#i might end up stapling some of them together
cybers-sillyzone · 7 months
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i just realized i have like at least 10 pmd universes i feel like that’s an unhealthy amount
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albino-notes · 4 days
Packing Party
Description: ★ᯓ Caught in the middle of a relentless argument with your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend Joost, you find yourself packing his suitcase in a desperate attempt to distract yourself. Tensions run high, but despite the hardships, you realize that your love is worth fighting for. ᯓ★
Pairing: Joost x gn!reader
Word Count: 2k
Contents: a whole lot of angst
A/N: had this idea in mind for a while, so i finally made a blog to join the party. pls be gentle with me :)
With ringing ears and a sore throat, you reached for the suitcase on top of the wardrobe. Your shaking hands were begging to be used for something other than making all sorts of angry gestures at your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend in a fight that seemed to have no end in sight. So, you set the suitcase down on your bed and started throwing in random articles of clothing. You weren’t thinking about the contents of the luggage—occasionally getting your and your boyfriend’s shirt shelves mixed up—you just needed to keep yourself busy. You didn’t want to spend the little energy you had left on anything involving explosive accusations, hurt feelings, or tear-stained cheeks.
“You don’t have to do that.” Joost sighed, closing the lid of the black carry-on. You barely registered him. Instead, you worked off your mental packing list so your endeavour would at least be productive: the white long-sleeved shirt with the black tie, the kilt, the striped shirt with its sleeves cut off that was originally yours but was now a staple piece in your boyfriend’s tour wardrobe.
“Jesus, will you please stop this? I can do this on my own.”
You didn’t answer him. Joost exhaled sharply. You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was annoyed. Finally, the sight of a particular T-shirt brought your frantic packing frenzy to a halt. Your pale, cold fingers glided over the soft, black material and finally over the vinyl print depicting Lola Bunny. You had bought it for him in a second-hand store in Berlin just a few months after you started dating. He loved it so much that he wore it every chance he got—on dates, during interviews, even during his shows sometimes. But you couldn’t remember when he’d worn it last. The T-shirt was crumpled up underneath a pile of other identical black T-shirts. It felt as unloved as you did in that moment. Your glossy eyes brimmed with tears again.
“Teun’s girlfriend is spending the night in Amsterdam tomorrow so she can see him off to the airport.”
You pushed the T-shirt to the back of the compartment, pulling out the white “I <3 Joost Klein” T-shirt instead and moved it to the suitcase. Only then did you take in Joost’s presence at the edge of the bed, with his hands folded together in his lap.
“Good for them,” you muttered, but you didn’t look up at him. Instead, you turned your attention back to the wooden wardrobe.
“For fuck’s sake. Do you need a written invitation? I’d like you to come with me,” Joost scowled, his voice raised significantly. “God forbid I want to spend some time with my girlfriend.”
It felt both reassuring and disconcerting that he was still referring to you as his girlfriend. Truth is, you hadn’t felt like his girlfriend in a while. This might be the last time he would call you that, so you savoured it despite the bitter aftertaste.
“Didn’t sound like that yesterday.” The memories all came flooding back to you. The screaming. The crying. The pure hatred in both of your voices. The half-hearted apologies that couldn’t mend any of the pain that the past week had caused you.
“I know. I already apologized for that.”
You turned around to face him now, for the first time that evening. His eyes were puffy from crying and there were deep, red lines in his forehead. He looked exhausted from the nonstop fighting, but so were you. You crossed your arms in front of your torso. “Okay, but it still stung when you said you couldn’t wait to get away from me. So maybe you should just go alone.”
“I know that…” He swallowed, rubbing his forehead. “But now I’m trying to make it up to you. Will you please come to Amsterdam with me?”
You huffed. “Why? So we can smash each other’s heads in at the Van Gogh Museum?”
“Why are we doing this now? I’m trying to tell you I want you there. Is that not enough? Do you want me to crawl on my knees and beg?”
“You can’t pull this shit with me right now, Joost. Just because you’re leaving doesn’t mean we should ignore everything that’s happened.” Admittedly, you couldn’t even remember all the reasons why you had been fighting so much lately. It was a mix between petty arguments about house chores blown out of proportion and unresolved and uncommunicated issues from the past exacerbated by the fact that you were both stressed about your own things. You had been unsuccessful in trying to find a job for a few months, and Joost had been spending most of his time at the office planning his headlining tour. Things had been tense for a while, and the fact that Joost was leaving soon made it feel like the fight had a resolution deadline set for tomorrow evening, which only added to the pressure.
“At least I’m trying to make things better. All you seem to want to do is fight.” Joost’s voice was barely audible, but you could perfectly make out the venom in it.
“Is that really what you think of me?”
“No,” he quickly said, “of course not. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You really need to think before you speak, then.”
“At least I’m trying to talk to you. You haven’t said a fucking word to me all day. Hell, you haven’t even looked at me since last night.”
“Okay fine, let’s talk.” You pushed the right wardrobe door shut with more force than intended, immediately turning around to see Joost cupping his noise-sensitive ears with a grimace. Your heart dropped immediately, rushing to his side.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” you said, letting your worn-out body flop down on the ground. In that moment, Joost reminded you of a helpless puppy. You knew he couldn’t stand sudden loud noises, usually walking around with earplugs without listening to music so it would cancel some of the noise. You pulled your knees towards yourself, looking up at your boyfriend’s blue eyes. His hands were resting on his thighs again, his feet dangling over the edge of your bed. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight anymore.”
You were tired, so incredibly tired. You wanted nothing more than to fall into a deep slumber next to Joost and wake up with his arms wrapped protectively around you. You did want to go to Amsterdam and spend a relaxing day with him and his friends and do a little bit of sightseeing before he left; you wanted to drive him to the airport and cry as you parted ways, declaring that you’d call and text as much as possible while he was away on tour for the next two months. You wanted the harmonious relationship back that you had tried so hard to build in those three years together, but you also knew you couldn’t pretend as if these horrible weeks had never happened. Like all these venomous words had never come out of your mouths.
“Me neither.” Joost was now the one avoiding your gaze, although his facial expression had softened. His left hand hovered over the suitcase before tugging on a pair of jeans, causing the entire stack of neatly folded clothes on top of them to collapse. “Those are yours.”
“Okay,” you said. Now you were the one growing frustrated with the way you were both avoiding the conversation at hand. You grabbed the pair of dark blue jeans from him, his cold and touch sending shivers down your spine. The sensation of the usually so familiar body now felt so strange and wrong.
You put the pants back into the wardrobe with disenchantment. Packing with your boyfriend for tour used to be so fun and light-hearted; you would put on your carefully curated Hyperpop playlist on full volume, dancing around the bedroom while passing around random articles of clothing that would end up crumpled up and crammed into the suitcase until it almost wouldn’t close anymore. And not to forget about the mandatory kiss after something would successfully make it into the carry-on. Those packing parties would usually take a few hours, but they always ended with roaring laughter as one of you was tasked with sitting down on the overflowing suitcase while the other tried to zip it up. Neither of you cared about how inefficient this process was, as it successfully made you forget about the tragic situation at hand—the otherwise inseparable couple being separated for Joost’s job.
You felt guilty about the fact that you were almost glad he was leaving, the words that had stabbed you like a knife the night before now running through your own mind. But you hadn’t been able to take a proper breather for weeks, his stifling presence lingering in every corner of your shared apartment. It was hard to avoid each other when you had never had a reason to.
“I’ll see if I can come see you at Lowlands.”
He scowled. “How noble of you.”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. How did he expect you to come with him to Amsterdam if the only form of communication you had lately was snarking at each other? You felt your cheeks becoming wet again. You were desperate to finally stop fighting. You couldn’t do this anymore. “I’m trying here, Joost. I’ll try to visit you on tour, but I think it’s better if we have some space in the meantime.”
“I guess you’re right.” He furrowed his eyebrows and let out a loud sigh, burrowing his head in his hands.
It was evident that you wouldn’t make up before he left. It was clear you were holding grudges against each other that would take a long time to be resolved, but you weren’t willing to give up. You had never loved anyone as deeply as Joost, and at the height of your relationship, you had never felt so loved by anyone before. You had the kind of bond that made people jealous and at times even annoyed because of how well you two were attuned to each other. And to make matters worse, you both were scared to death of being abandoned by the people closest to you, having both made painful experiences regarding that in the past. Now more than ever, you had to fight for love because even though these past few weeks had been among the hardest of your life, you knew you weren’t ready to let him go. Despite all the hardships, you knew Joost Klein was the love of your life.
You stood up from the floor, your legs trembling as you took the suitcase and placed it on the floor in front of Joost.
“Sit,” you ordered him. He looked at you with a puzzled expression.
“Sit down,” you repeated, grabbing his hand to help him up from his position on the bed. He obliged and sat down on the suitcase, the contents compressing under the pressure of Joost’s weight. You crouched down and fumbled for the zipper, closing the carry-on in one go.
You didn’t notice your hand resting on Joost’s lower leg at first, but neither of you seemed to mind it. You lightly rubbed the fabric of his track pants with your thumb as you looked up at him. His eyes looked glassy and tired. There was a bit of confusion there, but also acceptance. The fight might not be resolved, but you hadn’t given up on your relationship yet, and that made him hopeful about the future.
He carefully raised his hands to cup your cheeks. Despite everything, he still looked at you with so much love. You melted under his touch as he brought his lips closer and pressed a soft kiss on your hairline.
“The next packing party will be more fun, I promise,” he chuckled. You couldn’t manage a proper laugh, still so shaken up about the recent events, but as you looked at the now softening expression of your boyfriend, and how delicate he was with you even after everything that had gone down, the corners of your pressed-together mouth turned up almost automatically.
“I love you.”
“Ik hou ook van jou, mijn liefste.”
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briarcrawford · 9 months
Is This How You Write Romance?
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I have never written a romance; not even once. That does not mean there is anything wrong with romance stories, just that I typically am drawn to writing stories that focus on other aspects. Now, that might sound like I am being a snob, but what I really mean is that I am a simple soul; I crave action scenes. Media that is majority romance just tends to bore me.
I do want to improve as a writer, though, and that does include writing romance(as a sub-plot). It is something most people expect in stories, and, if I am honest, a part of the reason I continue to avoid it is that I have no experience writing it. So, to help me get started, I have been doing what I do best: researching.
I have been (halfheartedly, with my phone in hand) watching the odd romance movie when my mom has them on(those ultra cheesy Hallmark ones), and it seems like most romances can break down into a simple formula.
The formula is:
1. The Meet-Cute
After the viewers have had a look into the life of the main character, the meet-cute happens. This scene is most likely funny or overly dramatic.
“In film and television, a meet cute is a scene in which the two people who will form a future romantic couple meet for the first time, typically under unusual, humorous, or cute circumstances. This type of scene is a staple of romantic comedies, though it can also occur in sitcoms and even soap operas.” Wikipedia
2. Building a Connection
Scenes that gradually bring them closer; typically do to coincidences or circumstances that force them to keep meeting. These scenes are when your readers will decide if they have chemistry or not.
3. Turning to Feelings
They continue having scenes together, and show signs of mutual interest. These scenes are when readers decide if they would make a healthy couple, and romance fans start looking forward to what could happen.
4. Feelings Confirmed
Something happens (such as a rescue, or a near kiss) that makes them realize or suspect that the feelings are mutual.
5. The Test
Their relationship is tested, and they realize how much they need each other. This is normally when one side runs off, and the other chases.
Without some sort of conflict and character building, the romance may come off feeling like filler content or fan service.
6. End
All is resolved, and they are together now.
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Obvious, right? Well, the trick is to weave these into your main plot without them standing out too much.
Once you know what readers want in romance, the tricky part starts.
1. Confirm your genre.
What scenes are most important to you? If it is the romance scenes, you may want to rethink how you classify your genre. For example, there is a difference between writing a fantasy with a romance subplot, and a romance with a fantasy subplot. Deciding if you need to shift your main focus will change how much of each content makes up the percentage of your book.
2. Decide Your Goals.
What are your goals for the relationship? Sometimes, the plot points above stretch through just one book, while other times it can stretch for a whole series. If your goal is to have them get together in one book, know that you will have to deal with continuing that romance throughout the rest of the series(and adding in enough drama to keep it worth the subplot time).
3. They Should Amplify Your Main Plot.
If you have your characters become a couple in the middle of your main-plot’s climax, you risk ruining what tension you have built. Some writers do fight this and go with it anyway, though that is often because one of the love interests is almost guaranteed to die in the next scene.
Instead, consider having the relationship build at the same speed of the main plot. This is why end-of-series kisses are so popular to write.
Another popular option is to have them get together early on, but separated. That way, the hero is fighting not only to survive, but also to get back to their love.
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This is, of course, all written by someone learning, so if any of you have any tips for writing romance, please let me know! I am not planning on watching any more of those movies(sorry, mom haha), so I will take all the help I can get.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 6 months
I know it's really late, but yandere Ethan Winters. (He deserves better than Mia even before RE7, fight me.)
RE7Yandere Ethan Winters x reader/you
warnings: a few rather changed canon events, spoilers (kinda re8 spoilers too with one thing?), have a bit of buildup to living with him as yandere, clingy, unwanted touch, obsessive, bit of coercion, delusional behavior, sorta stockholm in a way?
(Before yandere) Ethan who you befriended while Mia was gone and offered to come with. You just had a bad feeling and didn't want him going alone. Somehow he agreed.
Cue you loyally following him and helping him every step of the way. You two watching out for each other and saving each other's asses on way more than just one occasion.
As time passes he slowly starts to feel as if he doesn't love Mia anymore. She still wouldn't tell him anything, and has kept many secrets from him in the past he eventually found out. He's having his doubts of why and how she's here even though she explained it before. The more he thinks of it, the more it feels like another lie. But you haven't lied to him. Kept serious secrets from him even if you were just friends. Even though he's only known you for like two years, you've shared everything with him. You were his rock, his staple to keep everything together when she was gone.
You never see Eveline, but Ethan does and she's not very happy of his slow change of heart. He starts latching onto you, always grabbing your hand whenever you both have to rush somewhere. Or even when it seems to be a minute breather of everything going on. You take it as him just making sure not to split up and lose each other.
That's partially true, but not fully. It's a constant, festering need that rapidly starts to grow in him to always feel you close. Even he himself at the beginning thought that it was worry you both would end up splitting up too. You're the only sane one around him besides Zoe, but she isn't physically around him in this hell. However, he quickly figures out and accepts the truth. He can't tolerate you no longer being around him.
It may be the place itself. It may be him. It may be some sort of fucked up trauma this place is giving him, or even a mix of all three. But none of it matters. Only you do at this point. He never felt as close with Mia as he feels with you now, and no longer even cares for her.
All he wants now is to get out of here with you. But he has no idea what way to get out of this hell, so he'll listen to Zoe until then. He does have a growing resentment for Mia though. Compared to you, he should have seen so many red flags from her in the past. And look now where that's made him and you end up. As a "gift" he's saving several 44 Magnum bullets he plans on using on them. Sure, it might not kill Mia anymore, but it sure as hell will at least slow her down for a while. He also doesn't like how aggressive she is on you compared to him. Sure, none of your limbs have been cut off, you haven't gotten any near-fatal injuries, but it's still bad she's targeted you first every time she comes back.
You two take a short rest break. You lean against his shoulder and end up falling asleep from the now lack of adrenaline rushing through your body.
He lets you. Zoe can wait. Lucas can for sure wait. Mia can definitely wait. It's only you who is important. He also takes the chance and injects you with the serum. You likely don't need it in the first place. He will not have Eveline trying to corrupt you. Try to take you from him. No. One. Can. He won't let them. He'll fight her with his dying breath if he has to as long as you make it out alive.
It eventually comes to a head of Zoe and Mia needing the serum.
Now he's thinking he should have waited until now to inject you to show Mia as a final "fuck you". Oh well. Doing it earlier guaranteed they couldn't swipe it from him if he tried to inject you then.
That's when you think of something. "Wait a minute. Would the serum even work?" The three look at you like you're crazy.
"Why would Eveline give the Baker's family the one thing that could kill her? She's likely not the only thing like her created. Could it be a fake from her knowing Zoe was searching?"
Now Zoe looks at you like you're stupid, while Mia looks like she had a terrifying realization. "That's a very far stretch."
Mia shakes her head, knowing she has to reveal what she's done. "No... It does."
Zoe sighs. "then it must be in the crashed ship they came on."
"the... what ship?" Ethan is trying real hard not to be upset right now. He injected you with a useless serum??
you all decide to get on the boat for now to go to the ship.
Things didn't go as planned as you guys crashed somehow at the ship, and Eveline took Ethan away.
You were wary of her from how many times she previously attacked you, but for now it really seemed she didn't want to. She admitted what she actually was, making you feel really bad for both her and Ethan.
She found the actual serum that will kill Eveline and gave it to you, yelling at Eveline all the while.
Eventually you and Mia find Ethan and work together to pull him out.
She manages to push you and Ethan out the door before closing it. He didn't put up much a resistance, just more confused what she was doing.
It finally comes to a close when you and Ethan get in the helicopter, and you're relieved to see Mia. Ethan... He's not. Especially after finding out by you he was right. She WAS a part in all the hell Eveline caused, and was even her "handler". That just drastically furthered he doesn't want a thing to do with her anymore.
She took it hard he didn't want to start over with her. Even tried to manipulate him. Since he no longer loved her he could see the signs a mile away, making himself even more angry at his past self for ignoring all of her bad things.
It didn't work. But he did beg you to live with him for at least a while. You were pressured by the Blue Umbrella agreeing with him and wanting to keep a close eye on you two for a while. He was thrilled by his luck of them agreeing.
The clinginess came on FAST. Everywhere you went in the house, or anywhere out of the house, he followed you like a lost puppy. Watching a movie? you better cuddle up to him or he's wrapping his arm around your shoulders to have you lean on him.
The most uncomfortable to you was sharing the same bed, and him cuddling you then as well. You tried to take it again as him just traumatized from the events of before. You know you sure as hell are and still scrub yourself raw every shower remembering the textures of everything. And also feeling bad for him losing Mia. He told you they broke up.
One day out of the blue he started calling you pet names. Hasn't even been a month when he started doing that. You weren't into that type of thing with a friend, and told him to knock it off.
It didn't work. He just became more adamant on it. He wanted to be with you. He absolutely loves you and every single little thing about you.
Now that blew you away. He's gotta be out of his mind. You try to ask Blue Umbrella to move, but they deny. It's as if they don't want you from him either. They don't. They know what he is but thought it would be better not to tell him. They comply to what he wants though to keep him stable. And to run tests on him, which he complies with it that will keep them making you stay with him. He doesn't think that way though.
In some sort of twisted logic in his mind, he doesn't think they're making you stay with him. You just need a little persuasion to realize how you really feel.
It's much more than persuasion though. More like light coercion by the Blue Umbrella. Warnings you'd never get to see your friends or family again did it. Now you can, but Ethan has to be with you, and you absolutely cannot tell them anything of what happened.
You hate to admit it, but as time went on, you started to love Ethan back, craving the constant touches. His constant words of praise, love, adoration, and anything else possible slowly broke your resolve of refusing to love him from it feeling wrong. He almost seemed to worship the floor you walked on, catered everything to you. Spoiled you with everything possible, and with the money given by Umbrella, anything was on affordable range.
You eventually surprise him with a kiss on his lips, sealing your fate together with him further. But hey, at least you're both happy now.
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thekingofwinterblog · 9 months
The Importance of Banter: Varric Tethras
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So one of the more interesting takes I've gotten on my breakdowns of Dragon Age characters is the argument that Varric in terms of character development is one of the lesser characters in the game.
He stays the same, doesn't change much from beginning to end, and while enjoyable, his inclusion doesn't add nearly as much as some of the other characters in the game, and relies way too much on the goodwill from da2 to do most of the legwork for his inclusion in the game.
Now this isn't an argument without merit, I might agree a lot with this take... If it wasn't for the inclusion of one Dragon Age's staples, and one of the aspects that Inquisition arguably does better than ether ADO or DA2.
Character Banter.
Character Banter is extremely important because it gives us an insight into how characters think, how they interact, and showcases the more subtle elements that aren't always on display in the game itself.
Compared to the rest of the Characters, Varric is a bit different in that because he was a companion in the previous game, we can see how he's changed since the previous game.
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Cassandra Pentaghast
So it's not an exaggeration to say that Cassandra and Varric has what is easily the most dynamic relationahip between any of the companions, having far and away the most interactions together out of party(And thats not even including the fact that all of DA2 is technically them talking to each other.
And this is reflected in their banter as well, where the two of them go back and forth like a married couple.
The thing that most be understood about Cassandra and Varric's banter though, is the fact that Varric is way, way smarter than Cassandra, who isn't dumb, but is not a genius by any stretch, which is reflected in the Dwarf's tendency to run rings around her all the time.
Cassandra: Have you heard from any of your Kirkwall associates Varric?
Varric: You're asking me? So you don't read my letters?
Cassandra: You're no longer my prisoner, much as you like to act like it.
Varric: Yet I still get all the suspicion.
Cassandra: I am not without sympathy, especially given recent events.
Varric: Why, Seeker, I would never accuse you of having sympathy! By the way I tend to refer to my "associates" as "friends". Maybe you're not familiar with the concept.
Cassandra: (sigh)
Varric: You know, Seeker, for someone with your tact and charisma you assembled a... pretty good little Inquisition. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you didn't drag them all here by force.
Cassandra: How kind of you.
Varric: I mean, you never know, you could have kidnapped Ruffles and she'd be too polite to say anything.
Cassandra: Leliana recruited Josephine. They're... friends.
Varric: So there's a rational explanation after all. Just when I thought you had layers.
Varric: It makes sense that Leliana did the recruiting when the Inquisition started. Not everyone can be intimidated into signing up after all.
Cassandra: I recruited Commander Cullen.
Varric: Lucky him.
Cassandra: He has made no complaints about my manners.
Varric: His last boss was a raving lunatic who turned into a statue. That's not a high bar.
All of these three bits of banter is from early in their shared chain, and illustrates their dynamic very, very well. Varric reads Cassandra like an open book, and is able to completely take control over a situation just by playing the role of the ass who is just sniping at her because he feels like it, when what he's actually doing is maneuvering the conversation so it can end on him having the last words by playing on the things Cassandra knows she cannot refute without lying.
That takes a lot of sponanous wit and an ability to think on the spot, something cassandra does not possess, but Varric has in plenty.
Of course this dynamic is only at the start as they have plenty more as the story develops. One innparticular is their relationship regarding Varric's liturature, which is one of the more entertaining side quests in the game, but it does tell us more about them in the followup banter.
Varric: Seriously? Swords and Shields? How did you find that serial? Scrape it off the bottom of a barrel in Dust Town?
Cassandra: It was research! I thought I might learn more about the Champion.
Varric: I did write a book about the Champion. You might remember it. Had your knife stuck through it last I saw.
Cassandra: I already read that one. Twice.
Here we learn how much Cassandra actually loves to read Varric's work, but more importantly we get something we rarely see in Varric. Him talking about his own failures.
Varric likes to pretend he's this amazing writer who always produce masterpieces, as he himself says to Bianca, as if he'd write about his own failures and mistakes...
And yet there is swords and shields, a book that Varric has deemed an abyssmal failure. A joke, a mediocre piece of trash not worth the paper it was printed on... And yet it has it's fans. This work that varric despises still managed to find an audience, and despite how much satisfaction he had smugly giving it to Cassandra, that still grinds his gears.
People shouldn't like his bad work. It should be forgotten in favor of his masterpieces. A very dwarven way of thinking.
Varric: I can't believe you picked the absolute worst of my books to read. Why not Hard in Hightown?
Cassandra: I have enough mysteries and investigations of my own.
Varric: What? You don't want to solve more in your spare time?
Cassandra: Then you killed my favorite character in Chapter 3, so I threw the book across the room.
Varric: Ah, a critic. Say no more.
In this one, we get Varric both genuinely questioning Cassandra, as he seems to have assumed she actually does like investigating mysteries(she does not), but also tries to nudge her over to read High in Hightown instead.
Cassandra: Varric, how could you let the Knight-Captain be framed for murder?
Varric: Well, I did spent three entire chapters setting it up.
Cassandra: But she didn't deserve it! You'd already put her through more than enough!
Varric: Look, Seeker, if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. Maybe even throw in a heroic death.
Cassandra: That makes no sense!
Varric: You care enough to argue. If she had a nice afternoon and took a nap, you'd stop reading.
I could deconstruct this, but basically it's just a bit of meta commentary on what makes a good story. Not only will it not be the last, but it's not even the most blatant. After all, this one could apply to other people besides Hawke.
Cassandra: What made you write about Hawke? All your other books are complete fiction.
Varric: Someone had to set the record straight about the Champion.
Cassandra: Yet your book is still full of lies.
Varric: But true ones. That's important.
Varric loves stories... But he understands what stories are at their heart. The difference between a Recounting, and a Tale. That's what history is after all, the Tales everyone passed down.
And what good tale doesn't have a bit of exaggerated bullshit?
Cassandra: Why is the second Hard in Hightown so completely different from the first?
Varric: (sigh) Because I didn't write it. Shit, did you pay actual coin for that book? One of these days, I'm going to find the duster who wrote that garbage and introduce him to my editor.
Cassandra: By "editor," do you mean your crossbow?
Varric: No, my actual editor. Best in the business. She runs half the Coterie in Kirkwall. Stickler for grammar. She once killed a man over a semicolon. I'd never print anything without her.
This one is more meta commentary, but it does have a bit more meat to it. Varric's whole spiel about his editor being super powerful in the Coterie could be the truth, it could be complete bullshit. Or it could be something in between.
That's not the important part. The important part is that he wants Cassandra to guess, to assume, to speculate, because that is far more powerful than just laying it all out could ever be.
Cole: She has to reach the other side of the hill.
Cassandra: Who does?
Cole: The Knight-Captain. But she's injured.
Varric: (sigh) Good job, Kid.
Cassandra: Is she alright? Is that how the book ends?
Varric: Not anymore.
Cassandra: Cole, what happens to her?
Cole: I don't know. The hill went away.
So here we see that Varric is one of THOSE authors. You know the kind, the ones who will rewrite an entire storyline because the big twists was leaked ahead of time.
It's not that important in the grand scheme of things, but it's interesting how through the game we see a very consistent picture of how Varric likes to write. He's a gardner variety writer, but unlike GRRM he's not the kind thst sticks to what he had in mind and sets up if the big twist is learned before it's finished.
As for His banter with Cassandra related to Hawke, it's entertaining, but not exactly that enlightening. Except for one.
If you chose in DA2 to save carver or Bethany by making them grey wardens, you get this bit when Cassandra Questions him about them.
Varric: Aveline took him off somewhere when the Calling started going nuts, but he'll tag along. He always does.
Varric: Aveline took her off somewhere when the Calling started going nuts, but she'll try to keep Hawke out of trouble.
Cassandra misses the obvious, but you probably didn't.
Varric knew about the calling from the start. Oh he didn't know the details, and he didn't know why... But he knew there was something up with the calling from the very start, and probably figured out this was the key reason from day one.
And he didn't share it. At all.
That speaks volumes of where his true loyalties lies, and it's something a lot of people miss.
Cassandra is right. Varric's heart will never truly belong to the Inquisition so long as Hawke and his Kirkwall friends exists outside of it.
There is also a turning point in their conversations, starting around the point where Varric's personal quest with Bianca happened.
Cassandra: Am I to understand your Bianca is married?
Varric: Oh, have we reached the stage where we gossip about each other's love lives?
Varric: Did you hear that, boss? Don't worry, I'll tell you whatever she says.
Cassandra: Forget I mentioned anything. It was a simple question, Varric.
Varric: There was nothing simple about it.
Varric actually blatantly questions wheter they've reached the point where they are now talking about each others love with each other. The truth is though, they actually have.
Varric: You brought up Bianca, Seeker. Does that mean I can ask about your conquests?
Cassandra: I would rather you didn't.
Varric: No tantalizing secrets to divulge?
Cassandra: None.
(If the Inquisitor is in a relationship with Cassandra)
Varric: So no one within, say, a five foot radius has caught your eye?
Inquisitor: Really? No one at all?
Cassandra: This... is not a discussion I want to have here.
Varric: (laughs) Are you blushing, Seeker? Maker, the world really is coming to an end.
Inquisitor: Perhaps Cassandra—and her conquest—would rather not discuss this in public.
Varric: Spoilsport.
Varric: Nothing? You do know he's standing right there...
Cassandra: I... have no conquests.
Varric: How about dalliances? Liaisons? Illicit affairs?
Cassandra: No.
Sera: Enough poking, Varric.
Varric: Is it, Buttercup? Is it?
It a rather humorous affair, but it does show that Varric at this point is comfortable prodding Cassandra's love life, figuring out how far he can push.
Which speaks for itself at how close these two have gotten at this point.
Cassandra: Very well, Varric. If you wish to know about men I have known, I will tell you.
Varric: Look, Seeker. I was only...
Cassandra: You are right. I pried first, and fair is fair. Years ago, I knew a young mage named Regalyan. He was dashing, unlike any man I'd met. He died at the Conclave.
Varric: Oh.
Cassandra: What we had was fleeting. And years had passed. Still, it saddens me to think he's gone.
Varric: I'm sorry.
Nothing to add here, just that Varric sorta gets sad when he realizes that was friendly prodding touched a very bitter and sad point from Cassandra's pain.
For which he apologizes.
Varric: Look, Seeker, I didn't mean to make you talk about your mage friend.
Cassandra: I know. I was not trying to make you speak of Bianca. If I was, you would know. I would yell, books would be stabbed.
Varric: (Chuckles.) I'll keep that in mind.
Also as the game reaches the end section, Varric and Cassandra begin to really banter in a much more friendly way.
Cassandra: I still don't understand how drakes take that hand.
Varric: ...Hmm. Maybe we should start you on Shepherd's Six.
Cassandra: Isn't that a children's game?
Varric: Yeah.
When trying to teach Cassandra card games at this point in the story, Varric has the perfect set up for a punchline like he did in the early game, but he doesn't use it, because he isn't mocking cassandra here, he's genuinely trying to teach her how to play cards.
And so he suggest starting her off with something simple, like a card game for children, cause he understands thats where she has to start at her level.
There are plenty more, but most of it is just well written, engaging or funny back and forths. But before moving on, i wanna highlight two of them.
Varric: Did you really think the Conclave had a chance of making peace, Seeker?
Cassandra: You do not?
Varric: What was the Divine's plan? Bring everyone together and hope really hard that they would all get along?
Cassandra: Most Holy did not confide her plan to me. Perhaps she thought they were tired of death and conflict.
Varric: Oh, when is that ever been true? For Templars or mages.
Cassandra: I will not mock a dead woman, Varric. She did what she could, and that is more than most.
This conversation is very important for one simple reason. It showcases how much Varric has changed since DA2. Varric used to be one of the big believers in compromise in that game. He didn't come out and say it out right, because in that game the Templar far and away were the more evil faction, and so there was way more chances for Varric to stick up for mages, but Varric really, REALLY didn't want the mages and Templars to go to war.
He had so many friends in both factions, friends he knew would die if it ever did come to true blows.
I would say that varric was probably the best example of what neutrality in such a situation should have been. Someone who is neutral because he understood thst fundamentally, both sides even at their worst, were people. Not demons, not monsters, but human beings or elves. But unlike many others who clamor for neutrality, Varric wasn't stuck up his own ass about it.
If he saw one side go over the ljne, regardless of which it was, he would not just stand by wheter it was power hungry necromantic blood mages, or Templars like Ser Alrik.
But here, he mocks the very idea of neutrality. He has completely given up on it, and he's accepted that the only solution here, is for one side or the other will have to decisively crush the opposition.
Of course he doesnt come out and say it like that, but that's the message to take away here. So long as there is a templar or mage on the field, this war will continue. He doesn't like that fact, but he has accepted it.
Cassandra: I hear reconstruction is progressing well in Kirkwall.
Varric: I know things are bad there.
Cassandra: I wasn't trying to...
Varric: You weren't trying to remind me how bad is it in Kirkwall? So you decided to talk about it?
Cassandra: About its recovery!
Varric: What you're talking about are the buildings, and even that will take years. People don't recover so easily.
Kirkwall, that is to say, the Kirkwall Varric was born in, grew up in, and spent the happiest years of his life(When he was running there with Hawke), is dead and gone, and never coming back.
He is never getting it back.
Which will be very important for the next companion's banter.
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Blackwall is different than the rest of the crew in that he's utterly reliant on the Banter to have any sort of presence. He has no charisma in the actual game, but he does showcase a much more entertaining character in banter.
In regards to Varric though, his mian purpose is to showcase aspects of Varric we don't often see.
One of the most important comes very, very early into their relationship.
Blackwall: I once met a dwarf who made the best home-brewed ale.
Varric: I once met a Grey Warden who got possessed by a spirit and then blew up a Chantry and killed a hundred people. What makes people think you want to hear what others of "your kind" have done, anyway?
This is a moment that is:
1. Very uncharacteristic of Varric, who usually loves talking about other people if he gets any excuse to do so, and will be demonstrated in a very similar moment in his banter with the Iron Bull, only with a different reaction.
2. It's here to showcase Varric's hatred for Anders. Other than Sebastian, Varric misses pretty much the entire DA2 cast, his true best friends... Except for Anders.
Varric LOATHES Anders for his actions, for kickstarting the Mage Templar War and getting lots of his friends killed, but also for destroying his home and making his own worst fear come true.
Varric's biggest fear as shown in the fade is becoming his parents... And that's exactly what he has become in DAI. The depressed exile from a home city that he can never return to, and if he does, it won't be the same life they miss so dearly. Varric misses Kirkwall. He misses it's people, the Hanged man, and always thinking back on the glory days of his life.
And he misses Hawke.
All lost to him and never coming back, all thanks to Anders. Varric can never return back to that time, that place, that era, that friend group that was the highpoint of Varric's life, because the city of Champion Hawke and Varric the sidekick is as dead and gone as his parents.
The hanged man will never be the same, Hawke will never be the revered Hero they were after act 2, and every single one of the countless friends that Varric misses will not come back.
And so he hates Anders with a level of hatred he reserves for very, very few people.
The rest of Varric's starting relationship with Blackwall is about him trying to figure out what makes him tick, innitially pegging him as another Sebastian. Boring, safe, droll.
He also has more banter where he shows how depressed he actually is about Kirkwall.
Blackwall: I've been to Kirkwall. The Hanged Man, actually, probably been twenty years now. It was a dive if I remember correctly.
Varric: It's the dive. Filled with the best and worst people in the world.
Blackwall: Yes, I heard it was a haunt of yours.
Varric: Haunt? It was home.
He finally clicks with Blackwall, as they get into a shared passion nobody else in the party has. Jousting. The sport consistent of knocking people of horses with pointy sticks.
As a Free Marcher Varric has grown up with the Grand Tourney as a focal point of his identity, and loves the sport, so he and Blackwall bonds and argues over the sport, with the most notable part being their disagreements over who is the better jousting knight, where he also gives his own cents in the form of a meta commentary between who is the better protagonist, the Hero of Ferelden or Hawke.
Blackwall: You can't really think Reeve Asa is a better knight than Honorine Chastain. Her record's flawless. Four hundred jousts, never unseated. No one's ever come close to it.
Varric: Oh, she's easily the most skilled. That's a fact. It's just "scrappy" is better than "flawless." I like heroes who try their damnedest, even if they fail a lot. It's easy to be valiant when you always win and everything goes your way. There's nothing great in that.
The rather unsubtle meta message here, is comparing the protagonists of the first games.
The warden is the stronger, more skilled and more competent protagonist who ultimately always triumphed, changed the world, and became heralded far and wide as the greatest hero of her age.
Meanwhile Hawke is the scrappy underdog hero who always gets back on their feet regardless of how hard they fall, and never actually suceeds in anything. Hawke is a failure Hero who couldn't save their mother, their city, at least one of their siblings, maybe two, Ketojan, couldn't prevent the Qunari attack, and constantly failed to save the day through DA2.
Now i don't really agree with this rather simplistic reading of the Warden, but it's a good scene, because it shows that Varric is more than capable of overlooking all the work, effort and time it takes to produce a "perfect" result, as well as show that Varric has a very hard preference for underdogs, and the stories they produce.
Which leads into his reaction when Blackwall confesses his sins.
Varric: Maybe I've been too hard on you.
Blackwall: Oh, so you don't think I'm dreadful now.
Varric: Actually, I thought you were boring before. Completely different. We're all dreadful. Every one of us, fundamentally flawed in a hundred different ways. That's why we're here, isn't it? Take all the risks, so the good people stay home where it's safe. With the whole "Blackwall" thing, you told a story so compelling even you started to believe it.
Blackwall: That's much nicer than saying "You're a dirty liar.", I'll take it.
Varric: A story-teller's got to believe his own story, or no one will.
Here we can gleam a sad fact. Varric very pointedly notes "we're all dreadfull", as Us, as in, him included.
Varric doesn't really consider himself a good person anymore, if he ever did.
It's not like the Varric of Yesteryear considered hinself a saint or some knight in shining armor, but there was a sense that he was happy with himself during that game, in a way he is not in DAI.
Something has changed, and that something is guilt over unleashing the red lyrium on the world, and probably guilt over killing his own friends.
It's not really focused on as much as it should be, but Varric had plenty of friends amongst both the mages and Templars... Which meant that when Anders blew up the chantry, regardless of which side you picked, Varric was forced to kill people who genuinely mattered to him.
Hence why he's so quick to forgive Blackwall for his lies.
For the most part this generally manifests itself in regards to Red Lyrium, which he blames himself for bringing into the world. I would argue that the more subtle parts you get to see in Banter though, is far, far more interesting and better told than the stuff in the main quest.
Because despite his flaws he "takes all the risks, so the good people won't have to.", just like Varric and Hawke.
This is in large amount what Varric in Inquisition is for the most part all about. Guilt, self loathing, and wanting to be a better person.
He just masks it with his usual wit, charm and charisma.
Kinda like Blackwall, only he doesn't really have much charisma or wit to hide behind. Hence why he is so accepting of, and willing to give him another chance without question.
On a final note before we move on from Blackwall, we also get to see varric try to play matchmaker between Blackwall and Josephine which is cute, but not exactly surprising, or give us further insight into Varric's character.
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Now, I'm not going to cover Cole here, not because the banter isn't interesting, or we don't learn anything, but that's all from the way we learn about the world, or Cole himself.
Varric's side of these banters can be summed up in one sentence, for pretty much every single banter.
Varric is Cole's dad.
Rinse, repeat.
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Similarily, I will not be covering the banter with dorian, not because it's bad, far from it, it's some of the most entertaining in the game, but it doesn't exactly add much beyond the fact that both Varric and Dorian love to gamble, and share witty banter.
Also nugs has some creepy ass feet. The stuff of nightmares.
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The Iron Bull
Far more to be dissected, can be found in Varric's banter with the Iron Bull.
There is so much to learn from this banter, from Spy work to how the Antaam is viewed by the other Qunari and so on, but we'll focus on the stuff relating to varric, as he and bull talk about a lot of things.
Varric: You're not the first Ben-Hassrath I've run across. Hawke and I went on a caper with one named Tallis.
Iron Bull: You don't say.
Varric: She caused us no end of trouble. You wouldn't know her by any chance?
Iron Bull: Hey, one time I ran into this dwarf on the road. Short, grouchy. You think you might know him?
Varric: I'm in the Merchant Guild. Ten royals says I not only know him—he owes me money.
Iron Bull: Oh. Well... no. I don't know Tallis. Sorry.
In stark contrast to his talk with Iron bull, when not involving Anders or other people he hates, Varric loves to talk about people. To the point that in his comeback to Iron Bull, there is an invitation here for Bull to specify who this random dwarf was, because chances are, he actually might know him, and could elaborate on the guy.
Varric: How could you possibly be a spy?
Iron Bull: Well, it's a pretty easy job. I do some fighting, and drinking, and then once in a while I tell Par Vollen about it.
Varric: Heh. Where's the sneaking, the plotting, the subtle machinations?
Iron Bull: If you do that, everyone knows you're a spy. Drinking, fighting, writing notes, that's all it really takes.
Varric: Shit. You're either the worst qunari ever, or the best. I can't decide.
He also showcases great frustration with the way Iron Bull pokes holes in his Bond like spy writing, in favor of the mundane realities of Cloak and Dagger stuff.
Because for all that he prides himself on tall tales, varric does like his writing to somewhat be plausible. Its why he gets pissy at the inquisitor when he tells him how stupid so many parts of DA2 were writing wise, cause Varric wrote it how it happened, and while embelishing it, it was mostly true.
And if his spy writing isn't realistic enough that it might plausibly happen... Then it's not as good as it could be.
Iron Bull: By the way, Varric, you write some nice fight scenes.
Varric: Well, thank you. I'm surprised you think so. They're not exactly realistic.
Iron Bull: I figured that out when the good guy did a backflip while wearing a chain mail shirt.
Varric: And that didn't bother you?
Iron Bull: Back in Seheron, I fell on a guy who tried to stab me in the gut. I felt the blade chip as it went through my gut and hit my back ribs. But I was alive, and on top. I sawed through the armor on the rebel's neck, back and forth, until it went red. I don't need a book to remind me that the world is full of horrible crap.
Varric: Impossible swashbuckling it is.
Meanwhile, this bit is surprisingly layered.
First off, there is Bull's retelling and describing the way he dealt with the Vint while bing impaled as "realistic". If this was not a world with magical healing such as potions or poultices he'd had died from this incident, due to infection if nothing else. That's meant as a bit of meta irony.
But the actual meat of this, is that Varric is just letting Bull rant.
The whole "Backflip while wearing chainmail armor" is something Hawke can literarily do in DA2, Provided you are a rogue Hawke and has high enough stats. If so, when hit by a trap, Hawke will simply backflip out of the way, even if wearing chainmail armor.
It is the kind of shit that for a long was normal for Varric, and he writes it into his fight scenes(Which he has a self dig at calling them not realistic, despite having seen shit like that for himself all the time).
But he doesnt say any of that.
Instead he just lets Bull rant, get it out there how shitty he really feels, because varric knows when to talk, and when to listen, and here is a time to listen.
Varric: So, Bull. You and Dorian?
Iron Bull: Mm-hmm.
Varric: "Two worlds tearing them apart, Tevinter and Qunari, with only love to keep them together."
Dorian: I don't see how this is even remotely your business, Varric.
Iron Bull: Could you make it sound angrier? "Love" is a bit soft.
Dorian: Please stop helping the dwarf.
Varric: How about passion?
Iron Bull: Yes, that's better. Love is all starlight and gentle blushes. Passion leaves your fingers sore from clawing the sheets.
Dorian: You could at least have had the courtesy to use the bedposts.
Iron Bull: Hey, don't top from the bottom.
Varric: Passion it is, then.
Also, i wanna highlight his banter with bull, if he and dorian hook up, and if both are with him in the party. It's really the only bit of Dorian varric banter with real character meat to it, as it puts Dorian's rarely seen tsundere side on full display, and why he makes such a good match with the easy going, yet equally passionate iron bull.
Iron Bull: Hey, Varric, I was reading your stuff... Where do your bad guys come from?
Varric: Well, some of them come from Tevinter and some are Ben-Hassrath spies... but I like the stories where the villain was the man beside you the whole time. The best villains don't see themselves as evil. They're fighting for a good cause, willing to get their hands dirty.
Iron Bull: All right, that's really deep and all, but I meant where do the bad guys come from literally? The way you write it, it's like they just fall from the sky and land on top on the hero.
Varric: I like to leave some things to the reader's imagination.
Also, final bit i'll cover of these two here. It's both a meta hit of writing in that it's supposed to be about solas, but can also apply to Iron bull, and is a self depreciating dig on the single worst gameplay mechanic from DA2.
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So, as with Cole and Dorian, im not covering this sequence of banter as it doesn't really reveal much about Varric as a character. Its generally just Sera trying her usual bullshit, and Varric taking the piss out of her, much to her frustration.
Im not exactly a big fan of Sera, and even here, where most of their dialogue is about Varric basicaly running rings around her, don't really makes me smile.
There is one bit of banter though, that i do want to highlight.
Sera: (sing-song) La la la la la, Sentinals are shits.
Varric: Like it or not, Buttercup, that’s where you come from.
Sera: Says the undwarfiest dwarf ever!
Varric: Fair enough. Paragons can be shits too.
So, this one i feel is extremely important, for the reason that it goes to showcase that 1. Sera doesn't understand Varric in the slightest, and 2. Really goes to showcase Sera's complete and total lack of self awareness, and just how out of touch she is, raiding other people's homes, and calling them shits for defending themselves.
But that second one i'll save for Sera's banter review.
For this one, I want to highlight how Varric, just like Dorian understands and more importantly loves the Culture he originates from. He knows how shitty dwarven culture can be, and will never avoid taking the piss out of it for all it's flaws, but he also admires it. He admires their ability to create marvels, their grit and determination that has seen them take on the Darkspawn for a hundred years and still stand, and the individuals that stood up and above the rest to serve as legends, just like Hawke and the Inquisitor.
There is a reason his hangouts in both games are decorated full of very traditional dwarven furniture. Because he wants to live in a home that looks dwarven.
Because the past is important.
It's a bit of wisdom he tries, and fails to impart to Sera, that you simply trying to pretend your roots don't exists never works. And he's right. Even though Sera never admits wrong on her own part, she fully admits she burnt out on this spiteful hatred in Tresspasser.
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Solas and Varric's banter though, is far, far more interesting.
Both of them are tricksters, both value the past greatly in their own way, both understands the power of a story, both of them lie to the Inquisitor, and both would rather remain the side character than step up to take the spotlight.
And yet they are different. Opposites almost.
One of Varric's defining feature as a person is that he cares about all his friends and how those friendships transcends the chains of status, having become friends with dwarves, Qunari, kossiths, humans, elves, templars, mages, seekers, antivans, fereldens, kirkwallers, orlesians, tevinters, anders, revains, avvar, and so on.
Solas single defining feature is how he sees everyone he does not knows except for his own, very small list of what he considers countrymen, as not things, and is willing to destroy the world for them to prosper.
Varric stays out of the spotlight cause he likes being the power behind the throne. Solas does it because as the Herald's Judas, he doesn't want anyone to question the many, many questions about him further than they have to.
Varric lives in the present, but respects the past. Solas in the past, and is terrified of the present.
Which leads to some of the most interesting banter in the game.
Solas: By the end of Hard in Hightown, almost every character is revealed as a spy or a traitor.
Varric: Wait, you read my book?
Solas: It was in the Inquisition library. Everyone but Donnen turned out to be in disguise. Is that common?
Varric: Are we still talking about books or are you asking if everyone I know is a secret agent?
Solas: Are there many tricksters in dwarven literature?
Varric: A handful, but they're the exception. Mostly they're just honoring the ancestors. It's very dull stuff. Human literature? Now there's where you'll find the tricky, clever, really deceptive types.
Solas: Curious.
Varric: Not really. Dwarves write how they want things to be. Humans write to figure out how things are.
Solas questions Varric about the to him, alien Dwarven liturature, trying to figure out what the new, "lesser" dwarves might write about when no longer part of a hivemind.
Varric gives it to him straight, but there is a deeper bit of character here.
Varric is able to explain this to Solas, because as a man who understands Dwarven culture, strengths, flaws, and weaknesses, and how it ticks, as well as undoubtedly having read a lot of dwarven literature, Varric is able to point out all it's shortcomings, or more accurately the way Human and Dwarven literature trends differentiate due to different cultural values.
Varric: You really spend most of your time in the Fade?
Solas: As much as is possible. The Fade contains a wealth of knowledge for those who know where to look.
Varric: Sure, but I don't know how you dream, let alone wander around in there.
Varric: Especially when the shit that comes out of the Fade generally seems pretty cranky.
Solas: So are humans, but we continue to interact with them... when we must.
Here Varric pries a bit into a topic he(If you took him with you in night terrors) only has experienced once before for himself, from someone who knows more about the fade and the veil than anyone.
Solas ends it on a much darker note than Varric assumes though, as what he means is, we have to tolerate them "for now."
Solas: Is it true that the entire dwarven economy relies upon lyrium?
Varric: Mostly. We've got the nug market cornered as well.
Solas: And the dwarves of Orzammar have never studied lyrium?
Varric: If they have, they certainly haven't shared anything up here. Why?
Solas: It is the source of all magic, save that which mages bring themselves.
Solas: Dwarves alone have the ability to mine it safely. I wondered if they had sought to learn more.
Varric: The folks back in Orzammar don't care much about anything but tradition.
So here we have Varric flat out bullshit Solas in several ways. He knows way more about lyrium than most, having studied red lyrium himself, and yet he does not give that information to Soals, the way he does with the Herald, showing that deep down, Varric trusts you far more than Solas, if not as much as Hawke.
He also knows that both surface and underground Dwarves have deeper knowledge of lyrium than any human, being it's the source of all the enchantments and magic, and that while they might not know it's origins, they understand how it works, and how to use it, transport it, store it, and so on.
If there is one thing Orzammar is good at, and not stuck in tradition, it's exploiting Lyrium to the hilt.
And yet he bullshits Solas about it completely. Because this is an early banter, the likely reason is simply that he does not trust him.
Which given his other important lies is not surprising.
And solas later recognizes this.
Solas: I find the fall of the dwarven lands confusing.
Varric: What's so confusing about endless darkspawn?
Solas: A great deal, although that is a different matter. Dwarves control the flow of lyrium. They could tighten their grip on it.
Varric: It's hard to get the attention of the humans when the darkspawn aren't up here messing with their stuff.
Solas: You're active in the Carta. You know your people could tug the purse strings. You could claim sovereign land on the surface, or demand help restoring the dwarven kingdom, but you don't.
Varric: You're not saying anything I haven't said myself, Chuckles. Orzammar is what it is
Solas Attacks Varric's arguments from adifferent angle here, without directly calling him a liar from the banter before, as he points out just how much power Orzammar has through it's economic might, how even if they know how to use Lyrium so effectively, they haven't been wielding that might to effecrively hammer out an anti Darkspawn coalition to crush the darkspawn in their own dens and wipe them out from the source.
Realistically, the dwarves are rhe only ones who could see it done, and yet they havent. Because before Bhelen, there was never a king willing to upend the entire system to get results.
Varric doesn't actually give his direct thoughts in this bit of banter, but it goes into future ones. Before that though, im gonna quickly cover another bit of banter.
Solas: Do you ever miss life beneath the earth? The call of the Stone?
Varric: Nah. Whatever the Stone - capital S - is, it was gone by the time my parents had me.
Solas: But... do you miss it?
Varric: How could I miss what I never had?
Varric: But say I did have that sense, that connection to the Stone. What would it cost me?
Varric: Would I lose my friends up here? Would I stop telling stories?
Varric: I like who I am. If I want to hear songs, I'll go to the tavern.
Solas: You are wiser than most.
Solas worships the past, to such a degree that he thinks being part of a hivemind under the titans, must have been better for the Dwarves, because of what it allowed them to accomplish by magic, and more importantly that it's what they used to be.
And what they used to be, must be better than what they are now, because the past is better.
Meanwhile Varric is content with the present. He never had stone sense, so why worry about it? Why dream of it, why become his parents? That would be absolutely awful, so why not embrace what you have now.
Though Solas doesn't know it, his backhanded praise here is actually even moreso than he knows.
Its backhanded by intention, because he acknowledges that varric is wiser than those who would wail about their lost glory... But as we'll see in the following banter, he regards all Dwarves, regardless of wheter they are like Varric, as lessers and fools. So varric is better... But he is still a fool.
Meanwhile, on Varric's part, it's even more backhanded than Solas intends because Varric is doing exactly what he's saying he isn't here.
Dreaming of glory days when all was simplier and he was a happier man. He's not dreaming of stone sense itself, but the sentiment is the same.
And he knows it. That's one of the saddest things about Varric in DAI. He became his parents, his worst fear, but he's very much aware of that fact.
Solas: Is there at least a movement to reunite Orzammar and Kal-Sharok?
Varric: What is it with you, Chuckles? Why do you care so much about the dwarves?
Solas: Once, in the Fade, I saw the memory of a man who lived alone on an island. Most of his tribe had fallen to beasts or disease. His wife had died in childbirth. He was the only one left. He could have struck out on his own to find a new land, new people. But he stayed. He spent every day catching fish in a little boat, every night drinking fermented fruit juice and watching the stars.
Varric: I can think of worse lives.
Solas: How can you be happy surrendering, knowing it will all end with you? How can you not fight?
Varric: I suppose it depends on the quality of the fermented fruit juice.
Solas: So it seems.
Solas:: I am sorry to have bothered you with my questions about your people Varric. I see so much of this world in dreams. Humans, my own people, even qunari. Dwarves alone were lost to me, save scattered fragments of memory where some spirit cared to watch. Now I know why I see so little.
Varric: And why is that?
Solas:: Dwarves are the severed arm of a once mighty hero, lying in a pool of blood. Undirected. Whatever skill of arms it had, gone forever. Although it might twitch to give the appearance of life, it will never dream.
Varric: I'd avoid mentioning that to any Carta, Chuckles. They might not take it the right way.
Varric: What's with you and the doom stuff? Are you always this cheery or is the hole in the sky getting to you?
Solas: I've no idea what you mean.
Varric: All the "fallen empire" crap you go on about. What's so great about empires anyway?
Varric: So we lost the Deep Roads, and Orzammar is too proud to ask for help. So what? We're not Orzammar and we're not our empire.
Varric: There are tens of thousands of us living up here in the sunlight now, and it's not that bad.
Varric: Life goes on. It's just different than it used to be.
Solas: And you have no concept of what that difference cost you.
Varric: I know what it didn't cost me. I'm still here, even after all those thaigs fell.
Solas: You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back.
Varric: Ha, you've got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back.
Solas: How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight?
Varric: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right?
Solas: Yes.
Varric: But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone.
Varric: That's the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you've got, it takes. And it's gone forever.
Varric: The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That's as close to beating the world as anyone gets.
Solas: Well said. Perhaps I was mistaken
This entire banter line is about Varric and Solas.
On solas part it's about his very well spoken and articulated racist opinions on the modern dwarves compared to those who came before and trying to rack his brian around them not going to the lengths he himself would have gone to save their race.
Also the fact they are no longer part of the Titan hivemind. He's really stuck on that for reasons we don't really fully understand.
However, far, far more importantly this is about Varric's entire storyline in DAI.
Varric talks about Orzammar, about the loss of the deep roads, and yet they are all still there, still fighting, still marching on, rather than laying down and dying.
That is the true strength of the Dwarven race.
The ability to keep going even after losing everything. The original dwarves lost the titans and their magic. They marched on.
The dwarven empire lost the deep roads, and all but two thaigs. They marched on.
The surface dwarves lost their caste the last remains of their magic, and their status in dwarven society. They marched on.
Varric lost kirkwall. He lost his entire friend group that was the people who he loved more than any other group of people he has ever know. He lost his home that he grew up in and loved. He lost his parents and he lost Barthrand, the only remaining family he had, and who despite it all deeply, deeply loved. He lost Bianca, a teenage infatuation he never was able to get over.
And he lost Hawke. Either to Anders kickstsrting the war, or to the fade.
He lost everything he loved.
And yet He. Marched. On.
Varric's story in DAI is an understated one, one that isn't really given story focus, but unlike all the rest of the attempts at telling a more subtle story with the companions, this one actually worked.
Varric's story, is about his march onwards.
He lost everything due to Anders actions, and yet here he is. Marching forward through life. He hasn't laid down and died. He's still here. He's still fighting.
He still has hope.
And so he marches on through the twilight of his life, and keeps going, even if he loses Hawke forever... He keeps going, and he makes it through his depression, and grief to make a new life for himself in Kirkwall.
A new Kirkwall, but Kirkwall nonetheless.
Solas: That crossbow is remarkable, Varric. I am surprised the dwarves have not made more of them.
Varric: The woman who made Bianca would rather that not happen. Wars are bloody enough as it is.
Varric: A crossbow that fires this far and this quickly with so little training? Every battle would be a massacre.
Solas: Indeed. I am surprised, not disappointed.
Here we get a lot of insight into Varric... But also a moment of great moral ambiguity.
Everything Varric says here is true... But it would also mean his people finally, finally being able to destroy the darkspawn for good and all. Such a tech advantage would allow them to wipe the blighted Creatures from existence with ease.
Varric is more than brilliant enough to understand this... But he chooses not to think about it, or wheter it's a good course of actions, because he is shackled to Bianca even now, even still.
Bianca wants this crossbow not to be on the market, so he doesn't put it on the market, regardless of good or bad.
Varric: Hey Chuckles, do you ever play Wicked Grace?
Solas: I'm not much of a gambler anymore.
Varric: You don't have to play for real coin, that's just for keeping score.
Solas: What do you play for?
Varric: Conversation mostly. That way I win no matter how the cards fall.
This is a followup to Varric's original introductionary short story from way back in the day.
From that one we learn that Varric doesn't actually drink anything served at the Hanged man, he just orders a wine glass or beer mug, because he knows people get nervous if you don't drink in a bar, so he crafts an illusion to aid him in his rogue life.
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So like a number of these I'm not gonna cover them in full, as while good, and well written, and paints a very clear picture of Vivienne, they're not exactly deep character pieces for Varrix... But I do wanna cover a few.
Vivienne: Am I to understand, Varric, that you knew the apostate who destroyed Kirkwall's chantry?
Varric: Unfortunately, yes.
Vivienne: What could he possibly have hoped to accomplish with such madness?
Varric: Exactly what he got: a whole lot of innocent people killing each other.
Vivienne: I take it he's no longer on your Wintersend gift list.
Varric: Depends. Does a flaming sack of bronto dung count as a gift?
Vivienne: Only if you tie it with a silk ribbon, my dear.
More Varric hating Anders, and laying all the blame of the Mage Templar Wars and ruining his life on him.
Vivienne: Tell me, Varric, who is the protagonist of this serial?
Varric: You know, we're so far into spoiler territory right now, I think I better stop talking.
Vivienne: Come now, darling. You can tell me.
Varric: Not on your life, Iron Lady. The best way to ensure a book's nevered finish is to tell someone your entire plot.
More Varric showcasing he cannot stand spoilers coming out, and it destroys his entire ability to write.
Vivienne: You know, Varric darling, I read your Hard in Hightown.
Varric: You did? Seriously?
Vivienne: Most of the Imperial Court did. It was in fashion a few winters ago.
Varric: Just how much gold is my publisher stealing from me?
One detail i really like about Varric, is that he tries to create this image of himself as always bring in control and all that... And then he has moments like this where his regular ass publisher swindles him for a shit ton of money.
Vivienne: How many chapters will this book be, Varric dear?
Varric: Well, the first one will come out in twelve chapters.
Vivienne: The first one?
Varric: I've read enough Orlesian fictions to know you never tell a story there in fewer than three complete books. They think you're just warming up after one.
Vivienne: And what happens to the scheming duchess in the first book?
Varric: Are you asking for spoilers, Madame De Fer?
Vivienne: Hints, darling. Not spoilers.
More Varric showcasing he understands other cultures and how they write stories.
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zarvasace · 4 months
Hey gamers! Would you like your very own physical copy of a LU Shatterproof story?
Well then do I have the overdesigned project for you! This document has the same text as the AO3 story bonds, the Valentine’s 2024 special, but it has been sized and laid out correctly for a physical booklet! All you need is a printer that can print grayscale and double-sided, scissors, and maybe a stapler.
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Find the PDF on Google drive here. (This is my creation, so please don't edit the PDF or remove credit thank you! If you want a different layout or something let me know and I might be able to hook you up!)
Instructions for assembly below the cut.
Download the PDF and press the print button. (The file is called "240225_bondsquarto2_typeset")
If you'll notice, the pages are all out of order. That's because it's meant to be folded in a specific way! (Troubleshooting: I noticed that opening this pdf in Firefox took out some of the words, specifically in Legend's section. I suggest opening in Edge or Chrome or something.)
Print Settings:
Portrait layout
Double-sided: print on both sides, SHORT edge flipping.
Letter paper size.
Fit to printable area for most printers (will have a white border on some edges) or actual size if your printer can go edge-to-edge. Messing with margins and trying to get that right is what took me forever. You could fit to printable area and then trim the margins off if you really feel like it.
1 page per sheet.
You should end up with two sheets that look like this:
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Fold the first sheet short edge to short edge. Crease that really well, then open it up and cut it nicely along the crease. A straight edge cutter, or ruler and blade, would be nice but I just did scissors.
Progress so far:
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Now fold and cut the other sheet exactly the same way. Arrange the pieces in this order:
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Now set them all nicely together and fold all of it in half. You could do each sheet one by one but it isn't that long. Make sure to crease that fold really well!
Then staple or sew the edges, or bind however else you want. I used a stapler. Red thread would be really thematic though.
And ta da! You have your very own limited edition copy of bonds! :)
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Last step: take photos and tag me so I can see how you did it!!
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 4 months
AMVs/PMVs: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week, we have AMVs and PMVs! This week's format is slightly different so check under the cut for 15 fan videos that are focused on Caleb, Essek or Shadowgast ; and don't forget to comment and leave a like if you like them!
Fire on Fire [A Tribute to Shadowgast] by Lilith KB (1:29, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Beautiful art of affection and desire between the two wizards set to a song about these very things.
Reccer says: The art is beautiful and so is the song.
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Home To Me {Critical Role Shadowgast PMV} by ShadowedKing and Sinister Suns (0:55, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek comes home to Caleb and drops his disguise. They embrace happily.
Reccer says: It's short, but incredibly sweet. It acknowledges the fact that there's still plenty of danger in their lives, but shows them in a sweet and happy moment together. It's also colourful in a way that matches the exuberance of the song and the scene.
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A GOOD MAN - Complete Essek Thelyss PMV MAP by MAP hosted by Fieldtowns (name of channel: field) (4:27, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: cartoony depictions of blood and violence (2:03-06), cartoony mutated Lucien and blood (2:34-38), bloody sword and wounded Caleb (3:11-26)
The PMV follows the story of Essek, from his initial crimes, through his inner conflict upon meeting Caleb and the Nein and their tribulations, to his happy ending with Caleb and a group of friends.
Reccer says: There are lots of beautiful pieces of art in the PMV (some focused on Shadowgast, some on Essek himself or on Essek with the Nein) and the song fits Essek's story very well.
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Essek Love Like You - Shadowgast Animatic (SPOILERS up to Critical Role C2E97) by Skye Blu (0:26, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek realizes the error of his ways when he meets Caleb and falls for him. He struggles to understand the forgiveness he is offered.
Reccer says: The style is so incredibly cute, it's unreal - the way chibi Essek yoinks the beacon, the way he and chibi Caleb (chibleb?) look at each other, the forehead smooch - it's just the cutest little animatic. I also love, love, LOVE the choice of song - it's a perfect description of how Essek might think of himself and of Caleb.
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HOW TO BE A HEARTBREAKER - A CALEB WIDOGAST PMV by FatalDebonaire (3:40, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: Slight flash warning
A beautifully drawn exploration of Caleb throughout CR canon and the people that he loves/loved and that loved him.
Reccer says: The art is beautiful and evocative, with small details hidden throughout. The expressions and the timing with the song are so well thought-out.
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i don't know how to love him by nobody _ (3:56, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek has himself a little crisis about having feelings for Caleb. Turns out that - uh, oh - so does Caleb - but at least he has a kitty for moral support. Unresolved pining and conflicted feelings.
Reccer says: The style of the animatic is simple, but cute, especially Caleb's freckles (and his cat!). It's a great song for these two - Essek has indeed been "changed, yes really changed", Caleb at the point where this animatic seems to be taking place probably "just wouldn't cope" if Essek confessed his feelings, and they both scare each other, love each other, want each other. It's a sweet idea altogether.
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I Wouldn't Change a Thing by MAP hosted by ShadowedKing (3:50, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: few and far between depictions of blood
Starting with some parallels between the two wizards, the PMV takes us on a tour of all the highlights of their journey together, culminating in a series of art pieces imagining their future together with such fanon staples as gardening, cats and a disguised Essek visiting Caleb's classes.
Reccer says: The choice of song is inspired and the song itself is cute and upbeat. The PMV makes ample use of the song's lyrics, often juxtaposing them with truly hilarious - or tragic (or both) - events. My favourite has to be "even when I'm at your mothers" being juxtaposed first with the fight against Trent, then with the visit at the Ermendruds' grave. Talk about a variety of feelings one video can make you feel! The variety of art styles, from cartoony to very much out there (/positive) styles, means everyone will find something for themselves, and the artists simply must be commended on the effort they clearly put into the illustrations, from gorgeous portraits of the two main characters, through other characters, to the backgrounds ranging from cosy wizardly offices to Aeorian caves and starry skies. It features a breathtakingly gorgeous depiction of the forehead kiss, and perhaps the cutest greying aging Cartoonleb I've ever seen.
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critical Role AMV: Essek's Promicedland (sketch version) by Isabel Silva (2:57, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Esseks growth from before the campaign up to him teaming up w the group for Aeor
Reccer says: Wonderful take on Essek's journey, A+ song choice
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Critical Role- Curses by Starry Paw prints Art (3:49, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
a Caleb-centric PMV set to Curses by the Crane Wives
Reccer says: Really captures the feeling of Caleb's character journey from traumatized hobo wizard to person capable of accepting love and confronting his past. One note: I think the artist began work on this before C2 ended, so nothing post Vergessen is covered.
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Ares - A Caleb Widogast Critical Role Animatic by 42paintbrushes (3:33, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb Widogast's arc from backstory to epilogue set to Ares by Winter's Island
Reccer says: It hits story beats with song beats like they were made for each other
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Essek Thelyss - Liar Animatic by Cal (3:29, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek across the duration of the series, from the start of his betrayal up to and including Aeor
Reccer 1 says: Absolutely perfect song choice for Essek Reccer 2 says: This song is quite fitting for Essek and the art is very expressive
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The following two videos each had two recs:
Lovely Night (shadowgast animatic) by Mystery Animator (1:58, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek and Caleb flirt under a starry sky, claiming not to have feelings for each other, but - of course - kissing in the end.
Reccer 1 says: The teasing tone of the song is a cool choice for the two wizards. I love their flirty looks and body language - it's incredibly cute, and my favourite has got to be Essek pulling Caleb by the scarf on the "I know you look so cute in your polyester suit" (and the blush on Essek's face when they inevitably kiss). The sky and the dancing lights are a pretty and romantic background and the frame of other members of the M9 spying on them from the bushes is hilarious. Reccer 2 says: Wonderfully choreographed and overall amazing
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All Time Low | Shadowgast Animatic/AMV | Critical Role Campaign 2 by TJ Makes (3:28, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: Some blood as Caleb is attacked by the Volstrucker prisoner
A depiction of Caleb and Essek's coming together and thier individual "all time lows", times in thier lives where they were at their lowest, and later, how they pull each other up and thier connection makes them better.
Reccer 1 says: I like the evocative art frames, the scenes the artist chose to depict and the story told through that. Reccer 2 says: I really love the style and particularly Essek's design. The animatic imagines some additional scenes that are quite touching and shows canonical ones is very expressive ways. It's wonderful how much emotion can be shown with subtle changes in their eyes, eyebrows, gentle smiles. The creator chose to show the scenes in non-chronological order, and managed to create a sequence which matches the swells and silences of the song.
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This video received three recs!
Would That I by aeli.tan.art (2:40, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes, blood, mostly symbolic, all violence merely implied
a depiction of the Caleb and Essek's first meeting, their infatuation and inner turmoils about their pasts, and their choice to embrace happiness.
Reccer 1 says: I adore the art, the expressions are on point and each frame is very evocative, telling the story of coming together in a beautiful way. Reccer 2 says: Wonderful Reccer 3 says: The choice of song is amazing. I love the world building - Essek's ears, his non-human pupils, the Kryn jewellery (which will come back later in the video to punch you in the heart, I warned you), the way spells look. The imagery in the video - when Caleb stops Essek from running, but it's not aggressive, it's almost like a dance pose, the ash left on Essek's cheek, the bloodied chains, the crash into the light, and again, the return of jewellery to mean something beautiful. And lastly, but not least, the emotion behind it - the pure joy in Caleb's smile as he masters a spell, the fondness in Essek's eyes, and speaking of eyes - how expressive they are when they're often the only part of Essek visible on the screen! Amazing. By far my favourite Shadowgast animatic of all time.
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with hidden gems (less than 150 kudos)!
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letshaikyuu · 1 year
can i um request sugar daddy au with kuroo bokuto ushi and iwa 😔👉👈
> haikyuu's sugar daddies.
a/n: i love this request and the amount of comments my friends and i make about wanting sugar daddies, this request is right up my alley AND APPARENTLY, there are 7 types of sugar daddy relationships so let's get started
warnings: if you don't like money or sugar daddies, do scroll past and i do mention sex a few times so under the cut ✂
> kuroo tetsurou
"Sugar dating - combines the intertwined life of companionship with sex"
i can't see Kuroo as only being a behind the scenes man and sending you large amounts of cash out of the blue. nu uh, he's too interested in other people's lives, especially the life of his sugar baby.
the relationship will quickly developed if kuroo finds you interesting and his interest shows with him sending larger and larger sums of cash with each transaction.
as written above, sex does end up becoming a staple of this situation of yours. mind you, he is very upfront about his desires, so he immediately tells you that this situationship might turn sexual, giving you the opportunity to back out.
he does bribe you into doing things like: "if you give me a kiss, i'll give you 10€" or "give me a blow job and i'll buy you that new phone you've wanted"
> bokuto kotarou
"Compensated dating - monetary or material compensation for grabbing a coffee, a meal or attending a specific event together"
i don't think he'd have time or think much about having a partner, especially with a life as busy as his. so, that's where a sugar baby would come in! honestly, questions this possibility very frequently, but gives in in the end.
i feel like he'd ask you first how much money you'd like to be sent and if you need the number to be raised. will splurge on you all the time if you don't tell him to stop.
if he takes you out for coffee, it's a super pleasant experience because he's super nice and interesting to be around, and if he sees you reacting well to him, his behaviour and jokes, you bet your bank account is going to be singing as you finish your cup of coffee.
takes you to volleyball events as his "partner" and boy, the money you get afterwards is unbelievable. never pushes you too far and only does PG-13 things.
> ushijima wakatoshi
"Compensated companionship” includes a wider range of activities and often involves the person becoming more intertwined in the man’s life.
he'd want his sugar baby to be more of a partner to him, but without being labeled such? that sounds like such an asshole move, but oh well. also, this type of companionship rarely includes sex, like in this case.
he just wants someone who is willing to come to his games, greet him afterwards and go back to his place for a nice celebratory meal - no strings attached.
also the one who splurges unbelievable amounts of money and still thinks he's giving you too little. texts you quite often and asks of you to accompany him to the store, go buy some new gear for him and so on...always ends up buying you some stuff as well.
very very open about this situationship and isn't afraid to talk to anyone about it. it's his money and time he's spending with you, so why would anyone care about what he does?
> iwaizumi hajime
"Pragmatic love - the sugar baby is more than happy to let a sugar daddy care for them, and hopes eventually to be in a romantic, long-term relationship with him."
come on, who wouldn't want to end up with this man? he's like the epitome of all that's sexy, manly and appealing to the eye AND he's super cute and nice, so totally understandable. at first, he doesn't even know the effect he has on you.
out of the four, i believe he's the one who'd most likely convert or "upgrade" your situationship into a real relationship because iwaizumi seems like an emotional person - he loves love.
he also loves taking care of people, so besides giving you money for everything you need, he frequently invites you over to his place for a nice home cooked meal, movie marathon, some good sex if it's his birthday and such...it hits him pretty quickly that he's fallen for his sugar baby.
you don't have to wait long for him to properly ask you and start referring to you as his partner and not just someone he spends his money on because it feels nice to care for others.
ending note: i forgot how annoying it is to tag things here...
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
I would looove a part 2 for "warmth in cold places", the ending was so cute and I wanna see more of their relationship now that they're both in safe haven and have more time to get to know each other, and what they're feeling.
I have been wanting to do a part 2 for a while, so I guess this is my opportunity lol.
This is not gonna be nearly as long as the first part, though, don't worry.
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SUMMARY: Fem!Reader x Minho. Continuation of Part 1, in which the reader and Minho must navigate their complicated relationship in their new-found safety.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some suggestive themes and dumb teenagers, spice purely because the content is more suggestive, but really nothing explicit.
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Yours and Minho's friendship has definitely become an interesting staple of the Safe Haven.
A Right Arm member pretending to be a WCKD ally, who fell for the torture victim you were secretly trying to protect. And the feeling was mutual.
Except, with the troubles you've both faced and the mental and physical scars you've endured, you've decided to just see what happens- and everyone in the Safe Haven is invested.
Of course, the pair of you have remained close. You spend hours talking and can often be found eating together or avoiding work to have a chat. You surprisingly have a lot in common- similar wants and ideals and feelings about topics. It isn't uncommon for you to be caught sending sarcastic glances or eye rolls to each other when someone says something you don't agree with.
Though, everyone seems to know what's happening- and they want to know what happens next.
The remaining Gladers from Minho's side, and the girls from Group B. And you have Vince and the other Right Arm members breathing down your neck.
I guess you've all been living in a state or perpetual dread for the past couple of years, which has led to complete boredom now that the initial relief has passed. Just because you and Vince have your hands full, does not mean everyone else does.
Minho is coming into himself more. Finding his footing and slowly processing the grief he's been plagued with.
You, however, are his favourite distraction.
You've maintained a friendship, as you'd both agreed- but Minho would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy watching you do your job.
Back in the Glade, the boys would often talk about the type of woman they wanted. A lot of them held up old and sexist ideals of wanting a caretaker and a traditional 'mother' type. Obviously, a few boys scoffed at this, Alby and Frypan amongst this crowd.
But when Minho said he wanted someone powerful, the boys were a little taken aback. He wanted a girl that could best him if she wanted to- someone that could keep up with him. He enjoys friendly competition and debates, so it's a mystery why anyone was shocked.
But, they get it now.
Gally, Thomas and Frypan are starting to understand why Minho likes you. You seem to always know what you're doing, you help out wherever you can and, most importantly, Minho is yet to beat you in a fight, physical or otherwise.
"You have an audience again," Vince comments as your fists slam into the punching bag strung up in a small training area of the Safe Heaven you constructed.
You decided to start training some of the people you've saved along your journey. You might be safe here, but it's better to be prepared if anything bad happens.
"Don't I always?" You're wearing a sports bra and some baggy trousers you found. Flexible and easier to fight in. Vince is obviously referring to the small collection of Group A boys that watch you at all times. They're mainly teasing Minho as he stares at you- but some of your friends like to joke they all have a crush on you.
"What's going on with that, anyway?"
"With what?"
"You know what," Vince casually leans on the support beam holding up the bag of sand. He raises his eyebrow as you falter slightly, having to correct your stance from your slight misstep.
"Didn't know you were so interested in my love life."
"Your love life would have to actually exist for me to be interested in it."
You kick the bag at full force, making it swing back and hit the support, causing Vince to stumble. "I'll take that as my answer."
"How many times do I have to tell you?" You pinch your brow. "Minho and I have decided to be friends, for now- see what happens. We've got too much shit going on to worry about that."
"It's been six months-"
"It doesn't-!" You snaps, taking a moment and sucking in a deep breath whilst lowering your hands back to your sides. "It doesn't matter. Grief isn't linear, V, okay? It could take him years to get over what he's been through. He knows where to find me when he's ready."
"But what about you?"
"What about me?"
He hesitates, sighing. "I just mean... you've done a hell of a lot, kid- none of it for yourself. You've got the patience of a Saint," he chuckles. "I just want you to be happy. I know we ain't blood, but you're my kid, kid. I made this life here for you; I don't want to watch you wait to be happy anymore."
You don't know what to say to this, not that Vince gives you much of a chance as he rubs your shoulder, walking past and going on with his day. You sigh, dropping your head as your hands come to your hair.
You had agreed to wait for Minho, but being friends with him without boundaries is proving difficult. In WCKD HQ, your objective was clear and the stressful situation stopped the tension between you from being too thick. But now, the only reason you guys aren't actually together is because, well, it just wouldn't be smart.
You're complicated people that have gone through complicated things. Until you've dealt with your own shit, trying to be more than friends could be more dangerous than beneficial. Even if Vince doesn't see that.
"What was that about?" You look up as Minho stands a couple of feet away from you, standing casually with his hands in his pockets.
You shake your head. "Nothing important. Aren't you meant to be helping Gally out with building new huts?"
"Yeah, but being a Builder wasn't ever my thing."
You walk over to him, letting him join you at your side as you both silently decide to make your way to the kitchen area.
"Yeah, well, there's not much need for Runners around here, I'm afraid."
"Eh, I'm sure I could find some reason to run." He playfully nudges you and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah? Like what?"
"I could always chase you- see how fast you are?" He grins and you scoff, shaking your head as you reach the barren kitchen. It's too early for dinner yet, thought Frypan and the other cooks should definitely have started preparing by now. They must be having an easy day.
"That's not gonna happen."
"Why not?" He leans on the counter as you slip behind it, raiding the cupboard for something to eat whilst Minho also gets you both glasses of water from the cooler. "You're clearly fighting fit."
"Yeah," you slam a bag of bread on the counter, preparing to make yourself a sandwich, "but that doesn't mean I regularly practice marathons. You only wanna run with me because it'd be the only thing you beat me at."
He feigns offence before putting the two glasses down. "I could beat you at plenty of things."
"You're full of shit."
"I could!" You put your butter knife down, looking directly at him and tilting your head.
His smile becomes more genuine as you make eye contact. It's like something melts behind his eyes and you suddenly feel very observed under his gaze. So, you go back to what you were doing. "What?"
"I didn't say anything."
"You were staring."
"Am I not allowed to stare now? I can't help it."
You glare at him and he puts his arms up to show mercy. "I'm just sayin'." He takes a sip from his drink.
There's an awkward pause. It's sometimes uncomfortable being friends with someone you have feelings for, who also openly has feelings for you- but neither of you are doing anything about it.
Though, it's better to know where he stands. Vince is right about that. You clear your throat.
"How are you... how are you feeling with... yanno?"
Minho tenses.
"I mean, better, I guess? I'm getting better, I mean. Klunk still sucks, but I'm getting there." He pauses, hesitating as he thinks of his next words. "I thought you were willing to wait for me?" His tone is lighthearted, but there's clear insecurity underneath.
"I am," you sigh, "that's not changed- sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine," he smiles, "you wanna know where I stand, I get it. Ain't nothin' wrong with that. I just need some more time, okay?"
You nod. "'Course. Take all the time you need."
"What are you shanks doing in my kitchen?"
You snort. "Last time I checked Fry, it's my kitchen."
Frypan repeats you in a mocking tone, making you laugh, playfully punching him in the shoulder as he slips behind you.
"Go on, take your klunky sandwich and scram! Shoo!" You chuckle, grabbing your food and leaving.
"I should find Vince," you tell Minho as he fully turns to listen better, "he's still tryna work out building plans and he's gonna end up punting Gally if he makes one more dickish comment."
And with that, you leave him be to go find your father figure.
"I thought you said you were ready, dude?"
Minho hesitates before turning to face his long-time friend, as Frypan casually leans on the counter top. "'Cause that ain't look like a lovey-dovey couple to me."
"Please," he scoffs, "like 175 is that typa person."
Your old Guard number has become somewhat of a nickname/inside joke. Even if you're not quite a fan.
Frypan pulls his lips into a thin line, glaring at his friend. "Dude, you told us like a week ago that you're ready and want to... take the next step. With her. So, what are you waiting for?"
Minho groans, dramatically flopping forward onto the counter top. "I don't know. I just- I don't wanna shuck it up, man."
"What? It's not like she's gonna reject you."
Unbeknownst to you, Minho has been thinking he's ready for a while now. He feels better around you- it feels right. But he's scared. Scared that your relationship might ruin things between you and this friendship that you have might get ruined with it. He loves you- even if that is just as a friend.
"I know, I know," he sighs. "She's just... she just means a lot to me. It's shucked up 'cause she literally helped hold me captive a-and I liked her back then. I don't know, I don't think I've got rid of the weird feeling that it's wrong. My stupid little crush on a WCKD Guard still makes me feel weird."
"Right," Frypan pulls his lips into a thin line. He's not quite sure what to say here. "But... it's not wrong, really, is it?"
"The shuck you talking about?"
"I mean, she was doing her job. And her job was to protect you, even if you didn't know it. You liked her 'cause she wasn't like the other Guards, because she wasn't one of them. You might not have known it, but there's nothing wrong with being attracted to the only person there that was nice to you. She risked her life for you; we all did. Thomas and Newt put on the same uniform to do their job, and that hasn't changed how you think about them, has it? Just 'cause you knew them before doesn't change that they were tryna do the same thing, even if you didn't realise it."
Minho blinks, standing up straight and putting his hands in his pockets. That's definitely an interesting perspective.
Frypan is right.
Minho is ready to take the next step with you, and what you did for a good cause doesn't matter. Even if he did think you were a bad person he gained feeling for at the time- he knows it's not true now.
So, it doesn't really matter.
He's accepted now that there are things he's never going to get over. But, he's been healing on his own and he's had enough of that. It's hard, but having someone by his side to help isn't a bad thing. He's well enough to know he'll been find being involved with someone.
He doesn't need to wait anymore.
Minho awkwardly thanks Frypan and then spends the majority of the evening waiting for you. Which goes about as well as you'd expect when you spend all your time trying to rule a small civilisation.
"Yo, Vince," he finds the leader talking to other members of the Right Arm later that day. Night has started to fall and the dark oranges of the sky is all that's left to illuminate the beach. "You seen (Y/N)? I gotta talk to her."
Vince looks him up and down, trying to repress a smirk. "She's in the meeting room. Got sick of mine and Gally's shit and kicked us out so she can figure out the building plan on her own."
"Right, thanks."
You stand in the meeting room, leaning over the table as papers scatter around you. You fiddle with the pen in your hand, twisting it around your fingers when the door opens.
"I swear I told you to piss off, Vince."
"I don't think you should be talking to your boss like that." You immediately recognise Minho's voice, looking over your shoulder at him. "Good thing he's not here to hear it, eh?"
You roll your eyes, going back to your work. "You know you're not meant to be in here without permission."
"Vince gave me permission," a beat passes, "kinda." You snort.
"Permission to harass me?" He walks over, observing what you're doing from over your shoulder. You can feel his breath on the back of your neck, and your body immediately tenses.
"More like distract you," he mumbles more to himself than you.
"Well," you clear your throat, "can't you distract me later instead?"
The question comes out as suggestive, which was not your intention and your face drops for a second as you look at him. "I mean, I didn't mean-"
"I can definitely distract you later, if that's what you want?" You turn to fully face him. His crooked smirk making butterflies form in your stomach.
"Don't start," he snorts at your stern tone but doesn't step back. "That's your decision, really." You mutter the last part.
"That's actually what I wanna talk to you about," you furrow your brows, half-sitting on the table behind you as he takes your hands into his. "I uh, I think I'm ready, yanno, to be with you."
You blink, stunned. He avoids your gaze whilst you look directly at him. "What?" Your voice comes across as too sharp, causing him to look up at you. "Sorry, I just meant when I asked you earlier, you said you weren't ready."
"Yeah, I know," he sighs, "but I spoke to Fry after you left, and he kinda talked some sense into me. I want to be with you. I'm still healing, but I'm getting better and I'm over all the klunk that happened between us in the Last City. I'm ready to be with you. I want to be with you."
You stand there, blankly, as he anxiously fiddles with your fingers. It's rare to see Minho so unsure of himself. It's actually kind of cute.
"You're really ready for a relationship?" You move your hand from his and up to his cheek. His eyes flutter for a second before he glances at your lips.
He nods, shuffling closer as your hand slips behind the back of his head, brushing the short hairs on his neck. "Are you?"
You smile softly, heart jumping out of your chest as it's now your turn to nod. You pull your lips between your teeth, eyes fixated on his lips.
He scoffs. "Shuck it." Leaning in, your noses brush for a second before you make the final move, connecting your lips.
Considering you're both inexperienced teenagers, the kiss is slightly awkward at first. Breaking away, he becomes more domineering, pushing you back and making you fully sit on the table behind you before standing in between your legs.
He kisses you again, this time you find your rhythm better. The past half a year of feelings coming to the surface as he hums into your mouth. You occasionally part, laboured breathing filling the room as you claw at his shirt.
"I love you," he breaks the kiss, mumbling into your mouth and your eyes widen. Instead of answering, you kiss him again, showing instead of telling.
The make out session is starting to turn into some heavy petting fairly quickly, until there's a knock at the door.
"Minho," Gally's voice rings from the other side, "I saw you go in there and I ain't coming' in if you guys are screwin'- but I need my shuckin' building plans."
Minho glares at the door like he's going to set Gally on fire through it if he tries hard enough. It makes you chuckle. He steps back, giving you space to jump off the table as you turn to try and organise some of the papers.
"So, I guess this makes you my girlfriend, huh?" His hands come to your waist from behind, as he kisses your cheek.
"Yeah, guess it does."
He beams, buzzing internally. "I've got a shuckin' girlfriend."
You laugh at him. "Yes, yes you do."
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I definitely had a different plan for part 2 when I wrote the first one, but I've written so much Minho content since I simply cannot remember it. So, you're getting this instead- I hope it's adequate enough lmao.
It's not as long as the first, mainly because there isn't as much plot to cover but also because the first part took me literal days to write and I have far too many requests to do that again lol.
Anyway, regardless of all that, I hope you enjoyed :))
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Episode 9 - Preview is Up! - SPOILERS & SPECULATION!
It’s time for Sports Day! 
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So, according to the summary, neither Kazuki nor Rei have ever participated in a children’s sports day, which makes sense. Rei had an unconventional childhood and Kazuki grew up without much money and without parents, so it’s unlikely that he went to daycare or preschool. 
(Thinking about, this would also explain why neither Kazuki nor Rei thought of daycare or preschool right away and only got the idea after seeing a daycare bus go by the park.)
This means that this children’s sports day will be all of their firsts! Mine too, kinda. I’ve experienced elementary school and junior high school sports days, but never a daycare/preschool sports day. I found a blog post written by a mother who went to one (I’ll link it below in the comments) and a lot of the events involve the parents in the activity.
At the elementary and junior high school level, parents usually aren’t all that involved, But at the daycare level, it seems they are! Especially for the little babies (which makes sense, because they are babies, they can’t do too much on their own).
Putting the rest under a Read More because of spoilers!
Let’s look at some of the events we can see in the preview:
Tamaire - Bean Bag Toss
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It looks like Miri is holding a white colored bean bag in her hand, so this is probably going to be some a bean bag toss game.
Here is a description of the event:
Tamaire (玉入れ) translates “Beanbag toss”, and as the name implies, it is an exciting game where students throw small beanbags into a basket hung at the top of a tall pole. Beanbags are scatted on the ground around the pole, and each bag has the color of its team, typically red or white. Teams compete against each other based on the number of beanbags in the basket. There is a time limit, and the beanbags thrown into the basket after the time ends are not worth any points.
(I’ll link to the post where I got that description below in the comments).
Tug - of - War
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Tug-of-War is a staple and is basically at every sports day and it looks like Miss  Anna is tugging at a rope here. How it will go down here...I’m not too sure. Usually you’ll see combos like the kids going against each other, or students against teachers (junior high school), or even like teachers against parents (one of the rare events where you might see parents participate in Sports Days aimed at older years). Maybe here it will be the Aozora Staff vs The Parents? Or maybe the older kids and Miss Anna vs The Parents, lol.
I don’t know! It should be pretty interesting though! Of course, I could be wrong here too, but tug-of-war would make sense.
Kumitaiso (組体操) - Maybe? Or Stretching?
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I’m not 100% sure on this one. What is kumitaiso? 
Kumitaiso (組体操) is rather a group performance than individual competition. Students work together as a team and create a variety of gymnastic formations with their bodies.
Usually they make a pyramid, but this generally tends to be for older kids, and parents have noted in more recent years that it can be very dangerous, so many schools are getting rid of it. But maybe this is a more tame/safer and more simplistic version of something like that. But they could just be doing some kind of stretching activity here. If anyone knows for sure, feel free to let me know and I’ll add the info in!
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And, of course, we have the race. According to the summary, Miri practices with Kazuki in the park and she does end up in the lead, but then she falls right before the finish line! T0T Oh no, Miri! A lesson in things being out of our control sometimes? About losing and taking it okay? Both? Something else entirely? I’m intrigued to see which it will be!
Let’s see, outside of that we have... 
Rei scouting out the daycare, lmao! XD
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It’s cute though! Rei is getting into the event in his own way.
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It seems both him and Kazuki are getting really invested in it, so this may end up being a lesson for them too (like parents centering themselves in their children’s sports activities and making it more about them than their child - you know, the parent that gets super worked up over their kid losing something, maybe kinda like Kazuki looks here: 
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But the kid will be totally fine. I can see them going with that angle. Since Buddy Daddies generally tends to be less about Miri learning some kind of lesson and more so about Kazuki and Rei learning something about parenting and themselves through raising Miri.
Changing up the focus a bit, one thing I’m really looking forward to is seeing Kazuki and Rei possibly interacting with the other daycare parents more (not just the Daycare Mamas!).
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You can spot a Daycare Papa! in the background there too. It’s also just really common to see like the whole family come out for Sports Day events, so like moms, dads, older and younger siblings, even grandparents.
The idea of Kazuki and Rei being able to take part in something so...innocent and group building is such a heartwarming idea. Though, I am also fully preparing myself for an after-credits scene that will go back to the drama at hand and Kyutaro’s decision, etc. and that’s probably going to hurt even more after this episode (likely as the writers intended, lol).
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Oh! Also, I love that we are seeing that follow through that I was hoping for from Episode 7! It seems Rei is going to be willingly choosing to make riceballs for Miri (enough that she could share them with her friends and others there too!). This lunch is going to be one that Kazuki and Rei make for their family together. T~T My heart! 
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Also, Rei learning how to make something like a riceball is such a good place to actually start (instead of French toast, which requires more basic skills and knowledge). It’s an easy (and quick) meal to learn how to make well. If they end up tasting really good too, then that can act as a very quick and easy boost to his confidence with making and preparing food. It’s such a good step in the right direction! I hope the kids and parents like his riceballs! 
Anyway, I’m going to fully appreciate this breather episode before we jump into the angst, action (probably), and drama of the final act of the series (Ep. 10 - 13).
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loveyoujohnnycade · 18 days
🪦ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Supernaturals AU
Basically the gang as mythical/fictional creatures. Might not make sense but it's ok!!! Just descriptions in this one; I might write lore about them
🖨 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ @johnnycademylove
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Part zombie, part human
Was originally human, but when he died the other Curtis brothers sewed him together with rotten parts.
Practically nonverbal; staples are also on parts of his mouth, making it harder to speak (not that he minds).
↑If he wants to talk really badly, he'll use notebooks from when he was in middle school.
Kind of doesn't take care of his hair anymore. I.E. he doesn't grease his hair, roots are showing, in desperate need of a haircut
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He basically just. spawned in... More specifically he fell from heaven when he was found guilty for treason
For the first few months he was with the gang, he consistently spoke Enochian (angel language) so Steve and Pony helped him learn proper English
Very prim and proper. Only ponyboy has ever seen him messy (happened once, but soda didn't really care because of the stitches)
He and Steve share EVERYTHING especially food. Sees Steve as a brother (because soda doesn't really care about romantic love in this AU)
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Ponyboy is his blood brother; soda was adopted due to pony's begging
When ponyboy died, Darry was devastated. Eventually he found enough strength to try and bring pony back to life (with the help of soda and dally)
His horns are sensitive to light touch such as petting. Also has a tail but is rarely shown
Loves sewing! Additionally he doesn't have to work multiple jobs bc the landlord is scared of them (who wouldn't there's legit a half zombie, angel, and minotaur in the same house)
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Has a birth defect where he doesn't have snake hair. To make up he owns 7 pet snakes (possibly 7 deadly sins?)
Has 3 sisters (medusa, stheno, euryale). When people ask him about his family he gets embarrassed when they side eye him (they think Steve is lying)
Has snake scales on parts of his face. Also wears bandage on his eyes in public (learned that the hard way, the stone statues are still there 😭)
Steve takes care of his nails, often just reshaping or giving them a trim. Also pretty clean
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Crashed through the window of the Curtis brother's house trying to catch a thief. Ended up staying way longer than he should have
Loves to fly around with Sodapop just to keep him company (canon that soda can't stay still for long)
He visits his mom and little sister often and brings trinkets and snacks. Darry comes along every once in a while
WILL SMACK THE GANG WITH HIS TAIL; it doesn't matter if it's on purpose or not, It still annoys the living shit out of them
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Mirror ghost
His back and arms have scars all over
Ponyboy pissed his pants the first time he saw johnny (he originally just lurked in the house, flickering the lights and casting shadows in mirrors)
Has a strong bond with dally and pony. If johnny isnt outside a mirror, they'll huddle inside the bathroom and talk to johnny there.
If johnny gets scared, nervous or bored he'll sometimes go inside his handheld mirror which serves as his own little room
Dresses like some sickly Victorian child
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Tried to bite soda in the middle of the night but darry caught him
Has a bat form! If two-bit and soda are out flying around in the middle of the night, he'll trail behind them to find food
Johnny lives with him; dally originally lived pretty far from the town, but when he found out Johnny got anxious because it was harder to talk to pony he moved closer to the Curtis brothers
Despises going outside. If he HAS to go out he uses a black umbrella with covers all around.
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that-irishman-fan · 4 months
night at the museum jedtavius as dads to a daughter headcanons!
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[ Full credit to the owners of the GIF and Night At The Museum, none of these characters are mine in any way! ]
FANDOM: Night At The Museum, 2006
GENRE: Headcanons, parenting au, LGBTQIA+, and fluff!
SYNOPSIS: What's its like being the daughter of Jedidiah and Octavius!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Female coded reader, angst at some parts, and minor swearing, this is meant to be fluffy!
Notes: I started these headcanons with a daughter/female reader in mind, since that's how the idea popped into my head—but I am already planning out two other parts for a son/male coded reader and for a gender neutral set in the future. I realize it would be unfair to not follow up with similar ones, since I understand my audience is absolutely not exclusively women. So, keep a watch for parts two and three to come soon!
I also want to note quickly that there will be some worldbuilding sections I've included—just adding in some extra exhibits we don't see in the first movie as a sort of behind the scenes slash for plot thing. With that said, let's dive right in!
• Let's start by establishing your role in this situation. You'd be one of the full sized models on display, much like Teddy Roosevelt and Sacagawea ( take your choice as to what historical period, it doesn't really make a difference ). You arrived a while ago as a part of a brand new exhibit meant to reignite interest in the museum. Discombobulated, frightened, and frankly lonely, you searched for friends in this strange new place. It ended up being Jedidiah, the cowboy, and Octavius, the Roman general. Both were already lovers when you came around.
• Jedidiah and Octavius wanted to try their hand at raising kids together. But because of their plight of being tiny models, they'd given up on it. Your arrival was a dream come true. You three quickly had a found family dynamic, and sure enough they took you in as their daughter. You are perfect in their eyes in every way, an answer to all their prayers.
• They'd be your gay dads, with Teddy as a grandfather, Ahkmenrah an older brother, Sacagawea a mother figure, Attila the cool uncle, and all the others your friends. Soon, you found your place amongst the others.
• Both have their own pet names for you. Jedidiah calls you little lady, missy, and pumpkin. Octavius calls you mea columba ( my dove in Latin, since I have two years of it under my belt ), darling, and my princess. You call them by their actual names, or 'daddy' for Jed and 'father' for Octavius.
• I like to think they'd put emphasis on immersing you in their respective cultures. Giving you the best of both worlds, the Wild West and the Roman Empire.
• Jedidiah would show you all the classic cowboy staples— gunfights, rodeo, catching robbers, and playing songs by the campfire. You love it when he dazzles you with stories of outlaws, broncos, and especially cowgirls.
• Octavius would let you watch his army train, teaching you military strategy; not only that, but also attending senate meetings, participating in banquets, and telling you Roman myths and legends. If you gave your best shot at any of it, they'd be so proud of you. Just having your interest is reward enough, but if you actually did it yourself? They might just die of happiness right on the spot.
• Your dads love to hear about anything and everything that you're passionate about too! Please talk to them about whatever makes you excited, and they'll be as enthusiastic as you. They make a point to be interested since you try so hard for them.
• I get the vibe that Jedtavius are more free range parents in the sense that you're allowed to go anywhere in the museum you like. Outside is off limits, of course, which you understand. However, they are old fashioned. Not to the point of chaperoning, but cautious regardless. Jedidiah and Octavius are believers in women being treated with the utmost respect, they're very chivalrous. As such, they'll be on top of things to make sure you don't get hurt. With that said, they trust you to be responsible in your own right. They're just protective, you're their sweet baby girl after all. And God forbid anyone dare to lay a finger on you the wrong way.
• When morning comes, its hard for you to return to your place. You feel empty, almost lost, knowing you'll be gawked at come daylight. By yourself without them there. Sometimes, this can bubble up into small episodes. You'll feel resentful, crying bitter tears at times or just angry on others. Jedidiah and Octavius wouldn't leave your side until you were calm, both comforting you without a hint of judgment.
• " Aw, pumpkin, don't cry. S'alright, yer Daddy ain't goin' nowhere. We'll be right back where ya found us, ya hear? " Jedidiah would coo to you.
• " No more tears, fear not. It will pass once again as it always does. Our brave girl, my little princess. " Octavius would add on, gentle as his husband.
• Every night, the minute you'd come to life, you'd run as fast as you could to the Diorama Room to be reunited with them. They're your haven, your home, your safety net. After long days of noisy crowds and superficial cares, you're revitalized in their presence. And Jedidiah and Octavius are delighted to see you again, the hole in their hearts filled when your face appears.
• On to happier things now. Jedtavius are always ready to shower you in affection. I feel Jedidiah is the gruff type, his love language being praise, affirmations, and encouragement over physical gestures. Octavius is the opposite, being very tactile. For him, it's offering you hugs, soft touches, and gentle kisses. It's really ironic considering these guys are warriors in their own ways. Two macho men who are such softies for you.
• If you don't like physical contact, though, they respect that boundary completely. They're both so loving and supportive that you never have to worry about feeling neglected.
• The size difference poses an issue. You three have learned to work around it through trial and error. They may be small, but they have big hearts and an endless amount of love to give. You're definitely their soft spots, one could say weaknesses, but they have no shame over it. Not when it's you.
• I can imagine them being saddened by your insecurities, not able to understand why you don't see how special you are. It's not disappointment at you, rather pity for you. And they're quick to reassure you, genuine in every possible sense of the word.
• " Why's our precious lil' Y/N so down in the dumps? Ya know I hate seein' a frown on that dad gum pretty face of yers. Talk to us, why're ya beatin' up on yerself so hard? " Jedidiah would say, sitting you down in front of his diorama. At your shoulder level, he'd stand next to you, putting a tiny hand on your cheek.
• And you'd tell them everything on your mind. All the things bothering you. Neither of them would interrupt you once, letting you speak. Nor would they try to discount any of your feelings. But it does pain them to see you so sad.
• " We would not lie to you, daughter. When I say you are fairer than Venus, cleverer than Minerva, and braver than Diana, I mean it. For you are beautiful, you are intelligent, and you are strong. Most of all, you are you, as you are meant to be. " Octavius would tell you, his dark eyes adoring. His lips would touch your hand as if to further make his point.
• " And yer our girl no matter what. Yer daddy and yer father love ya, missy, even when ya go gettin' yerself into trouble. We wouldn't want nobody else as our daughter, yer all we could ever ask for. " Jedidiah would grin, patting you on your shoulder.
• Okay, now onto the stuff relatively separate from Jedtavius. In your free time when you're not hanging out with your dads, you get into plenty of mischief on your own with your fellow museum residents.
• Playing with Dexter and Rex in the Hall of African Mammals, surrounded by the jungle setting. The lions, elephant, gazelles, ostrich, and zebras don't mind you for some reason, and they're quite tame around you. You like to climb the display trees, cuddling with the snakes or swinging around with the monkeys. And playing fetch with Rex in the front lobby is always fun too.
• Teddy would take you on hunts, throwing you on the back of his horse. If you really wanted to, he'd even teach you to ride. Jedidiah was enormously proud when you showed up in the Diorama Room like an equestrian show rider.
• Sacagawea and you communicate through sign language. She likes to tell you many stories of her travels with Lewis and Clark, as well as legends from her own culture. You intently listen to each one, always raptured by the brilliant way she breathes life into the old tales.
• One time you tried to help the Neanderthals light their fire. It wasn't successful, but they welcomed you as a member of their family. You don't understand most of what they say, though you're always kind to them.
• Attila would teach you swordfighting, passing down all his wisdom as a master warrior. You two love to spar, often quite viciously to the point that Larry Daley has to tell you two to knock it off before you lop off each other's heads. Both you and Attila would be fascinated by magic tricks too, eager for Larry to show you a new one every shift he takes.
• Before he released Ahkmenrah from his sarcophagus prison, you made an effort to visit the pharaoh so he wasn't lonely. You two chatted well into the night about whatever came to mind; but you had a penchant for stories of his past in Ancient Egypt. You two have a platonic relationship characterized by him being wiser, more experienced, and far more worldly than you, your big brother who you've got wrapped around your finger.
• You also like to hang out in the other exhibits too. Watching the blue whale float idly in the Marine Room, singing its beautiful songs and you doing the same for it. You've danced to many a sea shanty with the model pirates, the favorite of Captain Blackbeard. The Kushite kings, Babylonian priests, Celtic bards, noble samurai, and Viking chieftains also enjoy your company, fascinated by your wits and amicable nature.
• I headcanon that the models can hear and see their surroundings during the day, they just can't interact with them in their frozen states. You've seen thousands of faces before in all your years in the museum, but the one you always like to see is that of Dr. McPhee, the curator. He's fussy, arrogant, and pompous from what you've heard, but you couldn't help your crush on him. You wished to get to know him more. For him to see you.
• Overall, life is fantastic for you in the museum. You've got Jedidiah and Octavius, all your friends, and a great big world in one small place to call your own.
Well, that's all I've got for right now! I hope I've done this justice. It was such a cool idea, and I couldn't resist dropping everything to jot down my thoughts on it. Once again, I am planning two other parts so as to be more inclusive to my fellow menfolk and out of the binary peeps! If you want to be included in a tag list for anything Night At The Museum or my other content, please drop a comment, and I'll add you from now on! Please have a fantastic rest of your week, and thank you SO much for all your likes, reblogs, comments, and interactions. It means the world to me!
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svtminghaolove · 1 year
First time meeting you - Hyung line (ATEEZ)
Hellooooo ~ I’ve realized that I love writing the moments in the beginning/before the relationship starts. Idk why but i just do. Anywho, hope you enjoy and don’t worry “Almost breaking up” SVT vocal line will come this weekend (;
Triggers: Nope.
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Seonghwa: It was a pretty normal day, he was going out to get some food together with Wooyoung and San. They were walking the streets talking about what they should get, covered with both hats and masks to avoid too many prying eyes, even if the streets were pretty empty.
After a few minutes of walking San and Wooyoung were standing in the middle of the street arguing about which place they should get pickup from, while Seonghwa was on his phone searching for the closets place to come to an end of this discussion. Then he suddenly got this feeling that he should look at his surroundings, and that is when he saw you.
You were sitting at a café, books stapled next to you computer and an americano next to you. You were alone, but the way you suddenly laughed and said something made him believe that you were on the phone with someone. Who were you talking to? Your mom? A friend? A boyfriend? It had been about two years, but he knew it was you even though your hair had gotten longer and your style had changed.
"…Hyung!", Wooyoung snapped Seonghwa out of his trance and made him turn his gaze to them for a few seconds. "What are you looking at?", all traces of the discussion he had with San a few moments ago disappeared, and only curiosity coated his voice.
"It's her", he smiled even though he knew they couldn't see it.
"Who?", San asked and tried to follow Seonghwa's gaze.
"Her", he looked back at the guys. "The girl from when we went to Busan two years ago."
"That girl? The one who you hung out with after you got lost?", Wooyoung took a step forward and got a teasing smile on his face. "The one whose name you never got?"
"The one who got away?", San complemented to the teasing. The comments made him come back a bit to reality and he felt how the heat began to raise to his face. He turned around to shove Wooyoung’s face away as he leaned closer making kissing sounds.
"She's packing up her stuff", he turned back around at San's words. "Probably going home."
"This is your last chance", the teasing sound in Wooyoung's voice gone. "Come on, just go talk to her", and he gave Seonghwa a soft shove, making him move in the direction of the café. To be honest, he was barely aware that he was moving and when he reached out to pull open the door to the café, it slammed open at the same time.
“Yeah, I'm on my way right now so-!", and then he had a whole americano drenching his shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't look were I was going! How can I help out, oh wait I have some napkins..!", you started to search through your purse, phone still pressed against your ear.
"It's okay", and as he spoke you froze. You slowly looked up and it only took a few seconds to place the man in front of you into the pockets of your memory.
"Mom, I'll call you back", Seonghwa breathed out, it was your mom who you were talking with. "… it's you."
Normally he would be a bit stressed out at a statement like this, stressed that the person might scream and let everyone know that 'Seonghwa from ATEEZ is here!'. But he felt like you weren't looking at him like "Seonghwa from Ateez", no you were looking at him the same way you had two years ago: Surprise and joy… and maybe some excitement.
"Yeah", he smiled and took the napkins from your hand, his cold fingers brushing against yours as he did. "I'm Park Seonghwa, nice to meet you again", he stepped away from the door and you followed him without even thinking twice about it.
"I know, you face is pretty well known", you gave him a soft smile, a smile that made him feel like it was only meant for him. "I'm y/full/n, but just call med y/n.", you let out a laugh and shook your head. "I only realized a while after that I never got your name… or gave you mine.", he laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, made it hard to get ahold of you", he shifted a bit and turned his gaze to his shirt, for the first time since you spoke not looking at you.
"Oh! Yeah, here…", you started to search your bag again and pulled out a pen and some crumpled paper, your tongue peaking out at the corner of mouth as you tried to focus on not poking a hole through the paper as you started writing.
"Here!", you smiled and gave him the note. "It's my number. I'm kind of in a rush, I have to pick up my friend from the airport, but text me and I'll buy you coffee some time", you looked down at his shirt and gave him an apologetic smile. "And maybe a new shirt.", he laughed and nodded.
"I'd like that."
"Awesome!", you pointed at him as you started to walk away. "Don't forget to text me!", you yelled as you started to half jog away.
Seonghwa was all smiles when he walked back to San and Wooyoung (who finally decided on where to eat).
"So, you got her number?", San asked, looking at the paper clutched in Seonghwa's hand.
"You got her name?", Wooyoung asked, continuing on the teasing tone form earlier.
"… yeah", Seonghwa completely ignoring the teasing and looked in the direction you'd walked. "Her name is y/n."
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Hongjoong: It was during the recording of KINGDOM, and both of you were kind of blindsided. You were a dancer, and were actually not going to be on the show to begin with but when a colleague of yours had gotten sick, you where the one who had to step in.
You had known that ateez was going to be one of the groups competing but had not imagined that out of all the groups, you would be dancing with them. But as you got the song and the choreography you pretty quickly realized that, yes you were indeed going to be on stage with your ex-boyfriend. The two of hadn't had a bad breakup, it had just not worked out with him being a trainee and all that, but it just felt weird to see him for real again.
When you walked into the practice room you hoped that you would at least not be seen, even if you would see him. You hoped to just blend into the crowd of dancers around you, with almost everyone that was wearing the same black long-armed t-shirt and joggers. But, oh boy where you wrong.
It was like Hongjoong had some kind of censor that detected when you walked within ten meters radius. He felt how the hair on the back of his neck rose and a shiver crawled down his spine. He saw you the second you walked inside, trying to cover your face with a cap, but failing miserly, and walked across the room to some people you knew.
"Hyung… Hongjoon hyung!", he moved his gaze from you and looked at Yunho who had moved to stand next to him.
"Yes? Sorry, what did you say?", his gaze moved back to you, with out really having any control over it.
It had been what… three years? No, four. He didn't even know you had become a dancer. He knew you talked about it but your parents were against it, so he didn't know if you had decided to go to collage or chase your dream. Or well… now he knew.
"… -hyung!", he snapped back to Yunho who know had found the person guilty for Hongjoong's distraction "Who is she?", Hongjoong took a deep breath.
"… y/n", Yunho's eyes went wide.
"… y/n?", Hongjoong nodded and Yunho lowered his voice. "Pre debut, ex-girlfriend y/n?", he nodded again.
"Yes…", his gaze left Yunho once again and found you stretching with the other dancers.
He couldn't decide if you had changed. In some ways, the way you smiled and the way you took his breath away were exactly like he remembered but other things like the color of your hair and the way you held yourself were completely different. He had such a clear picture of you in the school uniform that it almost felt weird seeing you in normal clothes after all this time.
"Hongjoong!", the members had gathered around an were all looking at him. "Come on, lets' start the practice", San said and nodded for him to join them.
He let the members leave before him while he standing outside the practice room, using the excuse of thanking everyone for a good job to be able see you. He smiled a bit when he looked inside to see you still packing up your stuff. You had this habit, even when you were young, to always be the last one to leave. You said it left a good impressions of the employer or teacher to be the last one to leave, it showed dedication.
"y/n.", you froze when you heard your name being called out by that familiar voice that had called your name hundreds, no thousands of times before. You hadn't realized that he'd seen you, but forced yourself to relax and turn around.
"Hongjoong", you gave him a smile. A smile that had always been reserved for him, a smile that you never could hold back when talking to him. "It's been a long time", he walked closer to you, but still keeping a safe distance.
"Yeah, I didn't know you had started dancing professionally", you nodded and picked up your bag from the floor.
"I kind of found a loophole in my parents demands in terms of collage", your smile turned mischievous. "I studied dancing.", he laughed at your statement and after a few moments you joined in.
"I'm happy that you followed your dream, you always looked the happiest when you were dancing.", he smiled and for a few seconds you could see the younger Hongjoong, the one who used to tie your shoelaces so you didn't have to kneel in a skirt.
"… Thank you.", you smile and fiddled with the strap of your bag. "I've followed you guys, I love your music. Well, I always did but I'm proud that others feel the same, and that its going so well for you", Hongjoong's heart ached at your words, he wanted to reach out and take your hand or hug you, like he used to do a long time ago.
"Thank you", the two of you stood for a while, looking at each other and… just getting used with the idea of being with each other again.
After a few moments your phone beeped.
"Well… I have to go, my ride is here", you smiled and walked past him.
"You could… text me sometime if you want", he turned around to face you, and you stopped. "We could get a coffee or something. My number is the same, if you still remember it?", it sounded as if he were questioning you or something, but that wasn't his intention… at least he didn't think he meant it that way. But you just turned around and gave him a smile
"I remember", and it felt like he could finally breath. He didn't know why that had such an effect on him but it just made him relived that you still had his number.
"Good… or well not good but… you know what I mean", Hongjoong sighed and you just laughed.
"I'll text you", you waved with your phone in hand. "See you at practice tomorrow", he smiled as you turned around.
"See you!", he yelled and stayed for a few moments after you left, just embracing the feeling that was growing in his chest.
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Yunho: You still remember pretty clearly when that tall boy moved in next door to you. You were five at that time and were standing outside watching as the movers where carrying stuff into the house next to you. Your mom and dad were inside, but you had creeped outside to watch who was moving in next door, trying to peek through the fence that was separating the two lawns.
"Hello", you almost jumped at the sudden word and turned your gaze to the side. There was a small boy, about your age you would guess, standing on the sidewalk next to you.
"Hello, are you the one moving in next door?", the boy nodded.
"Yes. I'm Jeong Yun ho, I'm five years old", you clapped your hands and nodded.
"Hello! I'm y/full/n and I'm also five years old and I live over here!", you pointed to your own house. "Do you want to be friends?", The boy seemed to consider it for a few moments before nodding.
And since that day it was almost like you and Yunho was pushed together by all forces of the universe (mostly your parents to be honest). The two of you went to the same school, in the same class, your parent got along great so it wasn't unusual for the two of you to have joined dinners.
The first time in your life that you basically didn't see Yunho every single day of the week was when he became a trainee and you went abroad to go to collage. But since the two of you were so used to seeing each other you were in contact pretty often and even if you didn't actually see each other for a very long time, you still kept on being in each others daily life.
(a/n: Sorry for the short part but it's hard to write a longer "first meeting" that doesn't involve them playing tag or something. Promises that other parts will be longer <3)
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Yeosang: He was out skating to clear his head, it had been a rough week and he feared if he didn't sooth his anger he would take it out on the members.
So he had gone to a park where it was pretty usual for skaters to be, so it was rare that anyone would get angry at people skating by. What was unusual was that there was a bright orange piano in the middle of the grass area. At first he didn't think much of it, he knew there were campaigns to get people to sign up for piano lessons and if his mind didn't deceive him one of the public stunts they used was to randomly drop pianos around town.
But then he saw you. You were sitting at the piano, hair removed from your face and fingers moving over the keys. He removed his headphones and the soft melody filled the air. It seemed as if no one was paying attention to you except from him, and he was spellbound. He stood maybe 15-20 meters away and just stared, he didn't know why you made him feel like his heart was going to jump out of his chest but you did.
He slowly walked closer, taking in every detail that became clearer as he walked closer. The way your eyebrows moved with the emotions of the melody, the color of your nail polish, the way you some how managed to not realize that he was now standing next to you. But he didn't say anything, he just watched you and the way you just seemed to blend in with your music.
When the music ended he started to clap, which made you jump a bit.
"Oh!", you turned around and looked at him, not prepared to actually see anyone that was watching. "Oh, thank you!", you smiled brightly and when you met his gaze you thought your brain had stopped for a few moments. You didn't see much of his face, basically only his eyes since ha had a mask and a hat on, but it was enough to make you lose your trail of thought.
"Did you compose the song?", you stared at him for a few seconds. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Kang Yeosang.", he reached out a hand and you slowly took it.
"I'm y/n. And yes, I did.", you felt how heat rose to you cheeks and carefully let go of his hand.
"Do you play professionally?", you nodded.
"Sometimes I do, but it's more of a hobby. I'm a teacher.", you smiled at him and he nodded. The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds, and you started to realize that he was somewhat familiar.
"I'm sorry, but have we met before? You seem a bit familiar.", now that you think about it even his name sound familiar. He reached up to tug his hat down a bid further and shook his head.
"I hear that often, but no we haven't met before", he smiled and you nodded slowly and out of sheer luck you glanced down on your phone.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I have to run, I have a lesson to teach in twenty minutes!", you stood up and collected your bag from the ground.
"Oh, okay. You better hurry.", he sounded a bit confused and was kind of unsure what to do next. He just knew, somewhere deep inside of him, that he would regret letting you go.
"Wait..!", you stopped before you even started to run and turned back at him. "Can I have your number?", and for some reason you didn't even hesitate.
"Yes, it's-", normally you would never, because who would like a stranger to just be able to call you in the middle of the night, but you had a feeling that you wouldn't really mind if he did.
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jaquik · 8 months
Hi, I'm writing some Ranma 1/2 fanfiction
I suppose I might as well put this here too.
Hello, my name is Jaqui. I'm a transwoman and I'm a fan of Ranma 1/2 (I suppose that's redundant). I first read fanfiction for Ranma in the early 2000s while I was still firmly an egg. Then, in May 2020, a couple of years after I came out, I got back into it thanks to AO3. I devoured as many fics as I could and started to meet people on twitter and discord that were also into Ranma. Eventually, in early 2021, I finally decided to take a shot at writing my own fics. Now I find myself currently at 10 stories and counting. If you are interested, you can find my fics on AO3.
I also have commissioned several pieces of artwork for my fics, done by the fantastic writer and artist Fern Bedek, some of which are included below. You can find more of her work and commission her for you own stuff at https://beedokart.tumblr.com/
Finding Oneself (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29627430)
Akane is feeling down after the failed wedding, so Ranma (who is currently figuring things out about herself) offers to take her on a girls day out.
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My very first fic, a post-canon story inspired by the common yuri staple of the two girls spending the day together on a definitely not date. While trying to figure out how to set up Ranma making the suggestion in the first place, I ended up breaking her egg wide open in the first chapter. Not much of a slow burn there. I still think I did well with the story and am glad my first attempt at writing my own thing was positively received.
Mothers and Daughters (https://archiveofourown.org/series/3412471)
What if Nodoka had some additional information before her first visit to the Tendo household? And what other secrets may she be hiding?
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My first attempt at an AU. Basically, I wanted to try my own alternate take at Nodoka's first meeting where she realizes who Ranma is right away and is also completely accepting of her child. While working out the details for why she knew, I came up with a twist that seemed to throw everyone by surprise and let me take some interesting directions with Nodoka's past.
Genderfluid Mechanics (https://archiveofourown.org/series/3285123)
Taking things from the top with an extra twist: What if the youngest Tendo had a little something extra in common with Ranma.
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Another AU, this time with Ranma and Akane's first meeting. I decided to explore what it would be like if both of them were actually genderfluid. Also my first time writing a story purely from one person's point of view.
A Butterfly's Wing (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38048443)
Ranma is given a chance to change one event from his past, and now is left wondering what the change actually was. As well as what surprise is in store for her next.
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This time, I went a little further with the AU concept by having the character know they are in an alternate universe. This is my own stab at the 'character makes a wish and now things are different' subgenre. This has given me a chance to explore a bit of mystery writing, seeing what hints to give to guide readers as to what actually happened in this alternate universe.
An Honorable Lie (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42611670)
Shortly after her first meeting at the Tendo house, Nodoka has a realization about the girl named Ranko. Now she is ready to reunite with her child …as soon as she can figure out how to honorably deal with the contract hanging over both their heads.
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Artwork done by the amazing Mariana Nicoleli
Another retake on Nodoka's first meeting. This time, she realizes who Ranko is a little later after already revealing the whole contract thing. While she's accepting of her trans daughter (as far as she knows), she feels she cannot reveal it out of fear that she would have to enforce that contract. This one is from Nodoka's POV and it's been fun trying to gauge her thought processes.
Musabetsu Kakutō Ryū Tenka'ichi Budōkai (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43678938)
Roshi ends up with a new student along with Goku and Kuririn. How will this strange gender switching martial artist affect things at the upcoming tournament?
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First stab at a crossover, this one with Dragonball. A difficult thing with mixing these franchises is how to deal with power gaps. My solution was to go back to the beginning, as in the 21st tournament. At this point Goku, while very strong, was still quite beatable by regular humans. This also gave me the chance to play around some more with gender (Anyone order an agender Goku? Cause you're getting one).
Secrets and Truths (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43993947)
Akane has a secret meeting with a certain rival. Where they can openly discuss things that they cannot divulge to anyone else.
A chance to play around with Kodachi a bit, along with having her interact with Akane. I couldn't help but notice they shared a blind spot around not noticing someone's curse, albeit a different person each, so I decided to make a little twist on it.
Cute As A Pig (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45134467)
Akane makes a comment that Ranma does not take well. Will a certain sumo pig raising farm girl be able to clear everything up?
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Inspired by this lovely art piece (https://www.tumblr.com/ylvasart/708079407910223872), I decided to explore what would happen if Akane and Akari were girlfriends before Ranma showed up, and what would happen to Ranma because of this. Being me, it naturally ended up very trans and lesbian.
The Wild Wind And The Scarlet Sea (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48352432)
What exactly did happen in the pasts of Haruka and Michiru? And how are those pasts connected to a certain pigtailed martial artist and their tomboy fiancée? A lot more than you might think it turns out.
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Another crossover and my first attempt at a fuku fic. For this one, I set about making Ranma as Sailor Uranus, something I haven't really seen done before, which is very odd to me. Uranus is described as being both a man and a woman and Ranma and Uranus both utilize wind based attacks. So, this is my stab at writing it.
Dear Diary (https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489872)
A secret, hidden away diary, containing a single entry, written by a girl who no longer exists.
Based on the probably most well-known anime episode Am I Pretty, this was a chance for me to play around with formatting by trying to match the style of a teenage girl writing things down in a physical diary to a digital page.
So, if any of these stories have managed to pique your interest, please check them out and I hope you enjoy them.
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raining-tulips · 5 months
hi! i just found your blog :) love your commonplace book scans! if you don’t mind me asking, could you give a more in-depth explanation of what commonplacing is exactly and what your process is? i’m intrigued and considering getting into it but i wouldn’t even know where to start! thanks a lot xx
Absolutely! So my commonplace is specifically all movies, qoutes, articles, tumblr/Instagram posts, book excerpts, etc. that either resonated with me or I think I'll want to reference later. That is the heart of what common placing is - saving things for later physically rather than digitally.
Some of these just pop up in my feed, and I'll hit the like or save button. If it's an article, it usually first pops up as a preview on my Instagram and I'll open the full article on my desktop than bookmark it in a specific folder for common placing.
Sometimes, when I want to actively find something out (say, about if perfume is really bad for the environment, or I want to look at author interviews because I just loved a book) I will go out and search for that information.
Then, usually once a week I compile everything I'd like to print - i print the sources bc my handwriting is messy - into a word document formatted for two columns. I try and hold off printing until i have a full page worth, or two full page worth.
For images, I have another word document (these are printed in color, and i usually have to jigsaw to fit as many images on the page as possible, so different word document). Same thing, I try and wait until I have a full page to print. Usually x2 a month. I sometimes will print with an HP sprocket but the quality is really bad and the pictures are thick so, it's for when I'm out of printer ink or I think a photo will look okay with a sorta...uneven look.
I use just a Staples brand journal, TruRed. Cheap and easy. I draw a line at the top so I can write the date, and in the future if I want to tag it with a colored sticker or something, I can. My layouts usually include divided space on either the left or right of a page. The article goes in the bigger open space, and then the source (always write your source!!) and any commentary goes in the smaller margins.
Commentary is usually why I wanted to print it, what it reminds me of or makes me think about, etc. What I think the argument was missing, etc. Can be as little or as much as you like. As emotional and deep or as plain-jane as you like. There are no rules!
I trim printed text and images with a 12 inch trimmer bc I've got wobbly hands, but some people just use a little (blanking on the name) exacto knife? Any 12 inch trimmer will do mine is expensive but I also scrapbook so I use it all the time.
I paste things in using a tape runner (again, because I scrapbook and found a tape runner and my mom sells scrapbook supplies they're very accessible to me). Some people use tape, washi tape, glue sticks (liquid glue I've never seen).
And yeah, then I just decorate and play around. It doesn't have to be pretty. It can be really pretty if you want - I'm motivated by aesthetics, so, I like mine to be a little pretty.
If you'd like to see how I actually put it together and why I print certain things, my YouTube channel is the place to go.
Some people tape in movie tickets, receipts from where they shopped or ate, pictures from daily life. Some people mix common-placing and journaling, so including diary entries about their day or about a topic they love, or their thoughts and feelings (I keep mine in a separate journal, explained in this video). Some people mix common-placing with bullet journal or planning. Some combine all three!
At the end I just use a printer scanner (HP Envy 5500, cheap) and post them online that way bc I love the look.
People who have other styles you might try and look at are @petite-gloom (an OG who inspired me and many others) @fakelavender , @teddybearsticker .
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Hiiii!!!! Can I please request a headcanon home brew with the reader being friends with rocky? It can be angsty or fluffy or whatever you prefer! Thank you 😁
Took a more lighthearted direction with this, to offset a particularly angsty romantic oneshot that’s eventually to come… One must maintain a balanced diet of their illicit beverages and all. It also ended up a bit specific. Hope you enjoy!
So you’ve become friends with the notorious poet, eh? Congratulations! There likely wasn’t much effort needed on your part.
He’s naturally talkative (and how) as well as sociable (though lacking the skill), but you had to have bumped into him several times in the same setting before a true habit was formed of it.
Being a regular at the café or the speakeasy is the setup that most easily lends itself… maybe one before the other, though he wouldn’t bring you downstairs unless you were explicitly interested. The criminal scene might not be everyone’s cup of tea, after all.
You’re less probable to find out about the Lackadaisy from him, either; it’s likely Ivy told you first, seeing how much you two get along as well as finding you genuinely personable and interesting. But if you end up undeterred by the revelation that he works for a bootlegging operation and would like to take that trip downstairs some night, he’ll be glad to have you see him play with the band!
Speaking of, if you were also an artist, he’d be elated.
The stanzas shall flow like water from an overly tenacious tap regardless of your expertise, of course. Uneducated listening ears are better than none, and he’ll appreciate even surface level analysis and positive feedback if you bother with such. Don’t fret if you don’t understand all of the words or get tangled up in an abundant array of alliterative allegories. You’ll learn to adjust accordingly. (Or so he assures.)
But! If you’re a kindred creative soul, it’s a common ground he’ll hop onto with utmost eagerness.
A fellow poet or writer? He’d hinge on your every word of appraisal. How did you like the flow of this one, (Y/N)? You could practically feel the expressionistic scenery enveloping you with this picturesque wording, could you not? What about that one metaphor about the stars, (Y/N)? Surely it conveyed his message on the sweet transience of life? (Y/N)? Oh, (Y/N)! Please answer him, (Y/N), he’s begging to know.
Don’t worry, it’s not one-sided. He’s always all up in your literary business and half-finished drafts in return, asking plenty of questions and insisting on being your first audience for everything. He’ll listen to you talk yourself out of plot holes and come in handy as a sentient thesaurus whenever you get stuck on the synonyms.
(Though I cannot guarantee he’s capable of providing a distraction-free environment. Any environment truly free of distractions is one where he is absent.)
A musician? Oh boy! Your instruments may not be the slightest bit compatible, but that could never stop him from making the most splendorous harmonies together with his dearest chum!
Teaching each other songs you know is a must. Beloved classics like Vivaldi as well as local tunes from either of your lands of origin; he’s an extremely quick learner, as you’ve found out, with a keen ear and significant thirst for knowledge, especially when it comes to things dear to your heart.
You’ve observed how deeply serene he appears to be when playing a certain song or two with a gentle folk-like ring, as if in a trance of reminiscence. He claims not to understand what you mean when you bring it up… so you play along in silent understanding, earning a smile back when your eyes meet that is, for a change, admittedly softer.
Or perhaps a visual artist? Painter? Comic strip illustrator? Cartoon animator?
He would so brag about having an animator friend (even if only aspiring). To the surprise of no one, he’s a great fan of those whimsical hand-drawn moving pictures. Some may find them silly, but in his vocabulary that’s a staple of high precedence.
Yes, he has been to the movies several times, and a shared interest would provide a stellar excuse to accompany you there. Unfortunately, he both refuses to let you treat and is perpetually penniless, so he has the two of you sneak in by less than rule-abiding means. You’ve gotten thrown out before. (Likely not the first time when going out somewhere with him, and neither is it the last.)
But let’s suppose you’re a painter instead. Likely you’re creating in the chiefly popular styles of the era; impressionism, surrealism, the like. Even if not, he still praises you for sticking to your individuality. If you’re a misunderstood artist like him, he reassures with genuine conviction that you’ll make it into the galleries someday, current trends be damned. (Maybe you both are simply ahead of your time.)
The contents or perceived quality are entirely negligible, because he will find a way to compliment your work. Usually his criticism is focused less around your technical skill and more so his emotions and ideas sparked by the sight that are occasionally heavily abstract or several degrees of detached from your original intent. Still, the different perspective can be… well, interesting to hear out, at least.
When you’re coloring or shading certain parts in certain ways, like circularly or with a soothing curve of the brush, he’ll trail off in whatever he was doing or prattling on about and watch quietly for a bit as you work. It’s only embarrassing when he was in the middle of telling you something; he might even lose that line of thought. (Far from the only time that ever happens to him, so you’re forgiving by now.)
Listen, stimboards didn’t exist in the 1920s. He’ll take what he can get.
As for him, well, his personality isn’t the only thing that stopped substantially developing at the age of twelve. His visual art skills might begin and end at silly-looking scribbles caricaturing himself and the people he knows, but he’s satisfied nonetheless. Ambitious rhymes and ornate metaphors are more his department.
He’s still gotten a chuckle or two out of you with his humorously misshapen efforts at drawing you, so he considers that a win as well.
I’ve mentioned lands of origin. If you’re from a state he’s yet to have visited, he’ll surely ask a number of questions about your experiences living there. But if you’re from overseas? Another continent? Nation he’s scarcely heard of? Square that number and multiply by ten thousand.
It’s exciting to hear about different cultures, alright? He likes to understand you better. In any case you make an easier job of it for him than the other way around.
He’d likely have a lot of respect for you for learning English so well, even more so if mostly by yourself. (Viktor’s intimidating disposition and inclination to punch him at the slightest provocation are not the only reasons he never corrects his phrasing.) If he’d said some difficult or rare word you don’t understand, he wouldn’t have to hesitantly accept your complaints of confusion as exasperated mockery for a change and instead could take the time to kindly explain. Probably in an even more troublesome way. You go through like five overcomplicated synonyms before one of them finally rings a bell… but he’s patient.
Expect spontaneous “hey, how’d you say that in your language?” inquiries in the middle of a conversation, out of sheer curiosity. You may only laugh at his clumsy mimicking of your pronounciation once, because he adapts to the unique sounds of a foreign tongue scarily fast. He greets you with the everyday words you’re rather used to hearing around your hometown thousands of miles away and it’s downright uncanny how natural it sounds. (Which is why you’ve asked him not to do it without warning.)
You can’t quite hold conversations like that yet, but you reckon it’d be fun to annoy everyone else around you with if you ever got him to that point.
The others at the speakeasy are mostly baffled by the fact you’re willingly sticking around, especially if you’re not a colleague, for Rocky’s company. Not many people can, well, tolerate him. He’s honestly a bit much sometimes.
But you liked him when you were running from the cops together in scant apparel covered head to toe in dirt as the flames digesting some poor sod’s patio crackled distantly and you wondered how a starry night walk by the riverside had so inexplicably devolved into acts of incidental vandalism, and you continue to like him nowadays.
He’s your friend, after all. The adventures born of questionable choices are part of the deal. And like his soft-spokenly reluctant cousin (except less so motivated by guilt) you’re there with him through it all to make sure he doesn’t get himself in serious trouble… much.
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