#i still have three replies three asks and the starters here to do but i think im burned out for the day
dmwrites · 4 months
Cleo was tired. The first few weeks on a new server always were. They were back at their starter base after a long walk to find some mangrove trees. Their starter base wasn’t much yet, but they could appreciate its simplicity as they collapsed on the only chair they owned. As soon as their butt hit the chair, though, there was a knocking sound on her front door.
“Hey, Cleo? Sorry to bother you so late.” Joe could be heard over his knocks.
Cleo stumped over to the door and opened it. “Joe, I- oh no, what happened?”
Joe looked up at them sadly, holding stuffing in his hands. He had a few arrows sticking out of his blue skin, and a slash in his stomach, where the stuffing was leaking from.
“I was caving, and I may have run into a skeleton spawner… and a stalagmite.” Joe replied sadly. “But with this new puppet body, I don’t know how to heal myself.”
“Oh Joe.” Cleo chuckled in sympathy. “I think you and I need to stop hanging out- we’re too alike.”
“What do you mean?” Joe asked, still clearly upset.
“You need stitches like I do to my own skin. Come in, I’ll show you how to do it.”
Cleo had the puppet of a man sit on the only chair, still cradling his stuffing, and went to get her scissors and industrial-grade string.
“Right, arrows out first.” Cleo told him, setting down her equipment. “You just hold onto that stuffing… wait, would those be your organs, technically?”
Joe looked down at the white fluff. “I guess so, yeah.”
“That’s so gross, I love it.” Cleo said, and reached for an arrow lodged in Joe’s shoulder. “Okay, ready? I’m gonna pull it out in three, two, one.” they tugged the arrow out, and looked for any signs of distress on Joe’s face.
“Oh, that didn’t hurt at all!” Joe said, a little more cheerfully. “Now that I’m thinking about it, none of my wounds hurt, it’s just the emotional part that got me.”
“You make being a puppet sound more and more appealing.” Cleo grumbled, pulling the other arrows out in rapid succession. “Alright, let’s deal with this stomach wound- did you bellyflop onto a spike? How on earth did you do this, Joe?”
“Yeah, that’s it, really.” Joe said sheepishly. “Wait, don’t you need gloves or other sanitation methods to do major surgery?” He continued as Cleo reached for his stuffing.
“You’re a fucking puppet, Joe, if an arrow does nothing to you, germs shouldn't either.” Cleo replied, giving him a withering look.
“You’re right! Okay, let’s stuff away!”
Joe and Cleo stuffed the stuffing (or guts, depended on how you looked at it) back into Joe. Cleo carefully sewed him back up, showing him how it was done as she did. In no time at all, Joe was all put together again.
“Okay, here’s your own scissors and string, so you should be set to go now.” Cleo said, handing her extra supplies over to the puppet.
“Oh, thank you for stuffing me full of the good stuff, Cleo!” Joe beamed.
“Good lord, don’t tell people I’ve been stuffing you full of the good stuff, Joe, or we won’t hear the end of it.” Cleo sighed, but waved Joe off nonetheless.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Kyra Cooney-Cross x Gorry!Reader
Summary: It wasn't planned
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You were the best mistake Kyra ever made.
It was a complete accident when she kissed you, tripping in the crowded pub and smashing her lips against yours.
You giggled at the horrified look on her face when you helped her to stand, one of your hands still holding her waist. "Usually someone has to buy me a drink before kissing me."
You didn't yell at her or scream or punch her in the face so Kyra took it as a win even though her insides were twisting in horror and her face burned red.
"I can still buy you that drink?" Was what she offered in return.
"Sounds good."
Your love affair begun in that moment.
Kyra counted herself lucky that she managed to find the only other Aussie in London who wasn't attached to a football team. She also counted herself lucky that you avoided football like the plague.
Ever since the World Cup, the attention she was receiving was just a tad too excessive so it was nice to sit with you at home and relax, to not be Kyra Cooney-Cross the midfielder but just Kyra, your girlfriend.
"My sister plays," You said one evening as you swiped a chip off her plate," That's probably why I avoid it. Call me childish but I can't be into the same things my sister's into. It would make me seem like a very bad little sister."
"Or a good one, from her perspective," Kyra laughed.
"It's not that me and Kat aren't friends," You said," It's just we're very separate in our interests. I never really enjoyed being compared to her."
"And so you avoided football?" Kyra quirked a brow. "All football?"
"Well, clearly not all football," You replied, leaning forward to capture Kyra's soft lips with your own," Not yours."
Kyra drew away with a cocky smirk. "Of course not mine. You're my wag."
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever."
Domesticity with you was easy, Kyra found. It was completely stereotypical to move in after three dates but she was a big believer in if you know you know.
And Kyra knew.
So, she moved in with you.
You did the chores around each other. If you did the laundry then she did the dishes. If you hoovered then she polished. It was easier than ever before and Kyra settled easily into life with you.
"My sister's moving to London," You said one evening as you lay in bed together," Would you like to meet her?"
Kyra, who had been drawing absent patterns on your arm, froze. You didn't speak much about your sister just that she lived in Sweden with your niece and her fiancée. It was clear that you had a close relationship from the few times that you spoke about her.
Kyra's throat bobbed a little bit in worry.
You were her first proper girlfriend (and she was yours). She just knew that she had to make a good impression.
"You don't have to," You said when you noticed her silence," It was just an idea."
"No! No...I'd love to meet her."
"She'll love you, Kyra. I promise."
The week running up to meeting your sister was full of worry and anticipation. Kyra wrote out a script in her notes app about conversation starters and things to say about herself that would make her seem like the best possible partner for you.
She didn't want to leave anything up to chance with this. Not with you and not with your sister.
Kyra paced outside of the café where you agreed to meet her, wiping off her sweaty hands and muttering under her breath about how best to introduce herself.
"Kyra?" A familiar voice from behind said," Is something wrong?"
"Mini!" Kyra exclaimed," What are you doing here?"
"I'm meeting my sister soon," Mini said," She's meant to be telling me some big news. What about you? This is pretty far from St Albans, isn't it?"
Kyra laughed awkwardly. "I'm meeting my girlfriend's sister today. I want to make a good impression. I don't want her to kill me or something for knocking around with her little sister."
Mini laughed, clapping Kyra on the back. "Don't be stupid, Kyra," She said," You're the best girlfriend anyone can ask for. No one's going to want to kill you."
A blur appeared around the corner and you wedged yourself between the two of them, throwing your arms around both of them. "Kat! Kyra! You ruined the surprise! We were meant to tell her together!"
Kyra looked between you and Mini.
Mini looked between you and Kyra.
"She's your sister?!"
"You're dating Kyra?!"
You looked between them. "Do you two know each other?"
Kyra watched as Mini's eyes narrowed.
"I take back what I said," Mini said," I'm going to kill you."
945 notes · View notes
justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 2
It's hard not to get close to someone when living under the same roof, something you and Joel learn the hard way. Continuation from Ch. 1 found here.
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Joel Miller X F!Reader
NSFW 18+ Minors DNI
CW: Just lots of really soft smut :)
It was surprisingly easy, settling into living with Joel and Sarah. When Joel had picked his daughter up from her sleepover that afternoon, he’d told her there was an issue with your apartment so you’d be staying with them for a bit. She practically tore into the house when they got there, finding you sprawled on the couch reading and tackled you. 
“We get to be roommates!” She was giddy. You smiled. “We can hang out all. The. Time.” 
“Except when we’re in school,” you said. “Because we still have to do that. But then… we can party!” 
“Yes!” Sarah punched the air before flopping on the couch beside you. 
“Sarah,” Joel held up her duffle bag. “Go get unpacked, c’mon now.” 
She looked at you in a way that said ‘ugh, dads, am I right?’ Before getting off the couch and taking her bag down the hall to her room. Joel came and sat beside you on the couch. 
“Don’t feel like you need to spend all your time entertaining her,” he said, looking anywhere but at you. “If she gets to be too much…” 
“Joel,” you put you hand on his knee. “I love your daughter. I like spending time with her. It’ll be fine.” 
The bigger concern you had was spending quite that much time with Joel. You’d become friends in the year you’d been working for him and that friendship had only made you more attracted to him. 
Of course, you weren’t going to DO anything about it. He was your boss, he was 11 years older than you, you were sure he wasn’t remotely interested in you like that. But being around him all the time was going to make it hard to not want more. You could already tell that much. 
For starters, he was oddly chivalrous. The first night you were there, he changed the sheets on his bed and tried to insist you sleep there while he took the couch. You flat out refused. 
“You work a physical job, Joel,” you rolled your eyes, already in your pajamas when he decided to broach the subject. “You’re not sleeping on a couch in your own damn house for three weeks and suffering because I have bad taste in men.” 
He glared at you. 
“Ain’t right to put you on the couch,” he said. You crossed your arms and plopped down on the couch anyway. 
“Try to put me in your room all you want, I’ll just sleep on the floor.” 
“You always this stubborn?” 
“Gettin’ an air mattress tomorrow,” he muttered, stalking off to his room. You smirked, flopping down on the couch and pulling the blanket up to your chin. 
He was also observant. You were getting frustrated with your pen as it ran low on ink as you were studying at the kitchen table one evening. The next day, Joel came home from work and wordlessly put a pack of the same kind of pens on the table next to you before going to shower. If you were sitting outside reading, he’d just be there with a glass of water or lemonade - didn’t say anything about it, just set it down beside you before going back inside. 
“Why’re you studying French, anyway?” He asked one evening as you were lying on the floor of the living room, holding a book over your head. Sarah was at soccer practice so it was one of the rare times where it was just the two of you in the house. 
“Want the practical answer or the real answer?” You asked, lowering the book to your stomach. 
“Real,” he replied, sitting on the couch, watching you. 
“It’s just such a beautiful language,” you sighed. “You could say damn near anything in French and it would sound lovely. Everything’s just poetry when it’s in French. And… well, it’s a pipe dream but I wish I could live in France.” 
“To do what?” He laughed a little. 
“Don’t make fun,” you protested, sitting up on your elbows. 
“I’m not,” he put his hands up. “Just curious.” 
“I wouldn’t do anything,” you shrugged. “I’d just… be. Get to walk around through the gardens or the city or the countryside, eat crepes, drink coffee at 3 in the afternoon at a cafe and watch the world go by. Read everything.” 
“Just be?” He cocked his head a bit at you. 
“Yup,” you popped your lips on the p before lying all the way back down. “Not everything in life is supposed to be hard, Joel. Sometimes you get to just be.” 
You picked up the book and were about to start reading again when he spoke. 
“What’s the practical reason?” 
“That’s easy,” you said. “Schools pay a premium if you can also teach a language and plenty of people speak Spanish, so French makes me competitive.” 
“Very practical,” he smiled. 
“It justifies the student loans,” you smiled back. 
By week two, you’d settled into a comfortable routine. There was the mad dash to leave the house in the morning - you’d started taking Sarah to school on your way to campus, something Joel seemed to be eternally grateful for. You were the first one home in the evenings, your classes clustered in the morning and early afternoons this semester. You took advantage of the quiet to study. When Sarah got home, you often helped her with her homework - her much more eager to do it when she got to do the work alongside you - and watching her favorite shows until you got dinner going just before Joel got home. 
“Keep tellin’ you you don’t need to cook for us,” he muttered one night, stopping in the kitchen to say hi to you before going to shower. 
“This is Hamburger Helper so I’m not sure it counts as cooking,” you replied. “But I’m staying here rent free, it’s the least I can do.” 
He just grunted, leaving you to it. 
After dinner was your favorite time of day, though. There was usually a movie or a board game or listening to a CD with Sarah before Joel put her to bed and you got changed into pajamas and got comfortable on the couch. You’d been alternating movies with Joel - him introducing you to horror movies and you making him watch romantic comedies - every night. 
“Can’t believe you’ve never seen ‘The Exorcist,’” he muttered, settling in beside you on the couch. You shrugged. 
“Can’t believe a movie about a little girl is that scary.” 
He glared at you. You held out a mix of popcorn and Sno-Caps. He took a handful. 
“You get too scared and I’ll turn it off,” he teased. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m made of sterner stuff than that, Joel Miller,” you said, glancing at him. 
“I’m sure you are, Kid.” 
You always ended the night watching late night shows, something about Leno and Letterman making it so your guard came down a bit. By the time the monologues were done, your head drifted to Joel’s shoulder, too tired to sit up all the way but too desperate to be next to him to ask to go to bed. Sometimes you both fell asleep like that, jerking awake as the show ended and the sound of the commercials grew too loud. 
“Kid, you gotta kick me out if I’m keepin’ you up,” he said as he tried to blink the sleep from his eyes one night. 
“I like it,” you said, too sleepy to edit yourself. “It’s nice.” 
He looked down at you. 
“I like it, too.” 
Three weeks ended up flying by. 
For your last night living with the Millers, you decided to break out the big guns in the kitchen. You got a copy of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” from the library so you wouldn’t need to go back to your apartment to pick yours up and got all the supplies to make boeuf bourguignon. You skipped your last class of the day to get it started in time, chopping and frying bacon, mincing garlic, combining everything just so. You’d gotten a few bottles of wine - one to cook with, more to enjoy - and even the stuff to make a chocolate cake. 
“What’s that?” Sarah peered into the pan when she got home from school. 
“The one really nice thing I actually know how to make,” you smiled. “Haven’t made it in a while so I figured I’d use my last night here as an excuse to keep my skills up. Homework?” 
“It’s Friday,” she crinkled her nose. 
“If you do it now you won’t have to worry about it all weekend,” you half sang it at her. “Plus by this time tomorrow, I’ll be settling into my new apartment and you’ll be stuck relying on your dad for help.” 
“Ew,” she crinkled her nose again. You laughed. 
“C’mon Sarah, abuse my knowledge one more time,” you said. “Make me feel like all these silly college classes are worth it.” 
“Fine,” she sighed, dragging her homework out of her bag. 
You put the main course in the oven and started making frosting while Sarah worked, occasionally asking you a question that you’d need to come look at her worksheet to help answer. 
Once the cake was frosted, Sarah’s homework was done (or so she claimed) and she took the phone off the hook and out to the backyard. You heard her talking excitedly to her friend as you got changed out of your chocolate smeared clothes and into a sundress, taking your hair down now that the heavy lifting in the kitchen was done, putting a ribbon in to keep it off your face. 
You were settled on the couch reading when Joel came home, stopping and smelling the air. 
“What in the world…” he muttered before spotting you in the living room. “What are you up to, Kid?” 
“It’s my last night,” you shrugged, smiling proudly. “Figured I’d do it up right.” 
“Smells fuckin’ incredible,” he said. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. “Had to make sure you’d miss me when I’m gone.” 
“Dad!” Sarah hung her torso in the back door, phone clutched to her chest. “Can I go spend the night at Lizzie’s? Then you don’t have to drop me off in the morning…” 
“No,” he said. Sarah’s face fell. 
“But Dad!” She whined. 
“No buts,” he said. “That’d be very rude, you goin’ over there with dinner here…” 
“I don’t mind,” you said with a shrug. “Honestly, it’s even better as leftovers.” 
“Sarah,” he sighed. 
“Please, Dad,” her eyes were wide. 
“Fine,” he shook his head. 
“Yes!” She stepped back outside, going back to the phone. 
“You’re a bad influence,” he glared at you. 
“Oh you know she’d be miserable if you told her no and she was stuck here with us old people all night,” you replied. “Everyone will have a better time this way.” 
“Yeah, you’re right,” he sighed. “Still don’t like it though…” 
You just smiled and shook your head as he stomped off to take a shower.
Joel couldn’t say the real reason he needed Sarah to stay home that night. You were in a fucking sundress with a ribbon in your hair. A goddamn ribbon. And you’d been cooking, the whole house smelled like heaven and you were in a fucking sundress with a goddamn ribbon in your hair and now he was going to be home alone with you all night. 
Not that anything was going to happen. Nothing was going to happen. Not a damn thing. You were basically a kid. He tried to imagine what he’d do if someone his age took an interest in Sarah when she got to be in her early 20s. He’d lay them out. He was too old for you and you were far too sweet and good for him. You deserved something better than him. 
Of course this was all a moot point if you weren’t interested in him at all. But he was starting to worry that you were interested. The movies and late night TV, you happily reading some of your French books aloud when he asked so he could hear what the language you loved so much sounded like on your tongue. You fell asleep against him more often than not, always seeming so happy to just be beside him. He’d stopped denying how he felt about you - he was well past that now. But if you had feelings for him, too… 
No. Too young, too sweet, too good. 
He fisted his cock in the shower, picturing the swell of your breasts in your fucking sundress, the way the goddamn ribbon displayed your collarbones, your lips soft and plump and glossy. He bit his lip to keep from moaning your name when he came. 
He got dressed again, hoping that this would be enough to keep you at arm’s length, at least for tonight. One more night. He could do this one more night. 
“You’re not going to eat all the cake, right?” Sarah was asking as you handed her a pillow. She was already one foot out the door. 
“No way,” you smiled. “Most of that sucker will be here when you get home tomorrow, promise.” 
“OK good,” she looked relieved. “It’s been really fun, having you around so much. I’m going to miss you.” 
“I’m going to miss you, too,” you said. “Thanks for hanging out with me so much these past few weeks.” 
There was a honk at the end of the driveway. 
“OK, go have fun!” You said. “I’ll see you again soon!” 
You stood and watched the car leave before closing the door, jumping when you saw Joel. 
“Jesus, you sure know how to be quiet for being such a big guy,” your hand went to your heart before you checked the time. “Still got about an hour until dinner but there’s wine?” 
“I won’t argue with wine,” he shrugged. 
You stopped and put on a CD on the way to the kitchen - something French because of course it was - and opened a bottle of red wine, pouring each of you a glass. Joel took a sip, savoring it for a moment. 
“I’m not going to pretend I know shit about wine,” he said. “But this is good.” 
“There’s definitely better wine out there,” you smiled. “But not in my price range. This was good enough to drink and cook with, so it worked.” 
“What’d you make, anyway?” He asked. “It smells complicated. Fuckin’ amazing but complicated.” 
“Boeuf bourguignon,” you said, a sense of pride in your voice. “It’s my grandma’s favorite, I make it for her on her birthday every year.” 
“Sounds complicated, too,” he half smiled. 
“It’s… not easy,” you smiled. “But nothing worth having is. That’s what makes it fun.” 
The food was fucking delicious. You sat across from him at the table and the two of you polished off a whole bottle of wine and started a second, both pleasantly buzzed as you sat back in your chairs. 
“I never need to eat again,” he groaned. 
“And just think, there’s cake,” you smiled. 
“You’re gonna kill me, Kid.” 
You twisted the stem of the wine glass in your fingers, watching as the dark liquid sloshed gently in the cup. 
“I have an awkward question,” you bit your lip as you watched him. 
“Would it be weird if I jumped in the pool?” You asked. “By about 4 that water started looking really good…” 
“Not weird,” Joel frowned. “Why would that be weird?” 
“Because I didn’t pack a swim suit,” you winced. “But I swear my underwear covers up more than my swimsuit anyway, nothing sheer or lacy.” 
“Not… not weird.” He said it before he had a chance to really think about it. 
“Thank God,” you said, topping off your wine glass and getting up, heading for the door. “You coming?” 
“Yeah,” he said, body moving ahead of his mind. “I’m comin’.” 
You went outside, the cicadas already howling in the trees. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, like you were soaking it in. It was dusk, the hazy reds and oranges of the sunset catching on your hair. You slid the ribbon from your head and used it to put your mass of hair in a high ponytail before stepping out of your shoes. 
“Promise it’s not weird?” You asked, hands at the straps of your dress. He was watching, enraptured. 
“Promise, Kid.” 
“Not a Kid, Joel,” you gave him a small smile, slipping the straps of your dress down and sliding it down your body. 
He tried not to stare. He really, really did. But… it was you. Your skin, your pale blue bra, your black panties that were cut high on your legs. You didn’t seem to notice. You just folded your dress up and set it on a chair by the pool before going to the edge. 
“One,” you took a deep breath, your feet dancing at the water’s edge, working yourself up to jumping in. “Two… Three!” 
You leapt, feet first, catching yourself before your head went under. 
“Shit, that’s cold,” your arms went over your torso. 
“Could’ve told you that,” Joel shook his head, taking another drink of wine. “We usually wait another few weeks before the first swim of the season.” 
You hesitantly extended your arms, paddling around the water. 
“You coming in?” You asked, watching him, eyes wide. “Or are you afraid of a bit of cold water?” 
“Only because you asked so nice,” he set his wine glass down and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on the chair beside him. He was almost afraid to look at you after he did, to see if you were watching him the way he’d watched you. He almost hoped you weren’t. But you were, your eyes running over his skin, swimming slightly closer to the side of the pool where he stood. He took a deep breath and pulled his pants down, too - his cock mercifully not fully hard after seeing you half naked, thank fuck he’d jacked off before dinner - stripping himself down to just his boxers. 
Joel stepped into the water instead of jumping, forcing himself to take each next step down into the pool despite the cold. You were damn good motivation. 
“There, Kid,” he teased, swimming up alongside you. “You happy?” 
“Yes,” you beamed. “Misery loves company.” 
You both swam for a bit, in silence, just near each other, absorbing the sounds of the water and cicadas and your breaths. After a bit, you swam to the side of the pool where you’d left your wine glass, getting half out of the water to reach it to take a drink. Joel let himself admire the way your wet underwear clung to your ass, each cheek perfectly outlined. Like a fucking invitation. 
You took the glass to the side of the pool near Joel and leaned back against the wall, your arms out of the water behind you. You took another drink. 
“I’ll give you this much, Kid,” he said, letting his eyes rove over you. “You know how to plan an evening.” 
“I’ve got skills,” you smiled, tilting your head back so you were looking at the now dark sky for a moment before you looked to him. “Why do you call me Kid?” 
“What do you mean?” He frowned. “I’ve always called you that.” 
“I know,” you nodded. “And it’s fine, I don’t mind it. I kind of like that you have a nickname for me, I just… do you see me as a kid?”
You were looking him in the eye. Your nipples were peaked below your bra, your lips full and tinged red from the wine, the ribbon in your hair reflecting the starlight. 
“No,” his voice caught a bit on his throat. He shouldn’t be honest with you. “I don’t see you as a kid. Never really have. I should though, fuck knows I should.” 
“Why?” You breathed, twisting to face him. Your bodies were close, so close that his skin brushed yours when he moved. 
“Because you’re too young for the way I think about you,” he said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “And you’re Sarah’s nanny…” 
“I’m 21 Joel,” you said softly. His hand slipped around your neck and tilted your head up toward his. 
“I know,” he said. “And you deserve someone better than me…” 
“I’m not sure there is anyone better than you,” you whispered. “Not to me.” 
He tugged you gently to him then, lowering his mouth to yours, his eyes holding your gaze until his lips met your own. 
The kiss started hesitant, gentle. You tasted like wine and cherries and your arms went around his neck, pressing your warm, soft body against his. His hands slipped to your waist then down your back, pulling you tighter to him and your kiss grew firmer, more desperate. Your tongue cautiously dipped into his mouth and he met it, pulling you into him before exploring your mouth back. 
His hands went to your ass - fuck you had a great ass - and picked you up, bringing you on level with him. Your legs went around his waist, your fingers tangling in his hair. Your core was pressed against him, so fucking hot against his stomach. The erection he’d been dodging all evening now unavoidable with you on him like this, his cock prodding against your backside. 
“Fucking hell Baby, you’re going to kill me,” he groaned, kissing down your jaw to your throat. 
“I like that name better,” you whispered, pressing your lips to the side of his head as you held him close. 
“Should tell me to stop,” he kissed down to your breasts and back up the other side of your neck. “Tell me to not want you.” 
“But I don’t want you to stop,” you ground your hips against his stomach and he groaned. He was so fucking close to being buried inside you. “I want you, Joel…” 
He brought a hand around to the front of you, finding your clit beneath your panties. You jumped a little but then relaxed into it, putting your lips against his. He pulled back from you, frowning. 
“Everything OK?” He asked, breathless. You nodded but looked hesitant. “Baby, if I’m doing anything you don’t want…” 
“No,” you cut him off quickly. “It’s just….” You bit your lip and closed your eyes, wincing for a moment before looking him in the eye again. “I’ve never done… this. Before.” 
“Done what.” 
“Joel, please don’t make me say it,” you groaned, dropping your head to his shoulder and pressing a kiss into him there. His eyes went wide. 
“You’re a virgin…” 
“Yeah,” you cut him off, lifting your head to look at him again. “If it’s too weird, that’s OK, I get it and I shouldn’t have said anything at all…” 
“Just surprised is all,” he managed eventually. “Not weird, Baby. Just maybe we should rethink…” 
“No,” you shook your head, pressing yourself tighter to him. “I want you, Joel.”
He slipped his fingers down your slit, teasing you, rubbing you. 
“You tell me if anything I do hurts and we stop,” he said gently and you nodded, kissing him again. 
He took his time with you, teasing your body open, slipping one finger inside you. You groaned, your walls clenching around him as he pressed deeper. Fuck, you were tight. It was a wonder his cock wasn’t ripping his boxers he was so hard. 
“Anyone ever done this before?” He asked, breathless as he worked his finger in and out of you, teasing your clit. 
“No,” you groaned. “Just you…” 
Just him. Fuck he loved hearing you say that, knowing some of those stupid boys you’d dated had never made it this far, never gotten their dirty hands on you. They’d have manhandled you, taken their own pleasure from you without worrying about yours. That was his justification. You deserved better, someone who knew and cared enough to take care of you, made sure he didn’t hurt you. He could be that for you. 
He slipped another finger into you, feeling you stretch around him as you moaned, working your hips against him. 
“You’re doing so well Baby,” he kissed your neck. “Want to make you cum first, that will help, think you can do that?” 
“Yeah,” you were breathless, clinging to him, working your hips against his fingers. 
He curved his fingers up against your inner wall, pressing into you, making you gasp in shock. 
“Have you ever done this, Baby?” He pulled back from you, searching your face, your pupils blown, cheeks red with want. 
“Not… inside myself,” your blush deepened. “Never…. Fuck…” he pressed into your clit harder and smiled, giving you a chance to focus. “Never needed inside, outside was…. Joel, fuck… outside was plenty.” 
He kissed your temple and down your cheek to your mouth, tasting you again. He added a third finger and you shuddered into his mouth, your pussy stretching over his intrusion. 
“That too much for you, Sweetheart?” He asked, barely pulling his lips from yours. 
“N…no…” you managed, rocking your hips against him. “Feels… good…” 
He plunged deeper, stretching you further, pressing into your clit as you got tighter and tighter around him. 
“It’s OK Baby, just cum for me,” he breathed, holding you close. “Just cum, you know you want to, need to. I’ve got you, it’s OK.” 
“Joel,” you whimpered, your grip on his body and fingers tightening as he felt you come apart around him. You went limp, body sagging against his in the water as you gasped for breath. He just cradled you close, stroking your hair. 
“We don’t have to do anything else Baby,” he said eventually, voice gentle. 
“But I want you,” you said, lips brushing his neck. “I want you to be my first, I want to feel you inside me….” 
“If you want me to stop,” he said, pulling his fingers from you and tucking your underwear to the side. “Then tell me to stop.” 
You nodded, taking a deep breath. He adjusted your bodies and freed his cock, lining himself up with your warm entrance. He pressed his tip into you, his forehead dropping to yours. Fuck, you were already gripping him so well and he wasn’t even really in you yet. He pulled you down a bit, sliding into you further. You sucked in a breath as the first two inches of him sank into you. 
“You OK?” He asked. You nodded quickly, kissing him. You started pressing your hips down on him, trying to pull him deeper. He obliged, holding your hips and driving himself into you. It was so hard to hold back from just taking you, you felt so fucking good around him, so tight he had to work for every fraction of every inch. He bottomed out in you just as his hips met yours, his cock against every part of your insides. 
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this close to another person. He’d dated, of course, since Sarah’s mom had left, but nothing had stuck. He’d fuck someone and get it out of his system. There was no risk of that with you. One taste and he was certain he’d be wanting you for the rest of fucking time. 
“You feel…” you gasped, your fingers running through his hair. “God, so good. So so good. Didn’t know how good…” 
He kissed you, pressing himself against your back wall as he did, making you moan. 
“Need you to move, Joel,” you managed, pulling your mouth back from his. “Need to feel you…” 
He nodded against you and started to withdraw from you, going just halfway at first before easing back in. He started slow, gentle, focusing on finding the places inside you that made you grip him tighter and moan his name. 
But then he couldn’t hold himself back, leveraging you up and down his shaft as he fucked into you, feeling you open for him with each and every exquisite stroke, your body welcoming him and holding him tight. 
“Want to feel you cum like this,” he said, pressing a thumb into your clit. “Tell me what you need Baby…” 
“Keep doing that…” you pressed yourself down against him. “Fuck, so close…” 
It didn’t take long for you to finish again, your body trembling around him, feeling so fucking incredible around his cock. 
“Where do you want me to finish?” He managed to gasp out. 
“Inside,” you moaned. “I’m on the pill, please…” 
Joel didn’t need to be told twice, pressing himself as far into you as he could reach and cumming, hard, pulse after pulse filling your wrung-out body. He held you tighter, leaning against the wall of the pool to stay on his feet. 
Fuck, he was in trouble.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Don't Be So Blind
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(dealing with sexism and SA) 
You came back from a press meeting and sat on the couch, placing your head on your hands.
"Doll, it's okay. These things don't always go to plan. I get hate all the time." He said as you groaned and looked at him.
"You get hate because you killed people, I get hate because I was born with a fucking vagina. I am so sick of this." You grumbled as Bucky sat beside you.
"You don't get it... I know you would always do your best to understand it, but you can't understand what I have to go through. With Nat it's different you know? Well for starters she doesn't have a period cause she has no uterus but she's pretty and sexy so no one bothers her. But, me... I'm not like that so people always have something to say about it." You muttered as Bucky gently rubbed your back.
"I think I get four days a month where I'm okay, and that is it. It's always ovulation, or periods or bloating, pain, bleeding, moods, hormones... There is so much I have to fucking deal with. Yet, I still do all the same training and missions as all of you guys. Everything is so much fucking harder for women, and what do we get? Hate and sexism. Sometimes I don't blame Wanda for going evil." You muttered as Bucky looked at you in shock.
"Y/N, don't say stuff like that." He said as you chuckled dryly.
"Can you fucking blame her? You killed so many people! And you got let off with a fucking slap on the wrist. Wanda controlled a few people and they wanted to burn her at the fucking stake!" You shouted as you stood up and began to pace.
"Buck, I get it, okay? You've been through hell, with Hydra and everything. You were hated because of something you did, but I am hated because I was born. I just need to fucking get this out because I am so sick of it!" You shouted, grabbing a vase and throwing it a wall.
"The constant comments from people, fucking kills me." You grumbled, sitting back down.
"You just need to not listen to it." He said as you laughed and shook your head.
"Buck, I've been fucking try to not listen since I was three years old. The first time someone fucking sexualised me." You replied, harshly.
"I get that it's hard, Y/N. But, it's hard for all of us. I mean, Peggy rose through the ranks and she never had episodes like this." He said as you slowly turned to face him.
"Because she would've been fucking fired, or killed, or fucking raped if she spoke up. Sometimes I forget when you were fucking born." You growl standing up before Bucky grabbed your wrist.
"You know I've been sexually abused too? It's not just women." He said before you slapped him hard across the face.
"Shut the fuck up! Oh my god, Bucky. I fucking know okay? And I am here for you one hundred percent, but the only time you bring up your assault is to fucking silence me! The only time you bring it up is when I talk about sexism. I'm sick of it, just leave me alone before I fucking stab you." You growled storming away and getting in the elevator.
Steve entered and looked at Bucky.
"I heard some of that..." Steve muttered as Bucky kicked the coffee table in anger.
"She's fucking infuriating!" Bucky said before he sat down.
Steve sighed and sat across from him.
"Bucky, Y/N sat down, upset and tried to explain how she felt and you basically invalidated her and told her she shouldn't be upset. How is that supposed to be good for her?" Steve asked as Bucky looked at him, still seething.
"Women were never like this, back in the day. They were fine, happy even." Bucky said making Steve groan and rub his head.
"Bucky... You need to take off the rose coloured glasses. The time we lived in was horrible. I saw first hand what Peggy went through. The countless abuses and assaults. I saw what my mother went through. Buck, they didn't have a choice and if they dared speak up their entire life was ruined. When Y/N talks about this stuff she isn't blaming you for being a man, she is asking for understanding and maybe some protection." Steve explained as Bucky sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Have I really been that blind?" Bucky muttered as Steve chuckled softly.
"Yeah, Buck. You've been very blind to all of this. We all get paid from Shield to keep up this superhero work, Y/N and Natasha were getting a lot less then all of us. And they still do from shield, but Tony uses his own money to close that gap. Did you know Natasha tried to make super hero suits specifically designed for women's bodies and shield said no? Do you even see what happens at these press meetings? Did you see the man grope Y/N? Did you hear the man who called her a slut?" He asked as Bucky looked at him in confusion.
"What...? Did that happen?" He asked making Steve sigh and shake his head.
"Yes, Bucky it happens all the time. The public barely accepts Sam as a superhero because he isn't white. There is a lot of work to do and you need to help." Steve said as Bucky nodded a little.
"Fucking hell... I've been such a dumbass." He grumbled before he got up to chase after you.
He found you up on the roof crying, you turned around and shook your head.
"Just fucking leave me alone." You muttered through your tears as Bucky gently hugged you.
"Fuck, I am so sorry Y/N. Steve spoke to me and I saw it from another perspective. I haven't even noticed the stuff you go through, I'm such an idiot." He whispered as you slowly cuddled into him.
"I've been really fucking blind, doll. And I am so sorry. I'm kind of glad I was blind at the meeting today otherwise I would've killed every man in there." He joked as you laughed softly.
"I want to learn about all of this. I'll do my best to understand it all, okay?" He said as you nodded a little.
"I just want you on my side." You whispered in response as he kissed your forehead.
"I'll always be on your side, I just need to do a better job."
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soupandsimple · 11 months
this video is very much not at all like what I wrote but it was used as the inspo for James and daughter 😌
* James’s reaction to his 3 year old daughter telling him she has a boyfriend (SPOILER ALERT; it’s just a boy who’s her friend)
* see request here
Your daughter started daycare at the beginning of this week. Coincidentally also this week, James had been coming home late from work meaning he missed seeing and talking to her before she got into bed (besides the quick goodnight kiss he did always manage to make it in time for with a little slip into her bedroom just as you’d finish tucking her in). But since today was Friday, you let her stay up a little later to see and be with him for awhile.
It’s a little before eight when he gets home and the smile on his face when he sees his little girl is still up and about is a special one. After greeting you both, you let him get changed then serve him his dinner plate and set out a bowl of raspberries for your daughter to snack on to keep James company at the table.
“M’daddy guess what,” your daughter speaks as you help her climb up on the cushiony booster seat in her chair.
“What doll?” James replies promptly, hungrily gathering some food on his fork.
“I have a boyfend.”
The forkful of food is just centimeters away from James’s open mouth but all his movements freeze in that second.
Arching your brows, you smile to yourself as you go to the kitchen area to put away some dishes that had been sitting in the drying rack.
“Excuse me? Can you repeat that?” James urges, voice full of hope that he had heard wrong.
“I have a boyfend!” your daughter repeats happily, popping a berry into her little mouth.
“Oh n-n-n-no,” James says, setting down his fork with a forced chuckle of disbelief, “you are three years old, you cannot have a boyfriend at three years old.”
“Uh-huh I do, hims names Matthew!”
“Yes! He’s pwetty!” she claims with a big ol’ smile.
“Hey, hey, hey missy, this isn’t girl talk hour. I don’t care how pretty this Matthew kid is, you are not supposed to have a boyfriend!”
“Him hold my hand” she adds, blissfully ignoring everything James had just said. “And him gives me grapes and him sits by me on the listening carpet.”
“Oh no baby, no” he mumbles as he hits his hands against his face, shaking his head. “C’mon, that’s bare minimum!” he says, sliding his hands back off his face. “And he didn’t even give it time, it’s been what? One week? Don’t tell me he became your boyfriend on the first day of class?!”
Very much not interested in the conversation anymore, your daughter nonchalantly nods as she munches down on another berry and intriguingly observes how the juice from it spills to her hands.
“Wha- are you hearing this?” James astonishingly asks you, whipping his head over in your direction.
“Yes I’m listening. Are you?” you tease as you continue putting away dishes.
Now, the reason you weren’t reacting to your daughter’s claims was because earlier that week at one of the pickups, your daughter had joyfully ran up to you at the door upon arrival and announced to you that she had a boyfriend! After telling you all about the hand holding, fruit sharing and carpet sitting with Matthew, the daycare teacher monitoring the pickups cleared it all up for you.
For starters, the hand holding was only allowed when they walked from building A to building C for gym class and since your daughter and Matthew were next to each other alphabetically on the class sheet, they were paired together for that. Same went for the listening carpet where they were sat in an alphabetical order seating chart. As for the fruit sharing, it was something this Mathew kid did with any and all of his classmates apparently.
So did your daughter have a boy friend ? Yes.
A boyfriend ? No.
The fact that James automatically heard the term boy-friend and paired it with the amorous meaning was no one’s fault but his own. You’d explain it all to him later of course but for now, it was fun seeing him helpless while your daughter remained oblivious and frankly unbothered as to why her dad was freaking out over her having a boy as a friend. <3
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najaemism · 5 months
heart can't lose [71]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
WARNINGS. very light angst, hurt/comfort
WORD COUNT. 0.8k words
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
IT HAD BEEN about fifteen minutes since Donghyuck had arrived at Hera’s apartment, and since then, the girl had not spoken one full sentence to her boyfriend. They were both in her room, since she deemed their conversation to be something only the two of them should hear, and Nari was in the living room finishing up some work that she had to take home.
Donghyuck was sitting on her swivel chair near her study desk, while Hera was sitting on her bed, brows furrowed as she looked down at her hands, still not sure how to tell her boyfriend about her plans after graduation.
“Juno, you’re making me nervous here,” Donghyuck broke the silence, letting out a nervous chuckle as he looked at her. “What is it that you want to talk to me about?”
“I’ve talked to my family about what my plans are after graduation,” she finally spoke, her voice low as she still looked at her hands, fiddling with the hem of her sweater. 
“Are you still going through with grad school? You told me about that a few months ago.”
“No,” she replied, “not yet, at least.” She finally looked up to meet his eyes. “Remember when I said I’d prefer working first before taking my masters?” she asked, and he nodded, urging for her to continue. “I’m taking the board exams in July,” she said, and she took note of how his eyebrows were raised in surprise. 
“Oh—that’s amazing, Juno. You would have better working opportunities when you have your license,” he commented, smiling at her, “You’ve been reviewing for it, then? While doing your teaching internship?”
She nodded, then swallowed the lump in her throat. “After taking the boards, I’m set to work at this private school while I wait for the results. Dad says it usually takes a few months, and we… we have this family friend who owns a private school, so I’ll be there,” she then explained.
Donghyuck looked genuinely happy for her after-graduation plans that it made her heart ache. “That sounds really good, Juno, I don’t see why you’re—”
“It’s in San Francisco.”
He blinked—once, twice, then let out a soundless “Oh.”
“That’s…” he cleared his throat, “That’s what you want to do?” he asked, eyes still trained on her.
His lips gently upturned into a smile, the look in his eyes wistful as he said: “Then I fully support you with that, Juno.”
She looked at him in confusion. “You’re… you’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad about that?”
“For starters, I’d be miles away from you,” she pointed out, “I chased after you for weeks only to leave in a few months, and... and I had these after-grad plans decided already without even telling you about it, and—”
She looked at him, her shoulders dropping as she felt her tears start to form. “I’m sorry, Donghyuck.”
“Hey,” he called, before standing up from his seat and making his way towards her, kneeling on the floor in front of her while she still sat on the bed. He cupped her cheek before he continued, “You don’t have to apologize about that, I know that that’s what you want to do. I know how much you love teaching, you’re doing what you want to do, and that’s fine,” he told her. “I may not be part of your plans, but I will always support you, baby, you know that.”
She closed her eyes as her tears fell, while Donghyuck pulled her in and leaned her forehead against his, his eyes closing as well. “I love you, you know that, right?”
“I know,” she muttered, “I love you, too.”
He smiled again as he leaned back to look at her, caressing her cheek as her eyes fluttered open. “We still have three months before you leave. It’s fine—we’ll be fine,” he assured her as he wiped her tears with his thumb.
“You’re not—you’re not breaking up with me?”
He let out a chuckle, shaking his head at her question. “Unless you want to break up with me? No, I’m not, breaking up with you,” he replied, “You waited weeks for me to come around and get my shit together just so we could be together—I’m sure I can wait for you, too.”
“This is different—what if I decide not to come back?”
“Then, I’ll go to you,” he answered quickly, as if he’d thought it through before—as if there was no other place he’d rather be than with her. “Of course, I’d have to finish med school first, then I’d be with you—does that sound alright with you?”
She blinked down at him, surprised with how well he was taking it all. “Yeah—yes, that sounds… that sounds alright with me?” she replied a bit hesitantly.
He smiled at her before leaning up to kiss her.
“I love you, Juno. My feelings for you won’t change just because of a little distance. Take your time, and I’ll take mine, and when the time’s right, I know we’ll be together,” he said, “But that doesn’t mean we’ll break up—we’ll just be apart from each other for a while, okay?”
She nodded, smiling through her tears. “Okay. I love you.”
“Okay,” he breathed out before he finally wrapped his arms around her, hugging her while she buried her face on his chest.
There’s no turning back for me, I’ll be I’ll wait ‘til the mountains cross the seas ‘Til all the secrets are set free Meeting you there on bended knee.
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SEVENTY ONE. | prev / masterlist / next
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NOTE. this was supposed to be a fluffy chapter actually........ yeah...... we're near the end though :p
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @archivedmkl @najaeminluvbot @jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @hyckio @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @mahae66 @kkotjia @yoonhanzjaem @goldryush @stopeatread @hibernatinghamster @shwizhies @zgzgzh @bbymatz @eyantice @w0nderr @dinonuguaegi @neozon3nha @mnlylonely 
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @rrnhyuck @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi
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hoonichi · 2 years
rule nr. 4 | enhypen jay
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pairing: fwb!jay x fem!reader
genre: smut, angst
words: 3.6k
warnings: mdni, friends with benefits, explicit smut, heeseung is mentioned, blowjob, eating out, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it lads), riding, a few time skips, lmk if i missed anything else !
summary: once you get into a complicated relationship with jay, you decide on becoming friends with benefits instead. and with such a predicament, comes a list of rules. rules which you both decide on, that don’t seem too hard to break yet for a night of envy and lust, rule number four is exactly what ends it all.
a/n: i might write a part two for this if people are interested? also ik ive been kind of dead,, but i just have so many stupid shit to do at uni that it makes me want to jump out the window lol, but for now! here! a spicy jay one shot bc I’m in the mood
likes, comments & reblogs are always really appreciated !! <3
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“okay, so three rules?” you glance up at jay who’s sitting in front of you, flipping through his economy book. maybe it’s not the best thing to do this in the university’s library but you can’t find the perfect timing to talk about your questionable sex life anytime soon.
you look down at your notebook, where three rules you’ve just decided upon are written in a blank ink. rule number one - sleeping with other people is allowed. rule number two - only call each other when you want to hook up. rule number three - no lovey dovey shit. you still chuckle at how jay decided to phrase the last one.
jay lightly taps his pen against the side of his head, he looks deep in thought, “i have one more,” he finally says and your eyes meet.
“rule number four - no kissing. if we kiss, it’s over”
your head rests against the cold glass of the bus window. you mindlessly gaze out of the window, eyes tracking the quickly passing environment as you immerse yourself into your own world which is accompanied by the rhythm coming from your earphones. you look down when a buzz alerts your hands, a notification coming from your phone.
there’s a message from a group chat with the name of ‘y/n & friends’ that is the first thing you see on the screen. the name of the group chat was born purely out of sarcastic jokes and it still makes you laugh every time you see it.
party at my house in a few hours, don’t miss out! - heeseung says. you unlock your phone and type in a quick reply that you will be there. you had no plans for today anyways. well apart from contacting jay, but this was even better. if heeseung was the host, your fuck buddy will also definitely be there.
you grab your belongings and step out from your seat. the timing of heeseung’s invitation was great. he lives a few streets away from your house and since the bus was already heading towards that direction, you figured you would just go there right now. nothing would hurt for you to hang out with heeseung just before his party started.
heeseung stands shirtless in the door way with a toothbrush hanging from the side of his mouth and wet hair, indicating that he must have just left the shower, “early as always,” he mutters and turns around, leaving the door open for you to go inside. he doesn’t question your sudden appearance at his house. he never does.
you take off your shoes and plop down on the couch first thing. you spark a light conversation with heeseung, which is just both of you screaming answers from different sides of the house.
when heeseung is all dressed up, he joins you in the living room, “starter?” he asks, tilting a can of beer in his hand towards your direction. you nod and take it with a smile, “people should be piling in in about an hour, wanna watch something?”
“sure,” you nod and heeseung turns on the tv. he settles on some random movie and you sit in silence, occasionally pointing out the weird plot and making jokes about it.
you’re already done with your drink when the doorbell rings and heeseung turns off the tv and puts on a speaker instead. loud music erupts in the room and that’s when you know peace was never an option (lmao). just as heeseung said, random people, yet most of whom you have seen at university, are entering the house and in no time you’re surrounded by countless of bodies. what once was just you sitting alone in the living room, is now filled with people. it doesn’t even help that heeseung’s house is massive too.
once heeseung opens up the door to his kitchen, it doesn’t take long for everyone to get drunk. you went there too and were up mostly surprised by how many different kinds of liquor heeseung has bought. but then again, it’s heeseung, the biggest party animal you’ve ever met.
few hours into the party and you have seen jay, your main target, just once before he got lost into the crowd. the second time you see him, he’s got some girl on his lap, quite literally sucking each other’s faces off. it makes you feel weird but you have to remind yourself of the rules because they’re there for a reason, right?
choosing to ignore the evident envy flowing in your system, you go and hatch yourself another drink. even so you’re certain you will end up with jay by the end of the night anyways.
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your certainty never fails you. once you and jay lock eyes from across the room, you are abruptly pulled into one of heeseung’s awfully small bathrooms with only a sink and a toilet.
jay doesn’t even have to say anything before you’re pushing him down to sit on the lid and fall down on your knees in need, hands immediately going to fumble with the zipper of his jeans.
“fuck, i missed your pretty little mouth,” jay seethes through his teeth, head falling to gaze down at your frame. the way you kneel down before him, makes you look small and cute, more reasons that make jay want to ruin you faster.
your hands work quickly on releasing his already semi hard cock and you bask in satisfaction from making him this hard without even doing much apart from some hurried groping on the way to the bathroom, “don’t make me wait too long, baby,” jay sighs, hand resting on your head, brushing away the hair that falls down on your face.
as if i’d make you wait, you think before leaning in to lick a strand of wetness from the base of his cock right to the very tip. jay sucks in a harsh breath, gaze burning holes in your body. you slowly wrap your lips around his tip, instinctively wrapping your hand around the base since you already know you won’t be able to reach that deep with your mouth. that’s, of course, if jay doesn’t decide on fucking your mouth, which happens.. quite frequently if you had to say so.
you let yourself go deeper until his dick hits the back of your throat, making you gag. you eagerly bop your head to what you can take, your hand working on what you can’t in return. deep groans coming from jay encourage you to fasten your pace and you almost choke on a mix of your own saliva and jay’s pre-cum.
jay puts in the work too, his fingers harshly tug on your hair from time to time, guiding his cock against the warm and slippery walls of your mouth. you hollow your cheeks around his cock, slurping it like a lollipop which makes jay throws his head back in pleasure. the position you’re in and jay’s low moans are already making you pool your panties. you’re so wet and it’s so uncomfortable not having any friction against your pussy. nevertheless you focus all of your attention on getting jay off especially when his hips buck rather harshly and you know he’s close. you can’t wait to gulp down everything that jay gives you.
that’s exactly when jay becomes aggressive, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing you down until his cock fully disappears in your wet cavern. tears appear in your eyes but you let jay do what he wants. you always do.
jay continues to fuck your mouth with no mercy, hitting the back of your throat with each thrust until he reaches his climax. you can feel spurts of cum paint the back of your throat and you have to gulp everything in the midst of still having his cock in your mouth, in fear of choking too hard. this sends jay into ecstasy and he rolls his hips, letting you milk out every last drop.
“fuck,” he swears, breath hasty and out of tune. you back away after some time, jay’s cock slipping out with ease, “open your mouth” he demands, wrapping a hand around his cock. you open your mouth obediently, loving the way jay uses you for his own pleasure. you roll out your tongue for jay to give himself a few more pumps and release a few more drops of cum on your tongue. you savor the taste but not for long before you place your hands on his knees for support to lift yourself up from the ground. just when you’re about to let jay taste you himself, the door of the bathroom is shoved to the side, hitting the wall with a loud bump. a very drunk heeseung appears in your sight.
“no fucking way y’all fucked in my bathroom,” he slurs, watching you quickly pull down your skirt and climb off jay, whereas jay goes to zip up his jeans.
“we didn’t.. yet,” jay shrugs but then smirks at you. you’re red to the face, reality setting in when heeseung still doesn’t leave.
“get the fuck out, i need to piss,” heeseung shuffles his way into the bathroom, pushing both of you out and slamming the door with the same loud bang as before.
that’s when you’re reminded by the uncomfortable feeling in between your thighs, some of your wetness running down the sides of your legs. it’s horrible.
but for obvious reasons, you refuse to fuck jay in heeseung’s house.
“jay m-my house,” you grab the side of his jacket and pull him closer to whisper in his ear, “let’s go to my house.. please” your voice is laced with neediness. you’ve never felt so horny in your life and jay can tell when he’s pulling you out of heeseung’s property and into the darkness of the streets, only to realize he actually doesn’t know the way. so you take initiative by pulling him across various alleyways and short-cuts towards your apartment. however, jay just has to push you against the cold wall of one the alleyways to buck his hips into yours instead.
“can you feel how hard you got me again?,” he would whisper in your ear, the outline of his cock rubbing against the side of your naked thigh which got you whining and writhing against his hold, “you’re so hot y/n, i would fuck you here but it’s probably unsanitary,” he laughs before you’re pushing him off yourself and continue to drag this horny motherfucker towards your house. you’re almost there.
it’s short lived though because jay can’t seem to keep his hands away from you. this time he slips his hand under your skirt, palming your ass and brushing his fingers against your heat. you would fuck him right here on the streets but just like jay said, it’s not safe. like at all.
“jay,” with a frown you have to slap his hands away and struggle free, quickening your pace in hopes of jay falling behind. he doesn’t, jay catches up to you just as fast, hands attaching to your body like glue once again. this time you let him, already walking towards the front porch of your house.
you struggle with the keys, especially when jay stands right behind you, his very obviously painful bulge straining right in between your ass cheeks. you move your hips against him just to stir him up even more, revenging him for what he did to you on your way here. jay groans, pushing you against the door while you reach to unlock it.
as soon as the door opens, jay is quick to push you inside. unlike not knowing the directions from heeseung’s place to yours, jay knows the inside of your house like the back of his hand. even while being remotely tipsy he drags you upstairs and into your bedroom before you’re being thrown down on your bed.
jay crawls on top of you, disregarding his jacket on his way. it gets thrown somewhere on the floor. his mouth latches down on your neck, teeth bruising up your skin, leaving numerous of hickeys which will only become memory fragments of this night once jay is done with you. you moan out, fingers interlocking with the soft strands of his hair, pulling and tugging when jay’s teeth come across quite ticklish parts of your neck.
“jay, please,” you whimper once jay moves down your chest, fingers hooking under your shirt and pulling the fragment over your head. your bra shortly comes off too.
you’re annoyed by how slow he’s going through this after almost taking you in the streets. your chest heaves with rushed breaths, still not over by how fast you have gotten home nor by how needy you feel either, “i know you want me just as much as i want you right now so-“
jay hums into your chest but doesn’t look like he’s taking your words into consideration when he harshly bites down on one of your breasts. with a squeal you immediately shut up, drawing your lower lip in between your teeth, harshly biting down.
“fuck you jay,” you manage out, a frown evident on your face.
he chuckles, “soon.”
jay abandons your chest just like that, his mouth now leaving wet traces down your tummy, “i will fuck you so good.. so good that you will scream my name,” he mouths against your skin, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
you lift your hips up, helping jay with removing your skirt. he slips it off with ease. you whine again. you want him. no, you need him.
“please jay.. please please,” you beg for the man to do something.
the man has the nerve to chuckle, “patience, baby. i will make you feel so good,” jay moves down your body slowly, hands grazing down the sides of your hips until he stops in front of your heat. he’s so close you can almost feel his breath on your panties which makes you shiver in anticipation.
another kind of shivers run down your spine when jay suddenly is pushing your panties to the side, your hot cunt now meeting with a cold whiff of air. and another one when jay dives down, without giving you any alerts, hot tongue of his meeting with your wetness. he licks at your lower lips and softly bites down on your clit, all while maintaining eye contact. you squirm and gasp. your hands find their way into his hair, rather harshly tugging at his soft strands of hair. a sign of how much you yearn for him.
jay proceeds to fuck you with his tongue until he’s replacing it with his fingers. one. two. now the letter being replaced with three and you’re choking on your own spit.
“you’re so wet, y/n. my fingers go in with ease,” jay mumbles, mouth still busy working on your clit. it’s bruising and it hurts but the pleasure of his fingers pumping in and out of you is overruling the pain, “fuck, i can’t take it anymore,” jay announces and just as soon he’s pulling away. both his mouth and fingers now leaving an empty feeling.
jay pulls his body away from you, quickly fumbling with his jeans but not before taking out a condom from the back pocket. you lick your lips as jay pulls down his underwear, his cock springing out, hard and sturdy, and slapping against his stomach.
in the midst of a cloudy mind, a stupid thought is born. there’s no man in the whole world you would spread your legs so quickly for if it wasn’t jay.
unlike him.
that one thought does something to you, jealousy overtakes and hits you like a truck. a slap of reality that jay isn’t yours to begin with. you bite down on your bottom lip and while jay is focused on putting on the condom, you catch him by surprise.
reaching for his shoulders, you push him down on the bed, flipping both of you. the man hits his back on the bed frame rather harshly, the condom flying off somewhere in the room. jay’s eyes grow wide as you straddle him, hands automatically grabbing at your hips.
“wha-“ jay starts but you’re already sinking down on him, “y/n- the condom-“ he stops you before you can go down fully. you roll your eyes.
“i am on birth control, don’t worry,” you quickly say, swaying jay’s hands away and finishing off the act. you sigh in content, finally feeling full, stuffed raw and it’s something you’ve never experienced before. jay is still taken aback by your sudden change of positions but he loves it either way. as long as he can have you, it doesn’t matter.
you move up slowly before flopping back down. jay sucks in a harsh breath, head dipping down in the crook of your neck. his lips lightly graze over your naked skin before he’s sinking his teeth into your flesh, marking as if you were his. it keeps you going and that same stupid feeling is coming back. if only you were his. heart begins to ache but you brush it away by moving your hips faster, harder, until you’re both out of breath.
“that girl you kissed,” you say, placing your hands on jay’s chest and pushing him away from your neck, “at the party..,” jay stares at you, the new expression on his face giving you doubts, “…i am better than her, right?” you grit through your teeth, “i can make you feel way better, right jay?”
you ask but you don’t expect an answer and you tear up. you’re not sure if it’s from the pleasure you’re feeling or something else and you would rather not overanalyze it anymore. jay sinks his nails into your ass as he thrusts his hips into you harshly.
“say it jay- say i am b-better,” you cry out when jay thrusts in deeper. his eyes are fixated on yours but he has that unfazed look on his face and you wish to brush it away. his cock hits the deepest parts of your insides and you moan out loud when he hits the spot. now it gets repetitious, jay repeatedly thrusting into that one spot which gets your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
the silence from jay, apart from his deep grunts and groans, begins to suffocate you. you need him in a way you’ve never needed anything, anyone before.
before you know it, you are kissing jay. there’s evident hesitance before jay is pulling you closer by wrapping his hand around your waist. his lips are soft and plump against your own, just like you’ve spent countless of nights imagining what it would be like to kiss him. the kiss is short lived though as you’re pulling away, out of breath and in ecstasy.
“jay i’ll.. i will-“ you struggle with your words when the familiar feeling begins to build up in the pit of your stomach. jay seems to understand. nevertheless, he’s had you in this position so many times already.
jay hums, gripping your waist and pulling you off of him, only for his dick to slip out before he’s slamming his hips back into you again, “cum. cum for me,” he says, burying his head back into your neck. you can feel he’s close too by how his dick keeps ramming into you.
his words or rather him allowing you to do so, send you over the edge. you scream out his name, throwing your head back, body shaking non stop, pussy clenching so hard that jay cums soon after you and you get startled by the new feeling of his cum spilling inside you. you’ve forgotten he’s been fucking you raw.
both of you sit in silence, rushed breaths gradually getting calmer. when jay pulls out, you can feel his cum dripping out of you and down the sides of your legs. holy shit.
jay doesn’t leave immediately but the atmosphere is different. as always, he gives you proper after care, cleaning you up with a warm towel and you’re glad that you won’t have to wake up with his cum all dried up on your skin.
jay lays you down on the bed and tucks you in. you can barely hold your eyes open as you look at him. there’s something in his gaze that you can’t exactly put your finger on what he’s thinking. for some reason you know something’s wrong. nevertheless, he lays down beside you, caressing your hair and soothing you to sleep.
in the midst of the night, jay places a soft kiss on your forehead and leaves.
you don’t hear from jay the next day nor a week after he left your house. and as much as you tried to believe that he was busy, it was constantly eating at you that it must have been because you kissed him.
you didn’t mean to. you were so in the moment, you lost yourself. but now you kind of understand why jay was so adamant about this fourth rule. it changed things.
on a thursday night, two weeks after hooking up with jay, you are cuddled up on your bed, a blanket thrown on your head, completely submerging you whole into the soft material, when your phone dings. your heart jumps when you see jay’s name light up the screen but it drops just as fast as it got excited once you read the following words,
“you broke the fourth rule. it’s over”
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Remember when…
Chats like these weren’t brought up often in the break room. Most people forgot their childhood especially those who had a bad one. But every so often you and the boys would have a chat about your past. The good things.
You and the boys were sat at the usual table. Either a coffee or water in hand, you all se how brought up the genre of school.
Gaz asked “wait you all knew each other?” Price nodded and said “the first proper job I had was teaching. I was only 20, that on my list of jobs helped me join the army”. So you started telling the story of the lessons you had.
Grabbing your bag from under the desk you headed towards your next lesson. Lucky for you, it was your favourite. Mr. Price was one of your favourite teachers considering he was actually good at teaching the subject. Also he was nice enough to let you sit wherever. Meaning you sat with Simon, your secondary school sweetheart.
Walking towards the class, you noticed Mr. Price standing outside handing sheets out to those who were in your class. He turned his head and saw you, smiling he spoke “once you’ve sat down answer these questions, if you need ask your partner.” You nodded and walking into class with a paper in hand.
Scanning the class you spotted Simon, already sat there staring at the entry most likely waiting for you. As he saw you, you watched as his bored facial expression turned to a smirk. He pulled out the chair for you and you sling your bag on the floor under your desk.
Sitting down he said “how was Health studies?” You said “good, how was construction?” He nodded and replied “alright” you asked “can you do me a favour after school?” He asked “what’s the favour?” You replied “for Health studies I got to do physical activity and my teacher asked if we could test a friend or family. So could you help me?” He looked into your eyes and spoke “of course, anything for you” you smiled and hugged him quickly.
As you started to do the starter task, you heard Mr. Price close the door and started to do the register.
Once he had finished that, he started to carry on with the lesson.
As he let you carry on with your work, you and Simon helped each other and managed to finish it earlier than others. So you fidgeted with his hand, that also ended up with you drawing on it. You ended up drawing multiple things. But one stuck out most to Simon. He commented “I like that one” he points with his free hand at the small cute Grim Reaper you draw. Little did you both know is that would be your code name and one of many tattoos Simon would get.
Small things like this Simon cherished and still does. This is one of many reasons he loved you. No matter where he was, with you he felt confident and didn’t care what others thought. You were one of many reasons he stayed strong and you are the only person he comes to for help. He knows you won’t go telling people about his personal problems and you support him no matter what.
Once lesson was over Mr. Price collected the books in and let you out of class. Simon said “come on, we need to find Johnny” you nodded and held his hand as you both searched the other classrooms he may be in.
Later you found him waiting outside of a classroom. You waved and so did he, he spoke “come on, my mum wants to have a barbecue and she said you two could come over.” You both smiled as you three headed towards the busses and went home for a nice barbecue at Johnny’s house.
End of flashback…
Gaz’s facial expression was amazed, Price chuckled at his expression and said “small world isn’t it?” Gaz replied sarcastically “small world?”. You said “you should be grateful Price is your mentor, he got me to pass Science. That’s one of the main reasons I’m able to be sat here now” Price smiled proudly. Gaz turned to you and Ghost then asked “so you two have been together for how many years?” Ghost answered “15 years” Gaz’s jaw couldn’t drop anymore. You replied “he even got the grim reaper tattooed on him, the one I drew in that class.” Gaz asked “did you really?” Ghost didn’t reply but rather pulled the collar of his T-shirt down to show the small cute grim reaper on his chests close to his heart.
Sitting there you smiled at the memories of being in school. Gosh, if only you two were fourteen again. But sometimes it’s nice to have ‘remember when’ chats. Although your relationship with Ghost haven’t changed, everything else did. Most things were good but the bad… you two pushed past and made yourselves better.
You leaned against Simon as he placed an arm around your waist. You looked up and admired him, you kissed his arm and whispered “I love you” he said “I love you two. Then you two were interrupted by Gaz “if your still good at drawing would you draw me a tattoo?” You giggled at the boy’s enthusiasm, acting like an excited child. But this is what you enjoyed. Moments like these…
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writeshite · 2 years
Can you write homelander x male reader?
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Lay All Your Love On Me
“You interest me; besides, wouldn’t you like to be on the arm of the world’s best superhero?” he offers, “Anywhere you want - Rome, Paris, Sydney - you name it.” “Wow, not even a first date, and you’re already pulling out the stops,” you quip. He leans close and offers his arm; you take it, “Alright then, flyboy, surprise me.”
Homelander x Male!Reader
Supe!Reader | Fluff |
Words: 1398
Author's Note:
I think it'd be funny if Homelander dated Stan Edgar's son, don't ask me why, I just think it'd be. Reader Has Psionic Powers - telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, precognition, etc. I didn't flesh it out much lmao.
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The overhead lights are practically buzzing, and you can feel the headache coming on from a mile away, but Vought’s little mixer is just getting started. Taking a three-day all-nighter was probably the cause of your headache, and it doesn’t help that most of the people here are buzzed enough to have their thoughts up at a high volume. 
“Get back upstairs.” Stan Edgar may be cold, but he’s still a good father, “Your eyes are shining again, and you look five seconds away from passing out.”
You shake your head, “I can handle a few hours of socializing.” He stares you down with concern, but you wave him off, a small smile on your face, “I’ll be fine,” you reassure him. He reluctantly leaves you when he’s called away by Madelyn, “Three more hours,” you whisper to yourself. You’ve opted out of drinking wine, but the water’s not doing much to help. Your vision’s not hazy yet, but you have a hard time with it; you're clenching your eyes tightly, lightly smacking the side of your head to drown out the minds around you. One of them is louder than the others, and it comes corralling right into you. Your glass gets caught by the other person, and you take a moment to ground yourself, holding onto the other person’s arms.
You hear the annoyance and confusion in their voice before you feel it, “Sorry, I…uh…I didn’t see you there…” you apologize, and glancing up, you find yourself looking into the Homelander’s eyes. He looks confused as if trying to place you. You back away but keep a hold on him when your vision swims again.
“No problem,” he says, with a dashing smile, “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
You put on a weak smile, “I come around every now and then, my father works for Vought…and I help out…with a few things sometimes.”
He hmmed, then a worried look crossed his face; unfortunately, you didn’t get a chance to ask why before you lost consciousness. Not exactly the best conversation starter. When you came to the first time, it was to loud buzzing; you’d curled into yourself, the arms around you held you close, but the voices just muffled into one another. The next time was shorter and ten times louder; the third time was really the charm. A doctor was chatting away with your father; Homelander was far off to the side, hands behind his back; thankfully, the lights in the room were dimmer, and you were no doubt far enough from the party. When you sit up, you get the others’ attention; Stan's the first to approach you, kneeling by the couch with his infamous I told you so look. 
“Yeah, yeah, you were right,” you say, pulling a face at him when he shakes his head.
“Hopefully, this will teach you the importance of sleep,” he lectures you, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but thank you, John.” You snicker at how displeased he sounds to be thanking Homelander, “I’m grateful someone of your caliber was around to help my son.”
“Of course, no problem,” he replies, “I never did catch your name,” Homelander points out, looking over to you.
“You don’t need to,” Stan cut the conversation, dismissing Homelander.
“You could’ve been nicer; he did help me out,” you comment, watching the hero walk away.
“I’d rather take out my tongue and strangle myself with it,” he remarks.
“Dramatic, aren’t we?”
“You don’t have to clean up his messes,” he states, “he and the rest of the seven aren’t as pleasant as the public loves to think.”
“Oh? But he is cute, in a murderous puppy sort of way,” you say, laying back again.
Stan shakes his head, “Your taste in men concerns me at times.”
In all seriousness, Homelander was interesting; even having returned to the party, you could still hear his thoughts from your place on the couch. They were mostly loud and unpleasant, directed towards the people around him as they did nothing more than bore him - or in the case of the poor Vought employee who he’s currently speaking to, annoy him. You could practically feel the god-complex, but on another level, he was attractive, in his own murderous way, which really must say something about you.
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Between bed rest and everything else, you don’t have Homelander at the forefront of your mind; aside from your meeting, you don’t see him again until the next Vought party. A Sidekick Extravaganza - the Seven and all of Vought’s other assets get a chance to meet and inspire their younger fans - unlike the previous party, this one takes place during the day and is held in the nearby parks, with each supe getting their own section. You mingle between the Seven, watching the events from afar, it’s not terribly boring, but you find more fun in the thoughts of the others around you. 
When you’re not eavesdropping on minds, you’re setting off harmless little pranks - a bench topples over here and there - nothing major. “Nice trick.”
You turn to find Homelander standing by you, arms behind his back; you shrug, “It’s better than watching the Deep try and stop kids from eating his fishy friends.” He snickers, “I never got a chance to thank you,” you say, “for the other night, sorry about my father.”
“Father…Stan Edgar, is…your father?” He runs through the question a few times as his mind takes the time to process the information. ‘Edgar has children?’
“Yes, two, in fact, though really we’re adopted.”
He steps back, ‘How did he—no, can he read minds?’ 
You nod, a grin on your face, “Yes, I can read minds.” He leans forward, slightly intrigued.
‘Can you actually read minds, or are you just fucking with me?’ 
‘I can do a whole lot more than that,’ you say in mind; his eyes widen at hearing your voice inside his head.
“Ok, not bad,” he commends, stepping close. There’s a crash then as one of his sidekicks knocks something over, “Excuse me, be right back,” he says. 
You go back to watching the events all around; by noon, the sun is out in full force, and you sigh in relief when it all ends. You’re almost out of the park when Homelander finds you again, landing beside you; his arm comes around your shoulder, “Where are you going? Our conversation’s not over yet,” he states.
“It’s hot, it’s noon, and I’m hungry–”
“I’ll buy you lunch then,” he cuts in.
“All for a conversation?” you tease.
“You interest me; besides, wouldn’t you like to be on the arm of the world’s best superhero?” he asks, “Anywhere you want - Rome, Paris, Sydney - you name it.”
“Wow, not even a first date, and you’re already pulling out the stops,” you quip. He leans close and offers his arm; you take it, “Alright then, flyboy, surprise me.”
He takes you to Lucerne, Switzerland, nestled between the alps; it’s almost like a hideaway, flourishing with medieval charm. Though it’s early evening when you get there, lunch turned dinner is still lovely, and Homelander grills you with questions on your powers. “See that waiter over there,” you point out; he nods, leaning over the table, “he’s thinking about stealing from the register tomorrow night.”
“The lady over by the back,” you say, “she’s been staring at you since you sat down,” you take a bite of your dessert, “and…oh, well, that’s not a PG-rated thought.”
“How far’s your range?” he asks, but you shrug; you’ve never gone as far as testing something like that, “Doesn’t Edgar make you train or something?”
“Not really; I don’t do combat like you or the rest of the Seven,” you respond, “I’m a therapist, but I’m on a break; seeing into people’s heads tends to get overwhelming in the profession.” You leave the restaurant and walk along the bridge; it’s well past regular hours in Switzerland; when you return home, the sun is nearly set. “Thanks for the food and the not date,” you say. The park may be emptier now, but you can feel the glare Stan is no doubt sending Homelander from the entrance.
“Any chance I can charm an actual date out of you?”
“Why Homelander—” you gawk in mock surprise.
“John,” he corrects, “Call me John.”
“Alright then, John, you’ve got yourself a date.”
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End Note:
One day I will write something darker for Homelander, until then, stay hydrated.
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mechaknight-98 · 5 months
Gathering act III: Jaheria’s respite
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Emma and I space-sifted to the BRIPE warehouse. To my surprise, Dexter and Connor were there.
when Dexter saw me he began to laugh. which made Connor smack him in the torso.
"Sorry, we heard about yesterday." Connor apologized.
I shrugged and said "No big deal"
Emma turned to me and said, "Really you are going to let him get away with that?"
"Well I can take it on the chin and laugh at him the next time he does something dumb or uncouth or I can hold onto it and let it fester. I chose to wait for the next time." I explain
"What if there isn't a next time?" Emma asks disgustedly
I shrug and say "Well then I lose that trade but it's Dexter Eunbi who is constantly telling him stuff about not being dumb or something like that. Which I guess is a roundabout way of saying "There will be something to laugh at later."
Emma groans as we follow her. I got another text from Mina she was asking if I could help her learn commander.
"Sure I can but are you absolutely sure?" I replied
":). I trust your heart and you love the game so it can't be all bad." was the reply. I had just finished typing when we stopped and Emma asked "DID you hear anything I just said?" I turned to her and responded
"So recently Excalibur has resurfaced, and we need the help of the last three people who have interacted with him. Dexter and Connor's experience was the most recent as one of the Knights of the round had him, and you called me here because I had faced the last true wielder."
"How did you get all of that while chatting on the phone?" Emma asked dumbfounded.
"AUDHD I think?" I said questioningly. Emma chuckled.
"Well, I need you all to recover the weapon and bring it here. I will be going to provide support and that's it. If you need me to talk to someone in a "Normal" way I am your girl." Emma explained
"Okay! Works for me." I exclaimed calmly. Dexter and Connor nodded
"Oh and Tj. Please be careful. Astrid expects you in tip-top shape tomorrow." Emma adds
I nod as we all get ready to go to the warp point. after arriving in Colorado Springs, Colorado I get another text from Mina "I am feeling pulled to Red Blue Green...Tina, I think you called it."
I chuckled and replied "Temur, but don't worry I got you." I text back then I add, "My first recommendation is to start small with Arena. I will send you the link. Please don't buy anything." I text back to her. I get a ;) and a "thank you." before I am called on again.
"We have arrived at the edge of the compound where Excalibur is being held," Emma says
I nod and walk out, and I am shocked to see several KKK flags. I turn to Emma who is bursting at the seams with laughter. I turned to the other two presenters and asked if they knew anything about this. They shake their heads profusely. I nod then turn to Emma again.
"Why would you do this?" I question, and at this point, Emma is still beside herself with laughter.
I checked my phone and saw that Mina had downloaded Arena and sent me a screenshot. I groan seeing she bought the starter pack that came with several packs, some gems, and a pet. I groaned as I typed back to her. I sent her ":( I told you not to buy anything."
"But the cute pet. look at him I named him Mocha," she replied
She also shows me all the packs she got just from booting up the game. "I like the animations." she says as she sends me a screen recording of opening one of the packs where she got a "Miirym Sentinel wyrm". I told her that would be an excellent Red Blue Green commander for her. She sent another ":)" Back my way. as we walk further to the last seen area of Excalibur I get another text that reads. another reads "Oh this is a lot harder than I thought it would be." there was another that said "How do you keep all of the mana stuff squared." "Wait this is just math."
I chuckle reading her texts.
"Man who's got you smiling so bright?" Connor asks.
I catch myself falling for Mina again and internally tell my heart to stop it. "Nothing mostly memes," I respond
Dexter laughs and responds. "I know what your meme smile looks like. that wasn't it. Seriously though tell us your secret is safe with us."
Connor nods in agreement but Astrid turns to me and says "I don't agree to any such principle a secret is only safe with the persons it applies to.."
" I guess I can't then" I respond. Emma laughs and then says
"I am kidding. Go on tell them about your crush on Mina"
Connor and Dexter's eyes widen, "What now?
Emma laughs and says "Well Astrid was telling me how interested in learning Commander she was, and how embarrassed Tj was when everyone else watched."
Connor began to stifle his laugh while Dexter fully indulged. I let it slide until I noticed someone was coming our way. I gave them the universal zip and pointed to the lights coming our way. Dexter and I hid. while Connor (who looked close enough to white) and Emma (who was white) didn't.
I watched in terror as one of the people coming was wielding Excalibur.
"Who are you two?" the man said
"Oh, we are recruits," Emma said on her feet. the man in response said
"You lie recruits aren't due for another three weeks. you're here for our sword."
I race out to grab both of them as the man swings Excalibur and a searing flame burns my eyes. I quickly cover my eyes with slime to prevent damage. when the burning has stopped I turn to the two hooded individuals, and rage just consumes me. "BACKBREAKER; SEVER ALL THE TIES. BACKBREAKER; REACH INSIDE AND SEE IF I'M LIVING. BACKBREAKER; EVERY FEAR CONSUMING," I scream before I black out.
When I "came back" I was sitting back in BRIPE's HQ with a very terrified Emma, a relieved Connor, and Dexter. what was surprising was that I had Excalibur in my hand. I looked around for someone to hand it off to. What was scary was when I did so an arm and hand fell off the blade. So I just set the blade down. and started backing up. As I did I bumped into Artio. she looked at me with eyes full of sadness. she lowered herself to my eye level and just gave me a bear hug, and for the first time in several days, I felt at peace.
I felt better over the next few days as I walked back to Astrid's office. Emma was outside the door. she had a disapproving look. she sighed and said"Thank you for saving me. I should have taken the situation more seriously and not teased you. I should have been more focused," I shrug to which she responds "This still changes nothing between us though, but I owe you one." I shrug again "Can you do something besides shrug?"
"Well, what would you like me to do?" I ask
she groans annoyed then says, "Tell me yesterday an aberration and that monster that came out of you was just a bad dream," she pauses and then says, "Yesterday was quite frightening." Emma said with a very uncharacteristically demure tone.
"I wish that were the truth, but Lami-Orochi is always there. I will say it's never that bad though...I guess everything has been getting to me a lot more than I thought." I said contemplative
"I hate that I am going to say this but if you want someone to talk to I am here for you," Emma said. we both looked at each other shocked but instead of teasing her I took the better path and said
"I appreciate it," I say to Emma I hug her which surprises her stiff. after breaking the hug she is frozen at first but hugs me back. After that, I walked into Astrid's office. Astrid was super chipper and bright today.
"Thank you for protecting Emma for me. She told me about the craziness." Astrid says
"Hopefully not too much." I tease
"Only how you defeated the wielder of Excalibur single-handedly as he was trying to burn an entire forest, but what else should she have expected from my bestie who's fought, Titans." Astrid paused before saying "I am sorry again for turning on you, and I just want to thank you again for helping me. is there anything I can do at least to repay...besides the Porsche."
"Um actually if this goes well can you buy Ive's company? I don't like how they're treating their girls." I ask
"Tj. I know you're mad but..." Astrid starts
I cut her off and explained "I am not mad at that...I am mad at the circumstances that brought me here obviously, but what I really don't like is how they went about resolving the issue. No, I will admit I fell for an Idol I got caught up in the fantasy of it working out the worst mistake any K-pop fan could make. I made a mistake and it won't happen again...however, I would like for you to take care of Ive since their own company won't."
"Always the hero." Astrid teases
"I guess. Let's get to work." I say
Astrid nodded and I got another text from Mina who was playing Miiirym. I smiled. Astrid noticed and said
"It's Mina isn't it?" she asks
"Is it that obvious?" I ask in return
"Well to most no, but I've known you almost ten years Tj. I know all your tells. So before we talk tell me what you feeling." Astrid says in between laughs
Seeing no way out of this I oblige my friend “Yeah I've fallen for her and I hate it, and I know I just made that mistake but I am not going to let my heart run the show this time.” I assert firm
“Wait why?” Astrid asks confused,
“Because I just got out of a “relationship” with another idol,” I say
Astrid pursed her lips before saying, “You know I would call that more a fling. You two were only an item like a week and a half maybe? You have been separated longer than you were together.”
“Regardless I'm not ready,” I say firmly to Astrid
Astrid laughs and when she realizes I wasn't joking asks, “Why not?”
“Well mostly because I…”I start.
Before I could finish Astrid said, “Before you tell me you don't think she likes you. Keep in mind she listened to you talk about magic for two and a half hours.”
“It was over two hours?” I ask
“Yes, and you only stopped because the rest of Twice was watching you for the last 30 minutes, and you got embarrassed,” Astrid says in between bursts of Laughter.
“What if I'm not ready or good enough,” I say ashamed to Astrid.
Astrid smiles and then says,” You know my worry for you wasn't any of that my worry for you was could you play "the game" to get to a relationship.” I looked up at Astrid, “You are so incredibly kind and caring that any girl would be lucky to have you. Not me though I'm too crazy for you. Your frustration about “the game” is what held you back from being cuffed and now you've got a model esque star who likes you. Just take the chance dummy.”
I nod and then smile before saying “Okay I trust you”
“Great now let's get to work so I can go on a date with my girlfriend,” Astrid exclaims proudly
After another day of work and spewing my guts to Astrid I get a text from Mina. “Hey can you come over I need your help.” the text reads. I groan and head that way. I tell Astrid who reminds me to be firm with my boundaries. On the way out I see Yujin and her boyfriend walking into the lobby. I sneak past them and smile. They seem so happy and cute together. When the couple bumps into Astrid they begin to chat, and I leave before I am noticed. Or so I thought
“Why is TJ avoiding me?” Yujin asks Astrid looking in my direction as I walk out. her boyfriend tenses at the mention of my name.
“Well knowing him it's because he's probably not ready to talk yet, but please know he's not mad at you or anything just has a lot going on and you know how he gets,” Astrid says
“Yeah, when he locks in he locks in hard.” Yujin agrees with Astrid to go on a double date with Astrid Emma, and her boyfriend.
I arrive at the Mina's apartment complex. I get to the elevator and ride it to Mina's apartment. I knock and am met by Dahyun and her super-bright smile. Once upon a time when I was a baby “Once”, I considered her my bias due to both being the same age but times change.
“Hi Jio,” she says happily. I smile and look at her confused
“Who's Jio?” I ask
Dahyun looks at me confused “I thought was your name that's what Astrid said” she exclaimed frustrated.
“I pause and say my name is Theo not… you know what I like Jio so yeah it's Jio.” I say not to make Dahyun feel worse. Dahyun smiles at my acceptance of yet another new nickname.
I walk in and Chaeyoung points to Mina's room and says “She's in there waiting for you lover boy.” I shrug confused and Chaeyoung notices my tattoos. “Oh those are so cool,” she states I say thank you and go to Mina's room. She's lying on her bed and staring at me when the door opens.
“How do you beat counterspells," she asks with an adorable pout.
“That depends on the colors. My recommendation for green is always a veil of summer or an autumn veil, but if you're in blue you can just counter them back” Mina nods takes out a notebook, and starts writing it down. As I stand there awkwardly she pats the floor next to her bed where a nice little cushion is waiting for me. Almost immediately after sitting down her hands are in my hair and on my shoulders.
“So why is blue the only color with ways to deal with things on the stack?” Mina asked quizzically
“Honestly I don't know. That is one of the things I think is a failed design space. I think there's room for something like a fight target spell in green or a deal damage to target spell in red.” I reply
“But Green already has fight spells,” Mina says confused
“Let me explain when I say fight target spell I mean target spell on the stack not on the battlefield. So like let's say you have Miirym out and I'm trying to counter one of your Old Gnawbone you cast. I (and other players) should have the ability to have a spell that isn't just Blue to deal with it. Before it resolves” I elaborate
“Okay, I think I get it,” Mina affirms I nod and just let her continue to run her fingers through my hair. we sit together for a while as the emotions begin to charge the air, but it's not as overwhelming as I'd thought it would be. Out of the blue Mina says, “Thank you for teaching me all of this. I feel like I'm getting better so much faster than I would be otherwise. You know you're a really good guide.”
“No problem Mrs. Myoui,” I reply
Mina turns me to face her and says, “Call me Mina. We are friends aren't we Jio.”
The way she said that was emotionally charged insanely. Her hands wandered down to my collar where she turned my face to hers. I look into her big soft brown eyes and I feel safe. I feel like I could tell her anything and she would just be like "okay" and be okay with it. the guarding of my heart and mind all just kinda crumbled and I leaned in and kissed her. She smelled nice. We sat there for a moment lost in our little world. When my brain came back online I looked at her and all my worries came back in full force I had fallen for another idol, and she had me in deep.
“What's wrong?” Mina asked concerned as she wove her hands in mine. I hesitate to answer but her presence drags it out.
“I really like you,” I say
“I can see that, and I really like you as well.” Mina teases while still holding my hand.
“But I don't want to cause trouble for you with JYP,” I say
“Why would you? You know we can date so it's not a problem, besides most people think I like Chae and Momo," Mina said teasingly. then there was a pause as I tried to establish some level of boundary because I still felt "dirty" in all of this, "You know you're so cute when you're flustered.” Mina teases
“I love that you care so much for others too. Now kiss my boyfriend.” Mina says before bringing my head back up to hers and thrusting me into a heated kiss.
If I were to describe intimacy with Mina it was "involved". She was handsy. I felt her caressing my cheek my neck my shoulders and my upper body. She only paused to say, “Don't be afraid you can touch me as well.” to put this to practice she put my hand on her waist as she had me melt more into the kiss. When we finally stopped she smiled and smirked “Okay now that that's done, let's get down to business.” she said as she took out her notebook. “Help me build a paper deck so I can play you.” I smile and say
“Okay, whatever you say Mina.” we spent most of the rest of the night deck-building. We took a little break to order some take-home but for the most part, we stayed in her bed spooning and deck building. That's when I saw how invested she was. She wanted to build Mirrym on paper, which made sense because she had been playing the deck non-stop since she downloaded Arena. She had a lot of really good ideas to translate it the only issue was Commander and Historic Brawl were exceptionally different so when I started showing her all these other cards and strategies she quickly pivoted from Mirrym to Animar, Soul of Elements because it filled a similar niche, but pivoted back to Mirrym since she knew Mirrym so well at this point. The only thing I was adamant she added was the Maskwood Nexus and Archetype of Endurance. She was unsure because it was extremely mana expensive and she didn't know if it was worth the investment. I asked her to trust me and she did so she added both
We both eventually fell asleep. I dreamed about her all night, and when I woke up seeing her wrapped in my arms was a bit wild. I quickly attempted to remove my hands but Mina was jolted awake by the action and turned to me asking what was wrong
“I uh felt.” I stammered
“Your hands were fine,” she said before pulling me into another kiss that led to a make-out session. When we were finished we got up and I headed back to the penthouse. While I did so Mina smirked at me the whole time.
“What is something wrong?” I asked
“No just looking at my handsome boyfriend be all flustered,” she said confidently.
I nod and reply, “I'll pick up your list after work and get you sleeves and a deck box. Do you have any preferences?”
Sana shook her head and said, “Just make sure they're cute and I'll be happy.” I nodded and kept moving. When I got back to the penthouse I got a question asking if I made it back safely from Mina. I replied “Yes dear” which led to her sending me a “:)” back as I walked I thought to myself this is going to take some getting used to. Opening the door I felt six expectant eyes staring at me.
“So where have you been” Astrid said in a teasing tone.
“I was with Mina. We deck built and nothing else happened.” I answer
Alex nodded and said “Right” sarcastically. As I moved around the penthouse. Aurora laughed before saying
“She has you wrapped around her fingers doesn't she?”
I nod which causes everyone to laugh at me. I go to the shower to get ready for the day. after that, I head to the office with Astrid. we get more prep work done when there's a knock on the door. Astrid opens it and I see Yujin. I blink rapidly hoping for a way out but not this time.
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gainingfiction · 2 years
Lifetime Supply: Chapter 7
(read chapter 6 by gainerstories here)
Ryan awoke to find his gut smeared with frosting, cake crumbs littering his chest hair, and Antoine’s body wrapped around his. He reached for his phone and instinctively opened Instagram, frustrated to see that Luke still hadn’t replied to his DM. 
Are you someone I can talk to about getting my snack needs met? Ryan read over his message, wondering if he should have said something different. Two weeks had passed, and his message was just hanging there, crying out for attention. Sort of like Ryan’s big, fat belly.
Ryan slowly extricated himself from Antoine’s determined cuddling, careful not to wake his sleeping fuckbuddy. Once again, the sex wasn’t anything special, but Antoine was an enthusiastic lay, and very generous with the food. In fact, he had coaxed an entire supermarket sheet cake into Ryan’s hungry gut.
Of course, sex had become a pretty different experience from what Ryan was used to. Jason was an exclusive top, and as obnoxious as he could be, he knew what he was doing in bed. Antoine, on the other hand, was a strict bottom. An eager, sniff-poppers-and-cross-your-fingers kind of bottom. Ryan had topped guys before, but the extra pounds were more of a challenge—and a turn-on—than he had anticipated. For starters, he’d lost some length to his growing fat pad. And all the weight around his hips gave each thrust more power. But he couldn’t deny enjoying the feeling of his own buttocks jiggling as he railed slender Antoine.
It was hardly the sort of sex Ryan fantasized about, but it was still a good enough release. He was surprised by the sharp contrast between their bodies. Antoine had skinny hips but a nice ass, round and firm. As he went to work, Ryan couldn’t help but notice how much wider he was, and the way his gut bounced and slapped against Antoine’s toned back. By the time the two men came, Ryan was sweating bullets and practically winded from the exertion. After that, he leaned back and let Antoine hand-feed him the rest of the cake, a messy experience that was basically as enjoyable as the fucking itself.
Once he was on his feet, Ryan stepped over the bare plastic cake tray, picking up his clothes from Antoine’s messy bedroom floor. He pulled on his underwear, the meshy fabric stretched to near-transparency over his bulging rear-end. And then he started the process—and it really was a process—of getting into his pants. Heaving, tugging, pleading, swearing, panting, sucking, and finally, after what felt like an almost biblical struggle, closing the button just below his ballooning belly.
Ryan regretted wearing a button-down. He was still bloated from the night before, and even on an empty stomach, his patterned shirt was starting to collapse under the pressure of so much flesh. He shrugged it on, feeling it pull taut over his broad back. He sucked in as hard as he could, and it buttoned, but it was a desperate sight. It was a made-in-Cambodia fast fashion shirt, and the buttons looked to be at their absolute limit. One wrong move and that thing would pop open like a can of biscuit dough. I could go for some biscuits, Ryan thought, in spite of himself.
Once he was dressed—“decent” would be an overstatement—Ryan quietly eased open the bedroom door and slipped out. Antoine’s roommate looked at him with thinly-veiled disgust over his morning bowl of granola, but Ryan ignored him, slipping out the front door. He was in the mood for some breakfast of his own.
He loaded up on fast food to tide him over on his way home, before striding into his apartment with a spring in his step. He felt good—sexed up, well fed, and ready for the day. He was pleased to see Cory making what looked like a nice, big breakfast, and he made a point of asking him to make enough for three. Or four, really, since Ryan usually ate for two.
“Damn, Ry, you’re gonna eat all of that?” Ahmed asked, when he saw Ryan’s heaping portion of waffles, pancakes, sausages and bacon. “Maybe save some for the rest of us!”
“I’m a growing boy,” Ryan said, through a mouthful of waffle. That was becoming a bit of a catchphrase, at this point. “And I—urp—worked up quite an appetite last night.” He neglected to mention that that appetite had been more than satisfied by an entire sheet cake.
“Obviously,” Ahmed said, arching an eyebrow. “You’re gonna scare off this Antoine guy if you keep this up, though.”
Ryan shrugged, taking a large bite of sausage. He pawed at his belly, conscious of how far apart the buttons gaped, revealing thick slabs of hairy fat. “He’s got some pretty specific tastes. Good taste, clearly.”
Cory chuckled, “I guess Ryan’s big appetite has an admirer.”
Ryan got a kick out of that. Clearly Cory was catching on, even if Ahmed was still in the dark about Antoine’s “unique” preferences.
“Speaking of big appetites, another box arrived for you today,” Ahmed said. “This one’s even bigger than the last one. And it’s only been a week! I thought you told them to ease up?”
“Yeah, I told him to hit the brakes. And then I got hungry, so I told him to floor it. Bigger boxes, more often.”
Ahmed’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, are you serious? Damn, you’re gonna be a whale.”
Ryan felt a little stirring. He shifted in his seat, acutely aware of how much he was starting to like comments about his expanding size.
“Well, don’t expect any more help from me,” Ahmed added. “I really gotta cool it with this bulk.”
Ryan glanced at his roommate, noticing how tight his shirt looked—and not just around his now-prominent pecs and increasingly impressive biceps. He poked Ahmed’s little beer gut. “Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it. Besides, I don’t think Cory minds, am I right?” He looked at the slender guy across the breakfast table.
Cory blushed a little, glancing down at his own plate, which sported a single piece of toast. “I don’t mind,” he agreed.
After breakfast, Ryan tore into his Adesco box while he started on a freelance programming project. Coding was so much more enjoyable with food.
And Luke was making sure he had plenty to eat. The new boxes were twice the size of the old ones, and they arrived twice as often. Ryan felt like he was drowning in delicious, mass-produced snacks.
It wasn’t like he was trying to gain weight. He just liked food. And he was hungry all the damn time! When he and Jason had completely cut out refined sugar, he remembered Jason explaining that sugar was addictive. The more you eat, the more you crave. “And besides,” Jason had said, “Carbs aren’t filling. They’re just empty calories.” And so their relationship had been an endless parade of baked chicken breast, stir-fried tofu and other lean proteins.
Not anymore, though. Now that Ryan had started down that sugary road, paved with countless Adesco boxes, all of those restrictions and limitations were a thing of the past. He liked sugar. He liked refined carbs. He wanted more of them, all the time, as much as he could eat. And he could eat a lot.
Packing on the pounds was an inevitable side-effect. He didn’t sit down and do the math properly, but he guessed that if he was gaining almost two pounds a week with the old boxes, that number was bound to go up. But he didn’t care—clearly dreamy Luke enjoyed what he was doing to Ryan’s body, and if a guy like Luke wanted him bigger and fatter, Ryan was happy to oblige. Especially if all he had to do was sit around and eat his favourite foods from dawn until dusk.
He adapted to the new boxes quickly. At first, finishing so much food before the next box arrived was impossible. Then, it was a challenge. And after a couple of weeks, it was just a part of Ryan’s lifestyle.
Ahmed and Cory seemed stunned at how much Ryan was eating. Every waking moment he had food in his hands, and yet he still went in on whatever takeout order Ahmed was craving. And now that he had his degree, he didn’t need to go to campus anymore, which meant that his lifestyle was more sedentary than ever. He just sat on his ass, on his computer, eating and eating, gaining and gaining, month after month.
And tantalizing Luke with tales of his gluttony and growth. He was still bitter that Luke had never gotten back to his DM—so this guy would break up his relationship, but he was too high and mighty to stray from his own? But whenever Ryan’s phone lit up with that familiar 800 number, Ryan was happy to hop on and paint an increasingly lewd picture of just what Adesco was doing to him.
“Just checking in to confirm that you were satisfied with your most recent delivery,” Luke said, one day.
“Oh, man, was I ever, Luke,” Ryan said. He loved laying it on thick. He imagined Luke perched on his perfect ass in some drab little office, practically drooling into the handset of his office phone. “Those kettle chips? Mmh, better than sex.”
“Ah—um, that’s great. And you liked our new product, the hazelnut cream cakes?”
“Liked them? Luke, if you keep sending me those, I’m gonna need to reinforce my chair,” he said. “I swear, I’m like an eating machine when it comes to those boxes. You should see me going to town on those hazelnut things. Cream everywhere.”
A sharp intake of breath. “We’re so glad to hear that. And tell me about the fudge sandwich cookies, do you enjoy those?”
Ryan gave a little moan. He was glad these calls weren’t being recorded for training purposes. “Those are some of my favourites, man. Sometimes I’ll just crack open a package, and it’ll be empty in 20 minutes, flat. It’s not easy to fill this gut, you know?”
Another gasp. Ryan grinned. This kinky little fucker really did like mixing business and pleasure.
“I—that’s—sure. Right. And, uh, you’ve…” Ryan could sense Luke searching for words. “You’ve noticed your capacity has increased?”
Ryan’s grin widened, and he trailed a hand across his bountiful gut. It was firm from all the snacks he’d stuffed into it. “My capacity?”
Luke hesitated. “I mean, uh, you’re eating more? Of the snacks we send you?”
“Is that a question you normally ask?”
Luke cleared his throat. “Well, we haven’t done a prize giveaway like this since 1977. So this is uncharted territory for both of us.”
I bet it is, Ryan thought. “Yeah, my ‘capacity’ is crazy now. Before I used to have a bit of an appetite, but since I won this damn contest… I swear, Luke, I feel like I’ve eaten more this past year than I have in my whole life. And I don’t see that changing any time soon, not with the way my appetite is expanding.”
Ryan could hear Luke’s breathing through the phone. He imagined him ending the call and dashing off to the bathroom in a horny daze. “Well, we’re so glad you’re enjoying it. I’ll get a thank-you box sent to your address as soon as possible. Thank you. Good day.”
And then the call was disconnected. Ryan grinned, and reached for another bag of chips, acutely aware of the way his dick was throbbing against the underside of his belly.
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lilunaire · 3 months
I'm dying for any ghostflower TWBOS content you have
Can u give us any teaser 🥺 pretty please?
(If it's not too inconvenient off)
Hi anon, sorry for answering so late !!
Dont worry, I got your back now 😎 And since I'm so late against, here's two teaser for chapter 9 !
(side note : im so happy to have an ask you can't imagine-)
(teasers below the line)
Teaser 1
Four depressed teenage girls in their pajamas on a bed and a huge tub of ice cream.
They're watching a movie on Webflix, a movie that Margo chose ("It's not so bad," she told them.) And that was perfect, because at the moment, it was an average movie that they needed to watch. With this, they could continue talking while paying a little attention to what was going on.
It's hot in Mumbattan. The three guests each brought a fan, but it wasn't enough. Gwen didn't know she would need a seventy-centimeter-high pot of ice cream in her life until Margo told her it existed on her Earth.
Drowning your sorrows in ice cream, that's the ideal solution!
And by sticking your hands on it, you could be sure of being cooled off.
Gwen also had to admit that she'd seen… better than that. It was a film aimed at young adults (and to be completely honest, female young adults), very cliché and sometimes lame. Fortunately, the two main actors came to save the shaky scenario.
“Margo, I thought you said it was a good movie… Peni whined.
— Actually, I said “not so bad”.
— That’s not the word I would have used to describe it…”
“So, about your parents? Gayatri asked. How's it going?
— Still through divorce, but there's progress! If lawyers are right, just another month and it will finally be behind!"
With the divorce, Margo was already planning a lot of things: for starters, she will finally be able to invite her friends to her dimension without having to hide all the details of their visit. But also organize parties: Margo had parties in her soul.
Her mother was often away for work, and she intended to take advantage of it.
“Cool, I’ll come to squat more then, replied Gwen.
— Only if you bring cakes, it’s not open bar here.
— Deal."
Teaser 2 / CW : Implied nudity
Satisfied with her work, she comes to join him in the bathtub. He, in the meantime, had managed (with great difficulty) to sit down in the water. She comes to settle in too, pressing her back against the wall, which is still a little cold despite the scalding water.
When she opens her arms, Miles understands the message and comes to stick to her, letting her surround his body with her arms. He doesn't need to be asked to put his head back where it was earlier, that is to say against her neck, and once again inhales the comforting smell of peaches.
She lets her hands absently caress his chest and back, rubbing the bath suds onto his skin. He hums in pleasure and contentment, pressing himself deeper into her.
He knows he shouldn't. He had spent the last few hours trying to convince himself that he absolutely had to end this twisted relationship with her before it was too late.
But the feeling of her body against his acted like morphine, and he was addicted to it. He wants this moment to never end. He hears Gwen in the distance asking him if he wants her to wash his hair: that was probably a bad idea given the time. He would probably fall asleep with wet hair, and his mother would go crazy if she saw him do that, especially at this time of year.
But the “yes,” leaves his mouth before he can even form that coherent thought. She makes him to stand up so she can access his shampoos, and grabs the shower head, making sure to lower the water temperature to rinse his hair.
He closes his eyes, and he feels like he's falling asleep almost immediately. But he stays awake just so he doesn't miss what happens next.
IMPORTANT NOTE : hey people who actually speak english unlike me, would you mind helping me ? In Teaser number 1, i said "Four depressed teenage girls". So idk if it's okay in english, but since it doesn't work in french it makes me confused. I don't mean to say that they have depression, just that they're all in a bad mood (but i can't really write that you know ?). But everytime I try to translate it on internet, they all give me "depress". So if anyone can help me on this 🙏
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calebron · 4 months
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𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐒 𝐔𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒? Fandomless Demon Oc here, looking for some playmates to drag to hell! If you’re into gore, smut, occultism and good music - then you came to the right place. Please give this post a reblog and/or a like if you’re interested.
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Yo, my name’s Styx (He/ Him / 21+) and I’m your average demon enjoyer. This is a rp-blog for my fandomless Incubus oc Caleb. Since the character is still being developed things will be subject to change so bear with me. Anyway, let’s get right into it. 
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First and foremost, this blog will be HIGHLY N.SFW! Seriously, most of the stuff on here will be either sexual nsfw or violent nsfw so DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY N.SFW CONTENT. By pressing the follow button, you agree to having this content on your dashboard and you alone are responsible for subjecting yourself to it. If this blog really doesn’t vibe with you, I beg you on my knees to just block me now. So I don’t accidentally follow you in the future. Trust me, I will try my best to stay away from people who dislike the content but I’m no mind reader. So help me out a little.
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𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  I will mostly write here on the weekends, and therefore only have a certain amount of time to write - meaning I have to pick my threads wisely. It’s absolutely nothing personal, it’s just a time management thing. 
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲. (𝟏𝟖+)   I only interact with people above the age of 18, preferably 21. No minors, period. If I see a minor following me, you will get hard blocked. Same goes for personals.  
𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐈 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰   I’m interested in roleplaying. If you’re not, that’s completely fine. I will unfollow after getting no follow back within 7 days. 
𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰  You post too much ooc / drama / stuff I don’t like / You don’t cut your posts or I’m just not into your muse.
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞  Rape, Pedophilia, Homophobia, racism, scat, ageplay, incest etc.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐯𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 Undertale, MLP, MHA, JJ BA, Steven Universe.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐯𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Villainous, Invader Zim, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Monster Prom. (You don’t have to be part of these for rp I just really like them)
𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬   Reblog my asks / Use me as a meme source / like my starter calls as a non mutual / ignore my rules / steal my graphics / like my starter calls and then don’t reply / godmod / lie about your age
Get two strikes and you getsoftblocked, get three strikes and you get hard blocked.
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐔𝐩 I appreciate the gesture but don’t ‘warn’ me about muns I’m interacting with. I’m a grown ass adult, I don’t need to be protected or supervised. I’d rather make my own experiences, if I think someone is being a bag of dicks, chances are I will distance myself on my own terms.
𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚    There will be no drama whatsoever on this blog.
𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 & 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞 This blog will have a lot of that, since these topics are highly intertwined into the character and his portrayal. So just be aware that my muse will be lewd. If you follow me, I will assume that you are fine with seeing smut and gore. Obviously there will be no sexual rp whatsoever if the muse is a minor. Smut in general is never a must. If you want to write it either here or over on dirscord, I'm down, but generally fade to black is always an option!
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 & 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬   Don’t care about it at all. I do some formatting and use icons sometimes. It’s cool if you don’t. Just don’t use giant images as icons. I also don’t interact with characters that use face claims of real people.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠    I will tag nsfw with  𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 | 🇨​🇦​🇱​🇪​🇧​🇷​🇴​🇳   whenever actual smut is happening on the dash. Aside from that I will only tag specific triggers when they get mentioned, with tw: ___ .  
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝  Only available on request for rp and plotting. 
𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭  All the art on this blog has been commissioned and you’re not allowed to take it or use it.
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dmwrites · 1 year
“Listen, guys, I feel like we’ve outgrown our starter bases.” Impulse said.
“Yeah.” Gem agreed, leaning against Impulse’s house.
“Ehh, I don’t know, I feel like I could squeeze some more builds on mine…” Pearl said, gigging when Gem elbowed her.
“I think it’s time that we go search for a place for our mega bases.” Impulse continued. “And- I guess i should have brought this up first, but I was wondering if you guys wanted to base up together. I just can’t picture myself hanging out with any other idiots.”
“Impy, we were gonna come with you whether you asked or not, it’s like our job to annoy you.” Pearl said. Gem nodded in agreement, punching him lightly so he was only slightly winded.
“Great!” Impulse said. “Well, let’s go hunting, shall we?”
“Yeah!” Gem exclaimed, and took off in a shower of rockets. Pearl and Impulse looked at each other, laughed, and took off after her.
“Are we there yet?”
“…Are we there yet?”
“Gem, we don’t even know where ‘there’ is!” Impulse reminded her. Impulse, Pearl, and Gem were all flying in close formation, soaring over the unexplored lands of Hermitcraft. Pearl was doing slow loops around Impulse and Gem.
“Hmm… what about a birch forest? Guyyyysss!!!” Gem pointed to one with excitement as they passed.
“No.” Pearl and Impulse said at the same time.
“What? Guys! Listen, at least let’s stop for a rest here, okay? You’ll see how wonderful it is!” Gem did an abrupt turn in the air, headed down for the birch trees. Impulse looked at the time, sighed, but headed down after her. Pearl followed, landing lightly on the top of a tree.
“Gem, I hate to say it, but we need to get a move on, really take a look at all the places we can!” Impulse told the elf.
“Listen, snack break first, then we can keep looking.” Gem said, reaching down and stuffing some bright green grass directly into her mouth. “Plus, you can realize how lovely this biome is!”
Pearl and Impulse exchanged a look, both lounging on the grass. “I don’t know Gem… it’s not really what everyone here is looking for…” Impulse said. “It is very nice, though.” Behind him, Pearl plucked a blade of grass from the ground and chewed it a little bit, then making a face, and discreetly spitting it out.
“Oh, these trees! So lovely! And there’s a babbling brook!” Gem gestured around with a handful of grass.
“How about this: we’ll write it on the list, so we can look at it later if we don’t find something better!” Pearl suggested. Impulse nodded, taking out the small notebook he’d been keeping track of coordinates on, and scribbled down some numbers.
“Yay!” Gem exclaimed. “Okay, snack time over! I’m ready to keep looking, although I’m sure nothing will be better then this!” She stuffed her pockets with grass and took off in another flurry of rockets.
“Erase those coords.” Pearl muttered to Impulse.
“One step ahead of you, these aren’t even the real coords. I just wrote down random numbers.” Impulse whispered back. They high-fived each other and took to the sky once more, still in search of their forever homes.
“I think this is it, guys.”
Gem, Pearl, and Impulse stood at the sandy shoreline of the river, which wove between two large hilltops. One one side was a steep cliffside with a lush forest on top. On the other side was a scraggly collection of grass and stone, which Pearl was already itching to terraform.
“And like with a bridge in the middle so we’re all connected… omg guys, this is so lovely!” Gem sighed, munching on grass again. “I know we’re all heartbroken by the birch we left behind, but this’ll do!”
“Yup, totes heartbroken.” Impulse replied. “So, three hermits walk onto a blank canvas… I wonder what this will all look like when we’re done?” Pearl mused. They smiled at each other. They had a lot of work to do.
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Friends Halloween
To kick off one of my favourite months, I give you this one-shot that was stuck in my drafts for the past year. Hope you enjoy.
Friends Halloween
Nico was still in his bed around 4 pm. He didn’t have anything to do that day, or any place to be. Which meant embracing his lazy sleepy side. That only came around once or twice per year. Will’s illogical amount of energy must be rubbing out on him.
Will still hadn’t seen his text. It was a regular occurrence at that point. Was he feeling neglected by the constant disappearance of his boyfriend? Yes. Was it all worth it when he listened to said boyfriend talking about his shifts and surgeries. Also yes. But it was getting rather lonely and depressing never having him around. He wanted his boyfriend but deep down he knew that he was being selfish, and he should be happy and proud for him.
He heard someone banging his door. Nico didn’t even flinch as he knew who it was. The only person that would barge in his apartment and he wouldn’t care. He waited for 5 seconds before the door opened.
“Get up and go take a shower.” Reyna ordered him. She scanned the room and the expression on her face sent a shiver down his spine.
“I’m fine.” Nico reassured her.
“No, you aren’t. You’re hopeless romantic and want to spend Halloween with your boyfriend who is also hopeless romantic and celebrates Halloween like it’s a real holiday. And because you can’t spend Halloween together and you are cranky.”
“Reyna, you don’t have to worry about me.” Nico argued.
“I do. That’s why you keep me around. I’m your voice of reason.”
Nico raised his eyebrow. “No, you aren’t.”
“Who am I kidding? No, I am not. Anyway, that’s not the point. We’re celebrating Halloween.” She announced and started picking up the clothes from the floor.
“You hate Halloween.”
“I don’t hate Halloween. I just believe that there are holidays superior to the spooky day.”
“Like which one?”
“Christmas for starters.”
“Can’t really disagree with you on that. That’s a great reason to pretend that today is day like every other one.” Nico said in a desperate effort to ignore the day. He was upset Will was on a 26-hour shift, but there wasn’t anything he could do.
“Not happening. I know how much Halloween means to you, so we’re going to celebrate together.” Reyna promised him. Nico got out of his bed and straight to the bathroom.
“Give me ten minutes.”
“I don’t have any other place to be.”
15 minutes later, Reyna was tidying his living room, which didn’t sit well with him. “You don’t have to clean up my messes. You’re my guest.”
“No, I’m your family. Which means I clean up around here as well.”
“That’s not how it works, but I am going to drop the subject as I know we’ll get nowhere.”
“Just admit that I’m right.” Reyna smiled in victory as she put three blankets in the basket near the couch.
“Never. Then, our friendship will be boring.” Nico said and opened his television “Million dollar question: Nightmare Before Christmas or Hocus Pocus?”
“Hocus Pocus.” Reyna replied immediately. “Nightmare before Christmas is more a Christmas movie rather than a Halloween one.”
“That’s what Will believes as well.” Nico said as he put on Hocus Pocus. Reyna had already brought out his Halloween stash that he had in his kitchen. After the movie was over and they were waiting for their pizza to arrive, Reyna found the perfect opportunity to ask the real one million dollars question.
“How and you didn’t shadow travel to him?”
Nico immediately stood frigid like he was busted. “It’s complicated.” He coughed.
“Did you break up?” Was the only logical answer that crossed Reyna’s mind.
“No, no, no, definitely not. We’re good and still together.” He reassured her.
“Then what’s up?”
“I’m going to tell you something that I have only told to Will and Hazel.” Nico paused for a second. “And it has to remain strictly between us. Nobody needs to know.”
“I am not going to tell anyone.” Reyna promised as she realised that Nico was serious, and the subject meant a lot to him.
“I stopped using my powers. Like if it’s in my power, I’ll never use them again in my life.” He announced to his best friend.
“Oh, I didn’t expect that. How come?”
“I’ve come to the conclusion that the more I use my powers the more I disassociate with reality. It might have nothing to do with my powers, but I feel more stable.” Nico admitted. “You know, the underworld is a part of me, but for the past few weeks I’ve been feeling better. Less depressed, I’ve been eating more, working out more, doing homework and shit. It might all be inside my mind, but I think my powers and emotions are linked.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“You are getting better. I’m telling you that. Because I can see all the progress you’ve been making me. Nico, a year ago you were rotting inside this apartment, and we had no idea why that was happening to you. I wish it really is just your excessive power usage and nothing else. You shouldn’t be worried about anything else rather than making the Dean’s list this year.”
“I thought you would have a different opinion on the matter.” He said a bit confused. He was relieved Reyna wasn’t disapproving his decision, but it also seemed weird at the same time.
“Because I come from a strict Roman household where powers are important?” She asked.
“Kind of? I don’t mean it in any negative way though.”
“I know. And Nico di Angelo I care about you more than you could ever imagine. And your powers don’t make you who you are. I’m glad you’re getting better.”
“Even if that means pushing aside the godly mythological side of my life?”
“Especially then. It takes a lot of strength to contain the most feral and strong part of yourself. I would never be able to do that, so yes, once again you made me proud.” She smiled. “And since we’re confessing stuff to each other, I guess it’s my turn.” Reyna said.
“You don’t have to.” Nico reassured her.
“I can’t have children.” She announced which caused Nico to remain quiet.
“The doctors aren’t exactly sure why. Probably it was Circe’s island, or the pirates or I probably got hurt in battle at some point.” She confessed. “But it doesn’t matter because I’ve never wanted kids on the first place.”
“Not wanting and not being able to are two different things.”
“I know.” She chocked.
Nico pulled her closer and hugged her. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. Now I can’t be your surrogate.”
“Please don’t even think about it. It should be the least of your worries. Will and aren’t even on the same time zone right now. If we ever find the time to settle down we’ll find the way.”
“I just, I don’t know.” She sighed. “I have everything I’ve ever wanted, but I don’t feel like I’ve done it all.”
“You’re 23 years old. You aren’t supposed to know everything.”
“But I feel like I should.” Reyna said a bit confused.
“All I know is that you’re a talented person who has faced so much shit and deserves the world after everything that has happened. And I truly mean it, Reyna. You are the head of New Rome and in charge of Camp Jupiter and you never stop for a moment. I honestly don’t know how you do it all. I struggle with a simple college degree while you manage to put two feet in a shoe. I just want you to be happy.”
“Is it bad that I wish I wanted a simpler life? I wish I wanted to get married and have kids, so that I would feel normal. But I can’t even have kids. My body doesn’t even want to be normal. And I don’t know how to feel about all that.” She said trying to control her voice.
“You are normal. You don’t need to beat yourself up over something you have zero control over. And you aren’t alone. You have me, Will, Hazel, Frank, your sister, and a whole bunch of people who love and cherish you. You’re my sister, Reyna. You helped me so much throughout the years that I don’t even know how it’s possible to ever repay you.” He confessed to her.
“It’s simple. You owe me your first born.” Reyna half-smiled.
“Done.” Nico said and shook her hand.
“Thanks for spending Halloween with me. I really needed this.” Nico confessed as he took the last candy from the bucket in front of them.
“I needed this as well.”
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Read on AO3
Final Part of Father Dearest
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“Hell. With Crowley.” Your eyes looked between the three men. “I’m sorry, Dean.” You said quietly.
Crowley gave you a small smile. “I promise you won’t regret this, love. You and the children will want for nothing.” You smiled back at him.
“I’ll support you.” Dean told you. You could tell he was upset, but he had promised you that much. “You and the twins always have a place here, you know that.” He added.
“Thank you, Dean.” You replied. “And it’s not like you’ll never see us. I mean, I’m going to want to visit. Whenever you’re at the bunker, I’ll make a point to visit for a day or something.” You shrugged. “The children deserve a chance to have their parents together, as unconventional as everything has been. And I believe they will be safest there.” You pointed out. “No hunter would ever look at them and not want to harm them, you know that.”
Dean nodded. “We’ll miss you.”
“We will.” Sam agreed.
You gave them a playful smirk. “Admit it, you’re looking forward to getting sleep.” You teased, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
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-5 years old-
“Stop it, Clark!” You heard your daughter yell from the throne room.
“Make me!” He snapped back.
Rolling your eyes, you wandered over to them. “Now, what’s wrong this time?” You looked between your two children, arms crossed over your chest.
Lana looked at you, clearly upset. “He says that I’m not his real sister because I don’t have cool powers like his.”
You raised an eyebrow at them. “Really? You’re arguing over your powers?” You asked. “Clark, just because your sister has different powers doesn’t mean anything. Look in the mirror. She’s your sister.”
Clark shrugged and ran off. Clark, while having discovered his powers early, hadn’t mastered them. They were out of his control at times. Lana, however, didn’t show any signs of hers until she was a toddler. And she’d mastered them quickly. She still had little moments, like when she was extremely upset, but those were rare.
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-10 years old-
You were visiting the bunker for the weekend, as Crowley had some business to attend to. The children were getting restless, and you were too tired to keep up with them. You were only a couple months pregnant, so all you wanted to do was nap. Sam and Dean were a huge help, not minding if you happened to nod off on the couch. They had even offered to watch them for a bit after this baby was born. You told them you’d consider it.
Dean came running in, out of breath. “They can really move!” He panted, putting his hands on his knees.
You laughed. “Well, yeah. Just be glad nothing has blown up.” He gave you a look of horror. “It’s usually stupid things, but it has happened.”
He shook his head. “Props to you, man. I don’t know how you do it.” He sighed, sitting next to you. “Okay, Sam can fly solo for a little bit.” His head leaned back and he closed his eyes for a moment before you both heard a loud crash. Followed by Sam’s voice. “Or not.” He groaned, getting up.
“I’ll bake you a pie later as a thanks.” You smiled.
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-15 years old-
“Why not, mom?!” Lana yelled, arms crossed.
You sighed. “Because it’s not safe for you!” You told her. She was trying to convince you to let her go on a date with a human she had met when out with Dean one day. “We don’t know who’s a hunter, Lana! We don’t know if you’ll be safe.”
She glared at you. “I’m sure I can deal with one human teenager.”
Crowley walked in, raising his eyebrow. “What’s all this about?”
“Lana wants to go on a date.” That alone made Crowley’s mood falter. “With a human.”
“Dad! You’re married to a human!” She defended her choice.
Crowley sighed. “That…is entirely different.” He explained. Neither of you had ever told the children about how you really got pregnant. It didn’t seem like you needed to.
She flopped on her large bed. “How? How is that any different?”
“For starters, she was an adult.” He walked closer, hands in his pockets. “Secondly, this all started because your mother asked for a deal.” His voice was quiet.
Sitting up, she looked between the two of you. “Mom?”
You sat next to her, nodding. “Before you were born, I loved Uncle Dean. A lot. However, he didn’t seem to love me back. Always going for the pretty, skinny girls. I asked your father for a deal. My soul for the perfect body.” You glanced at your husband. “He refused. Told me I was prefect the way I was. Well, Dean found out. What happened between your father and myself was supposed to remain a one time thing. Apparently, Dean thought I was too good for him.” Retelling this was hard, as there were so many emotions at the time. “We slowly became a couple. Until I got really tired, and sick. A month and a half after I asked your father for a deal, I found out I was pregnant. I ran. I was scared. No matter how hard they looked, they couldn’t find me. The only one who knew where I was…was Uncle Cas.” She was staring at you. “By chance, they found me. A lot of fighting happened, a lot of tears. I came to hell with your father for a bit, so he could be there for part of the pregnancy. When I was eight months pregnant, I started living at the bunker, too uncomfortable in hell. Your father joined me. We stayed there until you and your brother were two months old. That’s when I decided to be with him.”
“So you see, love, it’s not because we’re hypocrites, it’s because we were all but forced together. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.” He told her.
She made a face. “I’m never looking at Uncle Dean the same way again…” She groaned. “Never mind. I’m going to see what Clark is doing.”
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-18 years old-
“Keep them safe, Sam.” You told him.
He smiled. “I will.” Lana had decided to go to college, online, but college. Clark was never far from his sister. While he spent half his time in hell, where he preferred, he did spend a lot of time with the boys.
“I can’t believe Lana is moving out, and Clark will be splitting his time now. Where has the time gone?”
Sam chuckled. “You still have Duncun.” He pointed out. “He’s a handful, isn’t he.”
You let out a breath. “Yes, that he is. Speaking of which, I should probably go save the babysitter.” You went through babysitters way too fast. They just didn’t seem to want to watch him again.
The two of you hugged before you went to say goodbye to your twins. “You can come home whenever you want.” You told Lana.
You returned to hell to find that Duncun had tied up his babysitter and ran off to play with the hell hounds. You untied her and went looking for him. “Duncun Roderick MacLeod!” You hollered, knowing he’d hear you.
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