#illness mention
gabbagepatch · 3 months
Listen guys, you don't need to look nice to go outside. Your health is more important than appearances.
I just went on a walk in my pajamas, greasy hair in a shitty bun, acne, and a pair of new balance sneakers. Cars passed by and I said hi to everyone who passed. Did I feel self-conscious? Of course, but it was worth it.
Now I feel a lot better, because I didn't A. Overextend by forcing myself to shower/get dressed/put on concealer beforehand or B. Avoid doing anything because I felt like a mess.
Go outside and be however you are. It's not your job to look good to random strangers, you deserve to go outside.
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tj-crochets · 3 months
hey y'all normal people* interpretation question. Is there a like normal person one-day kind of illness? I am having my first severe allergic reaction since I've started my new meds** and I ended up asking my boss for the afternoon off once I made it past the cutoff time for same day contractor pay (so none of my contractors' would have their pay delayed because of me). He was fine with it but my coworkers are very friendly and I'd rather the main office not know I have severe allergies, so like if they ask...food poisoning? Stomach flu? Instead of "my new long term meds meant I did not puke, which is a huge improvement for me, but I am so exhausted I was falling askeep sitting up aat my desk" *by which I mean people without my weird combo of health issues, especially the weird allergies, I am just out on words today **severe is...kind of relative? not anaphylaxis, no hospital needed, but thoroughly unpleasant
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pilferingapples · 6 months
personal natter
2023, already the worst year of my life by a landslide, has decided to really CLINCH that title by having me and my spouse get COVID right here at the finale
I hope the jackdaws and At Least One (1) Duck know what they're doing because this year REALLY needs to Ended Properly
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When I had my mental & physical health crash about a month ago, I wasn't drawing anything because I just hated doing it and I hated everything I made. I felt like nothing was worth it.
Out of the blue I had an idea for a new wallpaper since I'd had pumpkin spice Gords as my lock screen since the autumn, this was the first drawing I was actually happy with for quite a while and it helped me gain motivation to art again.
As always, Gordon picked me up when I was down and got me back to normality.
(Probably sounds silly to some but whatever)
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abibliophobiaa · 11 months
I’m getting tired of having to say I am still not feeling well, and I’m trying my best to write when I can, but that time is so limited because the times I feel well are very limited. But I am writing. Just maybe bi-weekly chapters for the time being, because I am writing less than I ever have (and that’s so sad for me because it’s my favorite hobby).
If anyone wants to send any Beyond thoughts or any of my other fic thoughts, or even any Steve or Eddie thoughts I would be happy to chat. Haha I am spending my Sunday resting.
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oldastronomer · 1 year
so what did yall get for christmas?? i got gay little southern daniel craig cursing out a musk-stand-in for being the stupidest fucking bitch alive thank you santa <3
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noxeros · 3 months
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🌙 the bottle is ready to blow;
💫 virus-themed rentry masks
🌠 free to use with or without credit
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(id: a divider of a line of stars, colored purple-to-yellow)
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freakbullet · 5 months
when deltarune first came out I bought the OST. I didn't absorb the titles that much because I was basically just listening to the whole thing on repeat. so I'd completely forgotten the name of a certain track, and when I was reminded of it the other day, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I've never really had a home that truly felt like home, for all sorts of bad reasons. but I find comfort in fantasy, especially undertale and deltarune.
2015 was one of the worst years of my life. when it started, despite struggles with PTSD and depression and more of that ilk, I was physically healthy. when the year ended, I'd nearly died - I'd been in and out of hospitals for months while doctors tried to figure out exactly what the hell was wrong with me.
the hopelessness of learning I had an illness I'd have to live with for the rest of my life, on top of the despair I already wrestled with - it was too much. I decided the only way out was to end it all.
but then I played undertale. there's nothing I can say that would ever do that experience justice, but if you know, you know. the point is, I'm still here. despite everything, it's still me. and that's not a coincidence.
so when I saw that this one beautiful, nostalgic track that wraps me up like a warm blanket every time I hear it, that reminds me of the friends, the family, I first made in these games all those years ago, is called, "You Can Always Come Home"… man, I lost it.
Toby once said about Toriel: "Your mom loves you." maybe it's silly, but I never had a mom who loved me, until her. so thanks, Toby. it means so much more to me than you could ever know, that I can always come home to my friends and family, and my mom. who loves me.
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delimeful · 1 year
I feel the need to clarify, since I've seen this confused in comments for the new chapter, that "palliative care" does not mean euthanasia/giving someone a quick death. It means treatment for someone who is dying that focuses on making them as comfortable as possible rather than trying to combat their condition. Logan is unwilling to accept the reading because it's telling him there's nothing he can do to prevent Virgil from dying, not because it's telling him to actively kill Virgil
yup, exactly! my apologies, i didn’t realize the term was being interpreted that way
also to be clear, virgil is fine. this is just a very upsetting and stressful misunderstanding for the alien dads
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f2ucharacters · 6 months
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gabbagepatch · 2 months
Having subjective symptoms is very isolating because there is no way for others to witness what you're going through. They just have to trust you and you have to trust them to believe you. I know everyone in my life believes it, but they don't get it. I expressed to my therapist that I feel that all of these symptoms begin rattling around in my head and it creates a barrier between me and others.
My world: hurting, trying not to show it, coping with pain, fearful, etc
Their world: normal, uneventful, happy evening
It's very difficult to have something happening to you that nobody else can see.
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anjukaji · 15 days
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♠️🃏♥️ I imagine deep down I’m absolutely paralyzed with fear, but there again, I’m so good at deceiving everyone else, deceiving myself is child’s play.♥️🃏♠️
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killerharvey · 1 month
PSA ; As summer draws near and I made the choice that a solo blog isn't working. For those of you who don't know... since November my friend has been very ill. I'm looking to prioritize my schedule to be around her more. I've decided to relocate Harvey to a multi-muse environment, where he can interact alongside other characters from his hometown. I recognize that this change might inconvenience some of my fellow mutuals, so I want to express my gratitude for your even being my mutual to begin with! If our paths diverge due to this move, I want to extend my best wishes to you. Thank you for your time, and I hope to reconnect with you in the future. here is the multi-muse.
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littlemissartemisia · 3 months
What are you in the hospital for?
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sexyandsymptomatic · 2 years
It’s the not knowing when it’ll stop. The unpredictability. Wondering “will this ever get any better?” It’s the people close to you just accepting that this is how you are now. It’s the 24/7 nature of it all. It’s the not having a choice. It’s the not having a break from it. It’s the people around you thinking you chose this. As if you enjoy it. As if you actually chose this life. Nobody would ever choose this. It’s the having to play symptoms down. It’s having to pretend it isn’t as bad as what it is. It’s having people judge you, even the people closest to you. It’s having to live with symptoms that most people wouldn’t know how to even begin to cope with. It’s a lack of self confidence and self purpose. It’s staying hopeful when it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to be hopeful for. It’s a lot of things.
You might not feel it, but you’re one of the strongest people EVER. You put up an invisible fight daily. You do all that you can. You often survive second to second, minute to minute, hour to hour. You get through the day. You do your best no matter what obstacles are in your way. And it’s important to remember that even on the really bad days that you’re amazing. You’re strong. You’re tough. You’re fabulous. Lots of love xxxxxx
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griffinkid · 1 year
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Elle: "You're not feeling well? Okay. I'll just stay right here for as long as you need me to."
And they say stuffed animals aren't the same as real friends!
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