#i've been playing soo much these last few days
raiiny-bay · 4 months
unfortunately i'm obsessed with project zomboid again
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castiwls · 4 months
Omggg hii ok so I've always wanted a fic about what the readers and Castiel's conversation or just interaction in general would be. If the two were already in an established relationship and when Lucifer was possessing Castiel had gotten intimate or something with the reader, not knowing it was Lucifer and thinking it was Castiel of course. What would his reaction be and how would he feel. Especially since he probably had to watch the whole thing go down but could do absolutely nothing about it. How would the two make up and such. <3
this is me trying - c.n
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Paring; Castiel x fem!reader
Synopsis; You and Castiel struggle with the aftermath of Lucifer
Warnings; Maybe occ
Notes; Hiii tysm for the request! I've truthfully not wrote for Castiel in soo long so I apologise if this is kinda occ.
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“and maybe i don’t quite know what to say but I’m here in your doorway”
Taking a deep breath you leaned back against the headboard of your bed. The book in your lap no longer held your attention as you stared blankly down at it. You didn’t know how to feel about the events which have transpired over the last few days, at first you were angry and then that anger seemed to dissipate into an emptiness mixed with guilt. 
Guilt that you’d not paid enough attention to notice that for the past few weeks, Lucifer had been running around in your boyfriend's body. Playing it back in your head now you noticed the strange behaviour but at the moment you’d paid no mind. 
“Y/n. We need to talk.” Castiel’s voice brought you out of your head. He stood in the doorway a slight frown on his face. You knew exactly what he wanted to talk about but the whole situation still brought a bad taste to your mouth. He watched you for a moment before letting out a sigh and moving into the room. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed he turned to you. “I’m not sure what else to say other than sorry.” The angel looked down at his hands as he spoke. You’d never seen him look as regretful as he did now. 
“Why didn’t you say anything to me? We could’ve spoken about it Cas.” You placed your book to the side before crossing your legs. “I basically cheated on you, do you know how that feels.” You let out a sigh before reaching over to grab his hand. “I’m not angry at you, I just…I let him into our space, and I told him things thinking I was talking to you. I let him kiss me Cas, and it’s all I can think about.” 
In truth, the guilt had been pretty much eating you alive. The emptiness you felt now came from the fact that the guilt had seemingly taken everything else. He was quiet for a moment before squeezing your hand and looking back up.
His eyes met yours for a moment before he shifted slightly closer. “It’s not your fault what happened. It’s my fault I know that,” He frowned again going quiet. You knew from the look on his face that he was struggling to find the words to express how he felt. 
He had his own guilt over the whole situation. Having to sit back and watch someone else pretend to be him and interact with you in that way had left him feeling angry and helpless in a way he’d never experienced before. Seeing how it had affected you though was worse than any guilt he could ever feel. 
“I’m willing to work with you.” He finished after a moment. He smiled at you before squeezing your hand again. “Thank you.” You squeezed his hand back. You were both quiet for a moment before you patted the space next to you. The tension from his shoulders seemed to drop at your invite and he happily moved next to you.
This was the first time since Lucifer that you’d both been alone together. A sigh of contentment left you as you settled into his side. You knew things weren’t gonna go straight back to how they were. Castiel had still broken your trust by doing what he’d done but you also knew that he would do anything to regain your trust.
You smiled up at him before leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. A smile graced his lips as your lips met his and for that moment you allowed yourself to forget about the past few weeks.
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toniiswrld · 8 days
the way you LITERALLY READ MY MIND WITH THE PERV!SEUNGHAN YOU WROTE???? like, i had "perv!Seunghan = 24/7 hornball; "i need you right now"" jotted down in my notes 🧍🏾‍♀️ kinda crazy how you looked into my brain, but i love it!!
recently, i've been giving perv!Anton maybe a little bit too much thought. i already decided that it had to do with taking pictures bc DUHHHH 🤪 Anton loves taking pictures of you. all. the. time. you don't mind bc you love posing for him (foreshadowing :D). any time you're together he takes at least 40 pictures of you and usually sends them immediately so you can keep your insta current.
you dressed up for a little morning date in a cute and maybe a little short skirt, but you two ended up spending the whole day together. it was so late you decided to stay over. he was distracted by whatever he was doing on his laptop, and you had to beg for the pictures he took (like full-on send it to me Rachel!! 😫). he tossed his phone to you without missing a beat.
you open the photo gallery and just before you tap the first picture of yourself, you see an album with a puppy. it was so cute you thought "oh, maybe Anton has a whole album of cute animals!" you tap it and immediately your jaw hits the floor. the first photo was a shot right up the skirt you were currently wearing. you quickly composed yourself and continued to scroll. there were so many pictures of your ass and cleavage, it made your head spin. and the occasional shot of your bare pussy from the hot nights you slept in only one of Anton's shirts didn't go unnoticed. you eventually sent the clothed pictures of yourself to your phone and acted like nothing happened. that's when the constant posing started.
you started wearing skirts and dresses more and dropping things more often. every time you get up after bending over, Anton's ears get so red. one day you decided to give Anton the special treat of a short skirt paired with no panties. when you did your usual extended bend-over, Anton very quickly excused himself. he damn near sprinted to the bathroom. you followed him because why not.
you stood outside the bathroom and could faintly hear him whisper to himself something along the lines of "i shouldn't keep doing this. she'll be so mad at me". the whispers soon turned into moans whimpers and the wet sound of Anton fucking his hand. you stood there the whole time just listening. this was probably the hottest moment of your relationship that didn't last long enough. the door swung open and he was so red in the face when he saw you. his eyes were wide and watery as he searched for something to say.
-🎀 (i am once again asking the universe for a man who is obsessed with me and is Anton)
im glad we’re on the same page abt perv hani, but i lowkey wanna hear your thoughts now 🙈 but thats just cuz seunghan makes me crazy
PERV ANTONNNN im doing backflips. been waiting for this one fr 🫦 but ugh he’s definitely the type to sneak pics. he has you and everyone fooled with the dog as the thumbnail trick so no one would suspect a thing. but you’re just a girl and if you see a photo album with a cute animal on it ofc you’d click on it :/ but then you see what your boyfriends been doing behind your back and you don’t know what to feel.
any normal person would be disgusted, it was perverted and just nasty to put your take photos of your girlfriends panties under her dress/skirt, using his height to his advantage so he can get better cleavage photos, keeping his phone by his side to get various shots of your ass, all behind your back. but you can’t help but be a little turned on. your boyfriend was so obsessed and attracted to you that he felt like he had to sneak to get a few panty shots.
i think if you gave him photos of your body he would appreciate them soo much, but something about sneaking them and getting them during candid moments just made the photos sexier for him. he even has his live photo setting on so he can play the 2 second clip of you bending over while he’s jerking off.
you had already found out about his little secret, but when you decide you wanted to catch him in the act you knew you had to think of a plan. when he sees you outside the bathroom door you play it off as you were just checking on him since you needed to go after him, and he tries to calm his racing heart from the idea of being caught.
it’s not until later when you ask for his phone, an innocent request and it’s not like he would ever hide his phone from you. you said you just wanted to play games on his phone while he watched whatever was on tv. he wasn’t even thinking about moving his little folder into his hidden before handing you his device, but he didn’t think you’d be going into his photo library if you were playing games.
after a bit, you open his camera and start taking selfies and this shouldn’t be an issue, anton loves when you do this, he loves having photos of you in his phone, but he was so nervous of you opening his camera roll. he got tense, suddenly wanting his phone back and you raised a brow at him but ignored him. you played it off by saying you wanted to look back on the photos you took so you could send them to yourself. now he’s praying that you dont notice that one specific folder when you open the photos app.
but you do. and anton feels like he’s going to throw up.
“you have a folder of animals? thats so cute how come you never send me these?”
“it just slipped my mind i guess…” he chuckles nervously and runs a hand through his hair, and then everything hits the fan the second your finger clicks on the icon.
all the photos he had of you in compromised positions, up your skirt, down your shirt, and just full on naked photos of your weak body after you two had sex was on display. you pretended to be shocked, like you hadn’t already discovered the folder some days ago, but anton was a mess trying to explain himself. strings of apologies leaving his lips and he’s basically on his knees begging for your forgiveness. you just cup his face in your hand, rubbing soothing circles on his cheek with your thumb.
he looked super hot like this, so pathetic under your touch begging for you to forgive him and to not think he’s some sick pervert. but you reassure him that it’s okay, and he can continue taking all the pictures he wants of you.
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sequinsmile-x · 9 months
Hi. I watched bloopers and Thomas Gibsons laugh made me think what would be Ems first reaction when she hears it. Like Hotchs laughing but laughing like thaaaat she’d be sooo in love. Maybe you could write something about it :)
soo, I have had a couple of asks along these lines and I've been waiting for inspo to strike so I could hopefully do this prompt justice, and last night this came to me!
I really hope you like this <3
Emily reflects on how much she loves Aaron's laugh.
Warnings: Daddy issues if you squint. So fluffy in parts I recommend you floss afterwards
Words: 4k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
The first time Emily hears Aaron laugh she’s still relatively new to the team. 
He doesn’t quite trust her yet and she knows it, but he’s not as standoffish as he once was with her. He’s slightly more relaxed, and she can, if she looks closely enough, see a future where she would feel like a fully-fledged member of the team. She’s still convinced that he’s a complete hardass, unable to see what Haley sees in him, her few interactions with his wife making her question how got together in the first place. Her smile and sense of fun misplaced against what Emily thinks she knows about Aaron. 
When she looks back on it, she chastises herself for not looking below the surface. For not looking beyond the facade that was so clearly carefully constructed. Fun and happiness and softness buried beneath a tough exterior, only visible to those who cared to look. A scowl that was painted on over a smile that makes her stomach flutter in ways she chooses to ignore. 
It’s a late flight home, an awful case left behind them that had led to days of too much coffee and too little sleep. Despite the exhaustion that lingers in the air around them they are too wired to rest. Derek suggests poker, a pack of cards always in his bag, and they all agree to play. Aaron reminds them they can’t play for money, that the jet is federal property, and she sees an edge to his smile, a hint of the dimple carved into his cheek, that she hadn’t seen before. Spencer suggests they play for snacks as he pulls packets of pretzels out of his bag and they all agree.
She laughs as Derek gets increasingly irritated that he’s losing, his eyebrows furrowing as he loses hand after hand, his competitive side shining through. He growls as he throws down his cards and Spencer pulls the snacks towards him, a smile on his face. 
“Are you going to keep losing or shall we just give up?” Spencer asks, and Emily laughs, shaking her head as she settles back into her seat.
“Are you even old enough to gamble?” She asks, chuckling when Spencer glares at her. 
“I’m old enough,” he grumbles, “Plus, I grew up in Vegas,” he shrugs as he shuffles the deck, “Most games are just math.” 
Derek groans and buries his head in his hands, “How do I always forget you grew up in Vegas and that you have the ability to make anything sound boring?” 
Aaron laughs at the pure dejection in Derek’s voice, his head thrown back slightly, and for a moment Emily wonders how often this exact scenario had played out before she joined the team. Then his laughter washes over her, the sound completely different to what she would have expected. It’s light, almost melodic. Goofy in a way that makes her have to suppress a smile, her lips pressing firmly against each other as something deep in her gut flips, warmth spreading through her veins. 
She only realises she’s been staring when he says her name, and she clears her throat, shaking her head as if to rid herself of a spell, “Sorry, yes?” 
He frowns, his eyebrows pulling together in a familiar way, “Are you ok?”
She nods, flashing him a smile, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just tired I think.” 
He looks like he doesn’t believe her for a moment, but he simply nods in response, “It’s been a long day.” 
“Yeah,” she says, smiling at him once more before she turns her attention back to the game, “it’s been a long day.”
When she looks back she knows that’s when it started.
The first time she makes him laugh like that is after he’s been attacked by Foyet. 
She’d made him chuckle before, a sound caught in his chest as she made a wry comment within his earshot, but she’d never made him laugh. It was a rare sound anyway, something that broke free when he couldn’t control his amusement, but even rarer lately. The strain in his eyes, the tension in his jaw, ever present from the moment he’d sent away Haley and Jack. It makes Emily ache, makes her wish she could do anything to give him even a second of relief, a flash of happiness in amongst the despair his life had fallen into. 
Ever since she’d found him in the hospital she’d felt a need to protect him, to know where he was at all times. The concern that Foyet would come back and finish the job something that kept her up at night, her eyes fixed on the ceiling in her bedroom as she counted down the minutes until it would be deemed reasonable to check in on him. It was one of the many reasons she’d volunteered to drive him to and from work when he came back, because it meant she could channel all the nervous energy she couldn’t put a name to into something that was useful. A way she could show how him much she cared.  
“What is the point of this?” JJ complains, pushing pasta dough back and forth on Dave’s countertop, “I can just buy pasta.” 
“No friends of mine are going to get away with not being able to make their own pasta,” Dave says, raising his eyebrows when Emily rolls her eyes, her pasta dough abandoned on the counter, her focus split between her glass of wine and Aaron who was standing next to her, an amused smile skirting across his face. “You given up there Bella?” 
“Yes,” she says, taking a sip of her wine as she looks at him, “I’ll make sure I think of you the next time I snap spaghetti noodles to fit them in the pot.” 
Her smile widens when Penelope and Derek chuckle, and Dave sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he leans on the counter.
“È come se fossi circondato da idioti,” he grumbles, grabbing his glass of scotch, and Emily hides her smirk behind her glass.
“It’s like you forgot you’re not the only one fluent in Italian. And that the word for idiot is idiota, even Derek could translate that one.” 
“Hey,” Derek exclaims, cutting off Dave’s reply as he looks up from his pasta dough, his eyebrows furrowed together. 
Any response she has lined up for Derek is lost, forgotten as Aaron laughs, loud and bold and beautiful, and it makes her heart skip a beat. He shakes his head as he kneads his pasta, “She’s got you there Dave.” 
Dave rolls his eyes, but Emily sees the spark in them, the way he briefly looks at her, his smile giving away that he was pleased his friend was happy for a moment, even if it was fleeting. Dave waves his hand at them all and leaves the room, heading for the wine cellar. 
“We need more wine to get through this,” he complains as he walks away, “I’m not cooking anything else for you Emily so if you don’t make your pasta you’re going hungry.” 
She scoffs and shakes her head at him before she looks back at Aaron, her teeth sinking into her lower lip when she sees he’s still smiling, his laughter still lingering in the air around them. She looks at her abandoned pasta dough and she sighs. 
She turns to look at Aaron, smiling when their eyes meet, her stomach swooping as she tries not to get lost in them, “Yes, Aaron?” 
He’d asked her to start calling him Aaron when they weren’t working, a show of friendship after she’d taken him to and from work for weeks. The shared commute slowly turning from sad, sorrow-filled silence to passionate debates about what music they should play, his smile present but shaky when she made fun of his love of The Beatles.
“You can share my pasta if you want,” he says, his voice low so only she can hear him, the others distracted by Penelope and Derek getting flour in each other’s hair, “I made extra just in case you gave up.” 
She’d never be able to explain why, but that’s what clicks everything into place for her. Pieces falling into place as she realises she was in love with him, that his offer of sharing his food, his admittance that he’d made more than he needed with her in mind, made her realise what had been in front of her for weeks, months if she was honest.
She was in love with him, and she was sure he felt the same way, but she couldn’t do anything about it.
Now wasn’t the time, she knew that. He was just about hanging on. All of his focus on getting Jack back, on making sure he caught Foyet so his son and Haley could come back from wherever they were. It wasn’t the time, but she could be his friend. 
She smiles and nods, clearing her throat to push the love back down it, letting it burn her on its way back down. 
“I’d love that.”
The first time he laughs at her is a couple of weeks into their relationship. 
He’d become her best friend and confidant since she’d returned from Paris. His awareness of her survival, of what it had taken from her, one of the many things that had bonded them together. Over time she realised she spent more of her spare time with him than she didn’t, evenings and weekends spent with him and his son, the taste of a family they gave her slowly becoming her new normal, a vague promise of what she could have when she found solid ground again. 
She’d felt them circling more than friendship for weeks before they took the final step. Longing glances lingering a little longer, both of them so in love with each other they didn’t know what to do with themselves. It all came to a head when a cop asked her out and she turned him down, not even thinking about it as she denied his request to go for dinner. Emily hadn’t thought anything of it until Aaron had shown up on her doorstep that night, his hair a mess from where he’d run his fingers through it, a tell that he was nervous.
When he asked her why she’d turned the cop down, her only answer had been to close the gap between them and kiss him, her hands on his cheeks, thumbs pressing into the dimples she’d thought about every day in Paris. When she broke the kiss, pulling back for air, he smiled at her, his hands tangling in her hair as he pulls her back in for more. 
She yawns as she walks into her kitchen, the material of his shirt, the one she’d picked up from her bedroom floor, skimming the top of her thighs as she stretches. She checks the time on her watch and sees it’s 2 a.m., groaning as her stomach rumbles again. They’d gone for dinner, Aaron’s gaze locked on her as she purposely ordered in French because she knows it riles him up, and then came back to hers, barely through the door before they were all over each other. She vaguely makes a mental note to make sure her underwear is actually inside her apartment and not in the hallway outside, and makes her way to the pantry to make a snack. 
He’d made her buy food, his arms wrapped around from behind in the aisles of the grocery store, encouraging her to actually have more than random condiments and take-out menus in her kitchen. She settles on making toast, pulling the bread out and slipping two slices into the toaster. She leans against the counter and yawns, stretching again and smiling at the pleasant soreness settling into her muscles. She knows she’ll find bruises on her skin in the morning, a temporary tattoo of his love, his desperation for her, alongside ones that were already fading. 
It was everything she’d always imagined it to be and more, his attention to detail, his concentration, clearly not something he only had at work. It felt like a lifetime ago that she’d ever questioned what Haley had seen in him, and she guesses it might as well have been. 
Emily wasn’t the same woman she used to be. Her grave may have been empty, but part of her had died. Rotten and decaying away as every day passed in Paris, her old life in tatters around her. She used to think that would be the thing that would drive her away from here, from the family she’d found. That her need to try and be who they wanted her to be, a square peg in a round hole, would make the place she’d once called home unliveable.
Then Aaron happened. His understanding and kindness the bedrock she started to rebuild her life on. He had no expectations of her beyond telling him the truth. No desperate need to make her be who she used to be, because he knew that wasn’t possible. 
He wasn’t the same person he used to be either. 
She thinks it’s why it works, why she can already see them going the distance. They understand each other on a level no one else could. 
She’s snapped out of her thoughts by the smoke alarm, and she jumps, cursing under her breath as she sees smoke rising out of the toaster. 
She releases the toast from the toaster, wincing when she lifts up the smoking slices, dropping them onto the counter when they burn her fingers. She grabs a dishtowel and waves it under the smoke detector, growling in frustration when the noise continues. 
“Em, is everything okay?” 
She looks up just as the alarm stops to see Aaron running into the room, his hair askew and pulling his boxers up, walking over to her when he’s got them on.
“Yeah,” she grumbles, throwing the dishtowel down and looking forlornly at her burnt toast, “I was hungry.” 
He looks back and forth between her, the burnt toast, and the still open loaf of bread on the counter, and he smiles, a clear attempt to smother it failing as he looks back at her. 
“You almost set your kitchen on fire making toast?” He asks incredulously, raising his eyebrow, and she answers with nothing more than crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at the ground. His response to laugh at her, a full-bellied thing that has her looking up at him as he closes the gap between them, any irritation at him fading away at the familiar sound she loves. He wraps his arms around her, his hands on her lower back.
“It’s your fault,” she complains, wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers trailing through the short hair at the base of his head, “I was distracted thinking about you.” 
He smiles and leans down to kiss her, his lips gentle against hers at first before he deepens the kiss, his hands shifting from her lower back to grab her ass. He grasps at her thighs, hauling her up onto the counter, tasting her surprised squeal as he places her down.
“In that case,” he says, kissing her again, “I should make you something to eat,” he says, kissing her cheek, then her jawline, “Maybe something better than toast,” he pulls back to look at her, “Pancakes?”
Emily bites her lower lip as she smiles at him, pulling him closer by hooking her leg around his back, “I’d like that,” she says, stamping a kiss against his lips, sighing as she loses herself in the feeling, “Or…we could have pancakes after.”
He smiles, his hand sneaking under the shirt she was wearing, his skin scorching against hers, his lips against her neck, “After sounds perfect.”
They never do get around to making pancakes.
When she finds out he hates his laugh, she feels like she needs to defend him - even though it’s from himself. 
She’s sitting on their couch waiting for Aaron to put Jack to bed, and she is watching a video on her phone. It’s from a recent event at Jack’s school, a parent race where the kids picked one of their parents to join them in the three-legged race.
Jack had chosen her. 
It was something that still took her by surprise sometimes, the thought that she was someone's parent. That she could love someone as much as she loved Jack, and it took her aback that Jack felt the same way. That she’d stepped into that role in his life and he’d not only accepted it, but encouraged it. Seeking her out when he needed comfort, always looking for her when they were all in a room. 
As soon as Jack had asked her to join in on the race with him she’d looked at Aaron, desperate to make sure he was okay with it, and all he’d done was smile.
It was only afterwards, celebrating their victory, that she realised Aaron had filmed the race on his phone. She smiles as she watches it, her and Jack moving in tandem with their legs tied together, looks of concentration on their faces, the soundtrack to the event Aaron’s delighted laughter from behind the camera.
She hears Aaron groan from behind her and she pauses the video, turning to look at him, totally unaware when he’d made it downstairs from putting Jack to bed. She smiles as he rounds the couch to join her, his arm automatically wrapping around her shoulders as she leans into his side. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks, not missing how he grimaces when he sees what she’s watching, “I love that video.” 
“I do too,” he says, kissing her temple, “I just wish the only thing you could hear wasn’t my goofy laugh.” 
Her smile fades as she hears the derisive tone of his voice, how he scowls slightly, and she locks her phone before putting it down, turning all of her attention to him. 
“Why?” She asks curiously, linking their fingers together, smiling at the sight of her engagement ring on her finger, still blown away by it all these weeks later. 
He shrugs, “I hate my laugh,” he says, “It’s awful.” 
Her eyes go wide and she pulls back, putting some space between them so she can look at him properly, “What? Why?”
He sighs and she knows once he would have shrugged it off, he would have said it was nothing, but they were well past that. Honesty one of the cornerstones of their life together, the thing that everything rested on. He smiles tightly at her and shakes his head.
“My dad he…” he trails off and clears his throat, and not for the first time she finds herself wishing she could bring a man she’d never met back to life just so she could kill him herself, “He always said it was stupid. That no one would ever take me seriously,” he shakes his head, “I don’t know…I guess I’ve always just thought it was goofy.” 
She waits for a moment, carefully choosing her words before she sneaks even closer, all but in his lap as she places her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her, her smile soft. 
“Honey, it is kind of goofy,” she says, holding his head in place when he tries to look down, “But that’s why I love it.”
Aaron’s eyebrows knit together, “Really?”
“Really,” she confirms, smiling at him, “It was the first thing about you that I fell in love with,” she says, her smile turning into a smirk, “Well, after your rugged good looks of course,” she feels joy stir in her chest when he smiles at her, unable to fight it anymore, I actually remember the time I heard you laugh for the first time.”
“You do?”
She nods, humming as she settles in closer, her head on his shoulder, tilted up so she can look at him, and one of his hands sandwiched in between both of hers. 
“It was on the jet, we were on the way back from an awful case and we were playing poker for snacks,” she smiles as she thinks about it, “Spencer was winning and Derek-”
“Derek got competitive and annoyed he was losing,” Aaron finishes for her, tucking some hair behind her ear with his free hand, “He made a comment about forgetting Reid is from Vegas.”
“You remember?” She asks, and he nods, turning to kiss her forehead.
“I remember. It…” he trails off, his cheeks turning slightly pink as if he was embarrassed by something. 
“What?” She asks, looking at him curiously, smiling softly when he stays quiet, “You can tell me anything, you know that.”
He sighs and nods, “It was the first time I really thought about how beautiful you are,” he admits, clearing his throat, “I felt awful because I was still married to Haley, but you were smiling at something and…you just looked beautiful.” 
She wonders how he makes her fall in love with him more every day, how he finds new ways to draw her further in, and she fights a smile, her cheeks aching with it when she fails.
“I love you,” she says, knowing it doesn’t even begin to explain how she feels about him. 
“I love you too,” he replies before he leans in to kiss her, “so much.” 
They lose themselves in each other, both of them wondering how they got so lucky.
Their son laughs just like Aaron, the three-year-old a carbon copy of his father through and through, often making her wonder how she’d managed to give birth to her husband’s clone.
She remembers the first time Elliot laughed, how it had blown her away, fixing months of sleepless nights and sore breasts and tears in one moment. He was four months old at the time, the sound indistinguishable from any other baby laughing as Aaron sneezed,  the sound apparently amusing to the tiny baby, but it didn’t stop it from being the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. Driving her to tears that she’d been susceptible to ever since he was born, Elliot joining his father and older brother on the list of people who could break down all of her defences. 
His laugh changes as he grows, turning into something new as his personality continues to emerge, and it’s a sound she tries to draw out of him at any opportunity. A level of innocence she knows she’d kill to protect 
The first time he laughs like Aaron is just a normal Tuesday, another day in the ordinary life she never thought she’d have. The life she loved beyond words. They were in the living room after dinner, Jack sitting on the floor with his younger brother, playing with him, and Emily and Aaron on the couch, snuggled together as they shared a glass of wine and watched their sons. 
She’s smiling at something her husband has said when she hears it, a smaller, higher version of Aaron’s laugh coming from their 3-year-old. She looks over and spots Jack tickling his brother, drawing the sound from Elliot. She looks back at Aaron and she knows he’s made the connection too, his eyes fixed on their little boys, love shining in his eyes, ready to spill out onto his cheeks. She places her hand on his thigh and squeezes, smiling when their eyes meet. 
“I’ve always told you he’s a mini version of you, and now he even laughs like you,” she says quietly, her smile widening when he places his hand over hers, linking their fingers together. 
“Yeah,” he replies, sounding breathless, emotions she can see written all over his face clogging his lungs, “He does.” 
She knows that for the first time, he hears the same beauty in his laugh that she always has. 
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@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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marsosims · 5 months
Hello! I've been super busy finishing up requirements for school... Today's the last day for the submission of requirements and I've been rushing to do them and submit on time, but I've been struck with a bout of procrastination, and I thought I'd participate in simblr appreciation day!
(under the cut because it's surprisingly long [that's what she said...])
I don't really have any particular people in mind but that's mostly because I cannot remember every single person and I would feel bad about forgetting anybody,,, ANYWAY! here's some appreciation to:
The people who make CC and mods - y'all make this game bearable and I genuinely cannot live without them so I am very much thankful to all of u ily all (except the permawallers)
The people who make those CC and mods POSSIBLE - the people over at s4s and all the other tools like s4castools, as well as the tutorials they've made over the years have been INVALUABLE to the community and I just wanted to recognize them and say thank you <3
The people who reblog CC and mods - I feel as a creator, I've always been very appreciative of people who reblog my content because it genuinely helps me out to have my content spread to a wider audience. On the flipside, as a consumer, I'm also very appreciative of these people because I LOVEE discovering new creators that I've never known before who make literally the best items out there and AAA i'm just so happy
The people who download and play with said CC and mods and create the most beautiful sims, stories, and builds with them - as a creator, I honestly feel very giddy whenever I see people use my cc or even my mods. I know I don't generally reblog (because I usually forget) but I genuinely appreciate all of you! Thank you so much! All of the sims and builds I've seen with my CC have been incredible and have been truly inspiring <3 The stories and edits that I see on my dashboard (or when I stalk people on my activity dashboard IM SORRY) are honestly amazing and I LOVE to see it!
Of course, the people who play vanilla! - whatever type of gameplay you make, whether it's vanilla or with a shit ton of CC and mods, I love to see it! It's so refreshing to see how differently people use the same game to create such a diverse community! Vanila players, however, I have SOO much respect for. You guys are the strongest soldiers out there. I am weak to the temptation of custom content. Always have been.
The people who made this a thing! - this has honestly been one of the best things I've seen on simblr in a while, all the negativity and drama have made me a little less keen on being here a few months ago, but I've slowly come back and I'm genuinely so happy to see something like this happen :D
My patrons - honestly couldn't really end this appreciation post without saying a thank you to my patrons. Seriously, thank you :D You don't know how much your donations mean to me and my getting through college. The extra funds from your donations have allowed me to be generally independent in terms of funding myself and my activities. Seriously.
Anyway, this has been a super long post and I'm actually kind of embarrassed to post it because it feels like a long diary because I've been rambling about stupid stuff that I should have probably kept to myself but uhh yeah!!!!
Hope you guys have a happy holiday season!!! Expect more things from me, at least until the end of this year! I've been working on some stuff! Probably not exciting, but it's stuff!
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imagineitdearies · 2 months
Well, hello there~ I've been trying to gather the courage to message you, but I've been thinking a lot about PS....
I have to tell you that I absolutely ADORE the way you write and characterize Cazador soo soooo much! I always felt him to be way too goofy in the game!
Astarion always tells us about this big bad entity in Baldur's Gate that is basically looming over him and waits for him to do something wrong so he can snatch him. Then you meet him in his dungeon and he is this pathetic man who is no match for us!
But the way you write him and his terrifying presence is what I would have loved him to be and I am positively terrified everytime he is there!
I absolutely loved the last chapter and that ending made me DREAD the next one (as always in a good way)🙈🥲
Thank you for your incredible work and for sharing that for free for all us little plebs💗💗💗
Gahhh cutest deviant hello!! Your comments (and user pic) always make me smile 🥰
I’m so glad you’re liking Cazador’s characterization!! It’s been super cathartic writing such a narcissistic asshole to be frank.
It’s funny, I think one of the dialogue options when first confronting Cazador is to question Astarion on why he was so afraid of this guy for so long. But it’d be a totally different story if Cazador still had ultimate control—lots of angst with Astarion having to fight against you, obey whatever he says, etc. Astarion going back to face him empowered and freed from control does nerf Cazador quite a bit (I still had to reload the battle a few times during my first run 😂), but I do find it a beautiful metaphor for facing an abuser from childhood—once they no longer have ultimate power over you, you realize what an absolute loser they are.
But yeah, that shouldn’t invalidate the very real, very valid fears when you are under their control, and that’s such an interesting (terrible) thing to explore, isn’t it? And terrifying, in this case! Lol.
Dread and suspense have been soooo fun to play with in this story—I hope you enjoy what unfolds in ch30!! Though in this case ‘enjoy’ may be the wrong word….I’d advise having some self-care planned for after 💔
Thanks so much for reaching out deviant, it really made my day!!
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cidthesquid · 5 months
Closing the Book on Fashion Forward! (Mini Review+Personal Story)
Yes, yes, I'm aware, this is the 3rd “I've finish Style Savvy FF" post! But This time it's for real, I completed the (spoilers) event, and I've even transferred my save off the emulator for long-term storage on the game cart! [My adventure spanned from 11/04/23 - 12/26/23]
Here are my last few outfits! (mini-review to follow!)
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Overall, had a ton of fun with this game! It was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had in years. But it was not without it's hiccups, the most obvious being how events are handled, At times you'll have to wait for the correct person to pop-up to progress the plot, and sometimes they just refuse to show up. The Real time clock is a neat addition, with a season system for fashion shows, shop inventory, and for some slight weather features. it's FAR less strict than in games like animal crossing, but it can make unlocking some content really annoying, since you have to wait a real-world day for shops to refresh, and some in-game locations are locked out for different based on the time. But it by no means hampers you from enjoying the game's core loop. (Nigh owls rejoice) I could also complain about unlocking colors and hairstyles and makeup, as they all feel pretty random without a guide. But again these are all just extra. The core gameplay loop of managing inventory, designing outfits, and matching style to your customer was absolutely top notch! Even on my last day, I ended up coming with at least two new ones when I thought I'd exaused all options. The only snag with this, is after a fashion show, everyone will get excited about the theme, and will demand that you only make outfits in that specific style for multiple days afterwards, so that can get a little repetitive. But other than that, the core designing has been more fun than I thought possible! (Personal story relayed to SS, after the break!)
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Alright, well since this will be my last post for a little while, (I'll take a short break before starting trendsetters) I figured I'd talk a little about why Style Savvy means soo much to me. (It's SUPER long, and get's a little personal, but you've been warned!) In short, I've always been a bit self-conscious about how I present myself in games. I'm a guy, and generally only play as guy characters designed to look as much like me as possible, Not because it's more 'immersive', or that that's because I'm most comfortable with, but because it would mean less 'uncomftable questions' from others, Yet I'd still get comments such as "that doesn't look like you", why'd you choose that.. weight/height/ hairstyle/skin tone/etc, that's not accurate"!
And that, mixed with many offhanded comments about how others chose to dress their characters, (and the possible reasons why they chose 'a specific outfit', applying a negative connotation to even the idea of a guy playing as a female character) It kinda enforced in my mind, that even wanting to play as a cool, cute or even sassy female character was just creepy in some way. So for a long time, I just avoided it my making all my main characters as close to myself as possible, but even having a female side/alt directly based of an existing TV show/game character would still cause some sarcastic remarks, so I just stopped using them in any multiplayer games, and stuck with my main. Eventually i stated playing Final Fantasy XIV and made my standard character, but the friend that introduced me to the game decided he had no interested in playing the start of the game again, and the few others I planned to play with were always busy, so I decided to make a female side character, and came up with a design I liked and ended up playing as them a lot, while waiting for others to be free. In Final Fantasy, I picked up crafting, and started making my own armor and clothing, and for the first time, I was actually designing outfits for an original female character! and began really enjoying the various outfits I could make, and mixing pieces for new looks It still felt kinda weird, I'd never cared about how other people designed or dressed their characters, but it still felt 'wrong' for me somehow, (Like I was enforcing my own will on them, deciding how they dress. as silly as it sounds) The compromise was making a few alt characters, giving each a style an personality, and just sticking to only designing within "what they would actually wear"
That allowed me to be much more comfortable designing in various styles, but I still felt a little weird making specific styles, as I was worried about how it would be precived by other players. ...And eventually 'Fashion Dreamer' released it looked interesting, looking it up online introduced me to 'Style Savvy', So I gave Fashion Forward a Shot, and fell in love with the game. It let me designed outfits my and other characters, but removed all the previous sources of anxiety! I did not have to worry about anyone else's feelings, no one in the game cared about who I was or how I looked in real life, I was not taking away anyone elses control, they decide they want to look cute/cool/feminine, and I'm just helping them achieve their goal. I could look however I want, and it would never bother anyone or make them feel uncomfortable. The people in the world were all very nice and friendly, and while they may be fake, the positive improvement the game has had on my live has been very real! The game may not be a teaching tool, but I still feel I've learned a fair bit about the basics of fashion and outfit customization. and I feel more confident in not just my designs, but how I feel about making characters in general! ...I mean to a point. I did completely redesign my avatar when I started posting here, as I was worried about what people would think, of my working with an avatar that appeared to be of a different race, ....despite me never posting any IRL pics... ...But, baby steps, I have to start somewhere! --- Thanks Syn Sophia, this game has truly changed my life for the better! :)
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ilsanslut · 20 days
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hii friends! ♡
i know its been such a long LONG time since i've last been here, written anything, or interacted with any of you. i apologize for dipping so suddenly with no real indication of when i would return. tbh, this is the first time since my hiatus message that i last opened tumblr, (SHOCKING IK BUT IVE BEEN LIVING OFF OF J.AI) and seeing all of your well wishes as well as compliments on my works since i've been gone just made my heart swell sooo soo much, and i figured that i couldn't leave y'all in the dark any longer.
so, first thing's first. i am a full-time nurse now, (yaay!) but that also means that i work 3-4 12hr shifts a week. sometimes in a row. long story short, it's exhausting and extremely laborous, but it's my passion, and it's what i want to do so it's okay for me! i'm taking care of myself in between shifts too, dw! but i'm also sleeping A LOT more.
that being said, i do not feel comfortable stating a full return to tumblr just yet. (maybe in a few months when i feel thoroughly comfortable balancing writing and working, but no promises as of right now) i'll be active here and there and maybe share a little blurb or a horny/fluffy thought every now and then, but it will take some time for me to get back into writing full fics like i was before.
however, what i do feel comfortable with is bot creation! sometime within the next few weeks i'll be moving some of my nsfw themed c.ai bots onto j.ai (janitor ai), as well as creating a few new ones in the future! i find these to be less time consuming than that of full-length fics or blurbs, so i'll be sticking to making bots for the time being until i feel comfortable to write something larger!
on another note, it's been brought to my attention that recently, a few of my bots have been stolen from c.ai and posted to j.ai or other sites without my permission/credit. am i mad about it? nah (to an extent). does that make it okay? fuck nawl.
what pisses me off about it is: one, when people don't give credit to me or the original idea, and two, when people not only take my bots WITHOUT ASKING, but then they play it off in the bot description or on their page like it's their own creation. deadass, i wish nothing but the worst for y'all and i hope y'all get an incurable yeast infection or sumn. to those of you who HAVE asked first or given me credits, i love you all my lil' precious sugarplums and hope you wake up with 100 million dollars in your bank accs tomorrow!! 🫶🏾
all i'm saying is that if you want to use my bots, please, PLEASE credit me or state that my bot inspired your own (if they are very similar) and please ask/tell me before you do so that there's no confusion later down the line. thank you, lovelies.
if yall do see anyone stealing/using my works, please, let me know, report it, and/or make others aware that the content is stolen. i would appreciate it so, so much. 🫶🏾 ( cough cough: spidersay )
but if i'm honest, that's pretty much it from me! besides working my ass off, sleeping, and revamping my pc setup, that's all i've been up too in these past 4 months. i look forward to interacting with you all soon, and hope you all have a gorgeous day/night! ♡
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simlicious · 1 year
personal update :)
I want to start by saying that I appreciate you all so much, whether you are followers, mutuals, just casually lurking around, dropping by every 2 months, or regularly engaging, thanks for being around, it means a lot! 💜 More personal stuff follows below :)
Soo... I'm still pretty quiet, huh.
I guess I am on a semi-hiatus, I still drop into tumblr and try to see what's new with other simblrs, but I do not have to share much on my own blog for now (but that could also change quickly again, depending on my mood).
A lot of my family members' birthdays are in April and May so I've been busy on that front. Today was nice, we enjoyed my mum's yummy strawberry cake for my dad's birthday :)
My brother introduced me to a new game that we can play together, No Man's Sky. Part of me is fascinated by it, and part of me is annoyed because it's pretty grindy and I hate repetitious gameplay. I've been investing a lot of time in the last few days to achieve some things, but I just realized how much time is actually needed to make it anywhere in the game (but there are a lot of ways to do stuff, so maybe there is a better way than what I've been doing as a noob). I just need to be careful not to spend too much time on it. I'm also working on a project that's sims-related, but it will take some time before I can unveil it. I am proud to say that I have been making some progress in battling my anxiety regarding Covid. In Germany, the pandemic has been officially called over and we are not required to wear masks basically anywhere anymore. My initial reaction was "well, tell that to the virus!". Of course, we can still get sick and we have no way of knowing who might be sick, other than people coughing/sneezing/ showing obvious symptoms. But I've been to several places without a mask now (something I could not have dreamed of doing 2 months ago), including a restaurant, a supermarket, and a shopping center. It still feels weird not wearing a mask! In my head, I pretend that it is pre-covid and that helps a little. It also feels weird to still wear a mask when nobody around you does now, so it's tough either way. I still keep my distance though and if someone coughs or sneezes I'm outta there in an instant... and I think if/when I use public transportation, I would definitely wear a mask again. I am not comfortable sitting in tight spaces with others yet (even with a mask). Do you guys feel weird/vulnerable too without a mask?
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rottedbrainz · 1 year
So kind of random but do you have any headcannons on Janice's twin sister, or maybe any on the idea of Lips being Zoey's dad (for some reason my laptop won't let me put in question marks). Last one in particular I think is a super neat idea and I think Zoey and Lips's personalities mesh well together!
Oh! Well actually I have been doodling Janice and her sister for the pass few days and I've come up with some headcanons! Not just with them as sisters but also them being older sisters to Lips!
I will be referring to Janice's sister as S because I'm confident that she will get a name sometime in the future.
☆Soo Janice and S have a very strained relationship with one another. I imagine that , though she would never admit it, that S is a little jealous of Janice. Not of the fame; but of her friends, Floyd, and pretty much just the care free life Janice has.
☆ S has a much different life than Janice. While Janice went out and traveled, S stayed close to home for college. When Janice was risking it becoming a musician, S got a safe job. (taking over Rose's beauty business it's totally canon 👀). While Janice was out with multiple partners, S settled and started her own little family. (I've been drawing up some designs for potential kids).
☆ They were color coded twins. S being purple and Janice being yellow.
☆ They had a good relationship growing up, always trying to pull classic twin shenanigans. But just like how all sisters do ,they fight. Now I'm drawing these next few examples from my own life cause I got 3 sisters and these are all true events.
- S was taking a shower and Janice dropped in live fish bait (worms)
- S got mad at Janice one day and while Janice was laying down, S dropped a rock straight on her teeth. Causing Janice's tooth to chip.
- They lock mom out of the car and start trying to drive it.
☆ S and Janice were okay older sisters They loved Lips, but they also liked to laugh at him. I imagine whenever Lips got his lips stuck to the trumpet Janice and S laughed their asses off. But they would always make it up to him by trying to make him feel better.
Now Lips and Zoey. I don't know what made me think of the idea of just dropping a random kid into Lip's life. But I did it and honestly I thought people would have forgotten abt it by now. But let's began.
☆ So Lips has the title of a professor or some sort of doctorates since he gives lectures at universities. So I imagine that he would Zoey having a rock hyperfixation and try to help her get as much information about rocks as possible. He's egard to help her learn about things that she's passionate in.
☆ He loves watching Zoey mess with Elmos head. He thinks it's hilarious that they argue like siblings. Elmos parents aren't to keen on it though and ask Lips to stop encouraging Zoey.
☆ He likes to makes her clothes from his old baggy clothes.
☆ He loves doing activities that would be seen as girly by most. Play dress up, making bracelets, painting her nails, and letting her do his hair." Anything to make Zoey happy" is what he would say whenever anyone questioned why he'd let Zoey do it.
☆ Him and the rest of the band volunteers at Zoeys preschool as music teachers and help teach the kids instruments and music.
☆ Zoey has an old electric Mayhem t shirt that she's wears almost every night as pajamas.
☆ I'm a multi shipper whenever it comes to Lips. So I just see him as a single dad and whenever he does search for a potential partner he always says this "Look I got a daughter and she comes first. If you don't think you can handle it, then I don't think this is gonna work." And most people respect it, other people get pissed.
☆ Also this might be unrelated. But for some reason I see Yolanda and Lips as besties. So I totally see Yolanda being Zoeys God mom and baby sitting her whenever Lips needs to do something.
☆ I'm not quite sure what her relationship with the rest of the band is. All I know is her and Janice have aunt and niece dates.
This was kinda long. Was not expecting myself to have so many headcanons.
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zermizomilk · 1 month
 Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away.  [wild card question: opinion on cheese? <-not sure if i asked this]
got a tape measure this time 178cm
teal ish
physical contact ain't my thing
either teal or a minty colour
i like winter
no tattoos
irl friend
yes. 2 years i think by now
pet bird
just woke up so yeah
6 maybe 7 hours of sleep
read paper trails a year ago my eyes got watery
2020. I know it was shit all round but it was a field day for content creation
i guess cartoons
don't really read book lesst i got to but i guess pinocchio
"im quick with decisions but when it comes friendship i go slow so i don't want to fuck up again"
summer break
i guess playing games with friends
id probably stay inside my house
what is a "squish"
where i live we don't really use middle name soo nothing much to say here
think i've said cats before
prob arachnophobia
don't like the beach. i like most things when it's cloudy
"it was adventure time but that ended a while ago but it stays nothings as good as what was on bach then"
the-alakazam-attraction largefound iamunabletothinkofablogname jocket
squiddo01 Don't really like bothering people with tags
1 older brother
friend but i told her accidentally she wasn't supposed to hear that
not really no
to be alone
i guess my brother
goodnight see you tomorrow
cheese good
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ddruxyart · 3 months
Hi I just wanted to let u know that I haven't stopped thinking about ur femc comic since I saw it. The colors are so good and the quote tears me apart it's sosososo good
Yo... the COMPLIMENT of this, unparalleld. IN TEARS is what I am. I know I'm only replying now, but I've been thinking about your ask the last few days and I'm still riding that high, so thank you fdfdf
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more under the cut bc it turns out I always have way more to say than I think haha
That quote has been a sleeper agent inside my brain for sooo long and as I was on my 6th or smth try of beating P3 (I kept playing past the halfway point and then falling off bc of adhd), it came across my dash again and I connected the fucken dots dfdfdf. I think it was also kinda around the time when the remake leaks started to go around and I had several, uncheritable thought & onions on that. Another artwork idea that i had for when I finished the game was a still life called "Treasure" and it would've depicted all of the items you get when you complete a social link. But I'm not strong eough for that haha Obvs a very applicable quote to a lot of media but oughghgh it fits Hamuko SOO well. Narratively ofc but also in the way atlus treats her lmao. < I've never got through PQ2 myself but thinking about her in that game makes me SO sad jfc wdym you got dropped here all on your own, none of your friends remember youand also you're playing the second fiddle to some short emo guy??? < I'm going insane
uh sry about that, coming back to the topic at hand: I think I did the sketch in August of last year? and then started the rendering process in September. I had that comic pretty much finished then. EXCEPT for the third panel, which changed quite drastically. It was a lot closer to the in-game color palette of that scene before and.. it looked okay... < I'm lying, it looked sooo boring, where are my shrimp colors?? No atmosphere at all So i dropped it "for a hot sec" i.e.: whoops it's suddenly february (I wanted to have it queued for p3r's release, uh oh better fucken crunch it.) Rushing in at the last sec to finish it definitely had some pros and cons haha.
I think it turned out pretty well in the end despite it all and knowing me I probs wouldn't have picked it up again if not for that self imposed deadline lmao;;; I'm becoming a bit irked by my typestting on the second panel..
I might go back and fix it if it bother me too much.
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armpirate · 11 months
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
The girl keeps making eye contact with me, teasing me every time she moves the straw near her lips with a smirk. I only grin in response, knowing perfectly fine what she's trying to do and where this could actually go. As usual, my eyes travel away from her to fix on a different point inside the pub. It's something that has always worked... There's nothing worse for someone than having the attention taken away from you for no reason. I smirk to myself when I feel a tap on my shoulder, and her friendly smile is filled with second intentions. A little bit of sweet talk later, we're both making out outside. Until we break the kiss to breathe, and the blonde I wanted to go home with is a totally different person.
And that's when I snap back to reality. Because that thought only crossed my head while I'm still sitting on the counter, and it ended up with Y/n. It always ends up with her. Trying to get her out of my head, even with the dumbest thoughts, only ends up being a big total fail from my side. And why? I don't know.
It could be regret knocking at my door. But I've regretted the way I talked to her as soon as those words slipped my lips. I was low enough to attack her with her own situation, that she only trusted me to know. And I used it to hurt her, only because I felt hurt over her opinion about the deal.
The way she said it... It made me feel useless, as if she were only around me for the sex and advice, but wasn't that what I signed for? It was obvious she'd use everything she learns sooner or later, it's literally the point of our deal. But my blood was boiling just at the thought of that dickhead touching her.
For the eightieth time, only that day, I pick up my phone and enter in our chat, just to be unable to type anything at all. What am I supposed to say now? It'd be dumb to think she isn't annoyed still, and this won't make it.
Before I save my phone in my pants again, I see a message from Leslie. She keeps insisting on seeing me again, and it's starting to piss me off. I know Mark meant well when he gave her my new phone number, but this is being a little bit too much. And the fact that I'm already pissed off in general doesn't help when I click the block button and forget about it.
Pissed off, I stand up from my place and head outside. I guess it's time to get back home.
And what's better than video games to free your mind?
I take a seat on the floor, resting my back against the couch, after I've changed my clothes to some baggy comfortable ones. I'm finally immersed in something that isn't my own thoughts, feeling able to escape from the mess I made.
—Jungkook, just stop playing if you're gonna be this bad —Tae calls me out through the earphones.
—Who will you play with, huh? —I ask, raising my eyebrow while my focus is on killing people from the other group.
—Anyone else, literally —he sighs—. If you're so distracted because of that girl, just go and talk with her.
I tried that, and I failed as well. Just a few days ago I drove to her house, and stood in front of the main door for twenty minutes until I gave up. There was no point for me to stay there. How would she even react if she had seen me there out of nowhere?
It's going to be a long night... Well, as they all have been since I fought with Y/n.
✸ ✸ ✸
If last night I thought there was no hope left, I receive a text from Soo. She's inviting me again to go boxing with her. I wish she'd just accept I'm fine with doing it on my own, because we aren't at the same level, and I like being a bit rough when it comes to it?
"Tam, Mel and Y/n are also here"
And that text makes me think that maybe it won't be a bad idea after all. I wanted a chance to see Y/n and that doesn't seem forced. My sister invited me and she just happens to be there, so it's not a bad idea at all.
When I get there, I suddenly want to backtrack and leave the gym. I don't know what her reaction will be when she sees me, but there are high chances that she won't like it and I'm just risking it on making things uncomfortable for everybody. But, at the same time, if I don't see her now, I'm not sure when I'll be able to gain strength to step in front of her and talk to her directly about what happened.
I step in in the gym class, seeing everybody messily working on their boxing skills on the punching bags that are hung around the room, while others just seem to be resting a bit. And that's when I see her. Cheeks slightly tinted in red, some wet locks sticking on her forehead and side of her face, while her lips are parted trying to get some air back. And I can't believe how much I missed that image.
The trainer walks to me, greeting me with a tight hug before he pats my back. I've always trained with him only, so he's surprised to see me here with so many people.
—My sister insisted —I excuse myself.
—Good —he laughs—. Pick a punching bag and make it yours.
—Umm —he looks at me interested when he's aware of my pensive expression—. How about we get in pairs and work on our abilities together? I've seen it's really helpful.
Convinced by what I've just said, he nods and turns to the whole class before he speaks:
—Guys, get in pairs.
I see Soo goes straight to Melanie as soon as those words get to their ears, while Tammy walks straight to the guy she's been trying to hook up with for months. About Y/n, I see her looking around, trying to find someone that's in the same situation as her. And she finds someone actually. The boy walks to her with confidence, just to receive a deathly look from me, while I point to somewhere else in the room so he doesn't get near her. His expression turns from a confident one to a scared one, changing the pace of his tracks to walk somewhere else in the classroom.
I walk to her, noticing her ponytail is a big mess at this point, and there's no way she'll be able to concentrate on the exercise that way. Throwing my boxing gloves on the floor, I walk to her. Her hair falls over her shoulders, before I hold it all up again and style it on a messy bun so it won't bother her later.
—What are you doing? —she turns to me, once I'm done— Your sister is there.
—They all are busy with their things.
It's not like they'll interrupt their gossip and dumb talk to pay attention to us. Yet Y/n still needs to make sure their eyes are on us. She turns to me again with her lips slightly pressed against one another.
—I'm not doing this with you —she assures me, when she's aware I'm already wearing my red boxing gloves.
—Too bad I'm the only one free.
—Then I'll change partners with someone.
She starts looking around, but everyone has their partner already, and I highly doubt anyone would want to trade at this point. I call her name, the softest way I'm able to, getting her to look back at me with acceptance. But it only seems to be about the gym class, because whenever I try to get closer to her, she steps back, until she finally decides to hide behind the punching back, holding onto it so I get ready to punch it.
—We need to talk about what happened —I throw the first punch.
Although I try to be as careful as I'm able to, I still make her whole body move with the punch I give.
—Do we? —she cuts me off— Because I don't think we have anything to talk about when you disappeared for a week.
How do I tell her that I've been trying to do exactly that for a week, and that it took my sister to invite me to her friends' hang outs to finally dare to do it? It's ridiculous and pathetic. How do I tell her that I've been thinking about her non-stop ever since I stepped out from her house later that night?
She keeps looking at me though, silence isn't enough and she wants me to fill it with an answer to her question.
—I wanted to call you —I assure her once she changes places.
She scoffs, getting ready to give the first punch to the punching back.
—What was it? You lost your phone? Broke it? —she changes her position, now kicking the boxing back to make my body move.
—I was embarrassed.
She suddenly stops. Eyebrows knitted together as she processes what I've just admitted.
—I'm sure you're used to being an asshole like that —she keeps going back to punching and kicking the punching bag, hitting it harder each time.
—Not with you though. And I didn't know how to reach out to you after I behaved like that —I sigh—. You had every right to be pissed off that night. I was a douche, that comment was...
—Disgusting? —she gasps, stopping again— It was. And don't try to say you didn't feel every single word. You said it because you were annoyed, I get it, but that doesn't change the fact that somewhere, in the back of your head, you don't think those words aren't true.
—I never said I didn't believe those weren't true —she bites her lip, and I'm seeing she's starting to position herself to hit something that isn't the punching bag anymore—. The wording was fucked up because it came up as an attack to you, but would you be really looking in my direction if you had more choices?
Wait, was that what actually hurted me that day?
I never thought about it that way, but the fact that she could have anyone she'd want to if it weren't for her being pathologically unable to keep a normal conversation with a man... Yeah, it sucks a lot. The fact that she'll be able to act the same way she does with me with anyone else makes my head hurt and my blood boil. But it's something that's likely to happen eventually, whether I like it or not. And it's not fair to try to hold her accountable for it.
—It doesn't change the fact that you were offensive for no reason —she faces me
—I didn't mean it that way. I... —I think about what I want to say exactly, but I give up when I'm unable to— I'm sorry about what I said.
My lungs and throat totally shut when she suddenly hits my stomach after some other punches directed at the punching back I'm holding. I guess I deserve that.
—This conversation isn't over —she assures me—. Don't think everything is set and done only because you apologized.
And while it might not be the reply someone would be happy with, I am indeed happy after hearing that comment and being aware that she doesn't want to end things there.
After what happened during gym class, and after taking a cold shower, I get dressed and pick my phone, finally daring to send her a text. I can't believe it's actually been a whole week since I've done this.
Me: Can I come to your place?
Y/n takes quite long to respond. I keep seeing the "Typing..." thingy under her name several times, until she finally sends in her answer. My stomach turns in its place when she first sends a dry "No", just to send in later how she wants us to meet in my place instead.
✸ ✸ ✸
I've been walking in circles on the exact same spot for way too many times, I'm afraid I might end up digging a hole at this point. And it only gets worse when she finally rings the bell, making my heart jump out of my chest. She looks serious, but slightly nervous, when I open the door for her.
It's kind of uncomfortable at first. As if we hadn't done this a million times already.
—Do you want something to drink? —I ask, pointing towards the kitchen.
Her hair swings in sync with her head when she shakes her head. So straight to the serious talk, I guess.
I walk over my couch, thinking it'd be better to discuss this while we're both sitting than standing in the middle of my house. Although she stays up, until I pat on the free seat next to me on the couch. Now she is indeed nervous, moving her fingers on her lap, lost in her own head.
I think it might be easier if I were the one who started speaking.
—I crossed the line the other day —she nods, still not looking at me—. And hiding for a week didn't make it any better.
—No. Because it seemed like you didn't care —although she raises her head to look at me, she avoids looking into my eyes—. It felt like I was the one who had to go after you to make things up.
—I didn't know how to do it —I scratch the back of my head—. I didn't know how to properly reach out to you after that night. I wasn't sure if texting you out of nowhere or going to your place would be invasive.
—But coming to the training wasn't? —she asks that question with an accusing tone, while she raises one of her eyebrows.
—Was it that obvious I went because of you?
Her lips pressed tight against one another, as she slightly nods her head.
—I rather train by myself —I sigh—. But Soo told me you were going, too. I saw the chance, and I took it.
—So your plan was to come to the training, and?
—Apologize —I finish
—Right —her gaze drops back to her thighs—. You know, I wasn't annoyed because of the jealous act. That pissed me off, but not because you were jealous, but because you feel like you're free to meet up with someone, yet that same rule doesn't apply to me. I don't like the double standards. And then you said that crap, acting like I'm only doing this because you're the only one I can do it with...
From my point of view, I wasn't meeting with Leslie to get in her pants. That was never the main point of it, and it'd never be. But of course she can't know that, especially when I didn't even tell her what was going on.
—How did you feel when I said that?
She seems surprised by my question, as if it were an unexpected bomb that she didn't know how to defend herself against. And that makes me wonder how many times she's felt forced to hide her real feelings, or eat up her own thoughts so she wouldn't hurt others.
—Pathetic —she sighs heavy—. I felt pathetic. It made me feel like you were doing me a favor and just saw me as that.
Clearly, whatever happened in her past has made her as insecure and defensive as she is. But the fact that I dropped those words, and that I used a wording that made her feel that way, only makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
—I promise I didn't mean it that way —I assure her—. It pissed me off how you said you regretted the deal. I said the first thing that crossed my mind. How you talked about it... it made me feel like you're only talking to me because of that. Like all of these moments are only because you need my help —I want to touch her, I crave the feeling of her skin, but my hand drops on my lap before I'm able to reach hers—. You're not pathetic. I'm an asshole for making you think that way.
Her eyes widen slightly as she hears my apology and my thoughts about this whole issue. I wonder what's genuinely going through her head right now.
—You're an asshole —she seconds what I say, just to say something unexpected shortly after—. But get pizza for dinner and I'll consider forgiving you.
She's slick and fast, giving me a tiny smile while she looks at me after dropping the best make-up phrase I've heard. I pat her head, feeling her hair soft under my palm, before I lean over the table to reach my phone.
—Ham and cheese?
We've eaten pizza way too many times not to know she hates rough flavors. I remember the face she made when she first got one slice of my Pepperoni pizza after I dared her to try it.
Forty minutes later, we're both lying on my couch, eating the pizza I've ordered while watching the most gore film that's ever been made. At some point, when the killer tears one of his victim's body apart with a chainsaw, I ask:
—Does this make us psychopaths?
The fact that neither of us are even flinching would be concerning.
—Maybe —she nods, while chewing on her food.
It's all good and nice, until we both realize there's only one slice left inside the box. It's a matter of time before we both start arguing for it.
—You had the last one the last time —she whines
—And you had the last one the last last time —I emphasize my words pointing at the back with my thumb.
Does it make sense? No. But I enjoy bickering with her for no reason, and I've been missing all of this a little bit too much.
We both play rock-paper-scissors to make up who will get the last slice. The first few times we both use the same things, until I change mine to scissors and she chooses paper. Her hand is lifted in the air, while I jump on my seat and celebrate my victory just to piss her off. Clearly, it doesn't last long, because I divide that same slice in two just so she can get a bit more.
—Here —I hand it to her.
—Thank you —she smiles shyly, holding the slice with one of her hands.
When we both start picking all the things up, I see her attempt to leave my house, walking nervously to the door while she looks for her things around the place. Can I seriously let her go after a week without her? Answer is quite predictable.
I make her turn on her feet, pulling her body as close to mine as I'm able to, before I lay my lips on her, covering them softly with a delicate kiss. She's the first one moving her lips on mine, wrapping her arms around my neck as she tries to pull me closer to her body.
I break the kiss first, basically because the need of asking her to stay the night is bigger than the need I have of kissing her right now.
—Stay the night —I whisper—. Nothing has to happen. Just stay.
Actually, I don't want anything to happen. I just want to be with her, feel the warmth of her body next to mine as we try to get some sleep. That's all I need.
Y/n changes to one of my oversized t-shirts before she joins me in my bed, under the sheets. And although everything seems to be fine, I can tell there's something going on through her head by the way her eyebrows keep twitching and frowning momentarily.
—Let it out.
—What? —she looks at me confused.
—Whatever is running up here —I caress her temple—, let it out.
—Do you think Soo knows?
—Doubt it. Why?
—You said she told you I was there today.
The fact that that question was the only thing keeping her from relaxing next to me makes me cackle.
—All night you've been thinking about that? —I lift my eyebrows surprised— She said Tam, Mel and you were there. She didn't single you out. It was a general statement to encourage me to join her. She knows I've had a hard time socializing with people.
—So she invites you to places to get you to open up? —I nod— That's sweet.
Actually, it's been like that ever since I moved here. Because, according to her, I needed to make more friends apart from Taehyung, and how neither of us could leave in our bubble for too long. Only for Jimin to be added to the group, shortly after I met him as my therapist.
—Fake it 'till you make it —I sigh.
That's been my motto all my life.
—I have a hard time believing you struggle with that.
—I find it easy to meet people on a superficial level. I struggle when I have to open up and actually build friendships.
It was tough after what happened in Seoul, but it got slightly worse when Leslie cheated on me and disappeared shortly after.
We're back to being in silence, but I can sense there's something still bothering her.
—Let it out —he insists again.
—Why did you meet up with Leslie?
This time she doesn't play around, she directly asks the question while she waits for me to give her an answer.
—I shouldn't have —I look away as soon as her eyes fall on me again—. She showed up, and wanted to apologize properly for what happened between us. We had dated for too long, and I didn't want to hold the negativity any longer. You know, be cordial with her, move on from all that.
If only I had known she'd pull the bullshit she did, I wouldn't have given her a second.
I know Y/n asked why I met up with her, but I know she's waiting for a longer answer, that also includes an explanation as to why I didn't tell her I was meeting up with her when I canceled our plans.
—I didn't tell you through text because I didn't think I had to —I shrug—. But I was going to tell you when I drove to the bar. You don't have to worry about her —my hand reaches her under the covers, as if I needed her to understand I'm serious—, seriously.
I genuinely don't care about anything else, but the fact that I'm with her right now. It might seem dumb and stupid, but that tiny smile of her -that she keeps trying to hide- is the only thing that assures me everything will be alright. 
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scattered-winter · 11 months
hey! hope you're doing good! if you don't mind me asking, what made you want to start the voltron rewrite?
I absolutely don't mind u asking!!!!!! will always ramble abt shit here on scattered winter dot com
its....kind of a long story. see I was caught up in the voltron hype a few years ago, and was obsessed with it from day one. I feel fairly confident in saying that it was my first fandom-related hyperfixation that lasted for quite a long period of time. I had mutuals and friends, and wrote fic and generally just participated in fandom and had a BLAST despite the source material being. less than stellar. but well the voltron fandom is notorious for being absolutely batshit (derogatory) and eventually the negativity from the fandom kind of drove me out (it was also just bitterness and anger on my part from the way the show ended because man.) but regardless the voltron hyperfixation went dormant for a really long time as I moved onto other things. but the concept kinda stayed with me (because let's be real its an AWESOME concept with sooo much cool worldbuilding potential that was never tapped into) and I played with the idea of an all-oc cast with my own story as the years went by, but never really went farther than daydreaming and making picrews lmao. but in the last few months the voltron hyperfixation has been flaring up as I've started rereading some of my fav fics and remembering why I liked this show in the first place, negativity and disappointment aside. and voltron is the perfect combination of worldbuilding potential, fascinating characters, and stupid fucking ass writing decisions that fuel me with enough spite to just write my own version. I've played with the idea of a voltron rewrite for a long time as I've thought about the characters more and what I would have done with them and the worldbuilding if I were in charge, but I didn't really actually start thinking about it seriously until I started rewatching the first season and remembered all the REALLY cool stuff it had. so long story short, now that most of the negative people have left the fandom, and now that I've had time to be in a better mindset abt the show, I'm doing this rewrite both because I'm frustrated by the dumb directions the source material went, and because I genuinely love the source material. at least, the core of it. AND as a bonus I'm genuinely having sooo much fun thinking about and planning the rewrite !!!! every single character got absolutely butchered after s2 and I want sooo badly to do them justice, because I love them all so much and they're all really close to my heart and I'm literally just having the time of my life out here <3 I don't even really mind that the fandom is practically dead nowadays and so my rewrite probably won't get that much attention because 1) I have soo many friends and bestiemutuals enabling me and cheering me on 2) I'm GENUINELY having so much fun. like it's been sooooo long since I've been this motivated and inspired and excited for a writing project and it's an amazing feeling to have
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Hi it's me again
Today 060623
It's been 2 year since i last open this Tumblr app
I've doing well and now I've also got some exciting story to share or write ✍️
For first year of 2022 I've been doing well just got my new job as a kitchen helper nothing much I'm doing well at my work and the boss seems good they love how i work they also complement me for doing a good job but fortunately i only last for 3 month then i quite or got out of the place and then starting that i suddenly realized since I've got my paid there just fine and have some saving I've thought of spending it well i spend it on myself i do what i love i go to my first ever event cosplay and first time cosplaying cause that's what i love and I've always been wanted to wear a costume and be something else like bringing the character i love to life well even though my style that time still new well still im fully satisfied with myself oh yeah also i started to go and talk to some other cosplayer i get to experience a new things it worth every penny I've spent it'll be a good time for me I'll remember that dayy foreverr then unexpected things happen i gotta meet lot of new people all kind of people they all nice and kind but still all the cosplayer are to hyper while me there an ambivert i get along with then just find but i started feeling lonely again and lost since I'm not to good with people lots of them says they thought that im a hyper person since me in chat is soo friendly and hype but meeting in person im a quiet person don't talk alot unlike in the chat group and yeah that's how im ,
And in that group chat and events I've also had a crush on someone at first i don't know what that feeling then eventually we meet and greet then chatting then talk about i don't know nonsense,
Well he's been catching my eyes since the first event we meet but don't talk just passing by each other just like a stranger walk pass then one time i follow his Instagram and comment on his status and got his number but still scared to reach out to him yet then one time i got a good excuses to use to dm him, i without wasting more time i dm him and started a small conversation like "will you go to the next event"
He replied then my heart beats suddenly up down badump baadumpp×_×
im dead then we started our longg2 conversation started askingg bout each other like or dislike and then the story go on long and we also fight but then we mad at each other duhh i also don't know why but i always over spoke about anything i want to say but one day finally we talk again after a month or week we haven't contacted each other he finally chat me then im shock feeling relief but unfortunately i got a fever that time so i can't meet him in any event since i can't go outside then we become like we're usual talks about our day telling story to each other playing some q&a then i started spending more time on my phone waiting for his notifications to pop out on my screen then few months past we still talk we only know each other for like a few months then i started noticing that he's been talking about other women he's been catching an eyes on he thinks he has a crush on that girl well i admitted it it's kinda hurt me but i don't really care much bout it since i don't really know what it is then one day he say that he will be confessing his feeling to her today then i without no hesitation i cut him by telling him about my feeling towards him saying how i think I've got a feeling towards him how I've been thinking about him since our first meet and first talk,at first i don't really sure if what im feeling is love but after months talking to him while thinking about him I've also been asking my friend on the internet bout this feeling that i have and they said of course it's love,
Then of course he's answers shocked me and made me feel more nervous waiting for his answer then he replied by askingg me back if i'm being serious about it and not just messing with him then of course i said yes i'm talking about what i really feels then we he answer then yes it is <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>then i started rolling in bed like a crazy worm to happy and scared at the same time (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) i can't believe that,I've got my first boyfriend and now i have to figure out how to be a good girlfriend for him (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hi Jelly! I love your work soo much, everything you write is just UGH PERFECTION. And I really love how you care so much for your readers! I've been reading your works for a while now since ao3 and was so happy when I found you on tumblr! May I please request a Levi x female reader hurt/comfort where Levi has been swamped with work and reader tries to help him and get him to rest but Levi gets angry. They have a big fight and Levi says a bunch of really hurtful things like she's making it worse by trying to help, she bothers him and is so clingy all the time, etc. Reader gets hurt and tries to avoid him and over the next few days/weeks and she starts acting differently and keeping her distance from him so that she doesn't bother him. He notices and tries to apologize but she still avoids him and acts like everything is okay whenever she talks to him but continues to act different. But then one day, Levi gets all jealous and bothered because reader is acting all close to this other male and yeah please make it a happy ending but really angsty during the fight and everything else is up to you! Thank you so muchhhh ❤️
You got it. So, I'm going to change it just a little bit, as I don't think a misunderstanding between two adults (especially with Levi) would last weeks or days. Likely it'd be a few hours and Levi would realise what he's done wrong rather quickly. Hope you don't mind!
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@kenkopanda-art All the kisses to you for this perfect banner
Growing as a couple.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, CEO Levi, fluff, romance, having a fight and making up, communication, healthy relationship talks.
Concept: You go to visit Levi at work with a nice lunch. You talk to him, give him a hug and ask if he can go on a lunch date with you to the park. Levi snaps at you due to being overworked. You say sorry and hurry off and bump into Erwin. Levi thinks about what he said and it dawns on him. He hurries after you and sees you being held by Erwin. Levi pulls you away and has a healthy talk with you about your relationship. You both come to an understanding and hug it out.
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Levi ruffled his hair as he flicked through papers, his stress increasing and his lack of sleep getting to him. He hadn't been home to be with you in two days due to a mistake that was made by a subordinate, so Levi was not pulling overtime to fix it. He was stressed and he felt like he wanted to strangle someone.
He glanced up at his door when he heard a knock. "Tch, what!?" He heard you announce yourself and knew now was not a great time to see you, but he did miss you. "Fine, come in!"
You slipped into his office and smiled softly. You could see your husband felt like shit and he was working very hard. "I brought lunch." You gulped when he just grunted in response. You moved closer to him. "I thought it'd be great if we went on a lunch date! It's so nice outside and we could just sit, eat and have a laugh."
"Not now."
You put your bag down and moved closer. "I haven't seen you in a while, so I think it'd be nice to just relax."
He glanced at you. "Not now."
You placed your hands on his shoulders and squeezed. "Just one hour of your time. Trust me, it'll be nice."
"Not. Now."
You hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek. "At least rest on the sofa."
He shoved you off. "Do you have shit in your ears!? I said not now! God fucking damn it brat! Can't you see how hard I've been working? I'm up to my fucking eyeballs in someone else's shit. I need to work, not run around with you. I don't have the time for you to be clingy."
You stared at Levi for a moment and watched him get back to work. You walked over to your bag and put his lunch on the desk. "Sorry, I was just concerned about you. I did this with love. I guess I will see you whenever you feel like coming home."
Levi heard you leave and kept working hard. He frowned a little when he heard his words play back in his head and your reply. He pushed his hand into his hair when it dawned on him how cruel he'd been to you. He grabbed the lunch and opened it to see you'd made it all cute and left him a love note saying how much you loved him and missed him, but you were proud of him.
Levi called you up on your phone, but you didn't pick up. "Damn it, answer me. I need to say sorry." He got up and ran out of his office to see Erwin holding you and you crying against his chest. Levi said your name softly. "Can we talk."
Erwin looked over at Levi. "I think you should give it time."
Levi grabbed your upper arm and pulled you away. "I know you give me relationship advice, but I think this time you're wrong." Levi pulled you along and back into his office. He slammed his door shut and locked it. "Sit, okay?"
You sat down and rubbed your tears. "It's okay. I just umm...I got something in my eye is all."
He sighed and grabbed a bottle of water, then a cold wet cloth. He sat next to you and gave you your drink before dabbing under your eyes. "You and I both know these tears are because of me."
"It's n-not."
He smiled at you. "You are stubborn sometimes, just like me." He sighed a little. "I fucked up. I was mean and nasty to you because I was stressed. I took my frustrations out on you and I shouldn't have."
You sniffed a little. "You told me not now and I should have stopped. I pushed you too much."
He hummed. "But I was hostile before you even said or did anything."
You turned your head away. "Levi."
He turned your head back. "Don't you Levi me." He kissed your cheek. "Thank you for the note."
"It was nothing."
He sighed and played with the cloth. "I've been overworking recently because some asshole fucked up, so I had to fix their mistake. I've almost done it, but there are still some issues. It's caused me to be away from you for a while and I hate that. I rushed the work so I could be with you, but by doing that I kind of turned into an asshole." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I shouldn't have snapped at you and I should have told you what was going on."
You reached over and held his hand. "I love you."
He entwined his fingers with yours. "I love you more than anything in this world. I can't go on a date as I have too much work to do, but I would like it if you stayed with me for lunch. Did you bring anything for you?"
"I did."
He walked over to his desk and grabbed his lunch box and brought it over to you. He smiled a little. "This looks perfect. Thank you for coming here. Thank you for making me lunch. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for worrying about me."
You smiled a little. "It's all out of love." You stared at Levi. "Can I kiss you or is it too clingy?"
He cupped your face and kissed you. "It's not clingy at all." He kissed you again and hummed. "I was just too cranky. I needed to turn it off, but I was stuck in work mode. I promise you that I'll work harder to relax and to keep work out of us as a married couple. I will also come home every night at the same time and get some sleep." He smiled and kissed you over and over. "I'm sorry for being an asshole. I love you and I want to make it up to you."
"I love you too. I'll always love you. Now each your lunch and you better come home tonight and sleep."
He smiled. "Yes darling, I promise."
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