#identity v prospector x reader
lumierexfics · 1 year
Can I have idv Norton x reader please
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ The Secret Of Love
Norton Campbell (Prospector) x Reader
CW : Descriptions of Injuries.
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His rough hands pulled the needle through your skin as thread glided through the open wound, sealing it shut.
“You need to be more careful,” he insisted.
“I know.” You flinched at him purposefully, tightening the wound close. “Norton, it was just a small scratch…”
He grumbled and huffed, continuing to stitch the wound close.
“It’s not a small scratch,” he stated. “You almost bled out! I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t get to you on time…”
You over to him as his eyebrows knitted together with a hidden distress and the imaginary beads of sweat dribbled down his forehead, he wiped his backhand across his forehead. The melted wax from Norton’s hat hardened while your hand held his cheek and his eyes drifted up from the stitching to look up at you.
“I’m sorry for causing you to worry.” You embraced his tense form, your arm burned when you moved it, your hand cradled his nape while your fingers ran through his soft hair. “I didn’t mean to cause you this much stress, Norton.”
Norton admired the features of your face, wiping away the dirt from your cheek.
“You need to be more careful,” he said. “I can’t lose you too.”
Your hands moved from his nape, across his scarred face.
“I’ll be more careful, Norton.” You smiled at him. “Then that means that you also need to be safe too.”
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
I need more shy s/o headcanons...
Could I ask for a shy s/o with two of your favorite idv characters? How would they react with someone shy?
Maybe sfw and nsfw? 👀
Can do eheh
I did keep these a bit shorter, since they're more specific. But I hope you enjoy ;)
Norton Campbell
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-This relationship would take a good while to develop because neither Norton nor you are likely to initiate it. But once the acquaintance hurdle is jumped, you find out just how little Norton gives a damn about shyness. (In a good way.) He talks to you like he talks to anyone else, rarely reacting to or drawing special attention to your timidity. If you respond to him, great. If you don’t, you don’t.
-It’s both cute and hilarious when the pair of you interact with other survivors. You’re so shy, and Norton is so stoic, and inevitably you’ll end up flustered over something and just bury your face in his chest and he just does not care. If he needs to move while you’re occupied this way, he’ll ask you to stand on his boots, and just walks off like that.
-He’s also one of the tallest guys in the manor, so feel free to hide behind him. Again, he really doesn’t care. If you hide under or behind something else, he just nonchalantly pokes his head in when he needs to say something to you.
-The only time he ever gets frustrated by your shyness is if it causes problems while you’re in danger. If those situations ever do arise, Norton is quick to throw you over his shoulder and remove you from the situation himself, regardless of any protests. Safety and health come before comfort.
-Norton is a little different about your shyness here than in public; he’ll let you get away with it in the bedroom for all of five minutes. After that, the manhandling comes into play.
-Norton will respect a genuine boundary, but he thinks claiming ‘you’re shy’ is just another way of playing hard to get. And Norton is hard…that’s it, he’s got a hard-on. He’s ready to go.
-No he will not leave the room pitch dark just because you’re embarrassed about being naked. And no, he won’t let you hide under the covers the whole time either. And no, you will not hide your red face behind or muffle those pretty little sounds with your hands. Try it and he’ll rather effortlessly pin your wrists over your head with one hand.
-The one time he kind of lets you get away with any of this is when he’s got you face-down-ass-up on the bed. He’s a little preoccupied with pulling your hips back to meet his thrusts, so if you plant your face in a pillow or something he’s less likely to reach over and rip it away. He will however definitely take it as a challenge to make you scream loud enough to be heard through the block.
Luca Balsa
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-Luca is good with shy people! He’s energetic and talkative enough for several people, and he doesn’t mind carrying the conversation so long as you don’t mind his rambling. Honestly if his s/o is shy, then between them, Andrew, and Victor, Luca starts to look like the trope of an extrovert collecting introverts.
-He’s not crazy with PDA, but Luca does like leaning close to talk, and holds your hand whenever his are free. He always checks with you before trying to initiate PDA in a new kind of situation, but after that he just trusts it to apply to all similar ones. No sense in calling attention to your shyness and possibly making it worse.
-Luca thinks your blushing face is the best thing ever, so he does occasionally go out of his way to draw it out of you. While he doesn’t exactly have a poetic disposition, he has earnestness on his side. Who wouldn’t be flustered when he gets down on one knee and kisses your fingers?
-He thinks it’s fun to make your shyness a game. Whenever you hide away, it’s clearly because he has to earn seeing your best expressions.
-Cue Luca doing his damnedest to suck your very soul out, only pulling away periodically to ask through gulps of air if he’d “earned it yet?” No? Well, he’s not done yet. At some point you’ll be driven wild enough to choose pulling his hair over shielding your face.
-He’ll hold both of your hands with his own too. or, better yet, put your arms around him? He can deal with some angry red marks on his back for a while. Just expect a few revenge hickies.
-If you’re really so shy…he can be out of the room for your pleasure time. How? Oh, just this little remote-controlled thing he made for you. …Wanna try?
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inferencesarchives · 4 months
`•- Jealous Norton Headcanons
norton campbell (survivor) x gn reader
prompt: jealousy
warnings: jealousy (yeah no shit), physical touch
a/n: i have a hard time writing jealous characters but im gonna try my best today raaah hopefully i do alright also this is valentines event day 4 wahoo alright cool let's get on with it already
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ever since the two of you got in a relationship with each other, norton couldn't help but feel protective over you.
he doesn't mean it in a bad way, of course! it's just that he's used to having things he cares about being snatched away, and he doesn't want to lose you as well. he cares about you more than anything else in the world, after all.
don't worry, though, he's not protective to the point where he's constantly hovering around you, obviously. he understands that you want to hang out with your friends sometimes, and he trusts that your friends wouldn't do anything malicious towards you. he doesn't let it get to him.
what does get to him, though, is whenever someone seems to start getting a bit too comfortable whenever you two hang out. you brush it off at first, obviously, since pretty much everyone at the manor knew about your relationship with norton. surely, they doesn't mean for their actions to come off like that, do they?
but norton isn't convinced. something about the whole situation just feels... off to him. he tries not to ovethink it, but he just can't help himself. something about it just seemed to make him feel strange and sour inside. he knows that they likely doesn't mean any harm, but...
he's left feeling bitter and uneasy as he keeps thinking about it. he doesn't quite seem to realize the way he subconsciously starts appearing by your side more and more, keeping a watchful eye on anyone else around. it's just his protective instincts. he doesn't mean to suddenly start sticking to your presence, it just... happens.
norton doesn't really seem to realize that he's jealous. he just wants to keep you safe and remind anyone else who dares to make a move that your his, and you don't plan on leaving him anytime soon.
if the situation calls for it, he pulls you closer to him almost subconsciously. he wraps an arm around your waist and holds you tightly next to him, shooting a nasty glare at whoever was getting a bit too close for comfort. he'll even go so far as to grunt at them, angrily telling them to back off, though he does his best to keep his emotions under control.
if you try to tease him about this later that night, he just grumbles and denies everything you say with the tiniest tint of blush on his cheeks. him? jealous? no, he'd never get jealous... where'd you get that idea from?
a/n: me when i. nortbn cmpball
thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourself!
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xeas · 1 month
Can you please do a Norton and fool's gold with a reader where the reader has cinnamoroll personality (cinnamoroll is from sanrio)
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🍍 IN WHICH: drabbles (seperately) of Norton Campbell and Fool's Gold with a reader who is like cinnamoroll from sanrio (basically, shy yet sweet who will also help out their friends whenever they can)
🥥 NOTE FROM XEA!: thank you so much for your request! i love writing for norton but im wary my fools gold may ooc...haha...
🫧CONTENT WARNINGS: pre-established relationship, Norton may appear overprotective, mc may appear to be 'pure and innocent' in a fashion that may be perceived as corny to some readers. reader is referred to as "doll" in Norton's section, "babyface" in Fools Gold's. Seer is mentioned and Grave keeper is implied in Fools Gold section. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
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NORTON swears up and down he's done nothing worthy of him deserving you.
The way your thumb grazes his knuckles in a comforting manner--whether to soothe your own nerves or his is unsure-- but the expression of innocence coated on your face both makes his heart sink to his stomach and gives him butterflies.
You have the eyes of someone who has gazed at few possible traumatic scenarios and the skin of one who not been lashed by the harsh truths of the world. He squishes down his feeling of envy when he feels he's going too far down the rabbit hole of his thoughts.
But now, as he bandages up your wound from the cold Night Watch, he can't help but realize how that weighs you down. It wasn't supposed to be you with the gash in your thigh it was supposed to be the teammate you wasted no time saving. You took a hit for them, and for what? So they could have a futile 5 seconds to run as fast as they could only for the harsh winter wind to yank them back to the hunter? You we're such a fool, having so much faith in these people.
But that's what led you two to become such a power couple. You gave him a chance.
"Hush up, doll." And you do just that.
He looks angry and you feel nervous because of it.
"I'm sorry for getting injured." You mumble quietly. You don't expect a 'Its fine' or a 'Its not your fault' because this was a rookie mistake and you by no means are a rookie.
He remains silent, finishing up dressing your wound. His gloved hands go to hold your thighs as you sit in some corner of burned down building in the Arms Factory.
"Don't do that again." He states. Its not up for debate and you silently nod, moving to give his forehead a kiss as you steady yourself to get up and work on getting out of here.
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NORTON CAMPBELL; Fools Gold (Hunter Identity)
"Hm, shame. Really."
Fools Gold let out a teasing laugh as he shoved you into a chair. He leaned on the wall behind it as you glared up at him. Fools gold clicked his tongue (does he even have one??) and fake pouted, most likely mocking you.
"D'aw, don't look at me like that, Babyface. You wouldn't be like this if you didn't sacrifice yourself for that silly little seer."
At least he was brutally honest.
Your muscles are screaming at you and you can feel them throbbing after you spent the last 2 minutes running and jumping and rolling to get away from him.
He traces your jawline with his pickaxe, you can feel your face heat up as Fools Gold lets out a wheezing chuckle. "All bark huh?"
You try to stutter out a response not until you see the ground beside you break. This was going to take a while.
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lofious · 2 months
What if the reader is some type of celebrity? Like a well known singer? Who may look and act bold yet arrogant towards anyone but in reality, they’re a sweetheart in and out.
might do a continuation but in a relationship ver if anyone asks
- Norton hates you due to your status around the manor. Sure everyone gets treated equally but with your presence, most of the survivors flock around you. Hoping to talk to you or get an autograph from you. Hell even the quiet survivors who know you would do their best to make sure you survive in a match with them. Worst of all is your attitude! How can you get many friends for a few days just from your outgoing, caring attitude?! It just feels like you’re fooling everyone with your status as a well known celebrity.
- But even if he acts cold towards you, your still patient with him that the walls he put up is slowly crumbling, much to his dismay. He should hate you as your status is practically like those rich men who’d work him to the bone, only to give him scraps to survive. And even if he does get paid, he’ll just get pushed around by the other miners so they can take the money he earned.
- So he distanced himself to get away from you by not participating in the same matches as yours, not eating meals on the same room as you, hell he even runs back to his room if he sees you, and locks it to keep you out of his life. Which hurts as you thought you’re building a friendship bond with the prospector, only for him to shut you out before you get any more closer to him.
- so respecting his decision, you basically stopped interacting with him. And that’s what he wanted right? it’s not like he’ll glare at any survivors who tried to flirt at you or if you had a bad match, he’ll anonymously leave your favourite meal at your doorstep. he can’t cook so he asked the maids who worked in the manor if they can whip out your fav meal
- Worst case would be his actual hunter counterpart getting close to you even though Fool’s Gold is basically him. But greedier. As when the two of you get a match, Fool’s Gold would actually listen to you sing, singing him a song that he doesn’t recognize but he still listens. His survivor counterpart doesn’t know how he knows this information but he somewhat does.
- so after swallowing his pride, the Prospector came to you in private. Apologizing for pushing you away when all you wanted was to become friends with him and get to know him better. Maybe after he apologized, you’d actually show your actual side of yours. Mocking and laughing at him from even thinking of a poor miner like him, would become friends with an important celebrity like you. he probably deserve it from judging you based on your status..
- To his surprise and relief, you accepted his apology. And even offered if the two of you can start over… why are you so nice to him when all he did at your first encounter was to hate you.. just because of your status.. not knowing who you actually are behind that celebrity status..
- With your explanation on why you wanted to be friends with him, he was genuinely interested. But he’ll dwell over that on another time as he wants to build a friendship bond with you. And that gave him bragging rights on having an important friend like you
- maybe in the near future, he’ll have the confidence to ask you out not because of your status, but for you to become his significant other.
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mellissawritings · 4 months
Attractive things they do - Identity v
Contains : Melly, Orpheus, Norton, Alice, Frederick
A/n : I am not very proud of this one and it's also my first time writing something like that, so cut me some slack ya'll 😭
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I think everything about that woman is attractive, I mean come on. She is graceful, elegant, and gentle. The main thing thought would be her voice and how she moves. There isn't really only one thing she does that attracts people to her 😭
Def fixing his clothes nonstop, paying FULL attention to people he talks to (if he's interested lmfao), like literally staring into your eyes without looking away once, slowly nodding and giving this focused gaze. It may be uncomfortable for some people because his stare is intense, but he just thinks it's polite, so 😭
His resting bitch face is probably attractive itself since he is handsome, but it for some it may give off "do not approach me" vibes. It's 100% intentional from him btw. He doesn't want to have to do anything with anyone if it's not money we're talking about.
Rolles up sleeves + his rough arms.
Always leaning onto something, doorframe, counter, wall, his spine is not straight and neither he is.
The thing she'll do would probably give off vibes from the one motherly teacher that every girl has crush on. Very doting, very caring.
If she knows you a bit, she always puts her hand on your arm or back. Not affectionately, but she is very physical.
Smiles a lot when she's talking to someone (casually, not investigating)
When she is investigating people and things, her eyebrows are furrowed and her face is lightly scrunched in focused motion. Similarly to Orpheus but it's hotter since she's a woman.
Checks up if you know him well, always asks if you're feeling okay since he himself, is usually in pain. Will always have this soft look in his eyes when you ask him the same.
I hc him as tall and lanky man, so he 100% leans to hear you better.
And it's probably only me but the way he played on the piano and his dark circles under eyes are soo omg 😭
I need here more people who are down bad for this 5. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it :3 you can request something else here on in my askbox!!
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fishermanshook · 2 months
( mercenary , batter & prospector ) + gn!reader
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# MINOR WRITING SMUT , #ihatewritingdialouge , grammar and spelling warning
It was a mutual agreement between the both of you that you were fucking for the pure reason of letting off steam after being stuck in this hell hole. 
No feelings were supposed to be caught. No hearts were meant to be thawed. And yet, they find themselves yearning for your touch long after your last session.
꒰wc꒱ 1.7k ( longest fic so far !! )
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If being between your legs was where he wished to be, then who were you to deny him access to the most private part of your body? Where Naib works his magic and milks you of your essence while paying you back in waves of pleasure.
The Mercenary looks so lost in his work that you think he doesn’t notice the change in pitch. That you’ve adjusted your grip on his hair to a softer, gentler hold. Your moans are light, airy, and not at all the ones that left your throat hoarse and raspy the night before. No, that can’t be right. And it doesn’t take him long before he finds the spot that pushes you over. The spot that has your back arching off the mattress. The spot that has you screaming his name like it’s going out of style.
And god does pleasure look good on you, as Naib refuses to remove his eyes from you as he watches the aftermath of you coming undone in front of him. Such a passionate and intimate thing for his eyes and his eyes only as your essence coats his hands and tongue. To think he’d pull his head away after you came is just stupid. Have you not learned from previous sessions? You coming only gives him more reason to drop down there and give you more, but Naib holds himself back.
The next few moments are a blur as you try to calm down after your orgasm, but it seems Naib won’t let you. The sound of something being unzipped and his pants hitting the floor pulls you from your recovery. He’s prepped you enough, hasn’t he?
“It’ll hurt a little, but only for a second.” The Mercenary whispers in your ear as a warning to brace for what’s about to come. It makes him wonder, and only for a split second, if you ever realized how much he loves you. The amount of thought and care that goes into every move he makes towards you. Maybe you’re just dense, or maybe it’s not like that. He won’t know until he tells you. Or, until you tell him.
Your hands rush to clamp themselves over your mouth in an attempt to stifle the moans flooding from it. This isn’t the first time you’ve done this (and certainly not the last…), but it’s always a tight fit. A tight fit that neither of you can get enough of. Your hands don’t last though, as the Mercenary is quick to rip your hands away from your mouth. He shakes his head and clicks his tongue. You don’t need him to say anything else.
It’s not long before you feel the familiar warmth strengthen between your legs. By now, Naib’s memorized your every tell that you’re going to come. By the way your legs tighten around his waist and the way your hands reach to clasp his biceps to try and hold on. It’s the way you attempt to not pass out when you feel everything just snap.
“God, I love you so much,” Naib admits before even realizing what he just said. You’ve never seen the man freeze so fast, or go so red. Before his hands cover his mouth you pin his wrists down to the bed.
“Wait—! H-hold on,” you say, still recovering from your orgasm that happened just seconds ago. “What did you say?”
The Mercenary stares at you before opening his mouth to say: “I didn’t say anything.” He’s trying to play it with a convincing tone in his voice, but it’s hard to believe when he practically shouts it.
“No, Naib,” you huff out “Are you playing me?” You question. Your face molds into worry and concern. Instead, he avoids your gaze. There’s nothing else for him to do in this situation is there.
“Fine. If you won’t say it, then I will.” You state before grabbing Naibs face and pressing it into yours. The Mercenary tries (and he really does) to do anything but melt into your touch. In the end, it proves to be no use. Pulling away, you say: “Naib, there is no one else I love more than you.”
“Thanks for confirming what I already know, babe.”
Not every affair starts with a heated make-out session, but every heated make-out session ends with the two of you having sex. With your lips entwined as your fingers roam through his hair, the two of you make a mad dash to whoever’s room is closer as playful giggles slip out along the way.
It started as just another way to let yourself go and cut loose a little after another night of terror from Ganji. How could you not tell that the Batter saw you as more than just some fuck buddy? That his eyes weren’t only filled with lust, but love for you and you entirely?
Maybe this can be his way of showing you, whether you get it or not. Whether you understand the soft kisses he lays on your chest. Whether you understand the praises that fall from his lips. Whether you understand it's taken him too long to finally muster up the courage to confess to you.
You’ve stripped each other of your clothes leaving both of you bare naked. The only thing covering you are the multiple hickeys decorating your chest as well as between your legs. The pleasure overrides any pain felt from when he initially pushed his way inside of you. Before you know it, you're babbling all over his cock while he presses gentle kisses all over your face. You look so cute like this—all flushed out and pink.
Ganji's smart, but overlooks your cock drunkenness and traces his finger along your jaw and other places. Eventually, his finger meets your back and traces along your spine. His finger does weird swoops along your backside. It's all just a simple way of telling you 'I love you.' without having to utter a word.
Maybe it's the way you moan out his name as your hips move up and down on his cock. Or maybe it's the look in your eyes when he meets them. The Batter's not sure where the courage comes from, but all he knows is that he can't stand another moment of you not being his.
"[name] I- fuck, I love you." He barely manages to grunt out, snapping you from your thoughts to look at him with wide eyes.
It's then he thinks he fucked up. That he has demolished all of the hard work he put into this relationship. This is it. This is the end of your bond.
"No, shit I'm sorry just forget what I said," Ganji mutters out, immediately flipping you over so that your lying down on your back. "I'll make you come real hard if you just forget everything I just said, 'k?" Ganji says with caution in his voice. Maybe you're not the only one oblivious in this relationship of yours.
"Really? You love me?"
Ganji tears his eyes away from wherever he is looking at looks right at you. "Yeah. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. If not for you I don't think I'd ever get the chance to say this," you chimed, pulling him in for a long and passionate kiss first. "Ganji, I love you more than the stars themselves."
The bed will break long after the Prospector, Norton Campbell, has had his way with you. He won’t stop until his sheets are soaked in your combined essences until your scent has been embedded into his mattress, and until he can get the words out to tell you how he feels.
For too long has Norton been labeled as your “fuck buddy” and he wants out of it. Every round feels like another chance to prove he’s perfect for you. How many people know your favorite book? Your favorite place to relax? Your favorite position? The sensitive spots on your body? Who else knows exactly where to touch and what to say? All he needs you to answer is if you like him or not.
“Shit—always feel so good,” Norton manages to grunt out after thrusting into you. He knows he’s found your sweet spot (again…) when he pulls a loud moan from your sweet lips. So attentive to your wants and needs that he can’t help but hit the spot again and again, listening as your moans grow louder with each thrust.
The Prospector mutters something under your breath he thinks went by unnoticed. Pulling you from your aroused state to ask him what’s wrong. All he can do is sigh and shake his head as his arms wrap around you. A bit tighter than usual, but not uncomfortable.
“Norton—! What’s the matter?” You manage to huff out. It’s obvious something is plaguing his mind, but the Prospector is as stubborn as ever and refuses to tell you. “Fine then,” you tell him “I guess I just won’t let you come.”
Now that gets his attention, and he instantly slows his pace. You allow him to keep going, but only if he starts talking.
“I’m too scared to say it,” Norton states.
��Why?” You ask.
Norton looks down at where you're still connected. It’s only then you notice he’s stopped. “Because I don’t want it to ruin whatever we’ve got going on. I don’t want to lose everything.” He admits through gritted teeth.
“Do you think it’s that bad that you’d lose everything?” You ask, concern now seeping into your voice.
All he does is sigh before bringing his face closer to yours. “God, is it seriously not obvious enough? Shit, [name] I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time and I didn’t want to say anything in fear of ruining—“ he gestures using his hands to the both of you. “this. A-and I get it if you don’t want anything to do with me after this but you asked so—“
He doesn’t get to finish as you cover his lips with yours. “Silly prospector, I love you more than you could imagine.” You confess before feeling Norton melt into your kiss once more.
note: hiii fish nation…sorry about the random hiatus, it will probably happen again 😆😆😆. thank you all so much for 100+ followers! it means the absolute most to me knowing there are actually people who enjoy reading what I have to write. I wouldn’t be here without you, thank you for everything so far. 🩷🩷🩷. this is so ass oh my gosh
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(2024) ©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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I absolutely love n adore your writing especially your IDV Norton/ Fool’s Gold ones (I am a huge ! major ! simp for him). I need MORE OF FOOL’S GOLD— the size difference is getting to me!!
I hope you’re taking requests! :> Fool’s Gold is just sometimes always in thought at how different the size is between him n reader? Like. Just how do they handle him so well ?? Or even, just like the idea of cat and mouse BECAUSE OF THE SIZE DIFF.. this can be a nsfw oneshot or drabble but it’s up to you entirely!!
rated Explicit | Warning: it kinda feral
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Norton Campbell has always been the one who towers above you, Andrew, William, and himself being the tallest in the survivors' group. This translated to his hunter counterpart who is the tallest of the hunters next to Disciple, Evil Reptilian, and himself.
When he is around you, he is often standing beside or behind you, a grin on his face as you watch you crane your name to look at his face— The same thing you do with his other self, but is different.
There is arrogance, cockiness, and sadistness in his wide toothy grin. Especially, when he has you all alone and his excitement is clear by the way he has you on a medical bed at the second level of the Sacred Heart Hospital.
He was particularly vicious in this match. He is of course a vicious hunter, but this felt a bit personal as he had downed Freddy, Kreacher, and Servais. It was like he was… God, you should kick him for being territorial— None of them are a threat, but you know Norton never particularly liked them.
“So small.” Keeping his deformed hand pinning your arms above your head, “To think this has taken all of my cock.” His other hand cupping your crotch, “Bet you can take us both.”
The idea of both Nortons being inside of you as you flustered, embarrassed thinking how many times that was close to happening. You fear if that happens, you might not be able to walk properly for a while. Yet, the idea excites you and he chuckles at how you bite down on your lower lip. His hand moved up and down. Your hips raised begging silently for more.
“Say you can, no, say you will take us both, sparky.”
You try to speak knowing he is going to use it as an opportunity to have you moaning louder midway— Still, you foolishly try and once again you are moaning.
“Sensitive today, huh?” Raising an eyebrow at how you easily moaned a little too loudly. His hand moves under you grabbing the waistband of your pants, a push up and a pull as exposes your ass and legs to the slightly warm air.
“That little bastard.” He yanked your pants with your underlings off your legs taking a shoe with it before tossing it on the ground beside his feet. Now he can see why you were sensitive, the bite marks on your thighs and your hole smelling heavily of arousal— That weak brat made sure to cum inside of you too, giving Fool’s Gold the sloppy seconds of your hole.
“Fine,” Unzipping his pants, “This will only make it easy for me!” You squirm as he picks up your leg and brings it up to your shoulder, “Let's take that pretty voice of yours from him in return.”
You would have thought he was gonna slam right into you, no he made sure to drag out the sensation of him filling you. Norton is well endowed, to say the least and he is always something you might not ever get used to— Fool’s Gold is bigger, considering he can reconstruct himself… Of course, he made himself big enough to have a bump appear on your lower stomach from him filling you so much. And he loves to not only point it out but touch it to actively remind you: he is bigger.
So competitive, not that it does not have its advantages but, God, you are always sore.
“Now say what I told you to say before.” Now fully inside of you, “Say how you can take us both, sparky.”
You say it softly with your face turned away, then you say it again louder when he starts a rough pace making you immediately realize you are in fact that sensitive.
“That's it,” Laughing as repositions you to have both your legs pressed against your chest so he can reach even deeper, “Go on, tell me how bad you need us.” He wants to feed into his ego, loves hearing you admit how you love Norton Campbell so much— How you love every fucked up piece of him like he is a diamond rather than Fool’s Gold. “Fuck, every time so tight.” You moan out his name, the desperation for release with each ‘Norton, Norton, Norton’ you say.
“Whore,” Groaning, “My whore.” His hands, both of them holding your legs. Your hands gripping the dirty surgeon table as the Hunter fucks you relentlessly. A mix of spite and his own desperation for you.
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sinisteryanderescribe · 4 months
Hi hi hi can I request Norton being jealous, maybe during Nurse Reader's stay in the manor(because she's taking of Alice), Orpheus might interact with Nurse Reader and Norton who keeps his eyes on Orpheus when he's near Nurse Reader.
Green-Eyed Reflections
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At first, Norton is completely oblivious to his own feelings for you, with all that has happened during his past there are guaranteed to be a wave of mixed feelings, assuming that his gruff and cold demeanor would keep any potential attachment at bay. He does hold a soft spot for you yet at certain times he never really knows how to deal with them nor what to think.
You are a person who gave him some hope. A woman who showed him genuine kindness, something that was so foreign to him back then, he thought you were mocking him at some point but found himself slowly melting at your soft actions. Who knew the tender touch of a woman can make a man so vulnerable and weak.
He shouldn’t be attached to you. You’re higher than him. He should hate you….but he couldn’t , it sometimes pisses him off. You sometimes piss him off. Yet why does he hate it when other men interact with you?
Those men back at the mines always had something to say about you..or more like something to say about your body & he never liked that. It made him possessive and that scared him.
However, as he observes your interacting with Orpheus, he begins to notice a sense of discomfort and irritation bubbling within him, which he can't quite understand or ignore. That man seems to be lingering around you more often, either greeting you whenever you both cross paths or simply inviting you for a stroll.
Whenever Orpheus is around, Norton finds himself unconsciously keeping a keen eye on him, almost as if he's trying to gauge the nature of his interactions with you. Why was that bastard near you?
Norton's typically stoic expression shifts into a subtle scowl whenever he sees you and Orpheus conversing, and he can't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep within him, a feeling that he's entirely unfamiliar with.
As the days pass, Norton becomes increasingly snappish and irritable, often finding excuses to interrupt any conversations or interactions between you and Orpheus.
coming to terms with his unexpected feelings for you, his jealousy becomes more evident in his actions and demeanor.
He finds himself becoming increasingly possessive, often hovering nearby whenever you and Orpheus are in the same vicinity, his eyes subtly narrowing as he watches your interactions with a mix of apprehension and frustration.
Norton's usual gruffness is amplified, and he becomes prone to making biting remarks or exhibiting a short temper whenever Orpheus is around, unable to fully contain the jealousy that simmers beneath his exterior.
When Orpheus unexpectedly kisses your hand in greeting, Norton's reaction is immediate and visceral. His jaw clenches, and a flicker of anger flashes across his usually stoic features as he struggles to maintain his composure.
It doesn’t get better when you smile sweetly or giggle at Orpheus’s gentlemanly actions.
Despite his best efforts to conceal his reaction, a palpable tension radiates from Norton as he observes the interaction, his fists clenching at his sides and his gaze hardening with a mixture of protectiveness and insecurity. After the encounter, Norton's demeanor remains noticeably strained, and he withdraws into himself, grappling with the conflicting emotions that the incident has stirred within him.
He finds himself unable to shake off the lingering unease that stirred within him. He becomes more preoccupied with thoughts of you, especially when you're alone in your room.
Norton finds himself instinctively drawn to your door, his usual determination and stoicism giving way to a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty. He hesitates outside your room, grappling with his internal turmoil as he debates whether to approach you.
Ultimately, Norton's concern for your well-being and his growing feelings for you override his usual reticence. He tentatively knocks on your door, his typically gruff voice softened as he inquires about you. Finding himself surprisingly eager for your company.
Upon entering your room, Norton's demeanor softens, and he finds himself opening up in a way that he rarely does with others, revealing a more vulnerable and genuine side of himself. It made you melt at his trust in you. He is after all a broken man who lost too much & only needed a tender touch to heal him.
The atmosphere would be quiet and calm, with Norton pulling you on his lap once he sat on your bed. He would hold you still by your waist and hold you closer to him, dragging his nose across your neck. Which looked very tempting and soft…..but he held back , taking in your sent.
And as usual you would let him do as he pleased, gently running your hand through his hair and slightly massaging his ears and the back of his neck. He always loved when you do that whenever he was stressed or anxious. It calms him down.
He never shows it though…
But now is a little too early. He can hold back for now. He has too, no matter how tempting you looked, if he steps up…he fears he may not be able to hold back…
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heartshapedbubble · 5 months
Ello can I request a Norton Fools good x fem reader where she came across the blown up mines and sees Norton (in his hunter form) she’s scared at first but starts to recognise him and slowly starts to approach him reaching her hand up to cub his cheeks ( bro this man needs all the love! )
HOO BOY i agree tho... his release made me regain my interest in norton🫡🫡
[not to be a scum but i'm still open for sanrio emma comms btw😭😭]
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fool's gold: imagine...⛏️
cut for length!
paying the bills has become a hellish cycle. break your back to pay off the expenses, relax for the following twenty-ish days, and be sent into frenzy again, not knowing if you're going to have a roof over your head tomorrow or not.
you found yourself hopelessly skimming through newspaper, looking for any job offer possible that would easen up the burden on your wallet. The paper was plastered with offers from bars, post offices and restaurants, but those were a always gamble. will you get your wage or not? and if you will, when? too much effort for something so high-risk.
at last, a small offer in the corner of the page caught your attention. pressed in miniscule letters, it said: MINE RESEARCH. EMPLOYEES URGENTLY NEEDED. EQUIPMENT PROVIDED. underneath the text, an attractive number: $15,000 payed off immediately after the job is done.
not only could this solve the rent for the following 3 months, you'd also have some money left for yourself! you rang the number the second you got home and successfully scored the job, due to the urgency of the situation.
it took you a day or two to start thinking about the job. what do you exactly need to know for mine research? probably at least some physical strength and stamina, you thought. surely it can't be too complex.
you arrived at the mine right on time, the sun slowly slipping back into the horizon to let the moon take center stage. to your dismay, you realized no one else applied for the job. maybe this wasn't a good idea after all? crawling through the narrow, rocky terrain all alone doesn't sound like the ideal scenario. no living being in sight, and 20 minutes have already went by.
still, that money is way too good to pass up. you picked up one of the yellow helmets piled up at the entrance, prayed to whatever god out there that your flashlight has enough power to last the following 2 hours and mindlessly rushed into the collapsing mine.
for the following 10 minutes, your sight unfocused while your mind took the lead, in front of and all around you just rocks and grime, shadows dispelled by the flashlight held by your hip like a lance. only after a good 5 minutes of running did you realize that you, in fact, have no idea what you're supposed to do. what qualifies as mine research? mining, inspecting the ores, measuring the surface?
all sweaty and breathless, the tunnel led you to a large room inside of the mine, the roof extending towards what seemed like a pitch black abyss. carts messily thrown around, bumpy and unpolished geodes laying all over the place, when was the last time a living being stepped foot into this mine? it made sense that such a large sum of money was needed to attract volunteers.
you carefully moved through the rubble, trying to avoid stepping onto pickaxes and shrapnel splayed all over the ground. since you forgot about the gloves your bare hand now held onto the unpromising terrain, the other firmly squeezing the only source of light in this limbo.
the surface grazing your hand now seems like it became... smoother? no longer does it cut and pierce your palms. it's bumpy, but at least you're not risking an infection anymore.
moving inch by inch in fear of falling, the stone below changes its form. you don't even pay attention to the fact that you're now grabbing onto cloth and that, below your palm, a steady pulse is faintly beating.
it's already too late when you realize that you're not alone, and the stone below you starts to take shape and morph until it extends towards the ceiling, now towering over you, slouched like a ragdoll.
complementing the cold shades of grey, a face emerges from the shadows. pale, with defined cheekbones, although malnourished. only his bust passes as human, as below his collarbones there's nothing but a mosaic of pebbles and boulders forming his torso, arms and legs. it - or he, perhaps - is breathing with struggle, coughs interrupting his wheezes here and there.
you feel a sense of dread overcoming you. you freeze on the spot, but he doesn't budge, either. lifeless except for the fact he's breathing and his heart ticks like a machine.
you draw back a step, and he lunges forward, seemingly still not used to this monstrous body of his. he could harm me with ease if he wanted to, a thought suddenly manifests in your mind, and with newfound bravery you inspect the cryptid like a sculpture. your hand grazes over his bumpy and unfinished hands, tugs at the remains of his clothes around his chest. he groans, in annoyance, you assume, but doesn't resist. you climb up a cart to reach his face, your fingers pinch his stubborn hairstrands, inspect the cavity in which his other eye once laid. in a moment of either stupidity or courage you roughly pinch his cheeks - they're cold to the touch, but it's funny how naturally does his intimidating face mush like a little boy's. kind of cute. after a minute of cooing to yourself two of his rocky fingers gently pinch your wrists and put them back to your sides, but his one foggy eye doesn't divert its gaze from yours.
perhaps the flashlight can last an hour more.. you've just began getting to know him, and the mystery of the mine and his origin still lay cold for you to discover.
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ch6douin · 5 months
Bruh. You talk with like any of the survivors and their like “ohhhh i tell you what its crazy they were raising prices for coffee up by 2 nickels! I could barely afford it before but now???” And reader is like “coffee like ten bucks now..” and the survivor is like “😦😧” or something along those lines
You know who would go crazy with that? Norton Campbell on the flesh. This man is overly obsessed with leaving poverty, and so he is interested in anything that revolves around money much more than any survivor. Somehow, you find yourself venting to him on post-match chat. Chattering about how expensive everything is now, and of course, he sympathizes with you as a hardworking individual. When you finally give him an example of how much items cost in your era, he doesn't answer for several minutes. You broke the poor man, he is utterly stupefied and will continue like that until he remembers that you're still waiting for him to say something.
He presumed that things could go bad in the future, but not THAT BAD. Don't get me wrong, he is nowhere near dumb and he knows that inflation and other factors exist. But it still seems incomprehensible for him for something so simple as plain coffee to be so expensive. He doesn't indicate it, but he is sorry for you.
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rockstvrdotcom · 1 year
𒈒➢// "mi princesa"
norton campbell x fem! reader NSFW
guys im such a slut for norton campbell help meeee
if i said anything wrong in spanish pls forgive me and correct me i suck at it🙇‍♀️
tw/cw: fem reader, praise kink but also degradation kink.., spanish speaking norton AJDKSJKFKE, norton calls u mami, light spanking, u give norton head, cute lil nicknames, norton loves to admire ur features
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your lips were wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down as he layed down beneath you on your shared bed. "mierda.. eres buena en esto." he chuckled, taken aback a little. you always seemed like the innocent type to him.
his hips bucked upwards, his half lidded eyes watching you gag on his cock. his tongue slid over his teeth, wishing he was inside you as he bit his lip. your saliva was all over his cock; the sight made him throb in your mouth.
"mi princesa, you look so sexy right now" he said, choking out a moan. you hummed around his dick, the vibrations sending a shock of pleasure through him.
he combed his fingers through your hair, then grabbed a fistful, shoving his cock all the way down your throat. you let out a muffled gasp, your throat spasming around him.
eventually your throat relaxed, and when it did, he thrusted into your mouth; even when you thought he couldn't go any deeper. his orgasm was nearing, and he pounded in and out of your throat, muscles tense and sweat beading down his forehead.
he choked out a loud moan as you felt him release his cum down your throat, his head thrown back. he thrusted in and out of your mouth a few more times, then looked at you, lips curling up into a sly grin.
he looked fascinated with the way he left a mess of your face, makeup ruined. mascara streaked down your face, lipstick smudged and his cum leaking out from the corner of your lips. "make sure you swallow it all, cariño"
shortly after, he let go of your hair. you pulled your head back— taking in a deep breath of air. "asshole.." you muttered, your voice raspy from your throat being fucked. you licked his cum off of the side of your lips.
he laughed, then kissed you on the forehead. "you did so good, mami" he praised, adding to the wetness that was pooling in your panties. he zipped his pants back up
you got up, walking away. he admired the way your hips swayed. just when you were at the door and about to open it, you felt his arm snake around you. "were not done yet, baby" he smirked against your neck, sucking at the skin. he brushed his hand against your cheek, then connected his lips with yours.
he had you pinned against the wall, undressing you and himself slowly, his lips still against yours. he grabbed your thighs, rubbing circles against them. he took you by your legs, put his hand behind your neck and hoisted you up onto his legs.
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"fuck, mami, you feel so good— ngh- you're so good for me." he mumbled sweet nothings into your ear, distracting you from the overwhelming pleasure as he slid in and out of you, your juices coating around his cock.
"mi reina.. eres tan hermosa" he whispered into the crook of your neck, peppering sweet kisses from your jaw and down. your legs were hoisted up on his hips, your back against the wall as he thrusted in and out of you. your inner thighs were scattered with hickeys, all norton's doing.
"you're such a slut, i know you love my cock. you're squeezing around me so nicely, muñeca" he said, his eyes connected with yours. hearts filled your eyes as he admired your features.
your head was thrown back against the wall, jolts of pleasure rushing through you with each time your skin slapped against his.
your eyes rolled back when you felt a stinging pain, nortons hand making contact with your ass. "mm.. yeah. what a good girl, mi buena chica" he groaned into your ear, stroking your cheek and wiping away the tears of pleasure that rolled down your face.
he sped up his pace, his hand moving away from your face and trailing down, playing with your swollen clit. he bit his lip, his cock throbbing; the feeling of your tight pussy brung him closer to his orgasm.
"fuck, you're so— mph.. you're so tight, cariño. i think i'm close." he said between quick breaths, his pace becoming sloppy and uncoordinated; yet still hitting all of your most sensitive places. you nodded in agreement, your back arching. tears welled up in your eyes, your nails digging deep into nortons back— sure to leave a mark.
you bit your lip hard, trying to stop the moans threatening to escape out of your mouth. norton brushed his thumb over your lip, "let me hear you, baby" he pleaded, giving you a quick peck on the lips.
a series of moans and curses came from you as you felt a familiar knot in your stomach about to snap. "norton, i'm close— please go faster." you begged, nails digging even deeper into his back.
"of course, mi amor" he said, licking his lips before picking up his speed by alot. you moaned loudly as his tip breached the entrance of your cervix. each thrust brought you nearer and nearer, until eventually; the knot snapped.
a loud "fuck" left your mouth, before your head was thrown back against the wall and your fists were balled up. a wave of euphoria washed over you as your vision became blurry and white. your walls tightened against norton, pushing him over the edge.
you let out a silent gasp as you felt him release his load into you, his hips stuttering before his pace slowed down. you both rode out your orgasms. you looked up at nortons face, his cheeks red and his mouth slightly opened. you could hear his short pants as he took 1 hand off the wall to wipe his mouth, holding you up with his other.
he brung you back to the bed, laying you down and sitting down next to you, stroking your hair and watching your eyes flutter. "goodnight, princesa" you heard him say, then saw him crack a smile before your eyes shut completely, falling asleep.
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this man is so...
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Hot as Sin pt. 1
What can I say? They’re hot af. Includes best boys Naib, Norton, Andrew, and Luca.
Did my best to keep things gender neutral for you folks! Reader owns panties in Andrew’s part but, you know, anyone could.
Warnings: lots of filthy smut, obviously. Naib is really hot, and I make it known. Light choking and dirty talk in Norton’s. Spanking and panty kink in Andrew’s (and cussing). Overstim in Luca’s.
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His sinful lips could drive a saint wild.
“Naib—” you started. He cut you off, tongue swirling against yours in a distracting dance. “Naib, your clothes." You were already stripped bare, but Naib remained annoyingly clothed. He’d been too busy corralling you, lifting you onto his bedroom desk.
"You," he whispered, sliding his sinful lips across your jaw. “Undress me.” You followed his order blindly through the fog of lust, hands slipping under his tight shirt and groping his chiseled form. He was on the small side, but cut and lean, strong. Bone and hot muscle shifted under your blind touch, the clench of his abs from a gasp, sharp ribs a massage to your palms. Your nails caught on his nipple and he retorted by pulling you further off his desk by the meat of your thighs, balancing you precariously at the edge and pressing your core against the bulge of his pants. The kiss broke just long enough for him to raise his arms and let you remove his shirt.
Then he was back, nipping, sucking at your lips. His hands rubbed circles and patterns across your back, hips, side like he was painting a picture. Your hands found his pants and somehow fumbled the button and zipper open while he thrust against you. Together, you shoved his pants—of course he’d gone commando—down to his knees.
Naib leaned away to hook both of your legs over his shoulders, giving you but a brief moment to admire his tan, scarred, vigorous, sexy body. He thumbed your body open, muttering “Better hang on to something.” Cold air shocked your slick skin for half a second, and with no other warning Naib thrust home in a single stroke.
You lurched a shocked, choked moan from the sudden stretch. He grabbed the back of your neck with a firm hand, massaging it and holding your forehead against his where unwavering eye contact held you. One more open-mouth kiss, a whisper of blurry praise, and Naib set off with a brutal, mind-numbing pace.
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“Oh god—” you yelp, stumbling over your words and falling into a mess of half-formed syllables and moans. Norton grabs you by your throat with one hand, still squeezing a steadying fistful of your love handles with the other, and pulls your torso up off the mattress so you’re arched against him.
His voice is level despite not letting up his wicked pace, muttering low into your ear, “God’s not the one blowing your back out. Say my name.” His fingers squeeze just a bit at your throat, not choking but reminding you of his control.
“Nor—” Your words fail again when his pace changes, switches from a steady, rapid piston, to an alternating 1-2 force of shallow and deep thrusts. “N-Nor—"
“What are you waiting for?” Norton asks. His lips press right against the shell of your ear, voice coming to you with wisps of hot breath and teasing clips of his teeth. “What’s the matter? Am I too much for you?” To punctuate, Norton thrusts himself as deep as he can go and grinds hard. His whole body flexes and coils tight with the action, abs against your back, bicep against your chest, and his hand which clenches your throat in earnest to the a count of five. You hold onto his wrists for dear life. “My cock too big for you?”
He goes slack again and you gasp quickly, dizzy and tingling “No—fuck, no, I love it. I love it, Norton!”
“I know you do,” he says and kissed behind your ear. His hand moves from your throat to your chest, making room for his mouth to bite and suck. His hips start to move again, impatient and rough. “Keep taking it for me.”
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The room echoed with a loud clap as Andrew’s ungloved hand landed against your ass. His voice followed, hissing a seething, “Shut up.” You gave a clipped moan from the impact, and then giggled at his embarrassment-fueled anger.
The source of his agitation was your panties…which he was wearing. Had been wearing all day, after a good amount of cajoling on your part. After several hours of going about your day, stealing smirking glances at his red-glow face, he’d gotten fed up and dragged you back to his room. He said he was angry with you, tried to act like this was punishment for humiliating him, but the way his cock leaked and strained over the top of your thin, black lace told a different story. He was excited. Maybe a little humiliated…but excited about it nonetheless.
“You look so good in them,” you coo again, half-muffled by the bed. “Will you wear them more often?” Andrew shoves your face further into the mattress and spanks you again once, twice, harder and harder each.
“Fuck you,” he snapped. His face is hard to see from the angle, but there’s breathlessness in his voice. He makes a noise that sounds like giving in and starts grinding himself against your stinging skin. The texture of lace and precum, and his large hand squeezing the back of your neck, make your head swim.
“God, I wish you would,” you moaned. Another smack, closer to your thigh.
“Yeah, I bet you’d like that.” Spank. “Well, too—hnmm—too bad!” Spank. “You have to make it up to me first. Earn it.”
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“Fuck—fuck, that’s so good, you’re so good!” Luca cried. He was a dazed, twitchy mess beneath you, but he still had sense enough to talk so he clearly hadn’t reached his limit yet. Which was fortunate, since you still weren’t satisfied.
His thin chest rose and fell with rapid, drowned breaths, sweat glistening on his skin. He’d come three times already and was completely helpless to you still bouncing on his oversensitive cock, but he had a stupid, giddy grin on his face anyway. A line of drool slipped down from his lips, and you wiped it up with a thumb and pushed it back into his mouth. He licked at your thumb, and you pinned his tongue down by closing your fist around his chin.
Luca lurched suddenly, quivered. His watery eyes locked onto yours and you knew he was already close again. His hands groped about your lower body with desperation, kneading your thighs, your ass, and then he bucked up to meet you wildly. One of those pleading strokes hit home and your body fell to spasming pieces along with his.
When your muscles finally unclenched, your body tingled with approaching numbness. Luca pulled your limp hand from his mouth and kissed his way along all your fingers. Between puffs of hot air, he whispered, “You’re addicting.” He moans against your palm when you grind yourself on him one more time, just for good measure, and then raise off of his finally-softening dick.
“Likewise,” you manage with a chuckle, rubbing his sternum soothingly. “Seems a bit unfair that you got off so much more than me, though.”
“How right you are,” Luca replied. Chest still heaving, he licked his lips and showed you his devilish tongue. “Come sit on my face.”
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otakusparkle · 2 months
Today is the 6th anniversary day of Identity V, and it is also the 6th year that visitors have met and accompanied us. Thank you old friends and new partners for your tolerance and support.
The 6 years have left us with many precious memories. I hope that in the future, we can continue to share our hearts and create more beautiful memories that belong to you and me. Next, the anniversary concert brought by the manor partners is about to start - enjoy the wonderful anniversary time~
Happy 6th birthday, Identity V.
Happy 6th anniversary of meeting, manor visitors.
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ithaquasbbg · 5 months
Hi :))) I think I’ll do some more general Headcanons since those did shockingly really well lolll- just a reminder that requests are open! I have a few I need to get to, but I appreciate hearing from everyone.
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Norton Campbell | Prospector / “Fools gold” General relationship Headcanons
(That title is certainly a lot to read..)
Tw : mentions of nightmares, possessive behavior.
Extra : Some things can be read in a kind of suggestive tone?? That was on accident lol but I left it because it is true 💀I’ve recently been really into Norton and felt like dumping my personal Headcanons here.
|🩷| Norton has a tendency to be a hot and cold type of lover. One moment he can be his normal self, and the next he’s mad at the world and pushing himself away from you.
|🩷| Of course, he’ll make up for those moments when he isolates himself, or at least attempt to. With Norton, you need to be patient and show him that he won’t scare you away.
|🩷| In his normal form he can be slightly possessive but wouldn’t act out on it too much if at all. He’ll exchange harsh glares with the person he suspects has any intentions of either stealing you from him, or of harming you.
|🩷| As fools gold though… he’s much more willing to get involved and use physical measures to keep others from messing around with you. Though he is quite intimidating, so his typical glares would likely do the trick most of the time
|🩷| In either form, he’s incredibly protective of you and couldn’t imagine what would happen if you were to get seriously hurt. How they would react is different, with nortons normal self hyperfixating on your health and getting you better. His other side however would likely take care of you first, but there’s no question the person who hurt you would be roughed up quite badly.
|🩷| In terms of physical preferences in his partners- I don’t see Norton as somebody who would be terribly picky. Though, if there was one thing he would have a preference for, it would probably be eyes. If they’re striking, they’ve caught his attention.
|🩷| When it comes to his love language in a receiving type of way, he’d likely be most comfortable with words of affirmation. Reassurance that you still love him despite all his imperfections is something that comforts him and makes him swoon all the more at the same time.
|🩷| In terms of giving, Norton would be super interested in physical touch, even if it’s small. Part of it is reassurance for himself that you’re with him, but another part is the rush he feels when he gets to hold you. Things like hand holding are present almost all the time, sometimes in a more possessive type of way.
|🩷| When it comes to PDA- Norton isn’t the most reserved in the manor but he’s also not the most showy. It depends on his state day to day just how showy he is, but usually it only includes hand holding and an occasional quick kiss or two
|🩷| Big. Spoon. He loves holding you close to him and knowing that you’re safe in his arms. (And In a sense.. he likely also enjoys knowing that he’s the one in control while he’s holding you ☺️)
|🩷| His favorite nickname for you is just a simple “Babe”, or sometimes if he’s feeling generous.. “Baby”
|🩷| When you call him things like Handsome, Love, ect, he’d probably take a slight ego boost from it. Expect for him to ask you to repeat it. “Just to make sure” he didn’t mishear what you said. But we all know he just wants to hear you call him Handsome again.
|🩷| Things like “Sweetheart” or returning the “Baby” nickname would probably get him blushing and a little embarrassed, those are his names for you, not the other way around! Though despite his attitude towards being called these nicknames, he does love to hear you call him all these sweet things.
|🩷| If he has extra clothing to give you, he’d absolutely give you all of it. Seeing you in his clothing gives Norton such a rush that he cannot explain. On this same note, if he could fit into your clothing I doubt he’d be willing to wear it, he prefers to be giving things even if he cannot really afford to buy gifts.
|🩷| Norton does suffer from frequent nightmares remembering his life from before he came to the manor. He tries to hide his weaknesses from everyone, including you, though occasionally his facade slips and he breaks. Just allowing him to cry and hold you as tight as he can is usually greatly appreciated, though he will be embarrassed about the crying part later.
|🩷| He’s not the best at comforting others, but if you had a rough day or two, Norton would definitely try his best to cheer you up at least a little bit. Things like attempting to cook your favorite meal, showering you with extra love and compliments. No matter what headspace he’s in, Norton will always try his best to get a smile on your face. You matter more to him than anything else at the end of the day, and he’ll make sure to protect you.
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lofious · 2 months
why tumblr remove a paragraph when I was trying to push it down smh.
Your reasons for using a mask to hide your face is unknown to the many guests within the manor, including Prospector himself. The first time you two met was when you accidentally bumped into him. Being polite, you apologize to the miner who’s uninterested in the new survivor he’s going to be working with.
When the two of you got into a match together, being new gave you more chance to be found by a hunter you haven’t met before. But with your determination to put some effort on the match, you were able to kite the unknown hunter, much to their dismay. And Norton who sees your efforts, thought that he should at least lend you a hand on kiting the hunter a bit longer so the other two teammates finished on decoding their ciphers.
You’re unsure on how your relationship with the prospector blossomed but when it did, he’s quite a decent guy to talk to. Leaving the two of you hanging out within the manor many times. Plus, he’s respecting your boundaries on why you still have your mask on to hide your face away. As he can somewhat relate that if you got an ugly scar similar to his in his face, he’d probably use a mask if he’s up for it.
Norton has this nagging feeling about wondering what your face actually looks like. He’s guilty on reading a file about you but not a single reason shows why you wear a mask. Even in the photo provided about you, all it shows is the same mask that your currently wearing. Don’t get me wrong, he likes being acquainted with you but with the alluring voice while you speak to him, he couldn’t help but think.. what you look like underneath that mask.
It was an accident when he finally saw your face as he couldn’t sleep in his room due to the haunting nightmares that keeps appearing in his head. But with your presence, he’s able to sleep soundly by your side. So when he approach the door to your room, he knocked. No response at first so when he tried to knock again, no response. He probably thought that your probably participating in a match right now and with your permission that he can enter your room at any time, he decides to wait inside your room.
Feeling a bit bored, he decides to read a chapter of an opened book that’s in your desk. But when he hears the bathroom’s door being unlocked, he quickly turns around to your direction. Just to see that you’ve finished taking a shower. He wasn’t focused on your figure as the shower robe on you covers your body. Rather, he’s interested in your face being presented to him. With how close the two of you are, showing your face didn’t lead to any emotional reaction as the two looks at each other with silence.
When you finally break the silence by casually greeting him with his name, god he could feel like his heart is about to burst from his chest. His cheeks reddening that you couldn’t help but worry for his wellbeing. Unbeknownst to them, the miner’s emotions are going haywire inside his head that when you finished putting your clothes on, he quickly pulls you into a hug. Admiring your face up-close.
Like a golden retriever, Norton is always by your side at any time. Especially in matches as he’d kick another teammate’s spot just to play with you. You’re not sure why he’s suddenly acting like this but you can probably guess that with your face only presented to him in private, he fell in love at sight.
he could use this bragging material about seeing your face in private towards his hunter counterpart. Which mostly leads to him being bleed out for the rest of the match.
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