#i wish he'd leave me alone but nope...
thevoidstaredback · 20 days
Every man has his breaking point. Danny's is just a bit higher than everyone else's because he's a king and has a high tolerance for absolute bull shit. No matter how strong that bar is, though, one can only bend so far before snapping.
Unfortunately for everyone around him, Danny has reached his breaking point.
"I wish I could get drunk," he stared into his drink longingly, "Or high. But mostly drunk."
"Why do ya say that?" Billy asked, tilting his head curiously to the left.
Danny sighed, "It's a long story."
"I've got time." he shrugged.
"Are ya sure?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "You don't think any emergencies are gonna crop up? Nothing you'll need to go take care of?"
Billy backed off a little, folding into his seat. "What're you talking about? I'm just some kid on the street. I ain't going anywhere."
Danny rolled his head from side to side. "Mostly, I'm talking about the JL meeting the both of us are gonna skip out on tonight."
"C'mon, Captain, it won't do to talk here," he stood, picking up his coffee and waiting for Billy to do the same.
Billy's eyes narrowed as he looked Danny up and down. "I don't recognise you," he whispered, "Who are you."
Danny produced another calling card from his sleeve as he sipped his drink, holding it in front of himself but not handing it over. When Billy was looking at it, he flipped it over. The white background turned matte black, all the runes in the Ouroboros turning so white that they glowed. The DP in the very middle tinted blue, pulsing with toxic green energy, slightly cold to the touch. The edges started to frost over.
Quickly, Billy pulled the card Danny had given him before from the inner pocket of his jacket. It, too, had changed to match the one Danny held, though there was no longer a DP in the middle. Instead, it said 'Phantom' in fancy calligraphy.
"No way," the kid muttered, his expression awestruck, "Phantom? That's you? No shit?"
Danny chuckled, tucking the card away again, "No shit, kid. Don't tell anyone, though. You're the only one who knows."
"Really?" he squeaked.
Having someone know his whole story was refreshing, just as he's sure Billy felt good to have someone know his, too. That didn't stop him from feeling bad about dumping it all on the poor kid.
"I still wish I could get drunk," Phantom lamented."
Constantine looked up from the book he was reading. "You can't get drunk?"
"How'd ya figure that one out, kid?"
"Please don't call me a kid."
That's not good. The blond marked the page before setting the book to the side. Phantom had never actually asked him to stop calling him a kid. "What's wrong?" He didn't normally do the whole 'feelings' things, but the was an exception.
Phantom sighed long and sad. He didn't look up from the carpet. "I told you they were going to ask invasive questions."
"Who was it?" It was more of a demand then a question.
"Red Robin,"
"Red- I thought you would've skipped town when we were done there? I sure as hell did."
"I know you did, but I decided to stick around for a bit. Wander, y'know? Red Robin caught up to me and would leave me alone."
Oh, oh no. Those were tears. Were they? Yeah, shit, they are! John is not equipped to handle this!
Phantom sniffled. "He asked me how I died."
John Constantine is not easy to anger. Sure, he gets tired, and irritated, and a whole slew of emotions, but he is very slow to anger.
Phantom, he knows, is not a child. The ghost can very much take care of himself in basically every way one could think of. He saved the world on his own, several times, when he was fourteen. He became a King and Protector when he was fourteen. He died when he was fourteen.
Right now, all he could see was the child who hadn't ever been properly laid to rest. It was hard not to call Phantom a child when he seemed so small, seeking comfort from anyone. Phantom was crying. He'd retreated to the House and locked himself in Constantine's room, only talking when he was ready to, but he'd waited to cry.
Phantom didn't like crying. Every person in the JLD knew this.
No. John Constantine is not quick to anger, but he is scary when he reaches that point. Batman might be the night and vengeance and all that shit, but John Constantine was wrathful.
He sat beside Phantom and let the ghost lean into him and cry. He didn't like dealing with feelings, but this was a child in need of comfort and he was the only one around to offer it. "Do you really want me to stop calling you 'kid'?"
A sniffle and a small head shake. "No."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"How old are you really? As a ghost, not as a human or a halfa. How old are you?"
"Fourteen." he mumbled, "I'll never be any older than fourteen, John," he was getting a bit hysterical now, "I'll never be any older than fourteen! I-I died and-and now I have to rule and-and people keep asking and no one believes me and-!" A sob cut him off, heavy with grief and wet with tears. He cried for hours, giving up on trying to form words. Constantine let him, ignoring the wet patches on his shirt. Eventually, Phantom's sobs died down into hiccups. "I didn't...I'm- I'm sorry."
"It's alright, mate," he meant it, really and truly.
Phantom rubbed his eyes, "I'm gonna go hide somewhere."
"Not gonna share where?"
"No, I want to be alone for a while." He paused at the door, "Whatever you're gonna do, will you leave Captain Marvel out of it?"
Odd request, but, "Alright," he nodded, "I'll talk to the others." And by 'talk', he means lecture. There are boundaries that one shouldn't cross, and not asking the dead how they died should've been obvious! With his League issued communicator, John called an emergency meeting in one hour, required attendance, barring Captain Marvel. First things first, though, he needed to talk to Deadman.
Part 7 Storyboard
Tag List:
@zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders @princessbelix @luminanightfall @kgne-k @bianca-hooks123 @reigning-catsanddogs @sassywombatranchhorse @dontfightmecauseillcry @soul-lime @anarinette @serasvictoria02 @the-chaos-goblin-child @confusedshades @caicie @fantasticstoryteller @randomshtickidk @itsberrydreemurstuff @blueliac @i-love-mangoes @nymanders @highimpactemotions @anarinette @sleepingdead96 @orbr @tkiesai @atomicsheepscientist @8000fangirl @shower-phantom-ideas @blep-23 @aki-bara @chasing-liberosis @weirwulf20 @mynewhyperfixation
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aurumacadicus · 2 months
65 for the ficlet pls! I’m loving what you’ve written so far!
Steve heard the door open and sighed, leaning forward so he could rub his hands over his face. He sucked in a breath and held it as his palms ran over his swollen black eye, forgetting for a moment that the bruise had stayed. It was a welcome change from the aches and pains he'd forgotten.
"Steve," Tony began as he walked toward him.
"I don't--" Steve cut in, then sighed when Tony circled the couch to face him, hands dropping into his lap. "I came here so I'd be left alone."
"I know!" Tony said, and it sounded as if he was carefully choosing his words. "I know. I just... you left so quickly. Once they said you could leave." He looked down at Steve with calculating eyes.
Probably cataloguing how Steve was lacking now, Steve thought bitterly. He sucked in as deep a breath as he could and let it out slowly. "You know, if you just wanted to gawk, I'm sure JARVIS got tons of video of me struggling with my fucking motorcycle, so--"
"How dare you," Tony snarled before he could finish, and Steve found himself jerking his head back to stare up at him in surprise in response. Tony's cheeks had flushed with anger, his hands had gripped into fists. He'd never seen him this angry before. "I didn't come here to--to fucking gawk, or. I came to see you because I was worried about you, you asshole." His eyes took on a particular gleam that Steve recognized as hurt. As not wanting to show he was hurt. "I thought, hell, maybe you'd want your boyfriend to comfort you while you were--but never fucking mind. Just wallow on your own, see if I care."
"Tony," Steve tried, concerned.
"I can't believe you'd think that's what I came in here to do," Tony continued, jerking his gaze away. "A wizard used magic to reverse the serum in you and you were sickly beforehand so I was coming to make sure that you were okay. I even thought, maybe you'd be happy to see me."
Shame curdled in Steve's gut. It wasn't Tony's fault that this had happened. He'd been nothing but concerned since he'd heard Clint call for medical. "I am happy to see you, Tony," he offered, but he wasn't sure how sincere it sounded when Tony shot him a wounded look.
"Sure," Tony said. He cleared his throat, looking away again. "Well. Far be it from me to bother you when you wanted to be alone. Natasha is leaning on that wizard, Thor has gone to talk to his mother, and Bruce is looking into scientific fixes. I'll be in the lab."
Tony turned to leave, and Steve couldn't stop himself from reaching out, grabbing his wrist. Tony stilled under his touch, but he didn't turn back, keeping his face turned away. Steve swallowed thickly, trying to push back his guilt at the fact that he'd been so mean when Tony had just wanted to help. This was his issue. He'd just thought he'd left it all behind him in the forties.
"I'm sorry," Steve said quietly.
"...I'm... sure this must be... difficult. For you," Tony answered haltingly. "It's fine. I overreacted."
He probably believed that, too, Steve thought, frowning. He lifted his other hand to wrap around Tony's wrist, pulling gently at his arm. "Come here."
Tony hesitated for a long moment, but eventually, after Steve pulled again, he allowed himself to be towed back around. "Steve," he sighed, sitting down beside him. "I'm sorry."
"I am too," Steve promised, hands reaching up to cup his cheeks. "Will you look at me?"
Tony looked at him from under his lashes, which was just as attractive as it had always been, but somehow more, now that Steve had to look up at him. "Weird seeing bruises on you," he finally murmured.
"Weird still feeling the bruises," Steve admitted. "Kiss it better?"
"Wish I could kiss everything better," Tony muttered, but he was gamely leaning in, and as careful as he was, Steve was still so unused to pain that he flinched a little. "Well, there's nothing wrong with your lips, huh?"
"Nope," Steve answered, tilting his head back so it wasn't such a strain on Tony's neck to lean down further and kiss him.
He felt the change almost immediately, aches and pains fading to dull pulses as his body began to work overtime trying to heal them. He was suddenly and incredibly hungry. He hadn't eaten since he'd left medical several hours ago. Tony also looked smaller, where he was staring up at him in shock, mouth dropped open speechlessly. For one hysterical moment, Steve remembered what Bucky had said after he'd rescued him from Hydra.
"Don't," Steve tried, but Tony began howling with laughter between semi-hysterical sputterings of 'true love? that asshole wizard said true love?' until he slid off of the couch and onto the floor.
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george-weasleys-girl · 6 months
Hey bestie, can you write 30 with f reader x fred?
She's spending Christmas with the Wesley's as she doesn't have a family as they died in the first war and were in the OG Order of the Phoenix (which they don't realise maybe until Fred and George are discussing going home for Christmas, and reader mentions staying at Hogwarts), and Fred has fancied her since they were best friends.
❄️Yuletide Celebration❄️
Under the Mistletoe
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Fred Weasley x Fem!reader
"Stop trying to get me under the mistletoe!"
"Frederick Gideon Weasley!" Molly yelled from the kitchen. "Leave that poor girl alone! She's here to celebrate Christmas with us, not have you chase her through the house like a crazed lunatic."
"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Y/N said, then turned, laughing, and stuck her tongue out at Fred.
It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss Fred. She really, truly did. But he was one of her dearest friends and also Hogwart's most notorious playboy. She was certain he would never see her as anything other than a friend. And if she kissed him, even just the smallest peck, all those feelings she kept buried would force their way to the surface, and she wasn't sure she could shove them back down again.
Four days earlier
"Well, that settles it," Fred announced. "You're going home with us for Christmas."
"But - I... " Y/N stammered.
"Nope, no buts," George said. "You don't have a family to go home to for Christmas. So, you're coming to ours."
"Exactly," Fred nodded in agreement. After learning that not only had her parents been killed in the First Wizarding World, but her grandfather, her only family, had passed away over the summer, there was no way he was taking no for an answer.
"But what about your parents?" She argued. "How would they feel if you just brought a random stranger home for the holidays."
"First off," Fred held up a finger. "You're not random. And second," he held up another finger. "You're not a stranger. And third," he held up yet another finger. "While you were busy arguing with us, Ginny sent a note to mum telling her to expect an extra guest. So there." Fred folded his arms, looking quite pleased with himself. "Now, let's get you packed."
Nothing could be sweeter to Fred's ears than Y/N's laughter ringing through the Burrow. He'd fancied her for a long time, though he'd never worked up the guts to tell her.
Oh sure, he could woo girls left and right, but when it came down to actual feelings, he lost all ability to speak or breathe or function at all. That was why he kept trying to get Y/N under the mistletoe. He was good at kissing, and he thought that maybe if he could just give her a small kiss, he could somehow convey all those pent-up emotions.
Except things weren't working out as he'd expected. The only reason he was doing the whole mistletoe thing was that he thought she felt the same way. Occasionally, he caught her looking at him in a way that suggested more than just feelings of friendship.
"Maybe I'm wrong," he confided to George. "Maybe it's just wishful thinking."
"Or maybe you need to change tactics," his brother suggested.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't believe I'm saying this," George shook his head. "But I agree with mum. You are chasing her around like a crazed lunatic."
Fred sighed. "So what do you suggest?"
"Well, I know this is a pretty revolutionary idea, but stick with me," his twin began. "But you could just try talking to Y/N. Tell her how you feel."
"Tell me how you feel about what?" Y/N's voice startled both boys, who swerved around to see her standing in the doorway to their bedroom.
Y/N and Fred sat side by side on his bed. For a long while, neither spoke.
"Whatever this is, it must be serious," Y/N said, breaking the silence. "If you're at a loss for words."
Fred opened his mouth, then closed it again.
"I, um... you know how I've been trying to get you under the mistletoe?" He asked.
"Yeah... "
"I'm not just trying to... you're not like all the other girls. Not to me anyway."
With every stumbling word, Y/N's heart beat a little faster. "W-what are you trying to say, Fred?"
"I'm saying that," he paused to clear his throat. "That I like you. Alot. Alot more than as a friend. But if you don't feel - "
"I do feel the same way," Y/N interjected.
Fred's eyes widened. "You do?"
Y/N nodded. "That's why I wouldn't kiss you. There'd be no going back for me if I did."
" Yeah. Me either."
"So would you like to - " She barely got the words out before his lips were on hers, tender yet all-encompassing.
Even after their lips parted, they remained with their foreheads together, eyes closed for a few lingering moments.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," Fred mummered.
"Me too." Y/N felt more than saw his smile.
"Wanna do it again?" He asked.
"You don't even have to ask," she smiled, leaning forward.
"Oh wait! We need something!" Fred yelped, causing her to jump. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sprig of mistletoe, holding it over their heads.
"Have you been carrying that around all day?" She laughed.
"Yep!" He replied. "I didn't know when the opportunity might present itself and wanted to be ready."
Y/N giggled and shook her head. "It's a good thing you're so cute, you know."
"I know," he winked and leaned for the second round.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman
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whumpshaped · 7 months
What if Helle found Beck after a night of drinking and didn’t know how to act when Beck is overly comfortable with seeing them? Sorry if ooc for Beck
i didnt know whether itd be ooc so i just started writing and let it take me wherever it wanted to lol i hope u enjoy!!!
tw vampire whumper, intimate whumper, alcohol and drinking and being drunk, dubcon kissy on cheek
He deserved this. He had been living in terror for the past month, and all he wanted was a bit of fun. Spending time with his friends. Normalcy.
Beck downed his third shot way too quickly, eager to forget about the fact that he was a vampire chewtoy now, and it was likely only a matter of time before Helle decided to escalate. This could've been his last free night! So why not make it a stupidly drunk one?
"I've never seen you drink like that," Sofie said with equal parts awe and worry in her voice. "Is this still about that bite scare?"
"I just wanna have fun," he whined. "Can't I? I'm fine."
"I'd never dream of prohibiting that." She still looked nervous, making Beck groan.
"I haven't been out at night for weeks. I just wanna... relax. I just wanna feel normal for a second." He briefly thought about switching his and Noah's shot glasses while he was in the bathroom and drinking his share too, but he wasn't drunk enough yet to trade mouth germs. "Is that such a crime? I won't, like, drink myself into oblivion."
"You're right," she conceded. "I'm not your mother or anything. I'm sure you can look after yourself."
"Thank you. I'll be responsible."
He ended up being less than responsible, buying and consuming at least three more shots. There was no stopping the constant whirling and swirling of the bar anymore, and he barely had the strength to keep his eyes open — but the spinning got so much worse whenever he closed them.
He somehow managed to pay for everything before sliding off the bar stool and heading towards the exit, never considering that it was well past midnight and the crowd outside was thinning. Thoughts of vampires were drowned out by a sudden desire for some pizza, and he decided to try to get to a restaurant he'd been to exactly one time before and gotten lost on the way. He had even been sober, then.
"Oh, goddammit... It should be right here," he muttered, staring at the closed clothing store. "Would it even be open at this hour..?"
The vampire's voice cut through the drunken haze like a dagger, and he spun around to face them with such momentum that he almost lost his balance entirely. "Helle!" His back hit the locked glass doors of the shop behind him, and he was grateful for the added support. "I'm– I'm looking for the pizza place. You wouldn't happen to know where that is, huh?"
Helle tilted their head at him in curiosity, and he really wished he could've waved a magic wand and sobered up instantly. They had already fed for the night. They were supposed to leave him alone for the rest of it. "Do you drink often?" they asked, completely disregarding his question.
He couldn't help it when he just... laughed. It was an involuntary reaction, a result of his anxiety and the absurdity of the situation. "I don't think that's any of your business!" He flinched back immediately after saying it, cursing himself internally. "Well, I mean, it's not like– y'know, I'm just saying..."
"It is definitely my business. Do you even know how bitter alcohol makes the blood?" They stalked closer, and Beck quickly tried to slip away and continue walking down the street.
"Nope! And you absolutely don't have to put yourself through that!" He almost cursed out loud this time when Helle caught up to him, casual as ever. "Really, I'm just gonna– you know what? I really don't want pizza anymore. I'm gonna– I'm gonna head home. It was great seeing you–"
He did a swift 180, swift enough to stumble and trip over his own feet again, for real this time. Helle was quicker, catching him by the arm before he even realised he was falling. "Humans baffle me sometimes," they murmured. "Your solution to being pursued by a dangerous predator is to make yourself even more vulnerable?"
"No, no, I drank all that alcohol so you'd hate the taste of my blood. I totally knew about the bitterness. This is like– this is advanced, I wouldn't expect you to understand." He pulled on his arm weakly, not even surprised when it did nothing to make Helle release him. "Sorry, I'm just saying anything at this point," he added with a nervous little laugh. "I always do that. I shouldn't be allowed to drink. Hey, how about– what if you let go of me, and then, then I went home, and we just forgot about this?"
"I wish I could." They pulled him even closer, their amused smile greatly undermining their semi-serious tone. "But you are just adorable when you cannot shut up. Not to mention how warm you are right now... flushed... I think you should drink more, actually."
Beck could feel his face getting even warmer at the closeness. A misguided, touch-starved part of him recognised Helle's words as almost flattery, and desperately wanted to just lean into it. The other, rational, sober part of him wanted to run — but it was difficult with his limbs not complying. "You d-don't actually think that," he stammered, still making futile attempts at pushing the vampire away. "I get so annoying."
They must've realised how much he wanted them to deny that, because their smile widened, red eyes gleaming with mischief. "I do think that," they purred. "I always think you are cutest when you tell the truth. When you let that blatant need for praise shine right through."
"I don't– I don't... huh?" He was properly flustered now, so much so that he forgot he was supposed to be struggling. "Stop mocking me," he said without any conviction, so quiet that it could've easily gotten lost in the noise of the street. He knew they heard it, though. A perk of talking to vampires.
God, what was he thinking?
"I would never dream of mocking you. Not when you look so pretty and desperate." His breath hitched when they leaned in, pulling him closer by his shirt to press a kiss to his cheek. "Unless you asked me to, of course. But I thought you were trying to get away," they whispered. "Why are you clinging now?"
Beck had no idea when his fingers had gotten tangled up in the fabric of Helle's sweater, and he pushed them away instantly, thoroughly embarrassed and confused. "I'm g-going home," he exclaimed, waiting for Helle to stop him, or say something that would've made him change his mind, or... something. But they didn't. They just stood there, smiling, letting Beck look like a complete idiot.
"Do you secretly live here?" they teased. "Or would you like to spend some more time with me?"
"Absolutely not. I'm– I'm going. Bye." He turned to leave, getting out of there as fast as he could. He rubbed his cheek absentmindedly with the sleeve of his hoodie the entire way to the bus station, trying to get rid of the feeling of soft lips against his skin.
He really, truly shouldn't have been allowed to drink.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs
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dont-justdont · 6 months
here is a list of things that i so wish would happen in s2 of iwtv but im not really sure they will (im manisfesting it into being, sue me) :
- the europe trip before louis and claudia come to paris. i absolutely love that part of the book because in canon, louis and claudia do not know whether or not other vampires exist, and there's this desperation of are we alone in this world and can we go on knowing that? except in the show 1) claudia has already met killer so they know they're not alone so that desperation is not as palpable and 2) with everything that went down last episode and with rashid being armand i feel like it would drag things and not fit as well in the story to spend a whole episode before paris both for the viewers but in the perspective of story telling as a whole
- this does not happen in the books but just imagine : claudia and louis come into armand's rooms for the first time, louis is enamored with armand but claudia is looking around and armand has all these gothic horror looking things around including a pair of hands that kind of look like a statue but are also too gruesome and look too real to be made of rock and armand just says something along the lines of "you know how violinists can be" and changes the subject but i just want, no i need armand to have nicki's hands as a decoration somewhere i feel like he would definitely do that and it would just be a nice easter egg to put in the show (please mr producer please)
- lestat clutching claudia's dress in the theater after she dies and louis seeing him. THE DRAMA is just unbelievable and i absolutely love that scene, it's one of the things im mad they didnt include in the movie and i just hope with all my little heart they will include in the series. just imagine: feral louis who just got buried alive, armand in the back SATISFIED WITH HIMSELF (he is so manipulative i love him) and lestat just small and weak clutching a piece of claudia's dress while louis is both relieved but also terribly mad at lestat for being alive and just???? i love the entirety of this please make it come to life
- daniel fucking malloy requestioning the veracity of the entire story and just him being like was it raining louis?!? everytime louis speaks. i mean this is obviously going to happen but im so ready for it
- additionally, armand questioning daniel (cue devils minion? please pretty pretty please mr producer?) about the last years because i am convinced devils minion happened after the first interview but daniel doesnt remember/doesnt want to remember and i just NEED armand to torture him with that (not literally, or literally as well im not picky) and i need to see them together please
- lestat being seen through armand's perspective. now hear me out : sam has said multiple times that while he was playing lestat, he was playing him through louis' perspective of him, and he'd go like "nope that's not what happened" and bla bla bla. except now we get narrator!armand so im asking the question (and praying we get the answer) : what does lestat look like from armand's perspective? how does he act and how does that version of lestat contrast with louis'? DO THEY SEE THE CONTRADICTIONS BETWEEN THEMSELVES AND FREAK OUT ABOUT IT?!? (because i will) daniel you better call out their bullshit or i am coming for you
this is already a long post so ill leave this as is for now but i might (will) come back with more eventually, please tell me your hopes for s2 i cant wait!!!
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reyanfia · 1 year
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the warrior and his healer — neteyam x reader ☄. *. ⋆➢ part three!
other chapters are up! read it here -> chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 4
setting: awa'atlu, pandora.
pairing: neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
warnings: for this chapter, a shit ton of emotion, mentions of bl00d, & angst.
summary: the rda has targeted your village, and neteyam insists that you stay back. but being your stubborn self, you leave and follow after them anyway.
a/n: i swear teyam is not dying in this one, okay? he's alright. i wouldn't be so cruel. and uhh yesterday's chapter felt empty and boring so im going like all in for this one
anyways, enjoy!! this was barely proofread btw since i completed the other half of this chapter in a rush goodbye lmfao
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after a few days of acknowledging your feelings, seeing neteyam, anywhere, was starting to become a challenge.
on eywa. you wished you could throw these feelings out the window. you wished you could see whatever you were feeling so that you could crumple it up and dispose of it.
but oh, that was not what your heart wanted.
those feelings that your mind despised — your dear heart yearned for more of it. it was addicting. it's new, and it is unfamiliar. and yet, it had become your favourite thing to feel.
when you would look his way, you would feel that sense of adoration and fondness. and if he ever caught you staring, he'd smile and everything around you would become meaningless. invisible.
people could see, how you started to stare at the ground more often. they didn't know why. in truth, you were trying your hardest to not let your eyes roam around, afraid of accidentally catching a glance at him and end up looking like a literal plum in front of everybody.
studying, whether alone or with him, was also becoming harder. the salves on those shelves would remind you of those evenings when you'd have to tend to him, and those nights where you'd try the ones you've created on him. and if he was there with you — accompanying you in your marui, your heart would start to race. looking at him. touching him in the slightest ways. everything, has become difficult.
but you don't know if he shared your feelings.
he was so hard to read, it's starting to drive you crazy. how he acted around you was just the same in front of everyone else — smiling at everyone, helping everyone. if you thought he did something he only did for you, it seemed pretty much like you were wrong. patting your back when you're down? sweet! but then he goes and does it to other girls too.
you could feel that hope dying. well great, that was what you always wanted. right?
nope. no, you were absolutely wrong. because deep down in your heart, you never wanted this feeling to end.
but everything comes to an end, doesn't it?
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
"no. no no no, this can't happen."
a few days ago, the news about the destruction of the ta'unui clan spread like wildfire in your clan. you heard it first from tsireya, and others came to tell you the same thing.
your studies had become the least of your priorities. you could envision the villagers of the ta'unui, how they looked, and how they felt as the RDA demolished their home in the blink of an eye.
the ta'unui people in your head started to distort, and slowly they were replaced with the metkayina. the awa'atlu village. your home, and everything you loved.
and everything was at risk now. people around you are crying, scrambling around, not knowing what to do. are we done for? the tsahìk's spirit sister had been killed. aritxa could be next. so is this it? this is ridiculous. you didn't want to die this way. even if eywa told you herself that this was meant to happen, like hell would you accept it.
your mother wiped the tears off of your panicked face, bringing you into the longest embrace you've ever had with her.
"oh, my love, do not weep. it hurts me seeing you like this," your mother's downhearted voice struck you right in the heart. never in your life had you thought you'd see her so miserable, so dejected.
"let me come along! please, i can't just let you and father go, what if you get hurt? what will become of me—"
your words instantly turned into sobs at the thought of seeing your parents hurt, all bloody and lifeless. and though you were trying your hardest to conceal it, anyone outside your marui could hear you. yet, they wouldn't care. everyone's lives were in danger. another's tears would be yours.
both your parents hugged you so tight, you could barely breathe. you didn't care. if this is how you'd die, at least it was in your parents' arms.
your father kissed you on the head before leaving, with the saddest smile on his face, along with your mother.
they were walking right into battle.
in the corner of your eyes, you saw neteyam coming towards you, with such a disheartened look on his face. you were astonished as to how he wasn't crying. not a single tear. his eyes didn't look like he was crying.
"teyam, please let me come with you."
that hoarse voice of yours nearly convinced him. but it takes a lot more than that for him to put you at risk.
no words came out of him.
because he didn't need words.
just like how your parents did, he held you in his arms, so hard he didn't want to let go. when you both pulled away, he held your face in your hands meeting your bloodshot, puffy eyes. he never wanted to see you liked this. and he's making sure he won't, ever again.
"i can't let you, ______. how i wish i could have you alongside me, but no. i can't have you hurt. you, are the healer. who'll be fixing my cuts and bruises if you're not there, hm?"
your eyes cast down to the ground, wincing at his words. but he only brought your head up again so you would look at him. "i'll come back, for you. alright? i swear."
you huffed. "you better."
giving his last smile before he left, he ruffled your hair, and then off he was.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
time was passing.
the village was dreary. there were a few younger children and their mothers who were told to stay back, still crying.
you were trying your best to not jump into the sea right now.
you looked into the distance. you could hear the slightest sounds of gunshots, screeches of the tsuraks, and the war cries of your people.
every second passing was riling you up.
you looked down, fiddling with your fingers, attempting to calm your cries. your thoughts went back and forth in your head, "should i stay? or should i go? no, they told me to stay, i'll only bother them. oh — but what if they are hurt?"
and you hated yourself for disobeying your loved ones, but if any of them got hurt, you knew you wouldn't forgive yourself if you didn't.
standing up to your feet, you pushed aside the marui entrance, called for an ilu and off you went.
it took some time to get to the three brother's rocks, and you were trying your hardest to stay out the radar of the sky people.
finally arriving at the ship, you unlinked your queue from the ilu and swam around, looking for your friends and the sully kids. your breathing was starting to quicken as you tried to push away any negative thoughts. you had to find them.
"get on!" tsireya's voice was heard.
you whirled around, swimming in the direction of her voice. sadly, your weak heart was not ready for what you saw.
lo'ak was putting pressure on the wound. and neteyam, he could barely speak.
"oh no. no no, there's no time for this. uh—"
you hushed your voice, and hushed your panicking. you called for the ilu, and it swiftly came in just a second. "lo'ak. we must go back. now get on, keep putting pressure on the wound. try your best to not let any blood out." you voice came out stern, and he followed your orders.
tsireya helped lo'ak carry neteyam onto the ilu. neteyam was in between you and the younger sully.
you told the ilu to ride back home. and fast.
reaching shore, all of you got off your ilus and dashed straight to your marui.
your breathing was heavier than neteyam's, as you started to work on his wound.
"tsireya, please prepare the tawtsngal bandage while i clean the wound."
she did as told and went to your shelves to get the necessary items.
all your healing salves were already on the floor next to you, so you didn't have to run back and forth through the marui to get things.
"the sky demon's weapon went all the way through. okay, that's good, i won't have to dig for it. oh, my eywa." you were trying to quiet yourself as you started to slather the paste onto the entrance and exit wound, the salve naturally cleaning up the blood on the skin. you winced when you looked at the bloody flesh, nearly crying.
your eyes glanced to neteyam's face every once in a while, making sure he wasn't in too much pain. he was still breathing, that's what mattered.
tsireya came running to you with the bandage, woven out of tawtsngal stem. you quickly wrapped it around his chest, tightly so the blood would stop pouring out.
"we — will stitch him up after the blood stops. it won't be too long — since this paste is quick to stop it," your voice gets cut off at every tight knot you made with the bandage to secure it in place.
"are— are his lungs unhurt?" lo'ak asked you. "looking at the position of the, uh, shot, it has missed his organs."
you took another look at the bandaged wound, as if checking to be sure. it's not like you could see it anyway.
neteyam's eyes were closed so you checked his pulse. it was stable. a little slow, but stable.
"he will be okay. i'll make sure of it." you said at last, comforting yourself and the younger sully. tsireya let out the biggest sigh of relief.
he will be okay. he has to.
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give this baby some love guys
tagging: @azaleaniath @theycallmesia @saturnheartz @mirikusashes @thesecretsoftheuniverse @fanboyluvr @neteyamforlife @xaoxin @naynay2808
tags that won't work: @amortencjja @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @goatmilkaddict @erenjaegerwifee [help im actually confused are these "not working tags" working or nah? cus when i type the user in after the @ it doesn't show up but it still links to your guys' accounts somehow]
those who request to be in the taglist under this chapter, will be tagged in the next one. thank you!
final part will be out soon! :]
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newestq · 1 year
⋆。゚☁︎ p1h jealous headcannon, requested
゚☾ ゚。⋆ lowercase intended, send in your requests
୨ yoon keeho, ୧
ꕥ ignores you 'cause oh boy don't know how to cope.
ꕥ you try to get his attention, but he doesn't even bat and eyelash towards you.
ꕥ he's trying to distract himself but finding anything to do in the kitchen.
ꕥ "fine, be that way. i'm going hang out with intak.
ꕥ "yeah, bet you'd rather hang out with him, huh?"
ꕥ you're both kind of shocked at what he said.
ꕥ "what's your problem?"
ꕥ "what's my problem? you've been attached to intak's hip all day!"
ꕥ "i played a video game with him and that made you jealous?"
ꕥ "i'm not jealous!"
ꕥ jiung eventually joins the conversation, and you both make fun of him as he tries to prove his point.
୨ choi taeyang, ୧ (gender specific.)
ꕥ classic "jealous? me? no."
ꕥ but oh yes he's jealous.
ꕥ he doesn't think it's fair that as a girl barista, guys should be able to order from you.
ꕥ call him toxic and he might agree.
ꕥ rolls his eyes every time a guy walks up to the counter.
ꕥ it's genuinely so bad.
ꕥ you've kind of noticed his sour mood, so on your break, you walk over to him.
ꕥ "what's up?"
ꕥ "what's up? so i'm your bro now?"
ꕥ "my what?"
ꕥ "nah, it's fine man. go with your other boyfriends."
ꕥ you find him humorous.
ꕥ "see you tonight, babe."
ꕥ "nope! you won't see me! i'm leaving you!"
ꕥ yeah, y'all watched frozen while eating chocolate covered strawberries.
ꕥ he ain't leaving you that easy lmao
୨ choi jiung, ୧
ꕥ the type to feel guilty that he feels jealous.
ꕥ he doesn't mean to, and he immediately apologizes.
ꕥ "baby, i'm sorry. i promise i'm not overprotective."
ꕥ "literally wtf are you talking about?"
ꕥ "when you laughed at taeyang's joke, i got so mad. idek why."
ꕥ "his jokes are funnier than yours."
ꕥ "you know im not sorry anymore."
ꕥ you give him more and more reasons to not feel guilty.
୨ hwang intak, ୧
ꕥ clingy.
ꕥ will literally not let you go/leave his sight.
ꕥ not even to use the bathroom.
ꕥ best believe mf is sitting on the sink, scrolling through his phone.
ꕥ "intak. i know you're not happy because that girl flirted with me, but can i please shit in peace."
ꕥ "no. what if she finds you and takes you from me."
ꕥ "intak please let me use the bathroom alone. we're at home."
ꕥ "she might've followed us. i won't look. see."
ꕥ he faces away from you and scrolls through tik tok.
ꕥ you kind of wish he'd be the type to ignore you 💀
୨ haku shota, ୧
ꕥ doesnt really get jealous.
ꕥ he trusts you, and you trust him, so thats enough.
ꕥ and he doesn't really think anyone is cool enough to catch your attention.
ꕥ i mean, what other minecraft pro do you know?
ꕥ what other awesome freestyle dancer do you know?
ꕥ who do you know that loves fries as much as you??
ꕥ exactly.
ꕥ you wish he would get jealous.
ꕥ "someone just asked me for my phone number."
ꕥ "y/n, you signed up for updates for the store. of course the cashier needed your number."
ꕥ "shota please get jealous once."
୨ kim jongseob, ୧
ꕥ wouldnt even realize he's jealous
ꕥ he'd just have this strong feeling towards you and he'd just accept it.
ꕥ like wouldnt even know whats going on.
ꕥ he's probably go to the members freaking out.
ꕥ "idk why i feel this way, like just thinking abt them hanging out with their best friend makes me upset. why!! thats their best friend, i dont have a say on who they can or cannot hang out with, but my god does it piss me off when they do."
ꕥ "seobie, that my friend is jealousy."
ꕥ "jealousy? how do you know?"
ꕥ "cause i feel it every time jiung gets center."
ꕥ "intak..."
i wrote this at 10:18pm....
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Drabble idea:
President Bradshaw wants to get flowers for his wife, and not just sending an intern to do it he insist on doing it himself...
Oh nonny, I love this:
Flowers for the First Lady:
"Sir, it would be must easier if you just sent an intern. You do understand how much of a security threat this is, don't you?" Warner, Bradley's Chief of Staff, asked him.
"Warner, I am not sending an intern to pick out flowers for my wife for our anniversary. I'm going to do it myself." Bradley insisted.
"I understand how you feel, sir, but there are more important matters to attend to." Warner insists. "Nothing is more important than my wife." Bradley deadpans. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change into some plain clothes before Dante and I leave." Bradley states as he ushers Warner out.
He quickly changes into a plain t-shirt and jacket and a pair of dark jeans. He slips on a baseball cap, and his aviator sunglasses before meeting Dante and Jaycee.
"Her favorite flowers are roses and daisies. I've already coordinated with the florist. They know you're coming but have agreed to keep it low-key and respectful." Jaycee tells him as they walk to the car. "Thanks for your help, Jay. I know it wasn't an easy ask of you, but I appreciate it." Bradley smiles before entering the vehicle.
"Dante, am I crazy for doing this?" Bradley asks him once they are alone.
"I don't think so, sir. I think it's very noble of you for insisting on being the one to pick out the arrangement for her. I know it can't be easy being married to the president." Dante states.
"I know it isn't a picnic for her, but she makes it seem effortless. I know I've put her through it, and it hasn't always been easy for us, but she's never complained once. I wish I could do more for her, but there aren't enough roses in the world for me to show my appreciation." Bradley chuckles.
Soon, he and Dante arrive at the florist. Bradley spends an hour picking out the best blooms for you. Once the lovely older woman from the flower shop had them arranged, he happily paid her for them along with a generous tip.
Before heading back to the White House, he stopped to pick up some of your favorite pastries and the new bracelet he'd commissioned for you.
After a wonderful anniversary dinner, Bradley insisted that you closed your eyes before entering your bedroom.
Once inside, you were met with the sight of the most beautiful flower arrangement you'd ever seen! Happy tears pricked your eyes as you ran to admire them. After sharing a sweet treat and admiring your new jewelry, your eyes drifted back to the colorful daisies and roses on the table.
"They are so beautiful, whatever intern picked them out had a great eye." You compliment them.
"An intern didn't pick them." Bradley chuckles. "You sent Jaycee, then I'm guessing?" You continued.
"Nope." Bradley shakes his head. "Then who?" You ask him.
"Me." He tells you. "I went undercover today with Dante and picked out everything. It's our anniversary, I couldn't let just anyone get them." He tells you with a proud smile.
"I bet Warner almost had an aneurysm, didn't he?" You laugh. "Like you wouldn't have?" Bradley snickers.
"Hey, I wasn't that uptight when I was Chief of Staff." You defend yourself.
"Sure you were honey." Bradley rolls his eyes. You laugh to yourself before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you for the flowers, for everything. Their perfect." You smile before giving him another kiss.
"Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart."
"Happy Anniversary, Dearest."
tagging some of the President Bradshaw cabinet: @roosterscock @thedroneranger @gretagerwigsmuse @desert-fern @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @lovinglyeternal @lovingbradshawafterdark @wkndwlff @shanimallina87 @roosterforme
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0shewrites0 · 2 years
theory | Why Lucas brought Blake back
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I was discussing this with a mutual Lucas stan a few days ago and I can't stop thinking about it because it just makes SO MUCH sense.
So, I'm just going to put it out there. Feel free to disagree with me or respond to it with your own interpretation, I'm so curious what everyone thinks. Especially Lucas fans...
@mercedesdecorazon ‘s fic reminded me that I wanted to post this so here you go 🤌🏽
More under the cut but prepare for a loooong post 👀
Day 7: Remember when the girls have to decide who is most vs least likely to leave with a girlfriend? We all know if you want to keep Lucas, you have to tell them you want to keep Henrik and vice versa.
Day 5: Remember when you return from your dates and the girls ask you if you like the new guys (Lucas & Henrik), you can tell them, "No, neither of them"? Let's say you go with that. Later, your LI tells you that he overheard Marisol say that "you fancy both of them", even though you said the exact opposite! This is going to get important in a second, bear with me 😌
Day 8: Lucas wants to have a chat on the roof terrace and says the following, "I know you wish it was Henrik who stayed instead of me".
Remember? Yes? Okay, well, have you never thought - How??? Where does he get that impression? Why does he think that? And how does he "know" that? That's a bit of a strong word, isn't it?
And then the thought occurred to me -
What if someone (probably Marisol, but we don't know that) told him that you told the girls the night before that you wanted to keep Henrik? (I mean, you had to because reversed psychology, but let's forget that for a moment)
And if someone told him that, of course he's going to think, wait, she doesn't even like me. It makes sense that Marisol is that person because she desperately wants that spark, and so far it hasn't happened. And Rocco got dumped. So Lucas is really the only option for her at this point.
Day 9: When you pick Lucas for your date, he reacts very confused and really surprised, which - again - makes no sense unless he thinks MC doesn't really like him. At least not as much as she likes/d Henrik. Because boy, my MC has been flirting with Lucas the whole time! And Marisol is pissed that MC chooses Lucas - "Hey! That's who I was going to choose!"
Day 10/ OP NOPE/ Gary and Lucas in the kitchen with the smoothie machine: Lucas says that maybe “he should and check on Hope".
Right? While your MC is standing right in front of him. That always bothered me and I didn't understand what his damn problem was, but now it makes sense:
He thinks MC chose Henrik over him, and now that Henrik is gone, he doesn't want to feel like a second option. So he feels he has to keep his options open - that's why he says that about Hope (who we know he fancies!)
Maybe - and I'm going out on a limb here - he even says it as a subtle dig at MC, like, "You don't like me? Well, I’ve got other options. Doesn’t mean I have to stay with you forever!"
Disaster Recoupling: if MC picked him on Day 9, he will "return the favour", as he puts it. He likes MC (probably more than he'd like to admit), but he's still so insecure. And instead of talking to her about it, he keeps it to himself, swallows it down and lets it eat him up inside.
Casa Amor: I guess Lucas wanted to stay loyal and didn't necessarily enjoy the kiss he shared with Blake in that challenge. (I agree with you here, @mercedesdecorazon ) Jakub just said it looked like he enjoyed it. But after seeing the video of the girls, insecurity about MC's true feelings caught up with him again and he thought (which he makes clear after the stick & switch recoupling when you talk to him on the roof terrace) that MC would switch "for sure". Which she obviously didn't.
Stick & Switch Recoupling: MC comes back alone while Lucas brings Blake back. I suspect that the moment he saw MC sitting alone, he thought, I screwed up so badly. She'll never forgive me for this and now I've lost everything.
And that's the exact moment he realises that not only does he really like MC (that he's actually falling in love with her - I mean, he's picked a girl so similar to MC, that says it all), but that MC likes him too. She came back single, she stuck with him.
Day 18: When you decide to save him from being dumped, he walks over to you without even giving Blake a glance. Because it's you he wants. Who he's always wanted. And now that he's realised you want him just as much, he's all in. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Day 24: In that way, it also makes sense that he was so jealous and insecure again when Henrik showed up at the Villa again. He needed so much reassurance, although we could never claim that after how he did us so dirty with both Blake and then Elisa, but it's just the old fear of losing her to his buddy. The fear that's still in the back of Lucas' head telling him that MC likes Henrik more than him, which she clearly doesn't and never has.
But that idiot never opened his mouth, goddamn it! 😭😭
I don’t know about you but knowing this makes it so much easier to forgive him. He’s just insecure and wants to be prioritized. He wants to be loved by MC. 🥺
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ynbabe · 1 year
Jason Todd / Red Hood anxious to get you under the mistletoe cause he is in love with you so bad and doesn't know what to do because he is afraid to scare you away if he confess
Thank you for requesting! Hope y'all like this! Keep em coming guys! 💚💙💚
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Christmas in Gotham was just how you would expect, dark, dreary, and overall miserable... At least that's what Jason would say. 
His brothers called him the Grinch but that wasn't true, he used to love Christmas, as any child would, but crime alley, being an orphan, being robin, and dying, had taken the joy out of everything in his life. Christmas was especially worse, because he saw Tim and Damian and Steph and Cass with Bruce, having the Christmas he'd wished for. 
And he was stuck, all alone, in a sucky apartment in the narrows making sure the streets were safe, making sure everyone got the Christmas they deserved but where was his Christmas, when did he get to be happy?
"Hey, Jay!" He stopped in his tracks as the familiar voice broke the static and spoke out through his comms. Y/N, the only one who he trusted, the only one who was waiting for him at home, the only one he could call home.
"Hi, Y/n," He began walking again, surprised by the softness in his voice.
"When you comin' home, dude, I've been decoratin' for like an hour, already." the person on the other end of the line said, some noises of rummaging following soon after.
"What you miss me already?" He responded with a small smirk, making his way back.
"Nope, I just want my gift," they deadpanned making Jason give a fake gasp.
"Is that all you care about?" he joked heaving himself up the ground onto the first-floor window, using ledges to make his way up to his apartment on the second floor, "I am wounded," the man said making you laugh, he looked through the window to see you sitting on the sofa, talking to him, fidgeting with your hair.
He knocked on the window, making you jump and screech at the sight of him, he smiled under his hood as you heaved with your hand on your chest.
You walked up to the window and slammed it open, "I hate it when you do that," You pulled him in with the cuff of his leather jacket. "Bro, there is a door for a REASON," You ranted falling back on the sofa, and laying down again.
Jason laughed, taking off his helmet and jacket, and looked around the room, it was covered in reds and greens, with white streamers running all around the ceiling, and a big Christmas tree was in the corner of the living room, it had gold, silver baubles and a few of Jason's guns and knives as a long-running joke between the two.
He sat on the sofa pushing your feet off, making you whine about 'needing rest after saving Christmas you Grinch'. He looked at you to roll his eyes but paused as soon as he saw the small green plant, hanging on the beam above the middle of the sofa.
It made his mind run at speeds to places where he didn't want to go to. 
He had known you for two years now, and the both of you were just friends but every time he looked at you, every time he spoke to you, he felt something else, something he didn't feel with his other friends.
He didn't know what to tell you, would you be weirded out? Would you hate him? Would you leave him?
"Jace, are you okay?" you said pulling him out of his mind, he hadn't even realized he had stopped talking while looking up at the mistletoe.
He looked back at you with shakey hands, he didn't know what to say, but he couldn't stay quiet anymore.
"I, um, I have to tell you something," you sat up, coming closer to him, the atmosphere suddenly serious, "please don't hate me after this but I think I like you and I get it if it's weird now and you don't wanna talk anymore but-" He began ranting but you interpreted him by placing your lips on his, making him freeze in place, slowly warming up to the touch.
"You don't this is weird? You aren't pissed at me right?" He asked after stopping, a bright red blush on his face.
"Nah, I heard you talking to Dick about it last week, why do think I put up the mistletoe?" You smirked at him making him groan and roll his eyes, falling back onto the sofa, dragging his hands over his face.
"I hate you so much."
"You know you love me."
"Shut up."
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kleoyeager78 · 2 years
Can I request a citygirl!reader x cowboy!Jean in which reader is going to the countryside with her (abusive and arranged) fiance. They're supposed to spend the weekend with her parents buy when they just happen to be in the little town getting drinks for the road or sum, Jean sees fiance treating reader horribly and swoops in to save the day? Well you can make it however you want actually! Tyy
You’re mine | Jean x reader
Warning: physical abuse, smut, unprotected sex, drinking.
Why do I have to marry a guy like him?
I hate him.
He’s an awful guy and he treats me like shit.
I don’t deserve to be treated like this. But of course I have to take all of this for my parents stupid business.
My parents wished to open a small store in the country in order to fulfill their dream of living there. But, of course, they couldn't afford it, so they forced me to marry some rich, abusive douchebag so they could fund their dream.
I told them several times about how he treats me, but each time they told me to suck it up or get over it, so I did. I accepted this life.
My parents moved to the country about a week ago.So me and my fiancé decided to pay them a visit today.
As I was packing my bags to go I noticed my fiancé standing by the door looking like he was waiting for something.
“Can I help you?” I asked him.
“You can tell me why the hell my suitcase isn’t packed” He responded.
“Maybe because you didn’t pack it”
He walked over to me and smacked me in the face. “Don’t be smart with me” he said and then went over to his closet and threw his suitcase at me. “Pack it” with that he left the room and I began packing his suitcase.
I was used to him hitting me when he was angry, so his actions did not surprise me.
After I got done packing I went to put the suitcases in the car. I hoped he would at least help me but nope he made me do it all by myself.
When I got in the car and closed the door I was instantly met with a punch to the face.
“Why the hell is the car on E” he yelled at me. “You were the last one to use it”
“It’s because when I was at the gas station you called me and told me to get home immediately”
He hit me in the face again. “ all you ever have is excuses”.
He began driving to the gas station and I just sat there holding back tears because I didn’t want to upset him.
After we got what we needed from the gas station we began to make our way to the countryside.
And let’s just say the trip was wild…..
I can't count how many times I was hit in the face or insulted by my fiancé, but I can count how many hours it took us to get here.
It took us about 8 hours to see a sign indicating that we had arrived in the country. We were, however, still about 20 minutes away from my parents' house.
We drove another five minutes when my fiancé came to a stop.
“What’s the matter?” I was confused as to why we stopped.
“Let’s go check out that bar” he said pointing to a place called Boots 'n' Beer ( or you can make up the name)
I forgot to mention that my fiancé was an alcoholic. He couldn't go more than 2 hours without drinking or he'd get angry. That's probably why he's been so aggressive.
Nonetheless I didn’t protest and just got out of the car following behind him into the bar.
The inside of the bar looked nice, but everyone there was loud.
There were men gambling and people dancing all over the place. It looked like fun, but I knew my fiancé wouldn't let me do any of it.
My fiancé and I went to the bar counter to order drinks, or rather he ordered himself a drink because I was expected to drive home.
"Can I get two shots of tequila?" He asked the bartender, who shook his head and proceeded to make the drinks.
When the bartender came back with the two shots my fiancé drowned them like they were nothing.
He ended up drinking at least ten shots of tequila before going to dance with a girl who approached him.
Leaving me all alone.
I didn’t mind though since it finally got him off my back.
“What’s a pretty gal like you doing sitting all alone” someone said behind me.
When I turned around, I was met by a very tall man with ash brown hair wearing a cowboy hat, blue jeans, and cowboy boots, so I assumed he was from here.
“Oh I’m here with my fiancé” I said with a little smile because of his compliment.
“Really? How come I don’t see him?”
“He’s over there.” I pointed to the dance floor embarrassed. It was very embarrassing telling someone that your fiancé was on the dance floor with another woman.
“I see” was all the man said before he dragged me to the dance floor.
“M-mr what are you doing?” I asked confused and scared that my fiancé would see me.
“If he can dance, so can you, right?”
I just gulped. I would have loved to dance with him if I didn’t have to pay the consequences later.
But then again thinking about what he said. I should be able to have a little fun right? Just for tonight I’ll enjoy myself and then I’ll pay the consequences when I’m done.
We made our way to the dance floor.
He pulled me into him causing me to put my hand on his shoulder while his hands made their way down to my waist.
He started to move his feet forward so I took that as a sign to move my feet back. Which worked well.
Our rhythm was amazing. It’s like our body’s understand each other without having to say anything.
“You’re an amazing dancer,” I told him.
“I could say the same about you” He said with a smirk plastered on his face. Then he grabbed my hand and spent me away from him before pulling me back into his chest.
“Hey I never got your name” I said to him making him chuckle.
“Names Jean, Jean Kirstein” He said with that same flirtatious smirk on his face.
“Well Jean I’m Y/n, y/n l/n” you said giving him a kind smile.
everything after that was a blur. Me and Jean continued to dance. We danced so much that I lost track of time. Jean brought me drink after drink and I forgot I had to drive home.
Little did I know I didn’t have to worry about that.
My senses didn't return until I was thrown on a bed and the same brown-haired man was towering over me, attempting to remove his belt.
“You need help with that?” I said as I crawled to the edge of the bed to help him.
He did not have time to respond. My hands were already on his belt, aching to get it off.
“Lil eager thing aren’t cha?” He said looking down at me with his now signature smirk.
“Only for you.” I looked up and gave him an equal smirk.
He pushed me back on the bed making me giggle. He then proceeded to take off his belt by himself.
When he got it off he climbed on top of me with it and tied both of my hands over my head with it.
“Buckle up girl. Tonight’s gonna be a long ride.”
He got off of me and took his jeans off then got back on top of me.
He started kissing me and sucking on my neck while pushing my panties to the side and playing with my clit.
“Jean,” I moaned.
“Yes puddin?” He said coming back up to my lips to look at me.
“Please what? Darlin, use your words.” He said with a teasing smirk.
“ please fuck me.”
That was all I had to say to make him get on his knees and start stroking his cock.
After a few strokes he inserted himself inside me making you squirm.
My wrist was starting to hurt because of the belt but I didn’t even care all I wanted was him.
When he made it fully inside of me he wasted no time thrusting inside me. He was going at impossible speeds.
“You feel so good around this cock princess,” Jean praised. “It’s like your pussy has my name on it” he bragged.
All I could do was moan. “Jean I’m close”
“Already buttercup? Can’t you wait a little longer?” He said slowing down.
“Jean” I whined.
“Alright I’ll give you what you’re asking for” He started thrusting faster again. Maybe even faster than before but hell I couldn’t tell I was too drunk off his dick to even care about anything right now.
After he thrusted a few more times I came. Causing him to pull out and cum on my stomach.
He then untied my hands as well.
I was so tired and I just wanted to go to sleep. “I think I should get going,” I said without making any attempts to actually get up.
“What’s the rush princess?” He said laying on the side of me hugging my waist.
“Fiancé” was all I managed to say because of how tired I was.
“Oh I don’t think he’ll be an issue beautiful you just rest up.” Jean chuckled.
Little did he know I was already fast asleep before he even finished his sentence.
When he noticed you were asleep he couldn’t help but smile. “You won’t ever have to worry about him again, you're mine now” he said, tucking you under the cover and kissing your forehead.
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baahsu · 1 year
"i think im going off on a tangent now" op PLEASE go off on a tangent!! i already had the idea of reiju joining in on her brothers fun in the back of my mind and now these recent conversations have hurled it to the front
just. sanji somehow meeting up with his siblings again, jaw dropping as he sees just how *whipped* 124ji are for reiju (he has to act like he isnt as well lol) although he doesn't realize the extent of The Whippening until reiju gets him alone and quite literally hands him their individual leashes. she'd talk him through what each brother responded to better; praise, degradation, punishments, rewards... sanji going from confused horror to eager intrigue all too quickly
im so sorry for flooding your askbox but this is such a fun concept. sanji getting his revenge sweet with his big sisters help <3<3
yonji would be the best first option with him arguably being the most behaved, (but being 'well behaved' for 124ji is a loose term. the bar is in hell, yonjis just slightly above it lmao) he's all excited to please after crossing the emotional barrier between them and allowing himself to get lost in this newfound pleasure. i think sanji would agree on him being a good start too, considering how noticeably eager yonji is to see reiju coach someone else into reeling him in- and the fact that its *sanji* is better for the both of them!! *cough*sanji DEFINITELY doesnt have a kink for yonji calling him 'sanji-nii' or any iteration of the term nope definitely not*cough* ichiji and niji would watch on with hungry eyes, *knowing* what yonjis packing from previous experience. he can be wild, sometimes
next would probably be ichiji. he's compliant and mostly willing- its just very hard to get a good reaction out of him. he'd try to act sooo tough at the start, desperately trying to keep his face blank, but then his heartrate would spike and his body would get all shaky as reiju guided sanjis hands on where to touch him and how to do it, where to be gentle enough to make him melt, and where to press and bite into to make him scream. the fact that niji and yonji were off to the side, not-so-subtly whispering about how hot he looked was also *not* helping. (he secretly loves the attention >:])
aand niji. whoo boy, the brat himself, niji. theres a reason reiju started training him before the other two, and that's because hes an absolute *brat*. a bottom brat? oh, *absolutely*. but still a brat. he'd try sooo hard to get someone to touch him by being all whiny, pouty, and mouthy- they'll shut him up *somehow* if he just keeps talking, right? reiju would probably have to whisper in sanjis ear about 'leaving him out to dry until he comes crawling over, begging to be touched *nicely*'. and lo and behold, after being forced to watch reiju and sanji torture yonji and ichiji in the best ways possible, he *broke*, doing exactly what reiju said he would. but, when niji finally broke and asked? oh you KNOW that boy is getting wrecked. reiju and sanjis notable ignorance and/or mockery of him turning into sudden back-handed compliments about him being such a good boy, so polite to ask for help. yonji and ichiji watching from the sidelines, definitely wishing they could make niji squirm like that, too.
even better if at the end of it, when sanji thinks its all over, reiju decides to reward 124ji by letting them go at him however they'd like (with her supervision, of course :])
Anon. ANON!!!!!!!! This is amazing??????? I'm- let me take a second to breath here, this is just so good so perfect so accurate and everything I've ever needed??? They each fit perfectly in their roles and the end was such a treat, I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH you captured their personalities so well I want to scream
Yonji's definitely eager, but they can't underestimate him, he's bigger than all of them and it'll only take a second if he decides to stop complying and have things the way he wants them. So while reiju gives him more leeway she also needs to keep a closer eye on him
Ichiji's so stoic and calm and cool qnd collected, it takes a lot for him to express anything and even longer for him to finally let go. Reiju needs to go slow with him, like she's dealing with a scared animal, and coax him into realizing he's in good hands and he can let go of his role as the responsible older brother for a while
Niji is a brat, he doesn't listen, refuses to admit he's enjoying it, but his body betrays him and from then it becomes so easy to tease him and make him putty in reiju's hands. If he's being particularly difficult she just ignores him in favor of the others and she can't help her smirk when she sees how dejected he looks all pouty but still refusing to beg for it until she asks him if he'll be a good boy now
Sanji watches all of it with an open mouth, he's always known the power reiju had but this totally exceeded his expectations. He doesn't know if he can control the three like she can, but he tries and it's going well until a mischievous glint crosses reiju's eyes and she gives 124ji the green light to ravish him instead
I also like to think reiju likes to pair 124ji up and watch, see how they interact with each other so she can have a better grasp on how to handle them and on what they like, and if she gets off on it too then that's just a bonus
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After reading your one shot where Bruno has Isabela's Gift and Camilo having his gift. Amazing!
Can we have a prompt about Bruno in his teenagers years dealing with admirers and people having a crush on him due to his gift like he is some kind of prince.
If you want to.
For context, this ask refers to a snippet I wrote here
This snippet is not the planned power-swap AU, but a different one where everyone has a Gift, Mirabel included and the rest are swapped around
Now, onto the prompt!
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Pepa tried not to giggle as her brother pushed through Casita's crowded courtyard, darting behind a pillar and crouching behind a potted plant. With a small wave of his hand, the plant grew, further hiding him.
"Again, huh?" Félix asked with a sympathetic smile.
"Shh!" Bruno hissed, as Catalina Arias and a trio of her friends approached.
"Hola, Pepa," Catalina said, her sweet smile ever-so-slightly strained at the edges. "Have you seen Bruno around?"
It was the triplets' eighteenth birthday and the so-called admirers and wannabe suitors were pushier than ever. One of the girls wasn't even looking at Pepa, blatantly craning her neck to try and peer over the crowd, looking for Bruno.
Pepa's amusement abruptly vanished. Bruno didn't like these girls; he'd told Pepa and Julieta he didn't want to be with anyone and Pepa understood it. Besides, these girls plainly only liked his Gift, all the pretty flowers her little brother could create in the blink of an eye. They seemed to think it made him some sort of prince charming, ignoring Bruno's blatant anxiety and insisting they could "fix it."
Pepa crossed her arms, shuffling slightly so she could further hide Bruno from view.
"Nope," she said, popping the P. "Now go away, Félix and I have some private stuff to discuss."
"Oh..." Catalina's smile drooped. "Well, if you see him-"
"Goodbye, Catalina."
Catalina huffed, but she and her friends left.
"You can come out now," Félix said and Bruno peered through the potted plant.
"You're sure they're gone?" he asked.
"Oh, they won't be coming over here again in a hurry," Pepa said with a smug smile.
Grinning, Bruno stood next to her, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. For a moment, he looked like his usual self; a mischievous grin, hair falling in his eyes. But that smile dropped, his eyes dimmed. He summoned a handful of rose petals and Pepa's concern only grew as they withered and died.
"Do you think they'll ever leave me alone?" Bruno asked quietly, dropping the dead petals. They were still withering, shrinking away into nothingnness at their feet.
"Of course," Félix said with a confidence Pepa wished she could emulate. "They'll take a hint eventually, bro. Don't worry."
"Right," Bruno murmured, tensing as Alma called for him, a smug looking Catalina at her side.
"Brunito!" Alma called over the din of the party. "Come here, mijo, there's someone I'd like you to meet."
Bruno sighed, closing his eyes. When he opened them again, he was standing up straight, a smile plastered on his face.
Pepa hated that smile.
"Showtime," Bruno said to her, eyes still horribly dim. He looked stiff as a puppet as he went to Alma and Catalina.
Pepa wondered if anyone else noticed.
Or if they even cared.
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caniruineverything · 11 months
i wanna taste her lips (yeah, 'cause they taste like you)
Chapter 3: i hope (s)he does, I hope (s)he does
Chapter Summary: Jack contemplates his new discovery, is surprised by Davey in the park, and confessions ensue.
"Yep, you is. Took ya long enough." A slightly out-of-sorts Race walked in, teasing Jack gently.
"Wait," Jack was confused. "Ya know too?"
"Course, dummy. All ah us knows. Ya ain't exactly subtle."
"But I didn't know dat 'til now. How'd all ah ya know?" Was he the only one who didn't know?
"Again, ya ain't subtle. Also, ya kinda dense."
"Hey!" Now that he was closer, Jack could see Race better. His lips were suspiciously red, and were those bruises on his neck? Not the time, he supposed, but he did need to have the shovel talk with Spot. If he ever hurt Race. . . well, it wouldn't be pretty, at the very least.
"Rude. Are ya that rude with Spot? He the one that put them bruises there?" Race had the grace to blush at this, and walked out, shaking his head until he was out of sight.
"Sooooo," Crutchie began, and his tone alone warned Jack that he probably wouldn't like the rest of what he has to say. "Ya gonna tell Davey?"
"What? Course not. Why would I do that?”
"'Cuz he feels the same, duh." What was he even talking about?
"No he doesn't. Remember? I saw 'im kissin' Kath. He don't like me, he likes her."
"Oh, yeah. Dat's a bit odd. But trust me, he likes you."
"You's wrong."
"No I aint'. I weren't wrong about ya lovin' Davey. Ya gotta trust me. Just ask 'im." How could he just ask him? It would be hard enough to face him with his newfound feelings, let alone confront him about his reasons for kissing Katherine.
"Nope. No way."
"C'mon. What's the worst that could 'appen?" Oh, you really wanna go there, huh?
"He could figure out I like 'im, and get disgusted and leave. God, he'd hate me. I's not gonna be able to live with that. No. No, I can't tell 'im."
"Jack, Davey could never hate ya."
"How would ya know that?" Crutchie faked hurt, but Jack knew him well enough to know when he was joking. He was joking about being hurt, but not about Davey.
"'Cuz I know dat he loves ya. Like, in love with ya. Just as you's in love with him."
"How is you so certain?" Jack hated the uncertainty in his voice. He was the confident one, the one who protected the unsure ones. He wasn't meant to be the uncertain one.
"'Cuz I know ya, and I knows Davey. He's definitely in love with ya. Ya know the signs I mentioned with ya?" Jack nodded. "Yeah, well, he has 'em too."
"God, I hope yer right." He meant it too, he wanted Davey to be in love with him, however unlikely that might be.
"I is." Jack wished he had that confidence in the notion. But that was for another day.
"Alright, Mistah Knows-It-All, it's time for bed."
"Aight. Night, Jack."
"Night, Crutch." Jack fell back into his bed, thinking. This day had gone nothing like how he'd planned. It made so much sense now, all his jealousy that felt slightly misplaced. Feeling sad when Davey left, more so then when Katherine wasn't around. Loving his freckles more than anything else about anyone. Drawing him all the time. Now he prayed that he had been right, when he said they felt the same way he felt about Katherine, platonic.
But how would he explain the kiss? That was a sure sign, right? How could it not be? He just wanted to close his eyes and go, off to a world where his feelings for Davey were requited. His subconsciousness complied, and his dreams were full of freckles, sunlit kisses, and a strong solid chest that he leaned against, feeling the warmth of the person he loved against him.
When he woke, he immediately wanted to fall back asleep again. At least there he could be with Davey, and not have to deal with his unrequited feelings. No such luck, though. Now that he was awake, he was awake. There was no going back to sleep until tonight. He threw the covers back, hot now that sunlight was streaming through the curtainless windows.
The building was filled with the sounds of tens of boys getting ready for the day. Jack took comfort in it, glad that even when his life felt so uncertain, he would always have his boys. He often found himself grateful for their presence, but unable to express just how much he loved them.
He got ready for the day, put on his favorite shirt, and grabbed an apple for breakfast. They had more food now that they were paid a bit more, a fact which every newsie was beyond grateful for. He walked, savoring the crisp sweetness of the fruit in his hand. He wasn't sure where he was going, exactly but it wouldn't be the first time he had walked around the city aimlessly.
Walking helped him think, and walking with no purpose often led him to a place he ended up needing to be. He was glad he had the day off from selling, again, but Crutchie had assured him that it was fine, that he 'deserves a break', and that Crutchie wished said break 'could last forever'. He did still need to help out, though, even though he was almost too old to really be helping. Younger sold better; no one took pity on a boy who was as old as he was.
He soon found himself in the same park where he had witnessed the fateful kiss that threw his world into disarray. He sat on the same bench Katherine and Davey had been sitting on, wishing he could know what they had been thinking.
"Hey, Jackie. What are you doing today?" He looked up to a familiar voice, and found himself staring at the freckled face that had filled his dreams the previous night.
"Oh, hey, Dave. Nothin' much. Ya got any plans?" God, he was gorgeous. Jack wasn't sure how he didn't realize sooner how gone on this boy he was. His hair shone in the early morning sunlight, and his beautiful brown eyes were happy and bright.
"Nope. Sarah and Katherine are spending the day together, so I'm alone, I guess. Unless you wanna hang?" Well, he had not expected to be alone with the boy he had just realized he had feelings for not twelve hours earlier.
"Uh, yeah, sure. Been a while since it was just the two ah us, huh?"
"Yeah. I miss you. I feel like you've been distant recently. Is everything okay?" Of course he would ask. Davey was one of the most caring people he'd ever met, save for Crutchie, of course.
"Me? Oh, Dave, don't worry 'bout me. I's fine. I just miss ya too. We's gonna fix that today though, right?" The grin Davey shot him was brilliant, and Jack wonders again how he missed how deeply in love he was. Denial was a powerful thing.
"Yes. Definitely. Absolutely!" Oh thank God, he still likes me. Jack wasn't sure why he thought Davey would just stop wanting to hang out with him, but he was really happy that was not the case. Before they did anything, and Jack lost his courage, he decided to just put something out there.
"Hey, Davey, I gotta tell ya somethin'." Davey brow furrowed as he glanced at Jack, probably able to see the nerves written all over it.
"You can always talk to me, Jack. What is it?" He was just so nice. And to have all his attention fixed on Jack? Is this heaven?
"Well, uh, I's not sure how ta start this. Ya know how Race likes guys and Sarah likes girls? Well, I like guys and girls." He closed his eyes and bowed his head, unsure of how Davey would react. Since his sister liked girls, he'd probably be fine, right? What if liking both was too much?
"Oh, Jack. You don't have to be scared. It's alright. It's called bisexuality. Katherine is bi as well, and I'm completely fine with it." At this, he glanced up, hopeful.
"You sure?"
"Definitely. And I'm, uh, I'm gay. See, we're both queer, we can support each other." Gay. Davey was gay. He could maybe, just maybe, like Jack! Wait, why was he kissing Katherine then?
"That's great, Davey. We's gonna support each other. Thanks for tellin' me." Davey looked relieved, like he wasn't sure if Jack would hate him for being gay, the same way Jack had been scared Davey would hate him for being bi. They both knew they shouldn't be, that the other could never hate them for that, but still. Irrational fears are hard to get rid of.
"Thanks for telling me you're bisexual. It means a lot, knowing you trust me with that. Coming out is hard."
"Dave, I'd trust ya with anything. You's my best friend."
"And you're mine." They both looked a little awkward saying that, Jack because he wanted it to be more. He wasn't sure why Davey looked nervous, though. He did have one more thing he wanted cleared up.
"Uh, I saw ya and Kath the other day." Davey looked back at him, listening to every word, looking him straight (or maybe not) in the eye.
"Why didn't you come up to us? We would have loved to talk to you."
"Yeah, not in this case. Ya were, uh, kissing. Each other." As if that needed any more clarification. But there, it was out.
"Oh!" Davey laughed, confusing Jack even more. He wasn't angry? Jack had basically been spying on them! Though they had been in public. "We were, um, practicing, I guess. So we knew how to kiss when we kissed the people we actually wanted to kiss."
Oh. Jack felt a bit stupid, and it must have been relieved on his face, because Davey added, "I know, it's kind of confusing. I am definitely gay, and I don't like her romantically. Wait, do you?"
"No, why?" He wasn't going to go into specifics of when or how exactly he figured that out. Not now, at least.
"Oh, just because she's in love with Sarah. And I'm pretty sure Sarah loves her, too. So you wouldn't have chance with her." That made sense, actually, and recontextualized some of the conversations Katherine and Davey had recently.
"Do I got a chance with you?" Jack clapped both hands over his mouth. He hadnt meant to say that at all. No, Davey was going to hate him now! Instead of seeming mad though, Davey mostly looked confused.
"What did you say?" Jack's first instinct was to deny everything. But he figured he might as well get the rejection over with. Even if Davey wasn't in love with Katherine didn't mean he was in love with Jack.
"I said: Do I got a chance with you?" Davey looked surprised now, and Jack thought he detected a bit of hopefulness as well.
"Oh my god. Oh my- you're not playing with me, are you? This whole thing isn't some giant joke intending to out and embarrass me?" How could he think that? Does he really think that's more likely than me liking him? Hurt, Jack recoiled, and defended himself.
"What? No! I would never do dat to ya, or to anyone! Do ya think I would do dat?" A million emotions flashed over Davey's face, far too rapid for Jack to catch any of them.
"No. Sorry, I just panicked. You want to date me?" Yes! Now he was getting the right idea!
"Yes. I wanna to date ya. So, what do ya say? Do I got a chance with ya?" Davey smiled tentatively at him, and as Jack's heart hammered in his chest he replied,
"Yes. I would love to date you. I just never thought you would want to date me."
"I meant what I said. I wanna date ya, I wanna romance ya, I wanna call ya my boyfriend, and I would very much like to kiss ya now, if that's alright with you." Davey blushed when the meaning of Jack's words hit him, then smiled wider than Jack'd ever seen before.
"Yes. God, yes. Kiss me, Jack Kelly." And, hey, Jack was never one to deny David Jacobs anything, not when the thing Davey wanted was something Jack wanted just as much.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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aikainkauna · 6 years
Fatigued? In pain all the time? The little-known illness that is far more common than we’ve previously thought, especially among geeks.
This is going to be a bit long, but it's so incredibly important, and so very much not just a personal issue that I hope you will read it (and hopefully, also share it). I'm choosing to speak about this now because this is an insanely unknown, disabling and yet seemingly a fairly common illness, and I want more people to know about it, especially as it affects geeks--geeky women in particular. I’ll talk about my own variant briefly at the beginning, but don’t stop reading there, thinking this is just a personal post--there are lists of symptoms and resources at the end that I urge you all to look at, because they are *frighteningly* common.
I and the doctors have finally found out I've got Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
Which means there is one, or there are several, genetic mutations in my body messing up the build of my collagen, collagen being the glue that holds your body together and which is found practically in all your tissues. So, technically, anything that can go wrong with your body might do *exactly* that, because that b0rked collagen is everywhere. This is why I've always been not only hypermobile (being good at yoga and able to bite my toenails and tie myself into knots while sitting down), but easily fatigued and have had trouble simply sitting, let alone standing or walking, because my muscles have to strain like crazy all the time to compensate for my connective tissues being too wobbly. (Every time I've participated in guided meditation, the exhortation to "sit up with your back straight, your body as relaxed as possible" has always been absurd to me, because I can't hold myself upright if I don't tense my muscles. Try it: lightly tense all the muscles in your body for a bit, and see how long you can hold that, and you will know what staying upright is like for someone with EDS). It's been said that having it is like the body having to do strength training with weights all the time, except, unlike on a normal person, the muscles never get to rest and recuperate fully (except during sleep, and even then perhaps not completely; to make it even more fun, sleep disorders are a common manifestation in EDS). I sprain things all the time--I do my back in even in my sleep, and get trapped nerves/sciatica just from walking; winter clothes, let alone bags, are exhausting for me to carry even for short distances. For me, lifting a coffee cup, due to the laxity of my connective tissues, requires the same amount of muscular exertion as it requires for a healthy person to lift a full pint. Et cetera. Plus all the other weird ailments, which I'll get to in a bit.
But the main reason I'm telling you all this is that you really, really, *really* ought to read up on EDS. The whole world does. But especially if you, or someone you know, suffer(s) from chronic fatigue and muscular pain and are bendy--*because it looks like this is actually the illness behind many (not all, but many) fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome cases.* I repeat, *this is now assumed to be the most common cause of fibromyalgia and CFS.*
And then there's all the other EDS-induced stuff, all freakishly common among geeks. Here’s a list of some of the most typical symptoms:
-Bendy? "Double-jointed?" Good at yoga (even without practice)?
-Gut problems/IBS? Leaky gut?
-Serious fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, body feels like it's made of lead? And is it unexplained by other conditions (such as a dicky thyroid or anemia)?
-Sleep problems, anxiety/panic attacks/PTSD, autism spectrum, AD(H)D?
-Bad PMS and awful reactions to the Pill and other progesterone preparations, health crashes after pregnancies, dysmenorrhea with godawful cramps (like you're giving birth to a demon baby every month), endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic pain and other gynaecological issues?
-Allergies by the bucketful? Multiple chemical insensitivities?
-Weird heart thumpages, blood pressure issues, fainting when standing up?
-Early-onset problems with eyesight?
-Can't go numb from anaesthetic, and/or are hard to put under for surgery (this is great fun)?
-Feel pain more intensely than other people (developing needle-phobia from horrid experiences when having blood drawn or being put on an IV drip)? Are all dentist trips and having gynaecological exams (even sex and wanking at times!) a nightmare?
-Or, as a bonus, has the weird pain response made you kinky or just crazily responsive to acupressure/acupuncture? Or just caresses?
-Have you got weird and/or excessive scar tissue formation? Keloids from piercings? Have your wounds healed badly; after surgeries, have your stitches torn spontaneously?
-Got hernias, squashed-up internal organs, including a heavy/tilted uterus, breathing problems like your lungs are squashed (but asthma inhalers don't seem to help much)?
-Weird bruises, and you have no idea where they came from? Excessive bleeding (including bleeding buckets during periods)? Varicose veins at a young age?
-Flat feet? Funny little round, soft bumps (piezogenic papules) on your ankles? Need sturdy shoes with high tops and arch support? Find it difficult or impossible to walk in high heels, due to wobbly ankles and/or the muscular strain it puts on the whole body?
-Constant sprains, muscle pulls/tears, dislocations, subluxations (=partial dislocations; just something going 'crunch', like when the bones of your hand or your vertebrae seem all scrunched up together and you need to pull them open), trapped nerves, monster headaches? Growing pains? Pressure in the skull?
-Just. Hurt. Everywhere?
-Weird adverse reactions to medications that are way worse than ordinary side effects, completely intolerable and/or causing permanent damage, even life-threatening situations?
-Even queerness/gender-atypicality (I am not joking; it goes with the neuropsychiatric profile)?
Guess what, they're all related to this exact damn thing! And just how common are they in fandom, among geeks?! Right? Weirded out yet? And this is *far* from being an exhaustive list, because again, this is a multisystem disease which can technically affect pretty much all your body parts and their functions. But if you said "yes" to several, take a deep breath and keep reading. Or if not, hell, keep on reading anyway, because it's likely you know someone with this thing--it could be as common as 5%-10% of the whole human population.
Even if you are born with this rubbish, people go undiagnosed for decades (I only got diagnosed at 38, and I’ve been sick ever since childhood!) and since it mostly affects women (although guys *can* be affected), it's ignored and/or psychiatrisised by doctors. And since the female body is a chaotic body horror movie anyway, many have just thought it's normal to always have little sprains and crunches everywhere all the time, and that the fatigue just has a merely neurological basis. That it's just depression or a part of having been born with XX chromosomes. But it isn’t.
And another main reason that it goes undiagnosed is the persistent myth that EDS *always* has to involve extremely stretchy skin and extreme hypermobility, which is categorically *not* the case for everybody. Even the sodding Wikipedia article (misleadingly) only uses photos of *extreme* hypermobility and skin stretchiness, of the usual circus performer contortionism EDS has traditionally been associated with but which is NOT WHAT YOU NEED TO HAVE TO HAVE EDS, I repeat, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A RUBBER PERSON TO HAVE EDS; you only have to be bendy and exhausted and ill. There are some people with it who are even *stiff.*
Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people remain undiagnosed even if EDS/hypermobility-related illness seriously messes up their daily lives--it can be debilitating. So, please, do yourself and your friends a favour and spread the word, and check out these links.
When to suspect EDS (blog discussion, also linking geekiness to this thing):
An overview on when to suspect, by a specialist (Dr. Bravo, PDF format):
Good brochure:
Another overview from the same site:
Hypermobile EDS diagnostic criteria, with pictures showing how the bendiness level is scored (see how many you or your friend can do):
Good infosite:
Pictures of a woman with typical hypermobile EDS, which is far more common than the actual contortionist stuff, and thus goes unnoticed:
A good overview of the problems hypermobility can cause by a specialist doctor who knows what up. This made me pretty much scream at the screen because I have one of those exact types of insanely painful mini-hernias that some doctors don't believe are there because they are almost impossible to see with normal imaging, but which my gyn saw during laparoscopy (PDF format):
Why hormones, progesterone in general (contraceptives, pregnancy, PMS) screw up the hypermobile body and may cause serious damage:
The official site of the biggest, worldwide EDS/hypermobility organisation:
UK support, including a toolkit for GPs on how to handle EDS:
Finnish EDS association:
More info in Finnish, but this also has an embedded video clip (old but neat and short) from US telly (in English) to illustrate a family living with the disease:
(Hey, where have I seen eerie, elongated moves by a tall, bony guy before?! Yes, there are variants, like with the related illness, Marfan Syndrome, where people basically Look Like Cesare.)
And last but not least, the brilliant Dr. Sharon Meglathery's RCCX theory, which ties up all those illnesses I and others have noticed clustering around sensitive/artistic/neuroatypical/queer/geeky/triggered by everything folks, such as hypermobile EDS, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, allergies, IBS, sleep issues, stress hormone (adrenaline, cortisol) issues, CFS/ME, oh, you *know* the type when you read it. It's like a list of the usual Tumblr issues, for crying out loud--she might as well have called the PTSD-prone psychiatric profile that underlines these specific gene weirdnesses as "Triggered By Everything." Only it explains the links to the severe physical illnesses as well, and how and why they relate to stress hormone overload and why, thanks to problems with progesterone and cortisol metabolism, the physical illness stuff screws geeky women over more often than it does geeky men. And you owe it to yourself to read it.
I don't often say this, but reblog to save a life. These are geek illnesses, *our* illnesses. There are forms of this stuff that are lethal (causing stroke and heart attacks and organs going boom out of the blue at a young age), and the amount of suffering it can cause is ridiculous--I would have lived my life in a drastically different way, and would have never got so ill from the wrong medications and life choices, had I known I had EDS. (Just don't call me a "spoonie;" I'm not a fan of that thing--I'll explain later. Call yourself whatever you like; however, I'm still a ridiculous arctic chicken just as I've always been.) But there are still thousands of people out there who have all these symptoms and yet have never heard of this stuff, and for whom this knowledge can be life-changing, so *please,* spread the word.
Thank you.
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https-capri · 2 years
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CW: fem! bodied reader, mentions of masturbation, slight overstim, petnames (darling, angel, love), cervix fucking if you squint hard enough, smut (obv), porn with plot
A/n: sorry this took so long!! I'm used to writing more dominant readers because, me. Hehehe but I want to write another Xiao smut but I'm not sure how, because I can see him subby, mean, bratty nd all that. Still thinking abt who my next should be tho. Anywho, enjoy my dears <333
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Albedo loved and adored you, you knew that much. Only sometimes he'd pay you any mind, though. More often than not, he'd be too focused on his studies to even offer you a welcome, or a glance at that. If you were having a bad day, you'd approach him from behind, wrap your arms around his torso and hug him, resting your head lazily in the crook of his neck. The most you'd get out of him was a hum of acknowledgment, or a sigh.
You know he's overworked, but why'd he agree to getting together if he had no time for you, you felt neglected and useless. It's as if you were simply tossed into a corner, but maybe it was your fault, you never once dared to complain about something regarding your relationship, goodness no, surely the man was far too busy to care. Does he also not know how he leaves you achingly wet, fluttering soft and gentle touches on your legs and proceeding on as if it were nothing. There was a certain instance, when you and him were alone, Sucrose venturing out of the cavern for supplies. Nothing in the atmosphere changed, though.
You remained seated on a table near Albedo, swinging your feet and watching his movements. His hair elegantly pulled back into a braided ponytail, some fluffy locks still flowing free of the band, the color of warm sand enclosing your body at the beach. His captivating eyes, focusing on his study radiated love, concern and care all in the shade of a bright blue. His soft skin that gently reflected the light shining on him. He was so perfect, it was a scene you easily could've drooled over. Catching your eyes from the corner of his, he glanced up from his tubes, potions and notes, offering you a gentle smile while sliding his chair in front of you. The undivided attention gave you butterflies, he rested his hands in your thighs, your swinging legs coming to a halt.
"Need anything, dear?" He asked in that oh so soft voice of his. Making you internally scream in your head. So gentle, always a hint of care in the words he spoke.
"Mm, nope. Don't let me bother you 'bedo. Looked like you were working real hard." You commented, smiling gently and tucking a piece of hair behind his ear to get the best view of his eyes locked on yours.
"You're never a bother to me." He quickly counters. Rubbing your thigh before sliding his wheeled chair back to his original place, in front of his desk. You wished he'd notice you more, it feels like more of a crush than a relationship, but you don't want to be needy. However, being that he was your boyfriend, you had thought about him in a rather lewd manner more than once. You'd catch yourself zoning out while staring at his frail, thin hands. Imagining them traveling up and down your body, stopping to cup your chest and he'd bend down to kiss you over his desk. Him scrapping all of the material on it just to fuck you senseless.
You could only dream, though. How could such a pure, kindhearted man like him think such dirty thoughts? You slowly crept nearer to the sofa he had in his workshop, sitting on it with one knee bent and the other hanging off the side, sliding a blanket on you. You considered a nap, but couldn't stop thinking about that daydream of him touching you. Only had you not realized how late it had gotten, too lost in the reality you created in your head to see the sun descend and the stars appear. This has happened before, spending the night with Albedo, I mean, but this was different. You were horny, for him, and you were expected to sleep next to him. Slipping from under the blanket, you turn to Albedo's figure, outlined with the light of his lamp, nearly the only light source left now that the sun has set. Maybe it wasn't too late to go home? You hear Albedo hum as he turns to you, getting his attention.
"Going home?" Albedo questions, putting his pen down and getting up.
"Erm.. not sure, it's looking a little nasty out there with the snow and all-" you comment, the both of you looking out to the snow beating down on the ground.
"Agreed, love, why don't you stay the night here?" He offers, briefly going back to the room he has his personal items in, returning with 2 mugs of tea for the both of you.
"Sure it won't burden you?" You softly ask, hoping you weren't overwhelming him by staying the night.
"Of course not, you never do." Albedo replies sternly, beginning to collect his belongings into a small pile so he can prepare for the night.
"Why don't you settle yourself down and I'll meet you in bed 'kay?" He ushers, making his way back to his room. As you'd expect, he didn't think as much of it compared to you. Just from your thoughts alone, you were soaked in your own wetness, clenching your thighs to prevent it from getting anywhere. You tend to be prepared when visiting Albedo, given that he spends most of his time in one of the more dangerous regions of Mondstadt, meaning that you have a change of clothes. Still, you opted to wear one of his bigger shirts and some shorts you had brought for sleepwear. Quietly stepping into his room, you feel the drastic change in temperature, it was nice. There was warmth, it was simply decorated and had all the enjoyable luxuries for a cold climate. You felt your way around the dark room and simmered down in bed next to Albedo, who was nearly asleep now.
The heat between your legs was not lessening, and you were growing restless. After what felt like hours of tossing and turning, hoping to not wake your dear beloved, you lay still on your back. You nervously swallow and inch your hand to the hem of your shorts and nearer to your panties. Snaking a hand inside, your fingers find your wet folds, dragging a hand up from your center, you begin rubbing slow circles on your puffy clit. Other hand covering your mouth in attempts to stay quiet. Grinding your hips into the touch of your fingers, feeling every bit of pleasure as your hips stutter. Wetness allowing your fingers to glide through your slits, rubbing sloppy circles over your throbbing bud. It feels so much more difficult to stay quiet in this type of situation. You feel your lover shift, now facing you, his eyes flutter open.
"Dearest? Is everything alright?" Albedo questioned, reaching a hand out to feel where you were in the dark room.
Heavy breaths left your mouth, face feeling as if it were burning you muffle out a sound of approval, Albedo still not convinced. He reaches behind him to turn on the small lamp on his bedside table, seeing your face blown into a deep state of lust.
"Y..y/n what's wrong?" Albedo asked, more confused than anything, still speaking in a groggy voice after abruptly waking up.
"Al-bedo.. please, I want you" you whine, half moaning, terribly embarrassed.
"Huh?" Albedo asks again, concerned.
"I've been thinking of you since earlier while you were in the lab, and I think it.. turned me on." You say, quieting your voice towards the end. Albedo lets out an airy laugh, shifting his whole body to you, and moving a hand to your waist.
"I'm sorry to wake you, Albedo." You confess, guilt heavy in your tone.
"Don't apologize, angel. We have all of tomorrow to rest." Albedo assures, hand gliding on the shape of your waist back and forth, slightly raising your shirt in the process.
He nears his face to yours, closing the space between he locks his lips in a kiss with you. Hungrily, he moves himself on top of you, leg falling in between yours, nearly meeting your sopping womanhood. Quickly whining in response, Albedo slips his tongue into your mouth, experimentally feeling around the inside. You grind down onto his leg, humping it in attempts to gain more friction. Albedos hands grew shakey as they begin to undress you of your top. Upon removal, Albedos face flushes a bright red at the sight of your chest. He glances quickly at you through lidded eyes before making contact with one of your breasts, suckling on it. His tongue swirls shapes of all kinds on your skin, feeling it grow tighter as he leaves love bites throughout the section of skin.
"Ah!~ Albedo, yes.." you whine, hands engulfed in the strands of his soft hair. Your center begins aching at the lack of touch, edging yourself further as you allow Albedo to take his time pleasuring you. Him caressing the mounds of your chest, thumbs tracing over the bump of your hardened nipples, mewls leaving your mouth in response to his touches.
"Hmm, I wonder.. would my darling angel like this..?" Albedo teases, face lowering to your center, his delicate fingers trapping your shorts in between them, pulling them down along with him. Your legs grow weak as Albedo breaths warm air on your throbbing cunt, soaked all for him. Albedo hums in delight, licking a strip from your hole to your clit, flicking his tongue on the nub.
"'Bedo~!" You incoherently moan in need for him.
"Ah!! Ah-! Please cum in me! Put it in..!" You beg, no longer being able to wait for the neglect your hole was receiving.
"Patience, princess. I'll take good care of you, promise." Albedo coos, eyes locking with yours while his tongue still works circles on your clit, a hand nearing your hole. Eyes clasped shut, you feel a finger enter you, curling in a fast pace.
"Ahhn!!~" you moan in bliss, back arching as you mentally plead for more fingers. Much to your pleasure, Albedo adds another finger, both curling in sync as wet squelching noises are heard from your cunt. How filthy. Mouth agape, only inaudible words were able to leave, overwhelmed from the pleasure feeling like you were going to cum any second. The knot in your stomach was so tight, you had your thighs around Albedos head as if he were trying to leave. His free hand trailed up your torso and back to your chest, where he fondled one of your boobs in his hand.
"'M gonna~ ah~ Al-bedo!! 'M gonna cum!!" You squeak, voice high from loud moans.
"'S that right? My pretty little doll 's gonna cum for me?" Albedo questions, lips latched onto your clit as his pace quickens.
"Cum for me, love" he adds, your vision blurry from the tears, hips snapping as they begin jolting from your orgasm. Gripping the sheets behind you, you feel the tears that have previously built up fall, feeling pure satisfaction as your orgasm calms. You're left staring at Albedo in awe, him still between you, unreadable smile plastered on his gorgeous face as he wipes your juices from his chin with the back of his hand. Looking up at you as he licks off the rest. Albedo moves his hand behind your head, gently massaging your scalp as he attaches his soft damp lips to your neck, licking up and down. You turn your head, allowing more access and let a whimper fall from your lips. You pull away from Albedo to begin undressing him, entranced by his lean figure. He comfortingly smiles and pulls you into a hug.
Though, the lack of innocence remains as you feel him grind onto you, prominent boner erect in his pants. You gasp, hand flying to where his tent once was, face immediately heating up. Placing a peck on your lips, Albedo stands back up, placed between your legs, sliding down the remainder of clothes on his lower half you can see his hard cock. Sprung to his stomach, leaking precum from its slit as it bobs in anticipation. You bite the inside of your cheek, clenching your thighs together feeling your cunt begin to throb, the sensation of butterflies invading your stomach. You look away bashfully, Albedo looking at you with love while slowly spreading your legs , rubbing them assuringly in the process. You obliege and leave your legs open for him, Albedo rubbing the tip of his cock on your slick pussy, him groaning at the feeling.
"F-feels good" you mutter, shyly looking up at your lover as he smiles in response.
Albedo moves a hand on your lower abdomen, placed so his thumb can rub circles over your clit as he eases his erection into you.
Slapping a hand over your mouth, you bite your tongue in attempts to not moan. Albedo in response taking your hands and pinning them above your head as he drags himself back out achingly slow, stopping so he can slam himself back into you.
"auuhh~!! A-Albedo!!" You moan, sounding more like a cry as tears begin to reform in the corners of your eyes.
Albedo forms a pace fast enough to feel the knot in your stomach rebuild, center clenches tight enough around him to create a ring of your cum around his cock.
"Mm fuck.. yes, squeeze me just like that baby, feels so good" Albedo groans, beginning to fuck you at an animalistic pace, chasing his own high. His thumb, however, never left your clit and had been rubbing circles on it through the entirety of him entering you. And you were going to cum again, soon. Whimpering, you wrapped a hand around Albedos wrist, unbearable pleasure making it impossible for you to speak, only moans and whimpers leaving your mouth as it hung open. Albedo, hardly noticing your hand continued fucking you, thrusts getting harder as each pump into you hit your cervix. You squeeze tightly around his dick, closing your eyes tightly as you feel your second orgasm wash over you, body twitching as you grip Albedos wrist.
"Auh~ 's too much!!~ mm 'bedo!!" You cried, voice hardly coherent as you were muffled by the sound of skin slapping. Albedos free hand grasping desperately at the sheets next to you, looking up at him to see his eyes tightly closed, teeth clenched and face flushed, too caught up in his high to see how he was overstimulating your poor fucked out pussy. Tears poured from your eyes as your body moved with his, awaited for his orgasm so you could stop since Albedo couldn't hear your pleas.
"Y/n.. c-cumming~" Albedo whined in your ear, his thrusts growing slower as he began grinding and humping you rather than fucking. Feeling his warm cum fall as spurts onto your skin sent a wave of relief through you. You were aching all over. Having cum twice and to have him keep abusing your hole was not something you'd imagine enjoying as much as you did, still he regulated his breathes and looked at you, falling on top and embracing you in a warm hug.
"Thank you, bedo. I love you" you whispered.
"I love you too, y/n" Albedo replied, gazing at you lovingly with sleepy eyes. Lazily, he pulled his shirt from the floor and wiped the both of you down, sighing and kissing you sweetly, you both drifted back off to sleep.
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