#im still not sure which name its the correct one but i love both their name is so silly i love it
turrondeluxe · 2 years
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The shoulder touch keeps working
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 4 months
Cheering Her Up
f!/nb! reader x regina george (you love to make Regina feel better)
She calls you "duck" (ITS FUNNY/CUTE I PROMISE)
closeted bi Regina, and openly enby/lesbian reader
reader binds their chest with transtape/kt tape
secret relationship
cheering her up
Regina is taller than you
Word Count: 1853
(Originally supposed to be a one shot)
kind of alludes to sex but not explicitly
Regina lets you write your own diss in her Burn Book, so Gretchen and Karen don't get suspicious as to why you're not in it. (a bit of transphobia and homophobia, t-slur/d-slur)
Past bullying and some self-deprication
Reader is a weirdo but Regina likes it
Reader likes classic rock and old hits, Regina pretends to despise it
She lashes out at you but its all good in the end :)
Reader likes to sing
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
a/n: this is a huge self-insert for me, I was really vibing to Bob Seger earlier (btw this is the second thing ive written in like 5 years spare me)
ALSO feel free to message or comment any feedback is appreciated 🙏
Before the sophomore year, you were sure Regina totally despised you. She openly criticized any gay person she came across. Sophomore year, you were seated next to her in math and history, and you felt like you were going to be destroyed.
But when you came over to her house for a project, she asked "You have your first kiss yet?"
It caught you off guard. "Uh, no. Why?" your voice squeaked, although you knew she was a bitch. You were attracted to her.
She got close to your face and smirked, you could feel her breath on yours. "No reason," She grabbed the back of your head and kissed you. You didn't kiss back out of shock and Regina pulled away and went red, she opened her mouth to say something to excuse her actions, but you leaned in and kissed her again. That moment opened a whole new door for both of you.
After that, you and Regina got really close. Outside of the school halls, and in the comfort of Regina's mansion, you were secretly her best friend but also her friend with benefits. She isn't out yet either, she still has too much pride to be seen with a loser, but you don't mind waiting for her.
She was slightly nicer to you than others at school. She was actually pretty kind to you behind closed doors. She cared about you even if she never said it out loud. So about a month after you started hooking up, you were at her house and she handed you her Burn Book which was open to a blank page with only your picture on it. "I don't want Karen and Gretchen to get suspicious as to why you're not in it."
You could deal with the insults and the taunts, it never bothered you that much, so you wrote something that used to bother you 'Y/N L/N is a tranny dyke'.
The thing that did get to you was in 8th grade when you confessed to a girl, and she told everyone in your PE class that you watched girls change in the locker room. Everyone shunned you after that, but you grew thick skin. In freshman year you found your place amongst the loners and the nerds. You were content with it.
"Are you sure you want that in there?" Regina asked, what you wrote about yourself was harsh.
You nodded "Regina, I'm out of the closet already. It's a secret everybody already knows" You closed the book and handed it back to Regina and she tucked it away. "If I walk like a duck, swim like a duck, and quack like a duck, I'm probably a duck" She laughed at your joke, and you corrected yourself smiling "I mean dyke"
"You're so stupid" Regina replied, but it wasn't mean or full of scorn, she just shoved your shoulder. She changed your name to "Duck" in her contacts.
A week later you found out what your contact name was, you laughed at her a little and she got defensive "I'll change it then" and you quickly stopped laughing and took her phone.
"No no, keep it, please Regina it's cute" You yanked her phone out of her hand and tried to keep it away from her. You laughed again and ran around her room holding her phone, but she cornered you, pushing your chest, then your back hit the wall. You were breathless from running and grinned, though her face was stern. "I'm sorry, Gina. Please keep it, it's fine really"
The look on her face made you lose your confidence and you backed down, and handed her phone back, "Thanks loser" She tucked it back in her pocket, and she had a smug smile. "You're lucky I'm in a forgiving mood today" and tilted your chin up and kissed your lips.
After that day, it became one of your inside jokes, and "Duck" became one of your nicknames.
That summer she invited you over to swim at her pool for the first time. "Hey loser, hurry up" she opened the door and led you to her pool.
You brought your only swim trunks and taped your breasts back to go swimming. She was in a tight bikini and she slipped in the pool, you took your shirt off, and she was staring at your body.
You weren't sporty, but you went to the gym, it's not like you had rock-hard abs, but you were toned and Regina hadn't seen you like that in the sunlight before, you beamed as you basked in the warm sun.
"Hey Duck, get in here" she beckoned you, you seized an opportunity to make a joke.
You bent your knees and flapped your arms a little walking back and forth at the edge of the pool "Quack quack" You giggled out. Regina cracked out a smile that evolved into laughter, her laugh warmed you more than the sunlight.
When you slipped into the pool, she was still laughing at you. "You're such a dumbass"
She splashed water at you when you tried to come and hug her in the pool. "Hey!" you yelped as the water got in your face and you splashed back.
After you just relaxed in the pool, you floated on your back, eyes closed, and sun-kissed skin. You didn't notice how Regina looked at you, but you heard water swish as she walked toward your floating body. You cracked an eye open, the sun was behind her making her look ethereal. Regina's blonde hair glowed, she looked like an angel, not the bitchy Queen Bee at school.
"Hey," you tried opening your eyes but just squinted.
She leaned down and said "Hey" back in her sweet voice and kissed you gently.
The summer pushed you closer together, of course, she had her fair share of parties she went to with the Plastics. You were there at parties too, but you both only shot each other glances. The days she hung out with the Plastics, you missed her company.
You got your license over the summer and when you got the message that she was back home, you hopped in your Mini Cooper and drove to her house and picked her up. Though she usually drove you around in her Jeep.
"Where we heading today?" you asked as she hopped in the car
She ignored your question and her attention was on your music "Earth, Wind & Fire's 'September'? Really?" she criticized your music taste.
She buckled in and you said, "What's wrong with my music taste Regina?"
"God you really are a loser" she insulted, you could tell she was in a mood today. You were a little hurt but tried not to take it personally. "7-11 can you grab me a Diet Coke?" you nodded and started driving.
You skipped to the next song and what played was Bee Gee's "More Than A Woman" You smiled and sang along to it. Hoping Regina would get the hint you were singing it to her.
"Suddenly you're in my life, A part of everything I do. You got me workin' day and night. Just tryin' to keep a hold on you..." Your fingers tapped against the steering wheel and you moved your shoulders to the beat of the song.
She just groaned and pressed her temples, you thought she really hated it but from the corner of your eye, you saw a corner of her lip lift slightly. After seeing that you sang your heart out a little more at a red light you turned to her momentarily "More than a woman. More than a woman to me" and grinned wide.
"Hey! Keep your eyes on the road!" she pushed your head to look back at the road.
At school when Junior year started, Regina and you acted like you two were nothing, you both devised a facade as to why you interacted at all. It was a half-truth, everyone at school thought Regina paid y/n to do their math homework. But you only did that sometimes, and usually just helped her.
Today when you met at her house she was upset about something. "Regina, what's wrong?" you asked worriedly.
"Nothing, stay out of it" she snapped at you and she stomped up the stairs to her room.
You followed her "Regina come on," she turned on her heel and looked at you angrily and lashed out.
"Why are you even here? You're not dating me, stop acting like it" She yelled at you.
You paused and your heart faltered "Regina..." you said quietly. She turned back around and she slammed her bedroom door. Regina crawled in the sheets and just went to sleep. You didn't follow her in. But you walked downstairs to her kitchen and opened her fridge.
When Regina woke up she smelled some kind of pastry downstairs and light music. She opened her door and crept down the stairs, as she approached the kitchen, she heard your humming.
The next song started to play, your back was turned and you were using her mom's apron and mittens, pulling out a batch of brownies from the oven. When you sang alone, you were cheesier and poured your heart into each song, then you placed the brownies onto a cooling rack on the island counter and pretended to hold a mic.
"Still like that old-time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul" You closed your eyes and turned around still pretending to hold a microphone "I reminisce about the days of old, with that old-time rock and roll" Regina just smiled stifling laughter.
But when you started playing air guitar, at the part with no lyrics. You heard her giggle and your eyes shot open, face reddening "Regina! You're up!" she just laughed at your incredible dorkiness and walked up to you, this was the highlight of her day.
You brushed off your embarrassment from getting caught when you saw how happy it made her. And you walked closer to her and continued to mouth the song and dance around her. Still wearing her mom's frilly apron. You took her hand and spun her around and she still laughed at your silliness.
You stopped and walked back to the counter where she followed, "Brownies?" you smiled.
"Yeah, sure" She sat down at the table and you cut two pieces out.
When you handed her a plate, she looked up at you and spoke softly "Sorry about earlier..."
You smiled softly and took her hand as you sat next to her "Its okay, don't worry about it" You let go of her hand and then asked, "You feeling better now?"
"Yeah, thanks duck" She leaned towards you and kissed your lips. "You're so fucking corny" Regina pulled away.
You smirked "You secretly love it"
"I do" She responded, you almost choked on your own spit at her admission. She reveled in your panic and took a bite of the brownie you made her.
Only you could make her smile like this, and laugh like this, you knew that, and you had your silent victory.
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
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redrum-alice · 1 month
ABA x Paracelsus HCs that live in my mind rent-free, even though I haven't played the game--
Some of these HCs include other characters involved in their arcade mode.
ABA is no stranger to stalking people. So when she came across a lookout point, she saw many couples, mostly teenagers, making out and going on romantic dates. She wonders what it would feel like to be young and in love, rather than just declaring someone whom she met first glance as a "husband"
ABA's collection of keys were hidden somewhere in the pocket dimension. She sometimes uses them as accessories to adorn herself, despite the like of knowledge in fashion (the girl wears pants as a top--)
There are many shades of blue that ABA can pick from. Since Paracelsus turned himself blue, the shiny surface reflected more colors than just blue, inspiring her to try and appreciate other colors near the blue gradient.
Added to the color stuff, she eventually tries variation of outfits with other colors, but with blue as the base.
Paracelsus knows when she's feeling fatigued. When she's at her limit, he opens the pocket dimension and lets her rest there until she wakes up. ABA sees this as his love language, but unintentional on his part
Both ABA and Paracelsus have no clue on how homonculi biology works, and Paracelsus hates to admit he feels bad that ABA may be at risk of getting herself hurt without him knowing what to do
Paracelsus wishes he knows more about human anatomy because its the closest one to ABA's physiology.
Since ABA is clairvoyant, she often hears the spirits of their victims which she tries to ignore, and probably because she doesnt know the correct response to a wailing dead person wanting justice. When its too much, she asks Paracelsus if what theyre doing was justified and that she begins to regret her rage filled jealousy directed at those that dont even bother them.
Paracelsus keeps telling ABA that she needn't to worry because it was a necessity for the both of them-- something he deeply regrets to say because he knows she has strong principles that she live by despite not being a human
Paracelsus, deep down, is ashamed of himself for tainting ABA for the purpose of tending to his bloodlust. He saw how genuine and pure hearted she is, but it turned into malice because of his demonic origin. He begins to wonder what ABA would be like if she found someone else years ago.
Just like ABA, Paracelsus has an unspoken fear of abandonment, but since he lacks capacity to feel other emotions, he doesnt notice this.
Ever since Elphelt and Testament approached her with good intentions, ABA wanted to make more friends like them, but is scared that others have ill intentions toward her and Paracelsus.
ABA's favorite book would be Alice in Wonderland when she was still in Frasco, specifically the part where Alice was trapped in a room or multiple doors with the smallest door being the exit. ABA admires this because of the concept of escaping, especially that there's a key involved. (Im biased bc my name's Alice and i like this story--)
Besides door keys, she also collects windup key and smaller keys for chests and compartments. She sees this as a symbol for discovering new things, especially music when she came across a music box that needed a key
Speaking of music boxes, she associates this object with Elphelt bc of her musical talent (and that she may as well look like the ballerina spinning on the music box)
Other than doors, music boxes, and compartments, she also came across a small doll that needed a key. After she winds it up, it began walking and talking towards her and freaks her out. But when it said "mama" in a robotic voice, ABA contemplates and wonders if she was ready to become a parent somewhere in the near future when Paracelsus has a body. An impossible thought, but one could never be sure, and it scares her.
Butterfly Pea tea with brown sugar, or sparkling butterfly pea lemonade with honey would probably her favorite drink because of its color. She shares this with her hubby 🥰😋
There comes a time that her bandanges would get uncomfortable and smell bad from blood stains and wounds, so Paracelsus tells her she needs to change them before she gets an infection. He does stop her midway because he realizes she isnt wearing any undergarments and proceeds to take her in the pocket dimension.
Elphelt offers ABA to shop with her to pick clothes suited for her. The first thing she sees at the boutique display was a wedding dress and begins to day dream a wedding with Paracelsus. Without her looking, Elphelt happily buys the wedding dress with matching tuxedo and gives it to ABA, despite Paracelsus' protests (the fact that he hears them chatting about setting up the wedding next day had him ded on the spot :P)
ABA watches home video tapes left in houses unoccupied by their owners (abandoned or they went on vacation; ABA is a home intruder lol). She finds a tape labeled "Happy Day" and it plays a recording of a newly wed couple dancing at their reception. The way the couple moved gracefully tickled an idea in her brain and insisted she and Paracelsus should dance. But since the large key doesnt have any legs, her attempts in waltzing with him went nowhere 😅 (and this gave more reason for ABA to find a body for Paracelsus)
At late nights when ABA is asleep, Paracelsus wonders that if he had a body, would ABA still be shorter or they would be in the same height? Either way, he was impressed that she can keep herself up with that low weight despite her tall stature, more so on how she was able to carry him around without much muscle mass.
When he sleeps beside her, her hair unwittingly falls on his bow and feels how soft it is. A very pleasant feeling he won't admit.
Everyday, Paracelsus keeps reminding ABA that she needed to eat to gather strength. ABA often forgets to eat because its not hard wired in hr system, nor that it was even natural for her to eat in the first place.
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asmutwriter · 3 months
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 6)
DESCRIPTION: You complete your first business ordeal as a Shelby family member. Your husband, Thomas, wants to thank you for your effort.
A/N: Was this section of smut overly necessary or was I just horny when I wrote this part? I guess we'll never know
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WARNINGS: swearing, blackmail, mild sexism, threat, talk of murder, drinking, sex whilst drunk (able to consent), smut, rough sex, no foreplay, mild breeding kink, pet names (love/sir), creampie, overstimluation, mild dacryphilia
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
This story does not follow the timeline of the show
Not been proof read - part may change slightly once I've proof read it
The clock chimes 8pm. You take in a breath. You and Tommy had parted ways since you discussion earlier this afternoon. Going about your business during the day. Due to him unable to find a different plan you were going with your choice. So here you were. Standing outside the garrison. You take a deep breath. Going inside you see a man sitting at a table. Looking smug as he drinks a pint.
You go over, putting on a false smile as you sit opposite him. His eyes meet yours before going over your body. His tongue darts out slightly as he smiles. You place your hands on the table, one hand over the other as you keep eye contact with him as hes finished checking you out. "Harry Thompson correct?" he nods "I have some business Id like to discuss with you" he chuckles slightly
"And you are?" he says in an almost mocking tone
"Sorry, where are my manners?" you hold your hand out for him to shake "Mrs Florence Shelby" he laughs again. Taking your hand and shaking it. You place yours back ontop of the one still resting on the table.
"So which one are you married to?"
"Does that matter?"
"I want to know which one sent you to do their dirty work"
"They didnt send me. They dont even know Im here" he nods, leaning back in his chair.
"WHat is it youd like to discuss then?"
"Id like to discuss your children. You have 5 I believe" he laughs
"I have 3. But carry on" a smirk on his face as you keep his eye contact
"Youre right. You and your wife have three children. Alfie, Anna, and William. But if you include the two children you had with your mistress then you have five"
"I dont know what you're talking about"
"So you dont know who Robert and Michael are? Or Rose, your mistress who had your children?" his smile drops. Eyes on yours as you continue talking "they live in London correct?" he goes to stand up
"My business isnt with you its with them" he stands
"SIt down Mr Thompson"
"I dont have to speak to one of their whores. Because that is exactly what you are"
"I said sit down Mr Thompson. Or I start screaming" he looks at you as you keep eye contact with him "how do you think thatll go for you? Given the current location we are in" he keeps looking at you, staying standing. You lean marginely closer to him, hushing your voice slightly so only he can hear you. "You may think you have this city wrapped around your finger but if any of the men in this building think you laid a hand on Thomas SHelby's wife then you better start digging your own grave" he takes in a deep breath. Sitting back down again.
"What is it you want?" he asks, a slight anger in his voice.
"I want you and your men to leave. The same conditionings my husband wants in fact" he grits his teeth
"And if I refuse?"
"One of my men goes and has a little visit to your family. The one up in London. The one we both know you care the most about. And slaughters them. One by one" his eyes dart around the room. You can sense the amount of fear going through his body. "If you leave then both of your families will remain safe. I wont tell my husband about Rose and your sons". You put your hand out for him to shake "do we have a deal?". He looks at you. Your calm behaviour being very different to the anxiety you feel welling up in your body. He reaches a hand out. Taking yours and shaking on the deal.
"Good decision. I'll give you until midnight tonight to leave this place. If you arent out by then... well, you know what'll happen" you smile at him. Standing up "Have a good night Mr Thompson" you leave the pub. Getting back home you open the front door. Taking your coat off and hanging it up. You can hear your husbands voice in the building next door. Given your previous experience of evesdropping you decide that it wouldnt be the best idea. Instead you retire early to bed. taking out a book you start reading.
You place the book down on your bedside table. Unsure of how late it is. But feeling dreadfully thirsty. You try settling down to sleep. Dehydration catching up to you. You mumble slightly as you get out of bed. Heading downstairs. Grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen to head back upstairs. You notice the living room light on.
Poking your head around the corner you see your husband. Whisley in hand as he watches the liquid swirl in the glass. "Mr Shelby?". His eyes look at you. The blue standing out among the darknessof the room. You step inside slightly. Seeing his jacket and waistcoat discarded on the sofa. "It appears to have gone well with Mr Thompson". He nods. Sipping his drink. Placing it onto the counter top he stands up.
"Go back to bed Flo. I'll be up shortly". His voice quiet. You nod. Turning back around. Going up the stairs. Reaching the top step you hear the living room door shut. Looking down the stairs to see darkness. You look downwards. Letting out a soft sigh as you head to your bedroom. Shutting the door and getting under the warm covers.
You wake up the next morning. Letting out a soft groan as you sit up. Hearing happy voices downstairs. Unsual given the normal tone of voice your new family has. AWare of the cold spot next to you. Not unsuaul. He sometimes stayed downstairs or in his own room next door.
You get out of bed. Wrapping your dressing gown round your body as you hear multiple voices. Heading into the living room you see your husband and his brothers. The three of them drinking and smoking. You fold your arms over your torso. Aware that you are still in your night clothes.
Arthur is the first to spot you. Coming over to you. The smell of alcohol on his breath. "Tommy told us what you did. That you helped Harry to fuck off" you chuckle slightly
"I suppose you could put it like that" you smile as he hugs you. Your arms going to your sides. Hanging awkwardly. Moving away he holds up his drink
"To Mrs SHelby"
"Ayy Mrs Shelby" you hear John call out. Your smile growing slightly as they drink their drinks in unison.
"Alright you two. Go on. We've still got stuff we need to be doing over in the shop. I'll be over in a bit". They both down their drinks. Heading past you. Them both smiling widely at you as you hear the front door go. Tommy titls his head as he looks at you. Then heading to his bottle of whiskey he grabs out a second glass. Topping up his one before puring you one. Walking over to you he hands you the fresh glass.
"I take it the plan worked?"
"Harry Thompson left late last night. He was seen getting into a car and driving off with his belongings". He clinks his glass to yours "Well done to your first official business ordeal. You're offically a Shelby" Taking a sip his drink as a soft smile appears on your face. His eyes watching yours as you do the same with the glass. Him standing about a foot away from you. You get the scent of whiskey and smoke from him.
"Thats excellent new Mr Shelvy. I'm glad the plan worked"
"As am I"
"What time did you find out he'd gone?"
"Early this morning. John and Arthur came round to tell me. We decided to celebrate the victory and have been celebrating since" you chuckle slightly. His mind only seeming to have noticed your nigthdress. He glances downwards. Trailing his eyes over the fabric before bringing them back up to meet yours.
He downs the rest of his drink. Placing his glass on the small coffee table. Standing straight again he closes the gap between you. His hand coming up to cup your face. Moving his thumb over your lips. Your cheeks going a soft shade of crimson at the affection. Your eyes still fixed on his. "Drink. Got to celebrate this victory, ey?". You smile, turning your head to the side slightly as you down your drink. He takes the opportunity to start kissing yur neck.
You let out a satisified sigh. Feeling his hand take the now empty galss from you. Hearing the soft clink as he places it onto the coffee table. His hands going to your hips as he holds you close to him. Feeling him start to grow in his trousers. The thin fabric of your night dress leaving very little to the imagination for the both of you. He unties the loose knot in the front of your gown. Pulling it off your shoulders and discarding it onot the floor. One hand snaking your waist. The other coming up and gripping at your breasts. His lips attacking your neck as he begins to massage your boob.
Your hands come up. Gently going to the side of his head. Reminvg it from your neck. Making him look at you "Mr Shelby... we cant here... my sisters..."
"You are my wife. And this is my house. Where else do ypu propose I can fuck you, ey?"
"But what if they see us...?" you whisper "Or even hear us for that matter?"
"I'll be quick" his hands moves from your chest where it was happy resting. Resting it over your mouth as he lowers his voice "All you have to do is not make a sound..." a soft whimper escapes your lips. Causing him to grin. His hands both drop to your hips. Forcibly turning you around. Pushing you to armchair in the room. Your hands going to the back of it as a means to not fall over. Your knees hit the plush seat. He rakes up your dress. Holding it up with one hand as he unbuttons his trousers. You hear him spit, seconds later feeling him rubbing his palm over your core. You whine out. Knees going up onto the chair as you push your hips back into his touch.
A few seconds later and he plunges himself into you. The lack of foreplay making the strecth almost unbearable. Causing you to cry out. The hand holding your night dress up moves. Snaking around your waist as he pulls you flush against him. Holding you up as the other hand covers your mouth. He turns your head to look at him. His dull nails digging into the flesh of your cheeks as you feel tears coming to your eyes. He comfortingly sushes you. Giving you a little bit of time to adjust before he starts to move his hips into yours. The pain going through your body quickly turning to pleasure as you cunt quickly adjusts to him. Your hands come up to his arm wrapped around you. Gripping at him.
Holding onto him for dear life as he continuesly plunges his cock in and out of your needy hole. You shut your eyes. Feeling the tears from your eyes fall down your cheeks. But you dont care. Your so focused on him filling you out that you dont care about the tears staining your cheeks. The dull pain between your thighs. The truly vulnerable and submissive state hes put you in. You only care about him. About how good he feels inside of you. And about how close hes managed to get you to your high.
"SUch a good girl for me. Letting me fuck this pretty cunt of yours. Fill you up with my seed. You deserve it, love. Being such a good wife. You deserve to be filled with my cum".
You subconsciously tighten around his words. Although you cant see it, you can feel the grin adorning his face. The hand from your mouth moves. Causing you to open your eyes. Being met with his dark, borderline sadistic gaze. A soft whine leaves your lips as you try and remain quiet. His thrusts slowing slightly.
Your hands come up. Moving from his arms to hold at his face as a feeble 'please' escapes your lips. A few more tears fall down your cheeks. His thumb quickly wiping them away, resting it gently onto your shoulder as he watches your eyes. Fresh tears quickly appearing as you can feel your high slowly drifiting away from you. His thrusts slow but continueus.
"Please sir...". he brushes the hair from your face. Tucking it behind your ear before placing his hand back over your mouth. Your arm goes around his neck as he continues to hold you flush against his body. Your other hand going to his wrist.
He starts thrusting at a godly speed. You practcily scream. Digging your nails into the flesh f his wrist. He kisses your shoulder. Grunting as he pushes himself deep inside of you. Feeling his cum hit your walls. You feel your hips start to spasm. Your own orgasm hitting you. Helping to milk him dry as he mutters a soft 'fuck' against you. His blunt nails digging into the softness of your cheeks as you tighten around him. You shut your eyes. A few more tears trailing down your face as you come down from your high.
His hand going from your mouth to gently brush the liquid away. You reac your hands out. STeadying yourself on the chair again as he pulls out of you. Watching his seed fall from your folds. He collects the jucies onto his tip. Pushing them back into your hole. You whine out in discomfort. Overstimulation and the dull ache being to much for you. But he thrusts a few more times before pulling out fully. Bringing your nightdress down to cover your intimate part before he puts himself back int his trousers.
Your breathing becomes steady again. Resting down into the chair. Feeling his hand brush your hair out of your face. You open your eyes. A tired smile on your face as you meet his blue eyes. "I have some work to do" you nod. Turning so you can stand up. Him steadying you as you wobble slightly. A slight smirk on his face. Knowing that hes the reason for your unsteadyiness. But your to cock drunk to care at this moment in time.
"I'll see you later then Mr Shelby" he smiles. Nodding as he lets your arm go. Going to the front door as yu hear it bang behind him. Quickly followed by the sound of his voice next door. You give yourself a few more minutes before getting up off the chair. Going upstairs to get dressed.
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@whorecrux-of-slytherin @kkrenae @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo
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illumnis · 6 months
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oh, time turner. ― you could've pushed through the hurdles instead of ending it at once; but the time was going to pass anyways, right? time has done it's work, you're different people now, with different lives and different minds, so why do the two of you still hold onto who you used to be- to each other, you mean. no one can blame you, we all have the same hearts as yesterday after all.
pairing: various x gn!reader
warnings: just angst no comfort, codependency?? or just attachment, both of you are sad and sentimental, this was gnna be a vent but i got carried away and instead made this, i am so sorry. (inspired by promise by laufey if that makes it hit even harder)
art creds: holly warbuton (pls correct me if im wrong hhh)
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time has passed, but the same sparrow still perches at your window sill.
sparrows, they say, represent love- an extension of aphrodite herself, the goddess of love and beauty.
you wish you could say it was ironic; how this same sparrow stilled, perched on your window as your and you partner came to the painful agreement to end things. you wish you could say it's ironic, how this sparrow; who still, despite two years- which people may say it's not a long time, but its seven hundred thirty days. seven hundred thirty days that you heart is left to mend, or your brain is to abandon information to take in something new; something that matters more than something that did seven hundred and thirty days ago. - still perches at your window will. a sparrow that represents love, a sparrow who watched a piece of you walk out with someone, still right there.
you wish you could say- but you can't, because despite the time, the minutes, and the seconds, and the hours, and any and every interval of time, you still love them.
(more under the cut)
the piece of you that they walked out with did not die the moment it left its home. much like how a flower separated from its roots to join a beautiful bouquet- it's quite sad in reality, stripping a flower away from its freedom to make its own food or water itself on its own accord; maybe that's why...
why you still find yourself depending on you ex-lover, or at least, the parts you abandoned of yourself that did depend on your ex-lover, you still hold onto. like the sagging flower- which its sagging may look obnoxious, but really, it's coming apart at it's seams, starting from the stem, to the leaves, to its- begging for it's owner...
'please water me' it begs.
'please look after me, you're all i have. for i cannot walk on two legs. for i cannot turn to the sun on my own- i only have your artificial lighting. for i no longer have my home, my roots.'
you're thankful, at least, that you aren't a flower cut away from its roots, and do not require someone to keep you alive in the same conditions.
however, you do long for that part of you again; along with the care of your ex-lover. it's a different codependency you think- yet, just as shameful.
two long years, he had found you again on social media, sending you a friendly dm, asking to meet at a cafe like old times.
old times. a petal plucked from your head, marking a time in your life you held dear. old times.
you agree, and of course; it's different.
there are old times, and there are new times. old times, as in the name, are not something you can relive, not something you can take back.
you and him are not the same people you were when you were together. but despite all of this- the longing, the string connecting your hearts together is retied. the feelings are left unsaid, but you both know.
you both know it's there but there is no acknowledgement, there is no attempt at rekindling the fire. the both of you know that either way, you will end up hurt.
two years ago, you two were different lovers, different views as to the ones you have now, different attitudes, different lives. so what would be the harm of trying again?
the harm is that you both still have the same heart. new wounds, sure, but mended does not mean new. the scar is still there, the love, the memories, but also the flaws, the causes of your disagreements, and the reason you ended it in the first place.
there was no trying again. this was it. despite the hurt, despite the pain of parting; or despite- if in another universe, you ended up rekindling the fire that burnt out two years ago- the pain that would come if you got back together, there was still love.
you hate to settle. he does too, you know that. the two of you hated to settle because of the possibility of better.
but the two of you always find that, around each other, that's just naturally what you do.
even if it was never down together, you settle.
― men who, despite the pain, still love. who gratefully take a piece of everyone they have every cherished, and cared for it with their entire being: diluc, kaeya, xiao, venti, kazuha, megumi, yuji, yuuta, gorou, kaveh, alhaitham, wriothesley, nanami, neuvillette, childe.
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navi. mlist.
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justmeinadaze · 9 months
Ever After: A Virtual Romance Part 4 (Steve X You)
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A/N: For any questions you may have about the time period they are in or the previous story please read A Virtual Romance. I seriously love these two lol probably because I was around and a little younger than them in the early 2000s lol
Readers dialogue is pink so its a bit easier on the eyes. Remember if there is a screen name they are IMing if its just italicized dialogue they are texting or talking on the phone. Enjoy!
Warnings: SMUT, of the virtual variety as well as in the backseat of Steves BMW <3, dirty talk abound, FLUFF, they care about each other! ANGST, Steve gets his feelings hurt and gets wasted so the reader has to take him home, Steve and Y/N talk about worries of becoming their parents, we do meet stepmom and stepsisters and they are awful (of course, its cinderella lol)
Word Count: 5599
StealthyNinja02: We really need to get you camera.
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: Said the man who already broke his. 
StealthyNinja02: Hey! You can still see me can’t you?!
You giggle as Steve makes a funny face towards his webcam on his desktop before waving. The both of you had been dating for a few months now and things were going really well. True to his word, he didn’t revert back to “King Steve” and continued to ignore all the rumors surrounding his, to them, abrupt transformation before graduation. You two spent almost every day together and in the evenings after dropping you off at home, he would either message you in the chat or text your phone so you both could continue talking about whatever came to mind. 
StealthyNinja02: Now the audio thing… that wasn’t my fault.
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: Yeah suuuuuuuuure.
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: Now focus! Your history assignment is due tomorrow. 
StealthyNinja02: But 
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: No buts! Lol. 
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: How about I make you a deal? For every question you get right, I’ll give you a surprise.
StealthyNinja02: Oh? A Y/N surprise, you say.
In his camera you see him playfully tap his chin as if he’s thinking. 
StealthyNinja02: Ok. So this question says…
Steve types out the question and what he believes the answer to be. You had been doing this with him for a while to help him with his grade. It always amused you because he always seemed to think he was stupid or that every answer he gave was wrong, constantly second guessing himself. A good percentage of the time, however, his answer was correct.
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: Good job, Steve. See? You know this stuff. 
StealthyNinja02: Yeah that’s because you’re a good teacher : ) What’s my surprise?
You smile as you bite your bottom lip, rising from your desk to slide down the panties you were wearing. Grabbing your phone, you hold it up high and take a picture of you holding them before sending it to his phone. On your dad and stepmom’s plan you could only send so many pictures without it costing a fortune so you needed to make each picture count.
As you watched him in the camera, your smile grew as he reached beside him to grab his own device, flipping it open, and licking his lips as his eyes flick to the webcam. 
StealthyNinja02: That’s not fair. How am I supposed to focus now knowing that you’re sitting there in one of my shirts with no underwear or bra?
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: Who says I’m not wearing a bra?
StealthyNinja02: Are you?
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: I guess you’ll have to get your next question right then, huh, baby? ;). 
Steve gives you his next question but pauses before giving you an answer. Giggling, you watch as he sorts through his notes making sure his next answer is correct, which it is. 
Taking his shirt off your body, you toss it on your bed and take a picture of your now naked physique. He sighs when his phone pings as he hastily grabs it and flips it open. 
StealthyNinja02: You’re so fucking beautiful, honey, and so goddamn sexy. 
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: Thank you <3. Ok, last question. If you get this one right…
StealthyNinja02: Tell me, baby, please.
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: I’ll let you listen to me cum.
He exhales again and even through the grainy camera you can tell it’s a shaky breath as he tries to continue focusing so you both can get what you want. As he takes off his shirt and tosses it to the side, you can’t help but absently run your fingers along your chest and over your nipples at the sight. 
You still couldn’t believe your previous online virtual crush was Steve fucking Harrington. This handsome, sweet, charismatic, and funny boy was all yours. Now that you had him, you never understood how you were living your life before without him in your world. 
The soft moments were your favorite when you two did all the things he had mentioned like lying in bed and talking about the future or going on proper dates that had you swoon. The sex was even better with Steve making up for time lost as his hands and tongue constantly roamed your body before, during, and after. Sometimes he would get to the point where you had cum so many times you were begging him to give you a break. 
He loved it, relishing the sounds and intimacy when he would do what you asked and in turn you would curl up into his side and squeeze him to you. 
StealthyNinja02: Ok. Please PLEEEEASE tell me this is the right answer!
You giggle as you watch him wait, anxiously bouncing his leg as he spins is phone in his hand. Teasing him you make him wait longer than you need to even though you already know the answer he gave you was correct.
“Oh, thank God.”, he laughs nervously when he answers your call. “I thought I got it wrong.”
“No, honey. You get them right a lot more then you think you do. I just wanted to show that to you.”
“Hm. I wish you could show me more. I’m at a slight disadvantage since you can see more of me.”  Steve slides his desk chair over till he’s directly in front of his camera palming the growing bulge in his boxers. “You can see me right? See what those sexy, low resolution pictures do to me.”
He grins when he hears you laugh. 
“Don’t laugh, pretty girl. It reminds me of when I was a kid trying to sneak into the living room to watch the playboy channel but it was always grainy with static.”
“Hm, you bad boy. I’m surprised your dad didn’t pay extra to have that channel so it would be clearer.”
“My mom would never allow that. She knows my father is a man slut. That’s why she follows him all over the world to make sure he doesn’t cheat her.” His gentle eyes flick briefly to the camera. “I would never hurt you like that. I would never cheat on you or anything.”
“I know, Steve. I know. I wouldn’t either… and I promise when we move in together if you want the playboy channel you can have it.”
You bite your bottom lip as his nose scrunches, throwing his head back while he laughs. 
“I don’t need anything like that when I have you. Beautiful girl with a beautiful body like yours. Are you still naked for me?”
“I am. I’ve been running my fingers along my skin since you took of your shirt. You’re so handsome.”
“Come on, honey. I know you can talk dirtier than that.”
“Hm, you want me to be dirtier? You want me to tell you I’m so wet just thinking about your face between my thighs? Just imagining your tongue licking me clean till I make a mess again.”
Steve moans loudly into your ear, the sound driving you crazy as you watch him pull out his cock and spit into his hand as he strokes along his length. Sliding your fingers between your folds, you exhale as you rub circles against your clit. 
“Fuck. K-Keep your eyes open and on me, Y/N.”
“How do you—mmm—how do you know they aren’t?”
He smirks slightly as he tilts closer to the webcam. “I fuck you remember? I know everything your body does. Shit… like right now I know you’re only playing with that pretty little clit.” Steve’s smile grows when he hears you laugh in your throat. “Am I wrong?”
“No, baby. You aren’t.”
“Why don’t you put those fingers inside of you and imagine it’s me stretching you open.”
“Steve…”, you moan at his words as you open your legs wider and glide two of you digits into your entrance.
“Good girl. Fuck, Y/N, the sounds you make… I wish I was there, honey, feeling that warm pussy squeezing me tightly.”
“Pl-Please, Steve. Don’t stop.”
“You want me to keep talking to you? Tell you how fucking sexy you are. Mmm—goddamn it—how much I wish I was there so I can pump my dick so deep into you that you can feel me in your stomach. Feeling your nails drag down my back as you beg me to make you cum. Fuck…cum for me, baby girl. I need to hear it.”
You panted into the phone as you watched him stroke himself faster at the sound. Chanting his name, your thighs shook as you came and with half lidded eyes, you kept them on your screen as he folded into himself, releasing rope after rope of his seed. 
“Jesus Christ. That was amazing. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
Steve grins at your now sleepy tone. “Sweetheart, turn off your computer and go get into bed.”
“Will you come with me?”
“Don’t I always?”
You both turn off your computers, listening to his steady breathing as you both climb into your separate beds and pull up the covers over your tired frames. 
“I can’t wait for us to move in together so I can really go to bed with you and hold you. I like when I can play with your hair or just touch your face.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I love you.” Your eyes started to droop and you vaguely heard his voice trying to get your attention in the background. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, ok?”
“Wait! Honey, did you mean that? Or were you just saying that because you’re tired? Y/N!”
“Hey, have you heard from Steve?”
Sam, your best friend, looked at you like you had gone insane. 
“Um, no. Why would I know where your boyfriend is? You two are the ones that talk 24/7.”
“I mean, usually he picks me up in the morning but he left me a message saying he couldn’t and he’s not answering my texts. I’m starting to get worried.”
“Did something happen?”
“I…I think I told him I loved him as I was falling asleep.”
“Oof. That’s a big step. Why do you think you said it and not know that you did?”
“I was falling asleep. When I woke up I thought it was dream but with him being MIA—”
“He’s not missing. He’s just avoiding you.”, Carol snickers as she walks by. “Steve Harrington doesn’t do the love thing no matter what part of the student body he’s fucking.”
“Fuck off, Carol.”, Sam growls. “No one asked you.”
“Don’t believe me? Why don’t you go ask him? He’s in the gym right now with Tommy and the other guys for practice.”
Your heart tells you not to; to ignore her and trust him but your brain won’t stop screaming to follow her as you head for the gym. To your surprise, she wasn’t lying. There he was running back and forth on the court as he blocked Tommy from making a basket. 
Steve smiled when he saw you but it fell slightly when he saw you standing next to his old friend. 
“Hey baby. Everything ok?”
“I was going to ask you that. I just haven’t been able to reach you and I got worried.”
“My dad made me late this morning because he wanted to talk to me again about my future.”, he sighs as he rolls his eyes. 
“And my texts?”
“I forgot my phone at home because of this morning. I’ve been looking for you all day but I figured as soon as we were done here I’d go sit with you for the last of your lunch. Did I miss something? Why are you here and with Carol?”
“Thanks. Love you to, Harrington.”, she sasses.
“I got worried…”
“So you came to find me with the girl you hate?”
Grabbing his arm, you pull him away from prying ears as Tommy comes to stand next to his girlfriend. 
“Did…Did I tell you I love you last night?”
Steve blinks as he tries to understand how A equals B, how you telling him you loved him equated to you speaking with the girl who threatened to beat you up. 
“Yes, yes you did.”
“What did you say?”
“I asked you if you meant it or if you were just loopy from being exhausted and before you answered you hung up. I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m really confused. Why are you here with Carol?”
“Do you love me?”
“Goddamn it. Answer my question first because this will be the third fucking time I’m asking it.”
Hearing his tone shift like that was new for you. Yeah, you two had bickered especially after you for out he was the secret admirer you had been talking to all semester but this was different. Right now, he sounded angry.
“I was talking to Sam and she overheard. She said that ‘Steve Harrington doesn’t do the love thing.’”
“And you believed her?”
“Steve, I haven’t heard from you all day! Normally, you message me 24/7 when you’re not with me. What was I supposed to think!?”
“You’re supposed to trust me and not some girl who bullied you!”
“Let’s not forget, your highness, that you used to be one of them!”
“Ooo! Nice one, Y/L/N!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, TOMMY!”, you and Steve shout in unison. 
Without saying a word, Steve turns away from you and heads for the locker room. 
He didn’t answer any of your messages or calls for the rest of the day. That following Saturday morning you kept trying to no avail and it killed you. This must be how he felt when you didn’t answer after the Halloween dance. 
“Y/N, if I were you I would come to this party. Your boyfriend is getting drunk off his ass and it’s not pretty.”
You roll your eyes at Sam’s text and after 20 minutes you show up at her side. 
“Your prince charming.”, she gestures towards Steve who was jugging back a red cup at a kitchen island with other boys surrounding him as it dribbled down his down. 
“WHOA! Another!”
“No, no, Steve Harrington. You’ve had enough.”
“Hey! You look exactly like my girlfriend. She’s so prettyful.” You can’t help but smile at his slurred words as you toss Sam your keys.
“Give me a head start and then meet me at his house. I’ll take you home after.”
Your best friend nods as you sling his arm over your shoulders and walk him towards his car. As you begin to drive, he continues to babble at you as you smirk and nod your head at his drunken questions. 
“Do you know my girlfriend?! Seriously, you guys could be related. Hey! If you see her, can you give her something for me, please?” He unbuckles his seatbelt and clumsily digs in the backseat. 
“Steve, baby, sit back down, okay.”
“HERE! I’ll put this right here…so you don’t forget it. I-I-I got her a webcam today so I can see her face. I miss her face.”
“Why don’t you give it to her in person?”
His hair moves from side to side as he shakes his head. “Mad at her.”
“Why are you mad at her?”
“Cause she still thinks I’m that asshole…king Steve or whatever…”, he sighs as he absently gestures in the air. “I don’t know what else to do to convince her…I different.”
“Maybe…maybe it has nothing to do with you. Maybe she’s just afraid of losing you because of what she’s been through.”
His eyes narrow drunkenly in your direction before leaning his head on your shoulder.
“You are so smart. You have big brain like her.” You laugh really hard at his comment making him smile widely. “One of many reasons I love her. God, I love her sooooooo much. I knew when we had started talking I cared about her but when she showed up at the dance and I saw those beautiful eyes… I’ll tell you, friend, I knew I wanted to marry her then and there.”
You parked outside of his house and came around to pull him out of the passenger side. As he placed his arm around your shoulder, he craned his neck, and noticed you were crying. 
“Oh no! No, prettyful girl. Don’t cry.” Steve stopped and tried to wipe your eyes with his sleeve. “I sorry if I made you sad.”
“No, honey, you didn’t make me sad.” Guiding him into his house, you practically carried him up the stairs and placed him on his bed. “Ok, I’m going to take off your shoes and pants ok?”
“No! I can do it! I may be mad at my girlfriend but I’m not my dad.”, he giggles as he sits up to wobbly untie his laces. “My father is a dick. He ber-berate…berate…he yells at me and my mom all the time. I’m never going to be like him.”
“No, Steve. You won’t.”
“I AM going to work hard like he did though. I wanna buy Y/N a house like this one day and be able to give her everything she deserves. Oh! And we’ll have six kids.”
“My goodness!”
A big tooth filled grin spreads along his face and he pushes down his jeans before tossing them on his floor. 
“Can I ask you one more question, angel? You’re an angel right?”
“That’s what my boyfriend tells me.”, you smile as you try to guide him to lay down with your hands. 
“Do you think she’s scared to? Like how I’m afraid of becoming my dad she’s afraid of me leaving like her mom did. Some-sometimes I think that’s why she expect the worse all the time.”
“Oh, sweetheart. I don’t think that’s why. I can understand why you would think that though.”
He nodded as his eyes closed and he immediately passed out. 
That following morning, Steve work up to a private message on his computer.
Ouyay_Areyay_umbday18: I completely understand if you don’t want to see my right now but I want to show you something if that’s ok. My family is having dinner at Enzo’s at 7pm and I would like for you to come. If not that’s ok to. I’ll still love you, Steve Harrington.
Steve had texted you asking what he should wear and you responded by telling him how you were dressed. He found this slightly odd but you told him it would make sense later. Tonight, you were wearing a cute blue sunflower dress with flats and your hair down near your shoulders. In return, he showed up the restaurant wearing one of his solid color polos and a pair of black slacks with some nice black shoes. 
You swooned as soon as you saw him, resisting the urge to tackle him into a big bear hug. 
“You look so good.”
“Thank you. So do you. I like this dress.”, he softly smiled as he lightly tugged on the hem. 
“Dad. This is the boy I was telling you about. This is—”
“Steve Harrington! I know all about you, son. Well, your father.”, your dad chuckles loudly as he firmly shakes the boy’s hand. “This is my wife Meredith…”
Steve reached out to shake her hand as well but she just politely nodded as her eyes scanned him up and down. 
“And these are my other two daughters, Olivia and Savannah.”
“STEP daughters. Hi Steve.”, Olivia coos in a pitch voice that makes you cringe.
“Wow, you are way better looking than we were expecting especially if you’re dating Y/N.”, Savannah giggled. 
You watched his face contort into something more stoic as he stepped back and closer to your side. 
“Alright family! Let’s go get some food.”, your dad hollers playfully as he ushers with his arms for everyone to go inside. 
Your father loved Steve, asking him a ton of questions about himself with an animated excitement that had the boy grinning. 
“I’m really glad you could join us, Steve. The girls here usually live with their dad but we try to get together at least once a month for a big family get together to catch up but as I’m sure you’ve notice I do the bulk of the talking.”, he laughed. 
“Not a problem. It’s nice to finally meet Y/N’s family.”
“Have you met his yet, sweetie?”
“I haven’t, dad, but they seem to never be in Hawkins for a long enough time to do so.”
“Well, when you have money to burn like he does, I wouldn’t be home either.”, Meredith sighs as she chugs back the whine in her glass. “But I married an electrician. I guess Y/N’s luckier than me.”
You dad nervously smiles as he glances Steve’s way. “She tends to get a little feisty when she drinks. I’m a fantastic electrician.” Your stepmom snorts at the comment. “I like working with my hands.”
“What about you, Stevie? Do you like working with those big, beautiful hands?”, Olivia flirted.
“I’m, um, probably not as skilled as your dad when it comes to lights and fixing things.”
“Stepdad.”, Savannah corrects. “Don’t worry. We can teach you a thing or two.”
“I’m…I’m good. Y/N shows me enough.” Trying to change the subject he turns towards your father again. “She actually helps me a lot with my schoolwork.”
“Pfft, you may want to reconsider having her tutor you, honey. She has his genes and let’s just say he’s not exactly Einstein.”
Your dad laughs nervously. “Meredith, can I talk to you alone for a moment, please?”
As you watch them get up and walk away from the table, Steve takes your hand in his in your lap.
“So Y/N, how’d you manage to brainwash this one?”
“Oh, you know me, Savannah. I just purchased him out of a catalogue so you both would think I was cool. That’s all I need to feel complete; your validation.”
“Hm. Steve, baby, trust me, you can do some much better.”
He was so busy watching your dad and stepmom fight outside the front door that he hadn’t heard a word either of them had said. When your eyes found his, you almost literally saw the lightbulb in his head go off. 
“Do you want to get out of here?”
“Please.”, you happily exhale as he stands and tugs your hand. 
“—I can leave any time I want to! You think I can’t find a better man than you—”
“Y/N, hey, where are you two running off to?”, your father asks, interrupting his wife.
“We’re just going to get some dessert. I’ll be home later.”
“It was very nice meeting you, sir.” Steve shakes his hand one more time before you both run to his car.
“Dude, those women are insane!” You and Steve cackle as he reaches into the Styrofoam container with his fork and takes a bite of the chocolate cake he bought for you to share from the bakery down the street. 
He had driven you to an excluded area of lover’s lake while you talked about the evening. 
“How do you think I feel? God, I don’t know what I’d do if her girls lived with us to. But that’s why I wanted you to see that. Steve, I’m not afraid of you leaving my mother did. I seriously barely remember her. I do however remember all the fights between Meredith and my dad. Her talking down to him constantly and making him feel like garbage. It would kill me if I hurt you like she does.”
“It doesn’t help that you have two Carol’s that come around reiterating that scary feeling.” You nod at his assessment. “Honey, you’re nothing them I assure you.”
“And you are nothing like your father.” You point your fork at him as you widen your eyes playfully making him smile. “I love you, Steve. Very much.”
“I love you to, Y/N.”
Grinning, you lean forward to give him a kiss. 
“I’ve never been to Lover’s Lake before. What does one do here?”
“Wanna go for a swim?”
“Oh, Steve—”
“Come on! There’s no one around.”, he chuckles as he gets out of his car and you do the same. 
After removing your clothes, Steve holds your hand as you both jump in, giggling when he bounces back up and shakes his now flat hair out of his face.
“Why are you laughing at me?”
“Because…” you smile as you swim over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. “It’s so odd not seeing your hair all floofy.”
“Floofy? That’s fucking cute.”
“No, what’s fucking cute is you when you’re drunk. ‘You’re an angel right?’”, you mimic in his voice as he laughs and begins floating around with you in his arms.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. What else did I say? Anything incriminating?”
“Hmmm…no. Well except you’re going to work hard and buy me a big house.”
“That’s true.”
“Apparently, we are having six kids!”
“Yup. Three boys and three girls.”, he grins.
“And… you said when you saw me that night at the Halloween dance…you knew you wanted to marry me.”
Steve’s hands slide a bit lower down your back as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“Yeah, that’s true to. You took my breath away.”
 He beams down at you as his fingers come up to move a strand of hair that was sticking to your cheek. 
“I fell for you the moment we started talking online. Remember, I told you I knew you were different. It was just an added benefit that you are fucking gorgeous.” You roll your eyes in jest making his smile grow as he holds you tighter. “You were the most BEAUTIFUL girl at that dance.” Steve spun you around as you giggled clinging to his neck as your fingers wound in his hair. 
“Jesus and then you kissed me…” He groaned as his head fell in the nook between your neck and shoulder while he continued to murmur against your skin. “You tasted so good; I swear I fucking dreamed about it.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“I did.” Steve lips lightly trailed along your neck up to your ear. “I could still feel your hand on my dick to. I fantasized about those tiny hands around me.”
Your own palm slithered between your bodies as you took ahold of his cock and began stroking him under the water.
“Like that, baby?”
“Fuck, yes, honey, exactly like that.”, he whimpered as he sucked the flesh along your throat. 
“What else did you fantasize about that night, Steve? Tell me.”
“I—shit—I pictured you on your knees in front of me in-in a bra and panties wearing that mask—that’s it, baby—just looking up at me with those beautiful eyes while you stroked my cock.”
You moaned his name and it became almost too much for him as he swam back with you in tow towards the shoreline. Lifting you in his arms, he opened his back seat, and laid you down on your back before climbing in with you.
“Wait! Fuck, I’m…we’re going to get your car all wet.”
“Least of my worries right now, honey.”
“Do you have anything?”
You can’t help but giggle as you watch his soaking wet frame lean between his front seats as he reaches for his glove compartment and aggressively digs around until he finds a condom. After he crawls back to you, he leans back on his knees as he tears the foil with his teeth. 
You loved that you had this effect on him. Steve Harrington always seemed so confident out among the student body and citizens of Hawkins but when it came to you he always felt so lucky to have you that he wanted everything to be perfect. 
Reaching behind your head, he reorganized some of his jackets as a makeshift pillow before lining himself up with your entrance. 
“Please, Steve. I need you.”
You both mewled as he gradually began guiding himself into you. You and Steve had been together for months now but you still weren’t used to his size. He was the biggest person you had ever been with and it still took some adjusting. Your palm shot out to rest on his lower stomach as his thumb massaged slow circles into your clit while he did small thrusts allowing him to fill you inch by inch. 
“F-Fuck, baby. That’s it. You’re doing so good. Taking my cock so fucking well.”, he praised. “Goddamn, Y/N. So fucking tight…you drive me crazy, baby.”
When his hips finally connected with yours, Steve leaned down, placing a soft kiss on your lips as he bent one of your legs, holding your thigh and pushing it forward till your knee was near your chest. Moaning into you his mouth, he steadily pumped into you, his length dragging against your walls and his tip coming back to roughly glide along your sensitive spot. 
“St-Steve—fuck—harder. Please.”
He grunted as he did what your asked, the car rocking underneath you as you gripped the seat. When his glassy lust filled eyes met yours, he smirked as he released your leg and fell on to your body, pushing himself deeper into your cunt as he rolled his hips.
“Oh! Ba-baby… fuck… just like that, Steve.”
The man lifted his head, hovering his face just above yours as he whispered against your lips. 
“Like that, honey? Are you gonna cum, pretty girl? That’s right. Cum, Y/N. Cum all over my cock and moan my name. I love hearing you moan my name as your eyes roll back. Mmm—do you think you can keep them on me tonight?”
Subtly nodding, your mouth falls open, panting his name against his skin as you came hard around him. Your eyes never left his and he nodded in approval as he thrust his hips faster into yours. 
“Good girl. So fucking sexy when you cum. I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I-I love you to, Steve. Cum, baby, please.”
His forehead fell on yours as he tried to keep his own eyes. At the last minute, they squeezed shut as he whimpered and spilled into the condom. 
“Fuck… Are you ok, honey?”
“Yeah. Go slow.”
Steve’s hair tickles your face as he glances between you both and carefully pulls out of your now sore but satisfied body. 
“I know, baby. I know. Oh shit. You’re shaking. Hang on.”, he coos as he climbs out to open the trunk and grab a towel. When he crawls back in he wraps it around you as well as one of the jackets you had been using as a pillow before tugging you to his side. 
The two of you sit there in a comfortable silence as he occasionally runs his hands along your arms trying to warm you. 
“I wish we could fall asleep together.”, you sigh as you lean on his shoulder.
“Well, we have a couple more months until we graduate and then 2 months of summer…”
“I was thinking we could look for a place and move in during the summer. That way we can be settled before school starts.”
“We aren’t going to be able to get anything fancy.”
“Steve, you know I don’t care about that.”
The man heavily exhales before he shifts his gaze to you. 
“Do you remember the other day when I told you my dad wanted to talk to me again about my future? Yeah, it was more of a ‘I’m cutting you off’ conversation.”
“What? Why?”
“To teach me a lesson. I couldn’t get into school and I don’t want to work for his stupid company so…”, he shrugs.
Tilting you head, you tenderly kiss his cheek. 
“We’ll be ok. We can figure it out.”
It was a little after midnight when he dropped you off back home and as you got ready for bed your phone dinged with a message from Steve. 
Hey did you set up that webcam I got you?
Sir! Haven’t you seen enough of me today?! 
Yes I set it up AND it has sound. 
I can never see enough of you : ).
Sign in and turn it on. 
It takes you moment to do what he asks as your computer slowly loads up but once you finally have it running, you grin when you see his face illuminate that little box in the corner of the IM. 
StealthyNinja02: Hey beautiful.
“Hey handsome.”
StealthyNinja02: I was thinking about what you said about falling asleep together. If you’re comfortable with it, we can leave these on.
He points towards his camera.
StealthyNinja02: We don’t have to do it every night but I know you and I had a rough couple of days. I was just about to crawl into bed myself and all I could think about was how I wish you were in my arms. I figured this could be a substitute. 
Your desk was adjacent to the side of your bed so he wouldn’t have any problems seeing you. Steve’s camera got the end of his bed so all you would see is his hair and feet. 
His eyes followed you as you got under your covers and faced your screen. He did the same except you noticed he grabbed a pillow and laid his head towards the end of his bed so you could actually see his face making you smile. 
“Good night, prince charming. I love you.”
Your phone vibrated and you quickly read it before your eyes became too heavy to keep open. 
Sweet dreams, honey. I love you to.”
@tessab154 @snackycake1975 @lunatictardis
@k-k0129 @sillypurplemurple @aree-you-sirius-rn
@selfdeprecatingnerd @blackholegladiator @xtrokeme
@strangerthingsstories5255 @hllfrclb @ladysteddie
@bebe0701 @rebecca-johnson-28 @etherealforever234
@trikigirl271 @marimarvelfan @ssababe @love-kurdt
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twobruhsinahottub · 4 months
Shout out to my fellow singlets with "innerworlds/headspaces" (quotation marks as im not sure this is the correct term for a singlet to use!).
A long description of my inner world and the way my brain works is found below....
I am a maladaptive daydreamer and autistic and i have a very detailed inner world / worlds / universes that i interact with very often. I call mine my inside brain. I visualize it as a world in the center of my brain (if all brain functions were on the outer shell, this world is inside like a bubble). It is infinite. It has layers and depth and it can be zoomed in and out to different parts of it. It can also be "swiped" to a different world (i have two main ones) as well as there being many alternate versions of each world. They grow and change with me and what i need most at that time. I only interact with one main one these days but i keep the old one there, in ruins, to remind me of where ive been and how that part of me is now gone and i have a new inner world now. I also have the mind palace (inspired by bbc sherlock) which is on the edge of my "brain" and "inside brain" where i store all important things such as memories and facts in filing cabinet rooms, and there i can project the memories onto the "inside brain" to watch them the same way i watch the characters in the inside brain!!!! Its great fun honestly and has pretty much saved my life as it gives me a safe space no matter where i am. All i have to do is dissociate and go in there and im safe from harm :3 it also helps with academics because the mind palace has a black board room and a few visualizing rooms that i can do math on and picture any words ive read in respectively.
Its very hard to explain how i interact with this "inner world" because i am a singlet and its just me (and my characters who are like dolls, i control everything they do and say and how they look and act etc etc) in there. Its not like a hallucination, its entirely in my head and i watch from different angles like from the perspective of a movie camera. And i can still see the world around me when im in there. Id describe it like dreaming while awake but i am in full control, so its a daydream really, but in the same space every time and its a very detailed world.
My inner conscious is also in there. His name is Harri. His appearance and personality is who i want to be and how i want to look and his voice is how i want to sound, but he does have a different life to me such as he is Australian American and is adopted, and he has hEDS, which I do not have (but many of my family members do). Idk if its weird that he has a disability i dont have but he just does, thats not something i chose, he just started appearing with braces and a crutch and i was like oop- okay then 🤣 yeah anyway Harri is a cool dude idk, hes 38 and hes like my best friend. He replaced the guy from my old inner world who was called Bill (he was technically just Bill Weasley but i changed him so much he was really an OC) but then things got bad with Bill and i had to start a nuclear war in that headspace to get rid of everything a start a new world.....my brain is weird.
Anyway I love my brain, I have to be careful to make sure I dont have a repeat of the Bill situation, but I avoid it by using only OCs and changing the story often so i dont get too sucked in to anything specific and start becoming delusional and dysphoric about not being a 50 something year old ginger wizard from Ireland- yeah.....that happened. I also started having memories of things that happened to him (which was not good because he had a very violent life) and becoming triggered when watching HP movies because I would remember being abused by certain characters 😬
Nowadays i know how to control my mind better so it stays safe most of the time! But yes that is my brain and my innerworld lmao, feel free to share your own experiences (both singlets and systems!!)!
Also bonus fact: my innerworld was actually my special interest for about 3 years? It was hard to explain so i said my spin was harry potter but it was actually my inner world that was based off of harry potter lol
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namethatghostling · 11 months
Please tell us EVERYTHING about your dyke scarecrow au🎃🐦‍⬛
ghjk its not even rly like a full fledged au or anything i just resonate so heavily w the character and i was like. sure ok everyones making their own version of their fav rogues, why not me? so basically shes just like a mishmash of all my favorite interpretations and adaptations of the character with a heavy sprinkling of Gender
(also some vaguely paranormal spooky shit bc im so obsessed w scarecrows potential as like an actual horror character. in my version its left deliberately unclear if scarecrow the villain is %100 a persona made up by jon or if its a literal possessing force that has haunted her from childhood. make of it what u will.)
the whole origin story thing goes a little like this. jon crane (she/he/they/it), born johanna keeny, was raised by his fundie xtian grandma, mary keeny, in a farming town in georgia. from childhood she was kind of an oddball, and had a strange preoccupation with fear, loving ghost stories and occasionally menacing the crows that were common on the family land just to see them scatter.
they were always booksmart but also pretty socially inept. bullied at school and either ignored or brutally "disciplined" at home, she found consolation and comfort in books, everything from classic literature to dense scientific texts to trashy pulp horror. jon also struggled with (largely undiagnosed/untreated) chronic pain and, as a result, sleep issues. when she was able to sleep she often experienced sleep paralysis which manifested in nightmares and waking hallucinations of the scarecrow in the field outside the window speaking to her. its voice was wretched like nails scraping glass, but it spoke kindly to them, promising to protect them from the true nightmare that was yet to come. jon tried not to listen. she considered herself too sensible to believe in boogiemen. but as she got older things got worse, her body and mind continued to act against her, certain secrets regarding her sexuality came to light, followed by a confrontation with her granny after she began to threaten her with the promise of "exorcism"...
eventually, jon was left with no choice but to let the scarecrow handle things.
more assorted infodumping below the cut
after using the meager inheritance left by dear departed granny to pursue higher education in gotham, jon legally changed their name both in order to make it harder to track down their history and as a final spiteful gesture, taking the surname of the man grandma keeny had blamed for the corruption of her daughter.
legally she is still johanna and doesnt necessarily mind her given name but still vastly prefers jon. a very select few people are allowed to call her jonny, and NO ONE is allowed to call her joni/joanie any variant thereof.
their rise to villainy is still mostly the same since thats one thing that is generally p consistent in canon. professor of psychology, not well liked by students or staff, secretly working on a pet project involving testing the affects of fear on the human mind with some less than willing test subjects, yadda yadda yadda
scarecrow both is and isnt a separate entity from jon. jon, being scientifically minded, most of the time considers scarecrow to be the natural result of a traumatic childhood manifesting in a protector figure that gains control of their shared body during moments of intense stress or panic. this is true! in certain less rational moments however she believes it to be a completely foreign being, a literal demon that has plagued her family line for generations, like granny always said. this is also true! how can both of those things be factually correct? figure it out yourself!
scarecrow is always eager to wreak some havoc on anyone who gets in jon's way, but as for jon, he has refused to directly inflict violence on anyone since his grandmother. she was his first and last. jon's far from a pacifist, but hes also not bloodthirsty, and scarecrow begrudgingly respects his wishes. after all, its better if the test subjects stay alive as long as possible anyway.
jon has hypermobile eds. as a kid they used to freak out their classmates by messing around with their double joints and stretching out their skin. it became a lot less fun for them in adolescence when the background hum of joint pain suddenly teamed up with their growing pains, also made worse by grannys dislike of doctors delaying their diagnosis for years and their refusal to use mobility aids when they needed them out of fear of the bullying getting any worse. they finally gave in and started regularly using a cane in college but sometimes theyll still try to go without it. not great.
also related to the above, she has had kind of a fucked relationship with self medicating to deal with pain in the past. and in the present to a degree. also kind of a fucked relationship with pain in general.
probably autistic and definitely experiences some flavor of paranoid psychosis and ptsd but was never diagnosed with either because 1) they knew it would impact their ability to pursue their field of choice since they would always be considered "too close" when it came to matters of psychology and 2) theyre pretty sure theres nothing another doctor could tell them about themself that they dont already know and better.
masks like their life depends on it in public and pretty well most of the time. people for sure know theres something up with that crane guy but not enough to really give a shit most of the time. fucking hates stimming around other people. fucking HATES being treated as infantile or less capable.
one of the many benefits of becoming scarecrow, whether in terms of the villain persona or the being that is and isnt jon, is being able to be a lot more visibly bizarre without being treated like a child. instead people just treat it like a threat, which it prefers greatly.
vocal stim of quoting lines from favorite books, old nursery rhymes, and even the occasional half-remembered church song. jons grandmothers religion was largely a burden she dropped as soon as she could, but unfortunately they kinda went off with the southern gospel.
she had her first kiss with a girl from her class after sneaking away from a halloween party together. they got caught and after the news got out the girl hurriedly got back together with her ex boyfriend to protect herself from the inevitable backlash. scarecrow thinks she should have gone the way of dear old granny, but jon stubbornly disagrees to this day despite it all.
people generally think jon is older than he is. this used to bother him but now hes kind of into the whole weathered old butch vibe. certified queer elder moment.
still as much of a nerdass bookworm as she was as a kid. cried until she made herself sick the first time she read carrie. will take this to her grave.
of course theres more but once again this is fuckin long enough already.
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the-casbah-way · 11 months
im fucking wheezing about that last post lmao. he WOULD. anyway please share the failed marriage lore <3 i love them -rivstyx
i could write an entire prequel on octavius and amelia's cringefail marriage alone but here is just a little lore off the top of my head
they went to rome for their honeymoon and wanted to kill each other after an hour because octavius just wanted to mansplain every monument and statue but amelia wanted to have a Proper Adventure and every time amelia tried to speak to a native to improve her italian octavius would correct her pronunciation before she could even finish her sentence and it got to the point where she was literally begging him to stop talking because he was annoying her so much <3
there was never a proposal. they were just eating dinner one night and it was like "everyone is expecting us to get married" "yeah" "we should probably do that then" "ok"
octavius never told amelia he was getting a cat he just showed up with one after work one day. and amelia started to get genuinely irritated very quickly because suddenly her emotionally constipated husband who has never shown affection in his life was cradling this cat like a newborn and calling it every pet name under the sun and talking to it in a stupid baby voice
all of amelia's friends hated octavius but her parents LOVED him which is half the reason she felt pressured to marry him in the first place. he was the rich successful man they always wanted instead of her and she always resented him for it even though she never said it
they tried couples therapy once but octavius kept zoning out because the therapist was really hot and amelia scrapped the whole thing because every session made her want to strangle him even more
they both hate their parents and it was one of the few things that kept them bonded during their marriage. whenever their parents would visit they'd both do terrible impressions of them while they weren't looking to try and make each other laugh
you know about the dreaded sexting incident but that's just the tip of the sexual nightmare iceberg. there's the time amelia accidentally said the name of one of her male colleagues during sex. the time octavius started getting bored and awkward and nervous during a blowjob and asked if he could read a book during it to distract himself. the time ahkmenrah walked in on them. the time ahkmenrah and octavius had sex literally an hour after the divorce papers went through. i could go on
octavius’ cat vomited on amelia’s favourite shoes once and it caused an entire year long ordeal because amelia was Very angry and octavius was very indignant and annoying about it because ‘well i’m sorry but she had to do it somewhere’ and every time they would go shopping amelia would see a nice pair of shoes and passive aggressively be like “i’m pretty sure i had a pair like that once. i wonder what happened to them— oh yes i remember now :)” and then the whole argument would start all over again
once amelia got jealous of one of octavius’ female colleagues because he was spending a lot of time with her and octavius genuinely could not understand why amelia was concerned about this because he completely forgot he was supposed to be pretending to be straight and into women
one of octavius’ deepest and darkest guilty pleasures is musicals which are amelia’s least favourite thing on this earth and sometimes she would catch him subconsciously singing something from a musical under his breath and she would be like can you please shut up and octavius would get very defensive about it because “its not my fault its stuck in my head someone was singing it at work i don’t even like musicals—” and amelia would be like “oh shut up ive heard you in the shower you liar” and it was like a whole thing
they both have the exact same dry overly british sense of humour so even when they ended up hating each other they were still painfully good at making the other laugh without even trying and they would both get bitter and frustrated about it
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idk if anyone’s said this yet but “midnight rain” by taylor swift is lowkey a colinjamie song. “he was sunshine” (colin) “i was midnight rain” (jamie)
first, i wanna apologize, i took way longer answering this than i expected, real life caught up with me, but!! midnight rain and colinjamie!! you are SO correct anon.
(unrelated, you're on your own kid is a jamie song)
but back to midnight rain, i mean, im really interested in your thoughts anon! how are you interpreting it?
one way of looking at it i think could be a canon compliant au of sorts.
I was making my own name Chasing that fame He stayed the same All of me changed like midnight
like just this part? football is an escape for jamie, its a career for jamie, but its the same for colin!
but we can go deeper for both. jamie and football is complicated. for one, he loves it, he's amazing at it, he dominates, when he plays, he's jamie fucking tartt. but what is it really? he didn't grow up privileged, he didn't grow up in a stable environment. he grew up with a mom who wanted him to be happy and a father who did everything he could to make sure jamie wasn't. and its complicated because jamie playing football was what made him happy, and he wanted his mom to be proud of him. and then his dad comes back in the picture, and he wants jamie to play and jamie wants him to be proud but its a different want--its a want that one)every child has for their parent to be proud and 2)the hope that if james tartt sr is proud maybe he'll lay off.
football is something similar to colin. he loves it, but it also has brought him grief--after the team in Cardiff got relegated, he did face backlash from his family--like his grandmother for example. it also has the potential to bring more grief, as sports (and football) do tend to have a homophobic fanbase irl, and its been implied that colin is into men, and while a sexuality isnt confirmed, the implication that he is at least attracted to men is there (unless the grindr comment was incorporated as a joke, which, im hoping the writers didnt do it just for that) leading room for more pain.
there is also the third point--Jamie has the makings of being great, while Nate tells Colin that he does not. (chasing that fame/he stayed the same)
I think an au where fwb colinjamie happens pre-ted lasso's arrival is interesting, as one, it would be a secret, as both colinjamie have reasons for it to be, and two, you said midnight rain and now im thinking of the conversation of wanting to become official (albeit still secret) sort of contributing to the (he was sunshine/i was midnight rain) where they end things instead.
timeline-wise, it could be like:
jamie comes to richmond--jamiecolin fwb but end it after a month--jamie+keeley meet--rupert/rebecca divorce--ted lasso arrival.
except see, i dont want to go that route bc i dont want it to come off as keeley being the rebound. she is not. its so clear that keeley means something to jamie, and that she did when they were dating too, although jamie himself admits that while the feelinsg were real and there, he probably was not at the best mindset to act on/say the words/take accountability. that actually is true for jamie's season 1 arc--he has many moments in season 1 where you see the potential, to change, the want to change, and the way he actually does make attempts to be better. you see the softness his father tried to get rid of come out--but those moments are quickly overshadowed by jamie doubling down on "dominating" immediately after (or being sent back to man city right when he was trying and making progress and trusting--believing) because his father is very much still a heavily involved force in his life, and no one cares or knows.
so instead like. maybe theyre not fwb yet. maybe its an almost, but neither are ready to take things forward, so they stay friends-ish. maybe canon events happen as they do, but during s2, is when things get tricky.
timeline wise:
jamie comes back and is gradually accepted------jamiecolin fwb---james tartt sr----no weddings and a funeral--jamiecolin lets make it official convo but jamie asks for some time bc he wants to sift through his emotions, talk with his therapist, and give a proper response (he told keeley he loves her, and he did, he does, but that doesnt mean he's pursuing her, or wants to pursue her, he just wants her to know she meant something real, and now he wants to be able to give colin a real answer too, because he wants colin to be something real, colin is something real, he needs to know how to say it)---he loves colin omg he loves colin---tells colin----Richmond is promoted.
so all that^ but with jamie's internal monologue during his talks with his therapist its basically "he's sunshine and i'm midnight rain"
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morguemaw · 1 year
Talk about or show off something you've desperately been wanting to chat about your ocs!
Some sort of character change? A detail about the world you haven't had the chance to talk about? Anything? Everything!
I wanna tell u guys abt some projects!! Alot are scrapped but i figured its still fun to tell the plot :D ( Hint, i figured out a good issue-fixer all the way at the bottom )
OKOKOKokokok so like !! My favorite things r normally world-building, world-designing, character plotting and so much more
My current dream is to create a project or two that i can keep up with: think One Punch Man, a manga series that literally started off as something personal and silly that slowly grew in popularity!
I currently have a few projects i would love to talk about! Alot are scrapped, on hold, or still being developed
It Gets Worse: Originally about Gutsy's lore, the comic would basically start by introducing how Gutsy died and became what he was, which was becoming a type of demon in a Limbo world. The entire plot is all about redemption and accepting the fact he cant go back and be better and needs to move on, but along the way he needs to correct wrongs since the world is also sprinkled with people he needs to make up with, such as his brother Killcode. This story was scrapped since it changed alot since atm im unsure if i want Gutsy to have lore. I used to do the " theres OC Gutsy then Sona Gutsy " but if i did that for him i would do that for pretty much everyone i consider a "Sona"
Creation Damnation: A world where it just expanded on characters backstories and profiles pretty much! The few main characters involved would be Gutsy, Rot, and other ocs like Angie, this story is currently scrapped too Un-named Hero World: A world where Endo and a old fursona Cinder would be placed: Loosely inspired off cliche hero shows/manga/anime/cartoons. But with this world very few are born with a power, those born with ones often get sent to a school called CTC ( Champion Training Course, Champions are what the heros are called ) and are trained to use these powers for good. It would ofc have cliche villains and stuff and its kinda on hold since i still need to work on tweaks and theres still a daunting issue ( see all the way down )
Project Cloud Nine: Was a world that involved Sugerhigh, Spiggy, and Wish. Sugerhigh is a cryptic hunter / old magic user, and Wish is the cryptic he is hunting. Spiggy is just a victim in all of this and is dragged along
Black-Water : the newest project im thinking of doing, as of rn the idea is Black-Water takes place in... Well Black Water County, a town that is festering with witch-craft and magic users. It would focus on a few characters, a main one being named Zorra, a social media influencer who left the town but rumors go around of something terrible coming
Currently im wanting to combine most into a story: Black-Water and PCN can mesh together flawlessly because Sugerhigh is connected to Zorra because both were born and raised there
Creation Damnation and It Gets Worse can be combined too since its roughly the same in the sense of how i would project it: Characters going through shit and showing how they change and grow The Hero World is the only one im not too focused on since its mostly a placeholder world for Endo, but i did also draw him, Cinder, Spiggy, Wish, and i believe Sugerhigh in a comic cover for It Gets Worse...
If you couldnt tell, my main issue with projects is i make alot but tend to repeat using characters, which can easily be fixed by scrapping or mixing certain worlds together! Ik for sure It Gets Worse will mostly be re-used title wise, and a current fix i have in mind is that It Gets Worse is the title of the series, while everything else are chapters....
Which.... Honestly i love the idea of that..... Mixing in all the stories that end up clashing into one only separated from different POV's... Huh.....
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
I dreamt of you three last night. I had forgotten how close we all were- Well. To be fair, I was starting to remember Columbina thanks to some fanart floating around.
But Capitano and Pierro- I had forgotten how tight knit our higher ranks were.
I thought the only Capitano I cared about was the noncanon one in an old divergent timeline.
Oh but Im glad to know I care about the canon one to.
I miss ripping into you Capi. That seems so silly, barbaric even, but we both knew you didnt feel a thing and it was so mesmerizing. I see why Tartaglia wanted to fight you so badly, you could certainly take quite a beating. You deserved that number one seat.
And Columbina- Im sure I had a nickname for you but I cant remember it yet. Perhaps it was based on your real name which we do not know in this world yet. I miss our high energy. I have a feeling we tussled quite a bit. You were the much needed sunshine in our little group. Never failed to make us smile when we needed it. (Dont know how we knew Capi was smiling whenever these situations came up but he certainly was...)
And Pierro- Forgive me Im running on so little memories right now but all I have is. My Savior. Which seems silly given many feelings of guilt and regret but it still feels correct. You gave me an out from Sumeru. And while I may hold feelings of regret around joining the fatui for other reasons, I would never trade the family it gave me. My gut tells me you were my closest friend, and I do not doubt it. You were a lovely man. And I put absolute faith in your intentions behind our organization despite the... reputation we had gained over the centuries.
I miss you three quite a bit right now- I wish I had more to ramble about to go with it but. Well its all fresh so oh well.
And Now that you've read all of this I must kindly ask you three to pretend I never said this, as we all know these things were never supposed to be said. We would all never admit these things. We all knew. But us higher ranks had a reputation. We werent supposed to be human. We werent supposed to feel. We were paragons of success who had thrown out our humanity in favor of gaining the strength of gods. These feelings of companionship. Of affection and love(platonic ofc), they were beneath us.
At least they were supposed to be. But they never really went away did they? Perhaps we had a flawed view of godhood..
~Il Dottore 🕯♟
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bigmack2go · 4 months
Watching german newsies. Am disturbed. Need sleep now.
Jack „duzt“ (the not formal you) kloppman and i love it
So they have absolutely no singing skills which is weird considering its a musical
Not abt the german sync but i love boots so much ydek i love him almost as much as albert
They also call themselves newsboys in the german version like BRO WHAT ARE YOU CHANGING THE NAME FOR IF YOURE NOT TRANSLATING IT ANYWAY
PLSSSS „hast du keine aguen im kopf“😭
They did make it a whole lot clearer what jack meant when he talked about oscar with his shoes on
And you can understand what they say in the backround soooo much better
Mush’s voice actually fits better than his real one
Snaps is so funny😭😭
Omg boots singing in german is smt I didn’t know i needet (because i dont. Its terrible)
Blink cant pronounce Harlem „helm“💀💀💀 you go boy! Don’t let anyone tell you not to where that helmet!
WE LOVE U DENTON UR AN ICON *fucking fangirls*
„Spot kanlen“
They made „i spent a month there one night“ into „a night there always feels like a whole month“ :(
Wheres the fun in that???
What the hell is a spot kanlen
I take the thing with races sync back. In fact i think its really really good. And so is blinks (especially blinks) and skitterys.
I already didn’t understand why they would make a song called seize the day when it could be carpe diem but i guess in English it makes sense cause you can say both versions. In german u cant. No one ever said „nutz den tag“ if anything they say „nutze“ but like just say carpe diem christ. Maybe u can actually find some fitting rhymes then that aren’t just the same thing twice.
„das hinkebein? Ich hohl ihn“ why was that actually kinda cute????
„IcH wIlL NiChT dAS JeManD MicH tRäGt“
Istg crutchie is such a slow talker in german i cant even
„Brooklyn hält euch die Stange“
Thats what he said—
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(Im so invalid for this😭)
Ok just lemme get this straight cuz im not sure im correct. The newsies on the pic are the characters that actually got named right??
I have so many feelings about german kony and only very few of them are good
But snipeshooter still kind sounds like himself in it so i guess that good
Ok but „harlem bis nach sonst wo“ was actually handled pretty well
I only just realized mush swalloing a laugh when davey doesn’t wanna spit shake
Why do they juat completely change some things they say?? Like they could have easily translated it??
Why is the refuge and orphanage in german
Edit: nvm its just a lollipop
Istg Esther is so done
(I didn’t even know that was a word)
Still can’t believe blush is cannon
Ok but in santa fee jack talks to a crowd, to himself and to someone else entirely all at the same time
The way jack say snoddy is simply just wrong
Skittery is weird too
„Spot conlen macht uns n bisschen nervös“ nawwwwww fucking cute ass
Omg the men in the backround talking????? Awesome!! Can hear every word!! „Die werden sich noch umsehn“ yass
Why tf they calling him captain instead of kelly
„ICh FrEsS n BeSeN“
Boots is so poursouled
Edit: i take it back
Reminder to anyone hc‘ing mouth as daveys nickname that in german his nickname would be SpRacHrOhR
WHY DO THEY TAKE DIFFERENT ENGLISH WORDS??? Either u translate it or you leave it. But if you’re changing it but not translating wheres the point??
Nothing. And i mean nothing. Makes sense in seize the day. And it doesn’t rhyme.
Fucking blink
Edit: rn -mush
Why is crutchie so dumb?
I just realized some of the scabs were already convinced before the fight w the Delancys
What is the woody gate??
Boots is a fucking icon
Spot just livked his palm instead if soitting in it??
What denton says doesn’t make any fucking sense istg
Some of the rhymes in kony are actually okay
cant fucking understand a word snipeshooter says
Why did snider donate to the strike??
Herrliche aussicht STFU ALREADY
Who casted Sarah‘s sync???
Motherfucking Pulitzer is licking the paper
Motherfuxker is one of them the guy frim umsere kleine farm
Wtf they didn’t even try to make emphasis‘s similar
They removed meddas accent:(
Just realized the bodyguard spot turns into when snider shows up
Also one lf the guys looks exactly like live‘sies spot
Blink being a bodyguard is the reason i‘m alive
Istg what did spot expect dumbass
Not them changing the order 💀
I love that the newsies have priority
1 children
2 women
3 jack
4 themselves
5 davey
6 their friends
7 other newsies
8 other people
I motherfucking love 92‘sies henry
Why is the mayor plying bodyguard now
Pulitzer poking jack is even better in german
Seiz is talking such bullshit tho??? Doesn’t even make sense. Je litteraly does have somewhere to go
what DID crutchie do to the sauerkraut??
Santafee be like📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉
ScHoN gUt BiN nIcH tAuB
„Wie ein pinkel“????? Huh??
Boots is so dedicated about the clothes what the hell??
Why does davey say i dont even know your real name instead he of you didn’t even tell me your real name.cause lts not true?? And He could have said that?
Why did i think they replaced weasel at the end??? They didn’t. They have two at the beginning too
sarah decking morris is my motto of life
Les 🥺🥺🥺
MorriS‘s german laugh is my life istg thats so funny
Und das ist für crutchie
vorallam nicht klug? Yop. Absolutly. Positive. Correct.
Wait theres a picture of the irl Katherine in pulitzers office
How did they get the word „kriegsberichterstatter“ in the word „warreporter“ but not „kenne“ in „tell me“
Why does denton say pulitzer so weird “pOUUUlitser”
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shotorozu · 3 years
hi bae!!! deku, shoto, denki with an s/o who's like affectionate with all her friends and they get insecure and kinda jealous :( ?? tysm in advance <33
s/o that’s affectionate to friends
character(s) : midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, kinda angsty but there’s reassurance (x reader)
note(s) : another one i kinda held off doing because of it getting buried in the inbox sndjwkd i’m sorry for the delay! i didn’t like how denki’s turned out im so sorry
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midoriya izuku
man already knows that you’re very touchy with your friends, that’s just who you are
heck, i think before you guys started dating, you were touchy to him too! (but even more because,, you like him)
so he shouldn’t be shocked when you link onto kirishima’s arm, or when you jump to give mina a back hug
and most especially, when you poke at bakugou’s cheeks— and he just LETS YOU for some reason
he’s glad that you feel comfortable around people, considering that it’s why you’re even touchy in the first place.
but he can’t help but wonder,, is he doing enough to you? i mean, you basically do the same to him, but added the cheek, lip kisses
and the wonderful words you get to shower him in daily.
not only that, but he does tend to flush up when you try to initiate some sort of physical affection. maybe,, he’s supposed to let you be?
let you do all of that, since it makes you happy? i mean,, he supposes that he’s willing to do that.
izuku’s not a restrictive person when it comes to things like that, so he supposes that he’ll just have to ignore the weighted feeling on his shoulders despite not carrying a thing at that very moment
on the other hand, you couldn’t help but notice a change in izuku. not anything too concerning, of course
but he’d turn a blind eye— whenever you’d initiate physical affection to your other friends. he’d go silent, until it was over
eventually, you overhear a rather heartbreaking conversation between the dekusquad, and izuku himself
“deku! if you’re so down about it, then maybe you should tell Y/N about it! i don’t think they mean any harm.” you could hear uraraka console him
“correct. L/N-kun does not look like the type to be unfaithful. and even if they were, that would’ve been unacceptable behavior!”
and through out the discussion on how izuku could confront you, his s/o— he speaks abruptly
“i mean.. if Y/N is happy with being physically affectionate with their friends then,, i can’t stop them.” he says sadly, but it breaks your heart knowing that you’ve caused him to sound like this
“plus, i’m sure they have a reason to be acting that way, right?” you didn’t think how your affectionate attitude would have its effects on him
so, the next time you saw your boyfriend, you had a talk with him
“hey, honey!” he’d greet you with the usual demeanor, as if he didn’t just talk about his feelings “how are you? sorry that i was a little late, i was talking with the others!”
you smile, accepting the reason (since it’s true) “izuku, can you be honest with me?”
and this statement shocks him for a bit, “oh uhm,, yeah i can! did i do something wrong?” he scoots next to you, waiting for your reply
“does me being physically affectionate towards my friends make you,, uncomfortable?” you inquire, as straightforward as you could
he’s silent for a bit, which makes you speak again “you can be honest, it’s okay. you’re not in any trouble, zuku.” you ruffle his hair softly for comfort
then, he finally answers. “uhm,, uncomfortable isn’t the word. it’s not that i don’t trust you but,,”
“i don’t trust,, me.”
this statement takes you by surprise, “oh, why?”
“i don’t trust myself that i could make you happy,” he continues “with physical affection, i mean. i understand if you weren’t, i just feel like i’m not giving you enough.”
“i understand though!” izuku continues, “whenever you initiate physical affection, i can’t help but get all staggery and nervous,” he rambles
he sounds normal, sure— but he’s not looking at you, his emerald eyes set in a downcast state
you make him face you, gently grabbing a hold of his shoulders “i’m sorry, zuku.” you press a kiss on his temples
“in truth, yes. i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with my physical affection.” you confess, “i’d see that you’d go red whenever i’d initiate something,” you tease, which gives you the exact reaction you’ve wanted
“but then,, i also didn’t think about how you felt about it. i didn’t consider the possibility of you being uncomfortable with it, so i want to apologize for that.” you lean against him, taking his hand and pressing a kiss on his palm
“if you want, i could stop it. there are other ways i could show affection to my friends anyway!” you suggest, but he shakes his head, smiling
“i appreciate it, but you don’t have to.” he reassures, “if it makes you happy then i’ll be happy.”
“is there anything else?”
“just maybe uhm,,” he trails off for a second, before continuing “give me what you give them, but multiply it by 200!” he suggests, his regular self coming back to you
you laugh, leaning forward to kiss him softly, “i love you, izuku. only you. people may receive my affection, yes— but you’re the only one that deserves all of it.”
and with that, the weight on his shoulders is lifted, and he didn’t actually have anything to worry about.
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todoroki shouto
despite shouto being sometimes socially ignorant, he is a very observant person when it comes to the person he likes
so the first thing he noticed was your touchy behavior, specifically towards your friends
sure, he’s had some of that physical affection— but it was like you knew him too well. so, he received it less that the others
it doesn’t mean that todoroki disliked your physical affection. during those few times, he did tend to,, not mind it at all, when he’d usually pull them off
and it doesn’t automatically mean that you didn’t like being around todoroki, it was given that he wasn’t very big on being physical
he didn’t care, again— as long as you were happy, but then there would be this tight feeling in his chest whenever you’d run off to do it to bakugou, hugging him leisurely
or even midoriya, sometimes
so, when you guys finally confess to each other— it doesn’t appear that your physical affection towards your peers came to an end
it remained the same, and while he’s the one that received your delightful words, fully devoted love, and time— he can’t help but frown whenever he sees you latch onto kaminari
or when you sit beside midoriya and count all the freckles on his cheeks— the blush on his face being hard to ignore, in your boyfriend’s eyes.
i don’t think shouto’s a jealous person— protective is one thing, and possessive? maybe that one time, he was. but jealous? maybe not.
well, it’s not like he doesn’t trust you to stay loyal and faithful, that’s a different thing. but it’s more like,, he wants for the affection you’re giving to them
needy, that’s the word
early on, (and maybe even before you got together with shouto) it’s been established that shouto wasn’t a biggest fan of physical affection, besides hand holding, and cheek kisses for now
it makes sense to you, especially hearing about his childhood, and his father’s true colors— that are far from anything heroic.
and you definitely respect what he wants— if he wants space, you’ll comply! and if he wanted more, you’ll also be willing to comply!
that’s why you’ve been keeping things just at that— the last thing you want is making shouto uncomfortable, the concept terrifies you
but,, shouto doesn’t exactly know how to tell you that he wants more, more and more— he wants all of your affection
so, what does he do? he tells you in one exact way— he tells you what’s on his mind
and quite bluntly for that matter
the both of you have been sitting in silence for a bit, no words were exchanged. however, glances were sent towards your way
his stare has a different edge to it, as if he had something in particular he wanted to say— mouth gaping open as if he were to speak, but no words come out
“shou,” you call out to him softly, “it looks like you have something to say,” you smile at him, wanting to know what was in that head of his “you can talk to me.”
a minute flies by, and he’s still silent, and you’re about to drop the topic for good— until he finally speaks up “i don’t know what i’m feeling.”
this quirks your interest, “oh, what,, are you feeling?” what he said worries you, since it kinda sounds like he was about to deliver some bad news
“i’m,, not sure myself.” he stares down at his hands “i feel weird, whenever i see you be.. touchy around the others.”
weird, huh? “what kind of weird? could you try to explain? maybe i could pinpoint what you’re feeling.”
“i feel weird, since i haven’t experienced this before,” he breathes in, before he goes on “i feel like i want more, selfishly more. i thought i would’ve been fine with receiving minimal physical affection,”
he turns to you, heterochromatic eyes staring deep into yours “but i’m not fine with it! i want more, like what you give to the others. so that’s why,, it’s weird.”
and it suddenly dawns onto you on what he’s talking about, he’s talking about you being physically affectionate towards your friends and classmates
and how he doesn’t like it.
you frown, scooting next to him “i’m sorry you feel that way, shou.” you fix a stray piece of hair that has been misplaced, hanging near his brow
“i’m glad that you were being honest, and told me,” you cautiously hold his hand, looking at him to detect any discomfort
there’s none
“yes, i’ve been careful. i don’t wish to make you feel weird— in the bad way, and most especially uncomfortable!” he nods in understanding, he adjusts the hold on your hand, choosing to place his hand on top of yours
“and i didn’t.. think about how you would’ve felt about it. i should’ve asked you about it first.” you look at him with meaning, “‘m sorry.”
his gaze softens, and he leans closer— ever than before “it’s alright, love, no need to apologize,”
“that’s just who you are, if you show gratitude and affection with being physical, then that’s okay. i just,, want more— if that’s okay with you.” you nod, laughing softly
“i’ll give you more, if that’s what you wish. i’ll give you everything you want, whatever makes you happy.” shouto presses a kiss on your temple
“so,, does that mean you’re going to.. stop?” he asks— just because he wanted to know
“oh, if you want to, then i will.”
“you don’t have to but.. maybe tone it down?” he suggests, because although the idea of your physical affection towards your friends coming to a halt, is nice he wouldn’t admit that outloud
he doesn’t want you to stop, if that’s how you show gratitude to your friends. so, toning it down’s the best option
“i will,” you smile, “only high fives, pats on the back, and quick hugs, from now on!”
the statement makes him smile, a genuine one— he’s just glad that his concerns have a resolve now. man was just really touch starved, couldn’t blame him
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kaminari denki
it took a while for him to actually start being concerned
i mean— dude’s practically the same as you. have you seen him play with ojirou’s tail? he always finds himself touching someone
whether it’d be him poking bakugou’s spiky head of hair (until he’d scream at him) or him resting his elbows on kirishima— he’s always touching someone
so, he understands if you’re going to be touchy feely with others. he actually finds it quite cute when you show your endearing side to your friends with touch (without crossing boundaries of course)
so, it was okay keyword : was
until you slowly started kissing your friends on the cheek— and it erupted,, something from within
it was so casual, that he had to process what just happened— following it up with a smile, to play it off.
he feels bad for feeling iffy about it, honest! he doesn’t have a reason to distrust you, so this feels all,, wrong for him
the gesture was definitely a gradual process. it wasn’t like you just randomly started to kiss people on the cheek— and it wasn’t like you were depriving him
so this made him think harder than he has ever thought before. maybe you were getting tired of being affectionate to him only, so you moved away from that?
or maybe you were tired of HIS affection?
maybe you were giving people affection, because they deserved it, and he didn’t? if this was the case, denki can’t complain.
denki knows he’s not smart like iida, or serious like bakugou.
but even to denki, all of that is a stretch. he’s just laying out all of the possible reasons— rational or not
and before he realized it, you knew that there was something up
denki; utterly afraid of losing you, switches from super affectionate to being isolated in his room— every single day
this is his way of experimenting with your reactions
even the bakusquad didn’t know what was up so,, yeah. there must be something bothering him.
you’re given a few ideas as to why kaminari might be acting this way, and the exact idea popped into your mind
you made him insecure
and you instantly felt bad— yes, you give all of your friends cheek kisses, and you give them to your boyfriend too!
but you didn’t realize that you would’ve potentially harmed him in the process. so, you sought out to talk to him
“hey babe,” it was just in time, your boyfriend enters through your door, “i was looking everywhere for you, you won’t believe it! i would’ve evaporated if i had to endure bakugou’s screaming one more time!”
“i was looking for you too,” you smile, ushering him to sit on your bed, “listen, i want to talk to you.”
“don’t worry, denki. you’re not in any trouble,” you reassure, “i just want to apologize”
it’s his turn to be confused “what? why?”
“let me ask you one thing, how do you feel about me giving people affection?”
he swallows harshly, but answers truthfully “i like it a lot, babe! i do find it cute.” he smiles, but you’re not fully convinced that his statement made it’s end
“i feel like there’s more i should know.”
“i,, yeah.” he admits, and not very gracefully “it’s— ugh! i’m sorry. i know this is really out of character for me, and i’m sorry that you have to see me feeling like,,”
“you can be honest.” you remind him briefly
“—weird. look, it’s not like your love language is weird to me. i think it’s just me being a needy idiot! and it’s not like i think you’re cheating on me!” he holds his hands up in defense
“but in a way,, i didn’t expect you to do that— you’ve only started doing it recently.”
“so it made you uncomfortable?” you’re preparing for the expected answer, ready for what’s about to be said
“,, if the shoe fits.”
seeing denki in this sort of manner gave you the biggest reality check. yes, you knew that you had something to do with his recent personality change
but you didn’t realize how much it made him question himself.
“i’m sorry, once again” you apologize, “it was wrong of me to assume you were fine with it, i just thought you’d be fine with it since well,,”
“hey, it’s okay,” denki smiles, his mood slightly better “i’m touchy too, i mean,, we both show affection physically! i’m not very surprised that you thought i was fine with it.” he brushes his thumb on your cheekbone
“i mean it, denki. i didn’t realize how much it would’ve affected you. you might not realize it, but i do.”
“it’s fineeee,” he whines playfully when you’re still upset, “Y/N, you’re affectionate, which is a trait i absolutely love. if you’re physically affectionate, that fine.”
“just uhm,,” he trails off, almost awkwardly. “maybe,, don’t bless them with your,, cheek kisses? ugh! omg there was definitely a better way to say that.”
to any other person, that would’ve been awkward— like,, really. but you understood, that’s how much you know about him
“got it, they will be exclusively for you.” you kiss him on the cheek, “thanks for being honest, denki.”
at that moment, denki’s shoulders felt lighter, and he suddenly forgot about why he even felt this way. yes, you still gave people physical affection BUT
denki kaminari still wins 😎 your kisses and ultimate tokens of affection are strictly for him
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
noticed you still have your requests open and im loving how you're making a lot of filipina readers omg <33333
so what about this, Bi/Pan!Camilo x Filipina!Short Haired!reader where they meet at a welcoming party for the reader's family and she shows up in a baro't saya, and she has her fan up for most of the night but they spend a bit of time together (her noting that she really hates wearing formal dresses) and before they knew it, reader has to go home
cut to the next day, camilo goes looking for her but couldnt find her anywhere, he goes to his spot in the woods, only to find someone there wearing a camisa de chino. he strikes up a conversation with them thinking hes a guy(also crushes on him) when actually its just the same reader from last night, listening to him ramble thinking hes the reader's brother that he doesnt know of. reader stays silent pretending to be mute until her name gets called by her parents or smth and she teases him for liking both versions of her before leaving
just wanna note that reader is just someone thats tomboyish and still uses she/her pronouns, i just find it cute that if reader were a guy he would still like her just the same hehe
(not sure if i expressed this right but u can always ask me if i was unclear abt smth lmao)
"the versions of you"
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—  Camilo swoons over a beautiful lady wearing a Baro't Saya at a party, but she leaves the party without telling her name. The next day, Camilo goes outside to see a handsome guy in Camisa De Chino, he strives up a conversation and ends up falling for him. Unbeknownst to the shapeshifter, the lady and guy were one and the same.
— fluff
— female and Filipina reader, bisexual Camilo Madrigal. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong though I will refrain from using too much Spanish.
— none
—  mochieeee!!!! this idea is very cute huhuhu, i enjoyed writing this so much thank you for requesting!
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A party was going to be held this evening at la casa Madrigal. Everyone in Encanto was aware that a party hosted by the Madrigals was going to be a significant event. All of the people will get dressed nicely for the occasion, and you were no exception.
Being in a family that is very traditional is either something you have pride in or just straight up gives you a pain in the ass. Take this moment for an instance, your parents are forcing you to wear a Baro't Saya to the Madrigals' welcoming party for your family. Surely you are proud of your heritage but this was too much for your liking. However, no amount of protest would make your parents stop forcing you to wear traditional clothing, they even threatened to beat your ass with a tsinelas. You scowled deeply as you looked in front of your mirror with your siblings making fun of you and your parent cooing at how beautiful their daughter is. Your mother hands you a hand fan and you take it with a heavy sigh.
Eventually, you follow your family to la casa Madrigal. You see the other Madrigals dressed well, you even spotted a few of them sending compliments to you and your family for your unique choice of outfits. You opened your hand fan with a flustered face, you felt more embarrassed than flattered by the compliments. It wasn't like you hated the outfit, it was just you weren't used to wearing them. Back in your old town, you preferred to wear more loose clothing that didn't restrict your movements. In contrast to the Baro't Saya you're wearing, which was too tight for your taste. Your parents failed to notice that you're a growing teenager.
All of you arrive inside the Casita, the house greeted you by moving the tiles, and you can't help but smile and wave at the magical house. There was upbeat music playing, the scent of food was in the air, and everyone was having a good time. Unlike you, who's trying her best to take in a breath while wearing this tight dress. Parties for you were hit or miss, but it was hard to ignore the cheery atmosphere that you wish you could enjoy the moment.
You frowned and sat near the corner, grumpily munching on an arepa and fanning your face. You let your family have their fun as they scattered around the place to socialize with others. This was your first time wearing a traditional outfit in public and it's making you highly self-conscious. For the rest of the party, you remained alone and covered your face with your hand fan.
Lively music began blaring, a familiar musical piece entitled El Baile Madrigal. You watched in awe as a few of the Madrigals walked into the center and started dancing. They all looked so happy and truly in the moment. You quietly cheered along with the others, you gazed at Pepa and Félix Madrigal dancing smoothly with the music. Agustín pulls his wife, Julieta Madrigal, and proceeds to dance with her. Alma Madrigal was gently pushed into the dancefloor with her son Bruno as they too shared a dance.
You swayed along with the music until you heard howls amongst them. A flash of yellow catches your eye as you watched in amazement at this fantastic guy pulling all of the smoothest dance moves. He twirled and smiles, his hips were mesmerizing, and especially that confident look on his face. You can tell he's purposely putting on a show, it also doesn't take a genius to identify him as the one and only Camilo Madrigal. He danced with his family and continued to entertain everyone with his shapeshifting. All of a sudden, Camilo's eyes meet yours, you lock your gaze on him and began pulling your fan to cover half of your face. Until the end of the music, Camilo kept his eyes on yours.
The shapeshifter almost tripped on his own feet after seeing that beautiful lady wearing that adorned outfit. He knew he had to talk to her because holy shit she was beyond ethereal. While everyone cheered for his fantastic performance, he pushed himself through the crowd and towards the pretty girl. He meets her and his heart leaps out of his chest. The shapeshifter gulped and nervously brushed his hair back, you looked at him with those shimmering [Eye Color] eyes that made his knees so weak.
"Hola, hermosa"
Camilo greeted. You stand awkwardly in your dress, not knowing how to respond. You weren't going to lie, he looked more handsome up close. You decided to ease up a little
"Aren't you going to dance some more?"
"Oh, dancing can wait when a chica bonita like you only comes around once in a while"
He winked at you and your face suddenly heats up. Camilo cautiously gets closer to you, hoping to get a good look at your face but your hand fan was getting in the way. He huffed but offered you an empanada, you softly take the snack and ate it behind the fan. Camilo takes in your appearance from head to toe. Short hair, bright eyes, light makeup and jewelry, and an eccentric but beautiful clothing
"I like your dress, it really suits you"
"H-ha? Re-really?"
"Sí, I've never seen anyone like you, especially this pretty"
"Ay, tigilan mo nga pambobola mo"
The shapeshifter raises a brow in confusion about the lady's foreign language. The girl clears her throat and shyly looked into his eyes.
"...You think I'm pretty?"
"Yes, very much, señorita"
"I...thank you. I don't really wear this type of clothes all the time"
"Hmm, that's no problem. Say, are you from a different country?"
You nod your head and began talking about your home country. You take note of Camilo's interest in getting to know you, it was incredibly sweet of him. During the entire party, you spend some time with the Madrigal. He'll crack you jokes to make you laugh your lungs out and in return, you'll tell him stories about your heritage. Camilo excuses himself to get more food for you and him. It was getting late when your parents went looking for you.
"Halika na, uuwi na tayo"
Your parents said but you felt reluctant to leave without saying goodbye to Camilo, yet you knew better than to disobey your parents. With a sad smile, you go to your parents and went home for the night. Soon, the shapeshifter returns only to find you gone. Camilo can feel his heart drop to the floor. He panicked and looked all of the Casita for you but all in vain. Stumped, he sat by the staircase and sadly gazed at the floor.
The beautiful Filipina lady left without even giving him her name, Camilo believed what he shared with her was special. Man, it felt like it was straight out of a fairy tale, like Cinderella. In that case, like the prince, he too shall search for the beautiful nameless lady.
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As soon as the sun rises, Camilo bolted out of his bed. His entire family was astonished to find him awake this early, usually, he would take any opportunity to sleep in. He drinks his coffee and eats breakfast with his family, he ate faster than he could ever be. Camilo eagerly excuses himself to head to town.
He makes his way through the streets of Encanto, searching every nook and corner for those beautiful [Eye Color] eyes. The shapeshifter barely slept that night, he was plagued with the thoughts of that charming lady. Camilo kept looking for her until the afternoon, but to no avail.
Camilo found himself in dismay and took a stroll in the woods. He tried to clear his head but all he can think about is that astonishing girl. His thoughts turn to a stop when he noticed another person sitting by themselves. The shapeshifter halts to get a clear look at the person. It appears to be a guy wearing casual clothes and enjoying the silence. He gently approaches but he steps on a twig and catches the other's attention.
The Madrigal's heart leaps out of his chest when he saw how fucking handsome the guy looked. Camilo trips and falls to the ground, he gets back up to his feet and pretended he wasn't embarrassed. The guy gave him a look as if he has grown two heads.
He says in a high-pitched voice and a flushed face. The guy stayed silent but sends him a small wave. Camilo found himself stumbling on his words, too distracted by the handsome guy in front of him. The shapeshifter inhales sharply, the beating of his heart was faster than ever.
"Can I...can I sit here with you?"
The Madrigal asked. Obliviously, the guy who's gazing at him was you but wearing Camisa de Chino. The outfit was your go-to when you would go out in the town, it wasn't uncommon for some strangers to mistake you for a boy. The events of the previous night returned and it made you timid around the shapeshifter. However, instead of revealing your true identity as the lady in Baro't Saya, you stayed quiet.
Camilo shyly takes a seat beside the boy, he twiddled with his hands for a second and consciously brushed his hair back. As he stole glances at the pretty guy, it's suddenly making him self-conscious. His face heats up when the guy meets his eyes. For an odd reason, his eyes reminded him of the Filipina he met last night. Camilo squinted his eyes at the guy.
"Hey, you look familiar..."
You gulped. You don't want to be recognized that quickly. Luckily for you, the Madrigal drops his suspicious gaze on you. Though you can't stop a smile rising on your face when you took note of how flustered he acted.
"I could've sworn you reminded me of someone. Uh, do you happen to be related to a Filipina lady because you kinda look like her?"
Camilo watched the guy nod at him. Oh, that must be why he looks familiar! He was related to the charming lady from last night. The shapeshifter can help but gawk at him, the handsome lad wasn't the talkative type. But he has to admit, the guy and the lady surely have amazing genetics because he's fucking swooning for the both of them.
"You're really...uh...handsome"
You smile at his compliment. You watch in amusement as Camilo's face turns into various shades of red.
"Oh...um, I think I met your sister last night. She was incredibly...beautiful, but she didn't give me her name when she left..."
"Bu-but I'm glad I met you here because...heh, you know, I wanna meet her, I can't get her out of my head"
"Honestly, you look just like her and I'm unsure if you two are twins but you're...attractive as hell and..."
"And can I also get your name?"
You hold back a laugh at Camilo's sudden rambling. You can't believe that the shapeshifter was falling for the two versions of you, it's adorable. You kept your mouth shut, not wanting to spoil the fun and to let Camilo remain blushing under your presence.
"[Name]?! There you are! I've been looking for you!"
Your mother calls for you. Camilo's eyes go wide for a second, you freeze and eventually let out an awkward chuckle as you looked at him. You stand up from your spot and gave him a teasing look. 
"Looks like you now know me and my sister's name"
It took a whole minute for Camilo to process everything, it felt like a bucket of cold water dumped over him. Camilo's jaw drops as he points at you. All of it finally makes sense! The lady from last night as well as this handsome lad in front of him are the same person! This brings a feverish blush to his face. He can't believe he just crushed on two versions of the same girl!
"I guess I'll see you later, you two-timer"
You winked teasingly and ruffled his hair as you walked away to your mother and then left. The shapeshifter found the situation so mind-boggling, a girl who both can be beautiful and handsome. He felt like he just hit the ultimate jackpot. Camilo bites his lip and snapped his fingers. 
"Hot damn"
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jeonfiles · 3 years
once more to see you | kth 01
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pairing: taehyung x reader ft. seokjin
genre: angst, fluff, unrequited love
synopsis: taehyung is the complete opposite of you, and you're so in love with him. he's not interested in you at all, but he's willing to pretend so he won't be known for breaking the sweetest girl in school's heart. he knows you'll end up hurt either way.
warnings: taehyung is an idiot, a lot of pining, y/n is annoyingly dependent on validation, y/n does a lot of silent prayers, y/n is a track star, childhood bsf seokjin (cute), mentions of deceased family member
music for this chap: she had the world , carry me out
a/n: taehyung will disappoint u in the beginning but hes cute i promise
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"I get why you like him Y/N," Sohee swallowed the rest of her sandwich before finishing her sentence, "He's so hot. People say he's interested in you too, y'know?"
Sohee visibly tried to get food out from the back of her mouth using her tongue, and it made you chuckle at the sight. "I don't think he does." You sighed, resting your chin in your palm.
You were both situated at the table in the inner corner of the cafeteria, with a full view of who walks in the door, and sometimes you swore you could see Sohee drool when attractive guys walked in that exact door.
"Hello, of course, he does! Even his friend Jimin told Kang Seulgi from Class 1, who told Go Euntaek in class 3, who eventually told his girlfriend Baek Ho-rang who ran to me to tell me the great news." Sohee gasped for air after rambling, and you rolled your eyes,
"Stories change when that many links contribute." You scoffed, sitting back in your chair and reaching for your juice box on the table, taking a huge slurp, which you knew would annoy Sohee.
"You don't believe me? Guess we gotta ask a link closer to the source then." Sohee stood up from her chair, and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Park Jimin, get your ass over here will ya?" She nearly shouted across the cafeteria, and now all looks were pointed at you two, and you felt the urge to just slip down the cracks of the floor tiles and hide there forever grow stronger for each nanosecond.
You sunk further down on your tacky, orange chair, but you could still see Jimin's black locks sway a little over the crowd as he walked over to the table you were sitting at.
"What's up sugar?" Jimin smirked at Sohee, and Sohee didn't even budge, and you had no idea how she did it. He was stupidly attractive and could make any girl drop her pants with a comment like that.
"Jimin my dearest, a little birdie told me that Taehyung likes my sweet Y/N, could you confirm?" She batted her long lashes and smiled prettily at Jimin.
He looked to the left, sucked his teeth, and said, "I can't, I'm sorry." You realized you had grown a little too hopeful, and your heart sunk quite a bit when he spoke.
"Does he think I'm pretty at least?" You spoke up, eyes shining when you looked up towards the standing Jimin, the harsh lights in the cafeteria reflecting in them.
"He hasn't mentioned you much, to be quite honest." He shrugged, walking back to his table, where Taehyung and the rest of his friends sat.
Your heart thumped when he met your eyes, and you looked away in panic. The rest of lunch was just Sohee apologizing and you avoiding eye contact with any of the students at the nearby tables.
Jimin mentioned you and Sohee's name several times, he was a loud speaker, and you were so scared of what he was saying you could probably die right then and there.
Saved by the bell, you picked up your stuff and got ready to start running to your classroom, praying you wouldn't meet any of Taehyung's friends, and especially not Taehyung as you ran Usain Bolt style.
You looked down while running, not thinking twice about leaving your best friend behind, you suddenly fell to the ground with a thud. This was surely not one of your glory days.
When you looked up, you wanted to cry. It was none other than Kim Taehyung, and he didn't look pleased. You gathered your things and muttered "Sorry." under your breath probably about 10 times, and he just watched, disappointingly.
"You're a klutz. Why were you running?" He spoke, and your knees turned into jelly when you tried to stand up, you nearly fell and dropped all your stuff again, but he caught you by the arm, straightening you up like it was nothing.
"Uh... Uhm... Err..." you mumbled, and he rolled his eyes, and not in a joking manner. "Fuck that, why are you going around telling people I like you?"
Your breath hitched, and he stared at you coldly. "I didn't! Gosh, my friend Sohee told me someone had told her that you liked me, and- uh... We asked Jimin, and-" He put his hand over your mouth, making you shut up.
"I don't want you two to go around making up baseless rumors about me, it's incredibly annoying for me to go around correcting people who assume shit just because your little friend speaks louder than a bunch of hyenas at a tea party." Taehyung nearly spat, and you took a step back.
You noticed that people were listening in, their stares burning holes in your back. He was livid, and you didn't understand why, you just smiled, praying to god that this would end soon.
"I just thought you liked me-" You began, and he interrupted you, "You thought I was gonna like someone like you? Get over yourself and enter the real world."
The hallway went silent, your lips trembled as hot tears raced down your face, and like the track star you were, you fled the scene and passed the finish line into the bathrooms.
You stayed till the school day ended, not knowing what was unraveling outside the four walls of the stall.
Sohee 💜: 01:12 pm
Y/N, where are you? i heard what happened :( i hate taehyung im gonna chop his sausage off
Sohee 💜: 01:38 pm
taehyung is fighting w doyoung because doyoung decided to defend you this is hilarious
but fr where are you
Sohee 💜: 01:57 pm
doyoung gave taehyung a black eye damn
doyo is on the verge of tears when taehyung said you liked him and not doyo
taehyung cant not have feelings for you like there must be smth deeper going on
Sohee 💜: 03:39 pm
class just ended i'll wait out back
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Sohee always knew when to leave you alone, so she did, partially. You usually shut off your phone when you're upset, but she still sends you texts to update you whenever you turn it back on.
This time, it was quite dramatic, and you rushed out of the icky stall and ran (again) to reach Sohee to get the full story, and as you expected, it was interesting.
"Basically, Doyoung punched Taehyung and Taehyung was a little too OP, so he failed to initiate a fight, so it just turned into Taehyung being an ass to Doyoung for defending you." She shrugged, adjusting the straps of her leather backpack as you walked home.
"Taehyung's rep is so tainted right now, I don't know how he's gonna fix this my dear Y/N, so I guess he got his karma. He's an idiot and I'm glad other people are starting to see."
You nodded yes, pushing out a fake chuckle, while silently you prayed that everything would soon be back to normal and that Taehyung would forgive you for the mess you caused.
Being in love with Taehyung for a year had taken a toll on you, and your best friend since freshman year had noticed too. You were different.
You used to be so independent and optimistic, but now you would strive for validation, and you had turned into one of the most insecure people Sohee had ever met.
Sohee tried to pull you away from him, but to her demise, it only got worse when you tried to meet other guys. She figured that the only way for you to disconnect from him was if you had your go with him, or if he treated you like a complete idiot.
You waved goodbye to Sohee as you entered your house, kicking off your shoes and throwing yourself down on the couch. You wanted to scream, but you saw your brother's and another guy's shoes in your hallway, so you kept it inside.
After having watched an episode of Seinfeld, you could hear the floorboards creak, and your gaze found its way to the hallway, where your brother, Yoongi stood, peeking out from his door.
"Ah, Y/N, you're the one who's home?" He smiled brightly, eyes turning into small crescents, which made you awe at the sight.
"Yuppers." You said and sat back again, pressing play to start the next episode. "Who's your guest?" And as you uttered your last word, another head peeked out from the door, and you couldn't help but feel the happiness brew inside you.
It was Kim Seokjin in all his glory, and this time, he looked even hotter. It had been about two years since you last saw him because he moved to Germany to study medicine.
Seokjin had been your neighbor since you were born, and you pretty much grew up with two older brothers who always took care of you.
No one dared to mess with you, because Seokjin and Yoongi always got to them first. That way, you grew up without a care in the world, protected from all evil.
You had no idea when you fell in love with him. It was somewhere during puberty, where your interest in Brad Pitt and Kim Soohyun from Dream High had grown stronger.
You remember Seokjin was scouted for modeling, acting, and even idol groups all through your childhood. He did a few ads, photoshoots, a popular teenage drama called Double Trouble, and even managed to get his own Wikipedia page.
There was no doubt that Seokjin was an attractive man, and in the two years he had been gone, his face fat was completely gone, and he had defined cheekbones, a slimmer and tighter figure, and you thought he couldn't be any more perfect.
"None other than God himself," Seokjin said smugly, opening his arms to greet you with a hug, and you threw your blanket you were covered into the side as you bolted into Seokjin's arms, legs wrapped around his waist.
He slowly put you down so your feet touched the parquet, and you felt a kind of euphoria as he smiled at you again, the same smile he had flashed you as long as you could remember.
Everything about Seokjin had matured and changed, but his smile remained the same. "What are you doing back?" You sniffled, holding back the happy tears that were forming in your eyes.
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I love Germany, but it's a little bland. I miss ahjumnas complimenting me on the subway and the bomb ass food here in SK." Seokjin grinned as he wiped a tear that fell down your face.
Yoongi was leaning against the door frame, smiling at the grand reunion. You knew he liked seeing you two together, and you had a small suspicion about him shipping you guys.
"Please don't ever leave again." You gripped onto his shirt, digging your face down in his chest, and he said, "I swear to god if you're wearing makeup right now-"
You laughed as you pushed him away, placing your hands below your chin and batting your eyelashes dramatically, "I'm all-natural."
"Naturally pretty." Seokjin leaned forward and whispered in your ear, and your heart did a little somersault.
Seokjin's always been a charmer.
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You woke up in your room, pink sheets draped over your half-naked body as tons of messages poured in on your phone, vibrating so much it nearly fell off the edge of your nightstand.
You grab it while rubbing your eyes, and you're shocked to see the messages that had exploded on your lock screen.
Unknown: 08:39 am
Hey, it's Kim Taehyung.
Look, I'm sorry for the shit I said to you and I would love to make it up to you in some kind of way.
Maybe I could take you out?
I get it if you don't want to, but I heard you were interested in me so...
What kinda food do you like? Activities, hobbies?
I really wanna make this right :)
You: 08:43 am
oh hey! I'd love to, you kinda owe me one. if it's your treat, I suppose we could get some sushi and boba...
btw I don't like u like that
Contact made, saved as "taehyung <3" at 08:44 am
taehyung <3: 08:47 am
Okay. Meet me at Nori Table at 6 pm. Don't make me wait.
Your heart was palpitating, and when you pressed your phone up to your chest, you could feel your body heat up from your scalp to your toes.
Maybe Kim Taehyung had no interest in you right now, but he sure would after tonight. You were gonna make him love you, soon enough,
Running to the shower a few hours of Seinfeld later, you scrubbed with all your might with your newest strawberry scrub, did your makeup, curled your hair, and sat down on the couch, outfit draped over the armrest of the chair.
It was an hour till you were leaving, so for the time being you sat with hair rollers in your hair, dressed in pink sweats. Seokjin and Yoongi had been awake all night, you had heard them laugh and play Mario Cart all night, it reminded you of old times.
Old times where you went to bed crying because Yoongi and Seokjin's bedtime was later than yours at sleepovers. Thinking back, your parents made a pretty rational decision, but you resented them for it.
When Seokjin left for school in Germany, during your Sophomore year you cried again. You thought it was so unfair that you had to be two years younger, why couldn't you come with him?
You were painfully in love with him, and you had been probably since you were. A few months after he moved, your feelings faded. You were love-free, only to fall stupidly in love again with Taehyung just a year later.
You were forced to snap out of your train of thought because you heard the floorboards creak again. When you looked over at the dark hallway, you saw a tired, yet familiar face smile at you.
Seokjin looked quite disoriented, hair ruffled and eyes puffy, yet he looked like a Greek god. Sculpted to perfection, he smiled at you like he did yesterday and all the times before.
"Morning." He grunted out, his morning voice prominent. You chuckled when you looked at the time, feeling kind of bad for Seokjin who had slept away the majority of his day, which you knew he didn't like.
"It's 5 pm, cutie. Mom said you guys could order takeout, cause she's working late." You stood up, and Seokjin gave you a good look up and down, and then diverted his gaze to the lavender ruffle skirt and white long-sleeve blouse you had neatly hung over the armchair.
"What's the occasion?" He nodded over at the clothes and then your hair rollers and full-face makeup-covered face. He threw a few walnuts from the little bowl on the coffee table into his mouth.
"It's none of your business, but I have a date tonight," you said smugly, and a walnut flew out of Seokjin's mouth in shock.
"A date? Like a real one?" He frantically asked, and you nodded as you walked away with your outfit in hand.
You came back out minutes later, and Seokjin had to hold his mouth shut so it wouldn't drop to the floor. You had matured so well, a white blouse adorning your waist, and the lavender skirt hugged your curves nicely.
You had decorated your neck and ears with golden jewelry, and you had a pair of Air forces dangling from your left hand. You were beautiful, hair let free from the hair rollers, curls swaying as you did a twirl.
"It's alright, I guess." He pretended not to care, and your proud grin morphed into a frown pretty quickly, and he noticed.
He stood up and walked towards you, standing very close. His tall figure was hovering over you. Seokjin leaned forward towards your ear, not whispering this time,
"You're gorgeous." He pushed your curls behind your shoulder, adjusting your golden necklace as he returned to Yoongi's bedroom.
You were screwed.
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The time on your phone showed 6:06 pm. You recall him saying ‘don’t be late’. What a hypocrite. It had started to pour down, so you were squeezed up against the brick wall of the restaurant so the ledge above you would shield you from the rain.
You were shaking from the cold, legs exposed because of your skirt. Sighing deeply, you reached down into your purse to text Taehyung, but when you looked up, you saw him running over to you.
He was holding a bouquet of pink delphinium and peonies. You’d always been interested in flowers, and this small gesture made you all fuzzy inside.
“I apologize for my late arrival m’lady. The flower shop was about to close down for the day, and I had to beg the cashier to let me in, promising to buy a huge bouquet if she did.” He smiled as he stood in front of you.
“No worries sir, I haven’t been waiting for long.” You chuckled, as you accepted the bouquet. His eyes scanned every inch of your body, and he said, “You’re shivering. Let’s go inside.”
This was a side of Taehyung you had barely seen before, caring and warm. This was also the side of him that initially made you fall for him.
The memories of him reading stories for children at the hospital was heartwarming. Whenever you went to visit your brother, who has now passed, you would see him read stories for all the unlucky kids.
Your brother, who was only 7 years old talked about Taehyung like a superhero, and it seemed as if Taehyung’s stories were the highlight of his days at the hospital.
Daejung wasn’t a kid you would pity. In his last months in the hospital he never once cried. You believed that Taehyung was a big part of the reason.
That’s why you fell in love with him. He hadn’t been a superhero in the form of saving lives, but he definitely made a whole lot of sick kids happier.
How could you ever repay him?
Taehyung rested a hand on your shoulder and lead you inside the door, and there stood a beautiful tall woman, black hair to her waist, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips.
She was beautiful. You looked up to see Taehyung’s reaction, and he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at you. His eyes met yours, and you could’ve sword the whole world stopped.
“Excuse me?” An unfamiliar voice spoke up, and it kicked you right back into reality. It was the pretty woman speaking, an even prettier voice to match her.
“Do you have a reservation?” She questioned, smiling so genuinely from ear to ear. “Yes. It’s on Kim.” Taehyung spoke so confidently.
“Ah, for two. I’ll be your server tonight.” She waved for you to follow her, and before she turned around, you saw her name tag.
Bae Eunmi. A pretty name for a pretty person. Of course, she had to be pretty. Your confidence sunk even lower, and your insecurities grew.
“I’m not interested in her, by the way. I’ve talked to her before. She’s all beauty and no brains. Not for me.” Taehyung whispered into your ear, possibly to reassure you.
You sat down at the table and ordered a huge plate of different types of sushi, maki, nigiri, uramaki, and even sashimi.
This restaurant was fancy, nearly too fancy for your liking. It was huge and flashy, and it made you doubt your outfit choice completely.
The restaurant fell silent since there weren’t many guests here this early. The silence wasn’t awkward between you guys. It was just, too silent, and you decided to break it.
“Do you still write stories?” Taehyung’s face froze. How did you know about the stories he wrote? Had you been stalking him? Was this when everyone would find out how weak he truly is?
“How did you find out... About them?” He asked hesitantly, fidgeting with a small woven basket with bread placed on your table.
“When sun and moon met, moon felt bad. When the moon was alone at night, he cried, because he wanted to shine just like the sun.” You quote his story word by word, it was your favorite paragraph.
He looked at you with a confused look and his eyes told you that he wondered why you knew the story so well.
Before he could speak up, you said, “My brother's name was Daejung. He looked up to you and constantly told me about how he wanted to be like you when he grew up.” You placed your hands on top of his over the table.
Taehyung was speechless. He sat there, body completely frozen as he processed what you just said. The little boy he had mourned for many months was the same flesh and blood as you.
“Daejung told me how he wanted me to marry you because he thought no one else deserved me.” Letting go of his hands, he continued sitting completely still.
First, he felt disappointed in himself. Disappointed of the way he had treated you, how sad Daejung would be if he knew.
Second, he could see him in your traits. Your button nose matched his completely, and your eyes sparkled just the way his eyes did.
Third, he realized he had to take care of you. Fall in love with you, for Daejung. Taehyung had promised the little boy to take care of his friends and family when he has at his worst.
His expression completely changed. It softened, and his eyes looked at you like you were godsent. He believed you were too. It was fate.
join the “once more to see you” taglist
a/n: u guys know the angst isn't over lol u guys r never gonna see the light at the end of the tunnel ! this chapter was originally a bit longer but i have to test the waters and seeing how u guys like it !! pls reblog <3
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