#i will try though! i aim to finish one day soon!!
causticsunshine · 1 month
Heyy whatcha been getting into lately? Alternatively, what have you been enjoying being a hater of lately?
okay first hello i love how this question is phrased hajdks very on brand for me and two uhhh oh boy a lot of stuff tbh!
so to preface. over the years i’ve had many phases where i get out of some irl person based media (usually 1d or some random tv show) and back into animated series, then the inverse happens, the cycle repeats, etc.? so i’m currently back into animated stuff as well as fully leaning into kpop everywhere instead of what i was doing before, where i was trying to limit my posting in general or limiting it to twitter under the guise of trying to seem slightly Normal™️ but now i’m fully leaning into whatever makes me happy and inspired and if that makes me annoying so be it
anyway—in terms of animated shows i’ve been watching one piece for almost a year now as for some reason i couldn’t get into it when i was younger and then was deterred by the series length, but i’m really enjoying it! i’m about to start the long ring long island arc if that means anything to anyone lol. i’ve also been watching and loooving dungeon meshi, and i’m currently reading it as well! i tried reading it a few years ago and stopped a few chapters in (idr why) but now i’m hooked and am struggling to pace myself…. i might try and do some fanart soon 👀
with kpop mmmm i’ve actually been a casual fan since like 2010 (listened to some 2008-2009 but it was mostly early shinee and random kpop compilations on youtube lmao) but have gotten in and out of it several times? now though i’ve been pretty Involved consistently since 2019/2020, although the groups i follow the closest are ateez, oneus and nct (127)!
i saw oneus in seattle last month after missing them twice and had such a good time (i still haven’t finished sorting my pictures though and haven’t posted like. any oops) and i am tryyyying (like. praying on my hands and knees lighting candles talking to the moon levels level trying) to get my hands on VIP1 tickets for ateez in tacoma and tickets go live next week so wish me luck as i will definitely need it with how pricey it’s likely to be… but also i will proudly commit heinous deplorable acts for ateez barricade sooo either way i’m determined to get my way? aka: i want and need my own y/n moment ahfksksn
also to clarify i’m not a shipper or whatever when it comes to kpop! i may enjoy the odd fic or will cringe read things with my friends but it’s nothing like HL for me; it’s a very different dynamic overall and i don’t get those kinda vibes in a serious way from any groups i follow? although with ateez… i can kinda see why they attract some of those kinds of fans i’m ngl
and on the side, i’ve actually been working on original content again! the one group of ocs i tend to pick up and put down has been temporarily sidelined for a pair i dumped a few years back but am currently reworking and actually have a story for now! idk if i’ll do anything proper with said story as comics are exhausting so rn i’m mostly word-vomming into docs and trying to nail down my character designs. when i’ve got things worth sharing though i do plan to share here as well, if anyone would be interested 👉👈
alternately when it comes to my haterism… i still greatly dislike and am exhausted with miss swiftie for numerous reasons and my god my art twitter is swathed in h*zbin h*tel content?? like actually plagued?? otherwise though there are just things i wish i saw less because i’m simply just not interested right now (aka 1d stuff) or in general and don’t want to start disliking those things because i’m seeing them too much
ok def rambled more than i meant to oopsie doopsie but yeah uhh that’s kinda it! anon i hope you are well and enjoying yourself in whatever you are doing rn 💕 and feel free to share if you feel so inclined to!
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Sniff, sniff…. Woof.
Content: Voyeurism
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“Johnny? Johnny, baby, come here!”
Your big wolf boy comes bounding in from the living room as you shut the front door, immediately rearing up to sniff at your neck and face and hands. Satisfied, he licks your cheek and drops down again.
“Alright, listen up, handsome.” You grab his cheeks, scritching along his jaw and grinning as his big blue eyes go dopey. “My sister and her husband are going to stay the night. You are going to be a polite boy because you love me and don’t want to give my sister anything to talk shit about. Yes?”
A sneeze that he (for once) aims away from you. You laugh, drop a kiss between his eyes.
“Good talk.”
As usual, he follows you through the house as you shed clothes and shoes and bags. You ramble about the grocery store and your day, mostly just to get it out so your headspace can be clear for the evening. Helps to have a little (relatively) listener following at your heels.
He camps out in the bathroom while you shower, licking the glass door until you scold him - per usual. And again when he tries to lick the clean water off your leg. Only starts getting restless and grumpy when he sees you change into “outside” clothes rather than pjs.
You groan as he tries to herd you away from your own closet. Must be mixed with a shepherding dog because he’s a damn pushy jerk.
“Enough, bud,” you sigh. “Look, I don’t wanna go much either. But it’ll be worse if I don’t.”
He mouths off at you, a new thing he’s started up that reminds you of a husky. Maybe you should get one of those doggy DNA tests.
“I know I know,” you coo, shimmying into a pair of pants that your sister won’t be able to tease makes your ass look flat. “I’d rather snuggle up and watch 90s vampire movies too. But I already said I’d go and this means I’ll be able to skip seeing her on her birthday.”
More grumbles, but at least he climbs up on the bed to pout. You finish dressing and head for the vanity - no way you can go out with your sister without makeup.
As you pass, you roll him over to scratch his belly - politely ignoring his reaction. God, you really need to get him in for a neutering. If you catch him humping one more pillow—
When it’s time to go, you drop down to give him one last hug.
“Be good, baby. I’ll be home soon with some new friends. I love you.”
After dinner, your sister’s husband suggests a bar. And, of course, it’s a sports bar. Man can’t go more than an hour or two without.
You and your sister chat while his eyes stayed glued to the screens. Well, she chats. You mostly just provide the audience she constantly craves, the validation she always needs.
At some point your excuse yourself to order another drink, weaving between the patrons and sighing at a chance to let your face rest for a moment. While you’re waiting, someone brushes up close behind you, startles you.
“Och, sorry, hen. Madhouse in here.”
You blink, tilt your head back to see a gorgeous pair of blue eyes shining down at you. Takes your breath away.
“Oh! Um, no problem, I get it.”
You try to scoot as much as you can - but it really is packed, especially at the bar - and the man takes the opportunity to occupy any free space you have.
Not that you’re complaining. He’s got the type of face they put on magazines with hooks like “sexiest man alive.” A killer grin as he winks down at you, arm bracing on the bar.
“Buy ya a drink for bein’ so rude?”
You’ve barely gotten the start of, “oh it’s alright,” out before he’s signaling the bartender. His stature and presence gets him instant service though, so you let it go, fidgeting restlessly.
Even his voice sounds like a sin worth committing. He’s too attractive. Too handsome to not know it; and definitely too handsome to be chatting you up and ordering you a drink.
“You here with anyone?” he asks with an edge that makes your spine prickle. Yet you almost feel like you imagine it. His tone is normal, his expression hasn’t changed and yet. Something subsonic in the timbre of his voice, maybe.
“My sister and her husband,” you reply.
“No husband of your own?”
You try to laugh, it comes out strained and awkward. “Ah, the only man in my life has four legs.”
Instead of looking annoyed by the brush off, his eyes spark.
“Yup!” And okay, alarms in your head aside, you’re always happy to talk about Johnny. He’s a safe topic. You fish your phone out of your back pocket and show him your lock screen.
The man takes a quick look at the screen, an odd, private smile flicking across his face. There and then gone, before those intense eyes are locked on you again.
“He friendly?”
You laugh a bit, perk up as the bartender returns with your drink. “Not with men. Thanks for buying!”
as you turn to go, he grabs your hip. Not hard, or even too low. But you gasp quietly, the heat of his palm searing through your clothes.
“Name’s soap, by the way.”
Infinitely more nervous now, you stutter out your own and then retreat to your sister and her husband.
Spend the rest of the night pretending not to watch Soap. He doesn’t return the courtesy, eyes trained on you, lurking around the bar. So visible it seems to only you. Something about the way the light catches his eyes reminds you of when Johnny senses a threat. When he gets low and growly, hair standing on end, eyes focused.
Soap looks like he’s hunting you.
Thankfully, your sister complains about the noise after an hour or so and the three of you leave. You’re relieved to be going home.
As you step inside, you call for Johnny again.
“Wait, who the hell is Johnny?” your sister’s husband asks, an odd look on his face. “You’re living with someone?”
You snort a bit. Does he seriously not remember you talking about your dog?
“Yeah,” you joke, “he’s the love of my life, my one and only—”
You hear the clack of the doggy door and call out again. Johnny trots in panting.
“Did you just come in from a run?” you chuckle, putting a hand out in greeting.
He comes right up to you, presses his nose to the spot where “Soap” grabbed you and snuffles.
“I know, I smell wrong,” you soothe.
He grumbles and licks at your shirt, but you gently nudge him away, turning as your sister scoffs.
“You still do that thing where you talk to them like people?” She asks. “Don’t you think that’s… childish?”
“Johnny’s basically a person in a human body,” you reply, laughing. “You’ll see.”
“Dogs shouldn’t have human names,” her husband pipes up, reaching for Johnny.
“No, wait—”
Johnny snaps just shy of his fingers and puts himself bodily between you two.
“Easy!” you yelp, hooking your hand in his collar. “Sorry, I meant to warn you - Johnny’s shy with men.”
“He almost took my bloody hand off!”
“He’s just protective. Johnny, heel.”
He stops snarling, but plants himself at your feet right there, eyes sharply trained on your brother in law. Your sister snorts.
“How are you supposed to get men back here, then?”
You jump as Johnny barks, a full deep one that your rarely ever hear. Your sister startles too, then scowls.
“I don’t,” you answer, shaking your head. “Anyway, let me just get the sheets for the spare room and we can call it a night.”
Johnny stays close at your heels the entire time, though you swear he throws a nasty glance back at your sister’s husband.
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roosterforme · 6 days
Aim for the Sky Part 7 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You felt exhausted and unappealing at the start of your third trimester, but according to your husband, you were still perfect. Just as you solve one problem for your friend, you inadvertently cause another one for yourself.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, Bradley eating pussy, swearing, angst, pregnancy
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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As nice as your second trimester had been, as soon as it ended, you were exhausted all the time. And you were once again starting to feel nauseous every morning. Maybe your mom was right and you needed to eat more than random foods dipped in hot sauce sporadically all day long. Your belly was also starting to change from a cute bump to a tender, oversized monster. When you mentioned it to Bradley, he scoffed. 
"Don't call my Nugget a monster."
"I'm not talking about the baby!" you said as you started to get dressed for work in your maternity tent, gesturing at your body. "But there's a lot going on here."
"Yeah," Bradley grunted as he pulled a clean flight suit from the closet, eyeing you up and down. "There sure is. You look fantastic."
"I feel tired. And gross," you told him as you got dressed.
"That's just the hideous uniform talking. You didn't feel gross last night when we were snuggling. And you certainly didn't look gross."
You wanted to agree with him, but you were in a bad mood. The attic still wasn't finished even though your contractor, Bradley Ross, was at your house so frequently, it felt like he had moved in. And your parents would be here in four days. And your house still wasn't decorated for the holiday. And the only gifts you managed to buy were matching pink tropical shirts for Bradley and the baby to wear next summer. 
Your husband zipped up his flight suit and made his way around the bed to where you were standing. "Would you feel better if I picked up dinner on my way home so you don't have to cook?"
"Probably," you muttered, trying not to smile.
He kissed your forehead and gave you his most innocent looking gaze as his fingers grazed your belly. "And after that, I'll eat your pussy until my jaw locks up and you're in tears from too many orgasms?"
You had to press your lips together for a few seconds before you could say, "Please."
"Then it's a date, Baby Girl," he said before kissing you on the lips, leaving you to chase him for another feel of his rough mustache before you let him leave for his early flight time. "I love you and the Nugget!" he called from the hallway.
"We love you, too!"
Five minutes after he left, you were still getting ready for work. In fact, when your doorbell rang and Tramp went running through the living room, you were still buttoning your tent shirt. "I'm coming," you called out, already knowing it was your contractor. When you pulled the door open, your shirt was buttoned mostly correctly, and you told him, "I'm just about to head out."
"Okay," he replied, taking you in before you stepped aside for him. It didn't matter what your husband said, you were a bit of a hot mess right now. And that reminded you that you needed a little bit of hot sauce before you left for work.
"Do you need anything from me?" you asked Bradley Ross, and his gaze dipped down to your horrible uniform.
"Not at all," he replied, turning toward the stairs. "Enjoy your day."
You parted ways and headed for the kitchen, and you realized your shirt was even worse than you anticipated. You had to unbutton and rebutton the whole thing while your bread was in the toaster. When it came out nice and crunchy, you dipped it into a dish of hot sauce and ate it in four bites.
"It's so fucking good," you moaned at Tramp before scooping him some breakfast. "No hot sauce for you. Just for the human baby," you told him, holding your hand near your belly button as Rose started doing her somersaults. "You're up late this morning," you told her, deciding you better stop in the bathroom one more time before you even attempted the short drive to work with her bouncing on your bladder.
As soon as you were done and walked back through your bedroom, you eyed your bed longingly. "No," you told it, turning away from temptation and walking out to your red Bronco in the driveway. You backed out past the other Bradley's truck and drove to base.
You were already hungry again by the time you got there. When you turned the corner to your office, you found Maria standing next to your door. "Are you waiting for me?" you asked, and her gaze snapped up to yours. "I'm surprised you're here this early with Bob blowing your back out twenty-four hours a day." Tears filled her eyes instantly, and you rushed toward her. "Oh my god, Maria, what's wrong?"
She let you pull her into an awkward hug with your belly in the way, and she sobbed instead of responding with words, so you let her cry. She had been preoccupied at brunch with you and Cam, but she definitely hadn't been like this at all. If anything, she'd seemed like she was lost in a dream world with her French toast the other day.
She sniffed and managed to whisper, "Bob's being deployed for some special mission. He just texted me. He's leaving the day after Christmas."
"Oh," you gasped, rubbing her back as she cried. This would be the first time her boyfriend was deployed since they started hooking up a few months ago. They would be fine. You knew they would. But you recalled all too easily what it was like when Bradley was gone when you and he were first dating. It made you feel sick to recall the feelings of self doubt and uncertainty, especially now that your daughter would be arriving in three months.
You were about to tell Maria that Bob's deployment would feel terrible but wouldn't last forever when she said, "I have to break up with him."
"Pardon?" you asked, completely thrown by what she said. "I thought you were in love with him."
"I am," she cried as you finally unlocked your door with her clinging to you and managed to get her inside. "But I can't tell him that now. We've been taking things a little slower after taking things really fast right after he moved in."
You were trying your best to piece everything together, but it just wasn't all fitting in your mind. "That's good," you said gently. "So why would you have to dump him? You love him, and he'd be coming back to you and the apartment when he gets home?"
She looked at you and shook her head. "I can't expect him to go months and months without having sex. We do it like at least once a day," she whispered as tears flowed down her cheeks. "Maybe he'd agree to take a break? I don't know. But I can't get upset when he wants to hook up with someone else on the aircraft carrier."
You felt like your eyes were going to bug out. "Maria, I really don't think you should be hasty here."
She just shrugged in your arms before pulling away from you and wiping at her tears. "You're so lucky you have Bradley." She left you standing there, unsure what to say.
All of the holiday decorations had Bradley a little stressed out. Some of his neighbors had lights on the palm trees in their yards, and there was even a tree inside the guard house. He could remember very little about his dad, but Bradley could remember everything his mom did until he died. For the life of him, the one thing that escaped him was how she made even the most basic things feel magical.
She must have done it effortlessly, because he never took the time to look behind the proverbial curtain to see how it was done. There were always presents under their little Christmas tree even though he realized after she was gone that it must have been a struggle. And now Bradley wasn't sure how he was going to do the same when it all just seemed so stressful.
He snorted as he made his way across the tarmac to the tower. All you said you wanted for Christmas was a babymoon trip and a million orgasms. But you could have asked him for either of those on any day, and he would have given them to you. He needed to find something else for you, too.
"Are you having a baby shower?"
Bradley looked up to find his best friend was looking at him as soon as he walked into the rec room to get a drink. "Good morning to you, too," he said, reaching past her into the refrigerator. 
"You need to have one, okay?" she said. "Your wife will like it."
Bradley felt a little more anxious, because he was going to have to admit he was clueless when it came to this topic as well. "Isn't that something her mom should do?"
Nat rolled her eyes. "That's a lot for her mom to handle when she lives on the other side of the country."
He cleared his throat. "Well, what do you even know about baby showers?"
"More than you," she said easily. "Which is why I'll take care of it."
Bradley sighed in relief. "You're not going to give me a hard time about this?"
"Of course not. When have I ever done that sort of thing?"
"Literally since the first time I met you," he muttered as she walked away. But he knew he had nothing to worry about; Nat would make sure you had exactly what you wanted or needed in any scenario.
A minute later, when he got called out to the tarmac, he found his best friend wrapping Bob up in a hug. While he wasn't invited into the conversation, he could hear the dreaded word 'deployment' as he walked past on his way to his jet, leaving him to assume Bob got a notification this morning. Poor Bob, but at least it wasn't him for once.
When he took to the air, Bradley immediately felt a bit calmer. He would figure out how to take care of everything with you by his side. He would make things special for Rosie in his own way. He could share all the things with her that he loved about his mom.
But the thing that calmed Bradley down most of all was arriving in the cafeteria for lunch in time to see you. "Sweetheart!" he called out, cutting in front of Jake and Javy to get to you faster. You had a burrito bowl in one hand and a bunch of little packets of hot sauce in the other, and you still looked cute in your tent uniform. Your face lit up when you saw him, and even though he reeked of jet fuel, you let him give you a hug.
"Do you know where Bob is?" you asked after you kissed him on the cheek. "He and I need to have a conversation."
Bradley ran his hand along your belly, hoping to feel a little thump from the Nugget. "I think he's been notified about a deployment," Bradley muttered.
"I know he has," you replied with strong annoyance in your tone. "Oh, there he is," you said, looking past Bradley. "Excuse me, Roo." You kissed him and added, "I love you, but I need to take care of this. I'll see you at home later when you're going down on me?"
Bradley nearly choked as he muttered, "Okay," while Jake and Javy clearly tried to hide their surprised and amused laughter.
You hurried off in Bob's direction as Javy said, "Nobody better try to call Rooster tonight."
"Silence your cell phone," Jake said, clapping Bradley on the back while he blushed. "Eat your lunch but save room for dinner."
"Fuck," Bradley grumbled, walking away from them as they laughed. Just for that, he'd make sure he was on his A game at home. He'd also have to remind you that your voice tends to carry when you're annoyed.
You set your lunch down across from Bob at one of the small tables with only two seats. He smiled as you slid into the chair opposite him, and he greeted you by name. Then he cleared his throat and asked, "You're not sitting with Bradley today?"
You followed his gaze to where your husband was sitting with Nat and Mickey. "Nope. I wanted to sit with you."
"Okay," he replied, still smiling. "But I'm actually waiting for Maria?"
"She's not coming."
His smile started to fade. "She's not?"
"She's not," you confirmed. "She told me you're getting deployed soon." When he nodded, you asked, "Do you like having a girlfriend?"
His smile was back. "I like having Maria as my girlfriend."
You were shaking your head as you started emptying packet after packet of green hot sauce onto your lunch. "And are you planning on sleeping around while you're gone?"
"No." His voice sounded hoarse, and his face went pale.
"Glad to hear that," you told him as you rammed your fork into your burrito bowl.
"Why would you think I'd want to do that?" he asked, leaning a little closer to you, his brow creased in concern.
"I'm not the one thinking it. You better ask yourself why Maria might think you'd want to do that."
Bob's eyes went wide even as he blushed bright pink. "I don't know... I thought she knew how happy I am. I told her she makes me crazy... I said... I s-said I want to go at it all the time now. I've never been with someone like her." You shoved a bite of food into your mouth and chewed it up while he processed his words. "Wait... does she think I'm like obsessed with getting laid? Because I'm certain I'm just obsessed with her."
You nodded as you swallowed, proud of him for piecing it together so quickly. "Seems that way. You have about a week to put in some legwork if you don't want her to break up with you." In an instant, you were left with Bob's abandoned tray as your only lunch companion, and when he didn't return, you ate his breadsticks and baked pasta.
This was turning out to be the longest day imaginable, and when you finally climbed into your Bronco to head home, you were yawning. Then when you pulled into the driveway, not only was your Bradley not home yet, the other Bradley was still working. You grumbled as you made your way inside, where he was hammering something upstairs; you couldn't even start taking your horrible uniform off in the living room after you opted to wear it home today to get here faster.
When you let Tramp out of the laundry room and sent him to the backyard, you were fighting the urge to take your shirt off and walk through the house topless with every fiber of your being. You made it to your bedroom before tearing it from your body along with your uniform pants. You eyed the bed. You were tired enough to get in and stay there, but you wanted your reward for making it through the day.
"Takeout and head," you whispered, nodding in the mirror with a grin. You turned from side to side, examining your belly and your breasts. Rose was moving a lot today, so much so that you almost noticed it more when she took a break. And your boobs did look pretty nice. You took your bra off and added it to the laundry pile, and that's when your husband walked in.
"I brought pizza, Sweetheart," he said before his lips parted in soft surprise. "You trying to get started without me?" he groaned, reaching for his belt.
You bit your lip, and shook your head. "Do you think we should wait until the other Bradley leaves?" you asked, earning a devilish smirk from your husband.
"Didn't stop us last week when we had sex in the laundry room while he was working. And it didn't stop you from sucking my cock while he was here the week before." You squeaked as he smacked you on the butt and whispered, "You promised me I could have your pussy the second I got home."
"Did I?" you asked, climbing onto the bed, and he was right there with you, hovering over your body as you stretched out. When he nodded, you said, "Then I guess it's all yours, Roo."
But that wasn't even where he stopped first, and you shouldn't have been surprised. His lips met the valley between your very perky breasts while he unzipped his pants. Then you watched him rut gently into the bed as he licked and sucked on you. He had some particular fascination with your chest right now, and he was almost reverent in the way he touched you. 
The sounds of hammering and soft music playing from upstairs were really doing it for you. Getting nasty while you weren't quite alone was always enough to get you going, but on top of that, your husband was so turned on by your weird pregnant body. You felt like a queen as he plucked at one nipple and then the other with his lips, leaving your skin damp to the cool air. Your nipples were furled into tight peaks as he whimpered your name. 
"I can't get enough," he murmured, letting his mustache scrape along your sensitive skin. Your hips bucked from the bed as he let his teeth graze your nipple. "Where do you want my mouth?" he asked, meeting your eyes even as his tongue darted out to trace the undersides of your breasts.
"On my pussy," you gasped.
"I can't hear you."
"On my pussy!" you cried out, and he smiled that wicked smile again.
"Now everyone knows," he growled, leaning on his forearms and treating you to the flex of his biceps as he pushed your thighs apart and settled in.
Bradley had one perfect tit in each hand and his face buried in your soaking pussy. Each time he thought you were getting close, he lazily kissed along your dainty rooster tattoo and up to your belly. Once he even paused to say hello to his daughter while you dug your heel into his back and begged him incoherently to put his mouth back on your clit. And he did so with a smile. 
Was he rock hard? Yes. Would he love to cum right now? Absolutely. Was he enjoying every second of the way your body felt and tasted? Definitely. Could he wait until he got you off to let himself unload? For sure.
Your tits were getting bigger and more enticing by the day. And your swollen belly was clearly all his doing. He was grinding his cock into the bed as he slid his hands down to your thighs, spreading you a little wider as he licked all around both of your holes until you were whining his name.
"Fuck," he grunted. Bradley Ross had just turned off his radio. That meant he was getting ready to head out for the day, which also meant the hammering had stopped. You were getting loud as hell as Bradley pressed his nose to your clit and lapped up your wetness. He was only concerned for a split second about your volume before he decided to just carry on. It wasn't like the contractor hadn't seen how hot you were with his own two eyes. Nobody could blame a man for getting at his own wife as much as possible, especially one with massive, pregnant tits and the prettiest face imaginable.
"Roo!" you moaned when he wrapped his lips around your clit. "Let me come, Daddy."
You were tired. He could hear it in your voice. The bedding was a little damp from the mess you and he were making, and his jaw truly was starting to ache. When you released the bedding with your left hand, Bradley could see the sparkle of your engagement ring before you dragged your fingers through his hair. 
Okay, now he needed to get off pretty badly, so he slipped two fingers inside you, and as soon as he did, you came. "Damn," he grunted against your clit before circling you with his flat tongue as you rode his hand and yanked his hair. You were riding him as he pushed on the back of your thigh until he couldn't take it any longer.
He barked out your name as he got to his knees and thrust his cock inside your overstimulated pussy as you were coming down from your orgasm, and that just made you come for him a little more as you shook your head back and forth on the pillow. One more deep thrust, and he came too, with his hands on your tits and sweat dripping down the back of his neck.
When you opened your eyes, you had the most serene look on your face. Bradley kissed the tip of your nose as he pulled his cock free and grunted. "You know, the guys heard your little pussy eating comment at lunch today."
"Oops," you giggled, running your fingers softly over your tits as he stood up and started fixing his clothing. 
"I got roasted for it all afternoon." But he was all smiles, because he really wouldn't have it any other way. "Come out and get some cold pizza when you're ready. I'm going to see how it's coming along upstairs."
You just nodded, and Bradley took one more look at the messy creampie he gave you before vanishing out into the hallway and closing the door behind him. The Craftsman smelled like sawdust and fresh paint, and he was really hoping the project would be completed in the next few days so your parents could sleep up there during their stay. Otherwise he might have to gag you during sexual activities, and he was only half joking in his mind.
Bradley Ross was carrying a paint can and some rollers down the stairs, heading right for the front door. "Have a good night," he called out, barely pausing to get through the door. Perhaps he'd heard your beautiful chorus of moaning. Didn't matter, but Bradley had hoped to ask him how much longer he thought the project would be. Instead he climbed the stairs to investigate for himself.
It looked incredible, and it seemed like a lot had been accomplished today. Two bedrooms of identical size were both primed and ready for paint. The hardwood flooring looked perfect, and the new windows were letting so much natural light in. The bathroom wasn't large, but it did have a tub and a single sink vanity, and the tiles you picked out looked pretty.
He shut all the lights off and headed back down to the kitchen where you were wearing a pair of his underwear with a maternity tank top, dunking a slice of pizza in some hot sauce. "How's it looking?" you asked. He knew you were talking about the attic, but he couldn't help himself as he grabbed a slice from the box.
"It's looking sexy and pregnant and like it just had an orgasm." You burst into laughter as he added, "The project upstairs looks good, too."
Later that week, you got a vague text from Bradley letting you know that he'd be late getting home from work. You were expecting maybe he'd be home around six or seven, just in time to help you wrap the presents you ordered for your parents, but he didn't get home until almost eight, long after Bradley Ross left for the day. 
He was quiet and looked contemplative when he walked in. "Hi," you called out from where you were sitting on the couch, and he finally met your gaze. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He made his way over to you. "Mav just wanted to chat. Is there any pizza left?"
He kissed you before heading to the kitchen, and you stared after him. "Of course there's no pizza left. I'm pregnant. And are you being weird on purpose? Why are you three hours late getting home?"
You watched as he started to pour a bowl of cereal in silence, and you weren't sure if he was even listening to you. When you made your way into the kitchen, he finally said, "There's a potential job opportunity. Remember when I filled in for a few days here and there as an instructor?" When you nodded he took a bite of cereal before continuing. "Mav seems to think I could do more of that type of shit."
Your eyes went wide at the prospect of fewer deployments for him. "That might be a good opportunity," you told him, still unsure exactly where he stood on the topic.
He just shrugged and said, "It's certainly something to think about, Sweetheart. Wouldn't really be happening until a few months from now, but I'm going to keep the conversation going with Mav."
It was then that you realized he looked exhausted. "Want to take a shower with me? I could wash your hair."
Your husband moaned softly and set his empty bowl in the sink. "Hell yes. Absolutely."
Within three minutes, you had your hands coated in shampoo, and you were working them through his thick hair while he felt around your belly, hoping to feel the baby kick. "I feel like I barely got to spend any time with her this week," he whispered with a pout. "Where's my Nugget?"
You felt her give a little thump, as if she knew he was right there waiting for her. You quickly placed his hand a little higher, and he sighed in contentment. "Hey, Rose. Daddy's tired. Can we all snuggle in bed soon?" She seemed to squirm in response. "Your grandparents are coming to visit tomorrow."
"And the attic conversion should be done tomorrow, too," you told him. "That's what the other Bradley said when he was leaving today."
"Amazing. Merry Christmas to us."
You practically tucked him into bed as soon as he was dried off, but he kept reaching for you to join him. "I need to let Tramp out. I'll be right back." You walked through the kitchen and past the refrigerator which was covered in ultrasound photos. Then you straightened up a little bit while Tramp ran around the yard. By the time you got back to the bedroom, Bradley had fallen asleep with the Nugget Notebook open on his chest and a pen in his hand. You took a peek to see what he had written.
Hey, Rosie. It's almost Christmas. I'm not really good at celebrating holidays, but your mom is. Her parents are, too. I'm hoping I'll kind of figure this whole thing out once you get here. I'm thinking you'll make everything more fresh and fun for your old man. We can get better at things together.
You were more than ready for a few days off. When you left work on December twenty-first, you reminded Cat that you planned on dropping off some gifts for Jeremiah over the weekend. When you got to the parking garage, you saw Maria and Bob making out next to his truck. He had her hands pinned above her head, and she was all smiles. You felt immediately better.
You knew the plan for the evening, and so did Bradley. Your parents were landing in San Diego at 6:15, and you assured them that you'd be there to pick them up. When you got home from work, Bradley Ross was finishing some details upstairs, and you were delighted by what you saw when you went to have a look.
"It's perfect," you gushed, looking around the space. The one bedroom was almost ready for your mom and dad. Someone would just need to make the bed later. The bathroom was shiny and bright and lovely, ready to be used. The second bedroom still had some wet paint, but you planned on just closing that door for a few days. "Let me write you a check for the balance," you told your contractor when he was about ready to leave. "I'll meet you in the kitchen."
After you wrote out the check, you waited for both Bradleys while you dipped some grapes in hot sauce. It was almost time to leave for the airport, and you still needed to change out of your uniform tent. You undid the top few buttons and played with your necklace charms, and as soon as Bradley Ross walked downstairs with the rest of his supplies, you rushed his way.
"Here's what we owe you. Thanks again for squeezing us into your schedule so close to the holidays."
"I hope you are happy with the outcome for many years to come," he told you with a smile.
"It looks so good, I'll definitely refer my friends to you for any projects in the future."
"Thank you, Mrs. Bradshaw."
You didn't bother correcting him when he didn't use your hyphenated last name, because as soon as he walked outside, you had your shirt off and you were rushing toward your bedroom. But as soon as you passed your mirror on your bra on the way to the closet, you paused and smiled. Your husband would love a little treat in his text messages; it had been ages since you sent him something dirty.
You snapped a photo of your boobs as they were hugged by the black lace. Then you took your bra off, covering your nipples with your hand and forearm before snapping another. Then you removed your arm and took one last picture of your breasts complete with tightly furled nipples. You expected that your husband would run into the house begging for a quickie before heading to the airport. The thought of his flushed cheeks and raspy voice made you giggle as you attached the photos and texted them away.
His hyperfixation was so fun for you right now, and you started to wonder if he was going to be as excited by your boobs after the baby was born. Would he be interested in the breastfeeding process?
"Hey, Baby Girl."
You turned toward the doorway as you straightened your sports bra and pulled an oversized shirt on. "Hi," you said, trying to play coy, but just grinning wildly instead.
"You ready to go get your mom and dad?"
"Yeah... almost. You looked down at his gym shorts where you could see the outline of his phone in his pocket. You pouted a bit when you had to ask, "Did you like the photos I texted to you?"
His brow furrowed as he patted his pocket. "What photos?"
You sighed. "The ones I sent like five minutes ago."
You watched as he unlocked his phone and started to shake his head. "I don't have any messages from you since lunchtime. What was it?"
"Thee pictures of my massive tits," you told him as you reached for his phone. But when you checked, they definitely weren't there. "Maybe I didn't tap send?" you murmured picking your phone up from the bed.
Bradley's arms wrapped around you from behind, and you could hear the smile in his voice when he whispered, "Can't wait to see them for myself." But you froze and tried to shake him off as your stomach lurched.
"Oh no. No no no no no!"
"What's wrong, Sweetheart?"
You handed him your phone and covered your eyes as you started to panic. Apparently you hadn't tapped on Bradley Rooster Bradshaw <3 <3 <3 in your contacts. After you started typing his name, you must have accidentally selected Bradley Ross as the recipient. "Bradley! I sent them to the other Bradley!"
His eyes bugged out as he saw the photos in the message for himself. "You sent our contractor pictures of your tits!"
"I didn't do it on purpose!" you shrieked. "They were for you! What are we supposed to do now?!"
He pocketed both phones, heaved a deep, exhausted sigh and muttered, "I'm going to have nothing but fucking gray hair after this, I swear to god." Then he rushed from the room and you followed him long enough to watch him grab his keys and run out to his Bronco.
Checking in with Maria and Bob was dramatic. Like damn. At least BG got to eat his lunch. And now we have the great Bradley mix-up to contend with. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
18+ mdni / fem!reader
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I think Bakugou would do a little grunt whenever you'd touch his dick.
It's bound to happen more frequently if it's a sexual touch, of course. Like, when you find yourself on your knees in front of him - pressing a soft kiss onto his sensitive, pink tip, for example. Messily smearing the bead of pre-cum with your lips before taking a couple of inches of his cock down your tight throat. Sucking him so hard, then, that he feels the need to repeat the noise and lace it with a dirty curse, before he spills much too fast, much too soon for his liking; making you taste the bitter salt of his cum with a furrowed brow and a frown.
He grunts whenever your legs wrap around his waist, and he gets to sink balls deep inside of your wet warmth for the first time after literal days of hard work and that wretched prohero schedule of his; holding you in a firm, albeit loving mating press that lets him see you entirely as he at long last plunges into your soft cunt and proceeds to screw your soul out with that steady pat, pat, pat.
And he also grunts as he bends you over and makes that first contact with your sticky slit after leering for ages at how beautiful you look; attired in that pretty dress he only sees you pull out of your closet on date nights - the dress that always seems to end up hiked up around your waist by the time you come back home from the restaurant.
He grunts as you reach out to stroke him with only one of your hands before bed to make him relax; right over his underwear until that damp patch forms on the dark cotton, and you're smirking at him like a cat when your thumb grazes it. Grunts as he wakes up in the middle of the night and feels the need to fuck your thighs and turn you into a whining mess just to get back at you for earlier. Grunts as you straddle him then, too; the intent to sit on his cock and ride it into bliss riddling your sleepy features.
He always grunts at things like that.
But sometimes, a grunt slips out when you could just be messing around with him. Sure, Katsuki might not seem like a person to enjoy a silly thing like that - having a woman merely poking and playing with his dick, like it's a toy - but he endures it all because it's you who does it. After all, comfort has long since settled inside of his heart after years of being in an established relationship.
So, they're playfully innocent things. Him groaning as you absent-mindedly rub your ass against his crotch when you pass by him to get to the sink in your little kitchen; mind working on assembling a grocery list instead of thinking about sin, whilst he's left there to sweat and strain his pyjama bottoms just from a mere brush.
Your hand slipping when a rare opportunity shows up and you can shower together, making him groan as you cover both his skin and your own in strawberry-scented foam that makes him scrunch his nose in faux disapproval until he feels the need to call you childish, even though the corners of his lips are twitching upwards during it.
Sometimes, it's just you hiking your leg over his waist when you cuddle on the couch, putting it right there with no aim to arouse whatsoever. You're both trying to watch a movie you'll perhaps - probably not - finish for once; reaching the credits without falling asleep, and he's already grunting, softly scolding you that the weight of your leg makes his balls hurt, making you laugh.
And sometimes, he grunts just because he's so tired as you unbuckle his belt to help him undress after an especially rough day at work. Your knuckle runs over the zipper of his pants by pure accident whilst you drag it down, and the sound comes out deep from the back of his throat because he just can't help it.
Just like he can't help the grunt of relief when you finally drag him into bed a couple of minutes later; cuddling him to sleep until his face is nuzzled right against your chest, expression content because he's finally home.
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mysumeow · 23 days
. . . ꒰ TEMPTING
Warnings: afab body and breasts, reader is referred to with you/your only. PIV unprotected sex, edging, prone bone position, thigh job, pwp (plot what plot). This is sort of a continuation of another smut i posted but you can read this without reading the first one.
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: uhg. lilia. i love him. i love general lilia. thats it that all i have to say.
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Whenever a window of opportunity to rest presents itself, you’ll sit on the nearest tree stump or log available, idly watching what happens around you.
You see soldiers' training, sparring, fixing tents, and the general dividing tasks among his subordinates with a stern voice. Lilia’s an example of what being a leader means—not limiting himself to delegating labor, but also lending a hand.
He grabbed the handle of his lithic weapon as he sparred with one soldier; with practiced ease, Lilia unarmed the soldier. The general reprimanded the other fae for losing his footing over a basic movement.
Lilia plans tactics for ambushes furtively, aiming to attack the enemy’s weakness first. Deft and sharp.
Soon, you’d understand that the general isn’t used to docility of any kind. Neither giving nor receiving. A war general shouldn’t allow a margin of error, steps should be given with precision and intent on subduing your adversary.
You recalled your first intimate night with Lilia. You remembered the sensation of him holding back, and even then, he still did a number on your body. You’ve spent enough time with the fae to know that the moment you try to point out any attempt at tenderness on his part, he would deny it.
You couldn’t help but find it endearing. And your curiosity increased the more you wondered about to what extent you could tease him and make him lose his constraints. Lilia’s libido was pretty responsive to what you did or said, so it wouldn’t be difficult to push him in that direction.
The moment the soldiers were already in their tents, you sneaked into the general’s.
“I’m heading to the lake to wash off the dirt,” you said as you entered the tent. You found your fae writing something down on the map splayed across the table.
Lilia acknowledged you with a hum.
You sighed. “I don’t wanna go alone. The woods become frightening the moment there’s no more sunlight, you know.”
Lilia dropped the pencil and looked at you. “A little dirt on your body’s not going to kill you,” he teased.
“You know I can’t sleep like that. I sweated a lot today, too. Baur made me accompany that expedition group to the mountain’s skirt in the morning,” you complained. “I promise it won’t be long.”
You sensed that he was about to give up.
“And someone could sneak up on me and see me naked.”
That was enough argument for the fae to stand up from his chair and rush to tag along with you.
This was your favorite moment of the day, when you could not just finally go to bed but also freshen up with clean water. Even if the temperature might be a bit chilly during the night, the fresh water was welcomed to clean you up from the dirt and sweat that clinged to your skin.
You began undressing in front of him, as you have done many times before. Even with your back turned towards him, you could feel his stare roaming around your flesh.
“The water feels nice,” You hummed as you dipped your toes into it. Lilia was more concerned about making sure no one was near, though, his ears flicked at the slightest suspicious sound.
“Lilia,” You called out to him again. His gaze returned to you. “Why don’t you join? You look like you need this, too.”
You carefully entered into the serene lake until the water covered your chest.
“You said you wouldn’t take long. I still have work to finish.” He crossed his arms, gripping his lithic.
“Just this once,” You almost pouted. “You’ve been busy these past few days. I miss you already. I’ll even help you wash your back.”
You held Lilia’s stare before he, for the second time today, humored you. Soon, his clothes were untidily placed next to yours.
Beaming with joy, you hugged Lilia the instant he was within reach.
“General, your hair’s getting wet,” You hurried to help him fix his hairstyle in a way that the inconvenience would be resolved. “There. All done.”
Lilia grumbled about something meaningless as he allowed you to scrub his back, washing off both dirt and dried blood and uncovering new lacerations he had gained from recent ambushes. You traced them with your fingers, leaning closer to kiss those scars.
You couldn’t see Lilia’s expression, but you did sense his body’s temperature going up.
“Mm, you’re so warm,” You relished the warmth from the fae’s body. Your tits pressed flush against his back, and your hands roamed around his front—feather-like touches teasing his chest and abdomen. You were aware that your words and actions were leading in a certain direction, so before Lilia beat you to it and followed through with it, you pulled away from him. “It’s getting chilly, though. Let’s head back already.”
In the blink of an eye, Lilia gripped your wrist and pulled you towards his chest. Your backside making contact with something hard and hot, nudging in between your thighs.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Hm? I thought the general had work to finish,” You feigned innocence.
“That can wait. Right now, I need to have you.”
“But we’re in a lake! Someone could walk in on us. Let’s head back to the tent,” Ignoring the evident ache in your body, you did your best to deter him. For fun. To test how far you could make him wait. If not for your determination to uncover the fae’s strength, you would’ve conceded.
Under the promise, the general’s complaint had died for the moment.
Once in the tent, you were preparing to go to sleep, until a sudden force pinned you against the bed. A small squeak left you, and the familiar arms squeezing your waist made you understand that your little teasing reaped an interesting reaction from him.
“Lilia—” You tried to gain some balance by trying to prop your torso up with your hands, but the general immobilized you by further pinning your legs against the mattress with his.
“You little tease, you think I wouldn’t notice what you were trying to do?” He brushed away the hair covering your nape to nip at the sensitive skin there. “If you wanted me to rough your body up, you should’ve just asked for it,”
This was what you wanted, although you didn’t imagine it would be this soon. If this little teasing got you to this point, you couldn’t imagine how he would be if you had done more...
One hand slipped under your underwear while his other hand covered your mouth in time before a moan escaped you. With his index and middle fingers, he began rubbing your clit in circular motions.
“I’ve been treating you with so much leniency you’ve forgotten who you’re dealing with,” His breath against your ear made you shiver, and a renewed sense of pleasure overtook your body. “I’ll have to remind you,”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” You managed to whisper, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible but failing with how he played with your sex. Lilia really did know you inside out.
“You were already wet when I slid my hand under your clothes. Don’t try to act coy now,” He seemed to be amused, above all.
You clutched the sheets as you lost yourself in pleasure, your head falling against the pillow and using it to muffle your voice. You barely register Lilia pulling your pajama pants down and off your legs.
The fae grew eager, having a sliver of enough composure left to discard your underwear, but your uncoordinated and trembling body made the task more complicated than needed. Instead, he pushed it to the side, his fingers not once faltering in stimulating you.
A muffled whimper of his name. Not even a second later, Lilia stopped his movements.
“Noo, what’re you doing,” You protested, not expecting him to halt. “I was about to…”
“Aw, you were about to. What a pity,” He mocked you, momentarily freeing your body from his antsy hands to remove his own garments. Once done, you felt him spread your slicked pussy lips with his thumbs, eyeing you up with a satisfied, complacent grin. “You like being treated like this. You have no salvation, do you?”
Despite not being able to deny it, your face burned from embarrassment. Even if Lilia tended to put your pleasure first and holds back from going all out, the change in that tactful demeanor into a meaner one still excited you.
While holding you open still, he grinded his cock between your folds, using both his pre-cum and your arousal to lubricate it. You were growing impatient, and thus, tried to grind back against him to incite him into already giving in.
Lilia rested his weight against your back, his chest flush against it, weighing you down. Lilia dug his fingernails into your flesh, while demanding that you stay still. His fingers went back to playing with your clit, using your sticky inner thighs to pleasure himself.  
After what felt like forever, the tip prodded inside, taking his time to stuff you with more of his dick. He pulled back until the just head was in and thrust with more strength. The feeling of Lilia’s warm body embracing yours and his thickness stretching you almost made you forget about holding back your voice.
From the very moment you conceived the idea of teasing him, to Lilia not allowing you to touch yourself or him, the buildup to your orgasm approached faster than what you expected. As if both factors weren’t enough, you were still sensitive over the climax you were robbed of prior moments ago.
You mewled, trying to reach behind you and hold his hand to ground yourself.
Instead, the fae grabbed your arms and pinned them against your back, his pace not stuttering for even a minute.
This was what you wanted—for him to be rougher…and within a couple more smacks of his hips against yours, you came hard around him, broken moans of his name escaping from your bitten lips. Lilia quieted himself by kissing your shoulder the moment he released his cum inside. He leaned down and busied your lips with an open-mouthed kiss.
Sore and spent, your head collapsed forward against the pillow again. You heard Lilia’s amused chuckle, resting next to you while keeping an arm wrapped around you.
“I wasn’t too rough, right?” He muttered after a while in silence, his eyes inspecting your body. “Does it hurt somewhere?”
“My arms, you gripped me too hard,” You mumbled. “I didn’t notice it at the moment because…it felt nice…”
At your confession, he looked taken back by it before his expression shifted into a relieved one and he chuckled. “I should’ve known you like being treated like that. You are quite keen about my fangs, and I’ve noticed how your body melts when I bite you,”
Before you could fawn over the demure visage that took over his eyes for a split second, it faded away with the same ease it appeared as he turned his head to the other side.
“I love it when you’re trying to be gentle, even if you’re not that great at it,” You teased, your fingers brushing his hair. Lilia grunted, suddenly grumpy about you pointing that out. “But I also enjoy it when you’re rough,”
He humphed, still avoiding facing you. You smiled at him, despite it not being visible to him. You closed your eyes, feeling exhaustion getting to you.
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Clashing Angelic’s
Summary: How would Lute react to crushing/falling in love with someone in Hell?
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo Square: First Meeting
A/N: It’s been so long since I posted something properly and I know I said it would be Alastor but don’t worry I have two Alastor fic/headcannon stories in the works so I’ll hopefully be able to post those soon. I also have a longer overlord Huskerdust au fic in the works so a lot of my writing attention is going to that. I wrote this in the middle of class so if there are any mistakes I'll be able to fix them later.
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The way the two of you meet would be during an Extermination.
Lute would be searching for any Sinners that hadn’t taken the opportunity to hide while they still could or were new to Hell and hadn’t been informed what an Extermination was.
Then her eyes would land on you.
At first, she would think you were one of her own Angels who for some reason wasn’t in uniform before coming to her senses as she took in the telltale signs of a Sinner.
For a few seconds, she would hesitate, spotting you throwing her off kilter. In those few seconds, you would become aware of her presence, stopping whatever you were doing to stare her down for a few seconds.
What caught Lute’s attention the most and what hooked her in was how not a spec of fear could be seen on your face; your eyes instead blazing as you waited, almost daring her to try and kill you.
Of course Lute immediately took you up on that challenge.
Her wings spread out as far as they could reach, showing off their span before launching forward, her spear aimed and pointed at you as she got impossibly closer.
Though her Angelic blade never met your skin—much to Lute’s surprise—as you threw up what seemed to be an Angelic weapon of your own.
Lute couldn’t recognise it for the life of her. Looking back on it, she would blame it on the heat of the moment, never being met with a Sinner who had somehow gotten their hands on an Angelic weapon or who was that pretty. It didn’t help though that when buying it off an Overlord they had done their own tinkering to it.
The shock didn’t last long though. As soon as you started pushing on your weapon, trying to dig it closer to Lute, her senses came back to her and the current situation the two of you were in caught up to her.
No matter how pretty you were, she pushed all thoughts aside and focused on trying to dig her spear as far into your chest as she could, hoping to rid of you as quickly as possible so she could move on to the next sinner that needed retribution.
You didn’t make it that easy though.
With every thrust of Lute’s Angelic spear, you would block it with the blade of your own, never allowing her more than a few small cuts, deep red blood trickling out of them. But for every cut that littered your body, you made sure to return the favour with a sharper, more drawn-out one, golden blood making an appearance and beginning to stain the uniform she was made to wear.
The dance of Angelic weapons that the two of you seemed to walk was never-ending, a continuous walts of red slashes and gilded strikes. 
Neither of you would back down; Lute because she was an Angel and it was her duty to slay the Sinners that crossed her path on Extermination Day; You because it was your life she was after and to turn away could lead to a fate out of your control. Also, your street cred would be reduced to nothing if you ran away from an Angel, the lieutenant at that.
By the end of it, you were both covered in a mix of your own and each other’s blood. Red staining clothes while gold brightened the dim night as the day came to an end. 
It was only when a loud, almost roar-like screech filled the air, alerting everyone of what had just happened.
Extermination Day had come to an end, and you had survived even while fighting an Angel. 
No matter that the countdown had finished and a full year awaited until the Angel in front of you was technically allowed to kill you, you still kept your guard up. After spending years in Hell, nothing surprised you anymore, so if the Angel was to breach the agreement made by Heaven, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Lute only spared you with a look however, her spear still held up as she too knew not to turn her back on a Sinner, not when it was on their turf. 
Spreading her wings wide once again, with a powerful flutter she took off from the ground, racing up to the sky where hoards of other Angels were gathering. Lute made sure not to look back, not wanting to waste another second on you when you had effectively wasted a few hours of her Extermination, bringing her number of killed Sinners down. 
You didn’t bother to hide your staring, keeping your eyes glued to her until she grew too far away that she was nothing but a spec in the sky. 
Like any other Extermination, after all the Angels had vanished, you carried on with your day, having things to do and places to be.
Lute however couldn’t get you out of her head for many days–months–to come. Like a plague, you consumed her entire being, never leaving her alone for more than a few seconds. 
Not once did she bring you up to anyone, not wanting anyone to try and piece together the information that was keeping her so distracted. Only once was it almost weaselled out of her, Adam being too nosy as to why she wasn’t able to beat her prior year's record of Sinners killed. She was able to get herself out of that pickle. So to make sure it didn’t happen again, she kept her lips sealed as to anything including fighting a Sinner on Extermination Day.
She couldn’t help but look forward to the next one though, training just as hard to make sure she was up to par when the time came. Lute kept telling herself that if she reached a certain amount of kills in the first few hours of it, she would be able to create a small pocket of time saved just for you. 
Maybe this time Lute would even learn your name.
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His (PT 1)
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Pairing: Kai Parker x Male Reader Genre: honestly... idk Request: Could i request a Kai Parker x Male reader, where after escaping the prison, he sees reader with Elena and friends and he falls inlove (more like obsessed) with reader. He starts to bother reader, wlaking him home or even sending him love letters with chocolates. One day he asks reader out on a date but reader rejects, so Kai kiddnaps reader, takes him to his place and tries to convince him that he should be with him. When reader still doesn't accept Kai, Kai turns reader into a vampire out of anger, but what surprises him is that reader gets sired to him, which meant that reader did like Kai atleast a little bit, so then they fuck like sex deprived bunnies. When Elena and friends see reader hanging out with Kai they get angry and confront him. Requested by: @amore-xoxo A/N: I've never written a Top!MaleReader... so please forgive if I messed up. Also, I had to split this fic into 2 parts so please enjoy!
“Sorry…” The words slipped out of the mouth of the blue-eyed stranger who had just bumped into Y/n, “... I just have this really fun habit of bumping into handsome guys.” The stranger finished with a smirk, after bending down and picking up the book that fell from Y/n’s hands. “I was I could say the same.” Y/n responds wittily, sneering at the stranger, as he sticks his hand out for the book to be placed back into it. “I’m Kai, and you’re beautiful.” Kai comments, Y/n’s wit only encouraging him. He places the book into Y/n’s hand, flirtatiously smiling at him.
Y/n rolls his eyes with a soft smile as he cups the book into his arms and leaves the Mystic Grill heading home. Kai follows him, still with a smile, opening the door for Y/n to exit. “Mind if I walk you home?” Kai’s breath lands against Y/n’s ears causing him to challengingly smile back at Kai. “If you can, keep up… Kai.” 
Hearing Y/n say his name sent shivers down Kai’s spine, he knew then and there that he had to have him. He had to make Y/n his.
This exchange was the first of many which had soon caught the attention of Y/n’s friends. ‘He’s a sociopath, Y/n.’ ‘He stabbed me with an arrow.’ ‘Pretty sure he murdered a good portion of his family… who’s to say you won’t be next.’ In the span of a single conversation, Y/n had learned the truth about Kai Parker, the sociopathic heretic. He knew then that Kai wasn’t good for him.
“Did you get the letter I sent you? It had your favourite chocolate.” Kai teases, following Y/n who is on their way back to their dorm. “I did… thanks.” Y/n responds boredly, trying to push Kai away with a facade of disinterest. Kai’s hand grips around Y/n’s arm causing the human to stop before Kai turns him around to face him. “Well?” Kai questions with a smirk, looking down at Y/n. “No, Kai. I’m not interested in going on a date with you.” The answer takes Kai by slight surprise but the heretic maintains his cocky composure as he watches Y/n walk away from him.
“And why’s that?” Kai asks with a joking undertone. “Because you didn’t tell me you were a sociopathic, family-murdering, heretic.” Y/n quips back still walking away before he feels a sharp and sudden headache causing him to stop in his tracks. Kai’s hand, which was aimed at Y/n, slowly twists which only causes Y/n’s grunt of pain to grow louder as the human drops to his knees clutching his head. “God! It was so boring having to pretend to be an innocent human. Gotta admit though, you were worth it.” Kai’s words slowly process in Y/n’s mind as he feels darkness envelop him. 
Y/n lowly groans when his eyes slowly and groggily open to see Kai smirking at him. “Wakey, wakey.” Kai’s menacingly sweet voice sounds while his hand gently caresses Y/n’s cheek. “You looked so pretty when you were in pain.” Kai mumbles as Y/n flinches his head away from Kai’s touch. “I see you not only bump into handsome guys, you kidnap them too.” Y/n softly remarks as he feels the rope bindings dig into the skin of his arms and around the fabric of his jeans, restraining him to a chair. 
Kai chuckles at Y/n’s words as he sits down in the chair in front of Y/n, gripping a knife in his hand, and lustfully looking at the powerless human in front of him. “What’s the knife for?” Y/n ponders cooly, noticing how he is in his dorm room and the knife that sat comfortably in Kai’s hand. “Nothing, I just enjoy holding it.” Kai shrugs with an empty smile.
“What’s he for?” Y/n nods his head towards an attractive man sitting quietly on the bed. “Later.” Kai winks at Y/n before leaning in closer to him. “But, I think it’s best if we talk about us instead.” Kai continues, as he moves his hand down to trace Y/n’s thigh causing a tingly feeling to shoot through Y/n’s body. “I may not know a lot about feelings but I know that I want you…” Y/n’s breathing hitches slightly as Kai’s hand pushes his legs apart and his face draws closer to Y/n’s.
“It’s a real shame, we don’t always get what we want.” Y/n rejects trying to hold a deadpan expression. Kai suddenly slams the knife in the space between Y/n’s legs, impaling the wood of the chair causing Y/n to jump ever so slightly, turning his face away from Kai. It isn’t long before Y/n’s face is gripped by Kai’s - now free - hand and forces him to look at Kai’s angry face. “Tell me the truth… and I’ll let you go. Do you want me?” Kai seethes softly at the human. “No…” 
Kai releases Y/n’s face and snaps his fingers, using his magic to loosen Y/n’s ropes enough for the human to escape. “Whatever you say, Y/n.” Kai mutters, backing away from Y/n. He flicks his hand at the door and the sound of the lock of the door moving is heard. Y/n pensively gets up and waits a moment examining Kai’s expression as if waiting a final movement or indiction. “I’m a man of my word, Y/n.” Kai says finally with a dry expression, gesturing his head to the door. 
Y/n hesitantly walks past the quiet stranger, still sitting on his bed, and heads towards the door but doesn’t make it far before Kai speeds up behind him, and pulls him into a tight headlock. “Shh…” Kai whispers in the human’s ears, trying to shush him. “Unfortunately for you, Y/n… you lied.” He breathes as he restrains Y/n’s struggling figure for a moment before effortlessly snapping Y/n’s neck. Y/n’s body is released from Kai’s grip and drops lifelessly to the floor. “But don’t worry… I know exactly how to get the truth out of you.”
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enhaheeseung · 5 months
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warning: age gap, smut, fluff, angst, dirty talk.
Note: I’m getting back to this story so something’s might not line up but overall I thinks it’s still pretty accurate
WC 2,676
heeseung decided to skip school and just spend the entire day with you planting the flowers that he had gifted the night prior.
He also woke up hours before you and realized that he felt something else in his heart other than guilt as he analyzed your peaceful sleeping figure. His heart skipped a beat when he looked over at your side of the bed and saw you sleeping soundly next to him. He felt like he could just stay like that forever. Having you next to him, spending the entire day with you, cooking with you, laughing with you, talking with you. Reading with you.
Something that he hated till he met you.
You have been on his mind all day, every day, since the day he laid his eyes on you. Sure, the pay was insane, but your beauty was even more insane.
And since the first day he got hired, everything has just been.
you you you
He Definitely owed Jay an apology after his little outburst in the grocery store. But he was just scared and confused about his feelings for you. His past girlfriends warped his image of women and relationships. Ever since he got his heart broken, he decided that if he couldn't find love, then no one could, so he played with girls by leading them on and ditching them later. However, you were the first one of those girls he actually had sex with, and he's pretty certain that after you, there would be no one else.
"Can I help now?" you asked for the third time after he ignored you the first two times.
"Nope, you just sit there and look pretty," heeseung said as he dug up the dirt to plant more of the seeds.
"But you said you wanted to plant them together," you pouted.
"yeah, planting them, not digging up the dirt!" he said in a high-pitched voice. “You’re too beautiful to get any dirt on you,” he winked, and even though it was cheesy, he still made you flustered.
You smile, sitting back and watching him dig a few more holes in the garden before grabbing the sunflower seeds.
"Now you can help." he handed you a packet once he was finished with the dirty part.
"how long till they bloom?" you squatted down and sprinkled them onto the ground, the little seeds falling into his neatly dug hole.
"umm, about three months, but we should see the blooms in a couple of weeks," he answered with his chin resting on his knee and a pout on his lips as he concentrated.
"Good, 'cause I'm impatient," you say, smoothing the dirt over the seeds.
"so, how is your book coming along?" he emptied the last packet while making small talk with you.
"it's… coming. I'm still stuck on the ending," you sighed.
"aww, I'm sure you'll figure it out soon." he dusted the dirt off his hands and helped you up off the ground. "So shall we water them now?"
You agreed, and he went to the back, grabbing the hose to water the freshly planted sunflowers.
"hee, where- don't," you spotted him walking towards you with the hose, a mischievous smile on his face, "don't! hee, I'm serious!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears, and seconds later, you screamed as the cold water drenched your body.
A hearty laugh erupted from his chest as he spayed you with more water, enjoying the sounds of your playful screams.
You ran towards him, trying to get the hose, but his grip was much stronger than yours, and he looked down at you, smiling evilly.
"Aww, poor little baby," he teased right when he was about to spray you again. You started to tickle his sides. His grip instantly loosened on the hose, and you were quick to snatch it away from him.
His eyes widened in shock, knowing that you were going to get pay back. "Y/n, wait!" he said while chuckling still. You aimed the hose at him, and his laughter soon died down, turning into nervous chuckles as he stared at you. "y/n! Wait!" he shrilled as you sprayed the water on him, and now it was your turn to laugh at him.
He tried to put his hands up and block the water, but it was no use. The stream was splashing everywhere. He soon charged over to you, fighting to get the hose from your hands, but you had a solid grip.
"y/n, stop!" he giggled while you both struggled for the hose. Eventually, through your battle of tug of war, the hose had turned upright, causing the water to fall on top of both your heads and from afar, it looked like a scene straight out of a movie.
Loud gasps came from both of you as the cold water ran down your shivering bodies.
"oops," you said and peeked up at him.
It took but a moment to notice just how close you had gotten to one another, and he was the first one to make a move.
He looked into your eyes, and you stared back. He wore a small smile on the corner of his lips as he gently took the hose from your hand, letting it fall on the grass and creating a puddle around yours and his feet.
He placed his hands around your waist, his cold, wet skin sticking to yours.
"I told you to stop," he grins before closing the distance between the two of you.
As soon as your lips collided with his, you couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss cause his lips felt so perfect against yours.
You kissed for a few moments before you felt his erection poking against you, and he sighed onto your lips, his body yearning for more of you. "Should we take this to the pool?"
"yes, please," he picked you up in his arms with ease, walking to the front door and opening it with you still hugged around him.
He walked upstairs while you focused all your kisses on his neck, waiting for him to take you to your guy's destination.
"if you keep doing that, I might just have to fuck you on the stairs." He warns.
"I'm not stopping you." You bit his neck softly, placing wet kisses on the light pink marks that were starting to form on his skin.
He groaned, feeling himself grow harder by the second.
Once he reached the spot, he carefully set you down at the edge of the pool, removing his clothes, while you did the same before getting into the pool with him.
"I just can't seem to keep my hands off of you," it had only been a few seconds, but you were already wrapped up in his arms again, and you felt the same way you wanted to be glued to him at all times.
You brushed your fingers through his hair, locking your eyes with him. Those eight letters were just on the tip of your tongue, but before you could say them, he was wrapping your legs around his waist.
"ready?" he asked you with his tip, slightly brushing your entrance.
You nodded your head, and he wasted no time before slowly pushing his dick in you.
"ah fuck" he hissed, mouth hung wide open, your walls already clenching down on him from the intrusion. He wasn’t even two inches in, and it felt so good he was so desperate and needy for you.
He thrust in you inch by inch, the head of his cock brushing against your walls and opening you up so perfectly.
After being with him multiple times, you'd never get used to his size and how he was always able to make you feel so good and so full.
"so warm and wet, this is all for me, right? Tell me I'm the only one who can make you this wet." he licked a long stripe up your chest, his palms kneading your plush backside as he thrusts into you.
"Only you can make me wet. Only your cock can make me feel like this," you held him tighter for support as he fucked his cock into you faster and deeper.
"and this pussy is all mine. No one can have you but me." He says, letting his emotions get the best of him.
"no one but you, hee." He pressed his lips to yours. It wasn't even barely a kiss, just his lips resting on yours. But he just wanted you to be as close to him as possible.
"Yeah, only mine,” he smiled, feeling content now that the words came from your own mouth. “hold on to me tight" he used all of his strength to fuck you, his thigh muscles burning from all the energy he used to hold you up.
"hee!' you squeak, feeling him hit your spot with each stroke, your head lulled back from the intense feeling of your climax quickly approaching.
"look at me darling, I want you to look at me." he held you up higher, your thighs resting on his forearm as the water continued to splash from the fast jerking of his hips. "that's it."
You maintained eye contact with him as your expressions mirrored each other's lips, parted, hooded eyes, and a mix of loud, desperate moans.
He backed you up to the edge of the pool to gain more leverage to massage your clit with his fingers.
"close?" he asked, feeling you tighten on him every few seconds.
"so close," you mewl.
"me too, precious, me t-too." He whimpers.
"yes! Yes! fuck me, oh hee." you cried in ecstasy when he hit your sweet spot repeatedly
He gave you his absolute all, his fingers still rubbing on your clit, and the pace of his strokes never once faltering, not even when you came, and your walls clamped down on him impossibly tight.
A helpless moan of his name bounced off the walls as he brought you to your intense climax.
"fuck yes," He said in a drawn-out moan. "squeeze my cock, just like that," he grunted, giving your cunt a few more thrusts before he pulled out. His cock throbbed in desperate need of attention to reach his high.
You took notice of this and quickly grabbed his cock, guiding it between your legs and rubbing it through your folds, massaging his cock with your slick and swollen pussy lips.
His legs trembled as he emptied himself straight into the pool just a few seconds after you. “So good,” he pants out and brushes his lips against yours.
Choked moans left his lips as he reached his end. You caressed his sensitive length gently until he was completely satisfied. Once collecting himself a bit, he pinned you to the pool's edge, trapping you in his arms.
You grabbed his face, pulling him in for a long, passionate kiss.
You both pulled away, looking at each other with adoration in your eyes.
"We should come in here more often." He says while smiling, loving every last second of what had just taken place.
"Should we?" You ask, and he nods his head, kissing you once more.
He led you to a much less steep part of the pool, laying your back against his chest while he rested his chin on your shoulder and held you tightly in his muscular arms.
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, sighing in contentment when he placed gentle kisses on your neck.
"I could just stay here like this all day," he confessed.
"We don't have to move anytime soon." You placed your hand in his.
"good," you kissed the back of his hand, silence filling the air as you both enjoyed each other in the relaxing pool.
Later that night, you both showered and sat together on the couch watching TV, his hands preoccupied with your hair.
"I wanna take you out tomorrow," he talked over the TV.
Was he asking you on a date? You didn't want to assume things, but it sounded like a date.
You hadn't gone on a date in years, and you weren't sure if you were ready for that yet.
"I don't know. It's been so long since I've gone out with someone." You played with your thumbs nervously.
You didn't want to call it a date in case that wasn't what he had in mind. That would be so awkward.
"it'll be fun, trust me. You're always cooped up in here all by yourself." He says, not knowing just how rude it sounded to you.
"cooped up?" you took offense to his sudden choice of words. It’s the same type of thing all your “friends” would always say to you whenever they thought you needed to get out and live a little. The only reason they wanted you to hang out was to use you for money.
Before he could answer, you got up from his lap and went to the bedroom so you wouldn’t have to face him.
"y/n, I’m sorry. You know I didn't mean anything by it," he said softly and reached for your hand.
"Okay," you got up and went to your room to go to sleep cause you were in a bad mood, and it wasn’t entirely his fault, but still, you just needed a minute.
He quickly followed after you, sensing your off behavior.
"You're not even going to say goodnight to me?” he said while standing in your doorway when he got no response. He closed the door behind him, making his way to your bed and sitting down.
"hee, not now. I just want to sleep." You say, obviously annoyed you knew Heeseung wasn’t like your friends, but it still felt like shit hearing him say the same thing about you that they did.
While you stayed silent, he got into bed, cuddling up to you as close as possible.
"Darling, please don't be mad at me. It hasn’t even been five minutes yet, and I can't stand it," he whispered and cradled your small frame in his arms.
"I'm not mad," you told a white lie, not mad, just frustrated.
"then please don't ignore me. I know what I said came across as insensitive, but what I meant was I want to take you somewhere you can dress fancy, I want to spoil you, I want to show you a good time, I want to feed you, and at the end of the night, I want to bring you home and fuck you." He whispers in your ear.
You felt shivers run down your spine when he whispered the last words straight into your ear, and you couldn’t stay mad at him. He knew just what to say to make you feel better. He acknowledged his faults, and now he was making them right, and that’s all you ever wanted in a relationship of any kind.
You turned around and faced him. "I'm sorry for getting mad," you pouted and realized you kinda went a bit over the top for no reason.
“Don’t be. Just know I'd never say anything hurtful to you intentionally, and I promise I’ll be careful with my words, okay baby?."
He kissed your forehead, and a small smile graced your lips.
“Sorry, my precious.” Once again, you were seconds from saying those words, but it still felt way too soon, so you suppressed it for now.
“I forgive you,” you whisper shyly.
"Thank you, darling. Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" He asked.
"you can always sleep with me, hee, you don't have to ask." You tell him truthfully.
"Okay, good, now get some rest. Darling, 'cause tomorrow we're going to do it all." he turned off the night lamp before you even had time to protest, not to say you would anyway.
"goodnight, hee," you pecked his cheek.
“Goodnight, darling.” It looks like you were both in for quite the day tomorrow.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night ♥️
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justabigassnerd · 8 months
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Word count - 2,081
Warnings - bullying, injuries, passing out, worried Jake & Bradley, angst, fluff, swearing
Summary - your bullies start to get physically aggressive with you, leading you to hide your injuries from your dads. but secrets never stay secret for too long...
A/N - hey y'all I be here with a new part of Hangman Junior for you all to enjoy! this was a request sent in by @honkyhonkyyessir and I just hope I did the idea justice! I won't ramble but as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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You thought that after the events of fighting back against the people who insulted your dads, you’d be able to get through the rest of your school life unbothered.
How wrong you were.
Apparently, fighting back might as well have slapped a big target on your back with flashing lights, demanding to be aimed at. You couldn’t remember when the insults became acts of physical violence, but it soon became your new normal to hide injuries you sustained from your dad and Bradley.
One day, as soon as you finished your lunch in the large school dining hall, you ducked into the nearest bathroom to inspect the injuries you knew were forming under your shirt.
“Of fucking course.” You whisper through gritted teeth as you stand in front of a mirror, lifting the bottom of your shirt and seeing the beginning of a bruise forming on your side from where one jock decided it would be funny to launch his football at you as hard as possible while you made your way towards the school building.
You sigh as you inspect the bruise further, gingerly poking at it to explore the pain level and wincing at the tenderness. You knew you had every right to fight back. To show them that a Seresin couldn’t be pushed around that easily. But you couldn’t find it within yourself to risk getting into trouble at school. After the fight you had about people insulting your dads, Jake had made you promise not to get into any more fights. He and Bradley both understood where you were coming from, but they didn’t want you getting into trouble or getting hurt. So you respected their wishes and didn’t fight back, although you longed to. It got harder with each passing day as the guys got bolder in their bullying. You were grateful though, that you got home from school before your dad and Bradley which meant you had time to take some painkillers that would kick in by the time you had walked Moose and your dads had gotten home.
On this particular day though, the boys that picked on you were much more aggressive than usual. Tripping you in the hallway, bumping you into lockers, whatever they could get away with, they were doing. When the school day had ended you planned on slipping out as quickly and as quietly as possible but of course, things never went the way you wanted them to. You were spotted moments after exiting the building by the jocks who always mingled outside before their practice began.
“Hey Seresin!” You barely had the time to register the words that were yelled over to you before you felt something make harsh contact with the side of your head, knocking you off balance and sending you crashing to the ground, not having nearly enough time to break your fall meaning your head made strong contact with the concrete floor.
Dazed from the contact between your head and the concrete you remained on the floor for a moment, trying to pull yourself together enough to get up and make your way home so you can hide and lick your wounds over the weekend until it all starts up again on Monday. Just as you decided to move, one of the jocks crossed to you and landed a strong kick to your stomach, making you curl into yourself, a groan of pain escaping you as the group of boys jeer loudly. Through your blurry vision, you could make out students walking past, not even sparing you a glance as they rushed past, hoping your tormenters wouldn’t suddenly turn on them. Often, you wished people would just step in and help, or just make sure you were okay. But you knew they just wanted to protect themselves above everything. And all the teachers were still inside the building finishing up any work or prepping to leave themselves, so you had no hope of a teacher coming to your aid either.
Before anything else could be done, one of the boys noticed the time and they all rushed off to go to their football practice. A minute after they left you slowly sat up, coughing and wincing, desperately trying to blink the blurriness from your vision. You eased your bag back onto your back and bit back a wince as you forced yourself to your feet. Your vision was swimming, and your head was throbbing. You knew that once you got home you should take Moose out for a walk but with your head in so much pain you were sure he could forgive you if you just wanted to curl up on your bed with him and nap the headache off before your dad and Bradley got home.
You made your way home, head throbbing and convinced you probably looked drunk to anybody seeing you pass due to your inability to walk in a straight line. Thankfully, you made it home with little to no problems until you reached your front door, which due to the blurriness in your vision, took four attempts to get the key into the keyhole to unlock the door. When you enter the house, Moose is instantly by your side, tail wagging as he barks in greeting, making your head feel like it’s going to explode.
“Moose, buddy quiet down.” You plead the dog, grateful he listened to your request and sat himself down opposite you, panting happily as his tail swished side to side.
“Hey y/n/n!” You almost jumped when you heard your dad’s voice come from the living room. You were still hidden from his line of sight so you took the opportunity to lean against the wall, hoping your vision would focus.
“Hey dad, you’re home early.” You try to joke, glancing down when you feel Moose prodding at your upper thigh with his nose. If your vision wasn’t blurry, you would’ve seen the worried look in your pet’s eyes as he continued to poke at you, trying to communicate his wishes.
“We both finished up our paperwork early so we got out of there before Cyclone could give us anything else.” You hear Bradley chuckle as you squeeze your eyes shut, silently begging your head to fix itself before you get found out. You heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the hallway and you opened your eyes to see your dad and Bradley poking their heads around the corner, faces falling when they notice how positively miserable you look.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Jake asks, eyebrow raised as you nod.
“Yeah, just got a little headache.” You lie, your vision growing darker from the nodding motion and before anyone else could say anything. Your legs stopped supporting your weight as you gave in to the inviting darkness.
Jake was quick to catch you before you hit the floor, looking up at Bradley desperately as both men panicked.
“y/n, sweetheart, can you hear me?” Jake says, turning his attention back to you, watching carefully for any response and feeling his heartbeat grow louder in his ears when you don’t respond.
“Let’s get her up to her room. We can monitor her here and when she wakes up, we can figure out whether to take her to hospital or not.” Bradley says, ever the level-headed one, as Jake nods, carefully getting to his feet as he keeps you securely in his arms, taking you up to your room and laying you on your bed. Moose jumped up on the bed just as Jake took a step back, having snuck in unnoticed.
“Moose, you should get down.” Bradley starts, stopping himself from saying anything else when Moose eases himself down alongside you, resting his head on your lap and whining softly, clearly worried about you as his eyes dart from Jake to you in the hopes Jake can fix what’s wrong with you.
“She’ll wake up soon, bud. She’ll be okay.” Jake promises the dog as he eases himself down on the desk chair to wait for you to wake up. Bradley crosses to Jake, takes Jake’s hand in his and squeezes softly, both men hoping it won’t be too long before you wake up.
You woke up just under five minutes later, eyes blinking open and being silently relieved that your vision was no longer blurry or swimming.
“y/n? Are you okay?” You glance over to see your dad leaping up from the chair, crossing to your bedside as Moose perks up at your side, lifting his head as his tail begins to thump against the duvet.
“I’m okay. I’m sorry if I scared you.” You mutter, glancing at both Jake and Bradley before trying to sit up, being stopped by a gentle hand on your shoulder from Bradley who shakes his head softly, encouraging you to stay put as Moose stretches up the bed, resting his head right where the bruise on your side was and neither Jake nor Bradley missed the slight wince you gave from the contact.
“y/n, sweetheart. I’d like the truth, please. What’s going on?” Jake asks softly, perching on the edge of your bed and looking at you, his worry evident all over his face. You reached out to stroke Moose, fingers tangling in his fur as Moose tentatively licks your arm. Comforted by your dog curled up next to you and the gentle expressions of both Jake and Bradley, you opened up. You told them about the bullying, about how the boys on the football team found enjoyment in treating you like shit. By the end of the explanation, both Jake and Bradley were furious, unable to believe that they were getting away with this.
“Those little shits better hope I never see them because I hate to think of what I’d do to them if I did.” Jake seethes, teeth gritted as he fights the urge not to run out of the house in search of them right now.
“Jake, the sentiment is appreciated but let’s not picture assaulting minors, as tempting as it is, it’s not the solution.” Bradley says, a hand braced on Jake’s shoulder just in case he tries to leap up and leave the house.
“We have to do something, Bradley. They’re hurting her.” Jake says, looking up at his husband who lets out a soft sigh, understanding why Jake wanted to fix this.
“And we’ll figure out a solution over the next couple of days. For now let’s let y/n rest, give her some painkillers, and let her relax. She’s okay.” Bradley says softly, watching as Jake lets out a soft exhale, feeling Jake’s body relax with the exhale and lifting his hand from his shoulder. Bradley excuses himself to grab some painkillers, leaving you and Jake alone in the room.
“I’m sorry for hiding it from you.” You mumble, briefly glancing over at your dad before looking back at your lap, ashamed of yourself for hiding this from him.
“You don’t have to be afraid to tell me about stuff like this. I can do my best to help you no matter the problem. That’s my job.” Jake says, his voice never straying from that soft tone you had grown so accustomed to growing up.
“I know. I just don’t want to worry you.” You admit, glancing at Moose who is watching you quietly.
“I always worry about you, sweetheart. That’s also part of my job as your father.” Jake says with a gentle chuckle, bringing a smile to your face as well.
“If you’re ever out and you need help. Call me or Bradley and we’ll get to you as quick as we can, okay?” Jake then says, looking at you as you nod lightly.
“Okay.” You confirm just as Bradley enters the room, painkillers, and a glass of water in hand. He hands you the items and you take the painkillers with a swig of water and relax back against your pillow after placing the glass on your bedside table. The two men then left you alone to rest, leaving you in the dutiful care of Moose who was more than happy to curl further into you and watch over you. As you set your laptop alongside you, opening a movie to watch you thought back on the threat that your dad had made towards the jocks that bullied you and laughed lightly.
You knew that if he ever did see those boys Bradley would have to hold him back.
taglist (comment or ask to be tagged):
@zbeez-outlet @kaceywithak @tsnelf7 @starkleila @cassadilasworld @shanimallina87 @madstxo @chaoticassidy @padsdarlg @lauraseresin @alohastitch0626 @angelbabyange @kmc1989
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strangersmunsons · 6 months
christmas wrapping
“When what to my wondering eyes should appear in the line is that guy I’ve been chasing all year!” eddie munson x reader, ~1500 words
“I love the holidays, I love Christmas,” you mutter to yourself through gritted teeth as you wrestle with the roll of icy-blue paper. Cartoon snowmen and polar bears stare back at you with their unmoving little eyes, mocking your frustration.
Gift wrapping isn’t your strong suit. It’s like as soon as you pick up the scissors, you lose all motor function in your hands. The presents you hand out end up covered in more Scotch tape than they are actual paper.
Armed with a pair of big kitchen shears, you glide the blade as carefully as possible through the paper. The rectangle you’re trying to cut is almost free from the roll when the paper snags, and instead of following the clean line you were aiming for, it wrinkles and veers to the side, leaving you with a huge shred in the corner. 
An angry squeal escapes from your lips and you set the scissors down on the plush living room rug. You close your eyes and count to five, taking deep breaths in an effort to calm yourself down.
You swear you’re not usually this grumpy during the holidays. But it seems like everything that you normally love doing in the buildup to Christmas has just been so terribly exhausting.
First, there was a new promotion at work. While the better pay was wonderful, you were slightly unprepared for the extra stress that came with your new position. Every day it felt like you were scrambling to stay on top of everything, putting in extra hours just to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks. It left you with hardly any time to get your shopping done, so you ended up having to take multiple trips to the department store — always just before it closed, God bless retail employees for having the restraint not to kill you right where you stood — wandering around to try and pick out suitable gifts for everyone. Not to mention that there are a few you ordered from a catalogue, which are still nowhere to be seen, despite the fact that it’s Christmas Eve and you needed them like, yesterday. 
As if all this wasn’t hectic enough, you had been positively bombarded with invitations. Three separate work parties — office, departmental, and company-wide. Then dinner and drinks with the coworkers you actually like. White elephant with your buddies from college. Ornament exchange with the cousins from your Mom’s side, Secret Santa with the cousins from your Dad’s side. A Christmas movie night with your childhood friends.
The list went on. 
Finally, you’d put your foot down. No more parties, no more “fun holiday activities” that were starting to give you more anxiety than joy — you needed a fucking break.
That’s how you ended up alone on Christmas Eve, finishing up the last of your gift-wrapping. Soon you would tuck the final present under your tree, then stick the world’s smallest turkey into the oven, and lay on the couch waiting for it to be done, all in beautiful solitude. You even took the phone off the hook, just in case.
After another brief struggle, you finally manage to cut a substantial amount of paper to cover this last gift. You fumble with the box and clumsily wrap it up, sealing it with copious amounts of tape. There’s a flood of relief that washes through you when it's finally under the tree; it’s as though a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
When that’s finished, you bustle about in the kitchen to make your dinner for one. Bing Crosby croons in the background as you make small portions of your favorite holiday foods, and the sweet fragrance of a cinnamon-scented candle helps boost your mood even further. Gentle snow flurries whirl outside the window.
The afternoon passes by in peace, until you hit one little roadblock: you forgot the cranberries. You lean with your hip against the kitchen counter, tapping a rhythm on the tile with your nails while you debate your next move. Dinner without them isn’t a huge deal, really, you suppose you could do without them, but…there does happen to be a 24-hour grocery store that should still be open. And it’s only a few minutes drive…
Hey, what the hell. You’re rather partial to cranberries.
So you grudgingly slip your feet into your boots, and get bundled up in your winter coat. You jam a woolly hat on your head, sling your purse over your shoulder, and head out the door.
In less than ten you’re at the store. It’s swamped with other last-minute shoppers like yourself, all looking to buy that last ingredient they forgot, eager to return home to their families and friends. There’s a pang in your heart as you watch them mill about; maybe you were being too rash when you decided to spend Christmas Eve alone. Maybe you shouldn’t have let the stress of the season get to you.
God, you feel like the Grinch. Or worse — Ebenezer Scrooge.
You sigh as you pluck a can of cranberries from the shelf, and then unenthusiastically make your way to the checkout aisle. The line is long, clogged up as the overworked cashiers try their best to deal with the onslaught of antsy customers as best they can.
You’re so busy internally sympathizing with the employees (and also feeling guilty for adding to their burden by being there yourself), you almost don’t feel the light tap on your shoulder.
You turn on your heel in surprise, and experience a squirm of pleasure when you see who it is: Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson, who you met about a year ago and liked immensely, but still somehow…failed to make something happen with. 
It wasn’t for lack of trying! The two of you had met at a bar where his band had been playing a show; when it was over, he bought you a drink and you talked through the rest of the night, until the bartender all but kicked you out. He left you with his phone number and a kiss on the cheek. You wanted to find time for him, you really did, but it had been a busy year.
You played phone tag for months, always trying to set something up, but never managed to follow through. Life had a funny habit of getting in the way. Even when you two bumped into each other in person again — and it happened more than once — there never seemed to be a time when you were both free. The exception of course being last Halloween, when he was supposed to pick you up for a party, which you're sure would have been a blast...if his car hadn't broken down and derailed you yet again.
And then, when you got your promotion, your love life went on the back burner. Any prospects of going on a date with Eddie pretty much flew out the window.
But now here he is, in the flesh. And God, is he cute.
His hair is damp and a little disheveled, probably the result of snowflakes catching in the curls and melting. He’s not wearing a hat, but there’s a red knit scarf knotted around his neck, trailing down his big black overcoat. 
“Hey, you,” he says, rosy cheeks dimpling as he gives you a huge smile. 
“Hi,” you reply brightly, overwhelmed with sudden happiness. “Merry Christmas.”
“And you as well, sweetheart. Forgot the cranberries, I see,” he says, pointing at the lone can clutched in your gloved fingers. 
“Guilty,” you shrug, unable to keep the silly grin off your face. 
He laughs, and his chocolate-brown eyes crinkle at the corners. “Well, I can hardly tease you for that, now can I?” He fishes around in the plastic shopping basket hanging from the crook of his arm, and comes up with an identical can.
“Would you look at that? Great minds think alike. Or don’t think alike, I guess.”
“Truer words were never spoken.”
The two of you inch forward in the line.
“So, you got big plans this Christmas or what?” he asks, eyes twinkling.
“Actually, no,” you admit. “I’ll visit my family tomorrow, but for tonight it’s just me. I love the holidays, I do, but I just didn’t have it in me to go all-out this year.”
Eddie stops midstep. “You’re spending Christmas Eve alone?”
You shrug uncertainly, once again doubting your plans. “Yeah.”
He cocks his head to the side, playful smirk on his lips. “What a coincidence. So am I.” He shakes the grocery basket, contents rattling around inside. “S’why I came to get the goods. I’m fending for myself tonight.”
You’re a little taken aback by that. “Really? What about your uncle?”
“Wayne? Well, his, ah, lady friend invited him to her family dinner up near Indianapolis. They invited me to tag along, but I said no. Didn’t wanna impose.”
“Oh. I see.”
In a moment’s pause, some understanding passes between the two of you. Eddie busts out laughing again, and you don’t have to ask him what’s funny.
Giggling yourself now, you straighten up and look him square in the face. “Eddie,” you say, trying and failing to keep your tone serious, “Would you like to join me for dinner?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
Eddie abandons his shopping basket. (You’ve no idea what he’d been planning on making, exactly; you glimpsed a package of hamburger helper and a jar of pickles, amongst other things.)
But he does insist on paying for your cranberries.
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Apple pie
my loves!! FIRST OF ALL AS I FINISHED WRITING THIS I NOTICED I HIT 700 FOLLOWERS? I do not deserve the support you guys give me.. AT ALL. Please enjoy this chapter i love you guys so much :((
my masterlist
Warnings: LOTS of angst, mentions of shooting, stabbing, cleaning wounds, and blood. proceed with caution.
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Word count: 2,606
“Four is way too early to be here.”
Your coworker Jasmine laughs as the two of you finish doing the dishes together; you nod your head in agreement as you wipe your wet hands onto your apron. The shifts are always like this, though—you, Jasmine, and Fred, the cook.
“Alright, well, that’s enough for me.”
You yell from the break room as you pull off the apron around your waist and hang it onto the hooks by the door. It’s nights like this where you think about Leon. He’s been gone for almost two weeks now, your eyes wandering over his closed windows whenever you’re outside.
The kiss runs through your head every single day,
the way his lips were so soft even though they looked chapped, his fingers gripping your cheeks so gently, yet it felt like he didn’t want to let you go. The long honk pulled you from your thoughts, looking up to see the green light. You put your hand out the window as an apology before speeding through the street, happy to see you were finally on your road. You are the only person on the whole street with a nice lawn. You pull into your driveway, sighing as you tug the keys from your car before you step out and lock it. Usually, in your routine, you start watering your lawn. But your heart pounds in your chest at the sight of Leon’s front door wide open, the hinges broken and the sides of wood cracked and torn. Leon would’ve called you dumb, running towards his house at the sounds of grunting and loud thumps.
Then silence.
The moment you walk into his house it’s just quiet. There’s a bottle of whiskey on the ground shattered to pieces. Leon’s house was huge, the long hallway leading to two other hallways and multiple rooms. You clutch at your purse in fear as your shoes click against his wooden floors. Where did he go? His car is in the driveway.. the doors open.. What if somebody killed him? What if he’s hurt? Your throat goes dry at the thought. Even though you guys haven’t spoken for two weeks, you still couldn’t help but care.
You’re stupid. You’re so stupid. Your heart was beating so fast it was blocking your capability to hear a scream trying to come from your mouth as a large hand smacked over your mouth. A cheek pressed against the side of your hair as you got dragged into a room, the door shutting. The only sound in the room was your heavy breathing against this hand.
Leon always stays up, at least till you get home. He knows your shift ends soon, his arms pressing into the cool counters in his kitchen as he pours the whiskey into his cup. Staring down at the dark liquid. The sound of tires rolling makes his head snap up, thinking you were finally home but a black truck rolls just in front of his yard, parking against his curb.
“Son of a bitch…”
His footsteps are fast and heavy. His hand reached down to pull at the small door under his couch, tugging at the duffel bag and grabbing the pistol, checking to see if he had put bullets in the mag. There hasn’t been an incident like this in a long time, he was just thankful you weren’t home. His arms raise as he aims at the door.
But everything happened too fast, coming in from almost every direction, and he could only fire so much. A loud grunt left his lips as one of the much bigger men punched him across the face; Leon’s lip instantly started bleeding as he kneeled over, wiping at his lip as he stumbled through his spare bedroom door. The house was pitch black which made the whole interaction so much more fun, didn’t it? The noises of multiple footsteps running up his steps made him sigh in relief as he pressed his forehead to his door.
Hearing you call out his name caused every muscle in his body to contract, swinging the door open to see you stepping down the hallway, still in your work uniform. He sees you gasp at the body on the floor, and being the idiot you were, you bend over to check his pulse and see if this stranger is okay.
He read your body language so well, seeing you start to panic as you stand up again, going to call out for him again. He stepped forward, his large hand clamping over your mouth as he dragged you towards the spare bedroom. Idiot. Leon’s never felt himself shake like this, his strength fighting against yours before he shoved you into the wall as quietly as he could, his hand still pressed over your mouth as you panicked against him.
“Are you fucking insane?”
Leon’s tongue is sharp, your eyebrows frowning in concern as you mumble against his hand, reaching up to touch his bleeding lip. Leon grumbles as he turns his head away from you, his hand tightening before he turns back at you.
“Just- don’t talk. Stay silent. Do I make myself clear?”
You’ve never seen this side of Leon. You’ve seen him petty, bitchy even, but never stern. Your head nodded at him before he rested his forehead against the side of your face, pulling his hand off.
He was injured; his cheek was obviously bruised and his arm was cut. He was still in his pajamas, his gray t-shirt lose on him as he caught his breath leaning against the wall. He immediately stands up straight at the sound of shuffling down the stairs.
“He’s gone, we can’t wait, he probably already called in backup.. Let’s leave.”
Leon stood behind you, staring at the door, his finger ghosting over the trigger as he listened to the large group of men shuffles out of his house. The two of you stand there in silence, the sun starting to rise through his curtains as he takes a deep breath, pointing to the bed.
“Sit down and just- stay here. Do not move.”
Leon watched as you walked to the bed, sitting down as your eyes retraced his hurt frame. Leon pressed his ear against the door before he cracked it open and stepped out the door.
You sit in your own silence for what feels like forever, biting at your nails nervously as you listen to the house's silence. A loud thump made you spring to your feet, pushing the door open as you run to the the living room.
You frown as you see Leon holding onto the couch, his chest heaving as he grabs at his ribs.
For once, he lets his guard down, feeling your hands grab at his shoulders. He immediately reaches for you, allowing you to help him up. He’s much heavier, but that’s too much to think about now. Your hands wrap around his waist as he grips your shoulder as you walk him carefully down the steps, your hand grabbing his as he groans with every step.
When you do reach your house, he’s trying to push you off. Your hands grip him tighter as you drag him to his bathroom.
“Enough, Leon.”
To your surprise, he sits there, your shaking hands digging through your cabinet for your first aid kit. Just stay calm. Stay calm for his sake. You had so many questions, but cleaning him up was the primary importance. You stand up, leaning against your sink as you close your eyes to think for a second.
“Just listen-“
“Shut up, I'm thinking.”
Leon sits quietly, just looking at you, your hands gripping at the sink as you reach past him, turning on the shower. Your hands wiping against your work pants as you grab Leon’s arms, helping him up. It wasn’t in a sexual manner, though you knew Leon probably wasn’t thinking about anything other than the burning pain in his ribs. Your hands tug at his shirt, your eyes growing wide at seeing his bruised ribs. Your fingers gently graze over the patch of bruised skin already forming, Leon groaning as he leans his head on your shoulder.
“It’s okay.. You’re going to be fine Leon.”
You lean him carefully against the sink as you tug down his pajama pants, looking up at the ceiling as you do so.
“C'mon, slow steps..”
You drag Leon by his shoulders as you step him into the shower, your fingers checking the temperature as he stands against the wall. You lean forward, carefully rubbing the water into his arm so the blood can somewhat go away and make cleaning easier.
Leon just watched. Your black long sleeve gets wet as you wash at his skin. He’s a grown man, he shouldn’t be letting you take care of him, not like this.
“Off me..”
Leon groaned as his eyes squeezed shut. He felt the gentle touch of your fingers vanish as you stepped back from the shower. Just don’t bother him. You're silent as you pick up his pajamas, shutting the bathroom door. When he’s in the shower, you run across the lawn, Leon’s blood still all over you as you walk through the destroyed house. When you find his room you dig through his drawer, just grabbing as many clothes as you can.
This is when you realize Leon Kennedy was more than just your neighbor. You didn’t even notice the blood staining your hands. You shook your head as you ran back to your house, locking the front door as you heard the shower stop. You stand outside the shut door, your knuckles brushing against it before you knock quietly.
“Leon? I have some clothes-“
The door swings open, all your first aid materials spread out on the counter as Leon stands dripping wet from the shower, his hair soaked.
“I don’t know what the fuck I'm doing.”
“I noticed..”
You laugh softly as you walk into the bathroom, grabbing the towel that hung from your shower. Leon sits on the toilet again. He couldn’t help but take in the smell of your shampoo from the towel as you rubbed the fabric into his hair and carefully down his arms. You lay the towel carefully onto his lap, covering him hoping to make him more comfortable as you lean down, grabbing the bandages from your counter. You look up at him as you reach behind him.
“It may hurt but lift your arms a bit.”
Leon listens- shockingly. You wrap the bandage around his ribs, pressing the small sticker into the bandage to make it stick. Your hands press at his elbows to lower his arms as you stand up, grabbing the alcohol.
As you clean the cut in his arm, you think about the first night you guys met. The dinner you cooked him, and the way he left.
Leon thought about it too, staring down at the ground as you wrapped bandages around his bicep, just like you did around his ribs.
“Look at me.”
Your voice is so smooth, so calming. He hated to admit you were an angel, and he needed you every single day so badly. And you somehow knew he did every time. Leon looks up at you, your cheeks flushed from moving around so much.
You grab the wet washcloth, straining it into the sink as you lean over, patting the cloth into his lip. Your thumb brushes against the bruise on his cheek. Your other hand reaches up, brushing his hair back as you pull yourself back, grabbing the black shirt you got from his house.
“You went back to the house? You’re so stupid-“
You shake your head at Leon’s words as you lift his arms for him, tugging his shirt onto him before you hand him the sweatpants. You turn yourself to the wall, listening to him tug his sweatpants up as he sighs in pain.
Leon finally gets a look at you, covered in his blood, your hair a mess and your face still flushed. Leon stumbles a bit but manages to stand up. Unlike him, but he follows you like a stray puppy, watching you flick on the bedroom light as you pull the comforter back. It was odd to him to see your room in person. The photos of you and your coworkers all over the wall by your vanity.
“Lay down, I'll get you medicine.”
Leon watches as you walk past him. This was what he was afraid of. Exposing you to things like this, literally covered in his blood and taking care of him. It wasn’t what he deserved.
“I think I'm just going to go home.. It’s early and you work-“
“Leon. Please.”
Your voice was strained, your body stopping in the middle of the hallway as you took in a deep breath.
“Just, lay down.”
Leon’s eyes rolled in frustration as he sat himself down on the bed, groaning as his legs pressed against the soft mattress. The whole room smelled like you, his fingers grazing over your silk pillows, a slight smirk ghosting over his face as he saw the teddy bear on your bed. You’re back fast, faster than he would like because he would’ve loved to admire your space more. You hand him the glass of water and the white medicine.
You speak as you hand it to him, his eyebrows raising.
“How do you have hydrocodone..”
“Have you always talked this much?”
Leon laughs as his hand pressed against his ribs, nodding his head as he takes the medication.
“I deserve that.”
You just stare at his hunched-over frame, the slight stubble gracefully growing on his face. How did this happen? If you told yourself a month ago that Leon would be in your bed, you would laugh.
“I’ll be on the couch. Call my name if you need me.”
Leon feels an unfamiliar warmth in his chest as he watches you turn from him. His chest rattled as he stood up, the pain radiating through his body at the sudden movement, causing his head to snap back at the man in confusion.
He just stares at you, your eyes watching him as your chest rises and falls with your tiny breaths. Leon shrugs as he looks down at the bed, his face twisting in confusion as his mouth opens to speak
“Can you just stay? Just till the sun rises fully?”
You look at him in shock before you nod your head slowly, walking to the other side of the bed and laying yourself down. The bed dips as Leon lays himself down looking up at the ceiling. His arm moves to the center of the bed, the rough padding of his fingers brushing against the back of your hand. Your fingers lift slightly as your fingers intertwine with his. The bed shifts as he moves in closer, your arm lifting as he lays his head against your chest, your arm laying against his back as you pat the back of his head, the two of you soaking in the comfortable silence.
tag list!!
@bimbo-baggins86 @karmasshit @cweampier @wh0islyuri @ovaryacted @arianna-irwynarn @smallp00ks @xxacademy @x4ver1a @cryptkillo @darthdidi @askkaitoandkaiko @chop-zulyzulyyy @nymphitrite
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Kinktober Day 27 - Size Kink
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader
Genre: Smut
CW: Wall sex, size kink, praise.
Word Count: 2234
Summary: Yunho never really noticed the height difference between you two, he knew it was there but it never had an effect on him, until he sees you wearing one of his shirts.
Prompt List               MasterList           Kintktober 2022           Buy me a Coffee
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“Hey guys who does this remind you of?” Seonghwa asks showing the image of a cartoon duo with a large height difference that was on his phone, everyone including yourself erupted into fits of laughter but you didn’t stop your eyes rolling at the joke that was clearly aimed at you and Yunho. You were used to the height jokes at this point and you kind of expected it to happen given their sense of humour and their love for teasing everyone, you could never get mad or upset over it, if anything it made you feel more welcomed among your boyfriend's friend group.
You will always remember the day Yunho introduced you to his friends, he told you to stay quiet as you both walked through the door and made sure you stayed hidden behind his back until he said so, which was an easy task due to your height difference. You'll always remember the way his friends cooed at you once you stepped out from behind Yunho, your tiny figure stood in comparison to his giant one, at a quick glance you looked like his baby sister or something and that was the first joke they went to. At the time it made you blush like crazy and made you feel a little embarrassed but as time went on and you got to know the group as a whole better you no longer felt the way you used to, now you were also teasing them about anything and everything and to top it off Yunho had even taught you how to master Wooyoung's laugh, while the others would keel over with laughter Wooyoung would shoot you dagger and make another joke about your small height.
"I bet you need a ladder to even kiss Yunho's chin." Wooyoung quips at you with an exaggerated pout. 
"Without a ladder you'd be lucky if you could reach his shins." Yunho stood to the side innocently, eyeing himself up and down as he pictured you being the height of his shin, but his attention was brought back to you when he realised you and Wooyoung had started to playfully slap each other spurting funny insults back and forth. 
“Ahhh, come here.” Yunho interjects wrapping an arm around your waist and lifting you off the floor pulling you away from his bandmate. 
“See he can even pick you up with one arm you’re that tiny.” Wooyoung cackles his witchy laugh. 
“That’s it I’m not done with you Jung Wooyoung!” You try desperately to scramble your way out of Yunho’s hold. 
“No, no, you’re done we can’t just go beating up people baby...even if it is Wooyoung we’re talking about.” 
“Hey!” Wooyoung screeches offended by the back handed comment. 
“Come on, you know you deserve it 99% of the time.” Wooyoung folds his arms over his chest sulking in defeat thinking over how many times he’d been beaten up by his bandmates for his mouth. 
“She’s still tiny.” He finishes before going off to find comfort in San. Seeing how the coast was clear Yunho set you back down on your feet but still keeping his arm around your waist just so if you decided to go after Wooyoung he’d be able to hold you back as soon as you moved a muscle.
The rest of the time you spent with the group went by as normal, having a quick bite to eat while they were still on break followed by you sitting on the couch at the back of the room flicking your attention between your phone and watching your boyfriend dance to the music that was blaring through the speakers. Even though you’d had a fun night you were relieved when you stepped through the door of your apartment with Yunho in tow, finally being able to have some time to yourselves.
With Yunho in the shower you took the short amount of time you had to sift through his clothes pulling out one of his favourite t-shirts and throwing it on. You looked down at the t-shirt that reached your knees, looking like a dress on you, and thought back to the jokes Wooyoung had made earlier. 
“Huh, guess I am tiny.” You giggled to yourself making your way to the kitchen. The sound of a low chuckle made you jump out of your skin almost spilling your drink everywhere. 
“Shit Yunho, what have I told you about creeping around the place.” You whine. 
“Aww I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He cooed walking over to you and wrapping has arms around your waist. 
“Is this my favourite shirt?” He asks tilting his head as he played with the sleeve. 
“What?” You ask watching as a small smirk grows on Yunho’s face as his eyes wander over you. 
“You know, I never really paid attention when the guys mentioned our height difference, but now I can see it, the way my shirt just hangs off you.” Yunho spoke softly, one hand wandering over you while the other traced gentle circles over the skin of your shoulder the collar had exposed. You could feel your heart start to race, for a moment you thought he’d even be able to hear the way it pounded in your chest. 
“So tiny.” You’d usually swat his arm for the comment but the way his fingertips danced over your skin and the sparkle in his eye darkened you could only give in to it all. 
Yunho’s lips met yours, full of hunger and need, he kissed you like his whole life depended on it pulling you as close to him as possible with a hand on the back of your neck and the other gripping your hip. the height difference made you struggle a little to meet his demands, you need to step back in order to keep your balance but with every step back you took he took one forward until your back hit the wall behind you. Hearing the little “Oomph” that came from you Yunho broke the kiss to check if you were okay but the sight of you looking so small caged between him and the wall sent all rational thinking out the window. 
“So small, you’re like a little doll.” The lust laced in his voice made heat pool at your core and the way he called you a doll just added to it. You rose to the tips of your toes in a desperate attempt to have his lips back on yours but you were only met with another low chuckle. 
“Wooyoung was right, I guess you do need a ladder to kiss me.”
“Shut the fuck up and kiss me.” You hissed. 
“Oh, big attitude for such a tiny girl.” You wanted to scowl at his jokes but the expression was changed before you could even make it, his fingers diving under the shirt to find your soaked core. 
“Is a kiss all you want tiny?” You didn’t even bother responding, head falling back against the wall as your eyes closed losing yourself in the way he ran his fingers over the wet patch of your underwear. He took that as a good enough sign of what you really wanted, removing his hand from you to place both hands on the back of your thighs hoisting you off the floor, the only thing keeping you from falling was the grip he had on your thighs and how his whole body pressed you against the wall stopping you from sliding away. 
Yunho wanted desperately to take his time with you, really rile you up to the point you’re snapping at him, he loved how you looked when you got frustrated, but the way you looked so small in his hold looked even better and it was turning him on more than he wanted it to. He made quick work of pulling his sweatpants down just enough to free himself and you couldn’t help but stare at him wide eyed watching how he held you in place with one arm with such ease. Moving your underwear to the side he lined himself up at your core but stopped just before he did anything else, looking you in the eye with a cautious look. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I usually prep you before hand but baby I can’t wait anymore, I’m just worried I’ll hurt you.” You swooned over how caring he was, the man was practically dying from lust yet he still cared. 
“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me.” He sighed a little not really believing what you said but he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to cope so he had to take your word. 
“Promise me you’ll say something if anything is wrong, even if it’s something small?” Cupping his face you looked him dead in the eye. 
“I promise, just please fuck me.” He didn’t need to be told twice, easing himself into you he kept a sharp eye on your face looking for any warning signs. Halfway into you, you scrunched your nose a little as the slight pain from him stretching you out hit you and just from that small movement he stopped. 
“Are you okay?” You nod a little more eager than you planned to. 
“Please don’t stop.” Once again taking your word he carried on until he was fully sheathed inside you. The feeling of your walls wrapped around him was enough to take the edge off a bit, enough for him to let you have a moment to adjust.
With his forehead resting against yours you combed your fingers through his hair comforting him, telling him you were fine, but now it was you who was getting restless. You tried your best to roll your hips against his but to no avail, you just hoped your small movements were enough for him to get the hint. 
“Are you sure?” 
“More than anything.” He took his time to start with, slowly pulling out to then slowly slide back in, you could feel every vein in his cock glide against your walls, the sensation dragging small moans out of you. The pain was non existent at this point, all you felt was burning pleasure as Yunho slowly fucked into you. 
“Please...faster.” You could sense he was going to ask you again if you were sure so you shot him a look that answered the question before it even left his lips. His smirk growing again Yunho gradually picked up his pace until he had you pulling the hair at the top of his neck, head hanging down as your mouth hung open with silent moans. 
“My tiny girl, doing so well taking all of me like this.” Yunho growled into your ear. Everything in this moment had your head spinning, from the way Yunho rutted into you down to the way his fingers gripped into the flesh of your thighs, you were seeing stars already from how good you felt, it was like everything in your vision came to a blur, all except Yunho. 
You could feel your high was approaching and as much as you wanted to hold it back the way Yunho hit your sweet spot over and over and how he grazed over your clit with every thrust you knew it would be impossible, but by the way his breathing became heavier and his eyes screwed shut you could tell he was just as close as you were and you really couldn’t blame him, he was dying of need before he even did anything. Your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging in as you awaited your orgasm to wash over you which soon came, ripping though you as you shakily cried out his name and tried to keep yourself upright not to flop your whole weight onto him. Your walls clamping down on his cock like a vice had Yunho’s movements stuttering, he was determined to help you ride out your own orgasm before getting to his own, even if it meant using everything he had to will it away for a moment or two. 
The blurriness in your vision cleared and you were left with the stunning view of Yunho, sweat beading on his forehead and his cheeks a beautiful shade of pink.  Your senses came around just in time for you to fully witness the low breathy moan that fell from his lips as his orgasm hit, his hips stuttering against yours as he tried his best to ride it out needing to savour the feeling before he got overly sensitive. It was like his body crumpled in on itself as he started to come down from his high, his head lazily resting on your shoulder as you could feel the warm breath of his pants fan over your skin. You kept him close to you during that time, stroking the hair at the back of his head as he started to come around.
“You okay down there?” You coo. A low grumble was all you could hear before Yunho brought his head back up. He places a small kiss on your nose before gently setting you back onto your feet but still keeping his arms wrapped around you. 
“If i get this reaction out of you every time I wear one of your shirts then I’ll just have to keep stealing them.” You joke making Yunho laugh. 
“I swear you’re going to be the death of me.”
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Tag list:   @kpopcrossworlds​​ @kpopjust4u​​   @whatudowhennooneseesyou​​​   @8tinytings​​   @jenotation​​​ @grim-adventures58​​​  ​   @owjohny​​​   @ker1​​​   @hellomingi  @ate-ez  @steponmesannie​   @azeret98​​​   @queenwiinks​  @wubbster​​​ @eternalhongshine​  @sansluvr​  @tinkerbell460
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rottenomelet · 8 months
regimen - yandere geto suguru (1.5k)
(warnings: nsfw! i’m eighteen and you should be too! yandere geto suguru, degradation, no after care (is that a tag/warning?) hints of anal sex and like, barely even anal fingering.
note(s): geto basically hates the non sorcerer reader lmao like he is not sweet at all. also geto does not call the reader monkey. this is placed a few years after the kfc incident.)
you start your day the same way you have for the past seven months - getting plowed from behind with geto suguru tugging your hair.
your whine is muffled by the pillow he’s pushed your head into. the pillow is wet from your drool and you can hardly breathe, hoping that he’ll be done soon and your day can continue.
your wish isn’t granted, but then again, the universe hasn’t exactly been in your best interest lately anyways. you spend the next twenty minutes or so taking geto’s cock, only taking small gulps of air whenever his grip on your hair loosens and you can tilt your head up a bit. it never lasts long before he’s pushed your head back down, but your grateful for even that small mercy.
you try to focus on anything but the feeling of his cock inside of you. he’s not aiming for your pleasure, you know that well, but it feels betrayingly good whenever he slams into that special spot inside every once in a while.
you keep your noises to a minimum and save for his occasional grunt or groan, only the sound of skin slapping and birds chirping can be heard.
when he finishes, he finishes on your back. he’s never not once finished inside of you which is another small grace. geto’s reasoning is because, “i wouldn’t risk getting a stupid thing like you pregnant.”
as soon as he’s come down from his high, geto removes himself from you as if touching you gives him hives. without his hands holding your hips up, you collapse onto the bed and curl into the sheets. it’s almost as though you’re a puppet whose strings have been cut. he doesn’t say anything as he gets dressed and reties the knot in his hair.
“get cleaned up. i’ll be back tonight.” is the only thing he says as he leaves. the door closes and you only bundle up tighter, bottom lip caught between your punishing teeth. getting back to sleep is futile, you know, but you always take a few minutes to recuperate afterwards.
eventually you rise. you throw the ruined nightgown and sheets into the hamper and draw a bath. once you’re clean and your muscles have relaxed as much as they could in the hot water, you put on another dress. dresses, night gowns, babydolls: they’re the only things he’ll allow you to wear. something about easier access.
you numbly make your way to the garden. you don’t notice anyone in the hall or the paintings hanging up or the whispers around you. you don’t have the energy to care about any of it. once outside, you take your usual seat at your usual bench. a small ghost of a smile appears on your face when you notice a pastry and cup of coffee on the other side of the bench. you know it was the gardeners - they do the same thing every morning but it never fails to make you smile.
“good morning.” you say to one tending to the wysteria tree you’re sitting under. “thank you. beautiful weather we’re having.”
he doesn’t respond, continuing to trim and pluck away. you pay the silence no mind - you know they don’t speak under geto’s orders.
when you asked why no one ever talks to you, naively back in those first weeks, he laughed cruelly. “i told them not to. after all, i see no point in making anyone converse with the house slut.” you stopped asking questions after that.
the day goes on, with you sitting in the garden and the gardeners working around you. once the sun sets, you head back inside for a light dinner that you can barely get down. you go to your room, change into another nightgown, and wait for geto on the bed.
when he walks in, he only gives you a look before he turns to close the door behind him. you know that look and obediently, you put your head in the pillows and perk your ass up.
it’s disgusting, it’s dehumanizing how well he has you trained. but you know better than to fight back, you know what monstrosities await you only a snap away if you put even a toe out of line. so you’re pliant as he lifts up the edge of your gown, no underwear in the way because he refuses to give you any.
you hear the familar shuffle of his robes before that same warm tip kisses your cunt lips. no matter how many times he does it, the breath always gets knocked out of you once he slips inside. his cock is always bigger than you remember, always more consuming than in your nightmares.
tonight is what you classify as an unfortunate night. he’s slamming into that sweet part inside of you more than usual. you moan accidentally and go rigid when you do. but he either didn’t hear or didn’t care because he doesn’t reprimand you for making noise.
it feels good, the pleasure leaving your brain a little fuzzy. when he’s against that spot, it’s easier to focus on the slide of his cock in and out. makes everything feel better and better.
you try to fight the feeling of your orgasm but it’s a losing battle. he goes deep, balls kissing your untouched clit and that tips you over the edge.
when you cum, you bite the pillow to muffle the scream. your world explodes with colors before completely whiting out. you tremble with the force of your orgasm. it’s been weeks since geto last forced you to cum - your body’s unused to the sensation. you can feel your pussy tighten around him, hear him grunt at the sudden warmth.
“you fucking whore.” his hand threads through your hair and tug until you’re looking up at him. his bun has completely fallen apart, sweat soaked messy strands framing his face.
“my cock feels that good? you came and i barely touched you.” his thrusts start back up again, punishing and hard. “this is why i keep you here - a little slut like you couldn’t survive without my cock.”
“say it. say your a slut.”
you know what will happen if you don’t do what he asks. “i’m a slut.”
you thought it wouldn’t be possible but he speeds up. he thrusts harder and harder each time. the sounds of skin slapping get louder, the bed creaks and groans as geto screws you silly. the overstimulation is driving you insane, your poor pussy aches for a break but all you can do is allow your eyes to roll into the back of your head and bite your lip.
“say you’re mine.” his grip on your hair tightens and you yelp without meaning to.
“i-i’m yours!”
“fuck, fuck. say my name.”
you hesitate.
you’re not allowed to say his name. that was the first thing he told you - that it didn’t matter to him what your name is, and that his name is too important for someone like you to know. you only figured it out a week after that by listening to the maids gossip in the halls.
you’ve only called him by his name once. you learned after that to fear those two words.
‘is it a trick?’ you wonder. he hasn’t tried to trip you up in months but you could never know with him.
you don’t have anymore time to think before he delivers a punishing thrust. he doesn’t like to wait.
“g-geto… geto-sama.” you whisper. gods, you’re practically shaking. please, please don’t be some trick.
one, two, three more thrusts and geto’s pulling out just in time to cum all over your butt. his hand lets go over your hair as he comes down from his high. you drop, gracelessly, onto the bed, too worn out to try to sit up. your head falls into the pillow and you just lay there, trying to remember what your name is.
you expect him to let go of you like you’ve burned him. to quickly get his things and scoff at your cum and sweat covered body and then leave you to your own devices.
but he doesn’t immediately jump away from you like he usually does.
instead his hands travel from your waist to your cum coated ass. his left hand pulls your cheek apart as his thumb slides from the other cheek to that untouched hole. his thumb teases that unused entrance, circling it but never entering, making a mess of his cum on your butt.
you’re trembling as he does. in the past, he’s threatened to fuck your butt, just to see you quiver. but he’s never really gone through with that particular threat.
is he going to do it as punishment for saying his name?
luckily you don’t have to worry for long before geto stops. he removes his hands and then himself. he routinely gets dressed and reties the knot in his hair.
and right before he’s about to leave, he says, “get cleaned up. you know the drill.”
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brokenpieces-72 · 1 month
Price comes back to the safe house and finds you on the couch. Gaz, Soap, and Ghost were all with Alejandro and Rudolfo, enjoying a night at his pub. You stayed behind to look after the kittens and work on some sketches for Farah’s commission.
John hangs his jacket and sees you curled up on the couch with your sketchbook, the kittens and a blanket and pillow. The kittens are asleep with their little bed box next to the couch. Your sketchbook is wide open on your lap. The open book shows some rough sketches of Milena as a caricature.
John doesn’t turn on a light, only stares for a moment before realizing it’s a little creepy. He goes to his own bed room to get changed into something more comfortable. There he thinks for a moment. You chose to come here, to stay with them. There were other options but you never asked if there were. He thinks about the night your father was killed.
John had called your father that night saying he’d found a huge lead on Makarov. One that would put him away, and where the warehouse was to find it. Makarov was ready though. It was planted for John to find it. Your father and Graves had arrived with your father going in. When Graves followed that was when it fell apart. John was there and Graves saw him, starting to question everything. Your father had already explained what he’d been doing but Graves realized too late that the chief commissioner was involved. John didn’t have the chance to pull his own before Makarov was able to run away, only getting him in the back of the shoulder. He focused on your father as did Graves. Soon enough more sirens could be heard.
“Run.” Graves had said. “If they see you it will make it worse.”
“Not fucking leaving hi-“ John tried to protest, not about to leave his friend behind.
Graves stood up and aimed his gun at Price.
“Back off… run or you won’t be able to do shit.” After that Graves started yelling and firing towards John, telling him to leave his partner alone. It pegged Price as some awful killer, accused of your father’s murder but never proven.
The day of your father’s funeral he’d been there to see you standing next to Graves. He’d wanted to offer his condolences, to explain what had happened. As soon as Graves saw the vehicle though he scooped you up and took you home.
A couple nights later, Graves was confronted again. He insisted you were safe and would be safe by staying in the force and keeping your head down. Johnny gave him a couple of punches for his word choices though. At the time, Price figured that would be for the best. You were on the side of the law, and as twisted as it may be, you would be out of harm's way.
When Soap had come to him about you though, that had thrown him for a loop. None of them knew what to expect. Graves was slowly playing along for some reason, but they figured he was just keeping an eye on you at first. Then Johnny came in and told Price the reality, which they had expected.
Graves was willing to help, it was why he’d told Price about the delayed shipment.
“I am trying to make it right.” Graves exclaimed to him.
“Done a bang up job of it haven’t ya?” Price commented. “The smartest decision you’ve made is to leave them alone.”
“Damn right.” Graves admitted. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Doubt it will be from you.” Price said before Graves left. Your idea to ask Graves for help had risk, possibly bringing the police too close to the action. Makarov would be keeping a close eye on Graves since Graves knew what happened. Alex was still an option. Price shakes his head trying to forget work and wanting to properly relax for a moment.
Price finishes changing and gets back out to the living room. Youmre still sleeping and he smiles. There’s a distant memory of him meeting you and your mother some time ago. Now you were getting caught up in gangs and fights.
Price takes your sketchbook from your lap, and bookmarks it with your pencil. He sets it aside. Then he takes the blanket from the couch and lays it over you.
Sometime before the night your father passed he was sitting and playing pool with the rest of them, showing off a couple of photos of you. You were pretty cute back then.
“Beautiful kid.” Price commented.
“Must get it from their mum.” Johnny said teasingly.
“Speaking of…” your father said, staring at your photo. “I need a favour. Long term.”
“Go on.” Price said after the room went quiet.
“Take care of them… if anything happens I want them to be safe.” Your father said. “Graves has offered to look after them and he’s my partner sure, but keep an eye on them for me. If they end up anything like me, they'll be in just as much trouble.”
They were all in agreement.
John looks down at your sleeping face. “Keeping more than just an eye on you now aren’t we sunshine?” Price says. You shift a little in your sleep, causing your hoodie sleeve to roll up. Even in the dim light, John can see a mark on your wrist. How long had it been there? He thinks back to when you went for a walk one night, to clear your head. After that, you always wear a long-sleeved shirt or a hoodie. No one questioned it since it was cold outside the safe house was usually a little chilly.
His mind wanders thinking of what could have happened, and why you didn’t say anything. He recalls you mentioning Nolan spotting you at the diner. If anyone were to get hostages from the streets it would be him. Nolan isn’t a small guy. John tries picturing you and the many ways you could have gotten away. The implications worry him. Nolan is Makarov’s attack dog, and if Makarov knows who you are he might exploit what he can. He knows you can handle yourself but he still worries. John's concerns go for everyone he works with, everyone he considers a friend. Part of the reason he opened the pub was for a cover, for when his boys couldn't fight anymore. Some sense of normalcy. Johnny had been pretty young when Price took him under his wing, with you being younger.
You shift more in your sleep, and the bruise on your wrist is more clear. Staring at the bruise, Price wonders if it was a good idea, to drag you into this mess.
Graves is called into the chief commissioners office and when he stands there looking at Vladimir Markarov he wants nothing more than to walk out.
“You need something sir?” He asks.
“Where is your partner?” Makarov asks. Graves shrugs.
“As I said… single. Why you asking me out?” Graves asks with a cocky smile.
“That act only works so well Graves. Where is officer l/n?”
“They’re not an officer anymore, so unless they’ve committed a crime, not sure I can answer that. Unless you’re referring to the late officer l/n.” Graves says, maintaining his smile but just barely. “We both know you aren’t.”
Makarov stares down Graves for a moment before opening his desk drawer and removing a file from his desk. A case file.
“Officer would you like to explain why so little has been done in this case despite multiple weeks going by almost months with little to no information? A case you’ve been working on undercover?”
Graves smile is gone as he presses his lips.
“Sorry sir. Been losing my touch in my old age.”
“And Officer l/n hasn’t picked up any of your obvious slack? Come now Graves we both know what’s going on.” Makarov says. Graves has half a mind to deck Makarov right then and there. It’s baiting, he knows it. Then again, Makarov could offer him some things.
“Officer l/n was still a rookie. Got into a nasty dust up, they decided it was too much, so they’re pursuing other interests.” Graves explains.
“Such as?” Makarov asks leaning back, with a pleased look. Graves thinks for a moment, as if recalling what you said you wanted to do.
“Rock climbing,” Graves says, a smile on his face. Makarov looks less pleased.
"Rock climbing?" Makarov says, looking a little annoyed.
"That's what they said. Maybe it was pole dancing." Graves says, shrugging.
“Graves you are bordering on insubordination.”
“I’m not sir. And if I am… well… maybe I’ll run off and return out of nowhere to my old spot if I need to. Hopefully, it’ll be kept warm for me.” Graves says staring Makarov in the eyes.
“Watch your step. Careful you don’t trip over your own bullshit.” Makarov says. “Dismissed.”
Graves leaves his office and packs up his stuff for the day stepping out of the station. He doesn’t go home.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @smitten-haematite-quartz
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cablecar-s · 2 months
to love and self loathe
part 1 part 2 part 3
I'm Just A Guy, With A Boomerang!
Okay, so maybe she was a tiny bit rusty as being Spider-Woman. No big deal, just a few more days or nights being in the suit and she can-
Wait- No, this was supposed to be the only and last time she was even putting on the suit. It was just a precaution! You know, if the other vigilantes weren't able to make it because of the decoy or whatever Black Mask was planning.
. . .
God what was she doing...?
Swinging from building to building, she headed into the direction of Wayne Manor. Except, she soon found out just how far the manor was from the city. By the time she made it to the manor, just on the edge of the forest where she saw the clearing of the rather large and gothic mansion, she was quite literally out of breath.
"Damn rich people..." She wheezed, slightly panting as she tried to catch her breath. Once her breathing went back to normal, she climbed over the aging stone wall and jogged over to the massive building. 
Scaling up the wall, she peeked through the multiple windows, making mental notes to herself as she continued to go through each window.
"Now if I were a bunch of thugs, where would I-"
And as if on cue, a large explosion shook the mansion, smoke coming out from one of the sides of the mansion.
"There, I would be over there." She sighed out.
Quickly crawling her way over, she let herself inside the very large ballroom, trying her best to not gawk at how fancy it looked whilst crawling on the ceiling.
"Nobody move! Or the brat gets it!" 
Looking down, everyone was in a state of panic while a thug with a black mask held a young boy hostage, a gun to his head.
With the smoke slightly clearing up, she had taken note that there were about 8 men, and they were all armed, wonderful.
All of them were shoving through the crowd of rich folks, seeming to look for someone in particular. While they were busy doing that, she quietly dropped down, trying to use the smoke and people, hopefully they didn't scream out when they saw her.
"Sorry, pardon me." She quietly whispered, squeezing past the many expensive suits and dresses. "I like the tie." She complimented, though everyone just gawked at her as she put a finger up to where her lips were supposed to be as she made her way over to one of the thugs.
"Hey." She called out, poking the thug's shoulder.
"Wha-" Turning around, about to aim his gun at her, she quickly webbed his mouth shut with one hand while the other had shot out a web to take hold of his gun to take it out from his hand. Shooting out another web to wrap his upper body, she jabbed the butt of the assault rifle into his stomach, causing him to let out a muffle 'oomph!'.
Stumbling back from the impact, she gave him a simple push into the wall before using her webs to keep the man stuck to the wall.
Dusting off her hands, she soon took notice of the many rich folks who only looked at her in bafflement. A bit embarrassed at the attention, the Spider cleared her throat, pointing behind her shoulder.
"I should.. I should probably go." Raising her hand up, she had her web shooter pull herself back up onto the ceiling, crawling on her hands and feet to get to whichever criminal she saw next.
For the next 20 minutes, she was able to take down two more guys before the hostage situation had gotten worse.
Finishing up with keeping one of Black Mask's stuck to the ceiling, the sound of laughter from Mask's men had garnered her attention.
"Now we're getting somewhere." The man holding Damian grinned cynically. Just opposite of him was another one of the criminals, now having Bruce Wayne as a hostage, another gun pressed to his head.
"Alright Mr. Philanthropist, you're gonna listen closely and do as we say: Within 24 hours you're gonna give us 20 billion in exchange for the brat." Damian's hostage tightened his grip around his neck, pressing the gun even closer to the pre-teen's skull.
"I will kill you all." Damian hissed out, but he was only met with getting hit with the gun, making him grunt in pain.
"Shut the hell up." His captor growled out.
"You can have the 20 billion, just leave my son out of this." Bruce said, doing his best in trying to stay calm.
The man only cackled, the sound of his gun cocking, his finger now hovering over the trigger. "We're gonna need the 20 billion first Mr. Wayne."
All heads quickly swiveled to the sound, only to see Spider-Woman standing there, almost a bit awkwardly.
"Didn't know we were supposed to bring guns to a party as fancy as this." She commented.
It went silent for a moment.
Okay.. Great start.
"Who the fuck are you?" The young Wayne's captor hissed out.
"Oh you know," She let out a small nervous huff. "Just a passerby, thought I would take a look around Gotham and all." She waved a hand nonchalantly. "And you know, it's really nice in Gotham, well, of course, minus all the crime and guys trying to mug an innocent bystander every ten minutes."
She continued to ramble, her arms moving about.
People only looked at her like she was crazy, and honestly? She couldn't blame them.
She herself had no idea what in the hell she was doing, she just hoped she could find herself an opening before the situation escalated any more than it already has.
At some point, the captors were getting irritated, now finding her ramblings tiring.
"Would someone get rid of this bitch already!?" One of them yelled out.
In that moment, her senses tingled, but everything had almost gone in slow motion as the sound of a gunshot rang out, making people scream while some sort of black baton was simultaneously thrown at one of the captors.
Bruce Wayne's captor let out a pained yell as he had been hit with the baton, to the Spider's left though, another yell of pain was heard, as it was one of thugs who was about to shoot the woman.
"What the-!?" Damian Wayne's captor's attention quickly turned to where the baton and gunshot had came from.
Taking this moment of distraction, the female vigilante quickly shot out a web and yanked the gun out from the captor's hand.
"Hey!" Turning his head to look at her, she shot another web, making it cover his entire face. Alarmed, his hands quickly let go of the boy and tried to pull the webbing off. Damian, in response, turned to his captor and gave him a swift kick, knocking him back onto his butt.
There was no time to relax though, for from the corner of the Spider's eye, she saw another one of Black Mask's minions point their gun straight at Damian.
"Hey kid watch out!" She yelled. Quickly running towards him, she closed the distance by grabbing him with her web before shooting another web and pulling themselves up to the ceiling.
An echo of screams rang in the ballroom, everyone now running and panicking, all of the rich folk quickly trying to leave the now dangerous room.
"You alright?" She looked at the boy who had a scowl, arms crossed.
"I'm fine." He retorted.
"Okay Mr. Grumpy-Pants." She muttered.
Hearing more gunshots, she looked over and saw two of Gotham's vigilantes fighting off the rest of Mask's men.
"Hey so, I'm gonna leave you up here real quick-"
"You will not-" 
It was too late though, the young Wayne found himself webbed into a cocoon, now stuck to the ceiling of his home while the Spider made her way down to help the two men.
"Release me at once!" He yelled at her, fuming.
Both Red Hood and Nightwing were preoccupied and cornered by Black Mask's minions. Both fighting the men and dodging the bullets they shot at the vigilantes.
Too preoccupied, Nightwing had realized too late as one of the men were about a second away from getting shot. But an all too familiar sticky string had pulled the gun out from the minion's hands only to be promptly knocked out with a harsh kick from behind.
"You boys need help?" She questioned, tossing the gun to the side.
"We have it just fine."
"That'd be appreciated."
Red Hood and Nightwing glanced at each other, but Red Hood seemed to be the one to look away first. With a smile, Nightwing threw his escrima stick, shocking a criminal as they went down while he looked back at the Spider.
The two nodded nodded at each other at the result of Red Hood's lack of resistance and made quick work of joining the two men. 
"I don't think I've ever seen you around in Gotham before." Nightwing turned a bit, dodging a fist that flew his way.
"Ah well, I just thought I'd do a bit of sightseeing." Spider-Woman replied, webbing one of the men's foot to the ground, causing him to fall face first onto the ground.
"And Gotham was your first choice?" The first Robin looked over at her, both brows raised, while simultaneously kneeing a man in his face.
She let out a small laugh, weaving her way behind a guy before shoving him to fall to his knees.
"I let the wheel of fate choose for me." She shrugged.
 Nightwing quickly picked up his escrima and tossed it to her, her web shooting out to have it come to her faster.
Once in hand, she tossed the escrima in the air a bit before catching it once more and hitting the man, who was trying to get up, in the back of the head, causing him to fall once more, though this time staying down for good.
"You two, less talking and more beating Sionis' men up." Red Hood grunted in irritation, taking hold of the man throwing a punch at him and bent it the other way, causing the man to let out a blood curdling scream.
Both Spider-Woman and Nightwing backed up into each other, their backs pressed to each other.
"Is he always that snappy?" She questioned, causing him to laugh.
"He's nice, I promise."
She only let out an unconvinced hum in response. 
Clasping his fingers together, Spider-Woman stepped into his hands as he threw her into the air. Finding her target, she shot two strings of webs to the ground before pulling herself feet first, giving the last guy a good kick, and a long-term concussion, to the head.
A satisfied hum left her lips, hands on her hips.
Nightwing whistled a bit, walking over to her. "You're pretty good." He mused.
She couldn't help but feel giddy at the compliment, remembering the adrenaline rush that comes with being a vigilante. 
"Why thank you." She said in a bit of a posh accent, one arm slinging behind her back while the other wrapped around her stomach, and bowed.
Nightwing chuckled at her antics as she straightened herself up.
"I thought I'd be a bit rusty, but it seems I still got it." She hummed brushing her shoulder. Soon, she felt something sturdy and warm brush against the back of her head, slowly tilting her head backwards, the looked as Red Hood was tilting his head down to look at her.
"What are you doing here in Gotham?" His robotic voice questioned. "And don't give me that 'sightseeing' bullshit." 
Turning herself around to face the slightly scary man, she looked up at him clearing her throat and held a finger up.
"Uh well, for starters," She started. She only looked as he continued to stare at her, waiting for a response.
God was he scary when you weren't a citizen.
She seemed to be having a hard time trying to come up with something, a sense of deja vu coming upon her. 
"I have.. Family..?" Her response was more of a question than an answer, and that only made Red Hood even more unconvinced.
"Really." He crossed his arms.
"Ye.. s...?" She slowly drew out the word a bit more, slightly cringing at how unsure she sounded herself.
"If you are done chatting then it would be smart of you to let me down before I come down myself!" A voice, slightly far away, yelled out.
All three vigilantes looked up towards the voice and saw Damian still stuck to the ceiling.
Nightwing snorted a bit at this, the Spider quickly clearing her throat.
"I uh, better go get him." Letting out a nervous chuckle, she glanced at the two vigilantes before webbing her way up to the ceiling, ripping away at the webs to get the boy out from his cocooned confines.
"I don't trust her." Jason squinted his eyes at her, watching her every move.
Dick rolled his eyes at this. "You don't trust anyone Jay- Ow!" 
His head went forwards, a light slapping noise echoing in the walls.
"Vigilante names, we don't know if she can hear us or not." Jason stated.
Dick only let out an annoyed huff, rubbing the back of his head, there was a bit of a smile on Jason's lips, his mood slightly lifting after giving his older brother a good smack.
The Spider soon let their youngest brother down back to the ground. They only watched in amusement as the two seemed to have an exchange of words before Bruce made his way over.
"You're alright?" He questioned his son, crouching down a bit to take a look at him.
"Fine." Damian huffed, looking away, arms crossed. "I told you this party was useless." He slightly glared at his father who only chuckled, giving a small ruffle to his hair.
"I'll make it up to you, promise." He smiled. Standing up, the billionaire looked at the female vigilante. "Thank you, for saving my son."
"Oh, I mean.." The Spider became a bit bashful, a sheepish laugh leaving her mouth. Rubbing the back of her head, she slightly looked away, waving her hand a bit. "It wasn't just me who helped too." 
She looked over at the other two vigilantes, the two seeming to be talking—more like bickering, no one needs to know that but them though—until Nightwing lightly elbowed Red Hood who begrudgingly followed behind the masked vigilante who made his way to them.
"Mr. Wayne." Nightwing said with a smile.
"Ah, Nightwing." The billionaire smiled, looking over at the man that stood behind the more chipper vigilante. "Red Hood."
Red Hood only gave the man a curt nod, muttering the billionaire's name as a greeting. He shifted his weight, having crossed his arms before promptly looking away afterwards.
It became a bit awkward after that, Spider-Woman only watching with slight discomfort at the odd greeting she had just witnessed.
Clearing her throat, all three men looked over at her. "Well I uh, I better get going." She pointed behind her.
"To New York?" Bruce questioned, raising a brow.
"What?" She questioned back, looking at the man before blinking a bit too much. "You.." She pointed at herself. "You know of me?" She asked, dumbfounded.
He chuckled at this. "Of course, you were all over the internet with your disappearance." He mused.
"Oh.." She mumbled, remembering seeing the many articles as well. Everyone questioning as to where she had gone, and if she was coming back.
The flash of a smile and a melodic voice calling out her name came to her, making her grimace.
"Everything alright?"
She snapped her head up to look at the billionaire who had a bit of concern on his face, the two vigilantes looking at her with questioning look.
"Uh, yeah, sorry." She hummed nervously. "All that fighting really tired me out." She winded up her arm, rocking back and forth on her feet a bit. "Anyways uh, thank you, for having me. Sorry about the mess." 
Her hands moved around all over the place, taking small steps back towards the large hole in the wall. "I'll be, I'll be going now, haha.." 
Turning around, a web shot out from her wrist and she had left with the wind. 
"Some party that was." Dick mused. 
"Father did you see how she stuck me to the ceiling like some insect?" Damian quipped.
"Maybe because you are one." Jason mused. 
Immediately, Damian's head turned to look at his brother to give him a glare. Bruce only sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Enough." Looking over at his two oldest, he gave them a questionable look. "Does anyone want to tell me what Spider-Woman is doing in Gotham?" He questions.
Dick shrugged at this. "Beats me."
Jason stayed quiet, a bit of a grimace falling on his face.
The second Robin only rolled his eyes, looking at his adoptive father. 
"She seemed to have come to Gotham a week ago. Only trail she left was her webs." He informed, arms still crossed.
"And I wasn't informed about this because..?"
Jason shrugged. "Didn't seem important."
The father and son duo stared at each other for a good while, tension slightly building up.
Fuck, this wasn't how Jason wanted this to go.
He opened his mouth to speak, but Bruce beat him to it.
"Well as long as she doesn't pose a threat." He sighed out. "You two should probably get changed, I'm sure Gordan and the others will be here soon."
And right as Bruce said that, the distant sound of sirens could be heard, the colors red and blue flashing in a distance through the darkness and trees.
With a nod, both Jason and Dick went to leave—Damian following along to head to his room—Dick going on ahead, all the while Jason having stopped in his tracks after hearing his name be called out.
Turning his head, he looked over his shoulder, seeing Bruce stare at him for a moment, his lips pressed into a line.
"Will you..." He hesitated for a moment. "Will you be staying for the night?" 
Jason stopped breathing for a moment. 
Did he want him to stay? Or was he just asking out of formalities? Of course Bruce wanted him to stay, he was his son for crying out loud.
Jason's mouth suddenly felt dry, having to lick his slightly chapped lips. His eyes darted around the room, suddenly feeling like that walls of the ballroom were closing in on him even though there was a giant hole in one of the walls.
"No, I'll be going back to my place." He flexing his hand a bit to try and calm his nerves, feeling his clothes suddenly feeling a bit too small on him all of sudden.
"I see. Take care then. I'll see you tomorrow." Bruce said softly.
"Yeah." Was all Jason was able to muster before walking off, leaving the man by himself in the large ballroom.
His footsteps quickened once he left the room, a somewhat nauseous feeling overcoming him. Quickly moving the arms of the grandfather clock once more, he wasted no time going down the stairs.
Fast walking to his motorcycle, he kicked the stand up and stuck the key into the ignition.
"Leaving so soon?" 
Jason paused, hand just barely about to turn the key to start his bike. It was quiet between him and Dick, the two not saying a word.
"Bye." Jason said, his bike roaring to life at the same time, almost drowning out his goodbye as he sped off.
Dick only sighed, watching his younger brother leave the Batcave, the smell of exhaust and gasoline filling the air.
At least he's trying.
part 1 part 2 part 3
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
More of clingy asylum patient boi please, mommaaaaa
Lee groans as he opens the door, dodging yet another projectile aimed at him as the door shuts. "Elias. I'm faster than you think I am. Something like that won't gain you any favors anytime soon."
The black haired man just grins, twirling a pen as he shrugs his shoulders "Worth a shot. I see why Jasper likes to annoy you. It's a sadistic kind of fun, you know?"
That mother fucker came in here too? That or he escaped just to raise alarm again and get that sick glee he finds in wasting time. He decided not to dignify that with a response, instead, sitting on the second chair in the otherwise desolate room. "We're going to be running some tests. I understand a few ways to make you comply according to my coworker are rather odd...care to enlighten me a bit?".
Elias sits back, one leg crossed over the other with that damned playful and nearly psychotic smile. "You already know".
"I don't"
"You do"
"Fine, play coy, see if it gets you out of here any faster. Maybe I'll just tell your dear sweet darling that you're never-"
Before he could finish, Elias was right in his face, having deftly moved from his seat to stand over the doctor with a molten, sadistic look in his dilated pupils. "Ever mention them again and I'll stop this charade. I'll easily gut you and the staff and let every horrible creature out of here".
His voice held no room for any sarcasm or humor, and Lee wasn't about to egg on a clear threat for the sake of a petty win. God did he want to though. "Then I suggest you sit back down and tell me what it is you want. I've been here a hell of a lot longer than you Elias, I'm the one they chose to handle you for a reason"
The room goes silent for a moment before Elias gives in. It's fine, he doesn't need to waste precious energy on proving a point just yet. He sits down with his arms crossed over his chest, tilting his head up a bit as he spoke. "What kinds of tests?"
"Simple ones for now. Intelligence, reflexes, response times, psychoanalyzing and some basic exercises to start"
"...What's the catch"
Lee leaned back in his chair as well, eyeing the man up and down warily. He still seemed so off, like one wrong inflection could end up with Lee having to pull a pen out of his thigh. "Blood tests and pain tolerance will be a part of this. Nothing sadistic unless you get on my bad side"
Elias just grinned like a Cheshire cat at that, looking down to the pen he was twirling in his hand. "I wont go without a few favors"
"Then give them to me. I'll do what I can"
Elias tilted his head up in thought, before sighing in defeat. He had to start small, he supposed. "I want a visit from my darling. I know this one will be supervised, but two whole days without my baby...it's torture doc. A torture I know you know all too well~". The lilt in his voice made Lees hair stand on end.
No. No, he needed to show complete composure. He can’t let some stupid arrogant man get under his skin, he’s a professional for fucks sake! 
But those wicked eyes bore into him like no one else could. Like they could see every twisted crime he's done in the name of his butterfly, his one and only. It made his gut twist in unpleasant knots feeling so easily read like that.
"It's cute you think you know me" Lee snips, trying to regain a bit of control in this situation. "Give us the name and what you know, I'm sure we can disguise this place to seem like a normal asylum for at risk patients like yourself".
Elias just smirks, as if he already knew he was underneath the doctors skin. "Well, doctors order as they say...I'll tell you every little bit I know about them. Hope you have the time, Doc"
((Hey! I hope you liked this, I know it's a bit "Meh" and kinda mid but I like the idea nonetheless! -Mommabean ))
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