#i think i read all the books before the movie came out too 😭
Peter Pan & Wendy (2023) - Thoughts
A little bit of brief background here; I’m a huge Peter Pan fan. I grew up loving the Disney animated film but the 2003 live action has always been the superior Peter Pan adaptation to me; Peter Pan holds a special place in my heart as my late nan who I was close with used to take me to the panto every Christmas, and my favourite ones were always Peter Pan.
So without further ado: I watched the new Disney’s Peter Pan & Wendy that came out on Disney+ this weekend!
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First, some live watching thoughts:
This movie is literally carried by Ever Anderson as Wendy, like no disrespect to the other cast but she literally carried this film in my opinion
By the way, anyone complaining about it being Wendy’s story is an idiot because the story has ALWAYS been Wendy’s story, ever since Barrie wrote the play and novels. Regardless of which version you watch, it always starts with her lamenting about not wanting to grow up and ends with her acceptance of the fact she must grow up - it’s HER journey, her development.
I have no idea why Disney/Lowery chose to cast two separate actors as Mr Darling and Captain Hook but I’m NOT a fan of that choice. Even in the animated film, they’re voiced by the same actor - it’s a part of Peter Pan tradition to have the actor play both roles, so it’s baffling that it’s not the case here.
I really wish this film had spent a little bit more time BEFORE Peter arrived to show us more of each of the children and also the relationship between the children and their parents. The film opens with a nice little scene of John and Michael sword-fighting whilst Wendy prepares to head off to boarding school, and then she joins them and their father scolds her for “this is how you choose to spend your last night in the nursery” and “you’re too old for this sort of fun”, which definitely works… but it’s very quick paced and it rushed by so quickly, like the film kind of just spends only a few minutes establishing “Wendy is being sent to boarding school the next morning; she doesn’t want to grow up; her parents want her to be a better role model to her brothers” and that’s it.
Also interesting to note that Wendy is not in a nightgown in this version but some kind of pyjama-ish undergarment outfit, plus a dressing gown
Wendy aggressively reading a book in her bed… same though
Nana appears but only in brief moments 😭 WE DESERVED MORE NANA! In this version she’s kind of more just a pet - they never mention that she’s the Darling family’s nursemaid and looks after the children, and there’s a brief flash where (I think) you see a young Wendy cuddling her as a puppy… like??? She’s not just a dog, she is not just a pet, she is the finest nursemaid on four paws because the Darlings can’t afford to hire one.
“I want things to stay the way they are.” “Perhaps I don’t want to grow up.” — same, Wendy, same
“Just imagine all of the things you would miss out on if you didn’t see where it took you… and all the things the world would miss if you weren’t there to do them.”
Mrs Darling’s lullaby was lovely by the way
Yara Shahidi as Tinkerbell is BEAUTIFUL. I love her facial expressions, and even though there’s less attitude and she’s not jealous in this version, I still love her
I know that the film was supposed to film in 2020 but Covid shut things down so they didn’t film until a whole year later, and obviously children grow very quickly… but Peter’s voice is so deep in this version, you can tell Alexander Molony hit puberty during lockdown. I feel bad for criticizing a kid about it because it’s not his fault, but it can’t be denied that he’s older than Peter is supposed to be. Ever Anderson was also 13-14 when filming actually happened, and while it’s slightly less glaringly obvious with her, she’s definitely a tiny bit older than most versions of Wendy. I think it’s more obvious with Alexander though because of the deep voice.
This version makes it seem like Mrs Darling is the storyteller and Wendy isn’t, which kind of bugs me to be honest but oh well
Let’s be honest, no adaptation will ever top the “Flying” scene from the 2003 version - that was a whole masterpiece in itself. This version does do a nice enough job though, all things considered, even if the CGI doesn’t always look quite right
I don’t want to slam how Neverland looks because I’m aware it was filmed in Newfoundland in Canada, which I don’t doubt is a beautiful place - what I will say is that I don’t know if there was some kind of ultra real gritty filter added on it if it’s something else, but to me it just wasn’t colourful enough. Neverland is supposed to be magical and vibrant and like a dream, not 100% rigidly realistic. They could have made Skull Rock shaped at least somewhat like a skull for God’s sake, just as an example
“Smee, make a note my cabin needs a new door.” “Yes… might I say, captain, that’ll be your third door this month-“ “and it won’t be the last.” — okay, I had a little giggle here, I won’t lie
Jude Law’s version of Hook has heterochromia which is definitely interesting - I wonder why it was included though, like what purpose does it serve the story
Wendy meeting the Lost Boys changed from Tink telling the boys to shoot her out of the sky and them nearly murdering her, to her washing up alone and running into them and Tiger Lily, which is definitely a choice
I am genuinely still on the fence about the Lost Boys including girls but at the end of the day… whatever. It’s not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. I still find the “but you’re not all boys” “SO?!?” exchange cringey though, not gonna lie
Wendy’s response to the above being “well I guess it doesn’t really matter”, so true
I think it’s a good thing that the Lost Boys include non white and disabled kids (Slightly has Down syndrome) but also I really hope those kids stay off social media for a while because the absolute nastiness being flung around about them (especially Slightly) is disgusting
The Lost Boys being like “she’s too old” “she’s too grown up” 💀 that and Mrs Darling’s “darling, you barely fit in your bed” comment feel oddly meta and about the actors growing while filming was delayed
Wendy Moira Angela Darling realising her brothers have been captured by pirates: “…oh dear” 💀 the timing of it was perfect though lmao
Tell me that Smee did not just use the phrase “compatriots of you-know-who” in front of a man who played Dumbledore 💀
John: We don’t care about your rules, we came with Peter Pan! // the entire pirate crew eavesdropping outside: *groaning/gasping*
Peter Pan really disappears from this movie at about 20 minutes in (after appearing for the first time only 10 minutes beforehand) and doesn’t reappear until a whole 15 minutes later?!?
“I’ve found you guilty of being a child - and we can’t have children in Neverland” — IS HE FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!?!? (Hook was in fact deadly serious)
Who the hell did Peter think he was tricking with that absolutely terrible disguise, it looks like stuck a mop on his chin for god’s sake?!?
Wendy being shocked that Peter is showing off as if that isn’t his whole personality summed up 😶
“Oh brother, Hook’s singing again” - I CACKLED IM SORRY
“Proud and insolent youth, have at me!” — I GASPED I TELL YOU, GASPED
“Oh, Wendy… you’re still alive!” ASDFGHJKL
“For to die would be an awfully big adventure” - THAT’S THE MONEY LINE RIGHT THERE
“SHE’S A WENDY!!!”, and all that ran through my mind was the Barbie meme:
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Wendy finishing Hook’s sentences and cutting him off each time ASDFGHJKL we love a know it all
AHHHH ITS TICK TOCK THE CROC, I was so scared they’d forget about the crocodile so I’m happy he’s here
“It was an adventure, wasn’t that what you wanted?” “Yes but I didn’t think it meant being shot out of the sky by pirates” — yeah, that’s a valid point I guess
Poor Tinkerbell just twinkling and getting absolutely ignored :/
“You have a magical fairy that makes you fly! And a gaggle of children that do your bidding with a princess that cleans up your messes while you’re off gallivanting with pirates” — OOF, also Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily both smiling and nodding their agreement of Wendy’s words asdfghkl love to see girls supporting girls
Wendy throughout this whole movie is pretty much just the “I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now” meme
You’re telling me the Lost Boys hideout is no longer hidden in a tree but a GIANT tower?!? Not exactly hidden now, is it?!?
Wendy and Tiger Lily together having one of the best scenes in this movie, you love to see it ❤️
So what I’m getting from this adaptation is that instead of the Lost Boys actually getting “lost” and not claimed, Peter waits for them to say “I don’t want to grow up” then whooshes in and brings them to Neverland…
Okay so Wendy is still kind of seen as the storyteller in this version…? The kids ask her for stories so…?
“Wendy can be our mother” “goodness no! I don’t even know if I want to be a mother!” — I have thoughts about this??? On the one hand, I’m a book purist and for me I’m like “she does agree to be their mother tho??? That’s why she was brought to Neverland???” (And also she canonically has a daughter called Jane) but on the other I’m like “fair enough” because a) she’s a child and b) you can’t force people to have children if they don’t want them. Idk
Im 90% sure Wendy’s hair changed from a side parting to a middle parting at some point but I don’t know where or when it happened
Wendy singing a lullaby, which is actually a nice callback to her singing “Your Mother and Mine” in the animated film
You’re telling me Hook and the pirates have never found their huge ass tower hideout and that Wendy’s gentle singing was loud enough to reach the pirates and alert them of their location?!?
JAMES?!? As in Hook?!?
“It’s a kiss - I made it for you” — ITS AN ACORN NECKLACE IM-
Peter and Hook used to be best friends?!? Hook was the first lost boy in this version?!? Lowery doing his own canon at this point, oh my god
This film really missed a trick, like it could have really heavily leaned into the dark side of Peter Pan with the whole “you must never leave” stuff he says 👀
This film really wanted to be the 2003 version so bad, like the moment where Peter walks away after their conversation about Neverland not being what she expected and Wendy calls “Peter!”… it wanted to be the Fairy Dance scene WAY too bad
Imagine walking down their stairs into a room, turning around and seeing your brothers/the whole gang of lost boys tied up and gagged 😳
Hook saying Wendy’s full name and later dragging his hook over the door was creepy ngl
“Captain Hook… I don’t think I like this adventure” *falls down 20 feet* — EXCUSE ME???
You’re telling me Peter survived a) a slash to the chest and b) a 20 foot drop?!? I mean I know he’s magical and all but…?!?
Eyyy Tiger Lily to the rescue, the women truly run this film
“Then listen… *hums awkwardly*” - I genuinely can’t tell if this film is supposed to be this weirdly hilarious or not
Mr Smee was the one who found Hook and rescued him, I’m-
“This is what growing up looks like.” “No. This is what it looks like when you grow up wrong.” - OOF
“Execute every last one of them” sounds so much worse than “become a pirate or walk the plank” like sir all they did was be kids who haven’t managed to hit puberty yet and you’ve got them all screaming like they’re about to be mass murdered (which they are) 💀
Wendy offering herself instead, “they’re only children, let them live!” - ma’am you are also a child?!?
“Let them live, they’ll be good pirates - especially those two” (meaning John and Michael)… I love Wendy stepping up and looking out for her brothers, especially given at the beginning of the film she full on blamed them for the whole mirror situation
Peter being super injured and unable to fly so Tiger Lily has to help him 🥹
Why does this pirate shanty as Wendy walks the plank actually slap hard though?!?
Tinkerbell lifting her little prison up and smashing Smee on the head so she can help Wendy, we love to see it
The fact that Wendy thinks happy thoughts stepping off the plank and it’s not just her childhood memories anymore (like in the flying to Neverland scene)??? She imagines growing up and the things she could do if allowing herself to grow up?!? 😭
The utter silence after she steps off the plank followed by Hook being like “… hang on, there was no splash?!?”
Tinkerbell damn near used every single bit of fairy dust in existence just to lift up the ship and play what is essentially a huge joke on the pirates is such legend behaviour lmao
“You have the boy’s magic.” “No, this magic belongs to no boy!” — HELL YEAH WENDY YOU ARE ALWAYS THE MAIN CHARACTER
I’ll be honest, for a film where Peter is billed first he has done VERY little besides a small duel, get stabbed and nearly die twice
The depressed pirate who goes “well wake me up before one of them kills the other… again” is such a mood lmfao same
It’s interesting that it’s Wendy with the flight skills as she fights and Peter without the flying I guess??
Wendy and Tiger Lily are literally saving every single other character’s asses at this point, like they’re the only reason anything has happened in this film
Rotating the entire ship was not something I thought I’d ever see and yet here we are
Peter falling off the upside down ship and Wendy catching him?!? And the fairy dust rubbing off onto him??? (Literally what even has Peter done in this film I feel bad for saying it but…)
I kind of like the idea that Peter and Hook intentionally don’t kill each other because both of them live for their battles and it’s almost like a game, a cycle, that Neverland lives off of? Idk if that makes sense lol
“Oh captain… Grow up.” - I CHOKED SHE GAGGED HIM
Peter grabbing Hook by the hook so he won’t fall and saying “I’ve got you James, just think happy thoughts”…???
I’ve literally only just realised that the Teddy has a fork as a prosthetic arm 💀
“It’s time to get these lost boys home” - what she REALLY means is “let’s take them back to my place and I’ll tell my parents I’ve adopted ten children on their behalf” 💀😂 that part always makes me laugh in any adaptation/version of the story, I won’t lie
So basically no time has passed in the real world while they’ve been in Neverland? No Mr and Mrs Darling keeping the window open for when their children return???
You’re telling me Peter lived in the exact same house as Wendy as her brothers???? That’s why he kept returning to that house, not because Wendy believed strongly in him or he liked her stories but because it was his old home?? 😶
“I’m just a story, told to any child who’ll listen” - oof true. Kids today don’t really know Peter Pan anymore, which is super sad - they know Tink but they’re not as familiar with Peter Pan these days
“You know, Peter… after all this… I think that to grow up… why, it might just be the biggest adventure of all. Just think of all of the things that could be right around the corner that you’re missing out on. Think of what the world is missing out on with you not being there to do them.” 👏👏👏
Wendy crying as she says goodbye to Tink 😭 “and please don’t forget about me”
Wendy carving her name under Peter’s so now it says “Peter Pan + Wendy” 😭
Hook is still alive?!? I don’t know why I’m so shocked at this point lol
The way Hook and Pan smiled at each other when Peter returned, oh boy here we go again
The end credit animations are so pretty omg
So, overall… it’s not the worst Disney remake. It’s truly not that bad, at least not enough to warrant racist morons bombing it with one star reviews. It’s definitely not a patch on the 2003 version, at least not in my opinion - that one will always reign superior, at least to me.
Some things:
I definitely feel like this film was carried by Ever Anderson as Wendy, she literally did the most and seemed the most well suited for her part overall
Jude Law was actually better than I thought he would be as Hook, Jason Isaacs is still my favourite but Jude is alright
I think Alexander Molony had the right spirit, I just think that he wasn’t given all that much to do and also it was very noticeable that he was on the cusp of adulthood already. Had the film been filmed when intended and not delayed, I think his performance would have come across better
The other kids and the pirates were super fun too, but not really given a lot to do either, which is sad. Would have loved to see more of Jim Gaffigan as Smee though
Yara Shahidi as Tinkerbell and Alyssa Wapanatahk as Tiger Lily were also amazing and big standouts, shoutout to them both!
Mentioned this above but will mention it again: I don’t understand what the point of casting a separate actor to play Mr Darling was. Yes, as I mentioned, there’s the dual casting thing - but also Mr Darling was in this film so little that there was zero sense in hiring a whole other actor to do the part??? He’s literally got a total of like one and a half minutes screentime?!?
Putting the crocodile in just the one single time was a fucking crime, I tell you! Why was he only in one single scene?!? 🐊
The CGI wasn’t the worst I’ve seen but it definitely could have been a bit better
Here’s the thing: the original animation was 1h21 and this one is 1h46… and yet this one felt way more rushed for some reason? It’s like the film hits the basic plots, like ticking them off, but doesn’t actually embellish or explore them properly. It’s just so rushed and the film suffers for it
I truly think this film would have benefited from letting us get to know the Darling children even better at the beginning before Peter arrived, because the most developed of the three is Wendy and all we know about her is she’s going to boarding school and her parents want her to be a better role model/set a better example for her brothers. All we know about John and Michael is that they’re Wendy’s brothers and they like to play fight - they don’t really feel like proper characters, they’re literally just there
I’m still waiting for a Peter Pan adaptation to just bite the bullet and give us that flash forward of Peter visiting an older Wendy, meeting Jane and taking Jane to Neverland - the 2003 version did film it but it’s deleted and the special effects aren’t done on it (you can watch it online but still)
I want to know where in Barrie’s text it says Wendy wanted to become an airplane pilot or that she actually fulfilled that ambition… ?!?!
The soundtrack was good - not the masterpiece that James Newton Howard’s is but still pretty good
Overall, I’d give it a 6/10 maybe. It wasn’t the worst Pan movie or adaptation out there but it’s not the best either, at least in my opinion. It IS one of the better Disney remakes though, and if it had been a bit longer and had a better budget then I’d say it should have had a theatrical release because the cinematography is STUNNING. It’s just that it very much feels like they rushed the story and had a smaller budget than hoped for.
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honeylations ¡ 1 year
- Let Me Be Your Edward Cullen -
Prompt: Being a total book nerd, you wanted to spend your entire day off finishing the entire Twilight novel series but it results in a sulky/jealous Huh Yunjin who tries her best in gaining your undivided attention…Even if it meant becoming your Walmart Edward Cullen.
Warning(s): swearing, jealous/sulkyYunjin, bookwormReader, comedy, puppyvibesYunjin
A/N: Idk how this suddenly came into my mind one day but I couldn’t stop giggling to myself at how cute this is😭
Manifesting YUNJIN CULLEN!!
It felt like ages since you and the girls finally had a day off without constant interviews and photo shoots so you decided to cozy up in your shared room with Yunjin and read your Twilight sequels.
The day you and Yunjin met was your first dance practice. You somehow arrived at the studio early so you sat down by the mirror and buried your face in your thick novel, trying to pass time until your members arrived. Yunjin was the first to walk in, absolutely mesmerised how angelic you looked with your metal frame glasses, long hair and bare face. Long story short, she fell in love with you and confessed her feelings a day after you debuted and you were happy to say you felt the same.
Since then, she knew your love for books. Romance ones especially.
She even gifted you a whole bag of romance novels for your birthday and you managed to read every single one within a few weeks. And you were down to do the same to the Twilight sequel Eunchae bought you recently when her and Kazuha stopped by a book store during their snack errands.
Here you were on your bed, legs warm under your quilt and the book resting in your hands, already half way through the story. Yunjin walked in wearing her own glasses which you twinned with after she begged at how cute it would look. She bent over to kiss your lips before sitting next to you.
“Hey baby” she greeted softly.
“Hi” You responded quickly before resuming your reading.
Yunjin’s brows furrowed as you didn’t use your usual nicknames for her but she shrugged it off. “Whatcha reading, pretty girl?”
“Oh is that the Vampire thingy?” Yunjin asked while peeking over your shoulder as if she was actually interested in reading such a boring novel.
“Oh I’ve watched the movie. It’s kinda cringe, don’t you think?”
“It’s romance! And plus, vampires are so hot” You commented, eyes never leaving the page.
Yunjin pouted cutely. She never thought she’d get jealous over a vampire. She pinched your cheek. “Can I have more kisses? It’s our day off, you know”
“After I finish this novel, babe. You’ll get all the kisses you want”
“But that’s gonna take forever! Look how thick that book is!” She threw a tantrum next to you.
“If you somehow magically became Edward Cullen, then my attention is all yours” You chuckled, flipping to the next page.
Yunjin sat up quickly and squinted, an idea forming into her mind. “Ok then. I’m gonna go and…do something BYE BABE LOVE YOU!” She kissed your temple before bolting out the door.
As she exited the room, she ran to Eunchae who was snacking on sliced fruits at the dining table. “Manchae!”
“Oh hi Unnie. Want some apples?”
“No thank you. You still got that glitter you used for your poster the other night?”
“The silver one? Yeah, it’s under my bed. Why?”
“Y/n won’t give me her attention unless I’m Edward Cullen” The 01 liner frowned and crossed her arms.
“Edward Cullen from Twilight? Im pretty sure she was joking Unnie” Eunchae giggled but Yunjin was serious.
She was gonna die if she didn’t get your loving soon. “Im willing to do anything for her affection, man. I need to find my light brown contacts too, for fucks sake”
“Language, young lady” Chaewon appears, slapping the back of Yunjin’s head before taking one of Eunchae’s sliced apples and popping it into her mouth.
“What’s wrong with you this time, Huh Yunjin?” The leader asked, Sakura and Kazuha coming in and sitting down.
“You look stress, Unnie” Zuha commented.
“Hey relax guys, I’m just trying to fulfil my nerd of a girlfriend’s dreams, okay? If she wants Edward Cullen, then I’ll be her Edward Cullen”
The other members giggled before cheering her on. “You go Huh Yunjin! We’ll help you out” Sakura smiled, making Yunjin’s eyes go wide.
“Yeah! It worries me when Y/n spends the entire day reading a book. She needs to go outside sometimes” Chaewon said, a hand on her hip.
“What’s your plan?” Eunchae asked Yunjin who took a deep breath in.
“Well for starters, I’ll do my makeup and have my light brown contacts in. Then I’ll just cover my body in glitter and recreate that scene where Edward let’s the sun shine on his tiddies and shows it to Bella”
“I don’t think that’s how the scene went but I get the drift. Let’s go to the bathroom!” Kazuha laughed, the 5 girls running upstairs, ensuring you didn’t hear their plan.
An hour and a half later…
The other girls decided to go out and eat ramen after helping Yunjin who gulped and peeked through the door, seeing you still in the same reading position.
“Babe” Yunjin whispered.
You hummed in response, not bothering to look up.
“Remember how you said you’d give me attention if I became Edward Cullen?”
You hummed again.
“Well. Here you go” Yunjin sighed and walked in, standing in front of the window where the sun shone through brightly.
Hearing those words, you finally looked up and your eyes widened as Yunjin started unbuttoning her long sleeve, her light brown eyes looking deep into yours.
‘Oh she did not…’ you thought, trying not to laugh.
Finally popping the last button, she stripped the top off and threw it aside, exposing her shining, glittery body. Your eyes scanned from her shoulders down to her gorgeous abs that sparkled from the light. “Holy…”
“Is this good enough to get your attention yet?”
You smiled and set your book down. “Hmmm, I don’t know. Are you able to carry me on your back while running?” You asked as a joke.
But of course your girlfriend didn’t take it as a joke so she snatch you up and gave you a piggy back before running out the room and attempted to go down the stairs. Seeing where this was going, your eyes widened and you jumped off Yunjin’s back who missed a step and fell down the rest of the stairs with a loud thud.
You gasped. “OH MY GOD, YUNJIN!” You screamed as you ran downstairs and saw your topless girlfriend sitting up, rubbing her head.
“For god’s sakes, ‘Jin, everything I said was a joke!” You said with worry, rubbing her slightly bruised head.
“I was just jealous you were reading that book more than spending time with me. I’m sorry” She pouted.
You sighed and pressed your lips softly against her’s, running your fingers through her long hair. “No don’t be sorry. I should’ve been reading that book another time. I’ll give you all the attention now, baby”
“Was I a good Edward Cullen?”
Chuckling, you cupped her face and squished her cheeks together. “You’re way better than Edward Cullen. My gorgeous vampire”
Feeling proud, she leant in and connected your lips again before pulling away.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You asked with love in your eyes.
“Of course! As long as it’s not Twilight though..”
You laughed and gently slapped her shoulder. “You can choose whatever movie you want, my love”
Yunjin jumped happily to her feet and dragged you to the couch where you spent the rest of the day in each other’s arms.
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munsonology ¡ 1 year
sav maybe its cause I'm like super horny tonight but:
Perv!BestFriend!Eddie. He can't help thinkkng of you as slightly more innocent then him. Of course it isnt that you don't do anything (or maybe you haven't), but you stay at home more often than not whilst Eddie goes out to the bar to play with the band. Eddie would go to high school parties dealing, whilst you would much rather go see a movie or stay home reading a book. He suspects you haven't done much but isnt sure, which is why he always brings up his escapades.
He has mentioned things he's done with girls (and maybe a few guys) and you haven't really mentioned much. He likes to watch you fidget and squirm, clenching your thighs together subconsciously. The way he can tell you are flustered without blushing, makes his heart skip a beat. But you're best friends!! It's okay!! To tell each other!! And hey!! You're best friends!! Let's talk about kinks!! Totally fine!!
So one day you come in to his room, sit on HIS bed, and are like "okay so we are best friends right?" Which he scoffs and rolls his eyes at, DUH of course you are! No one else would willingly hang out with "the freak". You go on to mention how you went on a date- his brain stops. You never mentioned a date. Now he's flustered and interrupting every two seconds "uh best friends don't keep secrets what the fuck". "Well I wasnt sure if it would work out, so I didnt want to mention it". Eddie may be a little pissed but you distract him by saying "I need a favor." "Sorry sweets, can't go on the run for murder again". You roll his eyes and grab his hand, staring deep into his eyes as you say," yeah no, don't need that, but Kyle said I was a terrible kisser snd I want to be better so can you please teach me how to kiss?"
Which is the last thing Eddie expects but of course he will teach you how to kiss!! Only best friends get that honor right?! And hey, let's teach you how to give a hickey too! And maybe once you start grinding on him subconsciously, he'll help teach you how to make a guy feel real good with his mouth
(not that you had any intention for this to turn out such a way I mean cmon its not like you've had a crush on the guy and had gotten off to the thought of him before)
OH MY GOD!!! Bestie your mind has me 🤯 one of my fav types of fics is the character teaching reader sexual things. There’s a fic on a03 I never saved and it was the first Eddie fic i ever read last summer and like the talent on this app, it was a MASTERPIECE! I can’t remember who wrote it tho 😭
The chipotle people hooked my bowl all the way up and now I got the itis so apologies if this is all over the place 😭
I feel like since season 4 came out everyone on this app has synced and we’re all horny at the same time 😭 i can’t be the only one who noticed
But back to you! I love pervy bff Eddie too! I think he assumes you aren’t interested in sex because he doesn’t see you with anyone or talk about sex as openly as he does. And it could be because no one is Eddie and it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. So you focus on other things like school, your hobbies, etc
But when you go out on a date with Kyle (I giggled at this because there’s always a Kyle at school that does the most questionable shit 😭 was it just my schools??) Eddie loses his shit at the lunch table. He had to hear it in the hallway outside mrs. O’Donnell’s class so he couldn’t pay attention the entire class.
And suddenly you’re bringing this Kyle around the party. So he starts bringing his conquests around too. And even tells you in full detail how he fucked some girl in the alley behind the hideout or how he got a bj from the hot plumber fixing his neighbor Janice’s sink. It goes on for weeks like this, he watches how your thighs clench when he describes having a jerk off with Chase from the basketball team in the showers after gym and how Mandy from history class squirted all over the van seats (you did question why the floor was a little damp…). Each story is more than the next and eddie drops his pretzels on purpose just to pick them up (super weird for him because you’ve never known him to clean up anything at home!) and under the table what does he see? Sweet little you grinding your pussy and squeezing your thighs on the bench of the cafeteria bench. He notices the tremble when you cum too 😭
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But it isn’t until you ask him for help with that peabrain Kyle that he takes the opportunity to show you the ropes of sex. And not just fucking! He shows you how to kiss so good any guy would get hard from just that, and how brushes of the arm can ignite a fire. And it evolves to Eddie showing you how to give bjs and handjobs, and he fingers you, eats your sweet cunt (he’s saving your ass for a later time). It goes like this for months until finally you confess that Kyle ended things after 2 dates. You did all this to be closer to Eddie. And Eddie confesses he was showing you how he likes to be pleased, not other guys and especially not Kyle.
You wanna fuck him now! But he wants to take his time with you. Light candles around your room, scatter roses on the bed, worship your body how it deserves because you’re the goddess of his dreams! And you were right under his nose the entire time.
He’s super sweet when you finally have sex too. Guiding you through your orgasm, holding his until you’ve cum at least three times, cuddling. But in the moments after you ask “teddy can you show me what you like and not what you think I like?”
And this opens the door to every kink that’s ever run through his mind! He eases you into everything but he can’t wait to show you how he really uses those handcuffs! But over time he realizes you’re s freak too 😭 and now y’all can be freaky and nasty together!!!!
Which is what we all want right 😌 at least for meeeee 😭 lol
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miitarashi ¡ 11 months
Can u do tintin nsfw headcanons
Bro...not me waiting for someone to ask this so i could have an excuse to write it lol.
Thank you dear anon,i love you unknow person.
So, I'm going to use this and combine it with my idea of ​​making Tintin headcanons to "celebrate" the 30 followers (which took me so long to do and now it is 33 now,i love y'all 😭❤️)
[Name] = reader (neutral i guess?)
Warnings: like the ask says,there will have some NSFW so,if you don't like this type of content,please don't read. But if you read,keep in mind,it's MY opnion, but i would like to see yours on the comments!
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SFW headcanons.
First and probably a real cute one. He's a little awkaward about the physical part.
On the begin,you'll have to warn and ask to touch him so he can prepare himself a bit. Hugs? He'll slowly hug you back. Kisses? He'll be a little taken a back,but will let you do it.
But now,after enough time (a lot,like a year probably) he'll be more open and comfortable to initiate, so much that will become automatic (sometimes he's still going to ask for permission,but less than when you two start dating)
Rough day? He'll wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder,without saying a word,just enjoying the touch.
Before going out he'll kiss your forehead or cheek saying goodbye and do the same when he came back.
Please. Cuddle up with him,after a tired day mostly.
He don't care about little or big spoon. It's literally "a win is a win" for him.
If his the little spoon,he'll hold your hand intertwining his fingers in yours pulling your hand to rest on his chest.
If his the big spoon,Tintin's gonna embrance you and like he always do,his head will fit the curve of your neck and be there breathing your scent while keeping you as close he can.
A headcanon that i really like to think is,when he blush his whole face became red.
Like,think of how cute it would be 🥺
Tintin's gonna make his best to save time just for you.
He know that,because of the adventures,most of the time you end up alone on his apartment. So as soon he came back,he try to make up for it.
Movie night,reading a book together,cuddling,hearing about how your day was,focusing on you all the time he have.
Love language - words of affirmation,quality time and physical touch.
NSFW headcanons
I just know how much this man love your thighs with all his might but being controlled like he is,never let it show. But he does steal some little peaks every now and then.
High thighs. This. This is too much for him. He would feel blessed if you walk over wearing those,want attention? Use it.
Sit on his lap and expect a hand going straight for it.
His favorite place to touch and hold.
If he goes down on you,press his face between your thighs and watch this man becoming mad.
And going down?? Favorite thing. No one can take it out of my mind.
First,he can be in between your thighs. Second,he really like to see your squirming just by what he can do with his tongue. If he use his fingers, you done.
He's good with his hands,he need to be you know? And when i say it,i mean he knows exactly where to touch,kiss or bite.
He discovered it like a good adventure that he is. Everytime he touched you,normaly but you reacted different,he remember where and how.
But hear me out. He is all for the teasing exactly because,again,he know where to touch you without going to the main thing.
His objective is to please you as much he can.
He's probably a switch or soft dom.
Tintin's a gentleman after all,he don't want to hurt his lover. No.
But overwhelm you until you can't take it so he can whisper in a breathless tone:
"You can take it,darling"
Praise kink master. He worship you in every single moment.
"You look so pretty when you beg,darling"
"Keep being a good girl/boy for me"
"You feel incredible,i'm addicted to you"
He don't overwhelm you moving like crazy,no no no,he save stamina fucking you in a steady pace while touching you in every sensitive place he knows,and just after you start whining a bit,he really begin.
Holding your waist in a tight grip (expect some small bruises on those part where he really grip,thighs mostly).
Remember the face always on your neck?
When he really begin,he rest his forehead on your shoulder so you can hear him groaning and whimpering right next to your ear. On purpose. He's not that vocal,so he does it for you to now how much he's enjoying it.
He don't really care that much about the position,as long he can see your face and reactions is enough for him.
He's really open about those things and let you have your way on it.
If Tintin's feeling bold enough,maybe he'll try to tie you up.
He can be controlled,but in the adventures,most of the things don't go as he planned. But having you at his mercy to do whatever he please. This is really something for him.
He'll not do it too much tho,but still...
✨️A little extra:✨️
King of the aftercare.
Shut up and listen.
Feeling too weak to get up? He'll carry you.
Too sleepy after everything? He'll clean you just enough and the next day,breakfast in bed.
Will take a bath with you,wash your back giving little pecks here and there,cuddling up with you and whispering sweet nothings finishing with a "i love you" in a sleepy tone.
Still breakfast in bed,will be a little clingy,just a bit and probably saying sorry about the light (or not that light-) bruises that he did.
Random and fun fact: he was probably embarrassed about Milu hearing so he really bought one of those anti-noise headphones so Milu could sleep and not hear what you two were doing in the bedroom. Or in his office sometimes-
A/N: again,unknow person. I LOVE YOU- i could finally write some of those things about him. Bro,i really loved the last part,it's the most random and funny headcanon that i have lol. And i have even more of them,maybe i make more in the future. OH YEAH AND AGAIN THANK Y'ALL FOR THE 33 FOLLOWERS I LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU😭❤️❤️
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romanestuffsposts ¡ 1 year
Hi!! Idk if it's been done before but🥹 how about daddy!stucky x little reader, where another daddy tries to discipline her; possibly a behavior that stucky lets her do, such as reasoning? like they want her to be heard at all times, and kind of like let her explain herself, so when she tries to explain a like an accident the other guy thinks she's being smart and tries to punish her like she's their little?? I just know they would go feralllll😭😭
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the request, I love the idea!
I Hope you like how I turned it ❤️
Warnings : cries, yell, violence, aggression, stranger, abused, bruises, reassurance, cuddles, comfort, fluff, kisses, mention of reader peeing on herself, paci, bottle of warm milk, stuffie
Pairings : daddies!stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little! reader + another daddy!stranger (not the character from MCU)
Summary : What can goes wrong when you're at the mall with your daddies telling them a funny story that happened at work ?
A/N : Part 2 for the man's punishment maybe ? Let me know lovers
You love the mall, sometimes it’s calm and cosy because there isn’t so many people and other time it’s all noisy but when it came to the mall you don’t really care. Usually you hate when there’s too much noise, it give you anxiety and you feel overwhelmed by everything that happen around you. Maybe you don’t feel that way at the mall because it’s a big building so there’s enough room for many people which means it doesn’t seems that noisy.
That’s why you didn’t chose a noisy job. You like your job, it’s quiet and cosy, it has to be. When you have to read books all day and decide whether they will create a controversy about a small topic or if they will be the next best seller, it has to be quiet. How do you want to do that when everyone talk ? It’s impossible
So when you look through some clothes with your daddies you explained to them what happened yesterday at work. You didn’t get to told them yesterday night because it was too late and you were too tired. It’s a funny story so you need to be awake and ready to laugh when you hear it
Your daddies listen to you with smiles on their face. They always have that smile when you explain something that make you happy or giggly. They have all kind of smile when it comes to you. One when they’re watching you sleep, another one when they watch you play, one when you laugh your lungs out in front of a movie,… and you love all of them
So of course you love explaining stories because you are sure they will have one of their beautiful smiles. You look through some shirts for your daddies ‘’ it was so funny’’ you giggle ‘’are you ready to heaw it ?’’ You ask unable to hide your excited smile
You nor your daddies see the man who is near you since a while now, staring at you with deep and dark eyes
‘’Sure, little one’’ your daddy smiles while poking your nose with his finger
Little one
You giggle before explaining ‘’we were in the middle of our books when one of the man came back with coffees in his hands, he ends up tripping and all the coffees were on the ground’’ you giggle ‘’he wanted to bring to everyone their coffee but he messed up’’
Bucky and Steve chuckles at your story as they keep walking deeper In the store while your staring at beautiful sunglasses ‘’i think it’s silly to-‘’
‘’Talk louder, sweetie. You can stay where you are- where we can have an eye on you, but talk louder if you want us to hear you’’ your Papa says
You lift your head so the sound can go further and you speak louder like your papa asked ‘’I think it’s silly to bring all the coffee at one time. He could have gone back and forth several times’’ you say still watching the beautiful purple glasses ‘’don’t you think ? I would never have done things like him, I would have let some and go back to get them to be sure all the coffees are safe in every hands’’ you add
What you thought were your daddies steps behind you is the steps of a total stranger. He grabs your arm and turn you around in a harsh way making you let out a cry in pain ‘’you think you’re funny ? You think you’re smart ? Who the hell do you think you are!? A grown up ? A big and indépendant woman ?’’ He spits through his teeth. His deep, dark and empty eyes fall into yours ‘’someone asked for your opinion ? No one care what a little baby like you think about the real life! You don’t know a thing about what’s happening around you and you dare speaking like you live that life every day ? When in fact you’re just a baby who can’t do anything without her daddies. When you’re absolutely useless and a burden to everyone around you in your life!!’’ His hand is tights around your arm and you don’t remember feeling a pain that intense once in your life.
You’re too stunned to speak, you’re too hurt to speak. The tears make their way in your eyes as you look into his eyes
Where are your daddies ? Why don’t they come and protect you ? Do they have something to do with this ? Did they asked this man to talk to you like that to make you understand how they felt toward you ? Is the man speaking for your daddies ? Where they too scared to tell you that in your face so they send someone else to do it ?
All kind of horrible thoughts make their way in your mind and the only thing you want to do is pushing them away, far away, just like you want to do for that stranger who is bringing his face closer to you with every passing seconds. You want to but you can’t. Not when all your muscles are freezing
‘´you need a lesson. That’s not how little ones are suppose to act. You don’t speak like that. you don’t value yourself. You shut up and cash in. That’s how it work’’ he adds and starts to drag you out of the store.
What do I do ? Do I scream ? But what if I can’t ? What if I’m not able to scream ? What if the man will be more angry ? What if…
You gasp and all you want to do is to pull your arm away from his tight grip. He yanks your arm toward him sending you a huge pain in all your arm and making you falling forward at his feet. He keeps walking, dragging you with him, somewhere, away from your daddies.
You thought he will never let you go, you thought he will drag you away and nobody would've found you. You thought you'll be alone, abandonned once he will go away. His fingers are squeeaing your arm really hard making you think you're blood can't run in it anymore.
You don't know what to do, you don't know what happen. Everything happened so fast, you didn't had time to look behind you at your daddies, you didn't had time to understand what happened and where you're going
"I'll show you how you're suppose to act. I'll put you back in your place, where you belong to, where you're not suppose to go out." he snaps while walking deeper. Even though there's people here, and the man drags you like he shouldn't to, it doesn't seems to alert anyone. Maybe it's normal ? Maybe not ?
For a second time, everything happen too fast for you to understand. Someone else grabs your arm and tries to pull you to him while another one goes tot he man. You close your eyes, if it's your daddies then it's perfect and if it's not, it still can't be more bad than it was. Ypu feel the mean stranger letting your arm go and you go to run away from everyone, not knowing if you were still in danger or not. You're free and that's what matters, now you have to go back to your daddies before they get worried
"sweetness," Your Papa calls you as he reaches for your arm again. You stop running and turn around, your eyes found his body and once you're sure it's him you run to him. He lifts you up in his arms and sighs in relief once you're safe in his arms. You hide your face in his neck and he breathes your sent.
His arms are tight around you but not in the same way than the hand's man, this time it's in a good way. He rocks you from side to side and shushes you to try to calm your sobs and cries.
All you can do is to let go of everything. You're safe and it's like an open door to all your cries so they can finally come out.
"You're okay now, sweetie. I won't let you go. You're safe. No one can hurt you, i'm here now, i'm here" he whispers in your ear hoping it'll make you feel better
You squeeze your arms around his neck and you feel him taking a big and deep breath. You don't realize how worry they were when they turned around and didn't saw you anymore, how worry they were when a woman who was in the store the whole time explained to them that she saw a man yelling at you before taking you with him. She knews you were with Steve and Bucky so she went straight to them once she found them in the store.
"Daddy ?" you whisper, still scared to look away from your Papa's neck. He strokes your back "he'll be here any time soon, baby" he reassures you. Steve watches Bucky dragging the man out of the mall. He has to keep his anger for himslef even if all he want to do right now is killing him after hurting him. He knows he has to wait for Steve but he still punches the stranger in the face a couple times before putting him into a van driving by Natasha.
They'll handle it at the avenger's home, not now, not here. Right now they're here for you. They'll stay with you as much time as you need and want to. The man will have to wait because there's no way they'll let you alone for handeling that.
Bucky rushes to you and takes you in his arms. He gives Steve his keys and they start going to the car "we're so sorry that we let you alone in the store, we're so so sorry, babygirl. It'll never happen again, i promise you. We're here and we'll keep you safe no matter what" Bucky says sliding his hand under your shirt to stroke your bare back. You hide your face in his neck just like with your Papa and keep sobbing your little heart out
Bucky and you sit on the backseat of the car while Steve drives back home as fast as he can without putting you all in danger. His eyes go fro time to time in the mirror to check on you even though your Daddy is with you, he can't help himself.
You're curled up against Bucky's body, you don't let him go, you don't want to. Now that you have a grip on one of them, you won't ever let them go
Bucky strokes your back and legs until the car stop in front of the house. They trust their collegues to take care of the stranger until they get there.
Steve opens your door and Bucky gets out still with you attached to him like a Koala. They go upstairs and your Daddy lies you down on the bed while your Papa goes grab your pyjama. Bucky carefuly removes your pants and just like he thought, you'll need a new panties and a shower, but that's okay. They knew something like that can happen and even more when you have a very stressed moment. They will never yell at you or punish you because of that
He moves your panties before moving your clothes on your upper body, leaving you naked on the soft bed. He looks around your body to see if there's any mark on you and his blood runs cold when he sees your arm. Your sweet arm now paint with a mixt of colours.He tries to stay calm, for you and for himself. He bends over to stop staring at it and kisses your little belly making you smile a little. He smiles back at you, that's all he wanted, seeing you smile and he succeed
He carries you in the bathroom and sees Steve already getting the shower ready. Your Papa checks the water while your Daddy sits you on the toilet in case there's more who want to come out
He kneels before you and moves your hair behind your ears "my beautiful babydoll" he quietly says while staring at you. You sniff and melt into his touch
Once the shower is ready and you're too, your Papa lifts you up and puts you in the shower while your Daddy leaves the bathroom against his will. All they want to do is stay with you, the last thing they want is to look away from you but one of them has to get everything ready for you, and since Steve didn't had you in his arms since a long time and since he went to grab your pyjama, it's only fair that it's his turn to stay with you while Bucky prepares everything you'll need, such as your paci and Bucksie, a warm blanket and your bottle of hot milk.
As he finishes preparing the couch, he hears his husband coming downstairs with you on his hip. Your Daddy kisses your cheek and helps Steve laying you on the couch. Your Papa grabs the bottle of milk and your paci while your Daddy puts a blanket on top of you, and gives you Bucksie.
Your Papa sits down and rests your head on his laps before giving you your bottle and your Daddy lifts your legs and rests your feet against his laps. Your staring at the tv playing your favorite cartoon while you feel your daddies fingers on your body. Your Papa slides his fingers on your bare belly, knowing it's something who calm you down and who help you relax, your Daddy slides his fingers on your bare legs and bare feet making you giggle softly from times to times when it get too tickly.
They concentrate on you, they can't do otherwise. If they don't concentrate on you, they'll think about him, they'll see red and it's not the time, it won't be good. He'll have his moment too. He'll suffer for making you scared and wanted to touch you, he'll pay for hurting you. The time will come, sooner than expect
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crispycreambacon ¡ 2 months
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I thought I'd share the sketch of this poster/book cover as well as my initial concepts! You can click the "Read More" button for more in-depth explanations on my design process.
Thhis is all for my latest fanfiction, Snip Snip, so if you'd like to check that out, then...
Now let's crack in!
For the release of "Snip Snip", I actually had several different directions in mind! One was a comic of one of the scenes from the fanfic—specifically the one where the Professor breaks down in front of Kate and Joyce with the line "I don't like being a woman"—and the other was a series of doodles showing the Professor's transition. Unfortunately, both directions met dead ends as I couldn't find the motivation to do either. The most progress I made were these sketches.
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If you're wondering, "The first one looks familiar..." that's because I reused that pose for my first promo art! It was too good of a pose. I couldn't waste it :P
But anyways, after a period of getting extremely frustrated over the lack of progress, I realized my main problem: I was biting off more than I could chew. I didn't know this at the time, but I was dealing with burnout from school assignments that made drawing more ambitious ideas like the ones I had very difficult. Hence, I had to scale it down. It made me think, "Why not do something like a movie poster or a book cover?"
That's how the sketches at the top of the post came to be! I consulted a friend of mine over which pose to choose, and he picked the third one which I understand why so. The obscuring of the Professor's face not only made it cool, but it adds symbolism in how we don't really see his true identity—the real him—until his transition. Here's the first sketch!
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As you can see, the title is on the top left corner! However, I moved it to the bottom for two reasons
It's advice I learnt while looking up how to make movie posters since moving the title to the bottom tends to bring more focus to the illustration above.
I couldn't find a font that fits! And the idea of doing typography again (especially after the Keep Yourself Safe poster...) was really not what I signed up for.
But then it left the problem of the top corner looking empty. It was too distracting! So what did I fill it in with? The subtitle: This is their story. The composition is now more balanced, and also the subtitle tickles me.
As I said before, I looked up movie posters for this! Special thanks to the Nashville Film Institute and Muse by Clio for their articles that guided me during this poster making process. I will say though I got really sidetracked watching Filmmaker IQ's The History of the Hollywood Movie Poster 😭 It's really interesting, I'd recommend watching it!
One thing I learnt is that movie posters limit their colour palettes. Of course, this is good advice for art in general, but movie posters emphasize on its colour usage to attract the audience with their simple yet bold schemes. It is a piece of advertisement after all! Following their footsteps, I limited my colours to the primary colours (red, yellow, blue) and purple to make the scissors pop and allude to the nonbinary flag colour scheme.
And from there, it was just a matter of experimenting with rendering! I wanted a mix of pop art and storybook illustrations, so I mixed lineart with lineless, and I wanted to retain the energy of the sketch while still polishing it, so I cleaned the sketch, merged it with the colours, and painted on top of it rather than make a separate lineart layer.
Overall, I'm extremly proud of the end result! The struggle of figuring out the promo art for this fic has been tormenting me since the beginning of the year, so I'm glad to bring it to an end. Thank you for reading my ramblings! I hope you learnt something or at least had fun? Either way, have a good day!!
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heliosoll ¡ 11 months
hello! how's your day? so how was your experience at your harry potter dr? like, day to day in the castle, and outside of it? if you lived the events of the books, how was it??? especially the triwizard tournament and the battle of hogwarts i'm DYING to know what it's like to be in the middle of all this mess.
Dementors, have you come close to any? a chamber of secrets! what it was like to be at school during that? how is the castle?! many people talk about the feeling of home, is it like that there or is it just a castle? have you seen the magical world outside the british bubble? if so, anything interesting?
I see that you have experienced all four houses, do you have any preferences and comments on the differences? if you were close to the golden trio, what are they like? flew on a broom? how it was? TIME TURNER!! if used... comments? what is it like to write with a quill? I don't see how I wouldn't have horrendous writing on this dr honestly
seriously, any detail would be amazing and I'm so sorry for so many questions (english is not my first language btw) hehe 😗
Hi :) My day has been great!
Oh goodness... I don't know if I've said this before but a big reason why I had four separate DRs for HP was so I could experience different versions of the reality! For instance, in the Gryffindor and Slytherin DRs, the main plot of the books and movies here was happening but in the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw DRs nothing was really happening (ie Voldemort didn't exist so we just chilled). Because of this, my experience in each DR was drastically different.
Day to day life is basically exactly what you see in the movies (at least for me it was)! You go to classes, you have some free time, you're able to chill around the school or in your dorm, etc. Every now and then something exciting or scary happens but it really was mostly normal school life (when you aren't getting into life endangering bullshit of course).
I was only in the Triwizard tournament in my Slytherin DR and for me it was more like the movies than the books. It's very intense though! Stupidly dangerous too. The most frustrating thing was not knowing what the tasks would be (I scripted to forget that little tidbit - big mistake on my part). The entire school gets swept up in the festivities, gossip, and betting on who's going to win though and that's actually fun. Not to mention the literal parties when the winner was from Hogwarts. It was really cute to see all four houses come together to cheer on the champion from Hogwarts, regardless of house rivalry.
The battle fucking sucked man 😭 Visually, it looked exactly like the movie! I remember being surprised at how hot it felt? But it was terrifying... I actually did remember the outcome of the battle while I was there but even then the adrenaline rush, fear, and anxiety I felt was so bad. I was genuinely scared that I was going to die or that people who "weren't supposed to die" were going to die even though I knew for a fact it wouldn't happen! I also scripted out certain deaths (like Fred and Sirius) but when it came time for Fred's death, I was really scared he was still going to die (he didn't). Idk... I've been to quite a few "scary" and dangerous DRs but I don't think I've ever felt that scared or anxious about a DR when I knew what was going to happen. I definitely recommend intending/scripting some fucking chill pills cause goddamn 💀 I had absolutely ZERO reason to be panicking that fucking hard
I have come close to Dementors! First, they smell like dead bodies. I don't know if that's in the books, but that's what it was like my all of my DRs. Gross. And by dead bodies, I mean the rotting variety. Stinky. They're also very cold! I think that's canon? When you get near them, it's... freezing. I remember reading a book about them and there were multiple documented cases of people getting frostbite from being near them.
During the chamber of secrets, well, I knew what was happening so I wasn't that concerned tbh. It was definitely scary but I also knew that everything would be okay and that no one was actually going to die. I was mostly worried about trying to tell them what was going on without making anyone suspicious of me.
I did get that feeling of the castle being home! While there was definitely a feeling of nostalgia, it also just happens naturally since you spend so much time there. It's literally a boarding school where you spend the majority of the year living, of course it's going to feel like home. It's really nice :)
I actually didn't see much of the magical world outside of Britain! I did travel to some places of course, but I didn't get a good grasp on other magical cultures. I actually plan to go back one day to travel more!
When it comes to the houses, I enjoyed my time in all of them! They all have their pros and cons hahah. I was surprised to find that Slytherin actually felt a lot more friendlier than I thought. They seriously value family and loyalty - once you're in Slytherin, you've got friends for life (whether you like it or not tbh). Ravenclaw was also a lot chiller than I thought it would be! Hm... I'm not really sure what else to say so let me know if you have specific questions about the houses :)
I got close to the golden trio in all of my DRs :) Personally, I was usually closest with either Harry or Hermione (sorry Ron), though there were a few times in my Slytherin DR where they didn't trust me. That hurt a little but I understood why so I wasn't that sad. As for their personalities, they were more like their book selves than their movie selves but every now and then something from the movie would slip out. (Like Ron being a little more naive in the movies happened a lot during the fourth year.)
Flying on a broom is amazing!! Definitely recommend shifting there just for that honestly. I mean I love flying anyway so maybe I'm biased but it's an incredible feeling, especially once you get the hang of it. I didn't expect to like quidditch since I'm not much of a sports person here, but I ended up really loving it just because I love flying so much.
The time turner was fun! A little disorienting though... I felt nauseous the first time I experienced it. But you get used to it really fast and it feels normal after the first couple of times.
Writing with a quill is just like it is here hahah It's definitely different than writing with a pen or pencil, but you get the hang of it. Just be careful with ink pooling and you'll be okay :)
I hope this answers all of your questions! This got a lot longer than I expected hahah
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havocskies ¡ 2 years
hi u can do vance hopper x shy male reader who loves reading horror books and drawing gore horror stuff
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ofc i can !! i love this sm actually omg, thank you for requesting !!! as a shy horror nerd and someone who loves drawing this will be so easy to write i think
also i know requests are getting done very slowly it's bc i'm trying to work on all of them n most of them are fics 😭 i have stuff goin on irl too </33 also this is not proofread unfortunately 🫶
TWs: none
"What are you drawing?"
As a particularly familiar voice greets your ears you look up, your attention stolen away from your sketchbook. It was your boyfriend who was currently hanging out with you. At the moment he seemed to be watching you draw, looming over your shoulder. In any other circumstance this would likely seem intimidating but he was your boyfriend no matter how scary he accidentally was sometimes.
"A killer from this one new horror movie I saw - Texas Chainsaw Massacre I think? It's pretty cool. I'm drawing Nubbins, the weird hitchhiker dude." You explain, the tips of your mouth being pulled into a careful smile. You didn't often talk this much about your drawings but you knew Vance was genuinely curious, even if he had no idea what you were drawing half the time. He liked horror movies but he wasn't an avid fan like you were. Plus you liked books more than movies, and books weren't really Vance's thing.
"Oh, I heard about that I think. I thought you liked books though?" Vance questioned, watching the careful movements of your pencil on paper with interest. His question made you giggle a little which earned you a small glare in return.
"I do, it just seemed interesting. I can still watch movies, y'know. I did draw Carrie earlier today, though. The girl from that one book by Steven King? She was bullied a lot and got pigs blood dumped on her at prom, went absolutely crazy?" You tried your best to explain the book in hopes your boyfriend would understand but he simply stared blankly, his mouth pushed into a frown. You tried your best not to giggle but Vance looked so much less intimidating while he was confused you couldn't help but find it a little cute.
He didn't find it as amusing as you did. Instead he huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a nerd like you, I don't read every book that I see." He shot back despite nothing being said in the first place.
"I think you'd actually like reading. If you weren't on that pinball machine all day, I mean. I swear you like it more than me." You joke. This seems to spark some amusement in Vance. He laughs, and you laugh in return. Even so, he's quick to defend himself as always.
"I do not! You might as well love your books more, you stare at them more than you stare at me." He playfully pushes your shoulder which may have been a little too hard but you know he means nothing by it. You decide to drop the subject and turn the page to the drawing of Carrie you had finished before Vance came over. It was the scene where Carrie was dying at the end and Sue found her. You liked that scene a lot, it was nice to know Carrie died knowing Sue didn't hate her.
Vance stares at the drawing, his brows furrowed. "What's going on in it?" Oh. You had forgotten he wasn't aware.
"Carrie, the one dying, is kind of reading Sue's mind before she dies. She finds out Sue didn't actually hate her and didn't know what was going to happen at prom. I just like the scene, I don't know." You shrug, dismissing everything else you'd like to say about the book. While you're practically obsessed with it you know Vance doesn't really care for books at all, so you decide not to bore him about it. To your surprise he inquires more about it, anyway.
"What's the rest of the book about?" He seems genuinely interested, his gaze fixed on the drawing as he stares at every part, every detail. You hesitate for a second before answering briefly.
"This girl, like 17 or 18 I think, is bullied at school for being really sheltered by her mom. She doesn't really know a lot and is just kind of an outcast, I guess." You watch Vance's expression and surprisingly he's still listening, waiting for you to continue. You do. "Anyway, Sue gets Tommy to take her to prom so she can have a good time and live her life like an actual person. Her mom's super religious though so she didn't like it but Carrie went anyway. Another group of people poured pigs blood on her while they were crowned queen and queen."
Vance seemed as though he were in thought for a moment before he quickly fixed his expression. "It sounds okay, I guess." He shrugged and tapped his fingers against his arms. He normally fiddled with his pocket knife but you had recently asked him not to do it around you, it often made you nervous. He was understanding, and you knew he would be. Vance was without a doubt scary but you were his boyfriend, he wasn't going to scare you. Not with any harm, anyway.
Instead Vance had a habit of simply sneaking up on you or showing up behind corners while you were distracted. He still took joy in being an absolute menace, unfortunately. You're taken away from your thoughts as your boyfriend takes your pencil from your hand and more carefully takes your sketchbook. You allow him, you knew he had no malicious intent.
Often times when he took your sketchbook he simply wanted to look through it or occasionally doodle. This time it seemed as though he were trying to copy your drawing of Carrie right beside your own. His lips were pressed together and his brows furrowed as he focused, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly more when he messed up and had to erase his mistake. You weren't sure if he was frustrating himself until he threw the pencil down onto the bed and looked at you with a proud grin.
You take your attention away from Vance and look at his copy of your drawing. A small smile is placed upon your face as you study it. It really wasn't that good, but Vance was proud of it and it certainly was a bit better than it normally was. If your drawing wasn't right there you'd be able to guess it was Carrie. Had he been practicing or something?
"You have some competition, now." Your boyfriend boasted, his arms crossed as he looked down at your sketchbook and then back up to you. You snort, shaking your head a little in disbelief. "Clearly. Stop practicing, i'm supposed to be the artsy one in this relationship, that's my job. Not yours."
Vance let out a laugh at your response. "Maybe I will take your place. Be careful." You rolled your eyes in attempts to show your false lack of approval but the smile plastered onto your expression proved otherwise. You couldn't believe it, before you had dated Vance you would've assumed the most artsy thing he was interested in was carving things with his pocket knife. You were proven wrong, apparently.
Whether it was from an actual new interest in drawing or his competitive nature in general you weren't sure, but you weren't complaining. You were glad he at least had some sort of interest in the things your interested in, even if it was just to try and be better than you at it. An idea popped up into your head, an idea anyone else would get punched for even considering. You were his boyfriend though, so you were pretty much safe.
"I'll just beat your highscore at pinball or something. Doesn't seem that hard." You shrugged, taking a quick glance at Vance's expression. He looked shocked, his mouth slightly opened and his eyes wide. You almost laughed but you managed to bite your tongue. As much as you knew Vance wouldn't actually hurt you you couldn't count on him putting you in a light headlock, which was probably what he was considering right now.
"You wouldn't even get close." Vance's voice got lower, his tone nowhere far away from threatening. Still, the spark of amusement in his eyes is still there. He's only teasing.
"I'm thinking about it. Since we're picking up new hobbies and all." You flip through the pages of your sketchbook to try and seem as though this conversation wasn't interesting you in the slightest. You probably just looked a little dumb.
"You absolutely will not!" Vance quickly moves forward and holds you close in a position where you could barely move. You can't help but laugh, your fists flying backwards in an attempt to get out of your boyfriend's grasp. It comes nowhere near working but you can feel the vibrations of him trying his best to stop himself from laughing, too. It wasn't really working that well.
"Vance Hopper I will break that pinball machine instead!" You cackled, finally landing a hit on Vance. By the way he grunted and seemed to almost stagger a little you could tell you had accidentally hurt him more than you wanted to. Before you could even pause and apologize he was back to teasing as if you hadn't even done anything at all.
"I'll just take your sketchbook, then." Your boyfriend stated in a matter-of-fact tone. You barely even get your words out before he lets go and grabs your sketchbook before you get a chance to. Vance quickly gets off of your bed and you copy his movements, the two of you pausing as you wait for the other to move. You move first, grabbing for your sketchbook only for him to let out a bark of laughter and run out of your room. You want to say something but you decide to save your breath for the chase you knew he was likely going to win.
Vance ran from cops significantly more than you did. You never ran from cops, you didn't have to. This wasn't the first time he had unceremoniously stolen something from you and ran, unfortunately. He seemed to find it entertaining and while you did, too in a sense it didn't always end in you winning. Still, you decide to feed his already overgrown ego and chase him around your house in hopes he won't accidentally break anything in the process.
It doesn't take you long to catch up, once you get downstairs you find him waiting right in the living room. The second he sees you, though, he starts running again and you do, too. You dodge various pieces of furniture, almost knocking one of the chairs in your dining room over. Thankfully Vance is much less clumsy than you and as far as you have seen hasn't come close to breaking anything or knocking anything over.
"Give it!" You demand, your breath overtaking your voice as you struggle to get it back. Vance is struggling too, his chest rising and lowering as he stands with your sketchbook on the other side of the table. Rather than a proper response he gives an out of breath laugh. You know you won't get your stolen property back by simply catching him, that boy has outrun probably half of the police officers in Denver easily.
You try your best to formulate a plan in your head. You could trick him, but you weren't really sure how. Even though he had already failed two grades and was easily going on year three he wasn't an idiot. Whatever you quickly came up with he'd definitely figure out without a doubt. Bribery, maybe. The only thing he cares about his pinball, though, and you weren't that keen on wasting money when you knew he'd give it back eventually.
Even so, you wanted to win. You may be the polar opposite of your boyfriend personality wise but you were equally as competitive. You were going to get that sketchbook back on your own.
"I'll give you money for pinball if you give me my sketchbook." You try your best to hide your growing smirk. Vance raised one singular eyebrow, his breaths becoming more regulated as time goes on. You don't need a verbal response to know he's considering and likely wants you to go on.
"Enough for like - a few games maybe? I know you're short on change right now, you were complaining about it earlier at the Grab n' Go." You knew this because you were the one Vance was complaining to. You often watched him play pinball the same as he often watched you draw.
"Okay, deal." Vance shrugs, stepping forward. You know Vance, and you know he's not just gonna give it to you that easily. You're gonna have to be equally as mean if you want that sketchbook as bad as he does. As soon as he walks close enough you waste no time to tackle him to the ground, catching him off guard and causing both of you to tumble into the ground.
Before Vance has enough time to react you grab your sketchbook from his hands and try your best to get up. Instead he grabs your ankle and pulls you down, crawling forward in attempt to grab your own sketchbook from your hands after you had just taken it back from him. You loved him, but the audacity this boy has sometimes is truly unbelievable. Determined to not let Vance take it again you slide it across the floor, causing your boyfriend to pause and curse under his breath.
You could tell he was beginning to take this seriously. You were too, in a sense. You really wanted to win for once and Vance could tell. The two of you rush forward, your socks sliding on the floor of the dining room as you both try your best to get there first. Without thinking you push Vance's face away to try and give you enough time and stop him a little. It works, and you feel your sketchbook in your hands once again.
You decide to not make the mistake of lingering again and bolt upstairs deciding running outside with Vance chasing you would look a little odd without context. You also didn't feel like getting your socks dirty. Your boyfriend wastes no time chasing after you as you make your ways upstairs, the thumping of two pairs of feet on the stairs probably enough to cause an earthquake if you both tried hard enough.
You make it into your room before Vance does and, knowing exactly what he's gonna try, shove it into one of your drawers right after closing the door on his face. It opens right after you shut the drawer closed, leaving you to stand in your own room empty handed and a little nervous. Your boyfriend looks over your room in a frenzy to try and find your sketchbook and quickly gives up, accepting the sketchbook is gone but not yet accepting you actually won.
A proud grin adorns your face, your whole body shaking with leftover adrenaline from being chased around your own house and being knocked to the ground once or twice. Vance stares at you before huffing and sitting down onto your bed, the mattress shifting with the new weight of your boyfriend. You join him.
"So I don't get the change for pinball?" He asks, his voice full of disappointment that really doesn't match his personality at all. You sigh and roll your eyes ever so slightly, the smallest of smiles appearing as you fished through your pockets for change. As you hand it over to Vance his expression immediately lights up and he affectionately punches you in the shoulder, maybe a little harder than necessary. "Alright, thanks." He laughs, putting the coins into his own pockets. You really got robbed twice.
You snort in response and Vance seems to stare at your small bookshelf, his eyes apparently caught on a specific one. You follow his gaze but can't tell exactly which one he's looking at specifically, there are quite a few.
"Hey, isn't that the book you were talking about?" You narrow your eyes in thought before you finally come across the memory.
"Oh, yeah. Carrie. Why?"
"Can I uh - borrow it or something? I probably won't finish it, I'm not a literal nerd like you, but you seemed to like it so maybe it's not that bad." He shrugged nonchalantly, though his fixed attention on the book broke his 'cool guy' facade. You smirk, standing up and grabbing the book from the shelf.
"Sure, I don't mind. Just give it back at some point, please." You can't help but chuckle, holding the book out towards your boyfriend. He gives an indignant snort in response and takes it from your hands.
"No promises."
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BACKSTORY It was a normal day. Well, not normal, but the perfect day. It was a cozy Saturday afternoon, the rain pouring outside your window as you scrolled through tumblr. You didn’t want to leave the comfort of your bed and blanket. As you were scrolling, your Tumblr crashed. Then, your entire phone went blank. You aggressively tap the screen in hopes of something popping up, and it worked. Your phone opened. You went back to Tumblr, but something was different. Where were the book posts? You check your following, but all your mutuals accounts have disappeared. Where did they go? You search for your favourite books, but nothing shows up. You go back to the homepage, and see a post. It read “Where did all the readers of Tumblr go?”. You click to like the post, but in an instant, your world goes black, and you fall unconscious. You wake up, not in a room exactly, but more like an enormous spaceship with a billion devices that looked like it probably came out of a sci-fi movie. Your vision is still not clear, but you get up. It looks like you fell asleep on a chair. You feel something, like water, go on you, but your not wet. However, your vision is clear, if not better than before. You look around, only to see other people. Someone beside you shares the same confused look as you. You see a rectangle square on them, like a name tag. You read it, only too find out it is one of your mutuals? What in the world? You think to yourself “Did I pass out? What in the dreams is this?”. Just as you speak, your attention is brought by a voice.
INTRODUCTION Hello, you might be wondering why you are here. Someone, we don’t know who, has hacked the entire book community of not only Tumblr, but all social media platforms. All books stores around the world are closed and all authors are missing. So yes, the existence of books is gone. Someone, or a group of people have been erasing the trace of books. This is so Fahrenheit 451 coded but anyways- you all have been selected to save it. Easy mission, right? Let’s spend five minutes introducing each other, but we don’t have much time. We’re on a space ship in the middle of god knows where, and even if your mutuals, its best to get to know your other fellow comrades.
just realized how goofy this is 😭😭😭 i might make it like you meet your fictional husbands for extra goofiness COZ WTF IS THIS 😭💀
taglist (changing as people accept): @reminiscentreader
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duchessofostergotlands ¡ 2 months
I think I finally found someone who’s just like me but you’re an online person 😭
I also watch films/tv shows months after it airs or released, or when the hype dies down, because of noise. It’s like, I want to enjoy it on my own, not because I’m too cool for mainstream stuff (lol I’m not, I’m a basic bitch). Maybe because hype ruins things for me and I don’t want to read everyone’s opinions on the show while I’m still watching it.
Last year or was it the year before, when a super popular show came out, everyone on social media was on the side of this one team. When I finally got around to watching it after the season was over, I found myself being on the other side 🫣 so glad I wasn’t watching it while everyone else was or I would’ve been screaming at social media or second guessing myself
Hahaha kindred spirits! So for TV shows I prefer watching things when they're finished. That way I know exactly how many seasons I have, how many episodes, how many hours, so I can pace myself properly and control how often I watch it. I'm not watching everything in one go and then I'm left with nothing for a year. And when I was younger and watching things on TV with my family there were so many shows I loved which got cancelled on a cliff hanger so this way I know the shows which got to end properly and the shows which didn't. I do the same with books.
For movies, I think part of it is just my natural instinct to not do things people are telling me to do lol. I have this innate resistance to anything that feels remotely like a demand. So if someone says "watch this show, you'll love it", even if I probably will love it and they've recommended good stuff in the past, my brain goes "don't you tell me what I'll love, you don't know me" hahaha. I think the noise thing is part of that. I don't like feeling pressured to watch something just because everyone's talking about it. Basically I don't want it to feel like a chore or a task I have to complete. So for me it's not about completely shielding myself from any discussion, it's just about waiting until all the hot takes and the daily debates about the film have died down so I can go into it feeling like I have the chance to actually enjoy it on my own terms. You only get one chance to watch a film for the first time and so I want that to be when I'm ready and when I can take the time to think about the film without the online discourse changing every five minutes with a new opinion. I'm also just very lazy and prone to procrastinating so I rarely see things in the cinema anyway!
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myster3y ¡ 7 months
It was a normal day. Well, not normal, but the perfect day. It was a cozy Saturday afternoon, the rain pouring outside your window as you scrolled through tumblr. You didn’t want to leave the comfort of your bed and blanket. As you were scrolling, your Tumblr crashed. Then, your entire phone went blank. You aggressively tap the screen in hopes of something popping up, and it worked. Your phone opened. You went back to Tumblr, but something was different. Where were the book posts? You check your following, but all your mutuals accounts have disappeared. Where did they go? You search for your favourite books, but nothing shows up. You go back to the homepage, and see a post. It read “Where did all the readers of Tumblr go?”. You click to like the post, but in an instant, your world goes black, and you fall unconscious. You wake up, not in a room exactly, but more like an enormous spaceship with a billion devices that looked like it probably came out of a sci-fi movie. Your vision is still not clear, but you get up. It looks like you fell asleep on a chair. You feel something, like water, go on you, but your not wet. However, your vision is clear, if not better than before. You look around, only to see other people. Someone beside you shares the same confused look as you. You see a rectangle square on them, like a name tag. You read it, only too find out it is one of your mutuals? What in the world? You think to yourself “Did I pass out? What in the dreams is this?”. Just as you speak, your attention is brought by a voice.
Hello, you might be wondering why you are here. Someone, we don’t know who, has hacked the entire book community of not only Tumblr, but all social media platforms. All books stores around the world are closed and all authors are missing. So yes, the existence of books is gone. Someone, or a group of people have been erasing the trace of books. This is so Fahrenheit 451 coded but anyways- you all have been selected to save it. Easy mission, right? Let’s spend five minutes introducing each other, but we don’t have much time. We’re on a space ship in the middle of god knows where, and even if your mutuals, its best to get to know your other fellow comrades.
just realized how goofy this is 😭😭😭 i might make it like you meet your fictional husbands for extra goofiness COZ WTF IS THIS 😭💀
taglist (changing as people accept): @reminiscentreader @nqds @obbsessedfan @hathorneheiress @blocked-zombieartist @1-2-3-letsgobestie @pixiedust347 @skeelly
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phantomram-b00 ¡ 8 months
So I realize I never did an introduction before, untillll now as spooky season is here so why not make-
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Gotcha >:) but as I was saying, I thought why not make one now, (and maybe one day I might make those meet the artist, let see)
Soooo, spooky to meet you, I’m Phantomram…BOO
Sorry had to again. But you can call me Phantom or Ram; whichever you prefer or all together, hey, the world is your oysters. Or ostrich. Just a shy yet very talkative ghost that love to talk about good omens. If you ever wanted to talk, you can just please be mindful, I am shy and not the best with conversations but I’m happy to talk. And uh, if you ever want to ask me question whether to get to know be better or ask anything about good omens, Ahh you can ask in the ask my anything box ^^ but I will reveal info here starting now!
About me:
-Age: 21 (or as my family member say, I’m old.)
-Zodiac: I’m an April Aries!
-height: 5’3 (I’mma fun-sized ghost)
- just to add as I wasn’t comfortable at the time but now I am, I’m autistic ^v^
My scary interest:
-GOOD OMENS! (I love this show and also the book as I’m slowly reading it. I’ve watch this back in 2019/2020? And I love it and waited when the second season came and it did and now I’m loving this show and now going to wait patiently for season 3. But for now, this is my main hyperfixation, and I can’t get enough of it. I love it. But I promise I do have other interest to so let continue 😅)
- Art/drawing/(sometimes) writing
- magic/fantasy
- music (my music taste is haha complicate.)
- books (I love them, I wish my attention span a bit better but I do love a good read.)
- horror movies
- dnd
- oversized jackets! (Specifically the one with the zippers) or trench coats.
- mythology.
- Halloween
Shows/movies/books/games I love:
- Good omens (love love love!)
- Little shops of horrors
- Soul eater
- Coraline (I do wanna read the book tho)
- Star Wars (I seriously still need to catch up to watch Ahsoka aahhhh! 😭)
- Transformers
- Sally Face
- Percy Jackson (haven’t finished reading but I do like it so far and I can’t wait for the show coming up)
-murder drones
- FNAF (yes I’m excited for the movie coming out, I’ve been waiting for this movie since middle school-)
- MK (mortal Kombat)
- owl house/Amphibia/ducktales/Svtfoe
-TMNT (edit: because I forgot to add this Idek how I forgot this)
And more that I can’t think of. I can’t collect them all, I’m not ash Ketchum or any Pokémon trainer. I’m just a ghost on the internet let me have this.
Four random fact about me:
- when it came to doing the MBTI test, my introvert was almost 100%.
- despite being Latine/Latinx I can’t speak Spanish to save my life 😅
- my mom once banned coraline because it was “too scary”
- I learn about zodiac because of animal crossing of all things
“Can I use the ask me anything?”/dm you?: yes! You can ^^ I know some used it (for the ask me anything at least), but if you want to ask me anything go right ahead. I’m happy to answer (almost) anything you like. As for the dm, sure, especially if you’re a mutual I have here, you can ^v^, just all I ask is please be respectful and be mindful. That literally all I ask from you :))
However what I do not allow on this page and imma make this very clear: if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic or just bottom line don’t care about humans rights or any rights at all. Please go and do fucking better and leave me and my fellow ghostly pals alone. Please and thank you very much.
‼️BOUNDRIES: please do not use my ama for donations ask as scammers are using this tactic. If you disrespect this, I will ignore or delete your ask. Please use my AMA for anything else. Any questions. Please don’t cross this boundaries ‼️
And uhh, I guess that’s all. Have a spooky Friday 🤭
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prince-kallisto ¡ 6 months
hey! so i saw the tags you left on that post about wish, and i was wondering, have you listened to any of the songs from it? if not, then i wanna provide some context for one of the things i mentioned: there's a song called "at all costs" and without context, it sounds a lot like it could be a romantic duet. i've seen that before the movie came out people theorized that magnifico was singing about his wife amaya for his part of it! but then, in the actual movie, it's a duet between asha and magnifico and they're both singing about... the wishes that magnifico keeps trapped in these little balls in his study. and how both of them want to always stay right beside the wishes, keep the wishes safe in their arms and fight for the wishes at all costs because nothing else ever made them feel so happy. it even turns out that in the original demo for the song, the lyric "i wanna promise as one does" was "i wanna love you as one does"! so people have been using this to back up the idea that star may have been meant as a love interest for asha at one point. and i believe it because the song feels so out of place with the way it's actually used lol. also i share your feeling of being absolutely obsessed with the original concepts for wish, i keep feeling tempted to buy the artbook so i can read all the production info for myself and admire the art, when i didn't even like the movie very much 😭 seeing the concept art people have shared on here just makes me feel like there was so much lost potential in it.
OH MY GOODNESS 😭😭😭 I listened to the song just now, and I’m??? I had to reread your ask to make sure, because the song sounded so romantic that I had no idea what the context was 😭😭😭 It’s honestly a very beautiful song, so like you said, it feels very out of place on how it was used. The reveal of that demo lyric definitely makes it sound like it had an entirely different context. It’s very strange that a potential romance song seems like it was repurposed in such an odd manner. It is funny to see the comments on this song though, as some people even want this song at their wedding haha! It shows just how misplaced this song is, if the villain of the movie and the protagonist (who have no romantic relationship or ties at all) have their duet interpreted this way. I suppose if you really think about it, the context is there, but musical storytelling tends to be a bit more clear with the motives and story, y’know? 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
I haven’t really listened to the other songs, as some of them I immediately didn’t like haha. I DID listen to Magnifico’s “villain song” of “This is the Thanks I Get?!” And…yeah. I really wanted another Disney villain song again and I adore King Magnifico’s design, but that song is very strange, especially with how odd lyrics that don’t give Magnifico a villainous appeal or motive really. I think it would’ve been really cool if the song brought in leitmotifs from previous villain songs? I’m not sure how to describe it haha, but I can totally imagine a bit of Scar’s theme of “Be Prepared” get involved in the chorus of the song when Magnifico says “And this is the thanks I get?!” I don’t know the next thing about songwriting though haha, but as a 100th anniversary movie, they really should’ve gone all out with at least the villain song.
And right?? The peeks of the concept art is so stunning to me. It’s almost funny when they show us the concept art and how gorgeous and unique it is compared to the final product🧎 Clearly the concept artists and writers had beautiful visions in mind, and just the still pieces of concept art feel infinitely more lively than what I’ve heard about the movie. I’d love to see the full concept art book too, I’m just amazing at the skill and imagination of the artists! I’m still very surprised at the song you recommended me to listen to haha, the vibe was completely different than I expected. \(//∇//)\ Thanks for the ask, the topic of this movie is so interesting to me and what could’ve been haha 🥲💞💞💞
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mangomybeloved ¡ 2 months
Tag gameeeeee
I was tagged by @shrikeofficial <3 TYYY FOR TAGGING ME SHRIKEY ILUUU!!
1. Are you named after anyone? For my online name Luna, I named myself after Luna Lovegood from h*rry p*tter (this was WAY back in 2014 before r*wling's terfism came out so :///, so now i just associate it with the moon instead!). If you mean my irl name, I don't think so? I think my parents just liked the name.
2. When was the last time you cried? I think I cried recently while transcribing my mom's old recipe book (it just made me so nostalgic seeing all the old phone numbers in it and lil kids doodles in there and the recipes)
3. Do you have kids? nope!
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I used to do kickboxing last year, though stopped cause I found it too rigorous after a while. I was never really a sports person growing up, though sometimes I wish I had been!
5. Do you use sarcasm? sometimes!!! though not often, I think when I'm feeling snarky, I do!
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? Hairstyle is a big one for me! I think then clothes and style and often, their smile too!!!
7. Eye color? so dark brown, it's basically black! (at least it says black on my driver's license so)
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I adore both, but I love a happy ending! It's just always so sweet to see the characters and story resolve in a way where everyone's content and thriving!!
9. Any talents? I wouldn't say I'm really good at it, but I've been drawing and writing and trying to sew recently!! i'd like to think i'm very good at baking and cooking!
10. Where were you born? India!
11. Hobbies? drawing, writing, cooking, baking, origami (recently got into this!), sewing (keyword: trying to), reading, talking to my friends and i want to get into photography! (remains to be seen)
12. Any pets? sadly no pets atm! I used to have birds for a bit, and then had a cat for a while, but now sadly, no pets :(. I'm hoping for when I get a stable job and can live on my own, to be able to get a cat someday!
13. Height? 5'2!!!
14. Favorite school subject? LOVED LOVED english class and history, as a kid i'd read the big books for literature and history for fun, cause i was so obsessed with learning anything abt history and reading any story i could get my hands on
15. Dream job? as a kid, it was a librarian tbh!! loved the idea of sorting through books and reccing people's books and getting to be able to give library cards to kids/anyone who wants one! right now, my dream job would be any job that pays well enough that i can do my hobbies and not worry tbh 😭
I tag anyone who wants to do this!! So if you wanna do this tag, feel free to say I @/ed you!
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caluski ¡ 8 months
Was tagged by @ikonofilizm to do this little tag meme, and what can I say.... I cannot pass by the opportunity to talk about myself.... thank you Zefi 😁😁😁
Last song:
Khruangbin's last (I think? Or second to last?) tour album came out today soooo.... 😀😀😀
Favorite color:
salmon pink.... Forever and always a classic.... Wonderful on everything from a cocktail dress to bedroom walls.
Currently watching:
Ranczo 😁 took a bit of a break but I'm back to it now.
Last film:
Godzilla 1954. Bc I was making a fancam for Dr Serizawa last weekend. Such a beautiful movie. In general I have a weakness for Japanese war movies.. They're so heartbreaking in such a different way than the European ones. I also have shin Godzilla downloaded too because I haven't seen it before, but maybe before that I wanna explore some more of Japanese 50s movies.
Currently reading:
........nothing at all......... But I actually so look forward to going to the library first thing after I'm officially unemployed. I have a few books about the occult to reserve!!!!
Sweet, spicy, or savory:
why is sour not an option 🙁 it also starts with an s! So sour it is 😁😁😁
Relationship status:
too busy longing for love and tenderness in the most pathetic way to be desired by anyone !!!!!!!
Current obsession:
Renewing my wardrobe! I've worked this job for 4 years and I was focusing only on wearing whatever is comfortable for manual labor instead of what I actually like, so now I wanna find a new job and I want my clothes to match my style! Crazy about thrifting and accessorizing to refresh my look!!!!
Last thing I googled:
Tumblr media
Currently working on:
a commissioned digital portrait I struggle so much with 😭😭😭 giving me so much doubt about my skills....
Tagging: @slavicafire @moldavite @ptactwo @lottieurl @ferdydurke @geminipdf @skrzynka @boycannibal @spiderlegeyelashes @kuminemo 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
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hey!!! I’m sorry but I have been consistently reading your ‘Monstruo Cosquillas’ fic I love it so much 💔
I was thinking of an idea where Jake introduces this ‘monster’ to Steven too?? Maybe Steven gave a playful insult and Jake just goes >:O or maybe Steven pulled a similar prank that Marc did?? And Jake does all the similar things he did to Marc, like the raspberries and nibbles and everything :’)
(I absolutely love your writing btw ♥️♥️)
Monstruo Cosquillas Two
Summary: See prompt above :)
(All of you guys are so sweet and precious ❤️ I do not deserve any of you 😭 Enjoy Anon!)
Steven crept down the hall to his flat. He was late getting back from his work shift, but he wanted to jump scare Marc and Jake.
Those two loved scaring the crap out of him when they came home. He would be completely absorbed in a book when two hands would come around behind him and taze his sides or one of them would whisper in his ear to startle him.
Steven quietly opened the door to his flat and saw Jake on the couch. He was engrossed in some movie on the TV screen.
"Yes!" Steven quietly cheered as he carefully closed the door.
Jake didn't even budge.
The youngest sunk to all fours and crept forward. When he reached the back of the couch, Jake shifted forward.
As he did, Steven froze, but then relaxed when no further movements were made. He then crouched onto his heels.
"3 . . . 2 . . . 1!"
Steven jumped up and tazed Jake's sides. "Raaar!"
The squeal that left Jake's mouth had Steven cackling.
"Steven! Me asustaste muchĂ­simo!"
"Aww, what's wrong Jake?" Steven squeezed his friend's shoulder. "Did the big scawy monstewr get youw?"
The older knight grumbled a retort at his younger counterpart.
"Just returning the favor mate." The youngest turned on his heel and started down the hall. "Anyway, enjoy the movie. I'll just be celebrating my bloody victory."
Steven took one step in the direction of the hallway before he was grabbed.
A moment later he was yanked over the back of the couch and pinned on his back.
"Ah! Jahake! What ahare yohou doing?"
Jake used his knees to pin Steven's hands. "You want to be a monster hermano?"
Jake slowly rolled up the youngest's shirt. "Then let me introduce you to the scariest monster known to man.
Steven's eyes went wide when Jake wiggled his fingers toward him.
"Prepare to meet . . . monstruo cosquillas."
The youngest knight squealed as Jake dug into his sides."Nahaha!"
"Awww, what's wrong Steven?" Jake teased. "Did the big scawy monstwruo get youw?"
"Nah! I wahas supposed to gehet you!"
The older knight dug into Steven's lower stomach, a sweet spot for the youngest. "For which you have not apologized."
Steven's laughter became higher-pitched at the change in spot. "NAAHAHA! PRAT!"
"Then say it."
Steven shook his head. He refused to yield just yet.
"Fine. Your choice."
"No! Wahait!"
Jake rushed his head forward to blow a raspberry into Steven's stomach.
Steven squirmed and kicked his legs as his laughter turned squealy. Out of the three of them, Jake kept his facial hair constantly grown out to atleast a stubble. This made his raspberries even better.
But Steven would never tell Jake.
"Are you going to apologize?"
The youngest knight shook his head again. He still wasn't going to yield.
Jake shrugged. "Como quieras amigo."
A genuine shriek erupted from Steven's mouth as Jake started nibbling across his lower tummy and scribbled his fingers across his sides. Occasionally, the nibbles were broken up by a stubbly nuzzle before promptly returning to the nibbles. Steven was proud of himself for lasting almost a full minute of the ticklish torture before he finally tapped out. "OKAHAHAY!"
Jake stopped the tickles. "Okay what?"
"Ihim---Ihim *hic* sohorryhy."
"For what hermano?"
The youngest knight bit his lip.
Jake lightly spidered across Steven's tummy. "For what?"
"Ahh! Ihim sorry fohor scaharing yohou!"
"That's all I needed to hear." Jake climbed off of Steven. "Lo juro, obstinado. Como tu hermano!"
The youngest knight curled into a giggly ball and wrapped his arms around his stomach. "Yohou clotpohole."
Jake felt a little guilty for torturing his friend even if it was in the name of revenge. And even if both Steven and Marc looked so adorable when tickled.
Instead of commenting, Jake grabbed a discarded sweatshirt off of the back of the couch before helping a giggling Steven up into a sitting position.
The youngest eyed his counterpart suspiciously as his arms were lifted and his work shirt removed. "Jake?"
Jake lifted up a reassuring hand once Steven's head was through. "Amble. Amble. No mĂĄs cosquillas. No more tickling."
The older knight then pulled the sweatshirt over Steven's head and then over his arms. Jake then draped the work shirt over the couch so it wouldn't wrinkle before draping a throw blanket over Steven.
Steven snuggled under the blanket. "Thahanks mate."
"You're welcome hermano." Jake carefully lifted up Steven's head. "Now prudente."
The older knight sat down in the spot before carefully laying the younger man's head in his lap.
Steven snuggled up to his friend. "Thanks again Jake."
Jake began to run his fingers through Steven's hair. "You're welcome hermano. Now it's sleep time."
The youngest's eyes were already starting to close as he yawned. "No! I wanna stay out here with you."
"You can do both." Jake switched to gentle head scratches. "Now dormir."
Steven didn't put up much of a fight. He was tired from work and the tickles, he was warm, and he was comfortable.
Jake smiled as his younger counterpart drifted off. "Love you hermano. Sleep tight."
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