your legs, this time she didn´t waste any second and her tongue makes contact with you right away, she was needy too. Her touch starts to be so harsh, no more soft licks or light touches, she needs you to come.
And oh my god, you are close in just a few second of her touch. Kate smirks knowing, she won once again and her ego is going straight to the space, but she will tease you about it later.
"I-" Kate smiles and nods, knowing exactly what you need.
"Tug on your collar, princess. And I´ll say the magic words." She mumbles agaist you as her fingers now entered your hole.
"Fuck- me" You moan loudly, which was like a music to Kate´s ears.
"I am fucking you, princess." Kate smirks, you can´t be bratty now, but hell she would deserve some bratty remark, but you truly need to cum. So you just obediently listen to her and your hand grab on your collar. You did as you were told once again and tug on it harshly.
It makes Kate smile, seeing you like this. Knowing she is the only person that could touch you like this, knowing only she makes you feel this good.
But you knew the same thing too, there is no one on the planet who would ease her thirst as much as you do. No one could do such a good job as you. No one.
"Can-" You open your mouth to talk but you just moan. You don´t have to say anything at all for Kate to understand.
"Go ahead, princess. Cum for me." She mumbles agaist you as her fingers move sligtly faster and her mouth try to lick all of your juices.
Your hand grips Kate´s head as you push her more into you, moving your hips like non compos mentis. "Mine." Your hand grabs her hair as you finally release, coming on her mouth and fingers after such a long time full of stress.
Kate smiles as she licks you. "Yours, princess." After a few second of you bucking your hips up and down, your breathng is steadier and you let go of Kate´s hair.
She kisses her way back up, few kissing on your thighs, her favorite tummy and slowly giving attention to your nipples. As you´re slowly coming down from your hight, you can feel Kate kissing your neck. After a moment or two, Kate comes closer to you, finally kissing your lips.
In that moment, everything fades away, and it's just the two of you, sharing a deep connection that don´t need to be said out loud. The affection in her gaze mirrors the love you feel in your heart, knowing that your love speaks louder than any words ever could.
And you are so happy, that tonights ceremony ended the way it did, because you would rather die, than live in a world, where you can´t have her.
"I didn´t knew you were that possesive, princess." Kate whispers as her eyes scan your face.
"I´m always possiseve over you." You smile.
Kate hums as she kiss your neck again, after few moments of enjoying the feeling, you understood that she wanted to do. "Katie..." You mumble.
"Baby just one more bite, please." She responds, her voice beeing so needy and you can´t deny her.
As Kate sank her teeth in you one more time, both of you knew right away that the rest of the nigh will be a long, and Kate won´t be the only one wide awake tonight.
Thank you for reading!<3
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I don't know if you want to make this request of mine, but I would be very grateful... How would it be if was Yanderes! Twisted Wonderland (dorm leaders) in love with the same reader?
Ohoho I sure can! Man being in that situation would be so scary, good lord, can you imagine? I guess now you can jsfaönf
I decided to finally feed my twst readers again after starving them for so long. I hope you enjoy!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, mention of murder, mention of violence, kidnapping/ abduction, manipulation, stalking, emotional manipulation
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Yandere! dorm leaders that are in love with the same darling
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Okay but this is going to be utter chaos, you just know it. Most of the dorm leaders can barely tolerate each other in the first place without a fight breaking out, then you add them being yandere ( and as such, more unhinged) ,and then to add insult to injury they all like the same person? Yeah, that´s a recipe for disaster
I honestly don´t think any of them are willing to share? They want to have you for themselves without anyone else interfering
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Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle blows a fuse when he gets wind of this. He already has a harsh temper to begin with but he loses all of his composure when it concerns his darling. Do the other dorm leaders think they can just simply steal you away from him? How utterly unacceptable! He is the most hard-working and flawless student here at Night Raven College so he also deserves your love the most out of everyone here!
He´s honestly so annoyed and angry when he sees one of the others talking to you that he takes out his anger on his poor dorm members that he now collars for the slightest of offenses. It´s like chapter 1 never even happened, his reign of terror is reinstated all at once
And yet at the same time, he would take advantage of the fact that your two closest friends are members of Heartslabyul. You´re bound to want to visit them often to hang out with them, right? So of course it´s only a coincidence that you´ll often find Riddle staying close to their room to greet you and sweep you away when he gets the chance. Of course he wasn´t waiting around for you or anything like that, it´s only natural that he keeps a close eye on those two troublemakers to make sure they don´t get involved in any hijinks again, right? It´s what a responsible dorm leader should do
So while you´re at it, why don´t you join him for a nice cup of tea? He´s told Trey to bake some treats that are just to their liking. So please spend some time with him!
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Leona Kingscholar
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Leona is one that often doesn´t bother with putting in a lot of effort, simply because he doesn´t think his efforts would ever be rewarded. Why would he give it his all when he knows it´s not going to matter in the end? But this here is different. You´re one of the only people that have shown true understanding for his position as the second-born prince and for once he feels like he needs to try his very best when it comes to winning you over
Leone is no fool, he´s quick to figure out that the other dorm leaders seem to love you in the same obsessed way that he does. It makes him angry to think that anyone else would dare try to stake their claim on you when he´s already decided that you would be his mate. For once in his life, he refuses to play the second fiddle. He wants you and he´s not going to shirk back from using dirty means to get what he wants. He probably orders Ruggie to use his unique magic again to make the other dorm leaders hurt themselves to put them out of commission for long enough to hopefully win you over. If pushed far enough I´m sure Leona wouldn´t hesitate to use King´s roar either. He was so close to killing Ruggie, someone that is actually a big help to him, so why would he ever hold back against his rivals?
Leona is very aware that he needs to fight dirty if he wants to break free from always being in second place
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Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul is very displeased when he finds out that he isn´t the only one to be harboring feelings for you. It probably took him a lot of time to come to terms with his own “love” for you, not one to freely show his deeper emotions to anyone else, he doesn´t like to feel vulnerable. And yet, whenever he lays eyes on you, Azul feels more vulnerable than ever before. And he finds that he doesn´t hate it as much as he would have thought
But he very much hates his current predicament. All those other fools are head-over-heels for you as well and it makes him more insecure than he would ever admit. Of course he´s primarily upset because he wants you for his own but when he sees the kind of people he needs to compete with ( literal royalty and a celebrity) he can´t help but be caught up in his old insecurities. It makes him want to hide away more than anything but he won´t let himself do that. He knows that you´re meant to be his so he´s not going to ever give up on you
Azul enlists the help of the Leech twins who are more than eager to assist him, if only for their own amusement over the situation. They´ve been given the order to stay around you as much as possible when Azul isn´t able to, to help chase away anyone that might try to approach you. Them being around isn´t enough to stop all of them but their intimidating presence surely has some effect at least. They also tell him any kind of detail about you that they´ve found out about through their tailing.
He tries to get all the information he can about you, both to soothe his craving to know as much about you as he possibly can, but also to know how to entice you into signing a contract that will bind the two of you together forever. Once your fate is sealed, he won´t have to worry about any of the others ever taking you away from him
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Kalim Al-Asim
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Honestly speaking, Kalim would probably be the only one here not to notice how the other dorm leaders feel about you. He´s a very delusional yandere to begin with, not seeing anything wrong with how intensely he loves you. That´s just a sign of true love, right? Isn´t it just so great that he would do absolutely everything to ensure your “happiness” even if you didn´t ask for anything?
He just goes about courting you like he usually would: showering you with many very expensive but unwanted gifts and clinging to you for as long as he can. It´s just him showing his affection for you so he doesn´t see any reason as to why you might want to reject any of his presents. Do you really have the heart to disappoint someone as nice and sweet as Kalim? Do you want to make him cry? Please just accept whatever invitation he throws your way before things get too difficult
Jamil would likely feel obligated to help Kalim out because he simply can´t handle the other moping around and sobbing all day whenever you express displeasure at staying over for too long or you react negatively to the 5th elephant parade this week. Jamil probably understands why you would feel overwhelmed with all of Kalim´s grandiose shows of affection but he really can´t be bothered to deal with his miserable self for even a second longer. He also fears that his family might be in trouble if it came out that he didn´t help Kalim when it came to winning over his “one true love” so sorry, but he´ll need to prioritize his family´s safety over yours
Unlike Kalim, Jamil would very quickly realize what kind of competition they´re dealing with and would thus function as a sort of enabler for Kalim´s overbearingly clingy tendencies. He knows they need to act quickly before anyone else gets the chance
Wouldn´t it be a good idea for Kalim to introduce you to his parents already as his lover so you can get a wedding prepared for as soon as possible? Kalim would of course jump at the chance and try to seal the deal as soon as possible. He doesn´t see any reason to wait when you both love each other so much!
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Vil Schoenheit
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Just absolutely unbelievable. Do these potatoes really think they have a chance against him? No one is as beautiful, elegant and skilled as Vil Schoenheit and thus no one is more suited to be with you than him. The moment he had first laid eyes upon you he had decided that you were perfect in every way, inside and out. Vil is usually very strict when it comes to both himself and others but for some unexplainable reason, he felt this pull towards you from the very beginning. Even if logically speaking there is no person without any flaws, he is more than willing to overlook any of yours
You have managed to capture his heart and so you must take responsibility for that by letting him win over yours in return. He´s always made an effort to look the best he can but now he´s spending even more time every day, to improve himself even more, if that is even possible, to draw your attention and impress you. Maybe if he appeals to your preferences you will finally spare him a glance and bless him with your presence
He works so hard every day, which only drives him to be angrier when Rook tells him that he isn´t the only one that has laid their eyes on you. He huffs and shakes his head in dismay with a joyless smile on his face, already contemplating how he is going to deal with this
Vil is an actor so he´s more than capable of acting out whatever kind of person appeals to you the most. If he feels like you might be showing some sort of interest in one of his rivals then he might start to copy some of their mannerisms to hopefully draw your eye again. You only need to look at him, dear! Vil is the most deserving of your love out of all of them. No one else but him could hope to ever come close to your level of perfection, he is the only one that is suited to be with you
If he feels like he needs to ( he feels you slipping away), Vil is also willing to poison his rivals, as we´ve seen with Neige in the main story. He loves you too much to let anyone else have so he´s going to make sure he´s the only one remaining once the curtain falls
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Idia Shroud
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Idia probably starts noticing that he has some competition when he keeps seeing the other dorm leaders approach you as he is watching you through one of the many cameras he had installed all throughout NRC and your room to be able to look at you at every time of day without leaving the comfort of his room. He might have been able to look past it if it had only been a one-time thing but with the frequency of how often they´ve been seeking you out lately, he knows that something is up
And boy oh boy, Idia is not happy at all when he puts 2 and 2 together. He honestly feels like breaking his pc out of frustration when he sees the others attempt to flirt with you while he can´t even stand face-to-face with you. Idia is cursing his own social ineptitude more than ever before as he has no choice but to curse and grumble as he sees everything unfold in front of him
Idia already thought that he had no chance with you, I mean who would be interested in a weird shut-in like him? It´s the very reason why he had settled for just watching your daily life through all of these cameras instead of trying to strike up a conversation with you. The very thought of standing so close to you already makes him shiver with both excitement and fear
But that doesn´t mean at all that he would let anyone else date you. That´s not how this is going to go! He knows that they´re probably better picks for a boyfriend than he is but he hates the very thought of you being with someone else. Maybe it´s time to jump over his shadow and finally take action
So he decides to start mission “Send out Ortho to lure them into my room and then I´ll never let them leave again”. It definitely isn´t a fool-proof plan but Idia doesn´t want to simply stand by anymore if it means you might be taken from him. He´s sure Ortho is friendly enough to be able to pull it off and then it wouldn´t even matter if you found him disgusting, as long as he kept the electronic locks on his doors shut tight, you wouldn´t be able to leave him any more
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Malleus Draconia
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Malleus isn´t well-versed in the act of human courting but he´s intelligent enough to pick up on the way his fellow dorm leaders look at you. They look at you the same way he does: lovesick and full of desire to become your significant other. And this just isn´t something Malleus would stand for. As a draconic fae, he´s just as possessive with his darling as were the dragons that would hide away their treasures from the rest of the world. Once he has his eyes on you, he´s not going to let up until you´re completely his for all of eternity
He never thought he would find the one that was destined to be with him at this very school but it nevertheless happened. You were the first person not to fear him and to genuinely call him a friend, something that filled Malleus with happiness like nothing before. Nowadays he feels a bitter feeling pool up inside of him whenever you call him a mere friend, but the original point still stands. You were the first person that treated him as a regular fellow student and because of that he quickly grew attached to you, his own very special human
So he´s very angry ,to say the least when he figures out that he isn´t the only one laying claim to your heart. He´s so enraged in fact, that he needs to be held back by the rest of Diasomnia or he would have ended up just killing all of his rivals with the help of his powerful magic. Malleus truly knows no mercy when it comes to having you all for himself. He won´t let any of them look at you for even a second longer.
If he isn´t allowed to just get rid of everyone else because it might start a major conflict between all of their nations, he simply has to take you away from Night Raven College to somewhere only he has access to. If he were to lock you into a high tower, far away from any kind of civilization, then no one else would be able to speak to you ever again. It would only be you and Malleus. Isn´t that just wonderful?
Of course Malleus is going to make sure to visit you as often as he can so please don´t look so sad, alright? You don´t need any of your so-called “friends” anymore, you have him now! He´s not going to let anyone interfere with your relationship ever again
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ilythecolorpink · 9 months
Halloween with Gojo (Satoru Gojo x fem reader)
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You and your husband Satoru Gojo are celebrating Halloween while you wait for the 1st year students to go trick or treating, Gojo decides to give you a treat of his own.
It was Halloween night, with waves of children's laughter passing by as they all arrived at you and your husband's front door. Given that your husband is Satoru Gojo and that he is the most popular neighbor, it seems as though he is like a celebrity. You were relaxing on his comfortable blue couch as you waited for him to put on his costume. You were honestly very excited for tonight as not only were you celebrating with Gojo but his 1st year students as well for the first time.
You peek up as Gojo exclaims out from the other side of the bedroom door, "Baby are you ready to see my amazing costume that will make all my students jealous?" You chuckle and sit up from your position, saying, "Will see about that, show me how you look darling." Then he asks, "So what do you think?" while stepping outside, he donned a brown prisoner suit and had one wrist handcuffed. You laugh because you were prepared for something quite different, but you were also interested in the decision he made. "Honey, you look great, but why did you choose that?" you say to him. Your husband approaches you, now sitting down, and says flirtatiously, "I'm being punished for stealing your heart of course."
You gently slide closer to him while grinning and blushing slightly in response to his remark. You gradually brush your fingertips along his chest while whispering seductively, "You are so cute darling, is this your way of saying you like to be tied up?" with a cocky smirk, Gojo asks, "And what if I do, sweetheart, what are you going to do about it?" He just smirks as I say, "This." I effortlessly straddle him by the waist, placing a delicate hand on his chest to secure him to the couch's surface. I give him a rough kiss as he moans softly into it whilst gripping my hair. He grabs my waist and turns me around, pinning me down.
Before I can do anything else, he adds, "Not so fast baby, you can't have all the fun." He grips your wrist as you ask him, "What are you doing?" while gazing passionately at him. He chuckles as you hear the click of the handcuffs on your wrist, he says, “Why arresting you of course” You mutter, "I thought it was supposed to be the other way around?" whilst you take a deep breath. Gojo approaches your neck at that point, causing you to moan in reaction as he whispers, "Just be good for me love, and play along yeah?" You moan in pleasure as he gives you a gentle kiss on your neck.
However, before anything more could happen, you heard a faint knocking noise and the voices of three people at the door. Itadori yells "Trick or treat" as he knocks on the door. Then Nobara gives his head a gentle whack and says, "Idiot, you're supposed to say it when they open the door." Megumi simply sighs and states, "You guys know I have the key right?" to the two of them. "So you just let me embarrass myself and you didn't think to mention it before?" Itadori asks Megumi. Nobara simply chuckles, and Megumi just shrugs as he enters.
Gojo says, "Sorry darling but we have to cut this short," from hearing his students. You push Gojo off you as you flush in embarrassment. Itadori hugs Gojo while Megumi only lifts his head to greet you both. "Ouu Sensei, I didn't know you were dating someone," teases Nobara, placing a hand on her hip.  Gojo chuckles as he says, "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to meet my very beautiful wife Y/N." Then, Gojo releases Itadori and Nobara, shocking them both saying "YOU HAVE A WIFE?" When Nobara asks, "Why didn't you tell us?" Gojo laughs. Itadori asks, "Wait you knew?" after Megumi said nonchalantly, "It was so obvious." Gojo head pats Itadori as he remarks, "Of course he did, he is my son after all." "You're not my dad, old man", Megumi remarks. Gojo states in a dramatic manner, "Kids these days are so cruel to their parents.”
A/N: I know it's so early but I wanted to write it anyway since October is coming up soon so I hope you guys enjoy it. I love you guys so much, y'all make my day fr fr.
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mrsgiovanna · 10 months
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Fighting Imperfections (Don Giorno x Wife!Reader)
I'm sorry, this is just me projecting. I can't remember if I posted this before, but here goes.
Word count: 1.2 k
Warnings: sad, self depreciating reader.
You sighed heavily as you walked out the last of Giorno’s guests. Normally the murmurs of how beautiful of a couple you two are would make you beam with joy, but today it annoyed you because it only amplified your insecurities. Another day… of smiling through the alternating pain and emptiness. Your cheeks hurt, but the physical pain was welcomed, it was so much easier to bear than the ache that thumped in your chest with every heartbeat- a painful reminder that you were still breathing. As the last car rounded the corner away from your luxurious home, your shoulders finally slumped and you trudged away from the door. The master bedroom was one of the few places where you felt safe enough to let your tumultuous emotions wash over you, so there you went.
You had struggled with these negative emotions for many years, losing chunks of time to this unshakeable melancholy. They were difficult to predict or counter. You had locked the door behind you, wanting to try and restore some semblance of calm to your demeanor before facing Giorno again. You threw off the gorgeous designer dress and took a shower before throwing on something soft and comfortable. You had every intention of rejoining your husband but just getting yourself through that little routine had drained whatever energy you had left. He'd be better off catching up with your shared associates though, you mused, feeling as though you wouldn't add anything valuable to their video conferences. Firmly tucked away, drawing your knees towards your chest, you allowed the floodgates to open and let everything out. Usually, a good cry would take care of some of the negative emotions, but this time, it didn't seem to work.
Intrusive thoughts about the worst scenarios plagued your mind despite trying to push them aside. You tried thinking about the good things and how much you had been blessed with but it always morphed into a scenario in which you would ultimately be left alone… so you thought about Giorno and how he makes a daily promise to never leave your side. But you had lost so much, what if he was just lying to you and you'd eventually have to deal with losing him too…
You took as deep a breath as your constricted chest would allow you to and tried to focus your attention on something positive.
Giorno… you thought of him more and your heart ached for a different reason. He loved you, you knew that, but your mind had always managed to convince you that he would be better off with someone else, someone beautiful and vibrant, someone worthy of him because beneath it all you're just a broken doll. The repair is near perfect and nobody can see the fault lines where you cracked, but you feel every fracture, constantly reliving each event that put the cracks there in the first place.
You felt the bed sink on one side as a large comforting hand rubbed your back in circles before pulling back the covers you had buried yourself under.
"You know I'd end anyone who hurts you?"
"I know…"
"So what do I do when you're the one hurting yourself?"
Giorno's glassy eyes didn't leave your face, searching for an answer to his question.
You met Giorno's gaze, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and love in his eyes. His concern was evident, and it touched you deeply. Taking a moment to compose yourself, you reached out and held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice filled with raw emotion. "I don't want to hurt myself, but sometimes it feels like I can't escape these thoughts. They consume me, and I can't help but doubt myself, doubt our love."
Giorno's grip on your hand tightened, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. "You are not a broken doll, my love," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You are the most beautiful and resilient person I know. I fell in love with every part of you, including the cracks. They are a part of your story, a testament to your strength."
Tears welled up in your eyes as his words resonated with you. It was moments like these that reminded you why you fell in love with him in the first place. He saw beyond your insecurities and loved you unconditionally.
"I'm trying, Giorno," you replied, your voice wavering. "I'm trying to believe in myself, in us. But sometimes it's overwhelming."
Giorno leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "You don't have to go through this alone," he assured you. "I'm here for you, always. We'll face these demons together, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you heal."
Feeling his love and support envelop you, a glimmer of hope sparked within your heart. With Giorno by your side, maybe you could overcome these insecurities and find the peace you longed for.
You snuggled closer to Giorno, seeking solace in his comforting presence. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. "I love you."
Giorno smiled softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "I love you too, more than words can express," he replied, his voice laced with sincerity. "Remember, we are a team, and together, we can conquer anything."
Giorno's gaze held a mixture of tenderness and longing, mirroring the emotions swirling within you. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours, seeking permission and reassurance. You met his gaze, the unspoken understanding between you palpable.
With a gentle nod, you closed the remaining distance between your lips, initiating a kiss that conveyed both vulnerability and passion. It was a kiss that spoke of shared burdens and unyielding support, a tangible connection that transcended words.
The kiss deepened, as if pouring all the love and reassurance you both felt into this single act. It was a moment of solace, a reminder that you were not alone in your struggles. Each brush of your lips conveyed a promise—a promise to heal together, to support one another, and to cherish the imperfect beauty of your shared journey.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the tenderness of the moment. The world outside your bedroom faded away, leaving only the two of you, entwined in a cocoon of love and understanding.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and yet more at peace than before, you found solace in Giorno's eyes once again. There, in the depths of his gaze, you saw unwavering devotion and a fierce determination to help you find happiness.
With a small smile, you whispered, "Thank you, Giorno. Thank you for loving me."
Giorno's voice was filled with sincerity as he replied, "Always, my love. Always."
And in that moment, you believed him. You believed in the power of love to heal and overcome and to create a future where your insecurities would no longer hold you captive. Together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by the strength of your bond and the depth of your love.
As you lay in his arms, you allowed yourself to believe in his words, finding solace in the love and support he offered. The journey towards healing would be challenging, but with Giorno by your side, you knew you could face anything that came your way. In the sanctuary of his embrace, his presence soothed your troubled mind, and a moment of quiet intimacy enveloped the room. The weight of your insecurities and pain began to fade as you focused solely on the love between you, knowing that in this imperfect existence, you had found a love that was flawless.
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lodi-writes · 1 year
「And when your eyes met, you saw nothing but love.」
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When Your Eyes Meet Mine
Pairing: Ushijima x Reader
Word count: 1319
Genre: Sweet, sweet fluff
Summary: All Wakatoshi wants is for you to have a wonderful birthday, even if that means having to step outside his comfort zone just a little bit
A/N: I woke up this morning and realized that I’ve never written for him before, so I just had to get something down and out came a very soft fluffly ushiwaka who deserves nothing but love ;-; I really enjoyed writing something a little longer than I have been with my drabbles!! If you guys want more of these types of fics, or something longer, let me know! (also I’m trying to make my blog look a little more aesthetic, I hope it looks okay lol)
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You noticed it before you even opened the door. As you slid your key into the front door, a hint of a savory scent wafted through the cracks and to your nose. Eyes fluttering shut, you paused for a moment as your brain tried to pinpoint where it was coming from. You swung the door open and called out to your empty house with a dull enthusiasm.
“I’m home.”
You mindlessly hung your coat up in the closet in the foyer, mind drifting as you wondered when your husband would be coming home. He was usually home an hour after you on the dot, not usually one to run late. But you noticed that his work shoes were already here, placed delicately along the wall, so perhaps he’d gotten home early but gone for a run. That was when you heard a subtle clank coming from the kitchen, and that aroma you’d notice outside became stronger as you walked further into your home, along with a delicate melody that you didn’t seem to recognize floating through the air.
“Toshi?” you questioned, making your way through the hall to the kitchen before stopping in your tracks. Wakatoshi stood tall next to the stove, hips swaying all too subtly to the sound of the radio he set up on the corner of the counter. He donned the apron that you usually wore when baking, the tie just barely making it around his hips. 
“What is all this?” you asked, almost at a whisper, with a grin crawling onto your face.
Wakatoshi turned around, your voice finally pulling him out of his concentration. When he turned around, you tried and failed to stifle your laughter upon the sight of his torso absolutely covered in flour - rendering the much too small apron essentially useless - and his hands slick with cooking oil and some kind of sauce.
“It’s your birthday,” he stated matter-of-factly, as he grabbed a hand towel to wipe off his hands. Before anything else, he placed the towel back on the counter, took a few steps toward you, and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, gently resting his hands on either cheek. He greets you this way every time he comes home from work, but somehow it feels different, more special, when you’re the one coming home. Before letting go, you noticed him gently close his eyes and take a soft breath before opening them and resting his forehead against yours. His eyes locked with yours and you felt your cheeks begin to burn just a bit as he softly whispered.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Before you could speak he kissed you once more, this time on your cheek, just below the corner of your eye, and he pulled away and went back to what he was working on. Your body felt cold as he stepped away but a tinge of heat remained on your cheeks. You knew that your husband loved you but he didn’t often show it in the most forthright manner. He showed it through the way that he would tuck the colorful comforter on your shared bed over your shoulders when he woke up early for a morning run. Through the way that he would help you zip up your dress before you went out to dinner without you needing to ask him. Through the way that he cuts your bagel in half for you when he’s making his own breakfast. It’s all the little things that truly do add up, and never once have you felt that he didn’t love you as much as you love him.
But sometimes, like tonight, you would be caught off guard by his more direct affection. You knew that it was hard for him, but you truly did appreciate his effort, especially when it wasn’t something that you requested of him. However, you’d gotten so swept up in the moment that you forgot to address the elephant in the room.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” You slowly made your way over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your cheek against his shoulder blade, seeking out the warmth that he deprived you of. 
“I stayed home today. If my boss asks, I have the flu,” he responded, and the small smirk that grew on his face was audible in his tone. You laughed against the back of his shirt and tightened your embrace before planting a kiss at the base of his neck. Wakatoshi stood noticeably taller as you smiled against his skin and thanked him. You finally took a moment to peer around your tall partner’s torso to glance at what he had been cooking. There were miscellaneous chopped vegetables and herbs strewn about a few different cutting boards, three bowls with different colored sauces in them, and a pan on the stove with salmon fillets sizzling as they slowly cooked. You glanced past the stove and noticed that the warm red glow of the oven light was on, which piqued your interest. He must have noticed where your gaze landed because he tossed you a quick “it’s a secret” before turning to you. 
“Why don’t you take a seat while I finish up,” he continued, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you over to the kitchen table which was adorned with what you deemed to be your “nice tablecloth” and the silverware that you only broke out when your parents came to visit. He pulled his hand away only to pull out a chair for you until you took a seat. Gently, he tucked your hair behind your ear before returning to the counter to finish up and plate your dinner. You waited patiently for a few minutes, out of the corner of your eye swearing you caught a slightly slouched Wakatoshi with his hands on the edge of the counter, taking slow breaths with a rosy blush crawling up the tips of his ears.
Just before your stomach began to growl, your partner walked over and placed a plate in front of you, the sight enough to make you drool. He placed his own plate down as well and took a seat, but instead of taking his usual seat across from you, he sat in the normally empty seat to your left. As you both began to eat, without looking over at you he grabbed your hand under the table and wove his fingers between yours, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. You smiled and squeezed his hand gently, appreciative of the affection but you questioned him nonetheless.
“What’s gotten into you today? I know it’s my birthday but you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with just to make me happy,” you told him softly, turning to him with a gentle smile.
He let out a low sigh, as if he’d been trying to be sneaky with the way he had been acting. “I may not be comfortable with it yet, but you make me want to be comfortable with it. I see the way you look when we watch those cheesy rom coms and I want to be able to make you as happy as those movies do,” he responded quickly, not able to look you in the eye. However, your heart swelled at his confession and you pulled his hand up to you, kissing the back of his hand. Suddenly, you heard a loud ding from behind you.
“What was that?” you asked, your eyes lighting up when you remembered the oven light from earlier.
“Cake,” he responded with a small grin. He rose quickly from the table to pull the dessert from the oven and when he returned, you found yourself not looking at the cake, but looking up at Wakatoshi’s smiling face. And when your eyes met, you saw nothing but love.
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grailfinders · 22 days
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice: Don Quixote
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today on Grailfinders we’re making Charle- wait, no, not him yet. today we’re making Don Quixote, the man de la mancha! he’s a Swords Bard to get a little too into tales of chivalry and make fantasies into reality, as well as a Watchers Paladin to bring reality crashing back down, but not before proving himself as a hero. maybe.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
we’ll get to Dulcinea/sancho panza/Rocinante later, but don quixote is definitely a Human. that gives him +1 Strength and Charisma, as well as proficiency in Acrobatics because you definitely fall off your horse plenty and don’t die, as well as the Charger feat. now when you dash, you can use your bonus action to attack or shove a creature, and as a bonus, if you move more than 10’ in a straight line beforehand, you either deal extra damage, or push them even further. it’s not a “good” feat, but it fits with the don’s battle style of charging in without much of a plan.
of course, quixote’s a noble so he gets proficiency in History and Persuasion as well. he’s a little too proficient in history for his own good, and people usually at least play along with whatever nonsense he’s gotten himself into.
Ability Scores
number one is Charisma. it’s how he casts spells, and presumably how his love for stories about knights is warping reality. second is Constitution, because it doesn’t measure how much health you have, but how many hits you can take and keep going. and god knows Quixote doesn’t know when to give up. third is Strength, while that probably should be lower, we need it for multiclassing and I’m not enough of a sadist to do that to you. your Dexterity is just okay. he’s a bit clumsy but its usually played for slapstick comedy. that means your Intelligence is middling- he’s well read, but only in fiction books- and we’re dumping Wisdom. if that’s a surprise to you I really don’t know what to say.
Class Levels
1. Bard 1: since quixote was a nerd and then he tried to be a night, we’ll be getting all his bard levels first, then go to paladin afterwards. that’s probably not the best way to do it in-game, but I’m a sucker for symbolism.
still, as a bard you start off with proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma saves, as well as three skills of your choice- Athletics to charge without getting wind(mill)ed, Animal Handling to ride a horse moderately well, and Deception to fool a country into thinking you’re a king. good luck with that btw, I haven’t gotten that far in traum yet.
you also gain Bardic Inspiration- as a bonus action you can give an ally an extra d6 to add to an attack, check, or save they make in the next minute.
also, you can cast Spells using your Charisma! cantrips like Blade Ward to not die til you have armor on, or Mage Hand for a lightweight Dulcinea; or even spells like Command to be a little kingly on occasion, Feather Fall for your flying girlfriend/horse to break your fall, Unseen Servant for a heavy duty Dulcinea, or Heroism to inspire yourself and others into a battle they probably shouldn’t be fighting.
it’s worth pointing out that bards don’t get proficiency with lances, but you can either call his weapon a spear or let him be not proficient with it. it’s pretty in-character tbh.
2. Bard 2: at level two you become a Jack of All Trades, giving you half proficiency in every ability you’re not explicitly proficient in. I think this is the first time I’d call this feature out of character, but we need it to get anything else out of the class. you can also perform a Song of Rest during short rests for an extra d6 of healing but that’s so negligible it’s barely worth mentioning.
the big bonus this level is your Magical Inspiration- now your inspiration dice can be added to healing or damaging spells to help them fantasy up the place. you can also cast Longstrider this level, quickening your step so you can move ten feet faster for an hour. it’s not huge, but it’s concentration-free!
3. Bard 3: at level three you graduate from the College of Swords, giving you proficiency with medium armor so you can finally get that breastplate out of your closet and go adventuring! you also get the Dueling fighting style, adding 2 points of damage to every attack you make with only one weapon in hand.
you also learn how to make Blade Flourishes by spending your inspiration dice. now your attack actions always increase your walking speed by 10 feet, and upon hitting something you can add an inspiration die to the damage and get one of three benefits. a Defensive Flourish adds the same roll to your AC for a round, a Slashing Flourish deals that damage to every creature you choose next to you, and a Mobile Flourish pushes the target, and then you can react to have Dulcinea drag you back into melee range.
you can also cast second level spells this level, like Enhance Ability, which gives you advantage on one kind of ability check. you can literally gaslight yourself into being stronger now! speaking of checks, your Expertise doubles your proficiency bonus in Persuasion and History checks.
4. Bard 4: at fourth level you can use your first Ability Score Improvement on something useful… or dump it into Charisma for stronger spells. spells like Minor Illusion to make little fantasies for free, or Kinetic Jaunt to ricochet around the battlefield even more! for up to a minute afterwards, your speed is increased by 10’, you don’t have to worry about attacks of opportunity, and you can move through creatures without slowing down! a knight always has to be on the front lines, after all. probably.
5. Bard 5: fifth level bards get some big ol’ boons, like a bigger Bardic Inspiration die, as well as becoming a Font of Inspiration, so you can recharge them on short rests instead of long ones. also you can start learning third level spells like Dispel Magic! it feels rough to end the fantasy before it begins, but it’s hard to get this spell later. it will instantly break any magic of third level or lower, and there’s a charisma check to break higher level spells. given how busted your ability checks can be, I doubt you’ll have a problem dealing with that.
6. Bard 6: at sixth level, bards can use a Countercharm to prevent their allies from being charmed or frightened for a round. it’s not great, you use your action on it, it doesn’t last long, and it only gives advantage on saves. still in-character though. even better, you get an Extra Attack each action, so now you can attack twice instead of once.
also you can cast Motivational Speech this level! it’s a more offensively-focused Heroism, which fits your skillset better.
7. Bard 7: seventh level bards get fourth level spells, like Confusion. let’s be honest, you were confusing people way before this, now it’s just official.
8. Bard 8: at eighth level you can max out your Charisma using your next ASI, and Dulcinea can also help free you from any predicaments you get caught in by giving you Freedom of Movement. while moving freely, difficult terrain and magic cannot slow you down or make you paralyzed or restrained, and nonmagical restraints can be escaped from with just five feet of movement. you even get to move at full speed underwater! I think the only water don quixote falls in in the books is a well, so this is probably canon.
9. Bard 9: ninth level bards get fifth level spells, and we can finally make your ascension-hopping make more sense thanks to the Seeming spell. for eight hours, you and anyone within 30’ of you will look different (if they don’t want to they can try a charisma save but good luck), allowing you to change their physical appearance as well as any clothes or equipment they’ve got. now you can turn beat up old relics into proper knighting around armor!
10. Bard 10: at tenth level, you get another round of Expertise to double down on your Deception game and your Acrobatics. you also learn a new cantrip, True Strike! it’s bad, but your strength score is still a 14 at level ten, so you’ll need all the help to hit you can get. also you can cast Legend Lore too, to learn (or make up) fantastical stories about whatever piece of garbage you find on your adventures.
the fun doesn’t stop there though! your Bardic Inspiration die grows to a d10, and you learn Magical Secrets, letting you pick up spells from other classes! now you can finally Summon Celestial to bring Dulcinea to life, or use Nystul’s Magic Aura to make your armor seem even more special than it already is. the latter spell lets you make nonmagical items magical or vice-versa, at least as far as magical detection is concerned. you can even make living things show up as other kinds of creatures, but that’s outside quixote’s scope.
11. Paladin 1: you’ve got all your delusions of grandeur, so now let’s get questing! at level one, you get proficiency with all martial weapons, so that means you can finally use a lance all proper-like. also you think you have a Divine Sense to root out otherworldly foes as an action 6 times a day. you’ll figure out what kind of enemy you’re facing, but not their exact identity. unless you make one up for them, of course.
also you can Lay on Hands, drawing from a pool of HP to give to yourself or your lady Dulcinea as an action. you can spend five points to curse diseases or poisonings, and they recharge on long rests.
12. Paladin 2: second level paladins get their own kind of Spellcasting, which also uses your charisma. unlike bards, paladins can swap their spells each day, so you can get a bit more loosey goosey here. that being said, I suggest checking out the Compelled Duel spell to force your dreaded nemeses to draw steel, Ceremony to give them a chance to repent like the noble knight you are, and Shield of Faith to actually make your shield a bit better for short periods of time.
you could also use those spell slots to make some Divine Smites, spending magic to deal extra damage with your lance. you’ve even got fifth level spell slots already, so you’re actually ahead of the curve compared to pure paladins. (right, almost forgot to mention, check your PHB to see what spell slots you have at any given point from here on out, multiclassing makes it weird.)
moving away from spells for a second, you get another Fighting Style, and the Protection style is perfect for a gallant knight protecting his lady love. when a creature next to you is being attacked, you can react to put your shield between them and their attacker, forcing disadvantage on the roll.
13. Paladin 3: at third level, you join the Watchers, and elite group of paladins dedicated to defeating evil from other worlds… which, if you’re being very generous, is what don quixote’s already been doing! (hey, his imagination isn’t the material plane.) when you join up, you can Channel Divinity once per short rest, letting you invoke the Watcher’s Will to give five creatures advantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saves for a minute, or you can Abjure the Extraplanar to send aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, and fiends packing if they fail their wisdom save. alternatively, you can Harness Divine Power, spending your CD usage to regain a spell slot.
you also get free spells that are always prepared for you, Alarm and Detect Magic. quixote seems naturally jumpy, and you can’t end fantasy if you don’t know it’s there, probably.
you’re also in Divine Health, letting you ignore any diseases you get. sunstroke isn’t a disease though, you might want to get that checked out.
14. Paladin 4: at fourth level you get another ASI, and we could improve your strength so you can hit things better… orrr we can get Mage Slayer! now casting spells next to you provokes an attack of opportunity, and you get better at ending fantasy without even using a spell slot because everyone you hit has disadvantage on their concentration saves! you also get advantage on your saves against melee range spells.
15. Paladin 5: fifth level paladins get second level spells, a nice consolation prize since their extra attack doesn’t work with your bardic one. your freebies include Moonbeam, which will destroy any shapeshifters it hits, and See Invisibility. neither wolfman nor the invisible man could exist in 15th century Spain, I’m sad to say.
you can also Find Steed if you need Roccinante without all the others attached, or turn your lance into a Magic Weapon so you can actually hit people with it.
16. Paladin 6: at sixth level you get an Aura of Protection, giving everyone within 10’ of you a whopping +5 bonus to every save they make. some people thing spellcasting is a good choice of profession, so I guess it’s time you destroy their fantasy.
17. Paladin 7: seventh level watchers have an Aura of the Sentinel, giving you and everyone within ten feet of you a +6 to their initiative rolls. when you’re literally tilting at windmills, you’re always ready for a fight.
18. Paladin 8: okay fiiiine, I guess you can improve your Strength to something “not bad”, if you really want. now you might be able to actually hit the windmills when you fight them.
19. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins get third level spells, finally giving you Counterspell to stop fantasies in progress, and Nondetection to turn into a regular old man, no matter how many magical items you’ve picked up over this adventure.
we’ll also grab one last anti-fantasy spell with Remove Curse so now there’s practically no magic you can’t suppress, as well as Blinding Smite and Spirit Shroud for a more powerful girlfriend/squire/horse.
20. Paladin 10: with our final level, you exude an Aura of Courage, making you and friendly creatures nearby immune to being frightened. some say it’s because the image of a gallant knight riding to battle can stir the heart of the most craven of men, others say it’s because you suck all the gravitas out of a situation, but either way you won’t be fleeing any time soon.
Pros & Cons:
bards are especially good at destroying magic, meaning this build can give even Medea and Sima Yi a run for their money in the anti-magic field. with maxed out charisma, an additional half-proficiency, and advantage from enhance ability, you have an effective +13 on your spellbreaking checks! that’s a 75% chance of breaking through ninth level magic, no matter what spell slots you use.
you’re also great at getting around. no, not like that, I mean you’re a speedy little bugger and you’re hard to pin down, letting you make sure you’re always in the least convenient spot for your enemies.
also you’ve got maxed out charisma and expertise in two different charisma skills, so you can dominate any conversation. whether that’s actually a good thing for your party or not is up to you.       
I know I said charger is a bad feat, but it is impressive how poorly it slots into this build. you’ve already got spells that can improve your mobility, so it probably doesn’t help too much there, and not only does it stop you from using your inspiration or divine smites by eating your bonus action, but it prevents you from using your flourishes by keeping you away from the attack action to boot! in a similar vein, mage killer is nice, but if you’re using a lance you’d want to keep people at a ten foot range, not a five foot one, which negates most of the feat.
don’t spend ten levels straight in bard. just don’t. having divine smites or an aura of protection would have been super helpful earlier than we got them, and also we can’t actually use a lance as a spellcasting focus until we’re proficient with them- which currently doesn’t happen until level 11. that’s a long time to wait for a basic part of your build to work right.
the don doesn’t really have any clear direction about what they’re supposed to be doing at any point in time. you could go on defense with powerful anti-magic, or offense with divine smites, but both eat into the same resource and require your full attention to work well. and you might have high charisma, but you have terrible insight, so you’re likely to fall for the first liar you come across- making you the party’s face would be a recipe for disaster. thankfully your deception’s high enough that you can pretend those flaws don’t exist, and everyone will believe you.
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Mammon with a Dragon!Mc
this piece belongs to this and has 950 Words
despite being the Avatar of Greed wealth isn´t the most important thing Mammon looks for in a partner but if one of them happens to be rich who would he be to not take advantage of it?
granted he doesn´t really take advantage of it, he might talk big but he would never force them to spend money on him or just use them for their money also you would never want to piss of a Dragon who also is your partner
Mammon doesn´t know if all Dragons are like that but he knows if he would ever mess with them or genuinely hurt they will try to end them but the same can be said for Mammon and his Brothers is they were to hurt him but they have been together for 500 years so the chances of that ever happening is Zero the worst thing that ever happened is that they refused to let him leave their treasure pile because in their words he´s the most important one of all
granted he thought it was incredibly cheesey but it also made him feel like there were butterflies in his stomach and he might have liked that they think he´s the most important treasure of all, he knows what´s in that pile and that´s one massive compliment he got from them
he even adds to their to their treasure pile every once in a while, he even found the presents he gave them buried in their and honestly? he felt like crying because there is EVERYTHING he ever gave them, even the smallest of things he gave them he could fin somewhere but he never told them what he found but that was more so because he doesn´t want them to think he was snooping around… and he didn´t want to tell them he cried over it because the Great Mammon doesn´t cry over such silly things, he might claim that but truth is he always cries over such things especially if it has anything to do with them even more so when they do something he thinks is sweet or adorabel
actually thinking about ti makes him tear up again and-
“are you thinking about the money you owe the witches again?” he could have almost forgotten the, scaly beast which is also the love of his life which despite them decreasing their size to better cuddle with him is impossible for most even if they were to get lost in thought, they still are a lot bigger than most creatures that can be found in all three Realms
“no and I told you to stop bringing that up, that happened only one time 50 years ago and you keep bringing that one up”
“and what else is the problem? if you want to ask me to adopt those three puppies we found again the answer is still no”
“okay but they were really adorable and instantly loved you when they saw you unlike most animals who see you for the first time”
“Mammon we can barely take care of our selves you think puppies would be a smart idea?”
“okay not what I was thinking about but like I said they loved you and were really smart puppies, smarter than most dogs even I say we could have easily taken care of them” he could feel the movement beneath their scales, no doubt laughing about him and his arguments about why both of them would be good to look after a bunch of rowdy Puppies and they miiight have a point about them barely being able to take care of themselves
“and why would you tear up them? don´t tell me your Brothers were rude again? If they were they are going to lose a house to spontaneous fires” now it was Mammon´s turn to laugh, he knows this is an actual threat and if they truly wanted to they can burn the House of Lamentation but he still loves how much they care about him
“well you know how I sometimes go through your treasures to see if I can find something impressive?” they moved a bit so they can look at him better, he saw them nod as an acknowledgment as well as a sign for him to continue “and I finally managed to get to the bottom of the pile and saw what you were hiding” they didn´t say anything but he saw them hide their face in the rest of their curled up body, no doubt embarrassed about it
“well… that´s a bit embarrassing” they just mumbled this into their body, Mammon doesn´t even know if they wanted him to hear or not, he did his best to move their head at leas enough for him to look into their eyes
and when he did it they couldn´t even look him in the eyes “yeah you´re true it´s embarrassing” he had to keep a firmer hold on their head so they couldn´t move it away “but even then it´s a lot sweeter than what most people would ever do for me” he planted a kiss on their snout, that´s a scenario he isn´t used to usually they are the one who is trying to stop him from being embarrassed about whatever he did
“thank you Mammon”
“I´ll always be here for you just remember that, nothing you do can ever get ride of me” he took a moment to think “well when we´re still on the topic…”
“no Mammon we won´t get a pet”
“I´ll get you one day” he just heard them laugh, it seems like they already forgot about what just happened a couple of minutes ago “keep dreaming my treasure”
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shimamitsu · 2 months
hey… what are some songs u think would fit shimamitsu
hi hi i know you sent me this ask a few days ago but i took this question very seriously and thought too hard about it. today i finally come here with answers!
of course. i know hispanic shimamitsu enjoyers can back me up here. the song's about someone who struggles to understand their feelings and how frustrating it is for them to want to get close to the person they like but not being able to be vulnerable/open up. but something about this person helps them realize that they "are not better off alone" and they wonder if this person has "the gift to cure their pain" (which is the name of the song, don = gift). sounds familiar...?
break up song bc we always need one when it comes to shimamitsu. this one's about two people that decide to break up as a sort of preventive measure. they already know the end of their relationship is near so instead of hurting each other and growing apart over time, they decide to end things early. i love this song bc when you read the lyrics you notice it's worded like a tentative question ("wouldn't you rather...?") and there's a lot of conditionals as well ("if we're going to continue like this", "if that's us") which might mean that these two people aren't completely sure about their decision, and makes you wonder if the end they talk about really is that close. the lyrics remind me a lot of mitsumi specifically, her worries about the future and thoughts like "i can't do this bc i know i'll just keep worrying about it"
man. just read the lyrics. i've mentioned a few times the shimamitsu light/darkness thingy right (how we have multiple scenes where shima and mitsumi are looking at each other and mitsumi's bathed in light while shima's covered in shadows) (plus the "you're so dazzling and so far away" scene we all know and love). well. what could be more shimamitsu than a song where the speaker is the moon and it sings about how much closer it wants to be to the shining sun. nothing else to add
^ which translates to 'hesitate'. this one's very chapter 41 mitsumi imo. the lyrics make me think of the thoughts she was having before confessing, the whole 'i don't want you to know but if i don't let you know things will just stay the same" kinda thing
trying not to tear up while i type this bc this song is sooo them. the basis of mitsumi and shima's relationship has always been their mutual trust and support, even before there were any romantic feelings involved. this song talks about how much it hurts to know someone you love is sad or going through a hard time and being unable to do anything about it. just read these lines: "whenever i see you hurting silently/i want to make you smile again", "even for a little bit, i want to be a help for you/i hope that i could be a resting place for you" , "i'm sorry that there's not much i can do for you/other than staying by your side" like COME ONNN this is THEM
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and to wrap things up! hug has a similar vibe to when you love someone and we were talking about svt so ofc i had to add it ^^
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yanderu-deredere · 9 months
Pretty please, if you feel like writing some for them, would love to read more about Emm tying Casimir to the autopsy table… or maybe them tying their darling to it 🤭
a/n: thank you so so much for the awesome ask! heehee, i've been wanting to write about this since i offhandedly mentioned it and im so glad there's someone else that wants to hear abt it too!
i decided to write for darling instead of cas becos i felt like there wasn't enough major yandere vibes on this blog so have this alternate ending to. will i ever write the canon ending? mayhaps
you can read this as a stand alone but it will refer to some stuff from the original series here! but! this is an alternate ending to that original series. i still have plans for how i want that to end heehee
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warning: gender neutral reader but mentions of cock going into an entrance, major yandere vibes, non-con to dub-con, mentions of semi-descriptive gore, bondage? definitely bondage LOL, emm wears strap-on and it's referred to as her cock
word count: ill add this later cus im on mobile
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emm fiala ★ casimir fiala
You should've known something was wrong the moment the couple had treated you with such kindness, such sweetness.
It had been too good to be true and you were the fool that fell for it.
"Now, darl', you need'ta understand--"
"I don't need to understand anything." You snapped at her, body tense and ready to run as she faced you like one would face a feral animal "Where are my friends?"
"Your friends? You mean those people that demeaned you and talked behind your back?" Casimir scoffed from beside Emm, his face both mocking and angry.
You had no clever retort to that but, still, you answered, your eyes darting from them to the door "I at least know that they wouldn't leave me here."
"You are definitely right about that, my love." Casimir sneered and it made you both flushed and nervous
You tried to put the puzzle pieces together. You couldn't find your friends or their things but the tire hadn't been fixed yet and you knew that they'd never leave you behind.
If they wouldn't leave you behind, what did that mean?
"You did something to them." The words left your mouth the exact moment the thought entered your brain.
From the way Emm's expressions shifted, you knew you were right.
You needed to get out of here.
Without hesitating, you ran for the door, legs fast and anxious thoughts even faster. It almost felt like you could hear your heart beating in your ears.
You managed to grab the door knob and open the door but, before you could slip out, someone slammed the door in front of you.
You cursed just as someone's arms wrapped around your torso.
You heard Casimir click his tongue and you looked up to see him shaking his head at you, his palm pressed against the door "Naughty, naughty. We can't have you doing that, now can we?"
Emm, on the other hand, sounded less haughty and more desperate "Please, please, darl', you gotta understand--"
"Oh, I understand alright!" You started struggling earnestly, kicking your feet and trying your best to pry Emm's arms away from you "I understand that this was a mistake!"
Emm's arms only seemed to tighten around you even more "Don' say that."
You wanted to spite her so you said it louder "This was a mistake!"
Casimir grabbed your face before you could say anything further, his fingers digging into your cheeks as he turned you to face him "You have a mouth on you, don't you, my love?"
Then, he glanced at Emm, knowing expression on his face "Perhaps we should teach our darling a little lesson, hmm?"
"You so do love teaching lessons, don't you, my wife?"
Emm didn't even answer; she just flipped you over, carrying you over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, like you didn't even weigh a single ounce.
It had been sexy last night and you'd be lying to yourself if you said it wasn't sexy now but, instead of your heart fluttering, you felt like your stomach was tying itself in knots.
"Let me go!" You beat on Emm's back, kicking your legs in an attempt to maybe hit the side of her face. She held on fast, her grip on you not even faltering for a second.
"You'll like this, my love, I'm sure of it." Casimir followed the two of you, a certain skip in his step "I certainly do."
Just as he said that, Emm walked into a doorway and you frantically looked around, confused where the three of you were headed.
You tried to think. You were able to see out the door just as Casimir closed it and you guessed that this was the door under the stairs. Wasn't that a closet? Apparently not.
Your nose suddenly stung with the smell of chemical cleaner--bleach?--and the lights seemed dimmer than outside. Casimir saw your frantic glancing and simply threw you a smirk.
Before you could open your mouth to ask where you were, you were slammed onto something cold and hard. You could feel the icy surface even through your clothes.
You sat up in an attempt to get away. Just as you did, you managed to catch a glimpse of what was right next to you.
Your brain fizzled and your throat seized. You were caught between a gag and a dry heave. Immediately, you stopped struggling. Hell, not just you. It felt like the entire world stopped.
Your mind seemed to only swim with thought after thought, none of them lingering long enough for you to really dwell on it.
"Cas, I tol' ya' to clean up after y'rself." Emm grabbed your wrists and you couldn't find it in yourself to snatch them back.
Casimir simply shrugged and went somewhere else. Emm was so close to you, locking your wrists into something soft and furry, that you couldn't track where he went.
"Lay down, darl'." She placed her hand on your chest and pushed you down. You followed, eyes still glued on the still figure next to you.
It was Bran. You knew it was him but you weren't sure.
His face was gored beyond recognition. Blood caked around his mouth and his eyes had been carved out. Very clumsily, you mentally noted. As if that mattered. There was so much viscera and splatters everywhere.
Was this what they had planned for you?
You started to struggle again as Emm started buckling your legs down. The straps didn't hurt your wrists at all, unlike how they formed red bleeding welts on Bran's wrists.
"Please, I don't-- I uhm-- oh god--" Tears sprang to your eyes as you tried to kick your legs "I'm sorry-- I'm sorry-- please, don't--"
Despite your fussing, Emm finished buckling you in. "Shhh, don' worry, we won't do nothin' to you that you won't like, hmmm?"
You heard the sound of a cloth or something being waved and then spread out next to you.
You glanced over and Bran had been covered with some medical blanket of some sort. You couldn't help but recognize it from the various medical dramas you've watched. It was what they put over dead bodies.
The gravity of the situation seemed to weigh more and more heavily over you.
The two people you'd fucked only last night, the two people you'd thought you could've had a future with, were going to murder you.
As soon as Casimir finished laying out the cloth over Bran's dead body, he came over to you, scissors in hand. They were odd scissors that looked bent but on purpose. Without saying much else, he started scissoring through your clothes.
"Cas." You whimpered, fear still wracking your body as you tugged and pulled at your restraints.
Casimir didn't even try to look sympathetic. In fact, he looked like he was enjoying the situation a bit too much.
He pressed a kiss against your temple as he pulled the scraps of your clothes off of your now naked body "Why don't you listen to Emm, huh? We won't do anything that'll hurt our little darling."
Just as Casimir mentioned Emm, your eyes darted to her, frantic to find some sort of sympathy or even some weakness you could take advantage of.
Instead, you were met with the image of Emm, her shirt suddenly gone but that lacy bra you'd seen before still on. She was tightening something around her waist, rather sober expression on her face.
You glanced lower down and your entire face flushed searing hot.
She was tightening a harness on and hanging from it was the most intimidating plastic cock you'd ever seen.
Casimir followed your gaze and snickered, breath brushing against your ear "You know, I only get that when I've been especially bad."
The unprompted insight into the couple's sex life only made you even more flustered. Casimir laughed rather meanly at that too before straightening, his job of getting rid of your clothes completely done.
"When did we get these anyway?" Casimir's fingers ghosted over the inside of your arm before nudging against the cuffs that wrapped around your wrists.
"I made 'em myself." Emm got on top of the medical table in one smooth motion, "Didn' wanna hurt our darling's wrists."
Casimir snuck a finger underneath, wiggling it around "Huh, fur-lined and everything. She already loves you more than me."
"Can't say I feel any differently but it still stings." He added jokingly, pressing another kiss against your temple, hand wrapping around your wrist while the other cupped your chin and made you look at him "See? We'll take perfect care if you here."
You honestly didn't know what to say to that. Though it did make your heart flutter, you knew how fucked up your situation was. These two killed your friends.
And you were especially aware of how fucked up it was that you were really turned on.
Emm took your silence for acceptance. At least, that's how it seemed from how the corners of her lips tilted up into a small smile. Though your legs were cuffed, she pulled your thighs up and wrapped them around her waist.
As she did, her plastic cock thumped against your torso, the tip practically reaching your belly button. And it was thick too, heavy against your skin.
Before you could protest or at least beg for mercy, Casimir pressed his lips against yours, bringing your attention back to him.
The kiss was messy, searing, with his tongue slipping in and pressing against yours, his teeth clashing against your lips.
It made your eyes flutter close as you returned the kiss. You fell into it easily, like it was natural to kiss him like that, like there was nothing else that would feel good.
Then, just as suddenly as the kiss started, you felt something wet and cold dribble against your entrance. Your legs jerked, trying to get away from the sensation.
You couldn't get away, though. You were trapped; not just between the couple but also in the cuffs they'd put you in. All you could do was lay there and take whatever they gave you.
Just like last night but even worse.
And give it to you they did. Emm slicked her fingers up and pushed two of them in at once. Her fingers were already pretty thick so having two of them, scissoring inside of you, pressing against your walls, felt like too much.
Your hips jerked and your brain swam. You didn't know whether you were pulling away from her or pushing your hips down to take more of her fingers.
Casimir, on the other hand, kept kissing you, his breath ragged and his grip on your wrist tightening more and more. His free hand traveled to your neck, wrapping around but not choking you.
You didn't know what it was but the gentle caress of it, firm but not too firm, his fingers pressing against the skin above your beating veins, made your heart flutter even more.
"Gonna prep you up to take me, baby." Emm muttered as she pushed in another finger, her hips rutting and the rubber of her cock rubbing against your skin.
"Gonna show you exactly how we'll be taking care of ya' fr'm now on."
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astral--horrorshow · 11 months
Around-The-Clock Shadows
Platonic Yandere ROTTMNT x Reader
Info: This will be a full-length fic including multiple ROTTMNT characters, the main storyline revolves around the Mad Dogs
Fic Summary: You sure are likeable, aren't you?
Chapter 4: An Itty-Bitty Shock
Characters: Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Kendra, Jase, Jeremy
A/N: Apologies that this chapter is so short!! I was in a hurry to get last week's out on Thursday, so I had to hurry it along. This is all the stuff I wanted to add in chapter 3, plus a little extra. I promise next week's will be longer!
If you want to be added to a taglist, just say the word! If you want to draw fanart or make anything based off of this, I would be literally honored. Please don't be shy, I will love whatever you make! If you have any questions about the fic, feel free to ask!
TW: Kidnapping, Stalking, toxic relationships, emotional manipulation
I do not condone any of the behaviors found or done in this fic. This story is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is being treated like this, please contact the authorities.
Chapter Summary: You process your situation, and the Purple Dragons begin to look for you
Word Count: 1045
"Home?" A pit formed in your stomach, "What do you mean?"
"I'll handle this, Raph," Donatello said, stepping between the oldest brother and you. Raph shot him an annoyed look, "I'm the oldest, I can handle it!" The two turtles squabbled amoung themselves, with Mikey gazing upon with a concerned look on his face. Just as it looked he was about to intervene, Leo suddenly pushed Donatello aside to be the one you faced, his eyes half-closed and all six of his fingers intertwined, “You see, we’ve decided that you’re our new sibling, and so we also decided to-”
“You kidnapped me?!”
Leo, and thus, the rest of the brothers, jumped at your reaction to his words, for it was the most emotion and noise you had shown and made since you had woken up. Leo grinned with a hint of nervousness, but only a hint. “‘Kidnap’ is such an ugly word, you know! We prefer the term 'surprise adoption!'" His grin spread, though you didn’t know what there was to smile about in the situation. “I want to go home. Let me go home.” A waver had entered your voice. The position you found yourself in was so overwhelming, you could barely force yourself to talk coherently, using all of your willpower to keep yourself from babbling.
Leo tilted his head to the side, slightly, his eyes half-closing again. “I thought you heard? This is your new home, silly head!” That sentence proved to be a mistake when your bottom lip started to quiver, and your eyes became slick with tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks. “And this is why we wanted to break it to them slowly, ‘Nardo. Now look at what you did.” Donatello gestured to you, the three brothers glaring at him. Leo looked offended at the negativity directed at him. “They’re fine! Just look at them!” He shot back as you started to sob in despair and fear.
"Oh, yes. They're the very image of contentedness right now," Don snarked at his older brother, his hands on his hips. "Both of you! Stop it!" Raph said, his voice raised, "Neither of you are helping!" You and the other brothers flinched at his loud voice and sharp tone, the agressiveness prompting you to cry even harder. The brothers stopped their squabbling to look concernedly at your tears, before reaching out to comfort you.
Donatello produced a box of tissues seemingly out of nowhere, which Mikey took from him and started to dry your tears. "There, there..." He cooed, "Nobody is mad at you. Everyone is just a little tense, because this is something new for all of us," He turned his head to his brothers, still wiping your face, "Right, guys?"
They all agreed with him in a hurry, some looking more unenthusiastic to do so than others. Mikey smiled, "See? Everything is alright," he unintentionally lied. Not knowing what else to do, you nodded.
You wringed your hands together, staring at the floor from your spot on the edge of "your" bed as you wondered if you would be able to ever see the sun again. You didn't want to leave the room you woke up in just yet. Thank God a bathroom was attached. Who knows what other things waited for you out there? You had obviously never been there before, and the thought of getting lost in the underground bunker of a bunch of turtle creatures (Who had kidnapped you because they decided that you were their new sibling one day) made your throat go dry and your skin crawl.
Thuds and the sound of shouting from out in the hall snapped you from your reflections. The door suddenly burst open, with Leo nearly tripping over himself to scramble inside, the door slamming behind him. He threw himself on the bed next to you, holding out a paper plate with a slice of pizza sitting atop like a queen on her throne. "Here you go!" He cheerfully said, his hands outstretched. You took the plate gingerly, never taking your eyes off Leo. He grinned from ear to ear and flopped down on his back with his elbows supporting him from the shoulders up so he could still look at you, the back of his head leaning on one of the stuffed animals. "What's up?" He said, his grin widening to the point where it nearly reached his ears, "We got pizza to celebrate your arrival. We can't have a family dinner tonight, though. Sorry about that. The others are busy," He really didn't look sorry at all, with his mischevious smile.
"Go on, eat it. I promise it's not poisonous or anything like that." You held the slice up to your lips, your mouth flooding with saliva at the arouma of cheese and tomato. You had to stop yourself from wolfing the entire thing down after one bite, having not eaten since the night prior. Out of your sight, Leo had an extremely smug look on his face at your hunger.
Kendra typed away at her laptop, Jeremy and Jase doing the same with theirs on either side of her. She scrolled down to the footage of the traffuc cameras up until the afternoon before, when they had given you a ride home. She was way beyond irritated. First, the tracker she had put on you got thrown in a washing machine, and then you hadn't shown up to school that day or answered any of her texts. She only saw the missing poster on her way home from school. Kendra knew it was unlikely for you to run away, at least without telling one of them. She would get to the bottom of this.
She and the boys reviewed the traffic footage for any sign of you. They had no luck until Jase gasped. "What, Jase? What did you find?" Kendra snatched his laptop and pushed him to the side, settling it down and her lap and pushing the rewind button. Jase got up and watched it with her, Jeremy also setting aside his laptop and viewing the footage. Their eyes widened as the feed cut out late in the night, and only reappeared 10 minutes later.

A/N: Sorry if any writing is subpar!! I really had to rush to get this out on time, because I took a three-day long break because I was so burnt out after my writer's block.
Taglist <3:
@yanteetle @averagerottmntsimp @ssak-i @oleander-nin @whyiseveryonesodamnfinetho @writelikenobody
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Psycho Analysis: Gus Fring
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Breaking Bad is known for its fantastic cast of characters, all of whom have some level of critical acclaim and iconic status. Seriously, go to Wikipedia and go to any character’s page from the show (basically every major character has one) and look at the “Reception” part, pretty much all of them are universally beloved. Chief among that crowd is the only villain in the show to give our rascally villain protagonist Walt a run for his money, the criminal mastermind that is Gustavo “Gus” Fring.
If you think I’m going to do anything other than add to those heaps of praise, you’re surely mistaken; I love Gus as much as anyone else who has seen the show. But where most are willing to overlook certain aspects of the character that don’t work so well because he is cool and gay, I acknowledge those flaws and love Gus anyway. We are not the same.
Motivation/Goals: Gus is a businessman, plain and simple. Be it Los Pollos Hermanos or his secret meth business, Gus wants perfection in every aspect of his professional life. That being said, he’s a pretty fair boss, and if you pull your weight you will be rewarded; he treats his employees at Los Pollos Hermanos so well that you know the show takes place in a fantasy world, because no boss is that nice. And he was way too lenient with Walt all throughout that man’s career working with him.
Of course, Gus is also driven by revenge. Don Eladio, Hector Salamanca, and the rest of the cartel are responsible for the death of his lover Max, and Gus refuses to rest until the entire operation has crumbled, with only him left standing tall and Hecor lefty broken and crippled to be finished off last as he’s the one who pulled the trigger. It’s a very classic villain motivation, and it helps give a little bit of sympathy to a character who is otherwise too cold and mysterious to really delve into the mind of. At any rate, it makes it very easy to root for Gus and cheer him on as he plays his supposed superiors for suckers and orchestrates their downfalls all while coming up with dozens of plans to cover his own ass.
Performance: Giancarlo Esposito has such an air of elegance and menace to him when he’s playing Gus. You can really see why he man ended up typecast after this, playing cunning antagonists, because he really kills it here. He does have one incredibly major flaw, though: He’s not a native Spanish speaker like Gus is. This leads to pretty much any point where Gus is required to speak the language falling flat, especially since most of the time he’s up against actors who are actually fluent and even if you’re not a native speaker you can pick up on how clunky he is in comparison to Michael Mando or Tony Dalton.
Final Fate: Gustavo Fring got outplayed by both Walter and Hector, and the result is perhaps one of the single greatest villain deaths of all time.
As many have pointed out, it is genuinely hilarious how Gus hated Hector so fucking much that he refused to die in the same room as him. And hey, maybe this isn’t very accurate to how a person would realistically look after taking an explosion directly to the face… But it’s one hell of a cool visual. Sometimes it’s better to check realism at the door for the sake of symbolism and cool prosthetic gore.
Best Scene: I think it is genuinely hard to top Gus’ awesome moments, even if he doesn’t ever really get an entire episode of focus. I think his crowning moment, the moment where we as an audience and Walt as a character learn that us is not even remotely fucking around, is his silent preparations before he comes up to his lackey Victor and violently slits his throat in “Box Cutter,” before equally silently getting dressed once more. Right before leaving, he simply says, “Get back to work” before leaving a stunned Walt, Mike, and Jesse behind.
There’s also Gus taking down Don Eladio and all his capos in “Salud.” It’s such wonderful, beautiful vengeance, and it’s all made better by the fact Gus poisoned himself, went to the bathroom, neatly placed a towel on the floor and knelt down on it, and then induced vomiting. This man would pick the fruitiest way imaginable to save his own life.
Finally, there is his scene in “Fun and Games,” the first and only time we see Gus just out enjoying himself. We get to see him pretty obviously flirting with a sommelier, but as soon as the man leaves for a moment Gus makes the decision to commit himself fully to his mission and rule out the possibility of love again after what happened to Max. This is the moment where we see Gus fully become the man we know him as in Breaking Bad, and it’s honestly pretty tragic. He could have been happy if he’d just let go some of his hate, and maybe he’d even still be alive.
Final Thoughts & Score: Gus is one of the best villains ever to grave television, and considering he’s in a show filled to the brim with some of the greatest villains ever devised, that’s really saying something.
Part of what makes him so genuinely great is just how utterly unknowable he is. Over the course of both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, he is almost like a god of the criminal underworld, untouchable and mysterious. What very little tidbits we get of his past paint a conflicting picture that could mean any number of things, and at every other point he manages to command respect and fear from all those around him, with those not wise enough to do so ending up dead by his masterful machinations. It ultimately makes the single scene where we see him not doing business, the one where he flirts with the man at the bar, so much more impactful. We see that Gus has rejected his humanity, his chance at ever being happy again, so that he can be consumed by his work and his vengeance. Gus is what he is by choice.
It’s why, even if it’s not really “good” that Walt won, it is so satisfying and cathartic. Gus spends his screentime pulling off superhuman schemes and feats of vengeance, orchestrating the deaths of the entire Salamanca family and his own cartel superiors, and yet he is done in by an absolute bumbling buffoon of a criminal like Walt. It’s a classic case of David and Goliath, with the untouchable adversary being taken down due to viewing his foe as so far beneath him that he didn’t realize he was screwed until it was too late. Gus was sadly too smart for his own good, never bothering to consider the erratic chemistry teacher could ever pull off anything big enough to defeat him.
With all that, Gus gets a 10/10. With how much I love Gus and how I consider him one of my favorite villains ever, you might be wondering why I didn’t bump him up to a 10.5 to denote him being a cut above the garden variety 10. Well, Gus has one issue with his character that I feels really hampers him in crucial moments: His inability to speak Spanish. Giancarlo Esposito, despite being an absolutely fantastic actor in every other regard, does not speak Spanish and needs his lines given to him phonetically. Native speakers have called his accent stilted and unnatural, and it has led to moments that should be epic and powerful such as his monologue to Lalo before killing him becoming nonsensical gibberish to trained ears. Considering that character is a native Spanish speaker, this is an absolutely unforgivable and glaring flaw. It certainly doesn’t ruin the character, but it does hold him back just a little bit.
But it really does speak volumes that as soon as Gus is taken out, the quality of the villains just plummets. The final season has Walt facing off against a bunch of Nazis and fucking Lydia, the annoying businesswoman. The final season is still peak, but boy are those villains living in Gus’ shadow. In spite of his flaws (or, well, his singular but rather major flaw), he’s still one of the greatest villains in television history, and is up there with Walt and Saul as the greatest villains in the series.
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jewishcissiekj · 2 months
The Rattatak origin for Asajj and Ky is very important to me because there's something so special about this bond between someone who's been raised to fight, whose parents were warlords, and a Jedi, a peacekeeper. That part is present in the canon origin, but not as much, and is only brought in later on, with Dooku: Jedi Lost's expansion on their story (which draws from the Rattatak origin so much!!!). I also think that, while Asajj is lost as a character, she should think she's right. She should think she has things backing her, at all times. Having her legacy of war and becoming a warlord herself on Rattatak means so much to her and TCW just... misses that point. The way I understand her, which is my interpretation from everything about her in Legends, she strives for power even though she has a lot of it. She has a castle on Rattatak, at least one loyal guard, a prison, and a life. Republic #60 presents this unexplored part of her story that actually adds so much to the depth of the character. She didn't choose it, not at first, but she uses the power Dooku gave her, and she has power of her own.
There's something about her in her (only) 12 Legends comic issues that gives her much more independence and character depth than I feel TCW has ever done. She is a blind servant of power, of Dooku, yes, but there's more of her. another thing that almost doesn't exist in canon, and doesn't exist in TCW at all, is Asajj and Ky's role on Rattatak.
"On her own, Asajj would have died. Left to his own devices, the stranger would have undoubtedly been captured and killed. But together they became something our world had never known... They became heroes. They ended wars and united armies. And as their legend grew..." -Osika Kirske, Republic #60
In TCW, Ky's a savior to her most of all. Rattatak isn't that much of a hostile and unfamiliar environment, and Dooku: Jedi Lost even implies he could have taken Asajj to Coruscant. But here, it's their partnership that saved them both. And they weren't only partners, they were heroes to Rattatak, a land of war and conflict. It's important that she's more than a Jedi. Rattatak was her life, not a place she as taken to as a baby. It's also important that she is from Rattatak (while Ky isn't), to not be a, you know, foreign (white) savior story. Another quote from Kirske in Republic #60 while I'm at it, about Asajj after she met Dooku.
"After her mentor's death, Ventress assembled an army. She learned new tricks from other off-worlders. She waged war on us all... She killed or captured all who would oppose her..."
Again, I don't think her being from Rattatak gives her any more right to conquer the planet (which she didn't do in TCW because god forbid she does anything but look sexy while fighting Obi-Wan in season 1), but it does make sense for her. Meeting Dooku changes her perspective, and while she still views herself as a Jedi, she feels she has more right to be a Jedi than Obi-Wan or anyone else (calling him a false Jedi). I don't think George Lucas thought all of that through when he said he wanted to make Asajj a Nightsister. Hell, I don;t think he read Republic #60. I think elements from that issue were even incorporated into the show in the first place because they just had to fill the gaps. Still, I talk a lot about how I hate that retcon and I truly do, but I never really explained it. Can't imagine this was clear as a rant but I did just want to write some of this down.
Lastly, just the concept of a fully grown Jedi learning from and teaching this feisty child how to fight in this war and how to be on this planet is. priceless. I love it.
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hii I have a request! (cg! tsuyu regressor! bakugou)
tsuyu finds bakugou regressed and hiding in a corner,crying because of stress,she decides to help him and even if he's reluctant at first (angrily telling her to 'go away') her comforting words and calm presence finally gets him to relax
i love this idea!!
tw; crying, light angst, nightmare mention, i don't think much else, let me know what else i should add!! ---
Asui had always been like a big sister to her friends. It was kind of second nature, after having helped raise her younger siblings. Sometimes being her friends 'big sister' was a bit more literal than she ever really expected.
She was trying to find Bakugou, as he was late to a study session that the class had organized. It was very unlike him, and Asui was worried. She wasn't the only one, but she was the first to volunteer to check on him. He could've just been asleep, or lost track of time studying on his own.
Asui approached the blonde's door, and was surprised and a little concerned when she heard quiet sniffles coming from inside the room. She checked the door handle, even more surprised to find it unlocked. Still, she knocked before entering, announcing herself. "Bakugou? May I come in, ribbit?" she asked.
The sniffling stopped all at once. It was quiet for a moment before she heard him say, "No! Go 'way! I w-wanna be alone right now!"
"You sound upset, Bakugou," Asui responded. "Is there anything you want me to get you? Some tea or something?"
"No! Go 'way! I don' want anythin', jus' to be alone!" Bakugou's voice cracked and it sounded like he sobbed a little. Asui slowly opened to door, just enough to peak her head in.
"Are you sure, ribbit?" She asked. Bakugou looked incredibly distraught. He had tears running down his face and had curled himself into a ball, sitting against the headboard of his bed. He shook slightly, as quiet sobs racked his body.
"Yeah! Go 'way!" Bakugou insisted.
"I'll go away if you really want me to, but something that always helps me feel better is talking about what's bothering me. Do you want talk?"
Bakugou hesitated before he answered that time, and Asui assumed that he was about to tell her to go away again, so she prepared to leave.
"I had a ni'mare..." Bakugou mumbled, curling up on himself more.
"A nightmare?" Asui asked, carefully opening the door a little wider so she could enter a little bit. She didn't want to fully invade his space, he might just get mad or feel trapped with her.
Bakugou nodded. "Is stupid... Should be o'er it by now..."
"Nightmares can be really scary, you're allowed to be upset by them," she reassured him. "I get upset by my nightmares all the time."
"But I'm no' supposed to be so- so- weak!" Bakugou sobbed. "I don' cry at dumb dreams!"
"Crying when you're scared doesn't make you weak, Bakugou. Everyone cries sometimes."
"Bi' boys don' cry..." Bakugou mumbled. "All Mi' doesn' cry..."
"Just because we don't see All Might cry a lot doesn't mean he doesn't cry at all, ribbit. And big boys are allowed to cry as much as they want. Crying helps a lot of people feel better." She smiled a bit. "You wanna know a secret, Bakugou?" Bakugou looked up at her, and wiped his eyes with his fist. His eyes were red and puffy, but he seemed to have calmed down a little.
"I like sec'ets..."
"I saw All Might cry once," she said. "Todoroki accidentally called him 'dad' and he started balling."
Bakugou laughed a little. "Tha's a stupid reason to cry."
Asui nodded. "It was kinda silly. So if All Might cries over silly reasons, why shouldn't you be allowed to cry over something scary?"
Bakugou sniffed a little bit. "Makes sense I guess.. T'ank you Tsu! You're really smart."
"Thank you Bakugou. That's very kind of you to say, ribbit." Asui positioned herself to leave. "I'm going to head down to the study group, do you wanna come with?"
Bakugou frowned. "No, you stay."
"Hm? How come?"
"Jus' until I'm big 'gain... Don' wanna go down small."
"Okay. Do you wanna play a game in the mean time, ribbit?" Asui fully entered his room and closed his door lightly. Bakugou lit up at the suggestion.
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