#i’ve been too depressed to do anything…the world is shit
johndonneswife · 2 years
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rainylana · 1 year
“See you in home room.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: an interesting interaction between you and your bully on the bus.
warnings: bully!eddie, he’s a meanie, language, smut, public fingering, spanking in a smut flashback, enemies to lovers trope, dirty talk.
a/n: i’ve been obsessed with bully eddie i hope you’re living for these posts as much as i have been lmfao. also really happy with how this turned out i’m in love lol.
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Your relationship with Eddie was special. Well, not special, and it wasn’t a relationship. More of a…situation-ship. You hated each other’s guts. You despised him and he despised you. He was cruel to you, picked on you and called you horrible names. You took it, turned the other cheek and buried all your horrible thoughts about him deep down, clutching your cross necklace every time you did so.
You hated it, but your feelings for Eddie had slowly developed over time. He touched you in ways that no man had ever before, said things to you that made your skin shiver. Eddie just knew how to do it right. He was a cocky bastard about it, too. He knew he was good. Your situation had started when you moved. Two years ago, from california to hawkins, indiana.
Today was not a good day, one where for the first time in forever, you didn’t want Eddie’s attention, nor did you want anyones. You had so much homework, finals to study for, chores to attempt at when you got home. It was just one of those days where you felt overstimulated and stressed. Normally, Eddie knew how to take care of you.
You couldn’t really remember the first time you had slept with him. After a heated brawl led a steaming make out, turning into a quickie that had rocked your world. And that was that. But Eddie made one thing clear to you everytime he was done fucking you. He always said he hated you. Sometimes he’d spit in your mouth when he’d say it, smack your ass or yank your hair.
Today however, you didn’t want any of that. You wanted to be left alone.
You were seated on the backseat of the school bus, rocking back and forth as you and everyone else bounced from the roughness of the gravel road. You stared out the window, sad and depressed, mind unfocused and stressed. Eddie made the mistake of plopping down beside you.
“Do you have it?” He smacked his gum.
You didn’t look at him as you unzipped your backpack and pulled out the biology homework, giving it to him to copy on his own worksheet.
“Sweet.” He nodded to himself, taking it from your hands as he pulled out a pencil from his pocket.
You turned back to look out the window, ignoring his presence. You’d learned long ago not to interfere with him copying your work. He’d make you pay if you did. Besides, you typically adored the attention he gave you for it, even if he was a mean son of a bitch.
“Why so quiet?” He continued to copy down answers, tongue sticking out.
“Huh?” Your eyes squinted from the sun.
“You’re quiet.” He retorted. “Not that I’m complaining. It’s actually quite nice, but it’s odd since you don’t ever stop yapping. So what is it?” He still didn’t look at you, his thick, veiny arm brushing against yours.
You didn’t roll your eyes like you normally did. “Oh.” You blinked. “Sorry.”
“You on your period?” He gave you a quick glance through his lashes.
Your eyes widened slightly. “Oh my, god, just- just hurry up.”
He snickered and nodded. “So that’s a yes.”
“No,” You huffed. “I’m tired. Not that it’s any of your business.”
His pencil tapped against the paper before he put it back in his pocket. When he finally looked at you, his face was solemn as he handed you back the paper. “You’re awful mouthy today.”
You couldn’t help but glance at his lips. He didn’t miss it, either.
“Do you need anything else?” You raised your chin daringly. “Because I sure don’t feel like dealing with your shit today.”
“My, my,” He raised a brow. “She’s awful brave today.” His words made your thighs warm. It was hard to stay in a bad mood when he looked at you like that.
“I’m just trying to make it through the day, Munson.” You rolled your eyes, looking forward.
“Well,” He licked his lips. “I don’t think I need to remind you what happened the last time you smarted off to me, so I’d tread lightly, sweetheart.” He hooked a finger under your chin and turned your face back to him.
Your cheeks burned at the memory.
“I said count them or I’m starting over.” Eddie warned, hand squeezing the flesh of your ass as he smacked it hard. You squealed, crying out against his lap that you were bent over. He’d been at it repeatedly, bringing his thick hands down over and over, all because you’d directed one little curse word at him.
“I can’t,” You blubbered, snot and tears dripping down into your lips and onto the floor of the abandoned drama room. “Please, Eddie- touch me,”
“No,” He said sternly, continuing your punishment with a heavy hand. “You haven’t earned it, but you have earned this.”
He watched the memory replay in your eyes and he smirked. “That’s what I thought.”
Your breathing was heavy and your heart raced, you looked down to his lips again, moving in slightly.
“Ah, ah,” He pushed you back gently. “You know the rules.”
You did. He made them loud and clear every chance he got. No one was to know of your business with him. He didn’t like people knowing what he did with you. You wondered maybe if it was because he cared about you. He loved the admirational look you got in your eyes when you looked at him, like you’d be willing to do anything for him. Even take a life. It made him unbelievably hard.
His hand went to your thigh, dangerously close to your pussy. “But since my good girl is having a hard day, maybe I can bend the rules for once, huh?”
Your stomach ached at his words as you nodded. You leaned back in for a kiss.
“No,” He rolled his eyes, making you frown. “Keep your eyes to the front. Make sure no one sees.”
You were confused with his instructions, but you listened and looked to the front with a beat red face. There wasn’t very many kids left on the bus, only the byers and your neighbors.
You gasped when his fingers went up your skirt, and he pinched your skin as a warning. “Keep it down,” He said sternly. “Gonna be a good girl?”
“Yes, sir.” You whispered, keeping your eyes trained forward, hands gripping the seat as his fingers grazed the fabric of your underwear.
“What happens when you’re not a good girl?” His padded thumb swiped over your clit, his index finger moving aside your panties to dip into your warm cunt.
“I get punished.” Your lips parted into in o shape.
“You like when I punish you?” He asked, curiosity peaked in the back of his throat.
Your belly twisted as he entered a finger inside of you, his thumb working quickly on your clit.
“Hurry,” You blinked, whining as your house got closer and closer.
“Quit your whining or I’ll stop.” He growled. “Be a good girl.” He did as you asked, however, devoted to you in his own sick ways as he fingered you sloppily and quickly.
You leaned back into your seat, hands on your knees to spread your legs apart. Your slick cunt was easy for him to enter his other digits inside of you at a quick pace, and he kept his eyes on you the entire time, making sure you kept yours at the front of the bus. He thrusted them in and out, the loud squelch of your arousal only heard by the his ears.
His thumb pressed against your clit like a button, pressing and pushing, making you pulse and shake. He let you look away when your orgasm came, and you shriveled up into a ball, bending your body over against the seat.
He pulled his fingers out and wiped the shiny wetness off on your skirt. “See you in home room.” He smirked before standing, leaving you a hot, sweaty mess as your house finally came into view.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
So does eddie ever realize that Steve's moment of "maybe I should retire" was based around the fact that he was getting death threat letters? Or is he just too excited by the prospect that he just focuses on how much fun it would be to have Steve w him all the time?
He does eventually make the connection, but it takes time.
Steve mentioned retiring before Eddie had any inkling of the letters so it’s not an obvious connection for him. Especially because Steve still talked about retiring after Eddie found out.
He’s clouded by the possibility of having it all.
Eddie loves touring. He loves every aspect of it and he loves the possibility of being able to do whatever they want whenever they want. The best times of Eddie’s life were when Steve joined Corroded Coffin on the road, and like. Eddie gets it.
Steve was meant to be a teacher. He’s good at his job and he loves it, and the world is better off because Steve was a teacher. Eddie knows that.
It’s just… it’s just that they got together and then Corroded Coffin went from playing to five drunks at The Hideout to an opening act to headlining their own tours so fast. In those early days, Steve had all these health issues that they were learning to live with and then was in school, and then was working.
And yeah, he would spend the summer on the road with the band but then it was half the summer because he had to work to pay for school or because he was teaching summer school, and then it was even less. Then it was not at all.
The idea that Eddie could have it all made him blind to what – upon reflection – was so obvious.
Eddie would make a joke about how Steve won’t be blowing him off to write lesson plans next year and miss the way that Steve would cringe. He’d point out that Steve didn’t need to buy the funny encouragement stickers at the store because this was his last year teaching and then miss the hollowness in Steve’s voice when he says, “Yeah, I guess.”
It’s not until one day when Dustin’s over. They’re planning to play some new video game that he bought and Eddie’s trying to figure out how to connect his PS5 to the tv in his studio when Dustin asks, “Is Steve okay? Like, no bad test results or anything?”
“He’s fine,” Eddie says and then after a beat, “Why? Did he say something to you?”
“No, but you always bug him until he sets this shit up for you,” Dustin points out. “And I know that he’s in bed right now. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon. On a Saturday.”
“Yeah, thanks for that, Captain Obvious,” He replies sarcastically, waving some cords at him until Dustin takes them and plugs them in the back of the tv. “He has a headache.”
“Okayyyy, so he’s been having a lot of headaches then?” Dustin asked, matching the sarcasm in Eddie’s voice. “I’ve been here a lot since the – you know, death threats. He is either in bed or laying on the couch. I haven’t seen him exercise in-“
“He’s working on that,” Eddie says. “Would you go on a run when someone knows where you live and threatened to beat you to death? Nope. He’s just… working through it. Processing and shit. He has a therapist.”
“I thought that was for his mom?”
“A therapist can have more than one purpose.”
“I’m just saying, he seems depressed,” Dustin says after a bit, completely unwilling to let it go. “He barely hangs out with Robin, he didn’t come to D&D last week, and you were literally just complaining that Steve hasn’t been – gross – in the mood lately. It seems like he’s really checked out and he only gets like that when something is wrong.”
“He’s got that make up MRI coming up,” Eddie replies, but it feels like he’s reaching. His mind is slotting together how many times they’ve eaten pizza this month or how many times he’s woken up before Steve. Last weekend, they watched Star Trek: The Next Generation and Steve didn’t even complain. “I’m sure that’s it.”
Eddie confronts Steve in the morning.
They’re eating cereal at the kitchen table and Eddie watches as Steve picks the marshmallows out of his Luck Charms before asking bluntly, “Are you dying?”
A little too bluntly because Steve startles like he’s been shocked, “What?”
“So, that’s a no?” Eddie asks, and then to Steve’s bewildered look, “Dustin’s worried that you’re dying. He says you’re acting weird, and you are. I can’t trust that you’ll tell me things anymore so… So, I’m asking, and I will take your word that you’re not going to lie directly to my face. Are you dying?”
“No,” Steve says. “No, I – Ed, I’d never keep something like that from you.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“But you ARE acting weird,” Eddie insists. “I know that the letters were a lot and they were scary, and it’s completely normal to not be okay about it, but this seems like it’s something else. You’re not doing any of your normal Steve stuff so… what’s going on?”
“I don’t – Eddie, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Okay,” He says. “You don’t have to tell me.”
“Don’t do that,” Steve tells him. “Don’t say it like you think I’m lying to you. I’m not. I – I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the letter. I didn’t know what to do, so stop… Stop treating me like you can’t trust me.”
“You’re hiding something, Steve! How can-“
“Do you know what I’m giving up?” Steve snaps, somewhere between sad and angry. He drops his spoon and pushes away from the table. “I would give up the world for you, Eddie, and I – I am! If you can’t trust me then what are we doing? I don’t want to be in my parents relationship and that’s what it feels like. I feel like I’m giving everything up so I can be here and you’re still unhappy.”
“I’m not unhappy, Steve, I’m – I’m confused! I don’t know what’s going on. What are you giving up?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me!” Eddie exclaims, tugging on his hair before getting up and following Steve. They’re standing in front of the kitchen sink when Eddie says, “I want to understand. What’s going-“
“I don’t want to stop teaching.”
Eddie stops, and it’s like every conversation they’ve had for the last month slots into place with brand new context and he’s – god, he’s an idiot. “Steve, baby. You don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do,” He says and he tries to smile like everything is fine. “We’re going to travel and it’s going to be really fun. It’s just hard right now.”
“I didn’t – god, Steve. I’m sorry if I pressured you into thinking that you – we travel during the summer and on spring break, and we go on dates on the weekend, and that’s enough for me, babe. I don’t need you to give up anything for me.”
“I want to.”
Eddie takes a breath and he squeezes Steve’s hand, “Would you ever make me stop playing guitar? Would you ever let me break up the band and stop making music so we could spend time together?”
“It’s different, Eddie.”
“No, it’s not,” He tells him. “It’s your life and it’s your passion, and I’m a really shitty husband if I take that from you.” 
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tbyfandoms · 1 year
I’ve Got You | JJ Maybank x Reader
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Pairing: jj maybank x f!reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: struggling with financial burdens, y/n starts to crumble under the pressure. jj notices the girl he loves is hard on her luck, so he does everything he can to help fix it (requested)
Warnings: descriptions of financial struggles and depression, mild swearing
Masterlist/Request Form | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: hello everybody! it feels great to finally get out my first fic of the new year! things have been kinda crazy irl so I haven't had a ton of time to write, but I just wanna say I appreciate all of your support and patience. when I got this request it really hit home, so I hope the user who requested this enjoys! in other words, I can't wait for s3 of obx to drop this month, I've missed my blondie <3
It was all beginning to be too much. You aren’t quite sure how much more of this you could handle.
Flopping onto your bed, you try your best to not fall asleep right then and there. You’ve just gotten home from a long shift at work, and to say you're drained would be an understatement.
You're not really sure where it all started. At one point you were fine, dealing with finances and typical life whatsits, when suddenly it all came crashing down.
Bills and necessities started pilling up and for some reason everything seemed to be getting more and more expensive. You were doing everything you could; taking on another job, spending less, even selling things you no longer needed. None of it seemed to help, though. You feel like you're being buried under all the pressure, and it doesn't help that it's starting to take a toll on your mental health.
Days and days went by where you would do nothing but go from one job to the next, come home and do what you needed, and then fall asleep. It was all starting to blur, you can't even remember what life was like before this all began. It makes you feel so sad and stressed, but you're not quite sure what else to do.
You're supposed to be hanging out with the Pogues tonight, and you'd promised you'd go since you've missed the last three hangouts to either work or catch up on sleep, but you're struggling to even keep your eyes open right now. Honestly with everything going on lately, you haven’t been one to want to socialize anyways. You can feel yourself pulling away from your friends more and more, but you feel as if you can’t do anything to stop it.
Turning over on your side, you grab your phone and check what time it is. It's early-ish. You could totally rest your eyes for a bit before you get up. Today was just so exhausting, it felt like you pulled a double because one of your co-workers called off and you had to do all their work as well as your own. The whole thing was a total nightmare.
It wouldn't hurt to drift off for a while. If you're a little late to the hangout later it won't be the end of the world. Everyone would probably just brush it off. So far no one's caught on to what's happening in your life and somehow that soothes you. You'd hate to worry any of them, they each have their own problems to deal with and you're not gonna add to the list.
Everything would be fine eventually. Although, from what you can see, it all seems far from fine.
There's a rapid and consistent buzzing coming from your left side, and the feeling has you bolting out of bed.
It takes you a second to regain your balance and whereabouts, but as soon as you do you find yourself filled with panic. It’s darker out now, much darker than it was earlier.
When your eyes adjust to the brightness of your phone you see notifications on top of notifications of missed calls and texts. They’re all from the Pogues wondering where in the hell you are. You were supposed to meet with them hours ago. Shit.
Quickly, you open the groupchat you have with everyone and send a simple but honest text.
Had work today and passed out as soon as I got home. Didn’t realize how late it was. Promise I’ll be at the next hang, sorry!
Hopefully it’s enough to ease their minds. It’s not like you lied either, you really did have work and passed out. Just because you didn’t wanna go in the first place doesn’t mean it’s any less valid.
The thought sort of jars you. You can’t ever think of a time where you didn’t want to spend every moment with your friends, whether it be to surf, party, or just sit with each other. You frown at how much things have changed. You miss-what feels like-the old days, you miss the old you.
Your phone lights up with countless more messages from the Pogues as they take in your response. It's all a bit overwhelming. So, too tired to care you silence your phone and toss it aside. Just like everything else that isn't work, sleep, or bills; you could deal with it later.
Stomach growling, you decide you should get up and try to find something to eat. Making your way to the kitchen you think over everything you have to choose from, which isn't much.
Opening the fridge, your thoughts are further confirmed. It's practically a ghost town in this thing. You haven't had a chance to stop at the grocery store lately so there's not a whole lot to make. It's not like you have the money to go anyways.
Sighing, you close the fridge door and try to be creative with your limited options. Before you can even start to brainstorm though, there's several knocks at the front door.
Your eyebrows knit in confusion as you wonder who in the world it could be. You're definitely not expecting anyone, especially this late at night.
Slowly creeping to the front door, you nearly jump as more incessant knocking rings out through the house. Looking through the peephole your nerves both settle and start up again at the sight.
It's JJ. You know exactly why he's here before you even open the door, and that thought alone makes you nervous. You really don't feel like explaining yourself any further than what you sent in the groupchat, but it looks like that's finally starting to be unavoidable.
"JJ,' you say as you open the door, feigning as much joy as possible to try and throw him off. "What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? Y/N, what are you doing here? You were supposed to meet us hours ago and you never showed up."
The blonde lets himself in as he brushes past you. Blinking several times at the sudden intrusion, you close the door and begin to repeat yet again why you weren't there. "I told you-"
"No, don't. I don't want to her that bullshit excuse you sent in the groupchat because that's exactly what it is; bullshit."
Irritation flutters through your body as you take in JJ's words. "It's not bullshit, JJ! I did work today and just like I told you I passed out afterwards because of how exhausted I was! I can show you my damn timecard if you don't believe me."
Rolling your eyes you start to open the front door again, thinking it's high time JJ left. He's definitely overstayed his welcome if this is how he's gonna act.
"You know what? I think I would like to see your timecard. How about you show me all your timecards from the past week, month even!? Because it seems like all you do now is work."
The boy's words stop you in your tracks, hand on the doorknob. "I-I do not work all the time." You wince at your lack of confidence. You don't dare to turn towards JJ, knowing he'll instantly be able to tell you're lying.
"Yes you do, either that or you're lying to us, to me, about where you are every time we try to hang out or when I'm just checking in with you. There's clearly something going on." JJ's tone goes soft, concern seeping through his words as he continues. "Please look at me, Y/N."
Slowly, you turn towards him. You're trying your best to fight back tears, every instance of JJ or the others texting you flooding your mind. Every time you told them you had work when they tried to plan something or when you would cancel on them at the last minute when an extra shift opened up.
You thought you were doing good with hiding your problems and your excessive work and sleep schedule, but clearly you were wrong.
"There's nothing going on, J. I just get a lot of shifts at work, it's no big deal." Your voice gives at the end and you clear your throat to try and cover it up, but from the look on JJ's face, he's not believing any of it.
"C'mon, don't you think I know when there's something wrong with my girl?" The endearment has your eyes shooting to his, another sudden rush of emotion clogging your system. It's all too much to hold in, and you can feel the dam about to burst.
JJ apparently notices this too, because not a second later he's rushing forwards, his arms wrapping around you instantly. His warmth and familiar scent circling you.
The tears fall freely down your cheeks, soaking into JJ's soft, cotton shirt. Weeks worth of pent up emotion ravages your body, leaving you shaking and drained.
JJ leads you to the couch, sitting you both down but not letting go of you for even a moment. "Tell me what's wrong. I can't stand to see you like this."
Looking up at JJ, you try to regain your composure as he wipes away the tears on your cheeks. The subtle brush of his thumbs across your skin has you feeling warm and safe.
It's evident by the look on his face that the blonde isn't going to let this go. He'll sit here all night with you if he has to, that's how much he cares and how much he's worried about you.
There's a part of you, albeit small, that knows you should've confided in your friends about everything going on, should've confided in JJ at the very least. After everything you've been through together it should've been a given that you couldn't keep something from him for long.
Shaking your head, you try to think of where the hell to start. How do you just come out and tell someone you care so deeply for that you're struggling financially? Mentally? And that you have been for months?
Considering you don't even know where everything began, you just try you best to recount when it all started weighing heavily on you. You tell JJ about all the bills, about taking on a second job just to barely make ends meet. You tell him how depressed you've felt, how closed off, how tired.
It makes your heart hurt how JJ's eyes gloss over, how he shakes his head and scoffs in disbelief over everything. You know you're struggling badly right now, but to see how it effects someone when you finally say it all out loud makes it seem so much more real.
"I can't believe you've had to deal with all that, that you're still dealing with it." The blonde takes off the red hat he's wearing and runs his fingers through the waves that have been hidden there. "Why-Why didn't you tell me?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you bite your bottom lip to try and hold back the tears threatening to spill again. "I guess I just thought it wasn't worth it. I know you guys have things of your own to deal with, especially you, and I didn't want to add on any more burdens."
"Hey, no, none of that." JJ shakes his head and reaches out to hold your face within his hands. "Don't ever think that you can't come to me with something like this. Sure I've got a dead beat dad to deal with, but that's nothing I can't handle. I wouldn't let anything come between me being there for you. You're not a burden, not even a little bit. Especially not when you're dealing with something like this."
Overcome with emotions, all you can manage is a nod along with a smile, your heart feeing so full and so unlike what's it felt like for ages. Although everything is far from being solved, it's nice to know you have people to lean on, that there's someone who would do anything for you when it feels like you've been alone for so long.
Removing his hands from your face and wrapping them around you once more, JJ hums into the side of your head and you can't help but to let out a long sigh, trying to let go for just a moment and be here. It feels good to be wrapped in the Pogue's arms. To be honest, you could stay like this forever.
Before long, your mind is back to worrying about everything going on, about your difficult situation and how there seems to be no end in sight. "What am I gonna do, JJ?" You whisper while holding the boy a little closer, needing to feel grounded somehow.
Devastated by the broken sound of your voice and heartbreaking situation, JJ does his best to rack his mind of what he could do to help you. He'd offer you all the money he's got, but he knows you'd never accept it, not even as a gift. You're too proud and selfless to ever take money from anyone, especially not your best friends.
The boy grows restless, frustration and sorrow coursing through his body as your story replays in his mind. He can't wrap his head around how this has happened to you. Sure, it's not uncommon for those who live in Outer Banks, but the fact it's you rips him to shreds.
JJ thinks back on what he did when he was strapped for cash. Back to when he had to pick up the slack every time his old man went on a weeklong binge and didn't go to work for weeks on end. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind and the blonde rushes to offer it to you.
"What if-what if I talked to my boss to see if we can get you a serving gig or something where I work?"
You look up at JJ with skeptical eyes, not sure if what he's saying could really happen. "I don't know, J. I mean, are you sure? I tried to get in there when I was looking for a better job, but they weren't hiring."
"Yeah! I know I'm shit for a busboy but my word is good, and with your references you'd definitely get in! One of our servers just quit to go back to the mainland because she couldn't handle island life anymore, so it's perfect!"
You can't help the giggle that slips past your lips. This one sure has a way with words.
"C'mon, Y/N, it would be great for you. The pay is way better than the jobs you have now and the servers even get tips. You wouldn't have to have two jobs anymore and could worry a little less about bringing in money. The worst thing you'd have to deal with is the Kooks, but you know how to handle them better than anyone." A coy smile plays at the edge of JJ's pink lips. "Plus, you'd be able to see me a lot more too."
"Okay, I'd love that, thank you" you reply shyly. Looking away from JJ for a minute, you can't help the doubt creeping in all over again. "What if it doesn't work out, though? What if your boss already found someone. I can't be without a job, JJ. I need to make sure-"
JJ grabs your face, holding it in his hands just like he did earlier. The warmth instantly filling in the cold spots the fear began to create. "They didn't and you won't be. No matter what happens you still have the two jobs you've got now, but hell I'd quit and let you have my job if it means you can stop struggling with those. I mean it when I say, I've got you."
The boy flashes you a smile before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your forehead, doing anything to try and get you to feel better. Luckily, it works. You smile back and lean into one of his hands as heat rushes to your face.
"You really know how to make a girl feel better don't you, Maybank?" There's a hint of teasing in your tone, but you truly mean it as well. People may say JJ is a lot of things, but they can never say he's not a good friend.
"Anything for you, baby," he winks. Rolling your eyes, you push away from the blonde before he can get too cocky over the way he makes you feel. There's a smirk on your lips as you walk back towards the kitchen, stomach fluttering for more reasons than just being hungry.
Opening the fridge, you try to scrounge up an idea for what you can offer JJ. "You want anything to eat or drink? There's not much but I'm sure we can think of something."
"Yeah, starved! Forget cooking, though, you don't need to do all that. Let's go to The Wreck, you know I would die for one of Mr. C's burgers."
Laughing, you nod your head as you close the fridge and make your way to the front door. "That actually sounds amazing, let's go."
"Hey," JJ says, stopping you as you put your shoes on. "And don't worry, it's on me."
Tilting your head to the side, you look quizzically at the boy in front of you. "Kie's parents don't even charge us when we eat there?"
"Okay, yeah, but it's the thought that counts, right?"
"You're such an idiot," you laugh. JJ smiles at the sound and at the sight of your eyes gaining back a little bit of that sparkle he hasn't seen in a long time.
"But you still love me, though," he replies, not even needing to ask if that's true as he opens the door for you.
"I sure do."
As you make yourself comfortable behind JJ on his motorbike, you do your best to try and get your mind off everything. It's been hard to feel any sort of ease for as long as you've been dealing with this stuff, but with JJ it feels like for once you can just settle.
You have no idea if JJ's serving idea is gonna work out or what's gonna happen tomorrow. But you know at the end of the day you'll still have him, still have your friends, to help you figure it all out.
It's hard to open up about it all, but there's a part of you that knows it was the right thing to do with JJ. He's the greatest person you've ever met, and you wouldn't trade him for the world. And just like he said earlier, he's got you, and that's all that really matters.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home, Part 3
First, Previous
It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything from this fic. I’ve been working on it in the background, though. Might share something a bit longer in the upcoming week or so, even! Ended up reworking nearly everything I want to do for this fic, so it’s been a challenge.
This is the final segment from the first chapter I’ll share before posting to AO3. (There’s a lot more I haven’t shared, though.)
Fic Summary: Tim Drake and Danny Fenton come from very different backgrounds. But two things they have in common are neglectful parents and internet access. And so a friendship is born and secrets shared.
Word Count: 1.4k
Danny’s hands shook as he held his phone. Then he cursed as it fell through his hands and clattered to the floor. He scrambled to retrieve it and his knees, rather than hit the floor, sunk through it. Eyes burning, he pushed himself up until he was kneeling on top of the floor and reached his phone again.
All of his focus was on staying solid as he dialed a number he’d memorized months ago but never saved. It rang twice and then Tim’s voice came through.
“Danny! It’s been too long since we’ve called each other! How’s it going?”
“Tim? I…” Danny’s voice caught in his throat. He hasn’t said the words yet. He tried to start again but couldn’t say a thing. Was he breathing? The phone fell through his hand again and he realized he was sinking into the floor. He choked back a sob and tried to pick up the phone, but his hands passed right through it.
He tried to take a breath, but it was shallow and shaky. He tried again and it was a little better. He focused and pushed up until he felt solid ground under his knees again. With the same determination, he picked up the phone. This time it didn’t fall.
“…ny? Danny! Are you there? What’s going on?”
“Thank god, what’s happened? What’s wrong?”
His breathing was still rapid and shallow. “I… Tim, I….” He wiped away the tears he couldn’t stop.
“Danny, it’s okay. I’m here. Don’t force it. Can you breathe with me? In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four.” Tim continued to count his breaths.
It took a few repetitions, but eventually Danny was able to follow the pattern. Even if his breath still hitched every few counts. He decided to try again. “Tim, I died,” he blurted out. He pulled his knees up and rested his forehead against them; this time he didn’t fight the tears. “I’m dead. Only…not.”
Tim’s sharp intake of breath was the only sound he heard through the phone speaker for a few too-loud beats of his heart. His heart was still beating. He was still alive. It would be okay. It had to be okay.
“What do you mean?” asked Tim after a moment.
“I told you my parent’s portal didn’t work.”
“Sam and Tucker wanted to see it. And Mom and Dad were depressed and haven’t been in the lab for like a week. So we went down. I… I…” The words wouldn’t come and Danny almost lost himself in the memories, but Tim started counting his breaths again. Danny listened and after a minute was able to continue.
“I entered the portal. They put the ‘on’ button inside. Who does that? But I tripped and hit the button. The portal opened up on top of me. I died. I know I did. But it didn’t take. I came back, too. Only now… I think I’m a ghost. Or part ghost. I’m human. I have to be. I still bleed and I have a heartbeat and I need to breathe. Only… not all the time. Sometimes I change. Into something else. Something not human. That doesn’t have a heartbeat or blood or…”
“Danny, are you safe? I’ll come get you. We can figure this out.”
“No! My parents love me. They forget me sometimes, but they love me. When they’re around, they ask questions and mom makes dinner and we play games and its good. They have done the most amount of research on ghosts of anyone in the world. I need the information they have.” His phone fell through his hand again. “Shit!” he cursed as he grabbed for it again. “I keep turning intangible. It makes me drop everything.”
“When did this happen?” Tim was talking slowly, his voice deliberately steady in a way Danny wasn’t used to.
“A few days ago. Sam or Tucker have been with me constantly since. But both their families needed them tonight. I seem to be mostly stable now. If I can just keep myself solid.” Danny laughed and he ignored how close it sounded to a sob. How did his life end up like this?
“The Justice League can help you. Or the Teen Titans if you would rather people closer to our age. We’ve dealt with people with powers before. We can help you learn to control them.”
“No!” It came out sharper than Danny meant it to. “My parents would find out. And they love me. They’d be fine with it. They would. But…” he trailed off. He couldn’t finish that sentence. He wouldn’t. He would not give voice to the fear that was growing in the back of his head. The one that got stronger when he remembered how his parents reacted the minute they realized the portal had started working. He pushed the memories of his mom laughing gleefully as she grabbed an ecto-gun and his dad set up the ecto-line to try and catch a ghost so they could dissect it.
“Okay, okay. No league. You said you turn intangible? What else happens? Maybe we can talk through this. Figure out ways to help you learn to control your powers. Can you send me some of your parent’s research?”
Danny’s breath came a little stronger. A plan. Tim would help him and they could make a plan. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll send you everything. I’m not at the computer now, but I’ll get it to you as soon as I can. Um. I have two forms. My normal self but also a ghost self. I can turn invisible and intangible. In my ghost form, sometimes my legs disappear and I just have a tail-cloud thing. Like Casper.” He laughed at how ridiculous this sounded. “Sam and Tuck took some pictures to document everything. I’ll try and send you those as well.”
“Thank you. That would help. Not how I imagined our face reveal…”
Danny snorted. “No. Can’t say this is what I imagined either.”
“Can you control your transformations?” It seemed Tim was getting down to business. Danny appreciated that; he needed someone to help him figure out what to do next.
“Full transformation, yeah. I seem to be able to. It’s not perfect, but I’m getting there. It’s the bleed over powers. They’re easier to control in my ghost form than my human one.”
“Bleed over powers. You mean the invisibility and intangibility?”
“Yeah. I dropped like three beakers in Chemistry lab yesterday. I’m not allowed to touch any glassware for the rest of the year.”
Tim whistled. “That’s impressive. Short term, do you have plastic at home? Cups, plates, all of it. Use that for the time being. If you drop it, no big deal.”
“We do still have some stuff from when Jazz and I were younger. Good idea.”
“Next, pay close attention to what happens when you become intangible. What’s going on around you, how are you feeling? Carry a notebook and write down everything you can think of for each instance. Teachers won’t think twice about you writing in a notebook during class, so do it as soon as you possibly can. Also write down the circumstances and feelings surrounding intentional instances. It’s only been a few days. You’ll be able to get this under control, Danny. I know you can.”
Danny took a deep breath. This time it was steadier. He had a plan. “You’re right. That’s perfect. I know Jazz has extra notebooks, I’ll get one from her. Thanks Tim.”
“Keep me updated? I want to hear from you every day. I don’t know if I trust your parents.”
“Will do. I think I’ll be getting my own laptop soon, so that’ll make it easier.”
“Good. I’m not kidding—every day, Danny. And I think we need a failsafe from your end, too. You’ve got Alfred’s number if I ever stop responding so you can get updates on me. I want someone to contact, too.” Tim’s tone brokered no disagreements, and Danny realized he was smiling sincerely for the first time since the accident.
“I… yeah. That’s a good idea. Contact Tucker. He’s always got some sort of device on him and will respond the quickest.” Danny quickly listed off Tucker’s email and phone number. “Now, can we talk about something else? I need a distraction. What’s been going on in your life?”
Danny listened as Tim talked about a mission he and Batman had gone on recently. He really had the best friends.
So now they're both on the vigilante train! God, I miss writing scenes with just 2 characters. Looking over this for a final editing pass, it's so easy when there's only two characters. Nothing else that I'm working on at the moment has fewer than seven people actively in the scene. Seven plus people with strong personalities.
(I also like writing angst and think I'm pretty decent at it which also made this scene easier.)
Tag List
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort
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wooahaes · 7 months
a little less daunting
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pairing: non-idol!3racha & gn!reader
genre: comfort fic.
word count: ~0.7k
warnings: reader is Going Through It. food mentions. depression mentions.
daisy's notes: i need them :(
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Sometimes it felt like your friends always  knew when you needed them the most. Case in point: they had shown up to your apartment with homemade food while you were in the throes of your third crying fit in the past few hours. The bad part was that they had caught you, but the good part… Well… You trusted them, plain and simple, to be kind to you now. It was hard getting to this point, sure, but the feeling of Changbin’s arms around you was unmatched by anything else.
Chris had taken initiative, his hug warm but fleeting as he called Jisung over to help him set your little dining table so the four of you could enjoy dinner together. Changbin, on the other hand, had settled into his task pretty easily: hugging you. His arms were strong around you, making you silently thankful for how often the guy worked out. He was built like a teddy bear in your opinion (as were Chris and Jisung—maybe you had a type when it came to close friendships…?), and just as snuggly as one. Every time you tried to pull away, he’d whine at you. Of course, you knew Changbin well enough to know that if you needed to get up, he’d let you go the moment you said something. Changbin knew you well enough to know that too much affection made you feel guilty.
So did Chris and Jisung. That was kind of the reason Chris told Changbin to “not let you go” unless necessary. 
“You guys really don’t have to do this,” you said, arms wrapped around Changbin now (he’d let you go long enough to let you turn around, so you could fully embrace how cuddly he was). “I mean it.”
“And I’ve already told you that we wanted to,” Chris was rooting around in one of the drawers. “Did you rearrange shit?”
You suddenly remembered your two-in-the-morning need to do something, to rearrange something, and how that manifested in you dumping out your drawers, washing everything inside, and rearranging everything. There was a reason you’d been using and rewashing the same few utensils for the past few days. “... Maybe.”
Changbin squeezed you a little tighter, raising his voice as he looked to Chris, “Check the other drawer already, we’re hungry.”
Jisung pulled open the drawer closest to the sink and immediately found what he and Chris been looking for. “Why are they over here…?”
“Because I thought moving the drawer next to the sink would make doing dishes easier,” you whined. “And now every time I’m by my microwave, I keep reaching into the wrong drawer.” 
Chris shook his head, already opening up a cabinet to find cups. “I’ll fix it.” 
“You don’t have to—”
“It’s fine,” he said. “When’s the last time you cleaned?”
For a moment, you said nothing. When was the last time you really cleaned…? You’d been decent about bagging up and taking your trash out, but washing things and whatnot? 
“Nevermind. We’ll take care of it,” Chris sighed, shaking his head. Fuck, you failed again. He set the cups aside, making his way over to wrap his arms around you and Changbin. “If you’re struggling, all you have to do is call me. I’ll come over.” 
“Call us,” Jisung said as he quickly approached. “That’s what we’re here for.”
Part of you wanted to refute it. They were your close friends, nothing more—but Chris had always insisted that you all were practically family now. Instead, you stayed silent, and shut your eyes for a moment, just savoring the warmth of having friends who loved you showing it in so many ways. You felt the kiss that Chris pressed against the top of your head before he pulled away, saying something about how he’d looked up some of those recipes you’d talked about before and hopefully made the right one. He’d dragged Changbin and Jisung over to his place hours ago just to make a couple other things for the four of you to share…
And suddenly the world felt a little less daunting, at least for a minute.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm @jinnie-ret
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ch3rryfunk · 1 year
Can we pls get a comforting re4r leon after he has a depressive episode because of his trauma? 🙏 please i need him to feel loved
OMG YES. He deserves all the love in the world. Man’s been thru enough :•(
i know you asked for re4 remake leon, but i would also like to imagine this with vendetta or re6 leon 💔
anyway sorry it’s a bit short, sad and not that good 😭
Leon wasn’t doing well, you caught on quickly. He slept late or barely even slept at all and drowned himself in his thoughts for hours.
When you found him sitting on your bed lost in thought holding his cop badge tightly, so tight his knuckles turned white, you knew you had to talk to him.
“Leon.” You softly called out as you sat next to him. He sighed, finally putting his badge down. “What’s on your mind?”
It took him a few seconds to answer, it seemed like he was trying to find the right words. He shook his head.
“Just a rookie cop. That’s all I was. I had so much hope.”
You knew how rough his life had been, from his childhood to his adolescence and even now. His whole life revolved around his job, he didn’t have much of an option.
“Sorry, I’m not making sen-”
“Don’t apologize.”
He rarely mentioned his missions and his trauma, not that he didn’t want to open up, but he wanted to keep you far, far away from his professional life. He had made it clear and you respected his decision, but it was starting to torment him emotionally and you couldn’t bear to see him suffer.
“Every night I have the same nightmare.” He looked at you, “about all the shit I’ve been through.”
The look in his eyes instantly broke your heart. So much void filled with pain.
“If I could just forget about it, about everything. I’d do anything. I remember people, and children… screaming, crying, and dying. I couldn’t save them. It was terrifying.”
You reached for his hand and held it tightly, he gave you a small smile in return. “I had come to the conclusion that everyone I cared about would either leave or die. I don’t want that, I don’t want you to go.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Leon.”
He was in such a vulnerable position right now you could barely even think straight, your heart ached more and more with each word he said. They carried so much pain and regret. You only wanted to make him feel better.
“I know it’s better said than done, but you can’t let this defeat you, you have to keep moving forward. I know you will, Leon. I know you can. The things you’ve seen and the things you were forced to do don’t define you, you’re more than that, more than just your job. You will get through this.”
He stared at you for a few seconds taking your words in. He was grateful, so grateful you came into his life at the right time. He never had time for anything else other than his job, so meeting you made a great impact on him. He felt loved, genuinely loved for once. Just the thought of something happening to you haunted him, he didn’t want to admit how scared he was. He had lost way too many people already.
You wrapped your arms around him, embracing his tense body. Committed to helping him calm down. You knew he needed a hug, or many. He just needed someone to hold him.
“And I’ll be here with you, always.” You finished.
He never wanted to let go of you.
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absolutewhore101 · 2 months
Sad Beautiful Tragic - Chapter 7
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A/N: make sure you don't miss chapter 6!
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Listen to 'Sad Beautiful Tragic' by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Stage 4 - depression (continued)
Word Count: 1.3K
Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
“Are they still talking about me?” You asked Tommy. 
He shook his head. 
“I had a talk with the, uh, problem. Everybody shut up pretty quickly after that.” He told you.
You nodded. 
“‘Sides, there's some new folks in town that’s got everyone's attention.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. 
“How long ago did they get here?” You asked, trying to determine if they’d possibly heard about you yet. 
“Two days. Still settling in.” He responded. 
On the bright side, they probably had no idea who you were. Thankfully. 
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, any residual tension fleeing the room. 
“I really am thankful that you’re here.” You spoke. 
Tommy turned to face you, regret filling his eyes. 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about everything for a while. ‘Spose I can’t be too surprised you wanted nothing to do with me for damn near a month.” He chuckled. 
You smiled, grateful that you still had some kind of a friend in this whole shitshow. 
“It wasn’t just you. I mean, you were definitely one of the reasons I shut myself inside for so long, but it wasn’t just you. It was everything. Joel, Carly, everyone in town… People I used to call friends and family were celebrating Joel like he hadn’t ripped my heart out.”
Tommy nodded, eyes trained on you.
“I just- I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to. I never thought that there’d be a world where it wasn’t me and Joel. It was always supposed to be us. He was the love of my life, maybe even still is.” You trailed off, picking at lint on your shirt. 
“I get it.” He said. “The shit that the two of you went through to get here… Hell, I thought it’d be two of you ‘til the apocalypse finally took the world.”
You smiled sadly at him. “But it won’t be.”
Tommy shook his head. 
“And I know I sound like an ass saying it, but maybe that’s for the best.”
The words shook you to your core. But you knew he was right. If Joel could do this to you, what else would he have done?
“No, you’re right. It just fucking hurts to hear. But I don’t get it. How could he do this to me? Why would he do this to me?”
It sounded to yourself like you were begging, even if you knew Tommy couldn’t do anything to help you. 
Tommy shook his head, unsure of how to comfort you right now. 
“Look, I came here for a reason. I want to apologize.” Tommy paused, trying to find the words to articulate how he was feeling. “The way I treated you - even if it wasn’t outright - was unacceptable. I guess I just couldn’t believe that Joel would do that to you, either. But that ain’t an excuse. I shoulda told you the second I knew something was goin’ on. You didn’t deserve that.”
You nodded your head, giving Tommy a small smile. 
“Thank you, Tommy. I appreciate that, truly.”
Tommy nodded back at you. “Well, I should probably get going. Jus’ wanted to make sure you were alright.”
You watched him stand, waving goodbye as he walked out the door. 
Your body was suddenly filled with energy, taken over by the need to do something. You decided that cleaning was exactly what you needed. 
You started in the living room, straightening the furniture and dusting every surface you came across. 
The entire house was spotless by the time the sun came up, and you were in desperate need of a shower. 
You took your time, letting the hot water run down your back, knowing that you didn’t need to save any for Joel anymore. Tears almost leaked out of your eyes, but you let the shower hit your face, washing them away. 
You walked into your bedroom, looking at Joel’s side of the room that you’d refused to clean. You decided it was finally time to tackle it. 
You picked up any of Joel’s clothes that he’d left behind and shoved them into the closet, thinking about when you could return them to their rightful owner. 
The bed was made and the side table dusted, and then you decided it was probably time to clean it out. 
You went through the top drawer, cleaning out bullets, knives, and other odd bits Joel kept by his side at night. You scoffed at the drawing you’d done for him just a few months before you made it to Jackson. It was a poor rendering of Joel sleeping against a tree, but he’d thought it was the greatest piece of art that’d ever graced the Earth. 
You threw it away without a second thought. 
The second drawer held nothing but another piece of paper, addressed to you. 
Your heart stopped at the sight of it, unsure if you were ready to read its contents.
I’m sorry. I know by the time you read this that I’m gone. And I just want you to know that I didn’t think this would ever happen. That I’d fall out of love for you. And I wish I could sit here and say it was your fault, but it wasn’t. Not even a little bit. You were perfect. Are perfect. We just don’t fit together anymore. Not like we used to. The kindness you showed me, the love you treated me with - I could never thank you enough for that. The months that we spent together were some of the best of my life, and I’ll never forget them, or you. You were probably the love of my life, and I would’ve asked you to marry me if it wasn’t for Carly. I can’t even say that she’s better than you, because she ain’t. But when things with us started getting hard, things with her got easy. And easy was what I wanted. Suppose I could’ve talked to you about it instead of doing what I did, but here we are. I’m sorry, darling. I never wanted us to end. 
Tears were streaming down your face, and sobs were breaking out of your throat. 
Words only meant so much when they were so late. If he would’ve talked to you about it like he’d mentioned, maybe you’d still have him. 
But how long would you sit here, waiting for yourself to realize that you deserve better? Would it be longer than your wait for him to come back for you?
You thought about the dreams you’d had recently, meeting him in warm conversation in the only bar in Jackson, hands entwined over the table. 
But you’d always wake up alone, in a different bed than the man you once loved. 
And time had never taken longer to take the memory of something. There were things from just a few months ago you couldn’t recall anymore, like the way his eyes shone as he looked at you, or the way his face lit up as he watched you walk into the bedroom every night. 
But time was taking its sweet time erasing the memory of him completely. Of the things that he’d done, the things he was still doing. 
It was like he was haunting you, even if he wasn’t truly dead. You were stuck in the remains of a relationship that you’d watched crumble in your hands. 
Your chest started constricting, pain filling your entire body as the heartbreak finally made itself known. 
A scream broke out of you, echoing off the walls and bouncing back into your ears. 
The front door burst open, loud footsteps coming up the stairs drawing your eyes towards the door. 
Part of you hoped it was Joel, but all of you knew that it wasn’t. 
When the door to your bedroom opened, it was Tommy standing there, chest heaving with the exertion of running up the stairs. 
“What happened?” He asked, taking in your heaving sobs as you laid crumpled on the floor. 
You just shook your head, willing yourself to get it together, but it was no use. 
You had finally broken.
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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katsu28 · 1 year
🍭 lollipop - 25. “Don’t do that. Don’t push me away. I can’t help it” From list 4 with steve??? pls and ty honey <3333
thank you for this request sweet anon! i hope you like it <3 even if it is just a pile of angst oops
steve harrington x reader, 1.2k, general tw for depression (it's not explicitly stated but it's kinda implied)
Steve knew something in you had changed when you slowly stopped hanging out with everyone. Even when you did join them, he noticed that you weren’t entirely there. You always seemed a million miles away, smiles a little too forced, eyes a little too hollow. Where there used to be warmth that made everything seem a little brighter, there was nothing but hardness in your gaze, like the light in you had been snuffed out. 
It was like you were becoming a shell of the person you once were, right before his very eyes. 
And he understood why, because he’d gone down the same path the first time he witnessed the horrors of the Upside Down. How could someone face everything that you all had and not come out the other end a different person? 
Steve wanted to be there for you—show you that you weren’t alone, that you had someone who could help. That you had him. He just had to figure out how. 
That was how he found himself hovering on your doorstep tonight, shifting from foot to foot as he waited for you to answer his constant knocking. It seemed like an eternity before the door swung open to reveal you standing on the other side of it, wrapped in a blanket and peering out at him in confusion. 
“Steve?” Your brow furrowed, hands gripping the edges of the blanket to draw it tighter around yourself. 
“Hi. Can I come in?” 
“I don’t think—” 
“Please?” You opened the door a little wider for him, moving to the side wordlessly as he hurried across the threshold and headed straight for the living room. You followed him, taking a seat on the couch and watching him pace back and forth in front of you for a good while until he finally stopped. 
Steve turned to you, letting out a deep breath. “I had an entire speech planned out in my head on what I was gonna say to you, but now that I’m here I’ve forgotten everything, so forgive me if I’m, like, rambling a lot, and I’m sorry if I sound pushy or anything, I just—I need you to know this.” 
You hesitated a beat before answering, wary of what he was about to say to you. “Okay.” 
“I know what you’re going through right now, Y/N. Well, not exactly what you’re going through, but I get it. Hell, I’ve even gone through it myself. This saving the world shit is fucking awful, I get it. It’s like, the world is fine, but you’re…not. Not you, specifically, I mean, but us. We’re not fine.” He blurted, hands moving a million miles a minute in gestures that might’ve been a tad too crazed, but he couldn’t stop himself. “You feel like you’re suffocating in your own thoughts all the time, and you keep replaying everything in your head, wondering if things would’ve ended the same way if you’d just tried something else, or gotten to Eddie a little faster. You feel like you’re never gonna be okay ever again, but I’m here to tell you that you will be. You’re gonna be okay, because I’m here for you. And I know that sounds like a load of crap, I thought so too after everything, but I promise, I’m here for you, anything you need.” 
He halted in his pacing once more to look at you, pleading honey eyes boring into yours. You glanced away immediately, focusing on the lamp in the corner of the room, because the longer you looked at him, the more the defenses you put up would start to crack. “You can yell at me, throw things at me, tell me you hate the world and everything in it, tell me you hate me—I don’t care. I just want you to let me help you.” 
You pressed your lips together, fists clenching under your blanket. “I don’t need your help, Steve. And I appreciate the effort, but I’m fine.” 
“You’re my best friend and I love you, you know that. So you know that I mean it in the nicest way when I say, no you’re not. You’re not fine, Y/N, and I know that because I know you. I know you’re not sleeping, I know you’re barely eating, and I know that you’re scared and angry and confused and about a hundred other different emotions that you can’t pinpoint., because…y’know, who wouldn’t feel the same after everything that's happened?” Steve couldn’t help the bitter chuckle that fell from his lips at his own words, because it was true. 
Even he still felt the same way most of the time, terrified that something else would happen and it would be right back to square one, all of you fighting a war against something the bounds of which you couldn’t even begin to understand, but fighting anyway because if you didn’t, no one would.
“And I wish I could take away everything bad in the world from you, but I can’t. All I can do is help you through it, if you let me.” He said defeatedly, kneeling in front of you.
His hands rested on your knees, the warmth of his palms spreading through your whole body. “I can’t lose you, okay? Not after everything else we’ve lost. I need you, Y/N. You’re my best friend, and I need you. So I’m sorry if I sound like an asshole right now, but whatever tough ‘I can handle it on my own’ thing you’ve got going on here, don’t do that. Don’t push me away.” 
“I can’t help it.” You whispered, lip trembling. When you finally met Steve’s gaze, your eyes were bright with unshed tears, and he was next to you instantly, wrapping his arms around you tighter than you ever thought possible. His hug was the final nail in the coffin, the last crack in your wall that sent it crumbling to the ground. You buried your face into his chest as sobs shook your body, clutching at him like he was your lifeline as you let every feeling all out into the fabric of his sweatshirt, barely hearing the reassurances he whispered into your hair. 
You’d never cried like this in front of anyone before, not even him, and after you’d finally stopped hiccupping, you felt strangely lighter. Still the same as before, but a little bit like the weight on your shoulders had been lessened just by knowing Steve was here. He wiped your tear tracks away with his sleeve gently, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“I’m sorry, Steve. I didn’t mean to shut you out.” You sniffled, inhaling a shuddering breath. Steve made a noncommittal noise, taking one edge of your blanket and squeezing himself under it, squishing even closer to you.
“Hey, no. You don’t be sorry. Just promise me you’ll let me help you through this.” 
You held out your pinky towards him. “I promise.” 
“Good.” He linked his own pinky around yours, giving it a firm shake. “Now let’s try and get some sleep, okay? What can I do for ya? I can sing a little something, if you want. Some Tears for Fears, perhaps?” 
You let out a watery chuckle. “Not Tears for Fears, please.” 
“Whoa, what’s wrong with Tears for Fears?” 
“Nothing. Just…stay here with me?” 
“Okay.” He said softly, rubbing his thumb over your shoulder. “I can do that.” He wouldn’t even dream of leaving. Not now, not ever. 
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gojos-fr-bae · 4 months
Liar pt.5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Angsty Angst, Fluffy Fluff (tee hee), Cussing (lemme know if i missesd anything
Word Count: 977
A/N: heyy, I said i would release this ike two days ago and yet here we are. Also, this one is pretty small but I think It works, Yk? Hope you Enjoy tho! (p.s i'm workin on re-writing What lovers do so watch out for that.) This was a tad bit too happy for my liking so you best bet pt.6 is goin to be depressing as HECK.
(Requests open)
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You were sitting on your bed, looking at your son resting in his crib, deep in dreamland. You were trying so hard to force yourself to get up and face the man waiting outside the threshold of your room but you seemingly couldn’t get your legs to move no matter how hard you tried.
You knew he was outside because you could still sense his cursed energy and knew that no matter how hard you tried to hide.
You slowly trudged towards the door, shaky hand going up towards the handle, and pulling the door open.
You stepped out and turned, your gaze falling on Satoru who was sitting on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest, his hands holding them tightly.
He looks up at you, eyes widening before he quickly pushes himself to his feet. You don't miss how his body sways back and forth, stumbling slightly, but you chose to rule it off as the product of him jumping to his feet so quickly.
“Gojo…hi,” you gently breathed out.
“H-Hi, Lov- Y/N’ You don’t miss the hesitation in his voice. “Do you wanna maybe, g-go for a walk?
His head was downcast and he was only gazing up at you for a few seconds before shooting them back to the ground.
“Sure,” You responded before turning around and slowly walking down the hallway
You walked out into the field you spent days lying around, sitting down while leaning against the large sakura tree at its center. You watched as Satoru leaned against the tree before slumping down roughly, his eyes permanently locked on the ground.
“So, how ar-”
“Why did you leave,” his voice cracked, interrupting you mid-sentence.
“Gojo, please,”
“I’m sorry, i-i’m s-s-so, so, s-o fucking sorry I-,” he croaked, you turned to face him, noticing the tears that were steadily cascading down his face, reflecting in the moonlight. 
He was trying so, so hard to hold everything in because to him, he didn't deserve to be sad. He was the one who forced you to deal with so much shit to the extent that you no longer. In his mind, he was the most disgusting thing to have ever existed and the fact that he was feeling even remotely sad was absolutely blasphemous. 
And you could tell.
“P-please, don’t call me that.’
“Satoru,” you sighed, “You don’t have to be sorry, you did absolutely nothing wrong, it’s not your fault I left,”
“But If I was strong enough not to be sealed then this would’ve never happened-”
“Because you are human! You can’t always be perfect and that’s okay. What happened probably happened for a reason, I mean I’ve been doing pretty well and Kaito…” you stopped yourself because you weren’t ready to dive into the conversation of your son, karma’s a bitch tho so…
“You named him Kaito?!” he said with a sad but slightly excited tone.
While you were pregnant, you and Satoru had been mulling around what you would name your child.
“How about we make a bet,” you said softly as he snuggled his face into your neck while you laid together all snug in bed, “If it’s a boy, we HAAVE to name him Kaito.” 
“And why is that?”he chuckled before fluttering kisses against your neck, jaw and cheek.
“Because you know, the sky is blue.. Your eyes are blue.. Oh my days it would be the most adorable thing in the world Satoru pleeeaase!”
“You know, If I knew you were this obsessed with me I would’ve gotten you pregnant ages ago,”
“SATORU!”  you squeaked as he laughed at your flustered state, Gosh he loves you so much.
He couldn’t believe that you genuinely went through with naming your son Kaito considering he thought you hated his guts.
“Well, I mean, I said I would love to name him after you in some way, and your matching eyes are just the best bonus ever.
For the first time since he left for the mission, the faintest smile spread across his face for the slightest fraction of a second, and if he knew any better, he would say he actually felt happy.
“What’s he like?”
“He is the sweetest baby boy on earth,” you said, smiling at the thought of your precious angel, “He’s really shy tho so I guess he didn’t take after you much in that sense, then again he looks like an absolute carbon copy of you so you win some you lose some,”
Gojo could only imagine what the boy was like, and it pained him to no ends to know that he wasn’t there to watch the small boy go through his first two years of life but there was really nothing he could do about it.
“Satoru, he’s going to need his father as he grows up, and it's only a matter of time before he starts to wonder why he doesn’t have one. I’m not saying we should get back together,” You could literally hear his already broken heart put itself together just so it could break again, “But he’s still extremely young so it’s not too late. I have only ever wanted the best for Kaito and that includes having his father in his life, so as long as you are willing to co-parent I’m sure we could find a way to work this out.”
He for the first time since the conversation began looked deep into your eyes and could no longer hold his emotions in, a sob ripping from his chest.
“I-I wou- would like that a l-l-l-ot, please-”he said through soft sobs and sniffles, wiping his tears away as quickly as possible. 
For the first time in two years, he didn’t cry himself to sleep. He, for the first time in two years, went to sleep sober.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Yeah, wayy to happy, mentally prepare for pt.6 ( watch me say this and find that pt.6 isn't even all that😭
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
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magpiemoon6 · 7 months
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Extraction point
Simon Riley x Y/N
Sad fluff !!!
Warnings: PTSD, depression, mental health issues
( I'm sorry if there is any writing mistakes I'll fix them tomorrow)
Reminder people, you are loved and deserve happiness always <3
A thousand tones feel like it’s on my chest, I cannot breathe. Like the world has chosen this exact moment to swallow me up in my pain and stress. My mind betrays me and falls in its own trap of self-doubt. I’m so far behind where I’m meant to be and the guilt of not living up to my own expectations for my inner child is eating me up. And in this moment every single mistake or failure seems to pile up in my head. I’m drowning even though I’m on land.
But he seems to be a light in my darkness, I need Simon, and before the guilt stops me, I reach for my phone under the pile of covers and duvets. Searching through the stuffy warmth till my hand claps the cold object. Pulling it to my chest, my eyes are swollen from crying and my nose is entirely blocked from my crying till my vision goes blurry.
I search for his name in my phone, I just want to hear his phone, the warmth of his voice is like a drug and the euphoria should shield me from my pit.
Si <3
“Hey, are you free a second? If not no worries x”
I feel so wrong for relying on him, but I promised Simon, that if it gets bad, we won’t shut each other out not again. That we can be each other’s extraction point.
Buzzing snaps me out of my brain unravelling in my hands. He’s calling and my heart drops because if he hears I’ve been crying he will come running and I can’t do that to him. Clearing my throat, I click to answer.
“Hello lovie” Simon says, and it feels like the flood gates are getting harder to hold shut, I just want him here and I’m so fucking selfish for that.
“Hey baby, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have texted you” I respond, I don’t want him to panic so I’m praying that my voice sounds calm, and my breathing is even enough he won’t realise.
“What happened? Tell me please y/n? I’m here” I can hear the anxiousness in his voice creep in, shit he knows and when he says that everything in me that was protecting him from my pain breaks from his kindness.
I’m crying again silent tears and my breathing stops trying helplessly to hold it in.
“I’m fine, I’m fine Simon, it’s stupid I’m sorry for disturbing you. I’m a big girl I just needed to hear your voice,” my voice is breaking as I say it, my grip on my phone is too tight. I need to let go. But I cant.
“Y/n?” the softness in his tone is so different from his voice yet hearing him say my name gives me more comfort than the dozens of duvets on top of me.
“Yes Simon?” I need to get control of my sadness, it kills me knowing he has to hear me like this.
“It’s going to be okay love” and that makes me sob harder, holding the phone away from myself so he is saved from my pain.
“Okay, thank you. Bye Si” and that’s all I can say because if I say anything else it will involve me pathetically asking him over and he deserves better than the mess I am in this moment.
So now I’m sat here in my cold dark room alone. Submerged in my pain. I’m so tired of this, I want to be better, to get better and no more need for meds and therapy and other people to hold me together. I feel pathetic as if I’m dragging on everyone’s life. I want to live without all my sadness.
I’m too sucked into my own depression to hear the door of my flat opening and shutting. Too distracted to recognize the footsteps moving towards my room.
Simon opens the door, and I don’t know how to cope with my emotions. My heart practically burst knowing he came over, giving me some hope that maybe I am worthy of his love. But then he has to see my darkness, the hypocrite I am knowing I’ve seen him where I am and gave him all my love I possibly could.
“Hey love,” he’s quiet even for him, moving through the room like he is terrified he may break something or me.
“You didn’t have too” the guilt stays heavy on my shoulders.
Knowing he is staring at me, someone who is normally so full of light now covered in darkness that fills the room and holds it down. He begins to move onto the bed gently, moving himself silently under the covers with me. My heart hurts. Loving him gives me air in my lungs, everything about him gives me hope and love. I could stare at him for a thousand years and still not get enough.
“Y/n, I love you, okay? I will be here if I’m dead or alive, a million miles away or next door.” Pulling me into his chest, the heat of his body makes the blankets feel cold.
I cant stop crying even if I wanted too, pushing my face into his chest and curling into him, I let him hold me and begin to pull away all the darkness that doesn’t seem to drown me as much now. I feel him large hand begin to gently stroke my hair, moving through it as he soothes soul with his love.
“I’m sorry,” I mumble into his chest, this makes his hand stop its rhythmic pattern of brushing through my hair. Tilting my head to his eyes.
He stares back and I fall in love all over again, those honey eyes are only filled with compassion and understanding. Before him my loneliness was my company, and everything was always so violent. But with him now I’m learning to live without violence and less loneliness.
“What’s our promise?” he asks me, still holding me tightly letting my pain wash away his love flooding me and bring me back to the now.
“That we will always be each other’s extraction point,” the quote we made up before we even started dating. The quote that we held onto before we knew our love wasn’t one sided.
“Exactly,” he says and goes back to stroking my hair and listening to my hiccupping breathing, never judging just existing with me.
“Thank you, I love you” and I mean it, the same way I know he does too. Our darkness still haunts us both, but we have learnt to comfort each other and hold out the light when we need it.
“I love you too”.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
tw; depression
“It’s just—do you ever feel like—what am I saying? You used to be King Steve, of course you don’t know.”
She screws her eyes shut, and tries again. “Do you ever feel like you don’t belong?”
“Like it’s fine most of the time, it doesn’t even really bother you, but there are moments where you realize that you don’t fit like you should and you just—you know it. I can’t explain it. I get it, I wasn’t here for a lot of the shit that went down with all of you but, I don’t see how I fit into the equation anymore.”
What if there’s something about me that drives people away?
She sniffles, silently cursing herself for doing so. “Or it’s like, I know it can’t last forever. I can feel the expiration date creeping up on me. I’m the odd one out, I’ve been here the least amount of time and I don’t even add anything important to the group. You all have something, I’m just the girl who speaks different languages and rambles too much for her own good,” she pauses, taking a deep breath to stop the burning in her lungs. “I don’t wanna lose you guys because you guys are all great and you’re my best friend in the world but it’s—it’s a feeling I can’t shake. Like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and this has been one big joke or—do you remember last summer? What I said right before we got truth serumed?”
She wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t remember, getting drugged and then the…everything else after that, but she can see his brows thread together, trying to sift through his own memories of last summer—tied together in chairs thinking they were both going to die in that stupid, stupid mall. He shakes his head. The familiar numbness takes over Robin; a detachment. Hollow. She plays with her rings.
“My whole life feels like one big error,” she repeats, in the same intonation as she had that night. She laughs, wryly, ignoring the burn of tears behind her eyes. Steve’s face drops, eyes softening. Robin can’t look at him.
“Rob,” he says, placing his hands over hers. His voice is wet when he speaks. “You aren’t an error, Robin.”
“It just feels like—”
“No, Robin,” Steve says firmly. “You’re right, I don’t really know how you feel. I don’t know what that’s like. But I know that you aren’t an error. You aren’t the odd one out."
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Saul silva x student!Reader - I care
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TW: mentions of depression, self destructive tendencies and neglectful parents
The moment you came to Alfea you were labelled as the troubled student, violent, aggressive, a lost cause.
No teacher wanted anything to do with you, kicked you out of pretty much all your lessons, the only thing you seemed to excel at was your training.
Except you always took it too far, or you just flat out didn’t turn up, and since Silva had that many students to train, he couldn’t always pay attention to make sure you were there.
But he was aware of all the complaints about you.
So he called you in for a meeting and waited for you.
After nearly an hour of being called for the meeting you finally turned up, trudging into the room.
“You’re late.”
Walking over, you sat down in front of his desk.
“At Alfea we have a level of behaviour we expect all of our students to abide by, high levels of discipline and respect that as a student you are supposed to follow.”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Not only have a received numerous complaints about you (L/N), but as the weeks go on I seem to be getting more and more and this is not something we tolerate at this school. Students are carefully selected, and you were offered a place based on your recommendations and the level of skill you showed when it came to hand to hand combat, as well as you parents both being high achieving fairies in the first world.”
Silva looked at his papers in front of him before he turned his attention back towards you.
“We can either talk about this, the reasons behind it and see what we can do going forward, you can be suspended for the final month before summer, or you can improve your behaviour. Which one?”
You sighed, looking at him.
“I couldn’t really care less to be honest with you.”
He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms.
“Well if that’s the case I’m going to suspend you, send you back to the first world with your parents, and we’ll decide what to do with you during the summer, then I will come and personally speak with you all about the decision.”
“Yeah whatever.”
With that you left to go pack your things, wanting to leave the school as soon as you possibly could.
You didn’t exactly want to go back to your parents either, but right now you didn’t want to be there. You didn’t really want to be anywhere.
When you got back home, you went straight to your room and dumped some of your bags, heading back down the stairs.
“You’re not staying here for the summer.”
“Well where else am I supposed to fucking go? You’re my parents it’s your job to look after me.”
“No, it’s your job to pay us back everything we fucking spent to look after you, get your crap and leave right now, take your car and fuck off. If you want to act all big then you can out there.” Your dad snapped.
“Oh yeah it’s my fault you two fucked around yeah? My fault for being born? Get a fucking grip, maybe you two assclowns should’ve been more careful then. Keep my shit, I’ve got my clothes in the car and everything I need.”
With that, you grabbed your jacket, slamming the car door behind you.
Getting in your car, you started it, pulling out the drive to go somewhere else.
You had some money from summer jobs you had been working when you became old enough, so it was enough to get you some cheap food for a while, put some gas in the car and that was it.
After a week of staying in your car, it was impounded and all you had was a bag of clothes, your phone and your charger.
You had nothing at this point.
Maybe you should have been more upset than you were as you sat under one of your towns bridges out of the way, but you couldn’t be.
Some friends from Alfea had tried reaching out to you, but you weren’t interested, you simply just ignored them.
Resting your arms on your knees, your rested your head against the cool concrete, listening to the sound of the rain and your phone ringing.
Picking it up, you looked at who was calling and hung up on them, not wanting to listen to what he had to say.
It had been just over a month and a half since you had been sent back home, so you knew what it was about.
Your fate at Alfea.
Would you be expelled? Allowed back?
You didn’t know, and you didn’t care.
So for the next week every time the headmaster tried to call you or message you, you ignored him, not bothering to reply hoping maybe he would just leave you alone.
“You can’t stay here kid, there’s a shelter down the road.”
Sitting up from the bench, you looked at the officer and sighed as you got up.
“It’s full, but I’ll move.”
“Church can offer you a place to stay for the night you know.”
You shrugged a little, grabbing your bag.
“Not worth it.”
You made your way through the town, heading back to the bridge you had been hiding out under.
“Well I was wondering when you’d return.”
You smiled at the woman, sitting yourself down on the dirt.
“We had some leftovers, I’m handing them out here, and take this blanket as well, my husband was just going to toss it out.”
She handed them all to you.
“Thank you Ma’am, it’s much appreciated.”
“You know if you want a place to stay we can offer you one.”
You shook your head.
“It’s alright, don’t worry.”
She sighed, nodding her head.
“Alright darling, come by the restaurant if you change your mind.”
With that, she left and you looked at the warm food she had given to you, and you quickly began to eat it.
You didn’t like half the food, but food was food at the end of the day and you weren’t going to turn down free meals.
When you finished eating, you set your bag on the floor and laid down with your head on it, covering yourself up with the blanket as you drifted into an uneasy sleep.
What woke you up was the sound of people come down the ridge.
“Usually they’re under here, sometimes they leave and are gone for a few days but someone saw them here last night.”
“Officer Dan if that’s you fuck off!” You called.
“It’s me, and I’ve got someone looking for you, headteacher from your college, says people have been trying to reach out to you. What’s the point of having a phone if you won’t use it?”
You grumbled a little, pulling the blanket around your shoulders as you looked at them.
“I’m tired leave me alone.”
“We’ll you’re also close to being declared dead, so no, we’re going to talk, let’s go.”
“Fuck off.”
Silva sighed, turning to the officer.
“I can handle this, thank you.”
Officer Dan nodded, then he looked at you.
“Stop robbing the market, they’re going to make me arrest you one day.”
With that, he left and Silva came under the bridge, crossing his arms over his chest.
“This is where you’ve been?”
“What gonna fucking lecture me again? Have a go at me? Expel me? Fucking do my life ain’t getting any worse.”
Silva sighed, crouching down so he could look at you.
“What happened (Y/N), I went to see your parents they said they hadn’t seen you in nearly two months, that you ran away?”
“Did I fuck run away the fucking liars, they fucking kicked me out. Apparently all their issues are my fault, but I guess that’s true. It’s always my fucking fault.”
“Okay, let’s calm down a little yeah? Let’s talk, tell me what happened.”
You grabbed your bag, tossing the blanket at him.
“What do you can tell me I’m good for nothing an all? No thanks.”
You stormed away and he called your name, jogging to catch up to you as you walked along the stream until you found a good place to sit in the sun for warmth.
Sitting down, you stared into the water, clenching your jaw.
Silva walked over, draping the blanket over you, then he sat down next to you.
“If you’d told me this was happening I would’ve come to bring you back to Alfea.” He said.
“Yeah right.”
“It’s true, I’ve been getting calls since summer began saying nobody has heard from you and I’ve been trying to track you down for the past week.”
You scoffed a little.
“What so you can tell me I’m expelled? I don’t care.”
“No, to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m alive.”
“But are you okay?”
“I’m alive.” You repeated.
Silva looked at the water.
“You know you’re not alone in this world (Y/N), there are people out there who want to help you, you just need to let them try.”
“Nobody wants to help me. It doesn’t matter either.”
“Why’s that?”
“I was born broken, I was never gonna have a good life, parents never wanted me, blamed me for everything and shipped me off the first chance I got. Other students hate me because I’m from the first world, because I’m different. What’s it matter?”
“It does matter, you matter.”
“No I don’t. If there’s a god out there then they’re pretty shitty, I got dealt a shitty hand in life, and that’s that. Everybody talks about how it gets better and all that but does it fuck, they only say that because sun shines on them and gives them good stuff, a good life.”
You sighed a little.
“I’m full of hate and anger because of my life, and I dug a hole I can’t get out of I never stood a chance in life you know? I let go of that hope years ago, got no home, family, money. Sometimes I wonder what if I was born into a better family, would it be a better life?”
You went quiet a for a moment.
“Some people just have shitty lives and that’s it.”
“But it doesn’t have to be, if you let me help you I can help you build a better life for yourself.”
“Right yeah until I’m out of Alfea and I’m back here again, living in the streets.”
“Not if I hire you as an apprentice specialist instructor, you’ll still have a room at the school, and get paid.”
You laid back in the dirt.
“Don’t waste your time, not worth it.”
“But you are, and I understand why you’re angry, and you know what? You should be, because it’s not fair, it isn’t. You’re right, some people are dealt shitty hands, but that doesn’t define who you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“You decide the person you are (Y/N), and you can be more than your past makes you to be. You can either let it destroy you, or you can learn from it and grow into a better person than everybody who tried to bring you down.”
“Who cares if I stay here like this?”
Silva gave you a little smile.
“I do, and I want to help you out of this. Let me help you build yourself a better life, watch you grow from everything that tried to destroy you.”
“Don’t you already have a kid to worry about?”
“Yes, I do have Sky, but I’ve got room for another kid to worry about.”
You scoffed.
“Don’t waste your breath.”
“Come on, it’ll be good. I know you and Sky get along anyway.”
“Yeah, and what?”
“So come on then, get your shit, let’s go get you your car back and go back to Alfea, come on.”
“Let’s go (Y/N), we need to get back before dark.”
“I’m not going with you.”
“Then I’m bringing your car with me.”
He got up and began to walk to up to his car parked in the side of the road.
“Are you fuck taking my car!”
Grabbing your bag, you ran after him and Silva smiled to himself a little bit.
If there’s one thing he knew about you for sure it was how much you loved that car, and wherever it went you went.
It was going to take a long time, and a lot of hard work, but he wanted to show you that you don’t have to life in the hole you had confined yourself too, that outside of this place was a world waiting for you to run into head on
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slashv1xen · 2 months
Hi! I wonder, how will Otis comfort his crying s/o?
otis is NOT good at comforting at all. however he’ll try (in his own way). otis would unintentionally be offensive, but just know it’s just the way his personality is and he doesn’t mean it (and if you guys are really close, he’ll apologise for it).
he would hesitate to say anything and give you affection, but he would let you rant for HOURS (he rants all the time too, so he understands).
following off that, he makes a much better listener than comforter (ex. words of aff. or physical touch). i also think that he wouldn’t judge you for the reason you were balling your eyes out (unless it’s something small in his eyes, like you getting an injury he deems as “small”)
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one shot 💗
you were on the bathroom floor, sobbing. you were in a depressive mood and you were experiencing body image issues. you tried holding in your cries as good as you could, but that attempt was futile as soft knocking was heard on the door.
“baby? what’s wrong?” otis’s voice was very gentle, which was surprising as this man was far from it.
you sniffled, wiping your tears from your face, and mustered with all your strength a reply. “it’s nothing, i’m okay.” you obviously weren’t as your voice broke halfway through that sentence, and otis heard it clear as day.
“can i come in?” he didn’t wait for an answer and pushed the door open slightly, his face falling a little when he saw you with your knees to your chest and your eyes bloodshot red.
now embarrassed, you looked away, avoiding eye contact. it didn’t help that otis just kinda stood there, taking in this sight. this was the first time he’d seen you in such a vulnerable state (or anyone for that matter), so he wasn’t sure how to help and comfort you.
he sighed and approached you, sitting down on the dirty floor in front of you. he gently lifted your head and inspected your face, his expression turning slightly sad. “darlin’, what’s got you so down?”
you were quiet, and didn’t want to say what got you feeling like this. you were quite shy now, and you would rather have him just forget about this moment. “it’s nothing.”
otis chuckled, oddly amused. “nothin’? honey it ain’t nothing if you cryin’ a damn ocean. now tell me what’s wrong so i can help you.” his intense eyes stared into yours, and you suddenly felt nervous.
“i’ve just been so insecure of my body lately, that’s all.” you looked down as you admitted this, not wanting to see his reaction.
otis however, was dumbfounded. in his eyes, you were the most beautiful person in the world, and you were crying because you didn’t feel that way?
he let out a short laugh out of surprise, and your head perked up. why was he laughing? “is that it?” otis started, looking slightly relieved but his eyes showed hints of annoyance. “oh, i thought it was something serious, like you hurt yourself bad.”
you didn’t appreciate this, he wasn’t taking your feelings serious. you felt your eyes water up again and otis must’ve seen this, because his face fell for the second time and his smile faded.
he cupped your face, and took a deep breath. it was obvious that whatever he was gonna say would take all his strength.
“i’m…shit…i’m sorry, alright? look, you don’t need to feel insecure okay? you’re so damn gorgeous, i was just shocked that you. didn’t feel like that. but listen, tell me as soon as you feel like this again, and i’ll make sure you will never even have a thought like that.” his voice was soft and kind.
you gave him a small smile and he began doing something very out of character for him. he peppered light kisses all over your face, and he traced all along you back. his touch soothed you, and both of you were now basking in the embrace of one another.
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stuniolobbg · 2 months
oh honey, i'm so happy that you're managing to do some things, it's the little things that will make you improve little by little.
I understand you sweet, I know what it's like to be in a depression where you can't move, it feels like the world is punishing you or wanting to make you suffer.
Your family are idiots for not seeing the brilliance you have regardless of who you are, people should try to understand and support you, but they just do shit.
Binge eating is horrible, I've been there and it sucks not being able to stop eating and then all the guilt comes and we feel bad.
You go to a psychologist or something like that? I recommend it a lot, I do it and it has helped me so much, I literally went off the deep end and I'm maintaining a good routine, even if I have relapses I'm trying, but it's not easy.
You are being so strong and I am very proud of you my love. This will pass, I know it will and you will still be very happy.
No don’t make me cry, not even my friends/family care this much.
TW: mentions of drugs, mentions of abuse, mentions of Sa, mentions of Ed, and other disturbing topics?
I’ve refused to go see a specialist because I might have Autism and since it’s a dumbass Trend now don’t want that label on me yk? But I’ll try soon. Another thing with seeing someone is being weighed. I don’t wanna be weighed because I don’t wanna look at my weight. And even if I don’t look at my weight if I know someone else has my weight and I don’t know what it is then I’ll stress about that too.
My family have always been shit heads tbh. My mums only stopped doing drvgs in November 2022 and she’d be on drvgs my whole life. And now just because she’s not high 24/7 she acts like the sun shines out her ass I’m proud of her obviously it just gets annoying
My dad on the other hand was also on drugs but he left when I was 8 and then only smoked weed after that. But my dad was and still is mentally, physically, emotionally and verbally abusive so it’s hard to even go near him atp, another thing my dad did, I lived with him when I was 12 and he LITERALLY masturbated in front of me EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I couldn’t see anything because his bottom half was under a blanket but it’s still a traumatic thing yk? And when I told someone I found out it’s actually illegal to do anything like that to an under 13 year old. That’s classed as sa. I AM NOT AT MY DADS ANYMORE IM SAFE
But honestly thankyou for caring you’ve made my day just dm me if you need to talk because I’ll listen and try my best to support you 🤍
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momolady · 9 months
Do you have book or author recs? Thank you! ☺️
I’m afraid I haven’t kept up with my reading in the past few years. Last thing I read was “I’m Glad My Mom Died” by Jeanette McCurdy (so good holy shit” but I think everyone knows that book by now. So I am going to rec some of my favorite and comfort books.
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This is my favorite book of all time. I absolutely love the way Peter S. Beagle writes. If you love the movie, the book makes the movie so much better. The graphic novel is also a favorite, it’s gorgeous.
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I can remember reading Allie Brosh online eons ago. Her first book has the best depiction of depression I’ve ever seen. And the second book in particular means the world to me. I got it a year after my brother’s passing and her talking about her grief over her sister’s death helped me understand my grief and pain. They’re equal parts hilarious and gutting. Absolute favorites that I reread every year if I can.
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Anything Carrie Fisher. Just like Allie Brosh she’s equal parts hilarious and gutting. I read this book when I found it at the thrift store I worked at and it’s stayed with me through three moves and more. Read all her stuff, she’s brilliant and I miss her constantly.
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This was one of the books my mom had on the shelf she told me not to look at. I constantly looked at it. The artwork in it spoke to me and stuck with me all through my adolescence. There’s a piece of art that I believe is part of my monster fucker origin. But the story is nice and short and it’s really fun.
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As a child my mom put on the universal monster movies between Disney viewings to save her sanity. Creature from the Black Lagoon was a marvel to me. The underwater scenes were my favorite. So this book and the creation of the character was the perfect read for me. Millicent Patrick is one of the coolest people to ever exist.
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Two of my favorite Beauty and the Beast retellings I think Robin McKinley is pretty much on everyone’s list. Beast is a really fascinating retell from the Beast’s pov, and it still strikes me to this day. (Don’t tell anyone but I stole the Beast book from my high school back in the day).
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When I turned 18 these were the books mom bought me for my birthday. Granted, this was also the woman who let me read Interview With a Vampire way too young so I dunno why she thought this would be such a shocking gift. Anyways, these books really introduced me to erotic writing and are probably the reason I’m even here today.
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Shout out to @monster-bait this book is so much fun and the characters are enchanting. I really want to get her new book but I’ve been broke and I love having physical copies. (Also I haven’t been reading lately and I’d feel bad if the book just sat there).
I’d love to have suggestions and if any of you have books out there you’ve published you’d like me to read please let me know! I’d love to support my fellow writers here before I buy anything else.
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