#i promise u i couldn't write something this soft ever again if u asked me to
buckleyx · 1 year
hi, babes! i was wondering if you could possibly write a Buck imagine where the reader has awful parents, and is just comforting ? sorry if not! i’m also sorry if you’ve already gotten this request, my asks don’t send a lot - 🪐
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner!
Author’s note: Hiya love! Sorry it took a while but here u go :)) I hope it's a bit what you had in mind. I love soft buck :(
Evan Buckley x gender!neutral reader
Summary: Your sister started a project to 'fix the family' and you're not sure how to feel about it.
Warnings: mentions of bad parenting + bad upbringing and toxic family relationships but comforting buck <33
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"Not again." You sighed, cursing under your breath as you saw your screen lid up. A blue text message covered the happy lock screen picture of you and Buck. You didn't even have to guess to know who it was from. Your sister had been bugging you all night about a family dinner. You had already politely declined 3 times but she kept pushing. You didn't blame her, your upbringing was a complete different story then hers.
She still had contact with your parents, even visits them every few weeks and she made an unofficial promise to 'try and fix the family.' As much how you despised the idea you couldn't fully blame her for trying. She was the youngest and the most successful and very clear the favorite.
You love LA, your life is here now and you don't feel the need to fix anything. You are happy where you are. You build something here, something personal and safe and your not ready to see it all fall apart again.
"Everything alright?" Buck asked, his head peaking through the door. You sighed, gently throwing your phone on the countertop. Buck's brows knitted together as he slowly made his way over to you. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Without saying a word, you tiredly leaned your head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist, giving a soft kiss against your temple. "I don't know." You sighed. "It's my parents."
Buck knew you didn't have a fantastic relationship with them but the topic didn't come out often. Just like his parents. You had talked about your shared struggles but you both didn't like unnecessary mentioning it since it was such a heavy subject to touch for the both of you. You both just didn't wanna push anything. But when it did, when the topic came up in conversation, you both were as supportive as ever. Buck especially, you couldn't ask for anyone better in your life then him.
"I'm sorry to hear that." He comforted, brushing his fingers against your cheek. "It's fine." You brushed off. "My sister just thinks she can magically fix the family. I'm surprised they even let her try."
"Maybe they don't know."
"Yeah probably. I haven't seen them in so long. Why now? Why suddenly does she wants to change things now?"
"Have you asked her?"
"No not yet." You admitted, playing with his hair. "Last time I talked to them was Christmas eve."
Buck thought back at the memory and gave you a kind sympathetic smile as he recalled how the evening ended. It was a messy day full of nasty remarks and bitchy comments. First they didn't approve of your job, then of your boyfriend and then they felt the need to break everything else in your life apart. The list could go on forever. It was just horrible. Your brows knitted together as you tried your best to block out the memory. A sigh left buck's lips, he hated seeing you like this. He hated that he couldn't do more to help you. "They treated you afwul, y/n. It's okay not to forgive them."
"I know."
"I didn't forgive my parents." He admitted. "And I honestly don't think I ever will."
"If you want to contact them again, wait until your ready and when you truly want it for yourself. Not because someone forced you to. The same happend to me, I wasn't ready and it turned out into a big big mess." You fell quiet for a second, Buck was right but you had to take a moment to let the thoughts in your mind process everything. You went over every scenario about how that reunion could go before confirming that it wasn't time yet. You weren't ready. And that's okay. Maybe you'll never be ready and that's okay too.
You brushed away some of Buck's hair that had fallen in his face, your hand rested on his cheek before you leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. "Thank you." You said softly before giving him another kiss. The buckley gave you kind smile. "Come on. I'll make you some dinner. It It will help you clear your head."
911 Taglist: @roseelone @persie123 @nycbaddie @mrspeacem1nusone @ittzzgillianj @notnowtobey @princessamericachavez @campingmonkey @barzy90 @911readercollection @rapunzelflynnrider @stark3y-l3cl3rc-p3t3rs @essienoe @chloepluto1306 @zephyrmonkey @ittzzgillianj @quacksonhq @x-hey-its-paige-x
My requests are open! :)
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Main Taglist: @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89  @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa   @embon   @pansexualmommamess  @mykookieme-blog  @fairyhope028  @alexxavicry  @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler  @attackonnat   @strangersomeone  @ahookedheroespureheart @asimplystrangemisfit @911readercollection
Let me know if you want to be added for future work!
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
hey my love ❤️ can I resquest u something?
daryl is expecting a child with the reader where he is super excited but he also spends his time outside, looking for things for his baby.. but he receives a call from rick saying that his girlfriend is in the infirmary and when he arrives he finds out that the reader lost the pregnancy and he takes care of her and pampers her a lot those days after they both take great care of each other, because he will also be super sad😭
Sorry for my bad english 🤦
Into Shards
Daryl Dixon x pregnant!Reader
Summary: When Daryl is outside the walls, looking for stuff for yours and his baby, he gets called back by Rick - only to come home to devastating news...
Warnings: Major trigger warning here! Miscarriage! pregnancy things, walkers, fluff, bit blood
Set in the beginning of season 9!
Word Count: 2,2k
a/n: Hi nonny! Thank you for the request! ☺️💚 I am honest... I don't know if I should love this one, or not. I tried to write a bit action as well, but it probably isn't the best... Hope you like it nevertheless! 🙈
Tagging: @km-ffluv @loz-3 @stitchintimefan @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lou12346789 @in-this-minute @hotgirlsshareaccounts @sweetpeapod @fuseburner @azanoni @bookofsecretjourneys
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"'M goin' back out today. That okay for ya?" Daryl asked, while buttoning up the last few buttons of his black shirt and rolling up the sleeves. You smiled at him, stretched and stood up; leaving the cosy bedsheets behind. "Of course." You said, stepping closer and watching him slip in his angel-winged vest. Both your hands found their way on his chest, softly tugging on the cold, smooth fabric of the famous leather vest. "As long as you're coming back to us..." You whispered with a smile; your eyes never leaving his beautiful blue-greyish ones.
Us... The word hit Daryl like a ton of bricks - in the best way possible, though. It caused the ends of his nerves to sizzle. An overwhelming feeling of warmth and love flooding his veins. Us... He couldn't stop himself from smiling that signature sweet, small, boyish smile. "Ain't gonna ever leave ya two alone," he stated, shaking his head. One hand settled on your left hip, while the other found your yet non-existent baby bump. Although Daryl always stated, that he was already able to feel the tiny, innocent life. Despite the fact that you were barely eight to ten weeks along - according to Siddiq. Whenever he said that, you'd just giggle and shake your head.
"'M always goin' to come back for ya. 'Specially now." Your smile even widened; one hand reaching up to brush a chestnut brown curl out of his handsome face. "I know." You stood on your tippy-toes to brush your lips against his; eyelids fluttering shut.
"I can't convince you to let me join you, can I?" Daryl scoffed playfully, shaking his head. "Absolutely not. Ain't lettin' you walk around out there." You sighed, but giggled. "Thought so... Take care out there, yes? Be safe." Your boyfriend nodded. "'Course. Promised." "Good." You kissed him again. "I'll be back 'fore the sun's goin' down."
Daryl grabbed his crossbow then, his knives and took one of the pick-up's. His bike would've been a bit too small for his task ahead. With a last look at you and a soft smile, he left Alexandria; off to find and scavenge stuff for the baby.
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Around midday, Daryl was already several miles away from home, searching every square inch of a few smaller cities around D.C. Daryl knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to be close to such a big city, but that didn't scare him.
Now he was sneaking down the streets of a rather very small city he didn't know the name of. Not much houses, only a few shops. His eyes landed on an old building. Not big and plain. Unimportant, unnecessary. He was about to walk past it, when he recognised the small sign over the old, rusty door... 'Smith's Baby Store'. Wasn't that exactly what he was looking for? "Finally," he muttered to himself under his breath, drawing his knives. With his foot, he kicked against the unstable door, listening for any signs of walkers. Nothing.
Carefully, he opened the door. It didn't budge at first, but with a little more strength, it finally gave in - as if someone was inside it before him. Looking around to check the street for any stray walkers - which wasn't the case, he stepped inside the small house. Daryl noticed immediately, that this house was constructed very... strange. The door didn't lead straight into the shop. It led into a long, dark hallway - with only three other doors. One on the left, one on the right and one at the end of the hallway. Daryl sneaked on quiet feet down the squeaking hallway; the old wood creaking underneath his weight. He checked the two rooms on the sides first, but found nothing. One room was already scavenged. Not much things were left. Most of the items useless and broken. The other room was nothing more than a broom closet with dusty cleaning supplies.
Daryl let out a slightly annoyed groan, before he made his way to the last room. The sparse wooden door wasn't locked. It was slightly ajar, making it easy for the archer to open it. The door led into a big room, full of shelves and cupboards, in which several baby things were. A smile twitched at the corners of Daryl's lips. Jackpot. But just a moment later, his expression shifted into a frown. The building had been clearly scavenged already, so... Why leave this room out? Why not take these things as well?
The answer got the archer only seconds after the thought had crossed his mind. He took a few steps inside the room - and immediately felt the floor giving softly in underneath him; bending under his weight. The wood was rotten, dilapidated and more than unstable. Daryl walked backwards again, biting his lip and weighing his options. Should he risk it? Should he not? He didn't know what was beneath the floor. Perhaps the basement? He could've sworn he had seen a small stair in the other room, leading down to a door. The basement couldn't be that bad, could it? And perhaps the floor held him, so... Daryl had been way too long on his way today and the past days - weeks. He didn't want to go home once again empty handed.
So, he took the risk - and paid for it almost immediately. The old wood held his weight the first time and also the second time - but not the third. It gave in underneath him, creaking and aching, causing the archer to fall - like he had predicted into the basement. With a thud, he landed on his back, groaning. "Shit." Only a tiny window let the sunlight in and illuminated the dark, dusty and... smelly room. His ears were ringing from the fall, his senses blinded for a moment, causing him to not realise instantly, what he got himself into.
Only when the sounds of low snarls and snapping teeth urged slowly but surely to his ears, he realised. Daryl's eyes widened in shock and surprise, before he scrambled to get up from the cold ground. The window didn't let much light in... But enough to show that said basement was filled with more than just two walkers... Way more than two. Daryl grimaced - in pain and frustration. "Damn it!" The walkers noticed him, of course, immediately and went straight at him. Daryl reached for his knife to get rid of the first undead, attacking him; all the while scanning the room for the door. He had to get out of this.
Unfortunately - just in that moment, while he was fighting the undead, started his walkie talkie to give forth some static hissing, before Rick's voice echoed across the basement. "Daryl?!" The archer got rid of another walker, plunging his knife into its rotten skull, before retrieving the weapon again, and reached for the walkie talkie attached to his belt. He thought it had been the last one, but just as he was about to answer his brother, another walker lunged at Daryl from behind, with such an impact that the little, black device slipped from Daryl's hand, along with his knife. A grunt left his lips as he tried to get the undead man away from him. He turned and stumbled to the ground with the walker landing on top of him. Its foul breath hitting Daryl's face; rotten teeth snapping at him, mere inches from his neck. "Daryl?! Do you copy?!" Rick's voice called out for him again. Daryl gritted his teeth and used all his force to shove the undead away from him. Quickly he reached for his knife and killed the walker. Panting, he fell back on his back, catching his breath. "Come on, Daryl! It's urgent!" Rick sounded almost desperate by now. Daryl took a deep breath and stood up to get the walkie talkie. "Rick? Rick! I'm here." He panted, wiping some blood from his face. "Sorry, man. Had to get rid of a few walkers."
Rick answered instantly. "Thank god. Daryl, you gotta get back here! Quick!" The man frowned, making his way to the small door of the basement. "Why?" "Y/N's in the infirmary! She-" Rick's voice broke and Daryl's heart dropped. You were in the infirmary? Fear and panic immediately started to rise within the archer. "Rick?!" He literally screamed into the walkie talkie, "Rick!" but all he got in return was static hissing. "Fuck's sake!" The archer cursed and slammed the device on the ground, before he literally run up the stairs and out of the house. Something was wrong, if you were in the infirmary - and whatever it was, he had to get back to Alexandria as fast as possible.
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The gates got opened immediately, as soon as Daryl approached Alexandria. The archer didn't even bother to park the pic-up on its rightful place. He jumped out of the vehicle and slammed the door shut; seeing Rick already running his way. "Daryl!" The archer met his friend midway. "Wha' happened?! What's wrong with 'er?!" "You better see for yourself...," was all Rick said - a sorrowful look on his face. Daryl didn't let himself tell that twice, of course. As fast his legs could carry him, he sprinted to the infirmary. Without even knocking he ripped the door open and stormed in - attracting Siddiq's attention. "Daryl." "Where is she?!" The archer walked up and down the room like a wounded tiger; tried to push past the doctor - but Siddiq stood firmly in his way and tried to calm him down. "Daryl, calm down. Y/N's in the last room down the hall. Let me explain first, okay?" The black-haired man lifted his hands as if in surrender. Another try to calm the worked up man across him down. Daryl's chest heaved, as he grunted and gave the doctor a short nod - which Siddiq returned. "You... You might want to sit down for this." "Nah, 'm good. Tell me wha' happened." The doctor took a deep breath. "Alright, I... Y/N came to me a few hours ago; said she had cramps. Usually nothing to be worried about, but I checked on her nevertheless." Siddiq swallowed hard, lowering his head. "When I went to check, I... I saw that... There was blood, Daryl."
The archer's eyes widened and he felt his heart drop for the second time that day. Deep down, he already knew what it meant, of course, but he didn't want to believe it. Not until Siddiq spoke the dreadful words out loud. "Y/N, she... I'm afraid she had a miscarriage. I'm sorry." Daryl just stared at his friend blankly. The news - the shock was just too overwhelming. Without saying a single word, the archer walked past the doctor and straight down the hall, towards your room.
Gently opening the door, he found you laying on a bed, curled up into a ball. Your back towards him. He could hear the soft cries and sobs, which left your lips - breaking his heart. Daryl whispered your name, trying to hold back his own tears. You stirred immediately; hearing his voice. Shifting to face him, he saw your tear-stained cheeks and red, puffy eyes. "D-Daryl..." You sobbed, causing more tears to fall. He was immediately at your side, pulling you against his body. "'M here, love, 'm here. 'S alright, 'm here..." Of course, he knew that nothing was alright, but what was he supposed to say?
Daryl felt your body shaking against his. He wanted to scream; he wanted to cry - but he couldn't allow himself that. He needed to be strong for you. For the both of you. But the harsh reality hit him nevertheless. A few hours back, everything was alright. His little world was perfect. And now? Now it all came crashing down. The happiness ripped out of both your hands - within the blink of an eye. "I-I am s-so s-sorry, I-I-I..." You stammered, hands clasping on his vest; holding onto him for dear life. Daryl immediately shook his head. "Stop that, please... You have nothin' to be sorry for. This ain't your fault, sunshine." "It h-has to b-be! I-I must've done s-something wrong, I…" "Nah, you didn't. These things just happen sometimes." You looked up at him with hooded Y/E/C eyes. "B-But why to u-us? W-We were so happy about it... Looked forward to meet this baby and now... Now they are gone..." The words caused fresh tears to run down your cheeks. "I don't know, sunshine... I don't know..."
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The most important thing was, that you had each other. It was going to be a tough time, but you knew that with Daryl by your side, you would overcome the grief. Scars were going to heal with time and sooner or later, you would welcome a new life in this world, where happiness was most precious and family was the most precious gift. Yes, it wasn't going to be easy, but you knew from all the things you've been through that everything works out in the end. After all, light couldn't exist without darkness, could it?
The next days Daryl spent the whole time at home with you. He didn't leave your side. Not even for a minute. The both of you spent most of the time in your house; secluded. Everybody understood that, of course and gave you all the time you needed to process the loss. Losing a child was never easy. No matter if born or unborn.
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iluvshinytwink · 1 year
Let you break my heart again by laufey w/ Jude pls 🤞🙏
Let You Break My Heart Again - Jude Bellingham
"Until then, I'll drink my coffee, eat my pie, pretend that we are more than friends. Then of course, I'll let you break my heart again."
a/n: from the lyrics and everything i think u alr know what's gonna go down (tots not because i just don't know how to write a synopsis.)
also it took me so long to decide which lyric to pick 😧
Now Playing . . . Let You Break My Heart Again by Laufey
His eyes were the color of coffee. Soft and brood. Bitter yet sweet. Aromatic and bright. Something that you can't help but crave for.
His words were like a pie. Sweet and loving. Creamy and smooth.
That was one of the many words you could use to describe Jude.
Bitter like coffee and sweet like the pie you always ate for breakfast. That was Jude.
Developing feelings for Jude was something you should've tried to stop a long time ago.
You should've known that you liked him from the very beginning. The way your heart would skip a beat the moment he called your name. The way you felt like the entire world had frozen every time his eyes met yours.
Yet you didn't. The feelings continued to bloom badly. Your feelings grew into a rose with a thousand thorns which wrapped your body. You couldn't escape.
The many times where you wanted to look away from Jude, to prevent your heart from aching never came.
It was like he had you in his fingertips and he didn't even notice.
The many times you tried to stop the blush that kept creeping into your cheeks every time he held your hand in a friendly manner.
But that was sadly all you would ever be to Jude. A friend.
It was a cold winter night. The dark blue sky was powdered with stars. You were sat at a bench, staring at the blue abyss above you mindlessly.
"Are you cold?" a familiar voice joked. You looked beside you and saw your friend, Jude standing before you with his hands dug deep in his pockets. "I didn't know it would be this cold." you said softly.
You heard a scruffle in Jude's jacket. You looked back at him and his hand was out for you to take.
"It's warm, I promise." Jude said with a soft smile.
Your mouth gaped open as you tried to find the exact words to say. You could feel your entire face being hot as the snow came dripping down the sky.
Without a choice, you took Jude's hand.
It was indeed warm. Soft and warm. Lovely and comforting.
You wanted to hold onto it for the rest of time. May the weather be hot or cold, you didn't want to let go.
If you were to let go, your feelings would never go. You would think of this moment for the rest of your life, reliving it time and time again and realize that moment would never happen again.
Jude continued walking and without thinking straight, your hand clenches on his harshly.
Jude stops. He looks behind him and to his arm. Your hand tensed into his.
"Are you okay?" Jude asked softly. The realization hit you and your hand had stopped tensing. "Is it that cold?" Jude joked, going closer to you.
You stood there, frozen. Like the harsh weather had finally dawned on you.
But that wasn't it. What had dawned on you was the realization that you had fallen for Jude.
And the most painful thing about that realization was, you knew he would never like you back.
"Let's get you home, okay?" Jude whispered worriedly, tugging on your arm softly.
The night was a blur. You remember the silent yet comforting walk you had on the way home. His hand grew warmer by the minute and you remembered adoring every single second of it.
As the two of you approached your house, you found yourself wishing it would never end.
You wished, deep inside, the walk would go on and on. Who cares where you would end up in?
You woke up, covered in blankets which was Jude's doing.
As your eyes opened slowly, a feeling of sadness washed over you. The warmth of the blankets would never match to Jude's warmth.
You got up and headed to your kitchen.
As you approached the counter, you could see two indistinctive objects.
Pie and coffee and in the middle was a small note.
You felt tears well your eyes, though you weren't entirely sure why.
Some day, one day; I will stop falling in love with you. Until I do, I'll be thinking of you.
this is kinda half assed ill by honest but nevertheless, i hope you enjoy it :)!!!
also ill post again tomorrow so dont worry!!
TAGLIST !!! :)
- @mbapbaesluvr
- @hearts4jude
- @f1lover55
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Can i please have a soft oneshot of ticciwork:>> if u like the ship
Bold of you to assume that I may not like that ship, they're literally my reason to start writing. So of course I can do something cute-ish for you!!
Thanks for asking anon!
Also, if you want more ticciwork from me, you can check my masterlist here
My question for you is, are you fine with Main AU for little bit lore dropping? If not, please ask so that I can try writing again!
And I swear I didn't forget part 2 of that ticciwork post it'll come some time.
Main AU TicciWork Relationship Beginning Oneshot
Date: summer 2015
"The fuck do you want now?"
Clockwork couldn't help but roll her eyes. She had promised her stupid friend who was next to her that she would come to watch the meteor shower together tonight, even though it was something lovers would do, so as not to leave him alone.
And it could easily be said that she was already beginning to regret this decision.
"Just ask-asking to make sure you're com-ing with me now."
Toby, on the other hand, was having almost one of the happiest moments of his life. He was going to join an activity that had been a dream since he heard it with the coolest friend he ever had, and he couldn't help his excitement. He was constantly saying random words out of excitement, and his body was contracting.
"Then the hell are we doin' now-"
"Just answer it, p-please!"
Clockwork, who saw that he was looking at her with a pleading puppy dog look, could not help but not wanting to upset this face. Even though he wanted to punch it, she took a deep breath.
"Yes, for the billionth time!"
"Love ya', for the b-billi-onth time."
When Toby was clumsily trying to make a heart sign for her, all Clockwork had done was push him off his shoulder. She didn't want Toby to see the meaningless smile forming on her lips, she knew that he would make fun of her if he saw it.
"Fuck off."
"Okay, okay. But you can't tell me you're not exci-ted."
"Not at all."
Even though Clockwork doesn't accept it, she was actually kind of excited too. Although she had drawn a picture before, she had never watched a meteor shower.
It could have been even more interesting if the only thing that lit up the darkness was not the torches in their hands and they didn't go to the top of a random mountain at a late hour in the night.
But right now, she needed to make sure that nothing happened to Toby. Although she knew that he could take care of himself, he didn't want to spoil his joy, he was just so excited. There was no need for her to worry about herself, she could take care of herself.
"Are we there?"
"Nah, a little more."
For a while they walked without speaking, listening only to the fragments of dried branches crushed under their feet and the sound of rustling leaves. But this did not matter, even the silence was peaceful for them.
"A-and here we are!"
When she saw the view from where they had come, Clockwork's mouth, which was about to open, clamped shut, all the words she wanted to say were trapped on her lips.
"Ya' like it?"
Toby probably came in the morning and hung LED lights all over the place. The fact that he randomly placed fake plants and cheap decorations all over the place was an effort that could be called funny. But the most important thing was the picnic blanket he laid on the side near the cliff and the jackets he put on top.
"It's beautiful."
He must have planned this night before. 
Seeing his eyes were shining with joy caused Clockwork's lips to curl slightly upwards.
Toby, taking hold of Clockwork's arm, brought her to the side of the blanket and sat down on it himself. Clockwork also mimicked the movement he made, making her legs crossed on the cover.
When she looked at the sky, she noticed that despite the LEDs, more stars were shining than in the city. She was wondering whose soul these stars were belonged to. 
"I- you didn't need to- Why?"
" 'cause I wan-ted-ted to s-spend time with you."
"Just a simple dinner would do."
Clockwork cursed to herself internally when she noticed that the glow of Toby's eager eyes had faded a little. Since no one had ever done such a beautiful thing for her before, she did not know what kind of attitude she should take.
But there was no problem. She could have try to.
For Toby's sake.
Maybe her, too.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened the music app.
"Tell me a song."
"Gangnam Style."
Clockwork couldn't help grimacing when she heard the name of this popular pop song.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Know what? I'll fucking watch you suffer."
The moment she opened the song, she knew that Toby would get up and dance to annoy her, but she didn't think that she would invite her to this dance either.
"It's dumb."
"You're dumb."
"I'll kill you."
Clockwork gave such a harsh look that Toby swallowed hard. Nevertheless, he continued to talk.
"Just try, you can stop-stop if you don't en-joy."
When he extended his hand to Clockwork to get up, Clockwork reflexively ignored him and tried to stand up on hrr own. But halfway through, she took a deep breath and grabbed the hand that was held in the air for her by Toby.
Clockwork just crossed her arms and watched him while Toby performed various dance moves that were unknown.
"Y-you need to dan-ce, too."
"What a genius."
"Like this."
After nodding her head for showing that she approved Toby, who was waiting for permission to hold her arms, he put her hands in the air and threw them around randomly. He was making random movements that made no sense.
"No, stop, it's stupid."
However, Toby didn't stop because if Clockwork really wanted him to stop, she would have taken a physical action for it. And right now she was smiling in a cute way.
"And this!"
After Toby made Clockwork dance for a while, the song they were listening to finished and the song Everlong from the band Foo Fighters started playing.
"May I?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
Clockwork gently felt her shoulders being grasped. It's exactly like the slow-dancing scenes she's seen in the movies and she expected that she would have to keep up with him, not that Toby would accidentally step on her foot.
"The hell!"
"You don't know how to dance."
After Clockwork said this not in a judgmental tone, but as if she had just discovered a fact, Toby bowed his head forward.
Clockwork slowly grabbed his shoulder and tried to move their bodies as far as she remembered from the movies.
After a few seconds of awkwardly shaking their inexperienced bodies, Toby rested his head on Clockwork's neck.
"Can I say something?"
Clockwork was still moving their bodies while trying to keep up with the rhythm. She didn't understand why Toby's body under her hands was contracting so much.
"I love you."
"I know."
Toby had already oftenly told her how much he loved her, there was nothing surprising in that.
"No, no. Like, love love."
After hearing this, Clockwork was quite surprised. Sure, Toby was a cute boy, and she cared about him in a way that she had done for no one before, and Toby always made her laugh and cared about her, and he had a stupid, but cute smile, and she loved to see him happy, and, and.
"Oh, um, okay."
"That's stu-pid-pid. P-pw-lease for-get it."
Toby leaned his head forward, awkwardly playing with his fingers. But when he heard Clockwork's sentence, he lifted it again at the same time.
"I love you, too, I guess."
"You don't ha-ve to-!"
"Can I kiss you?"
Toby didn't seem to know what to do. His breathing was much faster than normal.
"Can I kiss your stupid lips?"
And Clockwork pressed her lips while they were dancing under the stars. Toby responded the kiss awkwardly.
At that moment, while performing an action that would mean many things, they both realized that they really loved each other.
This idea sounded better in my head, sorry for bad food.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Mine, Yours: Completely
Maybe he isn't such a bad guy
FTM!Yandere!Ajax x Top!Male Reader
Part One: Yours Mine
Warnings: Non-Con or Dub-Con, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Oral, Skin Carving, Mentions of Murder, Smut
Notes: ik u can't actually ejaculate w bottom surgery but just pretend 😭
Words: 1,044
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You don't know how long it's been since you've been taken to some mostly empty room, save for two chairs and a small table. Ajax has been taking care of you during your 'imprisonment'. Feeding you, talking to you, bathing you...
It's uncomfortable.
The only emotions you've felt here are anger and sadness. Without your vision you've been feeling like shit.
You can't even appreciate the love Ajax is giving you.
"(Name)!" Ajax waves, turning the lights on and coming into the room with your favorite meal. He places it on the table in front of you.
"When are you going to let me out?" Your wrists were restrained on the chairs so you didn't escape.
Ajax's smile falls. "When you love me."
You scowl. "Someone will find me."
"Many people have been looking for you actually,"
For the first time in Rex Lapis knows how many weeks, you felt hopeful.
"My men and I have killed every cop and detective that's come close to figuring out your location. Having spies and connections comes in handy."
You freeze. "You're...fuck, you're lying!"
"When have I ever lied to you my love?"
You stare at him, trying to think of a time he's lied. "...Never."
"So believe me when I say you won't be getting any 'help'." He puts air quotes around the word help. "However, if you're good, I'll let you run free around the house. I have guards to prevent you from escaping, so all you have to do is be a good boy."
It's not like you had the energy to run away. You wanted to at least have your vision back. You wanted your hope back.
Ajax could tell what you were thinking about. After ages of studying you it's like he could read your mind.
"Once we get married, I'll give your vision back."
Your eyes widen. "Seriously?" You were in disbelief but pissed at the same time.
He nods, the smile he had on previously reappearing. "I promise." He locks his pinkie in yours.
"Why...why should I love you?"
He removes his pinkie and holds your hand in his. "I will make sure you're happy for the rest of your life, I'll give you whatever you wish for."
"What if I wish to leave you?"
He grips your hand, not hard enough to break it but hard enough to make it hurt like hell. "That's something I can't grant."
"It hurts."
"You can't leave me, (Name)." Ajax grips your hand tighter. "I'd kill you if you did. Then I'd kill myself after."
"Til death do us part, as they say." You mutter.
"Don't say it yet, save it for the wedding." He winks.
"Guess it's cold now." He looks down at your food. "I'll warm it up."
"Good morning, darling." Ajax smiles.
"Morning." You reply. It was never a good morning in this isolated room.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, walking towards you with a knife.
He pulls your shirt off and ghosts the knife along your torso until he reaches your lower stomach.
"What are you doing?"
"Carving my name into you.."
You brace yourself for the pain, hissing as he starts to write the first letter. "Fuck-"
A, then J, then A again, then X. You were biting your lip so hard it started to bleed.
"Are you okay, love?" Ajax looks up at you, a scary look on his face.
"Ajax- please.."
You calling him by his real name pulls him out of his trance, a small brush forming across his cheeks. "That's right...that's my name." He drops the knife on the floor. He pulls your pants and underwear down, resting your soft dick on his face. "I love you, (Name)."
You couldn't lie, he looked good like that. Your dick twitches, hardening a little bit.
Ajax drags his tongue along your shaft, metaphorical hearts in his eyes as he reaches the tip. "So good...taste so good.." He mumbles, licking up your bitter pre cum.
You watch helplessly as he devours your dick whole, clearly excited to make to you come in his mouth. He fingers himself, moans vibrating against your length.
"Ajax.." You murmur, bucking your hips up into his mouth. "Gods...Ajax.."
Ajax comes with a loud moan, unable to stop himself with the way you were saying his name. You follow shortly after, groaning as you fill his needy mouth with cum.
Ajax makes sure he swallows everything before moving away. He pulls his pants down before climbing onto your lap and jerking you back to hardness. "I'm not done yet.." He smirks, lowering himself onto you.
Now that you were fully conscious and sober, you could really feel how good he felt. How warm his pussy felt wrapping around your cock.
"I...fuck, I love you too, Ajax." You were pretty much thinking with your dick when you said this. Having someone like him as a lover doesn't seem so bad.
Ajax stops, eyes widening and face flushing red.
You thrust upwards, too horny for him to stop.
"Uuh~!" Ajax cries out, gripping his arms. "Wa- Wait~!"
"Take them off." You growl, referring to the restraints on your wrists.
"Hnngh~ key~ pants~!" He shakes his head.
You slow down, letting Ajax get the key from his pants. He scrambles to unlock your restraints, hands trembling as he gets them off.
You grab his sides, moving him up before slamming him back down.
He screams your name, moaning in euphoria as he comes from your roughness. "More~!"
You curse under your breath, reaching your peak. "Ajax~" You repeat his name with each thrust as you get closer and closer.
Neither of you could even think properly anymore, you were lost in each other's presence.
You still had a ways to go but you started to become more compliant for Ajax. You let him show you how much he loved and cared for you. He told you about all the people who wanted to hurt you and how he protected you.
You started to think, maybe what he's doing isn't so bad. Maybe he's doing it to protect you, because he loves and cares about you. He's not a bad person at all.
Even if your friends think so, Ajax hasn't done anything bad. He's not crazy, he just loves you.
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bakatenshii · 4 years
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Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader (Haikyuu!!)
word count: 2.5k
TW: 18+, smut, exhibitionism, a spritz of omorashi
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A/N: this is completely diff from what I’m used to and comfy with; it’s truly the softest thing I’ll ever write— for the real angel, Weese, who welcomed me into my first ever fandom with open arms. I wouldn’t be here without you, wouldn’t have met any of my best friends were it not for you. From the bottom of boku no kokoro, Happy Birthday <33
Weese’s Birthday Bash masterlist
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a sudden, energetic, and concerted effort, typically on a specific task.
(slang) heavily intoxicated
He gives credit where credit’s due, and in all fairness, you have been well-behaved, glued to his side til 2am that night. Might even be a new record; usually you’d have gone off and disappeared at the strike of midnight like you’ve got a pumpkin carriage awaiting, only it brings you to a different destination each time.
Whiskey mixers generally mean you end up at some twenty-four seven conbini chatting up the cashier to give you the karaage for a discounted price because you’ve ‘lost your wallet’. It’s never lost; Ushijima knows this because he’s chained it to your belt, lil lobster claw too rickety for your drunk fingers to maneuver.
Tequila shots are the killer; the ones that get his protective mode on overdrive, eyes scanning the streets littered with stumbling drunks until he finds his stumbling drunk. 
It’s currently quarter to three, which means it’s been a solid twenty minutes since you’ve wandered off. If he calculates the rate of distance in your drunken state, you couldn’t have traveled that far— two streets down, at most. He hopes, anyways.
Ushijima doesn’t like going out, doesn’t quite get the appeal of being shoved into crowds of people in a cramped room with perspiration mixing with other spilled fluids coating sticky skin. ‘It’s just ‘cause you’re too la-’ a hiccup, a giggle, ‘large, ushi.’ is your usual response. ‘Take up too much space.’
Ushijima goes out because you go out, and when you go out, your Find My Friends icon seems to like playing Pac-Man, navigating through the map like you’ve got dots to clear past every street and building. It worries him. So he goes out.
Tequila shots usually bring you to another club, whichever looks the most bustling, because you flock to crowds, like moth to flame. It’s your first character flaw.
“I’m not that drunk,” he whips his head to see your frame swaying outside the queue of a club entrance, bouncer leaning in close, too close.
Your second character flaw is that you’re too friendly. You tell him he’s too cold, too curt, but he thinks you’re just too outgoing. This is what happens when you’re so sociable.
It only takes him two long strides to cross over the street, extend out one long arm over to your shoulder, and pull you into his chest. The bouncer looks up at him, neck craning probably more than he’s used to, before spitting on the floor and turning back.
“Toooooshi,” he doesn’t think his name has that many vowels, but you’re pawing at his shirt, trying and failing to slither an arm around his waist. “‘m hungry.”
This is standard, this is the usual routine. He’s used to this now, “let’s go home, we have food at home.” After the third night out, he’s made a habit out of cooking before you leave. Because you’re always hungry, you always— “want Maccas,” you’re giggling.
“McDonald’s is going to be closed.” It’s a fact, there’s a slim chance you’ll make it before three, no point in wasting time. Besides, there’s food at home.
But you’re tugging at his arm and dragging him down the street, and he’s letting you, because the best way to appease you is to let you see for yourself. You’re bouncing with excited chirps, skipping down the road with grace that will always impress him given the stilts attached to your feet.
McDonald’s is closed.
It’s like he said, so he allows you to pout and sulk for a minute, run a hand down your back in comfort, before taking out his phone to call a cab. He can feel your shoulder bump into his chest, hands fidgeting with the hem of your short dress, “what’s wrong?”
You’re blushing, cheeks tinting over with a light shade of pink illuminated by the bright yellow lights, and it’d be cute if he wasn’t worried. “What’s wrong?”
Another tug at the black fabric, eyelashes fluttering to point towards the wall, the sign; anywhere except him. “I need to pee.”
It comes out so quietly, so docile, a contrast to your otherwise boisterous drunken state. He leans down, face brushing past your hair until it’s only a mere inch away.
“What’s that?”
He watches as your glossed lips push out into a pout, huffing out a, “I need to pee, Toshi, I need the toilet.” Your heels clack on the gravel a few times as if to prove a point.
“I’m calling a cab right now,” he reassures you, “we’ll be home soon.”
You don’t seem reassured. You seem more anxious, if anything. “No, Toshi, I need to pee now,” he can feel your fingers fidgeting with his shirt, yanking the fabric in nervous twitches.
He watches you chew on your lip, willing a solution out from the pink gloss staining your teeth, any solution—
It’s barely left his mouth before your head’s whipping to glance at the dark narrow street hidden behind the fast food joint. It’s tight, or maybe you’re right, he’s just too broad, but he barely fits down the cramped road.
You’re not moving, though, just staring up at him expectantly as if sending him a message, a signal. He doesn’t really get it. “It’s fine, there’s no one on the streets right now.”
Your bottom lip snags under your teeth, doe eyes looking up through fluttering lashes as you shake your head. The tint on your cheeks grow darker, and he takes a few steps forward, shadowing your smaller frame in his large silhouette. “I’ll block you, you can go now.”
Ushijima’s not the best with people, he’s always been told this. He knows it himself, but he thinks he knows you pretty well, at least.
He’s lost.
He’s waiting for you to say something, anything, an explanation for your odd behaviour, but instead he feels dainty fingers tug on his shirt again before shoving him lightly.
“Turn around,” you won’t look at him, eyes fixed on the broken bottle on the dingy alleyway floor, “Don’t look.”
People are a mystery to Ushijima, but at this moment, you are an enigma.
All 200 pounds of pure muscle on him is stagnant. He’s confused; he’s seen you naked, seen you from all angles in all sorts of positions, he’s brushed his teeth while you were using the toilet before— he doesn’t get it. So he tells you.
Your fists meekly punch at his arm, at his chest, wherever they can reach, “It’s embarrassing,” you’re pouting now, and he thinks it’s cute. Under any other circumstances he’d lean over and kiss you, but not right now. Right now he wants understand what’s going on up in your mind.
It sets you into a frustrated huff, cheeks puffing out before a dejected sigh, “fine, whatever,” and then you’re squatting down, finally, to his relief. Your dress is hitched up only a fraction before he hears the trickling, but you don’t stand up when it stops.
His whole body freezes at the feeling of a warm hand pawing at his crotch. “What are you doing?” He snatches your hand off by the wrist, pulling it into him to stand you up; you don’t stand up— you fall, on your knees in front of him.
He’s used to you being a handful when you’re drunk, used to you falling all over the place, but the alleyway is soiled, filthy, not entirely appropriate for the thoughts he’s having with you on your knees. So he’s trying again, reaching down to grab hold of both your hands this time, and lugging you up.
You don’t budge, don’t even glance up at him, and he has half the heart to reach down and carry you out, but another hand lands on his crotch again and it’s getting harder and harder to ignore the strain in his trousers.
“Toooooooshi,” you’re still not looking up at him, eyes fixated on the growing tent he’s presenting in front of your face. Another soft touch, another purr, and Ushijima knows he’s a lost cause.
He lets go of your wrists, bending down to wrap an arm around your knees and picks you up before standing you back up against the wall.
“Spread your legs.” It’s not really a suggestion.
He watches as you comply, thighs parting as far as the black lace still bound around them will allow, so he rips it down before pocketing it.
He can hear your whines of complaint, it’s your favourite pair, but it’s all drowned out with a gasp as he buries his face into your wet cunt. His hands wrap behind your thighs, large palms pushing them apart until they rest over his shoulders.
His tongue flicks up your drooling slit, lapping at the juices dribbling out your needy hole and down his chin. You’re whimpering now, hands shoving at his face, “stop, Toshi, I—” he looks up at you, gaze piercing through your flushed expression, “I just peed, ‘ts gross.”
“I know.”
“Toshi we’re—” a moan, nails digging into his scalp when he dips his tongue into your clenching hole, “in public, please,” your face whips to the side, anxiously scanning for passerby’s.
“I know,” he echos with a harsh squeeze of your thighs, fucking you down onto his tongue. He can feel a hand threading through his hair, gripping and pulling while the other is obediently clamped over your mouth in an attempt to muffle wanton moans.
“Toshi, stop,” you’re crying now, legs around his head trembling with every lap and lick into your dripping cunt, nose grazing that sensitive bud as he presses your body into the wall. The fingers meekly pushing at his face are chased by your hips bucking against it, and he can feel your hole clench around his muscle.
He doesn’t stop. 
He doesn’t stop because he can feel you coming undone, feel your tight cunny quiver with every thrust— and you do, with a loud sob of his name, before he removes his hand from under to clamp over your mouth.
“You’re gonna get us caught,” he doesn’t think you can hear him, your eyes rolling back and tongue pressing into the pads of his fingers.
He can still see your hole quivering when he stands back up and unbuckles his trousers. His aching erection springs free with a tug of his waistband, snapping up and wetting his shirt with pre.
Normally he would’ve prepared you better, laid you on your back and fucked you on his tongue and thick fingers until you’re wailing his name, legs shaking with the overstimulation. But he doesn’t have that luxury now, doesn’t have the soft mattress, the plush bedding to sink you into; he only has the brick wall digging into your back in a dingy alleyway.
So he sinks his cock into your drooling cunt, pushing his cockhead through the first ring of muscle. There’s nails clawing at his shoulders, back of his neck, anywhere they can reach, anywhere they can grasp.
It’s tight, so tight he doesn’t think he can fit, thinks he should’ve prepared you after all, but one look down at your tear-stricken face crumbles any inhibitions. His hips snap forward in the same breath his large palms find themselves back under your thighs, lifting you up against the wall.
The jagged wall is probably digging into your back, and normally he would’ve tried to appease the pain, shift the angle so you’re more comfortable, but right now all he can think about are your doughy walls sucking his cock in, one slow inch at a time.
It’s excruciating how tight you are; by the third inch you’re throwing your head into the crook of his neck, nails digging into his back trying to ease the stretch— Ushijima’s trying, too; trying to make sure he doesn’t drown in the feel of your fluttering walls and snap his hips forward until he can feel the kiss of your cervix on his cockhead.
It doesn’t work, not when you’re chanting his name like a mantra, crying about how full you feel, how much he’s stretching you out— you can feel him in your stomach.
He drops your body down into the thrust of his hips and buries his cock to hilt. Five seconds, then ten, then thirty; he lets you catch your breath, catch his breath, before you’re whimpering in his ear begging him to move.
There’s no time for modesty, an alleyway is hardly the setting for soft gentle sex. With a vice grip in the flesh of your ass, he hugs you into his chest and steadies a hand on the wall behind you.
He can feel your legs attempt to wrap around the width of his hips, his waist, can feel you cooing soft moans into his ears, can hear you sobbing his name like it’s the only word you know. Every piston of his hip echoes in the cramped alleyway, heavy balls papping against your mound.
He’s breathing in your moans, letting himself drown in you desperate whines of his name, “cum in me, Toshi, fill me up”— he’s shoving your pliant body into the harsh wall, arm moving down from the jagged surface to grip the soft flesh under your thigh.
In one swift movement he’s pinned your knees to your ears, limp calves bouncing off his sturdy shoulders as he pounds into you at an unrelenting pace.
Your moans turn to sobs, wails of Toshi, Toshi, Toshi; his breaths turn to grunts into promises to breed you so good, fill you up with his cum until it’s dripping out of your sweet lil cunny. There’s mini crescents marking up the back of his neck, dark purples and yellows running up along yours as he suctions onto new blank patches of skin.
Loud, unrhythmic squelching echos in the alleyway, his arms bouncing you onto his length until you twitch, spasm around his cock, and you’re coming undone for the second time that night with his name spilling out in broken sobs.
Ushijima doesn’t stop, fucks you through your squeals and shoves until he feels your greedy cunt milking his cock again, then he’s spilling into you with hot ropes of cum.
He doesn’t stop until your body’s gone pliant caged inside his, knees still pushed against the wall and saliva dribbling past your lolling tongue down to your messy pussy, mixing with creams of cum and slick and drool.
One limb at a time, he unfolds you and carries you in his arms, cradling your limp body into his chest. He looks down, admires your hazy gaze, pupils blown, and presses a gentle kiss onto your forehead.
A soft hum leaves your lips, or maybe a giggle, but you’re squirming in his arms, body leaning up until he can feel your soft lips grazing his ear.
“Toooshi,” you drawl, and he almost chokes at how fucked out you sound, the rasp in your voice sending dangerous jolts down to his no longer softening cock.
“Hm?” He’s debating on flagging a cab instead of calling one; can’t really reach into his pocket when you’re in his arms.
“Want Maccas.”
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geminil0vr · 3 years
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"lists" | ron b. weasley (part one)
read part two here !!
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summary; you and your boyfriend ron are both completely inexperienced, but one day he asks you what you like in bed. lucky for you, you actually made a list. and he's happy enough to play a few of those fantasies out.
tagged; @weasleyssupremacy
word count; 4.6k
content; smut, fluff, banter, making out, embarrassment, shit ton of blushing, mentions of kinks, mentions of teasing, mentions of hitting, mentions of choking, mentions of sex, mentions of praise, mentions of degradation, cursing, grinding, finger-sucking, spit, cum swallowing, first time foreplay (male receiving oral, female receiving oral), fingering, handjob kinda, orgasms, teaching/instructions, relatively realistic, no aftercare included but you know damn well ron'll take care of you, not really a specific dom/sub dynamic, inexperienced/house-neutral fem!reader, inexperienced boyfriend!ron, think that's it but lemme know if i forgot anything !
a/n; holy shit this took me hours !! in this fic, ron and the reader are sixteen years old. i'm from the uk, where the legal age of consent is sixteen — more specifically, in england, wales and northern ireland, a minor is considered a person under the age of eighteen. and i do not want to write smut about minors, i will never do that. so i did a little more research, standard wiki shite, and in scotland (where hogwarts is) that age is sixteen. sixteen year olds and up are no longer minors in scotland. i know many of you are from different countries and therefore may feel uncomfortable with this age because it doesn't reflect the definition of minor/non-minor in your respective countries, and that is perfectly okay !! i completely understand, hope this made sense bc i'm too fucking exhausted to tell. feel free to scroll by and find another fic to read, please put in a request for any of the harry potter characters if u wish, and have a lovely day :))
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you hadn't done much with him.
just kissing, really. some grinding here and there. you were comfortable in each other's grasp, sure, but you both never quite went over that line, of more than kissing, of more than light touching.
didn't make you insecure. nor impatient. it was a comfortable kind of middle ground.
and in that middle ground, you were seated on his thighs, legs either side of him, kissing gently, tenderly. these were tepid, lukewarm, waters, just bordering on more, just bordering on scalding hot, and you didn't mind it. you didn't mind it at all.
pulling back, lips not too swollen, just pink, you smiled softly down at ron weasley.
"you okay?" he asked. you hadn't meant to start kissing, you were just talking, just hanging out, him levitating a marble in his empty bedroom, you reading a book and making sure he didn't try and levitate a lamp — that never went well. not with ron weasley. but he got bored, and your eyes wouldn't focus on the pages, and you'd forgotten your reading glasses and he'd kissed you sweetly, and you'd kissed him back and now... now, you were snogging. you didn't care much for that word. it sounded weird, and heavy, and hot. and things with ron (so far, at least) weren't weighted, and hot, they were warm, and soft, and him.
you took the time to rifle your fingers through his red hair. he'd been letting it grow, just a little, down to the nape of his neck. "yeah, you?"
he grinned cheekily, nose and cheeks flushed already. of course, this was the usual. one kiss from you turned him pink, not out of awkwardness, just passion, you supposed. it was rather cute. and he pushed you further up in his lap, not too close, but closer. you grinned back. you kissed. and you pulled away again, just to look at him.
he took in a sharp breath, before blurting out something he’d wanted to ask for the longest time, "what do you like?"
"hmm?" you tilted your head.
he swallowed. “what do you like?"
"i'm gonna need some context here."
"in bed." now you felt as flushed as he looked. to ask that question, it must've taken a lot of courage. he was a gryffindor after all.
even starting a sentence caused your breathing to pick up. "well, you know i've never done anything before..." that was true. but you'd done your research. you'd actually made a list of what you thought you might like, which was idiotic in retrospect, and quite childish, but you'd done it, and it sat in your bag with a burning prescence.
"but surely you know... ya’ know, what you might like?"
you settled back, more comfortably in his lap, arms still around his neck, but you were less close. "why're you asking?" you teased.
"you know why!" ron groaned, burying his head into your shoulder, and he felt your shoulders shake with nervous laughter.
"well, i guess, i have — well... nevermind." he moved back, face burning, with an eager smile plastered on his face.
"go on, tell me! i want to know."
"it's embarrassing!"
"i won't make fun."
"yes, you absolutely will."
"just tell me."
you swallowed and chewed nervously at your lip. "i've made a list."
"alright, tell me." if he said 'tell me' one more time you would strangle him. speaking of choking, and all that —
"promise you won't judge?"
"well it's more of... well, it's not a mental list. i've written it down."
a grin broke out on your boyfriend's face, and you smacked his bicep.
"oi, you said you wouldn't judge!"
"i'm not judging! it's just cute, 's all." his smile faded a little. "so, about that list... why don't you go fetch it?" he said, with a sideways nod of his head.
"fetch? i'm not a dog."
he made the excited face he always had before he told a bad joke. for fucks sake. "aw, well, i figured pet play would be on your list —"
"shut up, shut up, shut up!" with each 'shut up' you punched his chest and he crossed his arms over it to protect himself.
"hitting, is that your kink too?" well, you weren’t exactly opposed.
you groaned and swung your leg over him, "i'm gonna go get my fucking list."
getting up and 'fetching' your bag, you searched through it and found your little, blue notepad. as soon as you'd returned to the four poster bed, ron reached out to grab it, and you quickly pulled back.
"no, i have more than just 'kinks' in there. and i don't wanna tell you everything."
"why not?" he was genuinely confused. that was the problem with these weasley boys: no boundaries.
"if i tell you everything about me then what secrets will i have left?"
"secrets are overrated." he stared blankly at you, shrugging, but still wrapped his arms around your waist comfortably as you swung your leg back over to sit on his thighs. as you flipped through the pages of the notepad, you found what you had been searching for. 27 pages in, hidden between random pencil scrawls, was your list. you'd learned about sex from books, and your friends' experiences, and being a sixteen year old at what is technically a boarding school. and though that wasn't the highest form of education, you knew enough to keep safe, and to feel good, and ron knew enough, too. "so, start reading!"
looking over the first line, your cheeks burned and you shook your head. "i can't say that!"
"want me to turn around?"
"no, i — no. i'm just gonna..." you slid all the way up his lap, ron attempting to ignore that you were right over his crotch in a pair of pretty blue jeans, and hid your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, embarrassed by your childish ways.
"c—" ron's voice broke, and you fought a smile, "comfy?"
"yeah. i'm ready now." you swallowed, breaths shallow and voice shaky as you brought your list up to your eyes. "um, well, i've heard about, uh —" he rubbed a hand up and down your back. you couldn't see him, but he was grinning and biting his tongue in anticipation. "pet play."
"you bloody liar, tell me the real list! don't be a pussy."
"fine, fine. no pet play. but i, uh, think choking sounds hot." your voice was slightly less shaky as you kept your flaming cheeks out of view. ron was bright red, too.
"uhuh. what next?" his voice was quiet and trembling now, grip on your waist tighter. the atmosphere of his dorm room had completely shifted.
"and, um, teasing. 's hot." your eyes flitted to the next word, trying to keep your composure as ron's grip on your waist tightened even more, keeping you still on top of him. "i like being praised, but being degraded is — it sounds... good."
ron had to fight the urge to groan, not out of frustration, but pure lust. you were by no means innocent, in fact, you tended to make a sex joke every day, or comment 'that's what she said' at every euphemism, but he never expected to hear those words actually slip from your lips. he couldn't speak, his voice got stuck in his throat, and he knew if he even tried his voice would break and go all high-pitched.
"then, hair pulling. hard sex, soft sex." both of your hearts were beating so fast, and you squeezed your legs against him. it was a nervous action, but you didn't expect him to let out a high gasp, and you certainly didn't expect him to grow firmer beneath you. "spanking, breeding, maybe, we'll see." he closed his eyes and let out a low exhale that he’d been holding in.
you pressed your hips harder down onto him, and his nails dug into your thighs. you'd been in this position before, while kissing, but this felt like pure filth, you telling him what you wanted him to do to you, and him just listening, and him getting hard. i mean, he'd been hard beneath you before, on top of you even, but it never led to anything more, and you didn't think you'd ever felt him this hard.
"i — i think i like biting. anywhere, really. not too hard. you have to be gentle with me." you had pulled back a little now, eyes still glued to your notepad, head turned a little so your lips were almost touching his ear. tentatively, you looked away. the tips of his ears were burning hot, and red. you took the lobe between your teeth, biting softly, tongue darting out just a little. his hips bucked up into yours, and you both moaned quietly. "and licking." you slid your tongue over his warm skin, just below his ear, then curved your spine to lick further over the expanse of his neck, causing him to let out another breathy moan.
"and, spit. i think it's hot. i've thought about it, about you, before. i dunno." you kept your tone unsure, in hesitation. you had more on your list, just things you found hot, situations you found hot, but you closed it and pulled back, unwrapping your arms from around his neck and fiddling with the notepad between your fingers. that was enough, for now. ron was breathing heavily. you were breathing heavily. everything felt hot, and heavy, and it wasn't the norm, not with ron, but you liked it.
"th— that was... good. a good list." he choked, hands still on your thighs.
a tense silence settled between you, until he wrapped one arm around your waist, hand slipping up your back, the other in your hair, and brought you into a feverish kiss. you grinded down on him, moaning into his mouth feeling the reminder of how hard he was, chucking the list to the side and sliding your hands up his shirt as your tongues explored each other's mouths. it felt good. really good. better than you could have expected.
ron gently nibbled at your bottom lip, before pulling away and moving his focus to your neck. you tilted your head to the side, hurriedly moving your hair to the side to give him better access. he licked teasingly up your neck, and you dug crescent moons into his abdominal as he began sucking and biting at the skin beneath your ear, and your pulse point, and soon your collarbone, and before you knew it your sweater was pulled off and he sucked and licked against the skin right above your breasts. this was the first time he'd seen you without a top on, just in a plain, black bra, and he was damn well going to savour it.
you tried to hold back moans, but it seemed impossible when he was burning beneath you, so you did what was natural. you grinded against him and whined as he trailed wet kisses all over your chest, and after a while of you arching your chest into his mouth, you realised what he was doing.
your voice came out breathless, almost breaking. "you're teasing me."
he stopped his trail of kisses to move his face back to yours. "what, you thought i wasn't listening?"
"well, stop." you whined, scratching your nails over his abdomen once more, earning a shallow moan from him.
"i thought you liked it." he tilted his head, almost smirking.
you swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, chest heaving, as you took your hands from under his shirt. "just touch me. please." ron took a moment to take his own shirt off, and you admired the freckles dotted over his pale yet flushed chest and shoulders until he wrapped his arms around you, unhooking your bra clumsily, fingers shaking with lust. you gripped his shoulders, fingers gliding over each mole as your eyes darted over his features.
"so fucking pretty." he licked and kissed underneath your right breast, cupping the other one in his large hand, and your mouth dropped open, brows furrowed in pleasure as he took a nipple into his mouth, looking up at you as you grinded down onto him.
"ron, fuck, i'm too sensitive."
you watched him grin as he slowed his movements and instead licked softly once over your nipple as you threw your head back. you were the hottest thing he'd ever seen. well, he'd only ever seen his brother's porn magazines so there wasn't much competition. but he could say without a doubt that you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, your back arched, your head thrown back, your chest flushed. so pretty. but if he didn't speed things up he was sure he would cum in his jeans. you caught his lips in yours once more, struggling with the buckle on his jeans. you knew you wouldn't have sex, not today. but other things were always possible. that thought made your head spin with anxiety and need.
after a little while, you resorted to quickly tugging off your own jeans, ron doing the same, and soon you were back in the same position, except you could really feel him against you. you both looked down at the sight of you in your panties on top of him in his blue boxers, and both laughed breathlessly, kissing once more before you slid off and between his legs. if you'd stayed any longer, he might've felt how fucking wet you were.
"it's okay, i want to do this. do you? we don't have to." he nodded his head, bottom lip between his teeth. "okay. just tell me what to do, okay? tell me what you like, ronnie."
‘ronnie’ didn't think he'd last that long when your hands were gripping at his thighs and you were on your knees, in only your underwear, between his legs. "okay. yeah."
you cautiously slipped down his underwear, pausing for a second as his flushed and red cock smacked up against his stomach. fuck, he was big, and already dripping precum. you were almost mesmerised with him before you remembered that he might be self conscious, so you proceeded to slip his underwear all the way off, throwing it off the side of the bed and coming closer to him, laying on your stomach and trailing a finger soothingly up and down his thigh. "so pretty." you teased, mimicking him from before, but as you looked up at his desperate face, mouth open, cheeks red, brows raised slightly, you decided that maybe teasing wasn't the best decision in that moment.
so, you wrapped a hand around his cock, feeling it twitch in your hand as ron moaned, head thrown back just like you had before. "that feels good."
"i haven't even done anything yet." you chuckled, looking up at him expectantly until his blue eyes met your own. "tell me what to do."
he gulped. "right, so you just wanna... make your hand wet. spit in your hand. you should like that." he couldn't believe he was saying this to you, or even joking in this moment, because right there, he was totally and utterly at your mercy.
you removed your hand from him, finding your mouth already salivating, and instead of licking your hand, you gathered your spit and let it drop from your tongue down onto it. he groaned as you looked up at him. fuck, he definitely wouldn't last long if you did more shit like that. taking your slick hand, you guided it up and down his cock, hesitantly dragging it over the tip, making him buck up into your hand and drip out even more precum. "fuck, uh... be careful with the tip. it's sensitive."
"sorry." he went to tell you not to apologise, but then you avoided going directly over the tip, collecting more of the precum, and the amount of spit and slick on your hand was creating lewd, wet sounds. if he tried to speak now, he’d probably just whine. testing the (now, scalding hot) waters, you dragged your tongue up his shaft, and he moaned even louder. he seemed to like that, so you did it again, and again, then put the tip in your mouth, pushing your lips down onto it until you got scared that your teeth would graze him.
"fuck, just like that, y/n, you’re so good."
seems he took more notes than you gave him credit for. or maybe this was natural? shit, is this how he spoke normally? he would drive you insane.
and how the fuck did people not use their teeth? at this point, you wanted to hear more of those beautiful sounds coming from your boyfriend's mouth, but also wanted to ask him. so you slowly took your mouth off, making him look down at you in concern.
"ron, how... i'm worried i'll use my teeth."
ron wasn't sure how to answer that, being just as inexperienced as you were, but he tried to use what he heard his friends talking about in the boys dorm.
"i think you just, try to wrap your lips down over your teeth. or you purse your lips. like an ice pop." you chuckled, and so did he. "i guess you have to make your tongue flat and then cover the top ones."
"okay, i'll try..." but before you went down again, he spoke once more.
"and, don't swallow the cum. doesn't taste great."
you nodded, and he watched you as you tried the technique, getting down even further, causing him to grip at your hair. he didn't push you down, just needed something to hold onto other than the bedsheets, that was all. and after all, you did quite like hair pulling. you moved his thick cock in and out of your mouth, wrapping your hands around the parts where your mouth couldn't reach, and looked up as ron's grip tightened on you. you didn't bother touching his balls — that was an experiment for another day.
"fuck, i'm gonna cum," you moved your mouth to just the tip, as more groans left his lips. "y/n, shit, don't swallow, just take your — fuck, take your mouth off."
you were stubborn. so stubborn in fact, that you kept suckling at the tip of his cock as he jerked up into your mouth, body freezing, as you swallowed load after load. you just wanted to please him. and thank merlin you'd done all those water (and to be honest, butterbeer) chugging competitions with lee, or you'd have been absolutely done for. he was right, it didn't taste good, at all. it was salty, and bitter, and as you took your mouth off him and let his slowly softening dick slap against his thigh, you almost winced at the flavour.
ron's chest was pink and flushed with perspiration, head thrown back against the headboard and eyes firmly closed, recovering. "fuck. told you."
"'s not the worst thing in the world. i'd do it again."
"don't say that or i'll get hard again." he reached for his boxers off the side of the bed, awkwardly slipping them on in a sitting position.
you chuckled, reaching to his bedside table to gulp down some water, head fuzzy and chest warm with the accomplishment of pleasing your boyfriend. he wiped a hand over his forehead, taking the glass out of your hand to take a big sip himself before putting it down.
"well, that was exhausting." he groaned.
"tell me about it. my bloody jaw hurts." you grinned, and he smiled back and rushed to peck you on the lips firmly, sending you to fall back against the covers as he hovered on top of you. "what're you doing?"
"don't think i'm done with you just yet." he grinned, but faltered. "unless you don't want to. i don't want to force you or anything, just tell me if —" you shut the clumsy boy up with another kiss, clasping your hands behind his neck and grabbing at his soft hair, wrapping your legs around his waist. you clenched around nothing as you felt his soft cock beneath his boxers against your soaked panties.
"it'd be my pleasure." you muttered against his lips. and he grinded into you once more before moving you so your head was against the headboard, and him between your legs.
"oh, how the turn tables, hmm?"
"shut it, loverboy." you shook your head, biting your lip and looking down at him as he trailed his nails down your inner thighs, making you arch your back a little. "and what did i say about teasing?"
"that it's hot." his crooked smile made your stomach clench.
"that you should stop." your complaints were ignored as the humour in the room dropped, and he looked at the wet patch seeping through your underwear. he seemed transfixed, swiping the pad of his thumb over it, before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulling them off, tossing them to the side.
taking his middle finger, he swiped it through your soaked folds, making you whine. "you're dripping." his voice got much deeper, and his throat felt dry, but if he opened his mouth he was sure he'd drool. "did it turn you on, sucking..." he cleared his throat. "sucking my dick?"
you didn't reply, just bucked your hips up into his touch as he paused.
he pressed on. "so?"
"yes, it did." you were so desperate that you actually pouted your lips. seeing ron talk so dirty, despite his hesitance, was the second reason you were dripping. you didn't know he'd be like that. though you should've expected it.
but his shyness hadn't left just yet. "can you... can you tell me what to do?"
you tried to catch your breath, his finger was still over your clit, not firmly pressing, just there. you got distracted for a second, looking down and subtly pushing your hips up, before you bit your lip, swallowed, and met his eyes again. he seemed to be amused by that. "uh, so... you just get your fingers nice and wet, first."
it even surprised ron when he removed his finger from you, and held up his hand to your mouth. your breath hitched. "you're probably wet enough anyway, but go on, then. 's what you like, right?"
you nodded nervously, taking his wrist and putting three of his fingers into your mouth. you sucked them in, making sure to get enough drool all over 'em, before messily removing them and letting spit string down to your tits. ron watched it all, dick growing hard again. he was sure now. you would be the hottest thing he'd ever see in his entire life. you let go of his wrist as he let the rest of the spit drip onto your pussy, the air leaving you cold as he spread it around with his fingers, up your folds, circling your hole. the avoidance of your clit made you throw your head back, as he teased you. he knew exactly where the clit was, frankly, it was pretty clear to see, all red and swollen and big. he was doing this on purpose.
"please, ronnie." you whined.
"okay, okay. what next?"
"you need to touch my... my clit. and maybe put a finger in, but, be gentle, please?"
"you've never fingered yourself before?" his voice broke.
"i tried, just one, but, it's not really comfy when i do it. too tight. fingers aren't long enough, maybe. i don't know." you swallowed nervously. speaking about your personal sexual experiences was embarrassing. ron found it hot.
he took your advice, slick fingers brushing over your clit, then paying more attention to it, playing with it, even pinching it, turning you into a whimpering mess. figuring you were prepared enough, ron gently dragged his middle finger over to your hole. "gonna put a finger in, now. ready?"
"yeah, please."
you gasped and gripped his arm. he eased in slowly, and fuck, you were tight. you'd broken you hymen before, probably by either walking, riding your bike, or simply experimenting on yourself, so there was no resistance as he reached his finger all the way in, just a slight discomfort on your part. he almost began to start moving, but you tightened your grip. "just a second, ron. your finger's bigger than i'm used to." that sentence made him rut into the bed, as he followed your instruction and stayed still. your body relaxed, and he even felt you begin to unclench around him, your ridges less restricting. "it's okay now, you can — fuck."
he'd started sliding his finger in and out, slowly, as soon as you gave the 'okay', and this was definitely better than you could have ever done to yourself. you weren't sure you could come just from this, but you didn't care, it felt good. you'd heard one way to make it better, though.
"try curling up your finger — oh." if this boy could only give you a chance to breathe. that change in movement was hitting a spongey spot inside you that made you clench your thighs together, which he fixed by using his elbow to spread one, and his free hand to hold down the other. you brought one foot up to his back, needing some kind of stability. "you okay?" he asked, which was a loaded question considering that his thumb accidentally brushing over your clit made your entire body jerk, and you weren't just okay, you were bloody brilliant, the blinding pleasure bordering on pain.
"fuck, touch my clit, please." you moaned, head thrown back as he did as you said, making your entire body spasm. you were so close, so fucking close, and you practically rode his fingers as you thrashed up and down, tits bouncing. you were just about to tell him you were gonna come (though with you non-stop clenching around his one finger, it was pretty obvious) when he decided to try something, removing his thumb from your clit and instead sucking onto it.
he'd heard about eating girls out, and it was something he'd always wanted to do to you, to drive you crazy, and if he couldn't do it now he was going to at least include his mouth into some of the action. he wanted to taste you.
with this surprise, you came hard, the heel of your foot pressing into his back, his hand working hard to hold down your other thigh, stomach clenching and eyes rolling back. you were moaning so much and so loudly that you were glad almost everyone was out at hogsmeade. as you came down from your high, ron removed his lips from your clit and slowly removed his finger, your aftershocks trying to suck him back in. your back, forehead and chest were sweating, your entire mouth dry as your eyes stayed closed. ron rubbed his hands soothingly up your thighs as your body spasmed again, and brought himself up to kiss your forehead, a grin that you couldn't see playing at his lips. he wrapped his arms around you as you sighed and leaned into him.
"fuck." you sighed, opening your heavy eyes and glancing at ron who licked the rest of your cum off his fingers, looking up at the ceiling. you were still clenching around nothing. that was the hardest you'd ever came, even better than the showerhead — oh, ron would have an absolute riot if he knew you used the showerhead. "thank you."
he gave you that dumb fucking grin, the one he always had before making a bad joke. "orange you glad you read out that list?"
"shut up and kiss me. idiot."
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
hi, hi, when u get the chance, would u write some soft headcanons abt the dragonborn telling romlyn that she’s expecting his child 🥺 i love him sm 💗
Together (Romlyn Dreth x Pregnant! Reader)
This turned out to be more of a drabble than a headcanon🤷🏻‍♀️
Romlyn flexes his shoulders as he exits the meadery after a tough, yet hardworking day. The man's exhausted from his many firewood hauls, but the thought of greeting you at the door of your shared home lifts his spirits and a content smile has returned to his face.
When he does get home, he's surprised to find you sitting lonesomely at the table, and not running to his arms like your usual routine. His brows harden once witnessing your troubled look.
"What's the matter, love?" Romlyn asks as he crouches down beside your chair. You refuse to meet his gaze, which only further burdens his anxiety. "It's... just, well, I... there's something that I need to tell you." A sharp, nauseating pang of fear prickles down your husband's body. Were you going to pick up and leave again? Were you bored with him? Has he not spent enough time with you?
"Hey, look at me." His palm reaches your cheek and aligns your sight with his. "Y/n... you can tell me anything. No matter how bad it may be, I promise we'll work through this together, because I love you." He prays to Azura, hell, he prays to the Eight that you won't leave him.
"I'm pregnant."
His mind becomes blank.
Tears well in your eyes, but they aren't ones of joy. "Romlyn... I'm pregnant," you whisper. A wild typhoon of emotions suddenly bubbles and boils within the Dunmer. He was going to have a baby, a child of his own. And you were going to be his child's mother. His.
"Oh, Y/n." Romlyn has never dared to cry in front of you, not ever, for he fears that it taints your image of his masculinity. Even so, he just couldn't stop himself. One tear after the next, your husband's cheeks grow damp as he grips his hand over his mouth in hopes of muffling his sobs.
His arms fly around your form and he buries his face into your side. "Please... please don't be upset," he hears you cry. Utterly bewildered by your comment, his head whips in your direction. "Upset? Upset?"
His lips meet yours in an overload of hasty kisses. "My love! Oh gods' mercy, my sweet love! This is the happiest day of my life!" His grin is so wide, his cheeks hurt when he speaks this. The expression that you give him is none other than a shocked one. "You're not angry with me? I thought—I thought you told me you didn't want children...?" Your words puncture into his heart. After all this time, you were convinced that he didn’t want a baby; that he didn’t want a family.
Romlyn’s hands slide down to the base of your stomach. “I told you once that I was afraid of having children, and I admit that part of that is still true,” he starts. “And I was also afraid of marriage… but here I am, living the best years of my life with you by my side. Yes, I’m still afraid. I’m afraid the future that our little one will have to face. But whatever happens… we’ll face it as a family. The three of us… perhaps more.”
Romlyn breathes out a laugh when you envelop your arms snuggly around him. “Truly? We’re in this together, then?” you murmur. Once more, he chuckles and he combs his fingers through your hair. “My dear, we’ve been in this together since our first ‘I love you’.”
I apologize if Romlyn was a lil cheesy.
Though nothing accents a Dunmer better than some cheesy romance.
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arhvste · 4 years
next stop iwa-chan!
“i traded a thousands nights, for just one with you, i been catching feelings over you and i hope you catch them too, i been going crazy over you and i hope you’re crazy too”
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the boy was good in the kitchen to y/n’s surprise as he helped expertly cut vegetables and help cook them off while y/n boiled the noodles and fried the meat.
even though it was something that should've been a normal thing to do, both y/n and iwaizumi couldn't help but feel butterflies inside at the thought of doing something domestic together in the comfort of one of their own homes. the idea of what it would be like to be married even entered iwaizumi’s head for a brief 5 minutes before he shook it off and reminded himself that they were taking things slow.
y/n on the other hand knew that iwaizumi had wanted to take things slow because of a previous bad relationship. she didn't know the ins and outs of what had happened and she didn't want to pressure him to tell her, but she too was beginning to struggle with suppressing her feelings. she would tell herself it was nothing more than a crush but she knew she’d be lying. she genuinely liked the boy and she was in deep, not that she’d ever admit it out loud though.
40 minutes later and the cooking was done as the two admired their work.
y/n laughed as she brought the crockery over to the dining table.
“this was a team effort, if it tastes bad that's all on you.”
“this was a team effort, if it tastes bad that's all on you.”
they sat down and said their thanks before beginning to eat.
iwaizumi was warm on the inside. eating something they had made together only made his heart pick up the pace a little.
he stopped to glance at the girl in front of him who looked as if she was enjoying her meal.
he’d called her pretty before just as a general compliment as form of teasing but she really was beautiful. the fact that he began to like her even before he had a clue of what she looked like fuelled his fondness of her.
it wasn't even just her appearance that had him hooked, y/n wasn't like any other girl he’d met before. he was an attractive guy, he knew this, he had girls approach him in the past but none of them really took his interest and iwaizumi found himself having to consciously speak politely to them. it wasn't like that with y/n though. she could take his banter and give it back just as quick, she wasn't judgemental and didn't push him to talk to her about things he didn't want to.
“i know you said you wanted something pretty to look at but now you’re just straight up staring.”
iwaizumi snapped out of his gaze and locked eyes with a smirking y/n.
“can’t help it when you look the way you do.”
y/n let out an airy laugh as she began to clear up the table and leave everything in the kitchen as they finished, iwaizumi following behind carrying other pieces to bring back to the kitchen.
“we can just chat on the couch or something, i don't know what’s on tv right now, netflix won't work cause the wi fi’s down.”
“so no netflix and chill then?”
y/n turned to the boy and gave him a serious look.
“best behaviour remember?”
“yes ma’am.”
the two sat on the spacious couch and relaxed into the soft furniture.
a casual conversation picked up between the two and they found themselves laughing and chatting carelessly as the hours drained away. time would fly past whenever the pair were together, both of them secretly wishing the hours were longer.
it was now 11:48pm and the atmosphere was nowhere near empty between the two. without even realising, they’d inched closer and closer as they spoke until y/n found her knees touching iwaizumi’s. she smiled as she noticed. she naturally gravitated towards his personality and now it seemed she naturally gravitated towards him physically too.
“what are you smiling about?”
“yeah you. you make me smile.”
iwaizumi blushed slightly at the girl’s blunt words.
even though they hadn't even known each other for even a month, iwaizumi felt like he knew the girl, like he’d been with her for years, she was so easy to be around and let his guard drop a little.
“hey thanks.”
y/n raised an eyebrow and looked up.
“for what?”
iwaizumi sighed quietly and took y/n’s hands into his own.
“for being patient. i know i said i wanted to take things slow but you really do make me happy. my last relationship was... difficult. it didn't end well and it was toxic from the start i should've seen it coming. you make me want to give relationships a second chance.”
the girl gently squeezed iwaizumi’s hands as he looked into her pretty eyes.
“again, i won't ask you what happened, i’ll let you tell me in your own time, but for what its worth, i will never make things difficult for you.”
to this, iwaizumi laughed.
“it’s a little late for that y/n.”
the boy looked away before edging towards y/n a little closer.
“because, all these emotions you make me feel, they’re almost foreign to me, it’s difficult for me to understand them.”
so that was it.
“if i’m the one making it difficult, then let me help make things easier.”
y/n pulled herself into iwaizumi’s lap and cupped his face while staring into his wide eyes softly. she ghosted her fingers over his cheek bones and hummed in satisfaction at his defined features. Iwaizumi’s hands hand snaked around her waist securing her in her position.
y/n sighed lightly before leaning in and grazing her lips over iwaizumi’s tickling his slightly. sick of holding back iwaizumi couldn't take the anticipation any longer. swiftly removing one arm from around her waist, he cupped one hand on y/n’s cheek and pulled her down on to him pressing a firm and desperate kiss to her. she gasped in surprise and iwaizumi took this opportunity to deepen the kiss with nothing but a need for y/n to feel the emotions he had been holding back from her.
y/n moved her hands and wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss turned lazy but still full of emotion. a soft, pure love was translated through the kiss as y/n began to pull away to catch her breath only to press soft and delicate butterfly kisses to the boys face.
“did that make things any easier?”
“i was trying to be on my best behaviour and you ruined it.”
y/n hummed as she pressed one last kiss to him before resting her head into his chest.
“you’re glad i did really.”
iwaizumi wrapped his arms around y/n pulling her closer into him.
“that did make things a little easier though.”
y/n looked up and smiled.
“good. sometimes i’m not sure if i’m always getting what i’m feeling across to you properly, that seemed like a good way to do it.”
“if that’s your way of telling me your emotions i may have to act even more insensitive.”
the girl laughed and playfully slapped the boy’s arm before cuddling back into his broad chest.
“minus 2 y/n points.”
“i like you. and not even just a little bit anymore.”
yeah, the two wanted to take things slow but maybe bokuto and the other’s were right. if it was meant to be then things just couldn't be forced to slow down. y/n and iwaizumi had crossed paths in such a spontaneous way, neither could even think to prepare for what emotions would flood when they had started to get involved with one another.
“i won't ask you to be my girlfriend, not just yet, there's still things i want to learn about you, for you to learn about me, but believe when i say i want to be serious about you, i want to try with you, i want you. just give me a bit more time but i promise some day soon, you’ll be my girl but i want to be the best i can for you and right now i’m still figuring things out. i want you when i’m happy with myself.”
y/n couldn't help but let the glowing smile on her face break out.
“a little selfish aren't we?”
“yeah i am, only for you though.”
y/n loosely wrapped her arms around iwaizumi’s neck before looking into his sincere and genuine eyes.
“well, when you’re happy with yourself and have things figured out, i’m yours for the taking, until then, let’s figure this all out together at our own pace. it’s clear neither of us want to force things to go at a slow pace but naturally i agree it’s best we learn a little more about each other before making anything official. i like you and i know you like me, we have all the time in the world to stick a label with commitments on us so i don't mind taking things as they come.”
iwaizumi let out a sigh of relief as he pulled y/n into his chest as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“you know, maybe i am glad shittykawa decided to bother you at the train station that day.”
“yeah? i’m glad too.”
enough had been said between the pair. they weren't ready for an actual relationship just yet, but iwaizumi felt excited about the idea of eventually getting to call y/n his officially. all he had to do was get rid of his insecurities and doubts from his last relationship so he could be the best version of himself for the girl who makes him want to do that. he had spent hours wondering if y/n felt the same unexplainable emotions as he did and tonight he knew he could rest easy knowing that she was in just as deep as him.
he was catching feelings over her and he’d hoped she’d caught them too.
whatever stars had heard his wishes, he said a silent thanks as the two drifted off to sleep there on y/n’s couch limbs tangled together.
this was only the start, but both of them slept with a few butterflies in their stomachs as they dreamt about what was yet to come, pulled in close together as they slept under the clear twinkling stars above the skylight in y/n’s apartment.
next stop iwa-chan!
iwaizumi haijime x reader
an - both y/n and iwa are in deep
akaashi’s playgroup || two pretty setters and co
part 17 - admit it
part 18 - i hope u catch them too
part 19 - whatever we are
taglist : @crushingonsuga @bloody-bella @totorosleaff @kageyamasbabygorl @cuddlyroger @hidden-otaku-stuff @vanilla-beanzz @macchiatoast @kac-chowsballs @anime-read-write-repeat @missalienqueen @bbkiyoomi @toaster-stick @nerdynstoned @otaku-fangirlse @the-third-wall @nekomateammanager @bokutoichigo @killlerqween @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @doggonudez @iwaizluv @angrylittlezizi @softmultistan @lifesciencesbois @itsmattsunshinehere @haikyus1mp @bringmelily @valrubiii @saturnfarie @oyaoyaoya-chan @ack-aashi @weebymaria @introvertatitsfinest @rd-crew @strawberryyymiaa @a-fucking-simp @chokomoko @iwachanswh0re @maybesoph @leviathans-watching @loser-keiji
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rims-things · 3 years
Fanfiction - One Shot
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Show : Doom at your Service
Myul Mang / Kim Saram x Dong Kyung
Setup : Kim Saram falls sick for the first time in his life. Thankfully Dong Kyung is there to take care of him
Concept suggested by : @dizistyles ❤
"Hello? You there ? "
Dong Kyung walked across her room , speaking into her phone and waiting for him to reply. It was already late at night and ever since he turned into a human, he would often fall asleep without warning.
She chuckled, imagining how sweetly he might be cuddled up in the bed.
"You're asleep. Good night Kim Saram.." she said before cutting the call.
Dong Kyung walked back to her laptop to note down whatever information she had just taken down for her novel.
She woke up the next day , expecting to get a call from him. She impatiently kept checking her phone , but all in vain. There was absolutely no news of him.
But he had promised to drop me to work today - She wondered.
When it was about time he should have come to pick her up, she instantly felt anxious.
Did he disappear? Was it a dream? Was it all a dream?
She panicked and quickly dialed his phone number with shivering hands.
Pick up! Please.. please pick up! - She begged.
"Hello?" His voice was weak but felt like a blessing to her ears.
She took a sigh of relief.
"Are you okay?? Why didn't you come ?" She asked trying to calm herself down.
He suddenly realized that he had been asleep all this while and it was late already.
"I... I'm.." he couldn't speak properly.
"Saram? .. are you okay ?" She started getting worried.
He slowly sat up on his bed and squeezed his eyes.
"I don't feel good." He said in a low voice.
That was enough for Dong Kyung to immediately pick up her bag and leave for his house. Not that she was just worried what might be wrong, but she was always anxious about his disappearance.
Saram held his head in his palms and groaned in pain.
"Ahhhh! Why does it feel so bad " he said to himself.
Ofcourse he was a doctor, and he knew everything about the human body. But only in theory.
He kept whining about the situation when Dong Kyung crashed into his room. His face lit up instantly.
"Saram.. are you okay ??" She said, running towards him.
"Ya.. i am fine.. i think i have what you call a... 'headache' " he said with a forced smile, he felt terrible from inside.
Dong Kyung could see the bizarre look on his face and immediately understood that he was not well.
"Hey! Don't lie to me.." she said, sitting next to him and caressing his cheek with her tiny fingers.
She jumped in horror. His skin was burning with fever.
"YA! Saram! You are burning!" She shouted feeling panicked.
He looked at her with a confused and dull look. He felt strange, sleepy, heavy on the head and weak.
"Burning ? " He said touching his face. "Aah.. so I have a 'fever' ?" He asked sounding curious.
Dong Kyung rolled her eyes and pressed her foot hard on the floor.
"How can you not know that you have a fever, when you are a doctor by profession?" She taunted.
"I've seen sick people but i haven't fallen sick myself.. how would I know how it feels ?" He said with a straight face as if it was so obvious.
Dong Kyong shook her head and stood up from the bed to leave.
He immediately held her hand back.
"Where are you going? Don't leave me... I'm sick ." He pleaded like a child.
Sometimes he was such a baby and she couldn't help but love him even more. She smiled at him warmly.
"I'm going to get you a medicine" she informed.
"Oh okay.." he said , releasing her hand immediately.
She chuckled at his tantrums and turned around to leave but he called out to her again.
"Dong Kyung..i also feel.. numb .. as if I have no energy.. as if I can't stand ? Or walk? Is that what you call 'weakness' ?" He asked, inquisitively.
She turned towards him and sighed.
"Yes... you're feeling weak because you are sick. You have a headache, you will feel dizzy, sleepy and lazy"
"Woah! You know a lot about being sick." He exclaimed.
Dong Kyung rolled her eyes and sighed helplessly. He was impossible
"I'll be right back" she said before walking out.
By the time she returned, he had covered himself with a blanket and fallen asleep.
She quietly kept the medicine and a glass of water next to him on the table. She sat beside him and caressed his temple.
"You look so cute when you are asleep" she said softly.
"I know " he replied, with his eyes closed.
She frowned and hit him on the forehead.
"Kim Saram! Don't put on an act, get up and take your medicine if you are awake. "
He smiled and held her hand, slowly sitting up.
"But I haven't eaten anything.."
"That's why I made you something. Eat it. Have medicine and take rest."
"Ah.." he looked at the breakfast kept next to him. ".. that is what my wife would do...wait ...is that a proposal? I say Yes .. lets get married today?" He exclaimed.
She pushed him back with a shy smile.
"Just do what I said"
He frowned at her and unwillingly went ahead to have his breakfast, but it felt terrible to sit and eat. He felt dizzy and lethargic.
"Ah.. i don't want to eat Dong Kyung.. can't i just sleep?? This feels so terrible.." he complained .
She immediately took the plate in her hand and started feeding him herself.
He smirked and happily took a bite without question. Was there any point saying No to her?
"If you don't eat, how will you get better? Don't you know .. Doctor??" She mocked.
He chuckled and continued to take bites, without moving his eyes away from her face. He couldn't thank the Goddess enough for letting him see her again.
After she was done, she handed over a tablet and a glass of water to him.
"Have this. I'll be back " she said before leaving with the plates.
By the time she returned, she had expected him to be done with the medicine, but she found him sitting and staring at the tablet instead.
"What ? " She asked.
He looked up at her with an innocent smile.
"I haven't taken a tablet ever before... does it pain?" He asked.
Dong Kyung chuckled.
"Haven't you seen your patients take it? Do they cry?"
"Then just swallow it with water. It doesn't hurt" she said, smiling at him.
"What if it gets stuck in my throat? Will I die ?"
"It won't. Just gulp it down."
"Okay.." he nodded and took the tablet as if it was the biggest stunt of his whole life.
"Goshh! How could you be a doctor.?" She wondered.
"Aaachooo" he suddenly sneezed and felt shocked. " What was that " he said to himself.
"Aaa.. I see.. you got wet in the rain last night didn't you? Now you're sneezing." Dong Kyung explained.
"Woah! It felt weird.. it was so sudden.. is that how you feel when u sneeze ??" He asked.
Dong Kyung laughed seeing him experience all such things for the first time in his life. She somehow felt satisfied that he was totally a human now.
She carefully made him lie down on the bed and sat next to him with a piece of cloth and bowl of water.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"It will help to get your fever down quicker" she said.
"I know that. But you don't have to do it  .. I am fine. Aachooo! ......Yaaa! ....That feels bad" he said.
She giggled and continued to wet the cloth and put it on his head until his fever was down. He kept looking at the calmness on her face and felt his pain fade away.
Hardly did he know when he dozed off.
Dong Kyung kept looking at his innocent face and recalled how he used to be few months ago. How he was simply existing, neither alive nor dead. But today he was living and experiencing everything he had ever wanted.
She quietly walked to the other side of his bed and laid down next to him, running her fingers through his soft hair.
"I love you so much..." she whispered and shut her eyes, feeling his cheeks against her palm.
He felt better when he opened his eyes after having a good rest. He still felt a bit weak but mostly fine. He tried to move his head when he realized that someone was sleeping cuddled up in his arms.
He could feel her silky hair touching his chin when he looked down. She was sleeping peacefully against his chest and in his embrace. He couldn't help but smile and blush.
"You're so small.." he chuckled, and caressed her head.
She moved her head up slowly and spoke with her eyes half open.
"Are you feeling better ?"
"Yes ...with you in my arms, I feel way better " he said.
She felt shy and immediately tried to get herself out if his grip but he held her back.
"Don't go..I'm sick.." he said, but his look was rather intense than mischievous.
She felt a familiar tension in the air with the fire he had in his eyes and unknowingly approached his lips. Without wasting a second, he kissed her back gently.
She wrapped her arms tighter around him and he brushed his fingers on her cheeks. They kissed for a while and parted.
Dong Kyung was left flustered, while Saram smiled satisfactorily. He turned around and picked up the tablets kept next to his bed.
Handing over the tablets to her he spoke.
"Now you'll need this too ..." he chuckled.
"Just shut up. Creep! Why did you kiss me ?" She complained.
"I kissed you?? You approached first..."
"No..what do you mean ..?"
Their kisses might last for seconds, but their bickering knows no end.
A/N : That's all folks. I hope I did not bore you ☹ Sorry if there were silly mistakes 🥲 Didn't proof read it 😶 I wanted to write more but my office people are cruel 💔💔 I wish I could make it better, but that all I could do this time 😅 Thanks @dizistyles for the suggestion, I loved writing this. 💙
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missallsundayyy · 3 years
Bandit and A School Girl
For today's fic its gon be bout my BIGGEST crush EVER. CHROLLO FUCKING LUCILFER. So I actually wrote more for this fic I think this is part 5 or sumn but I decide that this is my favourite part to post on this blog so here u go. Something bout Chrollo being a sugar fucking daddy turns me on so hard ON GOD. YES Im a Chrollo Stan and I'll always be ~~~ I actually have this fit posted somewhere as well and IF you guys want more parts just tell me & I'll post it here. Oh and also I don't really write with OC's I guess its just my preference I would usually come out with my own name but in this case I am borrowing a haracter from Seven Deadly Sins......Elizabeth Liones simply because she's the perfect character to portray my fic vision.
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"I know that stare and look. Don't. There's something wrong about her. Elizabeth is one of the hottest girls on our campus but boys that goes on a date with her never want to talk to her or even look at her again. Despite that.......she's very smart and also one of the top students here." a boy her age said to Chrollo while he was waiting for Elizabeth to end her class.
He found this interesting, he was getting to know more about her without her telling him. He had already seen first hand that she can be erratic but this was from another pov of the girl.
"Do you think I'm compatible with her then?" Chrollo's demeanor changed to one of those cheeky school boys that had a crush on a ridiculously pretty highschool girl. The brown haired boy laughed and scratched his head "You look much older than Elizabeth and you're probably not from this school. Judging by your appearance and body posture, you're probably a very determined person and also a confident man." the random guy briefly summarised him. Chrollo laughed "Your observation explanations must be a mandatory skill here I guess" he said .
"To be honest, most of us are just trying. God seemed to gift some students here with high IQ and abilities to absorb every knowledge given to them in a heartbeat and Elizabeth is one of them. I'm quite jealous" he joked. "Well don't say I didn't warn you, Elizabeth is very attractive but she's suspicious at the same time and I don't mean it in a good way" Chrollo nodded at the guy's departure with a smile before returning his gaze to Elizabeth "You might be a serpent in disguise " he mentally thought.
"You're not some ordinary guy with a crush yourself" the random student muttered to himself, looking back to Chrollo giving him one last suspicious glance.
Chrollo of course felt the hostile glance, he might be just trying to pursue someone he likes but he will never let his guard down, He smiled to himself
"Elite school indeed."
"You know you didn't have to fetch me from class, my dorm is on this campus." Elizabeth said sweetly to Chrollo.
They were walking towards the campus café. "Well there's nothing wrong about wanting to see the girl I like isn't it" he flirted playfully. To anyone that knew Chrollo will find his current behaviour mystifying, he never showed such emotions with anyone but was able to with Elizabeth.
"If you like me so much why don't we go on dates like girlfriend and boyfriends" she joked cutely. He smiled at her not so subtle hint. "If you want me to take you on date you should have just asked. I would love nothing more to go out with you, afterall how can I turn down such a request when a young attractive schoolgirl wants to go out with an old man like me" he teased and Elizabeth burst out laughing. "Oh! so you agree I'm an old man then" he raised his brows down at her. She shook her head still laughing, "You know I don't think that way and I think you're a very very handsome man Chrollo" she said shyly, her face tinted with a slight blush.
"Do you like this school Elizabeth? Are you enjoying yourself?'' They sat down on a bench on the campus grounds and Elizabeth leaned on Chrollo's shoulder. "Oh god that was such a long lecture, I am mentally tired" she whined softly but continued "I love studying in this school but I know and feel there's more that I can learn. It's not enough for me here." she said whilst playing with the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt.
He looked so handsome Elizabeth felt like jumping onto him right now. She was zoning out on him , her mind went dirty and she suddenly had a brilliant idea, thrilling if she would say so herself.
"I want to show you something, Chrollo! Come!"
She abruptly stood up and took his hand and dragged him with her towards the campus. Chrollo smiled, she was tiredly whining one second and dragging him around the next.
Elizabeth dragged Chrollo into her Constitutional classroom that was now empty.
"I hate this class the most, it's repetitive and the hours are ridiculous" Elizabeth complained.
Chrollo took the classroom layout into mind "So you want me to burn this class for you my dear?" he asked seriously. Elizabeth turned to him and laughed at his words "You're funny you know that, we're not here for public vandalism" she said softly walking towards him innocently.
Elizabeth grabbed Chrollo's collar and kissed him roughly. His hands instantly grabbed her waists and her small hands roamed and slowly crept its way under his white shirt. Her palms greedily roamed his hard abs, even if she didn't have a view of him, touching him made her see his glory in her mind. She had already memorized him mentally and there is no way she could forget. Her lips left his and she planted small kisses down his throat and her tongue gilded back up teasingly against his Adam's apple. Her lips planted small kisses and she went towards his right right ear.
"We're here so I can suck you off"
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She whispered and her right hand palmed his hardening cock through his pants, her voice filled with lust she couldn't contain herself, everytime she thought of him in class she got so god damn fucking wet. Just by the thought of him. He grunt at her vulgar words, he became harder just by her words. "You're very naughty Elizabeth, the classroom is not locked. What if a lecturer comes in then?" he was struggling to finish his sentence because her hand movements were getting too much for him. "Then I'll be in trouble danchou......" moaned in his ear. That was the last straw for him. He grabbed her silver hair roughly and yanked her down in front of his crotch.
"You better stop talking like that and put me in that sweet mouth of yours." he growled at her. Elizabeth giggled at his request, her small hands hurriedly fumble with his pants and in a second she had him down her throat. "fuckkkkk..el..elizabet..th yo..you're such a good fucking girl" he moaned and encouraged her actions. His fingers run through her silky smooth hair, appreciating her feminine features greatly. The look she gave sucking his cock like that, the lewd sounds from her doing the deed. The sloppy wet sound echoing throughout her classroom accompanied by her soft moans of enjoyment made him want to stop her and ram her against one of these school desks. He decided against the idea because he loved how determined the sexy young girl was in giving him pleasure like this. Her head bobbed up and down, coating his very large member with her saliva, it was as if she was in her own world.
Elizabeth was truly enjoying what she was doing, she didn't feel forced or obligated to suck him, doing this felt like an honour and she was going to show him that nobody was as good as her. "mhhmmm....." she took his cock out of her mouth with a soft 'plop' sound and licked viciously bottom to top "you're so fuc..mmmm..king big Chrollo, can...have this in my mouth everyddayy??..." he almost came to her dirty talks. "This will be...uhh..the only fucking...cock in that pretty mouth of yours Elizabeth.." she nodded at his words, giving herself 100% to him.
"You're the only one that I will pleasure, no other man will feel my lips, mouth, body but you..." she said, locking her eyes with his. The eye contact was a promise for the both of them, no one will ever touch them in such a way. "Good...show me how good you are for me and make me cum Elizabeth." he said yanking her head roughly making her take him wholly once again.
"mmmmhhh!" the soft noises she was making and the view of her body on her knees with her skirt riding up her thighs flashing him a generous amount of her thick and soft thighs.
Her tongue licked the tip of his head in a teasing manner before roughly sucking his cock again. His large hands had her hair in a ponytail "yes...yes fuck that cock with your mouth.." he urged her, he was almost there and it took Elizabeth to withdraw his cock from her mouth and spitting on it seductively before taking him all the way down again.
"shit! ah..... fucck! fuck Elizabeth!" he grunted and release his seed into her pretty mouth and he made sure to empty everything he got into her mouth. He still had a tight grip on her hair and she was moaning at his orgasm, it was such a godly sight for her.
"mmmmmm that's so much cum down my throat Chrollo.." her voice was soft and innocent, she could feel how sore her throat was becoming. He let go of her hair and closed his eyes, processing the euphoric feeling he just felt because of her efforts. "How many boys have you practiced on, the way your mouth worked was wonders" he complimented her. She giggled and stood up "Well I have dated a few boys in this campus and i have done things occasionally with them."
He had already adjusted himself and his pants was back on, he then remembered what the guy said to him when he was waiting for Elizabeth just now. "You've had boyfriends before you, I don't like it. Shall I kill your past lovers?" he said bluntly. Elizabeth laughed, he could be so cute yet so horrific at the same time
"All the boys in this campus combined could never be as handsome as you" she said.
"Take me to my room and lets have fun" she said innocently but already was walking out of the classroom. He laughed and trailed behind her shaking his head.
"Anything you want Elizabeth"
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cocastyle · 4 years
Change - Ch. 1 | F O U R
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 5,294
A/N - yay another chapter! I thought I would sneak in a few cute Bill and Y/N scenes during this chapter so I hope you enjoy it! also, I have uploaded a few parts to my Stranger Things rewrite and plan to upload more soon! it’s called Wonderwall and is a Steve Harrington x reader :)) please leave a comment below letting me know what you think so far! it really helps me with my writing when I know what you all enjoy whether that be the friendships Y/N has or the small moments with Bill!
if you would like to be added to the tag list for this series let me know!
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F O U R   - Bust a Move
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Y/N hadn't known what she was expecting to do once she had arrived at the quarry, but stripping down into nothing but her underwear had definitely not been it. Why she hadn't thought about what she was going to change into was beyond her, but the moment she realized she would have to wear nothing but her underwear in front of the boys was the moment she became frozen in place by Stan's bike.
No one seemed to notice the young girl's hesitation as Y/N leaned against Stan's bike handle. She stared down at her blue floral sundress, gulping slightly at the thought of having to take it off as she began to nervously bite her lip.
As if sensing her nervousness, Stan glanced over at his cousin as he pulled his shirt up and over his head. He frowned at her state before taking a step towards her. "Hey, are you okay?" he whispered, his eyes flickering over her face as he seemed to search for some sort of explanation.
"Uh. . .yeah," Y/N said as she nodded while the other boys glanced over at the cousins. "I just-I didn't realize I would have to swim in my underwear."
"There's always the option of swimming naked," Richie smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows, earning a whack in the head from Eddie while both Stan and Bill glared at their friend.
"Ignore him," Eddie muttered as he shook his head at the boy before he looked to the girl softly. "Sorry we didn't make it more clear. You could've brought a swimsuit if we had thought about it."
"You don't have to swim if you don't want to," Ben piped up, the boy giving her the smallest of smiles as if he understood the shyness she was going through.
"I'm sorry," Y/N whispered as she looked down, lightly hugging her arms as she did. "I'm just a little shy is all."
"There's n-n-nothing to be shy about," Bill assured her before he blushed at his own words. "I mean. . ." His eyes flickered between his friends, three of which were looking at him with smirks, one who was narrowing his eyes at the boy questioningly, and the last being Y/N who had started to blush as she gave him a confused look.
Realizing there was no going back from what he just said, Bill quickly spoke up again hoping to get everyone to forget. "There's a path that leads down to the b-b-bottom and you can just wait for us down there if you want," he suggested.
"Oh," Y/N said, her cheeks still bright red as she stared at Bill. She gave him a small smile as she nodded her head. "Thanks."
Bill just nodded in response and was quick to look away as he finished stripping down to his underwear and walked over to the drop off with Richie, Eddie, and Ben. That left Stan who finally tore his narrowed eyes away from Bill before looking to his cousin with a softening expression.
"I'm sorry. I should've said something before we left," Stan sighed as he placed a hand on the girl's arm.
"It's okay, Stanley. It's my fault really for not realizing. I'll just meet you boys at the bottom, okay?" she said. Stan was silent as he gave her a small look. Y/N only gave him a soft smile and put her hand on top of his arm that was holding onto her and whispered, "I'll be fine."
"Promise?" Stan asked as he held out his pinky to the girl.
Y/N chuckled softly making the curly haired boy join in as they both thought back to the many times they would pinky swear on promises. It was the most serious of promises as they liked to say, so it was important to them.
The girl linked her pinky with Stan's before nodding her head, "Promise."
Stan gave her pinky a small squeeze and smiled before pulling away to take off the last of his clothes. He glanced in his cousin's direction once more before jogging over to join his friends by the ledge while they began a loogie contest, leaving Y/N to stand by his bike.
Y/N got lost in her thoughts as she glanced over at the trail Bill had been talking about. Why couldn't she just be confident for once and go into the water? After all, it was only her cousin and his friends. So why was she so nervous?
"Oh my god, that was terrible. I win!" Richie exclaimed causing Y/N to lose her train of thought. The girl glanced over to where the boys were all standing and chuckled slightly at the sight of them all standing there in their underwear arguing about their loogies.
"You won?" Eddie asked in disbelief.
"Yeah," Richie said as if there were no question to it.
"You see my loogie?" Eddie questioned, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion as he wondered how Richie thought he could've won.
"Mine went the farthest. It's about distance!" Richie exclaimed.
"Mass. It's always been mass," Eddie insisted. Richie's eyes widened in disbelief and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle as she watched him throw his arms around for emphasis as he began to bicker with Eddie like usual. Sometimes they acted like an old married couple and Y/N found it to be the funniest and also the cutest thing ever.
"Y/N!" a voice greeted happily causing the girl to turn and see Beverly biking up to her.
"Beverly," Y/N greeted back before her eyes caught sight of the new hair cut the red head was sporting. "Woah. I love your hair!"
Beverly blushed slightly as she hopped off her bike, not really used to compliments. "Thanks," she said before she noticed that Y/N was standing by herself by the bikes. "What's the hold up? You not want to go in?"
"Oh, I do," Y/N assured her before she looked to the ground embarrassed. "I just didn't realize we would be in our underwear and am a little shy is all."
"Shy?" Beverly questioned. "You do realize it's like wearing a bathing suit, right? And it's only in front of those idiots."
She gestured towards the boys and Y/N let her eyes flicker over to them, catching onto the end of Eddie and Richie's fighting as Eddie said, "Who cares how far it goes when it's a measure of how cool it looks like it's green or it's white or juicy and fat?"
Y/N and Beverly both grimaced and let out small laughs as they looked to each other. "Fair point," Y/N nodded. "I just. . ." She trailed off and glanced down at her body. Beverly watched her in silence for a minute before smiling softly as she reached out to place a hand on the girl's shoulder, knowing exactly where the girl was coming from. After all, it wasn't like Y/N was the first girl in the world to be a little self-conscious.
Y/N glanced up at Beverly and saw her kind smile before the red head suggested, "How about we do this together? That way you're not alone."
Y/N was silent for a moment before she hesitantly nodded her head. Not being the only girl would definitely make her feel a little better.
Beverly smiled before gesturing towards the boys. "Come on. Let's show them how it's done," she said making Y/N grin.
"Alright. Who's first?" they heard Bill ask and Beverly quickly squeezed Y/N's hand in reassurance before yelling out, "We'll go!"
The five boys quickly turned around and Beverly smiled before letting go of Y/N's hand so that she could take her dress off. Y/N could feel the stares of the boys and she looked down before taking in a deep shaky breath.
"It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of," Beverly assured her as she slipped off her shoes.
Y/N nodded before shakily slipping her dress off. She didn't dare look at the boys as she let her dress drop to the floor before her shaky hands moved up to her ponytail that was holding her hair back. She effortlessly pulled the tie out and it was only then that she let her eyes flicker up as she kicked off her shoes, her hair falling down in slight waves due to having been up.
Y/N looked to Beverly, not wanting to see the looks on the boys' faces and the red head was already smiling proudly at her. Beverly held a hand out and Y/N couldn't stop the smile growing on her own face as she took the girl's hand in her own, the two then running forward and towards the edge of the cliff.
"Sissies!" Beverly called out as they reached the edge of the cliff and Y/N barely had time to even look at the boys before the two had jumped off.
"What the fuck?" Y/N heard Richie cry out and she couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as she fell through the air with Beverly by her side.
It was only when they were about to hit the water that they let go of each other, each of the girls taking in a deep breath before plunging into the cold water.
"Ahhh, holy shit, we just got shown off by not only one girl, but two!" Richie cried out as the five boys looked down at the rippling water below them. "Also, Stan the Man, I don't know how it's possible, but your cousin manages to get hotter and hotter by the second."
That comment earned a glare from not only Stan, but the other boys as well, each of them not liking Richie's comment for different reasons.
"We have to do that now?" Stan asked as he looked back down at the water, watching in relief as he saw Y/N poke her head up and above the water, Beverly following not too long after.
"Yes," Eddie muttered nervously while the others looked down in disbelief.
Bill caught sight of Y/N looking up at them and he barely managed to see her smile from that far away before her voice called out to them, "Come on!"
"Oh shit!" Stan sighed, knowing that he would have to go in for sure now that his cousin had jumped.
The boys didn't stand there much longer before Bill had jumped off the cliff, the others all knowing he had only gone first to impress Y/N. It didn't take long for them to join him and before they knew, the whole group was down in the water splashing around with big grins on their faces.
Y/N had never felt as happy as she did in that moment where they were all engaged in a huge water fight. Joyous laughter escaped all of their mouths while they all splashed each other as much as they could while others tried to dunk some of them under water.
Y/N hadn't had many friends back home, not any real ones anyways. The only people she talked to were a few people in her classes who she worked with when she needed a partner for class or somewhere to sit at lunch.
But people to hang out with outside of school? She had never had anyone like that. She had only ever had Stan and the boys when she was visiting during the summer. But that had been five years ago and she hadn't seen Stan as much as she used to, so her friend count was basically nonexistent.
That's why she was so thankful for a moment like this. She needed it, especially with the whole divorce thing going on at home. Y/N had needed someone to make her happy, someone to keep her distracted from the shit storm life had thrown at her. And her cousin and his friends had been just the people she was looking for.
"Chicken!" Stan suddenly exclaimed, causing the group to stop their fighting and snapping Y/N out of her thoughts almost instantly. "Let's play chicken."
"What are you going on about, Stanley?" Y/N asked confused causing Richie to gasp out of pure horror.
"You don't know what chicken is?" Richie questioned in disbelief. "Stan, what are you teaching this girl?"
"Hey, don't blame me!" Stan insisted. "I thought she knew what chicken was!"
"Okay, see you keep saying it, but no one is actually explaining what it actually is," Y/N pointed out. "Saying it over and over isn't going to make me understand it any more than I already do."
"It's a g-g-game," Bill explained while the others nodded their heads.
"There are two teams of two and each pair has one of their people on the shoulders of the others. The objective is to basically try and knock the other off their partner's shoulders and into the water. First pair to fall loses," Eddie told her.
"Honestly, there's no use explaining it to her," Richie shrugged while the others looked to him. He smirked slightly before saying, "Everyone knows I'm the reigning champion. No need to get her hopes up in thinking that she can defeat me."
"Woah," Y/N laughed. "You sure about that, Richie? Who knows? Maybe I'm amazing at this game and you just don't know it yet."
"Yeah, and neither do you," Richie poked fun making both him and the girl chuckle.
"Well then let's find out," Y/N said while Richie gave her a surprised look.
"Oh, you're on," Richie laughed, a smirk appearing on his face. His eyes then lit up and he quickly yelled out, "I call Stan!"
"What?" Y/N cried out. "No fair!"
"No, what's not fair is you getting to have Stan as your partner because he's your cousin. Besides, I called him fair and square. He's my partner now," Richie insisted while Stan gave his cousin an apologetic look.
Y/N huffed in frustration and crossed her arms before yelling out, "Bill!"
Said boy instantly jumped in surprise at the fact that she was yelling his name before looking over at her. "Yes?" he said in a questioning tone.
"Want to be my partner and help me kick their asses?" Y/N asked, the fact that he had been her first choice after her cousin making him smile.
"It would be my p-p-pleasure," Bill laughed making the girl send a thankful grin his way before she swam over to him.
It was then that Bill seemed to realize that he would have to hold the girl up on his shoulders and he looked away with wide eyes and tried to control his nervous heartbeat as he went under water. He felt Y/N's feet graze against his shoulders before she sat down. Bill held his hands up and Y/N grabbed onto them, interlocking their hands as Bill stood up.
Their interlocked hands was the only reason Y/N managed to stay on top of Bill's shoulders as they tried to gain balance. And even when they had gained their balance, neither of them let go. It was only when Richie was securely on Stan's shoulders that they let go of each other's hands and Bill was sure to squeeze her hands in good luck before letting go, moving his hands down to grip onto her legs instead.
Y/N couldn't help but notice that Bill had chosen to grab onto her calves instead of her thighs and she smiled softly at how sweet the boy was before her kind nature turned into a menacing smile and narrowed eyes.
"You ready, Tozier?" Y/N called out making Richie laugh.
"You know it, babe," Richie winked at her.
"I'll flip you off right now if you call her that one more time," Stan threatened making Richie hold his hands up in defeat.
Bill chuckled softly and opened his mouth to begin the countdown. Y/N and Richie quickly got ready, both of them with their arms up in the air as they waited for Bill to tell them to start.
It was only when Bill had given them the green light that the two lunged forward, the intense game of chicken fight beginning. Their hands collided almost instantly and both began to trash talk each other as they tried their hardest to shove the other off of their partner.
Y/N didn't know how long they had been fighting for, but with her strength and Bill's tactfulness in the way he moved her forward at precise moments and would move out of the way enough to make Stan stumble, the two were eventually able to make Richie lose his balance so that he went flying back into the water, his leg ultimately dragging Stan underwater as well.
Y/N and Bill instantly let out a cry of victory while Beverly, Ben, and Eddie cheered the two on from the side. Richie and Stan eventually came back above the water only to find Y/N and Bill laughing and cheering. Richie rolled his eyes and slyly swam over to Bill without him noticing before taking his foot and gently kicking his knee from behind so that the boy's knee buckled.
This led to Bill losing his stance and Y/N wobbled on top of him before the two fell backwards into the water, screams escaping both of their lips as they fell. They came above the water with confused looks on their faces before they noticed Richie laughing with his hands holding on to his side.
Bill and Y/N both looked to each other and gave each other small nods before they turned and splashed Richie with as much water as they could. Richie fell silent almost instantly, his mouth wide open while his wet hair hung in his face.
Richie went to splash the two, but Stan quickly stopped him as he chuckled softly to himself. "Come on, Richie. Beverly and Ben want a turn," Stan told him, secretly winking at his cousin and Bill for having saved them while Richie frowned and turned to the boy.
"Fine, but this time I'm going to need you to work with me. How am I supposed to win when you can't fucking keep your balance?" Richie complained before he swam off with Stan, leaving Bill and Y/N to chuckle softly to themselves.
Y/N shook her head as she watched Richie and Stan start to fight against Beverly and Ben, laughter falling from her lips as Richie scolded her cousin for not doing anything to help out. Bill couldn't stop himself from watching the girl as she laughed, his eyes trailing over her face and the water droplets that rolled down her face and collected at her chin before she wiped them off.
The water seemed to make her skin sparkle in the sunlight, so it was pretty hard for Bill to look away from a view as beautiful as that.
But then Y/N was looking his way, having sensed his stare and Bill was quick to look to the water, acting as if he hadn't just been staring at her.
He heard the girl chuckle softly from beside him and Bill sighed before letting his eyes flicker back over to her, knowing that he had been caught and there was no use denying it. He was met with a stunning pair of e/c eyes and that Y/N Uris smile and a blush instantly spread onto his cheeks as he looked at her.
"H-H-Hi," Bill whispered, mentally face palming himself for being so stupid. Hi? Was he being serious right now?
Y/N didn't seem fazed and merely continued to smile at him, her eyes scanning over his features as she whispered, "Hi."
Bill didn't know how he hadn't noticed, but the two were a lot closer together than he had thought, their arms only being inches away. He didn't know what had him doing it, but with a sudden wave of bravery, the boy began to reach out, his hand brushing against the girl's arm before he began to trail down to her hand.
Y/N's eyes flickered down before she looked back up at the boy who was looking anywhere but at her face. Smiling softly to herself, Y/N also looked away before moving her hand up to brush against Bill's. The two were silent as their fingers brushed over each other's before they slowly began to come together, gently molding together until their hands were interlocked.
Neither of them dared to move, but each of them was trying desperately to hold back the smiles on their faces as they looked away from each other. What was going on was still a mystery to the two of them, but the only thing they knew was that it felt nice to be holding each other's hand. So they didn't bother saying anything about it.
But then Y/N's hand was jerking away from Bill's as she yelled out, "Ah fuck! What was that?"
Bill's eyes widened slightly and he looked to the girl like a lost puppy as he asked almost heartbreakingly, "W-W-What?"
Y/N's eyes widened as she realized what it must've seemed like and she quickly shook her head. "Oh, no. I. . .something bit my ankle," Y/N said, her eyes flickering over Bill's face as a look of relief took over his features.
He blushed slightly before saying, "Oh."
The others all seemed to have heard Y/N's scream and were swimming over to them in no time. "What's wrong? What happened?" Stan asked, his eyes filled with concern.
"Something bit me," Y/N explained as she looked down at the water confused.
"Something bit you?" Eddie asked in horror, his eyes wide as he began to swim around a little frantically.
"Calm down, Eds," Richie said. "She probably just grazed her foot against a piece of glass or something.”
"Glass?" Eddie squeaked out, his face getting paler by the minute.
Bill, who had been frowning down at the water, didn't even hesitate before taking in a deep breath and diving under the water. He came back up not even a second later with laughter escaping his mouth as he looked to Y/N amused.
"It's a turtle," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he tried not to laugh. The others all chuckled while Y/N narrowed her eyes playfully at the boy.
"Shut it, Denbrough," Y/N muttered while the boy chuckled softly. Y/N joined him not too long later and the two smiled softly at each other as their laughter died down. However, they barely had time to even blink before water was splashed against both of their faces, their mouths dropping open as they squeezed their eyes shut to keep the water out.
"Payback, motherfuckers!"
And that was how their second round of water fighting began.
- - -
This here's a tale for all the fellas
Tryin' to do what those ladies tell us
Get shot down cause ya over-zealous
Play hard to get females get jealous
Y/N didn't know how Beverly had done it, but some how the red head had been able to convince her to get out of the water to sunbathe with her. It was like all the insecurities Y/N had before jumping in had washed away and Y/N hadn't even thought twice before getting out of the water to lay in the sun, a small smile gracing her face as the warmth of the sun kissed her skin.
Her h/c hair spilled out all around her in slight waves from having dried long ago and she seemed to be glowing because of how happy she was. Her teeth sparkled in the sunlight as she smiled and mouthed along to the words of 'Bust a Move' which was playing on the radio the group had brought.
Okay smarty go to a party
Girls are scantily clad and showin' body
A chick walks by you wish you could sex her
But you're standing on the wall like you was Pointdexter
Bill couldn't take his eyes off of the girl, none of the boys could really. All except for Stan who kept glaring at the boys for staring at his cousin in that way while also sneaking glances at Beverly, not used to seeing a girl in nothing but their underwear. The boys all sat a little wide eyed with their mouths slightly open as they gazed at the girls, but Bill only had eyes for Y/N and found it impossible to tear his gaze away from her.
Y/N didn't even seem to notice the staring coming from the boys, too caught up in the song to be paying any attention to her surroundings. She probably wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for Beverly lightly nudging the girl and whispering, "They're staring at us."
Next days function high class luncheon
Food is served and you're stone-cold munchin'
Music comes on people start to dance
But then you ate so much you nearly split your pants
It was then that Y/N finally acknowledged the stares and she instantly blushed before both her and Beverly turned their heads to look at the boys. Their eyes all widened in surprise and they were quick to look away, some of them coughing awkwardly while they all pretended as if they hadn't just been caught staring at the girls.
Beverly and Y/N glanced at each other and chuckled softly before turning their bodies around so that they were propped up by their elbows. While they did this, the boys who were still a little red faced tried to find something to do to make it seem like they hadn't been staring.
Richie eventually caught sight of Ben's backpack and grabbed it before looking to the boy with an amused expression as he used one of his many comedic voices to say, "News flash, Ben. School's out for summa."
Y/N chuckled softly at Richie who winked in her direction while Ben looked to his backpack. "Oh that? That's not school stuff," Ben told him while Richie began to rummage through his things.
His eyes lit up at something and he was quick to pull a small postcard out of the boy's backpack before looking to Ben with a smirk. "Who sent you this?" Richie asked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows at the boy.
Ben's eyes widened and he was quick to snatch the postcard from Richie before he could read anything. "No one!" Ben insisted while Richie smiled in amusement at the boy. Ben shook his head and shoved the postcard back into his backpack as he whispered, "No one."
Thankfully Richie didn't seem to want to pester the boy and moved on, pulling out a small blue folder from the boy's backpack and opening it up to reveal newspaper articles on the Black Spot explosion.
"What's with the history project?" Richie asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"Oh well, when I first moved here, I really didn't have anyone to hang out with so I just started spending time in the library," Ben explained while Richie handed the folder over to Bill.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows curiously and was quick to pull herself up onto her feet and go sit next to Bill as she glanced down at the newspaper. Bill's eyes widened slightly at the close proximity and stared at the girl for a split second before gulping softly and looking back down at the newspapers as he tried to calm his nerves.
"You went to the library? On purpose?" Richie questioned in both disgust and horror making Y/N chuckle and roll her eyes at the boy.
"Some people enjoy going to the library, Richie," Y/N informed him making the boy give her a confused look.
"Why?" he asked, his nose scrunching up as he looked at the girl in utter bewilderment.
"Oh, I wanna see," Beverly said as she scrambled to her feet and went to sit in between Bill and Ben, not noticing the way that Ben tensed ever so slightly before looking to the girl with a blush dusting his cheeks.
"What's the Black Spot?" Stan asked, having caught sight of the papers for a moment and wondering what exactly it was about.
"The Black Spot was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by that racist cult," Eddie explained.
"The what?" Stan questioned as both him and Y/N gave Eddie the same confused look.
Eddie blinked slightly in surprise at just how similar the two cousins looked in that moment with their eyebrows scrunching together and the corner of their mouth twitching up slightly into a confused smile as they stared at him before he asked, "Don't you watch Geraldo?"
"Who?" Y/N questioned making the boy give her an appalled look as he put a hand to his chest like her question had physically wounded him.
"Your hair," a soft voice said making the group turn away from their discussion to see that Ben was staring at Beverly with wide eyes. It was obvious he hadn't meant to say those words out loud and Beverly looked to the boy almost nervously as she gave him a confused look. Ben finally seemed to snap out of his daze as he said, "Your hair looks beautiful, Beverly."
Beverly blinked in surprise before smiling as she brushed some strands of hair behind her ear. "Oh, right. Thanks," she whispered while Ben looked to the ground bashfully.
Y/N and Bill both glanced at each other in confusion before Bill shrugged. Y/N smiled and let out a small chuckle while Bill watched her in adoration.
Richie looked between the two pairs who were obviously crushing on each other and rolled his eyes, not being able to take it anymore. "Here, pass," the boy said, snapping the four kids out of their trances as Bill tore his gaze away from Y/N to pass the folder to Richie.
"Why's it all murders and missing kids?" Richie asked as he glanced at the folder once again before passing it to Stan so that him and Eddie could see.
"Derry's not like any town I've ever been in before. They did a study once and it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average," Ben told them, his words making all of them stop what they were doing to look at him.
"You read that?" Beverly questioned while the kids all shared looks with one another. It didn't take a genius for them to realize that the mood had grown just a little darker, but Ben didn't seem to notice and continued.
"And that's just grown-ups. Kids are worse—way, way worse," Ben said while Y/N and Stan locked eyes. Y/N could see the small trace of fear on her cousin's eyes and she was sure her eyes held the same as they both gulped.
"I've got more stuff, if you want to see it," Ben suggested and Eddie was quick to shake his head as he looked to his friends. But by the looks on their faces, it was clear they wanted to go see what Ben was talking about. So all Eddie could do was let out a small sigh while Y/N offered him a sympathetic smile.
This was going to be fun.
* * *
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maiface23 · 4 years
The Masturbation vs. Sex Debate
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Note: If anyone listens to the VIEWS podcast, then you would know David said before he prefers masterbation over sex. That's where I drew inspiration for this fanfic for Sub!David. Also drew inspiration from @dd-imagines . I really enjoy Dom!David, so this was a new way of writing for me, This also might turn out long, so I hope you're ready, and I Hope you enjoy!
Warning: Smut, Fluff, Choking, Aggression
You've been with David for a while now. Time has flow, by your not really sure for how long. Maybe 6 months? Maybe more? Either way, the connection and chemistry you have with him is undeniable. You've done everything in bed with David that is possible.... So you thought... knowing everything about each other's bodies. Your relationship is just bliss.
One day you realized you havent been catching up in David and Jason's podcast. There was some shows you havent listened to before, shows that they made before you two became involved with each other.
You were bored, laying in your bed, wishing you went with David to New York. But you couldn't, So all you could do was wait for the time to go past untill everyone came back home.
You scroll though the shows, waiting for a title to catch your eye, when you finally find one, titled "$400,000 to quit drinking".
You start to listen, missing David's voice, comforting you as you lay alone, wishing he was there with you, holding you. Then something David states that catches you off gaurd.
David on VIEWS podcast- "I think masturbation is better"
Your eyes wide, feeling confused.
David on VIEWS podcast- "I just think- that- one- you know what you want the most... it's so convenient, you can do it whenever you want... You can do it where ever you want.... one part of your body helps out the other. It's almost like- kinda magical."
You gasped. You feel so offended, but you start to realize that this was before you guys got together. Maybe single David just thinks differently, and he changed his mind. Even having these thoughts, you are still upset. Am I not good enough? You think to your self. You honestly didn't even want to finish the show, you feel like you might just get more and more offended if you do.
You decide to distract your mind with other things, cleaning your apartment, listening to music, painting, anything to make you forget about that podcast, Waiting for David to be home.
Two days later:
You're waiting for David at his house, you let yourself in with the key he gave you. You were so excited to hug him, to kiss him. And also egar to ask him about that part in VIEWS. You're sitting on the couch, when you hear the door open and bags shuffling.
David- "Y/N...?" He called out, wondering if you made it to the house before him.
You jump up out of your seat and make your way to him quickly, David smiling wide as he sees you rushing to him. He drops all of his things to wrap his arms around your body, embracing you. He smells like your David, his warmth comforting your body. You pull away slightly so you can give him a kiss. You wrap your hands around his neck and pull him in, His lips taste like your David as well. You stop kissing and look up at each other.
David- "Hi." He says as he smiles
Y/N- "I missed you so much."
David- "I missed you too, I wish you would have been able to come with, but I'm glad you're here now."
You lean in and give him another passionate kiss. His lips so wet and soft, you really did miss him so much, but you're still thinking about what he said in his show. You start thinking about when would be the right time to bring it up.
Hours go by, you are all watching random stuff on TV while you lay on the cloud couch. You and David cuddling, Nat, on the other side eating mac and cheese, Jason making some joke about how much of a dork the guy on TV looks like. You really want to ask about the podcast, so you say fuck it.
Y/N- "So I was listening to the old podcasts..."
David backs up a little bit to get a better look at you.
David- " Yeah?" Waiting for you to elaborate
Y/N- "You think masturbation is better than sex?"
Jason cackles in laughter. Natalie stops eating and looks up and giggles.
Natalie- "Oooh David... you're screwed now." she says as she laughs
David smiles as his face gets red.
David- "Well... I said all that before we were together. I dont know... yeah, I- I think like- it can be better. Sometimes- I dont know."
David stumbles over his words, you know hes trying to make a point without hurting your feelings. You blush at the thought of David trying to be nice to you, but still hold his opinion as his own. Suddenly you're not as upset as you once were, but you get a good idea instead.
Y/N- "I think I'm gonna have to change your mind then." You smile
Jason- "Awww shit, Dave... looks like you're gonna be a lucky man tonight."
Everyone laughs
You shuffle yourself out of David's grip, standing up to move over near Natalie.
Y/N- "Well.... actually... No." You start to grin
David- "Come on Y/N, dont be upset."
Y/N- "Oh, I'm not upset. But I promise you, you're about to be."
The room goes silent, waiting for you to speak again, David's face looking very confused, not sure how to respond.
David- "Why'd you move away from me then?"
Y/N- "Cause I'm going to change your mind. For the next week, You are not allowed to touch me, unless I say so."
David's eyes widen
You lean in close, wrapping your grip around David's neck.
Y/N- "And if you touch me without permission, you will go longer and longer without my body, do you understand"
Jason and Natalie start dieing laughing, David almost loses his breath, instantly being turned on. David has always been the dominant one, this is something you both have not played with before. The sudden shift in control changes everything in that one moment. The power you feel over David, with holding your pussy from him. Suddenly, hes small beneath you, yours. In your hands, your toy, his Dom. For once, David being the Submissive.
5 days later:
Things have gotten pretty intense around the house. David tried talking you out of it a bunch of times, apologizing, but he was always a good boy. Not taking his chances on missing out on you. Always gets within arms reach, but never reaches. It's almost like he doesnt want the game to end. You can tell he likes feeling weak and helpless, not in control.
You've done little things here and there to make him whimper in desires, making him wanting you. Walking around the house in a thong and tight tshirt with no bra, skimpy dresses when u go out, making sure you bend down right in front of his face when you need to pick something off the coffee table, eating ice cream and popsicles seductively.
You're both sitting on the couch away from each other, you keep noticing David glancing over at you, missing you, missing your touch. You know you miss his as well, But you're having too much fun torturing him, making him your slave, following your rules. It was so exciting, even for David. You start to have another idea, hoping with what you have planned, it will push him over the edge.
Y/N- "I'm going to go take a bath."
David innocently looks up from his phone
David- "Okay, have fun."
You go straight to his bathroom, getting the tub ready, making sure it was filled with soap so it would be filled with bubbles. You tie your hair up so it doesnt become wet, taking off your shirt and your shorts, then your bra and underwear. You step in and instantly become relaxed. You lay back and enjoy yourself for a while. Playing with the bubbles once in a while, washing your face, pampering yourself.
Soon, you decide it was time.
Y/N- "Daaavid!" You shout, wanting him to come into the bathroom.
He walks in and smiles
David- "What's up?"
Y/N- "Can you help me out, I dont want to slip."
David becomes surprised, since this was the first time in days you asked him to touch you.
David- "Y-yeah... O-okayy"
He reaches out a hand, waiting for you to do the same. You wait a moment, until he locks eyes with you, you slowly stand up, letting the bubbles fall slowly down your wet naked body, falling down your tits perfectly, some soap staying stuck to your stomach, and legs, a goddess. You reach out an arm.
Y/N- "You can only touch my hand, NOTHING else, Do you understand?"
David drops to his knees, his face becomes pained.
David- "Oh my God, baby. I need you so badly, please. I'm so sorry, FUCK."
Y/N- "Touch me anywhere else and you will fucking regret it. Do you understand." You say with a smile
David's head drops.
David- "Y/N I said I'm so sorry, I promise I will ne-"
You cut him off.
Y/N- "Quite!" You yell
David instantly becomes silent. He really has mastered the art of being a slave.
Y/N- "No more whining, or I will give you something to whine about. And my name is not Y/N to you, its Mistress. Do you understand?"
David- "Y-yes.... I'm sorry"
Y/N- "Sorry what!?"
David smiles.
David- "I'm sorry.... Mistress."
He stands back up and extends his hand. You grab it and slowly step out, letting water drip on the floor, your eyes locked in together again, You decide to play with him a little more
Y/N- "Dont look at me until I tell you to."
David's face drops in seconds, and admires your body, aching for it. At this point he knows not to take any chances by prolonging his suffering, so he listens to every command like a good boy.
You take your towel, and try to dry off, David standing there looking at your body and at the floor. He doesnt even know what to do with himself anymore, hes like a child, waiting for direction.
Y/N- "Go sit on the bed."
By command, he turns on his heels and does exactly that. You hear him in the other room, shifting himself into his side of the bed. You put on your bra and underwear, leaving your clothes on the floor. You said you were going to make him suffer for a week, but at this moment, it feels right to reward him.
You walk into the bedroom, David looks up for a moment, but quickly looks back down to the floor. You walk towards him, your body inches from him
Y/N- "I think you've been a good boy, I think you deserve an award, dont you?"
David looks up at you and in your eyes, smiling, he reaches out and grabs your waist. You slap him across his cheek, wrapping your hand around his throat and pushing his back down on the bed.
Y/N- "Did I fucking say you could touch me, or look at me?"
David loses his breath once more
David- "N-no, No I'm sorry."
David- "I'm sorry Mistress." He says as he closes his eyes and puts his hands over his head. You grin
Y/N- "look at me."
David does as hes told.
Y/N- "I'm not about to give you what you want, I'm going to give you what you need, do you understand?"
David- "Yes, Mistress"
You're straddling his lap with your hand around his throat. Your words echo straight to his dick, you can feel his hard cock trying to break free. You get up off him, he doesnt move a muscle, frozen, afraid of making the wrong move, he looks up at the ceiling, powerless. You start to un button his pants, and pull down his boxers, seeing his throbbing dick break free from the torture that is his clothing.
Y/N- "This is mine. This is for my enjoyment, do you understand?"
David- "Yes, Mistress, my cock is yours"
Pleased with his progress, you reward him by taking his size into your hand and into your mouth. David let's out a moan.
Y/N- "Do you like that, slave?" You say with a smile
David- "Y-yes, Mistress."
You start pumping him, faster and faster, you feel his cock twitching.
Y/N- "You better not fucking cum."
David- "Yes, Mistress"
You've never seen him like this, pained with pleasure, scared to react. The thought of any moment, you could get up and leave him there terrified his desires. He was aching for affection from you, he would do anything for you to please him, or for him to please you.
Y/N- "You're a good boy, arent you?"
David- "Yes Mistress, I'm a good boy, Mistress."
You continue to pump his dick, and torture it with your mouth. You started to be come aroused as well. You stop, and stand up.
Y/N- "Get up on the bed, all the way."
David follows his commands, sliding his way up, rest his head on his pillows near the head board, still looking up at the ceiling. You take off your underwear, and climb up onto the bed. You take off his tshirt, then straddle yourself onto David's lap, hovering over his wet, warm, throbbing dick.
Y/N- "Look at me."
David looks down at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
Y/N- "Do you want my pussy on your cock, slave" you say smiling
David smiles back
David- "Yes, Mistress"
Without hesitation, you drop down, letting his dick fill you up, you didnt even need to prepare for it, all this excitement has you dripping wet already. You put your hands on his chest and start to slowly bounce.
Y/N- "You have permission to touch me."
David swiftly grabs your waist, hard. The way it felt was like a weight was lifted from him, finally being able to get what he wanted.
You start to bounce faster, his hands keeping you steady, you take one of your hands off his chest and wrap it around his throat once more, your finger tips gripping tighter, enough so he could still breath. His eyes roll in the back of his head in pressure.
Y/N- "Are you feeling pleased, slave?"
David moans- "Yes... Mistress..."
You keep bouncing, faster and faster till you can feel yourself orgasming. You tilt your head back and ride out your high. Moments later, you feel his dick twitch inside you.
Y/N- "Tell me when you're about to come."
David- "Yes Mistress, I'm about to come Mistress."
You hop off of him, wrapping your hands and mouth around his cock so his load could fall down your throat. David moans as he finally gets the release hes been working so hard to get.
You lay down next to him. Both of you breathing heavily. Laying there in silence until you catch your breaths. David turns on his side to get a better look at you.
David- "I think I'm inlove with what just happened. I didnt know being so powerless felt so powerful. I think I'm gonna have to piss you off more often." he laughs
Y/N- "If that's how you feel, I'm really going to make you pay."
David- "Please make me pay, baby." he laughs
You reach over and wrap your fist around David's neck again.
Y/N- "Please make me pay, WHO?"
David smiles- "Make me pay..... Mistress."
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wolferals · 4 years
again a collaboration with my wonderful friend @bbaronpiper ❤️❤️
Both of us wrote half of the story, i hope you like it. And definitely check out her writings!🌸
arón piper imagine
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7:30 am. Your eyes shot open at the sound of your alarm you turned it off quickly but you still heard a low groan coming from the other side of the bed. You felt Arón stir a little but refused to open his eyes. You turn to face him and run a finger on his cheek. Savoring the few moments you have with your boyfriend. You slept last night without him. He was out partying with his friends. Again. You didn't have a problem with it at first because you swore you'll never be that type of girlfriend who controls and forbid their man on the things they want to do. Until recently, it became a habit of his.
"Morning, Baby" His voice was low and husky. ​
You smiled at him in return, scooting closer. "Slept well?"
"Si" He said while rubbing his eyes. "Partying after spending whole day on set isn't easy"
You bit the insides of your cheek to stop you from spitting the words. Arón must have noticed this since he then turned to lie on his back and exhales. Leaving your hand that was on his cheek to fall on his shoulder. "Do you have something to say Y/N?"
You leaned on your elbow trying to get him to look at you. Your hands travelled down to his chest "Don't you think you've been partying a lot lately?"
"Mmm dont think so.." he shrugged still not looking at you.
"You're barely home" you almost whispered not sure if you want to push this discussion.
"What do you mean Y/N? I'm always home" he then looked at you.
You were about to open your mouth to spill everything you've been feeling lately but then decided not to. He probably too tired for drama anyways.
"Come here" he motioned to you as he opened his arms. You complied and laid on his chest. "Te quiero." He lifted your chin up and look at you deeply. "Don't ever think otherwise. Even just for one second" stupid you, let your heart flutter at his words smiling up at him sweetly.
You splash cold water on your face to snap you out of your thoughts. You stare at yourself in the mirror and saw your red and puffy eyes. You kept staring blinking rapidly trying to stop the tears from forming. You stood there for what felt like years before wiping your face with a clean towel. You held your breath one last time, tightly shut your eyes only to open them again, exhale and went out of the bathroom and into your shared bedroom.
2:40 am and he's still not home. Why are you not surprised?
It was so obvious. Looking back now, you felt like a complete idiot blindsided by love. You should've seen it coming when he gave you that smile that didn't reach his eyes anymore, the way your lips touched and moved in sync but the desire to have you was gone.
"Bet you couldn't last a day without fucking me" you laughed as you teased him. You two just finished fucking and were now watching a movie when his hands travelled up to your thighs again.
"Is that a challenge?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Nahh, just stating facts" you then got this brilliant idea to get back at him for all those times he made you beg and tease you. You straddled him, bury your face onto his neck softly gliding your lips against his skin while your finger trace against his bare chest. You wore nothing but an oversized shirt of his. Nothing underneath so you're pretty sure he felt how wet you are right now. Normally, this would work. Arón never declined sex.
"Bebe" you whispered to his ear seductively and nibbled on it after.
"Shhh!!! Here comes the best part!" his eyebrows furrowed as he pointed on the screen.
Oh this was gonna be hard. "So, you're saying, you wouldn't touch me even if I am naked?" he shrugged, his lips formed an inverted smile with his eyes still glued to the TV. You then took your shirt off. And you swore you heard a soft "damn" coming from him. You just wanted to mess with him, tease him but the feeling of his skin touching yours turned you on as you start grinding him through his boxers moaning close to his ear.
Nada. No emotions.
You sighed in frustration so you decided to take it to another level. You then turned your back at him leaning on his chest, you open your legs wide and draped your legs on his. You smirked as you can already feel his growing bulge against your ass.
"I hate to fuck myself but since my boyfriend's ignoring me.... Oh well" you announced as your hand gripped his leg and your other hand start to play with your clit. Rubbing small circles and moaning softly at first. You can feel him shifting underneath you. you were surprised when he grabbed your waist and push you off of him and sat you on the side.
"Yo.. you're b-blocking the view,Y/N" he said uneasy. His hands gripped his thigh and bit his lower lip way too hard for you not to know he's about to give in.
You scoffed at him "Oh it's on!" you then place your left leg again on his right one and start to rub your clit faster than before making you moan so loud saying things like "Ohhh baby..." "Si, Arooonnn, si!" you're so wet it made it easier to switch from rubbing your clit into inserting two fingers inside you. your other hand then reached for his growing bulge. He refused to touch you but you definitely wouldn't refuse to touch him. You started palming him as you pleasure yourself earning a low growl from him. "Let me ride you baby"
You then suddenly felt his hand over yours, the one you had on your pussy and jerk it. "You drive me crazy"
He managed to push you away a little so he could finally flip you both over so he was now on top.
Smirking down at you he pulled down his pants, making his hard dick slap against his lower stomach.
„Open up."
You bit your lip and jerked your head back to give him easier access to hover over your face. Slowly he slid his dick in your welcoming mouth, making both of you moan out softly.
„Mhm just like that." he groaned and held onto the wall for support as you were sucking his tip seductively.
„Take it." he suddenly spoke and pushed his length into your mouth. It was always a little hard for you to fit all of him in your little mouth but he still made sure you were okay.
There was still a little space left so you nodded at him to tell him he could push his entire dick in your mouth.
„Dont want you to gag, u know that." he just mumbled but did as you told him and he slid his cock deeper.
„Ah fuck." he groaned and threw his head back in pleasure.
You could feel tears building up, he seemed to notice too because he pulled out completely. You swallowed and took a deep breath. „You good?" he spoke but you just replied by bringing his tip back to your lips.
„Mh good girl." he moaned out as you kitten licked his tip.
„On your stomach babygirl." he groaned after you had sucked on his tip for a bit.
He got off of you and stood up to get a condom from the drawer.
Meanwhile you lied down on your naked stomach and waited for him.
„Open your legs for papi." he growled as you felt a harsh smack on your left ass cheek. That made you moan out in pain but it also felt good. It wasnt hardcore pain, but you did know it would leave a spot.
You opened your legs and lifted your hips up a little.
„Yes good." you heard his deep voice behind you.
Arón grabbed a pillow and placed it under your hips for support. „Ready for my cock honey?" he asked.
„Yes papi." you moaned as a response before he slowly slid his hard cock into your trembling pussy. „Ah fuck you're always so tight." he whispered and grabbed your hips roughly.
Without hesitation he started slamming into you as if there was no tomorrow. With harsh thrusts he kept hitting your g-spot, making your eyes roll back and your mouth fall open.
Arón was moaning loudly as you could already feel him getting closer.
He changed his angle a little by aiming higher, laying down on your butt.
„Babe." he growled and suddenly grabbed you by your hair.
He he never done that before.
And he knew you didnt like it since your head was sensitive.
But that moment you were so turned on, you didnt even think of stopping his actions.
Arón fucked you roughly and fast while you were moaning out his name or cursed. You could hear him panting against your back.
„Im coming baby." he groaned and slammed into you with no mercy. You couldnt keep it any longer either.
Two last thrusts and he had you coming for him. Your body started shaking as your orgasm went through your body like lightening.
„Yes baby come on." he smacked your butt once again until he came as well. „Fuck yes." he almost screamed and jerked your head up on your hair.
It hurt but you were too concentrated on your own orgasm you didnt realize.
Your back was up against his chest while his cock was twitching in you, spilling his cum into the condom.
„Ah fuck." he breathed out as he calmed down from his intense orgasm.
You were pretty exhausted too and just expected him to cuddle you and finish the movie but he suddenly whispered:"On your back."
You were confused but followed his commands and lied down.
„Put your arms behind your back. No touching until I come back."
By nodding you agreed and he left the room without saying any more.
You waited patiently for him to come back and it was really hard not to touch yourself. You just came, yes, but your clit hadnt gotten any of his attention yet. And usually he ate you out before sex or at least rubbed your clit while he was fucking you.
It took him about 5 minutes to finally return to the bedroom, he was now wearing jeans, but his upper body was still exposed.
„Did you touch yourself baby?"
You shook your head truthfully and spoke:"No I didnt."
-„Promise?" he asked and stood in front of the bed looking at you.
„I promise daddy."
He nodded and finally climbed inbetween your legs.
„Good girl."
He spread your legs carefully before finally attaching his lips to your thighs, placing soft kisses everywhere.
This boy could really fuck you rough and tell you you're his baby a second later.
Your hands were still behind your back, just as he had told you to, while his tongue was tracing circles on your thighs and lower stomach.
„Arón." you moaned out, seeking pleasure.
He loved being called daddy or papi, but hearing you say his name was his biggest turn on. He loved your voice, and when it said his given name he got reminded how much he loves you really.
„You sure you deserve this for being such a bitch to me before?" he played.
„Arón please." you exclaimed and looked down at him.
He was just laying there, looking up at you, no part of his body touching yours anymore.
„You know what. Nah. Maybe tomorrow."
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
@tu-sonrisaaa-te-amooo asked: Could you do the 8 and 17 fluff with Joel? tht would be cute (ik u hate him lol u could do zabdi if u want)
Lmao I don't hate him Bby..he can just be a bit dramatic sometimes...that's all 🙆‍♀️
Prompts: (I did a bit of alterations in it so excuse me)
“I want to dance through an army of fireflies with you.” (Prompt 8)
“My hand was made to fit into yours. That’s all there is to it.” (Prompt 17)
So Y/N is your name
~ ~ ~ means change of scenario.
✓ ✓ ✓ means the end.
So...ahem...this went a bit more than I intended it to go...I swore I would just write drabbles but I guess old habits die hard? So this is it? I hope you like it Dia! 💕😅 (oh new nickname alert)
This song is beautiful and sorta inspired me! 💕
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- - -
Y/N and Joel were friends ever since they were little kids...They had met when Joel had gotten lost wandering around in a series of pet shops staring at pets (especially various dog breeds and puppies). When his senses had hit him..he understood he had gotten lost..he began to feel nervous and uneasy and let out childish sobs as he began to run around looking for his mother.
He barely paid attention to anything around him as he only focused in searching for his mother that which eventually ends up with him bumping onto someone.
"Ouch! Why can't you watch where the hell they are going?!" A voice speaks
Joel falls down as he looks at the person speaking...a little girl who held a husky in her arms on the floor angrily glaring at him
"I'm so sorry...I didn't..." He begins as he stares at the husky...
"It's fine...Just watch where you're going at least the- -" She begins
"Is that the Siberian Husky?" Joel asks interrupting her as he stands up
"I'm kind of offended that you interrupted me...But yes...yes it is.." She replies as she possessively holds her husky
"Can...Can I pet it?" He asks as he looks at the husky eagerly
"Well sure I guess..." She says as Joel begins petting the husky.
A few minutes later, the duo had already begun talking about...dogs things in general..
"Y/N! There you are!!" I was looking all over for you!" A voice speaks, tone concerned
"Oh..Mumma..I was just on my way back but then this boy bumped into me and apparently loves Zachary a bit too much.." She says as she points at Joel
And that's when our oblivious little Joel realizes that he was lost and was supposedly supposed to find his mother..not stand here fanboying over a husky.
His eyes widen as he looks around, searching for his mother a.k.a his official/ main intention...Panic strikes his system as he realizes he was obviously potentially lost..
"Are you okay Joel?" Y/N asks
"I'm LOST!" Joel replies as he looks at her letting out childish sobs
"Oh god...Mumma...Help him!" Y/N says
"Listen lil boy...we'll find your mother...do you like know her number or anything.." Y/N mother asks
"Yes..." He replies as he tells her the number letting out soft sobs
The husky jumps onto Joel's arms as it began licking his face. Joel stopped crying slowly as he began smiling a bit.
"Oh my god...He is just so adorable..." Joel says as he pets the husky
"Yeah...he seemingly likes you..strange..he's not pretty comfortable with strangers.." Y/N comments
Soon Joel's mother comes in, her eyes scanning around, her eyes instantly gleaming with happiness as she finds Joel.
"Joel!!!" She says as she runs over and hugs him, Zachary jumping out of Joel's arms onto the ground.
"Mumma!!" Joel yells as he hugs her, sobbing quietly
Y/N stepped away a bit letting them have their moment.
"Thank you for finding him! He's always roaming around..pet stores...or just everywhere in general...I'm so sorry for his careless actions...and all the inconveniences he has caused you..." Joel's mother apologizes
"Oh not at all...He wasn't a bother at all.." Y/N's mother reassures
"Joel...at least next time don't go around without telling your mum! If you want a pet come over to my place...We can play with Zachary together..." Y/N says as she smiles at him, holding her mother's hand
"Okay..I will." Joel says smiling at her as he pets Zachary one last time...
"Bye Joel! See you...well...soon?" She says as she walks off..
That was how it all began...After that, one day he had turned up at her place surprisingly...They were next door neighbours...And eventually they spent a lot of time together..which lead to their everlasting friendship which began at the age of 6..
~ ~ ~
"Joel...when am I going to see you again?" Y/N asks as she lazily sat on his bed whilst she helped him with her luggage.
"Around 9 months...I'll be back soon.." Joel says as he puts in another shirt
"Oh come on...that's technically the entire year!" Y/N comments as she rolls her eyes
"I swear I would have taken you if it wasn't for your Fashion Designing Course..If that had been completed..then you could have joined.." Joel says as he stuffs in something else
"Yeah yeah..it's important right...I'm going to miss you Jo..." She says as she looks at him
"Me too..I wish there was something I could do.." Joel says as he walks over towards her.
"Just promise that you'll facetime me before all your performances..and just text me once at least every day...send me those lame audios of yours...I don't care.." Y/N says as she holds his hand...
He was still here...not gone..why did he have to leave?
"Hey...I'll text you and call you everyday.. You're my best friend...If I wouldn't call you.. who else would I?" He asks as he holds her hand and hugs her
~ ~ ~
"Wow! That was a spectacular show right boys?" Joel asks obviously excited as he walked behind the stage...
"Yes..exhausted but overwhelming..." Richard replies as they walk into the room backstage
Zabdiel immediately falls onto the couch, Erick cools off, Chris begins to fix his hair
"God..Why hasn't Y/N even seen my message! She didn't even facetime me today or even call me! Isn't that just mean?!?" Joel comments as he slumps onto the couch
"Yes...call her mean and every other negative word you could think of Ho-eL! She brought her arse from miles away, sat on a 13 hour flight just so she could surprise her best friend and yet you call her that?" A voice speaks from behind him
"Wait...a minute..." Joel trails as he instantly turns behind and sees Y/N
"Y/N- - !!!!" His tone surprised and shocked as he leaps off the couch and hugs her, a few years falling through his cheeks in the rush of excitement.
"Curls!!" She yells as she hugs him.
They hug on forever none of them every wanting to let go...Until an intentional cough from the guys pulls them away
"Ah...err...Guys! Meet my bestie Y/N!" Joel says as he grabs her hand heading towards the boys
"We talked Curls...I talked to everyone and they all helped me hide...You guys were amazing...The performance was just fantastic!" She comments as the boys yell out a chorus of thanks
"Okay so everyone except me knew that you were here?" Joel asks
"Duh curls...I couldn't sneak into backstage without their help..." Y/N says referring to the boys.
Joel grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty room and pulls her into a hug again
"I'm so glad to have you here...Thank you for the support.." Joel says
"Wow wow...I never knew I'd see a sweet side of you Joel..." Y/N remarks
"Shut up and just hug me..." Joel says rolling his eyes
She returns the gesture as they kept hugging, an odd source of comfort filling both their veins.
~ ~ ~
"Joel...this is beautiful..." Y/N comments as she looks around the woods.
It was a small forest sort of place filled with thick green trees and a small river which gleamed with reflections of the littered stars that laid scattered in the skies.
"I know right..." Joel says as he looks at the river and at her..
They spent a lot of time making jokes and just talking about life...he had just returned from tour a few days before and thought he ought to spend some quality time with his best....friend...
He almost sighed at his own thoughts..he had begun to have feelings for her...but he didn't want to let them interplay..he didn't want to lose her...he needed her as a friend at least in his life..his feelings didn't have any part in this...but he couldn't help but wonder everytime she smiled..was she thinking about him? Did she think of him..as something more than a friend?
"Joel..Joel...HOEL!" Y/N yells.
Joel's eyes widen in shock as he falls off the log he sat on because of how loud she yelled and how distracted he was..
"Oh god...you are so clumsy sometimes Curls! Wait..actually all the damn time!" She says as she holds out her hand, Joel gratefully accepting her extended hand as she pulls him up.
"Look at that Y/N..My hand was made to fit into yours..” Joel comments as he sits up
Y/N face floods with a tint of pink as she nervously laughs it off..but never lets go off his hand..
"Of course you dummy...We are besties so god made sure it would work that way.." She replies uneasily
"Y/N I want to tell you something.." He says interrupting her from speaking further
An awkward moment of painful silence fills the air...
"What is it Joel?" She asks nervously
"It's.. it's..." Joel begins but his anxiety kicks in.
"If you don't tell her now...you'll never tell her or know if she felt the same.. you'll probably live in regret but you have to! " His inner voice encourages as he takes a deep breath
"I...I like you..." He breathes out
"I like you too Joel! You are my best fr- -" Y/N begins
"No Y/N...I like you more than a best friend.. you make me feel warm and mushy on the inside..I don't feel anything else around anyone else...You make me feel safe, happy. You understand me...We fight..but that's only because you care..but I like you in a different manner...You make me want to the cringy -est stuffs like taking couple pictures, share smoothies together, go on dates...and make me wanna dance with you in between an army of fireflies under the moonlight and what nots.. and to think that you make these cliché activities look normal...that's weird and definitely not something I feel one fine day.. I knew I always had these feelings..But I realized them...only recently...I understand if you don't feel the same..but just so you know I'll keep loving you..on and on..." He finishes off
"Who said I never had feelings for you Joel?" She asks "Every night... I'm just waiting and wondering if you have found someone that'll make you feel like that..Because why not? There are millions out there..prettier, hotter and just beautiful girls out there waiting for you so why would you choose me over them? Yeah... nothing.."
"Y/N I don't care...for you were..are the only girl I've had my eyes on...from the start.. today and forever..." Joel says as he holds both her palms. (I'm low-key swooning 🤧)
Before she could answer, Joel extends his free hand and pulls her up.
They walk over towards a place where the moonlight reflected brightly and the clear water flowing gently, causing small ripples as if it was singing a song.
"Well...can I have a dance with you?" Joel asks as he extends his hand out in a sorta gentleman style
Y/N nods softly as she takes his hand, his hand instantly softly interlocking with hers as she rests her free hand on his shoulder, his free hand holding a space above her waist securely..
As they began to softly dance in sync, an army of fireflies had encapsulated around them causing her to smile wide.
"Look Joel...True to your 'cliché' wishes..the fireflies are here..." Y/N jokes about it as Joel's face floods with a bright pink colour.
They enjoyed the overall aura, the silence suddenly turning comfortable...as they merely enjoyed each others' presence without any words being exchanged.
"So..Y/N..." Joel begins
"Hmm?" She asks as they continue dancing
"Will..will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously
Y/N stops dancing as she tries to catch Joel's gaze..but the boy would look at anyone or anything but her..
Y/N stood on her toes as she holds his face with both hands as she stares at his beautiful dark brown orbs, her eyes filled with nothing but love..that too only for him.
Joel looks at her nervously and before he could speak anything, she softly presses her lips against his. He instinctively bends down a bit to reach upto her height as his hands wrap around an area a bit above her waist.
She pulls away, Joel's arms still firmly fixated above her waist as he looks at her
"Did that answer your question Pimentel?" She asks, her tone filled with sassiness
"For real Y/N?" He asks in disbelief
"Yes Joel..For real...I promise you...I'll be there for you..." Y/N says as Joel smiles
"I love you Y/N.." He says
"I love you only..Joel Pimentel.." Y/N says as Joel pulls her in for another kiss.
✓ ✓ ✓
The Ending kinda sucked tbh...but anyways hehehe... I'll try to improve! 😅🙃
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princeanxious · 6 years
A Loving New Beginning- Gods of the Sky Au (Part One!) -Sanders Sides Fic
(Authors note: So, bet you guys totally forgot that I was planning on making another part to this Au, huh?? Well, After some trial and error, and some struggling with ideas and motivation, I’ve got part one, out of three/four, done and ready to give to ya’ll! This is supposed to help balance out the AU’s angst ratios a little bit to give a look into the aftermath of the Main Fic, so I hope ya’ll enjoy! Also wanna be tagged for anything to do with this AU? Let me know, I’m starting a taglist for it!)
Warnings: fluffy fluff and little else other than Virgil being a cute lil confused bean!
Check out the fanfic this fic follows after, right here! (Or else nothing will make much sense, though please heed the warnings!) There will also be art of All the Sides in the future, like this piece here! (Angst and slight blood tw for that piece tho!)
Roman is working on creating something new in his creation room inside the temple when Virgil quietly steps in.
“Hey Ro?” Roman startles slightly and his creation dissipates, thankfully he hadn't really started on it and hadn't really had anything in mind when starting on it, so nothing is lost. Virgil, however, looks guilty anyway and begins apologizing profusely.
“No no, it's okay, really. I promise, Virgil, no harm done!” He chuckles softly, patting the others shoulders as he comes to stand in front of the lunar god.
“So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” the solar god asks, which triggers Virgil to flush. The happiness of seeing color in the fair skin of the gods once sickly pale face bubbles inside Roman for a moment, and he can't help but smile which only causes the smaller of the two to blush more.
“U-um.. The humans, you know, with a solstice coming up, they're requesting us. They - they want all of us to attend the upcoming festival celebration..” the ravenette fidgeted with his new cape’s hem, the gold threaded designs woven into the inside to represent the stars that accompany the Moon at night glittered beautifully in the candle light. Truly, Virgil finally looked divinely ethereal, as he rightfully should have looked all this time.
“That's fantastic, my dear Luna!~ You rightfully deserve to be a part of the Solstice Celebrations!” Roman's eyes lit up bright like the star he was born for, excited and proud of the God he cared for deeply. He couldn't quite help his giddiness, reaching to take Virgil's hands into his own and twirl the shorter god in glee, heart only warming more at the precious squeak of surprise that escaped the Moon.
“Just imagine the praise, the fun, the dances! The shimmering decorations, the music, Virgil!” Roman couldn't help but pull the other close, guiding the other in a small twirling dance, ending it off by picking up the other by the waist and giving one final twirling motion before setting him down and gazing warmly into the others eyes.
Virgil still seemed thrown by the kind, caring mood Roman now treated him with, still new to the solid affection and support after working alone for so long. Locking eyes left him flustered and floundering at what to do when shown such solid respect, not to mention being spun cheerily around!
Virgil's arms had instinctively reached out to hold on to Roman’s shoulders while being spun, which was where they now rested as he attempted to gather himself. Unable to help his natural nervous tendencies, he broke eye contact and pulled his arms to his chest to fumble with his sleeves.
“Well, the thing is. Y’know those stories they write based on history? Those exaggerated dramas? Well, um.. since the um.. most recent event in history, they’ve begun to write stories about me.. about, a-about us?” Virgil seemed to flush a bit more, face twisting into something more confused, a look he often gained when frustrated over confusing things.
Roman tilted his head curiously, an endeared smile never leaving his face as he hummed inquiringly. “Hmm? About us? What about us? I know that Humans can sometimes get carried away with their exaggerations, for entertainment’s sake, but I hope it is not too bad?” Watching the nervousness flicker in Virgil’s eyes made his smile falter, concern flashing over his tanned features at the smaller gods distress. “It is not too bad, right?”
“That.. is what I wanted to talk to you about, its not bad, no. But, I just.. Don't understand it? They write.. unfamiliar endings, they assume and guess that the Moon and Sun are one in the same.” Virgil refused to meet the Sun God’s gaze, instead nervously playing with his cape once more.
“Virgil, we are one in the same. Equals within the sky, as it should have been from the start.”
“No, Roman, that.. That's not entirely what I mean.. I mean that.. they see us as lovers, write about us being forced apart by the shadows, and my sacrifice and rebirth, then write about how we then will live on as one, like Patton and Logan do. They want us to attend, together, I.. am confused by this, Roman. ”
“Why, dear Luna? Humans seek love in everything they find. Though, I sometimes think it may be the way they cope with the knowledge that I had left you all alone..” guilt flashed over the sun god’s face, but he maintained his gaze on the beautiful moon before him. “Perhaps I should follow in their footsteps, I will never forgive myself for being so wrong with you, so anything to prove my devotion to your healing wellbeing is something I wouldn’t mind taking part in.”
Virgil was even more confused now than before. Was Roman.. agreeing? With the Humans? Saying that they should be together?
“Roman I don’t..?” Virgil shyly peered up at the taller god, surprise evident in his softer features.
“You will understand with time, my dear Virgil, I promise to you.” The Sun gently hooked his arm around the Moons waist and pulled him close, gently placing a kiss upon the others forehead. “In due time, everything will be clear.”
Virgil gently gripped at the others vibrant cloak, eyes downcast with a look of bewilderment, cheeks flushed.
“Alright, Roman.. I trust you.” Romans heart fluttered at those words, heavy in meaning, the baring of vulnerability in giving them. His hand carded gently through the raven locks of the Moon’s hair, eyes soft and distant for a long moment.
“My dear Luna, if you are ever uncomfortable during the festival, if you ever need an out, air to breathe, a quiet place to calm down in, just give me the word, and you’ll have it. These human festivals can be quite fun, however I do not want want your first time in experience to be unpleasant because you have been overwhelmed.”
Virgil nodded, releasing the others cloak gently to thumb the soft fabric thoughtfully. “They say the Festival will finally be able to last all day and night, because of my Moon, Roman. I am concerned for the Humans, Roman, have they ever carried festivities in the night before? It will be dark, and dangerous, even with my moonlight.”
The Sun chuckled, soothing the ravenette’s hair back from shielding his eyes, shining gold gazing into piercing blue-grey. “Always worrying, my dear Virgil, do not fret, they have planned for this. I have already been asked to help light the flames of the festival candles once night falls. It will be a magical, glittering display, and everyone will be safe in our presence.” Leaning his forehead against Virgil's, eyes locking. “I promise to you that this festival will be far from harm and danger, it will be magical, a wondrous occasion to celebrate us, to celebrate you. With all of us now together, the humans will be safe from the darkness, for good.” The Solar god’s hand slipped from the others hair and rested gently against the Moon’s cheek, thumb rubbing soothing strokes against flushed pink skin with adoration. “With you in our midst, we are complete.”
Both gods spent a few moments in silence, finding assurance in one another’s quiet presence when all was said and done. Eventually, Virgil broke the silence by hiding his face against the taller gods shoulders, huffing out a shy chuckle, “You are so weirdly wondrous, Roman.” Saying which had earned a warm laugh and a gentle kiss upon the head in response, which then also prompted a bashful whine in reaction.
They stood there and swayed happily, content and safely uninterrupted in the warm temple room for a few more long, wonderful minutes before Roman was struck with realization.
“Virgil? I just had a thought.” Roman grinned at the inquiring hum he received, knowing the other had made himself quite comfortable against the sun god’s warm shoulder. “You have never attended a festival before..” Another answering hum, “Soo.. that means you don’t have a festival outfit!” Roman’s excitement could easily be heard mounting in his voice alone, and Virgil was left floundering again, so enraptured by the others metaphorical sunshine. Virgil mustered up enough will to tilt his head to the side, exposing his mouth enough to talk more easily, “No, I don't.. Your point?”
“My poooint, is that we need to make one for you!” In Roman’s excitement, he plucked Virgil up again and twirling him around, slowing only slightly when the other gave an upset groan in reaction.
“But Roman, why can’t I wear this? It’s already plenty flashy and extravagant..” the Ravenette whined softly, arms slipping around Roman’s neck to secure himself himself and steady their spinning.
“Heaven’s no, My magnificent Moon! You can’t wear that because that is your everyday attire, my dear! This is a Solstice Festival, a twice in a year occurrence to celebrate our balance and unity, there will be no faltering in representing your beauty, in style nor personality! These days are special, and I will not let you under-represent yourself!”
“But Roman-” Virgil paused, purposefully pausing their spin by placing his feet firmly to the ground, still holding the other close. “I don’t- I- Just because I’m not.. wearing something extravagant, doesn’t mean I’ll be under-represented..”
He watched guiltily as Roman’s excitement deflated a little, and the sigh that Roman gave wasn’t too reassuring either. “I.. I know, Virgil. I just, I just want you to enjoy this, want you to feel like a part of the sky, like you always deserved to be. I know you aren’t used to standing out, used to being at the center of attention but, just this once, I think this might.. help? Think about it this way..”
Roman slowly guided Virgil to a window, sitting on the windowsill and pulling the smaller into his lap so that they could gaze out into the night sky and the active villages below it. “Each one of us already has a themed Solstice Festival outfit, representing what we are. They all match in a way, so if you don’t wear one made to match as well, people might stare, they might question why, I just, I don’t care about the backlash we could get, I care about the caused attention that could be centered on you, because I know you are easily overwhelmed by that.” Virgil was now leaned against Roman’s chest as they gazed out at the town below, Roman’s hand carding through the smaller’s hair while the other was entwined with one of Virgil’s own. The solar god’s voice was laced with nervousness and worry, something unusual and unlike him to show around Virgil. It was after a few moments that Virgil realized that Roman had shared a very vulnerable piece of himself inlaid with worry to Virgil, and was waiting for a response in return.
“Look, Ro.. I, I get it, you’re worried about me, and, that's.. that's weird to say for myself but..” Roman’s hand gave a gentle squeeze, which Virgil returned before continuing, “But, I guess, the outfit thing doesn’t sound so bad, when you put it that way. And.. I said that I trust you, I can see that you care, and uh.. yeah.. I’m not good at this..” he earned another hand squeeze from Roman before receiving a gentle kiss on the head and a soft “Thank you.”
They stayed like that in each others arms for another few moments, enjoying the mutual quiet as Virgil tucked himself against Roman once more.
Roman would later call a monk to retrieve to remaining two gods and bring them to the temple’s creation room so that they may all begin work on Virgil’s festival attire, but for now, the two would enjoy a quiet pleasant nap together, finally at peace.
Part Two!
General Writings Taglist: @peanut0303 @ashrain5 @wentzdayz @kanejandkruge @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @jadedragon1903 @thecasualinsomniac @analogical-chaos @confinesofpersonalknowledge @planetsanders @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @thekeytohappiness-is-you @today-only-happens-once
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