#still will probably be more active around twitter tho
turrondeluxe · 2 years
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The shoulder touch keeps working
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journen · 9 months
Okay!! Because I'm not a huge fan of the format of long twitter threads, and this whole thing got kinda long 😅 I figured it could be best to post these story idea ramblings to Tumblr! So lol, prepare for some ramblings sabout my Ghost and Soap AU that's post MW2 campaign where Simon leaves the army to raise his nephew after his fam are killed.
This is all based off the au from this fic I wrote 🙈 if you want more context, you can find some here!
I just have a lot of ideas for this au and wanted to share some that I'll probably never be able to write, but yeah. Lmk if you guys have any thoughts! 😊
I guess TW too for: mentioned child injury, mentioned murder, references to Ghost's past from the comics. There's nothing graphic tho!
Price swears to Simon, in that hospital room a few days after the attack on Simon's fam, where Jo is lying injured and unconscious, but stable, that he will track down Roba and his men to get justice. He makes it a vow.
Theres not much development on the case for years tho. Maybe, after it initially happened, there was a brief investigation into it, but they ran into a lot of issues getting jurisdiction to operate in Mexico so the case went dry.
So, Simon has to learn to live with the fact that the people who did this to his family, and who tortured him, are still alive out there somewhere. But his nephew is his first priority, and he's accepted that too. He's not going to carelessly risk his life so he can't be there to raise his orphaned nephew in the name of revenge.
I don't think Simon, at this stage of his life, would be a violent revenge seeker? Perhaps if he is pushed too far, but let's not go there yet hahhaha.
Also, he's with Soap too, who helps ground him and keep him level headed.
Anyways, years later, Price calls Simon up, telling him of their update on the case. Maybe Roba has been located, and they only have a few day window to act. 
Price shows him the layout of the compound. Simon recognizes it. It's where he was kept captive for months all those years ago. Price offers that, if he wants, there's a spot on the squad for him. His Intel could be valuable. And he's cleared it with a lot of the other high ups to bring Simon along, or just didn't give them a choice, lol. (I have no idea if this would actually be possible irl, to have an SAS soldier who left the ranks, rejoin for a covert mission, but bare with me. Price can make it happen in this AU 🤣)
Simon has been out of active service for 5/6 years at this point though. And Price is asking him if he wants back in for one final op. Joseph is now around 10 years old maybe. He and Soap have been in a steady relationship for 5, Soap still serving in the military.
Anyways, cue big moment of Ghost picking up his old skull mask again. One he hasn't worn in 6 years. Holding the fabric brings back a lot of old memories for him. It feels heavy in his hands. He had changed so much since when he was the man who wore this mask...
but he still had it in him. He knew he did, deep down.
But did he want to *go* there, was he ready? Was it appropriate?
Would he be letting down Joseph though, if he agreed to this op?
What would Soap's feelings on the matter be?
But ultimately, Ghost agrees to it. I think he would need to take some time to consider it though. Maybe talk it through with the bf, Soap. But I think Simon would come to the conclusion that the team would be safest with him on the squad because of his existing knowledge of the compound. And he'd maybe feel safer being there himself, there to try to help the others if they run into trouble fighting his demons.
He does tell Price he has one condition about the op though, is that nobody dies. And he doesn't plan on dying either. He has to live for Joseph, and for Soap, too.
Jo is maybe 9 or 10 at this point. When Simon and Soap go away, I don't think Simon would tell Jo the real nature of his mission. He wouldn't lie to him, but the truth is a lot for a 10 year old to take in right? Maybe he says the mission is going to be scary, but that he's going to do his best to make sure they all make it back okay.
Maybe Joseph stays with one of Soap's sisters.
Ghost feels terrible to do this to Jo but he has to stop Roba from doing this again.
And blabkabla stuff happens and Simon makes it back okay tho yayyyyy 🤣
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scribble-dee-vee · 4 months
Writeblr Intro circa 2024
Hi writeblr!! Sooo, I've been around here since about 2014. (Yes, I am ancient.) However, I've been dormant for the past 4-5 years. Blame college and a brief stint on Twitter. Now that I'm active again, I thought I should make an updated writeblr intro so ppl know my Deal. Basically, I want to engage with other folks who write fiction (esp original SF), and that's a little easier if I have a clear post that outlines what I do. Here to make connections and hear about your blorbos :)
About me
Hi, I'm Vee! They/them, 23, 💖 🤍 🧡
I do journalism/comms in western New York
My literary jam is feminist/adult SF and gothic lit (OG or modern) 🥀 ⚔️ 🌙
Enthusiastic about gay people, body horror, and sociopolitical allegories
I cook, run, play tabletop games, and occasionally draw. Other than that, I'm mostly writing (for work and for fun)
If you were on pre-2020 writeblr, you likely know me from my eight billion daily tag games. (I still like tag games and appreciate u for tagging me. I have also gained adult responsibilities and better mental health, so I respond very slowly now. <3)
Always happy to get asks or dms, tho as I've noted: I may reply slowly.
Sometimes open to beta read! I only read one longer project at a time, but it's always super fun :)
I tag very consistently – happy to tag triggers for followers/moots
Fun fact: I love mushroom hunting and worked as a mycology TA. #cottagecoreera 🍄 🧚‍♀️ 🌱
About my creative writing
I write,,,, feminist/adult SF with gothic leanings (surprise!)
Longform and short! Trying to do more short writing this year, and I'll likely share a bit on Tumblr. It's easier to clip a short story than a 150k novel, god bless.
The Aesthetic: moral g(r)ays, Victoriana, androids/cyborgs, Women™, monstrous femininity, incessant Hamlet/Frankenstein motifs, extremely boring socioeconomic worldbuilding, evil queens and/or dilfs, psychosexual witchcraft, probably a cat. Also, an ominous, plot-relevant letter laced with anthrax from your unhinged and brilliant ex-wife. Open if you dare.
Major projects
I'm going to be writing some short work this year, but these are the longer projects that I have going in the background. If I reblog blorbo-related text posts, they probably have something to do with these.
Let me know if you want to be added to any project-specific taglists 😎
Heart of Lead – Series
The big one
Perpetually evolving
Never ceasing
Pls send help I can't stop adding shit
5-book gothic fantasy epic that I'll definitely publish one day but probably no time soon! My bastard child, my wicked firstborn, my greatest love <3
Character-oriented political drama set in a pseudo-Victorian, dystopian oligarchy where everyone's heart is made out of metal. It's about coming of age and discovering queer identity in a world that is absolutely fucked. God is an extraterrestrial lesbian who gives ppl very traumatizing magic powers. There are cyborgs, shapeshifters, and morally gray women in STEM. It's tight as fuck idk what else what to tell u.
Book 1 is about achillean monarchists, and book 2 is about sapphic anarchists. There are only two genders, I guess.
At this point, I've drafted most of the books at least once. Working to refine a lot of raw material atm!
Tag: "heart of lead tag" or "hol tag"
Lost Letters – Book
Aka the current active HoL WIP, and book one in the revised series structure
Length: 80k as of now; around 120-140k when the first draft is finished, I presume.
Genre: adult fantasy, gothic, noir detective drama?? um?? If you want me to frame it in BookTok terms (why?) it's a dark academia villain x villain tragic romantasy. Hrgh.
Summary: Cyborg soldier goes to college, joins a shady socialite frat, and falls in love with the jilted heir-apparent to the throne. Hilarity ensues.
(By "hilarity," I mean a militant revolutionary faction and a tragedy of Greek proportions.)
POV characters: Charles (the cyborg), Dale (the heir), and Cecelia (Charles' sister, a junior detective, the love of my life and potentially the Chosen One???)
This book is twisty and dark and immensely fun to write.
I'm about halfway through the first full draft! Hoping to share snippets and vaguepost about my children here.
Tag: "lost letters tag" (also "hol tag," tho that one's less specific)
The Last of Mortal Tourists – Book
The next longform project on the docket!
Length: a standalone work that will hopefully fall on the shorter novel/novella spectrum.
Genre: literary SF, cyberqueer, psychological space quest
Summary: The consciousness of a dead coding genius, trapped inside a spaceship, seeks a new planet to sustain their sister, the last surviving human, after the destruction of Earth.
If you're here to get wildly philosophical about gender and the myth of essential self, this is the story for you! That's why I'm writing it, lol. 🏳️‍⚧️ 🚀 🤖
This one started out as a short story (100% finished) which I want to expand.
POV: Archer Alto, the coder. Spaceship? Human? Soul?
Supporting Cast: Pandora, the last human, and Abby, a holographic impression of Archer's childhood consciousness
Tag: "the last of mortal tourists tag" or "tlomt tag"
If you read all this way, you get a whole bouquet of flowers that are certainly NOT poisonous: 🌸 🌹 💐 🥀 🌺
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victoriacoffee · 3 months
Hey guys! Uh I felt like I should say something about the fandom
// mentions of self harm, suicidal ideation
This is gonna be long, sorry!
Heyyyy, sorry I've been so uhhh hardly active online...I've been trying to come back to posting online and stuff just idk it's been a pretty rough several months and every time I think my motivation is back enough it disappears. I'm currently tryna work things out in therapy as a result of how bad certain things have gotten in the last few months, I'm not gonna say what it was but based on my writing with a lot of focus on self harm and suicidal ideation, you can probably guess.
At this point I think I'm about to just not even bother logging into twitter anymore and pretty much use this and ao3 and pinterest and stuff (maybe occasionally instagram idk tho that place kinda sucks). It would probably help me be more active on here tbh since yall seem not really do a lot of the things that make my mh worst XD
Alright, anyway I'm currently editing a few different fics I've been working on for a while, several of them decided to be in the 50-100 page on google docs range whether I liked it or not, so that and my current disasterous working situation is why it's taking a ridiculous amount of time. If I had a functional posting schedule, ig I wouldn't be an ao3 user. I was gonna include a statement in one of them about this, but I decided this needed to be said here first
So I don't think I plan on leaving the dsmp fandom no matter what happens at this point. The average length of interest in a fandom is like what 10 years? Idk I heard that from some yt. If so, I'm approaching the halfway mark with the dsmp, which is insane to think about, and I don't plan on jumping off that train any time soon. The stories were intriguing and the cc's and their characters and music and stuff have gotten me through the lowest points of my life, so it's very hard to forget that.
Even if the cc's turn out to not be great, I still have their characters, and I'm not willing to give up this coping mechanism just yet because I feel like not having one when everything else in my life seems to be going to shit wouldn't be that great
I see it like if you liked a character in a movie and the actor that played them turned out to be bad, would you still like the character? I would.
cc!Wilbur turned out to be a shitty person. His song about being a wanker and a fucking waste of time was in fact spot on. Fuck that guy. I'm done with his stuff but I'm still gonna write his character
There are a lot of things erupting on twitter right now, I'm not sure what's going on and I do Not have the mental fortitude to find out at this point. I can't say I believe everything because after the Dream situation last fall...I'm just holding off my judgement for now. I'll probably go looking once the dust starts to settle but right now it's all a huge mess and everything is up in the air
I can't guarantee anything at this point, but I will most likely continue to write c! stagedduo and most likely draw and crochet them. I do not have another coping mechanism and the brainrot over the story of the dsmp will likely not go away
Uhhh really sorry I keep falling off the face of the earth, but I think I'm back now. I don't know what the future holds, but this is probably gonna become about the only social media i use now and I think i might just make an alt account or something for my other art so i can stop posting on instagram all together hopefully. Everytime i open that app it makes me more sad and then I never get around to opening this
Due to the severity of what I mentioned earlier, I'm just going to say that I'm not feeling like *that* right now, I feel like I'm actually very gradually starting to get out of the not great mental state I've been in for basically since high school, but I'm not gonna let twitter and the potential of social media harassment fuck that up, so from now on y'all are gonna be like 90% of my social media interactions most likely and I'm not gonna let whatever the hell twitter does in the next few weeks take my favorite characters from me.
I love c!Dream and c!Punz. Their dynamic is excellent be it drunz or stageduo. I'm gonna keep writing them.
They look like the cc's but they still very much exist separately of them (irl Dream isn't getting tortured by irl Quackity and Sam or anything lol).
So whatever ends up happening, imma be here most likely. So for those of you who'd like to join me, hey! For those of you who can't take it anymore, I understand.
Oh and for those of you who've been drawing/writing/whatever any cc's who are currently accused or exposed or anything, I encourage you not to delete or destroy your work, you worked hard on it! If you don't wanna look at it rn, put it away for now. If it's character based especially! Don't let the actions of others or the vitriol of twitter take away your favorite characters!
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kurooscoffee · 5 months
What happened with you and cockles?
Hi anon!
Woah an old follower? 😻
Well tbh around 2015 or something I stopped following Supernatural and a bit ater that I only occasionally still checked in on what was going on with both Jensen and Misha. After the 15 x 18 finale, I was a bit more active again and followed at least some actors' news, as well as the whole "jivorce" thing, but mostly through people memeing and content accidentally making it on my Twitter timeline (I stopped using Tumblr, or just checked it really occasonally!).
I'd say that I now still check in on Jensen and Misha, at least when any big stuff happens, and I still consider myself a Cockles truther, at least in some sort of a poly way - it's interesting to see how the dynamics have changed throughout the years. It seems to me that in recent years J&D became much more vocal about their love for Misha - something that "warms the cockles of my heart" quite a lot.
I also have been updated more or less on the whole fiasco with D*niela and JIBcon, it sucks that it ended this way bc Rome was "their special thing" and it won't be the same anywhere else, but with the way that woman has been acting, it's probably for the best.
What else would you like to know dear anon?? :)) I got into a bunch of other fandoms in between as can be seen from my very occasional postings, but Cockles is definitely something I still kind of silently follow and have at least mostly fond memories of (the same can't be said about the show tho :p). But all in all, I made quite a few friends through that fandom, and I still keep in touch with a number of them, so that's th fondest memoriy I'll ever have in regards to SPN! :))
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solitaireships · 7 months
okok two things i wanted to ask:
have you ever thought of an au where all your fos are put together in one big au? :0 i've sorta seen some modern aus around here and there where people do it so i'm curious if you've ever done that before!
i'm curious: how different is the role swap au to the actual canon between shepard and hoffman? does it all play the same in the end? different? (@eveningshards)
Hey Haze!
I haven't really thought of something like that tbh! I've been asked a couple of times on twitter about how I think James and Bruce would interact if they met each other, and tbh that's always something I've struggled to kind of think of, like I for some reason just cannot imagine characters from different media interacting with each other i say like i haven't written a ship fic for james and miguel. Like it seems cool in theory, but idk if it's something I'd be ever able to come up with ideas for
With the role swap for Shepard and Hoffman, in some ways it follows canon fairly closely, but in other's it's different. Namely bcs Shepard is not as brutal as Hoffman is, even when she's a serial killer. She would be very committed to the ideology behind Jigsaw, and that means that every test she makes is a legitimate test where it's hard to pass, but still possible to. This means there's no reason for John to basically put in his will to kill her if she gets out of hand the way he did for Hoffman, and it also means that the events of S.aw 3D would be very different from how they were. Maybe that means that movie would actually be good lol
But I do think that in the end, she would end up being in trouble with the law. Not bcs Jill tells the police tho, instead it would be because one of the people who managed to survive her traps ended up figuring out who she was. That or Perez didn't get killed during the equivalent of the scene where Hoffman's exposed, idk for sure since this is still a very undeveloped au like all of mine are lol
Either way, she ends up having to go into hiding, and that's how she meets Hoffman, paralleling how she ends up meeting him when there's an active manhunt for him within their canon. It's probably slightly lower stakes than her saving him tho considering she never gets locked away in the bathroom like Hoffman does bcs of the aforementioned not having her murder be part of John's will
But from there, things are pretty similar to the standard Shepard and Hoffman dynamic, just flipping things around to match with their differing roles of serial killer vs "I can fix them". But also Hoffman has more "damn she's a serial killer. Kinda hot. If she kills again then I guess I support women's wrongs" vibes bcs he can be inclined towards evil as a treat
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demadogs · 2 years
How did you end up as a byler? Everyone is posting their stories
i first noticed it when s2 came out after seeing how protective mike was of will. the second episode especially when he finds will on halloween and puts his arm around him and doesnt let anyone else touch him was the first time i was like 👀??? i remember thinking to myself “ok do i just want characters to be gay or is anybody else seeing this” and then i went on here and saw a small community of people who shipped them. i dont remember how many followers the tag had but it was probably like 2k honestly. it wasnt much. at this point tho i never thought it would actually happen. i shipped them the same way i currently ship ronance and steddie. i thought they were cute but i didnt at all think it would actually happen mostly just bc its so unlikely for a show this massive to make their main characters be in a gay relationship. there were hints from s1 about will being gay so i thought that was possible but mike being queer was just a fun idea to think about and nothing more. and i thought if anything he’d be bi not gay.
when s3 came out i had byler in mind before starting it and was wondering if itd be anything like s2. at first i didnt see any of the big hints i always reference now so i still didnt think it would go anywhere but i was shocked when mike said “its not my fault you dont like girls”. that confirmed for me that at least will was gay. i remember being so confused when i went on twitter and saw people claiming he just meant it as in he hasnt grown up yet. to me i fully thought that was the show confirming hes gay. but i finished the show not really thinking much about byler because still, no part of me ever thought it would actually happen and there werent much positive scenes between them.
i went on tumblr again a few months later and saw some things on my dash from people i followed after s2 that pointed out s3 byler things that i didnt notice before so i rewatched s3 and really watched mikes behavior and thats when i was first was like “holy shit this could actually happen??” but i still wasnt 100% sold. then they announced s4 in february and i saw the poster with mike and will looking at each other i was fully convinced it would happen. and then a month later i made this stupid blog and ive been yapping to you guys ever since.
i didnt think id ever be this active in the fandom. i was always just lurking for years and following a lot of byler content and maybe sending some anons about byler but never engaging too much. and when i first made this i was like “i might post sometimes but ill probably mostly just reblog, i dont think im smart enough to come up with theories and shit” and now look at me. could not shut up if i tried. its fun tho i like it here.
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bthump · 1 year
How many of your theories were confirmed true? Was it satisfying? Is there anything you predicted wrong and wish could change? Do you accept the story more or less for now? Is there anything that made you almost quit?
Thanks for asking!
Not a whole lot lol. Most specifically, I predicted that there were 4 previous Godhand members and Void was the last of that group/the first of this group. I predicted the Elfhelm quest going south and ending in misery, but I certainly did not predict how lol, and I wish it was more dark and more emphatically tragic, but tbf there's still some room to get worse that Guts is having his breakdown.
This is a bit of a stretch, but I consider Guts restlessly swinging his sword and asking himself what the hell he's supposed to do now in chapter 358 to be pretty close to confirmation of my theory that Guts bringing Casca to Elfhelm was basically a distraction for him, and a vague hope that fixing Casca would solve his problems that did not come to fruition.
I guess I kinda predicted Elfhelm having a shady history that becomes relevant, in that a bunch of ancient tortured soul-goo ate a bunch of people, or whatever lmao. I was hoping it would be relevant in a more interesting way, but I'd say it kinda counts.
I predicted Griffith crying at some point, but I didn't think it would be this soon, and it's still something he's blaming on the werebaby so it only half-counts.
Oh and I definitely called Guts seeing Griffith naked again, and Miura drawing more naked Griffith in general lol.
Among plenty of other things, I incorrectly predicted that the behelit would open and result in tragedy right after Casca gets her memories back, and that she'd sacrifice moonbaby, and I would love to change that lol, I think it would've been a ton of fun and a great set up for a third act. Still got my fingers crossed for the climax tho since that behelit's still hanging around.
The incorrect prediction that's definitely not gonna happen at any point now is Elfhelm turning out to be antagonistic in some way. And again, I definitely would've preferred that - I found the sudden evil goo, Elfhelm fading away, and Danann just being kind of sad and ineffectual, pretty underwhelming lol.
And enh, idk what accepting the story entails exactly. I reserve the right to be disappointed about how it goes lol, and to think it could've been better, or more personally enjoyable, if xyz happened, but I think that whatever is going to happen is probably roughly what Miura intended, and even if it's not what I want I can live with it. I'm not gonna be starting a #releasetherealending twitter campaign or anything lmao.
And nothing's made me nearly quit so far. I am a tried and true quitter of disappointing media though, so I could see myself dropping it in the future potentially - like what would happen is tumblr would die, or people would stop interacting with me on this blog so I'd stop updating it, and I'd stop keeping up with new chapters, and eventually I'd hear on the grapevine that it ended disappointingly with virtually no griffguts-y content, and I'd be like 'welp that's a shame, guess I'll never finish it.'
But yk, as long as I'm active on this blog, and as long as I have hope for more griffguts content lol, I'm gonna keep reading and discussing new chapters.
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baddieinc · 2 years
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i am gonna try and make this as coherent as possible since i’m still running on the anxious high of my angels at the vmas (should have never opened twitter tho) 💖💖💖😭 but hello friendos! my name’s maya (she&&her pronouns) and i have not rpd in quite awhile so i’m v sorry if it shows! i’m really happy to introduce you to the light of my life, day, better known to the masses as roxy! she’s flora’s main vocal and she also fancies herself a comedian at times but that’s neither here nor there~ there’s a basic little overview under the cut, as well as some plots and connections i think would be fun! pls hit like if you’d like to plot or brainstorm anything with a v scatterbrained person 🥰
if you’d have told dayeon way back when that she’d now be a famous vocalist amongst a group of other fierce women, she’d probably have laughed in your face. she certainly wouldn’t have believed you. sure, her father had a ton of influence in the business world and their family was quite well off, but that didn’t really mean anything when no one was willing to listen.
she always liked those stories about people who had a passion for singing putting on little miniature concerts when they are little for their friends and families. it may have been nothing more than parading through the living room in their mom’s high heels belting out a ballad at the top of their lungs, but there was something special about the whole thing; them carrying music in their heart for their entire lives.
her family wasn’t the type to listen, though. her father was either always locked in his office or away on business. her mother was busy with a large philanthropic foundation for which she was the chairwoman. her older brother was just that — an older brother. he was more interested in teasing her and hanging out with his own friends.
thankfully, day had skin thicker than her familial bonds, and much of the time, she let it roll off her back. if anything, she seemed to have a one-liner for every situation, choosing to find the humor rather than taking any real offense. 
she was a so/so student, especially against the standards set by the private school she attended. she was always more focused on being the class clown than really paying attention, but still, it made her friends. she always sort of felt she needed to bring something to the table, lest people only befriend her for her wealth. the latter could be such a lonely feeling, and she didn’t fancy it one bit.
through sheer determination, she carved out her place in school socially, becoming known around the facility as uneun sae, due to her tendency to burst into song in the hallways between classes. she had a pleasingly light voice, but the randomness of such an act usually elicited laughter rather than applause, which was fine by her.
still though, dayeon had her aspirations. she wanted to do something pertaining to singing, even if she had to peddle her talents to every open mic night in seoul. her mother was rather encouraging to day and her brother about taking part in extracurricular activities (mostly because it got them out of the house) so dayeon joined a local acapella group with her blessing.
she was really able to flex the muscle within her that ached to sing at their rehearsals, and everything seemed to be going perfectly. the group even had a few local performances which set dayeon’s soul alight. it may not have been a stadium, but it felt amazing to at least perform to an audience who was listening.
good times don’t last forever though — especially when the main vocal in your acapella group kicks you out because they “don’t think you fit into things”. in day’s opinion, it was more a move made out of jealousy, but she refused to dwell on it. after all, success was the best revenge.
not that she actually thought she’d be successful with her next endeavor, but she was feeling a bit spiteful and overconfident. she recorded an emotional audition video of her singing her lungs raw, and even still, she never let up on any of the notes. before going to sleep that night, she passively emailed it to a few music companies, not really expecting a response. it was more so just getting it out of her system.
it took about two weeks, but a couple of the companies actually responded to her email with an invitation to audition in person. she was overjoyed, but also, at a loss for what to do. she never even expected to hear back, let alone be invited to an audition. she had this intuitive feeling that asking her parents outright to allow her to accept the opportunity might not pan out, so she conceived another plan.
she'd travel to stay with her aunt, who conveniently lived much closer to her chosen label’s headquarters, but her cover story would be...fictional to say the least. to her parents’ knowledge, day was to attend a highly reputable finishing school. she spun it as a way to discipline out that goofy streak she seemed to have, which had always embarrassed them. they agreed to the idea, with hopes of their daughter transforming into the perfect, proper princess they’d always wanted.
little did they know, she was taking her first steps towards a different life altogether. at her aunt’s place, she felt a sense of peace and normalcy. the woman lived a much more humble life than that of dayeon’s parents, but it was refreshing. she didn’t feel like there was any kind of appearance she had to keep up; she could just let her hair down and be a mess if she wanted to. no one was there to tell her to “behave the way she was raised”. 
a calm place to unwind was about to become more important to day than ever, as she wound up passing the next round of auditions for new star entertainment — the company she’d been eyeing the hardest. she didn’t take too much time for breaks though, as she knew she had to stay on her game and then some to make this a reality. it was one of the hardest times in her life, to say the least. the work was grueling, but the company shaped dayeon into a top tier talent by the end of her trainee period.
not only was she a very polished vocalist, but she’d become a passable dancer as well, able to keep in time with others when it was an area she’d epically failed in before. soon enough, it was time to take that next leap into a world that was only somewhat familiar. there were talks of forming a group named flora, but day didn’t know yet if she’d make the cut. still, it was probably high past time to tell her parents the truth.
one night, while she and her aunt were seated in the living room, she decided to make that dreaded call. she knew they’d be upset, but they were now threatening to come there and force her to go back home. she begged and pleaded with them not to, reminding them that they’d never been willing to listen to her. now that someone was listening, they wanted to take it away from her? this seemed to back them down a bit to at least let her try the experience.
all that squared away, she still had one goal left to achieve — be among the final lineup for flora. even if the group only released one song and then disbanded, she’d have still counted herself lucky for even being apart of it.
when the announcement came, she was indeed made the main vocalist of the group, which was even more than she was hoping for. it actually made her a bit nervous, but she was more than willing to take on the task. as for whether they released one song and disbanded? not exactly.
flora is now in its 8th year, with multiple hit albums behind them and ahead of them. day, better known as roxy these days, has matured and evolved with the group itself, even if she’s still a giant goofball at the end of the day. she’s leaned into the fashion forward nature of being an idol, rather than the casual and simple style that used to adorn her, and now she’s a bit of a shopaholic. it’s something her managers try to limit, since leaving her in a mall with a credit card can prove dangerous, but she’s still happier than ever :)
plot ideas
flora sisterhood - her bestie within flora & her platonic soulmate in a way. they can just sort of communicate across the room with facial expressions, which often leads to other people looking at them like like they’re unhinged. you often can’t find one without the other, that’s just how they roll.
age of aquarius - day’s favorite form of exercise since becoming an idol is 100% swimming, even if it devolves from a workout into simply playing in the pool more than half the time. you enjoy the activity for your own reasons, and every time you go to the pool, you know there’s a good chance day will be there too. hopefully she makes it a bit more fun!
paradise lost - you were day’s first real relationship during her trainee years. she was still figuring out who she was in the crazy world of fame, and you took her by storm with everything that you were. you wound up betraying her in the end, and she’s still left with trust issues because of it. having to see you thriving after ripping her heart out robs even day of her ability to crack a smile.
secret friends - even though our fanbases may not get along and pit our groups against one another, we’ve become friends in all the madness. too bad we can’t actually hang out in public, or it would cause a huge uproar.
baddie influence - when day calls herself a baddie, she’s mostly being facetious, but since coming under the wing of an actual baddie, it may be starting to rub off on her. dayeon is suddenly instilled with a confidence and swagger she didn’t have before every time she hangs out with you and it’s done wonders for her self esteem.
i’d also love things like frenemies, day appeared in your mv when she was a trainee, always rooming together, day’s kinda in love w you and you don’t realize it, you fainted after practice and day took care of you, honestly any lil plot i’d love to do! i’m also happy to brainstorm anything, so yeah! 💖
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ezamevolni · 2 years
Chapter 2 musings
Originally, I wrote a very long post organizing their developments all the way back to 2018 regarding their plans...and when I took a break to check twitter I saw that my mans Jin had gone live and bamboozled some parts of my timeline. I was writing based off some guesstimates, and did get the general stages correct but there's little things I'm going to have to pick out and trash...
So I'm just going to wait for more complete translations, watch the replay and see about that post.
But right now I have a few little wishes I want to put out into the universe and plant the seeds of manifesting.
Regarding their enlistment announcement and some things they mentioned, we know that: Jin said during the festa dinner filming (May 20) that he'll release his solo album last. This was when the Busan concert hadn't been finalized yet, and he thought he was enlisting in June. Due to the short amount of time initially, Jin was probably planning on working on his songs after getting out of the military. Jk chimed in after Jin spoke during the dinner, saying he'll release his album after Suga. Jin also mentioned that they have planned the schedule for solo releases already, likely very tentatively for the last few members. The enlistment announcement by BH stated they're predicting on reconvening by 2025, so based off that the last member should enlist latest at around mid-2024.
Since they wouldn't be waiting until they hit the age limit to enlist, and are planning on reconvening in 3ish years, that means they won't necessarily be going in age order. I think it's quite possible the hyung and maknae lines will be mixed in order, and the timing they choose to enlist would be based off how far they've gotten with their solo works.
Suga has to go by March next year, so he'll be gone soon and I believe he might release his album after finishing his service. From the way he spoke about wanting to sing and dance if he held a solo concert and was taking lessons, seems like his album isn't done yet and he's still in the process. If Jk holds himself to his comment, then he might be enlisting right after Suga. I find this plausible because Suga will likely be back around late 2024, and for Jk to release an album after Suga means super late 2024-early 2025, and if they're reconvening in 2025, he can't possible wait to enlist after a solo debut at that time.
The next member to release an album is likely RM. He's been dropping little hints recently...and I'm feeling a neutral vibe from him.
Jimin also commented saying he thinks V will release his album next year in 2023. I'm looking forward to KTH1, I really, really like Sweet Night.
So in 2023, I'm guessing that Suga and Jk will be enlisting.
If Jin can be back by mid 2024, I think the last members will go once he is back. I believe they will time it so that at least 1 or 2 members are active and fans won't feel lonely. They love the fans so much...
On the topic, Jin was saying he wanted to enlist in summer because he doesn't like the cold, but decided to wait until the Busan concert was over because he wanted to...for the fans. Boy when I tell you I was washing my phone with my tears...I didn't think I would be genuinely this emotional with the Busan concert, The Astronaut and his guest appearance with Coldplay in Argentina. And Chris actually kissing Jin's hair when they hugged...someone is going to get an earful when he's home.
Also putting out good vibes for the future and that we'd all meet again as better people, and nothing bad happens to anyone.
Seriously tho, the army better not hurt my boys. I hope there are male armys in there that'll respect them or protect them from creeps.
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rielzero · 2 years
Twitter Stinky
oofI’m posting some of tweets of my alt twitter that I like here- since I’m emptying my timelines. Feeling a bit uncomfortable with the whole elongate situation. very stinky
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For me, a lot of these tweets were memories even if I didn’t use twitter that much.
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I still have not really used that camera. Feels bad man. I need to get over my anxiety.
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I’ll probably replay miles morales somewhere later this year or next :) Trophy run for spiderman games before spiderman 2 comes out.
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that gif tho
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memento mori
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Wait- I played runescape last year? I forgot about that.
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Oh Wibble... Dearest. I miss her so much.
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My favorite tweet of all time haha. If I made more money this year I could invest in action figures again.. But eh, the economy sucks right now. Adopts don’t sell all that much.
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Ok this hurts. But its important for me to be able to remember stuff.
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I love her.
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I was pretty active in 2021 all things considered.
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I guess I am a gamer?
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I will get a nice case for all my figures should I ever get my own room or ‘’house’’ which will likely take 30 years if you look at the dutch housing market.
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This is actually good and informative for me. I feel sick everytime around august and september due the weather changes. I am dealing with still right now!! I’m recovering from it, AGAIN! Man!!!
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I def want more marvel legends figures cuz theyre sturdier than sh figuarts and of course, more affordable.
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Bread got me feeling meh nowadays.
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I completed ps4 spiderman trophy run that year- i believe it was my first trophy run. My 2nd was horizon zero dawn. (Base games only, not dlc.)
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all things considered 2021 was not my worst year. This year probably is.
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And yeah, while I don’t post about it lately- dissociative amnesia is something I deal with everyday. I posted very early on tumblr about it in detail if you want the post lemme know. also, i have cptsd not ptsd- rip. I’m actually doing much better than I did years ago, idk I have a handle on things nowadays.
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More spooder.
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Oh baby. I miss her purrs. I miss how affectionate and cuddly she was. Meepy is getting there, but these two pigs have different personalities compared to Mikki and Wibble.
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I’m actually doing better socially this year.
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Man Meepy got really thicc LOL If you compare her to my recent posts.
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OH baby... Mikki was getting really old. I miss her.
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I sincerely doubt I’ll ever be able to save up that much for so long again, that was such a big achievement for me. Being able to spend so freely. This year I’ve mostly been looking into what hobbies to prioritize when I did have money available. When you’re young and were so used to barely having things- once you have access to that- you have a phase of impulsive spending or simply spending to make yourself happy because you suddenly could. I think a lot of people experience that at least once in their lives. Its like when you’re an adult you realize you can go out at 3 am and buy cake somewhere and eat it. I mean- it’s not a good choice but it made you happy. That matters.
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Now looking back, I doubt I was cryptic LOL.
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trash taste don’t like my trash taste though. I’m a big marvel fan. mcu has let me down lately unfortunately but its ok. I have comic books.
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..I need more of him :(
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I think this was when I change my twitter nickname to ‘’your average gay nerd’’
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Amazing game.
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she kinda big now
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APPARENTLY when people lack limbs karens have the audacity to question it- there’s so many posts of people with prosthetics being made to take them off just to show Karens they are disabled LOL what a world we live in.
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watch dc superpets its for everyone
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taylor · 2 years
loooong rambly post about my feelings, u can scroll past i've just gotta Vent
this is small but i unfollowed the guy i've been trying desperately to get over (on twitter only tho) and like, it's a small step but it's in the right direction (and also tbh if ur mutuals w someone on twitter and NEVER interact, and ur friends, it's kinda weird??? like NO interactions over the last 12 months, like what...)
idk, i'm not the kind of person that's just on call for this dude whenever he wants to get down and dirty, like i've gotta have more respect for myself than that.
and tbh, it's VERY telling when he'd interact with me in places others couldn't really see (DMs, discord, even tumblr) but on the more public places (twitter, sometimes instagram), it'd be diddly-squat except a like on an IG photo or something. it just hurts and kinda showed me he didn't want people in his real life (i.e. the girl i know he's had feelings for for a while) to see him interacting with me. (wonder why? - oh, i have a guess. probably because he liked that woman and didn't want her to see him talking to me since he's only romantically interested in her and not me...he basically told me as much 3 years ago when my DUMB FUCKING ASS told him i liked him....lololol)
i mean, i can't be mad at him that he doesn't like me back that way, i understand i can't fault someone who did in fact tell me in 2019 that he "didn't like me exactly like that" -- but i can put my foot down and not be accessible to him anymore in the FWB way we had. lmao
i'm just kinda rambling at this point and i certainly don't expect anyone to read this whole thing (or tbh any of it but i'm writing this mainly for me) but i've been carrying around the massive weight of this tormenting crush for almost FOUR fucking years, it's high time i put myself first. like there'd be times where he'd ignore me or not reply for months (which is fine, god knows i do that) but my issue came into play when he'd message me after his months-long hiatus like with the horniest shit ever. like okay you can't bother to wish me a fucking happy birthday (and i know he saw m like 50 stories bc he watched them immediately as i was posting them, so he knew it was my birthday lol), or reach out when you saw me about to be fired (again, i knew he saw the stories so this isn't me just reaching), or reach out when you saw i was in a depressive spiral (i don't need saving but it'd be nice to have someone check in on me SOMETIME...... BUT YOU CAN REACH OUT WHEN U WANT UR DICK WET???? that's the craziest part! he's got NO trouble triple or quadruple messaging me with his horny ass but can't be assed to wish me a happy birthday when he was basically viewing everything i posted that day starting pretty early. idk i just notice shit like that.
sorry sorry i just, i've realized i deserve more than this dude that i somehow convinced myself was "the one" due to how infatuated i'd become with him.
the person who loves me and that i love in return will inherently understand that i am NOT someone you can love quietly, i am not someone that you can just ignore until you're horny.
i'm choosing myself and i'm putting myself first and that started with me not replying to his last (pathetic) attempt to reach back out a few weeks ago (didn't even mention a late bday which tbh i'm not anal about birthday wishes on the ACTUAL day and usually a month after my bday is totally fine like i don't expect a day of, or anything - tho it'd be nice and he'd done it every year in the past besides this one) - and unfollowing him on twitter and removing him as my follower on there since he never liked or replied to anything i ever did (Which to me, and this is my personal opinion, was fucking WEIRD since he was active on there ALL the time).
it's still gonna take me a while to fully, truly get over him, but it's not fair to him to expect him to be someone he's not and clearly can't be - and it's not fair to me to keep pretending he's eventually going to change his ways. i hope he finds whatever the fuck it is he's looking for, but it's not with me.
it kinda feels good to have withdrawn from him. i doubt he'd put two and two together (i.e that his behavior and lack thereof was the reason i ended things) but maybe eventually later in life, he'll realize what a prize, what a catch, what a lover i could have been.
and by then? by then i'll be with someone who knows how to love me loudly and doesn't make me agonize over their actions.
(sidenote: he'd call me baby all the time, call me sexy, say shit like "Thank god for women, like thank god for you", and even tho I knew he was probably just saying shit, both of us knew i had at one point in time liked him - i never told him i still did and maybe he assumed as much...but like he'd be doing all this shit that made me doubt his original claim that he didn't have feelings for me. but now that it's been years and years i've realized he only wants me when it's convenient for him, and that doesn't work for me. it doesn't. i'm fucking done agonizing over whether or not he'd like my stuff or reply to me or whatever the fuck, like i'm just truly done at this point. if he wanted to, he would have, and it's as fucking simple as that)
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maydayfireball · 4 years
What’s up any y’all still here for my grand come back
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tittyblade · 3 years
tumblr etiquette 101
a list that is nowhere near exhaustive, from yours truly.
First off, welcome! Whether you’re a twitter veteran looking for anything but whatever twitter is, or a new user just done signing up, glad to see you in our ranks beloveds! Welcome home. Refer to this quick tour to make sure your fandom experience (or tumblr experience in general) is a positive one!
Disclaimer: I know it’s long, but please try to read or skim through til the end if you’re new here! This is by no means meant to be a rule book (for the most part lol), only a guide to help you get settled easier!
1) Your blog
This is where people will see and interact with you, so put some effort into it!
Try to choose a name (url) that’s simple. You can see it as your brand, it’s how people will perceive you and remember you. If you’d like to interact with other users here (and not use the site just for the content) it’s better to have something short and sweet, preferably without spaces. (Of course, these are only suggestions.) Rest assured, you can change it literally any time you want.
Have a theme. Utilize the tool that lets you edit your blog’s color or the font of your bio! You can make it match your profile picture, or your blog if it has a theme of its own. Make it feel homey :]
Fill in your bio. People will be checking out your profile probably more often than you think. Don’t leave it empty! Put in any information you’re comfortable with sharing and isn’t too personal (like your age if you’re a minor, or other TMI that can be found on other people’s carrds). It’s always better to add a name/nickname people can use to refer to you by, but feel free to use your blog description to shitpost still.
You can have an intro post. More often than not, you’ll see a blog have a pinned post, a post permanently appearing at the top of a blog until you pin another post or unpin it. You can make one of those, if you’d like to introduce yourself in more length, link any other socials or a carrd, and show others visiting your blog how you tag things so it’ll be easy for them to navigate. Not an obligation.
Keep your anonymity and your safety. It should go without saying, but there’s no harm in repeating it just in case. Your comfort, privacy and safety has the utmost importance. Don’t share any information you don’t want to. Don’t share your age if you’re a minor, or any other incredibly personal info. I’d encourage you to go by a nickname that’s not your real name, (blog name, your brand, remember?) since there’s safety in anonymity, and that’s lowkey one of the big deals of tumblr, but that’s up to you still.
Choose what you want to be visible. Your liked posts and who you follow are all things you can set to keep to yourself and hide from the publics eye, how handy! You should go through all the setting while you’re at it, set it to your comfort.
Side blogs are a thing. You can have multiple blogs that you can use for different things (see: different fandoms, art blog, etc) to keep them organized or away from your followers. Just remember that the replies and off-anon asks you send will be from your main blog, as well as where you follow other blogs from.
2) Interacting with others
You’ve set up your account, now comes the fun part!
Follow to your heart’s desire. If you care about others seeing who you follow, fear not! In tumblr, usually only two types of blogs keep their following visible to others: newbies, and big blogs using it to point people on other good blogs’ direction. Just turn it off, and go ham following people.
Customize your dashboard. Gonna mention just two things here: this is another reason why it’s really important that you follow blogs without sparing, your dash will collect dust otherwise; and you should turn off “best stuff first” in your dashboard settings, to have a better community here and all.
Follow tags. You can set it in your settings that posts with your followed tags appear on your dashboard.
You can check the og post for edits and context. When you see a reblogged post you don’t understand the context of (or don’t recognize the character in case of fanarts), click on the profile so it will take you to the original post. From there you can check the original poster’s tags to get the context, or see if there have been any edits made to the post, since when you edit a post it doesn’t update any past reblogs.
Send people asks... This is how you make mutuals, people! Do it off-anon if you’d like them to know your blog, or anon if you’d rather not! (You can still end your messages with a signature to show you’re the same person, -[name] is one example.) Send them nice messages, ask their opinion on something, discuss things, or just straight up shitpost lol. Go wild. The sky’s your limit and it’s definitely more than 280 characters.
...and let them ask you! You can set your preference in the settings, do it on desktop tumblr to access more settings tho! What you can customize on mobile is limited (like letting people ask you things anonymously, that’s only on desktop settings). In my personal opinion, it’s always better to tag their username (or a nickname you give them, if they’re a friend) on that post, since you wouldn’t want your interactions with your friends to get buried in your blog forever.
Comment on posts. If you have something to say but don’t want the post to appear on your blog you can add a comment. The owner of the post will get a notif for it, but for anyone else you need to tag them.
For the love of god, reblog. People will only see your liked posts if you have it visible to public and they specifically go on your blog to look at them. You like something? You reblog. It’s already hard for posts to circulate properly, if you don’t reblog them literally no one will see them. If not for anything do it for the artists. Just hold and drag on mobile to fast rb.
3) Your Posts
Finally here! Don’t be a lurker, post and engage!
Make use of “read more”. If your post is long, add it. That’s what you clicked on earlier to expand this post. On desktop leave an empty line and you’ll see three dots appear, and on mobile type :readmore: on that empty line.
Draft a post to come back to it later. Pretty self explanatory.
Queue your post. Whether it’s your own post or you’re reblogging, make use of the queue feature to a) not spam reblog and fill up the dashboard of people following you and b) keep your blog active while you’re gone. Mess around in the settings, it’s fairly easy to set up.
Schedule your post. Same as queueing, the only difference is you get to choose the exact time your post will go up. Handy if you want to schedule a post for certain dates like april fools, or 5 years in the future for some reason. 
Format your texts. You can do all kinds of fancy stuff here (that’s a link, try pressing on it). Twitter doesn’t have this, make use of it. Changes depending on whether you’re on mobile or desktop. (Desktop has less features.)
Check your stats. If you’re trying to understand the algorithm better or want to look at some pretty graphs you can get your data on that on desktop tumblr.
@ people in comments. You’ll get all the notifs when people comment on your posts but they won’t see your reply unless you tag them in your message.
4) Tags, and tagging a post
This is where my earlier statement “this isn’t a rule book” stops being applicable. It’s not a war crime to go against these, I won’t come chasing you (don’t take my word for this) but you’ll work up a bad rep. Just saying lol.
Do NOT crosstag posts. It’s really tempting to add unrelated tags to increase your posts’ interaction, I know, but that’s not what tumblr is about. Don’t be a dick and make other communities’ experience worse for them.
Always tag your posts with “crit/critical/discourse/etc” if it calls for it. There’s no exceptions to it. This is the reason you see people migrating to tumblr. Let people enjoy things.
Don’t main tag a critical/negative post. If your crit post is about “Thing”, you add the “Thing critical” tag, but not the “Thing” tag. People block crit tags if they don’t want to see it, don’t shove it in their faces by main tagging it. 
If you don’t want to see something, just block it. Another reason why people are able to survive on tumblr. You don’t start discourse, you don’t make call-outs, you block. You can find something for every community you can think of if you go looking for it. The worst of the worst probably won’t ever appear on your dash, but if you’re worried or feel the need for it, you know where the block button is.
Feel free to shitpost or ramble. More often than not you’ll see people rb a post with a comment, and their elaboration will be in the tags. The tags are only visible on your profile and the notifications of the owner of the og blog. Just a thing people do.
Reblog artists’ posts with nice comments in the tags! Commenting on a drawing is usually done through the tags (Not an obligation, again, just a thing people do. Feel free to add your comment on the rb itself if you’d want other people to see it tho!) and leave nice messages for the artists! It’s a win-win for everyone involved. 
If you have more than a single follower, always use the common tw warning tags. You don’t need to tw everything, but tw’ing some common things is the bare minimum human decency. Keep it safe for others. 
Tag a post “long post” if it’s really long. Pretty self explanatory. Don’t make people scroll through all that please lol. 
You can use them to organize your blog. This is more of a pro tip, if you’d like to not miss a post in your blog, cause they will start pilin’ up soon enough.
#Liveblogging is pretty fun. If you’d like to talk to people during streams, don’t forget to add the relevant tags still! Again, you won’t show up on people’s dash otherwise.
Whew! That got out of hand. Hopefully I didn’t bore you too much. Check out blogs like @heritageposts and @hellsite-hall-of-fame to honor our past o7. @mcytblr-hall-of-fame too maybe :eyes:. Anyways, don’t forget the most important rule of them all:
Enjoy your stay! You’re meant to have fun on here while also making friends (if that’s your thing). Just be kind and respectful of others, you’ll get the hang of the rest! <3
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liverpepper · 3 years
This isn’t for asking the twins(I still donno how to use tumbler) but I just recently found your account and I’m so happy cause I remember seeing posts about Sora and Roxas years ago😭feeling a little nostalgic, I love your art and stories, I’ve been feeling depressed lately from social media and people being stupid but ur acc made my day. I would also want to do something similar with my art but atm people are obsessed with which ships are dumb and it makes me nervous cause I don’t want any hate. Do you have any other social media tho? Or just tumbler ?
ah!!!! thank you sm for this sweet ask it has really made the start of my day a wonderful one 😭😭😭!!!! i’m sorry you’ve not been feeling all the best, but i really hope your days continue to be kinder to you and warmer and better from here on out. if what you need is space from your socials and from whoever in your life isn’t hitting you with the good vibes rn, i hope you have the courage to do so because it can definitely help loads just to take that step back and swim around in a bit of a change!
but anyway—i do have other socials! (twitter) as well as a couple other art accounts here on tumblr but i’ve been on an extended break from social media myself for.. probably two years or so now, so i haven’t been active anywhere really! i’m still over here trying to get the ball slowly rolling, but please feel free to follow me anywhere else if you like eheh.
do whatever you’d like to do with your art because all that matters is that you enjoy what you do and that you love it to pieces. don’t worry about if people won’t like it, because the people who WILL like what you do will find their way over and make things all the more fun for you!! good luck with everything!!!! 💗💫🌻💫🌻💫🌻💫💗
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samsspambox · 3 years
marius von hagen and clinginess hc
1k rant about von hagen and hugs from a person who doesn’t have a lot of marius cards 
imo and tl;dr: mans loves hugs and physical affection in general 
now! to the nitty gritty! 
ok look i’m p sure marius von hagen grew up in a very loving household that actively showed affection, whatever it may be. with the death of his mom (who he doesn’t really remember but semantics) i think that maybe his dad tried to make up for it. idk he looks like a very nice man from what i’ve seen on the twitter. like a fruity man that doesn’t adhere to toxic masculinity and openly shows affection to their children. 
therefore, i really want marius to just,,, wanna hug everyone. or have them in some type of hold. 
like yes he knows that people will stab him in the back and he prepares for it and whatnot, but he does seem to give people the benefit of the doubt. like he’s still a little childish, let him be a clingy fucker he deserves it. 
sure he knows not to hug people and shit but people he’s close with? no one is safe. he makes sure to do it behind close doors tho bc he knows that the tabloids will be asking questions if they see him just hugging vincent. or hanging off of his shoulder. gentle giant boi. 
i’d like to think that, after the NXX gets established into the kickass investigation team its meant to be, no one is safe from hugs. and everyone just accepts it bc they are, on some level, touch starved themselves.
like rosa has been without their best friend for 8 years and without their parents for some time. they have kiki yeah but they overwork and spend a lot of time in the office.
vyn is a naturally prickly fucker who keeps people at arm’s length. thats just how he is. but in false tears he hugs rosa so,,, hugs are not off his radar he just doesnt get them often
artem is an emotionally constipated fuck who has to resort to a book for affection advice and says ‘too close get back’ when you poke his animation lmaoo
luke was in the nsb for 8 years and while yeah, he had physical contact with people, 9 times out of 10 that touch probably had negative connotations (fights and shit, ya know?)
also marius is baby of group. baby of group privileges™️ allow him to do lots of stuff. 
it starts off innocently enough. Rosa is his first victim. he just kinda,, rests his head on their head. wraps an arm around them. holds their hand. 
then he ropes luke into it. its probably after a recon mission or some shit but lets just say marius sprained his ankle and big bad agent raven gives him a piggyback ride bc ‘nO YOU’RE NOT WALKING ON A SPRAINED ANKLE JUST GET ON’ and then 
marius: luke? 
luke: mmhm? 
marius: can i hug you more often? this is nice
luke, now a tomato: um,,, okay??
and so luke is not safe from the von hagen hold. probably leaps at luke bc luke is a big stronk boi 
marius, to rosa: if i run and jump at luke he will most certainly catch me in his arms. Coming in! *sprints towards luke*
luke: nO I’M HOLDING MY ENERGY DRINK! *drops can, looks at marius* 
marius, happily hugging luke: hello agent!
the third on his list is artem bc there’s no like,, real way to just hug the emotionally repressed lawyer without giving him a heart attack. he probably starts off small, back pats and shoulder grabs. shoulder grabs evolve into slinging an arm around his shoulder. that evolves into leaning his chin on his shoulder just slightly and asking what he’s working on. 
the big catalyst is an argument they’re having about giann. marius is obviously is really upset that artem insinuated that his brother just either dropped the family or also betrayed the NXX, idk, but it scaled up until they’re yelling and artem has to remind him that, “You’re not the only one who’s lost someone to this organization!” 
and marius just kinda stops because artem lost his mentor, who in passing has said that was basically a father to him. and marius cant imagine losing his dad. he takes one look at artem, really looking at him, and sees his situation with giann. the longing to have someone to talk to and to just be yourself and marius just feels himself choke on all the repressed emotions artem must have and just,,, hugs the poor guy. artem ofc is stunned but he returns the hug a bit. 
and the floodgates open for hugs. marius just hugs him randomly. he’s giving a debrief? Hug Time™️. Artem is reading some files? Hug Time.™️ artem made him a homemade dish bc he accidentally skipped lunch to come to the NXX office? Hug Time™️
vyn is the one that takes him the longest bc not only is vyn a member of the super secret band, but he’s also his tutor. and also vyn aggravates him. for the longest time he just really doesn’t know if he’s ever gonna hug vyn. but then he has a really shitty day. he oversleeps. he can’t find his jacket. he missed an assignment. he doesn't get lunch. a business plan falls through and the board of directors are on his ass. the lead for giann turns out to be a dead end. and he still has to go study with vyn. he’s really about to cancel but he has a test the day after and he can’t afford to so he just trudges into his house and tries to just push forward and he’s getting all the answers wrong and. he’s tired. 
back to the point of toxic masculinity, it did not exist in the von hagen house. so marius just starts sobbing on his psych textbook. he doesn’t care if vyn sees him and he’s under contract but he just really needs to cry this day out. 
vyn knew that he was gonna break down, for fucks sake hes a psychologist, he just never expected marius to be healthy about it. and vyn knows how much marius values physical touch so he just pulls marius to his shoulder and lets him cry it out. 
vyn becomes the ‘if i’ve had too much to deal with i go to you’ hugger. they usually just hug in the privacy of their tutoring sessions bc that way they can go back to hating each other in front of rosa lmaooo
and that is how marius gained hug privileges from everyone. the end
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