#i really want a pet tarantula someday
endykelopaedia · 2 months
one of my fave things about spiders is how they walk. theyre so thoughful and melodical about every step and i think thats really cute. they pause when they're unsure and approach everything with this poise about them.
from the perspective of my engineering degree, its also really cool how they move their legs using hydraulics of their own haemolymph (bug blood).
they also have little toe beans. thats also great.
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hehehghsh look at them
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lucky-bishop · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @lavender-lotion love u!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
80 as of this week! 79 Teen Wolf and 1 WWDITS 😂
What's your total ao3 word count?
662,501. Which is insane to me. But I've already posted 78k so far this year!
What fandoms do you write for?
First and foremost is Teen Wolf. But I have a few works in WWDITS, Stranger Things, and Scream. Most of them are WIPs, and only one is posted to AO3.
Top five fics by kudos:
Hearts in the Byline, Steter, E, 62,395 words
Kinky Antics with the Pack (Kinktober 2022), Multi-Pairing, E, 53,103 words
The Empty-Nester Alpha, Steter, E, 16,306 words
Try, Try Again, Steterek, E, 35,241 words
Mask of Many Faces, Steter, M, 22,806 words
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes I'm slow or it takes me a while, but I largely respond to all comments. Sometimes if I don't know what to say to a comment, I won't say anything, but that's pretty rare.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um. That is tough. I do love angst. I'm going to cheat and give two because they are angsty in very different ways. Major character death vs whump.
For This I'll Burn, No Pairing, E, 4,409 words
Sharing is Caring, Steterek, E, 15,322 words
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Also tough! I have a few that are very happy. But I think I have to go with:
The "No-Bite" Rule, Steter, M, 3,869
Steter HEA.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, thankfully. But yes, I have.
Do you write smut?
Sure do!
Craziest crossover:
I haven't written anything that's a crossover, I don't think. I do have a BTVS/Teen Wolf crossover in my long list of WIPs, though. Have the closest thing I have to a crossover - Sleeping Beauty AU.
That Gleam in Your Eyes, Deter, E, 7,393 words
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The "No-Bite" Rule was translated into Ukranian. Being asked by the translator if this was okay was a beautiful moment that made me incredibly happy. 💖
Правило "Жодних укусів"
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! But I would. Maybe @thotpuppy and I will write that baseball AU someday.
All time favourite ship?
It's so hard to pick, but it has to be Steter. I always come back to them.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think it's pretty unlikely I'll ever finish my Stargent fic where Chris uses Stiles as a surrogate daughter after Allison's death. But never say never!
What are your writing strengths?
I'd say tone is my biggest writing strength. I try to have my works be very thematic and emotionally connected, and I think that comes across well for the most part.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions! And action! I guess "movement" if I had to provide a single answer. This can cause my writing to feel very choppy and it's something I do acknowledge and try to work on.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'll do pet names, single word translations, things like that. I try not to write outside of what I know, though. Maybe someday I'll incorporate my rusty German into fic, who knows?
First fandom you wrote in?
MCU. Those works have been orphaned/abandoned. Good riddance lol. It's just been Teen Wolf since then. My (current) first fic on AO3:
Clean Plates, Sterek, T+, 3,118 words
Favorite fic you've written?
Oooooooooooh again. This is really hard. But I think it has to be:
Down to the Marrow, Steter, E, 23,206 words
Managing an unreliable narrator was not easy. But I'm so happy with the end result. And there's beautiful art by @tarantula-teeth. I love this fic with my whole heart.
No-pressure tags (and I'm sorry if you've already been tagged and I missed it!): @tarantula-teeth, @dear-massacre, @meggie-stardust, @punchedbymarkesmith, @aurevell, @midmorning-bomb, @vmures
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brwnicons · 2 years
Can I please request The Collector taking his favorite pet/collection person through the hotel knowing that they’re easily startled and will be scared by everything. (And maybe he lets the reader cling to him to make them feel safer when they beg). I wonder if he would be soft with the reader or if he would just enjoy watching you jump at every little thing until they finally break down and start crying and panicking.
Collector x Reader
�� I really enjoyed writing this one! I'm sorry for the delay, hope you like it <3 ☆
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-> Summary: Asa decides to take you on a walk around the hotel and see how you react to his favourite pieces but, why?
Tags: GNReader, Collector [not Asa], implied dark themes such as torture or kidnapping but nothing is too hard, Asa enjoys seeing reader afraid, fluff? at the end.
-> Triggers: knifes, kidnapping, torture, petplay, unhealthy relationship and Stockholm Syndrome.
Word Count: 1.6k
Please tell me if you find any mistake
The uncomfortable position would make your muscles hurt as soon as you woke up but, for now, a deep sleep was saving you from the pain and from being heavily thirsty.
Your eyes twitched and you woke up when you heard the metal latches that sealed your box, unlock. You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut when the bright light that came from the "ceiling" damaged your eyes.
You were not capable of remembering how long you had been with him, it could be months, weeks... It was hard to measure time well since trying to get out of the box on your own was completly forbidden.
However, as badly as you were treated, you knew that he had specimens treated worse and you somehow had a feeling, deep inside, that he may were becoming fond of you —you were given more meals and water than usual, he opened the door more often to check how you were doing and someday you even found a blanket in the box he put for you to be more comfortable—. Lately, he was even taking you out often for different activities like checking that you didn't have any injury or even bathing you once!
So, when you heard his characteristic low purring, you opened your docile eyes and looked at him, resisting the burning light, waiting for his instructions.
"Get out, pet", he indicated opening the box's door fully before standing away and towering over your wooden shelter, "Today I'll be taking you out on a walk"
He took out a thick collar and put it on you with a sadistic smile. Then, he grabbed a black leash he had tied to his belt and hooked the leash to the metal piece of your collar before pating your head lovingly.
"All done... Stand up and follow me"
You stood up with trembling legs due to the bone ache and looked curiously around the room you were into. It was a white, bright room of shelves full of different jars. You yelped at a weird sound and fixed your sight on one glass jar that contained a living tarantula that was tapping the glass, asking to be freed. Asa tugged softly at your leash to call your attention and you turned your head to look at him.
"You'll see better things. Now, come on"
He then took you through endless corridors, ocassionally tugging the leash if you were about to activate some trap, the way you always soundly gulp and how your throat violently bobbed when you notice the sharp trap only spreading a smile on his lips "Nuh-uh, pet. Believe me, you don't want to give one more step". After a while, when you begin to think that you are just walking in circles and that he just wanted to scare you with his traps display, he stopps abruptly in front of a large metal door.
He turned his head the slightest so he could look you from the corner of his eye and gave you a short order: "Open it"
Hesitantly, you nodded and raised your hand towards the irony gate, which left a creepy screech on its way. Asa let you lead the way and stood behind, eager to see the expression in your eyes when you would see his best creations.
There was a long path in front of you. Huge, blue tubes filled with what seemed to look like water were set at both sides of the path and they had exposed the most bizarre creations the Collector ever made, his masterpieces.
You couldn't help the violent shivering that covered your body the moment you noticed what really was inside those containers. Tears were starting to roll down your cheeks from your wide, terrified eyes but before you could scream a gloved hand grabbed your chin.
Asa turned your face to look at him, his dark gaze was burning you as he licked his lips. He was eyeing you as a predator and you couldn't do anything apart from being stoned in front of him.
"Oh, pet", he was caressing your cheek with his thumb as your shocked brain petrified you, "You're too lovely to belong here, among the amalgams and the hybrids. You belong by my side, alive, where you will always be".
Asa freed your face from his deadly grasp but continued to watch your body language while reading your frightened eyes. Suddenly, you threw yourself into his arms, startling him and causing him to take out his knife and aim at your back as a reflex actions, but your intentions were not to hurt him. You were hugging him.
You buried your head on the crook of his neck as you sobbed soundly, handfuls of his black sweater on your hands as you grasped at his back, holding yourself there so you wouldn't fall because of your shaking legs.
Asa put away his knife with a relieved sigh and tilted his head so his cheek would caress your head, his mouth just a few inches away from your ears. "Now, now, pet", he cooed.
"I want to go back to the box, please, please. I don't like this place, please." you begged through gasping breaths and sobs. Your voice was more like a whisper and he wouldn't be able to understand you if it weren't because your face was next to his ear.
Asa raised a hand to your head and patted you softly, caressing your head and neck in one, long movement. You remained like that for an eternity, your hugged figures reflected the soft blue gleam that emanated from the tubes around aa you stood in the middle of the room.
It felt like hours when Asa decided to interrupt your sobbing with a tug of your leash and a simple command —kneel—, successfully stopping your whimpers as you froze, terrified. You lift your head to meet his dark, calm eyes. His brow is slightly furrowed as he patiently waits for you to obey, because he knows you will.
You swallow thick as you slowly do as ordered with trembling knees, your sight never leaving his face for any hint of his next movement. But Asa took out his knife again and you couldn't help but feel a knot in your throat as you look down to the floor with squeezed shut eyes, preparing yourself for the inminent pain that would soon arrive.
But it never did.
Instead, you hear the quick sound of fabric breaking and as you open your eyes you see Asa holding a piece of the leash in his hand.
"Stand up and come with me. Follow my steps and don't get distracted"
And so he turned on his heels and started walking towards the metal door, only stopping at the entrance when he saw that you were not following him yet. He tilted his head and tapped the door with his knuckles to call your attention, "I won't repeat myself, pet".
The new walk was different. Asa was different.
He was going first as he led the way, in front of you, and he wasn't holding you near by the leash. He trusted you enough to know that you won't be running away and that you were following him so he didn't turn back to check not even once.
After roaming through corridors and a couple of stairs, you arrived at another door. It was in a place of the hotel you never had been before, clean and well-kept. The door is light brown and Asa gives you a quick look before opening it and coming inside the new room.
"You will be living here from now on. I'll come sometimes to bring you food or water" He speaks before stepping aside from the entrance to let you take a look.
The room is clean and smells fresh. Windows are kept shut with wooden planks that let some air enter but doesn't allow a proper view of the outside nor a hand pass through. The bed is in the centre of the room, typycal hotel disposal, it's a full size bed with a couple of blankets that rest at the end of it.
The room has a big wardrobe, too, and a door that, you suppose, leads to a bathroom.
"That's the bathroom" You hear Asa confirm your suspicion. Seems like you were staring the door for too long. "Let me show you"
Asa pushed the door softly and looked at you, an invitation.
The bathroom has been made a few changes from what you remember one. There's no mirror and the bath has had its courtains removed. The toilet is untouched aside from the tank, which has its usual porcelain piece replaced by a light wooden piece that covers the water container. There's no metal, porcelain, glass or any dangerous material that you could use to hurt yourself, just wood and what seems to be a hard kind of plastic.
"I'll bring you some towels later" He said before probing around his pockets and taking out a walkie talkie, "If you need anything just tell me. 60km. I'll hear you".
And after that, he left without further explanations, already taking his key to lock the door from outside.
"Wait! Collector!" Your called for him before he could leave.
He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, inquiring you to continue.
You asked softly as you tried to swallow your fear, trying to read his dark gaze while you fidget with the radio in your hands "Just...I'm- why?"
"You have passed your exam".
And before you could ask further questions the door was closed and locked with a loud thump, keeping you inside that weird atmosphere of safety and comfort.
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magicianenthusiast · 1 year
random lov headcanons
tomura was (and is) the biggest bug kid. he loves them. after he came to afo he was wary of dogs bc of mon and wasn’t allowed any other pets/friends anyway, so he got fond of the spiders and creepy crawlies he found around the bar. he also likes them because theyre also misunderstood and disliked for no reason.
after he gets out of prison he gets a pet tarantula. shuuichi puts up with her bc he’s a good boyfriend and eventually grows fond. dabi and kurogiri are entirely indifferent but the rest of the league refuse to touch/go near her
when compress and kurogiri started to flirt tomura was extremely protective and suspicious of compress. he enlisted the rest of the league (this was post kamino but pre-kurogiri’s arrest) to secretly investigate compress for anything sketchy. unfortunately none of them including tomura really knew what constituted sketchiness amongst a group of supervillains so after a while they gave up. tomura kept a close eye on compress for a long time tho.
dabi has his real name tattooed onto his inner lip along with his date of birth. he got it done when he was 19 just in case he died on the street before he could reveal anything, in the hopes that maybe an autopsy would be conducted.
all the league donate blood to himiko on the regular, so long as she uses clean needles
himiko usually has a supply of league blood on her, and even if not she usually still has some in her system, and she transforms into them whenever she feels unsafe.
after they get out of prison tomura is finally free to express himself with his body. afo banned body mods bc a.) tomura wasnt supposed to go outside and b.) because that’s going to be his body someday
tomura has his hair cut short whilst he was in prison, but ends up growing it out again afterwards bc it just felt weird
he gets tattoos. i havent decided exactly what but he definitely lets each of the league design a small stick and poke each for him. probably gets a few video game themed ones too, and some flowers in honour of hana and the rest of his family (sans his father).
during his surgery to get new skin grafts dabi loses all his staples and piercings. after he gets out endeavour gives him some money (with the offer of more if dabi is willing to move back home) but instead touya uses it to replace all his old piercings and get new ones
he convinces tomura to go with him. tomura gets a lip ring and a helix piercing.
dabi always wanted a pet (specifically a dog but he wasnt fussy) growing up but was never allowed one. during prison he was approved for a therapy cat, a scraggly black rescue. she spends 90% of her time riding on his shoulders and hates everyone but him.
at some point he also gets a dog as well. i havent decided what breed yet. he spends an ungodly amount of time training it even tho he insists he doesnt care.
dabi, tomura and shuuichi have never been to a hairdresser before and none of them ever plan to. they either cut their own hair (dabi and shuuichi) or just dont cut it at all (tomura)
dabi and kurogiri are amazing cooks. tomura is an ok cook but only cooks and eats the plainest foods imaginable. himiko, shuuichi, magne and jin are all decent cooks, they just don’t have any particular passion for it. compress isnt allowed near the kitchen unsupervised under any circumstances.
after they find out about dabis 3 year coma the league decides that it means that dabi is actually 3 years younger than he says he is, making him 20 when he joined the league. dabi calls bullshit but both tomura and shuuichi insist that they’re actually older and therefore he has to respect them as his elders. 
maybe at some point after he gets out of jail the todoroki sibs jump on this too. touya is Not Pleased.
dabi and atsuhiro often get high and watch the worst/most obscure movies they can find together
all of the league love watching horror movies together and laughing at them.
garaki replaced the piece of jawbone dabi lost with a piece of someone else’s skeleton. he did a reasonably good job but dabi’s jaw is still ever so slightly lopsided.
bc of the burns on his throat sometimes he ends up not being able to talk, sometimes for up to a few days at a time. in the begining he’d just disappear until he got better or else write down what he wanted to say, but his handwriting is shit so in the end he begrudgingly admitted defeat and learnt sign language. the whole league learnt with him.
kurogiri is half ghanaian and dabi is quarter chinese
spinner had a tail when he was born but his parents ended up paying for it to be amputated when he was young. thanks to stress and a poor diet it never grew back, but after he gets out of prison it does (though it’s always a little shorter than it would’ve been had it grown normally)
they also had his retractable claws removed. later on before he joined the league he got new claws fitted, ones made of metal, but they’re non-retractable
spinner requires more protein in his diet than the baseline human. dabi needs a lot of calories bc his quirk burns through them so fast even when he’s not actively using it.
neither of them realise this until they’re being rehabilitated. they still get prison food, but it is catered to their dietary needs and they both have  realisations of oh so THAT’S why i felt so shitty all the time
after getting out of prison tomura starts going by tenko, but he still responds to tomura
touya considers changing his name to something completely new, but eventually decides not to. he does usually dispense with his surname entirely tho
he usually goes by just touya, no last name
if he absolutely has to give a surname (outside of a legal documents where he has to put down todoroki) he usually just picks one from the league. sometimes he’ll put it down as hikiishi touya, sometimes sako touya, etc.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you!
I first saw your centipede posts months ago and was enthralled with these little guys off the bat. After a ton to research on all things centipede and the encouragement of a close friend, I decided to get my first centipede about a month ago and so far it going great! I absolutely love him/her/them with all my heart and am constantly fascinated with their behavior and habits.
I also work in veterinary medicine as a licensed technician (and am in school working on my undergrad degree to hopefully become a doctor of veterinary medicine someday) and would love to be able to one day provide care for more exotic animals including invertebrates. Thank you for igniting a passion for learning more about inverts. ❤️🪲🪱🦂🦗
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while I’m happy that you did your research, bought a captive bred (or at least CH) specimen, and enjoy your centipede (which is more than most people do) this still made me a bit sad to hear because I don’t want my posts to encourage keeping centipedes without breeding them.
I don’t mean to single you out specifically, especially since you seem like a very responsible keeper, so speaking in general to everybody I really wish more centipedes were captive bred, and that includes breeding specimens which are themselves CBB. I see this a lot with the biggest, fanciest, rarest mantises, amblypygi, and centipedes: wild or first generation CBB end up being single “trophy pets” that are not bred (either keeper can’t find more, or isn’t interested) and therefore just take away from the hobby rather than adding to a stable captive population.
in the case of South American giant Scolopendra like your galapagoensis, captive breeding can be serious because they have very short lifespans: about ~5 years is what I hear from other keepers, and females have only one large clutch in their lives because she dies for her offspring to consume. fortunately their size, rarity, and the beefy price tag that accompanies those traits make them a species breeders are willing to produce these days, but even then there can’t be more than a handful of breeding adults with a fairly limited gene pool.
it’s probably even worse for species like S. polymorpha and S. dehaani which are only wild caught and almost never intentionally captive bred. these are the “cheap” centipedes in the US, with polys being caught in the southwest deserts and dehaani being imported in bulk from Vietnam. these are the species novice keepers get, and never breed, and that continues to fuel demand for collection. there isn’t any data on how collection impacts wild populations but in my opinion collection is never necessary when captive breeding is possible (even if it can be tedious in centipedes).
anyway, I hope I did not come off as attacking you—you are more responsible than most, and I’m sure your centipede will have a good life. but I feel very guilty when I hear “I love your posts so I got myself a centipede!” because that centipede is so rarely captive bred, and even if it is, it probably won’t ever get to contribute diversity to the captive population.
I’d started keeping Scolopendra myself with the intent to breed and support captive populations, and a combination of naivety and bad luck meant almost all of my centipede projects failed. I have no plans to breed centipedes for at least several more years. a majority of the videos I post are fairly old, and I only have a handful of centipedes remaining. I often wonder if I should just stop posting about anything scolo-related because I don’t really want to inspire others to keep centipedes if they’re not going to breed them. I do not think this is exaggeration or “gatekeeping” because not breeding animals is how they become imperiled in the wild and extinct in captivity at the same time (many tarantulas and reptiles have experienced this). to me, indirectly supporting that outweighs what I’m actually trying to do—inspire people to stop being scared and enjoy arthropods, in captivity or in the wild.
anyway, I’m sorry to write all of this up under your ask but I’m not sure where else it makes sense to say. good luck with your galap & I hope its next molt goes well
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unicornletters · 7 months
Hello! Would you be comfortable writing headcanons for Frenchie x reader both being aromantic and in a queer platonic relationship? 👾
Hey anon! If the living-together vibe isn't what you pictured, let me know! I can do another set.
Frenchie is a pretty good cook, when he can be bothered to cook. There are just a lot of moving parts and he'll inevitably drop one, which discourages him. When he's cooking for you, though, you can step in and pick up where he leaves off -- like by cleaning, or remembering the cinnamon, or doing the tedious chopping. You make a good team, and dinner's never a chore you split up.
Speaking of chores, once you moved in together, you were really shocked at how well Frenchie does things like cleaning and vacuuming. You mentioned it and he said it's a service thing and he'd rather not talk about it.
You live in a two-bedroom, but Frenchie spends most nights in your room, just playing on his phone next to you while you do the same until it's lights-out and curling into you like a parenthesis thereafter. Neither of you take it personally if you have a night where you'd rather sleep alone.
You're each other's emergency contacts at your jobs and at doctor's offices. You have a joint bank account and you're both on the lease. You talk about getting married someday for reasons like those. You like the promise of commitment, and Frenchie likes the idea of a big party.
Predictably, you do not have a cat. If you want cat time, you have to visit a friend (Wee John's cat is a very funny ragdoll, so she's your top choice for cat visits). Frenchie's fine with any other animal, though. You've nixed lizards, tarantulas, and sugar gliders as pets. You're probably going to get a couple of rats. (Not one, because they need company -- "like us," Frenchie said.)
If you're in contact with your family, Frenchie is too, and they love him. He's great with your parents (all that bullshitting pays off) and with the niblings (which really isn't a surprise when you think about it).
Frenchie is the king of body-doubling. If you're not around to double with, he'll get Roach on FaceTime or call Izzy on speaker. It helps him get things done, and besides, he gets lonely really easily.
When you moved in together, Wee John understood what was up -- you're Room People, but Apartment People. Your other friends had some questions, but everyone gets it now. Except Ed and Stede, who are too ridiculously romantic to understand, but they try.
Frenchie gets a look on his face when he's using the trauma box that you've learned to recognize. You've also learned when it's okay to nudge it open and when it's better just to let it rest.
Frenchie loves Christmas.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
I hum softly at that, looking over all the snails breed curiously. "I hope you've enjoying the festival so far, i've never seen this many different snails in one place!"
Lens has a cute grey blush on his face as he inwardly screams over each snail. Pluto looks rather smug at his friends excitement
Pluto: h-he adores bugs… really wants a-pet tarantula someday
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thiagowrites · 1 year
Get to know me
What's your name? Well my full name is Santhiago Carlos james(do not even ask what my parents were thinking) and then my last name but thiago works just fine
Where are you from?what's your origin?Was born in England, my mum is half scottish half welsh(born in England tho) and my dad is american(sadly)
How many languages do you speak?7(english, german, french, italian, spanish, dutch, russian) 9 if you count my poor welsh and scottish
What's your favorite TV show? Lego Ninjago(i'm stuck in 2011 yes)
What's your favorite movie? Topgun: Maverick (sucker for Bob...and miles teller)
What's your favorite book? Darkness for light -Emma Viskic
What's your favorite music genre? 80's EDM/Modern pop/rock or hiphop/rap
What's your favorite band? Bon jovi
What are you doing this weekend? Flying to germany (sadly)
Where did you go on vacation last year? Venice, milan, Athens, Miami, 4 of the Canaries(Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote)
Do you like to cook or bake? not alone i enjoy helping though
What's your favorite food? Spaghetti with spinach sauce and shrimps(spunds wierd tastes good tho)
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night person
How do you like your coffee? If i drink coffee with sugar and milk
What's the best concert you've ever been to? Coldplay 2022
Who is your role model? My Pa
What's your favorite quote? "Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will"
What's your favorite animal? Pretty much any kind of reptiles or leopards
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What's your favorite flower? Sunflowers
What's your favorite season? Spring(even though my allergies are the worst)
What's your favorite holiday? Halloween
What's the best gift you've ever received? My dog(he's playing with ice not glass)
What's the best gift you've ever given?My presence/j made my grandparents a horseshoe with gold and some flowers for their 50th wedding anniversary
What's your favorite hobby? Volleyball
Do you have any pets? A dog, a laudaki stellio lizard, ,a schokari sand racer, a blue spiny lizard, a tarantula
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How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have a twin brother
Are you married or single? Single and way to young to get married
Do you want to have kids someday? Not really
What's your favorite sport? Football(no it's not called soccer you slag), volleyball or F1
What's your favorite team? Liverpool/Chealse(gotta support my locals), pallavolo padova, alpha tauri
What's your favorite player? Messi/Mo Salah, Yuki ishikawa, Max Verstappen(it's Danny Ric but my mate is only reserve driver so i'll name the one that activaly drives) nyck devries
When is your birthday? 8th february
What's your sign? Aquarius
What's your favorite style of clothing? Idk man i own a lot of suits and dark clothes
What's your favorite store? John Lewis, i used to spend hours in there with my aunt looking at the most dumbest stuff possible
What's your favorite restaurant? This greek restraunt a few blocks from where i live
What's the best vacation you've ever been on? 2019 with my aunt to Crete
Where would you like to go on vacation that you haven't been to yet? Somewhere in Latin America
What's your favorite activity? Running
What's your favorite game? Call of duty: modern warfare 3(rip soap)
What's your favorite movie genre? Action
What's your favorite TV show genre?Crime
Who is your favorite musician ? Niall Horan
What's your favorite song?
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What's your favorite type of food? Spicy/fishy
What's the best book you've ever read? The great Gatsby
Who is your favorite author? Tana french
What book are you reading now? The Diary of a young girl/Anne frank(for school)
Pizza or tacos? Pizza
Coffee or tea? Both?
Summer or winter? Summer
Spicy or not spicy? In every aspect spicy
Instagram or Snapchat? Instagram
Laptop or tablet? Prefer a Laptop because of school
Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel? Stay in a hotel i have far to many allergies to go camping
Would you rather visit the beach or the mountains? The mountains, i don't like the feeling of sand touching my feet
Are you an outgoing person or a homebody? Depends
Are you a dog person or a cat person? (or neither!) Dog person, i'm allergic to most cats
Is it better to give or receive gifts? Neither, i can't handle receiving gifts but givin people gifts is far to stressful
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dourpeep · 3 years
For the Ice Cream flavor ask, green tea? :D
fun fact, I'm drinking a matcha latte as we speak in the freezer I have some green tea ice cream-
ice cream flavor asks!
cw: tarantula, also I talk a lot because I'm very fond of the pets I've had over the years
green tea— do you have any pets? if so, what kinds do you have and what are their names?
I do not! But I've had a few over the years! So I'll talk about them instead nodnod
The first pets my family had were named Fluke and Brusty! This was around the time I was maybe...uhh 4 or 5?? Fluke was a really playful pup that my dad adopted on impulse and he was incredibly good! The best boy!!! Even though he was a little puppy, he'd cry and whine because he refused to potty anywhere but outside (not wanting to make a mess ig??) so he pretty much potty trained himself. Brusty on the other hand was not really our cat and he kinda 'came with the house' sadly- I don't remember much about him but I remember enough to know that I was very fond nodnod.
Actually, going back to Fluke, even when he was getting reallyyy old, he was still like a puppy--always running around and begging to play! He'd have to trot over to where the ball is because he'd get tired easy, but Flukey would still play for hourssss
At this time we also had a pet tarantula named Tati. She only had 7 legs and lived in the washing room and ate the crickets that ended up in there mmhm.
NEXT I didn't get another pet until uhhhh I was maybe 13??? And he was a sulcata tortoise named Charlie! Very cute, loved eating pumpkin when I gave him some puree pumpkin like once a month w/ his supplements and he also ate the dandelions that grew in the back yard (there were a lot OTL) along with a big variety of other greens and veggies!
I had a few bettas over the years who lived quite a while--the first was Sushi (yeah I know) who was a really beautiful blue and red veiltail betta! I taught him how to swim backwards and also to jump up and boop my finger. The most recent betta is my boy, Caspian! He unfortunately passed away at around 3 years though due to an infection :<< But caspian was a black + mustard rosetail betta! His favorite thing was when I'd put a book beside his tank because it's interesting and colorful. He also was incredibly docile and only flared up if he sees his reflection. Very sweet nodnod
Uhh At the moment though, I don't have a pet-
I would really like to someday adopt a cat when I have the space, though nodnod
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Hi! I'd love to get a matchup if thats not too much work ❤
I'm a bi female but I lean towards women. I'm a Certified Simp.
I guess I'm a mom friend to people who need it. I'm pretty good at reading people and i try to support those around me as best i can! I try to put others needs before my own to the point where I forget I'm not below other people. It takes me awhile to warm up to people, It isn't intentional, I'm just super shy and anxious and I'm not great with people. I like to sing, draw, play video games, read. I zone out and daydream a lot. I really appreciate any kind of affection I get from people. I have borderline personality disorder and relationships are really overwhelming for me at times so communication is really important to me when I feel insecure and think someone hates me/wants to leave me (dw nothing u say ab that can offend me it just is what it is) I have geckos and they are my world!! I hoard of pictures of them on my phone and I treat them as most people treat their dogs haha. I'd like to get a snake and/or a tarantula in the near future! I have a pretty morbid sense of humour but I'm very cautious about who I make jokes around since I'd hate to offend someone. When I'm totally comfortable with people I can be very rowdy and energetic. I ramble a lot and go on rants and then get embarrassed. I like to sing and dance and make people laugh. I'm very tense and quiet usually so it's nice to be with people I can be myself around. I've always been very interested in biology, I plan on going into nursing school when I'm ready and hopefully someday becoming a doctor! I hope that wasn't too much information jskhjhh you can delete this if it is!! thank you so much!!
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you ... Cinnamon (Underswap Chara)! Here are a few reasons why! First of all, Cinnamon is very similar to you. She is energetic and gets easily embarrassed whenever she goes off on a tangent about something that she is passionate about. She also loves reptiles, so she would probably love your pets quite a bit, and would support you getting a tarantula or snake in the future. Cinnamon loves video games, so you can bet that she will be your partner at playing them for quite some time. Cinnamon also loves to daydream, especially about the future and her dreams.
* Her age: Humage age: 19 years old, monster age: ??? * Her height: 5'4 feet * Her yandere Type: Manipulative Yandere
* Her dere type: Dorodere
* Her Sexuality: Transgender woman Polysexual Panromantic
A . How would she show her love and affection? How intense would it get? - Cinnamon would pamper you like there is no tomorrow. She would shower you in affection and expensive gifts. She would make you the most delicious food ever and would try her best to make you realize that she really is your best and only option.
B. What type of future is she planning with her lover? - Well, she would actually love to get married. She doesn’t want kids because they would clearly take too much of your attention, and she wouldn’t want that, but if you want, you could have as many pets as you want! She would love to have some too, she always wanted a tarantula.
C. What is the scariest moment with her? - Cinnamon is manipulative. The moment you would try to tell people about her tendencies, everyone would look at you like you are the crazy one, before telling you to stop saying things like that about Cinnamon. No matter what, you would never get help in your situation while being with cinnamon.
D. How does she usually act with her lover? - Cinnamon will make you feel like you are the most important and loved person ever. She will make sure that you never want to leave and well, even if you would want to leave, she would make sure that you wouldn’t be able. Honestly, the fact that you would even consider something like that would be insane. 
E. How would she court her lover before? - Of course, she would befriend you. she then would get her other friends to befriend you and start telling you about how great Cinnamon is. And eventually, when Cinnamon would notice that you fell into her trap, she would finally make her move to finally try and seduce you.
F. What's her favorite memory/thing in the relationship? - The shocked face you had when you finally realized how she actually is. The mix of shock and fear would send thrills down Cinnamon’s spine, and she would remember that day like it was yesterday.
G. What sort of kinks would she ask to try out with you? - Cinnamon is actually a heavy switch in the bedroom. If you aren’t dominant, then trust me, she will take the role of the domina with a happy grin on her face. And if you are dominant, then please, make her yours.  
1.   Flogging - Cinnamon loves the feeling of flogging you. The way you scream and yell is just like music to her ears. She could never get tired of that sound, that was for sure. 
2.   Graphoerotica - She loves the feeling of people writing on her body, and of course, she would want you to write over her body your name, over and over, so if anyone ever tried anything, they knew who she belonged to.
3.   Mummification - The feeling of not being able to move at all is attractive to her, just as it’s attractive to put you in a situation where you can’t move at all too.
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Survey #364
“you wanna know what zeus said to narcissus?  /  ‘you’d better watch yourself’“
Do you change your type of music regularly? Nah. I've ben all about metal and rock since middle school. Would you want to visit Tokyo, Japan, someday? It's not actually on my bucket list or anything, but I'd do it. Do you curse like a sailor? Sailors are better than I am, aha... Do you hear trains pass by where you live? No. Ever been in a race? Haha, no. Last time you’ve eaten a taco? I hate tacos. Do you like horses? Sure do! Do you like Starburst? omg YES. What is your favourite wild animal? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Do you like hamsters? They're very cute, but I've never met a nice one. Do you eat bananas? Yeah, I like bananas, but I'm VERY picky with how ripe it is. There's like, barely a two-day span where I'm willing to eat them. What is your favourite bookstore? I don't have one. What is your favorite fast food joint? Sonic. Do you sweat easily? Ugh, you haven't the slightest idea. As a side effect of one (or two?) of my prescriptions, I have I N S A N E hyperhidrosis. I can stand outside for a millisecond in like 70 degree weather and I'm already sweating. If you could move (and SERIOUSLY think about this) where would you move? All factors considered, being entirely realistic, the mountain-y region of western NC. Why would you go there? I want to stay in NC to at least not be a massive ways away from my family, and I loooove mountains. Plus, there's a lot of cool places on the other end of the state. Do you want to travel? Yes. I want to see so much more than this boring 'ole state. What was the last vaccination you got? For Covid. Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? There have been wildfires towards the beach, I believe? Any time it happened we would always get the smoke all the way where we live. Are you Italian? Not to my knowledge. Do you own an acoustic guitar? No. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? My physical health. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Recently. Can you roll your own cigarettes? I've never smoked, so. Are you mentally strong? I think so. I hope so. Are you physically strong? I am like, comically weak. Are you heartbroken right now? No. Do you ever get complimented on your eyes? What color are they? It's happened, but it's definitely not a regular thing or whatever. They're grayish blue. What facial feature do you like the best on a person? I'd say I'm most attracted to pretty eyes. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever held? I helped hold a massive snake as a kid (I don't remember what it was), and I've also held a rose hair tarantula. I can't think of any truly strange animals by my opinion, really. Do you get extremely hyper when under the influence of sugar? No. Sugar seems to have zero effect on me, probably because I'm over-exposed to it thanks to soda... What about caffeine? Not at all, likely for the aforementioned reason. Have you ever tried any drugs? If so, did you regret it? Besides alcohol, no. I don't regret having drank as it was never a lot. Do you have any pregnant friends? A high school acquaintance is pregnant. I THINK she's the only one now? I swear I see a new pregnancy announcement on Facebook like every two days, and mind you I don't even have all that many "friends." That being said, I may definitely be forgetting someone. When ordering food, what do you usually get as a drink? Depending on whether they have Pepsi or Coke products, either Mountain Dew or Coke. When drawing something, do you try to be super precise or do you not care? I am so, so, SO obsessive over getting everything right, but things never come out as good as I want them to/imagine them. Have you actually read Twilight? I haven't. What about Harry Potter? Never read any of those, either. I started one in elementary school, but didn't get very far at all. Out of the two, which is better? I have like no interest in either, so. How often do you read books? It various. I go through like reading episodes, and then I don't read for months. Are you the jealous type? I'm not like, an insanely jealous person, but it's still the worst it's ever been at this point in my life. I hate it. Are you the type of person who gets jealous of people’s pasts? Nah, no reason to. Do you know anyone who faints at the sight of blood? Not blood, I think, but needles and drawing blood, yes. I know my dad's fainted at least once at the doctor, and Jason fainted when I was getting blood drawn at the ER. What colors are the eyes of your family members? Just about everyone has brown eyes but me, I think my maternal grandpa, and my brother. Are you related to anyone with red hair? Not to my knowledge. Were you a chubby baby? No, I was pretty average. What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Social situations with strangers especially. Asking for things. Public speaking/presenting. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? God, I remember there was this one night in particular where I stayed up SO late, but I don't remember the exact time. I think I actually cried because I was so stressed and tired. How many vegetarians do you know? In my personal life, I don't believe I know any, but I could be wrong. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? I never did, even though I was always tired. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Favorite episode of Spongebob? The pizza one, probably. Or the Hash Slinging Slasher episode. What bug frightens you most? Wasps, probably. Are your parents supportive of you? Yes. <3 How often do you take the train to go places? I've never been on a train. Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No. Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? No. What was the last thing you took a video of? Hm... I honestly don't remember. What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? Thunderstorms. Have you ever had famous neighbors? No. Pick your three favourite vegetables. Broccoli, green beans, and uh... I'm blanking... Habitually I wanna say "corn," but I know it's not technically a veggie, but starch. Have you ever broken a movie or game disc? I think I have? What is your favourite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you rap freestyle? Or at least sing raps from songs? Ha, no. Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Yeah. Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? No. I might jump a bit, but not always. What do you spend most of your time doing? Watching YouTube. Do you really care what’s going on in celebrities' lives? More like the YouTubers I watch. Have you ever broken a plate/bowl? Accidentally by dropping them. When was the last time you felt like you didn’t have a care in the world? I couldn't begin to guess. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? No. Can you do a backwards london bridges? God no, I'd bust my back. What smiley do you use the most on the computer? (: maybe. Or :') Are any of your pets “overweight”? No, but why is "overweight" in quotations as if overweight pets aren't a real and serious issue? Has anyone ever bought you a ring? Yeah. On a scale 1-10, how funny are you? I honestly don't think I'm funny at all, so I'd put myself at a 1. Pretty recently though it was very surprising and flattering to have my dad and older sister point out that I'm "hilarious" with my wry sense of humor. I don't see it, but I mean, it was surely appreciated. What’s a song that is overplayed but you still like it anyway? I barely ever listen to the radio, yet I still know "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is played a lot, but I could never get tired of it. Are you excited for Christmas? Christmastime is my favorite time of year nowadays, mainly because of how excited my niece and nephew always are, and we spend most of Christmas Day and usually Christmas Eve with them. I love the weather, the focus on togetherness, all that. What are you thankful for? Man, a lot. I try my best to never overlook all the truly amazing things I do have, like a loving and supportive family, a home, food and safe water, Internet haha, access to medical care (regardless of the complaints I have about American healthcare)... I've got a lot of bad going on in my life, but I've also got a great amount of good things, too. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? Internet. What’s your favorite color combination? Maaan, don't do this. I really don't know. Probably two pastels, idk. Do you have any internet friends? I have more Internet friends than I do "real life" ones. What was the last song you listened to? "Deep Six" by Marilyn Manson earlier. How are you feeling right now? My arm is really sore from my second Covid shot, and I'm also having trouble breathing thanks to the dog (apparently, I'm allergic to whatever she is). I know it sounds bad, but I cannot wait 'til she's gone (from this house, no we're of course not euthanizing her). What color is the shirt you’re wearing? Burgundy. Do you play video games? Yeah, just not as much as I used to. Have you ever been to a club and had someone slip something into your drink? I've never been to a club period, and I don't plan on it. Do you know anyone who’s done ecstasy? Not to my knowledge, anyway. Are you on birth control? Yes, but only to regulate and soothe my menstrual cycle. My cramps were insufferable prior. Does your sibling have a significant other? All but my younger sister. Like she's in contact with who she calls "contenders," haha, but she isn't officially dating anyone. She's MEGA picky with who she dates. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, because it was very triggering to my PTSD. Any idea what you want for your next birthday? That's quiiite a whiles away, so I have plenty of time to think about that. I don't know if I'll be employed by then and thus able to buy some things myself, but I'll just say I won't be (because I'm I think rationally fearful that's where I'll still be). For Christmas I plan on just asking for a new terrarium for Venus plus better materials for it (like a proper temp gauge and hygrometer, etc.), and with that taken care of, then I might be interested in asking for a hognose for my bday, but idk. I'd want to ensure (s)he starts out with a perfect terrarium, and seeing as I want a hoggie morph, that's a lot of money in one go that idk if I'd be comfortable asking. So I'unno, maybe I'll go for a tattoo again. Wow, this was a lot of rambling for something so far off, pardon me haha. Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My Nintendo DS Lite, actually. I can't find the darn charger for it, and I really need to so I can bring it to Ashley's again for the kids to play the Pokemon game I have that they love. Aubree especially is really into it, and she adores Pikachu and Eevee. :') Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? I don't even know what most award shows are for, if I'm being honest. I'm not really interested. What colour is your keyboard? Black, but each key glows red. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? No. Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Not for myself; I think they'd drive me insane. I do, however, think they look nice on others.
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just-some-gt-trash · 4 years
17.- Obey
The prompt list was made by @hiddendreamer67
This is the second part of 12.-Accident
TW: fearplay, treating people as pets, being trapped, arguing, mention of spiders, crying.
Virgil closed the door of his room and left his backpack on his bed, he walked to his desk and sat on the chair next to it before getting Roman out of his pocket.
The shrunken teen squirmed in Virgil’s fingers “I told you to let me go!”
“Yes, yes, just wait a sec” He looked around the mess on his desk until he found something useful, he grabbed a glass that had a bunch of his dry paintbrushes and emptied it on the table.
Roman figured was Virgil was going to do and glared at him “Don’t you dare to put me in there”
The teen smirked and left the glass on the table “you mean in here?” He dangled Roman on top of it.
“Virgil I swear if you do it I’ll-“
“You’ll what?” Virgil interrupted him Punch me with your little fists, I think I can deal with a few insignificant bruises” He dropped Roman in the glass and leaned on the chair.
The shrunken guy groaned as he hit the end o the glass, he stood up and looked up, the top was way too far away for him to get out, that fact mixed with Virgil’s words made him realise of how small he really was now “There, now you won’t be a problem”
“How did you even do this in the first place?” Asked Roman looking at his captor.
He sighed “I have this sort of ability, power or whatever you want to call it, I can shrink things, I couldn’t control it when I was little, I’ve learn to through the years but I got out of control earlier and” he pointed at Roman “this happened”
“But you can grow me back right?”
Virgil rubbed the back of his head and looked down “Do you remember the keychain on my backpack?”
Roman thought for a moment confused “The teddy bear one? Yes I made fun of you because of it, what does it have to do with any of this?”
“I...” Virgil got his bangs away from his eyes “I shrunk it when I was five, and I had to repurpose it, but it had been like that since then”
Roman backed away as much as the glass let him with wide eyes “Y-You’re saying you can’t...” he slid down and hugged his knees “I’m going, going to stay like this... forever?”
Virgil looked at him “No, no, no, of course not, I mean this is my fault and I’m going to find a way to fix it”
Roman let out a dry laugh “And why should I believe you?”
“Tell me Virgil, why should I trust you? You brought me here saying you had a way to fix me!”
Virgil crossed his arms “I said that I would find a way to fix it, and you know what? If you think about it, this is all your fault”
The shrunken teen stood up “My fault?! I’m not the one who’s a freak and can shrink things! How is this my fault?!”
“Well, if you didn’t have that need to make fun of me and tease me everyday, I wouldn’t have lost control in the first place!”
“Well if you weren’t such a bullyable person, I wouldn’t have to tease you at all!”
“Are you serious?! How does someone stops being a bullyable person?! That’s not even a word!” Virgil took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead “You know what? You’re just an asshole, and maybe you deserve staying small forever, and you know what else? I’m the one taking care of you, wetter you like it or not, so why don't you stop being an asshole and act like the nice little pet you're going to do? And maybe, someday I will care enough to help you!” A purple beam got out of Virgil's hands and went right next to Roman to another glass that was full of dirty water, shrinking it.
Roman yelped, the beam had gone way to close, he covered his eyes and hugged himself, could Virgil shrink him again if he wanted to? How much smaller could he get? He started trembling without even noticing while thinking about it.
Virgil looked between the shrunken glass and Roman, he felt pity for him, but why? They hated each other, Roman had made Virgil's life miserable since they met, this could be his chance to make him regret it.
”It's too bad it didn't hit you” he said, rather that apologise.
Roman opened his eyes and looked at the other one fearfully ”What?”
Virgil smirked ”It would be a perfect way to shut you up” he reached for the shrunken glass ”I can't shrink something twice, but I could shrink the glass you're in and you would get even smaller with it” he grabbed it between his fingers and shook it in front of Roman ”The water in this shrunk too”
Roman stared at him ”Y-you wouldn't...”
”Wanna bet?” He emptied the glass in the trash can ”But hey, at least you have something to drink water from” he left it next to him and stood up ”I said it as a way to tease you, but I think you could do a nice pet” he opened his closet and looked trough it ”I used to have a tarantula as a pet, I still have it's terrarium, it will be a nice home for you” Virgil grabbed the terrarium and left it in his desk.
Roman didn't actually thought Virgil could be able to do something like this ”I-I'm sorry... please don't do this... I'll be good I'll never shout to you again, just... fix this, and I will be out of your life forever”
”I already told you Roman, I don't have a way to grow you back, and it doesn't wear off either, this is the best option for you” the normal sized guy grabbed Roman from the back pf his shirt and lifted him to eye level.
The first time Virgil did this was to calm Roman, but this time, he wanted to induce fear, ”Virgil please... I'm sorry” and it worked, the shrunken teen was at the boarder of crying.
”Aw Roman” he pet his head with one of the fingers of his free hand ”I'll take good care of you, I'm not a monster” he opened the terrarium and let Roman fall on it, he crouched to be eye level with him ”just try to not piss me off, you know I don't have a lot of patience, and we both know what happens when I loose control.
Roman backed away from Virgil's face and nodded ”Good, I'm going to get you some food, I'll be back shortly” he said leaving the room.
Roman curled into a ball and finally let himself cry, but he knew if he wanted to survive, he had to obey.
To be continued...
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astriiformes · 4 years
Got tagged by @cozyastronaut! (Thank you, friend!)
Favorite colors: I like deep/darker blues and greens, and the color grey
Last song I listened too: Currently I’m listening to my Spotify recs for the week and as I’m typing this, it’s playing a setting of Roads Go Ever On by Clamavi De Profundis, because even Spotify knows I’m a nerd
Favorite musicians: The Mountain Goats, I Fight Dragons, Delta Rae, Skipinnish, Cloud Cult, The Killers, Lemon Demon, Stan Rogers
Favorite Song: I have to cheat and make a list but Spaceman by the Killers, The Show Starts Now by Clout Cult, and Sax Rohmer #1 by the Mountain Goats are all pretty longtime favorites, and recently I’ve also been really take with These Are the Things by Trials of Cato and Fortune by Heather Dale
Last film watched: I genuinely can’t remember, I don’t watch many movies anymore. It might have been when I saw Return of the Jedi at a local theater last summer as part of a volunteer costuming event?
Last TV show watched: The Owl House (it’s so good!!)
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Savory, although I do also have a big sweet tooth
Sparkling water, tea, or coffee: Tea and coffee trade places depending on the kind and what I can put in it (I tend to take both pretty sweet), although the sheer variety of tea might win out. I love mint and licorice flavors in my tea, as well as like..... juniper or other evergreens. We have some dried licorice root and peppermint/spearmint leaves stored away that I’ve been meaning to do some weird tea alchemy with! And as far as coffee goes I usually need it to be pretty balanced with sweet stuff, but white chocolate mochas are a big weakness.
Pets: None currently. Being allergic to dogs and cats takes out some of my options (although I love petting my friends’ dogs and cats because I’m full of hubris when it comes to sweet animal friends). I’m fortunate that I love weirder animals though, so I still have lots of other options. Someday I’d really like to get a bearded dragon or frogs when we have the space/money for them! Or maybe a tarantula!
And there’s no pressure to fill this out if you don’t want to but in case people are interested I’m going to go ahead and tag @thezohar @suzirya @tam--lin @philcoulsonismyhero @aro-caduceus @evikholin @cormorant-red and @isi7140
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plutoandpolaris · 4 years
Marvin HC’s
So I’ve been wanting to further expand my versions of the egos and since Marvin is one of my favorites, I figured I could start with him. These are mostly inspired by an ask I sent @beerecordings about the egos having a bunch of smaller pets and I just went with it.
Marvin’s Pets
Marvin’s room and lab practically feel like a different dimension from the rest of the house, mostly because of his peculiar decorating choices, his extensive collection of magical artifacts and potions, and his many exotic pets. Each one of them, while providing useful materials for his potions such as snakeskin and spider shed, are members of the family in their own right and he treats them all as such.
Sarsaparilla (Sassy), female orange baboon tarantula.
OBTs are old world spiders and are thus a lot more confrontational than their more docile new world counterparts. Sassy is no exception.
Things Sassy will fight:
Her water dish
Her feeding tongs
Marvin’s brothers
She WILL 1v1 Anti in a Denny’s parking lot and she WILL win.
David S. Pumpkins, female pumpkin patch tarantula.
The name was NOT Marvin’s idea, it was Chase’s, but after Chase’s kids started calling her Davey, Marvin didn’t have the heart to change the name.
David is a lot more docile than Sassy. Generally very chill, she’ll let Marvin hold her for a short while and enjoys watching him work from her terrarium. She does not find the David S. Pumpkins song as amusing as Chase does.
Onyx, female dark earth tiger tarantula.
Onyx is extremely shy, preferring to stay in her burrow and out of sight. Her color makes her very hard to see even when she does emerge from her burrow, but she’s a sight to see on those rare occasions. Though Davey is Chase’s youngest’s favorite, his eldest loves Onyx, reading her bedtime stories and rambling on to her about her day, friends, crushes, ambitions, the works.
Though most couldn’t tell, Marvin knows how much Onyx appreciates it.
Venus, male ball python.
Venus is a very gentle and docile snake, preferring to spend his days on Marvin’s shoulder or chilling in the small terrarium pond. He’ll let just about anyone hold him, and is usually the snake Marvin uses to introduce people to his less friendly pets. However, he can also become a little gremlin if left alone for too long. He WILL crawl into the paper towel tube. You cannot stop him.
Popcorn, female corn snake.
Nicknamed Poppy or Corn Cob, Popcorn may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but Marvin dotes on her all the same. She has many many tiny snake sweaters and she knows full well how adorable she looks in them. Jameson’s birthday gifts for Marvin almost always include a hand knitted sweater for Popcorn.
Gemini, female rescue Sphinx cat.
A lovely little goblin with giant blue eyes.
Marvin’s brothers still aren’t convinced that Gemini isn’t just Marvin using a transmutation spell. This cat somehow KNOWS whenever anyone in the house is feeling down. Schneep lose a patient? She will snuggle with him for hours at a time. Jackie get himself injured? Nothing purr therapy can’t fix. Always wearing a wonderfully dapper little sweater, also handmade by Jameson with love.
Libra: Male Siberian cat.
Nicknamed Corkboard (Jackie’s idea. He was drunk) A FLOOF. Very very dumb, will walk into walls and fall down stairs and is way too lorge for his own good. Fancies himself a watchdog (watchcat?), but despite his size he’d never hurt a fly. He will lie on you when you have something important to get done and you’ll have to accept the fact that whatever it is, it’s going to have to wait.
Though Marvin has many pets to take care of, his hobbies extend far past looking after his small family of eccentric creatures. As much an alchemist as he is a general mage, Marvin requires many outlandish ingredients for his spells. Rather than travel through several alternate dimensions to collect them, he prefers to grow them himself in his own home greenhouse he has tucked away in a pocket dimension to keep the dangerous plants away from his pets and brothers.
Several of these plants are sentient, such as Mary the giant flytrap, a giant, carnivorous venus flytrap whose leaves can be used for a variety of medicinal potions, but who must be fed and kept happy or else you’re likely to lose a hand. She likes Marvin, but he knows full well that she will bite his arm off if he gets too behind on feeding. They have a tense symbiotic relationship.
While he considers Mary the centerpiece of his garden, she isn’t the only inhabitant. He cares for everything from garden mainstays like succulents and lilies, to more obscure plant life, like flowers that can read your mind or bright orange pea pods whose seeds can be turned into magical explosives rivaling that of a grenade.
Though he loves his brothers, Schneep is the only one who is allowed in his garden. It took a lot of convincing, but Schneep is a man of science and wanted to see exactly what goes into Marvin’s potions. He’s careful and takes the proper precautions, so Marvin will let him accompany him every so often, but never ever alone.
That’s about all I have on Marvin’s pets and garden for now, but I really want to write a fic about it someday. He’s a man of many hobbies and talents, and I think it would be interesting to develop all of the strange plant life he cares for.
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meleuki · 5 years
g2k me uncomfortably well
1. What is your middle name? 
It’s my grandmother’s first name. I’m not gonna say what it is tho. 
2. How old are you? 
I am an age. 
3. When is your birthday? 
31st of March, same day as Angus Young hell yeah. 
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Black, Purple & Red.
6. What’s your lucky number?
1,714 (long story). 
7. Do you have any pets?
I have one little dog, he’s cute asf. 
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5′4/5′5, I can’t tell most of the time. 
10. What shoe size are you? 
US 9 or 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
um like 12, but I only wear about 5 of them regularly.
12. What was your last dream about? 
some dude turning into this cannibalistic animal type thing & me becoming friends with two ghost boys who murdered a bunch of people, and then got murdered and having to figure the rest of the case out for them. (supernatural has kinda been rubbing off on my dreams lmao.)
13. What talents do you have? 
I can play guitar and piano. I can cook pretty good?? I also have a talent for being a dumb ass. 
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
I don’t believe I am.
15. Favourite song? 
atm, Enter Sandman by Metallica
16. Favourite movie? 
IT (2017), or, Scream. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
oh golly, I don’t know actually. I just think I need someone who has some confidence, a kind soul and an open mind, and is able to put a smile on my face even when i dont want it. So far, I haven’t met someone who has caught my eye, but i hope one day I do. 
18. Do you want children? 
Yes, YES.
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
no I don’t. I want one in a garden area type thingy. 
20. Are you religious? 
i’m not sure.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
yeah like 4-5 times. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
nope, I don’t plan on it. 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
I haven’t. 
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
I’m not wearing any. 
26. Have you ever been famous? 
pft, nope.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 
I would, but only for the reach of my music. 
28. What type of music do you like? 
Rock ‘n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Indie, Classical, Punk, etc. (pretty much anything)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
I have never.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
four. two under my head, and two on the side of my bed. 
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
i’m either on my right or my left side, one leg up so my knee is diagonal with my stomach and one stretched out, one hand at my chest and one arm resting over my side. 
32. How big is your house? 
one story, medium size ish. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
coffee... and maybe sometimes I’ll have a smoothie. 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
yeppp, I have. It was ages ago tho. 
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
I’ve only really ever done archery on summer camps or school camps. Although I was pretty good at it whenever I tried. 
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
Maybe a little over two days. 
39. Do you have any scars? 
I do. Some on my knees, a lot on my back and my hips. My fingers are pretty scratched up a lot too. 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
‘scuse me what? no, never. 
41. Are you a good liar? 
Indeed I am. But I don’t like to lie. 
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
I’d like to think I’m good at reading people. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
I can do a pretty generic American accent and a stupid posh British one. 
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
I’d say I don’t, especially hearing me compared to some other Australians - my accent isn’t strong at all. You can definitely tell where I’m from though. 
45. What is your favourite accent? 
Russian, or German. 
46. What is your personality type? 
Chaotic dumb bitch, who rants about nature, peace and love. 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
um, my macpac jacket, which was like $300. (It was also a birthday present from my mum, and she worked there at the time so it was cheap.)
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
I think I can??
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
50. Left or right-handed? 
right-handed. A bitch can do jack shit with her left. 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
I used to be, I kinda want a pet tarantula now tbh. 
52. Favourite food? 
Chicken noodle soup, fight me. 
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
Usually, I’m pretty messy, I can’t work in an environment that is completely clean, but somedays I just like to clean shit up. 
55. Most used phrase? 
“Sorry, what?”
56. Most used word? 
definitely, “bro”.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
if a shower is included, like an hour. But without a shower, like 20mins. 
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
No, I don’t. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
Suck them. (how tf you gon taste a lollipop if you bite it??)
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
All the fucking time. When I’m writing I talk myself through the story by mumbling the words to myself a lot. Other times I might be doing the dishes, getting dressed or doing something mundane and I’ll just begin to have a conversation with myself. 
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
bitch yes, all the fucking time. 
62. Are you a good singer? 
I like to think that I’m okay. 
63. Biggest Fear? 
Losing my ability to see. 
64. Are you a gossip? 
No, unless the person in question has done something shitty to me or a close friend, AND I will only talk about with a close friend. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
I don’t mind either way, but long hair makes my knees weak.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
bitch, HAHAH, nope. 
68. Favourite school subject? 
English, but really only when we’re doing creative writing. 
69. Extrovert or Introvert? 
Smack me right in the middle. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
nope, never ever, and I never plan on it. 
71. What makes you nervous? 
A lot of shit, not gonna lie. 
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
yES, the dark stems from my main fear, loss of my sight. I can’t be in control of the situations around me. 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
depends what kind of mistakes we’re taking here.
74. Are you ticklish? 
yes, and I fucken hate it. 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
I don’t think I ever have. Maybe accidentally?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
people call me a mum? So, I guess? 
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
wtf no, who do u think I am wtf???? JK, yes, all the time. Whenever I get the chance. 
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
ask @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx .
79. Who was your first real crush?
Some dude named Tyler, he turned out to be an ass tho. 
80. How many piercings do you have? 
Just my ears, but I want like four more. 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
a little, but only for like two seconds. 
82. How fast can you type? 
@livewiredroger tells me I’m an aggresive typer so, I guess I’m pretty fast at punching the fuck outta my keyboard. 
83. How fast can you run? 
ok, kinda hate running, it hurts my tits. But I’m a sprinter, long-distances kill me. 
84. What colour is your hair?
black, dark brown and honey brown. I dyed it black and it’s growing out, looks cool tho so I don’t mind. 
85. What color is your eyes? 
blue, green, grey. I don’t know which one, I’ve been told all of them too many times. 
86. What are you allergic to? 
nothing that I know of. Pretty sure I’ve got an intolerence to mushrooms tho, and dairy does weird things to my stomach. 
87. Do you keep a journal? 
I do, I haven’t written in it in a few weeks tho. Reading back through my depressive episodes isn’t a fun trip. 
88. What do your parents do? 
job-wise? They’re both teachers for primary school kids. 
89. Do you like your age? 
I guess? I dunno.
90. What makes you angry? 
A lot of things, but I’ve learnt to control it, mostly. 
91. Do you like your own name? 
I don’t hate it. 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have. Boy names; East, Patrick, Samuel. Girls names; Piper, Lila, Milan. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I would love a boy. If I had a girl I would love her all the same. But right now, a boy is what I have in mind. 
94. What are you strengths? 
kill em with kindness
95. What are your weaknesses?
I can be very forward, or very frustrated. 
96. How did you get your name? 
my mum just turned to my dad and was like, “hey what about this?” and my dad was like, “yup, sure thing.” 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
98. Do you have any scars?
 I answered this one already?
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
blue and beige. 
100. Colour of your room? 
One wall is aqua blue, the others are white. Mostly blue aesthetic I guess. 
I tag: @guns-n-crue @gretavanyeeeeet @solohqrry @punkslap @livewiredroger
@antheasnow @malibubarbievince
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curious-corvidae · 5 years
Tumblr media
Not that I know of. I remember my mother saying she got my name from a dream she had a night or two before I was born, though.
Don’t remember, but it couldn’t have been too long ago? A few weeks - a month ago?
No, not any aside from a figurative sense. Maybe someday.
XD Probably.
Depends. Usually their outfit, I think.
Depends on mood, really.
Art, baking, and singing, I guess?
In a hospital, I’d imagine. I think I remember hearing it was out of state but I’m not sure.
Art, writing, and dissociation. Sometimes I play a game or two hgfds.
Yes! I have a cat and a tarantula :3c
I have never sported in my life, I’m the most sportily inept person on this planet.
I want to own a bakery!
Hard to remember? I remember liking history ok, and I took a game design class that was pretty rad!
Tagged by: @too-late-to-rewind , @themustachemenace
Tagging: @chronotimehat , @ethereal-entrepreneur , @ask-bot-anon
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