#i think i did what was best im just kinda like. maybe i should've thought for myself too but oh well jdjd
callistosposts · 3 months
Slowly crawls into ur inbox to talk abt mars, hello.
A handful of people say that he's bland/ hid only personality trait is being Earth's best friend. BUT, I think Mars is an interesting character! (In his own way). While yes it does seem he only exists to be Earth's best friend, he does have a personality of his own. Mars is kinda like the straightman of the terrestrial planets (maybe even of the solar system), he's also one of the smartest planets (besides Jupiter and Mercury) and his friendly demeanor can be a refresher compared to Earth's (previous) and Venus' behavior
But that doesn't mean that he's flawless, a good example is the whole earth-titan debacle, fellow SB tumblr user chainera brings up a good point abt Mars.
Here's a link to the post, but she does bring up a good point abt the red planet, he could've (and probably should've) helped Earth with his problems and try to give him a chance to change for the better, but that didn't happen since Mars ditched him.
And like she said in the post if you ditch ur friend for something they didn’t know they were doing wrong, allow them to figure out that by themselves, and realize that they hurt you, they won’t apologize to you. Because they think that you hate them since you left.
And That’s the what happenend in the show. Mars ditched Earth and Earth proceeded to become more toxic until Mars calls him out in "Venus vs Mars". (Even the wiki calls him out, to quote "Despite his friendly demeanor, he can be quite ignorant and jumps to conclusions at times, not realizing why Earth could be acting the way he is even though they were best friends for some time.")
And another thing abt Mars' character is seen in "battle of the plants" was that even though he and Earth weren't best friends anymore, he (and Venus) still risked their lives for him cause destroying his life wouldn't solve anything, this speaks level on Mars' loyality and how far he's willing to protect someone.
Sorry for blabbering I just think Mars is interesting 😭.
I love Mars to !!! i think this is a pretty good analysation on him although i do have to slightly disagree on the "Mars should not have left Earth" thing
I think the common point people who make this point are missing is that Mars DID try to help Earth before leaving him - right in the beginning he called out Earths weird behaviour towards Titan and the result of that was Earth ignoring it and deciding to be friends with Venus instead ← someone who would let his bad actions slide more easily
as a friend, there is only so much help you can give someone before its clear they are deliberatly ignoring you, Mars tried, Earth ignored
that is an extremly tiring thing to deal with, people forget that Mars is a victim of Earth to in the way that he was used as tool against Venus and consistently ignored. I find it completely reasonable that Mars left Earth at that moment, honestly THAT callout in itself was Mars trying to help Earth open his eyes, you even see later on that Mars gets worried about him
Mars jumped to a conclusion in the fact he thought Earth was acting like that for no reason, not in the fact that he called out Earth - because whatever Earths reason was to Mars, Earth WAS being toxic
- other the all that though, YES YES mars is a lot more then just Earths best friend, Mars is consistently one of the most mentally sane characters , hes a middle ground to Earth and Venus and a calmer paralell to Mercury , basically hes the one youd want to call if you were in danger
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n3onstarss · 1 year
In the night
2012 Donnie x Chubby! reader
romantic or platonic?: romantic
relationship(s): 2012 Donnie x reader
reader type: chubby, pear shaped, GN human reader
"rn the only thing i can think of is (insert turtle, and as you know preferably donnie) introducing chubby!gn s/o to the rest of his fam. and to make it interesting someone makes a comment on body type, maybe comparing it to (past crush/ s/o. {Like april}) and you take it from there. me and angst>> ur writing >> you>> psh i got off topic im sorry im js happy.
I FORGOT TO SAY. 2012 if you don't mindd, but still whatever you feel like writing"
sorry it's kinda short!!
Nerves had plagued you all day, and continued to plague you as you prepared to meet your boyfriend's family. This wouldn't be the most.. normal meeting ever, considering your boyfriend was a mutated turtle. You opted on reflection on the day the two of you met rather than the nerves making you nauseous.
He'd been on a 'solo patrol' when you met him. (he was totally lying, he snuck out, you knew this) He'd been a little too loud on the roof of your apartment building, which sucked cause he was stomping around and yelling right above your apartment. eventually you made you way up the fire escape to tell at whoever it was, and instead found him pacing and ranting. over time he become more comfortable with coming back to the roof on his 'solo patrol's and eventually hanging out inside. 'You know, getting the apartment with the window facing into the alley wasn't such a bad idea after all.'
The reminiscence didn't last wrong before a knock on said window draws you from your thoughts. You double checked you were fully ready before opening the window, nerves coming back full force only to melt away at the sight of him.
Donatello stood outside on your balcony, if you could call it that, with a gentle smile on his face. when you pulled the window up a little, he slipped his hand under and pushed it the rest of the way up. curse this building and their heavy ass windows!
"Hey, lo-" you started, cut off by a quick kiss.
"Hi dear," a lovestruck grin took the place of the soft smile, "you look stunning."
"awwwwwww shut up!" The words should've hurt and yet they were full of love, adoration and the laughter of two people in love.
After a few minutes of just standing together, forehead to forehead, you excused yourself and ran to turn off any lights you'd forgotten and snag your bag. Your jeans fit comfortably and the flowy black shirt felt perfect for the occasion. After all, you didn't wanna overdo it when your boyfriend admitted they weren't the fanciest of families.
Yeah.. when the two of you showed up you felt a little too informal when compared to the rest of them. it wasn't the outfit, oh no! they was fine, casual enough to blend in but formal enough to not look 'sloppy'. but the mannerisms? ugh.
Everyone did a traditional Japanese blessing before dinner, and you were SO lost the entire time. the best you could do was glance over and Donnie and mimic his pose and hope you were doing it right. Eventually, when Dinner was over, you and Raph agreed to doing the dishes. Somehow, the two of you had clicked and were fast friends.
Small talk and little jabs passed throughout doing the dishes, but a aggravated and crescendo-ing conversation just in the living room, a hundred or so feet away, caught your attention. The both of you went silent, and managed to catch the climax of the altercation.
".. shut UP, LEO! what the FUCK!"
"I'm just SAYING! i thought you would've gone for someone who looked more like April, not THEM!"
Youch.. maybe you'd misheard? You turned to look at RAPH to gauge his reaction, and based on the shock and rage on his face you could tell you hadn't misheard at all.
You'd heard enough to know you weren't wanted, so you patted Raph on the shoulder and thanked him for spending time with you, grabbed your bag, and made to leave the way you came.
The yelling got louder, Raph joining in now, as you hopped over the turnstile and turned right, back towards the manhole that would put you out a few blocks from your apartment.
You couldn't hear it anymore, and had no clue whatsoever, but the yelling finally stopped. Donnie was frantically searching for you. where'd you go??
By the time you were settled on the couch in comfy pyjamas, trying to bottle everything up and shove it down to deal with later, a knock came at your window.
You opted to ignore it and turned up the shitty horror movie even louder, but eventually arms wrapped around your shoulders as a face pressed into your hair from behind.
"I'm sorry love, i should've come sooner.."
Damn. how'd he get in? didn't you... ohhhh you'd forgotten to lock the window. Thank you, Dee, for reminding you to lock the window later.
"Baby.. you okay?" he tried to be gentle, tried to keep the situation calm and comforting for you. Two can play at that game.
"I'm fine. thanks." ...whoops. game over.
At that, Donnie moved around the edge of the couch before sitting next to you and holding your hand. You instinctively leaned into the touch, resting shoulder to shoulder.
The tears started to flow as the movie continued to play and your boyfriend started whispering sweet nothings. He gently scooped you up once he realized you were shaking, adjusting you in his hold before moving to your bedroom.
It was minutes before you could process, but your boyfriend had slid the two of you under the covers, and now you were laying half on top of him on your stomach while he rubbed your back. The tears started to slow and he continued to chirp and churr at you between comforting kisses.
"I'm sorry love, I'm so sorry.."
Silence fell over the two of you again, minus your occasional sniffle or hiccup and his chirps. Eventually you doze off and he pulls his phone out, shooting a text to his family.
D: Won't be home tonight, roped into cuddles
R: I'm taking your pizza since your gone.
L: Okay. please tell them I'm sorry.
D: already did
D: goodnight guys
R: night
M: nighty night!!
L: Goodnight. and for the love of god be home before sunrise.
D: no promises :P
Donnie shut his phone off and settled in, falling asleep not long after you.
The noises of life in New York continued outside, but in the night, safe and warm, two lovers were oblivious to it all.
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abyssalspamton · 9 months
ohhh my god. long rant. i need to talk about this otherwise im going to explode. no one will see this but I have SUCH mixed feelings about the final of fionna and cake. obviously spoilers for fionna and cake final ep 9&10 (charlotte do not read this i'll kill you)
ok so first of all I've already seen some people talking about how it's MEANT to be underwhelming because 'that's just how life is!' and stuff like that but. honestly that doesn't make it. good? I feel like they still could've kept what generally happened, with that same attitude, but made it at LEAST a bit better??? I haven't seen anyone talk about this but the lich. I'm so disappointed what they did with them. This was 100% me hyping myself up, considering I want there to be another season, and I thought it made logical sense for them to use the OG lich as a proper antagonist for season 2. But c'mon. Why not just leave him in his own little reality where he's alone? why bring him to golb and then have him killed? that felt so pointless. I feel like it would've been better because he would've been punished MORE, frustrated by the fact that he'd never know why golb never reached out to him or anything, and he'd just be stuck there.
In my head for the lich I thought he'd end up following Simon or Fionna to their reality and just. silently wait? I thought the lich had a realization of "oh maybe if i kill life again in ANOTHER world i'll be noticed? no one's done THAT before" and that's where it was leading. but. obviously was wrong. i guess maybe he can get. unkilled or whatever you want to call it but. eh.
With the whole Fionna's world not getting magic im not surprised by that. I expected it! considering episode 8 Simon never finished putting the crown on his head. I'm happy they didn't turn it magical actually, i really liked the message of Fionna liking her world the way it is and putting her fantasies aside. I'm. conflicted. with the way it happened, and the whole fake out of Simon going to put the crown on his head then throwing it. It just kinda felt weird?
I. did not. like the whole fucking. book game thing. And that being how Simon figured out his and Betty's relationship wasn't the best. It felt forced. it felt too kidish? i was enjoying the whole series so far with it seeming less childish, but to put it into a simple game and Simon realising like that. felt. weird. I feel like they could've done what happened after? where Simon relived stopping Betty from going on the bus? In my head it would've been better to do that but lead it on longer. Have him slowly realise that he never did what Betty wanted to do? it's not perfect but just something other than the book. It kinda felt like they only did it to show off those two characters? which was frustrating when I just wanted to see Simon resolve his relationship with betty.
Talking about that, when he DID relive stopping Betty from going on the bus. that felt SO short? like damn ok they just figured it out that fast. didn't talk that much about it. I love Betty saying Simon was a great experience. and like. I GET SHE'S A GOD NOW. so she's going to think/act differently and not be obsessed with him which is good!! but I feel like there should've been. more talking on that part. instead of just being a minute long (from the moment he entered the body and started 'redoing' it).
I don't have much to say about the scarab? he didn't really. leave an impression the last two episodes. I guess since obvs it was going to be figured out? I hate. HATEEE what they did with simon at the end of the show when they were wrapping up. No finn, no marcy. just by himself. I understand that he's meant to learn how to be his own person, but it would've been nice to see him with family/friends. I think it would've been better if his was more later in the future? not a majour amount, just so he'd already moved out of his old place. It would've been cute, having a proper apartment or house. Maybe marcy helping him move in. I'm BEGGING for him to have a proper father daughter relationship with her, where she also realises he needs some attention considering. YA KNOW HIS FUCKED UP SITUATION.
Kinda iffy with the whole. baby fin and fin's. child, and his girlfriend, getting teleported to Fionna's world. kinda wish it got left alone? cause what is. fin from that world just dead? or is he alive and now just missing a son??? he'd be distraught??? i have FEELINGS.
I've been talking about what I'm like. upset/annoyed about mostly because THAT IS MY STRONGEST FEELINGS. marshel and gary being worried they wouldn't remember each other is. SO fucking cute. I wont lie, a part of me was wishing that even though i knew simon wouldn't put on the crown that he would, just so they could see each other and. idk. have gary simp over vampire marshel. I also think that might've made the scarb fight more entertaining, since having real magic involved, they could get rid of it once the fight is over because. THEY WOULDN'T LIKE IT.
I'll stop here cause. i got my emotions out.
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happy-tori-friends · 1 month
Please elaborate on your ffxiv au 👀
- 🐑 Anon
its nothing concrete but i just like ffxiv...
some spoilers for everything - including endings shadowbringers and endwalker (everyone should play shadowbringers its so good)
i imagine its like an isekai just for funsies, so dont and did have to adjust to not having their abilities. and also being turned into the ffxiv races. they basically wake up on the cart/boat (i think alphinaud and alisae will be going to limsa via the boat in this au... idk if i'll ever write it but if its something ppl wanna see i am Willing...). tho they all have the echo. technically dungeons are meant to be 4 player but for our intents and purposes we're gonna ignore that. its My AU i get to make the rules
as for jobs... splendont is a marauder/warrior, splendid is a gladiator/paladin, flippy is an arcanist - for jobs he'd be a scholar and fliq would be summoner (tho fliq would also do reaper i think)
idk what the twins would start as but theyd end up switching to rogue/ninja asap, tho lifty would go machinist in heavensward and ive toyed with viper shifty. probably archer for a starting class just for gridania rep. i started at maurader on lifty just for easier access to rogue but that doesnt really matter. rip to splendid who is all alone in ul'dah.
now races... the twins are miqo'te, specifically keepers of the moon (bc thats what i made lifty)... maybe wildwood elezen. and flippy... xaela au ra (im an au ra lover... my main's an au ra and i have a secondary character thats also an au ra who i made to pair with estinien bc i like him was the second option for shipping my main w b4 i went with my beloved g'raha. i was gonna put a picture of my main, honoka miyashiro, here but i forgor. lovingly known as honk.) i was thinking au ra for super bros but i think flippy au ra is better. still not sold on elezen tho. maybe hyur? 23rd the 2nd benchmark comes out maybe i'll make them in that? theyre gonna questioned for their names but... oh well.
ive done arr a few times but ive only played the 2.1+ patches very little (im not done with post endwalker yet either i just started 6.4 but i started levelling reaper after the last trial) so i dont remember Too much (im gonna new game plus some things + i could stream ffxiv lifty's adventures) but i do remember many key moments. i'll put a cut here bc im gonna get into story events
i pulled up to the inn to look at the unending journey. but the openings are basically the same except flippy and dont are working together + the twins are too, and the city-states all send out envoys to each other for funny 'oh hey we all had the same idea lmao' moments and they all get directed to go to investigate sastasha (not b4 the twins take up rogue, getting disappointed when they realize they're actually supposed to maintain the code) where they all meet again and everyone is like 'yay thank god you're okay' and of course after copperbell and beating up some dick, all the scions show up and say "hey you're pretty cool join our club :)'
okay i haven't thought too much about story things in main arr + what grand company they join. but. i think if i go the route of different events being focused more on different characters in place of the wol, splendid being the one to be framed for poisoning nanamo might work best bc he does start in ul'dah + being framed like that kinda fucks with him mentally - 'i should've been more diligent, i shouldn't have just picked something up and kept it, how could i have been so blind?' and being considered traitorous + seeing all that happened at the bloody banquet is. well it's... a lot, especially for him (though he probably thinks he should be used to it considering canon htf but in see what develops he did get sick when he saw mime's body. i think. may in fact be misremembering).
splendont holding the twins close to him as they want into ishgard bc its cold and they can barely see through the snow... and the twins thinking 'we've done something good for once, we were celebrated as heroes and this is what we get?'
stormblood i dont have too many thoughts on either but if i go the route of flippy (or well fliqpy really) being the one to be zenos's main rival... i think fliq and zenos would have fun banter. also he would 100% do the reckless thing with yugiri and try to kill him with very little plan.
i think when there's split paths they do split up (aka at the beginning of expansions where there's different quest chains to start with) but thats all i've really thought about so far regarding some beginnings... i do know that i want splendont and the twins to be the ones to go to amh araeng bc them witnessing tesleen would be - that is if i even end up having flippy and splendid in shadowbringers bc they might stay back to help tataru and stuff... but having did there would make it a bit more painful so i dont know. splendont is considered the shard of azem here, (dont ask how if its an isekai its just how things seem to be rolling) and the one feo ul bonds with so it all ends up working out. also the exarch barely managing to bring all 3 (or 5) over when he finally gets it right is funny.
back on the subject of them having seen tesleen transform, it genuinely freaked them the fuck out and fearing it could happen to dont, lifty and shifty probably beg splendont to let them dispell some of the lightwardens' aether especially when y'shtola mistakes him for a sin eater and after qitana ravel where y'shtola is sure it is being absorbed and tells him to inform her of any side effects. but splendont says 'Absolutely Not. i can deal with it i'm not letting Anything happen to you.'
after malikh's well when he starts having pain and getting sick they beg him again, but he again puts his foot down. they fight about it, and the twins spend the night in a different room in pendants (they cant see ardbert anyways and have just thought splendont was seeing things).
things are tense throughout kholusia, and its very clear that lifty and shifty are afraid of what will happen when they kill the final lightwarden. then their fears are proven true when innocence is killed and splendont starts to turn because he cant contain the light and the sky they worked so hard to bring night back to reverts to the eternal day.
and despite the tension, despite the pain, he looks at them and says 'i promise... i'll be fine. i didn't want this to happen to you.'
'you fucking moron, this wouldn't have happened... if we shared the light,' shifty retorts but he and lifty are too afraid to get close, especially with urianger being weird. and all this time theyve gone with this in hopes of finding a way home, and now they might lose splendont and it feels like they'll never get home.
there's a lot of emotions going on with the exarch reveal bc they also dont want him to sacrifice himself just for splendont either but theres no other choice is there and then emet-selch comes in and that little bit of hope is dashed. and though ryne delays the inevitable it is still, at that moment, inevitable. they do their best to help the scions look for a way to save him but it's very clear that they're pessimistic, heartbroken. afraid that it's true that everyone they hold dear to them is destined to be taken away. if theyd fought harder, if they could have been more convincing...
i have more thoughts about shadowbringers (mostly with the twins being afraid splendont is taking up emet's offer) but i'll skip to the end so if i do write it i dont end up spoiling everything. but after ardbert fuses with splendont, lifty and shifty join him to fight hades alongside whoever else the exarch summoned... and when all is said and done and it's revealed that splendont is no longer being corrupted by the light, after they return to the source and have reported to tataru and krile, and they take a moment to breathe... they plead with him to let them bear some of his burdens, just as they let him do. even if it's for their sake, neither of them want him to do anything like that ever again, and they make him promise. they all cry about it, even dont, because Fuck that was probably so stressful. he does tell them what happened with ardbert though.
endwalker... endwalker. ultima thule in particular. while fliq would be the one to fight zenos at the end if i go the 'everyone has a part to play', and probably the one that gets posessed in 'in from the cold' i think i want dont to be the last one standing in ultima thule and extend it a little bit, in particular so lifty and shifty can sacrifice themselves for him. and at the very end when they are alone again he tells them not to scare him like that again. lifty responds with. 'it was like that for us too. that's why we made that promise. your burden was to go forward, and we helped you bear it.'
'we came back anyways,' shifty adds, but he 100% expected to just. be dead forever. theres a lot of crying again. ffxiv makes me emotional so it makes the characters emotional.
also in elpis splendont being like 'i am a familiar of azem.' and shifty confidently goes 'yeah and we're his familiars' and lifty facepalms. 'thats absolutely not how it works, shifty.'
of course none of this is fully set in stone. flippy and splendid might not even be included at all bc a lot of my thoughts are mostly dont lifty and shifty save for zenos n fliq (if i go this route, one of the twins would be made a pugilist and start in ul'dah) bc i dont have many ideas for the twins to have wol major moments other than thinking about them being framed for poisoning nanamo instead of splendid. this also got really long... i'm gonna have to do this arent i? ffxiv au yes or no poll when.
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zarisdonut · 2 years
The opinions that literally no one asked for
Alright so yesterday I finished Fate: The Winx Saga and here are all my thoughts.
Disclaimer: These are just my opinions, so it's okay if you don't agree w me.
First off, STELLATRIX.
Can't get them off my mind and I'm a 100% sure Beatrix is gonna come back so it's fine. I absolutely love their dynamic and honestly, I've spent all the eps just waiting for their scenes and I am not ashamed of it. Btw, Stella should've been a lesbian, but it's fine. As long as she's sapphic I don't really care.
Also, I'm pretty sure theyre gonna be canon. Like, all their relationship is so queercoded, with parallels w other ships and everything??? No way they're just gal pals. I refuse. So yeah, in other words, I am clowning hard, which is not surprising cause all I ever do in life is clown over sapphic non-canon ships apparently. (I have a long history abt that)
Musa, girl, what have they done to you? I didn't hate the haircut as much as I thought I would (even tho its not great) but the clothes???? Hello????? It was hard to watch.
Also, I was kind of surprised w the fact that I liked her "transition" from mind fairy to Specialist, so I'm pretty pleased with her storyline. I will say this: I wish she were sapphic. Not bc of anything specific, but I do remember having a moment where I shipped her w Stella, cause I made a whole fanfic in my head abt them, so yeah.
Also, riven and musa????? Look, I don't normally like m/f ships (specially if they're not in a sitcom). Like, I don't hate them, but they don't give me the buzz, yk. Most times I'm just neutral about them, but I gotta say, man, that Riven and Musa... God, I loved their scenes. I found their dynamic so interesting and the chemistry. THE CHEMISTRY. The slowburn is gonna burn so good.
Terra + Flora
V happy with the fact that Terra is a lesbian cause we need more lgbtq+ people in this show (and in life in general). I will say her storyline w the specialist girl is a bit odd cause they don't really focus much on her (which they obvs should've done that) and isn't she dating someone else when they have their first kiss???? A bit confused abt that.
Other than that, I liked her storyline, and even tho her coming out isn't the best one Ive ever seen, I was pretty pleased. Especially the moment where she tells the whole group and she wants to dismiss it w the rug or smth (I forgot lol) and Stella comes in and hugs her???? Melts my heart.
Moving on, I didn't know how I was gonna feel abt Flora?? And I still don't know lol. I will say that the actress did a good job, but I think they should've added more bonding scenes between Flora and the other girls cause it just didn't feel like they were best friends just like the rest of the group? But maybe it's just me. Still, I don't know how I feel about Flora yet. Like, Im pretty sure I like her, but I think it's more about what she represents, (which is the cartoon character) than what she actually is. I definitely need to see more of her.
Also, the relationship w Terra,, it made sense but also it was too predictable. Like, its not bad but I did find it a tad basic and I wish they made it a bit differently. Like, I know it's hard to innovate but idk, maybe add a little something that makes them stand out? But again, maybe that's just me.
Idk what to say abt her tbh, I just like her lol. I will say that it didn't make a lot of sense the way she reacted when she first met Grey (I think that's his name but in case its not, I'm talking abt the guy lol). Like, bro, the lake is not yours, chill. So it was a bit hard for me to get into the relationship but eventually I kinda did, so yeah. V sad that the first boyfriend she has, turns out to be a blood witch. The bestie cannot catch a break lol.
I will say that, (a bit of constructive criticism here) I find Aisha as a character a bit flat. And not only her, I think that in general all the characters except maybe Beatrix and even Riven(?) seem pretty shallow to me. Or maybe like, not shallow but as if they haven't still found their own spark? Idk if this makes sense but I feel like most characters fall into these cliches and tropes, which is totally fine, cause nowadays literally everyone needs to fall into one of these, like it's literally unavoidable. But baby, you need to add a bit of their own spark to make them stand out. To make them memorable, yk? So yeah, I wish they stopped and tried to work on the characters a bit more. Like, Stella, Musa and even Terra are not as bad (even tho imo they a bit of work from the writers wouldn't hurt cause Im pretty sure the actresses make more than half of the work in this aspect) but Aisha, Flora, Sky and especially Bloom... It's bad yall. It's very bad (Will explain the Bloom thing later, don't hate me just yet)
BTW: I say all of this out of all the love in my heart, cause I believe in all the characters and I see the potential, and what they could become. And I hate the fact that I can see it and they're just wasting it so yeah. Don't hate me besties <333
Bloom + Sky
I'm sorry but Bloom is the most basic female main character from a sci-fi tv show you can ever have. Like, bro, just put a little more effort into creating her, please. Like, I'm begging. Maybe it's just me, but the bestie is missing personality (not dragging the actress, just the writers and how they did it), cause yeah, its fine if she wants to sacrifice herself all the time, or if she wants to do everything alone cause she's special n stuff but it's like her whole personality is revolving around her having the Dragon Flame. Which yeah, it is important and it is a v important part of her life but dude. Dont make her one-dimensional.
This also happens w Sky btw. And ofc when you put a bland character w another bland character everything gets... well. Not great. But I won't get into their relationship bc honestly, I do not care. Like I said before, m/f relationships don't give me the buzz so yeah.
To wrap it up...
I did like the second season. I would like to say I liked it more than the first one but I barely remember anything of it, so yeah, lol (Im a horrible fan, I know). I will say that idk what it is, that's making me continue the show, cause I normally only consume sapphic/lgbt media, but here we are. And I did want to leave it a few times cause the heavy straight content is so strong, but Im glad I continued it. And I hope they get renewed for a third season cause I really believe that it has potential and yeah, that's all for now ig. Maybe I'll do another post talking abt other stuff, like plotwise or smth. We'll see. But it'll def be shorter than this cause holy shit, this is long for a person who "isn't v into the show anyways" (that's me lying to myself btw lol)
N e ways idk whos gonna read this, but on the off chance someone has read through all my bullshit and is reading these last sentences, woah, I'm impressed. I cannot believe you've stuck around to know all the thoughts of a random stranger on the internet abt a show abt fairies lol.
N e ways, I love you and have a good day <3333
The random stranger on the internet.
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girlwithfish · 5 months
sorry idk if u literally wanted someone's opinion so if not u can ignore this:
imo he's mostly in the wrong but i can see where he's coming from to an extent? not that i condone his behavior or words at all, bc it seems pretty shitty and tone deaf of him from what you've revealed. rather i think it's bound to be messy to rush into a relationship directly after ending a previous one, especially an abusive one. from his perspective i can see that it's probably a lot of responsibility and pressure for a partner to take on so early in the relationship. like u guys are still just getting to know each other, u know what i mean?
but i think that kinda falls on him and he should've known better, bc it seems like he wanted to move things very quickly and rush into gf/bf territory knowing your recent past and vulnerability. and now he is getting annoyed bc it's not the cake walk he thought it would be. i believe u mentioned he's older too which makes it worse. i can't help but be confused by how he's acting... like i agree w/ u that he is unnecessarily making it about him and expecting you to magically get over your trauma after only a few weeks. what did he think would happen?
i wouldn't blame u if u broke up with him bc i think u deserve to be drama free and heal and live ur best life rn. wishing u the best and i hope u don't mind this message.
thanks for the input! yeah i was actually asking haha. just weird bc ive been pretty transparent and open about still dealing w stuff and not being "over" my trauma. i feel like hes underestimating the effects of abuse and thought id "get over it" even saying he thought id get over my ex the more i was with him which is weird. especially in the beginning when he seemed understanding and presented himself that way. and i think that hes conflating me not being over trauma w not being over a typical breakup which is strange to me and i felt he hasnt been very empathetic toward me. i get its a lot of responsibility but idg why he wanted to date me then or he thought itd just be easy.. just weird mixed signals from him and lack of understanding. like him suddenly being upset w me for sleeping when hes repeatedly told me he doesnt mind. and i feel im not asking him for much or i dont use him as emotional support much or really even talk about my trauma or ex this month (in the beginning we both talked abt our past relationships a lot but stopped) besides the one time a few days ago when my exs mother reached out to me and i was upset for maybe 30min to an hr when we talked abt it and he offered his input which i found unhelpful Idk. and this was triggered all by him asking how i am ystrdy and i said im not doing the best but im getting by and said i didnt need to talk abt it tho and then he said hes seeing me decline bc i still ruminate over trauma and said some weird stuff abt how he feels hes contributing and idek i said im just in a weird place rn and im working through it and then also brought up relationship stuff btwn us how i feel hes not putting as much effort to show he cares and he kind of blamed it on my sleep schedule then went on a whole thing abt me and my trauma and how hes realizing its serious trauma i "need to sit with" and idk i dont feel hes being very kind or understanding and just presumptuous about my own situation. if he didnt wanna be w someone in my situation he shouldn't have dated me and acted like he wants a relationship and "loves" me when he barely knows me. also hes the same age as me
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angryborzois · 7 months
@astral-from-afar since u wanted to hear my story lmao (it was kinda long to be a comment)
alright idk where to begin lmfao
okay so i dont remember how much of it I told you but remember the clingy girl who was insensitive and stuff last year? (ok its okay if you don't remember but yeah there was a girl like that jasdffkd)
she's one of the people i remember and get annoyed about to this day but okay that's still not that bad since I managed to drift from her
so the real problem was this other clingy girl 😭YES THERE WERE TWO
i guess she was less clingy and a little more tolerable but still... the problem here was that this girl liked me.....
there were a lot of reasons that make me pissed off remembering to this day but that's sort of unrelated here (for context just know that I disliked her from the near beginning) so onto the main story
So this girl would always ask for hugs from me which I was okay with at first (she did it to everyone ig) but eventually I stopped letting her hug me because I got tired of it and I don't really like hugs to begin with.
but still, she was weird about physical touch...i remember this one time where she kept touching my arm when I was wearing a short sleeve and she was saying stuff like "wow you're so muscular" (IM NOT BTW??? LIKE BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY IM AVERAGE ASF) like okay that was creepy ngl.... i still didn't think anything of it back then though which was stupid of me because I should've connected all the dots
also she kept complimenting me all the time which was mildly uncomfortable but yeah couldn't do anything about that ig
eventually i started hanging out with other people and avoided this girl to the best of my ability until the end of the year because by that time I was thinking "oh whatever I'm going to transfer anyways" so i stopped caring since i thought it would be over soon
yeah so on the last day she was VERY clingy since she knew I would transfer (I did let her though since I was thinking "oh its the last day and I'm never coming back so whatever. cant be that bad. ill forget about it later" and honestly that was a big mistake)
so school hours officially ends and we're at the gate of the school. and this girl physically WONT LET ME LEAVE. she was hugging me and refusing to let go but at that point I was like "oh who cares ig". she probably made me stand there for like 10 minutes istfg 💀but then here comes the terrifying part
she suddenly lets go and looks me dead in the eyes and asks for me to kiss her on the cheek (I think? i kind of forgot the exact phrasing by now). i gave her a weird stare (more like a horrified stare cause wtf.) and she just looked away in embarrassment and went back to hugging me and by this time I was like "oh hell no get me out of here". maybe a minute later she suddenly kisses me on the head and leaves
THAT WAS AT THE FRONT GATE. PEOPLE SAW. i wanted to disappear and never come back...like i dont know if she had the wrong idea that i liked her back but what the fuck......it was just so unnecessary....
for the rest of the day i did not feel well about this ☠☠☠
anyways remembering that still annoys me to this day like okay maybe if i had been an asshole and said no to her last hug i couldve prevented that
thankfully the people in my new school are actually sane like holy shit what kind of a traumatizing school did i accidentally enroll in for a year
havent met anyone clingy ever since but I'm never intending on letting anybody hug me ever again unless I trust them
tldr: my old school was borderline traumatizing
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coeurify · 1 year
I did in fact worry too much about it. She took me out to dinner and then we watched the sunset. On the drive back to her house she told me that she's gonna ask me a question and if I'm uncomfy then I didnt have to answer and I could go to sleep or she could take me home if that's what I wanted. I was so nervous because last time something like this happened it didn't end well, but this ended so so so good. She asked me to be her girlfriend and promised we could take it however fast or slow I wanted it and I said yes because that's what I want. My best friend finally answered me and said I should've asked her to wait a bit longer so we could get to know each other more, but she's also the one who told me to go for it? I think my friend is jealous because she only started acting like this after she saw what irl Ellie looked like :( Irl Ellie just told me that she wasn't interested in what my friend thought of her and only cared for what I thought and I'm so happy, but my friend is being so self centered rn and I don't get it. She was so happy for me and now she's just kinda being weird Abt it. We have been friends since freshman year and we are 19 now and she has legit never acted like this at all. She says I talk about irl Ellie too much and that I should check in on her sometimes or maybe spend time with her but I've offered to hangout with her and everytime she's either busy or she doesn't want to be around irl Ellie and I don't get it. I think they'd get along perfectly but my f i nds behavior is so weird rn and I have to figure it out before I pee myself. I also got my siblings out of foster care and they are coming home tomorrow so I'm going home in the morning. I wanna ask irl Ellie to come but I'm too nervous.
GAHHHH THIS UPDATE MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! IM SO GLAD EVERYTHING IS GOOD W HER AND IM SO GLAD UR GETTING UR SIBLINGS!! dont feel nervous abt asking her tho! and im sorry abt ur friend :/ if she cant be supportive thats on her but maybe offer to go out and do smthn w her alone? talk thru it?
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rubiatinctorum · 2 years
listening to the 2006 taylor swift homophobic CD for the meme. thoughts:
the first three songs are BAD. they're bad.
insert picture to burn homophobia here. "shade never made anybody less gay" but she sure tried in 2006 to prove the difference
a place in this world is on thin ice bc my friend says it could apply to a book i really like. its fine. it's nothing to call home about but it's fine
why is cold as you quieter than all of the other songs so far. did anyone look at the mixing for this CD before putting it on the market. shame bc its the best song so far but maybe thats the nostalgia talking
with a debut album like this who needs a flop era
whatever this sixth song is sounds like it would be fun to sing while drunk with friends, just because of those notes in the chorus that flick upwards. also very cheesy. dear god this album is so cheesy please stop im lactose intolerant
am i halfway through this already
ooh a duet? with whom? probably one of those Country Music Television lads from back in the day no?
this song isn't bad. i forget which one we're on. it's not bad. tim mcgraw set my expectations really low you see
there's this next song (stay beautiful?) that the verses are sooooooo bad but the chorus is fun. taylor could write chorus melodies only in this era i think. nothing else is good but by god those choruses sound a bit fun that it kinda rots my hater soul a bit
good evening rubia. you said you own the homophobic edition of the taylor swift 2006 cd. before you you will find 45 free minutes and a CD player, if you bop in your seat a bit and admit some of these songs sound fun, a mallet will come down on your head blasting your brains to bits immediately. listen wisely
do i hear a fiddle? the fiddler is carrying this
OH i recognise this what the fuck is it. i remember this what's the name??? should've said no? the chorus is the best part once again, the verses are hard to get through. 6/10 it's listenable and she doesn't bitch about gay people in this one (i think i'm not reading the lyrics to this)
i'm starting to regret deciding to listen to this whole CD.
I'll never sin again please make it stop
I need to stop being sober
they use this CD to brainwash people into becoming conservatives but it's not going to work on me it's not
"Yeah rubia like your politics were any better than this in 2006." they were actually. i was a six year old but i was a six year old with standards
i could turn this off at any time and delete this post draft and no one would know. there's still time to save myself
oh thank god the fiddler is back. OUR SONG!?!? not the worst song, not the best. nostalgia is assisting me through this one. at least it's kinda fun. at least she's having fun. see i can be a joyful person
never mind the bridge in this one is kinda weak. hey at least it's also short
i survived this CD. don't ever make me do this ever again
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the-cat-chat · 4 months
January 27, 2024
Christine (1983)
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JayBell: My understanding before going into this movie is that it's Herbie but with murder. And honestly, it's kind of true. I will say this movie actually wasn't as silly as I thought it was gonna be. It could've been wayyyy sillier.
My major issue with this movie is how sharp and sudden the transformation of the main character is. Like the big deal is that he makes a supernatural connection with this car, and the car begins changing him. But because the first part of the movie is from the perspective of the friend, the viewer doesn't actually get to see his change from nerdy dude to asshole. He just shows up one day, already full asshole and lacking glasses and with a new wardrobe. It would be nice to see this as a progression and not a sudden change.
The construction of the plot feels odd. It's broken up into segments. The friend's point of view, and then the main character's, and then it switches back to the friend. I also think the investigator guy isn't as incorporated into the plot as he should've been.
It's basically the plot of Carrie, but focused on a young guy instead of a young woman. Well-meaning best friend, controlling parents, supernatural force (aka car) used as instrument for revenge against bullies. It has almost all the elements of Carrie, but Carrie is way more sympathetic and has a more interesting dynamic with her mom.
Rating: 5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I really have no clue what to say other than this is a total experience. And that I loved it while also being simultaneously baffled and cringing bc of the weird behavior or the characters. First off I could see how Arnie was kinda cute (later to realize it’s the younger Matty Healy rat boy look- and then even later to change my mind when Arnie loses his mind). Andrew the old man selling the car?? I’m not saying anymore on him he needs to be forgotten. But let’s divert- the guys at school- ummm they’re all at least 35 right??? Did they really look at them and say sure he’s 17, sure he looks full of youth??? Bc I didn’t. And again the teenagers in this are almost as gross as the Halloween ones- actually grosser maybe. And what they do to Christine?? Annnyway, I really don’t understand his mom’s whole conniption over the car??? And it seemed excessive?? And then Arnie “changes”- can we talk insane??? Love how we get no insight into how he linked up with the girl his friend had asked out- he just shows up at the football game with her. And it’s actually nuts bc his friend gets so distracted he almost, AlllllMoST becomes paralyzed. I think it’s interesting that Christine didn’t do anything but maker Arnie “cooler” I guess until people kept saying that they hate her. Like would everything have been good?? Bc I know she did the same mind control/ killing thing with the guy who owned it before?? But this time it seemed only when there was a threat to Arnie keeping and owning the car. I don’t know cray it’s cray either way. Also???? Just remembered bc the car like bit?? The guy on the assembly line- then killed the other guy that worked there too. So nevermind im wrong I know nothing. And then the murders! And Harry Dean Stanton as the cop?? Who does nothing? And all the other kids that bullied Arnie get murdered too.
I really was wishing that the car was doing all of it alone without taking over Arnie- but alas that’s not what happened and Arnie dies too :( —— I hate how they try fighting the car - and it takes forever- and they’re like Christine will come- ok and your shocked when you kill your best friend??? Why not steal it and crush it with something when he’s asleep, or drive it off a bridge. But nnnoooo. And in the cringy words of the girl - she said it best- and the weirdest/ “we didn’t do so hot” ——- he’s dead!!!! You didn’t do so hot!!!! What!!!! It was his best friend???? And you knew him for what like a month and half that time he was scary/ borderline aggressive and verbally abusive?bc his car took over his mind and soul. Oookkkkk.
Rating: 4.5/10 Cats 🐈
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captainhongjoong · 6 months
thoughts on sweet home season 2 (spoilers!!)
this is gonna sound whiney but that's just because i love this show a lot and my expectations were really high
the pacing this season was so bad imo like the first two or three episodes were so intense, everything was important and there was no time to get over the last thing that happened, but when it got to the episodes that were mostly about the camp/bunker/whatever it got so boring. i didn't care about any of those people because they were either completely flat or they just didn't really have room in the story to make sense or be interesting. except junil my boy who was done SO wrong
hyunsu just fucked off for most of the season? the main character of the series? the best guy? i don't know if this was because of a schedule conflict w song kang or whatever and i don't care
i actually completely forgot about ms. im (?) until i was just looking at the cast to check something. ??? what ever happened to her after she just appeared naked and slimy. there are so many things like that that they just threw in and then never spoke of again
the very end of the season seemed like it was trying to throw two big plot twists at us but it was stuff we already knew? like it was pretty obvious? but they were still like :o the slime monster that takes people's bodies was sangwon the whole time!!! and the lava ceiling monster was eunhyuk!!!!! like yeah. lol. idk it just seemed anticlimactic i mean it was cool to actually see eunhyuk but it wasn't a surprise like it seemed like it was meant to be
speaking of eunhyuk though i am excited because tbh i didn't like him in s1 and i didn't like eunyu either but eunyu was a lot more interesting in s2, so hopefully he'll be better in s3
i also really like mushroom girl but i'm pretty sure that's not how mushrooms work. i mean i could be wrong i don't have any experience + tbf i've never seen a kdrama that knew what drugs did
not to be a sungcheol stan but i miss sungcheol so bad. i don't wanna complain about sangwook as sangwon, because i do think he's cool and his actor has done a really good job, i just wish sungcheol could have stayed longer. bc i love him but also bc there's something cunty about sangwon that sangwook just doesn't have as much
also where is the baby monster??
also i kinda feel dumb like maybe i'm missing something about yikyung? i don't understand why she's sticking to the all monsters have to die thing so hard that it's literally fundamental to her as a person. i feel like she should've been the first to understand that not all monsters are bad. like everybody else is on board with this by now. but her as a monster is so cool i can't be that mad about it
also where is that lady's dog?
anyway i guess s3 will be like... monster squad (hyunsu, eunhyuk, yikyung, yikyung's daughter + eunyu for some reason) vs. sangwon and the military i guess. i still don't really care about the military stuff but yikyung vs. sangwon? yes
eta i forgot to complain about netflix. i am fully a hypocrite bc i really love this bundle of shows that are kind of connected - squid game, alice in borderland, sweet home, all of us are dead, maybe hellbound too - but something i like about kdramas is that the story is almost always intended to be told in one season, and that often requires good storytelling. netflix doesn't care about this, it feels like they're just throwing stuff at the wall and whatever sticks makes it to s2 or s3 or whatever until they get bored and cancel it. it's bad writing and it's disrespectful to the people who actually enjoy the story. it's kind of like, idk, releasing video games that aren't finished but sure are expensive. i don't think it's too much to ask for them to have a plan before they start a series
it's way past my bedtime so i can't be held to any of the opinions expressed here. except i miss sungcheol i always miss sungcheol
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catnherthoughts · 1 year
is it suffering? 3/27/23
how horrible is it that you make me feel this way. both of you guys in a room could make my heart implode. i think eventually i will get over you, but her, im not sure if that can ever happen. your kind is so easy. i barely have to work with men, they simply are infatuated with my being. i can have any man i want expect for you. maybe even you if i throw my dignity out the window. but i can not. and i cant feel any sort of emotions for another man. not romantic at least. the way i wanted to vomit and scrub my skin after i kissed billy bob. the amount of men that tried to be with me. was horrid. i felt shameful in my soul. i felt like a bad person. it is kinda mean to think of you when im kissing other men. i wonder if you do the same. i doubt i cross your mind as much you cross mine. you are a constant thought in my mind and i hate it so much. i kiss other men, talk to them, even try to force myself to have a romantic connection with them to move on. but no. i can't get past you. now i have to do the inner work and i guess i should thank you for that. you are the end of the cycle that has been ruining my life. losing you, someone who i loved deeply, who i shared months of my life with, hurt and hurts me so internally. lost a lot of weight and got prettier because of the gym. i know im beautiful. i know im a lovely woman. as a person, i am pretty sure im great. maybe ill be single and stop focusing on love because i am sure i cannot get it with someone else. no matter how much i try. the hole you left me with gives me room to wonder - a playlist i made a few years ago. maybe you're the reason i'll stop dating men as a whole and they'll scare me like how it was with her. i can't even think about being sexual with a woman. i am a bit scared ngl. i wonder who you'll bring to your formal. icky thought. it could have been me, very pretty woman. but no, you'll be with something.... something def. the fear in your eyes when you saw me see you with the other girl. little do you know i was telling her how you made me sad. you make me a bit sad but if i am being honest now that i am thinking about it, i don't think that it's really you. its what we had, what we could've had, and the idea of you that i have created in my mind. there are many men that are infatuated with me and it is scary. as a woman to know there is amn that can not leave me be. multiple men who stalk me essentially. would you protect me? hold me and tell them to go away. or would you let me be hurt by them? when you told me to close my window so that people wouldn't watch me. i should've listened. you are a wise man. you knew me more than me. you knew you were breaking me so you stopped us. and while it hurts i would be dead right now if we kept us going. and it wasn't because of you, it was because of me. and that is why i need to heal. its just a bit difficult to heal by myself when i am so used to using other men to move on. maybe that was the cycle. i appreciate who you are as a person. you did so much for me that, while it was painful in the moment, was beneficial to me.
sex was the best tho and im nervous i'll never get that again by someone else but yolo
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years
speed. I do my best to answer at a fast time, although in the recent times it has turned into like a week reply-time, at times. I can do faster sometimes too, but before a week, there's no need to check if I got it (unless your reply isn't listed when I do my "to-owe" list).
replies. I more or less do them in the order that I get them back. I try to make it so I always write one thing on Star here, and one from any of my sideblogs in alternating, though, because recently I just had too many Star things and way too few things anywhere else going on. As of writing this, I have more things for my sideblogs that I "owe" than things on Star, but I'll probably still try to stick to this alternating of replies, for now. Also, when it comes to be that both replies (one from the sideblogs, and one from here) would be from the same person, I often change the order to pick something else into today's mix, because I feel like alternating it a little is better.
I usually operate my posting of replies without a queue, I just post something usually on the day that I finished writing it (that is, as long as I have 2 replies done). I'd say something about length too, but outside of that I simply can't do one-liners, I'm fine with pretty much any length I think.
starters. I have some open starters on each of my blogs, if that is what this point is about. Most of my open starters never get replies or not continued long though, so I kinda am doing new ones less and less these days. Writing starters for others, usually only happens after I make a call or if we discuss something. I'm more likely to send things than to write a starter out of nowhere, and I'm very very bad at sending things so that speaks volumes about just how rare it is that I'd write a starter without you knowing so beforehand.
inbox. I admit I had to delete some things from the inbox recently. I still welcome any and all asks though, be they random or from memes or whatever, anon or not. I'm sorry in advance if I will end up deleting your thing though - when you didn't send it on anon though, I'll usually message you that I have to delete the thing and/or why I have to.
honest note. I've said it before, I'm kinda struggling with Starfire at the moment. I feel like ever since I did a few things (reblog memes on here less often, keep my alternating of replies, try to be more approaching of others with the suggestion of my sideblogs) to "fix it", it's become better; I think it's just a matter of oversaturation of Star things and me growing grumpy over the fact that my other muses get neglected. I know that that's no one's fault really, I wouldn't want any of you to force interactions with characters of mine that you may not be interested in, but it still is a feeling I have. That said, here's a link to that overview of my blogs, if you do have interest I'd appreciate knowing that (by telling me, or simply, like, following that sideblog of mine or sth), and if not, that's okay too. I should've done a mainblog-multi instead of all these sideblogs, anyway.
Another thing I maybe should admit to, I do tend to default to the thought of "well they followed me first, so they should do the first step (aka sending sth in, IMing, whatever)" where it's applicable - I shouldn't think that way and I do what I can to ignore that thought and at times try to actively reach out ("do the first step") to counter thinking that way, but, I figured it's probably something I should mention.
Outside of this, I don't really know what to say.
I'm very thankful to have the wonderful amazing RP-partners that I have, and I look forward to having more fun with y'all.
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vanityloves · 3 years
i think i need irls to hang out with bc i cut myself off from the ones i used to hang with since i didnt want to see [redacted] anymore. i kinda came to terms that id distance myself from them bc i wanted her to have them as a support group + i didnt want them to feel pressured to choose a side even though ik we'd be civil.
i dont often feel the urge to go out w/ people and stuff but i kinda do miss that interaction ig. mostly bc i want to be able to connect w/ ppl n idk talk to someone??? its just not the same bc im so used being inside and entertaining myself. i dont think id have the energy to be fun irl.
i rly screwed myself bc i dont think ill be able to make friends irl like i said i could. i think i put too much faith in that jdjdj. it seemed good at the time but oh well i guess jsjd.
also jsjd i know im kinda nice but im not v out going and rarely make the first move i just kinda feel left out bc ik online relationships dont really help in my irl situations and it scares me that ill be alone
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tastyykpop · 2 years
Omg can you do a mark church boy smut?
ɢᴏᴅ's ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ
pairings: church boy!mark x sinner!reader
genre: smut
warnings: dom!mark, sub!reader, spanking (once), public sex, biting, degradation, light praising, eating pussy through panties :D, kinda unedited
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"what do you mean I'm 'too innocent'?!" mark yelled, your hand making contact with his mouth to shut him up, "Im not innocent." he muttered against your hand.
you pulled away with a laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners. never in marks life has he ever been bad. he was literally the definition of innocent and too nice. you recall a few years back when you asked him to sneak out of his house so you could watch the stars during the night. instead of doing so like any normal teen would, he went out the front door with the proudest smile smacked on his face. and right when he smiled in your direction, his mom came angrily stomping out the front door and yanked him back inside. youve never face palmed so hard in your entire life. nonetheless that's only one out of thousands of innocent acts mark pulled. but hey, he's god's favorite after all.
"there's not a single bad bone in your body!" you laughed.
"there is too! I'm not as innocent as you think!"
"tell me about it then." you leaned over the altar, hands under your chin. mark was in a cold sweat, not making eye contact and leaning away from your smirking face. he ran a hand through his hair, messing up the neat locks as your smirk grew wider.
"well um- a-actually its been...um... it was so long ago..." he stuttered, struggling to find the right words to say. nodding to himself, he faced you again. this time your smirk dropped and you rolled your eyes in disbelief.
"youre such a goody two shoes." you shifted your weight on your feet. the church seemingly more quiet then before as it was just the two of you. mark sighed, resting his head on the table top unable to take in the fact that maybe he was just too innocent or better yet- too sweet. he knows he's not innocent and it's such a strong word to describe someone like him.
mark huffed, shoulders rising a little. the air was bitter. "I can be bad... like you!"
"uh huh." your arms rested on either side of mark. he wasn't paying attention but with the heat of your body, he knew you were close, leaning over him with that damn taunting smile of yours. "a bad boy doesn't bend his back for an all powerful being he doesn't even know exists. and praying before you eat your food? what is this, thanksgiving? you gotta take risks. that's what'll make you a sinner."
"like sex before marriage type crap?" marks eyes lit up, you shrugged. "then bend over."
"wha- mark! that's not what i-"
"it counts. plus its in a church thats like.... i don't know- a hundred times more sinful!" he pointed, still you weren't so sure why he had to go down this route. there were plenty more devious roads he could've taken. but fucking in a church? whyd that have to be his go to?
standing for a moment, mark eyed you like a hawk most likely expecting you to comply but you didn't. not yet, anyway. "y/n. come on, what's the harm in doing this? you trust me, right?"
"trust and fucking your best friend are not the same. especially in public!" you grumbled. somehow, mark had a giant smirk dancing on his lips. the deviance in his eyes was telling you a whole story you did not want to hear in the first place.
"woah," mark held his hands up in defense, eyes still holding that same glint. "thought you were all big and tough, where'd all that confidence go?"
the church seemed hotter, or maybe it was your face heating up. either way, you're sure mark was having a grand ol' time with that sly grin of his. it felt like he was taunting you, he did have you where he wanted; quiet and not able to look him in the eye. that's a first. normally it's you calling the shots, making him unable to look you in the eye.
"it'll be quick, I promise." it was a blatant lie that you should've caught on to.
shaking your head, you looked around the empty place. he really wanted to do this in here? that's going against everything he's practiced, almost the worst thing a christian could even think about. and mark lee having this idea in his head was crazy as it is. although, you're not one to double think situations like this. and it's not like you're against fucking your friend either- it's really the least of your concerns. you're a daredevil, you yearn for adventure but...maybe this was going too far.
"I-I dont know. the pastor might come back from confessions. it'll be too risky." you said, hoping he'd nod and forget this all happened, but he didn't. no, something in mark urged him to keep trying, bending you at his will in this damn church.
"weren't you the one who said I gotta take risks to be a sinner? you're the one going against your own words." mark said a matter of factly, you nodded in realization that you did. cursing your big mouth for blabbering like an idiot. "so what's the big deal, scared we might get caught? don't make me laugh."
"the least we can do is go somewhere else. y-ya know... somewhere more private?"
"that's adorable!" he smiled from ear to ear until his smile dropped. "but no." shoulders sagged, mind completely fried. this is insane- marks insane! "bend over."
"unless you don't want this." he raised a brow, but you remained still, not saying a thing as mark nodded, "thought so. now do as I say or I'll make you, and I know you do not want that."
"yeah yeah spare me the details. but if we get in trouble, I swear you'll never see god."
hushing you, mark kept his sights on your hesitant movements. slowly bending over the cold wooden surface, a smile was graced on his lips. you watched as he walked around behind you, surprisingly not as worried as you. strange, normally he'd be the shy one in this situation. though it's safe to say mark wasn't the shy introvert you are used to. you wondered what he'd been doing when you weren't around. he suddenly was more straightforward, flipping your skirt to become face to face with lace panties. how cheeky of you.
body tensed, you heard the sound of his soft sigh as he kneeled behind you. "just for me?" mark chuckled, cold fingers touched your warm skin, heat fading away. he stared, way too long in your opinion, just grazing his fingers over your ass like it was an everday thing. squeezing the fat of your skin, your eyes glance swiftly over pews and the balcony above. marks taking too much time and way too careless.
"mark, come on already. stop staring at my ass..." hands just about gripped the edges of the altar, mark teasing up your slit with little to no care for your impatience.
"be thankful that I'm even giving you this attention in the first place." mark slapped your ass. "I'm gonna savor this moment."
"m-mark-" you let out a breathy moan, "you can do that another time, preferably not in a church!"
marks husky laugh resonated within the church, fingers making hardly any advances to pull your panties off. annoyance clear with how you wiggled your ass in his face, a whine when he only held your hips to stop. and though mark noticed the wet spot forming on your panties, he still didn't push them aside. however, he did move a finger against the patch. quivering and clentching as if he'd dip his finger in. mark ate your soft moans up, grazing against your clit with his middle finger. the hold he had on you was so strong, you couldnt break free even if you tried. because of that hold, you couldnt get more than just his fingers or tongue. his face now closing the space to lick a strip up your clothed cunt, nose pressing to your covered rim that pathetically opened and closed.
you quietly moan into your hand to silence yourself. marks tongue now lapping at your juices that leak through the fabric, his tongue pushing your panties in your pussy. a somewhat odd feeling, but not unpleasant in the slightest. as he continued, your ass pressed into his face for more relief. he didn't stop you, lapping at the fabric and fluttering his eyes. his tongue enjoyed the taste, moaning as he could feel you grinding on his face like he was a toy. the more you continued, the more wet you became. desperately trying to get his tongue to go inside you.
and it did. marks tongue shoved into you, panties pushed into your wet hole as well. more slick soiled the panties, sticking to your core that tightened around his tongue for more. it was greedy, but you needed the pleasure to get off. yet you knew because of the restriction of your underwear, that it would be difficult for him to make you cum. still you humped his face like a dog, yearning for that inch of pleasure that was so far out of reach yet so close, you barely grazed it.
he pulls away, "so impatient, y/n." mark says above a whisper, tugging your panties and letting it go for it to smack against your skin. sound echoing and you nervously tucked your head in your arms.
"I just want you to hurry up!" you wanted to scream, wanted mark to stop playing and do something to relieve the aching in your cunt. if it meant only getting his fingers, youd be more than satisfied.
"and I want a good girl who appreciates anything I give her." mark huffs and mumbles, "ungrateful bitch."
you whined and stomped your feet like a child throwing a temper tantrum, "I'm not ungrateful!" turning around, meeting marks doe like eyes. they were clouded with lust and certainly not the same as the shy innocent boy you knew. he stared yet you furrowed your brows, pushing away your panties to hint at how needy you were. the sight before him sure to make anyone drool for a taste, however he wasn't even looking. only looking at your urgent face that made him smile. he liked making you wait if it meant you'd get this desperate for his cock. you continued, spreading your folds with two fingers, dipping one in as you looked him dead in the eye hoping he'd do something instead of sitting there. "please do something! pastors gonna come back any minute now."
mark finally glanced to your dripping pussy. "let him." removing your hands, a curious glint in your eyes as he suddenly sunk his teeth into your skin. you gasped, vivid teeth marks on your now red skin that looked as if a vampire bit you. "would love to see his face when he sees my bitch bent over for me." without another word he licked the red spot, eyes looking into yours.
"I don't..." you mutter, "we'd be banned for sure."
"worried? that's cute." he smiles before standing up. not realizing how tall he was in comparison to you, you felt small and more than anything; vulnerable. "I guess I should help my needy baby now, shouldn't I?" you nodded vigorously, pressing your ass against his hard length.
steadying your hips, pushing you to the altar. mark took his cock out, sliding easily inside of you. covered in slick, walls sucking him in like he nothing. the stretch making you toss your head back against marks shoulder, moaning almost too loudly. mark had to place his hand over your mouth to silence you, shushing you with a wavering hum. slapping sounds would fill the church soon, bouncing off the walls.
squeezing your eyes shut, faint laughing and voices could be heard down the halls. you opened them to look at mark. he wasn't phased, his mind only focused on pleasing you and himself. but they got louder, maybe closer. the more you listened, you figured out it was the pastor coming back from confessions. has it really been that long already?
"w-wait, mark." you nive his hand, beginning to whisper, "we need to stop. h-hes gonna see us!" his thrusts start to slow, yet they hit so deep inside of you. you thought you saw stars.
"we just started baby, we can't stop now." the footsteps near closer to the closed doors of the church entrance. you were terrified, but mark didn't become nervous of the situation. "wouldn't it be nice if you'd cum in front of him? the look on his face would be priceless." he continued fucking you as if he wasn't a favorite amongst the church goers. even the pastor adored how much time and effort mark put into the community. how will he react when he sees mark in this light, fucking the biggest sinner in town?
certainly not a thing. the feet behind the door shuffled before walking back from where they came, a releived sigh fell from your mouth. finally you could return your attention to mark instead of the anxiety that fed off of this situation. the burning in your chest aching each time his cock hit your sweet spot because of how lewd the situation had become.
"you feel so good!" you cry against his shoulder, ignoring your surroundings and succumbing to the sweet pleasure that he had given you.
"you just love getting off to the fact that we might get caught." he hums, "your pussy gives it away, taking me in like it hasn't been fucked in ages."
in the state of mind he was in, he found he had lost himself in his words. he fucked harder, hips pistoned and his cock twitched everytime you clenched. sucking him in, the wetness from your cunt made him crazy. like a drug, he couldn't stay away. mark needed more, holding your hips to bring them to his. meeting right in the middle, he kissed your cheek all over. reaching your lips, he kissed you feverishly. almost growling as he forced his tongue down your throat. the wet muscle intruding your mouth made you whine, scuffing against it with your teeth.
"doing so well for me, slut" He pulled off. "keep it up. I might make you my favorite."
eyes widen, "I'll be your f-favorite." the room felt hotter as you neared your upcoming orgasm. body twitching with each thrust, it was right around the corner.
"then cream my cock if you wanna be my favorite." mark whispers against your ear, nibbling the lobe. "need you to cum for me."
you didn't need to be told twice. releasing onto him in a matter of seconds, enjoying the wave of pleasure that washed over you. spurring comments, praising mark for making you feel amazing, even worshipping his cock like a brain dead zombie. he kept your voice down so no one could hear, shushing you gently as he pulled out.
"god, youre still so wet." his face flushes after you urged him to continue so he could cum too.
"please, I can handle more."
"dont worry about me. we can worry about that somewhere else." mark hugs your limp body, kissing your forehead. "now let's get you home."
as you frown and agree to leave the building, there's no way you can see him as gods favorite ever again.
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loserrking · 2 years
je pense quе tu es très jolie (I think you are very pretty) — by Valen-tyne-ghost
Quackity x reader
Warnings/Tags : Reader is genderneutral, French, Reader is a bit mean- Quackity is a fucking simp, swearing, the word "pretty" is used in a genderneutral way
A/N : kinda based off the songs "google translate" and "Smitten" by Leanna firestone :]
12:00 AM
You heaved a sigh of relief as you put away the papers and notebooks scattered on your desk, you finally finished your French homework. You decided to rest on your bed, it was clear from the dark circles under your eyes that you were tired. You should take a nap, yeah.. maybe you should do that—
The familiar discord ping sound rang through your ears. Sure,you could just answer that later but the sound kept repeating again, and again, and again, like an annoying alarm clock in the morning when all you wanna do is SLEEP.
Hey [Nameeeee]
Fuck off
So mean... You should really be more nicer to ur best friend 🙄
Oh, shut up-
I just finished homework and Im tired
Oh right...
You took French classes
How's that going for you?
My teacher is an ass
He keeps giving us loads of homework
Pls save me my brain has melted
Nah, suffer lmao
I Told you that you should've took Spanish classes instead
Just cuz ur Spanish?
I'm going to bed
Bye lol
Goodnight Quackity
I still have something to say!
Come backkk
Quackity huffed in frustration. He spammed you a few more times before opting to scroll on Twitter instead, maybe he should've said it earlier? Fuckin' idiot
1:00 AM
The boy continued to stare at his phone, his eyes squinting in concentration. What was he doing? Honestly, the author also has no idea. Maybe he was waiting for something to happen, perhaps he was waiting for you to text him back– speaking of you, what did Quackity think of you? Well for starters, he thought you were really attractive, and funny, and amazing, he thought your laugh was really cute and that your very presence could illuminate the darkest of rooms. To him, your smile would shine so bright in a way that it could rival the sun, and he thought the way you— yeah I think you get it, this boy is Smitten...
1:58 AM
"Fuck it"
Quackity quickly typed the words into Google translate and copied the French version...
....His finger hovered over the send button
The silence was loud... Seriously though, the ticking of the clock made the atmosphere feel even more tense
Tick tock tick tock tick tock......
1:59 AM
A minute has passed, his eyes started to feel sore with how long he was staring at his phone. He was tired... His eyelids felt heavy...
Blinking away the sleepiness, he continued to stare at his phone with his thumb in the same place as before....
2:00 AM
He slid his phone onto his desk as he pushed his chair backwards, forgetting that the chair did not have wheels... So yeah, he fell off his chair but that's not that important right now– His face felt like it was burning, his heartbeat was loudly thumping in his chest
He sent it.... He's still lying on the floor, by the way! .... He didn't expect a response since he thought that you were asleep by now— yeah, well he thought wrong....
It's 2AM and you're wide awake. Instead of actually trying to sleep, you decided to listen to music and make fake scenarios in your head.
The discord ping notified you that someone had texted you. You tapped on the notification banner on the top of your screen.
je pense quе tu es très jolie I think you are very pretty
You read the sentence a few more times until it was engraved in your mind. You don't remember what the familiar French words meant, it's not that you don't listen to your French classes, it's just that it was 2 in the fucking morning and your brain wasn't working at the moment... You eventually recall what the text meant in your tired state. A blush had started to creep up to your face– The fact that Quackity, the guy that has annoyed you to no end ever since you met, took the time out of his day to try to call you pretty in a language he can't even speak...
tu es joli aussi je suppose.. you're pretty too, I guess
And now you have two idiots inlove, quietly smiling and blushing to themselves at 2AM...
Taglist : @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @blooming-mushroom
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