#im seeing all of the posts on my dash
riacte · 1 year
Not gonna lie, I think the lack of fandom consensus over the symbol of Martyn’s victory makes a lot of sense in-universe.
Martyn won by being independent. He lied, betrayed, killed, and prioritised himself. He knows this is a death game, is fed up of it, and goes for it.
This isn’t some sappy poetic end in which love and friendship win. We don’t get a coherent continued narrative of the sun, the moon, the stars because Martyn took that narrative thread and chopped it. He wanted to win. He just wanted it to end.
Martyn is the sea, everchanging and salty. He’s also the woods, fresh and green and lively. He’s Mars, a warrior for his red planet. He’s a meteor, crashing and burning. He’s everything all at once, like how he goes everywhere and meets up with everyone. He’s everything, but at the same time, he’s the void. Space. He’s nothing.
But then again, he doesn’t fit in. There’s no poetic end that everyone can instantly agree on. It’s divisive. Martyn caused that.
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arsenicflame · 8 days
Bonus round! Do you use a queue tag?
#ive been super curious about this because people seem to have really strong opinions on the queue! so many people seem to HATE it#but i love using the queue! i dont really know exactly why i like it so much- i started using in like... 2016 and its a fundamental part of#my tumblr experience now. i think i started off just using it for offline hours so id hit most my american mutuals (/ for aes posts)#but these days basically everything goes in my queue (cept time sensitive things & like. current hype and original posts-#anything 'normal' posting is in the queue)#idk it feels. nice to me! i like to spread out my posting and not rb 30 things in half an hour and then disappear for the rest of the day#esp since my spaces are so circular- the same post runs on my dash a dozen times minimum. and i get to put it on ur dash a week late!!!#and its so nice to have small interactions with mutuals in incompatible timezones; to open up my notifications in the morning#and go: oh! my friends were here <3#its such a Part of the tumblr experience for me i dont think i could ever truly change now. maybe switch to timed queueing#but my availability changes so much i prefer to just. know i guess#but (i am so sorry for all that) im curious about how other people feel!!!!!! itd be so interesting to hear abt why people do/do not like i#i know some people like the experience of spamming and going. some people think it makes this seem to much like influencing or whatever#everyone has their reasons and i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#nyxtalks#poll#queue#no see answers option because you must fall into one of these
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answermywearyquery · 1 month
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the theerapanyakul kids: how close are you with each other?
loan’s kinnporsche 2nd anniversary: favourite familial relationship: the theerapanyakul kids (insp: ½+½)
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t4t-dazai · 9 months
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i think im hilarious
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emsloe · 1 year
Hi gaymers happy pride month!
If you're interested in supporting queer artists/designers this month, especially if you're looking for cool patterns to sew your own stuff, I humbly request you check out my sister's work.
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Everyone in my family has been using bags she's made. My parents have matching shoulder bags from her that they use every day, and she made my dice bag + all of my art supply bags as well. So I can vouch for her stuff being great quality!
She's also got cute animal hand warmers:
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I think she'll mostly be selling patterns but will have a few bags and such for sale also.
If you want to follow her making-stuff-for-etsy progress, her instagram is make.it.gemtea, and her etsy is bucketproject (unpopulated until the 17th)
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spacedlexi · 6 months
when u want to like a character so so bad but theyre a cop so its impossible
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itsbrucey · 7 months
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Alright gayboy. You ready for the championship?
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songofsaraneth · 7 months
tv show reccomendation: Scavengers Reign!
adult animated series on HBO Max about survivors of a spaceship wreck surviving on an alien planet, a pal originally pitched it as "Nausicaa meets Annihilation vibes" in terms of whimsy + body horror elements, and I think that both fits and is a compelling way to describe it. the plot isn't the most in depth but I think that allows the show to wrap everything up nicely in the 12 eps and maximize screen time on the best part which is the alien planet's ecology and worldbuilding.
it was also just very refreshing i feel like theres been a divide in western animation in recent years where a lot of "adult" shows are that way solely because they're crude/sexual/edgy, and meanwhile anything "whimsical" gets slotted into kid genres and is therefore limited in how far it can push anything. so its nice to get a show that balances whimsy with body horror elements without relying on like, sex or fart jokes.
also the last episode has a really gorgeous animation sequence nearish the end, you rarely see animation of earth-biology/geology/evolution done with such care and attention to detail, and it was really wonderful to see how much effort the writers/animators put into that aspect of the show and clearly loved it + wanted the viewer to love it too
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cyborgcatboys · 8 months
hewwo, im gonna be taking a break from tumblr for the next while.
ive come to realize that im on tumblr wayyyy too much bc of my (newly found) ocd so im leaving for a while to try and deal with it (+ other stuff in the op tags)
i'll be back once im satisfied w/ my progress, but there is a chance i won't be back for months, so if u want to stay in contact send me a DM w ur discord or smthn, i'll check them a couple of times in the next couple days, but after that no tumblr at all.
so yeah, byebyes & i'll see u people later hopefully <3
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polar-equinoxx · 1 year
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Read it here!☁️
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
Hi. New ✨Pinned Post✨
• MINORS. DO NOT MESSAGE ME. NO DMS. NO INBOX MESSAGES. NO. I am not checking my activity and Every note to see if minors are interacting w my stuff but i WILL check if u directly try to contact me. I WILL block you. Please dont do that to me 😭 Likes/Reblogs are fine, just dont talk to me Directly please.
• This blog will have ns//fw stuff! Suggestive and Explicit! Please block [spicy hot], [suggestive] and [saucy] to avoid seeing these posts! Make sure to remove the brackets! (Gonna be changing [spicy hot] to [saucy] very soon so I am adding that in there as well)
• No, I do not want you to dub any of my art. Oh my god. Oh my god ! I cannot stop you but I do not want anything ive done dubbed and placed anywhere on the internet. Do not show me if u do this. Do not show me if u saw it on youtube or tiktok or whatever! I am existing with Blinders on and i would prefer to keep it that way!
• I dont rp! Please do not send me rp asks and dms ! I will NOT respond to them!
• Not important but if u see Dissociativekitten in ur activity, thats me :)
OKAY thats it for real bye
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the-converse-high-top · 2 months
this is going to sound really fucked up but i just need to say it i think.
I never realized that people could actually care. I always thought that the depictions of friendship in movies and TV shows were over-the-top portrayals, and weren't things that actually happened. This was then exacerbated by the fact that my entire life I always wanted people to just Know How I Was Feeling like they do on TV and I found out that that's Not How It Works. I always thought I was naive for caring so much about my friends and for doing nice things for them out of the blue, and I always resented myself for resenting my parents for not doing more for me as a child.
So when I got to uni, and my friends started caring about me and asking if I was ok when I looked sad and doing nice things for me, I didn't know what to do with myself. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me in a long time. When I was staying with a friend, and she said that she left the window open in the room I was going to be staying in because I liked it to be cold when i sleep, I bluescreened. I didn't know how to respond. It is quite literally one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me. No one had ever paid that much attention to the things I liked. Every year on my birthday it was either a gamble if I would get something I actually wanted from my parents (spoiler alert: I was often disappointed) or I would just have to straight up tell them what I wanted. I got accustomed to the latter, and now I don't mind, but receiving two gifts from friends about languages this year made me realize that I could have it so much better.
And don't even get me started on online friends. I sort of thought that everyone was lying about them? Or that it was something unattainable, and reserved only for God's Chosen Favorites or something. But no, there are little people in my phone who care about me. They legitimately care about me as much as I care about them. I've been nervous to ask them about their well-being because I'm still nervous about being naive and getting a wake-up call that no one cares again, but after being told that they were worried about me when I overslept, I think i should know that I'm in the clear. And that's not even including all the times they tell me to go to bed when it's late, and when they ping me about things I may enjoy or things I was involved in.
All this is to say I guess that I'm touched that people remember my existence. It makes me feel good to be wanted. I will be eternally grateful to both my irl and online friends who made me realize that just because my parents or my friends from home didn't care enough to remember what I like or to go out of their way to do nice things for me, it doesn't mean that no one will. I need to step up and do more for you guys. I trained myself to push down my desire to help and check in with people because I thought I was betting on something that I'd never get in return, but now I know I can.
Thank you all, and I love you 💚
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summerlycoris · 6 months
I think the best part of boxing day this year was going shopping with my brothers girlfriend and buying some (admittedly cool) shit I didnt need.
But the second best thing was going on twitter, to realise the 600 tweet gregory poster made like 100 replies to steel wool studios asking to marry their artist. Over this pic.
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Cant get this shit anywhere but the internet happy holidays you lot!
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llitchilitchi · 3 months
sometimes I wish this site had a mute option
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rapidhighway · 5 months
awesome long post about sonic and shadow you love finished by mentioning untagged sonadow in the last sentence to piss you off
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deoidesign · 11 months
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