#i wanted to blur the letters in the last gif but i don't have the energy lol
bixiaoshi · 7 months
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Link Click Appreciation Event - @linkclicknet
Day 6 ⟡ Favorite OP/ED: Dive Back In Time by 白鲨JAWS insp.
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usergif · 10 months
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HOW TO: Make Animated Neon Text
Hi! No one asked for this tutorial, but this is one of my favorite typography effects as of late — so I thought I'd share how I do it. You can see this effect in the first gif of this *NSYNC Celebrity set and the last gif of this Anthony Bridgerton set. Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop. It's also exclusively in Timeline and uses keyframes for the fading effect seen on the blue text.
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1.1 – Choose a dark scene. This effect looks best contrasted against a dark background. You can definitely do it with a bright background, but just like a neon sign irl, you only turn it on in the dark/at night — so keep that in mind! 
1.2 – Determine the length of your clip. Depending on how much you want your text to flash or fade in, you'll want to make sure you have a scene long enough to also allow the text not to flash — reducing the strain it takes to actually read the text. For reference, my gif is 48 frames.
1.3 – Crop, color, etc. as you would. New to gif-making? Check out my basic tutorial here!
Before we animate anything, get your text and any vectors laid out and formatted exactly as you want them!
2.1 – Finding neon sign fonts. It's easy as going to dafont.com and typing "neon" into the search bar!
2.2 – Fonts I used. Neon Glow by weknow | Neon by Fenotype | Neon Bines by Eknoji Studio
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And to not leave my fellow font hoarders hanging, the font for "tutorial by usergif" is Karla (it's a Google font) 🥰
2.3 – Group your text layers. (Conditional) If you plan on having multiple text layers like I did and you want them to appear connected (like how the last letters of "NEON" and "sign" intersect with the wand icon), I suggest putting the layers into groups according to color (the shortcut to group layers is Command+G). If you don't group your text and just apply the outer glow settings to each individual layer, you'll end up with something like this:
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—where you can see the glow overlap with the line, instead of the smooth connection you see in my final example gif. I'm using 2 colors for my text, so I made a group for red and a group for blue.
2.4 – Apply Outer Glow. Right-click your text layer (or your group if you have several layers) and select "Blending Options" to open the Layer Style menu. Check "Outer Glow" and feel free to play around with the settings until you like the way your text looks!
Your outer glow color should be darker and more vibrant than the color of the text itself. The text should be within the same color family but much brighter and, sometimes, almost white (see Step 2.2 again for my text colors).
Here are the settings for the Red Glow (the glow color is #FF3966) and Blue Glow (#00F0FF):
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These aren't always my exact settings but they're pretty close to my standard. I always set the blend mode to Hard Light and usually have the opacity at 100%.
For every gif I use this effect on, I like to play around with Spread and Size. Spread will make the glow look denser and "expand the boundaries" (source: Adobe) and Size will diffuse the glow and blow it out so it covers a larger area (Adobe says it "Specifies the radius and size of blur").
2.5 – Duplicate your text layer/groups and remove glow. We're only going to be animating the glow on our text, and since doing this affects its opacity/visibility, we want to preserve the base text by creating a duplicate.
I just hit the Command+J shortcut to duplicate my groups and delete the Outer Glow effects, making sure that the "No Glow" version is above the "Glow" version:
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I also put all these groups into one group called "Text" for organization and so I could apply a drop shadow to all the elements for better visibility.
This is for the effect you see on the RED text in my gif!
3.1 – The 0.03-Second Rule If you've read any of my animation tutorials before, you're probably already familiar with this rule. In my experience (and for reasons I can't explain), Video Timeline pauses every 0.03 seconds (try clicking the forward button a few times, you'll probably find a "duplicate" or paused frame). So, keep all your layers a duration of 0.03-second increments (e.g. 0.06 or 0.09 seconds can also work) and align them on the Timeline at 0.03-second intervals. If you don't follow this rule, you'll get duplicate frames when you export, resulting in a choppy final gif.
3.2 – Trim and arrange your text layers. Only on the layers/groups WITH the Outer Glow effect, trim them into several segments of varying lengths where the glow will be "on" (visible) and leaving spaces where the glow should be "off."
Typically, I'll have a mixture of 0.06 and 0.03-second text. That's when the glow will be visible. Between each "flash" of visibility, I've got a 0.03-second blank space, baby *pen clicks* and I'll write your name:
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The layers shown above are arranged with a few flashes and two long segments of no flashing. This is the order and duration of each segment shown above (purple = visible segments):
0.06 blank, 0.06 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.24 visible (the long bit where "FLASHING" doesn't flash at all), 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.12 visible
(I only did this for the text that says "FLASHING" to give it a glitching effect. The other red text keeps the glow visible starting at the first long segment.)
This is for the effect you see on the BLUE text in my gif!
4.1 – Animate using the Opacity Keyframe. Again, we're only touching the layers/groups WITH the glow effect. If you only have one layer of text, you'll find the Opacity Keyframe by clicking the film reel icon:
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If you're working with groups like me, you'll find it in the Timeline panel under the group when it's expanded:
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As you can see, I already added my keyframes (lil diamond babies). And luckily, it's super easy to do!
4.2 – Add the ending Keyframe first. We're starting at the end because our layers/groups are already at 100% opacity. Drag the playhead (the blue arrow attached to the red vertical line) to a spot where you want the glow to be 100% opaque — this is where the glow will be fully "on" or visible. [Again, follow the 0.03-Second Rule. You will get duplicate frames regardless when using keyframes (this will be explained in the note in Phase 5), but abiding to the rule will mitigate the amount of dupes you get.]
Then, click the clock icon by "Opacity" to place a keyframe:
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4.3 – Add the starting Keyframe. Go backward from the ending Keyframe you just placed (I went back 0.12 seconds — but you can play around with the duration of the fade, just keep it a multiple of 0.03):
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And drop another keyframe, this time by clicking the diamond icon by "Opacity":
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4.4 – Reduce the opacity on the starting Keyframe. Keeping that keyframe you just placed selected, go to the layers panel and reduce your layer's/group's opacity to 0%:
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Now, this Outer Glow will slowly fade from 0% to 100% opacity.
And just for a visual aid, here's where my fade-in keyframes are in relation to my flashing segments:
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To refresh your mind, the 0% Opacity Keyframe starts when "FLASHING" is visible for 0.24 seconds (the first long segment of visibility).
With these keyframes, you'll get a smooth fade-in à la ✨light switch with a dimmer✨
Yay, we're finished! Convert from Timeline back to Frames and export your gif!
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NOTE: If you only did the flashing effect and followed my 0.03-Second Rule, you shouldn't have any duplicate gifs. BUT if you included the fade-in effect using keyframes, you WILL have duplicate frames. 'Tis the nature of keyframes. 🤷‍♀️ I had 4 extra frames where the fade-in starts, which I deleted. So, as always, I recommend checking your frames when you convert from Video Timeline back to Frame Animation — and manually delete any duplicate frames.
Sorry this tutorial is so long 🙈 I over-explain so you're not just mechanically copying steps, but understanding the WHY behind each step! Thanks for bearing with me
If you have specific questions about this tutorial, feel free to send a message to usergif and I'll try my best to help! :)
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lilbitdepressed27 · 2 months
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: Deaf!Reader. Takes place during Scream 5
Warnings: violence
WC: 3.9k
Author’s Note: hope y’all enjoy :D sorry for any mistakes.
Tara watched with a lazy smile as you tried to teach Sam sign language. While Sam had been gone in the past five years. She had met you. You had been a new student freshman year, she had been quick to become your friend. It had been so easy to befriend you. It was even easier to fall in love with you. Even with her relationship with Amber, she did feel guilty for falling out of love with Amber. But the more her feelings grew for you, the more she realized maybe she wasn't in love with Amber. And even though she had broken up with Amber a while ago now, in the hopes of gathering the courage to ask you on a date. She still couldn't find the courage.
She had been told by Wes that you had been by her side the moment she was out of surgery. Refusing to go to school and to stay by her side. It warmed her heart, the way you cared about her. The way you had cried when she finally did wake up. She had been so scared, scared that she'd die without ever telling you how she felt. Die without ever seeing your beautiful face.
Now as she laid on the hospital bed resting, she watched as you smiled at Sam. A silent laugh escaping your lips at how wrong Sam mostly signed her own name. If this was her second chance at life, she wasn't going to waste it.
You had been scared. Afraid of what Tara had gone through, how she almost died. It was why you refused to leave her alone. You had stepped out when Sam typed on her phone if she could speak to Tara alone. You had nodded respecting her want of privacy. With kiss on the top of Tara's head, who smiled up at you. You signed that you'd be right outside.
You were skeptical of Sam's boyfriend. You weren't sure why. He just gave you a weird vibe. So you avoided being around him. When he had asked (by text) you to go with him to grab snacks you politely declined.
It wasn't long till you saw the door open. Sam coming out of the room. Tears blurring her vision. You stood up straight going to where she leaned on the wall. Quickly taking your phone out and typing in your notes.
Is everything okay?
You watched as she wiped her tears before taking your phone from your hands in a gentle manner. Her fingers hesitating over the letters before typing. Handing your phone back to you.
Please just stay with her, don't leave her alone. I have to go figure some things out. I'll be back soon. Okay?
You nodded. Softly squeezing her shoulder in a way you hoped came off as reassuring. With a nod she walked away. As soon as she walked away you went into the room. The sight of a sobbing Tara breaking your heart. You were quick to go to her side when she raised her arms a clear sign of wanting comfort.
Tara had regretted the moment she yelled at Sam. But the emotions had been strong. The fear she felt had doubled tenfold. Now she knew the person that attacked her wasn't random. Someone had targeted her to get to Sam. The daughter of that, murderer. Sam was nothing like that man. Even though she had no idea what or how Sam had spent the last five years. But she knew in her heart Sam wasn't like Billy.
Having your arms wrapped around her. Your hands careful not to hurt any wound of hers, your fingers gently creasing her in way that had the butterflies in her stomach to flutter. Her head resting on your chest. Hearing your steady heartbeat was enough to calm her down.
From the moment she woke up she had noticed your hearing aids were not in your ears. Making you completely deaf. Your hearing aids helped you a lot more than anything. With your hearing aids you were able to hear some things. Like how you always smiled when you faintly heard her voice. The way you smiled when ever she spoke, the way it made her feel was unexplainable. You had once said that her voice was like the softest melody to your ears. It was something that had her ears red from how hard she had blushed.
But with the hearing aids gone. You couldn't hear. Wes's mom had told her that you were the first one in the hospital. It had been 2:00 in morning when you arrived at the hospital still in your pajamas. The pajamas that she had gotten you, the ones of your favorite superhero. Wes had brought you a change of clothing with some toiletries. But he had also forgotten your hearing aids.
Talk to me. Are you okay?
Tara read the text, taking the phone to use the dictation seeing as she couldn't use her other hand to type.
Sam's father is Billy Loomis. It's the reason why she left five years ago. It's why ghostface attacked me. To get her to come back to Woodsboro. I don't blame her for the attack. I could never blame her for that but. I kicked her out of the room and I feel horrible. I let my emotions get the best of me.
She laid her head back on your chest. Waiting for you to finish reading what she typed. She felt your hands move to type.
What you're feeling is valid. What you went through was traumatic, I can't imagine what you're feeling. Sam's hurt I won't lie on that part. She said she'll be back soon. Get some rest, I'll wake you when she gets here.
Tara let out a sigh, her eyes closing momentarily. After reading the text. Breathing in your scent, you had showered and changed in the bathroom connected to her room. You had always had a scent that calmed her. You in general were always one to calm her down. There was just something about your presence or maybe it was the fact that she was in love with you. Or maybe it was both.
"I wish you knew how much I love you." She spoke softly into your neck, a spot she knew was sensitive. She felt your shoulders go up a bit, small sound escaping your lips, one she knew very well. It was the closest thing to a giggle you would let out. She felt your arms gently moving her body closer to you.
Get some rest.
You weren't sure what woke you up. You hadn't realized when you fell asleep. You had tried to stay awake. Making sure to protect Tara cause that asshole was still out there. But you must have been a whole lot tired than you thought. You looked around the room. It was barely lit, the lights had been dimmed down and tv was shut off. Tara was still fast asleep in your arms.
So what woke you up?
After successfully getting out of Tara's grip you made your way to the door cautiously. Opening the door to what was supposed to be a some what busy hall. But it was empty and you were positive it was quiet as well. A hospitals hall way should never be this empty. There's always at least one nurse around. You looked back at Tara who was still sleeping.
You just had to make sure everything was okay. But you had a nagging feeling of, dread? Something was making you feel uncomfortable, like you should go back into the room. You looked down the hall, straining your ears to hear something, anything. But you heard nothing. Debating whether to go check on the nurses that were at the nurses station.
Your steps were quiet, well you hoped they were. You knew ghostface was still out there. The more you walked towards where the nurses should be. The more your palms became sweaty. You felt your body freeze in fear at the sight of the dead officer. The same officer that was supposed to be guarding Tara's room. His body laying in a pool of blood, along with the bodies of two other nurses. You stumbled backwards. You felt this sense of someone being behind you.
With only seconds to react as the blade was quickly swiped at your face. You had dodged the knife, barely. Ghostface was here to finish the job. But you wouldn't let it happen. It would have to kill you before this bitch could get to Tara.
A loud crash had startled her awake. Upon hearing what had sounded like glass shattering she was quick to look for you. The dread filling her stomach when she didn't see you and saw the door wide open. She heard a struggle happening down the hall. Along with the heart monitor going crazy. She struggled to get up. But the more she heard the struggling the more determined she was to get up. She had to find you.
Crying in pain when the stitches of more than one of her wounds pulled. As she got on the wheelchair. By the time she got on to the wheelchair, she was already sweating from the pain she was feeling. She heard groans and then what seemed to be someone. Crashing through a window.
Moving the quickest she could with just one hand, her bandaged hand only being able to do so much. To wheel herself to the door. Getting to the door when another loud yell of pain echoed through the halls. This time she was able to hear the scream a lot clearer. The scream rattled her bones. Gripped her heart in a tight fist. Those screams were yours.
She moved quicker. Ignoring her own pain to get to you. Moving the best she could. Going into the now quiet hall. But she could see obvios signs of a struggle.
Tears filled her eyes. She feared on how she'd find you. Moving further down the hall. Towards the mess, the broken glass. Stopping when she heard a groan. Not caring for her own safety. Desperate to get to you. But the further she went the more the dread filled her. Eyes widening in fear at the sight of the dead cop. The amount of blood on the floor.
She moved towards the broken glass.  Only to stop when she heard footsteps coming from a room
"Hello Tara, looking for someone."
You had fought the best you could. But the more you fought. The harder ghostface fought back. You had been successful in kicking the knife out of its hand, but they had used their fists. Punching and kicking you, whenever it could. You tried to fight back. But this ghostface seemed to know all your weaknesses. Even with that, you weren't one to quit. Especially since Tara was not even a few feet away from you.
But ghostface had gotten the upper hand. Being able to hold you down with its body. They had gotten the knife back, before they had your arms pinned to your side. As they looked down at you. Their weight holding you down. Toying its knife into your already bloodied wound. Before forcing it in, the pain being so over bearing. The scream that ripped through your throat. You may have not been able to hear it but it must have been loud. Ghostface waisted no time in covering your mouth.
The knife was left buried into your shoulder as it stayed on top. Slapping your cheek to make you look at them. Your vision blurred from the immense pain you were feeling. But you saw the hand movements.
You stole something that was mine. And now you're going to pay for it.
You were left confused. Your mind racing, trying to figure out what this nut job could possibly be talking about. As far as you could tell you had gotten along with everyone. Well as best as you could. You usually kept to yourself. Ever since you moved to Woodsboro. You had always been respectful to others. When you had befriended Tara, people had even tried to befriend you as well.
Ghostface reached for their knife, twisting it before taking it out. His hand covered your mouth as the scream of pain ripped through your throat.
You felt a new sense of fear as you heard Tara's voice. You didn't want her to see you die. You didn't want her to feel any type of guilt. You knew her well enough to know that she would find any reason to blame herself. You were then forcefully pulled up. Being led back into the hall way. Your eyes quick to find Tara.
"No, no please. Leave her out of this, she has nothing to do with this." She sobbed trying to find anything that could help you. She couldn't lose you. Not now. Not ever. Your face was covered in blood along your shirt. The way your eyes shined with worry. Worry for her, not yourself who was in the arms of a psycho. The knife was dangerously close to your neck.
"Oh Tara. That's where you're wrong. She's a thief, and now she'll pa-"
The knife had been pulled from your neck, enough time for you to elbow Ghostface in the stomach. Taking advantage of having the upper hand to continue beating on this crazy bitch. Being able to pick up one of the IV poles. Beating down on Ghostfaces back. When ghostface failed to move. You were quick to turn around facing Tara. You needed get Tara out of the hospital.
You watched the little relief Tara had, disappear. Replaced with fear, her face morphing into one horror as she screamed. You couldn't hear her scream, but you knew she was. You didn't have a chance to respond to the sudden change of facial expressions before you felt a sudden pain coming from the back of your skull. The pain causing you to lose consciousness for what felt like hours.
You regained consciousness in an elevator. The back of your head still ached, the ringing in your ears felt almost felt like you could actually hear. The warm sensation of hands cupping your cheeks, is what caused your eyes to finally open. Only taking a second to find the pair of eyes you wanted to find. Tara was hovering over you, her face scrunched up from the amount of pain she was surely feeling. Her eyes filled with tears, you could feel her body shaking. You were sure she was sobbing.
You had barely registered the other people in the elevator. Or the paramedics who were trying to help you. All you were worried about was Tara. The fear that coursed through your body was still very much present.
With a mild concussion, some buries, cuts and stitches to the stab wound you received had been deep enough to need stitches. But thankfully not too deep to hit any vital points. You had been told about the plan of getting the hell out of Woodsboro. And Tara didn't have to beg for you agree. You would follow Tara to ends of the world, if you could.
Being in the car with Tara, Sam and her boyfriend had felt sudden. Agreeing that the safest thing to do was to get out of Woodsboro, ignoring anything said by Gale Weathers and Sidney Prescott. You had seen the way the two older woman spoke to Sam. As you helped Tara into the car.
The feeling of Tara taking your hand to pull you into the car drew your eyes back to Tara. Being able to read her lips as she spoke slowly. "Come on."
Taking her hand in yours as you sat next to her. Reaching over to put on her seat belt. Your face heating up when she leaned a bit forward to kiss you on the cheek. Your face wasn't that far from hers. The way smiled at you. Her lips moved, your eyes taking in how soft they looked.
"Thank you."
Leaning back in your seat to put on your own seatbelt. Hoping the car was dark enough for anyone see how  flustered you looked.
Wait down here. I won't be long.
You nodded at the text on the phone. Tara offered you a smile before going up towards the room. With her inhaler missing, she needed her spare which was at Amber's house. Seeing no problem with Tara keeping her spare at her exes house who she was still friends with. Tara had told you that when she broke up with Amber, Amber had been respectful, Amber had been hurt but she accepted that Tara didn't feel the same anymore.
You had always thought Amber had taken the break up quite well if you were being honest.
Staying in the corner of the living room as the party guest left the house. Seeing Sam follow Tara and Amber. Richie leaving to what you assumed was the basement. Mindy and Lev talking, you saw the suspicious look Mindy was casting towards Lev. You looked Lev with a small smile when she turned towards you.
How are you?
Yea I'm okay. What about you lev?
Lev returned the smile and shrugged. Doing okay, I'm going to go look for Chad. With a nod she walked away. You sat on the other side of the couch, looking at the tv but not really watching. Your mind wondered, trying to figure out what ghostface meant when it called you a thief. You've never stollen from anyone. You tried to come up any suspects like Mindy does. But you came up empty. You would ask her but she was drunk and clearly too into the movie.
Which had been ironic seeing as she was watching Stab.
The sudden change had happened quickly feeling the rapid movement had your head snapping to the side. Seeing the familiar black cloak. You had tackled ghostface off Mindy as he stabbed her. It had been easy for ghostface to get the upper hand. With Mindy being drunk, you're injured shoulder. Sam thankfully arriving on time to smash a lamp over ghostfaces head.
Quickly checking you before going to Mindy. You hated not being able to hear. Ghostface had been right behind you and you hadn't been aware. You stood up the moment Tara and Amber came into the living room. Tara quickly moving to you,  her uninjured hand cupping your jaw.
Are you hurt?
With a shake of your head you took her hand in yours giving it a small squeeze before she moved to check on Mindy. You watched the moment Lev ran in, her hands covered in blood as cried. Her lips were moving too fast for you to understand. Along with Amber's who seemed to be more angry than scared. You desperately wanted to know what was being said, why everyone looked scared at Lev the more Amber spoke.
Even with your hearing being absent you felt the vibration of the gun. Saw with wide eyes as Lev fell to floor lifeless with the gunshot in the middle of her forehead. Seeing the change in Amber's eyes as she held the gun, smoke still coming from the end of it. You saw her lips move but you couldn't tare your eyes away from the gun.
Everything was starting to make sense. The way Amber's attitude changed the moment Tara broke up with her. How Amber became a bit more aggressive towards you but if Amber was ghostface. That means it had been Amber to attack Tara. To almost kill Tara. Amber had been the one to attack you and Tara at the hospital.
The moment her eyes connected to yours it had been like a switch. The gun pointed at you.
Tara didn't hesitate, the moment she realized the gun was now pointing at you she lunged forward. Before she could fire the gun like she had done to Lev, she had been fast enough to move the gun to fire at the ceiling and not at you.
You had moved to go to Tara but a rough hand had pulled on your wrist preventing you. Pulling your wrist from Richie’s hold before he could reach the basement. Once you were out of his grip you ran back to the living room. Your heart thumbing like crazy in your ears.
There was no one in the living room. Just one Tara’s crutches. You only had ever been at Amber’s house a hand full of times. Never being able to remember where everything was at. So seeing that Tara was no longer in the living room was causing you panic even more. You had to find Tara.
Sam heard screams, the moment she came out of the basement. Screams of pure pain, a cry she’s never heard before. When she got closer to the clear struggle, she came to face with a horrifying sight. A bloodied Amber standing over you, your fingers were bleeding and broken, your face slashed in way that was clearly going to leave a deep scar.
“Oh hello Sam. You like my work. It’ll teach her not to be a thief.” With a final kick your face, rendering you unconscious.
Waking up with bright lights shining down on to you was blinding and painful. The ache coming from both of your hands had almost been overwhelming. The curtains had been closed before you could really take in, where you were at. Your eyes refusing to open until, a familiar hand cupped your cheek. You’d be able to recognize the hands anywhere. The size, the warmth, the softness.
Opening your eyes to see the beautiful face of your best friend looking down at you.
Tara had remembered the moment she snuck towards the kitchen. Seeing your body unmoving on the kitchen floor, she had picking up the gun and shooting Amber with out a second thought. Amber had been someone she deeply cared about. Amber had been her best friend before she had been her girlfriend. But the girl she had killed. The girl who had almost killed you. That was someone she didn’t recognize.
Feeling Tara’s hand on your ear, you realized she was putting on your hearing aids.
“Can you hear me?” The smile on your face was just the answer she wanted.
“Are you okay?”
Your voice was soft barely a whisper but she loved it either way. The relief she felt when she watched you open your eyes the afternoon after everything happened. You had been asleep for the past 14 hours after Richie and Amber were put down. The pure comfort, calmness she had felt so over come at seeing your pretty y/ec eyes. It had been enough to make her cry.
“I’m okay. We’ll be okay.”
Sam watched from outside the room. Watching how her little sister looked at you Tara cared for you. How she had cried for you. Now she understood why Amber called you a thief. You hadn’t stollen anything physically. But you had clearly taken Tara’s heart. Something Amber never had.
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writing-in-the-impala · 3 months
Secret Smokes (Part 13)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 2698
A/N: This chapter is unofficially called PERCY STFU. Anyway, updates will happen every two weeks from now on as I'm about to start a new job and work such insane hours that my free time will be limited but don't worry there will be more updates and less Percy.
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 13, Next Chapter
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Remus was sitting at his desk in the classroom, marking papers as he waited for Percy to arrive. A part of him was glad that Percy wouldn't be speaking to Minerva, but he didn't want to encounter Percy either. He was ready to fight for you, lose his job for you, whatever it took, last night just further solidified it. He couldn't concentrate on the words in front of him he just kept thinking about the wolf, your patronus was a wolf just like his. Was it pure coincidence? Did it mean something? He had no idea but the biggest question was if it would be a wolf if you didn't know him? He was lost in his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Percy walked in, head down, the room felt tense immediately. "Percy please don't sit down for your detention you will be cleaning the bookshelf, I want you to dust each book, clean the shelves and sort them back by categories." It was weird to Remus to speak to Molly's son like this, worlds and lines were beginning to blur.
"Professor, how can you give me detention if-"
"I didn't. Professor McGonagall gave you the detention." Remus cut him off.
"Don't you think it's hypocritical of you to punish me when you're the one in the wrong?" He snapped back.
"Listen here boy, you need to understand your place, I am your professor-"
"And as such, should you not understand yours, before you invite students into your bedroom?"
"I do not appreciate these accusations Percy Ignatius Weasley." Lupin was beginning to raise his voice and shout at the boy.
"I saw her come back home in your sweater."
"And did it not come across your mind, that maybe, she fell asleep on the sofa as she had too much to drink and I gave her it so she's not cold travelling home in last night's clothes? Did that not cross your mind before you sent me a letter threatening me? You know that behaviour could get you expelled." Remus was now shouting.
"But she didn't come back to the dorm last night, and she looks at you the way I want her to look at me."
"Percy you've known me since you were a baby. I am a man of my honour. I have helped your parents many times in the past and I'm grateful for their acceptance of my condition, but I do not understand why you are making this narrative up in your head.  Especially in regards to me." Remus wasn't proud of his words but Percy was becoming too aggressive towards his current relationship with Y/N and he needed to stop him.
"I'm sorry professor, I didn't think about it, I just thought-"
"No you didn't think Percy."
"But she spends so much time here, she comes to your office every night."
"It concerns me that you are spying on my office door and on your fellow student. However, you are correct she has been coming to my office often because I am helping her pass her exams by trying to teach her seven years of missed lessons in a few months. I am trying to help her, I don't appreciate my goodwill being thrown back in my face by the son of my friends. Do you understand why I am so upset with you Percy?" Percy looked down at his feet, he knew he messed up.
"Professor I feel I may have misunderstood the situation." Percy began.
"Start with that shelf." Remus said as he left the room and went into his office. As soon as he closed the door he let out a long shaky breath. You were going to be the death of him. He knew you were worth it but the problem was your close proximity to the Weasleys, it meant that his personal, professional and love life were extremely intertwined.
He wished James and Lilly were still around, he would go to their house for a coffee tell them everything and they would laugh about how he was getting so wound up over a girl. James would tell him not to panic and Lilly would give him a warm hug before telling him she'd love to meet her. He'd organise a day where you met them and you would be nervous but he would know they would love you. He'd try to calm you down as you got ready but you would keep telling him your hair isn't right, or you should change while he would calm you down, eventually you'd show up to the Potters. After a few minutes you would get comfortable, you'd warm up to James first as you would get along with the same music taste, but you and Lilly would bond almost immediately after. Within a few months going around to the Potters, would be a weekly activity, Sirius would join too, Remus would feel comfortable leaving you alone with his friends while he went to help in the kitchen, you would feel like part of the Marauders family. He wished for all this, to experience it with you, to speak to his friends but he knew it would never happen. He enjoyed his relationship with you but he craved normality, to hold your hand, to visit friends, to kiss you goodbye. If only he could take you out to dinner, or on a date he would be a happy man. However on the other hand he couldn't offer you much, he wasn't a rich man, he was burdened by his condition for at least a week each month and he felt like he was getting old.
He checked his watch at an hour had passed so he let Percy go. When Percy walked into the common room he didn't even glance in your direction, he walked straight past you and straight upstairs. You didn't hear from Percy for a few days, Remus explained to you what he told Percy and you let him in on you're conversation with McGonagall. Things seemed good, until the next time you spoke to Percy.
You were relaxing in the common room with Fred and George when Percy asked to speak with you. "What's up?" You said as you moved to a more private part of the common room.
"I wanted to apologies for the other day." He began and you nodded. "I was under the impression you and Lupin were hooking up but Lupin explained everything, he told me how you and him are no different to the other students he tutors, it was me who read into it too much."
"It's okay Percy." You said.
"I'm still not comfortable knowing you two have probably fucked but I understand that's normal for him and his tutoring, and it gets results I mean even you have begun to study it all makes sense." He said with a straight face.
"I didn't sleep with him." You said firmly it felt like he was apologising just to get you to admit you have slept with Remus.
"So it's just the Slytherin girl he's sleeping with?" Percy asked.
"What Slytherin girl?" You asked a bit too quickly.
"You know the pretty one, dark hair, super tall, she could almost be a model, I saw them kissing as she entered his office for her tutoring today." He explained and you felt frozen. "Anyway I just wanted to say sorry that's all, I hope we can still be friends." You nodded in confirmation before ending the conversation and going back to sit with Fred and George. You didn't say a word for a while before you excused yourself and left the common room. Your mind wasn't thinking straight you just needed to know if Percy was telling the truth, a part of you knew he may just be trying to upset you but what if he wasn't? Percy didn't usually lie.
You got to Remus's classroom almost immediately, you could barely remember the walk over, you knocked on the door and there was no answer so you opened the door for yourself. The room was empty, you felt relief, and that's when his office door opened. McGonagall and Dumbledore walked out the room followed by Lupin. "Miss L/N, lovely to see you to what do we owe the pleasure?" McGonagall asked as she noticed you, Lupin's face had a puzzled and concerned look.
"Sorry I knocked, but there was no answer I just had a question for Professor Lupin regarding an essay he set." You explained. "But I can come back later."
"Nonsense, I'm sure he can help you." McGonagall said looking over and Remus who was at the bottom of the stairs along with other teachers.
"Yes, how can I help you?" He said clearing his throat.
"I was just stuck on which book I should use for the analysis of Hinkypunk, as I can't find anything useful on the reading list." You explained and he nodded.
"I have one in my office that will be useful follow me." And so you did walking into his office which had a silencing spell on it so you knew you could speak freely. "Why are you here Y/N? I told you I'm busy today." He said looking a bit annoyed.
"Percy said that he saw you kissing a Slytherin girl who was coming into your office for tutoring and it got to my head." You explained looking down at your feet in disappointment.
"so you decided to execute a raid?" His tone was harsh.
"You're angry."
"I'm not angry I'm just disappointed." You looked up at him, he was looking straight at you while he leaned on his desk.
"Disappointed? Oh no that's worse than angry."
"I'm just disappointed I can't stay with you here and take you to my room this instance." He said coming to kiss you. Your heart melted at his words. He understood you. "Just next time my dear, please don't let Percy's words get to your head. You know how I feel about you. Do you really think I would risk it all for someone less special than you?" He asked and you shook your head.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay dear, now take this book." He picked a book off his desk. "I'll see you later today?" He added and you nodded. You left his office first, thanking him and saying goodbye to the other teachers.
Later in the afternoon you returned to Remus's office after checking the Marauders map to see he's alone. You considered yourself an idiot for not checking it originally when Percy lead you into what you believed was a trap, he must've known that Remus was with fellow teachers so he wanted you to storm in there, and in your haze of jealousy and distrust you did just that. When you arrived to his office it smelt like hot chocolate and tea, you were greeted by the usual warmth of Remus. He gave you a soft kiss as soon as you entered his office and gave you a cup of hot chocolate as you both cuddled on the couch, his arm around you as you sat with your legs up snuggled into his side. "I'm sorry about earlier." You said and he looked down at you with a warm forgiving smile. "Don't be darling."
"I should've been smarter, I just let emotions take control."
"I'm glad you care about me so much as to storm down here at a mere rumour. Makes me feel special, but please know I would never do something like that, we may not know what we are but please know I'm committed to you." His words were filled with genuine love.
"I didn't think you'd really do something like that but the way Percy said it, it all went to my head." You began as you sat up.
"I understand."
"Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded in response. "I have this map, I found it with Fred and George, it shows where everyone is at any time." You pulled the Marauders map out of your pocket. "I realised I should've just used it to check, but my brain turned to fog as I rushed down here." He had a small cheeky smile on the edge of his lips that you didn't fully understand.
"Have you ever used it to see where I am?"
"Honestly? Yes. Especially when you've ignored me, I used to check it to see if you're at the bridge or not. Remember that time when you were ignoring me, before Sebastian and I became close, well at first I went to the bridge to wait for you but then I realised I could just check where you are on the map and if you were at the bridge I'd know to go." You admitted and he was almost at the verge of laughing. "Why are you smiling?"
"Many reason my dear. Many reasons." He kissed the top of your head and took the map into his hands.
"Care to share?"
"Well, firstly have you ever questioned the original owners?"
"What the Marauders?" You said before it hit you what you had just set, suddenly in your mind you were sitting on the steps of 12 Grimmauld Place again and Remus was telling you about his Hogwarts days. "The Marauders." You repeated looking at the map that was now in Remus's hands. "Padfoot."
"Sirius." Remus replied.
"Peter." Remus said through his teeth a bit at the painful memory of Peter's actions later in life.
"James." Remus's tone was sad this time.
"And you, my moony." You said and he nodded. "You've been part of my life for a lot longer than I've known Moony." You said with a feeling of warmth and odd excitement.
"It's funny how the world works, love." He kissed the top of your head again as he stood up to take something out of his office drawer.
"I owe you so much, so many pranks." You continued and he laughed.
"That's the biggest compliment me and the boys could ever receive, we always hoped it would fall into the hands of someone like you and the twins." He had some parchment in his hands as he sat back down.
"I can't believe I didn't realise this all before." You were shocked at your own stupidity.
"Well here's another interesting thing. This here is my own version of the Maruders Map, I guess it's just the Moony map as I made it alone when I came to teach here." He opened the parchment to reveal a more upgraded version of the map, it had more information it was colour coded and it was less used. "Now remember the times I wasn't going to the bridge? Well that's because I saw you weren't going, I didn't want to stand there alone like an idiot when I knew you were in your common room. So I stayed and each night I was disappointed you didn't go but I understood it was for the best."
"So we were both-"
"Checking the maps and waiting for the other, yes." He said and you both burst out laughing.
"I blame you." You said laughing. "They're your maps."
"I can't even fight that, oh if I could only tell James, he would love this. Sirius will rip me apart for this one." Remus said with a slight nostalgic voice as he hugged you a bit tighter. You could feel he felt both happy and lonely in those very moment. 
"You're not that stand up citizen you pretend to be in class." You said with a small laugh.
"I thought we established that the first time I laid my eyes on you." He licked his lips.
"I can't believe I've been using your map Moony."
"I can't believe we were both using maps to spy on each other at the same."
"Remus we're both such idiots." You said and he leaned in to kiss you. "The biggest." He said right before he leaned in and kissed you slowly, as he pulled away he bit your lip.
"I remember I promised you a tour of my sleeping quarters?" He stood up reaching an arm out to you, the moment you took it he managed to pick you up and scoop you up into his arms. He carried you through the door that lead to his private quarters.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: Yes Inspector Calls is a nod to David Thewlis being in the BBC adaptation of the play
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kasagia · 6 months
❄️️Warm my heart pt. 3❄️️
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/ The Darkling x fem! heartrender! reader Summary: You distance yourself from your general. You have a cold war between you. Well... a real cold war in some ways, in which he tries to save you despite his greatest fear... Warning(s): the reader falls into a frozen river, a bit of angst, read at your own risk Word Count: 3,5 k Taglist: @aoi-targaryen @budugu ~•♤♤♤•~ Aleksander Morozova's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 2 ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 4 ~•♤♤♤•~
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You were better now. Your fever passed, and you were able to return to your tent. Which you did very reluctantly.
Although you didn't remember much of that first night when he took care of you.
Half of the first day was a blur for you. You didn't remember how you moved from the floor to his bed, with his arms around you as you slept peacefully, hugging into him, but you didn't complain. There was a contractual silence between you about the few days he spent taking care of you.
Afterwards, everything between you two returned to relative normality. You spent your last days in camp searching for the stag, responding to reports and letters from the capital, and preparing for your return.
You already had several plans that you wanted to put into action when you returned to the Little Palace, and you couldn't wait to do it all for Aleksander... especially now, when he had on his mind not only the search for Morozva's stag and the destruction of the fold, but also the king's illness and a possible war with Fjerdans.
Day by day, Ravka was becoming less stable, and he was the only one able to bear the burden of responsibility for this country... you wanted to make it a little easier for him. Especially since you were tormented by the sight of the dark circles under his eyes every day. So you were overseeing chasing after stag... well, you did until a snowstorm came and you had to back off to the capital.
But after talking to Alina that morning, your plans changed drastically.
"He sent Mal away? Well, he must have had a good reason. Anyway, why are you coming to me with this instead of going to him?" you ask, packing your backpack. Alina stands next to your folded tent and nervously plays with the sleeve of her coat.
"I did. He told me to stop worrying about the tracker and focus on my training. Please, you are his second-in-command; you must be able to do something. I... I just wanted to have my friend with me... at least on Christmas."
You sigh, running your hand through your hair. You liked the girl. She wasn't as arrogant as some Grishas, and she knew how to care for others. However, you saw well that, despite the privileges and admiration she received... she was not entirely able to find herself in her new role. Maybe with a tracker by her side, it would be easier for her to process who she is now—a new role assigned to her by the world.
"I'll talk to him. But I don't promise anything. If he insists, nothing will change his mind. He is sometimes more stubborn than a donkey."
Alina gives you a sad smile and nods. She whispers some thanks and walks away, clearly depressed and lost in thought. You frown as you tie your backpack to your horse's saddle.
You go to the general's tent, wondering how to start a conversation with him about the tracker. Inside, you find him talking to Ivan while he was packing to leave. He beckons to you, allowing you to approach them.
"Some of our men have already left. They took the tracker with them, just as you ordered, sir. They won't be back until they manage to find the stag. We should be able to locate it by the end of this year, General."
You look at Ivan in shock. The general always allowed his men to return to their families for the holidays. Only during the greatest crisis did he leave his people in the Little Palace or send them on very important missions. You doubted that finding the stag was that urgent... especially since a snowstorm was about to hit.
"Great. With any luck, he won't distract our Sun Summoner anymore, and the stag will finally fall into our traps. Thank you, Ivan."
Ivan nods and walks away, leaving you two alone. You stared blankly at the report he was holding for a moment. He couldn't have meant it, right? He wouldn't send his men on a dangerous mission for no good reason, certainly not for some stag...
"I don't think it's necessary to send a group of our men hunting the stag now. Especially if a snowstorm is about to hit. They should come back with us, or at least to the nearest town or village. The stag won't get far. Not in this weather."
"I didn't ask for your opinion or conjectures." he replies coldly, not looking at you. You feel like something punched you in the stomach. But you keep your tone of voice equally cold and control your facial expression to stay neutral.
"You asked for me." you see him frown in surprise at your emotionless tone, which he taught you himself. However, you see how his confusion quickly turns into indifference when he holds out a report to you.
"Another transport through the fold was unsuccessful. We lost our entire crew—many good men. Alina's training must be completed as quickly as possible, as must our stag haunting. This is in the best interest of Ravka and all of us. We don't have time for any delays or protests from hysterical orphans."
And so you had your answer. His actions and everything he did revolved around two things. Grishas and the fold. Now... a certain Sun Summoner has joined his list of priorities. His equal. The light of his darkness.
"I understand, general." you say, handing him the report back. "I'll make sure a replacement crew is sent to Kribirsk."
"What is it?" he asks you, surprised at your stoic and distant behavior. You frown, feigning confusion.
"I don't know what you are talking about, sir."
"Y/N..." he interrupts you and walks over to you, leaving the papers he was packing in his chest. He watches you closely, looking for any clue as to why you were acting the way… everyone else did towards him.
"If that's all, I have to go back to my duties."
He stands frozen for a moment, unable to understand why your behaviour changed so suddenly. You don't blame him. It's just a defensive reaction from your stupid heart. You'd rather distance yourself from him than see him so... preoccupied with another woman. A woman who was on his pedestal and who gained his trust and sympathy faster than you or anyone else. Compared to her, you were… nothing in his eyes. It's high time you understood this.
You take his silence as consent for you to leave. You nod at him and turn on your heel to leave his tent. But suddenly, he grabs your wrist tightly.
You sigh, feeling his heart beating faster thanks to the contact of his skin against yours, as he is amplifying your powers. You don't know if he notices that he's using his abilities on you, and if he does, that's the last thing he cares about.
"Y/N. Stop it." his whisper and heartbeat are all you can hear in the darkness of his tent.
"What do you mean, sir?" you ask, somehow keeping your voice from shaking.
You won't allow yourself to be anyone's pushover. Even for the man who unknowingly held your heart in his grasp. If he... cared about her more and wanted her more than anyone... you wouldn't be standing in the way of epic love.
"This. You hadn't called me like that for months."
"My apologises, sir." you say, turning to face him. His dark eyes search yours intently, trying to break through the defensive wall you've put up around yourself. You could never be someone as important to him as Alina was. You would never be at the top of his list in the first place. And once you experienced this momentary treatment from him... you didn't want to settle for anything less. You simply could not. "I won't forget my place anymore, general. Or who you are."
The tension in the room becomes more and more obvious between the two of you. He takes a step towards you. The warmth radiating from him and the familiar scent envelope you and melt your resolute attitude, but only for a moment, because you knew well what you had to do.
"And who am I to you?"
It wasn't an easy question. Certainly not ones for which there is only one answer. And maybe if he had asked it earlier, if he had looked at you with those disarming eyes a few minutes earlier and used that vulnerable tone of his voice a day ago, then you would have told him the truth. You would say how your heart missed him every damn day and how you longed to be worthy of standing by his side. But not now. Not now, when you knew you were doomed to be his second-in-command and nothing more.
"My supervisor. General of the Second Army." you lie smoothly to the most important man in your life.
To the one who saw something more in you. To the one for whom you would give your life without blinking an eye. To the one you gave your feelings to so willingly and quickly, making the whole situation more complicated.
But it wasn't your story or even your man.
That's why you step aside. If not for your own good, then for his. He deserved something better.
"Very well, colonel. That's all." you try your best not to show how hurt you are or how your title sounded filthy and offensive on his lips compared to the tender way he used to say your name.
As you leave, you hang the scarf and gloves he gave you on the nearest chair. If he wanted to treat you like any of his Grishas, then there was nothing wrong with making it even easier for him (or your heart, as you were trying to be mad at him).
After all, it was better to leave sooner rather than get hurt later…
And you didn't need him... did you?
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The road to Os Alta is long. Much longer than before. You hang back with Fedyor most of the time. You only talk to Alexander from time to time. Always about the issues of the Second Army or things involving it and nothing else. Your relationship has returned to its cold and distrustful beginnings.
It's better this way.
At least that's what you try to tell yourself every time you see him talking to Alina. But when you see him laughing at some of her jokes, you lose control. A dead bird falls somewhere a few metres away from you and Fedyor.
"Y/N…control yourself. Besides, I warned you." you roll your eyes at him and huff angrily, looking away from the two extraordinary summoners.
"I do not know what you're talking about. Besides, they fit together. And how are things with Ivan?"
"Low blow." he mutters under his breath, obviously irritated by your stubbornness.
"You asked for it."
"Can't you see he misses you? Really?" he asks incredulously, and you just shrug. You adjust your red coat and wrap it more around you. It was getting colder.
"Impossible, we were talking about transporting food and weapons across the fold just an hour ago."
"Yes, and since then, when you brushed him off so coolly and professionally, he's been giving you furtive looks like a beaten puppy."
"Alina will be able to soothe his wounds. You see how she heals his heart that I've battered." you snort mockingly, shifting in the saddle.
"Alina is just trying to convince him to let Mal and the others return to the palace."
"Very good. He does have a soft side to her after all."
"Sometimes I want to punch you in the head for being stubborn, blind to feelings, afraid of being attached to and vulnerable to someone, and not believing in your own worth."
"Fedyor... control yourself." you mimic his tone mockingly.
You don't hear his response. Your attention is drawn to the frozen river in front of you. You fondly remember how you and your siblings used to skate on such rivers and lakes.
And then you see a girl in the middle of the river. In skates, crying, and calling for someone. On the other bank, you see a group of children running away into the forest. The girl tries to move, but suddenly freezes and looks down at the ice.
Fedyor notices you looking at something in the distance. He freezes at what you two see. Out of the corner of your eye, you see realisation dawn on his face as he notices the plan forming in your eyes.
"Y/N... no." he shakes his head, but it's too late. You lead your horse towards the river, separating yourself from the group. Behind you, you hear Fedyor speeding up his horse to get to the general's side.
"Y/N!" the general's scream echoes through the area. You tremble, but you only accelerate your horse, trying to get to the shore as quickly as possible. "Y/N!"
You hear his horse pounding, and the surroundings grow darker with his shadows as he tries to hold you back. But you're too close, and you are not going to stop or let anyone stop you.
You're not listening to him. You are only focused on one thing. You jump off your horse and run towards the river. Along the way, you pick up a long stick before stepping onto the ice.
"Y/N, come back here!" he growls after you, knowing full well that if he tried to use the shadows, he might break the ice beneath you.
You ignore him, not even turning your head towards him as you slowly walk towards the child who is trembling, trying her hardest not to break any more ice beneath her. You feel everyone's eyes burning at you, but all you can do is keep going. Slowly. Step by step, listen carefully to every sound the ice beneath you might make.
You stop for a moment, hearing the ice crunch beneath you and struggling to keep your balance on the slippery ice, which is becoming quite fragile the deeper you go.
"Y/N, don't play a damn saint! Y/N!" he shouts at you from the shore. If you were less focused, you would wonder why he didn't follow you and didn't even set foot on the thick ice.
In any other situation, you would be terrified by the tone of his voice as he was shouting at you. In fact, you don't think you can remember him ever sounding so angry, so dreadful, and... so fearful himself at the same time. But now you had a more important mission to accomplish than listening to his voice coming from the shore. You would deal with his anger later... or at least you hoped so.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" you ask the girl once you're close enough. You use your powers to slow down the beating of her heart, which is racing with fear.
She tells you her name. She trembles, scared, as another scream from Kirigan comes from the shore, this time calling for Zoya or some tidemaker.
As the little girl trembles in fear, you see delicate, small circles of fire forming around her hands. Inferni. An inexperienced Inferni in the middle of a fucking, barely frozen river. Excellently.
"It's a lovely name. Don't worry, sweetheart, my friend is a little worried about me. He is just a drama queen. He worries about me more than my own mom. But everything will be fine, right?" you somehow manage to make her chuckle briefly.
"You are Grisha. My brother too. They took him to the palace. I'd like to see him…" you smile at her fondly. You sigh in relief as you see her calm down, the glow of the fire disappearing from her hands.
"I'm sure he's in good hands. And I guess you'll see each other soon. First, let's get you out of here, shall we?" you say, extending a branch towards her to catch it.
She screams as suddenly the ice beneath her breaks with a crack. At the last moment, she grabs a branch, and you pull her towards you and then push her far behind you. You hold your breath as you see the ice beneath you crack dangerously.
You ignore him, trying not to look his way. You don't know why. Whether it was to not show him that you were afraid or because you didn't want to have the last memory of him being like this... in a situation like this.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see more and more Grishas gathering at the shore. You see the blue kefta of a tidemaker in the distance.
"Can I help you somehow?" a child's question snaps you out of your mind. You shake your head, smiling at her, to reassure her as much as possible.
"I'll be fine. Just go that way. The ice is the thickest there; with your weight, it shouldn't even creak under you."
The girl nods. You see her taking slow steps and walking towards the shore, where there were other Grishas.
You close your eyes. You calm your breathing and try to shift your body weight. Your slightest movement causes the ice to break slightly beneath you again.
The ice crumbles more and more beneath you, and you can't help but let out a scream as, despite your attempts to get onto firmer ice, you fall into the chilly, rushing river beneath you. You take a deep breath, knowing full well that any supply of oxygen will soon be worth its weight in gold for you.
Before the cold water envelopes you, you hear his scream echoing on the surface, muffled by the ice.
You feel calm. Despite the situation you are in. The cool water around you makes you feel strange. You don't feel anything. You don't hear anything. You don't think about anything. You are drifting, carried along by the current of water, and you are completely unaware of anything around you.
You have risked your life many times. You have found yourself in difficult situations many times. Other soldiers told how their lives flashed before their eyes as they believed they were seconds away from death. How the moments with their beloveds played in their minds as the only memory they wanted to take to their grave.
But you didn't feel anything.
There was only darkness before your eyes. Shadows. His shadows. Then came the hands, with which he summoned them. Then his muscular, but not excessively so as many men have, figure, his beard, and his face. And eyes. Somehow, all you could think about were his eyes. The disappointed look you got from him a few hours ago. And as the cool water hit your lungs, you couldn't help but think—maybe it was better this way?
But you are not allowed to think any longer.
You feel something strong grab your clothes and pull you out of the water. Subconsciously, you fight against the tight grip on you, choking and coughing. Hands press against your chest. Then something soft and warm is placed on your lips. You feel the air trying to get into your lungs through the water in them. You are turned on your side as you spit and cough out water and some thick liquid.
You register someone's loud, dry, sharp screams, orders being thrown in every direction, and the tramp of feet around you. You hear threats being whispered in your direction, your name screaming several times as you are shaken by the shoulders.
As you take wheezing, painful breaths, your clothes are removed. You shiver with cold, trying to push away the hands on you, but suddenly something holds them in a foreboding grip. You're sure you're shaking like jelly at the Winter Fiesta in the Palace when you're stripped of everything but your underwear. You feel like a doll as you are changed by someone into soft, dry clothes that are much more comfortable than the outfit you had before.
Another layer of clothes is placed on you, and along with the strangely familiar scent, you feel something soft tickle your cheeks. You bury your face in the fur. If you could open your eyes, you would see that it was black, like most of your new clothes. A rough hand wanders under your clothes and pulls your wet underwear off, ripping them and taking them off of you, so now you are wearing completely dry clothes.
You hear the sound of the river much clearer than before. And a few heartbeats. One, especially louder and closer to you than any other. Suddenly, you realise that you are floating above the ground, pressed against something very warm. You snuggle into your new source of warmth, pressing completely against it. The heartbeat speeds up, and you are held tighter and stronger. And before you drift off into the darkness, you hear a soft, warm whisper:
"Stay with me, Y/N. Just stay with me."
You cannot. You allow the darkness to surround you, greeting it with relief as the raging thoughts, deafening sounds, screams, footsteps, and horses around you and other stimuli disappear.
You were just so cold…
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mspaesthetic · 6 months
Tidbit: Placronym Pixelation
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So you got this fresh placroynm that you don't want engraved with a sophomoric name? Not a problem. You can reject that stupid shit with a pixelize/pixelate filter.
First, you will have to make two more duplicates of your name text layer, so three text layers in total. One for when it's first displayed, one for the first frame of pixelation, and one for the second frame.
With your first duplicate layer selected, go to Filters>Pixelate>Mosaic..., which is a terrible name for it, but hey, I'm no Photoshop developer. Set the cell size to 11.
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For the second duplicate layer, set it to 14.
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Pretty much the exact same steps as in Photoshop, this time the filter is located under Filters>Blur>Pixelize...
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I would suggest right-clicking on the text layer and choosing Composite Space>RGB (perceptual) instead of the default (Auto), or going to the top-right corner of the Layers tab and switching the group of blend modes from Default to Legacy. Basically, doing so will make the semi-transparent pixels as dark as they are in Photoshop, otherwise they will appear too light.
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Check out the read-more link below for bonus information on easily animating the name being typed out in Photoshop.
Typing animation (Photoshop)
Photoshop's frame animation timeline makes doing this a breeze. First, add a layer mask to your text layer. This will add a white box next to the layer's thumbnail.
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With that layer mask selected (click on it and it will be highlighted in the layers tab), use the marquee tool to make a rectangle selection around the text, then use the paint bucket tool to fill it in with the color black. This will make the text invisible until the layer mask is moved.
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Go to Window>Animation if you do not already have the animation timeline open. Click on the little sticky note icon to duplicate the first frame. In newer versions of Photoshop, you will probably first have to click on a button that reads "Create Frame Animation", and the duplicate frames button icon is the "+" in a little square.
Making sure you still have the layer mask selected and not the entire layer, use the move tool and arrow keys to move it all the way to the right, revealing the text on the second frame you've just made. Don't move it too far off now.
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Move the typing cursor layer to the right as well, except you don't have to move it all the way at the end, only where it will be last seen.
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Make the typing cursor layer visible on the first frame, and not visible on the second.
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Select the first frame the animation and click on the tween button. This will add all of the frames in between the first and the second one for you. Make sure you only have "Position" checked under "Parameters". For the numbers of frames to add, here's a neat trick for finding the right amount: count the amount of letters in the name. "ZOOSMELL POOPLORD" is 16 letters, so add 16 frames.
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Most of the work is already done, though there might be a couple frames that will need some minor tweaks. Just use the move tool and arrow keys again to finetune the layers' positioning.
This is why it was important to not move the layer mask too far to the right away from the end of the text. Tweening the position spaces it out linearly, evenly, so the farther away the end goal is, the more space each frame will use. Thankfully the font this panel uses is mostly monospaced, and I got a little lucky with my positioning, so I needed to only adjust three or four frames. Way less tedious than having to create each frame of animation myself, at least.
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To change the frame delay (the time duration each frame takes up) of the newly created frames, click on the first frame you want to retime, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the last frame. This will make a selection spanning all frames in between. Click on the little dropdown arrow and select 0.1 seconds (100 milliseconds).
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Here's the original panel:
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And here's my recreation:
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Here's the PSD, too.
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arashrita · 8 months
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To the housewarden of Pomefiore
Vil Schoenheit,
Where do I begin? I don't know why am I writing this to you. No, actually, never mind. I know what I want. How are you feeling? I know, that's a stupid question, but I want you to know that you aren't alone in this. You are more than just beauty, your overblot was a proof. Let that be your light. Let that be your new start. Someone wise once said, "Reality is not often disappointing." We have come a long way together after that. We thought that was the end, yet, we still go to school, I still get dragged into chaos, you and epel still fight and he still runs away from your skin-care routine. What I'm trying to say is,
I have seen a lot. I have learned that there's lies in truth, good in bad, ugliness in beauty— you know about that the best, don't you? Good and bad, light and darkness they are tangled with each other since the beginning. Sometimes the line between reality and fantasy blurs. Take it for example, once I was in a whole different world, that was my reality. When I found myself in Twisted Wonderland, my whole concept of reality was crushed. I still think sometimes that I'm just dreaming and once this ridiculous, meaningless dream ends...I will end up in my old room. But you know, this is my reality now. I accept it. I, a magicless human, from a different world, a waste of God's power— just kidding, don't give me a lecture on self love, a spudling— as you say...I have really come a long way, with you, with the others in NRC. I don't know why I ended up here. Starting from roaming the colorful streets of NRC to fighting against injustice. I'm walking to the end of this universe. Remind me again, what am I doing here? The artificial smiles, the overly bright lights, no familiarity, endless ocean of thoughts. This is where I am, watching the people start their day and end it with getting in trouble with their housewardens. I wonder... what am I doing? Expecting the unexpected? But, with all of you by my side everything doesn't look so dark anymore.
So, don't be so disheartened. We defeated STYX, Malleus is our friend, he will be back home...soon. No amount of power can take him away from the people who love him. This won't be our last battle. We will win, side by side, together. Till then, this will be just us, against the world.
Yours ever,
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spicywhenspeaking · 6 months
If I'm There: Chapter Twelve
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read from the start
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings : mentions of alcohol abuse. this story contains mature themes, minors do not interact.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic
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It's the first Saturday in a while that I don’t have work and all I want to do is watch movies and rot in my bed. I decide to wait to talk to Noah about the voicemail, I don't want to think the worst It doesn’t stop the feelings from festering but I’m trying to be mature.
 I head downstairs to grab something to eat for breakfast and I see a letter on the kitchen counter addressed to me. It’s from the scholarship fund I applied for last year. 
Dear Miss Howlston, 
We regret to inform you that we are unable to process your application due to it being incomplete. You are therefore ineligible for the McGovern Scholarship Fund……
My breathing goes rapid as I read the words. Inside is the application I sent in. I flip to the end page, tears welling into my eyes and blurring my vision, and see the highlighted section where my Mom was supposed to sign. It is empty. I asked her over and over and over. I even sat in front of her with a pen but she was too preoccupied with opening her next bottle of wine to pay any attention. I should have just forged it. Why didn’t I forge it?!
“What the fuck.” I whimper out as heavy tears fall like raindrops.
“What the fuck!” I repeat. My limit has been reached. I cannot hold it in anymore.
I crumple the paper, forgetting the bowl of cereal I prepared on the counter, and run upstairs as sobs begin to wrack my body. I get to my room, slam the door, and dive head-first into my pillows as another sob leaves my mouth. I grab my phone and try Noah’s cell, the feelings of jealousy are pushed away for the moment, I just need to talk to him. 
Ring ring ring ring *click* “Hey Natty! It’s Nick, sorry Noah just ran out with Alex to grab everyone coffees. I guess he forgot his phone, what's up?”
 A teenage girl can only handle so much in so little time, I cannot handle this. One hit after the next and now when I need Noah, just to hear him and talk to him he's with some other girl he didn't even tell me about. “Nick, I-” I pause. “Just forget I called. I’ll talk to you later.” I say and as I press the red end-call button I hear Nick's “Wait, Nat-” click. 
The emotions I’m feeling are in an epic battle for dominance. The sadness and anger I feel towards my Mom, the loneliness and heartache I feel towards Noah. Is this life with him? Just waiting and hoping I hear from him. I should have told him how I felt about it before now, now I’m upset. I’m angry. I lay back against the pillows as fresh tears fall onto my cheeks and I hear a soft knock at my door.
“What?” I call out. 
“Um, can I come in?’ Kyle asks softly.
“Sure.” I roll away from the door so my back is facing him as he opens up and takes a step inside. 
“So I saw the letter in the kitchen,” he says and walks towards the bed. I feel it dip as he takes a seat on the corner. “I’m so sorry Nat.”
The tears fall harder and he places his hand gently on my shoulder and squeezes. 
“It was the biggest one” sob “I ca-can’t afford the sc-schools I applied to without it.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “The money I’ve saved from work is supposed to go towards moving and housing. Fuck. Why did I think art school was a good idea? What was I thinking? I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life while everyone else is off living their dreams.” I know I’m being melodramatic but I don’t care. 
“I have some money saved from working with Dad this summer,” Kyle tells me in a soft voice. “you could have it for school.”
I turn around, surprised at his offer. “Kyle. I couldn't accept that. You earned that working for Dad, having probably a horrible summer.” He laughs at my comment.
My phone lights up with Noah's contact photo. I stare at it for a few moments before hitting the end call button sending him to voicemail. 
A few seconds later its ringing again and I reject the call and turn off my phone. I just can’t talk to him right now. 
“Um, is everything alright?” Kyle asks awkwardly after noticing me decline Noah’s calls.
“Yeah…well. Sort of? Not really. It’s complicated. I need to talk to him but I don’t want to right now. It’s.-” I look at Kyle and he has an unnatural look of concern on his face. “I know you don't want to hear about my relationship drama. You said so yourself.” 
A look of shame crosses his face. “I was an asshole, in more ways the one and I’m sorry for saying that. You can talk to me about anything Nat.” I sniffle as more tears continue falling. “I appreciate that Ky, I really do. I just don’t want to think about this thing with Noah and this scholarship thing, you know I didn’t even get to apply for financial aid because Mom didn't give me her proof of income. I’m totally screwed.” I wish I could call her. Yell at her for ruining my future. Scream at her for being so selfish, for being sick, for making Kyle and I take care of ourselves for so long. “I can apply for student loans I guess,” I mumble out, the last thing I wanted to do was build a mountain of debt. “Ugh, I don't want to think about it anymore.”
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Kyle asks.
Sitting up in bed I wipe the remaining tears from my face. I know my eyes must be puffy and red but with a small smile on my face I agree to the movie. “As long as it's horror, no lovey stuff right now. Just blood and guts.” Kyle laughs, “deal” 
We go downstairs and decide to watch “Sinister.” It offers an escape from my current thoughts and after watching Kyle tells me he’s ordering a pizza for dinner. Dad texted that he’s staying at his house near his job site since he has an early morning, not much of a surprise. 
When I get into my room I turn my phone back on and see I have some missed texts from Noah.
Noah: hey Natty :) Nick said you called, you ok? 1:20pm
Noah: Sorry I didn't call last night, the show ended late and we all stayed up until like 4am. 1:20pm
Noah: Natty? Everything okay? 1:35pm
Noah: call me when you get a chance, I miss the sound of your voice. 2:26pm
I stare at the messages. “Everything okay”  I repeat in an annoyed voice. “No, everything isnt okay. My future is fucked and I have no plan.” I say to myself.
I take a deep calming breath and call Noah. 
Ring ring- *click* “Natty! I’m so glad you called. I miss you so much.” Noahs voice is light and happy and I just wish he was here. Two weeks between tests or projects goes by with lightning speed, two weeks without Noah moves at a glacial pace.
“Hey Noah.” My voice is soft and I have to clear my throat to break through the tightness forming. “I miss you too.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call last night,” but you did call, you just didnt know. “We didnt leave the venue until like midnight, it was wild. So much fun, I wish you were here.” 
“Yeah, sounds like you guys were having a really great time.” I’m trying to hide the emotions in my voice, just wanting to hear him and pretend nothing is wrong, but that can’t last forever. 
“Is everything alright Nat? You sound…weird, not weird but..you don't sound like yourself.” Noah says. 
Fuck, so much for hiding my emotions. “um I just got some news from my scholarship application today that was upsetting, and last night -” I try but Noah’s voice cuts me off. 
“Was it less than you expected?” He asks. 
“They denied me the scholarship and last ni-.” Noah cuts me off again. 
“What??!” Noah almost shrieked and I had to pull the phone from my ear. “Denied? With your grades? And you got first place in the last youth art contest last month, how could they deny you? When did you find out?”
“Um yeah, it's because my mom didn't sign something, I didn't realize it was sent in without it. I feel like such an idiot.” I mutter out defeated.
“Fuck, Natty. That sucks. Did something else happen? You called this morning and then just disappeared.” Noah questions.
“Well yeah, you did call me last night Noah.I guess you pocket-dialed me.” I tell him. “You were talking to some girl and she was asking you about the next leg of this tour. She was saying how much she’d miss you if didn’t go with them.” 
“Oh. Shit.” he breathes. “I’m sorry about that. It’s just Alex from the band we're opening for on the tour, she doesn't mean it like anything.”
“But you said maybe.” my voice is small.
“Well I have to consider it..Nat. it's a huge opportunity. You understand that right?” He sounds exasperated, like wondering how I could be opposed. 
“And school? What about that?” I ask, with more edge in my voice than I meant.
“Alex dropped out and her band is getting huge, I don’t need a high school diploma to make my dreams come true,” he responded with a slight sting in defense. 
“Oh, and whatever Alex says goes huh? You're just dropping out?” And now I’m getting angry, the festering feelings that disappeared with the movie are returning with white-hot intensity. “You were with her last night after you said you’d try and call me and then this morning I got that letter that absolutely destroys my future and when I call Nick answers and you are busy again with her..” I bite out.
“What are you implying?” he asks.
“I’m not impling anything, I tired to call. You were busy. Thats a fact.” I bite back.
“I’m sorry Natty, but nothing happened on the trip, with Alex if that's what you're thinking,” he says. “This kind of exposure is exactly what I’ve been working for. I thought you would be excited for me? I thought you believed in me?” Now his voice is small, like he’s genuinely upset and I feel sick that I’m the one that would have caused it. 
“I don't think anything happened. I trust you, Noah. I'm just going through a lot right now. I hung up on Nick because I was upset and then I didn't return your texts because I was still upset. With you, with my mom just about everything. I needed you.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Of course, I believe in you Noah, but I mean you're talking about just leaving school? We're seniors, so close to graduating already why throw it all away when you're so close.
“If I don't take this chance now I'll be throwing away this dream, there's no guarantee I'll get this opportunity again.” 
“So what? Do you want me to just sit around and wait for you to call? I mean that is if you call?” I ask him. 
“Why is this a fight? I thought you'd be happy for me?” Noah’s voice is rising with frustration.
“It’s not a fight Noah, I just thought you’d take the time to at least talk about it with me about it first. I mean you talk all the time about our futures like you want them to be together but you’re making these huge decisions and not even telling me about it first.” I try to keep my voice steady but I know it's wobbling a little.
“I haven’t even decided yet, you’re talking like I’m doing this to hurt you. I am thinking about our future Natty, you could alway come with me?” He says and I scoff. 
“You’re not serious, are you? I could graduate early but not until the spring and after all the work I’ve done with my GPA. You’d ask me to just drop out?” I ask.
“You’d ask me to say no to this opportunity?” Noah questions in response. 
“You know what Noah? I think we should just talk about this when you get home. I have a lot of homework that I need to work on and this is just too much right now on top of everything else.” I tell him in a defeated voice. 
“I’m sorry Natty, I love you. I didn’t want to talk about it like this. I can’t stand you being sad because of me.” 
“I love you too Noah, It'll be okay. Let's just talk later okay?" 
We finish our goodbyes and I toss my phone back on the bed and take the homework out of my backpack.
The rest of the week is slow. School and work are uneventful. Noah and I barely text and it feels awful, what happened? It was great for months and he leaves for two weeks and falls apart? Is our relationship that fragile? 
Friday I’m working behind the counter while a jazz trio plays for the night as our live musical guests. I don’t hate it, I guess. Noah is supposed to get in tonight but we didn't really make plans, I’m not sure if I’ll see him. I’m busy checking the syrups and making sure all of the milk options are full in the fridge when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.
I turn around and like just the thought of him caused him to appear Noah is standing in front of me. 
“Hey Natty”
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Next chapter here!!!! Thank you besties!!!!!!
divider from here!
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
Rich Girl Mood
“Toff Girl” (aka “Damsel” Universe) Masterlist
A/N: I started writing this a long while ago but have been sitting on it because I was still trying to figure out the end game (I still am) but I'm a little closer and I think however this series ends, this chapter I think is still solid for what it is so I finally finished it. This I think gives more insight of the reader character than her relationship with Ray. Title and chapter inspired by "Rich Girl Mood" by Dounia and Kehlani (YT link below)
Rating: T
Word Count:  3,294
Pairing: Raymond Smith x F!reader
Plot: Another year, another birthday party.
Contains: angst, recreational drug use, hurt, jealousy, light mentions of D/s relationship, collars, cursing
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After your cryfest in your car, you cleaned yourself up and went in to see your parents briefly and sort of lied about a missing pair of shoes. You then feigned looking in your old bedroom which has become a bit of a storage closet for you. You also act surprised when they hand you the gift box Ray mentioned. You told them you would send Mickey and Ray a thank you card.
You're now back at your flat staring at the big Tiffany blue box while stuffing your face with your favorite pastries from Astrid's Cafe and Bakery. You put the mostly eaten slice of cake down and pull the shiny black ribbon loose. Of course it feels so soft. Ray probably spent a good quid on the ribbon alone. You wouldn't be surprised if it was made of actual silk. Only he would do something so extra.
You take a deep breath and finally lift the lid. This asshole even took the time to wrap your things in tissue paper? You roll your eyes and huff. You grab the small cream-colored envelope sitting on top of the neatly and carefully folded white delicate sheets. You flip the envelope open and pull the card out.
Hi love,
I hope this letter finds you well. I figured you'd eventually want your things back, especially your shoes. I know they were one of your favorites. I even took the time to polish them for you since last time you had scuffed them. There are some things in here that I also thought you should have as I have no more use for them.
Take care,
You gently tear open the tissue paper and as expected, you find your heels looking shiny as new. You see what else is inside the box and find a few things like your toothbrush, toiletries and some clothing, neatly folded and stacked in true Ray fashion. You know he had your clothes washed, dry cleaned and pressed as well, including the outfits he picked out for you. You look through them and choke up a little seeing your collars carefully placed between the perfectly folded clothing. They're all there, including his favorite, the one with a little bell on it. You tilt your head curiously when you find a small velvet box. The rock in your belly is creeping back in. You stare at it for a moment before reaching for it. You nervously grip the box between your fingers as you take your time flipping the lid open. You let out the breath you'd been holding when you don't see a ring, but instead you feel your heart breaking all over again seeing your day collar. The same one you ripped off your neck and threw at him.
Your eyes blur up for the millionth time today and you swipe your fingers over them. In the corner of your eye, you notice another envelope sticking out from under the clothes. You reach for it and pull it out. Flipping it around, you notice it's completely unmarked. You open it and pull out two business class plane tickets to Greece. Confused, you look in the envelope again and find a folded piece of paper. You pull it out and open it up.
I had planned to whisk you away for a week for your birthday, but I can't use these anymore so I thought maybe you can. Enjoy your birthday, my love.
This isn't fair. This isn't fucking fair. Not fair to you, not fair to Ray. You don't know how much more your heart can take.
Over the next few weeks, you go on a date or two with Fred just to get out of your flat. You've been sulking and comfort eating and sniffing Ray's cardigan long enough. The dates were fun, but if you're honest with yourself, while Fred is a really nice guy, he just doesn't do it for you romantically. You had to be upfront with him as you didn't want to string him along. He deserved to know the truth, but thankfully he took it with ease and understood. You did invite him to your birthday party though and you know someone who would actually pair real well with him. You usually don't play matchmaker, but you think you've got this one in the bag.
Speaking of birthday parties, you just wanted something small but your parents insisted on throwing something for their only child. They do this every year, but you let them because you know it's really just an excuse for them to throw a fancy party to show off to their fancy friends. You know after the first hour or two of greeting people you either don't know, don't remember or haven't seen since you were a wee child, you're going to disappear into the garden shed to get sloshed on expensive liquor and smoke the best weed in all of England with your closest friends like you did when you all were younger. Growing up around so much money, you've always hated the posh snobby kids who thought they were too good for anyone, but you have a small group who were never like that and you always stayed close to them. Everyone else at the party can fuck off and freeload on the booze and food.
You do a once over glance in the mirror to check your makeup and hair. Your hand touches your bare neck and after a moment, you get up from your vanity chair and slip on your heels and smooth out your sickeningly expensive dress. It clings on to your every curve and dip. That’ll sure get some lookers. You still feel like something is missing though.
"Darling, are you ready? Guests are waiting!"
"I'll be right out, mummy!" you shout back.
You quickly go through your overnight bag and pull out a box. You open it up and look at the jewelry for a moment before putting it on, then take one final look in the mirror and you're satisfied with what you see. It doesn’t hold meaning anymore, although it’s sentimental to you, but it has always comforted you, feeling it snug around your neck. It was like your security blanket. It made you feel safe because whenever you wore it, you always knew Ray was close by.
Ray dominating you wasn’t just some kink. It wasn’t just about being in control, or rather giving it up. Being his sub meant he would love you and protect you deeply. It was a shared bond. He brought you pleasure in so many ways and made you forget when you had a bad day, but most importantly, he made sure nothing can hurt you. You completely allowed your heart, body and soul to be delicately encased by his own design.
You take a deep breath and polish off the whiskey you've been nursing while getting ready before putting your face on for the crowd. 
When you reach the bottom of the long grand staircase, you’re greeted by your parents and some people you don’t recognize. You plaster on a smile and shake their hands, thanking them for coming. As you walk off to go greet more people, you grab a flute of champagne and down it, placing it back as quickly as you snatched it up when a server walks by with a tray. You’re reminded why you hate these big parties.
You almost spit your champagne out when you spot Mickey and Ros. The nerve. Of course your parents invited them. You know Mickey only does anything if he’s getting something out of it so while it appears he gives a shit about your birthday and respecting your parents’ cordial invitation, he’s probably rubbing elbows with people who can be potential partners. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already negotiating and sealing deals while he’s here. You now wonder if Ray is somewhere around this giant house.
You walk over to the Pearsons to greet them with the least fake smile you can manage to put on.
“Hi, Mickey.”
“Hello, there. The woman of the hour!” Michael turns to you with a smile. “You’ve met my wife Ros, right?”
“Yes, pleasure to see you again.” You and Ros greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. She might be the only one in his posse you actually don’t mind. Her and Bunny. That gentle giant.
"Thank you both so much for coming!" You try to stretch out your smile but your facial muscles can only go so far.
"Happy birthday, love,” Ros smiles.
Although, you know Rosalind is probably on the up and up on what goes on in Mickey's world, including what happened with you and Ray. There is no way tea didn't get spilled on her.
"Thank you," you slightly bow your head. “How are you doing? Business is going well I assume?”
“Ah, let’s not talk about business. We’re here as guests, not salesmen. How are you doing?” Mickey returns the attention to you.
“No business? What a surprise,” you try to jab subtly. “I’m doing well, thank you.”
“Sweetheart! There’s someone I want you to meet,” your mother suddenly comes out of nowhere.
“Excuse me,” you tell the Pearsons. "I hope you both enjoy yourselves.”
They nod at you before being whisked away by your mother.
After being introduced to a bunch of random people including some suitors, you sneak off into a secret side room to get a breather. You used to hide here a lot when you were younger when you wanted to isolate yourself when everything felt too overwhelming.  Especially from these parties. It always felt so performative when you just wanted to be a kid and play with your friends, but you were expected to be prim and proper, until you were old enough to realize you didn’t have to do any of this. You still remember those long boring etiquette classes and sometimes still use the wrong utensil on purpose as an act of rebellion. 
You feel around your body and realize you left your joint and lighter in your bedroom. Letting out a heavy sigh, you savor another moment of silence before marching back out into the wild. As you make your way to your bedroom, you round the corner and smack right into a hard chest.
“Oh my gosh, I am SO���” You look up at the man and your voice dies.
"Kitten…” Ray gasps quietly to himself when he sees your day collar sitting against your neck.
You can't get away from this man now, can you? Ironically, it feels like you're actually seeing him more often than you did when you were together. Like muscle memory, you plaster your cookie cutter smile on your face and greet Ray and the woman standing next to him.
"Hi, Raymond." You mentally kick yourself for overdoing your enthusiasm.
You never thought there'd be a day you'd make Ray all flustered and stumble over his words. Mr. Calm and Controlled, my arse.
"Didn't expect to see you here tonight, but thank you for coming," you say, still with your painful smile on your face. You’re pretty sure it’s going to be permanent by the end of the night.
"Uh, just here for Michael," Ray quickly comments and nods. "Um, this is–”
“I know dear ol’ Rebecca.” Both you and Rebecca greet each other with air kisses on each side of your faces. “How are you? Haven’t seen you in quite some time,” you tell her.
“I’m doing very well. My company nearly doubled its revenue last month so I can’t complain,” she beams.
“You mean your father’s company?” you clarify.
“Yes, but he made me the president of the company a few months ago so it’s really mine too,” she explains. “He’s retiring soon so I’ll be CEO any day now. Anyways, how are you? I don’t really see you around much,” she shakes her head.
“Oh, I’m just always so busy,” you reply. Avoiding the lot of you. “I was actually thinking about taking a little trip to Mykonos next week. An unexpected birthday present.”
“I hear it’s fabulous this time of year,” Rebecca says. “And the men there are gorgeous.”
“Really?” you ask curiously. “I should probably go then.” You quickly glance over at Ray to see his reaction, seeing him shift uncomfortably.
You spot Fred in your peripheral vision and instantly grab his arm, pulling him in close to you.
“Freddy, love. You remember Raymond, right?” you ask him. You look back at Ray and can see his jaw ticking.
“Oh, hey! Good to see you again, mate!” Fred puts his hand out and Ray reluctantly takes it and as soon as he does, Fred pulls him in for a hug. Ray grimaces and lightly pats Fred on the shoulder. There is some actual genuine joy behind your smile now. 
“Freddy, darling! It’s been ages!” Rebecca exclaims.
After Freddy pulls away, he greets Rebecca.
“Bloody hell, Becca! When did you get so tall?” 
While they hug and catch up, you and Ray stare daggers at each other.
“Wait, are you two dating–” Freddy starts but you interrupt him.
“Um, Freddy,” you loop your arm around his again. “I think I’m ready for…” you vaguely gesture your head, nodding in a general direction towards the garden.
“Oh! Sure, yeah. I’ll meet you there after I stop by the loo,” Freddy says. “It was nice seeing you both again. Excuse me,” he says to Ray and Rebecca before walking off.
“Well, hope you’re both enjoying the party,” you say, clapping your hands together. “Excuse me. I have something I need to do.”
You walk off, not even bothering looking back as you make your way to your bedroom.
“Oh my gosh, Sophie, you have to tell that story about that time we pulled that prank on Lit’le Henry. Remember Henry?” you laugh, after taking a puff and passing it to Fred. 
“I don’t think Antonia here has heard about this story.” You wink at Fred. You introduced Antonia to Fred and they seemed to be hitting it off really well.
“‘Enry was a lit’le shite. It wasn’t a prank. It was revenge,” Sophie starts.
Sophie proceeds to tell the story about how a mutual friend kept getting bullied by Henry so the group of you teamed up to exact revenge on him. It was originally Fred’s idea but in the end he also took the fall for all of you. However, Henry never dared to bully anyone ever again.
“And I’d do it again,” he boasts.
You were finally able to sneak off with your friends to go hide in the shed to have a party for yourselves. No pretending, no masks, no manners. Just laughs. For those few hours, you were able to actually enjoy your birthday. You can’t remember the last time you had this much fun or laughed this hard. 
“Oh, fuck. I must have dropped my stash when I went to the toilet,” you say when you realize you can’t find the spare joints you rolled up. “I’ll be back. I’ll also get another bot’le of wine.”
“Love, it’s your birfday. Get one of the servants to fetch it for ya,” someone jumps in.
“They work for my parents, not me. Besides, I can use some fresh air,” you chuckle before bursting out of the shed.
As you cut through the long garden to make your way back into the house, you notice Ray pacing back and forth off to the side of the house while talking on the phone.
“Yes, boss. I understand.”
When he hangs up, he looks up and sees you cautiously walking trying to avoid being seen. You nearly twist your ankle as you tiptoe around and miss a step but Ray quickly catches you instinctively. So much for trying to dodge him.
“Are you alright?” Ray asks, looking into your eyes.
You stare back for a few moments, breathless. It might be the weed and alcohol but you want nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and let him hold you and never let go, but your daydreaming gets interrupted.
“Oh my! Looks like someone’s had a bit to drink tonight. You always know how to throw a party,” Rebecca comments as she walks over. “Ray, I’ll be back in a few. Need to powder my nose,” she winks before walking off inside the house. 
You quickly remove yourself from Ray’s grip and straighten yourself out.
“Are you alright?” Ray repeats.
“I’m fine,” you reply and start heading towards the house.
“Wait!” Ray takes a step in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
“What is it, Ray?” You ask, now annoyed.
“Just so there’s no misunderstanding, Rebecca and I are not together. She’s just here with her parents and it’s my job to keep her entertained while her parents and Michael have an informal meeting,” Ray tells you.
“Ray, it’s really none of my business,” you shrug. "But I'm not surprised that's part of your job. I just hope she doesn't take it too hard when you're done with her and tell her to fuck off." You then try to maneuver around him but he side steps you.
“I know it’s none of your business but it’s important to me that you know. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to hurt you in any way because that’s the absolute last thing I want,” Ray shakes his head, ignoring your snide comment. “I don’t want to be at this boring party as much as I know you don’t either.”
“OH!” Your eyebrows shoot up to your almost perfectly coiffed hairline. “I’m so sorry my party isn’t dramatic enough for you.” You cross your arms under your breasts which are now accentuated by your arm placement.
Ray’s eyes begin to twitch as he realizes what he had said.
“No, that’s… that’s not what I meant—“
“No cunt to punch in the face. No damsel for you to save,” you say as you raise your arms above your head and wave them around.
“Can you please lower your voice? I was genuinely concerned for you. That cunt put his hands on you!” Ray snarls.
“It’s my fucking party so I’ll be as loud as I want!”
Ray looks around nervously to make sure they don’t draw any attention.
“You just can’t go around punching every bloke who puts his hands on me! You’re not my boyfriend anymore!” You push right past him with all your might and shoulder check him out of your way.
“Well, your actual boyfriend should have, but he left you all alone in a crowded pub full of drunk men!” Ray growls. “That would have never happened with me. I would have protected you!” 
You stop in your tracks and twirl around.
“Oh, please! You weren’t protecting me. You just don’t like seeing someone else’s hands on me!” You walk up to him and poke your finger into his chest. “Why do you even care so much? You’re the one who broke up with me.”
“I still care about what happens to you,” Ray adjusts his glasses. “Kitten…”
You start shaking your head.
“Just because I can’t love you the way I want to, the way we want to, it doesn’t mean I automatically stop caring for you.” Ray’s face and voice softens.
“No!” You growl into his face. You grunt out of frustration and rip your necklace off for the second time and throw it at him. “I don’t give a shit what you do with that. Just don’t give it back to me.” You spin around and stomp away towards the house.
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sundeathh · 1 year
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Masterlist | This is a self-indulgent rant.
Pairing: Aizawa × GN!Reader | Words: 1,2 K
Tags: SFW, comfort, self-doubt & reflection
CW: Melancholy, hopelessness and depression mentioned.
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The clock on the wall filled the room with a soft, rhythmic ticking, the slow beats in stark contrast to the rapid tapping of your fingertips on the keyboard.
You let out a weary sigh and glanced at the time. It was already too late, yet a mountain of work was still ahead of you.
Fatigue washed over you, accompanied by the persistent ache in your back from the uncomfortable chair. Your vision blurred, the letters on the screen merging together. How long have you been working? Time had slipped away, lost in the demands of your job.
Days would blur into nights, leaving no room for personal respite. The desk had become your constant companion, offering nothing but monotonous hours filled with mind-numbing paperwork and repetitive meetings.
The routine had become so ingrained that you could execute it blindfolded. Your life had grown stagnant, suffocated by the relentless sameness.
Doubts swirled within you, questioning your purpose and the path you were on. Would you toil endlessly for meager rewards? You do so much for so little, but where is this road taking you? You can't tell for sure.
For the last few days, you were behind this same damn desk, trying hard not to fall asleep as your thoughts drifted toward the past.
What's holding you back? You wonder, staring at the white ceiling as your head hangs backward. The wellspring of energy that once fueled your imagination felt depleted, leaving you devoid of fresh ideas. 
A gentle knock on the door interrupted your contemplation. Slowly, you turned your head to face it and to offer a soft, "Come in."
You expected the person to inquire about your prolonged absence, but to your surprise, the familiar deep voice only greeted you, "Hey there."
You looked up, meeting the tired eyes of someone you had known for so long. Aizawa's lips curved into his signature smile as he settled beside you. Leaning closer, he asked, "You okay?"
Closing your laptop, you nodded and replied, "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" You responded. Studying him for a moment, you realize he knows you better than anyone.
He looks at you for a while as if contemplating something before he speaks up after a small sigh. "Don't lie. I see that you have bags under your eyes. It doesn't suit you." 
You chuckle slightly. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" 
"Not exactly, but at least you should acknowledge it. That's important," Shōta responded. "What happened?"
You sighed, the weariness seeping through your voice. "Nothing, really. Just work stuff, and I've been struggling with it."
Shōta nodded slowly, his concern palpable. "And you haven't figured anything out yet? Do you want me here? We can tackle this together."
You laughed softly, appreciating his offer. "That would take too long, but thanks. Besides, I'm fine.
Shōta leaned back, studying you intently, his eyes reflecting concern and understanding. "You say you're fine, but I know you better than that. I can see the weariness etched on your face, the heaviness in your every movement. Please, don't shut me out. Let me be there for you."
His words hung in the air, sinking into your heart. The weight of your emotions threatened to overwhelm you, and you realized that you couldn't keep up the façade any longer. 
With a trembling voice, you confessed, "I'm tired, Shōta. Tired of this endless cycle, this sense of purposelessness. I feel as if I was trapped, unable to break free and find something meaningful."
Shōta's expression softened as he reached out, gently placing a hand on yours. "I understand. It's a difficult place to be, but remember, you're not alone. Everyone experiences moments of doubt and confusion. It's how we navigate through them that counts."
His words stirred something within you. You realized that maybe it was time to confront the monotony head-on and seek a path that resonated with your true desires.
But where to start? The question lingered in your mind, intertwining with the melancholy that had become your most constant companion.
Days would turn into weeks as you tried to embark on a journey of self-discovery. You tried to find solace in exploring new hobbies, reconnecting with old passions that were for long buried under the weight of your responsibilities – desperately trying to find fragments of your true self.
However, the path was not without its challenges. Moments of self-doubt crept in, whispering that you were foolish to think you could escape the clutches of stagnation. The line between melancholy and depression blurred, casting a shadow over your progress.
And, during those particularly dark moments, Shōta's supportive side would reappear, his presence a beacon of comfort.
With a tender smile, which he reserved only for you, he kept reminding you: "Even in the darkest times, you are not defined by the circumstances. Your worth lies beyond the confines of your job or societal expectations. Embrace your journey, and embrace yourself."
Eventually, you understood that finding peace of mind was not about achieving grand success or escaping the melancholy entirely. It was about accepting the ebb and flow of life, acknowledging the moments of sorrow while cherishing the glimpses of joy.
As time passed, you discovered that meaning could be found in the smallest of moments: a warm cup of tea, shared laughter, a heartfelt conversation, and a quiet and long hug. You realized that pursuing fulfillment wasn't a destination but a continuous, ever-evolving process.
And so, while the melancholy may linger in the background, you have learned to coexist with it, embracing it as a part of your journey. After all, you realized that life was not about eradicating all sadness but finding harmony within yourself, embracing both the light and the shadows that make you whole. 
Though depression still visited you from time to time, it no longer consumed you, as you had learned to navigate its depths with resilience and self-compassion. 
Through the ups and downs, the comfort would come from accepting yourself as you were: imperfections and all. 
With time you discovered that your perspective on work and life had shifted. While your job still had challenges, you sought to infuse it with purpose and meaning.
You recognized that even within the confines of a desk, there were opportunities to make a difference and leave a positive impact, even if this impact is noticeable only to you. 
And so, as the clock on the wall continued its steady ticking, you sat there, no longer burdened by the weight of stagnation and frustration. Instead, you accepted the uncertainties of life, acknowledging that even amid the chaos, there was peace to find within yourself.
Shōta remained a steadfast companion, offering his unwavering support and understanding. Together, you would venture on small adventures, exploring new places and trying new experiences. 
You understood that you didn't have to feel full all the time. That it's okay to find yourself broken; and that you can still pick up the pieces and fill the void with life's uncertainties, and above all, you understood the importance of pausing for a moment to fill your lungs with the breath of hope you need, and then, to keep walking through life's path. 
Time doesn't stop to overthink about life. So why should you? Even if you doubt yourself or don't know where you are heading – it's best to keep moving, heading somewhere. 
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Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! Check the fixed post for requests & more details!
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adri-2022 · 2 years
Wherever you go, I go
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x OC Andrea Halstead / CPD
Warnings: Slight swearing/ fluff
Word count: 1940
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hi again! Here is a request from the beautiful @andreahalstead24
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
It had been sudden. Andrea’s undercover phone had rang, Hank Voight’s name on the screen. Then she felt her world fall underneath her feet. Jay had resigned, the details were a blur to her and since she hadn’t been around for a couple of weeks she didn’t know what her husband was battling with or what he had done, until now. She rushed towards their shared apartment hoping to be able to catch Jay before he left. Unfortunately Andrea was met with a silenced apartment and a letter scribbled in a rushed handwriting -Jay’s-. She knew what she had to do, making the decision right then and there she called Hank.
As Jay arrived at the airport with bag on his shoulder and sad expression on his face. He didn’t want to leave but he knew that he had to in order to try and find the man he once was, because now he only was being hunted by the mistake he had made. He had changed, everything had changed but Jay was certain he had to make this work, somehow. He couldn’t lose Andrea, that was a fact and mostly he couldn’t lose himself.
“Jay” the young man stopped as he heard a familiar voice call for him. As he turned he saw his former sergeant standing on the sidewalk. Walking towards the older man,
“I thought you hated long goodbyes” Jay said as he now stood in front of the Hank
“You can have any job you want in the department, Jay” Hank sighed looking at his ex detective. Jay shook his head as he was about to respond, Hank interrupted him.
“I’d make sure of it, but you don’t need me. You’re passed that” Hank continued.
He had to make sure he said everything he needed before Jay was gone and he had to keep his promise to Andrea, that was the least he could do. Hank knew he had dragged the former detective into a rabbit hole, one he couldn’t come back from and the guilt was eating the older man alive.
“Jay. You don’t want to be me-” the older man was interrupted by Jay
“No. It’s worse than that. I do. I do wanna be you- but I mean, is like you always told me. I’m not and I shouldn’t try” Jay said sadly before a cold expression took place on his face, while Hank looked down. They both knew the other was right, it had to happen.
“Jay we all make mistakes” Hank said after a moment of thought
“Still, is not what a signed up for” he answered shaking his head thinking of everything that brought him to this moment. Every mistake, every doubt and all the guilt.
“Hey and that’s on me. Alright” Hank spoke sternly.
Trying to get the younger man to understand that he didn’t need to carry this weight, because it wasn’t his to carry.
“I couldn’t even say goodbye to my wife. I left her a stupid note” Jay said bitterly voice breaking as he tried to fight the tears thinking of not being able to see her one last time. His wedding band feeling heavy on his finger. He imagined the betrayal and the hurt she would feel when she returned to the empty home, knowing he left the same way her father did when she was a kid. He had promised he would never leave her, but look where that got them.
“Jay…” “No sarge. Just, can you do me a favor?” Jay asked now serious -getting tired of the long goodbye- as he look at the older man
“Anything kid” “Take care of her for me, okay” he whispered before extending his hand for Hank to shake.
“I won’t need to” Hank said.
At this Jay’s eyebrows furrowed confused as Hank nodded pass Jay’s shoulder, the latter slowly turning around. Jay’s breath got caught in his throat at the sight of his wife a couple of feet away from the two men. He sighed, smiling sadly which was returned by Andrea with a little wave. They hadn’t seen each other in weeks yet there she was as beautiful as ever, eyes and cheeks puffy from what he could imagine had been crying before arriving here.
“Good luck Jay” Hank’s voice pulled the young former detective’s attention back, shaking hands with the older man before walking towards his wife. As he got closer he let his bag fall to the ground as he carried her off her feet in an embrace, her arms circling his neck.
“Hi baby” she whispered in his ear, as Jay sighed.
“Hey beautiful” he answered as one arm rounded her waist and the other securely tucked her head in his shoulder. Now he would get the chance to make things right with her before taking that flight into the uncertainty.
After a couple of minutes they pulled away Jay safely placing her back on the ground as his hands went to her cheeks. He looked at her with such love yet with so much regret and guilt, that it made her heart squeeze.
His gaze turned slightly falling on Hailey who was inside Andrea’s truck a smile resting on her face as she waved goodbye before driving away. Then down at Andrea’s feet where a bag was laying. Jay almost got whiplash as his head turned to her eyes furrowing his eyebrows.
“Babe what’s going on?” he asked hands still on her face as she smiled
“Did you really think I would let you leave on your own?” she asked beaming at her husband. His eyes flickering around her face trying to figure out if it was a lie.
“You didn’t-” he shook his head, before being interrupted
“If I’m yours, you’ll know you have to let me go’, what kind of Shakespearean bullshit is that Jay Halstead. Were you really not dragging my ass with you?” Andrea asked raising an eyebrow amusingly as she shook her head while Jay chuckled slightly
“I wrote that because I thought I wouldn’t see you before leaving” he said thumb rubbing her cheekbones
“Fine your kind of right. But you know your Spanish sucks, so you need me” she said pecking his cheek pulling away to pick up her bag. She stopped herself when she saw Jay’s face turning serious again.
Too many questions and ‘what’s if’ going through his head and as if she could read his mind she placed both hands on his cheeks directing his gaze to hers. Standing on the tip of her toes she pulled him into a kiss pouring all of the love and compassion she had, placing her forehead on his as they pulled away.
“We made a vow, babe. Wherever you go. I. Go. No exceptions” words cracking as Jay brushed a tear that had managed to escape her beautiful eyes.
“I don’t want to drag you away Andrea-” “Good thing you’re not”
He shook his head with a thin lined smile before pulling her back into his arms digging his nose into her hair, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He wanted to keep the tears at bay, safe to say it wasn’t working. God how much he loved the smell of cinnamon she always managed to have.
She always felt like home to him and he knew that they would always have each other. Pulling away and bending to pick up their bags Jay reached to hold her hand making Andrea intertwined their fingers bringing their joint hands to her lips as she gave a sweet peck on the back of his hand both walking to a new chapter. Together.
It had been a couple of months -4 to be exact-. Andrea was currently in Will’s car on her way to the district. She had returned to Chicago a couple of days ago so she could pack some of hers and Jay’s last stuff that his brother hadn’t had time to send to them and bring it back with her. The trip only lasting 4 days so she would be back at Bolivia in 2 days. Now climbing the stairs to the front desk, she smiled and waved at the older woman who immediately rounded the desk to give her a hug.
“Look at you. You guys been married for 4 years and now you decide to procreate a baby chuckles, huh sunshine” Trudy said amused as Andrea laughed shrugging her shoulders
“Surprise” she shook her hands, while Trudy shook her head scoffing,
“Go on. Their exited to see you” Trudy ushered her up the stairs.
As she got to the top of the stairs she looked around everything seemed the same. Her gaze fell on Jay’s desk and memories started to surface making her smile. The team hadn’t noticed her yet,
“Is this how you welcome me back. I know you guys missed me don’t pretend” at the sound of her voice multiple heads turn and a lot of cheers were shared before the team one by one hugged the former teammate. There were familiar faces and new faces.
“Oh. Andrea this are our new team members. Ashley and, I think you already know Dante” Hailey introduced
“Nice to meet you, Ashley” “Likewise, Detective Halstead. I’ve heard a lot about you from your former partner” -that would be Kim- Andrea smiled at her best friend who smiled back
“Hi Dante”
Andrea said turning to Dante who shared a smile with Andrea while hugging each other slightly. Andrea had only seen him once before she left given that she spend most of the time after his arrival being undercover. Nonetheless Jay had shared a lot about the young man with his wife, plus Dante often calls Jay -they had managed to turn into friends/ mentor-alumni-.
“Look at you!” Kim smiled as she caressed Andreas baby bump, Hailey following suit
“Yeah. I ate a watermelon seed. Guess what Adam used to say it’s true” Andrea giggled as she shrugged her shoulders making the team groan in response,
“Atta girl” Adam giving her a high five in response while the other chuckled
“How are you guys? How is Jay?” Kevin question was met with a beaming Andrea but before she could answer, her phone rang making her laugh before she answered it
“Hey! Look who I ran into” Andrea said as she turned her phone showing the intelligence unit who had video called -their friend-.
“Hey man! Looking good!” Kevin addressed first, followed by other greetings
“I am good. How’s my girl? Is she alright, arrived with all her beautiful self and the precious cargo intact?” Andrea rolled her eyes as the team laughed. After an hour of talking to Jay catching up and sharing events that he had missed it was time to hang up.
“Hey, yo, guys sorry to ruin it but they’re calling me” Jay said waving at his friends
“Be safe, man” Adam said
“Will be. You be careful dumbass. Can I talk to my wife please and thank you” Jay said, as Kevin called Andrea. She started walking into the break room before her face appeared on the screen making Jay beam before winking at her, this being met with her chuckles.
“Be careful, baby” Andrea said sighing
“Always. I’ll be back at the house before you arrive. I love you both!” he said smiling
“I love you too! See you soon” she smiled as he hung up
Gazing out at the bullpen, she looked at the new and old faces. Andrea smiled knowing that no matter how much time went by, this, this right here wouldn’t change.
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day/night!
May I request a Lucifer x male reader NSFW?
Dom reader, taking care of Lucifer when he feels stressed/sad, maybe trying to break his pride so he can admit what he wants? You can do any sort of kink you want, but may I ask for a slight choking kink, maybe biting?
I apologize if this is awkward, this is my first time requesting ever. ^^ (p.s. I absolutely love your work!)
𖥻 characters... lucifer x m!reader
𖥻 genre... nsfw oneshot
𖥻 warnings... nsfw!! minors, ageless blogs and fem aligned will be blocked, amab!reader, dom top!reader, sub bottom!lucifer, dacryphilia [a lot of it lololol], reader calls luci a variety of pet names, tons of teasing, dirty talking, begging, praise, choking, marking [biting n scratching lolz], mentions of blood [not a lot but adding jus incase], nipple play? kinda? not too detailed but its there, drooling!!, gets a lil messy, slight dumbification question mark, fingering, edging & overstim <3
𖥻 a.n... oh my, darling ur absolutely fine!! ur politeness is a large contrast to ur req but it's rather endearing LMFAOOO n thank u for joinin in the event!! please don't be shy to drop by again, alright?? <33 anw this is so raunchy i'd have heart eyes if it were possible n i'm sorry if the choking part is inaccurate i'm not well versed in it &lt;/3
🌐 % 3V3NT H3R3 @ __★
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the words on the paper were beginning to blur into one another and his fingers felt sore and worn. with eyebrows scrunched together in disappointment, slim and nimble fingers moved fluidly across the expanse of paper as they stamped 'DISAPPROVED' in big, bold, red letters at the request of the student council approving the creation of a human hate club. lucifer sighed for the umpteenth time that night, using his free thumb and forefinger to massage the space in between his eyes.
he dared to take a glance at the mountains of student council work that were strewn all over his desk, the paperwork seeming endless. he felt tears pricking his eyes at the sheer amount of work he had left, just because he was used to doing it didn’t mean it ever got easier.
the avatar of pride harshly pushed his chair back, head in his hands and gripping the ends of his hair tightly. he squeezed his eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling down his face, anything to keep himself from falling apart.
his muscles ached and he could feel the tell-tale signs of his throat beginning to close up. despite his efforts of holding back his tears, a few managed to slip by. he dug the heel of his palms into his eyes in an attempt to stop them from hitting the ground, his last attempt at keeping control.
“lucifer?” at the call of his name, the demon shot up. seeing you at the end of his desk sent him into a panic, he was well aware that he looked less than favourable.
lucifer cleared his throat, running his fingers through his hair to at least try to look presentable in front of you. he looked up at you expectedly, forcing down his stress and shifting all his focus on you.
“is everything alright?” it was hard to ignore the avatar of pride’s bloodshot eyes and untidy hair, and with the amount of work piled up on his desk, it was easy to put two and two together.
“everything is fine, is there something you needed?” he straightened out his suit, picking up the pen he had dropped earlier to continue where he left off, only to sigh once more upon seeing the paper he had been reading.
“lucifer… i think you should rest, you’re clearly overworked.” you tried arguing, though you knew it would be futile.
lucifer gave you a deadpanned look, wordlessly signaling towards the endless piles of paperwork. you outwardly cringed, understanding full well why lucifer was pushing himself so hard. regardless, you were determined to get him to rest, you had picked up that lucifer hadn’t slept in roughly three days, surviving purely off of coffee.
“It’ll still be there when you get back… i’m sure you’re ahead of all of it too. c’mon, you need to take a break.” you tried ushering him out of his chair, taking a glance at the document he was doing, scrunching your eyebrows in disgust at its contents.
the demon was torn. on one hand, you were right, getting some rest would help his stressed and sleep-deprived mind make better decisions. on the other, he couldn't let himself procrastinate any further, he already had so much work to do, it would only increase if he were to take a break.
"you and i both know you'll feel better if you do, lucifer. i love you, but please don't be so hard on yourself." you begged, seeing him so worn out like this hurt you in more ways than one could imagine. you wanted nothing more than to hold him in your arms and take care of him.
seeing him sluggishly sign his name at the end of the document made you certain you were going to have him relax, one way or another.
lucifer was close to shutting you down until he moved on to the next paper. not only did the words appear to bleed together, but they looked like they were melting off the page. his thoughts were equally as muddled, his thoughts about work slowly dissolving into thoughts about you.
he craved your touch, he needed you to make him feel better. he needed you to make him forget about his work, to forget about all the expectations the world had of him. he wanted nothing more than for you to bend him over and⎯
again, his cursed pride held him back. everything in his body was screaming at him to push you away and finish his work, even if it meant he was damaging his body.
"mc, i appreciate the concern, but i really need to get back to work." the wavering in his voice gave away his hesitation, though the demon pretended as though it didn't happen, most likely to soothe himself. it was clear that there was something he wanted to say but his sin stopped him from doing so.
"lucifer, look at me." you forcibly turned his head towards you, "put your stupid ego to the side and tell me, without holding back in the slightest, what you want."
lucifer bit his lip, tears building up in his eyes once more, gaze dancing from your own eyes to the desk to the ceiling. he shook his head, the beady tears slowly making their way down his face as he tried to fight the temptation.
"i..." you took a deep breath, feeling the hair on the back of your neck stand up from anticipation, "i can't, mc. i really must finish my work." you exhaled, disappointed that his pride got the better of him.
though despite his words, his breathing got noticeably heavier, and you took note of the way he squeezed his thighs together. you licked your lips, feeling your cheeks grow warmer at the effect you had on the demon.
"are you sure, luci? your body's a lot more honest than your words~" you purred, stroking his cheek with your thumb lovingly.
it was so shameful for his body to be so desperate like this, but he couldn't help but feel even more turned on. he enjoyed how you were treating him so softly, though the underlying roughness to your actions was more than clear to him.
your hands trailed down to his neck, gently caressing him before squeezing down on the sides of his neck. you relished in the way lucifer's mouth dropped open in a silent moan, the way he screwed his eyes shut, and the salty tears that trickled down his flushed cheeks.
"cmon baby, don't you want more of this? i can give you more... only if you come to bed with me." you teased while loosening your grip, letting him breathe again. he inhaled sharply, eyes shooting open before refocusing on you. aside from how glossed over they were, there was a needy look in his eyes and they were solely trained on you.
you backed away from him, tracing down his body until he was out of reach. his body unknowingly chased after you, gazing at you with what you could only describe as 'puppy eyes'.
as you neared the stairs, you watched as lucifer kept glancing between you and the work that flooded his workstation, genuinely looking torn at the decision he was forced to make.
after taking a deep breath, he abruptly got up from his chair and made his way towards you. without even sparing you a glance, he grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you with him without a word. you weren't one to complain, it meant you could admire his back without lucifer chiding you.
you hadn't even noticed when the two of you arrived in front of his room until you were forcefully pulled into it. you stumbled into his lavish room, a little surprised that your sweet talking went through to him. the door closed quietly behind you, not wanting to make too much noise as it was late into the night.
lucifer didn't look at you, rather, he was actively avoiding your gaze. you paid no mind to it, already knowing how much self-control it took him to let you take care of him. the avatar of pride stood stiffly near you, shoulders and jaw visibly tense. to those who weren't familiar with lucifer saw the look on his face, they would've naturally assumed he was annoyed, but you knew better. you also knew that lucifer was far from annoyed, you'd say he was feeling pretty excited if anything.
you closed the gap between the two of you, bringing your face close to his. with your lips only mere millimeters away from his, you could feel his quickened breath fan over your lips.
your gaze shifted from their focus on his chapped lips to the steadily growing blush on his cheeks, enjoying the way his eyes kept nervously darting around the room.
"good boy." you whispered, giving him a quick peck as a reward.
that quick peck easily escalated, and before long, you found yourself pushing lucifer back on his bed with your lips still attached to his. he was the epitome of disheveled, his coat was somewhere strewn on the floor, his vest halfway unbuttoned, giving you the perfect view of his broad chest.
you bit your lip, his unmarked expanse of skin looked like it was begging to be marked up you. the demon watched you through half-lidded eyes, observing your every move with his hair splayed around him like a halo. his knees hung off the edge of the bed, with one arm covering the lower half of his face.
you were completely awestruck by his beauty, wanting nothing more than this very sight to be burned into your memory. you took a deep breath, giving his figure one last glance before leaning back down. you gave his lips a peck, peppering kisses down his neck while your hands undid the rest of the buttons.
you hadn't realised how hard you had bitten down until you felt the warm, thick liquid hit your tongue. initially, you flinched backward, immediately unlatching yourself from his neck when the metallic liquid coated your tongue. you were ready to apologise until you heard lucifer whine and felt his cock twitch against your stomach. you blinked a few times, stunned that the demon had enjoyed that.
you were frozen, unsure of how to react. then, your eyes caught on to the drop of blood that seeped through the wound, feeling a strong urge to lick it up. you were lapping it up before you had a second thought about it, soothing the bite and stopping the bleeding. the whimpers you got in response were enough to fuel you on, leaving more bites on the base of his neck, each drawing blood that would trail further down his chest until you could lick it up.
you alternated between leaving kisses, hickeys, and bites on his neck, leaning back a little to examine your work. you knew lucifer would get upset at you in the morning but it eased the feral side of you seeing him all marked up.
you slipped his vest off his shoulders, throwing it aimlessly behind you, uncaring of where it landed, and went straight to kissing his chest. your hands stroked his body, lingering on his pecs and slowly making their way down to his thighs where they rested, massaging and pawing at the defined muscles. your hands inched closer to his growing length, only to change their direction when your fingertips grazed it. the quiet gasps he let outplayed at your heartstrings and you had to hold yourself back from cooing.
just like his neck, you alternated between littering kisses, sucking hickeys, and the occasional nip on his chest. you neared his nipples, dragging your tongue across the expanse of skin until you could latch onto the hardened bud. lucifer's hands immediately clutched onto your head, bringing your impossibly closer to him.
you watched the demon's face rapidly shift expressions through half-lidded eyes, chuckling against his skin at his reaction to you grazing your teeth on the bud. you continued suckling on his nipple while one of your hands moved up to play with the neglected bud.
you relished in the way lucifer's pants divulged into soft moans, his back arching into your mouth. his dewy eyes tried to keep their focus on you, though you suppose the humiliation and embarrassment of was beginning to sink in as after meeting your gaze, his eyes snapped towards the ceiling. however, keeping his eyes off of you proved more difficult than he originally thought, as his eyes kept glancing back at you.
you came off his chest with a lewd pop!, tongue hanging out of your mouth and resting it on the tip of of the nipple, coating the tender bud in your saliva. you made sure to keep eye contact with lucifer while trailing kisses to the disregarded nipple.
you gave it the same attention as you did to the other, only detaching yourself when you felt satisfied with your teasing. you took a moment to catch your breath, seeing that lucifer also needed a moment to collect himself by the growing wet spot in his pants.
your finger trailed down and teased his clothed tip, "doesn't this feel uncomfortable, baby? don't you wanna get rid of this, hm?" you tutted in faux disappointment, relishing at the avatar of pride's tightly squeezed shut. he nodded desperately, though making no move to change it.
you grinned, moving away from him and off of the bed, the demon immediately rising and crawling after you like a lost puppy.
"why don't you move a little higher, darling? get comfortable, 'kay?" you pecked him before leaving to fetch the lube you knew he kept hidden amidst his socks in one of the drawers on his side table. you took the time to strip yourself of your shirt while you were at it, dealing with it now rather than pause your actions later.
you turned back to lucifer, only to have the breath knocked out of you when you saw the way he was sat, patiently waiting for your return. he had done the courtesy of taking off his trousers and you weren't sure if he had taken off his boxers thanks to the pillow he had clutched in his arms.
his face was still red, due to the crying or the shyness you weren't certain. he sniffled, snapping you out of your reverie. you rushed back to him, pecking him once more before laying him down. you moved the pillow out of his hold, pleased to see that he had taken off his boxers as well. you supposed lucifer began to feel you weren't progressing at the speed he wanted, his hands wrapping around your neck and pulling you down to another kiss.
his hands found home on your back, raking his fingernails down with enough force you knew would leave welts, not that you minded anyways.
your hands caressed his body, squeezing the supple muscles every now and then. your hands teased around his leaky cock, touching everywhere but where he wanted you to touch most.
lucifer whined as a response, hands moving away in what you assumed was an attempt to guide your hands to his hard-on. you pulled away with a tsk, "behave... or tell me what you want." you firmly repeated, a hand snaked around his throat, squeezing gently as a warning while the other hand pulled away from his body completely.
lucifer looked like he wanted to oppose you, eyebrows furrowed and looking at you with an unexplainable emotion swirling in his eyes. he kept silent, choosing instead to look away and hide his face from you, though his body gave him away.
you took note of the way his back slightly arched off the bed, as though it was chasing after your touch. the action made you coo, deciding that, maybe, it wouldn't hurt to give him a small reward.
you kept him distracted with a kiss while your hands dealt with the lube. the demon flinched the moment the cool liquid made contact with his sensitive cock, his hands moving to grab your biceps, squeezing your muscles with strength you forgot he was capable of.
you were quick to soothe him, your right hand wrapping around his length and giving him a pump while your left hand went up to cup his cheek.
lucifer instinctively nuzzled his face against your palm, eyes falling shut as he obediently took what you were giving him. his voice started off soft and quiet, though as your speed gradually increased, so did the volume of his moans and whines.
"you're doing so well for me, sweetheart." you praised, grip tightening ever so slightly when your hand glided over his tip.
lucifer's panting got louder and heavier, whimpers mixing in when your thumb teased his slit. his hand flew towards his mouth, muffling the loud, wanton moan that escaped him.
with the more you touched him, the more he unravel beneath you, as though all his inhibitions were thrown out the window. your other hand lowered to his ass, slicked up finger circling around his hole that clenched around nothing. an amused, breathy laugh exited your lips at how needy lucifer was being, like a whore in heat all because he had a finger in his ass and a human was playing with his hard cock.
you thought it would be cruel if you didn't fill him in on your train of thoughts, so you did just that. "you look so pathetic like this, my dear. lookin' so wrecked all 'cause a human's playing with your ass and touching your cock." you cooed in a mean tone, enjoying the whines that spilled past his lips and the twitching of his dick.
you continued teasing him, changing the speed of you stroking him as to throw him off guard, so he could feel his orgasm approaching but never really reach it.
eventually, his hips began to match your pace, thrusting up into your hand when your fingers would graze the spot that made his back arch in the loveliest ways. you were a little impressed with how quick he was to figure out your pattern and use it to his advantage.
you let him continue doing so, knowing that it would ultimately lead him nowhere since he still hadn't been completely honest with you.
the lewd sounds of your actions echoed around the room, the constant squelch! and fap! were loud enough for you to worry that it was audible to the rest of the household. though you were brought out of your thoughts by lucifer's hands pulling you down to bring you into a heated kiss, the worry slipping from your mind as you brought your focus back onto the crying demon.
"need more." he sobbed against your lips, voice so soft you had thought it had been your mind playing tricks on you. yet your demon proved you wrong, repeating the words over and over again almost like it was a prayer.
he only stopped when he came, moaning out your name so loud you were sure diavolo would've been able to hear it from the castle. long, thick strands of cum painted his stomach and your hand, making you pause your ministrations.
you let him catch his breath before beginning up again, pace unchanging from the one before he came. his eyes shot open, looking at you in a panic and shaking his head vigorously.
"can't! 's too much!" he begged, although his body disagreed with his words. you muted him with a peck, the hand wrapped around his twitching cock slowing its pace while the fingers buried in his tight hole kept grazing him sweet spot.
it didn't take long for his next climax to build up, still sensitive from his previous high. you assumed his pride no longer weighed in his mind, his voice going up an octave and volume the longer you wound him up.
a smirk grew on your lips at the look on the demon's face. his face was sticky with a mixture of tears and sweat, his button nose and cheeks still red from his crying. he had his mouth hung open, tongue lolled out to the side and his eyes had a glazed-over look to them.
you stopped your ministrations, moving your hands away from both his ass and his leaky cock, chuckling at the way his hole clenched around nothing and the way he began sobbing harder.
"tell me what you want, luci. it's that easy, darling." you cooed, squeezing his fleshy thighs. the avatar of pride whined loudly, body squirming around uncontrollably atop of his plush pillows. "i can't give you what you want if you don't tell me, baby." you pushed harder, knowing his pride was near its breaking point.
you finally got what you had spent the hour working towards, and my, did you enjoy seeing it pay off.
"i want you to touch me." lucifer mumbled while choking back a sob, "want you t' fuck me 'nd make me forget about work, please, please, please." the demon begged, pride flying out the window and letting himself go.
with a smile, you peppered kisses up his thighs, happy you finally got him to admit everything he was bottling up.
"that wasn't so hard, now was it, darling?" you put your hands back on him, giving his painfully hard cock a few more pumps until he came on your hand. a loud cry ripped from his throat before he bit down on his lip, your eyes mesmerised by the drop of blood that rolled down his chin as a result.
lucifer didn't reply to your teasing, his head was turned away from you so you could see the flush that coated his cheeks and ears. you silently observed the way his chest rose and fell erratically, feeling proud of yourself.
but you weren't done, in fact, you were nowhere near done.
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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maiko-san · 5 months
The Dark Network
sneak peak on the prologue
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I woke up with sweat covering my entire body, my heart beats fast against my ribcage and my breathing is uneven.
'Another nightmare'
I run my fingers through my hair as I let out a frustrated sigh, it has been a week- wait no a month. I have the same dream over and over, but everytime I wake up. I couldn't remember what it was, everything was a blur.
But I know that dream has meaning, something bad is going to happen.
I get off the comfort of my bed and went to the kitchen, a cup of cold water could calm down my nerve. Once I got my drink, I stand near the window and see my reflection.
I look horrible. With bags under my eyes, my lips are chapped and my greying brown hair is unkept. I put away the empty glass and went to the bathroom to clean myself up.
After I'm done, I went outside to water my small garden. The flowers are blooming and showing their brightest colours for everyone to see, I couldn't help but smile. Gardening is one of my favourite hobbies.
"Good morning, Mr. Abel!" a voice said causing my to turn my attention to the gate, it was Henry. A young mail man that lives a few blocks away. With a smile plaster on his lips as he pulls out a letter from his bag.
"Good morning, Henry. Got a letter for me?" I questioned the young man.
"Yup! You got yourself a letter!" Henry chirps as he hands over the letter to me. I take it from his hand. "Thanks, Henry" I said as Henry tips his cap. "Your welcome!" he said before walking up to the next house to deliver a letter.
I turn my attention to the letter in my hand, I couldn't help but smile as soon I recognised the hand writing on the envelope.
It was from my niece, Charlie. I open the letter and reads it.
Dear Uncle Abel,
Hello, Uncle Abel! I hope you are doing well in your little cozy home! I'm doing fine if you're wondering! I just want to say..... I got my dream job! Yippe!
I can't wait to get started with my new job, wish me luck and by the way, take good care of yourself!
Your beloved niece, Charlie.
I shake my head as I let out a small chuckle, Charlie always the brightest person. I notice there is a photo, I take it out and smiles at the sight of my niece smiling for the camera.
For some reason, I feel a tingle in my chest and it was unsettling......but I ignored it.
A week has passed and my days went as normal. Currently, I am watching the TV. There's nothing much to do in the weekends, I could go out and went to the park.
As I was about to take a sip of my coffee, my phone rings. I check the number and it belongs to Annie, Charlie's mother.
I pick up the phone.
"Hello" I said.
"Abel, I need your help...." Annie's voice enters my ears, she sound distressed.
"What's wrong, Annie?" I questioned her. All I could hear was sobbing.
"It's Charlie...." she sobbed. My brows knitted together, "What happened?" I asked her but all I hear are crying. "I-I'll get to your house, alright" I said as I quickly grab my keys and drive my way towards her house that is 7miles away from here.
"She hasn't answered any of my calls for a week— I even tried messaging her— I-I asked her friends but they doesn't know where she is— Abel, please you got to help me" cried Annie as she hugs me tightly, I gently rub her back as I comfort her.
"Tell me, when the last time you contacted her?" I questioned her, Annie wipes away her tears. "A-at her workplace....I did tried contacting the HR but they never answered my calls" she explained.
"Where's the place she work at?" Annie look up to me, "Charlie d-didn't tell you?" she stuttered. "Tell me what?".
"She's working for C&A, Abel"
My heart drops at her statement.
That company supposed to be shut down 5 years ago! Why it is still running? I stand up from the couch and went to the door, I turn my head slightly.
"I will find her, Annie. Don't you worry" I said.
I finally arrive at the building and it's already night time.The place is the same as before and nothing has changed. This place doesn't have any security or whatsoever, everything looks abandoned.
"How did you manage to get a job here, Charlie..." I whispered, questioning how she gets a job at an abandoned place. I hop out of my truck and put on my satchel and bring out my flashlight.
I open the gate and make my way into the building, everything is dark. I turn on my flashlight to see an empty building, each footsteps I took leaves an echoe.
"Charlie?" I called out. Hoping that she reply.
I hear something scattering across the floor, I shine my flashlight towards the source and it was a rat, I turn away from it and resume my search. Calling out for Charlie for time to time.
I went through all the rooms that the building has but there's nothing, could it be they have a different building at a different location?
No, Annie gave me the exact address.....
There has to be something here, like...like a hidden door? A hidden office? Yes, that's the only thing I could think off.
As I continue my search, I noticed a shelf blocking something. I quickly make my way towards it and check what's behind it, I could make it out but I noticed there is a door behind it.
I push the shelf aside and it was a bright red door, it was just an emergency exit. I let out a frustrated sigh as I slowly turn away, it's just an exit door. As I take a step, I hear the door creaks open.
A bead of sweat rolls down my cheek as I slowly turn my head, behind the door I see a light source peeking through the small gap. I turn around and push the door open.
My eyes widen at the sight of a desk with an old computer and a headset.
My flashlight drops to the ground, "No, she didn't —" before I could even react. The door behind me slams shut as I takes a few steps away. The single light flickers on and off. Then, something strikes from the shadows and binds me down.
"Argh!" whatever holding me down was strong and I couldn't see due to the flickering light. I lift my head to see the computer screen glitching wildly before showing me a game screen title and before I knew it, I feel the headsets strap itself to my face by an invisible force.
The last thing I see was....darkness.
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little-pink-demon00 · 2 years
Getting Yourself Killed
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Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader
Angst Fluff
Warning: Vecna
Summery: Hopper!Y/N beacons the next victim of Vecna
“Hey Y/N can you come with me for this one?” Max acked with very little confidence, almost sounding scared. Who wouldn't blame her the whole Vecna thing was scary even for Y/N. Especially when the party found out the symptoms for Vecna's Course, Nightmares, ever since her first encounter with the upside down Y/N has been having nightmares about it so that dont worry her too much, headackers, sure everyone has headaches from time to time, and nose bleeds, now that made Y/N worry. You see, recently she has been having nosebleeds and at first she didn't think anything of it, until now. Y/N should have known something was up the moment the nosebleeds started, with everything that heppened to her adopted sister El. All of this led to this moment now sitting in her boyfriend’s, Steve’s, car waiting for Max to deliver her last letter to her late step brother Billy. 
“Ya sure Max '' Y/N answered a little confused but went with Max anyway.  When Max and Y/N got to the grave Max finally spoke up. 
“I know” that's all Max needed to say for Y/N to understand what she was saying. Max knew that Y/N was the next victim to Vecna. “You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that I know, '' Max said before sitting down next to Billy's grave and reading her letter out loud. 
The next few minutes went by in a flash, Max was hosted up in the air with her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Everyone was screaming Y/N, Dustin, Luscious, and Steve they were all scared of what would happen to their friend. The rest of what happened was a complete blur, the next thing that Y/N knew was that they were all sitting in the Wheeler basement contemplating their next moves. When they made up their minds they went to go find Eddie at Skull rock. 
While walking there Y/N had her headphones one listening to “the Chain '' by Fleetwood Mac. She was scared of what would happen to her. If it was true that she was cursed like Max then will the same thing happen to her? Her chain of thoughts were interrupted by the chiming of a clock. Y/N whipped her head around to see where the clock noise was coming from but saw nothing but trees. 
“Hey are you ok babe?” her boyfriend acked with a look of sympathy.
“Y-Ya I’m fine it's just the whole Vecna thing is making me a little paranoid, you know.” Y/N said trying to not make her boyfriend worry. That was until he noticed a little trickle of blood run from her nose. Steve reached out to wipe the blood off his girlfriend's face. 
“Your curses aren't you Y/N.” Steve said with a look of worry. 
“What no, I'm just really stressed out, you know that I have nosebleeds when I'm stressed Steve” Y/N said trying to get the attention off of her. 
“Y/N Stop lying, I know it's not a stress nosebleed” Steve was getting annoyed now, he didn't like how Y/N wasn't taking this whole situation seriously. 
“Are we really shocked tho, Y/N never really took anything siriusly” said a familiar voice from behind her. Y/N turned around to see the one person she thought she would never see, Her father, Jim Hopper. He looked just how she remembered him. 
“D-Daddy?” Y/N asked with a tear running down her face.
“You were never good enuff Y/N, that's why you always wished it was you instead of Sara right? Why you wanted to die instead of her, you were never good enuff. You always knew I loved Sara more than you.” Jim said while walking towards Y/N.
“That's not true, this is not real my father is dead” Y/N said while walking backwards “you can't trick me Vecna” Y/N yelled
All of a sudden everything changed. The sky turned red and the trees started to look more like tentacles instead of wood. The man standing in front of her changed from her father to a monster, Vecna!
“I knew you were a smart one Y/N” Vecna Said while stalking towards her. 
“Y-Ya I get that alot” Y/N said while backing into a tentacle thing. All of the sudden Y/N is hosted up into the air being pulled by the many tentacles around her
“H-hey you don't have to do this man! We can just talk this out, you know!” Y/N pleaded, but that didn't help Vecna just walked closer 
“You know I get it man, you're mad and you have to live in a place like this, all wet and smelly you know. I really don't blame you, but you know what you need! You just need a friend and you will be fine. Ya! You just need a friend, and I know deep down in those ocean blue eyes you are a good person. God, your eyes are really blue, has anyone told you you have really blue eyes? They're really pretty too. If you weren't all burnt and stuff you would be really handsome you know!” Y/N keep ranting. 
“You don't shut up do you?” Vecna asked annoyed 
“Only when i'm trying to stoll” Y/N said trying to wiggle out to the tentacles 
All of the sudden the sound of Fleetwood Mac was filling their ears. Behind Y/N she saw her friends yelling for her to come back while she hovered above them in the forest. 
“Thank god that took them a long infuff. Well I LOVED talking to you Vecna but I have to go. Bye” and with that Y/N was able to wiggle out of her bindes and ran as fast as she could to the light. 
The next thing she felt was falling to the ground with a loud thump. “Omg Y/N are you ok” Steve yelled while holding on to Y/N like his life depended on it 
“Ya im fine, it it wrong that I want to do that again, not the whole Vecna thing but falling from that height” Y/N said while looking at Steve
“You are going to get yourself killed” Steve said while rolling his eyes and kissing the top of Y/N’s head.
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I love your work, could you do soulmate au for Phoenix, Bob and reader. They just meet reader during the uranium mission (please make this as long as possible, I would love to read how you expand on my ideas) maybe their first meeting, then flirting with her, training, getting to know her, the mission (as angsty as possible 🙃) and anything after.
A/N: Anon, I think you're my new best friend. A soulmate au, a poly story, angst, fluff, and giving me the ability to kinda lose sight of the prompt so I can make this as long as possible!? AHHH!!! I am so so happy. I have like five other requests sitting right now but all I can focus on is this. Also the introduction for all of them is going to be different from the movie so it can work here. Sorry if you don't like that! This is fanfiction though 😂 I hope this was long enough and angsty enough!
Warnings: Near death, character loss, MOVIE SPOILERS!!!!!!!
Word count: 2.6 K
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You walked into The Hard Deck wearing your uniform and walked up to the bar, "Hey Penny, I'll take a rum and coke" you grinned at her. "Wow, Lt. L/N I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?" she asked you as she got your drink. "Good, they've been sending me all over the world since that last high stake mission I told you about" you smiled. You had known Penny for years and considered her a good friend and role model. "Looks like they recalling a couple of you kids, no one is sure why, some of them are over there" she told you and pointed to the group of aviators.
You paid for your drink and took a sip before heading over to them. You saw Hangman and met his eyes "Am I dreaming or is that you, Sparky?" He asked, taking the toothpick out of his mouth. "Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants Bagman" you smirked. He frowned, taking the pool stick from Bob "Hangman" he corrected. "Whatever Headache. Don't be dick, give the guy the pool stick back" you said, sipping your drink.
Natasha stepped in and you both bullied Hangman back and forth, getting Robert the pool stick back. You held out your hand "Lt. Y/n L/n but everyone calls me Sparky" you winked at the beautiful woman in front of you “And you are gorgeous?” You flirted. She gasped and took your hand "Lt. Natasha Trace but everyone calls me Phoenix" she said and your eyes widened, feeling her name on your wrist burn and turn a color. Looking down you saw it was a bright red. You looked up at her with a big smile "It's you" you said in a breathy voice. Underneath was still 'Robert Floyd' in big black letter. You looked at her wrist and saw your name in yellow and Roberts name in orange. "Bob! Come here!" She called to the guy you just helped. You saw the last name on his uniform and your heart clenched in excitement. "Hi, I'm Y/n L/n" you told him and watched your name turn purple on his wrist. "Robert Floyd" he said in amazement, his name going blue on your wrist.
You all just stared at each other for a minute before you all broke out laughing. "Wow, I really wasn't expecting this today" you grinned. "Neither were we. We've been waiting for you" Natasha told you. You blushed "I'm glad I got to meet you both at the same time" you said "I've never been good at waiting but now I don't have to" you grinned.
You all stuck to each other and got to know each other while saying hello to old friends as they filtered in. You looked over as Rooster came in and waved him over "Rooster, I missed you!" You said as you hugged your best friend. You all chatted about your mutual friendships. The rest of the night became a blur of laughter and flirting back and forth with your soulmates. You enjoyed singing Great Balls of Fire by the piano with them, you had your arms around both of them. You all purposely avoided the topic of why the best of the best were being recalled to Top Gun. You knew it wasn't good and you just wanted to enjoy the pure bliss of finding your soulmates.
The next day everyone was gathered on base. You sat at the table, sitting next to Hangman as you kept glancing at your soulmates. The mission was being explained and it sounded close to one you've performed before. "Now" Maverick said, "There is a single person in this room who has preformed a mission extremely similar to this one. Except it only needed one miracle and not two. That is Lt. L/N" he said. You looked at him and tried to not grimace as everyone moved to look at you. "With all do respect Captain Mitchell, you're neglecting the fact that my wingman was lost and I nearly died as well" you said, your jaw tight when you stopped talking. "That's why I am here, to make you all a team and make you all better" he told everyone.
You all went out for your training and listened to the conversation as they decided to make the wager of 200 push ups. When you got in the air, you were extremely careful, you knew Mavericks moves well as you thought a lot like him. You also had to study his reports from similar missions back so it gave you the upper hand currently. Your biggest issue was that you were up with Hangman, to him the sky wasn’t big enough to contain his ego.
You saw Maverick coming up behind you and hit the breaks as he flew past. "C'mon, I almost have you" you hissed under your breath, about to get a lock on Maverick. Suddenly Hangman decided to show off and cut you off "God damnit Hangman! I almost had him!" You yelled. Because of him it left you vulnerable and you got targeted by Maverick. Just like his name, Hangman left you hanging. You tried to maneuver your way out of his reach but without the aid of a wingman to help, you were useless in the air. It didn’t take long for Maverick to get a lock on you but you made it extremely difficult on him. "Good try Sparky, but go on down for the pushups" as you did Hangman was yelling for your help "I'm dead cause of you asshole" you said, no sympathy in your voice.
When you were doing push-ups, you glared at him. "I'm warning you now, we go on that mission and you leave anyone hanging, you'll regret it" you hissed where only he could hear. You were a lot more protective now that you had two soulmates and their lives were on the line. You got up and walked off once Hondo told you you reached your two hundred pushups. You went inside, going to listen as Bob and Phoenix were up in the air. You sat next to Rooster and he put a hand on your shoulder "Don't let him get to you y/n" he said and you nodded. You and Hangman fought like cats and dogs, it was never pretty and Rooster made sure to have your back.
Later Hangman came up to you and you both had a stare off, Maverick watching you both close after he finished his briefing over your training. “I don’t take well to threats L/n” he said. You got a cocky smirk, “What threat? All I told you was a promise” You laughed and then wrinkled your nose “Geez Hangman, take a shower. You reek of sweat” you said before walking away. You moved out of the way as he threw a paper ball at you. You walked to Bob and Phoenix, giving them a soft smile “Want to go out to the beach tonight?” You asked with a grin.
That night was filled with soft touches as you all walked the beach and sat by the water. You all talked about your childhoods and teenage years, laughing at how you all were just a bunch of dorks back in high school. You never felt more comfortable then when you were with them. They learned you weren’t the arrogant asshole that you acted like when in the skies, they knew you were very protective over anyone you flew with though, you took risks but never anything to hurt another person. You all had your reputations though there was a reason you were the best of the best. You learned Bob was quiet but around those he was really comfortable with he was a chatty person, he loved to talk about his interests and has a way to draw you in. You also learned Phoenix was very competitive but would also stop if someone need her, she cared about the ones she loved deeply.
When it came to dog fight football, it was fun to be teamed with them, managing to work well. You would give them a high five and you and Phoenix did it the same way Maverick and Goose used to, you did the same with Rooster. You took the time to admire your soulmates also, all you could think was that you got to live the rest of your life with them. Bob looked small but he was a powerhouse and so was Natasha. It left you with many less then innocent thoughts about the two.
It wasn’t long for everything to go down hill with the team though. You felt like you were about to die when Phoenix and Bob had to eject after the bird strike. You were on the ground and completely helpless as they yelled. While you felt bad to Coyote going into G-LOC but you were more concerned about your soulmates. Your heart was tight until you saw them both were safe and okay, just needing to stay the night to make sure everything was fine. It made you realize how close you could get to losing both your soulmates and how nearly impossible this mission was. It was only worse now because everyone’s morale was down as they couldn’t do it in the time frame.
Unfortunately Admiral Kazansky passed away and you all attended the funeral of the man who trusted you all with the difficult mission. You knew you would do anything to help Maverick now that his close friend and wingman had passed, he deserved it and Iceman trusted Maverick with this.
When Maverick was pulled off the mission, he came to you and asked for your help, you were the only one to get close enough to complete the mission on time with little to no issues. “I need your help, they could discharge you from the military though. I need them to see this can be done, not just with one person. I know you were being held back before when they were going too slow, so will you help me? Help me show your soulmates this can be done and they won’t be sent to their deaths?” he asked you. That struck and nerve and you agreed to help him however he needed. You would have helped him either way because of the respect you held for the late admiral.
That was why you were in the air with him when he preformed the miracle in two minutes and fifteen seconds, showing that it could be achieved. It wasn’t easy but you followed him as his wingwoman, both conversing back and forth. You knew your soulmates were listening in, they needed you to do this, they needed you to pass.
What you didn’t know was when you both preformed the impossible, your soulmates were terrified because they knew no matter what now, you would be on that mission. They had the time together but they had barely been with you for a few weeks. Natasha and Robert shared a look, it was in agreeance to make sure to spend every second they possibly could together, this solidified you would be going on that mission.
Once you got back, they made sure to take you out to a nice restaurant and you still only shared soft touches, not crossing that line yet because you still had so much to learn about each other that you didn’t want to rush anything. You didn’t bring up the reprimand Cyclone and Warlock gave you and Maverick, who quickly told them he ordered you, and Maverick was picked as mission leader.
When you all were being told who would be going on the mission, you looked at both of your soulmates after you were told all three of you were going on the mission. You were relieved that Maverick was going to be mission leader, you felt more comfortable with the older man leading you all.
You had a few minutes before you were all needed to leave and you went to them. “Hey” you said, looking at them with a small smile. “It’s all going to be okay, alright? We’re going to make it back in one piece” You said, almost like you were trying to convince yourself. You knew the risk as well as everyone else and knew how dangerous it was. “When we get back, you two owe me that date out dancing. You promised a fun night and you two got each other for so long that now we have to make up for loss time” you told them. They both grabbed your hands “Yep, we need to make it up to you. There are so many stories to tell still” Bob grinned. You kissed them both for the first time and grinned at the shocked look on their faces. “Incentive” you told them before being called to your jets.
You kept your mind focused when you were on the mission, you didn’t let yourself be distracted by worry for your soulmates, it was there but you knew the only way you could help them right now was by keeping your head in the game. You still felt relief when you kept passing each miracle, that they didn’t crash and that the target was blown up. You were relieved they made it over the steep fly of Coffin Corner without going into G-LOC.
When it came to the dogfight all that relief had disappeared, you were busy watching yours and everyone else's backs. You watched as a SAM went for Phoenix and Bob, before you could think, you went into protection mode and stopped it but got shot down by another. Your heart wrenched as everything flashed before your eyes. You saw yourself little, then your teens, and then meeting your two soulmates. You saw your stolen glances with them, the soft touches, and the conversations as you all got to know each other. You heard their screams as they yelled for you.
Your plane was crashing and had no hope of saving yourself beside ejecting. You did and crashed through trees as you came down. You looked up and saw another plane going down. “NO!” You yelled, running to the crash, you eventually found it and saw ‘Pete “Maverick“ Mitchell’ on it and guiltily felt relief that it wasn’t Bob and Natasha. You found your captain and helped him up quickly “We gotta go Mav, they’ll have people all over our asses in a minute.” you told him. Then an enemy helicopter came at you both, shooting and you both took off, neither of you managing to get hit. Just as the helicopter was starting to get closer, another plane came and shot it down but got shot down also.
Once again your chest grew tight but as you both ran through the woods, you found Rooster. You watched as Mav and he yelled back and forth, “As much as I would love to keep this going, we have to go!” you said and they nodded. You looked at Rooster, silently asking about your soulmates “They both were going back to the carrier, they wanted to come to but I told them not to” he said. You relaxed because you knew they were safe. You knew they were probably going crazy with worry but you were okay knowing that they were safe.
It wasn’t long before you all managed to get out on two F-14′s, Rooster going with Maverick. You had flown an F-14 a couple times before for top secret missions where they wanted you trained in possible aircraft's. You listened to Maverick give Rooster heart attacks, Maverick ordered you both to eject as neither of you could do anything but Rooster was stuck. “No Mav, I am not leaving my wingman!” You yelled when he tried to tell you to save yourself. When Jake came to save you all, you were relieved, and once on base you shook his hand. It didn’t take long for you to be in your soulmates arms, Natasha kissing you deeply and so long that you grew dizzy. Robert only gave you two seconds before doing the same and your legs grew weak. “Remind me to almost die a couple more times if I get kissed like that every time” you joked, a dazed look on your face, your eyes hidden by sunglasses. “No more almost dying. It’s time for us to take our soulmate on proper dates” Bob told you.
You just pulled them into a hug and relaxed as you all held each other, feeling the complete relief of having each other. There was a very bright future for you three and all you had to do was beat a couple miracles.
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softguarnere · 1 year
oh hell to the fuck yes
can i req a guarnere x m!reader fic thats like, curahee era get-together fluff? tysm!!
Might Find Love
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Bill Guarnere x reader
A/N: Hello Anon! Thanks for the patience - the past few months have been crazy. This isn't my best work by any means, but I felt bad for how long you had to wait, and I wanted to get something to you before the year was up. Title comes from Might Find Love by Hero The Band. I hope you enjoy it! (This is written for the fictional depiction from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️
Warnings: none
War is not supposed to be a glamorous thing. But every time that Guarnere cracks a joke or smiles in your direction, it gets a little harder to remind yourself that you're here on serious business - not to fall in love with one of your fellow paratroopers. Your feelings are getting as hard to ignore as the man himself.
"Stop," you hiss, kicking your leg out at him.
Bill stops, his hand raised to poke your leg again. He breaks into a grin. "Oh, sorry. Do you not like that?"
"It's distracting." The pages of your newspaper snap as you bring it back up, blocking him from view. Face hidden, you wince. It's not that you mean to snap at him, it's just that things are all starting to pile up, which makes it easier to crack.
Weekend passes have been cancelled again. Sobel confiscated a pair of socks that he claimed were "non-regulation clothing" from your footlocker and put you on latrine duty. You're worn out from going on one of the infamous night marches, but you can't seem to sleep. Now you just want to lie on your bunk and read the paper, and Bill can't seem to stop pestering you.
You could explain all of this to him, and you're about to when you feel him poke your leg again.
"Will you stop?!"
He smirks, finger poised to do it again. "Only if you give me attention."
Christ, he is such a younger sibling.
"Fine." The newspaper doesn't quite land where you want it to on the table, but at least it doesn't fall to the ground. No doubt that the sound would somehow summon Sobel, who would demand to know why it was there and start assigning all sorts of punishments for the accident. "What do you want to do?"
You blink. "You want to run Currahee? On one of the few days that we don't have PT?"
"No, not run. I wanna walk up Currahee. Leisurely like."
"That'll take all afternoon."
"That's the point." He offers you his hand as he stands, not seeming to care about what the action does to your heart; you might not be running, but your heart is racing and your imagination could easily get swept up in the pace.
Running Currahee has always been hell, but walking it . . . It's nice, somehow. Instead of the scenery and the views rushing past in a blur, it's nice to be able to see them. To enjoy them. And to enjoy your company as you make your way up the mountain instead of chanting and struggling to catch your breath.
Bill seems to have no problem with the last bit. He talks the entire way up the mountain, seemingly about everything. Life back in Philly, something funny one of the other men said, letters from his family, what he thinks the war will be like.
Halfway up the mountain, it occurs to you that you've never been alone together. You try to soak in his every word with a new appreciation as you hike.
He lets out a sigh when you reach the top of Currahee, staring out at the landscape that sprawls below the mountain. "We never get to see it like this. It's nice, huh?"
"I guess they don't have views like this back in Philly."
"Nope." You can't miss the way he glances at you. With a small laugh, he turns to face you. "No views like this either."
You freeze. "What?"
He shakes his head. "Come on, (Y/N). You're tellin' me you really didn't guess why I wanted to bring you up here?"
To pester me, you think. To spend time with me . . . alone. Of course the thought had flashed across your mind before leaving the barracks, but you hadn't wanted to get your hopes up. But now -
"So that no one can overhear us," you guess. "You wanted us to be alone."
"Did you not want that?"
Of course it's what you want. He's figured that out. And he wants to be alone, too.
"But there's a war going on," you say, voicing the thoughts and excuses that you've considered hundreds of times. "We're paratroopers. We're risking our lives. Falling in love isn't a part of going into combat."
Bill raises an eyebrow. "And yet, most of our friends have picked up some sorta girlfriend . . ."
He's right. He knows he's right. And you know it, too.
So then what's holding you back?
It sounds so simple like this. Yet it feels like you're taking a huge leap of faith, like how you imagine jumping from a plane for the first time will feel.
"They've all found love, of some sort. And I think we've found something, too."
You could kiss him. You have the feeling that he wants to do the same. But this thing between you - it's not new, exactly. It's been there from the beginning, but it's never been properly acknowledged before, and it will take some exploring.
Instead, you take his hand and squeeze it. "We've gotta be careful. But we can give it a chance."
His smile is even brighter than it usually is. "We'll give it a shot."
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